story_id,Premises - NL,Conclusions - NL,Truth Values,Premises - FOL,Conclusions - FOL,Proofs |
338,"No iPhones are standalone desktops. |
All Apple-made cellphones are iPhones. |
All phones with A15 Bionic chips are Apple-made cell phones. |
All phones equipped with four core-GPU made by Apple are phones with A15 Bionic chips. |
If an unannounced Huawei phone is either a phone with A15 Bionic chips or equipped with four core-GPU made by Apple, then unannounced Huawei phone is neither a phone with A15 Bionic chips nor a standalone desktop.","Joe is a person taking classes. |
Joe is a PhD student. |
Joe is not a PhD student. ","U |
F |
T","βx (IPhone(x) β Β¬StandaloneDesktop(x)) |
βx (AppleMade(x) β§ Cellphone(x) β IPhone(x)) |
βx (Phone(x) β§ With(x, a15BionicChip) β AppleMade(x) β§ Cellphone(x)) |
βx (Phone(x) β§ EquippedWith(x, fourCoreGPU) β§ MadeBy(x, apple) β Phone(x) β§ With(x, a15BionicChip)) |
(Phone(unannouncedHuaweiPhone) β§ With(unannouncedHuaweiPhone, a15BionicChip)) β (Phone(unannouncedHuaweiPhone) β§ EquippedWith(unannouncedHuaweiPhone, fourCoreGPU) β§ MadeBy(unannouncedHuaweiPhone, apple)) β Β¬(Phone(unannouncedHuaweiPhone) β§ With(unannouncedHuaweiPhone, a15BionicChip) β§ StandaloneDesktop(unannouncedHuaweiPhone))","AppleMade(unannouncedHuaweiPhone) β§ Cellphone(unannouncedHuaweiPhone) |
Phone(unannouncedHuaweiPhone) β§ EquippedWith(unannouncedHuaweiPhone, fourCoreGPU) β§ MadeByApple(unannouncedHuaweiPhone) |
Β¬(Phone(unannouncedHuaweiPhone) β§ EquippedWith(unannouncedHuaweiPhone, fourCoreGPU) β§ MadeByApple(unannouncedHuaweiPhone))","['Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found']" |
470,"A Unix operating system used in the lab computers is a piece of software. |
All versions of MacOS used in the lab computer are based on Unix operating systems. |
A lab computer uses either MacOS or Linux. |
All Linux computers in the lab are convenient. |
All software used in the lab computers is written with code. |
If something is convenient in the lab computer, then it is popular. |
Burger is used in the lab computer, and it is written with code and a new version of MacOS. |
PyTorch is used in the lab computer, and PyTorch is neither a Linux system nor a piece of software.","Burger is popular. |
Burger is not popular. |
PyTorch is popular and written with code. |
PyTorch is not popular and it is not written with code.","U |
U |
T |
F","βx (UsedIn(x, labComputer) β§ UnixOperatingSystem(x) β Software(x)) |
βx (UsedIn(x, labComputer) β§ MacOS(x) β UnixOperatingSystem(x)) |
βx (UsedIn(x, labComputer) β MacOS(x) β Linux(x)) |
βx (UsedIn(x, labComputer) β§ Linux(x) β Convenient(x)) |
βx (UsedIn(x, labComputer) β§ Software(x) β WrittenWithCode(x)) |
βx (UsedIn(x, labComputer) β§ Convenient(x) β Popular(x)) |
UsedIn(burger, labComputer) β§ WrittenWithCode(burger) β§ MacOS(burger)) |
UsedIn(pytorch, labComputer) β§ Β¬(Linux(pytorch) β Software(pytorch))","Popular(burger) |
Β¬Popular(burger) |
Popular(pytorch) β§ WrittenWithCode(pytorch) |
Β¬(Popular(pytorch) β§ WrittenWithCode(pytorch))","['Not found', 'Not found', 'And(Popular(pytorch),WrittenWithCode(pytorch))\nβββ Popular(pytorch)\nβ βββ Or(Not(UsedIn(pytorch,labComputer)),Popular(pytorch))\nβ β βββ Or(Linux(pytorch),Not(UsedIn(pytorch,labComputer)))\nβ β β βββ Or(Or(Linux($x19),MacOS($x19)),Not(UsedIn($x19,labComputer)))\nβ β β βββ Or(Or(Linux(pytorch),Not(MacOS(pytorch))),Not(UsedIn(pytorch,labComputer)))\nβ β β βββ Or(Or(Linux(pytorch),Not(UnixOperatingSystem(pytorch))),Not(UsedIn(pytorch,labComputer)))\nβ β β β βββ Or(Linux(pytorch),Not(Software(pytorch)))\nβ β β β βββ Or(Or(Not(UnixOperatingSystem($x13)),Not(UsedIn($x13,labComputer))),Software($x13))\nβ β β βββ Or(Or(Not(MacOS($x16)),Not(UsedIn($x16,labComputer))),UnixOperatingSystem($x16))\nβ β βββ Or(Or(Not(Linux($x118)),Not(UsedIn($x118,labComputer))),Popular($x118))\nβ β βββ Or(Or(Convenient($x112),Not(Linux($x112))),Not(UsedIn($x112,labComputer)))\nβ β βββ Or(Or(Not(Convenient($x118)),Not(UsedIn($x118,labComputer))),Popular($x118))\nβ βββ UsedIn(pytorch,labComputer)\nβββ WrittenWithCode(pytorch)\n βββ Or(Not(UsedIn(pytorch,labComputer)),WrittenWithCode(pytorch))\n β βββ Or(Not(UsedIn(pytorch,labComputer)),Software(pytorch))\n β β βββ Or(Or(Not(UnixOperatingSystem($x13)),Not(UsedIn($x13,labComputer))),Software($x13))\n β β βββ Or(Or(Not(UsedIn(pytorch,labComputer)),Software(pytorch)),UnixOperatingSystem(pytorch))\n β β βββ Or(Or(MacOS(pytorch),Not(UsedIn(pytorch,labComputer))),Software(pytorch))\n β β β βββ Or(Not(Linux(pytorch)),Software(pytorch))\n β β β βββ Or(Or(Linux($x19),MacOS($x19)),Not(UsedIn($x19,labComputer)))\n β β βββ Or(Or(Not(MacOS($x16)),Not(UsedIn($x16,labComputer))),UnixOperatingSystem($x16))\n β βββ Or(Or(Not(Software($x115)),Not(UsedIn($x115,labComputer))),WrittenWithCode($x115))\n βββ UsedIn(pytorch,labComputer)\n', 'And(Popular(pytorch),WrittenWithCode(pytorch))\nβββ Popular(pytorch)\nβ βββ Or(Not(UsedIn(pytorch,labComputer)),Popular(pytorch))\nβ β βββ Or(Linux(pytorch),Not(UsedIn(pytorch,labComputer)))\nβ β β βββ Or(Or(Linux($x19),MacOS($x19)),Not(UsedIn($x19,labComputer)))\nβ β β βββ Or(Or(Linux(pytorch),Not(MacOS(pytorch))),Not(UsedIn(pytorch,labComputer)))\nβ β β βββ Or(Or(Linux(pytorch),Not(UnixOperatingSystem(pytorch))),Not(UsedIn(pytorch,labComputer)))\nβ β β β βββ Or(Linux(pytorch),Not(Software(pytorch)))\nβ β β β βββ Or(Or(Not(UnixOperatingSystem($x13)),Not(UsedIn($x13,labComputer))),Software($x13))\nβ β β βββ Or(Or(Not(MacOS($x16)),Not(UsedIn($x16,labComputer))),UnixOperatingSystem($x16))\nβ β βββ Or(Or(Not(Linux($x118)),Not(UsedIn($x118,labComputer))),Popular($x118))\nβ β βββ Or(Or(Convenient($x112),Not(Linux($x112))),Not(UsedIn($x112,labComputer)))\nβ β βββ Or(Or(Not(Convenient($x118)),Not(UsedIn($x118,labComputer))),Popular($x118))\nβ βββ UsedIn(pytorch,labComputer)\nβββ WrittenWithCode(pytorch)\n βββ Or(Not(UsedIn(pytorch,labComputer)),WrittenWithCode(pytorch))\n β βββ Or(Not(UsedIn(pytorch,labComputer)),Software(pytorch))\n β β βββ Or(Or(Not(UnixOperatingSystem($x13)),Not(UsedIn($x13,labComputer))),Software($x13))\n β β βββ Or(Or(Not(UsedIn(pytorch,labComputer)),Software(pytorch)),UnixOperatingSystem(pytorch))\n β β βββ Or(Or(MacOS(pytorch),Not(UsedIn(pytorch,labComputer))),Software(pytorch))\n β β β βββ Or(Not(Linux(pytorch)),Software(pytorch))\n β β β βββ Or(Or(Linux($x19),MacOS($x19)),Not(UsedIn($x19,labComputer)))\n β β βββ Or(Or(Not(MacOS($x16)),Not(UsedIn($x16,labComputer))),UnixOperatingSystem($x16))\n β βββ Or(Or(Not(Software($x115)),Not(UsedIn($x115,labComputer))),WrittenWithCode($x115))\n βββ UsedIn(pytorch,labComputer)\n']" |
430,"Hermès bags are not made in Italy. |
All Birkin bags are Hermès bags. |
All Ferraris are made in Italy. |
All cars that carry a Ferrari V12 engine are Ferraris. |
All cars that are made in Maranello carry a Ferrari V12 engine. |
A Lamborghini SUV is not both a Ferrari and made in Maranello. |
A Kelly bag is a Hermès bag, or it is a car that carries a Ferrari V12 engine. ","A Lamborghini SUV is made in Italy. |
A Lamborghini SUV is not made in Italy. |
A Kelly bag is a Birkin bag made in Maranello. |
A Kelly bag is not both made in Maranello and a Birkin bag.","U |
U |
F |
T","βx ((Bag(x) β§ HermΓ¨s(x)) β Β¬MadeIn(x, italy)) |
βx ((Bag(x) β§ Birkin(x)) β HermΓ¨s(x)) |
βx (Ferrari(x) β MadeIn(x, italy)) |
βx ((Car(x) β§ Carry(x, ferrariV12Engine)) β Ferrrari(x)) |
βx ((Car(x) β§ MadeIn(x, maranello)) β Carry(x, ferrariV12Engine)) |
Β¬(Ferrari(lamborghiniSUV) β§ MadeIn(lamborghiniSUV, maranello)) |
(Bag(kelly) ⧠Hermès(kelly)) ⨠(Bag(kelly) ⧠Car(kelly) ⧠Carry(kelly, ferrariV12Engine))","MadeIn(lamborghiniSUV, italy) |
Β¬MadeIn(lamborghiniSUV, italy) |
Bag(kelly) β§ MadeIn(kelly, maranello) β§ Birkin(kelly) |
Bag(kelly) β§ Β¬(MadeIn(kelly, maranello) β§ Birkin(kelly))","['Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found']" |
391,"All imaginative processes that Dan knows are results of creative processes. |
All science fiction that Dan knows comes from an imaginative process. |
Everthing that Dan knows comes from either science-fiction or realistic fiction. |
No facts that Dan knows have proven to be false. |
Dan knows that Dune is science fiction or has proven to be false.","Dune is realistic fiction. |
Dune is a result of creative and imaginative process. |
Dune is either a result of creative processes or came from an imaginative process. |
Dune is a result of creative processes and is science fiction. |
Dune is either a result of creative processes or is science fiction. |
If Dune is a result of creative and imaginative processes, then Dune is not a result of creative processes and science-fiction. |
If Dune is either a fact and a result of creative processes, or neither a fact nor a result of creative processes, then Dune is a result of creative processes and science-fiction. |
If Dune is science-fiction, then Dune is not a result of creative processes and science-fiction. |
If Dune is not a result of creative processes and science-fiction, then Dune neither came from an imaginative process nor proved to be false. |
If Dune is did not come from imaginative process and is not science-fiction, then Dune is neither a result of creative processes nor came from an imaginative process.","U |
T |
F |
T |
F |
F |
T |
F |
T |
T","βx ((Knows(dan, x) β§ ImaginativeProcess(x)) β ResultOf(x, creativeProcess)) |
βx ((Knows(dan, x) β§ ScienceFiction(x)) β ImaginativeProcess(x)) |
βx (Knows(dan, x) β (ScienceFiction(x) β RealisticFiction(x))) |
βx ((Knows(dan, x) β§ Fact(x)) β Β¬ProvedToBe(x, false)) |
(Knows(dan, dune) β§ ScienceFiction(dune)) β¨ ProvedToBe(dune, false))","RealisticFiction(dune) |
ResultOf(dune, creativeProcess) β§ ImaginativeProcess(dune) |
ResultOf(dune, creativeProcess) β ImaginativeProcess(dune) |
ResultOf(dune, creativeProcess) β§ ScienceFiction(dune)) |
Knows(dan, dune) β§ (ResultOf(dune, creativeProcess) β ScienceFiction(dune)) |
(ResultOf(dune, creativeProcess) β§ ImaginativeProcess(dune)) β (Β¬ResultOf(dune, creativeProcess) β§ Β¬ScienceFiction(dune)) |
Knows(dan, dune) β§ (Β¬(Fact(dune) β ResultOf(dune, creativeProcess))) β (ResultOf(dune, creativeProcess) β§ ScienceFiction(dune)) |
Knows(dan, dune) β§ (ScienceFiction(dune)) β (Β¬(ResultOf(dune, creativeProcess) β§ ScienceFiction(dune))) |
Knows(dan, dune) β§ (Β¬(ResultOf(dune, creativeProcess) β§ ScienceFiction(dune))) β (Β¬(ImaginativeProcess(dune) β¨ ProvedToBe(dune, false))) |
Knows(dan, dune) β§ (Β¬(ImaginativeProcess(dune) β§ ScienceFiction(dune))) β (Β¬(ResultOf(dune, creativeProcess) β¨ ImaginativeProcess(dune)))","['Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found']" |
356,"If people work well in teams in the workplace, then they get along with all their colleagues at their work. |
If people come to work every day with a positive attitude, then they work well in teams in the workplace. |
People either come to work every day with a positive attitude or are always tired every morning. |
If people are always tired in the morning, then they are criticized by their boss. |
If people are criticized by their boss, then they do not receive positive feedback from teams at work. |
Kat either is a person who works well in teams in the workplac and is always tired every morning, or she is neither.","Kat is a person who comes to work every day with a positive attitude. |
Kat gets along with her colleagues at her work and receives positive feedback from teams at her work. |
Kat either gets along with her colleagues at her work or receives positive feedback from teams at her work.","U |
F |
T","βx (WorkWellInTeamsIn(x, workPlace) β βy (Colleague(y) β§ GetAlongWithAtWork(x, y))) |
βx (ComeToWorkWithEveryDay(x, positiveAttitude) β WorkWellInTeamsIn(x, workPlace)) |
βx (ComeToWorkWithEveryDay(x, positiveAttitude) β AlwaysTiredInMorning(x)) |
βx (AlwaysTiredInMorning(x) β CriticizedBy(x, boss)) |
βx (CriticizedBy(x, boss) β Β¬ReceiveFromAtWork(x, positiveFeedback, team)) |
Β¬(WorkWellInTeamsIn(kat, workPlace) β Tired(kat))","ComeToWorkWithEveryDay(kat, positiveAttitude) |
(βy (Colleague(y) β§ GetAlongWithAtWork(kat, y))) β§ ReceiveFromAtWork(kat, positiveFeedback, team) |
(βy (Colleague(y) β§ GetAlongWithAtWork(kat, y))) β ReceiveFromAtWork(kat, positiveFeedback, team)","['Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found']" |
451,"People on the payroll are being paid by the school. |
If someone has a job at a school, then they are on the payroll. |
All faculty members have a job at a school. |
If someone teaches students, they are a faculty member or a teacher. |
Every teacher has students. |
If Nancy is a teacher, then they are on the payroll. |
If Nancy is not a teacher, then they are not paid by the school. |
Nancy teaches students.","Nancy is a faculty member. |
Nancy is paid by the school and has students. |
Nancy is not paid by the school or does not have students.","U |
T |
F","βx (OnPayroll(x) β PaidBy(x, school)) |
βx (HaveJobAt(x, school) β OnPayroll(x)) |
βx (FacultyMember(x) β HaveJobAt(x, school)) |
βx (Teach(x, student) β FacultyMember(x) β¨ Teacher(x)) |
βx (Teacher(x) β Have(x, student)) |
Teacher(nancy) β OnPayroll(nancy) |
Β¬Teacher(nancy) β Β¬OnPayroll(nancy) |
Teach(nancy, student)","FacultyMember(nancy) |
PaidBy(nancy, school) β§ Have(nancy, student) |
Β¬PaidBy(nancy, school) β¨ Β¬Have(nancy, student))","['Not found', 'And(PaidBy(nancy,school),Have(nancy,student))\nβββ Have(nancy,student)\nβ βββ Or(Have($x115,student),Not(Teacher($x115)))\nβ βββ Or(Have(nancy,student),Teacher(nancy))\nβ βββ Or(Have(nancy,student),OnPayroll(nancy))\nβ β βββ Or(Have($x115,student),Not(Teacher($x115)))\nβ β βββ Or(OnPayroll(nancy),Teacher(nancy))\nβ β βββ Or(HaveJobAt(nancy,school),Teacher(nancy))\nβ β β βββ Or(FacultyMember(nancy),Teacher(nancy))\nβ β β β βββ Or(Or(FacultyMember($x112),Not(Teach($x112,student))),Teacher($x112))\nβ β β β βββ Teach(nancy,student)\nβ β β βββ Or(HaveJobAt($x19,school),Not(FacultyMember($x19)))\nβ β βββ Or(Not(HaveJobAt($x16,school)),OnPayroll($x16))\nβ βββ Or(Not(OnPayroll(nancy)),Teacher(nancy))\nβββ PaidBy(nancy,school)\n βββ Or(Not(OnPayroll($x13)),PaidBy($x13,school))\n βββ Or(OnPayroll(nancy),PaidBy(nancy,school))\n βββ Or(Not(Teacher(nancy)),OnPayroll(nancy))\n βββ Or(PaidBy(nancy,school),Teacher(nancy))\n βββ Or(Not(OnPayroll($x13)),PaidBy($x13,school))\n βββ Or(OnPayroll(nancy),Teacher(nancy))\n βββ Or(HaveJobAt(nancy,school),Teacher(nancy))\n β βββ Or(FacultyMember(nancy),Teacher(nancy))\n β β βββ Or(Or(FacultyMember($x112),Not(Teach($x112,student))),Teacher($x112))\n β β βββ Teach(nancy,student)\n β βββ Or(HaveJobAt($x19,school),Not(FacultyMember($x19)))\n βββ Or(Not(HaveJobAt($x16,school)),OnPayroll($x16))\n', 'Not(Or(Not(PaidBy(nancy,school)),Not(Have(nancy,student))))\nβββ Have(nancy,student)\nβ βββ Or(Have($x115,student),Not(Teacher($x115)))\nβ βββ Or(Have(nancy,student),Teacher(nancy))\nβ βββ Or(Have(nancy,student),OnPayroll(nancy))\nβ β βββ Or(Have($x115,student),Not(Teacher($x115)))\nβ β βββ Or(OnPayroll(nancy),Teacher(nancy))\nβ β βββ Or(HaveJobAt(nancy,school),Teacher(nancy))\nβ β β βββ Or(FacultyMember(nancy),Teacher(nancy))\nβ β β β βββ Or(Or(FacultyMember($x112),Not(Teach($x112,student))),Teacher($x112))\nβ β β β βββ Teach(nancy,student)\nβ β β βββ Or(HaveJobAt($x19,school),Not(FacultyMember($x19)))\nβ β βββ Or(Not(HaveJobAt($x16,school)),OnPayroll($x16))\nβ βββ Or(Not(OnPayroll(nancy)),Teacher(nancy))\nβββ PaidBy(nancy,school)\n βββ Or(Not(OnPayroll($x13)),PaidBy($x13,school))\n βββ Or(OnPayroll(nancy),PaidBy(nancy,school))\n βββ Or(Not(Teacher(nancy)),OnPayroll(nancy))\n βββ Or(PaidBy(nancy,school),Teacher(nancy))\n βββ Or(Not(OnPayroll($x13)),PaidBy($x13,school))\n βββ Or(OnPayroll(nancy),Teacher(nancy))\n βββ Or(HaveJobAt(nancy,school),Teacher(nancy))\n β βββ Or(FacultyMember(nancy),Teacher(nancy))\n β β βββ Or(Or(FacultyMember($x112),Not(Teach($x112,student))),Teacher($x112))\n β β βββ Teach(nancy,student)\n β βββ Or(HaveJobAt($x19,school),Not(FacultyMember($x19)))\n βββ Or(Not(HaveJobAt($x16,school)),OnPayroll($x16))\n']" |
429,"None of the easy Leetcode problems have an AC rate lower than 20 percent. |
All Leetcode problems recommended to novices are easy. |
Leetcode problems either have an AC rate lower than 20 percent or are starred by more than 1 thousand users. |
All hard Leetcode problems are starred by more than 1,000 users. |
No Leetcode problems published after 2022 are starred by more than 1,000 users. |
'2Sum' is not both hard and also recommended to novices. |
'4Sum' is either starred by more than 1,000 users and published after 2022, or it is neither. ","2Sum is an easy Leetcode problem. |
2Sum is not an easy Leetcode problem. |
4Sum is recommended to novices or is hard. |
4Sum is neither recommended to the novice nor a Leetcode problem that's hard.","U |
U |
F |
T","βx ((LeetcodeProblems(x) β§ Easy(x)) β Β¬HaveAnACRateLowerThan(x, percent20)) |
βx ((LeetcodeProblems(x) β§ RecommendedTo(x, novices)) β Easy(x)) |
βx (LeetcodeProblems(x) β HaveAnACRateLowerThan(x, percent20) β StarredByMoreThan(x, num1000)) |
βx ((LeetcodeProblems(x) β§ Hard(x)) β StarredByMoreThan(x, num1000)) |
βx ((LeetcodeProblems(x) β§ PublishedAfter(x, yr2022)) β (Β¬StarredByMoreThan(x, num1000))) |
Β¬(RecommendedTo(twosum, novices) β§ Hard(twosum)) β§ LeetcodeProblems(twosum) |
Β¬(StarredByMoreThan(foursum, num1000) β PublishedAfter(foursum, yr2022)) β§ LeetcodeProblems(twosum)","LeetcodeProblems(twosum) β§ Easy(twosum) |
Β¬(LeetcodeProblems(twosum) β§ Easy(twosum)) |
RecommendedTo(foursum, novices) β¨ Hard(foursum) |
Β¬RecommendedTo(foursum, novices) β§ Β¬Hard(foursum)","['Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found']" |
485,"Every instrument in the percussion section is either an idiophone or a membranophone. |
Idiophones in the percussion section vibrate their primary body. |
Membranophones in the percussion section vibrate a stretched membrane. |
Every instrument in the percussion section that vibrates its primary body also tunes by sanding. |
Every instrument in the percussion section that vibrates a stretched membrane also tunes by tightening. |
Timpani in the percussion section are tuned by tightening. |
Xylophones in the percussion section are not tuned by tightening. |
The snare drum is in the percussion section; and either is both a timpani and is tuned by standing, or neither. ","The snare drum is a timpani. |
The snare drum is not a timpani. |
The snare drum is a xylophone. |
The snare drum is a xylophone or tuned by tightening. |
The snare drum is either a xylophone or tuned by tightening.","U |
U |
F |
T |
T","βx (Instrument(x) β§ In(x, percussionSection) β Idiophone(x) β Membranophone(x)) |
βx (Instrument(x) β§ In(x, percussionSection) β§ Idiophone(x) β Vibrate(x, primaryBody)) |
βx (Instrument(x) β§ In(x, percussionSection) β§ Membranophone(x) β Vibrate(x, stretchedMembrane)) |
βx (Instrument(x) β§ In(x, percussionSection) β§ Vibrate(x, primaryBody) β TuneBySanding(x)) |
βx (Instrument(x) β§ In(x, percussionSection) β§ Vibrate(x, stretchedMembrane) β TuneByTightening(x)) |
βx (Instrument(x) β§ In(x, percussionSection) β§ Timpani(x) β TunedByTightening(x)) |
βx (Instrument(x) β§ In(x, percussionSection) β§ Xylophone(x) β Β¬TunedByTightening(x)) |
Instrument(snareDrum) β§ In(snareDrum, percussionSection) β§ Β¬(Timpani(snareDrum) β TunedBySanding(snareDrum))","Timpani(snareDrum) |
Β¬Timpani(snareDrum) |
Xylophone(snareDrum) |
Xylophone(snareDrum) β¨ TunedByTightening(snareDrum) |
Xylophone(snareDrum) β TunedByTightening(snareDrum)","['Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found']" |
473,"All pets in my house are either cats or dogs. |
All the dogs in my house bark. |
Ghosts do not exist. |
If some pet in my house barks, then it is not dead. |
All of the pets in my house are either dead or alive. |
Jojo is a pet in my house, and it is not alive.","Jojo is a ghost. |
Jojo is a cat or a ghost. |
If Jojo is a cat or a ghost, then Jojo either barks or is a dog.","F |
T |
F","βx (Pet(x) β§ In(x, myHouse) β Cat(x) β Dog(x)) |
βx (Dog(x) β§ In(x, myHouse) β Bark(x)) |
βx (Β¬Ghost(x)) |
βx (Bark(x) β§ Pet(x) β§ In(x, myHouse) β Β¬Dead(x)) |
βx (Pet(x) β§ In(x, myHouse) β Dead(x) β Alive(x)) |
Pet(jojo) β§ InMyHouse(jojo)β§ Β¬Alive(jojo)","Ghost(jojo) |
Cat(jojo) β¨ Ghost(jojo) |
Cat(jojo) β¨ Ghost(jojo) β Bark(jojo) β Dog(jojo)","['Not(Ghost(jojo))\nβββ Not(Ghost($x19))\n', 'Not found', 'Or(Cat(jojo),Implies(Ghost(jojo),And(Or(Bark(jojo),Dog(jojo)),Not(And(Bark(jojo),Dog(jojo))))))\nβββ Or(Or(Or(Bark(jojo),Cat(jojo)),Dog(jojo)),Not(Ghost(jojo)))\nβ βββ Not(Ghost($x19))\nβββ Or(Or(Or(Cat(jojo),Not(Bark(jojo))),Not(Dog(jojo))),Not(Ghost(jojo)))\n βββ Not(Ghost($x19))\n']" |
398,"All mind-reading is either brain reading or brain decoding. |
All brain decoding that is mind-reading is extracting information from BOLD signals. |
No studies that are mind-reading and extract information from BOLD signals are without statistical pattern analysis. |
Writing a novel is without statistical pattern analysis. |
If multivoxel (pattern) analysis is without statistical pattern analysis and a brain reading, then multivoxel (pattern) analysis is without statistical pattern analysis and brain decoding. |
Multivoxel (pattern) analysis is a type of mind-reading.","Multivoxel (pattern) analysis is a brain decoding. |
Multivoxel (pattern) analysis is the writing of a novel. |
Multivoxel (pattern) analysis is without statistical pattern analysis and writing a novel. |
Multivoxel (pattern) analysis is without statistical pattern analysis or writing a novel. |
Multivoxel (pattern) analysis is either without statistical pattern analysis or writing a novel. |
If multivoxel (pattern) analysis is writing a novel, then multivoxel (pattern) analysis is neither without statistical pattern analysis nor writing a novel.","U |
F |
F |
F |
F |
T","βx (MindReading(x) β§ (BrainReading(x) β BrainDecoding(x))) |
βx ((MindReading(x) β§ BrainDecoding(x)) β ExtractingFrom(x, information, bOLDSignals)) |
βx ((MindReading(x) β§ ExtractingFrom(x, information, bOLDSignals)) β Uses(x, statisticalPatternAnalysis)) |
βx (NovelWriting(x) β Β¬Uses(x, statisticalPatternAnalysis)) |
MindReading(multivoxelPatternAnalysis) β§ (Β¬Uses(multivoxelPatternAnalysis, statisticalPatternAnalysis) β§ BrainReading(multivoxelPatternAnalysis)) β (Β¬Uses(multivoxelPatternAnalysis, statisticalPatternAnalysis) β§ (Β¬BrainDecoding(multivoxelPatternAnalysis))) |
MindReading(multivoxelPatternAnalysis) ","MindReading(multivoxelPatternAnalysis) β§ BrainDecoding(multivoxelPatternAnalysis) |
MindReading(multivoxelPatternAnalysis) β§ NovelWriting(multivoxelPatternAnalysis) |
Β¬(Uses(multivoxelPatternAnalysis, statisticalPatternAnalysis) β§ NovelWriting(multivoxelPatternAnalysis)) |
Β¬(Uses(multivoxelPatternAnalysis, statisticalPatternAnalysis) β¨ NovelWriting(multivoxelPatternAnalysis)) |
Β¬Uses(multivoxelPatternAnalysis, statisticalPatternAnalysis) β Writing(multivoxelPatternAnalysis, aNovel) |
(MindReading(multivoxelPatternAnalysis) β§ NovelWriting(multivoxelPatternAnalysis)) β (Uses(multivoxelPatternAnalysis, statisticalPatternAnalysis) β¨ Β¬NovelWriting(multivoxelPatternAnalysis))","['Not found', 'Not found', 'Or(Not(NovelWriting(multivoxelPatternAnalysis)),Not(Uses(multivoxelPatternAnalysis,statisticalPatternAnalysis)))\nβββ Or(Not(NovelWriting($x112)),Not(Uses($x112,statisticalPatternAnalysis)))\n', 'Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found']" |
358,"If people play competitive equestrian polo, then they are not expected to prepare for standardized exams. |
If people are world-class at horse riding and polo, then they play competitive equestrian polo. |
If people are expected to become a doctor or lawyers after school, then they are expected to prepare for standardized exams. |
If people are expected to get high-paying and stable careers, then they are expected to become a doctor or a lawyer after school. |
People who are nominated the CRA reward during the undergraduate study are expected to get high paying, stable careers. |
Riley either both is expected to get a high paying, stable career and expected to prepare for standardized exams, or she neither is expected to get a high paying, stable career nor expected to prepare for standardized exams.","Riley is world-class at horse riding and polo. |
Riley is nominated the CRA reward during the undergraduate study. |
Riley either plays competitive equestrian polo or, if she does not, then she is nominated the CRA reward during the undergraduate study.","U |
U |
U","βx (Play(x, competitiveEquestrianPolo) β Β¬ExpectedToPrepareFor(x, standardizedExam)) |
βx (WorldClassAt(x, horseRiding) β§ WorldClassAt(x, polo) β Play(riley, competitiveEquestrianPolo)) |
βx (ExpectedToBecome(x, doctor) β¨ ExpectedToBecome(x, lawyer) β ExpectedToPrepareFor(x, standardizedExam)) |
βx (ExpectedToGet(x, highPayingCareer) β§ ExpectedToGet(x, stableCareer) β ExpectedToBe(x, doctor) β¨ ExpectedToBe(x, lawyer)) |
βx (Nominated(x, cRAAward) β ExpectedToGet(x, highPayingCareer) β§ ExpectedToGet(x, stableCareer)) |
Β¬((ExpectedToGet(riley, highPayingCareer) β§ ExpectedToGet(riley, stableCareer)) β ExpectedToPrepareFor(riley, standardizedExam))","WorldClassAt(x, horseRiding) β§ WorldClassAt(x, polo) |
Nominated(riley, cRAAward) |
Play(riley, competitiveEquestrianPolo) β Nominated(riley, cRAAward)","['Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found']" |
309,"Tipped employees are not entitled to be paid the federal minimum wage by their employees. |
If a person is a white-collar worker, they are entitled to be paid the federal minimum wage by their employees. |
All lawyers are white-collar workers. |
Every advocate is a lawyer. |
Mary is not a lawyer or a tipped employee.","Mary is a white-collar worker. |
Mary is an advocate. |
Mary is not an advocate. |
Mary is either an advocate or a tipped employee. |
If Mary is not both an advocate and is entitled to be paid the federal minimum wage by their employees, she is not a tipped employee. |
If Mary is either an advocate or a tipped employee, she is an advocate.","U |
F |
T |
F |
T |
T","βx (TippedEmployee(x) β Β¬EntitledTo(x, federalMinimumWage)) |
βx (WhiteCollarWorker(x) β EntitledTo(x, federalMinimumWage)) |
βx (Lawyer(x) β WhiteCollarWorker(x)) |
βx (Advocate(x) β Lawyer(x)) |
Β¬(Lawyer(mary) β TippedEmployee(mary))","WhiteCollarWorker(mary) |
Advocate(mary) |
Β¬Advocate(mary) |
Advocate(mary) β TippedEmployee(mary) |
(Β¬(Advocate(mary) β§ EntitledTo(mary, federalMinimumWage))) β Β¬TippedEmployee(mary) |
(Advocate(mary) β TippedEmployee(mary)) β Advocate(mary)","['Not found', 'Not(Advocate(mary))\nβββ Not(Lawyer(mary))\nβ βββ Or(Not(Lawyer($x19)),WhiteCollarWorker($x19))\nβ βββ Or(Not(Lawyer(mary)),Not(WhiteCollarWorker(mary)))\nβ βββ Or(EntitledTo($x16,federalMinimumWage),Not(WhiteCollarWorker($x16)))\nβ βββ Or(Not(EntitledTo(mary,federalMinimumWage)),Not(Lawyer(mary)))\nβ βββ Or(Not(EntitledTo($x13,federalMinimumWage)),Not(TippedEmployee($x13)))\nβ βββ Or(Not(Lawyer(mary)),TippedEmployee(mary))\nβββ Or(Lawyer($x112),Not(Advocate($x112)))\n', 'Not(Advocate(mary))\nβββ Not(Lawyer(mary))\nβ βββ Or(Not(Lawyer($x19)),WhiteCollarWorker($x19))\nβ βββ Or(Not(Lawyer(mary)),Not(WhiteCollarWorker(mary)))\nβ βββ Or(EntitledTo($x16,federalMinimumWage),Not(WhiteCollarWorker($x16)))\nβ βββ Or(Not(EntitledTo(mary,federalMinimumWage)),Not(Lawyer(mary)))\nβ βββ Or(Not(EntitledTo($x13,federalMinimumWage)),Not(TippedEmployee($x13)))\nβ βββ Or(Not(Lawyer(mary)),TippedEmployee(mary))\nβββ Or(Lawyer($x112),Not(Advocate($x112)))\n', 'Not(And(Or(Advocate(mary),TippedEmployee(mary)),Not(And(Advocate(mary),TippedEmployee(mary)))))\nβββ Or(Advocate(mary),Not(TippedEmployee(mary)))\nβ βββ Not(TippedEmployee(mary))\nβ βββ Or(EntitledTo(mary,federalMinimumWage),Not(TippedEmployee(mary)))\nβ β βββ Or(EntitledTo($x16,federalMinimumWage),Not(WhiteCollarWorker($x16)))\nβ β βββ Or(Not(TippedEmployee(mary)),WhiteCollarWorker(mary))\nβ β βββ Or(Lawyer(mary),Not(TippedEmployee(mary)))\nβ β βββ Or(Not(Lawyer($x19)),WhiteCollarWorker($x19))\nβ βββ Or(Not(EntitledTo($x13,federalMinimumWage)),Not(TippedEmployee($x13)))\nβββ Or(Not(Advocate(mary)),TippedEmployee(mary))\n βββ Or(Lawyer($x112),Not(Advocate($x112)))\n βββ Or(Not(Lawyer(mary)),TippedEmployee(mary))\n', 'Implies(Not(And(Advocate(mary),EntitledTo(mary,federalMinimumWage))),Not(TippedEmployee(mary)))\nβββ Or(Advocate(mary),Not(TippedEmployee(mary)))\nβ βββ Not(TippedEmployee(mary))\nβ βββ Or(EntitledTo(mary,federalMinimumWage),Not(TippedEmployee(mary)))\nβ β βββ Or(EntitledTo($x16,federalMinimumWage),Not(WhiteCollarWorker($x16)))\nβ β βββ Or(Not(TippedEmployee(mary)),WhiteCollarWorker(mary))\nβ β βββ Or(Lawyer(mary),Not(TippedEmployee(mary)))\nβ β βββ Or(Not(Lawyer($x19)),WhiteCollarWorker($x19))\nβ βββ Or(Not(EntitledTo($x13,federalMinimumWage)),Not(TippedEmployee($x13)))\nβββ Or(EntitledTo(mary,federalMinimumWage),Not(TippedEmployee(mary)))\n βββ Or(EntitledTo($x16,federalMinimumWage),Not(WhiteCollarWorker($x16)))\n βββ Or(Not(TippedEmployee(mary)),WhiteCollarWorker(mary))\n βββ Or(Lawyer(mary),Not(TippedEmployee(mary)))\n βββ Or(Not(Lawyer($x19)),WhiteCollarWorker($x19))\n', 'Or(Advocate(mary),Not(TippedEmployee(mary)))\nβββ Not(TippedEmployee(mary))\n βββ Or(EntitledTo(mary,federalMinimumWage),Not(TippedEmployee(mary)))\n β βββ Or(EntitledTo($x16,federalMinimumWage),Not(WhiteCollarWorker($x16)))\n β βββ Or(Not(TippedEmployee(mary)),WhiteCollarWorker(mary))\n β βββ Or(Lawyer(mary),Not(TippedEmployee(mary)))\n β βββ Or(Not(Lawyer($x19)),WhiteCollarWorker($x19))\n βββ Or(Not(EntitledTo($x13,federalMinimumWage)),Not(TippedEmployee($x13)))\n']" |
327,"No professional basketball players are soccer players. |
All NBA players are professional basketball players. |
All soccer defenders are soccer players. |
All centerbacks are soccer defenders. |
Roger Federer is either both an NBA player and a soccer defender, or neither.","Roger Federer is a centerback. |
Roger Federer is not a centerback. |
Roger Federer is a soccer player.","F |
T |
U","βx (ProfessionalBasketballPlayer(x) β Β¬ProfessionalSoccerPlayer(x)) |
βx (NBAPlayer(x) β ProfessionalBasketballPlayer(x)) |
βx (ProfessionalSoccerDefender(x) β ProfessionalSoccerPlayer(x)) |
βx (ProfessionalCenterback(x) β ProfessionalSoccerDefender(x)) |
Β¬(NBAPlayer(rogerfederer) β ProfessionalSoccerDefender(rogerfederer))","ProfessionalCenterback(rogerFederer) |
Β¬ProfessionalCenterback(rogerFederer) |
ProfessionalSoccerPlayer(rogerFederer)","['Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found']" |
450,"Those who can fly over a vast distance glide in the air. |
Flightless birds cannot fly over a vast distance. |
Penguins are flightless birds. |
Nonflying birds in Antarctica are penguins. |
Fido is a penguin, or flies over a vast distance. ","Fido is a flightless bird |
Fido is not a nonflying bird in Antarctica, and he cannot glid in the air. |
If Fido either can fly over a vast distance or cannot fly over a vast distance, then Fido is a nonflying bird in Antartica.","U |
F |
T","βx (FlyOver(x, vastDistance) β GlideInAir(x)) |
βx (Flightless(x) β§ Bird(x) β Β¬FlyOver(x, vastDistance)) |
βx (Penguin(x) β Flightless(x) β§ Bird(x)) |
βx (NonFlying(x) β§ Bird(x) β§ In(x, antarctica) β Penguin(x)) |
Penguin(fido) β¨ FlyOver(fido, vastDistance)","Flightless(fido) β§ Bird(fido) |
Β¬(NonFlying(fido) β§ Bird(fido) β§ In(fido, antarctica)) β§ Β¬GlideInAir(fido) |
(FlyOver(fido, vastDistance) β Β¬FlyOver(fido, vastDistance)) β (NonFlying(fido) β§ Bird(fido) β§ In(fido, antarctica))","['Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found']" |
348,"All young adults at the event like independence. |
All college students at the event are young adults. |
All Yale students at the event are college students. |
Everyone at the event is a Yale student or a Harvard student. |
All Harvard students at the event are diligent. |
Susan is at the event, and if Susan is a Harvard student, then she is a young adult. |
If Susan is a Yale student, then she does not like independence.","Susan is a college student. |
Susan likes independence and is diligent. |
Susan is not both diligent and likes independence.","U |
T |
F","βx (At(x, event) β§ YoungAdult(x) β Like(x, independence)) |
βx (At(x, event) β§ CollegeStudent(x) β YoungAdult(x)) |
βx (At(x, event) β§ YaleStudent(x) β CollegeStudent(x)) |
βx (At(x, event) β (YaleStudent(x) β HarvardStudent(x))) |
βx (At(x, event) β§ HarvardStudent(x) β Diligent(x)) |
At(susan, event) β§ (HarvardStudent(susan) β YoungAdult(susan)) |
YaleStudent(susan) β Β¬Like(susan, independence)","CollegeStudent(susan) |
Like(susan, independence) β§ Diligent(susan) |
Β¬(Like(susan, independence) β§ Diligent(susan))","['Not found', 'And(Like(susan,independence),Diligent(susan))\nβββ Diligent(susan)\nβ βββ At(susan,event)\nβ βββ Or(Diligent(susan),Not(At(susan,event)))\nβ βββ Or(HarvardStudent(susan),Not(At(susan,event)))\nβ β βββ Or(Not(At(susan,event)),Not(YaleStudent(susan)))\nβ β β βββ Or(Or(CollegeStudent($x19),Not(At($x19,event))),Not(YaleStudent($x19)))\nβ β β βββ Or(Or(Not(At(susan,event)),Not(CollegeStudent(susan))),Not(YaleStudent(susan)))\nβ β β βββ Or(Or(Not(At($x16,event)),Not(CollegeStudent($x16))),YoungAdult($x16))\nβ β β βββ Or(Or(Not(At(susan,event)),Not(YaleStudent(susan))),Not(YoungAdult(susan)))\nβ β β βββ Or(Not(Like(susan,independence)),Not(YaleStudent(susan)))\nβ β β βββ Or(Or(Like($x13,independence),Not(At($x13,event))),Not(YoungAdult($x13)))\nβ β βββ Or(Or(HarvardStudent($x112),Not(At($x112,event))),YaleStudent($x112))\nβ βββ Or(Or(Diligent($x115),Not(At($x115,event))),Not(HarvardStudent($x115)))\nβββ Like(susan,independence)\n βββ At(susan,event)\n βββ Or(Like(susan,independence),Not(At(susan,event)))\n βββ Or(Or(Like($x13,independence),Not(At($x13,event))),Not(YoungAdult($x13)))\n βββ Or(Or(Like(susan,independence),Not(At(susan,event))),YoungAdult(susan))\n βββ Or(Or(CollegeStudent(susan),Like(susan,independence)),Not(At(susan,event)))\n β βββ Or(Or(CollegeStudent($x19),Not(At($x19,event))),Not(YaleStudent($x19)))\n β βββ Or(Or(Like(susan,independence),Not(At(susan,event))),YaleStudent(susan))\n β βββ Or(Or(HarvardStudent($x112),Not(At($x112,event))),YaleStudent($x112))\n β βββ Or(Or(Like(susan,independence),Not(At(susan,event))),Not(HarvardStudent(susan)))\n β βββ Or(Not(HarvardStudent(susan)),YoungAdult(susan))\n β βββ Or(Or(Like($x13,independence),Not(At($x13,event))),Not(YoungAdult($x13)))\n βββ Or(Or(Not(At($x16,event)),Not(CollegeStudent($x16))),YoungAdult($x16))\n', 'And(Like(susan,independence),Diligent(susan))\nβββ Diligent(susan)\nβ βββ At(susan,event)\nβ βββ Or(Diligent(susan),Not(At(susan,event)))\nβ βββ Or(HarvardStudent(susan),Not(At(susan,event)))\nβ β βββ Or(Not(At(susan,event)),Not(YaleStudent(susan)))\nβ β β βββ Or(Or(CollegeStudent($x19),Not(At($x19,event))),Not(YaleStudent($x19)))\nβ β β βββ Or(Or(Not(At(susan,event)),Not(CollegeStudent(susan))),Not(YaleStudent(susan)))\nβ β β βββ Or(Or(Not(At($x16,event)),Not(CollegeStudent($x16))),YoungAdult($x16))\nβ β β βββ Or(Or(Not(At(susan,event)),Not(YaleStudent(susan))),Not(YoungAdult(susan)))\nβ β β βββ Or(Not(Like(susan,independence)),Not(YaleStudent(susan)))\nβ β β βββ Or(Or(Like($x13,independence),Not(At($x13,event))),Not(YoungAdult($x13)))\nβ β βββ Or(Or(HarvardStudent($x112),Not(At($x112,event))),YaleStudent($x112))\nβ βββ Or(Or(Diligent($x115),Not(At($x115,event))),Not(HarvardStudent($x115)))\nβββ Like(susan,independence)\n βββ At(susan,event)\n βββ Or(Like(susan,independence),Not(At(susan,event)))\n βββ Or(Or(Like($x13,independence),Not(At($x13,event))),Not(YoungAdult($x13)))\n βββ Or(Or(Like(susan,independence),Not(At(susan,event))),YoungAdult(susan))\n βββ Or(Or(CollegeStudent(susan),Like(susan,independence)),Not(At(susan,event)))\n β βββ Or(Or(CollegeStudent($x19),Not(At($x19,event))),Not(YaleStudent($x19)))\n β βββ Or(Or(Like(susan,independence),Not(At(susan,event))),YaleStudent(susan))\n β βββ Or(Or(HarvardStudent($x112),Not(At($x112,event))),YaleStudent($x112))\n β βββ Or(Or(Like(susan,independence),Not(At(susan,event))),Not(HarvardStudent(susan)))\n β βββ Or(Not(HarvardStudent(susan)),YoungAdult(susan))\n β βββ Or(Or(Like($x13,independence),Not(At($x13,event))),Not(YoungAdult($x13)))\n βββ Or(Or(Not(At($x16,event)),Not(CollegeStudent($x16))),YoungAdult($x16))\n']" |
449,"Animals who need large territory travel far. |
Every animal that eats a lot needs a large territory. |
If something is a big animal, then it will eat a lot. |
Bears are big animals. |
Larry is a big animal.","Larry is a bear. |
Larry is not a bear and does not travel far. |
If Larry either travels far or needs a large territory, then Larry is a bear.","U |
F |
T","βx (Animal(x) β§ Need(x, largeTerritory) β TravelFar(x)) |
βx (EatALot(x) β Need(x, largeTerritory)) |
βx (Big(x) β§ Animal(x) β EatALot(x)) |
βx (Bear(x) β Big(x) β§ Animal(x)) |
Big(larry) β§ Animal(larry)","Bear(larry) |
Β¬Bear(larry) β§ Β¬TravelFar(larry) |
TravelFar(larry) β Need(larry, largeTerritory) β Bear(larry)","['Not found', 'Or(Bear(larry),TravelFar(larry))\nβββ TravelFar(larry)\n βββ Animal(larry)\n βββ Or(Not(Animal(larry)),TravelFar(larry))\n βββ Or(Need(larry,largeTerritory),Not(Animal(larry)))\n β βββ Or(EatALot(larry),Not(Animal(larry)))\n β β βββ Big(larry)\n β β βββ Or(Or(EatALot($x19),Not(Animal($x19))),Not(Big($x19)))\n β βββ Or(Need($x16,largeTerritory),Not(EatALot($x16)))\n βββ Or(Or(Not(Animal($x13)),Not(Need($x13,largeTerritory))),TravelFar($x13))\n', 'Implies(And(Or(TravelFar(larry),Need(larry,largeTerritory)),Not(And(TravelFar(larry),Need(larry,largeTerritory)))),Bear(larry))\nβββ Or(Or(Bear(larry),Need(larry,largeTerritory)),Not(TravelFar(larry)))\nβ βββ Need(larry,largeTerritory)\nβ βββ Animal(larry)\nβ βββ Or(Need(larry,largeTerritory),Not(Animal(larry)))\nβ βββ Or(EatALot(larry),Not(Animal(larry)))\nβ β βββ Big(larry)\nβ β βββ Or(Or(EatALot($x19),Not(Animal($x19))),Not(Big($x19)))\nβ βββ Or(Need($x16,largeTerritory),Not(EatALot($x16)))\nβββ Or(Or(Bear(larry),Not(Need(larry,largeTerritory))),TravelFar(larry))\n βββ Or(Not(Need(larry,largeTerritory)),TravelFar(larry))\n βββ Animal(larry)\n βββ Or(Or(Not(Animal($x13)),Not(Need($x13,largeTerritory))),TravelFar($x13))\n']" |
328,"No soccer players are professional basketball players. |
All NBA players are professional basketball players. |
All soccer defenders are soccer players. |
All centerback players are soccer defenders. |
If Stephen Curry is an NBA player or a soccer player, then he is a professional basketball player.","Stephen Curry is an NBA player. |
Stephen Curry is a centerback player. |
Stephen Curry is not a centerback player.","U |
F |
T","βx (ProfessionalSoccerPlayer(x) β Β¬ProfessionalBasketballPlayer(x)) |
βx (NBAPlayer(x) β ProfessionalBasketballPlayer(x)) |
βx (ProfessionalSoccerDefender(x) β ProfessionalSoccerPlayer(x)) |
βx (ProfessionalCenterback(x) β ProfessionalSoccerDefender(x)) |
(NBAPlayer(stephencurry) β ProfessionalSoccerPlayer(stephencurry)) β ProfessionalBasketballPlayer(stephencurry)","NBAPlayer(stephenCurry) |
ProfessionalCenterback(stephenCurry) |
Β¬ProfessionalCenterback(stephenCurry)","['Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found']" |
480,"Everyone honored at the ceremony that is discharged is not actively serving in the military. |
Every veteran honored at the ceremony is discharged. |
Everyone honored at the ceremony is actively serving in the military or actively serving in the Marines. |
Everyone honored at the ceremony that is actively serving in the Marines is capable of ground combat. |
Everyone honored at the ceremony that is actively serving in the Marines is capable of naval combat. |
Luca is honored at the ceremony and either discharged or a veteran. |
Spencer is either both discharged and a veteran, or neither.","Luca is capable of naval combat and ground combat. |
Luca is not both capable of naval combat and ground combat. |
Luca is capable of naval combat or ground combat. |
Luca is neither capable of naval combat nor ground combat. |
Spencer is discharged.","T |
F |
T |
F |
U","βx (HonoredAt(x, ceremony) β§ Discharged(x) β Β¬ActivelyServingIn(x, military)) |
βx (HonoredAt(x, ceremony) β§ Veteran(x) β Discharged(x)) |
βx (HonoredAt(x, ceremony) β§ (ActivelyServingIn(x, military) β¨ ActivelyServingIn(x, marines))) |
βx (HonoredAt(x, ceremony) β§ ActivelyServingIn(x, marines) β CapableOf(x, groundCombat)) |
βx (HonoredAt(x, ceremony) β§ ActivelyServingIn(x, marines) β CapableOf(x, navalCombat)) |
HonoredAt(luca, ceremoy) β§ (Discharged(luca) β Veteran(luca)) |
Β¬(Discharged(spencer) β Veteran(spencer))","CapableOf(luca, navalCombat) β§ CapableOf(luca, groundCombat) |
Β¬(CapableOf(luca, navalCombat) β§ CapableOf(luca, groundCombat)) |
CapableOf(luca, navalCombat) β¨ CapableOf(luca, groundCombat) |
Β¬CapableOf(luca, navalCombat) β§ Β¬CapableOf(luca, groundCombat) |
Discharged(spencer)","['Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found']" |
317,"All clothes are products. |
No products are perfect. |
All dresses are clothes. |
All skirts are dresses. |
If the fabric bundle is a piece of clothing, then the fabric bundle is a perfect dress.","The fabric bundle is perfect. |
The fabric bundle is a skirt. |
The fabric bundle is not a skirt.","U |
F |
T","βx (Clothes(x) β Product(x)) |
βx (Product(x) β Β¬Perfect(x)) |
βx (Dress(x) β Clothes(x)) |
βx (Skirt(x) β Dress(x)) |
Clothes(fabricBundle) β Perfect(fabricBundle) β§ Dress(fabricBundle)","Perfect(fabricbundle) |
Skirt(fabricbundle) |
Β¬Skirt(fabricbundle)","['Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found']" |
352,"All business organizations are legal entities. |
All companies are business organizations. |
All private companies are companies. |
All legal entities are created under law. |
All legal entities have legal obligations. |
If the Harvard Weekly Book Club is created under law, then it is not a private company. ","The Harvard Weekly Book club has legal obligations. |
The Harvard Weekly Book club has legal obligations and is a private company. |
If the Harvard Weekly Book club is a private company, then it either has legal obligations or is created under law.","U |
F |
T","βx (BusinessOrganization(x) β LegalEntity(x)) |
βx (Company(x) β BusinessOrganization(x)) |
βx (PrivateCompany(x) β Company(x)) |
βx (LegalEntity(x) β CreatedUnderLaw(x)) |
βx (LegalEntity(x) β LegalObligation(x)) |
CreatedUnderLaw(harvardWeeklyBookClub) β Β¬PrivateCompany(harvardWeeklyBookClub)","LegalObligation(harvardWeeklyBookClub) |
LegalObligation(harvardWeeklyBookClub) β§ PrivateCompany(harvardWeeklyBookClub) |
PrivateCompany(harvardWeeklyBookClub) β LegalObligation(harvardWeeklyBookClub) β CreatedUnderLaw(harvardWeeklyBookClub)","['Not found', 'Or(Not(LegalObligation(harvardWeeklyBookClub)),Not(PrivateCompany(harvardWeeklyBookClub)))\nβββ Not(PrivateCompany(harvardWeeklyBookClub))\n βββ Or(Company($x19),Not(PrivateCompany($x19)))\n βββ Or(Not(Company(harvardWeeklyBookClub)),Not(PrivateCompany(harvardWeeklyBookClub)))\n βββ Or(BusinessOrganization($x16),Not(Company($x16)))\n βββ Or(Not(BusinessOrganization(harvardWeeklyBookClub)),Not(PrivateCompany(harvardWeeklyBookClub)))\n βββ Or(LegalEntity($x13),Not(BusinessOrganization($x13)))\n βββ Or(Not(LegalEntity(harvardWeeklyBookClub)),Not(PrivateCompany(harvardWeeklyBookClub)))\n βββ Or(CreatedUnderLaw($x112),Not(LegalEntity($x112)))\n βββ Or(Not(CreatedUnderLaw(harvardWeeklyBookClub)),Not(PrivateCompany(harvardWeeklyBookClub)))\n', 'Implies(PrivateCompany(harvardWeeklyBookClub),And(Or(LegalObligation(harvardWeeklyBookClub),CreatedUnderLaw(harvardWeeklyBookClub)),Not(And(LegalObligation(harvardWeeklyBookClub),CreatedUnderLaw(harvardWeeklyBookClub)))))\nβββ Or(Or(CreatedUnderLaw(harvardWeeklyBookClub),LegalObligation(harvardWeeklyBookClub)),Not(PrivateCompany(harvardWeeklyBookClub)))\nβ βββ Or(CreatedUnderLaw($x13),Not(PrivateCompany($x13)))\nβ βββ Or(Company($x19),Not(PrivateCompany($x19)))\nβ βββ Or(CreatedUnderLaw($x13),Not(Company($x13)))\nβ βββ Or(BusinessOrganization($x16),Not(Company($x16)))\nβ βββ Or(CreatedUnderLaw($x13),Not(BusinessOrganization($x13)))\nβ βββ Or(CreatedUnderLaw($x112),Not(LegalEntity($x112)))\nβ βββ Or(LegalEntity($x13),Not(BusinessOrganization($x13)))\nβββ Or(Or(Not(CreatedUnderLaw(harvardWeeklyBookClub)),Not(LegalObligation(harvardWeeklyBookClub))),Not(PrivateCompany(harvardWeeklyBookClub)))\n βββ Or(Not(CreatedUnderLaw(harvardWeeklyBookClub)),Not(PrivateCompany(harvardWeeklyBookClub)))\n']" |
318,"Some show airing at 8 pm on Monday gives out roses on TV. |
If a show gives out roses on TV, then the show is an episode of The Bachelor. |
The Bachelor portrays the lives of real people. |
All shows portraying the lives of real people are reality TV shows. |
Breaking Bad is a show. |
Breaking Bad is not a reality TV show.","Breaking Bad is on Monday at 8 pm. |
Breaking Bad is a TV show in which roses are given out on Monday at 8 pm. |
If roses are given out during Breaking Bad, then it is on Monday at 8 pm.","U |
F |
T","βx (Show(x) β§ AiringAtOn(x, 8PMMonday) β§ GivenOutOn(x, rose, tV)) |
βx (Show(x) β§ GivenOutOnAt(rose, tV, x) β TheBachelor(x)) |
βx (TheBachelor(x) β Portray(x, lifeOfRealPeople)) |
βx (Portray(x, liveOfRealPeople) β RealityTVShow(x)) |
Show(breakingBad) |
Β¬RealityTVShow(breakingBad)","βx (MondayAt8PM(x) β§ On(breakingBad, x)) |
βx βy (MondayAt8PM(x) β§ Rose(y) β§ GivenOutOn(y, tv) β§ On(tv, x) β§ From(y, breakingBad)) |
βx βy ((Rose(y) β§ GivenOutOn(y, tv) β§ On(tv, x) β§ From(y, breakingBad)) β MondayAt8PM(x))","['Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found']" |
453,"No birds are ectothermic. |
All penguins are birds. |
An animal is ectothermic or endothermic. |
All endothermic animals produce heat within the body. |
Ron and Henry are both animals. |
Ron is not a bird and does not produce heat with the body. |
Henry is not a cat and does not produce heat with the body. ","Ron is a cat. |
Either Henry is a penguin or Henry is endothermic. |
Ron is either both a penguin and endothermic, or he is nether.","U |
F |
T","βx (Bird(x) β Β¬Ectothermic(x)) |
βx (Penguin(x) β Bird(x)) |
βx (Animal(x) β Ectothermic(x) β¨ Endothermic(x)) |
βx (Endothermic(x) β ProduceWithIn(x, heat, body)) |
Animal(ron) β§ Animal(henry) |
Β¬Bird(ron) β§ Β¬ProduceWithIn(ron, heat, body) |
Β¬Cat(henry) β§ Β¬ProduceWithIn(henry, heat, body)","Cat(ron) |
Penguin(henry) β Endothermic(henry) |
Β¬(Penguin(ron) β Endothermic(henry))","['Not found', 'Not(And(Or(Penguin(henry),Endothermic(henry)),Not(And(Penguin(henry),Endothermic(henry)))))\nβββ Or(Endothermic(henry),Not(Penguin(henry)))\nβ βββ Or(Bird($x16),Not(Penguin($x16)))\nβ βββ Or(Endothermic(henry),Not(Bird(henry)))\nβ βββ Or(Ectothermic(henry),Endothermic(henry))\nβ β βββ Animal(henry)\nβ β βββ Or(Or(Ectothermic($x19),Endothermic($x19)),Not(Animal($x19)))\nβ βββ Or(Not(Bird($x13)),Not(Ectothermic($x13)))\nβββ Or(Not(Endothermic(henry)),Penguin(henry))\n βββ Not(Endothermic(henry))\n βββ Not(ProduceWithIn(henry,heat,body))\n βββ Or(Not(Endothermic($x112)),ProduceWithIn($x112,heat,body))\n', 'Not(And(Or(Penguin(ron),Endothermic(henry)),Not(And(Penguin(ron),Endothermic(henry)))))\nβββ Or(Endothermic(henry),Not(Penguin(ron)))\nβ βββ Not(Penguin(ron))\nβ βββ Not(Bird(ron))\nβ βββ Or(Bird($x16),Not(Penguin($x16)))\nβββ Or(Not(Endothermic(henry)),Penguin(ron))\n βββ Not(Endothermic(henry))\n βββ Not(ProduceWithIn(henry,heat,body))\n βββ Or(Not(Endothermic($x112)),ProduceWithIn($x112,heat,body))\n']" |
462,"All classrooms in William L. Harkness Hall that are used for lectures are booked during the day. |
None of the classrooms in William L. Harkness Hall are private study spots. |
All classrooms in William L. Harkness Hall are used for lectures or used for office hours. |
If a classroom in William L. Harkness Hall is booked in the evening, then it is not freely usable at night. |
If a classroom in William L. Harkness Hall is used for office hours, then it is booked in the evening. |
Room 116 is a classroom in William L. Harkness Hall that is either both used for lecture and used for office hours or not used for either.","Room 116 is a private study spot. |
If Room 116 is either both booked during the day and freely usable at night, or neither, then it is either used for office hours or for private study spots. |
If Room 116 is not both a private study spot and freely useable at night, then it is either used for lectures or booked during the day.","F |
T |
F","βx (ClassroomIn(x, williamLHarknessHall) β§ UsedFor(x, lecture) β BookedDuring(x, day)) |
βx (ClassroomIn(x, williamLHarknessHall) β§ Β¬PrivateStudySpot(x)) |
βx (ClassroomIn(x, williamLHarknessHall) β§ (UsedFor(x, lecture) β¨ UsedFor(x, officeHours))) |
βx (ClassroomIn(x, williamLHarknessHall) β§ BookedIn(x, evening) β Β¬FreelyUsableAtNight(x)) |
βx (ClassroomIn(x, williamLHarknessHall) β§ UsedFor(x, officeHours) β BookedIn(x, evening)) |
ClassroomIn(116, williamLHarknessHall) β§ Β¬(UsedFor(116, lecture) β UsedFor(116, officeHours))","PrivateStudySpot(room116) |
Β¬(BookedDuring(room116, day) β FreelyUsableAtNight(room116) β (UsedFor(room116, officeHour) β PrivateStudySpot(room116)) |
Β¬(PrivateStudySpot(room116) β§ FreelyUsableAtNight(room116)) β (UsedFor(room116, lecture) β¨ BookedIn(room116, evening))","['Not(PrivateStudySpot(room116))\nβββ Not(PrivateStudySpot($x16))\n', 'Not found', 'Implies(Not(And(PrivateStudySpot(room116),FreelyUsableAtNight(room116))),Or(UsedFor(room116,lecture),BookedIn(room116,evening)))\nβββ Or(Or(BookedIn(room116,evening),FreelyUsableAtNight(room116)),UsedFor(room116,lecture))\nβ βββ Or(BookedIn($x19,evening),UsedFor($x19,lecture))\nβ βββ Or(BookedIn($x115,evening),Not(UsedFor($x115,officeHours)))\nβ β βββ ClassroomIn($x16,williamLHarknessHall)\nβ β βββ Or(Or(BookedIn($x115,evening),Not(ClassroomIn($x115,williamLHarknessHall))),Not(UsedFor($x115,officeHours)))\nβ βββ Or(UsedFor($x19,lecture),UsedFor($x19,officeHours))\nβββ Or(Or(BookedIn(room116,evening),PrivateStudySpot(room116)),UsedFor(room116,lecture))\n βββ Or(BookedIn($x19,evening),UsedFor($x19,lecture))\n βββ Or(BookedIn($x115,evening),Not(UsedFor($x115,officeHours)))\n β βββ ClassroomIn($x16,williamLHarknessHall)\n β βββ Or(Or(BookedIn($x115,evening),Not(ClassroomIn($x115,williamLHarknessHall))),Not(UsedFor($x115,officeHours)))\n βββ Or(UsedFor($x19,lecture),UsedFor($x19,officeHours))\n']" |
422,"All customers in James' family who subscribe to AMC A-List are eligible to watch three movies every week without any additional fees. |
Some of the customers in James' family go to the cinema every week. |
Customers in James' family subscribe to AMC A-List or HBO service. |
Customers in James' family who prefer TV series will not watch TV series in cinemas. |
All customers in James' family who subscribe to HBO services prefer TV series to movies. |
Lily is in James' family; she watches TV series in cinemas. ","Lily goes to cinemas every week. |
Lily does not go to cinemas every week. |
Lily goes to cinemas every week or watches 3 movies every week without any additional fees. |
If Lily does not both go to cinemas every week and subscribe to HBO service, then Lily is either available to watch 3 movies every week without any additional fees or she prefers TV more. |
If Lily is available to watch 3 movies every week without any additional fees and she watches TV series in cinemas, then she goes to cinemas every week and prefers TV series more.","U |
U |
T |
T |
F","βx ((Customer(x) β§ In(x, jameSFamily) β§ SubscribedTo(x, aMCAList)) β EligibleForThreeFreeMoviesEveryWeekWithoutAdditionalFees(x)) |
βx βy (Customer(x) β§ In(x, jameSFamily) β§ GoToEveryWeek(x, cinema) β§ (Β¬(x=y)) β§ Customer(y) β§ In(y, jameSFamily) β§ GoToEveryWeek(y, cinema)) |
βx (Customer(x) β§ In(x, jameSFamily) β§ (SubscribedTo(x, aMCAList) β¨ SubscribedTo(x, hBO))) |
βx ((Customer(x) β§ In(x, jameSFamily) β§ Prefer(x, tVSeries)) β (Β¬WatchIn(x, tV, cinema))) |
βx ((Customer(x) β§ In(x, jameSFamily) β§ SubscribedTo(x, hBO)) β Prefer(x, tVSeries)) |
Customer(lily) β§ In(lily, jameSFamily β§ WatchIn(lily, tV, cinema)","GoToEveryWeek(lily, cinema) |
Β¬GoToEveryWeek(lily, cinema) |
GoToEveryWeek(lily, cinema) β¨ EligibleForThreeFreeMoviesWithoutAdditionalFees(lily) |
(GoToEveryWeek(lily, cinema) β§ SubscribedTo(lily, hBO)) β (EligibleForThreeFreeMoviesEveryWeek(lily) β Prefer(lily, tVSeries)) |
(EligibleForThreeFreeMoviesEveryWeekWithoutAdditionalFees(lily) β§ WatchIn(lily, tV, cinema)) β (GoToEveryWeek(lily, cinema) β§ Prefer(lily, tVSeries))","['Not found', 'Not found', 'Not found', 'Implies(And(GoToEveryWeek(lily,cinema),SubscribedTo(lily,hBO)),And(Or(EligibleForThreeFreeMoviesEveryWeek(lily),Prefer(lily,tVSeries)),Not(And(EligibleForThreeFreeMoviesEveryWeek(lily),Prefer(lily,tVSeries)))))\nβββ Or(Or(Or(EligibleForThreeFreeMoviesEveryWeek(lily),Not(GoToEveryWeek(lily,cinema))),Not(SubscribedTo(lily,hBO))),Prefer(lily,tVSeries))\nβ βββ Or(Not(SubscribedTo($x115,hBO)),Prefer($x115,tVSeries))\nβ βββ In($x19,jameSFamily)\nβ βββ Or(Or(Not(In($x115,jameSFamily)),Not(SubscribedTo($x115,hBO))),Prefer($x115,tVSeries))\nβ βββ Customer($x19)\nβ βββ Or(Or(Or(Not(Customer($x115)),Not(In($x115,jameSFamily))),Not(SubscribedTo($x115,hBO))),Prefer($x115,tVSeries))\nβββ Or(Or(Or(Not(EligibleForThreeFreeMoviesEveryWeek(lily)),Not(GoToEveryWeek(lily,cinema))),Not(Prefer(lily,tVSeries))),Not(SubscribedTo(lily,hBO)))\n βββ Not(Prefer(lily,tVSeries))\n βββ In($x19,jameSFamily)\n βββ Or(Not(In(lily,jameSFamily)),Not(Prefer(lily,tVSeries)))\n βββ Customer($x19)\n βββ Or(Or(Not(Customer(lily)),Not(In(lily,jameSFamily))),Not(Prefer(lily,tVSeries)))\n βββ Or(Or(Or(Not(Customer($x112)),Not(In($x112,jameSFamily))),Not(Prefer($x112,tVSeries))),Not(WatchIn($x112,tV,cinema)))\n βββ WatchIn(lily,tV,cinema)\n', 'Not found']" |
304,"If a paper is accepted as oral at ICLR, then it needs to be presented offline at ICLR. |
If a paper needs to be presented offline at ICLR, then the paper is not rejected by the ICLR committee. |
All papers selected as best paper candidates at ICLR have been accepted as oral. |
Some survey papers are selected to be the best paper candidates at ICLR. |
The paper named βAnalytic-DPMβ is selected to be the best paper candidate at ICLR.","The paper named βAnalytic-DPMβ is a survey paper at ICLR. |
If the paper named βAnalytic-DPMβ is selected as the best candidate, then it is a survey paper and rejected by the committee. |
If the paper named βAnalytic-DPMβ is either a survey paper or needs to be presented offline at ICLR, then the paper is not rejected by the committee.","U |
F |
T","βx (Paper(x) β§ AcceptedAs(x, oral) β PresentedOfflineAt(x, iCLR)) |
βx (Paper(x) β§ PresentedOfflineAt(x, iCLR) β Β¬Rejected(x)) |
βx (Paper(x) β§ BestPaperCandidate(x) β AcceptedAs(x, oral)) |
βx (Paper(x) β§ Survey(x) β§ BestPaperCandidate(x)) |
Paper(analytic-DPM) β§ BestPaperCandidate(analytic-DPM)","Survey(analytic-DPM) |
BestPaperCandidate(analytic-DPM) β (Survey(analytic-DPM) β§ Rejected(analytic-DPM) |
(Survey(analytic-DPM) β PresentedIn(analytic-DPM, iCLR)) β Β¬Rejected(analytic-DPM)","['Not found', 'Not(Implies(BestPaperCandidate(analytic-DPM),Rejected(analytic-DPM)))\nβββ BestPaperCandidate(analytic-DPM)\nβββ Not(Rejected(analytic-DPM))\n βββ BestPaperCandidate(analytic-DPM)\n βββ Or(Not(BestPaperCandidate(analytic-DPM)),Not(Rejected(analytic-DPM)))\n βββ Or(Or(Not(BestPaperCandidate(analytic-DPM)),Not(Paper(analytic-DPM))),Not(Rejected(analytic-DPM)))\n β βββ Or(Or(AcceptedAs($x19,oral),Not(BestPaperCandidate($x19))),Not(Paper($x19)))\n β βββ Or(Or(Not(AcceptedAs(analytic-DPM,oral)),Not(Paper(analytic-DPM))),Not(Rejected(analytic-DPM)))\n β βββ Or(Not(AcceptedAs(analytic-DPM,oral)),PresentedOfflineAt(analytic-DPM,iCLR))\n β β βββ Or(Or(Not(AcceptedAs($x13,oral)),Not(Paper($x13))),PresentedOfflineAt($x13,iCLR))\n β β βββ Paper(analytic-DPM)\n β βββ Or(Or(Not(Paper($x16)),Not(PresentedOfflineAt($x16,iCLR))),Not(Rejected($x16)))\n βββ Paper(analytic-DPM)\n', 'Implies(And(Or(Survey(analytic-DPM),PresentedIn(analytic-DPM,iCLR)),Not(And(Survey(analytic-DPM),PresentedIn(analytic-DPM,iCLR)))),Not(Rejected(analytic-DPM)))\nβββ Or(Or(Not(PresentedIn(analytic-DPM,iCLR)),Not(Rejected(analytic-DPM))),Survey(analytic-DPM))\nβ βββ Not(Rejected(analytic-DPM))\nβ βββ BestPaperCandidate(analytic-DPM)\nβ βββ Or(Not(BestPaperCandidate(analytic-DPM)),Not(Rejected(analytic-DPM)))\nβ βββ Or(Or(Not(BestPaperCandidate(analytic-DPM)),Not(Paper(analytic-DPM))),Not(Rejected(analytic-DPM)))\nβ β βββ Or(Or(AcceptedAs($x19,oral),Not(BestPaperCandidate($x19))),Not(Paper($x19)))\nβ β βββ Or(Or(Not(AcceptedAs(analytic-DPM,oral)),Not(Paper(analytic-DPM))),Not(Rejected(analytic-DPM)))\nβ β βββ Or(Not(AcceptedAs(analytic-DPM,oral)),PresentedOfflineAt(analytic-DPM,iCLR))\nβ β β βββ Or(Or(Not(AcceptedAs($x13,oral)),Not(Paper($x13))),PresentedOfflineAt($x13,iCLR))\nβ β β βββ Paper(analytic-DPM)\nβ β βββ Or(Or(Not(Paper($x16)),Not(PresentedOfflineAt($x16,iCLR))),Not(Rejected($x16)))\nβ βββ Paper(analytic-DPM)\nβββ Or(Or(Not(Rejected(analytic-DPM)),Not(Survey(analytic-DPM))),PresentedIn(analytic-DPM,iCLR))\n βββ Not(Rejected(analytic-DPM))\n βββ BestPaperCandidate(analytic-DPM)\n βββ Or(Not(BestPaperCandidate(analytic-DPM)),Not(Rejected(analytic-DPM)))\n βββ Or(Or(Not(BestPaperCandidate(analytic-DPM)),Not(Paper(analytic-DPM))),Not(Rejected(analytic-DPM)))\n β βββ Or(Or(AcceptedAs($x19,oral),Not(BestPaperCandidate($x19))),Not(Paper($x19)))\n β βββ Or(Or(Not(AcceptedAs(analytic-DPM,oral)),Not(Paper(analytic-DPM))),Not(Rejected(analytic-DPM)))\n β βββ Or(Not(AcceptedAs(analytic-DPM,oral)),PresentedOfflineAt(analytic-DPM,iCLR))\n β β βββ Or(Or(Not(AcceptedAs($x13,oral)),Not(Paper($x13))),PresentedOfflineAt($x13,iCLR))\n β β βββ Paper(analytic-DPM)\n β βββ Or(Or(Not(Paper($x16)),Not(PresentedOfflineAt($x16,iCLR))),Not(Rejected($x16)))\n βββ Paper(analytic-DPM)\n']" |