translation |
"cs": "Dostupné verze třetích stran naleznete na FTP serveru .",
"en": "You can browse through the available contributed builds on the FTP site ."
} |
"cs": "Chcete se stát součástí projektu Mozilla?",
"en": "Want to become part of the Mozilla project?"
} |
"cs": "Fakt, že se Izraeli nepodařilo pokořit Hizballáh, je dokladem mnoha slabin konceptu války s terorismem.",
"en": "Israel’s failure to subdue Hezbollah demonstrates the many weaknesses of the war-on-terror concept."
} |
"cs": "Jednou z těchto slabin je skutečnost, že ačkoliv jsou cílem teroristé, oběťmi se stávají nevinní civilisté a jejich utrpení posiluje teroristickou věc.",
"en": "One weakness is that even if the targets are terrorists, the victims are often innocent civilians, and their suffering reinforces the terrorist cause."
} |
"cs": "V reakci na útoky Hizballáhu chtěl Izrael právem toto hnutí zničit a chránit se před raketovou hrozbou na vlastních hranicích.",
"en": "In response to Hezbollah’s attacks, Israel was justified in attacking Hezbollah to protect itself against the threat of missiles on its border."
} |
"cs": "Přesto si měl dát více záležet, aby minimalizoval vedlejší ztráty.",
"en": "However, Israel should have taken greater care to minimize collateral damage."
} |
"cs": "Oběti mezi civilisty a materiální škody v Libanonu obrátily muslimy i světové veřejné mínění proti němu a proměnilo členy Hizballáhu z agresorů v hrdiny odboje.",
"en": "The civilian casualties and material damage inflicted on Lebanon inflamed Muslims and world opinion against Israel and converted Hezbollah from aggressors to heroes of resistance."
} |
"cs": "Oslabení Libanonu pak ještě více ztížilo možnost udržet Hizballáh na uzdě.",
"en": "Weakening Lebanon has also made it more difficult to rein in Hezbollah."
} |
"cs": "Další slabinou konceptu války s terorismem je skutečnost, že spoléhá na vojenskou akci a vylučuje politické přístupy.",
"en": "Another weakness of the war-on-terror concept is that it relies on military action and rules out political approaches."
} |
"cs": "Izrael se jednostranně stáhl z Libanonu a poté z Gazy, místo aby vyjednával o politickém urovnání s libanonskou vládou a palestinskou samosprávou.",
"en": "Israel withdrew from Lebanon and then from Gaza unilaterally, rather than negotiating political settlements with the Lebanese government and the Palestinian authority."
} |
"cs": "Přímým důsledkem tohoto postupu bylo posílení Hizballáhu a Hamásu.",
"en": "The strengthening of Hezbollah and Hamas was a direct consequence of that approach."
} |
"cs": "Koncept války s terorismem brání pochopení tohoto faktu, poněvadž odděluje „nás“ od „nich“ a popírá, že jejich chování mohou utvářet naše skutky.",
"en": "The war-on-terror concept stands in the way of recognizing this fact because it separates “us” from “them” and denies that our actions may shape their behavior."
} |
"cs": "Třetí slabinou je, že koncept války s terorismem hází do jednoho pytle odlišná politická uskupení, která používají teroristickou taktiku.",
"en": "A third weakness is that the war-on-terror concept lumps together different political movements that use terrorist tactics."
} |
"cs": "Tento koncept nerozlišuje mezi Hamásem, Hizballáhem, al-Káidou nebo sunnitskými vzbouřenci a Mahdího milicemi v Iráku.",
"en": "It fails to distinguish between Hamas, Hezbollah, al Qaeda or the Sunni insurrection and the Mahdi militia in Iraq."
} |
"cs": "Přesto je každý z těchto teroristických projevů jiný a vyžaduje odlišnou reakci.",
"en": "Yet all these terrorist manifestations are different and require different responses."
} |
"cs": "K Hamásu ani Hizballáhu nelze přistupovat jako k pouhým cílům ve válce s terorismem, protože mají hluboké kořeny ve svých společnostech; navíc i mezi nimi existují hluboké rozdíly.",
"en": "Neither Hamas nor Hezbollah can be treated merely as targets in the war on terror because they have deep roots in their societies; yet profound differences exist between them."
} |
"cs": "Při zpětném ohlédnutí je dobře patrné, kde se izraelská politika dostala na scestí.",
"en": "Looking back it is easy to see where Israeli policy went wrong."
} |
"cs": "Jakmile byl Mahmúd Abbás zvolen předsedou palestinské samosprávy, měl se Izrael přemoci a posílit jeho samotného i jeho reformátorský tým.",
"en": "When Mahmoud Abbas was elected president of the Palestinian Authority, Israel should have gone out of its way to strengthen him and his reformist team."
} |
"cs": "Když se Izrael stáhl z Gazy, vyjednal někdejší prezident Světové banky James Wolfensohn jménem tzv. blízkovýchodního kvartetu (Rusko, Spojené státy, Evropská unie a Organizace spojených národů) šestibodový plán.",
"en": "When Israel withdrew from Gaza the former head of the World Bank, James Wolfensohn, negotiated a six-point plan on behalf of the Quartet for the Middle East (Russia, the United States, the European Union and the United Nations)."
} |
"cs": "Ten zahrnoval otevření přechodů mezi Gazou a západním břehem Jordánu, zřízení letiště a přístavu v Gaze, otevření hranice s Egyptem a převod skleníků opuštěných izraelskými osadníky do arabských rukou.",
"en": "It included opening crossings between Gaza and the West Bank, an airport and seaport in Gaza, opening the border with Egypt, and transferring the greenhouses abandoned by Israeli settlers into Arab hands."
} |
"cs": "Žádný z těchto šesti bodů nebyl nikdy realizován.",
"en": "None of the six points was implemented."
} |
"cs": "Bushova administrativa, která tlačila na Izrael, aby volby zorganizoval, poté podpořila odmítnutí Izraele vyjednávat s vládou vedenou Hamásem.",
"en": "The Bush administration, having pushed Israel to allow the Palestinians to hold elections, then backed Israel’s refusal to deal with a Hamas government."
} |
"cs": "Výsledkem byly další útrapy na straně Palestinců.",
"en": "The effect was to impose further hardship on the Palestinians."
} |
"cs": "Abbásovi se nicméně podařilo dohodnout se s politickým křídlem Hamásu na vytvoření vlády jednoty.",
"en": "Nevertheless, Abbas was able to forge an agreement with the political arm of Hamas for the formation of a unity government."
} |
"cs": "Právě ve snaze zmařit tuto dohodu se vojenská větev Hamásu řízená z Damašku začala angažovat v provokaci, která se setkala s prudkou reakcí Izraele – což potažmo vyburcovalo Hizballáh k další provokaci a otevření druhé fronty.",
"en": "It was to foil this agreement that the military branch of Hamas, run from Damascus, engaged in the provocation that brought a heavy handed response from Israel—which in turn incited Hezbollah to further provocation, opening a second front."
} |
"cs": "Takto vůči sobě postupují extremisté, aby zničili jakoukoliv naději na politický pokrok.",
"en": "That is how extremists play off against each other to destroy any chance of political progress."
} |
"cs": "Izrael se této hry účastnil a prezident Bush se k této pomýlené politice připojil, když ho nekriticky podpořil.",
"en": "Israel has been a participant in this game and President Bush bought into this flawed policy, uncritically supporting Israel."
} |
"cs": "Události však ukázaly, že taková politika vede k eskalaci násilí.",
"en": "Events have shown that this policy leads to an escalation of violence."
} |
"cs": "Celý proces již dospěl do stadia, kdy ani jednoznačná vojenská převaha Izraele nestačí k překonání negativních důsledků jeho politiky.",
"en": "The process has advanced to the point where Israel’s unquestioned military superiority is no longer sufficient to overcome the negative consequences of its policy."
} |
"cs": "Existence Izraele je dnes ve větším ohrožení než v době dohody z Osla.",
"en": "Israel is now more endangered in its existence than it was at the time of the Oslo Agreement."
} |
"cs": "Podobně i USA se staly poté, co prezident Bush vyhlásil válku s terorismem, méně bezpečnou zemí.",
"en": "Similarly, the US has become less safe since President Bush declared war on terror."
} |
"cs": "Nastal čas, abychom si uvědomili, že dnešní politika je kontraproduktivní.",
"en": "The time has come to realize that today’s policies are counterproductive."
} |
"cs": "Zvrácená spirála eskalujícího násilí bez politického řešení palestinské otázky nebude mít konce.",
"en": "There will be no end to the vicious circle of escalating violence without a political settlement of the Palestine question."
} |
"cs": "Šance zapojit se do vyjednávání je dnes upřímně řečeno vyšší než před několika měsíci.",
"en": "In fact, the prospects for engaging in negotiations are better now than they were a few months ago."
} |
"cs": "Izraelci si musí uvědomit, že vojenské odstrašení samo o sobě nestačí.",
"en": "Israelis must realize that a military deterrent is not sufficient on its own."
} |
"cs": "A Arabové, kteří se na bojišti spasili, budou možná svolnější k úvahám o kompromisu.",
"en": "And Arabs, having redeemed themselves on the battlefield, may be more willing to entertain a compromise."
} |
"cs": "Ozývají se silné hlasy, podle nichž nesmí Izrael nikdy jednat z pozice slabosti.",
"en": "Strong voices argue that Israel must never negotiate from a position of weakness."
} |
"cs": "Pozice Izraele bude tím slabší, čím déle bude tato země udržovat současný kurz.",
"en": "Israel’s position is liable to become weaker the longer it persists on its present course."
} |
"cs": "Hizballáh, který okusil pocit, avšak nikoliv realitu vítězství (a jehož popichovala Sýrie a Írán), by navíc mohl zaujmout svéhlavý postoj.",
"en": "Similarly Hezbollah, having tasted the sense but not the reality of victory (and egged on by Syria and Iran) may prove recalcitrant."
} |
"cs": "A právě zde přichází ke slovu rozdíl mezi Hizballáhem a Hamásem.",
"en": "But that is where the difference between Hezbollah and Hamas comes into play."
} |
"cs": "Palestinský lid prahne po míru a konci utrpení.",
"en": "The people of Palestine yearn for peace and relief from suffering."
} |
"cs": "Politické křídlo Hamásu – které je zapotřebí rozlišovat od křídla vojenského – musí na jeho tužby reagovat.",
"en": "The political--as distinct from the military-- wing of Hamas must be responsive to their desires."
} |
"cs": "Ještě stále není pozdě, aby Izrael podpořil palestinskou vládu jednoty pod Abbásovým vedením a v rámci prvního kroku směrem k vyváženějšímu přístupu s ní jednal.",
"en": "It is not too late for Israel to encourage and deal with an Abbas led Palestinian unity government as the first step toward a better balanced approach."
} |
"cs": "Stále tu však chybí americká vláda, která by nebyla zaslepena konceptem války s terorismem.",
"en": "Given how strong the U.S.-Israeli relationship is, it would help Israel achieve its own legitimate aims if the U.S. government were not blinded by the war-on-terror concept."
} |
"cs": "George Soros, finančník a filantrop, je autorem knihy The Age of Fallibility: Consequences of the War on Terror (Věk omylnosti: Důsledky války s terorismem).",
"en": "George Soros, a financier and philanthropist, is author of The Age of Fallibility: Consequences of the War on Terror."
} |
"cs": "Přetisk materiálu z těchto webových stránek bez písemného souhlasu Project Syndicate je porušením mezinárodního autorského práva.",
"en": "Reprinting material from this website without written consent from Project Syndicate is a violation of international copyright law."
} |
"cs": "Služby opravy a technické obsluhy zařízení...",
"en": "Services in repair and maintenance service..."
} |
"cs": "Adjustace celních povolení na vývoz a dovoz...",
"en": "Registration of customs import licences and..."
} |
"cs": "Služby co se týče prosazení zboží s použití...",
"en": "Services in progress of the goods with use..."
} |
"cs": "Built in 2009, this 4-star hotel offers elegantly furnished rooms in the vibrant Trinity district of Florianópolis, on the island of Santa Catarina. Beautiful beaches are a 20-minute drive away.",
"en": "Inaugurated in 2009, the 4-star Slaviero Executive Florianópolis offers carefully furnished rooms and modern facilities in the Trinity district, the heart of Florianópolis."
} |
"cs": " Hotely poblíž: City of Derry LDY, Velká Británie.",
"en": " Hotels near City of Derry LDY, United Kingdom."
} |
"cs": " Ascot Hyde Park Hotel, London , Velká Británie - 260 Hodnocení hostů.",
"en": " Ascot Hyde Park Hotel, London , United Kingdom - 251 Guest reviews."
} |
"cs": "Kdy byste rád/a přicestoval/a do Ascot Hyde Park Hotel?",
"en": "When would you like to stay at the Ascot Hyde Park Hotel?"
} |
"cs": "Restaurace, Bar, 24-hodinová služba v recepci, Nekuřácké pokoje, Rodinné pokoje, Výtah, Trezor, Topení, Úschovna zavazadel, Všechny veřejné a soukromé prostory nekuřácké.",
"en": "Restaurant, Bar, 24-Hour Front Desk, Non-Smoking Rooms, Family Rooms, Elevator, Safety Deposit Box, Heating, Luggage Storage, All Public and Private spaces non-smoking."
} |
"cs": "Bezdrátové internetové připojení je dostupné v(e) celém hotelu a je zdarma.",
"en": "Wireless internet is available in the entire hotel and is free of charge."
} |
"cs": "Všechny/a děti mladší než 7 let jsou bez poplatku při použití stávajících postelí.",
"en": "All children under 7 years stay free of charge when using existing bedding."
} |
"cs": "Všechny/a starší děti nebo dospělí jsou zpoplatněny GBP 15,00 za noc a osobu za přistýlky.",
"en": "All older children or adults are charged GBP 15.00 per night and person for extra beds."
} |
"cs": "Hodnocení hostů nám posílají naši zákazníci po pobytu v Ascot Hyde Park Hotel .",
"en": "The guest reviews are submitted by our customers after their stay at Ascot Hyde Park Hotel ."
} |
"cs": "Z Heathrow je to perfektní spojení.",
"en": "The room though small and old was quite clean."
} |
"cs": "Utržený radiátor, dveře od skříně utržené, mapy v koupelně, upadené světlo v koupelně...",
"en": "I have stayed at other Ascot group hotels both in and out of London and I must say the Ascot Hyde Park Hotel didn't quite match up with the standards."
} |
"cs": "We were placed in the annex after paying in full for a supposed 3 star hotel. The staff didn't bother to show us to our room - luckily the room number was written in biro on a scrap of paper and tacked to the door.",
"en": "Location & Price were ideal for my requirements."
} |
"cs": "On the staircase (which obviously hadn't been decorated for years) there was an unsecured, open, glass door leading to roof below. The rooms were tiny and poorly decorated (barely large enough for a double bed.",
"en": "Hotel is in need of maintenance and repair."
} |
"cs": "The room was so small there wasn't enough room for anywhere to put clothes or even for a shelf. The floor (both in the hotel room and in the corridor) was constantly wet from the leaking shower.",
"en": "Room was large, sparse but adequate for my needs."
} |
"cs": "I would recommend that this hotel be inspected for safety and it certainly is not a 3 star. I won't be using the hotel or again.",
"en": "This is a hotel for people on a budget."
} |
"cs": "The Location was great for Hyde Park and Paddington station.",
"en": "The Hairdryer was not working and when I booked I asked if I could have breakfast a bit earlier and never had a reply."
} |
"cs": "Very much a budget hotel but clean and in a good location near to Paddington station. Fine for a couple of nights.",
"en": "A cheap and clean hotel is sometimes all you need."
} |
"cs": "The ease of registration and efficiency of the reception staff together with their explanation of the facilities available.",
"en": "This is an noisy hotel at Paddington."
} |
"cs": "The convenience of the location is the main draw of Ascot Hyde Park Hotel. The room though small and old was quite clean.",
"en": "Nothing - I would never stay there again nor recommend it to anyone."
} |
"cs": "It was very noisy (a price to pay for the convenience) but the shower head that didn't quite work properly was more frustrating. I have stayed at other Ascot group hotels both in and out of London and I must say the Ascot Hyde Park Hotel didn't quite match up with the standards.",
"en": "Overpriced, stairways blocked, bad reception, dirty and unkempt, bad signage."
} |
"cs": "Location & Price were ideal for my requirements. Hotel is in need of maintenance and repair.",
"en": "facilities near the hotel like the tube station and restaurants."
} |
"cs": "Tento hotel zaujímá snad tu nejcentrálnější polohu v Londýně, ve West Endu u konce Oxford Street. Celý Londýn tu tak máte jako na dlani.",
"en": "This partly refurbished Victorian hotel is in central London, 5 minutes’ walk from Hyde Park, Kensington Gardens and Bayswater / Queensway London Underground stations."
} |
"cs": "Tento částečně rekonstruovaný viktoriánský hotel najdete v centrálním Londýně, 5 minut pěšky od Hyde Parku, Kensingtonských zahrad a stanic metra Bayswater/Queensway.",
"en": "Perhaps the most central hotel in London, located in the heart of the West End at the foot of Oxford Street with the whole of London on your doorstep."
} |
"cs": "Hotel Abbey Court stojí v jedné z nejžádanějších čtvrtí Londýna, nedaleko všeho, co může město svým návštěvníkům nabídnout.",
"en": "A 4 Star Hotel with 119 rooms, situated close to Londons Hyde Park and 3 mins from Paddington Tube And Heathrow Express."
} |
"cs": " Astor Court Hotel, London , Velká Británie - 309 Hodnocení hostů.",
"en": " Astor Court Hotel, London , United Kingdom - 306 Guest reviews."
} |
"cs": "V této nově rekonstruované městské budově sídlí hotel v centru Londýna s rozumnými cenami ubytování.",
"en": "This newly refurbished town house is an affordable hotel in central London."
} |
"cs": "V hezky upravených, prostorných pokojích a apartmánech je zařízení na přípravu kávy a čaje k dispozici zdarma.",
"en": "The well-appointed, spacious rooms and apartments have free tea and coffee-making facilities."
} |
"cs": "Kontinentální snídaně podávaná formou bufetu je zahrnuta v ceně ubytování.",
"en": "A buffet-style continental breakfast is included in the room rate."
} |
"cs": "Astor Court Hotel se nachází 5 minut chůze od obchodů na ulicích Oxford Street a Regent Street.",
"en": "The Astor Court Hotel is a 5-minute walk from the shops at Oxford Street and Regent Street."
} |
"cs": "Londýnská divadla, Piccadilly a Covent Garden jsou od hotelu vzdáleny pouhých 10 minut.",
"en": "London theatres, Piccadilly and Covent Garden are just 10 minutes from the hotel."
} |
"cs": "Kdy byste rád/a přicestoval/a do Astor Court Hotel?",
"en": "When would you like to stay at the Astor Court Hotel?"
} |
"cs": "24-hodinová služba v recepci, Nekuřácké pokoje, Rodinné pokoje, Výtah, Expresní přihlášení/odhlášení, Trezor, Topení, Úschovna zavazadel, Všechny veřejné a soukromé prostory nekuřácké.",
"en": "24-Hour Front Desk, Non-Smoking Rooms, Family Rooms, Elevator, Express Check-In/Check-Out, Safety Deposit Box, Heating, Luggage Storage, All Public and Private spaces non-smoking."
} |
"cs": "Bezdrátové internetové připojení je dostupné v(e) celém hotelu a stojí GBP 5,50 za hodinu.",
"en": "Wireless internet is available in the entire hotel and costs GBP 5.50 per hour."
} |
"cs": "Všechny/a starší děti nebo dospělí jsou zpoplatněny GBP 35,00 za noc a osobu za přistýlky.",
"en": "All older children or adults are charged GBP 35.00 per night and person for extra beds."
} |
"cs": "Snídaně se podává od 07:30 do 09:30 .",
"en": "Breakfast is served from 07:30 until 09:30."
} |
"cs": "Kreditní kartu musí při příjezdu předložit její držitel k autorizaci.",
"en": "The credit card must be shown by the card holder on arrival to be authorised."
} |
"cs": "Platby se hradí v plné výši při příjezdu.",
"en": "The hotel will take full payment on check-in."
} |
"cs": "Změny nebo rušení rezervací je třeba učinit 24 hodin před datem příjezdu, a to do 12:00 hodin.",
"en": "Amendments or cancellations must be made before 12:00, 24 hours before the date of arrival."
} |
"cs": "Veškeré speciální požadavky uveďte prosím při rezervaci.",
"en": "Please mention any special requests when you make your booking."
} |
"cs": "Hodnocení hostů nám posílají naši zákazníci po pobytu v Astor Court Hotel .",
"en": "The guest reviews are submitted by our customers after their stay at Astor Court Hotel ."
} |
"cs": "The hotel is in an excellent location and we had no complaints about our stay there.",
"en": "The room was of a good size - it was in a good location for shops - theatres - underground etc."
} |
"cs": "the staff were very nice and helpful,it is near the bus station to oxford street,it is very clean.",
"en": "The hotel is conveniently located for Oxford Street and the West End. The family suite was spacious and the beds were comfortable."
} |
"cs": "The hotel is conveniently located for Oxford Street and the West End.",
"en": "For the 3 first nights we stayed at the fifth flloor and we had to move the last night because of the improvement workings of that floor."
} |
"cs": "The family suite was spacious and the beds were comfortable.",
"en": "The water closet didn't flush well and we had to wait at least 5 minutes in order to flush again. The rooms were so hot and they hadn't air conditioning."
} |
"cs": "The shower was a plastic tube attached directly to the faucet and it was out with a bit of water pressure. I don't recommend this hotel at all.",
"en": "Rhe sheet is not comfortable and at night the room is very hot , besides, the breakfast is really poor .The toilet and shower room is seperate , which is not convenient for washing hands."
} |
"cs": "The water closet didn't flush well and we had to wait at least 5 minutes in order to flush again.",
"en": "The response from the hotel was that there were many clients who wanted to extend their stay."
} |
"cs": "The rooms were so hot and they hadn't air conditioning.",
"en": "The receptionist with his very poor english was desperately trying to book a room for us in another hotel."
} |
"cs": "The Astor Court Hotel is an easy place to stay at: wonderfully located near Regent's Street, inbetween Oxford-Circus and Great Portland Street tube stations; cosy and without complications.",
"en": "Lovely hotel in a fantastic location! Breakfast was great as was the service we received from the staff."
} |
"cs": "The bed was not comfortable unfortunately.",
"en": "The room was a bit stuffy, a fan of some sorts would have been nice to move the air around."
} |
"cs": "Temperature control in room was not good (radiator that could not be adjusted) and no fan to give room air circulation.",
"en": "Only negative was the beds in twin room are very narrow."
} |
"cs": "Not the most modern but clean and comfortable.",
"en": "we had a family apartment type room which was very spacious."
} |
Subsets and Splits