File size: 5,158 Bytes
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name = "cleanrl"
version = "1.1.0"
description = "High-quality single file implementation of Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithms with research-friendly features"
authors = ["Costa Huang <[email protected]>"]
packages = [
{ include = "cleanrl" },
{ include = "cleanrl_utils" },
keywords = ["reinforcement", "machine", "learning", "research"]
readme = ""
python = ">=3.7.1,<3.10"
tensorboard = "^2.10.0"
wandb = "^0.13.6"
gym = "0.23.1"
torch = ">=1.12.1"
stable-baselines3 = "1.2.0"
gymnasium = "^0.26.3"
moviepy = "^1.0.3"
pygame = "2.1.0"
huggingface-hub = "^0.11.1"
ale-py = {version = "0.7.4", optional = true}
AutoROM = {extras = ["accept-rom-license"], version = "^0.4.2"}
opencv-python = {version = "^", optional = true}
pybullet = {version = "3.1.8", optional = true}
procgen = {version = "^0.10.7", optional = true}
pytest = {version = "^7.1.3", optional = true}
mujoco = {version = "^2.2", optional = true}
imageio = {version = "^2.14.1", optional = true}
free-mujoco-py = {version = "^2.1.6", optional = true}
mkdocs-material = {version = "^8.4.3", optional = true}
markdown-include = {version = "^0.7.0", optional = true}
jax = {version = "^0.3.17", optional = true}
jaxlib = {version = "^0.3.15", optional = true}
flax = {version = "^0.6.0", optional = true}
optuna = {version = "^3.0.1", optional = true}
optuna-dashboard = {version = "^0.7.2", optional = true}
rich = {version = "<12.0", optional = true}
envpool = {version = "^0.6.4", optional = true}
PettingZoo = {version = "1.18.1", optional = true}
SuperSuit = {version = "3.4.0", optional = true}
multi-agent-ale-py = {version = "0.1.11", optional = true}
boto3 = {version = "^1.24.70", optional = true}
awscli = {version = "^1.25.71", optional = true}
shimmy = {version = "^0.1.0", optional = true}
dm-control = {version = "^1.0.8", optional = true}
pre-commit = "^2.20.0"
optional = true
ale-py = "0.7.4"
AutoROM = {extras = ["accept-rom-license"], version = "^0.4.2"}
opencv-python = "^"
optional = true
pybullet = "3.1.8"
optional = true
procgen = "^0.10.7"
optional = true
pytest = "^7.1.3"
optional = true
mujoco = "^2.2"
imageio = "^2.14.1"
optional = true
free-mujoco-py = "^2.1.6"
optional = true
mkdocs-material = "^8.4.3"
markdown-include = "^0.7.0"
optional = true
jax = "^0.3.17"
jaxlib = "^0.3.15"
flax = "^0.6.0"
optional = true
optuna = "^3.0.1"
optuna-dashboard = "^0.7.2"
rich = "<12.0"
optional = true
envpool = "^0.6.4"
optional = true
PettingZoo = "1.18.1"
SuperSuit = "3.4.0"
multi-agent-ale-py = "0.1.11"
optional = true
boto3 = "^1.24.70"
awscli = "^1.25.71"
optional = true
isaacgymenvs = {git = "", rev = "poetry"}
isaacgym = {path = "cleanrl/ppo_continuous_action_isaacgym/isaacgym", develop = true}
optional = true
shimmy = "^0.1.0"
dm-control = "^1.0.8"
mujoco = "^2.2"
requires = ["poetry-core"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"
atari = ["ale-py", "AutoROM", "opencv-python"]
pybullet = ["pybullet"]
procgen = ["procgen"]
plot = ["pandas", "seaborn"]
pytest = ["pytest"]
mujoco = ["mujoco", "imageio"]
mujoco_py = ["free-mujoco-py"]
jax = ["jax", "jaxlib", "flax"]
docs = ["mkdocs-material", "markdown-include"]
envpool = ["envpool"]
optuna = ["optuna", "optuna-dashboard", "rich"]
pettingzoo = ["PettingZoo", "SuperSuit", "multi-agent-ale-py"]
cloud = ["boto3", "awscli"]
dm_control = ["shimmy", "dm-control", "mujoco"]
# dependencies for algorithm variant (useful when you want to run a specific algorithm)
dqn = []
dqn_atari = ["ale-py", "AutoROM", "opencv-python"]
dqn_jax = ["jax", "jaxlib", "flax"]
dqn_atari_jax = [
"ale-py", "AutoROM", "opencv-python", # atari
"jax", "jaxlib", "flax" # jax
c51 = []
c51_atari = ["ale-py", "AutoROM", "opencv-python"]
c51_jax = ["jax", "jaxlib", "flax"]
c51_atari_jax = [
"ale-py", "AutoROM", "opencv-python", # atari
"jax", "jaxlib", "flax" # jax
ppo_atari_envpool_xla_jax_scan = [
"ale-py", "AutoROM", "opencv-python", # atari
"jax", "jaxlib", "flax", # jax
"envpool", # envpool