import functools |
import logging |
from .. import trial |
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) |
_MUTABLE_LAYER_SPACE_PREFIX = "_mutable_layer" |
_namespace = {} |
_tf_variables = {} |
_arch_logits_list = [] |
_optimizer = None |
_train_op = None |
def classic_mode( |
mutable_id, |
mutable_layer_id, |
funcs, |
funcs_args, |
fixed_inputs, |
optional_inputs, |
optional_input_size): |
'''Execute the chosen function and inputs directly. |
In this mode, the trial code is only running the chosen subgraph (i.e., the chosen ops and inputs), |
without touching the full model graph.''' |
if trial.get_current_parameter() is None: |
trial.get_next_parameter() |
chosen_layer, chosen_inputs = _get_layer_and_inputs_from_tuner(mutable_id, mutable_layer_id, |
list(optional_inputs.keys())) |
real_chosen_inputs = [optional_inputs[input_name] for input_name in chosen_inputs] |
layer_out = funcs[chosen_layer]([fixed_inputs, real_chosen_inputs], **funcs_args[chosen_layer]) |
return layer_out |
def enas_mode( |
mutable_id, |
mutable_layer_id, |
funcs, |
funcs_args, |
fixed_inputs, |
optional_inputs, |
optional_input_size, |
tf): |
'''For enas mode, we build the full model graph in trial but only run a subgraph。 |
This is implemented by masking inputs and branching ops. |
Specifically, based on the received subgraph (through nni.get_next_parameter), |
it can be known which inputs should be masked and which op should be executed.''' |
name_prefix = "{}_{}".format(mutable_id, mutable_layer_id) |
_namespace[mutable_id] = True |
_namespace[name_prefix] = dict() |
_namespace[name_prefix]['funcs'] = list(funcs) |
_namespace[name_prefix]['optional_inputs'] = list(optional_inputs) |
name_for_optional_inputs = name_prefix + '_optional_inputs' |
name_for_funcs = name_prefix + '_funcs' |
_tf_variables[name_prefix] = dict() |
_tf_variables[name_prefix]['optional_inputs'] = tf.get_variable( |
name_for_optional_inputs, |
[len(optional_inputs)], |
dtype=tf.bool, |
trainable=False |
) |
_tf_variables[name_prefix]['funcs'] = tf.get_variable( |
name_for_funcs, [], dtype=tf.int64, trainable=False) |
real_optional_inputs_value = [optional_inputs[name] |
for name in _namespace[name_prefix]['optional_inputs']] |
real_func_value = [funcs[name] |
for name in _namespace[name_prefix]['funcs']] |
real_funcs_args = [funcs_args[name] |
for name in _namespace[name_prefix]['funcs']] |
real_chosen_inputs = tf.boolean_mask( |
real_optional_inputs_value, _tf_variables[name_prefix]['optional_inputs']) |
branches = dict() |
func_output = None |
for func_id in range(len(funcs)): |
func_output = real_func_value[func_id]([fixed_inputs, real_chosen_inputs], **real_funcs_args[func_id]) |
branches[tf.equal(_tf_variables[name_prefix]['funcs'], func_id)] = lambda: func_output |
layer_out = tf.case(branches, exclusive=True, default=lambda: func_output) |
return layer_out |
def oneshot_mode( |
mutable_id, |
mutable_layer_id, |
funcs, |
funcs_args, |
fixed_inputs, |
optional_inputs, |
optional_input_size, |
tf): |
'''Similar to enas mode, oneshot mode also builds the full model graph. |
The difference is that oneshot mode does not receive subgraph. |
Instead, it uses dropout to randomly dropout inputs and ops.''' |
if trial.get_current_parameter() is None: |
trial.get_next_parameter() |
optional_inputs = list(optional_inputs.values()) |
inputs_num = len(optional_inputs) |
if inputs_num > 0: |
rate = 0.01 ** (1 / inputs_num) |
noise_shape = [inputs_num] + [1] * len(optional_inputs[0].get_shape()) |
optional_inputs = tf.nn.dropout( |
optional_inputs, rate=rate, noise_shape=noise_shape) |
optional_inputs = [optional_inputs[idx] for idx in range(inputs_num)] |
layer_outs = [func([fixed_inputs, optional_inputs], **funcs_args[func_name]) |
for func_name, func in funcs.items()] |
output_num = len(layer_outs) |
rate = 0.01 ** (1 / output_num) |
noise_shape = [output_num] + [1] * len(layer_outs[0].get_shape()) |
layer_outs = tf.nn.dropout(layer_outs, rate=rate, noise_shape=noise_shape) |
layer_out = tf.reduce_sum(layer_outs, axis=0) |
return layer_out |
def darts_mode( |
mutable_id, |
mutable_layer_id, |
funcs, |
funcs_args, |
fixed_inputs, |
optional_inputs, |
optional_input_size, |
tf): |
optional_inputs = list(optional_inputs.values()) |
layer_outs = [func([fixed_inputs, optional_inputs], **funcs_args[func_name]) |
for func_name, func in funcs.items()] |
var_name = "{}_{}_arch_weights".format(mutable_id, mutable_layer_id) |
arch_logits = tf.get_variable(var_name, shape=[len(funcs)], trainable=False) |
_arch_logits_list.append(arch_logits) |
arch_weights = tf.nn.softmax(arch_logits) |
layer_out = tf.add_n([arch_weights[idx] * out for idx, out in enumerate(layer_outs)]) |
return layer_out |
def reload_tensorflow_variables(tf, session): |
'''In Enas mode, this function reload every signal varaible created in `enas_mode` function so |
the whole tensorflow graph will be changed into certain subgraph recerived from Tuner. |
--------------- |
session: the tensorflow session created by users |
tf: tensorflow module |
''' |
subgraph_from_tuner = trial.get_next_parameter() |
mutable_layers = set() |
for subgraph_key in subgraph_from_tuner: |
if "/" in subgraph_key: |
mutable_id, mutable_layer_id = _decompose_general_key(subgraph_key[:subgraph_key.rfind("/")]) |
if mutable_id is not None: |
mutable_layers.add((mutable_id, mutable_layer_id)) |
mutable_layers = sorted(list(mutable_layers)) |
for mutable_id, mutable_layer_id in mutable_layers: |
if mutable_id not in _namespace: |
_logger.warning("%s not found in name space", mutable_id) |
continue |
name_prefix = "{}_{}".format(mutable_id, mutable_layer_id) |
optional_inputs = _namespace[name_prefix]['optional_inputs'] |
chosen_layer, chosen_inputs = _get_layer_and_inputs_from_tuner(mutable_id, mutable_layer_id, optional_inputs) |
chosen_layer = _namespace[name_prefix]['funcs'].index(chosen_layer) |
chosen_inputs = [1 if inp in chosen_inputs else 0 for inp in optional_inputs] |
_tf_variables[name_prefix]['funcs'].load(chosen_layer, session) |
_tf_variables[name_prefix]['optional_inputs'].load( |
chosen_inputs, session) |
def _construct_general_key(mutable_id, mutable_layer_id): |
return _MUTABLE_LAYER_SPACE_PREFIX + "/" + mutable_id + "/" + mutable_layer_id |
def _decompose_general_key(key): |
if not key.startswith(_MUTABLE_LAYER_SPACE_PREFIX): |
return None, None |
else: |
_, mutable_id, mutable_layer_id = key.split("/", maxsplit=2) |
return mutable_id, mutable_layer_id |
def darts_training(tf, session, loss, feed_dict): |
global _optimizer, _train_op |
if _optimizer is None: |
_optimizer = tf.MomentumOptimizer(learning_rate=0.025) |
grads_and_vars = _optimizer.compute_gradients(loss, _arch_logits_list) |
_train_op = _optimizer.apply_gradients(grads_and_vars) |
session.run(_train_op) |
def training_update(nas_mode, tf=None, session=None, loss=None, feed_dict=None): |
if nas_mode == 'darts_mode': |
darts_training(tf, session, loss, feed_dict) |
elif nas_mode == 'enas_mode': |
reload_tensorflow_variables(tf, session) |
def _get_layer_and_inputs_from_tuner(mutable_id, mutable_layer_id, optional_inputs): |
try: |
mutable_block = trial.get_current_parameter(mutable_id) |
chosen_layer = mutable_block[mutable_layer_id]["chosen_layer"] |
chosen_inputs = mutable_block[mutable_layer_id]["chosen_inputs"] |
except KeyError: |
params = trial.get_current_parameter() |
expected_prefix = _construct_general_key(mutable_id, mutable_layer_id) |
chosen_layer = params[expected_prefix + "/layer_choice"] |
optional_input_size = int(params[expected_prefix + "/optional_input_size"]) |
optional_input_state = params[expected_prefix + "/optional_input_chosen_state"] |
chosen_inputs = [] |
optional_inputs_keys = sorted(optional_inputs) |
for _ in range(optional_input_size): |
chosen_inputs.append(optional_inputs_keys[optional_input_state % len(optional_inputs)]) |
optional_input_state //= len(optional_inputs) |
_logger.info("%s_%s: layer: %s, optional inputs: %s", mutable_id, mutable_layer_id, chosen_layer, chosen_inputs) |
return chosen_layer, chosen_inputs |
def convert_nas_search_space(search_space): |
""" |
Args: |
param search_space: raw search space |
return: the new search space, mutable_layers will be converted into choice |
""" |
if not isinstance(search_space, dict): |
return search_space |
ret = dict() |
for k, v in search_space.items(): |
if "_type" not in v: |
_logger.warning("There is no _type in one of your search space values with key '%s'" |
". Please check your search space", k) |
ret[k] = v |
elif v["_type"] != "mutable_layer": |
ret[k] = v |
else: |
_logger.info("Converting mutable_layer search space with key '%s'", k) |
values = v["_value"] |
for layer_name, layer_data in values.items(): |
layer_key = _construct_general_key(k, layer_name) |
if layer_data.get("layer_choice"): |
layer_choice = layer_data["layer_choice"] |
else: |
raise ValueError("No layer choice found in %s" % layer_key) |
if layer_data.get("optional_input_size"): |
input_size = layer_data["optional_input_size"] |
if isinstance(input_size, int): |
input_size = [input_size, input_size] |
if input_size[0] > input_size[1] or input_size[0] < 0: |
_logger.error("Might not be able to handle optional_input_size < 0, please double check") |
input_size[1] += 1 |
else: |
_logger.info("Optional input choices are set to empty by default in %s", layer_key) |
input_size = [0, 1] |
if layer_data.get("optional_inputs"): |
total_state_size = len(layer_data["optional_inputs"]) ** (input_size[1] - 1) |
else: |
_logger.info("Optional inputs not found in %s", layer_key) |
total_state_size = 1 |
converted = { |
layer_key + "/layer_choice": { |
"_type": "choice", "_value": layer_choice |
}, |
layer_key + "/optional_input_size": { |
"_type": "randint", "_value": input_size |
}, |
layer_key + "/optional_input_chosen_state": { |
"_type": "randint", "_value": [0, total_state_size] |
} |
} |
_logger.info(converted) |
ret.update(converted) |
return ret |
def rewrite_nas_space(func): |
@functools.wraps(func) |
def wrap(self, search_space): |
search_space = convert_nas_search_space(search_space) |
return func(self, search_space) |
return wrap |