import asyncio |
import datetime |
import logging |
import os |
import time |
import traceback |
import edge_tts |
import gradio as gr |
import librosa |
import numpy as np |
from pydub import AudioSegment |
from scipy.io import wavfile |
from src.rmvpe import RMVPE |
from model_loader import ModelLoader |
logging.getLogger("fairseq").setLevel(logging.WARNING) |
logging.getLogger("numba").setLevel(logging.WARNING) |
logging.getLogger("markdown_it").setLevel(logging.WARNING) |
logging.getLogger("urllib3").setLevel(logging.WARNING) |
logging.getLogger("matplotlib").setLevel(logging.WARNING) |
limitation = os.getenv("SYSTEM") == "spaces" |
edge_output_filename = "edge_output.mp3" |
tts_voice_list = asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(edge_tts.list_voices()) |
tts_voices = [f"{v['ShortName']}-{v['Gender']}" for v in tts_voice_list] |
model_root = "weights" |
print("Loading...") |
model_loader = ModelLoader() |
gpu_config = model_loader.config |
hubert_model = model_loader.load_hubert() |
rmvpe_model = RMVPE( |
os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "weights", "rmvpe.pt"), |
gpu_config.is_half, |
gpu_config.device, |
) |
model_loader.load("char2") |
def add_robotic_effect(mp3_path): |
audio = AudioSegment.from_mp3(mp3_path) |
data = np.array(audio.get_array_of_samples()) |
sample_rate = audio.frame_rate |
if audio.channels == 2: |
data = data.reshape((-1, 2)).mean(axis=1).astype(np.int16) |
delay = 0.05 |
alpha = 0.55 |
delay_samples = int(delay * sample_rate) |
delayed_data = np.zeros_like(data) |
delayed_data[delay_samples:] = data[:-delay_samples] * alpha |
delayed_data += data |
delayed_data = np.clip(delayed_data, -32768, 32767) |
wavfile.write("processed.wav", sample_rate, delayed_data.astype(np.int16)) |
return "processed.wav" |
def tts( |
rvc, |
effect, |
speed, |
pitch, |
tts_text, |
tts_voice, |
f0_up_key, |
f0_method="rmvpe", |
index_rate=1, |
protect=0.2, |
filter_radius=3, |
resample_sr=0, |
rms_mix_rate=0.25, |
): |
print("------------------") |
print(datetime.datetime.now()) |
print("tts_text:") |
print(tts_text) |
print(f"tts_voice: {tts_voice}") |
print(f"F0: {f0_method}, Key: {f0_up_key}, Index: {index_rate}, Protect: {protect}") |
edge_output_filename = "edge_output.mp3" |
try: |
if limitation and len(tts_text) > 280: |
print("Error: Text too long") |
return ( |
f"Text characters should be at most 280 in this huggingface space, but got {len(tts_text)} characters.", |
None, |
None, |
) |
t0 = time.time() |
if speed >= 0: |
speed_str = f"+{speed}%" |
else: |
speed_str = f"{speed}%" |
if pitch >= 0: |
pitch = f'+{pitch}Hz' |
else: |
pitch = f'{pitch}Hz' |
asyncio.run( |
edge_tts.Communicate( |
tts_text, "-".join(tts_voice.split("-")[:-1]), rate=speed_str, pitch=pitch |
).save(edge_output_filename) |
) |
t1 = time.time() |
edge_time = t1 - t0 |
if not rvc: |
if effect: |
edge_output_filename = add_robotic_effect(edge_output_filename) |
info = f"Success. Time: edge-tts: {edge_time}s" |
print(info) |
return ( |
info, |
edge_output_filename, |
) |
tgt_sr, net_g, vc, version, index_file, if_f0 = ( |
model_loader.tgt_sr, |
model_loader.net_g, |
model_loader.vc, |
model_loader.version, |
model_loader.index_file, |
model_loader.if_f0, |
) |
audio, sr = librosa.load(edge_output_filename, sr=16000, mono=True) |
duration = len(audio) / sr |
print(f"Audio duration: {duration}s") |
if limitation and duration >= 20: |
print("Error: Audio too long") |
return ( |
f"Audio should be less than 20 seconds in this huggingface space, but got {duration}s.", |
edge_output_filename, |
None, |
) |
f0_up_key = int(f0_up_key) |
if f0_method == "rmvpe": |
vc.model_rmvpe = rmvpe_model |
times = [0, 0, 0] |
audio_opt = vc.pipeline( |
hubert_model, |
net_g, |
0, |
audio, |
edge_output_filename, |
times, |
f0_up_key, |
f0_method, |
index_file, |
index_rate, |
if_f0, |
filter_radius, |
tgt_sr, |
resample_sr, |
rms_mix_rate, |
version, |
protect, |
None, |
) |
if tgt_sr != resample_sr >= 16000: |
tgt_sr = resample_sr |
info = f"Success. Time: edge-tts: {edge_time}s, npy: {times[0]}s, f0: {times[1]}s, infer: {times[2]}s" |
print(info) |
return ( |
info, |
(tgt_sr, audio_opt), |
) |
except EOFError: |
info = ( |
"It seems that the edge-tts output is not valid. " |
"This may occur when the input text and the speaker do not match. " |
"For example, maybe you entered Japanese (without alphabets) text but chose non-Japanese speaker?" |
) |
print(info) |
return info, None |
except: |
info = traceback.format_exc() |
print(info) |
return info, None |
initial_md = """ |
# Text-to-speech webui |
This is a text-to-speech webui of RVC models. |
""" |
app = gr.Blocks() |
with app: |
gr.Markdown(initial_md) |
with gr.Row(): |
with gr.Column(): |
f0_key_up = gr.Number( |
label="Transpose (the best value depends on the models and speakers)", |
value=4, |
) |
with gr.Row(): |
with gr.Column(): |
tts_voice = gr.Dropdown( |
label="speaker (format: language-Country-Name-Gender)", |
choices=tts_voices, |
allow_custom_value=False, |
value="en-US-JennyNeural-Female", |
) |
speed = gr.Slider( |
minimum=-100, |
maximum=100, |
label="Speech speed (%)", |
value=10, |
step=10, |
interactive=True, |
) |
pitch = gr.Slider( |
minimum=-100, |
maximum=100, |
label="Speech pitch", |
value=20, |
step=5, |
interactive=True, |
) |
tts_text = gr.Textbox( |
label="Input Text", |
value="I'm Never Gonna Give You Up", |
) |
rvc = gr.Checkbox(label="Transform Voice", info="Would you like to apply voice transformation? Check means yes", value=False) |
effect = gr.Checkbox(label="Add Effect", info="Would you like to apply Effect?", value=True) |
with gr.Column(): |
but0 = gr.Button("Convert", variant="primary") |
info_text = gr.Textbox(label="Output info") |
with gr.Column(): |
tts_output = gr.Audio(label="Result") |
but0.click( |
tts, |
[ |
rvc, |
effect, |
speed, |
pitch, |
tts_text, |
tts_voice, |
f0_key_up, |
], |
[info_text, tts_output], |
) |
with gr.Row(): |
examples = gr.Examples( |
examples_per_page=10, |
examples=[ |
[ |
"これは日本語テキストから音声への変換デモです。", |
"ja-JP-NanamiNeural-Female", |
], |
[ |
"This is an English text to speech conversation demo.", |
"en-US-AriaNeural-Female", |
], |
["這是用來測試的demo啦", "zh-TW-HsiaoChenNeural-Female"], |
["这是一个中文文本到语音的转换演示。", "zh-CN-XiaoxiaoNeural-Female"], |
[ |
"한국어 텍스트에서 음성으로 변환하는 데모입니다.", |
"ko-KR-SunHiNeural-Female", |
], |
[ |
"Il s'agit d'une démo de conversion du texte français à la parole.", |
"fr-FR-DeniseNeural-Female", |
], |
[ |
"Dies ist eine Demo zur Umwandlung von Deutsch in Sprache.", |
"de-DE-AmalaNeural-Female", |
], |
[ |
"Tämä on suomenkielinen tekstistä puheeksi -esittely.", |
"fi-FI-NooraNeural-Female", |
], |
[ |
"Это демонстрационный пример преобразования русского текста в речь.", |
"ru-RU-SvetlanaNeural-Female", |
], |
[ |
"Αυτή είναι μια επίδειξη μετατροπής ελληνικού κειμένου σε ομιλία.", |
"el-GR-AthinaNeural-Female", |
], |
[ |
"Esta es una demostración de conversión de texto a voz en español.", |
"es-ES-ElviraNeural-Female", |
], |
[ |
"Questa è una dimostrazione di sintesi vocale in italiano.", |
"it-IT-ElsaNeural-Female", |
], |
[ |
"Esta é uma demonstração de conversão de texto em fala em português.", |
"pt-PT-RaquelNeural-Female", |
], |
[ |
"Це демонстрація тексту до мовлення українською мовою.", |
"uk-UA-PolinaNeural-Female", |
], |
[ |
"هذا عرض توضيحي عربي لتحويل النص إلى كلام.", |
"ar-EG-SalmaNeural-Female", |
], |
[ |
"இது தமிழ் உரையிலிருந்து பேச்சு மாற்ற டெமோ.", |
"ta-IN-PallaviNeural-Female", |
], |
], |
inputs=[tts_text, tts_voice], |
) |
app.launch(inbrowser=True) |