stringlengths 10
| Markdown code
stringlengths 5
Pane with custom properties. | <|{show}|pane|properties={key: 'value'}|> |
Pane with on_close callback. | <|{show}|pane|on_close=close_function|> |
Pane with on_change callback. | <|{show}|pane|on_change=change_function|> |
Small gap pane. | <|{show}|pane|gap='10px'|> |
Large gap pane. | <|{show}|pane|gap='2rem'|> |
Pane with custom style. | <|{show}|pane|style='background-color: blue;'|> |
Pane with dynamic content. | <|{show}|pane|content={dynamic_content}|> |
Pane with fixed position. | <|{show}|pane|position=fixed|> |
Pane with absolute position. | <|{show}|pane|position=absolute|> |
Pane with z-index. | <|{show}|pane|z_index=10|> |
Pane with border. | <|{show}|pane|border='1px solid black'|> |
Pane with padding. | <|{show}|pane|padding='20px'|> |
Pane with margin. | <|{show}|pane|margin='10px'|> |
Part with ID. | <|part|id=my_part|
<|{Some Content}|>
|> |
Part with custom classes. | <|part|class_name='class1 class2'|
<|{Some Content}|>
|> |
Part with hover text. | <|part|hover_text='Info about part'|
<|{Some Content}|>
|> |
Part with page content. | <|part|page=page_name|> |
Part with partial content. | <|part|partial={partial}|> |
Part with custom properties. | <|part|properties={key: 'value'}|
<|{Some Content}|>
|> |
Part with dynamic content. | <|part|content={dynamic_content}|
<|{Some Content}|>
|> |
Part with fixed position. | <|part|position=fixed|
<|{Some Content}|>
|> |
Part with absolute position. | <|part|position=absolute|
<|{Some Content}|>
|> |
Part with z-index. | <|part|z_index=10|
<|{Some Content}|>
|> |
Part with border. | <|part|border='1px solid black'|
<|{Some Content}|>
|> |
Part with padding. | <|part|padding='20px'|
<|{Some Content}|>
|> |
Part with margin. | <|part|margin='10px'|
<|{Some Content}|>
|> |
Small gap part. | <|part|gap='10px'|
<|{Some Content}|>
|> |
Large gap part. | <|part|gap='2rem'|
<|{Some Content}|>
|> |
Part with custom style. | <|part|style='background-color: blue;'|
<|{Some Content}|>
|> |
Part with grouped controls. | <|
<|{Control 1}|>
<|{Control 2}|>
|> |
Part with conditional rendering. | <|part|render={conditional}|
<|{Some Content}|>
|> |
Part with a specific width. | <|part|width='100px'|
<|{Some Content}|>
|> |
Part with a specific height. | <|part|height='100px'|
<|{Some Content}|>
|> |
Responsive part. | <|part|responsive|
<|{Some Content}|>
|> |
Part with alignment. | <|part|align='center'|
<|{Some Content}|>
|> |
Part with vertical orientation. | <|part|orientation='vertical'|
<|{Some Content}|>
|> |
Part with horizontal orientation. | <|part|orientation='horizontal'|
<|{Some Content}|>
|> |
Basic scenario display. | <|scenario|> |
Inactive scenario component. | <|scenario|active=False|> |
Non-expandable scenario. | <|scenario|expandable=False|> |
Initially collapsed scenario. | <|scenario|expanded=False|> |
Scenario without submit button. | <|scenario|show_submit=False|> |
Scenario without delete button. | <|scenario|show_delete=False|> |
Scenario hiding configuration label. | <|scenario|show_config=False|> |
Scenario hiding creation date. | <|scenario|show_creation_date=False|> |
Scenario hiding cycle label. | <|scenario|show_cycle=False|> |
Scenario without tags. | <|scenario|show_tags=False|> |
Scenario without properties. | <|scenario|show_properties=False|> |
Scenario without sequences. | <|scenario|show_sequences=False|> |
Scenario without submit sequences. | <|scenario|show_submit_sequences=False|> |
Scenario with custom ID. | <|scenario|id=my_scenario|> |
Scenario with custom class. | <|scenario|class_name='my_class'|> |
Scenario with on_submission_change callback. | <|scenario|on_submission_change=change_function|> |
Scenario in a part. | <|
|> |
Scenario in a layout cell. | <|layout|
|> |
Scenario with dynamic scenario binding. | <|scenario|scenario={dynamic_scenario}|> |
Scenario with expandable viewer. | <|scenario|expandable=True|> |
Scenario with expanded viewer. | <|scenario|expanded=True|> |
Scenario with visible submit button. | <|scenario|show_submit=True|> |
Scenario with visible delete button. | <|scenario|show_delete=True|> |
Scenario showing configuration label. | <|scenario|show_config=True|> |
Scenario showing creation date. | <|scenario|show_creation_date=True|> |
Scenario showing cycle label. | <|scenario|show_cycle=True|> |
Scenario showing tags. | <|scenario|show_tags=True|> |
Scenario showing properties. | <|scenario|show_properties=True|> |
Scenario showing sequences. | <|scenario|show_sequences=True|> |
Scenario showing submit sequences. | <|scenario|show_submit_sequences=True|> |
Basic scenario selector. | <|scenario_selector|> |
Scenario selector without add button. | <|scenario_selector|show_add_button=False|> |
Scenario selector hiding cycles. | <|scenario_selector|display_cycles=False|> |
Scenario selector without primary flag. | <|scenario_selector|show_primary_flag=False|> |
Scenario selector with custom height. | <|scenario_selector|height='100vh'|> |
Scenario selector with pins. | <|scenario_selector|show_pins=True|> |
Scenario selector with dialog on creation. | <|scenario_selector|show_dialog=True|> |
Scenario selector with custom ID. | <|scenario_selector|id=my_selector|> |
Scenario selector with custom class. | <|scenario_selector|class_name='my_class'|> |
Scenario selector with hover text. | <|scenario_selector|hover_text='Select a scenario'|> |
Scenario selector with page content. | <|scenario_selector|page=page_name|> |
Scenario selector with partial content. | <|scenario_selector|partial={partial}|> |
Scenario selector with custom properties. | <|scenario_selector|properties={key: 'value'}|> |
Scenario selector with on_change callback. | <|scenario_selector|on_change=change_function|> |
Scenario selector with on_creation callback. | <|scenario_selector|on_creation=create_function|> |
Expandable scenario selector. | <|Title|expandable|
|> |
Scenario selector in a part. | <|
|> |
Scenario selector with dynamic value binding. | <|scenario_selector|value={dynamic_value}|> |
Scenario selector inside a layout. | <|layout|
|> |
Scenario selector with fixed position. | <|scenario_selector|position=fixed|> |
Scenario selector with absolute position. | <|scenario_selector|position=absolute|> |
Scenario selector with z-index. | <|scenario_selector|z_index=10|> |
Scenario selector with border. | <|scenario_selector|border='1px solid black'|> |
Scenario selector with padding. | <|scenario_selector|padding='20px'|> |
Scenario selector with margin. | <|scenario_selector|margin='10px'|> |
Scenario selector with custom style. | <|scenario_selector|style='background-color: blue;'|> |
Scenario selector with grouped controls. | <|
<|{Other Control}|>
|> |
Scenario selector with specific width. | <|scenario_selector|width='100px'|> |
Scenario selector with specific height. | <|scenario_selector|height='200px'|> |
Responsive scenario selector. | <|scenario_selector|responsive|> |
Create basic selector | <|{value}|selector|lov=Option 1;Option 2;Option 3|> |
Set up dropdown selector | <|{value}|selector|lov=Item A;Item B;Item C|dropdown|> |
Design selector with filter | <|{value}|selector|lov=Choice 1;Choice 2;Choice 3|filter|multiple|> |