import os, re, time |
os.environ["TORCH_HOME"] = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".cache") |
os.environ["XDG_CACHE_HOME"] = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".cache") |
import streamlit as st |
import PIL |
import cv2 |
import numpy as np |
import uuid |
from zipfile import ZipFile, ZIP_DEFLATED |
from io import BytesIO |
from random import randint |
from datetime import datetime |
from src.deoldify import device |
from src.deoldify.device_id import DeviceId |
from src.deoldify.visualize import * |
from src.app_utils import get_model_bin |
device.set(device=DeviceId.CPU) |
@st.cache_resource |
def load_model(model_dir, option): |
if option.lower() == 'artistic': |
model_url = 'https://data.deepai.org/deoldify/ColorizeArtistic_gen.pth' |
get_model_bin(model_url, os.path.join(model_dir, "ColorizeArtistic_gen.pth")) |
colorizer = get_image_colorizer(artistic=True) |
elif option.lower() == 'stable': |
model_url = "https://www.dropbox.com/s/usf7uifrctqw9rl/ColorizeStable_gen.pth?dl=0" |
get_model_bin(model_url, os.path.join(model_dir, "ColorizeStable_gen.pth")) |
colorizer = get_image_colorizer(artistic=False) |
return colorizer |
def resize_img(input_img, max_size): |
img = input_img.copy() |
img_height, img_width = img.shape[0],img.shape[1] |
if max(img_height, img_width) > max_size: |
if img_height > img_width: |
new_width = img_width*(max_size/img_height) |
new_height = max_size |
resized_img = cv2.resize(img,(int(new_width), int(new_height))) |
return resized_img |
elif img_height <= img_width: |
new_width = img_height*(max_size/img_width) |
new_height = max_size |
resized_img = cv2.resize(img,(int(new_width), int(new_height))) |
return resized_img |
return img |
def colorize_image(pil_image, img_size=800) -> "PIL.Image": |
pil_img = pil_image.convert("RGB") |
img_rgb = np.array(pil_img) |
resized_img_rgb = resize_img(img_rgb, img_size) |
resized_pil_img = PIL.Image.fromarray(resized_img_rgb) |
output_pil_img = colorizer.plot_transformed_pil_image(resized_pil_img, render_factor=35, compare=False) |
return output_pil_img |
def image_download_button(pil_image, filename: str, fmt: str, label="Download"): |
if fmt not in ["jpg", "png"]: |
raise Exception(f"Unknown image format (Available: {fmt} - case sensitive)") |
pil_format = "JPEG" if fmt == "jpg" else "PNG" |
file_format = "jpg" if fmt == "jpg" else "png" |
mime = "image/jpeg" if fmt == "jpg" else "image/png" |
buf = BytesIO() |
pil_image.save(buf, format=pil_format) |
return st.download_button( |
label=label, |
data=buf.getvalue(), |
file_name=f'{filename}.{file_format}', |
mime=mime, |
) |
st_color_option = "Artistic" |
try: |
with st.spinner("Loading..."): |
print('before loading the model') |
colorizer = load_model('models/', st_color_option) |
print('after loading the model') |
except Exception as e: |
colorizer = None |
print('Error while loading the model. Please refresh the page') |
print(e) |
st.write("**App loading error. Please try again later.**") |
if colorizer is not None: |
st.title("Digital Photo Color Restoration") |
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload photo", accept_multiple_files=False, type=["png", "jpg", "jpeg"]) |
if uploaded_file is not None: |
bytes_data = uploaded_file.getvalue() |
img_input = PIL.Image.open(BytesIO(bytes_data)).convert("RGB") |
with st.expander("Original photo", True): |
st.image(img_input) |
if st.button("Restore Color!") and uploaded_file is not None: |
with st.spinner("AI is doing the magic!"): |
img_output = colorize_image(img_input) |
img_output = img_output.resize(img_input.size) |
now = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S-%f") |
img_input.convert("RGB").save(f"./output/{now}-input.jpg") |
img_output.convert("RGB").save(f"./output/{now}-output.jpg") |
st.write("AI has finished the job!") |
st.image(img_output) |
uploaded_name = os.path.splitext(uploaded_file.name)[0] |
image_download_button( |
pil_image=img_output, |
filename=uploaded_name, |
fmt="jpg", |
label="Download Image" |
) |