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100 | 100 | 100 | mirror image : lonely kitten seeks comfort in the form of a cuddly cat | http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2017/04/24/15/3F8F1B3400000578-4440472-image-a-184_1493045915515.jpg | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | ayna görüntüsü : yalnız kedi yavrusu, sevimli bir kedi şeklinde rahatlık arar |
101 | 101 | 101 | this trick really is the best way to cut corn off the cob , because it saves making a big mess on the counter and floor . | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | Bu numara gerçekten mısırı koçanından kesmenin en iyi yoludur, çünkü tezgahta ve yerde büyük bir karışıklık yaratmaz. |
102 | 102 | 102 | portrait of young mother and little child brushing their teeth together while standing in the bathroom | http://c8.alamy.com/comp/K7AFM5/portrait-of-young-mother-and-little-child-brushing-their-teeth-together-K7AFM5.jpg | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | banyoda dururken dişlerini birlikte fırçalayan genç anne ve küçük çocuğun portresi |
103 | 103 | 103 | the harbor a small village | http://l7.alamy.com/zooms/d431eb7cc72a4a99a4038d497ebf29b3/the-harbor-of-volendam-a-small-village-in-the-netherlands-bc35b6.jpg | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | liman küçük bir köy |
104 | 104 | 104 | a traffic sign warns of surfers crossing ! | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | bir trafik işareti, karşıya geçen sörfçülere karşı uyarır! |
105 | 105 | 105 | greeting card with bright blue text and abstract christmas tree on a white background vector art illustration | https://media.istockphoto.com/illustrations/greeting-card-with-bright-blue-text-and-abstract-christmas-tree-on-a-illustration-id894741674?k=6&m=894741674&s=612x612&w=0&h=KuDCoptNP1o16yQqxg9zPyeoqdbm2c7-CO_TodYXgug= | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | beyaz arka plan vektör sanat illüstrasyonunda parlak mavi metin ve soyut noel ağacı ile tebrik kartı |
106 | 106 | 106 | such pretty watercolor flowers and can be in any languages | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | çok güzel suluboya çiçekler ve herhangi bir dilde olabilir |
107 | 107 | 107 | newspaper became a free newspaper | http://l7.alamy.com/zooms/74672aec4cd94d2da13984df5477990d/london-the-evening-standard-became-a-free-newspaper-in-november-2009-bfpyaf.jpg | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | gazete bedava gazete oldu |
108 | 108 | 108 | ancient open prairie of west on a cold morning beds and grasses cover much of the area | http://l7.alamy.com/zooms/7ef98481b4624328824aa63d478de475/ancient-open-prairie-of-north-dakota-west-of-minot-on-a-cold-morning-bd0mba.jpg | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | soğuk bir sabahta batının antik açık çayırları bölgenin çoğunu kaplar yataklar ve çimenler |
109 | 109 | 109 | forest on a sunny day | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | güneşli bir günde orman |
110 | 110 | 110 | happy senior couple with dog on a hike in summer in the nature | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | doğada yaz aylarında bir yürüyüşe köpek ile kıdemli mutlu çift |
111 | 111 | 111 | illustrator who has a rather simply haunting style . | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | oldukça basit bir şekilde musallat olan bir illüstratör. |
112 | 112 | 112 | birds fly up to the feeder and take seeds , snow on trees , falling snowflakes for the birdhouse | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | kuşlar besleyiciye uçar ve tohum alır, ağaçlarda kar, kuş yuvası için düşen kar taneleri |
113 | 113 | 113 | hands in \ walking through his old elementary hallways , person is congratulated by current students . | http://wehsblueprint.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Bham-by-LeAnn-5-45.jpg | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | el ele tutuşup eski ilkokul koridorlarında yürüyen kişi mevcut öğrencileri tarafından tebrik edilir. |
114 | 114 | 114 | leopard dragging its kill in the desert | http://l7.alamy.com/zooms/2a2e5fa29c744bcaafc9366a01495358/leopard-dragging-its-kill-in-the-kalahari-desert-drfpd6.jpg | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | çölde avını sürükleyen leopar |
115 | 115 | 115 | on a lovely winter 's evening . | http://l7.alamy.com/zooms/2efd36f783044e7287967e0af6129f4e/the-merrion-centre-leeds-city-centre-on-a-lovely-winters-evening-lots-ha44kr.jpg | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | güzel bir kış akşamında. |
116 | 116 | 116 | first screenshot of the conversation between users , where one abruptly finds out that they 've been reading a version of harry potter . | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | kullanıcılar arasında harry potter'ın bir versiyonunu okuduklarını ansızın anlayan konuşmanın ilk ekran görüntüsü. |
117 | 117 | 117 | taking to the streets : person is psychedelic rock artist in this mock up of their album cover | http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/11/23/article-2065419-0EEB7F9F00000578-77_634x585.jpg | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | sokaklara çıkmak: albüm kapaklarının bu maketinde kişi psychedelic rock sanatçısıdır |
118 | 118 | 118 | butterfly on a yellow flower | http://allswalls.com/images/butterfly-on-a-yellow-flower-wallpaper-1.jpg | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | sarı bir çiçek üzerinde kelebek |
119 | 119 | 119 | glass of whiskey with ice on the table | https://media.istockphoto.com/photos/glass-of-whiskey-with-ice-on-the-table-picture-id654761464?k=6&m=654761464&s=612x612&w=0&h=D8Ev-rq7jJfNQ2MFPV94oEisdOUcEpEGrJj4lkUKiMU= | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | masada buzlu viski bardağı |
120 | 120 | 120 | vector illustration of a flat design of the house | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | evin düz bir tasarımının vektör çizimi |
121 | 121 | 121 | police car approaching a building by night | http://l7.alamy.com/zooms/9c818fbb89a14c34b3b5e5a9566908a9/mantova-police-car-approaching-a-building-by-night-italy-ayj9ra.jpg | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | geceleyin bir binaya yaklaşan polis arabası |
122 | 122 | 122 | the best gift for photographers - wrist strap - black / blue - lucky camera straps - genuine leather camera strap personalised handmade | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | fotoğrafçılar için en iyi hediye - bilek kayışı - siyah / mavi - şanslı kamera kayışları - hakiki deri kamera kayışı kişiselleştirilmiş el yapımı |
123 | 123 | 123 | blue and pink wavy shiny ribbon on a dark background vector | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | koyu arka plan vektörü üzerinde mavi ve pembe dalgalı parlak şerit |
124 | 124 | 124 | fit man stretching and listening to music by the sea | https://media.istockphoto.com/photos/fit-man-stretching-and-listening-to-music-by-the-sea-picture-id674559330?k=6&m=674559330&s=612x612&w=0&h=cJinKW5G-ndIiMb9RzVLp3Lmd4opY75T2tUCeMSJ9hU= | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | esneme ve deniz kenarında müzik dinleyen fit adam |
125 | 125 | 125 | biological species scratching an itch against a tree | http://c8.alamy.com/comp/K66R3P/american-bison-scratching-an-itch-against-a-tree-in-elk-island-national-K66R3P.jpg | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | bir ağaca karşı kaşıntıyı kaşıyan biyolojik türler |
126 | 126 | 126 | flag and festive cake on a plate | http://l7.alamy.com/zooms/51944b87b2e04398aa2dce747758dc8a/us-flag-and-festive-cake-on-a-plate-gbc68j.jpg | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | bir tabakta bayrak ve şenlikli pasta |
127 | 127 | 127 | could make the hallway to the master suite all glass to add some additional separation interesting ! | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | Bazı ek ayırmaları ilginç kılmak için ana süite giden koridoru tamamen cam haline getirebilir! |
128 | 128 | 128 | wedding dress with a v neck | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | av yakalı gelinlik |
129 | 129 | 129 | bride at the barn at high point farms | http://jimmyandkim.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/chattanooga-wedding-photographers-004.jpg | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | yüksek nokta çiftliklerinde ahırda gelin |
130 | 130 | 130 | coach and person react against basketball team during event . | https://media.gettyimages.com/photos/head-coach-greg-mcdermott-and-assistant-coach-darian-devries-of-the-picture-id653979100 | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | Antrenör ve kişi olay sırasında basketbol takımına tepki gösterir. |
131 | 131 | 131 | portrait of a happy young man in a red wig | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | tabakta krep var. |
132 | 132 | 132 | a necklace , charm bracelet and set of earrings with logos . | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | bir kolye , tılsım bilekliği ve logolu küpe seti . |
133 | 133 | 133 | this castle dates back to the 19th century . | http://media.cntraveller.in/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/UK_castle.jpg | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | Bu kalenin tarihi 19. yüzyıla kadar uzanmaktadır. |
134 | 134 | 134 | person finally get their hands with win | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | kişi sonunda kazanmak için ellerini alır |
135 | 135 | 135 | images from the girls basketball game . | http://basketball.dailyherald.com/storyimage/DA/20120112/sports/701129647/EP/1/5/EP-701129647.jpg&updated=201201122120&MaxW=800&maxH=800&noborder | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | kızlar basketbol maçından görüntüler. |
136 | 136 | 136 | the nerves of the knee | http://l7.alamy.com/zooms/862c5a56486d41539ef2e649e0302d4c/the-nerves-of-the-knee-ack23r.jpg | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | diz sinirleri |
137 | 137 | 137 | funny pictures of the day | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | günün komik fotoğrafları |
138 | 138 | 138 | the sign for a city . | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | bir şehrin işareti. |
139 | 139 | 139 | pop rock artist in the audience during the event | https://media.gettyimages.com/photos/singer-demi-lovato-in-the-audience-during-the-ufc-199-event-at-the-picture-id538199306?s=612x612 | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | etkinlik sırasında seyirciler arasında pop rock sanatçısı |
140 | 140 | 140 | young woman lying in the grass | http://l7.alamy.com/zooms/7a39331f54bb4d219f121f4227bbaa3d/young-woman-lying-in-the-grass-bgdajj.jpg | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | beyaz bulutlarla dolu mavi bir gökyüzünün önünde inşaat vinci |
141 | 141 | 141 | a person with a cloud . | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | bulutlu bir insan. |
142 | 142 | 142 | person is available with a gift box . | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | kişi bir hediye kutusu ile kullanılabilir. |
143 | 143 | 143 | square greeting card with image of a snowman holding a twig with ball on the background of winter trees . | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | Kış ağaçlarının arka planında top ile bir dal tutan bir kardan adam görüntüsü ile kare tebrik kartı. |
144 | 144 | 144 | sheep grazing on the highlands . | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | yaylalarda otlayan koyunlar. |
145 | 145 | 145 | people pouring water on the hands of monks | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | keşişlerin ellerine su döken insanlar |
146 | 146 | 146 | buildings of bright red and yellow line the harbor . | http://lt.umn.edu/earthducation/expedition2/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/update1-6.jpg | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | Limanı çevreleyen parlak kırmızı ve sarı binalar. |
147 | 147 | 147 | all - in - one beard , hair & body trimmer | https://images.philips.com/is/image/PhilipsConsumer/QG3382_15-RTP-global-001?$jpglarge$&wid=1250 | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | hepsi bir arada sakal, saç ve vücut düzeltici |
148 | 148 | 148 | we have been celebrating western christian holiday with decorating trees together and have collected a wide range of ornaments in that time . | http://wewegombel.me/photo/487654/img_8173.jpg | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | batı hristiyan bayramını birlikte ağaçları süsleyerek kutluyoruz ve o zamanlar çok çeşitli süs eşyaları topladık. |
149 | 149 | 149 | person and battle for position at the end of thursday 's race . | http://www.johnsoncitypress.com/image/2016/10/27/640x_cCM_q30/XC-Region-A-AA-JPG.jpg | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | Perşembe günkü yarışın sonunda kişi ve pozisyon için savaş. |
150 | 150 | 150 | breakdown of the car on the road . | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | yolda arabanın bozulması. |
151 | 151 | 151 | these are the most beautiful flowers on a cake i have ever seen . | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | bunlar şimdiye kadar gördüğüm en güzel pasta çiçekleri. |
152 | 152 | 152 | proper proportions for a parachute dry fly | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | bir paraşüt kuru sinek için uygun oranlar |
153 | 153 | 153 | decorative bottle stand for wine in the form of a heart on a wedding theme . | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | bir düğün temasında bir kalp şeklinde şarap için dekoratif şişe standı. |
154 | 154 | 154 | a fashion look featuring blouses , peace of leggings and boots . | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | bluzlar, taytlar ve botlar ile şık bir görünüm. |
155 | 155 | 155 | a group of water lilies | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | parça mı elbise mi bio'muzdaki linkten hemen alışveriş yapın |
156 | 156 | 156 | when the weather gets cold it 's a sign to me that it 's time to bake ! | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | havalar soğuduğunda bana pişirme zamanının geldiğinin bir işaretidir! |
157 | 157 | 157 | soccer player , who led forward line , and person embrace as they make their way off the pitch | http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/12/28/20/2FA81C8900000578-3376615-image-a-47_1451332883261.jpg | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | ileri çizgiyi yöneten futbolcu ve sahadan çıkarken kucaklayan kişi |
158 | 158 | 158 | a young female pharmacist standing at the counter and showing a box of pills in the pharmacy . | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | tezgâhta duran ve eczanede bir kutu hap gösteren genç bir kadın eczacı. |
159 | 159 | 159 | freedom - happy free man in the car | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | özgürlük - arabada mutlu özgür adam |
160 | 160 | 160 | a durable , attractive metal black wand with gold - colored metal tips . | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | altın renkli metal uçlu dayanıklı, çekici metal siyah çubuk. |
161 | 161 | 161 | lion laying in the grasslands | http://l7.alamy.com/zooms/717074660e854fd9ae03ecd5e3eec6ef/lion-laying-in-the-grasslands-hwbmx6.jpg | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | çayırlarda yatan aslan |
162 | 162 | 162 | wanting to settle in for the winter . | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | kışa yerleşmek istiyor. |
163 | 163 | 163 | homes for sale located in the city | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | şehirde bulunan satılık evler |
164 | 164 | 164 | speed on a boat or cruise through on the river | http://blog.coxandkings.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/dreamstime_l_67232383.jpg | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | bir teknede hız yapmak veya nehirde gezinmek |
165 | 165 | 165 | a stolen motorcycle was recovered from the home of person , police said . | http://www.mercedsunstar.com/news/9d6aao/picture82035257/alternates/FREE_640/13330875_1110997995625119_2134033517544198418_n | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | Polis, bir kişinin evinden çalıntı bir motosikletin ele geçirildiğini söyledi. |
166 | 166 | 166 | person stepping into the freezing water | http://www.antarctica.gov.au/__data/assets/image/0014/114107/varieties/antarctic.jpg | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | dondurucu suya adım atan kişi |
167 | 167 | 167 | latin pop artist performs live in concert | https://static9.imagecollect.com/preview/2036/f7fc9a660b98664 | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | latin pop sanatçısı konserde canlı performans sergiliyor |
168 | 168 | 168 | part of a car garage . | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | bir araba garajının parçası. |
169 | 169 | 169 | this site is really worth noting lots of information . | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | bu site gerçekten birçok bilgiyi dikkate almaya değer. |
170 | 170 | 170 | heart shaped on hands forming a heart shape | http://l7.alamy.com/zooms/6c587595267f4cbead519b394c1e1297/heart-shaped-on-hands-forming-a-heart-shape-fnfjnn.jpg | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | bir kalp şekli oluşturan ellerde kalp şeklinde |
171 | 171 | 171 | waiter picking up food from the kitchen | https://media.gettyimages.com/photos/waiter-picking-up-food-from-the-kitchen-picture-id634477763?s=612x612 | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | mutfaktan yemek alan garson |
172 | 172 | 172 | save organisation : photos outside government agency | http://www.urban75.org/photos/protest/images/nhs-protest-whitehall-march-2012-24.jpg | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | organizasyonu kaydet : devlet kurumu dışındaki fotoğraflar |
173 | 173 | 173 | an artist selling his work | http://l7.alamy.com/zooms/09f63752b2ca4821a7e6e2c10d44a8e5/a-malawian-artist-selling-his-work-in-kalk-bay-cape-town-south-africa-cb9d2e.jpg | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | eserini satan sanatçı |
174 | 174 | 174 | football player is next , and the midfielder has gone for the unkempt look . | http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/11/30/239C181B00000578-2854808-Joey_Barton_is_next_and_the_QPR_midfielder_has_gone_for_the_unke-1_1417366381705.jpg | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | Sırada futbolcu var ve orta saha oyuncusu dağınık bir görünüm için gitti. |
175 | 175 | 175 | a box of toys on sale at a market | http://l7.alamy.com/zooms/0f0f2e828ecf499e82031c8859f3e760/a-box-of-toys-on-sale-at-a-ludlow-market-shropshire-england-cwxrhr.jpg | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | bir pazarda satılık bir kutu oyuncak |
176 | 176 | 176 | person is coming maps reveal the first days of snow | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | kişi geliyor haritalar karın ilk günlerini ortaya koyuyor |
177 | 177 | 177 | shore : the tree in the ocean | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | kıyı: okyanustaki ağaç |
178 | 178 | 178 | bride just after the wedding holding her bouquet of flowers | http://l7.alamy.com/zooms/abde821878da402cbbaa4c6fb63f04e7/bride-just-after-the-wedding-holding-her-bouquet-of-flowers-b75mad.jpg | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | düğünden hemen sonra elinde bir buket çiçek tutan gelin |
179 | 179 | 179 | film director and actor attend award held | https://media.gettyimages.com/photos/filmmaker-david-o-russell-and-actor-bradley-cooper-attend-the-oscars-picture-id476301177?s=612x612 | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | Film yönetmeni ve oyuncu ödül törenine katıldı |
180 | 180 | 180 | portrait of a young japanese woman | https://media.istockphoto.com/photos/portrait-of-a-young-japanese-woman-picture-id513484040?k=6&m=513484040&s=612x612&w=0&h=DfU_HWkt4iRUhTZtVCLT6lRUT2zqxzY6CNN5--Wm1X8= | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | genç bir japon kadının portresi |
181 | 181 | 181 | person on the movie scenes | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | film sahnelerindeki kişi |
182 | 182 | 182 | artist of musical group performs at day of the festival . | https://media.gettyimages.com/photos/vocalist-justin-warfield-of-she-wants-revenge-performs-at-day-3-of-picture-id112298213?k=6&m=112298213&s=612x612&w=0&h=ZVm8AG2XNkTuw2NYkXHnLMTCoaBpq5WAJr2HQ9PenXM= | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | müzik grubunun sanatçısı festival günü gerçekleştirir. |
183 | 183 | 183 | basketball point guard looks to pass the ball against sports team . | https://media.gettyimages.com/photos/brandon-knight-of-the-milwaukee-bucks-looks-to-pass-the-ball-against-picture-id185732593?k=6&m=185732593&s=612x612&w=0&h=C3llJ9Jbr0Rs71WGoPJ9WV8ealH9ig1YZcx1S9qfJsU= | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | basketbol oyun kurucu, spor takımına karşı topu pas vermeye çalışıyor. |
184 | 184 | 184 | have you come across industry ? | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | sektörle karşılaştınız mı? |
185 | 185 | 185 | rugby player passes the ball during a training session . | https://media.gettyimages.com/photos/matt-duffie-passes-the-ball-during-a-melbourne-storm-nrl-training-at-picture-id483964209?k=6&m=483964209&s=612x612&w=0&h=BliTA9Rn87hr8Ya7Fjmp8cbkTuAHPAvyfRpAwKNlWkE= | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | rugby oyuncusu bir antrenman sırasında topu pas geçiyor. |
186 | 186 | 186 | set of ribbons isolated on blue background . | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | mavi arka plan üzerinde izole şeritler kümesi. |
187 | 187 | 187 | actor is photographed for the observer . | https://media.gettyimages.com/photos/actor-olivia-colman-is-photographed-for-the-observer-on-november-21-picture-id492395409 | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | aktör, gözlemci için fotoğraflanır. |
188 | 188 | 188 | vector illustration of a banner for festival . | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | Festival için bir afiş vektör Illustration. |
189 | 189 | 189 | no leaks reported after cars derail east . | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | arabaların doğuya doğru raydan çıkmasından sonra herhangi bir sızıntı bildirilmedi. |
190 | 190 | 190 | the home of ice hockey player is on the market for $3.9 million . | http://cdn.abclocal.go.com/content/wpvi/images/cms/100614-wpvi-Ilya-Bryzgalov-house-IMG-2.jpg | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | buz hokeyi oyuncusunun evi 3.9 milyon dolara piyasada. |
191 | 191 | 191 | person as a child , with her mother . | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | çocukken, annesiyle birlikte. |
192 | 192 | 192 | a snapshot of our office . | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | ofisimizin bir görüntüsü. |
193 | 193 | 193 | image detail for - fashion | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | için görüntü detayı - moda |
194 | 194 | 194 | football player pulls a face for the camera during a photo call | https://media.gettyimages.com/photos/tottenham-and-england-player-paul-gascoigne-pulls-a-face-for-the-a-picture-id493905263?s=612x612 | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | futbolcu bir fotoğraf görüşmesi sırasında kamera için bir yüz çeker |
195 | 195 | 195 | map showing routes of principal explorers , from 1501 to image detail | http://www.bigmapblog.com/maps/map03/dd/VWRSnlghGIYLzqon_DD.jpg | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | 1501'den görüntü detayına kadar başlıca kaşiflerin rotalarını gösteren harita |
196 | 196 | 196 | foal in front of a white background | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | beyaz bir arka plan önünde tay |
197 | 197 | 197 | large set of plastic bottles isolated on black - the waste we produce | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | siyah üzerine izole edilmiş büyük plastik şişe seti - ürettiğimiz atık |
198 | 198 | 198 | an illustration of hands holding hearts to each other vector art illustration | https://media.istockphoto.com/vectors/an-illustration-of-four-hands-holding-hearts-to-each-other-vector-id466170559?k=6&m=466170559&s=612x612&w=0&h=1cVEDobUwtpoeCGkpMEIOEZrxAUITCl32vp9fI0DWUg= | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | kalpleri birbirine tutan ellerin bir illüstrasyonu vektör sanat illüstrasyonu |
199 | 199 | 199 | vector cartoon illustration of person with foot in the grave | http://emoticona.com/1024/vector-cartoon-illustration-of-a-moodie-character-holding-a-sandwich-with-one-foot-in-the-grave-by-johnny-sajem-709.jpg | Google_Conceptual_Captions_train | mezarda ayak olan kişinin vektör karikatür çizimi |
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