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@@ -8,6 +8,36 @@ metrics:
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- name: distil_cased-fire-classification-silvanus
10 |
results: []
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13 |
<!-- This model card has been generated automatically according to the information the Trainer had access to. You
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9 |
- name: distil_cased-fire-classification-silvanus
10 |
results: []
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- text: >-
13 |
Kebakaran hutan dan lahan terus terjadi dan semakin meluas di Kota
14 |
Palangkaraya, Kalimantan Tengah (Kalteng) pada hari Rabu, 15 Nopember 2023
15 |
20.00 WIB. Bahkan kobaran api mulai membakar pondok warga dan mendekati
16 |
permukiman. BZK #RCTINews #SeputariNews #News #Karhutla #KebakaranHutan
17 |
#HutanKalimantan #SILVANUS_Italian_Pilot_Testing
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example_title: Indonesia
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- text: >-
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Wildfire rages for a second day in Evia destroying a Natura 2000 protected
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pine forest. - 5:51 PM Aug 14, 2019
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example_title: English
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- text: >-
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3 nov 2023 21:57 - Incendio forestal obliga a la evacuación de hasta 850
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personas cerca del pueblo de Montichelvo en Valencia.
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example_title: Spanish
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- text: >-
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Incendi boschivi nell'est del Paese: 2 morti e oltre 50 case distrutte nello
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stato del Queensland.
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example_title: Italian
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- text: >-
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Lesné požiare na Sicílii si vyžiadali dva ľudské životy a evakuáciu hotela
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http://dlvr.it/SwW3sC - 23. septembra 2023 20:57
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example_title: Slovak
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- id
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- en
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- es
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- it
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- sk
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<!-- This model card has been generated automatically according to the information the Trainer had access to. You