import os |
import sys |
import uvicorn |
from fastapi import FastAPI, Request, File, UploadFile |
from fastapi.responses import HTMLResponse, JSONResponse |
from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles |
from fastapi.templating import Jinja2Templates |
import pandas as pd |
import numpy as np |
from typing import List |
import joblib |
from fastapi import FastAPI |
from pydantic import BaseModel |
app = FastAPI(debug=True) |
num_imputer = joblib.load('numerical_imputer(1).joblib') |
cat_imputer = joblib.load('cat_imputer.joblib') |
encoder = joblib.load('encoder.joblib') |
scaler = joblib.load('scaler.joblib') |
model = joblib.load('lr_model_vif_smote.joblib') |
original_feature_names = ['MONTANT', 'FREQUENCE_RECH', 'REVENUE', 'ARPU_SEGMENT', 'FREQUENCE', |
'TENURE_Long-term', 'TENURE_Medium-term', 'TENURE_Mid-term', 'TENURE_Short-term', |
'TENURE_Very short-term', 'TOP_PACK_data', 'TOP_PACK_international', 'TOP_PACK_messaging', |
'TOP_PACK_other_services', 'TOP_PACK_social_media', 'TOP_PACK_value_added_services', |
'TOP_PACK_voice'] |
class InputData(BaseModel): |
MONTANT: float |
REVENUE: float |
FREQUENCE: float |
DATA_VOLUME: float |
ON_NET: float |
ORANGE: float |
TIGO: float |
ZONE1: float |
ZONE2: float |
FREQ_TOP_PACK: float |
REGION: str |
TENURE: str |
TOP_PACK: str |
def preprocess_input(input_data): |
input_df = pd.DataFrame(input_data, index=[0]) |
cat_columns = ['REGION', 'TENURE', 'TOP_PACK'] |
num_columns = [col for col in input_df.columns if col not in cat_columns] |
input_df_imputed_cat = cat_imputer.transform(input_df[cat_columns]) |
input_df_imputed_num = num_imputer.transform(input_df[num_columns]) |
input_encoded_df = pd.DataFrame(encoder.transform(input_df_imputed_cat).toarray(), |
columns=encoder.get_feature_names_out(cat_columns)) |
input_df_scaled = scaler.transform(input_df_imputed_num) |
input_scaled_df = pd.DataFrame(input_df_scaled, columns=num_columns) |
final_df = pd.concat([input_encoded_df, input_scaled_df], axis=1) |
final_df = final_df.reindex(columns=original_feature_names, fill_value=0) |
return final_df |
def make_prediction(data, model): |
probabilities = model.predict_proba(data) |
churn_labels = ["No Churn" if class_idx == 0 else "Churn" for class_idx in range(len(probabilities[0]))] |
churn_probabilities = probabilities[0] |
predicted_class_index = np.argmax(churn_probabilities) |
predicted_churn_label = churn_labels[predicted_class_index] |
predicted_probability = churn_probabilities[predicted_class_index] |
if predicted_churn_label == "Churn": |
output_message = f"β οΈ Customer is likely to churn with a probability of {predicted_probability:.2f}. This indicates a high risk of losing the customer. β οΈ" |
else: |
output_message = f"β
Customer is not likely to churn with a probability of {predicted_probability:.2f}. This indicates a lower risk of losing the customer. β
" |
return output_message |
@app.get("/") |
def read_root(): |
info = """ |
Welcome to the Expressor Churn Prediction API!. This API provides advanced machine learning predictions for churn. β‘π For more information and to explore the API's capabilities, please visit the documentation: https://abubakari-expresso-churn-prediction-fastapi.hf.space/docs |
""" |
return info.strip() |
@app.post('/model-info') |
async def model_info(): |
model_name = model.__class__.__name__ |
model_params = model.get_params() |
model_information = { |
'model info': { |
'model name': model_name, |
'model parameters': model_params |
} |
} |
return model_information |
@app.post('/predict') |
async def predict(input_data: InputData): |
input_features = input_data.dict() |
preprocessed_data = preprocess_input(input_features) |
prediction = make_prediction(preprocessed_data, model) |
return {"prediction": prediction} |
@app.post('/batch_predict') |
async def predict(input_data: List[InputData]): |
preprocessed_data = [] |
for data in input_data: |
input_features = data.dict() |
preprocessed = preprocess_input(input_features) |
preprocessed_data.append(preprocessed) |
predictions = [make_prediction(data, model) for data in preprocessed_data] |
return {"predictions": predictions} |