
by j-woo - opened
Acceleration Consortium org
edited 12 days ago

@SissiFeng @sgbaird I'll wait for your guys' feedback before merging.

There are deceptively many code changes but most of them is formatting (I always use Black but happy to revert).



Notable items:

  • Added separate MQTT client for Bambu vs RPI (Sterling's HiveMQ)
  • I generally tried to follow the same pattern as the get_data for consistency.
  • Capture image button is disabled while a request is in flight.
  • Capture image timeout is bumped up from 10s -> 20s because from testing, the camera takes 8-15 seconds to fulfill a request (early requests take longer to autofocus).
  • Image sizes are ~2 MB. I don't think the latency would improve much by reducing the size but it's something we can explore. The upload speed on the UofT network is quite good.
  • I left the RPI camera running so once this is merged it should work.
j-woo changed pull request status to closed
j-woo changed pull request status to open
Acceleration Consortium org

Yes on black formatting ๐Ÿ‘ Maybe bump to 30 or 60 s timeout for a bit of extra buffer?

sgbaird changed pull request status to merged

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