{ |
"lang":"en", |
"name":"skillner", |
"version":"3.5.0", |
"description":"A Named Entity Recognition (NER) model to extract SKILL, EXPERIENCE and BENEFIT from job adverts.", |
"author":"nestauk", |
"email":"[email protected]", |
"url":"https://explosion.ai", |
"license":"MIT", |
"spacy_version":">=3.5.3,<3.6.0", |
"spacy_git_version":"9e0322de1", |
"vectors":{ |
"width":300, |
"vectors":514157, |
"keys":514157, |
"name":null |
}, |
"labels":{ |
"ner":[ |
"SKILL", |
] |
}, |
"pipeline":[ |
"tok2vec", |
"tagger", |
"parser", |
"attribute_ruler", |
"lemmatizer", |
"ner" |
], |
"components":[ |
"tok2vec", |
"tagger", |
"parser", |
"senter", |
"attribute_ruler", |
"lemmatizer", |
"ner" |
], |
"disabled":[ |
"senter" |
], |
"performance":{ |
"ents_p":0.5991309071, |
"ents_r":0.5768828452, |
"ents_f":0.5877964295, |
"ents_per_type":{ |
"SKILL":{ |
"correct":1208, |
"incorrect":32, |
"partial":0, |
"missed":429, |
"spurious":420, |
"possible":1669, |
"actual":1660, |
"precision":0.7277108434, |
"recall":0.7237866986, |
"f1":0.7257434665 |
}, |
"correct":84, |
"incorrect":37, |
"partial":0, |
"missed":55, |
"spurious":29, |
"possible":176, |
"actual":150, |
"precision":0.56, |
"recall":0.4772727273, |
"f1":0.5153374233 |
}, |
"correct":24, |
"incorrect":3, |
"partial":0, |
"missed":40, |
"spurious":4, |
"possible":67, |
"actual":31, |
"precision":0.7741935484, |
"recall":0.3582089552, |
"f1":0.4897959184 |
} |
} |
}, |
"sources":[ |
{ |
"name":"OntoNotes 5", |
"url":"https://catalog.ldc.upenn.edu/LDC2013T19", |
"license":"commercial (licensed by Explosion)", |
"author":"Ralph Weischedel, Martha Palmer, Mitchell Marcus, Eduard Hovy, Sameer Pradhan, Lance Ramshaw, Nianwen Xue, Ann Taylor, Jeff Kaufman, Michelle Franchini, Mohammed El-Bachouti, Robert Belvin, Ann Houston" |
}, |
{ |
"name":"ClearNLP Constituent-to-Dependency Conversion", |
"url":"https://github.com/clir/clearnlp-guidelines/blob/master/md/components/dependency_conversion.md", |
"license":"Citation provided for reference, no code packaged with model", |
"author":"Emory University" |
}, |
{ |
"name":"WordNet 3.0", |
"url":"https://wordnet.princeton.edu/", |
"author":"Princeton University", |
"license":"WordNet 3.0 License" |
}, |
{ |
"name":"Explosion Vectors (OSCAR 2109 + Wikipedia + OpenSubtitles + WMT News Crawl)", |
"url":"https://github.com/explosion/spacy-vectors-builder", |
"license":"CC0", |
"author":"Explosion" |
} |
], |
"requirements":[ |
] |
} |