Markdown code
Pane with custom properties.
<|{show}|pane|properties={key: 'value'}|>
Pane with on_close callback.
Pane with on_change callback.
Small gap pane.
Large gap pane.
Pane with custom style.
<|{show}|pane|style='background-color: blue;'|>
Pane with dynamic content.
Pane with fixed position.
Pane with absolute position.
Pane with z-index.
Pane with border.
<|{show}|pane|border='1px solid black'|>
Pane with padding.
Pane with margin.
Part with ID.
<|part|id=my_part| <|{Some Content}|> |>
Part with custom classes.
<|part|class_name='class1 class2'| <|{Some Content}|> |>
Part with hover text.
<|part|hover_text='Info about part'| <|{Some Content}|> |>
Part with page content.
Part with partial content.
Part with custom properties.
<|part|properties={key: 'value'}| <|{Some Content}|> |>
Part with dynamic content.
<|part|content={dynamic_content}| <|{Some Content}|> |>
Part with fixed position.
<|part|position=fixed| <|{Some Content}|> |>
Part with absolute position.
<|part|position=absolute| <|{Some Content}|> |>
Part with z-index.
<|part|z_index=10| <|{Some Content}|> |>
Part with border.
<|part|border='1px solid black'| <|{Some Content}|> |>
Part with padding.
<|part|padding='20px'| <|{Some Content}|> |>
Part with margin.
<|part|margin='10px'| <|{Some Content}|> |>
Small gap part.
<|part|gap='10px'| <|{Some Content}|> |>
Large gap part.
<|part|gap='2rem'| <|{Some Content}|> |>
Part with custom style.
<|part|style='background-color: blue;'| <|{Some Content}|> |>
Part with grouped controls.
<| <|{Control 1}|> <|{Control 2}|> |>
Part with conditional rendering.
<|part|render={conditional}| <|{Some Content}|> |>
Part with a specific width.
<|part|width='100px'| <|{Some Content}|> |>
Part with a specific height.
<|part|height='100px'| <|{Some Content}|> |>
Responsive part.
<|part|responsive| <|{Some Content}|> |>
Part with alignment.
<|part|align='center'| <|{Some Content}|> |>
Part with vertical orientation.
<|part|orientation='vertical'| <|{Some Content}|> |>
Part with horizontal orientation.
<|part|orientation='horizontal'| <|{Some Content}|> |>
Basic scenario display.
Inactive scenario component.
Non-expandable scenario.
Initially collapsed scenario.
Scenario without submit button.
Scenario without delete button.
Scenario hiding configuration label.
Scenario hiding creation date.
Scenario hiding cycle label.
Scenario without tags.
Scenario without properties.
Scenario without sequences.
Scenario without submit sequences.
Scenario with custom ID.
Scenario with custom class.
Scenario with on_submission_change callback.
Scenario in a part.
<| <|scenario|> |>
Scenario in a layout cell.
<|layout| <|scenario|> |>
Scenario with dynamic scenario binding.
Scenario with expandable viewer.
Scenario with expanded viewer.
Scenario with visible submit button.
Scenario with visible delete button.
Scenario showing configuration label.
Scenario showing creation date.
Scenario showing cycle label.
Scenario showing tags.
Scenario showing properties.
Scenario showing sequences.
Scenario showing submit sequences.
Basic scenario selector.
Scenario selector without add button.
Scenario selector hiding cycles.
Scenario selector without primary flag.
Scenario selector with custom height.
Scenario selector with pins.
Scenario selector with dialog on creation.
Scenario selector with custom ID.
Scenario selector with custom class.
Scenario selector with hover text.
<|scenario_selector|hover_text='Select a scenario'|>
Scenario selector with page content.
Scenario selector with partial content.
Scenario selector with custom properties.
<|scenario_selector|properties={key: 'value'}|>
Scenario selector with on_change callback.
Scenario selector with on_creation callback.
Expandable scenario selector.
<|Title|expandable| <|scenario_selector|> |>
Scenario selector in a part.
<| <|scenario_selector|> |>
Scenario selector with dynamic value binding.
Scenario selector inside a layout.
<|layout| <|scenario_selector|> |>
Scenario selector with fixed position.
Scenario selector with absolute position.
Scenario selector with z-index.
Scenario selector with border.
<|scenario_selector|border='1px solid black'|>
Scenario selector with padding.
Scenario selector with margin.
Scenario selector with custom style.
<|scenario_selector|style='background-color: blue;'|>
Scenario selector with grouped controls.
<| <|scenario_selector|> <|{Other Control}|> |>
Scenario selector with specific width.
Scenario selector with specific height.
Responsive scenario selector.
Create basic selector
<|{value}|selector|lov=Option 1;Option 2;Option 3|>
Set up dropdown selector
<|{value}|selector|lov=Item A;Item B;Item C|dropdown|>
Design selector with filter
<|{value}|selector|lov=Choice 1;Choice 2;Choice 3|filter|multiple|>