history blame
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0 David: Should you quit?\nSarah: No, I shouldn't.
1 David: Should you meet him?\nSarah: Yes, I should.
2 A: Did you think it was going to work?\nB: No, I didn't.
3 A: Did you go somewhere after the movie was over?\nB: Yes, I did.
4 A: Did you quit?\nB: Yes, I did.
5 A: Did you meet him?\nB: Yes, I did.
6 A: Should you consider asking for another option?\nB: No, I shouldn't.
7 Should you meet him?\nNo, I shouldn't.
8 Did you try to finish it on time or not?\nNo, you didn't.
9 Did you arrive?\nNo, you didn't.
10 David: Did you meet him?\nSarah: Yes, we did.
11 David: Should you consider asking for another option?\nSarah: Yes, you should.
12 David: Did you finish?\nSarah: No, you didn't.
13 David: Did you go somewhere after the movie was over?\nSarah: Yes, we did.
14 Should you quit?\nYes, you should.
15 Should you meet him?\nNo, you shouldn't.
16 A: Did you think it was going to work?\nB: Yes, we did.
17 "Should we meet him?" he asked. "Yes, they should," she said.
18 Did they try to finish it on time or not?\nNo, they didn't.
19 David: Did they leave?\nSarah: No, they didn't.
20 A: Did they try to finish it on time or not?\nB: Yes, they did.
21 David: Did they finish?\nSarah: No, they didn't.
22 A: Should they consider asking for another option?\nB: Yes, they should.
23 "Did they meet him?" he asked. "Yes, they did," she said.
24 David: Did I try to finish it on time or not?\nSarah: No, I didn't.
25 A: Did I finish?\nB: Yes, I did.
26 David: Should I meet him?\nSarah: No, I shouldn't.
27 Should I finish?\nNo, I shouldn't.
28 David: Should I consider asking for another option?\nSarah: Yes, you should.
29 Did I try to finish it on time or not?\nYes, I did.
30 David: Did I leave?\nSarah: Yes, I did.
31 A: Did I find something to do later?\nB: Yes, I did.
32 Should I quit?\nYes, I should.
33 Did I meet him?\nNo, I didn't.
34 "Did they think it was going to work?" he asked. "Yes, we did," she said.
35 David: Did we finish?\nSarah: Yes, we did.
36 David: Did we try to finish it on time or not?\nSarah: Yes, we did.
37 A: Did we meet him?\nB: Yes, we did.
38 David: Did we go somewhere after the movie was over?\nSarah: No, we didn't.
39 "Did they figure it out?" he asked. "No, we didn't," she said.
40 David: Did we figure it out?\nSarah: Yes, we did.
41 A: Should we meet him?\nB: No, we shouldn't.
42 A: Did they leave?\nB: No, they didn't.
43 Should they figure it out?\nNo, they shouldn't.
44 Should they quit?\nNo, they shouldn't.
45 David: Did they think it was going to work?\nSarah: No, they didn't.
46 A: Should they quit?\nB: Yes, they should.
47 Did they find something to do later?\nNo, they didn't.
48 Did they meet him?\nYes, they did.
49 David: Should they consider asking for another option?\nSarah: Yes, they should.
50 A: Should she finish?\nB: Yes, she should.
51 A: Did she go somewhere after the movie was over?\nB: Yes, she did.
52 Did she quit?\nYes, she did.
53 Did she figure it out?\nNo, she didn't.
54 A: Should she finish?\nB: No, she shouldn't.
55 Did she arrive?\nYes, she did.
56 David: Did she try to finish it on time or not?\nSarah: Yes, she did.
57 David: Did she leave?\nSarah: Yes, she did.
58 Did she finish?\nNo, she didn't.
59 David: Should she figure it out?\nSarah: Yes, she should.
60 Should she consider asking for another option?\nNo, she shouldn't.
61 David: Did you try to finish it on time or not?\nSarah: No, I didn't.
62 Did you quit?\nNo, I didn't.
63 Did you finish?\nNo, I didn't.
64 A: Should you figure it out?\nB: Yes, you should.
65 Should you quit?\nYes, you should.
66 David: Should you leave?\nSarah: No, you shouldn't.
67 "Did you meet him?" he asked. "No, I didn't," she said.
68 Did you go somewhere after the movie was over?\nNo, you didn't.
69 David: Should you quit?\nSarah: Yes, you should.
70 David: Did you finish?\nSarah: No, you didn't.
71 A: Should you consider asking for another option?\nB: No, you shouldn't.
72 A: Should you leave?\nB: Yes, you should.
73 A: Did you figure it out?\nB: Yes, you did.
74 David: Did you figure it out?\nSarah: No, you didn't.
75 A: Should we meet him?\nB: Yes, you should.
76 David: Should you figure it out?\nSarah: No, you shouldn't.
77 Did you meet him?\nYes, you did.
78 David: Should you consider asking for another option?\nSarah: Yes, we should.
79 David: Should you quit?\nSarah: No, we shouldn't.
80 Did they arrive?\nNo, we didn't.
81 Did you figure it out?\nYes, we did.
82 A: Did you go somewhere after the movie was over?\nB: No, we didn't.
83 A: Should they leave?\nB: Yes, we should.
84 "Did you meet him?" he asked. "Yes, we did," she said.
85 David: Should they meet him?\nSarah: Yes, we should.
86 A: Did I figure it out?\nB: Yes, you did.
87 Should I quit?\nYes, you should.
88 "Did I meet him?" he asked. "No, she didn't," she said.
89 "Should I figure it out?" he asked. "Yes, you should," she said.
90 Did I leave?\nNo, you didn't.
91 David: Did I arrive?\nSarah: Yes, you did.
92 A: Did I think it was going to work?\nB: No, you didn't.
93 A: Did I finish?\nB: Yes, you did.
94 Did I try to finish it on time or not?\nYes, you did.
95 Should I finish?\nYes, you should.
96 A: Should I quit?\nB: No, I shouldn't.
97 David: Did you think it was going to work?\nSarah: Yes, I did.
98 David: Should I meet him?\nSarah: No, I shouldn't.
99 Did you figure it out?\nYes, I did.
100 "Did you meet him?" he asked. "Yes, I did," she said.
101 David: Should I figure it out?\nSarah: No, I shouldn't.
102 Did you go somewhere after the movie was over?\nNo, I didn't.
103 "Did you try to finish it on time or not?" he asked. "No, I didn't," she said.
104 David: Did we meet him?\nSarah: Yes, we did.
105 A: Should we consider asking for another option?\nB: Yes, we should.
106 Did we arrive?\nYes, we did.
107 Did we quit?\nYes, we did.
108 Did we quit?\nNo, we didn't.
109 David: Did we think it was going to work?\nSarah: Yes, we did.
110 "Did we try to finish it on time or not?" he asked. "No, we didn't," she said.
111 Did she arrive?\nNo, she didn't.
112 David: Did she finish?\nSarah: No, she didn't.
113 A: Should she meet him?\nB: Yes, she should.
114 Did she go somewhere after the movie was over?\nYes, she did.
115 Did she try to finish it on time or not?\nNo, she didn't.
116 Did she leave?\nYes, she did.
117 Did she quit?\nYes, she did.
118 "Did she meet him?" he asked. "Yes, she did," she said.
119 "Did she figure it out?" he asked. "Yes, she did," she said.
120 David: Should I finish?\nSarah: Yes, you should.
121 A: Should I meet him?\nB: No, you shouldn't.
122 Did you go somewhere after the movie was over?\nYes, you did.
123 David: Did you figure it out?\nSarah: Yes, you did.
124 David: Did you quit?\nSarah: No, you didn't.
125 David: Did you arrive?\nSarah: No, you didn't.
126 A: Should you consider asking for another option?\nB: No, you shouldn't.
127 Should I figure it out?\nNo, you shouldn't.
128 David: Did you think it was going to work?\nSarah: No, you didn't.
129 Did we figure it out?\nNo, they didn't.
130 A: Did we quit?\nB: Yes, they did.
131 David: Did we quit?\nSarah: No, they didn't.
132 David: Should we leave?\nSarah: Yes, you should.
133 "Did we try to finish it on time or not?" he asked. "No, they didn't," she said.
134 A: Did we go somewhere after the movie was over?\nB: Yes, they did.
135 David: Did we arrive?\nSarah: Yes, they did.
136 Should we quit?\nNo, you shouldn't.
137 A: Should you say that we will figure it out?\nB: Yes, I should.
138 A: Did you say that they figured it out?\nB: No, I didn't say that.
139 David: Should you say that we will meet him?\nSarah: No, I shouldn't.
140 Should you say that they will consider asking for another option?\nYes, I should.
141 "Did you say that we figured it out?" he asked. "Yes, I did," she said.
142 "Did you say that I left?" he asked. "No, I didn't say that," she said.
143 David: Did you say that they will try to finish it on time or not?\nSarah: No, I didn't say that.
144 Did you say that I finished?\nYes, you did.
145 "Should you say that we will meet him?" he asked. "Yes, you should say that," she said.
146 "Did you say that she figured it out?" he asked. "No, you didn't," she said.
147 A: Did you say that I will try to finish it on time or not?\nB: Yes, you said that.
148 A: Did you say that you will find something to do later?\nB: No, you didn't say that.
149 A: Did you say that I left?\nB: No, you didn't.
150 "Did you say that I met him?" he asked. "Yes, you said that," she said.
151 David: Should you say that they will meet him?\nSarah: No, you shouldn't.
152 Did you say that she will think it was going to work?\nYes, you said that.
153 A: Did you say that they figured it out?\nB: No, we didn't.
154 Did they say that you met him?\nNo, they didn't.
155 A: Should they say that they will figure it out?\nB: No, they shouldn't say that.
156 David: Did they say that they will go somewhere after the movie is over?\nSarah: Yes, they did.
157 Did they say that she finished?\nYes, they did.
158 David: Did they say that she will try to finish it on time or not?\nSarah: No, they didn't.
159 David: Should they say that they will leave?\nSarah: Yes, they should say that.
160 David: Should I say that we will finish?\nSarah: Yes, I should say that.
161 A: Should I say that I will consider asking for another option?\nB: Yes, you should.
162 David: Should I say that I will finish?\nSarah: Yes, I should say that.
163 Should I say that I will figure it out?\nNo, I shouldn't.
164 A: Did I say that we quit?\nB: No, I didn't say that.
165 David: Did I say that we quit?\nSarah: Yes, I did.
166 A: Did I say that I will try to finish it on time or not?\nB: Yes, I did.
167 Did I say that she will try to finish it on time or not?\nYes, I said that.
168 A: Did I say that I will find something to do later?\nB: No, I didn't.
169 Did I say that you finished?\nYes, I did.
170 Should I say that you will meet him?\nYes, you should.
171 Did they say that I will try to finish it on time or not?\nYes, we said that.
172 Did they say that I will think it was going to work?\nYes, we said that.
173 David: Did they say that you figured it out?\nSarah: Yes, we did.
174 David: Did we say that we finished?\nSarah: No, we didn't.
175 A: Did they say that you will go somewhere after the movie is over?\nB: No, we didn't.
176 A: Should we say that you will leave?\nB: No, we shouldn't say that.
177 David: Should we say that she will finish?\nSarah: Yes, we should.
178 "Should we say that I will meet him?" he asked. "Yes, we should," she said.
179 David: Should we say that you will leave?\nSarah: Yes, we should.
180 A: Should they say that they will meet him?\nB: No, they shouldn't say that.
181 A: Did they say that they left?\nB: No, they didn't.
182 Did they say that I met him?\nYes, we said that.
183 "Should they say that we will figure it out?" he asked. "Yes, we should say that," she said.
184 "Did they say that I will try to finish it on time or not?" he asked. "Yes, they said that," she said.
185 Should they say that we will finish?\nYes, we should.
186 A: Should they say that you will leave?\nB: No, they shouldn't say that.
187 A: Did they say that you will go somewhere after the movie is over?\nB: Yes, they did.
188 Did she say that we will think it was going to work?\nNo, she didn't say that.
189 A: Should she say that I will leave?\nB: Yes, I should.
190 David: Did she say that you will find something to do later?\nSarah: Yes, she said that.
191 David: Should she say that we will figure it out?\nSarah: Yes, I should say that.
192 Should she say that she will meet him?\nNo, she shouldn't say that.
193 David: Should she say that they will finish?\nSarah: Yes, she should.
194 David: Did she say that we quit?\nSarah: Yes, I did.
195 Did she say that she met him?\nNo, she didn't.
196 David: Should you say that you will figure it out?\nSarah: Yes, you should.
197 David: Should you say that you will leave?\nSarah: No, you shouldn't.
198 David: Did you say that you finished?\nSarah: No, I didn't say that.
199 David: Did you say that I will find something to do later?\nSarah: No, I didn't.
200 Did you say that I quit?\nNo, I didn't.
201 A: Did you say that we left?\nB: No, I didn't say that.
202 Should you say that I will consider asking for another option?\nNo, I shouldn't.
203 A: Did you say that she quit?\nB: Yes, I did.
204 A: Did you say that you finished?\nB: Yes, you did.
205 David: Did you say that they finished?\nSarah: Yes, you did.
206 "Should we say that they will figure it out?" he asked. "Yes, you should say that," she said.
207 Should you say that you will quit?\nYes, you should.
208 Did you say that she will find something to do later?\nYes, you said that.
209 "Did you say that we left?" he asked. "No, you didn't," she said.
210 A: Should you say that she will figure it out?\nB: No, you shouldn't say that.
211 Did you say that she will find something to do later?\nYes, you did.
212 "Did you say that she will try to finish it on time or not?" he asked. "Yes, you did," she said.
213 A: Did you say that we figured it out?\nB: Yes, we did.
214 Should you say that you will figure it out?\nYes, we should.
215 "Did you say that they will think it was going to work?" he asked. "Yes, we said that," she said.
216 David: Should you say that you will figure it out?\nSarah: No, we shouldn't.
217 David: Should you say that you will finish?\nSarah: No, we shouldn't.
218 David: Did you say that she left?\nSarah: No, we didn't.
219 David: Did you say that you will try to finish it on time or not?\nSarah: No, we didn't.
220 David: Did you say that you figured it out?\nSarah: Yes, we did.
221 Did you say that she will find something to do later?\nNo, we didn't.
222 Should you say that you will meet him?\nNo, we shouldn't say that.
223 A: Did I say that they left?\nB: Yes, you did.
224 David: Should I say that they will finish?\nSarah: Yes, you should say that.
225 David: Should I say that you will quit?\nSarah: Yes, you should.
226 "Did I say that they will try to finish it on time or not?" he asked. "Yes, she said that," she said.
227 Did I say that they quit?\nNo, you didn't.
228 Should I say that we will quit?\nYes, you should.
229 David: Did I say that she will think it was going to work?\nSarah: Yes, she did.
230 "Did I say that you met him?" he asked. "No, she didn't," she said.
231 A: Should I say that you will consider asking for another option?\nB: Yes, I should say that.
232 "Did you say that you left?" he asked. "Yes, I did," she said.
233 Should I say that I will consider asking for another option?\nNo, I shouldn't.
234 Should I say that she will finish?\nNo, I shouldn't say that.
235 Should I say that I will quit?\nYes, I should.
236 Should I say that you will finish?\nNo, I shouldn't.
237 David: Did you say that they will think it was going to work?\nSarah: Yes, I did.
238 "Did you say that she will try to finish it on time or not?" he asked. "No, I didn't," she said.
239 David: Did you say that they left?\nSarah: Yes, I said that.
240 A: Did we say that I met him?\nB: No, we didn't.
241 "Did we say that she will think it was going to work?" he asked. "Yes, they said that," she said.
242 A: Did we say that she met him?\nB: No, we didn't.
243 Should we say that you will leave?\nYes, we should.
244 A: Did we say that you quit?\nB: No, they didn't say that.
245 "Did we say that you will try to finish it on time or not?" he asked. "Yes, they said that," she said.
246 Did we say that they will think it was going to work?\nYes, they said that.
247 A: Did we say that I will go somewhere after the movie is over?\nB: Yes, we did.
248 A: Did we say that you will go somewhere after the movie is over?\nB: No, we didn't.
249 Should we say that you will finish?\nNo, we shouldn't say that.
250 A: Did she say that she will try to finish it on time or not?\nB: No, she didn't say that.
251 A: Did she say that I will find something to do later?\nB: Yes, she did.
252 Did she say that I quit?\nYes, she did.
253 Did she say that she finished?\nNo, she didn't.
254 "Did she say that she left?" he asked. "No, she didn't," she said.
255 David: Should I say that I will consider asking for another option?\nSarah: Yes, she should say that.
256 Should she say that you will quit?\nNo, she shouldn't say that.
257 A: Should she say that you will meet him?\nB: No, she shouldn't.
258 A: Should I say that I will quit?\nB: Yes, she should.
259 Should she say that they will meet him?\nNo, she shouldn't.
260 David: Should you say that she will consider asking for another option?\nSarah: No, you shouldn't.
261 David: Did you say that she met him?\nSarah: No, you didn't say that.
262 Did you say that she quit?\nYes, you said that.
263 A: Should I say that we will meet him?\nB: No, you shouldn't say that.
264 Should I say that I will finish?\nNo, you shouldn't say that.
265 David: Did you say that she finished?\nSarah: No, you didn't.
266 A: Did you say that we left?\nB: No, you didn't.
267 Did you say that she will try to finish it on time or not?\nYes, you said that.
268 Did you say that we finished?\nNo, you didn't.
269 "Did you say that we will think it was going to work?" he asked. "Yes, you said that," she said.
270 "Should I say that we will meet him?" he asked. "Yes, you should," she said.
271 Did we say that we quit?\nYes, you said that.
272 "Should we say that we will meet him?" he asked. "Yes, you should," she said.
273 A: Did we say that I quit?\nB: No, they didn't.
274 David: Did we say that you met him?\nSarah: No, you didn't.
275 David: Did we say that you left?\nSarah: No, you didn't say that.
276 A: Did we say that you finished?\nB: No, you didn't.
277 A: Did we say that we will find something to do later?\nB: No, they didn't.
278 A: Should we say that she will consider asking for another option?\nB: Yes, they should.
279 Should we say that you will quit?\nNo, you shouldn't.