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from transformers import AutoModel, AutoConfig
from utils.dl.common.model import set_module
from torch import nn
import torch
from utils.common.log import logger
from copy import deepcopy
from einops.layers.torch import Rearrange
from methods.elasticdnn.pipeline.offline.fm_to_md.base import FM_to_MD_Util
from methods.elasticdnn.pipeline.offline.fm_lora.base import FMLoRA_Util, LoRA
from utils.common.log import logger
from utils.dl.common.model import set_module, get_module, get_super_module
from utils.dl.common.model import get_model_device, get_model_latency, get_model_size
from utils.common.log import logger
from transformers.models.mobilebert.modeling_mobilebert import MobileBertSelfAttention
from methods.elasticdnn.model.base import Abs, KTakesAll, ElasticDNNUtil, Layer_WrappedWithFBS
from typing import Optional, Tuple
import math
import os
bert_model_tag = f'{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/mobilebert-uncased'
class BertForSenCls(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, num_classes):
super(BertForSenCls, self).__init__()'init bert for sen cls (using {bert_model_tag})')
self.bert = AutoModel.from_pretrained(bert_model_tag)
self.classifier = nn.Linear(512, num_classes)
def forward(self, **x):
x['return_dict'] = False
pool_output = self.bert(**x)[-1]
out = self.classifier(pool_output)
return out
class BertSelfAttentionPrunable(MobileBertSelfAttention):
def __init__(self):
config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(bert_model_tag)
super(BertSelfAttentionPrunable, self).__init__(config)
def transpose_for_scores(self, x):
new_x_shape = x.size()[:-1] + (self.num_attention_heads, -1)
x = x.view(new_x_shape)
return x.permute(0, 2, 1, 3)
def forward(
mixed_query_layer = self.query(query_tensor)
mixed_key_layer = self.key(key_tensor)
mixed_value_layer = self.value(value_tensor)
query_layer = self.transpose_for_scores(mixed_query_layer)
key_layer = self.transpose_for_scores(mixed_key_layer)
value_layer = self.transpose_for_scores(mixed_value_layer)
# Take the dot product between "query" and "key" to get the raw attention scores.
attention_scores = torch.matmul(query_layer, key_layer.transpose(-1, -2))
attention_scores = attention_scores / math.sqrt(self.attention_head_size)
if attention_mask is not None:
# Apply the attention mask is (precomputed for all layers in BertModel forward() function)
attention_scores = attention_scores + attention_mask
# Normalize the attention scores to probabilities.
attention_probs = nn.Softmax(dim=-1)(attention_scores)
# This is actually dropping out entire tokens to attend to, which might
# seem a bit unusual, but is taken from the original Transformer paper.
attention_probs = self.dropout(attention_probs)
# Mask heads if we want to
if head_mask is not None:
attention_probs = attention_probs * head_mask
context_layer = torch.matmul(attention_probs, value_layer)
context_layer = context_layer.permute(0, 2, 1, 3).contiguous()
new_context_layer_shape = context_layer.size()[:-2] + (-1,)
context_layer = context_layer.view(*new_context_layer_shape)
outputs = (context_layer, attention_probs) if output_attentions else (context_layer,)
return outputs
def init_from_exist_self_attn(attn: MobileBertSelfAttention):
# print(attn)
res = BertSelfAttentionPrunable()
for attr in dir(attn):
# if str(attr) in ['transpose_for_scores'] or str(attr).startswith('_'):
# continue
# if isinstance(getattr(attn, attr), nn.Module):
# print(attr)
if isinstance(getattr(attn, attr), nn.Module):
# print(attr, 'ok')
setattr(res, attr, getattr(attn, attr))
except Exception as e:
print(attr, str(e))
return res
class FM_to_MD_Bert_Util(FM_to_MD_Util):
def init_md_from_fm_by_reducing_width(self, fm: nn.Module, reducing_width_ratio: int) -> nn.Module:
fm_vit = deepcopy(fm)
for block in fm_vit.bert.encoder.layer:
set_module(block, 'attention.self', BertSelfAttentionPrunable.init_from_exist_self_attn(block.attention.self))
def _f(n):
return int(n // reducing_width_ratio)
# def _rand_indexes(n):
# return torch.randperm(n)[0: int(n // reducing_width_ratio)]
def l1_max_indexes(p: torch.Tensor, dim=0):
assert dim in [0, 1]
assert p.dim() in [1, 2, 4]
if dim == 1:
p = p.T
p_norm = p.abs().contiguous().view(p.size(0), -1).sum(dim=1)
n = p.size(0)
return p_norm.argsort(descending=True)[0: int(n // reducing_width_ratio)].sort()[0]
for block_i, block in enumerate(fm_vit.bert.encoder.layer):
for k in ['query', 'key', 'value']:
qkv = get_module(block, f'attention.self.{k}')
new_qkv = nn.Linear(qkv.in_features, _f(qkv.out_features),
qkv.bias is not None, qkv.weight.device)
indexes = l1_max_indexes(, 0)[indexes])
if qkv.bias is not None:[indexes])
set_module(block, f'attention.self.{k}', new_qkv)
proj = get_module(block, f'attention.output.dense')
new_proj = nn.Linear(_f(proj.in_features), proj.out_features,
proj.bias is not None, proj.weight.device)[:, l1_max_indexes(, 1)])
if proj.bias is not None:
set_module(block, f'attention.output.dense', new_proj)
fc1 = get_module(block, f'intermediate.dense')
new_fc1 = nn.Linear(fc1.in_features, _f(fc1.out_features),
fc1.bias is not None, fc1.weight.device)
indexes = l1_max_indexes(, 0)[indexes])
if fc1.bias is not None:[indexes])
set_module(block, f'intermediate.dense', new_fc1)
fc2 = get_module(block, f'output.dense')
new_fc2 = nn.Linear(_f(fc2.in_features), fc2.out_features,
fc2.bias is not None, fc2.weight.device)[:, l1_max_indexes(, 1)])
if fc2.bias is not None:
set_module(block, f'output.dense', new_fc2)
return fm_vit
def init_md_from_fm_by_reducing_width_with_perf_test(self, fm: nn.Module, reducing_width_ratio: int,
samples: torch.Tensor) -> nn.Module:
fm_size = get_model_size(fm, True)
fm_latency = self._get_model_latency(fm, samples, 20,
get_model_device(fm), 20, False)
master_dnn = self.init_md_from_fm_by_reducing_width(fm, reducing_width_ratio)
master_dnn_size = get_model_size(master_dnn, True)
logger.debug(f'inited master DNN: {master_dnn}')
master_dnn_latency = self._get_model_latency(master_dnn, samples, 20,
get_model_device(master_dnn), 20, False)'init master DNN (w/o FBS yet) by reducing foundation model\'s width (by {reducing_width_ratio:d}x)')'foundation model ({fm_size:.3f}MB, {fm_latency:.4f}s/sample) -> '
f'master DNN ({master_dnn_size:.3f}MB, {master_dnn_latency:.4f}s/sample)\n'
f'(model size: ↓ {(fm_size / master_dnn_size):.2f}x, '
f'latency: ↓ {(fm_latency / master_dnn_latency):.2f}x)')
return master_dnn
def _get_model_latency(self, model: torch.nn.Module, model_input_size, sample_num: int,
device: str, warmup_sample_num: int, return_detail=False):
import time
if isinstance(model_input_size, tuple):
dummy_input = torch.rand(model_input_size).to(device)
dummy_input = model_input_size
model =
# warm up
with torch.no_grad():
for _ in range(warmup_sample_num):
infer_time_list = []
if device == 'cuda' or 'cuda' in str(device):
with torch.no_grad():
for _ in range(sample_num):
s, e = torch.cuda.Event(enable_timing=True), torch.cuda.Event(enable_timing=True)
cur_model_infer_time = s.elapsed_time(e) / 1000.
infer_time_list += [cur_model_infer_time]
with torch.no_grad():
for _ in range(sample_num):
start = time.time()
cur_model_infer_time = time.time() - start
infer_time_list += [cur_model_infer_time]
avg_infer_time = sum(infer_time_list) / sample_num
if return_detail:
return avg_infer_time, infer_time_list
return avg_infer_time
class SqueezeLast(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(SqueezeLast, self).__init__()
def forward(self, x):
return x.squeeze(-1)
class Linear_WrappedWithFBS(Layer_WrappedWithFBS):
def __init__(self, linear: nn.Linear, r):
super(Linear_WrappedWithFBS, self).__init__()
self.linear = linear
# for conv: (B, C_in, H, W) -> (B, C_in) -> (B, C_out)
# for mlp in ViT: (B, #patches, D: dim of patches embedding) -> (B, D) -> (B, C_out)
self.fbs = nn.Sequential(
Rearrange('b n d -> b d n'),
nn.Linear(linear.in_features, linear.out_features // r),
nn.Linear(linear.out_features // r, linear.out_features),
self.ln = nn.LayerNorm(linear.out_features)
nn.init.constant_(self.fbs[6].bias, 1.)
def forward(self, x):
if self.use_cached_channel_attention and self.cached_channel_attention is not None:
channel_attention = self.cached_channel_attention
self.cached_raw_channel_attention = self.fbs(x)
self.cached_channel_attention = self.k_takes_all(self.cached_raw_channel_attention)
channel_attention = self.cached_channel_attention
raw_res = self.linear(x)
res = channel_attention.unsqueeze(1) * raw_res
res = self.ln(res)
return res
class ToQKV_WrappedWithLoRA(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, fc: nn.Linear, ab_r: int):
super(ToQKV_WrappedWithLoRA, self).__init__()
self.fc = fc
self.ab = self.create_ab_as_linear(, ab_r)
def create_ab_as_linear(self, fc_weight: torch.Tensor, ab_r: int):
res = nn.Sequential(
LoRA(fc_weight.size(1), fc_weight.size(0) // ab_r, bias=False),
LoRA(fc_weight.size(0) // ab_r, fc_weight.size(0), bias=False)
nn.init.kaiming_uniform_(res[0].weight, a=5 ** 0.5)
return res
def forward(self, x):
x1 = self.fc(x)
x2 = self.ab(x)
return x1 + x2
class FMLoRA_Bert_Util(FMLoRA_Util):
def add_lora_ab_to_fm(self, fm: nn.Module, ab_r: int, samples: dict):
o1 = fm(**samples)
for name, module in fm.named_modules():
if name.endswith(('query', 'key', 'value')):
set_module(fm, name, ToQKV_WrappedWithLoRA(module, ab_r))
o2 = fm(**samples)
if isinstance(o1, tuple):
o1 = o1[-1]
o2 = o2[-1]
output_diff = ((o1 - o2) ** 2).sum()
assert output_diff < 1e-5
return fm
def absorb_lora_and_recover_net_structure(self, fm: nn.Module, samples: dict):
# print('absorb lora before')
o1 = fm(**samples)
for name, module in fm.named_modules():
if not isinstance(module, ToQKV_WrappedWithLoRA):
fc = module.fc
ab = module.ab
fc.weight.add_(ab[1].weight @ ab[0].weight)
set_module(fm, name, fc)
# print('absorb lora after')
o2 = fm(**samples)
if isinstance(o1, tuple):
o1 = o1[-1]
o2 = o2[-1]
output_diff = ((o1 - o2) ** 2).sum()
assert output_diff < 1e-6, output_diff
return fm
class StaticFBS(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, static_channel_attention):
super(StaticFBS, self).__init__()
assert static_channel_attention.dim() == 2 and static_channel_attention.size(0) == 1
self.static_channel_attention = nn.Parameter(static_channel_attention, requires_grad=False) # (1, dim)
def forward(self, x):
# print('staticfbs', x, self.static_channel_attention.unsqueeze(1))
return x * self.static_channel_attention.unsqueeze(1)
class ElasticBertUtil(ElasticDNNUtil):
def convert_raw_dnn_to_master_dnn(self, raw_dnn: nn.Module, r: float, ignore_layers=[]):
assert len(ignore_layers) == 0, 'not supported yet'
raw_vit = deepcopy(raw_dnn)
# set_module(module, 'patch_embed.proj', ProjConv_WrappedWithFBS(module.patch_embed.proj, r))
for name, module in raw_vit.named_modules():
# if name.endswith('attn'):
# set_module(module, 'qkv', ToQKV_WrappedWithFBS(module.qkv, r))
if name.endswith('intermediate'):
set_module(module, 'dense', Linear_WrappedWithFBS(module.dense, r))
return raw_vit
def set_master_dnn_sparsity(self, master_dnn: nn.Module, sparsity: float):
# for name, module in master_dnn.named_modules():
# if not name.endswith('attn'):
# continue
# q_features = module.qkv.to_qk.out_features // 2
# if (q_features - int(q_features * sparsity)) % module.num_heads != 0:
# # tune sparsity to ensure #unpruned channel % num_heads == 0
# # so that the pruning seems to reduce the dim_head of each head
# tuned_sparsity = 1. - int((q_features - int(q_features * sparsity)) / module.num_heads) * module.num_heads / q_features
# logger.debug(f'tune sparsity from {sparsity:.2f} to {tuned_sparsity}')
# sparsity = tuned_sparsity
# break
return super().set_master_dnn_sparsity(master_dnn, sparsity)
def select_most_rep_sample(self, master_dnn: nn.Module, samples: torch.Tensor):
# print(samples)
# return samples[0].unsqueeze(0)
res = {k: v[0: 1] for k, v in samples.items()}
return res
def extract_surrogate_dnn_via_samples(self, master_dnn: nn.Module, samples: torch.Tensor, return_detail=False):
sample = self.select_most_rep_sample(master_dnn, samples)
# assert sample.dim() == 4 and sample.size(0) == 1
# print('before')
with torch.no_grad():
master_dnn_output = master_dnn(**sample)
# print('after')
boosted_vit = deepcopy(master_dnn)
def get_unpruned_indexes_from_channel_attn(channel_attn: torch.Tensor, k):
assert channel_attn.size(0) == 1, 'use A representative sample to generate channel attentions'
# print('attn_in_unpruned', channel_attn[0][0: 10])
res = channel_attn[0].nonzero(as_tuple=True)[0] # should be one-dim
# res = channel_attn[0].argsort(descending=True)[0: -int(channel_attn.size(1) * k)].sort()[0]
# g = channel_attn
# k = g.size(1) - int(g.size(1) * k)
# res = g.topk(k, 1)[1][0].sort()[0]
return res
unpruned_indexes_of_layers = {}
# for attn, ff in boosted_vit.transformer.layers:
# for block_i, block in enumerate(boosted_vit.blocks):
for block_i, block in enumerate(boosted_vit.bert.encoder.layer):
# attn = block.attn
# ff = block.mlp
ff_0 = get_module(block, f'intermediate.dense')
# ff_0_unpruned_indexes = get_unpruned_indexes_from_channel_attn(ff_0.cached_channel_attention, k)
ff_0_pruned_indexes = ff_0.k_takes_all.cached_i[0].sort()[0]
ff_0_unpruned_indexes = torch.LongTensor([ii for ii in range(ff_0.cached_channel_attention.size(1)) if ii not in ff_0_pruned_indexes])
new_ff_0 = nn.Linear(ff_0.linear.in_features, ff_0_unpruned_indexes.size(0), ff_0.linear.bias is not None)[ff_0_unpruned_indexes])
if ff_0.linear.bias is not None:[ff_0_unpruned_indexes])
set_module(block, 'intermediate.dense', nn.Sequential(new_ff_0, StaticFBS(ff_0.cached_channel_attention[:, ff_0_unpruned_indexes])))
ff_1 = get_module(block, f'output.dense')
new_ff_1 = nn.Linear(ff_0_unpruned_indexes.size(0), ff_1.out_features, ff_1.bias is not None)[:, ff_0_unpruned_indexes])
if ff_1.bias is not None:
set_module(block, 'output.dense', new_ff_1)
unpruned_indexes_of_layers[f'bert.encoder.layer.{block_i}.intermediate.dense.0.weight'] = ff_0_unpruned_indexes
surrogate_dnn = boosted_vit
surrogate_dnn =
# logger.debug(surrogate_dnn)
with torch.no_grad():
surrogate_dnn_output = surrogate_dnn(**sample)
output_diff = ((surrogate_dnn_output - master_dnn_output) ** 2).sum()
# assert output_diff < 1e-4, output_diff'output diff of master and surrogate DNN: {output_diff}')
logger.debug(f'example output of master/surrogate: {master_dnn_output.sum(0)[0: 10]}, {surrogate_dnn_output.sum(0)[0: 10]}')
#'\nonly prune mlp!!!!\n')
#'\nonly prune mlp!!!!\n')
if return_detail:
return boosted_vit, unpruned_indexes_of_layers
return boosted_vit
def extract_surrogate_dnn_via_samples_with_perf_test(self, master_dnn: nn.Module, samples: torch.Tensor, return_detail=False):
master_dnn_size = get_model_size(master_dnn, True)
master_dnn_latency = self._get_model_latency(master_dnn, samples, 50,
get_model_device(master_dnn), 50, False)
res = self.extract_surrogate_dnn_via_samples(master_dnn, samples, return_detail)
if not return_detail:
surrogate_dnn = res
surrogate_dnn, unpruned_indexes_of_layers = res
surrogate_dnn_size = get_model_size(surrogate_dnn, True)
surrogate_dnn_latency = self._get_model_latency(master_dnn, samples, 50,
get_model_device(master_dnn), 50, False)'master DNN ({master_dnn_size:.3f}MB, {master_dnn_latency:.4f}s/sample) -> '
f'surrogate DNN ({surrogate_dnn_size:.3f}MB, {surrogate_dnn_latency:.4f}s/sample)\n'
f'(model size: ↓ {(master_dnn_size / surrogate_dnn_size):.2f}x, '
f'latency: ↓ {(master_dnn_latency / surrogate_dnn_latency):.2f}x)')
return res
def _get_model_latency(self, model: torch.nn.Module, model_input_size, sample_num: int,
device: str, warmup_sample_num: int, return_detail=False):
import time
if isinstance(model_input_size, tuple):
dummy_input = torch.rand(model_input_size).to(device)
dummy_input = model_input_size
model =
# warm up
with torch.no_grad():
for _ in range(warmup_sample_num):
infer_time_list = []
if device == 'cuda' or 'cuda' in str(device):
with torch.no_grad():
for _ in range(sample_num):
s, e = torch.cuda.Event(enable_timing=True), torch.cuda.Event(enable_timing=True)
cur_model_infer_time = s.elapsed_time(e) / 1000.
infer_time_list += [cur_model_infer_time]
with torch.no_grad():
for _ in range(sample_num):
start = time.time()
cur_model_infer_time = time.time() - start
infer_time_list += [cur_model_infer_time]
avg_infer_time = sum(infer_time_list) / sample_num
if return_detail:
return avg_infer_time, infer_time_list
return avg_infer_time
def bert_base_sen_cls(num_classes):
return BertForSenCls(num_classes)