Runtime error
Runtime error
from helper import * | |
import streamlit as st | |
import uuid | |
import copy | |
import pandas as pd | |
import openai | |
from requests.models import ChunkedEncodingError | |
from streamlit.components import v1 | |
st.set_page_config(page_title='ChatGPT Assistant', layout='wide', page_icon='🤖') | |
# 自定义元素样式 | |
st.markdown(css_code, unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
if "initial_settings" not in st.session_state: | |
# 历史聊天窗口 | |
st.session_state["path"] = 'history_chats_file' | |
st.session_state['history_chats'] = get_history_chats(st.session_state["path"]) | |
# ss参数初始化 | |
st.session_state['error_info'] = '' | |
st.session_state["current_chat_index"] = 0 | |
st.session_state['user_input_content'] = '' | |
# 设置完成 | |
st.session_state["initial_settings"] = True | |
with st.sidebar: | |
st.markdown("# 🤖 聊天窗口") | |
current_chat = | |
label='历史聊天窗口', | |
format_func=lambda x: x.split('_')[0] if '_' in x else x, | |
options=st.session_state['history_chats'], | |
label_visibility='collapsed', | |
index=st.session_state["current_chat_index"], | |
key='current_chat' + st.session_state['history_chats'][st.session_state["current_chat_index"]], | |
# on_change=current_chat_callback # 此处不适合用回调,无法识别到窗口增减的变动 | |
) | |
st.write("---") | |
# 数据写入文件 | |
def write_data(new_chat_name=current_chat): | |
if "apikey" in st.secrets: | |
st.session_state["paras"] = { | |
"temperature": st.session_state["temperature" + current_chat], | |
"top_p": st.session_state["top_p" + current_chat], | |
"presence_penalty": st.session_state["presence_penalty" + current_chat], | |
"frequency_penalty": st.session_state["frequency_penalty" + current_chat], | |
} | |
st.session_state["contexts"] = { | |
"context_select": st.session_state["context_select" + current_chat], | |
"context_input": st.session_state["context_input" + current_chat], | |
"context_level": st.session_state["context_level" + current_chat], | |
} | |
save_data(st.session_state["path"], new_chat_name, st.session_state["history" + current_chat], | |
st.session_state["paras"], st.session_state["contexts"]) | |
def reset_chat_name_fun(chat_name): | |
chat_name = chat_name + '_' + str(uuid.uuid4()) | |
new_name = filename_correction(chat_name) | |
current_chat_index = st.session_state['history_chats'].index(current_chat) | |
st.session_state['history_chats'][current_chat_index] = new_name | |
st.session_state["current_chat_index"] = current_chat_index | |
# 写入新文件 | |
write_data(new_name) | |
# 转移数据 | |
st.session_state['history' + new_name] = st.session_state['history' + current_chat] | |
for item in ["context_select", "context_input", "context_level", *initial_content_all['paras']]: | |
st.session_state[item + new_name + "value"] = st.session_state[item + current_chat + "value"] | |
remove_data(st.session_state["path"], current_chat) | |
def create_chat_fun(): | |
st.session_state['history_chats'] = ['New Chat_' + str(uuid.uuid4())] + st.session_state['history_chats'] | |
st.session_state["current_chat_index"] = 0 | |
def delete_chat_fun(): | |
if len(st.session_state['history_chats']) == 1: | |
chat_init = 'New Chat_' + str(uuid.uuid4()) | |
st.session_state['history_chats'].append(chat_init) | |
pre_chat_index = st.session_state['history_chats'].index(current_chat) | |
if pre_chat_index > 0: | |
st.session_state["current_chat_index"] = st.session_state['history_chats'].index(current_chat) - 1 | |
else: | |
st.session_state["current_chat_index"] = 0 | |
st.session_state['history_chats'].remove(current_chat) | |
remove_data(st.session_state["path"], current_chat) | |
with st.sidebar: | |
c1, c2 = st.columns(2) | |
create_chat_button = c1.button('新建', use_container_width=True, key='create_chat_button') | |
if create_chat_button: | |
create_chat_fun() | |
st.experimental_rerun() | |
delete_chat_button = c2.button('删除', use_container_width=True, key='delete_chat_button') | |
if delete_chat_button: | |
delete_chat_fun() | |
st.experimental_rerun() | |
with st.sidebar: | |
if ("set_chat_name" in st.session_state) and st.session_state['set_chat_name'] != '': | |
reset_chat_name_fun(st.session_state['set_chat_name']) | |
st.session_state['set_chat_name'] = '' | |
st.experimental_rerun() | |
st.write("\n") | |
st.text_input("设定窗口名称:", key="set_chat_name") | |
st.write("\n") | |
st.write("\n") | |
st.caption(""" | |
- 双击页面可直接定位输入栏 | |
- Ctrl + Enter 可快捷提交问题 | |
""") | |
st.markdown('<a href="" target="_blank" rel="ChatGPT-Assistant">' | |
'<img src=" Assistant" alt="GitHub">' | |
'</a>', unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
# 加载数据 | |
if "history" + current_chat not in st.session_state: | |
for key, value in load_data(st.session_state["path"], current_chat).items(): | |
if key == 'history': | |
st.session_state[key + current_chat] = value | |
else: | |
for k, v in value.items(): | |
st.session_state[k + current_chat + "value"] = v | |
# 一键复制按钮 | |
st.markdown('<center><a href="">' | |
'<img src="" alt="Duplicate Space"></a><center>', unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
# 对话展示 | |
show_messages(st.session_state["history" + current_chat]) | |
def callback_fun(arg): | |
# 连续快速点击新建与删除会触发错误回调,增加判断 | |
if ("history" + current_chat in st.session_state) and ("frequency_penalty" + current_chat in st.session_state): | |
write_data() | |
st.session_state[arg + current_chat + "value"] = st.session_state[arg + current_chat] | |
def clear_button_callback(): | |
st.session_state['history' + current_chat] = copy.deepcopy(initial_content_history) | |
write_data() | |
# 输入内容展示 | |
area_user_svg = st.empty() | |
area_user_content = st.empty() | |
# 回复展示 | |
area_gpt_svg = st.empty() | |
area_gpt_content = st.empty() | |
# 报错展示 | |
area_error = st.empty() | |
st.write("\n") | |
st.header('ChatGPT Assistant') | |
tap_input, tap_context, tap_set = st.tabs(['💬 聊天', '🗒️ 预设', '⚙️ 设置']) | |
with tap_context: | |
set_context_list = list(set_context_all.keys()) | |
context_select_index = set_context_list.index(st.session_state['context_select' + current_chat + "value"]) | |
st.selectbox( | |
label='选择上下文', | |
options=set_context_list, | |
key='context_select' + current_chat, | |
index=context_select_index, | |
on_change=callback_fun, | |
args=("context_select",)) | |
st.caption(set_context_all[st.session_state['context_select' + current_chat]]) | |
st.text_area( | |
label='补充或自定义上下文:', key="context_input" + current_chat, | |
value=st.session_state['context_input' + current_chat + "value"], | |
on_change=callback_fun, args=("context_input",)) | |
with tap_set: | |
c1, c2 = st.columns(2) | |
with c1: | |
st.button("清空聊天记录", use_container_width=True, on_click=clear_button_callback) | |
with c2: | |
btn = st.download_button( | |
label="导出聊天记录", | |
data=download_history(st.session_state['history' + current_chat]), | |
file_name=f'{current_chat.split("_")[0]}.md', | |
mime="text/markdown", | |
use_container_width=True | |
) | |
st.markdown("OpenAI API Key (可选)") | |
st.text_input("OpenAI API Key (可选)", type='password', key='apikey_input', label_visibility='collapsed') | |
st.caption( | |
"此Key仅在当前网页有效,且优先级高于Secrets中的配置,仅自己可用,他人无法共享。[官网获取](") | |
st.markdown("包含对话次数:") | |
st.slider( | |
"Context Level", 0, 10, | |
st.session_state['context_level' + current_chat + "value"], 1, | |
on_change=callback_fun, | |
key='context_level' + current_chat, args=('context_level',), | |
help="表示每次会话中包含的历史对话次数,预设内容不计算在内。") | |
st.markdown("模型参数:") | |
st.slider("Temperature", 0.0, 2.0, st.session_state["temperature" + current_chat + "value"], 0.1, | |
help="""在0和2之间,应该使用什么样的采样温度?较高的值(如0.8)会使输出更随机,而较低的值(如0.2)则会使其更加集中和确定性。 | |
我们一般建议只更改这个参数或top_p参数中的一个,而不要同时更改两个。""", | |
on_change=callback_fun, key='temperature' + current_chat, args=('temperature',)) | |
st.slider("Top P", 0.1, 1.0, st.session_state["top_p" + current_chat + "value"], 0.1, | |
help="""一种替代采用温度进行采样的方法,称为“基于核心概率”的采样。在该方法中,模型会考虑概率最高的top_p个标记的预测结果。 | |
因此,当该参数为0.1时,只有包括前10%概率质量的标记将被考虑。我们一般建议只更改这个参数或采样温度参数中的一个,而不要同时更改两个。""", | |
on_change=callback_fun, key='top_p' + current_chat, args=('top_p',)) | |
st.slider("Presence Penalty", -2.0, 2.0, | |
st.session_state["presence_penalty" + current_chat + "value"], 0.1, | |
help="""该参数的取值范围为-2.0到2.0。正值会根据新标记是否出现在当前生成的文本中对其进行惩罚,从而增加模型谈论新话题的可能性。""", | |
on_change=callback_fun, key='presence_penalty' + current_chat, args=('presence_penalty',)) | |
st.slider("Frequency Penalty", -2.0, 2.0, | |
st.session_state["frequency_penalty" + current_chat + "value"], 0.1, | |
help="""该参数的取值范围为-2.0到2.0。正值会根据新标记在当前生成的文本中的已有频率对其进行惩罚,从而减少模型直接重复相同语句的可能性。""", | |
on_change=callback_fun, key='frequency_penalty' + current_chat, args=('frequency_penalty',)) | |
st.caption("[官网参数说明](") | |
with tap_input: | |
def input_callback(): | |
if st.session_state['user_input_area'] != "": | |
# 修改窗口名称 | |
user_input_content = st.session_state['user_input_area'] | |
df_history = pd.DataFrame(st.session_state["history" + current_chat]) | |
if (len(df_history.query('role!="system"')) == 0) and (current_chat.split('_')[0] == 'New Chat'): | |
new_name = extract_chars(user_input_content, 18) | |
reset_chat_name_fun(new_name) | |
with st.form("input_form", clear_on_submit=True): | |
user_input = st.text_area("**输入:**", key="user_input_area", help="内容将以Markdown格式在页面展示") | |
submitted = st.form_submit_button("确认提交", use_container_width=True, on_click=input_callback) | |
if submitted: | |
st.session_state['user_input_content'] = user_input | |
# 添加事件监听 | |
v1.html(js_code, height=0) | |
if st.session_state['user_input_content'] != '': | |
if 'r' in st.session_state: | |
st.session_state.pop("r") | |
st.session_state[current_chat + 'report'] = "" | |
st.session_state['pre_user_input_content'] = st.session_state['user_input_content'] | |
st.session_state['user_input_content'] = '' | |
# 临时展示 | |
show_each_message(st.session_state['pre_user_input_content'], 'user', | |
[area_user_svg.markdown, area_user_content.markdown]) | |
# 需输入的历史记录 | |
context_level_tem = st.session_state['context_level' + current_chat] | |
history_need_input = (get_history_input(st.session_state["history" + current_chat], context_level_tem) + | |
[{"role": "user", "content": st.session_state['pre_user_input_content']}]) | |
for ctx in [st.session_state['context_input' + current_chat], | |
set_context_all[st.session_state['context_select' + current_chat]]]: | |
if ctx != "": | |
history_need_input = [{"role": "system", "content": ctx}] + history_need_input | |
# 设定的模型参数 | |
paras_need_input = { | |
"temperature": st.session_state["temperature" + current_chat], | |
"top_p": st.session_state["top_p" + current_chat], | |
"presence_penalty": st.session_state["presence_penalty" + current_chat], | |
"frequency_penalty": st.session_state["frequency_penalty" + current_chat], | |
} | |
# 调用接口 | |
with st.spinner("🤔"): | |
try: | |
if apikey := st.session_state['apikey_input']: | |
openai.api_key = apikey | |
else: | |
openai.api_key = st.secrets["apikey"] | |
r = openai.ChatCompletion.create(model=model, messages=history_need_input, stream=True, | |
**paras_need_input) | |
except (FileNotFoundError, KeyError): | |
area_error.error("缺失 OpenAI API Key,请在复制项目后配置Secrets,或者在设置中进行临时配置。" | |
"详情见[项目仓库](。") | |
except openai.error.AuthenticationError: | |
area_error.error("无效的 OpenAI API Key。") | |
except openai.error.APIConnectionError as e: | |
area_error.error("连接超时,请重试。报错: \n" + str(e.args[0])) | |
except openai.error.InvalidRequestError as e: | |
area_error.error("无效的请求,请重试。报错: \n" + str(e.args[0])) | |
except openai.error.RateLimitError as e: | |
area_error.error("请求速率过快,请重试。报错: \n" + str(e.args[0])) | |
else: | |
st.session_state["chat_of_r"] = current_chat | |
st.session_state["r"] = r | |
st.experimental_rerun() | |
if ("r" in st.session_state) and (current_chat == st.session_state["chat_of_r"]): | |
if current_chat + 'report' not in st.session_state: | |
st.session_state[current_chat + 'report'] = "" | |
try: | |
for e in st.session_state["r"]: | |
if "content" in e["choices"][0]["delta"]: | |
st.session_state[current_chat + 'report'] += e["choices"][0]["delta"]["content"] | |
show_each_message(st.session_state['pre_user_input_content'], 'user', | |
[area_user_svg.markdown, area_user_content.markdown]) | |
show_each_message(st.session_state[current_chat + 'report'], 'assistant', | |
[area_gpt_svg.markdown, area_gpt_content.markdown]) | |
except ChunkedEncodingError: | |
area_error.error("网络状况不佳,请刷新页面重试。") | |
# 应对stop情形 | |
except Exception: | |
pass | |
else: | |
# 保存内容 | |
st.session_state["history" + current_chat].append( | |
{"role": "user", "content": st.session_state['pre_user_input_content']}) | |
st.session_state["history" + current_chat].append( | |
{"role": "assistant", "content": st.session_state[current_chat + 'report']}) | |
write_data() | |
# 用户在网页点击stop时,ss某些情形下会暂时为空 | |
if current_chat + 'report' in st.session_state: | |
st.session_state.pop(current_chat + 'report') | |
if 'r' in st.session_state: | |
st.session_state.pop("r") |