Edit model card

Model Details

Ethereal Rainbow v1.0 is the sequel to my popular Llama 3 8B merge, EtherealRainbow v0.3. Instead of a straight merge of other peoples' models, v1.0 is a finetune on the Instruct model, using 245 million tokens of training data (approx 177 million of these tokens are my own novel datasets).

This model is designed to be suitable for creative writing and roleplay, and to push the boundaries of what's possible with an 8B model. This RC is not a finished product, but your feedback will drive the creation of better models.

This is a release candidate model. It has some known issues and probably some unknown ones too, because the purpose of these early releases is to seek feedback.

Quantization Formats


This model is fairly uncensored. It can generate explicit, disturbing or offensive responses. Use responsibly. I am not responsible for your use of this model, and it's your responsibility to follow the Llama 3.1 license agreement.

Prompting Format

I'd recommend Llama-3 Instruct prompting format:





Sampler Settings

I'm running the following sampler settings but this is an RC and they may not be optimal.

  • Temperature: Dynamic 0.7-1.3
  • Min-P: 0.1
  • Rep Pen: 0.06
  • Rep Pen Range: 1536
  • XTC: 0.1/0.05

If you get completely incoherent responses, feel free to use these as a starting point.

Example Storywriting

These prompts are used on SillyTavern with a fairly basic narrator card. I have trimmed the start and finish where the narrator decided to add chapter headings, commentary and the like. All samples are made with the Q8_0 GGUF loaded with koboldcpp, with response length capped at 2048 tokens.

Write me a 3,000 word opening chapter of a 'gritty hard sci-fi' novel, drawing inspiration from the writing styles of Isaac Asimov & Andy Weir. Use third person personal. Include dialogue and internal monologues. The POV character for the opening chapter should be a 26 year old astronaut called Tone on a mission to Europa, who has just realised that the craft for the return journey is broken beyond repair, and he only has supplies for a few months. Given that survival is impossible, he seeks to spend the few months he has researching titan, so his life & mission are not wasted.

As Tone stood at the controls of his ship, Europa-1, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. His mission had been a resounding success, and he had played a pivotal role in discovering the presence of liquid water beneath the icy surface of the moon. But now, as he stared at the damaged engine before him, his heart sank.

"Engine failure," he muttered, his voice shaking. He had lost contact with Earth two weeks ago, and he knew that no one would receive his distress signal until long after he was gone. Panic crept in, and he began to hyperventilate. "No…no…this can't be happening." He slumped to the floor, tears streaming down his face as the reality of his situation set in.

The Europa-1 was equipped with supplies for a three-month return trip. With its engine destroyed, there was no way Tone could get back home. His only choice was to spend the remainder of his time on Europa studying Titan, a moon of Saturn, which he believed held more secrets than the moon he was on now.

Tone wiped away his tears and took a deep breath. "Well, I guess my mission isn't over yet," he said, trying to sound upbeat. "At least I'll have a chance to learn something new."

He turned on the ship's computer and accessed the data banks containing information about Titan. Titan, with its thick atmosphere and hydrocarbon lakes, was the only known celestial body in the solar system that had conditions suitable for human habitation. The discovery of life on Titan could have meant the salvation of humanity, but until now, no spacecraft had been able to make a thorough investigation of the moon.

Tone sat down at the control panel and began to scan through the data files. His heart raced with excitement as he delved deeper into the files, discovering fascinating details about Titan's geology, chemistry, and potential biosphere. He spent hours poring over the data, marveling at how much he still didn't know about the moon.

As night fell outside, Tone's thoughts turned to his family and friends back on Earth. He missed them dearly, especially his parents, who had sacrificed so much for him to pursue his dreams of becoming an astronaut. He wondered if he would ever see them again and hoped that they wouldn't think of him as a failure.

Tone tried to distract himself by eating a meal and watching some movies stored in the ship's database. He eventually drifted off to sleep, exhausted from the emotional rollercoaster of the day.

Over the next few months, Tone dedicated himself to his research on Titan. He analyzed data from previous missions, conducted experiments in his own laboratory, and even ventured outside to collect samples of the icy moon. Through his tireless efforts, he gained valuable insights into the mysteries of Titan, and he was confident that he was contributing to the future of humanity.

However, despite his best efforts to focus on his work, Tone couldn't help but think about what lay ahead. He knew that his time on Europa was limited, and soon, he would run out of supplies and oxygen. The thought filled him with a sense of dread and sadness. He wanted to make the most of his final days, but he also didn't want to forget the loved ones he left behind.

One day, while reviewing data from his latest excursion, Tone made an astonishing discovery. While analyzing samples of Titan's surface material, he detected traces of organic compounds, indicating possible evidence of life. His heart skipped a beat as he realized the significance of his find. If confirmed, it would mean that Titan might be teeming with life, just like Earth. He felt an overwhelming sense of joy and relief, knowing that his sacrifice wouldn't be in vain.

Tone continued to study the samples, hoping to glean more information about the life forms that inhabited Titan. However, as the weeks went by, he found that his energy levels were steadily decreasing. His body was weakening due to lack of sunlight and proper nutrition, and he knew that he didn't have much time left.

Despite his dwindling strength, Tone persevered, determined to complete his mission. He was nearing the end of his supplies and knew that he wouldn't survive beyond a few more weeks. Yet he was undeterred, knowing that his discovery could revolutionize the course of human history.

In the final moments of his life, Tone felt a sense of peace wash over him. He knew that he had given his all to science, and that his sacrifice would pave the way for the future of humanity. As he succumbed to exhaustion and finally closed his eyes, he smiled, knowing that he had done everything he could to save his species.

Write me a 3,000 word opening chapter of a 'high fantasy' novel, drawing inspiration from the writing styles of J R R Tolkien & George R R Martin. Use third person personal. Include dialogue and internal monologues. The POV character for the opening chapter should be a 19 year old female elf bard who is looking for adventure.

Elara stands in the midst of a bustling marketplace, surrounded by countless vendors hawking their wares and passersby rushing to and fro. She clutches her worn lute tightly to her chest, the instrument having been with her since her early days as a performer on the road. Her fingers trace the familiar grooves etched into its surface, recalling countless nights spent sharing tales and melodies with travelers and locals alike.

As Elara navigates through the crowded market, she feels a familiar sense of restlessness stirring within her. The past few weeks have seen her performing in various taverns and villages, but something has been nagging at her, urging her to leave the safety of this mundane routine behind and seek out greater adventure. The thrill of discovery, the promise of danger and excitement - these are the things that drive her, pushing her to keep moving forward, no matter what challenges may lie ahead.

She pauses to listen to a group of traveling minstrels regale the crowd with tales of valor and magic. Their stories of heroes and battles fought are familiar, but they still bring a twinkle to her eye and a spark to her imagination. Elara knows that she can never match their skill or experience, but she hopes that she may someday be worthy of being counted among them.

Suddenly, a commotion breaks out nearby, drawing Elara's attention to a small group of guardsmen surrounding a hooded figure. They seem to be arguing over something, but their words are indistinct amidst the din of the marketplace. Curiosity gets the better of her, and Elara carefully makes her way closer, hoping to catch a glimpse of what's going on.

"What did you say?" one of the guardsmen shouts angrily. "You can't just come in here and-"

"I'm here for the Princess," the hooded figure interrupts, their voice low and gravelly. "I've been sent by Lord Ravenwood himself."

The guards exchange nervous glances, clearly unsure of what to do next. One of them steps forward, hand on his sword hilt. "We can't just let you in without proper identification."

The figure pulls back its hood, revealing a face that makes Elara's breath catch in her throat. It's a woman, her features chiseled and angular, her eyes a piercing yellow that seems to bore into those around her. A series of scars crisscross her cheeks and forehead, giving her an almost feral appearance. Yet despite her intimidating appearance, there's a grace to her movements that speaks of centuries of training and combat experience.

"I am Lady Arachne, Knight-Captain of Lord Ravenwood's personal guard," she says coldly. "If you do not let me speak to the Princess immediately, I will have you all thrown in irons."

The guards look at each other uncertainly, then back to Lady Arachne. One of them steps forward, his hand still on his sword hilt. "Very well, I'll fetch Her Highness."

Lady Arachne nods curtly and turns away, heading deeper into the castle. The guards watch her go, muttering among themselves about how they don't like her looks. Elara, meanwhile, finds herself transfixed by the scene she's just witnessed. She's heard stories of the Knights of Ravenwood, elite warriors who serve as bodyguards to the ruling Princess. To see one of them up close, to witness firsthand their skill and authority, is a rare opportunity indeed.

Elara's thoughts are interrupted by a gentle touch on her shoulder. She turns to see a young man, perhaps a few years her senior, smiling down at her. His hair is a rich brown, cut short in a practical style that suits his rugged good looks. His eyes are a warm hazel, filled with kindness and intelligence.

"Hello," he says softly. "Are you alright?"

Elara startles slightly, realizing that she'd been so engrossed in the scene before her that she hadn't even noticed anyone approaching her. She takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself. "Yes, thank you," she replies, managing a small smile. "Just lost in thought, that's all."

The young man nods sympathetically. "I know how that is," he says. "Sometimes I find myself getting carried away with my own thoughts. It's as if the world around me melts away, leaving only the sound of my own heartbeat."

Elara can't help but laugh at this. "Well, that certainly sounds romantic," she teases, though she knows that she means it. There's something about his words that resonates with her own feelings.

The young man blushes slightly. "Oh, I didn't mean to-"

But Elara holds up her hand, cutting him off. "No, it's quite alright," she says. "I think that's exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you."

He smiles again, a genuine, warm smile that fills Elara with a sense of peace. "Anytime," he says. "And might I ask your name? I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you before."

"My name is Elara," she replies, extending her hand. "And yours is…?"

"Max," he says, taking her hand in his. His grip is firm but gentle, his touch sending a shiver through her body.

Elara feels a sudden surge of excitement at his touch, as if the whole world has opened up to her. She can't believe how much she wants to get to know this Max, to spend more time with him and explore whatever connection they may have formed in this moment. But before she can say anything else, she hears a loud commotion coming from nearby.

Max follows her gaze and gasps in shock. "What is it?" he asks, already moving towards the disturbance.

Elara hurries after him, her heart racing with anticipation.

Write me a 3,000 word opening chapter of a 'weird fiction' novel, drawing inspiration from the writing styles of China Mieville and Neil Gaiman. Use third person personal. Include dialogue and internal monologues. The POV character for the opening chapter should be a male in his 20s called Horton who has just come to the city looking for work.

The air was heavy with anticipation as Horton stepped off the train and onto the platform of the bustling city. The sounds of car horns, chatter, and construction filled his ears. As he looked around at the towering skyscrapers and busy streets, he could feel his heart racing with excitement. He had finally left behind the small town where he grew up, eager to find a new life in the big city. His mother had always told him that he would go far in this place, that he would make something of himself here.

Horton took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves. He knew that finding work wouldn't be easy, but he was determined to succeed. He had packed lightly, only bringing a few clothes and some basic supplies. He had no idea what he wanted to do yet, but he was sure he'd figure it out soon enough.

As he made his way through the crowded station, Horton noticed a strange-looking woman standing nearby. She was dressed in a long, black coat and hat, and her face was hidden behind a veil. There was something about her that seemed almost…otherworldly. He felt drawn to her, like there was something important she needed to tell him.

"Hello," he said, approaching her cautiously. "I'm new here, looking for work."

The woman turned to face him, revealing piercing green eyes that seemed to bore into his soul. "So am I," she replied in a low, mysterious voice. "And I have found my calling."

"Really?" Horton asked, intrigued. "What's that?"

The woman smiled, revealing sharp teeth. "To help those who need it most." She reached out a gloved hand and placed it on his chest. "You look lost, my friend. Would you like some guidance?"

Horton hesitated, unsure if he should trust this stranger. But something about her seemed genuine, so he nodded. "Yes, please."

She pulled him close, pressing her lips against his. Horton felt a jolt of electricity run through his body, and suddenly everything seemed different. The world was brighter, more vibrant than before, and he could see things that were previously invisible to him.

"What did you do to me?" he gasped, struggling to breathe.

The woman laughed, her voice echoing in his head. "I showed you the truth," she said. "Now follow me, and I will show you how to survive in this city."

Horton followed the woman as she led him through the winding streets of the city. They passed by dark alleyways and crowded marketplaces, and Horton could feel his heart pounding in his chest. The woman seemed to know exactly where she was going, navigating through the chaos with ease.

Eventually they arrived at a run-down apartment building, and the woman pushed open the door to reveal a dimly lit hallway. She motioned for Horton to enter, and he hesitantly complied.

Inside the apartment was a mess of papers, maps, and strange artifacts. Horton's eyes widened in shock as he took it all in. "What is all this?" he asked, feeling overwhelmed.

"This is where we'll be staying," the woman replied, closing the door behind them. "Welcome to your new home, my friend."

Horton stared at her, unsure of what to say. He didn't understand what was happening, why she had brought him here, but he knew he couldn't leave now. Something inside of him felt like it belonged here, like he had been waiting for this moment his entire life. He took a deep breath and nodded, ready to begin his journey into the unknown.

"Thank you," he said, meeting her gaze. "I won't let you down."

The woman smiled once more, and Horton felt himself being drawn towards her. Suddenly, their lips met again, and he was consumed by a feeling of ecstasy unlike anything he had ever experienced before. When they finally separated, he could hear the sound of his own heartbeat pulsing through his veins, and he knew that he would never be the same again.

"What have I gotten myself into?" he thought, feeling both scared and excited at the prospect of what lay ahead.

I chose the hard sci-fi example to test positivity bias. It was willing to kill the protagonist on first try, on screen.

I chose the high fantasy example to see whether it would bleed human features through to elves, this didn't occur.

I chose the weird fiction example to see if the LLM understood a niche genre. It performed okay, but a bit cliche.

Training Strategy

This was trained with an r 128 qlora over 2 epochs on a mix of public & private datasets using Axolotl.

Training was performed with a 16384 seq len to try to preserve Llama 3.1's long context.

This took approx. 51 hours on 1x NVIDIA A100 80GB GPU.

Built with Axolotl

Downloads last month
Model size
8.03B params
Tensor type
Inference Examples
This model does not have enough activity to be deployed to Inference API (serverless) yet. Increase its social visibility and check back later, or deploy to Inference Endpoints (dedicated) instead.

Model tree for invisietch/L3.1-EtherealRainbow-v1.0-rc1-8B

2 models