RefurnishAI / web /assets /sorted-custom-node-map.json
multimodalart's picture
Squashing commit
4450790 verified
"PreviewImage": 8794,
"CLIPTextEncode": 6888,
"VAEDecode": 4671,
"LoadImage": 4085,
"SaveImage": 3438,
"KSampler": 3324,
"CheckpointLoaderSimple": 2958,
"EmptyLatentImage": 2014,
"VAEEncode": 1627,
"VAELoader": 1376,
"ControlNetLoader": 1372,
"ShowText|pysssss": 1346,
"LoraLoader": 1229,
"VHS_VideoCombine": 1172,
"UpscaleModelLoader": 1079,
"MaskToImage": 998,
"ControlNetApplyAdvanced": 939,
"Text Concatenate": 831,
"ImageScale": 765,
"SDXLPromptStyler": 758,
"Text _O": 725,
"UltralyticsDetectorProvider": 657,
"ControlNetLoaderAdvanced": 653,
"KSamplerAdvanced": 642,
"ImageUpscaleWithModel": 640,
"CLIPSetLastLayer": 628,
"CLIPTextEncodeSDXL": 618,
"CLIPVisionLoader": 612,
"ImageScaleBy": 606,
"CR Prompt Text": 591,
"ACN_AdvancedControlNetApply": 572,
"IPAdapterModelLoader": 570,
"PrepImageForClipVision": 565,
"PreviewBridge": 547,
"ControlNetApply": 535,
"UltimateSDUpscale": 510,
"KSampler (Efficient)": 495,
"SAMLoader": 470,
"Text Concatenate (JPS)": 449,
"ToBasicPipe": 419,
"Text Multiline": 416,
"KSamplerSelect": 410,
"CM_NumberBinaryOperation": 393,
"IPAdapterUnifiedLoader": 388,
"MaskPreview+": 384,
"String Literal": 383,
"ImpactSwitch": 381,
"ImageResize+": 371,
"InvertMask": 362,
"IPAdapterAdvanced": 358,
"UNETLoader": 349,
"AIO_Preprocessor": 346,
"ConditioningConcat": 334,
"CR Text Input Switch": 327,
"If ANY execute A else B": 326,
"FaceDetailer": 312,
"LoraLoaderModelOnly": 304,
"ConditioningCombine": 300,
"ImageCompositeMasked": 299,
"BasicScheduler": 294,
"FreeU_V2": 294,
"KSampler Adv. (Efficient)": 293,
"CR Text": 284,
"FromBasicPipe_v2": 278,
"DualCLIPLoader": 278,
"ImageToMask": 278,
"MathExpression|pysssss": 278,
"SDXLResolutionPresets": 274,
"SamplerCustomAdvanced": 274,
"Paste By Mask": 273,
"Efficient Loader": 273,
"CR Text Input Switch (4 way)": 272,
"CM_IntToNumber": 268,
"DWPreprocessor": 267,
"Concat Text _O": 266,
"Int Literal": 265,
"WD14Tagger|pysssss": 263,
"CR LoRA Stack": 260,
"ImageInvert": 260,
"GrowMask": 259,
"mape Variable": 258,
"BasicGuider": 246,
"CM_IntBinaryOperation": 246,
"RandomNoise": 245,
"CR Apply LoRA Stack": 245,
"Image Filter Adjustments": 243,
"GroundingDinoSAMSegment (segment anything)": 238,
"Image Overlay": 238,
"FromBasicPipe": 234,
"LatentUpscaleBy": 232,
"CR Text Concatenate": 232,
"VHS_LoadVideo": 231,
"ImageBatch": 225,
"GetImageSize+": 224,
"Logic Boolean": 219,
"Image Save": 218,
"SimpleMath+": 216,
"VAEDecodeTiled": 215,
"SetLatentNoiseMask": 214,
"SamplerCustom": 212,
"ADE_AnimateDiffLoaderWithContext": 209,
"StringFunction|pysssss": 207,
"CR Image Input Switch": 206,
"PlaySound|pysssss": 205,
"ReActorFaceSwap": 203,
"FloatConstant": 200,
"GroundingDinoModelLoader (segment anything)": 197,
"LineArtPreprocessor": 196,
"CLIPTextEncodeSDXLRefiner": 189,
"ImageBlend": 187,
"ConcatStringSingle": 186,
"ImpactInt": 185,
"ADE_AnimateDiffUniformContextOptions": 184,
"LoraLoader|pysssss": 183,
"RIFE VFI": 181,
"Save Text File": 180,
"ImageScaleToTotalPixels": 180,
"Number to Text": 180,
"GrowMaskWithBlur": 179,
"VAEEncodeForInpaint": 177,
"FluxGuidance": 171,
"CR Integer To String": 171,
"ttN imageOutput": 170,
"Text to Number": 170,
"CR Overlay Text": 169,
"CannyEdgePreprocessor": 164,
"ImageCrop+": 164,
"Image Resize": 162,
"Automatic CFG": 162,
"EmptyImage": 162,
"ImagePadForOutpaint": 156,
"SolidMask": 150,
"CR Upscale Image": 150,
"DisplayText_Zho": 150,
"ConstrainImage|pysssss": 149,
"Change Channel Count": 149,
"CR Simple Binary Pattern": 147,
"VHS_SplitImages": 146,
"DeepTranslatorTextNode": 144,
"ConcatText_Zho": 144,
"ReroutePrimitive|pysssss": 143,
"CheckpointLoader|pysssss": 143,
"SaveImagetoPath": 141,
"DPMagicPrompt": 140,
"BboxDetectorSEGS": 137,
"Seed Everywhere": 137,
"DepthAnythingPreprocessor": 137,
"Text Load Line From File": 137,
"InstantIDModelLoader": 135,
"DetailerForEach": 135,
"MaskComposite": 135,
"InstantIDFaceAnalysis": 133,
"ImageSharpen": 131,
"ConditioningZeroOut": 131,
"ModelSamplingDiscrete": 128,
"Image To Mask": 125,
"SDPromptSaver": 125,
"Cfg Literal": 122,
"Text Random Line": 122,
"SegsToCombinedMask": 122,
"ConditioningSetTimestepRange": 121,
"ColorMatch": 121,
"Image Size to Number": 120,
"SimpleText": 118,
"ApplyInstantID": 117,
"BNK_CLIPTextEncodeAdvanced": 117,
"CLIPTextEncodeFlux": 116,
"CR SDXL Aspect Ratio": 116,
"smZ CLIPTextEncode": 114,
"Bus Node": 114,
"PreviewTextNode": 114,
"PatchModelAddDownscale": 113,
"Seed Generator": 112,
"SAMModelLoader (segment anything)": 112,
"ScaledSoftControlNetWeights": 111,
"HighRes-Fix Script": 111,
"IPAdapter": 110,
"CM_FloatToNumber": 110,
"Cut By Mask": 109,
"ttN text7BOX_concat": 109,
"ADE_UseEvolvedSampling": 108,
"CR Multi-ControlNet Stack": 108,
"MiDaS-DepthMapPreprocessor": 107,
"IPAdapterEncoder": 106,
"ImpactSimpleDetectorSEGS": 105,
"ImageOnlyCheckpointLoader": 104,
"Get Image Size": 104,
"LoRA Stacker": 103,
"Float": 103,
"GetImageSize": 101,
"ImageResizeKJ": 101,
"DifferentialDiffusion": 101,
"LoadImagesFromDirectory": 101,
"ttN textDebug": 101,
"OllamaGenerate": 100,
"ImageSelector": 99,
"FaceRestoreModelLoader": 98,
"SelfAttentionGuidance": 98,
"VideoLinearCFGGuidance": 98,
"Image Blending Mode": 97,
"ImageCASharpening+": 96,
"ImageSender": 96,
"Zoe-DepthMapPreprocessor": 95,
"SVD_img2vid_Conditioning": 95,
"ImageReceiver": 95,
"Image Rembg (Remove Background)": 93,
"RescaleCFG": 93,
"FaceRestoreCFWithModel": 90,
"ModelSamplingFlux": 90,
"OpenposePreprocessor": 89,
"BatchPromptSchedule": 89,
"GetImageSizeAndCount": 89,
"AlignYourStepsScheduler": 88,
"ADE_AnimateDiffLoRALoader": 87,
"TextInput_": 87,
"ADE_LoadAnimateDiffModel": 87,
"EmptySD3LatentImage": 86,
"JoinImageWithAlpha": 86,
"SplitImageWithAlpha": 86,
"PerturbedAttentionGuidance": 86,
"InpaintModelConditioning": 85,
"ImageCrop": 85,
"Text Prompt (JPS)": 85,
"Florence2Run": 84,
"Text Find and Replace": 84,
"VAEEncodeTiled": 83,
"OllamaVision": 83,
"LoadImageMask": 83,
"ImpactGaussianBlurMask": 82,
"DPRandomGenerator": 82,
"FaceDetailerPipe": 79,
"ImpactImageBatchToImageList": 79,
"CR Image Output": 79,
"CR Aspect Ratio": 78,
"MaskBlur+": 77,
"LoadAndApplyICLightUnet": 77,
"ICLightConditioning": 77,
"BRIA_RMBG_Zho": 77,
"Image to Noise": 76,
"AV_ControlNetPreprocessor": 76,
"Canny": 75,
"Lora Loader": 75,
"Control Net Stacker": 75,
"RemapImageRange": 75,
"InpaintPreprocessor": 74,
"ImageListToImageBatch": 74,
"Image Transpose": 74,
"CR Apply Multi-ControlNet": 74,
"Image Blend": 72,
"JWImageResizeByLongerSide": 71,
"DownloadAndLoadFlorence2Model": 71,
"ADE_AnimateDiffSamplingSettings": 70,
"ImageGenResolutionFromImage": 70,
"IPAdapterFaceID": 70,
"HintImageEnchance": 70,
"CR Conditioning Input Switch": 70,
"CR Seed": 69,
"VHS_LoadVideoPath": 69,
"Preview Chooser": 69,
"CM_NumberToInt": 69,
"BLIP Analyze Image": 68,
"ImpactMakeImageBatch": 68,
"CheckpointLoaderSimpleWithNoiseSelect": 68,
"CM_FloatBinaryOperation": 68,
"BLIP Model Loader": 67,
"RepeatLatentBatch": 67,
"Mask Crop Region": 67,
"ViewText": 67,
"Int": 66,
"IPAdapterBatch": 66,
"KSampler //Inspire": 65,
"BRIA_RMBG_ModelLoader_Zho": 65,
"CR Conditioning Mixer": 65,
"IPAdapterUnifiedLoaderFaceID": 63,
"easy imageSize": 63,
"Image Blend by Mask": 63,
"RepeatImageBatch": 62,
"Number Operation": 62,
"INPAINT_ApplyFooocusInpaint": 62,
"Text String": 61,
"BrushNetLoader": 61,
"Image Levels Adjustment": 61,
"INPAINT_LoadFooocusInpaint": 61,
"TilePreprocessor": 60,
"SDXLEmptyLatentSizePicker+": 60,
"ImpactSEGSOrderedFilter": 60,
"ConditioningSetMask": 60,
"SDLoraLoader": 60,
"RemapMaskRange": 59,
"easy cleanGpuUsed": 59,
"SEGSPreview": 59,
"Upscale Model Loader": 58,
"RebatchImages": 58,
"FeatherMask": 58,
"ColorCorrect": 58,
"Image Remove Background (rembg)": 58,
"Image Crop Location": 58,
"HEDPreprocessor": 57,
"ToBinaryMask": 57,
"unCLIPConditioning": 57,
"LayerMask: MaskPreview": 57,
"JWImageResize": 57,
"VHS_LoadImagesPath": 56,
"GlobalSeed //Inspire": 56,
"CLIPLoader": 56,
"SUPIR_first_stage": 56,
"SUPIR_decode": 56,
"SUPIR_sample": 56,
"SUPIR_conditioner": 56,
"String": 56,
"SaveText|pysssss": 55,
"ImpactKSamplerBasicPipe": 55,
"SUPIR_encode": 55,
"CM_NearestSDXLResolution": 55,
"MaskToSEGS": 55,
"Image Paste Crop by Location": 55,
"ADE_ApplyAnimateDiffModelSimple": 54,
"EditBasicPipe": 54,
"Text Random Prompt": 53,
"INPAINT_VAEEncodeInpaintConditioning": 53,
"IPAdapterNoise": 53,
"BrushNet": 53,
"FILM VFI": 53,
"gcLatentTunnel": 53,
"Getter": 52,
"StableCascade_StageB_Conditioning": 51,
"LayerUtility: ImageBlendAdvance": 51,
"SEGSPaste": 51,
"CLIPVisionEncode": 51,
"CR Text Replace": 51,
"EG_RY_HT": 51,
"Yoloworld_ESAM_Zho": 50,
"SUPIR_model_loader_v2": 50,
"CLIPSeg Masking": 50,
"ConditioningSetArea": 50,
"ADE_LoopedUniformContextOptions": 49,
"LatentUpscale": 49,
"CR Simple Image Compare": 48,
"MaskFromRGBCMYBW+": 48,
"MaskFromColor+": 48,
"NNLatentUpscale": 48,
"CropFace": 48,
"Constant Number": 48,
"Int to Text": 48,
"IPAdapterStyleComposition": 47,
"easy loraStack": 47,
"ConditioningAverage": 47,
"Text to Conditioning": 47,
"BasicPipeToDetailerPipe": 46,
"PixelPerfectResolution": 46,
"CLIPTextEncode (BlenderNeko Advanced + NSP)": 46,
"INPAINT_MaskedFill": 45,
"INTConstant": 45,
"ADE_StandardUniformContextOptions": 45,
"CM_FloatToInt": 45,
"Combine Masks": 45,
"LayerUtility: ImageBlend": 45,
"Random Number": 45,
"SDTurboScheduler": 44,
"ModelSamplingSD3": 44,
"Integer Switch (JPS)": 44,
"String to Text": 43,
"Image Lucy Sharpen": 43,
"ADE_AnimateDiffLoaderGen1": 43,
"FrequencyCombination": 43,
"Mask Morphology": 43,
"StableCascade_EmptyLatentImage": 42,
"AddLabel": 42,
"Image Blank": 42,
"ColorMatchImage": 42,
"ImpactKSamplerAdvancedBasicPipe": 42,
"LeReS-DepthMapPreprocessor": 41,
"INPAINT_MaskedBlur": 41,
"CR Float To Integer": 41,
"LayerMask: SegmentAnythingUltra V2": 41,
"easy showAnything": 41,
"ADE_MultivalDynamic": 41,
"AnimeLineArtPreprocessor": 41,
"Yoloworld_ModelLoader_Zho": 40,
"ESAM_ModelLoader_Zho": 40,
"ADE_StandardStaticContextOptions": 40,
"KSamplerAdvanced //Inspire": 40,
"ImageBlur": 40,
"ADE_ApplyAnimateDiffModel": 40,
"CLIPSeg": 40,
"MeshGraphormer-DepthMapPreprocessor": 39,
"FreeU": 39,
"ResizeImageMixlab": 39,
"ImageRemoveBackground+": 39,
"ImageCompositeFromMaskBatch+": 39,
"LayerUtility: PurgeVRAM": 39,
"ImpactControlNetApplySEGS": 38,
"RemBGSession+": 38,
"MaskFix+": 38,
"ImageMaskSwitch": 38,
"CR Simple Value Scheduler": 38,
"SubtractMask": 37,
"ImageConcanate": 37,
"CR Latent Input Switch": 37,
"UnetLoaderGGUF": 37,
"VHS_MergeImages": 37,
"PulidModelLoader": 36,
"PulidEvaClipLoader": 36,
"IPAdapterRegionalConditioning": 36,
"LatentBlend": 36,
"Gemini_API_S_Zho": 36,
"DepthAnythingV2Preprocessor": 36,
"SEGSDetailerForAnimateDiff": 36,
"VAEEncodeArgMax": 36,
"SomethingToString": 36,
"CreateShapeMask": 36,
"Power KSampler Advanced (PPF Noise)": 36,
"Image Crop Face": 36,
"easy imageRemBg": 35,
"ApplyFluxControlNet": 35,
"LoadFluxControlNet": 35,
"IPAdapterTiled": 35,
"ImpactSimpleDetectorSEGS_for_AD": 35,
"Checkpoint Selector": 35,
"Text Input [Dream]": 35,
"LivePortraitProcess": 34,
"UltimateSDUpscaleNoUpscale": 34,
"ImageScaleToMegapixels": 34,
"ImpactDilateMask": 34,
"CM_NumberToFloat": 34,
"CR Color Panel": 34,
"CR VAE Input Switch": 34,
"Resize Image for SDXL": 34,
"Setter": 34,
"ApplyPulid": 33,
"XlabsSampler": 33,
"ModelMergeSimple": 33,
"SDXL Prompt Handling (JPS)": 33,
"CreateFadeMaskAdvanced": 33,
"CR Model Input Switch": 33,
"DiffControlNetLoader": 32,
"PulidInsightFaceLoader": 32,
"CR Load LoRA": 32,
"ttN hiresfixScale": 32,
"Latent Noise Injection": 31,
"PainterNode": 31,
"OneButtonPrompt": 31,
"easy int": 31,
"ControlNetApplySD3": 31,
"ADE_EmptyLatentImageLarge": 31,
"LayerUtility: ColorPicker": 31,
"Image Paste Crop": 31,
"DetailerForEachDebug": 31,
"Create Solid Color": 31,
"OneFormer-COCO-SemSegPreprocessor": 30,
"VHS_GetImageCount": 30,
"CR Simple Meme Template": 30,
"ACN_SparseCtrlLoaderAdvanced": 30,
"BNK_InjectNoise": 30,
"SDXLAspectRatioSelector": 30,
"ImageFromBatch": 30,
"RebatchLatents": 30,
"CR Module Input": 30,
"DownloadAndLoadLivePortraitModels": 29,
"easy float": 29,
"ReActorRestoreFace": 29,
"ImageCompositeAbsolute": 29,
"LatentGaussianNoise": 29,
"LayerMask: MaskGrow": 29,
"CR Image Input Switch (4 way)": 29,
"SaveAnimatedWEBP": 29,
"CR Draw Text": 29,
"ScribblePreprocessor": 28,
"AddMask": 28,
"Image Remove Background (Alpha)": 28,
"IPAdapterInsightFaceLoader": 28,
"ImpactImageInfo": 28,
"DetailerForEachDebugPipe": 28,
"Blur": 28,
"VHS_LoadImages": 28,
"ttN text": 28,
"AnyLineArtPreprocessor_aux": 28,
"FilmGrain": 28,
"SAMDetectorCombined": 28,
"KarrasScheduler": 28,
"ApplyInstantIDAdvanced": 27,
"CM_SDXLResolution": 27,
"Seed": 27,
"Text List to Text": 27,
"Width/Height Literal": 27,
"LayerUtility: ColorImage V2": 27,
"Perlin Power Fractal Settings (PPF Noise)": 27,
"DownloadAndLoadSAM2Model": 27,
"CR Overlay Transparent Image": 27,
"Deep Bump (mtb)": 27,
"Replace Text _O": 27,
"Load Image Batch": 26,
"ImageConcatMulti": 26,
"ImageBatchMulti": 26,
"ImpactFloat": 26,
"Mask To Region": 26,
"ImageEffectsAdjustment": 26,
"LatentKeyframeTiming": 26,
"TimestepKeyframe": 26,
"Sam2Segmentation": 26,
"IPAdapterMS": 26,
"ImageGaussianBlur": 26,
"Note _O": 26,
"TonemapNoiseWithRescaleCFG": 25,
"easy stylesSelector": 25,
"LayerUtility: ImageScaleByAspectRatio V2": 25,
"Zoe_DepthAnythingPreprocessor": 25,
"Cross-Hatch Power Fractal Settings (PPF Noise)": 25,
"ResizeMask": 25,
"ReActorLoadFaceModel": 25,
"Number to String": 25,
"PrimereSamplersSteps": 25,
"ImageExpandBatch+": 25,
"FL_ImageCaptionSaver": 25,
"floatToText _O": 24,
"LayerUtility: SimpleTextImage": 24,
"ImageResize": 24,
"DetailTransfer": 24,
"ImpactWildcardProcessor": 24,
"Bounded Image Crop with Mask": 24,
"CR Float To String": 24,
"easy positive": 24,
"BiRefNet_Zho": 24,
"BasicPipeToDetailerPipeSDXL": 24,
"Text_Image_Zho": 24,
"LayerColor: Brightness & Contrast": 24,
"Any To String (mtb)": 24,
"Bounded Image Crop": 23,
"SplineEditor": 23,
"TripleCLIPLoader": 23,
"SUPIR_Upscale": 23,
"CR Image Grid Panel": 23,
"SamplerLCMCycle": 23,
"PixelKSampleUpscalerProvider": 23,
"Apply ControlNet Stack": 23,
"CR Select Model": 23,
"LatentKeyframeBatchedGroup": 23,
"BiRefNet_ModelLoader_Zho": 23,
"DeepTranslatorCLIPTextEncodeNode": 23,
"CoreMLDetailerHookProvider": 23,
"MultiplicationNode": 23,
"CR Color Tint": 23,
"ColorToMask": 22,
"ColorPreprocessor": 22,
"GetImageSize_": 22,
"LCMScheduler": 22,
"CLIPTextEncodeSD3": 22,
"ACN_SparseCtrlSpreadMethodNode": 22,
"CogVideoTextEncode": 22,
"AutoNegativePrompt": 22,
"AlphaChanelRemove": 22,
"CR Latent Batch Size": 22,
"SDXLPromptStylerbyMood": 22,
"Image Threshold": 22,
"JWImageResizeByFactor": 22,
"ADE_AnimateDiffCombine": 22,
"Conditioning Switch (JPS)": 22,
"DPCombinatorialGenerator": 21,
"LoadImagesFromDir //Inspire": 21,
"ACN_SparseCtrlRGBPreprocessor": 21,
"LivePortraitCropper": 21,
"CM_IntToFloat": 21,
"BatchAverageImage": 21,
"ICLightAppply": 21,
"INPAINT_LoadInpaintModel": 21,
"INPAINT_InpaintWithModel": 21,
"IterativeLatentUpscale": 21,
"Load RetinaFace": 21,
"Crop Face": 21,
"ImageScaleDownBy": 21,
"Text List": 21,
"SDXLPromptStylerbyMileHigh": 21,
"ImageCompositeBy_Zho": 21,
"CR Color Gradient": 21,
"Image Color Shift [Dream]": 21,
"CR Image Border": 20,
"LlavaClipLoader": 20,
"LLava Loader Simple": 20,
"ModelSamplingContinuousEDM": 20,
"Convert Masks to Images": 20,
"Separate Mask Components": 20,
"CR SD1.5 Aspect Ratio": 20,
"LoadImagesFromURL": 20,
"GoogleTranslateTextNode": 20,
"ttN concat": 20,
"Florence2toCoordinates": 20,
"easy ipadapterApply": 20,
"Text Input Switch": 20,
"JoinStringMulti": 20,
"ADE_AnimateDiffModelSettingsSimple": 19,
"Image Bounds": 19,
"LLavaSamplerSimple": 19,
"SDPromptReader": 19,
"KSampler SDXL (Eff.)": 19,
"OllamaGenerateAdvance": 19,
"Mask Invert": 19,
"CR Thumbnail Preview": 19,
"Mask Dominant Region": 19,
"MaskListToMaskBatch": 19,
"SDXLPromptStylerbyLighting": 19,
"SDXLPromptStylerbyCamera": 19,
"SDXLPromptStylerbyFilter": 19,
"InvertMask (segment anything)": 19,
"RemoveNoiseMask": 19,
"NormalizedAmplitudeToNumber": 19,
"RegionalConditioningSimple //Inspire": 19,
"TiledDiffusion": 18,
"Mask Fill Holes": 18,
"LineartStandardPreprocessor": 18,
"Image Saver": 18,
"Mask Gaussian Region": 18,
"IPAdapterCombineEmbeds": 18,
"IPAdapterEmbeds": 18,
"Sampler Selector": 18,
"CLIPMergeSimple": 18,
"KRestartSampler": 18,
"Eff. Loader SDXL": 18,
"RandomInt": 18,
"Seed String": 18,
"ArgosTranslateTextNode": 18,
"Unpack SDXL Tuple": 18,
"Mask To Image (mtb)": 18,
"CR Split String": 18,
"DynamicThresholdingFull": 18,
"CR Simple Text Watermark": 18,
"AnyLinePreprocessor": 18,
"SplitSigmas": 18,
"SDXLPromptStylerbyDepth": 18,
"SDXLPromptStylerbyTimeofDay": 18,
"SDXLPromptStylerbyFocus": 18,
"SDXLPromptStylerbySubject": 18,
"SDXLPromptStylerbyArtist": 18,
"Upscale by Factor with Model (WLSH)": 18,
"NormalizedAmplitudeToGraph": 18,
"BatchAmplitudeSchedule": 18,
"VHS_VideoInfo": 17,
"Color Correct (mtb)": 17,
"FrequencySeparationHSV": 17,
"intToFloat _O": 17,
"ImpactCombineConditionings": 17,
"ICLightApplyMaskGrey": 17,
"Images to RGB": 17,
"AnimalPosePreprocessor": 17,
"PromptSchedule": 17,
"FreeU (Advanced)": 17,
"LatentCompositeMasked": 17,
"Image Paste Face": 17,
"CR Module Pipe Loader": 17,
"APersonMaskGenerator": 17,
"PiDiNetPreprocessor": 16,
"LoraLoaderTagsQuery": 16,
"EnhanceImage": 16,
"KSamplerAdvancedProvider": 16,
"IterativeImageUpscale": 16,
"ImpactSEGSRangeFilter": 16,
"Image Select Color": 16,
"Text_Image_Multiline_Zho": 16,
"show_text_party": 16,
"ACN_ControlNet++LoaderSingle": 16,
"LayerUtility: GetImageSize": 16,
"Color": 16,
"LatentKeyframe": 16,
"ConsoleDebug+": 16,
"BatchCount+": 16,
"ReActorSaveFaceModel": 16,
"TextBox": 16,
"KSampler Cycle": 16,
"Create QR Code": 16,
"DeepDanbooruCaption": 16,
"FileNamePrefix": 16,
"CLIPSeg Model Loader": 16,
"ColorizeDepthmap": 16,
"LayerUtility: CropByMask V2": 16,
"UpscaleImageByUsingModel": 16,
"BAE-NormalMapPreprocessor": 15,
"Inset Image Bounds": 15,
"Scheduler Selector": 15,
"CR Page Layout": 15,
"CascadeResolutions": 15,
"LayerMask: PersonMaskUltra V2": 15,
"ScreenShare": 15,
"LLMSampler": 15,
"BNK_CutoffSetRegions": 15,
"ImpactStringSelector": 15,
"ImpactMakeImageList": 15,
"SDXLPromptStylerbyImpressionism": 15,
"SDXL Prompt Styler (JPS)": 15,
"ImageCompositeRelative": 15,
"Textbox": 15,
"Fans Text Concatenate": 15,
"easy pipeOut": 15,
"easy kSampler": 15,
"ImageResizeAndCropNode": 15,
"VHS_DuplicateImages": 15,
"ImageAndMaskPreview": 14,
"IPAdapterCombineParams": 14,
"easy seed": 14,
"BNK_Unsampler": 14,
"MarigoldDepthEstimation": 14,
"BatchPromptScheduleLatentInput": 14,
"LLM": 14,
"IPAdapterWeights": 14,
"Image Remove Background Rembg (mtb)": 14,
"FloatSlider": 14,
"Robust Video Matting": 14,
"CR String To Combo": 14,
"easy fullkSampler": 14,
"easy negative": 14,
"T5TextEncode": 14,
"Manga2Anime_LineArt_Preprocessor": 14,
"SDXLPromptStylerbyMythicalCreature": 14,
"SDXLPromptStylerbyFantasySetting": 14,
"SDXLPromptbyWildlifeArt": 14,
"SDXLPromptStylerHorror": 14,
"SDXLPromptStylerMisc": 14,
"SDXLPromptStylerbyEnvironment": 14,
"SDXLPromptStylerbySurrealism": 14,
"SDXLPromptbyStreetArt": 14,
"SDXLPromptStylerbyComposition": 14,
"SDXLPromptbyGothicRevival": 14,
"CR Multi Upscale Stack": 14,
"CR Apply Multi Upscale": 14,
"DensePosePreprocessor": 14,
"SDTypeConverter": 14,
"PreviewAudio": 14,
"LayerFilter: GaussianBlur": 14,
"ImpactSEGSToMaskList": 14,
"T5TextEncode #ELLA": 14,
"LamaRemover": 14,
"LayerUtility: ImageMaskScaleAs": 14,
"ToonCrafterInterpolation": 14,
"Image Generate Gradient": 14,
"ChangeImageBatchSize //Inspire": 14,
"Mask Smooth Region": 14,
"Number Input Condition": 14,
"Int-๐Ÿ”ฌ": 14,
"RawText": 14,
"Create Rect Mask": 13,
"TransitionMask+": 13,
"Scribble_XDoG_Preprocessor": 13,
"Load Lora": 13,
"StableCascade_StageC_VAEEncode": 13,
"LayerStyle: DropShadow": 13,
"StyleAlignedBatchAlign": 13,
"CR Simple Prompt List": 13,
"SegmDetectorSEGS": 13,
"SetUnionControlNetType": 13,
"BlendInpaint": 13,
"Noise Control Script": 13,
"SDXLPromptStylerAll": 13,
"Empty Latent Ratio Select SDXL": 13,
"ImageClamp": 13,
"ImageCropByRatio": 13,
"LoadFluxIPAdapter": 13,
"FaceAnalysisModels": 13,
"TextNode": 13,
"VividSharpen": 13,
"LoadAndResizeImage": 13,
"InpaintCrop": 13,
"FreeU_V2 (Advanced)": 13,
"FlatLatentsIntoSingleGrid": 13,
"AudioPlay": 13,
"JjkShowText": 13,
"Number Counter": 13,
"ImpactControlBridge": 13,
"BNK_TiledKSampler": 12,
"IPAdapterFromParams": 12,
"BooleanPrimitive": 12,
"ModelSamplingStableCascade": 12,
"ExpressionEditor": 12,
"PhotoMakerStyles": 12,
"LivePortraitComposite": 12,
"LLM_api_loader": 12,
"LayerUtility: ImageRemoveAlpha": 12,
"PhotoMakerLoader": 12,
"SDXL Resolutions (JPS)": 12,
"Gemini_API_Zho": 12,
"unCLIPCheckpointLoader": 12,
"ApplyFluxIPAdapter": 12,
"ADE_AnimateDiffModelSettings": 12,
"0246.JunctionBatch": 12,
"AB SamplerCustom (experimental)": 12,
"LatentFromBatch": 12,
"LayerUtility: ImageCombineAlpha": 12,
"mxSlider2D": 12,
"GateNormalizedAmplitude": 12,
"Masks Add": 12,
"FluxTrainSave": 12,
"FluxTrainLoop": 12,
"FluxTrainValidate": 12,
"VisualizeLoss": 12,
"RegionalIPAdapterColorMask //Inspire": 12,
"ConvertImg": 12,
"ImpactRemoteBoolean": 12,
"easy ipadapterApplyADV": 12,
"ConditioningCombineMultiple+": 11,
"InstantX Flux Union ControlNet Loader": 11,
"ImageScaleDownToSize": 11,
"Automatic CFG - Warp Drive": 11,
"easy boolean": 11,
"LayeredDiffusionApply": 11,
"CogVideoSampler": 11,
"CogVideoDecode": 11,
"DownloadAndLoadCogVideoModel": 11,
"ImageFlip+": 11,
"LayerUtility: LaMa": 11,
"RecommendedResCalc": 11,
"ImageDesaturate+": 11,
"easy imageScaleDownToSize": 11,
"ttN pipeKSampler": 11,
"RegionalPrompt": 11,
"Image Input Switch": 11,
"LivePortraitLoadCropper": 11,
"easy clearCacheAll": 11,
"ImageBatchMultiple+": 11,
"LayerUtility: ExtendCanvas": 11,
"FaceKeypointsPreprocessor": 11,
"CR Comic Panel Templates": 11,
"easy fullLoader": 11,
"ETN_ApplyMaskToImage": 11,
"easy imageChooser": 11,
"DualCLIPLoaderGGUF": 11,
"AnimateDiffModuleLoader": 11,
"AnimateDiffSampler": 11,
"Aegisflow Image Pass": 11,
"LatentSwitch": 11,
"LayerColor: ColorAdapter": 11,
"LaMaInpaint": 11,
"CropMask": 11,
"easy promptReplace": 11,
"CR Draw Shape": 11,
"easy comfyLoader": 11,
"Prompt Weight (WLSH)": 11,
"RandomPrompt": 11,
"CR Random Hex Color": 11,
"ImageFromBatch+": 11,
"PrimerePrompt": 11,
"ImpactCompare": 11,
"CR Data Bus Out": 11,
"FluxLoraLoader": 11,
"ModelClamp": 11,
"LatentUpscaler": 11,
"easy controlnetLoader": 11,
"NormalizeAmplitude": 11,
"FusionText": 11,
"VAEDecodeTiled_TiledDiffusion": 10,
"StableZero123_Conditioning": 10,
"HyperTile": 10,
"VHS_VAEEncodeBatched": 10,
"LivePortraitLoadMediaPipeCropper": 10,
"DownloadAndLoadChatGLM3": 10,
"IPAdapterClipVisionEnhancer": 10,
"CreateGradientFromCoords": 10,
"Wildcard Processor": 10,
"VHS_DuplicateLatents": 10,
"WildcardEncode //Inspire": 10,
"ADMD_TrainLora": 10,
"ADMD_SaveLora": 10,
"ADMD_ValidationSampler": 10,
"FeatheredMask": 10,
"IsMaskEmpty": 10,
"Pack SDXL Tuple": 10,
"CheckpointSave": 10,
"PhotoMakerEncode": 10,
"DiffControlNetLoaderAdvanced": 10,
"SaveImageExtended": 10,
"ImageSizeAndBatchSize": 10,
"CR Simple Banner": 10,
"LayerUtility: TextJoin": 10,
"LayerMask: BiRefNetUltra": 10,
"Blend Latents": 10,
"AnimateDiffCombine": 10,
"CfgScheduleHookProvider": 10,
"VHS_LoadAudio": 10,
"SEGSToImageList": 10,
"SeargePromptText": 10,
"CR Clip Input Switch": 10,
"TextSplitByDelimiter": 10,
"LayerMask: MaskInvert": 10,
"FlipSigmas": 10,
"SDXLPromptStylerbyOriginal": 10,
"ShufflePreprocessor": 10,
"LatentInterpolate": 10,
"CR Random Shape Pattern": 10,
"DownloadAndLoadCLIPVisionModel": 10,
"DownloadAndLoadCLIPModel": 10,
"BNK_CLIPTextEncodeSDXLAdvanced": 10,
"ImpactValueReceiver": 10,
"DownloadAndLoadDynamiCrafterModel": 10,
"LayerUtility: ImageBlendAdvance V2": 10,
"LayerMask: SegformerB2ClothesUltra": 10,
"Width/Height Literal (Image Saver)": 10,
"CR Integer Multiple": 10,
"ImpactRemoteInt": 10,
"String Literal (Image Saver)": 10,
"AV_ControlNetEfficientStacker": 10,
"easy pipeIn": 10,
"SD_4XUpscale_Conditioning": 9,
"FakeScribblePreprocessor": 9,
"DetailerForEachPipe": 9,
"DWPreprocessor_Provider_for_SEGS //Inspire": 9,
"Image Padding": 9,
"Save Image w/Metadata": 9,
"MediaPipeFaceMeshDetectorProvider //Inspire": 9,
"Image Style Filter": 9,
"LoadAudio": 9,
"RegionalConditioningColorMask //Inspire": 9,
"ttN pipeLoader": 9,
"JoinStrings": 9,
"MaskDetailerPipe": 9,
"PerturbedAttention": 9,
"InspyrenetRembg": 9,
"PhotoMakerEncodePlus": 9,
"PixelKSampleUpscalerProviderPipe": 9,
"MaskToSEGS_for_AnimateDiff": 9,
"VideoTriangleCFGGuidance": 9,
"MediaPipe-FaceMeshPreprocessor": 9,
"ReActorMaskHelper": 9,
"SDXLPromptStylerAdvanced": 9,
"LoadImageListFromDir //Inspire": 9,
"AnimeFace_SemSegPreprocessor": 9,
"VHS_SelectEveryNthImage": 9,
"Image Select Channel": 9,
"ELLALoader": 9,
"T5TextEncoderLoader #ELLA": 9,
"ReActorFaceBoost": 9,
"XY Plot": 9,
"DepthAnything_V2": 9,
"DownloadAndLoadDepthAnythingV2Model": 9,
"ImpactConcatConditionings": 9,
"easy imagePixelPerfect": 9,
"PixArtCheckpointLoader": 9,
"SwitchByIndex": 9,
"SeargePreviewImage": 9,
"Resolutions by Ratio (WLSH)": 9,
"Image Crop Square Location": 9,
"LayerUtility: QWenImage2Prompt": 9,
"ColorBlend": 9,
"FaceEmbedDistance": 9,
"CosyVoiceNode": 9,
"AutoCropFaces": 9,
"ImageTextOutlined": 9,
"IPAdapterModelHelper //Inspire": 9,
"StringToInt": 9,
"easy preSampling": 9,
"ChatGPT compact _O": 9,
"SDAnyConverter": 9,
"ImpactValueSender": 9,
"Image Canny Filter": 9,
"SeargeIntegerPair": 9,
"PortraitMaster": 9,
"InspyrenetRembgAdvanced": 9,
"BRIAAI Matting": 9,
"ConditioningSetAreaPercentage": 9,
"easy imageScaleDown": 9,
"FadeMaskEdges": 9,
"CR Seamless Checker": 9,
"ImageSizeInfo": 9,
"DownloadAndLoadKolorsModel": 9,
"KolorsSampler": 9,
"KolorsTextEncode": 9,
"SolidColorRGB": 9,
"LayerFilter: HDREffects": 9,
"Load Text File": 9,
"StableAudio_": 9,
"easy imageColorMatch": 8,
"AuraSR.AuraSRUpscaler": 8,
"PreviewLatentAdvanced": 8,
"M-LSDPreprocessor": 8,
"UniFormer-SemSegPreprocessor": 8,
"MiDaS-NormalMapPreprocessor": 8,
"DZ_Face_Detailer": 8,
"ADE_BatchedContextOptions": 8,
"Model Switch (JPS)": 8,
"LightSource": 8,
"CR Text Blacklist": 8,
"LayeredDiffusionDecodeRGBA": 8,
"PowerPaint": 8,
"PowerPaintCLIPLoader": 8,
"Image Rotate": 8,
"ImageGridComposite2x2": 8,
"CR Prompt List": 8,
"LoadVideo": 8,
"PerpNegGuider": 8,
"CR Apply Model Merge": 8,
"CR Model Merge Stack": 8,
"ToDetailerPipe": 8,
"SEGSDetailer": 8,
"CR Integer Range List": 8,
"ReverseImageBatch": 8,
"SD3NegativeConditioning+": 8,
"FloatingVideo": 8,
"SaveImageWithMetaData": 8,
"ImpactDecomposeSEGS": 8,
"ImpactFrom_SEG_ELT": 8,
"LayerUtility: ColorImage": 8,
"PixelKSampleHookCombine": 8,
"DenoiseScheduleHookProvider": 8,
"ChromaticAberration": 8,
"CR Set Value On Boolean": 8,
"ImpactMinMax": 8,
"Unary Image Op": 8,
"RemoveControlNet //Inspire": 8,
"LayerMask: PersonMaskUltra": 8,
"ImpactMakeTileSEGS": 8,
"ImageQuantize": 8,
"easy promptConcat": 8,
"CR Image Pipe Out": 8,
"LatentComposite": 8,
"PrimereDynamicParser": 8,
"DownloadAndLoadMimicMotionModel": 8,
"MimicMotionSampler": 8,
"Bounded Image Blend with Mask": 8,
"LayerUtility: RestoreCropBox": 8,
"OutlineMask": 8,
"CreatePromptVariant": 8,
"VHS_GetLatentCount": 8,
"ImpactConvertDataType": 8,
"RemapDepth": 8,
"LatentCrop": 8,
"CR Apply ControlNet": 8,
"ImageLuminanceDetector": 8,
"Save Images Mikey": 8,
"LoraInfo": 8,
"BlendModes": 8,
"RetrieveBackendData //Inspire": 8,
"easy controlnetLoaderADV": 8,
"Joytag": 8,
"Image Stitch": 8,
"Any To Any": 8,
"BNK_GetSigma": 8,
"SDXLAspectRatio": 7,
"SmoothMask": 7,
"OneFormer-ADE20K-SemSegPreprocessor": 7,
"LatentBatchSeedBehavior": 7,
"CR Combine Prompt": 7,
"SamplerDPMPP_2M_SDE": 7,
"FrequencySeparation": 7,
"LayerMask: MaskEdgeUltraDetail V2": 7,
"Masks Subtract": 7,
"PoseNode": 7,
"Date Time Format": 7,
"IPAdapterPromptScheduleFromWeightsStrategy": 7,
"CR Simple Prompt List Keyframes": 7,
"Image Flip": 7,
"AlphaChanelAddByMask": 7,
"MiDaS_DepthMap_Preprocessor_Provider_for_SEGS //Inspire": 7,
"PrepareImageAndMaskForInpaint": 7,
"ApplyPulidAdvanced": 7,
"SubtractMaskForEach": 7,
"Image High Pass Filter": 7,
"Image Film Grain": 7,
"CR Batch Images From List": 7,
"LayeredDiffusionDecode": 7,
"ImageBatchRepeatInterleaving": 7,
"VRAM_Debug": 7,
"ImpactEdit_SEG_ELT": 7,
"ImpactAssembleSEGS": 7,
"ImpactSEGSPicker": 7,
"Image Batch": 7,
"Image Monitor Effects Filter": 7,
"T5v11Loader": 7,
"LatentPixelScale": 7,
"Canvas_Tab": 7,
"ttN pipeKSamplerAdvanced": 7,
"MiniCPM_VQA": 7,
"Glow": 7,
"ImageFilterGaussianBlur": 7,
"KSamplerAdvanced (WLSH)": 7,
"MeshGraphormer+ImpactDetector-DepthMapPreprocessor": 7,
"Colored Image (mtb)": 7,
"easy compare": 7,
"easy imageSwitch": 7,
"AV_ControlNetEfficientLoaderAdvanced": 7,
"Float Literal (Image Saver)": 7,
"ImageGenResolutionFromLatent": 7,
"AV_VAELoader": 7,
"ImageCombine": 7,
"MimicMotionDecode": 7,
"MimicMotionGetPoses": 7,
"ToonCrafterDecode": 7,
"Crop Image TargetSize (JPS)": 7,
"ImpactSegsAndMask": 7,
"CM_NumberUnaryOperation": 7,
"CR Data Bus In": 7,
"BboxDetectorCombined_v2": 7,
"KepStringLiteral": 7,
"InpaintStitch": 7,
"PrimereAnyOutput": 7,
"EmbeddingPrompt": 7,
"YANC.ConcatStrings": 7,
"Mask Dilate Region": 7,
"MaskBatch+": 7,
"๐Ÿ”นPhotoshop ComfyUI Plugin": 7,
"๐Ÿ”นSendTo Photoshop Plugin": 7,
"RawTextCombine": 7,
"Vae Decode (mtb)": 7,
"BNK_NoisyLatentImage": 6,
"VHS_VAEDecodeBatched": 6,
"PortraitMasterSkinDetails": 6,
"LoadImageFromUrl": 6,
"ImageRepeat": 6,
"BatchValueScheduleLatentInput": 6,
"FL_SDUltimate_Slices": 6,
"ImageComposite+": 6,
"FacialPartColoringFromPoseKps": 6,
"PhotoMakerLoaderPlus": 6,
"LivePortraitNode": 6,
"LivePortraitLoadFaceAlignmentCropper": 6,
"DetailerForEachPipeForAnimateDiff": 6,
"DenoiseSchedulerDetailerHookProvider": 6,
"ADE_AnimateDiffUnload": 6,
"SAMDetectorSegmented": 6,
"ImageEffectsGrayscale": 6,
"VHS_BatchManager": 6,
"LayerMask: RemBgUltra": 6,
"StringConstantMultiline": 6,
"JDCN_SwapInputs": 6,
"PointsEditor": 6,
"ImageListToBatch+": 6,
"IFRNet VFI": 6,
"Joy_caption": 6,
"Joy_caption_load": 6,
"AnimateDiffSlidingWindowOptions": 6,
"SDXL Resolutions (WLSH)": 6,
"CR Color Bars": 6,
"DrawText+": 6,
"Int To Number (mtb)": 6,
"easy promptList": 6,
"NewLayer": 6,
"MasksToMaskList": 6,
"BLIPCaption": 6,
"ReActorFaceSwapOpt": 6,
"CR Image Panel": 6,
"BatchCreativeInterpolation": 6,
"SV3D_Conditioning": 6,
"BilboXPhotoPrompt": 6,
"CR Text Operation": 6,
"LayerUtility: SaveImagePlus": 6,
"CR Binary Pattern": 6,
"CR String To Number": 6,
"PrimereClearPrompt": 6,
"BatchValueSchedule": 6,
"Image Load": 6,
"DiffusersGenerator": 6,
"PreviewMask_": 6,
"LoadCLIPSegModels+": 6,
"ApplyCLIPSeg+": 6,
"LayerUtility: String": 6,
"AnyNodeLocal": 6,
"Logic Boolean Primitive": 6,
"LayerColor: AutoAdjustV2": 6,
"SEGSSwitch": 6,
"LayerMask: RmBgUltra V2": 6,
"ComfyUIStyler": 6,
"ChineseCLIPEncode": 6,
"CatVTONWrapper": 6,
"MeshGraphormerDepthMapPreprocessorProvider_for_SEGS //Inspire": 6,
"EllaEncode": 6,
"String Replace (mtb)": 6,
"Conditioning Input Switch": 6,
"MaskFromList+": 6,
"ConditioningSetAreaStrength": 6,
"Image Power Noise": 6,
"Unary Mask Op": 6,
"ConditioningClamp": 6,
"Intrinsic_lora_sampling": 6,
"Checkpoint Loader with Name (Image Saver)": 6,
"Int Literal (Image Saver)": 6,
"Number to Int": 6,
"ImpactNegativeConditioningPlaceholder": 6,
"MorphologicOperation": 6,
"PreviewBridgeLatent": 6,
"LayerUtility: ImageScaleRestore V2": 6,
"LayerMask: MaskBoxDetect": 6,
"IF_PromptMkr": 6,
"easy a1111Loader": 6,
"LoadPromptsFromFile //Inspire": 6,
"UnzipPrompt //Inspire": 6,
"ImpactDilateMaskInSEGS": 6,
"Griptape Create: Rules": 6,
"FlowBuilder": 6,
"CR Text Cycler": 6,
"DualCFGGuider": 5,
"InstructPixToPixConditioning": 5,
"VAEEncodeTiled_TiledDiffusion": 5,
"EmptyLatentImagePresets": 5,
"BinaryPreprocessor": 5,
"Save Images No Display": 5,
"Florence2ModelLoader": 5,
"IPAdapterTiledBatch": 5,
"PortraitMasterStylePose": 5,
"PortraitMasterMakeup": 5,
"PortraitMasterBaseCharacter": 5,
"MaraScottUpscalerRefinerNode_v3": 5,
"SUPIR_model_loader": 5,
"PreviewPopup": 5,
"ACN_SparseCtrlIndexMethodNode": 5,
"GenerateNoise": 5,
"Image Color Palette": 5,
"CombineRegionalPrompts": 5,
"PrepImagesForClipVisionFromPath": 5,
"PhotoMakerInsightFaceLoader": 5,
"LayerColor: Levels": 5,
"Mix Color By Mask": 5,
"GetKeyFrames": 5,
"ttN text3BOX_3WAYconcat": 5,
"PrimereCKPTLoader": 5,
"PrimereSeed": 5,
"SetEllaTimesteps": 5,
"CR SDXL Base Prompt Encoder": 5,
"CR Text List": 5,
"LoraTagLoader": 5,
"FS: Fit Size From Image": 5,
"LivePortraitRetargeting": 5,
"Range(Num Steps) - Float": 5,
"Model Input Switch": 5,
"ACN_ControlNet++InputNode": 5,
"ACN_ControlNet++LoaderAdvanced": 5,
"Number Input Switch": 5,
"PencilSketch": 5,
"LoadImagesToBatch": 5,
"easy if": 5,
"GridAnnotation": 5,
"Simple String Combine (WLSH)": 5,
"LatentBatch": 5,
"0246.Merge": 5,
"QWenVL_API_S_Zho": 5,
"Image Pixelate": 5,
"BLIPLoader": 5,
"ImageRGBA2RGB": 5,
"PromptGenerator": 5,
"SplitSigmasDenoise": 5,
"CircularVAEDecode": 5,
"Integer Variable [n-suite]": 5,
"String Variable [n-suite]": 5,
"CR Text List To String": 5,
"CR Random Multiline Values": 5,
"preview_mask": 5,
"AudioToFFTs": 5,
"AV_ControlNetEfficientLoader": 5,
"GlobalSampler //Inspire": 5,
"TTPlanet_TileSimple_Preprocessor": 5,
"CCSR_Upscale": 5,
"CCSR_Model_Select": 5,
"TrainDatasetAdd": 5,
"SaveVideo [n-suite]": 5,
"LayerColor: Exposure": 5,
"Color Blend": 5,
"BNK_SlerpLatent": 5,
"MoondreamQuery": 5,
"GetImageRangeFromBatch": 5,
"ModelSamplingAuraFlow": 5,
"CR Composite Text": 5,
"PixArtResolutionSelect": 5,
"LLavaSamplerAdvanced": 5,
"TEEDPreprocessor": 5,
"CivitAI_Checkpoint_Loader": 5,
"ImageBatchGet": 5,
"DSINE-NormalMapPreprocessor": 5,
"ColorModEdges": 5,
"ColorModPivot": 5,
"ImpactWildcardEncode": 5,
"HYDiTTextEncodeSimple": 5,
"xy_Tiling_KSampler": 5,
"ToImageList": 5,
"easy humanSegmentation": 5,
"LayerUtility: ImageBlend V2": 5,
"LayerMask: CreateGradientMask": 5,
"SimpleMath": 5,
"easy imageToMask": 5,
"AlphaChanelAsMask": 5,
"EmbeddingPicker": 5,
"CR Load Image List": 5,
"Latent Switch (JPS)": 5,
"Mask Batch to Mask": 5,
"ModelMergeSubtract": 4,
"VHS_LoadAudioUpload": 4,
"SAMPreprocessor": 4,
"PreviewAnimation": 4,
"JDC_Contrast": 4,
"SDXL Empty Latent Image": 4,
"HDR Effects (SuperBeasts.AI)": 4,
"LayerColor: AutoBrightness": 4,
"TCDScheduler": 4,
"NoiseInjectionDetailerHookProvider": 4,
"InjectNoiseToLatent": 4,
"CompositeImages_": 4,
"ImageBatchSplitter //Inspire": 4,
"BOPBTL_ScratchMask": 4,
"BOPBTL_RestoreOldPhotos": 4,
"BOPBTL_LoadScratchMaskModel": 4,
"BOPBTL_LoadRestoreOldPhotosModel": 4,
"ComfyUI_Image_Round__ImageRoundAdvanced": 4,
"ComfyUI_Image_Round__ImageCropAdvanced": 4,
"Hina.PoseEditor3D": 4,
"FloatRange //Inspire": 4,
"LayerUtility: GetColorTone": 4,
"RegionalSampler": 4,
"PreViewVideo": 4,
"TomePatchModel": 4,
"Int2String": 4,
"YouTubeVideoLoader": 4,
"Automatic CFG - Preset Loader": 4,
"Image Compare (mtb)": 4,
"load_persona": 4,
"ImageCompositeAbsoluteByContainer": 4,
"GMFSS Fortuna VFI": 4,
"BNK_CutoffBasePrompt": 4,
"ImpactSEGSLabelFilter": 4,
"PrimerePreviewImage": 4,
"RAUNet": 4,
"CR Save Text To File": 4,
"Mix Images By Mask": 4,
"VHS_VideoInfoLoaded": 4,
"SimpleMathInt+": 4,
"TextConcat": 4,
"get_string": 4,
"brushnet_model_loader": 4,
"brushnet_sampler": 4,
"IPAdapterClipVisionEnhancerBatch": 4,
"VHS_SplitMasks": 4,
"smZ Settings": 4,
"JDCN_VHSFileMover": 4,
"LayerUtility: TextBox": 4,
"ComfyWordCloud": 4,
"LayerUtility: TextImage": 4,
"ImageColorToMask": 4,
"XY Input: CFG Scale": 4,
"seed _O": 4,
"Solarize": 4,
"LayerUtility: SD3NegativeConditioning": 4,
"XY Input: Sampler/Scheduler": 4,
"If ANY return A else B-๐Ÿ”ฌ": 4,
"FaceBoundingBox": 4,
"reBatchImage": 4,
"VHS_AudioToVHSAudio": 4,
"Apply Whisper": 4,
"Any List": 4,
"JWImageResizeByShorterSide": 4,
"ttN float": 4,
"ImagesGridByRows": 4,
"Grayscale Image (WLSH)": 4,
"MergeLayers": 4,
"LayerMask: MaskGradient": 4,
"EllaApply": 4,
"KSamplerRAVE": 4,
"Remove Image Background (abg)": 4,
"ReActorOptions": 4,
"CLIP Temperature": 4,
"BlurMaskFast": 4,
"LoadRandomImage": 4,
"PGSD3LatentGenerator": 4,
"RandomIntegerNode": 4,
"DisableNoise": 4,
"InjectLatentNoise+": 4,
"STMFNet VFI": 4,
"FromListGet1Image": 4,
"Kep_RepeatList": 4,
"CR Intertwine Lists": 4,
"LayerUtility: PromptTagger": 4,
"Latent Input Switch": 4,
"CLIP Positive-Negative (WLSH)": 4,
"PrimerePromptOrganizer": 4,
"PrimereVisualStyle": 4,
"PrimereVisualCKPT": 4,
"PrimerePromptSwitch": 4,
"PrimereEmbeddingHandler": 4,
"PrimereNetworkTagLoader": 4,
"PrimereResolution": 4,
"PrimereLatentNoise": 4,
"PrimereCLIPEncoder": 4,
"PrimereKSampler": 4,
"segformer_clothes": 4,
"DiffusersScheduler": 4,
"DynamiCrafterModelLoader": 4,
"DiffusersCompelPromptEmbedding": 4,
"DiffusersPipeline": 4,
"Style Conditioner": 4,
"XY Input: Clip Skip": 4,
"ZeST: Grayout Subject": 4,
"LayerMask: SegmentAnythingUltra": 4,
"StringConcatenate": 4,
"ConditioningMultiCombine": 4,
"CM_FloatUnaryOperation": 4,
"OneButtonFlufferize": 4,
"SeargeIntegerMath": 4,
"ToIPAdapterPipe //Inspire": 4,
"ApplyRegionalIPAdapters //Inspire": 4,
"FileNamePrefixDateDirFirst": 4,
"ImageFilterBlur": 4,
"Seed Generator (Image Saver)": 4,
"CLIPTextEncodeSDXL+": 4,
"Empty Latent by Ratio (WLSH)": 4,
"LayerUtility: Florence2Image2Prompt": 4,
"LayerMask: LoadFlorence2Model": 4,
"PromptComposerTextSingle": 4,
"LatentInterposer": 4,
"FLUXResolutions": 4,
"PrimereRefinerPrompt": 4,
"PrimereImageSegments": 4,
"PrimereAnyDetailer": 4,
"CLIPTextEncodeWithWeight //Inspire": 4,
"TagsSelector": 4,
"LoraLoaderStackedAdvanced": 4,
"Cfg Literal (Image Saver)": 4,
"VaeClamp": 4,
"easy prompt": 4,
"Remap": 4,
"FromListGetImages": 4,
"ADE_AnimateDiffLoaderV1Advanced": 4,
"ImageColorMatch+": 4,
"GLIGENTextBoxApply": 4,
"DynamiCrafterI2V": 4,
"SaveImageAndMetadata_": 4,
"SimpleMathSlider+": 4,
"TagsFormater": 4,
"CR Value": 4,
"BiRefNet": 4,
"CR Text Length": 4,
"LoadImageWithAlpha": 4,
"EmptyLatentAudio": 4,
"VAEDecodeAudio": 4,
"PromptControlSimple": 4,
"JjkText": 4,
"ttN pipeIN": 4,
"LayerStyle: Stroke V2": 4,
"DiffusersControlnetUnit": 4,
"MicrosoftSpeech_TTS": 4,
"Play Sound": 4,
"ImageGridComposite3x3": 4,
"IF_DisplayText": 4,
"CR Select ISO Size": 4,
"IPAdapterUnifiedLoaderCommunity": 4,
"FrameMakerBatch": 4,
"Number to Float": 4,
"ConcatConditionEllaEmbeds": 4,
"LayerColor: Color of Shadow & Highlight": 4,
"CalculateFrameOffset": 4,
"Masks Combine Regions": 4,
"YANC.MultilineString": 4,
"LayerUtility: GetColorToneV2": 4,
"LayerUtility: ExtendCanvasV2": 4,
"JDCN_SplitString": 4,
"ModelMergeAdd": 3,
"Add Magic Clothing Attention": 3,
"Load Magic Clothing Model": 3,
"Image Resize To Width": 3,
"LayerMask: ImageToMask": 3,
"Video Dump Frames": 3,
"easy applyFooocusInpaint": 3,
"CreateShapeImageOnPath": 3,
"UltraPixelLoad": 3,
"UltraPixelProcess": 3,
"ArgosTranslateCLIPTextEncodeNode": 3,
"LoraLoaderStackedVanilla": 3,
"KRestartSamplerAdv": 3,
"LoraStackLoader_PoP": 3,
"LatentSender": 3,
"LatentReceiver": 3,
"LoadImage //Inspire": 3,
"KfEvaluateCurveAtT": 3,
"KfCurveFromString": 3,
"WebcamCaptureCV2": 3,
"Screencap_mss": 3,
"LoadChatGLM3": 3,
"Tensor Batch to Image": 3,
"OneButtonPreset": 3,
"Linear Camera Zoom [DVB]": 3,
"CutForInpaint": 3,
"EllaTextEncode": 3,
"LayerMask: Shadow & Highlight Mask": 3,
"ImageApplyLUT+": 3,
"GPT4VisionNode": 3,
"VHS_VideoInfoSource": 3,
"HD UltimateSDUpscale": 3,
"LayerColor: AutoAdjust": 3,
"LayerColor: ColorTemperature": 3,
"load_file": 3,
"advance_ebd_tool": 3,
"FluxSamplerParams+": 3,
"CreateShapeMaskOnPath": 3,
"ImagePadForOutpaintMasked": 3,
"Tiled Upscaler Script": 3,
"VHS_SplitLatents": 3,
"ImageSmartSharpen+": 3,
"GetMaskSizeAndCount": 3,
"easy sliderControl": 3,
"Blur (mtb)": 3,
"LLMLoader": 3,
"ttN seed": 3,
"Big Image Switch [Dream]": 3,
"EulerLightingNode": 3,
"PreViewAudio": 3,
"Image Shadows and Highlights": 3,
"ColorTint": 3,
"Parabolize": 3,
"Quantize": 3,
"SineWave": 3,
"AsciiArt": 3,
"Aegisflow controlnet preprocessor bus": 3,
"PromptBuilder //Inspire": 3,
"DynamiCrafterLoader": 3,
"CLIPSegDetectorProvider": 3,
"XY Input: Seeds++ Batch": 3,
"Compare-๐Ÿ”ฌ": 3,
"TextImage": 3,
"PromptExtractor //Inspire": 3,
"String Input": 3,
"FaceCropInfo": 3,
"GetImage_(Width&Height) _O": 3,
"CreateGradientMask": 3,
"SeargeSDXLSampler": 3,
"ImagesGridByColumns": 3,
"Griptape Display: Text": 3,
"PipelineLoader": 3,
"IDM-VTON": 3,
"CogVideoImageEncode": 3,
"TransparentImage": 3,
"MediaPipeFaceMeshToSEGS": 3,
"Eden_Compare": 3,
"LuminaT2ISampler": 3,
"LuminaGemmaTextEncode": 3,
"DownloadAndLoadGemmaModel": 3,
"DownloadAndLoadLuminaModel": 3,
"color2RGB": 3,
"CropImage_AS": 3,
"Mask By Text": 3,
"ConditioningSetMaskAndCombine": 3,
"ImpactIPAdapterApplySEGS": 3,
"CLIP_Interrogator": 3,
"LayerMask: MaskEdgeUltraDetail": 3,
"CR VAE Decode": 3,
"CR Halftone Grid": 3,
"AdainImage": 3,
"StringMergerNode": 3,
"DownloadAndLoadFlorence2Lora": 3,
"TileMerge": 3,
"TileCalc": 3,
"TileSplit": 3,
"Batch Unsampler": 3,
"Iterative Mixing KSampler Advanced": 3,
"PortraitMaster_ไธญๆ–‡็‰ˆ": 3,
"ArithmeticBlend": 3,
"SamplerTCD EulerA": 3,
"ToonCrafterNode": 3,
"ToStringList": 3,
"easy globalSeed": 3,
"CR Image Pipe In": 3,
"Masks Combine Batch": 3,
"AnyNode": 3,
"PrimereModelConceptSelector": 3,
"PrimereConceptDataTuple": 3,
"ReActorBuildFaceModel": 3,
"JjkConcat": 3,
"LayerUtility: CropByMask": 3,
"SDXLPromptStylerbySteamPunkRealism": 3,
"Sam2VideoSegmentationAddPoints": 3,
"Mask Contour": 3,
"MakeBasicPipe //Inspire": 3,
"InitFluxLoRATraining": 3,
"OptimizerConfig": 3,
"FluxTrainValidationSettings": 3,
"FluxTrainModelSelect": 3,
"FluxTrainEnd": 3,
"TrainDatasetGeneralConfig": 3,
"ImageConcatFromBatch": 3,
"LoadVideo [n-suite]": 3,
"CR Image Size": 3,
"JWImageContrast": 3,
"Miaoshouai_Tagger": 3,
"JWMaskResize": 3,
"Image Edge Detection Filter": 3,
"ttN imageREMBG": 3,
"ImpactQueueTriggerCountdown": 3,
"PreviewLatent": 3,
"Suggester": 3,
"AttentionCoupleRegion": 3,
"BatchUncropAdvanced": 3,
"PrimereModelKeyword": 3,
"PrimereAestheticCKPTScorer": 3,
"Sampler Selector (Image Saver)": 3,
"Scheduler Selector (Image Saver)": 3,
"ImageIntensityDetector": 3,
"SemSegPreprocessor": 3,
"Image Median Filter": 3,
"SaveImageOpenEXR": 3,
"ValueSchedule": 3,
"EG_ZY_WBK": 3,
"SeargeFloatConstant": 3,
"SeargeSDXLPromptEncoder": 3,
"CR Switch Model and CLIP": 3,
"SetMetadataForSaveVideo [n-suite]": 3,
"HYDiTCheckpointLoader": 3,
"HYDiTTextEncoderLoader": 3,
"ImageTransformCropAbsolute": 3,
"JWImageFlip": 3,
"GLIGENLoader": 3,
"KSamplerPipe //Inspire": 3,
"Fooocus_KSampler": 3,
"LatentRotate": 3,
"Attention couple": 3,
"LayerMask: YoloV8Detect": 3,
"CacheBackendData //Inspire": 3,
"SimpleMathFloat+": 3,
"easy preSamplingAdvanced": 3,
"easy imageSave": 3,
"TCDModelSamplingDiscrete": 3,
"TaraPrompter": 3,
"TaraApiKeyLoader": 3,
"IPAdapterWeightsFromStrategy": 3,
"OmostRenderCanvasConditioningNode": 3,
"OmostLayoutCondNode": 3,
"Mask Erode Region": 3,
"JWImageExtractFromBatch": 3,
"LatentMultiply": 3,
"LayerMask: MaskStroke": 3,
"SeedSelector": 3,
"OneButtonArtify": 3,
"ConditionText": 3,
"MultiLoraLoader-70bf3d77": 3,
"LoraTextExtractor-b1f83aa2": 3,
"ADE_AnimateDiffModelSettings_Release": 3,
"ImageMerger": 3,
"BatchCropFromMask": 3,
"LayerUtility: CropBoxResolve": 3,
"Image Tile Offset (mtb)": 3,
"DiffusersControlnetLoader": 3,
"segformer_b2_clothes": 3,
"Power-Law Noise (PPF Noise)": 3,
"KepRotateImage": 3,
"LatentFlip": 3,
"TransientAmplitudeBasic": 3,
"Gemini_15P_API_S_Advance_Zho": 3,
"Text String Truncate": 3,
"MuseTalkRun": 3,
"CR Trigger": 3,
"Text Compare": 3,
"Generation Parameter Output": 3,
"LeRes_DepthMap_Preprocessor_Provider_for_SEGS //Inspire": 3,
"PromptExpansion": 3,
"ACN_ReferencePreprocessor": 3,
"FaceParsingResultsParser(FaceParsing)": 3,
"easy instantIDApply": 3,
"> Text": 3,
"> Save Image": 3,
"CXH_Min2_6_prompt_Run": 3,
"CXH_HG_Model_Load": 3,
"LayerColor: ColorBalance": 3,
"Crop (mtb)": 3,
"Kep_JoinListAny": 3,
"mxSlider": 3,
"easy preSamplingDynamicCFG": 3,
"Latent Adjustment (PPF Noise)": 3,
"SelectNthMask //Inspire": 3,
"easy imageDetailTransfer": 3,
"diffusers_model_loader": 3,
"LoadICLightUnetDiffusers": 3,
"iclight_diffusers_sampler": 3,
"easy string": 3,
"ConcatenateText": 3,
"Eden_Int": 3,
"FL_ColorPicker": 3,
"ttN pipeOUT": 3,
"LoraListNames": 3,
"AddAlpha": 3,
"IPAdapterFaceIDKolors": 2,
"Image Voronoi Noise Filter": 2,
"EmptyLatentImageScaleBy": 2,
"easy ckptNames": 2,
"GetImagesFromBatchIndexed": 2,
"AnyAspectRatio": 2,
"CLIP Vector Sculptor text encode": 2,
"JDC_RandNoise": 2,
"LayerFilter: SoftLight": 2,
"DebugTensorShape+": 2,
"ETN_CropImage": 2,
"RGB_Image_Zho": 2,
"LLLiteLoader": 2,
"AdvancedLivePortrait": 2,
"CaptureWebcam": 2,
"LayerUtility: GradientImage V2": 2,
"ADMD_ValidationSettings": 2,
"ADMD_InitializeTraining": 2,
"ADMD_AdditionalModelSelect": 2,
"ADMD_CheckpointLoader": 2,
"Flatten Colors": 2,
"MimicMotionNode": 2,
"DeepCache": 2,
"BizyAir_MinusZoneChatGLM3TextEncode": 2,
"FluxPromptGenerator": 2,
"ReferenceOnlySimple": 2,
"RegionalPromptColorMask //Inspire": 2,
"CLIP Positive-Negative XL w/Text (WLSH)": 2,
"AV_CheckpointMerge": 2,
"ttN multiModelMerge": 2,
"SV3D_BatchSchedule": 2,
"Unwrap Frame Set [DVB]": 2,
"Sine Camera Zoom [DVB]": 2,
"Linear Camera Pan [DVB]": 2,
"Create Frame Set [DVB]": 2,
"BNK_CutoffRegionsToConditioning_ADV": 2,
"Image Mix RGB Channels": 2,
"Get Image Size (JPS)": 2,
"ImageColorTransfer": 2,
"Seed_": 2,
"CR Simple Prompt Scheduler": 2,
"LayerFilter: SkinBeauty": 2,
"ImageComposite_Zho": 2,
"CR Font File List": 2,
"flux_persona": 2,
"json_get_value": 2,
"extra_parameters": 2,
"RescaleClassifierFreeGuidanceTest": 2,
"ApplyMSWMSAAttentionSimple": 2,
"OllamaImageDescriber": 2,
"Text to Console": 2,
"Logic NOT": 2,
"JDCN_BoolInt": 2,
"Demofusion From Single File": 2,
"ConditioningBlend": 2,
"ImageFilterBilateralBlur": 2,
"ImageEffectsLensVignette": 2,
"EGIPAdapter_Mad_Assistant": 2,
"RGB_Picker": 2,
"easy textSwitch": 2,
"CFGGuider": 2,
"Save Image With Prompt Data": 2,
"SamplerEulerCFGpp": 2,
"PlayMusic": 2,
"Send_To_Editor": 2,
"LivePortraitVideoNode": 2,
"ImageNoiseGaussian": 2,
"FaceFixerOpenCV": 2,
"Any Converter": 2,
"comfyui-easy-padding": 2,
"Load CheckPoint DragNUWA": 2,
"DragNUWA Run": 2,
"ImageEffectsLensBokeh": 2,
"chaosaiart_TextCLIPEncode": 2,
"CR ControlNet Input Switch": 2,
"Calculation [Dream]": 2,
"CXH_JoyTag": 2,
"SizeSelector": 2,
"int _O": 2,
"SmoothVideo": 2,
"ImageTransformCropCorners": 2,
"XY Grid Helper": 2,
"SeargePromptCombiner": 2,
"Griptape Create: Agent": 2,
"LayerFilter: Sharp & Soft": 2,
"0246.Hub": 2,
"Image Adaptive Crop With Mask": 2,
"CombineClipEllaEmbeds": 2,
"ApplyRAUNet": 2,
"ApplyMSWMSAAttention": 2,
"AddMetaData": 2,
"Moondream Interrogator": 2,
"ImageContainer": 2,
"ImageSegmentation": 2,
"ImpactSchedulerAdapter": 2,
"BNK_AddCLIPSDXLRParams": 2,
"GradientPatchModelAddDownscale": 2,
"MovementsImage_Zho": 2,
"ttN int": 2,
"AnyListCartesianProduct": 2,
"FromListGet1Latent": 2,
"ImageText": 2,
"ScheduleToModel": 2,
"ScheduleToCond": 2,
"PromptToSchedule": 2,
"Int to String": 2,
"Prompt Multiple Styles Selector": 2,
"SpeechRecognition": 2,
"NDI_LoadImage": 2,
"NDI_SendImage": 2,
"CR Feathered Border": 2,
"ImageCropByAlpha": 2,
"StableAudioPrompt": 2,
"segformer_agnostic": 2,
"stabel_vition": 2,
"Latent Upscale by Factor (WAS)": 2,
"YANC.FormatDatetimeString": 2,
"StringListToString": 2,
"Fetch widget value": 2,
"SDXLPromptStylerbyCyberpunkSurrealism": 2,
"SDXLPromptbyRomanticNationalismArt": 2,
"SDXLPromptStylerbyQuantumRealism": 2,
"SDXLPromptbyIrishFolkArt": 2,
"SDXLPromptbyVikingArt": 2,
"SDXLPromptbyCelticArt": 2,
"SDXLPromptbyFashionArt": 2,
"SDXLPromptStylerbyWyvern": 2,
"SDXLPromptStylerbyTheme": 2,
"SDXLPromptbySportsArt": 2,
"SDXLPromptbyContemporaryNordicArt": 2,
"Sam2VideoSegmentation": 2,
"UploadToHuggingFace": 2,
"LayerUtility: ImageTaggerSave": 2,
"ScaledSoftMaskedUniversalWeights": 2,
"RestoreDetail": 2,
"SeargeFloatMath": 2,
"Float Input [Dream]": 2,
"ControlNextGetPoses": 2,
"MoonDream": 2,
"CM_IntToBool": 2,
"CM_BoolToInt": 2,
"ThresholdMask": 2,
"easy imageInterrogator": 2,
"WrapText": 2,
"EG_WB_KSH": 2,
"Image Resize To Height": 2,
"LayerUtility: BooleanOperator": 2,
"Miaoshouai_Flux_CLIPTextEncode": 2,
"sdBxb": 2,
"KRestartSamplerSimple": 2,
"BitwiseAndMask": 2,
"easy imageBatchToImageList": 2,
"TTP_condsetarea_merge": 2,
"TTP_condtobatch": 2,
"TTP_CoordinateSplitter": 2,
"TTP_Image_Tile_Batch": 2,
"TTP_Tile_image_size": 2,
"Pick From Batch (mtb)": 2,
"BNK_TiledKSamplerAdvanced": 2,
"easy pulIDApply": 2,
"promptComposerTextMultiple": 2,
"ImageDrawEllipse": 2,
"ModelMergeFlux1": 2,
"EGIPAdapter_Mad_AssistantV2": 2,
"Scribble_PiDiNet_Preprocessor": 2,
"AttentionCouple": 2,
"ADE_ConditioningSetMaskAndCombine": 2,
"ADE_RegisterLoraHook": 2,
"Image Text Overlay": 2,
"Create Grid Image from Batch": 2,
"SUPIR_tiles": 2,
"BatchCropFromMaskAdvanced": 2,
"Mask Threshold Region": 2,
"SeamlessTile": 2,
"ReencodeLatent": 2,
"AspectRatioSelector": 2,
"TextTransformer": 2,
"PM_RetinaFace": 2,
"PrimereVAE": 2,
"PrimereVisualEmbedding": 2,
"PrimereVisualLORA": 2,
"PrimereVisualLYCORIS": 2,
"CR Simple Text Panel": 2,
"CustomSigmas": 2,
"ImageLoader": 2,
"DiffusionEdge_Preprocessor": 2,
"Depth_fm": 2,
"EG_TX_CCHQ": 2,
"ADE_AnimateDiffModelSettingsAdvancedAttnStrengths": 2,
"CR Simple List": 2,
"StableCascade_SuperResolutionControlnet": 2,
"StableCascade_CheckpointLoader //Inspire": 2,
"CLIPTextEncodeHunyuanDiT": 2,
"TTPlanet_Tile_Preprocessor_Simple": 2,
"SeargeIntegerConstant": 2,
"CDL.OpenPoseEditorPlus": 2,
"BatchStringSchedule": 2,
"ImageScaleFactor _O": 2,
"YARS": 2,
"MimicBrushNode": 2,
"DreamViewer": 2,
"SampleColorHSV": 2,
"NaiveAutoKMeansColor": 2,
"InRange (hsv)": 2,
"BuildColorRangeHSV (hsv)": 2,
"easy ipadapterStyleComposition": 2,
"OffsetImage": 2,
"LuminaDiffusersNode": 2,
"easy imageConcat": 2,
"HfImageToRGB": 2,
"MaskExpansion": 2,
"CR Batch Process Switch": 2,
"Mask Ops": 2,
"LayerUtility: HLFrequencyDetailRestore": 2,
"SDXL Quick Empty Latent (WLSH)": 2,
"DynamiCrafterProcessor": 2,
"IF_ImagePrompt": 2,
"Load Face Analysis Model (mtb)": 2,
"Load Face Swap Model (mtb)": 2,
"Face Swap (mtb)": 2,
"CR Random RGB Gradient": 2,
"LayerUtility: BooleanOperatorV2": 2,
"ConditioningSetMaskAndCombine4": 2,
"BizyAirSiliconCloudLLMAPI": 2,
"ttN pipeLoader_v2": 2,
"Latent Size to Number": 2,
"MS kosmos-2 Interrogator": 2,
"Text Shuffle": 2,
"ProPainterInpaint": 2,
"SimpleMathDual+": 2,
"easy hiresFix": 2,
"HypernetworkLoader": 2,
"LoraTagsOnly": 2,
"ImageSimpleResize": 2,
"LLM_local_loader": 2,
"LLM_local": 2,
"Stablezero123": 2,
"SDZero ImageSplit": 2,
"Image to Latent Mask": 2,
"MaraScottUpscalerRefinerNode_v2": 2,
"BaseModel_Loader_local": 2,
"PhotoMakerAdapter_Loader_fromhub": 2,
"Ref_Image_Preprocessing": 2,
"NEW_PhotoMaker_Generation": 2,
"LoRALoader": 2,
"Prompt_Styler": 2,
"PolyexponentialScheduler": 2,
"LayerStyle: ColorOverlay V2": 2,
"PromptComposerEffect": 2,
"QRCodeGenerator": 2,
"INPAINT_ExpandMask": 2,
"LayerUtility: LayerMaskTransform": 2,
"LayerMask: PixelSpread": 2,
"LayerMask: MaskByColor": 2,
"Image Dragan Photography Filter": 2,
"Text List Concatenate": 2,
"CivitaiLoraLoaderStacked": 2,
"ImageBatchRemove": 2,
"OneButtonSuperPrompt": 2,
"Fans Prompt Styler Negative": 2,
"StringMlStaticPrimitive": 2,
"Text Parse A1111 Embeddings": 2,
"FaceWarp": 2,
"CLIPTextEncode (NSP)": 2,
"KSamplerCacheable": 2,
"UltimateVideoLoader": 2,
"VHS_DuplicateMasks": 2,
"TTPlanet_TileGF_Preprocessor": 2,
"ImageTransformResizeClip": 2,
"Color Transfer": 2,
"ImageFilterGaussianBlurAdvanced": 2,
"Blend Latents (PPF Noise)": 2,
"Qwen2_ModelLoader_Zho": 2,
"Qwen2_Zho": 2,
"PreviewDetailerHookProvider": 2,
"Pixel Deflicker - Experimental (SuperBeasts.AI)": 2,
"ImpactSimpleDetectorSEGSPipe": 2,
"DetailerPipeToBasicPipe": 2,
"ClipAmplitude": 2,
"OverlayInpaintedImage": 2,
"OverlayInpaintedLatent": 2,
"OmostDenseDiffusionLayoutNode": 2,
"IF_SaveText": 2,
"MuseTalkCupAudio": 2,
"CR Set Value On Binary": 2,
"CR Radial Gradient": 2,
"KeyframeInterpolationPart": 2,
"TripoSRViewer": 2,
"TripoSRSampler": 2,
"TripoSRModelLoader": 2,
"MixNoiseNode": 2,
"LamaRemoverIMG": 2,
"FL_ImageNotes": 2,
"ACN_ReferenceControlNet": 2,
"FaceParsingProcessorLoader(FaceParsing)": 2,
"FaceParsingModelLoader(FaceParsing)": 2,
"FaceParse(FaceParsing)": 2,
"FL_ImageRandomizer": 2,
"FrameMaker": 2,
"UformGen2QwenNode": 2,
"BNK_CutoffRegionsToConditioning": 2,
"CXH_DownloadAndLoadFlorence2Model": 2,
"CXH_Florence2Run": 2,
"ShowImages": 2,
"LoraLoaderStackedWithPreviews": 2,
"Make Image Batch": 2,
"CLIPSeg Batch Masking": 2,
"CR Index Multiply": 2,
"ConcatConditioningsWithMultiplier //Inspire": 2,
"SaveAudio": 2,
"Image Perlin Noise": 2,
"IntStaticPrimitive": 2,
"CR Random LoRA Stack": 2,
"Get Date Time String (JPS)": 2,
"BackgroundScaler": 2,
"JDC_ResizeFactor": 2,
"easy pipeEdit": 2,
"LayeredDiffusionDiffApply": 2,
"DynamicDelayProcessor": 2,
"FluxSampler": 2,
"IF_ChatPrompt": 2,
"LayerStyle: OuterGlow V2": 2,
"ToDetailerPipeSDXL": 2,
"PixArtT5FromSD3CLIP": 2,
"MasaCtrlConcatImage": 2,
"PromptNode": 2,
"EndQueue": 2,
"RawTextEncode": 2,
"Text_Image_Frame_Zho": 2,
"CR Checker Pattern": 2,
"CR Starburst Colors": 2,
"ColorDictionary": 2,
"Color Clip (advanced)": 2,
"FindComplementaryColor": 2,
"BLVAEEncode": 2,
"LDSRUpscaler": 2,
"float _O": 2,
"SALVTON_Apply": 1,
"D_DreamTalk": 1,
"ImageAddMulti": 1,
"Boolean To Text": 1,
"CheckpointLoaderSimpleExtended": 1,
"JWImageResizeToSquare": 1,
"CleanFileNameNode": 1,
"Iterative Mixing KSampler": 1,
"RelightSimple": 1,
"AV_LoraLoader": 1,
"easy imagesSplitImage": 1,
"CR Vignette Filter": 1,
"Fooocus_KSamplerAdvanced": 1,
"RegionalCFG //Inspire": 1,
"ColorMaskToDepthMask //Inspire": 1,
"Checkpoint Loader Simple Mikey": 1,
"WildcardAndLoraSyntaxProcessor": 1,
"Batch Shape (mtb)": 1,
"HyperSDXL1StepUnetScheduler": 1,
"Batch Make (mtb)": 1,
"LoadImagesFromPath": 1,
"VAE Switch (JPS)": 1,
"KG_neo_toolkit_developer": 1,
"Image fDOF Filter": 1,
"pipe-util-to-basic-pipe": 1,
"Ood_CXH": 1,
"BNK_AddCLIPSDXLParams": 1,
"LDSRModelLoader": 1,
"LDSRUpscale": 1,
"APISR_upscale": 1,
"CombineSegMasks": 1,
"PrimereCKPT": 1,
"PrimereLORA": 1,
"ImageTransformResizeAbsolute": 1,
"ModelDownloader": 1,
"LoRADownloader": 1,
"ella_model_loader": 1,
"ella_t5_embeds": 1,
"ella_sampler": 1,
"Save Image If True": 1,
"translate_persona": 1,
"classify_persona": 1,
"custom_persona": 1,
"classify_function": 1,
"CR Random Multiline Colors": 1,
"CR Multiline Text": 1,
"XY Input: Manual XY Entry": 1,
"AnimateDiffLoaderV1": 1,
"RemapRange": 1,
"ONNXDetectorProvider": 1,
"ONNXDetectorSEGS": 1,
"SimpleMathBoolean+": 1,
"SimpleCondition+": 1,
"Mask Crop Dominant Region": 1,
"ImageTransformCropRelative": 1,
"ImageEffectsLensZoomBurst": 1,
"ImpactLatentInfo": 1,
"ModelPassThrough": 1,
"Aligned Scheduler": 1,
"Multiply sigmas": 1,
"SaveAudioNode": 1,
"ChatMusician": 1,
"LoadWebcamImage": 1,
"LoadImagePath": 1,
"HalloNode": 1,
"UVR5_Node": 1,
"LoadAudioPath": 1,
"Unique3DRun - MVPrediction": 1,
"Unique3DLoadPipeline": 1,
"Unique3DRun - Geo Reconstruct": 1,
"Pixelize": 1,
"SigmoidCorrection": 1,
"Apply Instagram Filter": 1,
"GlitchThis Effect": 1,
"DynamiCrafter Simple": 1,
"PDFToImage": 1,
"DocumentLoader": 1,
"TextChunker": 1,
"DragNUWAImageCanvas": 1,
"ImageEffectsLensChromaticAberration": 1,
"Image Save with Prompt/Info (WLSH)": 1,
"ImpactIsNotEmptySEGS": 1,
"ImpactSEGSClassify": 1,
"ImpactHFTransformersClassifierProvider": 1,
"CLIPTextEncodeAdvancedNSuite [n-suite]": 1,
"AudioSeparation": 1,
"AudioCrop": 1,
"OllamaSaveContext": 1,
"Griptape Run: Image Description": 1,
"Griptape Convert: Text to CLIP Encode": 1,
"0246.CastReroute": 1,
"JagsClipseg": 1,
"Lora Input Switch": 1,
"AlphaChanelAdd": 1,
"llava": 1,
"StableMakeup_Sampler": 1,
"StableMakeup_LoadModel": 1,
"AnimeLineArt_Preprocessor_Provider_for_SEGS //Inspire": 1,
"AIraster": 1,
"MMDetDetectorProvider": 1,
"Comfy Couple": 1,
"OnCompleteEmailMe": 1,
"ID_Prompt_Styler": 1,
"ArtistsImage_Zho": 1,
"XY Input: Steps": 1,
"Cozy Pose Body Reference": 1,
"Cozy Sampler Options": 1,
"SentenceMixerNode": 1,
"ImageToMask_AS": 1,
"HSVThresholdMask": 1,
"AdaptiveGuidance": 1,
"OpenSoraPlanLoader": 1,
"OpenSoraPlanDecode": 1,
"OpenSoraPlanSample": 1,
"LineArt_Preprocessor_Provider_for_SEGS //Inspire": 1,
"FloodGate": 1,
"easy imageToBase64": 1,
"StringConstant": 1,
"ImageBatchToList": 1,
"ExtendLatentList": 1,
"LoadFlorence2Model": 1,
"Florence2": 1,
"CR Set Value on String": 1,
"tool_combine": 1,
"StableAudioLoadModel": 1,
"StableAudioConditioning": 1,
"StableAudioSampler": 1,
"MagicAnimateModelLoader": 1,
"MagicAnimate": 1,
"ImpactInversedSwitch": 1,
"Swap Color Mode": 1,
"ImageTextMultilineOutlined": 1,
"easy portraitMaster": 1,
"easy kolorsLoader": 1,
"CR Module Output": 1,
"text-util-prompt-join": 1,
"ImpactSEGSToMaskBatch": 1,
"Float to String": 1,
"BlurImageFast": 1,
"SegmDetectorCombined_v2": 1,
"TGateApplySimple": 1,
"Load BiseNet": 1,
"Segment Face": 1,
"CR XY Save Grid Image": 1,
"CR XY From Folder": 1,
"CR XY List": 1,
"FrameInterpolator [n-suite]": 1,
"ApplyAdvancedFluxIPAdapter": 1,
"ImagePaste": 1,
"SeedExplorer //Inspire": 1,
"SaveSVG": 1,
"ConvertRasterToVector": 1,
"ControlNextDiffusersScheduler": 1,
"DownloadAndLoadControlNeXt": 1,
"ControlNextSampler": 1,
"ControlNextDecode": 1,
"CM_IntBinaryCondition": 1,
"LayerUtility: QueueStop": 1,
"ComfyUISaveAs": 1,
"Empty Latent by Size (WLSH)": 1,
"DepthViewer": 1,
"Image Switch (JPS)": 1,
"Aspect Ratios Node": 1,
"string_util_StrEqual": 1,
"ScheduledCFGGuider //Inspire": 1,
"CR Math Operation": 1,
"Combine and Paste": 1,
"Inpaint Segments": 1,
"LatentDuplicator": 1,
"UltimateSDUpscaleCustomSample": 1,
"easy imageInsetCrop": 1,
"BLEND (JOV) โš—๏ธ": 1,
"ADJUST (JOV) ๐Ÿ•ธ๏ธ": 1,
"NX_PromptStyler": 1,
"MoondreamQueryCaptions": 1,
"ControlNextSVDApply": 1,
"AttentionCoupleRegions": 1,
"MaskFlip+": 1,
"BatchPromptScheduleEncodeSDXL": 1,
"BatchCLIPSeg": 1,
"PromptComposerCustomLists": 1,
"Int To Bool (mtb)": 1,
"Lora": 1,
"Checkpoint": 1,
"Image Resize Factor (mtb)": 1,
"PrimereEmotionsStyles": 1,
"PrimereUpscaleModel": 1,
"PrimereMidjourneyStyles": 1,
"PrimereStylePile": 1,
"PrimereMetaCollector": 1,
"PrimereMetaHandler": 1,
"PrimereMetaDistributor": 1,
"PrimereMetaDistributorStage2": 1,
"PrimereVAELoader": 1,
"PrimereEmbeddingKeywordMerger": 1,
"PrimereLoraKeywordMerger": 1,
"PrimereVisualHypernetwork": 1,
"PrimereLycorisKeywordMerger": 1,
"PrimereResolutionMultiplierMPX": 1,
"PrimereMetaSave": 1,
"PrimereTextOutput": 1,
"easy imageScaleDownBy": 1,
"WebcamCapture": 1,
"ImageEnhanceDifference+": 1,
"DynamicThresholdingSimple": 1,
"Simple Wildcards": 1,
"DisplayText": 1,
"MultiplePathsInput": 1,
"Qwen2_VQA": 1,
"Load Image From Url (mtb)": 1,
"geowizard_model_loader": 1,
"geowizard_sampler": 1,
"AdaptiveCannyDetector_PoP": 1,
"ttN KSampler_v2": 1,
"3DImage": 1,
"IFUnet VFI": 1,
"LoraLoaderBlockWeight //Inspire": 1,
"LoraBlockInfo //Inspire": 1,
"HYDiTTextEncode": 1,
"ImageTransformRotate": 1,
"ImageFilterMedianBlur": 1,
"SeamlessClone (simple)": 1,
"OtsuThreshold": 1,
"RemapToInnerCylinder": 1,
"RemapInsideParabolas": 1,
"๐Ÿ’พ Save Text File With Path": 1,
"GITSScheduler": 1,
"Recenter XL": 1,
"PixArtControlNetCond": 1,
"MakeCircularVAE": 1,
"Tiled KSampler": 1,
"JDC_GaussianBlur": 1,
"TextureViewer": 1,
"AspectSizeV2": 1,
"CLIP Positive-Negative w/Text (WLSH)": 1,
"LatentSelector": 1,
"LayerColor: HSV": 1,
"AV_ControlNetEfficientStackerSimple": 1,
"SDPromptMerger": 1,
"MaraScottMcBoatyUpscalerRefiner_v5": 1,
"DynamiCrafterLoadInitNoise": 1,
"KeypointsToImage": 1,
"Load Face Enhance Model (mtb)": 1,
"Restore Face (mtb)": 1,
"Sharpen (mtb)": 1,
"AudioLDM2Node": 1,
"AV_LLMChat": 1,
"AV_LLMMessage": 1,
"AV_LLMApiConfig": 1,
"AV_OpenAIApi": 1,
"KSamplerVariationsWithNoise+": 1,
"ttN pipeLoraStack": 1,
"KSampler Gradually Adding More Denoise (efficient)": 1,
"MMakerColorEnhance": 1,
"LoraLoaderVanilla": 1,
"AppInfo": 1,
"brushnet_ipadapter_matteo": 1,
"ImpactLogicalOperators": 1,
"easy LLLiteLoader": 1,
"easy XYPlotAdvanced": 1,
"easy latentCompositeMaskedWithCond": 1,
"easy XYInputs: PositiveCondList": 1,
"easy latentNoisy": 1,
"easy unSampler": 1,
"HyperTile //Inspire": 1,
"SDXLPromptStylerPreview": 1,
"clear_model": 1,
"OllamaImageToText": 1,
"ETN_LoadImageBase64": 1,
"ETN_SendImageWebSocket": 1,
"TaraApiKeySaver": 1,
"TaraDaisyChainNode": 1,
"OmostLLMLoaderNode": 1,
"OmostLLMChatNode": 1,
"FaceSegmentation": 1,
"GridStringList": 1,
"Griptape Combine: Rules List": 1,
"Griptape Run: Agent": 1,
"ConditioningSetMaskAndCombine3": 1,
"ExtraVAELoader": 1,
"SamplerDPMPP_3M_SDE_DynETA": 1,
"SamplerCustomNoise": 1,
"Output min/max sigmas": 1,
"ModelMergeSDXL": 1,
"SplitImageChannels": 1,
"PromptComposerMerge": 1,
"PromptComposerGrouping": 1,
"JWImageLevels": 1,
"OptimizerConfigAdafactor": 1,
"LayerMask: MaskGrain": 1,
"LayerMask: MediapipeFacialSegment": 1,
"LayerMask: MaskEdgeShrink": 1,
"LayerMask: MaskByDifferent": 1,
"LayerMask: BlendIf Mask": 1,
"easy imageCount": 1,
"CivitaiCheckpointLoaderSimple": 1,
"EG_ZZ_SSKZ": 1,
"ER_TX_ZZCJ": 1,
"EG_TC_Node": 1,
"EG_ZZ_MHHT": 1,
"EG_TX_CJPJ": 1,
"EG_TX_LJBC": 1,
"Text Overlay": 1,
"ApplyRaveAttentionNode": 1,
"InstantIDAttentionPatch": 1,
"google_tool": 1,
"check_web_tool": 1,
"load_ebd": 1,
"IPAdapterPreciseStyleTransfer": 1,
"Image Perlin Power Fractal": 1,
"SaveTiff": 1,
"CR Clamp Value": 1,
"SDBatchLoader": 1,
"Load Composition CSV": 1,
"Load Lighting CSV": 1,
"Load Styles CSV": 1,
"MuseVPredictor V1 (comfyui_musev_evolved)": 1,
"MuseVImg2Vid V1 (comfyui_musev_evolved)": 1,
"FaceShaper": 1,
"FaceShaperModels": 1,
"FaceAlign": 1,
"TwoAdvancedSamplersForMask": 1,
"Text To Image (mtb)": 1,
"easy promptLine": 1,
"CondPassThrough": 1,
"Bounded Image Blend": 1,
"CLIPConditioning": 1,
"CheckpointLoaderMixWithDiffusers": 1,
"SelfGuidanceSampler": 1,
"Auto-MSG-ALL": 1,
"Auto-LLM-Text-Vision": 1,
"Model Patch Seamless (mtb)": 1,
"Image Tiled": 1,
"Image Seamless Texture": 1,
"ImageScaleDown": 1,
"TextEncodeForSamplerParams+": 1,
"ImpactSEGSConcat": 1,
"NegiTools_OpenAiDalle3": 1,
"DDColor_Colorize": 1,
"ChangeLatentBatchSize //Inspire": 1,
"file_padding": 1,
"TextCombinations": 1,
"SeargeControlnetAdapterV2": 1,
"MaskFromBatch+": 1,
"LensBlur": 1,
"FromDetailerPipe_v2": 1,
"EditDetailerPipe": 1,
"Storydiffusion_Model_Loader": 1,
"Storydiffusion_Sampler": 1,
"OpNovelty": 1,
"OpHarmonic": 1,
"OpPercussive": 1,
"OpSqrt": 1,
"OpPow2": 1,
"OpStretch": 1,
"OpNormalize": 1,
"OpAbs": 1,
"OpRms": 1,
"LLavaOptionalMemoryFreeAdvanced": 1,
"ADE_CustomCFGSimple": 1,
"CLIPMergeAdd": 1,
"LoadTextFile": 1,
"AudioToAudioData": 1,
"Mask Switch (JPS)": 1,
"CannyEdgeMask": 1,
"CR Set Switch From String": 1,
"CR Aspect Ratio Social Media": 1,
"CR Select Resize Method": 1,
"OmostLoadCanvasConditioningNode": 1,
"Demofusion": 1,
"ImageAlphaComposite": 1,
"GPT4MiniNode": 1,
"InpaintExtendOutpaint": 1,
"SystemNotification|pysssss": 1,
"PromptGenerateAPI": 1,
"easy imageCropFromMask": 1,
"easy pulIDApplyADV": 1,
"IterativeMixingSampler": 1,
"IterativeMixingScheduler": 1,
"KeyframeApply": 1,
"easy convertAnything": 1,
"SaveImageToLocal": 1,
"CombineNoiseLatentNode": 1,
"SamplerInversedEulerNode": 1,
"Generation Parameter Input": 1,
"CR Img2Img Process Switch": 1,
"SeargeSamplerInputs": 1,
"SeargeSDXLSamplerV3": 1,
"ImpactControlNetClearSEGS": 1,
"TilePreprocessor_Provider_for_SEGS //Inspire": 1,
"ADE_ApplyAnimateDiffModelWithPIA": 1,
"ADE_InputPIA_PaperPresets": 1,
"ADE_MultivalDynamicFloatInput": 1,
"ADE_InputPIA_Multival": 1,
"KeyInput": 1,
"CharacterCount": 1,
"ABCondition": 1,
"FaceBBoxDetect(FaceParsing)": 1,
"FaceBBoxDetectorLoader(FaceParsing)": 1,
"ImageCropWithBBox(FaceParsing)": 1,
"BBoxListItemSelect(FaceParsing)": 1,
"ColorAdjust(FaceParsing)": 1,
"ImageInsertWithBBox(FaceParsing)": 1,
"BatchUncrop": 1,
"LayerUtility: BatchSelector": 1,
"PromptInjection": 1,
"SeargeSDXLBasePromptEncoder": 1,
"LongCLIPTextEncodeFlux": 1,
"Fans Styler": 1,
"KuwaharaBlur": 1,
"Saturation": 1,
"StyleModelLoader": 1,
"StyleModelApply": 1,
"CR Load Flow Frames": 1,
"ShowSelfAttn": 1,
"HFModelLoader": 1,
"Text2ImageInference": 1,
"DecodeLatent": 1,
"ShowCrossAttn": 1,
"PromptUtilitiesFormatString": 1,
"StructuredOutput": 1,
"CheckpointLoaderSimpleWithPreviews": 1,
"LayerUtility: ImageScaleRestore": 1,
"ExpressionEditor_": 1,
"ADE_IterationOptsFreeInit": 1,
"ADE_LoadAnimateLCMI2VModel": 1,
"ADE_UpscaleAndVAEEncode": 1,
"ADE_ApplyAnimateLCMI2VModel": 1,
"DeepfuzePreview": 1,
"DeepFuzeFaceSwap": 1,
"LoadEmbedding": 1,
"Prompts": 1,
"OffsetMask": 1,
"TaraPresetLLMConfig": 1,
"TaraAdvancedComposition": 1,
"MergeModels": 1,
"Multiply Int Float (JPS)": 1,
"MuseVRun": 1,
"SEGSOrderedFilterDetailerHookProvider": 1,
"StyleAlignedBatchAlign_": 1,
"Gemini_15P_API_S_Chat_Advance_Zho": 1,
"SamplerEulerAncestral": 1,
"StyleAlignedReferenceSampler": 1,
"CR Index": 1,
"Generate Noise Image": 1,
"ImagePadForBetterOutpaint": 1,
"SeedGenerator": 1,
"CR Interpolate Latents": 1,
"Load Cache": 1,
"Cache Node": 1,
"Sleep": 1,
"EG_SZ_JDYS": 1,
"Asymmetric_Tiling_KSampler": 1,
"SMoE_ModelLoader_Zho": 1,
"SMoE_Generation_Zho": 1,
"FaceEmbed": 1,
"LCMLora": 1,
"FaceSwapSetupPipeline": 1,
"FaceSwapGenerationInpaint": 1,
"Resolution Multiply (JPS)": 1,
"ImageOverlay": 1,
"ApplyVisualStyle": 1,
"omost_decode": 1,
"APISR_ModelLoader_Zho": 1,
"APISR_Zho": 1,
"easy applyPowerPaint": 1,
"easy applyBrushNet": 1,
"easy icLightApply": 1,
"easy controlnetStack": 1,
"Metric3D-DepthMapPreprocessor": 1,
"Metric3D-NormalMapPreprocessor": 1,
"JDCN_BatchImageLoadFromDir": 1,
"sdBxb_textInput": 1,
"LayeredDiffusionCondApply": 1,
"CreativeArtPromptGenerator": 1,
"LayerColor: RGB": 1,
"Gemini_API_S_Chat_Zho": 1,
"EZLoadImgBatchFromUrlsNode": 1,
"ListSplit_": 1,
"EG_HT_YSTZ": 1,
"JsonToText": 1,
"KeywordExtraction": 1,
"LLavaPromptGenerator": 1,
"CLIPTextEncode_party": 1,
"Fooocus negative": 1,
"Fooocus PreKSampler": 1,
"Fooocus KSampler": 1,
"Fooocus Controlnet": 1,
"Fooocus Loader": 1,
"Fooocus Styles": 1,
"Fooocus positive": 1,
"Sine Camera Pan [DVB]": 1,
"XY Input: Lora Block Weight //Inspire": 1,
"XY Input: Checkpoint": 1,
"ClipClamp": 1,
"DodgeAndBurn": 1,
"FluxResolutionNode": 1,
"MirroredImage": 1,
"DiffusersTextureInversionLoader": 1,
"LoRA Stack to String converter": 1,
"JNodes_TokenCounter": 1,
"Text to String": 1,
"VHS_SelectEveryNthLatent": 1,
"ollama": 1,
"LayerUtility: ImageScaleByAspectRatio": 1,
"Image Save with Prompt File (WLSH)": 1,
"LayerStyle: Gradient Map": 1,
"Load Image Based on Number": 1,
"Canny_Preprocessor_Provider_for_SEGS //Inspire": 1,
"LayerUtility: ImageAutoCrop V2": 1,
"OllamaNode": 1,
"ADE_CustomCFG": 1,
"LayerStyle: Stroke": 1,
"NoiseImage": 1,
"FL_Ascii": 1,
"TextCombinerTwo": 1,
"MutualSelfAttentionControlSampler": 1,
"MasaCtrlModelLoader": 1,
"MasaCtrlInversion": 1,
"MutualSelfAttentionControlMaskAutoSampler": 1,
"MasaCtrlLoadImage": 1,
"DirectSampler": 1,
"JDCN_AnyFileSelector": 1,
"JDCN_AnyFileList": 1,
"VHS_PruneOutputs": 1,
"ttN pipeLoaderSDXL": 1,
"ttN pipeKSamplerSDXL": 1,
"chaosaiart_Any_Switch_small": 1,
"ImageFilterStackBlur": 1,
"JDC_Plasma": 1,
"CR Repeater": 1,
"lavibridge_model_loader": 1,
"lavi_bridge_t5_encoder": 1,
"lavibridge_sampler": 1,
"JWImageMix": 1,
"String to Float": 1,
"IF_DisplayOmni": 1,
"OmostGreedyBagsTextEmbeddingNode": 1,
"LoadImageFromPath": 1,
"AnimateDiffLoraLoader": 1,
"DiffusersModelMakeup": 1,
"CreateIntListNode": 1,
"LcmLoraLoader": 1,
"DiffusersVaeLoader": 1,
"StreamDiffusionCreateStream": 1,
"DiffusersSchedulerLoader": 1,
"StreamDiffusionSampler": 1,
"DiffusersPipelineLoader": 1,
"DiffusersClipTextEncode": 1,
"MiDaS Model Loader": 1,
"MiDaS Depth Approximation": 1,
"LayerFilter: MotionBlur": 1,
"Image size to string": 1,
"Echo_LoadModel": 1,
"Echo_Sampler": 1,
"KSamplerProgress //Inspire": 1,
"UnsamplerFlattenNode": 1,
"TrajectoryNode": 1,
"KSamplerFlattenNode": 1,
"FlattenCheckpointLoaderNode": 1,
"roop": 1,
"Image Contrast Adjustment [Dream]": 1,
"MotionLoraLoader": 1,
"I2V_AdapterNode": 1,
"Export API": 1,
"MaskFrameSkipping": 1,
"scale": 1,
"Loop": 1,
"LoopEnd": 1,
"LoopStart": 1,
"LayerFilter: ChannelShake": 1,
"LayerFilter: LightLeak": 1,
"LayerFilter: ColorMap": 1,
"LayerFilter: AddGrain": 1,
"LayerFilter: FilmV2": 1,
"CamerasImage_Zho": 1,
"SaveLatent": 1,
"CopyMakeBorder": 1,
"UnGridify (image)": 1,
"Repeat Into Grid (image)": 1,
"Color (hexadecimal)": 1,
"Contours": 1,
"Draw Contour(s)": 1,
"ToModelList": 1,
"Framed Mask Grab Cut 2": 1,
"InpaintResize": 1,
"PerpNegAdaptiveGuidanceGuider": 1,
"ImpactDummyInput": 1,
"Images as Latents (PPF Noise)": 1,
"Perlin Power Fractal Latent (PPF Noise)": 1,
"Cross-Hatch Power Fractal (PPF Noise)": 1,
"Linear Cross-Hatch Power Fractal (PPF Noise)": 1,
"CLIPTextEncodeControlnet": 1