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Application Process for Inter-Disciplinary-Dual-Degree (IDDD) Programme
Under IDDDProgramme, a student admitted in B.Tech. / B.S. / Dual-Degree (B.Tech. + M.Tech.) programme in an Academic Unit A (e.g. "home") can pursue M.Tech./ MBA in a specialization in another academic unit B (e.g. "host") . The application has to be made at the end of the sixth semester and before the beginning of the seventh semester.
Following will be the flow of approval processes.
a Fill up the form on AMS, use SAVE button to store the filled-up form, and sign it digitally [ procedure for signature is given below].
b Send the signed document to your faculty-adviser. You have to type the mail-id of the faculty-advisor or search the same in "search LDAP" and using the button “REQUEST SIGNATURE”. Students may use the Personal Message area if they want to add some remarks or some information to faculty adviser.
Once a request is generated by a student, the faculty-adviser will receive a link in their e-mail and by clicking on the same, the requested page will open directly. The faculty-advisor must log in to perform any further action. Faculty-adviser (home) will examine the form in details, in particular, the current academic standing and proposed plan of the student to complete the remaining part of the B.Tech. / B.S. curriculum, and forward the same with comments (if any, in the message box) with digital signature to the Convener, DUGC (home). [procedure for signature is given below] Please type the mail-id of Convener, DUGC and use “SEND DOCUMENT” button. Faculty adviser can also DISCARD the request in case the filled-up form is found incomplete or deficient by clicking on “DISCARD REQUEST” button. The student will then receive an email as “denied signature” by the Faculty- adviser, along with any added comments. Once this process is completed successfully, the Convener, DUGC (home) will receive a link in their email.
Convener, DUGC ( home ): The Convener, DUGC (home) can b.i reject the application by using “DISCARD REQUEST” button – an email goes to the student along with any comments.
b.ii or, recommend the application, sign it digitally and forward to the Convener, DUGC / DPGC ( host) of the academic unit, where the student desires to pursue M.Tech./MBA for the IDDDProgramme, by using “SEND DOCUMENT” button [procedure for signature is given below] The Convener, DUGC (home) can add any remark using the “ANNOTATE” button. Once this process completed the Convener DUGC / DPGC (host) will receive a link in his/her email.
Convener, DUGC / DPGC ( host ) :
The Convener, DUGC / DPGC (host) will examine the current academic standing and proposed plan of the student to complete the M.Tech./MBA, curriculum and can
i reject the application by using “DISCARD REQUEST” button - an email will be sent to the student along with any comments. If a clarification is to be sent to the Convener DUGC (home), the “SEND EMAIL” box at the top of the document (just below the “CLICK HERE TO SIGN” button) can be used to email to the selected people among those, who have signed the document.
ii or, recommend the application, digitally sign, and forward to ([email protected]) by using the “SEND DOCUMENT” button. Any remarks by the convener must be added to the document using the “ANNOTATE” button. Once this process is completed the AR (Academics-4) will receive a link in their Web mail.
AR (Academics-4) :
AR (Academics-4) will forward the form to the designated staff, who will check / validate student's CPI and other required academic requirement for eligibility, and save a softcopy in the format: (rollno_home_host.pdf e.g. 1730xxxxx_ME_EE.pdf)
After the expiry of the last date of application, the designated staff(s) would check the applications and prepare the list of eligible students in the order of their CPI for each host, and make the allotment. Please refer to Annex I for eligibility criteria set by certain departments. For other departments only two seats will be allowed for each DD/M.Tech. specialization of an academic unit.
The list of allotment is prepared and send to A/Dean, AP for approval.
Post approval, AR (Academics-4) confirms the allotment. This can be done by opening the respective document in AMS, and then using the “Send Email” section at the top of the document to send a mail confirmation to all selected email IDs. The confirmation must be sent to Convener DUGC (home), Convener DUGC/DPGC (host), Dean SA, Associate Dean SA, UGAPEC Convener, Head CC, and aracad4.
Note: if the list of emails in the “Send Email” section does not display an email address, the document must be sent to that LDAP ID using the “SEND DOCUMENT” button first.
Some important guidelines how to use AMS:
1 Digital signature of a document
A document can be digitally signed by using the “CLICK HERE TO SIGN” button. After clicking on it a green rectangle will appear. Please move it using the mouse cursor, place at the appropriate place, and click to sign the document there.
2 Actions frame : This frame provides a number of functions.
2.i REQUEST SIGNATURE : User may request someone else to sign the document by using this button. 2.ii SEND DOCUMENT : User may request someone else to refer to the document by using this button. A document can be sent to one user only once. 2.iiiANNOTATE : Concerned user may add remarks to the document by using this. It is equivalent to “writing” on the form (similar to paper).
2.iv DOWNLOAD DOCUMENT : Document can be download by the user in the .pdf format. 2.v ARCHIVE : User can archive by using this. ADD ATTACHMENT : User can attach document for reference.
Guidelines for Interdisciplinary Dual Degree Programme (IDDDP)
1 Minimum Eligibility Criteria:
1.a Undergraduate (UG) students admitted to B.S., B.Tech. and DD (B.Tech. + M.Tech.) programmes can apply for IDDDP at the end of sixth semester. 1.bAt the end of sixth semester, students must have CPI >= 7.5 and should not have any FR/DR/DX/W grade in mandatory courses including NSO/NSS/NCC. 1.cThrough IDDDProgramme, students can apply for all the specializations of Dual Degree (DD) and M.Tech./ MBA programmes approved by the Academic Senate of IIT Bombay. 1.d Over and above minimum eligibility criteria [a-c], a DUGC/ DPGC may enforce additional eligibility and selection criteria [through Academic Senate of IIT Bombay]. 1.eStudents admitted to B.S. programme through Maths Olympiad are not eligible. 1.fRefer Annex I for additional details with regard to eligibility criteria by certain Academic units.
2 Procedure
2.a Interested and eligible UG students from B.S., B.Tech. and DD (B.Tech. + M.Tech.) programmes should apply using the form (as attached) directly to their respective parent departments at the end of sixth semester and before 15th July of that Calendar year. 2.b The application must clearly state the course plans to finish the B.S. / B.Tech. programme by the 8 th semester and the intended IDDD specialization by the 10th semester. No additional time will be provided for either one. 2.c The completed application of the student must be examined and approved first by the DUGC of the parent academic unit, followed by the DUGC / DPGC [as applicable] by the destination academic unit. 2.d The list of the short-listed candidates will be forwarded to Dean, AP by the Convener, DUGC / DPGC of the admitting [destination] departments. An academic unit can also provide a waiting list based on the merit. 2.e The final list of selected candidates will be conveyed to the Convener, DUGC of the respecti e parent academic units and the Convener, DUGC / DPGC of the destination academic units. The final list will also be conveyed to Associate/ Dean, SA for adjustment in hostel accommodation.
3 Rule & Regulations:
3.a IDDDP is only for the movement of students from one academic unit to another. 3.b A DD specialization / M.Tech. program usually requires the completion of 8 to 9 courses of 6 credits and a DD/M.Tech. project (DDP/MTP) of 74 - 92 credits. 3.c IDDDP should also be treated as (b). However, considering (a), IDDDP also allows the completion of only 4 PG level courses (as specified by the concerned academic unit) and the DDP/MTP project to earn a "Dual Degree in xxx Specialization WITHOUT HONORS". 3.d An admitting academic unit can prescribe additional courses over and above that required for IDDDP, (with/without HONORS) which may differ depending on the parent academic unit of the incoming student to facilitate introduction considering (a). 3.e The DUGC/DPGC of the admitting academic unit must prescribe beforehand and certify the completion of the HONORS requirement. 3.f An academic unit can admit at most 2 UG students in each DD/ M.Tech. specialization. 3.g The selection and entry of all candidates in IDDDP will remain provisional till the successful completion of B.S./B.Tech. curriculum by the end of 8 th semester. The payment of TAship to the selected candidates will remain subject to terms and conditions as applicable to usual DD programs and other rules as applicable from time to time. 3.h The roll no. of the selected list of candidates will remain the same.
Annex I Following additional criteria are specified by some departments for IDDDP
Department Elgibility Crieteria
SJMSOM B.Tech/B.S. and Dual Degree (B.Tech+M.Tech) students.1 Students with CPI of 7.0 at the end of their sixth semester and with no backlog in their UG courses can apply for the programme. 2 The CPI criteria would be a benchmark and interviews will be conducted as per specialization applied for. 3 The fees applicable to IDDDP students will be the same as that applied for the students in 2 nd year MBA programme. 4 On completion of programme, the students would get B.Tech Degree in parent department and MBA degree in given specialization. 5 The students would not be eligible for Minor in Management (SJMSOM)
Environmental Science and Engineering Department A maximum of two students would be permitted to leave the Department for joining IDDDP programmes.
SystemsEngineeringand Control 1 The candidate must satisfy the minimum eligibility criteria stipulated by the Academic section. 2 A SysCon core faculty member must agree to guide the candidate. 3 In any year, a core faculty member can agree to guide (i.e. recommend) at most one candidate applying for the SysCon IDDDP. 4 The candidate must have completed any two courses from our list of minor courses within the first six semesters of the B.Tech program and have an average score of at least 7.5 in these two courses. This requirement can be waived if the student has credited some equivalent courses in other departments which in their entirety cover the topics covered in any two SysCon minor courses. The average grade requirement for the equivalent courses is 7.5. The decision about granting the waiver will be taken by the IDPC.In case more than two candidates satisfying all the above requirements apply for the SysCon IDDDP, then the two candidates with the highest CPIs will be recommended for admission.
CMinds Any IITB BTechs with CPI > 8.0 can opt for the program in their sixth and seventh semester with the approval of the DUGC of the BTech department and DPGC of the M.Tech. department.Dual degree students can be admitted via usual rules of a branch change. He/she must have completed at least two AI and Data Science minor courses (including the soft core or equivalent courses. A DDP guide who is a faculty member associated with the Centre for MI&DS must be identified, and give his/her approval as part of the application process. The final decision will be based on CPI, consent from an associated faculty who agrees to serve as advisor, statement-of-purpose, and/or interviews. The center will make the admission decisions before the start of placements in the seventh semester. A student who chooses to convert to IDDDP in AI and Data Science and thus receives a Masters in AI and Data Science, will not be eligible for a minor in AI and Data Science.Number admitted: In its first year of operation we propose to admit eight* students in the institute TA category and 22 additional students in the RA category. Students in the TA category will support the minor courses offered by the Centre. The students in the RA category will be funded by projects of the faculty with whom the student engages in the year- long project.Curriculum Structure The master’s degree requires:
●Completion of at least two AI and Data Science minor courses (including the soft-core or equivalent courses) by 6th semester. For the first year of admission this requirement will be waived.●Completion of 4 PG level courses. Two courses are to be completed in the 4th year, and the remaining two courses in the 5th year; these courses must be from a list of courses approved as electives for Minor/IDDDP in AI and ML by the CMInDS. The elective list includes a wide variety of relevant courses already offered by different departments. These are organized into three baskets: Mathematics, AI and ML, and Applications. The current list of such courses appears in the appendix.●Completion of two stages of the Dual Degree Project as per the standard IDDDP structureThe degree offered by the center would be WITHOUT HONORS since we require only four PG-level courses. This is as per Rule 3(c) of institute guidelines on IDDDProgram. However, as per rule 3(d) and 3(e), the MInDS center may prescribe additional pre-requisite courses over and above those discussed above if an incoming student is deemed to require them. These will be determined by the DPGC and informed to the student in advance
Centre for Digital Health Under-graduate students pursuing a B.Tech. / B.S. / DD (B.Tech. / B.S. + M.Tech. / M.S.) degree in an academic unit at IIT Bombay with CPI > 7.5 at the end of sixth semester can apply. The applications would be screened first at the DUGC of the home academic unit of the applicants and subsequently, by a select academic committee of CDH.The applicant is also required to identify through mutual discussion a faculty member associated with CDH as a supervisor for the dual degree project (DDP). Prior consent from the concerned faculty member is essential for the IDDD application.The final decision will be based on CPI, consent from an associated faculty who agrees to serve as the DDP supervisor, statement-of-purpose, and/or interviews. The center will make the admission decisions before the start of placements in the seventh semester.A student, selected for IDDD in CDH for a masters in "Healthcare Informatics", will not be eligible for a minor degree in Healthcare Informatics.Under-graduate students pursuing a B.Tech. / B.S. / DD (B.Tech. / B.S. + M.Tech. / M.S.) degree at IIT Bombay can purse additional one year of PG-level courses and a year-long project in the area of Healthcare Informatics to earn a masters' degree in "Healthcare Informatics" along with their B.Tech. / B.S. degree in dual degree mode.Number of students to be admitted : For the AY 2021-22, it is proposed to admit 8 students in the institute TA category and 22 students in the RA category. The students in the RA category will be funded by the research projects of the concerned faculty member with whom the student would engage in the year-long project.
Climate Studies The Minimum eligibility criteria, Application procedure, Rules & Regulations will remain the same as provided in the UG Rule Book. The department can have a maximum intake of 5 students in an academic year.
INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY Application for Conversion of Academic Programme from B.Tech./ B.S./ Dual Degree (B.Tech. + M.Tech.) in admitted department to M.Tech/ MBA in other than admitted department Personal Details:
Name of student: ____________________________________________________________________________
Roll No .: Department :
Number of semesters completed in this programme: Email ID
_____ Current CPI: _______ ___ Mobile No ______
Proposed Department for M.Tech/ MBA with specialization (in order of preference) 1) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 2) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 3) _____________________________________________________________________________________
Name(s) of the Proposed Supervisor(s) for the Dual Degree Project (in order of preference) (Note: Not applicable for MBA)
1) _______________________________________________________________________________________ 2) _______________________________________________________________________________________ 3) _______________________________________________________________________________________
Proposed Co-supervisor(s) if any with details:
Research Credentials (Documents attached) :
Project/Course Guide/Professor/ Department Year/Semester Signature of professor/guide
I, undertake to abide by the decision of the authorities for granting me change of programme. The programme allotted to me shall be acceptable & binding on me. I will not ask for any further reconsideration under any circumstances.
Signature of Faculty Advisor Signature of Student
Comments by Current Department’s Department Undergraduate Committee (DUGC): (including proposed study plan for eligibility of B.Tech./ B.S. Degree)
Convener DUGC/DPGC of the parent Department
Comments by Department Undergraduate/Postgraduate Committee (DUGC/DPGC) for proposed M.Tech/ MBA (including proposed study plan for eligibility of M.Tech./ MBA Degree)
Convener DUGC/DPGC of the proposed M.Tech./ MBA Department
The Convener, UGAPEC