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# Copyright 2020 Nagoya University (Tomoki Hayashi)
# Apache 2.0 (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
import torch
from Architectures.GeneralLayers.Attention import MultiHeadedAttention as BaseMultiHeadedAttention
class GSTStyleEncoder(torch.nn.Module):
"""Style encoder.
This module is style encoder introduced in `Style Tokens: Unsupervised Style
Modeling, Control and Transfer in End-to-End Speech Synthesis`.
.. _`Style Tokens: Unsupervised Style Modeling, Control and Transfer in End-to-End
Speech Synthesis`: https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.09017
idim (int, optional): Dimension of the input features.
gst_tokens (int, optional): The number of GST embeddings.
gst_token_dim (int, optional): Dimension of each GST embedding.
gst_heads (int, optional): The number of heads in GST multihead attention.
conv_layers (int, optional): The number of conv layers in the reference encoder.
conv_chans_list: (Sequence[int], optional):
List of the number of channels of conv layers in the reference encoder.
conv_kernel_size (int, optional):
Kernel size of conv layers in the reference encoder.
conv_stride (int, optional):
Stride size of conv layers in the reference encoder.
gst_layers (int, optional): The number of GRU layers in the reference encoder.
gst_units (int, optional): The number of GRU units in the reference encoder.
def __init__(
idim: int = 128,
gst_tokens: int = 512, # adaspeech suggests to use many more "basis vectors", but I believe that this is already sufficient
gst_token_dim: int = 64,
gst_heads: int = 8,
conv_layers: int = 8,
conv_chans_list=(32, 32, 64, 64, 128, 128, 256, 256),
conv_kernel_size: int = 3,
conv_stride: int = 2,
gst_layers: int = 2,
gst_units: int = 256,
"""Initialize global style encoder module."""
super(GSTStyleEncoder, self).__init__()
self.num_tokens = gst_tokens
self.ref_enc = ReferenceEncoder(idim=idim,
gst_units=gst_units, )
self.stl = StyleTokenLayer(ref_embed_dim=gst_units,
gst_heads=gst_heads, )
def forward(self, speech):
"""Calculate forward propagation.
speech (Tensor): Batch of padded target features (B, Lmax, odim).
Tensor: Style token embeddings (B, token_dim).
ref_embs = self.ref_enc(speech)
style_embs = self.stl(ref_embs)
return style_embs
def calculate_ada4_regularization_loss(self):
losses = list()
for emb1_index in range(self.num_tokens):
for emb2_index in range(emb1_index + 1, self.num_tokens):
if emb1_index != emb2_index:
self.stl.gst_embs[emb2_index], dim=0))
return sum(losses)
class ReferenceEncoder(torch.nn.Module):
"""Reference encoder module.
This module is reference encoder introduced in `Style Tokens: Unsupervised Style
Modeling, Control and Transfer in End-to-End Speech Synthesis`.
.. _`Style Tokens: Unsupervised Style Modeling, Control and Transfer in End-to-End
Speech Synthesis`: https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.09017
idim (int, optional): Dimension of the input features.
conv_layers (int, optional): The number of conv layers in the reference encoder.
conv_chans_list: (Sequence[int], optional):
List of the number of channels of conv layers in the reference encoder.
conv_kernel_size (int, optional):
Kernel size of conv layers in the reference encoder.
conv_stride (int, optional):
Stride size of conv layers in the reference encoder.
gst_layers (int, optional): The number of GRU layers in the reference encoder.
gst_units (int, optional): The number of GRU units in the reference encoder.
def __init__(
conv_layers: int = 6,
conv_chans_list=(32, 32, 64, 64, 128, 128),
conv_kernel_size: int = 3,
conv_stride: int = 2,
gst_layers: int = 1,
gst_units: int = 128,
"""Initialize reference encoder module."""
super(ReferenceEncoder, self).__init__()
# check hyperparameters are valid
assert conv_kernel_size % 2 == 1, "kernel size must be odd."
assert (
len(conv_chans_list) == conv_layers), "the number of conv layers and length of channels list must be the same."
convs = []
padding = (conv_kernel_size - 1) // 2
for i in range(conv_layers):
conv_in_chans = 1 if i == 0 else conv_chans_list[i - 1]
conv_out_chans = conv_chans_list[i]
convs += [torch.nn.Conv2d(conv_in_chans,
# Do not use bias due to the following batch norm
bias=False, ),
torch.nn.ReLU(inplace=True), ]
self.convs = torch.nn.Sequential(*convs)
self.conv_layers = conv_layers
self.kernel_size = conv_kernel_size
self.stride = conv_stride
self.padding = padding
# get the number of GRU input units
gst_in_units = idim
for i in range(conv_layers):
gst_in_units = (gst_in_units - conv_kernel_size + 2 * padding) // conv_stride + 1
gst_in_units *= conv_out_chans
self.gst = torch.nn.GRU(gst_in_units, gst_units, gst_layers, batch_first=True)
def forward(self, speech):
"""Calculate forward propagation.
speech (Tensor): Batch of padded target features (B, Lmax, idim).
Tensor: Reference embedding (B, gst_units)
batch_size = speech.size(0)
xs = speech.unsqueeze(1) # (B, 1, Lmax, idim)
hs = self.convs(xs).transpose(1, 2) # (B, Lmax', conv_out_chans, idim')
time_length = hs.size(1)
hs = hs.contiguous().view(batch_size, time_length, -1) # (B, Lmax', gst_units)
# pack_padded_sequence(hs, speech_lens, enforce_sorted=False, batch_first=True)
_, ref_embs = self.gst(hs) # (gst_layers, batch_size, gst_units)
ref_embs = ref_embs[-1] # (batch_size, gst_units)
return ref_embs
class StyleTokenLayer(torch.nn.Module):
"""Style token layer module.
This module is style token layer introduced in `Style Tokens: Unsupervised Style
Modeling, Control and Transfer in End-to-End Speech Synthesis`.
.. _`Style Tokens: Unsupervised Style Modeling, Control and Transfer in End-to-End
Speech Synthesis`: https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.09017
ref_embed_dim (int, optional): Dimension of the input reference embedding.
gst_tokens (int, optional): The number of GST embeddings.
gst_token_dim (int, optional): Dimension of each GST embedding.
gst_heads (int, optional): The number of heads in GST multihead attention.
dropout_rate (float, optional): Dropout rate in multi-head attention.
def __init__(
ref_embed_dim: int = 128,
gst_tokens: int = 10,
gst_token_dim: int = 128,
gst_heads: int = 4,
dropout_rate: float = 0.0,
"""Initialize style token layer module."""
super(StyleTokenLayer, self).__init__()
gst_embs = torch.randn(gst_tokens, gst_token_dim // gst_heads)
self.register_parameter("gst_embs", torch.nn.Parameter(gst_embs))
self.mha = MultiHeadedAttention(q_dim=ref_embed_dim,
k_dim=gst_token_dim // gst_heads,
v_dim=gst_token_dim // gst_heads,
dropout_rate=dropout_rate, )
def forward(self, ref_embs):
"""Calculate forward propagation.
ref_embs (Tensor): Reference embeddings (B, ref_embed_dim).
Tensor: Style token embeddings (B, gst_token_dim).
batch_size = ref_embs.size(0)
# (num_tokens, token_dim) -> (batch_size, num_tokens, token_dim)
gst_embs = torch.tanh(self.gst_embs).unsqueeze(0).expand(batch_size, -1, -1)
# NOTE(kan-bayashi): Shoule we apply Tanh?
ref_embs = ref_embs.unsqueeze(1) # (batch_size, 1 ,ref_embed_dim)
style_embs = self.mha(ref_embs, gst_embs, gst_embs, None)
return style_embs.squeeze(1)
class MultiHeadedAttention(BaseMultiHeadedAttention):
"""Multi head attention module with different input dimension."""
def __init__(self, q_dim, k_dim, v_dim, n_head, n_feat, dropout_rate=0.0):
"""Initialize multi head attention module."""
# NOTE(kan-bayashi): Do not use super().__init__() here since we want to
# overwrite BaseMultiHeadedAttention.__init__() method.
assert n_feat % n_head == 0
# We assume d_v always equals d_k
self.d_k = n_feat // n_head
self.h = n_head
self.linear_q = torch.nn.Linear(q_dim, n_feat)
self.linear_k = torch.nn.Linear(k_dim, n_feat)
self.linear_v = torch.nn.Linear(v_dim, n_feat)
self.linear_out = torch.nn.Linear(n_feat, n_feat)
self.attn = None
self.dropout = torch.nn.Dropout(p=dropout_rate)