stringlengths 1
| Expansion
stringlengths 2
| IsWord
bool 2
classes |
BCO | Big crush on | false |
BCOS | Because | false |
BCOY | Big crush on you | false |
BD | Big deal | false |
BDAY | Birthday | false |
BDN | Big darn number | false |
BEG | Big evil grin | true |
BELF | Blood Elf | false |
BF | Best friend | false |
BF2 | Battlefield 2 | false |
BF4L | Best friend for life | false |
BFAW | Best friend at work | false |
BFD | Big freaking deal | false |
BFF | Best friends forever | false |
BFFL | Best friends for life | false |
BFFLNMW | Best friends for life, no matter what | false |
BFFN | Best friend for now | false |
BFG | Big freaking grin | false |
BFN | Bye for now | false |
BG | Big grin | false |
BGWM | Be gentle with me | false |
BHL8 | Be home late | false |
BIB | Boss is back | true |
BIBO | Beer in, beer out | false |
BIC | Butt in chair | false |
BIF | Before I forget | false |
BIH | Burn in hell | false |
BIL | Brother in law | false |
BIO | Bathroom break | false |
BION | Believe it or not | true |
BIOYA | Blow it out your Ass | false |
BIOYN | Blow it out your nose | false |
BIS | Best in slot | true |
BISFLATM | Boy, I sure feel like a turquoise monkey! | false |
BITMT | But in the meantime | false |
BL | Belly laugh | false |
BLNT | Better luck next time | false |
BM | Bite me | false |
BM&Y | Between me and you | false |
BME | Based on my experience | false |
BMS | Broke my scale, used when rating someone | false |
BN | Bad news | false |
BO | Body Odor | true |
BOB | Back off buddy | true |
BOE | bind on equip | false |
BOGO | Buy One Get One | true |
BOHICA | Bend over here it comes again | false |
BOL | Best of luck | false |
BOLO | Be on the look out | true |
BOM | Bastard of mine | true |
BOOMS | Bored out of my skull | false |
BOP | bind on pickup | true |
BOPUS | Buy Online, Pick Up In Store | false |
BOSMKL | Bending over smacking my knee laughing | false |
BOT | Back on topic | true |
BOYF | Boyfriend | false |
BPLM | Big person little mind | false |
BR | Best regards | false |
BRB | Be right back | false |
BRBB | Be right back bitch | false |
BRD | Bored | false |
BRH | Be right here | false |
BRNC | Be right back, nature calls | false |
BRT | Be right there | false |
BSF | But seriously folks | false |
BSOD | Blue screen of death | false |
BSTS | Better safe than sorry | false |
BT | Bite this | false |
BTA | But then again | false |
BTDT | Been there, done that | false |
BTS | Behind The Scenes | false |
BTW | By the Way | false |
BTYCL | Bootycall | false |
BUBU | The most beautiful of women | false |
BUMP | Bring Up My Post | true |
BURN | Used to reference an insult | true |
BWL | Bursting with laughter | false |
BYOB | Bring your own beer | false |
BYOC | Bring your own computer | false |
BYOD | Bring your own device | false |
BYOH | Bat you on the head | false |
BYOP | Bring your own paint | false |
BYTM | Better you than me | false |
C&G | Chuckle & grin | false |
C/P | Cross post | false |
C2C | Customer to Customer | false |
C4N | Ciao for now | false |
CAD | Control, Alt, Delete | true |
CAM | Camera | true |
CB | Coffee break | false |
CC | Carbon Copy | false |
CD9 | Code 9, parents are around | false |
CFS | Care for secret? | false |
CFY | Calling for you | false |
CHK | Check | false |
CIAO | Good-bye | false |
CICO | Coffee in, coffee out | false |
CID | Crying in disgrace | false |
CLAB | Crying like a baby | false |
CLD | Could | false |
Subsets and Splits