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import torch
import networkx as nx
from torch_geometric.utils import from_networkx
# These functions reflect the methods described in Section 3.1 and 3.2
# of the SAG-ViT paper, where high-fidelity feature patches are extracted
# from the CNN feature maps and organized into a graph structure.
def extract_patches(feature_map, patch_size=(4, 4)):
Extracts non-overlapping patches from a feature map to form nodes in a graph.
- feature_map (Tensor): The feature map from the CNN of shape (B, C, H', W').
H' and W' are reduced spatial dimensions after CNN feature extraction.
- patch_size (tuple): Spatial size (height, width) of each patch.
- patches (Tensor): Tensor of shape (B, N, C, patch_h, patch_w), where N is the number of patches per image.
b, c, h, w = feature_map.size()
patch_h, patch_w = patch_size
# Unfold extracts sliding patches; here we align so that they are non-overlapping
patches = feature_map.unfold(2, patch_h, patch_h).unfold(3, patch_w, patch_w)
# Rearrange to have patches as separate units
patches = patches.permute(0, 2, 3, 1, 4, 5).contiguous()
patches = patches.view(b, -1, c, patch_h, patch_w)
return patches
def construct_graph_from_patch(patch_index, patch_shape, image_shape):
Constructs edges between patch nodes based on spatial adjacency (k-connectivity).
This follows the approach described in Section 3.2 of SAG-ViT, where patches
are arranged in a grid and connected to their spatial neighbors.
- patch_index (int): Index of the current patch node.
- patch_shape (tuple): (patch_height, patch_width).
- image_shape (tuple): (height, width) of the feature map.
- G (nx.Graph): A graph with a single node and edges to its neighbors (to be composed globally).
G = nx.Graph()
# Compute grid dimensions (how many patches along height and width)
grid_height = image_shape[0] // patch_shape[0]
grid_width = image_shape[1] // patch_shape[1]
# Current node index in a flattened grid
current_node = patch_index
# 8-neighborhood connectivity (up, down, left, right, diagonals)
neighbor_offsets = [(-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1),
(-1, -1), (-1, 1), (1, -1), (1, 1)]
# Recover row, col from patch_index
row = current_node // grid_width
col = current_node % grid_width
for dr, dc in neighbor_offsets:
neighbor_row = row + dr
neighbor_col = col + dc
if 0 <= neighbor_row < grid_height and 0 <= neighbor_col < grid_width:
neighbor_node = neighbor_row * grid_width + neighbor_col
G.add_edge(current_node, neighbor_node)
return G
def build_graph_from_patches(feature_map, patch_size=(4,4)):
Builds a global graph for each image in the batch, where each node corresponds
to a patch, and edges represent spatial adjacency. This graph captures local
spatial relationships of the patches, as outlined in Sections 3.1 and 3.2 of SAG-ViT.
- feature_map (Tensor): CNN output (B, C, H', W').
- patch_size (tuple): Size of each patch (patch_h, patch_w).
- G_global_batch (list): A list of NetworkX graphs, one per image in the batch.
- patches (Tensor): The extracted patches (B, N, C, patch_h, patch_w).
patches = extract_patches(feature_map, patch_size)
batch_size = patches.size(0)
grid_height = feature_map.size(2) // patch_size[0]
grid_width = feature_map.size(3) // patch_size[1]
num_patches = grid_height * grid_width
G_global_batch = []
for batch_idx in range(batch_size):
G_global = nx.Graph()
# Construct a global graph by composing individual patch-based graphs
for patch_idx in range(num_patches):
G_patch = construct_graph_from_patch(
image_shape=(feature_map.size(2), feature_map.size(3))
G_global = nx.compose(G_global, G_patch)
return G_global_batch, patches
def build_graph_data_from_patches(G_global_batch, patches):
Converts NetworkX graphs and associated patches into PyTorch Geometric Data objects.
Each node corresponds to a patch vectorized into a feature node embedding.
- G_global_batch (list): List of global graphs (one per image) in NetworkX form.
- patches (Tensor): (B, N, C, patch_h, patch_w) patch tensor.
- data_list (list): List of PyTorch Geometric Data objects, where data.x are node features,
and data.edge_index is the adjacency from the constructed graph.
from_networkx_ = from_networkx # local alias to avoid confusion
data_list = []
batch_size, num_patches, channels, patch_h, patch_w = patches.size()
for batch_idx, G_global in enumerate(G_global_batch):
# Flatten each patch into a feature vector
node_features = patches[batch_idx].view(num_patches, -1)
G_pygeom = from_networkx_(G_global)
G_pygeom.x = node_features
return data_list