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This file manages the data preparation
import numpy as np
def get_word2vec_matrix(total_words, index2word, word2vec, vector_size):
This function creates a matrix where the rows are the words and the columns represents the embedding vector.
We will use this matrix in the embedding layer
:param total_words: Number of words in our word2vec dictionary.
:param index2word: dictionary maps between index and word
:param word2vec: dictionary maps between a word and a vector
:param vector_size: the size of the embedding vector size
:return: embedding layer
word2vec_matrix = np.zeros((total_words, vector_size))
for index_word, word in index2word.items():
if word not in word2vec:
print(f'Can not find the word "{word}" in the word2vec dictionary')
vec = word2vec[word]
word2vec_matrix[index_word] = vec
return word2vec_matrix
def _create_sequences(encoded_lyrics_list, total_words, seq_length):
This function creates sequences from the lyrics
:param encoded_lyrics_list: A list representing all the songs in the dataset (615 songs). Each cell contains a list
of ints, where each int corresponds to the lyrics in that song. "I'm a barbie girl" --> [23, 52, 189, 792] etc.
:param total_words: Number of words in our word2vec dictionary.
:param seq_length: Number of words predating the word to be predicted.
:return: (1) A numpy array containing all the sequences seen, concatenated.
(2) A 2d numpy array where each row represents a word and the columns are the possible words in the
vocabulary. There is a '1' in the corresponding word (e.g, word number '20,392' in the dataset is word
number '39' in the vocab.
input_sequences = []
next_words = []
for song_sequence in encoded_lyrics_list: # iterate over songs
for i in range(seq_length, len(song_sequence)): # iterate from minimal sequence length (number of words) to
start_index = i - seq_length # number of words in the song
end_index = i
# Slice the list into the desired sequence length
sequence = song_sequence[start_index:end_index]
next_word = song_sequence[end_index]
input_sequences = np.array(input_sequences)
one_hot_encoding_next_words = convert_to_one_hot_encoding(input_sequences, next_words, total_words)
return input_sequences, one_hot_encoding_next_words
def convert_to_one_hot_encoding(input_sequences, next_words, total_words):
This function converts input to one hot encoding
one_hot_encoding_next_words = np.zeros((len(input_sequences), total_words), dtype=np.int8)
for word_index, word in enumerate(next_words):
one_hot_encoding_next_words[word_index, word] = 1
return one_hot_encoding_next_words
def create_sets(train_encoded_lyrics_list, test_encoded_lyrics_list, total_words, seq_length, validation_set_size,
This function splits training set to smaller training set and new validation set
:param train_encoded_lyrics_list: list of sequences in the training set
:param test_encoded_lyrics_list: list of sequences in the testing set
:param total_words: total words in the lyrics
:param seq_length: length of the sequence
:param validation_set_size: percentage of the validation set
:param seed: random state for the split
:return: training/testing/validation set values and labels
x_train, y_train = _create_sequences(encoded_lyrics_list=train_encoded_lyrics_list,
total_words=total_words, seq_length=seq_length)
x_train, x_val = create_validation_set(data_to_split=x_train,
y_train, y_val = create_validation_set(data_to_split=y_train,
x_test, y_test = _create_sequences(encoded_lyrics_list=test_encoded_lyrics_list,
total_words=total_words, seq_length=seq_length)
return {'train': (x_train, y_train), 'validation': (x_val, y_val), 'test': (x_test, y_test)}
def create_validation_set(data_to_split, val_data_percentage, seed):
This function splits to training and validation set
:param data_to_split: matrix where the rows are the sequences and the columns are the word indices
:param val_data_percentage: percentage of the validation set
:param seed: random state for the split
:return: training and validation set
validation_ending_index = int(len(data_to_split) * val_data_percentage)
validation_set = data_to_split[:validation_ending_index]
data_to_split = data_to_split[validation_ending_index:]
return data_to_split, validation_set
print('Loaded Successfully')