Text Generation
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This dataset contains anekdotes parsed from a few vk social network communities. Since the dataset is regularly updated, there is no fixed number of entries, so stay tuned.
There are three configurations available withing the dataset:
An example of an entry from the dataset is given below:
"text": "- Папа, а кто такие алкоголики? - Ну, сынок.. Вот, видишь - четыре гендера стоят? А алкоголику кажется, что там восемь гендеров - Пап, там два гендера.",
"published": "16-09-2023 01:38",
"id": 497393,
"n-likes": 13,
"n-views": 804,
"accessed": "16-09-2023 01:51",
"source": "anekdotikategoriib"
Each dataset entry therefore consists of the following fields:
- text representation of the anecdote;published
- publication date of the corresponding post in the format DD-MM-YYYY hh:mm
- id of the corresponding post;n-likes
- number of likes received by the corresponding post up to the access date;n-views
- number of views received by the corresponding post up to the access date;accessed
- access date of the corresponding post in the format DD-MM-YYYY hh:mm
- community name in which the corresponding post has been published.