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import math
from pprint import pformat
from typing import Tuple, List, Dict, Union
import torch.nn
import infinity.utils.dist as dist
def lr_wd_annealing(sche_type: str, optimizer, peak_lr, wd, wd_end, cur_it, wp_it, max_it, wp0=0.005, wpe=0.001):
"""Decay the learning rate with half-cycle cosine after warmup"""
wp_it = round(wp_it)
if cur_it < wp_it:
cur_lr = wp0 + (1-wp0) * cur_it / wp_it
pasd = (cur_it - wp_it) / (max_it-1 - wp_it) # [0, 1]
rest = 1 - pasd # [1, 0]
if sche_type == 'cos':
cur_lr = wpe + (1-wpe) * (0.5 + 0.5 * math.cos(math.pi * pasd))
elif sche_type == 'lin':
T = 0.15; max_rest = 1-T
if pasd < T: cur_lr = 1
else: cur_lr = wpe + (1-wpe) * rest / max_rest # 1 to wpe
elif sche_type == 'lin0':
T = 0.05; max_rest = 1-T
if pasd < T: cur_lr = 1
else: cur_lr = wpe + (1-wpe) * rest / max_rest
elif sche_type == 'lin00':
cur_lr = wpe + (1-wpe) * rest
elif sche_type.startswith('lin'):
T = float(sche_type[3:]); max_rest = 1-T
wpe_mid = wpe + (1-wpe) * max_rest
wpe_mid = (1 + wpe_mid) / 2
if pasd < T: cur_lr = 1 + (wpe_mid-1) * pasd / T
else: cur_lr = wpe + (wpe_mid-wpe) * rest / max_rest
elif sche_type == 'exp':
T = 0.15; max_rest = 1-T
if pasd < T: cur_lr = 1
expo = (pasd-T) / max_rest * math.log(wpe)
cur_lr = math.exp(expo)
raise NotImplementedError(f'unknown sche_type {sche_type}')
cur_lr *= peak_lr
pasd = cur_it / (max_it-1)
cur_wd = wd_end + (wd - wd_end) * (0.5 + 0.5 * math.cos(math.pi * pasd))
inf = 1e6
min_lr, max_lr = inf, -1
min_wd, max_wd = inf, -1
for param_group in optimizer.param_groups:
param_group['lr'] = cur_lr * param_group.get('lr_sc', 1) # 'lr_sc' could be assigned
max_lr = max(max_lr, param_group['lr'])
min_lr = min(min_lr, param_group['lr'])
param_group['weight_decay'] = cur_wd * param_group.get('wd_sc', 1)
max_wd = max(max_wd, param_group['weight_decay'])
if param_group['weight_decay'] > 0:
min_wd = min(min_wd, param_group['weight_decay'])
if min_lr == inf: min_lr = -1
if min_wd == inf: min_wd = -1
return min_lr, max_lr, min_wd, max_wd
def filter_params(model, ndim_dict, nowd_keys=(), lr_scale=0.0) -> Tuple[
List[str], List[torch.nn.Parameter], List[Dict[str, Union[torch.nn.Parameter, float]]]
with_lr_scale = hasattr(model, 'get_layer_id_and_scale_exp') and 0 < lr_scale <= 1
print(f'[get_param_groups][lr decay] with_lr_scale={with_lr_scale}, lr_scale={lr_scale}')
para_groups, para_groups_dbg = {}, {}
names, paras = [], []
names_no_grad = []
count, numel = 0, 0
for name, para in model.named_parameters():
name = name.replace('_fsdp_wrapped_module.', '')
if not para.requires_grad:
continue # frozen weights
count += 1
numel += para.numel()
if ndim_dict.get(name, 2) == 1 or name.endswith('bias') or any(k in name for k in nowd_keys):
cur_wd_sc, group_name = 0., 'ND'
# elif any(k in name for k in small_wd_keys):
# cur_wd_sc, group_name = small_wd, 'small_decay'
cur_wd_sc, group_name = 1., 'D'
if with_lr_scale:
layer_id, scale_exp = model.get_layer_id_and_scale_exp(name)
group_name = f'layer{layer_id}_' + group_name
cur_lr_sc = lr_scale ** scale_exp
dbg = f'[layer {layer_id}][sc = {lr_scale} ** {scale_exp}]'
cur_lr_sc = 1.
dbg = f'[no scale]'
if group_name not in para_groups:
para_groups[group_name] = {'params': [], 'wd_sc': cur_wd_sc, 'lr_sc': cur_lr_sc}
para_groups_dbg[group_name] = {'params': [], 'wd_sc': cur_wd_sc, 'lr_sc': dbg}
for g in para_groups_dbg.values():
g['params'] = pformat(', '.join(g['params']), width=200)
print(f'[get_param_groups] param_groups = \n{pformat(para_groups_dbg, indent=2, width=240)}\n')
for rk in range(dist.get_world_size()):
if dist.get_rank() == rk:
print(f'[get_param_groups][rank{dist.get_rank()}] {type(model).__name__=} {count=}, {numel=}', flush=True, force=True)
assert len(names_no_grad) == 0, f'[get_param_groups] names_no_grad = \n{pformat(names_no_grad, indent=2, width=240)}\n'
del ndim_dict
return names, paras, list(para_groups.values())
def plot():
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.optim import SGD
# for sche in ('lin', 'lin0', 'lin00', 'lin0.5', 'lin0.75'):
for sche in ('lin0', ):
op = SGD(nn.Linear(3, 4).parameters(), lr=1e-3)
it, lr = [], []
iters = 500
wp_it, max_it = 1 * iters, 10 * iters
for cur_it in range(max_it):
lr.append(lr_wd_annealing(sche, op, 0.1, 1e-5, 1e-5, cur_it, wp_it, max_it, wpe=0.3)[0])
plt.plot(it, lr, 'b', label=sche)
plt.xlabel('it'), plt.ylabel('lr')
if __name__ == '__main__':