Configuration error
Configuration error
""" | |
como usar | |
1. instanciar el modelo | |
emo = f_my_race.Race_Model() | |
2. ingresar una imagen donde solo se vea un rostro (usar modelo deteccion de rostros para extraer una imagen con solo el rostro) | |
emo.predict_race(face_image) | |
""" | |
#from basemodels import VGGFace | |
from deepface.basemodels import VGGFace | |
import os | |
from pathlib import Path | |
import gdown | |
import numpy as np | |
from keras.models import Model, Sequential | |
from keras.layers import Convolution2D, Flatten, Activation | |
import zipfile | |
from keras.preprocessing import image | |
import cv2 | |
class Race_Model(): | |
def __init__(self): | |
self.model = self.loadModel() | |
self.race_labels = ['asian', 'indian', 'black', 'white', 'middle eastern', 'latino hispanic'] | |
def predict_race(self,face_image): | |
image_preprocesing = self.transform_face_array2race_face(face_image) | |
race_predictions = self.model.predict(image_preprocesing )[0,:] | |
result_race = self.race_labels[np.argmax(race_predictions)] | |
return result_race | |
def loadModel(self): | |
model = VGGFace.baseModel() | |
#-------------------------- | |
classes = 6 | |
base_model_output = Sequential() | |
base_model_output = Convolution2D(classes, (1, 1), name='predictions')(model.layers[-4].output) | |
base_model_output = Flatten()(base_model_output) | |
base_model_output = Activation('softmax')(base_model_output) | |
#-------------------------- | |
race_model = Model(inputs=model.input, outputs=base_model_output) | |
#-------------------------- | |
#load weights | |
home = str(Path.home()) | |
if os.path.isfile(home+'/.deepface/weights/race_model_single_batch.h5') != True: | |
print("race_model_single_batch.h5 will be downloaded...") | |
#zip | |
url = '' | |
output = home+'/.deepface/weights/' | |, output, quiet=False) | |
#unzip | |
with zipfile.ZipFile(output, 'r') as zip_ref: | |
zip_ref.extractall(home+'/.deepface/weights/') | |
race_model.load_weights(home+'/.deepface/weights/race_model_single_batch.h5') | |
return race_model | |
#-------------------------- | |
def transform_face_array2race_face(self,face_array,grayscale=False,target_size = (224, 224)): | |
detected_face = face_array | |
if grayscale == True: | |
detected_face = cv2.cvtColor(detected_face, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) | |
detected_face = cv2.resize(detected_face, target_size) | |
img_pixels = image.img_to_array(detected_face) | |
img_pixels = np.expand_dims(img_pixels, axis = 0) | |
#normalize input in [0, 1] | |
img_pixels /= 255 | |
return img_pixels |