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"type": "network", | |
"version": "1.0", | |
"data": "compressed_modalities_data.json.gz", | |
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"text": "Test" | |
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"more": "<p><strong>Note:</strong> This visualizes a very small part of Hugging Face, more maps coming soon...</p> <br><br><br> <p><strong>Note:</strong> this is an alpha version, loading can take a bit of time and many features are missing including edge arrows and node borders, they will be added in a future version.</p> <br><br><br> <h2 class=\"title\">BibTeX</h2><p>If you use this model atlas in your research or work, please cite our paper: </p><br><pre><code>@misc{horwitz2025chartingnavigatinghuggingfaces, <br>title={Charting and Navigating Hugging Face's Model Atlas}, <br>author={Eliahu Horwitz and Nitzan Kurer and Jonathan Kahana and Liel Amar and Yedid Hoshen}, <br>year={2025}, <br>eprint={2503.10633}, <br>archivePrefix={arXiv}, <br>primaryClass={cs.LG}, <br>url={},<br>}</code></pre>", | |
"intro": "A model atlas for a small region of Hugging Face. The model atlas was introduced in the paper \"Charting and Navigating Hugging Face's Model Atlas\". <br><br> For more details see <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>. <br><br> <div class=\"features\"> <h2>Key Features</h2> <ul> <li><strong>Search:</strong> Find models by name.</li> <li><strong>Color By:</strong> Customize node colors based on model attributes.</li> <li><strong>Atlas:</strong> Select the Hugging Face region to display.</li> <li><strong>Interactive Nodes:</strong> Click a node to view details, navigate to the model's Hugging Face page, or edit metadata.</li> </ul> </div> <br>", | |
"title": "Model Atlas" | |
}, | |
"legend": { | |
"edgeLabel": "edgeLabel", | |
"colorLabel": "colorLabel", | |
"nodeLabel": "nodeLabel" | |
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"features": { | |
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"groupSelectorAttribute": false, | |
"hoverBehavior": "dim" | |
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"groupByEdgeDirection": false, | |
"imageAttribute": false | |
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"hoverFontStyle": "bold", | |
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"maxEdgeSize": 2.5, | |
"minEdgeSize": 2, | |
"minNodeSize": 1, | |
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