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from .mcts_pure import MCTSPlayer as MCTSpure
from .mcts_alphaZero import MCTSPlayer as alphazero
from .dueling_net import PolicyValueNet
import numpy as np
class Board(object):
"""board for the game"""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.last_move = None
self.availables = None
self.current_player = None
self.width = int(kwargs.get('width', 8)) # if no width, default 8
self.height = int(kwargs.get('height', 8))
self.board_map = np.zeros(shape=(self.width, self.height), dtype=int)
# board states stored as a dict,
# key: move as location on the board,
# value: player as pieces type
self.states = {}
# need how many pieces in a row to win
self.n_in_row = int(kwargs.get('n_in_row', 5))
self.players = kwargs.get('players', [1, 2]) # player1 and player2
def init_board(self, start_player=0):
if self.width < self.n_in_row or self.height < self.n_in_row:
raise Exception('board width and height can not be '
'less than {}'.format(self.n_in_row))
self.current_player = self.players[start_player] # start player
# keep available moves in a list
self.availables = list(range(self.width * self.height))
self.states = {}
self.last_move = -1
def move_to_location(self, move: int):
3*3 board's moves like:
6 7 8
3 4 5
0 1 2
and move 5's location is (1,2)
h = move // self.width
w = move % self.width
return [h, w]
def location_to_move(self, location):
if len(location) != 2:
return -1
h = location[0]
w = location[1]
move = h * self.width + w
if move not in range(self.width * self.height):
return -1
return move
def current_state(self):
return the board state from the perspective of the current player.
state shape: 4*width*height
每个通道都是一个 width x height 的二维数组,代表着棋盘的布局。对于第一个和第二个通道,如果一个位置上有当前玩家或对手的棋子,那么该位置的值为 1,否则为0。
square_state = np.zeros((4, self.width, self.height))
if self.states:
moves, players = np.array(list(zip(*self.states.items())))
move_curr = moves[players == self.current_player]
move_oppo = moves[players != self.current_player]
square_state[0][move_curr // self.width,
move_curr % self.height] = 1.0
square_state[1][move_oppo // self.width,
move_oppo % self.height] = 1.0
# indicate the last move location
square_state[2][self.last_move // self.width,
self.last_move % self.height] = 1.0
if len(self.states) % 2 == 0:
square_state[3][:, :] = 1.0 # indicate the colour to play
return square_state[:, ::-1, :]
def do_move(self, move):
self.states[move] = self.current_player
# get (x,y) of this move
x, y = self.move_to_location(move)
self.board_map[x][y] = self.current_player
self.current_player = (
self.players[0] if self.current_player == self.players[1]
else self.players[1]
self.last_move = move
def has_a_winner(self):
width = self.width
height = self.height
states = self.states
n = self.n_in_row
moved = list(set(range(width * height)) - set(self.availables))
if len(moved) < self.n_in_row * 2 - 1:
return False, -1
for m in moved:
h = m // width
w = m % width
player = states[m]
if (w in range(width - n + 1) and
len(set(states.get(i, -1) for i in range(m, m + n))) == 1):
return True, player
if (h in range(height - n + 1) and
len(set(states.get(i, -1) for i in range(m, m + n * width, width))) == 1):
return True, player
if (w in range(width - n + 1) and h in range(height - n + 1) and
len(set(states.get(i, -1) for i in range(m, m + n * (width + 1), width + 1))) == 1):
return True, player
if (w in range(n - 1, width) and h in range(height - n + 1) and
len(set(states.get(i, -1) for i in range(m, m + n * (width - 1), width - 1))) == 1):
return True, player
return False, -1
def game_end(self):
"""Check whether the game is ended or not"""
win, winner = self.has_a_winner()
if win:
return True, winner
elif not len(self.availables):
return True, -1
return False, -1
def get_current_player(self):
return self.current_player