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Take the 2-minute tour × Where can I find the list of Psion Powers? I know where the At-Wills, Encounters, etc. are, but where are the powers upon which I can spend power points? I'm a fairly green DM, and this is my first tango with a Psion, I suppose an added question would be, do Psions have anything akin to a spellbook, and if so, how does it work? share|improve this question add comment 1 Answer up vote 5 down vote accepted Power points are spent to augment the Psion's at-will powers. Each Psion at-will power has the keyword augmentable, and a number of additional clauses in the text that tell you what to do based on how many points you spend to use the power. By default the expenditure is 0. As far as a list of powers for Psions, your best bet is the Wizards DDI compendium. Even if you are not a subscriber the search functionality is quite helpful to find the source locations for each power and for creating lists of things (for instance you can filter the entire powers list to Psion, At-Wills). There is also the Psion Char-Op Guide, which as with all the Char-Op guides is recommended reading and has a complete list of power selections and some helpful strategies for building a character. Psions do not get a spell book, they get powers just like everyone else, the spellbook is a uniquely wizard exception. They do not get regular encounter powers, just At-Wills, Utilities and Dailies. Psions can and do take feats to give them ritual caster abilities that are contained in a ritual book, but that's neither here nor there with respect to power points. Just so it's perfectly clear, Psions trade their encounter powers for encounter renewing power points which effectively model and follow an incredibly similar progression to regular AEDU class encounter powers. There is no real change in the power balance structure here. share|improve this answer Additionally there are many items meant for PCs with the psionic power source that have item powers (usually daily item powers) that can be augments from the same point pool as the class based powers. –  Joshua Aslan Smith Dec 17 '13 at 19:32 Straight to the point and clear, thanks a lot, and for pointing me to the guide, 10/10. –  AviateX14 Dec 17 '13 at 20:28 add comment Your Answer
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WTF Wednesday: “I need a new job, but I don’t know where to start.” single mom advice Dear Emma, I’m really proud that I have been able to support my daughter for all five years of her life without relying on anyone else. However, I am broke and sick of it! business for three years where I have not received a raise the entire time, though my responsibilities there continue to grow. I have been applying for jobs left and right, and over the past year have had dozens of interviews, but everything hits a dead-end. I’ve taken on two part-time night jobs I work while my mom watches my daughter. I am run down, miserable, and frustrated with the world. I don’t blame anyone else. I just wish life were easier in every aspect. You asked me what I really want to do professionally, and while fitness and personal training has been my passion (I am certified in the latter), I really don’t care. I don’t want work to be my life. I want work to be something I go into everyday, do my job and leave before 6 p.m. and receive a paycheck that is substantial enough to raise my daughter and support us. I worked at a gym as a general manager for five years before having my daughter. But the hours required of that career are not an option any more. What should I do? Dear Cassidy, Take these steps: 1. Write out what you want. This is not a job description, but rather the qualities of the job: Minimum salary, schedule, that you are passionate about it, work with wonderful people, have a flexible schedule, don’t bring work home, can work from home…. whatever it is you want. 2. Write down all your qualifications. Yes, certifications, hard skills, work experience. But also less tangible things: Great listener, empathetic, funny, high-energy. All the great things about you as a person and WOMAN that you will bring to any situation, including a job. 3. Start talking to people. People are your network. This is how you get jobs — not by applying to gigs online (some stats show that only 2% of positions are filled that way. The rest are through networking). Don’t just talk to people in your industry. Start yapping to your social circle, acquaintances through your kid’s school, neighborhood, alumni association, church, people waiting in the dentist’s office. People you don’t even know. People you do know but assume can’t help you in your job search. Everyone knows someone who knows someone else. Be vulenerable. Be honest. Just say: “I’m looking for my next job. This is who I am and what I can do. This is what want. Do you know of anyone looking to hire?” Listen to my Like a Mother episode on this topic: 4. Keep an open mind. The job market is a hot, wild mess of positions and skills sets that didn’t exist even a few years ago. You have no idea what will fullfill your goals. When someone makes an introduction, follow through. Always. By ignoring or poo-pooing it you are telling the universe to fuck off. If you get a job interview you assume is not a fit, go anyway. Ask what other positions they are filling. Ask what the organization’s goals are. What are their challenges. Tell them how you can help them. Solve the company’s problems — problems they might not have known they had. 5. Get out of your comfort zone. Go to a networking event for an industry you know nothing about. sign up for a class at your community center or local college that is outside your comfort zone — or even interests. You will learn things you didn’t know could be learned. You will meet people you didn’t know existed. You will change. 6. Care. No one wants to hire someone just because the job’s hours are convenient. And no one wants to work at a boring job. You are an intelligent, creative person who has passions and interests. You just haven’t exercised those in a long time. Believe that you deserve to have a good income, great schedule AND spend your days on work that you care about, work that helps people and excites you. After all, that is what you are looking for: Change. You can do this! Never miss an offer or update. No B.S. I will never sell your contact info. What do you think? Please comment!
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Turn a Foe into a Friend: How to Console an Upset Client By: Kaitlyn Hudlow, M.S.  Customer relations is one of the most important aspects of any business. Whether you are recruiting someone to be a part of your organization, or are trying to keep someone happy who is already friend or foeinvolved, a lot goes into building and maintaining those relationships. Most of the time this just requires being courteous and helpful. However, every once in a while you will run in to those people who are just not having a good day and have decided that you’re the one to blame. Image courtesy of Stuart Miles/  So what do you do in those situations? How do you stay professional, courteous, and helpful to a potential or current client when they seem inconsolable? Below are a few steps that I have used throughout the years to achieve a successful and happy ending to those overwhelming conversations. 1)    Let them vent- Sometimes people just need to be heard. Allowing the client to vent their frustrations without any interruptions will make them feel like you care about what they’re saying instead of trying to just rush them off the phone. 2)    Say what you mean, mean what you say, and don’t say it mean- Most people think that when working with clients, you either need to be defensive and hold your ground, or be a doormat and just give the customer whatever they want. But there is a third option- You can defend you or your company’s policies/decisions AND be gracious to the client both at the same time! How you ask? Simple- Say what you mean, mean what you say, and don’t say it mean. For example, if someone is calling because they are upset that the client website has been changed, instead of saying “Well we control the website, so we update it as we see fit”, you could say, “I’m sorry if you feel the change was unforeseen. However, the changing of the website has been a long process with approvals going through several chains. We feel that the new website will better help people navigate the pages and find the information they need.” That way, you are not being defensive of your company’s right to change its website and thus upsetting the client even more, nor are you apologizing unnecessarily for something that was company approved. 3)    Patience is a Virtue- Every person is different. For some people, once they get an explanation, they are happy and go about their day. For others, once they get an explanation, they find other things they aren’t happy about and want to discuss those next. In those situations you want to remain calm, listen to their concerns, and stay alert to answer any questions they may have. 4)    If it’s your fault, FIX IT– If your client is upset about a mistake that was made by you or your company, apologize and see what steps need to be made to resolve the issue. Also, as a bonus, either try to fix it while the person is on the phone, or email them later that day to let them know it was taken care of. Everyone knows that mistakes happen, but it’s how you handle the mistakes once they’ve been brought to your attention that the clients will remember! 5)    Decompress- After following the above steps, your client will be happy and moving on with their day, but you are probably stressed to the max! Take some time to decompress before your next client interaction. The last thing you want is your tension building up all day, to where you lose your cool with someone later that afternoon.  So take a quick stroll around the office, grab a cup of coffee, or have a little water cooler chat time with a co-worker. Trust me, you’ll be happy you took a few moments to get your mind back on right before moving on with your day! At the end of the day, the majority of businesses run on customer service and satisfaction. While it may not be the easiest thing to console an upset client, it certainly pays to stay professional, courteous, and helpful in any situation.  After all, don’t we all want one more friend, and one less foe? 2 thoughts on “Turn a Foe into a Friend: How to Console an Upset Client 1. Good thoughts all, Kaitlyn. But, I’d add to 4) If it’s your fault, FIX IT – Even if it’s not your or your firm’s fault, try and resolve the problem for them. That will go far toward soothing their misdirected, angry feelings. When you fix a problem you aren’t responsible for, they’re going to think you went above and beyond the call of duty. 2. Thank you Mark. And great addition to #4! Having that level of customer service will show that you are a source that your clients can feel comfortable and confident coming to for when they have future questions or concerns. Leave a Reply Logo Google photo Twitter picture Facebook photo Connecting to %s
isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2019-43 publisher: Common Crawl description: Wide crawl of the web for October 2019 operator: Common Crawl Admin ([email protected]) hostname: ip-10-67-67-192.ec2.internal software: Apache Nutch 1.16 (modified, robots: checked via crawler-commons 1.1-SNAPSHOT ( format: WARC File Format 1.1 conformsTo:
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Corporate Crime and No Punishment Published on Corporate Crime and No Punishment He's there for life. What did Leandro do wrong? Under the state's three strikes law, Andrade was sentenced to life in prison. The first two offenses were for non violent home burglaries. Andrade appealed his sentence to the U.S. Supreme Court. In 2003, in a 5-4 decision, the Court decided that the sentence wasn't cruel and unusual. And upheld the sentence. Okay, let's give the justice system it's due. Let's say you can be sent away for life for stealing $153.54 worth of videotapes - a misdemeanor - if your first two convictions were felonies. Question - what about the individual CEOs who headed the nation's largest Wall Street firms and banks? The ones involved in tanking the country's economy and sending it into the great recession? What about them? Leandro Adrade is in prison for life for stealing five videotapes. What about the CEOs of the big Wall Street firms? Why do they go free? Throughout the presentation, the members of the Commission were using words like - reckless, irresponsible, risky, and imprudent - to describe the actions of these Wall Street firms and their CEOs. But nothing about crime. Nothing about corporate crime. A bit strange, wouldn't you say? So, we asked - why no talk about corporate crime? Didn't you find corporate criminal activity? "Our mandate was to refer to the Attorney General or to the state authorities any individual that our investigations showed may have violated U.S. laws - whether civil or criminal," said Commissioner Brooksley Born. "We did make several of those referrals. But we are not going to talk about any of the details of those referrals." Okay, so the Commission believed there were crimes committed. Otherwise, why would they refer cases for criminal prosecution? If the Commission believed there were crimes committed, why didn't they put this in their report? Why all the talk about recklessness, and irresponsibility, and risky and imprudent behavior - but no talk about corporate criminal activity? Why not? Because we live a country with two systems of justice. One for the Leandro Andrades of this world. And one for the Wall Street banks and their executives. And the oil companies and their executives. That kind of talk is reserved for street criminals. Former Senator Bob Graham sat on both Commissions. Two weeks ago, when I asked Graham whether "there should be increased resources to criminal environmental enforcement to help deter this kind of behavior," Graham answered this way: As of this writing - in both the BP oil spill and the financial meltdown cases - no high level executives have been held responsible. Neither Commission addressed the question of corporate criminal liability. Or resources necessary to prosecute these corporate crimes. Meanwhile, Leandro Andrade sits in prison for life. I'm okay with disparities in our justice system. We are, after all, imperfect beings. And not at least acknowledging the obvious. That we have two systems of justice. One for the corporate class from which the commissioners came. And one for the rest of us. Russell Mokhiber Share This Article More in:
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Friday, June 27, 2008 Environmental & Safety Issues Many photographic solutions have high chemical and biological oxygen demand (COD and BOD). These chemical wastes are often treated with ozone, peroxide or aeration to reduce the COD. Exhausted fixer and to some extent rinse water contain silver-thiosulfate complex ions. They are far less toxic than free silver ion, and they become silver sulfide sludge in the sewer pipes or treatment plant. However, the maximum silver concentration in discharge is very often tightly regulated. Silver is also a somewhat precious resource. Therefore, in most large scale processing establishments, exhausted fixer is collected for silver recovery and disposal. Many photographic chemicals use non-biodegradable compounds, such as EDTA, DTPA, NTA and borate. EDTA, DTPA, and NTA are very often used as chelating agents in all processing solutions, particularly in developers and washing aid solutions. EDTA and other polyamine polycarboxylic acids are used as iron ligands in color bleach solutions. These are relatively nontoxic, and in particular EDTA is approved as a food additive. However, due to poor biodegradability, these chelating agents are found in alarmingly high concentrations in some water sources from which municipal tap water is taken. Water containing these chelating agents can leach metal from water treatment equipment as well as pipes. This is becoming an issue in Europe and some parts of the world. Another non-biodegradable compound in common use is surfactant. A common wetting agent for even drying of processed film uses Union Carbide/Dow Triton X-100 or octylphenol ethoxylate. This surfactant is also found to have estrogenic effect and possibly other harms to organisms including mammals. Development of more biodegradable alternatives to the EDTA and other bleaching agent constituents were sought by major manufacturers, until the industry became less profitable when the digital era began. In most amateur darkrooms, a popular bleach is potassium hexacyanoferrate (III) (common name potassium ferricyanide). This compound decomposes in the waste water stream to liberate cyanide gas. Other popular bleach solutions use potassium dichromate (a hexavalent chromium) or permanganate. Both ferricyanide and dichromate are tightly regulated for sewer disposal. In order to meet the regulation, the solution must be diluted 20 000 (twenty thousand) times or more. All of these popular black and white bleaches are damaging to the environment, and should be replaced with any of the existing eco-friendly alternatives. Borates, such as borax (sodium tetraborate), boric acid and sodium metaborate, are toxic to plants, even at a concentration of 100 ppm. Many film developers and fixers contain 1 to 20 g/L of these compounds at working strength. Most non-hardening fixers from major manufacturers are now borate-free, but many film developers still use borate as the buffering agent. Also, some, but not all, alkaline fixer formulas and products contain a large amount of borate. New products should phase out borates, because for most photographic purposes, except in acid hardening fixers, borates can be substituted with a suitable biodegradable compound. Developing agents are commonly hydroxylated benzene compounds or aminated benzene compounds, and they are harmful to humans and experimental animals. Some are mutagens. They also have a large chemical oxygen demand (COD). Ascorbic acid and its isomers, and other similar sugar derived reductone reducing agents are a viable substitute for many developing agents. Developers using these compounds were actively patented in the US, Europe and Japan, until 1990s but the number of such patents is very low since late-1990s, when the digital era began. No comments: Post a Comment
isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2018-51 publisher: Common Crawl description: Wide crawl of the web for December 2018 operator: Common Crawl Admin ([email protected]) hostname: ip-10-182-98-18.ec2.internal software: Apache Nutch 1.15 (modified, robots: checked via crawler-commons 0.11-SNAPSHOT ( format: WARC File Format 1.1 conformsTo:
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Version 41 (modified by bs, 8 years ago) (diff) Fixed improper ticket link in Devserver chapter (should be ticket 4996, not 2996) Server arrangements Because Django uses WSGI, it can run on any WSGI-compatible Web server. Here's how to run Django on various server arrangements. Apache with mod_python Apache with FastCGI Apache with SCGI • SCGI can be used with Apache like this. It builds on stuff from the Apache+FCGI documentation above. The material at has been hard to get - server sometimes responds, sometimes not IME. In any event, #3047 has patches, and seems to be on track to become the official way to do SCGI with Django. Apache with mod_wsgi lighttpd with Apache lighttpd with FastCGI lighttpd with SCGI I've been serving up my django site via nginx for a short while now and wanted to report my setup so that others may give it a shot. My performance over the previous setup with lighttpd is a bit better. This setup uses much less cpu and memory to achieve much better throughput and response time. The simple syntax of the nginx.conf allows you to setup a cluster of backend processes quite easily to handle load. Currently this is my nginx.conf relevant to my django site. You can reference the above links for more information about additional options. upstream djangoserv { server { listen 80; root /path/to/app; server_name test.local.domain; access_log /path/to/logs/appname-access.log main; error_log /path/to/logs/appname-error.log; location /styles { root /path/to/styles; location /javascripts { root /path/to/javascripts; location ~* ^.+\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|ico|css|zip|tgz|gz|rar|bz2|doc|xls|exe|pdf|ppt|txt|tar|mid|midi|wav|bmp|rtf|js|mov) { access_log off; expires 30d; location / { # host and port to fastcgi server fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $fastcgi_script_name; fastcgi_param REQUEST_METHOD $request_method; fastcgi_param QUERY_STRING $query_string; fastcgi_param SERVER_NAME $server_name; fastcgi_param SERVER_PORT $server_port; fastcgi_param SERVER_PROTOCOL $server_protocol; fastcgi_param CONTENT_TYPE $content_type; fastcgi_param CONTENT_LENGTH $content_length; fastcgi_pass_header Authorization; fastcgi_intercept_errors off; Once you fire up nginx you will need to start your nginx fastcgi processes. I simply use: python2.4 runfcgi method=threaded host= port=8801 Django behind/inside Zope It's possible to query a Django site from Zope or Plone and return the result. This allows you to include a Django site inside a pre-existing Zope/Plone site. It's good for custom content that you don't want to use existing Zope technologies to develop. For the code, see this partly documented file. It's in a temporary location for the time being; for more info, e-mail jeff (at) bitprophet (dot) org. Running Django as a traditional CGI is possible and would work the same as running any other sort of Python CGI script, but is generally not recommended. With traditional CGI, the program which will be run -- in this case, Django plus a Django-powered application -- is loaded from disk into memory each time a request is served, which results in a significant amount of processing overhead and much slower responses. FastCGI and SCGI, in contrast, load the code only once -- when the server starts up -- and keep it in memory as long as the server is running, resulting in much faster responses. If that hasn't put you off and you still need CGI, take a look at #2407. CherryPy and WSGI Devserver - Django built-in development server Differences between Devserver and production Back to Top
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ALEX MacDonald scored twice to ease the pressure on Oxford United as they claimed a confidence-boosting win against Mansfield Town. The January signing's tap-in put a nervy United ahead before the break and he came up with a quality finish to make it 2-0 early in the second half. A hard-working Patrick Hoban won a penalty, converted by Danny Hylton, to secure the points. It was United's biggest margin of victory this season - and given the context it was arguably their most important, as the gap to the bottom two stretched to six points. An injury ruled out Joe Skarz, forcing one of three changes to the United XI which had lost 2-0 at Burton Albion. Sam Long came in as a makeshift left back, while Josh Ruffels and MacDonald replaced Andy Whing and Josh Ashby. United had worked hard to build the game up, but all the preparation work almost fell flat as the side made a nervous start. Long, who had shot a whisker wide from an early corner, mis-controlled to gift Jeffrey Monakana a run on goal. Fortunately the debutant could only fire wide under pressure from the covering Jake Wright. The uneven playing surface played a role in Long's mistake, and a bobble nearly caught out Ryan Clarke seconds later. Striker Vadaine Oliver's shot looked relatively harmless, but the goalkeeper had to readjust at the last moment after the ball hit a bobble. United looked disjointed, but their better moments came down the right flank. George Baldock, making his home debut, dug out an excellent cross on 18 minutes which Hoban headed over. There was very little in a scrappy game, but just after the half hour mark United opened the scoring. Baldock was again the provider, delivering a cross which Mansfield goalkeeper Lenny Pidgeley missed under pressure from Hoban. The ball fell kindly to an unmarked MacDonald, who could not miss from close range. It was just the lift United wanted and all ten outfield players flocked to the goalscorer to congratulate him. The goal had little impact on the game, which remained scrappy up to half-time. Aside from Monakana, Mansfield carried little threat, although Simon Heslop came close with a 42nd-minute shot which struck a teammate to leave Clarke wrong-footed. Fortunately for the hosts, it dropped a yard wide. A one-goal cushion always looked like it would be vulnerable, so it was encouraging to see United start the second half strongly. Hoban headed wide after a cross from MacDonald, who then tested Pidgeley with a shot from range. The deadline day signing added his second goal of the afternoon nine minutes into the half, ending an almighty scramble in the Mansfield box. United appealed for a penalty after Hylton tumbled, but the ball fell to O'Dowda. The winger danced through and his shot was well saved. The ball fell to Michael Collins, who squared for MacDonald to brilliantly thread a shot into the far corner. A second goal eased the pressure and United were in no mood to sit on their lead. Just after the hour mark a long throw from MacDonald found Hoban, who was too quick for Ryan Tafazolli's lunge in the box. MacDonald, on a hat-trick, wanted the penalty, but Hylton waved him away and calmly tucked home from 12 yards. The top scorer's afternoon might have take a turn for the worse ten minutes later. Already on a booking, he appeared to get away with a deliberate handball and was immediately substituted. James Roberts almost made it 4-0 seconds after coming on when he charged down a Pidgeley clearance, sending the ball ricocheting just wide. The striker also volleyed over from an O'Dowda cross, before United calmly ran down the clock. Mansfield, whose only shot on target came in the fifth minute, looked a beaten side and were unable to build any late pressure. Oxford Utd: Clarke, Baldock, Mullins, Wright, Long, MacDonald (Roofe 71), Collins (Whing 88), Ruffels, O'Dowda, Hylton (Roberts 76), Hoban. Unused subs: Ashdown, Dunkley, Rose, Rasulo. Mansfield Tn: Pidgeley, Sutton, Riley, Tafazolli, Elder, Ravenhill, Monakana, Heslop, Thomas (Bingham ht), Brown (Lambe 75), Oliver (Kee 73). Unused subs: Studer, Rhead, McGuire, Beevers. Referee: Andy Woolmer (Northamptonshire). Attendance: 6,954 (322 visitors).
isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2020-10 publisher: Common Crawl description: Wide crawl of the web for February 2020 operator: Common Crawl Admin ([email protected]) hostname: ip-10-67-67-228.ec2.internal software: Apache Nutch 1.16 (modified, robots: checked via crawler-commons 1.1-SNAPSHOT ( format: WARC File Format 1.1 conformsTo:
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Segment Snapshots Segment Snapshots US Payments Market: A Six-Page Quick Summary My Research Items Global payment market have been growing at rates in excess of expectations. The industry is currently going through a wave of infrastructure modernization that is required to compete effectively with nonbank innovators and address evolving customer needs. The US Payments Market report gives the overview of the US payments industry, market opportunities, non-cash payments market and mobile payments. The report also highlights latest technology and demographic trends. Table of Contents: 1. Industry Overview 2. Market Opportunities 3. Non-cash Payments Market 4. Cards and Electronics Payments 5. Mobile Payments 6. P2P Payments 7. Barriers to Market Entrants 8. Key Players 9. Latest Technology and Demographic Trends 10. Regulations Note: A Segment Snapshot is a crisp analysis (3-5 pages) of specific FinTech segment or a specific region. Every snapshot is divided into different sections: segment definition, market sizing, and growth trends, main players in the industry, business trends, consumer trends and legal trends.
isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2018-34 publisher: Common Crawl description: Wide crawl of the web for August 2018 operator: Common Crawl Admin ([email protected]) hostname: ip-10-230-0-77.ec2.internal software: Apache Nutch 1.15 (modified, robots: checked via crawler-commons 0.11-SNAPSHOT ( format: WARC File Format 1.1 conformsTo:
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Tin Muk Tin Muk Trailers Durian Durian Trailer Most Popular Tin Muk Trailers Total trailers found: 1 Durian Durian Trailer (2000) 16 November 2000 Fruit Chan's second feature of 2000 takes its title from the Durian, a fruit whose large, ungainly exterior and delicious taste serve as a metaphor for the film's Hong Kong setting.
robots: classic hostname: ip-10-229-203-126.ec2.internal software: Nutch 1.6 (CC) isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2018-13 operator: Common Crawl Admin description: Wide crawl of the web for March 2018 publisher: Common Crawl format: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo:
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A Police State in the Making Surveillance and the Erosion of Civil Liberties Obama has been reported to be recommending the end to NSA bulk data collection. Even if true (it isn’t given the many loopholes in his proposal, especially keeping intact the FISA Court and Section 215 of the Patriot Act), it’s a little late after five years of structural-ideological imposition on the body politic, in the name of counterterrorism, a paradigm of fascistic social management, soft-glove intimidation, pressures toward conformity, all in the service of—what? It is hard to discern the magnitude of change in America over the period since World War II, Obama merely the present capstone of long-term trends of business concentration, military aggrandizement, societal alienation and false consciousness. Yet amidst gradual development of global hegemonic claims, precisely because a bastardized liberalism holds sway as the obscurantist medium, we miss the qualitative leap now taking place, a massive Rightward shift which embraces both major parties countenancing and legitimating a permanent war economy and mentality. We’ve seen this before, the decade 1945-55 of torrid anticommunism fueling the Cold War, where Democrats and Republicans were indistinguishable from each other in advocating for super-patriotism garnished with consumerism and hostility toward organized labor. That complexion of American life has never changed, merely so grafted onto the national identity as in time to seem unremarkable, but for it to take on cumulative force, which it has, requires steady reinforcement until, as now, a breakthrough occurs. America sits uncomfortably in a world of other Powers; it wants the limelight to itself, unilateral military prowess combined with global financial-commercial leadership. Obstacles to this self-declared credo of a New Manifest Destiny clearly must be run over; hegemony does not admit of gradations, but rather calls for an all-or-nothing attitude toward internal regimentation, external conquest. To soften the image of Behemoth-like conduct, the US extends its influence and power through multinational military organization (NATO, SEATO) and international monetary and banking institutions (notably, IMF), without surrendering an iota of control over them. Here we are, then: a half-trillion dollar (and counting) “defense” budget, far-flung missile installations and military bases, naval power massing in the Pacific to confront China, modernization of the nuclear stockpile, CIA stations as so many fingers in the pie determining the rise and fall of nations’ regimes, all synthesized, coordinated, pushing outward, movement for its own sake almost losing sight of capitalism as America’s reason for being, as though militaristic grandeur trumped the political economy making it possible. In this context, surveillance comes with the territory, part and parcel of the psychopathology of domination, as natural today as the air we breathe. Government has to be doing something to show its value as a coercive instrument, lest Authority (no longer government alone as possessing an official stamp, but transferred over to a combined ruling group which includes corporate and military elites) be questioned and the cohesion necessary to pursuing hegemonic goals weakened. Obama presides, in the case of NSA, over a self-fulfilling prophesy or bureaucratic nightmare; of course, spy on the people—how else ensure their accommodation to the status quo, their enlistment in the ranks of militarism, their absolute devotion to the System as a whole (Kafka would be proud of that capital “S”), their dedication to their own annulment as historical actors, accepting in its place the crumbs from the tables of wealth and the smile of their POTUS. My New York Times Comment on Charlie Savage’s excellent article, “Obama to Call for End to N.S.A.’s Bulk Data Collection,” (March 25), mine, same date, follows: Obama is the enemy of civil liberties. This latest skirmish is to give the appearance of respect for the rule of law; meanwhile little has changed. The National Security State is an affront to a freedom-loving people, which, because of their apathy and/or complicity, the American people no longer are. N.S.A. should never have been allowed; 215 of the Patriot Act is so odious, no wonder the lack of transparency of USG under Obama; the “surveillance court” is an euphemism for star-chamber proceeding, its very decisions and operations wrapped in secrecy, its judges appointed by Chief Justice Roberts, not known for dedication to the law. Obama presides over a cesspool of lawlessness; cosmetics, esp. at this point, merely rub salt in the wound to the US Constitution. A POTUS who actively employs the Espionage Act against whistleblowers (presumably it is a high crime to reveal repression and abrogation of habeas corpus rights) and personally authorizes targeted assassination (participating in the selection of targets) is hardly to be trusted when it comes to the issue of massive domestic surveillance. Let the citizenry sleep the sleep of indifference; in recent years the US has made significant advances in the formation, refinement, and execution of the Police State. Why be surprised? We blithely back fascists in Ukraine, support military dictatorships worldwide (Egypt the latest example), and use CIA-JSOC paramilitary operations to overthrow governments we don’t like.
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August 10, 2016 Progressives Don’t Trust Hillary Clinton Means What She Says Hillary Clinton is the say or do anything candidate of the 2016 election. On issues as diverse as trade, the Keystone pipeline, and the Second Amendment, Clinton has tailored her positions to fit the views of the electorate. This week progressive groups are noticing who they’ve nominated as the Democratic standard bearer and are calling Clinton to firmly commit to the more progressive positions she took in the primaries. After years of giving big money speeches to Wall Street firms, Clinton is viewed suspiciously by progressive groups. During the primary, Clinton took a firmer anti-Wall Street position because of Bernie Sanders’ success using the issue against her. Still, 15 progressive groups do not trust Clinton will act tough if she became president. This morning, they sent her a letter challenging her to not appoint Wall Street bankers to her administration: An alliance of 15 progressive groups is pressuring Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to keep people connected to Wall Street out of her transition team and the White House if she wins the November election. The organizations, several of which backed Bernie Sanders in the primary race, urged Clinton to select ‘proven policymakers whose commitment to the public interest is unimpeachable to lead your transition efforts.’ They wrote to Clinton in a letter Wednesday they provided to Bloomberg Politics that ‘personnel is policy’ and that ‘too many Wall Street executives and corporate insiders have traveled through the revolving door between private industry and government.’” Clinton is also feeling the heat from progressive groups on the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Clinton infamously called the deal the “gold standard” of trade deals, and was so effusive in her praise that CNN was able to compile 45 instances of her praising the deal. Progressive groups, like Democracy for America and CREDO, now fear that Clinton will flip-flop again on TPP, supporting its passage in the lame duck session. They’ve called on her to pledge that she will stay firm in her original flip-flop: “On Wednesday, the grassroots liberal groups Democracy for America and CREDO will begin circulating petitions urging Clinton to go further by making a public statement ‘urging the White House and Democratic congressional leadership to oppose any vote on the TPP, especially during the post-election lame duck session of Congress.’ The groups would like Clinton to make that declaration in her policy address on the economy this Thursday outside of Detroit.” These two examples show that progressive groups have put Clinton in a lose-lose position. If Clinton fails to satisfy progressives, she risks them staying home on Election Day or voting for Green Party candidate Jill Stein. Yet, if she gives into their demands, she could alienate more moderate swing voters. As it turns out, a history of politically advantageous actions causes people to not trust your word. Who knew?
isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2018-51 publisher: Common Crawl description: Wide crawl of the web for December 2018 operator: Common Crawl Admin ([email protected]) hostname: ip-10-165-185-158.ec2.internal software: Apache Nutch 1.15 (modified, robots: checked via crawler-commons 0.11-SNAPSHOT ( format: WARC File Format 1.1 conformsTo:
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Saturday, April 3, 2010 Dying Eggs...Brown Eggs! I tried something new this year!  My mom read about a tip - use brown eggs for a richer, deeper color.  First of all, I love brown eggs.  It isn't the taste; white eggs taste the same as brown eggs.  It isn't the nutritional component; brown eggs have the same nutritional value as white eggs.  It's simply the color.  Whenever I use brown eggs, it makes me happy.  I'm extremely bummed that they are more costly than white eggs, or else they would be my everyday egg.  So this was an exciting day for me - I bought a dozen brown eggs. Some are lighter, some are darker, but whatever shade of tan they are, they definitely hold a special place in my heart.  Would they really result in richer colored Easter eggs, though?  I would soon find out.  I bought your basic kit, although it was Star Wars and came with stickers, and filled my mugs with 1/2 cup warm water and 3 tablespoons of vinegar - not in the pink, however!  Why is that?  The box has elaborate instructions to add vinegar to the mix for all colors except for pink.  If anyone knows the answer, please do share!   So, is it better to use brown eggs for dying?  I tend to think yes!  Unlike white eggs, when the brown eggs dried, they actually looked like painted wooden eggs.  Stunningly rich, yet sub-dued colors, both at the same time.  I hate to clutter them up with Star Wars stickers, but when I see Ryan on Sunday, he may want to do just that...and I will totally let him.   Yes, my sad attempt at an Easter bunny.  Thought you might all get a kick out of it.  I might be able to cook, but I'm definitely not an artist ;)  Have a great holiday. 1 comment: 1. I agree with you about brown eggs. They do make me happy. I never knew you could dye brown eggs! That's awesome. Max and his babysitter did a traditional kit and then again with Neon food coloring. I will try brown eggs next year.
robots: classic hostname: ip-10-149-109-157.ec2.internal software: Nutch 1.6 (CC) isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2018-05 operator: Common Crawl Admin description: Wide crawl of the web for January 2018 publisher: Common Crawl format: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo:
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• Content count • Joined • Last visited Community Reputation 112 Neutral About GorbGorb • Rank 1. If you really have to optimize your solution, I'd suggest this approach: Organizing memory Use fixed size memory blocks of chars as nodes in your rope. This allows you to pool allocate those blocks, minimizing calls to new and malloc. When you run out of allocated blocks, allocate a bigger buffer. Don't simply memcpy your blocks to the new location but push_back each character in your new structure, filling up each block completely, starting at the beginning of the buffer (thus making the doubly linked list cache friendly again, in case you want to traverse it). Finding insert position For inserting text into the string, I assume you need to know where a line starts. I see multiple solutions for this: a) Store the number of newlines a node contains in the node (and keep that number updated). Iterate over nodes to find the right block.[list] [*]easy to implement [*]low memory usage [*]inserting newlines is O(1) [*]finding newlines is O(n) and needs to touch a lot of memory [/list] b) Maintain a dynamic array of pointers to nodes. The pointer at index [i]n [/i]shall point to the node containing the line with index [i]n[/i][list] [*]higher memory usage [*]inserting newlines is O(n) [*]finding newlines is O(1) [/list] c) Combination of a) and b). Use pointers to find approximate location of your line (for example, pointer [i]n [/i]points to line [i]10 * n[/i]).[list] [*]most difficult to implement [*]otherwise, same characteristics as b) [/list] 2. [quote name='CDProp' timestamp='1347388042' post='4978988'] Just one more thought, real quick... Another place this dynamic_cast issue comes up in a [i]lot[/i] is with publish/subscribe messaging architectures. Often, you have an abstract interface called Message, and then any time you want to send data from one part of your program to another (where nothing knows at compile time who is communicating with whom), then you just subclass Message (e.g., FooMessage, BarMessage). However, the message handler method on the receiving end will get a Message& and it needs to down-cast that to the right message type before it can deal with it. [/quote] You can automate this with templates (not tested, but the concept works): [CODE] class message_dispatcher { private: struct abstract_listener { void* listener; void (*handle)( void* listener , const void* message ); }; template< class MessageType , class ReceivingType > static void handle_func( void* listener , const void* message ) { ReceivingType& typed_listener = *static_cast< ReceivingType* >( listener ); const MessageType& typed_message = *static_cast< const MessageType* >( message ); typed_listener.handle( typed_message ); } std::multimap< type_info , abstract_listener > listeners; public: template< class MessageType , class ReceivingType > void subscribe( ReceivingType& r ) { abstract_listener al{ &r , &handle_func< MessageType , ReceivingType > }; type_info info = typeid( MessageType ); listeners.insert( { inf , al } ); } template< class MessageType > void dispatch( const MessageType& msg ) { type_info info = typeid( MessageType ); auto range = listeners.equal_range( info ); while( range.first != range.second ) { ( *(range.first->handle_func) )( range.first->listener , &msg ); ++range.first; } } }; struct message_a {}; class specific_listener { public: void handle( message_a& m ) { } }; specific_listener listener; message_dispatcher dispatcher; dispatcher.subscribe< message_a >( listener ); dispatcher.dispatch( message_a() ); [/CODE] Notice, however, that you can't use a message hierarchy. If you dispatch a B : A, a handler that has subscribed for A won't get that message. If you need the performance, you can change std::multimap to something like a hash map and replace type_info with your own ids, e.g. [CODE] template< class T > void* t_id() { static char c; return c; } typedef void* msg_id; msg_id id = t_id< message_a >(); //or if you need to communicate between different dlls struct message_a { static const unsigned int id = //some unique value }; [/CODE] 3. [CODE] template<class First, class Second> class Either { public: template<class T> Either<First, Second>& operator=(Either<T, Empty> either) { first_ = std::move( either.value() ); hasFirst_ = true; return *this; } template<class T> Either<First, Second>& operator=(Either<Empty, T> either) { second_ = std::move( either.value() ); hasFirst_ = false; return *this; } bool hasFirst() const { return hasFirst_; } bool hasSecond() const { return !hasFirst_; } const First& first() const { return first_; } const Second& second() const { return second_; } private: union { First first_; Second second_; }; bool hasFirst_; }; [/CODE] This will eliminate unnecessary copies. Look at boost::variant, it does something similar. 4. Hi, I'm learning gles 2 android ndk at the moment, but I can't display a texture. I expect my code to render a black texture on the screen, but all I get is some color garbage. This is my rendering routine: [source lang="cpp"] gl_context::create_context( s ); glViewport( 0 , 0 , gl_context::width() , gl_context::height() ); glClearColor( 0.0f , 0.0f , 0.0f , 0.0f ); GLuint shader_program = 0; GLuint position = 0; GLuint texture_coord = 1; GLuint sampler = 0; const char* vertex_shader_source = "attribute vec4 position; \n" "attribute vec2 a_texture_coord; \n" "varying vec2 v_texture_coord; \n" "void main() \n" "{ \n" " gl_Position = position; \n" " v_texture_coord = a_texture_coord; \n" "} \n"; const char* fragment_shader_source = "precision mediump float; \n" "uniform sampler2D sampler; \n" "varying vec2 v_texture_coord; \n" "void main() \n" "{ \n" " gl_FragColor = texture2D( sampler , v_texture_coord );" //" gl_FragColor = vec4( 1.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 1.0 );" //uncommenting this results in a red screen, so I guess I have a valid gles 2 context "} \n"; GLuint vertex_shader = glCreateShader( GL_VERTEX_SHADER ); glShaderSource( vertex_shader , 1 , &vertex_shader_source , 0 ); glCompileShader( vertex_shader ); GLuint fragment_shader = glCreateShader( GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER ); glShaderSource( fragment_shader , 1 , &fragment_shader_source , 0 ); glCompileShader( fragment_shader ); shader_program = glCreateProgram(); glAttachShader( shader_program , vertex_shader ); glAttachShader( shader_program , fragment_shader ); glBindAttribLocation( shader_program , position , "position" ); glBindAttribLocation( shader_program , texture_coord , "a_texture_coord" ); glLinkProgram( shader_program ); glUseProgram( shader_program ); sampler = glGetUniformLocation( shader_program , "sampler" ); glActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE0 ); glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D , 0 ) ; std::vector< GLubyte > buffer( 64 * 64 * 3 , 0 ); glTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D , 0 , GL_RGB , 64 , 64 , 0 , GL_RGB , GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE , ); glUniform1i( sampler , 0 ); glClear( GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT ); const GLfloat vertex_positions[] = { -1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, }; const GLfloat texture_coords[] = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, }; glVertexAttribPointer( position , 2 , GL_FLOAT , GL_FALSE , 0 , vertex_positions ); glEnableVertexAttribArray( position ); glVertexAttribPointer( texture_coord , 2 , GL_FLOAT , GL_FALSE , 0 , texture_coords ); glEnableVertexAttribArray( texture_coord ); glDrawArrays( GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP , 0 , 4 ); glDisableVertexAttribArray( position ); glDisableVertexAttribArray( texture_coord ); gl_context::swap_buffers();[/source] 5. [quote name='Antheus' timestamp='1334009746' post='4929688'] I mentioned JavaScript above:[code]var Enemy = function() { this.velocity = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]; this.mass = 200.0; systems.install(this); }[/code] [/quote] With some template magic and type erasure this can actually be emulated in c++, for example, I use this: [CODE] prototype p = system_manager.new_prototype(); p.add_component( velocitity{ x , y , z } ); p.add_component( mass{ 200 } ); entity a = system_manager.new_entity( p ); entity b = system_manager.new_entity( p ); [/CODE] which doesn't look that much worse. The idea is to have references to base_system s in your system_manager. During its initialization, you create a map< typeinfo , unsigned int >, where the value type is unsigned int. When adding a component to a prototype (usually while loading a level) you lookup that system_index in the map once and store it with the component. To create an entity from a prototype you simply iterate over all components in it and do [CODE] systems[ system_id ].insert( component ); [/CODE] Maybe I'll refactor my implementation a bit and upload it somewhere, it is, as you said, quite some work to implement a generic component system in c++. 6. Smart pointers question boost::shared_ptr has the same thread-safety as a normal pointer. You're not allowed to do [quote] Thread 1:[font=courier new,courier,monospace] a = null;[/font] Thread 2:[font=courier new,courier,monospace] shared_ptr<T> b = a;[/font] [/quote] with normal pointers either. 7. Organizing and managing code? [quote name='slayemin' timestamp='1330024635' post='4915953'] -Every time you use a 'new' keyword to allocate memory, automatically create a 'delete' keyword to deallocate it and make sure that the delete is reached. [/quote] Don't use new unless you need a custom data structure or for unique_ptr. Use std::make_shared and std::vector instead (you could also create std::make_unique, I'm sure it'll make it into the standard soon). [CODE] A *a = new A; //use a delete a; [/CODE] is very like not exception safe. Better: [CODE] std::unique_ptr< A > a( new A() ); //use a //std::unique_ptr deletes a [/CODE] You don't leak memory if you use modern c++. 8. Thanks for the answers so far, confirmed me in my thoughts. [quote name='Hodgman' timestamp='1328833523' post='4911495'] [code]int SystemIndex(u32 handle) { return handle>>24; } int InstanceIndex(u32 handle) { return handle & 0xffffff; } [/code] [/quote] Funny, I thought about the exact same thing right after starting this thread =) For now I will go with 1a) and an unsorted vector. I also thought about creating a lookup table from 1b) only once and using it for querying components after construction, reusing the memory for the next entity creation. Another aspect I want to improve in my design is loading and storing entity prototypes. I want to be able to load entities from files, create a prototype and spawn them later. The prototype class is implemented with type erasure, maybe a little bit like boost::any[] (not with slow built-in rtti though). The problems arise when I have to modify new entities slightly, for example setting position and velocity or changing a flag for this specific entity. Currently, I buffer all spawn requests to ensure my component data structures stay valid while iterating, so I can't just change a certain property right after spawning the entity. The solution I've come up is to pass another prototype object to the spawn function which overwrites standard components if set. This sounds rather over-engineered to me. How is that problem typically solved? 9. Hi, I'm not sure how to implement an entity system, as described in [url=""][/url] Especially construction, communication between components and managing entity lifetime is giving me a hard time. Here are a few alternatives I thought about: 1) Store indexes to components in the entity object a) in an std::map (or a sorted vector). Since map lookup is slow, I have to store additional references in components that need to access other components very often (for example, the physics component needs fast access to the transform component). memory overhead per component: - in map: 1 int component id , 1 int/ptr for access to specific component - in component: optional fast-access references, optional ptr to entity object b) in an array that is large enough to hold an index for each component type in my entity system. Finding a specific component of an entity is just indexing an array, but entities with few components suffer from a heavy memory overhead. In addition, I get cache misses if I access that lookup table very often. memory overhead per component: - in lookup table: 1 int component id , even for nonexistent components - in component: 1 ptr to component entity object 2) Destroy references to components after construction and keep a reference count in the entity object After construction, each component stores references to other components itself. Afterwards, the reference table or map is destroyed. When processing a component, I have to check wether the entity is still valid or deleted. memory overhead per component: - 1 ptr to reference count - references to all possibly needed components, cannot query a component past construction Currently, I tend towards 1a). I like that it's possible to add or remove components from entities during their entire lifetime, and it probably scales better if I want to add many different components. What are your thoughts? 10. I believe there is no satisfactory solution for your problem. Your base EventListener has to either now about all message types or all specific listener types. This can be automated via variadic templates, but you'll have to recompile when adding a new listener type or message type. 11. [quote] [CODE] template<typename EVENT_DATA> virtual void onEvent(Event<EVENT_DATA>* event) { ; } [/CODE] [/quote] Which compiler do you use? Function templates cannot be virtual. 12. I think std::make_shared allocates the reference count in the same memory block as the object. 13. This is my implementation of your entity class: [code] template< class Type > void destruct_function( void *obj_mem ) { static_cast< Type* >( obj_mem )->~Type(); } class entity { public: ~entity() { for( auto it = components.begin() ; it != components.end() ; ++it ) ( *it->first )( it->second ); } template< class Type > Type *query() { auto it = components.find( &destruct_function< Type > ); if( it != components.end() ) return static_cast< Type* >( it->second ); else return 0; } private: std::map< void (*)( void * ) , void * > components; }; [/code] 14. I use this solution: [code] inline unsigned int new_id() { static unsigned int previous_id = 0; ++previous_id; return previous_id; } template< class Type > class id_container { public: const static unsigned int value; }; template< class Type > const unsigned int id_container< Type >::value = new_id(); template< class Type > unsigned int type_id() { return id_container< Type >::value; } [/code] Keep in mind though that this won't work across dll boundaries, and you should make the new_id() function thread safe if you want to use type_id in mutliple threads. 15. I don't want to comment the idea of having an entity object as I don't claim to have found the Holy Grail, but I think it's unclean to use strings to identify components, especially if all component types are known at compile time. Instead, use type erasure: [code] class entity { private: class base_entity_wrapper { public: std::type_info *id; virtual ~base_entity_wrapper() {} }; template< class Type > class entity_wrapper : public base_entity_wrapper { public: entity_wrapper( Type object ) : obj( std::move( object ) ) , id( &typeid( Type ) ) {} Type obj; }; std::vector< base_entity_wrapper* > components; //use a smart pointers instead public: template< class Type > void add_component( Type object ) { components.push_back( new entity_wrapper< Type >( std::move( object ) ) ); //currently not exception safe, use std::unique_ptr } template< class Type > Type *get() { for( auto it = components.begin() ; it != components.end() ; ++it ) { if( *(**it).id == typeid( Type ) ) return static_cast< component_wrapper< Type >* >( *it )->obj; } return 0; } }; //using: e.add_component( CA() ); e.get< CA >(); [/code] You can increase performance drastically by using a handcrafted typeid, but I'm not sure whether posting one is worth the time.
robots: classic hostname: ip-10-61-205-81.ec2.internal software: Nutch 1.6 (CC) isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2017-39 operator: Common Crawl Admin description: Wide crawl of the web for September 2017 publisher: Common Crawl format: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo:
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Social Security Disability Workers' Compensation Automobile Accidents Long Term Disability Veterans VA Claims Wills and Trusts Estate Planning Medical Malpractice Wrongful Death Salvation vs. Suicide More » Statute of Limitations Common law legal system might have a statute, for example, limiting the time for prosecution of crimes designated as misdemeanors to two years after the offense occurred. Under such a statute, if a person is discovered to have committed a misdemeanor three years ago, the time has expired for the prosecution of the misdemeanor. While on one hand it may seem unfair to forbid prosecution of crimes that law enforcement can now prove to the standard required by law (cf., e.g., Beyond a reasonable doubt, Clear and convincing evidence, and Preponderance of the evidence), the purpose of a statute of limitations or its equivalent is to ensure that the possibility of punishment for an act committed sufficiently long ago cannot give rise to either a person's incarceration or the criminal justice system's activation. In short, unless the crime is exceptionally heinous in nature, social justice as enacted through law has compromised that lesser crimes from long ago are best let be rather than distract attention from contemporary serious crimes. In a related concept, contracts may also have a term under which they may be the basis of a suit, and after which a plaintiff is held to have waived any right to claim. Under Article VI of the United States Constitution, private contracts cannot be abridged; this provision has been held by the United States Supreme Court to mean that the federal government or a State can only vitiate a contract if it directly opposes an important public policy. Similarly, the Charter of Fundamental Rights, codified into law applicable to European Union countries by the passage civil lawsuit) is said to have accrued when the event beginning its time limitation occurs. Sometimes this is the event itself that is the subject of the suit or prosecution (such as a crime or personal injury), but it may also be an event such as the discovery of a condition one wishes to redress, such as discovering a defect in a manufactured good, or in the case of controversial "repressed memory" cases where someone discovers memories of childhood sexual abuse long afterwards. An idea closely related, but not identical, to the statute of limitations is a statute of repose. A statute of repose limits the time within which an action may be brought and is not related to the accrual of any cause of action; the injury need not have occurred, much less have been discovered. Unlike an ordinary statute of limitations, which begins running upon accrual of the claim, the period contained in a statute of repose begins when a specific event occurs, regardless of whether a cause of action has accrued or whether any injury has resulted. This often applies to buildings and properties, and limits the time during which an action may lie based upon defects or hazards connected to the construction of the building or premises. An example of this would be that if a person is electrocuted by a wiring defect incorporated into a structure in, say, 1990, a state law may allow his heirs to sue only before 1997 in the case of an open (patent) defect, or before 2000 in the case of a hidden defect. Statutes of repose can also apply to manufactured goods. Manufacturers contend they are necessary to avoid unfairness and encourage consumers to maintain their property. Consumer groups argue that statutes of repose on consumer goods provide a disincentive for manufacturers to build durable products and to notify consumers of product defects as the manufacturers become aware of them. Consumer groups also argue that such statutes of repose disproportionately affect poorer people, since they are more likely to own older goods. Once the time allowed for a case by a statute of limitations runs out, if a party raises it as a defense and that defense is accepted, any further litigation is foreclosed. Most jurisdictions provide that limitations are tolled under certain circumstances. Tolling will prevent the time for filing suit from running while the condition exists. Examples of such circumstances are if the aggrieved party (plaintiff) is a minor, or the plaintiff has filed a bankruptcy proceeding. In those instances, in most jurisdictions, the running of limitations is tolled until the circumstance (i.e., the injured party reaches majority in the former or the bankruptcy proceeding is concluded in the latter) no longer exists. There may be a number of factors that will affect the tolling of a statute of limitations. In many cases, the discovery of the harm (as in a medical malpractice claim where the fact or the impact of the doctor's mistake is not immediately apparent) starts the statute running. In some jurisdictions the action is said to have not accrued until the harm is discovered; in others, the action accrues when the malpractice occurs, but an action to redress the harm is tolled until the injured party discovers the harm. An action to redress a tort committed against a minor is generally tolled in most cases until the child reaches the age of majority. A ten-year-old who is injured in a car accident might therefore be able to bring suit one, two, or three years after he turns 18. It may also be inequitable to allow a defendant to use the defense of the running of the limitations period, such as the case of an individual in the position of authority over someone else who intimidates the victim into never reporting the wrongdoing, or where one is led to believe that the other party has agreed to suspend the limitations period during good faith settlement negotiations or due to a fraudulent misrepresentation. Generally speaking, in the case of private, civil matters, the limitations period may be shortened or lengthened by agreement of the parties. However, under standard agreement with the Court of Law, you are to be let free, and limitations for you will cease to exist. Under the Uniform Commercial Code the parties to a contract for sale of goods may reduce the limitations period to not less than one year but may not extend it. Although such limitations periods generally are issues of law, limitations periods known as laches may apply in situations of equity (i.e., a judge will not issue an injunction if the party requesting the injunction waited too long to ask for it), such periods are not clearly defined and are subject to broad judicial discretion. For criminal cases, this means that the public prosecutor must prosecute within some time limit. The time limit varies from country to country, and increases with seriousness of the alleged crime (for example, in most jurisdictions, murder, the most serious crime, has an indefinite statute of limitations). When a time limit is suspended, it does not run (akin to hitting "Stop" on a stopwatch). Common triggers include the defendant being on the run. When a time limit is interrupted, it is restarted (like hitting "Reset" on a stopwatch). This may be triggered by a new crime committed. If a criminal is on the run, he can be convicted in absence, in order to prevent prescription, or the time limit does not elapse during that time. Fraud upon the court [edit] International crimes Heinous crimes Crimes that are considered exceptionally heinous by society have no statute of limitations. As a rule, murder (especially capital murder or first degree murder) has no statute of limitations. Rape, especially sexual abuse of minors, will often fall under this category as well as certain instances of arson and robbery. In many jurisdictions, crimes involving child pornography and certain violent crimes involving drugs or drug dealing may also have no statute of limitations
robots: classic hostname: ip-10-164-35-72.ec2.internal software: Nutch 1.6 (CC)/CC WarcExport 1.0 isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2016-26 operator: CommonCrawl Admin description: Wide crawl of the web for June 2016 publisher: CommonCrawl format: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo:
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Private Documents You are here Troop Information Summary: Summary of important information for New Scout Parents, and concise summary for everyone. Troop 990 Swim Check form: Required every year for both adults and Scouts participating in any water sports. Troop 990 Expense Reimbursement: Texas Non-Profit Sales Tax Exemption Form: Print, complete and show form when making purchases for Troop 990 programs/administration to not be charged sales tax. Sales and Use Tax Exemption Certification Form.pdf Website User Guides:      Parent:  Parent T990 Website User GuideSept 27 1012.pdf      Scout:  Scout T990 Website User Guide Sept 27 2012.pdf Troop Committe Guidebook: Download Troop Committee Guidebook
isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2018-51 publisher: Common Crawl description: Wide crawl of the web for December 2018 operator: Common Crawl Admin ([email protected]) hostname: ip-10-184-199-160.ec2.internal software: Apache Nutch 1.15 (modified, robots: checked via crawler-commons 0.11-SNAPSHOT ( format: WARC File Format 1.1 conformsTo:
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robots: classic hostname: ip-10-233-143-46.ec2.internal software: Nutch 1.6 (CC) isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2018-05 operator: Common Crawl Admin description: Wide crawl of the web for January 2018 publisher: Common Crawl format: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo:
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Oakley.. smh SKD Tactical (a store you need to bookmark if you haven’t already) had a pretty deep discount on their Oakley line in a sale a few months back, so in spite of the fact that I’ve deliberately avoided purchasing a pair in the past and opted for Smith Optics instead, I decided to pop my big-O cherry in order that I at least be able to form a slightly valid opinion of the brand. I’m going to make an analogy now that some folks won’t agree with and even less will like, but it’s one that occurs to me none-the-less.  In this bloke’s opinion, Oakley are the Apple of the apparel world.  Whether that is a good or a bad thing to you personally is entirely subjective.  I wouldn’t use the word ‘bad’, but personally I’d not say it was an entirely positive trait overall.  The reasoning behind this analogy isn’t massively complex nor is it all-encompassing, but comes down to a couple of key points.  First is the area of the market which Oakleys fill, i.e. high/top end, but also functional without being a purely 100% aesthetic or fashion product; of course the prices are reflecting of this.  Their prices average around the $140-150 mark but you can go down to around $100 or right up to around $200 depending on the actual style, lens features and colouration.  Overall, from what I’ve seen of offerings within the realms of tactical eye protection, ESS and Revision products tend to price a bit lower overall with Smith Optics filling in the middle.  This tends to apply to both purely functional military type eye protection as well as impact rated sunglasses from all of the aforementioned. That said, the truly stand-out point about the entirely Oakley operation that causes me to relate them to Apple is found within their product descriptions.  Apple phones and computers use just the same basic technologies and types of systems as all their competitors, but Apple have done a great job over the years of convincing the uninformed that their shit is somehow hotter than everyone elses by attaching meaningless, superfluous names to various features of their releases.  As if somehow calling a type of liquid crystal display a ‘Retina’ makes it a totally different beast entirely; the truth is of course they’re just great at marketing and all the clean, white and crisp imagery combined with the affluence-oozing terminology does a top job of shifting units.  Does this make iPhones bad?  No, clearly not, I just wouldn’t choose to buy one and carry it around with me, using it frequently throughout the day, because I do not like companies who try to bullshit me.  Given the nature of modern smartphone hire-purchase type contract arrangements, it’s not like you can easily dip in and out of a certain platform a couple of times each year, however with a pair of sunglasses the bar of commitment is far lower, making the Oakleys a more viable purchase for me personally and with the SKD discounts I ended up getting these SI Gascans (entirely standard base model) for a few notes under $100. Now let’s take a look at a few of these BS terms for reference: 1. ‘O MATTER® frame’ – Sounds pretty sci-fi huh?  Fact is, these shades are not weightless, they’re not bulletproof, they’re not indestructible and to be honest they actually feel slightly more brittle than my Smith equivalents.  Are the frames high quality?  Absolutely, the plastic is incredibly smooth, moulded perfectly and shaped to near-enough perfection.  It’s still just plastic though.  It’s not been mined from recovered meteorites or birthed from between Jennifer Lawrence’s thighs. 2. ‘XYZ OPTICS® lenses’ – According to Oakley, the quality of their lenses assures 100% viewing clarity regardless of which direction your actual eyeballs are pointing.  XYZ of course being a pseudo-clever sounding reference to the 3 axis within which we all can travel, implying freedom of space and movement, stirring up feelings of limitlessness.  Can I say I’ve noticed any blurring or additional darkness when viewing through the edges of the lenses in another brand of eyewear?  No I cannot, be they Smith/ESS or cheap, no-brand, entirely pedestrian sunglasses.  Again, I’m not saying the Oakley lenses don’t appear to be of a very high quality, but I would infinitely rather hear some of the actual details of how exactly the lenses are supposed to be the best, rather than there just being an arbitrary label slapped on to them. 3. ‘PLUTONITE® lens material’ – The lenses within these shades will block all UV radiation and are touted as entirely scratch proof.  Great features to have for sure, I’m not going to shine a UV source at my eyes or deliberately rub my shades against the road to test these things, but I’m happy to trust the features are indeed present.  However, do not treat me, the consumer, like a moron; tell me how and why (obviously within the bounds of not giving away company secrets) this lens material is made to be the best possible thing to have in front of my eyes.  I’ve looked at various eyewear retailers FAQ sections and YouTube channels and they are chocked with explanations and videos that go in to the meanings behind these utterly stupid non-words.  Why are they chocked with them?   Because when you look through the comments on video reviews it’s clear how many people read the marketing terms and are simply left wondering what the hell they’re actually buying.  It’s just a polycarbonate and on the very base level, I’m sure it’s the same as everyone else’s. Problem is of course, just like iThings and despite all the bullshit, you handle these products and go a little bit gooey inside and just want to buy them, because they just look and feel so bloody nice.  In the case of these Oakleys I’d certainly say they’re a great way to protect your eyes because the materials used in both the lenses and frames are absolutely up to the job and will resist both physical forces and degradation by chemicals and extreme environmental conditions.  As long as you don’t run them over with a car they’d quite possibly last a life time of flat range usage. They’re supremely light and comfortable, they look and feel sleek, the arms lock in to place when opened very positively and they’re made in America.  The storage bag is made in Cambodia which seems like an odd choice since they’re ludicrously simple items that a child learning to use a sewing machine in school could construct without much difficulty.  But if you buy your Oakleys from SKD you do get a free (and oh so tacticool) US made storage bag in multicam from Patrol Incident Gear. Leave a Reply
isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2021-04 publisher: Common Crawl description: Wide crawl of the web for January 2021 operator: Common Crawl Admin ([email protected]) hostname: ip-10-67-67-33.ec2.internal software: Apache Nutch 1.17 (modified, robots: checked via crawler-commons 1.2-SNAPSHOT ( format: WARC File Format 1.1 conformsTo:
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Thursday, June 27, 2013 DOMA Goes Down---The Flame Has Flickered As the Supreme Court essentially struck down the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) yesterday, I was reminded of a statement made by a man whose colleagues called the most articulate, intellectual and virtuous man to serve in the U.S. Senate. His statue affirms his character as it stands in the Capitol. He said: "Hold on my friends to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands...if the Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world." "If we abide by the principles taught in the Bible, our country will go on prospering and to prosper, but if we neglect its instruction and authority, no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may overwhelm us and bury all our glory in profound obscurity." "Finally, let us not forget the religious character of our origin. Our fathers were brought here by their high veneration for the Christian religion. They journeyed by its light and labored by its hope." (Daniel Webster). The Supreme Court---our posterity, in its ruling against marriage, has lost hold of the Constitution, neglected the instruction of the Bible and its authority and have attempted to extinguish the light by which our Founders journeyed. The flame has flickered. Marriage, since Creation, has been understood to be the union of a man and a woman. Every major religion has affirmed that model. Every successful society has honored that model for marriage. Yesterday, a majority on the Supreme Court defied God, Nature, history and our Constitution. Last Friday Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia told the North Carolina Bar Association, "There is no right to homosexual conduct granted by the United States Constitution." He said morality should be decided by the public, not unelected judges who set themselves up as "moral arbiters." He said, "When the Constitution was adopted, all those acts were criminal throughout the United States and remained so for several centuries...that existed in perfect conformity with the Constitution for over 200 years." We have "lost hold of the Constitution" as Webster warned. The conservative view is that of Webster's. The Constitution is a democratically adopted legal document that does not change. Secular progressives say the Constitution is a "living" document and changes with cultural norms. Scalia is an "originalist". Sotomayor believes in a "living" Constitution, although she is careful to not admit it to the press. A "living" Constitution allows progressives to apply a relativistic interpretation to the Constitution. Scalia told the students at Iona College, "The Constitution is not an empty bottle to be filled up by each generation." Regarding marriage, 5 justices on the Court are "filling up the bottle." The other 4 are originalists. Justice Kennedy's majority opinion is revealing. He wrote regarding DOMA, "The federal statute is invalid, for no legitimate purpose overcomes the purpose and effect to disparage and to injure those whom the State, by its marriage laws, sought to protect in personhood and dignity." He said, "By seeking to displace this protection and treating those persons as living in marriages less respected than others, the federal statute is in violation of the Fifth Amendment." We have lost hold of the Constitution. And we are neglecting the authority of God and the Bible. Are we are forgetting the "original character of our origin?" It seems we are. The flame has flickered, but it has not gone out. The Court's decision struck down important parts of DOMA, gutting it, but some of the Defense of Marriage Act still stands. The ruling was limited only to those same-sex "marriages" already recognized in the states that allow same-sex "marriage". Unfortunately, this does not help Washington State but is helpful to most other states. Fortunately, homosexual advocates did not get what they wanted which was a "Roe v. Wade" kind of ruling. They will continue with their demands. The Court ruling also raises a number of questions. For example: The Defense of Marriage Act imposes no uniform definition of marriage upon individual states. However, the states should not be able to impose varying definitions of marriage upon the federal government. The ruling that the federal government must recognize same-sex "marriages" in states that recognize them raises more questions than it answers. Another example: What is the status of couples if they move to another state that does not recognize their "marriage?" I think a lot of litigation will come from this issue. President Obama, as he was leaving on his $100 million trip to Africa, picked up the phone on Air Force One and called homosexual "marriage" leaders in California, Kris Perry and Sandy Stier, the lesbian couple who challenged Proposition 8. He told them, "We're proud of you guys." And added, "You guys should be so proud for today, You should have a great celebration." I'm sure they will, Mr. President. On his way out of town, the president also had a word for us Christians. He promised he won't make churches conduct gay "marriages." He said, "On an issue as sensitive as this, knowing that Americans hold a wide range of views based on deeply held beliefs, maintaining our nation’s commitment to religious freedom is also vital,” Obama said. “How religious institutions define and consecrate marriage has always been up to those institutions. Nothing about this decision — which applies only to civil marriages — changes that.” This promise sounds a lot like the promises related to Obamacare and the President's sensitivity to issues of conscience. I'm sure the Catholic Church is relieved to hear this promise. Now all of us in the Christian community can exhale, because we know our religious freedoms will be protected. Christian leaders are now reviewing our options going forward. One option will not be to give up. Difficulties are not foreign to the Christian church. It is inevitable that Truth wins out. We will not grow wear in well doing. In regard to morality and the culture, evangelicals must take a longer look going forward. We tend to react, rather than be proactive. There are reasons for this. The other side is highly funded, we are not. The other side finds ways to work together in spite of differences. In both major marriage challenges---R-71 and R-74, Christian leadership has been divided, creating division in the Christian community. Some continue to sow discord. That must stop. We must also keep in mind that it has taken several generations of indoctrination from public education, the press and the entertainment industry, to get this far in their march to undermine and redefine marriage. And their task is far from complete. Truth is on our side. There are reasons other than bigotry that homosexual behavior has been rejected by every major religion in history and is condemned by the Bible. Also, it is likely we would not even be at this point had too many in the Christian church not given tacit support to the assault on marriage through their silence. I believe this latest episode may well serve as a needed wake up call to that silent congregation that stretches across this land. As you stand with us, we will continue to stand. This event may become a blessing and an awakening. Thank you for standing with us. God help us. 1. Interesting that Obama said he will not force churches to recognize gay marriage. Why is that even an issue. Is it imminent that we will have to be aware of that threat? The constitution provides that promise and protection, he should have referred to that rather than his position not to impose that requirement. However though, eventually our executive branch will 'evolve' and begin the pressures like using the IRS, Homeland Security, military protocol, etc. to bring Christians to a compromise of their biblical convictions, with more openess and disrespect like Obamacare has done. The trend has began to weed us out, however God will be exalted and His word. Kenney makes it clear his morality here . The only purpose to stand up for one man and one woman marriage is to disparage someone else ? He sounds like some one who never understood the issues . Now every church that does not cow tow to the secularist leftism will be considered only standing up for Bibical values so they can disparage homosexuals . Like the benefit of two genders is to hurt homosexuals ? The standards and norms of people who believe genders are not interchangeable believe so in order to disparage homosexuals . The future Court get togethers will be a blast no doubt . Kennedy is so superior in his morality . 3. there are two identical jesus Christ revelation 17:8. this is the 3 1/2 time period where the beast's identity is revealed to the Christians and catholics. revelation 17:8,15:2 and revelation 7:9,14 my testimony is from the true living God. the antichrist is the spirit of this world, the prince the power of the air. Revelation 16:13-14, Ephesians 2:2, Daniel 8:5, Revelation 13:18, 2 thessalonians 2:9-10. millions of believers both Christians and catholics are being deceived by men preaching another gospel, another jesus Acts 20:26-30, Matthew 24:24. Satan is impersonating Christ to deceive men to prepare for revelation 19:19-20, revelation 16:14 and revelation 13:7-8, 16-18, Daniel 8:12-the word host means ministers. psalms 103:21. I am a witness to seeing ministers of the Vatican, churches, networks, organizations, etc. around the world following the identical jesus Christ which is the beast. WE are that generation that Christ saw at the mount of temptation where satan is impersonating Christ to millions of people 2 Thessalonian 2:9 deceiving men and planting and building churches, beautiful sites to make congregation for worship and for spiritual warfare against the King of kings and Lord of lords. WE are that generation according to matthew chapter 24 when Christ told his disciples! 2 Corinthians 11: 13-15! Satan is mindful of the things of man not of God. Isaiah 14:12-14, Luke 4:31-34- making buildings, people playing instruments with man's hands and singing for worship, etc. revelation 18:22-23 must watch and hear video on youtube titled, "Christ testimony of the churches -around the world." there are two identical Jesus Christ revelation 17:8. what all revivals, signs and wonders happening in these churches, huge ministries around the world is revelation 16:14 and revelation 19:19-20, 2 thessalonians 2:9-10 this message is not a joke. this is not a game. I am telling the truth! God's people must come out of the identical jesus Christ movement NOW and seek God in prayer without ceasing and seek God's forgiveness and be washed in the blood of Jesus Christ!
isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2019-43 publisher: Common Crawl description: Wide crawl of the web for October 2019 operator: Common Crawl Admin ([email protected]) hostname: ip-10-67-67-180.ec2.internal software: Apache Nutch 1.16 (modified, robots: checked via crawler-commons 1.1-SNAPSHOT ( format: WARC File Format 1.1 conformsTo:
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In September 2015, the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE) published new guidance as to how it will interpret and enforce an employer's vacation-time policies. While an employer is not required to offer vacation time in Colorado, if it does, it needs to draft the policy providing for such time very carefully. Under Colorado statutes, the term "wages" includes "[v]acation pay earned in accordance with the terms of any agreement." The Department's FAQs state that “[u]se-it-or-lose-it” policies are permissible under the Colorado Wage Protection Act, provided that any such policy is included in the terms of an agreement between the employer and employee." However, the FAQs continue to further narrow that statement: "[A]ny vacation pay that is 'earned and determinable' must be paid upon separation of employment." If an employer's policy establishes how and when an employee "earns" vacation time, then once that time is "earned" under those terms, it is payable upon separation of employment, which renders a typical use-it-or-lose-it policy unenforceable. Example: An employer's vacation time policy provides that an employee earns 10 days at the beginning of each year. The employer cannot tell the employee at the end of the year that he or she must use their 10 days or they lose it and start over. Why? Under the terms of the policy, the days were "earned" at the beginning of the year. At that moment, the vacation is "earned and determinable" and cannot be forfeited. Example: The same is true for an employee that earns vacation time at a rate of X hours per pay period. Each instance that those hours are earned during the pay period, they become "earned and determinable." The Department's authority to investigate wage complaints is limited—by the statutory definition of "wages"—to "vacation" time. Absent any guidance to the contrary, the Department's authority may not reach an employer's sick pay or combined "PTO" policies. This leaves employers with a few creative drafting solutions to ensure compliance in Colorado. What can employers do? It depends on the underlying concern and/or culture of the organization. If an employer wishes to continue offering payout upon separation, but wants to limit its exposure, there are creative ways to cap an employee's accrual without running afoul of these anti-forfeiture provisions. If an employer has no tolerance for payout upon separation, but still wants to offer some type of vacation-time policy, then the policy must be carefully crafted to avoid the time being "earned" before it is used. It is unclear as of yet whether simply moving to a "PTO" policy avoids the Department's scrutiny because it covers more than just "vacation." Colorado employers with use-it-or-lose-it policies should review those policies with legal counsel (e.g., policies where the employee has to forfeit their earned time at the end of each year or the employee has to forfeit their earned time upon separation). Employers with operations in multiple states should be mindful of how policy language may be interpreted and enforced across the various jurisdictions.
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Tuesday, November 01, 2016 Cruising the Web The October Surprises keep rolling along. The FBI has been conducting a preliminary inquiry into Donald Trump's former campaign manager Paul Manafort's foreign business connections, law enforcement and intelligence sources told NBC News Monday. Word of the inquiry, which has not blossomed into a full-blown criminal investigation, comes just days after FBI Director James Comey's disclosure that his agency is examining a new batch of emails connected to an aide to Hillary Clinton. And it comes a day after Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid criticized Comey's revelation and asserted that Comey possesses "explosive information about close ties and coordination between Donald Trump, his top advisors, and the Russian government." "The relationships that Trump's advisors have had with pro-Russian forces are deeply disturbing," David Kramer, a former senior State Department official in the George W. Bush administration and a former adviser to Marco Rubio's presidential campaign, told NBC News in August. "Trump's attitude on Russia is not in line with most Republican foreign-policy thinking. Trump has staked out views that are really on the fringe." Does this surprise anyone? The guy was clearly a sleaze, but Trump didn't seem to care. And does anyone think that Trump would have had a different attitude towards Putin if he hadn't had Manafort as an adviser. Apparently, all that is needed to get Trump's approbation is for someone to say something nice about Trump and he's willing to throw out a traditional Republican policy position and to return Putin's nice remarks tenfold. To multiply the yuckiness of this year's campaign, Hillary's campaign chairman, John Podesta, the guy whose emails were hacked, has his own suspicious connections to Russia. The story begins in 2011 when the solar energy startup Joule Unlimited announced that Mr. Podesta had been elected to its board of directors. In a company press release, Joule’s CEO at the time lauded Mr. Podesta’s “extensive experience within the US government and internationally as well.” No one claimed Mr. Podesta was a scientific expert, but the company’s founder expressed the hope that their new associate “can help Joule build the lasting relationships needed for long-term success.” A former White House chief of staff for President Bill Clinton, Mr. Podesta at the time was running the Center for American Progress, which supported the Obama administration’s “Russian reset.” Mr. Podesta personally lauded the effort to “build a more constructive relationship” with Russia at a 2009 event hosted by his think tank. Mr. Podesta certainly seems to have made the effort to build a business relationship. About eight months after Mr. Podesta joined Joule in 2011, an investment fund backed by the Russian government, Rusnano, announced plans to invest about $35 million in the company. Several months later, Joule announced that Rusnano Chairman Anatoly Chubais was joining its board of directors. Around the same time, Mr. Podesta joined Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s Foreign Affairs Policy Board. Podesta then decided to divest himself of his holdings. Or did he? This is where the story gets a little more complicated. The emails published on WikiLeaks show that around the time he was returning to the White House, Mr. Podesta wrote to Joule requesting the transfer of his shares to an entity called Leonidio Holdings, LLC, which had been created just weeks earlier. So is his story that he had no interest in a company because all the benefits would go to his children? Doesn't he care about his children? Can't we just have a do-over for the primaries and redo this whole election? I bet that, if such a proposition could be put to the American people, it would get over 90% support. Shop Amazon Devices - All-New Fire HD 8 Shop Amazon Prime Exclusive Phone - Moto G Play $50 Off Shop Amazon Devices - All New Echo Dot Well, this is one way to cut the size of the federal government. Jazz Shaw links to a survey of federal government workers that up to 35% federal workers may consider leave their jobs if Donald Trump were elected. A Government Business Council/ survey found that 14 percent of federal workers say they would definitely consider leaving their jobs if Donald Trump wins the Nov. 8 presidential election. Another 13 percent said they might consider leaving, while 9 percent said they did not know. That leaves just 65 percent of federal workers who say they would stay for a Trump administration. Well, I'll believe that when it happens. It's like those people who say they'll leave the country if candidate X is elected and then few, if any, people leave. I find it hard to believe that federal workers who have very nice jobs with job protections and lovely benefits would leave just because Trump was president. Most federal jobs wouldn't be at all changed if Trump were in the White House. They'd go on doing what they were doing before. That's why the Republicans are always so frustrated after they have controlled the White House to find out that they still couldn't cut the size and reach of government. Obamacare's open enrollment continues to be a nightmare. Obamacare’s fourth open enrollment period begins tomorrow — and what a fitting epilogue to Halloween. After all, when Americans log on to either their state or the federal health insurance exchanges, they’ll be in for a fright. What they’ll discover is a witch’s brew of double-digit premium hikes, restrictive provider networks, and fewer coverage choices. Many exchange customers will have only a single insurance provider to pick from. And more than a million enrollees will find that their current plans have vanished from the exchanges. Even the rosiest projections expect the online coverage markets to be veritable ghost towns. Given the “tricks and treats” on offer, it’s no wonder. For starters, rate hikes have reached levels unimaginable before Obamacare. Nationwide, the lowest-cost bronze exchange plan will cost over 28 percent more, on average, in 2017. And according to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), premium hikes in the 38 states covered under will rise by 25 percent. Many areas will have it a lot worse. In Phoenix, for instance, premiums for the cheapest bronze plan will surge more than 176 percent. In Oklahoma City, prices are up nearly 80 percent; in Chicago, almost 65 percent. These are precisely the kinds of premium spikes Obamacare was supposed to prevent. Commenting on similar rate increases during a 2009 town hall, the president warned, “If we don’t act, these premium hikes will just be a preview of coming attractions.” Hillary Clinton, apparently, wanted the Clinton Foundation to continue to accept foreign donations even if she's elected president. Hillary indicated to staffers that her personal preference is for the foundation to continue accepting money from foreign governments, even if she gets elected president, according to a leaked memo. Additionally, the Clintons were hesitant to put limits on the foundation’s financial operations, for fear of missing out on “unexpected opportunities,” the memo reveals. The memo, dated April 7, 2015, lays out several proposed changes to the foundation. Regarding donations from foreign governments, the memo states that “There are multiple options for consideration.” “Secretary Clinton’s preference is for the Foundation to continue to accept foreign government contributions, but to significantly increase disclosure,” the memo states. “She does not want to limit the Foundation’s ability to operate programs now or in the future.” “We could go further and say the programs are already funded (listing out current funders) and we are not expecting additional funds, but we don’t want to close the door to unexpected opportunities.” A “compromise” option, according to the memo, “would be to say that the Foundation will not accept contributions from foreign governments unless that funding is part of an ongoing program or a disbursement for a completed negotiation.” It seems that Donna Brazile is the first person to lose a job due to the WikeLeaks hack. Despite her passionate denial that she had fed a debate question to Clinton, more emails have revealed that she did it more than once. And now CNN has finally had enough. I don't know if it takes a leak to predict that, at a Democratic debate held in Flint, that the candidates would get a question about what they could do to help the people of Flint. What is funny is to realize that CNN had severed ties with her on October 14 and then she went on Megyn Kelly's show and vociferously denounced any questions about her leaking emails. CNN might claim that finding this out makes them very uncomfortable, but what do they expect when they hire political operatives? And isn't it ironic that this happened with the Democrats at CNN and not Republicans at Fox? Gerald Seib points out how the Comey letter will make politics even uglier after the election than they were set out to be. Let’s assume the Comey bombshell produces some dramatic change in the race and opens the way to a Trump victory. Democrats, not Mr. Trump, will be the ones charging the system was rigged and the election stolen, in this case by Mr. Comey, a longtime Republican who was the No. 2 official at the Justice Department under President George W. Bush. In that case, the corrosive idea that American elections aren’t conducted on the up and up may be advanced from the Democratic side, and some will say that undermines the legitimacy of a Trump presidency. On the other hand, if the development is insufficient to derail what appeared to be a Clinton march toward victory, Republicans, who figure to retain their power base in the House, already have served notice that they will launch from there a series of investigations into the newly disclosed trove of Clinton emails and why they weren’t discovered previously. In that case, the acrimony of an angry campaign will carry into a new administration and a new Congress. That isn’t an inspiring picture either. Perhaps the real bottom line is this: An already ugly election may have become even less likely to produce an uplifting outcome. Uplift? I'd settle for a government that doesn't make my skin crawl. Interesting Finds at Amazon: Updated Daily Spring Savings in Grocery and Gourmet Food Groceries under $10 Best Deals in Pet Supplies Office and School Supplies Ilya Somin has a detailed look at the case that the Supreme Court just took on sex discrimination and a transgender student. It gets rather convoluted trying to figure out what Title IX says about sex discrimination and whether this should apply to transgender students. He concludes, I am skeptical that GG’s sex discrimination argument can succeed unless we interpret Title IX to ban sex-segregated bathrooms generally. And I highly doubt that the Supreme Court is prepared to go that far. Andrew Ferguson is so right. Politics in California is just bizarre. He reports on one of the propositions Californians are voting on this year. We've heard some weird political arguments this year. The strangest of them is raging in California, where else? There the hotly contested question revolves around an electoral initiative known as Proposition 60. Prop 60 is a ballot baby that only Californians could conceive. The state's system of citizen-sponsored ballot initiatives, dating back to 1911, was one of those progressive schemes that managed to produce the opposite outcome from the one intended: In hopes of returning power to the people and making state government more responsive and efficient, the initiative system has managed to empower wealthy special interests, baffle the average citizen, and render the state government a sclerotic, half-paralyzed Leviathan, at once despotic and feckless. So of course Prop 60 seeks to make the government more powerful. The oddest question it raises, however, is this: Should a guy watching a porn movie be allowed to sue the producers if the people in the movie aren't wearing condoms? As Yul Brynner said in The King and I: "Is a puzzlement." There's more to Prop 60, all with the ostensible goal of "worker safety"—that is, stopping the spread of HIV. If it passes, it will require all makers of pornographic movies to register with the state health department and post a health license wherever they ply their trade. They must pay for regular health screening of their employees for sexually transmitted diseases and require them to wear condoms whenever they are engaged in intercourse. (Which, during working hours, is pretty much all the time—once they're done with that, it's yabba-dabba-doo.) State regulators will be able to pop onto a photo shoot whenever they want to make sure that everybody's adequately regulated and in compliance. The backers of Prop 60 worry that state regulators will lie down on the job. They have reason to worry. California law already makes it illegal for employers to expose their employees to pathogens borne by one bodily fluid or another. In 2012, voters in Los Angeles passed an ordinance, Measure B, requiring everybody appearing in a porn movie to use a condom or some similarly protective device. Yet nobody, pro or con, claims that either rule has been enforced. This is why Prop 60 allows private citizens to end-run the regulators and take matters into their own hands. Any viewer of a porn movie who gets offended by a lack of prophylaxis will be able to file a claim with the state. If the state agencies fail to take action, the blushing customer can sue the movie's producers, or indeed anyone with a financial stake in the movie, and force a cash penalty that will be split 75-25 between the state and the plaintiff. It' nice that Californians have taken care of all their other problems and are now able to turn their minds to the weighty issue of condom usage in porn movies. This is the nub of the argument over Prop 60. Its detractors worry about economics, jobs, regulation, consumer preference. Its supporters meanwhile believe that only when the industry is festooned in condoms will pornography, at long last, achieve its enormous potential as a force for social betterment. Is California the only place in the country where such an argument could be made with a straight face? Probably. For now. One of the highlights of the season is checking out the new HEB ads featuring the Spurs. Year after year, these are the best ads featuring athletes. Forget all the fancy sneakers ads and check out the humor displayed in these ads advertising the local grocery chain. This is the best from this year. And check out some of these classics. Kindle Deals up to 80% off Today's Best Deals Deal of the Day in Books 1 comment: Linda Fox said... Those threats to leave the country if the opposition gets elected strike me as the posings of a histrionic woman - no matter what the gender.
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