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\begin{document} |
\title{Look, Listen and Learn} |
\author{Relja Arandjelovi\'c$^\dagger$\\ |
{\tt\small [email protected]} |
\and |
Andrew Zisserman$^{\dagger,*}$\\ |
{\tt\small [email protected]} |
\and |
$^\dagger$DeepMind |
\quad\quad\quad |
$^*$VGG, Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford\\ |
} |
\maketitle |
\newcommand{\figTask}{ |
\begin{figure}[t] |
\begin{center} |
\includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{figures/task.eps} |
\end{center} |
\caption{{\bf Audio-visual correspondence task (AVC)}. |
A network should learn to determine whether a pair of |
(video frame, short audio clip) correspond to each other or not. |
Positives are (frame, audio) extracted from the same time of one video, |
while negatives are a frame and audio extracted from different videos. |
} |
\label{fig:task} |
\end{figure} |
} |
\newcommand{\figNet}{ |
\begin{figure}[t] |
\vspace{-0.3cm} |
\begin{center} |
\includegraphics[height=0.5\textheight]{figures/network_vert.eps} |
\end{center} |
\vspace{-0.2cm} |
\caption{{\bf $L^3$-Net architecture}. |
Each blocks represents a single layer with text providing more information -- |
first row: layer name and parameters, second row: output feature map size. |
Layers with a name prefix |
\texttt{conv}, \texttt{pool}, \texttt{fc}, \texttt{concat}, \texttt{softmax} |
are convolutional, max-pooling, fully connected, concatenation and softmax |
layers, respectively. |
The listed parameters are: |
conv -- kernel size and number of channels, |
pooling -- kernel size, |
fc -- size of the weight matrix. |
The stride of pool layers is equal to the kernel size and there is no padding. |
Each convolutional layer is followed by batch normalization \cite{Ioffe15} |
and a ReLU nonlinearity, and the first fully connected layer (\texttt{fc1}) |
is followed by ReLU. |
} |
\label{fig:net} |
\vspace{-0.3cm} |
\end{figure} |
} |
\newcommand{\tabAvc}{ |
\begin{table}[t] |
\begin{center} |
\small |
\begin{tabular}{lcc} |
Method & Flickr-SoundNet & Kinetics-Sounds \\ |
\hline\hline |
Supervised direct & -- & 65\% \\ Supervised pretraining & -- & 74\% \\ |
$L^3$-Net & 78\% & 74\% |
\end{tabular} |
\end{center} |
\vspace{-0.2cm} |
\caption{{\bf Audio-visual correspondence (AVC) results.} |
Test set accuracy on the AVC task for the $L^3$-Net, |
and the two supervised baselines on the labelled |
Kinetics-Sounds dataset. |
The number of positives and negatives is the same, so chance gets 50\%. |
All methods are trained on the training set of the respective datasets. |
} |
\label{tab:avc} |
\end{table} |
} |
\newcommand{\tabSound}{ |
\begin{table}[t] |
\begin{center} |
\small |
\hspace*{-0.3cm} |
\begin{tabular}{c@{~~~}c} |
(a) ESC-50 & (b) DCASE \\ |
\begin{adjustbox}{valign=t} |
\begin{tabular}{lc} |
Method & Accuracy \\ |
\hline\hline |
SVM-MFCC \cite{Piczak15} & 39.6\% \\ |
Autoencoder \cite{Aytar16} & 39.9\% \\ |
Random Forest \cite{Piczak15} & 44.3\% \\ |
Piczak ConvNet \cite{Piczak15a} & 64.5\% \\ |
SoundNet \cite{Aytar16} & 74.2\% \\ |
\hline |
Ours random & 62.5\% \\ |
Ours & {\bf 79.3\%} \\ |
\hline |
\emph{Human perf.\ \cite{Piczak15}} & \emph{81.3\%} |
\end{tabular} |
\end{adjustbox} |
& |
\begin{adjustbox}{valign=t} |
\begin{tabular}{lc} |
Method & Accuracy \\ |
\hline\hline |
RG \cite{Rakotomamonjy15} & 69\% \\ |
LTT \cite{Li13a} & 72\% \\ |
RNH \cite{Roma13} & 77\% \\ |
Ensemble \cite{Stowell15} & 78\% \\ |
SoundNet \cite{Aytar16} & 88\% \\ |
\hline |
Ours random & 85\% \\ |
Ours & {\bf 93\%} |
\end{tabular} |
\end{adjustbox} |
\end{tabular} |
\end{center} |
\vspace{-0.2cm} |
\caption{{\bf Sound classification.} |
``Ours random'' is an additional baseline which shows the performance |
of our network without $L^3$-training. |
Our $L^3$-training sets the new state-of-the-art by a large margin |
on both benchmarks. |
} |
\label{tab:sound} |
\end{table} |
} |
\newcommand{\tabImageNet}{ |
\begin{table}[t] |
\begin{center} |
\small |
\begin{tabular}{lc}Method & Top 1 accuracy \\ \hline\hline |
Random & 18.3\% \\ Pathak \etal \cite{Pathak16} & 22.3\% \\ Kr\"ahenb\"uhl \etal \cite{Krahenbuhl15} & 24.5\% \\ Donahue \etal \cite{Donahue17} & 31.0\% \\ Doersch \etal \cite{Doersch15} & 31.7\% \\ Zhang \etal \cite{Zhang16} (init: \cite{Krahenbuhl15}) & 32.6\% \\ Noroozi and Favaro \cite{Noroozi16} & 34.7\% \\ |
\hline |
Ours random & 12.9\% \\ Ours & 32.3\% \\ \end{tabular} |
\end{center} |
\vspace{-0.2cm} |
\caption{{\bf Visual classification on ImageNet.} |
Following \cite{Zhang16}, our features are evaluated by training a linear |
classifier on the ImageNet training set and measuring the classification |
accuracy on the validation set. |
For more details and discussions see Section \ref{sec:imagenet}. |
All performance numbers apart from ours are provided by authors of \cite{Zhang16}, |
showing only the best performance for each method over all parameter choices |
(\eg Donahue \etal \cite{Donahue17} achieve 27.1\% instead of 31.0\% when taking |
features from \texttt{pool5} instead of \texttt{conv3}). |
} |
\label{tab:imagenet} |
\vspace{-0.3cm} |
\end{table} |
} |
\newcommand{\figUnitsV}{ |
\def\unitsW{0.1\linewidth} |
\def\fntsz{\scriptsize} |
\begin{figure*}[p] |
\begin{center} |
\setlength{\tabcolsep}{2pt} |
\begin{tabular}{ccccccccc} |
\fntsz Fingerpicking & |
\fntsz Lawn mowing & |
\fntsz P.\ accordion & |
\fntsz P.\ bass guitar & |
\fntsz P.\ saxophone & |
\fntsz Typing & |
\fntsz Bowling & |
\fntsz P.\ clarinet & |
\fntsz P.\ organ |
\\ |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/feat_23331/vision_fingerpicking.jpg} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/feat_23331/vision_mowing_the_lawn_by_pushing_lawnmower.jpg} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/feat_23331/vision_playing_accordion.jpg} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/feat_23331/vision_playing_bass_guitar.jpg} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/feat_23331/vision_playing_saxophone.jpg} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/feat_23331/vision_typing.jpg} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/feat_23331/vision_bowling.jpg} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/feat_23331/vision_playing_clarinet.jpg} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/feat_23331/vision_playing_organ.jpg} |
\end{tabular} |
\end{center} |
\vspace{-0.4cm} |
\caption{{\bf Learnt visual concepts (Kinetics-Sounds).} |
Each column shows five images that most activate |
a particular unit of the 512 in \texttt{pool4} for the vision subnetwork. |
Note that these features do not take sound as input. |
Videos come from the Kinetics-Sounds test set and the network was trained |
on the Kinetics-Sounds train set. |
The top row shows the dominant action label for the unit (``P.'' stands for ``playing''). |
} |
\label{fig:unitsV} |
\end{figure*} |
} |
\newcommand{\figUnitsVmap}{ |
\def\unitsW{0.1\linewidth} |
\def\fntsz{\scriptsize} |
\begin{figure*}[p] |
\begin{center} |
\setlength{\tabcolsep}{2pt} |
\begin{tabular}{ccccccccc} |
\fntsz Fingerpicking & |
\fntsz Lawn mowing & |
\fntsz P.\ accordion & |
\fntsz P.\ bass guitar & |
\fntsz P.\ saxophone & |
\fntsz Typing & |
\fntsz Bowling & |
\fntsz P.\ clarinet & |
\fntsz P.\ organ |
\\ |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/feat_23331/map_vision_fingerpicking.png} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/feat_23331/map_vision_mowing_the_lawn_by_pushing_lawnmower.png} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/feat_23331/map_vision_playing_accordion.png} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/feat_23331/map_vision_playing_bass_guitar.png} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/feat_23331/map_vision_playing_saxophone.png} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/feat_23331/map_vision_typing.png} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/feat_23331/map_vision_bowling.png} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/feat_23331/map_vision_playing_clarinet.png} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/feat_23331/map_vision_playing_organ.png} |
\end{tabular} |
\end{center} |
\vspace{-0.4cm} |
\caption{{\bf Visual semantic heatmap (Kinetics-Sounds).} |
Examples correspond to the ones in Figure \ref{fig:unitsV}. |
A semantic heatmap is obtained as a slice of activations from |
\texttt{conv4\_2} of the vision subnetwork that corresponds to the same unit from |
\texttt{pool4} as in Figure \ref{fig:unitsV}, |
\ie the unit that responds highly to the class in question. |
} |
\label{fig:unitsVmap} |
\end{figure*} |
} |
\newcommand{\figUnitsA}{ |
\def\unitsW{0.1\linewidth} |
\def\fntsz{\scriptsize} |
\begin{figure*}[t] |
\vspace{-0.3cm} |
\begin{center} |
\setlength{\tabcolsep}{2pt} |
\begin{tabular}{ccccccccc} |
\fntsz Fingerpicking & |
\fntsz Lawn mowing & |
\fntsz P.\ accordion & |
\fntsz P.\ bass guitar & |
\fntsz P.\ saxophone & |
\fntsz Typing & |
\fntsz P.\ xylophone & |
\fntsz Tap dancing & |
\fntsz Tickling |
\\ |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/feat_23331/audio_fingerpicking.jpg} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/feat_23331/audio_mowing_the_lawn_by_pushing_lawnmower.jpg} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/feat_23331/audio_playing_accordion.jpg} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/feat_23331/audio_playing_bass_guitar.jpg} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/feat_23331/audio_playing_saxophone.jpg} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/feat_23331/audio_typing.jpg} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/feat_23331/audio_playing_xylophone.jpg} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/feat_23331/audio_tap_dancing.jpg} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/feat_23331/audio_tickling.jpg} |
\end{tabular} |
\end{center} |
\vspace{-0.4cm} |
\caption{{\bf Learnt audio concepts (Kinetics-Sounds).} |
Each column shows five sounds that most activate |
a particular unit in \texttt{pool4} of the audio subnetwork. |
Purely for visualization purposes, as it is hard to display sound, |
the frame of the video that is aligned with the sound is shown instead |
of the actual sound form, |
but we stress that no vision is used in this experiment. |
Videos come from the Kinetics-Sounds test set and the network was trained |
on the Kinetics-Sounds train set. |
The top row shows the dominant action label for the unit (``P.'' stands for ``playing''). |
} |
\label{fig:unitsA} |
\vspace{-0.3cm} |
\end{figure*} |
} |
\newcommand{\figUnitsAmap}{ |
\def\unitsW{0.11\linewidth} |
\def\fntsz{\scriptsize} |
\begin{figure}[t] |
\begin{center} |
\setlength{\tabcolsep}{2pt} |
\begin{tabular}{c@{~}c@{~~~}c@{~}c@{~~~}c@{~}c@{~~~}c@{~}c@{~~~}c@{~}c} |
\multicolumn{2}{c}{\fntsz Fingerpicking ~~~} & |
\multicolumn{2}{c}{\fntsz Lawn mowing ~~~} & |
\multicolumn{2}{c}{\fntsz P.\ bass guitar ~~~} & |
\multicolumn{2}{c}{\fntsz Tap dancing ~~~} |
\\ |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/feat_23331/spectrogram_fingerpicking.png} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/feat_23331/map_audio_fingerpicking.png} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/feat_23331/spectrogram_mowing_the_lawn_by_pushing_lawnmower.png} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/feat_23331/map_audio_mowing_the_lawn_by_pushing_lawnmower.png} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/feat_23331/spectrogram_playing_bass_guitar.png} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/feat_23331/map_audio_playing_bass_guitar.png} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/feat_23331/spectrogram_tap_dancing.png} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/feat_23331/map_audio_tap_dancing.png} |
\end{tabular} |
\end{center} |
\caption{{\bf Audio semantic heatmaps (Kinetics-Sounds).} |
Each pair of columns shows a single action class |
(top, ``P.'' stands for ``playing''), |
five log-spectrograms (left) and spectrogram semantic heatmaps (right) |
for the class. |
Horizontal and vertical axes correspond to the time and frequency dimensions, |
respectively. |
A semantic heatmap is obtained as a slice of activations of the unit from |
\texttt{conv4\_2} of the audio subnetwork which shows preference for |
the considered class. |
} |
\label{fig:unitsAmap} |
\end{figure} |
} |
\newcommand{\figUnitsVSoundNetA}{ |
\def\unitsW{0.144\linewidth} |
\def\fntsz{\scriptsize} |
\begin{figure*}[p] |
\begin{center} |
\setlength{\tabcolsep}{2pt} |
\begin{tabular}{cccccc} |
\multicolumn{2}{c}{Outdoor} & |
\multicolumn{2}{c}{Concert} & |
\multicolumn{2}{c}{Outdoor sport} |
\\ |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/soundnet500k_233004/vision_022.jpg} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/soundnet500k_233004/vision_057.jpg} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/soundnet500k_233004/vision_072.jpg} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/soundnet500k_233004/vision_318.jpg} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/soundnet500k_233004/vision_044.jpg} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/soundnet500k_233004/vision_133.jpg} |
\\ \hline \\ |
Cloudy sky & |
\multicolumn{2}{c}{Sky} & |
\multicolumn{2}{c}{Water surface} & |
Underwater |
\\ |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/soundnet500k_233004/vision_188.jpg} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/soundnet500k_233004/vision_417.jpg} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/soundnet500k_233004/vision_421.jpg} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/soundnet500k_233004/vision_440.jpg} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/soundnet500k_233004/vision_471.jpg} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/soundnet500k_233004/vision_029.jpg} |
\\ \hline \\ |
Horizon & |
Railway & |
\multicolumn{2}{c}{Crowd} & |
\multicolumn{2}{c}{Text} |
\\ |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/soundnet500k_233004/vision_453.jpg} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/soundnet500k_233004/vision_181.jpg} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/soundnet500k_233004/vision_009.jpg} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/soundnet500k_233004/vision_100.jpg} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/soundnet500k_233004/vision_010.jpg} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/soundnet500k_233004/vision_129.jpg} |
\end{tabular} |
\end{center} |
\vspace{-0.4cm} |
\caption{{\bf Learnt visual concepts and semantic heatmaps (Flickr-SoundNet).} |
Each mini-column shows five images that most activate a particular unit of the 512 in |
\texttt{pool4} of the vision subnetwork, and the corresponding heatmap |
(for more details see Figures \ref{fig:unitsV} and \ref{fig:unitsVmap}). |
Column titles are a subjective names of concepts the units respond to. |
} |
\label{fig:unitsVSoundNetA} |
\end{figure*} |
} |
\newcommand{\figUnitsVSoundNetB}{ |
\def\unitsW{0.19\linewidth} |
\def\fntsz{\scriptsize} |
\begin{figure*}[b] |
\begin{center} |
\setlength{\tabcolsep}{2pt} |
\begin{tabular}{ccccc} |
Baby & |
Face & |
\multicolumn{2}{c}{Head} & |
Crowd |
\\ |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/soundnet500k_233004/vision_030.jpg} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/soundnet500k_233004/vision_003.jpg} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/soundnet500k_233004/vision_315.jpg} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/soundnet500k_233004/vision_173.jpg} & |
\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/soundnet500k_233004/vision_009.jpg} |
\\ |
\end{tabular} |
\end{center} |
\caption{{\bf Learnt human-related visual concepts and semantic heatmaps (Flickr-SoundNet).} |
Each mini-column shows five images that most activate a particular unit of the 512 in |
\texttt{pool4} of the vision subnetwork, and the corresponding heatmap |
(for more details see Figures \ref{fig:unitsV} and \ref{fig:unitsVmap}). |
Column titles are a subjective names of concepts the units respond to. |
} |
\label{fig:unitsVSoundNetB} |
\end{figure*} |
} |
\newcommand{\figUnitsASoundNetA}{ |
\def\unitsW{0.1\linewidth} |
\def\fntsz{\scriptsize} |
\begin{figure*}[p] |
\begin{center} |
\setlength{\tabcolsep}{2pt} |
\begin{tabular}{cccccccc} |
\multicolumn{2}{c}{Baby voice} & |
\multicolumn{2}{c}{Human voice} & |
Male voice & |
People & |
\multicolumn{2}{c}{Crowd} |
\\ |
\href{http://youtu.be/MrADE51ahHQ}{\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/soundnet500k_233004/audio_174.jpg}} & |
\href{http://youtu.be/L-SbBq2xJVo}{\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/soundnet500k_233004/audio_191.jpg}} & |
\href{http://youtu.be/i8khQ-MY9Qg}{\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/soundnet500k_233004/audio_187.jpg}} & |
\href{http://youtu.be/ET3i_yZm4Ww}{\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/soundnet500k_233004/audio_354.jpg}} & |
\href{http://youtu.be/vs5-5u2C-KI}{\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/soundnet500k_233004/audio_476.jpg}} & |
\href{http://youtu.be/GBL0475ctoQ}{\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/soundnet500k_233004/audio_474.jpg}} & |
\href{http://youtu.be/Ax6Xcqn1Gxc}{\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/soundnet500k_233004/audio_004.jpg}} & |
\href{http://youtu.be/Tt41s6xezkM}{\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/soundnet500k_233004/audio_053.jpg}} |
\\ \hline \\ |
Music & |
Concert & |
Sport & |
Clapping & |
Water & |
Underwater & |
Windy & |
Outdoor |
\\ |
\href{http://youtu.be/A5aEXSUbGjg}{\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/soundnet500k_233004/audio_005.jpg}} & |
\href{http://youtu.be/cqQY7TrqQdw}{\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/soundnet500k_233004/audio_479.jpg}} & |
\href{http://youtu.be/8BPQd_DytyI}{\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/soundnet500k_233004/audio_472.jpg}} & |
\href{http://youtu.be/GlbhKNqNCGw}{\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/soundnet500k_233004/audio_286.jpg}} & |
\href{http://youtu.be/GWW5scO468o}{\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/soundnet500k_233004/audio_181.jpg}} & |
\href{http://youtu.be/_AR2dCWd3aY}{\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/soundnet500k_233004/audio_041.jpg}} & |
\href{http://youtu.be/gyIdY6ncxpc}{\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/soundnet500k_233004/audio_080.jpg}} & |
\href{http://youtu.be/7DxHhEewhwA}{\includegraphics[width=\unitsW]{figures/qual/soundnet500k_233004/audio_269.jpg}} |
\end{tabular} |
\end{center} |
\caption{{\bf Learnt audio concepts (Flickr-SoundNet).} |
Each mini-column shows sounds that most activate a particular unit of the 512 in |
\texttt{pool4} of the audio subnetwork. |
Purely for visualization purposes, as it is hard to display sound, |
the frame of the video that is aligned with the sound is shown instead |
of the actual sound form, |
but we stress that no vision is used in this experiment. |
Column titles are a subjective names of concepts the units respond to. |
Note that for the ``Human voice'', ``Male voice'', ``Crowd'', ``Music'' |
and ``Concert'' examples, the respective clips do contain the relevant audio |
despite the frame looking as if it is unrelated, \eg the third example in the |
``Concert'' column does contain loud music sounds. |
Audio clips containing the five concatenated 1s samples corresponding to each |
mini-column are hosted on YouTube and can be reached by clicking on the |
respective mini-columns; |
\href{https://goo.gl/ohDGtJ}{this YouTube playlist (https://goo.gl/ohDGtJ)} |
contains all 16 examples. |
} |
\label{fig:unitsASoundNetA} |
\end{figure*} |
} |
\newcommand{\figTsne}{ |
\begin{figure*}[p] |
\begin{center} |
\setlength{\tabcolsep}{2pt} |
\hspace*{-0.5cm} |
\begin{tabular}{c@{\hskip 1cm}cc} |
(a) Audio Learnt & |
\multirow{4}{*}{ |
\rule{0pt}{12cm} |
\includegraphics[trim={1cm 2cm 15cm 2.5cm},clip,height=0.4\linewidth]{figures/tsne/audio_15_random.eps} |
} & |
(b) Audio Random \\ [1em] |
\includegraphics[height=0.4\linewidth]{figures/tsne/audio_15_L3.eps} & & |
\hspace{-0.3cm}\includegraphics[trim={6.5cm 2.7cm 5cm 2.7cm},clip,height=0.35\linewidth]{figures/tsne/audio_15_random.eps} \\ [5em] |
(c) Visual Learnt && |
(d) Visual Random \\ [1em] |
\includegraphics[height=0.4\linewidth]{figures/tsne/visual_15_L3.eps} & & |
\hspace{-2.5cm}\includegraphics[trim={3cm 2cm 3cm 2cm},clip,height=0.33\linewidth]{figures/tsne/visual_15_random.eps} |
\end{tabular} |
\end{center} |
\caption{{\bf t-SNE visualization \cite{Van-der-Maaten08} of learnt representations (Kinetics-Sounds).} |
The (a,c) and (b,d) show the two-dimensional t-SNE embeddings for the trained |
versus non-trained (\ie network with random weights) $L^3$-Net, respectively. |
For visualization purposes only, we colour the t-SNE embeddings using the |
Kinetics-Sounds labels, but no labels were used for training the $L^3$-Net. |
For clarity and reduced clutter, only a subset of actions (13 classes out of 34) |
is shown. Some clearly noticeable clusters are manually highlighted by |
enclosing them with ellipses. |
Best viewed in colour. |
} |
\label{fig:tsne} |
\end{figure*} |
} |
\newcommand{\tabNMI}{ |
\begin{table}[b!] |
\begin{center} |
\begin{tabular}{lcc} |
Method & Vision & Audio \\ |
\hline\hline |
Random assignments & 0.165 & 0.165 \\ |
Ours random ($L^3$-Net without training) & 0.204 & 0.219 \\ |
Ours ($L^3$-Net self-supervised training) & 0.409 & 0.330 |
\end{tabular} |
\end{center} |
\caption{{\bf Clustering quality.} |
Normalized Mutual Information (NMI) score between the unsupervised clusterings of |
feature embeddings and the Kinetics-Sounds labels. |
} |
\label{tab:nmi} |
\end{table} |
} |
\begin{abstract} |
We consider the question: what can be learnt by looking at and listening to |
a large number of unlabelled videos? There is a |
valuable, but so far untapped, source of information |
contained in the video itself -- the correspondence between the visual |
and the audio streams, and we introduce a |
novel ``Audio-Visual Correspondence'' learning task that |
makes use of this. Training visual and audio networks from scratch, |
without any additional supervision other than the raw unconstrained |
videos themselves, is shown to successfully solve this task, and, |
more interestingly, result in good visual and audio representations. |
These features set the new state-of-the-art on two sound classification |
benchmarks, and perform on par with the state-of-the-art self-supervised |
approaches on ImageNet classification. |
We also demonstrate that the network is able to localize objects |
in both modalities, as well as perform fine-grained recognition tasks. |
\end{abstract} |
\vspace{-0.4cm} |
\section{Introduction} |
Visual and audio events tend to occur together; not always but |
often: the movement of fingers and sound of the instrument when a |
piano, guitar or drum is played; lips moving and speech when talking; |
cars moving and engine noise when observing a street. |
The visual and audio events are concurrent in these cases |
because there is a common cause. |
In this paper we investigate whether we can use this simple |
observation to learn about the world both visually and aurally by |
simply watching and listening to videos. |
We ask the question: what can be learnt by training visual and audio |
networks {\em simultaneously} to predict whether visual information |
(a video frame) corresponds or not to audio information (a sound snippet)? |
This is a looser requirement than that the visual and audio |
events occur in sync. It only requires that there is something in |
the image that correlates with something in the audio clip -- a car present |
in the video frame, for instance, correlating with engine noise; or an exterior shot with the sound of wind. |
Our motivation for this work is three fold: first, as in many recent |
self-supervision tasks~\cite{Dosovitskiy14,Doersch15,Agrawal15,Wang15,Zhang16,Misra16,Pathak16,Noroozi16}, it |
is interesting to learn from a virtually infinite source of free |
supervision (video with visual and audio modes in this case) rather |
than requiring strong supervision; second, this is a possible source |
of supervision that an infant could use as their visual and audio |
capabilities develop; third, we want to know what can be learnt, and |
how well the networks are trained, for example in the performance of |
the visual and audio networks for other tasks. |
Of course, we are not the first to make the observation that visual |
and audio events co-occur, and to use their concurrence or correlation |
as supervision for training a network. In a series of recent and |
inspiring papers~\cite{Owens16,Owens16a,Aytar16,Harwath16}, the group |
at MIT has investigated precisely this. However, their goal is always |
to train a single network for one of the modes, for example, train a |
visual network to generate sounds in~\cite{Owens16,Owens16a}; or train |
an audio network to correlate with visual outputs |
in~\cite{Aytar16,Harwath16}, where the visual networks are pre-trained |
and fixed and act as a teacher. In earlier, pre deep-learning, |
approaches the observation was used to beautiful effect |
in~\cite{Kidron05} showing ``pixels that sound'' (\eg for a guitar) |
learnt using CCA. In contrast, we train both visual and audio networks and, |
somewhat surprisingly, show that this is beneficial -- in that our |
performance improves substantially over that of~\cite{Aytar16} when |
trained on the same data. |
In summary: our goal is to design a system that is able to learn both |
visual and audio semantic information in a completely unsupervised |
manner by simply looking at and listening to a large number of |
unlabelled videos. To achieve this we introduce a novel |
\emph{Audio-Visual Correspondence (AVC)} learning task that is used |
to train the two (visual and audio) networks from scratch. |
This task is described |
in section~\ref{sec:approach}, together with the network architecture |
and training procedure. In section~\ref{sec:results} we describe what |
semantic information has been learnt, and assess the performance of |
the audio and visual networks. We find, which we had not anticipated, |
that this task leads to quite fine grained visual and audio |
discrimination, \eg into different instruments. In terms of |
quantitative performance, the audio network exceed those recently |
trained for audio recognition using visual supervision, |
and the visual network has similar |
performance to those trained for other, purely visual, |
self-supervision tasks. Furthermore, we show, as an added benefit, that we are |
able to {\em localize} the source of the audio event in the video frame (and |
also localize |
the corresponding regions of the sound source) using activation |
visualization. |
In terms of prior work, the most closely related deep learning |
approach that we know of is `SyncNet' in~\cite{Chung16a}. However, |
\cite{Chung16a}~is aimed at learning to synchronize lip-regions and speech |
for lip-reading, rather than the more general video and audio material |
considered here for learning semantic representations. |
More generally, the AVC task is a form of co-training~\cite{Blum98}, where there |
are two `views' of the data, and each view provides complementary information. |
In our case the two views are visual and audio (and each can determine |
semantic information independently). A similar scenario arises when |
the two views are visual and language (text) as |
in~\cite{Frome13,Lei15,Socher13} where a common embedding is learnt. However, usually |
one (or both) of the networks (for images and text) are pre-trained, in contrast to the |
approach taken here where no supervision is required and both |
networks are trained from scratch. |
\section{Audio-visual correspondence learning} |
\label{sec:approach} |
\label{sec:avc} |
The core idea is to use a valuable but so far |
untapped source of information contained in the video itself -- |
the correspondence between visual and audio streams available by |
virtue of them appearing together at the same time in the same video. |
By seeing and hearing many examples of a person playing a violin |
and examples of a dog barking, and never, or at least very infrequently, |
seeing a violin being played while hearing a dog bark and vice versa, |
it should be possible to conclude what a violin and a dog look and sound |
like, without ever being explicitly taught what is a violin or a dog. |
\figTask |
We leverage this for learning by an |
\emph{audio-visual correspondence (AVC)} |
task, illustrated in Figure \ref{fig:task}. |
The AVC task is a simple binary classification task: |
given an example video frame and a short audio clip -- decide whether |
they correspond to each other or not. The corresponding (positive) pairs |
are the ones that are taken at the same time from the same video, |
while mismatched (negative) pairs are extracted from different videos. |
The only way for a system to solve this task is if it learns |
to detect various semantic concepts in both the visual and the audio domain. |
Indeed, we demonstrate in Section \ref{sec:resqual} that our network |
automatically learns relevant semantic concepts in both modalities. |
It should be noted that the task is very difficult. |
The network is made to learn visual and audio features and concepts from |
scratch without ever seeing a single label. |
Furthermore, the AVC task itself is quite hard when done on |
completely unconstrained videos -- videos can be very noisy, |
the audio source is not necessarily visible in the video |
(\eg camera operator speaking, person narrating the video, |
sound source out of view or occluded, \etc), |
and the audio and visual content can be completely unrelated |
(\eg edited videos with added music, very low volume sound, |
ambient sound such as wind dominating the audio track despite |
other audio events being present, \etc). |
Nevertheless, the results in Section \ref{sec:results} show that our network |
is able to fairly successfully solve the AVC task, and in the process |
learn very good visual and audio representations. |
\subsection{Network architecture} |
\label{sec:network} |
\figNet |
To tackle the AVC task, we propose the |
network structure shown in Figure \ref{fig:net}. |
It has three distinct parts: the vision and the audio subnetworks |
which extract visual and audio features, respectively, |
and the fusion network which takes these features into account to |
produce the final decision on whether the visual and audio signals correspond. |
Here we describe the three parts in more detail. |
\paragraph{Vision subnetwork.} |
The input to the vision subnetwork is a $224 \times 224$ colour image. |
We follow the VGG-network \cite{Simonyan15} design style, |
with $3 \times 3$ convolutional filters, |
and $2 \times 2$ max-pooling layers with stride $2$ and no padding. |
The network can be segmented into four blocks of conv+conv+pool layers |
such that inside each block the two conv layers have the same number of filters, |
while consecutive blocks have doubling filter numbers: 64, 128, 256 and 512. |
At the very end, max-pooling is performed across all spatial locations |
to produce a single 512-D feature vector. |
Each conv layer is followed by batch normalization \cite{Ioffe15} and |
a ReLU nonlinearity. |
\paragraph{Audio subnetwork.} |
The input to the audio subnetwork is a 1 second sound clip converted |
into a log-spectrogram (more details are provided later in this section), |
which is thereafter treated as a greyscale |
$257 \times 199$ image. |
The architecture of the audio subnetwork is identical to the vision one |
with the exception that input pixels are 1-D intensities instead of 3-D |
colours and therefore the \texttt{conv1\_1} filter sizes are $3\times$ smaller |
compared to the vision subnetwork. The final audio feature is also 512-D. |
\paragraph{Fusion network.} |
The two 512-D visual and audio features are concatenated into a 1024-D |
vector which is passed through the fusion network to produce a |
2-way classification output, namely, whether the vision and audio correspond |
or not. |
It consists of two fully connected layers, with ReLU in between them, |
and the intermediate feature size of 128-D. |
\subsection{Implementation details} |
\paragraph{Training data sampling.} |
A non-corresponding frame-audio pair is compiled by randomly sampling two |
different videos and picking a random frame from one and a random 1 second |
audio clip from the other. |
A corresponding frame-audio pair is created by sampling a random video, |
picking a random frame in that video, and then picking a random |
1 second audio clip that overlaps in time with the sampled frame. |
This provides additional training samples compared to simply sampling |
the 1 second audio with the frame at its mid-point. |
We use standard data augmentation techniques for images: |
each training image is uniformly scaled such that the smallest |
dimension is equal to 256, followed by random cropping into $224 \times 224$, |
random horizontal flipping, and brightness and saturation jittering. |
Audio is only augmented by changing the volume up to 10\% randomly but |
consistently across the sample. |
\paragraph{Log-spectrogram computation.} |
The 1 second audio is resampled to 48 kHz, and a spectrogram is computed |
with window length of 0.01 seconds and a half-window overlap; |
this produces 199 windows with 257 frequency bands. |
The response map is passed through a logarithm |
before feeding it into the |
audio subnetwork. |
\paragraph{Training procedure.} |
We use the Adam optimizer \cite{Kingma15}, weight decay $10^{-5}$, |
and perform a grid search on the learning rate, although $10^{-4}$ |
usually works well. |
The network was trained on 16 GPUs in parallel with synchronous training |
implemented in TensorFlow, where each worker processed a 16-element batch, |
thus making the effective batch size of 256. |
For a training set of 400k 10 second videos, the network is trained |
for two days, during which it has seen 60M frame-audio pairs. |
\section{Results and discussion} |
\label{sec:results} |
Our ``look, listen and learn'' network ($L^3$-Net) approach is evaluated and examined |
in multiple ways. |
First, the performance of the network on the audio-visual correspondence |
task itself is investigated, and compared to supervised baselines. |
Second, the quality of the learnt visual and audio features is tested |
in a transfer learning setting, on visual and audio classification tasks. |
Finally, we perform a qualitative analysis of what the network has learnt. |
We start by introducing the datasets used for training. |
\subsection{Datasets} |
\label{sec:datasets} |
Two video datasets are used for training the networks: |
Flickr-SoundNet and Kinetics-Sounds. |
\paragraph{Flickr-SoundNet \cite{Aytar16}.} |
This is a large unlabelled dataset of completely unconstrained videos |
from Flickr, compiled by searching for popular tags, but no tags |
or any sort of additional information apart from the videos themselves |
are used. |
It contains over 2 million videos but for practical reasons we |
use a random subset of 500k videos |
(400k training, 50k validation and 50k test) |
and only use the first 10 seconds of each video. |
This is the dataset that is used for training the $L^3$-Net |
for the transfer learning experiments in |
Sections \ref{sec:resaudio} and \ref{sec:resvisual}. |
\paragraph{Kinetics-Sounds.} |
While our goal is to learn from completely unconstrained videos, |
having a labelled dataset is useful for quantitative evaluation. |
For this purpose we took a subset (much smaller than Flickr-SoundNet) of |
the Kinetics dataset \cite{Kay17}, which contains YouTube videos |
manually annotated for human actions using Mechanical Turk, and cropped |
to 10 seconds around the action. |
The subset contains 19k 10 second video clips |
(15k training, 1.9k validation, 1.9k test) |
formed by filtering the Kinetics dataset for 34 human action |
classes, which have been chosen to be potentially manifested |
visually and aurally, such as |
playing various instruments (guitar, violin, xylophone, \etc), |
using tools (lawn mowing, shovelling snow, \etc), |
as well as performing miscellaneous actions |
(tap dancing, bowling, laughing, singing, blowing nose, \etc); |
the full list is given in appendix \ref{sec:kineticssounds}. |
Although this dataset is fairly clean by construction, it still contains |
considerable noise, \eg the bowling action is often accompanied by loud music |
at the bowling alley, human voices (camera operators or video narrations) |
often masks the sound of interest, and many videos contain sound tracks |
that are completely unrelated to the visual content |
(\eg music montage for a snow shovelling video). |
\subsection{Audio-visual correspondence} |
First we evaluate the performance of our method on the task it was trained |
to solve -- deciding whether a frame and a 1 second audio clip |
correspond (Section \ref{sec:avc}). |
For the Kinetics-Sounds dataset which contains labelled videos, |
we also evaluate two supervised baselines in order to gauge how well |
the AVC training compares to supervised training. |
\paragraph{Supervised baselines.} |
For both baselines we first train vision and audio networks independently |
on the action classification task, and then combine them in two different ways. |
The vision network has an identical feature extraction trunk as our vision |
subnetwork (Section \ref{sec:network}), |
on top of which two fully connected layers |
are attached (sizes: $512 \times 128$ and $128 \times 34$) to perform |
classification into the 34 Kinetics-Sounds classes. |
The audio classification network is constructed analogously. |
The {\bf direct combination} baseline computes the audio-video correspondence |
score as the similarity of class score distributions of the two networks, |
computed as the scalar product between the 34-D network softmax outputs, |
and decides that audio and video are in correspondence if the score is larger |
than a threshold. |
The motivation behind this baseline is that if the vision network believes the |
frame contains a dog while the audio network is confident it hears a violin, |
then the (frame, audio) pair is unlikely to be in correspondence. |
The {\bf supervised pretraining} baseline takes the feature extraction |
trunks from the two trained networks, assembles them into our network |
architecture by concatenating the features and adding two fully connected |
layers (Section \ref{sec:network}). The weights of the feature extractors |
are frozen and the fully connected layers are trained on the AVC task |
in the same manner as our network. |
This is the strongest baseline as it directly corresponds to our method, |
but with features learnt in a fully supervised manner. |
\tabAvc |
\paragraph{Results and discussion.} |
Table \ref{tab:avc} shows the results on the AVC task. |
The $L^3$-Net achieves 74\% and 78\% on the two datasets, where chance is 50\%. |
It should be noted that the task itself is quite hard due to the |
unconstrained nature of the videos (Section \ref{sec:avc}), |
as well as due to the very local input data which lacks context -- |
even humans find it hard to judge whether an isolated frame and |
an isolated single second of audio correspond; |
informal human tests indicated that humans are only a few percent better than the $L^3$-Net. |
Furthermore, the supervised baselines do not beat the $L^3$-Net |
as ``supervised pretraining'' performs on par with it, while |
``supervised direct combination'' works significantly worse |
as, unlike ``supervised pretraining'', it has not been trained for the AVC task. |
\subsection{Audio features} |
\label{sec:resaudio} |
In this section we evaluate the power of the audio representation that emerges |
from the $L^3$-Net approach. |
Namely, the $L^3$-Net audio subnetwork trained on Flickr-SoundNet |
is used to extract features from |
1 second audio clips, and the effectiveness of these features is evaluated |
on two standard sound classification benchmarks: ESC-50 and DCASE. |
\paragraph{Environmental sound classification (ESC-50) \cite{Piczak15}.} |
This dataset contains 2000 audio clips, 5 seconds each, equally balanced |
between 50 classes. These include animal sounds, natural soundscapes, |
human non-speech sounds, interior/domestic sounds, and exterior/urban noises. |
The data is split into 5 predefined folds and performance is measured in terms |
of mean accuracy over 5 leave-one-fold-out evaluations. |
\paragraph{Detection and classification of acoustic scenes and events (DCASE) \cite{Stowell15}.} |
We consider the scene classification task of the challenge which contains |
10 classes |
(bus, busy street, office, open air market, park, quiet street, |
restaurant, supermarket, tube, tube station), |
with 10 training and 100 test clips per class, where each clip is 30 seconds long. |
\tabSound |
\tabImageNet |
\paragraph{Experimental procedure.} |
To enable a fair direct comparison with the current state-of-the-art, |
Aytar \etal \cite{Aytar16}, |
we follow the same experimental setup. |
Multiple overlapping subclips are extracted from each recording and described |
using our features. For 5 second recordings from ESC-50 we extract 10 |
equally spaced 1 second subclips, while for the 6 times longer DCASE recordings, |
60 subclips are extracted per clip. |
The audio features are obtained by max-pooling the last convolutional layer |
of the audio subnetwork (\texttt{conv4\_2}), before the ReLU, |
into a $4 \times 3 \times 512 = 6144$ dimensional representation |
(the \texttt{conv4\_2} outputs are originally $16 \times 12 \times 512$). |
The features are preprocessed using z-score normalization, \ie shifted and |
scaled to have a zero mean and unit variance. |
A multi-class one-vs-all linear SVM is trained, and at test time the class scores |
for a recording are computed as the mean over the class scores for its subclips. |
\paragraph{Results and discussion.} |
Table \ref{tab:sound} shows |
the results on ESC-50 and DCASE. On both benchmarks we convincingly beat the previous |
state-of-the-art, SoundNet \cite{Aytar16}, by 5.1\% and 5\% absolute. |
For ESC-50 we reduce the gap between the previous best result and the human |
performance by 72\% while for DCASE we reduce the error by 42\%. |
The results are especially impressive as SoundNet uses |
two vision networks trained in a fully supervised manner on |
ImageNet and Places2 as teachers for the audio network, while we learn |
both the vision and the audio networks without any supervision whatsoever. |
Note that we train our networks with a random subset of the SoundNet videos |
for efficiency purposes, so it is possible that further gains can be achieved |
by using all the available training data. |
\subsection{Visual features} |
\label{sec:resvisual} |
\label{sec:imagenet} |
In this section we evaluate the power of the visual representation that emerges |
from the $L^3$-Net approach. |
Namely, the $L^3$-Net vision subnetwork trained on Flickr-SoundNet |
is used to extract features from |
images, and the effectiveness of these features is evaluated |
on the ImageNet large scale visual recognition challenge 2012 \cite{Russakovsky15}. |
\paragraph{Experimental procedure.} |
We follow the experimental setup of Zhang \etal \cite{Zhang16} |
where features are extracted from $256 \times 256$ images |
and used to |
perform linear classification on ImageNet. |
As in \cite{Zhang16}, |
we take \texttt{conv4\_2} features after ReLU and perform max-pooling |
with equal kernel and stride sizes until feature dimensionality is below 10k; |
in our case this results in $4 \times 4 \times 512 = 8192$-D features. |
A single fully connected layer is added to perform linear classification |
into the 1000 ImageNet classes. All the weights are frozen to their $L^3$-Net-trained |
values, apart from the final classification layer which is trained with |
cross-entropy loss on the ImageNet training set. |
The training procedure |
(data augmentation, learning rate schedule, label smoothing) |
is identical to \cite{Szegedy16}, the only differences being that we use |
the Adam optimizer instead of RMSprop, |
and a $256 \times 256$ input image instead of $299 \times 299$ |
as it fits our architecture better and to be consistent with \cite{Zhang16}. |
\figUnitsV |
\figUnitsVmap |
\afterpage{\FloatBarrier} |
\paragraph{Results and discussion.} |
Classification accuracy on the ImageNet validation set is shown in |
Table \ref{tab:imagenet} and contrasted with other unsupervised and |
self-supervised methods. |
We also test the performance of random features, |
\ie our $L^3$-Net architecture without AVC training but with a trained classification |
layer. |
Our $L^3$-Net-trained features achieve 32.3\% accuracy which is on par with other |
state-of-the-art self-supervised methods of \cite{Doersch15,Zhang16,Donahue17,Noroozi16}, |
while convincingly beating random initialization, |
data-dependent initialization \cite{Krahenbuhl15}, and |
Context Encoders \cite{Pathak16}. |
It should be noted that these methods use the AlexNet \cite{Krizhevsky12} architecture |
which is different to ours, |
so the results are not fully comparable. |
On the one hand, our architecture when trained from scratch in its entirety |
achieves a higher performance (59.2\% vs AlexNet's 51.0\%). |
On the other hand, it is deeper which makes it harder to train |
as can be seen from the fact that our random features perform worse |
than theirs (12.9\% vs AlexNet's 18.3\%), and that all competing methods hit peak |
performance when they use earlier layers |
(\eg \cite{Donahue17} drops from 31.0\% to 27.1\% |
when going from \texttt{conv3} to \texttt{pool5}). |
In fact, when measuring the improvement achieved due to AVC or self-supervised |
training versus |
the performance of the network with random initialization, |
our AVC training beats all competitors. |
Another important fact to consider is that \emph{all} |
competing methods actually use ImageNet images when |
training. Although they do not make use of the labels, |
the underlying image statistics are the same: |
objects are fairly central in the image, and the networks have seen, |
for example, abundant images of 120 breads of dogs and thus potentially |
learnt their distinguishing features. |
In contrast, we use a completely separate source of training data in the |
form of frames from Flickr videos -- here the objects are in general not |
centred, it is likely that the network has never seen a ``Tibetan terrier'' |
nor the majority of other fine-grained categories. |
Furthermore, video frames have vastly different low-level statistics to |
still images, with strong artefacts such as motion blur. |
With these factors hampering our network, it is impressive that our |
visual features $L^3$-Net-trained on Flickr videos |
perform on par with self-supervised state-of-the-art trained on ImageNet. |
\subsection{Qualitative analysis} |
\label{sec:resqual} |
In this section we analyse what is it that the network has learnt. |
We visualize the results on the test set of the Kinetics-Sounds and Flickr-SoundNet datasets, |
so the network has not seen the videos during training. |
\subsubsection{Vision features} |
To probe what the vision subnetwork has learnt, we pick a particular `unit' |
in \texttt{pool4} (\ie a component of the 512 dimensional \texttt{pool4} vector) and rank the test images by its magnitude. |
Figure \ref{fig:unitsV} shows the images from Kinetics-Sounds that activate particular |
units in \texttt{pool4} the most (\ie are ranked highest by its magnitude). As can be |
seen, the vision subnetwork has automatically learnt, without any |
explicit supervision, to recognize semantic entities such as guitars, |
accordions, keyboards, clarinets, bowling alleys, lawns or lawnmowers, |
\etc. Furthermore, it has learnt finer-grained categories as well as |
it is able to distinguish between acoustic and bass guitars |
(``fingerpicking'' is mostly associated with acoustic guitars). |
Figure \ref{fig:unitsVmap} shows heatmaps for the Kinetics-Sounds images in |
Figure~\ref{fig:unitsV}, obtained by simply displaying the spatial |
activations of the corresponding vision unit (\ie if the $k$ component of |
\texttt{pool4} is chosen, then the $k$ channel of \texttt{conv4\_2} is displayed -- since the $k$ component is just the spatial max over this channel |
(after ReLU)). |
Objects are successfully |
detected despite significant clutter and occlusions. It is |
interesting to observe the type of cues that the network decides to |
use, \eg the ``playing clarinet'' unit, instead of trying to detect |
the entire clarinet, seems to mostly activate on the interface between |
the player's face and the clarinet. |
Figures \ref{fig:unitsVSoundNetA} and \ref{fig:unitsVSoundNetB} show |
visual concepts learnt by the $L^3$-Net on the Flickr-SoundNet dataset. |
It can be seen that the network learns to recognize many scene categories |
(Figure \ref{fig:unitsVSoundNetA}), |
such as outdoors, concert, water, sky, crowd, text, railway, \etc. |
These are useful for the AVC task as, for example, crowds indicate a large |
event that is associated with a distinctive sound as well |
(\eg a football game), text indicates narration, and outdoors scenes are |
likely to be accompanied with wind sounds. |
It should be noted that though at first sight some categories seem trivially |
detectable, it is not the case; for example, ``sky'' detector is not equivalent to |
the ``blueness'' detector as it only fires on ``sky'' and not on ``water'', |
and furthermore there are separate units sensitive to ``water surface'' |
and to ``underwater'' scenes. |
The network also learns to detect people as user uploaded content is |
substantially people-oriented -- Figure \ref{fig:unitsVSoundNetB} shows |
the network has learnt to distinguish between babies, adults and crowds. |
\figUnitsVSoundNetA |
\subsubsection{Audio features} |
Figure \ref{fig:unitsA} shows what particular audio units |
are sensitive to in the Kinetics-Sounds dataset. |
For visualization purposes, instead of showing |
the sound form, we display the video frame that corresponds to the sound. |
It can be seen that the audio subnetwork, again without any supervision, |
manages to learn various semantic entities, as well as perform fine-grained |
classification (``fingerpicking'' vs ``playing bass guitar''). |
Note that some units are naturally confused -- the ``tap dancing'' unit also |
responds to ``pen tapping'', while the ``saxophone'' unit is sometimes |
confused with a ``trombone''. These are reasonable mistakes, especially |
when taking into account that the sound input is only one second in length. |
The audio concepts learnt on the Flickr-SoundNet dataset (Figure \ref{fig:unitsASoundNetA}) follow |
the same pattern as the visual ones -- the network learns to distinguish |
various scene categories such as water, underwater, outdoors and windy scenes, |
as well as human-related concepts like baby and human voices, crowds, \etc. |
Figure \ref{fig:unitsAmap} shows spectrograms and their semantic heatmaps, |
illustrating that our $L^3$-Net learns to detect audio events. |
For example, it shows clear preference for low frequencies when detecting |
bass guitars, attention to wide frequency range when detecting lawnmowers, |
and temporal `steps' when detecting fingerpicking and tap dancing. |
\figUnitsVSoundNetB |
\figUnitsA |
\figUnitsASoundNetA |
\afterpage{\FloatBarrier} |
\subsubsection{Versus random features} |
Could the results in Figures |
\ref{fig:unitsV}, |
\ref{fig:unitsVmap}, |
\ref{fig:unitsVSoundNetA}, |
\ref{fig:unitsVSoundNetB}, |
\ref{fig:unitsA} |
\ref{fig:unitsASoundNetA}, |
and |
\ref{fig:unitsAmap} |
simply be obtained by chance due to examining a large number of units, |
as colourfully illustrated by the dead salmon experiment |
\cite{Bennett09}? It is unlikely as there are only 512 units in |
\texttt{pool4} to choose from, and many of those were found to be |
highly correlated with a semantic concept. Nevertheless, we repeated |
the same experiment with a random network (\ie a network that has not |
been trained), and have failed to find such correlation. In more |
detail, we examined how many out of the action classes in |
Kinetics-Sounds have a unit in \texttt{pool4} which shows high |
preference for the class. For the vision subnetwork the preference is |
determined by ranking all images by their unit activation, and |
retaining the top 5; if 4 out of these 5 images correspond to |
one class, then that class is deemed to have a high-preference for the |
unit (a similar procedure is carried out for the audio subnetwork |
using spectrograms). Our trained vision and audio networks have |
high-preference units for 10 and 11 out of a possible 34 action |
classes, respectively, compared to 1 and 1 for the random vision and |
audio networks. Furthermore, if the threshold for deeming a unit to |
be high-preference is reduced to 3, our trained vision and audio |
subnetworks cover 23 and 20 classes, respectively, compared to the 4 |
and 3 of a random network, respectively. These results confirm that |
our network has indeed learnt semantic features. |
Furthermore, |
Figure \ref{fig:tsne} shows the comparison between the trained and the |
non-trained (\ie network with random weights) $L^3$-Net representations |
for the visual and the audio modalities, on the Kinetics-Sounds dataset, |
using the t-SNE visualization \cite{Van-der-Maaten08}. |
It is clear that training for the audio-visual correspondence task |
produces representations that have a semantic meaning, as videos containing |
the same action classes |
often cluster together, while the random network's representations do not |
exhibit any clustering. |
There is still a fair amount of confusion in the representations, |
but this is expected as no class-level supervision is provided |
and classes can be very alike. |
For example, an organ and a piano are quite visually similar as they |
contain keyboards, and the visual difference between a bass guitar and an |
acoustic guitar is also quite fine; these similarities are reflected |
in the closeness or overlap of respective clusters in |
Figure \ref{fig:tsne}(c) |
(\eg as noted earlier, ``fingerpicking'' is mostly associated with acoustic guitars). |
\tabNMI |
We also evaluate the quality of the $L^3$-Net embeddings by clustering them |
with k-means into 64 clusters and reporting the Normalized Mutual Information |
(NMI) score between the clusters and the ground truth action classes. |
Results in Table \ref{tab:nmi} confirm the emergence of semantics as |
the $L^3$-Net embeddings outperform the best random baselines by 50-100\%. |
The t-SNE visualization also shows some interesting features, |
such as the ``typing'' class being divided into two clusters in the visual |
domain. Further investigation reveals that all frames in one cluster |
show both a keyboard and hands, while the second cluster contains |
much fewer hands. Separating these two cases can be a good indication of |
whether the typing action is happening at the moment captured by the |
(frame, 1 second sound clip) pair, and thus whether the typing sound |
is expected to be heard. Furthermore, we found that the ``typing'' |
audio samples appear in three clusters -- the two fairly pure clusters |
(outlined in Figure \ref{fig:tsne}(a)) correspond to strong typing sounds |
and talking while typing, respectively, and the remaining cluster, |
which is very impure and intermingled with other action classes, |
mostly corresponds to silence and background noise. |
\figUnitsAmap |
\figTsne |
\section{Discussion} |
We have shown that the network trained for the AVC task achieves |
superior results on sound classification to recent methods |
that pre-train and fix the visual networks (one each for ImageNet and Scenes), |
and we conjecture that the reason for this is that the additional freedom |
of the visual network allows the learning to better take advantage of the |
opportunities offered by the variety of visual information in the video |
(rather than be restricted to seeing only through the eyes of the pre-trained |
network). |
Also, the visual features that emerge from the $L^3$-Net |
are on par with the state-of-the-art among self-supervised approaches. |
Furthermore, |
it has been demonstrated that the network automatically learns, |
in both modalities, |
fine-grained distinctions such as bass versus acoustic guitar or |
saxophone versus clarinet. |
The localization visualization results are reminiscent of the classic |
highlighted pixels in~\cite{Kidron05}, except in our case we do not just learn |
the few pixels that move (concurrent with the sound) but instead are able |
to learn extended regions corresponding to the instrument. |
We motivated this work by considering {\em correlation} of video and audio |
events. However, we believe there is additional information in \emph{concurrency} |
of the two streams, as concurrency is stronger than correlation |
because the events need to be |
synchronised (of course, if events are concurrent then they will |
correlate, but not vice versa). Training for concurrency will require |
video (multiple frames) as input, rather than a single video frame, |
but it would be interesting to explore what more is gained from this |
stronger condition. |
In the future, |
it would be interesting to learn |
from the recently released large dataset of videos curated according to |
{\em audio}, rather than visual, events~\cite{Gemmeke17} and see what subtle |
visual semantic categories are discovered. |
{\small |
\bibliographystyle{ieee} |
\bibliography{bib/shortstrings,bib/vgg_local,bib/vgg_other,bib/to_add} |
} |
\appendix |
\section{Kinetics-Sounds} |
\label{sec:kineticssounds} |
The 34 action classes taken from the Kinetics dataset \cite{Kay17} to form |
the Kinetics-Sounds dataset \ref{sec:datasets} are: |
blowing nose, |
bowling, |
chopping wood, |
ripping paper, |
shuffling cards, |
singing, |
tapping pen, |
typing, |
blowing out, |
dribbling ball, |
laughing, |
mowing the lawn by pushing lawnmower, |
shoveling snow, |
stomping, |
tap dancing, |
tapping guitar, |
tickling, |
fingerpicking, |
patting, |
playing accordion, |
playing bagpipes, |
playing bass guitar, |
playing clarinet, |
playing drums, |
playing guitar, |
playing harmonica, |
playing keyboard, |
playing organ, |
playing piano, |
playing saxophone, |
playing trombone, |
playing trumpet, |
playing violin, |
playing xylophone. |
\end{document} |