Well priced camping or emergency inflatable mattress Bought two of these to go camping and they did everything they should have. Inflation time is about 15 minutes and we slept great. Deflation was simple and quick.Recommend!
air mattress for kids These air mattresses are very nice. The material is strong and after having used them multiple times since I have bought them, it hasn't deflated once!! The mattress seems to stop filling with air when it is inflated with the proper amount. I bought 2 of these. One for each of my children. They slept well and never "hit the ground". I would highly recommend this mattress. As for longevity, we will see.........
Better than sleeping on the floor! I ordered two of these air mattresses to fit into a tent I purchased to go camping with my 8 year old son. They just fit into the tent and were a little cumbersome, but the blower provided blew them up in minutes and they were better than sleeping on the floor! I somehow managed to kick the plug in the middle of the night and it deflated rather quickly I unfortunately found out and I didn't want to wake up the camp at 4 AM so make sure it's in tight before you try to go to sleep!
Quality of mattress was fine but.... Within 4 hours the air had escaped and no attempts to revive it would help.I ended up throwing it away.
good value Works just fine for a basic airbed. Nice that is comes with a pump, but 6 batteries makes it a bit bulky. Still a good value for the price
Piece of crap I opened the package and the directions for the pump are so complicated! Then I had to buy C batteries.Finally I bought the batteries and got my hired Masters degree to understand the directions. Didn't work!Thought maybe the batteries were bad, bought six more. Still no power. Piece of crap. I bought this because my grandson often sleeps over and thought it would be a great option. My poor grandson had no place to sleep.
Worked Well for awhile bought the product based on the notion that other reviewers said it stood the test of teenagers. We used it for an 18 year old athlete who spends so much time on the court he has to sleep there. It worked perfectly, until it got a hole, maybe a month or two after buying it. Not pleases. If yours doesn't hole up and you know how to work the pump and hole trickery you should be fine.
Doesn't hold air I own an Intex raised downy queen sized bed and am quite happy with it - it holds air pretty well throughout the night. The Intex Prestige Downy, however, is nowhere near as good. 70% of the air leaks out in the first three hours, and you have to repump. Do not buy this bed.
Easy to use Great economical solution for a travel bed. Easy to use and seems very durable. No issues with the product at all.
Just what I needed... Nice firm mattress, seems to be built good, no problems so far....gave it 4 stars because the pump it came with needed 6 C batteries and it would've been nice in the description if they made that clear so your not surprised when you get it.
Worked for a few days then failed miserably This air mattress was great. Until the layering inside became twisted. Now there is a large "hump" in the center of the mattress. It is nearly impossible to sleep on. After a quick email to Intex explaining that the mattress received no abuse but appeared to just twist on its own I received an email back saying "sorry" and "nothing can be done." Way to sell a shoddy air mattress. I would suggest buying a different brand. One without separate inner tubes.
Ruined We only used one time and thereafter it won't stay full. It is a total nightmare. In addition, if it has a hole, we can't find it and no patch to fix it if we could find it. So sorry we bought this from Amazon.
Not comfy Right from the start of laying on this air bed I can feel pain in my lower back where I hurt it last year, I need it for the weekend so I guess it's just something I will have to deal with. If you have a bad back perhaps think about maybe buying a top for it.
Don't use with a Canon S3 This lens does not work well with a Canon S3 IS. Only a very small area in the center of field is in focus, bluring heavily toward the edges. There is also severe color fringing. I understand that this lens is great on many cameras, but the S3 is not one of them.
Keychain Life Hammer Excellent product but do NOT test on girl friend's glass table (even after placing 5+ napkins to protect the top).
Perfect little tool. After purchasing this tool I had the chance to use it in an emergency situation while working. It performed flawlessly jn both breaking the car window and cutting seatbelt. Every emergency worker should have one !
ResQMe Keychain Very hard to use item. So difficult that I returned it. Looked great in demonstration but not comsumer-friendly. May be ok for strong people but, in an emergency, no one needs something that's not dependable and easy.
good stuff Nice yellow escaping tool. Good quality. Haven't got the chance to try the window breaking yet. But tried on the carton and saw the dent.Amazon Shipping was fast. Good price too.
EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE ONE Best tool for under 10 bucks. Works like it is supposed to and you will be prepared if you encounter an emergency situation.
Test Them! Imagine giving this device to your 16 year old. Imagine he encounters circumstances to put it to use. Now imagine it fails to work. How would you feel about your gift?I ordered 6 of these as Christmas stocking-stuffers. Fortunately, my 16 year old tested the glass breaking function of his on a piece of scrap hard plastic.No matter how hard we tried we couldn't get the pin to 'pop'. The barrel simply moved in and out with no effect.I handed him another. The pin popped as it should but then remained stuck in the extended position. In actual use that would have meant one try to break the glass and then the device would have been useless.I tested the remaining 4 and they did, in fact, function as advertised and demonstrated. I don't think a device like this ought to have what basically amounts to a 33% failure rate on the 6 I purchased.If you buy them, TEST them. Then consider installing the full-sized hammer as a back-up.
Safety Device Recieved the Keychain Version of the Original LifeHammer (Royal Blue), Pack of 2 in a timely manner and tested one to see if it works, it works as decribed in the information given on the website.
Never used the escape tool. Dont know how well the thing functions, but i like it for just in case type situation. hardly noticeable on my keychain.
Shame on Oxford Garden! Shame on Oxford Garden for cheapening their product! I ordered 2 of these chaise cushions. One was 3.5" thick but the other was 2" thick! The 2" thick model also collects water where the back and base meet. My cushion is still wet in this area from a rainstorm 36 hours ago. The other cushion was dry within half a day.In addition to the thinner size, the stitches are off in certain areas.
Not the fantasy author! I thought I was buying a fantasy book, and so was sorely disappointed. Also, wife beating seems acceptable. This has nothing to do with Pern or dragons, and I am convinced written by a different author with the same name. Deceptive.
broken on the first day My Roomba failed on the first day! I am hugely disappointed.I bought a Roomba with great enthusiasm. It arrived on December 22. On December 23, I gave it a try. My kids were greatly impressed by the little robot. It cleaned carpet area without too much a problem, only stuck under a chair once. Then I took it to the basement. Roomba had great difficulties at the boundary of two uneven surfaces. It spent extra time and often stuck there. It also had problem with bathroom rugs, always sucking up the rug and dragging it behind. Then in the middle of a run, one of the wheels stopped working and the red light began to flash. That was the end of my Roomba.Roomba is a great concept, but not quite there yet. I look forward to the next generation of Roomba.
Died just out of warranty I really liked Roomba - at first. However - just three months out of warranty - the little devil gave up the ghost. At first I thought the battery had died, so I ordered a new one. That didn't work and after a call to Roomba I learned that something was wrong internally with the robot and they would be glad to ship me a replacement for $90 - without a battery. In other words, I could get a new one for retail. I told her that since the first one had lasted such a short time I wasn't too anxious to invest in another one. On the plus side - they are allowing me to return the new battery and parts for a refund.I'm sad to see him go - he's really cute - but I'm back to my old tried and true vaccuum that's been humming away for years.
sweet It's sweet - I run it every week - no fuss, no muss (and no mess). It take a long time to do it's thing but it's better than me doing it!
I wasted my money and way too much time on this thing I bought the Roomba Vac. I have all hardwood floors in my house, let me just say this, NOISY. It takes too long to charge in between cleanings, my house is 2000 square feet so we are talking lots of floor to cover. It cannot handle one bedroom without taking minimum two and one half hours to clean. I thought that this would save me time, it didn't. To be honest, I took it back to Target. I can clean my floor faster with a broom and dustpan and not waste time or electricity. My family thanked me because you can now hear again after the noise is gone. Sorry, don't waste your money or time. I hope this helps you to make the right decision.
I wish it had lasted While the Roomba lasted (just over a year) it was good. It wasn't great, but it was definitely good. It was a little moody and really disliked one specific corner of my kitchen. I miss it and look forward to them updating and improving the machine.
roomba rocks Fantastic invention--works well. You need to keep it clean so it works well. Warning to women: although it works great all by itself, your guy may feel compelled to WATCH it the first 10 times for the sheer entertainment value.
Broke down after 1 week We loved it while it worked, but it broke down after 1 week of use. It's cleaning power was better than I expected, and it did a nice job of covering an entire room. It started to malfunction after 1 week and despite several calls to customer service we couldn't get it to work properly.We have been waiting several weeks for a replacement unit, hopefully coming soon...
Great when it works but too many problems I used my roomba for about 6 months successfully, it cleaned well and had relatively few issues. After 6 months it would work for 5 minutes and stop with the message 'clean the brushes', I did a complete cleaning and spent $54 on all new brushes and have not been able to get it to work again. Would I spend $350 for 6 months - NO. If it kept working I would have give it a '5' because when it is working it is really an asset but now I am just out $350.
Fun but pointless I like the Irobot, but it's kind of pointless. Sure it cleans the place, but most likely it will leave a spot unclean. I scattered some hamster litter on my floor to test the irobot. It missed a little bit of the garbage (even after leaving it on for a half hour)
It works, but doesn't last We bought our Roomba about three months ago. We were thrilled. Our apartment is so much cleaner now; the hardwood floors shine. It picked up shocking amounts of cat hair, human hair and dust every day. The problem is, it no longer works and their customer service is nonexistent. I'm going to order another one, because when it works, it makes such a difference, but if this one only lasts three months, I guess it will be back to manual vacuuming.
Roams my house like a blind little puppy The Roomba spends most of its time under the end table next to my sofa. Once in a while, before I leave for work, I get it out and press the large 'Clean' button on top. When I come back, my floors are vacuumed. The Roomba gets its bin emptied of all the cat hair and dust, and back under the table it goes until next time.I have a small condo (1200 sq.ft.) and the Roomba can get it all on one charge. It's about 75% carpet and 25% tile, the Roomba handles both. My cat behaved aggressively towards it at first, but now she ignores it.Not reccommended if you have a large house, the battery life just isn't good enough. It also can't go over rugs, so make sure you put the rugs away first. Bottom line - I hate to vacuum and now I don't have to anymore.I also like to follow the Roomba around with a leather whip and give it a few lashes while it is working. It makes me feel like a big man.
save your money This Roomba is not worth the money. I've had one for only a few weeks; at first it cleaned well but missed large areas of my living room. Now all of the sudden it constantly shuts off for no reason. Also, seven hours charging time is too long for any device, and I think that having to clean the roller and other parts after every few uses kind of kills the convenience of having a vacuum robot.
She Gets 'Em Done! I have officially named my Roomba Charlaina. She cleans my little area for me and does an impeccable job (besides the edge right about my desk which is so obvious for me to clean anyways). Long live Charlaina! I love you!
Wonderful! We thought the Roomba was probably one of those gadgets that doesn't really work very well. How wrong we were! This thing goes to work and cleans up everything. It goes under the furniture too! We have 3 cats and a dog, and we run the Roomba almost every day! Our carpet is cleaner than it's ever been! Everyone should have one of these! What a waste of time vacuuming by hand is!
Damaged Product I was very pleased when I received the vacuum so quickly. Unfortunatley, there was a rattle when we attempted to open the sealed package. Upon further examination we saw that a few small parts on the front of the vacuum were broken off. When I emailed them to let them know that I would like a replacement, they told me I would only receive a refund.As this was a gift, I was very disappointed in their response.
Y get 3 of these, 3 RCA couplers, another set of RCA dubbing cables, a AC/DC converter and let the kids play video games in the car on long trips.
Too Small I have this sheet in pink and it is so tight that I tore the sheet trying to put it on. I use a thin matress pad over a Sealy crib mattress and all my other sheets seem to fit fine. The cotton is nice, but what good is it if it is ripped because it doesn't fit?
Breaks fairly easy- easy for kids to learn I am now going to be buying a 3rd one of these gates- the first broke within a couple months when my children pulled it too far open. the second had some damage but lasted longer (over a year). the only reason we use this gate rather than something else is becausse for a 60" doorway, it is the best price around that does not seem like it would be annoying to open and shut.my 5 year old and 3 year old figured out this gate long ago- but I need it to keep the 18mos old out of my work area.it i easy to use, though, and it has served its purpose.my kids have tried to cllimb it, but it moves a little too much for them to climb it well.it would be better if it had a larger range of motion when it is open- this is how my kids have broken it.
Really good for us, but be aware of some negatives We have wide opening about 4.5 feet wide and bought the Graco Expansion Swing Gate as the only decent option for a wide opening.Pro:-Really easy install (I did it with only a tape measure and pencil)-Effective* (see negatives for more detail)-Covers a wide opening* (see negatives for more detail)Con:-Make sure that you close the gate properly... the bottom latch is easy to miss-The "locking latch" is very small, not an issue for us, but I can see others having trouble-The wider applications open up gaps in the gate that can be used to climb over it-No options to consider to let our cats passBottom line: Not a substitute for supervision. We think you should carefully weigh pros and cons of any gate before making a purchase, and consider more than one style in your home (like we did) to custom taylor your solutions to each situation.
Does it job but a bit flimsy at each end. I like this because of the height and its ability to expand farther than other gates of its size. However, the hooks on either end are quite flimsy and bend easily if you don't get them into the eye hooks. I still use it but those are my only complaints. I may remove the hooks and replace them with sturdier clips in the future.
The best baby gate ever I already had one of these gates at the top of our stairs from when our children were small. It's the only one that I could find that was simple enough for my older children to work and expandable to a very wide doorway. I needed a second gate to lock our toy poodle into an area of the house, and too many of the gates were too difficult for the children to manipulate. Some other gates had holes on the edges that the dog was small enough to squeeze through. I couldn't find this anywhere in local stores, so had to buy it online. Love this gate.
Not what is in the picture I purchased this gate online because the only ones like this I could find locally had the beige plastic top, and I wanted one that was white. This arrived in a box showing the white top, however the bar across the top was beige. NOT HAPPY.
Not ready for prime time A lot of this material is markedly inferior to his later recordings. Some of it sounds tentative. Many of the songs are in a key that doesn't work for the vocals. Strictly for completists.If you're looking for a first Magic Sam album get "West Side Soul."
No Doubt meets the beat... This release is a remix of No Doubt's song "Bathwater" off of their multi platinum 2000 album "Return of Saturn". This remix was actually crafted by no doubt guitarist Tom Dumont's side project "Invincible Overlord". It is sharp, vibrant, and is great for clubs and dancing. not offered on any no doubt album, this single is a good buy. the video for the song uses outtakes from the original bathwater video. the other remixes for :"it's my life" are also very well done. 5 stars. i highly reccomend this!
Perry Mason Season 1 We have only watched the first 3 episodes on disk one. Episode 1 and 3 were fine, 2 was full of lines and snow. If any more are like episode 2 on disk one, we will return it for another copy
Perry Mason Magic This DVD is a wonderful collection of early Perry Mason. If you are a fan of Perry Mason then I would recommend you purchase this DVD. It is so nice to watch the TV with no commericals, swearing or nude sceens.
Almost as good as it gets The transfers were evey bit as fantastic as one could hope for in the realm of DVD. However, I'm getting tired of the new "double dipping" that TV DVD has fallen into. Season 1, Volume 1. GIMME A BREAK!!! First Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea, then The Time Tunnel and now Perry Mason. Quit getting so damn greedy.
Excellent!! This is a great series, and the DVDs are EXCELLENT. (I have both Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 of the first season.) Please, please hurry and release the rest of the seasons ASAP!!
Good old days I watched Perry Mason regularly when it was first aired. It was always a very special program for me. That was a long time ago, but it is still just as entertaining. I'm certainly happy to see it and a number of the older TV programs being offered this way. Our youngsters shouldn't have to miss out on this wholesome type of programing.
Call And Response Rips This group is vocal, versitile, and very fun. Funky breakbeats, catchy basslines, funtime guitar, and spacey keyboards dominate the sound. Vocal harmonies reminiscent of the wonderful groups of the sixties, like the zombies or the free design.
About Sisterlocks I guess I was looking for more information about sisterlocks.This book just puts on paper what a consultation with a consultant would show you and tell you. I wouldn't recommend this book as a learning tool. The pictures are in black and white so it doesn't allow you to see the beauty of the locs. My suggesstion is if you're thinking of sisterlocks call a consultant and you'll get all the information you'll need. This book just confirms that. Save your money...
Good cooking Reminds me of home cooking, as in the home i grew up in in England, time to start experimenting in the kitchen
Wrong book received I received a different book than I had ordered. a1 responded to my first e-mail that he would try to get the right book back from the person it had been sent to. I was remiss in checking my e-mails for a couple of weeks and when I e-mailed again there was no response .I decided to let it go because a $7.84 book wasn't worth putting more time into. I just won't order from a1_auction_services again.
Too much information and bulky! I received this book as a gift and have been debating whether to give it away or not. Only thing keeping me from doing so is the thought that the gift-giver may someday want to see it! The book is HUGE and doesn't fit on any normal book shelf. It is incredibly bulky, heavy, and the wood cover makes it cumbersome. It requires way too much information and does not provide enough creativity to add in things that might be unique to your child. Many of the pages have long lists of entries - so if a few apply to your child the page looks essentially blank and you look like a bad parent. Would NOT recommend this book - everytime I open it I feel delinquent for not knowing the answers to all of the questions it is asking! Plus - it goes up until your child is practically in high school - some apparently like this aspect of the book - I find it to be way too much!
Cheap piece of crap I should have never ordered this item. Should have read the negative reviews first. Save yourself the $2.40. Got this thing and the first day it breaks. My speaker fell off my desktop and the plug broke right off like it was nothing. Not worth the metal its made with. Don't order it. I decided to take the loss of my $2.40 since I'd rather not deal with customer service, even if I could get a refund.
Wrong Adaptor Sent I was sent a 1/8 to 1/16 (?) adaptor.I had to make an emergency trip to Radio Shack to get the correct adaptor, but Amazon did refund my money.
Reader Enduro Aa a narrative, this story is better 'read' via the DVD. It needs the visuals and sound track. The style ennervates: a lotta 'So we got a little drunk that night with these great Turkomen and their families who'd invited us to their niece's wedding, and got up the next morning with headaches and then we had five more punctures and ran out of petrol again.' Couldn't finish it.
Soft and wonferful blanket for baby! Since our nursery theme is Silver Lining, it only seemed right to purchase the cloud receiving blanket. I couldn't be happier... not only was it soft and just the right size to swaddle baby straight from the hospital, but with each wash (we use Dreft) it gets softer and softer, without getting worn! My only regret is that summer is soon approaching and it might be too hot to use a fleece blankie. Definitely a great purchase and a sweet gift.
Good for the Price It's a simple Audio cable to connect your audio out to your TV / AMP etc via the L & R connections. Its cheap , functional and it arrived on time. Its a good buy for the money and recommend it for people looking for cheap options for such cables. I had to connect my PC to my TV to get the Audio for my netflix movies :) and this cable does the Job.
Cheap and Functional I bought this cable a while ago to connect my computer to my stereo receiver. The cable shields fairly well and is of decent quality for the price. It is not gold-tipped, which means that the connectors may oxidize after several years, but I do not see this as a big problem. A balanced cable from Monster or Acoustic Research would give better performance, but the Recoton series is fine for most applications. I plan to buy two more to connect my 6-channel sound card to a 5.1 receiver I am getting for Christmas.
Difficult to Follow I really enjoy this series, but I found this installment very difficult to follow. Perhaps it's because, for a cold case, there were an awful lot of characters, and it was hard to keep them all straight. Even by the end of the book, I wasn't sure who some of the major players were.I also really wish the author would allow Jane to dump Hack or, better yet, kill him off. Running around for 10 years with a married man behind his wife's back, sneaking off to Paris, making phone calls on a phone card, etc. all make an otherwise strong character look stupid and weak. Hack is an annoyance who adds nothing to the stories, so I'm sure I'd enjoy this series much more, and be able to rate it much higher, if he was no longer around.
Very Disappointing This video was good as far as Biblical accuracy but it is "cheesy" at best. The actresses could have, at least, attempted to look more historically accurate. It was very distracting to see Naomi wearing nail polish! I'd like to see it re-made to be more authentic. Pull back the bangs, get some wigs and wash off the makeup ladies! I wouldn't mind so much if it cost less to purchase but it costs just as much as the professional videos.
There was no 'temple' in the time of Ruth! This story moves very slowly. The climax of it involves Boaz 'redeeming' a land parcel which involves marrying Ruth (& taking care of her & Naomi), and it takes place in front of a "temple" building. The Biblical scene was actually played out at the "city gate"; there was no temple until Solomon built it 4 generations later. The only place of worship was the tent of the tabernacle.. which was probably still at the town of Shilo... not at Bethlehem or Jerusalem.
Let down What a travesty ! The book of Ruth is a beautiful story. The movie is a poor attempt from a low budget Christian studio... Come on, what kind of message are we sending ? That new Biblically based movies are a joke ? Only two of the actors could act at all, the wind was louder then the dialog in parts, and music came blasting over the top of everything. God have mercy.
The cardboard box survillence system This is a program which, when you install it on you computer, records every site you have gone to and saves a pic of it. this is basically your computers "history" file with a password. if you want to control what your children, employees, spouse, etc. watches a far better option would be to download "Net Nanny" or some other program and also password lock your history file (Preferences menu for Internet explorer).in fact, this programs main purpose is to scare others into not gonig to sites like that whithout permission. a good alternative: a cardboard box with wires running to the computer.it is much cheaper!!!! as you can probably already tell when i bought this from the store, i returned it within 2 days. DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY ON THIS PRODUCTHappy searching
Pre-Coen, Coen-Style This funky, goofy western is a little piece of 70s film noir that is a must for fans of Jimmy Buffett. One might ask, what was Jimmy doing in this movie??? Well, not much besides playing one of his early signature songs. The plot revolves around an attempt to preserve the west for westerners and everyone else be damned. It is clearly not the best work of any or all the actors/actresses involved, but Rancho Deluxe is still worth a view...not a buy.
Don't fence me in Thomas McGuane scripted this anti-western western comedy about two modern-day cattle rustlers in Montana who do what they do out of sheer boredom. Jack McGhee (Jeff Bridges) is from a wealthy background, while his partner Cecil Colson (Sam Waterston) is a Native American. They rustle a steer from rancher John Brown (Clifton James) which sets off a chain of basically unconnected incidents, most of them meant to be funny. The movie tracks the two rustlers but never really gets involved with them: the picture often feels as distant from them as they are from the world around them. As with much of McGuane's fiction, the script is drenched in irony and a sad sort of humor that rarely evokes more than a head-shaking chuckle. Slim Pickens, though, is excellent as an old dottery detective called in to investigate the case.
poor picture quality The picture quality is lacking. It is dim and lacks vibrancy when compared to my VHS copy. Would like to see this fully restored in blue ray.
Great New Age/Science Fiction This book has stayed with me ever since I read it at the local library. It is well worth the effort to get hold of a copy.The blending of New Age and Science Fiction is well done, and I found that the New Age ideas stayed with me.As a basis for meditation it is unsurpassed.
Not worth the read I had read the "Gates of sleep, Phoenix and ashes, Serpant's shadow, Wi_ard of London and The Black Swan" all written by Ms. Lackey prior to reading this book. This book is long on self-rationality( dull, dull, dull) of the character's and short on actual action and plot. I do not recommend the waste of time on this to anyone. The ending was disappointing for a supposed simile on a fairy tale. I am sorry. The other books I mentioned were entertaining and recommendable.
Been there, read that Melodrama I used to be a die hard Lackey fan. FIREROSE taught me that Lackey must be overworked. I just cannot believe how a talented writer as Ms.Lackey can turn out such melodramtic drivel as THE FIREROSE. Predictable characters such as the noble and virtuous but poor as a church mouse Miss Rose...how trite! Was anyone really surprised by the turn of events? Beauty meets Beast. Love conquers all. The hero saves the day...and the city! It was a typical formula for a Victorian melodrama in every way. At least Lackey got that part right
Another Excellent Beginning of a Series that Never Developed While a fantastically new and unique re-telling of the classic Beauty and the Beast tale; this could have evolved into a wonderful series as well. Perhaps one day Ms.Lackey will find an opportunity to pursue further themes with this.It's a wonderful book and one I enjoy re-readingfrom time to time.GSL
Same as older edition If you have the older edition, do not buy this update. It is the exact same, except for the cover.
Tool for tires I got two of these little jews, they are constructed nicely and I am happy with my purchase.
Unneeded I love Jasc to no end, its a little company making software with huge uses. However, this software really has no practicle use. This software pretty much catagorizes all of your media, your pictures, movies, avis, mpgs, waves, mp3s and so on. Other FREE software does the same thing! The only thing that separates this from the free software is the fact that it has a web slideshow function. It will automaticly export all of your files into a directory and create all of the HTML for you. Allowing for easy transition to the Internet. There are slideshow functions as well and it plays all of your waves, avis, mpgs and so on.
Easy Listening Having won the U.S. National Scottish Fiddle Championship on more than one occasion, this classically trained fiddler blends original compositions with traditional tunes. It's easy on the ears but pulls on your heart strings.
Lean Manufacturing I am currently looking for material on Lean manufacturing principles that that I can use for training our shop floor employees. I recently purchased "Lean Visual Factory Management Principles.....". On viewing the footage it was basically a factory tour. It was very general and I found it to be very amateurish and gave very poor examples of a lean environment. Definitely not worth the money.............
Title Did not dye my item black. More of a grayish blue. Doesn't look horrible however if you are looking to make your clothing actually black you may want to buy more than two. I will give it a try once more and see what happens.
A synthpop treasure!!! This CD is definately a timeless classic. It really does not sound like any other Synth CD I have. B!machine really focusses on delivering trance-like, atmospheric, melancholy driven synthpop with this Album. The tracks on this CD progress nicely and are well produced. Though some of the tracks are quite long, never are they boring and I find myself wishing they were longer. A highly recomended CD for anyone who appreciates electronic music with superb vocals.
A happy memoir Chuck Leavell's early career with the Allman Bros Band is the main attraction here. You will learn all about his feelings about Duane and Berry Oakley, the two lost brothers. Though he's now known mainly as the keyboardist for the Rolling Stones, Leavell had an interesting career before receiving that call. He is a highly respectful musician, so you won't read a single negative comment here about anyone. And forget any gossip about the Stones. There is none. He dwells at length on his band, Sea Level, a 70s fusion outfit that recorded some cool albums for Capricorn, but never took off. It's worth checking out that unusual music because it is quite good, in my opinion. Leavell became a Georgia tree farmer somewhere along the way, and that stuff is all deeply boring. You can skip those pages. For a unique look into a somewhat forgotten era of the beginnings of southern rock, this is an informative read.
Second Chance I passed on this book and its sequel, Ragamuffin, the first time I saw them. But recently I picked up the third book of the series, Sly Mongoose and really liked it. So I went back to read the first two books. The story isn't real original, I've read SF stories before about lost colonies. There is a lot of interesting back story in this, like the old-fathers who originally settled the planet and the war they fought to protect their new world from aliens. And the Caribbean culture of the people added a nice twist (although their dialog took some getting used to). I recommend this and both it's sequels. Read them in order though.
Fans can never be objective... From the OBJECTIVE reviewer...strong from beginning to end and "Simple Life" and "The North" rank with "The One" as solid songs. If he had moved away from the electronic sounds and stuck with a true band sound this probably could have ranked even better.
It's good, BUT... I found that in this edition, the songs going a little more faster, and the voice of Elton is not the same, the ballads don't is the same more faster. I don't agree with this. I prefer to listen my old cassette.I don't know if this is due to the two bonus tracks at the end, the disc have to be compressed in time.The same for the remastered album "Sleeping With the Past", with bonus tracks too.What a pity!
Correction: 3 good songs Actually "The Last Song" is a tear-jerker of a song, it belongs with "the One" and "Simple Life" as the only good songs. The 3 are very good songs, but the rest of the CD really comes up short. Really Elton John hasn't released anything better since. For the hardcore fans only.
Remaster Does Have Better Sound There are plenty of other very good reviews regarding the actual contents of this cd. My review is simply about the "re-mastering" of the music. Be aware that some of Island Records releases of Elton John's studio albums are nothing more than a straight re-issue. Examples are "Live In Australia" and "Greatest Hits 1976 to 1986". This re-issue of "The One", is actually Re-Mastered with improved sound quality and Two Bonus Tracks! The cd has slightly more overall output and better bottom-end. I have an original MCA copy that was released in 1992, and did a direct comparison.I prefer Elton John's "Classic Years", the 1970's music the most, but since I am a big fan, I've been tring to purchase everything he's put out. The 90's pop sound is just not my cup of tea, that's the only reason for the 3 star rating. Just my personal opinion.
Not my favorite Haribo product I love Haribo products such as the Gummi Bears, Frogs, Mini-Frogs, Twin Cherries, etc. But...I'll have to say that I'm not impressed with the Techno Bears. I like the shapes and colors but their texture is very tough and chewy. And...I don't think the flavor is anything special. Some people may really like this but I don't care for them much. Let me put it this way; if I'm craving some candy and there's nothin' else around...I'll eat 'em. :)
shiny gummy bears are weirddd I tried these and some of the bears are okay tasting. But some of them are grosss! And they are really hard to chew!Also, gross.Also, they look like they've been dipped in unicorn blood.Also, they are not worth the pain in your jaw when you try and chew them
Odlly Expensive I got this at over half off with free shipping and it still costs more per oz than your average gummi bear. They're very tough and chewy, which I like but is an acquired taste. All said you;d be best off just buying 20bs of another brand for the same price.
"The Greatest Game You Never Played" This game is the absolute BOMB. It's a 3D first person cockpit online 58 player real time strategy space combat game (phew!). It is more fun than ANY game I have ever played. It is truly ground breaking and Microsoft had quite a true hit on their hands. The game is now completely free and controlled by the player community who still develop for it. 6 factions total now with more on the way! I may have tons of other PC games and all the consoles but I still play this game the most because nothing else even comes close. Check out http://www.allegiancehq.org/ to see the latest on what is happening with this game!
When a cute toy becomes a pain in the neck. This really was too good to be true. What a great concept- multitasking while doing housework. I can do other jobs while my Roomba Discovery gets a jump on the vacuuming. Unfortunately, only five months into this, I am paying to ship the unit back for replacement. (Most companies I've dealt with under warranty arrange prepaid shipping for you when it's their problem) However, speaking to the customer service rep left me feeling that Roomba's are great and there is clearly something wrong with me! Note that this was my third call in- second to a human. The first human neglected to tell me not to operate the unit without the small plastic bearing cap that was to be replaced, causing further damage, now at my expense. Anyway, buyer beware- this unit is not as robust as one would like. I hope the army is getting a better deal from this company than the general public.
iRobot Roomba 4210 Discovery Floorvac Robotic Vacuum, White In my opinion this is strictly for the neat factor. It actually picks up debris but it's so random in it patterns it appears to not be efficiently cleaning at all. It seems to miss random spots. Defiantly for the home that has nothing in it. Most obstacles and most of all my throw carpets give it troubles. Yup! just for the neat factor only.
Very Dissapointing I've had to RMA mine back to iRobot probably five or six times since the SE version came out. The last time, they said that it was out of warranty, and I'd have to pay $100 for two months worth of warranty.I recognize they were first to market with this, but it's been four years or so, now, and I think there are probably better products out there. It may be time to spring for a $2k unit from another manufacturer, becuase this Roomba SE is garbage.
Worked great until it stopped charging My roomba discovery was awesome when we first got it. It ran perfectly 5 days a week for a year or so. It's great to come home to a clean house every day.Then the problems started. We noticed that the charge wasn't lasting as long as it should. So we replaced the 60 dollar battery. Then it was ok for a month and then it just stopped charging. After some through googling, I discovered that the discovery had a bad mofset (its an electrical component) on the main board.Being an engineer, I ordered the new parts, soldered on the new chips and then we were good go for a few more months. It finally kicked the bucket not long after that. I'd stay away from the discoveries.
Suprisingly effective but a bit buggy We've had our Roomba for about 4-5 months and we've been surprised at how well is cleans. It also pretty tough. One day I caught the edge on a cabinet as I was picking it up and the plastic was pulled up. I was able to snap it back together again and it works just fine still. Every once in a while it acts a bit strange. We haven't downloaded the latest firmware, so that might help. Overall we've been very pleased and have recommended Roomba to many of our friends.
Do not buy a Roomba My Wife purchased a Roomba about two year ago. About a year after it was purchase the Roomba stoped working, it would not take the programing. My wife call Roomba and the replaced the unit. After about 6 months the Roomba stoped working again this time Roomba would not replace the unit. I think they only work untill the warrenty runs out. When we contacted the company they said that they could not help us. We will never buy another Roomba and would not recomend one