Flux_LoRA_Trainning_on_Modal / run_modal_from_hf.py
AINxtGen's picture
Remove WandB integration from hf_ui.py and run_modal_from_hf.py: eliminated references to WandB logging and related secrets to streamline training process.
ostris/ai-toolkit on https://modal.com
This module provides the Modal app and main function for training FLUX LoRA models.
The main() function is meant to be called from hf_ui.py, not run directly.
import os
os.environ["HF_HUB_ENABLE_HF_TRANSFER"] = "1"
import sys
import modal
from dotenv import load_dotenv
# Load the .env file if it exists
import yaml
import traceback
import zipfile
sys.path.insert(0, "/root/ai-toolkit")
# must come before ANY torch or fastai imports
# import toolkit.cuda_malloc
# turn off diffusers telemetry until I can figure out how to make it opt-in
os.environ['DISABLE_TELEMETRY'] = 'YES'
# Khai báo secrets
hf_secret = modal.Secret.from_name("huggingface-secret")
# define the volume for storing model outputs, using "creating volumes lazily": https://modal.com/docs/guide/volumes
# you will find your model, samples and optimizer stored in: https://modal.com/storage/your-username/main/flux-lora-models
model_volume = modal.Volume.from_name("flux-lora-models", create_if_missing=True)
# modal_output, due to "cannot mount volume on non-empty path" requirement
MOUNT_DIR = "/root/ai-toolkit/modal_output" # modal_output, due to "cannot mount volume on non-empty path" requirement
# define modal app
image = (
# install required system and pip packages, more about this modal approach: https://modal.com/docs/examples/dreambooth_app
.apt_install("libgl1", "libglib2.0-0")
# Mount từ thư mục gốc của HF Space
code_mount = modal.Mount.from_local_dir(
# create the Modal app with the necessary mounts and volumes
app = modal.App(name="flux-lora-training", image=image, mounts=[code_mount], volumes={MOUNT_DIR: model_volume})
# Check if we have DEBUG_TOOLKIT in env
if os.environ.get("DEBUG_TOOLKIT", "0") == "1":
# Set torch to trace mode
import torch
import argparse
from toolkit.job import get_job
def print_end_message(jobs_completed, jobs_failed):
failure_string = f"{jobs_failed} failure{'' if jobs_failed == 1 else 's'}" if jobs_failed > 0 else ""
completed_string = f"{jobs_completed} completed job{'' if jobs_completed == 1 else 's'}"
if len(completed_string) > 0:
print(f" - {completed_string}")
if len(failure_string) > 0:
print(f" - {failure_string}")
# request a GPU with at least 24GB VRAM
# more about modal GPU's: https://modal.com/docs/guide/gpu
gpu="A100", # gpu="H100"
# more about modal timeouts: https://modal.com/docs/guide/timeouts
timeout=7200, # 2 hours, increase or decrease if needed
def main(config_file_list_str: str, recover: bool = False, name: str = None):
# Các secrets sẽ tự động được inject vào environment variables
# os.environ["HF_TOKEN"] và os.environ["WANDB_API_KEY"]
# convert the config file list from a string to a list
# config_file_list = config_file_list_str.split(",")
# convert the config string into a usable dict
config = None
config = yaml.safe_load(config_file_list_str)
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error loading config file: {e}")
raise e
jobs_completed = 0
jobs_failed = 0
print(f"Running {config['config']['name']}")
# 1. validate config file to make sure required keys are present
if 'config' not in config:
raise ValueError("config file must have a `config` section")
if 'process' not in config['config']:
raise ValueError("config file must have a `process` section")
if len(config['config']['process']) == 0:
raise ValueError("config file must have at least one process")
if 'type' not in config['config']['process'][0]:
raise ValueError("config file process must have a `type`")
if 'training_folder' not in config['config']['process'][0]:
raise ValueError("config file process must have a `training_folder`")
if not config['config']['process'][0]['training_folder'].startswith("/root/ai-toolkit"):
raise ValueError("config file process training_folder path must start with /root/ai-toolkit")
# find a dataset inside process object
datasets = config['config']['process'][0].get('datasets', None)
if datasets is not None and isinstance(datasets, list):
for dataset in datasets:
if 'folder_path' in dataset:
if not dataset['folder_path'].startswith('/root/ai-toolkit'):
raise ValueError("config file process dataset folder_path must start with /root/ai-toolkit")
job = get_job(config, name)
job.config['process'][0]['training_folder'] = MOUNT_DIR
os.makedirs(MOUNT_DIR, exist_ok=True)
print(f"Training outputs will be saved to: {MOUNT_DIR}")
# handle dataset zip
datasets = config['config']['process'][0].get('datasets', None)
if datasets is not None and isinstance(datasets, list):
for dataset in datasets:
dataset_path = dataset.get('folder_path', None)
if dataset_path is not None:
# Kiểm tra xem trong folder có zip file không
for file in os.listdir(dataset_path):
if file.lower().endswith('.zip'):
zip_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, file)
# Tạo subfolder để extract
extract_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, 'extracted')
os.makedirs(extract_path, exist_ok=True)
print(f"Extracting dataset zip file: {zip_path}")
with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, 'r') as zip_ref:
# Cập nhật đường dẫn dataset trong config
dataset['folder_path'] = extract_path
# Xóa zip file sau khi extract
print(f"Dataset extracted to: {extract_path}")
# run the job
# commit the volume after training
jobs_completed += 1
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error running job: {e}")
if 'response' in e.__dict__:
print(f" - Response code: {e.response.status_code} text: {e.response.text}")
jobs_failed += 1
if not recover:
print_end_message(jobs_completed, jobs_failed)
raise e
print_end_message(jobs_completed, jobs_failed)