"""Wrapper of Seq2Labels model. Fixes errors based on model predictions""" |
from collections import defaultdict |
from difflib import SequenceMatcher |
import logging |
import re |
from time import time |
from typing import List, Union |
import warnings |
import torch |
from transformers import AutoTokenizer |
from .modeling_seq2labels import Seq2LabelsModel |
from .vocabulary import Vocabulary |
from .utils import PAD, UNK, START_TOKEN, get_target_sent_by_edits |
logging.getLogger("werkzeug").setLevel(logging.ERROR) |
logger = logging.getLogger(__file__) |
class GecBERTModel(torch.nn.Module): |
def __init__( |
self, |
vocab_path=None, |
model_paths=None, |
weights=None, |
device=None, |
max_len=64, |
min_len=3, |
lowercase_tokens=False, |
log=False, |
iterations=3, |
min_error_probability=0.0, |
confidence=0, |
resolve_cycles=False, |
split_chunk=False, |
chunk_size=48, |
overlap_size=12, |
min_words_cut=6, |
punc_dict={':', ".", ",", "?"}, |
): |
r""" |
Args: |
vocab_path (`str`): |
Path to vocabulary directory. |
model_paths (`List[str]`): |
List of model paths. |
weights (`int`, *Optional*, defaults to None): |
Weights of each model. Only relevant if `is_ensemble is True`. |
device (`int`, *Optional*, defaults to None): |
Device to load model. If not set, device will be automatically choose. |
max_len (`int`, defaults to 64): |
Max sentence length to be processed (all longer will be truncated). |
min_len (`int`, defaults to 3): |
Min sentence length to be processed (all shorted will be returned w/o changes). |
lowercase_tokens (`bool`, defaults to False): |
Whether to lowercase tokens. |
log (`bool`, defaults to False): |
Whether to enable logging. |
iterations (`int`, defaults to 3): |
Max iterations to run during inference. |
special_tokens_fix (`bool`, defaults to True): |
Whether to fix problem with [CLS], [SEP] tokens tokenization. |
min_error_probability (`float`, defaults to `0.0`): |
Minimum probability for each action to apply. |
confidence (`float`, defaults to `0.0`): |
How many probability to add to $KEEP token. |
split_chunk (`bool`, defaults to False): |
Whether to split long sentences to multiple segments of `chunk_size`. |
!Warning: if `chunk_size > max_len`, each segment will be truncate to `max_len`. |
chunk_size (`int`, defaults to 48): |
Length of each segment (in words). Only relevant if `split_chunk is True`. |
overlap_size (`int`, defaults to 12): |
Overlap size (in words) between two consecutive segments. Only relevant if `split_chunk is True`. |
min_words_cut (`int`, defaults to 6): |
Minimun number of words to be cut while merging two consecutive segments. |
Only relevant if `split_chunk is True`. |
punc_dict (List[str], defaults to `{':', ".", ",", "?"}`): |
List of punctuations. |
""" |
super().__init__() |
self.model_weights = list(map(float, weights)) if weights else [1] * len(model_paths) |
self.device = ( |
torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") if device is None else torch.device(device) |
) |
self.max_len = max_len |
self.min_len = min_len |
self.lowercase_tokens = lowercase_tokens |
self.min_error_probability = min_error_probability |
self.vocab = Vocabulary.from_files(vocab_path) |
self.log = log |
self.iterations = iterations |
self.confidence = confidence |
self.resolve_cycles = resolve_cycles |
assert ( |
chunk_size > 0 and chunk_size // 2 >= overlap_size |
), "Chunk merging required overlap size must be smaller than half of chunk size" |
self.split_chunk = split_chunk |
self.chunk_size = chunk_size |
self.overlap_size = overlap_size |
self.min_words_cut = min_words_cut |
self.stride = chunk_size - overlap_size |
self.punc_dict = punc_dict |
self.punc_str = '[' + ''.join([f'\{x}' for x in punc_dict]) + ']' |
self.indexers = [] |
self.models = [] |
if isinstance(model_paths, str): |
model_paths = [model_paths] |
for model_path in model_paths: |
model = Seq2LabelsModel.from_pretrained(model_path) |
config = model.config |
model_name = config.pretrained_name_or_path |
special_tokens_fix = config.special_tokens_fix |
self.indexers.append(self._get_indexer(model_name, special_tokens_fix)) |
model.eval().to(self.device) |
self.models.append(model) |
def _get_indexer(self, weights_name, special_tokens_fix): |
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained( |
weights_name, do_basic_tokenize=False, do_lower_case=self.lowercase_tokens, model_max_length=1024 |
) |
if hasattr(tokenizer, 'encoder'): |
tokenizer.vocab = tokenizer.encoder |
if hasattr(tokenizer, 'sp_model'): |
tokenizer.vocab = defaultdict(lambda: 1) |
for i in range(tokenizer.sp_model.get_piece_size()): |
tokenizer.vocab[tokenizer.sp_model.id_to_piece(i)] = i |
if special_tokens_fix: |
tokenizer.add_tokens([START_TOKEN]) |
tokenizer.vocab[START_TOKEN] = len(tokenizer) - 1 |
return tokenizer |
def forward(self, text: Union[str, List[str], List[List[str]]], is_split_into_words=False): |
def _is_valid_text_input(t): |
if isinstance(t, str): |
return True |
elif isinstance(t, (list, tuple)): |
if len(t) == 0: |
return True |
elif isinstance(t[0], str): |
return True |
elif isinstance(t[0], (list, tuple)): |
return len(t[0]) == 0 or isinstance(t[0][0], str) |
else: |
return False |
else: |
return False |
if not _is_valid_text_input(text): |
raise ValueError( |
"text input must of type `str` (single example), `List[str]` (batch or single pretokenized example) " |
"or `List[List[str]]` (batch of pretokenized examples)." |
) |
if is_split_into_words: |
is_batched = isinstance(text, (list, tuple)) and text and isinstance(text[0], (list, tuple)) |
else: |
is_batched = isinstance(text, (list, tuple)) |
if is_batched: |
text = [x.split() for x in text] |
else: |
text = text.split() |
if not is_batched: |
text = [text] |
return self.handle_batch(text) |
def split_chunks(self, batch): |
result = [] |
indices = [] |
for tokens in batch: |
start = len(result) |
num_token = len(tokens) |
if num_token <= self.chunk_size: |
result.append(tokens) |
elif num_token > self.chunk_size and num_token < (self.chunk_size * 2 - self.overlap_size): |
split_idx = (num_token + self.overlap_size + 1) // 2 |
result.append(tokens[:split_idx]) |
result.append(tokens[split_idx - self.overlap_size :]) |
else: |
for i in range(0, num_token - self.overlap_size, self.stride): |
result.append(tokens[i : i + self.chunk_size]) |
indices.append((start, len(result))) |
return result, indices |
def check_alnum(self, s): |
if len(s) < 2: |
return False |
return not (s.isalpha() or s.isdigit()) |
def apply_chunk_merging(self, tokens, next_tokens): |
if not tokens: |
return next_tokens |
source_token_idx = [] |
target_token_idx = [] |
source_tokens = [] |
target_tokens = [] |
num_keep = self.overlap_size - self.min_words_cut |
i = 0 |
while len(source_token_idx) < self.overlap_size and -i < len(tokens): |
i -= 1 |
if tokens[i] not in self.punc_dict: |
source_token_idx.insert(0, i) |
source_tokens.insert(0, tokens[i].lower()) |
i = 0 |
while len(target_token_idx) < self.overlap_size and i < len(next_tokens): |
if next_tokens[i] not in self.punc_dict: |
target_token_idx.append(i) |
target_tokens.append(next_tokens[i].lower()) |
i += 1 |
matcher = SequenceMatcher(None, source_tokens, target_tokens) |
diffs = list(matcher.get_opcodes()) |
for diff in diffs: |
tag, i1, i2, j1, j2 = diff |
if tag == "equal": |
if i1 >= num_keep: |
tail_idx = source_token_idx[i1] |
head_idx = target_token_idx[j1] |
break |
elif i2 > num_keep: |
tail_idx = source_token_idx[num_keep] |
head_idx = target_token_idx[j2 - i2 + num_keep] |
break |
elif tag == "delete" and i1 == 0: |
num_keep += i2 // 2 |
tokens = tokens[:tail_idx] + next_tokens[head_idx:] |
return tokens |
def merge_chunks(self, batch): |
result = [] |
if len(batch) == 1 or self.overlap_size == 0: |
for sub_tokens in batch: |
result.extend(sub_tokens) |
else: |
for _, sub_tokens in enumerate(batch): |
try: |
result = self.apply_chunk_merging(result, sub_tokens) |
except Exception as e: |
print(e) |
result = " ".join(result) |
return result |
def predict(self, batches): |
t11 = time() |
predictions = [] |
for batch, model in zip(batches, self.models): |
batch = batch.to(self.device) |
with torch.no_grad(): |
prediction = model.forward(**batch) |
predictions.append(prediction) |
preds, idx, error_probs = self._convert(predictions) |
t55 = time() |
if self.log: |
print(f"Inference time {t55 - t11}") |
return preds, idx, error_probs |
def get_token_action(self, token, index, prob, sugg_token): |
"""Get lost of suggested actions for token.""" |
if prob < self.min_error_probability or sugg_token in [UNK, PAD, '$KEEP']: |
return None |
if sugg_token.startswith('$REPLACE_') or sugg_token.startswith('$TRANSFORM_') or sugg_token == '$DELETE': |
start_pos = index |
end_pos = index + 1 |
elif sugg_token.startswith("$APPEND_") or sugg_token.startswith("$MERGE_"): |
start_pos = index + 1 |
end_pos = index + 1 |
if sugg_token == "$DELETE": |
sugg_token_clear = "" |
elif sugg_token.startswith('$TRANSFORM_') or sugg_token.startswith("$MERGE_"): |
sugg_token_clear = sugg_token[:] |
else: |
sugg_token_clear = sugg_token[sugg_token.index('_') + 1 :] |
return start_pos - 1, end_pos - 1, sugg_token_clear, prob |
def preprocess(self, token_batch): |
seq_lens = [len(sequence) for sequence in token_batch if sequence] |
if not seq_lens: |
return [] |
max_len = min(max(seq_lens), self.max_len) |
batches = [] |
for indexer in self.indexers: |
token_batch = [[START_TOKEN] + sequence[:max_len] for sequence in token_batch] |
batch = indexer( |
token_batch, |
return_tensors="pt", |
padding=True, |
is_split_into_words=True, |
truncation=True, |
add_special_tokens=False, |
) |
offset_batch = [] |
for i in range(len(token_batch)): |
word_ids = batch.word_ids(batch_index=i) |
offsets = [0] |
for i in range(1, len(word_ids)): |
if word_ids[i] != word_ids[i - 1]: |
offsets.append(i) |
offset_batch.append(torch.LongTensor(offsets)) |
batch["input_offsets"] = torch.nn.utils.rnn.pad_sequence( |
offset_batch, batch_first=True, padding_value=0 |
).to(torch.long) |
batches.append(batch) |
return batches |
def _convert(self, data): |
all_class_probs = torch.zeros_like(data[0]['logits']) |
error_probs = torch.zeros_like(data[0]['max_error_probability']) |
for output, weight in zip(data, self.model_weights): |
class_probabilities_labels = torch.softmax(output['logits'], dim=-1) |
all_class_probs += weight * class_probabilities_labels / sum(self.model_weights) |
error_probs += weight * output['max_error_probability'] / sum(self.model_weights) |
max_vals = torch.max(all_class_probs, dim=-1) |
probs = max_vals[0].tolist() |
idx = max_vals[1].tolist() |
return probs, idx, error_probs.tolist() |
def update_final_batch(self, final_batch, pred_ids, pred_batch, prev_preds_dict): |
new_pred_ids = [] |
total_updated = 0 |
for i, orig_id in enumerate(pred_ids): |
orig = final_batch[orig_id] |
pred = pred_batch[i] |
prev_preds = prev_preds_dict[orig_id] |
if orig != pred and pred not in prev_preds: |
final_batch[orig_id] = pred |
new_pred_ids.append(orig_id) |
prev_preds_dict[orig_id].append(pred) |
total_updated += 1 |
elif orig != pred and pred in prev_preds: |
final_batch[orig_id] = pred |
total_updated += 1 |
else: |
continue |
return final_batch, new_pred_ids, total_updated |
def postprocess_batch(self, batch, all_probabilities, all_idxs, error_probs): |
all_results = [] |
noop_index = self.vocab.get_token_index("$KEEP", "labels") |
for tokens, probabilities, idxs, error_prob in zip(batch, all_probabilities, all_idxs, error_probs): |
length = min(len(tokens), self.max_len) |
edits = [] |
if max(idxs) == 0: |
all_results.append(tokens) |
continue |
if error_prob < self.min_error_probability: |
all_results.append(tokens) |
continue |
for i in range(length + 1): |
if i == 0: |
token = START_TOKEN |
else: |
token = tokens[i - 1] |
if idxs[i] == noop_index: |
continue |
sugg_token = self.vocab.get_token_from_index(idxs[i], namespace='labels') |
action = self.get_token_action(token, i, probabilities[i], sugg_token) |
if not action: |
continue |
edits.append(action) |
all_results.append(get_target_sent_by_edits(tokens, edits)) |
return all_results |
def handle_batch(self, full_batch, merge_punc=True): |
""" |
Handle batch of requests. |
""" |
if self.split_chunk: |
full_batch, indices = self.split_chunks(full_batch) |
else: |
indices = None |
final_batch = full_batch[:] |
batch_size = len(full_batch) |
prev_preds_dict = {i: [final_batch[i]] for i in range(len(final_batch))} |
short_ids = [i for i in range(len(full_batch)) if len(full_batch[i]) < self.min_len] |
pred_ids = [i for i in range(len(full_batch)) if i not in short_ids] |
total_updates = 0 |
for n_iter in range(self.iterations): |
orig_batch = [final_batch[i] for i in pred_ids] |
sequences = self.preprocess(orig_batch) |
if not sequences: |
break |
probabilities, idxs, error_probs = self.predict(sequences) |
pred_batch = self.postprocess_batch(orig_batch, probabilities, idxs, error_probs) |
if self.log: |
print(f"Iteration {n_iter + 1}. Predicted {round(100*len(pred_ids)/batch_size, 1)}% of sentences.") |
final_batch, pred_ids, cnt = self.update_final_batch(final_batch, pred_ids, pred_batch, prev_preds_dict) |
total_updates += cnt |
if not pred_ids: |
break |
if self.split_chunk: |
final_batch = [self.merge_chunks(final_batch[start:end]) for (start, end) in indices] |
else: |
final_batch = [" ".join(x) for x in final_batch] |
if merge_punc: |
final_batch = [re.sub(r'\s+(%s)' % self.punc_str, r'\1', x) for x in final_batch] |
return final_batch, total_updates |