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# KorSciDeBERTa 환경 설치 & 파인튜닝
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# \[참고\] Deberta-native (github)
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### KorSciDeBERTa-native 설치
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* 추후 모델 제출시 결과 재현을 위해 아래 환경 파일 생성 후 동봉 요망
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1. conda env export > deberta.yaml
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2. pip freeze > requirements.txt
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#아래 명령을 순서대로 실행하면서 에러 확인
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git clone https://huggingface.co/kisti/korscideberta; cd korscideberta; unzip korscideberta.zip -d korscideberta; cd korscideberta
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conda create -n deberta python=3.8 --quiet --yes
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#conda init bash; source ~/.bashrc
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#파이썬 3.8~3.9(3.10 미지원). torch 1.10(1.13이상 미지원)
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conda activate deberta; pip3 install -r requirements.txt; pip install --upgrade nltk; pip uninstall -y torch torchtext torch-tensorrt; pip install --upgrade pip; pip install torch==1.10.1+cu111 torchvision==0.11.2+cu111 torchaudio==0.10.1 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu111/torch_stable.html --default-timeout=100; pip install setuptools_scm six mlflow; pip install "numpy<1.24.0"; pip install .
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#pip설치 안될 시 kakao 서버 이용
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#pip install six mlflow -i http://ftp.daumkakao.com/pypi/simple --trusted-host ftp.daumkakao.com; pip install "numpy<1.24.0" -i http://ftp.daumkakao.com/pypi/simple --trusted-host ftp.daumkakao.com; pip install -r requirements.txt -i http://ftp.daumkakao.com/pypi/simple --trusted-host ftp.daumkakao.com; pip install --upgrade nltk i http://ftp.daumkakao.com/pypi/simple --trusted-host ftp.daumkakao.com; pip install .
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**mecab 설치**
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* cd mecab
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* bash <(curl -s [https://raw.githubusercontent.com/konlpy/konlpy/master/scripts/mecab.sh](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/konlpy/konlpy/master/scripts/mecab.sh)); cd mecab-0.996-ko-0.9.2;
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* chmod 775 ./configure; ./configure; make; chmod 775 tests/\*.sh; make check; make install
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(권한 에러시 sudo 사용 버전) sudo chmod 775 ./configure; ./configure; make; sudo chmod 775 tests/\*.sh; sudo make check; sudo make install
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* make 에러 발생 사례 및 해결
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* (make 에러 및 해결법)
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에러 1:
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libtool: Version mismatch error. This is libtool 2.4.2 Debian-2.4.2-1ubuntu1, but the
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libtool: definition of this LT_INIT comes from libtool 2.4.6.
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libtool: You should recreate aclocal.m4 with macros from libtool 2.4.2 Debian-2.4.2-1ubuntu1
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libtool: and run autoconf again.
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autoreconf --force --install; ./configure; make
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에러 2:
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configure.in:23: error: required file './compile' not found
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configure.in:23: 'automake --add-missing' can install 'compile'
69 |
configure.in:6: error: required file './missing' not found
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configure.in:6: 'automake --add-missing' can install 'missing'
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* * * * (make 에러 2 발생시 아래를 실행 후 재시도)
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* 해결법
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* apt-get install automake perl; apt-get update; apt-get upgrade; apt install build-essential automake dh-autoreconf libusb-1.0-0-dev cmake g++; apt-get install libtool; automake --add-missing; autoreconf; [autogen.sh](http://autogen.sh/); make clean
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* (sudo 사용 버전) sudo apt-get install automake perl; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt install build-essential automake dh-autoreconf libusb-1.0-0-dev cmake g++; sudo apt-get install libtool; automake --add-missing; autoreconf; [autogen.sh](http://autogen.sh/); make clean
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* 대처 이후에도 에러 사례
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make[2]: *** [Makefile:559: install-libLTLIBRARIES] Error 1
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make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/work/DeBERTa/mecab/mecab-0.996-ko-0.9.2/src'
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make[1]: *** [Makefile:761: install-am] Error 2
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make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/work/DeBERTa/mecab/mecab-0.996-ko-0.9.2/src'
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make: *** [Makefile:515: install-recursive] Error 1
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* * * * #Cmake 없는 경우 설치 방법
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* [https://mong9data.tistory.com/124](https://mong9data.tistory.com/124)
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* ###2. mecab-ko-dic 설치
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* cd ../mecab-ko-dic-2.1.1-20180720; chmod 775 ./autogen.sh; ./autogen.sh; ./configure; make
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* (sudo 사용 버전) cd ../mecab-ko-dic-2.1.1-20180720; sudo chmod 775 ./autogen.sh; ./autogen.sh; ./configure; make
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* 갱신할 내용이 없는 경우에는 "make: Nothing to be done for 'all'." 출력됨
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* * ###3. 사용자 사전파일을 user-dic 폴더로 복사 & 설치
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* cp ../pa\* ./user-dic/; chmod 775 ./tools/add-userdic.sh; ./tools/add-userdic.sh; make install
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* (sudo 사용 버전) cp ../pa\* ./user-dic/; sudo chmod 775 ./tools/add-userdic.sh; ./tools/add-userdic.sh; sudo make install
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* 수 분 소요됨
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* * ###4. 설치 확인법
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* mecab -d /usr/local/lib/mecab/dic/mecab-ko-dic
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* 곧바로 콘솔에 '원천기술' 타이핑하여 입력시 원천 / 기술로 나누어지지 않고 원천기술로 출력되면 정상 설치(Ctrl+C로 나가기)
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* 구동부 입력시 구동/부 가 아닌 구동부
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* cd ../..
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* ###5. 설치 중/후 문제 발생시 아래 명령어 실행 후 상기 설치 재확인
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* pip install mecab-python3; apt-get install mecab mecab-ipadic-utf8 libmecab-dev swig; bash <(curl -s [https://raw.githubusercontent.com/konlpy/konlpy/master/scripts/mecab.sh](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/konlpy/konlpy/master/scripts/mecab.sh))
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* (sudo 사용 버전) pip install mecab-python3; sudo apt-get install mecab mecab-ipadic-utf8 libmecab-dev swig; bash <(curl -s [https://raw.githubusercontent.com/konlpy/konlpy/master/scripts/mecab.sh](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/konlpy/konlpy/master/scripts/mecab.sh))
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# 학습
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## 주제분류 학습
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conda activate deberta
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cd korscideberta/experiments/glue; chmod 777 \*.sh;
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(학습 실행) ./mnli.sh
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: [mnli.sh](http://mnli.sh/) 내에서 **tag**\=1575000ntis1tier 에 학습된 모델 등을 출력할 폴더명을 지정
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(모델 경로) init="checkpoint0324/pytorch.model.bin"
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(최신 체크포인트) init="korscideberta/pytorch\_model.bin"
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(OOM시) train\_batch\_size를 64 ➝ 32로 변경하여 해결
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(입력) glue\_tasks/MNLI/train.tsv, test\_matched.tsv, dev\_matched.tsv
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: glue\_tasks 하위폴더에 MNLI-ntis3tier(소분류), MNLI-ntis2tier, MNLI-ntis1tier(대분류)와 같이 학습 데이터가 준비되어 있고,
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**실제 학습은 'MNLI'폴더 데이터가 이용**되므로 학습할 데이터 폴더를 'MNLI'로 수동으로 바꾸어 주어야 함.
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10-fold를 구현하려면 10개의 학습 데이터를 준비해 놓고, 기준 'MNLI'폴더 대신 10-fold 학습데이터 폴더를 조회하도록 변경해야 함.
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(입력 데이터 설명)
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premise, hypothesis = 원본 mnli태스크에서 문장1, 문장2
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현 태스크에서는
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premise = 제목+저널명+서론
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hypothesis = 빈칸
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RCMN = 정답 레이블,
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top1-3 = 예측 레이블
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label = 분류 학습할때 쓰이는 라벨명(대/중/소 선택)
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label2tier = 사용하지 않음
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acc = 3개중에 2개 맞았으면 2
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(출력-모델 파일) out/157500ntis1tier/pytorch.model-001673.bin
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(학습 스크린샷)
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## 주제분류 추론, 평가
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#### 추론
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(추론 실행) [mnli-pred.sh](http://mnli-pred-ntis2tier20e5e-6-fp16false.sh/)
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: 추론 시행 후, 학습시와 동일하게 tag= 에서 지정한 출력폴더에 레이블별 추론 확률을 저장함.
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(입력) 테스트 데이터 glue\_tasks/MNLI/test\_matched.tsv
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(확률값 출력) out/1575000ntis1tier-test/test\_logits\_matched\_1575000ntis1tier-test.txt
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: out/$tag/test\_logits\_matched\_$tag.txt
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# \[첨부\]
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#### 평가 준비
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(평가 준비) eval/3testlogitstsvTestonlyTotop3.ipynb
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: 예측 확률값을 예측 레이블로 바꿈
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(입력) tier = 1(대분류)
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테스트 데이터: filename = 'MNLI-ntis1/test\_matched.tsv'
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학습했던 데이터: trainlabelfile = 'MNLI-ntis1/train.tsv'
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확률값 파일: probfile = 'MNLI-ntis1/test\_logits\_matched\_1575000ntis1tier-test.txt'
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outfile = 'MNLI-ntis1/20230607\_debertaTier1test.tsv'
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: tsv 파일로, 다음 컬럼에 정답 레이블과 예측 레이블 코드 리스트가 출력됨. \[5,6,7\], \[12,13,14\]
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(출력 예)
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* * *
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## Klue/Glue 벤치마크 학습
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cd experiments/glue;
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chmod 777 \*.sh; export CUDA\_VISIBLE\_DEVICES=0; ./stsb-glue.sh
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chmod 777 \*.sh; ./mnli.sh
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chmod 777 \*.sh; export CUDA\_VISIBLE\_DEVICES=0,1; ./ner-dp.sh
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chmod 777 \*.sh; export CUDA\_VISIBLE\_DEVICES=0,1; ./record.sh
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chmod 777 \*.sh; export CUDA\_VISIBLE\_DEVICES=0,1; ./cola.sh
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chmod 777 \*.sh; export CUDA\_VISIBLE\_DEVICES=0,1; ./cola.sh