XGBoost_Gaze / Predict.py
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Update Predict.py
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import cv2 as cv
import numpy as np
import torch
from gensim import models
import xgboost as xgb
import XGBoost_utils
import sys
import joblib
from DL_models import CustomResNet
#Ad/Brand Gaze Prediction
#Now the model is only able to process magazine images or images with full-page counterpages
#Please indicate where is the ad by ad_location parameter: left <- ad_location=0, right <- ad_location=1; otherwise, set it as None
def Ad_Gaze_Prediction(input_ad_path, input_ctpg_path, ad_location,
text_detection_model_path, LDA_model_pth, training_ad_text_dictionary_path, training_lang_preposition_path,
training_language, ad_embeddings, ctpg_embeddings,
surface_sizes=None, Product_Group=None, TextBoxes=None, Obj_and_Topics=None,
obj_detection_model_pth=None, num_topic=20, Gaze_Time_Type='Brand', Info_printing=True):
##Image Loading
if Info_printing: print('Loading Image ......')
flag_full_page_ad = False
has_ctpg = True
if type(input_ad_path) == str:
ad_img = cv.imread(input_ad_path)
ad_img = cv.cvtColor(ad_img, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
ad_img_dim1, ad_img_dim2 = ad_img.shape[:2]
dim1_scale = int(np.ceil(ad_img_dim1/32))
dim2_scale = int(np.ceil(ad_img_dim2/32))
ad_img = cv.resize(ad_img, (32*dim2_scale,32*dim1_scale))
ad_img = input_ad_path
if input_ctpg_path is None:
ctpg_img = None #Initialization
flag_full_page_ad = True
has_ctpg = False
if type(input_ctpg_path) == str:
ctpg_img = cv.imread(input_ctpg_path)
ctpg_img = cv.cvtColor(ctpg_img, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
ctpg_img_dim1, ctpg_img_dim2 = ctpg_img.shape[:2]
dim1_scale = int(np.ceil(ctpg_img_dim1/32))
dim2_scale = int(np.ceil(ctpg_img_dim2/32))
ctpg_img = cv.resize(ctpg_img, (32*dim2_scale,32*dim1_scale))
ctpg_img = input_ctpg_path
#ctpg_img_dim1, ctpg_img_dim2 = [None,None]
# ctpg_img = None #Initialization
# flag_full_page_ad = False
# if has_ctpg:
# img = cv.resize(img, (1280,1024))
# h, w, _ = img.shape
# page_width = w // 2
# ctpg_location = 1-ad_location
# ad_img = img[:, (ad_location*page_width):((ad_location+1)*page_width)]
# ctpg_img = img[:, (ctpg_location*page_width):((ctpg_location+1)*page_width)]
# else:
# #if image's width is larger its height, then treat it as a double-page ad
# h, w, _ = img.shape
# if w > h:
# ad_img = cv.resize(img, (1280,1024))
# flag_full_page_ad = True
# else:
# ad_img = cv.resize(img, (640,1024))
if Info_printing: print()
##File Size
if Info_printing: print('Calculating complexity (filsize) ......')
filesize_ad = XGBoost_utils.filesize_individual(input_ad_path)
if has_ctpg:
filesize_ctpg = XGBoost_utils.filesize_individual(input_ctpg_path)
filesize_ctpg = 0
if Info_printing: print()
if Info_printing: print('Processing Salience Information ......')
#Salience Map
S_map_ad = XGBoost_utils.Itti_Saliency(ad_img, scale_final=3)
if has_ctpg:
S_map_ctpg = XGBoost_utils.Itti_Saliency(ctpg_img, scale_final=3)
threshold = 0.001
enhance_rate = 1
num_clusters = 3
if flag_full_page_ad:
width = S_map_ad.shape[1]
left = S_map_ad[:, :width//2]
vecs_left, km_left = XGBoost_utils.salience_matrix_conv(left,threshold,num_clusters,enhance_rate=enhance_rate)
_,scores_left,widths_left,D_left = XGBoost_utils.img_clusters(num_clusters, left, km_left.labels_, km_left.cluster_centers_, vecs_left)
right = S_map_ad[:, width//2:]
vecs_right, km_right = XGBoost_utils.salience_matrix_conv(right,threshold,num_clusters,enhance_rate=enhance_rate)
_,scores_right,widths_right,D_right = XGBoost_utils.img_clusters(num_clusters, right, km_right.labels_, km_right.cluster_centers_, vecs_right)
ad_sal = np.array(scores_left) + np.array(scores_right)
ad_width = np.array(widths_left) + np.array(widths_right); ad_width = np.log(ad_width+1)
ad_sig_obj = D_left + D_right
ctpg_sal = np.zeros_like(ad_sal)
ctpg_width = np.zeros_like(ad_width)
ctpg_sig_obj = 0
vecs, km = XGBoost_utils.salience_matrix_conv(S_map_ad,threshold,num_clusters,enhance_rate=enhance_rate)
_,scores,widths,D = XGBoost_utils.img_clusters(num_clusters, S_map_ad, km.labels_, km.cluster_centers_, vecs)
ad_sal = np.array(scores)
ad_width = np.log(np.array(widths)+1)
ad_sig_obj = D
if has_ctpg:
vecs, km = XGBoost_utils.salience_matrix_conv(S_map_ctpg,threshold,num_clusters,enhance_rate=enhance_rate)
_,scores,widths,D = XGBoost_utils.img_clusters(num_clusters, S_map_ctpg, km.labels_, km.cluster_centers_, vecs)
ctpg_sal = np.array(scores)
ctpg_width = np.log(np.array(widths)+1)
ctpg_sig_obj = D
ctpg_sal = np.zeros_like(ad_sal)
ctpg_width = np.zeros_like(ad_width)
ctpg_sig_obj = 0
if Info_printing: print()
##Number of Textboxes
if Info_printing: print('Processing Textboxes ......')
if TextBoxes is None:
#Need multiples of 32 in both dimensions
ad_num_textboxes = XGBoost_utils.text_detection_east(ad_img, text_detection_model_path)
if has_ctpg:
ctpg_num_textboxes = XGBoost_utils.text_detection_east(ctpg_img, text_detection_model_path)
ctpg_num_textboxes = 0
ad_num_textboxes, ctpg_num_textboxes = TextBoxes
if Info_printing: print()
##Objects and Topic Difference
if Info_printing: print('Processing Object and Topic Information ......')
if Info_printing: print('Loading Object Detection Model')
if Obj_and_Topics is None:
if obj_detection_model_pth is None:
model_obj = torch.hub.load('ultralytics/yolov5', 'yolov5s', pretrained=True, trust_repo=True)
model_obj = torch.load(obj_detection_model_pth)
model_lda = models.LdaModel.load(LDA_model_pth)
dictionary = torch.load(training_ad_text_dictionary_path)
dutch_preposition = torch.load(training_lang_preposition_path)
ad_num_objs, ctpg_num_objs, ad_topic_weights, topic_Diff = XGBoost_utils.object_and_topic_variables(ad_img, ctpg_img, has_ctpg, dictionary,
dutch_preposition, training_language, model_obj,
model_lda, num_topic)
ad_num_objs, ctpg_num_objs, ad_topic_soft_weights, ctpg_topic_soft_weights = Obj_and_Topics
indx = np.argmax(ad_topic_soft_weights)
ad_topic_weights = np.zeros(num_topic)
ad_topic_weights[indx] = 1
topic_Diff = XGBoost_utils.KL_dist(ad_topic_soft_weights, ctpg_topic_soft_weights)
if Info_printing: print()
##Left and Right Indicator
if Info_printing: print('Getting Left/Right Indicator ......')
if flag_full_page_ad:
Left_right_indicator = [1,1]
if has_ctpg:
if ad_location == 0:
Left_right_indicator = [1,0]
elif ad_location == 1:
Left_right_indicator = [0,1]
Left_right_indicator = [1,1]
Left_right_indicator = [1,0]
if Info_printing: print()
##Product Category
if Info_printing: print('Getting Product Category Indicator ......')
if Product_Group is None:
group_ind = XGBoost_utils.product_category()
group_ind = Product_Group
if Info_printing: print()
##Surface Sizes
if Info_printing: print('Getting Surface Sizes ......')
if surface_sizes is None:
ad_img = cv.cvtColor(ad_img, cv.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
print('Please select the bounding box for your ad (from top left to bottom right)')
A = XGBoost_utils.Region_Selection(ad_img)
print('Please select the bounding box for brands (from top left to bottom right)')
B = XGBoost_utils.Region_Selection(ad_img)
print('Please select the bounding box for texts (from top left to bottom right)')
T = XGBoost_utils.Region_Selection(ad_img)
surface_sizes = [B/A*100,(1-B/A-T/A)*100,T/A*100,sum(Left_right_indicator)*5]
##Typicality Measure
# if Info_printing: print('Calculating Typicality Measure ......')
# if Info_printing: print()
##Get All things together
if Info_printing: print('Predicting ......')
gaze = 0
for i in range(10):
#Var construction
pca_topic_transform = joblib.load('Topic_Embedding_PCAs/pca_model_'+str(i)+'.pkl')
ad_topics_curr = pca_topic_transform.transform(ad_embeddings)[:,:4][0]
ctpg_topics_curr = pca_topic_transform.transform(ctpg_embeddings)[:,:4][0]
ad_topic_weights = ad_topics_curr
topic_Diff = np.linalg.norm(ad_topics_curr-ctpg_topics_curr)
X = surface_sizes+[filesize_ad,filesize_ctpg]+list(ad_sal)+list(ctpg_sal)+list(ad_width)+list(ctpg_width)+[ad_sig_obj,ctpg_sig_obj]+[ad_num_textboxes,ctpg_num_textboxes,ad_num_objs,ctpg_num_objs]+list(group_ind)+list(ad_topic_weights)
X = np.array(X).reshape(1,len(X))
X_for_typ = list(X[0,[0,1,2,3,4,6,7,8,12,13,14,18,20,22]])+list(group_ind)+list(ad_topic_weights)
X_for_typ = np.array(X_for_typ).reshape(1,len(X_for_typ))
if Gaze_Time_Type == 'Brand':
med = torch.load('Brand_Gaze_Model/typicality_train_medoid')
elif Gaze_Time_Type == 'Ad':
med = torch.load('Ad_Gaze_Model/typicality_train_medoid')
typ = XGBoost_utils.typ_cat(med, X_for_typ, group_ind, np.abs)
Var = surface_sizes+[filesize_ad,filesize_ctpg]+list(ad_sal)+list(ctpg_sal)+list(ad_width)+list(ctpg_width)+[ad_sig_obj,ctpg_sig_obj]+[ad_num_textboxes,ctpg_num_textboxes,ad_num_objs,ctpg_num_objs]+Left_right_indicator+list(ad_topic_weights)+list(group_ind)+[topic_Diff.item(),typ.item()]
Var = np.array(Var).reshape(1,len(Var))
xgb_model = xgb.XGBRegressor()
if Gaze_Time_Type == 'Brand':
elif Gaze_Time_Type == 'Ad':
gaze += xgb_model.predict(Var)
gaze = gaze/10
if Info_printing: print('The predicted '+Gaze_Time_Type+' gaze time is: ', (np.exp(gaze)-1).item())
return (np.exp(gaze)-1).item()
def CNN_Prediction(adv_imgs, ctpg_imgs, ad_locations, Gaze_Type='AG'): #Gaze_Type='AG' or 'BG'
gaze = 0
if torch.cuda.is_available():
device = 'cuda'
elif torch.backends.mps.is_available():
device = 'mps'
device = 'cpu'
if Gaze_Type == 'AG':
a_temp = 0.2590; b_temp = 1.1781 #AG
elif Gaze_Type == 'BG':
a_temp = 0.2100; b_temp = 0.3541 #BG
for i in range(10):
net = CustomResNet()
net = net.to(device)
with torch.no_grad():
pred = net.forward(adv_imgs, ctpg_imgs, ad_locations)
pred = torch.exp(pred*a_temp+b_temp) - 1
gaze += pred/10
return gaze