import streamlit as st | |
from transformers import AutoModelForSequenceClassification, AutoTokenizer, pipeline | |
import torch | |
import numpy as np | |
import contextlib | |
import as px | |
import pandas as pd | |
from PIL import Image | |
import datetime | |
import os | |
import psutil | |
with open("hit_log.txt", mode='a') as file: | |
file.write(str( + '\n') | |
MODEL_DESC = { | |
'Bart MNLI': """Bart with a classification head trained on MNLI.\n\nSequences are posed as NLI premises and topic labels are turned into premises, i.e. `business` -> `This text is about business.`""", | |
'Bart MNLI + Yahoo Answers': """Bart with a classification head trained on MNLI and then further fine-tuned on Yahoo Answers topic classification.\n\nSequences are posed as NLI premises and topic labels are turned into premises, i.e. `business` -> `This text is about business.`""", | |
'XLM Roberta XNLI (cross-lingual)': """XLM Roberta, a cross-lingual model, with a classification head trained on XNLI. Supported languages include: _English, French, Spanish, German, Greek, Bulgarian, Russian, Turkish, Arabic, Vietnamese, Thai, Chinese, Hindi, Swahili, and Urdu_. | |
Note that this model seems to be less reliable than the English-only models when classifying longer sequences. | |
Examples were automatically translated and may contain grammatical mistakes. | |
Sequences are posed as NLI premises and topic labels are turned into premises, i.e. `business` -> `This text is about business.`""", | |
} | |
ZSL_DESC = """Recently, the NLP science community has begun to pay increasing attention to zero-shot and few-shot applications, such as in the [paper from OpenAI]( introducing GPT-3. This demo shows how π€ Transformers can be used for zero-shot topic classification, the task of predicting a topic that the model has not been trained on.""" | |
CODE_DESC = """```python | |
from transformers import pipeline | |
classifier = pipeline('zero-shot-classification', | |
model='{}') | |
hypothesis_template = 'This text is about {{}}.' # the template used in this demo | |
classifier(sequence, labels, | |
hypothesis_template=hypothesis_template, | |
multi_class=multi_class) | |
# {{'sequence' ..., 'labels': ..., 'scores': ...}} | |
```""" | |
model_ids = { | |
'Bart MNLI': 'facebook/bart-large-mnli', | |
'Bart MNLI + Yahoo Answers': 'joeddav/bart-large-mnli-yahoo-answers', | |
'XLM Roberta XNLI (cross-lingual)': 'joeddav/xlm-roberta-large-xnli' | |
} | |
device = 0 if torch.cuda.is_available() else -1 | |
def load_models(): | |
return {id: AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(id) for id in model_ids.values()} | |
models = load_models() | |
def load_tokenizer(tok_id): | |
return AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(tok_id) | |
def get_most_likely(nli_model_id, sequence, labels, hypothesis_template, multi_class, do_print_code): | |
classifier = pipeline('zero-shot-classification', model=models[nli_model_id], tokenizer=load_tokenizer(nli_model_id), device=device) | |
outputs = classifier(sequence, labels, hypothesis_template, multi_class) | |
return outputs['labels'], outputs['scores'] | |
def load_examples(model_id): | |
model_id_stripped = model_id.split('/')[-1] | |
df = pd.read_json(f'texts-{model_id_stripped}.json') | |
names = | |
mapping = {df['name'].iloc[i]: (df['text'].iloc[i], df['labels'].iloc[i]) for i in range(len(names))} | |
names.append('Custom') | |
mapping['Custom'] = ('', '') | |
return names, mapping | |
def plot_result(top_topics, scores): | |
top_topics = np.array(top_topics) | |
scores = np.array(scores) | |
scores *= 100 | |
fig =, y=top_topics, orientation='h', | |
labels={'x': 'Confidence', 'y': 'Label'}, | |
text=scores, | |
range_x=(0,115), | |
title='Top Predictions', | |
color=np.linspace(0,1,len(scores)), | |
color_continuous_scale='GnBu') | |
fig.update(layout_coloraxis_showscale=False) | |
fig.update_traces(texttemplate='%{text:0.1f}%', textposition='outside') | |
st.plotly_chart(fig) | |
def main(): | |
with open("style.css") as f: | |
st.markdown('<style>{}</style>'.format(, unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
logo ='huggingface_logo.png') | |
st.sidebar.image(logo, width=120) | |
st.sidebar.markdown(ZSL_DESC) | |
model_desc = st.sidebar.selectbox('Model', list(MODEL_DESC.keys()), 0) | |
do_print_code = st.sidebar.checkbox('Show code snippet', False) | |
st.sidebar.markdown('#### Model Description') | |
st.sidebar.markdown(MODEL_DESC[model_desc]) | |
st.sidebar.markdown('Originally proposed by [Yin et al. (2019)]( Read more in our [blog post](') | |
model_id = model_ids[model_desc] | |
ex_names, ex_map = load_examples(model_id) | |
st.title('Zero Shot Topic Classification') | |
example = st.selectbox('Choose an example', ex_names) | |
height = min((len(ex_map[example][0].split()) + 1) * 2, 200) | |
sequence = st.text_area('Text', ex_map[example][0], key='sequence', height=height) | |
labels = st.text_input('Possible topics (separated by `,`)', ex_map[example][1], max_chars=1000) | |
multi_class = st.checkbox('Allow multiple correct topics', value=True) | |
hypothesis_template = "This text is about {}." | |
labels = list(set([x.strip() for x in labels.strip().split(',') if len(x.strip()) > 0])) | |
if len(labels) == 0 or len(sequence) == 0: | |
st.write('Enter some text and at least one possible topic to see predictions.') | |
return | |
if do_print_code: | |
st.markdown(CODE_DESC.format(model_id)) | |
with st.spinner('Classifying...'): | |
top_topics, scores = get_most_likely(model_id, sequence, labels, hypothesis_template, multi_class, do_print_code) | |
plot_result(top_topics[::-1][-10:], scores[::-1][-10:]) | |
if "socat" not in [ for p in psutil.process_iter()]: | |
os.system('socat tcp-listen:8000,reuseaddr,fork tcp:localhost:8001 &') | |
if __name__ == '__main__': | |
main() | |