organized O
in O
a O
tree B-Data_Structure
structure I-Data_Structure
, O
called O
the B-General_Concept
DOM I-General_Concept
tree O
, O
with O
the O
topmost O
node B-Data_Structure
named O
as O
" O
Document O
object O
" O
. O
4-node O
, O
with O
three O
data O
elements O
, O
may O
be O
temporarily O
created O
during O
manipulation O
of O
the O
tree O
but O
is O
never O
persistently O
stored O
in O
the O
tree O
. O
We O
say O
that O
is O
a O
2 B-Data_Structure
– I-Data_Structure
3 I-Data_Structure
tree I-Data_Structure
if O
and O
only O
if O
one O
of O
the O
following O
statements O
hold O
: O
One O
adds O
a O
new O
point O
to O
a O
k-d B-Data_Structure
tree I-Data_Structure
in O
the O
same O
way O
as O
one O
adds O
an O
element O
to O
any O
other O
search B-Language
tree I-Language
. O
To O
see O