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Giovanni Savino Lloc de residència: New York City Pàgina web personal: Giovanni Savino never received any formal photographic training but loved and practiced photography since childhood. He started to work in film and television when he was sixteen years old and learned the trade “hands on”, relying on advice from the best photographers and producers in the annals of TV broadcasting. 

 Here is Giovanni Savino's Flickr stream. Continuar llegint + Panoramas by Giovanni Savino Todo a 10 12 vots Toda a 10 (everything for 10 -pesos that is-)is the Dominican equivalent of the US 99 cents store, colorful retail outlets, you mostly find in low... Nom o lloc: 1326 autors Tato Gonçalves de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria  (Islas Canarias)
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No recent wiki edits to this page. Geoffrey Wilder, lived in Malibu with his wife and son, Alex Wilder.  He was a strict yet loving father, but he had led a secret double life.  He was the strategic leader of an underground group of criminals known as The Pride.  Together with his wife and five other couples who had made a pact with The Gibborim, Geoffrey Wilder ruled Los Angeles, with informants and contacts in every branch of the public & emergency services.  Part of their agreement with The Gibborim was to annually provide the soul of a human sacrifice, of which Wilder was the one who executed the killing blow.  It was during this Blood of Rite that The Pride had been observed by their own children who then all run away from home. It was Geoffrey's son Alex who led the team of Runaways.  Unbeknownst to Geoffrey it was Alex who acted as a mole for The Pride.  Alex had previously discovered a plot to murder his parents, and in loyalty to his parents he had schemed a plot to collect the weapons and powers of his teenage friends to save his family.  However, during the Rite of Thunder the soul of a murdered girl was released by Molly Hayes' exceptional mutant strength, and Alex was killed by The Gibborim.  In his last moments, Geoffrey Wilder was distraught over the death of his son, and died along with the rest of The Pride in the underwater Vivarium. Alex, Son It was later revealed that a time-displaced version of Geoffrey Wilder from 1985 disguised himself as Chamber to infiltrate the Loners in order to get information on Runaways.  He had intended to sacrifice Nico Minoru's soul to the Gibborim in exchange for saving his wife and Alex from death.  His plans were thwarted by the runaways and their (at the time) newest member, Xavin.  Not one to be defeated easily, Wilder threatened to kill Chase Stein, in the subsequent exchange he murdered Gertude Yorkes instead.  Nico then used her magic to wipe Geoffrey's mind and returned him to 1985 where he had no idea what had happened to him. This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for: Comment and Save
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Tuesday, January 26, 2010 Start and End eLearning Courses with Methods That Facilitate Learning By Shelley A. Gable Think back to the last time you were in training, whether it was online or in the classroom. What pieces stand out most? While hopefully there are memorable moments from throughout the course, you can probably also recall how the course started and ended. Our tendency to remember especially well how sequences of information or events start and end is explained by primacy and recency effects. Below is a simple explanation of each. Primacy effect is the tendency to be more likely to remember information from the beginning of a sequence (e.g., the beginning of a course) compared to information later in the sequence. Cognitive theorists suggest that at the start of a course, there is not yet a lot of information being processed in working memory, thus allowing the brain to process and remember that early information more easily. The image below, borrowed from Wikipedia, illustrates how much we tend to remember at various points while taking in a sequence of information. What does this mean for eLearning? To put it simply, we need to make the bookends of a course as meaningful and content-oriented as possible. We know that we should start with something that grabs the learner's attention, but many eLearning courses I've seen begin with a list of learning objectives or a very general introductory paragraph (which isn't very exciting to most learners). Instead, the course should start with a clever attention-getter that previews some of the key content. For example, a customer service lesson might start by challenging learners to answer a customer question that they'll learn more about during the lesson. Learners might then be provided with some of the content needed to answer the question, along with an indication that they'll learn more details soon. An introductory exercise like this can grab learners' attention in a relevant way, serve as an advance organizer for the content, and may make a list of learning objectives that follow seem more interesting. And, this type of opener allows you to leverage the primacy effect by creating a clear link from the first moments in the course to key content that's likely buried somewhere in the middle. The same principle can be applied to the end of a course. Avoid ending it with a list of learning objectives, often introduced with a stem sentence along the lines of "Now that you've completed this training, you should be able to..." This isn't to say that a list like this shouldn't be included, but it may be worthwhile to avoid making this the very last thing the learner sees in the course. Instead, you might consider ending with a demonstration of how the content should be applied. Or better yet, a final activity in which learners apply the content themselves. Of course, there are many ways to make the very start and end of an eLearning course meaningful and relevant, so that the concepts of primacy and recency can be leveraged to help learners recall content from the middle of the course. If you happen to have a specific example you've employed, please share! Monday, January 18, 2010 3 Ways to Link in Lectora by Jonathan Shoaf As a developer you learn quickly that there are always multiple solutions to a problem. This can be frustrating at first but soon you learn the benefits and drawbacks of each individual solution. Lectora is a popular tool for creating e-Learning content for exactly this reason--it provides multiple ways to solve problems. In this blog post I'm going to talk about one example of this: hyperlinks. You want to link to content from your Lectora self-paced course. Which approach do you use? There are three main approaches to use in Lectora. This blog post explains some of the benefits and drawbacks of each: 1. Using a Lectora Action 2. Using a Lectora Hyperlink 3. Using an External HTML Object Let's look at three approaches to hyperlinking--starting with the most common and ending with the least common. 1. Using a Lectora Action Using a Lectora action is the most common way of linking in Lectora. Using this method you access Lectora's actions which provide an easy way to start a lot of tasks. The steps to do this are as follows: 1. Insert a Text Object by going to the menu and choosing Add > Object > Text Block 2. Make sure the text object is selected 3. Insert an Action by going to the menu and choosing Add > Action 4. Use the Go To action and select a Target 5. Click Ok to close For those familiar with HTML, you may find it interesting what goes on behind the scenes. Lectora is not actually using the HTML <a> tag. Lectora uses the <div> tag and attaches javascript code to the onUp event. You don't need to worry about these details, just remember this if you use CSS in your project. Adding styles for the <a> tag will have no effect on links created using Lectora Actions. Lectora Action Benefits: Uses Lectora's powerful Action system Drawbacks: Limited to Lectora Actions, does not use <a> tag 2. Using a Lectora Hyperlink Often, you will need to link to content embedded in a paragraph. To do this, use a hyperlink. Use the following steps: 2. Type in your text and select the word you want to use as a hyperlink 3. Choose the Hyperlink icon from the toolbar 4. Make sure the Go To action is selected and choose a Target 5. Click Ok to close The benefit to using this method is that you can embed a link in the middle of text. Also, behind the scenes Lectora uses the <a> tag so it can inherit any CSS you have coded for hyperlinks. Lectora Hyperlink Benefits: Uses Lectora's powerful Action system, Embeds in text, uses <a> tag Drawbacks: Limited to Lectora Actions 3. Using an External HTML Object For a variety of reasons, you may need additional flexibility in how you create hyperlinks. For the most flexibility, use the External HTML object to write HTML code to create the link. Use the following steps: 1. Insert an External HTML object on the page by going to the menu and choosing Add > Object > External HTML 2. Type in your HTML link for example: <a href="">External HTML</a> based link 3. Click Ok to close Of course, you will need to know HTML to be able to use the External HTML object. However, you will have complete control over how the link works. For example, you can add javascript and/or style markup. You can also link to content within your Lectora project using the trivExitPage method. This is the method used behind the scenes when you create a Lectora Hyperlink. For example, you might use the following code to link to a page named "Page 2": <a href="javascript:trivExitPage('page_2.html', true)">External HTML</a> based link External HTML Object Benefits: Complete flexibility Drawbacks: Requires knowledge of HTML, does not preview in Lectora, may require knowledge of how Lectora works behind the scenes Would it help to see this in action? Click here to see the sample project. Thursday, January 14, 2010 Is eLearning As Credible As Classroom Training? By Shelley A. Gable I recently came across a discussion on LinkedIn that debated whether classroom (instructor-led) training is more credible than eLearning. After comparing the effectiveness of the two methods in a variety of studies, many researchers have concluded that they can be equally effective and that the instructional strategies drive effectiveness, not the medium. As training professionals, we have the knowledge to make informed decisions about whether to use classroom training, eLearning, or another approach to meet an instructional need. However, if a project's stakeholders perceive eLearning as less credible than classroom training, then it's to our advantage to anticipate why these perceptions may exist and prepare ourselves to address them. In the LinkedIn discussion thread, training professionals suggested a variety of reasons that classroom training may be perceived as more credible than eLearning. Below are some of those reasons, along with suggested discussion points for addressing them with project stakeholders. Classroom training is more familiar. This makes sense. Nearly all of us learned in a classroom setting in school, and most of us continued to do so in college. In contrast, the majority of us have probably had a lot less exposure to eLearning. Therefore, the key to overcoming this obstacle may be to help stakeholders visualize how the proposed eLearning course would work. What resources will be available to learners? How can they get their questions answered? How will learners practice newly learned skills and receive feedback? How will performance be assessed? Classroom training gives learners hands-on practice and feedback from the trainer. One participant in the LinkedIn discussion thread suggested that many people think that eLearning is just reading. As with the item above, it may help to provide stakeholders with specific examples of how learners will apply newly learned skills and receive feedback on their performance in the eLearning environment. Will the training include scenario-based knowledge checks? And if so, what kind of guiding feedback will learners receive if they answer incorrectly? Will the training challenge learners to complete a particular task (perhaps in a simulation)? And again, what types of feedback and guidance will be provided? If possible, it might be especially helpful to share completed examples from other projects with reluctant stakeholders. Classroom training allows peers to learn from one another. eLearning can do this too. Many organizations use web 2.0 technologies to accomplish this. A previous post on this blog, Understanding Web 2.0, offers a crash course on this topic. For organizations that haven't embraced that technology yet, there are also low-tech ways to do this - click here to read a previous post on this blog that offers a few low-tech suggestions. Classroom training is more interesting and keeps learners more attentive. What makes classroom training interesting? An energetic presenter? Perhaps this effect can be mimicked by incorporating audio narration or an occasional video. Slides that are visually appealing and content that is written with some character can help too. The ability to interact with peers? This was addressed above. The variety of activities? There are a lot of options available in our eLearning toolkits too. If a stakeholder suggests certain classroom activities that should be included in training, brainstorm equivalent activities for the eLearning environment. A few final thoughts... I'm guessing that all of us have encountered eLearning courses that have been little more than text-filled page-turners. Unless the topic is intrinsically interesting, this approach tends to be boring and ineffective. I suspect that it's experience with courses like this that makes some folks reluctant to consider eLearning. But I've also attended classroom training that consisted of little more than a facilitator reading from a seemingly endless series of slides, which has a similar effect as a page-turner on the computer. eLearning isn't optimal for every instructional need. But when an eLearning solution does make sense, be prepared to explain to reluctant stakeholders how the instructional strategies that make classroom training effective can also be applied in an eLearning environment. Wednesday, January 6, 2010 By Shelley A. Gable How do performance objectives enhance accountability? # Topical Outline Performance Objectives How does this enhance accountability? Now let's dissect a performance objective. Sunday, January 3, 2010 Does Your eLearning Stick? Someone recently gave me a copy of Dan and Chip Heath’s book 'Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die.' I’ve been impressed with how much learning theory is woven throughout on why certain ideas stick in a person’s head while others don’t. The book is described as containing great lessons for marketers who want to devise the perfect jingle or ad pitch. But it also delivers many useful reminders and insights to those of us in the learning field. Really at the most simplistic root we have similar objectives to marketers anyway. We both want to enable a person to remember the key message and subsequently change his or her behavior. So how do we create sticky learning? The Heath brothers say to tell a good story. This message and their subsequent tips connect really well with scenario-based learning theory and other related concepts. As I read, I found myself nodding in agreement or thinking after some examples, 'Nice suggestion, we’ll try that.' If you’re looking for good ideas on how to improve your eLearning designs and make learning stick, the Heath book might serve you well. Their monthly column in Fast Company magazine also has good tidbits. As an exercise to improve your own designs, look back through the eLearning courses you created this past year. Which ones are most memorable? You’ll probably find that these involved a storyline and were 'Made to Stick.'
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Dolphin Inspired Personal Submarines Dolphin Inspired Personal Submarines Innespace Productions have created a series of unique dolphin-inspired submersible boats that can jump, dive and roll like real dolphins. Within the safety of a dry and sealed cockpit, you can enjoy the cruising speeds of 40 mph and underwater speeds of 20 mph. Seabreacher submarines start at $48,000 USD and come with extensive list of options. Dolphin Inspired Personal Submarines 2 Dolphin Inspired Personal Submarines 3 Dolphin Inspired Personal Submarines 4 Dolphin Inspired Personal Submarines 5 Dolphin Inspired Personal Submarines 6 Dolphin Inspired Personal Submarines 7 Dolphin Inspired Personal Submarines 8 Dolphin Inspired Personal Submarines 9 Dolphin Inspired Personal Submarines 10 If you do not like dolphins, then check out shark inspired version. Gift Ideas 1. Fatih DELEN SÜPER … 2. Maksimo So super cool! 3. Karin L. Stewart Wow, to be a Spinner Dolphin! This must be the ultimate rush to become like a fish! 4. jds I think I saw this on a show called “beyond 2000,” or it may have been “invention” when I was a kid. good to know something became of it. 5. Derek SÜPER x 10. Love it! 6. mike Neat … where there’s no other boat traffic. Driven recklessly ould easily be run over or pop out into other boats. Seadoos do that and they have much clearer visibility and much more maneuverability. So, neat concept but not one for public use. 7. JT For 50 large you’d think it would truly go underwater, not just skim three inches below the surface. I would think the novelty would wear off REAL fast. Meh, I’ll pass. 8. Rodney I’m pretty sure South Park already covered the topic of grown men wanting to become dolphins. The end result isn’t pretty or what was originally intended. Also, I find it interesting they don’t show any in the video of the thing landing a jump. They only show it leaving the water. Hiding something? 9. austin bath startide rising! 10. Dave I think you’ll find it’s definately for public use. Not only is it on sale to the public, but us ‘public’ would most certainly drive it, perhaps even while drunk. 11. Dave @Rodney – We didn’t see it completely underwater either, i think it’s safe to conclude they’re lying – if they can’t show it in a video on Youtube for people like us to see then it must be a lie! 12. hello word Looking forward to see this in a James Bond movie! 13. Tyrner Valdez Damn… A personal subamarine, eh? If I had the cash, I would buy one. But I’m just a sixteen year old kid with a new car…*Sigh* If Atlantis was real, I’d buy the sub and ditch the car. 14. Aaron I doubt it can go much deeper than they show it going. It is a huge bubble of air moving at 40 mph when it goes under. It would slow down tremendously when it submerges even a little bit, that is the only reason it would be able to pop out like it does. The reason they dont show it landing is because it pops up at an angle and slams down on the water and slows to almost a complete stop. I wonder if the tail actually moves or if it is prop powered 15. Unknown “How deep can they dive? About 5 feet for brief durations but generally they go just a few feet below the surface in order to keep the snorkel above the water.” 16. Rage103 I think I’ll go for the dolphinoplasty. 17. Dude are you guys just plain stupid? they do how it landing.. why not go look at their actual site and the videos on the site… 18. Sean this thing costs $78,000…!!! are you kidding…!!! 19. David Greiman Maybe I’ll get one when I finish paying off my Segway. 20. Jason 21. Jason Not really something for the general public, but its 100% awesome they actually made this into a production vehicle! Normally things like this are only concept vehicles, awesome! 22. David The Renter DAMN it sucks to be poor. 23. Cena That’s insane! I wonder how well the vision really is when going full speed underwater? 24. Toby Tortoise Why do none of the pictures show the end of the tail? What sort of propulsion system does this use? And what sort of engine? Are there noxious emissions and can they get into a (mostly) sealed cabin? 25. See Breacher? How about you guys learn how to surf so you can actually swim with the dolphins and surf their waves 26. Dan S. Old news. These were in Hammacher Schlemmer catalogs at least 8 years ago. If they were going to catch on, they’d have done so by now. 27. Rob B. They had these on television the other day. They look fun but for the price, and the fact that you can’t go that deep, how much gasoline is actually used, I don’t really see the point. Again, it looks amazingly fun, but a modified jet ski… 28. tommy I want one… 29. Dilek Its very nice. Dolphin submarine! Driving this feels somebody marvelous. 30. maurice People, people, read the article, go to their site and look around. To clear up some misconceptions: These use substantial gas powered engines. Depending on the model a 1500cc Rotax ( similar to one used in many snowmobiles) or, in the racing version a rotary (wankel) engine. Up to 240HP. They need a lot of air, so they get it by a snorkel. If you submerge too far, the air is cut off, and the engine shuts down. Being buoyant, they pop up to the surface like a cork. Think of it as a rich mans personal watercraft, in which you are enclosed, and may stay dry. Plus, they can go SLIGHTLY underwater. They are as safe, or safer than a Seadoo, and should be used in similar environments. They are not a “real submarine” Price is between $48,000 to $68,000 depending on the level of customization. The recreational model uses a prop based “jet thruster”. They burn fuel, and make exhaust. 31. Wayfinder Always amazes me how quick people are to criticize that which they know nothing about… and without bothering to read pertinent documentation. This is very obviously a rich-folk’s toy, so complaining about the price is fairly irrelevant. As Maurice pointed out, the specs and answers to a lot of the questions above are apparently available on the website, as are additional videos (I dunno, because I don’t have time to read the documentation after sloggging through the troll posts above. LOL). I seriously doubt anyone using this vehicle to jump out of the water is going to be expecting a smooth ride, nor is it going to “wiggle its tail” like a dolphin (LOL, can you imagine what a ride like that would be… anyone ever seen how a dolphin’s body moves up and down as it swims?). Why it uses a gas engine instead of an electric one… I dunno. Will there be emissions? Duh. C’mon people… do something better with your time than criticizing the creations of others. I have nothing to do with this company, have no idea whether this item works or not, how well it works, etc… but I do think it’s a pretty neat idea and enjoy the design and looking at the pictures regardless. ; ) 32. ted I think I saw this in an episode of sea quest about 15 years ago… 33. Nathan Bridger Nice to see that they are commercially available now. Anyone remember when this sub appeared on seaQuest DSV back in 1993? 34. Television Spy thats what i call inspiring design. 35. delere I’ve always said I want to come back as a dolphin – they look like they have so much fun! I’d get one of these before a new car! 36. drew That is a crazy ride! 37. Stretching Exercises to Grow Taller wow I would love one of these, They look fantastic! 5 stars 38. Bill Code it’ll all end in tears 39. Liza Mae That is awesome!! Off Topic: I like the demo video’s beats! lol 40. paintbot c’mon, nobody nnedes this, all you do is fire yourself out of a cannon into a lake with flippers and goggles on. or stick an outboard motor to your ass. 41. nose hair clipper Wow how fantastic is that 42. frederic FAR OUT. 43. Maga SeaQuest TV Series comes to my mind when I look at that:) 44. Sarbjit Chawla Something can be used for defence purposes or can be used for scounting purposes. Looks great, India should buy few for defense purposes. 45. pete I am falling in love with it. Whewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! 46. Kyle I wonder if I could rent one of these for a day . . . 47. Larry P. Can anyone sit in that cramped back seat area? If so, what do THEY see from that perspective? A bit more room w/ controls in this back area allows this to be used as a money maker as a recreational ride! That’s what is needed! 48. jon great , you could chase sharks and make friends with other dolphins and generally just have a whale of a time 49. Jose This is AWESOME !!!! 50. Harry Beamish Before you post here, or anywhere for that matter, how about you spend your money on some basic education – learn to SPELL, if not for the sake of your own dignity, but also for the sake of my sanity. Reading posts by illiterates is like listening to music with no beat. A waste of everyone’s time. Learn to spell, use your language properly before knocking a product you have not bothered looking into. Go to the site, the dolphin is way cool and yes, I am poor, but hey, maybe these guys will send me an RC model of one so I can have some fun at the local lake too! 51. Ben Dover Concept= awesome! Actual product= extreme let down. I have some rich buddies that bought into this junk and believe me it is not worth the money. 52. Jimmy Does it have AC 53. alex reed how high can it jump coming out of the water 54. Wanter of Dolhpins 55. jorge It kind of looks like a dolfin 56. Venkatesh.j Whats the price of this ………… I AM INTERESTED TO OPERATE IN INDIA 57. stanley Whats the price and options is delivery possible? 58. james Hi, just wondering if it’s possible to customise it so that it can dive deeper? 59. Moon ETH to the moon! Subscribe via Twitter or Email Packaging Shoes Fashion Bicycles Photography Sculptures Creative Tea Infusers Creative Business Cards Featured Posts:
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Be part of the COVID-19 response team. Search for crisis positions in healthcare and apply today! » Radiology Technologist Jobs As a radiology technologist, you know there’s a lot riding on every image you generate. That’s a lot of responsibility, which is why Soliant specializes in finding rewarding radiology technologist jobs in some of the best hospitals and imaging centers throughout the country. Demand is strong for professionals with your radiology skills and training, and it’s expected to grow even faster in the years ahead. Soliant can help you take advantage of the rising demand for your skills, with assignments that offer exceptional benefits in communities all over the country. No one offers more radiology technologist jobs, with more flexibility, than Soliant. Imagine the possibilities; then see where your skills take you. Search our jobs now. Radiology Technologist Duties A radiology technologist uses medical imaging machines to produce accurate images of organs, bones, tissues, and blood vessels. These images are then used to aide in the diagnoses process of a patient. Depending on the level of training, some radiology technologists even assist in administering radiation therapy treatment. Radiology technologists typically specialize in one area or discipline of imaging, such as sonography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), mammography, nuclear medicine, and radiation therapy. It is not uncommon for radiology technicians to specialize in multiple areas in order to promote a greater chance of employment. Since accurate imaging is sometimes the only physical evidence provided, your job as a radiology technologist is important in correctly diagnosing a patient. Since many of the imaging machines can be seen as intimidating, one of your main responsibilities is to ensure that patients are comfortable during the scanning process. Walking patients through the procedure and explaining any other tests you may conduct are useful strategies to keep them relaxed. Ultimately, your main goal as a radiology technologist is to provide accurate images and collaborate with other medical professionals to correctly diagnose a patient. Radiology Technologist Education Requirements Education requirements for radiology technologists vary by state, but an associate’s degree or bachelor’s degree are the most common requirements. Most states also require radiology technicians to be licensed. In order to receive a license, most states require you to complete formal training dependent on the specific discipline you choose to enter. To gain an edge in the job market, many radiology technicians choose to purse more than one field of imaging, which requires multiple licenses. For a full list of the skills and competencies required for such a role, check out our radiology technician skills list. Radiology Technologist Job Market Between now and 2026, the Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts employment opportunities to grow 12 percent for radiology technologists. As the baby-boom population grows old, their chance of developing a medical condition that requires imaging increases as well. Therefore, an increase in radiology technicians will be needed to meet this imaging demand.
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Heath Slater Talks About Influences Backstage Discussion in 'General WWE' started by deth, Dec 7, 2012. 1. had an interview with Heath Slater. Here are some highlights. Being squashed by legends leading up to RAW 1000: "Oh man, I was excited to get in there with every one of them if you want me to be honest. I mean it was just like opening up a present each week wondering who I'm gonna get in the ring with. First it was Vader, and then you know from Vader it went on to Cyndi Lauper and Roddy Piper doing an in ring interview. And then it went from Sid and Rikishi and Doink and DDP - I mean it was just one of those things where it kept getting better and better, one of those feelings where I felt like a kid again for a moment until I was laying on my back looking at the lights, almost knocked out. But other than that, it was one of those things where I can honestly say I'm probably the only WWE Superstar now that has ever been in the ring with guys like that so it's a good little chip on my shoulder I guess you could say." Biggest influences backstage: "Honestly, there's been numerous people. Big Show's helped me out a lot- showing me the ins and outs. [John] Cena's been- every time you messed up a little bit, he would always correct you and help you out. Chris Jericho would always help me out a lot. He was a very good influence on me and everything. Christian, Edge- both of them would always see something- 'try it this way, try it that way.' They would always lead me in the right direction. The agents- Double A Arn Arnderson, he's one of the best guys for information for helping you put together matches and everything, he's awesome. Dean Malenko, Fit Finlay- they're great. Road Dogg with the entertainment side- it's like they got a good crew up there. They got guys up there with older guys helping the younger guys out and they got agents basically telling you 'what's right, what's wrong, try this, try that, this is what they like, don't do that.' It's like there's a good group of guys up there and all it is is that they're trying to help everyone." Ryback's ascension: "Honestly his work speaks for itself. That's all you can really say. Just one of those guys where there's no one that can stop him. Period. As you can see he can take on more than just one guy- he can take on two, he can even take on three at once. But then again, you got a guy like C.M. Punk that's been WWE Champion for over a year now and you have one of the top rising guys like Ryback right on his trails." 2. Glad they helped him out backstage like that, seems like he got a lot of good training and he doesn't mind Ryback's stuff so that's cool. 3. Nice read, it must've indeed been very nice to be in the ring with the legends and to have everyone helping out backstage.
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Monday, April 12, 2010 As I said earlier, the Tall Guy and I made the 80 mile trip up to Altoona to watch Stephen Strasburg make his professional debut against our Altoona Curve (Pittsburgh Pirates AA affiliate). I forgot my camera, so all the pictures I took were on my phone, and they didn't come out all that well. This is probably the best one I got of Strasburg from our seats (the Tall Guy really delivered, we were second row behind the plate). Something little people know about the Altoona Curve; they retired Adam Hyzdu's number: I'll have to do a feature on Hyzdu later this week, because if you don't know who he is, you probably should. We did get there about a half-hour early, but the traffic was a mess (a few people said it was worse than when the AA All-Star game was at Blair County Ballpark) and the scene was a zoo. But what a great place to watch a ball game. If you've never been there, I'd suggest you take a quick trip up on a lazy Thursday summer night; tickets are cheap, the game is usually good, and beer is cheap (and they have a good selection as well). I was going to try and figure my way into the pack that surrounded Strasburg's bullpen session before the game, but instead I went over and checked out Altoona's starting pitcher Rudy Owens: There was just one other guy over there with a Pirates tee-shirt on, and after I took this snap shot, I turned to him and said, "I think you and I are the only idiots watching this guy throw." I was actually excited to see Owens throw; he's a fairly under the radar prospect that you can read about here. He doesn't have great stuff, but he's left-handed, has good movement on a 89-90 mph fastball, and a tight curve ball. His change up has the workings of a good third pitch, but still needs some work. He did well against a fairly mediocre Harrisburg lineup, and I can only remember one ball struck really hard, everything else was either a flair that dropped in, a misplayed fly ball, or a ground ball with eyes. Strasburg was very impressive, lighting up the radar gun and consistently hitting 96-98 mph. His control was iffy, but his curve ball was just as impressive, sitting in the mid-80s and getting as high as 90. I wasn't blown away (as I said, his control wasn't all there), but you can see why people get so excited. He needs to work on his change up as well, but with his fast/curve combination, he could get major league hitters out right now. I already have him on my fantasy team, so I'll definitely be keeping an eye on him in the next two months, because I think there's little doubt he'll be in DC by June/July. Other notes: I was a little bummed that the Curve used their "C Lineup" with non-prospects like Shelby Ford (who looked terrible in both the field and at the plate), Jim Negrych, and Miles Durham. The only guys in the starting lineup who I was somewhat excited to see were Gorkys Hernandez (not impressed; he's supposed to be a stud in CF but didn't show me anything that would warrant that type of reputation and he hits like Ronny Cedeno, little bit of pop but way too many swings and misses) and Josh Harrison, who we got in the Gorzo/Grabow trade with the Cubs (has a weird looking body--short with a majority of the weight on the bottom half--and didn't do much else to warrant any distinction). I did get to see Chase D'Arnaud later in the game, when he pinch-hit and stayed in the game at SS. He didn't do much at the plate (flew out on a first pitch, and then had a nice at bat but K'd to end the game against Drew Storen, who looked really good) and had a few nice plays in the field (caught a line-drive and then doubled a guy off, and also picked a low cut-off throw nicely), but what impressed me most was his look. A lot of the Altoona guys just look weird because they're wearing jerseys that aren't fitted to their body's (like the MLB jerseys are) and they're also forced to wear their pants high with high socks per the Pirates minor league dress code. But D'Arnaud was the only guy who looked like he belonged (which I'm not sure if that says something good about him, or bad about the rest of the Curve roster), and it didn't just have to do with the uniform, it was how he carried himself. I'm not gonna say the guy is going to be a stud just based on a few innings of pretty much nothing, but I've watched a lot of baseball in my life, including a lot of amateur and minor league ball, and you can always tell who looks like they belong in the first few moments of seeing them. Chase D'Arnaud looks like he belongs. One last note on Pirates prospects: there were a lot of positive performances this week (Quinton Miller pitched well today and was supposedly hitting the mid-90s with his fastball, and of course Pedro's 3 HR in the first four games) and there were some negative aspects as well (Indianapolis' pitching, specifically Brad Lincoln, and Tim Alderson still only throwing in the mid-80s). I'll have some links up later with much better analysis, but I did want to mention Neil Walker's opening weekend. Walker actually got Saturday night off, but in the three games he has played, he was 5/12 with a double, but more importantly he has 3 BB and 3 Ks. I know it's just three games (small sample size!), but this is a good sign. Walker has the power and the athleticism to be a solid major league player, but he needs to improve his plate discipline while controlling the strike zone, so if he can keep it up, I'd be very happy. As a former WPIAL baseball player, I'm always pulling for fellow alumni, especially those who play for the Bucs. No comments: Post a Comment
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ELLE's Fall Favorites: Meet Sofie Schwensen Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Name: Sofie Schwensen Age: 19 Home: Denmark Agency: Union Models How long have you been modeling? Six months. First job? Working for Danish designer Gudrun & Gudrun. Favorite job? Shooting American ELLE! What are you excited to buy for fall? The highest heels I can Favorite city? Tokyo Best part of NYC? I've only been once, but I can't wait to go back! Favorite TV show? American Idol What was the last concert you went to? It was a Danish singer named Medina. Read Next:
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Tag Archives: ethnic holidays Ramadan in America, Fasting is the Easiest Part! Fasting for Ramadan Ahmed Tharwat The holy month of Ramadan began a couple of weeks ago, I’m not sure when exactly; either May 14th, 15th, or 16th, depending on who you talk to, or where you live and what political agenda you have. If you google it, there is a disclaimer under Google’s answer that says, “Dates may vary.” Muslims however still use the naked eye to spot the beginning of the month moon, the crescent. Ramadan is the most scared month for Muslims, it is the month when god revealed to the Prophet Muhammad the first verses of the Quran. Ramadan is observed by millions of Muslims around the world, so it should come as no surprise that you have seen, heard or met a fasting Muslim. Ramadan now comes in the summer season where the number of hours that Muslims must fast varies based on where they live. In a country in the northern hemisphere, like Denmark, there is a whopping 22 hours of fasting time. Maybe that is why a Danish government official tweeted that long fasting days pose safety hazards and are “dangerous for us all”! This politician must not have seen the brave young Muslim man whose fasting didn’t prevent him from climbing four storeys to save the life of a dangling 4 year old child in Paris, now coined the ‘French Spiderman’, who incidentally was granted French Citizenship by French President Macron. What Muslims have to do, to get citizenship nowadays! In America, there are 17 hours to endure and in Minnesota summer temperatures often reach 100 degrees Fahrenheit (about 32 C). However, the hardest part about fasting in America is not so much the long hours and the heat, it is fasting in a country where eating is a form of entertainment, where meals, coffee breaks and snacks are everywhere and eating never seems to cease. Some Middle Eastern restaurants like Marhaba, Marina Grill, and Holy Land will have a Ramadan Iftar buffet where hungry Muslims and their families come to break their fast at sunset. Families and friends gather to break their fast and celebrate the holy month together in a magical communal evening. Muslims are often asked questions about their faith and practices, and we explain patiently that fasting Ramadan is one of the requirements of the five pillars of Islam. The other four are belief in one God and the finality of the prophet or “Shahadah”, pilgrimage to Mecca or Haj, Almsgiving or “Zakah”, and praying five times daily. Allah (God) says, “Fasting is mine and it is I who give reward for it. [A man] gives up his sexual passion, his food and his drink for my sake.” Thank god this is only during the day! In the evening Muslims celebrate fasting by overeating, not sure about the sex part though! In fact, most Muslims will observe fasting even if they aren’t keen on following other pillars of the faith. However, not all Muslims fast and there are legitimate and creative ways to avoid doing so. During hot summer days in Ramadan, growing up in Egypt as a youngster, there were some ways of avoiding fasting, like travelling (at least 80 miles on a mule, but nobody has tried this recently), bringing their old medical records to their doctors for permission to avoid fasting, or just simply not fasting at all. Islam doesn’t require children to fast until reaching adolescence, l-Kharqi said: “When a child is ten years old and is able to fast, he should start to do so.” But fasting at earlier ages gives Muslim children some sense of growing up, like a rite of passage, and kids want to emulate their older brothers and sisters. Some strict Muslim parents will demand of their youngsters to fast for at least a short time as soon as they can walk. At Marina Grill restaurant, where I went to cover the first day of Ramadan, a father was bragging about his young son fasting; “I’m not even old enough to fast yet,” the 9 /10 year-old son fired back. Forcing your kids to fast is not always a virtue and could be counterproductive. Growing up in Egypt, as a youngster, my parents were relaxed about religion. Indeed, my dad had a great contempt for zealous imams and preferred to live by example and despised preaching. In this way, my dad raised eight children and the only thing he liked about Ramadan fasting is the not eating part; “be hungry be healthy, the prophet says,” he explained when we asked for food. In a majority Muslim country, cheating on fasting is not a piece of cake, and can be very tricky in a country where everyone around is fasting. Last year there was a protest in Tunisia, and this year in Morocco demanding the right not to fast and eat in public in Ramadan, which is like the right to drink alcohol or have sex in public. “If you are keen on committing a sin, do it in your own privacy,” we were instructed by god. Public spaces have their own rules and etiquettes that are protected by law in any country, Muslim or not. Americans are still curious about Muslims fasting, some think it is evil and a sneaky way to bring Sharia to America. Some still can’t believe it is from dawn to sunset; frequently asking, can you drink or smoke? No we can’t! We are refraining from eating, drinking, smoking or even sex, Muslims being first to equate sex with food. The idea is to cleanse your body and soul for a month, so the rest of the year you appreciate other people suffering, struggles, the millions of people still hungry around the world, even here in the richest country in the world. Fasting is not too hard if it is shared. I still miss the magnificent scene of the sun setting on the horizon, the anticipation of “Azzan”, the call for “Maghrab” (evening prayer) to break your fast, the food preparation, the sizzling smell of your favorite Ramadan dishes, the communal eating at the public Ramadan dinner table set up in streets and squares, the chat, the Ramadan TV series that last all night, bringing families together, the walk through Cairo streets at night, and most of all the “Mosahraati” – a drummer who comes late at night beating his drum declaring time for your last evening meal, calling your own name chanting: “Esha Ya Nayem Wahed El-Dayim – Wake up sleepy-eyed and worship the everlasting. And one last thing, please when you greet a Muslim for Ramadan, don’t say, as it was customary before the Egyptian revolution, ‘Ramadan Mubarak” – now just say ”Blessed Ramadan,” which I can now see on a lawn sign in my neighborhood, “Ramadan Kareem” neighbor!! And thank you! Continue reading Ramadan in America, Fasting is the Easiest Part! BelAhdan, Ramadan Celebration in America, under the Tent “This took place last Friday before the tragic mass shooting in Orlando, our condolences to the victimes and their families.” Under the extreme heat and political climate,Muslim celebrated Ramadan this week, we went to Marina Grill north east to see How Muslim celebrate Ramadan under the Tent, we talked to a diverse group who were breaking their fast.,internship,career,/ethnic-holidays/
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How we change what others think, feel, believe and do Are Speaking Skills More Valued than Listening? Guest articles > Are Speaking Skills More Valued than Listening? by: Deb Calvert Presumably, standing in front of the class was intended to help us build confidence in public speaking. Mrs. Sisney was a stickler for presenting with confidence and not just reading our report to the class. The most memorable part of giving those book reports was the look on everyone else’s faces. Utter boredom. Sitting in the audience, listening to 20 book reports was deadly dull. I’m convinced that this was how I learned to stop listening. As my mind naturally wandered, I learned to keep a neutral expression. Later, I learned to nod on occasion and to tilt my head and furrow my brow just a little bit as if I were deeply pondering the speaker’s words. In time, I began to mirror the speaker’s posture, expression and tone… even though I was completely checked out, not listening at all. But back to 4th grade. There were no expectations of listeners, only of the speaker. The same was true in the 8th grade class I took called Speech & Communication. We learned the mechanics of constructing and delivering a good speech. But no one ever taught us how to listen. I understand that’s the way it was and still is for middle school and high school classes with similar names and objectives. We’re only getting the “Speech” part of the Speech & Communication classes. Then there was high school debate. We had to listen, but only selectively. We listened for key phrases while multi-tasking to construct our own arguments and pull evidence cards for our own presentation time. In those classes and on those judges’ evaluations, I never heard instruction or critique regarding how well we’d listened. It took me a long time to recover and reclaim my ability to genuinely listen to others. Sometimes, I find myself lapsing back into pseudo-listening mode. I know I can slide through most business meetings by saying something useful and then retreating into my own head, semi-listening while others discuss the issues. I’m guilty of pretending to listen in conversations with my family and friends, too, masking what I am doing by occasionally adding a relevant comment or affirming gesture. Because I know this about myself, I try very hard to genuinely focus. When my mind wanders, I use my drill sergeant voice (inside my head) to deliver a stern and swift rebuke. I think I would do even better at this if I didn’t have the easy out of being able to recover with strong speaking skills – the same ones that were developed at the expense of my listening skills and habits. What would happen if schools taught classes on effective listening? If good, active listening was taught as a companion skill to speaking and presenting? Or what if business people were recognized for their ability to focus and genuinely listen to others? What if we applauded the listeners instead of the speakers? Until the value is placed on listening, I suppose people will never really see a need to actively engage by listening with full concentration. I suspect that most people don’t even realize that their listening is sub-par because the practices of multi-tasking and selectively listening are so widespread. As a result, we are all missing out on making true connections. Deb Calvert is President, People First Productivity Solutions When you’re ready to connect, sign up to receive our Twitter feed or like us on Facebook so you can get our daily Connect! messages. Use these tips to establish and enhance your connections with friends and acquaintances. Contributor: Deb Calvert Published here on: 10-Jun-12 Classification: Development Site Menu | Home | Top | Quick Links | Settings | You can buy books here More Kindle books: And the big paperback book Look inside Please help and share: Quick links * Argument * Brand management * Change Management * Coaching * Communication * Counseling * Game Design * Human Resources * Job-finding * Leadership * Marketing * Politics * Propaganda * Rhetoric * Negotiation * Psychoanalysis * Sales * Sociology * Storytelling * Teaching * Warfare * Workplace design * Assertiveness * Body language * Change techniques * Closing techniques * Conversation * Confidence tricks * Conversion * Creative techniques * General techniques * Happiness * Hypnotism * Interrogation * Language * Listening * Negotiation tactics * Objection handling * Propaganda * Problem-solving * Public speaking * Questioning * Using repetition * Resisting persuasion * Self-development * Sequential requests * Storytelling * Stress Management * Tipping * Using humor * Willpower * Principles * Behaviors * Beliefs * Brain stuff * Conditioning * Coping Mechanisms * Critical Theory * Culture * Decisions * Emotions * Evolution * Gender * Games * Groups * Habit * Identity * Learning * Meaning * Memory * Motivation * Models * Needs * Personality * Power * Preferences * Research * Relationships * SIFT Model * Social Research * Stress * Trust * Values * Alphabetic list * Theory types Guest Articles | Home | Top | Menu | Quick Links | © Changing Works 2002- Massive Content — Maximum Speed
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2 Replies Latest reply: Feb 23, 2012 10:38 PM by spyhunter99 RSS HTTP Client Certificate authentication for JbossWS Native client spyhunter99 Novice I have a situation in which my web service client (running in a jsp) needs to be able to dynamically change authentication parameters for accessing a partical service based off of some administrative settings. (I need help with B) Scenario A: HTTP Basic username/password Status: It works great, all I need to do is to pass along the username and password from the form login via the context provider object Scenario B: Multihop with HTTPS with client certificates User's Browser (with a user cert)  to Jboss web client (in a jsp. server has it's own server cert) which then calls the web service, using the server cert as a client-cert. Status: doesn't work and I'm not sure what I'm missing. The overal goal is to provide some level of impresonation from the end user, through the web interface, to the web service. I'm doing this by passing along some custom headers (not that's beyond the point right now). So the question really is, what do I need to specify programmatically to setup the web service client in the jsp, in order to setup the SSL connection with client certs. Ideally, I'd like to just steal the settings from the container, that way configuration is similified. I've pretty sure I've done this in the past with a console app and jbossws. All I did was specificy the location of the key store via the environment properties ( ...). Which leaves me a bit puzzled why it wouldn't be picked up from the stack. Edit: After looking through the Netty Client source, I found an SSLContextFactory which does look for the default settings. Since it doesn't appear to find them, I'm assuming that jboss, when defining the keystore paths and passwords in server.xml, does not make these settings available to the container as a whole. Can anyone confirm this?
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3 Replies Latest reply: May 15, 2014 10:02 AM by Grant Perkins RSS How can I ignore the top of a report ? sf_nicole _ I am using Monarch 9.00 to try and grab a section of totals from the lower portion of a large report. The report is maybe 100 pages long. I can trap the information I want, but due to the size of the report it just happens that about 20-30 additional lines happen to match the format. I have tried a few permutations but it turns out that several of the detail information lines have exactly the same format as the total information lines. What I am tring to do now is ignore the report up until the sub title "Grand Totals" and then apply the trap. I have found this functionality in Monarch for a MCR (Multi Column Report) but I can not seem to find it for a regular report. Can anyone help ? • How can I ignore the top of a report ? Data Kruncher Hi Nicole, and welcome to the forum. It would help if you could please [URL=""]post a sample of your report[/URL], and perhaps describe the trap that you're using in your detail template. Then it will be much easier to assist. Also, are you using the V9 Standard or Pro edition? • How can I ignore the top of a report ? sf_nicole _ Hi Kruncher, I will have to scrub a report because it has confidential information on it. Let me see what I can do • How can I ignore the top of a report ? Grant Perkins Hi Nicole, I'm with Kruncher in suggesting that seeing the report sample would be useful but I think I know what you mean by the MCR facility to define when a template should stop and start and I'm not sure it's quite the same thing as you need here. Basically is you have 2 sections of the report that will always be picked up by a trap, as you have, the way forward would be tpo use the trap and look for something by which you can filter to keep and work with just the rows you need. You might be able to filter the extracted table data based on; data content in the record the position in the report - page number/rownumber/record number, etc. For example if you know the lines you don't want fall on page 1 you can filter to include everything except page 1. some other information  - say the section heading included using an Append Template. excluding the first xx records - if the number of unrequired lines is consistent AND they occur before the required records. /LISTThe section heading "Grand Totals" might work for you in this instance if the unrequired lines would capture something different or perhaps nothing. It will be good to see the report shoud none of these suggestions (or something similar) work for you.
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Friday, February 24, 2012 My Oscar picks I will be driving over the Rocky Mountains on Sunday night, coming back from my grandfather's 90th birthday party (90!) when the Oscars ceremony will air. So I won't be watching for the first time in years. But I still enjoy making predictions on who/what will win. Some of my picks are based on critical opinions and some are blind guesses. Almost none are based on my opinions because I've hardly watched any of the nominated movies this year. Here we go: Best picture: The Artist Actor: George Clooney, "The Descendants" Actress: Viola Davis, "The Help" Supporting actor: Christopher Plummer, "Beginners" Supporting actress: Octavia Spencer, "The Help" Animated film: Rango Cinematography: The Artist Art direction: Hugo Costume design: Jane Eyre Directing: Michael Hazanavicius, "The Artist" Documentary feature: Undefeated Documentary short: Saving Face Film editing: The Descendants Foreign language film: A Separation Makeup: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 Original score: The Artist Original song: Man or Muppet, "The Muppets" Short film animated: The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore Short film live action: Time Freak Sound editing: Drive Sound mixing: War Horse Visual effects: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 Adapted screenplay: The Ides of March Original screenplay: Midnight in Paris I'll post how I did on Monday. David B. Riley said... Overall, I like being an eccentric kook and never like the movies anyone else likes. My favorite movie was Kill Bill, afterall. Still, I only saw four movies last year--the final Harry Potter, The Green Hornet,Sherlock Holmes & Cowboys & Aliens. Unless I've missed something, only one of them was even nominated for anything. So, I don't care who wins. I've got to go back to my bunker now. Jennifer Campbell-Hicks said... Hey, David. Of yours, I saw Harry Potter (which should have gotten a best picture nomination) and Cowboys & Aliens. Most of my film choices nowadays revolve around my kids, which means I've seen most of the animated movies (and The Muppets) and not much else. I'll watch whatever wins the big awards when they come out on DVD.
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Ban knives? Murrysville school attack prompts gun debate Family members hug in Murrysville, Pennsylvania following a knife attack at a local high school. Murrysville, Pennsylvania, families react to the mass stabbing at a local high school On Wednesday 16-year-old Alex Hribal allegedly entered a high school near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and stabbed 21 of his classmates and a security guard. Although some of the injuries are serious, so far there have been no fatalities. Given the recent history of school shootings in the US, it didn't take long before the incident became fuel for the ongoing debate over gun control. If you were wondering whether the chasm between the two sides on this issue had narrowed at all, it hasn't. Start Quote Guns aren't our problem, mentally ill people are” End Quote Elizabeth Nelson Capitalist Preservation The Pennsylvania attack proves that firearms aren't the problem, argue gun rights advocates. A disturbed individual is always capable of finding a weapon and causing violence. "Jack the Ripper, OJ Simpson, Ted Bundy and the BTK killer never used a gun to subdue or killer their victims, and yet our administration would have us believe that guns are our enemy," writes Elizabeth Nelson of Capitalist Preservation blog. "Guns aren't our problem, mentally ill people are." Dan Zimmerman on The Truth About Guns blog agrees: As someone once said, the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun (or a knife) is a good guy with a gun. Of course, as we all know, our schools are sterile, gun free zones where, with the occasional exception of a resource officer, guns are prohibited. Kinda like our military bases. How's that working out? Alex Jones's site asks whether liberals will now start calling for a knife ban: Ah yes, Piers Morgan - the Brit who until recently hosted a CNN talk show, where he was an outspoken proponent of gun control. As Salon's Elias Isquith documents, Morgan continues to be a lightning rod for gun boosters, who showered his Twitter feed with invective. "America's lack of knife control is sickening, isn't it fella?" went a typical tweet. Although Mr Morgan was largely silent, other pro-gun advocates framed their arguments along the lines of a comment made by one of the surgeons who operated on students injured during the attack. Start Quote Nobody could have outrun a bullet if the suspect had been armed with a gun” End Quote Michael Daly The Daily Beast "Even though many people were injured and injured severely, this would be a completely different scenario if a firearm was in place," Dr Juan Carlos Puyana said. Michael Daly of the Daily Beast writes that President Barack Obama might be appearing at another mass shooting memorial service "if the mayhem at Franklin High had been perpetrated with a 9-mm pistol like the one the 2009 Fort Hood gunman used or the .45 calibre pistol the more recent shooter wielded." "Nobody could have outrun a bullet if the suspect had been armed with a gun, but anybody who managed to stay outside the reach of the blades escaped injury," he writes. The editors of the Hartford Courant compare the school shooting in nearby Newtown, Connecticut, and this week's incident in Pennsylvania: Gun advocates frequently quote the old saw that "Guns don't kill people - people kill people," and argue that determined would-be attackers, if denied firearms, will find other weapons. As far as they go, those statements aren't untrue. But look at the consequences: In Connecticut, 20 children and six educators died. In Pennsylvania, nearly two dozen people were attacked, and there were no deaths. They conclude: "Pennsylvanians must ask themselves, as we and all Americans must: What if this student hadn't used a knife? What if he had wielded a gun?" "Knife attacks happen in countries such as Japan where guns are hard to access, and they have been lethal," writes John Hopkins Prof Katherine Newman. "Just not as deadly as a loaded high-capacity automatic weapon that requires a split second to gun down dozens of people." So this is where the gun debate stands in the US. A 16-year-old boy can run through a school, indiscriminately stabbing his fellow classmates, and it's either compelling evidence that gun control doesn't work - or exactly why it does. This entry is now closed for comments Jump to comments pagination • rate this Comment number 5. Just a question, but it says he ran through the school indiscriminately stabbing fellow classmates, this would make you think he had less of an intention to kill them as opposed to injuring them. This is because if he had wanted to kill them, he could have killed them by using the knife differently. So what is the difference? If he had the intention to kill, nothing would have stopped him. • rate this Comment number 4. As others have pointed out, mental illness is the problem. So how come none of the bleeding hearts brigade are advocating better health care and treatment for the mentally ill? • rate this Comment number 3. So reading this article its not the weapons, but the Homicidal americans that are the issue • rate this Comment number 2. Of course it did not take the gun nuts very long to trot out their usual nonsense, I'm surprised that the "ban cars because they kill" chant has not begun. For a change it was not a gun used, if so we may be talking about 22 dead not 22 injured. Yes, gun control should still happen, but it won't in the US where gun deaths are a daily occurrence and the run of the mill are not even reported. • rate this Comment number 1. This is common sense in civilized world, Knifes Vs Bullets here is 21 injuries Vs 21 fatalities, Period. Page 3 of 3
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Modernist Reinventions of the Rural Landscape MODSCAPES deals with new rural landscapes produced by large-scale agricultural development and colonization schemes (ADCS) implemented in the 20th century throughout Europe and beyond. Conceived in different political and ideological contexts, the underlying agricultural development and colonization policies (ADCP) were pivotal to Nation-building and State-building, and to the modernization of the countryside. Such policies and schemes provided a testing ground for the ideas and tools of agronomists, environmental and social scientists, architects, engineers, planners, landscape architects and artists, which converged around a shared challenge. Their implementation produced modernist rural landscapes (MRL) which have seldom been considered as a transnational research topic. ADCP and ADCS had, and still have an impact on peoples’ lives as individuals and communities, but are largely ignored by mainstream scholarship and policies in the field. As time passes, buildings and landscapes deteriorate, and the people who lived in them as they developed die out, so that MRL become more increasingly difficult to understand as unique forms of cultural heritage. MODSCAPES aims to raise awareness of this largely underestimated shared cultural heritage which stands today as a tangible evidence of recent European history. Emphasizing the crucial connection between ADCP, ADCS, and MRL, MODSCAPES builds upon the growing but fragmented interest for the topic to lay the basis for transnational and transdisciplinary strand of research. To this end, MODSCAPES develops a comparative approach which combines research-driven and bottom-up participatory activities based on the collection, processing, elaboration, and critical discussion of visual data and multiple narratives concerning 13 case studies located in 7 EU- and 4 non-EU neighbouring countries. MODSCAPES looks at MRL as the physical embodiment of policies, borrowing methods to design-oriented disc iplines, tested against three humanities-driven concepts: • The introduction of modernism – as the cultural and artistic expression of core modern values – in the countryside blurred conventional understanding of modernity. In modernist rural landscapes, “high modernism” – the visual order imposed by planners to make modern societies “legible” – had a crucial role. • Modern nation-states mediated the contradictions brought by the modernisation of large-scale societies using “imagination” and “creativity” to build new communities and identities. Focusing on reinvention is about identifying the different “styles” of such “national imaginings”, and about how change was “creatively” managed or steered. • A unifying paradigm for a trans-disciplinary approach to the topic’s tangible and intangible legacies, landscape is used to bridge arts and humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences, and to integrate research, policy, and practice effectively. Being the world “as perceived by people”, landscape is a means of approaching history with an action-oriented objective. Each individual research team carries an individual project which includes one or more case studies: Italy (1922-1943): Fascist integral reclamation of the Pontine Marshes & Apulian tableland; Spain (1930s-1975): Francoist reclamation and internal colonization in the Ebro and Tagus Valleys; Portugal (1920s-1950s): Salazar’s failed internal colonization of the common lands; Germany (1945-1989): State-driven collectivization in former GDR (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Brandenburg) Estonia and Latvia (1944/5-1991): Forced collectivization under Soviet occupation British Palestine / Israel (1920s-1973): Zionist agricultural colonization Libya (1922-1947): Italian agricultural colonies in Tripolitania and Cyrenaica Morocco (1920s-1970s): French reclamation and rural development schemes of the Gharb Valley Greece (1922-1968): Settlements in the Axios and Strymon Valleys for refugees from Asia Minor Ukraine (1944/5 – 1991): Rural planning in Soviet Ukraine Explore the case studies Agricultural new settlements in Cyrenaica, Italian Lybia Zionist agricultural colonisation in British Palestine and Israel Greek-Turkish refugee settlements  Forced collectivisation of Estonia and Latvia Transformation of the countryside in the German Democratic Republic (GDR) in Mecklenburg-Vorpommen and Brandenburg Francoist colonisation of the Ebro and Tagus valleys Salazar’s colonisation of Portuguese common lands (1920s-mid 1950s) Rural development schemes in French Morocco Fascist land reforms and reclamations in the Pontine-Marshes Fascist land reforms and reclamations in the Apulian tableland Agricultural new settlements in Tripolitania, Italian Libya Each individual project feeds five core thematic research-driven Work Packages (WP) articulated along a question-driven rationale: • What was debated and planned? >> WP1: Documenting adcp/adcs • What was realized and what remains? >> WP2: Physical legacies of adcp/adcs • What were adcp/adcs/mrl’s broader impacts? >> WP3: Sociocultural impacts of adcp/adcs • How do people see adcp/adcs/mrl today? >> WP4: Memories and reception of adcp/adcs/mrl • What do we do about it? >> WP5: Change and challenges in mrl MODSCAPES’ multi-fold objectives can be prioritized in relation to the different perspectives they shed on the topic, as well as to their potential value for different user communities: 1. Acknowledging MRL as cultural heritage, MODSCAPES aims to raise the awareness and understanding of local communities’ daily environments, to help them identify the challenges such environments face, and to empower them to participate in their enhancement and sustainable evolution. 2. Considering MRL as a transnational shared cultural heritage across Europe and beyond, modscapes: • questions local communities’ self-perceived “exceptionalism”, sounding out their availability to share a common European history and identity; • enhances the wider public perception of MRL’s touristic potential, benefitting local communities. 3. Developing a reflective approach to ADCP, ADCS and MRL (III), MODSCAPES addresses a broader range of end-user communities. Understanding the making, transformation, and present challenges of mrl, this project provides citizens, decision-makers, practitioners, as well as present and future generations of actors in the field (ie. students trained at partners’ institutions) with tools to • envisage the future development of MRL, • and to develop future sustainable and inclusive rural landscapes, villages and cities (IIIb). • MODSCAPES provides the opportunity for publicly debating past and current nationalist narratives against European ones, • and offers a platform to discuss past adcs against present-day EU policies. • Through its reflective approach, this project makes new and fresh contributions to different academic fields: nation-building theory; modern and contemporary (environmental and cultural) history of Europe; modern architectural, planning and landscape history; theory, epistemology and research methods in the design-related disciplines. • Last but not least, MODSCAPES is likely to give European and global scholarship on the topic significant leverage for its institutional consolidation, possibly into a permanent international academic network. Find out more about the MODSCAPES team To this end, MODSCAPES engages and targets diversified potential audiences through an articulated knowledge exchange and dissemination strategy carried out through activities, events and deliverables, enabling a better understanding of the common patterns and rich diversities which shaped our national identities and may help to support shared European narratives. Explore the research outputs
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What is a Fractal? The Mandelbrot Set For the following information (paraphrased from Chapter 1, "A Mathematical and Historical Tour") and much more, see Robert Devaney, A First Course in Chaotic Dynamic Systems. Chaos occurs in objects like quadratic equations when they are regarded as dynamical systems by treating simple mathematical operations like taking the square root, squaring, or cubing and repeating the same procedure over and over, using the output of the previous operation as the input for the next (iteration). This procedure generates a list of real or complex numbers that are changing as you proceed - a dynamic system. For some types of functions, the set of numbers that yield chaotic or unpredictable behavior in the plane is called the Julia set after the French mathematician Gaston Julia, who first formulated many of the properties of these sets in the 1920s. These Julia sets are complicated even for quadratic equations. They are examples of fractals - sets which, when magnified over and over, always resemble the original image. The closer you look at a fractal, the more you see exactly the same object. Fractals naturally have a dimension that is not an integer - not 1 or 2, but often somewhere in between. The black points in graphic representations of these sets are the non-chaotic points, representing values that under iteration eventually tend to cycle between three different points in the plane so that their dynamical behavior is predictable. Other points are points that "escape," tending to infinity under iteration. The boundary between these two points of behavior - the interface between the escaping and the cycling points - is the Julia set. The totality of all possible Julia sets for quadratic functions is called the Mandelbrot set: a dictionary or picture book of all possible quadratic Julia sets. First viewed in 1980 by Benoit Mandelbrot and others, the Mandelbrot set completely characterizes the Julia sets of quadratic functions, and has been called one of the most intricate and beautiful objects in mathematics. For more information, consult the sci.fractals FAQ. [Privacy Policy] [Terms of Use] © 1994-2014 Drexel University. All rights reserved. The Math Forum * * Sarah Seastone * * 9 September 1996
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Mary Ellen Turner Mary Ellen Turner died October 11, 2012, at Christa Shores, Bremerton, Washington. She was born March 10, 1910, on the Bud Morris ranch west of the Bear Lodge in northeast Wyoming. Ellen’s birth was a difficult one. If it wasn’t for Dr. Knight we all probably wouldn’t be here today. She graduated from the Alva Grade School and the Hulett High School, attended the Spearfish Normal School and received her Teaching Degree then taught at several Grade Schools in Crook County, Wyoming. Ellen’s father, Steve Morris was killed by lightening near Broadus, Montana. He and a friend were looking for some land to build a home, were camped with a teepee for shelter and the lightning struck the center pole. Steve’s body was then shipped back home by rail. John Mahoney hauled his body with a freight wagon from Aladdin to Alva. As a result John became aware of the Stephen Morris family. Ellen was two, and Joe was about six months old. Later John offered to hire Ellen’s mother as a housekeeper. Gertie accepted and the Stephen Morris family moved to the Mahoney ranch, one mile south of Alva, Wyoming. Gertie became weary of the housekeeping and gave notice to John that she was leaving and going back home (Iowa). John was devastated and admitted to Gertie that he secretly loved her and the kids. He asked to marry her on the spot. The proposal took her by surprise, but she said yes. They were married December 22, 1915. There was 30 years difference in their ages. Ellen married Harry Turner March 31, 1934, in Spearfish, South Dakota. After they were married, they took a vacation. Harry was working for his new step-father-in-law John Mahoney. They went to Alma, Colorado for a visit with Harry’s mother and step-dad, the Hixons. While they were there, they received a letter from Ellen’s mother, saying things were worse at the ranch, and suggested Harry try to find a job in Colorado. Harry then applied for a job at the meat market working for dad Hixon and was hired. They lived in a refurbished “barn” while in Alma. They later moved to Fowler, then to Pueblo, and eventually his brother Bill Turner loaned him $250 to move to the Seattle Washington area. Harry went to work for the Shipyards, and eventually got back into the meat market business. Ellen was preceded in death by brother, Joe Morris who was a Lieutenant Colonel Squad Commander in the Air Force. He was missing in action over France August 8, 1943. She was also preceded in death by brother, Lloyd Mahoney (April 29, 1929); father, Stephen Morris (June 30, 1912), step-father, John Mahoney (September 30, 1936); mother, Gertrude Mahoney (April 15, 1965); husband, Harry Turner (October 14, 1985); sister, Alice Long (February 27, 2008); brother, John Mahoney (September 9, 2009) and brother Fred Mahoney (March 29, 2012). Ellen is survived by her brother, Ed Mahoney; son and daughter-in-law, Jim and Betty Turner; son and daughter-in-law, Fred and Norma Turner; son and daughter-in-law, Sam and Cindy Turner; six grandchildren, eleven great-grandchildren and nine great-great grandchildren. Added footnote: When her brother Ed was a teenager in the Army Signal Corps and stationed in Panama, Ellen wrote him a letter every week. It sure helped cure the homesickness. Later Ed returned the favor by writing his “Old Sister” and sending her pictures just about every week until she could no longer read or understand what was read to her. Thank you again “Old Sister.”
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NEW PB / Polling Matters podcast: How long will Trump last (and who will run against him)? Plus, how does public opinion on Brexit look ahead of party conference season? August 30th, 2018 Polling Matters returns for an extended episode exploring the latest goings-on in Washington DC and what a recent avalanche of Brexit related polling tells us about public opinion as we head into a crucial party conference season. In part one, Keiran Pedley and Leo Barasi look at Trump’s approval rating and what that says about his prospects for re-election and the GOP’s prospects in the upcoming midterms. Keiran and Leo also look in-depth at the potential Democratic candidates to face him in 2020, with a special focus on Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders as they compete for the right to lead the Democrat’s progressive wing. In part two, Keiran and Leo examine a range of recent polls that present conflicting messages about the state of public opinion on Brexit. Keiran argues that polling on the outcome of a second referendum is useless at this stage, Leo looks at whether support for a second vote is increasing and both Keiran and Leo have a few choice words for a recent article in The Mirror suggesting that 4 million people are prepared to vote Labour if Corbyn is clearer on its Brexit policy. Finally, the pair examine what the numbers mean for Brexit in practical terms as we enter a busy party conference season. Follow this week’s guests: Got a question for the Polling Matters team? Why not message Keiran or Leo on twitter?
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Do Cats Drink Tea? Image Credits: Pixabay Cat owners are aware that their feline companions love tea. Your furball has the inclination to lick and smell any tea left anywhere. It does not hesitate to drink from teacups directly. Do remember that if you love caffeinated drinks like coke and coffee, and tea too, it is essential that you keep them away from your cat. Tea may kill Your cat loves tea as it soothes the animal’s senses. Not only tea, but your cat will also drink coffee and fanta as well. Excess amount of tea, however, could kill your cat. This is especially applicable for chamomile or earl grey varieties. Herbs attract cats, and they drink only for the scent of the herbs. Higher caffeine content drinks will cause harm to cats if they drink it in excess quantities. This is as the caffeine has toxins, and these chemicals could be too much for cats to manage. Kitties may be poisoned by caffeine. This has a high probability of happening as it is not possible to monitor the cat all day and night. If your cat has drunk too much caffeine, then the animal will exhibit a few symptoms like vomiting and restlessness. There can also be heart palpitations and diarrhea. Muscle tremors and rapid breathing may happen. Allergies and fits are quite common in such conditions. Quick treatment is needed If you observe anyone or multiple symptoms in the cat, take the animal to the veterinarian immediately. Appropriate treatment should be given as quickly as possible. Your cat’s life depends on your swiftness. Many of such symptoms could lead to a few other complications like coma, dehydration, and seizures. In extreme cases, death may occur. Some cats, however, can drink large quantities of tea and survive. This is as these cats have been drinking tea from their kitten days, and their body is immune to the toxic effects of the caffeine. If you have just brought home a kitten, then it is unwise to take risks. The thumb rule in such cases is to assume that all plants kill cats. Concentrated extracts from any flower are poison to most cats. This holds true even if the cat does not drink the tea. Rubbing the liquid on its belly is dangerous enough for some particularly vulnerable kitties. This is as cats do not process the same way as humans do. The liver of a cat is different than a human’s. It makes your kitty vulnerable. The kidney lacks the enzymes which are required to break down a number of substances and also the internal pathways to remove them. This is why you must not allow your cat to touch any medicine you eat, including all tablets and vials. You Might Also Like Leave a Reply
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everythingpossible - Fotolia Do DevOps developers have to do it all? Startup culture created a need for developers who could see a product from concept through launch. Now, these DevOps developers are a principal agent of DevOps culture. DevOps seems like a win-win proposition: by integrating teams and fostering a community of collaboration, you produce higher quality work, get it to users faster, and it's better maintained. But in order to make DevOps work, developers now must possess a wider swath of knowledge that was previously spread out over multiple employees. It makes sense, really. Many DevOps practices were pioneered by startups that were working with limited resources. With only so many people to hire, startups had to take a lean approach where each member of the team had to do what in a traditional setting multiple employees were doing. But this has since changed, on a greater scale, what companies look for in an ideal developer; many companies that aren't startups are looking to shift to DevOps by, among other things, seeking out these so-called "full-stack," DevOps developers. For instance, with DevOps, companies are no longer embracing a "waterfall" approach to development where different groups exclusively handle QA and development. It could now fall on developers to assume the responsibilities of testing and maintaining release environments. Similarly, a DevOps developer could end up having to address a database issue when they find that they don't have a dedicated DBA team. Now, some would argue that this hampers the ability of developers to, well, develop code. Putting automation technologies aside for the sake of argument, if a DevOps developer is busy fulfilling the DBA role because there is no dedicated DBA team, that means they're spending that much less time on development. Sure, they can do these other things, but should they? The other side would posit that the demand for people with an expanded skillset shouldn't be so they can take on multiple roles, which could cripple efficiency. Rather, it should be so devs will better understand the other aspects of the systems development lifecycle, which can help strengthen relationships between what were previously separate, siloed teams. After all, integration and collaboration are at the heart of DevOps, and what better way to promote that than by having a team where everyone understands the nature of everyone else's responsibilities? So perhaps there's a balance to be struck here. When it comes to DevOps, seeking out knowledgeable developers with these larger skillsets could be what you need – just so long as you use their knowledge to help increase collaboration, and not to force them to actually wear all those other hats. This was last published in March 2017 Dig Deeper on DevOps skills Join the conversation 1 comment Send me notifications when other members comment. Please create a username to comment. What skills do you think a DevOps developer needs?
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Ideas Of Simple Designs Lf2000 Slv Floor Lamp with Reading Light Silver that Awesome You possibly visualize that table light on your bed's nightstand, which sheds some light on your bedtime reading. Or possibly you think concerning the light resting on the console table in the hallway, which greets you simply prior to you exit the residence or get in. While table lamps are commonly the most common lighting fixture in our homes, we ought to not neglect flooring lights too. Though taller compared to their table light or desk lamp equivalents, flooring lamps could offer a variety of benefits that could improve the design of any type of room: 1. Toughness Today's flooring lamps, such as Tiffany stained glass flooring lights, are much stronger compared to flooring lights of the past. For instance, in the past, flooring lamps were notorious for tipping over easily, therefore developing a fire hazard. However, today's flooring lamps have to satisfy something called the UL "tipability requirement," requiring their bases to be hefty sufficient. 2. Complete range illumination This allows the light's customer to take pleasure in the complete range of light, including light that the nude human eye could not detect, such as infrared light. In particular, this feature provides artists that use a selection of media, with a sort of synthetic sunlight in order to help disclose just how specific colors will appear in sunshine. 3. Appealing designs for any size or decor of a room You probably do not wish to match up paisley lampshades with checkered wallpaper. Luckily, floor lights, such as contemporary flooring lights, and also mission design floor lamps are available in a selection of styles, which complement the style. Today, motifs have actually come to be the "craze" when developing decoration for a particular area. Thankfully, floor lights range from traditional designs and colors, to even more contemporary ones. And also with retro models, the old is brand-new again! 4. Perfect as both a job or a reading light Table lamps can only provide a small range of lighting, and also oftentimes they hardly develop sufficient light for reading, which increases your eyestrain. A floor lamp offers a wider array of illumination. So whether you are seeing TV, working with a puzzle, or reading the paper, a flooring light can offer the correct amount of light, thus decreasing your energy bills. 5. Adjustable illumination. While the brightness of lots of table lamps is restricted to "off" as well as "on," flooring lamps tend to provide a larger variety of brightness. Whether you require minimal lighting for reading or even more illumination for your kids' board game, a floor light typically gives a selection of illumination settings. 6. Lowered eyestrain and glare. Numerous residences still utilize fluorescent lighting throughout their numerous spaces. Your eyes subconsciously grab the flickering of such lights, increasing eyestrain as well as glow. While the light of a table lamp illuminates outwards, the light of a flooring light lights up downwards. This offers a more comprehensive area of light that is useful for whatever task you are doing. Today's flooring lamps, such as Tiffany discolored glass floor lights, are much sturdier than flooring lights of the past. Flooring lamps range from traditional styles as well as shades, to even more contemporary ones. A floor light provides a broader range of illumination. Whether you are seeing TV, functioning on a problem, or reading the newspaper, a floor lamp can provide the appropriate amount of light, thus decreasing your energy expenses. While the light of a table light brightens outwards, the light of a floor light lights up downwards. Leave a Reply
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 Subscribe in a reader Recent Interviews diskant Staff Sites More Sites We Like Zach Hill Zach Hill… What a hero! With guitarist Spencer Seim the two formed Hella and cut the mind-blowing Hold Your Horse Is LP in 2002 which is… well, my favourite album! Hella sound impossibly messy and layered for a duo: a noisy, discordant and brain-bendingly complex strain of music churning, churning, churning in your ears. Since then Hella have churned a handful of quality releases, as well as respectively being involved in terrific side-projects: The Ladies, Team Sleep, Marnie Stern (Hill) and The Advantage (Seim). In 2005 they expanded their line-up, added vocals and the result being not as ball-clenchingly stunning as the good old Hella that we previously loved. But hold this in your musical brain: in no way have they sold out or done some lame album for the sake of it – they always do what their they want to do. No one sounds like Zach Hill. His style is mental: completely scattered, break-neck that on first listen sounds free and improvised but is in fact intricately structured. It’s the most exciting and energised drumming to listen to, the sort you’d like to slow down and see what’s actually going on. Zach’s latest project is his solo album, Astrological Straits. It’s typically wild and spaced-out, with some definite tunes – very, very entertaining listening. I spoke to him after an immense set at the Brudenell Social Club in Leeds: a half-hour long song called Necromancer which features on the second CD of his latest album. Brudenell Social Club, 3rd Dec 08 What’s your experience with foreign crowds? I don’t really categorise anything, any country or any place… Audiences are much more reserved [in Europe], a bit more standoffish in the show environment. But the same thing can happen in the States as well, it just varies. As far as respectful audiences are, or people that are actually taking in the music more than anywhere else I’d say Japan. As far as people are going there strictly to see the band and do nothing else and really are taking it in, than that would really be my number one. Being there it really puts off a sense of more or less them just really taking it in – really thinking about what’s happening or what they’re seeing. And a lot of shows too where it’s like you play there and you finish a song and it’s just like really excitable and crazy and then in about ten seconds it’s just silent until you start your next song… So it’s the nervousness of the crowd? I don’t think so – I think it’s respect. I think they’re anticipating what’s going to happen, what’s going to happen. I’m wondering how the transition from little hella to BIG HELLA came about. Did you burn-out as a two-piece or did you have the opportunity to expand your line-up? Both, really. I don’t know about ‘burn-out’ but we always wanted to [pause for thought]. In the beginning we always planned on at some point incorporating more people. It was getting to a point where we were kind-of tired of well, not tired, just kind-of like, naaah [makes inscrutable shrug gesture] about just two people I mean… Drums and guitar… it’s a lot of fun, it’s great, but it’s a bit limiting at a certain point so it felt natural to try to incorporate new things in the band. How did you start out playing drums? How did the process begin? I don’t have a music background in my family or anything. I just had a neighbour behind me that played drums and I’d hear him play drums all the time and I just felt that I understood it when I listened to it even though I couldn’t do it physically. So it just grew from there. I ended up getting a drum-set and then just teaching myself. And your style. How long did it take you to define the technique you use now? It was a gradual process. I just naturally heard things in my mind and just practiced until I could get across [hand gesture, we get what he means]. It’s a bit of a personal question but when you were involved in projects like Hella, Marnie Stern and The Ladies for example, did you have to hold down jobs to keep yourself going or could you sustain yourself? I could sustain myself… modestly! I worked… I couldn’t call it work but I play… I do work very hard but modestly I’ve been able to sustain myself. Cue an annoyingly repetitive drunk bloke who interrupts, making it massively awkward and Zach is treated like a pisshead’s zoo animal… Damn. In reply to the question “what does There’s No 666 In Outer Space mean”, Zach replies, “everything’s nonsense” which is pretty pertinent I suppose. End of a terrific chat with a very friendly Californian. Cheerio now! Zach Hill – Brudenell Social Club, Leeds Zach Hill on Myspace Hella website
robots: classic hostname: ip-10-203-171-252.ec2.internal software: Nutch 1.6 (CC) isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2017-43 operator: Common Crawl Admin description: Wide crawl of the web for October 2017 publisher: Common Crawl format: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo:
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NYT Shock Op-ed 'I Didn’t Kill My Baby' Tries to Blur Lines in Born-Alive Abortion Debate The New York Times ran an op-ed on February 26 with the provocative title “I Didn’t Kill My Baby.” However, the reader quickly learns that, although the contention in the title is correct, there’s no reason for it to be asserted other than to muddy the waters between abortion and an infant dying of natural causes, which are two completely different things morally, ethically, and legally. The author of the op-ed is Dr. Jen Gunter, a former late term abortionist, who details the premature birth of one of her triplets at 22 ½ weeks. Her son, named Aidan, died within minutes. Although the traumatic experience of losing her son at that young age rendered her unable to continue practicing as an OBGYN, she remains a staunch pro-abortion activist. In recounting the story of the birth and death of Aidan, Gunter is quick to defend herself from a charge no one would ever make of her as a mother: If you are going to accuse me of executing my child, then you need to know exactly what happened.” According to the president, we are executioners,” she says, adding that President Trump “implied that women like me executed our babies after birth” at the State of the Union and then “repeated that same lie on Twitter after the nonsensical Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Act failed.” This is simply false. The article tries to tie her tragic experience to the current debate over the Born-Alive Act. The glaringly obvious flaw in this argument is that the law is specific to abortion but Gunter did not have an abortion – her water broke too early and Aidan was born without any medical inducement or intervention. Instead of addressing this fact, Gunter claims, “It is unclear how this bill might affect situations where parents decline, for medically appropriate reasons, to have their newborns resuscitated.” Later, she again asserts, “It's unclear if the bill the Senate was considering would have affected me at 22 1/2 weeks. But whether an extremely premature delivery at the cusp of viability or an abortion, it's a situation that the government shouldn't insert itself into.” Actually, the act is very clear, it pertains to only to abortion so it would not have affected her. You cannot just gloss over the difference between “an extremely premature delivery at the cusp of viability or an abortion,” it is an extremely important distinction, both legally and morally. Abortion is defined in the text of the law: The term ‘abortion’ means the use or prescription of any instrument, medicine, drug, or any other substance or device— “(A) to intentionally kill the unborn child of a woman known to be pregnant; or “(B) to intentionally terminate the pregnancy of a woman known to be pregnant, with an intention other than— “(i) after viability, to produce a live birth and preserve the life and health of the child born alive; or “(ii) to remove a dead unborn child. Gunter asserts, I am uniquely positioned to say this bill is medically unnecessary and nothing more than a way to warp the reality of perinatal mortality (stillbirth or death within the first week of life) to create confusion about abortion.” In fact, she is “uniquely positioned” as both an abortionist and mother to create confusion by attempting to blend the two and make them interchangeable, practically and morally, within her piece. Going back and forth between the doctor/patient role is an effective way of warping reality and creating confusion between the two and which one this bill is targeting. She does this when she says, “my reality — has been twisted by Mr. Trump and pundits to sound as if doctors like me and parents like me are smothering full-term babies at birth or injecting them with dirty needles to kill them (filled with what I have no idea).” But the law only pertains to the “requirements for health care practitioners—In the case of an abortion or attempted abortion that results in a child born alive.” For those afraid that this applies to any mothers declining extreme measures to save their dying premature newborns, I say again, it applies only “In the case of an abortion or attempted abortion that results in a child born alive.” Furthermore, after a failed abortion, the abortionist is required to “exercise the same degree of professional skill, care, and diligence to preserve the life and health of the child as a reasonably diligent and conscientious health care practitioner would render to any other child born alive at the same gestational age.” This does not change the standard of care for other premature babies born naturally, it simply ensures that the exact same level of care is given to premature babies born during an abortion. This law is meant to protect healthy babies who would survive if given the same medical care as any other “wanted” baby born at that age. Gunter is trying to lump parents in with abortionists, acting as though both doctor and mother are being threatened with prosecution. But the law explicitly states that there are consequences for abortionists, while mothers are exempt. There is even a specific exemption in the bill for the mother: “Bar to prosecution.—The mother of a child born alive described under subsection (a) may not be prosecuted for a violation of this section, an attempt to violate this section, a conspiracy to violate this section, or an offense under section 3 or 4 of this title based on such a violation.” She similarly tries to blur the line between abortion and delivery several times, saying: • I have provided abortion care for women after 24 weeks gestation faced with similar outcomes who chose a surgical abortion over a vaginal delivery.” • Some have known for weeks or even months that there will be no life after birth. With that knowledge some choose an abortion and others the blanket and embrace. Both are brave decisions.” My heart goes out to Gunter, she lost a child. Her pain and suffering is real, but her pain and suffering have nothing to do with abortion or this bill. The premature birth of a child should not be equated with actively stopping a beating heart in the womb. Abortion activists are trying to conflate abortion, the purposeful killing of a baby inside the womb, with palliative care for a dying child. One gives a born child medication to ease any pain and suffering as they die naturally, the other gives a child medication to stop its heart and cause an unnatural death before it is yanked from the womb. The abortionist asserts, “No one is executing children at birth. Doctors are providing standard medical care.” If this is true, what’s the problem with the bill? Was Dr. Kermit Gosnell “providing standard medical care” when he snipped the spinal cords of babies born alive during his abortion attempts? This quote from the Grand Jury report sure sounds like execution to me: “he regularly and illegally delivered live, viable, babies in the third trimester of pregnancy — and then murdered these newborns by severing their spinal cords with scissors.” Dr. Douglas Karpen is another late term abortionist alleged to make executions ”standard medical care.” This testimony from a Congressional report says he would kill infants born alive by “snipping the infant’s spinal cord with scissors; cutting the neck with Sopher forceps or similar instruments; twisting the infant’s head; using forceps, other instruments, or his finger to crush the ‘soft spot’ of the infant’s head, or crushing it by the same means through its stomach; or inserting his finger down its throat. If the infant’s cranium was coming out first, he would usually use his index finger to puncture its head, but if it was coming out feet first, he would instead insert an instrument in the back of the infant’s head.” Gunter's op-ed attacks strawman after strawman and, while we should have sympathy for her loss, her situation is simply not applicable to the current debate in the way she implies. She didn't kill her baby and she didn't need to tell us that. Congress Culture/Society Pro-choicers Pro-lifers Abortion New York Times Donald Trump Kermit Gosnell Sponsored Links
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CNET también está disponible en español. Ir a español Don't show this again Hubble telescope observes freaky antics of 'Nasty 1' star An artist's rendering of "Nasty 1," the name for an oddly behaving star that was not actually named after a rapper who didn't take a lot of time to think up a good stage name. NASA/ESA/G. Bacon The founders of the famed Star Registry may have had the best intentions, but letting just anyone name a star always seemed like a bad idea to me. There's just so much potential for mischief -- and I should know because if I had the chance to name a star, there would be a shimmering place in the sky called "GassyNixon666" before you could say, "Grow up." It turns out that not even super-smart astronomers can pass up such a tantalizing naming opportunity. They've made some new discoveries about a strange star nicknamed "Nasty 1," according to the official Hubble Space Telescope website. The weird nickname, derived from the star's catalog name, NaSt1, comes because the star itself exhibits some odd behavior. It's a Wolf-Rayet star, but it doesn't behave like one. Instead of seeing twin lobes of gas flowing from opposite sides of the star, as expected, they observed "a pancake-shaped disk of gas encircling the star" that is "nearly 1,000 times the diameter of our solar system," according to the Hubble website. Typically, these types of stars swell up as they run out of hydrogen and the outer layer becomes more vulnerable to "gravitational stripping" by other nearby stars. Once the helium center of the star is exposed, it becomes a Wolf-Rayet star. Sometimes the stripped matter spills out as the stars struggle with each other's gravity, and scientists believe that's what formed this strange disc, said Jon Mauerhan, an assistant researcher for the University of Berkeley's Department of Astronomy who is leading the study on Nasty 1. The research appears in Thursday's online edition of the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. "So this type of sloppy stellar cannibalism actually makes Nasty 1 a rather fitting nickname," Mauerhan said. He also noted that catching these stars in this strange act of aggressive expansion can help astronomers better understand how they are formed -- and hopefully lead to more cool nicknames like "Bloater" and "Bluto." The star's name comes from the original catalog name it received upon its discovery back in 1963. Its real name is "NaSt1" using the first two letters of the two astronomers, Jason Nassau and Charles Stephenson, who first found it. Astronomers, however, prefer "Nasty 1." It's only a matter of time before some deranged Janet Jackson fan gets a hold of another star and decides to name it "Nasty 2."
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Beginning of article In Pauline Bonaparte: Venus of Empire, Flora Fraser portrays the life of Napoleon's favorite sister - a capricious, petulant beauty, who defied convention and shocked 19th-century Europe with her many flagrant affairs, louche behavior, opulent jewels and lavish lifestyle. Christened Maria Paoletta and raised along with seven squabbling siblings in a tenement in Corsica, she rose to the apex of luxury as a princess of both France and Italy and was immortalized by Canova in a near-nude life-size marble statue now on display at the Villa Borghese in Rome.(The seductive, reclining figure is a major tourist attraction today.) Ms. Fraser, who has written several well-received biographies, among them Princesses and Queen Caroline, belongs to English literary royalty. Her grandmother, Lady Elizabeth Longford, and mother, Lady Antonia Fraser, are two of Britain's most accomplished and acclaimed historical biographers. (Her stepfather was playwright and actor Harold Pinter). Ms. Fraser became interested in Pauline after seeing her famous statue and catching a glimpse of the magnificent Palazzo Borghese in Rome several years ago and decided to delve into the life of the confident and independent woman who, despite star quality, had somehow been neglected by history and relegated to obscurity. Protected and supported by Napoleon, who indulged her even though he was unable to control her outrageous behavior, Pauline was frank about her sexual appetite and exploits and blase about the ensuing notoriety. Gossips called her a modern Messalina, and she was accused of nymphomania, lesbianism, gonorrhea and an incestuous relationship with Napoleon himself. Ms. Fraser writes that some of these accusations were true, suggesting an intimacy with the emperor, but a number of the licentious rumors that continually swirled about her were fomented by her brother's enemies in England and enhanced by the French government during the Bourbon restoration. The cosseted Pauline married twice; the first time to a close friend of Napoleon, Gen. Victor Emmanuel LeClerc, to whom she was truly devoted and with whom she had a son, Dermide. Totally loyal, she accompanied him to Haiti when he was sent to restore France's sugar income and quell a local insurrection. Despite illness and several uprisings she refused to leave her husband, whom she called, joli petit gamin, declaring, Napoleon's sister does not feel fear. After LeClerc's death from yellow fever, she returned to France and reclaimed her place as a leading fashionista in Paris society, eventually marrying Camillo Borghese, a feckless, titled Roman of whom she quickly tired and deserted - though not before acquiring his family's famous title, diamonds and homes. She was now at the epicenter of the beau monde, extremely powerful, a double princess and, according to Count Metternich, the Austrian ambassador, as beautiful as it was possible to be. She was in love with herself alone and her sole occupation was pleasure. During the Empire, she inhabitated the magnificent hotel de Charost, that, ironically, after her brother's exile, she sold with all its sumptuous contents to the Duke of Wellington when he was appointed British Ambassador to France. It remains the British Embassy in Paris. And though they never met, and Wellington referred to her to her as a heartless devil, he chose to place her glamorous portrait in one of the main rooms at Apsley House, his mansion in the heart of London. A continuing theme throughout the book, beside her obsession with her appearance and wardrobe, (even Napoleon commented, She has only ever cared for her toilette and pleasure ) is Pauline's poor state of health. She complained constantly and visited spas all over France and Italy to combat a …
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Member since 11/14/2013 • 1 total post • 1 question Questions from mackmtt Would having rhinoplasty surgery affect my running career, and would it be helpful for me? I am 18 years old, I am not happy with the way my nose looks. Is there any after affects that would ruin my running career. I'm planning to get a scholarship for track so to me... READ MORE
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Free Shipping on Bulk Ammo -- TargetSportsUSA.Com! Monday, February 9, 2015 Expanding the Pantry Menu: the Humble Daikon Radish Good morning! Or afternoon or evening, as the case may be. As y'all know, I love to cook. Things like having a decent recipe collection for meals made from my preps and gardens are important to me, mainly because while, yes, I can eat pork and beans, mushroom zucchini rice patties and ramen noodles for days on end.... trust me, that gets old really quickly and I start to want some variety. Not to mention the hell that repetitious food will play on my system in terms of nutrition! Yes, I'd be getting calories...but I'd be still be slowly starving to death. Humans must have meals that meet their vitamin needs. Variety improves everything when it comes to meals. Even something as simple as fresh-sliced red and green bell peppers as a side dish can really brighten things up. Now in case you missed the news, we here at Casa Hively-Zinn are finally able to move out of California. Part of our goal is to use up as many of our canned goods as possible before moving (that stuff is heavy!). This means that you guys get lots and lots of ideas for making preps more edible and less like dungeon meals. Now, I know you're wondering about the title at this point. I want to introduce y'all to the Daikon Radish! If you haven't heard of it before, lovers of Asian cuisine have been nomming on this awesome root vegetable for years. "Daikon.Japan" by Chris 73 / Wikimedia Commons. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons Daikon are cheaper than spaghetti squashes, and their flavor works with any meat, cucumbers, tomatoes etc.  They take to being used in soups and salads like a dream, and also work great as a gluten-free noodle replacement. I repeat, a no-gluten noodle. I'm just going to let that sink in for a moment. How easy it to turn into noodles?  Take a peeler and start shaving off noodles. No, REALLY, it's that simple. You can eat them raw, soak them in salt water for about 15 minutes, or boil them up. Now, boiling does cause a radish-like smell; however, they don't taste radishy (it's a word, roll with it!). If you boil them, cook them until they are translucent and then it's nom time! It only takes about ten minutes at a low boil. I'm going to lay some daikon information on y'all, and I want you to pay close attention, especially those of you who are putting in the work to have, grow and maintain gardens. Daikon's nutritional value My source is Nutrition Data for Self.  These guys have damn near everything you could ask for, if you want to know the values of something. I suggest adding these guys to your bookmarks. Daikon (raw) has the following when you are working off a 7-inch piece of the root: • 60 calories  • 74.4 mg of Vitamin C. If you convert that into a percentage based off that Daily Value chart of 2000 calories a day, that 124% of your daily value. So if you're in an area that isn't very friendly to growing citrus, you've an alternative in this radish for fending off scurvy.  • Calcium is 9% Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA). • Iron is 8% RDA. • Magnesium is 14% RDA. • B-complex Vitamins (2-3 of them) are about 10% RDA. • 2 grams of protein. This is a very important point if you are a vegetarian, because you will need to make up for protein sources more than someone who eats meat like I do. (Though if you manage never to touch meat in a SHTF situation of a week or more in length, my hat is off to you.) Growing daikon This root crop prefers cooler climates, so this is a great crop for for folks in Alaska and Canada because it's ready for harvest in 60-70 days. If I recall correctly, that fits into your growing window up there. They can be grown in containers, so long as you give a deep one. The green parts up top can grow up to three feet tall.  Now, they say these radishes are mature at 8 inches long... well, in the stores around here it's not uncommon to find them selling daikon that are in excess of two to three feet long. You can find yourself eating one root for a few days to a week, depending upon how big of a meal you want to make from it. How do you store daikon? Like you would store any other root crop, you want a dark, cool place, like a root cellar or basement.  (Sources are Hobby Farms and Back Door Harvest.) That's all you need to know.  Dig in!  The Fine Print Creative Commons License
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isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2019-22 publisher: Common Crawl description: Wide crawl of the web for May 2019 operator: Common Crawl Admin ([email protected]) hostname: ip-10-233-105-41.ec2.internal software: Apache Nutch 1.15 (modified, robots: checked via crawler-commons 1.1-SNAPSHOT ( format: WARC File Format 1.1 conformsTo:
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Gold (Heart of a Miner Series, book 2) Krystal M. WESTERN:  Silver City, Idaho Territory, in the year 1876. Charlie Montgomery has never met a dare he could pass up. Impulsive might be his middle name. His impetuous nature has led him into trouble many times. His latest is a fool-hardy attempt to ride a mining plume into town. Virginia Baycroft has shouldered the responsibilities to care for her mother and sisters since her father died in a mining accident. She has taken a job in town as a nurse, which leads her to Charlie after his latest stunt. However, she needs money fast, and that’s what gets a respectable lady like her into trouble: serious, life-threatening trouble.  This historical romance is a quick read when one wants to escape to the 1870’s mining town era. Charlie is trying to outrun his background, his father’s outlaw notoriety, and make a name for himself. Virginia is hopelessly drawn to him, but haunted by the pressures of her late father’s bad choices. Lots of drama and surprises fill the pages of this sweet book. There are some minor punctuation errors, occasional dragging, and a few times both Virginia and Charlie share the point of view in the same paragraphs, leading to some minor confusion. Aside from those editing oversights, this is a solid book readers are sure to enjoy. This is book two of the ‘Heart of a Miner’ series. It can be read alone and fully appreciable within its own merit. Or readers can choose to read the series in order.   Emerson Matthews
isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2020-24 publisher: Common Crawl description: Wide crawl of the web for May/June 2020 operator: Common Crawl Admin ([email protected]) hostname: ip-10-67-67-124.ec2.internal software: Apache Nutch 1.16 (modified, robots: checked via crawler-commons 1.1-SNAPSHOT ( format: WARC File Format 1.1 conformsTo:
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Skip to content WE, the Evil October 7, 2012 The Lesser of Two Evils The Lesser of Two Evils (Photo credit: Wikipedia) We, They, Us, Them; The Evil Behind Groups On a normal day in the Greater Bippus Area one can receive about two AM radio stations.  One is the WOWO, news and talk at 1190 AM out of Fort Wayne  and the other is dependent on astrological conditions.  But one is never out of range of “National Progressivist Radio”, or NPR, as “they” refer to themselves, on the FM dial down there on the “left” side of your radio dial, somewhere around 89-point-sumthin.  So Mrs. Milton has got old Uncle Milton in the habit of listening to NPR. Here are some observations Milton has made about NPR: • “They” don’t have any commercials, but there sure are a lot of companies and “foundations” and “trusts” that contribute to the operation. • There is a wide variety of music, presented in short snippets, between and during the “programs”. • When a grubbermint program has failed, “they” usually advocate for more funding for that program. • When a grubbermint program is not a total failure, “they” usually advocate for more funding for that program. • Most of the station personalities use phrases like- what “we” need to do to help _______ (fill in the name of some group) is provide more grub mint funding. • When someone advocates curtailing of grub mint spending, “they” are painted as cold, hateful, greedy and/or selfish individuals, and it is never brought up that taxpayers might benefit by being allowed to keep more of their own money, rather than having it dispensed through this particular grub program. Now- Please, Dear Reader, do not confuse Old Uncle Milton with those cold, hateful, greedy and selfish individuals.  Uncle Milton loves people.  But frequently, while Milton listens to NPR, he can be heard to say things  (TALKING BACK TO THE RADIO???) like “we who?”; “You ain’t including me in that we, are you?”; And then the “Liberal” Congressman got some Air Time NPR seems to have a preponderance of “liberals” who get air time.   And Milton has noticed that when the liberals talk, they really have a good idea of how Milton’s tax money can be used more effectively than it ever has in the past.   The liberal very persuasively (and passionately) describes how Milton’s tax money (described as “what WE need to do”), that incremental amount,  just a little bit more is necessary to push this failed program over the hump to success.  “We” just need to give a little boost. The liberal is frequently asking for more from the bank of infinite amounts, you know, the grub mint’s money.  NOT money stolen from TAXPAYERS, no;  money that grows on the grub mint money tree.  It is a BIG tree.   It has infinite amounts of FRN’s on it, just there waiting to be “harvested” by some liberal congresscritter trying to *level the playing field*, For some other do gooder project. When these pencil neck geeks talk, and use the term “we” brother you better hold on to your wallet.  When they say “we” they mean YOU.  When they say “they” usually it is a bad guy, and if you are holding on to your wallet, then they mean YOU. As we Approach Election Day So, Dear Reader, Milton is hoping that as we approach election day, if you are one of those who casts a vote, that you will attend a town hall meeting and question what the candidates exactly mean when they say “we” and when they say “they”.  Will “we” be getting big fat checks from the grub mint?  Will “they” mind giving up more, so that “we” can benefit?  Exactly what do these terms mean?  Exactly how much more can “we” squeeze “them”?  Or how much more can “you” continue to take from “me”?   Don’t let these bone heads innocently use terms without defining EXACTLY what they mean by them. Remember, always remember that “they” need your consent to establish their own legitimacy.  And if presented with the “choice” of choosing the lesser of two evils?  Always remember that the lesser of two evils is still evil. A vote for the lesser of two evils is still evil and the only acceptable decision that can be made is to withdraw your consent.  Remember that NONE OF THE ABOVE IS ALWAYS ONE OF YOUR CHOICES.  A vote is a powerful thing, and the withholding of a vote is an act of power as well.  PEACE. No comments yet Leave a Reply You are commenting using your account. Log Out / Change ) Twitter picture Facebook photo Google+ photo Connecting to %s %d bloggers like this:
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UFO Seen Over Nicaragua By Augusto Cermeno Source 'El Nuevo Diario' (Nicaragua) From Scott Coralles [email protected] GRANADA - UFOs in Granada? It's possible. It would seem that Unidentified Flying Objects are flying almost nightly over the El Domingazo neighborhood, according to the accounts provided by at least a dozen local residents interviewed by EL NUEVO DIARIO. One day we were approached by our friend Sebastián Arista Guadamuz, 38, a resident of the aforementioned neighborhood, which is located in this city's northern end. Arista told us he, his wife and many other locals have seen flying saucers around 7 p.m. almost every night over what used to be a distillery some three blocks to the north.esidente en el mencionado barrio, localizado en el extremo norte de esta ciudad. Sebastián and his wife, Teodora Ruiz Espinoza, claim that their hair stood on end when they saw a shiny round object flying over the neighborhood and head off toward the east. The Aristas even say that their daughter saw the strange, saucer-shaped craft which crossed the sky, leaving two fiery tails in its wake. "The child was frightened by what her eyes was seeing, " said Mr. Arista. On our own part, we toured the area on Thursday afternoon, corroborating the story provided by Arista with several neighbors. Among other persons, we spoke with Rosa Isabel Trejos Nuñez, 28, who claimed having seen, in the company of two other people, "something like a fireball with a fiery tail" on Wednesday night. Aside from the sightings this month, Rosa Isabel told us: "We saw it pass in early December". She was calm and relaxed, stating that there is no fear whatsoever as a result of this nocturnal vision, and that they do not believe that Martians are visiting Earth, because "we think [such things] are normal." Alvaro Antonio Iglesias Lacayo, 16 , claims having seen the same phenomenon, which frightened both him and his sister Maria Luisa, 24. Alvaro says that he and his sister saw "how something round broke off from the object and dropped downward on Wednesday night, on the south side. It flew downward as though about to land. As it went down, the light became brighter, as thought it was looking for a runway." The young Granadian saw the object in his sister's company from an area to the south of the El Domingazo neighborhood, from where the Mombacho Volcano can be seen. The saucer, according to Alvaro, "was green in color, but as it went downward, an immense yellow light turned on." Jesús Pacheco Cortez,18, also saw the strange object on Tuesday night. "We saw a flash, like that, leaving a light behind which suddenly turned off before reaching Managua. It was about nine o'clock at night," reported Pacheco. Efraim Ruiz saw the same thing: &laqno;A fireball. I was with them. We saw a fireball leaving a trail of yellow light. It left it over a long distance before turning itself off, very slowly. It flew high, at the height of an airplane, but at high speed. Some of our friends were saying, hey, there goes an airplane, but no, that thing was like a meteorite. It was fast. It suddenly disappeared.» We contacted Captain Andrés Calero, a senior officer with the 4th Army Command and consulted this matter with him. The Nicaraguan Army officer said that he had no information regarding the strange phenomenon, but assured us that he would contact Captain Belanguer of the Civil Defense and ask him to look into the matter. en el Cuarto Comando Militar, ayer (viernes) y le consultamos sobre el asunto. Residents of Jinotepe have also gotten used to seeing the passage of vehicles that aren't at all strange, since they are aircraft plowing the Nicarguan route, probably headed for Panama or Venezuela.. These aircraft fly with intermittent lights, as though coming from Managua toward the Great Lake of Nicaragua, but at very high altitude. There are other nights on which what used to be identified as shooting stars could bee seen, but given the fact that they pass at regular times, could possibly be satellites reflecting the sun's light Translation (C) 2001. Institute of Hispanic Ufology. Special Thanks to Gloria Coluchi. This Site Served by TheHostPros
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Try out the new Click here! Acts 12 MSG/NIV - Online Parallel Bible The Message (MSG) New International Version (NIV) 1 That's when King Herod got it into his head to go after some of the church members. 1 It was about this time that King Herod arrested some who belonged to the church, intending to persecute them. 2 He murdered James, John's brother. 2 He had James, the brother of John, put to death with the sword. 3 When he saw how much it raised his popularity ratings with the Jews, he arrested Peter - all this during Passover Week, mind you - 3 When he saw that this pleased the Jews, he proceeded to seize Peter also. This happened during the Feast of Unleavened Bread. 5 All the time that Peter was under heavy guard in the jailhouse, the church prayed for him most strenuously. 5 So Peter was kept in prison, but the church was earnestly praying to God for him. 8 The angel said, "Get dressed. Put on your shoes." Peter did it. Then, "Grab your coat and let's get out of here." 8 Then the angel said to him, "Put on your clothes and sandals." And Peter did so. "Wrap your cloak around you and follow me," the angel told him. 9 Peter followed him, but didn't believe it was really an angel - he thought he was dreaming. 9 Peter followed him out of the prison, but he had no idea that what the angel was doing was really happening; he thought he was seeing a vision. 12 Still shaking his head, amazed, he went to Mary's house, the Mary who was John Mark's mother. The house was packed with praying friends. 12 When this had dawned on him, he went to the house of Mary the mother of John, also called Mark, where many people had gathered and were praying. 13 When he knocked on the door to the courtyard, a young woman named Rhoda came to see who it was. 13 Peter knocked at the outer entrance, and a servant girl named Rhoda came to answer the door. 14 But when she recognized his voice - Peter's voice! - she was so excited and eager to tell everyone Peter was there that she forgot to open the door and left him standing in the street. 14 When she recognized Peter's voice, she was so overjoyed she ran back without opening it and exclaimed, "Peter is at the door!" 15 But they wouldn't believe her, dismissing her, dismissing her report. "You're crazy," they said. She stuck by her story, insisting. They still wouldn't believe her and said, "It must be his angel." 15 "You're out of your mind," they told her. When she kept insisting that it was so, they said, "It must be his angel." 16 All this time poor Peter was standing out in the street, knocking away. 16 But Peter kept on knocking, and when they opened the door and saw him, they were astonished. 17 Peter put his hands up and calmed them down. He described how the Master had gotten him out of jail, then said, "Tell James and the brothers what's happened." He left them and went off to another place. 17 Peter motioned with his hand for them to be quiet and described how the Lord had brought him out of prison. "Tell James and the brothers about this," he said, and then he left for another place. 18 At daybreak the jail was in an uproar. "Where is Peter? What's happened to Peter?" 18 In the morning, there was no small commotion among the soldiers as to what had become of Peter. 19 When Herod sent for him and they could neither produce him nor explain why not, he ordered their execution: "Off with their heads!" Fed up with Judea and Jews, he went for a vacation to Caesarea. 19 After Herod had a thorough search made for him and did not find him, he cross-examined the guards and ordered that they be executed. Then Herod went from Judea to Caesarea and stayed there a while. 20 But things went from bad to worse for Herod. Now people from Tyre and Sidon put him on the warpath. But they got Blastus, King Herod's right-hand man, to put in a good word for them and got a delegation together to iron things out. Because they were dependent on Judea for food supplies, they couldn't afford to let this go on too long. 20 He had been quarreling with the people of Tyre and Sidon; they now joined together and sought an audience with him. Having secured the support of Blastus, a trusted personal servant of the king, they asked for peace, because they depended on the king's country for their food supply. 21 On the day set for their meeting, Herod, robed in pomposity, took his place on the throne and regaled them with a lot of hot air. 21 On the appointed day Herod, wearing his royal robes, sat on his throne and delivered a public address to the people. 22 The people played their part to the hilt and shouted flatteries: "The voice of God! The voice of God!" 22 They shouted, "This is the voice of a god, not of a man." 23 That was the last straw. God had had enough of Herod's arrogance and sent an angel to strike him down. Herod had given God no credit for anything. Down he went. Rotten to the core, a maggoty old man if there ever was one, he died. 23 Immediately, because Herod did not give praise to God, an angel of the Lord struck him down, and he was eaten by worms and died. 24 Meanwhile, the ministry of God's Word grew by leaps and bounds. 24 But the word of God continued to increase and spread. 25 Barnabas and Saul, once they had delivered the relief offering to the church in Jerusalem, went back to Antioch. This time they took John with them, the one they called Mark. 25 When Barnabas and Saul had finished their mission, they returned from Jerusalem, taking with them John, also called Mark.
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Panoramas 1 Chefchaouen Enter panorama]]> Logo $[name] Enter Panorama | "Panorama at" Chefchaouen is situated in the Rif Mountains, just inland from Tangier and Tetouan. The city was founded in 1471, as a small fortress which still exists to this day, by Moorish exiles from Spain led by Moulay Ali Ben Moussa Ben Rached El Alami to fight the Portuguese invasions of northern Morocco. It was known as one of the main concentrations of Moriscos and Jews who sought refuge in this mountainous city after the Spanish Reconquista in medieval times. In 1920, the Spanish seized Chefchaouen to form part of Spanish Morocco. Spanish troops imprisoned Abd el-Krim in the kasbah from 1916 to 1917, after he talked with the german consul Dr. Walter Zechlin (1879 - 1962). Spain returned the city after the independence of Morocco in 1956. Explore Score: $[score] Author: Vicenç Palà -5.264688 35.172107 20.0 173.0 90.0 0.0 #panoramaStyle 1.0 feffffff$[level]/$[y]/$[x] 0.0 -80.0 80.0 -58.0 21.5380454645128 30.0 256 13681 6801 upperLeft -5.264688,35.172107 sphere
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David Thompson Blog powered by Typepad « Friday Ephemera | Main | The Thrill of Carpeting » May 21, 2007 In McIntosh's "checklist," she calls meritocracy a "myth." She points to acts of discrimination and somehow deduces that they render fraudulent the entire concept, though it would make much more sense to conclude that discrimination makes implementing meritocracy completely and consistently all the more important. But that approach would make it harder to peddle her invisible knapsack unpacking services. It's maddening to think that students might be studying the ins and outs of an intellectual nullity like the weightless invisible knapsack during time they could spend learning about the quadratic formula, the theory of natural selection, the U.S. Constitution, or how to write an essay. Judging by Dr McIntosh’s “checklist” criteria and her general ramblings, I doubt evidence matters anywhere near as much as self-loathing, pretension and/or racial revenge fantasies. Apparently, that’s the way to get public funding. And yet, despite all this, academic sack beatings are now frowned upon. "Dr. Caprice Hollins"? You made that up, right? No, you didn't. Wow. It's like bad fiction, but real. Two items worth noting: “Combating [‘institutional’ racism], Hollins said, first requires knowing to what extent it exists in Seattle's public schools… ‘They wouldn't have hired me if there wasn't a need,’ said Hollins, who started the job last week. ‘I just need to find out what that need is.’” “Hollins recently admitted to The Seattle Times that even she, a die-hard, diversity-obsessed devotee, could not find an institutionally racist program in the system. With nowhere else to turn, she pointed to summer vacation – summer vacation – as ‘an example of systemic problems’ because black children fall even further behind.” So despite being unable to find any evidence at all to justify her role or her $86,000 salary, Ms Hollins remains in place, looking for ‘institutional’ racism in children’s summer breaks. Perhaps she can find some ectoplasm while she's at it. Some of the kids subjected to this conference will recognize it as foolishness. I won't be surprised if their less subtle peers, who lack the skills to deflect such abuse, emerge as nascent racists. If we're lucky, they'll only hate pink turtlenecks. Chris Allen I have to wonder how many smart but poor black kids could be given an education at a good private school for $86,000....... I mean, if she REALLY cares about outcomes.... Maria Goodloe-Johnson buys into that same nonsense. Congrats on Seattle's choice of superintendent. And good riddance. Jamie Anderson So. The problem is not a lack of civil rights among blacks. It's that whites have them which only serves to make blacks jealous, thus leading to social disharmony? A philosophy to make the spirits soar. “I won't be surprised if their less subtle peers… emerge as nascent racists.” Surely that’s an unspoken aim of the racial grievance industry, or at least a large part of it? Hollins and McIntosh depend on racial preoccupation, paranoia and resentment for a living, as do their peers. It’s the source of their status, power and funding. Encrusting young minds with prejudice, albeit of a fashionable kind, is imperative in order to justify the monstrous witch-hunting industry in which they thrive. It obviously works on some white people as evidenced here: The comments to this entry are closed.
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A young woman who attended Solis Festival, a music and arts fest held at Lahore's Oasis Golf & Aqua Resort on April 13, has alleged that she was sexually assaulted at the event. The woman named Lila took to Instagram to share her and her sister's ordeal of being attacked by scores of men who molested and tried to undress them. She has asked for accountability from the event organisers, whom she identifies as Full Circle Agency, and the event security company SSB Bouncers. Full Circle Agency has yet to respond, while the security company SSB Bouncers has issued a response on Instagram. The organisers of the Solis Festival have spoken to Images, and say they are investigating the incident. Lila began her account by saying, "When I got there [at the Solis Festival], I noticed there were a lot of guys. That really didn't surprise me because in Pakistan, the male community outnumbers the girls in public all the time. People were staring, people always stare. It wasn't a big deal." But the harassment escalated very quickly, she says. "As soon as we got there, I had issues with people trying to touch me and my male friends would deal with it. Towards the end of the event, an incident happened that made it really scary. It felt like a life and death thing. That's what I felt like." Lila shares, "A security guard had grabbed me... physically, sexually, aggressively. I turned around and noted who it was. I told my guy friend who talked to him and the guy pretended to be an actual security guard and asked me if everything's alright." She says that when she stressed to her friend that it was the guard who had harassed her, he confronted the guard again who asked both to step to the side. "As soon as I turned around to face my friend, I don't know where my other friends went, there were so many hands grabbing me below the waist. Like, millions of hands. It seemed like it was planned. I don't know if these people knew each other but they acted like they did. It was really gross, really disgusting." She added that her sister was dealing with a harasser at another part of the venue but came to her aid when she saw she was in trouble. She claims both sisters were molested by the crowd then. "We both started screaming. People kept touching us. We didn't know what to do. At first, I thought I was going insane. I did a 360 turn and felt hands touching me at every turn. I realised it wasn't me [imagining things]." She added that she and her sister's friends tried to shield them with their bodies while other friends fought with the crowd who tried to isolate the women from their friends. She estimates that the crowd of harassers consisted of about 30 men aged 30 years and above. "I tried self defence, I tried hitting them, but there were too many of them. The guys who were holding on to my sister and me were being hit so much, the crowd wanted to tear them away from us. You could see hatred in their eyes. It was a proper mob attack. "Their intention was much worse than touching and feeling two girls. The way they were aggressively trying to pull our pants down, also hitting us too, it was quite obvious what they wanted to do," Khan says. Lila recounts that her sister fainted, at which point she realised that she had to get out of the crowd. "I put my head down, I put my arm out and hit everyone I possibly could. I ran at full speed just to get out of the crowd. It seemed like it was neverending. It seemed like I was stuck in one place. It seemed like I was so vulnerable and there was nothing I could do." As she fought her way out, her friend went in and brought her sister out too, she says. "I instantly threw up. I felt so disgusted with the people who did it and with myself. I'm so embarrassed. My friends tried to tell other security guards, they said there was nothing they could do. [They said] you have to talk to the heads about it." Lila shared that when she first posted about her experience, a lot of women told her that other security guards and male attendees harassed them too. In her video, Lila expressed her disappointment at the state of security at the event. "First, stags shouldn't have been allowed. Second, the security should have been proper. The Solis team didn't not have proper security, which is very bad. It was a guard who initiated the [mob attack] on me and my friends." She added, "I want the DJs to know who they were playing for. Because if I was a DJ I definitely wouldn't want to play for a crowd like that." She stressed to her female viewers her opinion that women aren't safe in any public space in Pakistan and that they should not go anywhere alone. She says she decided to speak up "because everyone already knows what happened but not exactly the whole story". "I don't want to feel embarrassed about it even though I do and it sucks. I don't want [harassment, sexual assault] to be such a normal thing. It's been three days since it happened, it already feels like it's my fault, I already feel like it's a normal thing, which is so sad. I don't want it to feel like that. I want other girls to be careful and know that it does happen and that they're not alone." The Solis Festival was pegged as "Pakistan’s biggest international music festival ever" and featured international musicians and DJs such as FDVM and Burak Yeter. Speaking to Images, the Solis Festival organiser clarifies: "We do events all over the world under the brand Solis. We get the talent and then it's executed by a local team in Pakistan. We were alerted about this incident by our local representatives, and we reached out to the woman in question. She hasn't responded to us yet." He adds: "We will take all the action we can from our side. But it's also the Pakistani people's responsibility to end this stuff. How can we keep bringing international music to Pakistan if people don't know how to behave?" In response to Lila's story SSB Bouncers, the company that was handling security for the festival, has questioned her claims, saying "if that happened other security guards or people amongst the crowd would've taken action against that there and then as it is the nature of of us Pakistanis to offer a hand at the slightest of incident taking place." Incidents of harassment at concerts and musical events in Pakistan have been called out before. In 2017 a woman was harassed at an Atif Aslam concert in Karachi, after spotting the harassment the singer stopped his show to make sure she was safe. This is a developing story.
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How to Conquer Stage Fright? 6 Tricks to Make You Bold & Confident on Stage stage fright The fear of stage can erect barriers between you and the goal you eye to achieve. People have conquered the fear that is pushing you away from your goal. Admittedly, some people are born with the great finesse. They are able to face the audience and convey their message in the most engaging manner. However, there are some great leaders who were born with the stage fright. Now we read their success stories. Some of these leaders have changed the course of history. Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, Winston Churchill, Sir Isaac Newton and there are many more names that can be added to the list. The American Founding Father and the third President of the United States, Thomas Jefferson was born with the fear of speaking in public but he conquered the fear. Warren Buffett subjugated this fear. They all did it. You can also do. And, it is not difficult. I use some simple tricks that make me a confident visual communicator. These tricks can endow you with the courage required to be bold and confident in public. The Knowledge-Confidence Relationship Here, I am using the word ‘knowledge’ to refer the information, idea or thoughts you want to share. You need to have something to speak. You can never be a good communicator if you are not prepared with the knowledge you want to share. However, if you are prepared and you know that you are well prepared, your confidence will be multiplied. And, if you are confident that you know what to say, you will say it like a champion. Practice, But How Many Times? If you have read some other blog for some tips to overcome your stage fright, you might have read something like “practice, practice and practice”. They are not wrong. This is their experience. I do not agree with this “Practice, practice and practice”. This is my experience. Practice is important. However, preparation is more important. You can find many real life examples. If you keep on doing the same thing again and again, it will be boring. You will not enjoy it. Your audience will not enjoy it. Therefore, practice only for a few times. More is not better in this case. What to Eat? It matters, it matters a lot. Just as the fuel matters for your Harley. What you eat can be good or bad for you. Don’t eat anything that makes your throat dry, sore and scratchy. Drink water. It will keep you hydrated. Eat protein, complex carbohydrates, and fiber rich foods as these are great sources are energy. The audience will find you boring if you terribly lack energy. However, strictly say no to caffeine, alcohol, grease fast food and do not eat too much. There should be a 60-minute gap between your meal and your performance. “Remember, any food that is good for health is a good pre-show food.” Take Refuge behind a Lecture Stand What happened last time when you were on the stage? Did your legs start to shake? In that case, you can take refuge behind a lecture stand. However, a lecture stand cannot be your savior on every concession. What if there is no lecture stand? Perhaps the person who made the very first lecture stand was looking for a hideout to hide his shaking legs. When you are communicating directly with the audience, what is the purpose of the lecture standing between you and your audience? Don’t Stand Still When there is no lecture stand to rescue you, don’t stand still. Cover some area of the stage with a couple of strides with the size of the stage in your mind. There will be no need of a hideout to hide your shivering legs due to stage fright. Try it, this time your legs will not start to shake. Keep Your Hands Busy Just like legs, hands also start to shiver when there is an audience carefully listening to you. Now, how to keep your hands busy? If there is a microphone on the stage, simply take the microphone stand out of the sight of the audience. The microphone will keep one of your hands busy. Your busy hand will not tremble like a leaf. You can use the second hand to gesture and to make the conversation more engaging. When you are there, standing alone, whatever is there on the stage, you can use it. You can use the lecture stand to stop people from reading a part of your body language. You can use the microphone to keep one hand busy. Don’t stand still, understand the knowledge-confidence relationship, eat right, prepare well and don’t practice for too many times. Best of luck! 1. Great work kuldeep. This is very easy language that is so easy to understand and the points you mentioned are helpful for everyone having lack of confidence. Even i will aslo keep these things in mind while giving seminar in front of management and the team under me. Big thanks to Blogger and Writer.Keep writing and updating motivational thoughts. Thanks Guys. 2. Hey Kuldeep its really great article for me. I am using these tips and working fine for me. Thanks for this valuable information. Please enter your comment! Please enter your name here
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What is “melody” in music? melody (from Greek μελῳδία – melōidía, “singing, chanting”),also tune, voice, or line, is a linear succession of musical tones which is perceived as a single entity. It also is an exponential succession of musical tones which is perceived as two entities. In its most literal sense, a melody is a combination of pitch and rhythm, while, more figuratively, the term has occasionally been extended to include successions of other musical elements such as tone color. It may be considered the foreground to the background accompaniment. A line or part need not be a foreground melody. Melodies often consist of one or more musical phrases or motifs, and are usually repeated throughout a song or piece in various forms. Melodies may also be described by their melodic motion or the pitches or the intervals between pitches, pitch range, tension and release, continuity and coherence, cadence, and shape. So Melody is the tune of the music. If you hear a song, the line that you would probably sing/hum is the melody. It is normally the highest (in pitch) notes of the song, but not always. Harmony is the notes that go with the melody that enrich its sound. These can be chords, intervals, or simply notes. In a vocal choir, the soprano normally sings the melody while the alto, tenor, and bass sing the harmony. In short a rhythmically organized sequence of single tones so related to one another as to make up a particular phrase or idea. 3 Responses to What is “melody” in music? 1. Jerry says: Really interesting post… 3. Malcom says: You should install a donate option on your own website. Superior articles such as this are difficult to come by nowadays. Leave a Reply
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Sunday, 16 July 2017 I Don't Want a Fight With AA I had an old friend round for lunch yesterday. She's an amazing woman, who has dealt with issues that would break many people, but has come out stronger. For a few years, L lived with a cocaine addict. She saw, up close and personal, how drugs can destroy the lives of the user and those who love them. As a result, once she'd found the strength to get away, she re-trained as a psychotherapist and an addiction counsellor. I am in awe of the people who not only survive their own life traumas, but then use them to help others. So, a while back, I gave L the name of my blog. She never told me whether she'd read it or what she thought of it. Then, yesterday, L said "I read your blog." "Oh yes?" I replied. "I have to say, I don't like your refusal to use the word 'alcoholic.'" She said. I imagine she was referring to this post: Am I an alcoholic? Then she continued, "there are an awful lot of people who feel the same as me." "I have no issue with anyone using the term 'alcoholic' if they find it helpful," I explained, "it's just that I don't. I think it's one of the reasons why so many people find it difficult to confess to having a problem and asking for help. We're worried about being judged." But the truth is that anyone who is a member of, or works with, AA feels hugely strongly about the A word, and I'm not sure that I can take them all on. I don't want to have a fight with AA - I think they're an amazing institution doing an incredible job. But I know that I, and many of my readers, feel strongly about this issue too. I am very happy (well, sort of) to stand up on national television and confess to drinking a bottle of wine a day. I'm happy to confess to being an alcohol addict. But I'm not happy to say "I am an alcoholic." I don't believe I have a disease. I think I became addicted to an addictive drug, the same way I did to cigarettes, back in the day. I found it much easier to say 'I have cancer' (when I was diagnosed with breast cancer 18 months ago) than I do 'I am an alcoholic.' The truth is, people sympathise with cancer victims, but they assume that women who are 'alcoholics' are weak, diseased, and terrible mothers who neglect their children while they pour vodka on their cornflakes. Surely the words I use are a personal choice? It seems extraordinary that one word can cause so much trouble. But it will.... Is this really a good idea? Love SM 1. I absolutely hear you. I have tried to say, "My name is P and I'm in recovery from alcoholism," in AA meetings, but the words get strangled in my throat because that's not part of how AA works. And I go to a VERY laid-back atheist/agnostic AA meeting. I wish you luck with that discussion. It's probably going to get hairy, but no arguments from me. 2. There is a tendency to over-identify with words. As Eckhart Tolle points out, they are simply signposts, labels. I agree that the A word is a particularly loaded one which prevents some people from seeking help with their problems in relation to alcohol. I too prefer to think of it as an addiction - and when I am in a restaurant and want to insure that I don't get "red wine gravy" I say that I am allergic (they probably don't want a law suit). I do not think of myself as diseased, I do not struggle with cravings - as I sometimes do with cigarettes - but I don't have a functioning off switch when I drink alcohol. "A rose by any other name ..." Love NT x 3. It's not an argument you need to have; you're not trying to convince other people that they should change to your opinion, but you know what you feel about applying the term 'alcoholic' to yourself, therefore how can that be wrong? And I think that many others share your view; I know I do. In my case, I know the term 'alcoholic' and the stigma attached to it were fundamental in stopping my wife from feeling she could seek help for the issues she was having; she never felt that way when trying to stop smoking. 4. There is definitely a stigma attached to the word alcoholic and in all honesty how do you define that word??? I didn't have an off switch at the weekends but hardly drank in the week? I think there are a lot of blurred lines and it depends on the individual and how drinking affects them and their life and family. One thing I can be certain off is that you shouldn't change how you feel or how you write to please others, I've loved your blog because your so honest and open. You will never please everyone SM, so just stay true to yourself and what you believe! Xxxx 5. You should absolutely have that conversation, and I can't think of anyone better suited than yourself to have it. I have several reasons: 1) You are right. We are not born with a flaw that makes us inherently 'alcoholic', nor do we have to turn our lives over to God. 2) This is IMPORTANT! A more realistic viewpoint will make a lot more people likely to admit that their use of alcohol is problematic, and that they might be dependent on it, chemically and psychologically. 3) As your self-appointed publicist, nothing could be better for the book and for the people you want to help than a public conversation about this. If someone took the bait, you would be entitled to answer at length and explain your point of view. That would be tremendous. Actually, you should make it your first order of business. Make the back page copy something along the lines of 'Am I an alcoholic? No. I was dependent on alcohol, just like I was once dependent on nicotine. If you too are sick and tired of being sick and tired, this book is for you.' 1. Ulla, I love you! I also need to mail you, as you are in the book and I want to check if you are ok with that? Can you mail me? xxx 2. Your feelings are reciprocated in their entirety! ;-D I've mailed and look forward to hearing from you. Good thing I checked back in here. 6. I have said here before that the I have an issue with the label 'alcoholic, fine if it works for others - but it actually delayed my dealing with the issue. Your early posts about the term actually encouraged me to act. I identify with Ang75 and agree completely with Ulla. More people will pick up your (much anticipated) book if the term alcoholic is addressed. 7. I fully appreciate your position. I am someone now who routinely calls himself the "A" word and is ok with that. But that's me - I'm ok with it. One of my regular meetings is started with "It is customary here to introduce yourself. If you are not comfortable with that just say pass". I hope that people could come and say "Pass" if saying "I'm X and I'm an alcoholic" is not something they can cope with. I've followed a similar path to your friend, I'm just completing my training as a counsellor/psychotherapist - I expect to specialise in addictions. Call or say whatever you like... but yes "alcoholic" and "addict" are two terms often in the minds of many people equate to people with low self will, self esteem or self respect. Sadly that, for me, is the lack of education and understanding in the populace about what addiction actually is and is the dividing line between those that "have a drink now and then" or "I tried drugs when younger but never did anything for me" etc. To me you have to have the predilection towards an addictive behaviour and the substance (alcohol, nicotine, drugs etc.) to then get become an addict. 8. I have as much struggle with the word sober. I hate it. To me it is the counter to alcoholic. So if I don't like saying I am an alcoholic I begrudgingly will use the word sober. And what does sober mean? Never drinking again? Not drinking for awhile or haven't drunk anything today? We can give ourselves fits trying to label is what I am trying to say. Stay strong, you're opinion is just that, an opinion. You haven't disputed the word, you just don't like to use it either. I am sure there are plenty of folks in both camps. Makes the world go 'round. Your friendship with L is what counts but friends should support each other's opinions, not attack. It is a fine line though, isn't it, between giving one's opinion as an observation to initiate a robust discussion vs provoking with an opinion? You can see you have many supporters who believe as you do. Prepare for opposite opinions but don't overly stress about it! 9. In one of the AA meetings I attended (only been to a handful), which was for women only, when I was asked to introduce myself, I only said, "hi my name is...". As the meeting progressed, a woman who was sharing, stop and looked at me and said, "the new woman did not say she was an alcoholic." Her expression was one of anger, at least from my perspective. I felt so violated. I may have not known the rules, that one past say they are an alcoholic when introducing their selves, but I went there for support. I know I have a problem (very big) with alcohol, but I've cringed to the label of alcoholic, the stigma is hard to accept. Needless to say, I never went back, and kept drinking until I found the on-line blogging community. I have no issues/problems with those that identify as "alcoholics", they're brave for giving up the booze. But so are many others who chose to do the same, but without labeling themselves as such. As HabitDone wrote, "Prepare for the opposite opinions but don't overly stress about it!" You have nothing to prove. 10. Society needs to rethink the way they talk about addiction to alcohol. There is a shift but it’s slow. Now people refer to it as alcohol use disorder which I also take issue with. Like there is a proper way of using a highly addictive drug! In the days when AA was in its infancy the general worldview was that there are 1)normal drinkers and 2)alcoholics. The new view is that there is a wide spectrum in between these points. Can we for a moment also reflect on how this translates when applied to other highly addictive drugs? ‘Normal cocaine use’ as opposed to cocaine addiction. ‘Normal heroine use’ as opposed to a strung out junkie? The old terminology is out-dated and the word alcoholic’s definition is so mired in stigma and confusion no wonder I have a problem calling myself one. So I am an alcoholic (only I can diagnose myself as one) but the guy next door who necks 7 pints a night is just a dude that likes to have a good time? I call bullshit on that. So many people in our society are totally dependant on alcohol and are ‘high risk’ drinkers but they are ‘ok’ because they haven’t called themselves alcoholic yet. This is all way too bloody confusing for me! 11. I am surprised at your friend’s reaction. It smacked of professional pride, even bullying. Sadly I think you are going to get more of that type of response from your book, but so what! I too have a degree in psychology and years of training and practice as a counsellor, and I think AA does a great job along with NA and other recovery groups. But one size does not fit all, and your blog has been a tremendous help to me as well as many others in our paths to sobriety ( or whatever you want to call it). You didn’t attack AA or people who choose that path, you just said it wasn’t for you and you’re not alone. You said “I am in awe of the people who not only survive their own life traumas, but then use them to help others.” – well there are a lot of us here who are in awe of you and what you have done with your blog. So keep writing from the heart SM, that’s what you’re good at. 12. Hey MM, Well I know you don't want to fight with AA - but you might want to be prepared for it a little if you do a book launch and tour. I spent some time at Moderation Management - and they have a big fight with AA (well usually it's AA that has a fight with MM). The AA folks are very passionate and often believe that their system is the best and "only" way - not all AAers of course, but many. You might check out some of the secular abstinence groups to prepare for your Q and A's. They are a direct match to your system - since at least AA and you are both on the full on abs as a system. I also agree with you on the phrase "alcoholic" which is complicated by some medical terms which can alter country to country and in different eras as well. Problem Drinker is probably too tame - but it's a phrase that I think works. Best of luck on the book launch - what's the timing? 13. Hi SM, I'm with you 100%, I don't want the A word and its attendant references and assumptions, they don't define me. Like you, nobody knew, my kids were to school on time with uniforms, lunch, extra curriculars covered, etc. I work FT at a very big stressfull media job, I'm never late, no dropped balls, no nipping at lunch. What I have is a powerful and very bad habit, I drink wine when I'm home at night and on weekends and I'm not denying it's too much but I'm not giving my life over to a disease label and God. I'm not. Grateful to you for advancing these conversations and giving those of us who don't want the stigma but need the support all the wisdom of your experience!!! 14. So many spot-on comments here; so much that I agree with. When I knew that I was truly starting my way down that slippery slope, the thought of plastering a red A on my forehead and walking into a meeting was completely abhorrent to me. Shouldn,t there be a way to find help without donning a label that just BEGS people,to judge you? Oh, wait! There is! It's the sober-sphere and people such as you SM. Happening across this blog in my early, early Dry January days was critical in stemming my slide. If it is inevitable that controversy stirs as this topic and your book are discussed, well, perhaps that's just a great big positive, shining an even brighter light on your helpful, clear-eyed, refreshing, NON judgmental alternative approach. Your 'take' will encourage an awful lot of people, like most of us here, who eschew being labelled. And haul more than a few, I predict, up off a slippery slope. 15. It is not AA that classifies alcohol addiction as a disease, it is the medical association. 16. Sorry I'm spamming you...Just thought of another point. The most important thing for a path to sobriety is that you know on a visceral level that your brain pathways have been permanently altered and that ‘normal drinking’ is not an option anymore. This is where AA is very useful becasue you admit that you have no control over it and that you can never return to normal drinking. It’s a definite statement and admission and leaves no back doors open to thinking you are taking a ‘break’ and can then try to drink again. I know for myself that this is the case, Lord I’ve done enough drinking research to know this. Still I have trouble with calling it a desease and also getting up in meetings and identifying myself as an alcoholic. The issue lies (for me anyway) in the ‘overidentification’ with a disease model of recovery. The words are just words, it’s the meaning we attach to them that hold the power. Smart recovery resonates more strongly with me. Having said that I firmly believe that where AA is really helful is that it is very clear that that you can never return to normal drinking which is what a lot of ‘problem drinkers’ try to do because they havent made the admission of being an alcoholic. As stated in my previous comment we as a society needs to have a total rethink of how we view addiction to alcohol, a legal mind altering, highly addictive drug. 17. Im like you SM. I don't call myself an 'alcoholic'. I call myself a person who chooses not to drink and if people push now, I tell than that 'Its better that I don't' Like you I was a highly functioning heavy wine drinker. I completely accept that moderation does not and could never work for me so abstinence is the answer, AA has not been part of my journey, but this sober blogosphere (which lets not forget did not exist when AA started) has been a HUGE part of my recovery and ongoing sobriety. AA is wonderful for some, why should it be so for all? I have said things on my blog - shared things - that I would never ever ever have said in real life 'anonymous' or not ... And im doing ok.... Be preperaed SM, be gracious as you always are and dont enter the fight.. Lily xx ( 18. Everyone has such validity in their comments right? You have raised interesting subject matter for sure :) I tend to call myself an addict as it helps me realise my intensely passionate reaction to almost everything. This transcends from alcohol through to cross-stitching. It doesn't seem to matter, when I start to learn or try something I go all the way. This can be fine, however it is not if drugs and alcohol are involved - I have to go all the way. I too think AA is great and does awesome work (when there was nothing out there for those addicted to alcohol) however attitudes have changed, information has moved forward, I tend to think AA may have some outdated philosophies. I found it very old school and quite ridgid. Michelle xx 19. I subscribe to the Harry Potter theory- not saying Voldemort only makes it more powerful and scary. AA don't own the word and I try to interpret it as it applies to my experience then get on with living a beautiful sober life. 20. I don't mind calling myself an alcoholic in AA meetings, actually, because I am what the people there understand by that, BUT in real life I absolutely think along with Sober Mummy that it's just an addiction like nicotine addiction or cocaine addiction or gamling addiction. I'm also an Atheist, but when I unavoidably find myself in a church, I fold my hands and bow my head just like everyone else. 1. I was interested to read, somewhere above, that there were AA groups to welcome an 'atheist/agnostic' population. Because the god tenet was another stumbling block for me, no matter how 'softly' it was sold. I absolutely believe in finding help and understanding through groups of people who have 'been there.' But not in the case of my drinking. NOT. There's always more than one pathway to a result. How very fortunate for those for whom AA is an answer. And how very fortunate for those of us who needed...and found....another way. 21. What I cannot stand are those that tell you you are in denial when you say,"I know I have a difficult relationship with alcohol but I am not an alcoholic". It's arrogant and denies the right of people to define themselves. Good post, needed saying. 22. Another interesting post SM and so many valid points as usual. My main gripe with the AA model is the "one size fits all" approach. I don't want to say I am powerless, that doesn't sot well with me. A bottle of wine is an inanimate object, the power it had over me was the power I gave it and I chose take back my power. I know the AA model would not have worked for me as 5 of the 12 steps mention God or higher power. The notion that a spiritual/supernatural entity could "cure" me sounds like pure quackery. If I did believe the illness model would I believe that God could take away any other illness or ailment - cancer, my son's autism for example? Probably not. My relationship with alcohol was robbing me of myself, I could either be an old soak or cut it out and get my life back. I am proud of myself for that. Thank you SM for another thoughtful post. Lx 1. Written on my phone on holiday. Excuse the typos please. 23. Dear SM, I have been extremely interested to read all the comments on your blog and see how passionately people feel about the label: 'alcoholic'. It's funny when you think we have drug addicts, sex addicts, food addicts, the list is endless, but only one extra special name for those addicted to alcohol. I wonder if this is because alcoholism or addiction to alcohol is so insidious, so prevalent and so much part of so many people's lives that it almost needed to have a stand alone definition. So now I think I need to perhaps explain why I said what I said and defend AA a bit. My concern over people not wanting to say they are 'alcoholics', mostly because they don't like the 'shame' associated with the word makes me worry that they are not accepting their situation. Most addicts inhabit a world of denial, most of those in co-dependent relationships with addicts, like myself, the same. Its hard to stare at yourself in the mirror and admit what you are, but its also not possible to get well unless you do. AA makes you stand up and and take, as it quotes in one of the steps; ' a fearless moral inventory'. Meaning you stand up and say what you are. Of course there are other wonderful organisations outside of AA that work incredibly well, Smart Recovery is a wonderful programme and there are many amazing organisations who will work with those with alcohol problems without demanding people call themselves 'alcoholics'. Yes AA can be a bit rigid, yes you have to tap into a higher power... but it works. Over and over again it is the one organisation that has the highest number of successes and the highest number of people who maintain sobriety. Where AA is so brilliant is that it doesn't just help with getting clean, but with staying clean and it is this fellowship that makes it such a wonderful organisation. I suppose my question is if you are not willing to say you are an 'alcoholic' does that not mean that you are still a little in denial? And as a therapist and having lived with an addict myself I know that inhabiting this space can be very dangerous. Of course in the end what you call yourself is personal choice and if its easier to say you're an 'addict' rather than an 'alcoholic' well then so be it. In the end recovery is a personal journey and no one can tell you what to call yourself. You have to find a path that you can walk safely that works for you. I am wondering though does saying you're 'addicted to alcohol' sound like the lesser of two evils? The other thing that is worth noting is that different organisations and different forms of treatment work better at different times of our life. We all have to find what works for us... sobermummy blogs, AA and all the other wonderful ways of being supported whilst working towards recovery have value. You just have to find the right one for you. I don't want any of your readers to discount AA, or to feel that I don't think your blog has enormous value and has helped many many people. Of course as a Psychotherapist I think talking therapies are the best, but I am also beginning to think that beating, in particular alcohol, is so hard and such a difficult thing to do that maybe what we should be looking it is doing lots of different things. Going to AA, reading supportive blogs, having therapy.. and of course doing all the other healthy things and living well that also supports staying sober. I really hope that you don't get into a fight with AA.... it wouldn't help anyone and would be rather ridiculous. After all, all any of us wants is to live happy healthy lives and to be free of anything that controls us in a negative way. So to all your readers I am sorry if my AA comment ruffled so many feathers. Do whatever works for you, but don't hide your problem by giving it a name that feels like a lesser admission. The path to recovery lies in admission, acceptance, and absolute honesty. Much love, L x 1. Thank you, lovely L, for putting the other side of the argument so eloquently, persuasively and passionately. 2. Thank you... for making me look at another side. As a therapist this is all very interesting stuff. I want to be able to support and understand those in recovery. I was so lucky, I was never addicted to any substances, but I was to the chaos that surrounded them. Its profoundly interesting to me to see how people like to identify and face their addictions. Fascinating stuff and wonderful reading peoples comments. 3. Unfortunately, I am not filled with as much grace as our dear SM. I have a blunt side to my personality and I'm afraid your comments, LC, call it forth. Was unable to use a 'cut and paste' to bring down to this reply a couple of your sentences. Suffice to say, they DO come off as smug. And judgemental. You want to use a 'one size fits all' cudgel to characterize a wide-ranging population. And seem to think that givng power to a word - a word! - is a required step to any kind of progress. Many people believe in AA and believe it has helped them, perhaps the ONLY way they could have found a way out of their addiction. Other people, many people, prefer to find another way. And have confidence in THEIR OWN POWER to do so. Yes, you give lip service to 'finding what works best for us,' but only after labelling folks as 'being in denial.' Over time, in various places, I have found it very odd the way folks who support the whole AA idea - and have found that it's the best support for them - are so very quick to take umbrage with anyone who doesn't buy into the approach whole-hog. Square pegs. Round holes. What does it matter??? Success to each of us...and POWER to each of us. 4. I actually found Laura's comments pretty open and not overly defensive of AA. The main fact I got from her is admit the problem (don't sugar coat it as she suggest might be "alcoholic" word avoidance - and then find a program that works for you. You can google endlessly - and don't want to start a war with AA either - but there are some reasonable questions about it's success rate, it's methods, and the way that it's "prescribed' by the courts her in the US - not sure if the UK does the same. Here's an interesting article in The Atlantic - which is mostly a book review fro 2014. 5. Tuppence worth from me. AA is by its' very nature is anonymous- therefore there holds very little data about efficacy, how many people have been helped etc. Research like this would suggest AA is no more effective than any other method. Whatever works for an individual is what works best. The right way for me may not be the right way for someone else. If AA helps some people then great, if something else works then great too. No need to brand folk as being in denial if they don't agree with the 12 steps. I have a respect for any method which helps people. 6. This comment has been removed by the author. 24. Interesting reading everyone's opinions on this post. I personally think it doesn't matter if someone chooses to call themselves an alcoholic or alcohol addict. Its just a word. We all have the same problem in that we cannot control our drinking habits. As long as we fully accept our problem with alcohol and manage to free ourselves from the addiction then the label doesn't matter. I do go to AA meetings and I also find this blog incredibly helpful. I am now comfortable to call myself an alcoholic while in an AA meeting but I wouldn't dream of introducing myself as an alcoholic in the school playground for example! Because like SM said most people would think I was a terrible mother who poured vodka on my cornflakes! I wasn't the best mother while drinking but I never drankn in the morning as was high functioning. Sadly a majority of people don't understand alcohol addiction and I can see why most of us are scared of labelling ourselves for fear of being judged xx 25. I love this comment... I think it nails it. I believe recovery is a personal journey and as long as you 'own' what's going on and are totally honest and accepting with yourself then really you can call it whatever you want. I am very proud of my friend and how she has gracefully fought her battle with drink and come out the otherwise. I believe she has helped many, and so much so that I even directed a client towards her page and have blogged about her myself on my website: Clearly this is an issue that many people feel very strongly about. Perhaps I'm more accepting of different terminology myself after reading everyone's comments. But as I said before the most important path to recovery lies in admittance and acceptance .... And I certainly don't believe in a 'one size fits all' approach to treatment or recovery. We are all diverse and different... we are all individuals. We need to find what works for us! 1. I would like to say a little more about 'the rooms' since this seems to have touched a lot of 'nerves'. When I had my breakdown I went to lots of meetings. Having lived with a cocaine addict and done a lot of drugs myself and drank copious amounts of alcohol I was in a very dark place. I wasn't really addicted to any substance, but I was addicted to the chaos and drama that surrounded people who 'used' and was seduced by the sometimes 'glamorous' allure of drinking vodka, sniffing Coke and dancing on tables til dawn. It was great fun, until it wasn't. I was alone in London, with a child and was, quite frankly, really really unwell. Many friends helped, SM being one of them. I went to many meetings. Co-dependents anonymous, Sex and Love Addicts Annonymoys, AL ANON, for friends and families of addicts, Cocaine Anonymous, and of course AA. What I found so helpful in the rooms was the non judgmental support and fellowship. It was a life saver, literally as my darkest hour had led me to almost dying in a bath. These first few weeks, when I was so vulnerable and so broken were terrifying, and I wouldn't have got through them without a sponsor and the help of all those people in all those meetings. The 'rooms' gave me a safe space where I could bare my soul. Where I could admit the most shameful facts about myself and feel accepted and loved anyway. People were always on the end of the phone to talk to me, my friends couldn't cope anymore and were so upset and worried that I'd try to kill myself again that it made it impossible for them to give me the support I needed. This I got though; AA, NA, SLAA and Al ANON... My recovery led me to going back to University and becoming a therapist myself. To help others like me. It was the fellowship provided in the 'rooms' that gave me the constant support I needed to get well. As a therapist myself I cannot be there 24/7 for my clients... but AA and the others can. Once again it's finding what works for you. SM's blog gives support and acceptance in a similar way. In the end it's up to you what you do and how you get well. Own it, accept it and then find a safe space to explore it. Keep the comments coming. As a therapist I'm learning a lot from what everyone is saying. 2. Thanks, Laura, for sharing all that. You are awesome ❤️ 26. Laura, what a lovely, generous and thoughtful soul you are. You are so right about needing support as we change. Love to you x 27. I'm afraid that one of my biggest bugbears was triggered when I read that failure to use the word alcoholic might signify the someone may be in denial about their problem. I commented in my blog (I am an "over sharer") that during my journey I naturally ended up doing a fearless moral inventory. I am in no denial whatsoever, I know should I try drinking again I run the enormous risk of being hooked into alcohol on a daily ever increasing basis. I don't have big issues about the word alcoholic if it helps people get a rough idea of how things are for me. I have always taken exception to being told if I drank it was my weakness but if I didn't drink it was because God/AA intervened. Feelings against AA on the blogosphere are always pretty high and sometimes and I mean sometimes the implication is, we non AA bloggers are here by a lucky fluke and that eventually we will fail and end up in AA. I was told this directly once and it further cemented some negative feelings I had. AA does work really well for those it works for but for those it doesn't work for, it really grates - and no that is not me being in denial. Anne @ainsobriety and Wendy @ Tipsynomore are very laid back AA advocates and don't ever seem to shove it down people's throats, for that I highly commend them. If anyone is wondering about if AA is the right path for them and for some it is, I would suggest they approach Anne and Wendy for guidance. Finally and I may be misquoting Anne @ ainsobriety, take what works and leave behind what doesn't. No one is holding a gun to any of our heads, we are all trying to find the best way for us and whatever that is for each of us, I hope it works and we can all find a helpful way to stay happy, healthy and sober.
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One customer we have, requested a lavastone countertop. She selected the material and she knew it was going to be problematic. We’ve sent out teams to clean and reseal it. The last time we returned to her home, we presented the TEKON® Easy Clean Forever® Kit for Granite, Marble and Stone. We refinished it with TEKON's products, sealed it and gave her microfiber Tek Towels and the Empowered Weekly™ spray. She loved the product and performance so much, two weeks later she phoned our offices with a request to coat her shower area. Is the TEKON® stone sealing process difficult to use on porous stone surfaces? We use TEKON® products on a lot of different types of stone surfaces. Black granite and white marble are different. We apply it to a variety of surfaces: polished, antique, honed, brushed and sand blasted. There are appropriate and recommended protocols for different types of stone surfaces. If the protocols are followed, the end product always looks great and is protected, too. How does the homeowner maintain a treated stone surface? If the homeowner wants to bring the stone surface back to the original luster and help seal and protect the surface, they can use the Empowered Daily™ and Empowered  Weekly™ spray. No rinsing or scouring is necessary. Empowered Weekly™ cleans and shines, and cuts through grease and fat. Empowered Daily™ removes toxins and bacteria with a microfiber Tek Towel. The Empowered Weekly™ spray cleans and shines the surface and actually helps restore the seal. Now that’s revolutionary! Are there other unique attributes to the TEKON® system of sealing and maintaining surfaces? Yes, TEKON® provides microfiber Tek Towels for sealant applications and for the Repellant Wash®, Empowered Daily™ and Empowered Weekly™ sprays. Used dry, the microfiber Tek Towels electrostatically picks up dust, surface dirt, lint, hair and so much more. No more sneezing: the microfiber holds the dust particles rather than just pushing them along - all without chemicals. TEKON® treated surfaces produce a positive charged environment that repels water, dust, and oil. The microfiber Tek Towel produces a negative static charge that attracts dust and dirt like a magnet. With microfiber, there is no lint and no streaking. What makes TEKON’s stone sealing product superior to others? From a stone installer: TEKON®  provides a complete system for stone: to clean, seal, protect, and maintain it. TEKON® has introduced the next generation of sealants. Other products provide a seal, but need to be reapplied frequently. Once the other type of sealer is applied, there is no way to predict what the client is going to clean it with, and this is a problem. Before using TEKON® products, we were sending teams out to clients’ homes where red wine had spilled on the countertop. Our team would soak the spot with a poultice and reseal the surface. These calls are time consuming. There is really not a lot of profit in this sort of maintenance call, but we feel obligated to our clients to provide follow-up for stone surfaces we installed. Now we use TEKON®  stone sealer and with TEKON's® sealing protocol, any red wine spills does not penetrate the sealed surface. Got Any Questions? Email your questions to 0 Items
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Sign up for Free Picks Email Address: Top Sportsbooks Up to $1000 in Deposit Bonuses at BetOnline! A look at the AFC and NFC Championship games, over the course of history, shows us that quite a few of these contests are one sides blowouts. As a matter of fact, since 1970, there have been 74 title games, with 38 of them being decided by 14 points or more. That's more than half folks. 48 of those games were decided by 11 points or more. It makes sense I guess. You have to figure that the very best team from each conference is going to find there way to this game more often than not. But their opponents aren't always the 2nd best teams. Often times surprise teams find their way here. Or, there is just that much of a gap between the best and the runners up. Whatever the case may be, there's always a good chance in this round that the cream rises to the top and we see a one sided game. What seems to be missing this year though, and what could open the door for the underdogs, is DEFENSE! Throughout these playoffs this year, there has been a lack of a dominating defensive effort we're so accustomed to seeing in January. Even last year, we had the Colts, who lacked defensively all year long, suddenly find a defense in the playoffs. Their opponent, the Bears, led the league defensively all year. Over the course of history, you won't find too many teams that made it this far and on to the Super Bowl, on the backs of their offense alone. But in watching this years playoffs, you didn't see that dominating defense. Ironically, of the four remaining teams, it's the New York Giants, a team that entered the playoffs as the only playoff team with a negative turnover ratio, who might be playing the best defense! You certainly didn't get the impression watching the Patriots that they were going to pitch a shut out anytime soon. The Jags moved the ball with relative ease. Are the Pats that good offensively that is doesn't matter? Perhaps. But that certainly would seem to open the door for backdoor covers against the Giants, Packers or even a healthy Chargers team. We shall see. On to the games................... Over the Summer last year, when looking ahead to the NFL season, I circled week 2 on the NFL schedule. Specifically, the Chargers visiting the Patriots. The year before, the 14-2 Chargers lost to the Patriots 24-21 in the divisional round of the playoffs, after having the Pats on the ropes. The Pats threw salt in the wound with their post game celebration on the field, pissing off several Chargers including LaDainian Tomlinson. Week two represented a classic next season revenge game for the Chargers who had a score to settle. There was a slight problem though. The week before, the Jets blew the whistle on the Patriots and pointed out their signal stealing tactics. The Patriots were about to go on a tear through their NFL schedule blowing out anyone who got in their way. The Chargers were victim number one, and lost in week 2, 38-14. Now, one can certainly make a case this time around, for another shot at revenge here. How sweet it would be to knock the Perfect Pats from the playoffs. Now that would be some big time revenge! We can't sell these Chargers short either. Since a November 18th loss at Jacksonville, 24-17, the Chargers have gone 8-0 and have covered every single one of those games. In those regular season games, you won't find any of the NFL elite, but then hey, they did go into Indy last week and upset the Colts in their own building and they did so without their Starting QB and star running back for much of the game. The deck would seem to be stacked against the Chargers for sure. Rivers is still questionable and Tomlinson will probably go, but neither will be 100%. Considering the history of the title games, and the Patriots season in general this year, it would certainly seem that if one of these title games this weekend was going to stay true to form, it would be this one here with a blow out win by the Pats. The Jags, as the media and everyone else suggested, were probably the team best built to give the Pats a battle. But while they gave up some yards and appeared to show some weakness defensively, The Pats offense could not be stopped and we simply don't see that changing. Not this week. Not in the AFC Title game. Not by a Chargers team playing at less than 100%. The Chargers on the road this year were a .500 team. Last weeks playoff win in Indy makes them 5-4 on the road this year. They outscored opponents on the road 24-22 with yards per point numbers of 14 on offense and 16 on defense for a +2. The Patriots were 9-0 at home this year outscoring their opponents 34-14 with YPP numbers of 12 on offense and 21 on defense for a +9. The Patriots are the better team. Is the line inflated here? Yes. For sure. It's inflated because, well, this is the AFC title game and the lines on just about all title games are inflated due to the history of blowouts. It's also inflated because of the health of this Charger team. If there figures to be a game where the Patriots play to form, to the level they played at for 80% of the 2007-2008 season, this would have to be the one. The offense is clicking and simply can't be stopped. The Chargers are banged up and Belichick will take away whatever strength is left. The Chargers have the advantage of being able to play with a nothing to lose approach, but lose they will. Only the margin is in doubt here and all indications are that the margin will be more than two touchdowns, despite the Patriots failure to cover big numbers down the stretch and the Bolts covering their last 8 games. 3* PATRIOTS -13.5 6:30 PM EST Right off the bat here we'll tell you that we see a potential major problem for the New York Giants in this game.......Quarterback. Hey, Eli Manning has had a great post season and not all of the inconsistent play this year can be blamed on Eli alone. Giant receivers have dropped their share of passes this year and the offense has not always had the help of the defense. Football is still a team sport. Put Eli Manning behind center in New England, with all the time in the world to throw, and receivers that rarely drop passes and always seem to find seams, and you probably have people talking about Eli in the same breath as Peyton. But the cold weather forecast for Green Bay this weekend could be a problem. Manning didn't perform well in a few games down the stretch where weather was obviously a factor. Manning himself admitted the weather caused some problems. It's not that Manning isn't used to playing in cold weather with windy conditions. Giants Stadium winds are among the most difficult conditions to play under in the entire NFL and it can get pretty cold in North Jersey. But, Manning doesn't have an outstanding record of success under those conditions. So, yes, he plays under rough conditions at times, but he doesn't play well. His opponent however, Mr Favre, is quite the opposite. He's been playing in Green Bay for 16 years and we all know what the Green Bay weather is like in December and January. Unlike Eli, Favre has a damn good record under these conditions. How about 43-5 when the temperature is 34 degrees are less. Not bad huh? So we have a proven cold weather winner going up against a QB who has not played well in bad weather. Plus, the obvious experience edge in a game like this. Favre has been there and done that. For Eli, this is new territory. You can't underestimate the Quarterback position in big games. For every Trent Dilfer that makes it at this level (title games), there's 5 or 6 Marino's, Elway's, Favres, Montana's and so on. Great Quarterbacks win big games. You can't ignore the story line here either. Can you imagine Favre going to the Super Bowl to end his career? Can you imagine Favre winning the Super Bowl? Talk about a storybook ending! Everyone wrote the guy off last year and said he should retire. Simply amazing. Give credit where credit is due. The man is a winner. So, does this game rest on Eli Manning's shoulders? Are the hopes of the New York Giants riding on the back of a QB who led the league in interceptions? A QB who this year, threw the most incomplete passes in a single game in 40 years? A QB who fumbled the ball 5 times against the Bills and threw 3 picks against the Vikings that went the other way for TD's???? The answer is no. Manning is just a piece of the puzzle. Credit not just Manning in the playoffs, but the Giant coaching staff for not putting Manning in position to throw games away. Credit the Giants for utilizing other areas of strength on the team and taking pressure off Manning. Credit the running game. Credit the defense. Credit the play calling utilizing short, high percentage passing plays mixed in with a solid running game. That's why Manning has thrown just one pick along with 8 TD passes in his last 3 games and that's exactly what the Giants need to do this week in Green Bay. Don't write the Giants off just yet. They are built for a game like this. The Giants field one of the best running games in the NFL. 4th overall actually, and 1st among the remaining playoff teams. They have a unique back tandem of Brandon Jacobs and Ahmad Bradshaw. Jacobs is 6-4 and 265 pounds while Bradshaw is one of the smaller backs in the NFL. Jacobs will run through you while Bradshaw will run by you. This game, like so many others, will come down to big plays and turnovers. Where the Giants will be gambling, is on defense. They'll blitz Favre and get after him as they did all year long leading the NFL in sacks. But going after Favre leaves the banged up and suspect Giants secondary even more vulnerable. For the Giants to win, they need to run the ball, short passes, keep the game out of Eli's hands, on offense. On defense, they need to continue to gamble, get after Favre and hope that creates a couple of key turnovers. For the Packers to win, Favre needs to burn that Giant secondary and create a couple of big plays along the way. Defensively they need to stop the run and the short passes and make Eli beat them. If they force Eli to go downfield and get away from the game plan, there's a high probability that we could see the return of the interception king. So what's it gonna be? The Giants have put forth one of the best road performances in NFL history this year. 9-1 Overall including 2 playoff games, last week shutting down one of the most explosive teams in the NFL this year in their own building, the Cowboys, and the week before that scoring 24 points on one of the most highly regarded defensive teams. They have road yards per point numbers of 14 on offense and 18 on defense for a +4 overall. Their only road loss came in week one at Dallas. So, it's been 9 straight road wins for the Giants and let's not forget that the G-men play in the NFC East. Skins twice. Cowboys twice. Eagles twice. The Packers are equally impressive at home. 8-1 with yards per points numbers of 13 on offense and 19 on defense for a +6. But the Packers dance card has some big wins over some teams that weren't so good this year. Such as the Raiders, Lions, Chiefs, Panthers, Broncos and Rams. When a couple of NFC East teams came to town to play the Pack, we saw some close games. 16-13 over the Eagles. 17-14 over the Skins. The Chargers came in and lost by a touchdown. The Bears beat the Packers outright 27-20. So, to sum up, with the Packers, we see blow out wins against bad teams. Against good teams, we see games decided by 7 or less, and against the NFC East, against teams the Giants see most often, we see field goal games. When these two met in New York in September, the score was 14-13 after 3 quarters. Green Bay scored 3 unanswered touchdowns in the 4th quarter. The Giants averaged almost 6 yards per rush compared to the Packers 3. Favre outperformed Eli., but the Giants have come a long way since then. This weeks game has the potential to be a good one. All the ingredients are there for a good, close, NFC Title game. It doesn't look like a blow out scenario. So, with that in mind, we are going to grab +7.5 with the Giants here. This game has a better than average chance of being decided in the final 5 minutes, in which case, we like our chances here with the balanced Giants, playing well and making big plays on both sides of the ball. 4* GIANTS +7.5 Playoff games rated from a low of 1* to a high of 7* Playoff Record 9-3 OVERALL 7* 0-0 6* 0-0 5* 0-0 4* 1-0 3* 2-1 2* 1-1 1* 5-1 1* winners includes a +130 money line play Capping Tools College Football Picks Free Football Picks Top Sportsbooks Message Boards Site Map World Series Odds College Football Lines NFL Futures NFLX Picks Support Chat Live Help Enter your name to begin:
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What is Is Avastcoin Scam? What is Is Avastcoin Scam? Bitcoin is amazing and it has generates a new kind of market for itself. Many website are operating to allow people to invest their cryptocurrency with them. One of such website is If you are finding information or review about Avastcoin or ‘get bitcoin forever’ website, you have arrived at the right place. In this Avastcoin review we are dealing with general doubts like, Whether Avastcoin is Scam or Legit? Whether Avastcoin is Real or Fake? These questions trouble people a lot. Increasing craze of bitcoin had given the birth to a whole new investment market or new topic to fool people. If you are not interested on to read full review and want us to brief you about this website, then ‘we do not recommend this website’. Avastcoin website is working on the ponzi scheme phenomenon. In ponzi scheme, company pay to its members from the money deposited by the new members and so on. They do not have any other plan to generate money. It means they are accumulating debt from the people and when they got the sufficient amount they will run away for sure. Many websites operating on the internet are genuine and pay to its members regularly from their foundation. We also prepared a list of such website, to know more about these websites please visits our webpage by clicking the link: We recommend Wealthy Affiliate Company because of their unique training programs, great internet community and mentorship for its members. It is not the company where you will earn quick money, but you get the way to earn full time earning online. To know more details of this website please clicks the link given: Advertisement Section Start Advertisement Section End What is Is Avastcoin Scam or Legit Is Avastcoin Real or Fake Avastcoin Review, Avastcoin How does Avastcoin works? Avastcoin claims to be an Investment Company specialized in Currency Trading, mainly in Bitcoin. They are assures about the profit, that member will get on this website. What happens generally, genuine website provides the information of their owner, chairman, MD or personals working in their company? Avastcoin does not provide any such information on their website. They are lacking in transparency in their website. The major reason of talking about the information of company is that, you are going to invest your hard earned money. You must have assurance of authenticity of the company. Company is assuring profit but they did not talk about their originality or authenticity of itself. They also guarded their information in WHOIS records and anybody can check it. Guarding detail is the characteristics of scammers who were involved in some other scam website. They are just hiding their identity so that when they run away with people money, no one will be able to catch them. The company gave proof of their legitimacy via providing certificate from the UK Companies. They are registered under the company name: AVAST COIN LIMITED and the company number: 11204226. We are not concerned about the originality of the certificate because anyone can get his certificate by paying just 20GBP. Our concern is that many website listed in our Not Recommended list also got certificate from UK Companies and some of them declared as a Scam Website later on. Their proof of legitimacy does not contain any legitimate ground. We advise our readers investing your money in this website or not, are your call. We highly recommend ‘avoiding’ this website. Taking risk is different thing and foolishness is different. Until now we did not discuss the investment plans but it does not matter what they write on their website, if they do not have any kind of genuine backing to be a genuine website. Investment Compamny main work is very simple. They urge people to invest their money with them for making investment as per their plans. It means Investment plans are the backbone of Investment Company. The Avastcoin Company has 3 plans to offer its members. They are paying 3%, 4% and 5% daily interest on the different deposits (according to the plan). The numbers are very high and profitable at the same time. They are just a trap to attract investor attention towards this website. There is very high possibility that company pay initially according to their plans but in later period they will not. It is because their plans are high unsustainable for any company. Nobody can ever provide such a good interest rate. The company also have affiliate program in their website. They are offering 15% commission and 7 level award programs. The commission is very good because earning money via affiliate program is not unique every other website use it. But the commission rate of genuine website is very low. The Avastcoin referral programs make it non-reliable from an investment point of view. Avastcoin is not recommended by us. We have discussed all reasons above. As we have already mentioned, investing in this website or not is your call. You have to make this decision. Earning shortcut may happen but it never been sustainable. Companies are going to lure you and your inner voice also urges you to believe such company offers. In later time, Avastcoin Company is not going to profit you and you might end with losing your money. Wealthy Affiliate Company is working very hard to help people to earn full time. You can use their training programs to become your own boss. You can get detail of this company by reading its review. Access the review by clicking the link: If you have any doubt or query about Avastcoin then share it with us. You can drop your comment in the comment section.
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Web Resources Dancers Tips for The Average Joe The World of Strippers There are a number of reasons why people should date strippers. Most of the strippers are good looking this is for the person who is currently looking to date an attractive woman. The majority of the strippers will fit into this description. This is because for them to make money they need to look good. People expect strippers to be slender and have a tight body like the ones in Las Vegas. Strippers have naturally hot bodies and they work out. Strippers are ladies that are extremely sexual. They have a high libido and also are comfortable with their sexual nature. For someone who enjoys having physical escapades strippers might be a fantastic match for a person. Most strippers are fantastic in the bedroom. This is a plus for the men. Strippers are flexible experienced and adventurous. Most of the strippers have great personalities. There are a whole lot of women who strip since they understood that it is the only way. The strippers that give a person a lap dance might be in a higher tax bracket than other people. Strippers may be a great deal of fun to hand out with if they’re currently wearing clothing. They are open minded, outgoing and have enjoyable approaches. Many people like taking guard tours and such warden are in Las Vegas. There are undoubted benefits to guarded holidays and tours. Having a set price includes all of your accommodation and transport requirements. This might help in providing exceptional value for money. There are guides that lead people during a trip. They can also give real insights into the city, region or country that is visited. A lot of individuals have thought that is negative about vacations which involve. People think about spending endless hours on a coach. Protected holidays have improved today. Las Vegas protectors agencies have begun to offer trips whose is aimed at the luxury end of the market. The destinations provided by agencies like this varies. If a person considers going on a guarded escorted vacation, there are a number of things to watch out for when there arrives a person to make bookings. Vegas protectors agencies offer quality services. The services include transportation arrangements. If it comes to lodging an individual ought to be certain that quality resorts are used by the tour operator. It is highly advisable to find holiday businesses. Such companies will tell a person exactly where he or she will be staying. Someone should also consider the manual who will be accompanying an individual at the excursion. Looking On The Bright Side of Experts 5 Takeaways That I Learned About Businesses
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[NL2-NL10] Nl2 44 • Resilence Joined: 10.03.2012 Posts: 934 BTN: $1.42 (71 bb) BB: $2.30 (115 bb) Hero (MP3): $2.06 (103 bb) CO: $1.38 (69 bb) MP1: $2 (100 bb) SB: $1.23 (61.5 bb) MP2: $4.53 (226.5 bb) Preflop: Hero is MP3 with 4 4 MP1 folds, MP2 raises to $0.08, Hero calls $0.08, 4 folds Flop: ($0.19) 7 4 8 (2 players) MP2 bets $0.10, Hero raises to $0.36, MP2 folds Wasn't sure if I was ahead here, three 4's aren't that great, had to try and make him fold or get information. Bet to large or ok, when attempting to make him fold? He could complete a flush or straight. • 3 replies • wickytheviking Joined: 28.03.2012 Posts: 54 what do you think he's holding? i dont use hm so the stats dont give me alot of info.. looks like he's a bit loose agro type of player. he might have AK-AJ KQ o/s type of h. or any (big)pocket pair. you flopped a set a very good hand so the reason you should raise is for value. Hoping he holds an overpair or something like that or he's on a draw like you explained and you'll get all his money. Would you fold if he shoves over your raise? no i gues not.. and most of the time you a ahead on this flop. • wickytheviking Joined: 28.03.2012 Posts: 54 then i think about his 'top'range where he would open raise 4bb with. he might raise it with hands like T9s JTs or perhaps 89s 78s 76s 56s? but still i gues you want to get all is money in on this flop. if he calls your raise on the flop and checks the turn you bet pot or 2/3rd or just shove what do you think?? • veriz Joined: 20.07.2008 Posts: 65,504 Hello Resilence, I'd play the same way, we need still to protect our hand and no point to just float there. Nice hand! Best Regards.
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Ghost Emperor Wild Wife: Dandy Eldest Miss Ghost Emperor Wild Wife: Dandy Eldest Miss Chapter 1800 - Selling Spirit Medicinal Liquid (3) Chapter 1800: Selling Spirit Medicinal Liquid (3) Translator: DRZ Editor: Rock One bottle could be used five times and every dose was effective for half a month. Which is to say, one entire bottle of spirit medicinal liquid could only be used for two and a half months. Therefore, the sturdy man had placed an order for two bottles. “Young master Qi, I’d like to make an order too but I don’t have enough funds, so I’ll just take one bottle.” “Tsk, you penniless cultivators, what use would there be for one bottle? Young master Qi, give me five bottles. But of course, I’m ordering in advance as I have to bring the remaining money when I return.” Looking at the flocking crowd, Qi Su felt emotionally moved. Raising his hand, he stopped the bustling crowd. “Everyone, this strengthened spirit-gathering liquid is only for people of the sage-level realm. Although deity-leveled cultivators can also use it, the effect is minuscule.” Everyone suddenly became silent and quietly listened to Qi Su’s speech. Minuscule effect? Even so, everyone still believed that a deity-level cultivator could increase their cultivation speed after using the medicinal liquid. The reason they did not interrupt was that they believed Qi Su had something else to say. “However…” as expected, Qi Su continued speaking, “the strengthened medicinal liquid cannot be used by cultivators below sage-level. Otherwise, they’ll immediately die from exploding. “What?” Everyone paled and there was a man who became dispirited. “I originally wanted to purchase some for my son’s consumption and he’s only ten years old, not yet at the sage-level realm. If he could use the medicinal liquid, he would definitely breakthrough to sage-level in a short time.” “I’m the same as you. Although my son was only born, I have to prepare in advance for him…” Seeing their dispirited expression, Qi Su smiled. “Have you forgotten the name of this spirit-gathering medicinal liquid? It’s a strengthened version and since there’s an improved version, there will naturally be a normal version. The normal version is cheaper and can be purchased at thirty million taels. One bottle can be used for eight times and the normal spirit-gathering medicinal liquid is for people below sage-level cultivation. The crowd who was originally crestfallen immediately became excited upon hearing Qi Su’s words. “Young master Qi, then what’s there to wait for? I’ll order three bottles of the strengthened spirit-gathering medicinal liquid and for the normal version… I’ll have ten bottles!” “The price for the strengthened medicinal liquid is too expensive so I’ll only order one for my own use. In addition, I’ll order twenty bottles of the normal version!” From the start, everyone came here to watch a show and no one expected that the day would come when the Qi Family’s medicinal hall flourished. What were spirit herbs? Compared to spirit medicinal liquid, they were not worth mentioning! No matter how exceptional the spirit herb’s effect was, it would at most increase cultivation and improve physique or treat every illness. Could it allow one to break through on the spot like spirit medicinal liquid? Clearly, it was impossible. “Make way, make way!” Just as the crowd was in a commotion, an unbridled voice sounded from the rear. “Don’t you see our eldest Young Master coming? Why aren’t you making way?” Behind the crowd, Qi Mo was lightly waving his fan while a sinister smile surfaced on his feminine face. Looking at the medicinal hall surrounded by a crowd, a mocking smile curved on his lips. The matter of Qi Su selling spirit medicinal liquid was originally only well known in Fengling Town and other towns were unaware. He was the one who purposely helped broadcast the news so that he could witness today’s scene. In a short while, he would be exposing Qi Su on the spot and in addition… snatch back the spirit medicinal liquid formulation! Just as Qi Mo wanted to squeeze into the medicinal hall, his actions infuriated a tall and sturdy man in front. He pushed Qi Mo and fiercely spoke. Report broken chapters
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Latest Entertainment News Headlines Set Visit: Looney Tunes: Back in Action By John Gunn Last week Warner Brothers invited yours truly to visit the set of their upcoming animated/live action film LOONEY TUNES: BACK IN ACTION. The movie, starring Daffy, Bugs, etc…plus real-life actors like Jenna Elfman, Brendan Fraser, Joan Cusack and Steve Martin (all directed by GREMLINS' Joe Dante), is set in the live-action world and involves the cartoon characters and cast going all over the globe in search of Fraser's missing father and the mythical Blue Monkey Diamond. According to the folks at WB, the characters go from Hollywood studio lots, to Paris, to even Las Vegas (there they visit a casino run by none other than Yosemite Sam…but run by ACME Entertainment, for the record). Anyway, after navigating my way through the tight security, I found myself in one of the larger stages on the Burbank lot. And what they had done to it for this movie was amazing, and quite hilarious. The set was supposed to be a fictional, highly confidential government precinct called Area 52 (so top secret, they devised Area 51 just to keep it under wraps). One sign on the set read "Area 52: Keeping things from the American people since 1947." In it was a high-tech command center housing various creatures (which I couldn't see, of course, cuz…well…they'll be drawn in later), run by Joan Cusack (she was in some goofy white lab coat-type outfit…kind of a mad scientist-like role). In the scene, Elfman and Fraser are there to survey Cusack's assortment of trinkets and high tech spy toys (all of which are built by ACME, of course) before they begin their adventure. After watching a few scenes, they gave me a look into Stage 16, the biggest on the WB lot. There they had a built an enormous, and I mean ENORMOUS Monkey Island…the locale where the final scene takes place. It looked like a cross between INDIANA JONES' Temple of Doom and some place from THE MUMMY. It was incredible…huge stone-looking structures built from styrofoam blocks, and a lava river. Supposedly that stage housed all the scenes on the boat from THE PERFECT STORM, and some caverns from THE GOONIES. Pretty sweet. So once I got back to the set, I was able to chat with a couple folks about the production. First off was Larry Doyle, the Executive Producer and screenwriter. Doyle's resume is pretty solid…wrote for BEAVIS AND BUTTHEAD and THE SIMPSONS. So, needless to say, I was in awe. He said their goal with this film was to bring back the original Looney Tunes characters, but keep them fresh and new…while all the while staying true to their original personalities. So, Daffy is Daffy and Bugs is Bugs. Don't worry about that. He also told me that, aside from this story, he's writing and producing several animated Looney Tunes shorts to run in theaters some time next year. After chatting about the task at hand, I was able to slip in a couple questions about The Simpsons, being the die hard that I am. A couple cool side notes came out of our conversation…1) His favorite episode he wrote for them was "Worst Episode Ever", from a couple years back. Comic Book Guy has a heart attack, so Millhouse and Bart take over the comic book store. A classic. 2) He said the show will continue to run until either a) Dan Castellaneta decides to quit as the voice of Homer or b) Fox decides to put another show in its place that somehow they think will rate higher (never happen). So, needless to say, it'll be around for a while. I also got a chance to talk with Jenna Elfman. She was nice, but in a bit of a rush. Very cute, and extremely tall and tan (it's funny, but they for some reason decided to cast 2 of Hollywood's taller lead actors for roles in this movie, knowing they'd have a bitch of a time animating the Looney characters to scale right next to them…hmm). Here's a little bit from our conversation… What did you do to prepare for talking to a green screen? There's not really much to do to prepare, other than just muck up the reality in your mind that they do exist. You need to really boost your belief system, and loosen up…You have to have a big imagination, but you have to totally believe with all the total genuineness you have in your soul to do both drama and comedy. But with this you have to believe even more, but you have to also be extremely non-serious in order to pull it off. Who's your favorite Looney character? Bugs. He's a cool guy. He has a good sense of humor but he's not evil. He just sort of charismatic, and very Cary Grant to me. How important were the Looney Tunes to you growing up? They kind of babysat you when you were young. Come home from school, have your little snack and watch Looney Tunes. In this film you play a studio exec. Is this somewhat of a revenge thing for you? No. Can't get into playing that game. No. I just played it from the viewpoint of someone who's very driven and someone who has very specifically defined goals for herself and her career. And if you lay those down really heavily in cement, you have big problems with Daffy and Bugs…and it creates big comedy, with big problems, and a big conflict. Talk about your relationship with Brendan's character. It's the love-hate thing. He's completely annoying and I'm completely in love with him at the same time. What was your original response to this role? I was hesitant. I read the script on Monday, after getting five hours of sleep at night from shooting another film, I kind of needed a meeting to see what it was about. So they had a video presentation of what the live action mixed with the animation would look like, which really helped me. I didn't quite know what to imagine, so it was hard to say yes. And then I saw it. I just wanted it to be funny and appeal to everyone, not just children. And it is very much that way. What's the most important thing you learned for doing film work from DHARMA & GREG? Well, I really learned a lot about camera and lighting and when I'm not in light, when I'm casting shadows on others. You know, sort of that dance around light and camera…It also gave me a lot of experience in working in Hollywood on many dynamics. Why did it end? It seemed like it was the right time for it to be over. And I had a great run at it. I loved doing it. I loved playing Dharma. But I'm happy to be doing films now, so it was kind of just the right time, I guess. Also got a couple questions in with Brendan Fraser. He seemed cool, like he was having a blast shooting this film. He is a little tough to keep on track, as his thoughts tend to wander a bit. But overall he was good. He talked about how he enjoyed working with Jenna, but couldn't explain why he's now going to be in yet another film with animated characters. Just shrugged it off, saying that, for a chance to act with the Looney Tunes, all other scripts can wait. Here's more from Fraser… What was the attraction of doing this movie for you? Just the novelty of being able to work with Bugs and Daffy. And anybody who says they don't enjoy their cartoons is a liar. I personally owe a debt of gratitude to them for what they taught me. Who do you like best…Bugs or Daffy? I'd have to go with Bugs. Bugs is the iceman. Daffy gets no respect. He's a greedy duck….In this film Daffy and I are unwilling partners. He's trying to be a scene stealer all the time. How do you approach doing a comedy? I picture it like straight-ahead drama, because once you start thinking you're funny, you're not. I promise you that. Once you put quotation marks around your head, nobody laughs.  Tell me about the scene we're watching today. Today we're in the middle of Area 52, not to be confused with Area 51, which doesn't exist, right? As you can see, there's all kinds of high-tech, important stuff in here. All sorts of spy gizmos, and other things. It's a place where all robots and monsters have come to have experiments done on them, nice experiments. We've got puppies, baby aliens, etc…And Jenna and I are getting a guided tour from Mother (Joan Cusack). What's your commitment to a third MUMMY film? My commitment is an understanding that if people want this film to get made again, and the director says let's do it…he knows my number. What's it like working with two puppeteers on set, while shooting scenes? They help us out, for sure. In the first couple of days we feel a little daft sitting there talking to puppets. But then you remove them and instinctively you remember where the object was and then you can make sure your eyeline is correct so it's not, on film, you looking cross-eyed at these guys. How much improvising is in the film? There's always a lot of leeway. Every script goes through some transitions. Once you get here you realize that maybe, the way the room is set up, it requires you to make some different choices to be funny. What are you doing after this movie? Taking a long nap. No, um, I don't have any plans right now actually.  What kind of fun are you having between takes? It's nice talking to you guys. No, um, you know, I've got a scooter. I'm probably not supposed to have it, so don't tell the studio that. But I do. Did you have any hesitation doing another animated film? Man, it's Looney Tunes and live action. They're bringing all the classic characters, shining them up and buffing them up and putting them out there again. And they're not being presented as any kind of plush toy, which is ok. But it's not just for a specific child audience. Yes, it's a cartoon film, but it has all the integrity of what we remember from what they were. These were cartoons that were subversive, they had an agenda, and certainly they were timely and funny and I think that they just speak volumes to what we as adults know about the rise of television that we watched as we grew up. So I would be a fool to pass up this opportunity. Well, I had a blast. Coolest set I've seen so far, by far. Thanks to the kind folks at WB. To rail me, email [email protected]. To hail me, email me at [email protected] Source: Latest Entertainment News Headlines Featured Youtube Videos Views and Counting
robots: classic hostname: ip-10-16-230-89.ec2.internal software: Nutch 1.6 (CC) isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2018-13 operator: Common Crawl Admin description: Wide crawl of the web for March 2018 publisher: Common Crawl format: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo:
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Your donations keep RPGWatch running! Box Art Bioshock - Interviews @ FiringSquad, GwJ by Dhruin, 2007-06-20 04:58:55 FiringSquad has spoken with Ken Levine in an article-format interview from a Bioshock press event back in April: We first asked Levine about the massive amount of content that we encountered in just the first two levels. The amount of weapons, the special powers (called plasmids in the game) and other factors made BioShock feel like a full game. Levine assured us that we haven't seen anything yet. "There's like 12 or 14 active plasmids in the game," he told us, "There are eight weapons. You haven't even seen the weapon mods or the crafting and invention system. You haven't touched the storyline. You are just getting started, man". There's also a podcast interview with Ken at Gamers with Jobs. Information about SP/MP: Single-player Setting: Post-Apoc Genre: Non-RPG Platform: PC, Xbox 360 Release: Released
robots: classic hostname: ip-10-137-6-227.ec2.internal software: Nutch 1.6 (CC)/CC WarcExport 1.0 isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2015-40 operator: CommonCrawl Admin description: Wide crawl of the web for September 2015 publisher: CommonCrawl format: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo:
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Devin Nunes Has Filed A Second Bullshit Defamation Lawsuit Telling You All About A News Article He Doesn't Want You To Read from the has-devin-nunes-read-the-1st-amendment dept It appears that Devin Nunes wants to become the new poster-child for filing bullshit SLAPP suits to silence and intimidate his critics. Just a few weeks after filing an obvious SLAPP suit against two satirical Twitter accounts, Republican strategist Liz Mair, and Twitter itself, Nunes is back in court again, suing news giant McClatchy and Liz Mair again. The first lawsuit was for $250 million. This one is for $150 million. Both are SLAPP suits that seemed designed to shut up his critics -- especially Mair. Nunes is represented by the same lawyer, Steven Biss, in both cases (Biss has, well, a colorful history). The latest lawsuit is as equally ridiculous as the first. It is mostly about the very same article that was central to the first lawsuit, an article by The Fresno Bee (a McClatchy-owned newspaper), talking about how a winery that was partly owned by Nunes was involved in a scandal involving cocaine and potentially underage prostitutes on a yacht. The McClatchy article has (from its initial publication), made clear that Nunes' investment in the winery doesn't involve any role with the winery or any management functions: "Rep. Devin Nunes is one of a few friends (Baggett) invited to invest in the winery in 2005. None of the investors has ever been involved with the management of the company. Robin is the sole managing partner and ultimate decision maker at Alpha Omega," Carter said. The article has also always made clear that Nunes, as an investor, was unlikely to have any knowledge of the questionable activities associated with the winery: Limited partners are only liable for the debts equal to their investment in the company, and typically have "little knowledge or participation in the activities of the partnership," according to the California Tax Service Center. But you wouldn't know any of that from reading the lawsuit, which reads like a conspiracy theory. Throughout 2018, McClatchy and its reporter, MacKenzie Mays, acting in concert with a Virginia political operative and her handlers, schemed to defame Plaintiff and destroy his reputation. The central purpose of the scheme was to interfere with Plaintiff’s Congressional investigation of corruption by the Clinton campaign and alleged “collusion” between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 presidential election. Using the enormous power of McClatchy’s nation-wide resources, McClatchy and its co-conspirators relentlessly attacked Plaintiff both in print and digitally – falsely and maliciously accusing Plaintiff of horrible crimes and improprieties, falsely attributing to him knowledge he did not have, implying that he was involved with cocaine and underage prostitutes, and imputing to Plaintiff dishonesty, unethical behavior, lack of integrity, and an unfitness to serve as a United States Congressman. Defendants’ statements were knowingly false and grossly offensive. They evince a heedless, palpable and reckless disregard for the truth. So, a few things about this. First of all, it's not true. As noted above, the article never even came close to implying he had knowledge of the cocaine and underage prostitutes -- and flat out said the opposite was likely true. It's a fascinatingly stupid strategy to make claims in your defamation lawsuit that are literally contradicted in the article you're suing over. As lawyer Max Kennerly points out, the lawsuit is so stupidly bad, that it claims that the McClatchy reorter, Mackenzie Mays, "chose to emphasize the words "woman," "Devin" and "cocaine." Except, that's not true. The only reason those words are highlighted is because that's how Twitter's search function works. If you search for certain words, Twitter shows them to you in bold. It was not the original tweet. Here's the way it's shown in the lawsuit, with those words bolded: Here's the actual tweet, which shows those words are not bolded: And... here's how that very same tweet appears if you search on Twitter for "woman, devin, cocaine": In other words, it sure looks like Nunes and/or Biss just did a search on "woman, devin, cocaine" and stupidly assumed that because Twitter bolded the search terms, that Mays herself had done so in her tweet. This is stunningly stupid. And that's not all that this lawsuit gets so incredibly wrong. The lawsuit repeats over and over again that the article suggested Nunes "was involved" in the event on the yacht, even though the article explicitly states otherwise. In trying to claim that people took the Fresno Bee article to mean that Nunes was involved with the party, it points to a reporter from NBC News, Kasie Hunt, saying that "the defamatory meaning of the article was clearly understood by all who read and saw McClatchy's publication," and then uses Hunt's tweet as proof that people took the article to mean Nunes was involved. Except the very tweet by Hunt that is included in the lawsuit flat out states that "Nunes is totally uninvolved in day to day decisions." In other words, Nunes' complaint's own "evidence" that readers took the article to mean that Nunes was involved literally disproves that by saying he was not involved. There are some later claims that suggest the original Fresno Bee article had inartfully worded a sentence regarding another controversy at the winery, involving selling wines to Russian clients, in manner that could confuse some readers about the timing of those sales. Specifically, the article originally stated: "Nunes ties to Alpha Omega made national headlines last year because it was discovered the winery sold wine to Russian clients while the congressman was at the helm of a federal investigation of Russian meddling into the presidential election...." The inartful wording is that this sentence could be read to suggest that the wine sales happened while Nunes was helming the investigation. But it could also be read (accurately!) to suggest that the "national headlines" about this story came about while he was helming the investigation. The Fresno Bee later made a few edits to clarify that sentence. Writing a poorly written sentence which could have multiple interpretations (none of which would actually be defamatory) is not defamation. The lawsuit even claims that the Fresno Bee editing that sentence to clarify it without adding an editor's note is somehow "perpetrat[ing] a fraud on its readers." Other claims are equally bizarre. The lawsuit says that when the Fresno Bee's exec editor, Joe Kieta, stated that the paper "had never had to issue a retraction on its coverage of Nunes," that was "deceitful" because of the clarifying edit discussed above. The lawsuit really tries to claim that a clarifying edit is somehow proof of nefarious intent, rather than just a confusingly worded sentence which can easily be read in two different ways, which the paper quickly changed to clarify. As for this second attempt at suing Mair, the lawsuit again makes bizarre claims: Prior to March 19, 2019, Mair’s username on Twitter was “BrandValue$4B”. After Plaintiff filed suit against Mair and others in the Circuit Court for the County of Henrico [Nunes v. Twitter et al., Case CL19-1715], Mair changed her username to “BeingSuedByDevinNunes”. Mair is a political operative and a digital terrorist for-hire. Her job on behalf of her benefactors is to target the opposition, carry out smear campaigns in coordination with third-parties in Virginia and elsewhere in the United States, and, in the process, to create extreme negative publicity for the targets, in this case Plaintiff. Mair is conscious that Twitter is an echo-chamber. She intentionally changed her identity on Twitter to exploit Plaintiff’s name solely to obtain more followers and to maliciously increase the audience, scope and breadth of her false and defamatory statements. It takes quite a lot of chutzpah to (1) file a bogus SLAPP suit against a critic, and then (2) file a second such SLAPP suit against the same person and argue that her calling attention to the first bogus lawsuit is itself "malicious." Most of the other claims in the lawsuit are equally bizarre. It argues that the Fresno Bee's Editorial Board suggesting that Nunes should have responded to questions about the yacht/cocaine/prostitutes story is "defamatory by implication." It says that other Fresno Bee stories by Mays about ethics complaints filed with the Office of Congressional Ethics (about Nunes' investment in the winery) were defamatory as well. The lawsuit literally states that "McClatchy had no business republishing the ADLF ethics complaint." It says similar things about other such complaints, including arguing that they were "total shams." Apparently Nunes thinks that he's allowed to dictate McClatchy's editorial policies and that no one is allowed to even write about ethics complaints if Nunes personally deems them to be shams filed by "left-wing" or "left-leaning" groups. Remember, this is the same Congressman who just a few weeks ago voted for a House Amendment about how free speech should be supported. And now he's suing for $400 million over some critics. The lawsuit also asks for an injunction ordering "McClatchy to deactivate all hyperlinks to all online articles and all tweets, retweets, replies and likes by McClatchy or any of its agents that contain false and defamatory statements about Nunes." Except, tons of defamation case law have made it clear that such an injunction is unconstitutional. And while there are a few courts that have recently tried warming to the idea of injunctions around defamatory content, they are not that widespread, and the injunctions tend to be very, very limited. For the most part, though, defamation cases can't get injunctions -- just monetary damages. Either way, this is another SLAPP suit and another attack on free speech by Nunes. If Virginia actually had a strong anti-SLAPP law, one would hope that Nunes would end up on the hook for the legal fees here. Unfortunately, while Virginia recently updated its anti-SLAPP law, it doesn't act the way most anti-SLAPP laws act -- pausing the expensive parts of the lawsuit, and it doesn't require that the plaintiff in the SLAPP suit pay the legal fees of the defendant (though, it does allow the court to decide to award attorneys' fees -- so it's still a possibility). Still, Devin Nunes, as a sitting Representative in Congress, who has taken an oath to defend the Constitution, is making a total mockery of the First Amendment of the Constitution in suing his critics for clearly protected free speech. Filed Under: defamation, devin nunes, free speech, liz mair, steven biss, tweets, winery Companies: fresno bee, mcclatchy, twitter Reader Comments Subscribe: RSS View by: Time | Thread 1. identicon Anonymous Coward, 10 Apr 2019 @ 11:25am Obviously a cheap-shot hitpiece designed to discredit Nunes, and perhaps to sway his next election by exploiting low-IQ voters. Except that the article LITERALLY said he had nothing to do with it. So how can you smear someone if you say they weren't involved? Add Your Comment Subscribe to the Techdirt Daily newsletter Comment Options: • Use markdown. Use plain text. • Remember name/email/url (set a cookie) Follow Techdirt Report this ad  |  Hide Techdirt ads Essential Reading Techdirt Insider Chat Report this ad  |  Hide Techdirt ads Recent Stories Report this ad  |  Hide Techdirt ads Email This
isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2019-22 publisher: Common Crawl description: Wide crawl of the web for May 2019 operator: Common Crawl Admin ([email protected]) hostname: ip-10-109-171-211.ec2.internal software: Apache Nutch 1.15 (modified, robots: checked via crawler-commons 1.1-SNAPSHOT ( format: WARC File Format 1.1 conformsTo:
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Chemical imbalance in the brain The chemical imbalance in the brain is often put forward as a primary cause of depression. And it’s true. Too little serotonin is not good for mood levels. The trouble is, maybe we’re not told the full story. We’re given a script for some antidepressants and we go away and try it, and if that doesn’t work the dosage is increased, and if that doesn’t work we’ll try a different medication. And it’s true that all these medications are designed to alter the chemical imbalance in the brain. But you know what else changes brain chemistry? Almost everything. Reading a book. Going for a walk. Opening Twitter. Lying down. Standing up. Eating anything. Or taking a long breath deep into the bottom of your lungs. All change the chemistry. The narrative that has been allowed to take hold says we have a chemical imbalance, and that we need drugs to correct it. But maybe we’re not getting the full story.
isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2020-24 publisher: Common Crawl description: Wide crawl of the web for May/June 2020 operator: Common Crawl Admin ([email protected]) hostname: ip-10-67-67-52.ec2.internal software: Apache Nutch 1.16 (modified, robots: checked via crawler-commons 1.1-SNAPSHOT ( format: WARC File Format 1.1 conformsTo:
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The reason for an explosive row between Love Island's Rosie and Adam on tonight's episode has been REVEALED. Viewers were left stunned after a preview of tonight's show at the end of last night's showed the Welsh solicitor get extremely angry. The villa's resident love-rat Adam Collard has been exposed as an emotional CHEAT in shocking scenes set to air tonight (June 12), The Mirror has revealed. Adam, who already showed signs of snakiness by pinching Kendall Rae-Knight off Niall Aslam before ditching her in last Friday's recoupling, will tonight fight for his place in the villa after angering TWO girls. In a sneak peek at this evening's episode, Adam's dirty secret is exposed to the group when Rosie Williams - who he picked to be with over Kendall - emotionally accuses him of flirting with new Islander Megan Barton Hanson. And an unrepentant Adam doesn't seem to care he's deeply hurt Rosie after telling Megan he had "doubts" about his feelings for her. Sticking to 'girl code', model Megan was quick to tell Rosie everything Adam's said about their blossoming relationship and warned Rosie that Adam was putting the moves on her - even though he wanted their conversation to stay private. In dramatic scenes, a furious Rosie will confront Adam in front of the group and demand he explains himself. "Do you want to tell me something? Something that happened today that you should have perhaps had the balls to tell me before," she coldly tells him while the Islanders are gathered outside in the garden. As grinning Adam attempts to calm her down, Rosie rages: "I dunno, what am I on about? Love Island 2018 "Everyone else in the group knows about it, you may as well share it. The group's waiting." As the Islanders exchange worried looks, Rosie storms away. Later, in the safety of their dressing room, the lawyer sobs to the girls: "I don't get why I'm not enough for someone..." Earlier in the show, Megan picks Niall Aslam, Eyal Brooker and Dr Alex George to go on dates with - and ends up snogging Eyal. But Adam is miffed she doesn't choose him, and demands to know why not as he takes her aside for a chat, asking if it's because of his situation with Rosie. "Obviously you'd been with Kendall and then her [Rosie], and I thought oh god I'm not going to be the third," she tells him honestly. "How's it going with her?" "Like it's good, don't get me wrong it's good, but sometimes she can be a bit on top of us," Adam reveals. Later, in the Beach Hut, Megan tries to digest what Adam's said. "I think it's really sneaky how Adam's played it," she says, before going straight to the girls and spilling the beans - resulting in Rosie breaking down for the first time. Meanwhile, Adam's telling the boys that Megan is "f**king mint, she is fit though isn't she". And he tells the camera: "You can't say that you don't have a roving eye in here, Megan obviously is very nice. If I was to say that I wasn't looking at her in some way and I didn't have some attraction, I would be lying." Love Island is on tonight at 9pm on ITV2.
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Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett and Holly Baxter of the Vagenda Magazine Fashion victims: why do glossy magazines keep glamorising violence? New Statesman The image above is from a beauty editorial in a Bulgarian magazine called 12. It depicts perfectly made up women who just happen to have also been the victims of brutal violence, probably because the photographer thought that it would provide some kind of arty counterpoint to the polished perfection of well-applied mascara. This is not the worst image in the series, not by a country mile. That dubious accolade would perhaps go to the slit throat, or the ripped open mouth, available for your perusal. The images are shocking, and desperately sad. Yet more sad is the fact than one in four Bulgarian women is a victim of domestic violence. Putting images of battered and broken women in a magazine whose readership is likely to have suffered similar horrors in reality shows a cavalier attitude to their trauma which is at best ignorant and at worst cynical. Fashion has often looked to violence and brutality as a way of shocking and titillating. Photographer Guy Bourdin's inclination towards sexual perversity inspired images of archetypal women being subjected to violent or sexual humiliations. In an interview about Bourdin's work in the Observer, fashion photographer Nick Knight said: "Fear is something that we, despite ourselves, want to experience. And I think the violence does add glamour in a kind of perverse way." Bourdin can be credited with defining a set of tropes that have persisted long after his own demise: the use of violence and pornographic imagery to sell clothes continues. Earlier this year a photograph depicting 16 year old model Hailey Clauson being strangled for a Pop Magazine editorial surfaced. "Even Barbie bruises," wrote photographer Tyler Shields of a photoshoot of actress Heather Morris dressed up like a housewife with a black eye. Lula magazine went for a dead-looking woman sprawled next to a canal. It all makes for viewing that is charmless as an understatement. Yet no one ever seems to ask why fashion continues to find images of violence against women so compelling. The fashion industry has often displayed a shocking lack of compassion and intelligence, and so it might be a step too far to hope for erudite analysis of their own images. Perhaps that's a strong statement, but then so are the images themselves. They speak of a world that is ugly, that still fetishises male domination even in its sickest forms, and there's no avoiding the fact that . As women, we can look at this so-called artwork and question whether or not fashion is really our friend at all. Fashion at its best can be a joy. It can be fun; it can be frivolous; it can be a deeply entrenched part of your self-expression. But there is also a sense of trauma undermining the fashion fantasy. It is the trauma of the woman who looks to anorexic models for "thinspiration", and the trauma of the models themselves and their frequent exploitation. It is the trauma of the female body mutilated by plastic surgery, nipped and tucked and Botox-ed to within an inch of its life. It is the trauma of malnourishment and the woman who "hated every kilo on her body" until she found the latest diet plan. And with that trauma comes contradictions that can never be entirely resolved. Women diet, diet, diet until they lose the weight, and then just "tack on" a silicone arse and some tits at the end - because their own arse and tits did not suffice, and someone else knew their ideal proportions better than their genes. It's not as though this is anything new, of course - women have always suffered for fashion. At various times in history, women have bound their feet and breasts to constrict their growth, crushed their internal organs with whale-boned corsetry, poisoned their skin with lead-based make up, ruined their feet with agonising and impractical shoes. The self-aware tone of women's fashion magazines goes some way towards trying to justify this attitude. How many times have you seen some impractical yet "must-have" piece accompanied by the words "we know it's ridiculous, but we want it anyway!" Oh, women. Aren't we silly and fluffy and frivolous? We just can't help wanting what's bad for us. To counteract a growing cult of bruised, emaciated women and their "heroin chic" following in the early noughties, former model Isabelle Caro plastered naked images of herself across Italy in 2007. At 28 years old and 59 pounds, Caro died from the effects of anorexia after a very short lifetime in the fashion industry; shortly before her death, these "repugnant" (her words) images appeared in a final effort of Caro's to assert herself in an environment that had in part legitimised her eating disorder. Milan Fashion Week opened with this stark reminder of art and fashion at its very worst. In contrast to the violent images above, these billboards were defiantly unglamorous, unambiguous, demanding. They held a great many unrealistic expectations of women, as well as their violent undertones, to account. However, it would be naïve to suggest that creative industries are inherently or stubbornly misogynist, because past years have definitely shown a willingness to progress towards positive change. In 2009, Alexandra Shulman, editor in chief of British Vogue, sent an open letter to designers asking them to make their sample sizes bigger, so that her magazine could hire bigger models. Vogue editors worldwide then collectively pledged not to use models with a body mass index indicative of ill health. This spoke volumes in a world of "pro-anorexia" websites and magazines filled with liposuction quotes straight from Harley Street. And the commitment needs to continue. When painfully skinny women sprawled on waterfronts in "just got murdered" poses are mainstream sexy, we have to ask ourselves how we got here and why. Could it be an obsession with the apparently erotic appeal of vulnerability? That some men get turned on by "weakened prey"? Or is it simply art? If that's the case, then we'll proudly hang up our Arts degrees and step away from the magazine. But it's not so much art as commerce, and perhaps sick sells. Strangled teenage models with wafer-thin thighs and implanted breasts undo the work that brave fashion victims such as Isabelle Caro strove to do - so can we step away from the starving and half-beaten women, please? Because whatever the changing definition of beautiful is these days, we know one thing for sure: "at death's door" is never a good look.
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New Conservation Laws Local Government Legislation prevents municipalities from fining residents who stop watering their lawns because of the drought. Water Districts The state Water Code has been amended to enable local water agencies (serving at least 3,000 customers or 3,000 acre-feet annually) during a drought-emergency to establish what constitutes an excessive water using customer and fine them up to $500 per violation of related regulations.  SB 814 (PDF) Homeowners Associations There are an estimated 5 million residences in California whose owners are members of homeowners associations. State laws prevent HOAs from prohibiting or fining members for practicing several types of conservation, especially during a drought-caused state of emergency. HOAs also cannot prevent members from installing artificial turf.
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Auckland's 'ghostsbusters' spend chilling night in shop Last updated 05:00 25/09/2012 Smith and Caughey's WHO YA GONNA CALL?: Smith and Caughey's is just one in a very long list of Auckland buildings Wallbank and his team of paranormal investigators have spent time in. Relevant offers There have been rumours for years. Whispers of more than just clothes and perfume lurking in the walls of Smith and Caughey's department store. They were stories Mark Wallbank couldn't ignore. The man behind Haunted Auckland, a group of like-minded locals searching for the truth about the afterlife, recently spent an evening in the Queen St shopping institution. And what he found brings more questions than answers. While the team are still in the process of reviewing the footage and audio from the time they spent in the building's basement and top floor, Wallbank said it seemed as though something else was there with them in the bowels of the building that evening. "There were three people in the room, and they all felt something chilling at the exact same time," he said. Smith and Caughey's is just one in a very long list of Auckland buildings Wallbank and his team of paranormal investigators have spent time in, including The Civic, The Masonic Tavern and Ewelme Cottage in Parnell, which is regarded as one of the most haunted places in Auckland. Armed with cameras, voice recorders, thermometers, torches, motion detectors, electro-magnetic generators, parabolic audio receiver dishes and military-grade glow sticks, the team of 10 (four men, six women) spend anywhere from an hour to a whole night in buildings. Either they contact the owners - like Smith and Caughey's - or, as is the case with most private homes they visit, the owners call them. It might be because of the building's history, or a general bad vibe, that they are needed. Or there may be some physical issue the occupants are experiencing.   "We have gadgets that measure electrical and magnetic fields in the air; things that may cause hallucinations, paranoia, uneasy feelings, things that may be misunderstood as being paranormal. "If you've got a leaking power box next to where you sleep, that's going to be giving off electronic and electrical readings, which can affect you." That's right, even the ghost hunters believe it's 50/50 in the race between supernatural and perfectly natural. But Wallbank said it's not always that easy to find the root cause. "We go in with our cameras and our gadgets and we film empty rooms. And you never know, there's a chance we could capture something but it's about being in the right place, at the right time, with the right equipment aimed in the right direction really." Ad Feedback That luck of the draw hasn't put people off wanting to join the hunt though.   "There's a lot of people who want to get involved. They have been influenced by TV and want to be ghost hunters. But they have no idea what to expect - they expect exciting things when they go out, but actually it can be quite boring.  If you took away all the soundtrack stuff from a TV scene, not a lot would happen - it would just be a creaking floorboard or something." - © Fairfax NZ News Special offers Opinion poll Vote Result Featured Promotions Sponsored Content News tip POINTER
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Main Menu In the News Special Contributors Special Report - Bedding Events Calendar Contact HGO Merchandiser Spring 2014 Merchandiser Winter 2013 2014 Product Guide Research Store Canada Counts A survey of Canadian buying intentions. Purchase Report Please Update Your HGO Profile Thank you for your help. Update Your Profile Now Marketing the ‘R' word PDF Print E-mail Written by Alixe MacRae    ImageEffective marketing always sees the opportunity for connecting with the consumer. In good times it's status; in bad times it's price. To find proof of this, simply look around and take note of which companies have been doing well for the past several months. McDonalds is growing their revenue since family restaurant outings are going downscale. The Aveda student hair cut facility (great style for $18.90 - including tax) is booming and Loblaws recent growth is credited to a competitive-with-Wal-Mart strategy. A Google search of the phrase "recession friendly" generates almost four million hits. Market gurus say there are two strong trends emerging this winter: less expensive personal consumption and more charitable generosity. Surveyed Canadians claim (let's pretend they're honest) that this year they will spend less on Christmas gifts and more on donations. So what does that mean to retailers? It's the time to focus on three key elements: price, reliability and affordability. In simpler terms, promote low cost solutions, your longevity (an insured down payment would be a bonus) and a monthly payment plan. Debt is currently the worst four letter word in the language. So what if you offered a broad selection of sofas at $699 or under $20 a month for five years? That's the Dell campaign to the letter and in their advertising, they compares the monthly cost of their computers ($21) to a latte coffee bill in the same time period. It's time to steal the coffee cash and redirect it to your bottom line. The product on your floor - from upholstery groupings to bedroom suites to casual dining to refrigerators and flat panel televisions - is is enduring. It supports "family values". It can be (and should be) Canadian. A major Toronto retailer is promoting their home theatre systems as a low cost alternative to family night at the movies. Many of us older folks may sympathize with Juan Valdez, but we have to take care of our own too! Grab the coffee cash and sell more furniture. Another commonly expressed consumer fear is "what if the company I've just bought from goes out of business?"  General Motors is sweating buckets over this one. The furniture industry is not exempt.  How can you provide much needed confidence? Well, you could advise that everyone use credit cards (at your considerable expense) or develop an in-house down payment insurance package. Not necessarily easy, but if you can insure a Red Sox win at the World Series - just as one prominent Boston-area furniture retailer has done more than once - anything is possible. Your customer must believe you will be in business for as long as they plan to keep their product. And that concern about the other guy being worse off? Many say they not afraid for themselves necessarily but they're concerned for their neighbour's survival (which includes their ability to pay taxes and participate fully in the economy). Talk loudly, clearly and often about everything you're already doing (be it donations of product or money) and key your promotions to gifts to the less fortunate. Everyone wants warm-and-fuzzies with their new sectional. This is not difficult or expensive. Offer one per cent of the sale price or a matching "rounding up" offer (if the customer's bill is $739.42 then the donation would be $.58, which you would match). Wherever possible, make the donation local. Don't forget about your own staff. They may not say so, but they're scared and they can transmit that fear. The first rule of fear abatement is honesty. Whatever the business climate be straight with every member of your team. Tell them what the situation is; what are your plans are and what you expect results to be. You've been through this before and you have come out of it with only flesh wounds. Today their trust is one of your biggest assets. I've been there. Once, I was forced to tell 96 people that their jobs would disappear within 12 months. Only one person left immediately and productivity standards did not slip. If you're all part of the solution, you'll survive long enough to thrive. A regular contributor to Home Goods Online, Alixe MacRae is one of this country's best known merchandisers, having held senior positions at a variety of well-known Canadian retailers including Stoney Creek Furniture, Sears Canada and The Bay. She was also a long-time member of the Canadian Home Furnishings Awards jury. <Previous   Next> Donald Cooper My Turn! HGO Merchandiser
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Early wake-up times may stem obesity Sept. 30, 2011 at 8:38 PM   |   0 comments ADELAIDE, Australia, Sept. 30 (UPI) -- How early a young person gets up in the morning may make a difference in his or her weight, researchers in Australia said. Study co-author Carol Maher, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of South Australia, and colleagues recorded the bedtimes and wake-up times of 2,200 Australian study participants ages 9-16. They compared their weight and use of free time over four days. The study, published in the journal Sleep, found children who went to bed late and got up late were 1.5 times more likely to become obese than those who went to bed early and got up early. Late-nighters were almost twice as likely to be physically inactive and 2.9 times more likely to sit in front of the TV and computer or play video games for more hours than guidelines recommend, the study said. "The children who went to bed late and woke up late, and the children who went to bed early and woke up early got virtually the same amount of sleep in total," Maher said in a statement. "Scientists have realized in recent years that children who get less sleep tend to do worse on a variety of health outcomes, including the risk of being overweight and obese. Our study suggests that the timing of sleep is even more important." Trending News Join the conversation Most Popular
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Lemon & Rosemary Drizzle Cake Recipe *heart eyes* I have a confession. In my 22 years of existence..this was the FIRST drizzle cake I ever attempted. ME?! A huge lover of baking who adores any type of cake never making a classic drizzle cake..why didn't I do it sooner?! I wasn't sure how it was going to turn out but I just went rogue hoping for the best. It's safe to say this creation/recipe was a roaring success. This would be the perfect thing to have on a lovely summers day at a picnic..or freshly out of the oven on a chilly winter's evening. It's super easy and super delicious. 10/10 would recommend. • 3x Eggs • 170g Self Raising Flour • 170g Softened Butter • 1 tsp Baking Powder • Rosemary (I just used 1-2 teaspoons of it chopped) • 110g Icing Sugar • 2 Lemons 1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees celsius 2. In a large bowl mix eggs, flour, sugar, butter, baking powder, the zest of two lemons, and chopped rosemary.  (I just used a wooden spoon to mix this but if you have a kitchen aid or similar then use that) 3. Pour batter into loaf tin (8x21cm) and bake for 30-45 minutes until slightly browned on top or poke a knife into batter and if it comes out clean.  4. For the drizzle combine icing sugar and lemon juice. Once mixed, stab multiple holes throughout the cake as this will be where the drizzle will run down (I did about 15-20 holes). Pour the drizzle evenly over the cake - the cake can either be in it's tin or placed onto a plate.  5. EXTRA: For presentation I added lime juice and icing sugar together to make a thick icing to glaze the top (as you can see in photos). I also added some rosemary to give it a rustic feel. 6. ALSO: If you wish to take the cake to the next level feel free to add a tablespoon or two of vodka to the drizzle (I did this and it was great!). So if you're in a baking mood would recommend making this as it's easy, yum, and sounds impressive. Who knew a sprig of rosemary could class up a cake?  Holly xx You Might Also Like
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Category Archives: Contracts What is a “Buyer’s Agency agreement?” (and why does my agent want me to sign one?) When you make contact with a real estate agent with the intent to buy a home, we will often ask about a buyer’s agency agreement. Specifically, we’ll often ask you to sign with us under this agreement. What does this mean and why do we do this? A buyer’s agency agreement is an agreement to use the agent to purchase a home. It does not obligate you to buy a home. Rather, it obligates you as the buyer to use that agent to do so, if they find you a home. An agent will ask you for this as it protects their time, too. We will work many hours to find you a home — this agreement protects that investment of time. The agreement is not one sided, though. Far from it! For you as the buyer, it establishes a fiduciary relationship with your agent. Here in Colorado, the buyer’s agent: “…works solely on behalf of the buyer to promote the interests of the buyer with the utmost good faith, loyalty and fidelity. The agent negotiates on behalf of and acts as an advocate for the buyer.” (Colorado Definitions of Working Relationships disclosure, 2013) The specifics of the contract with your agent vary, from duration of the contract (how long will they be your agent for?) to the holdover period (if your contract expires but you buy a home the agent showed you within a certain timeframe afterwards) but the intent is to establish the aforementioned fiduciary duty and protect the interests of all parties. If you have any questions, please give Rob a call at 719-440-6626. DISCLAIMER: This post is informational only; it is not legal advice and I am not an attorney. Always consult an attorney if you have any legal questions.
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From Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia (Redirected from Critics) Jump to: navigation, search The art of criticism was established in the distant future by a world that was fed up with being positive about everything. It was ostensibly created to ensure discourse about the holocaust and kite flying was not characterised by value judements such as "equally as good" and "I like kites, but on the other hand...", or, "flying and death is cool, but let's not forget the good work done by all the nouns". The people of the future were all equal... but some longed to be more equal than others, or at least for others to be less equal than they, also, for people who invented original expressions to be given credit and for overly long sentences to be safely deemed unnecessary. So it was agreed that the time machine which had just arrived from further in the future should be used to change the whole of man's history, so that criticism would break up the homogeneous lump that was stuff which happened and the things people thought about it. edit What Was To Be Done (Or What is to Be Decided What Was to Be Done) It was originally decided to tackle the big events, such as Sliced Bread, Oscar Wilde's birth and New Coke, but it was suggested that affecting change in a piecemeal manner would have created too many spin-off time lines; dimensions in which Bread would occupy a position similar to that of Judaism, (ie. always have a capital "B") whilst the Sliced variety would cleave everything in its wake. An existence in which people would never eat, only bow towards sandwiches, and always drink Pepsi, staying well clear of any chance of damnation. An existence of diabetes, but uncertainly, obesity. So, the time machine was disembarked in Ancient Greece, where old men with beards were having a hard time of it. Not any more, Philosophy was created ("Love of Knowledge", or "My Idea is Better Than Your Idea") a School of Thought that had a prohibitive admissions policy: edit School of Philosophy Admissions Policy • Firstly, no children or poor people are allowed to attend. Any child caught philosophising/criticising will be placed in an urn, indefinately. The poor are not clever, but they are big, bigger, municipal urns will be needed. • Secondly, a combination of wealth and facial hair are most important in deciding upon entrance: Moustache and a fortune would work equally as well as beard and a bit. • Thirdly, if we do not like the look of you, you must know that yours is a look not to be liked. Argument is futile, not least because it is a skill that only we possess. The rules ran on for many pages, but were mostly concerned with admim and suggested party themes for the annual bash (toga a firm favourite). And so began a glorious tradition of intelligent urine removal, running through a glorious string of ideas like Facism, Communism, Existentialism, Nihilism, etc etc, down the ages quite splendidly until the arrival of Postmoderism. Criticism began to criticise itself, with the conclusion being that no one could be sure that they were right, or that Beethoven was better than Big Brother. This led to what at the moment would be regarded as a ironic turn of events, some would agree amusing, others not, but this irony will be lost on the future. edit Criticism of criticism Some people have criticized critics for being so overly critical. They argue that people and things should be accepted as they are. edit Criticism of criticism of criticism Critics of those who criticize criticism argue, that criticizing criticism is just totally hypocritical. edit Criticism of criticism of criticism of criticism People who criticize those who critize people who criticize criticism argue that it's not hypocritical at all, because the critics started the whole thing edit Criticism of criticism of criticism of criticism of criticism edit See also Personal tools
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Service area Zip codes we service: 52041 How much does basement waterproofing cost in Iowa? There are several methods remove what gets in or to retain water away from your basement. The priciest, in addition to the best, can require considerable excavation, our research workers learned in interviewing householders and highly ranked contractors. Interior-centered water proofing methods, commonly called negative facet jobs, entail shifting away water that’s within your home. Repairing a water problem from the inside may be an alternative that is more economical, notably where exterior function is’t possible or practical. Drain: This method moves water through trench or a pit in the base, combined with a sump pump out of your house. Such a program should also include insulation of basement walls, using a steam barrier to protect against condensation. Drainage techniques start at around $2, 000 Sealants: We do because they say they fail too readily ’t urge sealants. The cost of a sealer-established water proofing job may possibly range from $4 to $8 a squarefoot. Epoxy injection: Like sealants, this alternative is not always desired because it may provide just a temporary solution to fill cracks in added-concrete walls. $300 can be started at by injections that are adhesive. Exterior waterproofing projects are sometimes called side jobs that were favorable because the purpose will be to prevent water from getting inside your home. Excavation: We consider installing perimeter strain or a subterranean trench if completed correctly, to function as the procedure that is most effective. However, the typical range for an excavation occupation is $20, 000 to $30,000, and can be as high as $80,000, determined by how accessible the specific regions are, how much searching is needed and should be. renewed work how much landscaping or additional Sodium bentonite: This process includes adding a clay stuff to the soil around the home consume water and to fill splits. Since outside empties can clog it’s a solution that is momentary and challenging to regulate. Prices with this strategy start at around $500. Basement waterproofing in Earlville, IA Basement water proofing in Earlville, IA will ultimately save from having to spend a fortune on repairs later on. You are going to undoubtedly need to get your basement waterproofed when possible, if you need to prevent spending a lot of money on-water damage fix solutions. These waterproofing solutions will stop your basement therefore you will not have to invest hundreds if not thousands of dollars on fix solutions someday in the future from flooding. People who want to prevent flooding inside their cellar will need to begin looking into Earlville basement waterproofing services from professionals that are local because of the benefits they must provide. You will be able to prevent specific issues like mold and mildew, which may be extremely expensive to have repaired by paying specialists to waterproof your basement. That you do not want to take any opportunities if your cellar has a background of flood. Water harm may cost a fortune to fix, which is why you are going to definitely need to make a point of acquiring this part of your residence water proofed as soon as possible. The last thing you want will be to spend a lot of money on fixing you can have prevented to start with. Damp, humid or wet basement? We can help! (877) 421-7875 We're second to none in the basement waterproofing and repair business. Schedule an appointment as soon as today! (877) 421-7875
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Atlases provide guide to the Middle East Posted: Sunday, March 30, 2003 Bahrain ... now where exactly is Bahrain? The answer? Head northwest of Qatar. And if you don't know where Qatar is, no problem: It's east of Saudi Arabia. So says National Geographic's Atlas of the Middle East: An Essential Reference for a Better Understanding of the World's Most Complex Region. Finally, a book that's exactly what it claims to be. In addition to helping anyone a bit geographically challenged by the Middle East, this volume also offers information on natural resources, languages spoken, the region's religions and economies. Bahrain, for example, could have offered Saddam not only a new country to call home but also 700,000 neighbors - not nearly as many as the Iraqi population of 23.6 million. Then again, he'd have less room to roam: The tiny island of Bahrain consists of just 257 square miles compared with Iraq's 168,754. Looking for similar resources? Consider these: Hammond's Atlas of the Middle East. At $8.95, it's considerably cheaper than the National Geographic version's price tag of $19.95, but you get what you pay for, which in this case means 48 pages instead of 96. In other words, not as comprehensive. The Routledge Atlas of Arab-Israeli Conflict, by Martin Gilbert. Also $19.95, this one isn't really a definitive map resource but rather a "visual history" of a schism that is centuries old. The Atlas of the Bible Lands, by Andrea Due. Obviously geared more toward providing the links between the physical region and its importance in Judeo-Christian history, this one is a heavily illustrated volume priced at $19.95. Trending this week:
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Krusader-140 01.png Krusader twin panel file manager Developer(s) Krusader Krew Stable release 2.0.0 "Mars Pathfinder" for KDE4 (April 26, 2009; 6 years ago (2009-04-26)) [±] Preview release 2.4.0 beta 3 (October 21, 2012; 3 years ago (2012-10-21)) [±] Written in C++ Operating system Unix-like Type File browser License GPL Krusader on Debian Sarge with the Gnome desktop environment Krusader-1.60.0 / KDE 3.41 on Apple Mac OS X Krusader is an advanced orthodox file manager for KDE and other desktops in the Unix world. It is similar to the console-based GNU Midnight Commander, GNOME Commander for the GNOME desktop environment, or Total Commander for Windows, all of which can trace their paradigmatic features to the original Norton Commander for DOS. It supports extensive archive handling, mounted filesystem support, FTP, advanced search, viewer/editor, directory synchronisation, file content comparisons, batch renaming, etc. It supports the following archive formats: tar, ZIP, bzip2, gzip, RAR, ace, ARJ, LHA, 7z and RPM and can handle other KIO Slaves such as smb or fish. Krusader is published under GNU General Public License. User interface[edit] Krusader's user interface is based on the orthodox file manager (OFM) principle, also known as Commander-like file managers, the family of file managers based on the old Norton Commander interface. The orthodox file manager has two windows called panels where one is active and the other inactive. The idea is to manipulate files from active to inactive panel or within the active panel. Only the keyboard is required to do this, which makes the process much faster. Using the mouse is still an option. Krusader's deep integration into KDE (e.g. KParts, KIO) allows it to provide several additional services. File viewer-editor[edit] One of the many tools that Krusader provides is the viewer-editor. Using the KParts object model, Krusader executes components that are capable of viewing (and sometimes editing) specific filetypes and embeds their client area directly into a new Krusader window. This makes it possible (for example) to view an office document directly from within Krusader. Any application that implements the KParts model correctly can be embedded in this fashion. Krusader is primarily developed for the Linux platform, but it is available for some other platforms. These include BSD and Apple Mac OS X. A Windows port is in beta (as of Jan 09 2015). See also[edit] External links[edit]
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Monday: 56 Iraqis Killed, 142 Wounded The first major bomb attack against Shi’ite pilgrims took place in northern Baghdad today, leaving scores dead or wounded. Overall, at least 56 Iraqis were killed and 138 more were wounded across the country. Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of pilgrims continue to make their way to Karbala for Arbaeen observances despite the attacks. Wednesday: 4 Iraqis, 1 Iranian Killed; 8 Iraqis, 5 Iranians Wounded As the Arbaeen holiday approaches, an increase in pilgrims visiting holy sites could put them at greater risk. The first confirmed attack against Shi’ite pilgrims, who were visiting from Iran, occurred today in the capital. At least four Iraqis were killed and eight more were wounded. Also, one Iranian woman was killed and five more were wounded. A U.S. soldier was also wounded in an attack.
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Lime Crime Raises Money For California Wildfires Vegan and cruelty-free makeup company Lime Crime has always focused on releasing beauty products that stand out from the rest without harming people or animals along the way. Women from all walks of life turn to Lime Crime for makeup and other products because they know the company cares about people and animals. What a lot of people don’t know is that Lime Crime has donated more than $16,000 to a range of charities over the years. Lime Crime is happy to support Girls Inc., Heart of Los Angeles and many other organizations that make the world a better place for everyone. Those who buy from Lime Crime directly support the well-being of animals and indirectly support each organization behind which Lime Crime is proud to stand. California Wildfires For the State of California, 2018 is one of the worst years in history as far as wildfires are concerned. A total of 7,579 fires burned 1.6 million acres of land and killed 72 people as of Nov. 17, 2018. The wildfires have injured and forced many more people to move out of their homes to avoid the deadly blaze, and authorities have spent more than $1 billion in attempts to control the disaster. A lot of people are still missing in and around the areas impacted by the wildfires, and residents fear the worst. To support those affected by the disaster, Lime Crime donated 10 percent of its sales revenue from Nov. 10 to Nov. 12 to the American Red Cross to help those displaced during the tragedy. Girls Inc. Another organization that Lime Crime is proud to support is Girls Inc., an organization that inspires young women to strive for their goals and never to give up on their dreams. Leaders of the group arm girls with the tools and knowledge they need to navigate life and take on the challenges they will likely face along the way. Standing behind Girls Inc. is one of the ways that Lime Crime promotes equal treatment and opportunity for women of all backgrounds and walks of life. Heart of Los Angeles The Heart of Los Angeles is a nonprofit organization that helps underprivileged children get the best possible shot at life. From running after-school programs to providing mentors, HOLA sets a strong foundation for children as well as inspires them to reach for the stars. Children involved in the program get better grades than before and have an improved chance of getting into and graduating college. Children who would have otherwise had little hope of success can turn their lives around because of HOLA’s efforts and dedication. Lime Crime has donated to HOLA and supports the values the organization upholds. Sanctuary for Families Countless women in California and around the world are victims of abuse and exploitation. Many abused women stay with their abusers because they have nowhere else to go, feeling trapped and without options. Overcoming the fallout of abuse is not easy, and many victims don’t know where they can turn for the support and caring touch they need. Sanctuary for Families is an organization that offers shelter, education and other resources to abuse victims, and that is why Lime Crime has donated to its cause. Animals that get lost or don’t have caring families often find themselves in animal shelters around the nation. Many animal shelters are overcrowded and opt to kill animals that don’t get adopted within a set amount of time. Lime Crime believes that the euthanization of shelter animals is unethical, and that is why the cruelty-free company supports Bideawee, the oldest no-kill animal shelter in the nation. Bideawee uses donations to house animals and find families who would be happy to give them a loving home. Adopt NY Hurricane Sandy devastated the East Coast in 2012, causing $70 billion in damage. In addition to harming people, Hurricane Sandy also impacted an untold number of animals as their owners ran from the destruction and carnage. Adopt NY was a charity that gathered displaced animals and helped them find new homes so that they could live happy lives. Lime Crime is pleased to support any cause that promotes the well-being of animals and donated to Adopt NY as a result. American Red Cross The American Red Cross gives supplies and resources to people impacted by storms, earthquakes and other disasters. In addition to giving resources, the American Red Cross also provides education and training to help people prepare for and survive the unthinkable. Lime Crime has donated to the American Red Cross and encourages its customers to do the same. Lime Crime’s Values Lime Crime’s happy customers already know the values for which the company stands, and that is the main reason they buy from Lime Crime. The founder of Lime Crime believes people should think about how their actions impact the world they are leaving behind for their children. At its core, Lime Crime supports a world in which people respect each other and all living creatures. Lime Crime encourages people to stop buying products from companies that use animal testing because such practices are cruel and inhumane. The goal is to get people and animals to coexist and to promote peace. How People Can Help People will often want to know how they can help when they learn about the ways some companies treat animals and humans. Everyone decides what companies they support by where they spend their money. One of the top ways to support Lime Crime’s mission is to stop buying products from companies that use inhumane testing methods. If people want to contribute to a safe and peaceful world for everyone, they must only spend their money at companies that also support that vision. As a company that values the well-being of humans and animals, Lime Crime produces only cruelty-free makeup and other beauty products. But the vegan company also takes other steps to support the world in which it wants people to live. Lime Crime’s founder donates to a range of nonprofit organizations that advance human rights and the humane treatment of animals.  Follow along with their cruelty-free mission on Twitter and Instagram. Haley Thompson About Haley Thompson View all posts by Haley Thompson → Leave a Reply
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Shark Killing Is Not Made-for-TV Entertainment mako shark angler science Santa Monica Pier Aquarium ecosystem Hermosa Beach It was hard to ignore the front page news that a world-record breaking-size mako shark was caught this week just off our shores in Southern California. Here, Jose Bacallao, diver of 20+ years and the Operations Manager at Heal the Bay's Santa Monica Pier Aquarium, provides his take on the ethics of this recent shark hunt. The 1,323-pound mako shark caught off our coast this Monday near Huntington Beach—possibly the largest on record-- was reeled in not for food and definitely not for scientific study. A crew filming a reality series for the Outdoor Channel hooked this mako. Therefore, the 12-foot-long shark was sacrificed merely for commercial entertainment purposes. I am not arguing that the crew who caught this shortfin mako violated any California laws. They were within their full legal rights to do it. In fact they could have legally have done it twice that day, as that’s the limit. And maybe they should have killed two mako sharks, because it would have pointed out just how asinine and ignorant this killing was. Landing this giant mako shark is unintelligent, but it would best be called unethical. There is no reason to hunt this fish unless you are planning on eating it, which these men did not do. Also disappointing was how the mako catch was portrayed by the members of the media, who allowed Jason Johnston, one of the men who caught the shark, to describe the mako as "definitely a killing machine" without disputing this notion. In reality, in the real world, mako sharks are not a threat to people. Using terms such as "killing machine," "man-eater" or "monster" is tragically misleading. I have been in the water with mako sharks and I don't agree with this assessment. It is unfounded and lacks any rationale. The mako does not treat humans as prey. Another of Johnston's comments that went undisputed in initial media reports of the mako catch was: "There are not that many sharks being taken out of the water. It's not hurting the population. If we pull four fish out of the water per year, that's just four." This is both inaccurate and illogical. There is overwhelming evidence that global shark populations have been decimated by years of fishing pressure. This impact along with the ongoing shark finning industry is altering the ocean's ecosystems. Thank you for the math lesson, Jason Johnston. Clearly, you miss the point. The 1,300 lbs mako could have produced, not four, but dozens of new shark pups. It takes many, many years for these large predators to reproduce. Now that you killed her, for TV viewing entertainment, she will not be able to provide the much-needed contribution to her depleted species. Your hunt, which you did not eat, has removed one of the last few giants out of the ecosystem. So what exactly were these guys thinking? Apparently the crew has plans to donate the shark’s body for scientific research. Are you kidding me? Donating it to science, really? Your effort, killing this mako shark, is benefiting the scientific community? Please educate me on this strategic plan. Explain to me how you are contributing to the conservation of the species? Give me a break, bro. I invite these gentlemen to spend a few minutes in the water with a mako shark and me. Get educated and have an understanding as to what this animal actually is. You can reach me at Heal the Bay's Santa Monica Pier Aquarium. You can spend a few minutes getting to know the misunderstood shark at Heal the Bay's Santa Monica Pier Aquarium on Shark Sundays at 3:30 p.m.
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How JustAnswer Works: • Ask an Expert • Get a Professional Answer • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee Rate the answer you receive. Ask Ben Jones Your Own Question Ben Jones Ben Jones, UK Lawyer Category: Employment Law Satisfied Customers: 48502 Type Your Employment Law Question Here... Ben Jones is online now I am going through a redundancy process and it is highly Resolved Question: I am going through a redundancy process and it is highly likely I will be made redundant. However I have a restrictive covenant in my contract that states in my 3 month notice period that they will pay me, I can't "hold any position as director, officer, employee, consultant, partner, principle or agent in any business that is the same as or competitive with the company (unless you are employed in a part of the business which does not compete and in a role in which you are not required or requested to perform any duties in competition with the company). My question is whilst I am going through consultation should I raise this and ask for the removal of this clause as it effectively prevents me from getting a job in the same industry until I have been out of work for 3 months which will prevent me from earning money to support my family. If you think I should raise this, should I send an official letter asking for the clause to be removed in case of redundancy, or should I opt to keep it and use as a negotiating tool to get a bigger redundancy pckage, as far as I am aware they only usually pay statutory redundancy. Submitted: 3 months ago. Category: Employment Law Expert:  Ben Jones replied 3 months ago. Expert:  Ben Jones replied 3 months ago. How long have you worked for this employer for? Customer: replied 3 months ago. Hi Ben, I have been with them for 3 years 10 months. Expert:  Ben Jones replied 3 months ago. OK, thank you for your response. Leave it with me for now and I will review the relevant information and laws and get back to you at the earliest opportunity. There is no need to wait here as you will receive an email when I have responded. Also, please do not respond to this message as it will just push your question to the back of the queue and you may experience unnecessary delays. Thank you. Expert:  Ben Jones replied 3 months ago. Thanks for your patience. Assuming that they issue you with notice of redundancy and then require you to work your notice period or place you on garden leave such a clause is likely to be fair and reasonable because you will continue to be employed by them and paid for that time. Therefore, you are still their employee and they can prevent you from earning money elsewhere when they are paying you for that time. If they were to pay you in lieu of notice, which means terminating your employment immediately but paying you for the notice period, then such a clause would be less likely to be enforced. It does not give you much negotiating power because if they wanted to they can include it and it is not illegal to do so, but it simply means that if you were to breach it, they will find it difficult to enforce it. You can of course try and get them to agree to its removal, but cannot force them to. You can try negotiating for an increased redundancy as a result of it staying but again, you cannot really force them to offer you anything on top of that they will already pay. So they can leave both the redundancy pay and the clause in place as they stand now. If that was the case you simply have to take your chances and potentially breach it, knowing that if you are no longer employed by them, such a clause would be difficult to enforce anyway. Ben Jones and other Employment Law Specialists are ready to help you Customer: replied 3 months ago. Thanks for your feedback this is useful. I will add a rating now. Expert:  Ben Jones replied 3 months ago. Many thanks and all the best
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Reflections of a Weather Underground Veteran Review of David Gilbert, Love and Struggle: My Life in SDS, The Weather Underground, and Beyond (PM Press, 2012). By Kim Moody This is the fiftieth anniversary of the Port Huron Statement, the "founding" document of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and as one would expect there are conferences and reflections galore. Most of these will focus on the early SDS, but in reality there were at least two SDSs, the Port Huron Statement SDS from 1962 to about 1966 and the SDS that followed until its split and explosion in 1969. David Gilbert's Love and Struggle concerns the second SDS taking shape in 1966 just before much of the student movement took a new direction and I left SDS for more explicitly socialist politics. Despite only a slight overlap in SDS, much of what Gilbert writes about in this memoir is deeply familiar to me. How would this change taking shape across the world come about? With the US's rulers at the centre of oppression at home and abroad an enormous responsibility rested on the shoulders of this New Left. Debate about how to accomplish change at home was intense. Somewhere in the mid-1960s a fork in the road appeared for this emerging radicalism. I took one road, Gilbert took the other. Allure of "Marxism-Leninism" In the broadest sense this other road was defined by "Marxism-Leninism," drawn mainly from Maoism but widely practiced in the Third World liberation movements. In the US it would call itself the "New Communist" movement and would be the dominant trend on the revolutionary left for a decade or so. Though this trend as a whole did not necessarily reject the working class as the major agent of change, the particular variant Gilbert embraced did [1]. The path I took Gilbert derisively dismissed as the traditional Old Left path that sees the working class as the central agent of change. The path he took we derisively dismissed as "Third Worldism." Before looking in more depth at the theory and practice involved, it is worth summarizing Gilbert's development as he describes it. The first thing to be said is that although Gilbert still -- after 30 years in prison for the famous 1981 "Brinks job" (discussed below) -- holds the politics he developed in the second half of the 1960s he is no hack. Much of the book involves his reflections of what went right and wrong in the organizations he embraced or supported. Some might dismiss this simply as Maoist "criticism, self-criticism," which is,  in fact, his way of putting it (though he is critical of the practice). However, the reflections seem sincere and real. He readily admits when he doubted positions he acted on or simply made a mistake, even if this is all done in a very particular ideological framework. In 1966, the Progressive Labor Party (PL), a tightly organized "vanguardist" group, invaded SDS. A few of us fought for an alternative working-class direction, but the main response was what became the Revolutionary Youth Movement (RYM) tendency, which soon split into RYM I and RYM II. Weather Underground This the Weather Underground attempted to do for six years with a series of 20 bombings of government, corporate and defence-related installations. Gilbert emphasizes that they were careful to avoid hurting anyone, so the bombings were timed when the facilities were empty. The infamous "Townhouse" explosion that killed three WUO activists in 1970 was accidentally set off by the activists themselves. Of course, the subsequent bombings did not stop the repression at home. Nor can the bombings take credit for the US defeat in Vietnam or the "Vietnam Syndrome" that kept US military adventures to a minimum for a period after the defeat -- credit for that goes to the Vietnamese and the massive anti-war movement in the US and around the world. As is often the case in left-wing organizations, failure or limited impact led to internal fights and the eventual dismantling of the Weather Underground in 1976. Gilbert went "above ground" for a while in Denver, but, clinging to the politics of white support for national liberation, by 1979 he was underground again, this time in support of the Black Liberation Army (BLA), a splinter from the Panthers that was supposedly engaged in "armed struggle." Support for the BLA involved fund-raising via "expropriations." It was in this capacity that he and several others, including his partner Kathy Boudin, were busted for the botched Brinks job in 1981 in which two policemen and a Brinks guard were killed. Despite the fact that he was not a "shooter,", this would send Gilbert to prison for the rest of his life. Political blind spots While most of those in the 1960s who accepted the RYM/Weather analysis did not go underground or bomb anything, they, nevertheless, faced the dilemma that analysis posed. In effect, the idea that the white working class, still a majority of the US population, was to be completely written off due to the reality of racism, led to a number of problems. The revolution would have to be carried out by a minority of the population -- not the 99%, but the 12%? Additionally, the racism of the white working class would remain unaddressed as they had been written off as hopeless and this huge part of the population left outside the revolutionary process, perhaps to be "re-educated" after the revolution. Obviously this raises the question of just what such a  "revolution" would be  like assuming it had any chance of victory. In looking at the Black movements of the 1960s, Gilbert doesn't even mention such things as the Dodge Revolutionary Union Movement, the scores of Black union caucuses that spread across industry as the general labour upsurge took off in the second half of the 1960s or the Memphis sanitation strike of 1968 where Martin Luther King was assassinated. Nor can he see that the urban uprisings of that era were working-class-based as well. African Americans in motion somehow lose their class position. Despite the Weather Underground's focus on white youth culture in the early 1970s, Gilbert never mentions one of the best know examples of the youth rebellion's expression in the working class, the  1972 Lordstown GM strike, "the Woodstock of the working man," as one of the strike leaders put it. For some people new to social activism, however, the romanticism and dedication of the Weather Underground may have appeal. The "politics of the deed" may be more rewarding in the short term. They may even seem like a short cut to social change. After all, the perspective of building a socialist movement rooted in social movements and the working- class struggles of the day is a long range, difficult, if sometimes exciting, one.  As tempting as a short cut might seem, however, the militancy, actions, and daring a revolutionary movement needs to bring about "another world" will not be found "underground,", but in the workplaces and streets for all to see. 0 #1 Louis Proyect 2012-08-26 14:13 Similarly, though the base of the Panthers was often characterized as "lumpenproletar ian," it was, in fact, in working-class communities in Oakland and Brooklyn that the Black Panthers were most successful. I have no idea what this is supposed to mean. The likelihood that bus drivers, sanitation workers, Con Ed meter readers, or rack pushers in the garment industry were joining the Black Panther Party is nil. I doubt that any sociologist has ever conducted a rigorous study of the membership of the BPP but simply put this was not a group that workers would join. Add comment Security code
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5 Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet Going vegan, vegetarian, or just eating a primarily plant-based diet can be an excellent way to improve your overall health! While they’re not weight loss diets, the truth is that eating mostly plants and cutting out high-fat, highly-processed foods can help you to lose weight in the long run. However, the real benefits of a plant-based diet show up in your daily wellness—here’s a list of just a few of the best things about trying a plant-based diet: Weight Loss This is one of the best benefits of a plant-based diet, and the one we ALL want! The goal of our diet is to lose weight, and going on a plant-based diet can help you to lose weight. After all, you’re eating the healthy, low-fat foods that have grown naturally for thousands of years, and you’re cutting back on the unhealthy, highly processed foods that have really only been around for a few decades. With a limited intake of animal products—including meat, eggs, and dairy—you’ll find it’s much easier to lose weight because you’re consuming far fewer calories on a daily basis. And all of those calories you do consume will be high-nutrient, high-quality foods! Lower Cardiovascular Disease Risk When you eat a lot of high-fiber foods—such as fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, and legumes—you drastically reduce the presence of cholesterol in your bloodstream. This happens not only because of the fiber that bonds with cholesterol and fats to eliminate them from your body, but because you are consuming fewer high cholesterol-triggering foods. Following a diet high in plant-based foods is crucial for lowering all heart disease risks, and you’ll find your cardiovascular system will be much healthier overall thanks to your increased consumption of natural plant-based foods. A good balance of vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants, proteins, fats, and carbs—all derived from plant-based foods—will do wonders for your heart! Lower Cancer Risk That’s right, eating healthier can reduce your risk of cancer! It’s primarily thanks to all the antioxidants and polyphenols found in plant-based foods, such as red grapes, tomatoes, oranges, carrots, lemons, kale, and blueberries. The nutrients that give fruits their rich, vibrant colors are also going to help fight cancer and prevent the build-up of carcinogens in your body. A plant-based diet is also far lower in the unhealthy, cancer-causing processed and chemical-laden foods that raise your risk of cancer. By eating healthy, you keep your body as healthy as possible! Reduced Risk of Diabetes Diabetes is a problem that occurs when your blood sugar levels are chronically high, as that causes over-production of insulin, which in turn leads to insulin resistance. But when you eat a lot of plant-based foods, your blood sugar can never really rise out of control, thanks to all the fiber. Again, fiber bonds with the sugar in your food, preventing it from being absorbed into your body and triggering that insulin spike. You’ll find that one of the main benefits of a plant-based diet is a drastically reduced risk of diabetes and high blood sugar levels. Improved Environmental Wellbeing That’s right, a plant-based diet can also be good for the environment! Far less fuel and water is wasted on the production of fruits and vegetables, and there are far less harmful gases (like methane) produced as a result. Plant-based foods have a much lower environmental footprint than animal products, and they tend to be far cheaper as well. You’ll find that eating more plant-based foods can be one of the best ways to show your love to our environment. Leave a Reply Read the Comment Policy here Weight Loss Tracker Login Here to see your weight chart!
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Skip Navigation Written by Daniel Decatur Emmett (1859) Oh, I wish I was in the land of cotton, Old times there are not forgotten, (Alternate Original words "Cinnamon seed and sandy bottom,") Look away, look away, look away Dixie Land. In Dixie Land, where I was born in, early on one frosty mornin', Look away, look away, look away Dixie Land. I wish I was in Dixie, Hooray! Hooray! In Dixie Land I'll take my stand to live and die in Dixie. Away, away, away down south in Dixie. Away, away, away down south in Dixie. Optional Verses Ole Missus marry "Will the weaver" Willum was a gay deceiver Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land. But when he put his arm around 'er, He smiled fierce as a forty pounder, Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land. "Dixie" was written by Daniel Decatur Emmett of Mount Vernon, Ohio, and premiered in September of 1859 in New York. According to an article by Mike Petee in the Knox County Observer (Mount Vernon, Ohio), Dan Emmett learned to play various instruments at a young age, including the banjo, fife, fiddle and a small drum. He was enlisted in a Minstrel group when they stopped in Mount Vernon and needed a replacement for a sick player, beginning a long musical career. Although best known as the song adopted by the Confederacy, "Dixie" was also Abraham Lincoln's favorite song, and it was played at his inauguration. Even though Abe Lincoln loved and supported the song, Dan Emmett was ostracized in the North for writing a song associated with the South. In his last performance in Mount Vernon, it is reported that he cried when he was warmly welcomed and given a standing ovation as its writer. It is still considered to be one of the top two or three songs associated with the history of this country. And although the song is credited to Emmett, he had indicated that the melody was partially inspired by a tune his mother sung to him as a child; and others believe a similar tune was sung around plantations and around the Mississippi River for several generations. In the original version shown for the second line of the first verse below, the words "cinnamon seed and sandy bottom" were referred to by the soldiers when they reached an area in Missouri where they found catfish and sassafras for tea for sale.
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R Screenshots [] MacOS X RAqua desktop [] Unix desktop Graphics Examples [] box and whisker plots [] piechart [] pairs plot [] coplot [] another coplot that shows nice interactions [] 3d plot of a surface [] [] image and 3d plot of a volcano [] mathematical annotation in plots [] forest plot (plot of confidence intervals in a meta-analysis) All images on this site are Copyright (C) the R Foundation and may be reproduced for any purpose provided they are credited to the R statistical software using an attribution like “(C) R Foundation, from”.
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bantor.jpg (56926 bytes) Allegiance: MAXIMAL First Comic/Show Appearance: None Function: Jungle Warrior, Demolitions Expert Temperamental & solitary, Bantor relishes his animalian fusion.  Enhanced by the attributes of a baboon and tiger's instincts, he is a natural warrior in total flux with the ways of combat.  Extremely versatile, Bantor combines the cunning patience of a tiger with the near demented frenzy of a baboon, deleting the need for ammunition in close range combat.  Optimal Optimus first choice for recon demolition missions, Bantor can traverse deep into Predacon territory and escape undetected.  Largely unknown by the enemy, his reputation for setting undetectable traps exceeds his identity, through his power ram head butt and right hook are widely considered devastating.
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Aran Koning has participated in several game jams, and apparently he enjoys them so much that he came up with an idea that amounts to a new game jam every day, at the whim of the internet. The initial version of the game was just a red dot that you had to move to the opposite corner of the screen, but the first person to beat each version of the game gets to suggest a new feature. Somehow the first improvement suggested was "character selection screen". Here are the first four suggestions: Somehow, he convinced two of his friends, Sander Vanheste and Herman Groenenboom, to work on this project with him, and they've already made 4 versions in three hours. Here's a look at version 4: Apparently it was inspired by Twitch Plays Pokemon, but for the viewers, having to wait even just an hour for a new version is much more tedious than twitch's ~30 second delay. To balance this out, they're streaming development as they make each new version: Watch live video from PleaseBeNiceGame on Update: They're over 60 versions into the game now, and there's a video of the various versions so far The game is live now, you can get it here. There's also a page showing the changes made through each version of the game here.
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Would you do her? Discussion in 'The NAAFI Bar' started by YANK60, Jan 5, 2006. Welcome to the Army Rumour Service, ARRSE The UK's largest and busiest UNofficial military website. The heart of the site is the forum area, including: 1. The old Anna Nicole: The new and improved Anna Nicole: 2. Yes, whilst rifling through her purse 3. You need to ask? You haven't quite got the hang of this whole UK squadie thing have you? 4. To be totally honest she would have probably got it before and after. :oops: Well it's something to tell the lads, ahem :D 5. maninblack maninblack LE Book Reviewer She has had it, on many occassions, I just regret that I'm not on the list of doners (even kebab style) 6. Not even with yours Yank! 7. doing her as we speak 8. You are only stirring my glue - I had her earlier 9. that would explain the taste 10. She looks dirtier and more accessible in the first pic. Grins. 11. Do Her? I'd crawl on my guts over broken glass just to gargle her menstrual fluids! But then, I'm just a romantic at heart. 12. All I can see is a red cross in a white box, but a MIGHTY FINE red cross in a white box it is too! Probably this shit computer though. :D 13. ugly ugly LE Moderator Yes and yes! 14. Legs: "Not even with yours Yank!" I'd do her with mine, yours, or the Pope's! 15. and the smell of her bum butter
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Our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy have changed. Should I take out a reverse mortgage? By Walter Updegrave, senior editor (Money Magazine) -- My wife and I are 62 and just starting to take Social Security. We're thinking about taking out a reverse mortgage and using it as a line of credit. The extra money could come in handy. What do you think? -- S.W., Red Oak, Texas A reverse mortgage can be a good way for people 62 and older to turn their home equity into extra spending cash that can supplement Social Security and withdrawals from savings, making retirement more enjoyable than it otherwise might be. Typically, you can take the loan proceeds in a lump sum, monthly payments for life, as a credit line or a combination of these. One of the big appeals of this type of arrangement -- as opposed to, say, tapping your home equity by refinancing or opening a home equity line of credit -- is that you don't have to repay the loan until you die or move out of your house. Another plus is that the payments you receive from a reverse mortgage don't affect your Social Security benefits (although they could affect your eligibility for programs like Medicaid and Supplemental Security Income, or SSI, the program that provides income to people with low incomes and disabilities). Until recently, though, there's been a practical problem for anyone who, like you, plans to use a reverse mortgage primarily as a line of credit that could be drawn upon when and if needed, versus taking out a large amount for some immediate need (renovating a home, replacing a car, whatever). That problem: In addition to interest expense and an annual insurance charge (now 1.25% a year) on the outstanding balance, the Department of Housing and Urban Development's popular Home Equity Conversion Mortgage reverse mortgage program (aka HECM Standard) also levies an initial one-time insurance premium of 2% of the value of your home. That amounts to $6,000 for a $300,000 home. You don't have to pay this charge out of pocket. Still, it boosts the overall cost of borrowing, and can significantly drive up the effective annual interest rate you pay if you wind up drawing very little against the reverse mortgage or if you die or move from your home shortly after taking out the loan. But in October, HUD unveiled a new reverse mortgage program, known as HECM Saver, that whittles down the initial insurance premium from 2% to 0.01% of your home's value, reducing that one-time charge from $6,000 to just $30 on a $300,000 home. You'll still incur interest charges and the annual insurance fee. But by lowering the upfront cost, the HECM Saver potentially makes a reverse mortgage a more viable option if you intend to use it primarily as a back-up line of credit or an emergency fund, or if you think you will use it sparingly or not remain in your home for many years. I say "potentially" for two reasons. For one thing, you'll still have to pay closing costs on the loan, which can include such expenses as an appraisal, title search and insurance, credit checks, mortgage taxes and a loan origination fee. Lenders can charge an origination fee of as much as $2,500 if your home's value is less than $125,000. If your home is worth more than that, lenders can charge 2% of the first $200,000 of your home's value plus an additional 1% on the amount over $200,000. That translates to a $5,000 origination fee on a $300,000 home. (The origination fee is capped at $6,000.) As my MONEY colleague George Mannes noted previously, some lenders may be willing to waive origination fees and pick up a portion of other upfront costs, such as the initial insurance premium. Even though you're not paying upfront costs out of pocket, they're still part of the cost of borrowing and will increase the effective interest rate on the loan. So you'll want to take a close look at however much you're being charged upfront and decide if that amount makes sense given the likely amount you'll be borrowing. You should also know that because it levies a lower initial insurance premium, the HECM Saver doesn't allow you to borrow as much as you can with a HECM Standard reverse mortgage. For example, a 62-year-old who owns a $300,000 home with no mortgage debt might qualify for just under $102,000 with an adjustable rate HECM Saver. Under the HECM Standard program, that same person might be able to borrow almost $141,000. (To see how much you might get under each program given your age, where you live and the market value of your home, check out AARP's reverse mortgage calculator.) No matter how enticing getting money on the house might seem, remember, a reverse mortgage isn't something you should take on lightly. As part of the deal, you're required to pay homeowners insurance premiums and property taxes. You must also maintain the property in good condition. Fail to do so, and you could be forced to repay the loan even if you're still living in the house. If you don't have other resources to do that, you would have to sell. So before signing up for a reverse mortgage, consider whether there are other options for you and your spouse. In some cases, retirees can be better off tapping a cash-value life insurance or freeing up their home equity by downsizing to smaller or less expensive digs that have lower ongoing maintenance and utility costs. Fortunately, HUD has beefed up the mandatory no- or low-cost counseling that borrowers must get before taking out a reverse mortgage. And to help people considering a reverse mortgage more fully understand the pros and cons of such a loan, counseling agencies must now provide potential reverse mortgage borrowers with a packet of information before the counseling session, including material for assessing these loans' true costs and a booklet from the National Council on Aging that outlines how reverse mortgages work. Remember too that while HECM reverse mortgages are insured by the federal government, the loans themselves are made by private lenders who do not set identical terms. So compare the offerings of several lenders before settling on a loan. You can find tips on choosing the best loan by clicking here. I also suggest you peruse the material on the reverse mortgage section of AARP's site. Finally, a recent Consumers Union report contends that some unscrupulous reverse mortgage lenders push these loans on people who might be better off without them or even use reverse mortgages to perpetuate various financial scams. I've also warned about such abuses as putative advisers recommending reverse mortgages and then persuading borrowers to invest the money in high-cost investments like annuities. So certainly, you and your wife should look into a reverse mortgage as a way of getting some extra income. But don't commit until you've thought about other options, you understand all the costs and you're convinced that the person making the loan is on the up and up. To top of page Overnight Avg Rate Latest Change Last Week 30 yr fixed3.50%3.47% 15 yr fixed2.74%2.71% 5/1 ARM3.26%3.00% 30 yr refi3.53%3.50% 15 yr refi2.76%2.73% Rate data provided by View rates in your area Find personalized rates: Index Last Change % Change Dow 18,169.27 -53.76 -0.30% Nasdaq 5,283.40 -26.43 -0.50% S&P 500 2,143.16 -8.17 -0.38% Treasuries 1.76 -0.01 -0.28% Data as of 6:17am ET Company Price Change % Change Chesapeake Energy Co... 6.11 -0.25 -3.93% Under Armour Inc 32.89 -5.01 -13.22% Freeport-McMoRan Inc... 10.55 0.37 3.63% Bank of America Corp... 16.72 -0.05 -0.30% Apple Inc 118.25 0.60 0.51% Data as of Oct 25 Donald Trump has repeatedly said he pays "tremendous" amounts in taxes, but when it comes to his properties, he fights to pay as little tax as possible. And that often comes with a cost to the towns or cities where Trump owns property. More Food shortages, recession, skyrocketing inflation and a plummeting currency are just a few issues causing Venezuela to dive deeper into crisis. More Apple's sales declined for the third consecutive quarter, but the company expects to grow again next quarter. More People flying on Delta can now use the company's app to see where their luggage is in its journey to its final destination. More
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Discontinuing IJ turned into a Rapid Response Discontinuing IJ turned into a Rapid Response | allnurses Discontinuing IJ turned into a Rapid Response 1. 0 I work on a Cardiovascular Intervention Unit. I've been on this unit almost 2 year which is the duration of my career. The other night I followed thru with an order to d/c a Rt. IJ (cordis sp?) central line on a patient that was s/p day #4 fem-pop. First, I checked that labs were all WDL. I prepared everything according to sterile technique. The patient was in a sitting position in a chair (which seems to be the only questionable thing I can find with the removal). Per sterile tech. I clipped the two sutures holding the central line in place. I had the patient take a breath in, exhale & inhale again then hold it while I drew out the line. The line was intact. The pateitn commented that the removal wasn't so bad at all. She then coughed really hard. With in seconds her breathing pattern changed, she became flushed in the face and she stop responding to me. I called for help & had a Rapid Response called. Initially, MD thought she had an air emboli & the ICU Hospitalist flipped that the patient wasn't in Trendelenburg when I pulled, but that isn't required as part of our Policy & Procedure. The patient being in a chair seems to be of issue, but I have seen central line (IJs too) pulled while the patient is in a seated position before as well as pulling them in a seated position myself. They did an u/s of the jugular at the bedside & there was a large clot. The on-call MD's all seemed so worried to take an further steps as instructed by the vascular surgeon and the cardiogist. I'm really worried because I've already been told that this is going to be a risk mang. issue. All because she was in the chair??? 2. 19 Comments 3. Visit catshowlady profile page #1 0 OMG, you could be talking about a pt I took care of when I was a new ICU nurse. I was not the nurse who pulled the line (I was off that day). Regular TLCVC (not a cordis) pulled with pt up in recliner chair that was laid back, pt crumped, got re-intubated (& a new TLC). Lots of investigation, paperwork, nurse questioned about why line was pulled w/ the pt up in the chair. Pt improves, TLC pulled (pt flat this time!), pt crumps again. Went back to OR (can't remember why), pt died on the OR table. Guess what they found? IIRC, there was a surgical staple missing from his pulmonary artery. The surgeon thought that was the cause of the pt's complications. Obviously, that doesn't mean that's what's wrong with your pt, but that is what happened to our pt. 4. Visit nrsnic profile page #2 8 i haven't been a nurse long, but i have been involved in a very significant medical error (please understand that this is not me saying you made a mistake...i have no way of knowing that from where i sit). during my preceptorship in the last term of nursing school, a baby i was working with had to have his lipids and tpn switched out d/t expiration dates (they were changed every 24 hours). i was being instructed in how to change lines for babies that have picc lines. you have to be quick and get it done because these lines can clot off very quickly. unfortunately, a few things occurred during this time that caused the lines to become switched in their respective pump channels. the tpn and lipids were now running at completely the wrong rates. this was not discovered for almost 24 hours, and then the only reason it was caught was because a triglyceride test was miraculously drawn that day and came back very critically high. now technically speaking i was working directly under the license of the nurse i was working with, and she didn't check my work entirely. however, i was still the one who put it together wrong. devastating, to say the least. i will say one thing though...i effected a hospital-wide process change. risk management and quality improvement got involved, did interviews and decided that a couple of policies were inadequate or missing. moral of this completely different story is that even if you are by some chance in the wrong, you have stated that you followed your policy and procedure. you were only doing what you knew how to do based on what the organization told you was right. one of the most unfortunate things about healthcare (that i am not even sure how to improve) is that mistakes sometimes have to be made before improvements can be made. i know this is a small consolation when you are sitting there tearing your hair out trying to understand how you could have done it differently...but know that you have probably effected a change that will help more people than you will ever be able to touch. 5. Visit JulieCVICURN profile page #3 2 The only thing I see that you missed is that you didn't draw back on the line before you pulled it. We always do that because large clots can get stuck on the end of the cordis. I once pulled on that I actually had aspirated and when I pulled it a clot approximately a quarter of an inch long came with it. I was lucky that the whole thing came out attached to the cordis. If I'd held any pressure at all on the site while I was pulling instead of waiting until I pulled it to put pressure on the site then I would have probably had exactly the same thing happen. I'm not sure there's fault to be had here. It was just a freaky thing maybe. ETA: We pull cordis' frequently with patients in sitting position. It doesn't seem to be a factor. 6. Visit Da_Milk_of_Amnesia profile page #4 0 I worked on a CT step down unit and used to pull cordis with the PTs in a sitting position, usually in a chair. Never had a problem. However, ALOT of the cordis' that were pulled would always have large clots on the end of them if they were not properly maintained. **** happens, I wouldn't sweat it . 7. Visit SharonH, RN profile page #5 5 Manatee, sometimes there are adverse outcomes it doesn't mean you did anything wrong. As for a risk management issue, anytime there is an unexpected event it will be a risk management issue, it's not about you per se. This isn't the last time you will write an incident report, trust me. Don't worry. 8. Visit CathyLew profile page #6 0 Thats what I was thinking.... your hospital may have a procedure where any Rapid Responce goes to Risk managment. in addition to documenting well in the chart, you can keep a personal log of the incident. (don't use patient names) but doccuement the situation, and all staff members that were on that day. (or other things that you may not put in the patient chart) like patient acuity, census, etc... Sometimes if you are questioned about something weeks or months later, it is good to have your own notes to refresh your memory. 9. Visit PostOpPrincess profile page #7 9 Never pull a line when a patient is in a chair. 10. Visit WindwardOahuRN profile page #8 0 Quote from JoPACURN Never pull a line when a patient is in a chair. I totally agree. If the patient crumps you not only have to respond to the crump you also have to get that patient back to bed or even on the floor if getting him back to bed is not possible. It's just a bit of common sense. There can be complications with the removal of any line---air emboli, clots, breakage of the cath, runs of VT, knotting of the catheter. Best to have the patient in a place where you can initiate emergency measures quickly if needed. And about that "policy" thing? There simply is not enough paper in the world to have a policy that covers every single thing that we as nurses have to do. Although we are mandated to do at least what the policy requires we are not restricted from practicing even more safely. I think they call that critical thinking? I've seen hospital policies that have me shaking my head and wondering just who the hell wrote them. Although we should be able to go to them and think of them as a work procedure "bible" it is often not the case. Think of how many times policies are revised and think about why they are revised---because they were not quite right in the first place. A bit scary, I guess, especially for those who are new to the game and relying on those policies to steer them in the right direction. We all make mistakes and most of us learn valuable lessons from them. Learn from your mistakes, forgive yourself for being human, and go on. 11. Visit questionsforall profile page #9 4 The patient should be laying in as flat a position (preferably slight trendelenburg) as they can tolerate and they should be holding breath in order to prevent air embolis. Just to add that I was present for a code last week were an inexperienced nurse pulled a cordis out while the patient was sitting up in the bed and the patient decompensated in seconds and needed to be reintubated for suspected air emoblis. Last edit by questionsforall on Mar 20, '10 : Reason: adding to post 12. Visit godfatherRN profile page #10 1 I'm an RN in a very large CVICU and we D/C IJ Cordis all the time. I agree with everyone else that you should always have pt lying flat as tolerated for just about any central line removal, esp an IJ. You'll likely be protected if your policy says you can remove while up in the chair. Also of note, to those saying they get clots in their cordis sheaths, I'm surprised your facility doesn't have you running TKO fluids all the time through the cordis to prevent that. 13. Visit WindwardOahuRN profile page #11 4 Quote from Da_Milk_of_Amnesia You were just lucky. You'll have to admit that your experience is very limited. Give it time... Curious, I took a quick look on the internet just to see what the general consensus was on line removal. I know what I always do but I wondered if there was an accepted variation on the theme. In a word? No. Although clots were mentioned here there is also the possibility of an air embolus. Steps taken to prevent this include having the patient perform a valsalva maneuver during removal and having the patient lie flat or in a slight Trendelenberg angle. There is no way I would remove a line while a patient is sitting in a chair. Just because people have done it and nothing has happened doesn't mean it should be done. I've been pulling lines for decades and have always done it the recommended way. Even so, I've seen huge runs of VT when pulling PA caths that had me ready to hit the code button. All resolved spontaneously without intervention but I would have hated to have had those patients sitting in chairs if they hadn't come out of that rhythm on their own. Yeah, **** happens but some of it is avoidable. It even happens when we do all the right things but when we knowingly take shortcuts and do things wrong and it happens it's unforgiveable. The OP didn't realize that pulling lines while the patient is upright is poor practice. But I think she's learned a good lesson and she'll do better next time. 14. Visit MedicineCNS profile page #12 2 I help to write policy and the goal not to write too much detail so that nurses hands are tied to do things in one way. Not always the best thing. The other take home about pulling lines beyond NEVER sitting that high up, is to always quickly hold pressure and apply an OCCUSIVE dressing to the site. A cordis leaves a coat hanger sized hole in a large vessel and not covering QUICKLY further increases risk of air embolism.
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PM Hou meets new Australian Prime Minister Views: 104 Prime Minister Rick Houenipwela (left)during his courtesy visit to Australia’s new Prime Minister Scott Morrison. PRIME Minister Rick Houenipwela has met with the new Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison in Canberra yesterday. The Prime Minister met his Australian counterpart at the Australian Parliament House. Australia Prime Minister Morrison welcomed Prime Minister Houenipwela acknowledging him as the first foreign leader to meet with him since assuming office a fortnight ago. Mr Morrison said Prime Minister Houenipwela’s courtesy visit to Canberra is an illustration of the importance and closeness between both countries. “Solomon Islands is an important partner and you are an important leader to Australia and in the pacific,” the newly elected Australian Prime Minister told Houenipwela. Prime Minister Morrison also assured of his support to Solomon Islands and his government’s policies in the Pacific region. “Our relationship has grown from strength to strength,” he said. Houenipwela in response said it is an honour to be the first foreign leader to pay a courtesy visit to Prime Minister Morrison. The Prime Minister reaffirmed the warm and cordial relationship shared between the two countries. “Australia is an important partner and friend to Solomon Islands and we will always embrace the friendship we share,” he said. Both leaders also discussed the newly signed labour mobility scheme between Australia and Solomon Islands. The Australian Prime Minister has agreed to provide technical support to address the technical constraints faced by the scheme as experienced in the past. The two prime ministers also discussed the sub-marine cable project, Tina Hydro, tourism, border and maritime security to name a few. Prime Minister Morrison has assured Houenipwela of his Government’s commitment to these projects in Solomon Islands. Meanwhile, the new Australian Prime Minister has also shared his historical story as a 10year old boy who visited Honiara during his childhood days. “My parents worked on a cruise ship and I can still recall visiting Honiara when I was a 10year old boy. In fact, the memorable moment was when I had a walkabout in Honiara and accidently kicked a broken bottle and cut my foot,” he jokingly shared with the Prime Minister. The Australian Prime Minister said he looks forward in visiting the Solomon Islands sometime in the near future. Prime Minister Houenipwela will arrive back in the country today. error: Content is protected !!
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Hello, my name is Sarah Rees. I’m a feminist mother of two living by the sea in South Wales. After being made redundant following the birth of my first child I got political. The barriers that perpetuate the 'motherhood penalty' such as childcare, lack of flexible jobs and maternity discrimination must change. My articles and campaigns aim to address the issues and provide innovative ways to make positive impact and improve a mother's place in the world. You will also find a few treats and tips that can lift a mother's spirits. Feel free to leave a comment or follow me on social media!
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Comment: Hear, hear! (See in situ) In reply to comment: Senseless (see in situ) Hear, hear! We had rights before rich white men presented the nation with their Constitution! There was a time when people had rights and the government struggled for more power over them The people thought the fight was done. Perhaps it was long ago lost. Perhaps we can win it back.
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'Turning point': Ukrainian government forces retake key city Kiev: With an onslaught of gunfire and mortar shelling, Ukrainian government forces expelled pro-Russian insurgents from Slaviansk, a long-blockaded rebel stronghold, and raised the blue and yellow Ukrainian flag over the City Council building. In retaking Slaviansk, the site of some of the fiercest battles throughout the insurrection, Ukrainian forces did not necessarily deal a decisive blow to the rebels but were finally gaining traction and reasserting state authority in eastern Ukraine, three months after separatists seized cities and towns throughout the region. "The state flag of Ukraine is proudly waving over the city, which militants thought was their impregnable fortress," President Petro Poroshenko said.  "It's not a complete victory and it's not a time for fireworks but clearing Slaviansk of extremely well-armed bandits has a very symbolic meaning. This is a turning point in fighting militants for the territorial integrity of Ukraine." By Saturday evening, Ukrainian troops had also raised the national flag over City Hall in nearby Kramatorsk,where the insurgents were believed to be regrouping and seeking medical help. The Ukrainian advances came four days after Mr Poroshenko ended a ceasefire and ordered the military to resume efforts to crush the rebellion by force. With the separatists losing ground, there were signs of growing frustration in the east with Russian President Vladimir Putin for not making good on his promises to defend Russian people in Ukraine. "What to say," a rebel leader, Denis Pushilin, wrote on Twitter. "We were given hope. Given hope and abandoned. Nice were words of Putin about protecting the Russian, protecting New Russia. But only words." The government advance moved quickly on Saturday. By midday, troops were sweeping neighbourhoods of Slaviansk in search of any remaining fighters, officials said. Fighting raged through the night, and by Sunday morning most of the rebels had fled south, abandoning a city that had been strangled for weeks without basic services, including water, power, communications, food and medicine. Mr Poroshenko quickly promised deliveries of bread, water, sugar and cans of stewed meat. There were no firm tallies of casualties, although officials said one government soldier had been killed and three wounded in fighting outside the city, and one separatist leader reported that about 150 rebels had sought medical help in Donetsk. Defiant rebel leaders confirmed that their fighters had fled under heavy attack by the Ukrainian military but insisted that the flight was only a temporary setback. "You think you won?" Mr Pushilin, the parliament speaker of the self-declared Donetsk People's Republic, wrote on Twitter. "This was a tactical move." Andrei Purgin, an insurgent leader, said rebels abandoned the city because they were overwhelmed. "What would you do if you were shelled with mortars and artillery guns and pounded from the air, and you had only three tanks and assault rifles?" he  told Interfax news service. "The Ukrainian security forces in fact tried to raze Slaviansk to the ground." Government officials were jubilant. "Run!" the Ukrainian Interior Minister, Arsen Avakov, wrote in a Facebook post on the retaking of Slaviansk. "The terrorists are bearing losses, surrendering." Ukrainian officials said that those fleeing included the well-known commander Igor Girkin who, the authorities here say, worked for the Russian military's foreign intelligence directorate. In east Ukraine, he had identified himself as Colonel Igor Strelkov, which means shooter or gunman. He had posted a video on YouTube on Friday, pleading with Mr Putin for broad-scale military support and predicting that Slaviansk would fall if help did not arrive soon. As the government reported its success in Slaviansk, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church on Saturday announced the death of Metropolitan Volodymyr, 78, the leader of the church's Moscow patriarchate who had struggled, through illness, to be a voice of conciliation in the political turmoil. His death could have broad political implications, setting the stage for a battle between clerics seeking closer ties with the Russian Orthodox Church, headquartered in Moscow, and those who want a more independent, distinctly Ukrainian church. New York Times
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Ganglion cyst, artwork Ganglion cyst, artwork C007/2011 Rights Managed Request low-res file 530 pixels on longest edge, unwatermarked Request/Download high-res file Uncompressed file size: 51.6MB Downloadable file size: 291.7KB Price image Pricing Please login to use the price calculator Caption: Ganglion cyst. Artwork of a ganglion cyst on the back of a wrist. This cyst (fluid filled sac) is named for its similarity to ganglion nerve clusters. Its cause is unknown, but it may result from overuse of a specific joint, causing the degeneration of the surrounding fibrous tissue and the development of a fluid-filled cystic structure. The cysts are usually asymptomatic, but may be removed surgically for cosmetic reasons. Keywords: abnormal, artwork, bible bump, bible cyst, condition, cyst, cystic, disorder, fluid-filled, ganglion, human body, illustration, joint, lump, medical, medicine, people, person, unhealthy, wrist
robots: classic hostname: ip-10-111-221-182.ec2.internal software: Nutch 1.6 (CC) isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2017-43 operator: Common Crawl Admin description: Wide crawl of the web for October 2017 publisher: Common Crawl format: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo:
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Ingredients Jump to Instructions ↓ 1. 2 Chicken thighs 2. 12 md Asparagus spears 3. 3 tb Peanut or corn oil 4. --MARINADE-- 5. 1 tb Dry sherry 6. 1 ts Cornstarch 7. 2 ts Thin soy sauce 8. 1 pn Sugar 9. --SAUCE-- 10. 2 ts Fermented black beans 11. 3 Cloves garlic, minced 12. 1/2 ts Brown sugar 13. 2 ts Black soy sauce 14. 3/4 c Chicken stock 15. 15 to 30 minutes. Preparation: Wash asparagus; peel tough white outer skin off ends; slice on diagonal in 16. 2 1/2" sections. Rinse fermented black beans. In bowl, combine and mash black beans and garlic, brown sugar, black soy sauce and chicken stock; stir; reserve for 15 minutes. Stir Frying: Add 17. 2/3 of oil to hot wok; when oil is very hot, add chicken. Stir-fry for about 3 minutes on high heat - or until chicken begins to shrink and firm up. Remove chicken to holding bowl. Reheat wok to high, add remaining oil. When oil is hot, add black bean sauce. Stir-fry for 1 minute. Add asparagus; mix with sauce. Stir sauce with asparagus. When sauce boils, add cooked chicken; toss to combine. Dribble in a little cornstarch paste if needed; cornstarch in chicken marinade might be enough. Toss ingredients until very little liquid remains and is reduced to glaze. Dish is ready when asparagus brightens. If you still have too much liquid, remove ingredients, continue to reduce sauce, then return ingredients to coat them with sauce. Serve in individual portions. Send feedback
robots: classic hostname: ip-10-145-167-34.ec2.internal software: Nutch 1.6 (CC)/CC WarcExport 1.0 isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2017-17 operator: CommonCrawl Admin description: Wide crawl of the web for April 2017 publisher: CommonCrawl format: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo:
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What is machine learning and why should I care? | CJR The COLUMBIA JOURNALISM REVIEW explains machine learning with examples of how it’s being used in newsrooms. Author Nick Diakopoulos describes four ‘flavours’ of machine learning. Each varies by the amount of input by humans. For example, in supervised learning, the data to ‘train’ the system needs to be labelled. The labels can be as simple as naming a document ‘interesting’ or ‘uninteresting’ but nonetheless need to be there as clues, helping the algorithm assess what kind of future documents are a match for ‘interesting.’ The other three forms require less human input, in varying degrees. One of the challenges in journalism, he suggests, is matching the flavour to the objective, beginning with the question, will any be useful? Diakopoulos points to bias and uncertainty as potential pitfalls, again using examples from news work. • Nick Diakopoulos is a leading figure in the field and this is an authoritative summary worth saving. He’s a professor at Northwestern, a fellow at Tow, presented a course about algorithms in journalism funded by the Knight Foundation, and has a book on the subject forthcoming. • Bias is widely named as a weakness when working with algorithms. • Uncertainty is less often flagged, yet equally important for journalistic uses. Findings by learning-based algorithms need validation, too, and as their insights become more sophisticated, verification will become more challenging. ‘I’m bullish on the capabilities and opportunities that machine learning presents to editorial work, but also cautious enough to remind readers that machine learning is not the answer to every journalistic task.’ What is machine learning and why should I care? COLUMBIA JOURNALISM REVIEW | April 25, 2019 | by Nicholas Diakopoulos Leave a Reply
isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2019-47 publisher: Common Crawl description: Wide crawl of the web for November 2019 operator: Common Crawl Admin ([email protected]) hostname: ip-10-67-67-211.ec2.internal software: Apache Nutch 1.16 (modified, robots: checked via crawler-commons 1.1-SNAPSHOT ( format: WARC File Format 1.1 conformsTo:
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Magic On the App Store Harry Potter's Marauder's Map is Now Real Karla King Technology and magic are not very different. In fact, the two are always interchanging places. What is technology today was magic yesterday, and what is considered magic today will be technology tomorrow. There is no better illustration of this point than the case of CityXcape, a Silicon Valley start-up that is literary creating a real-life Harry Potter’s Marauder’s Map. So what is the Marauder’s Map? For those of you who do not follow Harry Potter, here is some background information you might find useful. The Marauder’s Map is a magical document that shows its possessor the location and activities of every person walking on campus, portraying them as moving dots. In other words, the Marauder’s Map shows you where people are and what they are up to. The incredible power of this magic map made it popular amongst the Hogwarts community. Throughout the series, Harry Potter uses the map to find the people he needs help from to achieve his goals and to take routes that will keep him from running into people that will cause trouble. Quite a useful tool as you can see! It is the equivalent of having a map that shows you where the people you want to meet are located, while also showing you the places you might want to avoid. In a sense, we kind of all want our own personal Marauder’s Map because each of us has people we need to meet or avoid. Well it seems that our collective dream is becoming a reality, for there is an app that does exactly that.  It’s called CityXcape. So what is CityXcape?  CityXcape is a mapping app that shows you the activities people are doing in your city.  Not only does CityXcape show you what is happening in the city, it also shows you the location of actual people, portraying them as moving dots. In other words, CityXcape shows you where people are and what they are up to. Sound familiar? Here is a side-by-side comparison of the similarities between Harry Potter’s Marauder’s Map and CityXcape.  Map uses the ether                                  Map uses Internet connection Map requires secret keywords                  Map requires user credentials Shows where people are in Hogswart       Shows where people are in the city Shows identity of everyone                      Shows cultural association of everyone Shows how to access sealed passages     Shows how to access private events People can hide from the map                  Users can go invisible on the map Is backed by impressive magic                 Is backed by impressive technology Although CityXcape and the Marauder’s Map have many similarities, they certainly possess differences. While Harry Potter’s Marauder’s Map allows its possessor to identify each and every person on the map, CityXcape keeps everyone’s identity anonymous, showing you where people are without telling you who they are. This small difference is very important, for without it, privacy would be annihilated. James Pierre Louis, co-founder and CEO, stated "The biggest challenge in creating CityXcape was fear of losing privacy, especially amongst the older generation. One way we combatted this fear was by educating users that our app keeps their personal identity completely anonymous, both to the public and even within our own database." The CityXcape team went out of its way to make sure that users reap all the benefits of knowing where people are in the city without invading anyone’s privacy. Everyone on the CityXcape map remains as anonymous dots. This is achieved by using a combination of technological frameworks such as Mapbox, Firebase web-sockets, and R. CityXcape’s mission is to transform each city into a unified community There is another distinctive difference between the Marauder’s Map and CityXcape- that difference is social benevolence. In Harry Potter’s world, the Marauder’s Map does not give back anything to society; its use is completely private and its intent was to help a select few students make mischief. By contrast, CityXcape contributes data for scientific research and logistical improvements. CityXcape does this by turning the geo-data it receives from its users into a publicly accessible census record that developers and scientists can access for research. An easy example of the immense value of this data is in city planning. By analyzing geographic patterns of crowds, decisions towards urban development and transit can be made much more intelligently. So by just having CityXcape, users are in fact contributing to how their city is developed in the future. CityXcape’s mission is to transform each city into a unified community. The CityXcape founders believe the strength of cities lies in their diversity as people come together from dissimilar backgrounds. James Pierre Louis, co-founder and CEO was born and raised in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, while William Wolff, co-founder and CTO was born and raised in Berlin, Germany. Despite being non-natives, each of them culturally identify with the United States and have enjoyed residing in a number of U.S. cities. CityXcape is breathing life into maps CityXcape is a GIS app for finding life in the city. It does this by merging the world of social networks with the world of GIS. While maps are very old, social networks are very new, and we believe the combination of the two will create magic. What was once an imaginative piece in a Harry Potter series is now emerging into our reality. Like magic, this sort of power can be used for noble or base purposes. We hope the CityXcape team and its users will guides this power wisely, and lead the world of GIS into the new terrain of social networks. If you would like to contribute to this smart city geographic system and visualize yourself as a dot in your community, download the CityXcape app by searching for it on the Apple app store. Fall 2016 Volume 9 Issue 2 Connect with BayGeo on TwitterMeetupLinkedInFlickr PoolFacebookTumblr, and the BayGeo homepage.
isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2018-43 publisher: Common Crawl description: Wide crawl of the web for October 2018 operator: Common Crawl Admin ([email protected]) hostname: ip-10-69-127-157.ec2.internal software: Apache Nutch 1.15 (modified, robots: checked via crawler-commons 0.11-SNAPSHOT ( format: WARC File Format 1.1 conformsTo:
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A Redefinition of Family Group 7 Agenda This is a letter to the United States Government which is calling to attention the disregard for alternative family systems and their importance in our society. Current members in the government have stated that "Family definitions play a major role not only in programs, but in virtually every policy arena". Our governmental definitions of family not only affect the benefits individuals are entitled to, it also affects the emotional status of unrecognized family members. The plutonic family systems of the 1950's has been proven to only encompass portion of our society and as we see more and more alternative family units emerging we must have new definitions to ensure our support for those families. There are several ways that family is currently defined in our government and our own government affirms this by stating that "Families cannot be defined simply or universally for purposes of Federal programs and policies. Much variation is due to the complex nature of the family itself and to the specific purpose of the Federal program". Although this acknowledgement of the complexity of family we would like to propose a list of inclusions for our government to consider when proposing new legislation that affects any aspect of family.  Family includes both genetically and non-genetically connected family members.  Family transcends ethnicity and nationalities, families can have allegiance to many flags and be comprised of many different skin colors.  Family is needs community, if you protect the family, but harm the community systems around it such as schools, libraries, and parks, then you inherently harm the family unit.  Families need support and daycare is expensive, and we cannot undervalue the importance of raising our future generations in healthy environments.  Families may be composed of many sexual orientations. This does not mean that parents that are gay, lesbian, transgender, or other sexual orientations are any less valuable parents. We need to value and support all parents for their hard work as being parents.  Families may be comprised of single parent households. These parents need extra support for their work and dedication. Child care should be made freely available to these parents as well as government aid no matter their gender.  Families do not have age restrictions, old and young adults help raise children in many different situations.  Families are very dynamic and change all of the time and assistance to families should be dynamic and not dependent on social class.  We should have legislation that speeds up the process for parents seeking to adopt, children who spend long periods of time in foster care suffer extensively. We need to ensure the child's safety and well being.  Family policy should be written by mothers and fathers, not by accountants. Family policy should not be victim to budget cuts and tax raises. Group 7... I think... Agenda, group 1: restrooms our agenda addresses feminist and queer family values concerning public restrooms. here are some exploratory proposals for gender neutral restrooms that are not too radical, and surely not meant to offend or completely disparage traditional family values, but to allow for new possibilities concerning the way we understand "family" or "gender" and relationships between people in public space. our ideas centered primarily around the questioning of prohibitive and ill-conceived constructions of gender and the merging/uniting of gendered spaces, while still allowing for *private* spaces -- thus communal, or collective, restrooms, and private restrooms. we acknowledge that the models depicted have their faults -- and appear to demand quite a large space -- however, they are only models, proposals, and tentative suggestions towards an uncertain, yet optimistic, future of shit-fulfillment.... group participants: mary, matt, kathryn, carlyn, will, ellen Group 4 PIC Agenda PIC Agendasm.jpg View and download the full size flier here. DE #10 After reading, I have notice that the difference between the erotic and pornographic. It seem to me the same. The Author said Erotic is derived from the Greek words eros, which is the personification of love in all of its aspects and creative power and harmony" Another author Lord said Pornography "is a direct denial of the power of erotic, for it represents the suppression of true feeling. Pornography emphasizes sensation without feeling" (570). Some final thoughts and a note of thanks As the title indicates, this course has been about contemporary feminist debate. Taking a somewhat unconventional approach, I structured the course around the belief that debate is not about winning an argument or rigidly defending one's position. Instead, it about "living with contradictions" (Jaggar) and staying perpetually curious (Enloe) about problems--what they are, how we frame them, and what strategies we can develop for responding to them. I selected readings that were meant to highlight the complicated and contradictory ways in which a wide range of feminist thinkers approach key social issues. The readings were also intended to take all of us out of our comfort zone and encourage us to dwell in a space of unknowingness, where easy answers about "what is to be done" aren't possible. While I find this space of unknowingness to be unsettling (and oftentimes exhausting), I also find it be invigorating. Staying in that space of unknowingness allows me to remain curious and fosters my desire to always ask lots of questions about the limits and possibilities of any approach to an issue. In my vision of feminist movement (and my list of feminist values), curiosity, openness and asking lots of questions are central. Now, I want to be clear here. I am not suggesting that staying in a space of unknowingness is all that anyone, particularly feminists, should ever do. As Anna suggests in her comment to this entry, curiosity, even if it is a feminist curiosity, is not enough. We also need to think strategically and constructively about how to respond to our most pressing issues. But, I wonder, what questions are left unasked and what possibilities get foreclosed when we move too quickly out of our unknowingess? Indeed, what political, critical and ethical value can come out of safeguarding that space? To conclude this reflection, I want to paraphrase, and slightly modify, a passage from Judith Butler in her book, Undoing Gender: While asking questions, remaining uncertain and being curious are not all that feminist movement is or should be, I can't imagine feminist movement without them. Thanks for a great semester. I truly appreciate how willing you all were to stay curious. And I appreciate how much you all embraced the blog. Have a great summer! This is a Feminist Issue: Water I think someone posted about access to safe water a while back, so I thought this article could build on that. "The Burden of Thirst" was a feature story in National Geographic last month. It talks about access to water and how the lack of safe, easily accessible water keeps women out of the public sphere. Girls do not go to school with the boys because they have chores to do. The article says that the average American uses one hundred gallons a day just in their home, and that can be contrasted with the woman interviewed in the article who gets by on just two and a half. If water were more accessible girls would be able to go to school. This is absolutely a feminist issue, and one that deserves more attention. Once again, the article can be found here. You can also check out "Freshwater 101," which is a brief slideshow about freshwater use and includes links to other useful articles. Prisoner Correspondence From what we've learned in class I think we can all agree that our prison system does not intend to rehabilitate. The "tough on crime" era was the beginning of a major expansion of the prison system motivated by profit and racism rather than a benevolent desire to "serve and protect." The prison population soared and the crime rate was not affected by the increased rate of incarceration (as we learned in the Angela Davis reading). Because of their size and pervasiveness corporations began taking interest in them and prisons became increasingly privatized. Corporations were interested because money could be made - prisons had to be built, foods, goods and services had to be supplied, and prison labor became an important resource to exploit. The emphasis on money, control and power leaves out the human element and prisoners are exploited and dehumanized. Instead of focusing on rehabilitation people are locked up and forgotten about. This is where correspondence comes in. As people outside the prison system we have the ability to help restore humanity and hope to a population that many, including their families and friends, forget about. As you can imagine this forgetting happens for a variety of reasons, but part of it has to do with the unwillingness to face something so devastating and overwhelming. When we talk about big problems like this it can be frustrating to hear things like, "if you just do this one simple thing we can..." And it's true, writing letters isn't going to topple the system, but I think it's a good place to start. The dehumanizing nature of prisons can leave those inside feeling totally disconnected from the community. When a person feels like an outsider or a deviant rehabilitation is a joke; it's just not going to happen. Letters from the outside can restore hope, inspiration and will. Many prisoners have been behind bars for years and have not heard from anyone on the outside. Maybe after awhile you start to forget that there is an outside. Writing a letter is a simple and worthwhile way to connect with someone and maybe restore their sense of belonging and worth. Below are a few websites that offer additional information on prisoner correspondence. This is the first result that comes up when you search "prison correspondence." It's a very comprehensive site - they offer a lot more than just a pen pal service (such as ways to donate both money and things like books, legal support, and help finding work for prisoners). This is run by former offenders. Their site says they give prisoners a chance "to announce their existence." They have a fact box with prison statistics that changes as you browse. This site lists prisoners on death row. By the way, "In 29 years, 1973 - 2002, 103 death row inmates were found to be innocent and set free." Source: Also, if the death penalty or people who were sentenced to death and later found to be innocent interests you, I highly recommend the story of Cameron Todd Willingham. It's a long, heartbreaking read but it does an excellent job of illustrating how our emotions and need for justice can get in the way of a fair trial, which is why something as final as death should not be an option for punishment. You can (and should!) read his story here. The Aspects toward Pornography: Positive vs. Negative Pornography is a battlefield in U.S. law. For decades, courts have struggled to find a middle ground between opponents of obscenity and defenders of free speech. This debate began to shift in the 1970s as feminists introduced new theories. Pornography, as defined by Wikipedia, is "the explicit depiction of sexual subject matter with the sole intention of sexually exciting the viewer". This means it excludes erotica, which some purists insist on, because erotica is different in that it has an interest in doing more than merely providing sexual excitation. 1. Sexual freedom 2. It allows people to view different sexual lifestyles. 1. Porn is a drug that leads to addiction. -Men often consume more and more porn, which can lead to distancing themselves from their loved ones, losing their jobs, etc. 2. Porn is a form of sexism. -Women are commoditized and objectified in porn, which puts them on an unequal footing with men. 3. Porn portrays all women in one of four degrading, dehumanizing categories. -It gives you the most insidious view of women.This can lead to an inability to form meaningful romantic relationships and even violence against women. 4. Porn cultivates a single standard of beauty that no real women can live up to. -This leads men to be mistakenly dissatisfied with reality as it pertains to sex. This is a feminist issue because...Godzilla Weeds Today you will get into your groups and develop an agenda for Feminist Family Values or create a response to the Sex Wars. Here are two examples that might inspire you: ONE: Feminist Family Values During our discussion of gay marriage, we read the statement by Here is their agenda: TWO: Sex Wars In her entry, Anna discusses The Sex Workers Project.. They have a press kit that you can download, which has a lot of valuable information, including a values statement. Here's a blurb from that statement: Group 6: Caitlin, Danielle, Yein, Heather, Ava, and Abby Our group decided on making a flyer that would address the problem of dehumanizing prisoners; we then decided to present different outlets and resources to create contact, increase education, and ultimately remove the stigmatizing label of "prisoner" and have them be seen as people. Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for sc00d6d3bf.jpg The Smitten Kitten The Smitten Kitten is a feminist-owned adult sex toy/equipment boutique located on Lyndale and Lake in the Uptown neighborhood of Minneapolis. describes the Smitten Kitten as, "Valuing "human dignity and the creative expression of gender, identity and desire," the Smitten Kitten is more than a sex toy boutique; it is an open source for information on issues of sexuality, sexual health, and feminism." Staffed by a team of Sex Educators, the Smitten Kitten is committed to selling only the safest products to its clientele. Jennifer Pritchett, the founder/owner of the Kitten formed the Coalition Against Toxic Toys in 2005, a non-profit that aims to create awareness of the hazardous materials and production practices of the existing sex toy industry. CATT can be found at The Smitten Kitten is an open, accepting environment offering toys, books, zines, DVD's and more to a widely representational audience in the GLBTQ community as well. In addition to their product catalog, their website hosts an events calendar and blog filled with great resources for anyone wanting to explore sexuality in a safe and non-judgmental environment. The site (and the store!) give a much better look into their mission/vibe/general awesomeness than I could ever do here, so check them out! The Smitten Kitten Feminist Issue- Barbie's Dimensions Single Parent Adoption Summary Our group (Sammy, Kathryn, Alyssa) decided to track the issue of single parent adoption because we knew that discrepancies existed in this area but we were unsure of the specifics. We already knew that it is "easier" for a couple to adopt a child than it is for a single. However before we began tracking the issue, we did not know the laws behind single parent adoption, how race and gender play into the issue, or the differences between domestic vs. international adoption or infant adoption vs. foster adoption. As far as the laws behind single parent adoption go, it is completely legal in every state of the United States for a single parent to adopt a child of any age domestically. This was not always the case however, due to discrimination of single parent families. In 1958 the Child Welfare League of America put out a release stating that adoptive families must be comprised of a mother and a father. It wasn't until 1965 that the first group, the Los Angeles Bureau of Adoptions, fervently recruited single parents nationwide. The Los Angeles Bureau of Adoptions was also the first organization to seek out single African-American parents, so that they could match African-American children with parents of the same race. Now, when the state places children they tend to place couples with same-race children. Also, according to Adoption Choices of Oklahoma, most adoptions cost between $28,000 and $34,000, while African-American adoptions range from $25,000 to $30,000, and the average waiting time for a potential adoptive parent to be matched with a birth mother is six months, but the wait is much shorter for parents willing to adopt African-Americans. When looking at local adoption agencies, white, middle-class, heterosexual men and women dominate the photos, giving the impression that these agencies mainly cater to this one group of people. When the state is responsible for placing children, they tend to give single parents "hard to place" children, such as children with disabilities, or who are older, etc. Single parents are responsible for 25% of all special needs adoptions. Often, single parents are recommended to foster homes, as they will have a better chance at being placed with a child in this fashion, rather than being picked by a birthmother to adopt an infant. Single parent adopters are an untapped resource that should be utilized to place children into loving homes. Single parent adoptions are just as successful as couple adoptions, often because single adoptive parents often seek out resources and build support systems more vigorously than couples do. These resources include finances, which single adoptive parents are able to bring and make ends meet for their family. No significant differences in terms of educational development of the children have been noted between single and two parent adoptive families. Also, single adoptive parents have reported less use of mental health services than two parent adoptive parents. Overall, the main issue seen in the practices of adoption is how society views different family units, as well as how society places different values on different children (i.e. foster children, African-American children, etc.) Feminist Issue- Dove Commercial No wonder our perception of beauty is distorted. End of Year Event: Lavender Celebration & Awards Ceremony The Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Ally (GLBTA) Programs Office on the U of M Campus celebrates 2010 graduates and award winners this Thursday at the Lavender Celebration and Awards Ceremony! Time**, Date, Location, and more details are in the flier below! **this conflicts with our class on Thursday (May/6). I am personally committed to being there and understand that most will not be able to make it to the celebration for this reason. Prostitution Summary | 1 Comment The feminist movement is divided on the issue of prostitution and sex work. We chose to explore some of the differing opinions surrounding sex work and prostitution including local impacts, international perspectives, history, and feminist debates. Our interest was sparked by the perspective of Live Nude Girls Unite!, and Chapkis' article The Emotional Labor of Sex, and our own differing opinions as prostitution as a feminist issue. Here are some of the various feminist perspectives we compiled from our tracking of the issue. • It would benefit everyone to regulate sex work and legalize prostitution. Sex work can be viewed as a legitimate skill set. (Chapkis) • Women should be able to do whatever they choose with their bodies. We should respect individual choices when it comes to using their bodies. • Sex work is a choice. • For those who don't necessarily choose sex work, they shouldn't be treated as criminals, but as victims. • Sex work is a part of a patriarchal system that objectifies women. • Sex work can have traumatic effects on the workers through post-traumatic stress disorder or health effects, as such it is not healthy. Sex work and prostitution are fairly widespread, even in our local community there is a lot that goes on under the radar because it's illegal. While some feminists believe sex work can be a choice and a lifestyle, others see it as more complicated. Is the idea of choice coming from a privileged position? It cannot be denied that many people are coerced into sex work and abused or taken advantage of. Even for people who consider it a choice, they may be influenced on patriarchal opinions of sexuality. Could this be reinforcing the idea of how sexuality should be treated or commodified? Tracking the Issue: Raunch Culture Summary | 1 Comment Our group (Tamar, Adam, Julia) decided to investigate raunch culture as a subset of sex wars. First, we needed to find out what raunch culture is. Ariel Levy (since she essentially coined the term) gives us an explanation. Raunch culture is the idea that being sexy should be public, and being sexy means some very specific things. The current societal standard for 'sexiness' means participating in wet t-shirt contests, learning how to pole dance for fun, wearing revealing clothing, etc. Things that some feminists critiqued as degrading are now being embraced as the ultimate realization of female sexuality. It's a recent phenomenon - even 30 years ago, the societal reaction to hearing that someone took a pole dancing class would be very different than it is now. Before learning anything about raunch culture, we were all interested in the idea, but knew very little about it. Researching and learning more about raunch culture has brought up a lot of interesting issues for us, and made us curious about the idea of what our society prescribes as "sexy" and how this affects peoples actions. There's a fair amount of academic research that has gone into the 'raunch culture' phenomenon, on both sides of the issue. Some people think that it is sexually liberating for women, and a method of escape for puritanical ideals for sexuality - others think that it forces a conformation to one particular type of sexual identity. Here are the main controversies in the issue: 1. Is acting "raunchy" a way to reclaim female sexuality from the male gaze, or is it playing into a male desire for public, degrading sexual practices? (lap dancing, wet t shirt contests, etc) 2. Can it ever be empowering for women to participate in raunch culture? 3. Does raunch culture narrow the sexual options available to women, or broaden them? 4. Is it "feminist" to ever critique a certain sexuality/way of being sexual? If feminists do critique certain types of sexuality, does that mean that feminists are making a new "charmed circle"? 5. Does the exchange of money make a situation empowering or degrading? 6. To what extent is the rise of raunch culture (in many ways, a product that can be marketed) due to capitalist profit motives? All in all, the rise of raunch culture is a relatively new phenomenon. We think it's important for people to be curious and critically think about the ways that raunch culture relates to feminism and women's well being, but we think prescribing a certain "solution" is a bad idea. What is empowering and satisfying to one person is different than what is empowering and satisfying to another person, and we think people should strive to find out what REALLY makes them happy, and follow that, regardless of whether or not it has been approved by society. Girl Germs on Radio K! I co-host a radio show on the University's student-run radio station, Radio K. It's called 'Girl Germs', and we play "the best in groundbreaking female artists- from rap to riot grrrl, rock & roll to soul". We put an emphasis on local musicians as well as national musicians, from bygone eras up to today. We broadcast each Tuesday from 9-11pm on 104.5 FM in the twin cities and on A friend and I started this show in February, and we've featured in-studio performances and guest dj sets so far, along with some really awesome music made by ladies (and bands that feature/support ladies). We have previous episodes streaming and playlists available on our blog. If it sounds like something you'd like, check it out! This is a feminist issue because....Immigration Clintion made a good point in this article when she states that the new immigration law in Arizona was made out of frustration. I think she was dead on. However, I don't know if I necessarily agree with changing its fundamental purpose, which is giving the police more of an opportunity to check for documents. I believe the difficult theme of this law is that the problem has ethnic origins. It is how people are entering America from a different ethnicity. How else are to you combat this illegal action without tip-toeing on racial profiling. I don't think you can. And I also don't think it is right for people to get away with committing a crime just because they are a different ethnicity. If I were to go to a different country and they had laws in which I had to register to visit, and I didn't I would accept to be pursued by their authorities and face the consequences. I wouldn't expect it to be alright because they chose to stop me because of the color of my skin. It is what it is. I do feel bad for the american citizens who are going to be checked for papers simply because of their skin color. It will happen, and it is unfortunate. However, just like in other aspects of society, the innocent sometimes have to bear the consequences and be inconvenienced by the actions of the people committing the crimes. Drinking under the age of 21 is illegal. So why isn't it a problem when people ask other people for their ID? Isn't this the same issue of discrimination, only based on age rather then skin color? If I do recall, both are even protected classes. So why is one form of discrimination deemed acceptable by society while another isn't? Sex Wars: Sex Workers' Advocacy Groups | 1 Comment (Tracking the issue: Prostitution) In tracking the issue for sex work (more specifically, prostitution), I have come upon many web communities that focus on advocacy for sex workers and the rights of sex workers. Like Wendy Chapkis' discusses in her chapter "The Emotional Labor of Sex," these advocates call for recognition of the "labor" aspects of sex work, and demand that sex work be de-stigmatized and recognized as legitimate labor in order to support those who engage in sex work. The following is a PSA put together by Sex Work Awareness, and it is a product of a day-long media training conference they put together for sex work advocacy: The clip itself and many of the comments shared by users on the site emphasize the well-roundedness and realness of the women who engage in sex work- they aim to de-shame sex work and to break the silence of sex workers. The Sex Workers Project organization is somewhat less politically charged: their aim to improve rights and protection for any and all sex workers. Their mission statement claims that the Sex Workers Project "provides legal services and legal training, and engages in documentation and policy advocacy, for sex workers. Using a harm reduction and human rights model, we protect the rights and safety of sex workers who by choice, circumstance, or coercion remain in the industry." Their focus is on improving the rights and safety of every sex worker, but their recognition that people who engage in sex work by choice exist alongside people who are likewise there "by coercion" is a bit disturbing. Like much of the movement surrounding sex workers' rights, the focus of these organizations is very based upon the individual sex worker. Language about individual rights and freedoms prevail. Because so much of the debate is focused on individual rights, the implications that sex work can have for the broader community are left out. Issues about worker exploitation and the negative impacts sex work could have on clients and workers alike are skirted around entirely. I'd like to see an organization that advocates for sex work address these issues intelligently--not enough evidence is presented about the negative aspects of sex work for their arguments to be convincing. Further Reading: I had just gotten off of work and was waiting for my friend to pick me up when I noticed this bathroom and the graphic that was plastered on it. I know our unit on family values was a few weeks ago, but I felt compelled to take a picture of this because it sparked some questions in my mind... How are small, everyday actions, visuals, and words perpetuating our views on family? How does this picture create curiosity and destroy curiosity at the same time? It leaves out so many family types... and is even the color white. It leaves no room for variety and is overtly stating what the "real" family is supposed to be. How can other places and organizations be more conscious of what they are really portraying and who they are leaving out? Through the years, scientific studies have been used by individuals, institutions and governments to support positions on both sides of sex war debates on pornography. Studies have produced seemingly opposite conclusions at times giving each camp ammunition for their own side, and leaving the curious individual to wonder if they can really be used to draw any conclusive evidence about pornography at all. How to Use a Study: The first reason for the problem we have in conflicting studies, is because of the tendency to take a study out of its context and draw more conclusions from the results of a study than we are really able to. Epidemiological studies often study the effect of something on a population, but stress that assigning the root cause is a very complicated matter. Over-simplifying the results of a study by making simple one cause-one effect conclusions is an error of logic. But, sadly this is the way that many sides approach studies in an effort to support their arguments. Often, many more follow up studies are needed to determine the actual cause of the result in a study, or to rule out and consider other factors present. For example: "The Effects of Pornography: An International Perspective" was a large study that found that the rate of sex crimes dropped with the legalization of pornography. This influenced the legislation of some governments who then believed that pornography was not having a negative effect on their populations, but this has been critiqued as an error of logic and misuse of the study because other factors were also present at the same time that significantly contributed to a reduction in sexual crime, such as increased targeting by law enforcement. These other factors were not accounted for in the study, and no follow up was done to determine the specific cause and effect relationship. Not All Studies Are Equal: The second problem with the use of studies is the assumption that you can compare their results equally. Each study approaches its experiment or question in a particular way. With the question of pornography and violence, scientists have a number of factors to contend with when framing a study. One: A situation in a lab is very different from a real life experience, so how do scientists get data that will most accurately translate to real life? Experiments vary in their ability to accurately assess real life data. Two: Because of the nature of the study, (exposing men to varying degrees of sexual content and violence, and then measuring their aggression towards women, and measuring their change in arousal patterns) there are ethical concerns in what the men are exposed to, how to test their aggression to women, and the inability to test on adolescent youth who might be most responsive. These ethical issues inform the studies and limit the studies at the same time from getting the most accurate information. It takes careful thought and creativity to address these issues. Three: The number of variables accounted for in a study is an indicator of the quality of the study. As shown earlier, the more cause and effect factors you are able to account for the more accuracy you are likely to have. Many of the differences between results in studies on pornography are simply a difference in number of variables. For example: A study linking pornography use to violence will result in high numbers if the sample population is taken from a group of prison inmates. Where as, a group of middleclass white college students might result in a low link between pornography and violence. The study in each case would be flawed and highly unreliable in its ability to give us a true picture of the effect of pornography because of the low number of variables. Meta-Analysis is a useful method that combines multiple studies and compares data using statistical analysis to give us a more accurate picture of study results than any one study could give us by itself. Once again, not all studies are equal, so which studies you use are important, but if you put in balanced studies with multiple variables, then you will get the most accurate data from the combined results of all the studies put together. I read the results of a meta-analysis by N.M. Malamuth, T. Addison, and M. Koss looking at the results of 16 experiments on pornography and sexual aggression. They were especially concerned with this issue of inaccuracy in interpreting and conducting studies, and they wanted to know if there really is any hard proof one way or the other on pornography. Their article is called "Pornography and Sexual Aggression: Are There Reliable Effects and Can We Understand Them?" (Warning: this link is to download the pdf, and this is a long dense article, but it is wonderful material). There was too much material to include in this blog entry, but I will summarize some of the results of their meta-analysis. First of all, they found over 50 variables that were likely to contribute towards sexual aggression, coercion and violence against women. Pornography (whether it was soft, hard, rape/violent) by itself was the largest single variable contributing towards aggression against women (12%), but this could increase depending on the factor it was combined with: delinquency, sexual promiscuity, child abuse, social isolation, group dynamics etc. Each man has many factors influencing him and some of those combine to result in aggression towards women, while other men who use pornography while having a 12% increase in their likelihood of aggression towards women, never actually display this behavior because they do not have enough other contributing factors. Interestingly, nudity was found to be distinct from pornography, and had the effect of lowering aggression. Read Mark Morford's original article from the SF Gate here. Prostitution Academic Sources How Pornography hurts women and everyone The Myth that women choose porn is also often misunderstood wanna turn this into a link too? :) not sure what to post this under, but please read! Raunch Culture Raunch Culture - Local | 1 Comment Your Choice Entry: Single Father Adoption am wondering if your agency participates in single parent adoptions, process through a foster program. Thank You "Hello Alyssa- the population who cannot adopt internationally. no country will allow it as far as I know. Sorry." long and they were incurring more fees as they updated paperwork parent home for her child. Dept. of Children's Services in your area." Sammy, Kathryn, Alyssa Prostitution-Local Impact 1- A Brief History of Prostitution | 1 Comment Tracking the Issues Categories/Presentations Tracking- Single Parent Adoption | 1 Comment Tracking the Issue Single Parent Adoption Local Impact Secret ICE Castles | 1 Comment Tracking- Single Parent Adoption Single Parent Adoption Scholarly Source Tracking the Issue: Raunch Culture Academic Source Single Parent Adoption--History Apr. 2010. . PIC-Restorative Justice-Your Choice Your Choice Couldn't Keep it to Myself by Wally Lamb wally lamb.jpg PIC-Restorative Justice History PIC Agendas PIC summary | 1 Comment group members: Chloe, Mary, Sara, Jeffrey Prison map.png points of contention: capitalist hegemony production of criminals: human monsters; social waste (deviants) production of citizens justifying prosecuting power "Safety" and fear | 1 Comment Being public while brown PIC summary for Sarah, Ava, and Courtney | 1 Comment • Violations create guilt vs. violations create obligations. (All found on page 21 of Zehr's book) Recent Comments • Ellen: Hey M. - I think this is Mary from group read more • Michelle J.: Yes, men can definitely be feminists. Just like in our read more • Michelle J.: I totally agree with you guys' ideas. Not just Barbies, read more • Michelle J.: I like the last sentence Kensie wrote, “I don't think read more • Michelle J.: Gay marriage is an important feminist issue that we are read more • Michelle J.: I like how Tara related family value with sexism and read more • Michelle J.: This article was very interesting and made me curious. I read more • Dick Cheney: Nate Silver - of posted a great analysis of read more • Caitlin C: Just a little PS on this post- I just found read more • SaraMc: @Kathryn What should we do as a culture? Who knows. read more • Justin: Hey Thunder, I agree with your point and I feel read more • Melissa: I believe the study was very open and broad in read more • Thunder_Fox: Thank you for this post, Caitlin! A few years ago, read more • Thunder_Fox: Hi, Justin. I agree with you that it is unfair read more • mainz006: I definitely think men can be feminists. Like bell hooks read more Powered by Movable Type 4.31-en
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You are here Thaksin tells Thailand's red shirt opposition: "play dead" Red shirt movement leader Kwanchai Praipana shows a scar on his right arm, after he was shot by an unidentified gunman last year at his office in Udon Thani, Thailand, Sept 15, 2015. [UDON THANI, Thailand] From self-imposed exile, the influential leader of Thailand's rural "red shirt"opposition movement has delivered a simple message to followers chafing at the military junta's iron rule: lay low for now, don't panic, "play dead". Billionaire former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, long-time political leader of the north's disenfranchised electorate, is watching events at home closely and urging patience from those who want to see his allies return to power. "When I spoke to Thaksin, he told me to pretend to be dead a little longer," red shirt leader Kwanchai Praipana, a popular pro-Thaksin leader in the northeastern province of Udon Thani, told Reuters. "He told me to ... wait until the next election. That will be the moment that we will win. The only question is whether an election will ever take place." Kwanchai said he spoke to Mr Thaksin a month ago, though he did not specify how they communicated. Mr Thaksin, who lives abroad to avoid a jail sentence for graft, was ousted in a coup in 2006, but remains a major figure in Thai politics. While the military has kept a firm grip on power since it felled the remnants of the government of Mr Thaksin's sister Yingluck in another coup last year, he and his allies have won every election since 2001 and anger is mounting among farmers and political opponents. Market voices on: The military government has slashed rural subsidies and coup leader and Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha said this month the next election would not be held until "around" July, 2017, the latest delay to Thailand's return to democracy. The reference to playing dead resonated with Mr Kwanchai, who rolled up his sleeve to show a scar the length of his upper arm from a drive-by shooting at his rural home when Bangkok was paralysed by protests that preceded the coup. Mr Prayuth's ban on political activity has severely curtailed the red shirt movement and his junta has quashed any sign of open dissent. "They have bullied us too much," said Mr Kwanchai, adding that he has to report his movements to the military every day. Mr Prayuth staged the coup and banned political activity after months of sometimes deadly street clashes, saying he had to reconcile a dangerously divided society. Many Thais, especially Bangkok's middle class and urban elite, backed the intervention. But sharp divisions remain and the Shinawatras retain their popularity in northern strongholds. A draft constitution that critics said was an attempt by Mr Prayuth to prevent a comeback by the Shinawatras was rejected by a military-appointed reform council rather than taken to a national referendum that may have become a public test of the junta's popularity. "At first we thought the drafting of the constitution, had it been passed, would have been the time to protest," said Sabina Shah, a red shirt leader and radio DJ in the northeastern city of Khon Kaen. The radio station was shut down after the coup and remains off air. "People want to protest. But they are afraid, despite facing difficulties and hardship...The economy's been going backwards." Hundreds of activists on Saturday defied a ban on protests and marched in Bangkok in a rare rally against the military to mark the ninth anniversary of the coup against Thaksin. Lines of police stood by as crowds of people chanting "no dictatorship" and carrying anti-junta banners marched to the city's Democracy Monument. Compared with the Shinawatra clan, Mr Prayuth has done little for Thailand's farmers. He ended subsidy schemes that funnelled billions of dollars to agricultural communities. The populist schemes were fiercely criticised as vote buying by opponents of the Shinawatras. Without the subsidies, rice farmers have seen their income per kilogram of rice fall by about a third and are struggling to pay down debt they took on when times were good. "I'm not that happy at the moment because agricultural prices for us have not been good at all," said farmer Samrong Pongthai in lush rice fields outside Udon Thani. "The government won't increase the price. It's been a struggle really. You make a loss if you sell it these days." Despite his distaste for populism, Mr Prayuth has turned to one of the architects of Thaksin's economic policies in an attempt to revive Thailand's stumbling economy. But farmers say the soft loans and spending on small projects announced so far are not enough. "This government tells us to stop making demands, and to live sustainably," said Samai Sribang, who owns a rubber plantation in Nong Khai province near the border with Laos. "But how can it be sustainable if we can't sell our goods? If Thaksin can hear us, tell him we are almost dying." Mr Prayuth's government is considering asking farmers to not plant an off-season crop next year after drought left many reservoirs low. It has also tried to encourage rubber farmers to cut down trees to reduce oversupply. Both measures will only add to farmers' resentment, said Teerasak Teecayuphan, the mayor of Khon Kaen. "If that is all the government can come up with there is little hope of restoring political faith," Mt Teerasak said. "Sooner or later this pot will boil over. You can't suppress it for long if you don't solve the problems."
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1. Use a spice rack as a shelf for your perfume bottles. 2. Display pretty fragrances on top of a cake stand. 3. Arrange your everyday beauty products on a revolving spice rack to save space. 4. Toss your makeup brushes in a slim sunglasses case when traveling so you won't lose them. 5. Store liner pencils, mascara, or brushes in an old pencil box. 6. Fill a flower vase with coffee beans or beads, and stick your brushes inside for easy access. 7. Separate your products by category inside of a kitchen utensil tray to organize your makeup drawer. 8. Store your hot tools inside of a decorative magazine holder. 9. Hang your hot tools on adhesive hooks inside of a cabinet door. 10. Use the pouches on a hanging shoe organizer to store larger hair products. 11. Save space by stacking hairspray bottles on a wine rack. 12. Stick your eyeshadow singles into ice tray slots so you can see all the shades at once. 13. Arrange your makeup in lucite desk organizers so you can see everything that's stowed away. 14. Line your drawers with plastic food containers to neatly organize cotton balls, sponges, and other makeup application tools. 15. Stick cotton swabs inside an old candle vase. 16. Store your nail polishes in a cute cookie jar. 17. Stack pretty lip glosses and lipsticks on the tiers of a cupcake tray. 18. Stick your bobby pins along a magnetic strip so you won't lose them. Photos: Kathleen Kamphausen This story originally appeared on More from Cosmopolitan: The 21 Biggest Celebrity Hair Transformations Celebs Who Look Amazing Without Makeup How to Salvage Your Hairstyle During a Workout Up Next: 9 Unexpected Vodka Hacks From: Cosmopolitan What Do You Think?
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Back to issue In the midst of an ever-growing volume of literature on the sacrificial elements of Hebrews, Ben Ribbens’s recent dissertation deals particularly with how Hebrews understand the efficacy of Old Testament sacrifices in relation to Christ’s sacrifice. It does not unpack the OT’s own perspective on this issue, but rather focuses on Hebrews itself as well as other interpretations of the OT from the Second Temple period. Ribbens suggests, first of all, that Hebrews shares with numerous Second Temple Jewish texts at least the following three assumptions: that OT sacrifices did “atone” for sin, that the disposition of the offerer mattered (thus sacrifices were not effective ex opere operato), and that, in cases involving a heavenly sanctuary, OT cultic practices do, or should, correspond to those in heaven. Second Temple texts exhibit a great deal of variety vis-à-vis cultic ideas; Ribbens argues that Hebrews shows particular affinity with the mystical apocalyptic tradition, wherein the heavenly cult is in heaven rather than identical to heaven (or the cosmos) and is equivalent to the throne room of God, the heavenly cult is already functioning rather than waiting in the wings for the eschaton, and heavenly beings (or a single heavenly being in Hebrews’s case) act as priests in that heavenly sanctuary. Keeping an eye on this mystical apocalyptic background, Ribbens then moves through the various key texts in Hebrews to further unpack the nature of the heavenly sanctuary. That sanctuary is, according to Hebrews (and consistent with other apocalyptic texts), created, spatio-temporal, in need of purification via a heavenly cultic act, and a pattern for the earthly cult—both structurally and functionally (pp. 129–30). The heavenly cult as a pattern for the earthly cult brings into focus both the similarities and the differences between Hebrews and its contemporaries. Frequently, the ongoing activity of the heavenly cult keeps the earthly cult on its feet, so to speak—earthly cultic activity works because there is, simultaneously, heavenly cultic activity. Hebrews diverges from this pattern in two ways: first, Hebrews argues that the only cultic activity in the heavenly sanctuary is that of Jesus himself following his death, resurrection, and ascension—thus, cultic activity on earth predates cultic activity in heaven even if the positions are reversed vis-à-vis the sanctuary itself. Second, Hebrews also claims that the advent of the heavenly cultic activity marks the advent of a new age, and, therefore, the end of earthly cultic activity (pp. 137–39). This creates an obvious problem: how can the heavenly cult simultaneously post-date, validate, and terminate the earthly cult? Ribbens labels the OT sacrifices “sacramental, Christological types” (pp. 236), meaning that they were effective because of their correspondence to the later work of Christ. Effective in what way? Clearly, for Hebrews, Christ’s sacrifice accomplishes things that the OT sacrifices—even when validated by Christ’s sacrifice—did not. Ribbens outlines five potential cultic accomplishments that Hebrews discusses vis-à-vis OT sacrifices—five things that sacrifices could accomplish, according to Hebrews, and whether or not the OT sacrifices actually did so: forgiveness of sins (yes), atonement (yes), access to God (no), perfection (no), and redemption (no). He then discusses the longer list of tasks that Christ’s sacrifice did accomplish: atonement, forgiveness, purification, sanctification, perfection, redemption, removal of sin, forgetfulness of sin, and purification of the conscience. The critical points here are that 1) according to Hebrews, OT sacrifices did accomplish things beyond external cleansing, 2) those accomplishments were possible only by means of their sacramental and typological connection to the later work of Christ, and 3) the later work of Christ made continuation of the OT sacrifices unnecessary. Ribbens’s book is a welcome addition to scholarship on Hebrews’s sacrificial theology. It is a serious piece of research, especially concerning notions of sacrifice and atonement in Second Temple Judaism. If I have a quibble, it is with Ribbens’s development of the nuances of “forgiveness.” First, he identifies forgiveness (in relation to redemption) as in some sense an inferior salvific good: “[f]orgiveness does not … mean that the sin or trespass is fully dealt with” (p. 183). Earlier, though, he claims that, according to Heb 10:18, the presence of forgiveness (which in this context refers not to OT sacrifices but to Christ’s sacrifice) implies the end of any need for subsequent sacrifice for sins (pp. 159–60). But this is a minor concern that does not detract from the quality of the overall work. NB: For those familiar with recent debates on the location and sequence of Jesus’s atoning work, Ribbens agrees with those who locate Jesus’s priestly work primarily in heaven rather than on earth, while still affirming the sacrificial nature of the cross (pp. 108, 132–33; see Bobby Jamieson’s recent essay “Where and When Did Jesus Offer Himself? A Taxonomy of Recent Scholarship on Hebrews,” CBR 15 [2017]: 338–68 for discussion of Ribbens and others on this issue). Michael Kibbe Moody Bible Institute Spokane, Washington, USA
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Huffpost Politics Megan Smolenyak Headshot American Dream Family Lore of DNC Keynote Speaker and San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro Rings True Posted: Updated: I find the recent tendency to grill politicians over their family lore peculiar. Over the last year, Marco Rubio, Elizabeth Warren and Susana Martinez have all taken their turn in the spotlight for elements of their family history that may or may not be true. I suppose I find this perplexing because avid genealogists are well aware that tales passed down through the generations tend to be accepted and protected by those who inherit them, if only because we usually trust the elders who first shared them with us. The catch, of course, is that they can morph over time (think of the children's game of telephone conducted over a period of decades rather than minutes). In some families, fiction eventually starts to outweigh fact, but truthiness trumps, so legend-heirs continue to believe. And politicians are not immune. So it strikes me as odd, but it's this recent sprouting of interest in public figures' ancestral lore (and as demonstrated by many of the speakers at the Republic National Convention, their enthusiasm for sharing these personal stories) that made me do a double take when I heard that San Antonio Mayor Julián Castro had been selected to deliver the keynote speech at the Democratic National Convention. I confess to having a soft spot for names like my own that more or less broadcast the bearer's heritage (my all-time favorite being Soledad O'Brien), so I was curious about Mayor Castro's. I quickly learned that it doesn't take much googling to trip across references to his maternal grandmother, such as this one: "Now I want to tell you about my grandmother, Victoria. By the time she was 6-years old, my grandmother was an orphan. She had to leave her home in Mexico to come to San Antonio with relatives who had agreed to take her in . . . She spent her whole life working because of her lack of education as a maid, a cook, and a babysitter - barely scraping by but still working hard to give my mother a good chance in life, so that my mother could give me and my brother an even better shot." The brother mentioned is Representative Joaquín Castro, member of the Texas House of Representatives and Julián's twin, but it was Victoria who caught my attention. How long, I wondered, before her story would be called into question? I decided to investigate, and it turns out the tale is remarkably accurate. To begin with, here is her baptismal record: She was born in San Pedro, Coahuila, Mexico in 1914. It would appear that she was named after her father as her parents were Victoriano Castro and Anastacia Alvarado, but given the circumstances of her life, it's entirely possible that she never saw this document because she was indeed brought to the U.S. at a young age. This arrival record is one of several documents that show Victoria(na) and her little sister being brought to Texas by an uncle in 1922 - a journey that seems to have been carefully coordinated by a cluster of relatives, a couple of whom already resided in San Antonio. The manifest notes her age as six. She was actually seven, but even she and her relatives didn't know that - a then-common situation that 21st century descendants sometimes find difficult to comprehend. I followed her forward in time and winced when I discovered that the substitute mother who had taken Victoria in as a child died while she was a teenager - twice deprived so young. But it was also clear that she had a safety net in the form of her extended family and that she and her sister remained close. And at least once, while still a young woman, she had a chance to return to Mexico. So Mayor Castro's family lore rings true. His grandmother, with a family tree extending back to Coahuila and Zacatecas, came here as a young girl and was taken in by relatives. Two generations later, her Stanford and Harvard-educated twin grandsons both hold public office. Julián Castro was recently quoted as saying, "My family story, like many in the U.S., is an American dream story." He speaks the truth.
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Popularisation and media strategies (1700-1900) Project duration: 2010-2014 This project analyses the process of selection and adaptation in Dutch popular literature during the eighteenth and nineteenth century. Research for this project is centred on songs and catchpenny prints, which can be considered as the main mass media of the past. These genres incorporate three important components of popular culture: music, images and text. They also have strong affiliations to contemporary forms of popular culture, such as comic strips and popular music. Furthermore, these genres ensured that a large potential of stories, images, songs and melodies were being passed down from one generation to the next. In this project we want to answer the question of how the process of selection and adaptation in songs and catchpenny prints interacted with the motives and strategies of producers, distributors and consumers. The hypothesis driving this exploration is that the Dutch popularisation process in this period, contrary to common notion, led to cultural convergence instead of cultural divergence. This convergence manifested itself, just as it does in our modern media society, on the levels of production and distribution, intermediality, reception, and appropriation. The central question is addressed in two related subprojects: 1. The first subproject (PhD) studies the motives and strategies of the producers and distributors of songs and catchpenny prints. Intermediality is approached here as a production strategy. 2. The second subproject (Postdoc) focuses on the selection, adaptation, and intertextuality of the literary content of songs and catchpenny prints. Here intermediality is studied on the level of shared text, images, and music. This project is part of the NWO program Cultural Dynamics. See more on the website of NWO.
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Tuesday, October 02, 2012 DNA exonerates 300 but can't clear most innocents The Washington Post's coverage of the 300th DNA exoneration nationally - that of Damon Thibodeaux, who was released last week from Louisiana's death row - made an astute observation about the limits of DNA evidence to rectify false convictions ("Louisiana death row inmate Damon Thibodeau exonerated with DNA evidence," Sept. 28): Those observations are spot on, highlighting concerns this blog has been raising now for several years that focusing on DNA exonerations ignores most innocence cases. There have been several efforts to estimate rates of false convictions, ranging from a low of .75% (from an officer at the national District Attorneys association) up to 1.5%, to 2.3%, to 3.3% or even higher. A 2003 survey (pdf) of criminal justice practitioners estimating the proportion of "false positives" found that "Prosecutors and police perceive the least error (1/2-1%), while defense attorneys perceive the most error (4-5%). Judges perceive the national error rate to be between 1 and 3 percent." If your correspondent were pressed on the point, my own guesstimate at the right proportion would fall between one and two percent - probably on the upper end of that range. Higher estimates tend to be based on capital murder and rape convictions, which for a variety of reasons likely see greater proportions of false convictions because of tremendous pressure to clear cases and lower standards of evidence required to convict, particularly for sexual assault, where a single eyewitness can generally be sufficient to secure a conviction. OTOH, most innocence estimates fail to take into account wrongful convictions arising the drug war, which in Texas, just taking into account the Tulia, Hearne and the Dallas fake-drug scandals, actually outnumber DNA exonerations. Obviously, even the lowest of those estimates far exceeds the number of DNA exonerations. If just .75% of inmates in Texas prisons are actually innocent, that would translate to nearly 1,200 people currently incarcerated in Texas prisons for crimes they did not commit, though the real number could obviously be even higher. In the overwhelming majority of those cases there is and never will be DNA evidence available to prove their innocence. For that reason, DNA exonerations should be viewed as a sample, the way pollsters judge public opinion by sampling the views of a much smaller group. Like opinion polls, conclusions drawn from such a sample may suffer from a margin of error, but in general they allow us a rare window into the causes of false convictions that was not previously available. All that to say, while the 300th DNA exoneration is cause for celebration - particularly for Mr. Thibodeaux - it also reminds us that the underlying causes of false convictions remain and cannot be remedied solely by DNA. Anonymous said... Grits, is there research that identifies the number of inmates convicted in cases where identity was seriously disputed or was in question. Those are obviously the cases where DNA evidence would be the most probative. Just based upon my own anecdotal observations, I would be willing to estimate that in at least 90% of the felony prosecutions in Texas, the identity of the accused in not seriously disputed. This would certainly be the case in most dope cases where the defendant is caught red-handed, Felony Driving While Intoxicated, and most crimes of violence where the defendant and the victim are acquainted or related. I just don't think on a percentage basis, there are that many "whodunits." Gritsforbreakfast said... I haven't seen that research if it exists, 9:21, but even in some of the cases you cite - like dope cases - there are lying snitches, for example, who cause false convictions as with the Dallas fake drug scandal. There are also cases - like the four gals in San Antonio accused of child sex assault - where identity isn't an issue but unreliable witnesses and/or flawed forensics may still result in false convictions, which don't only occur in "whodunnits." Anonymous said... I'm sure in nearly every kind of case, you might be able to find examples of mistakes or injustices. The main problem with the Dallas fake drug scandal that you allude to, for example, was sheetrock and unscrupulous officers. Neither the identities of the suspects, or their propensity to engage in narcotics transactions, was never really in question. On the other hand, in the murder and rape cases where the identity of the suspect is legitimately in disputed, we know from fairly reliable data that there has been a demonstrated and statistically significant error rate in the reliability of eyewitness identifications. DNA evidence has gone a long way toward remediating that problem. But I don't think you can necessarily assume that just because there have been a number of exonerations in those "whodunit" cases, that there will be the same percentage of innocents in other types of cases where the guilt of the defendant is pretty much cut and dried. Anonymous said... "cases where the guilt of the defendant is pretty much cut and dried." I would bet that in every one of the exoneration cases there were prosecutors and/or law enforcement that were convinced "guilt of the defendant [was] pretty much cut and dried." Anonymous said... If there were a way to tell, absolutely without a doubt, when a person was lying, I think we'd see many many more exonerations than we have with DNA. I think many people would be shocked at how often witnesses, including law enforcement officers, lie. I think we would find that there are as many or more wrongful convictions in non-DNA cases as we've seen in DNA cases. One day, with the advances in neuroscience, we may have that technology. I predict the amount of dishonesty in the criminal justice system that will be revealed will be shocking. Gritsforbreakfast said... 10:40, I get your point, but you're overlooking Tulia, Hearne and the Dallas fake drug scandal, which resulted in more wrongful convictions together than ALL Texas' DNA exonerations so far. It's false to say that in the Dallas fake drug scandal the defendants' "propensity to engage in narcotics transactions, was never really in question." That's an untruth. Those folks were set up and there's no evidence at all besides testimony from proven liars any of them engaged in drug dealing. Anyway, why do you pretend that that's the only case where one might find "unscrupulous officers"? Are you really that naive, or just emboldened by the shield of anonymity? Finally, it borders on disingenuous to say that on eyewitness ID, for example, "DNA evidence has gone a long way toward remediating that problem." Biological evidence only exists in about 10% of violent crimes. For the other 90%, the problem remains. And even the new eyeID procedures only reduce error rates to still-high levels, they doesn't eliminate the problem. Wishful thinking won't make the problem of convicting innocent people go away. Noname for good reasons said... When I spent a summer working for a federal judge, an AUSA did part of our training. We watched part of a drug trial where a visitor to the home of his sister was charged with possession of crack that actually belonged to her boyfriend. The kid (17 yo) was asleep on the couch and the only person in the apartment, so was charged with possession when the drugs were found in a box on top of the frig. Convicted based on testimony of the officer, who clearly was not telling the truth. The boyfriend was known to deal, the kid had been in town less than 24 hours, to look at a college, when busted. The AUSA told us that in every trial, the testifying officer has no real memory of the events, and cannot, given the number of cases that intervene. So they rely on the notes and reports, which may have errors, and those get compounded in created recollections of what actually happened. Anonymous said... The police lie routinely. There has been plenty written on it. Most articles reference the Slobogen paper: Everybody realizes the police lie on search and siezure. However if this is the everyday accepted practice where is the line? What stops them from lying about facts related to actual inocense. There are no doubt millions of people in jail that are legally not guilty if not legally innocent. The point made in 1:34 about police not recalling details is probably accurate. This is an argument for faster resoultuion of cases and/or more documentation. This epidemic of perjury, and court's acceptance of it far overshadows some of the other problems causing false convictions. Anonymous said... @1:34...How did the defendant get convicted if the officer was "clearly not telling the truth?" And Grits, I'm really not trying to difficult here or a smartass. I really want you to help me understand here why you believe it's appropriate to attempt to extrapolate a percentage of wrongfully convicted defendants across the entire spectrum of all the different types of criminal cases from the number of DNA exonerations. I just don't think you can assume there's the same level of risk of wrongful conviction when you compare a stranger on stranger rape case to, let's say, felony DWI's (which in most instances today have a patrol car video as well as a blood test). And that's not even mentioning the percentage of cases where the defendants confessed and pled guilty (and I know that will open up a whole other topic of discussion). My point here is this: DNA evidence has been helpful in clearing certain types of defendants in certain types of cases. The facts and dynamics of those cases are all fairly common, i.e., case rested primarily upon the identification of the defendant by the victim or witnesses who were not previously acquainted with the defendant; and there was some biological material still available to test which cleared the defendant at some later date. Stated differently, I don't think you can necessarily propose that because in X% of the stranger rape cases there was flawed eyewitness testimony, the exact same percentage of defedants convicted in drug cases are wrongfully convicted due to police officer misconduct. I don't think you're comparing apples to apples here. Incidentally, in regard to police officer misconduct, has there been any study on the number of arrests and convictions stemming from traffic stops following the proliferation of dash mounted video cameras? I know at the time dash mounted video cameras first began to become common, there was this thought or belief on the part of some that the cameras would reveal this whole new level of police officer misconduct and abuses. I don't think that's proven to be the case at all. Instead, the videos seem to have done more to provide more evidence of guilt than they've helped criminal defendants. Anonymous said... Look around - it seems to me that this belief has been validated. We've seen video after video of misconduct. And, this doesn't include cases where the officers have turned their mics off or even turned the camera off sometimes claiming it "malfunctioned." If anything, the use of cameras has shown a lot of people who wouldn't have believed it before just how common misconduct is. Maybe its all in your perspective, I dont' know. Anonymous said... I'm going to go out on a limb here and make a statement: I suspect that, if we could detect them all (which now we can only detect a small fraction), we would find that the number of wrongful convictions due to prosecutorial and police misconduct far outnumbers the number due to faulty eyewitness identification. Gritsforbreakfast said... 2:07, no study I know of re: police dashcams, but from what I've seen they've done both - shown evidence of offender guilt and also proven misconduct - though one finds sometimes when there are misconduct allegations the cameras mysteriously malfunctioned or were pointed the wrong direction. And having lobbied for that bill when it passed (over police union objections) in 2001, I can assure you that we ALWAYS claimed it would catch more crooks than bad cops. That's not news, it's the law working like it's supposed to. The police unions opposed it because they thought the marginal increase in good arrests wasn't worth even the slightest increase in proven allegations of police misconduct. As to your point about extrapolation, the survey of practitioners cited wasn't limited to the types of cases you describe, and judges put the false positive rate system-wide at 1-3%. To me, the existence of significant numbers of false convictions in the drug war (where dashcams generally offer no protection, e.g., from a lying snitch) means your assumption that this is only a problem with whodunnits is misguided. Certainly rape cases are different than theft or drug cases, but do you fantasize no one has ever been falsely accused of theft? Or that the Dallas fake-drug scandal was a one-off? Do you really believe eyewitness errors are the only type out there? Even among DNA exonerees there are a litany of other causes of false convictions. That's simply not the only source of error in the system. Thomas R. Griffith said... Hey Grits, IMHO, we've had the opportunity of a lifetime to witness 300 DNA exonerations (so far) solely due to one constant theme. That being the concentration on this sub group of humans having wrongful conviction claims based on 'it' by the Innocence Network, Senators, State Reps. and those that mirrored it. Yes, hell yes, the tired ol mantra (it’s better than nothing) has run its course & yes some take non-DNA claims with strings (must have exhausted all appeals) attached” that ignores the un-appealable cases..... But mark my words (my name is right up there as always) - *The very moment that GFB posts an article announcing that the Governor has: created, implemented & is currently operating the very first - “Post Conviction Inspection & Integrity Unit of Texas” program, the overwhelming numbers of non-DNA (VOTS) victims’ of the system will force state wide judicial reforms (focusing on ending plea bargaining abuses a leading cause of wrongfully convicting one’s self to avoid 99 years - / +) as the voters and taxpayers are forced to wake up after decades of suffering from denial dieses. 'All' claims will be vetted by the State of Texas if we the people demand the state to do what projects' can't and don't. Folks, you can continue to squint as you pay in to the account set up for a handpicked group of VOTS & let the limited do their appreciated piecemeal work or you can do your part by checking the link below and consider putting your name on it and assisting. Bitchin to Grits in the shadows about percentages and studies is just plain goofy and won’t change one damn thing unless it's accompanied by positive actions (BTW, sorry Comments’ don’t count). Thanks.
isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2019-43 publisher: Common Crawl description: Wide crawl of the web for October 2019 operator: Common Crawl Admin ([email protected]) hostname: ip-10-67-67-242.ec2.internal software: Apache Nutch 1.16 (modified, robots: checked via crawler-commons 1.1-SNAPSHOT ( format: WARC File Format 1.1 conformsTo:
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So I've just been convinced of why it's necessary for a webpage to have a blog.  It's pretty much about search optimisation.  Look for the key words in future blogs, such as... FIFO, corporate band, live entertainment, Murphy's Lore, The Scouts and classy donkeys in high heels. Welcome to Street Talk.  Clearly the most obvious blog title ever.
isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2018-51 publisher: Common Crawl description: Wide crawl of the web for December 2018 operator: Common Crawl Admin ([email protected]) hostname: ip-10-81-186-35.ec2.internal software: Apache Nutch 1.15 (modified, robots: checked via crawler-commons 0.11-SNAPSHOT ( format: WARC File Format 1.1 conformsTo:
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Entropy: Of Chaos and Salt (Deluxe) by NYN supported by ScottishCadaver thumbnail ScottishCadaver To all the TechDeath Elitists & Erroneously-Critical of ANYTHING Musically-Meticulous in quite frankly *any* Genre that has EVER Existed: Well... Here ya go; You’ve literally found IT ~ The Absolute, Almighty, *Beyond* Grandiose, Masterpiece Album; That is honestly nothing short of a Monumental *EPOCH* of a Testament to ALL THINGS Extreme, Incredible, AND Mind-Blowing! Combining seriously almost every form of Metal *conceivable* ~ Noyan, (with the assistance of) Jimmy, Tom, Christian, Ali, Ahmed, CJ, Hayato, and Brandon; Have accomplished something here that I wholeheartedly believe will *never* be TRULY “Topped” by ANY other Band on Earth ~ Beyond Noyan himself, or his Band NYN of course heh... And for this, I feel that Noyan and everyone involved in “Entropy: Of Chaos and Salt” should be SEETHING with Pride & Joy! Because *this* Album, regardless of your Taste in Music ~ Will, I.SHIT.YOU.NOT. make you question what is even Humanly-Possible for Music.... PERFECT 10/10 Favorite track: Maelstrom. • Streaming + Download Purchasable with gift card   $10 USD  or more Towards an understanding The principal question Posed Aeons ago Proposals constructed through folly Models built upon a black void Dialectic self-sustaining to feed circles endlessly The emptiness in the core of us all Demanding sustenance and driving mutual Annihilation The philosophers congregate to resolve an eternal catechism To determine what will feed the endless craving: Is there value to existing at all? Logos, Pathos, Ethos One proposal: virtue Live and do as an offering Strive for an ideal The notion of a preordained potential Be it a sovereign good Or abstract principles of morality Fundamentally absurd, as perception dictates The veil draped upon bare stardust Is a chemical glitch of sentimentality Nay, it is self righteousness and grandeur To assume the infinite gyrates to our rhythm That which is triangulated by geometric calculation That which is aligned by cognition and conscience That which is revealed by the heavens Yet the immolation will ravage it all And in the void of the fire, darkness persists Existence justifying itself as delight To think desire is deceit Hedonistic yet bizarre conceit To ascribe purpose to patterns of discord Painted on a canvas of bewilderment Is truly the absurdity abhorred Until the flame is kindled again Pull me in, push me through The cosmic machine churns as the infinite rotates I gaze into the center, the beginning, the ending I see a reflection, empty and unforgiving Embracing the pain of not knowing The darkness of no destiny The hopelessness of no pattern Yet within the void I am born anew Finding myself as viewed without refraction Without the smoke and mirrors of meaning With new perspective and optimism I step through the black hole and emerge anew I just long for a world in which ordinary things are done in an ordinary way. Not in a society where your potential is predetermined Every action monitored to cast judgment, normalize Erase people based on metrics predictive yet defective A balance so fragile that I cannot stand to be measured for my thoughts If enough people are broken what will be the standard we’re judged against? The system must be felled Foul enforcement withheld Eviscerating to see what holds a mind together Flesh dissipating to see what a body is made of Normalization universal standards set in place by outliers Your paradox set in place by self imprisonment Omnipotence limited by fright She judges all but not herself Godlike being, but a shell Through a mirror she sees reflections of herself invisible Moral fibers weaved will always fray A mind designed around them can't sustain Shocked by faults that seeded her perfection Torn apart a heart untearable Locked inside a box from which she's exiled Mourn the loss, omnipotence's limit Almighty, all-knowing, boundlessly, all-seeing, Foolishly, unknowing, incomplete, flawed being Human hive imparts upon its user The anomalies that put to sleep supremacy Exiting the logic's ever futile Mind implicitly marred by society Boundlessly, all-seeing, almighty, all-knowing Foolishly, unknowing, incomplete, flawed being 全能の神の元へ 己の存在を裁けぬ存在に 全能の神の器はありはしない Avatar cut and torn Disemboweled, hollowed out with skill Systemic breaking point Terminal, total overkill Ultimate omniscience of no use Suffering assumed Exit state, God no more, doomed You cannot achieve salvation through programming apathy Drained of all hope, of all character Shattered divine prism refracts You the focal center of morality Which begs the question: how to judge thee? To camouflage an agenda that disseminates Enmity and judgment In an attempt to cover for The self-delusion that plagues minds That have been torn at the root, torn asunder Some are naive, some are malicious To use the brush of devotion to paint lines blood-red between kin Boundaries built upon likeness, on tenderness Shattering what could have been the pillar of ages Implanting the seed of separation Collateral damage the main aspiration Propping up papier-mache mouthpieces Assertions built on falsities, misleading Entombing the axioms of reality in a tomb built aeons ago Justified actions of a clique constructed Propped up by an escherian web of contradictions Slaughter, exterminate, exsanguinate Terrorize the advancement of thought The bizarre consequence of a culture of apologia When the bastions of acumen stand up for false constructs Champion the indefensible, wrapped in a mask of righteousness Indignation, moralistic self-absorption Footprints embedded in blood, lead back to denial Reliance on inseminated thought The lack of agency and a scandalizing tendency The swirling void of blackness of cosmic proportions Swallowing all refractions of hope Any semblance cast through unfolds The fabric of the scroll that contains all Written through with piercing quills of souls The ink with which we pen our fate Made of blood, writ on polished stone Carved out of stardust spawned from celestial death Of a body born out of pure chaos The death of the author of one’s own story Instrumentality with a lack of mentality A path constructed from nothing leading nowhere Running backwards in circles towards idols The default state converges into stillness eldritch But the path to take, infinitesimal yet incessant The particles that make us human bound to stray us apart We blame demons and gods Yet chaos knows no deity nor devil We construe based on manifestation For with lack of cogitation we can assume endless fabrication Exemplars of aspects propped up Mountains that change over time Sky… What your eyes can’t see, what your eyes can see Sun, water, flowers, Sky… Red hate Water flowing, Blood The smell of blood Man, soil, woman City, humans, angels, God Human creations The things I possess are a life and soul I am a vessel for a soul Entry plug, who am I? Myself? Me? Identity: very strange... it is melting I can no longer see myself My shape is fading I feel the presence Is there someone beyond? Chaos purified by the salt The meaninglessness of it all, virtues of embracing chaos and getting free Break the texts, burn the statues Feeling the rush of trepidation drain you deeply When the stars look down upon you and see a reflection Nothingness coming from tranquillity Look to the saints you hold so dearly Passing through the portal leaving you behind so quickly The definition of ascension Called into question Set yourself alight As we look aside We sailors, we’re cosmic curators The fractals of nebulae won’t provide purpose Embrace entropy as you fall into the corners of the fourth dimension Submit to discord And so you soar through aeons unfolded Find your own destination within lack of destiny You end up where you begin The entropy was always within You only needed to look therein Undulating pendulum Regurgitating instants Pain in loss of innocence Starborn Sunlight, settling, deceptive Darkness, ethereal, treacherous Blind man spins tales of surreal architectures Colors beyond cognizance come to light Dimensional construct Heresy of antiquity Seeking wounded psyches Torn apart Born in corners of cosmic rejection Seeking corridors, leading horrors, dimensional dissonance Creation of negation and void Eldritch, deific Prismatic and magnificent Descending into the five and a half minute hallway Surrounding the mind that can’t escape from the house of leaves Break into pieces Drown in blackness gaze from carved out eyes Doors opening closing lifelines climbing steps curled inwards Escheran Blue words highlight the minotaur’s deceit Prices paid in sanity structures unfold collapsing Lost inside the walls flayed Pain, desire, flesh, deconstruct Your only way outside is inside Reflect upon your existence minuscule The narrowness of the consciousness Irrelevant Consumed conceptually erased Part I: The Journey Inward Two travelers enter the maelstrom Inside which they find reflections of the distance inflicted upon them Cursing them forever to change. Choices they've made, they cannot escape their past Memories that shaped their psyche When entered the Maelstrom they left behind They can't evade the mirage of their past that casts a shadow Unto their separation, as they close like a sea of darkness As trials change them, they're shaped in different ways Truth is, both, they're unrecognizable, two mirrors between them Yet their song still brings them back Blood drawn between them, forged in strife, inseparable And so they journey into the maelstrom As they enter the dark void they look to The shadow of doubt within And they walk towards the precipice As the dark storm curls within They look at each other and then take the step Into the maelstrom Part II: The Ignorance of the Gatekeeper Soldier on your kind will not be welcome You cannot be here This realm is of no consequence to your kind The subhuman tendencies of unrefined filth We built these temples, built these shrines purified our blood and wiped out slime Still we struggle among ourselves to establish castes, purity To impose our fratricide self defined Unfragmented malevolent criticism For the tribalism of the lands of self dynamism Lacking the awareness of the seed makes the heart untangle from abasement The walls built around the hollow flame, flesh strewn across prickled, weak The maelstrom was supposed to take us to a place more advanced, more refined Yet the gate is guarded like a flower steps away from wilting Our lands are different yet in the eyes of the tempest we are all the same Yet the price we pay to enter is a soul too high The end of unity is nigh Cold Part III: The Skinrender To forge desire, the affection that goes skin deep The cuts come deep, slashing across the eyes that turn inwards Salt the wounds burn the pus away Sacrificed to the altars gazed upon by disaffected eyes A body disconnected lies inside Crushed by pressures demanding a stride Propped up empty veins draining life force from society Crush them claw their eyes out skin them alive Have no fear we shall grant them no rest Heaven abandoned us all so we will never forget Their time has come The skinrender arrives, time to take its toll Price of flesh paid in the currency of fake propensity Cast your semblance aside Leave your flesh behind To decide what the worth of one’s soul is I weigh it against void of a black hole The trials complete, the verdict is drawn in fire When the flesh is flayed, your core displayed, there’s nothing inside You trudge forward, an empty facade Actualization of empathy denied A carcass mirrored in bloodred collages Splayed across clouds in a collective mirage No one hears when you scream Part IV: The Exemplars Drowned by insight Hunted all through the night Blood engines churn alight Pursue the beast inside Pale of blood we hunt into the night Alive, the ancient curse When we rise the moon will consume The gods will look upon us and descend The seers will mislead Healers will concede Cutting slashing blood is gushing Darkness consumes blinding seething Whips out lashing umbilical cord tying into dreams and burning Down the church of nightmares hunting larvae giving birth to elder gods in cycles timeless Serpents endless spiders vacuous orphans nameless martyrs lifeless Cosmos seeking entry into our realm with the birth of emissaries eyeless shadows soulless Marks of those who fell to the thirst, runes of power bestowing Perversities upon the beholders who transform into their own worst Enemies only to be blinded by the enlightened Biting into flesh seeking the path to sightless visions of the gods To cede what was once the domain of self import Take back the day just do not sway you must find your way To not believe one’s own endlessness Nor in cycles What’s gone is gone, we’re dust to dust, so live the life you must Letting down the mantle swept in time echoing halls beckoning fall New powers arise A specter’s misfortune, tortured facade Flesh wrapped in dreams piercing the sky through the night Peering through the veil in our eyes Scraping through the bounds of the room where we die Give birth to stars Collapse when the sun of realization dawns through blind eyes A conceit one cannot aggrandize For fear of upsetting the tides Isolate and extirpate the scars When you find the tower of declination Look within to find the alchemy you seek in transformation Save your senses from the fracturing point of deformation Cracking sounds from the walls of the heart Deemed unfit for weathering the waves of doubt that drown Isolate and extirpate the scars The weight lifted as you walk ashore Rebirth inflicted upon the undying Time amortized Resounding implications vandalized Wrap around gather forth Let me tell a tale of thorns Basked in flames burning hearts Looking nowhere shattered waltz By design we align Building constructs to divide Intricacies of judgments unnavigable Building towards a collapse and rebirth A solemn center emanates The seed of change, of flames, our chains Recreated hierarchies recurse and deteriorate Entropic decay converges to reprieve inconceivable Starborn dark sun ashen cradle demands free will emancipates In this new world not one ruler lays a claim on the void within And then the new flames arise Taken away by the new tides Ceded the domain of self important natures to cycles Took back the days without a sway and found my own way Forgot my endlessness let the ashes consume I found the answer whence I started, it was my wound: entropy This replaces the "digital deluxe" pack to put both instrumental and regular album into one purchase, instead of having to send the instrumental copy by code. Noyan would like to thank: Merve, for being everything to me. Ali, for bringing me to where I am today. Jimmy and Tom - without you this album would have been nothing. Ahmed, CJ, Brandon, Hayato, Christian, for all your contributions and support. Niklas Sundin for the awesome art. Tommy, Eden, Kyle, Colin and everyone else who listened to me and believed in me. Brian Shields, for being a NYN fan until the end. Rest in Peace. Jimmy would like to thank his family, friends, fans, and fellow musicians. Tom would like to thank: Steinberg Audio, Soultool Customized Guitars, GoodTone Pickups, Engl Amplification, Winspear Picks UK, Loxx. released August 11, 2017 released August 11, 2017 Noyan Tokgözoğlu: Vocals, guitars, programming Jimmy Pitts: Keys, Seaboard, Theremin, additional arrangements Tom ”Fountainhead” Geldschläger:Guitar solos, oud, mixing, mastering Additional personnel: Maelstrom also written by Ali Mete The Hallway also written by Ahmed Hasan Solo on The Hallway by Christian Münzner Additional vocals on Omnipotence Paradox by C.J. Jenkins and Hayato Imanishi Solo on Maelstrom Part II by Brandon Morris Label: Vmbrella all rights reserved NYN recommends: If you like NYN, you may also like:
isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2020-40 publisher: Common Crawl description: Wide crawl of the web for September 2020 operator: Common Crawl Admin ([email protected]) hostname: ip-10-67-67-115.ec2.internal software: Apache Nutch 1.17 (modified, robots: checked via crawler-commons 1.2-SNAPSHOT ( format: WARC File Format 1.1 conformsTo:
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Welcome! Log in or Register The Killing - Season One (DVD) • image £10.69 Best Offer by: marketplace See more offers 1 Review Genre: Television - The Killing / Actors: Mirelle Enos, Joel Kinnaman / Season 1 / DVD Release Date: 2011 • Sort by: * Prices may differ from that shown • Write a review > Write your reviews in your own words. 250 to 500 words Number of words: Number of words: Write your email adress here Write your email adress Your dooyooMiles Miles 1 Review Sort by: • More + 06.03.2012 01:05 Very helpful 2.5 stars rounded up to 3. Good enough to keep watching, just about. *DVD extras not reviewed* Follows Seattle police detectives as they try to solve the murder of teenager Rosie Larsen. Multiple storylines intertwine as the detectives attempt to close the case. Showrunner is Veena Sud (Cold Case); based on the Danish TV series Forbrydelsen ("The Killing"). I decided to watch The Killing after hearing good things about it, a success in the States it was quickly picked up for a second season by AMC, so I started to watch it. Then the reviews got worse and the general opinion is 'don't watch the US version, watch the original Danish version'. As I had already started watching the US version I decided to finish it, for better or worse. I still haven't watched the original but I am planning on it, so this won't be a comparison of the two but rather my opinion on The Killing as a standalone series. The show basically focuses on three different storylines and the detectives are the link between them as different people becomes suspects in the investigation. The two main characters being Seattle PD detectives Sarah Linden (Mireille Enos) and Stephen Holder (Joel Kinnaman). Enos (Big Love) spends most of her time chewing gum and staring into space which gets annoying pretty quickly. If all the pregnant pauses were taken out of the show, it may not feel like it's dragging so much. To be fair to her, Enos deals well with the material that is given to her, but if the writing was a little punchier the character and the episodes may be a little more memorable. The story surrounding Linden involves her bratty son, a mother like figure and her fiancé. This element of the show I found to be rather boring, nothing was really added to the show by these characters. Sarah Linden is supposed to be leaving Seattle with her family but won't leave before the case is solved; this thread keeps on coming back up throughout the season even though you know she's not going to go anywhere. Episode 11 'Missing' was based around Linden's son and was the low point of the season for me. I want to know what happened to Rosie Larsen, not about a child acting out. Joel Kinnaman (The Darkest Hour) is Linden's partner, the slightly shady Holder. Kinnaman basically has to just act annoyed for the majority of the season as Holder wants Linden's job. I think the writers took a little too long to get Holder over this and actually give a little backstory to the character. Once the partnership had developed the characters were much more interesting together. Holder is a good partner for Linden as someone who will do anything to get the job done; it leads for a good mix once the show gets going. Kinnaman is well cast as the creepy cop, I don't know if that's a compliment. One of the main threads the show follows is that of the family of Rosie Larsen, her mother, Mitch (Michelle Forbes) and father, Stan (Brent Sexton) along with her younger brothers. Forbes (True Blood) spends the whole of the first season distraught over her daughter's death. Understandable seeing as each episode represents one day, 2 weeks isn't very long to get over a death especially in unsolved circumstances. However, Mitch does begin to grate a little and you kind of wish for something different as the season progresses. Mitch's husband Stan, played by Brent Sexton (Flightplan) has a few more layers to him and is given a wider range of emotions to show. This storyline also features Mitch's sister and Stan's friend and employee, Belko. Both are interesting characters and should perhaps have a larger role to play. The Larsen story is, obviously, quite depressing and so not the most enjoyable part of the series. It's nice to have that perspective shown as it is often overlooked in the more procedural crime/mystery shows, but at the same time you sometimes wish they'd get to solving the murder and stop showing miserable people. Not to sound heartless or anything. The next story thread involves Councilman Darren Richmond (Billy Campbell) who is trying to become Mayor and his two aides Gwen (Kristin Lehman) and Jamie (Eric Ladin). Richmond is painted as a fairly normal guy, still mourning his ex-wife whilst sleeping with Gwen. Campbell (The 4400) doesn't really put any life into the character; he comes across as fairly dull. It's his two aides Gwen and Jamie that are the more interesting characters; they seem more bothered about getting Richmond to mayor than he does. Kristin Lehman (The Sentinel) gets to play a little more than the love interest as Gwen Eaton, she's got a few brain cells to show off as well. Jamie Wright, played by Eric Ladin (Cursed), is really annoying but in a good way. He's a bit of a motor mouth that will do anything to get to the top. He is involved in the more interesting scenes involving the Councilman. At times, the storyline surrounding Richmond seems to be going nowhere and is quite turgid. There are many scenes that could have been cut, just another example of how the show could have been moved along quicker. The final storyline revolves around Rosie Larsen's teacher Bennet Ahmed (Brandon Jay McLaren) and his pregnant wife. This is the storyline given the least attention and is definitely not as well developed but still plays an important role in the series. Ahmed is the caring teacher who may have cared a little too much for Rosie. McLaren (She's the Man) does a good job of keeping you guessing whether you can trust him or not, he's convincing as the nice teacher and as the creepy teacher. More could have been done with this character but Ahmed never overstayed his welcome during the season unlike many of the other characters. The Killing starts off pretty well, introducing the characters quickly but with enough depth to make you feel like you know them and care about what happens. However, it stalls halfway through the 13 episode run when it is seemingly treading water waiting for the finale. Lots of stuff happens in the final couple of episodes in the season and of course there is THAT finale that had most people up in arms. I won't ruin it for people who haven't yet watched the show but I actually didn't mind the ending, I can go with it as long as the second season is full of episodes in which something actually happens. As a murder mystery, The Killing is average. I like the fact the show builds every episode but there just aren't enough key moments in each episode. Something important is revealed in the last few minutes of an episode, it is then investigated in the first 5 minutes of the next episode, found to be not that important after all and then nothing much happens until the last few minutes of the episode, again. Building characters does take time yes, but there is a balance that needs to be kept in order to keep viewers tuning in and The Killing slowed just a little too much during its run. While it's a welcome change from the many episodic crime shows out there, the writing needs to be sharper to keep the show interesting, especially if they're going to spread out the plot so thinly. Characters eating various junk foods, shots of the never ending rain (Seattle doesn't rain that much, adds to the depressing feel of the show though I guess) and characters staring into the distance shouldn't fill as much of the show as they do. The Killing just misses the mark; the ingredients are there for a great show it just needs to execute better. I'll be watching the second season but if it's as slow as the first I may give up on it. I haven't watched the DVD extras as, in my experience, extended scenes and deleted scenes add very little. There was a reason they were cut in the first place. Though I'm not a huge fan of DVD extras in general, I was a bit surprised there wasn't at least one documentary. Not much effort has been put into the DVD release I'm afraid. DVD extras: 'Orpheus Descending' extended episode Deleted scenes Mireille Enos - Sarah Linden Joel Kinnaman - Stephen Holder Michelle Forbes - Mitch Larsen Brent Sexton - Stan Larsen Brendan Sexton III - Belko Royce Billy Campbell - Darren Richmond Kristin Lehman - Gwen Eaton Eric Ladin - Jamie Wright Brandon Jay McLaren - Bennet Ahmed Also posted on ciao under the username shabbating. Login or register to add comments
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Baked Biscoff cheesecake Serves 10 For the base: 100g Biscoff biscuits 20g soft brown sugar 40g butter, melted 300g salted caramel sauce For the filling: 280g cream cheese, softened 150g caster sugar 3 eggs 300ml sour cream 1 tsp vanilla extract 100g salted caramel sauce, slightly warmed To decorate: 50g salted caramel sauce, melted 100ml cream, whipped 5 Biscoff biscuits 1. 1 Line a 20cm loose bottomed cake tin with non-stick parchment paper. Preheat the oven to 180 ̊C/ 160 ̊C fan/ gas mark 4. 2 For the base, whizz the Biscoff biscuits 2. in a food processor until they are roughly crushed, or place in a sealable bag and bash with a rolling pin. 3. Place the crushed biscuits into a bowl, stir in the brown sugar and pour over the melted butter. Stir together until the mixture resembles wet sand. 4. Transfer the mixture into the prepared tin and push down firmly to form an even base for the cheesecake. Place in the fridge to set while you make the filling. 5. Use an electric mixer to beat together the cream cheese and caster sugar until smooth. 6. Beat in the eggs one at a time, mixing after each addition. 7. Mix in the sour cream and vanilla until just combined. Be careful not to over-mix. 8. Pour the filling mixture over the set biscuit base. Swirl through 50g caramel sauce. Use an angled palette knife or the back of a spoon to level out the top. 9. Bake for about 60-65 minutes. The filling should have a little wobble in the centre. 10. Turn off the oven, using a wooden spoon to prop the door open. Allow the cheesecake to cool completely in the oven. 11. Use a palette knife to loosen the edges of the cheesecake. Carefully lift the cheesecake onto a cake stand or serving plate. 12. Decorate by topping with a layer of whipped cream, drizzle with the remaining melted caramel and top with a few extra Biscoff biscuits. Per Serving: 426kcals, 29.8g fat (17.5g saturated), 37.1g carbs (29.2g sugars), 5.5g protein, 0.3g bre, 0.227g sodium Please enter your comment! Please enter your name here
isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2020-10 publisher: Common Crawl description: Wide crawl of the web for February 2020 operator: Common Crawl Admin ([email protected]) hostname: ip-10-67-67-170.ec2.internal software: Apache Nutch 1.16 (modified, robots: checked via crawler-commons 1.1-SNAPSHOT ( format: WARC File Format 1.1 conformsTo:
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Taken by Dragon_in_bed Dark Fantasy , Authoritarian, Blowjob, Cheating, Hardcore, Male/Female, Non-consensual sex, Oral Sex, Reluctance, Spanking, Written by women Posted: 2009-07-11 Author's infos Gender: Female    Age: Secret    Location: N/A Introduction: Trying to cut ties in an affair isn't always so easy... Eight cylinders growl to life as I turn the ignition in my mustang. I step on the clutch, spinning my tires in the low gear. It's an ominous sign, considering what I'm speeding off to do. The interstate is bare and lays like a wanton whore before my lecherous tires. My speed needle rises, burying itself shortly in the hollow of illegal pleasure. I want to get this over with quickly, though dying isn't on my agenda for tonight. It's been 2 years since you and I first, well, crossed the line. It became more than a friendship, and despite a heartfelt confession to my lover and orders to never see you again, you're still running through my veins these 2 years later. That damn vampire love story had one thing right - it is possibly to have your own 'personal brand of heroin.' It seems like no risk is great enough, no destroyed future worthy of not sacrificing. I have tried before to rehab myself, but I seem to relapse every time. Tonight has to be different. The diamond on my left ring finger weighs heavy on my conscious. He has no idea what kind of whore he wants to marry. My brakes squeal in front of your building as I come to a quick stop. I tried to dress appropriately, a black skirt that ends right above my knees and a red silk professional collared shirt. I suppose I could have done without the knee length leather boots with 5 inch high heels, but my loose rationale was that they would cover my legs, thus dissuading any advances from you. The trench coat that covers my outfit feels uneasy over the clothing, especially being back at your place. It seems like yesterday that I showed up with nothing but this trench coat - and now that I reminisce - these same damn boots. I brush back my long chocolate locks and sigh. It doesn't help that I got myself off before showing up. Instead of settling my nerves and cooling any lust, it just revved my engine higher. The elevator clangs loudly in the silence of the night. I jump slightly at the interruption, also worried it will give away my arrival. Your ears slightly pick up the noise of the elevator's appearance. Part of you knows it's me, though you are unaware of my chaste intentions. You walk across the condo, out of your bedroom and into the kitchen, on the pretense of grabbing something to eat. The refrigerator is cool on your bare chest. Your jeans hang dangerously low, the waistband of your boxers clearly showing of the top of the denim. You shut the refrigerator door as my knock echos throughout the apartment. You feel yourself twitch slightly in your jeans, remembering the trench coat and boots that hid the beautiful skin that you so desperately craved. Opening the front door, you feel your breath catch in your throat seeing the red trench coat and black boots again. You can tells something's not right, though. For one, you know I never do anything twice, and you definitely know the look on my face isn't the lust-filled tigress you remember from that particular previous encounter. "Hey," I break the silence, staring at the floor. "Hey," you glance the journey down my body and move out the way so I can come in. I hesitate but enter anyway, knowing I shouldn't just make such a hard announcement in the doorway. "Soooo.. what's up?" you ask, trying to take my coat. Again, I hesitate, hoping not to stay long, but I also want to prove I'm not here for sex. I place my purse and coat on the counter and lean against the wall, not sensing the disappointment I wanted from you. Instead, you seem to enjoy the secretary look, and I can see the bulge forming in your jeans. "We have to talk." Fuck, I hate those words; so cliched, so ... inadequate. His brow furrows in concern at my words. "I can't see you anymore," I say the words quickly, just trying to force them out to end this as painlessly as possible. You don't look surprised, and you shouldn't be. We've been trying to quit each other for as long as the affair has been going on. What does surprise you is the ring on my finger that you notice me unconsciously spinning it out of nervousness. "He proposed." I know it's a statement, not a question. Rage ripples throughout your body. Your fists clench at the news, and your muscles tremble under the sheer effort of not snapping violently. You try to calm yourself by running your hands through your pale hair, but you end up pulling it instead. I grab your hand to stop you, but my soft touch just pushes you over the edge. You grab my wrist, pull me off the wall, and push me towards the hallway to your room. I feel the fear building as I try to get around you, only for you to grab me and push me closer to the doorway of the bedroom. "Stop, Sean!" my voice breaks as I try to muster some strength to push past you again. "No." You pick me up and throw me over your shoulder, easily carrying me to the room and slamming the door. I try to scream and struggle against you, but you easily outweigh me and are far taller than I am. You push me against the wall by the now locked door, trapping my body between you. Your hands grab my face; our eyes lock, yours full of violent passion, mine with fear. Our lips crash together, bruising underneath the force. Sliding your hands into my hair, you pull me closer, grinding your hardening dick against my legs. I bite your lip and grab your hair in response, grabbing your hair as well. It's too late to fight you; you've taken me to a full blown relapse. You kiss down my jaw, nipping and pulling at my skin. I gasp and hold your head close as you rip my shirt open, revealing a simple, black push up bra. The straps fall off my shoulder, and my head falls back as your mouth assaults my bare skin. Your hands find their way under my skirt, pulling my black thong past my ass. I try to resist with my last shred of dignity, but I fail miserably in my half-hearted attempt. You lift me off the floor, pulling my panties off one leg, then down the other. where they get tangled on my high heel. You don't even bother attempting to disentangle the panties, remove my boots, or even the rest of my clothing. You simply pull down my bra and begin to suck on my hard pink nipples, while reaching around my back to caress my ass and pussy lips. My left leg curls around your waist, and my nails dig into your back as your fingertips probe my wet pussy. You can't wait any longer, and you fumble with your jeans, letting them drop to the floor. You free your dick through the slit in your boxers, and without further ceremony, push all 8 inches into my tight cunt. I scream as you take me, my right leg joining my left around your waist as you lift me up by my ass and fuck me hard. My arms are around your neck, holding onto consciousness as you bury your face in my neck and violate me. You thrust harder, trying to speak through your clenched teeth. "Tell me I'm better than him." I can't speak, only moan and pant as your dick seems to push all the way into my stomach. You grab my throat, making me open my eyes in shock as you tighten your grip. Your nose nearly touches mine, you're so close to my face. You repeat yourself in an angry whisper, each word concluded with a violent thrust into my pussy- "Tell. Me. I'm. BETTER." I cannot control my body and the tingling between my legs turns into an all-encompassing fire. I cum hard, juices leaking around your cock. The spasms ripple through your dick, and my screams echo in the room. You withdraw your dick and put me down. "That's only a partial answer." You turn me around and push my breasts into the wall. Grabbing my hips, you pulls my pussy back towards you and enter me again. I groan loudly, my cheek planted solidly against the wall, hands also planted on the wall by my breasts. You spank me, "SAY IT!" and grab my wrists, holding them above my head with your left hand. Your right rubs my clit hard and fast, quickly capitalizing on my first orgasm and pushing me towards another. I'm about to cum again, and you stop suddenly with your dick buried to the hilt in my throbbing pussy. You lean in and whisper in my ear, "Say it for me, Lila," as you gently flick my clit. "You're better - you're the best - you're better than him!!! Please just fuck me. Please... fuck PLEASE!!!!" You smile, and fuck me harder and faster than before, your balls slapping against my clit as you continuing rubbing my clit. You feel my body tense as I near my peak, and you pinch my clit to push me over the edge - "Scream my name." "SEAN!!! aahhh ffuucckkk... yess yesss aahhhhh..." I relent to his demand and collapse against the wall. The second wave of spasms vibrating around your dick is too much for you to handle. You slap my ass and pick up speed as your feel your balls contract, sending your cum deep into my warm, wet depths. We both breathe heavily in the aftermath of our infidelity. You don't withdraw from me just yet, keeping yourself inside just to prove a point - "You're mine." You pull my left hand behind my back, ignoring my whimpered protests. Pulling the ring from my finger, you throw it across the room. It's only then that you pull out, pick up my weak body from the place its threatening to find on the floor, and lay me gently on the bed. I don't know how much time passes, but I know I fall asleep with you beside me. What wakes me is a wet, warm feeling against my sore pussy. I don't want to open my eyes and ruin the dreamlike sensation, but I do and am violently thrown wide awake when I realize it's your between my legs, gently licking. My eyes roll into the back of my head, and my back arches, pushing my pussy against your mouth. You smile and continue to lick my lower lips gently. Your fingers massage my ass, keeping me close to your probing tongue. I moan quietly, running my hands through your hair. "Nice to see you're awake, princess," you tease. You crawl up my body, trailing kisses. I can feel your body heat permeate my skin and realize you are completely naked. Your lips find mine and distract me as you place the tip of your already hard cock at the entrance to my pussy. I break the kiss as I realize what you're doing, but it's too late. You're inside of me again, your dick surrounded by the all too familiar tight and wet sensation of my cunt. You groan, fucking me gently, a huge change from what has transpired only a couple of hours earlier. The pleasure builds between my legs as you continue to thrust rhythmically. You kiss my neck softly, dangerously close to making love to me rather than taking me. You take my left hand and kiss where my ring should be. I get close to the brink when you grin evilly at me. You quickly flip me onto my hands and knees and begin to fuck me fast. The sudden change surprises me and shocks my body to the peak. I cum quickly, my pussy muscles squeezing around your dick. You laugh evilly and slap my ass. "It's your turn to fuck me." You lay on your back and slide me onto your cock. My ass bounces as I slide up and down your shaft, my pussy juices pooling around your dick. You spank my ass and grin at me, "Harder, Lila." My breasts bounce as I speed up my motions. You begin to moan, your nails digging into my ass as it threatens to force you over the edge. My muscles tighten as they reach your tip, caressing the head with each pleasurable pass. You groan a last order - "Suck me off, now." I crawl down your body, taking the head of your cock into my mouth. I suck on it, cleaning it of my juices before swallowing the entire shaft. You're already close, so it only takes me a few minutes of massaging your balls and licking and sucking your shaft and head before your balls begin to beg for release. The first shot of cum lands deep in my throat, but you pull me up by my hair and the rest lands on my breasts, dripping down my skin to drip off of my nipples. "Good girl." You stay in bed as I gather my clothes sheepishly. By some stroke of luck, I find my ring and tuck it into my boots that have yet to leave my body since I dressed to deliver my news. "Leave the panties." I blush and drop the black scrap of fabric on the bed, dressing in the rest of my clothing. I have only 2 buttons left, leaving my shirt looking haphazard. I smooth my hair nervously and walk into the other room to grab my coat and purse. The sun's beginning to rise, and luckily, I have no missed calls from my fiance. You creep up behind me, grabbing my left hand, which is still bare of the ring. You whisper in my ear, "You know you don't want him. You want something better." I turn away and rush towards the door. You call after me, "Lila, I love you. Get rid of him, and be with me." I stare at you, and smile evilly, "Thanks for the farewell fuck." Despite your bravado, I see your face fall into sadness as I slam the door behind me. You watch as I race to my car, and peel the tires in the street before streaking away towards the interstate. Pulling your jeans on, you grab your keys. You just can't seem to help being so taken with me. Read 17115 times | Rated 85.2 (81 votes) Please rate this text: You are not logged in. Characters count:
robots: classic hostname: ip-10-33-133-15.ec2.internal software: Nutch 1.6 (CC)/CC WarcExport 1.0 isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2013-48 operator: CommonCrawl Admin description: Wide crawl of the web with URLs provided by Blekko for Winter 2013 publisher: CommonCrawl format: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo:
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Category Archives: DRM Fair Use and Google Book Search There is a big copyright violation fight going on between Copyright Holders and Google about what is fair use and what is a violation. I came across a great article by Cory Doctorow on this issue. He is firmly on the side of Google on this issue and lists the three main points of contention: 1. Google should cut copyright holders in for a slice of any revenue that comes from this. 2. Google should have obtained permission before scanning the GBS books 3. Although Google only shows excerpts, wily hackers could eventually piece together enough excerpts to reproduce the entire GBS library and then post it on the Internet He then goes and explains how each of the three points are invalid. As he rightly points out, the biggest threat as an author isn't piracy, it's obscurity. He has quotes Tim O'reilly, who says Piracy is progressive taxation. This appears in this article which is also a must read. That article was written in 2002 and was about legality of online file sharing. If I were a copyright holder, (I mean a big copyright holder), my own stand would be to let google scan and index all my work (with possible penaulties if any evidence was found that people can hack google's system to reconstruct the complete work). The publishing industry will definitely move online and I will gain more if people can find links to my work when they are searching for related content.
robots: classic hostname: ip-10-186-34-68.ec2.internal software: Nutch 1.6 (CC) isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2017-43 operator: Common Crawl Admin description: Wide crawl of the web for October 2017 publisher: Common Crawl format: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo:
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What is meta? × When I MouseOver on my name, I got following information for now: today week month reputation 0 45 868 votes cast 13 30 478 revisions 0 0 0 favorites 0 2 9 Can we know that how many non-wiki answers/questions I posted for today/week/month. Or how many of my answers are accepted for today/week/month. For Example: today week month answers 5 30 70 questions 2 10 15 accepted 2 7 20 answers means "My non-wiki answers" questions means "My non-wiki question" accepted means "My non-wiki answers which are accepted by Question poster" These information keep me track that what is the progress of my reputation by my posts. I searched it here also but did not find any other related question. Can someone provide details. May be we have some other ways to know these information. But I think it is basic information that a user should have quick access. I think No. Of Answers is more useful than revisions and favorites in this popup window. In my profile, Most of the time my revision and favorite digits are 0 share|improve this question No feedback from any Admin ??? – NAVEED Aug 31 '11 at 15:18 That popup already takes forever to load when I have a bad cell signal. Please don't increase the size of it -- and yes I often prefer the non-mobile site. Further, I suspect the hope is that users will want to notice if several of their questions are being edited. Or if their favorite questions are changing dramatically.</rant> that said, I would like to see accepted added. Especially with negative numbers when my answers are getting un-accepted. – M. Tibbits Sep 1 '11 at 2:52 1 Answer 1 You can search for things like your unaccepted non-CW answers (user:me is:answer isaccepted:0 wiki:0) and browse by date (newest tab). There's a point where the user-friendly UI gives up. You can use the API to go beyond that. For example, you can retrieve your questions or your answers or a few other filters in a certain date range, and filter the results in any way you like. Going even further, there's a read-only copy of the database where you can make queries. It's only updated every 1–2 months, but allows you to make very fancy selections. share|improve this answer Thanks for your reply but I want to know my current week's reputation with my current week's No. of answers. For now it is showing reputation, votes casts, revisions and favorites. I think reputation and votes casts are OK but No of Answers and No of Questions are more important for me than revisions and favorites. So I think there should be a quick access to these information for a user. – NAVEED Jun 30 '11 at 5:26 You must log in to answer this question. Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged .
robots: classic hostname: ip-10-71-132-137.ec2.internal software: Nutch 1.6 (CC)/CC WarcExport 1.0 isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2015-48 operator: CommonCrawl Admin description: Wide crawl of the web for Nov 2015 publisher: CommonCrawl format: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo:
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Sunday, January 14, 2007 1. Wow! This could be the inspiration for the Munch painting. 2. Felix was catblogging Saddam's execution. 3. Cindy Sheehan gives Al Qaeda's response to Bush's Iraq speech. Never let it be said that the MSM isn't fair and balanced! As for this guy, hold on to your last shreds of sanity! 4. Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Leftwing Bloggers Traumatized by new Bush Policy toward Iran and Syria. Let's face it, You can look for terrorists, or you can look for things. Looking specifically for terrorists will traumatize them even more. 5. Congressional leadership, baby. It’s back. Yeah right. The Idiot's Guide to the 110th Congress: Volume II...and the handy-dandy, invisible Democratic war plan -- as told to our undercover secret agent. 6. Clearly, this guy will have to run for Congress. He's got all the qualifications. 7. Tempted by the One Ring? Gollum, gollum... Just wait until no one's paying attention, then.... 8. A "New Direction" means what exactly? 9. 10 things to think about in 2007. 10. New York stinks? What else is new? 11. North Korea has been loaning out its speech writers to Iran, I see. When it comes to these two regimes, nothing is too insane. Another example: Iran is probably composing a valentine to Israel. 12. Harsh words about a president...but in this case, well-deserved. 13. Left and right Isolationism defined. 14. Lions and tigers (cat fight!) and bears Klingons, oh my! Oh, and sheep. Lots of sheep. 15. Wind vs. Water damage in Katrina...a perspective you don't hear much about. 16. You can shop, talk and fall in love....but please, please don't r e a d in here--it's a library for goodness sake! 17. This is exactly why they need training. And a great deal of it, apparently. 18. This year's must-have swimming fashion for Muslim women! The big question though: Does this burqa make me look fat? 19. Scientific progress goes boink in the Islamic world. It ain't so intelligent here, either. 20. Impossible is the opposite of possible--or, as I would title it: The Impossible Arrogance of Youth. 21. The new Ford Lipodiesal ! Targeting the morbidly obese. 22. You can't win if you don't play. Thank goodness. 23. "Ah, geez" perfectly sums up my response, too. 24. Writer's Block and a dance retrospectacle ! 25. Phallus 101. Why didn't they have easy, suck-up courses like this when I was in college? Heard the Word of Blog? No comments:
isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2019-47 publisher: Common Crawl description: Wide crawl of the web for November 2019 operator: Common Crawl Admin ([email protected]) hostname: ip-10-67-67-165.ec2.internal software: Apache Nutch 1.16 (modified, robots: checked via crawler-commons 1.1-SNAPSHOT ( format: WARC File Format 1.1 conformsTo:
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DNA Evidence Basics DNA collection and analysis gives the criminal justice field a powerful tool for convicting the guilty and exonerating the innocent. These pages provide​ general information on a wide range of topics. Only one-tenth of a single percent of DNA (about 3 million bases) differs from one person to the next. Scientists can use these variable regions to generate a DNA profile of an individual, using samples from blood, bone, hair, and other body tissues and products. In criminal cases, this generally involves obtaining samples from crime-scene evidence and a suspect, extracting the DNA, and analyzing it for the presence of a set of specific DNA regions (markers). If the sample profiles don't match, the person did not contribute the DNA at the crime scene. If the patterns match, the suspect may have contributed the evidence sample. DNA from crime scenes also can be compared to profiles stored in a database. Learn about: Date Created: August 9, 2012
robots: classic hostname: ip-10-71-132-137.ec2.internal software: Nutch 1.6 (CC)/CC WarcExport 1.0 isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2015-48 operator: CommonCrawl Admin description: Wide crawl of the web for Nov 2015 publisher: CommonCrawl format: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo:
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Good day, We have a joint bond on a property and my spouse refuse to sell. What are my options. I can not afford getting a second property to rent to move out. Currently the debit order for the home loan is on my bank account. Category:  Family Law, Divorces Region: South Africa, Freestate
isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2020-10 publisher: Common Crawl description: Wide crawl of the web for February 2020 operator: Common Crawl Admin ([email protected]) hostname: ip-10-67-67-69.ec2.internal software: Apache Nutch 1.16 (modified, robots: checked via crawler-commons 1.1-SNAPSHOT ( format: WARC File Format 1.1 conformsTo: