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"selftext": "Hi all\nI just upgraded to a PS5 from my PS4. I set it up and put in my PS4 cyberpunk 2077 data disk to load onto the PS5 and got the option to download the Cyberpunk PS5 game for free. That all worked and is on my PS5 console now. So then I put in my disk for Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty (which I also bought today on special), and expected to have to download content like I did with the PS4 CP but instead it goes straight to play game. Does that mean I have the PL to play? I just don\u2019t want to get half way through a play-through to discover I\u2019m not actually playing the PL version. This is my first time playing a DLC so I\u2019m not sure what I\u2019m doing. Please help!",
"selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>Hi all\nI just upgraded to a PS5 from my PS4. I set it up and put in my PS4 cyberpunk 2077 data disk to load onto the PS5 and got the option to download the Cyberpunk PS5 game for free. That all worked and is on my PS5 console now. So then I put in my disk for Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty (which I also bought today on special), and expected to have to download content like I did with the PS4 CP but instead it goes straight to play game. Does that mean I have the PL to play? I just don\u2019t want to get half way through a play-through to discover I\u2019m not actually playing the PL version. This is my first time playing a DLC so I\u2019m not sure what I\u2019m doing. Please help!</p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->",
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"body": "I think you should see phantom liberty on your home screen. For me anyway, it has \u2018Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty\u2019 and it also has this on the pause menu to!",
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>I think you should see phantom liberty on your home screen. For me anyway, it has \u2018Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty\u2019 and it also has this on the pause menu to!</p>\n</div>",
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"body": "So if it does not say phantom Liberty I\u2019m not playing the right version?",
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