Luuu / configs /config.inria_dataset_polygonized.unet_resnet101.leaderboard.json
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894 Bytes
"defaults_filepath": "configs/config.defaults.inria_dataset_polygonized.json",
"run_name": "inria_dataset_polygonized.unet_resnet101.leaderboard",
"seg_params": {
"compute_interior": true,
"compute_edge": false,
"compute_vertex": false
"backbone_params": {
"defaults_filepath": "configs/backbone_params.unet_resnet101.json", // Path from the project's root to a JSON with default values for backbone_params
"pretrained": false
"loss_params": {
"seg_loss_params": {
"bce_coef": 1.0,
"dice_coef": 0.2,
"use_dist": true, // Dist weights as in the original U-Net paper
"use_size": false // Size weights increasing importance of smaller buildings
"optim_params": {
"batch_size": 4 // Overwrite default batch size per GPU. The effective batch size is effective_batch_size=world_size*batch_size