### Input | |
# input rgba image path (default to None, can be load in GUI too) | |
input: | |
# input text prompt (default to None, can be input in GUI too) | |
prompt: | |
# input mesh for stage 2 (auto-search from stage 1 output path if None) | |
mesh: | |
# estimated elevation angle for input image | |
elevation: 0 | |
# reference image resolution | |
ref_size: 256 | |
# density thresh for mesh extraction | |
density_thresh: 1 | |
### Output | |
outdir: logs | |
mesh_format: obj | |
save_path: ??? | |
### Training | |
# guidance loss weights (0 to disable) | |
lambda_sd: 1 | |
lambda_zero123: 0 | |
# training batch size per iter | |
batch_size: 1 | |
# training iterations for stage 1 | |
iters: 500 | |
# training iterations for stage 2 | |
iters_refine: 50 | |
# training camera radius | |
radius: 2.5 | |
# training camera fovy | |
fovy: 49.1 | |
# checkpoint to load for stage 1 (should be a ply file) | |
load: | |
# whether allow geom training in stage 2 | |
train_geo: False | |
# prob to invert background color during training (0 = always black, 1 = always white) | |
invert_bg_prob: 0.5 | |
### GUI | |
gui: False | |
force_cuda_rast: False | |
# GUI resolution | |
H: 800 | |
W: 800 | |
### Gaussian splatting | |
num_pts: 1000 | |
sh_degree: 0 | |
position_lr_init: 0.001 | |
position_lr_final: 0.00002 | |
position_lr_delay_mult: 0.02 | |
position_lr_max_steps: 500 | |
feature_lr: 0.01 | |
opacity_lr: 0.05 | |
scaling_lr: 0.005 | |
rotation_lr: 0.005 | |
percent_dense: 0.1 | |
density_start_iter: 100 | |
density_end_iter: 3000 | |
densification_interval: 50 | |
opacity_reset_interval: 700 | |
densify_grad_threshold: 0.01 | |
### Textured Mesh | |
geom_lr: 0.0001 | |
texture_lr: 0.2 |