import torch.multiprocessing | |
import wandb | |
from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pad_sequence | |
from import DataLoader | |
from tqdm import tqdm | |
from Modules.ToucanTTS.LanguageEmbeddingSpaceStructureLoss import LanguageEmbeddingSpaceStructureLoss | |
from Preprocessing.AudioPreprocessor import AudioPreprocessor | |
from Preprocessing.EnCodecAudioPreprocessor import CodecAudioPreprocessor | |
from Utility.WarmupScheduler import ToucanWarmupScheduler as WarmupScheduler | |
from Utility.path_to_transcript_dicts import * | |
from Utility.utils import delete_old_checkpoints | |
from Utility.utils import get_most_recent_checkpoint | |
from Utility.utils import plot_progress_spec_toucantts | |
from run_weight_averaging import average_checkpoints | |
from run_weight_averaging import get_n_recent_checkpoints_paths | |
from run_weight_averaging import load_net_toucan | |
from run_weight_averaging import save_model_for_use | |
def collate_and_pad(batch): | |
# text, text_len, speech, speech_len, durations, energy, pitch, utterance condition, language_id | |
return (pad_sequence([datapoint[0] for datapoint in batch], batch_first=True).float(), | |
torch.stack([datapoint[1] for datapoint in batch]).squeeze(1), | |
[datapoint[2] for datapoint in batch], | |
torch.stack([datapoint[3] for datapoint in batch]).squeeze(1), | |
pad_sequence([datapoint[4].squeeze() for datapoint in batch], batch_first=True), | |
pad_sequence([datapoint[5].squeeze() for datapoint in batch], batch_first=True), | |
pad_sequence([datapoint[6].squeeze() for datapoint in batch], batch_first=True), | |
None, | |
torch.stack([datapoint[8] for datapoint in batch]), | |
torch.stack([datapoint[9] for datapoint in batch])) | |
def train_loop(net, | |
datasets, | |
device, | |
save_directory, | |
batch_size, | |
steps, | |
steps_per_checkpoint, | |
lr, | |
path_to_checkpoint, | |
lang, | |
resume, | |
fine_tune, | |
warmup_steps, | |
use_wandb, | |
train_samplers, | |
gpu_count, | |
use_less_loss, | |
freeze_lang_embs | |
): | |
""" | |
see train loop arbiter for explanations of the arguments | |
""" | |
net = | |
if steps_per_checkpoint is None: | |
steps_per_checkpoint = 1000 | |
if steps % steps_per_checkpoint == 0: | |
steps = steps + 1 | |
else: | |
steps = steps + ((steps_per_checkpoint + 1) - (steps % steps_per_checkpoint)) # making sure to stop at the closest point that makes sense to the specified stopping point | |
if steps < warmup_steps * 5: | |
print(f"too much warmup given the amount of steps, reducing warmup to {warmup_steps} steps") | |
warmup_steps = steps // 5 | |
if use_less_loss: | |
less_loss = LanguageEmbeddingSpaceStructureLoss() | |
pretrained_language_codes = [ | |
"eng", "deu", "fra", "spa", "cmn", "por", "pol", "ita", "nld", "ell", "fin", "vie", "jpn", "rus", "hun", "asm", "ben", "brx", "dgo", "guj", "hin", "kan", "kas", "knn", "mai", "mal", "mni", "mar", "nep", "ory", "pan", "san", "sat", "snd", "tam", "tel", "urd", "bem", "swh", "amh", "wol", "chv", "iba", "jav", "fon", "hau", "lbb", | |
"kik", "lin", "lug", "luo", "sxb", "yor", "nya", "loz", "toi", "afr", "arb", "ast", "azj", "bel", "bul", "bos", "cat", "ceb", "sdh", "ces", "cym", "dan", "ekk", "pes", "fil", "gle", "glg", "heb", "hrv", "hye", "ind", "ibo", "isl", "kat", "kam", "kea", "kaz", "khm", "kor", "ltz", "lao", "lit", "lvs", "mri", "mkd", "xng", "zsm", | |
"mlt", "oci", "pst", "ron", "slk", "slv", "sna", "som", "srp", "swe", "tgk", "tur", "ukr", "umb", "uzn", "bhd", "kfs", "gbk", "bgc", "xnr", "kfx", "mjl", "bfz", "acf", "bss", "inb", "nca", "quh", "wap", "acr", "bus", "dgr", "maz", "nch", "qul", "tav", "wmw", "acu", "byr", "dik", "iou", "mbb", "ncj", "qvc", "tbc", "xed", "agd", | |
"bzh", "djk", "ipi", "mbc", "ncl", "qve", "tbg", "xon", "agg", "bzj", "dop", "jac", "mbh", "ncu", "qvh", "tbl", "xtd", "agn", "caa", "jic", "mbj", "ndj", "qvm", "tbz", "xtm", "agr", "cab", "emp", "jiv", "mbt", "nfa", "qvn", "tca", "yaa", "agu", "cap", "jvn", "mca", "ngp", "qvs", "tcs", "yad", "aia", "car", "ese", "mcb", "ngu", | |
"qvw", "yal", "cax", "kaq", "mcd", "nhe", "qvz", "tee", "ycn", "ake", "cbc", "far", "mco", "qwh", "yka", "alp", "cbi", "kdc", "mcp", "nhu", "qxh", "ame", "cbr", "gai", "kde", "mcq", "nhw", "qxn", "tew", "yre", "amf", "cbs", "gam", "kdl", "mdy", "nhy", "qxo", "tfr", "yva", "amk", "cbt", "geb", "kek", "med", "nin", "rai", "zaa", | |
"apb", "cbu", "glk", "ken", "mee", "nko", "rgu", "zab", "apr", "cbv", "meq", "tgo", "zac", "arl", "cco", "gng", "kje", "met", "nlg", "rop", "tgp", "zad", "grc", "klv", "mgh", "nnq", "rro", "zai", "ata", "cek", "gub", "kmu", "mib", "noa", "ruf", "tna", "zam", "atb", "cgc", "guh", "kne", "mie", "not", "rug", "tnk", "zao", "atg", | |
"chf", "knf", "mih", "npl", "tnn", "zar", "awb", "chz", "gum", "knj", "mil", "sab", "tnp", "zas", "cjo", "guo", "ksr", "mio", "obo", "seh", "toc", "zav", "azg", "cle", "gux", "kue", "mit", "omw", "sey", "tos", "zaw", "azz", "cme", "gvc", "kvn", "miz", "ood", "sgb", "tpi", "zca", "bao", "cni", "gwi", "kwd", "mkl", "shp", "tpt", | |
"zga", "bba", "cnl", "gym", "kwf", "mkn", "ote", "sja", "trc", "ziw", "bbb", "cnt", "gyr", "kwi", "mop", "otq", "snn", "ttc", "zlm", "cof", "hat", "kyc", "mox", "pab", "snp", "tte", "zos", "bgt", "con", "kyf", "mpm", "pad", "tue", "zpc", "bjr", "cot", "kyg", "mpp", "soy", "tuf", "zpl", "bjv", "cpa", "kyq", "mpx", "pao", "tuo", | |
"zpm", "bjz", "cpb", "hlt", "kyz", "mqb", "pib", "spp", "zpo", "bkd", "cpu", "hns", "lac", "mqj", "pir", "spy", "txq", "zpu", "blz", "crn", "hto", "lat", "msy", "pjt", "sri", "txu", "zpz", "bmr", "cso", "hub", "lex", "mto", "pls", "srm", "udu", "ztq", "bmu", "ctu", "lgl", "muy", "poi", "srn", "zty", "bnp", "cuc", "lid", "mxb", | |
"stp", "upv", "zyp", "boa", "cui", "huu", "mxq", "sus", "ura", "boj", "cuk", "huv", "llg", "mxt", "poy", "suz", "urb", "box", "cwe", "hvn", "prf", "urt", "bpr", "cya", "ign", "lww", "myk", "ptu", "usp", "bps", "daa", "ikk", "maj", "myy", "vid", "bqc", "dah", "nab", "qub", "tac", "bqp", "ded", "imo", "maq", "nas", "quf", "taj", | |
"vmy" | |
] | |
pretrained_language_ids = list() # an alternative to the valid_language_ids | |
for language_code in pretrained_language_codes: | |
pretrained_language_ids.append(less_loss.iso_codes_to_ids[language_code]) | |
# there are 7233 language IDs, but there are a few illegal ones: "ajp", "ajt", "en-sc", "en-us", "fr-be", "fr-sw", "lak", "lno", "nul", "pii", "plj", "pt-br", "slq", "smd", "snb", "spa-lat", "tpw", "vi-ctr", "vi-so", "wya", "zua" | |
valid_language_ids = list(less_loss.ids_to_iso_codes.keys()) | |
for illegal_lang in ["ajp", "ajt", "en-sc", "en-us", "fr-be", "fr-sw", "lak", "lno", "nul", "pii", "plj", "pt-br", "slq", "smd", "snb", "spa-lat", "tpw", "vi-ctr", "vi-so", "wya", "zua"]: | |
remove_id = less_loss.iso_codes_to_ids[illegal_lang] | |
valid_language_ids.remove(remove_id) | |
if isinstance(net, torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel): | |
model = net.module | |
else: | |
model = net | |
torch.multiprocessing.set_sharing_strategy('file_system') | |
train_loaders = list() | |
train_iters = list() | |
ap = CodecAudioPreprocessor(input_sr=-1, device=device) | |
spec_extractor = AudioPreprocessor(input_sr=16000, output_sr=16000, device=device) | |
for dataset, sampler in zip(datasets, train_samplers): | |
batch_sampler_train =, 1, drop_last=True) | |
train_loaders.append(DataLoader(dataset=dataset, | |
batch_sampler=batch_sampler_train, | |
num_workers=0, # has to be 0, otherwise copies of the dataset are created, which is not feasible for large scale trainings. This is not optimal for small trainings, but necessary for scalability. | |
pin_memory=True, | |
prefetch_factor=None, | |
collate_fn=lambda x: x[0])) | |
train_iters.append(iter(train_loaders[-1])) | |
# embedding training is not supported here | |
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=lr) | |
scheduler = WarmupScheduler(optimizer, peak_lr=lr, warmup_steps=warmup_steps, max_steps=steps) | |
steps_run_previously = 0 | |
regression_losses_total = list() | |
stochastic_losses_total = list() | |
duration_losses_total = list() | |
pitch_losses_total = list() | |
energy_losses_total = list() | |
if resume: | |
path_to_checkpoint = get_most_recent_checkpoint(checkpoint_dir=save_directory) | |
if path_to_checkpoint is not None: | |
check_dict = torch.load(path_to_checkpoint, map_location=device) | |
if freeze_lang_embs: | |
filtered_state_dict = {} | |
for name, param in check_dict["model"].items(): | |
if name in model.state_dict(): | |
if param.size() == model.state_dict()[name].size(): | |
filtered_state_dict[name] = param | |
print(f"Loading parameter {name}") | |
model.load_state_dict(filtered_state_dict, strict=False) | |
model.encoder.language_embedding.weight.requires_grad = False # and we never reset that. | |
else: | |
model.load_state_dict(check_dict["model"]) | |
if not fine_tune and not freeze_lang_embs: | |
optimizer.load_state_dict(check_dict["optimizer"]) | |
scheduler.load_state_dict(check_dict["scheduler"]) | |
steps_run_previously = check_dict["step_counter"] | |
if steps_run_previously > steps: | |
print("Desired steps already reached in loaded checkpoint.") | |
return | |
net.train() | |
# ============================= | |
# Actual train loop starts here | |
# ============================= | |
if not fine_tune and not resume and use_less_loss and not freeze_lang_embs: | |
print("Priming the language embedding space...") | |
original_lr = optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] | |
pretraining_lr = 0.001 | |
for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: | |
param_group['lr'] = pretraining_lr | |
less_values = list() | |
for i in tqdm(range(warmup_steps * 8)): | |
language_ids = random.sample(valid_language_ids, batch_size) | |
language_embeddings = model.encoder.language_embedding(torch.LongTensor(language_ids).to(device)) | |
less_value_unsupervised = less_loss(language_ids, language_embeddings) | |
less_values.append(less_value_unsupervised.item()) | |
optimizer.zero_grad() | |
less_value_unsupervised.backward() | |
optimizer.step() | |
if i % warmup_steps // 2 == 0: | |
print(sum(less_values) / len(less_values)) | |
less_values = list() | |
for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: | |
param_group['lr'] = original_lr | |
for step_counter in tqdm(range(steps_run_previously, steps)): | |
run_stochastic = step_counter > warmup_steps * 2 | |
batches = [] | |
while len(batches) < batch_size: | |
for index in random.sample(list(range(len(datasets))), len(datasets)): | |
if len(batches) < batch_size: | |
# we get one batch for each task (i.e. language in this case) in a randomized order | |
try: | |
batch = next(train_iters[index]) | |
batches.append(batch) | |
except StopIteration: | |
train_iters[index] = iter(train_loaders[index]) | |
batch = next(train_iters[index]) | |
batches.append(batch) | |
batch = collate_and_pad(batches) | |
text_tensors = batch[0].to(device) | |
text_lengths = batch[1].squeeze().to(device) | |
speech_indexes = batch[2] | |
speech_lengths = batch[3].squeeze().to(device) | |
gold_durations = batch[4].to(device) | |
gold_pitch = batch[6].unsqueeze(-1).to(device) # mind the switched order | |
gold_energy = batch[5].unsqueeze(-1).to(device) # mind the switched order | |
lang_ids = batch[8].squeeze(1).to(device) | |
speech_batch = list() # I wish this could be done in the collate function or in the getitem, but using DL models in multiprocessing on very large datasets causes just way too many issues. | |
for index, speech_sample in enumerate(speech_indexes): | |
with torch.inference_mode(): | |
wave = ap.indexes_to_audio( | |
mel = spec_extractor.audio_to_mel_spec_tensor(wave, explicit_sampling_rate=16000).transpose(0, 1).detach().cpu() | |
gold_speech_sample = mel.clone() | |
speech_batch.append(gold_speech_sample) | |
gold_speech = pad_sequence(speech_batch, batch_first=True).to(device) | |
train_loss = 0.0 | |
# we sum the loss for each task, as we would do for the | |
# second order regular MAML, but we do it only over one | |
# step (i.e. iterations of inner loop = 1) | |
utterance_embedding = batch[9].to(device) | |
regression_loss, stochastic_loss, duration_loss, pitch_loss, energy_loss = net( | |
text_tensors=text_tensors, | |
text_lengths=text_lengths, | |
gold_speech=gold_speech, | |
speech_lengths=speech_lengths, | |
gold_durations=gold_durations, | |
gold_pitch=gold_pitch, | |
gold_energy=gold_energy, | |
utterance_embedding=utterance_embedding, | |
lang_ids=lang_ids, | |
return_feats=False, | |
run_stochastic=run_stochastic | |
) | |
# then we directly update our meta-parameters without | |
# the need for any task specific parameters | |
if torch.isnan(regression_loss) or torch.isnan(duration_loss) or torch.isnan(pitch_loss) or torch.isnan(energy_loss): | |
print("One of the losses turned to NaN! Skipping this batch ...") | |
continue | |
train_loss = train_loss + regression_loss | |
train_loss = train_loss + duration_loss | |
train_loss = train_loss + pitch_loss | |
train_loss = train_loss + energy_loss | |
if stochastic_loss is not None: | |
if torch.isnan(stochastic_loss) or torch.isinf(stochastic_loss): | |
print("Flow loss turned to NaN! Skipping this batch ...") | |
continue | |
train_loss = train_loss + stochastic_loss | |
stochastic_losses_total.append(stochastic_loss.item()) | |
else: | |
stochastic_losses_total.append(0) | |
regression_losses_total.append(regression_loss.item()) | |
duration_losses_total.append(duration_loss.item()) | |
pitch_losses_total.append(pitch_loss.item()) | |
energy_losses_total.append(energy_loss.item()) | |
optimizer.zero_grad() | |
if type(train_loss) is float: | |
print("There is no loss for this step! Skipping ...") | |
continue | |
train_loss.backward() | |
torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), 1.0, error_if_nonfinite=False) | |
optimizer.step() | |
scheduler.step() | |
if step_counter % steps_per_checkpoint == 0 and step_counter != 0: | |
# ============================== | |
# Enough steps for some insights | |
# ============================== | |
if gpu_count > 1: | |
rank = int(os.environ["LOCAL_RANK"]) | |
else: | |
rank = 0 | |
if rank == 0: | |
net.eval() | |
default_embedding = datasets[0][0][9].to(device) | |
print("Reconstruction Loss: {}".format(round(sum(regression_losses_total) / len(regression_losses_total), 3))) | |
print("Steps: {}\n".format(step_counter)) | |{ | |
"model" : model.state_dict(), | |
"optimizer" : optimizer.state_dict(), | |
"scheduler" : scheduler.state_dict(), | |
"step_counter": step_counter, | |
"default_emb" : default_embedding, | |
"config" : model.config | |
}, | |
os.path.join(save_directory, "checkpoint_{}.pt".format(step_counter))) | |
delete_old_checkpoints(save_directory, keep=5) | |
if use_wandb: | |
wandb.log({ | |
"regression_loss": round(sum(regression_losses_total) / len(regression_losses_total), 5), | |
"stochastic_loss": round(sum(stochastic_losses_total) / len(stochastic_losses_total), 5), | |
"duration_loss" : round(sum(duration_losses_total) / len(duration_losses_total), 5), | |
"pitch_loss" : round(sum(pitch_losses_total) / len(pitch_losses_total), 5), | |
"energy_loss" : round(sum(energy_losses_total) / len(energy_losses_total), 5), | |
"learning_rate" : optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] | |
}, step=step_counter) | |
try: | |
path_to_most_recent_plot = plot_progress_spec_toucantts(model, | |
device, | |
save_dir=save_directory, | |
step=step_counter, | |
lang=lang, | |
default_emb=default_embedding, | |
run_stochastic=run_stochastic) | |
if use_wandb: | |
wandb.log({ | |
"progress_plot": wandb.Image(path_to_most_recent_plot) | |
}, step=step_counter) | |
except IndexError: | |
print("generating progress plots failed.") | |
checkpoint_paths = get_n_recent_checkpoints_paths(checkpoint_dir=save_directory, n=1) | |
averaged_model, default_embed = average_checkpoints(checkpoint_paths, load_func=load_net_toucan) | |
save_model_for_use(model=averaged_model, default_embed=default_embed, name=os.path.join(save_directory, "")) | |
net.train() | |
regression_losses_total = list() | |
stochastic_losses_total = list() | |
duration_losses_total = list() | |
pitch_losses_total = list() | |
energy_losses_total = list() | |
if gpu_count > 1: | |
# just to be extra sure tht all models are synchronous | |
torch.distributed.barrier() | |
checkpoint_paths = get_n_recent_checkpoints_paths(checkpoint_dir=save_directory, n=1) | |
check_dict = torch.load(checkpoint_paths[0], map_location=device) | |
model.load_state_dict(check_dict["model"]) | |
torch.distributed.barrier() | |