NEWONE1 / invokeai /frontend /web /src /services /events /onInvocationComplete.tsx
roshikhan301's picture
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import { logger } from 'app/logging/logger';
import type { AppDispatch, RootState } from 'app/store/store';
import { deepClone } from 'common/util/deepClone';
import { stagingAreaImageStaged } from 'features/controlLayers/store/canvasStagingAreaSlice';
import { boardIdSelected, galleryViewChanged, imageSelected, offsetChanged } from 'features/gallery/store/gallerySlice';
import { $nodeExecutionStates, upsertExecutionState } from 'features/nodes/hooks/useExecutionState';
import { zNodeStatus } from 'features/nodes/types/invocation';
import { CANVAS_OUTPUT_PREFIX } from 'features/nodes/util/graph/graphBuilderUtils';
import { boardsApi } from 'services/api/endpoints/boards';
import { getImageDTOSafe, imagesApi } from 'services/api/endpoints/images';
import type { ImageDTO, S } from 'services/api/types';
import { getCategories, getListImagesUrl } from 'services/api/util';
import { $lastProgressEvent } from 'services/events/stores';
import type { JsonObject } from 'type-fest';
const log = logger('events');
const isCanvasOutputNode = (data: S['InvocationCompleteEvent']) => {
return data.invocation_source_id.split(':')[0] === CANVAS_OUTPUT_PREFIX;
const nodeTypeDenylist = ['load_image', 'image'];
export const buildOnInvocationComplete = (getState: () => RootState, dispatch: AppDispatch) => {
const addImageToGallery = (data: S['InvocationCompleteEvent'], imageDTO: ImageDTO) => {
if (nodeTypeDenylist.includes(data.invocation.type)) {
log.trace('Skipping node type denylisted');
if (imageDTO.is_intermediate) {
// update the total images for the board
boardsApi.util.updateQueryData('getBoardImagesTotal', imageDTO.board_id ?? 'none', (draft) => { += 1;
{ type: 'Board', id: imageDTO.board_id ?? 'none' },
type: 'ImageList',
id: getListImagesUrl({
board_id: imageDTO.board_id ?? 'none',
categories: getCategories(imageDTO),
const { shouldAutoSwitch, selectedBoardId, galleryView, offset } = getState().gallery;
// If auto-switch is enabled, select the new image
if (shouldAutoSwitch) {
// If the image is from a different board, switch to that board - this will also select the image
if (imageDTO.board_id && imageDTO.board_id !== selectedBoardId) {
boardId: imageDTO.board_id,
selectedImageName: imageDTO.image_name,
} else if (!imageDTO.board_id && selectedBoardId !== 'none') {
boardId: 'none',
selectedImageName: imageDTO.image_name,
} else {
// Else just select the image, no need to switch boards
if (galleryView !== 'images') {
// We also need to update the gallery view to images. This also updates the offset.
} else if (offset > 0) {
// If we are not at the start of the gallery, reset the offset.
dispatch(offsetChanged({ offset: 0 }));
const getResultImageDTO = (data: S['InvocationCompleteEvent']) => {
const { result } = data;
if (result.type === 'image_output') {
return getImageDTOSafe(result.image.image_name);
return null;
const handleOriginWorkflows = async (data: S['InvocationCompleteEvent']) => {
const { result, invocation_source_id } = data;
const nes = deepClone($nodeExecutionStates.get()[invocation_source_id]);
if (nes) {
nes.status = zNodeStatus.enum.COMPLETED;
if (nes.progress !== null) {
nes.progress = 1;
upsertExecutionState(nes.nodeId, nes);
const imageDTO = await getResultImageDTO(data);
if (imageDTO && !imageDTO.is_intermediate) {
addImageToGallery(data, imageDTO);
const handleOriginCanvas = async (data: S['InvocationCompleteEvent']) => {
const imageDTO = await getResultImageDTO(data);
if (!imageDTO) {
if (data.destination === 'canvas') {
// TODO(psyche): Can/should we let canvas handle this itself?
if (isCanvasOutputNode(data)) {
if (data.result.type === 'image_output') {
dispatch(stagingAreaImageStaged({ stagingAreaImage: { imageDTO, offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0 } }));
addImageToGallery(data, imageDTO);
} else if (!imageDTO.is_intermediate) {
// Desintaion is gallery
addImageToGallery(data, imageDTO);
const handleOriginOther = async (data: S['InvocationCompleteEvent']) => {
const imageDTO = await getResultImageDTO(data);
if (imageDTO && !imageDTO.is_intermediate) {
addImageToGallery(data, imageDTO);
return async (data: S['InvocationCompleteEvent']) => {
log.debug({ data } as JsonObject, `Invocation complete (${data.invocation.type}, ${data.invocation_source_id})`);
if (data.origin === 'workflows') {
await handleOriginWorkflows(data);
} else if (data.origin === 'canvas') {
await handleOriginCanvas(data);
} else {
await handleOriginOther(data);