soundchoice-g2p / hyperparams.yaml
Update to match the latest version of SpeechBrain
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11.3 kB
# Generated 2022-07-09 from:
# /notebooks/speechbrain/recipes/LibriSpeech/G2P/hparams/hparams_g2p_rnn.yaml
# yamllint disable
# ################################
# Model: LSTM (encoder) + GRU (decoder) (tokenized)
# Authors:
# Loren Lugosch & Mirco Ravanelli 2020
# Artem Ploujnikov 2021
# ################################
# Seed needs to be set at top of yaml, before objects with parameters are made
seed: 1234
__set_seed: !apply:torch.manual_seed [1234]
# Tokenizers
char_tokenize: false
char_token_type: unigram # ["unigram", "bpe", "char"]
char_token_output: 512
char_token_wordwise: true
phn_tokenize: false
phn_token_type: unigram # ["unigram", "bpe", "char"]
phn_token_output: 512 # index(blank/eos/bos/unk) = 0
phn_token_wordwise: true
character_coverage: 1.0
phonemes_count: 43
graphemes_count: 31
phonemes_enable_space: true
# Training Parameters
lexicon_epochs: 50
lexicon_ctc_epochs: 10
lexicon_limit_to_stop: 50 # No stopping by default, can override
lexicon_limit_warmup: 50 # No stopping by default, can override
sentence_epochs: 13
sentence_ctc_epochs: 10
sentence_limit_to_stop: 3
sentence_limit_warmup: 3
homograph_epochs: 50
homograph_ctc_epochs: 10
homograph_limit_to_stop: 5
homograph_limit_warmup: 10
lexicon_batch_size: 1024
sentence_batch_size: 32
homograph_batch_size: 32
ctc_weight: 0.5
ctc_window_size: 0
homograph_loss_weight: 2.0
lr: 0.002
save_for_pretrained: true
# Model parameters
output_neurons: &id004 !apply:speechbrain.utils.hparams.choice
value: false
true: 513
false: 43
enc_num_embeddings: &id005 !apply:speechbrain.utils.hparams.choice
value: false
true: 513
false: 31
enc_dropout: 0.5
enc_neurons: 512
enc_num_layers: 4
dec_dropout: 0.5
dec_neurons: 512
dec_att_neurons: 256
dec_num_layers: 4
embedding_dim: 512
# Determines whether to use BOS (beginning-of-sequence) or EOS (end-of-sequence) tokens
# Available modes:
# raw: no BOS/EOS tokens are added
# bos: a beginning-of-sequence token is added
# eos: an end-of-sequence token is added
grapheme_sequence_mode: bos
phoneme_sequence_mode: bos
# Special Token information
bos_index: 0
eos_index: 1
blank_index: 2
unk_index: 2
token_space_index: 512
# Language Model
lm_emb_dim: 256 # dimension of the embeddings
lm_rnn_size: 512 # dimension of hidden layers
lm_layers: 2 # number of hidden layers
lm_output_neurons: 43
# Beam Searcher
beam_search_min_decode_ratio: 0
beam_search_max_decode_ratio: 1.0
beam_search_beam_size: 16
beam_search_beam_size_valid: 16
beam_search_eos_threshold: 10.0
beam_search_using_max_attn_shift: false
beam_search_max_attn_shift: 10
beam_search_coverage_penalty: 5.0
beam_search_lm_weight: 0.5
beam_search_ctc_weight_decode: 0.4
beam_search_temperature: 1.25
beam_search_temperature_lm: 1.0
# Word embeddings
use_word_emb: true
word_emb_model: bert-base-uncased
word_emb_dim: 768
word_emb_enc_dim: 256
word_emb_norm_type: batch
graphemes: &id028
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
- X
- Y
- Z
- "'"
- ' '
phonemes: &id001
- AA
- AE
- AH
- AO
- AW
- AY
- B
- CH
- D
- DH
- EH
- ER
- EY
- F
- G
- HH
- IH
- IY
- JH
- K
- L
- M
- N
- NG
- OW
- OY
- P
- R
- S
- SH
- T
- TH
- UH
- UW
- V
- W
- Y
- Z
- ZH
- ' '
enc_input_dim: &id003 !apply:speechbrain.lobes.models.g2p.model.input_dim
use_word_emb: true
word_emb_enc_dim: 256
embedding_dim: 512
phn_char_map: &id002 !apply:speechbrain.lobes.models.g2p.dataio.build_token_char_map
# Models
tokens: *id001
char_phn_map: &id023 !apply:speechbrain.lobes.models.g2p.dataio.flip_map
map_dict: *id002
enc: &id006 !new:speechbrain.nnet.RNN.LSTM
input_shape: [null, null, *id003]
bidirectional: true
hidden_size: 512
num_layers: 4
dropout: 0.5
lin: &id010 !new:speechbrain.nnet.linear.Linear
input_size: 512
n_neurons: *id004
bias: false
ctc_lin: &id013 !new:speechbrain.nnet.linear.Linear
input_size: 1024
n_neurons: *id004
encoder_emb: &id007 !new:speechbrain.nnet.embedding.Embedding
num_embeddings: *id005
embedding_dim: 512
emb: &id008 !new:speechbrain.nnet.embedding.Embedding
num_embeddings: *id004
embedding_dim: 512
dec: &id009 !new:speechbrain.nnet.RNN.AttentionalRNNDecoder
enc_dim: 1024
input_size: 512
rnn_type: gru
attn_type: content
dropout: 0.5
hidden_size: 512
attn_dim: 256
num_layers: 4
word_emb_enc: &id012 !new:speechbrain.lobes.models.g2p.model.WordEmbeddingEncoder
word_emb_dim: 768
word_emb_enc_dim: 256
norm_type: batch
word_emb: !apply:speechbrain.lobes.models.g2p.dataio.lazy_init
init: !name:speechbrain.wordemb.transformer.TransformerWordEmbeddings
model: bert-base-uncased
log_softmax: &id011 !new:speechbrain.nnet.activations.Softmax
apply_log: true
model: &id014 !new:speechbrain.lobes.models.g2p.model.AttentionSeq2Seq
enc: *id006
encoder_emb: *id007
emb: *id008
dec: *id009
lin: *id010
out: *id011
use_word_emb: true
word_emb_enc: *id012
enc: *id006
encoder_emb: *id007
emb: *id008
dec: *id009
lin: *id010
ctc_lin: *id013
out: *id011
word_emb: !ref <word_emb>
word_emb_enc: *id012
model: *id014
lm_model: &id015 !new:speechbrain.lobes.models.RNNLM.RNNLM
embedding_dim: 256
rnn_layers: 2
rnn_neurons: 512
output_neurons: 43
return_hidden: true
opt_class: !name:torch.optim.Adam
lr: 0.002
ctc_scorer: !new:speechbrain.decoders.scorer.CTCScorer
eos_index: !ref <eos_index>
blank_index: !ref <blank_index>
ctc_fc: !ref <ctc_lin>
ctc_window_size: !ref <ctc_window_size>
coverage_scorer: !new:speechbrain.decoders.scorer.CoverageScorer
vocab_size: !ref <output_neurons>
scorer: !new:speechbrain.decoders.scorer.ScorerBuilder
full_scorers: [!ref <coverage_scorer>, !ref <ctc_scorer>]
coverage: !ref <beam_search_coverage_penalty>
ctc: !ref <ctc_weight>
beam_searcher: &id029 !new:speechbrain.decoders.S2SRNNBeamSearcher
embedding: *id008
decoder: *id009
linear: *id010
bos_index: !ref <bos_index>
eos_index: !ref <eos_index>
min_decode_ratio: 0
max_decode_ratio: 1.0
beam_size: 16
eos_threshold: 10.0
using_max_attn_shift: false
max_attn_shift: 10
scorer: !ref <scorer>
beam_searcher_valid: !new:speechbrain.decoders.S2SRNNBeamSearcher
embedding: *id008
decoder: *id009
linear: *id010
bos_index: !ref <bos_index>
eos_index: !ref <eos_index>
min_decode_ratio: 0
max_decode_ratio: 1.0
beam_size: 16
eos_threshold: 10.0
using_max_attn_shift: false
max_attn_shift: 10
scorer: !ref <scorer>
lr_annealing: &id018 !new:speechbrain.nnet.schedulers.NewBobScheduler
initial_value: 0.002
improvement_threshold: 0.0
annealing_factor: 0.8
patient: 0
homograph_extractor: !new:speechbrain.lobes.models.g2p.homograph.SubsequenceExtractor
seq_cost: &id016 !name:speechbrain.nnet.losses.nll_loss
label_smoothing: 0.1
ctc_cost: !name:speechbrain.nnet.losses.ctc_loss
blank_index: 2
seq_cost_metric: &id017 !name:speechbrain.nnet.losses.nll_loss
label_smoothing: 0.1
reduction: batch
homograph_cost: !new:speechbrain.lobes.models.g2p.homograph.SubsequenceLoss
seq_cost: *id016
seq_stats: !name:speechbrain.utils.metric_stats.MetricStats
metric: *id017
seq_stats_homograph: !name:speechbrain.utils.metric_stats.MetricStats
metric: *id017
classification_stats_homograph: !name:speechbrain.utils.metric_stats.ClassificationStats
per_stats: !name:speechbrain.utils.metric_stats.ErrorRateStats
per_stats_homograph: !name:speechbrain.utils.metric_stats.ErrorRateStats
- p_seq
- char_lens
- encoder_out
grapheme_encoder: &id027 !new:speechbrain.dataio.encoder.TextEncoder
phoneme_encoder: &id024 !new:speechbrain.dataio.encoder.TextEncoder
grapheme_tokenizer: !apply:speechbrain.lobes.models.g2p.dataio.lazy_init
init: !name:speechbrain.tokenizers.SentencePiece.SentencePiece
model_dir: grapheme_tokenizer
bos_id: 0
eos_id: 1
unk_id: 2
vocab_size: 512
annotation_train: tokenizer_annotation_train.json
annotation_read: char
model_type: unigram # ["unigram", "bpe", "char"]
character_coverage: 1.0
annotation_format: json
text_file: grapheme_annotations.txt
phoneme_tokenizer: &id022 !apply:speechbrain.lobes.models.g2p.dataio.lazy_init
init: !name:speechbrain.tokenizers.SentencePiece.SentencePiece
model_dir: phoneme_tokenizer
bos_id: 0
eos_id: 1
unk_id: 2
vocab_size: 512
annotation_train: tokenizer_annotation_train.json
annotation_read: phn
model_type: unigram # ["unigram", "bpe", "char"]
character_coverage: 1.0
annotation_list_to_check: [tokenizer_annotation_valid.json]
annotation_format: json
text_file: phoneme_annotations.txt
out_phoneme_decoder_tok: &id025 !apply:speechbrain.lobes.models.g2p.dataio.char_map_detokenize
tokenizer: *id022
char_map: *id023
token_space_index: 512
wordwise: true
out_phoneme_decoder_raw: &id026 !name:speechbrain.lobes.models.g2p.dataio.text_decode
encoder: *id024
out_phoneme_decoder: !apply:speechbrain.utils.hparams.choice
value: false
true: *id025
false: *id026
batch: false
use_padded_data: true
- grapheme_list
- grapheme_encoded_list
- grapheme_encoded
- word_emb
- func: !name:speechbrain.lobes.models.g2p.dataio.enable_eos_bos
encoder: *id027
tokens: *id028
bos_index: 0
eos_index: 1
- func: !name:speechbrain.lobes.models.g2p.dataio.enable_eos_bos
encoder: *id024
tokens: *id001
bos_index: 0
eos_index: 1
- func: !name:speechbrain.lobes.models.g2p.dataio.clean_pipeline
graphemes: *id028
takes: txt
provides: txt_cleaned
- func: !name:speechbrain.lobes.models.g2p.dataio.grapheme_pipeline
grapheme_encoder: *id027
takes: txt_cleaned
- grapheme_list
- grapheme_encoded_list
- grapheme_encoded_raw
- func: !name:speechbrain.lobes.models.g2p.dataio.add_bos_eos
encoder: *id027
takes: grapheme_encoded_list
- grapheme_encoded
- grapheme_len
- grapheme_encoded_eos
- grapheme_len_eos
- func: !name:speechbrain.lobes.models.g2p.dataio.word_emb_pipeline
word_emb: !ref <word_emb>
grapheme_encoder: !ref <grapheme_encoder>
use_word_emb: !ref <use_word_emb>
- txt
- grapheme_encoded
- grapheme_len
provides: word_emb
batch: true
- phonemes
- func: !name:speechbrain.lobes.models.g2p.dataio.beam_search_pipeline
beam_searcher: *id029
- char_lens
- encoder_out
- hyps
- scores
- func: !apply:speechbrain.utils.hparams.choice
value: false
true: !apply:speechbrain.lobes.models.g2p.dataio.char_map_detokenize
tokenizer: *id022
char_map: *id023
token_space_index: 512
wordwise: true
false: !name:speechbrain.lobes.models.g2p.dataio.phoneme_decoder_pipeline
phoneme_encoder: *id024
- hyps
- phonemes
pretrainer: !new:speechbrain.utils.parameter_transfer.Pretrainer
model: *id014
ctc_lin: *id013