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After 24 hours of growth arrest, culture medium was replaced either by medium with 10% fetal @SPECIES$ serum to resume cell growth or, as control, by medium with 0.1% fetal @SPECIES$ serum. | 0 |
Gilthead seabream that were fed a diet with total fishmeal replacement, by a blend of wheat gluten, broad bean, @SPECIES$, pea, and @SPECIES$ meals, showed lower expression in the genes related to pro-inflammatory response, such as IL-1beta, IL-6, and COX-2, as well as in immune-related genes, such as immunoglobulin (Ig) M, in line with the high mortality rates observed. | 0 |
The surface area of the GI tract of @SPECIES$ is about 260-300 m2, which represents major interactions among many parts of the @SPECIES$ body, interior antigens, and exterior environmental agents. | 1 |
Independent analyses of the plumage patterns and wingbeat frequencies observable in @SPECIES$ are presented, and it is concluded that the identification of the bird in the Luneau video as definite @SPECIES$ is probably unsafe. | 0 |
New anti-@SPECIES$ @SPECIES$ substances purified from propolis | 1 |
Despite the lack of @SPECIES$ clinical data on the bioavailability of seaweed peptides, in vivo animal trials and in vitro simulated gastrointestinal digestion studies provide relevant information on the ability of bioactive peptides, sometimes termed cryptides, to retain their efficacy after transit through the @SPECIES$ gut. | 0 |
rps10 was chosen precisely because this genetic information is lacking in @SPECIES$ mitochondria but is active in @SPECIES$ mitochondria (20,23,25). | 1 |
In addition to A2BP1/Fox-1, another @SPECIES$ homolog of @SPECIES$ Fox-1, Fxh, has been independently cloned as a cDNA, which is induced by androgen in motor neurons (25). | 1 |
In spite of the divergence in sequence of introns, the size and position of the introns are very similar between the @SPECIES$ and @SPECIES$ IL-2 genes. | 1 |
Polyphenols Simulated oral digestion of peeled @SPECIES$ tissue Incubation in simulated gastric juice (pH 1.6) + pepsin at 37 C for up to 1 h in a dynamic @SPECIES$ stomach wall model Released from initial material in deceasing order:chlorogenic acid, epicatechin, catechin, procyanidin B2flavan-3-ols, hydoxycinnamic acids, dihydrochalcones flavonols. | 0 |
Fecal metabolite of a gnotobiotic @SPECIES$ transplanted with gut microbiota from a @SPECIES$ with Alzheimer's disease | 1 |
@SPECIES$ Kc cells were routinely cultured at 25°C in Schneider @SPECIES$ medium (GIBCO) supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum, 160 μg/ml penicillin, 250 μg/ml streptomycin, and 4 mM l-glutamine. | 1 |
Effect of virgin @SPECIES$ oil and @SPECIES$ phenolic compounds on blood lipid profile: Implications of human gut microbiota | 0 |
@SPECIES$ again were found to have higher baseline self-efficacy than @SPECIES$. | 0 |
At week 4, @SPECIES$ received injection of inactivated porcine @SPECIES$ vaccine (HswIN1). | 1 |
@SPECIES$ thymus was obtained from 10-16 week old @SPECIES$ and frozen at -20?C until required. | 1 |
As discussed above, differential diagnosis of BD might be confusing in clinical practice since no specific laboratory test is available, and some @SPECIES$ may have symptoms and signs strongly suggestive of BD but do not fully satisfy the International Criteria, as in the Group II (probable BD) @SPECIES$ in our study group. | 0 |
This shows that the few cells that manage to proliferate in the Ngn2 null @SPECIES$ have the same ability to differentiate into neurons as those in @SPECIES$ with one Ngn2 allele. | 0 |
Compared to in vivo studies, ex vivo organ models remove the need for @SPECIES$ @SPECIES$. | 1 |
The significant role of serum leptin in determination of insulin resistance in both elderly @SPECIES$ and postmenopausal @SPECIES$ of equal age was confirmed. | 1 |
The Blue Mountains Eye Study examined 3654 @SPECIES$ (82.4% of those eligible) in cross-section I (1992–4) and 3509 @SPECIES$ (75.1% of survivors and 85.2% of newly eligible) in cross-section II (1997–2000, 66.5% overlap with cross-section I). | 0 |
Air pollution is associated with the development of atherosclerosis via the cooperation of @SPECIES$ and NLRP3 inflammasome in ApoE-/- @SPECIES$. | 1 |
The quantitative evaluation of the percentage of FMs within granulomas induced by both strains confirmed the differences observed under the light microscope, and showed a seven-fold difference (44% vs 6% respectively) between @SPECIES$ and @SPECIES$ in terms of their ability to induce FM formation (Figure 2D). | 0 |
A successful MS @SPECIES$ model was induced by exposure to a peptide (VP2121-130) derived from @SPECIES$ that could induce BBB disruption and CD8+ TC infiltration of the @SPECIES$ CNS. | 1 |
@SPECIES$ cerevisiae was isolated from blood culture, although the @SPECIES$ also received antifungal prophylaxis with fluconazole. | 0 |
Bacillus coagulans GBI-30, 6086 modulates Faecalibacterium prausnitzii in older @SPECIES$ and @SPECIES$. | 0 |
Conversely, @SPECIES$ with high BLyS mRNA levels may be those @SPECIES$ whose disease is strongly driven by BLyS and may be especially helped by BLyS antagonist therapy. | 1 |
TOPACIO/Keynote-162: Niraparib + pembrolizumab in @SPECIES$ (@SPECIES$) with metastatic triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), a phase 2 trial. | 0 |
(2018) reported that treatment with baicalein significantly modified the population density of six bacterial genera in senescence-accelerated @SPECIES$ prone 8 (SAMP8) @SPECIES$ by analyzing their intestinal microflora. | 0 |
Following @SPECIES$ infection in @SPECIES$, vitamin E supplementation decreased lung related-pathology and mortality through the improvement of the T-helper 1-type cytokines response, which produces pro-inflammatory responses against intracellular parasites. | 1 |
Arbitrary assignment of the 95th percentile values for full-length BLyS and ΔBLyS mRNA levels among the normal control individuals as the upper limits of 'normal' revealed that two of the 30 normal control individuals, four of the 60 RA @SPECIES$, and 20 of the 60 SLE @SPECIES$ had elevated full-length BLyS mRNA levels (P < 0.001). | 0 |
A total of 307 adult subjects of both sexes (164 @SPECIES$ and 143 @SPECIES$) were recruited from hospital personnel and parents of @SPECIES$ with no history of growth retardation. | 0 |
@SPECIES$ oil polyphenols decrease LDL concentrations and LDL atherogenicity in @SPECIES$ in a randomized controlled trial | 1 |
The Bile Acid Receptor GPBAR1 Regulates the M1/M2 Phenotype of Intestinal Macrophages and Activation of GPBAR1 Rescues @SPECIES$ from @SPECIES$ Colitis | 1 |
Tryptamine producers commonly found in gut flora are Holdemania, Desulfovibrio, Yersinia, Tyzzerella, Bacillus, @SPECIES$ and @SPECIES$ (Table 4). | 0 |
However, additional clinical studies are necessary to validate the data in @SPECIES$ and to ensure their transferability from in vitro and animal models to in vivo @SPECIES$ situations. | 0 |
This method specifically amplifies sequences between Alu repeats from @SPECIES$ DNA in somatic cell hybrids and @SPECIES$ artificial chromosomes (YACs, 4). | 1 |
NAFLD @SPECIES$ with advanced fibrosis show increased abundance of @SPECIES$ coli and Bacteriodes vulgatus. | 1 |
For immunohistochemical analysis, @SPECIES$ (from two weeks old and adult stage) and juvenile @SPECIES$ were sacrificed by transcardial perfusion with saline for 5–10 minutes, followed by 4% paraformaldehyde (PFA) for 10 minutes. | 0 |
@SPECIES$ mitochondria does not recognize the @SPECIES$ cox2 promoter | 1 |
In these @SPECIES$, increased inflammation was probably related to Eubacterium deficiency, and an overabundance of gram-negative @SPECIES$ and Shigella species, which are known amyloid producers. | 1 |
6- to 8-week-old, C57BL/6 @SPECIES$ deficient in mature B-cells (μMT), CD4 T-cells (CD4-/-) and CD8 T-cells (CD8-/-) and wild-type @SPECIES$ were obtained from The Jackson Laboratory (Bar Harbor, Maine). | 1 |
One hundred and fifty community-dwelling @SPECIES$ and @SPECIES$ aged 18 years and over with hallux limitus (who satisfy inclusion and exclusion criteria) will be recruited. | 0 |
However, in this study, fish had different sizes (105, 5, and 115 g for @SPECIES$, seabass, and @SPECIES$, respectively), the feeding trials had different durations (163, 70, and 90 days, respectively), and these differences might harden the comparisons. | 0 |
Several years ago, it was documented that the gut microbiome plays an important role to affect the response of anti-PD-1 immunotherapy in @SPECIES$ models and @SPECIES$ cohorts. | 0 |
@SPECIES$ Alu sequence primers were generated which were shown to be @SPECIES$ specific; 3144 from the 3' end of Alu: 5'-GAGCGAGACTCCGTCTCAAA-3' and 2729 from the 5' end of Alu: 5'-GTGGATCACCTGAGGTCAGGAGTTC-3'. | 1 |
It has been reported that the treatment of @SPECIES$ macrophages and @SPECIES$ peripheral blood mononuclear cells with lipopolysaccharide for 24 h promoted the senescence through the NF-kappaB-induced activation of bromodomain-containing protein 4 (BRD4)-dependent epigenetic way. | 0 |
It was previously reported an enrichment in genes belonging to the transcription class in the genome of @SPECIES$ respect to the @SPECIES$ genome [13]. | 1 |
Introgression might be occurring between @SPECIES$ and @SPECIES$ in period, a gene controlling behavioral rhythms in Drosophila. | 1 |
The valproic acid @SPECIES$ model of autism presents with gut bacterial dysbiosis similar to that in @SPECIES$ autism | 0 |
@SPECIES$ samples : @SPECIES$ blood samples, purchased from the French National Blood provider of Toulouse, | 0 |
Even though it is hard to distinguish introgression from the persistence of ancestral polymorphisms, a test of gene flow based on the signature introgression leaves on the patterns of linkage disequilibrium [38] as well as simulations that fit the "Isolation with Migration" model to the data suggest that @SPECIES$ and @SPECIES$ might be exchanging alleles at the per locus. | 1 |
We describe a 64-year-old @SPECIES$ with @SPECIES$ endocarditis in whom a six-week course of ampicillin and tobramycin, followed by additional courses of penicillin and other aminoglycosides, failed to eradicate the organism from the @SPECIES$'s mitral valve. | 1 |
In @SPECIES$ of UC, consumption of a mixture of @SPECIES$ and Bifidobacteria reported a significant increase in the population of genera of Proteobacteria and reduction in Gram-negative rods. | 1 |
(2018), it was observed that the prevalence of beneficial Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, Eubacterium rectale, and @SPECIES$ was increased and the abundance of Desulfovibrio spp. and @SPECIES$ spp. was decreased by the supplement of black raspberry anthocyanins. | 0 |
FFAR3 for example, was found in the CNS and sympathetic ganglia of @SPECIES$, and in the peripheral nervous system of @SPECIES$. | 0 |
In an earlier study, single-molecule RNA sequencing was used along with Helicos technology to investigate the influence of quercetin supplementation on the commensal colonic bacteria, including @SPECIES$ caccae, Ruminococcus gauvreauii, and @SPECIES$ catenulatum, by analyzing the gene expression profiles and examining the cell morphology and growth patterns between groups treated with and without quercetin. | 0 |
In a study with @SPECIES$, vitamin E administration (60 mg/kg per day for up to 7 d) was superior in reducing the elevated oxidative stress resulting from @SPECIES$ infection compared to vitamin C (80 mg/kg), but the combination of both was most successful in reducing lipid peroxidation. | 0 |
Signs of @SPECIES$-induced enteritis were also recently reported in orange-spotted and hybrid groupers (Epinephelus coioides and E. fuscoguttatus x E. lanceolatus), yellowtail (Seriola dorsalis), Japanese seabass (Lateolabrax japonicus), and @SPECIES$ (Totoaba macdonaldi). | 1 |
As neural crest cells coalesce to form sympathetic ganglia, TrkB-positive cells are seen in both @SPECIES$ and @SPECIES$ embryos. | 0 |
We compared the gene inventories of the phytopathogens @SPECIES$, @SPECIES$, @SPECIES$, @SPECIES$, @SPECIES$ with the non-pathogens @SPECIES$, @SPECIES$, @SPECIES$ and @SPECIES$. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that the phytopathogenic species do not form a separate clade from the pathogenic species (Figure 1), | 0 |
@SPECIES$ Juice and Extracts Provide Similar Levels of Plasma and Urinary Ellagitannin Metabolites in @SPECIES$ Subjects | 1 |
Host–virus coevolution has generally favored a decrease of viral virulence in the field, a classical example being @SPECIES$ and myxomatosis in @SPECIES$. | 0 |
Unexpectedly, @SPECIES$ mitochondria appear to be unable to edit the cognate C259 site when the −16/+6 region is located on a @SPECIES$ rps10 precursor. | 1 |
Efficacy of co-administration of modified @SPECIES$ polysaccharide and probiotics in @SPECIES$ gum-Eudragit S100 based mesalamine mini tablets: A novel approach in treating ulcerative colitis | 0 |
In the context of farm animals such as @SPECIES$, analyses of polyphenolic compounds in ancient animal bones could improve understanding of shifts in their health related to environmental changes and @SPECIES$ practices associated with foddering and animal care. | 0 |
Of particular interests is the presence of highly conserved sequences in the 5' -flanking region of the @SPECIES$ and @SPECIES$ IL-2 gene (Fig. 4). | 0 |
All of these theories are concerned with how @SPECIES$ make behavioral choices and the general idea is that @SPECIES$ decide what to do based on the extent to which they expect that their choices will produce results that they value. | 1 |
Activation of AhR in a humanized @SPECIES$ model of IBD, whereby @SPECIES$ CD4+ T cells induce colitis upon exposure to TNBS, reduced the inflammatory response by inducing Treg cells and favoring oral immune tolerance. | 0 |
In contrast to @SPECIES$ studies, in which investigators can readily harvest and analyze lymphoid and myeloid lineage cells from any site (for example, spleen, bone marrow), such is not the case for @SPECIES$ studies. | 0 |
We demonstrated that SSc @SPECIES$ with diffuse subset are characterized by increased plasma D-dimer values, reflecting a potential activation of both the hemostatic and fibrinolytic cascades, which might finally predispose these @SPECIES$ to thrombotic complications. | 1 |
This situation might by explained by the fact that @SPECIES$ and @SPECIES$ promoter sequences have no recognizable homologous motifs. | 0 |
The beneficial effect of a Mediterranean diet supplemented with extra virgin @SPECIES$ oil in the primary prevention of breast cancer among @SPECIES$ at high cardiovascular risk in the PREDIMED Trial | 1 |
In non-hyperlipemic postmenopausal @SPECIES$ the high concentration of serum leptin was not associated with higher insulin resistance: HOMA IR did not differ substantially from @SPECIES$. | 1 |
The effect of 50% inclusion of yellow mealworm in gilthead @SPECIES$, European seabass, and rainbow @SPECIES$ was compared, and differential effects were reported. | 0 |
Tryptamine induces tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase-mediated neurodegeneration with neurofibrillary tangles in @SPECIES$ cell and @SPECIES$ models | 0 |
(2017) investigated the influence of (-)-epigallocatechin 3-O-(3-O-methyl) gallate (EGCG3''Me) in a @SPECIES$ flora-associated @SPECIES$ model with obesity induced by a high-fat diet. | 1 |
Intranasal administration of LcS enhances cellular immunity in the @SPECIES$ tract and protects against @SPECIES$ virus infection. | 0 |
At the same time, the levels of @SPECIES$ and @SPECIES$ were significantly increased in equol producers (n = 12). | 0 |
There seems to be little sequence homology between corresponding introns of @SPECIES$ and @SPECIES$ IL-2 genes, except for the intron-exon junctions part of which is thought to be necessary for the RNA splicing (17, 18). | 1 |
Impressively, beta-galactosidase secreted from Streptococcus thermophilus can boost the abundance of two well-known probiotics, such as @SPECIES$ and @SPECIES$, suggesting a collaborative effect between probiotics. | 0 |
The commercial probiotic preparations of VSL#3 are one of the common probiotics analyzed in @SPECIES$ trials and it is composed of four different strains of @SPECIES$ spp. | 1 |
In postmenopausal @SPECIES$ as well as in @SPECIES$ of approximately equal age serum leptin plays a significant role as an important determinant of insulin resistance. | 1 |
Interestingly, the increased risk for short @SPECIES$ was only found in @SPECIES$ who traveled by air. | 1 |
However, the increases in SCFAs-producing bacteria such as @SPECIES$ and Blautia coccoides and the decreases in the ratio of @SPECIES$/Prevotella were detected in another study. | 0 |
The second @SPECIES$ was a 16-year-old @SPECIES$ who had been cyanotic since birth. | 1 |
In general, while the intake of 25 g and 38 g of fiber for @SPECIES$ and @SPECIES$, respectively, is recommended, true intake is generally lower (around 15-20 g/d), at least in Westernized countries. | 0 |
To determine if @SPECIES$ contains polyunsaturated lipids, @SPECIES$ strain B31A3 was grown under anaerobic conditions and analysed for fatty acid composition by Lipid Technologies (Austin, MN). | 1 |
For example, if respiratory infections modified the effect of particulate matter on the cardiovascular health of @SPECIES$ with underlying heart disease, then the risk of a hospital admission for heart disease might be different in @SPECIES$ with infections. | 0 |
Taking @SPECIES$ as an example, gut microbiota (GM), also called gut flora, is the name given to the microbial loads inhabiting our gastrointestinal (GI) tract, and around 100 trillion micro-organisms comprising, primarily bacteria, inhabit the @SPECIES$ colon. | 1 |
The porcine ex vivo intestinal segment model is most commonly used due to the physiological resemblance of @SPECIES$ and @SPECIES$ intestines. | 0 |
At an epidemiological level, a greater replicative fitness of historical versus current @SPECIES$ isolates was taken as evidence of @SPECIES$ attenuation over time, assuming a direct connection between fitness and virulence. | 1 |
The Erythrocruorin protein domain d1eca__ (136 aa) from @SPECIES$ and the Phycocyanin alpha subunit protein domain d1cpca_ (162 aa) from @SPECIES$ (Cyanobacterium) belong to the Globin-like superfamily. | 1 |
Some authors consider that: "@SPECIES$ are superorganisms whose metabolism is a fusion of microbial and @SPECIES$ attributes". | 1 |
@SPECIES$ meal induces intestinal inflammation in @SPECIES$ larvae | 1 |
In @SPECIES$, alterations of SCFAs, their receptors, and @SPECIES$ spp levels producing SCFAs have been demonstrated after stressor restraint during infection with Citrobacter Rodentium underlying gut inflammation. | 1 |
Most of the clinics surveyed have focused more on the individual public members' administrative works such as filing @SPECIES$ medical records, collecting and managing network @SPECIES$ clinical data, and scheduling clinical services, which were required by the BNHI. | 0 |
However, the study also revealed significant gender differences : in @SPECIES$ a strong influence of triglycerides, TNFα and decreased HDL-cholesterol, in @SPECIES$ only a mild role of BMI and decreased HDL-cholesterol. | 0 |
These 21 isolates cover all three clusters, although the majority of them are @SPECIES$ strains or clinical strains closely related to @SPECIES$ due to the focus of genome sequencing projects, making the part of the supertree containing these isolates likely to be more accurate than the rest of the tree. | 1 |
Nevertheless, since the 1960s, there have been reports of autoantibodies against certain unknown components of @SPECIES$ oral mucosa in sera of @SPECIES$ with BD. | 1 |
Subsets and Splits