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Mar 12

The Foundation Supernova Survey: Measuring Cosmological Parameters with Supernovae from a Single Telescope

Measurements of the dark energy equation-of-state parameter, w, have been limited by uncertainty in the selection effects and photometric calibration of z<0.1 Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia). The Foundation Supernova Survey is designed to lower these uncertainties by creating a new sample of z<0.1 SNe Ia observed on the Pan-STARRS system. Here, we combine the Foundation sample with SNe from the Pan-STARRS Medium Deep Survey and measure cosmological parameters with 1,338 SNe from a single telescope and a single, well-calibrated photometric system. For the first time, both the low-z and high-z data are predominantly discovered by surveys that do not target pre-selected galaxies, reducing selection bias uncertainties. The z>0.1 data include 875 SNe without spectroscopic classifications and we show that we can robustly marginalize over CC SN contamination. We measure Foundation Hubble residuals to be fainter than the pre-existing low-z Hubble residuals by 0.046 pm 0.027 mag (stat+sys). By combining the SN Ia data with cosmic microwave background constraints, we find w=-0.938 pm 0.053, consistent with LambdaCDM. With 463 spectroscopically classified SNe Ia alone, we measure w=-0.933pm0.061. Using the more homogeneous and better-characterized Foundation sample gives a 55% reduction in the systematic uncertainty attributed to SN Ia sample selection biases. Although use of just a single photometric system at low and high redshift increases the impact of photometric calibration uncertainties in this analysis, previous low-z samples may have correlated calibration uncertainties that were neglected in past studies. The full Foundation sample will observe up to 800 SNe to anchor the LSST and WFIRST Hubble diagrams.

JAGB 2.0: Improved Constraints on the J-region Asymptotic Giant Branch-based Hubble Constant from an Expanded Sample of JWST Observations

The J-region Asymptotic Giant Branch (JAGB) is an overdensity of stars in the near-infrared, attributed to carbon-rich asymptotic giant branch stars, and recently used as a standard candle for measuring extragalactic distances and the Hubble constant. Using JWST in Cycle 2, we extend JAGB measurements to 6 hosts of 9 Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) (NGC 2525, NGC 3147, NGC 3370, NGC 3447, NGC 5468, and NGC 5861), with two at D sim 40 Mpc, all calibrated by the maser host NGC 4258. We investigate the effects of incompleteness and find that we are unable to recover a robust JAGB measurement in one of the two most distant hosts at R sim 40 Mpc, NGC 3147. We compile all JWST JAGB observations in SNe Ia hosts, 15 galaxies hosting 18 SNe Ia, from the SH0ES and CCHP programs and employ all literature measures (mode, mean, median, model). We find no significant mean difference between these distances and those from HST Cepheids, -0.03pm0.02 (stat) pm 0.05 (sys) mag. We find a difference of 0.11 pm 0.02 mag between JAGB mode measurements in the CCHP analyses of two fields in NGC 4258, a feature also seen in two SH0ES fields (see field-to-field variations in Li et al. 2024a), indicating significant field-to-field variation of JAGB measurements in NGC 4258 which produce a large absolute calibration uncertainty. Variations are also seen in the shape of the JAGB LF across galaxies so that different measures produce different values of the Hubble constant. We look for but do not (yet) find a standardizing relation between JAGB LF skew or color dependence and the apparent variation. Using the middle result of all JAGB measures to calibrate SNe Ia yields a Hubble constant of H_0 = 73.3 pm 1.4 (stat) pm 2.0 (sys) km/s/Mpc with the systematic dominated by apparent differences across NGC 4258 calibrating fields or their measures.

CfA3: 185 Type Ia Supernova Light Curves from the CfA

We present multi-band photometry of 185 type-Ia supernovae (SN Ia), with over 11500 observations. These were acquired between 2001 and 2008 at the F. L. Whipple Observatory of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA). This sample contains the largest number of homogeneously-observed and reduced nearby SN Ia (z < 0.08) published to date. It more than doubles the nearby sample, bringing SN Ia cosmology to the point where systematic uncertainties dominate. Our natural system photometry has a precision of 0.02 mag or better in BVRIr'i' and roughly 0.04 mag in U for points brighter than 17.5 mag. We also estimate a systematic uncertainty of 0.03 mag in our SN Ia standard system BVRIr'i' photometry and 0.07 mag for U. Comparisons of our standard system photometry with published SN Ia light curves and comparison stars, where available for the same SN, reveal agreement at the level of a few hundredths mag in most cases. We find that 1991bg-like SN Ia are sufficiently distinct from other SN Ia in their color and light-curve-shape/luminosity relation that they should be treated separately in light-curve/distance fitter training samples. The CfA3 sample will contribute to the development of better light-curve/distance fitters, particularly in the few dozen cases where near-infrared photometry has been obtained and, together, can help disentangle host-galaxy reddening from intrinsic supernova color, reducing the systematic uncertainty in SN Ia distances due to dust.

Cosmological Distance Measurement of 12 Nearby Supernovae IIP with ROTSE-IIIB

We present cosmological analysis of 12 nearby (z<0.06) Type IIP supernovae (SNe IIP) observed with the ROTSE-IIIb telescope. To achieve precise photometry, we present a new image differencing technique that is implemented for the first time on the ROTSE SN photometry pipeline. With this method, we find up to a 20\% increase in the detection efficiency and significant reduction in residual RMS scatter of the SN lightcurves when compared to the previous pipeline performance. We use the published optical spectra and broadband photometry of well studied SNe IIP to establish temporal models for ejecta velocity and photospheric temperature evolution for our SNe IIP population. This study yields measurements that are competitive to other methods even when the data are limited to a single epoch during the photospheric phase of SNe IIP. Using the fully reduced ROTSE photometry and optical spectra, we apply these models to the respective photometric epochs for each SN in the ROTSE IIP sample. This facilitates the use of the Expanding Photosphere Method (EPM) to obtain distance estimates to their respective host galaxies. We then perform cosmological parameter fitting using these EPM distances from which we measure the Hubble constant to be 72.9^{+5.7}_{-4.3}~{rm kms^{-1}~Mpc^{-1}}, which is consistent with the standard Lambda CDM model values derived using other independent techniques.

Signatures of the Shock Interaction as an Additional Power Source in the Nebular Spectra of SN 2023ixf

Red supergiants may lose significant mass through steady winds and episodic eruptions in the final 100-1000 years before the core collapses, shaping their circumstellar environment. Interaction between supernova (SN) ejecta and distant circumstellar material (CSM) can generate shocks, which can energize the ejecta and serve as a key power source during the nebular phase of the SN. In the present work, we investigate the nebular spectrum of SN 2023ixf, observed one year post-explosion (at +363 d) with the recently commissioned WEAVE instrument on the 4.2m William Herschel Telescope. This marks the first supernova spectrum captured with WEAVE. In this spectrum, Halpha exhibits a peculiar evolution, flanked by blueward and redward broad components centred at simpm 5650,km,s^{-1} from the rest velocity of Halpha, which are seen for only a few SNe to date. These features indicate energy deposition from shocks generated by the interaction of ejecta with a CSM expelled nearly 350 - 640 years pre-explosion. Comparisons of the +363 d spectrum with model spectra from the literature, that include varying shock powers, suggest a shock power of at least sim 5 times 10 ^{40},erg,s^{-1} at this epoch. Additionally, analysis of the [O I] doublet, along with other prominent emission lines, provides evidence for clumpiness, dust formation, and asymmetry within the ejecta and/or the surrounding CSM. These emission lines also helped to constrain the oxygen mass (approx0.19^{scriptscriptstyle +0.08}_{scriptscriptstyle -0.04} M_odot), He-core mass (<3 M_odot) and the zero-age main sequence mass (lesssim 12 M_odot) of the progenitor of SN 2023ixf. The comparison with other Type II SNe highlights SN 2023ixf's unique shock interaction signatures and evidence of dust formation, setting it apart in terms of evolution and dynamics.

Channels of Stellar-mass Black Hole Formation

On the basis of a large collection of detailed 3D core-collapse supernova simulations carried to late times, we identify four channels of stellar mass black hole formation. Our examples for Channel 1 involve the formation of lower-gap and above black holes in energetic asymmetric supernova explosions. Our Channel 2 example involves a modest supernova explosion that may leave behind a lower-gap to sim10 M_{odot} black hole. The latter may not be easily distinguishable from ``standard" supernovae that birth neutron stars. Our Channel 3 example experiences an aborted core-collapse explosion, more often in the context of a low-metallicity progenitor, whose residue is a black hole with a mass perhaps up to sim40 M_{odot}. The latter may be accompanied by a pulsational-pair instability supernova (PPISN). Channel 4 is the only quiescent or ``silent" scenario for which perhaps sim5 to 15 M_{odot} black holes are left. Where appropriate, we estimate ^{56}Ni yields, explosion energies, approximate recoil speeds, and residual black hole masses. The progenitor mass density and binding energy profiles at collapse influence the outcome in a systematic way. The statistics and prevalence of these various channels depend not only on still evolving supernova theory, but on remaining issues with the theory of massive star evolution, binary interaction, wind mass loss, metallicity, and the nuclear equation of state. Importantly, we suggest, but have not proven, that the silent channel for black hole formation may not be the dominant formation modality.

Follow-Up of Extended Shells around B[e] Stars

B[e] stars are massive B type emission line stars in different evolutionary stages ranging from pre-main sequence to post-main sequence. Due to their mass loss and ejection events these objects deposit huge amounts of mass and energy into their environment and enrich it with chemically processed material, contributing significantly to the chemical and dynamical evolution of their host galaxies. However, the large-scale environments of these enigmatic objects have not attracted much attention. The first and so far only catalog reporting the detection of extended shells around a sample of B[e] stars was an Ha imaging survey carried out in the year 2001, and was limited to bright targets in the northern hemisphere. We have recently started a follow-up of those targets to detect possible evolution of their nebulae in the plane of the sky over a baseline of two decades. Furthermore, we extend our survey to southern targets and fainter northern ones to complement and complete our knowledge on large-scale ejecta surrounding B[e] stars. Besides imaging in Ha and selected nebular lines, we utilize long-slit and 3D spectral observations across the nebulae to derive their physical properties. We discovered pronounced nebula structures around 15 more objects, resulting in a total of 27 B[e] stars with a large-scale nebula. Here we present our (preliminary) results for three selected objects: the two massive supergiants MWC137 and MWC 314, and the unclassified B[e] star MWC 819.

New Radio Observations of the Supernova Remnant CTA 1

We present new radio images of the supernova remnant (SNR) CTA 1 at 1420 and 408 MHz, and in the 21 cm line of H I observed with the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory Synthesis Telescope and at 1420 MHz observed with the Effelsberg 100 m telescope. We confirm previously described continuum features and elaborate further on filamentary features identified using the high-resolution (1') maps from these new observations. We investigate the abrupt change in sign of rotation measure (RM) across the SNR, using the linear polarization observations in the four bands around 1420 MHz. Following X. H. Sun et al.'s (2011) investigation, we both confirm that the distribution of signs of the RMs for extragalactic sources in the area appears to match that of the shell, as well as combine the data from the four bands to estimate the relative depolarization and the intrinsic rotation measure of the SNR. We do not conclusively reject X. H. Sun et al.'s (2011) claim of a Faraday screen in the foreground causing the distribution of RMs that we observe; however, we do suggest an alternative explanation of a swept-up stellar wind from the progenitor star with a toroidal magnetic field. Finally, we expand on the analysis of the H I observations by applying the Rolling Hough Transform to isolate filamentary structure and better identify H I emission with the SNR. Further constraining the H I velocity channels associated with CTA 1, we use more recent Galactic rotation curves to calculate an updated kinematic distance of 1.09 +/- 0.2 kpc.

Massive neutrinos and cosmic composition

Cosmological data probe massive neutrinos via their effects on the geometry of the Universe and the growth of structure, both of which are degenerate with the late-time expansion history. We clarify the nature of these degeneracies and the individual roles of both probes in neutrino mass inference. Geometry is strongly sensitive to neutrino masses: within LambdaCDM, the primary cosmic microwave background anisotropies alone impose that the matter fraction Omega_m must increase fivefold with increasing neutrino mass. Moreover, large-scale structure observables, like weak lensing of the CMB, are dimensionless and thus depend not on the matter density (as often quoted) but in fact the matter fraction. We explore the consequential impact of this distinction on the interplay between probes of structure, low-redshift distances, and CMB anisotropies. We derive constraints on the neutrino's masses independently from their suppression of structure and impact on geometry, showing that the latter is at least as important as the former. While the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument's recent baryon acoustic oscillation data place stringent bounds largely deriving from their geometric incompatibility with massive neutrinos, all recent type Ia supernova datasets drive marginal preferences for nonzero neutrino masses because they prefer substantially larger matter fractions. Recent CMB lensing data, however, neither exclude neutrinos' suppression of structure nor constrain it strongly enough to discriminate between mass hierarchies. Current data thus evince not a need for modified dynamics of neutrino perturbations or structure growth but rather an inconsistent compatibility with massive neutrinos' impact on the expansion history. We identify two of DESI's measurements that strongly influence its constraints, and we also discuss neutrino mass measurements in models that alter the sound horizon.

Evidence for a Massive Protocluster in S255N

S255N is a luminous far-infrared source that contains many indications of active star formation but lacks a prominent near-infrared stellar cluster. We present mid-infrared through radio observations aimed at exploring the evolutionary state of this region. Our observations include 1.3mm continuum and spectral line data from the Submillimeter Array, VLA 3.6cm continuum and 1.3cm water maser data, and multicolor IRAC images from the Spitzer Space Telescope. The cometary morphology of the previously-known UCHII region G192.584-0.041 is clearly revealed in our sensitive, multi-configuration 3.6cm images. The 1.3mm continuum emission has been resolved into three compact cores, all of which are dominated by dust emission and have radii < 7000AU. The mass estimates for these cores range from 6 to 35 Msun. The centroid of the brightest dust core (SMA1) is offset by 1.1'' (2800 AU) from the peak of the cometary UCHII region and exhibits the strongest HC3N, CN, and DCN line emission in the region. SMA1 also exhibits compact CH3OH, SiO, and H2CO emission and likely contains a young hot core. We find spatial and kinematic evidence that SMA1 may contain further multiplicity, with one of the components coincident with a newly-detected H2O maser. There are no mid-infrared point source counterparts to any of the dust cores, further suggesting an early evolutionary phase for these objects. The dominant mid-infrared emission is a diffuse, broadband component that traces the surface of the cometary UCHII region but is obscured by foreground material on its southern edge. An additional 4.5 micron linear feature emanating to the northeast of SMA1 is aligned with a cluster of methanol masers and likely traces a outflow from a protostar within SMA1. Our observations provide direct evidence that S255N is forming a cluster of intermediate to high-mass stars.

KIC 4150611: A quadruply eclipsing heptuple star system with a g-mode period-spacing pattern Asteroseismic modelling of the g-mode period-spacing pattern

In this work, we aim to estimate the stellar parameters of the primary (Aa) by performing asteroseismic analysis on its period-spacing pattern. We use the C-3PO neural network to perform asteroseismic modelling of the g-mode period-spacing pattern of Aa, discussing the interplay of this information with external constraints from spectroscopy (T_{rm eff} and log(g)) and eclipse modelling (R). To estimate the level of uncertainty due to different frequency extraction and pattern identification processes, we consider four different variations on the period-spacing patterns. To better understand the correlations between and the uncertainty structure of our parameter estimates, we also employed a classical, parameter-based MCMC grid search on four different stellar grids. The best-fitting, externally constrained model to the period-spacing pattern arrives at estimates of the stellar properties for Aa of: M=1.51 pm 0.05 M_odot, X_c =0.43 pm 0.04, R=1.66 pm 0.1 R_odot, f_{rm ov}=0.010, Omega_c=1.58 pm 0.01 d^{-1} with rigid rotation to within the measurement errors, log(T_{rm eff})=3.856 pm 0.008 dex, log(g)=4.18 pm 0.04 dex, and log(L)=0.809 pm 0.005 dex, which agree well with previous measurements from eclipse modelling, spectroscopy, and the Gaia DR3 luminosity. We find that the near-core properties of the best-fitting asteroseismic models are consistent with external constraints from eclipse modelling and spectroscopy. Aa appears to be a typical example of a gamma Dor star, fitting well within existing populations. We find that Aa is quasi-rigidly rotating to within the uncertainties, and note that the asteroseismic age estimate for Aa (1100 pm 100 Myr) is considerably older than the young (35 Myr) age implied by previous isochrone fits to the B binary in the literature. Our MCMC parameter-based grid-search agrees well with our pattern-modelling approach.

Revisiting the Classics: On the Optical Colours of Novae as Standard Crayons

We present a systematic study of the BVRI colours of novae over the course of their eruptions. Where possible, interstellar reddening was measured using the equivalent widths of Diffuse Interstellar Bands (DIBs). Some novae lack spectra with sufficient resolution and signal-to-noise ratios; therefore, we supplement as necessary with 3D and 2D dust maps. Utilising only novae with DIB- or 3D-map-based E(B-V), we find an average intrinsic (B-V)_0 colour of novae at V-band light curve peak of 0.18 with a standard deviation of 0.31, based on a sample of 23 novae. When the light curve has declined by 2 magnitudes (t_2), we find an average (B-V)_0 = -0.02 with a standard deviation of 0.19. These average colours are consistent with previous findings, although the spreads are larger than previously found due to more accurate reddening estimates. We also examined the intrinsic (R-I)_0 and (V-R)_0 colours across our sample. These colours behave similarly to (B-V)_0, except that the (V-R)_0 colour gets redder after peak, likely due to the contributions of emission line flux. We searched for correlations between nova colours and t_2, peak V-band absolute magnitude, and GeV gamma-ray luminosity, but find no statistically significant correlations. Nova colours can therefore be used as standard "crayons" to estimate interstellar reddening from photometry alone, with 0.2--0.3 mag uncertainty. We present a novel Bayesian strategy for estimating distances to Galactic novae based on these E(B-V) measurements, independent of assumptions about luminosity, built using 3D dust maps and a stellar mass model of the Milky Way.

The High-resolution Accretion Disks of Embedded protoStars (HADES) simulations. I. Impact of Protostellar Magnetic Fields on the Accretion Modes

How embedded, actively accreting low-mass protostars accrete their mass is still greatly debated. Observations are now piecing together the puzzle of embedded protostellar accretion, in particular with new facilities in the near-infrared. However, high-resolution theoretical models are still lacking, with a stark paucity of detailed simulations of these early phases. Here we present high-resolution non-ideal magneto-hydrodynamic simulations of a Solar mass protostar accreting at rates exceeding 10^{-6} M_{odot} yr^{-1}. We show the results of the accretion flow for four different protostellar magnetic fields, 10 G, 500 G, 1 kG, and 2 kG, combined with a disk magnetic field. For weaker (10 G and 500 G) protostar magnetic fields, accretion occurs via a turbulent boundary layer mode, with disk material impacting across the protostellar surface. In the 500 G model, the presence of a magnetically dominated outflow focuses the accretion towards the equator, slightly enhancing and ordering the accretion. For kG magnetic fields, the disk becomes truncated due to the protostellar dipole and exhibits magnetospheric accretion, with the 2 kG model having accretion bursts induced by the interchange instability. We present bolometric light curves for the models and find that they reproduce observations of Class I protostars from YSOVAR, with high bursts followed by an exponential decay possibly being a signature of instability-driven accretion. Finally, we present the filling fractions of accretion and find that 90\% of the mass is accreted in a surface area fraction of 10-20\%. These simulations will be extended in future work for a broader parameter space, with their high resolution and high temporal spacing able to explore a wide range of interesting protostellar physics.

Analysis of the JWST spectra of the kilonova AT 2023vfi accompanying GRB 230307A

Kilonovae are key to advancing our understanding of r-process nucleosynthesis. To date, only two kilonovae have been spectroscopically observed, AT 2017gfo and AT 2023vfi. Here, we present an analysis of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) spectra obtained +29 and +61 days post-merger for AT 2023vfi (the kilonova associated with GRB 230307A). After re-reducing and photometrically flux-calibrating the data, we empirically model the observed X-ray to mid-infrared continua with a power law and a blackbody, to replicate the non-thermal afterglow and apparent thermal continuum gtrsim 2 , mum. We fit Gaussians to the apparent emission features, obtaining line centroids of 20218_{-38}^{+37}, 21874 pm 89 and 44168_{-152}^{+153}\,\AA, and velocity widths spanning 0.057 - 0.110\,c. These line centroid constraints facilitated a detailed forbidden line identification search, from which we shortlist a number of r-process species spanning all three r-process peaks. We rule out Ba II and Ra II as candidates and propose Te I-III, Er I-III and W III as the most promising ions for further investigation, as they plausibly produce multiple emission features from one (W III) or multiple (Te I-III, Er I-III) ion stages. We compare to the spectra of AT 2017gfo, which also exhibit prominent emission at sim 2.1 , mum, and conclude that [Te III] lambda21050 remains the most plausible cause of the observed sim 2.1 , mum emission in both kilonovae. However, the observed line centroids are not consistent between both objects, and they are significantly offset from [Te III] lambda21050. The next strongest [Te III] transition at 29290\,\AA\ is not observed, and we quantify its detectability. Further study is required, with particular emphasis on expanding the available atomic data to enable quantitative non-LTE spectral modelling.

Super-Eddington Accretion in Quasars

This review provides an observational perspective on the fundamental properties of super-Eddington accretion onto supermassive black holes in quasars. It begins by outlining the selection criteria, particularly focusing on optical and UV broad-line intensity ratios, used to identify a population of unobscured super-Eddington candidates. Several defining features place these candidates at the extreme end of the Population A in main sequence of quasars: among them are the highest observed singly-ionized iron emission, extreme outflow velocities in UV resonance lines, and unusually high metal abundances. These key properties reflect the coexistence of a virialized sub-system within the broad-line region alongside powerful outflows, with the observed gas enrichment likely driven by nuclear or circumnuclear star formation. The most compelling evidence for the occurrence of super-Eddington accretion onto supermassive black holes comes from recent observations of massive black holes at early cosmic epochs. These black holes require rapid growth rates that are only achievable through radiatively inefficient super-Eddington accretion. Furthermore, extreme Eddington ratios, close to or slightly exceeding unity, are consistent with the saturation of radiative output per unit mass predicted by accretion disk theory for super-Eddington accretion rates. The extreme properties of super-Eddington candidates suggest that these quasars could make them stable and well-defined cosmological distance indicators, leveraging the correlation between broad-line width and luminosity expected in virialized systems. Finally, several analogies with accretion processes around stellar-mass black holes, particularly in the high/soft state, are explored to provide additional insight into the mechanisms driving super-Eddington accretion.