int32 0
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stringlengths 87
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stringclasses 2
values |
268 | choice1: The dough crumbled. choice2: The dough flattened. premise: The chef pressed down on the dough. question: effect | choice2 |
309 | choice1: He sneezed. choice2: He blushed. premise: The woman complimented the man. question: effect | choice2 |
216 | choice1: It increased its marketing efforts for new products. choice2: It moved its headquarters to a suburban location. premise: The company's profits started to level off. question: effect | choice1 |
243 | choice1: It was inflated. choice2: There was a hole in it. premise: Air leaked out of the beach ball. question: cause | choice2 |
86 | choice1: I jogged on the treadmill. choice2: I ate birthday cake. premise: My stomach hurt. question: cause | choice2 |
119 | choice1: The game ended in a tie. choice2: The player scored. premise: The fans in the stadium cheered. question: cause | choice2 |
221 | choice1: Her parents took away her toy. choice2: Her parents gave her a toy. premise: The toddler started crying. question: effect | choice2 |
201 | choice1: I sensed someone approaching me from behind. choice2: I heard people chuckling in the adjacent room. premise: I jumped instinctively in fright. question: cause | choice1 |
246 | choice1: A sound played. choice2: The key got stuck. premise: The woman pressed down on the piano key. question: effect | choice1 |
236 | choice1: He got a hole in his sock. choice2: He dropped a hammer on his foot. premise: The man broke his toe. question: cause | choice2 |
77 | choice1: His dog jumped up on him. choice2: His dog ran over to eat the food. premise: The man dropped food on the floor. question: effect | choice2 |
21 | choice1: He opened the door for her. choice2: He asked her if she liked sushi. premise: The woman's date wanted to look like a gentleman. question: effect | choice1 |
353 | choice1: She was contagious. choice2: She was intoxicated. premise: The woman stayed away from public places. question: cause | choice1 |
39 | choice1: She decided to sue her employer. choice2: She decided to run for office. premise: The woman hired a lawyer. question: cause | choice1 |
339 | choice1: The parents shook a rattle in front of the baby. choice2: The parents picked out a name for the baby. premise: The fussy baby calmed down. question: cause | choice1 |
196 | choice1: Tornadoes were sighted in the area. choice2: I was held up at airport security. premise: My flight got delayed. question: cause | choice1 |
130 | choice1: The soap foamed. choice2: My hands went numb. premise: I rubbed the soap between my hands. question: effect | choice1 |
301 | choice1: She made a lot of money in her current occupation. choice2: She endured a lot of stress in her current occupation. premise: The woman felt reluctant to switch careers. question: cause | choice1 |
224 | choice1: She glided down the slide. choice2: She crawled up the slide. premise: The girl pushed herself off the top of the slide. question: effect | choice1 |
94 | choice1: His stubble grew. choice2: His stubble disappeared. premise: The man slid the razor across his chin. question: effect | choice2 |
102 | choice1: The stack towered over the boy's head. choice2: The blocks scattered all over the rug. premise: The child kicked the stack of blocks. question: effect | choice2 |
300 | choice1: She preferred paying by cash. choice2: She received her monthly bill. premise: The woman wrote a check to the gas company. question: cause | choice2 |
195 | choice1: His mother told him to whisper. choice2: His mother told him to speak up. premise: The boy murmured his reply to his mother. question: effect | choice2 |
387 | choice1: The boy looked up to his older brother. choice2: The boy wrestled with his older brother. premise: The boy mimicked his older brother. question: cause | choice1 |
106 | choice1: He realized he forgot something. choice2: He realized he was early. premise: The man looked at his watch. question: effect | choice2 |
244 | choice1: I felt awkward. choice2: I became enraged. premise: Our group's conversation gradually lulled to silence. question: effect | choice1 |
133 | choice1: She looked the term up in the dictionary. choice2: She chucked the textbook across the room. premise: The girl came across an unfamiliar word in her textbook. question: effect | choice1 |
346 | choice1: The bully mocked the boy. choice2: The bully punched the boy. premise: The boy got a black eye. question: cause | choice2 |
132 | choice1: The woman was relieved. choice2: The woman apologized. premise: The group overlooked the woman's faux pas. question: effect | choice1 |
255 | choice1: The traffic light turned green. choice2: A screaming ambulance approached. premise: Cars moved to the shoulder of the road. question: cause | choice2 |
219 | choice1: The police officer confiscated the detective's badge. choice2: The police officer let the detective enter the crime scene. premise: The detective flashed his badge to the police officer. question: effect | choice2 |
87 | choice1: I finished eating. choice2: I skipped dinner. premise: I put my plate in the sink. question: cause | choice1 |
303 | choice1: The swimmers put on more sunscreen. choice2: The swimmers returned towards the shore. premise: The ocean tide was dangerous. question: effect | choice2 |
318 | choice1: The meeting was postponed. choice2: The meeting commenced. premise: The administrator cleared her throat. question: effect | choice2 |
229 | choice1: The jury was fair. choice2: She was framed. premise: The woman was wrongly convicted for the crime. question: cause | choice2 |
281 | choice1: The contestant was in the lead. choice2: The contestant rang the buzzer. premise: The host of the trivia show called on the contestant for an answer. question: cause | choice2 |
368 | choice1: The child drew on the table. choice2: The child yanked the tablecloth. premise: The glasses on the table spilled. question: cause | choice2 |
231 | choice1: She distrusted them. choice2: She missed them. premise: The woman visited her family. question: cause | choice2 |
198 | choice1: I stenciled it. choice2: I glued it back together. premise: The vase broke. question: effect | choice2 |
251 | choice1: His sister tattled on him. choice2: They played hide and seek. premise: The boy pushed his sister. question: effect | choice1 |
286 | choice1: He refused to wear the shirt. choice2: He asked his mother for help. premise: The boy had trouble buttoning his shirt. question: effect | choice2 |
164 | choice1: The baby burped. choice2: The mother grimaced. premise: The baby pulled the mother's hair. question: effect | choice2 |
208 | choice1: Their best player was injured. choice2: Their coach pumped them up. premise: The team lost the game. question: cause | choice1 |
238 | choice1: The principal suspended the students involved. choice2: The principal called off classes for the day. premise: A fistfight broke out in the hall of the school. question: effect | choice1 |
139 | choice1: The homeowners were asleep. choice2: The security alarm went off. premise: A burglar broke into the house. question: effect | choice2 |
2 | choice1: The cafe reopened in a new location. choice2: They wanted to catch up with each other. premise: The women met for coffee. question: cause | choice2 |
189 | choice1: The mother picked up the baby. choice2: The baby crawled to the mother. premise: The baby was wailing in his crib. question: effect | choice1 |
389 | choice1: The motorcyclist died. choice2: The bridge collapsed. premise: The truck crashed into the motorcycle on the bridge. question: effect | choice1 |
257 | choice1: I sewed the button back on. choice2: I glued the button back on. premise: The button on my shirt fell off. question: effect | choice1 |
9 | choice1: The sales associate undercharged the customer. choice2: The sales associate acted rude to the customer. premise: The customer filed a complaint with the store manager. question: cause | choice2 |
11 | choice1: The woman's daughter came over to clean her house. choice2: The woman's daughter moved in to take care of her. premise: The elderly woman suffered a stroke. question: effect | choice2 |
151 | choice1: The film began. choice2: We sat down. premise: We found empty seats in the theatre. question: effect | choice2 |
214 | choice1: She received many returning customers. choice2: Many customers asked for refunds. premise: The fortune teller's revelations were convincing. question: effect | choice1 |
5 | choice1: He ran negative campaign ads. choice2: No one voted for him. premise: The politician lost the election. question: cause | choice2 |
42 | choice1: The applicant failed a background check. choice2: The applicant had experience for the job. premise: The executive decided not to hire the applicant. question: cause | choice1 |
205 | choice1: Its products received positive consumer reviews. choice2: Some of its products were manufactured defectively. premise: The company lost money. question: cause | choice2 |
148 | choice1: He went through an intersection. choice2: He noticed a stranded vehicle. premise: The driver pulled over to the side of the road. question: cause | choice2 |
297 | choice1: The laptop's warranty expired. choice2: The laptop's battery died. premise: The screen on the laptop went black. question: cause | choice2 |
180 | choice1: Her friends stood her up. choice2: She forgot her ID. premise: The young woman was denied entrance into the bar. question: cause | choice2 |
270 | choice1: I went hiking. choice2: I went swimming. premise: My feet were blistered. question: cause | choice1 |
103 | choice1: He relied on his parents. choice2: His parents abused him. premise: The teenager ran away from home. question: cause | choice2 |
366 | choice1: She learned to walk. choice2: He was tired of carrying her. premise: The father put his daughter in her stroller. question: cause | choice2 |
110 | choice1: Schools banned it from its libraries. choice2: Teachers required students to read it. premise: The book was deemed inappropriate for children. question: effect | choice1 |
79 | choice1: The police dropped the case. choice2: The fugitive remained at large. premise: The fugitive hid from the police. question: effect | choice2 |
99 | choice1: He was parking. choice2: He was speeding. premise: The driver got pulled over by the police. question: cause | choice2 |
329 | choice1: The surveillance camera was out of focus. choice2: He noticed some suspicious activity. premise: The security guard replayed the surveillance footage. question: cause | choice2 |
170 | choice1: The motorcycle coasted to a halt. choice2: The motorcycle shot forward. premise: The motorcyclist twisted the throttle. question: effect | choice2 |
85 | choice1: I called 911. choice2: I hailed a cab. premise: I saw a woman getting robbed on the street. question: effect | choice1 |
207 | choice1: He missed an appointment with the dentist. choice2: He made an appointment with the dentist. premise: The man woke up with a toothache. question: effect | choice2 |
307 | choice1: The woman glanced at her watch. choice2: The woman took her sweater off. premise: The sun emerged from the clouds. question: effect | choice2 |
202 | choice1: He planted a variety of seeds. choice2: He put fertilizer in the soil. premise: The gardener wanted his plants to flourish. question: effect | choice2 |
162 | choice1: I wiped my mouth. choice2: I brushed my teeth. premise: My breath smelled of garlic. question: effect | choice2 |
232 | choice1: My teeth began to chatter. choice2: My eyes welled up with tears. premise: I burst into a fit of laughter. question: effect | choice2 |
265 | choice1: He sipped coffee. choice2: He chuckled. premise: The man read the cartoon in the newspaper. question: effect | choice2 |
147 | choice1: She lost her balance. choice2: She did stretches. premise: The girl felt dizzy. question: effect | choice1 |
398 | choice1: He waited at the bus stop. choice2: He asked a stranger for the time. premise: The man's watch was broken. question: effect | choice2 |
327 | choice1: I dropped her off at the hospital. choice2: I brought her a card and flowers. premise: My friend was recovering from surgery. question: effect | choice2 |
247 | choice1: She went to see his new film. choice2: She asked him for his autograph. premise: The girl met her favorite actor. question: effect | choice2 |
34 | choice1: She completed the puzzle. choice2: She took apart the puzzle. premise: The girl found the missing puzzle piece. question: effect | choice1 |
167 | choice1: I parked illegally. choice2: I jumped the battery. premise: My car was towed. question: cause | choice1 |
200 | choice1: The woman kissed him. choice2: The woman made him blush. premise: The man had lipstick on his cheek. question: cause | choice1 |
361 | choice1: He hopped the fence. choice2: The sleeve ripped. premise: The man caught his shirtsleeve on the rungs of the fence. question: effect | choice2 |
351 | choice1: She left her wallet at home. choice2: The window display caught her eye. premise: The customer came into the boutique. question: cause | choice2 |
283 | choice1: She visited the hospital. choice2: She went to medical school. premise: The woman wanted to be a doctor. question: effect | choice2 |
123 | choice1: He felt in awe. choice2: He collapsed. premise: The man contemplated the painting. question: effect | choice1 |
30 | choice1: She was nervous. choice2: She was in a good mood. premise: The woman hummed to herself. question: cause | choice2 |
386 | choice1: I was hunting for a new apartment. choice2: I was moving out of my apartment. premise: I packed up my belongings. question: cause | choice2 |
304 | choice1: She was the designated driver for the night. choice2: She was familiar with the bartender. premise: The woman refused a second beer. question: cause | choice1 |
171 | choice1: The gum stuck to the student's shoe. choice2: The student spit out the gum. premise: The teacher caught the student chewing gum. question: effect | choice2 |
275 | choice1: The man framed his enemy for a crime. choice2: The man declared a truce with his enemy. premise: The man wanted to get revenge on his enemy. question: effect | choice1 |
321 | choice1: The vender sold it to him. choice2: He bargained with the vendor. premise: The customer thought the souvenir was overpriced. question: effect | choice2 |
336 | choice1: He lifted weights. choice2: He played computer games. premise: The boy wanted to be muscular. question: effect | choice1 |
68 | choice1: The owner was helping customers. choice2: The shop was undergoing renovation. premise: The shop was closed. question: cause | choice2 |
381 | choice1: Another car swerved into her lane. choice2: She made a right turn at the light. premise: The driver honked her horn. question: cause | choice1 |
373 | choice1: He got over it easily. choice2: He refused to talk about it. premise: The man went into denial about the tragedy. question: effect | choice2 |
210 | choice1: The sender tried to solicit money from her. choice2: The sender requested a response from her. premise: The woman deleted the email. question: cause | choice1 |
113 | choice1: The wave carried her to the shore. choice2: She paddled her board into the ocean. premise: The surfer caught the wave. question: effect | choice1 |
8 | choice1: The patient filed a malpractice lawsuit against the physician. choice2: The patient disclosed confidential information to the physician. premise: The physician misdiagnosed the patient. question: effect | choice1 |
310 | choice1: It healed. choice2: It stopped bleeding. premise: I applied pressure to the cut on my arm. question: effect | choice2 |
306 | choice1: She was sent to a psychiatric institution. choice2: She sought a career as a psychiatrist. premise: The woman was deemed mentally ill. question: effect | choice1 |
Subsets and Splits