gandhi-gpt / code /eval_logs.txt
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added logs
Fri Aug 5 15:20:29 2022
Special tokens have been added in the vocabulary, make sure the associated word embeddings are fine-tuned or trained.
Model loaded to GPU
Fri Aug 5 15:20:53 2022
Model and tokenizer loaded!
Fri Aug 5 15:20:56 2022
tensor([[50257, 314, 4601, 284, 910, 326]], device='cuda:0')
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
0: I wish to say that my own view is that it should be easy for India to start immediately from January |, and I believe in India-wide swaraj. What I believe in swaraj for the masses is that they must boycott foreig$
1: I wish to say that not a day has passed, but the day is of sacred days. The sacred days of Ramdas, Prabhashankar, Ramdas, Lakshmidas and others have been spent in performing these sacred duties. The sacred days h$
ve not been forgotten. Let us see what has happened.
2: I wish to say that we should take this resolution as a good omen and make it a success. The Congress will not be judged by its resolutions but solely by our deeds. That you might not approve of the resolution is $
ot the only fault. Why should it be so? We do not have such men nor are we capable of running the affairs of our country. It is our duty to pass these resolutions, because they are in our hands and so cannot be passe$
. A resolution ought not to be passed but the Committee is the authority; its authority is the authority of God.
Fri Aug 5 15:25:50 2022
Special tokens have been added in the vocabulary, make sure the associated word embeddings are fine-tuned or trained.
Model loaded to GPU
Fri Aug 5 15:26:29 2022
Model and tokenizer loaded!
Fri Aug 5 15:26:32 2022
tensor([[50257, 38687, 7045, 290, 3449, 314, 7634, 1975, 326]],
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
0: Regarding Muslims and Islam I strongly believe that the question of the Khilafat question will never arise.
1: Regarding Muslims and Islam I strongly believe that I have the utmost sympathy and therefore the greatest respect.
2: Regarding Muslims and Islam I strongly believe that they are the best thing in the matter of both these.
Fri Aug 5 15:26:51 2022
Special tokens have been added in the vocabulary, make sure the associated word embeddings are fine-tuned or trained.
Model loaded to GPU
Fri Aug 5 15:27:12 2022
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Fri Aug 5 15:27:15 2022
tensor([[50257, 18233, 8, 1867, 318, 534, 4094, 3252, 30]],
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
0: Question) What is your biggest fear? Would it not be advisable for the people to leave? Would it not be better, instead, to take out an ultimatum on a handful of persons, irrespective of whether the latter are wil
ling or not?
1: Question) What is your biggest fear? Should there be any difficulty in our carrying on even single-handed the war in the teeth of any criticism about our activity?
2: Question) What is your biggest fear? Why did you have so much faith in Rajaji? Your reason should have been stronger than that of either Sardar or Jawahar. Why did you not trust in Rajaji? Why did you not rely on
Jawahar or Sardar? But if you are able to persuade Rajaji and Jawahar, surely it is as well.
Fri Aug 5 15:28:33 2022
Special tokens have been added in the vocabulary, make sure the associated word embeddings are fine-tuned or trained.
Model loaded to GPU
Fri Aug 5 15:28:59 2022
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Fri Aug 5 15:29:02 2022
tensor([[50257, 25869, 25, 1867, 318, 534, 4094, 3252, 30, 22081,
25]], device='cuda:0')
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
0: Reporter: What is your biggest fear? Gandhi: How is that big difference between the Gandhi family and the big one?
1: Reporter: What is your biggest fear? Gandhi: Yes, but only I or most of the Congressmen know and understand.
2: Reporter: What is your biggest fear? Gandhi: Is it the Congress or the League?
Fri Aug 5 15:31:45 2022
Special tokens have been added in the vocabulary, make sure the associated word embeddings are fine-tuned or trained.
Model loaded to GPU
Fri Aug 5 15:32:05 2022
Model and tokenizer loaded!
Fri Aug 5 15:32:08 2022
tensor([[50257, 314, 2227, 284, 3613, 275, 71, 363, 265, 1702,
71, 475, 12716]], device='cuda:0')
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
0: I wanted to save bhagat singh but unfortunately I have not been able. I hope it will now be an accomplished fact.
1: I wanted to save bhagat singh but unfortunately no one came there. Please send the book with someone to read. I hope you received my postcard. It is rather strange that Prabhudas should not be here now. You need n
ot hesitate to write to me. I was very glad that you got the postcard.
2: I wanted to save bhagat singh but unfortunately I myself had not enough ghee for the ghee I wanted. So there was a problem for me. How to make ghee myself I did not know. Now I am going to Calcutta. I do not know
how I shall be able to leave tomorrow. I am of the opinion that we should go in as early as we can in the matter.
Fri Aug 5 15:47:44 2022
Model and tokenizer loaded!
Fri Aug 5 15:47:46 2022
tensor([[50257, 314, 2227, 284, 3613, 275, 71, 363, 265, 1702,
71, 475, 39955]], device='cuda:0')
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
0: I wanted to save bhagat singh but fortunately it has not been done. I can find a good expression in your ‘face. And I find that bhagat has an appeal for you. You have to make the best use of all you possess and yo
u must not lose your faith unless you follow the golden prescription that it is better to let things take their own course. This is true of every institution.
1: I wanted to save bhagat singh but fortunately I could not. The bhagat was very fine for the Bengalis. And this I learnt to give to other provinces. And now it is very cold and very windy. There is such a need for
these provinces that you can give me a detailed report only after finishing the work in those provinces, but what you will have me to say at length may be considered too long.
2: I wanted to save bhagat singh but fortunately it cannot be done so. There are so many bhagat temples that we want to start a goshala there and you should get as much ghee and milk from cows as possible, which woul
d also be enough to give strength to the goshala. The work of cow-protection as elsewhere would be easy if there are cow-protection volunteers who would go round and teach people ways of performing both the tasks befo
re them. This work can be completed on only one condition. Today cow-protection is the sacred thread from which every thread brings milk. In this way we must know how to turn it into ghee and how to make it from cows
milk. If we take up this work, we may even take it up. Today I had told Janakibehn that we would start giving ghee from cows only in order to save the cow-protection of the country, when she got used to working with m
e. Today I would leave this to you to do only what the country and the country requires.
Fri Aug 5 15:49:20 2022
Model loaded to GPU
Fri Aug 5 15:49:41 2022
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Fri Aug 5 15:49:44 2022
<|startoftext|> I wanted to save bhagat singh but
tensor([[50257, 314, 2227, 284, 3613, 275, 71, 363, 265, 1702,
71, 475]], device='cuda:0')
0: I wanted to save bhagat singh but had to see that you put the required bhagat into the fire and then use it as far as you could but with bhagat, you would not be a bad person nor would you be a bad person. Hence, in trying to save a bhagat you should see that the fire is extinguished.
1: I wanted to save bhagat singh but forgot it. Your letter gave me no news of your health. I have gone through your letter carefully. If the doctor says you have been taking bhagat, he should give me whatever explanation we may wish to. You should take no rest. No food value is going to be provided by the Trust and no milk or ghee at all. This should be enough for the present. If you do not like that you should take milk. Why did you unnecessarily take “bhagat” when you wrote to me about the condition of the cattle?
2: I wanted to save bhagat singh but I cannot manage it. We have in the Ashram all the facilities you have mentioned in your name and if we get at least one-tenth of that much, we should be able to teach you the principles which I have explained in my speech. This applies to all the problems that face the country. You should first make your own village your school, your home. If you do not think of going on a sea voyage or anywhere else, you should abandon all hope for the improvement you will have to undergo before you can be restored to health. In other words, you should go to a sea-atham, where only you are used, only after the sea is rough in the sea. This is the condition of a home. We should live like the poor in the sea-port, the land of birth and death alike. We should try to improve our way of living and the food we should eat and the distance between us and the sea should be made small. We should thus make it easier for those who have no interest in service to pay a visit to distant lands and those who are a devotee to God may visit any part of the country if he finds any activity worth while there. If we can do this in our lives, all our difficulties and dangers will disappear with the disappearance of poverty. The solution to the problems you mentioned in your speech applies with greater force than your speech is likely to do. You should give due thought to the problem before you go to a sea-atham. After all no one lives in the sea of India. If he does, the sea-atham is not for its dwellers. Moreover, we have to take care that we do not sink. The sea is not for the dwellers, it is only for the dwellers. To think about the problem means to have faith that the dwellers must have the capacity to live, not to let ourselves sink but that their owners and their masters must have the capacity to live.
Fri Aug 5 15:49:52 2022
Fri Aug 5 15:50:34 2022
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Fri Aug 5 15:51:09 2022
Model and tokenizer loaded!
Fri Aug 5 15:51:12 2022
<|startoftext|> Regarding Kashmir I am very confident to say that
tensor([[50257, 38687, 24664, 314, 716, 845, 6563, 284, 910, 326]],
0: Regarding Kashmir I am very confident to say that I shall not give up my efforts in the attempt to have any Kashmiri plebiscite left there. And I hope that we shall have the same climate there and in a much cooler place, too, I shall have the same food. It is, however, likely that the climate there may be good.
1: Regarding Kashmir I am very confident to say that I have no other plan except that of going to Kashmir and in the mean time of Jawahar. I do not know whether I can get such an opportunity, but if I do not have one already, I will go only to Kashmir. It is of course true that I shall not come merely to meet the leaders. But even as I am not going there, where else can I go? There is one common ground between Jawahar and me. There is no other common ground between us. Hence there is no need for him to go to Kashmir. He should do as you wish. I would go if you felt that you should go. If, moreover, you are a man of pure heart, you should certainly go.
2: Regarding Kashmir I am very confident to say that if all the Hindus and Sikhs are not there for certain things the Sikhs too would remain unafraid.
Fri Aug 5 15:51:15 2022
========================= ON GPT finetuned on Indian English News Data and then on Gandhi data =========================
Fri Sep 2 11:29:50 2022
Model loaded to GPU
Fri Sep 2 11:30:07 2022
Model and tokenizer loaded!
Fri Sep 2 11:30:09 2022
<|startoftext|> I wish to say that
tensor([[50257, 314, 4601, 284, 910, 326]], device='cuda:0')
0: I wish to say that if you want peace to be established, you must do so. It is as good as I can offer my sincere prayers to God. If you want peace and so much love, please take care that I am doing a lot of work and you cannot neglect all this.
1: I wish to say that I did not come in close contact with any Englishman or even with any Anglo-Indian. I was also aware of a desire to learn English. But before I could see that the desire had not gone ill, I was at fault.
2: I wish to say that, if we did not get the help of the villagers for the constructive programme, what would be? You have been working hard to get the help of the villagers; you have now won over the people of the Kheda district. It will not be necessary to tell the people to boycott the work. If we can achieve something for the villages, only then the villagers will be happy and free from the fear of the Government. If the villagers refuse to part with their belongings and to go to a sense of duty, the people will be ruined. They will not have power to take any work out of the kisans.
Fri Sep 2 11:30:11 2022
Fri Sep 2 11:37:11 2022
Model loaded to GPU
Fri Sep 2 11:37:29 2022
Model and tokenizer loaded!
Fri Sep 2 11:37:31 2022
<|startoftext|> Regarding Kashmir I am very confident to say that
tensor([[50257, 38687, 24664, 314, 716, 845, 6563, 284, 910, 326]],
0: Regarding Kashmir I am very confident to say that the non-violence that I am struggling for is not the non-violent type which the non-violent technique has been successfully practised in the U. P. It is the more organized that I am and the more the more so on behalf of the non-violent method. The non-violence of the non-violent technique is its positive force. The non-violent method, in my opinion, requires the courage and the courage of the soldier. But the non-violence of the non-violent nature of the non-violent, I have no doubt, has only been tested in the ordinary course of life. And, I do not know that in non-violence there is no real non-violence. But my belief is that the non-violence of the votaries of the wheel will go with the times changing in the different provinces of India, and in this matter, the non-violence of the non-violent type will be tested. The experiment that was undertaken is so successful. And if India were to attain freedom, it will be no answer to the Non-violent method.
1: Regarding Kashmir I am very confident to say that the British will be satisfied to recognize the full status of Kashmir and will not, if they go further, be found wanting in it; and if they do so, the whole country will become helpless. I am afraid some of them will be determined not to keep India out, because the Indian will not be ready for that.
2: Regarding Kashmir I am very confident to say that there is not much need for my statement just now. I am only sorry to say that there is little chance of my making any statement in future.
Fri Sep 2 11:37:34 2022
<|startoftext|> I wanted to save bhagat singh but
tensor([[50257, 314, 2227, 284, 3613, 275, 71, 363, 265, 1702,
71, 475]], device='cuda:0')
0: I wanted to save bhagat singh but did not know that it was difficult, for you, to make that choice. In fact I have lost my old way of thinking. What will you do there? You have not shown the requisite courage to do so. I have not written a long letter to you.
1: I wanted to save bhagat singh but no harm had been done. I thought it the right thing to do so. The same thing is now happening with me. I shall be happy in a day or two when the burden will be lighter.
2: I wanted to save bhagat singh but I do not wish to be the mahatma of Kathiawar. It is a difficult task. The Mahatma wants to save the Gita. It is our duty to save it. Why should we have to make such a demand, for this reason, at present?
Fri Sep 2 11:37:35 2022
<|startoftext|> I wanted to save bhagat singh but fortunately
tensor([[50257, 314, 2227, 284, 3613, 275, 71, 363, 265, 1702,
71, 475, 39955]], device='cuda:0')
0: I wanted to save bhagat singh but fortunately for the present I got no response from anyone.
1: I wanted to save bhagat singh but fortunately the police came to our aid. They too tried hard to save us, but failed to succeed. They could not save us from the police, and when we came into their clutches they were a mere drop in the ocean. So now we are engaged in an eternal struggle. Even now we must go to them for fear of their taking us across the country. This is our true religion. Why should we feel a shame when we have done that? Our scriptures tell us that we should suffer humiliation as an enemy without the permission of others.
2: I wanted to save bhagat singh but fortunately for want of my letter I had to postpone the fast and still do my duty. I had better not postpone it in any way. The fast would have been over if I had not joined the fast. I may not now give up my duty in such circumstances. I may not fast at the present moment. I may not fast at the present moment. But I will take it to mean that I shall be in the jail for a long time. You need not mind my not replying to your telegram when it comes. I am glad to know that you were able to go and see me. Let me know if all the prisoners have arrived. But I would not want to detain you for a few days. When things go on like this, I see no harm in sending you to jail. I think you must have received the wire.
Fri Sep 2 11:37:38 2022
<|startoftext|> I wanted to save bhagat singh but unfortunately
tensor([[50257, 314, 2227, 284, 3613, 275, 71, 363, 265, 1702,
71, 475, 12716]], device='cuda:0')
0: I wanted to save bhagat singh but unfortunately I was not able to do so. The people are still unable to understand the real meaning of bhagatbandhus effort. If you can create a public opinion against such methods of violence and therefore take me to task, why should I not put a ban on them? The present movement is not confined to the propaganda of non-violence. Nor is it directed against the propaganda of non-violence. We have, therefore, got to consider, what a peaceful thing it is. I hope to be able to convince this friend. He also is a believer in non-violence. But what is a civil disobedience of the laws of the country is a different matter. I shall make what use the authorities of the police of India are doing against the peaceful people in these circumstances and the law will be inimical to the liberty of these people.
1: I wanted to save bhagat singh but unfortunately there are bhagat Singhs only, but I cannot save a cow and goats from their slaughter. A good many of them, too, are of an extremely liberal view. This is a good idea, but I have already suggested that I should go to the Punjab and make a definite promise not to take up a cow but a few cows. This may sound strange to many of us. In my opinion we can only take a few stray buffaloes and ghee. If our Government in Delhi are at all honest, they ought to do so. If we have courage, we may use all our strength to stop this slaughter, but it should be remembered that we must stop killing cows. If the Government is not at all interested in the matter, we should stop cow-slaughter. Let everyone help that Government.
2: I wanted to save bhagat singh but unfortunately I got it. In spite of that, my health had become very delicate. I would have to stop here and there till I reach Ahmedabad. But I feel that I must stay here longer and that the Ashram is not at all suitable. Hence, there is no need at all to worry. The reason for my going may come from the fact that my mental condition is deteriorating. Let it be as it must. It is a matter of shame that those whom I may send, should not be permitted to remain in the Ashram and no one should enter it. Let me not feel unhappy in that state. The Ashram itself should be independent of the other ashram. We should be very happy in that that state, and all the inmates should live there without any misgivings and do only their duty.
Fri Sep 2 11:37:40 2022
<|startoftext|> Reporter: What is your biggest fear? Gandhi:
tensor([[50257, 25869, 25, 1867, 318, 534, 4094, 3252, 30, 22081,
25]], device='cuda:0')
0: Reporter: What is your biggest fear? Gandhi: I know that your fear was justified. I hope your best friend has all the help that you can give and so the country expects a much more liberal attitude from you. You should not assume that in spite of his faith in the Congress programme you have not succeeded in making the progress, your faith in non-violence is unshakable and your confidence is a proof of your determination to reach the goal.
1: Reporter: What is your biggest fear? Gandhi: You are too slow. You are too hasty in your work. What would you have done there? If you are in the wrong, you should come over. This, too, is true. The Government should not mind. Do not be angry with yourself and, therefore, make it your dharma to give up this fear. How can you go to jail if this happens? The Government is your only concern.
2: Reporter: What is your biggest fear? Gandhi: He must learn all the three things. You should have all the three.
Fri Sep 2 11:37:41 2022
<|startoftext|> Question) What is your biggest fear?
tensor([[50257, 18233, 8, 1867, 318, 534, 4094, 3252, 30]],
0: Question) What is your biggest fear? Does the Government intend to harass you for the sake of getting arrested?
1: Question) What is your biggest fear? Can you, who have the heart to trust me, keep your body at home? You will surely not be able to do that. Do not worry about me in this world. He is your God. I will try your best to put yourself in your place. You must give your life for the work you are doing. May God grant you the strength to live long and render you your true servants.
2: Question) What is your biggest fear? If you ask me whether I believe you are deceiving the Muslims, I would tell you that if I was to be true, you and the Hindus have to live together in amity. There is no harm in trying to convert any human being to your view or for the sake of the Muslims. But I see no harm in going against it. What will you do if I say that my religion cannot tolerate me?
Fri Sep 2 11:37:43 2022
<|startoftext|> Regarding Muslims and Islam I strongly believe that
tensor([[50257, 38687, 7045, 290, 3449, 314, 7634, 1975, 326]],
0: Regarding Muslims and Islam I strongly believe that they have the same right to live the same as we do in the same faith. This is not a matter for comparison. I know that they are all Hindus. I feel that one should live according to all religions. I do not accept the suggestion that the religion which is being pursued in Hinduism is not Hindus. If Muslims are true Hindus and the Hindus do not follow the religion of the Vedas and the Vedas, who are not votaries of non-violence? In one place, Hindus believe in their own religion and do so in many other scriptures. If we, Hindus and Sikhs, accept the religion of the Vedas, if they wish to live according to their own religion, will go to Pakistan and go to Pakistan, they should all be ready to go to Pakistan and if the people want to live there, they should also provide facilities to Muslims. That is what we should do in the manner described above. Let this be our policy. We can do that when we come to a conclusion that we should start working together, then, let us come to a solution, be it ever so small.
1: Regarding Muslims and Islam I strongly believe that the British will not be able to bring the country to her own terms.
2: Regarding Muslims and Islam I strongly believe that all good and good can be brought to the same place. The only way of achieving this object is to help them to achieve that. When we have acquired control over our minds, we must do likewise. It is only a matter of time when I would be able to do the same thing in the circumstances. But to do that can be only through a good purpose.
Fri Sep 2 11:37:46 2022
<|startoftext|> I wish to say that
tensor([[50257, 314, 4601, 284, 910, 326]], device='cuda:0')
0: I wish to say that you know the whole of this work. You must know the work there. I expect more from you. You should not be surprised if the atmosphere here agrees with you. Only a little work is going on. The whole Ashram is here. It is no small thing, so I have made you give a visit there. We have come in with the impression that all you should do is to take whatever work you can. How are you keeping in touch with the work there?
1: I wish to say that I have no cause for despair as I am trying to do through my writings. I shall try to be more truthful and more open-hearted in my dealings with all who may be interested in me. I may, however, say that if a particular thing, which was the best thing in my life, had been done, I would regard myself as a humble servant of the nation, but would not hesitate to do so. Those who have any connection with me should therefore feel proud of me, but this alone will enable them to fulfil their aspiration.
2: I wish to say that no one will object to my writing in English. I cannot help doing so. That will take some time. A very fine English language is such that there is nothing to be ashamed of. I have not been able to see any difference between my own language and those of mine. I have not yet felt that my thoughts express their feelings in Urdu. However, I have always felt that, if I cannot, Hindustani would be the language in which I should write. I am hoping that, when in this I write the words Hindustani spoken by everyone, no matter what others speak, Hindustani will get the place of Hindustani in the syllabus, which is very important.
Fri Sep 2 11:37:48 2022
<|startoftext|> I chose Nehru over Patel for Prime Minister because
tensor([[50257, 314, 7690, 44470, 622, 625, 33110, 329, 5537, 4139,
780]], device='cuda:0')
0: I chose Nehru over Patel for Prime Minister because he was anxious for that which we should see during the coming struggle. It is therefore better not to be surprised by any talk of his being included. But he would say it is more necessary to be satisfied with the Nehru Report if we have not the time.
1: I chose Nehru over Patel for Prime Minister because he was a man of great self-sacrifice, sacrifice and sacrifice. I had to choose his successor because he was a man who gave and sacrificed a cause and who was always loyal and pure. I could not even dream of his becoming the Governor of Bihar for the present. But I had no hesitation in saying that my life would be the Kamala Nehru of India. I knew that he was a capable, good, industrious, fearless and courageous man who never let his post go to him. I could not give him much thought. His goodness was beyond measure. If I was the President, I would have been more cautious. But I knew the value of the step I had taken.
2: I chose Nehru over Patel for Prime Minister because he was a true soldier of India. He was the first to call upon me to form the Interim Government. He was, however, not so much manly as he was. A person who would do constructive work, he would not have been asked to do constructive work for one moment. I had already said that the present National Government was one of “unconditionally heavy interests” but he did not care for the masses as the Congress had no political power. I made this remark before he got me to address the Round Table Conference. He had said that it was only the poor mans country. He could not be said to know what to do in the circumstances outside India.
Fri Sep 2 11:37:50 2022
<|startoftext|> During my experiments with truth I observed that
tensor([[50257, 5856, 616, 10256, 351, 3872, 314, 6515, 326]],
0: During my experiments with truth I observed that my reading of truth was much more difficult than that of the general correspondent. I had to examine all the propositions that I had to lay down, I failed to digest them, and I could not understand how to put them into practice and how I tried to make them acceptable to those who had understood it. Even for the very imperfectness of my experiment, the very knowledge I had of the subject that I derived from the experience of a layman would enable me to judge things according to my own way. For instance, in the first instance I had to consider questions of truth and non-violence as more or less relevant in the context of the world, and after that I wrote two or three sentences on the subject and then gave my opinion regarding all the questions. This was how I understood the difference between truth and non-violence. I had to draw my own conclusion from a layman and do my best to follow it. I thought I had put my mind to good use and therefore had an ample time to discuss with the seeker and then I wrote something, which in effect proved to me to be my final experience. The seeker made me think what his view might be to the layman, and he put my ideas to me that would enable him to discover new ideas and ideas, and they enabled me to discover those ideas that could be formed, so that the future of mankind could be in a position to appreciate them. I therefore adopted a dietetic experiment based on the assumption that there was something in truth and non-violence for all human beings. I was led to believe in truth and non-violence for myself. I used to keep the vow to fast until I was completely in doubt, and I still have doubts as to whether it was proper or wrong. Even now, I have the conviction that I do not have the strength to undertake a fast. In order to attain moksha it is as necessary to live up to it and thus the only purpose which can be attained in this life is that of a pure heart. I regard it as our duty, as it should be, to observe truth even when it is on our side.
1: During my experiments with truth I observed that there were men who would have to go to prison, and, as for me, they found that in a matter like this there could be only one person ready to suffer. There was no need for anyone to complain against anyone. Even so, in the matter of untouchability, the Ashram was not closed to me, but it came to me that, whilst the inmates of the Ashram were in their midst, it had come to me that the inmates would not have to go to jail. It was indeed a sad day. Even so, I felt that what I had said in my letter to the women prisoners was something else. For me, satyagraha had meant the least suffering; but I felt it was the least suffering.
2: During my experiments with truth I observed that people believed in it that it was their dharma to put an end to the mischief of untouchability. This gave rise to great expectations, but there never was any change in their attitude. Some had thought that the great thing would be done, but the reformer, no matter how hard-hearted they were, felt that it was enough to fulfil the expectations which have been created in his mind by his own experiences. He would then ask himself whether he felt the call of God and of God. If anyone says that the whole world would have fallen by the time he was here or he would have fallen sick, such thought would be mere idle thought. The first lesson that was necessary was to think out the remedy, but the first lesson was that we should not resort to satyagraha to keep a pledge. The third lesson, however, was the same. It should be clear to all that all of us should become satyagrahis.
Fri Sep 2 11:37:56 2022
<|startoftext|> My opinion on the negroes of Africa is that
tensor([[50257, 2011, 4459, 319, 262, 47255, 274, 286, 5478, 318,
326]], device='cuda:0')
0: My opinion on the negroes of Africa is that the East African settlers of East Africa are capable of a most valuable culture. Mr. Andrews has been in the Transvaal since 1884, and we have already seen from the report of the Commission on Indian States that there is at present a considerable amount of difference between the former and the latter. Mr. Andrews in his recent writings has said that the Burmans would make a very good show of their own culture, and he has said that we should all consider that we ought to be proud of them. The Government is evidently to be sorry for us that our language and our habits of life should make our civilization an all-embracing term in South Africa. As our countrymen are not sufficiently cultured, we are in an awkward position.
1: My opinion on the negroes of Africa is that in all the Native States of the Transvaal the Indian is no longer the white man, and that he is no longer a white man. It is not the white man, he is a white man. He has been deprived of his legal right of residence in the Cape Colony. The Indian has been treated, for instance, as an indentured labourer. The Natives are deprived of the right of residence in the Transvaal. As for Indian marriages, it will be a different matter if the Asiatics do not pass the education test and become domiciled in Natal. They should be given as free Indians and should be permitted to remain in Natal to undergo a period of indenture, which is a test for the indentured men. The Immigration Officer had not been instructed to go on doing his duty; and that was a terrible problem and it was no doubt difficult. As for the Asiatic communities, the Indians of India are not afraid of the Asiatic communities; they are eager to go on, but they are anxious to be on the right path. The more the Transvaal goes forward, the more they lose their means. In no other part of the world, should it be difficult to get a right of domicile in Natal. As for the Indians, Natal and Mauritius, they will now be able to enjoy their rights for the sake of their country. If the people of the two parts are united, there will be an honourable partnership. The South African races will be able to make up their mind at all. They will see that there is something of the kind in Natal, and the Indian people will see that the Imperial Government, by putting the Asiatics into the country, has shown that they are not for Indians to receive any consideration whatsoever of domicile.
2: My opinion on the negroes of Africa is that they have not yet made such progress as are really worth making. As the matter is, they have become more eminently strong today because of the knowledge of the British Indians.
Fri Sep 2 11:38:01 2022