Runtime error
Runtime error
# import os | |
# import subprocess | |
# import logging | |
# import threading | |
# # Set up logging | |
# logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', handlers=[logging.StreamHandler()]) | |
# def setup_chrome_remote_desktop(): | |
#"Starting Chrome Remote Desktop setup...") | |
# # Execute the command with the DISPLAY environment variable set | |
# command = [ | |
# "bash", "-c", | |
# 'DISPLAY= /opt/google/chrome-remote-desktop/start-host --code="4/0AQlEd8yLHti1p8P_Oi7Df1oKGRZ50qCxAKWyMj0VGxBzCfRlnmSPa52PcQ51CCdItLHobQ" ' | |
# '--redirect-url="" ' | |
# '--name=$(hostname) ' | |
# '--pin=123456' | |
# ] | |
# # Run the command | |
#, shell=False) | |
#"Chrome Remote Desktop setup complete.") | |
# # Run the Chrome Remote Desktop setup in a separate thread | |
# crd_thread = threading.Thread(target=setup_chrome_remote_desktop) | |
# crd_thread.start() | |
# # Keep the container running | |
#["tail", "-f", "/dev/null"]) | |
#@title **Create User** | |
#@markdown Enter Username and Password | |
import os | |
username = "mohammed" #@param {type:"string"} | |
password = "root" #@param {type:"string"} | |
print("Creating User and Setting it up") | |
# Creation of user | |
os.system(f"useradd -m {username}") | |
# Add user to sudo group | |
os.system(f"adduser {username} sudo") | |
# Set password of user to 'root' | |
os.system(f"echo '{username}:{password}' | sudo chpasswd") | |
# Change default shell from sh to bash | |
os.system("sed -i 's/\/bin\/sh/\/bin\/bash/g' /etc/passwd") | |
print(f"User created and configured having username `{username}` and password `{password}`") | |
#@title **RDP** | |
#@markdown It takes 4-5 minutes for installation | |
import os | |
import subprocess | |
#@markdown Visit and copy the command after Authentication | |
CRP = "DISPLAY= /opt/google/chrome-remote-desktop/start-host --code=\"4/0AQlEd8zOHzccZFfR6rYPiI2Z5JnQphteAX8dkdTgU8cy9j_vSc7VIHfLMDY5zMvL4Gddzw\" --redirect-url=\"\" --name=$(hostname)" #@param {type:"string"} | |
#@markdown Enter a Pin (more or equal to 6 digits) | |
Pin = 123456 #@param {type: "integer"} | |
#@markdown Autostart Notebook in RDP | |
Autostart = True #@param {type: "boolean"} | |
class CRD: | |
def __init__(self, user): | |
os.system("apt update") | |
self.installCRD() | |
self.installDesktopEnvironment() | |
self.installGoogleChorme() | |
self.finish(user) | |
print("\nRDP created succesfully move to") | |
def installCRD(): | |
print("Installing Chrome Remote Desktop") | |['wget', ''], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) | |['dpkg', '--install', 'chrome-remote-desktop_current_amd64.deb'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) | |['apt', 'install', '--assume-yes', '--fix-broken'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) | |
def installDesktopEnvironment(): | |
print("Installing Desktop Environment") | |
os.system("export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive") | |
os.system("apt install --assume-yes xfce4 desktop-base xfce4-terminal") | |
os.system("bash -c 'echo \"exec /etc/X11/Xsession /usr/bin/xfce4-session\" > /etc/chrome-remote-desktop-session'") | |
os.system("apt remove --assume-yes gnome-terminal") | |
os.system("apt install --assume-yes xscreensaver") | |
os.system("systemctl disable lightdm.service") | |
def installGoogleChorme(): | |
print("Installing Google Chrome") | |["wget", ""], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) | |["dpkg", "--install", "google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) | |['apt', 'install', '--assume-yes', '--fix-broken'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) | |
def finish(user): | |
print("Finalizing") | |
if Autostart: | |
os.makedirs(f"/home/{user}/.config/autostart", exist_ok=True) | |
link = "" | |
colab_autostart = """[Desktop Entry] | |
Type=Application | |
Name=Colab | |
Exec=sh -c "sensible-browser {}" | |
Icon= | |
Comment=Open a predefined notebook at session signin. | |
X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=true""".format(link) | |
with open(f"/home/{user}/.config/autostart/colab.desktop", "w") as f: | |
f.write(colab_autostart) | |
os.system(f"chmod +x /home/{user}/.config/autostart/colab.desktop") | |
os.system(f"chown {user}:{user} /home/{user}/.config") | |
os.system(f"adduser {user} chrome-remote-desktop") | |
command = f"{CRP} --pin={Pin}" | |
os.system(f"su - {user} -c '{command}'") | |
os.system("service chrome-remote-desktop start") | |
print("Finished Succesfully") | |
try: | |
if CRP == "": | |
print("Please enter authcode from the given link") | |
elif len(str(Pin)) < 6: | |
print("Enter a pin more or equal to 6 digits") | |
else: | |
CRD(username) | |
except NameError as e: | |
print("'username' variable not found, Create a user first") | |