import os |
import subprocess |
def main(): |
inpFile = sys.argv[1] |
outFile = sys.argv[2] |
randNum = sys.argv[3] |
basePath = sys.argv[4] |
currPath = os.getcwd() |
unifParFold = os.path.join(basePath, 'unified_parser') |
uniParOut = f'.uniOut_{randNum}.txt' |
uniParList = inpFile |
uniParTemp = f'.uniTemp_{randNum}.txt' |
print("The data is successfully reached") |
os.chdir(unifParFold) |
os.mkdir(f'uniPar_{randNum}') |
nj = int(subprocess.check_output(['wc', '-l', inpFile]).decode().split()[0]) |
if nj > 48: |
nj = 48 |
with open(uniParList, 'r') as infile: |
with open(uniParTemp, 'w') as tempfile: |
for i, line in enumerate(infile, start=1): |
tempfile.write(f"{line.rstrip()}\tuniPar_{randNum}/word_{i:04d}.txt\n") |
command = f"awk '{{printf \"%s\\tuniPar_{randNum}/word_%04d.txt\\n\", $0, NR}}' {uniParList} | \ |
parallel -j {nj} --colsep '\t' 'valgrind ./unified-parser {{1}} {{2}} 1 0 0 0 > /dev/null 2> /dev/null' > /dev/null 2> /dev/null" |
subprocess.run(command, shell=True, check=True) |
os.system(f"cat uniPar_{randNum}/*.txt > {uniParTemp}") |
os.rmdir(f'uniPar_{randNum}') |
subprocess.run(['bash', 'get_phone_mapped_text_updated.sh', uniParTemp, uniParOut]) |
os.system(f"sed -i \"s:^(set! wordstruct '::g\" {uniParOut}") |
os.system(f"sed -i 's:[)(\"0 ]::g' {uniParOut}") |
command = f"paste -d' ' {uniParList} {uniParOut} >> {outFile}" |
os.system(command) |
os.remove(uniParTemp) |
os.remove(uniParOut) |
os.chdir(currPath) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
import sys |
main() |