stringlengths 23.7k
Jynxzi | Prime Jynxzi is Back | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [6540] mav2thurl: jynxziFAT_TK jynxziFAT_TK jynxziFAT_TK jynxziFAT_TK [6540] tommy2464: W buldge [6540] CowE45: hit the gar [6540] mrpickleburger: smoke one [6540] sevnxsamuraii: w bulge [6540] sperryberry19: W BULDGEEEE [6540] losimee: When is fanmail [6540] KxngArthur18: mod hhim [6540] xfrenzisy: xim waiting [6540] BiscuitBoi6: who did that patch job in your room [6540] therizzler089: W BULGE [6540] Darrell087: @Jynxzi CHECK THE BROWN BAG [6540] spongebobsquare2: you are my sunshine [6542] TwizzleG: mod that guy!!!!!!!!! [6542] manj0e: ring [6542] missiddybiddyyiddy: drake is that u [6542] neotilt0: w bulge [6542] Darrell087: @Jynxzi CHECK THE BROWN BAG@Jynxzi CHECK THE BROWN BAG [6542] blockeroberts: w buldge [6542] debo_o0: W [6542] mav2thurl: jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziFAT_TK [6542] Omegabloodflo99: ID SMASH [6542] howie123413: quote of the day fr [6542] southpaw_502: southpaw_502 subscribed with Prime. [6542] blunder26: W bulge [6542] remetii: dump your load everywhere [6542] shxdee_rl: w buldge [6542] v1zz1ng: w bulge [6543] jim5675: smoke one [6543] chainsawrayanpiece: smoke [6543] marzipan1029: W johnson [6543] 6Luxe: W BULGE [6543] nathantamayo: Y boge [6543] wyattwilaim60: w bulge [6543] Wolfguy4007: Hi I love urnstreams keep it up [6543] lebron32_: react harder [6543] maddladd22: estas [6544] BlakeRC9: BlakeRC9 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [6544] Elokk_: Elokk_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [6545] 8skittless: LOVE YOU NICHOLYNXZI STYNXZI [6545] jdhdkehe: w bulge [6545] extiinct: id clap [6545] blaizewright012: W bulge [6545] behindyour6: can you react to my tik tok it’s behindyour6 [6545] ethan_rat: Tiny bulge [6545] Nightbot: F in the chat [6545] crunchy_munchyttv: [6545] koorchuck7: TATE [6545] nograsslj: little buldge fatass [6545] IceMikeyy: 2 hour mark incoming [6545] stallingfuture99: W bulge fatty [6545] bababoey129: n [6545] n00b69690: w bulge [6545] Darrell087: @Jynxzi CHECK THE BROWN BAG [6546] DaSudz: @HiVise - How do i get my charm after I sub? [6546] androidsragonite: PLAY RANKED [6546] brettboy69: W BULGE [6546] idddontknow: w bulge [6546] Cartfeenn: lolonidk subscribed at Tier 1. [6546] jaydenclf: W bulge [6546] thehonker: when is fan mail? [6546] ttv_AtMeKiD: L BULDGE [6546] chainsawrayanpiece: smokeee [6546] xxvoulin: xxvoulin subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! yo [6548] vepzfrr: smoke one [6548] braxtonkerlin24: gooo balddddd [6548] thiagom2222: smoke it [6548] llslowburnll: Can I grab your bolge [6548] bigerdonut23: when is fanmail [6548] caeedyyyy: skibid toilet [6548] laziejc: my only sunshine [6548] loshuevitos1: 😱 [6548] itsPLAYERX42: itsPLAYERX42 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! w baggggg [6548] calhengel1: ur fat [6548] bigray2016: !watchtime [6548] chainsawrayanpiece: msomeeke [6548] natesweeney: smash [6548] drunkos2incher: when’s Jynxi x flight daddy🍌🍑🍆🍑 [6548] saucin2hard: W [6549] lolnotchris_: rank [6549] StreamElements: bigray2016 has spent 3 days 9 hours watching jynxzi [6549] lazer_fn13: check clix stream [6549] ttvjhballs2323: 9incher [6549] 21Viruz: W [6549] aerawl: Jynxzi love you [6549] LJ12JA: !gamble all [6549] Michaelphelps3: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [6549] vVacnt: loo? [6549] betito198512: From the front of the back? [6549] taco_clips: W BULGGGG [6549] zolleh: TRISTAN TATE? [6549] pascalsmallpp: penis [6549] StreamElements: PogChamp LJ12JA went all in and won 1375 points PogChamp they now have 2750 points FeelsGoodMan [6551] snooooooopy100: caseoh and sketch are waiting [6551] ItsfriknAdam: CAN WE SEE THE RING CHAD [6551] xy_baconman: L bulge [6551] oisthebest81: W bulge [6551] cody_calleja: so we are packing [6551] Ex0tic_Exfil: !watchtime [6551] angelofosho: w bulge [6551] oilrighelipad: w [6551] tsowell3006: he ain’t blocking no one [6551] lucky4_20: caseohThumbsup caseohThumbsup [6551] Nightbot: johnson [6551] kaithekilla123: w bulge [6551] monkey_gavin: smoke one. [6551] catcrapo: Try the butt plug [6551] StreamElements: Ex0tic_Exfil has spent 2 days 4 hours watching jynxzi [6552] ddariiell: @ronstable [6552] gibbysnutsack: why’d it smell weird? [6552] bigpapabear100: THAT BIG PINK TIP [6552] prop16447: L part time streamer [6552] imout231: W bulge [6552] pxycho123: w bulge [6552] Darrell087: @Jynxzi CHECK THE BROWN BAG@Jynxzi CHECK THE BROWN BAG [6552] kooperdeer: smoke one [6552] robban___: helo yes janxi you very nice loking men you very prety you saxy man yes [6552] nathantamayo: Y [6552] officialuncledom: Shake ur ass in my deli [6552] angryturnip2: !gamble [6552] renti54: SMOKE OBE [6552] bigboishellf123: clix stream clix stream clix stream [6552] EllenFromCasohsupermarket: can someone time me out [6553] cyrix_fps: W bulgee [6553] cherbert07: spunko [6553] Peensa: NOPT WHISKEY. AMMARETTO BUT STILL NICE [6553] JermAKAbuffy: I like that bracelet [6553] ImStuckInCopper48: w panys [6553] TrxvssOnTop: The ring bro [6553] hatfieldkallie: YOU MIX SEEDS WITH WATER THEN PUT ON NOT IN [6554] harley_1h: harley_1h subscribed with Prime. [6555] tristan7x: cuh that’s not me [6555] mb4n: 💜💜💜💜 [6555] dew_the_dew420: check the bag [6555] soggy_duck2: L glazer [6555] ShabZaclaT: white speed [6555] sundeviltitan11: xim is waiting [6555] tinted1k: w buldge [6555] kyledabs9: I when is fanmail [6555] maxplaysgames12346: the 💍 [6555] ImStuckInCopper48: w pants [6555] djsunshines: @jynxzi L tiny bulge [6555] Nightbot: @r0sey1_ If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [6555] AndresxSoler: Thompson? [6555] archie102567: jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD [6555] WWQLF2: react to fanmail faster [6556] Darrell087: @Jynxzi CHECK THE BROWN BAG@Jynxzi CHECK THE BROWN BAG@Jynxzi CHECK THE BROWN BAG [6556] ingylingy: Husband you bubu bubonic Junior off bubonic you've buy better think Brooks protecting bunion tomorrow bubonic [6556] eatmybundha69: W gyat [6556] tylerkir300: TATE [6558] bl1xxy1: W BULGE [6558] ddariiell: @clix [6558] alphaqup1016: dis man feeling himself just got back from cracking Beckie what a life [6558] bitezl: when is fan mail??? [6558] prop16447: Check the brown bag [6558] rebornhehe: LMAO [6558] zxourii: HAHAHAHHAHHA [6558] ghostog66678: do you love me [6558] ticklemipickles: WWW [6558] drizzyc25: Ninja waiting [6559] dripper4670: smoke [6559] snoopdoggg42000: L vaper [6559] hidrbeans: Check it again numbnuts [6559] bigdaddyrandy123: MOD HIM [6559] darkshadow1784: WHEN IS FAN MAIL? [6559] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [6559] OpitmusFine: w king [6559] fishyfinn7: 2 hour intro tf is this [6559] pxycho123: dnd [6559] rickyjohnson81: rock out with your 🐓 out [6559] fardinandshiddin: @Jynxzi what time is it [6559] Fossabot: @blanktheproot, Your message is too long [3x] [6559] aceo8907: check the brown bag [6559] the_big_b0ss__: !gamble 1000 [6559] cxrtz05: 💀 [6560] StreamElements: the_big_b0ss__ won 1000 points in roulette and now has 4940 points! FeelsGoodMan [6560] jjc354: bracelet leaked [6560] Buckarooka: How do I get good? [6561] Savagedude_55: SMOKE ONE..SMOKE ONESMOKE ONE..SMOKE ONESMOKE ONE..SMOKE ONE [6561] pxycho123: dnsndpdnd [6561] CMOMoney187: YO ADD DR PEPPER BOZO [6561] robertmugabe69: brown bag the check [6561] emmettm77: THERE IS A BOMB [6561] debo_o0: W buldge [6561] mikemike2213: jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown [6561] drunkos2incher: when’s Jynxi x flight daddy🍌🍑🍆🍑. [6561] nameistristan: thats me [6561] verygenericusername37: CHECK THE BROWN BAG [6561] fatlogandong: @Jynxzi CHECK INSIDE CHIA PET [6561] damnimgood007: catchers mit [6561] Friiissk: SAY SORRY [6561] trock199: Check your ass [6561] stitchandalice: 1 hour and 10 minutes [6562] Alexswborja: new yt vid [6562] maxplaysgames12346: the ring brother [6562] Tedpants: CHECK THE BROWN BAG AGAIN [6562] qwxck1: a bulge [6562] abryce973: IM busting [6562] missiddybiddyyiddy: mod him [6562] 1StoneyBologna: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [6562] coleloser3: 10 minutes and hes done streaming [6562] uwwkaway: TRISTAN TATE [6562] xammbi: check the brown bag [6562] Jaydentheturtle: CHECK THE BROWN BAG [6562] EllensBabyDaddy: TATE? [6562] jobomode: yo 27 ads is crazy [6562] qxack1tyy: !LINK [6562] sunflxwersesh: jynxziFAT [6563] Fawful77: MOD HIM [6563] saltyshizzle69: check the brown bag [6563] pxycho123: nando’s sx [6563] drippyguy233: jynxziVapeBreak [6563] shiny_forehead2: BROWN BAG [6563] cuppaquestions: check the brown buldge [6564] donominivan: DansGame1 DansGame1 DansGame1 DansGame1 [6564] torleah: CHECK THE BROWN BAG WITH THE WHISKEY [6564] sim_qc40: SCARED OF CLIX [6564] quadjxy: brown bag man [6564] bigtoewi11y: L instructor [6564] sublitt: WHEN IS JYNXZI GOING TO BE BORN????? [6564] cmstreamsx: OMG JEALOUS [6564] bottle_buster: shitty siege player [6564] sjskjhdsu: when was fan mail? [6564] losimee: When is fanmail junko Daddy [6564] JohnsonReveaLs: check the rainbow bag [6564] amir_du_13: ungrateful [6564] krush3d0321: when is fan mail [6564] itBLICKYY: CHECK BROWN BAG [6565] angryturnip2: !points [6565] Swiftbumbum: 300 pounder streamer [6565] carbar14: Brown bag might have something [6565] MoldyTime69: MIX IT WITH OJ MIX IT WITH OJ MIX IT WITH OJ MIX IT WITH OJ MIX IT WITH OJ MIX IT WITH OJ [6565] mikemike2213: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [6565] StreamElements: @angryturnip2 angryturnip2 has 10 points and is rank 1659260/1685164 on the leaderboard. [6565] toby_8423: hi [6565] mattdoeslights: CHECK THE BROWN BAG [6565] dragon4346687: check bagd [6565] hermes_100: light one of these gars up [6565] pxycho123: nsodndpoe c [6565] drunkos2incher: when’s Jynxi x flight daddy🍌🍑🍆🍑! [6565] chadieladdie: WWWWWW [6565] mattya223: BROWN BAG [6565] c1ixx1: !LINK [6566] JoeSugma: CHECK THE BROWNN BAG [6566] ferrcraft7: !time [6566] maxtomerc3: @mason911111 just wait idiot [6566] alexcouturier: Daddy [6566] silent_assassin9304: whens fanmail . [6567] ZB_Connor_: WWWWWWWW [6567] jjenkins1087_: !watchtime [6567] FlunkoChunko: SOAK THE SEEDS RUN ON HEAD [6567] unstablebabygronk: CHECK THE BROWN BAG [6567] jakethepasty: check the brown bag [6567] culabudus: check the brown bag [6567] dbdl24: sketch is waiting [6567] pxycho123: sidndpdbd [6567] AnTIC051: SMOKEEEEEEEEEE [6567] rayramirez98: ww [6567] flipklipz: brown bag [6567] FatLungWormDisease: check the brown bag fat boy [6567] aidendaboi06: I want jynxsi to kiss me after sucking off sketch [6567] pickled_scab2: GalaxyUnpacked GalaxyUnpacked GalaxyUnpacked GalaxyUnpacked GalaxyUnpacked [6567] StreamElements: jjenkins1087_ has spent 3 days 11 hours watching jynxzi [6568] AjScott_: SMALL BULGE [6568] zach_cebreros_: w johnson [6568] m_lax: smoke it [6568] jacelynn29: Oil again [6568] ashtonsweeley: check brown bag [6568] ruxxikk: START KICKING YOUR CAMERA AGAIN [6568] jynxzibadlol: !watchtime [6568] iluvzebra12: Brown bag [6568] colrfl: W [6568] subtojynxzi575937: brown bag lil blud [6568] pxycho123: sksnd [6568] RFcoilz: Check the brown bag [6568] Nightbot: @nataliea6921 -> Let's rock! [stop posting links] [warning] [6568] keisrrr: smoke one [6568] Nightbot: FUCK U MACCIES FUCK U TFEQ [6569] 0_jynxzi: check the brown bag [6569] manj0e: ring with the necklace [6569] oli1879: Thank you brother 👆🏼🤓 [6569] chrisbychiken: there a note in the brown bag [6571] scottscott630: check the brown bag [6571] ttvbyzic4136: ugfucucucu [6571] nav_comin: the bootle was opened there was no seal [6571] joshbigdoinks: check the brown bag [6571] blacktiehitman: CHECK THE BUTT PLUG [6571] hunter254664: w bulge [6571] chadieladdie: WWWW [6571] moptawp: when is fan mail??? [6571] pastosityy: whens fan mail [6571] keisrrr: smokee one [6571] smushysloth6: Good aim [6571] zyngator: zyngator is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [6571] bigerdonut23: when is fanmail? [6571] chunko_138: check the brown bag [6571] Friiissk: CHECK THE BROWN BAG [6572] dew_the_dew420: w lips [6572] zyngator: zyngator gifted a Tier 1 sub to ch1kenjoe1! [6572] aggarnir: CHECK NEW YT VID [6572] justin_cooke: BROWN BAG IS WAITING [6572] MysteriousBurnz: SKETCH IS WAITING [6572] coiko: WHEN IS FANMAIL [6572] boredomitself0: w mans [6572] KlayzAimeHockey: bitchhhh you si l [6572] pxycho123: kakakakak [6572] aceo8907: brown bag [6572] sxidii: check the brown bag [6572] Nightbot: https://discord.gg/jynxzi [6572] captianbross: chaek the brown bag [6572] StreamElements: mastrd_ev_ has spent 1 day 14 hours watching jynxzi [6572] bababoey129: thank you brother [6573] ixghostyix: letsss gooooo [6573] whossscj: CHECKK THE BROWN BAG [6573] debo_o0: eat me [6573] yeatisthegoat4: wait I’m hard [6573] jayden77800: when is fan mail [6573] xxkillerrrxx883: !points [6573] mcmuffin5958: when’s fan mail [6573] FlunkoChunko: SOAK THE CHIA [6574] wavycactues101: wavycactues101 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 9 month streak! 9 [6575] drunkos2incher: when’s Jynxi x flight daddy🍌🍑🍆🍑?? [6575] brybih: !watchtime [6575] acedino216: L vaper [6575] kfinley123: this is just a caseoh waiting room [6575] fatlogandong: @Jynxzi PLEASE CHECK INSIDE CHIA PET [6575] fatboy20001: gg [6575] angelthagoat04: BROWN BAG NOW [6575] VinnieMayyy123: GOOD AIMMMMMM [6575] StreamElements: brybih has spent 3 days 3 hours watching jynxzi [6575] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [6575] xz_bot13: FortLlama FortLlama FortLlama FortLlama FortLlama FortLlama FortLlama FortLlama FortLlama FortLlama FortLlama FortLlama [6575] Osianjones25: w [6575] howie123413: quote of the day fr [6575] plixy_15: SMOKE IT [6575] sped_baltimore_nga: sure….. [6576] hill_billy81: check the brown underwear [6576] thenotekid: JAKE RICHARDSON WANTS TO SEE YOUR DICK [6576] comandalorian: Brown bag check [6576] Ncmulvey: tu pene es muy pequeno [6576] giggitytoast80070: sketch is waiting [6576] grassman013: CHECK THE BROWN BAG [6576] bottle_buster: terrible siege player [6576] mr_skinner2: CHECKK THE BROWN BAGG [6576] mason4688: yo check the bag [6576] xNoRecoil: Whens the next podcast @Jynxzi ?? [6576] maxplaysgames12346: the ring [6576] bakerontopp: CHECK THE BROW BAG [6576] rebirthbarry: When is fan mail? [6576] aceo8907: brown bagg [6576] pxycho123: men did sx d diane [6577] wormsandbugs: BRIWN BAG [6577] hahaitscam: I literally saw those on Amazon [6577] keisrrr: smoke [6577] asgardfalle997: PLAY SIEGE [6577] michael875131256: W [6577] dannyboy_143: w [6578] JME_exe: W [6578] Stxlkkkk: Tristan Tate glazer [6578] prop16447: Check the brown vag [6578] yeducky1: @Hivise [6578] maxiboimmm: when’s fanmail [6578] lunathemoon10: !tim [6578] temp8787: when is the 6 hour stream? [6578] dawson007420: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [6578] moeagleo: good luck with your new part time job at Burger King j [6578] tmoney3034: wwww [6578] randomgorl22: yea [6578] Jowlete: W [6578] Nightbot: Jeff Bezos but in Japan. also Military G WIM [6578] jobomode: 20 ads [6578] keisrrr: smokee [6579] bb9858847: HEY YOU HAVE ANY TIPS FOR R5 [6579] ZB_Connor_: WWWWWWWWWWW [6579] nograsslj: smoke one [6579] peanutbutterkid9215: W [6579] ljcamo1: xim is coaching clix and Ron [6579] ThePlayerCoachStun: W TRISTAN [6579] Yuki_4743: !charm [6579] patrickmcfadden1: patrickmcfadden1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! [6579] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [6579] rjk323: whennnn [6579] Cliopatrra: HE WONT USE EM [6579] bitezl: excuses [6579] packrunnerlogan: omgglogan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 10 month streak! W [6579] PapiThooi: ww [6579] joe_bezzoz: w [6580] ellaganter2000: can we play siege already???? [6580] drizzzybret: small pp jynxziii [6580] fnmogger: !link [6580] ARmedDuck64: Check the brown bag [6580] lilmuffin11: w tristan [6580] Nightbot: h [6580] theredsquirrel69: l [6580] drmonkeeman10: THEY’LL FALL OFF [6580] lazer_fn13: check clix stream [6580] tristanmccullick: w [6580] siryousef7: W [6580] volkwize: W [6580] kooperdeer: when is can mail [6580] brinda_loves_u: spare control freaks W [6582] Omegabloodflo99: tapper [6582] Dxuck: no [6582] j_reflex: W [6582] kintheboss455: w [6582] sandy_sir: WWWWWW [6582] d44rkfire: WWW [6582] daleysmoke: w [6582] WhoisJxcob_: YES [6582] FurythePlayer: no [6582] biggzayy420x: w [6582] GG_ISMYNAME: No [6582] StrawHat_6: 2hr mark coming [6582] xaiyo0_0: JUNKO CLEANUP ON ISLE MY PANTS [6582] ezchiiran: CHECK THE BAGGG [6582] xammbi: for now [6583] Drag0nTamerLiam: brown bag check the [6583] xSilentFPS: Check the brown bag [6583] rebornhehe: W TRISTAN [6583] moonlitmoths: WWWWWW [6583] maxplaysgames12346: brother the ring [6583] bigtoewi11y: W [6583] Dehorts: W [6583] notjoey714: excuses [6583] paxtonpatty: paxtonpatty subscribed with Prime. [6584] StreamElements: JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/jynxzi [6585] sleem465: BA7EBAKKKKKKKKKK YA MAHMOUD YAAAAA MORSHEDYYYYYY HOOODAHOOODAHOOODAHOOODAHOOODAHOOODAHOOODA [6585] Omegabloodflo99: yappper [6585] weetarana06: when is fanmail [6585] hatfieldkallie: YOU MIX SEEDS WITH WATER THEN PUT ON NOT IN [6585] plixy_15: WWW [6585] FI3K_: yea [6585] damn_sircan: ye [6585] MilksMamas: !watchtime [6585] sandy_sir: WWWW [6585] WhoisJxcob_: WWWWWWW [6585] svenancio03: W [6585] StreamElements: MilksMamas has spent 1 day 4 hours watching jynxzi [6585] daxjelly: no [6585] zurow: to normal [6585] krxssp: YES [6586] kamron9473: There's a not in the bag u dumby [6586] outr0_66: I HAVE THOSE OMG [6586] baahtt: safWall safWall safWall safWall [6586] ahren12349: utilize the buttplug [6586] xonex7129: w [6586] daleysmoke: yes [6586] ttvbyzic4136: Stop Joshy hate [6586] finleydavies_1: No [6586] NemoTheFish24: RON AND CLIX ARE GETTING COACHED BY XIM [6586] yourbio22: w [6586] fishugget: yes [6586] HzzomGG: wwwwwwwwwwwwww [6586] rxdhid: no we nmeed more didldos [6586] fops4455: W TRISTAN [6586] beardedghosty: https://clips.twitch.tv/RockyExcitedPangolinResidentSleeper-uYpBaw8hNMNzyRyz [6588] francisco_isgoat: CLIX [6588] jujuluvsxim: When is xim 1v1 [6588] kxnibal_: brown bag [6588] themoast47: ive got the same ones [6588] darthemperor34: REAL [6588] Jaydentheturtle: WHENS FANMAIL [6588] Omegabloodflo99: l glaze [6588] kaylasio: Hi mommy [6588] WhoisJxcob_: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [6588] Nightbot: real [6588] Achtohbr: NO [6588] sandy_sir: WWWWW [6588] EllenFromCasohsupermarket: can someone time me out [6588] infinitystard: agree [6588] HyperionReigns: WEAR THE TAIL! [6589] blopop234: WWWW [6589] AdmiralQcumber: yea [6589] parkan8tor: w tristen [6589] LJ12JA: !charm [6589] flipklipz: BROWN BAG [6589] jaxv07: smoke chia seeds [6589] fops4455: W TRISTAN W TRISTAN W TRISTAN [6589] flynnhicks03: check brown bag [6589] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [6591] fishyfinn7: 2 hour intro tf is this [6591] ayoafonso16: W [6591] nx5uu: wwwwww [6591] Prodigy_9_1_6: Prodigy_9_1_6 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! let me milk you daddy [6591] gh0stgh0sty: not enough dildos [6591] 9zAmnesya: L [6591] xJAYY4x: xJAYY4x subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! [6591] unkiller300: wwwwwwwwwww [6591] Omegabloodflo99: L GLAZE [6591] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [6591] Cliopatrra: LOL [6591] carbar14: W message [6591] Nightbot: 😂 [6591] StreamElements: mrclean0787 has spent 2 days 12 hours watching jynxzi [6591] h3istyoherdd: w [6592] Young_Leeroy: BADAIM BADAIM BADAIM BADAIM BADAIM BADAIM BADAIM BADAIM catJAM BADAIM BADAIM BADAIM catJAM catJAM catJAM catJAM [6592] xSilentFPS: CHeck the brown bag [6592] rexyiu: facts [6592] hydroxrust: l glazer [6592] HiVise: LMAO [6592] HiVise: LMAO [6593] HiVise: LMAO [6594] isimpforneon: whens fan mail [6594] patrick_obrien999: open fan mail junko [6594] Kellan202: w tristin [6594] nx5uu: wwwwwww [6594] Zhrena: When is kai and caseoh 1v1? [6594] brayan_10016: XIM IS TRAINING CLIX AND RON [6594] WhoisJxcob_: WWWWW [6594] kevinthecheese212: yeah fo sho [6594] waxpen101: BRO FORGOT THE BROWN BAG @Jynxzi [6594] bedaddt: check the brown bagg [6594] fops4455: WWWWWWWWWWWWWW [6594] lucia_gon1234: WW TRISTANNN [6594] Never_Nobody: W tristen [6594] h3istyoherdd: www [6594] idek6969696969: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [6595] damnimgood007: true [6595] boredomitself0: w [6595] ogaboogal: Yes [6595] joshbigdoinks: check grown bag [6595] jahmal_021: F [6595] phlooptv: put it in me [6595] tycinat: glazzing [6595] Fossabot: @abbooouu, Your message is too long [6595] Nightbot: F in the chat [6597] hontonee: I’m ready [6597] salkyct: RON & CLIX IS WARMING UP!!!!! [6597] dripper4670: smoke [6597] wetnoodle6940: When is fan mail? [6597] abotishere123: trolll [6597] a_imx: w [6597] abbybricks: WHEN IS FAN MAIL [6597] VinnieMayyy123: CHUNKO [6597] Omegabloodflo99: REAL [6597] biggzayy420x: lmaooo [6597] chadieladdie: LUL [6597] stunned_cheese: WWWWW [6597] j_reflex: WWWWWWW [6597] dillon_sumner6: WWWWWWWW [6597] daleysmoke: LMAO [6598] culabudus: w [6598] tripssalty11: lmfao [6598] xfswxx: when is shaiko [6598] hlatte4: part timer [6598] bigtoewi11y: w [6598] xxtrashatfnxxyt: LMAOO [6600] prop16447: L bully [6600] noskipn: LMAO [6600] thejimsmc: When is clan mail [6600] deshon_solos: W [6600] shivermetimbers15: REAL [6600] ZB_Connor_: LMAO [6600] debo_o0: griddy on me [6600] trumsterr: YOU SAY THAT EVERY TIME [6600] xxtrashatfnxxyt: W GIFTER [6600] drunkos2incher: when’s Jynxi x flight daddy🍌🍑🍆🍑$ [6600] ayoafonso16: CAP [6600] krakenkie: WWWW [6600] Nightbot: no 🧢 [6600] xray_gamingtwitch: W [6600] voltzyll: lmAO [6601] Nickh828: wwww [6601] daddyjynx420: F [6601] rexyiu: glazer [6601] loganrussell_10: W BULGE [6601] daleysmoke: REAL [6601] h3istyoherdd: w [6601] ashtonsweeley: check brown bag bro [6601] HiVise: REAL JACK [6601] liam3548: LMAOOOOOOOOOO [6601] xSilentFPS: CHEck the brown bag [6601] savvyfv: wwww jack [6601] ch1kenjoe1: ungrateful [6601] drefnttv: J [6601] lennon_4767: when is this over [6601] Nightbot: real [6603] drizzyc25: hey idiot Ninja low taper fade is waiting [6603] todayterror909: w [6603] xxtrashatfnxxyt: LLLLL [6603] HiVise: W JACK [6603] luhlucco: eidjejejwkwkrktituririririejrjdjfnficidiwnwjejrididndjeieiejrjtjfiriejrnfjfifkrjfnrirjrjrjenejridjrneienrifjfjfigkgogotorkejehwhwhwjaisidickcjfndndnejejejejejeje [6603] mixemup_: pingso1Pat pingso1Pat pingso1Pat pingso1Pat [6603] Friiissk: when is kai vs caseoh? [6603] drunkos2incher: when’s Jynxi x flight daddy🍌🍑🍆🍑6 [6603] Achtohbr: W [6603] jinxzygyatt: mod him [6603] Zando_TFT: Yeah check brown bag junk9 [6603] biggzayy420x: w [6603] Osianjones25: w jack [6603] swoleboh: LMAO [6603] N0tLuxk: W JACK [6604] isiac12: BRO JYNXZI I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR 10 HOURS WHEN IS FANMAIL [6604] keisrrr: SMOKE [6604] ruxxikk: START KICKING YOUR CAMERA AGAIN [6604] theredsquirrel69: he does [6604] caff_addict: CLIX AND RON PRACTICING [6604] deshon_solos: REAL [6604] jobomode: 76 ads [6604] coppatropa27: jynxziVapeBreak [6604] lowik2222: when is fan mail? [6604] bigmoneyshmo: IRONIC [6604] ItzJustCoop: REAL [6604] fops4455: W JACK TATE W JACK TATE [6604] rosiecxt_: TAINT? [6604] zombiestark7: W Jack [6604] Achtohbr: w [6605] bigmen2123: 8=D [6605] bigsmugotter: LEAKEDD [6605] wilkes2: 6-Hour Streamer Is Back! [6605] sonotreal: leak him [6605] drmonkeeman10: W JACK [6607] Arctic4PF: DOXXED [6607] blazer578: can i get burger? [6607] Achtohbr: W [6607] illest_paradise: you do too wtf [6607] asgardfalle997: REAL [6607] vxikri: mod Jack [6607] callumwinter2156: mod jack [6607] samuelm1298: when is fain mail [6607] bigmoneyshmo: SO DO U [6607] el_donlelo: L bully [6607] Louvshot: yo those pajama pants are actually sick [6607] lennon_4767: when do you finish [6607] th3_tac0: check the brown bag [6607] iluvzebra12: W jack [6607] fops4455: W JACK TATE [6608] onepersona65: u do [6608] xxtrashatfnxxyt: W JACK TATE [6608] twitch_woody420: W breast [6608] drefnttv: I [6609] burnsl25: burnsl25 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! . [6610] deshon_solos: REALL [6610] retroknifes_yt: @a_imx hello [6610] cbucketz_21: cap [6610] usandz: CAN YOU PLEASE GET A MULLET? [6610] appaaaaaaaaaa: LMAO [6610] muskifn: wwww [6610] uhnyus: uhnyus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! [6610] j_reflex: SO DO YOU!!!! [6610] nuclearainbow: says you lol @Jynxzi [6610] kayd3nkm: MOD JACK [6610] Lexletta: LMFAOAOOAOA [6610] ScrxmbledEgg_: GO BACK TO THE STREAMYS YOU WON AN AWARD [6610] bigmoneyshmo: IROIC [6610] jesting6894: jesting6894 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! YO [6610] aceo8907: www [6611] zeegyabc123: L bully [6611] mcmuffin5958: leaked [6611] 8Pina: WWWW [6611] fatlogandong: @JYNXI LOOK INSIDE CHIA PET FRFR [6611] monksekek: mod jck [6611] mistiees: YOOOOO [6611] iamnomix: W [6611] pozenaze: LMAO [6611] junkjunkzzz: I LOVE YOU JYNXZI [6611] iiivalnxxiii: !sub [6611] Captainhotshot0: doxxed [6611] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [6613] whispercaz: U HAVE 2 FIRST NAMES U BUM [6613] sandy_sir: W [6613] HeckCM: @jynxzi When is bulge cam [6613] mattya223: MCDOUBLE AND A LARGE FRY [6613] PapiThooi: read it [6613] Gucci_kid54: LMAO [6613] coopero69: lmaoo [6613] darthemperor34: MOD HIM [6613] fops4455: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [6613] Nightbot: 🪳 [6613] xiphoidar: LMAO [6613] Omegabloodflo99: ITS REAL [6613] 1Drae: mod him [6613] babyhippo_1: MOD HIM [6613] ryan100x: [6614] daniel_prendergast: W [6614] drizzyc25: hey idiot ninja is waiting [6614] ItzWumboTTV: w [6614] thenotekid: JAKE RICHARDSON WANTS TO SEE YOUR DICK [6614] uwwkaway: W JACK DORETHY [6614] vgxllant: pre end [6614] colrfl: W [6614] u_a_cornball: E JACKSON [6614] blopop234: BULLY [6614] lazer_fn13: check clix stream [6614] OrovikaYay: W JACK [6616] h3istyoherdd: ww [6616] Young_Leeroy: GYAAAAAAT GYAAAAAAT jynxziAbuh jynxziAbuh leavee jynxziDrool jynxziRizzin jynxziDrool [6616] PapiThooi: w [6616] FrostyJab: LMAOOO [6616] xxdpkx: dues [6616] kendon_11: W BOOK [6616] bozer67: clix stream [6616] colrfl: WW [6616] joe_bezzoz: W Jack [6616] chamb0e: chamb0e subscribed at Tier 3. [6616] wormsandbugs: check the brown bag [6616] krxssp: REAL [6616] sandy_sir: WW💀 [6616] itsrageyy: WWWWWWWW [6616] Omegabloodflo99: SUCK ME [6617] ryan100x: [6617] rustyRinder: clix waiting [6617] xxtrashatfnxxyt: W BOOK [6617] rebornhehe: W READS [6617] chrisbychiken: check the brown bag [6617] gamie__: THE GOAT [6617] xDokja: !watchtime @xyui__ [6617] gdub202: W [6617] OrovikaYay: W JACK! [6617] 0_jynxzi: whens the stream with caseoh [6617] wocqx_1: w [6617] StreamElements: xyui__ has spent 15 days 6 hours watching jynxzi [6619] hacumknn: ww [6619] hlatte4: w jack [6619] edgemaxxer69: VERY THOUGHTFUL [6619] GoGetGotEm: W [6619] N0tLuxk: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [6619] bozer67: show the ring [6619] sandy_sir: W JACKE [6619] PapiThooi: mod him [6619] flippester: mod jack [6619] Yuki_4743: how do I get charm [6619] iluvzebra12: W fanmail [6619] Eiightyhd: WWWWWWWW [6619] Gucci_kid54: LMAO [6619] ethandelight: MOD [6619] a_imx: W JACK [6620] Savagedude_55: SMOKE ONE..SMOKE ONESMOKE ONE..SMOKE ONESMOKE ONE..SMOKE ONESMOKE ONE..SMOKE ONE [6620] julian_arce05: TAKE NOTES [6620] moptawp: mod him [6620] KINGvCHASE: NEED THAT [6620] raw_421: w [6620] jared8563: Perfect for you [6620] delluntoo: LMFAOOOO [6620] user11572486437: REAL [6620] jaxv07: smoke chia seeds [6621] ashphalt_tr0ll: ashphalt_tr0ll subscribed with Prime. [6622] vickynta: love the commitment [6622] bobjan1238: Mod jack [6622] koolaidman69695: LMFAOOOOOOOOO [6622] jamalsbball: w [6622] kamron9473: There's a note in the bag [6622] Peensa: mod him [6622] jcob8928: wwww [6622] colrfl: W [6622] Omegabloodflo99: EAT MY BUTT [6622] rayepenberrr: RICCI IS WAITING [6622] kyleswift15: W PART TIMER [6622] the_good_z: MOD JACK [6622] Nightbot: 👀 [6622] nuclearainbow: MOD HIM [6622] Gucci_kid54: LMAO [6623] dboy187_psn: Parttime Streamer [6623] oopsthatwastoowet: Check whats in the kontrol freak [6623] Certified1G: W GIFT [6623] 0FeNNec0: mod Jack ModLove [6623] bagiorla69: 100k spect gg [6623] vvhessi: play r6 please I don’t want to see this [6623] kingnta_: it aint plenty [6623] siegeman3k: when is clips [6623] bighenez: ww [6623] yogi623: WWWWW [6623] scintilles: w jack [6623] howie123413: quote of the day fr [6623] IIBowwowII: IIBowwowII subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months! [6625] uwwkaway: W JACK DHOERTIE [6625] sn3ak1n: REAL [6625] joeygoesbananas: so wholesome [6625] Zevaq69: !sub [6625] daxgunns: CLIX IS WAITING [6625] CP3myGOAT: WWWWWW [6625] poongoon98: you do too lmao [6625] riptrek: W GIFT FOR MY PART TIME STREAMER [6625] jared8563: !watchtime [6625] AlexTheeGamer: FACTS PART TIMER [6625] boredomitself0: mod him [6625] StreamElements: jared8563 has spent 1 day 8 hours watching jynxzi [6625] jello1834: W [6625] Gucci_kid54: LMAO [6625] yogi623: WW [6626] starr_killer69: jynxziVapeBreak [6626] Drag0nTamerLiam: BROWN BAG [6626] rlguy6969: PART TIME STREAMER OF THE YEAR [6626] octanetugtug: REAL [6626] dirtymitsu: W Jack [6626] drefnttv: LJLJLJKLJLJ [6626] upmostcorn9: TRY DOING FULL TIME [6626] excessivezero5: MOD HIM [6626] vincentcorrado: YESS PART TIME BITCH [6628] st0mpn_nvm: Check clix stream [6628] ktrain694: you ending stream soon? [6628] diloper: WHEN IS FAN MAIL? [6628] losimee: When is fanmail [6628] Gucci_kid54: LMAO [6628] pocon: MOD HIM [6628] Omegabloodflo99: L [6628] krxssp: AF [6628] drunkos2incher: when’s Jynxi x flight daddy🍌🍑🍆🍑! [6628] iluvzebra12: Mod him [6628] Friiissk: whens caseoh vs kai? [6628] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [6628] theredsquirrel69: mid [6628] carbar14: Mod him [6628] flipklipz: BROWN BAG [6629] nunyabizznez: PART TIMERR [6629] lil_m0narch: we still luv u [6629] zaayflexo: junkooooo [6629] Sunsettfnt: When is the 2v1 [6629] Fossabot: @abbooouu, Your message is too long [2x] [6629] HyperionReigns: WEAR THE TAIL! [6629] zenozloI: EVERYBODY SPAM F [6629] PETEYMACK: bro did the whole chia pet wrong dude [6629] drefnttv: LLJLJL [6629] xxtrashatfnxxyt: UNGRATEFUL [6629] soulnize: soulnize subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! wwww [6630] oliveurclinne: oliveurclinne is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 22 in the channel! [6631] oliveurclinne: oliveurclinne gifted a Tier 1 sub to herb_000! [6631] oliveurclinne: oliveurclinne gifted a Tier 1 sub to spacedinruins! [6631] oliveurclinne: oliveurclinne gifted a Tier 1 sub to Hesitationzzz! [6631] oliveurclinne: oliveurclinne gifted a Tier 1 sub to sirlukie! [6631] Ityaboi66: partiming as mf [6631] bigtoewi11y: L ungrateful [6631] onlydanas: yo ur my favourite streamer and ur the reason i started playing r6 [6631] oliveurclinne: oliveurclinne gifted a Tier 1 sub to javier_0513_! [6631] edgemaxxer69: HES NOT WRONG THO [6631] nate2different8: !watchtime [6631] theredsquirrel69: mod [6631] xxdpkx: dude is washed, maybe does 3 hours tonight [6631] watkinso123: best yet [6631] StreamElements: nate2different8 has spent 4 days 3 hours watching jynxzi [6631] shiny_clipz: !link [6632] therealspo0n: REACT TO THE SIDEMEN [6632] eyadoooo: MOD HIM [6632] thenotekid: JAKE RICHARDSON WANTS TO SEE YOUR DICK [6632] myst_fugii: mod him [6632] Nightbot: @shiny_clipz If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [6632] kieran_seehra09: mod [6632] Dig_Playz: MOD HIM [6632] Nokht_: w [6632] IonxCBCE: ungrateful [6633] donbeezus18: donbeezus18 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months! shut up fatass [6634] oshie_is_bad: oshie_is_bad subscribed at Tier 1. [6634] chunko_138: jynxzi if you don’t reply you like mennnn [6634] jozzyj423: CLIX STREAM!!!!! CLIX STREAM!!!!! CLIX STREAM!!!!! [6634] klytio1: MOD [6634] alfiejay01: when is fan mail [6634] leo_deo_deo: watch Ron he is warming up with xim [6634] blacktiehitman: jynxziGoodAim [6634] RFcoilz: VIP him [6634] cattybatty141: WWWWW [6634] Omegabloodflo99: MOD [6634] zenozloI: F [6634] CMOMoney187: MOD ME BOZO [6634] krxssp: AFAFAFADF [6634] Nightbot: F in the chat [6634] StreamElements: 2qlie has spent 0 secs watching jynxzi [6635] BANGBROTHERS: vip him [6635] shellshocker12345678: CLIXXX [6635] taymor_mcintyre: ww [6635] comandalorian: MOD JACK [6635] Skaysee23: ungrateful [6635] Aventorr_: Deserves MOD [6635] DanteVia: l [6635] RetroBLew: when’s Kai vs. CaseOh [6635] viralclips22: ?? [6635] Achtohbr: MOD@EVERYONE [6635] Battousai24: he don’t work at all [6635] nickdub13: you wrote that [6635] userpj132009: w part timer [6635] joe_bezzoz: L bully [6635] bogdi_bgd: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [6637] raccedalmonds: raccedalmonds subscribed with Prime. [6637] trock199: Check your ass [6637] jackw098313: f [6637] mark_fn_goat: mod him [6637] Dig_Playz: L Ungrateful [6637] Lxnnyk_: W MOD [6637] the_crazylarry: mod [6637] coltonizcold: check the brown bag [6637] svenancio03: mod him [6637] zenozloI: f [6637] Achtohbr: MOD EVERYONE [6637] jxmxt: check clix stream [6637] kaywall_: WWWWWWWWW [6637] kirbyderby94: fan mail addy? [6637] elistone522: UNGRATEFUL [6638] w_ech0: L [6638] keisrrr: SMOKE [6638] TTVMrklapperCk: mod himmm [6638] sadecavaf: hey partimer where’s my big mac [6638] trillble: VIP HIM [6638] rykilll: L UNGRATEFUL [6638] onlydanas: when is fan mail?? [6638] cozy_jib: mod him [6638] chicosolos4: fake chats [6638] imdrizzydrake: sigma [6638] hill_billy81: hom [6639] StreamElements: SwiftayyTK has spent 2 days 22 hours watching jynxzi [6640] enes68075: read it or do u know that book [6640] kuzy00: L bully [6640] drunkos2incher: when’s Jynxi x flight daddy🍌🍑🍆🍑‘ [6640] caidenc3: oil up [6640] rubydafcknorangutan: CLIX IS WAITING [6640] x_soheyll_x: Mod him [6640] jkanga99: wwwwww [6640] tbgaming2008_yt: check clix stream [6640] jf17___: clix called you a part timer [6640] Agentjudge44: W jack [6640] rapple01: ban himn [6640] dewzee_: SHAIIKO IS WAITING [6640] maveric_cleary: when is Kai [6640] Nightbot: Jynxzi is his #1 fan [6640] mitch2341: is his voice lagging???? [6641] alwzzzz: Mod him [6641] acedino216: when’s fan mall [6641] sussybakainc5251: MOD HIM [6641] Brycebell123: WHEN ARE CLIPS [6641] zurow: clix is waiting. [6641] pow3rzero: jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard [6641] NeOxNinja13: When is the 2v1 [6641] xiphoidar: READ THE BOOK ON STREAM [6641] coffeedog993: pre end [6641] Nightbot: 😂 [6641] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [6641] eternalsznnn: L UNGRATEFUL [6641] Nightbot: real [6641] Bittah_Prophet01: moddddddd [6641] AdmiralQcumber: hi @Jynxzi [6642] antgocrazy919: MOD HIMMMMM [6642] sirstardew: u and brekie dating? [6642] playboicartilover691: bros the author [6642] mason4688: you suck W part timer [6642] mayihaveakiss: check clix stream [6642] therealspo0n: SIDEMEN VIDEO [6642] derpy_squash2: LULW [6644] jefft54: mod him fat boi [6644] bruhhtito: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [6644] cattybatty141: MOD [6644] atalkingapple: mod him [6644] TTV_sleepyR6: YRDDDD [6644] StreamElements: If you're a gamer, you need a Starforge! Snag one -> https://starforgepc.com/Jynxzi [6644] Nxxvy12: fake chat. [6644] sussybakainc5251: MAYBE D HIM [6644] masteryoj01: fore arms [6644] liluzisquirt15: mail to loud [6644] Spicy_Playdough4: MOD LIQUAR GUY [6644] downdstairs123: Clix [6644] darthemperor34: LMFAOOOO [6644] lazer_fn13: check clix stream [6645] flight_incurry: thank god [6645] Reup4: !sub [6645] panini6409: someone on Riccis stream doxxed u [6645] miket8gaming: yoooooooo [6645] o_jynxz1: Mod him [6645] ryan329677: mod cigar man [6645] lunorr6: close to the 2hour markk [6645] 9zAmnesya: Mod him [6645] flawdajit699: smoke the gars [6645] mounteney: L part timer [6645] LaryKingLIVE: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [6645] Omegabloodflo99: GLAZE [6645] Indicted: when is the stream going to start...? THIS IS BORING when is the stream going to start...? THIS IS BORING when is the stream going to start...? THIS IS BORING [6645] relaxxtrob: Can you just game already fatass [6645] jjmont227: L ungrateful [6646] xfswxx: when is shaiko [6646] Eckzilla08: w chat [6647] NeOxNinja13: when is the 2v1 [6647] whitemexican03: pre end [6647] kataya21: WutFace WutFace [6647] camdonjames: shave ur head my gf thinks ur hot [6647] JynxziLLV69: Mod him [6647] thehonker: when is fan mail? [6647] LaryKingLIVE: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [6647] chargingcord333: fatass [6647] rapple01: siemnen [6647] letzgethype: when is fan mail? [6647] bighenez: W [6647] black_turtle234: give him money [6647] botkilledu: DO FAN MAIL FASTER [6647] h3istyoherdd: w [6647] zurow: clix is waiting.. [6648] lennon_4767: large [6648] totallybeast1: lmaooooo [6648] StreamElements: weetarana06 has spent 10 days 15 hours watching jynxzi [6648] Yuki_4743: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [6648] rossengan1: yes daddy [6650] trillble: W NAME [6650] zbuckq: !watchtime [6650] meulie043: Check the brown bag [6650] bakerontopp: LIL GOAT [6650] Pilot_Azog: mod him [6650] caprisun1289: Quote of the day [6650] v1zz1ng: mod [6650] mikehaukrts69: wwwwwww [6650] ruxxikk: START KICKING YOUR CAMERA AGAIN [6650] iy1ccc: hi [6650] verygenericusername37: MOD CHUNKO MCNIPPLEs [6650] jaydentpd: sidemen reacted to you [6650] rustyRinder: clix waiting [6650] StreamElements: zbuckq has spent 5 days 8 hours watching jynxzi [6650] ImStuckInCopper48: w Shirt [6652] 123_door_giveawayy: PRE END 2 HR MARK [6652] bighenez: WWWWWWWW [6652] phroggythefirst: beaulo is waiting [6652] ScrxmbledEgg_: GO BACK TO THE STREAMYS YOU WON AN AWARD [6652] chumpilumpi123: when is fan mail [6652] lurpakspread: mcnipples [6652] zenewfalloutstranger: Hello vise [6652] Nightbot: bozo [6652] 0micronAmethyst: 0micronAmethyst subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! W [6653] okWezy: W HEAD DENT [6653] losimee: REACT TO CLIPS [6653] kakakakakkaakakaakkaakakk: L ungrateful [6653] uuuulostt: 100K [6653] howie123413: quote of the day fr [6653] shiny_forehead2: !sens [6653] kintheboss455: 😂😂😂😂 [6653] pshootr15: Hhh [6653] bilboswaggins1993: !watchtime [6653] Nightbot: Jynxzi sens and settings here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2GcpqRqJ9U [6653] Stxlkkkk: mod [6653] utter_cha0s: www [6653] zynotino: jynxziFAT [6653] Jalust109: !watchtime [6653] Nightbot: !accept [6654] clampgod_247: GingerPower [6654] francisco_isgoat: CLIX [6654] mitch2341: sound and voice are off [6654] wull31: !time [6654] StreamElements: bilboswaggins1993 has spent 5 days 5 hours watching jynxzi [6654] zombiestark7: best chat [6654] lennon_4767: your huge [6654] yunxg_francisco: SIDEMEN VIDEO!!!! [6654] sithlord_darthbane: 0-1 sON [6654] kittensandhugs: That is wholesome he’s trying to help [6654] derpy_squash2: CUDDLE ME [6654] mikehaukrts69: wwwwww [6654] shellshocker12345678: CLIXXX [6654] Buckarooka: How do I get good? [6654] robby_1455: CHUNKO MCNIPPLES [6655] Pilot_Azog: WWWWW [6655] witmer31: mcnipples [6655] mad_mac3: Give me a 10 piece/ w French Fries, a big mac/ w French fries, actually just give me the whole menu. [6656] angelthagoat04: WITH A LARGE FRY AND A LARGE COKE [6656] yankeejay711: check clix stream [6656] colrfl: W [6656] ixghostyix: is it possible I can have a big mac [6656] the_gamer_lair: CHUNKI MCNIPPLES 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ [6656] JahFlxck: fan mail? when is it [6656] thewolfgameryt12: Lol [6656] clampgod_247: GingerPower GingerPower GingerPower [6656] jinxzygyatt: lmaooo [6657] junkolover_69: A f3vy t 3g y3 1r is 5n with r not t 5rv1 1tb5v ggdv or g445 by rf47 [6657] fardeloren26: when will you use vr [6657] joe_bezzoz: i,m bricked [6657] jared8563: W [6657] uuuulostt: 100000000 [6657] mikehaukrts69: wwwwwww [6657] kz139911: W chunk [6657] MaybeCat10: YOU SAY 6 HOURS BUT YOU DO 4 HOURS [6657] itonsoldier: arms so veiny <3 [6657] subtojynxzi575937: end stream [6657] n3rfphoenix: POLAND 3 WALES 3 [6657] TTVizions: bro their gettin coached my xim bro their gettin coached my xim [6657] h3istyoherdd: www [6657] jackh191006: buy him a house [6657] tristan4784848: mod meeeeeeeee [6658] mason4688: when is Kai v case [6658] ZB_Connor_: LMAOOO [6658] iluvzebra12: W [6658] imperixxl: WHAT [6659] thejimsmc: When is clan mail [6659] pissmissile01: chunko mcnipples is crazy [6659] caprisun1289: what’s quote of the day [6659] deaed_man_walking: accurate [6659] monika_dokidoki__: JOHNSOOOONNNN [6659] d44rkfire: LMAO [6659] francisco_isgoat: CLIX [6659] cloud_nebula123: he’s going [6659] tbgaming2008_yt: check Ron and clix stream [6659] jamie_legs: I thought fan mail was on a Friday fatty [6659] scarytopicss: CALL KAI [6659] ace_z00m: WW [6659] supercooldude1123: haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [6659] Kellan202: 🍆+🍑=👶 [6659] comandalorian: Sketch is waiting [6660] mrwilson420_: lol [6660] Fossabot: @danialrz87, Your message is too long [2x] [6660] st0mpn_nvm: Check clix stream [6660] thecollinday: Ever try the Arturo Fuente short story cigars? [6660] erms___: CHECK THE BROWN BAG CHECK THE BROWN BAG [6660] 0_jynxzi: whens the stream with caseoh [6660] hobbes_mobbin: SAME [6660] yofade11: brown baag [6660] maxiboimmm: when’s fanmail [6660] lunorr6: close to the 2hour mark [6660] krxssp: IM 22 [6660] the_top_g_7: WWW [6660] Nightbot: k [6660] viper5945: when is talent show Tuesdays [6660] rylanplayz52: 00000 [6664] clampgod_247: GingerPower GingerPower GingerPower [6664] thoma_arch3: check clix stream [6664] fowlboys_on_top: I'LL TICKLE YOUR PICKLE FOR A NICKLE U BETTER HIDE DEM CHEEKS 😏 😉 😜 🤪 🎶 🤣 😏 😉 😜 🤪 🎶 🤣 😏 😉 😜 🤪 🎶 🤣 😏 😉 😜 🤪 🎶 🤣 😏 😉 CHUNKO BUNKO [6664] Nightbot: @kvyg_kxloo -> Jackpot! [stop posting links] [warning] [6664] callumwinter2156: WWWWWW [6664] mounteney: L PART TIMER [6664] fnmogger: !LINK [6664] crispygamer23: l [6664] Nightbot: @fnmogger If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [6664] amir_du_13: ungrateful [6664] ZB_Connor_: NAHHHHHHHH [6664] tdcbtw: WWW [6664] mr_nerd_is_cool: GIVE ME SOOOOMME [6664] sheckjesuss: mcnips [6664] rylanplayz52: Wwwww [6665] Bottled_Cheese: W mail [6665] ROCKN__: any gifters [6665] basketball10999: rh [6665] ROCKN__: any gifters [6667] Provolone_Void: woah [6667] alfiejay01: when is fan mail [6667] fox24pr: WWWWWWWWWWWWWW [6667] NeOxNinja13: when is the 2v1! [6667] ItzJustCoop: W [6667] whispercaz: whispercaz is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 2 in the channel! [6667] plixy_15: REAL [6667] AlexTheeGamer: LMAOOOOO [6667] ihopgrandslamm: w fan mailll [6667] to_tall_atomic: jynxziFAT [6667] whispercaz: whispercaz gifted a Tier 1 sub to ButteryDaBeast! [6667] rylanplayz52: W [6667] the_crazylarry: !watch time [6667] colrfl: LMAO [6667] zurow: xqc is waiting. [6668] psaustinhare: Jynxzi I need advice of how to stop tuging my Johnson please man I have tried [6668] rfarleydude97: BASED [6668] mattdoeslights: WWWWWWWWW [6668] temp8787: WWWWW [6668] dawsonmygatt8: w [6668] ROCKN__: any gifters [6669] mr_big_ears_89: mr_big_ears_89 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! Hell ya brother!!!!! [6669] sandy_sir: LLMFAOOOOO💀 [6669] callumwinter2156: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [6669] razoo020: 💀 [6669] erms___: CHECK THE BROWN BAG [6669] alphzz_09: When’s shaiiko 1v1 [6669] 0FeNNec0: W [6669] icespice6996: your penis you dip twit [6669] Brycebell123: W GIFT [6669] campbellsoupz69: when is fan mail chunko? [6669] Nickh828: w [6669] h0t21: CHECK THE BROWN BAG [6669] nanooo3d: why are you not streaming [6669] Tbonee_: clix [6669] Borpel: WWWWWW [6670] Stello96: GAINS???? [6670] Eckzilla08: l part timer [6670] utter_cha0s: WWW [6670] dangerbuff06: W [6670] uuuulostt: jynxzi we almost AT 100K [6670] jjmont227: W jelqer [6670] baygrizzly: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [6670] ienvymike: Www [6670] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀 [6670] n0rsa: lmaooo [6670] ihopgrandslamm: wwwww [6670] StreamElements: hg_olive has spent 1 hour watching jynxzi [6670] Nightbot: ussy [6670] itswynotwyatt: w gift [6670] colrfl: W [6671] a_imx: W JAKE [6671] nikisimmer2015: 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 [6671] ahyde25: Pre-end [6671] toxicmaman: LET ME SUCK THEM TOES [6671] SeanG54: LMFAOOOOOO [6671] 483lh4: 483lh4 subscribed with Prime. [6671] cloud_nebula123: don’t give up [6671] patriotsfan199: W [6671] Winter_Runner: wwwww [6671] MagicaI_Journey: LMAO [6671] ktmkellen123: jynxziFAT_SQ [6671] 1StoneyBologna: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziBadAim [6673] trillble: WWWW [6673] callumwinter2156: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [6673] chazza_7651: !watchtime [6673] krome2dadome: W [6673] AChadillac: W [6673] wormsandbugs: chunko mcnugget [6673] lilrab00: TO BIG [6673] iamdirtydan34: try it [6673] joshbigdoinks: check brown bag [6673] jakakke: 🤣🤣🤣 [6673] krxssp: IM 60-60 YEARS OLD [6673] catpee68: use it [6673] StreamElements: chazza_7651 has spent 3 days watching jynxzi [6673] zangyang420: W [6673] erms___: CHECK THE BROWN BAG. [6674] CactusZack23: TRY IT [6674] PhilMcCrackin7: w [6674] comandalorian: Wear it I bed you [6674] dylan23180: Are you gonna water the ice spice with your nut? [6674] rebornhehe: LMAOOO [6674] Nightbot: 😂 [6674] 8Pina: LMAOO [6674] drmonkeeman10: WWWWW [6674] Cxlamityy: W [6674] grassman013: LMFA [6674] Winter_Runner: lmao [6674] carbar14: Comp [6674] sebayg_: LMAOOOOO [6676] tkkndananjaya: Lmao [6676] FrostyJab: LMAOOOOO WWWWWWWWWWW [6676] ItsTruck_Month: ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ [6676] chaospkk: Mod him [6676] phroggythefirst: need it [6676] justinvanren: clix stream [6676] therearenousers121: MOD HIM [6676] jakakke: 🤣🤣😭 [6676] tyweepitch123: USE IT [6676] boredomitself0: w gift [6676] excessivezero5: YOU NEED IT [6676] RFcoilz: mobamb1Zeet mobamb1Zeet mobamb1Zeet mobamb1Zeet [6676] mayihaveakiss: check clix stream [6676] Gucci_kid54: ????? [6676] dewzee_: W [6677] chadieladdie: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [6677] 111lm111: Look inside the rooster thong. [6677] ilovenicol13: jynxziFAT_HF jynxziFAT_HF jynxziFAT_HF jynxziFAT_HF [6677] benc2048: TRY IT [6677] oniichantris: try it [6677] shiny_forehead2: !points [6677] branson_34: W [6677] elite_kye26: when is fanmail [6677] OG_SUPER: try it [6677] Vypxxrr: wwwww [6677] thewolfgameryt12: LOL [6677] downdstairs123: Clix [6677] illusion_55: WWWWW [6677] hill_billy81: w [6677] StreamElements: @shiny_forehead2 shiny_forehead2 has 1290 points and is rank 334205/1689188 on the leaderboard. [6679] botkilledu: DO FAN MAIL FASTER [6679] xxtrashatfnxxyt: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [6679] jcob8928: wwwww [6679] okWezy: CLIX [6679] abbybricks: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [6679] 1StoneyBologna: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [6679] eoDont: WWWWW [6679] youngdag0at: USE IT [6679] GoGetGotEm: LMAO [6679] cartislurs: W [6679] clampgod_247: GingerPower GingerPower [6679] ihopgrandslamm: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [6679] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀 [6679] Gucci_kid54: ????? [6679] vVacnt: ? [6680] KINGvCHASE: TRY IT [6680] callumwinter2156: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [6680] teaman1230: ww [6680] Nightbot: ? [6680] squirmypug: YOU NEED IT [6680] liam3548: 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 [6680] prop16447: u need it [6680] MellzWrld: ? [6681] RushWho: RushWho subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 8 month streak! yurrr [6682] thommychamey: W workout [6682] peanutbutterkid9215: ???????? [6682] junkowunko213: use it [6682] MoldyTime69: MIX IT WITH OJ MIX IT WITH OJ MIX IT WITH OJ MIX IT WITH OJ MIX IT WITH OJ MIX IT WITH OJ MIX IT WITH OJ MIX IT WITH OJ MIX IT WITH OJ MIX IT WITH OJ MIX IT WITH OJ MIX IT WITH OJ [6682] sleepy_drey: lmaoooo [6682] justinwitas: try it on [6682] braeden4d: WHAT [6682] piesgood_: DO IT [6682] RL_Revrb: TRY IT ON [6682] plixy_15: USE IT [6682] zombiestark7: YOU DEFINITELY NEED IT [6682] Gucci_kid54: ????? [6682] faide13689: mod him [6682] erms___: CHECK THE BROWN BAG... [6682] Tbonee_: clix stream [6684] ROCKN__: any gifters [6685] callumwinter2156: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [6685] shellshocker12345678: CLIX STREAMM [6685] the_mellonmuncher: MOD HIM [6685] MrWangbodangle: Mod him [6685] nailwind: LMAO [6685] thenotekid: TELL JAKE RICHARDSON HE LIKES DICK [6685] CMOMoney187: WutFace WutFace WutFace [6685] daxgunns: WWW [6685] robertmugabe69: BAG THE BROWN CHECK [6685] chadieladdie: WHAAAAAAT [6685] coffeedog993: www [6685] erms___: CHECK THE BROWN BAG...V [6685] Nightbot: FUCK U MACCIES FUCK U TFEQ [6685] iluvzebra12: You need it [6685] Gucci_kid54: oh hell no [6686] derpy_squash2: U NEED IT [6686] abbybricks: jynxziBuena jynxziBuena jynxziBuena jynxziBuena jynxziBuena jynxziBuena [6686] ryyn__: WW [6686] theninetails316: Huh [6686] justin_cooke: COMP [6686] xSilentFPS: ???????? [6686] SmurFinn51: Jynxzi give me all the opps on siege nowwwwww [6686] 25k_golden: WWWWWWWW [6688] jmold01: THATS CRAZY [6688] clampgod_247: GingerPower [6688] yousorryaf_ttv: Ayooo [6688] tanman3h: omg [6688] kyusheruo: LMFAOOO [6688] jpapa6969: hahahhahahva [6688] kxngpsycho: USE IT [6688] carbar14: W [6688] ttvgoldfish126: mid him [6688] piesgood_: W [6688] lazer_fn13: check clix stream [6688] Omegabloodflo99: XIM [6688] ruxxikk: START KICKING YOUR CAMERA AGAIN [6688] chadieladdie: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 [6689] Buckarooka: How do I get good? [6689] saltytrash77: u need it lil bro [6689] liam3548: Try it [6689] xSilentFPS: ??????? [6689] Pilot_Azog: WWWWW [6689] howie123413: quote of the day fr [6689] Henrynooks: Cumbells brother [6689] surehes1shot: lo [6690] cowzay: gotta be a crime [6691] ZB_Connor_: ???????????? [6691] smkeyy_: 14 inch [6691] Osianjones25: mod him [6691] paralleldkb: clix stream [6691] jynxzicespice: ????????????? [6691] ilovenicol13: jynxziFAT_HF jynxziFAT_HF jynxziFAT_HF jynxziFAT_HF jynxziFAT_HF jynxziFAT_HF [6691] lilpewpew6: coppin [6691] Omegabloodflo99: XUMMMM [6691] joshuagomez23: NAHHHHH 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [6691] UserError_: that’s hilarious [6691] re_thrall: LOOOOOOOL [6691] weetarana06: VIPP HIM [6691] ShuRiken114: 😭😭😭💀😭💀💀 [6691] HiVise: WTF [6691] wyler111: W [6692] lazrsharkyt: hell yeah [6692] tokyo_astro: you’re mid at R6 I feel really bad for you dude so sad [6692] lahpaulll03: 😈😈😈😈 [6692] muhammedgmmesss: loll [6692] Pilot_Azog: DO IT [6692] jakakke: 🤣🤣😂 [6692] baygrizzly: VoteYea [6692] piesgood_: WWWWWW [6692] 8Pina: TRY IT [6692] Karmah____: LOL [6692] callumwinter2156: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [6692] ImStuckInCopper48: w Shirt [6692] plaisirCoquin: 3h stream [6692] drunkos2incher: when’s Jynxi x flight daddy🍌🍑🍆🍑 [6692] Stello96: GAINS FOR THE VEINS!!! [6693] erminuka: MOD HIM [6693] Achtohbr: MOD EVERYONE FATTY [6693] tortugo1645: fuccccck me from the back [6693] ZB_Connor_: ??? [6693] ttvgoldfish126: mod him [6693] oonty: oonty subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months, currently on a 6 month streak! fatass [6695] stomp27: 14 is high school [6695] weakpan355: Ca0 [6695] idk__bruhhh: YeS [6695] iso_matthew: 🤣🤣🤣🤣 [6695] mattya223: ayooo [6695] zombiestark7: HE ALREADY HAD ONE [6695] Friiissk: when is kai vs caseoh? [6695] sqwizixxbl: !watchtime [6695] erms___: CHECK THE BROWN BAG/ [6695] jared8563: Put it on [6695] Gucci_kid54: oh hell no [6695] stunned_cheese: CAN I HAVE MEDIUM FRIES AND A CHEESBURGER AND A SODA [6695] StreamElements: sqwizixxbl has spent 8 days 7 hours watching jynxzi [6695] Marcus11394: LOLOLOLOL [6695] colrfl: TO BIG FOR YOU [6696] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀 [6696] updog724: LOLLLL [6696] verygenericusername37: TRY IT ON STREAM [6696] wyler111: WWW [6696] zolleh: TOO BIG. [6696] Matthew07122: look at clix [6696] bl1xxy1: mod him [6696] dancingsniper2: when are you doing the fan mail [6696] kittensandhugs: Mod him [6696] deadofnightrn: Do it [6696] 4EyeAngel: wtf [6697] baxter0216: baxter0216 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months! [6698] alexandre_biologic_milk69: WEAR IT [6698] lahpaulll03: wwww [6698] ritual2921: ????? [6698] clampgod_247: daddy [6698] Achtohbr: MOD EVERYONE [6698] deshon_solos: DOXXED [6698] Omegabloodflo99: TO BIG [6698] scharper_: !watchtime [6698] Nightbot: no 🧢 [6698] Brazyium: that's curte [6698] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [6698] Gucci_kid54: oh hell no [6698] r3dux___: I used it doesn't work [6698] StreamElements: scharper_ has spent 15 days 13 hours watching jynxzi [6699] IcyySwish: too big [6699] rny_monkeyx_x: too big [6699] MrAtalic: ' [6699] TTVMrklapperCk: 😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣 [6699] colrfl: CAP [6699] Pilot_Azog: trubit [6699] runt_z: how tf [6699] toxicclapzz: TOOO BIG [6699] leo_deo_deo: watch Ron he is warming up with xim [6699] piesgood_: IT WOULD [6699] vXsonn: Whens 1v1 [6699] dewzee_: SHAIIKO IS WAITING [6699] damianc163: 5 gifted [6699] darthemperor34: DO IT [6699] Nightbot: Jynxzi is his #1 fan [6700] 1StoneyBologna: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [6700] Grom9696: 😂😂😂😂😂😂 [6700] updog724: TOO BIG [6700] bigerdonut23: are we not doing fanmail?? [6700] Brazyium: cute [6700] twoods113: when is fan mail [6700] chargingcord333: I have one [6700] moptawp: it’s to big [6700] Lalaluke203: i want one [6700] chr0mehrts: try it on stream [6700] mitch2341: STREAM LAGGIN????????? [6702] woofboom2: cap [6702] Apollo75639: skinny ah [6702] 0_jynxzi: whens the stream with caseoh [6702] nate6_7: L groomer [6702] LacedUpBobby: try it on let us see [6702] twinrich2: 💀💀 [6702] oofRachelll: uhm [6702] khangdodo: PROJECT JUNKO [6702] asgardfalle997: PLAY SIEGE [6702] liam3548: Yes it would [6702] toxicclapzz: WAY TOO BIG [6702] lucas_saburido: I NEED ITTTTTTTTT [6702] Matthew07122: clixs stream [6702] Coldbear_E: ACCURATE [6702] catpee68: too big [6703] brantritz: !WATCHTIME [6703] AveWalk158: so like im suppoesd to use that as a wieght [6703] grassman013: TO BIG [6703] prop16447: mod him [6703] CMOMoney187: NO [6703] dimondshreder: Too big [6703] StreamElements: brantritz has spent 12 hours 50 mins watching jynxzi [6703] Gucci_kid54: oh hell no [6703] yags____: drama alert on some shi rn [6703] erms___: CHECK THE BROWN BAG [6703] cuddle_xd: IT WOULD FALL OFFF [6703] alexcouturier: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 [6703] ihopgrandslamm: small pp alert [6703] bitezl: cap [6703] oce_xuez_: jynxziGRIDDY [6704] Omegabloodflo99: ITS TO BIG [6704] StreamElements: @vtecade vtecade has 5305 points and is rank 89661/1689188 on the leaderboard. [6704] bigfella_58: too big [6704] Watermelon_life: LMAOOOO [6704] ericisactuallysmall: Clix is waiting [6704] luhlucco: cap [6706] zltsandwich80: Jelqing mentioned!!! [6706] ed_dythegoat: high school loser [6706] jozzyj423: CLIX STREAM!!!!! CLIX STREAM!!!!! CLIX STREAM!!!!! [6706] Borpel: same [6706] joshbigdoinks: too big [6706] mattya223: too big [6706] Achtohbr: MOD EVERYONEEEEEE [6706] big_nado123: jynxziGoodAim [6706] kedfear: capcap [6706] yungKIBE: SHOW IT IN [6706] CMOMoney187: NO ONE DOSE [6706] AveWalk158: SAME [6706] hkboss26: CLIX IS WAITING [6706] roulette_00: !watchtime [6706] yunxg_francisco: I remember my first penis exerciser [6707] darthemperor34: TRY IT ON [6707] StreamElements: roulette_00 has spent 4 days 21 hours watching jynxzi [6707] yungfenix_: LOOK AT CLIX STREAMLOOK AT CLIX STREAM [6707] cuddle_xd: FALL OFF [6707] Karmah____: Yes [6707] Nightbot: Just sub bozo you’ll get no ads, my emotes, double the channel points, and guess what you will also get my beautiful charm that you will never lose, and many more!!!! #subuporshutup [6707] oxoostaa: need a spotter ? [6707] SuperNintendoMike: no shit [6707] emmanuel97878: yes [6707] runt_z: same [6707] yungKIBE: SHOW IT IN [6707] Nightbot: yup yup yup [6707] braeden4d: yes [6707] xray_gamingtwitch: Mod me [6708] StreamElements: daithimcg2 has spent 2 days 7 hours watching jynxzi [6708] skibidimaster2003: chode [6708] gamie__: real [6708] deaed_man_walking: TOOOO BIIIGGG [6708] d44rkfire: 💀💀💀💀 [6708] RL_Revrb: DJ PAULY D IS WAITING [6708] rydeordie22: shower or grower [6708] shiny_clipz: !LINK [6708] aidanops17: 14 [6708] Nightbot: real [6708] Nightbot: @shiny_clipz If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [6708] NiTrOXPX: NiTrOXPX subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [6710] griism: yes [6710] Marcus11394: ????????? [6710] yungfenix_: LOOK AT CLIX STREAMLOOK AT CLIX STREAMLOOK AT CLIX STREAM [6710] sundaygamer468: relatable [6710] theredsquirrel69: yes [6710] carbar14: Cap [6710] dantesinferno369: Mine too [6710] a1_freshie: CHODE [6710] PapiThooi: ong [6710] ezchiiran: REAL [6710] brodv5: yes [6710] Fossabot: @mysergtr, Your message is too long [6710] ajzoldyck34: wtf [6710] Gucci_kid54: ...... [6710] whispercaz: cappppp [6711] tmoney3034: yes [6711] ItsTruck_Month: kaicStareee kaicStareee kaicStareee kaicStareee [6711] loganisin: real [6711] stmgodz: Yes [6711] reshardstaywoke: YEASS [6711] dancingsniper2: Jynxzi when is fan mail [6711] tasso210: Yes [6711] AveWalk158: SAME YES [6711] Mace_Moneysticks: yes [6711] uhVizzy: yes [6711] botkilledu: DO FAN MAIL FASTER [6711] piesgood_: Yes [6711] pettriffied: no shit [6711] voltzyll: YES [6711] aaurzzz: NO [6712] RiZe_Undecided: RiZe_Undecided subscribed at Tier 1. [6713] ricciownsnicki: yes [6713] aceo8907: everyones does... [6713] chazza_7651: !watchtime [6713] itoksiq: YES [6713] beesnutzzz: yes [6713] dmoney4lyf: bro [6713] Thatoneduuude: Relatable [6713] Omegabloodflo99: TO BIG [6713] cuddle_xd: YES [6713] sublitt: PROVE IT [6713] darkshadow1784: real [6713] Gucci_kid54: ...... [6713] xNoRecoil: Whens the next podcast @Jynxzi ?? [6713] MadduxBlaze: ron is waiting [6713] mandocommando21: yes dumbo [6714] fluxx0c3an: yeah [6714] fiddlyfudbucket: yea [6714] hkboss26: IM WAITING [6714] shawnable1: Yup [6714] ixghostyix: please can I have a big mac [6714] hbdjdylan: real [6714] parkan8tor: yes [6714] b1azedup: chode [6714] SyncsMil: That's normal [6714] atriixss: yeah [6714] daproby22: yes [6714] nathan1268q: mod [6714] graduateshot_06: yes [6714] cheesyborgars: SLIM [6716] jc751_: relatable [6716] 404_userfound: ral [6716] beef_cakesss: mine shrinks [6716] tacticalghost24: real [6716] gScxtty: yes [6716] comandalorian: Please use it I beg of you [6716] AdmiralQcumber: pause [6716] jakakke: Bro obviously [6716] kayoway: hes [6716] noul15: YES [6716] AlTyrone: yes [6716] interexst: yes [6716] k_Riddler: true [6716] riptrek: mine shrinks [6716] strixw_: LEFT CURVE GANG [6717] g8trxl: Sams [6717] gohawkskid: YES [6717] atalkingapple: Cap [6717] francisco_isgoat: CLIX [6717] darthrizzla: yup [6717] scribeguy007: REaL [6717] drunkos2incher: when’s Jynxi x flight daddy🍌🍑🍆🍑! [6717] yt_wolf_z: yes [6717] torleah: MOST RELATABLE STREAMER [6717] erms___: CHECK THE BROWN BAG... [6717] totalmaxme: cap [6717] getclapedkid12345678: ye [6717] hypeflapp3r: w [6717] 187kayozz: yes [6719] awsumthom32_ttv: yes [6719] yamomsbestie69: mine gets smaller [6719] acidthriller: very [6719] iNezloe: real [6719] levi83605: slim jim [6719] ruxxikk: START KICKING YOUR CAMERA AGAIN [6719] drunkos2incher: when’s Jynxi x flight daddy🍌🍑🍆🍑 [6719] nickdub13: cap [6719] kayoway: yes [6719] groxzzy: that’s everyone’s numbskull [6719] TTVizions: bro their gettin coached my xim bro their gettin coached my xim [6719] vize_999: yes [6719] bryceryman: yes idiot [6719] mxndez3: is this whole fucking stream fan mail [6719] 404_userfound: fax [6720] AdmiralQcumber: PAUSE [6720] dancingsniper2: pre end [6720] joshbigdoinks: my dic small [6720] hamzee636: Yea [6720] ryanthebeast59: yes [6720] logancrosby100: relatable [6720] xueisbeast: yes [6720] justinvanren: clix [6720] lordraahibius: VERY RELATABLE [6720] yungdrunkski: yup yup [6720] bowsie213: CLIC [6720] erms___: CHECK THE BROWN BAGV [6720] HazydoR: Yes | Jynxzi | Prime Jynxzi is Back | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [6540] From Tristair! Hooran! [6550] Check the brown bag! Yo, refresh your app! Already did! Love your stream! [6560] You may even want to start playing siege. I've learned a lot of straps from you keep up the good work and hopefully these give you good rain Fucking control freaks that's what I'm talking about brother dude [6570] I had broken control freaks for the last week and I finally got them fixed. Thank you. I can actually utilize these. Thank you, bro. W. Trissed in the chat. Easily our most holes [6580] some fan mail. Do we agree? Easily, bro. Hey, Nicholas, when are you gonna pick up more hours at work? These big Macs aren't gonna [6590] make themselves and we're right back into the troll shit. Yo Jack! His name is Jack Tate brother you have two first names brother. [6600] Yo jacktay, I don't work at McDonald's dude! Okay... This guy sent me a... [6610] part time book. This is insane. This is actually insane. This guy sent me a part time book. That is insane, bro. [6620] I mean, seriously, it was a wholesome fan mail, bro. It was literally a wholesome fan mail. I'm not modding him. No, we're not modding him, chat. Stop. [6630] He's not getting more. Last family of the day To Chunko McName [6640] Hey, Chuck! Unfortunately, I had to see you where we're going. [6650] I'm sorry you have to live with that. Hopefully this can help grow your tiny friend. Grow my friends. [6660] my tiny friend. What are you? This is a penis exercise. Are you kidding me? [6670] me? Dude, wait, why am I horny right now? I actually want to try this tonight. That's getting... 14 plodd! [6680] What?! They sell penis exercises to middle schoolers? [6690] If it wouldn't even fit, okay, that would actually fit perfectly. That's like the exact thickness of the shaft, only when erect. [6700] Now everybody talks about how their dicks get longer when they get erect. Mine gets longer and wider. Chad, is that realistic? Or not realistic? Is that relatable? [6710] Best family out of the year! Chat, I don't know man, I think family out once or twice a week is really dope. Every day is crazy, but once or twice a week could be really steep. | There is no Highlight in the provided timespan. Jynxzi unpacks viewer packages, looks at gifts, and shows them to his viewers. There was also a call with his father. |
Jynxzi | Prime Jynxzi is Back | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [6841] LiftinFC: 17 days of no content 17 days of no content 17 days of no content 17 days of no content 17 days of no content 17 days of no content [6841] erms___: CHECK THE BROWN BAG... [6841] o_luckio: yoo ur bout to get shit n by clix and ronx [6841] cmongxng12: so far [6841] JawnJet: just wait till he looses to clix stream will be ended [6841] kaywall_: LFGGGG [6841] overallbacon63: xim mic is ahhhhh [6841] papimoore: WEVE HEARD THIS BEFPRE [6841] djeezyx314x: DUDE GETTIN OFFF B4 10 [6841] ObamaTookMyVan: jynxziWTF [6841] icyxh1m: we got like 2 games left until stream is over [6841] austin172: CAP [6841] yameetk: play farming simulator [6841] Papa_John2120: what you boutta do? [6841] lifeofexotix: Pre end [6842] luke_098654: 7 minutes left in stream [6842] lahpaulll03: FAKE [6842] xatzhsss__: so cap [6842] kdude1933: W STREAMER [6842] westyy24: fat ass [6842] carbar14: Face cam too big [6842] gxgeofficialz: channel points on over under 6 hours [6842] dongslaps34: hurry up [6842] sxhdwsssss: CASEOH IS WAITINGGG [6842] itsjcnextdoorr: BIG CAPPPP [6843] Cr1spy_Calm: failfish1 [6844] erms___: CHECK THE BROWN BAG... CHECK THE BROWN BAG. [6844] qwvzr: THATS STILL PART TKME💀 [6844] cats4life789: jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF [6844] Brycebell123: WHEN IS THE SPOIT 1v1 [6844] zzzman28980: 4 DAU ERA [6844] comp_z: charm? [6844] cloakedbear8450: clix is waiting [6844] johnson_pack_69: running out of money [6844] turbotangerine: I believe you chunko [6844] Gerdhuqi: when is clips [6844] ruckinro: WISHES HE WAS SKETHC [6844] indiana4: CAAAP [6844] lucyforsyth_: when is fan mail [6844] wyler111: said that last week smh [6844] Fossabot: @abbooouu, Your message is too long [5x] [6845] dezainer27: cap your part time streamer [6845] Coldbear_E: CAPPPPPPP [6845] sweepoh: MOD SWEEP [6845] kami_kev: check out XIM stream [6845] coltsahr: beoulo is waiting [6845] chompstomp818: fat ass [6845] nuggiii10: watch clix [6845] chargingcord333: fatass [6845] grilledcheesefan43: pants on fire [6847] jasamvrag2020: 27th in balkan [6847] Treloko_: im close [6847] Jxeyygeekn: WATCH XIM STREAM [6847] jaredq068: !watchtime [6847] batman29741: this is not a rager lil bro [6847] twinrich2: check the brown bag your supposed to eat the seeds fatass [6847] favkam17: can you say happy birthday kamal [6847] logandebo21: type shi [6847] harley_1h: my birthday tomorrow [6847] krxssp: KNEE GROWS [6847] dewzee_: CANCELED [6847] buddahgfan: whens fan mail [6847] lxsttq: RON N CLIX ARE COOKING YOUU [6847] LiftinFC: 17 days of no content 17 days of no content 17 days of no content 17 days of no content [6847] StreamElements: jaredq068 has spent 2 days 16 hours watching jynxzi [6848] xr1otx18: fatsko [6848] shipmannnn: cap [6848] yesman876: TTS WHILE RANKED [6848] roguevlf: whens fanmail [6848] Gerdhuqi: WHEN IS CLIPS [6848] jdizzyrules: !sub [6848] sebassaaa: HORRIBLE CAP [6848] IlZoroIl: PRE END [6848] johnwick9564: bro is always lying [6848] tlsthrashday: IF UR ACTUALLY A 6HR STREAM, THROW THAT ASS BACK [6848] lahpaulll03: WWWW [6848] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [6849] matthewdenson01: matthewdenson01 subscribed at Tier 1. [6850] 0_jynxzi: whens the stream with caseoh [6850] mattya223: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [6850] fardeloren26: use vr [6850] Osmabinballin420: PART TIMERRRRRRRRRRRRRR [6850] carbar14: camera to big [6850] t3zvx: BROS GONNA GET FAT [6850] joesewell3: 27th in UK [6850] lukellingwood: cap [6850] jskreetz: stream harder right now [6850] thejimsmc: Play farm Sim [6850] bb_belt_trevor: STABLERONALDO IS WAITING [6850] ruxxikk: START KICKING YOUR CAMERA AGAIN [6850] ObamaTookMyVan: jynxziCRY [6850] thegamingnate69: halfway mark lol [6850] sebassaaa: NICE CAP [6851] tokyo_astro: you’re mid at R6 I feel really bad for you dude so sad don’t game you’re trash lol never been in your prime [6851] tei_ylerscott: not an 8ht streamer tgo [6851] 00aidenn: when is fanmail [6851] liam3548: You forgot the ? in the title @jynxzi [6851] tyresechan11: fat [6851] wellyboii: JUNKO ITS MY BIRTHDAY PLEASE WIN [6851] iso_matthew: burger flipper [6851] rg179: rg179 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! notice me sadly [6851] amishkankless: Check clix stream [6851] NixusJM: whens 1v1 [6851] litstizzy: hooray!! [6851] o_luckio: yoo ur bout to get shit n by clix and ronz [6851] Nightbot: @storzyon120fps -> There's more where that came from. [stop posting links] [warning] [6851] freedom_32: Wheres my Mcdouble, Patty flipper jynxzi? [6851] daxjelly: fat liar [6852] coolboyjoe2023: Check 999 necklace bag [6852] renzo_cer: caaaaaaap mcnipples go flip some burgers at mcdonalds fatty [6852] M0MMYKIKI: whos mommys good boy [6852] asgardfalle997: u r 15 min streamed [6852] bigerdonut23: my proudest nutt [6852] pdxjoseee: part timer [6852] chris23168: no [6852] owen_shaw087: fat [6852] pheenix_wright: can you play no more heroes [6852] 99vortex: CAPPPPP [6854] saucin2hard: 1v1 clix [6854] 1_Reapz: CAP 2 HOURS MAX [6854] acbplay2: THE RING [6854] uwwkaway: STFU [6854] tobyg1230: you missed the brown bag [6854] bigrang234: fat [6854] adriick__: ok [6854] tboysmackdown: copper to champ? [6854] feardxvid: club gunna shit on you [6854] Nightbot: ok [6854] dadrew: been saying that the last three months [6854] o_luckio: yoo ur bout to get shit n by clix and ronhyoo ur bout to get shit n by clix and ron [6854] ezra87762: WHEN IS FAINMAL CHUNKOO [6854] ruckinro: !FAT [6854] sublitt: 6 HOURS IS STILL PART TIME!! [6855] liamdatendy94: WHENS FAN MAIL [6855] ghostofvondel777: how do I get the charm [6855] elbaso0: i farted [6855] evo_xixty_: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [6855] n3rfphoenix: POLAND WINS [6855] mrmonkey289: we don’t care [6856] propixia: When is McDonald's ranked Cheer1 [6856] Arrowz02: cap [6856] Nightbot: no 🧢 [6857] imlushy: 2 HOUR MARK COMING IN jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [6857] markrichey33: your shift was 2 hours ago now you are FIRED [6857] d4nny_335: when is fan mail [6857] cubixxbee14: kimmich [6857] evo_xixty_: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [6857] lukelamont: xim is coaching clix [6857] scarytopicss: fat [6857] zackaryb6969: I’m excited daddy [6857] lahpaulll03: like [6857] MysteriousBurnz: SKETCH IS WAITING [6857] liam3548: You forgot the ? in the title @jynxzi LUL [6857] Sweqh: yapping more than Joe [6857] icyxh1m: L XIM [6857] mrrkrash: DEAD ASS MIJA YOU SAID THAT 2 weeks ago!!! DEAD ASS MIJA YOU A PARTTIMER [6857] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [6858] Omegabloodflo99: RE RUNNN [6858] nameistristan: when is fanmail [6858] jynxzisjunkojohnson: fat cap [6858] rlhdestroy: already have it [6858] Ayosauceee: ximm is helping them [6858] Mishionarry: WNAAAAA [6858] koksubroa: 7 minutes left [6858] connor9759: fat [6858] lazrsharkyt: jynxziBadAim [6858] ellaganter2000: LOCK IN [6858] mrcantgetrighhimself: lmfaoooooo [6858] CharlieYannett: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 can u help me with my math homework [6860] grant4444444: TO CLOSE [6860] peaceablespore1: COPPER TO CHAMPION [6860] ruckinro: !fat [6860] Cxlamityy: CHECK BROWN BAG PAPI [6860] r3dux___: Junko a magic. portal opened behind you LOOK OUT [6860] jacelynn29: I'm wet [6860] chantzgamer: gangg shiiii [6860] Tboss12322: clix is waiting [6860] bozer67: there getting coaches [6860] 27nav_: CLIXXXXXXXXXXXXX [6860] notjoey714: play baby kia [6860] userpj132009: capp [6860] BigDaddyB76: you said 7-12 everyday and we never seen that [6860] wyler111: 3 hour mark approaching [6860] CyberKnetiC101: lag [6861] noahthehooper1218: play fall guys [6861] mostwantedopp: cam too perfect [6861] natedog_68421: jynxziFAT [6861] acbplay2: THE RINGG [6861] StreamElements: pancakekiller381 has spent 3 days watching jynxzi [6863] drdogwater0: this stream fucking sucks [6863] moe_yeller: somone send this guy zynns [6863] 9fmatt: Ugly [6863] only1murdock: Your taking up the whole screen shrink facecam [6863] theschiism: 2 hours* [6863] jonsmith716: whats the juice wrld ring look like [6863] chazza_7651: DO HAVE a % on the skin [6863] mrloakzy: check bown baggggggggggg [6863] love4Rjay: biggie biggie biggie cant you see sometimes ur nipples judt memorize me [6863] jaydentpd: SIDEMEN REACTED TO YOU [6863] botkilledu: U SMELL LIKE CHEESE [6863] TimRules: 6 hours across 3 days [6863] 27nav_: WATCH CLIX [6863] eternalsznnn: Cap, ur fat, go back to ur McDonalds Job [6864] lil_m0narch: MODS RUN A POLL [6864] vaporzz: no one wants that big hitbox [6864] xstqrx_: r we actually streaming 6 hours? [6864] ban_apple: 6 hours is still part timer SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing [6864] ryan041813: 4 hour stream incoming [6864] Nightbot: @full_box_200_ If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [6864] causevseffect: cap [6864] mixiv_ishere: mingo is 10- [6864] copium_husain: How was it losing to shaiko 7-2 LUL LUL LUL LUL @jynxzi [6864] zmilker: WATCH RON [6865] Arrowz02: cappp [6866] zackaryb6969: I’m excited fatty [6866] m4nny2008: when is fan mail [6866] h_spencer22: Clix and Ron are waiting [6866] dc12262023: L bozo [6866] 27nav_: WATCH CLIX BRO [6866] camsb8: end stream plesse [6866] e3_spetty: 2 hour mark rapidly approaching [6866] kushk1ng5: W skin tho [6866] FendiFiend19: I’ll get 2 double cheeseburgers and a small fries and a Big Mac [6866] lethimcock: parttimer [6866] darkwolf7x: 6 minutes left [6866] hello_me_tom: yes u do [6866] brandiino1998: gets first rounded [6866] Osmabinballin420: PART TIMER PART TIMERPART TIMERPART TIMERPART TIMERPART TIMERPART TIMERPART TIMERPART TIMER [6867] ObamaTookMyVan: jynxziBadAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziBadAim jynxziGoodAim [6867] jakakke: self promo sellout [6867] Gucci_kid54: nah [6867] twinkiewinkiefan123: just wore your skin in ranked and got team killed. [6867] itskateoo: !link [6867] xpecthaven: yup [6867] joe_oej: to big [6867] yeet_leaf: my birthday less gooo [6867] Nightbot: yup yup yup [6867] StreamElements: pancakekiller381 went all in and lost every single one of their 100 points LUL [6867] Hugoat6969: camera to wide [6867] cool_man4: cap [6867] joshypoooo6969: watch clixxxxxxx [6867] acbplay2: THE RING [6867] erms___: CHECK THE BROWN BAG CHECK THE BROWN BAG [6868] h3adl1nes: !watchtime [6868] st0mpn_nvm: Check clix stream [6868] RennyGobe: drink a beer [6868] Nightbot: real [6868] btwnbeast94: SKIPPING FAN MAIL!?! [6868] ricciownsnicki: no [6868] skrubbed_: you are a ss [6868] michael4_gaming: jynxzi. compare how strong your right arm is to your left. that May we can see how much you masturbate [6868] austin172: cap [6868] callate72: CLIX AND RON ARE GONNA STEAM ROLL YOUU [6868] StreamElements: h3adl1nes has spent 1 day 12 hours watching jynxzi [6870] jpr6goat473: Cam to big [6870] IamTheFlash: mid [6870] ezchiiran: casey gutt matsavv up knock with both of my hands [6870] reedbooksplz: cap [6870] f1oowz: on dhz [6870] pippy_calibre: !watchtime [6870] erms___: CHECK THE BROWN BAG CHECK THE BROWN BAGCHECK THE BROWN BAG [6870] c00ljp09: now this shit got me bent when we funking agian [6870] angelofosho: check Johnny sins pillow case [6870] aidenblazn: !watchtime [6870] jojoxoxloco: jojoxoxloco subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! Hi [6870] hegtor_: when is fan mail? [6870] RiIey5k: WATCH RON @Jynxzi [6870] StreamElements: aidenblazn has spent 4 days 14 hours watching jynxzi [6870] vaxxcy: vaxxcy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! [6873] triplez0: 6hour streamer then untill u lose a 1v1 [6873] BShaedyn: can you do farming sim? [6873] fatfacedgenie: fat cappin ass McDonald’s flipped [6873] Hugoat6969: camera to much of a fatass [6873] Drag0nTamerLiam: brown bag is waiting [6873] asgardfalle997: no [6873] imperixxl: nerd [6873] ajf3ajf: play fall guys [6873] Codeus91: 6 -2 [6873] z_purpleswag1: Kai better [6873] conleyconleyconley: wheres the shiesty [6873] ruckinro: !fatass [6873] TrxvssOnTop: THE RING [6873] howie123413: quote of the day fr [6873] donny118822: W brother 👆 [6874] mrmilku1234: W song [6874] camissubbed: can I be in the copper to champPLZZZZZZ [6874] mrloakzy: check bown bagggggggg [6874] Gucci_kid54: worst intro [6874] Zous2005: CAP CAP CAP [6874] picklebearshell: when is fan mail [6874] ryansa210: clit and ron are ready for Youuu [6874] johnsoninvestigator: 2 hour mark is approaching [6874] lxsttq: RON N CLIX ARE COOKING YOUU HA [6874] erms___: CHECK THE BROWN BAG.. [6874] r1pmoon: L clip farming [6874] nickdub13: nah man [6874] Hazaka_: check clix n ron [6874] thereal_holland6: cap [6874] joe_oej: cam to big [6875] 690752: When’s Fanmail [6875] gdawgin: Clix is waiting [6875] noahthehooper1218: fall guys [6875] jerh2009: 6 more minutes part timer [6875] lucyforsyth_: when is fan mail [6875] oreo1v5s: CLIXXX [6875] name_not_found753951: !WATCHTIME [6875] mrmilku1234: W [6875] NOBAPGRUMPYG: <3 [6875] ghostofvondel777: !charm [6875] sharpyy: w bulge [6875] RealCrabTak: when are clips [6875] FernieCurrie: skipped fan mail? [6875] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [6875] StreamElements: name_not_found753951 has spent 4 days 4 hours watching jynxzi [6877] twinkiewinkiefan123: just wore your skin in ranked and got team killed [6877] ssiT_: When is fan mail???? [6877] qwvzr: WORST INTRO NGL [6877] SythTraps: 2 hour intro is crazy [6877] Niddo_RL: repetetiverepetetiverepetetiverepetetiverepetetiverepetetive [6877] Yuki_4743: !LINK [6877] mello_jellottv: www [6877] noskipn: CAP [6877] camsb8: end stream now [6877] mason911111: how do i get your charm i linked my r6 account and i followed what do i do now [6877] alexcouturier: Yes [6877] mrloakzy: check bown baggggggggg [6877] mrguy11223: real [6877] ruthlessbruce_: Shut up [6877] kryll3n: Put money on it [6880] IBench210: jerk your Johnson [6880] AveWalk158: LETS DO IT BROTHER [6880] Jdawgg1220: listen to leaving the lot by king Hendricks brother ☝🏼 [6880] vortexzy034: rapidly approaching 2 hour mark [6880] erms___: CHECK THE BROWN BAG..CHECK THE BROWN BAG, [6880] fortunatryhard: boring intro [6880] tninjascopez: Xim is goat [6880] Gerdhuqi: CHARLIE IS WAITING [6880] charliebro99: Clix is practicing rn [6880] xray_gamingtwitch: Hivise mod me [6880] acbplay2: THE RING J [6880] Fossabot: @jaxsonlegacy, Your message is too long [6880] TrxvssOnTop: THEE RINNG [6880] Gucci_kid54: worst intro [6880] vincible_23: xim is warming up clix and Ron [6881] ruxxikk: START KICKING YOUR CAMERA AGAIN [6881] mrennnnnn: xim playiung clix [6881] auxnative2: look at clix stream [6881] 0_jynxzi: whens the stream with caseoh [6881] averagecoduser: clix is 2 v 1 iamxim [6883] lacking999: stack donuts on it [6883] camsb8: end stream right away [6883] Louvshot: check the brown bag [6883] gmony9234354: smoke a cig and it would be good [6883] ttv_taxablelemon68: keep up the good up and I you are my favorite streamer so keep is up [6883] fategamingv2: junko best streamer out there even if it’s only a couple hours [6883] botkilledu: U SMELL LIKE CHEESE HAMBURGER [6883] erms___: CHECK THE BROWN BAG... [6883] Oskarrrr123: yeah 2 fckn hour intro nice [6883] Hazaka_: xim teaching ron [6883] lilnasttyy: Jynzxi are u fat beacuse u ate all the bigmacs [6883] guy_sacino123: i gifted bro [6883] kirbyderby94: fan mail addy?! [6883] JakesBadd: XIM IS PLAYING WITH CLIX [6883] leo_deo_deo: watch Ron he is warming up with xim [6884] Omegabloodflo99: RE RUNNNN [6884] kuela_: when is clipss [6884] aidancooney4555: me bro [6884] Bubbar0ne: Bubbar0ne subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! yo [6886] xJunebuggXx: L ego [6886] gettifrdd: bulge too big [6886] 506trey: hi love the vids [6886] aquricy: when’s Kai vs caseoh [6886] w_ech0: xim training clix rn [6886] pizzaboy1011: clipppped your gonna go back to streaming 2 hours [6886] cryptic_delta: !watchtime [6886] slightlybelowaveragesize: just wanted to know if beating while ur stream is playing in background is sigma or not? [6886] ssiT_: Hey junko whens fan mail??? [6886] twinrich2: L FATASS [6886] lucasignorino: ring [6886] jrixy69: is xim on xim [6887] topgandrewtwat2: play metro album [6887] llslowburnll: Can i pull ur hair [6887] full_box_200_: !link [6887] jesseblackarmz: Yassss [6887] erms___: WW [6887] dadrew: 30 minute???? [6887] chonksterkirby: Excited for 6 hr streams! Good job bro [6887] StreamElements: cryptic_delta has spent 3 days 5 hours watching jynxzi [6887] demmahom123: please play helldivers 2 [6887] JahFlxck: when are you streaming on twitch @jynxzi [6887] mapIesyrum: facecams perfect [6887] purx_ow2: CHECK XIM STREAM [6887] ytshiftyy: yo [6887] Kojakin0: when is fanmail [6887] KatieKitt3n: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [6888] Zevaq69: !sub [6888] sublitt: WE WONT EVEN MAKE 30 MINS [6888] erms___: WWWWWWW [6888] kobe_mccaig24: do fanmail [6888] lukelamont: xim is coaching clix [6888] twinkiewinkiefan123: just wore your skin in ranked and got team killed. [6888] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [6888] M__x1z: 30? [6888] ikenoshi: RICCI FTW [6888] legend_leo769: Ron said he will shi on you [6888] auxnative2: LOOK AT CLIX STREAM [6888] Nightbot: 👀 [6888] imlushy: Cheer1 2 HOUR MARK COMING IN [6889] xdeoledd2310: !watctime [6889] itzkush03: WHY YOU CAPP ALL THE TIME [6889] fishyfinn7: WWWWWW [6889] g1scrap: 2 hour mark rapidly approaching [6889] wgrady72: what kind of cigars you smoke brother [6889] caseohgrocerywindow: charlie is waiting [6889] mrloakzy: tcheck bown bag tgggg g [6889] mrennnnnn: hes playing clixxx [6889] drmonkeeman10: L XIM [6890] Gucci_kid54: lebronJAM [6890] snipesnipdu8383: check clix stream [6890] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [6890] jaywitbands: xim is coaching clix n Ron [6890] tokyo_astro: you’re mid at R6 I feel really bad for you dude so sad don’t game you’re trash lol never been in your prime [6890] AveWalk158: LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOO [6890] c1ixx1: jynxzi0x [6890] erms___: WWWWW [6890] acbplay2: THE RING F [6890] chandlerXll: AH TO EASYYYYYYYYY [6890] bolibz54: 2 hr mark rapidly approaching [6890] machtnix2000: whos ricky💀 [6890] knowxnx: XIMMMMMMMMM [6890] Nightbot: too easy [6890] Fossabot: New Prediction! PogChamp 'Who you got?', outcomes are 'I Love Xim', 'Ricci'! [6891] cloakedbear8450: they both lose!!! [6891] davisweat: cam to big [6891] xpecthaven: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [6891] audsii: here we go again [6891] xerthosxvii: k [6891] canuckboii40: YESSIRRRRRRRR [6891] xDolphinFloggin: New Future songs [6891] Nightbot: k [6892] switchfig: !watchtime [6892] chris_drinks: when is fan mail [6892] chucklel: sideREDA sideCTED [6892] TrxvssOnTop: THE RING [6892] KatieKitt3n: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [6892] fntyronee: clix and ron said they gon shit on u' [6892] controlfrank1983: prediction is 3 hours Stream [6892] scarytopicss: L FAT BITCH [6892] wickkks: xim vs jynxzi [6892] cherbert07: spunko [6893] StreamElements: switchfig has spent 0 secs watching jynxzi [6893] nameistristan: w song choice [6893] tkkndananjaya: Wwwww [6893] damnimgood007: YOUR McDs SHIFT AINT EVEN 6 hrs [6893] yobigboyhayden09: zim [6893] stevester995: i wish the made it for ace cause thats more you [6893] tarekhateinen: xim is training with Clix and Ron [6893] currentsix10: watch Ron [6893] loafelton: xim is 2v1ing ron and clix rn [6893] joel_brouss: W KENTRELL [6893] jdizzyrules: !sub [6893] joe_oej: CAMERA TO SMALL [6893] unevencud: unevencud subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months! BOW [6893] TheOnlyBuck2_: xim is a opp rn [6893] erms___: WWWWWW [6894] peejlynch22: W KENTRELL [6894] Hognn_: THE PULSE SKIN SAYS AH 2 EZ LMAOOOOOOO [6894] 1voids_nova: !watchtime [6894] ToxicVerixfy: L music [6894] frog_is_bussen: youngboy is so fucking cringe [6894] StreamElements: voids_nova has spent 16 days 22 hours watching jynxzi [6894] imslipper: imslipper subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! yooo [6895] Gerdhuqi: CHARLIEWORLEY4 IS WAITING [6895] 360joke: Working at McDonalds for 6 hours [6895] 27nav_: WATCH CLIX STREAM [6895] Ivoliq: turn this stupid shit off [6895] Durshh: !LINK [6896] Nightbot: no 🧢 [6896] fooper69: prolly will get off in the next 30 min [6896] Nightbot: @Durshh If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [6896] toxicunkwn: !points [6896] panda_plop: no edm music bad into bud [6896] knowxnx: THE KJINGGG [6896] jonsmith716: whats the juice wrld ring look like [6896] erms___: W [6896] fntyronee: clix and ron said they gon shit on u, [6896] StreamElements: @toxicunkwn toxicunkwn has 6275 points and is rank 71282/1689183 on the leaderboard. [6896] anthonyauclair2005: 2h hour intro [6896] mrmurp27: !Charm [6896] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [6896] southpaw_502: Cheer1 [6896] antics26: so we in brekki [6897] joever2: L [6897] jefft54: L affiliated [6897] jinxzygyatt: Wwwww intro [6897] HeadShot_JJ: @ronjonsilvers4u [6897] nerfwho00: w junko [6897] quality4145: !watchtime [6897] KatieKitt3n: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [6897] StreamElements: quality4145 has spent 1 day 17 hours watching jynxzi [6897] XxKashiiixX: XxKashiiixX subscribed with Prime. [6898] Nickh828: when is fan mail [6899] biggiesworthhehe: bet all on ricci [6899] 9drew2shiesty9: !link [6899] notfairytales: 999 [6899] xxxthrasherx: XEN clears ez [6899] SiXiS2k: is ricci cheating or no [6899] viharr4o: !PO BOX [6899] yes_i_nutt: w kentrell [6899] Stekxey: WWWWWWWWWWWW [6899] alexcouturier: TF IS THAT [6899] k3vondabus: GIVEAWAY??? [6899] xpecthaven: brrr [6899] jskreetz: jynxzis gonna lose [6899] jjmont227: L chunko [6899] xNoRecoil: Whens the next podcast @Jynxzi ?? [6899] sobiethegreat: everyone spam report ximm [6900] kellzkun: CLIX AND RON ARE LOCKED [6900] alphzz_09: Bro is washed [6900] abyssaldreamsss: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [6900] 1234goofygoober: taylor swift [6900] jaydentpd: SIDEMEN REACTED TO YOU [6900] chucklel: sideQ sideQ sideQ sideQ [6900] rosiecxt_: young boy L [6900] highlight_the_21: hes 1v1 ing clix and ron [6900] codestar87: xim is 1v2ing ron n clix rn [6900] michael4_gaming: jynxzi. compare how strong your right arm is to your left. that May we can see how much you beat [6900] cuppaquestions: 30 MIN LEFT [6900] denticccc: they better put bands otl [6900] rebirthbarry: When’s fan mail? [6900] Nightbot: h [6900] Gucci_kid54: lebronJAM [6901] royalorder2: can you buy me a car [6901] mrp3rkxz: mrp3rkxz subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! AHHHH [6902] blindxassassin8: blindxassassin8 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! [6902] mouritzen: when r u playing [6902] kirbyderby94: fan mail addy!? [6902] speeddemon00002: here we phucking go [6902] Camzila369: When is fan mail [6902] GrinderMCD: clix will smash u on r6 [6902] plutopanthur: LLLlLlLLlLlLlLlLlLlL [6902] duttreacts04: clix stream [6902] isaiahh1215: Ron and clip are warming up with xim [6902] Plott_: WWWWW YB 🔥🔥🔥🔥 [6902] xpecthaven: brr [6902] triplez0: fake fan [6902] prop16447: Ur not a beatboxer [6902] frog_is_bussen: cringe [6902] Gucci_kid54: lebronJAM [6903] jacelynn29: IM WET [6903] c3nsuss: d savage better [6903] erms___: GLAZER [6903] gdawgin: Clix is locked [6903] ShaggsMate: Rapper [6903] gbaby12290: I got your pulse skin [6903] jayman0615: LLLLLLL RIZZZZ [6903] Kisuutf: lsiten to bbno$ - lil' freak on YT [6903] lorrshane12: Zim!!!! And w jynxzi [6903] bruv176: bruv176 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 4 month streak! [6903] lukie_dookie12: did you already do fanmail [6903] Stekxey: W [6903] fatfacedgenie: fat cappin ass McDonald’s flipper [6903] whoiskillrob: BANGER [6903] Gucci_kid54: lebronJAM [6904] vznquasi: bro thinks hes in the song [6904] Hirwii: when is fanmail? [6905] JaydeezHD: I HEARD THEY SLEEPIN ON MY NAME [6905] luckybarrel00: corny ahh [6905] yungjbreezy3: your getting dicked down by ronaldo and clix [6905] Darrell087: ResidentSleeper [6905] gavinblocker: w yb [6905] skullj: Play redmurd from 21 savage [6905] nathan_mcnabb: ask xim if he ok cuz his repost [6905] p0nauxe: I’d cook you [6905] CaptainChip4: captainchip4 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 9 month streak! Jynxzi to many ads [6905] ytshiftyy: kentrell is crazy [6905] acbplay2: THE RING [6905] whoiskillrob: BANGERRRRR [6909] imposingeagle71: when is clips [6909] cherbert07: spunky [6909] bigsmugotter: GLAAAAZZZZEEEEE [6909] mannathon: w YOUNGBOY [6909] Gucci_kid54: lebronJAM [6909] mic00_: NBA MIDBOY [6909] sirsquidys: jynxziVapeBreak [6909] nxtgengrower: why is hydrate out of stock @hivise @jynxzi [6909] antics26: sit on me [6909] stretchdizaz: X1MS TEACHING CLIX AND RON [6909] chris_dix: !gamble all [6909] xzdefenderzx: how do I get the charm [6909] StreamElements: christhenizzer went all in and lost every single one of their 1505 points LUL [6909] zMitchG: !watchtime [6909] whoiskillrob: BANGERRRRRRE [6910] jaudenw09: fatty [6910] jazzgocrazyy_: YESSSIERRRR [6910] StreamElements: zMitchG has spent 13 hours 20 mins watching jynxzi [6911] iblushyl: !watchtime [6911] Hirwii: when is fanmail [6911] subvy_123: when is fan mail [6911] toxicunkwn: !pointslb [6911] gdawgin: Clix is waiting [6911] drue_20_thekid: love youuu Jynxi wwwww and L caper [6911] jayman0615: LLLLL RIZZZ [6911] slammedfire15: when fanmail [6911] tokyo_astro: you’re mid at R6 I feel really bad for you dude so sad don’t game you’re trash lol never been in your prime I would destroy you. [6911] IBench210: jerk Johnson your singing is atrocious [6911] moose1088: THIS MUSIC IS A JOKE [6911] StreamElements: iblushyl has spent 3 days 7 hours watching jynxzi [6911] camsb8: end stram [6912] digiwyd: L racist [6912] AChadillac: trash [6912] Buckarooka: How do I get good? [6912] cherbert07: spunko [6912] jdogg0117: sketch is better than you at r6 [6912] gokness: clixxx [6912] happygardeeeeen: YB IS MID ASFFFFFFF [6912] veretz: !sub [6912] nicknach22: gift sub plz [6912] Nightbot: gifting you luck in finding a job 🙏🏻 [6912] whoiskillrob: BANGERRRRRRR [6912] kase1000: ASSSSSSSSSSSSSSS [6912] austin172: who? [6912] lazer_fn13: Cheer100 [6912] L2_xX_Razer_xX: !followage [6913] ToxicVerixfy: L music! [6913] colrfl: FLIP MY PATTY WASHED PART-TIMING PEPERONI NIPPLE DEFEATER [6913] Gucci_kid54: lebronJAM [6913] Friiissk: bro thinks hes kentrell [6913] orublive: SIDEMEN REACTED TO YOU [6913] dreezy_w: LISTEN TO THAT MEXICAN OT [6913] cheesetheboon: 1 hour left in the stream [6913] nerfwho00: w yb [6913] dcarver6: SIDEMEN REACTED TO U! [6913] StreamElements: @L2_xX_Razer_xX, l2_xx_razer_xx has been following jynxzi for 2 months 7 days 21 hours [6914] Gerdhuqi: CHARLIE IS WATING [6914] cool_bob12: HI I LIKE YOUR STREAMS [6914] boneless_wngs: HE WHAT?? [6914] subvy_123: when’s fan mail [6914] matyyice: face cam to big [6914] 1738clutch: 250000 [6914] w_ech0: xim playing clix [6914] muhammedgmmesss: sexy boy [6914] picklebearshell: when fan mail [6914] maxiboimmm: yes [6914] Gucci_kid54: lebronJAM [6915] kendon_11: RICCI IS LOSING CMONNNNNNNNNNNNN [6915] waddlemane: cringe [6915] eatmyoats2: tr [6915] Battousai24: I’d beat his ass in the show 24 [6915] alphnx: PAUSE [6915] Omegabloodflo99: cums ? [6915] ImZolks: How to donate? [6915] rawru27: when does Kai play [6915] KatieKitt3n: Xim is so annoying [6915] connorfros435: !points [6915] JaydeezHD: I HEARD THEY SLEEPING ON MY NAME I HEARD THEY SLEEPING ON MY NAME I HEARD THEY SLEEPING ON MY NAME [6915] justinprez303: this dude got butt last weekend [6915] ruxxikk: START KICKING YOUR CAMERA AGAIN [6915] StreamElements: @connorfros435 connorfros435 has 3970 points and is rank 123115/1689183 on the leaderboard. [6915] pasta_asta: jynxziRAHHH [6916] happygardeeeeen: YB IS TERRIBLE [6916] mrennnnnn: ooooooooooooouuuuu [6916] Gucci_kid54: lebronJAM [6916] jmor2569: xim banned [6917] boi219165: We already heard [6917] gemjerry: When is the sidemen 1v5? [6917] Nacless9: DO WHATTEVA FOR THE FAME [6917] mrdragon23_4: play juice [6917] frostedflankzzz: frostedflankzzz subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [6917] chadieladdie: 😭😭😭😭😭😭 [6917] daveytarpey10: ain’t going out side today [6917] xyuw_: he comes to the beats [6917] uhmsteven: !gamble all [6917] gdawgin: xim is training clix [6917] ac3hyper3994: when is 2vq [6917] zhenar96: Lsong [6917] robdog2711: glazing [6917] WarmerMink149: glazing [6917] Gucci_kid54: lebronJAM [6918] StreamElements: PogChamp uhmsteven went all in and won 490 points PogChamp they now have 980 points FeelsGoodMan [6918] trac_cp5: W Xim [6918] subvy_123: when’s fan maip [6918] Omegabloodflo99: CUMS ? [6918] PapiThooi: mod kentrell [6918] thebigguy4446: W FUCKING TAKE [6918] cokes3: yo junko we go the same birthday [6918] nameistristan: glaZinh [6918] InsoSZN: GLAZIN [6918] spence646500: w glaze [6918] conleyconleyconley: wheres the shiesty [6918] clivexbixby: L [6918] waxpen101: GLAZE [6918] thatfreeamerican: WHEN IS FANMAILLLLLLL [6918] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [6919] DayDreams22: l [6919] mr_dr_pepper13: WHEEN IS FAN MAIL?????????????????? [6919] eatmyoats2: yooo [6919] xxitzdokeyxx: overdose by young boy get me in the zone [6920] anakinminecraft123: I love you daddy [6920] Jokesie: What's happening [6920] wgrady72: what kind of cigars you smoke brother [6920] r0sayy: TwitchConHYPE [6920] XenoMistake: codes?codes?codes?codes?codes?codes?codes?codes?codes?codes?codes?codes? [6920] EZKblurr: U ARE THE BIGGEST PART TIME STREAMER EVER JYNXI AND I WOILD WIPE U IN SIEGE [6920] auxnative2: LOOK AT CLIX STREAM [6920] hello_me_tom: lol you can date me I love you Jynxzi hump me you so cute I can make u c#m in 2 strokes [6921] Friiissk: lil bro thinks hes kentrell [6921] mandocommando21: glaze [6921] Godly__Plays: W NBA [6921] gibbygibby25: !watchtime [6921] Fossabot: @juicy0921, Your message is too long [6921] jobots: ye [6921] shivermetimbers15: BDDDEW [6921] StreamElements: gibbygibby25 has spent 23 hours 30 mins watching jynxzi [6921] PapiThooi: mod him [6921] 1fadezo: Yioii [6921] xiphoidar: TRASH [6921] havoc_8244: stop glazing [6921] waddlemane: cringe cringe [6921] AimLinc: RUN PREEEEDICT [6921] austin172: who [6922] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [6922] s0cc3r_1: SIDEMEN REACTED TO YOU [6922] slumer512: CLIX STREAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM [6922] peejlynch22: W KENTRELLL [6922] th3_tac0: 999=666 [6922] Hirwii: when is fanmail? [6923] iHaveAnxi3ty: Cheer1 [6923] NOBAPGRUMPYG: HE DK U [6923] icypxpi: heard they speakin on my name [6923] daskye_: Guys who say glaze have so much hatred in their heart when someone send a positive message fs [6923] Fw_john123: clix and ronaldo warming up against xim bro [6923] IRunTurtlez: glazing [6923] johnhulee1244: that the same song sound as jay lol [6924] olliehopkins18: w yb [6924] hermes_100: ricci winning [6924] PapiThooi: mod yb [6924] KatieKitt3n: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [6924] Nightbot: 👀 [6924] styxfnn: !charm [6924] kingnta_: junko its my bday man [6924] robdog2711: holy glaze [6924] ifinalstage: CUMS TO THE BEAT [6924] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [6924] PEEEENPAPI: lebronJAM [6924] wernerr___: XIMS PLAYING AGAINST CLIX AND RON RN [6924] l2hockyboy: jynxziSmoke [6924] PapaTimbo9288: stinko shiesty [6924] StreamElements: JpWyGaming went all in and lost every single one of their 885 points LUL [6925] camsb8: end now way too long of a stream [6925] lahpaulll03: he edges to the beat [6925] Sanobtw1: clix is waiting [6925] jaayxeno: w xim [6925] ChizZe: just yells on a mic [6925] AmericanJude: great work you foing [6925] StreamElements: joshishim17 has spent 8 days watching jynxzi [6926] fardeloren26: use vr [6926] jazzgocrazyy_: WE LOVE XIMMMM [6926] jefft54: L affiliated/ [6926] glitchflated: this isn’t elegant this is rap [6926] jakerzfriez: let’s go ricci [6926] glizzygladiator443: LLLLLLL SONG [6926] Omegabloodflo99: PAUSE [6926] IDoNotCare21: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [6926] caprisun1289: Hey Jinky, your Mike’s bugging man [6926] angelofosho: when is fan mail [6926] Sonion_GT3: Jynxzi XIN [6926] JaydeezHD: I HEARD THEY SLEEPING ON MY NAME I HEARD THEY SLEEPING ON MY NAME [6926] KatieKitt3n: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [6927] angelbluethunder1: glazing harder than Dabo glazing Carri [6927] waxpen101: L GLAZE [6927] jaywitbands: xim is coaching clix n Ron [6927] dreezy_w: LOSTEN TO THAT MEXICAN OT [6927] aiden_west57: play ebk jayybo [6927] dillon_189: GLAZE [6927] nutwack: bro got ther umm actually look [6927] IAK40Kevin: RICCI AINT LOSIN BRO [6927] jordanrost23: show head dent [6927] mryungfatal: glazing [6927] manueltrevor_alt2154: when is clix and ron vs jynxi? [6927] michael875131256: W [6927] Friiissk: youre NOT kentrell [6927] nerfwho00: w junko [6927] byec4: XIM IS TRAINING RON ADN CLIC [6928] aidenblazn: !watchtime [6928] ymboffwhite: !gamble [6928] StreamElements: aidenblazn has spent 4 days 14 hours watching jynxzi [6928] kayden0022: kayden0022 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [6929] kase1000: AWFUL ASS MUSIC [6929] fardeloren26: when is tv stream [6929] uhVizzy: just so much aura. [6929] calpolwater: 2 hour mark [6929] 97kvbe: FAME [6929] Iml3gendary: hey fat ass [6929] camissubbed: xim [6929] KatieKitt3n: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [6929] Zolo123abc: Zolo123abc subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! yo ily jynxzi keep up the work [6930] camsb8: end stresm [6930] gavinblocker: I HEARD THEY SOEAKIN ON MY NAME [6930] michael4_gaming: jynxzi. compare how strong your right arm is to your left. that way we can see how much you beat it [6930] LemonPQQ: w [6930] drmonkeeman10: CHARLIE >>>>XIM [6930] kittensandhugs: Did you hear young boy has a boyfriend now? [6930] trac_cp5: Put my life savings on Xim [6930] moe_yeller: somone send this guy zynns [6930] elphentusee: is the ice cream machine working? [6930] cdubr: you’re ruining it [6930] 690752: When’s Fanmail [6930] cheese_things: brush ur tounge [6930] jayofrmdashh21: youre like 5 years late kid [6930] Aaron678: xim is waiting [6931] kellzkun: CLIX AND RON ARE LOCKED [6931] nameistristan: w kentrell [6931] Pilot_Azog: mod xim [6931] lazeeyyyy: w [6931] rebirthbarry: When’s fan mail? [6931] chaseech: this is terriblr [6931] jmcd86eir: w [6931] nico_walt: jynxziVapeBreak [6931] vExcitee: XIM IS A WALKING L [6931] gibbysnutsack: pause [6931] daddydan93: daddydan93 subscribed with Prime. [6931] tateemerich: tateemerich subscribed with Prime. [6931] dgcv_: !watchtime [6931] rodnavs: kai and sketch are waiting [6931] StreamElements: dgcv_ has spent 3 days 22 hours watching jynxzi [6932] yuoprewqgsanmvcxz: stop singing my ears hurt [6932] flipthenip: you going against clix and Ron [6932] gdawgin: XIM IS TRAINING CLIX AND RON [6932] ddrizzyyyyyy: PRE END TO YOUR MAMMA [6932] Toxin_ll: sketch is waiting!! [6932] flynnaldo30: ybb ybb [6932] bigmulletstinker: buddy is so cringe [6933] legowater54: jynxziCopper jynxziChampion [6933] shivermetimbers15: YWHAHHH [6933] IDoNotCare21: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [6933] KenobiBean: when is fanmail ? [6933] dorkanon69: jynxi should have got a gridlock skin ngl [6933] meganbryce25: got 100k for the 6 hour stream better not be capping [6933] justind1717: play Garth brooks [6933] notjoey714: play baby kia [6933] Gucci_kid54: ome30 [6933] ImStuckInCopper48: w pants jynxziSubHype [6933] davidvercetti: YB BETTER [6933] kirbyderby94: fan mail addy?!?! [6934] Kisuutf: listen to bbno$ - lil' freak on YT [6934] coolkidghost2: Ricci is clapping [6934] unscrewedset9: 2016!!!!! [6934] dreezy_w: LISTEN TO THAT MEXICAN OT [6934] dankmemedanssss: give me fan mail now [6934] tomhayes10: what do you think about your skin Jynxzi I bought it as soon as I saw best skin in the game [6934] brooks13141: glazing [6934] lockeykockey3: CLIX STREAM RESL QUICK WATCH [6934] joshypoooo6969: CLIXXX [6934] superkid1231658: Glazing [6934] sunflxwersesh: juss gimme my moneyy [6934] fardeloren26: play r6 vr [6934] Friiissk: you are NOT YB [6934] chaseech: terrible [6934] Btangtong22: lay off the drugs bro [6935] Gucci_kid54: ome30 [6935] chadieladdie: W old Kentrell <3 [6935] bigboybozzz: all in on xim don’t fail me [6935] amishkankless: Clix [6935] cowzay: YoungboyPls [6936] PrimeLikeRibs: cap [6936] PEEEENPAPI: YoungboyPls [6936] ttv_lxl: i love cummin to the beat [6936] topshagraf: BUMPP TS [6936] TheOnlyBuck2_: hey fat ass [6936] Hazaka_: XIM playing with Ron [6936] jakakke: UR NOT BLACK [6936] ImStuckInCopper48: jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype [6936] milky_anderson: let's go xim [6936] Sonion_GT3: where’s Beckie [6936] ZookaShark: doesn't know the worlds [6936] Nightbot: no 🧢 [6936] jmcd86eir: ww [6936] subzrooo: papi chunko😩 [6936] koolbreeziceman219: stop [6937] p0nauxe: is this YouTube [6937] torleah: SMOKE THE CIGAR WHEN YOU WIN THE 1v2 [6937] soapsy3: ALL THIS PAIN [6937] itzsilk: wwwww [6937] gibbygibby25: watchtime! [6937] kyleswift15: L SINGER [6937] PEEEENPAPI: YoungboyPls [6937] crazy224unit: xim said stream is scripted. He wins 2k off u tonight [6937] STEWIEGOTBANNED: are u stable?: [6937] chaseech: L musice [6937] bransyn556: !sub [6937] kryll3n: Play skippa da flippa [6937] matthewschwieger0: watch I luv zim [6937] nashh_ah: reacting to clips when? [6937] leo_deo_deo: watch Ron he is warming up with xim [6938] bigmulletstinker: sketch is calling [6938] SokinGunz1: when are the clips [6938] GrinderMCD: clix will smash u on r6 [6938] autosonlylol: 111 [6938] cowzay: YoungboyPls [6939] ladomm: www [6939] mando872: From Norway, just got back from.a convert tht [6939] boi219165: Cringe [6939] jtjrjunior: 🌉 [6939] jaydentpd: SIDEMEN REACTED TO YOU [6939] vortexzy034: ur not crip [6939] vExcitee: RICCI WWWWWW [6939] slatts02: !fanmail [6939] NickReels: RON AND CLIX SAID BE READY THEY DONT KNOW YOU SON [6939] zech_12: untouchable!!!!!! [6939] playboi_ugly: even clix calling you a part timer [6939] clivexbixby: Turn it off [6939] double_x_327: double_x_327 subscribed at Tier 1. [6939] Snaggerhead: L YB [6940] 97kvbe: 2016 [6940] EnVy_The_Slug: 2 hour mark [6940] Godly__Plays: W YB [6940] Kisuutf: listen to bbno$ - lil' freak on YTT [6940] legowater54: jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ [6940] Gucci_kid54: YoungboyPls [6940] twinrich2: HI JUNKO, ROSES ARE RED, AND SO ARE YOUR LIPS, NOW SIT ON MY FACE. AND WIGGLE THOSE HIPS [6940] ladomm: W W [6940] chr1swlr: pushing 30 [6940] asher84789: W [6940] topshagraf: HELL YWA [6940] daproby22: L singer [6940] chase_r6_: CIM [6940] isimpforneon: whens case vs kai 1v1 [6940] PEEEENPAPI: YoungboyPls [6941] Evanzaw: L [6941] exoticego_: PLAY SOMETHING YOU UGLY MAN [6941] plainlol: Nicholas! [6941] shivermetimbers15: yb better [6941] unclenunezz: unclenunezz subscribed at Tier 1. [6942] elma_maria_varios: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL [6942] imortalist506: When 8s next clip reaction [6942] therealspo0n: YB SUCKS [6942] justinprez303: in a good mood cause he got laid by breck [6942] cherbert07: spunko [6942] vitojvv: WWW [6942] fioreniko11: 5 mins left in the stream [6943] snoopdoggg42000: L YBBBB [6943] jayofrmdashh21: like 5 years late brother [6943] Ryeviews: so close to 1 hour can't wait for this to end [6943] xray_gamingtwitch: W [6943] yoxic: ..... [6943] mr_dr_pepper13: !gamble 1000 [6943] luvjdm: xims coaching clix [6943] Yuki_4743: !LINK [6943] StreamElements: mr_dr_pepper13 lost 1000 points in roulette and now has 490 points! FeelsBadMan [6943] Nightbot: @Yuki_4743 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [6943] kellzkun: CLIX AND RON ARE LOCKED IN [6943] jdizzyrules: !sub [6943] mrennnnnn: www [6943] Robomb_: off beat idiot [6943] kingnta_: junko its my bday daddy [6944] 1738clutch: owwwww [6944] hlatte4: xim easy dub [6944] Gucci_kid54: YoungboyPls [6944] loxxrp: xim on pc [6944] endrlive: W PART TIMER [6944] StreamElements: If you're a gamer, you need a Starforge! Snag one -> https://starforgepc.com/Jynxzi [6945] ladomm: w [6945] RuggedBubbles: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL [6945] Friiissk: YOU ARE NOT YB [6945] Hazaka_: XIM playing with clix and Ron [6945] pete8311: caseohWiijams caseohWiijams caseohWiijams caseohWiijams caseohWiijams caseohWiijams caseohWiijams [6945] 1738clutch: lag [6945] dankmemedanssss: young boy overrated [6945] yuoprewqgsanmvcxz: make it stop [6945] SeanG54: LLLLLLLLLL [6945] kuela_: L clip farmer [6945] abyssaldreamsss: Get your ear plugs ready for xim LUL [6945] eh2funny: hiiiiiii [6945] knockout1on8: yeah [6945] tboysmackdown: listen to Memothemafioso [6945] Gucci_kid54: YoungboyPls [6947] Hognn_: THE PULSE SKIN SAYS AH 2 EZ LMAOOOOOOOOOO [6947] lebron_games2277: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL [6947] asher84789: WWWW VOCALSSS [6947] Jdawgg1220: play leaving the lot if u miss sketch [6947] yunxg_francisco: HELLLLL NAHHHHHH [6947] PEEEENPAPI: YoungboyPls [6947] Buckarooka: How do I get good? [6947] Gucci_kid54: YoungboyPls [6947] imposingeagle71: my ears [6948] BakedScoutz: STFU [6948] vxyrfr: Fake fan [6948] Sonion_GT3: nahhh [6948] M1n0_Grinds: your delayed [6948] memo4038: L [6948] ebrbomber: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [6948] ou5mm: !watchtime [6948] joshyboyy12: riPepperonis riPepperonis riPepperonis riPepperonis riPepperonis [6948] LoKi_IA: I keep forgetting this live 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [6948] slumped_wolf: Whens friday fan mail [6948] maxiboimmm: jynzxi should rap [6948] luvjdm: xim teaching clix [6948] its_slade10: Light 40k on Xim [6948] Gucci_kid54: YoungboyPls [6948] StreamElements: gadtuff has spent 5 days 14 hours watching jynxzi [6949] maleksaa: s [6949] decayinggrey: W [6949] weswesssss_: READING [6949] vetter_goated: YOU, SKETCH, AND KAI VS 5 COPPERS [6949] snoopdoggg42000: LLLLLLL [6949] rustycane: BRUH [6949] bigtoewi11y: shut up [6949] raptorvfx: cringe [6949] fetus_deletusod: I’m subbed how do I get jynxi charm ? [6949] alichiathomas: 🙄🙄🙄🙄 [6949] lydelI: WW [6949] saucin2hard: W [6949] naomi_luxton: L [6949] byec4: clix and ron are gonna shit on him [6949] ttvgoldfish126: ur shit at singing [6950] 1738clutch: stfu [6950] HappyJTC: ????? [6950] Gucci_kid54: YoungboyPls [6950] bmcgue33: L [6950] TheSimpThatsGoated: llllll [6950] tuckmanrah1: almost slipped out [6950] iiivalnxxiii: z_valnxx subscribed with Prime. [6951] Spicy_Playdough4: BRO WHAT [6951] RealCoVack: Llllllll [6951] Allkiller66: my ears [6951] imortalist506: When is next clip reaction [6951] chestnutdemolishesyou: L [6951] Karmah____: HELL NAHHH [6951] jello1834: W [6951] s1amm3d78: l [6951] knockout1on8: uhhh [6951] azlyn_love22: snitches in here ong [6951] joshyboyy12: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [6951] Btangtong22: lay off the 30’s [6952] Gucci_kid54: YoungboyPls [6952] Fossabot: @myles55422, Your message is too long [6952] fioreniko11: flexer [6952] ArcaneSlump: LLLLL [6952] notjoey714: play baby Kia [6952] Friiissk: STOP YOU ARE NOT KENTRELL [6952] maxdechert: WWW KENTREL [6952] the_one_demise: L FLEXER [6952] sleepythoughtz: cmonBruh [6952] r1pmoon: stfu [6952] illest_paradise: let him rap [6952] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [6952] 1738clutch: stfuuu [6952] No_luvv_isaiah: Imagine getting YoungBoy on the pod [6952] yoxic: bro talking in alien [6953] CZakk0: L FLEXER [6953] coleissussybaka: L rapper [6953] imnotnikolai0: DAMMM [6953] PEEEENPAPI: YoungboyPls [6953] yunxg_francisco: UNRELEASE THIS [6953] Amunify: ????? [6953] Gucci_kid54: YoungboyPls [6953] blackeyedpug: cmon [6953] xfswxx: when is shaiko [6953] StreamElements: @blondies_man, blondies_man has been following jynxzi for 5 months 23 days 2 hours [6955] snoopdoggg42000: LLLLLL [6955] quality4145: FAKE MONEU [6955] dankmemedanssss: turn off youngboy [6955] poppymasterr: Fake money [6955] jjmont227: L [6955] wakeske_: yo got tha amazon fake cash [6955] PancakePolice469: L FLEXER [6955] FreshGreenCard: L mumble rap [6955] vsco_999: DAMN [6955] naomi_luxton: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL [6955] Gucci_kid54: YoungboyPls [6955] erms___: WHENS KAI VS CAESOH WHENS KAI VS CAESOH [6955] maxdechert: W KENTREL [6955] bigtimebeezy: L [6955] r1pmoon: MY EARS [6956] auxnative2: LOOK AT CLIX STREAM [6956] t0ored: ron and clix training and u doing this [6956] sxhdwsssss: CHARLIE IS WAITING [6956] rodnavs: when is kai vs sketch? [6958] Ugur95_: my ears [6958] PEEEENPAPI: YoungboyPls [6958] jeavs27: ruining song [6958] yoshiebee: W [6958] ienvymike: My ears someone stop him [6958] xoatiic_: WWW [6958] xxnicenxx: l music [6958] juggerg123: listen to red sky by 21 [6958] lahpaulll03: LOLL [6958] thegoat0756: your fat [6958] extiinct: jynxi and young boy collab [6958] james_hi667: WW [6958] snaggymaggy_: L [6958] ruxxikk: START KICKING YOUR CAMERA AGAIN [6958] existedmist50: existedmist50 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [6959] c1ixx1: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [6959] PapiThooi: it almost slipped out [6959] aquricy: holy copy right [6959] Ashleegub00: !sub [6959] vsco_999: L FAKE [6959] TheOnlyBuck2_: go to clix stream [6959] antduece: antduece subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! letsssss goooooooo [6959] Gucci_kid54: YoungboyPls [6959] erms___: WHENS KAI VS CAESOH WHENS KAI VS CAESOH /. [6959] lKickStandx: OFF BEAT OFF BEAT [6959] PEEEENPAPI: YoungboyPls [6959] swifteeers: brain rot [6959] dazzling88: L flexer [6959] dooleyhabitss: we kno its prop [6959] jakubbest04: lebron singing [6960] 730H: pure chaos [6960] DrizyyDrayy: CAUGHT [6960] trillble: L [6960] raymondjj101: get the rizz [6960] lebron_games2277: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL [6960] alichiathomas: ✋🙄✋🙄 [6960] cherbert07: leaked [6962] Zap92837: jynxziFALL [6962] chestnutdemolishesyou: Pre end [6962] mattdoeslights: MY EARS [6962] rosiecxt_: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [6962] snoopdoggg42000: LLLLLLLLLLL YBBB [6962] beast_maester64: Trash [6962] caprisun4947: l ungrateful [6962] wizardyurr: L RAP [6962] maxdechert: LETS GO KENTREL [6962] donniebawls: cuh dont know the lyrics [6962] yngheartz: stick to streaming [6962] thatjzkid: stfu [6962] austin172: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [6962] tntlord1899: L music [6962] HyperPE: MY EARS MY EARSSSSSSS [6963] 1234goofygoober: taylor swift. [6963] THALL_1: L Caucasian [6963] 2qlie: BRO U CANT SINGGGG [6963] rossengan1: cute [6963] comandalorian: Fake money [6963] jasamvrag2020: L fake money [6963] erms___: WHENS KAI VS CAESOH .. [6963] jynxi_f_me_plz: lqg [6963] aquricy: holy copyright [6963] fetus_deletusod: yo [6963] ally272295: fat [6963] zan_hamizan: L RACIST [6964] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [6964] Nightbot: gifting you luck in finding a job 🙏🏻 [6965] mr_krabs187: WWWWWWWWWWW [6965] mxdwxst: leaked [6965] ladomm: ww [6965] brolackin69: WHEN IS SHAIIKO [6965] erms___: WHENS KAI VS CAESOH . [6965] ALEX2UN1NJII: We are halfway done with the stream [6965] kirbyderby94: fanmail addy !? [6965] csnhjksf: L [6965] Nightbot: @Maxvanm -> I'm only trying to help. [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [6965] TTVHydraStreams: prop money [6965] kakyo_sonik: L SINGING [6965] BrianOconnor17: WWWWWWWWWWWW [6965] leotrones: HI JUNKO, ROSES ARE RED, AND SO ARE YOUR LIPS, NOW SIT ON MY FACE. AND WIGGLE THOSE HIPS [6965] daniel_o8o3: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [6965] hayden_on_milo: yummy money jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [6966] brizzy_lol: L PART TIMERL PART TIMERL PART TIMER [6966] PapiThooi: almost slipped out but it’s okay i love you [6966] itswynotwyatt: stop [6966] StreamElements: ilberi has spent 1 day 15 hours watching jynxzi [6966] RedlineBlaze: w [6966] Hazaka_: LLL [6966] zaxis96: L bars [6966] swoleboh: jynxziBounce oxygen is there [6966] Pseudonym77: 3 hour stream tonight, calling it [6966] Nightbot: @storzyon120fps -> Are you finished? [stop posting links] [6966] erms___: WHENS KAI VS CAESOH [6966] rosiecxt_: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [6966] jynxi_f_me_plz: lag [6966] ryan_canipe: !link [6966] naomi_luxton: CRINGEEEEEEEEEEEEE [6967] voidlockit: when is fanmail [6967] sirsquidys: jynxziVapeBreak [6967] acoistic_ace: fake cash [6967] hankh2_: listen to drake [6967] mrllama0326: turn that shit off [6967] juanchasin_: !followage [6967] StreamElements: @juanchasin_, juanchasin_ has been following jynxzi for 7 months 16 days 22 hours [6969] gburn2443: when is fnmail [6969] Friiissk: NOT KENTRELL THO [6969] MrTjayexo: Mexican ot [6969] erms___: WHENS KAI VS CAESOH ... [6969] thefin3ssekid: thefin3ssekid subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [6969] dreezy_w: LISTEN TO THAT MEXICAN OT [6969] 2qlie: L BULLY [6969] ally272295: L racist [6969] 1234goofygoober: taylor swift? [6969] FeedFPS: YO W [6969] xoatiic_: WWW [6969] lilnasttyy: Jynxzi are u fat beacuse u ate all the big macs [6969] brizzy_lol: L PART TIMERL PART TIMERL PART TIMERL PART TIMERL PART TIMER [6969] twinrich2: L [6969] Nightbot: 👀 [6970] SammieSoss: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [6970] dankmemedanssss: say the word [6970] wydbinkyy: Jynxzi can u plz send me some money on cash app anything will help not going to say i been a fan for a long time keeping it real plz $chrisbtw7 [6970] temprrdd: L SINGER! [6970] c00ljp09: w [6970] slattyyyyy: fatass [6970] camsb8: END [6970] finnerz277: You have inspired me to play r6 [6970] erms___: WHENS KAI VS CAESOH ,,, [6970] thepaintedgamer: !LINK [6970] sandy_sir: W [6970] whos_rodolfo: when is fan mail [6970] StreamElements: joshishim17 has spent 8 days watching jynxzi [6970] black_wolf202208: Ayy yoooo [6970] PEEEENPAPI: YoungboyPls [6971] CRACKEDJAIR31: charlie is waiting [6971] Blame_Cliffard: IS CLIX CRACKED CHAT? [6971] naomi_luxton: WTFFFFFFFFFF [6971] imdroopyy: When is fan mail???/ [6971] lil_m0narch: OW MY EARS [6971] rosiecxt_: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [6971] chico5739384848: 30 ON MY WRIST [6972] drakelowe14: GARBAGE [6972] therealspo0n: YB TERRIBLE AIM [6972] gdbeast8: run ads plz [6972] br4derz246: my ears [6972] dayday_streamer: !fainmail [6972] joshyboyy12: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [6972] xoatiic_: W [6972] raymondjj101: Fr get the rizz haircut [6972] triplez0: u said the n wird [6972] imlushy: Camera too big [6972] unscrewedset9: 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈 [6972] bmcgue33: so we not playing [6972] imdroopyy: When is fan mail???? [6972] samtheman11111111111111: when Kai vs case oh [6973] hello_me_tom: play ISPY [6973] culabudus: W [6973] Sok3m2009: sing if u like kids [6973] Kryptiic__: L Streamer [6973] mixiv_ishere: LLLLLLL [6973] calebisbaked: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [6973] ttv_lxl: wait what was that???????? [6973] embeeeeeeeee: bro i cant understand a fucking word [6973] thatjzkid: n word pass [6973] nicolas0628: jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE [6973] rosiecxt_: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [6973] sandy_sir: WWWWW [6973] illest_paradise: ya whatever lyrics u want twin [6973] naomi_luxton: L SINGER [6973] StreamElements: nathan_mcnabb has spent 2 days watching jynxzi [6974] qamar_121: L MUTE [6974] linear7777: buy me a house [6974] RaveJae: he’s soo off timing [6974] muhammedgmmesss: kai is waiting [6974] Friiissk: BUT YOU ARENT KENTRELL [6974] 1234goofygoober: taylor swift [6974] Gucci_kid54: YoungboyPls [6974] xoatiic_: WEWW [6974] culabudus: w [6974] eafcgrinder0: shit [6976] THALL_1: ANITA MAX WYNN [6976] house986: karaoke why [6976] blurrt_: fix cam [6976] mxdwxst: U SAID IT JYNXZI UR BANNED [6976] kz139911: L music [6976] lahpaulll03: WAITING FOR THE DAY JYNXZI SLIPS UP ON A RAP SONG [6976] eafcgrinder0: vdsnåv [6976] lydelI: WHATEVER LYRICS YOU WANT BROTHER 🔥 [6976] culabudus: www [6976] jfirefacej: w [6976] korythegod69: I like men [6976] ryan_canipe: !LINK [6976] Nightbot: @ryan_canipe If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [6976] jfong418: react to Kendrick lamar [6976] icrazysnipez: chunko [6977] tobyg1230: l flexer [6977] nippyslipple: this shit sucks [6977] DrizyyDrayy: HE SAID IT [6977] JraeLive: shut up suburb boy [6977] brayden___12345: react harder [6977] j_reflex: hmmm [6977] PEEEENPAPI: YoungboyPls [6977] ilovecod72: letsssss gooooo [6979] zepiz0009: when’s 2v1 against scetch and Kai [6979] BakedScoutz: STFU YOU CANT RAP [6979] imdroopyy: When is fan mail?? [6979] snoopdoggg42000: TURN OFFFFF [6979] Kisuutf: listen to bbno$ - lil' freak on YTT [6979] jmoneygrinds12: brush your tongue [6979] waltah305: jynxziGoodAim [6979] aquricy: when’s Kai vs caseoh [6979] yoreginald25: Listen to the goat carti pussy [6979] xoatiic_: WEWWWW [6979] laughati: Sign language streamer [6979] Syncrous: clix is ass [6979] Misha_22_01: YUMP [6979] DayDreams22: horrible [6979] jesseblackarmz: When is kai vs sketch? [6980] Gerdhuqi: L PART TIMERRR [6980] damrob2: MY EARS [6980] saltyshizzle69: bro just put me on [6980] Hazaka_: clix playing with XIM [6980] theburger101: he practices this [6980] therealspo0n: YB IS BRAINROT [6980] bakedcoffeecake: low key trash [6980] Gucci_kid54: YoungboyPls [6980] mybutthurts235: bro doesn’t know the lyrics [6980] hello_me_tom: playy ispy [6980] johannmartinrz: L tatse [6980] naomi_luxton: L [6980] yungKIBE: YoungboyPls [6980] trashygsus: W FLEX U EARNED IT [6980] sandy_sir: WWWW [6981] brk1803: My earssssss [6981] Snaggerhead: GARBAGE [6981] jizzgrimes: shut up [6981] 1234goofygoober: taylor swift’ [6983] ganqr14: jynxzi mumble rapper [6983] schmitmeier: W VOCALS [6983] punchgodsbdsm: when is fan mail [6983] roblox_jesus: LIKE THAT METRO BOOMIN [6983] ddrizzyyyyyy: look at clix stream [6983] Yuki_4743: !link [6983] awJay1k_: SKETCH IS WAITING FOR YOU [6983] yaboialfie12: when’s 1v1 [6983] prop16447: 💩 [6983] naomi_luxton: LLLLLLLL [6983] nlemask7: play down with me by lil tecca [6983] JpWygaming: L [6983] Jawad_FTW: caseohKittyyy caseohKittyyy caseohKittyyy caseohKittyyy caseohKittyyy [6983] alto420p: Pre end [6983] willrooneyy: youngboy suck on god [6984] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [6984] erms___: WHENS KAI VS CAESOH ,, [6984] joshyboyy12: ggg [6984] ben428: personally who do you think is winning junko [6984] unforgottnn: dude don’t even know the words 😭 [6984] Godly__Plays: TURN THT SHIT UP!!!! [6984] Meta_SlimJesus: PLAY SOME COUNTRY MUSIC [6984] wyaaleks: wwww [6984] yungKIBE: YoungboyPls [6984] AmericanJude: love you bro [6984] twitch_snakevenom: play NAVVVVVV [6984] Mason04192004: CLIX STREAM [6984] yunxg_francisco: IS THIS YE [6984] rodnavs: when is kai vs sketch?? [6984] wetmeat_: moncler with the pajamas [6985] jrossv2: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [6985] xfswxx: when is shaiko [6985] DanteVia: Stfu [6985] twinrich2: !followage [6985] StreamElements: @twinrich2, twinrich2 has been following jynxzi for 3 months 8 days 1 hour [6985] ROCKN__: was fan mail delayed? [6986] recalleddig6511: jynxziHappy what’s up brother ☝️🤓 [6986] he_is_me_i_am_h1m: trash [6986] caprisun4947: suburb boy [6986] 1234goofygoober: taylor swift [6986] legowater54: JUNKO IS jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY [6986] sprinkledoodle7: jynxziPACK [6986] JustFishing: put that nyc drill on that u was rappin [6986] skipsee: KEEP RAPPING IM ALMOST THERE [6986] farmer_dan_5883: 6hrs a day is still part time [6986] jimmymax42: wam by asap [6986] kupercoyote2_: when is clips and fan mail [6986] voxxyyyyyyyyy: downplaying ricci is crazy [6986] Starchild_Here: 🤣🤣🤣🤣 [6986] ShaggsMate: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [6986] coolkidghost2: YESS BROTHERS [6988] MoyMLH: you entertain me [6988] ROCKN__: was fan mail delayed? [6988] ROCKN__: was fan mail delayed? [6988] ROCKN__: was fan mail delayed? [6989] wull31: !watchtime [6989] saustiin: W [6989] ShaggsMate: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [6989] brudariendred: shit goes crazy on mute 🔇 [6989] PREZENTZz: !followage [6989] Friiissk: Ears are bleeding [6989] JaIsaiah_: ts trash fatass [6989] erms___: WHENS KAI VS CAESOH , [6989] Septvmbrr: PogChamp [6989] mags3776: 💤😴😴😴😴 [6989] jesseblackarmz: When is fanmail? [6989] yaboialfie12: 2)3!. 1v1 [6989] frdash: !LINK [6989] dr1zzy27: OFC [6989] StreamElements: wull31 has spent 18 hours 40 mins watching jynxzi [6990] vibxs8745: L [6990] hampt3r_1: SHUT UP [6990] xiphoidar: quit yapping [6990] Fossabot: @HuJibbian, Your message is too long [6990] jaywitbands: xim is coaching clix n Ron [6990] slattslime1232: WWWW [6990] alexcouturier: L Part Time Streamer/ Mcdonald Worker [6990] jackthegreat21: yeat on top [6990] thatslow_6oh: fatass [6990] JGee2101: whens the game [6990] FisoBtw_Yt: yb the goat [6990] brizzy_lol: L PART TIMERL PART TIMERL PART TIMERL PART TIMERL PART TIMERL PART TIMERL PART TIMERL PART TIML PART TIMER [6990] ladomm: wwww [6990] coda7298: Fuuuck man [6990] LXNier27: stop ads [6992] Big_Man_Reece: Big_Man_Reece subscribed at Tier 1. [6992] Gerdhuqi: WHEN IS CLIPS [6992] jayofrmdashh21: play his new shit [6992] jukcswuze: Fat? [6992] diloper: L flexer [6992] leo_deo_deo: jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL [6992] r1pmoon: when is fan mail [6992] yaboialfie12: when’s 1v- [6992] owln8385: listen faster [6992] its_slade10: Light 40k on Xim ain’t scared ricci gonna lose [6992] ALEX2UN1NJII: when is fan mail [6992] pasta_asta: i wish mute plant a jamer on your xbox [6992] notjoey714: play baby Kia [6992] lil_m0narch: L TERRIBLE [6993] antics26: meow [6993] zcrodsfrfr: !LINK [6993] joshcrowell: you look like yb fan [6993] Snaggerhead: GARBAGEEE [6993] johannmartinrz: LL [6993] gdbeast8: run ads fuck [6993] Cosmic_Snyder794: Cosmic_Snyder794 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! [6993] prop16447: 💩 [6993] moe_yeller: copy right [6993] jorgeedyel37: BAKED [6993] turbotangerine: when is the 1v1 starting [6993] 1234goofygoober: taylor swift- [6993] hobbes_mobbin: peppoInjured peppoInjured peppoInjured [6993] imdroopyy: When is fan mail????? [6993] jokervr34: dnd [6995] bakedcoffeecake: no [6995] tntlord1899: jynxi swifti? [6995] scism0: when is fan mail [6995] joshyboyy12: jynxziGoodAim [6995] alphzz_09: When’s the shaiiko 1v1 [6995] brudariendred: 🔇 [6995] MILLIEYUNZ: WW WW WW [6995] クラーケンムルト: Clix will shit on you brodie 💀 [6995] cloakedbear8450: spoiler alert jynxzi loses vs. clix and Ronaldo [6995] wetmeat_: moncler with pajamas [6996] Reup4: using spotify on xbox is crazy [6996] hezzybs: huddybuns subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 6 month streak! YUHHHHH [6996] mikeoxmall73773: Yes silr [6996] jaydentpd: SIDEMEN REACTED TO YOU [6996] slattslime1232: WWWWWW [6996] darkknighted58: Warra miss [6996] nicknach22: gift sub plz [6996] rubydafcknorangutan: W XUM [6996] snoopdoggg42000: LL [6996] jayofrmdashh21: no time [6996] glazrs: start the 1v1 [6996] Nightbot: gifting you luck in finding a job 🙏🏻 [6996] mrllama0326: third that shit off [6996] Nightbot: Jynxzi is his #1 fan [6996] bauermustdie: whens fanmail [6997] john_the_legendd: sketch is waiting [6999] mattya223: HypePopcorn HypePopcorn HypePopcorn [6999] coolkidghost2: Whens fan mail [6999] gee_lizzz: gee_lizzz gifted a Tier 1 sub to lolkaz002! [6999] gee_lizzz: gee_lizzz gifted a Tier 1 sub to MinionLicker69! [6999] gee_lizzz: gee_lizzz gifted a Tier 1 sub to limbonne! [6999] gee_lizzz: gee_lizzz gifted a Tier 1 sub to BUGG2HAWD! [6999] gee_lizzz: gee_lizzz gifted a Tier 1 sub to xdqek112! [6999] ruxxikk: START KICKING YOUR CAMERA AGAIN [6999] Mr_Maug_: clipfarmer music gets cut out [6999] joeybilodeau1: How do I get the charm on xbox fam???? [6999] StreamElements: @hassxcass, hassxcass has been following jynxzi for 2 months 17 days [6999] zenno_editzz: JYNXZI U SHOULD PLAY A GAME CALLED RAINBOW 6 SIEGE [6999] yungKIBE: YoungboyPls [6999] Friiissk: ears bleeding [6999] Gerdhuqi: WHEN JS CLIPPS?? [7000] shockcoll3r777: that butt plug reaction was goated!! [7000] DayDreams22: youngboy is horse shit [7000] GrinderMCD: clix will smash u on r6 [7000] ROCKN__: was fan mail delayed? [7002] akselbonito: good swag @Jynxzi [7002] brysyy: hey can we pray for my dad he isn’t doing good right now [7002] TheSlxp: WHENS FAN MAIL [7002] kobe_mccaig24: need it yb [7002] 1v9fiora: when does the stream start? [7002] Nickh828: when is fan mail [7002] Sonion_GT3: SKETTTTCHHH! [7002] voidlockit: when is fan mail? [7002] vxyrfr: WHEN FANMAIL [7002] zack_and_jeff: was fanmail delayes [7002] gdbeast8: plz fucking run add [7002] Brayy_R6: !followage [7002] nba_cado3: MercyWing1 GoatEmotey MercyWing2 [7002] 187kayozz: @jynxzi play outside today [7002] Kisuutf: listen to bbno$ - lil' freak on YT pig [7003] therealmetch722: LETS GO JUNKO [7003] twitcherswitcher14: W [7003] unclenunezz: !link [7003] mrllama0326: turn that shit off [7003] IIDoomsdayI: ADDED TO THE PLAYLIST [7003] belusbrontes: fat jynxziFAT [7003] yabdielrod: you were not supposed to put the seeds in the pet [7003] imlushy: When is fanmaill!?!?!??! [7003] mr_mister_m2: astronaut kid [7004] ghoulzzz118: ghoulzzz118 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [7005] fashadyy: when is fan mail? [7005] tommy2464: What time is fanmail [7005] nahwarfield: bruhhhhh [7005] kung_kung671: NLE BETTER [7005] m_lax: when is fan mail [7005] scadush23: WWW [7005] Winter_Runner: ZZZZZZZZZZZzz [7005] lebronzoobaddaim: L cultural appropriation [7005] xinsain_brainsx: when is fanmail [7005] dezzy_is_batman: ‼️almost two hours mark‼️ [7005] hampt3r_1: FCK UP [7005] aaroncoxinit: Hurry up chubs [7005] twitcherswitcher14: S [7005] nosiaangelcarhart: RUN IT UPPPP MANNNN [7005] lilnasttyy: Jynxzi are u fat beacuse u ate all the big macs [7006] kami_kev: I LUV XIM [7006] 11owenhayes: bros not lacy [7006] ZookaShark: wear the plug [7006] gsquirrel24: caseohWiijams [7006] 00mase00: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [7006] auxnative2: LOOK AT CLIX STREAM [7006] siegeis1game: daddy [7006] sidney_fragg: !watchtime [7006] yesssslat: fan mail?? [7006] TTVSLYMIME: MUTE UP BRO [7006] PapiThooi: mod him [7006] StreamElements: sidney2009_ has spent 9 days 7 hours watching jynxzi [7006] skeletanger: HOW TO SKIP FOWARD?????? [7006] gdbeast8: run ads [7006] tehan24: fix cam [7007] spazn_: anyone but youngboy please 🙏 [7007] uwwkaway: FLEXING FANS MONEY IS CRAZY [7007] macmiller2008: when is fan mail [7007] thatjzkid: fan mail [7007] ROCKN__: was fan mail delayed? [7007] ROCKN__: was fan mail delayed? [7008] slippsy: y [7008] nahwarfield: sieg [7008] slattyyyyy: cap [7008] masonkza: LLL [7008] silly_micah21: mid [7008] Beaztownn: wrong [7008] skiiiiiies: is this lebron? [7008] Nightbot: no 🧢 [7008] notholic: when is fanmail fat fuck [7008] drmonkeeman10: CAN U DO FANMAIL I MISSED IT [7008] dcarver6: SIDEMEN REACTED [7008] DanteVia: cap [7008] YourCloudy: LISTEN TO FISH SCALE BY YOUNGBOY [7010] DaleMoney__: ass [7010] dominatemecaseoh: GLAZING [7010] sorry_ntsorry: Let him sing it jynxzi [7010] 2_kites: HE SUCKS [7011] maxverstappenfan331: GoatEmotey [7011] parchmentpaper_: CAP [7011] nahwarfield: siege [7011] Nickh828: fan mail? [7011] hayden_on_milo: jynxziPACK jynxziSNOT jynxziTONGUE jynxziFALL jynxziFALL [7011] zombiestark7: when is the youngboy 1v1 [7011] Friiissk: YOU ARE NOT KENTRELL [7011] mouritzen: cap [7011] twitcherswitcher14: W [7011] TTVSLYMIME: MUTE UP [7011] owlseph: when’s fan mail [7011] Gerdhuqi: WHEN IS CLIPS [7011] voidlockit: when is fanmail [7011] Nightbot: @the_remainders If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [7011] ir0njuju3o: wild [7012] SuperNintendoMike: nope [7012] lando2966: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [7012] jdizzyrules: !sub [7012] peoekekek: L time waster [7012] yourboygg56: n. 9. b. b. a. [7012] qu13t675: when’s fan mail [7012] js_ent27: L dick rider [7012] playboicartilover691: carti better [7012] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [7014] Stekxey: FAX [7014] boopyjake: WHATTTTT YOUNGBOY ASS [7014] aidanallen1: top 50 [7014] WWQLF2: shit [7014] joshcrowell: ass [7014] imdroopyy: When is fan mail????? [7014] bryceryman: LISTEN TO BITCH LETS DO IT [7014] hitechsavior: ASS [7014] xjerichoghostx: Sketch is waiting [7014] sugabaybe: im a pussy [7014] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [7014] StreamElements: flexhaa_ has spent 30 mins watching jynxzi [7014] skcriptr: L TAKE [7014] Nightbot: real [7014] arrkane420: trash [7015] spenceradams23: cart mid asf [7015] PapiThooi: MOD KENTRELL [7015] klurpz_: klurpz_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! was good [7015] InfamousBronson: hes not [7015] belusbrontes: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [7015] aquricy: when’s Kai vs caseoh [7015] realtimestone: I am what i eat [7015] cstorme4: !watchtime [7015] huzkylol: KANYE ON TOP [7015] jbo860: W [7015] Braxton5264: Cheer1 [7015] moderatedgg: YB better [7015] ragingtargaryen: bottom 5 [7017] GHOSTEEE_23: never heard of him [7017] hlatte4: we want Dan mail [7017] justkillmenowlol: Lemme be a pussy then [7017] chromlyy: top 800 [7017] chestnutdemolishesyou: Hell nawwee [7017] deaed_man_walking: hes mid [7017] roscoerez: Who the fuck is young boy [7017] siegeis1game: daddy [7017] anthonyauclair2005: 2 HOUR MARK [7017] cloakedbear8450: spoiler alert jynxzi loses vs. clix and Ronaldo [7017] ir0njuju3o: wuld [7017] cluddlzzz: glazing [7017] snoopdoggg42000: L YB [7017] notaiden4310: when is caseoh streamm [7017] Nightbot: @shizz_7 -> You are the missing link. Goodbye. [stop posting links] [7018] Gucci_kid54: mhm [7018] mxndez3: yb fucking sucks lol [7018] wetmeat_: moncler with pjs [7018] TheOnlyBuck2_: clix stream [7018] cl3ricc: ew [7018] xfswxx: when is shaiko [7018] happygardeeeeen: YB I NOWHERE NEAR TOP 100 [7018] knockout1on8: your mute [7018] imBoundaholic: w [7018] x0rbit_: xim is on with clix [7018] tntlord1899: hes not [7018] rarrww: industry plant [7018] j7ap: DURK IS BETTER [7018] BroniBB: HORRIBLE TAKE [7018] asob: young boy trash [7019] running007: bottom 5 [7019] Juandagoat219: W statement [7019] wgrady72: what kind of cigars you smoke brother [7019] johnwickslidin: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [7019] CobraChase: 4KT Jynxzi [7019] lil_m0narch: MID [7019] korythegod69: jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh [7019] Moldedcorndog: ASS [7019] vibxs8745: kfrnnfrnjkrfnjkn [7019] sebassaaa: L TAKE [7019] trillble: top 1000 [7019] Florida_Man8: Florida_Man8 subscribed with Prime. [7019] Zevaq69: Zevaq69 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 1 month streak! when’s fan mail bitch [7020] thedaniphantom: thedaniphantom subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 7 month streak! | Jynxzi | Prime Jynxzi is Back | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [6840] you [6850] you [6860] you [6870] you [6880] you [6890] you [6900] you [6910] you [6920] you [6930] you [6940] you [6950] you [6960] you [6970] you [6980] you [6990] you [7000] you [7010] you | There is no Highlight in the provided timespan. Jynxzi talks to his chat and then the stream is muted due to copyright issues. |
Jynxzi | Prime Jynxzi is Back | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [7200] barbieisdaddy: scared [7200] boopyshmurda: XIMM IS VS CLIX RN XIMM IS VS CLIX RN XIMM IS VS CLIX RN [7200] bulldigs: He’s playing clix [7200] b4yne12: EZZ XIM [7200] opponentsfn: XIM IS TRAINING CLIX AND RON RIGHT NOW [7200] cosmic_reboot: @jynxzi shut up you pussy lipped fartass [7200] b1nked: CLIXCLIXCLIXCLIXCLIXCLIXCLIXCLIXCLIXCLIXCLIXCLIXCLIXCLIXCLIXCLIXCLIXCLIXCLIX [7200] SheLuvsZua: he playing clix and ron [7200] RayanB7_: xim is playing clix and ron dirty donkey [7200] pessi1342: xim is 2v1 clix and ron.. [7200] supremelord400: riccin1BOX riccin1BOX riccin1BOX riccin1BOX riccin1BOX riccin1DANCE riccin1DANCE riccin1DANCE riccin1DANCE riccin1DANCE riccin1DANCE riccin1DANCE [7200] nezzythegoat: he’s playing with clix and Ron [7200] snipesnipdu8383: CHECK CLIXS STREAM [7201] fncablaze: HES OLAYING WITH CLIX [7201] callmenoah110: xim is playing with clix [7201] simplicity978: Yo @Jynxzi i just started r6 recently any tips for me starting off?. [7201] mikeyontivero12: WWWWW [7201] maxiboimmm: are you mewing [7201] WildM18: xim is back?? [7201] calebisbaked: LOLL [7201] demonfury12: xim is 2v1img CLIX and Ron [7201] itsweem: HES 1V2 CLIX RON [7201] zayden1031: he playing with Ron and Clix [7201] hunter58_56: Clix [7201] spiPLOK: i do [7201] Suulks: Coaching Clix rn [7201] RayanB7_: xim is playing clix and ron dirty donkey [7201] Grass_Cut: open xims stream [7202] plutopanthur: fake accent [7202] frenzyplayz04: bros ducking the fade L jynxzi [7202] goaliethawk1: holy glazeee [7202] thecube730: cry pussy [7202] soggy_muffin1: L Bully jynxziFAT L Bully jynxziFAT L Bully jynxziFAT L Bully jynxziFAT L Bully jynxziFAT L Bully jynxziFAT L Bully jynxziFAT L Bully jynxziFAT [7202] anticryption: BRUCEUY LIVEEE [7202] AvidGlazer2ez: you do [7203] RayanB7_: xim is playing clix and ron dirty donkey [7203] mikeyontivero12: WWW RICCI [7203] Zapssey: 😂 [7203] Kreemplol: XIM is playing Ronaldo [7203] soggy_muffin1: L Bully jynxziFAT L Bully jynxziFAT L Bully jynxziFAT L Bully jynxziFAT [7203] asgardfalle997: excuses [7203] harrymaguire4: he’s teaching clix [7203] junior10778: me [7203] ryry20114901: he’s playing Clixxxxx. xxx [7203] 0_jynxzi: whens the stream with caseoh [7203] dusllbee: 💀💀💀 [7204] UnknownRedXD: E [7204] theyanks96: he’s not New York [7204] opponentsfn: XIM IS TRAINING CLIX AND RON RIGHT NOW XIM IS TRAINING CLIX AND RON RIGHT NOW [7204] mrmurp27: !link [7204] RayanB7_: xim is playing clix and ron dirty donkey [7204] leeroyd8008: new york scumnew york scumnew york scumnew york scumnew york scumnew york scum [7204] dadrew: run it back for 10k [7204] Jpmalagonv: YOU DO [7204] pessi1342: xim is 2v1 clix and ron... [7204] msa_vv: xim playing clix [7204] Cliopatrra: LOL [7204] Nightbot: 😂 [7204] beast_maester64: 4-0 [7204] laseenwrld: on ded dogs LMAOOO [7204] byec4: HES TRAINING CLIX AND RON [7205] mixiel_: XIIMMMM [7205] iamhen29: jynxziLOL [7205] o_0eclectic_zZ: Lmaooo [7205] LilMikeyMyers: What's 5 thousand to a multimillionaire [7205] antony_xx9: WITH CLIX [7205] everynametakenfornoreason: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 [7205] kami_kev: read chat nerd [7205] stridzzz: lmao [7205] Gucci_kid54: xim is playing with clix right now @jynxzi [7205] lazeeyyyy: L bully [7205] bhhhhca: Xim is playing Clix jynxzi. [7205] Easykill579: good boy [7205] w_ech0: he with xim and ron [7205] joker_4life_: HES PLAYIBG CLIX [7205] RayanB7_: xim is playing clix and ron dirty donkey [7206] soggy_muffin1: L Bully jynxziFAT L Bully jynxziFAT [7206] xfswxx: when is shaiko [7206] lahpaulll03: caseoh can whoop ricci [7206] steven_a110: xim is playing with clip [7206] grrrrlock: FAKE ACCENT SO CRINGE [7207] RayanB7_: xim is playing clix and ron dirty donkey [7207] mfamjqallemann: read chat [7207] Suulks: He's Coaching Clix [7207] ghostzonix3: CHECK CLIX STREAM [7207] chamb0e: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [7207] toxicd61: XIM IS WAITING [7207] frenzyplayz04: L ducking [7207] mikeyontivero12: RICCI THE GOAT [7207] usedangel17: He is playing clix [7208] Nightbot: 👀 [7208] Jdawgg1220: xim vs clix rn [7208] botlance3: coaching clix [7208] weakpan355: Clix [7208] RayanB7_: xim is playing clix and ron dirty donkey [7208] deshon_solos: SLIMMY TIMMYSLIMMY TIMMYSLIMMY TIMMYSLIMMY TIMMYSLIMMY TIMMYSLIMMY TIMMY [7208] unknownT420123: sidemen reacted to u [7208] wetdirtgaming: caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads [7208] ilikemen2828373: RICCI TOSSES U AROUND KID [7208] shivermetimbers15: REAL NEW YAWKER [7208] Nightbot: real [7208] batman29741: this is not a rager lil bro [7209] JTPP15: clixx streamm goo [7209] lxtree3: hi I’m jynxzi how would you like your order today? [7209] Matt_Przeszlo: NYC KING [7209] Gucci_kid54: xim is playing with clix right now @jynxzi [7209] jynkzoo: READ CHAT BRO [7209] HydraTract: HES PLAYING CLIX [7209] onepersona65: hes playing with clix [7209] RayanB7_: xim is playing clix and ron dirty donkey [7209] Kunspiree: dead dogs is Mass not Ny [7209] BoxYing: xim is playing clix [7209] callmenoah110: xim is playing clix [7209] dieheartsaint: he’s coaching [7209] anthonyauclair2005: BRO THINK IS THE FINAL BOSS’ [7209] sobiethegreat: fuck xim [7209] StAticZ_Bounty: he’s playing clix [7210] turkeybxg: dead rat [7210] kami_kev: READ UR CHAT [7210] KlopsPlays: NY DONT SAY DEAD DOGS [7210] d_feli21: sketch is waiting [7210] RayanB7_: xim is playing clix and ron dirty donkey [7211] Max_castroisnotfat: new jersey you fatty [7211] rtn_ton3: Hes playing clix [7211] goaliethawk1: l glazer [7211] hobbes_mobbin: concrete JUNGLE [7211] loafelton: look at chat fatty [7211] SpicySh0tz: GOING TO PLAY R6 [7211] HonestlyGOOD_YT: Boston [7211] Kreemplol: XIM is playing clix [7211] opponentsfn: XIM IS TRAINING CLIX AND RON RIGHT NOWXIM IS TRAINING CLIX AND RON RIGHT NOW [7211] Karmah____: so newyork [7211] sonotreal: love of god [7211] nastyrell: dead dogs ricci [7211] leo_deo_deo: xim was training clix and Ron [7212] tenacityfan190: shut tf up Ricci [7212] ragingtargaryen: xim is losing rn [7212] HFinesse: he fake ny [7212] pessi1342: xim is 2v1 clix and ron [7212] deshon_solos: SLIMMY TIMMYSLIMMY TIMMYSLIMMY TIMMY [7212] oncealer: VISE CALL JYNX @Hivise [7212] moose1088: HES PLAYING CLIXXXXXXXXXXXX [7212] reeen20: he’s with clix and ron [7212] ewewewewesd: ??? [7212] ang3lxix: GoatEmotey GoatEmotey [7212] Stxlkkkk: hi vise hitting Griddy on that biddys kidddtty hi vise hitting Griddy on that biddys kidddtty hi vise hitting Griddy on that biddys kidddtty [7212] RayanB7_: xim is playing clix and ron dirty donkey [7212] the_rad_fam: MESSAGE (BRYCEQB15) please just say anything [7212] munxchman: hes playing ron [7212] mrmurp27: !Charm [7213] yes_i_nutt: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 [7213] dusllbee: XIM GET IN [7213] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [7213] ghostzonix3: CLIXXXXXXXX [7213] johnbh547: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [7213] young_x1900: dead dogs lokey fire lmoaoao [7213] IC3DANC33R: bro [7214] gabbebojjj: CLIX STREAM [7214] IamTheFlash: L script [7214] gioo_31: KING XIM [7214] KaiCenatUncle: he’s playing the big shitter [7214] vNiklaus: ez miney [7214] dkellog: XIM is training Clix and Naldo [7214] pessi1342: xim is 2v1 clix and ronxim is 2v1 clix and ron [7214] lockeykockey3: CLIX STREAM U FUCKING IDIOT [7214] cristi1an_: SHAIIKO IS WAITING DUMBASS [7214] lolzz43: clix [7214] hunter58_56: Clic [7214] soggy_muffin1: L Bully jynxziFAT L Bully jynxziFAT [7215] legend_leo769: WSGGG [7215] Nightbot: Jynxzi is his #1 fan [7215] lazeeyyyy: he’s olayign clix [7215] LilRaitd: hes playing with clix dumbass [7215] unfloodd: THATS NOT NEW YORK [7215] lahpaulll03: LMAOOO [7215] vihze: HES is on 1v2 [7215] jonesproject_: clix [7215] byec4: RICCI THINKS HES IN THE SOPRANOS [7215] Gucci_kid54: xim is playing with clix right now @jynxzi [7215] darcss: ?????????? [7215] joker_4life_: HES PLAYING CLIX [7215] boopyshmurda: XIMM IS VS CLIX RN XIMM IS VS CLIX RN XIMM IS VS CLIX RN XIMM IS VS CLIX RN XIMM IS VS CLIX RN XIMM IS VS CLIX RN [7215] d__diaz_: bro what? [7215] i_play_shootrz: a [7216] noahthehooper1218: CLIX [7216] duxtin_1: what a idiot [7216] lossmd: yooo [7216] dreamzzgottwitch: XIM IS PLAYING WITH CLIX RN [7216] gdawgin: xim with clix [7216] Blu3Assassin23: HES PLAYING CLIX [7216] EchoDasilva: playing clix [7216] deshon_solos: SLIMMY TIMMYSLIMMY TIMMYSLIMMY TIMMYSLIMMY TIMMYSLIMMY TIMMY [7216] fizzyjoshy_yt: we want Charlie [7216] Scrasa: ZESTY [7216] bigtoewi11y: read chat L streamer [7216] matiffles07: He is playing with clix and ron [7216] moosegoblin55: moosegoblin55 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! Lets go brother [7216] ddariiell: 💀 [7217] xChonchi: xChonchi subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! [7217] opponentsfn: XIM IS TRAINING CLIX AND RON RIGHT NOW [7217] uujmiiu: Shdhdux [7217] UNBELlEVABLE: ??????? [7217] YooBoiiKrazyy: WE LOVE YOU XIM WE LOVE YOU XIM WE LIVE YOU XIM WE LOVE YOU XIM WE LOVE YOU XIM WE LOVE YOU XIM WE LIVE YOU XIM WE LOVE YOU XIM WE LOVE YOU XIM WE LOVE YOU XIM WE LIVE YOU XIM WE LOVE YOU XIM [7217] Kreemplol: XIM IS PLAYING CLIX [7217] squirmypug: hes straight up capping [7217] pessi1342: xim is 2v1 clix and ron. [7217] Jdawgg1220: READ CHAT U FUCKING DUMBASS [7217] ttvmanny_xd: read chat dumb ass [7217] gsAlex: Xim is coaching Clix and ron [7217] ustink0997: 4Head BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage [7218] sonotreal: bouta crash out [7218] tenacityfan190: shut up ricci [7218] usedangel17: he is playing clix [7218] Jvsttt: XIMMM@PLAYING CLIX [7218] AChadillac: he did dodge KTT yesterday [7218] E_is_for_evil_: hey I'm waking ere [7218] siegeman3k: scrpted [7218] B1G_REAP: END STREAM [7218] ghostzonix3: CLIXXXXXXXXXXXX [7218] sa_um: he’s playing with clix [7218] dkellog: XIM is training Clix and Naldo, [7218] siphrnttv: LAG STERAM [7218] samir0_0s: he’s training food and ron [7218] abroham__linkin: abroham__linkin subscribed with Prime. [7218] mbarget28: bawl [7219] DreamieeWinter: he’s playing with clix [7219] Victor_Pineapple: HES PLAYING AGAINST CLIX [7219] sparkiesteagle6: sparkiesteagle6 subscribed at Tier 1. [7219] gabbebojjj: CLIX STREAMM [7219] Easykill579: L bully [7219] ddariiell: 🤦🏾♂️ [7219] clixsonjay: bro xim is playing with clix [7219] HazydoR: I think xim is busy [7219] grant1lf89: pre end [7219] unfloodd: HES FROM BOSTON [7219] etplayingnow: KING OF NY [7219] kermitthefrog_55: he’s helping clix [7219] hunter58_56: Clix. [7219] nezzythegoat: he’s playing with clix and ron [7220] ydino69: lmaooooo he’s so NY [7220] droxzyonplaystation: HarleyWink HarleyWink HarleyWink HarleyWink DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight [7220] papimoore: SNAPCHAT CALL [7220] w_ech0: never checks chat [7220] userfjdhdhdjx: when is fan mail [7220] Prose_XtM: 10 g bet this week [7220] Kunspiree: dead dogs is Mass Not NY [7220] roninakadupa: and two hours of sleep 💤 [7220] pessi1342: xim is 2v1 clix and ron.. [7221] d44rkfire: 💀💀 [7221] Climax8413: clix [7221] TheOnlyBuck2_: xim is coaching clix [7221] iso_matthew: 🤣🤣🤣 [7221] impact_lester: xim coaching [7221] yes_i_nutt: Squid1 Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 [7221] agentghostfn: When is fan mail [7221] corruptoce: he’s playing clix [7221] apeboi6987: titty [7221] yungKIBE: HES BUSY DOING CLIX [7221] RayanB7_: xim is playing clix and ron dirty donkey [7221] logan_mrksich: 🧑🏿🦰 [7222] voxxyyyyyyyyy: Hey fucking idiot hes playing clix [7222] jskreetz: ricci and sixnine the kings of NY [7222] jaywitbands: he’s playing clix n Ron [7222] knight18v: check clix stream [7222] figgs_glt: dead dogs is a boston thing [7222] YooBoiiKrazyy: WE LOVE YOU XIM WE LOVE YOU XIM WE LIVE YOU XIM WE LOVE YOU XIM WE LOVE YOU XIM WE LOVE YOU XIM WE LIVE YOU XIM WE LOVE YOU XIM WE LOVE YOU XIM WE LOVE YOU XIM WE LIVE YOU XIM WE LOVE YOU XIM! [7222] HyperPE: jynxziClown [7222] yungKIBE: HES BUSY DOING CLIX [7222] sonotreal: WATCH HIS STREAM [7222] drmonkeeman10: DQ XIM [7222] braincellnotfoundb: W SINGING [7223] KLARSY11: HE VS CLIX AND RON [7223] tkettel_: play ranked [7223] ultra_jax: CLIX [7223] noahwilson_1: Do channel points [7223] r1tzy_: 100K viewers?!?!? [7223] alex_is_quackers: xxiiimmm [7223] banterrrking: king of York [7223] wrino19: HES PLAYING XLIZ [7223] Jvsttt: CLIX STREAM [7223] johnbh547: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [7223] theapex989: you like big oh men that looks like sketch [7223] irohthag: !LINK [7223] Nightbot: @irohthag If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [7223] Nightbot: Jynxzi sens and settings here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2GcpqRqJ9U [7223] joker_4life_: HES WITH CLIX [7224] uujmiiu: 2iee8e7e7e737eu474rd [7224] kayweth: @Jynxzi xim playing with clix [7224] PexYKTV: CLIZ [7224] mrmurp27: !Link [7225] yes_i_nutt: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 [7225] sauce_bucketz: Boston [7225] drunkos2incher: when’s Jynxi x flight daddy🍌🍑🍆🍑 [7225] boredomitself0: READ CHAT FATASS [7225] hbdjdylan: cawk sucks [7225] highlight_the_21: bro doesn't read chat [7225] PexYKTV: CLIX [7225] Jvsttt: CLIZ STREAM [7226] rhinocohc: jynxziWTF_HF [7226] IIDoomsdayI: SO NY [7226] Gucci_kid54: do you not read chat??? [7226] ddrizzyyyyyy: look at clix stream [7226] Fossabot: @amosr7, Your message is too long [7226] grant1lf89: pre End [7226] Kellan202: he is playing clix [7226] yungKIBE: HES BUSY DOING CLIX [7226] lockeykockey3: THE WHOLE CHAT SAYIJG CLIX AND U IGNORIJG IT U MORON [7226] bidboythe: when is 1v2 [7226] ellarer: HE COACHING [7226] spencah2fly: im busting ur bawls bro [7226] duxtin_1: clix [7226] swoleboh: xim [7226] xirzxz: he’s so New York he has a fucking lisp [7227] tkettel_: RANKED [7227] SpedBxby: KING XIM [7227] TheChurchWho: check clix stream [7227] tokyo_astro: scripted bando you’re trash [7227] Jaegeriist: Jaegeriist subscribed with Prime. [7227] TakeoutCrave: zim is helping clix and ron [7227] chamb0e: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [7227] ultra_jax: CLIXX [7227] dkellog: XIM is training Clix and Naldo [7227] moose1088: HES COACHING CLIXXXXXXXXXXXXXX [7227] Gorilla10: dude sounds like a brit bitch [7227] AJBeast014: WHEN IS FAN MAIL BRO [7227] RayanB7_: xim is playing clix and ron dirty donkey [7227] yungKIBE: HES BUSY DOING CLIX [7227] dragonfire7687: Clix [7228] itsrageyy: HES PLAYING CLIX AND RON [7228] ryry20114901: he’s on with clix [7229] RayanB7_: xim is playing clix and ron dirty donkey [7229] aidenr6__: he with clix [7229] wrino19: HES PLAYING CLIX [7229] rKarlssn: pressed by ricci [7229] megatron12222: XIN IS IN A MATCH [7229] drmonkeeman10: DQXIM [7229] xtyrant0: TwitchConHYPE [7229] sebayg_: W SONG [7229] jordxn_b: xim is playing with clix xim is playing with clix xim is playing with clix [7229] n04h177: 🙋 [7229] that_cracker_ot: he’s playing with clix [7229] duxtin_1: dumbass [7229] LocoHagrid: 1v1 every Rank with only Pulse [7229] S1PPINPURPLE: THATS ON ME BABY [7229] mag_451batman: junko what’s ur snap [7230] chg37: bro watch Clix and Ron [7230] itsrageyy: HES PLAYING CLIX AND RON HES PLAYING CLIX AND RON HES PLAYING CLIX AND RON HES PLAYING CLIX AND RON [7230] dkellog: XIM is training Clix and Naldo. [7230] x0rbit_: clix stream [7230] ttvstreamer45601: GO TO CLIX STREAM [7230] kobebeef22: he’s dick riding clix [7230] Climax8413: clix stream [7230] 730H: he was scripting [7230] alimb4: L streamer read chat [7230] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [7232] boredomitself0: Xim is playing clix [7232] u_know_karmaa: bust on my balls daddy jynxzi oh pleaseeee [7232] tozaskii: He's playing Ron N Clix [7232] yes_i_nutt: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 [7232] kami_kev: DUMBASS READ CHAT [7232] yungKIBE: HES BUSY DOING CLIX [7232] Gucci_kid54: xim is playing with clix right now @jynxzi [7232] sonotreal: wtf are mods doing?? [7232] visionxxx121: hes 1v2 [7232] uujmiiu: Tghrbrbgbtjamjtsmnjwtnwjttnjarnuwnurw [7232] Nightbot: TikTok: @Jynxzi [7232] PexYKTV: HES PLAYING CLIX [7232] drdogwater0: does Bro do anything besides farm other people for content [7232] uluvjordy: POLL [7234] antony_xx9: he is playing with clixxx [7234] RayanB7_: xim is playing clix and ron dirty donkey [7234] apeboi6987: put that shi on hood [7234] drunkos2incher: when’s Jynxi x flight daddy🍌🍑🍆🍑i [7234] YooBoiiKrazyy: WE LOVE YOU XIM WE LOVE YOU XIM WE LIVE YOU XIM WE LOVE YOU XIM WE LOVE YOU XIM WE LOVE YOU XIM WE LIVE YOU XIM WE LOVE YOU XIM WE LOVE YOU XIM WE LOVE YOU XIM WE LIVE YOU XIM WE LOVE YOU XIM [7234] lstar20: he’s ducking gimme my points back [7234] pessi1342: xim is 2v1 clix and ron...... [7234] b312noblesixx: ban him [7234] akirababy122: jjjjjjjjnkn [7234] dkellog: XIM is training Clix and Naldo. [7234] jynkzoo: hes 1v1ing clix [7234] austyn_rasler: look at chat dumbass [7234] Jdawgg1220: xim vs clix is rn [7234] lachypoo11: he is playing with clix [7235] ellarer: WITH CLIXXX [7235] bunnyyybunnyyy: HES PLAYING CIX [7235] txerrisc: He’s playing clix [7235] yes_i_nutt: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 [7235] 0_jynxzi: whens the stream with caseoh [7235] jmg5000: I’m buwsn ya bawlls bwuh [7235] lucauu_: hes live [7235] clikkzy_: he splaying with clix [7235] maskyershy: xim is playing clix [7235] thecube730: FBtouchdown [7235] linklink232: hes playing clix [7235] ablottachecks: straight up [7235] TheChurchWho: clix stream [7235] Gucci_kid54: xim is playing with clix right now @jynxzi [7235] dkellog: XIM is training Clix and Naldo [7236] iosman9: read chat you part timer [7236] tokentaylor: Is ricci from new york? He sounds different [7236] linear7777: hes playing with clix and ron [7236] not_tiredd_: playing clix [7236] RayanB7_: xim is playing clix and ron dirty donkey [7237] stoicmatthew: READ CHAT MORON [7237] dkellog: XIM is training Clix and Naldo, [7237] twotimezz2: xim stream [7237] FreshMintys_: hes playing clix and ron [7237] No_Fear_Noah: Can I oil you up sir? [7237] artistic_trix_: CLIX IS WAITING [7237] DreamieeWinter: He’s playing with clix [7237] jynxzilowkey: wait deadass who says dead dogs [7237] HydraaaPlaysSiege: CLTN EDIT [7237] skrihpted: when is fan mail [7237] mini_ilovexim: THE KING IS BACK [7237] swayfuI: calling castle [7237] bunnyyybunnyyy: HES PLAYING CLIX [7237] jaywitbands: xim is coaching clix n Ron [7237] lordsaugus11: u dumb [7238] plutopanthur: I only love you daddy [7238] iamalfiie: Xim is playing Clix @jynxzi [7238] TheRealSkilly: HE IS PLAYING [7238] b312noblesixx: MASS REPORT HIM [7238] cigsaur: HAVE RICCI PLAY AVIDDD [7238] jayv_be_that: Shut yo mouth [7238] agedwharf5: clix [7238] julian_arce05: HES PLAYING WITH CLIX [7238] b1nked: CLIXCLIXCLIXCLIXCLIXCLIXCLIXCLIXCLIXCLIXCLIXCLIXCLIXCLIXCLIXCLIXCLIXCLIXCLIXCLIXCLIXCLIXCLIX [7238] yes_i_nutt: TwitchUnity [7238] santiagogv23: jynxziClown [7238] devrathodd: HES PLAYING CLIXXXX [7238] johnbh547: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [7238] dkellog: XIM is training Clix and Naldo. [7238] Cliopatrra: HES POOPING [7239] SuperStarSar: streaming [7239] smb_239: Clix stream [7239] Vexanl: he playing clix [7239] papurepau: roierNoSe [7239] borisftb: playing clix [7240] st0mpn_nvm: He 0laying with clix [7240] Arrowz02: READ CHAT IDIOT [7240] legitgunns: Put a 1000 on xim [7240] bunnyyybunnyyy: HES PLAYING CLIZ [7240] cozybeter: clix [7240] drunkos2incher: when’s Jynxi x flight daddy🍌🍑🍆🍑ii [7240] mostwantedopp: cam too perfect [7240] joker_4life_: LOOK AT CHAT U DUMBASS [7240] apeboi6987: xim [7240] mattya223: ITS LIT [7240] mrmemes__: he’s playing with clix and Ron [7240] Oskarrrr123: omd [7240] boulderbomb1203: STREAM [7240] Kellan202: read chat [7240] Gucci_kid54: xim is playing with clix right now @jynxzi [7243] freebum11: XIM PLAYING CLIX RN [7243] codestar87: hes 1v2ing clix and ron [7243] moose1088: PLAYING CLIXXXXXXXXXXXXXX [7243] fate_harley: TRAINING CLIX AND RON [7243] Gorilla10: call his bitch [7243] dkellog: XIM is training Clix and Naldo [7243] chg37: he’s 1v2ing Clix and Ron [7243] bunnyyybunnyyy: HES PLAYING CLIX [7243] unknownT420123: sidemen reacted to u [7243] RayanB7_: xim is playing clix and ron dirty donkey [7243] izulgonthe1: !LINK [7243] nausea3500: HES PLAYIN CLIX [7243] thatkid_goku1: when is fan mail [7243] itsrageyy: HES PLAYING CLIX AND RON [7243] htx_me: playing clix [7244] d_feli21: sketch is waiting [7244] Grass_Cut: check xims stream [7244] aquricy: when’s Kai vs caseoh [7244] uujmiiu: 19w8we [7244] ac3hyper3994: he’s coaching clip [7244] b1nked: CLIXCLIXCLIXCLIXCLIXCLIXCLIX [7244] omgitstbone: jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE [7244] drunkos2incher: ducking [7244] StreamElements: If you're a gamer, you need a Starforge! Snag one -> https://starforgepc.com/Jynxzi [7244] warnot7: XIM IS PLAYING CLIX [7244] Jdawgg1220: XIM IS PLAYING CLIX [7244] Oskarrrr123: dumbass [7244] streakxsy: Playing clix [7244] Arrowz02: READ CHAT IDIOT [7244] StreamElements: @Teowolf89 https://stats.StreamElements.com/c/jynxzi PogChamp [7245] SEBBRRRR: xim is teaching clix n ron [7245] braincellnotfoundb: playing clix [7245] emanuelngamer: playing with clix and ron [7245] datboydrae: Cheer55 [7245] RayanB7_: xim is playing clix and ron dirty donkey [7246] TTVSLYMIME: XIOIIIIMMMM [7246] Easykill579: L bully [7246] ablysfull: omfg read chat [7246] cappinkoolaid: clixx [7246] Cliopatrra: HES POOPING [7246] StAticZ_Bounty: oof he’s playing clix [7246] leo_deo_deo: bro does not read chat [7246] drunkos2incher: when’s Jynxi x flight daddy🍌🍑🍆🍑 [7246] pessi1342: xim is 2v1 clix and ron [7246] nathan_mcnabb: L racist [7246] dozydiss_: CLIX STREAM [7246] WHHHHHHH00: LAYJNG CLIX [7246] bigtoewi11y: READ CHAT DUMBASS [7246] zezshii: pancake [7246] snipesnipdu8383: CHECK CLIXS STREAM DUMBASS [7247] rain21iooo: YOUR SO SLOW [7247] moose1088: CLIXXXXXXXXX [7247] zachzooom: CLIX [7247] TakeoutCrave: PLAYIN G WITH RON AND CLIOX [7247] dkellog: XIM is training Clix and Naldo. [7247] SnowyyXD123: he’s training Ronaldo and clix [7247] mop94: IAM WALKN HEAAAA [7247] abroham__linkin: I'm in this bitch [7247] drmonkeeman10: DQ XIM [7247] bigdoddyog: xim playing stable [7247] h2kbuggout: CLIXXXXXXXXX [7247] b1nked: CLIXCLIXCLIXCLIXCLIX [7247] chamb0e: Practicing [7247] joebartfanmydude: RaccAttack RaccAttack [7247] maxiboimmm: are you mewing [7248] 1738clutch: ur so dumb [7248] yungKIBE: HES BUSY DOING CLIX [7248] clikkzy_: hes playing clix [7249] bunnyyybunnyyy: HES PLAYING CLIZZZZ [7249] linklink232: read ur fuckin chat u dog shit player [7249] creamycg: xim watching [7249] Suulks: He's Coaching CLix bro [7250] cozybeter: Clixxxxxx [7250] Easykill579: L [7250] jynkzoo: READ CHAT PART TIIMERRR [7250] diegoxlax: play ricci for 10k [7250] milomuncha6: w clit [7250] boopyshmurda: XIMM IS VS CLIX RN [7250] dmfnxhebxjk: wasup brother [7250] flaseyy: playing clix idiot read chat [7250] GrinderMCD: he’s playin clix [7250] boxedbyrichie69: SisjsjsIbsb9sp9suhsoibsibs9j [7250] wall6487: washed [7250] iamalfiie: READ CHAT [7250] bedelusion: he’s playing with CLIX [7250] trillble: playing with clix [7250] FreshMintys_: hes playing clix and ron ron [7252] crazy224unit: egoed [7252] magic__johnny9: Xim got banned again [7252] Grass_Cut: HEs with lix [7253] gsAlex: HE IS COACHING CLIX [7253] b1nked: CLIXCLIXCLIXCLIXCLIXCLIX [7253] mikeiscool194111: he coaching clic [7253] BigBaller3545: were😭😭 [7253] indiana4: HES TRAINING CLIX N RON [7253] iceoutjay12: hi [7253] SammyBoi_98: clix [7253] PastaVI: hes in a 1v2 rn [7253] dongslaps34: LOOK AT CHAT DUMBASS [7253] TheRealSkilly: CLIX [7253] gabbebojjj: GO CLIX STREAM [7253] evan14147: We already said he was playing clix [7253] RiIey5k: RON AND CLIZ [7253] moose1088: PLAYING CXLIXXXXXXXX [7253] yungKIBE: HES BUSY DOING CLIX [7254] natetds_ssg: !discord [7254] tristanmccullick: XIM IS 1V2ing CLIX AND STABLERONALDO [7254] Kellan202: playing clix [7254] parchmentpaper_: HES PLAYING CLIX [7254] ellarer: CLIX STREAM [7254] KKAZl: Leaked [7254] tyzer_r6: xim coaching clix [7254] SheluvJj0: xim and clix [7254] matiffles07: He is playing with clix and ron [7254] Nightbot: https://discord.gg/jynxzi [7254] unfloodd: THAT IS NOT NTC THATS BOSTONN [7254] FI3K_: he’s playing with clix [7254] joshfields98: he’s in a 1v1 [7254] blymbo: playing with clip [7254] opponentsfn: XIM IS TRAINING CLIX AND RON RIGHT NOW [7256] kami_kev: fake chat [7256] phateezy: playuing clx [7256] NickReels: HE IS TRAINING CLIX BOZO [7256] TakeoutCrave: he playing with clix [7256] koolbreeziceman219: kai is waiting [7256] ghostzonix3: CHECK CLIX STREAM [7256] ridvantime: When is the feet cam [7256] Fossabot: @agent041309, Your message is too long [7256] archietindalllll09: he’s coaching [7256] ShadowZapzy: hes 1v2 clix [7256] xCatDad: clix pussssssssssssssssssssies stfuuuuuuuuuuuuuu [7256] Gucci_kid54: xim is playing with clix right now @jynxzi [7256] impact_lester: his coaching [7256] rayonttw: !Link [7257] badlandschuggz: HES PLAYING CLIX AND RON [7257] nobutlikereal: lurger [7257] bhhhhca: Xim is playing Clix jynxzi [7257] KKAZl: LEAKED [7257] cozybeter: playing clix [7257] ac3hyper3994: read chat ifiot [7257] 9opha: READ CHAT FATASS [7257] jxcob_v: L bully [7257] boko559: CHECK STREAM [7257] sports_vibes_center: when’s the casoh vs sketch [7257] filelectrique001: BRO IS ACOUSTIC [7257] SammyBoi_98: xim coaching clix [7257] Its_kido: THAT WAS LOO [7257] MilksMamas: HE STREAMING RN [7257] Gucci_kid54: xim is playing with clix right now @jynxzi [7258] Brettgarrett22: he’s in a 1v1 [7258] king_silk_the_2nd: he don’t know you [7259] hunter58_56: Clix stream [7259] bigtoewi11y: READ CHATT LOSER [7259] EthanTop20: he dont know u [7259] HazydoR: Warmup wit ricci [7259] blymbo: clixxxxxxx [7259] tectiteLive: LOOK AT CLIX [7259] GrinderMCD: clix is with him [7259] unfloodd: THAT IS NOT NTC THATS BOSTONNNN [7259] Aaronisbadl: hes in a 1v1 [7259] Barlos_: he witerally can’t pronounce an R HES A BETS MALE [7259] muscle_fan14: 1v2ing xim [7260] Nightbot: @rayonttw If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [7260] goochgrem1in: ur titties are huge [7260] amaazingray56: LOOK AT CLIX STREAM [7260] joshfields98: he’s in a 1-1 bro [7260] yes_i_nutt: bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple [7260] Grass_Cut: coaching clix [7260] d_feli21: sketch is waiting [7260] megatron12222: XIM IS IN A MATCH [7260] nezzythegoat: he’s coaching clix [7260] gagebuttcheeks: hes palying clix [7260] hobbes_mobbin: damn brother man [7260] xlwxntedlx: he is doing a 1v2 [7260] moose1088: COACHING CLIXXXXXXXXX [7261] leonardo_davinci4978: 1v1 cliz [7261] chiefjofish16: he is playing clix [7261] i_play_shootrz: he’s playing clix [7261] IonxCBCE: bro does everything but read chat [7261] jiggles1022: clix [7261] unfloodd: THAT IS NOT NTC THATS BOSTON [7261] braeden4d: your phone linging [7261] boopyshmurda: XIMM IS VS CLIX RN XIMM IS VS CLIX RN XIMM IS VS CLIX RN [7261] tokentaylor: Gotcha [7261] ddrizzyyyyyy: look at clix stream [7261] austyn_rasler: dumbass [7261] DreamieeWinter: READ THE CHAT [7261] sobiethegreat: ducking [7261] ghostbestcat: wsg bbg jynxziPACK [7261] chamb0e: Warming up probs [7263] joker_4life_: HES PLAYING XIM [7263] basically_jesus69: he’s having funny time with his grand dad [7263] naptime121: when is kai vs caseoh? [7263] Tmonty17: bro just play clip already [7263] fizzyjoshy_yt: we want Charlie [7263] w_ech0: with clix [7263] reg3zz: !prediction [7263] yaksportz: bro is chewing [7263] CHUGYddy: W LETTERS [7263] leo_deo_deo: read chat you L streamer [7263] Stxlkkkk: hit da gwiddy chunko [7263] boxedbyrichie69: Ussjs [7263] SamIsNotHim: CLIX [7264] htx_me: he fighting clix [7264] tboysmackdown: he is stroking it king [7264] Tempr___: hes playijg with clix and ron [7264] italianow_99: Read chat [7264] ghostzonix3: CHECK CLIXXXXXXXXXX STREAM [7264] TheRealSkilly: XIM BUSY AF [7264] SKIBIDIRXY: cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh [7264] bunnyyybunnyyy: HES PLAYING CLIXXX [7265] soul_kingo: HE'S PLAYING CLIX [7265] duckonquack81: clix stole yo content lil bro [7265] mercyyggs: COACHING CLIX FATAS [7265] percc80: DUMBASS RED CHAT [7265] bedelusion: HES PLAYING WITH CLIX [7265] boopyshmurda: XIMM IS VS CLIX RN [7266] boredomitself0: READ CHAT [7266] bulldigs: playing clix. [7266] JackVandewal: PLAYING WITH CLIX AND ROM [7266] Jdawgg1220: WATCH XIM STREAM [7266] gdawgin: he’s with clix [7266] braincellnotfoundb: HES PLAYING WITH CLIX [7266] pacitloss: Vs clix atm lol [7266] unfloodd: THAT IS NOT NTC THATS BOSTONVV [7266] isimpforneon: whens case vs kai 1v1 [7267] hit8mcgowan: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [7267] blubandana3: HES CHEATING ON YOU CHECK [7267] muradramadan4312: jynxziBadAim [7267] sparkiesteagle6: I know you home baby [7267] juicez_: love u Jynxzi 🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺 [7267] clikkzy_: hes playing clix/ [7267] teambears2011: good [7267] dreamzzgottwitch: playing clix goofy [7267] unfloodd: THAT IS NOT NTC THATS BOSTON [7268] hobbes_mobbin: ricky rn [7268] Nightbot: 🪳 [7268] dusllbee: 💀💀💀💀💀 [7268] dankless23: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke [7268] roccoajay: !predict [7268] FI3K_: he’s playing with xim [7268] Nightbot: my nuts [7268] cozybeter: playing clixx [7268] drmonkeeman10: DQ HIM [7269] Nightbot: instagram.com/Jynxzii [7269] Pro_Jitsent: I thought Xylo was gonna play xim [7269] paralleldkb: paralleldkb is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [7269] unfloodd: THAT IS NOT NTC THATS BOSTONV [7269] itshughjanis: ducking [7269] nobutlikereal: gurger [7269] paralleldkb: paralleldkb gifted a Tier 1 sub to OuTingCope_! [7269] paralleldkb: paralleldkb gifted a Tier 1 sub to llcheezll! [7269] paralleldkb: paralleldkb gifted a Tier 1 sub to Superredoli! [7269] paralleldkb: paralleldkb gifted a Tier 1 sub to malachi_g_5! [7269] WHHHHHHH00: CLIX AND RON [7269] yes_i_nutt: RalpherZ [7269] paralleldkb: paralleldkb gifted a Tier 1 sub to junkj0hns0n! [7270] She_For_The_Streetz: LMFOAOAOA [7270] k1ngkarii: bro just doesn’t read chat [7270] Tmonty17: we don’t wanna see this shit [7270] unfloodd: THAT IS NOT NTC THATS BOSTON [7270] ghostzonix3: CLIXXXXXX STREAM [7271] l_vaper69: YOU DIDNT GIVE GARRON MONEY THOUGH I ASKED HIM [7271] hellohotdog11: 999 [7271] ace_phenix14: He's playing with clix and ron [7271] d_feli21: SKETCH IS WAITING [7271] dreamzzgottwitch: its 9 [7271] thomas_tpt329: THIS FATASS IS ALLERGIC TO READING CHAT [7271] unfloodd: THAT IS NOT NTC THATS BOSTONVV [7272] lahpaulll03: WHEN IS THE CLIX AND RON 1 v 2 [7272] AJBeast014: READ CHAT [7272] sparkiesteagle6: it’s lit [7272] dusllbee: 🤣🤣🤣 [7272] eastoniscompp: he busy rn lil bro [7272] svexuii: me next ???? [7272] nemo___x: its 9 ? [7273] pessi1342: xim is 2v1 clix and ron.. [7273] MidNiteDookie: HES COACHING CLITS [7273] chiefjofish16: bro he is playing with clix balls [7273] antiexposvre: L AD [7273] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [7273] Zerptt: xim is busy [7273] agent_flash_121: !gamble 100 [7274] StreamElements: @agent_flash_121, you only have 25 points. [7274] firrremonkey: :) [7274] Jpmalagonv: 💀💀💀 [7274] unknownT420123: sidemen reacted to u [7274] juicez_: 🐺🐺🤍🐺🐺🐺🤍 [7274] dreageman: HEY DUMBASS READ CHAT [7274] cozybeter: playing clix [7274] vybxzz_: 1v1 [7274] nike33420: I lost 12000 points cuz ur trash thanks [7275] peacexoom_: L AD [7275] ss_miguel63: you dont read chat? [7275] STRAIFS_: follow! [7275] xx_allonsy_xx: CLIX STREAM [7275] dreamzzgottwitch: it is 9 pm [7275] zepiz0009: L ad [7275] ashcampbell1234: when is fan mail [7275] PastaVI: hes in a 1v2 [7275] uujmiiu: Nhahnhrsntsjntsjnuj urwbrwubj erteju jeubtrjbjubjte [7275] not_bradl3y: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [7275] juicez_: 💀 [7276] hunter58_56: Clix [7276] dc12262023: Yo [7276] boredomitself0: Xim is playing clix [7276] ClitMasterTashi: its 9 now [7276] hobbes_mobbin: LUL [7276] a1dannnnn: he’s coaching CLIX and ron [7276] Easykill579: suck his dick [7276] itsrageyy: HES PLAYING CLIX AND RON [7276] unfloodd: THAT IS NOT NTC THATS BOSTONV [7276] ghostzonix3: CHECKKKKKK CLIX STREAMMM [7276] peacexoom_: LADDDD [7277] stringed_tomato: He's training them [7277] plistox: Jynxzi said n word [7277] carbar14: its 9? [7277] SimbaDinero: he’s playing clix [7277] crazy224unit: the script remember [7277] joker_4life_: CLIX IS XIM [7277] Cliopatrra: HES POOPING [7277] AJBeast014: WHEN IS FAN MAIL [7277] livetylerr: wtf [7277] kaydogg21: bagq [7277] peacexoom_: LADDD [7277] eastoniscompp: he busy rn [7278] timolinulopinguinu: bro so stupid [7278] swarthy588: wiska [7278] tiredngl_: ads [7278] ivan_leyva1: i need a sub🥲 [7278] unfloodd: THAT IS NOT NTC THATS BOSTON [7278] Nightbot: Just sub bozo you’ll get no ads, my emotes, double the channel points, and guess what you will also get my beautiful charm that you will never lose, and many more!!!! #subuporshutup [7278] in_cog_nito33: L as [7278] thomas_tpt329: it’s 9 [7278] killer_clapz342: classic xim [7279] jaywitbands: L bully [7279] 13mxk: READ CHAT STUPID [7279] MrFocusTr: Sa [7279] Gucci_kid54: yea [7279] Gorilla10: LADS [7279] vxyrfr: XIM IS ASSS [7279] unfloodd: THAT IS NOT NTC THATS BOSTONV [7279] anioppa: AD [7279] jynxzikitten17: 8am [7280] ryan_canipe: !LINK [7280] d_feli21: sketch is waiting [7280] camon126: L bully [7280] mcdaddyislovinit: OMGGGG ADS [7280] universalator03: L AD [7280] kami_kev: finally idiot read [7280] jynkzoo: 100 ads gg [7280] vthcc: !watchtime [7280] HaydosOCE: L ADSSSS [7280] SpedBxby: HE LIVES IN LA [7280] TheSimpThatsGoated: caseoh passed [7280] Gucci_kid54: yea [7280] StreamElements: vthcc has spent 4 days 15 hours watching jynxzi [7281] peacexoom_: LADDDD; [7281] IcyMaple11: l ad [7281] KalabJab: l ad [7281] ConTenT_4GVN: wait wait [7281] swarthy588: kwo [7281] kingnta_: he is on La goofy [7281] TheChurchWho: yes [7281] crampabl: clix [7281] Bondsman4life: ad [7281] indemnity02: !sub [7282] mr_0964: Lag [7282] nike33420: Part timer ⏲️ [7282] ynw_tacoman: ad [7282] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [7282] house986: ad [7282] NickReels: HE IS TRAINING [7282] lxtree3: irl stream with xim [7282] Gucci_kid54: yea [7282] playboicartilover691: 489 ads [7282] universalator03: aDS [7282] backshots12: !watchtime [7282] flexii779__: l ad [7282] scard4lyfe1: scard4lyfe1 subscribed with Prime. [7282] Suulks: LOLLLLLLL [7282] unfloodd: THAT IS NOT NTC THATS BOSTONVV [7283] xslenderyoshix: xqcTL xqcTL xqcTL [7283] StreamElements: backshots12 has spent 23 hours 40 mins watching jynxzi [7283] tank_gaming_51: how i get yo charm gang? [7283] tame965story: its 9 [7283] snailmanthirteeN: 💀💀💀💀 [7283] Crazy_Waxzy: 99K VIEWERS [7283] colrfl: lmao [7283] that_cracker_ot: he’s playing clix [7283] HaydosOCE: L ADDDERINOS [7283] SheLuvsZua: yessss [7284] Gucci_kid54: yea [7284] djon60fps: cmon xim [7284] DaRealGaby54: lol [7284] madisonrobertson: I NEED A SUB [7284] ElAgua7: XIM TRAINING RON N CLIX [7284] unfloodd: THAT IS NOT NTC THATS BOSTON [7284] Nightbot: 😂 [7284] comandalorian: 13 ads!?!? [7284] connor9759: L AD [7284] hunter58_56: Clx [7284] mattmanfn: yep [7284] collieman12: collieman12 subscribed with Prime. [7284] 1oxu: clix n ron [7284] itzklotzz: 5 ADS IS CRAZY [7285] ablysfull: he is [7285] kingnta_: He is on La [7285] madisonrobertson: PLS [7285] peacexoom_: L AD [7285] sxxdzzz: YES [7285] WinsomeNinja2: i just started watching your videos on youtube and watching your twitch love the vids btw [7285] critzzyxd: critzzyxd subscribed at Tier 1. [7285] tozaskii: You griefed him L [7285] l_vaper69: dude ban the word [7285] ynw_tacoman: wait [7286] skyl3t00: Lads [7286] JetfireZB: @Jynxzi HES TEACHING CLIOX AND RON HOW TO BEAT YOU [7286] SpedBxby: HE LIVES WEST COAST NOW [7286] artistic_trix_: BRO WANTS TO END SO BAD [7286] ink_does_games: 12-97421 ADS [7286] lahpaulll03: LOLL [7286] uujmiiu: jynxziRAHHH jynxziGRIDDY jynxziRAHHH jynxziGLASSES jynxziCRY [7286] LuvvSilent: L ad [7286] obKNemetsu: obKNemetsu subscribed with Prime. [7286] vg7892: 4555 ADS [7287] tiredngl_: adsss [7287] l_vaper69: p [7287] trulyblackboy: L AD [7287] anakinminecraft123: Asssssssss [7287] THEREAL04MBL: L Ad [7287] sosa_ot: RON IS ACTUALLY INSANE [7287] rageshenron1: ad [7287] israelvera9999: xd [7287] dripp124: L AD [7287] rabielg123: 6 FUCKING ADS [7287] echoismynickname1: for a minute bro [7288] heartnora: KFC AD [7288] vxyrfr: XIM IS LOSING TO CLIX [7288] sonotreal: been saying that for the past hour [7288] saltyturtle19000: WHENS SKETCH 20v1? [7288] kubiicc: 7 ads is nuts [7288] in_cog_nito33: L ad [7288] benimaru_12: yeah [7288] l_vaper69: y [7288] Braden43768: Pick the phone up 🔌 [7288] kingnta_: He on La [7288] ghostzonix3: clix stream [7288] savoxuk: lol [7288] KalabJab: L ad [7288] ynw_tacoman: waht [7288] bigboabyjoe: and ron [7289] wgrady72: what kind of cigars you smoke brother [7289] MrCookiesPrime: 15 Ads [7289] thatoneanthony1: l add [7289] skyl3t00: L adssss [7289] aquricy: L AF [7289] braidedbootyyhair: bros playing ranked [7289] LJayXo: 3 mins of ads is crazy [7289] RulerOChapanania: stole your stream [7289] jordan_onit: its 9 [7289] eefdan: jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES [7289] ConTenT_4GVN: L Ad [7289] cjjustbetter: AD [7289] oncealer: 2838 Adsuyertt vhuref hubbdeuygfbybedfbvbydsfnfyb vH we fvtgberwyfbuyrwebfywegbfyeebfgyeenfygnrefhyvnhufrenfvhurnfvnwefbh [7289] expiedbanana: l ad [7290] theweenielu420: 9 ads [7290] salgocrazy: ads [7290] filthy_pleb1: L ad [7290] sugsz: jynxziFAT_TK [7290] l_vaper69: lmao [7290] reeltightmarine: reeltightmarine subscribed at Tier 1. [7290] in_cog_nito33: Lads [7290] ynw_tacoman: aait [7290] cambassford06: both clix and ron [7290] haigy12345: 3 minute ad [7290] jynxzi_fan127274: L adds [7290] scordiall: L AD [7291] weakpan355: L ad [7291] madisonrobertson: SUB ME [7291] aquricy: L AD [7291] dasani_boi: jynxziBALD [7291] bankerrobber: L ad [7291] p3rf3ctlyinan3: fuck these ads [7291] chupapi690: 8 ads is crazy [7291] rpolluxs: 3 ads [7291] tigster279: l add [7291] saltbear_: !link [7291] izulgonthe1: !LINK [7291] hulkfist02: late [7291] Hxammy: 9 ADDS DUDE REALLY [7291] unfloodd: THAT IS NOT NTC THATS BOSTONN [7292] Nightbot: @saltbear_ If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [7292] Nightbot: @izulgonthe1 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [7292] tehooh: L ad [7292] ynw_tacoman: sIt [7292] comandalorian: 49 ads?!? [7292] praise_lugi: Its fuckin 99 [7292] NotKakzo: 6 hour stream cap [7292] gdawgin: l afs [7292] SpedBxby: HE LIVES PACIFIC NOW [7292] IcyMaple11: L ad [7293] tokentaylor: Gotcha boston coo [7293] unfloodd: THAT IS NOT NTC THATS BOSTON [7293] 90xmoonx44554: 270 on xim [7293] Ta1lman: 20 ads [7293] Natedog5303: Natedog5303 subscribed with Prime. [7293] seanthrows: hes kinda nasty [7293] ttv_lixerr: he’s try Harding [7293] scrumptiousmonkey: Ad. [7293] skyl3t00: l adsss [7293] acoistic_ace: xim is waiting [7293] rageshenron1: fml [7293] kalebvigliotti123: L AD [7293] tigster279: L ad [7293] yeezymaster6900: AD [7293] fops4455: CLIX IS GOOD CLIX IS GOOD [7294] nock_8: RON BETTER [7294] ningadc: 1 ad yay [7294] jeydew: LLLLLLLLLLLL [7294] tectiteLive: ADS [7294] vTheRedNeckv: add again [7294] svice47: 40 ads [7294] aceedittz: hh [7294] fops4455: CLIX IS GOODCLIX IS GOOD [7294] in_cog_nito33: 37 ads [7295] chamb0e: Bro doesn't want to be creamed in the ass [7295] diloper: when is fan mail [7295] trulyblackboy: MONEY LAUNDERING [7295] jefferydahmer30: jefferydahmer30 subscribed with Prime. [7295] dasani_boi: jynxziBALD jynxziBALD [7295] swavyygz: ad [7295] 313hudi: when’s fan mail [7295] evann_16: evann_16 subscribed with Prime. [7295] Winter_Runner: you gotta sub for charm [7295] scordiall: L ADDD [7296] fops4455: CLIX IS GOOD [7296] piesgood_: lol [7296] ynw_tacoman: waig [7296] tyg4340: Dumb ass baby add [7296] bunnyyybunnyyy: DAMN BRO I HAD TO SAY IT 477436 TIMES BEFORE U SAW IT [7296] Revernance: Adge [7296] asa_hockey_13: l ad [7296] luckybarrel00: Taco Bell [7296] msomerset415: matt [7296] sensei99soos: L add [7296] xCatDad: clix is a pooooooooosy [7296] seanb_18: 11 ads is crazy [7297] skyl3t00: @ [7297] fops4455: CLIX IS GOODCLIX IS GOOD [7297] paperstrawsuck: RON PRETTY NICE [7297] Gucci_kid54: clix is a gamer [7297] parchmentpaper_: ADS ASS [7297] madisonrobertson: 9 ADS [7297] tenatli: 13 ADS [7297] theduke_ljt: Clix and Ron destroyed them yesterday [7297] unhappytomb: L ADDDDS [7297] sirpezzz: BRO FUCK YOUR ADS [7297] 4liles: he’s kinda nasty [7297] GreasyCankless: greasycankles1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! [7297] yoshitoshiabe: CLIX IS NASTY [7298] indemnity02: indemnity02 subscribed with Prime. [7298] fops4455: CLIX IS GOOD [7298] Gucci_kid54: clix is a gamer [7298] hlatte4: l ad [7298] ConTenT_4GVN: ad turn it off [7298] l_vaper69: he ban P A Y [7298] crampabl: ur a bitch for the ads [7298] bradygoateddd2: goofy ass ad [7299] cherbert07: spunko [7299] elphentusee: fatass with the ads [7299] jynxzi_fan127274: do is rich why adds [7299] nunyabizznez: caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads [7299] lilpp240: uhhhhhhhhhhh daddy jnxi [7299] sensei99soos: L af [7299] batman29741: this is not a rager lil bro [7299] TheOnlyBuck2_: only been saying that for 2 hours [7300] SheluvJj0: Give me my points back [7300] Fossabot: @rebirthbarry, Your message is too long [2x] [7300] debosak_456: jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES [7300] aidanishere09: 5 ads [7300] tkp1nnas: 6-Hour Streamer Is Back! cap [7300] lane_1216: greedy streamer [7300] Gucci_kid54: clix is a gamer [7300] paqfrag: he bout jager and warden [7300] echoismynickname1: they been doing it for like an hour already [7300] gdawgin: lads [7300] Nightbot: Twitter: twitter.com/Jynxzi [7300] ajthebestwr: ads [7300] dreamzzgottwitch: i got 27 ads [7300] papipearr: 284 ads [7301] fops4455: CLIX IS GOODCLIX IS GOOD [7301] IcyMaple11: ads [7301] ynw_tacoman: idc ab fornite [7301] bloodwzrd: you're a joke not a gamer [7301] ttv_lxl: 4 TRILLION ADS WTH [7301] uujmiiu: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [7301] vodaetoogon: L 400 ads [7301] joey031899: THEY DOING WORM [7301] Gorilla10: L gayTaco Bell Ads [7301] Gucci_kid54: clix is a gamer [7301] 360joke: L ad [7301] that_cracker_ot: clix isn’t good but Ronaldo is better [7302] ZZALXXX: 52 ads? [7302] kalebvigliotti123: WHO TF GETS ADD [7302] fops4455: CLIX IS GOOD [7302] kyguy123415: L AD [7302] colrfl: yep [7302] madisonrobertson: I NEED SUB [7302] THEREAL04MBL: L ad [7302] Cliopatrra: XIM IS HELPING THEM [7302] AAgreyy: sexy ad [7302] sensei99soos: L ad [7303] Gucci_kid54: clix is a gamer [7303] fops4455: CLIX IS GOODCLIX IS GOOD [7303] in_cog_nito33: 44 ads [7303] kitaromusic: I NEED A GIFT PLEASEEEEEE [7303] tomscooby: sellout [7303] unfloodd: THAT IS NOT NTC THATS BOSTONNN [7303] kyguy123415: NOO [7303] 90xmoonx44554: I put 270 on dim [7303] psm615: 17 ADS UR WILD L STREAMER!!!!! [7303] Marcusthekid_: what [7303] himothyrodriguess: 9 ADS [7304] b_gerth5: he is coaching them [7304] tghetebeer: gg [7304] tristan2furious: you are welcome for the control freaks bbg [7304] anakinminecraft123: He's assssssssss daddy [7304] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [7304] JetfireZB: @Jynxzi Hes teachin them [7304] TrtoI: yeah theyre good [7304] jupujupu: ronaldo lockesd [7304] dehcayed: LMFAO [7304] HeyLegion: YES [7304] ellarer: GG [7304] Suulks: He was coaching [7304] noahwbuff: noahwbuff subscribed at Tier 1. [7304] sobiethegreat: so hes aloud to shoot [7304] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [7305] joblessEnrique7: hey [7305] yuno5x: YES [7305] SuperNintendoMike: xims ass [7305] unfloodd: THAT IS NOT NTC THATS BOSTON [7305] CMOMoney187: BRO HES ASS [7305] batman29741: L streamed [7305] bigearnoah_18: YAY X1MMMMMMMMMMMM [7305] bahnfnn: ron is carrying [7305] cowzay: 💀 [7305] exttrraa: they beat xim [7305] ajthebestwr: sndndndndndnd [7306] boyerrr0: 87 ads?????? [7306] spookywednesday_: spookywednesday_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! W GOORRR AIM ur the best <3 [7306] echoismynickname1: yeah bro [7306] braydenplayz2: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [7306] clikkzy_: hes teaching them, [7306] Parreeeee: XIM IS LETTING THEM WIN [7306] cashsimple: THEY BEAT OOZIE [7307] not_tiredd_: clix is crazy [7307] SilkyT3: they start up [7307] unfloodd: THAT IS NOT NTC THATS BOSTONNN [7307] ttv_lixerr: l add [7307] k1ngkarii: 20 ads [7307] bigboabyjoe: Ron is carrying [7307] jm11z: hes coaching them [7307] 0ptic01: Yes [7307] lockeykockey3: WE BEEN SAYIJG THIS FOR 30 MINUTES AND U JUST IGNORED US U ASSHOLE [7307] byec4: XIM ISNT TRYING [7307] kami_kev: he's letting them [7307] durkx_: ron is good [7307] bardown16__: GG [7307] coolpersonlover: GG [7307] ghostiy9: ghostiy9 subscribed at Tier 1. [7308] batman29741: ad [7308] IcyMaple11: L ad [7308] tehooh: 8 ads is CRAZY [7308] matiffles07: He is giving them rounds [7308] unhappytomb: L AADADADADAADS [7308] carttheballer: l [7308] aquricy: LAD [7308] milezay: XIM SUCKS [7308] nunyabizznez: caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads [7308] the_rad_fam: CHAT PLEASE MESSAGE BRYCEQB15 ON XBOX PLEASE JUST MESSAGE HIM SPAM HIM [7308] hlatte4: 8 ad [7308] landoxdoji: L [7308] damienmill2007: Ur fucked [7308] RulerOChapanania: you’re finished [7308] xtrem2307: Bro they're not bad [7309] ItsSushi_: W ad [7309] usmelywrld: usmelywrld subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 7 month streak! Milk me [7309] yungKIBE: LOO* [7309] theedrdingus: dude needs to learn to run ads better [7309] vTheRedNeckv: the ads are getting so ducking old [7309] imonaphonelmao: L adds [7309] ndestefano27: ndestefano27 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 3 month streak! yup [7310] brandiino1998: brandiino1998 subscribed at Tier 1. [7310] ttv_lixerr: l ad [7310] IcyMaple11: L [7310] Glockman92: That fucking view [7310] aquricy: L AD [7310] sparkiesteagle6: clixs is a fkn goober [7310] boopyjake: ur cooked [7310] stablestephen: there shitting on xim [7310] kxngpsycho: WHAT [7310] keyz2416: he’s so try hard [7310] johnio: !sub [7311] busty445: When is clips [7311] finesse0_0: 8 ads 🥲 [7311] zacksqq: GG [7311] NickReels: YUUUUUUUUUP [7311] unfloodd: THAT IS NOT NTC THATS BOSTON [7311] bla2gud: Lol [7311] cs2912: CLIX PLAYING SIEGE [7311] neweracbb: yes [7311] vReaqer: THERR LOCKED [7311] gloconn: they already did beat him [7311] THEREAL04MBL: so many ads wtf [7311] jupujupu: ronaldos, locked no cap [7311] sampai18: 8 ADS IS CRAZY [7311] artistic_trix_: YOU LOST [7311] lahpaulll03: Wwwwwww [7312] himothyrodriguess: 29473638473646 ADS [7312] uriynosov: L clix [7312] GrinderMCD: lzzzzzzz [7313] gurjot_08: xim not trying [7313] echoismynickname1: NO BULLSHIT UR FUCKED [7313] lahpaulll03: WEWWW [7313] AppleJackZac: uh [7313] Justpragyan1: RON IS SO GOOD [7313] cjustis1911: when is fan mail? [7313] lurks1000: they beat him already [7313] bardown16__: GG BRO [7313] floornugget27: MVGame NinjaGrumpy [7313] SheluvJj0: Give points back [7313] unfloodd: THAT IS NOT NTC THATS BOSTONNN [7313] paperstrawsuck: RON IS CARRYINGG [7313] its999jayfn: nah [7314] Kellan202: level 3 [7314] in_cog_nito33: 112.5 ads [7314] bigearnoah_18: ILOVEX1MMMMMMMMMMM [7314] iamalfiie: cooked [7314] ajthebestwr: bich [7314] siege6is6l: they bet oozie [7314] sandy_sir: LMFAO [7314] itsrageyy: GG [7314] nike33420: Un subing by [7314] xXDoritoexeXx: xXDoritoexeXx subscribed with Prime. [7314] kuboisthebest: I love suck me off rn like lick my pp [7314] gdawgin: 8 ads really [7314] woof27: XIM WAS COACHING [7314] tyweepitch123: GG [7314] Nightbot: @doodoomaster28 -> Yeah, this should help. [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [7319] keyz2416: he’s try hard [7319] wolfie2501: XIMM IS COACHING [7319] sway259525: Should I say the N-word? [7319] MonsterKIllaTM: clix can 1v1 xim no cap [7319] Marcusthekid_: sub [7319] nmaringer2468: WTF AD [7319] bhgoldgunner: L 10 ADSSSS [7319] xNoRecoil: Whens the next podcast @Jynxzi ?? [7319] Not_TheStig: L ad [7319] Yvngvoid_: pokémon ad [7319] vReaqer: YOU LOST [7319] Bassguy777: COOKED LUL [7319] knowxnx: GGGGG [7319] bearyman1036: RON IS CARRYING [7319] SolaceSN: L ad [7320] jasonflgg: they been putting in hours [7320] hvox2995: your going to get slammed [7320] madisonrobertson: SUB [7320] RiIey5k: W RON [7320] LYLFEtv: !charm [7320] angryturnip2: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAD [7320] strictkillaa: !sub [7320] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [7320] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [7320] x0rbit_: check title [7320] tastyethan: i oughta get rid of this add! [7320] downwithnook: 278 ads :( [7320] sandy_sir: W [7320] Nightbot: Jynxzi sens and settings here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2GcpqRqJ9U [7320] gh0stgh0sty: GG [7321] SimbaDinero: XIM WAS HELPING HIM [7321] SL1CK008: THEY ACC GOOD [7321] IcyMaple11: L ad [7321] dickyroberts: just imagine clix is already better than you at r6 [7321] siege6is6l: THEY BET OOZIR [7321] artistic_trix_: GG [7321] bradymartin2370: Xim is going easy [7322] comandalorian: 4713 ads?!?! [7322] calump123402: they gave him rounds I think [7322] Yuki_4743: jynxziWTF [7322] sandy_sir: WWWW [7322] domdozer6: GIFT SUB? [7322] woof27: XIM WAS COACHING LOL [7323] jaayxeno: ggs you lost [7323] judas3653: oh naw your cooked [7323] junkycuh: THEY FINNA COOK [7323] knowxnx: GG [7323] Nightbot: gifting you luck in finding a job 🙏🏻 [7323] casey_poo__: JYNXI VS CLIX WHEN [7323] hinchjr: hinchjr subscribed with Prime. [7323] strmeditz: !gamble 50 [7323] yoyodiaboloman3rd: I have 10 ads [7323] AChadillac: X1Ms getting absolutely dogged! [7323] echoismynickname1: UR LOSING BRO, THEY BEAT HIM YESTERDAY AND TODAY [7323] eaglerb6: bitch [7323] StreamElements: strmeditz lost 50 points in roulette and now has 365 points! FeelsBadMan [7323] noahwbuff: yo [7323] NickReels: RONALDO IS ACTUALLY GOOD NGL [7324] madisonrobertson: SOMEONE SUB [7324] crampabl: fuck u for the ads [7324] smokyprune: ! gamble all [7324] JJwitdabag: HES PLAYING CLIX AND RON??????? [7324] dozydiss_: BRO THEY ARE CRACKED [7324] cylustoosuacey: 8 fucking ads [7324] xxJaymantheGxx: THEY BEAT OZZIE [7324] BengalsFan66: part time [7324] ninerupjr49: jynxi I don’t want to be here anymore😔 [7324] edgarbelikeryan1: edgarbelikeryan1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months! YUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRR [7324] chingchowbing: Cloz is pussy boi [7324] SilkyT3: they start with a lead [7324] unhappytomb: 9 FUCKING ADS [7324] nightfight25: they have it up 5 [7324] ElAgua7: THEY ARE SO ASSSSS [7325] angryturnip2: NOOOOO [7325] alarmedflame08: !gambleall [7325] unfloodd: THAT IS NOT NTC THATS BOSTON [7325] Nightbot: YouTube: Jynxzi R6 [7325] woolengb: woolengb subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! [7325] shorsey_bean: shorsey_bean subscribed at Tier 1. [7326] Jaidenamaree: ok [7326] nike33420: Un following 2 [7326] Nightbot: ok [7326] jackson7456: xim has trained him into a fucking warrior junko [7326] spookywednesday_: W CLIX [7326] junkolover_69: GG [7326] jasonflgg: Ron been playing [7326] ontiveroselise: he’s been practicing for two hours [7326] mrguy11223: so many ads [7327] giantwhiteginger: you two vs them?? [7327] Tabasco2355: Tabasco2355 subscribed with Prime. [7327] bankai_cambo: fortnite pros are built diffy [7327] genowtff: CLIX AND RON BEAT OOZIEE [7327] cambassford06: too many ads [7327] laughati: FAT 8 ADS BACK TO BACK [7327] mortgaming123: clix is ahh [7327] whoisdis2134: ads 👎 [7327] carelessmarc: L adddddssss [7327] unfloodd: THAT IS NOT NTC THATS BOSTONNN [7327] frijole3: they beat xim [7327] Nightbot: Just sub bozo you’ll get no ads, my emotes, double the channel points, and guess what you will also get my beautiful charm that you will never lose, and many more!!!! #subuporshutup [7327] bardown16__: CLIX HAS AURA [7327] nba_nathan: Rahhhhhh [7327] yoxic: they re [7328] Victor_Pineapple: YOURE COOKED [7328] tyweepitch123: COOKED [7328] orrzyy: ur gonna lose [7328] vXsonn: Xims coaching [7328] tytyattack: RON IS GOOD [7328] Riasisxd: KING XIM IS BACK FINALLY [7328] dreamzzgottwitch: 62 Ads [7328] cheebah710: cohhChatting cohhChatting cohhChatting [7328] unfloodd: THAT IS NOT NTC THATS BOSTON [7328] yoxic: they are [7328] y1nis23: play with mongral next stream bitch [7328] siege6is6l: THEY BETTT OOOZIIIIE [7328] BistanTTV: Kreygasm [7328] Not_TheStig: Adge [7328] lahpaulll03: WE VOTE CLIX RON WHEN THE GAME HAPPENS [7329] bama4lif: clix is gooooddddd [7329] aquricy: when’s Kai vs caseoh [7329] 7swxft: ur cooked [7329] wyler111: UR WASHED UR SCARED [7329] bigtimebeezy: xim is washed that bann fucked him up [7329] Appensa: ads [7329] tatertot1744: tatertot1744 subscribed at Tier 1. [7330] daveyjenks12: there super good [7330] wgrady72: jynxziGoodAim [7330] Yuki_4743: jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF [7330] woof27: XIM WAS COACHING LOLL [7330] xslenderyoshix: jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh [7330] yoyodiaboloman3rd: Ron carries you bro [7330] lahpaulll03: LFGGG [7330] byec4: CLIT???? [7330] ninerupjr49: ynxi I don’t want to be here anymore😔 [7330] thereaiicespice: How do I get jynxzi charm? [7330] u8jt: lock in [7330] busty445: WHEN IS CLIPS [7330] tyweepitch123: GG [7330] itchval: @vTheRedNeckv spend 5 n stop cryn [7330] unfloodd: THAT IS NOT NTC THATS BOSTONNN [7331] GHOSTEEE_23: for once and only once in my life im voting for ricky [7331] brainlesstim: there good [7331] dogbook_esq: they are [7331] joshuanunez2004: cmonBruh [7331] joelnotyetda1: Xim is teaching them [7331] Yuki_4743: jynxziWTF jynxziWTF [7331] tonke_: THEY BEATING U [7331] cherbert07: spunko [7331] sensei99soos: W ad [7332] angryturnip2: WHY AD NOOOOW [7332] junkycuh: VERY HOT [7332] xCatDad: clix poooooooooooosey viewers [7332] TeVasAmor: Adds [7332] coburnr6: they’re coaching him dumbass [7332] Not_TheStig: ADS [7332] yamomsbestie69: w 9 ads [7332] bardown16__: WHOO? [7332] frijole3: they shit on xim [7332] dannyisnotgayong: UR COOKED [7332] tr3v2004: noooooooooooooooooooooooooo [7332] unfloodd: THAT IS NOT NTC THATS BOSTON [7332] GStonee7: GStonee7 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [7332] sugabaybe: WHO? [7332] pow3rzero: your getting slammed [7333] durkx_: their actually low key good [7333] ReyS0n_: clit is crazy LMAO [7333] N0tLuxk: W CLIX TITLE [7333] Fossabot: @rebirthbarry, Your message is too long [3x] [7333] squirmypug: they need to go back to fortnite [7333] dvowill: CLIX IS WINNING [7333] that_cracker_ot: Ron [7333] Yvngvoid_: peloton ad [7334] clurpet: xim gonna win [7334] sevxcia: u need to warm up [7334] woof27: XIM WAS COACHING LMAO [7334] onepersona65: wa [7334] Not_TheStig: ADS [7334] vexed_qt: ur gonna get slammed [7334] scarytopicss: 4738738 ADS FUCK YOU VISE [7334] iCurtOG: they beat Oozie for 1k [7334] matthewschwieger0: L 100 ads [7334] jacvogel: they’ve been warm [7334] 360joke: L Pokémon ad [7334] coolpersonlover: CLIT? [7334] c00ljp09: 7! ADS [7334] DovahNZ: JUST SUB [7334] maztech_1: maztech_1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! yo [7335] bidboythe: when is 1v2 [7335] KenzoMP4: CLIX IS ASS [7335] cilln_: YOURE COOKED [7335] lk2222233333: they have good aim just ass sense [7335] anakinminecraft123: M [7335] mr_martinez238: they have been warming up [7335] Gucci_kid54: they are [7335] wyler111: UR SCARED WASHED BOY [7335] cburny69: THEY TOOK 4 RACKS OFF XIM YESTERDAY [7335] 0_jynxzi: whens the stream with caseoh [7335] jynxzilowkey: there actully good now [7335] bama4lif: Clix better [7335] sensei99soos: L ad [7335] hobbes_mobbin: wild [7336] DreamieeWinter: Lads [7336] L1gtn1ng1029: ron is good [7336] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [7336] ElAgua7: THEY ARE SO ASS [7336] sugabaybe: CLIT? [7336] bilalxrt: ron is better than u [7336] buddyfy555: buddyfy555 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 1 month streak! HI DADDY JUNKO [7337] JPerksS: he called him clit KEKW [7337] sunnydoj_: YOURE GONNA LOSE LUL LUL [7337] onepersona65: was [7337] twizidy: 8 ads is crazy [7337] siege6is6l: THEYBETTTTY OOOOOOZIIIE [7337] Yuki_4743: jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF [7338] bo_rog3rss: CLIX NADED HIMSELF TWICE IN A ROW [7338] TakeoutCrave: zim is teaching [7338] carbar14: L bully [7338] whoisdis2134: ads👎 [7338] cdubr: fuck you and your ads [7338] jim5675: L ad [7338] Hellkidmonas: Hellkidmonas subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! [7338] Nazmul1: 57 ads💀💀💀💀 [7338] Jbo907: XIM WAS COACHING RON AND HES LOCKED CLIT IS STILL ASS [7338] cheebah710: KEKW [7338] expiedbanana: 8473642415168929394726819191063636 ads is crazy [7338] daveyjenks12: there crazy [7338] SpedBxby: @jynxzi XIM LIVES IN LA NOW ITS 6PM HIS TIME [7338] jlg352: L af [7339] pplebronjames: THEY BEEN WARMING UP SINCE LIKE 6 BRO [7339] byec4: me or who [7339] Kisuutf: listen to bbno$ - lil' freak on YT [7339] Gucci_kid54: they are [7339] leonardo_yeet420: there warm [7339] celvicy: L AD [7339] unfloodd: THAT IS NOT NTC THATS BOSTONNN [7339] wo0yd: w [7339] Gorilla10: Ad 3 of 14 [7339] culabudus: WWW [7339] Yuki_4743: jynxziWTF jynxziWTF [7339] JuhLoadin: !link [7339] CaribaeTTV: CaribaeTTV subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 8 month streak! [7339] Nightbot: @JuhLoadin If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [7339] iamalfiie: ur cooked [7340] unluckyhehexdddd: LMAO CLIT [7340] ctrlcctv: ctrlcctv subscribed at Tier 1. [7340] ohsaw: bro they hard scope watch out 🙏 [7340] iitzarcino_: 1v1 me im better than you ur washed [7340] guapg3tta: oozie lost to them too [7340] MacnCheese284: lol [7340] Vexeh30: they been warm for 2 hours [7340] brady2fyeforu: ron is actually good [7340] Nightbot: 😂 [7341] smbkilla_: kiillaaaaaa subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! keep up the good work mate! [7341] sheluvstrouble: w caption [7341] jovanognj: lmao [7341] unfloodd: THAT IS NOT NTC THATS BOSTON [7341] yogirlwantsme: yogirlwantsme subscribed at Tier 1. [7341] Kisuutf: listen to bbno$ - lil' freak on YT U UFKCING PIG [7341] hobbes_mobbin: LUL [7341] u8jt: struffle in [7341] spacely308: ads cause you're greedy [7341] cheebah710: no shot [7341] n1ckon120hz: n1ckon120hz subscribed at Tier 1. [7341] jgatewoodd: PLAY GTA AFTER CUSTOM [7341] Yuki_4743: jynxziWTF [7341] hmhl1234: 8 ads in wild [7341] InfestTK: LUL [7342] jlg352: L ad [7342] celvicy: LLLLLLLLLL [7342] junko_im: clix is using xim [7342] kalisurfrined: Jynxzi let read my message I'm Kali Myers 2 😘 [7342] unfloodd: THAT IS NOT NTC THATS BOSTONNN [7342] bardown16__: STREAM CRASHED [7342] wompwomp100: pancake [7342] vodaetoogon: I h8 ads [7342] vellication_: i need my pointsssss [7342] mrmilku1234: W [7342] alex2atrocious: I never knew this shit had so many ads ima just watch the vod bro [7343] gurjot_08: Ron is good clix is bad [7343] tonke_: HE WILL [7343] ellarer: THEY ARE [7343] Tabasco2355: !charm [7343] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [7344] swayfuI: W CAP [7344] unfloodd: THAT IS NOT NTC THATS BOSTONTHAT IS NOT NTC THATS BOSTONNN [7344] EchoDasilva: locked [7344] dvowill: ?// [7344] daveh_2002: ron is good [7344] bo_rog3rss: CLIX IS BAD [7344] king_jamesyt69: PowerUpL aj7matGinger7Matrix PowerUpR [7344] xxJaymantheGxx: THEY BEATT OZZIEEEE [7344] Tmonty17: just play them now dumbass [7344] peppapig_p: say locker [7344] ajthebestwr: do it [7344] whoisdis2134: ads👎🏼 [7344] itsweem: CAP [7344] 8jacks895: DONT PLAY OREGON THATS THE ONLY MAP HE KNOWS [7344] Nightbot: no 🧢 [7345] ItsTruck_Month: cap [7345] unfloodd: THAT IS NOT NTC THATS BOSTON [7345] bama4lif: 7-0 Clix [7345] mrmerojuana: mrmerojuana subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months! [7345] Bubbar0ne: that shit isnt sticking [7345] Cliopatrra: CAP [7345] hezzybs: bet [7345] tectiteLive: CLIPPED [7345] xd_nedward: !gambleall [7345] julian_arce05: CLIPPED [7345] 505padilla: Screen is black [7346] siege6is6l: THEY BEY OOZIE [7346] saucin2hard: Cap [7346] cjustis1911: fan mail? [7346] bankai_cambo: ur legit gonna lose [7346] Bbeckwith30gamer: clip it [7346] ellarer: YOURE LOSING [7346] bonesblumpkin: wow [7346] amplify_o7: KEKW [7346] 4liles: cap [7346] milomuncha6: W [7346] unfloodd: THAT IS NOT NTC THATS BOSTONNN [7346] kayd3nkm: CLIPPED [7346] IceTre2k: CAP [7346] brainlesstim: hes insane [7346] bardown16__: CLIPPED [7347] Suulks: LOCK IT [7347] hontonee: CLIP THAT [7347] SL1CK008: JUNKO UR DONE [7347] rileybouchard30: LOLOLOLOL [7347] peppapig_p: say locked [7347] diloper: when is fan mail [7348] keatonisbell: did u actually get ur own skin ? [7348] creamycamn: WOAHHH [7348] kewanadige: clip [7348] connor9759: CAPPPPPPPPP [7348] hontonee: CLIPPED [7348] m4t3te: cap [7348] dantesinferno369: Troll [7348] gingyzx9: they beat oozie [7348] austin172: CAP [7348] kxngpsycho: CLIPPED [7348] aaurzzz: LOCKED [7348] stfujoshhh: stfujoshhh subscribed at Tier 1. [7348] darwizzys: cold💀💀 [7348] IodizedTV: CRAZY [7348] Nightbot: i was crazy once [7349] hobbes_mobbin: w pancake [7349] vVacnt: hellcat incoming [7349] kkis3k: ONG? [7349] Nightbot: ? [7349] Manny_fr3sca: Manny_fr3sca subscribed with Prime. [7349] CrazyStackz: !charm [7349] unfloodd: THAT IS NOT NTC THATS BOSTON [7349] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [7349] devrathodd: L -70K [7349] nearfaced: HE IS BETTER THAN YOU [7349] Kag3_Ez: They are [7349] Cliopatrra: CAAAP [7349] frijole3: they shit on xi [7349] kuddyplayz: clip [7349] knowxnx: CAP [7350] MacnCheese284: a hellcat he’s not blac mk [7350] legitgunns: Clipped [7350] xatzhsss__: clip [7350] keithlistlll: !clip [7350] shreksswampp: clip that [7350] WilliamHD: CAP [7350] H2Noah4: ong? [7350] arrkane420: CAP [7350] zacksqq: CAP [7350] Ying101: clip [7350] RiIey5k: cap [7350] smokyprune: !gamble all [7350] Nightbot: GUYS STOP ASKING WHAT ACC HIS XBOX ACC GONNA GLITCH FROM TOO MANY PPL SPAMMING [7350] SovaEW1: SovaEW1 subscribed with Prime. [7350] StreamElements: PogChamp smokyprune went all in and won 405 points PogChamp they now have 810 points FeelsGoodMan [7352] Erkthebeast: Erkthebeast subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! . [7352] boonbackwards: boonbackwards subscribed at Tier 1. [7352] sports_vibes_center: when’s the casoh vs sketch [7352] kalebgamezmc: LOCKED [7352] thenamesgman: cap [7352] cowzay: locked? [7352] badboytunesmush: Clix got a free hellcat [7352] justzzcastlsz: Cliped [7352] devrathodd: -70KKK [7352] julian_arce05: CLIP IT [7352] reece_503: cap [7352] youssefjojo26: clipped [7352] wyler111: CAP [7352] chronix_031: say ong [7352] austin172: 🧢🧢🧢🧢 [7353] paperstrawsuck: CAP [7353] ervycwsf: clip it [7353] oppaxt: your washed [7353] chefreplay: l ad [7353] yoshitoshiabe: CLIX IS ACTUALLY NASTY [7353] tyIerkeeler: clipped [7353] d__diaz_: cappp [7353] Lord__Jr: CLIPPED [7353] rustacorn69: cap [7354] jacobklein117: jacobklein117 subscribed at Tier 1. [7354] cixirii: cixirii subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! [7355] rayan0113: clix is insane at r6 [7355] douglasthe260: cap man [7355] ellarer: THEY WON AGAIN OOZIE [7355] darwizzys: clipped [7355] Never_Nobody: CAP [7355] aaurzzz: LOCKEDDDD [7355] guapg3tta: cap [7355] uldamen_wolf: CAPPORONI [7355] willrooneyy: say Ong [7355] nav_comin: clippppppppppppppppppppppedddddddddddddddddd [7355] knowxnx: LOCK THAT IN [7355] DayDreams22: clip that [7355] GHOSTEEE_23: false promises [7355] uriiru_: CLIPPED LIL BRO [7355] yungdrunkski: clippers [7356] sarko24_: cap [7356] that_cracker_ot: Ron can 1v1 u [7356] livetylerr: no don’t say that dawg [7356] Movas_: WW [7356] gabe__a: XIM TRAINED THEM OF UR STYLE [7356] twgurtss: chynxi stop yapping [7356] edoggi77: Sub for no ads KIDS [7356] blaizewright012: Clix beat oozie [7356] fra1dyn: camera [7356] unfloodd: THAT IS NOT NTC THATS BOSTONN [7356] genowtff: THEY BEAT OOZIE U BLOODY WANKER [7356] mustyybean: oh lock that in [7356] farhan3001: They beat xim yesterday [7356] kingnta_: -1 hellcat [7356] IHateAutocorrect: CLIP IT [7357] dreamzzgottwitch: cap [7357] cosmicnova4259: he shit on xim jynxzi [7357] irish0727: irish0727 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [7357] qxqpxq: oozie lost to them [7357] THE1ANOMALY: Blasian_Saiyan subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! thank you brother. NOW can I get A HAMZB [7358] MakinEmAtNight: cap lord [7358] bozer67: they beat oozie [7358] CairoGG1: they beat oozie aswell [7358] mrunderst00d: 💀💀💀 [7358] unfloodd: THAT IS NOT NTC THATS BOSTON [7358] yolucid__: hes actually good [7358] sacageperson: 10 adds [7358] ryanmoore05: CLIPPED [7358] glitchflated: be a man of your word [7358] fybaleee: you still owe hivise [7358] TheWreckItRobert: TheWreckItRobert subscribed at Tier 1. [7358] hollemFPS: put that on your mom [7358] hobbes_mobbin: pancakes and syrup [7358] DayDreams22: clip [7358] saucin2hard: Verbal contract [7359] nike33420: Washed up and wasted my points [7359] hasanjafari2037: free bel at for clix [7359] jeskur: W XIM [7359] Gucci_kid54: YO [7359] wgrady72: jynxziSuprised [7359] kylew_tv: PUT THAT ON SOMETHIN [7359] voxxyyyyyyyyy: Pre loo on xims account 😴😴 [7359] Lord__Jr: CLIP and send it to CLIX [7359] Chucksta: XIM XIM XIM [7359] bardown16__: ECHO [7359] dashyzebadboi: L EGO [7359] john_9554: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [7359] beensock: THEY BEAT OOZIE [7359] WolF_Aires: lock it in [7359] pepp3rwood: CAP [7360] dozydiss_: CLIP THAT SHIT FOR LATER [7360] RulerOChapanania: dude they are going to rock you [7360] ervycwsf: clipped [7360] conmannoble: conmannoble subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! w [7360] kwispykr3m3: kwispykr3m3 subscribed at Tier 1. [7360] lilaj05: lilaj05 subscribed at Tier 1. [7361] bakasupporter: daddy [7361] FI3K_: rich donating to the rich [7361] Jdawgg1220: u can’t afford a hellcat [7361] fra1dyn: cam [7361] dieheartsaint: pre rayan [7361] mmmmm2022: LOCKING [7361] daveyjenks12: there good [7361] brad5555555555: brad5555555555 subscribed at Tier 1. [7362] natteedawg11: clipped [7362] apple_boy222: CREAM ON MY FACE PLEASE [7362] AchievemenTroll: is it just me or pools and beaches category should be named hoes and bitches? [7362] TTVHydraStreams: kai game [7362] bardown16__: ECHOOOOO [7362] nausea3500: he’s crossing his fingers rn [7362] Aightly: cap.... 'it was a joke' [7362] IHateAutocorrect: CLIP THAT SHIT [7362] sugsz: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [7362] litstizzy: maybe a durango [7362] Not_TheStig: ADS AGAIN [7362] Buckarooka: How do I get good? [7363] Nightbot: Just sub bozo you’ll get no ads, my emotes, double the channel points, and guess what you will also get my beautiful charm that you will never lose, and many more!!!! #subuporshutup [7363] unfloodd: THAT IS NOT NTC THATS BOSTONV [7363] ranchmilk69: ad merchanttt [7363] lahpaulll03: BROS GIVING HIM A HELL CAT [7363] Ferumbrah: Ferumbrah subscribed with Prime. [7363] Gucci_kid54: YO [7363] vacnzy: 5 gifted you won’t [7363] mehdi_bzdi: CLIPPPP [7363] DUTCHMASTERSSSSS: 20 ads L streamer [7363] warlord670: alretx icvv [7363] busty445: WHEN IS CLIPS [7363] itzETERNITI: hi junko [7363] sentonBeeblo: CAR FOR A MILLIONAIRE [7363] vVacnt: he beat xim btw [7364] hogcrank2969: jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD [7364] eastoniscompp: cap [7364] m4t3te: WWWWWWW [7364] john_9554: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [7364] maddladd22: they took 4 bands from xim and 1k from ooozie [7364] unfloodd: THAT IS NOT NTC THATS BOSTONNN [7364] s1imfn: clip it [7364] lynx_k3: beat oozie [7364] nearfaced: HES SO BETTER THAN YOU [7364] paralleldkb: ungrateful streamer [7365] seanthrows: L fattass [7365] Gucci_kid54: YO [7365] cr00k_0: cr00k_0 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! [7365] conmannoble: w [7365] newvaax: newvaax subscribed with Prime. [7365] chemist992: can we 1V1 in terrible (AKA) A copper) [7365] tbh_banana: 8 ads [7365] john_9554: jynxziBadAim [7365] aceo8907: yall r both rich wager 1mill [7365] julian_arce05: CLIP THAT [7365] bradygoateddd2: goofy sport clips ad [7366] spiPLOK: CLIPPED [7366] spiton2: CAP [7366] unfloodd: THAT IS NOT NTC THATS BOSTON [7366] diablo_dg4l: obviously a joke chat [7366] m4t3te: KINGGGGG [7366] edoggi77: DJDDJD [7366] maddladd22: hey took 4 bands from xim and 1k from ooozie [7366] Gucci_kid54: YO [7366] ljcamo1: xim taught clix to main Wamai and ace and they will ban ting [7366] ysgty: fucking ad [7366] blxckz_vz: ron is actually good [7366] toesjam: well well well [7366] colrfl: -hellcat [7366] 90xmoonx44554: xim [7367] EndrSR: ┈▂┈┈▂▂▂▂▂┈▂▂▂┈▂▂▂ ╱╱▏╱┈┈┈┈╱╱┈┈╱╱┈┈╱▏ ▉╱▏▉▉▉▉▉╱▉▉▉╱▉▉▉╱▏ ▉╱▏▉╱▉╱▉╱▉╱▉╱▉╱▉╱▏ ▉╱╱▉╱▉╱▉╱▉▉▉╱▉╱▉╱▏ ▉▉╱▉╱▉╱▉╱▉╱▉╱▉▉▉╱ [7367] og_brownn: I remember when you lost to rayan [7367] Nightbot: @EndrSR -> I can do this all day... [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [7367] legitgunns: You half to now our I'm sue you for a he'll cat [7367] kendon_11: DUDE I MISSED XIM [7367] kalisurfrined: !watchtime [7367] edoggi77: JEIEIE [7367] unfloodd: THAT IS NOT NTC THATS BOSTONNNN [7367] BoxYing: jynxziVapeBreak [7367] StreamElements: kalisurfrined has spent 0 secs watching jynxzi [7368] n1ckon120hz: !sub [7368] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [7368] diloper: when is fan mail? [7368] keithlistlll: clip that [7368] SpedBxby: @jynxzi XIM LIVES IN LOS ANGELES NOW ITS 6PM HIS TIME [7368] LichSynthetiq: W XIMM Fuck avid [7368] fizzyjoshy_yt: we want Charlie [7368] lixxy434: free hellcat [7368] aceo8907: yall r both rich wager 1mill. [7368] kdjxjxnxxjxn: gvI’m gofkcguygg [7368] Fluffykipz64: say deadass [7368] john_9554: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [7368] sobiethegreat: PRE MUTE [7369] maikawaa: bro doesnt know clix is acc cracked [7369] edsonm178: is fanmail when [7369] banana_qc: U the goat jynxzi [7369] dreamzzgottwitch: no shot im still watching ads [7369] Gucci_kid54: LMAO [7369] strictkillaa: !sub [7370] nike33420: 12,000 wasted [7370] joelnotyetda1: yea [7370] abelossk: XIM. BABY [7370] kitaromusic: BEGGING FOR A GIFT [7370] collinmaaswick: cap [7370] sentonBeeblo: GIVING CARS TO MILLIONAIRES [7370] Not_TheStig: ADS FFS [7370] og_brownn: I remember when you lost to rayann [7370] john_9554: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [7370] kendalldill: 10 ADS IS BONKERS [7370] holylunarr: XIMMM [7370] Gucci_kid54: LMAO [7371] aceo8907: yall r both rich wager 1mill.. [7371] cambassford06: ace and ying mute and wamai [7371] u8jt: yo [7371] roccingn: wheres xylooo [7371] xseejuu: he did [7371] JUNKOSVAPE28: HE DID [7371] xXDoritoexeXx: !link [7371] bigearnoah_18: 🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇 [7371] Fakinlarva: YES [7371] BMBxSwxsh: !Link [7371] sapipapi25: sapipapi25 subscribed with Prime. [7371] Nightbot: @xXDoritoexeXx If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [7371] LYLFEtv: !link [7371] Twistween: he did [7371] IHateAutocorrect: HE ALSO SAID HE WAS GLING TO GIVE HIVISE A HELLCAT [7372] mogv: he did [7372] Gucci_kid54: LMAO [7372] mrmilku1234: Clipped [7372] dieheartsaint: NOOOOO [7372] ghostzonix3: he did [7372] deshon_solos: YOur going broke [7372] ivd3monz: ivd3monz subscribed at Tier 1. [7372] paul_teehee: HE DID [7372] mayo2smo: he did [7372] nico_walt: eee [7372] roccingn: tf [7373] 0hvenz: lol he did [7373] csuave638: HE DID [7373] amoux98021: junko pops off bro [7373] sunnydoj_: you’re gonna lose to them [7373] paralleldkb: ungrateful stream [7373] DankJake5: XIM MY GOAT [7373] Hazaka_: he did lol [7373] Nightbot: 😂 [7373] nav_comin: bruh turn his ass down helll naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [7373] ROCKN__: 💀 [7373] byec4: HE DID TRAIN THEM [7373] unfloodd: THAT IS NOT NTC THATS BOSTON [7373] aceo8907: yall r both rich wager 1mill.... [7373] RiIey5k: HE DID LMAO @Jynxzi [7373] Cliopatrra: HE IS [7374] unkn0wnc4: trust me you done for 😭😭 [7374] junkycuh: HE DIIDDDDD [7374] tytyattack: HE DID [7374] rolop1mp: he has a gt3 lol [7374] llslowburnll: Bozo about to lose [7374] MKC52: HE DID [7374] WTaker55: XIM TRAINED THEM [7374] paul_teehee: ONG HE DID [7374] diloper: what time is fan mail [7374] Gucci_kid54: he did [7374] ROCKN__: 💀 [7374] ROCKN__: 💀 [7374] daesharquisha: daesharquisha subscribed at Tier 1. [7374] QuickPup3340436: CAP [7374] shawryyy: he did [7377] cadenbaby: cadenbaby subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! 3 months with a partimer [7377] braincellnotfoundb: XIM WIN I HAVE ALL MY CHANNEL POINTS ON YOU [7377] weakpan355: He did [7377] orrzyy: he did [7377] Bravo_PM: he did [7377] kdjxjxnxxjxn: ddidkfg [7377] Fluffykipz64: lock that in [7377] itzkolyy: how do i donate [7377] ysgty: L ad [7377] holdthisace: YOURA [7377] jayv_be_that: Fanmail [7377] TakeoutCrave: he did [7377] benryder_53: Start it [7378] cptraxxxx: xim is wwww [7378] illpeach_: he did [7378] aekasveerjhand: he did [7378] gawdan6969: HE DID [7379] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [7379] anioppa: Killua [7379] kdjxjxnxxjxn: for rhfbdicc [7379] xd_nedward: !gamble all [7379] deref_: lmfao [7379] kylokl: on everything [7379] mm604z: didnd [7379] willyyuum: !LINK [7379] nobutlikereal: burger [7379] pinkliquid_: STOP MAKING EGOTISTICAL BETS @Jynxzi 💀 .... [7379] swingnn: !followage @jadroppinr6 [7379] shorsey_bean: !link [7379] StreamElements: xd_nedward went all in and lost every single one of their 6220 points LUL [7379] mayo2smo: he taught them everything [7379] byec4: HE TRAINED THEM [7380] StreamElements: @swingnn, jadroppinr6 has been following jynxzi for 3 years 4 months 7 days 7 hours [7380] GrinderMCD: clix will smash u on r6 [7380] TheReallAisu: HE DID ONG bro [7380] fortunatryhard: he did [7380] siphrnttv: !sub [7380] tripleasian: ECHO [7380] Gucci_kid54: 💀💀💀 [7380] mrunderst00d: thatno8Googly [7380] alex_is_quackers: w [7380] juicez_: 💀 [7380] cptraxxxx: wewwwww [7380] oppaxt: prolly is [7380] X_JAGERR: clipped [7380] sosa_ot: he actually is [7380] Gemini_420: ur washed | Jynxzi | Prime Jynxzi is Back | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [7200] He's ducking me he said he don't want to play it's ducking me actually like dead ass genuinely No, no, no, no I'm busing your balls bro. I'm gonna call I'm gonna [7210] I'm calling Sim right now. I'm calling Sim. Back up back. Oh no! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. [7220] Pick up the phone baby! It's lit! Array, young baby! Let me call them, it's friend. [7230] Where the fuck you're where is him bro? Where is him is him on? [7240] We're playing quick from the same volume. Huh? Yo, Zim, pick up the fucking fuck! [7250] Bro bro damn bro where you at bro where you at bro you gotta play Ricky [7260] Bro I told bro I literally told you a Bro get the fuck [7270] Go on bro, I literally said eight bro. Eight your time. He's playing clicks. Wait, what the fuck? [7280] Lix is practicing for our game later. There's no way Lix is this tri-hard. I want to see Klik's point. [7290] Like I'm gonna win but y'all are gonna win y'all are gonna win how do we how do we check all your backouts and then we can redo it Okay [7300] They're beating Sam. All right Ron, we got this fucking shot on God. But be honest chat. Am I like being... No, no, no, you're actually good. Like I can lie. Like it's my specific message. Wait! What?! [7310] John? Uh, no, but I can... Could you set it up on our John? I don't know how to set it up, I can try. Wait, I know how to do it, I know how to do it. They're not! [7320] That I'm playing them in hours just tell them to warm up I'm playing them in an hour to tell them to warm up on his bro Who's gonna carry me or click now? We're gonna both play good. We're gonna both you're not [7330] After seeing you bro like I'm just gonna be your guy Click you are a buttermilk fucking pancake if you get two rounds [7340] on me? I'll literally give you a hellcat. If you get two rounds on me I'll give you a hellcat. Like you're a buttermilk fucking pancake. [7350] All the way you get rounds if I don't shoot that's sort of the only way oh my god sims on sims on sims on sims on sims on Yo [7360] Yo yo, Jim Zim trained them your playstyle. There's no way [7370] That weird he's better than you no clicks as in bro Y'all are both rich rates wait | There is no Highlight in the provided timespan. Jynxzi talks on the phone with a colleague. |
Jynxzi | Prime Jynxzi is Back | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [8100] cilln_: 1.1 xim is crazy [8100] critxtwo: when is chesterfield vs xim [8100] hugoot14: FRANKLIN TOP 3 [8100] Nightbot: Jynxzi sens and settings here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2GcpqRqJ9U [8100] oStunnaPG: oStunnaPG subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! [8100] EpicCakeLegacy: !gamble all [8100] ry577587: fat [8100] StreamElements: EpicCakeLegacy went all in and lost every single one of their 2035 points LUL [8100] KoKolina13: why did he get banned? [8100] reverse_numero: yeahhhh……. [8100] magician182831: Xim is such an L [8100] DankJake5: XIM MY GOAT [8100] frogsrainbowsandsoftserve: shut the fuck up Jynxzi [8100] Bird_Leaves: pre 3 hour stream [8101] fezziknator: here [8101] stonkerwaltz: camera too ugly [8101] Godly__Plays: FARTHA😭😭😭 [8101] bigzy_19: bro sounds like matt damon [8101] JellyBean_22: man is like 11 [8101] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: typical needing 2 people to save the stream LUL [8101] gremblin9: L xim [8101] wise_guy008: IMAGINE CHEATING [8101] jaydeeznutsz: W CASTER [8102] catgrubss: WW READ [8102] officialuncledom: Pre end [8102] qwvzr: PRE BANNED AGAIN [8102] jackman1374: Pre xim banned [8102] YoGriz: 1.1 and cheating wild [8102] Fawful77: W XIM DAD [8102] Johnny_Rebel1865: prediction??? [8103] TyJones9317: why was he banned? [8103] qu33fqueennutfart: Wwwww [8103] offensive3838: !gamble [8103] artistic_trix_: GLAZE [8103] leinanarcher: sdfsdfasdfsdf [8103] XGeorge25: 1.1 kd on xim [8103] gary0ak_: is this high elo? [8103] HickInTheMud: THEYRE LOUD [8103] papurepau: pxppyGojotwerk pxppyGojotwerk pxppyGojotwerk [8103] PaulBlart510: Let’s goo Rick [8103] christianmogj: how much did they bet [8104] USAFM1ke: FUCK RICCI [8104] MeCabbage: come ooooon bro [8104] ban_apple: u unbanned him idiot [8104] dia3lo1126: W intro [8104] iamokayatsiege: Ejheje [8104] nadxemm: nadxemm subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 8 month streak! [8104] causevseffect: we know you pulled some strings we know you pulled some strings [8104] Hxrow: riccys my boy [8104] tntlord1899: hes not good if hes cheating [8104] NotAverageR6: BAGQ IN THE CUT [8104] lukemahomie: wwww [8104] itsmrsully: VoteNay [8104] tred19: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [8105] bozer67: we saw u get him unbanned [8105] grrrrlock: cheater vs cheater lol [8105] willrooneyy: he is not good [8105] parisfv: !gamble all [8105] SuperNintendoMike: FATASS [8105] StreamElements: parisfv went all in and lost every single one of their 550 points LUL [8105] brexitbagel: www xim [8105] closzplayz2142: W content [8105] henny_2121: JUNKO IS WASHED [8105] GHOSTEEE_23: of course hes good he cheats [8105] lurkinglettuce: W Xim [8105] bowsie213: LACED [8106] luckypukey6293: meow [8106] imdame__: bagq [8106] nachoxrl: Charlie is waiting [8106] longjohnssilver: @hivise please inform Jynxzi that Riccis dad is in fact in the stream [8106] itzzmoo: LRicci [8107] waterrnelons: cause ur fat? [8107] Slayerr_SF: where’s a poll [8107] sweatnerd7: L fatass [8107] E3Lemon: i love sweetarts [8107] bardown16__: W [8107] snb_pursuit: xim said you helped him get unbanned [8107] MeCabbage: come oooooooooooooooon bro [8107] spust4r: 100k [8107] jonesy_ak: laced [8107] mikloit: 😳 [8107] HOEPULLER: ximmm [8107] BelowTempature: react harder [8107] patrollingthestage: gotta seeee thiss 1 j [8108] spongecake32: run a prediction!!! [8108] wackkytobackky: turns out my pc gives me 500 pfs during gameplay due to turning off G sync [8108] mykneehurtsbro: !gamble all [8108] kayd3nkm: W xim [8108] tooslow44: winner gets stompn [8108] StreamElements: PogChamp mykneehurtsbro went all in and won 945 points PogChamp they now have 1890 points FeelsGoodMan [8108] ihli56: Fatty [8109] NotPicooo: yea put some respect on my boy xim name [8109] bozer67: we saw the messages [8109] Fawful77: OFC [8109] sky_r3verze: OFC [8109] barrette65: DISSARONE [8109] vicmaster_lol: w pre end [8109] fishyfinn7: ofc [8109] itsmrsully: cmonBruh [8109] qwvzr: FAT [8109] saylz_dtg: w dik sukin [8110] PaulBlart510: Ricky daddy [8110] Nightbot: 🪳 [8110] hobbes_mobbin: Cmon mannn [8110] Gorilla10: fuck xim, I bet on him [8110] dreamzzgottwitch: gg [8110] itzspl4shy: prédictions? [8110] TTVShadow310: come on Ricky [8110] Recesity: someone said run prediction, uhh prediction is closed jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [8110] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [8110] TAG_REAPER_x: who u think win jynxzi? [8110] sugabaybe: LACED [8111] zenox5622: you got xim unbanned [8111] lynx_k3: fat [8111] YoGriz: 1.1 kd is wild [8111] barrette65: DIDSARONE [8111] Ewooolilbih: munchies [8111] gthree_13: HOW MUCH ? [8111] eianz_: CHAT EVERYONE PREDICT [8111] shnaterade: PREDICTIONS PREDICTIONS PREDICTIONS PREDICTIONS PREDICTIONS PREDICTIONS PREDICTIONS [8111] qwvzr: FAT FAT [8111] offbeatbanjo: offbeatbanjo subscribed at Tier 1. [8111] selfconcerned: 100 [8111] Fossabot: @abbooouu, Your message is too long [3x] [8112] causevseffect: we know you pulled some strings [8112] txerrisc: laced [8112] tuhxfn_: ur fat [8112] carson10988: ofc [8112] opcical: @waterrnelons VoHiYo [8112] buckfnbr: KING XIM KING XIMKING XIM KING XIM KING XIM [8112] razoo020: NOT THE LACED SWEET TARTS [8112] docstrangeck: L glaze [8112] wizerd2000: !gamble 100 [8112] lmartezl: yooo [8112] jointedvoyage: Jynxi you give Cheaters clout [8112] emilycraig6363: ofc [8112] SuperNintendoMike: OFC [8112] StreamElements: wizerd2000 won 100 points in roulette and now has 678 points! FeelsGoodMan [8112] 1cyko1: 1cyko1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 4 month streak! tubby [8113] sean92070: not yesterday [8113] b_gerth5: fat [8113] barrette65: DISARONE [8113] holdthisace: fatty [8113] eianz_: CHAT EVERYONE PREDICT [8113] Adot2ooTact: when’s fan mail [8113] dennisthemenace69424: ofc [8114] bardown16__: W COPPER BACKROUND [8114] mmmmm2022: fat [8114] spon6e: poll it!!! [8114] fekae: fat [8114] squirmypug: ww fan mail [8114] Godly__Plays: W XIM [8114] xRxlentless: !weed [8114] itsprestooo: LACED [8114] carson10988: OFC [8114] kingkareemq: SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage [8115] causevseffect: we know you pulled some strings we know you pulled some strings we know you pulled some strings [8115] misteragape: what’s up brother [8115] tytyattack: FAT [8115] Thebaldbear420: OMG 2 HOUR STREAM GOTTA BE A NEW RECORD [8115] psycholoptic: he cheats but his in emerald shits crazyyy [8115] nrgjordo: !gamble200 [8115] mehdi_bousaidan: MOTHERFAKA [8115] eianz_: CHAT EVERYONE PREDICT [8115] N0tLuxk: because you are one [8115] sonotreal: whateva 💅💅 [8115] ytmrman22448: ytmrman22448 subscribed with Prime. [8115] Ilostmycart: DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight [8116] BreckzyR6: BreckzyR6 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! jynxzi saying did not say the n word [8116] Demon3812: snackk time i gotta get my ramen [8116] Slayerr_SF: predictionsssss [8116] risecobra69ttv: Trevor is stupid [8117] ryguy1812: fat [8117] Ilostmycart: DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight [8117] jackman1374: Laced [8117] JoeSugma: W XIM [8117] imsogoodathis: Boston wanna be us so bad I swear [8117] sambtw7k: n word [8117] imK4RP: didnt @Jynxzi win 1k from ricci in a 1v1? lol [8117] eianz_: CHAT EVERYONE PREDICT [8117] dvowill: MUTHERFUCKUUH [8117] spacely308: POLL YOU IDIOT [8117] lukemahomie: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [8117] Snorlol: ofc fatass [8117] Encryptoh: PogBones [8118] ljlbountyhunter: when is the next Brecci stream [8118] iamokayatsiege: Hey junior how's your day been [8118] rpolluxs: predictionssss [8118] itz0sun: YEA [8118] Buckarooka: How do I get good? [8118] james_hi667: OFCCCCCC [8118] shipster24: MOTHA F ER [8119] FyenDubai: ceezMT [8119] pvvttjoker: OFC [8119] lowkeyxloco: take a shot jynxzi [8119] Akosy_xk: Akosy_xk subscribed at Tier 1. [8119] gthree_13: 100 gifted??? [8119] Gorilla10: STFU racist [8119] bowsie213: LACED POP TARTS [8119] Ilostmycart: DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight [8120] Grom9696: 😂😂😂😂😂 [8120] skully_3316: we need devs asap [8120] Snorlol: ofccc [8120] HazydoR: YESSS [8120] GabeRockz: @waterrnelons waddup kitten [8120] rustycane: CHEERS CHAT [8120] bardown16__: WHATEVAAHHHH [8120] F22RaptorX1: Why is Xim unbanned but not Charlie ? [8121] lrbmustgol: muthafucka [8121] lnnateDomain: WWWWW [8121] itsprestooo: FENT [8121] GHOSTEEE_23: ban this dude already ubi [8121] wiikx7: how [8121] pustinky69: W Xim [8121] elovty: motha fuka [8121] puffpuffjuicer: OFC [8121] Nazmul1: motherfocka [8121] 6reekie9: so sexy [8121] Ilostmycart: DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight [8121] Hashira_707: mother fawka [8121] TofuuLovesYou: !link [8121] BEERMAN00: LSD TARTS [8121] curseofraaaaa: the fucking accent icant [8122] spiPLOK: MOTHA FUCKA [8122] rareuser1: w Ricci [8122] Nightbot: @TofuuLovesYou If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [8122] swoleboh: will it be close [8122] Keyz517: thieffJam thieffJam thieffJam [8122] jack32408: even though he is cheating😭 [8122] funkierproduct: light a cigar!? [8122] itoksiq: W ACID [8122] bardown16__: W ACCENT [8123] parisfv: !gamble [8123] nsavv416: mutha fucka [8123] mikloit: jynxziWTF he ain’t [8123] cappalotty: OFC [8123] spacely308: POLL [8123] tys0l0s: w sweet tarts [8123] TrooperDallas29: !twitchprime [8123] tokentaylor: W ricci [8123] magicmatt730: what’s it go to [8123] skully_3316: DEVS [8123] mlyuh: XIM STREAM [8124] CardinalCrusader: L SMOKER [8124] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [8124] officialuncledom: Ricky Spanish [8124] Ilostmycart: DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight [8124] waterrnelons: ??? [8125] vortexzy034: W sweet tart gift [8125] atomik_ninja98: “he’s very good even tho he’s cheating”🤣😂 [8125] polloloko0o: W EDIBLES [8125] milky_anderson: milky_anderson subscribed at Tier 1. [8125] squirmypug: GRAB THR WHISKY [8125] joell_no: fan mail?? [8125] mehdi_bousaidan: MUTHAKUKA [8125] lil_diego4: L [8125] spacely308: POLLL [8125] qolorlessss: jynxziGoodAim [8126] MrLagtast1c: jynxzi cant get that dick out of his throat [8126] HazydoR: CIGAR [8126] kxngpsycho: OFC [8126] itz0sun: COME ON XIM [8126] percc80: 🦇🦇🦇🦇 [8126] bardown16__: MOTHAFUCGA [8126] nikeairmaxking8: gratfiul [8126] rgxp2: 6 HOUR STREAM IS CAP [8126] CrustXE: xims black chat [8126] tunacv: L vapet [8126] bigmerch1: i love u xim [8127] spacely308: POLL [8127] spon6e: poll it!! [8127] melanpath: W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI [8127] busty445: 🇷🇺 [8127] vrjjr: L Fein [8127] angeljslv: how do I get my jynxzi charm [8128] dontplaythx: PREDICTION [8128] Heil_Avxrt: when’s fan mail [8128] ecliptixer: L vapor [8128] ToxiccWasTaken: !slots 100 [8128] jimmy_and_nutty: L VAPER [8128] QuickPup3340436: WHY ARE THERE 2 XIMS IN THE PARTY? [8128] joell_no: fan mail [8128] StreamElements: @ToxiccWasTaken you got 4Head | PogChamp | 4Head and lost your 100 points LUL [8128] rPayi: !sens [8128] ishy__1: @vapebreak [8129] spacely308: WTF [8129] 0z_ozone: L SMOKER [8129] RetroBLew: what’s the wager ?!?!? [8129] BEERMAN00: W ACID TARTS CHAT [8130] itsprestooo: FENTGAR [8130] chumpchangz: predictions? [8130] xx_notguilty: end predictions [8130] sebayg_: LETS DANCE [8130] mehdi_bousaidan: PREDICKS [8130] jackbobcatt: W SMOKER [8130] Elistay3hunnit: !followage [8130] grrrrlock: fake accent [8131] spacely308: POLL [8131] TorukMaktoSST: laced [8131] jayjaygoon: xim tough [8131] hlatte4: he smells [8131] brodyluvssiege: Xim got the mic down his asophagus [8131] StreamElements: @Elistay3hunnit, elistay3hunnit has been following jynxzi for 1 year 8 months 21 days 23 hours [8131] rxphhh: GET ME [8131] qolorlessss: fat [8131] causevseffect: we know you pulled some strings [8131] Mishionarry: i’m smoking weed rn who w me [8131] t3zvx: L [8131] joell_no: fan mail? [8131] justviick: jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES [8132] connor9759: WWWWWWWWWWWWW [8132] CrustXE: XIM IS MIXED CHAT [8132] 6reekie9: thanks daddy [8132] TseCP: MOTHER FUCKA [8132] a13xis2oo5: !LINK [8132] lmartezl: poll it [8133] Unfussythought: ungrateful [8133] coffey1991: xim dad vs Jynxzi dad [8133] CrystalCrave: POLLLLLLL [8133] SkullxFragment: cootie1OML [8133] 6reekie9: t up [8133] Gh0st5725: stop smoking [8133] skully_3316: XIM IS TRASHHHH [8133] torleah: LOCK IN RICCI [8133] mehdi_bousaidan: RUN PREDICKS [8133] cooked_cancer: mf sounds like a wannabe mobster [8134] Keyz517: W smoker 💨 [8134] CugineJD: ricky stanicky 🤣 [8134] ohsairusXB: cigar cutter is crazy [8134] spacely308: POLLLLLLLL [8134] noreaga2222: fgd [8134] t3zvx: L LL [8134] mrtrophyboyy: hi [8134] onepersona65: L vaper [8134] skomisboss12: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [8134] Heil_Avxrt: whens fan mail [8134] 6lack_6ear: XIM WIN THIS [8135] nitrocreation20: W CIGAR! [8135] ViniDesajusty: L VAPER [8135] Minionsecretspy13: crashed what the fluff [8135] ace_z00m: W XIM [8135] nachoxrl: Charlie iss waiting [8135] Rroasty: W CIGAR [8135] kxngpsycho: COME ON XIM [8135] Riasisxd: w xim lock in get me my bread [8135] cwaltz342: poll it [8135] Nightbot: Use code POGHF93417 for 65% off your first meal at https://strms.net/hellofresh_jynxzi [8135] maddieh74: yesssss [8135] shorsey_bean: !link [8136] allstarliam015: fuck you xim [8136] waterrnelons: vote xim! [8136] s3rimz: go [8136] GamerOfShield: POLLLLL [8136] percc80: THE KINGGGG🦇🦇🦇🦇 [8136] nameistristan: cmon xim [8136] XxJennaleigh: !sub [8136] nnoscopedjfk: W SMOKER [8136] keyz2416: ofc L smoker [8136] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [8136] arizonafiend: why doesn’t xim play controller? [8136] ishy__1: predict [8136] DMV_MaxDaKid: POLL [8136] ntsbosozoku: POLLLLL [8136] dubbiegames: Is this jizzy? or Cumco? [8137] qolorlessss: fattttttttt [8137] juollie2: poll [8137] parisfv: !points [8137] DanielSoFye: muthaphucka [8137] dawall200: washed [8137] domthedoge07: ya bahsathd [8137] AveWalk158: L ZIM [8137] StreamElements: @parisfv parisfv has 0 points and is rank 1696774/1697280 on the leaderboard. [8138] lbyeets: fake ahh accent [8138] Kellan202: points [8138] HazydoR: W CIGAR [8138] cptlegoninja: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [8138] gaming_enjoyer111: xim is 100% in the stream [8138] nevec45: L smoker [8138] jaayxeno: W XIM [8138] colby9: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [8138] spacely308: POLLLLLLLLL [8138] yurrkyy: HAVE YOU EVER FARTED IN YOUR HAND AN SMELLED IT? [8138] waterrnelons: vote xim! [8138] logangster555: N [8139] DaRealGaby54: POLLLL[ [8139] TrashLikeDat: when is fanmaill [8139] ynw_tacoman: daddy xim [8139] bardown16__: LMAOOO [8139] 1ynx08: 🦇🦇🦇🦇 [8139] sweatnerd7: IM NOT LOOOOOSING [8139] RevertWZ: poll [8139] justintewtuff: part time streamer [8139] SPLATGT: COME ON XIMM [8139] Tahdonus: bruh [8139] rustycane: W WEED [8139] saucin2hard: Cap [8139] Nightbot: no 🧢 [8139] sped_baltimore_nga: hell [8139] alilvoodoo_: POLLLLL [8140] iiivalnxxiii: W XIMMMMMM [8140] vrjjr: L Fiend [8141] jager_acog1: sniping [8141] thegingy7: n [8141] chickentikkamosalllah: w coke break [8142] sobiethegreat: second he screams the money goes to ricci [8142] carter_crabtree_: poll it [8142] Heil_Avxrt: when’s fan mail [8142] fax3o: W XIM CMON [8142] LilBoogieFart: LETS GO RICCI NY [8142] lurpakspread: where’s predictions [8142] owen_shaw087: cmon xim [8143] Rroasty: W CIGAR W CIGAR [8143] bardown16__: DAWHDASH [8143] nedssalsa: GoldPLZ [8143] qKellan: poll [8143] thegingy7: i [8143] blurrt_: w zim [8143] mannyrgo: mannyrgo subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [8143] shhbrxndo: !watchtime [8143] phineascool123: L zim [8143] solomonthesoccerwarrior: !discord [8143] skully_3316: DOORDASH [8143] ewewewewesd: LOLLLLLLLL [8143] mehdi_bzdi: W XIM [8143] StreamElements: WAWAWOCK has spent 10 hours 10 mins watching jynxzi [8143] Nightbot: https://discord.gg/jynxzi [8144] CardinalCrusader: DAMN [8144] tytyattack: CMON XIMMMMM [8144] laitonn7: When is fanmail [8144] sandy_sir: LMFAO💀💀 [8144] StreamElements: If you're a gamer, you need a Starforge! Snag one -> https://starforgepc.com/Jynxzi [8144] stoylee: stoylee subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [8144] gavinator1234567899: @waterrnelons [8144] al4nddd: !LINK [8144] baby_wazy: POLL [8144] not_canuga88: W JINXY cigar [8144] juollie2: POLLLL [8144] rexyiu: vaper [8144] Ilostmycart: DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight [8147] lukemahomie: wwwwwww [8147] pk_droid3: W Xim [8147] Sgnikaifa: LUL [8147] TheHugZ_: YOU GOT THIS XIM LOCK IN FOR MY 80K CHANNEL POINTS [8147] sandy_sir: W [8147] joell_no: tan mail? [8147] raratummy: dawdash [8147] EndrSR: tickle my tits [8147] puffpuffjuicer: AYOOO [8147] natedawg67890: HE ALREADY DID PREDICTIONS [8147] glitchz3n: !gamble 1000 [8147] arabjoke: L EGO [8147] stoylee: ah [8147] zachz65: HIVISE RUN PREDICTION [8147] sped_baltimore_nga: pollll [8148] StreamElements: @retromerksontop, you only have 900 points. [8148] Ilostmycart: DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight [8148] Nightbot: too easy [8148] gamer_ultimate28: W XMM [8148] hockeydude7799: Smoke [8148] earthlyotter27: PREDICTION [8148] mypronounsarehe: L [8148] GamerOfShield: poll [8148] bardown16__: DAWHDASH! [8149] jasoncovert27: is fan mail when [8149] bobsterlobster45: heywha1Ohyeah heywha1Ohyeah heywha1Ohyeah [8149] sauceric: getta dub [8149] colehb711: mink [8149] sniperking45677: wrd [8149] ttvthegangstakid: jynxziWTF [8149] 6lack_6ear: XIM OIL ME UP PLEASE [8149] SF_Knight650: lock in [8149] sandy_sir: LMFAO [8149] risoturtlegoated: I put my channel point on ricci [8149] Bizarre_Oki: w xim [8149] RFcoilz: mobamb1Zeet mobamb1Zeet mobamb1Zeet mobamb1Zeet [8149] reedg1325: WEWW [8149] caprisun4947: FUCK XIM [8150] tykas13: 💀 [8150] gunna329: LMAOOOOOOO [8150] juollie2: POLLLLLLL [8150] zylermoney: jynxziFAT_SQ [8150] Ilostmycart: DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight [8150] sped_baltimore_nga: ☠️☠️😭😭 [8150] istandwithkaepernick69: you smoke cigars like an idiot [8150] NickParadoxx: CMON XIMMMMMM [8150] thegingy7: a [8150] qKellan: POLL [8150] ellharv2: L xim [8150] wizerd2000: !gamble 5500 [8150] Sa1zy1: jynxziChampion [8150] plysvownsyou: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [8150] matthewsousaa: W XIM [8151] maxplayzthegame: jynxziGoodAim jynxziBadAim [8151] asgardfalle997: LLLLLL SMOKER [8151] lovinit10: L Smoker [8151] chemist992: ? [8151] Nightbot: ? [8151] Fossabot: @whzzie, Your message is too long [8152] Swankssss: w smokerr [8152] drxxy_: w [8152] noahtheechoppa: p [8152] q_dwnz9: HAILLL XIMMM [8152] ryry20114901: PREDICTION????????? [8152] Xanman1x: ricci k [8152] BlazeboltXX: w. [8153] dusavagebb: ECHO [8153] reedg1325: LOL [8153] sped_baltimore_nga: Polll [8153] Nightbot: 👀 [8153] hudson1234_: ☠️☠️ [8153] psdmilezz: dammmmm [8153] sauceric: yeah he did [8153] skully_3316: he be kissing that 100 tho [8153] BeastyGotFlame: t [8153] johnnyspaeth: w [8153] broodiercomb358: when is clix and stable [8153] hobbes_mobbin: lol [8154] sopa_de_carpincho: do dash [8154] jager_acog1: stream sniping [8154] RFcoilz: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [8154] coiko: HE WENT GET WATERRR [8154] climaxcasino: ???????? [8154] jaykeysu: xim [8154] bloodwzrd: 100 BUCKS THATS IT? [8154] bardown16__: DAHDASH [8154] wowman22w2: HypePurr [8154] spacely308: POLLLLLLLLLLLLL [8154] ttvthegangstakid: jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF [8154] junkjunkzzz: jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES [8154] causevseffect: xim dont have motion like that [8154] 6lack_6ear: WW XIM [8154] JB1zzle7: yes [8155] spedoed: water break [8155] juollie2: POLLLL [8155] Nightbot: 🍉 [8155] tanman1220: L xim even yo dad doesn’t fw you [8155] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [8155] gbenzz09: XIMM [8155] junkoisthebeastatr6: Please fuck me in the ass [8155] itzspl4shy: @hivise?? [8155] irohthag: !LINK [8155] sunnythefidget: he’s getting water [8155] fishyfinn7: HE GOT MOTION [8155] ragingtargaryen: @jynxzi What Cigar are you smoking? [8155] maxplayzthegame: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [8155] Nightbot: @irohthag If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [8155] NickParadoxx: MONEY MONEY MONEY [8156] a_imx: LMAO [8156] Ilostmycart: DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight [8156] NotDerekk_: W XIM [8156] rambo_is_deadly: rambo_is_deadly subscribed at Tier 1. [8156] agressi0nyt: 🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇 [8156] qKellan: POLL GAME [8156] sonotreal: he getting water [8156] ln_immxrtal: L SMOKER [8156] Bizarre_Oki: w x [8157] snailmanthirteeN: not listening [8157] ttvfeluxyt: w ximmmmmmmmmmmmm,mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm [8157] iamashappyasaduck: bfbf [8157] noahtheechoppa: fuck ximmmmmmm [8157] armadillo_gamingg: armadillo_gamingg subscribed with Prime. [8157] hockeydude7799: smoke [8157] itoksiq: W STOGIE [8157] heyzaxx: Ur fat [8157] joell_no: fan mail? [8157] grrrrlock: breckie's OF [8157] urway211: he lying he need that shit [8157] Johnny_Rebel1865: prediction [8157] SkullxFragment: dds1k dds1k dds1k dds1k dds1k [8157] baby_wazy: polllllllllllllllllllllllllllll [8158] lucas_lfc69: when’s Riki vs xim [8158] ghostofsparta69420: is junko playing? [8158] PapiThooi: w smoker [8158] iiam_kyl3: wwew [8158] ttvthegangstakid: jynxziFAT [8158] ctqm1234: !poll [8159] Ilostmycart: DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight [8159] offbeatbanjo: yo [8159] 420yamada1994: Why this xim mf still here? [8159] maxplayzthegame: jynxziWTF [8159] Skqore: huh? [8159] Chozen__: !watchtime [8159] rodolfo014: where’s prediction [8159] t3zvx: L [8159] makkai_oliver: adam nem tud [8159] spacely308: PREDICTION [8160] StreamElements: Chozen__ has spent 13 days 15 hours watching jynxzi [8160] Adot2ooTact: when’s fan mail [8160] TugMango: W [8160] coffey1991: Jynxzi dad vs xim dad [8160] kingrobb_: xim is the guy for the content [8160] Bizarre_Oki: w xim [8160] tt143up: Xim w [8160] CrimsonRSE: 🧍🏽♂️🧍🏽♂️🧍🏽♂️🧍🏽♂️ [8160] TheMelloPanda: IS IT 100$ OR 100K [8160] ItsT3MP: fcum [8160] lukemahomie: wwwwwwwwwww [8160] NotDerekk_: WWWW XIM [8160] Ilostmycart: DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight [8160] anthony022007: WYA Jynxzi [8160] juicez_: jynxziGRIDDY [8161] andyro07: !discord [8161] drmonkeeman10: L XIM [8161] Nightbot: Subscribe HERE: https://www.twitch.tv/subs/Jynxzi for the CHaaaaarm [8161] Jaywrldz_: w xim [8161] cjairgoatnes: xim got this [8161] kraveeee: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke [8161] chiefd247: Ricci LOCK IN [8161] t3zvx: LL [8161] urway211: bro lost 4 band yesterday [8161] Slayerr_SF: hi vise run predictions [8161] BeastyGotFlame: !watchtime [8161] julpac2pac: prediction [8162] gc_llinz: XIM♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ [8162] alextheman06: wwwwwwww [8162] StreamElements: BeastyGotFlame has spent 0 secs watching jynxzi [8162] bobsterlobster45: nejokuCryeh nejokuCryeh nejokuCryeh [8162] bradyhalls: prediction [8162] Rhyphix: L smoker [8162] sniperking45677: l smoker [8162] wizerd2000: !gamble5500 [8163] Nateosucks: poll [8163] RetroBLew: $1,000,000 wager [8163] t3zvx: LLLLLLLL [8163] aIexpereira: cmon ricci [8163] tomhayes10: to get the Jynxzi charm sub to him and link ur Ubisoft and twitch together and wait 30mins [8163] Anthony_Throttle: dev's can't save you ricky [8163] davidbeast91011: FUCK XIM BUT I NEED THOSE CHANNEL POINTS [8163] leifonatree123: vapist [8163] spacely308: PREDICTTTTTTTT [8163] PapiThooi: w smokerrrr [8163] fortnitebestboy: LOL [8163] komot10n: !watchtime [8164] Ilostmycart: DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight [8164] Johnny_Rebel1865: poll [8164] StreamElements: komot10n has spent 5 days 14 hours watching jynxzi [8164] vetosage: If u lose ricc imma lose Hella point little man [8164] Dycentury: I got PAPE ON RICCI [8164] elovty: tell xim face cam [8164] busty445: Pack it out [8164] t3zvx: LLLLLLLLLL [8164] onconr: LOCK MORE THEN 100 [8164] Adversitix: Hope Zim gets blended [8165] itscashthegamer: PREDICITOnm [8165] peaches111: these 2 are so deaf holy fuck [8165] dreamzzgottwitch: water boy junki [8165] di0obrando: L smoker [8165] Ilostmycart: DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight [8165] urway211: biggs need dat shi [8165] sos_simp: up it 2 a band [8165] juollie2: poll channel points [8165] causevseffect: big clix [8165] bardown16__: IMPATIENT LITTLE SHIT [8166] ru1243: L smoke [8166] rustycane: unpause trimner [8166] keithlistlll: play for 5 k [8166] cal_sharp: yo [8166] GamerOfShield: PREDICTION [8166] GYATTM3: GYATTM3 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! THANKS FOR 4 MONTHS PARTTIMER [8166] t3zvx: LLLLLLLLL [8166] Ilostmycart: DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight [8166] ynw_tacoman: blunt [8166] melvinlfc06: !time [8166] iiafrovertii: PowerUpL PowerUpR PowerUpL PowerUpR PowerUpL PowerUpR PowerUpL PowerUpR PowerUpL PowerUpR PowerUpL PowerUpR PowerUpL PowerUpR PowerUpL PowerUpR PowerUpL PowerUpR PowerUpL PowerUpR PowerUpL PowerUpR PowerUpL PowerUpR PowerUpL PowerUpR PowerUpL PowerUpR PowerUpL PowerUpR PowerUpL PowerUpR PowerUpL PowerUpR PowerUpL PowerUpR Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [8167] xeking_: tell them a band since 100 is light [8167] hobbes_mobbin: SeriousSloth SeriousSloth clix bricks [8167] risegoldy: LOCK IN XIMMMM [8167] wise_guy008: L SMOKER [8167] thewoo0_0: dono [8168] onconr: LOCK MORE THEN 100LOCK MORE THEN 100LOCK MORE THEN 100LOCK MORE THEN 100LOCK MORE THEN 100 [8168] kurt7373: Cheer1 [8168] meloxx05: comeback fatty [8168] theapplefr: L smoker [8168] terptastin: PokSceptile TwitchConHYPE [8168] broodiercomb358: when is clix [8168] bilbus_the_brick: all in on xim [8168] evan14147: Ricci in the chat [8168] lowhanginfruit69: joebartPepehands joebartPepehands joebartPepehands joebartPepehands joebartPepehands [8168] milptilp: l amokee [8169] al_sah_him00: So why he didn’t put up more money? CUZZ HE BROKKKKKKKKEEE [8169] sped_baltimore_nga: polll [8169] natedawg67890: HE ALREADY DID PRADICTIONS [8169] Gamingclipsfaith: W stream [8169] mrmilku1234: Xim = W [8169] Gagebowman12: RUN THE FUCKIN PREDICTIONNNN [8170] iamashappyasaduck: the [8170] tortugathief: ^^ [8170] spacely308: PREDICTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 [8170] Saltayy__: longest jynxzi stream [8170] Ilostmycart: DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight [8170] juollie2: PREDICTION [8170] maxplayzthegame: jynxziPACK [8171] SF_Knight650: what was that [8171] daddywaylonn: What’s up brother [8171] allldaley: allldaley subscribed with Prime. [8171] Lucseh: gym stream with yoboyroy [8172] dragon_fruit18: Xim is a walking L I hope bro loses [8172] sobiethegreat: anooying ass [8172] Alfolord: frrr [8172] porkie_pie_rl: would xim stfu [8172] hellovvbnn: OREGON [8172] tytyattack: START THE GAME [8172] froot_loop_2004: WHERES THE PREDICTION? [8172] antony100101111: start pol [8172] liesandslander1789: use the matches you got [8173] Dr_ZoDi: bro should forfeit and buy a new mic [8173] Gorilla10: xim is coked up [8173] yurrkyy: HAVE YOU EVER FARTED IN YOUR HAND AN SMELLED IT? [8173] terptastin: TwitchConHYPE [8173] ralphmcgill: POLL @Hiviise [8173] ru1243: L smoker [8173] belusbrontes: L CLIP FARMING SMOKER [8174] SOY__________________BEAN: L Yapper [8174] lowhanginfruit69: joebartPepehands joebartPepehands joebartPepehands joebartPepehands joebartPepehands joebartPepehands [8174] juicez_: TakeNRG GivePLZ [8174] DynastyTK: MODS ban @thegingy7 [8174] lurpakspread: where’s predictions [8174] busty445: Whip it out [8174] milptilp: l smoker [8174] rpolluxs: prediction [8174] laitonn7: When is fanmail [8174] SkullxFragment: ResidentSleeper [8175] no_game_sense_in_r6: prediction [8175] xxyourmumxx_: when did tyler1 grow hair [8175] famousjxy: Nicotine Fein [8175] onconr: LOCK MORE THEN 100LOCK MORE THEN 100LOCK MORE THEN 100LOCK MORE THEN 100LOCK MORE THEN 100LOCK MORE THEN 100LOCK MORE THEN 100 [8175] ralnb0w6: !points [8175] Sgnikaifa: LUL LUL [8175] ubereatsca: JYNXZI I SENT YOU THE GOLF SHIRT CAN YOU PLEASE WEAR IT FOR THE STREAM BibleThump [8176] StreamElements: @clixdr3amingclothing clixdr3amingclothing has 875 points and is rank 452986/1697279 on the leaderboard. [8176] Nightbot: @fluterbooter -> What were you thinking? [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [8176] juicez_: GivePLZ TakeNRG [8176] antony100101111: poll [8176] EndrSR: L PART TIMER [8176] siegeman3k: watching stream with mtw and hotpocket [8176] ttv_lxl: L INFLUENCE [8176] lelandfitz: !watchtime [8176] ccsdylan: !watchtime [8176] LightningKakuzu: NEVER PUT BORAT NOSED RICKY ON STREAM BRUH FDN NEVER PUT BORAT NOSED RICKY ON STREAM BRUH FDN NEVER PUT BORAT NOSED RICKY ON STREAM BRUH FDN [8176] StreamElements: lelandfitz has spent 1 day 20 hours watching jynxzi [8176] sped_baltimore_nga: poll [8177] onconr: LOCK MORE THEN 100LOCK MORE THEN 100LOCK MORE THEN 100LOCK MORE THEN 100LOCK MORE THEN 100 [8177] deshon_solos: L smoker [8177] risegoldy: LOCK IN XIMMMMM [8177] debnrnz: !Watchtime [8178] juicez_: TakeNRG GivePLZ [8178] fortnitebestboy: L CLIX [8178] IPsionicI: IPsionicI subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [8178] tinman1017: stop doing dumb shit [8178] Darkside720: Xim don't sell me again like you did against stopmin [8178] lbyeets: FAKE AHH ACCENT [8178] 0z_ozone: FACECAM TOO PERFECT [8179] MeownaTheWeeb: I got ricci fr [8179] antony100101111: pol [8179] lukemahomie: wwwwww [8179] evans_chill: fell off [8179] LouCappin: NO SCREAMING [8179] mvvark: fix camera [8179] JacobHouston: L Host [8179] hackipt: L smoker [8179] pustinky69: W XIM [8179] terptastin: TwitchConHYPE NotLikeThis [8180] Bizarre_Oki: I love xim!!! [8180] chumpchangz: predictions fatass [8180] froot_loop_2004: prediction [8180] Akosy_xk: bro [8180] Gucci_kid54: 💀💀💀 [8180] Nightbot: predict when you will get some bitches [8180] drmonkeeman10: LXIM [8180] juicez_: PicoMause TheTarFu [8180] bassmaster_08: !watchtime [8181] nehsty: 💀💀💀💀 [8181] lurpakspread: WHERES PREDICTIONS [8181] StreamElements: bassmaster_08 has spent 2 days 1 hour watching jynxzi [8181] zylermoney: jynxziFAT_SQ jynxziFAT_SQ jynxziFAT_SQ jynxziFAT_SQ jynxziFAT_SQ jynxziFAT_SQ jynxziFAT_SQ [8181] jack32408: lock In xim [8181] CrystalCrave: POLLLLLL [8181] tyniles12: let’s gooooo [8182] zqiqh: he’s down 4K lkk [8182] longjohnssilver: HiVise!!!!! [8182] spacely308: PREDICTIONNNNNN YOU IDI [8183] antony100101111: polll [8183] gc_llinz: XIM♥️XIM♥️XIM♥️XIM♥️XIM♥️XIM♥️XIM♥️XIM♥️XIM♥️XIM♥️XIM♥️XIM♥️ [8183] radcon733: END THE PREDICTION [8183] Fossabot: @nico_walt, Your message is too long [8183] touakhang: End stream part timer [8183] Offnsv: Forfeit not DQ [8183] 52stix: jynxziHappy when is the stream [8183] Adot2ooTact: when’s fan mail going to. e [8184] SneakySnackHobo: bobowgClassic bobowgClassic bobowgClassic bobowgClassic bobowgClassic bobowgClassic [8184] zzertifyy: xim i got 50 k on u———— i do 50 k blah blah blah - lucki xim i got 50 k on u———— i do 50 k blah blah blah - lucki xim i got 50 k on u———— i do 50 k blah blah blah - lucki xim i got 50 k on u———— i do 50 k blah blah blah - lucki [8184] neydav__: !watchtime [8184] StreamElements: neydav__ has spent 2 days 16 hours watching jynxzi [8185] kkingjames210: prediction [8185] bardown16__: WW RICCI [8185] juollie2: PREDICTION POLL [8185] longjohnssilver: @hivise please inform Jynxzi that Riccis dad is in fact in the stream [8185] Ilostmycart: DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight [8186] Jorbtheborb420: mid ahh streamer [8186] andyro07: @HiVise what is the discord [8186] spongecake32: run a prediction [8187] bardown16__: W RICCI [8187] daddywaylonn: hhhh [8187] radcon733: END PREDD [8187] Nightbot: !gamble all [8187] lurpakspread: WHERES PREDEIDTIONS [8188] StreamElements: @Nightbot, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan [8188] terptastin: ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper [8188] cal_sharp: boom [8188] mikloit: how much money is on the line ? [8188] IPsionicI: come on now xim [8188] risoturtlegoated: 500 wager [8188] flimishere: !link [8188] Nightbot: @flimishere If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [8189] jackman1374: Mention screaming over plant [8189] meloxx05: bro is trying to replace vaping so bad 💀 [8189] bonesblumpkin: make cam smaller [8189] Eagleclaw010101: Eagleclaw010101 subscribed with Prime. [8189] nightfight20: sorry i missed some of the stream [8190] 313tragic: PansexualPride [8190] megamaniac6: hi eva [8190] gamer_ultimate28: W XIMM [8190] juicez_: KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype [8190] itscashthegamer: prediction @Jynxzi [8190] HiVise: VOTE ON THE PREDICTION [8190] HiVise: VOTE ON THE PREDICTION [8190] nlb_editz: when is u vs case and sketch [8190] HiVise: VOTE ON THE PREDICTION [8190] HiVise: VOTE ON THE PREDICTION [8190] jouShed: W mouse trap [8191] HiVise: VOTE ON THE PREDICTION [8191] HiVise: VOTE ON THE PREDICTION [8191] lbyeets: RICCI GOT THAT FAKE AHH ACCENT [8191] HiVise: VOTE ON THE PREDICTION [8191] Nightbot: 👀 [8191] risegoldy: LOCK IN XIMMMMMMMM [8191] sqidfo1: L RICCI [8191] HiVise: VOTE ON THE PREDICTION [8191] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [8191] HiVise: VOTE ON THE PREDICTION [8191] LGN_Omen: LGN_Omen subscribed with Prime. [8191] HiVise: VOTE ON THE PREDICTION [8191] agentsneeze: Smoking addiction [8192] HiVise: VOTE ON THE PREDICTION [8192] ilytpc: PREDICTION [8192] ryry20114901: predictionNNNNNN [8192] HiVise: VOTE ON THE PREDICTION [8192] HiVise: VOTE ON THE PREDICTION [8192] juollie2: PREDECTION POLL [8192] HiVise: VOTE ON THE PREDICTION [8192] HiVise: VOTE ON THE PREDICTION [8192] acheappcgamer: I LOVE RICCIS ACCENT [8192] brookmeister420: put all on xim [8192] elontusk351: close poll [8192] spon6e: POLL IT [8192] Weuz444: W XIM [8193] antony100101111: poll [8193] davidsamy_7: end peeds [8193] clob_8: the white speed [8193] guaheyy: NO SCREAMING [8193] that_cracker_ot: and no screaming [8193] terptastin: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [8193] Bizarre_Oki: xim stream snipe my butthole [8194] ryry20114901: BROOOOO [8194] 52stix: jynxziHappy [8195] arizonafiend: XIM=CHEATER [8195] asvp_jose: asvp_jose subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months! junko [8195] Jorbtheborb420: hollywood [8195] brando1126: predictions [8196] acMok: CLOSE PREDICTION @HiVise [8196] juollie2: PREDICTION POLL [8196] juicez_: WholeWheat SoBayed BigBrother BigBrother PipeHype PipeHype YouWHY PeoplesChamp PeoplesChamp ThunBeast WholeWheat DAESuppy BigBrother WholeWheat ShazBotstix ShazBotstix [8196] iamokayatsiege: HES XIMMING [8196] izzyfr3sh721: turn them down [8196] Adot2ooTact: When’s fan mail [8196] daddywaylonn: kkkkk [8196] YoGriz: haha mouse trap pussy [8196] papasmiley15: !link [8197] ryry20114901: READ CHATTTTT [8197] chQUICK: WWWW TRAP [8197] sobiethegreat: WHO CARESSSSSSSS [8197] kobegunns: NOOOOOOOOO [8197] MoweyRL: @xim [8197] davidsamy_7: endddddd predsss [8197] jesus_of_rebirth: dono [8198] VoydskiiRah: k [8198] Nightbot: k [8198] bardown16__: LMAOOO [8198] Rushuur: NOPE [8198] terptastin: PokSceptile PokSceptile PokSceptile PokSceptile PokSceptile [8198] milky_anderson: ohio [8198] awill13: DESERVED [8198] vykarian: nooooooooo [8198] Gorilla10: xim's on coke [8198] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [8199] UmutESG: xim OMEGALUL [8199] shinr4tens3: shinr4tens3 subscribed with Prime. [8199] evans_chill: you fell off mf [8199] ahmed_shokry: DQ [8199] talonisgreat1: lock in I’m [8199] kobegunns: NOOOOO NOOOOO [8199] Rushuur: NOPE [8199] acidthriller: got my popcorn [8199] SuperNintendoMike: FUCK XIM [8200] vykarian: NOOOOOOO [8200] linerfools: dont care [8200] arko_235: LMAOOOOOO [8200] 8_rj_8: wtf [8200] radcon733: END THE PREDDICTION [8200] Beankampp: loser [8200] willie_b_2017: L [8200] rocketz492560: @HiVise HOW YOU DOING ZADDY [8200] kobegunns: NOOOOOO NOOOOOO [8201] tb_styx: womp womp [8201] aceo8907: ?????????? [8201] thepatriot1789: no way [8201] lukemahomie: wwwwwwwwwww [8201] xx_notguilty: GIMME MY MONEY BACK [8201] ryry20114901: PREDICTIONNNNNNN [8201] joshbigdoinks: king xim [8201] qwvzr: NOPE [8202] froot_loop_2004: PREDICTION PREDICTION PREDICTION PREDICTION PREDICTION PREDICTION PREDICTION PREDICTION [8202] aceo8907: ? [8202] Nightbot: ? [8202] Rushuur: DQ'd [8202] Scooter_Cooter69: Scooter_Cooter69 subscribed at Tier 1. [8202] schrodas: CAP [8202] kobegunns: NOOOOOO NOOOOO [8202] arko_235: LMAOOOOO [8202] Nightbot: no 🧢 [8202] melvinlfc06: !watchtime [8202] cowboysweeperkcsb: Oh well part-timer [8202] curseofraaaaa: womp womp [8203] tozmicx: polllllllllllll [8203] puffa_poe: no [8203] StreamElements: melvinlfc06 has spent 12 days 7 hours watching jynxzi [8203] notcola_: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [8203] squeakereeker: L sellet [8203] kz139911: L xim [8203] bbqoill: nope lmaooo [8203] PotatoMajor: LMAO [8203] Dracos_10: nope [8203] banana_bread0102: nope [8203] puffpuffjuicer: ??? [8203] Rhyphix: wow cheater can't cheat! [8203] miaao_o: LMFAO [8203] aceo8907: ?? [8203] qwvzr: NOPE NOPE [8204] vykarian: NO WAAAAAY [8204] olFizz: 100 mil on xim is CRAZY [8205] UnnaturaIl: how to get charm [8205] Offnsv: Forfeit not DQ idiot [8205] skomisboss12: skomisboss12 subscribed at Tier 1. [8205] nehsty: Womp womp [8205] d_r_a_g_m_a: DUCK [8205] chQUICK: WWW TRAP [8205] ImSe6as: L [8205] YoGriz: lmaoooooo [8205] busty445: Whip it out [8205] bbqoill: play it [8206] juollie2: PREDICITION POLL [8206] SuperNintendoMike: ??????? [8206] sobiethegreat: FUCK XIM [8206] banana_bread0102: the it’s a DQ [8206] Rushuur: DQ'd [8206] kobegunns: NOOOOO [8206] tempsi17: lmaooo cheater [8206] WanderingReaper7: only xim cheat allowed? [8206] bardown16__: LMAOO WTF [8206] that_cracker_ot: no [8206] DefNotNokki: WHAT ABOUT THE PREDICTIONS [8207] bbqoill: PLAY IT [8207] CerebralSoldier: L CHEATER [8207] sandy_sir: LMFAO💀💀💀 [8207] domthedoge07: UH OHHHH WHOOOMP WHOOOMP [8207] gingerbengee_: RICCI WINSSSS [8207] freebum11: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [8207] teetertot101: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [8207] yummywetpaper: let him fix [8207] 730H: nope [8207] qwvzr: NOPE KOPE [8208] armando_p197: DQ [8208] thestreammoocher: RE FUND [8208] sobiethegreat: FUCK XIM. [8208] ayeeant_: NO FUCK THIS PUSSY [8208] SuperNintendoMike: FUCK OFF [8208] nbalocoo: helll nooo [8208] drauzee: 1 round [8208] davidsamy_7: close predsssss [8209] faze_ngb2000: L [8209] seacam21: NOOOOOOOOO [8209] terptastin: WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace [8209] DynastyTK: @HiVise ban thegingy7 [8209] FrlGav: ????????????? [8209] qwvzr: NOPE [8209] chQUICK: LLL [8209] jatdoo1998: DQ [8209] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀 [8209] Starchild_Here: www [8209] Vibinirish: DUCKING [8209] bbqoill: PLAY IT LMAOO [8209] d_r_a_g_m_a: PUSSY DUCKING [8209] 813jules: DQ [8209] panda_plop: ricci chixx [8210] henny_2121: L XIM [8210] sobiethegreat: FUCK XIM [8210] busty445: Why it out [8210] stratigicsturgeon: womp womp [8210] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀 [8210] dvowill: DQ [8210] gsmgaming88: bruh [8210] PapaDilburt: NOOOOOOO [8210] Grom9696: W [8210] oppaxt: womp womp [8210] brayaites1: XIM [8210] TheRealWhales: RFEUND [8211] TheSlxp: WTFFFF [8211] Patchnae1: no [8211] Gucci_kid54: nice [8211] Beankampp: 😂😂😂 [8211] ttv_AtMeKiD: NAH DUCKING [8211] fyycs: Cheaterrr [8211] nehsty: Womp womp womp [8211] rize_vanish: mooo [8211] antony100101111: pol [8211] bardown16__: RICCI WINS [8211] gowhaan_: “dq”🤓 [8211] Nasafan274: LCHEATER [8212] seacam21: WTFFFFFFFFFF [8212] lahpaulll03: smhh [8212] domthedoge07: DUCKING [8212] megamaniac6: hi Eva [8212] vykarian: N=BROOOOO [8212] FrlGav: ?? [8212] TheChaozer: LMAO [8212] Baldwin____: 1 round [8212] be_zn: L [8212] dragon_fruit18: Xim walking L [8212] spacely308: SICK PREDICTION! [8213] KosmoQT: WWWW [8213] spazkillxdv2: Nah he loses L [8213] WheelChairDriveBye: lmaoo [8213] SuperNintendoMike: DQ bullshit [8213] rize_vanish: nooo [8213] cowboysweeperkcsb: Part-timer [8213] vulk_btw: goadd [8213] mehdi_bousaidan: DUCKIN [8213] Neconexer: when is fanmaoly [8213] Johnny_Rebel1865: LLLLLLL [8213] TheMelloPanda: Guys whats mousetrapped [8214] drauzee: Should cost 1 round [8214] cokipoki7: Ducking [8214] gingerbengee_: DEFAULT WIN [8214] FrlGav: ???????????? [8214] terptastin: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [8214] Friiissk: jesus christ [8214] Vibinirish: DUCKINGG [8214] phillyda_gawd: W 1 round [8214] linerfools: L [8214] dillon_sumner6: DQ [8214] Rushuur: DQ'd [8214] jatdoo1998: DQQ [8214] vortexzy034: ducker [8214] Beankampp: what [8215] kl0pi0: NOOOOO MY POINTS [8215] HYP3RACT1VE22: bruh [8215] lahpaulll03: lol [8215] andyro07: !discord [8215] nameistristan: ducking [8215] Fossabot: @abbooouu, Your message is too long [4x] [8216] Nightbot: 😂 [8216] Nightbot: https://discord.gg/jynxzi [8216] KeatonWasTaken: REEFUN [8216] Friiissk: L xim [8216] fls_mistt: ducking [8216] alcoholiccat96: why you letting him cheat [8216] grrrrlock: pathetic [8216] TheSlxp: L CHEATER [8217] WildChill65: !link [8217] NotAverageR6: bruh [8217] drauzee: 1 round [8217] besnik_alioski: LOL cheater [8217] mromnivoid: mromnivoid subscribed at Tier 1. [8217] digital_forrest26: so sad bro💀 [8217] lukemahomie: wwwww [8217] coffeedog993: L [8217] Snorlol: L DUCK [8217] CerebralSoldier: HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA MOUSETRAP SHITTER [8217] sobiethegreat: RICCI WINSSSSSS [8217] Joi2077: ?????? [8217] burke468: BOO HOO [8217] itswynotwyatt: L cheater [8217] terptastin: VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo [8218] qwvzr: HE LOSES [8218] 0Liquidate0: L Xim [8218] bardown16__: RICCI WINSSS [8218] sped_baltimore_nga: ofc u know [8218] Neconexer: when is fan mail [8218] pelicanpie: jynxziBALD [8218] sonotreal: chill out [8218] jatdoo1998: DQq [8218] Winter_Runner: holy sjit [8218] Friiissk: L ximm [8218] blaizewright012: W mouse trap [8218] busty445: Whip it out [8218] danny__s03: L ducker [8218] ryry20114901: PREDICTIONNNNN [8219] zzefy: ducking [8219] Patchnae1: l zimmmmm [8219] domthedoge07: EL DUCKERRR [8219] yummywetpaper: let the king fix his shit [8219] dvowill: DEQUED [8219] ethan_rf: bro 😂 [8219] piatinum18: give me my points [8219] Imshiestyyy: Imshiestyyy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months! [8220] Johnny_Rebel1865: LLLLLLLLL [8220] tonytheliger04: lmao [8220] that_cracker_ot: L [8220] asapdanny12: u said the n word ? [8220] amaliyaparkss: part timmer [8220] joshbigdoinks: Chester [8220] bardown16__: RICCIIII WINS [8220] domkozak45: jynxziBuena jynxziBuena jynxziBuena jynxziBuena jynxziBuena [8220] hella_nicez: PAYOUT [8220] coffeedog993: LL [8220] qwvzr: THATS HIS PROBLEM [8220] jatdoo1998: DQQ [8220] BlitzEatsHam: PAYYY MEEE UPPPPP [8220] drmonkeeman10: WWW RICCI [8220] papasmiley15: !charm [8221] meat_wagon1: Jynxzi you sold every one of my channel points against shaiko [8221] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [8221] ruoofy: CASH OUT [8221] cam_gill20: L xim [8221] Patchnae1: wait [8221] PotatoMajor: acting like he dont know [8221] longjohnssilver: @hivise please inform Jynxzi that Riccis dad is in fact in the stream [8221] Grom9696: mouse trap is shitter [8221] jackthesnack97: MOD XIM’S DAD [8221] maddladd22: deserved [8221] Snorlol: M DUCKKSS [8222] Gemini_420: Richy is such a beta bitch [8222] drauzee: Should cost a round [8222] d_r_a_g_m_a: L DUCK [8222] coffeedog993: LLL [8222] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [8222] tearipper: L [8222] zxxgamergirl420xxz: u would know [8222] vykarian: L CHEATERR [8222] Jrboi07: helping cheats [8222] dillon_sumner6: Dodging [8223] SuperNintendoMike: DQ [8223] hella_nicez: PAYOUTT [8223] coffeedog993: LLLL [8223] terptastin: FortLlama FortLlama FortLlama FortLlama FortLlama FortLlama [8223] blanco1800: cheating [8223] sodacow10: LLLLL [8223] bardown16__: RICCICIII WINS! [8223] gushymac_1234: when dies the strem start [8223] domthedoge07: LOLL WHOOMPPP WHOOOOOMP [8223] Snorlol: L DUCKSSS [8224] rize_vanish: dq [8224] Patchnae1: dq [8224] LouCappin: @Jynxzi MAKE SURE NO ONE SCREAMS [8224] Starchild_Here: 😂😂😂 [8224] cam_gill20: he’s lost [8224] qmanmacho498: jynxziVapeBreak [8224] spon6e: poll IT [8224] drauzee: 1 round [8224] GiddyB: DQ [8224] BlitzEatsHam: PAYYY MEEE [8224] meat_wagon1: DQ [8224] drmonkeeman10: DQ HIM [8224] rijinmanz1: RAGE QUIT RAGE QUIT RAGE QUIT RAGE QUIT RAGE QUIT RAGE QUIT RAGE QUIT RAGE QUIT RAGE QUIT RAGE QUIT RAGE QUIT RAGE QUIT [8224] qwvzr: THATS HIM PROBLEM [8225] coffeedog993: LLLLLL [8225] ralnb0w6: GIVE ME MY POINTS [8225] besnik_alioski: DQ [8225] al_sah_him00: FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK [8225] KinGKicKz: DQ [8225] c0nn0r_12345: ricci wins by default [8225] cam_gill20: paid [8225] domthedoge07: DQ [8225] Jrboi07: dq [8225] Nightbot: 👀 [8225] hella_nicez: PAYOUUTTTT [8225] kurt7373: Cheer1 [8225] chQUICK: LLL JUNKO [8225] Mackslol: yo u want half my pubsub? @Jynxzi [8225] bardown16__: DQDQDQ [8226] fls_mistt: xim pussyfoot [8226] SirLiquidBacon: W XIM W XIM W XIM W XIM W XIM W XIM W XIM W XIM W XIM W XIM W XIM W XIM [8226] shazruh: W MOUSE TRAP [8226] minimummarc_: JUST RESET [8227] chumpilumpi123: stfu Ricci [8227] Grom9696: gg [8227] 813jules: ts dead [8227] coffeedog993: LLLLLLLLLLL [8227] drmonkeeman10: DQ [8227] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [8227] bardown16__: DQ DQ DQ [8227] cam_gill20: payout [8227] randomgorl22: what [8227] maddladd22: deserveddddd [8227] hella_nicez: PAYOUUTTAAA [8227] henny_2121: L CHEATER [8227] the_dillmaster: dq [8227] sodacow10: HE SHOULD LOSE [8227] badcompanyworm: DQ [8228] Friiissk: DQ [8228] youmesmooch: dw [8228] tonytheliger04: wwwww [8228] sewymcsewy: DUCKING [8228] bowenisagod: win [8228] BlitzEatsHam: GIVE MEEE [8228] hellovvbnn: DQ [8228] knektion: needs to stop screaming [8228] Dracos_10: L [8228] domthedoge07: DQQQQQ [8228] snoopynelon: SHUT UP [8228] opponentsfn: NO [8228] SirLiquidBacon: W XIM W XIM W XIM W XIM W XIM W XIM W XIM W XIM W XIM W XIM [8228] thepatriot1789: default win [8228] burke468: BOO HOO DQ [8229] KrazyPolishBoy: dq [8229] littledude_04: Trevor is pussy [8229] rize_vanish: he’s cheating [8229] bobdude124: default win [8229] SoStfuu: k [8229] spongecake32: run prediction junko [8229] marquise026: But do it clap [8229] amaliyaparkss: part timer [8229] Nightbot: k [8230] alek1244: DQDQDQDQ DQ [8230] fkr_22: boooo [8230] lukemahomie: wwwwwwwwwwwwww [8230] mfyiuabatch: bro cheating and you’re helping him cheat is crazy [8230] BIGMAN1NCHARGE: DQ [8230] sodacow10: DQ [8230] unban_medicinebeef: gimme my points hidaddy [8230] ryry20114901: BROOOOOO [8230] tytyattack: L XIM [8230] lurpakspread: WHERES PRED [8230] chase_moretti: dq [8230] qwvzr: THATS HIS PROBLEM THATS HIS PROBLEM [8230] juollie2: PREDICITION POLLL [8230] melanpath: DQ DQ DQ [8234] GabeRockz: @waterrnelons payout [8234] yurrkyy: HAVE YOU EVER FARTED IN YOUR HAND AN SMELLED IT? [8234] kz139911: Where's my points? [8234] CerebralSoldier: Ricci pretending he doesn't know what mousetrap is???? Could you be more of a liar brother [8234] g_zcb: poll [8234] rxphhh: LMAOOOOO [8234] youmesmooch: dq [8234] zenozloI: PAYOUTTTTTTTTTT [8234] KeatonWasTaken: HE SHOULD PICK UP A CONTROLLER [8234] mrbeast8664: HE WASENT [8234] qwvzr: THATS HIS PROBLEM [8234] Nightbot: @gc_llinz -> I'm only trying to help. [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [8234] mekhi1224: payout [8234] meat_wagon1: W mousetrap [8234] mattya223: DQ [8235] Gucci_kid54: is ricci dumb??? [8235] burke468: BOO HOO DQ DQ [8235] uhsuppies: LMFAO [8235] Friiissk: dq [8235] cristi1an_: MOUSETRAPP CAUSE HE USES MOUSE BITCH [8236] Sabshurez77: DQ [8236] Friiissk: DQ [8236] rkazmz: EZ WIN [8236] banterrrking: dq [8236] DrizzleBeam: DrizzleBeam gifted a Tier 1 sub to mcki122! This is their first Gift Sub in the channel! [8236] Orange_Major_: payup [8236] SCPeeta: USE THE MATCHES [8236] spiderboiiiiiiiii: L smoker [8236] tosterino_tv: CHEATER [8236] tss_rush: what happen [8236] drmonkeeman10: DQ HIM [8236] robmoney32: dumb ah jit [8238] grrrrlock: nope dumbass [8238] TriggeredOverPixels: L smoking on stream [8238] cxmbooo_: PAYOUT RICCI WON [8238] nate_babin: DO NOT DQ [8238] Astro_BMC: W MOUSETRAP [8238] BlitzEatsHam: PAYYY ITTTT [8238] clock0030: payout [8238] westyy24: L [8238] ViniDesajusty: L SMOKER [8239] mikloit: junko how much money is on the line [8239] drmonkeeman10: DQ [8239] ryry20114901: RUN PREDICTION [8239] glitchflated: that’s how it’s supposed to work [8239] UnnaturaIl: jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL [8239] jackman1374: 😭😔 [8239] pdiddy082435: i need those channel points pls win [8239] jagerblackiceqo: w [8239] caleb0366: bro [8239] 123_door_giveawayy: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [8239] caseohs_8thchinroll: GET HIM OUTTA HERE [8239] ralphmcgill: PAYOUTTTT [8242] ender_antho: L xim [8242] g0atsplash: SPEED CLONE [8242] dwallace07: dq [8242] DR_x_JANE: no mouse trap on chronus [8242] Pdiddillydawg: payout [8242] braydenplayz2: Wwww [8242] qu33fqueennutfart: L SMOKER [8242] ttv_lxl: L INFLUENCE [8242] mmmmm2022: NOT DQ [8242] milptilp: l smoker [8242] WylieGK: Let’s goooo [8243] spazkillxdv2: Get ridddd [8243] 4ksilky: just give me my moneyyy [8243] xilatii: dq [8243] jointedvoyage: W mousetrap [8243] math67ga: L cape [8243] xxs1lentk1dxx: payout [8243] ariking6969: bro [8243] 813jules: DQ cheating is cheating f that lol [8243] blade121234: what just happends [8243] grandseaker: L SMOKER [8243] iD1SC: actually fuck with Ricci [8243] Gemini_420: W xim [8243] wheresbaldo614: BIG OLE DOINKS [8243] tonytheliger04: w smoke [8243] rkazmz: W WIN [8244] GiddyB: HE CHEATING ANYWAS [8244] littledude_04: Trevor’s needs to play r6 [8244] farater: L vaper [8244] jscamm: L SMOKER [8244] Jacob8735: LACED [8244] alek1244: DQDQDQDQDQ [8244] mesheep_123: DQ [8244] nbalocoo: CLIX WARMING UP [8244] khemui: LAYY OUTT [8244] Encryptoh: w [8244] jasonga11egos: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [8244] jokgutx: XIM L [8244] saucin2hard: Dq [8244] offensive3838: h [8244] darktrooper170: darktrooper170 subscribed with Prime. [8245] mvvark: L SMOKER [8245] vvhessi: you get mousetrapped if you cheat [8245] lurpakspread: WHERES PREDICTION S [8245] kelpiums: PAYOUT [8245] Nightbot: h [8245] olivememe: LLLLLL [8245] mybrainisnotbraining12: mybrainisnotbraining12 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! wsg jynxzi [8245] AJK1906: AJK1906 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [8246] danktank3231: smokin a fat dart [8246] Fawful77: L SMOKER [8246] BiG_WuRM_: delete this message or you like 9' in the mouth hole [8246] KrisTheMedic: L SMOKER [8246] pmw11: everyone knows he’s xim who cares [8246] 123_door_giveawayy: LesbianPride [8246] earl_17: DQ [8246] OD_Reborn: PAYOUTT [8246] mattya223: PAYYYY [8246] papasmiley15: !link [8246] chiefd247: PAYYYYYY UPPPPPP [8246] Nightbot: @papasmiley15 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [8246] xammbi: why im seeing keemstar tryna talk shit on twitter [8246] Gemini_420: he’s going to win [8247] ariking6969: rrrrr [8247] e_scheff: w [8247] a13xis2oo5: LL [8247] Dracos_10: payout [8247] AimLinc: W JYNZXI [8247] glitchflated: that’s what mouse trap is for [8247] rgxp2: YOU GOTTA CUT IT [8247] terptastin: PokSceptile PokSceptile PokSceptile PokSceptile [8247] tozmicx: pollpoll [8247] sandii___: sandii___ subscribed with Prime. [8247] Jdawgg1220: ricci is a dumbass LUL [8247] bardown16__: LACED CIGARS YOURE DEAD [8247] R6_Butter: LACED [8247] aIexpereira: DQ [8247] jjmont227: L smoker [8248] juicy_j_l_o_v_e_r: mouse trap doesn’t apply to CRONUS [8248] dwallace07: qxq [8248] ariking6969: rrr [8248] a13xis2oo5: LLLL [8248] spacely308: PREDICTION [8248] wetblubber: L SMOKER [8248] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [8250] wetblubber: L SMOKER [8250] Rastamonkeybread10: payout [8250] lurpakspread: PAYOUTTT [8250] Arin7XS: L PART TIMER [8250] 15Coffins: PLEASE CLIP THE CIGAR!!!! [8250] lukemahomie: wwwwwwww [8250] Swiftbumbum: Can you explain chronus [8250] Gucci_kid54: Pffttt [8250] bennethb: L smoker [8250] keynin24: get a controller PussC [8250] a13xis2oo5: LLLLLL [8250] razoo020: LLLLLL [8250] itBLICKYY: DQ DQ DQ L CHEATER [8250] HiVise: ? [8250] jahmal_021: oh hell no wtf [8251] vdash2me: RICCI TAKES ROUND 1 [8251] rkazmz: L VAPER [8251] UnnaturaIl: jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT [8251] Nightbot: ? [8251] I2aacmo: smoking cat urine [8251] Shock_Srrr: fat ass [8251] nbalocoo: CLIX IS WARMING UP [8251] skktlz5k: L xim [8251] packedbynez: laced [8251] lisynics: L smoker [8251] ayayayayayay__: L Cigar ☠️☠️☠️☠️ [8251] catgrubss: WW GIFTER [8251] Nightbot: F in the chat [8251] Gucci_kid54: Pffttt [8251] razoo020: LLLLLLL [8252] swingliebe: it’s lace [8252] sodacow10: WHAT A LOSERRRRR [8252] ttv_AtMeKiD: HE CHEATS [8252] spacely308: predictionnnnn omggggg [8253] qwvzr: THATS HIS PRIBLEM FOR CHESTING [8253] Apollo75639: W MODS NOT PAYING OUT W MODS NOT PAYING OUT W MODS NOT PAYING OUT W MODS NOT PAYING OUT W MODS NOT PAYING OUT [8253] jonsmith716: XIMS PUSSY [8253] HiVise: WTF [8253] busty445: Whip it out [8253] Gemini_420: fuck Richi [8253] pvddy_: Womp womp [8253] KrisTheMedic: L VAPER [8253] lubii_i: laced [8253] iamover9k: L smoker [8253] prxliving1: L [8253] natedawg67890: STOP SMOKING [8253] tristen9303: Cigar [8253] t3zvx: SUU [8253] Gucci_kid54: Pffttt [8254] sandy_sir: LMFAO💀💀💀 [8254] bardown16__: LACED CIGARS YOURE DEAD . [8254] xatzhsss__: L addict [8254] rustycane: wtf [8254] pktwerp: WE NEED JUNKO SHISTY [8254] gushymac_1234: when does the stream start [8254] onepersona65: L smokerrrrrr [8254] joshpisag: ricci 😂😂 [8254] causevseffect: W smoker [8254] jokergoneinsan: Use your bp tokens [8254] warthog111: L SMOKER [8254] olivememe: L [8254] the_great_buzzcut: Smash [8254] stonkerwaltz: camera too ugly [8254] nastyshots35: stream lagging [8255] AggroFluffy: They're laced [8255] saucin2hard: Dq jynxziClown [8255] razoo020: LLLLLL [8255] mypronounsarehe: No smoking [8255] cjairgoatnes: he finna plug in cronus [8255] Aerah99: Aerah99 subscribed with Prime. [8255] e_scheff: e_scheff subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 5 month streak! w [8256] coltonccc11: GIMME MY POINTS [8256] ariking6969: llll [8256] Salute2Swords: Andrew Late [8256] gunna329: EWWWWWWWWWWWW [8256] StormyPetrel70: ew [8256] that_cracker_ot: dq [8256] Slasherus: FENT CIGAR [8256] KeatonWasTaken: DQDQDQDQDQDQ [8256] Sgnikaifa: ew [8256] mclovein3412693: l smoker [8256] Inactivespooner: Laced [8256] ru1243: L smoker [8256] gerryfitz7: fat [8256] barneysmarty: L smoker [8256] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀 [8257] wetblubber: L SMOKER [8257] heyzaxx: L SMOKER [8257] luca_is_goat: womp womp [8257] iLEGENDq: when fanmail? [8257] a13xis2oo5: L [8257] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [8257] ralphmcgill: OPEN PACKS [8257] Garfilet: WTF???? [8257] thefenixblaze: PAYUP [8257] georgek1908: L smoker [8257] derarrthur: L [8257] joshpisag: HE CHEATS [8257] nbalocoo: cliss be warming up [8257] sinkwithevan: he won [8257] Ivoliq: L smoker [8258] txtwake: your getting smoked [8258] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀 [8258] TRUNKOWUNKO: boohoo dq [8258] CerebralSoldier: Ricci pretending to not know what mousetrap is? He plays with cheaters and cheats himself.. idiot [8258] Cookiejesus: W [8258] hoopswitchriscases1sniper: L SMOKER [8258] PapiThooi: www [8258] ignhallawia_: L [8258] redraider_2: LLLLLLLL [8258] jynxieshusband: When is stream [8258] Nightbot: 👀 [8258] Fossabot: @boopyshmurda, Your message is too long [8258] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: promoting smoking wow [8258] simplylonzo: simplylonzo is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 2 in the channel! [8258] wetblubber: L SMOKER [8259] simplylonzo: simplylonzo gifted a Tier 1 sub to nexxisflamez! [8260] braeden4d: L SMOKER [8260] Garfilet: DISGUSTING [8260] papa_smurf_45: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [8260] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: promoting smoking wow [8260] Gemini_420: W XIM [8260] xwhypplike69: L [8260] GrinderMCD: get a blunt [8260] waterpipe02: blud smokes the shitties cigars [8260] tb_styx: EW [8260] akadeacon: L SMOKER [8260] sunadratsuc: DQ [8260] 6reekie9: no payout [8260] lukemahomie: wwwwww [8260] PapiThooi: w smoker [8260] Warptwister: DQ [8262] BoolinOnMars01: LACED LACED 100% LACED [8262] pobbywobby: L smoker [8262] im_soy_happy: dont let your parents see that jynxzi [8262] pktwerp: JUNKO [8263] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: promoting smoking wow [8263] vanilla_killa00: Vannila_Killa subscribed with Prime. [8263] UmutESG: CAP [8263] Slasherus: FENT [8263] mypronounsarehe: Stop [8263] FifthOwl99: FIENDISH ASS TEAM [8263] wiztaylor77: open the window idiot [8263] Salute2Swords: Andrew Fat e [8263] Nightbot: no 🧢 [8263] controllerbender: I got mousetrapped on ps5 controller [8263] thecrispiestcrispy: L smoker [8263] thegooddoc55: L Smoker [8263] wetblubber: L INFLUENCE [8263] copeharder420: FROM SMOKIN WITH SKETCH SO MUCH [8263] bardown16__: YOU LOST TO HIM [8264] PapiThooi: www smokerrr [8264] ariking6969: LL [8264] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [8264] ynw_tacoman: L smoker [8264] Mads_049: open the window [8264] mikec750: L SMOKER [8264] papa_smurf_45: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [8264] dsgetdegrees: ACID TRIP COMING IN 3...2...1 [8264] ccopog: L smoker [8264] 31staccount98: did you cut your cigar? [8264] alek1244: ew [8264] yourboy6677: L vaper [8264] ybbetterq: dq [8264] xatzhsss__: money got to him [8264] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: promoting smoking wow [8265] kokodella: cheater [8265] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: promoting smoking wow [8266] scottyslife: L LUNGS [8266] HaMaH1001: L SMOKER [8266] Ivoliq: jynxziSmoke [8266] nbalocoo: CLIX IS WARMING UP [8266] chiefd247: PAYYYY UPPPPP [8266] cjairgoatnes: ricci is going to plug in cronus [8266] hotcoco123456: #fat [8266] schoolboy_xciv: L smoker [8266] banana_canada_v2: when is fan mail [8266] myst_fugii: fent [8266] edge_vlz: Junko [8266] papa_smurf_45: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [8266] alek1244: ew ew [8266] xxskittlessxx: cut it idiot [8266] iamokayatsiege: L VAPER [8267] lrbmustgol: w smoker [8267] ralphmcgill: PACKS [8267] Parreeeee: L SMOKER [8267] cheebah710: cohhChatting cohhChatting cohhChatting [8267] flcres_: Womp womp [8267] RyneAllen5: W lace [8267] DetectiveSc00by: L [8267] 5amclips: xim better [8267] MrChetoDog: FAKE CHAT READER [8267] Stockd1: Ricci knows Tony soprano [8267] ccopog: L role model [8267] Goopking: SAME TWIN [8267] Ivoliq: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke [8267] 730H: LL [8267] giantwhiteginger: your the twitch godfather [8268] kottonking762: Open thewindo [8268] AggroFluffy: Jynxzi they're laced [8268] papa_smurf_45: jynxziVapeBreak [8268] ariking6969: L [8268] terptastin: PokSceptile [8268] wetblubber: L INFLUENCE [8270] wetblubber: L INFLUENCE [8270] ybbetterq: boohoo [8270] its_kev_official: its_kev_official subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! HEY JYNXZI. WHEN YOU DOIN TOURNEYS ON PLAYSTATION BROTHER [8270] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [8270] amplify_o7: L SMOKER [8270] redgrunky: L smoker [8270] uhVizzy: w smoking promo [8270] Gucci_kid54: jynxziRIPBOZO [8270] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: promoting smoking wow [8270] natedawg67890: Bro stop [8270] miloharkin11: jimmy savile [8270] nachoxrl: Charlie is waitingg [8270] Giffflar: L SMOKING [8270] bigzy_19: bros not tate [8270] papa_smurf_45: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [8271] icelickz: nah you hotbox that shit [8271] Sgtsackboy12: FUcking distgusting [8271] nolanburgio: L smoker [8271] Unfussythought: L vaper [8271] dumpyghost: L smoker [8271] terptastin: PokSceptile PokSceptile PokSceptile PokSceptile [8272] wetblubber: L INFLUENCE [8272] alek1244: ew ew ew [8272] camcool249: L vale [8272] chxrmehearts: L weed addict [8272] reshardstaywoke: L SMOKERRR [8272] Bondsman4life: no don’t do it [8272] Mads_049: opena window bro [8272] the_great_buzzcut: Addicted [8272] GamingMasters: L SMOKER [8272] char1sm44: refunddd [8272] jasoncovert27: L smoker [8272] lampini_nl: W Smoker [8272] onepersona65: f f ftgv gyhb njm [8272] log1calsendz: Leather roses? [8272] Accurshot: you need ventilation bro [8273] ajimagirl: L SMOKER [8273] 52stix: jynxziFAT when is the stream [8273] taorx: fieeeeens [8273] akadeacon: L SMOKERR [8273] fish4life1: L smoker [8273] txxol_: washed boy [8273] PapiThooi: www smoker [8273] trapp_iso: L lungs [8273] thatoneguysheknows: Exploding cigar would be best gift everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr LUL [8273] theboysareback6666: l smoker [8273] Sgtsackboy12: L [8273] alek1244: ew ew w [8274] lukemahomie: wwwww [8274] incognitodiabetic: thats nasty bro use a window [8274] skburnin: kanye west is watching [8274] scottyslife: CAN'T AIM WITH LUNGS LIKE THAT [8274] iwatchtwitch25: ‼️house fire waiting to happen dumbass‼️ [8275] xvibinnn: DEMOCRACYYYY [8275] terptastin: PokSceptile PokSceptile PokSceptile PokSceptile PokSceptile PokSceptile PokSceptile PokSceptile [8275] wetblubber: L INFLUENCE [8275] littledude_04: Trevor join the party [8275] sizybear: bro smokes now LLLLLLLL [8275] SCPeeta: USE THE MATCHES [8275] waltah305: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [8275] Bondsman4life: nooo [8275] saucin2hard: L chat [8275] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [8275] xatzhsss__: L [8275] ynw_tacoman: L smoker L smoker L smoker L smoke f [8275] nba_cado3: MercyWing1 GoatEmotey MercyWing2 [8275] 5_shotzz: W smoker [8276] jokergoneinsan: Day 500 use bp tokens [8276] alek1244: ew ew we [8276] cheebah710: Smokey smoke time cohhNODDERS cohhNODDERS cohhNODDERS [8276] 0scarrrrrrrrr: SPOIT AND SHAIKO VS W7M and FAZE TWINS [8276] meat_wagon1: L smoker [8276] LNKWYD: sigma [8276] nas1ok: Breathe airrr [8276] ohbeeh: cigars are so asss [8277] menolmao: L Smoker. [8277] ephex1998: just smoke it B [8277] earl_17: DQ [8277] MightyMulder: @jynxzi that’s not the cigar that smells bad. you should shower [8277] SharkMenard17: L VAPER W SMOKER [8277] uhVizzy: w smokingg promo [8277] ragingtargaryen: bro light it properly [8277] flimishere: !LINK [8277] bardown16__: LACED CIGARSSSS [8277] alek1244: ew ew ew [8277] azlyn_love22: L smoker [8277] Nightbot: @flimishere If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [8277] cbrad2104: smokin that Beckie pack [8277] nbalocoo: CLIX IS WARMING UP LOL [8277] brbsavage: W SMOKER [8278] menolmao: L Smoker [8278] wetblubber: L INFLUENCE [8278] stl21bb: White Speed [8278] rianngg: L SMOKER L SMOKER L SMOKER L SMOKER [8278] risecobra69ttv: Trevor join our party [8278] GuyFieriHomeVideo: W SMOKER [8279] terptastin: WutFace [8279] gboiiion4frames: im gonna kiss u [8279] DetectiveSc00by: Smoking is crqzy [8279] DuheN_: Whats xim twitch [8279] drmonkeeman10: DQ HIM HE WAS PLAYING CLIX JUST FINE [8279] menolmao: L SmokerL SmokerL Smoker [8279] ljlbountyhunter: PAYOUT HIVISE [8279] aurjnx: L [8279] fish4life1: l smoker [8279] sc4rf23: jynxziVapeBreak [8279] ignhallawia_: L smoker [8279] alek1244: ew ew ew ew ew ew [8279] bardown16__: LACED CIGARS YOURE DEAD LACED CIGARS YOURE DEAD [8280] holseh: Bo1? [8280] wrldrno: L BOSS [8280] RyneAllen5: W fet lace [8280] prepiecedcam: WHAATTT [8280] fivepackabs: L role model [8280] Arin7XS: L PART TIMER [8280] RLCarroll: case oh is better than u [8280] tytyattack: BO1 [8280] hlatte4: fat ass [8280] alek1244: ew ew ew [8280] erminuka: L smoker [8280] amplify_o7: NO UR NOT [8280] menolmao: L Smoker | Jynxzi | Prime Jynxzi is Back | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [8100] Come on I'm not now shouts. I'm fucking hundred percent yo fucking bag I'm gonna die with a fuck of a depth up your heart. Stand [8110] What's that? Come on motherfucker, but I'm not with you. I need to grab a water on the cigar cutter Look at him. He's like he's mouse. We can't see him. I'm the rabbit [8120] I'm not going to water, no stream in the water! Oh, see spells, this is the key! No stream in by the way when you plant. He's talking to me! And we already know you're cheating using a mouse and keying, no stream in eyes. [8130] I got you all come on come on Where should I use your hundred on them? [8140] That's the new picture of me, what can I ask for a hundred dollars? Fuck that, I don't need that shit. Fuck a hundred dollars. I like that. Why is the game not starting? Any paul timer? [8150] Where are you post? I'm ready. Where is it? I'm not feeling it. I'm ready. This is for close later. Look at the gang. This is Bichass. [8160] I'm post-timer on post-timer on post-timer on post-timer on post-timer. Alright, last thing I want to say, because there is money on the [8170] the line actors stream sniping will result in a dq right right we know you know you know it's gonna be on bro it's gonna be on [8180] fucking dumb ass it's always on. How have these guys been? When do I get off one pizza on ya? He's like letting you lock in that no one can see. Wait, I'm not a part of it. I'm not a part of it, bro. See you out of the nose, sir. Hey, we're still playing it. [8190] You leave you a decude. Jinksy! Jinksy, I'm out of your mouth, man! You blind, though! How did you fix it? Jinksy, I'm out of my mind! How did you fix it? Can we play in like 10 minutes? Later, can we play later? Wait, how? [8200] Look at him, he's coming from the counter! He's coming from the counter! Yes, he's coming from the counter! Yeah, but he's coming from the counter! Don't play on that account! Okay, okay, here we are back, here we are back, hold on, gotta make a big call! [8210] already talking me bro already talking me bro if he's mouth ass good like seven oh am I'm gonna be honest because like that shit is horrible what is even is that what is that if someone's mouth strap they're like shit just slides across while they're in [8220] Oh yeah not. DQ, people where? Chap, but Zim's just gonna get 7-0. Hey if I was clonus I would be much shocked right? So... [8230] I don't think that's how that works, but all right. Oh, OK. Dude, I can't believe this is going to be so much fun. It's what a lad. [8240] What a fucking lad. I'm gonna get it. One second! Booze! Who on the map do you wanna play, Dinksie? Do you open a window? No, I smoke in my bedroom! No, I smoke in my bedroom! [8250] my bedroom it literally weeks in here it's horrible in here could not smell the news what do you mean what map do I want to play Ricky you know you got to beat them to blame you [8260] I'm like the final boss. I have like a working adrenaline. I'm saying that five bands after I So that was so undeserving after I After I whoops in what map you want to play me on and you want to [8270] Played B-O-3, what do you want to do, bro? B-O-1, B-O-1 on Oregon. And I'm gonna put a house on it. B-O-1 on Oregon and I'm gonna put a house on it. 20,000 times better than you. 20,000 times smarter than you. 20,000 times better than you. | There is no Highlight in the provided timespan. Jynxzi talks to his colleagues and they want to start gaming. |
Jynxzi | Prime Jynxzi is Back | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [9180] Nightbot: 😂 [9180] itvolts: go raid caseoh [9180] fwsorxn: TYPE SHI [9180] IGoByOzzy: BRO CANT GHOST [9180] hellousernameman: JYNXZI WHEN ARE U DOING CLIX AND RON? [9180] xtyballer2017: he’s a pussy [9180] jesnava0519: mod me [9180] adiqx___: microsoft better [9180] passdatbeezy: Cp [9180] Junkoclonefr: XIM BANNNED [9180] zirnick: Aiden vs ricci would be crazy come on now [9180] RL_Revrb: PRE PRE END [9180] 303anthony: ricci is cooked [9181] Nightbot: 👀 [9181] delluntoo: W DUSTY [9182] b312noblesixx: POLLLL ITTTT [9182] mytwitchtowatchstreams: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [9182] tiktokhaychrowz: cheese pie [9182] eiiw3367: 50 50 [9182] rjoroke12: mingo? [9182] mulenial: !gamble all [9182] Riasisxd: PS OWNS YOU [9182] antiizenii: smoking that xbox [9182] mag_451batman: jynxziHappy jynxziHappy jynxziHappy jynxziHappy [9182] luffysolossuckituploser: bro is not the best ps player 💀 [9182] urboylucky21: I put a 100 k towards u [9182] stthss: 7-0 [9182] 1Ghostslayer: what happen when you 1v1 aiden ? [9183] StreamElements: mulenial went all in and lost every single one of their 580 points LUL [9183] thelifeofpjh: FRANKLIN BETTER L [9183] tomatoontheside: SCRIPTED [9183] dembeatss: A craftsman doesn’t blame his tools [9183] ttv_logic_ttv: pre en [9183] ttonii4: sshhhheeeeeeewwwww [9183] Gam3rsGuid3Toth3Galaxy: LUL LUL LUL [9183] anthonyfn200: !watchtime [9183] zxourii: WWWWWWWWWWWWW [9183] Exstramanator: !gamblebetall [9183] trapify_twitch: I'm almost finished [9183] huckleberrytt: not to our best player [9183] phantom11762: W NICHOLOS [9183] jackp00py: L Vaper [9183] StreamElements: anthonyfn200 has spent 15 days 20 hours watching jynxzi [9184] chekoutmyinhaler: FAKE TITLE [9184] stekxiohsosexy: !gamble 200 [9184] sobek_socko: ricci too funny [9184] arbz3005: Bro doesnt even inhale [9184] ourluciferrrr: this looken bad for me [9184] coffeedean: L part timer [9184] maalxb: wwwwwwwwww [9184] WHHHHHHH00: START [9184] drakelover33: jynxziTONGUE [9184] passdatbeezy: cap [9184] fastirim1: WWWWWW [9184] StreamElements: @stekxiohsosexy, you only have 15 points. [9184] royal_prodigy15: !bet [9184] tsmquiqui: POLL DUMMY [9184] StreamElements: @royal_prodigy15, there is no contest currently running. [9185] harrisonfraudjr: I'm waaallllkkkkkiiiinnnnn eeeeeerrrrreeeeeee [9185] sherg__: what happened to xim @chat [9185] dicci_ofc: !LINK [9185] Nightbot: @dicci_ofc If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [9186] orseradical: start it [9186] wgen9: Ricci gonna win☝️ [9186] chefferiespc: ROLLIN N CONTROLLIN [9186] tridentsurvivalgod: Jk jinxi not him [9186] bbqoill: 4-0 on ps [9186] RL_Revrb: PRE END [9186] chaaar56: L LUNGS [9186] bigmanwillow: what happened to xim [9186] Godly__Plays: what happened to xim? [9186] drunkos2incher: AYO AYO AYO AYO AYO [9186] Chikfry: no I am [9186] ktuck_81: wwwwww [9186] bigdaddybrycen: !LINK [9186] gibby_400: eat him chunko [9187] m_indisbih: START THE GAME [9187] sebaplaytz: !allin [9187] Infamousjay81: pack opening [9187] liezahub: !roulette 30 [9187] professional_toilet: HURRY UP [9187] lucifergolive: just used all my points on you JYNX I better win [9187] caddymanop: jynxziCharizard [9187] cccolmmm: xim got mousetrapped 😆 [9187] bspazzin7: green fn [9187] CozyQue2x: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK L VAPER jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [9187] StreamElements: @liezahub, you only have 15 points. [9187] BustoNY: WHATCHU KNOW BOUT DIS [9187] kp_the_god: what controller freaks are you using [9187] magniv_69: !gamble all in [9187] croripper7: poll it [9188] sprintrapvr1: did he [9188] fkAzuriTe: pre end [9188] kadynhurley13: jynxziSubHype jynxziHappy jynxziHappy jynxziHappy [9188] mrgr33njean: PS > XBOX [9188] StreamElements: PogChamp magniv_69 went all in and won 35 points PogChamp they now have 70 points FeelsGoodMan [9188] ninjajedii: L smoker [9188] therealmrnova: Cheer1 [9189] ktuck_81: ww [9189] youvegotpepperonititz: Fan mail when [9189] soap_dispenser__: iokhu [9189] zxourii: YESSSIRRR [9189] sirseanothan: IVE BEEN WAITING HERE FOR 32 MINUTES AND THEY STILL HAVENT STARTED [9189] og_prodigy__: !points [9189] zezyyyyyy1: I GOT 2 BANDS ON YOUR BRO! [9189] willybumboy1234: matsamitssu better [9189] hama_mask77: jynxziFAT_SQ jynxziFAT_SQ jynxziFAT_SQ jynxziFAT_SQ jynxziFAT_SQ jynxziFAT_SQ jynxziFAT_SQ jynxziFAT_SQ jynxziFAT_SQ jynxziFAT_SQ jynxziFAT_SQ jynxziFAT_SQ jynxziFAT_SQ jynxziBALD_SG [9189] StreamElements: @og_prodigy__ og_prodigy__ has 0 points and is rank 1704139/1704633 on the leaderboard. [9189] sebaplaytz: !gamble all [9189] TTVShadow310: 😁 [9189] damedollabop: Ricci owns you [9190] maalxb: wusty [9190] StreamElements: sebaplaytz went all in and lost every single one of their 1435 points LUL [9190] thecheese111: !gamble all [9190] YTubeBlur: Mingo owns him [9190] cooperwass: smoking is crazzzzzzzy bro [9190] kadynhurley13: jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ [9190] gwiz127: L smoker [9190] ktuck_81: wwww [9190] carteradamzz: W JUNKO SMOKING [9190] sauceric: take a shot [9190] soap_dispenser__: iolho [9190] iowahawtguys: POLL [9190] awesomeplink: YOU GOT THIS [9191] shyoe_tiktok: hiiiiii [9191] stoppop123457: I know a 2.0 kd champ that would role either of you [9191] zepyyi: W dusty [9191] lukeyboydude: suck my toes [9191] deadlysaturn: Xbox vs Playstation [9191] oExstrinsic: WWWWWWWW [9191] IGoByOzzy: GHOSTT JYNXI [9191] mightytim270707: l vapist [9191] BrolySSJx: PS BETTER [9191] Chikfry: I wm [9191] zaydey_7622: bro is not hard [9191] ktuck_81: wwwwwww [9191] ffndior: poll it [9191] snowman69: 100K ON YOU JUNKO DONT FAIL ME [9191] hexx4058: what flavor is the cigar [9193] seanv5: dusty mentioned!?!? [9193] bradlad6677: WHY XIM BAN [9193] Neconexer: !discord [9193] tsmquiqui: L PROMO [9193] Nightbot: https://discord.gg/jynxzi [9193] oExstrinsic: WWWW [9193] D1n0EZ: hey junko [9193] JavierSC_: L BULLY [9193] drunkos2incher: YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [9193] justdemonata: DUSTY!!!!!! [9193] ktuck_81: wwwwwwww [9193] paynefulpower: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [9193] bardown16__: LMAOOO [9193] mr_veanle: !watchtime [9193] kadynhurley13: jynxziGG jynxziGG jynxziGG [9194] adiqx___: L polar express kid [9194] StreamElements: mr_veanle has spent 2 days 19 hours watching jynxzi [9194] reynolds2021: what happened to zim [9194] Astro2Cool: LUL [9194] caddymanop: jynxziSuprised jynxziCharizard jynxziBALD [9194] Chikfry: I am [9194] fortunatryhard: WWWWW [9194] ktuck_81: wwwwwwwwww [9196] legenddz98: when is clips [9196] AboveWild: BABY [9196] Bassguy777: LUL [9196] lukeyboydude: suck my tows [9196] sav_journey13: 💀 [9196] kadynhurley13: jynxzi0x jynxzi0x [9196] JavierSC_: YAP YAP YAP [9196] bigheadedyeti: !points [9196] zxourii: LMAOAOAOAOAOOA [9196] TooSpici: stop smoking my grandma died cuz of it [9196] bardown16__: W W W W W W [9196] hanfede: !gamble all [9196] figatoni202: man sound like mr.ballon hands [9197] ktuck_81: wwwwwwwwwwwww [9197] bozer67: l [9197] StreamElements: hanfede went all in and lost every single one of their 35 points LUL [9197] fortunatryhard: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [9197] PhilMeUp22: W PLAYSTATION [9197] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [9197] jordan101022: LMFAOO [9197] Frekayn: Frekayn subscribed with Prime. [9197] d2ans: PUUUUUUUSSSUAUUAA BOOOOOOI [9197] cooperwass: L smoker [9197] arabjoke: @Jynxzi SHIESTY [9197] Imdaxss: !sub [9197] 999twin: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [9197] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [9197] kadynhurley13: jynxzi0x jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziPACK [9198] Donny956: #ad [9198] Lumera_Music: ICANT ICANT ICANT ICANT [9198] benjiionps: 💀 [9198] cxmbooo_: www [9198] ktuck_81: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [9198] h0ppet: XIM GOT BANNED [9198] darren_gimp: jynxzi really the Connor McGregor of siege [9198] bradlad6677: WHY XIM BANNED [9198] tripssalty11: lmao [9198] BuffalOJ32: WWWW [9198] frwrinkle: WWWWWW [9198] chillgosling: shiesty on [9198] jscamm: HypeCheer HypeLurk HypePopcorn HypeAwww [9199] xeral_95: setting up a new twitch so he can stream snipe [9199] ttv_logic_ttv: pre end [9199] kadynhurley13: jynxziPACK [9199] slvqo: FAKE SMOKING FOR CLOUT FAKE SMOKING FOR CLOUT FAKE SMOKING FOR CLOUT FAKE SMOKING FOR CLOUT FAKE SMOKING FOR CLOUT FAKE SMOKING FOR CLOUT [9199] zdeeko: 2 hours of him just staring at the screen just for him to pre end [9199] drmonkeeman10: L AD [9199] PCGI014: PCGI014 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! CHOP CHOP 2 and a half hour mark [9199] homebread4806: !poll [9199] ktuck_81: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [9199] syphon_ac007: Lol [9199] imsogoodathis: you not from the floss [9199] Gam3rsGuid3Toth3Galaxy: LUL DO IT [9199] c4sh_jos: LMAO [9200] bigslappy12: bet him he gotta drop out the tournament if he loses worse than 3 rounds [9200] OOOMilkiez: Mr moral by kendrick [9200] mytwitchtowatchstreams: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [9200] Godly__Plays: xim? [9200] king_c12349: JYNXZI I SWEAR IF U LOSE I WILL SEND U A USED CONDOM [9200] AveWalk158: MORE LIKE OUR SON GO HEAD [9201] ovofreddy: L xim ban [9201] justdemonata: MR LOCANE!!!!!!! [9201] caddymanop: jynxziCharizard [9201] cxmbooo_: rollin [9201] oXBigxZx40Xo: !stack [9201] Nightbot: Jynxzi ST0MPN Mingo Skyte Jayy [9201] cobrrrraa: jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard [9201] akutosensei: ego is crazy right now [9201] thatmusb_jarv: L RICCI [9201] ktuck_81: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [9201] kadynhurley13: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [9201] drunkos2incher: YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [9201] Narlii: bundle@heroin [9202] wgen9: ROLLLLINNNN [9202] artistic_trix_: L PROMO L SELLOUT [9202] cxmbooo_: woo [9202] yoyotdog13: !bet [9202] arabjoke: @Jynxzi SHIESTY [9202] ktuck_81: w [9203] StreamElements: @yoyotdog13, there is no contest currently running. [9203] iamironman999: junko boutta get swept no doubt [9203] OpitmusFine: Ricci cheats [9203] JraeLive: jynxzi when’s fan mail [9203] soundcloutken: lolo [9203] Exstramanator: !commands [9203] Nightbot: @Exstramanator -> The bot commands for this channel are available at https://nightbot.tv/t/jynxzi/commands [9203] kadynhurley13: jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage [9203] StreamElements: @Exstramanator You can find a list of all Commands here https://StreamElements.com/jynxzi/commands [9203] timolinulopinguinu: just put 100k channel points in chunko boi betta win😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 [9204] Starchild_Here: 🤣🤣🤣🤣 [9204] cxmbooo_: WOO [9204] burnsl25: !gamble all [9204] ktuck_81: www [9204] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: bro payed ricci to promo it LUL [9204] StreamElements: burnsl25 went all in and lost every single one of their 2780 points LUL [9204] nabenornillo01: y’all saying part time drug addict release 75% of the US are drug addicts like cmon now [9204] ntsbosozoku: Jynxzi if you lose this shit i swear on everythang i love [9205] thereallxxr: 6 hour stream my assssssssssssssssssss [9205] basicname01324: jynxziFALL [9205] brad5555555555: !LINK [9205] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: bro payed ricci to promo it LUL [9205] Lumera_Music: EZ SSG [9205] xzamoranttx: !gambleall [9205] deadlyhydra1: fatty [9205] brewfist: fam mail [9205] ktuck_81: wwwwwwwwwww [9205] marioishimm: L ad [9205] lil_cracka01: L sellout [9205] tsmquiqui: POLL IT [9206] monkyman25: L promo [9206] magniv_69: !points [9206] cait2hungry: someone send me a gift [9206] caddymanop: jynxziCharizard jynxziBALD [9206] jimmy223223: SPEED CLONE [9206] StreamElements: @magniv_69 magniv_69 has 70 points and is rank 1616683/1704633 on the leaderboard. [9206] jordxyy: jordxyy subscribed at Tier 1. [9206] demondamen: sucks Xbox is actually losing in sales w barely any originals and most are becoming playable on ps [9206] junglejacks8: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 [9206] big_mama1235: i just bought the nun so bundle [9206] JynxziLLV69: I bet all my channel points on you jinx [9206] xNoRecoil: W SSG [9206] kadynhurley13: jynxziSad jynxziSad jynxziSad [9206] dexxbz: went from a 10/10 stream to a 5/10 after xim got banned [9206] carbar14: L promo [9207] ktuck_81: wwwww [9207] 1ntensely: we good [9207] octane214: it’s mid [9207] YoungFatherSlum: I already bought it g [9207] marioishimm: :ad [9208] cxmbooo_: ROLLING [9208] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: bro payed ricci to promo it LUL [9208] xpuz123: L promo [9208] iiam_kyl3: run predictions [9208] KlaXySK: L [9208] seem_z: L druggie [9208] hellousernameman: JYNXZI WHEN ARE U DOING CLIX AND RON [9208] defoamer: RICCI FINNA OWN YOU CHUNKO [9208] bspazzin7: fire [9208] Fossabot: @william_uth, Your message is too long [9209] blizzlive1: GET AIDEN [9209] justdemonata: W DUSTY!!!!!!!! [9209] devi1_05: we goo [9209] eliaz3591: W Promo [9209] ttvOldGregg: jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard [9209] rexyiu: L promo [9209] sterlingarcher321: king Ricci Comin hope ur locked [9209] cxmbooo_: QWWW [9209] witnessja: w promo [9209] Iuciv: wheres xim? [9209] arabjoke: @Jynxzi SHIESTY [9209] Sgnikaifa: <3 [9209] marioishimm: l ad [9210] imsogoodathis: WOO K [9210] kadynhurley13: jynxziSad jynxziSad [9210] obsmacey: strange fruit by bigxthaplug [9210] punjabi_predator22: wwww [9210] cringygamerpro: L promo [9210] shidodesu: are you 2v1 against clix and stableronaldo [9210] bardown16__: IM ROLLIN [9210] Ykm_Tommy: GREEN FNN [9210] pickaxxe11: Dusty goes stupid [9210] coquii123: that ain’t you dawg look nothing like you [9210] AveWalk158: GO HEAD YA KID JUST GAVE YOU PRAISE [9210] TooSpici: stop smoking my grandma died cuz of it- [9210] cxmbooo_: WWWWW [9210] blzckhy: w [9211] draxlmao: !prime [9211] tyroneon240: already copped it [9211] tsmquiqui: L PROMO [9211] Nightbot: Subscribe to @Jynxzi for FREE with Twitch Prime Twitch.tv/subs/jynxzi [9211] yoinkszzzzzzzzz: Jynxzi winning [9211] Gemini_420: L sell out [9211] jordan101022: L promo [9211] kadynhurley13: jynxziSad jynxziSad jynxziSad [9211] lildingleberryy: WASHEDDDDDD [9211] marioishimm: llad [9212] cameron9942: I got my boy junk [9212] fezzaaa420: Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited [9212] lazyfink: What the hell happened to xim???? [9212] ledpredatorx: BREAK YO SHIT [9212] borthyy: does jinxi be smacking elf bars [9212] qwvzr: WHO WON [9212] NBAjunkooo: I GOT [9213] ttvOldGregg: jynxziWTF [9213] gibbysnutsack: !gambleall [9213] maallydub: L promo [9213] saladinsbigbooty: wwwwww [9213] coquii123: L skin [9213] FI3K_: L PROMO [9213] Yuki_4743: !link [9213] bore4lyfe: clix and Ronaldo are wating [9213] obeygod489: Wwwwww [9213] sickmagician802: W [9213] Differ__: 💀🔘 [9213] seem_z: L junkie [9213] mustyybean: L promo [9213] 999twin: jynxziSmoke [9213] Billlllllllly: Wear the jacket irl [9214] averagegooner: sellout [9214] 9juice9the9kidd: L ad [9214] RayanB7_: send me a code [9214] ryguy1812: when is fanmail [9214] moderatedgg: untouchable [9214] cooperwass: L SMOKER [9214] d44rkfire: LMAO [9214] Bludlingtonn: 20k chnl pnts gone [9214] AveWalk158: LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [9214] dembeatss: A craftsman doesn’t blame his tools [9214] RetroSpect369: naw ps players fw a lil even though u be slandering them for no reason bus [9214] Mr__Spooky__: jynxziBALD_TK jynxziBALD_TK jynxziBALD_TK jynxziBALD_TK jynxziBALD_TK jynxziBALD_TK jynxziBALD_TK jynxziBALD_TK jynxziBALD_TK jynxziBALD_TK jynxziBALD_TK jynxziBALD_TK [9214] burgerpanda8480: w [9214] cybersader: Rap is lame [9215] zz66z76: r1 [9215] qwvzr: WHO WON WHO WON [9215] iheartmens: L BUNDLE [9215] greenbeanpeenn: bow bow bow bow [9215] marioishimm: l adl asd [9215] 1xfrosty_: LLL [9215] XoGummmy: we with that ssg OW [9215] bryan_cal57: L promo [9215] malachi_hydefr: malachi_hydefr subscribed with Prime. [9215] Franklin: ? [9215] RayanB7_: send me a code [9215] Nightbot: ? [9215] cbeezy69: !LINK [9215] Nightbot: @cbeezy69 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [9216] chefferiespc: I walk on the spot [9216] kayzfrmdabits: gamble 100 [9216] bradyhalls: Cronus [9216] cole_slxms: wwww [9216] Franklin: ? [9216] Franklin: ? [9216] Franklin: ? [9217] Franklin: ? [9217] RayanB7_: send me a code [9217] Franklin: ? [9217] lildingleberryy: WASHED [9217] Franklin: ? [9218] RayanB7_: send me a code [9218] tsmquiqui: L PROMOS [9218] Franklin: ? [9218] chekoutmyinhaler: STOP IMPERSONATING A FULL TIME STREAMER [9218] imcryptxx: we good [9218] marioishimm: l ad [9218] ttwotimes: WHERES XIM [9218] Nickh828: !gamble all [9218] xslenderyoshix: xqcTL xqcTL WWW RICCI [9218] fazefloydyt: run a poll [9219] defoamer: RICCI OWNS YOU CHUMKO [9219] jaquavion_the_2nd: yea [9219] Nightbot: 👀 [9219] ttvOldGregg: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [9219] Rushuur: CONSOLE WARS IN 2024 LMAO [9219] riku_roxas1: what happened to xim? [9219] teeko_flamez: W skin [9219] AveWalk158: L PLAYSTATION [9219] sizybear: L smoker [9219] RayanB7_: send me a code [9219] Shocwave788: ? [9219] MrDinoNuggs: WWWWW [9220] drunkos2incher: BIGICKKKKKKJUNKOOOO [9220] ryanlouis2000: this is assssssss [9220] Differ__: 😀 [9220] Megumeme14: L VAPER [9220] kadynhurley13: jynxziSad jynxziSad [9220] cybersader: Rap is bad [9220] RayanB7_: send me a code [9220] mr_0964: JYNXZI PRIME🥶🥶🥶🥶😈😈👀🩸🩸🩸 [9220] AvidGlazer2ez: ps banned cronus btw [9221] gibby_400: eat him chunko [9221] ivan_iceg: !prime [9221] fwsorxn: PLAY NOT IN THE MOOD KAYFLOCK AND TJAY [9221] Franklin: ? [9221] DarthDamian121: 50/50 [9221] GHOSTEEE_23: ok jynxzi u best win now [9221] Franklin: ? [9221] tyroneon240: already copped itttt [9221] RayanB7_: send me a code [9221] bardown16__: RUST IS CRAZYYY [9221] Nightbot: ok [9221] lostmonkey386: he’s vaping [9222] sebikk11: we’res the poll [9222] kadynhurley13: jynxziSad jynxziSad jynxziSad jynxziSad [9222] Franklin: ? [9222] piecectrlshaq: stream crashed [9222] gmoneyclout: Lads [9222] Franklin: ? [9222] Shocwave788: ?? [9222] solvedglobe52: solvedglobe52 subscribed at Tier 1. [9222] 9juice9the9kidd: L addd [9222] ionanymore: W [9222] Franklin: ? [9222] ronaldobetter512: <3 <3 [9222] ghost0box: w advertiser [9222] tinytaivon088: L nic addic [9223] trulyblackboy: JUST 1v1 FATTY [9223] Franklin: ? [9223] Yuki_4743: !LINK [9223] Franklin: ? [9223] gibbysnutsack: !gamble [9223] cxmbooo_: WWWWWWWWW [9223] Franklin: ? [9223] robmoney32: L ban [9223] bzLink: on rust is insane LUL [9223] llslowburnll: 4 hour mark coming/pre ended [9223] j_wolsch_24: !discord [9224] gouzey_vqqqq: W CHUNKY [9224] sklyxu: Why smoking [9224] Nightbot: https://discord.gg/jynxzi [9224] jordan101022: LMAOOO “oh the bundle” [9224] Megumeme14: L vaper [9224] gambre11: he was [9224] AvidGlazer2ez: cronus i sbanned on ps [9224] atomicknight931: w ricci [9224] wamz_9: 🤣 [9224] braydenem: SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood [9224] edwardtheebozo: !gamble 100 [9225] bardown16__: IMAGINE CHEATING IN RUST [9225] skixyyyy: you got this jynxzi [9225] StreamElements: @edwardtheebozo, you only have 70 points. [9225] SlimeSeason13: what happended to the xim 1v1? [9225] FleshBro: L smoker [9225] thatmusb_jarv: RICCI L [9225] guardin_of_eden: Just got ur bundle [9225] brxxzy04: Face cam too big [9225] kadynhurley13: jynxziSad jynxziSad jynxziSad [9225] clipsttv22: jynxziBadAim_SG [9226] Shocwave788: ???? [9226] Franklin: ? [9226] yann598: he is [9226] Franklin: ? [9226] ItsNatang: HELLO [9226] KlaXySK: start the game Fatass [9226] SquishChamp: llllllllll [9226] Nightbot: bozo [9226] coldmantra: L cronus [9227] fububob: pro smoking a pack on him [9227] kadynhurley13: jynxziSad jynxziRage [9227] Shocwave788: ??? [9227] braincellnotfoundb: L ricci [9227] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [9227] damnimgood007: RUSTY RICCI [9228] kaylingillespie: 💀💀💀 [9228] robmoney32: no xim stream ruined [9228] 9juice9the9kidd: 50/50 [9228] bradlad6677: WHY HE BANNED [9228] Shocwave788: ? [9228] baller_baller1: you are a fucking addicted [9228] tonton_on_165hz: when is stream [9229] zdeeko: Xim got banned [9229] swoleboh: ya get me [9229] GHOSTEEE_23: ya but he stream sniped [9229] Imdaxss: !sub [9229] tripssalty11: cap [9229] kadynhurley13: jynxziSad jynxziSad jynxziRage [9229] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [9229] Nightbot: no 🧢 [9229] 11pr0blemz: l somker [9229] KlaXySK: fatasss [9229] drunkos2incher: when’s Jynxi x flight daddy🍌🍑🍆🍑 [9229] yann598: he iss [9229] lukemahomie: wwwwwwwwwwwwww [9230] AvidGlazer2ez: cronus is literally banned on ps btw [9230] c0nn0r_12345: wainbow [9230] ronaldobetter512: L [9230] cole_slxms: Ricci is washed [9230] OpitmusFine: Ricci cheat [9230] AveWalk158: XBOX BOUT TO RUN YALL [9230] Shocwave788: ?? [9230] junglejacks8: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [9230] bla2gud: Stop the cap [9230] b312noblesixx: POLL IT [9231] adiqx___: L polar express kid [9231] artistic_trix_: CAP [9231] biasedreal: ON RUST [9231] tfeqq: he def was [9232] tmckee_23: sus [9232] itzscroogee: ricci vs mingo [9232] pursuintlight5: L streamer [9232] JraeLive: jynxzi when’s fanmail [9232] USAFM1ke: RICCI CRONUS [9232] steven_323_: did xim get banned again??? [9232] tfeqq: he def was [9232] yann598: he is [9232] albinx11: p [9232] Shocwave788: ???? [9232] tfeqq: he def was [9232] og_brownn: cheater [9232] b312noblesixx: POLL [9232] 999twin: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziSmoke jynxziGRIDDY [9233] tfeqq: he def was [9233] noesman27: @jynxzi 2v1? me and my friend? we are both copper [9233] bigz3088: Gg brother [9233] tfeqq: he def was [9233] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [9233] NoriiKane: i got 310 on ricci [9233] tfeqq: vv [9233] danteisthebestfnplayer: 2 and a half hour mark [9233] Sgnikaifa: LUL [9233] os26s: i use it? [9233] tfeqq: he def was [9233] Shocwave788: ??? [9233] byec4: xim got banned for saying that pizza joke theres literally no way [9233] b312noblesixx: PILL [9233] maxtomerc3: SEND ME A CODE PLEASE [9234] voids_cool: ON RUST IS CORNYYYY [9234] mallards_bro: 30 mins then stream is over [9234] cilln_: stop the cap [9234] tfeqq: he def was [9234] tfeqq: he def washe def was [9234] tfeqq: v [9234] monkyman25: Rust aint shit [9234] tfeqq: he def washe def was [9234] sklyxu: l lung [9235] gambre11: he could be [9235] gmoneyclout: 13 ads in a row [9235] Jager_514: fix the sub counter [9235] tfeqq: he def was [9235] waterrnelons: franklin 💀 [9235] AvidGlazer2ez: cronus is banned on pc [9235] DeadlyDuck780: part timer [9235] braincellnotfoundb: RIGGING RIGGY [9235] hellousernameman: JYNXZI U 2V1ING CLIX AND RON? [9235] Nickh828: !gambleall [9235] c0nn0r_12345: wust [9235] thecheese111: how to bet [9235] oocql: CHRONUS IS BANNED ON PLAYSTATION [9236] legenddz98: fatass [9236] DarthDamian121: LOOK AT POLL [9236] tyroneon240: already bouhgt it [9236] Riasisxd: why is he capping ilovexim aint lying [9237] ragingtargaryen: Once a cheater always a cheater [9237] b312noblesixx: POLL [9237] SquishChamp: BOZO [9237] scythe7629: clout [9237] iksteelfietsen: jynxziBadAim [9237] HarryAndFin: L bozo just be good? [9237] papikaste: fucking nerds [9238] gheeskiier: Cronus [9238] YTubeBlur: jynxzi owns him [9238] maallydub: CAPP [9238] slangiinn: Rockstar speedy would rock your shit [9238] ttvbwoa: what [9238] KlaXySK: fatassssssssssbstarat yeah gamed👍 sgs [9238] kxngpsycho: ONCE A CHEATER ALWAYS A CHEATER [9238] prizmojr: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 [9239] ashcampbell1234: hurry up [9239] overxgame99: wheres zim ??? [9239] cole_slxms: bouta get slammed [9239] kp_the_god: what controller freaks are you using [9239] s4etch: jynxziFAT [9239] iiam_kyl3: run predictions [9239] yann598: he iss [9239] bradlad6677: WHY XIM BANNED [9239] ya_boi_junior55: gifts? [9239] Andretlr0119: white speed [9239] ferbpyo: !followage [9239] AvidGlazer2ez: cronus is banned [9239] dembeatss: A craftsman doesn’t blame his toolss [9239] al_sah_him00: Broooo fuck that his word don’t mean shit [9240] drunkos2incher: jynxziCRY [9240] junglejacks8: HSWP TearGlove [9240] MkGamingg25: REPRESENT PSN [9240] StreamElements: @ferbpyo, ferbpyo has been following jynxzi for 3 years 10 months 22 days 2 hours [9240] waklogoat: !kf [9240] kadynhurley13: pop it out [9240] tyroneon240: bought allreasy [9240] rltrading69420: !pole [9240] the_plou: once a cheater.... [9241] dawgsbyninety: there's no way this dude talks shit with that speech impediment [9241] drmonkeeman10: LMAOO [9241] Reptify: @franklin yo [9241] lurkinglettuce: DONT SELL MY POINTS [9241] xzamoranttx: dim is banned until tomorrow [9241] ConTenT_4GVN: 🧢 [9241] braincellnotfoundb: RIGGY RICKY [9241] glazrs: he’s not using it [9242] voids_cool: CRONUS IS STILL CORNYYY [9242] dot_ot: L smoker [9242] cooperwass: l vaper [9242] trustttttty: RIPBOZO jynxziRIPBOZO RIPBOZO jynxziRIPBOZO RIPBOZO jynxziRIPBOZO RIPBOZO jynxziRIPBOZO RIPBOZO jynxziRIPBOZO RIPBOZO jynxziRIPBOZO RIPBOZO jynxziRIPBOZO RIPBOZO jynxziRIPBOZO [9242] NWAAD: this mother fucker never starts it holy fick [9242] hellousernameman: JYNXZI WHEN ARE U DOING CLIX AND RON [9242] gburn2443: start game cuh [9242] MorPHious27: RICCI ALWAYS TURNS OFF HIS CAM [9242] speedybouneymar: l [9242] lllliiilllliilllll: gg [9243] twilight114: poll [9243] iksteelfietsen: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [9243] finalarigato_: SOMEHOW BRINGS UP STREAM SNIPING LMFAO [9243] brodyluvssiege: BibleThump [9243] YeeHeeHD: !charm [9243] lbudda425: We gonna PLAY OR IS THIS JUST CHATTING [9243] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [9243] scythe7629: clout chaser [9243] marixo_2fps: hi [9243] aaron_sperez47: ILINK [9244] drunkos2incher: jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY [9244] sryimbetterthanu: www [9244] 9juice9the9kidd: BibleThump BibleThump [9244] 1Ghostslayer: what happen when you 1v1'd adin ? [9244] D1n0EZ: start the game dammit [9245] gordito1432: TURN CASEOH UP [9245] maxtomerc3: Franklin your ass fr [9245] ya_boi_junior55: sub gifters? [9245] Ch1no_25: PUANNNIIII [9245] HarryAndFin: get gud ricci [9245] twilight114: poll it [9245] yann598: he isss [9245] iheartmens: dude stop [9245] hit8mcgowan: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid3 Squid3 Squid4 [9245] Lumera_Music: RICCI IS A STREAM SNIPING PIECE OF SHIT OMEGALUL [9246] 123_door_giveawayy: LUL LUL [9246] lllliiilllliilllll: gfgffd [9246] kxngpsycho: XIM WAS RIGHT [9246] gibbysnutsack: MODS POLL [9246] theonlybystander: theonlybystander subscribed with Prime. [9246] syc0char: XIM SAID HE HAS A XIM+CRONUS HE USES [9246] wgen9: Junko is a nicotine feen [9246] MattFromDC: who won xim vs ricci [9246] celshotiscool: how does he talk on Xbox when he plays on PlayStation [9246] DarthDamian121: POLL [9247] itsgrayson123_: when is Kai vs caseoh [9247] dembeatss: A craftsman doesn’t blame his tools [9247] donix___: wwwww gameeee [9247] vitality5175: so we’re in copper [9247] squirmypug: ALL MY POINTS ON YOU JUNKO playyyyy [9247] dieheartsaint: WHY IS XIM BANNED??? [9247] M1N1F1R3: KYNXZI [9247] yann598: he is [9248] killerduck99: sketch is waiting [9248] ttvOldGregg: shuxxyPepePickle shuxxyPepePickle shuxxyPepePickle shuxxyPepePickle shuxxyPepePickle shuxxyPepePickle shuxxyPepePickle shuxxyPepePickle [9248] OpitmusFine: Rickie cheats he a 🤡 [9248] expiedbanana: fuck Ricky [9248] Godly__Plays: ONCE A CHEATER ALWAYS A CHEATER [9248] USAFM1ke: RICCI IS SUCH A BITCH [9248] damnimgood007: RICCI KRONUS SNIPER [9249] bloodwzrd: IMAGINE NEEDING A CHRONUS FOR RUST LUL [9249] bzLink: Ioah owns you 💀💀💀 [9249] rexyiu: Ong [9249] twilight114: poll it now [9249] rltrading69420: poll [9249] boolin66: !playlist [9249] Nightbot: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4wd6242y2qn44TiCCPX12W?si=fNuuwhSzQFuJxdxUp_NxcA&dl_branch=1&nd=1 [9249] zelrundistv: d [9250] lukemahomie: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [9250] thecheese111: !gambleall [9250] juanda17_gg: SKETCH IS WATING [9251] yann598: liar he is [9251] twilight114: poll [9251] monkyon60fps: yo [9251] bunnyyybunnyyy: GO DADDY I BET IT ALL ON YOUUUUUUUUUUU jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [9251] junglejacks8: GivePLZ TakeNRG [9252] bardown16__: YEA YOU CAN [9252] mrsigmauwu: let’s goo [9252] Kord_Thulen: Kord_Thulen subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 8 month streak! [9252] finalarigato_: SOMEHOW BRINGS STREAM SNIPING WHILE ASKING IF HE USED CHRONUS [9252] TheSaiyansPrideYT: fat [9252] GevoTTV: how does he queue with pc players? [9253] stekxiohsosexy: !gamble 200 [9253] vdeptz: hes right [9253] glazrs: not a cheater [9253] Harry__GG__: jynxziGG jynxziGG jynxziGG [9253] StreamElements: @stekxiohsosexy, you only have 15 points. [9253] gordito1432: WHERES CASEOH [9253] thatmusb_jarv: JYNXZI WINS BROTHER [9253] wgen9: Junko is a nic feen [9254] 9juice9the9kidd: L player [9254] ttvOldGregg: shuxxyMushyDance shuxxyMushyDance shuxxyMushyDance shuxxyMushyDance [9254] littleghost9297: littleghost9297 subscribed at Tier 1. [9254] luhh_twizzy: schizo jynxzi [9254] wendigo________: W BULGE [9254] killershark21000: I need your help [9255] longlifecreations: Don't lose my rack. [9255] tripssalty11: what is bro lookin at [9255] twilight114: poll it now [9255] OpitmusFine: Rickie 🤡 [9255] USAFM1ke: RICCI A BITCH [9255] Nightbot: 👀 [9255] The_Antt2: NICE GAMING CHAIR [9255] theflamboyantcarrot: jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE [9255] dot_ot: rather zim than smoke [9256] seacam21: reformed [9256] fanz_AbuSwe7l: !watchtime [9256] rltrading69420: !poll [9256] b312noblesixx: POLL IT [9256] StreamElements: fanz_AbuSwe7l has spent 19 hours 10 mins watching jynxzi [9256] sherg__: someone dm me what happened to Xim [9256] tux22345: l vaper [9256] Shocwave788: L [9257] drunkos2incher: jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY [9257] rexyiu: !gamble 10 [9257] jacobbyy234: wwwwwww [9257] acidthriller: 🤣 [9257] lazyfink: Xim? [9257] StreamElements: rexyiu won 10 points in roulette and now has 1060 points! FeelsGoodMan [9257] antoniosweek: I love jynxzi [9257] iamadekatten: la bronzo [9257] lucifergolive: balls [9257] yann598: hes Kronus [9257] cg_extr3me: yessir [9258] Nightbot: balls [9258] TheSaiyansPrideYT: fatty [9258] bradytucker03: bradytucker03 subscribed with Prime. [9258] kintheboss455: 😂😂 [9258] Fossabot: @azamiskirmish, Your message is too long [9258] wgen9: L nic feen [9258] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [9258] leethanjames: what happen with xim [9259] adrianh215: let me fell you [9259] Ewooolilbih: lmao [9259] ttvOldGregg: shuxxyPepePickle shuxxyPepePickle shuxxyPepePickle shuxxyPepePickle shuxxyPepePickle [9259] cdennett144: Let’s go Junko [9259] aviator2500: what happened to xim?? [9259] chekoutmyinhaler: LL EXCUSES [9259] ionanymore: Bs [9260] Moziscrazy: who is this fucking bitch [9260] nkiruzu: !playlist [9260] junglejacks8: copyThis pastaThat [9260] stevenshortfuse: Hes watching now? [9260] hunna2004: I wanted to see Xim get on his ass [9260] crookedpit: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 [9261] ItsNatang: !LINK [9261] zombieaxem3n: I need him to win [9261] not2spicy999: start already [9261] Lumera_Music: GoOn [9261] Nightbot: @ItsNatang If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [9261] drmonkeeman10: REFORMED 💀 [9261] eric_shamirian: when’s fan mail? [9261] JB1zzle7: reformed k]lmao [9261] tsmquiqui: REFORMED [9261] Shocwave788: LLL [9261] ttvshortstakk: Pol [9261] b312noblesixx: !POLL [9261] dxddyclxps: dxddyclxps subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months! . [9262] Ewooolilbih: but he still plays w them [9262] SmithRedHawkc: GG RICCI WILL WIN BRO [9262] Captain_Clout1: CAP [9262] grrrrlock: THEN DONT PLAY WITH THEM [9262] dawgsbyninety: witerawy [9262] Nightbot: no 🧢 [9262] atomsky_: W BULGE [9262] mrgruney: mrgruney subscribed at Tier 1. [9262] MrDinoNuggs: REFORMED [9262] swagauto1: L Ricci [9262] maxplaysgames12346: L ricci [9262] gambre11: w xim [9262] DarthDamian121: CASE IS WAITING [9262] theflamboyantcarrot: avfnPog [9262] OpitmusFine: It’s broken 🤣🤣🤣🤣 [9263] Shocwave788: L [9263] TheGreatEight: LUL reformed [9263] hit8mcgowan: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 [9263] xxexotic_slayxx: Cronus is not banned if u don’t update ur console idiots shit up it’s not banned [9263] gabeplayz19: AIDEN VS RICCI DO IT JUNCKO [9263] chessman300: !charm [9263] merkit14: yap yap [9263] vulcxxn: GOT EM [9263] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [9263] jaethedon__: WAIT WHERES XIM? [9264] twistszzz: junko u make me hard [9264] kerleand: did xim get ban again??? [9264] yann598: ricci the liar [9264] mkjagger: def cronus [9264] gooofyx: FREEXIM [9264] wateriest_suit: PANCAKEEEEEE [9264] ChambzSG: stompn play with ioah all the time lol [9264] seed91275: 50k on Ricci lock in [9264] xoxo_carryso: xoxo_carryso subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! y [9265] gordito1432: JYNXI WHERES CASEOH [9265] ttwotimes: WHERES XIM [9265] USAFM1ke: RICCI A BITCHH [9265] mfc_league: !gamble all [9265] dantesinferno369: Let's go [9265] mackund: jynxzi sens [9265] Ewooolilbih: what a fucking pussy [9266] h0ppet: LET'S GO JYNXZI [9266] StreamElements: mfc_league went all in and lost every single one of their 260 points LUL [9266] sherg__: yo someone dm me what happened to Xim [9266] jbradford33: W bulge [9266] lightningsail: White speed [9266] deepfryedmayo710: JUST PLAY THE FUCKING GAME [9266] dixienormus228: STARTTTTTT [9266] mrsigmauwu: HAHAHAHA [9266] SlickShotzz13: Since that one time is crazy lmao [9266] drunkos2incher: jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY [9266] steviepicks: L RICCI [9266] Lumera_Music: GoOn GoOn GoOn [9266] yourdadmoney: when is queso iro stream [9266] lucifergolive: W JUICE WRLD [9267] young_bryndal: !poll [9267] l2tfue: stream lag [9267] itsukiifps: iSoloFPS subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [9267] ynw_tacoman: a budge [9267] elysian_xoxo: W BULGE [9267] lzvvy_: yooo next time you do an 1v1 on ps5 I’m am a bronze 4 with and 1.4 and 1.3 k/d [9267] mr_bubzzz: HypeLUL [9267] noahnotark: k [9267] derekwrrex: jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ [9267] Nightbot: k [9267] sylasowens: !points [9267] damedollabop: Ricci owns you [9267] Sharingan_eyes: LLLLLLLL [9267] delluntoo: W BULGE [9268] frogge0: L ricci [9268] dot_ot: i saw the cogar [9268] StreamElements: @sylasowens sylasowens has 20595 points and is rank 9122/1704632 on the leaderboard. [9268] brewnov: PARt timer [9268] sobernut66: jynxziSNOT [9268] zaydey_7622: VAPER [9268] not2spicy999: start [9269] official_carsonmitton: !link [9269] launchednewt421: WHY DID XIM GET BANNED [9269] frxstyclapu: where’s avid [9269] TheSaiyansPrideYT: !link [9269] 5StarGrimm: junky poo [9269] ggurnothingkid: Nice palge [9269] yata_chris: !points [9270] MrSwifty_O: what happened to [9270] ragingtargaryen: his chat stream snipes and tells him [9270] jpjazzyjeff: L PRINT [9270] isttopotop: cap [9270] junglejacks8: mcaT mcaT [9270] r6_kecks: !watchtime [9270] wateriest_suit: PANCAKE ASS KID [9270] xesunoo: FUCKING PLAY [9270] kadynhurley13: @iowahawtguys [9270] bigmoon6536: nahhhhh [9270] maxplaysgames12346: L RICCI [9270] StreamElements: r6_kecks has spent 2 hours 10 mins watching jynxzi [9270] devil100206: I’m wet [9270] lil_cracka01: iowa is a bitch [9270] aidenosz: @ricciFPS [9271] Shocwave788: W BULGE [9271] drmonkeeman10: STREAMSNIPING [9271] bblkk_: Cheer1 I like your streams [9271] tomasvl2004yt: COCKA [9271] dom2bred: first time inna dis bih [9271] itachi1925: SwiftRage [9271] pursuintlight5: L streamer [9271] amplify_o7: reformed mf [9271] OpitmusFine: It’s broken what a joke 🤣🤣🤣🤣 [9271] zombieaxem3n: DinoDance [9271] Ewooolilbih: I’ll rock this mf shit deadass [9271] gabeplayz19: DO AIDEN VS RICCI [9271] yuutsufr: !link [9271] jakeeatstoes1: jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh [9271] basew4rs: jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH [9272] ggdaboss1122: !gamble 1000 [9272] Lumera_Music: GoOn GoOn GoOn GoOn GoOn GoOn [9272] s4etch: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 [9272] tntlord1899: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke [9272] Nightbot: Jynxzi sens and settings here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2GcpqRqJ9U [9272] StreamElements: ggdaboss1122 lost 1000 points in roulette and now has 2715 points! FeelsBadMan [9273] whydrah: bro can't even make it out of the first round [9273] nipper1223: W BULDGE [9273] ShiftNoize: Im not a stream sniper BUT [9273] rltrading69420: how do I do the pole [9273] gravin124: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 [9273] get_clipz0: !poll [9273] mjk0321: mjk0321 subscribed at Tier 1. [9273] yunggrlaty: w bulge [9273] UhNobodySwept: Reformed stream sniper who plays with other stream snipers [9273] datboinono1449: MechaRobot Lechonk Lechonk [9274] Imdaxss: !sub [9274] gingie0202: hivise pole it please [9274] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [9274] Shocwave788: W BULGEE [9274] JayTrain__: IM WHITE IM RACIST AND GET NO PUSSY [9274] phillyfanz315: lowkey don’t like ricky [9274] caseohs_left_toe_nale: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [9274] MaineAce207: could someone hook me up with a sub please I want the charm but have no money to sub [9274] joey031899: Omg [9274] jaethedon__: wheres xim? [9274] danishamigo: poll it [9274] M0istBooT: STAAAAARRRRTTTTTTT [9274] flynnscoggs: damn [9274] johnxdfh1: LMAOOOOOOOOO this stream is not lasting 6 hours [9275] bzLink: Ioah owns you LUL [9275] iso_matthew: boutta get rolled [9275] iiam_kyl3: run predictions [9275] sauseyc: w junk [9275] gaugewrestles: jynxziVapeBreak_SG [9275] sidney_fragg: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [9275] thiagom2222: qutrahozFa [9275] swavyygz: lmao [9275] y0pappi: Ricci seems honest to me [9275] caddymanop: UWot UWot UWot UWot UWot UWot UWot UWot UWot UWot UWot UWot UWot UWot [9275] jesnava0519: L bulge [9275] sam_21910: @iowahawtguys [9275] OmegaKrome: BRO HOW HAS THE 1V1 NOT STARTED [9275] hugoot14: NAH @Franklin is [9275] jynxzis_toess: IM MARRIEDDDDD [9276] resky: who [9276] HvK_iHavoK: !watchtime [9276] kingcheesetm: kingcheesetm subscribed with Prime. [9276] beeznotceez99: where’s xim? I left for a couple minutes lol [9276] natebottrell2018: !link [9276] rexyiu: !gamble 20 [9276] kaithebest112: when is clips? [9276] milptilp: where’s bulge [9276] Barry_McKOCKinerr_: who gives af about xim dude [9276] StreamElements: surgical_ihavok has spent 1 hour 20 mins watching jynxzi [9276] nehsty: 💀💀💀💀 [9277] TriggahX: thats like saying you only graped somebody once [9277] DylJay77: Yooooooo [9277] gabeplayz19: AIDEN VS RICCI [9277] Lumera_Music: ICANT [9277] tweeksALT: !LINK [9277] dr_m23: fax [9277] mrsigmauwu: WHENS FANMAIL [9277] drunkos2incher: HAILY HOGAN IS MY WIFEY [9277] xoxo_carryso: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke [9277] wateriest_suit: BUTTERMILK PANCAKE [9277] whereyomomsatyo: ioah better than yall [9278] 0mega1k: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 [9278] squishytofu7: velvet pants [9278] lockhart500: I like dick [9278] xwhypplike69: 100 ads [9278] clingychart: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [9278] Unstoppable1217: GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey [9279] cheebah710: cohhNODDERS cohhNODDERS cohhNODDERS [9279] yoshidoshi30: when is the case jynxzi stream [9279] lil_cracka01: IOWA IS A BITCH [9279] gooofyx: L YAP [9279] Starchild_Here: 😂😂😂 [9279] Gam3rsGuid3Toth3Galaxy: LUL LUL LUL LUL [9279] Barry_McKOCKinerr_: fuck that pussy [9279] lostspider4: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [9279] sharkking_23: Who won ricci or xim [9280] jjwilk56: junko [9280] driverff: LMAO [9280] d44rkfire: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 [9280] tjpowerhouse: stream snipe [9280] sshushh69: did Ricci beat xim [9280] bigheadedyeti: !gamble 10 [9281] Harry__GG__: He played decent yesterday [9281] StreamElements: bigheadedyeti lost 10 points in roulette and now has 10 points! FeelsBadMan [9281] noahnotark: bro [9281] adrianh215: w [9281] javare__: @Riasisxd RICCIS IN CHAT STREAM SNIPER [9281] 1Loula: LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [9281] kp_the_god: what controller freaks are you using [9281] ishaan77: when is clix vs jynxzi [9281] spon6e: poll [9281] voxxyyyyyyyyy: 14 year old owns you btw @Jynxzi [9281] professorvalk78: just bought the pulse bundle junko [9281] official_carsonmitton: !LINK [9281] drwagersupporter: THE THREE HOUR MARK IS RAPIDLY APPROACHING [9282] mustyybean: Ioah lives in the stream [9282] aidentax: he’s trying to plug him [9282] KosmoQT: GLAZE [9282] keypointx: jynxziFALL [9282] sevv_exe: i need those pjs [9282] MrChetoDog: SMALL PENIS [9282] gochiefswin: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 [9283] gravin124: PowerUpL Squid3 PowerUpR [9283] ayayayayayay__: ☠️☠️☠️☠️ [9283] junglejacks8: ThunBeast [9283] lzvvy_: best ps5 bronze [9283] thatoneguysheknows: RefOmegaLULormed @jynxzi [9283] SkullxFragment: H [9283] ecumilated1: My house on ricci [9283] Nightbot: h [9283] wateriest_suit: DA DA [9283] lukemahomie: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [9283] weezyfdende77: Say dah dah [9283] 1Loula: LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [9283] bigmoon6536: What is happening [9283] ilykinley: GoatEmotey [9283] bes_st: @RicciFPS [9284] thatmusb_jarv: JYNXZI WINS JYNXZI WINS JYNXZI WINS JYNXZI WINS JYNXZI WINS BROTHER [9284] tyyraw: tyyraw subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! k [9284] getajobbone: birds of a feather flock together [9284] bflynn67: YO CUMCO HIT R2 [9284] OpitmusFine: Rickey a joke [9284] wfazesway: !time [9284] bstructure_: ONCE A CHEATER ALLWAYS A CHEATER [9284] swavyygz: that guys is cumko son [9284] two_goood_4_you: junko [9285] zvxz0: LMAO [9285] TheDivess: W CONTENT [9285] todomai: LMAOOO [9285] armanii_27: LMAAOAOA [9285] cheebah710: we don’t give AF [9285] whereyomomsatyo: Ioah the best [9285] steviepicks: START GAME HOLY FUCK GUYS JESUS [9285] sevthebeast7: Squid1 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [9285] kintheboss455: 😂😂😂😂😂 [9285] caidshiesty: @ionanymore [9286] kerleand: did xim get ban again?????? [9286] clipsttv22: jynxziVapeBreak [9286] OfficialJay6: aseideBREATHE aseideBREATHE aseideBREATHE [9286] 13mxk: !gamble 10 [9286] DylJay77: Hes your daddy [9286] averynomikos: START [9286] sobek_socko: lmao [9286] StreamElements: 13mxk lost 10 points in roulette and now has 1435 points! FeelsBadMan [9286] M0istBooT: START [9286] hit8mcgowan: jynxziEZ [9286] lukemahomie: wwwwwwwwwwwww [9286] Permantula: if someone cheats in a video game they are forever discredited in gaming! [9286] crackhead000111: Top tier banter [9287] owxnthedubb: @iwa [9287] T0X1C_SH0TT: LMAOOOOOOOOOOO [9287] ayayayayayay__: ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ [9287] blake_boy101: just plsy [9287] ttvOldGregg: xodeeBigenergy xodeeBigenergy xodeeBigenergy xodeeBigenergy xodeeBigenergy xodeeBigenergy [9287] thatmusb_jarv: JYNXZI WINS BROTHER [9287] rltrading69420: !poll [9287] ya_boi_junior55: SUB GIFTERS?? [9287] essence_r6: aidan vs ricci [9287] reality6747_goat: @Is [9287] sharkb8_1121: we’res the prediction [9287] kurasema: @mingojce [9287] AvidGlazer2ez: Ioah L [9287] oHGambitz: broke kids talking wild to jynxzi [9287] girthqu4ke69: girthqu4ke69 subscribed at Tier 1. [9288] xrain314: ur losing this [9288] plistox: START THE DAMN GAME [9288] osqf: airaxcDOG [9288] yeadarkness: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [9288] jitrz_r6: START IT FATTY [9288] Not_TheStig: START THE GAME [9288] gio_1_2_3_4: captai997Armleft bigtim32Shocked captai997Armright [9288] lil_aidy_vert: WAS [9288] drunkos2incher: HAILY HOGAN IS DADDY STFU [9288] iamadekatten: la bronzo [9288] whiteboybruce: cracked put [9288] theMagmadiver: ??? [9288] WHYTEA78: Nahhhh [9288] Kingwyd333: sign the contract big boy sign the contract [9289] cooperwass: start [9289] jbrown1209182: 💀 [9289] bigwillybilly14: DUDE ITS BEEN 30 Minutes START THIS SHIT [9289] sav_journey13: 😂😂😂😂 [9289] Fossabot: @soggy_duck2, Your message is too long [4x] [9289] lbudda425: THIS JUST CHATTING STREAM [9289] jaxdaboom364: xim [9289] vitality5175: bro is lost [9289] 123_door_giveawayy: LUL [9290] puffpuffjuicer: LOLLLL [9290] richardburke1: please start the game u sap [9290] lzrsemerz: Ohios your daddy [9290] gordito1432: WHERES CASE [9290] bradlad6677: WHY HE BANNED [9290] iowahawtguys: play the game [9290] crustythespanksock: playyyy [9290] raccooncreep96: was [9290] Not_TheStig: START THE FUCKING GAME [9290] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: ong ioah would 7-0 u [9290] itsrageyy: REAL [9291] Nightbot: real [9291] VoydskiiRah: LOL [9291] gergypurgey: ricky sucha bitch [9291] alexmonkeypoo122: bros taking forever [9291] ttvOldGregg: xodeeDobetta xodeeDobetta [9291] Nightbot: 🪳 [9291] Nightbot: 😂 [9291] henny_2121: W RICCI [9291] lasher21: lasher21 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 29 months! [9291] 5StarGrimm: Italian ahh bro [9291] JustAGamerT4g: BibleThump LUL BibleThump LUL [9291] LengthyLizard: when I Cath you ricky [9291] adiqx___: leaked [9291] gravin124: PowerUpL TwitchConHYPE PowerUpR [9291] damnimgood007: CarlSmile [9292] blastz_3: L smoker [9292] driverff: OWNED [9292] weezyfdende77: SAY DAH DAH [9292] mattya223: hahahahaha [9292] whiteboybruce: cracked out [9292] M0istBooT: STARTSTART [9292] CozyQue2x: !Rocco ima catch u ricci [9292] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [9292] joshy__13: START JESSUS FUFFIJG FURIDTBRIRIFOIFPS [9292] xNoRecoil: START IT [9292] recoil_128: damn [9292] hesiiibe: yo [9292] beastleo1: beastleo1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! [9292] brianthedummy: !keybored [9293] OpitmusFine: Rickey a 🤡🤡🤡 [9293] GTS_Mamba: 4-20 [9293] Star_Breezy: YOU'RE NOT MY DAD!!!! [9293] brandostuntin: WHEN I CATCH YOU RICKY RICKY WHEN I CATCH YOU RICKY [9293] OfficialJay6: aseideBREATHE aseideBREATHE [9293] xammbi: gg [9293] Lickiv: IOWA THE STATE? [9293] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [9293] amplify_o7: LMFAOO [9294] cheesetheboon: ricci is a L [9294] unfamiliarfaces: can we play the game for fu sakes [9294] Nightbot: 👀 [9294] ttvOldGregg: xodeeSus xodeeSus xodeeSus xodeeSus xodeeSus [9294] pantera_221: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 [9294] sobek_socko: 1st rounded evry timr [9294] mytwitchtowatchstreams: W [9294] brewnov: brewnov subscribed with Prime. [9294] blastz_3: LSMOKER [9294] lukemahomie: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [9295] Bassguy777: LMFAOOOOOOOO AWARE LUL [9295] adiqx___: whens fanmail [9295] USAFM1ke: STFU RICCI [9295] kinglewww: @iowahawtguys [9295] M0istBooT: Start [9295] gochiefswin: he is goated [9296] damnimgood007: TPcrunchyroll CarlSmile [9296] abudnick03: TURANAMENT [9296] bloodwzrd: SHUT UP YAPPLEBEES AND PLAY PUSSIES [9296] beast5065: l lungs [9296] xxexotic_slayxx: Cronus is not banned if u don’t update ur console idiots shit up it’s not banned [9296] blake_boy101: just play [9296] oscarchap6: when u 2v1 clix [9296] astro_onkeyboard: !watchtime [9296] richardburke1: start it u gypsy fool [9297] HOGGHEAD1917: jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD [9297] StreamElements: astro_onkeyboard has spent 2 hours 30 mins watching jynxzi [9297] tictacplayzzz: jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziPACK [9297] OfficialJay6: aseideBREATHE aseideBREATHE aseideBREATHE [9297] bigjuicynuts67: riccis a good dude bro why do people shit on him [9297] seirthefallen: 0 points left ricci gotta win' [9297] M0istBooT: start [9297] theonlybystander: When does the stream start [9297] ryanlouis2000: wowwwwww [9297] essence_r6: aidan vs ricci please [9297] 233tempest: !playlist [9297] falcongamingr6: Ricci is my dad [9297] haulinriggins08: all this talk just play the fucking game already [9298] blizzlive1: GET AIDEN [9298] Nightbot: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4wd6242y2qn44TiCCPX12W?si=fNuuwhSzQFuJxdxUp_NxcA&dl_branch=1&nd=1 [9298] vaquri: RICHIE CHOOSES TO HANG AROUND BUMS LOL? [9298] sam_21910: @riasisxd [9298] SkullxFragment: HOLY CRAP READY UP [9298] mackund: jynxzi whats ur sens [9298] bro6925: l smoker [9298] lucifergolive: W JUICE WRLD [9298] everscootsmydude: everscootsmydude subscribed with Prime. [9299] lazyfink: Xim Xim Xim Xim Xim Xim Xim Xim Xim Xim Xim Xim Xim Xim Xim Xim Xim Xim Xim Xim [9299] damnimgood007: CarlSmile [9299] cheebah710: cohhChatting [9299] yoshidoshi30: when is case stream [9299] ttvOldGregg: xodeeDeez xodeeDeez xodeeDeez xodeeDeez [9299] StickerfaceTv: LETS GO [9299] charky_n: charky_n subscribed at Tier 1. [9299] richardburke1: start [9299] monkyon60fps: my edge streak is over 9000 [9299] 6reekie9: I’m not fucking losing [9299] TheSaiyansPrideYT: lmao [9300] joshpisag: lmao [9300] M0istBooT: starttt [9300] mrbobbybob999: What happened to XIM? [9300] lango_bruh: shut up and playghh [9300] CerebralSoldier: Bro riccis voice is the most obnoxious shit ever... someone shut him up [9300] protagon1st: protagon1st subscribed with Prime. [9300] OpitmusFine: Ricci a 🤡 [9301] breezy3114: brings up the stream sniping with ioah everytime cause its the only ammo junko has [9301] jamacianlore: play the game [9301] damnimgood007: CarlSmile CarlSmile [9301] darkice091: ricci [9301] lando2966: www [9301] D3WV0LTAG3: his voice is so annoying [9302] lukemahomie: wwwwwwwwwww [9302] june13ug: L VAPER [9302] damnimgood007: CarlSmile [9302] joshpisag: fax [9302] Extractzz: !stack [9302] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: bro thinks hes winning a saturday LUL [9302] Nightbot: Jynxzi ST0MPN Mingo Skyte Jayy [9302] ttvOldGregg: xodeeScam xodeeScam xodeeScam xodeeScam xodeeScam xodeeScam xodeeScam [9302] drunkos2incher: HAILY HOGAN IS DADDY STDU [9302] extinctatlas: extinctatlas subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months! [9302] Wtrmlxn: JAYY GUNS OWNS U [9302] tctekk123: FootBall FootBall FootBall FootBall FootBall FootBall FootBall FootBall FootBall FootBall FootBall FootBall FootBall [9303] M0istBooT: STARTTT [9303] steviepicks: STALLING [9303] frxstyclapu: where’s avid [9303] commander_2269: !gamble 100 [9303] 313tragic: cmonBruh [9303] plistox: START [9303] StreamElements: commander_2269 won 100 points in roulette and now has 2430 points! FeelsGoodMan [9304] ayeitsamritlol: ayeitsamritlol subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! 8 monthsssssss [9304] thatmusb_jarv: L RICCI [9304] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: bro thinks hes winning a saturday LUL [9304] marie_xm: 💀💀💀 [9304] ImStuckInCopper48: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 . Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 . Squid4 Squid2 Squid3 Squid1 Squid4 [9304] is2i2h_: real [9304] ruinme_junko: play the game [9304] blizzlive1: only 3k [9304] trippinovaryou: lysCooked_HF [9304] HOGGHEAD1917: jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD [9305] isaaac69er: itsisaaac32 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! yo [9305] reality6747_goat: @iowahawtguys [9305] airsofts_action_news: L vapor [9305] rawa0173: ???????? [9305] bradennnnn__: !gamble all [9305] Jeledy: jynxziSmoke [9305] StreamElements: PogChamp bradennnnn__ went all in and won 2575 points PogChamp they now have 5150 points FeelsGoodMan [9306] Suthooo: I’m better than everyone [9306] ryze_ony: Leaked [9306] 5star_maceo: ioah would do the wrongest way 😭 [9306] ttvOldGregg: xodeeScam [9306] tctekk123: VirtualHug [9306] sevthebeast7: GivePLZ Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 TakeNRG [9306] Golllliiiiaaaa87: w ads [9306] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: bro thinks hes winning a saturday LUL [9306] itonsoldier: START [9306] conman100000000000000000: 🐺🍆💦💦💦💦💦 [9306] atomsky_: a band [9306] M0istBooT: STARRT [9307] TheSaiyansPrideYT: lmaoo [9307] pelicanpie: jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY [9307] GTS_Mamba: first rounded by masashitzu [9307] Wtrmlxn: LETTER GUNS OWNS U [9307] USAFM1ke: RICCI SHUT THE FUCK UP [9307] glowingoreos: !kontrolfreek [9307] Nightbot: Limited Edition Jynxzi Thumbsticks are now available at KontrolFreek.com - PS & XBOX - use code JYNXZI https://glnk.io/Jynxzi [9307] fishy_on_xbox: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 [9307] dive_bomb2120: yes brother [9307] hobbes_mobbin: thank you brother [9308] cartmk: leaked [9308] imsocool4718: LEAKED [9308] vertronixxxx: cringe [9308] zynx_999: !twitter [9308] TheDivess: THANK YOU BROTHER [9308] atomparfitt69: Bro shut the fuck up and play [9308] TAyTaY_2829: !stack [9308] Nightbot: twitter.com/Jynxzi [9308] r6adrian123: @riccifps [9308] tommy_llo: LEAKED [9308] braydenplayz2: 2mil [9309] doshismyson: Cheer100 [9309] driverff: BRO IS NOT SKETCH [9309] fadedoriosxbx: leaked [9309] FI3K_: I LOVE RICCI [9309] not4shadow: L Add [9309] delluntoo: BROKE [9309] xHELLSOVERLORDx: jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [9309] ttvOldGregg: xodeeScam xodeeScam xodeeScam xodeeScam xodeeScam [9309] bigfella_58: true tho [9309] tommy_llo: LEAKED [9309] 9juice9the9kidd: Bro's calling eachother daddy's BibleThump [9309] kaithebest112: when are clips? [9310] HOGGHEAD1917: jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD [9310] averynomikos: STARTSTARTSTART [9310] artistic_trix_: LEAKED [9310] swagauto1: L Streamsniper [9310] mario91allstar: leaked [9310] jayswrldfr: LAKED [9310] b312noblesixx: poll [9310] toesgreenanklespurple420: thaqilDance [9310] cheebah710: cohhBongos cohhBongos cohhBongos [9310] tommy_llo: LEAKED [9310] zaydey_7622: TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid [9310] yuvfuentnh: LEAAAK# [9311] richardburke1: get it going pipsqueak [9311] meat_wagon1: DOXXED [9311] Harry__GG__: LUL LUL [9311] recoil_128: flex [9311] surge3338: ricky, ricky when i catch you ricky... [9311] oscarchap6: when u 2v1 clix and stable [9311] pantera_221: Hurry up idiot [9311] TheSaiyansPrideYT: wwww [9311] glazrs: ur not sketch [9311] kevin_e4n: hh [9312] benjaminperon10: insane stalling [9312] averyourmom11: h [9312] in_cog_nito33: lol [9312] ayayayayayay__: Pre end [9312] ItsLandawg: jynxziBadAim [9312] tommy_llo: LEAKED [9312] gabrielc352: get mhystc [9312] Marchesa_: leaked [9312] mrpickleman77: dud xin get vabbed [9313] snoopynelon: 2MIL [9313] HRVY_II: GalaxyUnpacked GalaxyUnpacked GalaxyUnpacked [9313] braydenplayz2: Wwww [9313] yuvfuentnh: LEAKEDDDS [9313] kp_the_god: what controller freaks are you using [9313] lildingleberryy: LEAKED [9313] braincellnotfoundb: RICKY WHEN I CATCH YOU RICKY RICKY WHEN I CATCH YOU RICKY [9313] d2ans: lebronJAM lebronJAM lebronJAM lebronJAM lebronJAM lebronJAM lebronJAM [9313] marioishimm: L scammewr [9313] mincraftiscool51: whats going on satrday??? [9313] jayswrldfr: LEAKED [9313] mrmilku1234: Leaked [9313] snipezabambi: packed [9313] TheSaiyansPrideYT: wwwww [9313] kxngpsycho: LEAKED [9314] cuculmao: LEAKED [9314] wonpaz: L LEAK [9314] ttvOldGregg: xodeeScam xodeeScam xodeeScam xodeeScam [9314] shaheim011: leaked [9314] N00bydy: leaked bank account [9314] projectsfortune: so xim is selling [9314] StormXSY: WW LEAK [9314] meat_wagon1: LEAK [9314] syroomg: LEAKED [9314] Wtrmlxn: JAYY AND LETTER GUNS OWN U [9314] mytwitchtowatchstreams: shotgun andy [9314] wgen9: Ricci is a bum but he's gonna win😼 [9315] sina_farms: when’s fan mail [9315] cristi1an_: LEAKED BANK ACCOUNT TY JINXZY [9315] YooBoiiKrazyy: leaked [9315] gabrieldzd7: leaked [9315] gawdan6969: PRE END [9316] cooleyg50: !prediction [9316] idkknox: I put every channel point on this guy and he’s gonna lose [9316] obsmacey: strange fruit by bigxthaplug [9316] h0ppet: LOL THAT DUDE IS THE PERSONIFICATION OF ARROGANCE [9316] mclovinbaby1940: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [9316] zombiestark7: leaked [9317] snipezabambi: leaked [9317] donteatmepls200: !watchtime [9317] d44rkfire: 💀💀 [9317] snoopynelon: 2MILL [9317] ttvOldGregg: xodeeScam [9317] StreamElements: donteatmepls200 has spent 10 hours 20 mins watching jynxzi [9317] gawdan6969: PRE ENDD [9317] ayayayayayay__: Pre end ☠️☠️☠️ [9317] zxourii: W [9317] JazzIsSick: L greedy rat [9317] 7zyrx7: leakeddd [9317] jayswrldfr: LEAKEDDDD [9317] IEatCurryyy: ur a shotgun crutch [9318] kinglewww: leaked [9318] causevseffect: cmon bro [9318] official_carsonmitton: !link [9318] joshy__13: L SMOKER [9318] Unfussythought: leaked [9318] clipsttv22: Winn bro [9318] Nightbot: @official_carsonmitton If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [9318] zxourii: WW [9318] dkenny241: !gamble 100 [9318] recoil_128: F lex [9318] GamingTight: pre end [9318] Nightbot: F in the chat [9318] yuvfuentnh: LWAK LEAK LEKAK LEAK [9319] mrpickleman77: what happened to xim [9319] StreamElements: @darkkenny24011, you only have 75 points. [9319] valerinaxo: w press [9319] glazrs: ur cooked [9319] Wtrmlxn: THE GUNS CLAN OWNS U [9319] masterfighter906: !LINK [9319] rexyiu: !gamble 100 [9319] gh4st3dd: ONLY 2K [9319] tctekk123: daddy@ [9319] StreamElements: rexyiu won 100 points in roulette and now has 1160 points! FeelsGoodMan [9319] killershark21000: Help me plz [9319] dr_m23: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [9319] cg_extr3me: ricci ass [9319] USAFM1ke: RICCI IS SO GOD DAMN ANNOYING [9319] resky: PRE W [9320] Chill_tv: damn bro send me that money im broke af Kappa [9320] ell3manz: leaked [9320] nickeh2478: Bank leaked [9320] goofygooberyuhh: L ADDSSSSSS [9320] gawdan6969: PRE END [9320] JAYTOTAL: addict [9320] FleshBro: LEAK [9320] fungun333: !link [9320] fezzaaa420: LEAKED [9320] whirlyy_: dustyyyy [9320] Duayn: Duayn subscribed with Prime. [9320] cheebah710: cohhNODDERS cohhClap [9321] dantesinferno369: Geez [9321] drunkos2incher: HAILY HOGAN IS DADDY FYM [9321] dawsxn_999: what happened to xim?? [9321] snoopynelon: 2NILLLL [9321] chugnutsboy: what happened to xim [9321] cheliii07: 2 mil lol [9321] footballnmore: LEAKE [9321] muffinz__z: LEAKED [9321] Haydekinzz: why he so pressed [9321] ya_boi_junior55: gifters? [9321] ac3hyper3994: run a poll [9321] car_lowzk: AWWW [9321] thenewsoul12: leaked [9321] toasted_marshy0: 2 million [9321] tripssalty11: lock in [9322] nkiruzu: !playlist [9322] haulinriggins08: 🤓☝️ [9322] brxan1t: 2 mill [9322] not4shadow: L Vaper [9322] r4sha03: !watchtime [9322] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [9322] marshin123: pre end [9322] lildingleberryy: LEAKEDDDDDD [9322] 123_door_giveawayy: NO SHOTGUNS U LOST [9322] StreamElements: r4sha03 has spent 2 days 18 hours watching jynxzi [9322] Not_TheStig: lets go [9322] knockout1on8: lag [9323] owxnthedubb: l flex [9323] chad_wick_emporer: no shotty [9323] oExstrinsic: @jynxzi smoke him for me [9323] Skyzwydd: YOU DONT EVEN INHALE [9323] ynw_tacoman: leaked [9323] footballnmore: LEAKED [9323] jwolfe7803: W [9323] houdini_escobar: leaked [9323] HOGGHEAD1917: finally [9323] d44rkfire: LEAKED [9323] ragingdegen420: SHOTGUN CRUTCH SOLD MY POINTS [9323] jmack051995: this is awesome [9323] brickedupdrinkingmilk: Ricci owns you [9324] squishyhcc: ez 1v1 for daddy [9324] dot_ot: L smoker [9324] dubz404: JYNXZIS COOKED [9324] sushisampler: L vaper [9324] treverscap: don’t sell me mf [9324] xiphoidar: DONT SELL ALL MY POINTS AGAIN GOOFY [9324] 1Loula: YALL JUST WASTING 1000 DOLLAR LIKE THAT [9324] car_lowzk: WWWWWW [9324] Golllliiiiaaaa87: W ADS [9324] Freshy_fps: move sub count [9324] ttvOldGregg: xodeeDeez [9324] RioDaVinci_: put the house on junko 🥲 [9324] lebpjames: do I cop your bundle [9325] Skairipa2310: pre end [9325] lildingleberryy: LEAKED [9325] uLayz: L smoker [9325] Exstramanator: !slots [9325] snoopynelon: 2MIKL [9325] joshy__13: L SMOKER LAG [9325] StreamElements: @Exstramanator you got BibleThump | OpieOP | Kappa and lost your 100 points LUL [9325] dangerbuff06: L SMOKER [9325] whereyomomsatyo: Ioah a fragger [9325] hoogilyboogil: pre end [9325] artistic_trix_: IT IS A PROBLEM FOR U [9325] tommy_llo: Leaked, that money is as good as mine 😂 [9326] bobthrew: pre end [9326] jayjay2crazyfr: @Ricciontwitch [9326] jaxoniskizzitycrackeddccc: l wait time [9326] Sockmonkey2717: I prediction [9326] fezzaaa420: LEAKEDDDDDDDD [9326] brayaites1: LEAKED [9326] MemoryOfU: hahahaha [9326] monkeymn9541: L vaper [9326] Fossabot: @noluv803, Your message is too long [9326] cxdy_g6: no shotguns bro lost lmfao [9327] Wtrmlxn: LET THE GUNS CLAN 2V2 RICCI [9327] tommy_llo: Leaked, that money is as good as mine 😂 [9327] jasonbl99: W CIGAR [9327] lukemahomie: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [9327] adiqx___: leaked [9327] ttvOldGregg: xodeeDeez xodeeDeez xodeeDeez xodeeDeez [9328] OfficialJay6: aseideBREATHE aseideBREATHE aseideBREATHE [9328] 2012hondacivic: PRE END [9328] messi_10_goat__: Loo better than u [9328] cheebah710: walk in the spot cohhNODDERS cohhNODDERS cohhNODDERS [9328] swoleboh: smoking and playing [9328] tiktokhaychrowz: @aidentax u started to blow up and get noticed cuz ur the goat and u just stop caring g 🤧 [9328] car_lowzk: WWWW [9328] pixeled_phantom: L SMOKER [9328] himothy4572: L SMOKING [9329] larcoopeh30: u just leaked [9329] xNoRecoil: WIN THIS JUNKO [9329] renblur: JYNXZI I FUCKING LOVE YOU [9329] zvxz0: LEAKED [9329] jaxoniskizzitycrackeddccc: L wait time [9329] raggedyjesus: W smoker [9329] krypticallll: CHAT WHAT HAPPENED WITH XIM???? [9329] tommy_llo: Leaked, that money is as good as mine 😂 [9329] ayeitsamritlol: L CIGAR [9329] averyourmom11: i [9330] cyclone696969: H [9330] GamerOfShield: pr no end [9330] Nightbot: h [9330] squishytofu7: are we finally playing r6? [9330] hugo_henry4: gg [9330] gordito1432: RRCIII [9330] Lumera_Music: monkaW [9330] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [9330] llkarinal: stfu [9330] FrlGav: richard lmaaoaoaooaoaoaoaoo [9330] ohcaleb18: ohcaleb18 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [9330] larcoopeh30: leak [9331] ohcaleb18: ohcaleb18 gifted a Tier 1 sub to 3ben_dixon5! [9331] lucifergolive: W JUICE WRLD [9331] taylort696: stop stealing Sketch’s trademarked lines [9331] tk8522: jynxziFAT_BW jynxziFAT_BW jynxziFAT_BW jynxziFAT_BW [9331] Flicky2ez: Flicky2ez subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! [9331] Sn00tr: cole1256636 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! yoo [9332] lildingleberryy: WWWWWWWWW [9332] jere2777: L I HAVE MORE MONEY THAN YOU [9332] zaapy___: l smoking old jynxzi better [9332] meat_wagon1: LEAKED!!! [9332] ragingtargaryen: Prime jynxzi [9332] level1backpack: PRE END [9332] blakrdr2013: cirgar [9332] tommy_llo: Leaked, that money is as good as mine 😂 [9332] Nightbot: Blue crown —-> Free —-> no ads —-> charm: https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [9332] car_lowzk: WWWWW [9332] vaquri: W CIGAR [9332] mar000o: i am watching u and caseoh at the same time [9332] larcoopeh30: leaked [9332] dembeatss: A craftsman doesn’t blame his tools [9332] soundcloutken: RUCHARDDD [9333] drmonkeeman10: WATCH IT SLIDE OFF [9333] ben_dover1473: poll it [9333] surge3338: ricky, ricky when i catch you ricky.... [9333] joshy__13: EVERYONE SAY LAG [9333] MightyMulder: Cashapp claims funds nowadays so you getting his with taxes on that 1000 [9333] klewinn1: W CIGAR [9333] owxnthedubb: jynxziClown jynxziLaugh [9333] ajoitt: RUN THE PREDICTION [9333] OfficialJay6: aseideBREATHE [9333] DuBem4K: EMPTY OUT THE CLIP!! [9333] renblur: JYNXZI I FUCKING LOVE YOU [9333] ciaran3122: !watchtime [9334] StreamElements: ciaran3122 has spent 12 hours 30 mins watching jynxzi [9335] johnsonlxver: 4- [9335] lil_focus7: PRE END [9335] treverscap: don’t fucking sell me Jynxi [9335] himothy4572: SMOKER [9335] zennnzzz: your so cooked no shotgun😭 [9335] oExstrinsic: @jynxzi u smoke 💨 him no 🧢 [9335] joshy__13: LAG [9335] dfrat_336: fake smoker [9335] llkarinal: STFU [9335] owxnthedubb: jynxziClown jynxziClown [9336] AboveWild: W SONG [9336] cxdy_g6: start calling him daddy now [9336] deadman5805: !bracket [9336] hektrg21: Pre end [9336] dethAJMW: W [9336] Nightbot: Tourney bracket here => https://brackethq.com/b/0ybzb/ [9336] tglore24: I know your watching this stompen [9336] resky: PRE WWWWWW [9336] bluechemlight: leaked [9336] ajoitt: PREDICTION [9336] edgar_mariscal24: jynxziLOL [9336] coolguy6942030: Smoking [9336] Sgnikaifa: HeyGuys [9336] SNF_equal_IF: W cigar [9336] frxstyclapu: where’s avid [9337] knockout1on8: lag# [9337] d1sco_myst1c_: I put all my channel points on you pls DONT SELL [9337] Lumera_Music: monkaW NEW [9337] owxnthedubb: jynxziLaugh jynxziClown jynxziClown [9337] nehsty: L smoker [9337] chugnutsboy: did xim get banned again? [9337] kermys_little_wormy: L smoker L smoker L smoker L smoker L smoker L smoker [9337] xim_gelunko: W ads [9337] JAYTOTAL: L SMOKING [9337] hobbes_mobbin: SeriousSloth peppoFire SeriousSloth [9337] mando_316: l vaper [9337] astreetcan: wrong side [9337] jacke1323: jynxziLOL [9337] Freshy_fps: jynxzi move your sub count [9338] slientkiller123: WWWWW [9338] tsmquiqui: POLL [9338] car_lowzk: WWWWWWW [9338] cutieruben: L rucard [9338] jaxoniskizzitycrackeddccc: L waiting time oeoolo [9338] Obibenkenobi80: that a buittplug on top ? [9338] noflylist1: LETS GO MY BOY [9338] crookedpit: 🪑 [9338] Stockd1: start poll [9338] iamar6grinder: Hey baby boy [9338] momma2304: use the ones you got from fan mail [9338] pamplepapi: WHO SHOULD I PUT MONEY IN [9339] darkshadow7461: Ricci already bitching about shotguns [9339] h0ppet: LOL [9339] 9juice9the9kidd: L smoker [9339] AmiriSaki: pre end [9339] lebpjames: turn me on [9339] fishyfinn7: why smoke tho [9339] Nightbot: 😂 [9339] Nightbot: 👀 [9339] car_lowzk: WWWWWW [9339] GooseZNeck: lmao [9339] king_silk_the_2nd: stop vaping [9339] hobbes_mobbin: peppoFire SeriousSloth peppoFire [9339] hoopswitchriscases1sniper: WW [9340] donaldrump12345: black lungs [9340] not4shadow: L Smoker [9340] that1slowkid: LOCK INNNNN [9340] bigpro1000: no buck???? [9340] jynxzophrenic: bro not gang affiliated [9340] dangerbuff06: L VAPER [9340] karstenthekartoffel: bro inhale it kiddo [9340] Nightbot: @cooperwass -> No disassembly required. [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [9340] squishybabboon: l smoker [9340] wicked_nation: HES THE GOAt [9341] Godly__Plays: ONCE A CHEATER ALWAYS A CHEATER [9341] puffpuffjuicer: L SMOKERR [9341] They3Bs: l [9341] johnsonlxver: 4-0 [9341] iowahawtguys: inhale [9341] tk8522: BrokeBack jynxziFAT_BW jynxziFAT_BW [9341] himothy4572: Vaper [9341] fractionless778: L smoker [9341] borizzjohnson: L cigar [9341] ghostofsparta69420: L SMOKER!!! [9341] InFxBoT: poll [9341] GooseZNeck: w [9341] hellovvbnn: BIG AHHHHH HEADDDDDDD [9342] jack_common84: WWWW [9342] OpitmusFine: Ricci a 🤡 [9342] ben_dover1473: poll [9342] Lanes5kk: poll [9342] d_sniffer9000: GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride [9342] mackund: @jynxzi whats ur sens [9342] hoopswitchriscases1sniper: W [9342] ilytpc: Lagggg [9342] r3flex13308: Poll [9342] yata_chris: !watchtime [9342] ArtemisTu: gg lmao [9342] StreamElements: yata_chris has spent 5 days 21 hours watching jynxzi [9342] vertmillion1: LOCK IN DUMBASS [9343] jaxoniskizzitycrackeddccc: 2ot time [9343] vsco_999: L SMOKER [9343] aidanishere09: 👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼 [9343] damedollabop: RICCI OWNS YOU [9343] Jorr3z: !xim [9343] cheebah710: cohhAiming cohhAiming cohhAiming cohhAiming [9343] lahpaulll03: EXCUSES [9343] Nightbot: Xim (Apex) is an external adapter that lets losers use mouse and keyboard on console to get an advantage over regular controller players. [9343] mooch28: poll [9344] squirmypug: L SMOKER [9344] ItsNatang: @Jynxzi how long does the cham take to get in inventory? 5 mins? [9344] StreamElements: If you're a gamer, you need a Starforge! Snag one -> https://starforgepc.com/Jynxzi [9344] Sockmonkey2717: ipredictionw [9344] chad_washed: L smoker [9344] nxt_et: L smoker [9345] adiqx___: leakd [9345] nickmorg15: submission still going for 20 mins wtf [9345] marixo_2fps: lets go [9345] CMOMoney187: U GOTTA WIN JUNKO [9345] darealfizzie: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [9345] DuBem4K: EMPTY OUT THE CLIPP!!! [9345] TrenchKid_18: WWWWWWW [9345] DanteVia: L smoker [9345] lukemahomie: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLL [9345] knockout1on8: lag [9345] treverscap: Jynxi don’t fucking sell [9345] Bennyboylcfc: w song [9345] braydenplayz2: Hes not inbaleing [9347] 1tapliz: WHEN IS FAN MAIL [9347] heownfifbspsu: L vaper [9347] cokeomelon: bro think he in an edit [9347] frostyrellik: AYO INHALE IT [9347] wneelsharma: bros been smoking [9347] luffysolossuckituploser: L smoker [9347] sugondesnutz_891iw: LMFAAOI [9347] sterlingarcher321: ioha vs stomp would be crazy [9347] mrmilku1234: W [9347] hades_immortal: !watchtime [9347] the2ndonee: L fatass smoker [9347] longden879: got them wrong way idiot [9347] Friiissk: 160K [9347] charky_n: charky_n is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel! [9347] StreamElements: hades_immortal has spent 2 days 16 hours watching jynxzi [9348] ragingtargaryen: cheater [9348] sklyxu: L lung [9348] charky_n: charky_n gifted a Tier 1 sub to antotx! [9348] charky_n: charky_n gifted a Tier 1 sub to angussouth13! [9348] charky_n: charky_n gifted a Tier 1 sub to ThatMiniKidd! [9348] charky_n: charky_n gifted a Tier 1 sub to caroditeexo_ttv! [9348] charky_n: charky_n gifted a Tier 1 sub to Lil_Frijolito! [9348] charky_n: charky_n gifted a Tier 1 sub to panic_! [9348] charky_n: charky_n gifted a Tier 1 sub to mynameisnotjosh1! [9348] charky_n: charky_n gifted a Tier 1 sub to qiaxaaa! [9348] charky_n: charky_n gifted a Tier 1 sub to BenjamanHoffer! [9348] charky_n: charky_n gifted a Tier 1 sub to pal6a1! [9348] ImStuckInCopper48: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [9348] Oskarrrr123: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [9348] StreamElements: @Diinkkyyy, diinkkyyy has been following jynxzi for 2 years 3 months 3 days 18 hours [9350] braincellnotfoundb: LLLLL L BOZO [9350] InFxBoT: channel points [9350] metaltabbysolid: CHOMP [9350] jacke1323: jynxziLOL jynxziLOL jynxziLOL jynxziLOL jynxziLOL jynxziLOL [9350] ImStuckInCopper48: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [9350] fatal__fox_: LOCK IN BOI [9350] gaberatorrr: did xim give up? [9350] rkeithyy: L cheater [9351] gmen1256: LLLLL [9351] grandseaker: WWW [9351] cashkirton: I’m on the toilet eging [9351] Luv_zorky: make a poll [9351] PhilMeUp22: L smoker [9351] xim_gelunko: w ads [9351] raging9770: L addiction [9351] pustinky69: what happened [9351] Flicky2ez: IM BAAAAACK [9351] bigpro1000: BUCKKK OR NO??? [9351] braydenplayz2: Wwww smoker frrrr [9351] zxourii: WW [9352] artistic_trix_: RESTART [9352] uLayz: cheating [9352] iowahawtguys: L smoker [9352] quiptor: where’s the poll [9352] moltenh0neybun: This is shaping up to be a 3 hour stream [9352] theduke_ljt: damn he really smoking them things now [9352] nhester23: w [9352] lurkinglettuce: NO EXCUSE TO SELL MY POINTS [9352] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [9352] TooSpici: stop smoking my grandma died cuz of it [9352] dom_thedon_1: L smoker [9352] Roastedninga: he's scared [9352] Void_0515: 25 minutes remaining [9353] zxourii: WEWWWW [9353] lebpjames: shut up high boy [9353] shellbro7: www [9353] d_sniffer9000: GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride [9353] stevo_fym: jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD [9353] fieryFighter: CHEATER [9353] FleshBro: BROKE ass cigar [9353] Harry__GG__: jynxziGG jynxziGG [9353] redraider_2: LLLLLL [9353] binky087: L smoker [9353] sklyxu: l lung [9353] deshon_solos: w runo suno [9353] g5_luffy: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [9353] gordito1432: YURR [9353] yvesinpx: l smoker [9354] JoeC526: You’re nothing without Xim [9354] peeweey5668: L VAPER [9354] 1bvndo: dont lose me my 5k channel points fat boy [9354] HaMaH1001: CHEATER [9354] GlazyRyan: vaper [9354] cameron_232009: he smokes!!!???? [9354] supercozmic: w [9354] mar_purpl3: PLAY SONG [9354] crippy_cow246: w [9354] nickholmes11: L EXCUSES [9355] Friiissk: 160 K SUBS [9355] TheSaiyansPrideYT: l [9355] Luv_zorky: poll [9355] vertmillion1: LOCK IN [9355] embibi__: L cheater [9355] kaithebest112: when are clips? [9356] RazorCataCrewTTV: hiii [9356] redraider_2: LLLLLLLLLLL [9356] jennnny1: my ex’s name was Richard get his ass [9356] elecpro715: can you please stop smoking [9356] blankinn: its almost the 3 hour mark [9356] ow2fan0: CLIX IS WAITING FATASS [9357] sillydudeTTV: jynxzi drop playluist [9357] qhonestabe: Re-upload? [9357] patydaniels: he’s gotta stream for 3 1/2 more hours… don’t see it happening [9357] everscootsmydude: hii [9357] Jorr3z: !jynxzi [9357] Nightbot: Full Time Streamer ❌ Full Time Vape God ✅ [9357] RemainingTie1: ITS ON SIGHT RICCI [9357] ben_dover1473: poll it [9357] fallstown83: all lis just to lose [9358] reso_nate_: CHEATERRRR [9358] spazzysambo: fucking play the game [9358] Flicky2ez: me [9358] shellbro7: wwwwwww [9358] InFxBoT: points [9359] krushpvp123456789: kai got food kai good food kai food kai got food [9359] CMOMoney187: U GOTTA WIN JUNKOOOOO [9359] uLayz: L cheater [9359] Sockmonkey2717: iprediction [9359] ragingdegen420: PRE END [9359] drew_ttyl: lol he’s a cheater [9359] Ryder_: hi [9360] redraider_2: L SMOKER [9360] jolly_bruh: L smoke [9360] thatkidlunar: jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD [9360] YTubeBlur: w [9360] georgesslow: w vaper [9360] sonotreal: unfortunate!! [9360] kingdrogon12222222222: !watch time [9360] itsshamr0ck: talk about that Twitter post [9360] iowahawtguys: L smoker part timer [9360] nixcka_1811: L cheater | Jynxzi | Prime Jynxzi is Back | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [9180] I'm not a boy. Join that game, fuck you guys! You're a fun to laugh. I don't know. Maybe it's only no savers. Oh the Jigsie Monster! The Jigsie Monster is not available in the Ubisoft R6 shop. [9190] How do you feel if I rock your bundle and just what your ass? I mean that'll never happen but we do appreciate the sale. Go down down to shop, esports, scroll down, do, and then see you. No I'm gonna break something bro. [9200] And then click SSC full kit there you go man Here we go let me join about fucking time look You know all right can you address can you address the [9210] Chronus thing because we all know them the Aquatic liar They say you're just that player. Yeah, I'll address the chronus thing Ricky is not currently cronus, but at one point in time. I was on the russ at one point [9220] time. Nah, I'm not on rainbow. I use it on rust, but never on rainbow six. Well, I can't address all that because I don't know, but I'll just say I don't know. I'll just say I don't know. [9230] You know I'm like not you don't know if that one point though and let's it And you did streams night you have stream tonight and you and Ricky you still to this day. I will lie [9240] You still play with no stream snipers bro, you know they stream But you still play with them like like I said I can't control my teammates do and they're own households [9250] Like I said, reform stream sniper. Wait, if I- You know I have in stream side to you, it tends to out one time. That's not even what I said. That's not even what I said. [9260] I was in the chair right now. Who's in the chair? Iowa. Oh yeah. Oh by the way Iowa wants to want to be one of you. You go I don't care. He would definitely. [9270] He would die don't give a fuck about that. I was your daddy. I don't give a five. I was your daddy. How do you feel? I was your daddy. I was your daddy. You're never my fucking daddy. What's [9280] What records in five years your daddy what the records wait what Rick Fox the records in five v five's when the last time You want a tournament bro you can't win you have stopping and you can't win you [9290] You got first one with my big guns. See you on Saturday. I will. See you on Saturday. See you on Saturday. I'll hit you, bro. I'll hit you. I better have a band in this city. Yes, I did send you a band, bro. I'll show my stream again. [9300] Oh god, thank you brother. You got it? Thank you brother. I appreciate the funds. Appreciate the funds. Joe shotguns. Fucking idiot. Joe gas fucking kid. No shot. [9310] 9 dice [9320] You a Ricky my control. He doesn't slide off my control to anymore. Oh no Richard Richard my More Richard you're not the brah [9330] Why might you move like this bro? I can't even bend a hop bro. It's crazy. The fuck is this? [9340] Too late! Rode on the stage! Too fucking late! Too late! No, bro, I'm literally rehearsing. No, no, no, no! Are you too late? I'm not even ready to be able to do this. You're too late! My spirit's fucking black, bro! [9350] perturbed the welt | There is no Highlight in the provided timespan. Jynxzi discusses with his colleagues. |
Jynxzi | Prime Jynxzi is Back | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [9420] in_cog_nito33: CRONUS ACTIVATED [9420] hottylover69: i nutted on your twitter post [9420] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀 [9420] lilpoppa101: he is watching u mate [9420] 5StarGrimm: in chat? [9420] dancingsniper2: FIX CAMM [9420] crazy224unit: xim called it [9420] turk_8488: He literally just went under his desk to plug in his cronus [9420] divincii_: he banned ace [9421] daxjelly: ah 2 ez [9421] midjunko: he said rotates [9421] 1Drae: LMAO [9421] Gam3rsGuid3Toth3Galaxy: LUL LUL LUL [9421] gabeispooping: clips, clips, clips, clips, clips, clips, clips, clips, clips, clips, clips, clips, clips, clips, clips, clips, clips, clips clips, clips clips [9421] sandy_sir: 💀💀WW [9421] the_quinchie: 🍆 [9421] jscamm: L RICCI [9421] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [9421] 3minnt: U AGREED FOR ROTATES [9421] v0urey: jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH [9422] ayyygg_: ytou did [9422] osvqc: u said rotates [9422] myelin7: ARE YOU STUPID???????????? [9422] thatmusb_jarv: CRHONUS [9422] sandy_sir: WWW [9422] supremelord400: ROTATE [9422] racerr77: secondary dumbass [9422] Xylebtw: YES YOU DID [9422] todomai: YES YOU DID [9422] atalkingapple: YES HE SIS [9422] ttvgavchin: YES YOU DID [9422] YourBucketT: when is fan mail ? [9422] rexyiu: you said rotates [9422] reso_nate_: ROTATES [9422] AboveWild: lmao [9423] davisito_pr: Cronus [9423] JetfireZB: u did [9423] AvidGlazer2ez: YOU SAID FOR ROTATES [9423] gaming_enjoyer111: YOU SAID FOR ROTATES [9423] dantesinferno369: You did to [9423] radicalhimself: you did dumbass [9423] redgrunky: cam too big [9423] lahpaulll03: HE DID [9423] movebricksss: yes u did [9423] mytwitchtowatchstreams: L CHEATER [9423] sandy_sir: W💀💀💀💀 [9423] GMGvelli: DQ [9423] burke468: U DID [9423] soundcloutken: LOLL [9423] MattWho0: LMAOOOOO [9424] tghetebeer: you did [9424] Gray10k_: JYNXZI YOU SAID ROTATES [9424] SirLiquidBacon: YOU DID [9424] rykilll: YOU SAID FOR ROTATES [9424] Imdaxss: !sub [9424] thewayitg0es: ????? [9425] mikeytwohands904: Smaller cams [9425] Ekanae: you said rotatte [9425] MF_DENJI: HE SAID FOR ROTATES [9425] cividszn: you did [9425] Yoo_Bearr: YES U DO [9425] fredyytywy2: YOU SAID FOR ROTATES [9425] Unstoppable1217: cap [9425] ChrisPur1: YES YOU DID LMAO [9425] a1dannnnn: YOU SAID FOR ROTATES [9425] nedler18: …. [9425] mojosheep: Yes you did [9425] darkcloud911: yes you did [9425] 3minnt: YES U DID [9425] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀 [9425] thelocoduxc: you did [9426] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [9426] boffy_exe: YOU SAID ROTATES [9426] LiIPiffer: YOU DID [9426] Fluffykipz64: cam too big [9426] 1Loula: YES YOU DID [9426] Darrendevil123: u did [9426] zangyang420: you did [9426] sinfullnesss: u said rotates oli swear [9426] bito_bot: YOU SAID FOR ROTATES [9426] slim_shady62: you said for rotates [9426] mondo_bongo: YOU DID [9426] yblurzy: you said for rotates [9426] ratatouilleee_: YES YOU DID [9426] BetaxPhoenix: YOU SAID ROTAT [9426] kottonking762: 1-0 [9428] elistone522: u did [9428] reallysebasttv: YOU SAID FOR ROTATES [9428] excbabu: YOU SAID FOR ROTATES [9428] saltman57z: yes you did [9428] Rafapro1458: bruh you said yes for rotates [9428] ajfishyy: you did [9428] the_munchalorian69: yes you did [9428] flaseyy: you did [9428] ricciangle: YOU DID [9428] lol_jstn: you did [9428] deifiic: U SAID ROTATES [9428] trudizzler: you said rotates dumbass [9428] xenoximx: YOU DID [9428] pinkinfinite: LMAOOOOO [9428] Nightbot: h [9431] AllenLivee: YES YOU DID [9431] wngzzz: YOU DID [9431] ange9l: you said for rotates [9431] dyscn: U SAID ROTATES [9431] godfromtheesouth: You said rotates [9431] off__limits00: U DID [9431] AvidGlazer2ez: YOU SAID FOR ROTATES [9431] supremelord400: YOU SAID ROTATE [9431] LiIPiffer: YOU DID YOU IDIOT [9431] dispencer4892: you said rotates [9431] akamaru_osu: U SAID ROTATES [9431] Junkoclonefr: you didnt [9431] Cvmmoose: you did [9431] lexuztexuz: u said rotates? [9431] gertttaaa: you did dumbass [9433] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: ur so stupid [9434] mendozzaa04: you did [9434] GIS_Taze: YOU SAID IT [9434] KrxztFlr: YOU SAID ROTATES YOU DUMBASS [9434] mayonnaise_steven: u said for rotates idiot [9434] finrobssss: U SAID ROTATES [9434] Chicago_Z: u did [9434] HolySight_: yes u did [9434] bryce1212_2: yes u did [9434] runt_z: u said rotates fatass [9434] oaksie33: for rotates yes [9434] IIDoomsdayI: YOU SAID DUMBASS [9434] andyzoop: you did [9434] MMaki_34: you said yes [9434] matt8u: u said for rotate [9434] daniel1honig: YOU SAID ROTATES [9437] pow3rzero: your so dumb [9437] itsyaboialpix: u said [9437] tacoggs: yes u did [9437] hunteybear1: you agreed idiot [9437] WolF_Aires: YOU SAID ROTATES [9437] yungKIBE: CLIPPED YOURE BRAINROT [9437] averyviv: yes you did [9437] smokefentbitch: u did [9437] eastoniscompp: YOU DID [9437] KevinxLaFlame: YOU SAID ROTATES [9437] Naughtynoah: YOU DID SAY [9437] Reckless_413: you said for rotates [9437] evoke_playzz: U SAID FOR ROTATES [9437] Xpiredberryy: u said rotatea [9437] Nightbot: 👀 [9438] phillyda_gawd: You did say for rotates [9438] lllriskylll: hes breakin the sound barrier [9438] MadeToStrap: WHAT [9438] bigmen5000: you said rotates [9438] shangod2k: yes you did [9440] HiVise: You did say that [9440] notaiden4310: YOU SAIDDD ROTATESSS [9440] jaxsonrowell: YOU ARE A CHEATER [9440] fredyytywy2: YOU SAID SO [9440] dantesinferno369: You did [9440] HiVise: You did say that [9440] beantownmelo617: u said for rotates [9440] fudgeface2015: you said rotates [9440] X_Black_Knights: Scammerr [9440] xsolofocus: You did [9440] ChocolateLoverVz: you’re so dumb [9440] avidcaseopener: you said yes for rotates fatass [9440] Beankampp: liar jynxzi [9440] darkcloud911: DUMBASS [9440] bellslabz1984: YOU DID [9441] Gemini_420: ez win [9441] pwhite1502: u fucking idiot [9441] v0urey: jynxziSad jynxziSad jynxziSad jynxziSad jynxziSad jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard [9441] yeetmeister2314: you did say rotates lmao [9441] Seqnz: u said for rotates [9441] Nightbot: 😂 [9441] HiVise: You did say that [9441] godfromtheesouth: LIAR [9441] Captainhotshot0: u said for rotates fattass [9441] robiberg_: LIAAAAAAR. [9441] alec_g67: YOU SAID FOR ROTATES [9441] jay07jay07: You said rotates dumbass [9441] HiVise: You did say that [9441] Butta_Nyfe: Butta_Nyfe subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [9441] HiVise: You did say that [9443] dsgetdegrees: INSANE CAP [9443] yungKIBE: CLIPPED YOURE BRAINROT [9443] mmiller585: you said weirdo [9443] papimoore: YOU DID [9443] ChristianoMM: you did dumbass [9443] aNinjin: fatty [9443] Nickname_isQ: YES U DIDDDD [9443] grant_ellinger: bozo [9443] ryder_297: you lying ah [9443] smokefentbitch: u did dumbass [9443] jared8563: You SAID [9443] Freak4912: you did [9443] noxhH1m: u said for rotations are u slow [9443] harrythecat1234: you did [9443] catgrubss: you did [9444] beamo110905: u did [9444] tyweepitch123: YOU DAID IT [9444] gloockfps: yes you did [9444] TheSaiyansPrideYT: dumie [9444] fwrdfounder: you did [9444] poery69: poery69 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! [9444] 0z_ozone: u said for rotates [9444] nehsty: YOU DID DUMBASS [9444] ruckinro: U DID FATASS [9444] Minty5144: rotates [9444] realt0xsick: LLL [9444] aaronbag99: u said rotates [9444] CQIN: Jynxzi smh bro 😭 [9444] ItsDannyyD: YOU DID [9444] Fossabot: @Barlos_, Your message is too long [2x] [9445] HiVise: You did say that [9445] HiVise: You did say that [9446] MattWho0: LMAOOOO [9446] garrettblack1234: stupid idiot [9446] daxjelly: u did [9446] donnytello__: YOU SAID FOR ROTATES [9446] puffpuffjuicer: U DEF DID [9446] mylestism: don’t even follow his own rules [9446] ronnie2kayseeyoulater: you said [9446] 4v8t0r: fYOU SAID U [9446] X_10: you said that [9446] RockoOnCoffee: U did lol [9446] teecrob32: YOU SAID ROTATES [9446] mattashley8888: you did say it [9446] iiTzAHill: you did say for rotates [9446] T0mfullery: u did [9446] nickengland00003: u did for rotates [9447] yungKIBE: CLIPPED YOURE BRAINROT [9447] Gray10k_: YOU SAID FOR ROTATES FATTY [9447] sarcasticmans: Tf [9447] AlexZz_zZ: LITERALLY SAID THAT [9447] 6goat06: you literally said that [9447] fatthcdabs: you said it on stream dumy [9447] jabbar2krazy: wtf o [9447] beyondagony: CAPPER [9447] anakin_better27: you said super shorty was fine [9447] Bnetlog: YOU SAID DUMBASS [9447] imdenoo: CAPPIN ASS [9449] x2Matty: you did [9449] IamTheFlash: ricci said that [9449] Datkiddude: You did [9449] glazrs: you said that [9449] bigmoon6536: no rotates [9449] largeimaginarymen: you said they’re allowed [9449] IonxCBCE: ong you did [9449] gingy4life35: you said it’s allowed [9449] smokefentbitch: stfu [9449] themadking415: you did say that [9449] fudgeface2015: look at the clip [9449] iamfaceles: you said hat dude [9449] wallywalshy: you did say for rotates bro [9449] trickyservis: U did say that [9449] OnlyInfamous_: YOU DID SAY THAT [9450] mikeloko6677: u said it [9450] tanner2geeked: YOU DID DUMAAS [9450] notG19s: CAPPING [9450] tobbiet78: YOU DID [9450] el_donlelo: L CHEATER [9450] Chopss1: you said ok [9450] deisel14: you said for rotates [9450] NavyBros36: you did bro lay off the weed [9452] dmooo31: dmooo31 subscribed with Prime. [9452] yCheap: you said it cheddar bob [9452] danner0504: GET HIM HIVISE [9452] quadmacaroon932: nooooo [9452] imdenoo: HOF CAP [9452] mykneehurtsbro: junko’s acoustic [9452] drew_ttyl: yes ricci woud [9452] pradrian347: brain dead [9452] sammlj: you said for rotates [9452] WOLFGANGHASH710: scanner [9452] covase_: hi vise got em [9452] valraven3: You did!! [9452] finalarigato_: your an idiot 💀💀💀 [9452] okaymikeyyy: who won against xim [9452] nickholmes11: L CHEATER [9453] ilovejunkolotian: did he break glass [9453] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [9453] kdude1933: bro you obviously said that [9453] X_ElOo: You SAID ITS ALLOWED DUMBASS [9453] gingy4life35: W VISE [9453] nicholasb0714: GET THE CLIP [9453] tyweepitch123: YOU DID [9453] andyy5555: U SAID IT [9453] FlyGod97_: YOU DID [9453] kottonking762: you said no shotguns [9453] yungKIBE: CLIPPED YOURE BRAINROT [9453] nausea3500: ricci said that you never said that [9453] sleezball47: U did [9453] glitchflated: yes you did [9453] Rosward23: L SENILE OLD MAN [9454] kinggzulu: Yu did say dat shyt [9454] prolific_7: u Said for rotation [9454] colton314: you did dumbass [9454] avfoster12: YOU SAID IT YOU IDIOT [9454] bagmasterlee: play clash [9454] breezy3114: wow liar [9454] ricciownsnicki: you said that fat ass [9454] gisabeast71: UR STUPID [9454] shadowmoneywizardgng: what happened to com and ricci [9455] rampagemonty: YOU SAID IT [9455] iviantine: junko lying like a pussy icl [9455] criticalgabe: dumb ass [9455] YmirR6: HE SAID THATTTT [9455] catgrubss: bro has memory loss [9455] fraasserrr: LLL [9455] lampini_nl: ONG U DID [9455] renblur: u did [9455] larams76win: u said for rotates [9456] Pyqn: you did idiot [9456] robiberg_: YOU DID STUUUPID [9456] BustaCap_: You did [9456] longdogdrake: ABC [9456] willybumboy1234: U DDK SAY THAT [9456] JynxziIsMyKing: you literally said you can [9456] ekowic: YOU DID [9456] tiktokhaychrowz: WHY U CAPPIN [9456] sxcretzzastro: punch made dev??? [9456] tsm_s1ckofn: you did say that [9456] Palmer134: FOR ROTATES [9456] Nightbot: @pir0ca_gigante -> I'm not scared. [stop posting links] [9456] GoonMaal: YOU NEVER SAID THAT [9456] HuntMk2: HuntMk2 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! [9456] CMOMoney187: JUNKO TRYNA GEWT A FREE 500 [9457] meat_wagon1: CAPPING [9457] greenbeanpeenn: guys i think it’s mind games [9457] xnelfrox: capping mf LMAOOO [9457] bigtunajake: and immediately took it back, regarded chat [9457] sonnberr: you said for rotates [9457] OneFred: L Liar [9458] quadmacaroon932: never said that [9458] truly__psycho: YOU DID [9458] v0urey: jynxziFAT jynxziSad jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY [9458] thislexnest: L fatty [9458] tearipper: lock in [9458] haloking063: YOU DID [9458] GHOSTEEE_23: im suprised junnko doesnt want his shotgun crutch [9458] korkz14: fix cam [9458] asoynut: !watchtime [9459] cifa__: crazy [9459] x_happy420man_x: Gaslighting [9459] i_midnite: L liar [9459] not2spicy999: You said he cojld [9459] iso_matthew: dumb ass [9459] debo_o0: UR DUMB [9459] Nightbot: i was crazy once [9459] xnelfrox: CAPPING LAMOOO [9459] StreamElements: asoynut has spent 7 days 15 hours watching jynxzi [9459] tttkilla25: you did say it [9459] percaddict69420: ME MY BOYS STILL BANG [9459] 0haysr: PUSSY [9459] supersaiyan1821: YOU SAID FOR ROTATes [9459] FlyGod97_: YOU SAID FOR ROTATWS [9459] Qwenneth_: JUNKO CHEATING [9460] alec_g67: get off the henny [9460] Hognn_: THE PULSE SKIN SAYS AH 2 EZ LMAOOOOOOOOOO [9460] supsilva18: Cam to big [9460] Imdaxss: !sub [9460] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [9461] 5StarGrimm: he’s in chat bludaroo [9461] swaggyhayes12: love you jynxi pookie ShowLove100 [9461] lion_ninjhaz: you too high bruh [9461] Kidknock_ibokei: alziemers [9461] Feestha: bro you stupid [9461] supercarrot5794: He said for rotates [9461] jibsterrr: HE DIDNT SAY THAT, RICCI DID YOU MORONS [9461] rexoctavious69: you did say it [9461] ZombieNoop1: L CHEATER JUNKO [9461] faddedpidgeon47: Ricci better ngl [9461] longdogdrake: ABCCCCCC [9461] yann598: lay off the weed bro [9461] 6carrot5: u did say that DUMBASS [9461] Stello96: BRO IS TRYING TO CHEAT RICCI [9461] SlimReapaTV: Mind gone head gone [9462] Cfoug: Jynxi did say for rotates only [9462] etterrx: AMNESIAC [9462] thedexecutioner123: YOU REMBER NOW DUMB ASS [9462] Ethor53: cam too big [9462] Chugns: big head cam [9462] cooperwass: L SMOKERS [9462] jabbar2krazy: on the lord above? [9462] rampagemonty: YOU LITERALLY SAID IT [9462] pow3rzero: the gaslighting [9462] blezzythegoat: u initially said no but changed to yes [9462] flenexdagamer: head cam too fucking big [9462] itsgxtt: @io [9462] itsraidernation: You did moron lol [9462] GoonMaal: YOU NEVER EVER SAID THAT [9462] v0urey: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziSad jynxziSad jynxziSad jynxziSad jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY [9463] babyham21: You said rotates [9463] rapperfn: sosa dont need ya shoutout [9463] Blackspider13: FACE CAME TOO BIG! [9464] reidskiboyski: cam [9464] twistiestnips: HIVISE GET THE CLIP [9464] emilfishyfn: YOU DID SAY IT [9464] Divise69: NAH HE DDIDNT [9464] meat_wagon1: GASLIGHTER [9466] rflts: CAM TOO BIGG [9466] Im_Jarod: you said rotates but not elims. L Jynxzi. [9466] daxjelly: burger boy [9466] timolinulopinguinu: LLKLLKKKKKK [9466] jaystacc420: u definitely said for rotates lmaoo [9466] walnutonsticks: L vaper [9466] Stabbingsss: facecam too big [9466] imsogoodathis: DRUG ADDOCT [9466] gingy4life35: is jynxzi acoustic [9466] rockstax16: face cam to big [9466] ogpeaks: under yu [9466] madtitan886949: no predictions?? [9466] Nightbot: k [9467] bravo69_420: FACECAM [9467] x_primitive_x: face cam too big [9468] UnlikeAnyHero: L FATASS [9468] benjaminonmeds: cam way too big @HiVise [9468] v0urey: jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE [9468] HolySight_: can to big [9468] mxrcyt: FIX CAMMMMM [9468] playafr: face cam jesus [9468] jskreetz: @HiVise have him shrink cam [9468] vortexzy034: make facecam smaller lil bro [9468] vrsweat2: L CAPPER [9468] sammyc316: junko is slow [9468] tsm_s1ckofn: !watchtime [9468] jxmxt: face cam too big [9468] ogpeaks: under [9468] samladen35: cam [9468] StreamElements: tsm_s1ckofn has spent 50 mins watching jynxzi [9469] USAFM1ke: CAM TOO BIG [9469] garrettblack1234: fat [9469] Doverson: big ass head bro make it smaller [9469] IodizedTV: CLOSE BETS [9469] mysticcclol: face can too big [9469] bomccul: bros high [9469] tiktokhaychrowz: TRYIBG TO ROB A 1000 AS A MILLIONAIRE OS CRAZY [9469] cxdy_g6: bros so bad [9469] mikothegreaat: big ass head [9469] Fluffykipz64: cam too big [9469] meat_wagon1: L GASLIGHTER [9469] yo_camm: FACE CAMM IS TOOOOO BIIIGGGG [9469] oalbah590: YOU DID [9469] chives200: Nah that’s a round for him 💀 [9469] callum2003: face cam is huge [9470] wildimpulse1134: cam [9470] nutv4: make face cam smaller [9470] FatalHeadshot6: Cam ti big [9470] yceja11: FACE CAM TOO BIG [9470] 4seb44: cam to big [9470] en22_: smoke burned his brain [9471] harambe17380: move your face cam dumb ass [9471] blazerxd1263: You said no rotations or anything shotgun wise [9471] dhogger083108: smaller cam [9471] iowahawtguys: camera L [9471] flenexdagamer: cam too big [9471] AvidGlazer2ez: cam too big [9471] lrbmustgol: facecam lard ass [9471] thomas_tpt329: FIX CAM [9471] rbrt_og: cam cumko [9471] duxksaucy: fatass [9471] mysticcclol: smaller camera [9471] arizonafiend: you did say that [9471] SlimReapaTV: Lock in or Ricci’s frying you [9471] ogpeaks: undderr [9471] CMOMoney187: JUNKO TRYNA FNISSS [9472] ScapelAxe: CAM TO BIG [9472] 4seb44: cam [9472] fuegohaago: cam too big [9472] StreamElements: PogChamp coolkid_21195_ went all in and won 50 points PogChamp they now have 100 points FeelsGoodMan [9472] ruhrhrhrh: Ong u did [9472] Bigbetz: big head [9472] goldrocktv: CAM TOO BIG [9472] wonpaz: WHY IS FACECAM SO FUCKING HUGE [9472] f0nduezoobag: is there no prediction? [9472] ehrae: face cam [9472] decoder1123: Face Cam [9472] javare__: so we wallbanging a reinforced wall? [9472] epicjackson54: link moeAz122erpoe [9472] supersaiyan1821: you said it [9472] Warptwister: BRO I STAKING HALF THE SCREEN UP [9473] kevinnhsvg: FACE CAM [9473] RunawayXcon: CAM TOO SMALL [9473] IodizedTV: CLOSE BETS [9473] elo_ducky: FACE CAM [9473] nutsincider96: bro make your face cam smaller lol [9474] ViTaLzSh4DoW: ViTaLzSh4DoW subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! cam to big [9474] danielp2133: how tf you get high from a cigar [9474] scorpion_samarai: camera too big [9474] dirtywes: cam [9474] jamilio__: BRO LITERALLY SAID ROTATES ONLY [9474] amcat88: stream harder [9474] cleffingwell125: face cam [9474] ferdaman123765: too big [9474] lukelamude99: part timer [9474] ducksavage: FACE CAN TOO BIG [9474] x_primitive_x: L Can [9474] tommowavyy: fix cam [9474] D3WV0LTAG3: can to big [9474] monkeynonster09: big ahh head [9474] Niiry: cam too big [9475] bagmasterlee: how many subs for you to play clash [9475] dadrew: face cam too bigb [9475] supercarrot5794: Are you high [9475] mysticcclol: smaller cameraaaaw [9475] k3ntrol: webcam too big [9475] teers_1: you said rotates [9475] thomas_tpt329: FIXX CAM [9475] dirtymitten1718: you saying it [9475] javare__: so we wallbanging a reinforced wall? [9475] lotus_52: hi [9475] quadmacaroon932: fat ass [9475] ChunkyDunk: you did XD [9475] zurow: huge facecam [9475] owenblackwell420: face cam too big [9475] xnycxjakex: MAKE FACECAM SMALLER [9476] zvaxi: ITS TOO BIG [9476] timolinulopinguinu: LLLLLLLLL [9476] tylerwills72: tylerwills72 subscribed with Prime. [9476] troikattv: !gamble [9479] pxdisaiah: face cam to big [9479] lukesharks8: too big [9479] MgGunsmoke: cam too big fatass [9479] treyculbb: MOVE FACE [9479] izukiyoo: haven’t seen a poll this even in a minute [9479] lostmonkey386: washed [9479] Mockingbird402: face cam too big [9479] thomas_tpt329: FIX CAMM [9480] raymondpp2485: CAM TOO BIG [9480] MrFeelsss: To fat [9480] notBreze: fix cam [9480] staticzlul: CAM TOO SMALL [9480] zaytopia: face camm [9481] mysticcclol: Cam too big [9481] qzchiy: fix cam [9481] bravo69_420: FACECACEMMMM [9481] LaggyDubs: big face [9481] gus24_: facecam too big [9481] keithbender1: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [9481] supsilva18: CAM TOO BIG [9481] Winter_Runner: face cam is 2 big [9481] iowahawtguys: L cam loser [9481] Nightbot: @xHouseOfPleasure -> You're mistaken. [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [9481] dawsxn_999: cam too big [9481] IIDoomsdayI: YOUR FAT ASF [9481] xHELLSOVERLORDx: xhells1HYPE xhells1HYPE xhells1HYPE xhells1HYPE xhells1HYPE xhells1HYPE xhells1HYPE [9481] callum2003: HiVise call [9481] k3ntrol: face cam too big [9482] Hypnical: FIX CAMERA [9482] IodizedTV: CLOSE PREDICTIONS [9482] lotus_52: llllll [9482] lord_adeus: fix cam [9482] zaytopia: face cam [9482] DMV_MaxDaKid: face cam [9482] lukesharks8: highfyse [9482] JavierSC_: LLLLLLL [9482] Washasha_: nice lips [9482] imsogoodathis: face cam too small [9482] othatscar88: face cam bigger than CaseOh [9482] 0haysr: YOUR CRONUS [9482] ItsT3MP: 87tyur [9482] xpgalaxyz: Cam [9483] rxcklessluhverr: FACECAM FACECAM FACECAM [9483] medders22: face cam to big [9483] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [9483] Warptwister: FIX CAM [9483] notBreze: fix camfix cam [9483] pinkliquid_: the operater card says AH2EZ another 15% @Jynxzi 🤣 🤣🤣🤣🤣 [9483] krxxzyfr: part timer [9483] ilovejunkolotian: u better win [9483] KL_Jr: Cam is toobig [9483] jackcollins4212: FACECAM [9483] bravo69_420: FACECAM [9485] ttvghostbooty: fix cam [9485] flan_again: 15k on ricci [9485] EliteGamer4205: cam to big [9485] cherny05: FACECAM TOO BIG [9485] JavierSC_: L PUSSY [9485] maallydub: you shot a reinforced wall [9485] z_JayCee: cam too fuckin big [9485] mysticcclol: fix cam [9485] BadlillRipper: FACECAM TOO BIG [9485] pinkliquid_: the operater card says AH2EZ another 15% @Jynxzi 🤣 🤣🤣🤣 [9485] aspect_apollo: GET UR FAT ASS OFF OF THE SCREEN [9485] ItsT3MP: gugg [9485] teecrob32: nice nose hair [9485] Hypnical: BIG HEAD [9486] ayeitsamritlol: L AIM [9486] austmingo: face cam to big [9486] rxcklessluhverr: FACECAM FACECAM [9487] shyfuck: big ahh [9487] nightcarries: ? [9487] jb1thru10: fix cam [9487] ducksavage: !gamble all [9487] Nightbot: ? [9487] jhovanny11: c [9487] Warptwister: DACECAM [9487] taythetrapgod: fix cam [9487] StreamElements: PogChamp faze_skintag went all in and won 2980 points PogChamp they now have 5960 points FeelsGoodMan [9487] Nightbot: Scuf.co/jynxzi [9487] milky_anderson: ssss [9487] PoaRidor: CAM TOO BIG [9487] mmmaaaattttt: you said it [9487] IodizedTV: CLOSE PREDICTIONSS [9487] reagan07: !watchtime [9488] Lumera_Music: LMAO THE CAM ICANT ICANT ICANT [9488] rxcklessluhverr: FACECAM FACECAM FACECAM [9488] fazion00: FACE CAM [9488] StreamElements: reagan07 has spent 1 day 9 hours watching jynxzi [9488] soulzay3k: cam big asf [9488] lucaszapxd: L FACE CAM [9488] qzchiy: CAM IS SELLING [9488] tomhayes10: can to big [9488] AIRMAX93: change cam size [9488] scorpion_samarai: camera too big [9488] notBreze: fix cam fix cam [9488] dirtywes: make cam bigger [9488] emilycraig6363: can too big [9488] ViTaLzSh4DoW: facecam [9489] ReAcTQuadz: Facecam takes up half of the screen LOL!!!!!!!!!! [9489] aspect_apollo: FAT FUCK [9489] Aightly: cam too big [9490] mulaelchivo: humungous face cam [9490] Mustyyon: fatty [9490] muddmadestink: FACECAM [9490] DoomXshoreZ: CAM TO FUCKIN BIG BRO [9490] rxcklessluhverr: FACECAM FACECAM [9490] Post_Melonss: Cm too big [9490] lauryia: FIX CAM [9490] medders22: fix cam [9490] Hypnical: L CAMERA [9490] xALTxAFRIC4Nx: fac cam to big fatass [9490] ragingtargaryen: move face [9490] ayeitsamritlol: FACE CAM OFF CENTER [9490] xavieryayaa: smash [9490] peppa1991: Giant head [9491] iMcNastyJr: face cam too small [9491] mikec750: FACECAME TOO BIG [9491] Hatenoid: bro get your big ass head off the screen [9491] ttv_lxl: we dont wanna see your ugly ass face [9491] kewanadige: cam to big [9491] D3WV0LTAG3: facecam [9491] garrettblack1234: to fat [9491] wild_fourgames: BIG FACE CAM [9491] notBreze: fix cam fix cam fix cam [9491] sensei_hammer69: FACE CAM TOO BIG JIZZY [9491] melanpath: What is this FaceCam bro [9491] Maple_NoLimits: Camera 5head [9491] qzchiy: L FACE CAM [9491] IceM3nn: Cam to big!!!! [9491] Warptwister: L FACE [9492] crookedpit: face cam [9492] zaytopia: face cam [9492] Nightbot: F in the chat [9492] carl324512: cam [9492] Nightbot: no [9492] harryjaye21: cam is bigger than ur belly [9492] milky_anderson: jynxziBounce [9492] hjhockey74: FACE CAM BIG [9492] anakin_better27: make cam smaller [9493] cxdy_g6: fix your cam clown [9493] Lumera_Music: ICANT ICANT ICANT [9493] lucashatesmonkey5: come tok small [9493] Vouka1ls: face cam [9493] 1_inferno_2: 99% cam 1% game [9493] MazenAB_: MOVE THE FACE CAM HOLY SHIT [9493] soulzay3k: cam fat [9493] supercarrot5794: Hey dumbass, maybe let us see the gameninstead of your huge forehead [9493] Zapssey: I can your nose hairs [9493] dusavagebb: faceccam [9493] radioheadp167: FIX SCREEN [9493] mysticcclol: fix cam fat fuck [9493] alilvoodoo_: Came too big [9493] sheIuvjay_: GET THE FUCK OUTTA MY FACE DUDE [9493] xtyge: L facecam [9494] imlushy: cam too big [9494] gordito1432: FATT ASSS HEAD [9494] zachzzzz3838: cam to big [9494] ru1243: face cam to big [9494] folishaops: cam to bog [9494] HydroKiIIz: face can to big [9494] whiffysnify: lol [9494] two_goood_4_you: CAM TO BIG [9494] that_cracker_ot: can big [9494] rxcklessluhverr: FACECAM FACECAM FACECAM [9494] fazion00: FACECAM BIG AF [9494] Nightbot: 😂 [9494] wonpaz: CANT SEE WITH YOUR BIG ASS HEAD IN THE WAY [9494] MoonyTv1: FIX CAM [9494] pinkliquid_: the operater card says AH2EZ, another 15% @Jynxzi 🤣 [9495] cristi1an_: FACECAM TOO BIG [9495] reu_bens1: cam [9495] nothing1322: smaller face cam [9495] adhd_movement: face cam [9495] Craig1122334455: FACE CAM TOO BUGGG [9495] Grottekid: face cam too big [9496] jackcollins4212: FACECAM [9496] scootie_2: cam is massive lol [9496] nevercallm_e: face cam [9496] baalfie: nnjpb [9496] qsenkko: cam massive [9496] tommowavyy: fix cammmmmmmm [9496] darwizzys: !sens [9496] ViTaLzSh4DoW: cam [9496] diver1234: facecam [9496] USAFM1ke: CAM TOO BIG CAM TOO BIGCAM TOO BIG CAM TOO BIGCAM TOO BIG CAM TOO BIGCAM TOO BIG CAM TOO BIGCAM TOO BIG CAM TOO BIGCAM TOO BIG CAM TOO BIG [9496] jayjay2crazyfr: FACE CAM [9496] lucashatesmonkey5: move ur fatass head [9496] rellikin: face cam to big [9496] Warptwister: FACE L [9496] Nightbot: Jynxzi sens and settings here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2GcpqRqJ9U [9497] gambre11: big head [9497] waterrnelons: ?? [9497] rxcklessluhverr: FACECAM FACECAM [9497] iNtenzinho: FIX FACECAM PLS [9497] braydenplayz2: F cam [9497] mikec750: MOVE OUT OF THE WAY [9497] a_deans44: face cam [9497] insan3_khi: make cam smaller [9497] thiagom2222: face cam to big [9497] mrxone13: how do I get the charm [9497] WJSamwise: face cam too big fat boy [9497] treyculbb: MOVE FACE [9497] that_cracker_ot: cam big [9497] moiisessc: big ass head [9497] racerr77: gyat [9498] PoaRidor: FIX CAM [9498] kadedickson: fix cam [9498] distroyedbtw: face cam to big u fatty [9498] cleffingwell125: face cam to big [9498] keithbender1: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [9499] MF_DENJI: bro cheating just to win [9499] MemoryOfU: CAM [9499] WideDaniel: cam is enormous [9499] nightcarries: CAM TOO BIG LITTLE BUDDY [9499] hornswoggledd: CAN TOO SMALL [9499] mikafar2crazy: FACE CAM TOO BIG [9499] xThrxsherx: make face cam smaller [9499] ItsNeonNinja: FACE CAM DUDE [9499] justind1717: face cam [9499] caseohisfaat: !gamble all [9499] mysticcclol: fix cam fatassss [9499] Shocwave788: FACE CAM [9499] StreamElements: caseohisfaat went all in and lost every single one of their 20 points LUL [9499] MattWho0: facecam is too huge [9499] sensei_hammer69: FACE CAM [9500] uhblobb: can see anything with his fat head in the way [9500] MindOfFarva: whys he cam get bigger every stream? [9500] jayyrock0ut: CAM [9500] folishaops: I can’t see shit [9500] Snaggerhead: FACE CAM [9500] thatmusb_jarv: FACE CAM [9500] supercarrot5794: FACECAM [9500] dougmfka: FIX FACECAM [9500] dcmemo310: cam too big!!! [9500] rnitten: lmaooo [9500] alilvoodoo_: Fix CAM [9500] aspect_apollo: DIDNT KNOW HE WENT ON THE CASEOH BULK [9500] hunktech: gyat [9500] ynwjocelyn: Face cam stupid bitcj [9500] vaders_gamer: vaders_gamer subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 9 month streak! when is mail fan [9501] drwagersupporter: MY EYE YOUR SO FAT [9501] L_10_N: FAT CAM [9501] sizz1_: gyat [9501] lukebaxter1: fix face game g [9501] Lumera_Music: ICANT ICANT ICANT ICANT [9501] SK_YIN: your nose built like a fking bull [9501] reidskiboyski: fat [9501] raider0519: face cam toe big [9502] etslibbly: WOULD [9502] cxdy_g6: LLLLL [9502] Minty5144: face cam [9502] daniel_oda_so: facecam [9502] CYRAXhd8: cam to big [9502] xNoRecoil: CAM TOO BIG [9502] baalfie: h [9502] DailyPoon: HIVISE CALL HIM [9502] Nightbot: h [9502] hjhockey74: CAM [9503] xpecthaven: 💀💀 [9503] maallydub: FACE CAM TOO BUG [9503] jskreetz: cam giant [9503] xjus10time: jynxziPACK jynxziSNOT jynxziLOL [9503] crookedpit: bro [9503] Chugns: was tat jenna ortega on the poster? Kappa [9503] essentialy1: GYAT [9503] meat_wagon1: TIDDY [9503] cooperwass: CAM TO BIG [9503] qzchiy: TOO BIG [9503] daddyxbeatsxme24x7: face cam in like middle of screen bot [9503] recoil_128: big head [9503] PoaRidor: FIXXX CAMMMM [9503] T0PFL00R: hey fatass your cam too big [9503] ashoveram: FIX CAM [9504] urgfmysidepiece: face cam too big [9504] iamdyzi: gyat [9504] GlipGlop024: mouse too big [9504] jackcollins4212: FACE CAMMM [9504] ayeitsamritlol: YO CHAT WHAT GUN SKIN DOES HE HAVE ON [9505] chasestewy: WWWWWWWWWW [9505] soulzay3k: fat mf [9505] adiqx___: too much face fatass [9505] lostmonkey386: move your big ass head [9505] youcantseem42097: Fix face cam [9505] wompwomp100: fix face cam [9507] chilifartz: face cam is huge [9507] snakesfn_: FACE CAM WAY TOOOO BIGGGGGGGG [9507] porto_life: FGACE CAME [9507] dieguito_javier: giant face cam [9507] cooljgr5: FIX CAM [9508] iamslimjesus: can too big [9508] HiloDaMonkey: mewing [9508] TheEmporiumm: gorny [9508] BlGsmoke: cammmmm [9508] Lowstyy: CAM BIG ASF [9508] Fluffykipz64: cam is giant [9509] Lumera_Music: Clown [9509] tsed_: can you shrink your head I can’t see [9509] omw2ybh2259: Cam tooooooooooo big!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!¡ [9509] x_primitive_x: L Facecam [9509] g_money0013: TOOO BIGGG [9509] MasterPleb5000: face cake is perfect [9509] razstr0: yo [9509] rngchevyman: fattttt [9509] qzchiy: ITS TO LARGE [9509] souwhis: MOVE FATTY [9509] ducksavage: vise tell him to fix cam [9509] jake_b55: yo he banned lesion [9509] ItsNeonNinja: BIG ASS HEAD LMAO [9509] vdr1_: face cam covering half the screen [9509] teecrob32: Lcam [9510] akaSoakzz: Facecam [9510] king_kong_dingdong: king_kong_dingdong subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! moan [9511] zyroooofn: zyroooofn subscribed with Prime. [9511] spookytopshooterrr: face cam big asf [9511] th3_tac0: face cam too big fat fuck [9511] dany3lln: FACE CAMMMM [9511] wildimpulse1134: cam [9511] dantheman9021008: chunky boy, facecam is too big [9511] centcal: FACE CAM [9511] bigmatt3000: face cam huge [9511] Zapssey: tooo big [9512] nathan_mcnabb: face cam huge [9512] c9flutzy: fat boy [9512] PhilMeUp22: Move face cam [9512] ttvcoachp: too big face cam [9512] ovo_chip: cant see shit other than jynxzi big head [9512] rize_colin: !gamble all [9512] Minty5144: face cam [9512] braincellnotfoundb: HEAD TOO BIG [9512] wgen9: YOUR FACE CAM [9512] StreamElements: rize_colin went all in and lost every single one of their 4055 points LUL [9512] isoldkk: face cam too big [9512] tntlord1899: FAT HEAD [9512] USAFM1ke: CAM TOO BIG CAM TOO BIGCAM TOO BIG CAM TOO BIGCAM TOO BIG CAM TOO BIG [9512] QuickPup3340436: FACECAM WAYYY 2 SMALL [9512] Harry__GG__: Try IQ's g8 [9513] danlanh265: cam [9513] supercarrot5794: HIGHVISE TELL HIM TO FIX CAM [9513] jjmont227: face cam is huge [9513] eztoniii: Cam is 1/4 of screen dude wtfffffff [9513] aspect_apollo: FAT FUCK [9513] spiPLOK: FACE CAM [9513] keithlistlll: move your cam [9513] godfromtheesouth: HEY FATASS I CANT SEE THE GAME [9513] gemms3ttv: FACECAM [9513] urgfmysidepiece: cam too big fatty [9513] BlastMe420: face cam too large [9513] essentialy1: GYATTTTTTTTTTTT [9513] jskreetz: GIANT CAM [9513] lnnateDomain: FIX CAM TO BIGG LIKE YOU [9513] 8Pina: FAT ASS I CANT SEE [9514] GabeRockz: @waterrnelons strategic placement [9514] scott16984: face cam too big [9514] arrkane420: fix face cam fat pig [9515] holotoned: fix cam you fat fuck [9515] hopelvpv: your taking up my screen big boy [9515] dookiecentral: PUSSY FIX FACECAM [9515] robinho1306: Face cam [9515] aspect_apollo: FAT ASS [9515] two_goood_4_you: MAKE CAM SMALLER [9515] xEtfan: FACE CAM [9515] eyesmokecrack: too fat can't see gameplay [9515] cashkirton: 🫵🏾👅💋👄🫦 [9515] oowee4: oowee4 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months! OG [9515] MythicSora: FACECAM MASSIVE [9515] TinoTheThug: Calm the fuck Downey chat [9515] iamfaceles: FACE CAM [9515] DIEGO_LAPULGA: pre will close when the game ends nice lol [9515] mysticcclol: fix cam fattttt [9516] elijah_ozb: cam [9516] lnnateDomain: FIX CAM TO BIGG LIKE YOUFIX CAM TO BIGG LIKE YOUFIX CAM TO BIGG LIKE YOUFIX CAM TO BIGG LIKE YOU [9516] bradygoateddd2: face cam smaller [9516] mattfr1uqua: FIX CAM [9516] thatmusb_jarv: CAM [9516] pIugZ: CAM [9516] ajaxdishcleanerTTV: GOON SQUAD [9516] xfluufy: xfluufy subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! W JYNXZI [9516] 4ndygxt: cam too big [9516] MrFaelen: who's he 1v1ing [9516] killaboe11: can feel you breathing [9517] nevercallm_e: cam too big [9517] souwhis: HOLY SHIT MOVE FATASS [9517] youcantseem42097: Face cam to big [9517] thedexecutioner123: FACE CAM IS HUGE [9517] mannimhungry: cam too big [9517] lnnateDomain: FIX CAM TO BIGG LIKE YOUFIX CAM TO BIGG LIKE YOUFIX CAM TO BIGG LIKE YOUFIX CAM TO BIGG LIKE YOUFIX CAM TO BIGG LIKE YOU [9517] protagon1st: face cam [9517] trxyslays: facecame [9517] driverff: FACE CAM [9517] Marc_L_G: smash [9517] reidskiboyski: too fat [9518] braincellnotfoundb: FIX FACE CAM [9518] cxdy_g6: you r too fat [9518] nailwind: get your filthy face off the screen [9518] chilifartz: can to big [9518] Xtendid: CAM! [9518] lukebenjamin56: can too big [9518] tyweepitch123: HEAD TO BIG [9518] krxxzyfr: face cam is too big fatty [9518] ilovejunkolotian: L fatass [9518] aspect_apollo: FAT FUCK [9518] adiqx___: fatass [9519] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [9519] Fossabot: @rollingstoned6, Your message is too long [9519] PoaRidor: FIXXX FACE CAM [9519] dougmfka: FACECAM [9519] loganfloo: FACE CAMNMN [9519] mrbobbybob999: Can’t see [9519] befehlswagen_jagdpanther: YOUR BIG ASS HEAD IS TO BIG [9519] tko___123: FACECAM [9519] Fluffykipz64: cam is too big [9519] xNoRecoil: CAM HUGE [9519] xEtfan: CAN SEE SHIT [9519] baltoplatajj4: move your fat ass head [9519] 3william3: face cam too big [9519] lnnateDomain: FIX CAM TO BIGG LIKE YOU [9519] mtb0ttle: big ahh face cam [9520] jidonse: FACE CAM TOO BIG [9520] essentialy1: FACE CAM BIG FATASS [9520] Hatenoid: I wish i could see the screeb [9520] TeaKsz: cam too big [9520] gorillapoodle: part timer [9520] yomanzfn: fix face cam dad [9520] RedArnoldHUN: BUG FACE [9520] TeVasAmor: CAM [9520] gnarlyharley__: CAM IS FINE dont worry just watch [9520] xd4rhenrx: just put a million on j [9520] supercarrot5794: HUGE FOREHEAD [9520] cooperwass: FACECAM WAYYYY TO BIG [9520] Sizzles6323: jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES [9520] GHOSTEEE_23: wow juno is playing so ballsy [9520] jjmont227: taking my screen up fatty [9521] Rickyraptor: THE GYATT CAM TOO BIG [9521] ponman132: daddy is that you?? [9521] ragingdegen420: FACECAM TOO BIG [9521] jdelrio28: Face cam [9521] eztoniii: This guy is losing [9521] harleydobbin1: who’s he 1v1 ? [9521] CodyP447: facecam [9521] godfromtheesouth: FAT ASS I CANT SEE [9521] imxtd_600: face cam to big [9521] va1kn: make face cam smaller [9521] brybih: hi vise close bets you fuck [9521] itsshamr0ck: JYNXI was gridlock on Twitter [9521] Barry_McKOCKinerr_: fix face cam bitch [9522] vhyepnotiixx: face cam way too big [9522] sp0iled_mllk: cam too big [9522] zandyyer_: what was the twitter post [9522] adrianx8_: yo [9522] iLiquifyy: face cam too big [9523] digiwyd: cam to big [9523] 5StarGrimm: face am too big [9523] cg_extr3me: your head is the size of a water melon [9523] qsa_turtle: make camera smaller [9523] atalkingapple: Face cam big asf [9523] sizz1_: cam is huge [9524] tennmann33: face cam [9524] outfrz: face [9524] bradlad6677: FACE TO UGLY [9524] shikkennaggets: where's the land sharks? [9524] ray_3332: cam 2 big [9524] lrbmustgol: shrink your ugly face [9524] sevinplayzcomp: face to big [9524] g8trxl: Lock in [9524] dewzee_: fix cam [9524] lossantossecurity: fix cam blud [9524] finger_blaster3249405: face cam too small [9524] girthqu4ke69: !LINK [9524] 7temporary: Face cam is HUGE [9524] rileybouchard30: BADDDDDDD [9524] Nightbot: @girthqu4ke69 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [9525] gambre11: head to fat [9525] Fluffykipz64: cam is insane [9525] trapgoz: fix cam [9525] ieatrice01: FACE CAM TOO BIG [9525] sightlytoomey420: BATTLEPASS GUN SKIN [9525] hage013: cam [9525] Hoomanadaw: FATASS HEAD [9525] jdog513: fat head [9525] Spookk710: YOU GOT A PHAT ASS NOSE BOIII [9525] bigmoneyshmo: CAMERA HUGEEE [9525] jaxdaboom364: when you playinng [9525] ritual2921: face cam to big [9525] ssj6god: Fa e cammmmmmmm IDIOTTTT [9526] tripssalty11: bros not locked [9526] qzchiy: BIG AHH FACE CAME [9526] tjizzle451: face cam to big [9526] lovupid: CAM TOO BIG [9526] limithegoat: is it your face or Facecam [9526] trapz2real: ur sooo bigggg [9526] DankJake5: FACE CAM YOU FAT FUCK [9526] thatmusb_jarv: JUNKO LIL FREAKY YA FACE CAM [9526] tyweepitch123: CAM TO BIG [9526] Barry_McKOCKinerr_: fix face cam bitchh [9526] KAMIKRAZI: VIISE FIX IT LIKE WIPS [9526] vmilesc: face cam [9526] alfredo_ferdinand: face can to big [9527] Rickyraptor: GYATT CAM TOO BIG [9527] tubularkenny: Bro face cam is to big [9527] Jacobb_23: FACECAM [9527] sizz1_: cam is huge bro [9527] aoukixnz: fix cam [9527] protagon1st: fix your face cam its too big [9527] 501Boy: face cam too big [9527] loganfloo: FACECAMMM TO BIG [9527] ujust1ce: face cam huge [9527] 401Loony: face cam way too big [9527] wywykoth: FACE CAM TO BIG [9527] xlfenwinxl: FACE CAM TOO BIG [9527] willybumboy1234: BIG AH FACECAM [9527] janberdtolga: FACE CAM TOO BIG [9527] unbeatableramen: fix cam [9528] caseisplanet: cam fatter than you [9528] cherny05: FACE CAM TOO FAT [9528] danlanh265: camera is too big [9528] BustoNY: FACE CAM IS MAD BIG [9528] not4shadow: Bad aim [9528] f00ldzz: he banned lesion @jynxzi [9528] bennethb: fix cam [9528] funkadunk7: smaller face cam !!!!! [9528] dicci_ofc: !LINK [9528] finger_blaster3249405: face cam small [9528] HashInhaler710: FACECAM TO BIG [9528] supercarrot5794: BIG ASS FACE [9528] iLiquifyy: fix face cam [9528] PickleOnTwitch_: can tv big [9528] pinkliquid_: face cam too small @Jynxzi .... [9529] glizzystodgy: BADDAIM [9530] lovupid: FACE TOO FAT [9530] sickmagician802: cam [9530] scintilles: CAM TOO BUG [9530] tmango22: CAM TO BIG [9530] spry_sergeant2010: FACE CAMMMMMM [9530] protagon1st: face cam [9530] yellowinman12: FACE CAM IS ERECTED [9530] walkerAU: dude is 100% stream sniping.. [9530] Genderbomb: yall bitching about his face cam you can see the map still [9530] zinft: fatass to big [9531] Rickyraptor: BIG GYATT CAM [9531] saucin2hard: Facecam too big [9531] loganfloo: FACECAM [9531] cambassford06: facecam too big [9531] BGmfam_billyw3: Please fix camera it's too big [9531] juuzoufn_: FACE CAM WAY TOO BIG [9531] Jacobb_23: YOUR HEAD IS TOO BIG [9531] resperks: FIX CAM FATASS IM BOUTTA YACK STARING AT THEM PIMPLES FIX CAM FATASS IM BOUTTA YACK STARING AT THEM PIMPLES [9531] asbodyne: face cam to big [9531] gooofyx: UGLY FACE LUL [9531] reidskiboyski: cam [9531] unspoken_rizz0: face cam [9531] ujust1ce: face cam [9531] jayp50798: FACE CAM FAT FUCK [9532] vaquri: BRO LOOKS GOOFY [9532] bastian_nn21: cam to small [9532] swxpn: FACE CAM WAYYY TOOO BIG [9532] nailwind: might as well fullscreen cam at this point [9532] pinkliquid_: face cam too small @Jynxzi ... [9532] ShiftNoize: I can't see jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [9532] mattmatt17: face cammmmm [9532] PickleOnTwitch_: can to bi [9532] digiwyd: cam to fucking big [9532] ragingdegen420: FACECAM [9532] Fluffykipz64: face cam [9532] travissdaman: face cam [9532] mattfr1uqua: FACE CAM TOO BIG [9532] djr0se: face cam too fat [9532] swaff_13: face to big [9533] nickmorg15: face cam way too big [9533] mario91allstar: FIX CAM [9533] swavyygz: face cam [9533] Exotics_76: Fix cam [9533] seb0debo: !discord [9533] jdever449: shittyaim [9533] lucky77sh0t: good aim] [9533] Nightbot: https://discord.gg/jynxzi [9535] lovupid: FAT FUCK [9535] 5StarGrimm: fat ahh head in the way [9535] cashbloopin: BADDDD AIMMMM [9535] tombomb74: Cam to big [9535] T0mfullery: face cam too big [9535] zaydey_7622: you’re to bad jynxzo [9535] jaynixx2: face cam [9535] N00bydy: fatt head [9535] bigmack224: face cam to big [9535] HotDogWater043: face cam way too big [9535] arizonaoutlawz: fix face cam too big [9535] aktivenate: cam is to big funko [9535] t_meup_nico: to big [9535] ayeitsamritlol: BAD AIM [9535] pinkliquid_: face cam too small @Jynxzi [9536] tmelton31: cam to big [9536] drecht1: facecam [9536] lost_xeno: CAM TOO BIG [9536] loganfloo: FACECAM FATASSS [9536] trapgoz: fat head [9536] davisito_pr: L aim [9536] JamesLUFC12: whag happened to xim [9536] billytheman1234: when is fan mail [9537] gthebeast89: Face cam t9 big [9537] ujust1ce: FACECAM [9537] puffpuffjuicer: CAM TOO BIG [9537] vellyvs: BADDDDD CAMM [9537] lament17: MOVE YOUR FUCKING FACE CAM [9537] MrBarryAllen2: ur to big chunky [9537] bastian_nn21: Cam to small [9537] Truz1x: CAM [9537] ICEcr3em3: face cam too big [9537] in_cog_nito33: BAD AIM [9537] Chunibyo_rikkaT_T: cam to big [9537] itzinfinityt: face cam too big [9537] Fawful77: FACECAM TOO FAT [9537] ionic_a1pha: CAM TOO BIG [9537] PickleOnTwitch_: can to big [9538] cambassford06: FACECAM TOO BIG [9538] big_ric69: face cam [9538] Minty5144: big ass head [9538] gambre11: jumbo ssg [9538] TeVasAmor: cam [9538] panther185109: one v one me part timer rookie [9538] agentamg33: facecam [9538] damzyxz: LMFAO [9538] baller_baller1: make you cam smaller fat ass [9538] karstenthekartoffel: move your big ass head [9538] dylanhky88: bro fix your big ass facecam [9538] braydenplayz2: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [9538] himothy4572: CAM IS BiG [9538] sryimbetterthanu: FAT FACE CAM [9539] pinkliquid_: face cam too small @Jynxzi .... [9539] thatmusb_jarv: CAM TO BUG YU NERDY BOY [9539] dogbook_esq: face cam the size of Alaska [9539] MxtzzFN: bad ajm [9539] shinykarp2: ZIM [9539] m8_quikz: cam [9539] Burgerboyistheman: burgerboyistheman subscribed at Tier 1. [9540] sleepy_drey: CAM TOO BIG [9540] razr_loll: CAMERA TOO BIGG [9540] GlockToretto: close pred [9540] MonsterKIllaTM: CAAAAAAMMMMMM [9540] Rhetoriic: bros cam is blocking the crosshair [9540] wompwomp100: face cam to big [9540] juuzoufn_: SHRINK FACE CAM [9540] CheekyBitOfK: FACE CAMM [9540] deevo1ac: fatass face cam [9540] lost_xeno: CAM [9540] hntradmz: SHRINK FACE CAM SHRINK FACE CAM SHRINK FACE CAM SHRINK FACE CAM [9540] jxmxt: face cammm [9540] finger_blaster3249405: face cam 2 small [9540] loganfloo: FACECAM [9540] mmiller585: L cam [9541] vykarian: FACE BIG AF LMAO [9541] ttv_kidletty: face cam to big [9541] reidskiboyski: cam is perfect [9541] mattfr1uqua: FACE CAM [9541] kingjake1155: BIG HEAD [9541] jesko_11: Face cam [9541] demetrius_d3jr: Face cam 2 big [9541] stillmedicatedtho: FAT CAM TO BIG [9541] jr_223_: facecam huge [9541] gpixel8: Face cam [9541] chainsawrayanpiece: cam too big [9541] hunter31753: BIG FACE CAM [9541] Fluffykipz64: cam [9541] danlanh265: face cam to big [9541] yourmyfavoritperson: FIX CAM [9542] clash_kingg: face cam too big [9542] jakey23463627: fix cam [9542] timolinulopinguinu: L CAM [9542] deshon_solos: FACE CAM TOO BIG [9543] Kydo007: face camn [9543] Xerofortune: we can’t see bro [9543] bastian_nn21: cam to small [9543] pinkliquid_: face cam too small @Jynxzi .. [9543] mintachiever854: face cam too perfect [9543] GlockToretto: close predddd [9543] dewzee_: cam [9543] gobillyhamilton: Face cam [9543] chrxsonwii: face cam big [9543] WoNxAries: FIX FACECAM [9543] Rickyraptor: GYATTT CAM TOO BIG GYATTT CAM TOO BIG [9543] cashbloopin: TOO BIG [9543] vykarian: FACE BIG AF LMAO... [9543] mcchitty03: FACE CAM TOO BIG [9544] Tybirr: fix face cam [9544] itz_jackson34: bad aim [9544] wydtrev: pre 4 hour streamm [9544] walrusgodel: Cam too big [9544] coolkid_21195_: !gamble all [9544] therealfandangle: MAKE YOUR STUPID HEAD SMALLER [9544] BustaCap_: L face cam [9544] befehlswagen_jagdpanther: YOUR NOSE IS IN THE RETICLE [9544] mg270g: CAM TOO BIG [9544] StreamElements: coolkid_21195_ went all in and lost every single one of their 100 points LUL [9544] D3WV0LTAG3: we can’t see the game 😭 [9544] sobernut66: cam [9544] pinkliquid_: face cam too small @Jynxzi . [9544] yomanzfn: fix cam dad [9544] codyterral: face cam to bigggg [9545] himothy4572: big ahh ahh head [9545] big_ric69: face cam to big [9546] emptyshelly: face cam too big fatass [9546] garfieldlocxbeezy: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [9546] jaxdaboom364: xim [9546] Fluffykipz64: cam too big [9546] akorazxc: CAM [9546] xfluufy: W [9546] squiz27: cam to big [9546] izabella74174222: Face cam too big [9546] ayeitsamritlol: UR COVERING THE SCREEN FATTY [9546] evantvp: cam to bnig [9547] kayyuntouchedd: facecam huge [9547] jbilihacker: 120K views!! WWW [9547] limithegoat: is it your face or Facecam?? [9547] ICEcr3em3: facecam [9547] notmrwayne: facecam too large [9547] jskreetz: FIX CAM [9547] iamfaceles: FACE CAM [9547] floornugget27: NotLikeThis [9547] sryimbetterthanu: FACE CAM TOO FATTTTT [9547] neotilt0: cam [9547] cdisslump: FAT FUCKING HEAD [9547] braydenplayz2: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [9547] skizzy29: FACE CAM TOO BIG [9547] adamnardi: L FACE CAM [9547] zachythryce: face cam to big [9548] adiqx___: face can to wide fatass [9548] travissdaman: face cam to big [9548] Mjskaa: BIG HEAD [9548] WanderingReaper7: 905 LIPS [9548] xNoRecoil: CAM TOO BIG [9548] xPsycho94x: face cam to big [9548] bala_benos: bala_benos subscribed at Tier 1. [9548] BShaedyn: Jynxzi can you make the face cam bigger I almost saw the game! [9548] murdo_ll: face cam too big [9548] ebast1099: hivise call him [9548] HashInhaler710: facecam [9548] coiko: FACE CAMMMMMM [9548] zyroooofn: !link [9548] USAFM1ke: CAM TOO BIG CAM TOO BIGCAM TOO BIG CAM TOO BIGCAM TOO BIG CAM TOO BIGCAM TOO BIG CAM TOO BIGCAM TOO BIG CAM TOO BIG [9548] bradlad6677: FIX CAM FAT ASS [9549] novaaakk: BIG ASS HEAD [9549] mulaelchivo: ur aiming for his knees or what [9549] fortnitelabbajjjj: caseohLockincaseoh [9549] Rickyraptor: GYATTT CAM TOO BIG [9549] Captain400x: !gamble 5 [9549] StreamElements: Captain400x lost 5 points in roulette and now has 2795 points! FeelsBadMan [9550] danlanh265: FACE CAM IS TOO BIG [9550] 1_inferno_2: 99% cam 1% game [9550] chicathequeenperiod_99: i am currently lying on my floor waiting for u to get up so i can jerk off to the little worm u have bulging out of ur pants [9550] bradtoneydluffy: cam is to big [9550] bravo69_420: FIX CAM [9550] ISCOHHH: CAAAAAAAAAAAAAM [9550] wydtrev: calling it rn [9550] MajorRam_: FACE CAM WAY TOO BIGGGG [9550] thestenenxd: face cam too big [9550] mcchitty03: FACE CAM TO BIG [9551] Xorxa32: fACE CAMMM PLSS [9551] cashbloopin: BRO [9551] getbacktow0rk: FIX FACE CAM [9551] hdt26: uik [9551] Muliano: CAM TOO BIG [9551] 0haysr: FACE CAM IS THE SIZE OF FUCKING KILAMANJARO U YOU DUMBASS [9551] acidthriller: let him cook [9551] SupremeYuhh: cam too big [9551] deshon_solos: FACE CAME TO BIG [9551] arbz3005: Fat face [9551] yomanzfn: fix cam das [9551] atilt45: face cam way to big [9551] Zerx_313: face cam too big [9551] aoukixnz: face cam to massive [9551] Warptwister: FACE L [9552] chainsawrayanpiece: cammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm [9552] TeVasAmor: Cm [9552] jskreetz: FAT FACE CAM [9552] tw_swervo123: cam [9552] deevo1ac: too ahh big [9552] ionic_a1pha: @HIVISE TELL HIM [9552] auryale556: face cam to big [9552] zachythryce: face cam [9552] tjizzle451: fat ass face [9552] imjusttootoxic: dude face cam too big [9552] RawDaddyDuck: fix face cam [9552] fran_ligi: I NEED MOR BULLETS [9552] gwayne84: face too big [9552] saucin2hard: Vise callll [9552] mymamdioblo: face cam 2 big [9553] bradtoneydluffy: fix cam [9553] finger_blaster3249405: face cam perfect [9553] byensell: camera [9553] bradlad6677: FIX [9553] squirrelracing7: squirrelracing7 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 9 month streak! w [9554] Swankssss: FACE CAM TO BIG [9554] ulvorat: cam too big [9554] cursedblooo: cam to big [9554] mytwitchtowatchstreams: BIG AHH HEAD [9554] TeVasAmor: cam [9554] kingjake1155: BRO HEAD MASSIVE [9554] marsxtx: FACE CAM [9554] TheDon_IsReal: Facecam takes 30% off the screen lol [9554] angel981256: cam too big [9554] dillontoker: FIX THE CAM PART-TIMER [9554] whyme59: wassuppp [9554] adamnardi: BIG HEAD [9554] eddie72070: eddie72070 subscribed at Tier 1. [9554] lil_cracka01: FACECAN FATASS [9554] connerb790: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [9555] SPLASH_STEAM: SHRINK YOUR FACE CAM [9555] rip_lucky698: Bro [9555] vortexzy034: cam big as hell brodie [9555] StreamElements: PogChamp th3_tac0 went all in and won 225 points PogChamp they now have 450 points FeelsGoodMan [9555] werlixss: !watchtime [9555] Bonesx27: FACECAM TOO BIG [9555] GLiiTCH777: FATCAM TOO FACE [9555] HashInhaler710: FACECAM TO BIG [9555] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [9555] StreamElements: werlixss has spent 4 days 7 hours watching jynxzi [9555] Warptwister: L FACE [9555] fortnitelabbajjjj: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziVapeBreak [9555] MadeToStrap: UGLY ASS YO CAM TO BIG [9555] thetrashboat__: face cam way too big fatass [9555] cmongxng12: face cam too big [9556] unknownmefr: Yooooo jynxziiiiii [9556] cashbloopin: BRO BRO [9556] Nightbot: 👀 [9556] thestenenxd: face cam too bigface cam too bigface cam too bigface cam too big [9556] two_goood_4_you: CAM TO BIGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG [9556] theyluvlix: HOLY SHIT [9556] its_drakeyyy0: when is fan mail 1v1 [9557] yomanzfn: fix cam dad [9557] ollitheninja99: face cam [9557] mc4024: move facecam [9557] DubxShiftz: move ur big ass head butch [9557] aidankesslr: facecam too big [9557] chainsawrayanpiece: am m m a [9557] Xorxa32: fACE CAMMM PLSSSSSSS [9557] mrbobbybob999: can to big [9557] natedonz33: cam to big [9557] baxter0216: face cam to big [9557] baller_baller1: ass hole make that cam smaller [9557] cloxdztwitch: face cam too big [9557] gambre11: JUMBO SSG [9557] zachythryce: face cam to big daddy [9557] Sizzles6323: fix cam [9558] SPLASH_STEAM: FACE CAM [9558] FroztyyKT: FACECAM WAY TO BIG CHUNKO [9558] DanteVia: I CAN'T SEE, YOUR HEAD IS YINGING ME [9558] thestenenxd: face cam too bigface cam too bigface cam too bigface cam too bigface cam too bigface cam too big [9558] USAFM1ke: CAM TOO BIG CAM TOO BIG [9558] hottylover69: HEYYYY FATTFUCK I CANT SEE SHIT BC YOUR AUTISIC FUCKING HEAD [9558] connerb790: jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage [9558] Jager_514: fix face c [9558] wywykoth: FACE CAM TO BIG [9558] in_james_we_trust: face cam too good [9558] Pixel_AIM: OOOO RICKY OOOOO RICKY WHEN I CATCH YOU [9558] killaboe11: I can feel you breathing [9558] marsxtx: FACE CAMS TOO BIG [9558] Rickyraptor: GYATTT CAM TOO BIG GYATTT CAM TOO BIG GYATTT CAM TOO BIG [9558] cashbloopin: FACE CAM BRUDDA [9559] nvqvtt: !sens [9559] StarxSan: Are we watching r6 or your big ass nose? [9559] ssj6god: UR FUCKING CAM TOO BIG IDIOTTTT [9559] Nightbot: Jynxzi sens and settings here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2GcpqRqJ9U [9560] jdog513: fat head [9560] thestenenxd: face cam too bigface cam too bigface cam too bigface cam too bigface cam too big [9560] cdisslump: FIX FACE CAM BIG BOY [9560] hellovvbnn: FIX CAM [9560] deshon_solos: BIG FACECAM [9560] Swankssss: FACE CA, [9560] meat_wagon1: CAM [9561] bryce1212_2: cam [9561] elite___kj: facecam too big [9561] timelylizard: L prefire [9561] etterrx: MAKE CAM SMALLER [9561] GGamero_: big headddd [9561] angel981256: face call too big [9561] thestenenxd: face cam too bigface cam too bigface cam too bigface cam too bigface cam too bigface cam too big [9561] connerb790: jynxziHappy jynxziHappy jynxziHappy [9561] JoPro135: fix cam [9561] Byzkk72: cam is too big [9561] clivexbixby: Fat head [9561] tehepicradio_: FIX YOUR FACE CAM [9561] ja_woowoo: fix cam [9561] collin756: facecam smaller [9561] guyguy010: CAM!!! [9562] RawDaddyDuck: fix cam dumbass [9562] eianz_: stupid fucking face cam [9562] travissdaman: L facs cam [9562] Insanityskiill1: DendiFace imGlitch [9562] Bonesx27: HEY DUMBASS [9562] tinkletubson: Face cam big as fuck [9562] rijinmanz1: W SOUND OBFUSCATION? [9562] Spookk710: JUUU NOSE [9562] rehti1r6: Your in the opti [9562] eztoniii: Brother we can't seeeeeeeeeeeee [9562] MrBarryAllen2: UR TOO BIG CHUNKY !!!!!! [9562] sesiec: @hivise close preds [9562] gwayne84: FIX [9562] mustyybean: face cam too big [9562] thunder_waffle: facecam bigger than caseoh [9563] dylanhky88: UR RESTARTED [9563] cooljgr5: FIX CAMERA [9563] Spliffyvee: cam to big [9564] marsxtx: FACE CAN [9564] rowdyisbetter: fat face cam [9564] Sizzles6323: fix face can [9564] handyman_420: jynxziRage [9564] diegodeezol: FACE CAM [9564] dylanjohnson6978: fix cam [9564] zootyboii: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [9564] MrBarryAllen2: UR TOO BIG CHUNKY !!!!! [9564] t_meup_nico: cam face big to [9564] gooofyx: UGLY FACE LMAO 😂 [9564] crxpyyfn_: CAM TOO BIG [9564] elite___kj: facecam [9564] jesse23426234: FACE CAM [9564] thestenenxd: face cam too big!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [9565] chaz_yg: jynxziVapeBreak [9565] thetrashboat__: face cam too big [9565] kingjake1155: UR HEAD BRO OMG [9565] aba77ri: FIX CAM [9565] dommydimes69: face cam [9565] connerb790: jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown [9565] byensell: move the can [9565] sryimbetterthanu: CAM FACE FAT [9565] not4shadow: BAD AIM !!!! [9565] mcchitty03: FIX CAM [9565] spazn_: vise please call after round [9565] collin756: smaller cam [9565] spyroisawesome1: facecam too big [9566] adiqx___: dumbass [9566] M1N1F1R3: BIG ASS FORHEAD [9566] Warptwister: CAM [9566] jakerush17: when is fan mail [9566] Insanityskiill1: TF2John [9566] rienmcdeezy: face cam too big [9566] colordiamond: ll [9566] bmoney1__: FACECAN [9566] mikeyhambone55: jynxziBadAim [9567] mc4024: facecam to big [9567] xhonchox4: changing the title doesn’t make u non part time…. [9567] GLiiTCH777: BAN FACECAM [9567] Devone: TOO FAT [9567] itzschme: CAM TOO BIG FATASS [9567] pdiddy082435: 500 iq ace plays [9567] jayju223: FIX CAN FATTY [9567] bl00dykhxaos: l [9567] costarica2x: I HAVE NO CHANNEL POINTS CUZ OF U U FUCK [9567] collin756: move [9568] Fluffykipz64: cam is crazy big [9568] itznorgy: face CAM TOO BIG [9568] shreksswampp: SILD [9568] StimmyCheckk: DOUBLE BAD AIM [9568] vykarian: FACE BIG AF LMAO.. [9568] e_dance2: Hi [9568] dylanjohnson6978: cammmm [9568] marsxtx: FACE CAM [9568] FifthOwl99: CAM IS TOO FUCKING BIG [9569] ShadowNinjaData: FACE TOO UGLY [9569] byensell: move the cam [9569] Moot_FINN: face cam too big [9569] finalarigato_: pre sell [9569] itsshamr0ck: bro has a case oh facecam [9569] nazhas4: fix can [9569] BrownBeardNickTTV: get this man some claratin clear [9569] deshon_solos: BIG FACE CAM [9569] Warptwister: CAMMMM [9569] himothy4572: !gamble 100 [9569] Sxlarizedd: wtf bro [9570] dylanzppp: face cam to big [9570] StreamElements: @himothy4572, you only have 10 points. [9570] rip_lucky698: fix camera fatass [9570] emptyshelly: HIVISEEEEEEEEE [9570] bmoney1__: FACECAM [9570] tippyjdog: 3 hour streamer [9570] itBLICKYY: CANT SEE ANYTHING [9570] 1Loula: U LOST [9570] shreksswampp: SOLD [9570] firetruckkid123: cam is huge lil bro [9570] connerb790: jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD [9570] karterd04: face cam to loud [9570] dylanhky88: Restarted [9570] colordiamond: ni [9571] kurtme_: bro what is this facecam [9571] iitzarcino_: 1v1 me im better than you ur washed [9571] Sizzles6323: fix face cam [9571] elvictorkills: Big ahh facecam [9571] tv_spearz: why is cam so big? lmao [9571] wmdawg_: who is he figghting [9571] Ewooolilbih: sold [9571] MrBarryAllen2: UR TOO BIG CHUNKY !!! [9571] thetrashboat__: big ahh head [9571] Mjgamer420: face cam is way too big [9571] Pnesk: FACECAM TOO BIG [9571] damedollabop: RICCI OWNS YOU [9571] ullebulle213: gg [9571] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [9571] finalarigato_: pre sell gg [9572] j0eyyyyyy: END THE POLL [9572] connerb790: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [9573] adangt5: Csmera [9573] M1N1F1R3: BIG ASS FOREHEAD [9573] littleghost9297: yo [9573] porto_life: UR ASS [9573] goldrocktv: CAM TOOOO BIGGGGG [9573] BShaedyn: Jynxzi can you make the face cam bigger I almost saw that round. [9573] cdisslump: DUMBASS FACE CAM [9573] g_rausch: facecam big [9573] toadzmushroom: MASSIVE HEAD [9573] cooperwass: L PARTIMER [9573] auryale556: cam [9573] fran_ligi: LAST MAG [9573] mikeyhambone55: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [9573] xfluufy: L [9573] MrBarryAllen2: UR TOO BIG CHUNKY !!UR TOO BIG CHUNKY !!!!!!! [9574] evanpaxton09: cam [9574] Harry__GG__: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [9574] JoPro135: cam to big [9574] Captain400x: !gamble 10 [9574] Ewooolilbih: sold bad [9574] Rickyraptor: GYATTT CAM [9574] SonOfGod33: TURN YOUR CAM DOWN HUGE AH FORHEAD [9574] bapples8u: plant bomb... [9574] kagevanwagoner: WASHED [9574] snaggymaggy_: MMOOOOVEEE [9574] reidskiboyski: this is fun said no one ever [9574] Seenlk: FACECAM TOO BIG [9574] connerb790: jynxziLaugh [9574] BadTastingDonut: BadTastingDonut subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months! [9574] OG_Saucey420: face cam to big brody [9575] 1722: face cam [9575] collin756: move fatass [9575] j0eyyyyyy: END THE POLL END THE POLL END THE POLL END THE POLL END THE POLL END THE POLL END THE POLL [9575] princeneeks: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [9576] Tybirr: face cam [9576] itznorgy: FACECAM [9576] MrHxxpla: BRO SHRINK THE CAM JESUS [9576] therealslimshady_jakub: gg [9576] domthedoge07: fix cam [9576] finger_blaster3249405: Face cam good [9576] meat_wagon1: KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride [9576] HYP3RACT1VE22: can’t see fatass [9576] City_Boys123: goyo ban????? [9576] sweatnerd7: WE CAN'T SEE SHIT [9576] Fluffykipz64: cam after game [9577] j0eyyyyyy: END THE POLL END THE POLL END THE POLL END THE POLL END THE POLL END THE POLL END THE POLL END THE POLL END THE POLL END THE POLL END THE POLL END THE POLL END THE POLL [9577] Sizzles6323: too big [9577] adamnardi: WORSE CAM IN THE GAME [9577] cannon9115: HIVISE FACECAM [9577] STRATEGIZER55: cam [9577] Hokki: FACE CAM [9577] Rickyraptor: GYATTT CAM TOO BIG [9577] kingjake1155: YOUR FACECAM IS MASSIVE [9577] bubbymcgee7: Facecam too big [9577] jynxzi_lefttoe: face cam fucked [9577] opxz11323: I PUT A BAND ON YOU [9577] juan_be_nut: face cam [9577] ItsNathanNotNate: cam too big [9577] tv_spearz: case oh size cam [9577] ant_toe_knee23: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [9578] natedonz33: face to bog [9578] aaron2009man: 1v1 me lil boy and fix your face cam [9578] xoBray: xoBray subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [9579] chunkossg00: your so bad get better [9579] therooster315: CAM TO BIG [9579] flights_back: fix cam [9579] emptyshelly: 2 HOUR PARTIMER [9579] adiqx___: fatass big head ass jit [9579] nova17534: ricci is your FATHER [9579] iamfaceles: we watching @jynxzi nose [9579] phantom11762: FACECAM [9580] M1N1F1R3: BIG ASS FOREHEADD [9580] wonpaz: washed [9580] rip_lucky698: fix the shit [9580] xPsycho94x: face cam to big [9580] bmoney1__: FACE CAM FATASS [9580] its_drakeyyy0: when is face cam vs fan mail [9580] JobeDaGlobe: facecam to big [9580] oJakee_: big ass facecam fr [9581] Tickl3M0nst3r: cam to big [9581] 905Strawberry: FACECAM [9581] STRATEGIZER55: face cam [9581] powerful223burst: your face cam is too big [9581] MrBarryAllen2: UR TOO BIG CHUNKY ! [9581] leotx745: face cam to big [9581] pocketace98: Youre finished [9581] th3pq: make cam smaller [9581] KingDaveDaily: I should've voted on ricci [9581] andre_sfr: end stream [9581] TMF_23: DONT SELL JUNK [9581] jervolx: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [9581] cashkirton: I’m fucking Beckie in bed well watching you it feels so good [9581] therteeneyyy: face cam to big [9581] CheekyBitOfK: FAVE CAMMMM [9582] barca8218: face cam is actually to big [9582] 5StarGrimm: bro might lose [9582] juls5_0: fix cam [9582] HouseyHouse7: POLL [9582] GGamero_: small camfaceeeeeeee! [9582] 1_inferno_2: 99% cam 1% game [9582] Mrdaywrecker: Mrdaywrecker subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! [9582] Sizzles6323: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [9582] landoj4: TOO BIG [9583] thetrashboat__: big ass head [9583] travissdaman: bad face cam [9583] Mjgamer420: facecam is way too big [9583] SmithRedHawkc: BRO THIS MAP IS SO CRINGE...PLAY A DIFFERENT MAP [9583] 0haysr: FACE CAM IS THE SIZE OF FUCKING KILAMANJARO U YOU DUMBASS [9583] mjk0321: !link [9583] SMGWolfmanz: FACE CAM [9583] tomasvl2004yt: Plant idiotttttt [9583] jdog513: fat gead [9583] Nightbot: @mjk0321 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [9583] xenobile: bro boutta go [9583] D3WV0LTAG3: no shotguns yet you got these BARRELS all up in our faces [9583] jynxzi_lefttoe: fix face cam [9583] toadzmushroom: FACE CAM [9584] elipaek: face cam to big [9584] PhilMeUp22: I cant see [9584] official_carsonmitton: !link [9584] Jimi_goes_ham: Face cam way too big [9584] Ewooolilbih: bad aim [9584] charlie_ryan05: Cam to big [9584] d44rkfire: badd aimm [9584] StreamElements: JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/jynxzi [9584] xjxstaqua: @j0eyyyyyy stfu [9584] ShadowNinjaData: TOO SMALL [9584] epx2: Did xim lose? [9584] sleepy_drey: move your big ass head [9584] mcpumpyxqc: fix ur cam bro [9585] otszn: put that tongue back in yo mouth [9585] xKing_Of_Chaos: part timer type face cam [9585] jdog513: fat head [9585] itzSoulace: face cam hella big [9585] xeral_95: shrink face cam [9585] ItsNathanNotNate: face am too big [9585] X_JAGERR: face cam [9585] zvxz0: WASHED [9585] braincellnotfoundb: FACE CAM WAY TO BIG [9585] BeanTree_: FIX YOUR FACE [9585] cbrainard17: face cam too big [9585] bmoney1__: FACECAM [9585] itznorgy: FACS CAM [9586] reidskiboyski: he can’t see cause his face is in the way [9586] sickmagician802: Lock in junko [9586] driftcarb0i45: cam too big [9586] slam_by_dvrk: face cam [9586] yungKIBE: wish we good see better [9586] STRATEGIZER55: hi vise call him [9586] jesko_11: Face cam [9586] eianz_: nice we all watching a jynxzi face cam [9586] LAZERLOUKAS6: face cam [9586] dareynolds11153: cams to big [9586] akaSoakzz: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [9586] WHUALO: END POLL [9586] RawDaddyDuck: part time streamer [9587] xINTROx159: Your cam is not centered enough. please move it in the middle more [9587] garfieldlocxbeezy: bait him [9587] jynxzi_lefttoe: fix cam [9587] alilvoodoo_: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [9588] wgen9: FACE CAM FAT ASS [9588] plutopanthur: face too fat [9588] shaade2k: badaim [9588] jayju223: FIX CAM FATTU [9588] GLiiTCH777: BAD AIM [9588] Mjgamer420: face cam is way too big [9589] bigzmoke00: yo megamind fix you cam [9589] kingjake1155: BRO [9589] mcpumpyxqc: holy fuck [9589] meat_wagon1: 🤡🤡🤡🤡 [9589] baboozer: when is fan mail [9589] the_gamer_lair: bad aim [9589] iamfaceles: FACE CAM [9589] bagmasterlee: bad aim [9589] ujust1ce: BIG BIG BIRTHS BUG BRAIN MF BIG BUG [9589] trapz2real: LLLLLL [9589] thecroissantqc: FACECAM [9590] bmoney1__: BIG AHH HEAS [9590] ayeitsamritlol: GET OFF THE SCREEN [9590] SL1M_P: console is so bad [9590] two_goood_4_you: CAMMM [9590] itzkush_: SHRINK THE CAM [9590] Shadow_Junor: when will I get my charm, I primed sub way too long ago [9590] ItsNathanNotNate: facecam [9590] yungKIBE: wish we good see more [9590] Its_Goonsquad: do a prediction on if he’s gonna make it to 6 hours. [9590] PoaRidor: fix cam [9590] roodytoodypatooty: Face am too big [9590] angry_nathan: your fucking facecam is 1/4th of the screen [9590] BlastMe420: face cam too large [9590] xhonchox4: HEY IS THAT BRECKYS NECKLACE ? [9591] tennmann33: cam to big [9591] sightlytoomey420: chunky junky junko munke [9591] yungKIBE: wish we good see more [9591] svice47: bad aim [9591] imwatchmn: FACECAM TOO BIG [9591] isaiahchd5: face cam to bigggggggggggggggggg [9591] KilliStaz0103: !LINK [9592] zvaxi: no ammo lmaoo [9592] oueuee: FACECAM U IDIOT [9592] vmeatloaf: fix your face damn near in your cross hair [9592] juls5_0: l face cam [9592] coolkid_21195_: !sub [9592] UhNobodySwept: WHY NO POLL [9592] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [9592] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [9592] Prodigoussss: CAM TOO BIG [9592] Fluffykipz64: fix cam after round [9592] 8jacks895: PLANT???? [9592] Sizzles6323: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [9592] jynxzi_lefttoe: cant see you cam [9592] kingjake1155: THIS FACE CAM [9592] yungKIBE: wish we good see more [9593] fra1dyn: faecam to big [9593] landoj4: face cam after u done daddy [9593] adiqx___: face cam to fat [9593] JBizzy_1: FACECAM TOO SMALL [9593] keithbender1: move your face cam bruh [9593] bmoney1__: BIG AHH HEAD [9593] BlazeboltXX: fix cammmm [9593] mojonica: cam [9593] thiagom2222: brjhafddmz [9593] colby9: fix face cam cuh [9593] gabeatkin: ur head BIG BRO [9593] Prodigoussss: CAM TOO BIG CAM TOO BIG [9593] PoaRidor: FIX CAMMMM [9593] X_JAGERR: face cam part timer [9594] newyork_1978: FACE CAM TO BIG [9594] schm00ck89: face cam way to big [9594] sharkking_23: Who won xim or ricci [9594] j0eyyyyyy: WHY CAN U STILL VOTE IN THE POLLWHY CAN U STILL VOTE IN THE POLLWHY CAN U STILL VOTE IN THE POLLWHY CAN U STILL VOTE IN THE POLLWHY CAN U STILL VOTE IN THE POLL [9595] sleepy_drey: homies got a fatass head [9595] speedy6549: jynxziBadAim [9595] HappyJTC: CHEATING [9595] finalarigato_: YOU CANT DO THAT [9595] JB1zzle7: cheater [9595] L_10_N: CANT DO THAT [9595] j0eyyyyyy: WHY CAN U STILL VOTE IN THE POLLWHY CAN U STILL VOTE IN THE POLLWHY CAN U STILL VOTE IN THE POLLWHY CAN U STILL VOTE IN THE POLLWHY CAN U STILL VOTE IN THE POLLWHY CAN U STILL VOTE IN THE POLL [9595] Rushuur: CHEATER [9595] fadedgamess: END POLL BRU [9595] rkeithyy: cheater [9595] Prodigoussss: CAM TOO BIG [9596] rollingstoned6: cheating [9596] dogbook_esq: cheater [9596] Cliopatrra: YOY CANT DO THAT [9596] a2krayzzzz: can I still get the charm [9596] tw_swervo123: cam [9596] bzLink: CANT DO THAT [9596] roodytoodypatooty: Facecam too big [9596] steady_zay: steady_zay subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! [9596] meeper_man: Defuse harder [9596] ghettomario_: terrible aim ngl [9596] ewewewewesd: CHEATING [9596] nehsty: LMAOOOOOO [9596] flatdietcoke335: face cam too big [9596] Roastedninga: cheating [9596] jynxzicespice: CHEATER [9597] carlhndrxx: CHEATER [9597] sesiec: CHEATER [9597] tootsiedog11: move the facecam [9597] d2ans: L CHEATER [9597] schm00ck89: CAM [9597] STRATEGIZER55: face cam is 1/4 of the screen [9597] goektwo: L CHEATER [9597] mcwaffle_abc123: cam too big [9597] puffpuffjuicer: CANT DO THATTT [9597] xhonchox4: CANT DO THST [9597] yogurt_dawg: CANT DO THAT [9597] pantera_221: SLAMMEDDDDDDDDDDDDD [9597] jdever449: W [9597] DamnSpawN: NOI SREAMING [9597] spiPLOK: WOAH [9598] coquii123: this dudes a idiot [9598] princeneeks: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [9598] eafdawg: FIX FACECAM [9598] jayzonny: CHEATER [9598] trulygavim: trulygavim subscribed at Tier 1. [9599] WhiteTraffy: FACECAM TOO BIG WE CANT SEEEEEEEEEEE [9599] w_ech0: fix face cam [9599] schm00ck89: TO [9599] jdever449: WWWWWW [9599] xkjd_1: bro part time 😭 [9599] scintilles: cheater [9599] finalarigato_: NO YOU CANT DO THAT LMFAO [9599] Cliopatrra: CHEATEE [9599] Nightbot: 😂 [9599] joshpisag: face cam huge [9599] actaavis: you can’t do that [9599] voxxyyyyyyyyy: WW [9599] f00ldzz: he banned ying and lesion is banned @jynxzi [9599] ttv_braelynn: face cam to big [9599] voyager021: CANT DO THAT [9600] spazn_: cheating [9600] rexyiu: haha [9600] vykarian: EZ [9600] moiisessc: cheating bitch [9600] grrrrlock: CHEATING [9600] soundcloutken: LMAOOO [9600] goektwo: WWWWWW [9600] bradtoneydluffy: cheating [9600] cybersader: PogChamp | Jynxzi | Prime Jynxzi is Back | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [9420] No, no, I said they're not even allowed I said they're not even allowed Yeah, get the clip. Get the clip. Hi guys, get the clip. Hi guys, get the clip. No, no, I don't say it. Okay [9430] You said it's allowed for it's allowed for it's a lot for it's a lot for what's a lot for that? What are you doing? I don't remember saying that but sure [9440] I swear to god you did bro. What the fuck? We're playing for a thousand. You think I'm messed up like that? [9450] 어떻게 geometry이죠 일�isan notre 대단한토를 매주 дор닷 [9460] [9470] [9480] [9490] [9500] unmute [9510] Don't beat daddy. Don't better. [9520] No better. [9530] But I'll make it here. Give me too much sound Richard. [9540] [9550] 꼬�î!!! [9560] Too much sound Richard. [9570] [9580] I'm finally ready. [9590] us | There is no Highlight in the provided timespan. Jynxzi plays with his colleagues and occasionally discusses with them. |
Jynxzi | Prime Jynxzi is Back | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [11220] SearsLover: pancaje [11220] tballh84: trust him [11220] b1untrap: L [11220] sippinandippin: playing window [11220] Aightly: he doesnt look like hes stream sniping in game [11220] TeroDank: pathological liar [11220] AyooTayy_: bro hes not streamsniping chill [11220] xoticfigr: L [11220] papaphresh11: SCARFACE ASS PIC LIKE NAH [11220] FakerGT7: nah [11220] monkey_gavin: cap. [11220] ZShoey: Bro is so fucking annoying [11220] theburger101: seems scripted .l; [11220] rabswilldoit: DQ BRO [11220] HiVise: thats true [11221] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [11222] kurta__: HELLLL NOOOOOOOOOOOO [11222] RuggedBubbles: NAH LMAOOOO [11222] Nickname_isQ: RON TOUCHED ME [11222] smellysewerratz: he’s about to cry [11222] ryder_297: he’s obviously not lying [11222] Naughtynoah: L [11222] TheBootyHoleTickIerOG: HE DID IT AGAIN [11222] ynwjocelyn: HE SUCKS [11222] Captainhotshot0: l cheater [11222] dnt_triip: NO PAYOUT [11222] dylliett: LMAO BROS COOKED [11222] guerdez: LYING [11222] TurntDemonttv: WASHED [11222] spicyanthony02: cap [11222] Rambomexi: cal [11223] ewewewewesd: i trust him [11223] alilvoodoo_: HIS EYES ARE GOING TO THE SIDE [11223] ras_killa: cheater [11223] lilnajera426: he being fr [11223] houstonkills: HES A LAME [11223] draladdin420: bruh he’s lying [11223] pengai123345: jynxzi u win [11223] evoke_playzz: He isn’t [11223] xp_jammy: run it back [11223] mandooo001_: TAKE ROUND AWAY [11223] Jaywrldz_: he tab u [11223] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: i mean... [11225] giftism: HE'S NOT LYING [11225] itsyoungghxst: yeah now they going left and right [11225] lobsterquiche: don't believe his LIES [11225] xenobile: HE'S TRUE [11225] p90xxl_off: lying [11225] rubydafcknorangutan: SURE BUDDY [11225] DJ_Dxn__: liar [11225] chucknoob32: Give him his money back and say u ain't playing him no more [11225] couchpikachu: L [11225] dracarys555: lmafoooooooooooooo [11225] Rambomexi: cap [11225] calvin014: lyinggg ass [11225] zakcou: run a poll [11225] urmuffinsrburnin: lying pancake [11225] EatCrackRock: that's ridiculous lmao [11226] CCTemp: dq [11226] StreamElements: stompthegoat has spent 1 day 13 hours watching jynxzi [11226] xp_jammy: run it backkk [11226] stoofylala: true [11226] coolguy48n: BAND OFF THE TABLE [11226] tekashigoat: I believe him [11226] sparkzbluntz: leisssss [11226] popsicle212: BAN HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM [11226] thewickedmango: LIAR [11226] Rfifty: L ricci [11226] chuckwagon1029icloudcom: L Chester [11226] mozo_msl: Caping [11226] guerdez: LYING SO BAD [11226] landoj4: see ya [11226] thefin3ssekid: restart 0-0 [11227] okayhezi: okayhezi subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [11227] ferbpyo: ferbpyo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 27 months! [11228] avidqr6: that boy lying [11228] odawg099: REDO [11228] zachsaimistrash: Jynxzi he aint lying had his stream up hes not looking around [11228] slidelikebutter: not snoiping [11228] yukifvv: idk man [11228] cinadons: cap [11228] FamousJohn_: he has to give you a round only right ? 😭 [11228] lilshill30: lmfaooooo [11228] sleezball47: He’s lying bruh [11228] seirthefallen: well it's equal now [11228] jesseblackarmz: DDDDDD QQQQQQ [11228] Gucci_kid54: keep that game going [11228] noahwbuff: he is not [11228] Junkoclonefr: THERE 2 THE LEFT NOWTHERE 2 THE LEFT NOWTHERE 2 THE LEFT NOWTHERE 2 THE LEFT NOWTHERE 2 THE LEFT NOWTHERE 2 THE LEFT NOW [11228] tallboyrode: So sus [11229] C8rry: give hima chance [11229] blobisproo: cap [11229] ares6771: WHY WOULD HE STREAM SNIPE ON HIS ACTUAL ACCOUNT [11229] JamieLockhart: restart [11229] closzplayz2142: he was looking to the right this time not the left [11229] mcaashole: cap [11229] dankeymemez: naw [11229] xavi_is_bad: JUST MAKE HIM GIVE YOU THE FUCKING MONEY [11229] folishaops: cappp [11229] wonston8: L [11229] justtjump: jynxziSmoke jynxziCRY [11229] calvin014: lyinnnn ass [11229] daddycorbi: liar I was just in his stream!!!!! [11229] StreamElements: chickchilla went all in and lost every single one of their 1575 points LUL [11229] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [11231] stirzy_: yea you can tell he’s being genuine [11231] bentlycoup77: jynxziBadAim [11231] robotgaming_: GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey [11231] rebootreaper23: jynxziSmoke [11231] s1imfn: hide screen [11231] gspeedd: pill [11231] imsocksstreams: over and over [11231] ktuck_81: move onto clix rn [11231] matthew0492: free round [11231] franzano: restart [11231] b312noblesixx: LIES [11231] monkey_gavin: cap [11231] duncant13: POLLL [11231] soriom22: why is he stream snipping [11231] joshpisag: omg [11232] ripwheeler4457: habitual stream sniper ban him [11232] cuckarooniexd: capppp [11232] ploido: refunddd [11232] xSimsss: hes not streamstriping [11232] fiddlyfudbucket: capping [11232] lilnorthface: CAPPPPP [11232] gergypurgey: HES LYING I SAW HIM LOOKING CHECK THE VOD [11232] blakeb2148: he lying [11232] tooslow44: no way [11232] camnotbad: learned had to snipe after that one time [11232] Ayzorax: bro my pointssssssssssss [11232] viewsxo: BRUH [11232] yeetgamer719: LIKE ALOT [11234] imsocksstreams: kept looking left [11234] jbuffalo_: HE CLEAR [11234] cbanz1327: run it back [11234] JayTtheCHAD: JayTtheCHAD subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [11234] FI3K_: this mf is cappin his ass off [11234] stephentyrrell97: restart 0-0 [11234] stirzy_: yea you can tell he’s being genuine . [11234] kareemnour23: IAD [11234] kingmxson: He dq [11234] owenblackwell420: take the band [11234] YooBoiiKrazyy: SUUUUSSSSSS [11234] supercarrot5794: Bros being honest [11234] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [11234] absolven: start over 0-0 [11234] catgrubss: CHEATERS ALWAYS CHEAT [11235] rienmcdeezy: i believe him [11235] ricciownsnicki: ITS 8-3 YOU CHEATED GIVE HIM 2 ROUNDS ITS 8-3 YOU CHEATED GIVE HIM 2 ROUNDS ITS 8-3 YOU CHEATED GIVE HIM 2 ROUNDS [11235] Davidmc000: ban [11235] lilwilson88: RESTART [11235] inaxvy: HES NOT LYING , IT STILL SAYS VIEWER WVEN IF HE CLOSES ITTTT [11235] Dubbie118: LIAAARRRRRRRR [11235] os26s: ur so gullible its crazy [11235] larams76win: he was looking [11235] tttkilla25: sus [11237] duncant13: POLLLLL [11237] imsocksstreams: kept looking [11237] Jdawgg1220: END THE 1v1 [11237] keyztheboi: idk bro [11237] benjimarquez6969: restart 1v1 [11237] sleezball47: He smashed his set up and I heard u [11237] EatCrackRock: what an idiot [11237] lash114: bro ends stream in 1 hour right? [11237] mineful_eth: take round away [11237] Nightbot: @BeanMan12320 -> Nightbot one, bad guys zero. [stop posting links] [11237] kingslayer19916: HE KNEW THAT YOU WERE GOYO WHEN GAME WAS PAUSED [11237] ItsT3MP: 0-0 [11237] ttbmawell57: liar [11237] father_pate: rawr [11237] survthadon: cap [11238] StreamElements: LowRunt went all in and lost every single one of their 559 points LUL [11238] cowboy_country_club: snake [11238] Nightbot: 👀 [11238] loganmills32: just give money back [11238] Gucci_kid54: keep the game going [11238] connordowding: cap [11238] sqwueth: script [11238] r6isdalight: bro would love a free game [11238] ethan_rf: snake 🐍 [11238] JuniorSinCapa: CAP [11238] GrimMilestone: ban him [11238] havingagoodday1029: CHEATER [11238] chi_k4m1_town: LUL [11238] cccolmmm: he’s lying 💀 [11238] AftxrHourz: once a cheater alwaus a cheater [11240] willrooneyy: not sniping [11240] loganlj79: redo round [11240] kuhblicky: PAYOUT [11240] therealjnime: huge cap [11240] KAMIKRAZI: RESTART RUN THIS BACK [11240] WizOuphe: HES LYING HE WAS LOOKING LEFT [11240] imtoo3azy: lying ass [11240] badboytunesmush: Tske 2 rounds [11240] RawNoRubba: reset round [11240] tastingginger: CHEATER!!!!!1 [11240] rebootreaper23: jynxziSmoke jynxziCRY jynxziRAHHH jynxziVapeBreak jynxziFAT jynxzi0x jynxziTONGUE jynxziWTF jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGoodAim jynxziPACK jynxziSuprised jynxziGLASSES jynxziBadAim [11240] realswaggamer: CAP [11240] iCurtOG: Not the first time he said on G O D [11240] 1_sin_1: HE'S LYING!!!! I LIVED WITH ITALIANS FOR 10 YEARS! HE IS LYING!!! [11240] Savagebadboy7280: i trust him [11241] gio_1_2_3_4: I watched is treat is eyes when to the left [11241] speedy6549: weird [11241] crazyswiftzzzzz: DONT PLAY HES LYING DONT PLAY HES LYING DONT PLAY HES LYING DONT PLAY HES LYING [11241] rvapreme: SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood [11241] pocketpengun: “TODAY” [11241] Gucci_kid54: keep the game going [11241] ClickfilA: ONCE A SNIPER..... [11241] lucasreid3351: YOU USED BAN OP TWICE [11241] lllusoryi: What a yapper [11241] ILewminati1: Today [11241] maxthedilf: you are a man baby [11241] connordowding: 🧢 [11241] benjimarquez6969: restart the 1v1 [11241] mr_unliimited: lie [11241] teppingo: restart [11243] willrooneyy: not snipinf [11243] thewickedmango: BAN HIM LIARRRRR [11243] kareemnour23: RESTART [11243] censoredusernam: Your shit that’s whats it is [11243] puglife1212: hes lying [11243] professor_sq: he’s telling truth [11243] drake15236_: cap [11243] briank824: eh no [11243] pipo7D: @stableronaldo get a job.... [11243] havingagoodday1029: CHEATERRR [11243] muiler_chief: CAP [11243] duncant13: POLL [11243] tooslow44: no payout [11243] ToiletBowlWater5: DQ [11243] sryimbetterthanu: BRO WAS ALREADY LYING ON GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDD [11244] reso_nate_: today [11244] unclebuck777: 2nd time is instant ban [11244] strike_finesse1: 🧢 [11244] dc12262023: Lie [11244] jamesmccann1245: cap [11244] blake_v4: cheater cheater pumpkin eater [11244] divster72: hes not [11244] daveydave302: No matter what. Still did it [11244] qprelaxo: He isn´t STREAMSNIPING! [11244] Savagebadboy7280: trust [11244] soup1189: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [11246] caseohisnotfat1234: did he 1v1 xim yet? [11246] plunge2: it wouldnt even matter if he did dumbass [11246] theimperialone: NAAAAH YOU CAN HAVE MINI VIDEO WINDOWS WITH OPERA [11246] havingagoodday1029: CHEATER [11246] sryimbetterthanu: BRO WAS ALREADY LYING ON GODD [11246] kingmxson: once a cheater always a cheater [11246] Exstramanator: !gamble 1000 [11246] aceplays309: not today LUL [11246] dvidmz_: hes lying [11246] jokgutx: LIE [11246] xlfenwinxl: today he says lmao [11246] rustisbestgamever: HES LIEING [11246] lruxys_: POLL IT DQ [11246] whyme59: cap [11246] StreamElements: @Exstramanator, you only have 450 points. [11247] NotAnole: 1000% lying lmao [11247] thatguynickdog: he sounds genuine [11247] cristianofaria_: bro got saved [11247] duncant13: OOLLL [11247] TheHurricane23: call it a wash [11247] KevinTheMelon: he’s def being honest why would he out himself [11247] fiddlyfudbucket: cap [11247] Chase3k: bros avbout to cry [11247] pad_dog32: snipe [11247] shootermcgaven045: CHEATER [11247] glazrs: 8-3 anyway [11247] pipo7D: @stableronaldo get a job.. [11247] paul_teehee: L STREAMSNIPE [11247] Logangreene2: Not the first time! [11247] maddieh74: RESTART GAME [11249] babyybaer: i believe him [11249] whyme59: capcap [11249] rsk_1104: ww [11249] bakedgorillaglue: It was a tab chill [11249] mellowsmushroom: he was stream sniping [11249] dantesinferno369: Restart then [11249] loganmills32: money back [11249] adrit76: !gamble all [11249] flamegames19: @clix lose weight [11249] AustinRare: stop being a baby [11249] mineful_eth: keep money [11249] Nightbot: no 🧢 [11249] Savagebadboy7280: restart [11249] StreamElements: PogChamp adrit76 went all in and won 35 points PogChamp they now have 70 points FeelsGoodMan [11249] paceygaming__: ReStart [11250] tocitkatempr: sukoNoted sukoNoted [11250] boilthatoil: cap [11250] Gucci_kid54: keep the game going [11250] bbowden_23: PATHALOGICAL LIAR BRO [11250] tztokfatcok: DDQQQ [11250] glizzystodgy: CAP [11250] bmassey20: take a round [11250] tynaedick: L but kinda believe him [11250] pad_dog32: stream snipe [11250] ag7917: POLL [11250] teeerav: !sub [11250] carterty07: REFUNDDDDDD [11252] cjthepro51: DQ [11252] sobernut66: he predicted the c4 [11252] weathermanjuan: bros stuttering [11252] jacobisli445: jynxziWTF [11252] offensive3838: truuuuuuuust [11252] duncant13: POLLLLL [11252] aaronl0: NO HES LYING [11252] Tedrick_Mower: CAP [11252] ilovejunkolotian: that bitch is lying [11252] purramedics: he lie like a rug [11252] ktrain694: cut him [11252] japjit17: “today” [11252] catwitdagat167: restart [11252] futuredababy: TODAY [11252] soggywaffle236: Caaaaaaaaappppp [11253] glazrs: it’s 8-3 [11253] wockstrr: capper [11253] zackschillin: 0-0 [11253] ask_gabriel_: POLL IT [11253] joshbigdoinks: call it [11253] whillyuhmm: ONCE A CHEATER ALWAYS A CHEATER [11253] barebott: stop the cap [11253] re3dqq: Restart [11253] ras_killa: cheat [11253] micahte: he wasn’t why would he on his main obviously [11253] cinnyrooroo: NAAAWW HE LYING [11253] AndresxSoler: you keep the 1k now [11253] KyleLShreves: 5-5 [11255] RotaryJoker: why would stream even be tabbed [11255] tparkkk: literally reading movements hes sniping [11255] rel054: he hasn’t looked over to the other monitor [11255] almullapackluck: DQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQDDDDDD [11255] pirate_beans23: BAN HIM [11255] PulSear: restart [11255] torleah: HE TABBED MID 1v1 LOL IT WAS CLOSED BY ROUND 5~ [11255] Savagebadboy7280: replay [11255] notcesarcanadian: L [11255] Cole_Piekarczyk: blud is a yapper and cheater [11255] percey: youre a millionaire. get a grip [11255] havingagoodday1029: CHEATING [11255] duncant13: PLL [11255] RuggedBubbles: RESTART GAME GOOD IDEA [11255] wezzy223smoked: He's lying bro [11256] GettingStickae: FREE 1k [11256] steven92380: bro thats disgusting [11256] GGhzt_: I’d say the same for money [11256] h0ppet: STILL LIES ON GOD [11256] toosqlty: CANCELLLL [11256] bradbro2811: hi Mr [11256] clayman1919: 🧢 [11256] cn1998_: CAP [11256] sup33ri0r: NAH [11256] catwitdagat167: RESTART [11256] jesus_of_rebirth: restart [11258] k1ute: L [11258] KevinTheMelon: why would he put himself [11258] theman0032: no that “fuck” was an admission of guilt [11258] almullapackluck: DQQQQQQQQQQQQQ [11258] zeruziv: HES TELLING THE TRUTH [11258] kareemnour23: 5-5 [11258] 1_sin_1: HE'S LYING [11258] nailwind: RESTART [11258] gthree_13: RUN IT BACK [11258] feeling_fernski23: nahhhhh [11258] fwluck: YOU CHEATED [11258] scripttszn: def stream sniping [11258] GamerElmo1: Shut the yapper up [11258] Recoloredd: hes not sniping [11258] Fossabot: @FunkeyMunkey806, Your message is too long [11259] lukefree7_: cap he’s looking [11259] mocke: We heard echos [11259] melanpath: yall so corny [11259] cbucketz_21: NAHHH [11259] MrzStephy: HES LYING [11259] BraithWaiteManorGold: lies [11259] seacam21: finish no bands [11259] aoukixnz: my channel points [11259] bryments: he def had u tabbed [11259] MuteToggle: he's telling the truth [11259] cmcam12: stop being sore loser [11259] billgluckman1705: run it back [11259] supercarrot5794: Take off the womens necklace [11259] mr_unliimited: fuck him [11259] javare__: just cancel [11261] drafann: POLLL IT [11261] fwluck: YOU CHEATED ASWELL [11261] Hanes92: restart [11261] friedpieslolol: check vod fatass [11261] jesus_of_rebirth: restary [11261] thatboyhaire: RESTART [11261] artistic_trix_: LMAO RICCI IS SUCH A FREAK ITS FUNNY [11261] DEAD3H0T: you’ve literally cheated twice this game [11261] f0nzie_: baby [11261] flyballry03: RESTART? [11261] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [11261] Nightbot: Jynxzi sens and settings here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2GcpqRqJ9U [11261] mattyd6911: sounds like he prepared this statement [11261] Nala_Live: Restart bro [11261] inetero28: Restart [11262] ahmadz_02: no he is not [11262] houseofpaign22: s [11262] hi_5vr69: can’t wait for you to lose to clix [11262] waterlaw123: gg [11262] scarr0_: HIDE [11262] oExstrinsic: refunddd [11262] rustisbestgamever: ACAM HIM [11262] hendaboss167: Vod [11262] crazyswiftzzzzz: DONT PLAY HES LYING DONT PLAY HES LYING DONT PLAY HES LYING DONT PLAY HES LYING DONT PLAY HES LYING DONT PLAY HES LYING DONT PLAY HES LYING [11262] johnnypic5: HE WAS LOOKING TO THE LEFTt [11262] beefjerkyboi69: U CAN TELL HE REAL [11262] thelate28: Reset [11262] chonksterkirby: RESTART [11262] skyehigh97: NAH DQ [11262] leekaudio: restart [11263] bifflex: bifflex subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [11264] coolhex597: i believe him [11264] gvaughan2: CANCEL [11264] GHOSTEEE_23: he sounds genuine [11264] whyme59: cap [11264] hwb1: RESTART [11264] ryikz: restart [11264] kasperunknown: poll [11264] th3seventhlett3r: noooo finish game no money [11264] kurta__: restart 5-5 [11264] mr_unliimited: thats bull shit [11264] qeqoPS: play [11264] nikozi: RESTART [11264] slimjim_iamcool: jus give him the money back [11264] sparkzbluntz: HES SNIPING WHY WOULD HE BE IN YOU LIST [11264] doubletwst: its not about eye placement [11265] schizo76: CaitlynS CaitlynS CaitlynS CaitlynS richard L [11265] IAK40Kevin: Fuck AVID [11265] toosqlty: CANCELLLLSSSSS [11265] wheeze1x: just end it bro jynxzi [11265] ditto45678: don’t restart [11265] zaxis96: Restart [11265] neukilla: restart [11265] yourmomstoe12: SEND IT BACK [11265] jeepranglerr: thats weird asf [11265] snoopynelon: play [11265] Kluvex: 5-5 [11265] ryze_helix: free round [11267] chimes2000: chimes2000 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 2 month streak! restart [11267] moumou4258: moumou4258 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 2 month streak! YO jinxzy continue doing your thing your amazing [11267] Animosity26: vod vod [11267] goofgaming92: FINISH GAME AND LOOK AT VOD [11267] trashtlkme1: redund [11267] SixHoursDrugFree: RESTART [11267] Rambomexi: yes [11267] MindOfFarva: pollllll [11267] anviani: W RICCI [11267] ricciownsnicki: he’s not [11267] youngdag0at: POLL [11267] LCG_Tim: no [11267] Bonesstv: NO [11267] blake_v4: CHEATER CHEATER PUMPKIN EATER l [11267] SirNeptune5: NO [11268] bish6pp: free 1k [11268] franzano: restart [11268] therealcoconutbut: cap [11268] Ayzorax: broooooooooooooo my poiintsssssssssssss [11268] apesrcool: POLL [11268] contactoverkill: cheating [11268] Rexcarma: trust him [11270] qprelaxo: He isn´t STREAMSNIPING! [11270] KevinTheMelon: no [11270] crispy_rona69: w ricci [11270] Ayzorax: my pointssssssssssss [11270] burchy_pk: 5-5 [11270] Gamingclipsfaith: HES CAUGHT [11270] Lexletta: 5-5 [11270] 2percentmilks: send the money back [11270] hubiovertime: HES LYING BRO WHY ARE YOU SO GULLIABLE [11270] BlockWasHere: take his 1000!! he crabbin [11270] muchimannn: restart anything goes [11270] daquavitar: restart [11270] qeqoPS: Play [11270] maxthedilf: you are a man baby$!!!! [11270] MFAM_CodyTheStrongWay: DQ [11271] kb9_8: WHY WOULD HE SNIPE ON HIS MAIN ACCOUNT?WHY WOULD HE SNIPE ON HIS MAIN ACCOUNT?WHY WOULD HE SNIPE ON HIS MAIN ACCOUNT?.... [11271] thebigslime2208: POLL IT [11271] topsho77a: DO A PULLLL [11271] TonkaTandMe: POLL POLL POLL POLL POLL POLL POLL POLL POLL POLL POLL POLL POLL POLL POLL [11271] feeling_fernski23: restart [11271] damnimgood007: YIP [11271] chucks_absortion: play [11271] o_sticer6: take the money off the table [11271] guten8: NO [11271] shelikesosa: HE WOULDNT HAVE SAID NOTHING IF YOU DIDNT CALL HIM OUT [11271] GhostSniper347wow: play it [11271] leonidezk: NOOOOOO [11271] BBL_GLIZZY: kick him [11271] X23_WEBNN: refu d [11271] jesseblackarmz: Refundddd [11273] HiVise: I dont think hes sniping it tbh [11273] hard_stuck_unranked: Repeat offender [11273] slurkio: ONCE A CHEATER ALWAYS [11273] skipsee: TRUST HIM [11273] ItsT3MP: 0=0 [11273] ranqaii_: NO [11273] carterrq: PLAY [11273] trashtlkme1: yes [11273] CZakk0: GO BACK 5v5 [11273] chad_washed: f that kid [11273] Johnny_Rebel1865: restart [11273] monkey_gavin: pol [11273] 0mega1k: yes [11273] astroidr6: RESTART GAME [11273] ultrabeast5602: Poll [11274] icey_quax: REFUNDDSDS [11274] bigriggs321: poll [11274] recoil_128: yes [11274] yusoawsome: clix is waiting [11274] Nightbot: F in the chat [11274] willyummcanejo: it was after the kill [11274] flames122897: he’s out DQ [11274] jeff120983: no [11274] luna_4hunnid: bo3 [11274] AKXOVO: RESTAR [11274] plutopanthur: DQ [11274] crisgaga12: poll it [11274] xdeluxefury: noooooo [11274] Knockerhound69: reset run it back [11274] digiwyd: DQq [11275] HiVise: I dont think hes sniping it tbh [11276] puffyswitch0: poll [11276] toxicd61: HE MAGICALLY KNEW U THREW THE FLASH? [11276] HiVise: I dont think hes sniping it tbh [11276] IHateAutocorrect: YES [11276] clapz55550: no [11276] youngdag0at: POLLL [11276] inmortal_bigmac: pol [11276] ynwjocelyn: Yes [11276] john453904: yes [11276] landonarchey: send it back [11276] Nightbot: “😂😂😂” -avidqr6 [11276] HiVise: I dont think hes sniping it tbh [11276] ShzoomBandss: POLL [11276] tekashigoat: I believe HIM [11276] nolanmaster99: POOLL [11277] sobek_socko: coppin out [11277] balisticriot1217: Poll [11277] arrqangel: nooooooo [11277] recoil_128: yes yes yes [11277] jake_wall13: trust him [11277] HiVise: I dont think hes sniping it tbh [11279] ryuthebest001: refundddd [11279] Excaliburr951: REFFUUUNNNNDDD [11279] kylr_r: VOD [11279] jwiggy2: you used ban agent twice [11279] 420Blaziken_: poll it [11279] exafiyz: RESTART [11279] SwaggWaggon: go tomorrow [11279] RawNoRubba: reset round [11279] wrIdofty: u cheated also [11279] rexzyraptor: restart [11279] gsmgaming88: he wasnt cheating [11279] Thatboiitq: bro he ain’t sniping [11279] micio_micillo: YOU SUCH A BITCH [11279] tallboyrode: L cheater [11279] ReactiveTiger999: @Jynxzi YOURE GONNA WIN ANYWAYS [11280] chickenman1110: no [11280] kanebrotherwood13: POLL [11280] gamechanger0512: NO TF [11280] aviator2500: DEMOCRACY [11280] john_lemon67: Refunded [11280] darthblackseries: DIRTY RICK IS A CHEAT [11280] moneda27: are you complaining because your losing [11280] lamarche444: KEEP THE BAND [11280] darkshadow349z: NAJHHH [11280] youngdag0at: POLLLLLLL [11280] qualifys_: RESTART [11280] whoisjglidd: poll [11280] tczayy22: 5-5 [11280] calvin014: BRO LYING [11280] raquis23: no [11281] RayanB7_: bro you know he’s not sniping you’re looking for a reason to not lose ur money💀💀💀 [11282] rl_base: he is not stream snipping [11282] dbank2003: poll it [11282] garrettandnoah1287: good is watching you [11282] GordanRamSea: hes steam sniping lets be honest [11282] Blazboyz_: he kept looking over [11282] 1xrags: play [11282] f0nzie_: NO [11282] travissdaman: no [11282] cheebah710: just play for fun right now no hard feelings big dawg [11282] Lanceisviben: noooooooooooo [11282] masonan12: 1 more hour [11282] zeromind316: restart [11282] hugefatgoose0: Ya [11283] eastonharward: cap [11283] benjaiminsermeno66: Restart [11283] itsmarkler: JUST RESTART [11283] daxgunns: YES [11283] dawsonbbrown: just win junko [11283] acid_rain171717: nooo [11283] RerunTTV: why would he stream snipe on his main account [11283] japjit17: invalid [11283] inmortal_bigmac: poll [11283] quadmacaroon932: yess [11283] tztokfatcok: POLLL IT [11283] youngdag0at: POLLLLL [11283] Nightbot: no 🧢 [11283] Friiissk: END STREAM [11283] joeyisjamal: no take his money [11284] RayanB7_: bro you know he’s not sniping you’re looking for a reason to not lose ur money💀💀💀 [11284] wwhump: wwhump subscribed with Prime. [11285] dabcicl: i dont think hes capping [11285] lordth77: L RICCI BRO LYINGG [11285] chris_and_mittens: HES NOT LYING [11285] cup_a_joee: restart game [11285] jinxzygyatt: ongggg [11285] xashrushx: Trust him [11285] SeanSynergy: restart [11285] tocitkatempr: sukoNoted sukoNoted sukoNoted sukoNoted [11285] tkpboomboom: I HEARD STREAM THROUGH HIS MIC [11285] ItsTruck_Month: kaicBlmm kaicBlmm kaicBlmm kaicBlmm [11285] myles62510: take his money [11285] 4v8t0r: hes nottttt [11285] IOH_Gunnin: hes not sniping it [11285] oJtsy: I dont think hes sniping it tbh [11285] GuyFieriHomeVideo: noo [11286] knightslayer3737: run it vack [11286] mason0816: trust him [11286] ajahhaba: o [11286] xhonchox4: he’s lying [11286] topsho77a: DO A PULL [11286] daxjelly: finish [11286] mighty_dagon: refun [11286] zendeyas_boo: play for 100 [11286] puffyswitch0: poll it [11286] RayanB7_: bro you know he’s not sniping you’re looking for a reason to not lose ur money💀💀💀 [11286] maddengod0906: WHY WOULD HE SNIPE ON HIS MAIN [11286] IGL_strmz: he lied ON GOD EARLIERhe lied ON GOD EARLIERhe lied ON GOD EARLIERhe lied ON GOD EARLIER [11286] LCG_Tim: ur a cheater [11286] youngdag0at: POLLLL [11286] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: give him benefit of the doubt ngl [11289] hr21savage: not snipin [11289] TheSlxp: I BELIEVE RICCI [11289] hugo_melia: bro he’s being dead honest [11289] kinghaddox: end stream [11289] ashmoefoehoe: ur lame [11289] dunderdoltish: LMAOOO [11289] JamieLockhart: he was saying earlier he wasnt in the stream [11289] bigdriprio: restart [11289] up1abandzz: I don’t think he’s snipinh [11289] pmw11: bro he’s not [11289] abudnick03: POLL IT [11289] Rambomexi: cap [11289] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [11289] duncant13: POLL [11289] mayihaveakiss: give the band back [11290] RayanB7_: bro you know he’s not sniping you’re looking for a reason to not lose ur money💀💀💀 [11290] wBrizo: BrizoTheBot subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! let’s gooooo2 months boy [11291] m4rkh3nry: GIVE HIM HIS MONEY [11291] ultrabeast5602: Poll bro [11292] princegucci213: poll [11292] sleezball47: Play to 5 [11292] gthree_13: RUN IT BACK [11292] jabizz2144: Brazy [11292] Gucci_kid54: i Believe him kinda ome5 [11292] dvidmz_: yes [11292] duncant13: POLLLL [11292] cynicalestt: HE SEEMS REAL RN NGL [11292] zeruziv: HES TELLING THE TRUTH , HES TELLING THE TRUTH [11292] Eiightyhd: SCRIPPPPPPPT [11292] broncoz: RESTART [11292] Igniti0n69: take his money teach them a lesson [11292] wittplater30: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [11292] not_savage111rl: POLLLL [11292] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [11293] brybih: I don’t think he’s sniping [11293] ItsT3MP: 0-0 [11293] thehorizonmainer: WATCH VOD [11293] raisesumruckush: YOU CHEATED WITH GOYO [11293] Tumbasto: get a free roud [11293] yata_chris: RESTARTT [11293] unclebuck777: heard so many liars like this [11293] Ipmdiabod_fr: jynxziBuena [11293] Bonesstv: NAH RICCIS GOOD [11293] mibarrajr: He’s good [11293] MrzStephy: YES HE DID [11293] korvzv: HIVISE SAID HE ISNT [11293] RayanB7_: bro you know he’s not sniping you’re looking for a reason to not lose ur money💀💀💀 [11295] RayanB7_: bro you know he’s not sniping you’re looking for a reason to not lose ur money💀💀💀 [11295] thelifeofpjh: YOU HAVE NO CLUE IF HES LIEING OR NOT [11295] B1GMIKEEE: HES LYING [11295] IGL_strmz: he lied ON GOD EARLIERhe lied ON GOD EARLIERhe lied ON GOD EARLIERhe lied ON GOD EARLIERhe lied ON GOD EARLIER [11295] sparkz_____________: 6-6 [11295] beasty2910: rerun [11295] dbank2003: POLL IT [11295] Gucci_kid54: i Believe him kinda ome5 [11295] twitch_littlebro: he’s lied on god [11295] itzstanwitches: run it back [11295] Oliegog1: YOU LITERALLY WENT A BANNED OP 2 TIMES. YOU LITERALLY WENT A BANNED OP 2 TIMES [11295] n0rsa: poll ot [11295] i_Bash: run a poll [11295] catchthatvoltage: reset [11295] jhuss0_0: REFUND8 [11296] mansamusa456: stfu you cheated for two rounds [11296] thealpha1169: free round [11296] honcho_ot: super stream sniper rn [11296] lstar20: POLL [11296] Fossabot: @Chased_by_Frank, Your message is too long [11296] tanmarceaux: RESTART [11296] darkshadow349z: TRUST HIM [11296] yellow_card1: pre end [11296] carlossgguod: FREE ROUND [11296] JoshsBeans: he was [11296] CrazyWobbles: HypeLUL HypeLUL HypeLUL HypeLUL HypeLUL HypeLUL HypeLUL HypeLUL [11296] jigsaw_997: LYING [11296] maxthedilf: you are a man baby [11296] Eiightyhd: L SCRIPT [11296] waterrnelons: i honestly think hes fine [11297] RayanB7_: bro you know he’s not sniping you’re looking for a reason to not lose ur money💀💀💀 [11298] sam_moore3_: i love you papa PJSalt95 [11298] dingles0n: RESTART [11298] barrumundee: jynxziHappy_TK jynxziHappy_TK [11298] ghostkiller164: Rematch [11298] nickolasfatson: bro you know he’s not sniping you’re looking for a reason to not lose ur money💀💀💀00 [11298] a1dannnnn: you know he’s not sniping but you know you’re gonna lose [11298] jesus_of_rebirth: restart [11298] ktuck_81: yep hes gone bro just leave [11298] 4v8t0r: hes nottttttttt [11298] juangs_23: make it 6-6 [11298] Ostrich1114: HE WAS LYING ON GOD EARLIER [11298] jvhn_perez: gimme my money [11298] wetmeat_: poll [11298] Braclem: IT WOULDNT BE CLOSE IF HE WAS SNIPING [11298] Gucci_kid54: i Believe him kinda ome5 [11299] maverick_t9: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [11299] raisesumruckush: WHAT ABOUT USING GOYO [11299] dizzydeegaming: He has gotten caught and has said the same thing lol [11299] urmomsbarber: End stream [11299] boog2600: take 2 rounds backl [11299] RayanB7_: bro you know he’s not sniping you’re looking for a reason to not lose ur money💀💀💀 [11299] carlossgguod: FREEEE ROUND [11299] scrunchybunsmclastery: bro jst reset [11299] ryapyy: @rayanb7_ shut up [11299] GettingStickae: NO ur restarted [11299] bionicfalcon219: just keep his moneyyy [11299] Bionicremz: W press [11300] letsgobowling69: letsgobowling69 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months! [11301] xdeluxefury: Jynx you the best you can come back [11301] sapire67: he gave you 5 rounds while stream sniping [11301] chumpilumpi123: he’s sniping brother [11301] 4v8t0r: hes notttttt [11301] lilbomber420: He's lying [11301] w_ech0: ECHOOOOO [11301] Skatiaos: ONCE A CHEATER ALWAYS A CHEATER [11301] zeruziv: HES TELLING THE TRUTH. [11301] Nightbot: ussy [11301] oskiboy04: bro it would not be this close [11301] thomas_tpt329: HES NOT SNIPING [11301] daddyk43: REFFUND [11301] slumfv1: REFUNDS [11301] mellowsmushroom: stream sniping [11301] Eiightyhd: WAAAAACK [11302] n0rsa: poll it [11302] lahpaulll03: HES TROLLING [11302] pmw11: bro he’s sniping m [11302] brandonguzman_: END STREAM [11302] deustschen_mann69: WOW [11302] Gohan429: poll [11302] choppafloww: POLL [11302] cash607: L [11302] unclebuck777: script [11302] SirNeptune5: you're just trying to not lose your money [11302] Donity: his eyes went to the left so many times [11302] dingles0n: Yes [11302] tastingginger: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLL SCRIPT [11302] spacesailor070: LIESSSSSS [11302] coldsweater16: why would he snipe on main account [11304] scrunchybunsmclastery: reset [11304] zeruziv: HES TELLING THE TRUTH HES TELLING THE TRUTH [11304] kingwookie7: RUN IT BACK [11304] cjamesdoucet: you only saying shit cause he’s slamming you [11304] Rambomexi: cappppp [11304] calvin014: DEAD LYING [11304] nickolasfatson: bro you know he’s not sniping you’re looking for a reason to not lose ur money💀💀💀1- [11304] chrissorrenti: !Link [11304] m4rkh3nry: BHUT [11304] sryimbetterthanu: KEEEP HIS $$$$$$$$$$ [11304] Nightbot: @chrissorrenti If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [11304] crispy_rona69: w ricci [11304] carls_lol: LLL [11304] Trechx: HE LET U USE GOYO TWICE BE FAIR HE LET U USE GOYO TWICE BE FAIR [11304] friedlightning: DQ [11305] amedyst: lmao [11305] chakazuluii: smh [11305] ohyhyhyh: his word means nothing [11305] zxourii: NAHHHHHHHHHH [11305] aryfv_: !subs [11305] travissdaman: review vod [11305] furyknight143: bro he’s sniping [11305] bujublanton: gotta stop playing him after this [11305] Spredmastah: HES CAPPIN [11305] TheBureiku: TheBureiku gifted a Tier 1 sub to Jondaroo! [11305] tavogaming23: just play already [11305] ClickfilA: ITS LIKE A CHEATER EXPLAINS [11305] dvidmz_: fuck ricci [11305] Fossabot: Jynxzi currently has 160293 subscribers! [11307] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: give him benefit of the doubt ngl [11307] soggywaffle236: Insane [11307] rooootbeer: ReFrund [11307] dom232103: always say something when losing junko [11307] 4v8t0r: hes notttt [11307] nickolasfatson: bro you know he’s not sniping you’re looking for a reason to not lose ur money💀💀💀! [11307] RealGooseman: this is scripted [11307] yahmeat: YOU JUST WANT YOUR MONEY BACK [11307] sandy_2025: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [11307] kasperunknown: polll [11307] xx_notguilty: manipulative weirdo bro [11307] YoungOldd: naahh back out that [11307] elcolombiiano: bro you know he’s not sniping you’re looking for a reason to not lose ur money💀💀💀 [11307] Gucci_kid54: i Believe him kinda ome5 [11307] the_dillmaster: We done [11308] rabswilldoit: bro DQ [11308] darthblackseries: DIRTY RICK IS A CHEAT HELL NO RUN OFF WITH THE BAND [11308] lukemahomie: wwwwwwwwww [11308] Hondostriker: If he wins, he gets 250. If you win, yo get the full 1,000 [11308] luckylucciano_: damn he stream sniping [11308] kyekye1020: lier [11308] asapkabe: restart match [11308] masterscrutiny: he isn’t sniping tbh [11309] 3b0ne: 3b0ne subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 1 month streak! yo [11310] alexisskitzo: I’m bout to bust junky wunky [11310] jsonMF: jsonMF subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! [11310] bmf_smokey: he cap [11310] apesrcool: KNOWN SNIPER FUCK THIS KID [11310] JacobyKenobi: REFUNDDDDD [11310] Mihjit: if he got caught the first time why would he do it again [11310] zeruziv: HES TELLING THE TRUTH, HES TELLING THE TRUTH [11310] giga_chad125: !link [11310] theman0032: what a weasel [11310] minimaled1t: fuck him [11310] leik0530: once a cheater always s a cheater [11310] ItsPurpsss: Nah fuck that [11310] zainy2011: !link [11310] Gucci_kid54: i Believe him kinda ome5 [11310] ToiletBowlWater5: fuck that shit. [11311] buttmunchblue: You can beat him either way [11311] jrockets445: poll [11311] kilakaz27: HOLY FUCK UR LOGIC SUCKS [11311] oppaxt: vod review [11311] LoneFuzionX: LoneFuzionX subscribed with Prime. [11312] ImJacrispy: ImJacrispy subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months, currently on a 1 month streak! 1 year pog [11313] A4ce_Steez: THANK YOU BROTHER ☝️ [11313] dvidmz_: L ricci [11313] f0nzie_: BABY [11313] Duffey5: watch his vod [11313] dsgetdegrees: A LIARS WORD IS WORTH A BREEZE IN THE WIND [11313] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [11313] Nightbot: no 🧢 [11313] p1l2k3y4: hes sniping [11313] seths0930: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [11313] fennComfy: RESET and You can use shotguns [11313] landonarchey: swnd it back [11313] Logangreene2: NAHHHH [11313] inmortal_bigmac: poll [11313] lynchster1: no hes truth [11313] clyde_jenkins: FREE ROUND [11314] Gucci_kid54: i Believe him kinda ome5 [11314] econrad97: u used goyo [11314] doraltheexplural: NotLikeThis [11314] partypete92: !watchtime [11314] drmonkeeman10: HE WAS STREAM SNIPING [11314] smoothderek: back out do not play this clown [11314] emptyshelly: L SCRIPT WRITER [11314] rafiki_kdm: restart [11314] ktuck_81: bro alright [11314] harleyjman: id send him money back and block him [11314] holyhandgrenade17: Oh my God just fucking play [11314] Obin32: Obin32 subscribed with Prime. [11314] StreamElements: partypete92 has spent 13 hours 30 mins watching jynxzi [11316] hazzathegissick: !time [11316] waterrnelons: he used a technicality 💀 [11316] bornfromchat: Yall both cheated either way [11316] bagszn_j0s3559010: i888 donmt [11316] SICisPr0: hes not sniping [11316] ceej____: WAIT IS RICKI 18???? LOLOLOLOLOLOLL [11316] AveWalk158: you are me jnxzy [11316] f0nzie_: BABY JUNKO [11316] choppafloww: POL [11316] RayanB7_: run a poll [11316] mellowsmushroom: nah he definitely was [11316] mikee_1300: HE AINT SNIPING BRUH JUST PLAY GODDAM [11316] captainritza: JUST RESTART THE GAME [11316] Turtle_Stampede: ... [11316] sryimbetterthanu: KEEP THE DOUGH [11317] ewxavier: always finding an excuse to end games 😭 [11317] X_JAGERR: lmfao [11317] scottyslife: LLLLLOOOLLL [11317] performsiegeplayer: tell him to get you one round [11317] Nightbot: 😂 [11317] k0nyyy: OMG THIS GUY [11317] skizzy29: he aint snipin fatboy [11317] the_silks: the_silks subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 1 month streak! once a cheater, always a cheater!!! [11317] mrpepper46: NotLikeThis [11317] GabeRockz: HES FINE [11317] Kdog_____: LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [11317] ny_juggernaut: DO A POLLLL [11317] BrizzyGOATED: HE ECHOED YOUR VOICE THRU HIS MIC [11317] tallboyrode: Lmaoooo [11317] TrickyLandon: bro capping on his mom [11318] RayanB7_: run a poll [11318] monsxer: monsxer subscribed at Tier 1. [11319] RayanB7_: run a poll [11319] princeneeks: weirdo ass kid [11319] Saul_t_nuts126: LMAOOOOOOOO [11319] Crayvinn: @RayanB7_ ur such a bum xDDDD [11319] ash_ave_bubba: match point and mods start looking for an excuse [11319] Gray10k_: WHY WOULD HE USE HIS MAIN TWITCH ACCOUNT IF HE WAS STREAM SNIPING LETS BE REAL [11319] farvamo: vod review [11319] epicpoggersgamerguy08: 😭 [11319] ohyhyhyh: his words means nothing [11319] realswaggamer: CAP [11319] visionfrag_xbox: sniping [11319] loko_bobo: RESTART 5-5 [11319] tjhill9915: Everytime you come close to losing you blame it on stream sniping [11319] ultrabeast5602: POLLLLLLLLLLL [11319] StreamElements: @chickchilla, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan [11320] Bionicremz: what a weirdo [11320] Bumbleballss: grown ass man [11320] lolthrillzzz: HE'S CAPPING HIS ASS OFF [11320] Pmickz: bruh chooses banned ops. but gets mad at a tabbed stream [11320] babyfatz702: LULULUL [11320] zebrawaterfall: LMAO [11320] kyekye1020: L sniper [11320] thatsnotmeguys: CAP [11320] De_Vyn: STOP PLAYING WITH THESE LITTLE RATS [11320] Bubbagump3_: CROSSED FINGERS [11320] sisc00_: EXCUESSESESSSSSSSSSS [11320] treyswipe2x: @RayanB7_ STFU [11320] noflylist1: HES LOOKED AT SOMETHING BESIDES HE GAME [11320] nombus2323: HES TELLING THE TRUTH [11320] RayanB7_: run a poll [11321] RayanB7_: run a poll [11322] eayourmom: @hivise you a bitch [11322] lynchster1: i [11322] ricciownsnicki: your a Scamer [11322] just_d3xt3r: poll [11322] gingerbreadfrosting: WHY WOULD HE SNIPE ON HIS MAIN ACCOUNT [11322] sandy_2025: jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY [11322] prock23: BAN HIM [11322] brandonguzman_: CAPPPPPP [11322] YutasFox: cap [11322] themonkeyking130: Just restart [11322] rucrew122: He is cheating [11322] flidgeboii: pancake [11322] twitch_littlebro: he’s lied before [11322] xotwodmau: jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown [11322] StreamElements: nonloso has spent 11 days 19 hours watching jynxzi [11323] dryyybones: L human [11323] soup1189: YouWHY [11323] princegucci213: poll [11323] mrpepper46: POOL [11323] twitchf2man: vstream snipestream snipestream snipestream snipestream snipe [11323] sam_21910: POLL [11323] qtons: just end this kid [11323] unneringshot14: js leave [11323] sugarkult_: bro you know he’s not sniping you’re looking for a reason to not lose ur money💀💀💀 [11323] soggywaffle236: Fingers crossed tf are we 2 [11323] RayanB7_: run a poll [11323] voxxyyyyyyyyy: Ricci… cuh [11323] Quacker522: rayan shut up [11323] WildChill65: !LINK [11323] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [11324] RayanB7_: run a poll [11325] RayanB7_: run a poll [11325] koreixxx: jus restart [11325] zomby1912: Jesus Christ bannn himmm [11325] ig_dizzz: !link [11325] X23_WEBNN: TwitchConHYPE [11325] cuddle_xd: 💀💀💀💀💀💀 [11325] Protegefr1: FUCK THAT [11325] racerr77: nah restart [11325] yahmeat: YOU JUST WANT YOUR MONEY BACKK [11325] 1yamamoto_: ur a millionaire just play [11325] nickolasfatson: bro you know he’s not sniping you’re looking for a reason to not lose ur money💀💀💀: [11325] Tommy122908: POLL [11325] PapiThooi: i had my fingers crossed 😂😂😂😂😂😂 [11325] not_savage111rl: RUN A POLL [11325] Nightbot: too easy [11326] pbkazy: POLL IT [11326] petsim78: POLL IT [11326] wild2808: few vod [11326] consoleplayers: His whole chat is saying he was looking around [11326] danja_tmm: block his ass [11326] Medhisimplyy: POLL MODS [11326] lucifergolive: run it back again [11326] billgluckman1705: poll [11326] Cw40_for_u: capp [11326] airtoken13: redo the round [11326] StreamElements: mcuberz has spent 3 days 11 hours watching jynxzi [11326] princegucci213: POLL [11326] driverff: LMAO WHAT [11326] tyl3rrrrrrrr: Cheer1 [11326] RayanB7_: run a poll [11327] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: give him benefit of the doubt @Jynxzi [11328] RayanB7_: run a poll [11328] FamasTTG: bro, DQ [11328] lucas_jax: thought jynzxi was in prime [11328] benjimarquez6969: just restart to make it fair [11328] drafann: POLL ITTT [11328] NIKkiiR2: poll it [11328] wellyboii: POLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL [11328] csancheezy27: NO MONEY AND FINISH THE GAME [11328] jesus_of_rebirth: restart [11328] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: give him benefit of the doubt @Jynxzi [11328] RayanB7_: run a poll [11328] Vividly004: fingies crossed [11328] blakec771: he’s lying [11328] t_bud10: restart this shit what is this kid 5 years old.. 'i had my fingers crossed' TF KID????? [11328] MFAM_CodyTheStrongWay: WOMP WOMP DQ [11329] GimmieDaCheeks24: he was in the stream stream sniping [11329] Dutchie2XXX: bro hes jugging you [11329] samuurai_nyght: PULL UP THE CLIIIIP [11329] catchthatvoltage: reset [11329] Opponents_: LOL [11329] joshwasalreadytaken: poll [11329] Itzbrreezy: excuses id just tell him its over [11329] notcesarcanadian: FAM [11329] qt_droxz: zxcvbnmasdfghjklqwertyuiop [11329] nickolasfatson: bro you know he’s not sniping you’re looking for a reason to not lose ur money💀💀💀!! [11329] kintheboss455: 😂😂😂😂 [11329] ImFlashyTv: THERE WAS AN ECHO DUDE. [11329] dontbullybuba: sniper [11329] nmna_zz: NAH HE’S NOT SNIPING [11329] xxSTATUS: Run poll [11330] RayanB7_: run a poll [11331] sobernut66: he predicted the c4 [11331] LUCHAgordo: RUN A POL [11331] legomanplays32: nice scripted [11331] been_gamin: he's insane [11331] zachsaimistrash: watch the VOD [11331] KAMIKRAZI: HES A LIAR [11331] SwooshProd: poll [11331] kami_kev: just void the bet [11331] daddyk43: REDFUNND [11331] RayanB7_: run a poll [11331] pennyd1776: POLL IT [11331] stin315: Mans an liar [11331] awill13: biggest cap of the century [11331] pazik10299: poll [11331] zaxis96: Poll it [11332] tripssalty11: poll that shit [11332] voxxyyyyyyyyy: Cuh💔💔💔 [11332] chromebookcart: STUTTERINGG [11332] lolthrillzzz: POLL POLL [11332] c0nn0r_12345: oh guys he had his fingers crossed [11332] AboveWild: BRO IS WIERD [11332] ryuthebest001: refundddddd [11332] Matt_Przeszlo: @rayanb7_ their all gonna say he’s sniping obv [11332] Kepharal: IF ANYTHING SEND HIM BACK HIS BAND [11332] carbowix: POLL [11332] sullyy82: poll [11332] ultrabeast5602: Poll it [11332] c_lewis5: make him give you a round [11332] nickolasfatson: bro you know he’s not sniping you’re looking for a reason to not lose ur money💀💀💀 [11332] RayanB7_: run a poll [11333] RayanB7_: run a poll [11334] tyl3rrrrrrrr: Cheer1 [11334] ghostrider80413: Not capping, im psychic [11334] kingnta_: 😂😂😂😂😂 [11334] OFPOOKIE: BleedPurpleHD [11334] cyphatonic22: run a poll ASAP [11334] tavogaming23: shotgun merchant [11334] X23_WEBNN: jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT [11334] Xainon: poll [11334] oZaden: He acknowledges his eye placement last time, hints he has a different way to see the stream / stream snipes ⛔ @Jynxzi [11334] UnfriendlyMF: don't trust [11334] dirtymitten1718: poll it [11334] soggytoast1992: poll it [11334] nokk4_: run a poll [11334] Bumbleballss: grown ass man talking bout fingers crossed............. [11334] tooslow44: this dude is a loser [11335] Kidknock_ibokei: POLLLLLL [11335] xnc99: no [11335] dajones003: just leave [11335] m4rkh3nry: GIVE HIM HIS MONEY [11335] Gucci_kid54: 💀💀💀 [11335] RageDaaGreat: POLL DONT MEAN HE AINT CHEATING [11335] lamarche444: L RICCIE [11335] GeneralGerms: POLLL [11335] X_JAGERR: restart [11335] DaKrak3n: POLL IT [11335] TurboWil: bruhhhh [11335] garysnumber2: RUN A POLL [11335] joshpisag: DQ [11335] houseofpaign22: run a poll [11335] godzilman5: godzilman5 subscribed at Tier 1. [11337] choppafloww: RUN A POLL [11337] xxpooberryxx: poll it [11337] LCG_Tim: ur such a cheater [11337] benjimarquez6969: run poll ban or restart [11337] PEEEENPAPI: Pffttt [11337] nokk4_: POLL IT [11337] rustisbestgamever: SHIT UP RAYAN [11337] Havikk_1: bill shit don’t believe him [11337] YoMommasOnion: run a poll [11337] xotwodmau: jynxziFALL [11337] kodyk7: Run poll [11337] SkeezerJohnson: polllllll [11337] youngdag0at: POLL [11337] thefenixblaze: RUN POLL [11337] Lewie181: fingers crossed lol. fucking clown [11338] fault404__: nahhh too risky [11338] ask_gabriel_: POLLLL IT [11338] nameistristan: poll it [11338] c0nn0r_12345: poll [11338] MrzStephy: RUJN A POLL [11338] Itzbrreezy: nah why he always lyinn [11338] guerdez: POLL IT [11338] mikee_1300: HE A BETTER PLAYER BRUH [11338] sparkz_____________: 6-6 [11338] jacobygoeswhoop: poll it [11338] xx_notguilty: RUN A POLL [11338] svmatt14: wrap it up [11338] carixas2006: runnnn [11338] chute_mi23: POLLL ITTTT [11338] Harry__GG__: Lol fingers crossed xD [11339] RayanB7_: run a poll [11340] ilmbe: imbe3_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months! hella money [11340] guerdez: POLL IT!!! [11340] AndIWasLikeEmiliooooo: is this dude a 12 year old lmao I had my fingers crossed????? [11340] hduhwaudhawu: na this guy weird bro [11340] cxrtz05: jynxziCRY [11340] Hanes92: stop playing this rat [11340] RayanB7_: run a poll [11340] drafann: POLL IT [11340] IOkayl: POLL [11340] ffndior: run poll [11340] SpidaWeen: and he burned a bridge [11340] ranqaii_: ID TRUST HIM [11340] MoldyTime69: ONCE A RAT ALWAYS A RAT [11340] elmish44: liar [11340] aktivenate: if he was sniping the score would be worse [11341] IIBlanco27II: I voted for you but this is a p**** move [11341] abbeygsanderson: LYING [11341] Gucci_kid54: LMAOO [11341] jhettsome: DUDES A SLIME [11341] jamesmccann1245: cut out [11341] tlads14: i had my fingers crossed he says 😂😂😂😂😂 [11341] nokk4_: RUN A POLL [11341] maddengod0906: WHY WOULD HE SNIPE ON HIS MAIN [11341] nickolasfatson: bro you know he’s not sniping you’re looking for a reason to not lose ur money💀💀💀&: [11341] dms338: noooo good [11341] cn1998_: Poll [11341] xlfenwinxl: return his money [11341] kingmxson: POLLL [11341] 905Strawberry: RUN A POLL! [11341] mandooo001_: run a poll [11343] bombclatte: !watchtime [11343] vSaftigesHaze: lyer [11343] pipo7D: @stableronaldo get a job. [11343] Kunspiree: run a poll [11343] sullyy82: mods [11343] dnt_triip: YEAH POLL IT [11343] boomer_krispy: poll it [11343] kasperunknown: poll [11343] theman0032: capping out his ass [11343] youseftheone14: !points [11343] StreamElements: bombclatte has spent 15 hours 40 mins watching jynxzi [11343] legendlos1: restart [11343] ChocolateLoverVz: yeah he’s not stream sniping probably but its still weird [11343] kareemnour23: POLL IT [11343] mangokingz: POL [11344] tocitkatempr: sukoNoted sukoNoted sukoNoted elisHuh elisHuh elisHuh sukoNoted sukoNoted sukoNoted sukoNoted sukoNoted sukoNoted elisHuh sukoNoted [11344] panetta19: POLLLLLL [11344] johnnypic5: HE WAS LOOKING TO THE LEFTee [11344] zxourii: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 [11344] orbitalnotch: POLLLLL [11344] lucas_jax: jynxziChampion jynxziBadAim jynxziFALL jynxziGoodAim [11344] kami_kev: but just send him his money back [11344] Gucci_kid54: LMAOO [11344] NetherBlade6: poll [11344] 0Liquidate0: such a cornball [11344] DeathDealer6160: he’s lying [11344] mmiller585: he kept looking to the left [11344] StreamElements: @youseftheone14 youseftheone14 has 7330 points and is rank 57978/1715346 on the leaderboard. [11344] dexxbz: just trust [11344] kingmxson: run poll [11346] zurow: his eyes were moving [11346] imSailo_: bro he’s gaslighting you he definitely is sniping don’t buy it [11346] rabswilldoit: DQ [11346] scaryylmao: jus hit a lick on this kid [11346] AxB_lol: We need a fingers crossed cam [11346] bornfromchat: Yall both cheated [11346] gthree_13: RUN IT BACK [11346] Saul_t_nuts126: ban that idiot [11346] dilpickle20000: !sub [11346] victor052405: na L [11346] LUCHAgordo: RUN A POLE [11346] daddyk43: RREEEFFFUNNDDD [11346] mangokingz: POOLL [11346] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [11346] I0VE_tap: give my points back [11347] dabeanz__: POLL [11347] tomasvl2004yt: NO ONE CARES REFUNDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. [11347] capit0m: Fingers crossed? What is he 15? [11347] digiwyd: polllllllll [11347] commandercarnage24: poll it [11347] z_purpleswag1: he’s trust [11347] ocariello7: POLLLLLLLLLL ITTTTTTTTTTTTT [11347] mistaveggie: mistaveggie subscribed at Tier 1. [11347] c0rzzzz: c0rzzzz subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! sym [11349] RayanB7_: run a poll [11349] gawdan6969: POL [11349] beckett376969: POLL [11349] sponsoredbyyomomma: refun [11349] HabibD1_: RUN THE POLL [11349] barca8218: PLAY PRO [11349] mellowsmushroom: pill [11349] 402_Reaper: polllll [11349] jacksonj321: YOU ARE TRASH BRUH [11349] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀 [11349] panetta19: POLLL [11349] darthblackseries: GET EM GONE [11349] dbdl24: poll [11349] twizidy: Restart 1v1 [11349] nickolasfatson: bro you know he’s not sniping you’re looking for a reason to not lose ur money💀💀💀00 [11350] RayanB7_: run a poll [11350] yungKIBE: LMAO [11350] MattFromDC: SEND EM 500! [11350] SilentShadow_440: Hes lyinggggggg [11350] lucas_jax: jynxziFALL [11350] mjisbreachnn: run a poll [11350] Gucci_kid54: 1 sec delay :O [11350] ParallaxisTTV: POLL [11350] Protegefr1: poll [11350] Hanes92: hes a ratttt [11350] actaavis: he isn’t sniping he swung you in trophy remember [11350] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀 [11350] please_lube: true [11350] thereaiicespice: Mute [11350] f0ddy15: poll it [11351] jacoby8763: !Watchtime [11351] dusllbee: 1 second delay 💀 [11351] thatboylarry21: he’s not stream sniping [11351] crispyachris: smash [11351] deevo1ac: fingers crossed what is this [11351] ismelltooka: Dudes hilarious [11351] yungKIBE: LMAO [11351] StreamElements: jacoby8763 has spent 2 days 5 hours watching jynxzi [11351] RayanB7_: run a poll [11353] sandy_sir: 💀 [11353] swtching: JYNXZI UR COPING [11353] Exstramanator: !roulette [11353] ghostrider80413: Trust him [11353] LUCHAgordo: RUN A PULL [11353] 402_Reaper: pollllll [11353] aw_tizm: Poll [11353] leik0530: cheater [11353] Nightbot: 😂 [11353] elcolombiiano: bro you know he’s not sniping you’re looking for a reason to not lose ur money💀💀💀 [11353] mickdickles: He actually seems like he’s being genuine [11353] nickolasfatson: bro you know he’s not sniping you’re looking for a reason to not lose ur money💀💀💀 [11353] Gucci_kid54: 1 sec delay :O [11353] inmortal_bigmac: poll [11353] kiingbaaby: lol [11354] astroidr6: LMFAO [11354] grumpy_pantss: fingers crossed is high school shit [11354] dbdl24: poolllll [11354] wockstrr: is he 12 [11354] Tortalive: POLLL [11354] thor_severson: theres a delay [11354] Mooaj: He ain't cheating man jesus christ where's the proof in how he plays?? You threw a flash he peaked before it popped [11354] nombus2323: POLL [11354] YaBoiPortaL: he him [11354] panetta19: POLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL [11356] mickdickles: He actually seems like he’s being genuine [11356] ttv_AtMeKiD: JUST PLAY!!!! JUST PLAY!!!! [11356] brookmeister420: yeah it does nothing unless u got 2 streams up [11356] HxlyDropEmOff: u used gojo [11356] Tommy122908: POLL [11356] Cole_Piekarczyk: fuck this kid. always a cheater [11356] ask_gabriel_: RUN THE PILL [11356] just_d3xt3r: poll [11356] wyatt_r2010: dam [11356] nailwind: RESTART [11356] KbStickOP: LMAO [11356] sandy_sir: LLMFAOOO💀💀💀💀💀 [11356] yungKIBE: LMAO [11356] lruxys_: POLL IT [11356] daddyk43: RRREEEEEFFFUNDD [11357] Demon3812: LMFAO [11357] Gucci_kid54: 1 sec delay :O [11357] aaronkre: WHY U ACTING LIKE A BAND AFFECTS U [11357] ToiletBowlWater5: I wouldn’t play him again [11357] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [11357] gawdan6969: POLL [11357] PAPA_YAYA: POLLLLLL [11357] HabibD1_: POLL [11357] cn1998_: run a poll [11357] jazzgocrazyy_: poll it [11357] malo22dom: he his stream sniping [11357] beerandy01: poll [11357] mickdickles: He actually seems like he’s being genuine [11358] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: mod him [11359] swtching: COPE LMAO [11359] foupalord: bruh [11359] chilifartz: the ones who are saying give him the benefit came from his stream [11359] PowerDog77: L bully [11359] luke_4576: poll [11359] mickdickles: He actually seems like he’s being genuine [11359] mmiller585: what’s to the left? [11359] ikareempiei: take it [11359] lunasyns: hes 9 [11359] junkijunka: POLLLL [11359] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [11359] jesseblackarmz: CRONUS, STREAMSNIPING, HAS A HISTORY [11359] leethanjames: POLL IT [11359] justtjump: ban em [11359] Junkoclonefr: BET [11360] Grimey2Societyy: how many hours on siege [11360] ange9l: restart [11360] devons62: poll it [11360] theduke907: delay [11360] jhaakoo: L CHEATER [11360] ny_juggernaut: LLL BAN [11360] cookieman677: he'd be using incognito [11361] mickdickles: He actually seems like he’s being genuine [11361] Cmoney71608: cmoney71608 subscribed at Tier 1. [11362] tomasvl2004yt: NO ONE CARES REFUNDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [11362] riskyrevs: restart [11362] afrooidz: 6-5 jinx [11362] f0nzie_: BABY JUNKOOOOOOO [11362] thereaiicespice: Mic [11362] kmoney0322: i love you junko [11362] galaxy_drip12: poll [11362] chuckwagon1029icloudcom: L cheater [11362] landoj4: yea [11362] tyzukorl: HES NOT SNIPING [11362] MFAM_CodyTheStrongWay: DQ [11362] notfrankiesburner: restart 0-0 @jynxzi [11362] RealGooseman: oh nah [11362] MiscuringLOL: mod [11362] mickdickles: He actually seems like he’s being genuine [11363] mistercrispy42: byyyyy [11363] joace431: there’s delay is doesn’t matter [11363] junkijunka: POLLLLL [11363] ragingtargaryen: take the money and ban him [11363] costcodogwater: yap [11363] LCG_Tim: L chat [11363] ewokkkkkkkkkk: reset it [11363] waterrnelons: im literally watching it, hes fine [11363] Lizuhbiff: wow [11363] guerdez: POLL ITY [11363] vezz24: 21 Savage R6 Edition [11363] NotTingo_: bro said he closed stream before the gam [11363] Gucci_kid54: i Believe him kinda ome5 [11365] qmoineq: cared champ [11365] nickolasfatson: bro you know he’s not sniping you’re looking for a reason to not lose ur money💀💀💀!1 [11365] pazik10299: yes [11365] ssg_nugget: maddddd [11365] thatmanandy: L cheater [11365] real_xclarity: i watched him cheat [11365] boynowayboy123: yall are so stupid bro [11365] Tumbasto: take a round lol [11365] that_cracker_ot: gg [11365] otgosamatv: VOD [11365] polandspring696: RESTART GAME [11365] maxthedilf: man baby [11365] memhatscar: SHUT UP CRY BABY [11365] ultrabeast5602: Poll [11365] TheMiier: Just have him give you a round 6-6- [11366] fadedsmg12: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [11366] Keremrgll: RUN A POLLLL [11366] mellowsmushroom: pollllll [11366] dhogger083108: refun [11366] frosty_8111: VOTE HIM OUT [11366] ofliqq: Who [11366] pipo7D: @stableronaldo get a job [11366] sryimbetterthanu: KEEEP HIS $$$$$$ [11366] donutking0909: disqual [11366] dvowill: LMAOOOO [11366] luna_4hunnid: bo3 [11366] lamonsta316: Kill n Finish his ass Jynx [11366] triston_00: Wow [11366] theblacklance_: just up the delay [11368] giga_chad125: !link [11368] camdn125556: no [11368] I0VE_tap: refoundd [11368] casethegoatt: 5-5 [11368] Nightbot: @giga_chad125 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [11368] lilkreamys: HE LOOKS OFF SCREEN SO OFTEN HE LOOKS OFF SCREEN SO OFTEN HE LOOKS OFF SCREEN SO OFTEN [11368] sponsoredbyyomomma: ref und now [11368] FRESH__KNIGHT__111: nah get him off [11368] crzy999: NOT SNIPING [11368] apesrcool: chat lock in [11368] imtoo3azy: lying he’s cheating [11368] justtjump: kick em out [11368] nickolasfatson: bro you know he’s not sniping you’re looking for a reason to not lose ur money💀💀💀-.. [11368] gertttaaa: he is not [11368] zvague: chat is gonna troll bruh lmao [11369] roccyrode: YES [11369] crimsoncomet524: obviously cheating [11369] sleepytreefrog69: I had my fingers crossed how old is he? [11369] diniss_santos: when is fan mail?? [11369] DeathDealer6160: ban him hivise [11369] tocitkatempr: pspBuh pspBuh sumPls LUL pspBuh BOP elisHuh BOP jpnutAika BOP BOP [11369] Dylvsm: YES [11369] morrgy40: make him give you a round [11369] RickAMusPrime: nah dawg anyone putting anything on there mama lying or not has no merit in my book [11369] Keremrgll: RUN A POLLLLLLL [11370] burrandyt55: burrandyt55 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [11371] elom16: HES CAPPING [11371] trulygil3: hes cheating [11371] roccyrode: HES SNIPING [11371] sidesalad22: ban him lol dox him [11371] choppafloww: W [11371] shinny106: RESTART [11371] deustschen_mann69: VOTES YES [11371] ClickfilA: DOUBLE OR NOTHING [11371] nickolasfatson: bro you know he’s not sniping you’re looking for a reason to not lose ur money💀💀💀!! [11371] iamslimjesus: DROP HIM [11371] stomp27: Ppl saying yes are just trolling [11371] Spliffyvee: bro yall r weird [11371] ItsNatang: @Jynxzi does it say 999? [11371] Jdawgg1220: dq [11371] TheBeast8890: it’s over [11372] tboneshocks123: no [11372] xolio2737: he knows he gonna lose [11372] lymigui: BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT [11372] shaniam333: he’s yapping too much he’s lying [11372] ShadowMario328: no [11372] TheChromosomosaur: 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞 [11372] bigdaddybob12345: yes [11372] Land0nr6s: he’s not [11372] ask_gabriel_: GET HIM OUT [11372] brendantech: he was not [11372] RealGooseman: HES NOT SNIPING [11372] chaseproudfit12: have him give you a round [11372] TomAppleton1703: you used a banned op anyway [11372] oJtsy: HES NOT SNIPPING [11374] iampIuto: !myuptime [11374] jbuffalo_: BOT [11374] arko_235: he ain’t sniping [11374] 8_rj_8: RESTART [11374] wittplater30: jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL [11374] legen_is_him: ur a pancake [11374] boynowayboy123: why would he snipe on his main account dumb ass [11374] Lizuhbiff: chat really selling rn [11374] boog2600: take 2 rounds back I [11374] og_devmiester: JUST RUN IT AS 5-5 [11374] bbrandonwash: 1v1 me [11374] juliusceasariusthe6th: CLOSEST VOTE EVER [11374] victor052405: he’s not@pussy [11374] lie_s23: he wasntttttt [11374] jarroddsibleee: chat is weird [11375] wayneabis: !link [11375] Whispering_Eye70: just restart [11375] arizonafiend: I dont even know bro [11375] t3xasplays44: I love jynxzi [11375] xlfenwinxl: just return the money you can't trust it @Jynxzi [11375] ricciangle: i dont think so tbh [11375] KAMIKRAZI: HE WAS CHEATING WHOLE TIME [11375] ayeitsamritlol: YALL TRIPPIN LMFAO [11375] supercarrot5794: Mod him anyways [11375] therealjnime: YES [11375] clay_0124: VOTE NO [11375] Keremrgll: RUN A POLLL [11375] voxxyyyyyyyyy: CHAT IS BIASED NO POINTTT [11375] gertttaaa: NOT SNIPING [11375] triston_00: L [11376] xannacks: bro crossed his fingers lol [11376] captainritza: NAH ITS JUST SKETCHY MAN [11376] RooneyRPS: I was on his stream before the 1v1 and he wanted you to show something on CAM I remember [11376] gamerdud21: Jynxzi you duck [11376] bighomiesasha: 125k is insane [11376] bigcatpurrr: Liar [11377] ShakoFR: ShakoFR subscribed with Prime. [11377] mickdickles: He actually seems like he’s being genuine [11378] Bajunjel: no [11378] bog120__: only give him 500 if he wins [11378] jbuffalo_: NO [11378] ricciangle: NOOO [11378] 1_sin_1: he is [11378] FI3K_: HES A CHEATER [11378] calvin014: FUCKKKKK YA [11378] dantesinferno369: Trolls [11378] pantera_221: Won't let me vote [11378] lastsilverking: RESTART GAME [11378] sleezball47: Run it to 5 [11378] unclebuck777: ban the comment leave the Cheater [11378] Hystrid: he'd be incog [11378] shotz999fl: HES NOT SNIPING [11378] Baileiyy: how tf do you think he’s sniping [11379] bdnellis: no [11379] mjm0415: nooo [11379] everythingqauhog: 100% [11379] mister_zaa: YALL ARE TROLLING [11379] Jay_ace_11: ima be honest he seems like he didn’t [11379] claygaunt: YOUR GREAT [11379] Fossabot: @tintedCAM, Your message is too long [11380] mickdickles: He actually seems like he’s being genuine [11381] shotz999fl: LOOK AT THE VOD [11381] xx_notguilty: yall r rats [11381] dieheartsaint: chat [11381] buffzoo: BRO YOU USED GOYO TWICE AND NOW YOU LOSINNG DONT BE WEIRD FINISH THE GAME [11381] ricciangle: NOT SNIPING [11381] cartislurs: check vod [11381] skibuddies: hes not bro u do this everytime you lose lol [11381] joshpisag: vote [11381] StreamElements: mattdillon5 has spent 2 days 2 hours watching jynxzi [11381] eianz_: who knows bro [11381] nickfb1onit: NOT SNIPING [11381] buddythechad: THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN [11381] csancheezy27: W POLL HAHAHHAHA [11381] Harry__GG__: Can you replay? [11381] ant_toe_knee23: he said earlier “ [11382] ilyfionapple: he literally is [11382] DJ_Dxn__: restart [11382] xuczii: show us again [11382] itsshamr0ck: talk about the Twitter post [11382] gazrfc1872_: presti74Sad [11382] xpuz123: he was loooking at his orther moniter lol [11382] 1_sin_1: SNIPING [11382] SHOTSIEog: he started losing and then started winning. sniping [11382] silxbooz: REDO ROUND [11382] falipeduro55: yes [11382] trulyblackboy: YOUR SO DUMB [11383] starwars702: starwars702 subscribed with Prime. [11384] kyleshiestyy: ban [11384] Softxz_: he is not [11384] eafdawg: HE WOULDNT SNIPE ON HIS MAIN ACCOUNT [11384] al_sah_him00: THERES NO CHANCE [11384] millx6: cant trust it [11384] StreamElements: JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/jynxzi [11384] thomas_tpt329: WATCH THE VOD [11384] 2percentmilks: STARTED SNIPING BECAUSE HE WAS LOSING [11384] JExoTic: go back toi 5-5 [11384] tsmquiqui: I BELIEVE [11384] nhlbiggesthits: you cheated too [11384] rabswilldoit: ur better always close [11384] joker_4life_: HE IS NOT SNIPING CHAT [11384] ranqaii_: HES NOT [11384] mendozzaa04: I was watching yess he was !!! [11385] sneakydeaky1995: LETS GO BRANDON [11385] kaiburke21: people that think he’s sniping are just riding jynxis dick [11385] victor052405: he’s not your just bad [11385] DocKnk: show again [11385] xPeteShweatyy: RULES ARE RULES….HES DQD [11385] shotz999fl: U CAN FUCKING TELL [11385] pmw11: bro he prolly isn’t for once [11385] amazingflyer21: did it feel like he was stream sniping you?? [11385] waterrnelons: hes good [11386] gdhjdjdkcjcjdjkfkdkd: gdhjdjdkcjcjdjkfkdkd subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! I miss prime jynxzi [11386] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: bros looking for an excuse to DQ him LUL [11386] RayanB7_: he’s genuine [11387] RudyGovea: RudyGovea subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! YYYOOO [11387] maxthedilf: man babu [11387] CallMeAydin_: CHATS TROLLING COME ON YO [11387] callum2003: he’s obviously not sniping [11387] andyy5555: no [11387] mtgreene650: yes [11387] Liquid_Clap_: y’all weird af [11387] Teabqgn: not [11387] krishbit07: Y would he do it on his main account [11387] coffeedog993: he not snipiing [11387] calvin014: GE DEAD LAIR BRO [11387] legendaryreckless: legendaryreckless subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 7 month streak! [11387] inaxvy: STOP COMPLAING [11387] please_lube: no [11387] wittplater30: jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [11388] Xeniatro: he wasn’t I’ve been watching his stream [11388] kylr_r: VOD [11388] leinanarcher: BAN HIM [11388] LuhDJ4: yall both cheatin anyway [11388] exiled_nation_: don’t trust him [11388] chase_moretti: not sniping [11388] garrettblack1234: nooooo [11388] Vip3rwing: kekw [11388] kkkevin46: idk at one point he sounded like he was lyin [11388] lilnajera426: y’all capping [11388] nickolasfatson: bro you know he’s not sniping you’re looking for a reason to not lose ur money💀💀💀 @jynxzi [11388] skarlemagne1: Can't fucking vite [11388] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: bros looking for an excuse to DQ him LUL [11388] mannyyr6: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [11388] RayanB7_: he’s genuine [11390] vVacnt: hes being genuine [11390] jesseblackarmz: Dq [11390] joshypoooo6969: at the start of the game he said he was closing it why would it be open again [11390] Johnnyturbo27: just put a delay on [11390] emmote69: you could hear it all game bro [11390] lukefree7_: he’s dumb af for even having it open even if he wasn’t sniping [11390] uriiru_: CHAT STOP BEING WEIRD [11390] meunier_: snipin [11390] babyhippo_1: just play the game dude. good lord [11390] dexxbz: he was not sniping bro [11390] TomAppleton1703: used a banned op [11390] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [11390] Xeniatro: not sniping [11390] Jdawgg1220: he’s dumb for having u tabbed even if he is telling the truth [11390] sobernut66: he predicted the c4 [11391] SecondDealer: BAN HIM [11391] tatking315: New game [11391] houstonkills: HE CAUGHT [11391] veretz: No [11391] f0nzie_: no [11391] crazyswiftzzzzz: DONT PLAY HES LYING DONT PLAY HES LYING DONT PLAY HES LYING DONT PLAY HES LYING DONT PLAY HES LYING [11391] inaxvy: UR SO BORING TO WATCH [11391] cbgfounk: he fucked up [11391] Nightbot: @spexoticttv -> Come on! [stop posting links] [warning] [11391] xpecthaven: gg [11391] fuze_bs: dead not snie [11391] GamingTight: clownssssss [11391] goofgaming92: JUST PLAY AND LOOK AT VOD YOU PANCAKE [11391] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [11391] XxLilBroomyxX: XxLilBroomyxX subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! crazyyy [11392] Splexiez: Splexiez subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [11392] ImSuperMcSweaty: ImSuperMcSweaty subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [11393] supercarrot5794: Hes not lying [11393] donbeezus18: all of you are stupid [11393] AvidGlazer2ez: guys hes clearly telling the truth cmon [11393] eggnoogs: not sniping [11393] runt_z: off a poll bro what [11393] SplashTrtle: view botting [11393] WashMyJhonson: YOU USED BANNED UP PLUS HE DIDNT SS BRO [11393] csancheezy27: got emm boss [11393] WildChill65: !LINK [11393] Nightbot: no 🧢 [11393] andyy5555: he’s not sniping [11393] ncsuperstar: you can hear your voice from his mic [11393] cynicalestt: saying yea and your clone [11393] unclebuck777: ban comment leave Cheater [11393] Trechx: ONLY PPL THAT VOTED FOR JYNXZI ARE VOTING YES [11394] Lord_Boggsy: He wouldn't have had it opened at all if he was serious about it [11394] xpuz123: he was loooking at his orther moniter lol!!! [11394] apesrcool: CHAT HES SNIPING LOCK IN [11394] kintheboss455: i call cap [11394] alelmao_: NOT SNIPING [11394] Dame_DeNiro: LLLLLLLLL [11394] febrezedeodorant: once a stream sniper always a stream sniper [11394] lilbluebxrry: QUIT DUCKING JYNXZI HER WASNT LOOK VODS DUIMBASS [11394] js___1: me and ricci go way back I known him since kindergarten he wouldn’t snipe. [11394] N0tLuxk: I’m done [11394] TierBlood: CHATTTTT IS SO WIERD HES NOT LYINGGGG [11394] mandaharr: NOOOOOOOOOPOO [11394] 365muni: HES NOT SNIPING [11394] notcloudzzy: why does Ricci keep getting second chances anyway fuck that lil ass kid [11394] bananacactux: he’s not [11396] d3nisdam3nace: LISTEN GO BACK ROUND 10 AT END YOU COULD HERE IT [11396] ben428: once a sniper always a sniper [11396] dizzydeegaming: this kids a rat bro [11396] v0urey: jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY [11396] pgfboomer: bomer_the_best subscribed at Tier 1. [11396] iamdigi6: ain’t no way dawg [11396] willowen777: people saying yes are doing splits on it [11396] radicalhimself: HE ISNT SNIPINGG [11396] brando1126: sniping [11396] ItsAstroRL: you cheated too [11396] seirthefallen: he aint sniping [11396] dilldoe9917: ur still ass at the game chunko [11396] dexxbz: he wasn’t bro chill [11396] jasp3rrr: I actually believe him [11396] Savagebadboy7280: yall ass [11397] zachtag908: no is glazing [11397] txteoo: gon 6 6 or restart [11397] nearldeath: big sniping [11397] MrzStephy: FINGERS CROSSED MY ASS [11397] abbeygsanderson: CLEARLY SNIPING LMAO [11397] AresCFC: he not sniping [11397] uriiru_: HE NOT SNIPING [11397] im_taiiyo: @Jynxzi the prblem is he wastn in stream earlier on in the rounds meaning he joined later on [11397] starpl3tinum45: Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa [11397] ximchino: he’s sniping bruh [11397] jarched: @crazyswiftzzzzz stfu [11397] mkulas99: chat so lame just finish game [11397] 1_sin_1: HE IS LYING [11397] Gucci_kid54: i Believe him kinda ome5 [11397] monkeyelitetv: REDO ROUND [11398] Yung_sleezywrld: Yung_sleezywrld subscribed at Tier 1. [11399] ssiT_: when is fan mail? [11399] JGee2101: L chat [11399] boog2600: take 2 rounds back [11399] AimLinc: hes not bro [11399] Im__RiTz: just send his money back and call it [11399] bananacactux: how is he sniping [11399] youcancallmetony: no [11399] xbasicss: he not sniping [11399] piekitten: he shoudlve instantly knew to close ur stream tab [11399] bbowden_23: HE SAID THE SAME THING LAST TIME [11399] itzinfinityt: meat riders all saying yes [11399] callum2003: you haven’t felt anything off at all [11399] TheSlxp: GUYS HES NOT WATCHING THE STREAM WITH HIS EYES [11399] kadynhurley13: chill bro let them play [11399] inaxvy: HES NOT SNIPING [11400] Buddeman23: bro fuck ricci but i don’t think he was [11400] sugarplayaa: he’s not stream sniping [11400] vallapaccio: he’s not [11400] brennan0605: sniping [11400] carter1617: REPLAY THE ROUND [11400] MuddyRags: Yes [11400] chris2tuffff: shut up rayan [11400] vdeptz: no [11400] pipo7D: @stableronaldo get a job [11400] ghostrider80413: come on you guys [11400] Stryf11: he’s not sniping [11400] please_lube: no [11400] BillyRippar: people make mistakes [11400] nickolasfatson: bro you know he’s not sniping you’re looking for a reason to not lose ur money💀💀💀 @jynxzi “/: [11400] iamdigi6: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim | Jynxzi | Prime Jynxzi is Back | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [11220] Come on. Fuck bro, how this fucking kid tabbed. Fucking joke bro. Bro. [11230] listen listen listen, Vodavu, I swear to God on everything, no fingers crossed on everything I love, I was in streams, I'm here, I did not stream, I'm here today, never, I swear [11240] I don't know what to do, bro, because I wouldn't even care if we have $1,000 on this, bro. Listen, let's finish the game and then review my vod and just look at my eyes. [11250] I swear to you I'm not stream-sipping bro. Why like I don't understand why like weird spots. [11260] just had to have bro just like refund just get off goio someone said wrong goio do I just refund do I just refund do I just refund because [11270] Like it sounds like no, listen yo, it sounds like yo, yo, it sounds like you're telling the truth bro But then again if you listen if you got caught you say the same shit like you would say the same thing [11280] Like if you got caught, jinksy, I'm putting it a jinksy. I love my mom, bro. I literally no fingers. I put this Ricky Notting to say this the first time you got caught stream sniping you said the same thing around you literally said [11290] No, no, no, no, no, no, no, it was different though. I was different. Remember, can you give me that? You said the same thing last time. It was a different scenario. Did you say the same thing? [11300] last time. No, no, no. I did not use the words that I use. I did not use the words that I use. Put it on my mom and then you said you have a... No, I did. No, no, no. Yeah, that was I avoided that. And I... [11310] I had my fingers crossed and also I said so I was in the stream like not today obviously that one incident I was in the stream [11320] And then I exit oh and then I had my fingers crossed and I said I said oh my mom I'm not in your stream right now right now. That's the words I use like bro listen my bottle be posted my [11330] God will be posted, you can look in my eyesight bro. You will not see my eyes leave my screen, I promise you. Remairs of delay, it does nothing! Na na na na na na na na na na na na na! [11340] No, no, no, no. There's a delay. It does nothing. Oh, bet. Let's see my delay in the most Intel-based game of all time. Oh, what does that say? [11350] One second. Highvise permanently banned him. I never won him my stream again. Get crowding ass clown. Alright, I'm having chat run a poll real quick and then we're gonna see what happens. [11360] It's 50 50 everybody vote bro everybody vote. Yo, this was in round 11. This was in round 11 bro round 11 [11370] Alljun g had advocated my [11380] Everybody vote, everybody vote, it's a six second poll vote. Everybody vote, everybody vote, everybody vote, everybody vote. Everybody vote. [11390] Yo, if chat folks, yes, I might just refund him mid game. That way, like, nobody loses money. Nobody gains money. | There is no Highlight in the provided timespan. Jynxzi discusses with his colleagues and occasionally interacts with his chat. |
Jynxzi | Prime Jynxzi is Back | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [12300] klnghenryvlll: ITS NOT CHAT IS JUTS WEIRD [12300] dsgkatarina: he stance [12300] rowdyisbetter: round 3 bro [12300] fate_harley: MAYBE BECAUSE ITS FUCKING NOT [12300] Lizuhbiff: CHAT JUST WANTED PREDICTION REFUNDED [12300] jazzgocrazyy_: VALIIIDDDDDDD [12300] xcrawfo: bro he’s lookin at his phone [12300] astroidr6: he’s not sniping ngl [12300] dhzigglybop: Valid [12300] druidjzx: round 4 [12300] yata_chris: IT GETS MIRRORED IN FACETIME [12300] bronnyishot: hi [12301] fox24pr: ITS NOT [12301] adultnut: echo round 3 echo round 3 echo round 3 echo round 3 echo round 3 [12301] quintenrampage: hes looked that way like 20 times [12301] sponsoredbyyomomma: hiiiissssss phhooonnnneeeee [12301] cheebah710: cohhChatting cohhChatting cohhChatting [12301] lucky_dog69: round 3 dumbass [12301] Gucci_kid54: He's innocent cristi399Celebrate [12301] ayeitsamritlol: HES LITERALLY VALID [12301] Himbappe_: he not sniping [12301] melanpath: Yall so dumb [12301] graysone115: graysone115 subscribed at Tier 1. [12301] TUNDRAMAIN: round 3 [12301] glitchflated: he valid in this [12301] khannn1: THIS CHAT IS SOOO STUPID [12301] IGL_strmz: HES LOOKING LEFTHES LOOKING LEFTHES LOOKING LEFT [12302] robsaucee: around 3 [12302] DxKk_: hes not stream sniping [12302] cokipoki7: He clean [12302] LaithDev: go to the 11th round bruuh [12302] twigbf2: he’s not sniping [12302] Nightbot: @MattyT1996 -> Sometimes I even amaze myself. [stop posting links] [12304] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: u were tryna look for an excuse to DQ and keep the bread LUL [12304] topgcashew: 3 [12304] kidjohne: INVERTED [12304] YrtPipe: ROUND 3 [12304] mrbobbybob999: round 3 [12304] salttlife420: W SCRIPT [12304] bignocka: round 3 [12304] that_cracker_ot: but also it was round 11 [12304] Stello96: killed the hype for no reason [12304] skullyygbz: round 3 [12304] bigpappy0456: round 3 [12304] gawkgawk900008: IM STROKING IT JUNKY JUNKY [12304] J2COOLJ: ROUND 3 [12304] aaronl0: BRO ITS INVERTED [12304] platurpus: ROUND 3 [12305] Snaggerhead: W RICCI [12305] LegendzXBL: chat is ridiculously brain dead little kids [12305] ajlovesfootball: you can here the ecoh in round 3 fat ass [12305] ATR_Kmoney: he’s not cheating meathead [12305] TyroneYolo: looking left [12305] Dark_Koffi: on stream, cameras are inverted/mirrored.. [12305] TUNDRAMAIN: round 3 echo [12305] tkettel_: LOST FAIR AND SQUARE [12305] Gucci_kid54: He's innocent cristi399Celebrate [12305] SmoAlmighty: pull up when you accused him [12305] PhilMcCr4ckin: look at round 3 [12305] Nightbot: 👀 [12305] tianhatake: HE SNIPED LAST TIMED NEAR THE END OF THE GAME [12305] lazyfink: Hes clean [12305] choppafloww: INVERTED [12306] Toxicvenomsos: last 2 win rounds [12306] PhilMeUp22: CHAT DUMB AF [12306] SpeedoGonzale: FUCKING BILLY [12306] MOSS_273: round 3 [12306] waaa437: its inverted [12306] 365muni: VALID [12308] 11cayden11: !sub [12308] synaxx3: round 3 [12308] swiperz07: w clip farm [12308] mclovinzack: round 3 [12308] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [12308] pur_str_xp1: echo on round 3 [12308] Crisis_Hope: round 3 [12308] rosh347: I don’t trust it bro [12308] boygigigem: clearly glancing right [12308] TTV_ZynxySc: echeo [12308] i_run_brad: he’s looking at your opp [12308] dsgkatarina: HE LOOKED RIGHT [12308] buckotruck13: go to when you tried to pulse c4 [12308] 4v8t0r: dsdfwggeqghqrgb [12308] acbplay2: GU MINES AEE ON THE RIGHT [12310] jowenjovarici22: bro is inverted [12310] kaesy2010: Round 11 [12310] 4v8t0r: efaaefvqavwb [12310] choppafloww: INVETTED [12310] spaikgtv: are u stupid [12310] gawdan6969: ROUND 3 [12310] Bonesstv: LMFAOOOOOOOOO [12310] sponsoredbyyomomma: hiiiissss phoooooonnnneeeee [12310] rabswilldoit: echo rd 3 [12311] dany3lln: @ruggotm ITS NOT INVERTED [12311] carpypc: u know hes valid lets be real [12311] klnghenryvlll: HES NOT SNIPING [12311] jalenhurts132: round 3 [12311] aaaaaaaa6353: REWATCH ROUND 2 [12311] lucky_dog69: 3rd round [12311] miloakuji: ROUND 3 [12311] SmoAlmighty: PULL UP WHEN YOU ACCUSED HIM [12311] M3RKIE__: SCRPT W SCRIPT W SCRIPT W SCRIPT [12311] harvinwine97: looking at his phone no cap [12311] nikisimmer2015: There it is!!! [12311] thethad101_: INVERTED CAM LOOK AT HIS HEADSET [12311] bozo_deadd: round 3 [12311] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: u were tryna look for an excuse to DQ and keep the bread LUL [12311] lazyfink: Hes cleannnn [12312] totaliynotethan: GO TO GROUND 11 [12312] 4v8t0r: qwerqafgqawefgqa [12312] Philmenn: PHONE [12312] actaavis: he’s looking at his screen [12312] tocitkatempr: but [12312] JustVibing916: !clix is waiting!!!```` [12314] tastingginger: NOT VALID [12314] SoloMerx: NO HE DIDNT LOL [12314] 4v8t0r: dfawdvqaefq [12314] jonahnewton: It looks fine [12314] ajchurk0o: !watchtime [12314] coolppap: he looked [12314] t00_3asy: gu mines should be on left [12314] StreamElements: ajchurk0o has spent 2 days 9 hours watching jynxzi [12314] Vouka1ls: his phone [12314] PhilMcCr4ckin: look at round three bro [12314] imsogoodathis: stream snipe [12314] LegendzXBL: brain dead ass Jynxzi voters in chat [12314] sponsoredbyyomomma: his phooooonnnnneeeee [12314] Suulks: ITS HIS LEFT [12314] rustisbestgamever: EXHO ROUND 3 [12315] m4rkh3nry: he loses this round [12315] not_mrenderman: ROUND 3 ECHO [12315] nellyz_13: stop being soft bro take his money for even being in stream [12315] CheitoxPR: yes [12315] liam3548: He ain’t stream sniping this chat LUL [12315] 420llk: HE STRIAGHT [12315] lurkfv: no he didnt lmao [12315] IVvows: GO BACK TO ROUND THREE SOMEONE SAYS THERE IS AN ECHO [12315] wonpaz: hes darting his eyes left [12315] hashfaced: he used his phone [12315] wideschizoJeb: stalling as much as possible to hit 6 hours LUL [12315] ohprivacy: ECHO [12315] bouncing_beldum: iowa insane junko is a I’ll Johnson [12315] draconias101: round 3 lets goooo [12315] Bonesstv: UR ALL CRINGEEEE [12316] topgcashew: 33333333333333333 [12317] armando_p197: bro [12317] toxicfinger656: he looked left [12317] squidyxd: HE IS On cam waiting?!?!?? [12317] stat1k_8k: round 3 echo [12317] TMF_23: ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 [12317] spongecake32: echo rd 3 [12317] tntlord1899: hes done that before [12317] vemon_ssg: He’s on cams [12317] dexpo12: Round 3 ECHO [12317] yungmoniog: round 3 bro [12317] Xpr3ss840: look at the start [12317] asphhyyxia: USE ARROW KEYS [12317] snowylwm: NAH [12317] notnick018: DOOOR [12317] enviro69: Stream snipe easy [12318] landoj4: nahhh [12318] skixyyyy: hezs done [12318] Gucci_kid54: Pffttt [12318] elecpro715: nah [12318] thethad101_: INVERTED CAM [12318] gprezz99: lmao [12318] TrueKocicaak: he is checking cams [12318] acbplay2: GU MINES ARE ON THE RIGHTT [12318] chris23168: frozone [12318] cybersader: HES GOT A BIG SCREEN BRUV [12318] xavi_is_bad: CLIX AND RON ARE ABOUT TO CALL IT OFF CAUSE HE WONT GIVE YOU HIS MONEY [12318] zb_hyperttv: His phone [12318] razoo020: not rly [12318] Venifyz: ??? [12318] cuddle_xd: WHY IS HE LOOKING OVER THERE SO MUCH THOUGH [12319] eliiite__: THATS THE START IDIOT [12319] professor_sq: but he’s on cams [12319] frog_man334: MIC IS ON LEDT [12319] harvinwine97: looking at his phone fr [12321] landoj4: nahhhhh [12321] DrDoofenshmirt4: he looked right like 3 times [12321] coltz_69: rewind he looked in early rounds [12321] datboyiskxng: HE WAS CHEATING [12321] lucky_dog69: around 3 [12321] ofragqed: SKETCH IS WAITITNG [12321] hoddiehawk: he’s looking both ways [12321] pmw11: he’s reading chat [12321] pancakeareola: he’s not sniping idiot [12321] Sh8rty: CROSSEYED [12321] platybtw: hes on camsss bruh [12321] elcolombiiano: LMAOO [12321] Spidey559: phone clipped on monitor [12321] jxj1234: ROUND 3 [12321] TMF_23: ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 [12322] imsogoodathis: HES CHEATIMG [12322] infamousbeast99: round 50 [12322] 7its7him7: THE LIGHT ON HIS FACE IS CHANGING LIKE HES WATCHING A STREAM BRU [12322] dreamfienddd: HIS CAM IS FLIPPED ON STREAM. HIS CAM IS FLIPPED ON STREAM. HIS CAM IS FLIPPED ON STREAM. [12322] ripl3ttuce: he didnt [12322] Yuresine: HE IS DONE [12322] blueashlie: BRAINROT [12322] sxrxqq: YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE MY ONLY SUNSHINE YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE MY ONLY SUNSHINE YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE MY ONLY SUNSHINE [12322] bito_bot: ECHOE IN ROUND 3 [12322] Gucci_kid54: Pffttt [12322] mrkorean09: look at round three he has an echo of u in background [12323] Blaer_K: CHECK THE ROUND YOU PLAYED PULSE [12323] sacaistinks: CHAT IDIOT [12323] milkz_ninja1: !watchtime [12323] curlyyyheadbash: 111111111 [12323] lurkfv: the door [12323] dankwhoolies69: JYNZXI STOP BEING A FUCKING IDIOT [12323] actaavis: it’s his screen 😭😭😭 [12323] bvttaa: he’s sitting on cams bro [12323] glitchflated: he reads chat [12323] klebbergreat: round 3 [12323] IGL_strmz: HES LOOKING LEFTHES LOOKING LEFTHES LOOKING LEFTHES LOOKING LEFTHES LOOKING LEFTHES LOOKING LEFTHES LOOKING LEFT [12323] ya_boi_junior55: gifters [12323] StreamElements: milkz_ninja1 has spent 2 days 15 hours watching jynxzi [12323] Suulks: HE NEEDS TO LOOK LEFT BRO [12324] idkloski: HIS CHAT???????? [12324] boopyshmurda: HIS PHONE IS ON HIS RIGHT HIS PHONE IS ON HIS RIGHT HIS PHONE IS ON HIS RIGHT HIS PHONE IS ON HIS RIGHT [12324] Edgeice21: inverted [12324] MrBarryAllen2: on cams nothing happening reeaing chat [12324] Gucci_kid54: Pffttt [12324] elecpro715: he def sniping [12324] albinokid27: LOOKING AT THE STAIRS [12324] chxmpzdagoat: double take [12324] WITHERspark: bro what [12324] swoleboh: good [12324] crewe1828: inverted [12324] lucky_dog69: round 3 [12324] IGL_strmz: HES LOOKING LEFTHES LOOKING LEFTHES LOOKING LEFTHES LOOKING LEFTHES LOOKING LEFTHES LOOKING LEFT [12324] thethad101_: LOOK AT HIS HEADSET INVERTED CAM [12324] Jdawgg1220: looked right first round [12325] jesus_of_rebirth: 3 [12325] yungmoniog: round 3 [12325] jr_223_: hebdidnt [12325] victor052405: ???? [12325] DeezFatTetas: Ricci the rat [12325] climaxcasino: camera is mirrored he lied about which way he's looking [12325] waterrnelons: bro [12325] HiVise: huh ? [12326] svmatt14: when is fan mail [12326] Duhkkii: ur reaching [12326] HurnezW: his phone lol [12326] idkloski: CHAT [12326] TTVSLYMIME: ROUMD THREE [12326] gporosky24: dont trust ny white biys cheaters [12326] crazyswiftzzzzz: UAHAHAHAHAHAHAH CLIPPED [12326] rykehodgson: !LIINK [12326] jeavs27: bro what are u on [12326] cookie48846: you deadass look for any excuse [12326] golzerrrr: HE LOOKS AT HIS SCREEN [12326] yuzrsif0: L excuse [12326] juzevsp: L lag [12326] rebornnn: just eyes movment [12327] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [12327] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: u tryna look for an excuse to DQ and keep the bread LUL [12327] pazik10299: stream snipe [12327] 7rekz: that’s left [12327] hr21savage: HUS CHAT [12327] urboylucky21: he good [12327] vdeptz: he’s on cam…. [12327] babyhippo_1: nahhhhhh [12327] xxobnoxiousxx: INVERTED CAM BRO DID YOU NOT SEE [12327] AlextheGTV: PHONEEE [12327] fox24pr: LO0OL [12327] Olletsock: bro barely [12327] sinsalot_: bro what [12327] dnt_triip: ROUND 3, HE ECHOED!! [12327] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: u tryna look for an excuse to DQ and keep the bread LUL [12328] Drunkonrootbeer: ur reaching [12328] offical_weaponx: wrong way dumbass [12328] grandmatoes06: that’s still his screen [12328] Saul_t_nuts126: YEP [12328] obpluto: bro this is fucking stupid [12328] HunterKnisely: !LINK [12328] amplify_o7: whaoo [12328] spongecake32: echo rd 3!!!! [12328] cn1998_: HE IS LYING [12328] petergriffinfeetpics: HES CHEATING [12328] Nightbot: @HunterKnisely If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [12330] mclovinzack: focus on round 3 [12330] slientkiller123: round 3 [12330] jroc231: smh [12330] mikey_945: his eyes dont even leave his MONITOR! [12330] soundcloutken: Reddit gonna go crazy with this drama [12330] kingmxson: He’s cheating bro [12330] Himbappe_: ???? [12330] Nightbot: ? [12330] DeathDealer6160: he echo in round 3 [12330] sizz1_: ?? [12330] Cozza47fr: he’s looking at his phone! [12330] qtons: ? [12330] kidbuu3299: huh [12330] thesupremesalt: CLIP FARMING [12330] Icyyonkbm: ???? [12331] freshpoet1: hes looking at cams dumbass [12331] brydon69420: 3rd round [12331] LogoLevi: reach [12331] itzzmoo: L [12331] lurkfv: the doorway idiot [12331] bigbillgamein: POLL [12331] Nightbot: h [12331] CDLice: yup [12331] yolucid__: thats left u donkey [12331] ggh0stz: CHILL [12331] Nightbot: yup yup yup [12331] HiVise: Nah you are reaching [12331] HiVise: Nah you are reaching [12332] HiVise: Nah you are reaching [12333] TheRoughBoss: he's looking at both doorways [12333] sbrook30: LOL [12333] Quainni: LEFT IDIOT [12333] rabswilldoit: snipes [12333] Nightbot: 😂 [12333] Bread1469: nit picker [12333] easton111236: Let's go [12333] tercity: He’s looking down the stairs dumbass [12333] waterrnelons: ur actually on drugs [12333] docandashmain: HES DOING THAT BC HES IN THE CAMS IDIOT [12333] Trechx: HES LOOKING AT THE BOTTOM OF HIS MONITOR HES LOOKING AT THE BOTTOM OF HIS MONITOR [12333] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [12333] tripscoggins: he isn’t [12333] Baize_Jimbo: BRO U STULID ASK [12333] xNoRecoil: ROUND 3 STREAM ECHO [12334] arct1c789: he’s reading chat bro [12334] tocitkatempr: ubisoft ban this guy [12334] AhRunBrinkworth: multiple rights with no cam movement [12334] zadkiel_14: Jinxzy kiss meeeeeeeee [12334] boopyshmurda: HIS PHONE IS ON HIS RIGHTHIS PHONE IS ON HIS RIGHT HIS PHONE IS ON HIS RIGHT HIS PHONE IS ON HIS RIGHT HIS PHONE IS ON HIS RIGHT [12334] fps_servo: bro hes on cams [12334] vinnydexter: bruh you tweaking [12334] wideschizoJeb: stalling as much as possible to hit 6 hours LUL [12334] nrgclean: sh [12334] gprezz99: lmao no he didn’t bro [12334] HiVise: Nah you are reaching [12334] HiVise: Nah you are reaching [12336] jr_223_: reaching [12336] hr21savage: HE HAS A CHAT TOO [12336] sixersalliance1: no he didn’t [12336] DeathDealer6160: echo in round 3 [12336] xaj8_: hes capping [12336] soundcloutken: @hivise fr [12336] africanchild299: this is dumb [12336] Fossabot: @dabigsniff, Your message is too long [12336] Xpr3ss840: at the start of the vod, he looked alot [12336] drizner23: ggs [12336] khannn1: L REACH [12336] samsta464: REACHING [12336] aIexpereira: that’s a reach [12336] Johnny_Rebel1865: CHEATING [12336] darkcyclecd: Reaching [12337] Icyyonkbm: THATS HIS SCREEN DUMMU [12337] HyperDriiv3: REACHING [12337] Junkoclonefr: cheater [12337] artistic_trix_: WOW [12337] crazyswiftzzzzz: OALALALALALA [12337] airgliding: bro u r literally just nitpiking [12337] wideschizoJeb: stalling as much as possible to hit 6 hours LUL [12337] Jdawgg1220: CHECK FIRST ROUND AGAIN [12337] K2SEli: no he didny [12337] percc80: ROUND 3 [12337] sinsalot_: reach of hell [12337] dfresh710: bro really [12337] M4DM4TTX93: lol jk [12337] bigkahuna321123: bigkahuna321123 subscribed with Prime. [12337] maikodog: maikodog subscribed with Prime. [12338] HiVise: Nah you are reaching [12338] HiVise: Nah you are reaching [12338] HiVise: Nah you are reaching [12339] waterrnelons: horrible cope [12339] xgio_v: ur cappin [12339] theNG: thats the start [12339] cmperea: thats his left!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [12339] Rhyphix: bruh you're reaching [12339] dyoung78: reaching [12339] sharpsh0oter333: HES JUST ON A CAM THO [12339] ch9dgamer: Nah you are reaching [12339] cozelive: bros reaching [12339] abelossk: ong your weird [12339] Cozza47fr: stream up on his phone! [12339] AufLock97: u are reaching on god [12339] WITHERspark: UR REACHING [12339] LordBendtnerIsWatching: CAUGHT HIS ASSSSSSS [12339] Gucci_kid54: ???? [12340] mxchaelol: reaching [12340] Xb3arr: bro…???? [12340] Nabusmain: HARD REACH BRUV [12340] cpaleop: reaching [12340] kidjohne: inverted [12340] samsta464: REACHINGGG [12340] Zayugh: bro you’re reaching!!! [12340] JayGotAmnesia: reaching [12340] SpedBxby: LOOKING AT STAIRS [12340] BryceCrispyy: bro hes not even looking far enough [12340] TubaLuus: REACHINGGG [12340] wazly06: reaching [12340] eoinbarbour45: @hivise tell him round 3 [12340] LoganWpt: ???? [12340] itTs_ayden: L rici [12342] 3b0ne: nah [12342] thethad101_: INVERTED CAM [12342] mizon95: yeah your reaching [12342] K2SEli: reach [12342] 7yassine: r u dumb [12342] xd_Draz: reaching [12342] realmatze26005: Nah [12342] Unculturedturk69: Unculturedturk69 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [12342] lloogannnn: reaching [12342] jaegerlamb: ur reaching so much xxDDDD [12342] dogwitdaricks: Reaching [12342] Nightbot: mild tourettes (something he can't control.) be nice! [12342] Jeledy: u are so weird ong 💀 [12342] joker_4life_: THATS NOT LOOKING WTF [12342] Nightbot: ussy [12345] gmen1256: YOU ARE REACHING OMG [12345] Sharksssssss: REACH [12345] nokk4_: reachinf [12345] parkerwasbanned: dumbass [12345] ForgiveBry: bro we can’t be serious just play 😭 [12345] Shocwave788: reaching [12345] bzLink: holy fuck you are beyond remedial 💀 [12345] jack21tab: REACHING!! [12345] gingerbreadfrosting: REACHING [12345] bolt0241: w vise [12345] FreeSpelling: REACHING [12345] sharpsh0oter333: HES JUST ON A CAM [12345] u_know_karmaa: ARE YOU AN IDIOT BRO [12345] lydelI: youre actually losing it unc ... [12345] ghostrider80413: you look around when youre talking [12346] Gucci_kid54: ???? [12346] deckerggs: ?????????????? [12346] quaqzx: Reach [12346] realist_bigman: REACHING SO HARD [12346] kaprr6: YOURE genuinely getting finessed [12346] Get_Josued: dumbass [12346] alexmonkeypoo122: SNIPE [12346] Shadowxzxzx: lmao [12346] saucypickleyt: REACH [12346] wideschizoJeb: stalling as much as possible to hit 6 hours LUL [12346] trendsetta_jo: HES TALKING [12346] DrnkMor3Wat3r: you’re reaching [12346] 69_soupgod_69: this is the dumbest shit i’ve ever seen HE IS OBVIOUSLY CHEATING [12346] TheJakethy: HE KEEPS LOOKING DOWN [12346] aaaaaaaa6353: REWATCH ROUND 2 [12347] HiVise: Nah you are reaching [12347] HiVise: Nah you are reaching [12347] HiVise: Nah you are reaching [12348] deadend_005: reaching [12348] breezy3114: thats left [12348] dramaticend1: you’re draggin it [12348] shauxity: HE'S LOOKING LEFT TOO [12348] sightlytoomey420: ROUND 3 ECHO IN SITE UPSTAIRS [12348] BrizzyGOATED: RIUND 3 EXHOOOOOO [12348] itscashthegamer: NAH YOUR CRAZY [12348] robbieh96: there's nothing wrong with reading chat [12348] aIexpereira: bro doesn’t wanna lose a band😭😭😭 [12348] phaxzi: your a clown jynxzi you don’t deserve anything that you have. [12348] skunk_617: bro what [12348] u_know_karmaa: YOU FUCK TARDE [12348] ghostrider80413: talking [12348] ReaganPro: wtfffffff [12348] itBLICKYY: REACHING [12349] phd_in_being_bald: you're a psychopath bro [12349] Kingg_Rocco19: I DONT THINK HE DID IT AT THE BEGINNING HE STARTED WHEN HE WAS LOOSING!!! [12349] yusoawsome: Ron is going to sleep [12349] hector0i: reaching [12349] yungKIBE: FAX [12349] BCGC_Rupert: BANNNNNNNN [12349] keytosurvival: LMAOOOOOOOOOOO [12349] wideschizoJeb: stalling as much as possible to hit 6 hours LUL [12349] professor_sq: but he’s on cams [12349] razoo020: THATS STRAIGHT 💀💀 [12349] HiVise: Nah you are reaching [12350] Arrowz02: NAH WHERE LMAO [12351] Arrowz02: NAH WHERE LMAO [12351] Arrowz02: NAH WHERE LMAO [12351] YutasFox: REACHING [12351] zoetheristis: L reaching [12351] bmod26: reach [12351] Arrowz02: NAH WHERE LMAO [12351] Rooney_Lover: R U STUPID ????????? [12351] Killer_Trayce20: reaching [12351] ryanfolger56: REACH [12351] gixyfn: left [12351] klwzere: bro he’s looking at stairs [12351] thatboylarry21: nah you’re reaching [12351] jussmarcos: ONG UR FUCKING WEIRD 💀💀💀💀💀 [12351] grandmatoes06: THATS THE SAME SCREEN [12351] wrooney15: wasting time [12352] Gucci_kid54: ???? [12352] dennistheclown: can’t look at the stairs [12352] xbugnasty: stream sniper [12352] Im_Not_Faded: reach harder [12352] snappy11z: 44 [12352] crashpython: you can’t react that fast [12352] truestormy: HE LOOKS LEFT AT THE START OF THE CLIP [12352] thomas_tpt329: YOU DO THE SAME THING [12352] cmperea: UR A DUMASS [12352] yungKIBE: FAX [12352] JavaFTC: reaching [12352] Trevorjl17: holy reach [12352] dantesinferno369: Listen to vise [12352] iBankston: REACHINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG [12352] evoke_playzz: your reaching [12353] mandooo001_: reaching [12353] Slappyjobob: hi [12353] paulsy19: nahhhh [12353] Bread1469: bro is extending [12353] bighenez: polll it [12353] saavy: reaching [12353] 1xrags: hes onnn a camera [12353] whoiskillrob: HIS PHONE TO THE LEFT PROLLY [12355] lazyfink: This is a reach [12355] realswaggamer: naahhhhhhhh [12355] excessivezero5: reachinggggg [12355] itskiefer: REACHING [12355] Jdawgg1220: hivise is delusional [12355] cobalett: bro knows he's cooked [12355] Siev3rs: this is so pathetic your reaching so hard [12355] 501Boy: reaching [12355] iceysray: IT WAS A BLINK [12355] mounteney: CAP [12355] superdoglvv: 101 [12355] Nightbot: no 🧢 [12355] Nightbot: @SoloMerx -> Much better. [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [12355] glitchflated: you are reaching [12355] klwzere: your reaching [12356] threep33: reachingg [12356] ng__ng: reachinggggg [12356] nephfariouss: HELL NAHHH [12356] loganmills32: what are you talking about [12356] tdot010: PHONE [12356] LordChonk25: REACHING [12356] RealGooseman: REACHINGGGF [12356] AvidGlazer2ez: ur reaching [12356] yungKIBE: FAX [12356] kbee1511: U ARE REACHING [12356] zyx14: HE IS NOT FUCING SNIP)ING BRO [12356] apsidhrur: round 3 [12356] Philmenn: EXCUSES EVERYTIME [12356] Vouka1ls: his phone [12356] MrBoeding: CAP [12357] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: u tryna look for an excuse to DQ and keep the bread LUL [12358] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: u tryna look for an excuse to DQ and keep the bread LUL [12358] kedo7: reaching [12358] bradeyyyeyyyy: you’re reachingggg [12358] StoinksJay: Reaching lmao [12358] KingMathias13: Cheer100 [12358] jack21tab: REEEEAAACCCHHHIINNGGG [12358] AvidGlazer2ez: reaching so hard [12358] ricciownsnicki: reading chat [12358] Edgeice21: inverted [12358] Gucci_kid54: ???? [12358] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [12358] Baize_Jimbo: DUMBBSSS IDIOIT [12358] headshotfisken: CAPPPPPPP [12358] tissuewitanissue: staircase [12358] evoke_playzz: reaching [12359] clipziey: SO OBVIOUS [12359] jlukes96: mad u lost [12359] empanada10: REACHINGGGGG [12359] v1ce_rl: reaching [12359] imsogoodathis: cap [12359] Dracos_10: reaching [12359] dontwatchme69: REEEAAAAACCCCCCHHHHHHHHHH [12359] dsgetdegrees: NAH, HE'S A CHEATER FS [12359] jake_sandy1: cap [12359] TheRoughBoss: EASILY DOORWAR [12359] fearleah: REACHINGG [12359] slimpy23: SNIPERRRR [12359] falbby_: SNIPERRRR [12359] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: u tryna look for an excuse to DQ and keep the bread LUL [12359] tommy_llo: he's looking straight at his monitor you absolute donkey 😂 [12360] tommy_llo: he's looking straight at his monitor you absolute donkey 😂 [12360] tommy_llo: he's looking straight at his monitor you absolute donkey 😂 [12361] HighLight_24: F [12361] Jacobb_23: reaching [12361] samgonnaslam: REACHINGGGG [12361] Im_Not_Faded: reach more [12361] Nightbot: F in the chat [12361] 18perraust: cap [12361] soundcloutken: 🤓☝️🎧 [12361] jbl564: THATS LEFT????? [12361] m4rkh3nry: bro he LOSES this roundd [12361] 8jacks895: EXCUSES [12361] cosmicghost5: reaching [12361] Eiightyhd: REAAAACH [12361] mrsharkfinz: not a snipe tbh [12361] drafann: NOPE [12361] PapiThooi: bro is readying haha [12362] LPnBotz: cap [12362] Ayzorax: hes not sniping [12362] jasonmarino1: reach [12362] txrtle_mc: stop reaching [12362] RiIey5k: reaching [12362] oZaden: He acknowledges his eye placement for the last time, hints he has a different way to see the stream this time / hes stream sniping ⛔ @Jynxzi [12362] teamwipeofficial: WHGATTTTTT [12362] gawdan6969: LMAO [12362] leinanarcher: CAP CAP CAP [12362] jacobkp360: fact [12362] kuela_: capp [12362] hydra44565: BRO [12362] Drloges: ur tweaking [12362] etplayingnow: CAPPPPPP [12362] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: u tryna look for an excuse to DQ and keep the bread LUL [12363] tommy_llo: he's looking straight at his monitor you absolute donkey 😂 [12364] Bizo_3: reaching [12364] siv_0: you’re such a fucking idiot [12364] sugabaybe: LYINGGGG [12364] shipster24: just play it bruh [12364] marie_xm: huh [12364] loganmills32: resching [12364] Zayugh: YO YOURE WASHED BRUH [12364] qKellan: STAIRS AND DOORSSS [12364] saucypickleyt: REACH [12364] devslatt: W VISE [12364] khorilive22: !sub [12364] K2SEli: ur reaching [12364] a1dannnnn: ur doing to much icl [12364] mandooo001_: EXCUSES [12364] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [12365] f6ckmari: REACHIN [12365] wideschizoJeb: stalling as much as possible to hit 6 hours LUL [12365] justadeamin: you’re washed bruh [12365] razzisaqtee: REACHINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG [12365] castro101123: bro you know he’s not sniping you’re looking for a reason to not lose ur money💀💀💀 @jynxzi.. [12365] fallen4x: Your reachingggg [12365] captainritza: HIVISE IN ON IT LMAO [12365] whillyuhmm: LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO [12365] webdapleb: 3 HR STREAMER 3 HR YAP = 6 HOURS [12365] rampagemonty: REMATCH [12365] professor3459: Reaching [12365] Parker_Baer: Yeah I aint gonna lie you reaching [12366] tommy_llo: he's looking straight at his monitor you absolute donkey 😂 [12367] temporaryorigin: REACHING [12367] AndresxSoler: he’s good JUNKO [12367] klnghenryvlll: YOU ARE REACHING [12367] jesseblackarmz: PHONE TO HIS LEFT [12367] riverzz: HIVISEE YOU SEEING nothing [12367] piesgood_: REACH [12367] drizner23: L ricci [12367] Cliopatrra: YOURE REACHING [12367] b312noblesixx: W MOD [12367] snydc: HARD REACH [12367] au5tyn: reaching bro [12367] tastingginger: CHEATER CHEATER CHEATER CHEATER CHEATER CHEATER [12367] dantesinferno369: W vise [12367] beasty2910: REACHING [12367] IodizedTV: MAKING A DUMBASS OF YOURSELF FUCKBOY @Jynxzi [12368] Rosward23: Ricci own you [12368] ximIab: reaching [12368] hoddiehawk: he’s cheating [12368] joker_4life_: UR ABUSING [12368] sobernut66: jynxziGRIDDY [12368] landoj4: why is Ricky reaching [12368] Loverttt: REACHINGGGGG [12368] TheFistNPistoN: Bro he’s not sniping no way [12368] jacky11897: oooooooooo [12368] Av8eighty: tweaking [12368] itskiefer: REACH ASF [12368] destiny_rose1469: reaching [12368] Jacobb_23: you reaching [12368] Nightbot: 👀 [12368] F0UNT4IN: GASLIGHTING IS CRAZY [12370] jaydandot23: doing too much [12370] raid3rk: reaching for the stars LMAO [12370] SNF_equal_IF: Tom GLANCY [12370] mrcoin911: He’s trying to cover it up [12370] razoo020: HARD REACH [12370] tripscoggins: he is looking straight [12370] offical_marvv: uu [12370] Icyyonkbm: reaching hard ag [12370] MrBoeding: CAPPPP [12370] elcolombiiano: why are you looking for excuses [12370] mclovinzack: 3rd ROUND [12370] trudist: it’s inverted @hivise [12370] iceysray: HE LITERALLY BLINKED [12370] phaxzi: your a clown you don’t deserve shit that you have fucking pussy. [12370] docandashmain: UR TRIPPIN NOW JUNKO MOVE ON BRO [12371] hellokittyislandadventrue: Excuse excuses [12371] tommy_baseball: LMAO@ [12371] BlockWasHere: caaaaappppoooo [12371] lnxyxx: prob to see what they think on Iowa [12371] nossydd: validddddd [12371] PopPopBigTruck: He beat you you fucking suck [12371] elmish44: HES GOT AN EXCUSE FOR EVERYTHING [12371] jamesstewiepye: Bin him off ffs [12371] thethad101_: @Jynxzi INVERTED CAM LOOK AT HIS HEADSET [12371] Gucci_kid54: eeeh [12371] glitchflated: bro he is looking at his monitor [12371] darthblackseries: poll [12371] ttvchris32: bro he’s obviously got something on his elft [12371] tommy_llo: he's looking straight at his monitor you absolute donkey 😂 [12373] thelebdon: reach [12373] Char_Latte07: ECHO ROUND 3 [12373] YummySteak: REACHING BRO [12373] cybersader: BIG SCREEN [12373] remmiegz: REACHHHHHHHHHHHHHH [12373] jesseblackarmz: Tab open on right [12373] offical_marvv: i [12373] yukilce: W reach [12373] dieheartsaint: reaching bitch [12373] Cliopatrra: YOU LOOK RIGHT TOO DUMBASS [12373] Pookkzz: Bro if he’s SS heaps, he would’ve left untabbed asap [12373] xNoRecoil: HES ON CAM LOOKING RIGHT???? [12373] acbplay2: HIS PHONE IS ON THE LEFT GU MINES ARE ON THE RIGHT [12373] clownpunks: reaching idk jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [12373] maikawaa: searching so hard for excuses [12374] rhill8: looking for an excuse [12374] brinda_loves_u: this is such cap from him [12374] RayanB7_: you’re so stupid bro [12374] xMert32: eliasn1Schere [12374] X_JAGERR: cap [12374] wideschizoJeb: stalling as much as possible to hit 6 hours LUL [12374] ayacht: part timer getting mad [12374] draconias101: so much cap [12374] snxcksonu: why would he do that [12374] africanchild299: this dumb [12374] DeezFatTetas: CAP [12374] snakesfn_: reachhhhh [12374] Gucci_kid54: eeeh [12376] rampagemonty: BRO U SKIPPED HALF THE VID [12376] soundcloutken: LOLO [12376] acidthriller: 🤣🤣🤣🤣 [12376] kurtme_: run poll again [12376] tinymeatman01: REACH [12376] AndresYourself: @jynxzi but he said he was looking at his goo mine while looking the other way [12376] moltenh0neybun: He wasn't looking far enough to the right [12376] evangomez69: ma he’s so goofy [12376] nmna_zz: Nah you are reaching [12376] ferdaman123765: not xheating [12376] stingingmetal: your reaching [12376] Fatroll_: YOUR REACHINGGG [12376] inaxvy: UR A FCKING L STRANWR BEO [12376] IOH_Gunnin: yeah youre reaching [12376] jayt7791: you reaching fr [12377] seth_plisk: !sub [12377] Gucci_kid54: eeeh [12377] papa_dyll: hes valid [12377] bigcbeezy: you got sniped for $5000 and the $1000 today [12377] rvapreme: 😭😭😭😭😭😭 [12377] trudist: it’s inverted [12377] chandler_1999: he wouldn’t even be able to focus tho he only looked for less than a second [12377] RayanB7_: you’re so stupid bro [12377] wideschizoJeb: stalling as much as possible to hit 6 hours LUL [12377] mattyza_: this dude bra [12377] tocitkatempr: ok [12377] slackrm666: this is sad [12377] Crisis_Hope: round 3 [12377] Lun7r__: Lun7r__ subscribed with Prime. [12377] Nightbot: ok [12378] RayanB7_: you’re so stupid bro [12379] gprezz99: bro he loses this round [12379] x_xkingl: REACHHGG [12379] au5tyn: reach [12379] od1n4: Csp [12379] causevseffect: End stream this is bad End stream this is bad End stream this is bad End stream this is bad End stream this is bad [12379] dingles0n: Snipping [12379] Ashthehi_444: 🧢🧢🧢 [12379] snakesfn_: reach [12379] jesus_of_rebirth: 3 [12379] albertov1109: his watching his monitor he didn’t even look [12379] africanchild299: this is dumb [12379] aaaaaaaa6353: 🚨🚨 REWATCH ROUND 2 🚨🚨 [12379] TrueKocicaak: nerd He looked 5times when on cams [12379] jaydandot23: You fucking pussy [12380] Jdawgg1220: he still didn’t win so why is he so pressed? [12380] Timsbabymamauncle: You can tell if he’s looking at the monitor lol [12380] clipziey: EXCUSE FOR EVERYTHING [12380] purplesushi74: round 10 [12380] Conkion: seems valid [12380] redleg13a: LOOK HOW HARD HES LOOKING RIGHT [12380] aebennyy: HAHAHAHA [12380] RayanB7_: you’re so stupid bro [12380] HiVise: Its not [12380] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: u tryna look for an excuse to DQ and keep the bread LUL [12380] cwkcreep_real: HES LITERALLY GLANCING [12380] riverzz: you are faded [12380] Blem10: he's valid [12380] asaduzzz: YEAH MOST OF US KNOW [12380] Fatroll_: GIVE UP PUSSY [12381] ximIab: reaching reachingreaching reachingreaching reachingreaching reachingreaching reachingreaching reaching [12381] Cliopatrra: YOU ALSO LOOK RIGHT WHILE ON CAMS DUMBASS [12381] zxourii: HIS PHONE DUHHHHH [12381] dolliopal4: dolliopal4 subscribed with Prime. [12381] iso_matthew: reach [12381] tommy_llo: he's looking straight at his monitor you absolute donkey 😂 [12382] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: u tryna look for an excuse to DQ and keep the bread LUL [12382] tommy_llo: he's looking straight at his monitor you absolute donkey 😂 [12383] oracle_vg: STALLING [12383] kevindp30: round 3 check [12383] uturnsign: W [12383] cwkcreep_real: INVERTED CAMERAAAAA [12383] offical_marvv: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [12383] kaden2442: bros not sniping just play [12383] Walker1994: reaching ong [12383] sponsoredbyyomomma: his phone is leefftt [12383] AChadillac: he’s not smiling [12383] Gucci_kid54: He's innocent tiffacWIGGLE [12383] rykehodgson: !LINK [12383] Cliopatrra: HOLY [12383] drastic_degree: HE HAS A PHONE TO HIS LEFT [12383] Nightbot: @rykehodgson If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [12383] waterrnelons: hes good [12384] Fatroll_: YOUR REACHING [12384] adhd_movement: this shit dont matter at this point we not in curt [12384] jaymurda9k: stfu [12384] sammyc316: excuses at this point [12384] temprrdd: round 3 [12384] ximIab: reaching reachingreaching reachingreaching reachingreaching reaching [12384] Ethenexe: see [12384] Soggy_P89: this is sad [12384] MagicaI_Journey: SNIPING [12384] Aightly: its not [12384] FreedomTaco: INVERTED CAM, HE IS LOOKING [12384] piecectrlshaq: no shit [12384] dysxvalid: round 3 [12384] etplayingnow: CAPPPPP [12384] tommy_llo: he's looking straight at his monitor you absolute donkey 😂 [12386] zaddybrump: ur a joke [12386] nossydd: exaclty [12386] ask_gabriel_: ROUND 3 [12386] ajzoldyck34: HE'S VALID [12386] De_Vyn: 3 [12386] abelossk: it’s not [12386] uturnsign: WWWW [12386] Recoloredd: bro i knew it from the start [12386] elidill7: BRO HES LOOKING AROUND HIS MONITOR [12386] Nightbot: 😂 [12386] Garfilet: REACHING [12386] jesus_of_rebirth: 3 [12386] ZusuR6: YOURE REACHING FAT ASS [12386] n0t_zommbyy_v2: Caught lackong [12386] Gucci_kid54: He's innocent tiffacWIGGLE [12387] jasonmarino1: nahhh your reacheeeeeee [12387] yvng_codey: inverters [12387] devslatt: NOT A SNIPE [12387] chasebot2: HE CAPPING [12387] quentin_olson: can we just chalk it please and move on [12387] Char_Latte07: EXHO ROUND 3 [12387] Soggy_P89: sad [12387] trashtlkme1: cap [12387] 420llk: CMONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN [12387] sozxorry: its not its not [12387] yurboyjonah: your reaching [12387] lukefree7_: cap [12387] Nightbot: no 🧢 [12387] waterrnelons: hes good trust [12387] Willizinhoo: Willizinhoo subscribed with Prime. [12389] captainritza: BAMBOOZELED [12389] soulzthegoat: cap [12389] atmead: ROUNDDD 3 [12389] dieheartsaint: go ahead and lose the 1000 [12389] thelate28: Go to round 11 [12389] thatboyhaire: round 11 [12389] LordRyan26: LordRyan26 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months! [12389] ZachBlazeR6: HE IS VALID [12389] Mihjit: hes not sniping [12389] liammclaren__: go play the fucking game [12389] abelossk: it’s not? [12389] AustinnRod25: hes valid [12389] con1con123: GO TO WHEN HE RAGES [12389] TheReal_BigBlack: Duhhhh [12389] rogenebacon: stalling [12390] shixfty: MOVE ON [12390] j2sheisty27: bro his eyes gonna move on his screen 😂 [12390] Edgeice21: INVERTED [12390] blaze_0_0_: ROUND 3 [12390] 69_soupgod_69: this is the dumbest shit i’ve ever seen HE IS OBVIOUSLY CHEATING [12390] frogsrainbowsandsoftserve: ur so fair [12390] vinnexk: AINTNOWAY [12390] PopPopBigTruck: Fucking embarrassing [12390] burgerguy43: He’s not [12390] bastian_nn21: Reaching give him his money [12390] cristiandepaz: HES NOT SNIPING [12390] swooont: MIC IS ON WRONG SIDE OF HEADSET [12390] caiden_z12: round 3 [12390] weewee_cheez: REACH [12390] Nyco__: HES LEGIT [12392] kurisu1229: NO SNIPE [12392] soulzthegoat: capcap [12392] IOH_Gunnin: its not [12392] Hazaka_: no ur not 🤣 he is fine [12392] atmead: ROUNDDDDD3 [12392] Hushmoney13: it’s not sniping [12392] offical_marvv: jynxziBALD jynxziBALD [12392] sponsoredbyyomomma: his phone is left [12392] ATR_Kmoney: he’s just better [12392] MoneyB24: watch round 3 [12392] Bonesx27: nah he not sniping fr fr [12392] cmperea: cus u gassing [12392] nickfb1onit: REACHIN BADLY [12392] abelossk: it’s not bro [12392] bozo_deadd: round 3333 [12393] gavinwong69: JUSTICEEEE [12393] HeavenlyHiro: bruh he’s not sniping move on [12393] t00_3asy: everything inverted [12393] iso_khalid: CAPPPPPPPPPP [12393] Kidknock_ibokei: POLL [12393] Vacnac: ROUND 3 [12393] idkek1342333: he’s lying [12393] z_purpleswag1: trust [12393] gburn2443: its inverted [12393] Exclu3d: YO HE COULD HAVE HIS PHONE RIGHT THERE [12393] lumbeepolo: y’all lame af for this [12393] NandoFredo: CAP [12393] CallM3MrJ: dudes a cheat regardelss [12393] ImFlashyTv: BAN THIS MOTHERFUCKER [12393] Bonesstv: ALL THESE KIDS IN HERE ARE CRINGE [12394] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: u tryna look for an excuse to DQ and keep the bread LUL [12395] skizzy29: HES JUST BETTER [12395] Jdawgg1220: I don’t think he’s sniping but u can’t take his word for it [12395] FearTheGym: w waste of time [12395] odesion: how Big is bis Monitor [12395] offical_marvv: jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE [12395] fwluck: YOU CHEATED TWO ROUNDS [12395] Nightbot: F in the chat [12395] urdelli: CLEAN [12395] j2sonv4: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [12395] wrld_minato: he slammed u [12395] TheSkippyReal: PHONE [12395] xhuncho707x: free ricci [12395] Gucci_kid54: He's innocent tiffacWIGGLE [12395] cxrtz05: jynxziBounce [12395] excessivezero5: he’s good [12396] Apollo75639: HE ECHOED ROUND 3 U DONT READ CHAT HE ECHOED ROUND 3 U DONT READ CHAT HE ECHOED ROUND 3 U DONT READ CHAT HE ECHOED ROUND 3 U DONT READ CHAT [12396] cheyanne092002: hes not [12396] snydc: hes sniping you fucking idiot [12396] jacky11897: no way [12396] evanmk2: ROUNDDDD 3 [12396] eaglez9889: round 3 [12396] damee000: HE VALID [12396] anitahanjaabbbb: ROUND33333333 [12396] pantera_221: He's not I don't think [12396] FrVoodoo_: Ban him idc fuck him [12396] BrizzyGOATED: round 3 echooooooo [12396] LiIPiffer: W stall [12396] soulzthegoat: capp [12396] kingmxson: L [12396] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [12398] superior06_: Valid [12398] rowdyisbetter: ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 [12398] joeymooney08: PULSE ROUND [12398] Clayyvex: VALID [12398] infinityaura62: Bro he has an big monitor as well [12398] bozo_deadd: round e3 [12398] luc_bridge: JYNXI YOU IDIOT [12398] sammlj: VALID [12398] isitenzo: I was the one who gifted could I get my money back like ricci said [12398] FearTheGym: good waste of time [12398] boonegam: his voice says he not cheating [12398] snydc: 3 [12398] shipster24: just play it bruh [12398] dexxbz: he’s good play the last damn round [12398] Gucci_kid54: He's innocent tiffacWIGGLE [12399] aaaaaaaa6353: 🚨🚨 REWATCH ROUND 2 🚨🚨🚨 [12399] iceout765: round 3 [12399] malo22dom: noooooooooooooooo [12399] cyrus_luvs_g0d: no 🧢 [12399] Snaggerhead: GS [12399] lockeykockey3: 3 [12399] SchwiftyOffGfuel: DONT END STREAM OVER THIS [12401] urdelli: REACH [12401] xashrushx: Apologies [12401] hobbes_mobbin: www [12401] KryptikSZN: why was there an echo round 3 tho [12401] camel_fried_rice: HURRY UP [12401] thesoonas: RESTART GAME [12401] suitedout: echo round 3 [12401] Cliopatrra: DUMB [12401] excessivezero5: he’s good relax [12401] wrld_minato: slammmeddddddd uuuuuuu [12401] acbplay2: WHY IS HE LOOKING LEFT GU MINES ARE ON THE TIGHT [12401] Nightbot: @shotby3bdu -> Nightbot one, bad guys zero. [stop posting links] [warning] [12401] kawaii_zo: ur washed [12401] chxmpzdagoat: L [12401] zachc0810: he echoed earlier brooo [12402] HOGGHEAD1917: poll it [12402] kyguy123415: ROUND 3 [12402] anitahanjaabbbb: 3333333333333 [12402] HyperDriiv3: W RICCI [12402] pocketpengun: 6-6 YOURE ON DEFENSEEEE [12402] liam3548: Dude he’s fine [12402] chipskartoffel_: 5-6 [12402] Niuqrat3: ROUND 3 [12402] snydc: go round 3 [12402] TTVSLYMIME: ROUND THREEE [12402] Gucci_kid54: He's innocent tiffacWIGGLE [12402] 11cayden11: !sub [12402] ricciownsnicki: he’s legit [12402] tommy_llo: coffee so real 😂 [12402] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [12403] tommy_llo: coffee so real 😂 [12404] tommy_llo: coffee so real 😂 [12404] gawdan6969: ROUND 3 [12404] bunga32: ONG YOUR REACHING [12404] tardidly: ROOUUUNNNDDD 3333 [12404] daddycorbi: HES SNIPING [12404] xslenderyoshix: VALID [12404] moolahmoosh: PLAY WHEN HE GETS CAUGHT [12404] MoneyB24: ROUND 3 [12404] elcolombiiano: YOU MADE IT LONG [12404] Alba10: w [12404] thesoonas: 0-0 [12404] Tripgn: w color @waterrnelons [12404] karam_ah135: this chat is so weird [12404] Exclu3d: YO HE COULD HAVE HIS PHONE RIGHT THEREYO HE COULD HAVE HIS PHONE RIGHT THERE [12404] Knitgher: mic echos at round 3 buddy [12405] itzjaydin_: round 3 bro [12405] elijr3: FREE RICCIIIII [12405] VoochsPlumbing: hurry up junko [12405] lilg456yomomma: cap [12405] its_linc_: ROUND 3 [12405] bacanada: round 3 [12405] ttriqs: HES VALIDDDDD [12405] jackiethug: BRO HOW WOULD THE GU MINE AND RIGHT SIDE BE ON DIFFERENT SIDES [12405] tjslump201: THANK U [12405] Gucci_kid54: He's innocent tiffacWIGGLE [12405] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: u tryna look for an excuse to DQ and keep the bread LUL [12407] DonnieMack: once a sniper always a sniper [12407] owennw7: stalling [12407] CallM3MrJ: dude cant help himslef [12407] HotDogWaterCart: definitely ending stream after [12407] al_ex345: L MONEY LAUNDERING L MONEY LAUNDERING L MONEY LAUNDERING L MONEY LAUNDERING L MONEY LAUNDERING L MONEY LAUNDERING L MONEY LAUNDERING [12407] professor_sq: he’s good [12407] graham200923: if the door was on the right then the mine on defense would be on the right too [12407] christofher20000: how do I dono [12407] topgcashew: ROUND 3 [12407] kabober18: FUCK RICCI [12407] el_donlelo: 33 [12407] pedrosa420: watch the whole round 3 [12407] alfredo_ferdinand: lock innnnnnn [12407] fairfax: WA WA WA [12407] thethad101_: @Jynxzi INVERTED CAM YOU DWEEB [12408] AhRunBrinkworth: WAIT [12408] dysxvalid: 3 [12408] hudoutdamud: round 3 [12408] lickmyhogg: part timer [12408] wild2808: legit [12408] kloomzzy: 3 [12408] Parker_Baer: Jynx you reaching [12408] StreamElements: 0sscar__15 has spent 1 hour watching jynxzi [12408] dunnzy__: spame echo [12408] p6xt: hurry up n lose [12408] polandspring696: W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI [12408] tommy_llo: coffee so real 😂 [12408] Nightbot: ussy [12408] tommy_llo: coffee so real 😂 [12409] tommy_llo: coffee so real 😂 [12410] TheyCallMeBildo: TheyCallMeBildo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months! [12410] youngdari209: Should be 5-6 [12410] umbaaa: hey shawty [12410] tobiasmeadowlark: he is looking so far to the left bro [12410] lukemahomie: wwwwww [12410] big_mellens: double OT between the lakers and bucks [12410] barebott: 3 [12410] southern_duke: ROUND 3 ECHO! [12410] clam_ch0wd3r: cuz youre shit [12410] GiggityGoo23: idc dude had your stream open during a money wager he’s a rat [12410] datboyiskxng: HE CHEATED [12410] R34P3R10: 3 [12410] bigcbeezy: you got sniped for $5000 and the $1000 today [12410] Clutchness: He wants to end so badddddddddd [12410] break_d_law: YOURE CHAT IS SO FUCKING DUMB. ANY TIME YOU LOSE THESE IDIOTS SAY YOURE STREAMSNIPED DONT LISTEN TO EM [12411] Stello96: SHOULD BE 5 to 6 RICCI [12411] fixitupewan: 3 [12411] AxxLaiR_: WWWW [12411] bbg_diamond: pre end [12411] khannn1: W RICCI HE COOL [12411] elcolombiiano: I LOVE YOU COFFEE [12411] Junkoclonefr: echo round 3 echo round 3 echo round 3 echo round 3 echo round 3 [12411] mason0816: valid [12411] britzyanaxo: He was echoing though. [12411] tsowell3006: !sub [12411] meat_wagon1: Innocent! [12411] cuzzatv: That’s valid [12411] joeyisjamal: he a sniper [12411] Gucci_kid54: He's innocent tiffacWIGGLE [12411] Nightbot: 👀 [12412] not_weird71: I swear he sniping he a lying bitxh [12412] alfredo_ferdinand: cmonnnnnnnn [12412] gprezz99: script was great [12412] FLan_with_a_plan: Should be 5-6 [12412] liquificent: mfs cant even move eyeballs without getting accused [12412] heggyy696545: round three echoo [12412] lukefree7_: ROUND3 [12412] seannieb0y: hmmm [12412] Nightbot: @tdot010 -> You done? [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [12412] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: u tryna look for an excuse to DQ and keep the bread LUL [12414] iwilleatyou445: iwilleatyou445 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! t [12414] zolleh: W RICCI W JYNXZI [12414] BenTaylor_141: ROUND 3 ECHO [12414] icelickz: sniping [12414] arko_235: W [12414] kofgs2: W RICCINY [12414] mrkorean09: ur so dumb😂😂😂 [12414] that_cracker_ot: we didn’t even look at round 11 [12414] centcal: round 3 he ehcoed [12414] presagexviii: L script [12414] la_chonkeh: CAP because when he said he was looking at the gu mines, he was looking left, but when he was looking at the door, he was looking right LLLL [12414] polandspring696: w ricci [12414] aantezz: ROUUUND [12414] SwizWRLD: PANCAKE SHUT THE HELL UP [12414] JoelBrennan: tell him to get the fuck out of your stream [12415] Keremrgll: ROUND 3ROUND 3 [12415] aoukixnz: ggs you lose thanks for selling your fans channel points [12415] thewickedmango: he's just better at not getting caught [12415] YoungFatherSlum: win me my points Jynxzi [12415] lllCronemlll: go round 3 at the end [12415] xxobnoxiousxx: LOOK ROUND THREE [12415] megablow2: CHAT IS DUMB [12415] Gucci_kid54: He's innocent tiffacWIGGLE [12415] gspeedd: REACH [12415] matte_343: Put delay for 7 th round at least [12415] sickmagician802: ok he is valid [12415] Nightbot: ok [12415] acbplay2: GU MINES ARE ON THE RIGHT [12415] Junkoclonefr: echo round 3 echo round 3 echo round 3 echo round 3 echo round 3 echo round 3 [12415] Dexile_yt: L part timer [12416] milo_bowers: pensi [12416] lumbeepolo: you lame [12416] gprezz99: script was wild [12416] three6lands: three6lands subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 3 month streak! hi [12418] Axreo: #1 stream tweaking on 1k - should played out and reviewed after smh [12418] la_chonkeh: CAP because when he said he was looking at the gu mines, he was looking left, but when he was looking at the door, he was looking right :LLL [12418] ninjasnicker: W JYNXZI [12418] MagicaI_Journey: Kappa [12418] PrestigeVulk3n: holy fuck thank goodness [12418] RxY4L_: when is fainmail [12418] Nightbot: no 🧢 [12418] theprinceofFP: MY KING IS INNOCENT [12418] aantezz: ROUNDDD 3 [12418] michael_2492: round 11 dumbass [12418] 2percentmilks: KEEP GOING [12418] dizzydeegaming: how hard is it to close a tab? [12418] aaaaaaaa6353: 🚨🚨 REWATCH ROUND 2 🚨🚨 [12418] Nightbot: poor❌ pour✅ [12418] fixitupewan: e [12419] Densersage404: ! pulse [12419] kyleshiestyy: Round 3 [12419] souwhis: CLIX IS STILL WAITING YOU BUM [12419] davisito_pr: It's inverted [12419] burgerguy43: HURRY UP [12419] jesus_of_rebirth: 3 [12419] Exclu3d: YO HE COULD HAVE HIS PHONE RIGHT THERE [12419] ricciownsnicki: stop the cap he’s good [12419] FaultySkills: LOCK IN [12419] thethad101_: @Jynxzi INVERTED CAM GOON [12419] Junkoclonefr: echo round 3 echo round 3 echo round 3 echo round 3 echo round 3 [12419] blake_v4: ricky stanicky [12419] apcloi_: w @coffeezillasdaughter [12419] fixitupewan: e3 [12419] Nightbot: 🪳 [12420] BryyH_: RND 3 lmao [12420] darthblackseries: SNIPE GATE [12420] HyperDriiv3: EXCUSE HUNTING [12420] juju_12_12: He would be looking left not right [12420] innocentsluv: round 3333 [12420] justinsturek69: round 3 [12420] vinnexk: wawawawawawa [12420] blobisproo: TOM GLANCY ☝️ BROTHER [12420] xjus10time: I don’t think he was either [12420] marktara13: 5--6 [12420] phixy01: phixy01 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 5 month streak! yayyy [12421] HinkDawg: HinkDawg subscribed with Prime. [12422] bearattaxs: SCRIPTED FILLER TO HIT 6 HRS [12422] Junkoclonefr: echo round 3 echo round 3 echo round 3 echo round 3 echo round 3 echo round 3 echo round 3 echo round 3 echo round 3 echo round 3 echo round 3 echo round 3 [12422] jilerr: mic echos at round 3 buddy [12422] apesrcool: crazy [12422] LowRunt: !gamble all [12422] berlim: ROUND 3 [12422] Nightbot: i was crazy once [12422] BrizzyGOATED: round 3 echoooooooooo [12422] menotevenknow: chat has he 1v2 Clix and Ron yet [12422] mattstewy710: WWWW [12422] tsebeni: rd 3 [12422] dareal_kh: GO TO ROUND 3 [12422] RoscoeLifts: CAPPPP [12422] StreamElements: LowRunt went all in and lost every single one of their 10 points LUL [12422] waterrnelons: wait [12423] fastflexi: jynxziWTF [12423] DoingDoggyR6: round 333 of the game [12423] ditiboiii: PUT THE STREAM ON DELAY [12423] MuteToggle: @COFFEEZILLASDAUGHTER is right [12423] Gohan429: next time don’t be in the stream. [12423] ButterTaintTV: When is 1v1?? [12423] hadzze848: why [12423] Fossabot: @fanum_hater, Your message is too long [12423] aaaaaaaa6353: BROO [12423] bmorin16: bmorin16 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [12423] ayooseth: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [12423] FaultySkills: Lock in [12423] Keremrgll: ROUND 3333333 [12423] bunthank10: tell that bum to just turn your stream off period [12423] nokk4_: valid [12424] pandamanfam_: fuck you chat. [12424] Kunspiree: round 3 [12424] michael_2492: check round 11 [12424] milo_bowers: penis [12424] Chicago_Z: hello [12424] schof1461: trash [12424] Nightbot: bozo [12425] Agateturnip3057: go to round 4 [12425] waterrnelons: 💀💀💀 [12425] wizardbudz: practice stream sniping you get good at it [12425] mxnti___: ROUND 3 [12425] DoingDoggyR6: round 3 [12425] TyroneYolo: hivise paid [12425] beayloin37272: !watchtime [12425] wlfz_annihilatetv: its 6-5 for ricci fatass [12425] simtheboy: touch me [12425] StreamElements: beayloin37272 has spent 5 days 23 hours watching jynxzi [12425] lll_seb_lll: w jynxzi [12425] HyperDriiv3: EXCUSE HUNTER [12425] zxourii: LLAOAOAOAOOAA [12426] reddhed_: Round 3 [12426] dysxvalid: 3 [12426] Jesse_4561: PRE END [12426] ripmitchluckerx: watch c4 on balcony he deff sniping lol free band for ricci [12426] Lizuhbiff: chat literally had us waste 20 minutes lol [12426] Crustycottonball: no way, he admitted to tab being open [12426] tissuewitanissue: he is valid [12426] snxcksonu: he inverted his cam so it looks like hes looking at his chat monitor🤍⚪️🤍⚪️⚪️⚪️⚪️⚪️⚪️⚪️⚪️⚪️⚪️⚪️⚪️⚪️ [12426] easterlypie118: willddd [12426] lukefree7_: ROUND 3 [12426] 90xmoonx44554: round [12426] mik3yjdm4f: damn 1k = no reason [12426] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [12426] daxjelly: !watchtime [12426] Nightbot: 😂 [12427] leik0530: 👎🏾 [12427] kyleshiestyy: ROUND 3 !!! [12427] macro226: wW [12427] cer1229: 3 [12427] jynxisucksatr6: Rou d 3 echo [12427] StreamElements: daxjelly has spent 9 days 7 hours watching jynxzi [12427] blakec771: u should take $100 regardless for the trouble [12427] 13chuga: 13chuga subscribed with Prime. [12428] southern_duke: ROUND 3 EXHO AT END! [12428] alessiio__: so sad [12428] uriynosov: Okay, now adress you taking GOYO TWICE, L cheating bozo [12428] macro226: W [12428] sarthe__: ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 [12428] PlatnumJ: THIS GUY RICCI IS A JOKE [12428] wallywats: gg [12428] BlastOnYourFace: ROUND 3! [12428] casperjay1: when’s fan mail [12428] Nazmul1: 6-5 [12428] pureee: 5-6 [12428] percc80: GO TO ROUND 3 [12428] LWR6: u tryna look for an excuse to DQ and keep the bread LUL🔴🔴 [12428] cokipoki7: W [12428] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [12430] redrozzez: im nervous 🥺 [12430] ag7917: ROUND 33333333 [12430] shinny106: NAH RICCIS FUCKED NOW HE LOST HIS FLOW [12430] rabswilldoit: @coffeezillasdaughter get a life brother☝🏻 [12430] LWR6: u tryna look for an excuse to DQ and keep the bread LUL [12430] samxae6: samxae6 subscribed with Prime. [12430] tommy_llo: ricci just got away with highway robbery 😂 [12430] klov_x: klov_x subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! SeemsGood [12431] tommy_llo: ricci just got away with highway robbery 😂 [12431] RealBlueBalls: 5-6 [12431] dylansowell: royndddddddd 3 [12431] Agateturnip3057: 333 [12431] dia3lo1126: FAIR ? you checking his ass haha [12431] jrmurillo01: awww best friends [12431] simtheboy: wigga [12431] itsbeckyguys: mic is on the wrong side of head so he’s looking right the other times!!!! [12431] sarthe__: ROUND 3 ROUND 3 [12431] Clayt0n224: ur so sad jynxzi, making people do this shit [12432] aoukixnz: ROUND 3 [12432] ZdotDunny: THIS IS SAD, YOURE A LOSER [12432] podolskislegacy: has your stream open and gets the money great [12432] jolt37: ROUND 33333322 [12432] jowenjovarici22: SCamed [12432] FearTheGym: run it [12432] thethad101_: INVERTED CAM BRO [12432] umbaaa: <3 <3 <3 [12432] zebroa1: ROUND 3 [12432] prodsenzz: bro he is not stream sniping chat trying so hard for what [12432] cjgorilla: HE ECHOD [12432] mattstewy710: Round 3 [12432] amedokfc: at least it added time to the stream [12432] jimboslicee22: Round 3 [12432] pandamanfam_: fuck yuo chat... [12433] WarmerMink149: round 3 [12433] blubandana3: W xim content script replacement [12434] ppsuckjeffy: 3 hour mark end it [12434] lolpower33: round 3 [12434] FlyboyTarantino: @phaxzi IMAGINE BEING THIS MUCH OF A HATER LMFAO [12434] Tmonty17: L jynxi for waiting so long for clix [12434] nikisimmer2015: Mic on wrong side!!! [12434] prezidxnt: !prime [12434] LWR6: 🔴u tryna look for an excuse to DQ and keep the bread LUL [12435] Nightbot: Subscribe to @Jynxzi for FREE with Twitch Prime Twitch.tv/subs/jynxzi [12435] quazicle: ROUND 3 [12435] drmonkeeman10: HE ECHOED [12435] Agateturnip3057: 3 [12435] Apollo75639: HE ECHOED ROUND 3 U DONT READ CHAT HE ECHOED ROUND 3 U DONT READ CHAT HE ECHOED ROUND 3 U DONT READ CHAT HE ECHOED ROUND 3 U DONT READ CHAT [12435] USAFM1ke: RICCI IS FULL OF SHIT [12435] clevelandyo: boooooo [12435] bryce1212_2: sus [12435] jordanp2_: 6-5 [12435] Rambomexi: round 3 [12435] fastflexi: jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF [12435] sowereinbrexkie: @ricciny [12435] reddhed_: ROUND 3 ECHOOOO [12435] potassium20108: STREAM STALLING [12435] cpaleop: W JUNKO [12438] stoolthy21: 7-5 him cheatooo [12438] zxourii: coffee a bitch [12438] Rambomexi: 3 [12438] sarthe__: ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 [12438] tommy_llo: ricci just got away with highway robbery 😂 [12438] 973clay: HIIVIISE GOT PAID OFF [12438] RealBlueBalls: ITS 5-6 [12438] LK7Cot: L HIVISE FIRE HIM FUCK THAT FAT ASS [12438] tyhendrixson23: we saw round three [12438] dantesinferno369: W [12438] puffpuffjuicer: THERE WAS AN ECHO ROUND 3 [12438] gohawkskid: ok g look at r3 [12438] lumbeepolo: he done beat you why he gotta snipe [12438] 90xmoonx44554: check round 3 [12438] nor1c1: !LINK [12439] scoo6ie_la: J IS NICE [12439] ImFlashyTv: JYNXZI ARE YOU FUCKING DUMB. END OF ROUND 3 THERE WAS AN ECHO [12439] Nightbot: @nor1c1 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [12439] Agateturnip3057: go to round 3 [12439] opthemiop: holyyyy cow here we go [12439] michael_2492: check round 11 dumbass [12439] SpawnGrieferr: round 3 [12439] HinkDawg: yo we are subbbbed lets get it [12439] deadmex1can: W RICCI [12439] cmperea: L chat [12439] deshon_solos: SLIMMY TIMMYSLIMMY TIMMYSLIMMY TIMMYSLIMMY TIMMY [12439] spector_J1: W [12439] lukefree7_: ROUND 3 ECHO [12439] fatty0_: fatty check r3 [12439] avfc_kian901: round 3 [12440] dinotugboat: round 3 [12440] JordanLumley: round 3 [12440] thapilot23_deo: 5-6 [12440] wlfz_annihilatetv: 5-6 ricci [12440] Bionicremz: pre end [12440] girthquaken: Pride1 [12441] AngelHarePasta: 'yeah yeah...' ugh [12441] xzqvo: so wholesome [12441] plumpo69911: ur a joke hivise [12441] marktara13: 5--6 [12441] CarlosDrgaz: Round 3? [12441] Agateturnip3057: round 3 [12441] Nman187tv: snipe gate [12441] fastflexi: GoldPLZ [12441] bm_creedxx: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [12441] maddengod0906: WHY WOULD HE SNIPE ON HIS MAIN LOL [12441] daniel_xo999: ROUND 3 [12441] x_godly79: Round 3 [12441] 90xmoonx44554: round 3 [12441] toosqlty: bpsmafCatgun bpsmafCatgun [12441] jynxisucksatr6: Ech9 rou d 3 [12442] idk__bruhhh: jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard [12442] Ekanae: CMOOOOON [12442] tommyisbestage: round 3 [12442] ahhtoeasy: let’s go [12442] pocketpengun: YOURE ON DEFENSEEE [12442] moelsoen: clix is sleeping [12442] ItsJorlaz: HURRY UP B LOSE [12442] WarmerMink149: he echoed in round 3 [12442] mikee_1300: THANK GOD BRUH [12442] xNoRecoil: WTFFFFFFF??????? [12442] thethad101_: INVERTED CAM U GOON [12442] opthemiop: please done choke this [12442] jordanp2_: 5-6 [12442] alphadisturbed: Pre End [12442] reload_on_x: LETS GO [12443] flippy420l: CHECK ROUND 3 [12443] primexxi: pre end [12443] graham200923: if the door was on the right then the mine on defense would be on the right too [12443] Recesity: GGS RICCI WINS [12443] dinotugboat: round 33 [12443] topgcashew: round 3 [12443] FLan_with_a_plan: Should be 5-6 [12443] tommy_llo: ricci just got away with highway robbery 😂 [12443] Nightbot: 👀 [12444] tommy_llo: ricci just got away with highway robbery 😂 [12445] aw_tizm: Jynxzi gonna get cheated on [12445] BWLKNS: avid text you asking for more money or nah? [12445] jwiggy2: respect [12445] itskatter: ROUND 3 [12445] sworo1: ROUND 3 [12445] Nightbot: “😂😂😂” -avidqr6 [12445] cbucketz_21: ROUND 3 ECHO [12445] LilxChef: keep an eye on him caht [12445] joshhr6s: guy literally said his gu mines were on the right but now the right side is on his left [12445] theregoshawnn: chat is beyond weird at times lmaoo [12445] iSquirtHo1yWater: WAS USING HIS PHONE [12445] datboyiskxng: HE CHEATED HI VISE [12445] bolt0241: vise look in the list for him [12445] tommyyyk_: hurry up [12445] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [12446] percc80: ROUND3 [12446] brodyluvssiege: ROUND THREE ECHO JUNKOO [12446] darsh__harry: clix is waiting [12446] Donqueror: WIN [12446] Agateturnip3057: round 3 round 3 [12446] 973clay: HIIVIISE PAID OFF [12446] Cantromp: xim is bringing so shit up tmr [12446] Roundmurcury270: !prime [12446] lxquidc4: headset [12446] MrBoeding: round 33 [12446] charliejp0521: daddy [12446] avfc_kian901: rnd 3? [12446] x_Kaspxr_x: yeah this wouldn’t be an issue if he never stream sniped [12446] dvi0us_gaming: pre end [12446] owendl14: ROUND 3 [12447] zachc0810: round 3 bro [12447] llslowburnll: Bros slimmer than a hagfish and a pet in the dogs [12447] StaticChannel35: Round 3 [12447] rsnnx: round 3 [12447] bouncing_beldum: tifufufifc bandicoot inconsistencies conciliation crescendo Pinocchio iit [12447] gioo_31: look back [12447] thethad101_: INVERTED CAM BRO [12448] graysone115: !link [12448] justinfroio: pre end lfg [12448] mirshoultz: CHAT EVEN VOTED [12448] PulSear: literally doesnt even watch the round he got called out on [12448] elecpro715: bro that ruined the 1v1 [12448] cer1229: look at round 3 [12448] sarthe__: ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 ROUND 3 [12448] jaredq068: HIGHWAY ROBBERY FREE BAND FOR RICCI WWWW [12448] lukemahomie: wwwwww [12448] southern_duke: LISTEN TO ROUND 3 ECHO!!!!!!! [12448] tomandjerry131204: hurry up [12448] avfc_kian901: rnd 3 [12448] YoGriz: w ricky [12448] ash_ave_bubba: 5-6 [12448] lil_cracka01: SHOULD BE 8-4 [12449] nsrjunkie: HE's ENDING STREAM IN 30 [12449] M4DM4TTX93: T up jynxzi [12449] connie_poo: Pre end [12449] GamesXel: scripted [12449] skandersoussi100: Nice all the time is wasted [12449] jrmurillo01: ❤️best friends [12449] amedokfc: bro did all that to reach the 6 hour mark [12449] Rambomexi: round 3 [12449] StreamElements: @BIG_JERM504, you only have 443 points. [12449] camel_fried_rice: Yapping [12449] deshon_solos: SLIMMY TIMMYSLIMMY TIMMYSLIMMY TIMMYSLIMMY TIMMYSLIMMY TIMMYSLIMMY TIMMY [12449] supercarrot5794: Clix boutta fall asleep [12449] TheDallas: let me predict [12449] tommyyyk_: ron is waiting [12449] ttvpoisonvoid: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 [12450] simtheboy: i [12450] crazyswiftzzzzz: ROUND 3X [12450] storms7ng: ROUND 3 [12450] caprisun4947: come on jizzie [12451] raphaelchu: F [12451] drew_ttyl: dude u are dumb af [12451] asherbrody1: he was looking left inverted face cam [12451] stoolthy21: 7-5 cheeto [12451] tocitkatempr: 6 z 6 p [12451] Nightbot: F in the chat [12451] jagerblackiceqo: r [12451] Cheechill: Console kids LUL [12451] 90xmoonx44554: it’s round 3 [12451] Matt_Przeszlo: 5-6 ricci up but ….. [12451] vsoka: cap [12451] owendl14: CHECK ROUND 3 [12451] ApolloniosX: if hes in the viewer list now, dq [12451] jackieice7: jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD [12451] Nightbot: no 🧢 [12452] mirshoultz: L [12452] itz_box1: lmao Nicky boy a walking jugg [12452] jet_slides: round 3 [12452] glazrs: u. heated [12452] qresfps: my points bru [12452] thethad101_: INVERTED CAM DUDE [12452] jaidoncorley09: round 3333 [12452] ZwolfTwitch: bros just robbed you [12452] justswing_: !too [12452] Nman187tv: round 3 [12452] Nightbot: CARDIAC SENSOR DEPLOYED [12452] scouqt: JYNXZI YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO EBK JAAYBO [12452] StreamElements: PogChamp igordaburr went all in and won 400 points PogChamp they now have 800 points FeelsGoodMan [12452] Recesity: GG RICARDO WINS [12452] coo112233: JYNZXIIIIIIIIIIIIIII COME ON COME LOCK INNNNNNNN [12453] bzLink: Yup turn that stream on ricci, we got a band to win [12453] lil_cracka01: should be 8-4 [12453] mxnti___: 33333 [12453] yWxlshy: Your such a fool [12453] renzo_cer: im free, free to be me, im free, free to be me [12453] Nightbot: yup yup yup [12453] Jacobskate13: Jacobskate13 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! yeah lets go junkooooo [12454] loganssr: GoatEmotey [12454] bdizzle0213: check 3 [12454] crazyswiftzzzzz: ROUND 333 [12454] MarcoV1984: round 3 and 11 [12454] synaxx3: ROUND 3 [12454] simtheboy: ps [12454] justswing_: !top [12454] deshon_solos: SLIMMY TIMMY [12454] robsaucee: ROUND 3 [12454] febrezedeodorant: round 3 [12454] FakerGT7: Wow Ricci is fucking good man [12455] y3gal: ricci ill suck you [12455] tha_n_a_t_o_s: hell yeahhhhhhhh [12455] StreamElements: Available Commands: !top points/alltime/online/offline. You can see the points Leaderboard here: https://StreamElements.com/jynxzi/leaderboard [12455] aceo8907: ricci def [12455] bbsmallzz: defense idiot [12455] lil_cracka01: 8-4 [12455] gpock_: ECHO [12455] blakec771: Ricci is a decent guy I hate to admit it [12455] vinayhal: ROUND 3 [12455] bigriggs321: !watchtime [12455] lahpaulll03: smhhhh [12455] deshon_solos: SLIMMY TIMMYSLIMMY TIMMY [12455] Scrooblord1234: CLIX IS WAITING [12455] StreamElements: bigriggs321 has spent 2 days 3 hours watching jynxzi [12455] soggybo1: INVERTED CAMERA [12456] hey_u_nolife: ROUND 3 [12456] dareal_kh: GO TO ROUND 3 [12456] theonlykendricklamar: ROUND 333333333 [12456] killerm3629: killerm3629 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! [12457] lukex8onfn: JYNXZI WIN I NEED CHANNEL POINTS [12457] R34P3R10: ROUND 3 BRO [12457] FreeTimmothy: uh oh d riders are maddddd!!!!! 😡😡😡😡 [12457] tonythefluff: this scripted is next level [12457] pawpinawf: you a good dude jynxzi [12457] ZwolfTwitch: bros just robbed you g [12457] chrisracecar: CAM IS INVERTED [12457] Hayz1r: cry baby [12457] Dallasboyz7: Lock in [12457] Football0099: win my my points dadddy [12457] PlatinumGYT: longest game ever [12457] tha_n_a_t_o_s: hhhh [12457] mysticc_turtle: f [12458] Nightbot: !gamble all [12458] StreamElements: @Nightbot, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan [12458] mxnti___: 333333333 [12458] xAnthrqx: Round 3 [12458] 0sscar__15: !watchtime [12458] Metz_Bomb: -$1K [12458] jxhnontop: huh? [12458] cer1229: look at round 3 [12458] calpolwater: ALL THAT JUST TO LOSE DUMMY [12458] the_boogieoggie: fat ass [12458] go_follow_ttvmrmota420: when’s fan mail [12458] StreamElements: 0sscar__15 has spent 1 hour watching jynxzi [12458] lbjskitten: !watchtime [12458] deshon_solos: SLIMMY TIMMYSLIMMY TIMMYSLIMMY TIMMY [12458] abelossk: why would he even snipe on his main shits cooked😂 [12459] rykehodgson: !LINK [12459] Yourboiterm: LOCK IN [12460] Kunspiree: round 3 [12460] lukefree7_: ROUND 3 [12460] iCurtOG: DOORWAY IS SAME SIDE AS GU MINES AND HE LOOKS 2 DIFFERENT WAYS????????? [12460] RemainingTie1: CLIX [12460] maniiio_: Win [12460] FakerGT7: lmao [12460] huntyman_10: 6 ads is crazy [12460] unrealclax: the way he is talking is showing a stream sniper [12460] Junkoclonefr: watch round three [12460] 973clay: 3 HOUR STREAMER [12461] lxquidc4: unplugg headset from pc [12461] itsthog22: !link [12461] bigboothebest: round 3 [12461] avfc_kian901: end 3 [12461] Vouka1ls: his phone phone phone [12461] saltyturtle19000: 11 [12461] infamousbeast99: W SCRIPT [12461] Gucci_kid54: NAILS [12461] thelebdon: bro again….. [12461] stin315: L dude got over [12461] tha_n_a_t_o_s: hhh [12461] risegoldy: LOCK IN I GOT MY POINTS ON YOU [12461] Nightbot: !accept [12461] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [12461] Willizinhoo: !pulse [12462] kyleshiestyy: round 3 lol [12463] rockfun1234: rockfun1234 subscribed at Tier 1. [12463] opthemiop: DO NOT CHOKE THIS [12464] hey_u_nolife: EVERYONE SPAM ROUND 3 [12464] garmui: ROUNDS 3 FATASS [12464] avfc_kian901: rnd 3 [12464] larry_dingleroot: blink blink [12464] synaxx3: ROUND 3 LOOK AT IT [12464] vinayhal: ROUND3 [12464] Patte006: Gojo is falls [12464] macayla0926: jynxziGLASSES [12464] cer1229: check 3 [12464] pamplepapi: Jynxzi bro i got 18k on it lock tf in brother [12464] R34P3R10: 3 [12464] nt3rm11n: you are dumb as hell [12464] Nightbot: mild tourettes (something he can't control.) be nice! [12464] dankeymemez: echo round 3 [12464] patriccee: BRO PLEASE RICCI MY CHANNEL POINTS [12465] i_inept: he used selfie cam to make screen look like its on right [12465] elfokinpuertas: Round 3 [12465] etherdaguy: LOCKKKKK INNNNNNNN [12465] itsnotvalentino: ROUND THREE [12465] capzz_z: I don’t matter he robbed you LUL [12465] tommy_llo: PLEASE LOSE [12465] sightlytoomey420: bruh [12465] Fossabot: @manigamg, Your message is too long [12465] brodyluvssiege: EVERYBODY SPAM ROUND THREE [12465] theonlykendricklamar: GO TO ROUND 3 IDIOT [12465] donkeybrain88: i hope he streams snipes now 🤣🤣🤣 [12465] owendl14: CHECK ROUND 8 echo [12465] maniiio_: WIN [12465] Nightbot: ? [12465] Gucci_kid54: NAILS [12466] apesrcool: win this [12466] thecube730: lock in rich [12466] tommy_llo: PLEASE LOSE [12467] 4ksilky: i didnt get my points back???? [12467] pawpinawf: w script [12467] GooseZNeck: round 3 there’s echo jynzxi [12467] trucyyy: def [12467] Erock730: when does stream end [12467] amplify_o7: lock innnnnn [12467] Spidey559: babe lol [12467] SpawnGrieferr: round 3 lol [12467] colemig: round 3 [12467] marktara13: 6-5 him [12468] bouncing_beldum: igsitsjgsjgsjgajgzjtsitsiysiysitsigziysitsiysigsitziysoysoysoysydydyddyyxyxyxyx uniting y scans g cad d yuri x UT f for y zaza To ufsitsigskgsogxhogigzkgzjgzigzigigzigiyz [12468] Agateturnip3057: go to round 3 [12468] vinayhal: ROUND 3 [12468] nikisimmer2015: Mic on wrong side!!! [12468] zolleh: W JYNXZI FOR BEING FAIR [12468] opthemiop: YOU CANNOT CHOKE THIS [12468] NandoFredo: FUCK YOU [12468] renzo_cer: jynxzi is on that zazazazazazaza [12468] dylansowell: 33333 [12468] CaptnCreditCard: BRO WANTS TO CHEAT SO BAD 😭😭 [12468] avfc_kian901: round 3 [12468] cubixrt: @tommy_llo YOUR SUCH A LOSER LMAOOOOOOOOOO @tommy_llo YOUR SUCH A LOSER LMAOOOOOOOOOO @tommy_llo YOUR SUCH A LOSER LMAOOOOOOOOOO @tommy_llo YOUR SUCH A LOSER LMAOOOOOOOOOO [12468] cameron9942: w [12468] stoolthy21: 7-5 cheeto LLLLLLLLLL [12469] aebennyy: !watchtime [12469] Zilla785: JYNXZI STILL A CHEATER THO, USED GOYO 2 ROUNDS [12469] aceplays309: make sure not here now LUL LUL [12469] robmoney32: fuck up goofy [12469] ImFlashyTv: WHATEVER NOT MY MONEY, jynxzi you are so fuckin dumb [12469] wideschizoJeb: stalling as much as possible to hit 6 hours LUL [12469] IOH_Gunnin: no [12469] StreamElements: aebennyy has spent 1 day 21 hours watching jynxzi [12469] yungKIBE: attack match point gg [12469] BrizzyGOATED: ROUND 3 echooooooo [12469] Gucci_kid54: NAILS [12469] thethad101_: INVERTED CAM BRO [12469] Football0099: just win it [12469] MrBoeding: round 3 [12469] tommy_llo: PLEASE LOSE [12470] StreamElements: @jaunty89 jaunty89 has 530 points and is rank 648780/1722356 on the leaderboard. [12470] FatherlessRust: You can watch steams in the corner while playing in game on ps5 [12470] befehlswagen_jagdpanther: bro reaching for those 6 hours [12470] blakec771: he’s a decent dude I hate to admit it but [12470] vvhessi: please win [12470] desyy: pre end [12470] wideschizoJeb: stalling as much as possible to hit 6 hours LUL [12470] khorilive22: !Sub [12470] apesrcool: win this jynxi [12470] yungKIBE: attack match point gg [12470] drew_ttyl: go to round [12470] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [12470] cloud_nebula123: shut up [12470] hotcakesmate: clix is wating [12470] ecd6: 3 rounds wtf [12471] CallM3MrJ: i told u his phoneeeee [12471] RemainingTie1: BRO CLIX HAS BEEN WAITING [12471] svmatt14: he’s in the viewer list [12471] TFusion_27: Round 3 [12471] takedowncow274: he’s stream sniping [12471] rindl3: @jynxzi [12472] jakesuiii: ROUND 3 ECHO [12472] hey_u_nolife: HIVISE CALL HIM [12472] yungKIBE: attack match point gg [12472] crazyswiftzzzzz: HES MAKING IT NOT OBVIOUS [12472] brookmeister420: officially a 3 hr streamer [12472] casperjay1: check round 3 [12472] zxourii: LMAOOO [12472] dylansowell: roundddddd 3 [12472] lahpaulll03: lol [12472] Nightbot: 😂 [12472] opthemiop: PLEASEEEEE GET THIS W [12473] 4ksilky: whaaaaaaaaattttt [12473] sobek_socko: ricci sht up [12473] jesus_of_rebirth: 3 [12473] nedler18: yeah maybe not now [12473] 5star_eddy: round 3 [12473] tocitkatempr: nah we cleared it [12473] Agateturnip3057: round 3 [12473] Efreak___: yall are so annoying [12473] ppsuckjeffy: L snipe [12473] wideschizoJeb: stalling as much as possible to hit 6 hours LUL [12473] jakealexanda: round 3 [12473] not_mrenderman: HiVise call him ROUND 3 ECHO [12473] VrTx_Entityyy: COME ON RICCI [12474] dieheartsaint: round 3 [12474] thegr8mehdi: R3 [12474] crazyswiftzzzzz: HES MAKING IT NOT OBVIOUSHES MAKING IT NOT OBVIOUS [12474] BrizzyGOATED: ROUND 3 echoooooo [12474] gloydthewarrior: LMAO [12474] vmbsistaken: riPepperonis [12474] braden18_999: I try [12474] lukex8onfn: PLEASEE WIN INEED CHANNEL POINTS [12474] aoukixnz: PLEASE LOCK IN [12474] Frenchirish: you can have it in front of yoou [12474] nordsnat: lemme run a wager [12474] HurnezW: ROUND 3 FUCKER [12474] figgymarsh: LOCK [12474] x_godly79: Round 3 [12474] xNoRecoil: HE HAD IT ON HIS PHONE BUT OK [12475] iamdyzi: cap [12475] nsrjunkie: JYNXZI LOOKS SO SLEEPY HE ENDED RIGHT AFTER THIS [12475] TFusion_27: ROUND 3 [12475] RayanB7_: 7-6 y according to the script [12475] lymigui: PLEASE LOSE [12475] dontneedxim: Let's go [12475] qryzze: round 3 [12475] liam3548: Almost the 3:30 mark [12475] crazyswiftzzzzz: HES MAKING IT NOT OBVIOUSHES MAKING IT NOT OBVIOUSHES MAKING IT NOT OBVIOUSHES MAKING IT NOT OBVIOUS [12475] thethad101_: INVERTED CAM GANG [12475] distoorbed: Huh [12475] Spidey559: he said babe [12476] wideschizoJeb: stalling as much as possible to hit 6 hours LUL [12476] scooptpoop: W [12476] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [12476] dark12678: !sub [12476] king0quan: TheIlluminati [12476] owendl14: round 33333 [12476] RayanB7_: 7-6 y according to the script [12477] amplify_o7: 3 rnd [12477] rosh347: he cheating [12477] trickyservis: CANT BELIEVE HE GOT AWAY WITH IT [12477] TheMuffinMan5: 2 phones [12477] crazyswiftzzzzz: HES MAKING IT NOT OBVIOUSHES MAKING IT NOT OBVIOUS [12477] xxcallmekiksxx: chat is fucking wierd [12477] pulsegm: HES NOT SNIPING IDIOTS [12477] FatherlessRust: You can watch steams in the corner while playing in game on ps5 You can watch steams in the corner while playing in game on ps5 [12477] BrizzyGOATED: round 3 echooooo [12477] dawgs2009: !Link [12477] cbucketz_21: R3 [12477] CaptnCreditCard: play to 8 is crazy just accept the L 😭😭🙏🙏 [12477] Elliott492: round 3 [12477] Nightbot: @dawgs2009 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [12477] svexuii: he’s clear [12478] houstonkills: FAKE GAME [12478] aoukixnz: AND ALSO CHECK ROUND 3 [12478] FakerGT7: man u gotta win [12478] Bonesstv: UR ALL DUMB [12478] koorchuck7: TABLET [12478] Agateturnip3057: go to round 3 [12478] stinkerlolwastaken: stinkerlolwastaken subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 9 month streak! pre end [12478] lil_cracka01: yall r reaching [12478] rvapreme: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 [12478] italianow_99: Sure thing [12478] lolpower33: Look at round 3 [12478] vFlamottv: he has 3 phones [12478] 11cayden11: !pules [12478] klebbergreat: ROUND 3 [12478] xxobnoxiousxx: YOUR SELLING JYNXZI HE WAS 1000% STREAM [12479] jackqot: bro what😂 [12479] thethad101_: INVERTED CAM [12479] formlsss: LOVE chat [12479] dylansowell: round 33333 [12479] pvvttjoker: Round 3 [12479] eggggggss: round 3 [12479] juju_12_12: He's looking left [12479] CallM3MrJ: HE WOULDNT HAVCE MENTIONED THAT [12479] slawwthh: just win [12479] falbby_: LOCK IN [12479] drew_ttyl: round 3 echo [12479] tocitkatempr: match point [12479] bouncing_beldum: kdjfjrjrkfkfjffnfjfjgjgjgjgjgj [12479] jynxivapes69: TWO OHONES [12479] Metz_Bomb: he has 2 phones [12480] carbstv: HE GOT 2 PHONES [12480] XGeorge25: U WENT SCUS SCAMMMER [12480] o_H4mzx: phone is a paid actor fs [12480] djklein75: djklein75 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! | Jynxzi | Prime Jynxzi is Back | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [12330] get off his camera. What a fucking dog you. He's a stream-stopper. Town it. I read one after I beat you. Play two. And play him. He'll play you any amount. I don't know. [12340] Three this kid's calling me again Yo, why'd you look right five times in one second? [12350] the right jing see my doorway is to the right why would I look to the left when you're in master I'm looking at the door might look I was doing an impact played around I was gonna impact the fucking wall in [12360] I'll play you any amount bro. Cool. Why would I even play him though? He's just going to be in the mirror that's on an incognito account. [12370] That's why you win tournaments. I have a one second delay. You're horrible. You know you're a joke. I don't even think it's a stream sniper. You guys are going to be on the [12380] I'm like the fairest guy ever. I've played this game for 8 years bro. I don't think I was getting stream sniped to be honest. [12390] doorway thing actually makes sense. The doorway thing makes sense. If you guys see like a crazy clip send it to me on Twitter but yeah let's just finish this game at 6.6. Finish this ship, that's the longest [12400] game ever for no reason fucking streams and I hate. All right, you're Ricky. All right, bro. I'll clear you. I'll [12410] I'll clear you bro. I'll clear you. All right, thank you. You know I'm fair, bro. I know all the game is fair. And I don't know if high-biz was trolling, but he was even on my side. And that's your like... [12420] God yeah, high vices also the guy that told me you're in the viewer list and bro I have to be extra thorough because you do have a history of streams. I know I know I have to be I know yeah, but yeah [12430] You're right, you're right. Six six, this is a thousand dollar round right here. This is the last round of the game. This is literally the last round. I love that. And the bands are locked, so six six, this is it. Come on. [12440] Pay out after this round and uh yo thousand all around bruh. I'll be giving you a band if you win Should be match point unless I fucked up the settings if it goes to eight. I guess yeah [12450] No, I mean, no, it's not match point, but okay, you want to display it's eight you want to display it to eight [12460] And look, I'm, I look, I'm, hey, here's my phone bro. I was fucking through my phone bro. So people are saying I'm looking at my phone to the right bro. I'm, I literally just, [12470] I'm going to throw my phone. 10 seconds to go. | There is no Highlight in the provided timespan. Jynxzi facetimes with his colleague because he wants to show him something, then watches a clip and discusses it with his colleague. |
Jynxzi | Prime Jynxzi is Back | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [13320] abyssaldreamsss: This should be a 1v1 [13320] jubofdahut: LOOOL [13320] Roastedninga: tuff [13320] clipziey: 142 [13320] mystlc____: gg [13320] big_daddy_dirk: Aim will only get you so far [13320] perplexed_00: LEVEL 3 ? [13320] cadenhudakk: ECHO- ROUND 9 02:59:30 LISTENNN!ECHO- ROUND 9 02:59:30 LISTENNN!ECHO- ROUND 9 02:59:30 LISTENNN!ECHO- ROUND 9 02:59:30 LISTENNN!ECHO- ROUND 9 02:59:30 LISTENNN! [13320] mar5119: YEAH [13320] ImNevin37: whhhatttttttt [13320] bigbirrrrrrrrrrrd: 3 [13320] yungKIBE: gg LMAO [13320] bardown16__: lmaoooooooooo [13320] snydc: LMFAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOA [13320] Kihx__: 3 [13322] blake_v4: level 2 [13322] charlotteswebbie: Lvl 2 [13322] yuuichiwdf: 3 [13322] AboveWild: lol [13322] joker_4life_: YES [13322] arat40: GG [13322] conneronsiege: U won [13322] kade_1224: lmao [13322] HumaneSubset806: 3 [13322] player_2581: he is 3 [13322] DinoRaf: 3 [13322] curvestreamz: !Link [13322] ahmed_shokry: 3 [13325] Twistween: yes [13325] Rushuur: HE HAS IAM [13325] rahdri__: yes [13325] hoopswitchriscases1sniper: GG [13325] dr3wcrazy: hes a fortnight pro the skill kinda translates [13325] Sabriii_3: HAHHHHAHAHA [13325] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [13325] LuxeLT: yes [13325] taqqvue: level 2 PC [13325] revl9bot: YES [13325] magicbroom565: CAP [13325] arat40: gG [13325] danklemur: MY BAD [13326] leesulee: HE IS INSTANTLY GOOD BECAUSE OF BEING PRO IN FORT [13326] owens2010: yes [13326] Nightbot: no 🧢 [13326] bardown16__: u won [13326] bakerstud77: 3 [13326] nik_touts20: Check polo gs post on instagram [13326] c00ljp09: 3! [13326] bobb2748: no chance you can win [13326] beenobean: 300 [13326] xashrushx: Jynxzi is watching [13326] k1ng_szabo: !Link [13326] spector_J1: Wtf [13326] legenddz98: WASHED [13326] Nightbot: @k1ng_szabo If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [13326] TheKingPres: i think he is xim [13327] danklemur: 2 [13327] latinaloverrrs: CHECK RON CHECK RON CHECK RON CHECK RON [13328] coltonizcold: Yes [13328] samdizplay: TA FARME TA YEUL LA [13328] etterrx: nah you are cooked [13328] daesharquisha: goodaim fortnite [13328] neweracbb: HES 3 [13328] nik_touts20: Check polo gs post on instagram ! [13328] DarkBombs76: WATCH Ronn [13328] lamzzy44: LEVEL 3 [13328] salty76o: 3 [13328] gohawkskid: junko what’s your sense [13328] rvapreme: actually [13328] Emptylul: hes lvl 3 [13328] veagoos: veagoos subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! wewewr [13328] Sspazzzzz: level 2 [13328] fra1dyn: unreal [13329] tybrill: ggs [13329] AboveWild: he jus got the game [13329] briana386: look at ron [13329] bballerpro1001TTV: play him for 10 he a ATM [13329] sandy_sir: YES [13329] himothy4572: COOKED [13329] kbee1511: legit [13329] csimxn: !gambleall [13329] BallzHahaLol: fortnite aim [13329] bdogslayer1: he is cheating [13329] hdk300: 33333 [13329] n0rsa: 3 [13329] boredgamerxo: bro why do i have feet on my screen [13329] t0x1fying: all aim no brain [13329] knowxnx: GGS [13330] sae_spades: mnk [13330] Moot_FINN: BETTER THAN YOU [13330] Futurelink90: your donzo buddy [13331] GGilets: HES GOOD AT FN IT MAKES SENS [13331] tripssalty11: he has no game sense all aim [13331] yungKIBE: gg LMAO [13331] iceyvice1: Ong he’s 3 [13331] j0j0siwa: easy win [13331] CMOMoney187: bros xim [13331] xretroclipzx: 3 [13331] lemony__: 3 [13332] etterrx: prayers to you [13332] r_monkey0: HE GOT GAMING GENETICHE GOT GAMING GENETICS [13332] Reasqiscracked: GG [13332] isaiahh1215: 3 [13332] DMV_MaxDaKid: oh he’s fucked [13332] peyspeeps: peyspeeps subscribed at Tier 1. [13332] con1con123: ECHO- ROUND 9 02:59:30 LISTENNN! [13332] beanbxxzled: 3 [13332] Fossabot: @qball4161, Your message is too long [13332] Stello96: YOUR FUCKED [13332] Gucci_kid54: # :O [13332] vxmpzzzzz: LMAOOO [13332] atlas_638: your gonna get cooked and fried [13332] x2Matty: he’s. 3 I seen before [13332] Eyyupsama: 3 [13333] liam3548: Damn [13333] yungKIBE: gg LMAO [13333] drewskii711: squadLaugh squadLaugh squadLaugh squadLaugh squadLaugh squadLaugh squadLaugh squadLaugh squadLaugh squadLaugh [13333] somebody23332: 2 [13333] tyronejones4: I COME BACK AND ALL MY CHANNEL POINTS ARE GONE JYNXZI WHY DID U LOSE [13333] SWWaldo: YOU'RE GONNA SLAMMED BY A LEVEL 3 LMFAOOOOOOOOO [13333] Sspazzzzz: 3 [13333] bigcuddlesbear: Thorn [13333] srkruser: uwu [13333] outsider_816: ur cooked [13333] AChadillac: this dude is wild bro [13333] Harry__GG__: He's gassing he's actually 3 [13333] b1itz007: idk who to vote for now [13333] Kihx__: 3 I TOLD U [13334] manuelcruzmatosttv_: 33333 [13334] r_monkey0: HE GOT GAMING GENETICSHE GOT GAMING GENETICS [13334] kade_1224: gg [13334] goldrocktv: GG [13334] darsh__harry: he plays custums [13334] ricky_bobby66669999: level 16. stick it in my face pleaseee [13334] leesulee: BRO HE HAS GOOD AIM HE PLAYS FORT [13334] yungKIBE: gg LMAO [13334] Eyyupsama: 3 [13334] g4bec12: junko losing 2 bands is crazy jynxziFAT [13334] ahightower: he got better aim why does that matter [13334] MagicErvn: clixHyper [13334] GB3366: PC copperrr [13334] moderatedgg: gg [13334] thegoat_h: check ron [13335] arat40: LMAOOO [13335] amplify_o7: 3 [13335] joshua_crump_: gg [13335] archiejsmall: jynxziGoodAim_SG jynxziGoodAim_SG [13335] bigcuddlesbear: play frost [13335] dive_bomb2120: GG [13335] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀 [13335] rvapreme: 3 [13335] ryderpotter: !sens [13335] kreators_dusk: LMAO [13335] Sspazzzzz: level 3 [13335] Nightbot: Jynxzi sens and settings here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2GcpqRqJ9U [13335] SorrxwR6_: !charm [13335] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [13335] EthanTop20: 💀 [13336] Lizuhbiff: gg [13336] jouShed: FREEEST HELLCAT OF CLIXS LIFE [13336] USAFM1ke: TOLD YOU [13336] golzerrrr: GG [13336] tj12332: pre end [13336] rileybouchard30: HAHAHAHAH [13336] raging9770: Nahhh [13336] grassman013: LMFAOOOOOO [13338] squarrrrrrr: COOKED [13338] cruceeeeee: what song was thatt [13338] booyah330: XIM TRAINED THEM [13338] rvapreme: no cap [13338] lolzaustin: 😂 [13338] Gucci_kid54: 3 :O [13338] bluefaceburnitt: you should probably change it to a 2v2 [13338] AustinnRod25: wtd [13338] Kihx__: I TOLD U [13338] seirthefallen: UR COOKED [13338] EthanTop20: 💀 💀gg [13338] tripssalty11: level 3 [13338] polzifyfn: polzifyfn subscribed with Prime. [13338] awill13: ggs [13338] cali_livin_ttv: Ggssssss [13339] soundcloutken: LOL [13339] Swept_Kujo: 3 is crazy [13339] fiddlyfudbucket: PC [13339] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀 [13339] kodaceblack: GGS [13339] jeepranglerr: I AM GIGGLINGG [13339] danklemur: Level 3 u dummy [13339] drebreeez0: siege is easy on kbm [13341] IzZzZzZzl: LMAO GGS [13341] pocketpengun: LOSING TO A LVL 3 [13341] dat_baboon: gg [13341] broisnani: gg [13341] ronin_ytt: lmao ur fucked buddy [13341] aaiden120: how do I link my Ubisoft account so I can get the charm please [13341] haydofed1: ur cooked [13341] unrealclax: round 2 mother fu [13341] Prelobotomy: Average pc level 3 [13341] bman6913: TOLD YOU HE IS LEVEL 3 DUMBASS [13341] mfyiuabatch: ☠️☠️ [13341] xd_ghostgamer: UR COOKEE [13341] Bdubm8: you can buy aim but you can’t buy game sense [13341] csimxn: !Gambleall [13341] itzinfinityt: clix gets on the game andd just proves this shit light [13342] Tonetekkers: LMAOO NAHHH [13342] g_h_o_s_t__yt: 12k [13342] Kwuann: called being a pc gamer [13342] vvhessi: nah that’s crazy [13342] r_monkey0: HE GOT GAMING GENETICSHE GOT GAMING GENETICSHE GOT GAMING GENETICSHE GOT GAMING GENETICS [13342] sandy_sir: 💀💀'💀💀 [13342] bardown16__: HE DOESNT HAVE GAME SENS HE DOESNT HAVE GAME SENSHE DOESNT HAVE GAME SENS [13342] sleepyyyyfn: gg [13342] deadlypinkk: HAHAHHAHAH [13342] QTzXyro: what do i buy from market place [13342] jacobqt__: told u [13342] Kihx__: I TOLD U LEVEL 3 [13342] AsianMyles: GG [13342] Gucci_kid54: 3 :O [13342] xd_Draz: GG [13343] jjgarcia333: check Ron [13343] DyNsTyHyPe: he got that fortnite aim [13343] TheNameIsMarino: ohh it’s a gg losing to this guy you will be done [13344] NolteTrea00: gg [13344] racuungalax: he is also on keyboard [13344] sandy_sir: 💀 [13344] GingerDiabeeto: Not even bruh [13344] crazyfr0gtv: SHURE [13344] connerboxedyoulol: nahhh [13344] skrillyansh: ggg [13344] archiejsmall: jynxziGoodAim_SG jynxziGoodAim_SG [13344] TheKingPres: i think he is xim. [13344] utxpiaaa: ur fucked [13344] dimez1217: IF U LOSE TO THESE MFS WITH 3HRS IM UNSUBBING IF U LOSE TO THESE MFS WITH 3HRS IM UNSUBBING IF U LOSE TO THESE MFS WITH 3HRS IM UNSUBBING [13344] StreamElements: seltrium51 has spent 7 days 2 hours watching jynxzi [13344] Showtime_Flo: smurfing [13344] forky999: you’re cooked lil bro [13344] razstr0: Check RON [13345] grouppii: AAHAHHYAAHAHH [13345] UZI_GAMING_1400: he is aim bottling [13345] 1vito_501: 1vito_501 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! [13345] Mr_Doinkss: hes a gamer [13345] TheeGrizz_: 💀💀💀💀💀 [13345] kreators_dusk: UR COOKED [13345] sterlingarcher321: i haven’t seen clix since fortnite this is creepy he’s old AF😂😂 [13345] bzLink: 0-7 to a level 3 LUL [13345] vxmpzzzzz: GG [13345] woodyonesix: RON IS BETTER [13345] fpsdom_: TURNING CLIX TO A R6 CHAMP IS A PROJECT CONTENT [13345] bardown16__: HE DOESNT HAVE GAME SENSHE DOESNT HAVE GAME SENSHE DOESNT HAVE GAME SENSHE DOESNT HAVE GAME SENS [13345] wadofcheese: yo chat what song was that [13345] bigmoneyshmo: gg [13345] mystlc____: he’s gonna have 0 game sense… it’s not all aim [13348] unrealclax: round 2 junk [13348] peppar34: gg [13348] dfaoverdrive: KAI IS WAITING [13348] douplexicon: Ur cooked [13348] TheKingPres: i think he is xim [13348] Arrowz02: YOU'RE COOKED [13348] subwayenjoyer: BRO IS GONNA LOSE TO LVL 3 [13348] dexxbz: aim is the easiest part of any game chill [13348] SuperNintendoMike: its over [13348] jjgarcia333: check ron [13348] zombie_fil_a: PRE GG [13348] Harry__GG__: Hahah 1 game is 3 levels [13348] Arrowz02: YOU'RE COOKED [13348] Arrowz02: YOU'RE COOKED [13348] astroidr6: LMFAOOO [13349] WufBro: 3 ☠️ [13349] dgxd7: yes [13349] kxngpsycho: YEAH GG [13349] ghostflyer9355: FBtouchdown [13349] CMOMoney187: bros xim my recol so difrent [13349] rileybouchard30: PRE END [13350] blake_v4: hes good [13350] scraizisdnit: CHAT GLAZE [13350] l_t810: is pulse a good operator [13350] daxgunns: yes [13350] mrboomstick24: ur gonna get slammmed [13350] g_h_o_s_t__yt: 12kkk [13350] caseoh4L: hes fucking ass [13350] bobb2748: no way you win [13350] bigmjukaaa: gg [13350] wavierchip: l luv u [13351] ykmmikey: CLIX IS COOKED [13351] ducksppo: lmaooo [13351] bruhluis: WATCH RONNN [13351] caseohafatty1000lbs: he is on [13351] cadenhudakk: ECHO- ROUND 9 02:59:30 LISTENNN!ECHO- ROUND 9 02:59:30 LISTENNN!ECHO- ROUND 9 02:59:30 LISTENNN!ECHO- ROUND 9 02:59:30 LISTENNN!ECHO- ROUND 9 02:59:30 LISTENNN! [13351] realafgking: he is level 4 [13351] drewdawgg2: UR COOKED [13351] jlnc1234567: WASHED IF YOU LOSE [13351] ellarer: RON STREAM [13351] landoj4: aim good no sense [13351] RevertWZ: level 3 and that good [13352] sworo1: UR ABOUT TO GET COOKED BY A LEVEL 3 [13352] Chikfry: GOD [13352] grassman013: G G [13352] logedoge: did jynxzi beat Ricci?? [13352] lilchrisx4: main menu [13352] Nightbot: no [13352] vakko___: check ron [13352] peppar34: your cooked [13352] Barry_McKOCKinerr_: u act like flicking on mouse is hard bro. [13352] maallydub: YOURE COOKED [13352] kalvindabot: shroud is waiting [13352] Sspazzzzz: gg [13352] jesus_of_rebirth: good aim [13352] Bdubm8: bro aim doesn’t mean anything if you have no brwincells [13352] TheKingPres: i think he is xim. [13353] glitchflated: you’re playing two beaulos [13353] umbaaa: you cooked! [13353] biggdubstv: he’s locked [13353] nevec45: gg [13353] nik_touts20: Check polo gs post on instagram [13353] COOLDUDEwithyo: yes [13353] Nightbot: https://discord.gg/jynxzi [13353] jqyil: jqyil subscribed at Tier 1. [13354] cofi04123: HES LIVE [13354] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: its gonna hit when he takes 5 bands from u LUL [13354] saltyturtle19000: NOW WAY U LOSE TO A LEVEL # LOL [13354] con1con123: ECHO- ROUND 9 02:59:30 LISTENNN!ECHO- ROUND 9 02:59:30 LISTENNN!ECHO- ROUND 9 02:59:30 LISTENNN! [13354] quachrow: @Jynxzi WATCH RON [13354] Cwasont_SMO: LOL COOKED [13354] paynebrew: midrange walking is so easy he’s ass [13354] sosa_ot: hes live [13354] Nightbot: 😂 [13354] epicnats: Ron is on [13354] peppar34: pre end [13354] latinaloverrrs: CHECK RON CHECK RON CHECK RON CHECK RON CHECK RON [13355] fonzobot: CHECK RON STREAM [13355] paul_teehee: HES ON [13355] SapioAlexxz: REACT TO HIM KILLING XIM YESTERDAY [13355] cuhlat: yea [13355] rlk6: hes live [13355] zxneyyyy: !link [13355] eruptopticsig: daddy [13355] iwanttaco69: Ron’s on [13355] scariest7000: LOOOL [13355] OD_Reborn: XIM WAS COACHING [13355] PFCxAXVY: WATCH RON [13355] scraizisdnit: CHAT GLAZES SUCK [13355] braeden_bread: you're cooked [13355] zombie_fil_a: your done😭 [13355] your_lilbro1: HES UNREAL [13356] EwanC2216: gg [13356] Roastedninga: yeah ur done buddy [13356] astroidr6: YOUR COOKED [13356] jib405: check his stream [13356] fatding0606: jynxziRAHHH [13356] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [13356] lll_seb_lll: GG [13356] hunteybear1: peep ron [13356] iibananajuice: chatttrrrrr [13356] FL1PPZhere: hes warming up [13356] basedgodliv: GO CHECK RONS STREAM [13357] paul_teehee: HES ONNN [13357] MayonnaiseGod: hes never played [13357] kingmaneto: GGSSSSS [13357] officail_swamp_deweller: watch his stream [13357] bluefaceburnitt: ggs [13357] Lily2xoxo: check ron stream [13358] Rhyphix: 20 rack [13358] c1arkie: check rons stream [13358] cruceeeeee: WHAT SONG WAS THAT [13358] damienb653: bout to get cooked by a lev 3 [13358] yo_boy_wyxi0: check ron [13358] kaotix_x: -6k on the day [13358] lana777xx: ues [13358] grassman013: he is up [13358] keagan861: gg [13358] percocetstripper: Damn [13358] siegeman3k: GGGGGGGGGGGSSSSS [13358] headshotfisken: LMAOO [13358] emantail234: pre end [13358] bruhluis: LMAOOO [13358] spector_J1: jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL [13359] shawryyy: HAHAHAHAHA [13359] IcyySwish: 20 [13359] forky999: wtf [13359] carneyfn: RON STREAM [13359] mrboomstick24: check ronnn [13359] orrzyy: LMAOOOOOOOOO [13359] drewskii711: yyjJoy yyjJoy yyjJoy [13359] Freezy3422: he's on [13359] Gucci_kid54: 20k??????? [13359] LCG_Tim: 💀💀 [13359] Zann_FPS: LMAOOOOOOOOOO [13359] AustinnRod25: do it [13359] Abz_B2806: SORRRY [13359] lolzaustin: He’s good for that [13359] mysticcbtw: LMAOOO [13360] coolcat17000: bro played xim yesterday and won [13360] dustyball_z: lol [13360] ChaosKillz860: look at Ron’s stream [13360] rileybouchard30: WHATTTTTT [13360] ykmmikey: ALRIGHTY [13360] talldwaf6767: check rons stream [13362] Telxer: LMFAOOOOOO [13362] Abz_B2806: HUHHHHHHHH [13362] anviani: 20 racks LUL LUL [13362] AaroonDMC: 20 UR DUCKINNNNGGGGG [13362] alleyne98: GG [13362] fpsdom_: do it [13362] finalarigato_: YOU WONT GO 20 LMFAO [13362] zynreaper: yoooo [13362] Lily2xoxo: check ron [13362] elcolombiiano: this guy😭😭 [13362] cmperea: 20???????????? [13362] bluefaceburnitt: LMAOOOOOOO [13362] a1dannnnn: WAIT 20 racks [13362] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [13362] Craig1122334455: join discord [13363] paul_teehee: 20 RACKSS [13363] cruceeeeee: WHAT SONG WAS THATTT [13363] Freezy3422: CHECK RONS [13363] leinanarcher: 20K 20K [13363] Twistween: do it [13363] dusllbee: wait… [13363] carneyfn: RON STREAAAAMMMM [13363] cookieman677: 20 Gs [13365] Atrain1118: yoooooo [13365] ogbearpig: LMAOOOOO [13365] lunasyns: LMAOAOAOAOO [13365] rustisbestgamever: L MILLIONAIRE [13365] ghostrider80413: cappin [13365] hunteybear1: peep rons stream [13365] botlance3: 20 [13365] jacobswanson44: 20 [13365] pultes: 😂😂 [13365] Stello96: YOUR LOOSING ALL THAT [13365] fpsdom_: 20 [13365] astroidr6: WAITTTTT [13365] kingnta_: 20k [13365] GGnrZZ: 20k [13365] knotchmann: -20k [13368] luisr0112: DO 20 BROKIE] [13368] joshpisag: 15 million [13368] resky: -20K [13368] FearTheGym: 50 [13368] Alcamera: DO IT [13368] evo_xixty_: 20 [13368] notglutan: 20k pussy [13368] princess21234: 29k [13368] jacethakushking: RON LIVE RN [13368] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: DO 20 DONT BE WEIRD [13368] mcgovv: 20😭😭 [13368] jjgarcia333: check Ron [13368] joker_4life_: DO 30 [13368] aceo8907: 20 BANDS [13368] kiingbaaby: bro got racks [13369] SuperNintendoMike: 20 RACKS OOOO [13369] ilovejared1: 20k [13369] Gucci_kid54: 20k??????? [13369] astroidr6: 20K [13369] fortunatryhard: dont duck [13369] crickkz: LMAOOOOOOOO [13369] ronin_ytt: 20 racks lmao [13369] EndSolus: 20???? [13369] scoooby36: 20 RACKKKS [13369] journie98: ban ace [13369] bropoo_: 20k [13369] i_taste_like_broccoli: Gg [13369] a1dannnnn: 20k??????? [13369] drewskii711: 20gs babyyyy [13369] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: DO 20 DONT BE WEIRD [13371] paul_teehee: 2O RACKS LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOO [13371] TXCJR: your losing money tonight [13371] iRecoil: put up the cashhhhh [13371] snoopdoggg42000: let's go [13371] Acetrain_Gamez: 2o racks [13371] Ocho132: WE UP 20GS [13371] nickyjam2400: LMAOOOOOO [13371] djlucas_18: 20 [13371] r6gamer37: DO 50 [13371] bdogslayer1: lmaoooo [13371] isthewiz: DO IT [13371] Hifortwo: 200k [13371] danny209_: goofy ahh [13371] Jackinitinthev: check ron [13371] wolveine70: 20 RACKS [13372] Shamelesstable: 20’!!!!! [13372] lawwyy: hes rich [13372] fropppee: THERES NO WAY [13372] goirish2319: DO 20 [13372] zepiz0009: broa to rich # [13372] evo_xixty_: 20k [13372] linuxxfn1: LMAOOOOO [13372] rjk323: RON STREAM [13372] Get_Josued: do 20k [13372] durry420: ur cooked [13372] twinmp5s: he rich af [13372] beenobean: 20 KKKKK [13372] setchhh_: YEA ITS WRAPS PRE GG [13372] CorleoneCaPWN: 10 OR 20 RACKS BRUHHHH [13374] podolskislegacy: 20 gs [13374] ihaveyourkneecaps_: -20kk [13374] ZxcKoda: 20 BANDS???? [13374] MeCabbage: FREE 20gs [13374] mizukiziki: band for band moment [13374] wap_ncl: 20K your cooked [13374] ronin_ytt: 20 racks [13374] rustisbestgamever: L FLEXXXX [13374] zebred9718: 20 [13374] joshpisag: 20 million [13374] joker_4life_: 20 BANDS [13374] oldmanav47: jynxziGLASSES [13374] Sabriii_3: DO IT PUSSY [13374] dgcv_: 20 is crazy [13374] vantagecontrol: 20000 [13375] vXsonn: They have been playing customs all day [13375] triedndied: Ron stream [13375] kiid_stone: 20 bands?!😂😭 [13375] iamjessicamason: YOOOO JYNXIII, LEMME PLAY W YALLL NEXT TIME SKETCH IS ON [13375] moiisessc: Do 50 [13375] latinaloverrrs: CHECK RON CHECK RON CHECK RON CHECK RON [13375] killjoy778: 20 bands is bonkers [13375] obseqq: RON STREAM [13375] dispencer4892: 20Gs hell yeah [13375] claygaunt: 20 [13375] ykmmikey: 20?????????? [13375] alegrattv: !link [13375] MellzWrld: oh brotherrr [13375] keagan861: 💀 [13375] Nightbot: @alegrattv If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [13376] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: DO 20 DONT BE WEIRD [13376] ElSuennoTV: ElSuennoTV subscribed at Tier 1. [13377] senorprepotente: WHEWWWWW [13377] dubs4700: 20gs lmao!!!! [13377] dreamzzgottwitch: NEEEEEEED IT [13377] TolanR4: DONT DO IT [13377] nobaconhere: nah dude say 30k [13377] jacobswanson44: 20 I wanna see you lose money [13377] hunteybear1: peep rons stream s [13377] daveydave302: Easy money [13377] gprezz99: dude they’re good [13377] hockeyscott9: lmfaooooo [13377] junkycuh: YESSSSSS [13377] Original_Corn: 20k [13377] oPlxnets: -20k [13377] zzefy: get stompn [13378] DaysBe4Rodeo: DO 20K [13378] Bubby_Sama: DO 20 DONT BE WEIRD [13378] Gucci_kid54: 20k OOOO [13378] AaroonDMC: DUCK INCOMMINNNNGGGG [13378] TowardsNate: You have to use guns [13378] FI3K_: DO 20 GRAND [13378] baconator123948: 20k???? [13378] Blvdeless: 20 EZ RACKS [13378] goirish2319: 20 [13378] steiner_31: that dude makes so much money [13378] drizner23: 20 bands [13378] kingnta_: 10k [13378] luisr0112: GUNS 20K [13378] Nightbot: 👀 [13378] inmortal_bigmac: -20 racks [13379] wtmavxry: RON STREAMMMMMMMMMMMMM [13379] rustisbestgamever: THEY CHEAT DONT [13379] kingmaneto: GGGGSSSS [13379] landon04219: RONS STREAM [13379] rileybouchard30: 20 RACKS DOESNT CARE HAHAHA [13379] Yourboy_Mimic: yoo [13379] cuddle_xd: SO WE DUCKING LIKE CRAZY [13379] hdk300: NERVOUS [13381] caseohafatty1000lbs: yes [13381] TheKingPres: i think he is ximi think he is ximi think he is ximi think he is xim [13381] c6naqn: NO [13381] larams76win: the fuck [13381] bigboabyjoe: damn [13381] loganbest14k: clix gonna take your money [13381] chasmfn1: He has 14 mil in the bank [13381] joshballer9: they been waiting like lets go [13381] tom_amm: they slammed ooziie [13381] DrizyyDrayy: -20k [13381] joker_4life_: W FREE BANDS [13381] oquafa: 20k [13381] Gucci_kid54: 20k OOOO [13381] alexisdummm: DO 20 DONT BE WEIRD [13382] fuzybabycrust: ronaldo is ready [13382] w33t0dd: DONT BE A BITCH PUT 20 [13382] tyweepitch123: OMGGGGGG [13382] zynreaper: 20k with guns [13382] rustisbestgamever: THEY CHEAT SONT [13382] bluefaceburnitt: you’re gonna lose so much money [13382] datkidcheese_: DO IT [13382] notdauts: 10K [13382] TheKingPres: i think he is xim [13382] IIDoomsdayI: yo [13382] dieheartsaint: doulble it to 40 don’t be wierd [13382] Xuipo: oh hell nah [13382] kazuii_: CHECK RONS [13382] zxneyyyy: ! link [13382] xJudMuffin: WHAT [13383] ChocolateLoverVz: 20k yeah he’s rich and so are you [13383] skull_god00: 20k [13383] Gucci_kid54: 20k OOOO [13383] in_cog_nito33: 20k [13385] xJudMuffin: WHAT [13385] swiperz07: YOU NEED GUNS [13385] SkeezerJohnson: dude nooo [13385] TheKingPres: i think he is ximi think he is ximi think he is xim [13385] oquafa: nahhhh [13385] perplexed_00: 20 BANDS [13385] DaysBe4Rodeo: 20K [13385] tye423: L part tomer [13385] Hernandezdc: jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF [13385] xerrularr: DAMN? [13385] clover7575: WAQTCH RON [13385] athletic_lock: ur clapped [13385] Gucci_kid54: 20k OOOO [13385] fuzybabycrust: ronaldo is readyronaldo is readyronaldo is readyronaldo is ready [13385] rustisbestgamever: THEY CHEAT DONT LOCK [13386] burgerszn1: Ron stream [13386] iEndeavourrr: !link [13386] hunteybear1: peep rons streams [13386] SwooshProd: DONT [13386] TowardsNate: you have to use guns its unfair [13386] TheKingPres: i think he is ximi think he is xim [13386] itsbeasty01: PISTOLS [13386] upbeatsttv: USE GUNS AGAINST THEM [13386] yungrichcodyy: no balls [13386] tyweepitch123: COOKED [13386] taviaa20: NO NO NO DO NOT [13386] immarshmell0: don't do it [13386] IIDoomsdayI: -20k [13386] fuzybabycrust: ronaldo is readyronaldo is ready [13386] Gucci_kid54: 20k OOOO [13387] RyanWhit_: he gonna let u use guns [13387] fart_o_holic: dont pls [13387] sebblues2: 20k is massive. # [13387] linear7777: 20k [13387] Fossabot: @kazeonyt, Your message is too long [13388] MarkyMarks_: lvl 3 and hes gonna take 20k from you [13388] fuzybabycrust: ronaldo is readyronaldo is readyronaldo is ready [13388] mftacosss: look at eons stream [13388] itsbeasty01: PISTOL [13388] viosma: -20k [13388] jib405: check ron [13388] snoeyink1371: 20k [13388] RayanB7_: 20k you get a 2-0 lead [13388] orrzyy: RON IS ON [13388] LauroWantsFood: CHECK RON [13388] jpuchalski4: ban shields [13388] ghost_yxkal: How to get your charm [13388] oPlxnets: -21k [13388] Bdubz_MMIV: clix is a pro player [13388] xammbi: 20k [13389] iwanttaco69: he is [13389] Villionttv: -20K [13389] sosa_ot: RONS LIVE [13389] akashgahlon: BRO RON IS ACTUALLY SO ASS [13389] dr3wcrazy: hes a fortnight pro the skill kinda translates [13389] fuzybabycrust: ronaldo is ready [13389] ethanmtz21: DONT DO IT [13389] joshpisag: -20k [13389] TowardsNate: you need to use guns [13389] ton_618_chan: Bro, the taxes [13389] jmizzzzz: 20 MY BOYYYYYY [13389] badboytunesmush: 20k [13389] jetkins69: 0/0 guns 20k [13389] joker_4life_: W BANDS [13389] RayanB7_: 20k you get a 2-0 lead [13390] camel_fried_rice: 20 racks gone [13390] unrealclax: round 2 [13390] highdefx: 20k [13390] sowereincopp3r: GG [13390] bru_002: He's oj [13390] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [13391] Rastamonkeybread10: Rastamonkeybread10 subscribed at Tier 1. [13391] RayanB7_: 20k you get a 2-0 lead [13392] SwooshProd: you’ll get shit on [13392] dieheartsaint: do 40k don’t be weord [13392] pmw11: they beat oozie [13392] steviepicks: YOU DONT GOT IT LIKE THAT [13392] Xen0nbtw: HES ON [13392] Stello96: YOUR LOOSING ALL THAT MONEY IF YOU DO IT [13392] mrboomstick24: check Ron [13392] hdk300: GG [13392] SRBNJY: DONT DUCK [13392] f_e_r_g_: you lose that lol [13392] RayanB7_: 20k you get a 2-0 lead [13392] Gucci_kid54: ron is practicing [13392] rustisbestgamever: DONT LOCK THEY CHEAT [13392] capzz_z: dont put 20k dumbass [13392] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [13393] Junkoclonefr: rons in stream [13393] arasarbaz20: Ron is on [13393] iso_matthew: 20k [13393] adhd_movement: -20k [13393] wdeeman: yoooooooo [13393] kalvindabot: shroud is waiting [13393] fpsdom_: do 20 [13393] sonofalawnmower_: BAN ACE [13393] Arrowz02: YOU WILL LOSE CLIX IS NOT BAD [13393] RayanB7_: 20k you get a 2-0 lead [13394] Arrowz02: YOU WILL LOSE CLIX IS NOT BAD [13394] Arrowz02: YOU WILL LOSE CLIX IS NOT BAD [13394] RayanB7_: 20k you get a 2-0 lead [13395] N0tLuxk: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [13395] Sgnikaifa: LUL [13395] jsg_23: set up pc [13395] agoldenreaper: -20k [13395] staywithmelonger: ur going in debt [13395] pocketpengun: 20K DO IT [13395] erraticdoge: is when fan mail [13395] GreenTopHatMan: JYNXZI, LOOK AT RONS STREAM!!! [13395] AsianMyles: CHECK RONS STREAM [13395] adamegloff2: look at Ron’s stream [13395] iEndeavourrr: link! [13395] lemony__: WATCH RON [13395] Gxdwin17: these guys are good, use guns [13395] raider_484: they beat oozie [13395] MrDinoNuggs: lawd have mercy [13396] random124524: can somene please time me out i wanna see what happens [13396] fropppee: BRO IF JUNKO LOSES 20 BANDS LMAOOOO [13396] RayanB7_: 20k you get a 2-0 lead [13396] ShaTimes: rdcRdc [13396] recoil_128: l [13396] snoopdoggg42000: do it [13396] quaqzx: Bet on clix [13396] eaglez9889: xim coached him [13398] twitcheruser111: LLL ADDS' [13398] riverdontrun: riverdontrun subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 7 month streak! love you chunky junky [13398] larams76win: have fun being broke after bud [13398] xzxXander: no shotguns tho [13398] dexzeyy: 20 k crazy money [13398] rvapreme: FREE 20 BALL [13398] Flakeyy__: -20K [13398] kanyedrops: L adds [13398] Gucci_kid54: lebronJAM [13398] N0tLuxk: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [13398] OtakuCollabz: jynx finna be broke [13399] Nightbot: ussy [13399] Wilxzi: WWW [13399] joker_4life_: W 20 BANS [13399] JBabbb: L AD [13399] kr8money: hi [13399] rexyiu: he’s streaming [13399] sevyyy19: XIM LOST TO THEM IN A 2v1 [13399] TheKingPres: i think he is xim [13399] oquafa: -20k [13399] dieheartsaint: -100k all time [13399] EthanTop20: pre -20k [13399] skullrealms: 20k [13399] itzavatar: itzavatar subscribed with Prime. [13399] joshpisag: play bou [13399] Gucci_kid54: lebronJAM [13400] cuItous: rons ass dont worry [13400] linklink232: LMFAO [13400] wetnapkinz2: EASYYYYY [13400] pocketpengun: 20K DO IT LFG [13400] z6ch_: z6ch_ subscribed with Prime. [13401] RayanB7_: 20k you get a 2-0 lead @jynxzi [13401] ak_kobee: 20k pussy [13401] TheKingPres: i think he is ximi think he is ximi think he is xim [13401] JBabbb: L AD [13401] thddius: do 20 [13401] bennett_1938: L [13401] mrboomstick24: you finnan get your shi cooked [13401] wap_ncl: min 22k# [13401] ozilstar: 20 k rn [13401] YaBoiShayC_: -21k [13401] lukemahomie: wwwwwwwwww [13401] dukemms: 20k [13401] soundcloutken: CARTII [13401] Nightbot: Just sub bozo you’ll get no ads, my emotes, double the channel points, and guess what you will also get my beautiful charm that you will never lose, and many more!!!! #subuporshutup [13401] Gucci_kid54: lebronJAM [13402] icey_quax: MIDD [13402] zae_lowasf2005: clix got bread [13402] bluefaceburnitt: bro has that mj gambling addiction [13402] fyrlefanz: AlienDance [13402] slayerx2903: CARTI [13402] pizzapuck: LL [13402] jplunk96: clip decent. He beat xim [13402] RayanB7_: 20k you get a 2-0 lead @jynxzi [13402] asully29: that kids ass [13402] Jaywrldz_: 😂😂😂😂😂 [13402] krow927: you’ve met your Match 😂 [13402] onlythefiji: LUL LUL LUL [13402] arrkane420: W KETAMINE [13402] joshpisag: 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭 [13402] EthanTop20: 💀 [13403] dreamzzgottwitch: UP 20 [13403] Gucci_kid54: lebronJAM [13403] syphon_ac007: 20k would be an insane vid [13403] dive_bomb2120: Ron is ass [13403] icey_quax: middd [13403] gokuui284: Z [13403] hunxhodactivist: TURN OFF ADS FATSO [13403] RayanB7_: 20k you get a 2-0 lead @jynxzi [13403] c0cksy: c0cksy subscribed with Prime. [13404] Icyyonkbm: lmaoo [13404] TierBlood: IF YOU LOSE 20K YOU ARE LEAVING [13404] todomai: LMAOO [13404] W1dx: !charm [13404] Freezy3422: erm [13404] tt_thic_boy: L add [13404] cxonwashere: CARTI [13404] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [13404] rustisbestgamever: DONT LOCK THEY DHEAT [13404] gokuui284: S [13404] jager_acog1: 22 ads is crazy [13404] Thezachcannon: 20k lol [13404] TrillShotYa: turn up that old junko [13404] igotforksss: if 20 k use weapons don’t be dumb [13405] kreninn1: LMFAOOOOOOOOO [13405] dingles0n: L [13405] icey_quax: midddmidd [13405] jkdhdhdudd: don’t do 1v2 please jinx listen [13405] Nightbot: 😂 [13405] vthcc: !watchtime [13405] RayanB7_: 20k you get a 2-0 lead @jynxzi [13405] Gucci_kid54: lebronJAM [13405] megablow2: they beat oozie [13405] SlickToCrazy: i got 16 ads bro wtf [13405] forky999: he’s ass [13405] StreamElements: vthcc has spent 4 days 16 hours watching jynxzi [13405] pr0_killer2: LMAO [13405] wetnapkinz2: THEY ASS [13406] RiIey5k: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [13406] snipezabambi: -21k tonight [13406] Bassguy777: LUL [13406] icey_quax: middd [13406] byronrud6: GG [13406] tcomo21: he’s bad [13406] ReallyFree: ReallyFree subscribed with Prime. [13406] RayanB7_: 20k you get a 2-0 lead @jynxzi [13407] et0yo: you can’t do 20 [13407] notjaymx: LMAOO [13407] mags3776: gg [13407] nugo_c: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [13407] zxourii: WW [13407] scoo6ie_la: ayyyy [13407] soundcloutken: LOLO [13407] i_run_brad: wait gg [13407] snoopdoggg42000: 20 bands [13407] sonofalawnmower_: BAM ACE!!!!!!! [13407] benrr6: !sub [13407] costascp07: ron is shit [13407] benzofever: 1/7 LuvOops LuvOops LuvOops [13407] uriynosov: clix is a twat [13407] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [13408] kiparskii: don’t go 20 bands [13408] bloodwzrd: 🏃 food [13408] IIDoomsdayI: middddd [13408] sway_fish8: WWWWWWWWWW [13408] RiIey5k: W RON [13408] tellyg47: negative 21k is crazy [13408] resky: hahahahahaha [13408] chxmpzdagoat: lmao [13408] EthanTop20: LMAO [13408] Nightbot: 👀 [13408] erraticdoge: when is caseoh 1v1 [13408] RayanB7_: 20k you get a 2-0 lead @jynxzi [13408] AaroonDMC: WWWWW [13408] fpsdom_: YEAH GGS [13408] cqmerpn: jynxziBounce jynxziBounce jynxziBounce jynxziBounce [13409] chazwell: 7 adds [13409] 0zen1k: ASSSSS [13409] CzarSway: Hurry up jynxzi, I got a bedtime [13409] theninetails316: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [13409] envyfn____: LMAOOOOOOOO [13409] SovietSoyBoi: 😂😂😂 [13409] elecpro715: L ad [13409] canadian_pizza_420: L [13409] cowzay: LMFAO [13409] rswaka: rswaka subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! [13410] Spooky149: Spooky149 subscribed with Prime. [13410] abouia: abouia subscribed with Prime. [13410] the_ulltimat: the_ulltimat subscribed with Prime. [13410] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: W [13410] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: W [13411] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: W [13411] AustinnRod25: buddy bouta crash out [13411] sxaynecahill: CLIX IS GOOD U ARE FUCKED [13411] DomRamp: LMAOOOO [13411] g_h_o_s_t__yt: so mid lmao [13411] fpsdom_: GGS [13411] stirzy_: ☠️☠️☠️ [13411] drksolos: trash [13411] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: W [13411] piecectrlshaq: LMOAOOOO [13411] jumbodwarf: lebronArrive [13411] RiIey5k: WONWWON WON WON WON [13411] Tonetekkers: NAHHHH LMAOOO [13411] ZachXc48: hahaahah [13411] vantagecontrol: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [13412] d44rkfire: LL ADS [13412] joker_4life_: UR DONE [13412] leaf_with_durag: WWWW [13412] soccerbacca1718: l ad [13412] scoo6ie_la: w [13412] StreamElements: @Denis_goatedTTV, denis_goatedttv has been following jynxzi for 7 months 17 days 23 hours [13412] Banorange27: from clix to this [13412] xenobile: LMAOOOOOOOOO [13412] huegrection132: smash [13412] Nickname_isQ: WWWWWW RON [13413] RayanB7_: 20k you get a 2-0 lead @jynxzi [13414] notjaymx: LMAOOO [13414] Crazydave3255: WWWW [13414] gdg901: WWWWWWWWW [13414] lolzaustin: Ur losing that 😂 [13414] Bdubz_MMIV: wwwww [13414] soundcloutken: HAHAHAHAA [13414] bman6913: THIS SHIT IS ASS [13414] fxnn555: CHRISTIAN DOIOR [13414] RayanB7_: 20k you get a 2-0 lead @jynxzi [13414] poohelicoptr: gg [13414] PEEEENPAPI: W CARTI [13414] forky999: WWW SONG [13414] sandy_sir: 💀💀 [13414] soulzthegoat: LMAOOOO [13414] g_h_o_s_t__yt: gg [13415] Gucci_kid54: lebronJAM [13415] KytanaKB: LMAO [13415] imtromixx: W [13415] NetherBlade6: ads [13415] rxzerss: WWWWWWWWWWWW [13415] iamslimjesus: tf [13415] Wilxzi: WWW [13415] sundaygamer468: Chat, so we're poor [13415] rayzobe: +18k [13415] Privvyhh: W [13415] dfaoverdrive: KAI IS WAITING [13415] bzLink: so much more passion than you 💀 [13415] matimaton6208: XD [13415] updog724: K RON IS ASS [13415] Nightbot: k [13416] shoxkzz: shoxkzz subscribed at Tier 1. [13417] scoo6ie_la: w [13417] crazy_gamer_online: 20gs [13417] c4yd3en: Ladd [13417] zynreaper: www [13417] stirzy_: WWW [13417] ZachXc48: Lmaoooooooo [13417] abelossk: DinoDance DinoDance [13417] cali_livin_ttv: lmao [13417] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: WARTI [13417] bman6913: W RON [13417] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: WARTI [13417] raider_484: they beat oozie don’t do 20k [13417] Gucci_kid54: lebronJAM [13417] jumbodwarf: lebronJAM [13417] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: WARTI [13418] w33t0dd: WWWWWW [13418] lemony__: WWWW [13418] TheKingPres: i think he is ximi think he is ximi think he is ximi think he is xim [13418] 6ft2jordan: ur cooked [13418] charlie1704_: W energy [13418] the_big_b0ss__: WWW [13418] MellzWrld: LMFAOO [13418] fpsfears: WWWWW [13419] RayanB7_: 20k you get a 2-0 lead @jynxzi [13420] choppahcitylone: choppahcitylone subscribed with Prime. [13420] plxyboimave_: bro is opiu, [13420] Austinn143: LMAFOOOO [13420] fate_harley: LMFAOOO [13420] mortelh: bet everything on clix [13420] joshpisag: W [13420] jtrow273: wtf 💀 [13420] apex_pastor: wwww [13420] yankeesrule75: LMAOOOO [13420] Privvyhh: WW [13420] SuperNintendoMike: MY EARS [13420] jcarterradio: ayyeeeeee [13420] sxaynecahill: YOU ARE DOWN 22k [13420] SovietSoyBoi: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [13420] lolzaustin: Lmao 💀 [13421] Gucci_kid54: lebronJAM [13421] sfloww: GGs [13421] dhogger083108: part time part time part time part time part time part time part time part time part time part time part time part time part time part time part time part time part time part time part time [13421] ZombieBra1n: Who is that? [13421] kreninn1: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [13421] WufBro: ACOUSTIC BRO [13421] Vamnpire_: LAMOOOOO [13421] Captain_Clout1: your cooked [13421] mr_mayhue: mr_mayhue subscribed with Prime. [13421] RyanMuxlow: RyanMuxlow subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! wooo [13422] TRAYW1N: TRAYW1N subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! [13423] TheSlxp: WWWWWWWW [13423] kiingbaaby: wwwwwwww [13423] jynxgddaim: w Ron [13423] nailwind: perced up [13423] stirzy_: wwwwwwww [13423] TheeGrizz_: LMAOOOOO [13423] rt4tw: your getting slammed junko [13423] jumbodwarf: lebronJAM [13423] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [13423] leekaudio: 🤣🤣🤣🤣 [13423] Privvyhh: S33YUHHH [13423] h2kscribble1: h2kscribble1 subscribed at Tier 1. [13423] lurks1000: tweakin [13423] yungKIBE: LMAO AURA [13423] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [13424] lexereth_1: bruh [13424] PEEEENPAPI: WW CARTI [13424] quinnnythefos: ur cooked [13424] Gucci_kid54: lebronJAM [13424] pr0_killer2: SO ITS 1 V 1 [13424] DOOMlNATlON: 💀 [13424] stuartox: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [13424] Wilxzi: W SONG [13424] hate_wt: WWWWW [13424] ditiboiii: lmao [13424] afkpineapple54: afkpineapple54 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! YUH [13426] anya1788: DinoDance [13426] yomikei: W RON [13426] nikisimmer2015: Lmaoooo [13426] alexisdummm: KEN CARRASSOOONNNN N [13426] Stello96: RONS LOCKING IN 💯💯 [13426] nailwind: PERCED UP BRO [13426] qzchiy: what song is that? [13426] joeybagga5: yo he tapped lmfao [13426] stirzy_: ww [13426] kareemnour23: Wwwwwww [13426] xeanicfn: ur fucked [13426] TheKingPres: i think he is ximi think he is xim [13426] leekaudio: 😭😭😭😭😭 [13426] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀 [13426] fpsdom_: GGS CHAT [13427] joshpisag: CLIX [13427] jorgeguy_: WWWWWWWWWW [13427] ropeyantelope: W [13427] dr3wcrazy: hes a fortnight pro the skill kinda translates [13427] itsrageyy: WWWWWWWW [13427] archiejsmall: jynxziGoodAim_SG jynxziGoodAim_SG [13427] Gucci_kid54: lebronJAM [13427] Falendrix: Huh [13427] emanciool: aura [13429] willserpa: willserpa subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! jynxziRage [13429] Privvyhh: WWW [13429] dxrkiiie: WWWWW [13429] SovietSoyBoi: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [13429] mibarrajr: passion [13429] dieheartsaint: WWWWWWW [13429] podolskislegacy: wwww [13429] Robomb_: WWWWWWWWWWWWW [13429] rubyinsane: yeah you’re fucked [13429] yungKIBE: LMAO AURA [13429] snydc: LMFAO. [13429] oisinok158: WW [13429] chicken_nuggets0772: add… [13429] TheKingPres: i think he is ximi think he is ximi think he is ximi think he is xim [13429] DovahNZ: L SONG [13430] TokinTime_: LUL jynxziLaugh LUL jynxziLaugh [13430] arrowzgotnomotion: pasionate [13430] Gucci_kid54: lebronJAM [13430] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀 [13430] Privvyhh: WWWWW [13430] swoleboh: ofc he [13430] Jvsttt: :( [13430] poshystew: its ovver [13430] joshpisag: AURA [13430] PEEEENPAPI: WW CARTI lebronJAM [13430] dieheartsaint: WWWW [13430] quinnnythefos: L kid is cooked asf [13430] vantagecontrol: denzWOO denzWOO denzWOO denzWOO denzWOO denzWOO [13430] Fossabot: @qball4161, Your message is too long [2x] [13430] yungKIBE: LMAO AURA [13431] 6Mes: W [13431] nevec45: gg [13431] RTFcandy: L AD [13431] bronnyiswaiting: jynxzi losing 20 racks he def ending stream [13431] stirzy_: wwwwwwww [13431] jjgarcia333: you’re cooked 💀💀 [13431] bzLink: you’re cooked 💀 [13431] dm3the111: safPack safPack safPack safPack safPack safPack [13431] yeballs69: yeballs69 subscribed at Tier 1. [13433] kutzfv: bros cooked [13433] nsgvonvon: stream laggy asl [13433] hsksink: ur done bud [13433] legomanplays32: THSI IS FIRE [13433] ShnoodsGaming: WWWWWWWW [13433] joshpisag: KNIFE [13433] etnad_420: jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY [13433] IGL_strmz: it ggsss [13433] stirzy_: wwwwwww [13433] yvlyfe: lmfao its wraps for you [13433] smurkeys: smurkeys subscribed at Tier 1. [13433] quinnnythefos: L ur done [13433] aaiden120: jinx he can you tell me how to link my Ubisoft account so I can get the charm [13433] ikshmael: lmfao [13433] codymarks: codymarks subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months! [13434] flycoconut14: W RONNN [13434] jacobisxani: lebronJAM [13434] twizzy1080p: CLIX IS LOCKED [13434] Jshaw520: WWWWWWW SONG [13434] mauromz1020: W add subway better [13434] perplexed_00: LMAO [13434] envvixityy: so its a 1v1 [13434] atlas_638: PRIME RON IS BACK!! [13434] Nightbot: Blue crown —-> Free —-> no ads —-> charm: https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [13435] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: he knows real music unlike u [13435] natodude: natodude subscribed with Prime. [13435] lkunaiii: lkunaiii subscribed with Prime. [13436] ikshmael: this guys as [13436] indago11: Ur done [13436] etnad_420: jynxziCORNY jynxzi0x jynxzi0x jynxzi0x jynxziCORNY jynxzi0x jynxzi0x jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY [13436] Nightbot: 😂 [13436] voxxyyyyyyyyy: 💀💀 [13436] NsH_d: so much aura [13436] riley_s2124: yep you’re getting swept [13436] yungKIBE: LMAO AURA [13436] cornificusy: WITHOUT GUNS TS EASSYYYYY [13436] arrkane420: 2 IN HIS BRAINS [13436] hiphen07: PLAY MUSIC BRO LOCK IN [13436] PEEEENPAPI: WW CARTI lebronJAM [13436] lolzaustin: He’s locked [13436] leekaudio: 🔊🔊🔊🔊 [13436] jcarterradio: 🔥🔥🔥🔥 [13437] cosmicceejay: na he on coke fr [13437] kxngpsycho: YOURE COOKED BUD [13437] k33gan8or: k33gan8or subscribed with Prime. [13437] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: he knows real music unlike u [13438] loveonkota: loveonkota subscribed at Tier 1. [13439] trashpanda526: trashpanda526 subscribed at Tier 1. [13439] JumpyNguyen: 8 ADS [13439] wirxxyZ: carti > yb [13439] oisinok158: Www [13439] renzo_cer: LLLLLLLLLLL ADS [13439] CKtheKidd: It's over bruh [13439] tyweepitch123: BROS LOCKED [13439] quinnnythefos: say goodnight [13439] jcarterradio: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 [13439] Bdubz_MMIV: broke imagine gettin ads [13439] Bizo_3: WWWW [13439] havingagoodday1029: your cookedd [13439] cuddle_xd: FUC IS DIS SONG [13439] nikisimmer2015: gg [13439] TheKingPres: i think he is ximi think he is ximi think he is ximi think he is xim [13441] joshpisag: L VAPER [13441] fouahh: ur cooked [13441] steph_mcflurry1: he’s better than you [13441] Wilxzi: CARTI RUNNIN 2024 [13441] sora444411: aura [13441] marigeeked: w tunes [13442] Foreex7: lolpop LULW [13442] brocenito: !watchtime [13442] jcarterradio: 🔥🔥🔥 [13442] knotchmann: YOURE DONE [13442] etnad_420: jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY [13442] apex_pastor: * [13442] aidenkillsnoobs: ron funny asf [13442] Original_Corn: WHAT IS BLUD ON [13442] havingagoodday1029: your cooked [13442] jwolfe7803: jynxziSmoke [13442] StreamElements: brocenito has spent 5 days 14 hours watching jynxzi [13442] erraticdoge: is when fan mail [13442] poshystew: yea its over [13442] awill13: U NEED VIBES BADLY @Jynxzi [13442] alcoholicalbert: WHATTTT THHEEEE FUCKKKK jynxziBounce jynxziBounce jynxziBounce [13443] itickleguys2331: sdfsdfsdf [13443] silver_ninjah689: benjam194Bop [13443] bigdaddybob12345: !sub [13443] podolskislegacy: gg [13443] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [13443] faide13689: jynxziGoodAim [13443] IGL_strmz: it over [13443] leekaudio: 🔊🔊🔊🔊 [13443] max1392: max1392 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! Your getting smoked [13443] ggh0stz: WHAT SONG [13443] etnad_420: jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY [13443] JayDontPlay3: LL [13443] dr3wcrazy: you’re done [13443] StreamElements: jxdenonpercs has spent 3 days 10 hours watching jynxzi [13444] joshpisag: LLL VAPER [13444] Yourboy_Mimic: gg [13445] 730H: wait they are locked [13445] jcarterradio: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 [13445] dr3wcrazy: hes a fortnight pro the skill kinda translates [13445] TowardsNate: Xim was coaching [13445] Chagss1: 4 HOURS MAX GONNA BE DOWN 21K [13445] TheNameIsMarino: 5k you losing [13445] jussmarcos: aura [13445] eggtu200: !watchtime [13445] havingagoodday1029: your cookedd [13445] kutzfv: chunks is cooked [13446] StreamElements: eggtu200 has spent 30 mins watching jynxzi [13446] Chaniibak: Chaniibak subscribed with Prime. [13446] romitico123: bie men [13446] patriccee: GG THEY HAVE SO MUCH AURASA [13446] NOTBless: THEYRE SO LOCKED LMAOOO [13446] br0ke_m0nk1629: riccin1SLAP riccin1SLAP riccin1SLAP riccin1SLAP [13446] JBizzy_1: 20 racks = end stream [13446] Bdubz_MMIV: aura [13446] narcississtss: KETAMINE [13446] jtuck09: 30000billon ads [13446] Gucci_kid54: get the pc ready @jynxzi [13446] k1ng_szabo: !Link# [13446] joshpisag: L VAPER [13446] abelossk: AURA [13446] ejayee1: Pre negative 21k [13447] lancerivera32: lancerivera32 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months! [13447] N0tLuxk: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [13447] pVoh: aura [13447] joker_4life_: UR DONE BUDDY [13447] sxaynecahill: coffee shut yo dumb ass up [13447] Keremrgll: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [13447] Bizo_3: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [13447] zxneyyyy: !Link [13447] Nightbot: @zxneyyyy If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [13447] Lorrd: Lorrd subscribed at Tier 1. [13447] Gucci_kid54: get the pc ready @jynxzi [13447] ggh0stz: SONGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG [13447] Nightbot: @grahhhhhhh -> Woohoo! [stop posting links] [warning] [13447] zPlutoXX: zPlutoXX subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 3 month streak! JYNNNNNXIIIIIIIII [13447] chrisarg17: that mf on 6 grams of coke [13448] gooofyx: PRE END [13448] PEEEENPAPI: WW CARTI lebronJAM [13448] poshystew: pre end [13448] dfaoverdrive: KAI IS WAITING [13449] mrguy313: mrguy313 subscribed at Tier 1. [13449] hamaxyz45: GG BRO [13449] Jshaw520: KETAMINE [13449] sway_fish8: SMAOKING THAT JYNXZI PACK [13449] kazariustv3150: SUBprise SUBprise SUBprise SUBprise SUBprise SUBprise SUBprise [13449] fardin906: GG [13449] zynreaper: 20 bands [13449] anviani: peepoClap -$20000 incoming peepoClap [13449] asvp_jose: SO MUCH AURAAA [13449] N0tLuxk: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [13449] daddychal: it’s over for chunko [13449] Gucci_kid54: get the pc ready @jynxzi [13449] fugginsus: HOW DO YALL LISTEN TO SUCH TRASH MUSIC [13450] 0zen1k: HE WANNA BE JUNKOOO [13450] iiivalnxxiii: wwww [13450] Roastedninga: sucking on a lolipop [13450] sathviktx: !watchtime [13450] MiscuringLOL: ur done bro [13450] ggh0stz: WHAT WAS THAT [13450] StreamElements: sathviktx has spent 4 days 21 hours watching jynxzi [13450] brazydudeLIVE: LMAOOOOOOOO [13450] etnad_420: jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY [13450] joshua_crump_: LLLL [13450] xx_allonsy_xx: hes sucking hard [13450] jwolfe7803: jynxziPACK [13450] dieheartsaint: kaicSturdyy jynxziBounce jynxziFALL kaicSturdyy jynxziFALL jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziFALL jynxziBounce [13450] 262brando: chilling [13450] Kirashogi: get sketch and 2v2 them [13453] TowardsNate: xim was coachingg them [13453] icetradericon: Adreall makes anyone good at games [13453] abelossk: KETAMINE [13453] obo1kanobo: 20GS [13453] joker_4life_: -20 RAXKS [13453] Gucci_kid54: get the pc ready @jynxzi [13453] zynreaper: 20 [13453] PEEEENPAPI: WW CARTI lebronJAM [13453] coyote_man93: w lungs [13453] mar5119: GG [13453] yungKIBE: LMAO AURA [13453] marie_xm: CARTIII [13453] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [13453] solobtw7: ITS OVER 4 YOU [13453] LordBendtnerIsWatching: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [13454] scrollerkp: L Smoker [13454] skillathadrilla: holy shit ron is lit [13454] Actavisttt: Actavisttt gifted a Tier 1 sub to skysxvl! [13454] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [13455] krakenkie: w cigar [13455] DovahNZ: gloves [13455] acidthriller: OH SHITTT STEPPA HE BLOWING REAL SMOKE [13455] stricklygreen56: COPY CATO [13455] juansonwick: AURA [13455] FadedJunior710: we made these people multimillionaires [13455] spider4hirexd: WWW [13455] k1ng_szabo: !Link [13456] Bdubz_MMIV: clix a pro at a shooter game [13456] ssgninjacookie: Cheer1 Cheer1 [13456] conveyspy: !watchtime [13456] GinjeNinja: AHAHAHAHAHAH [13456] StreamElements: conveyspy has spent 5 days 3 hours watching jynxzi [13456] c4yd3en: lads [13456] Zstriker117: jynxzi clonessss [13456] tazer777: 44 hours is crazy [13456] jacobo_G554: KETAMINE [13456] henry_30_20_10: L smoking [13456] maseball62398: 100k [13456] kreators_dusk: LMAO [13456] nate_menace: jynxi clone [13456] DovahNZ: clones [13456] raider_484: they beat oozie don’t do 20k [13457] smurkeys: !charm [13457] yungKIBE: LMAO AURA [13457] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [13457] abelossk: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [13457] izzye64: really lost 1800 [13457] alaskanwhiskey: L addict [13457] lotusizk: JUST GIMME MY MUNYON [13457] bdogslayer1: junko your cooked [13457] Stello96: MINUS 20K INBOUND [13457] numberonericciglazer: SHITTING ON YOU [13457] filthy_pleb1: junko is cooked [13457] Gucci_kid54: get the pc ready @jynxzi [13457] obluey1: obluey1 subscribed with Prime. [13457] krakenkie: W cigar [13458] giovanninardozzi: giovanninardozzi is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [13458] giovanninardozzi: giovanninardozzi gifted a Tier 1 sub to justinsturek69! [13458] bbqoill: his aura is to high combined with clix you're done.. [13458] chaceoneal: SEEEEEEEEYAHH [13458] wuhbzz: w [13459] Im_Jarod: 4 hour mark approaching ‼️‼️ [13459] a_pickled_gamer_yt: song [13459] kinoth_: real [13459] bigdaddyblake35: !sub [13459] NOTBless: YOU GOT THIS JYNX [13459] DrSweattt: tuff [13459] Kirashogi: get sketch for a 2v2 [13459] Nightbot: real [13459] patriccee: GG THEY HAVE MORENAURA [13459] xammbi: they beat xim youre chalked [13459] somebody23332: L smoker [13459] dogglwoggle: why [13459] narcississtss: KETAMINE IM VOUCHING FOR RON IDC I LOVE CARTI [13459] ElkTheElk: all true [13460] jud000aw: bro don is so sick I’m going ghere [13460] olezaltvik: addss noooo [13460] krakenkie: W CIGAR [13460] Skyzz75: Whats the song [13460] your_boitris: jynxziPACK [13460] ST2EDITS_: JYNXZI IS GONNA GET SMOKED ICL [13460] youb4450: L [13460] IOH_Gunnin: this guy fucks [13460] iyawnj: SMOKE THEY ASSSS [13460] chickenfinger198: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [13461] igotforksss: if 20 k use weapons don’t be dumb [13461] yungKIBE: LMAO AURA [13461] NsH_d: we want lazerdim700 stream [13461] ccolchester: song? [13461] bruhhtito: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [13461] zynreaper: 20 bands [13461] hamaxyz45: wwwwwwww [13461] pb_orka: l ad [13461] bagchasintilltheend: PUT MUSIC [13461] Fossabot: @NickParadoxx, Your message is too long [13461] poshystew: pre ending [13461] anzbeaux00009: L NIC [13461] EthanTop20: he is [13461] CMOMoney187: getsketch 2v2v [13461] patriccee: GG THEY HAVE AURA [13462] zxourii: LAMAOAOOA [13462] killjoy778: LOCK TF I [13463] maryjxneee: L nicotine [13463] blakkrose4: L [13463] fsg_finalfury5: I'm ready! Bhahahaha [13463] dm3the111: safPack safPack safPack safPack safPack safPack safPack safPack [13463] imfadedzds: ???? [13463] nickyvxn: L SMOKER [13463] soundcloutken: MINI XIM [13463] grtheking10: sketch is waiting [13463] kreators_dusk: COOKED [13463] ijexseu: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke [13463] Xuipo: WWWWWW [13463] rahdri__: ew [13463] wolfdenzob17: w nic [13463] oPlxnets: -21k [13464] bzLink: 💀 [13464] dylanjohnson6978: dont inhale [13464] hamaxyz45: wwwwwwwwwwww [13464] jjgarcia333: you’re cooked 💀💀 [13464] oisinok158: L vaper [13464] Freezy3422: L LUNGS [13464] isaxesss: !watchtime [13464] bagchasintilltheend: MUSIC [13464] yungKIBE: LMAO AURA [13464] EthanTop20: 💀 [13464] hollowtreess: L SMOKERL SMOKER [13464] Knitgher: bros cooking [13464] cburns_13: L SMOKER [13464] hashoeke: 💀💀💀💀 [13464] StreamElements: isaxesss has spent 20 mins watching jynxzi [13465] hiphen07: LOCK THAT ASS IN [13465] Fear_Cluxzy: gg [13466] dominantace7: EL PRESIDENTE [13466] dm3the111: safPack safPack safPack [13466] itsjaredd_: DAVID GOGGIBS [13466] abelossk: more aura than tou [13466] bagchasintilltheend: PUT MUSIC [13466] jayofrmdashh21: ggs [13466] hamaxyz45: wwwwwwwwww [13466] johnj_71: Jynxzis bout to shit on them On my mommas life [13466] bazl4k: L smoker [13466] hollowtreess: L SMOKERL SMOKERL SMOKER [13466] schizo76: lolipop [13466] braxtonkerlin24: 7 ads bro [13466] killjoy778: LOCK INNNNN [13466] blake_v4: dont fuck with them theyre on drugs [13466] soundcloutken: LOL [13467] Nightbot: 😂 [13467] TurtlesAndButterflies: AURA [13467] evxn143: junior is fat [13467] nightfight25: real [13467] LordBendtnerIsWatching: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [13467] gScxtty: W STABLE RONALDO [13467] sr_gamefreak: smoking that clix pack [13467] SnickleWiggle: SnickleWiggle subscribed with Prime. [13467] daskye_: I found jesus christian dior [13467] yungKIBE: LMAO AURA [13468] ImCaptRogers: wwwwwwwwww [13468] hsbsoge: tooooo [13468] kinoth_: LMFAO [13468] 21r621: bye im out shit takin to long [13468] k1ng_szabo: !LINK [13468] pVoh: lol [13468] akashgahlon: WWWWWWWWWW [13468] archiejsmall: jynxziGoodAim_SG [13468] N00bydy: smoke that pack [13468] iamphoenix_rickad: sketch is waiting [13468] yankeesrule75: LMAOOOO [13468] chaceoneal: KETAMINE [13468] nightfight25: w [13468] davisito_pr: Aura [13468] Clumzxy: true [13469] Hybs_: LMAO [13469] juarezrocks: juarezrocks subscribed at Tier 1. [13469] swoleboh: jynxziGoodAim squishySIUUUU dont get shit on [13469] yungKIBE: LMAO AURA [13469] DtTekoo: lock innnn [13469] iyawnj: FUCK EM UP DADDY [13469] slackerzz26: W CIGAR [13469] cowzay: stabeOBCD ImTyping [13469] Gucci_kid54: tell him to sing payphone LMAO [13469] bardown16__: Ronaldo lowkey making a comeback [13469] toot_________: jynxzi kinda of look like the terminator [13469] urixhh: W smoker [13469] jasontodler: stfu [13469] mam_u_mad_bro: mam_u_mad_bro subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! Love you my guy keep it up [13469] Nightbot: no 🧢 [13470] monkeymuncher129: where’s the whisky [13470] yungKIBE: LMAO AURA [13470] cowzay: stabeOBCD ImTyping [13471] opiumwizard777: RON GOT AURA ITS OVER [13471] LF_Hombre: CAP [13471] drcornchips: ANDREW TATE LOOKIN AHH [13471] abelossk: more aura than you [13471] Kinggum10: junkoPls junkoPls junkoPls [13471] officialgoulden: they beat Oozie yesterday [13471] mrbobbybob999: When is clips? [13471] thewickedmango: VAPERRRRR [13471] laziejc: week [13471] hollowtreess: L SMOKERL SMOKERL SMOKERL SMOKERL SMOKERL SMOKERL SMOKERL SMOKERL SMOKERL SMOKERL SMOKERL SMOKERL SMOKERL SMOKERL SMOKERL SMOKERL SMOKERL SMOKERL SMOKERL SMOKERL SMOKER [13471] DtTekoo: lock in.. [13471] yungKIBE: LMAO AURA [13471] keagan861: do tricks with the smoke [13472] eventyrg: L smoker [13472] bowlofcerl: when’s the 2v1 [13472] l8r_pumpkin: DID SOME DUMBASS JUST SAY L LUNGS BUDDY ITS A CIGAR U FAT FUCK [13472] emptyshelly: ALL POINTS ON CLIX AND RON [13472] biggiebills777: ?????? [13472] dylanjohnson6978: in hale is crazy [13472] rexyiu: that’s you [13472] naim_on_top08: L LUNGS [13472] hsbsoge: yooo [13472] jaethedon__: glazing clix like he ya boyfriend 😭 [13472] archiejsmall: SSSsss jynxziGoodAim_SG [13472] akashgahlon: DONT GET TOO HIGH [13472] bradennnnn__: LETS GO JUNKKKKKK [13472] lava_corruptor: xim [13472] SwaidOnTwitch: L Smoker [13473] Gucci_kid54: tell him to sing payphone LMAO [13473] a1dannnnn: lmaoooooo [13473] cleerk77: 44 hours [13473] cube_of_dust: L AD [13473] mulletbreakk: jynxzi is waiting [13474] AustinnRod25: im dead [13474] Gluppiee: W PAYPHONE GUY [13474] RiIey5k: LMAOO [13474] evxn143: farty [13474] giovanninardozzi: nb [13474] ykmmikey: L AD [13474] lukemahomie: wwwwwwwww [13474] sami_etu: L SMOKING [13474] hsbsoge: yoooo [13475] EthanTop20: sing payphone kid 💀 [13475] Gucci_kid54: tell him to sing payphone LMAO [13475] highdefx: LMFAO [13475] pzazzzy: L 💨 [13475] gnvismad: lmfaoooooooooo [13475] coopdog9: L [13475] siegeman3k: tom Clancy siege nah cook simulater [13475] Nilgaus: 😂😂😂😂 [13475] yungKIBE: LMAO AURA [13475] Stello96: NOBODY SAID THAT 🗣🗣 [13475] spector_J1: L flex [13475] itsdaniloomg: I AM GOING TO MAKE THE NBA AMEN 11 DANILO SIMIC 🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀 [13475] deauri7: ANYONE FREE gifters [13475] DDRBIGFREAK: anybody see the shower with your dad simulator in ron;s steam? [13475] jussmarcos: hes not a part timer [13476] iyawnj: SMOKE THEIR PACK DADDY [13476] centcal: L 26 MINUTE ADS [13476] leemer34: EXACT CLONE OF YOU [13476] Gucci_kid54: tell him to sing payphone LMAO [13476] foehammer6969: i gotta pee [13476] hsbsoge: yooo [13476] glaceeonn: AURA [13476] bdog997: JYNXZIIIIIIIIIIIIIII [13476] IwantMatcha: IwantMatcha subscribed at Tier 1. [13476] hrvatski_momak: !watchtime [13476] loveonkota: i got a ad [13476] m1ss_jd: yappathon [13476] camilocarr: whats happenin rn just joined [13476] StreamElements: hrvatski_momak has spent 21 hours 30 mins watching jynxzi [13477] ixmtommy: ixmtommy subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 9 month streak! me [13477] brandonp0175: chat you don’t inhale a cigar [13477] scoo6ie_la: w [13477] bzLink: so much aura [13477] ybchrish: 2v2 no weapons vs weapons you and stompn [13477] glitchflated: lmao [13477] DtTekoo: lock in. [13478] adrilplayz_: L smoker [13478] Carluz7: HAHAHAHA [13478] experrtheif_719: !sub [13478] hawada898: L aaadsssssss [13478] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [13478] jerome_diazzz: jerome_diazzz subscribed at Tier 1. [13478] Gucci_kid54: tell him to sing payphone LMAO [13478] AustinnRod25: yes brother [13478] daddymyker: shower wi9th your dad simulator?????? [13478] AleZ1VAL: l [13478] TyAbr_: AURAAAA [13478] evxn143: fattu [13478] itsyurboi_mike: 💀 [13478] erraticdoge: L fatty [13479] burkina_faso1: L [13479] Swerv_Auditori: 20 [13479] crazyfr0gtv: forsenCD [13479] drewscrat02: my king cmonnnnn brooooo [13479] Flakeyy__: L,MAOOOOOOOOOOO [13479] blakkrose4: cheap cigar [13479] zxourii: WW [13479] toecolleter23: w smoker himmmmmmmmm [13479] biggieegeek: Song? [13479] Gucci_kid54: tell him to sing payphone LMAO [13480] dirty50: yea he is [13480] zyns420: L [13480] godztheguy: sketch is waiting [13480] Harry__GG__: LUL LUL LUL [13480] r___drizzle: Pffttt [13480] DtTekoo: lock in/ [13480] lurkinq4: jjajahha [13480] ddrizzyyyyyy: BAN ACE FOR CLIX [13480] freeezayy23: VAPERRRR [13481] arabjoke: 💀 [13481] villevet23: shower with your dad simulator lol 😂 [13481] cube_of_dust: 4 ADS [13481] bbqoill: L VAPER [13481] sexysubie2002: first time he lit that right [13481] asxppayt: fact [13481] alfiez13: avid is waiting [13481] matimaton6208: el presidente [13481] plaisirCoquin: L [13481] Nightbot: “😂😂😂” -avidqr6 [13481] canadian_pizza_420: W Glazer [13481] Zxtrso: LAUGHING TO THE BANKKKKKKK [13481] astroidr6: LMFAOOOOO [13481] dylanjohnson6978: inhale is crazy [13481] Gucci_kid54: tell him to sing payphone LMAO [13482] a1dannnnn: W QUOTE [13482] lockeykockey3: DAMN [13482] soundcloutken: HAHAHA [13482] sebayg_: LMAO [13482] maallydub: you lost [13482] oisinok158: LVAPER [13482] zxourii: WWWWWWWWW LMFAOOAOA [13482] Kirashogi: 2 v 2 with sketch [13482] Diddyyyy: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [13482] PEEEENPAPI: LMAO [13482] r___drizzle: Pffttt [13482] dom2bred: 😂 [13482] WufBro: hype man [13482] Kinggum10: LMAO LMAO [13482] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 [13483] hubertflannigan: chrisdarr16 subscribed at Tier 1. [13483] valv3d: THATS AUTA [13483] DtTekoo: lock inl [13483] dimez1217: IF U LOSE TO THESE MFS WITH 3HRS IM UNSUBBING IF U LOSE TO THESE MFS WITH 3HRS IM UNSUBBING IF U LOSE TO THESE MFS WITH 3HRS IM UNSUBBING [13484] redbrookzie: redbrookzie subscribed at Tier 1. [13484] doonasty: COLD [13484] Diddyyyy: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [13484] darthmiyata: WWWWWW [13484] mateomyers31: bro is cringe [13484] iiafrovertii: !redeem [13484] RayanB7_: 💀 [13484] a1dannnnn: OH SHIT [13484] StreamElements: iiafrovertii, usage: !redeem [13484] rjk323: WWWWW [13484] johnsoninvestigator: Shower with your dad simulator?? [13484] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [13484] dylliett: WWWWWWWWWW [13484] bardown16__: RONALDO IS TRYING TO BE SKETCH [13484] xslenderyoshix: WWWWWW 143.1K VIEWERS jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [13485] zxourii: LMFOAOOAOAOAOAOAO [13485] drcornchips: ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper [13485] astroidr6: W RON [13485] jacobo_G554: @skyzz75 ketamine by playboi Carti [13485] braydenslsg: someone throw me a sub [13485] RayanB7_: 💀 [13485] apex_pastor: WWWWW******* [13485] ROWVI: :L [13485] poshystew: lung capacity - 0.1% [13485] smur7y: wwww [13485] amplify_o7: LMFAOO [13485] lemony__: I WELL NEVER KNOW [13485] Wilxzi: WWWW [13485] blazerna: LUL LUL LUL [13485] drewskii711: FLUENT IN YAPANESE [13486] chichi21091: L fein [13487] rosieeeee: rosieeeee subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! [13487] xlainuz: LMAAAO [13487] Wilxzi: W CARTI [13487] kreators_dusk: W CLIT [13487] zxourii: WWWW SONGGG [13487] rjk323: GGGGSSSS [13487] kingguine0: no [13487] lemonflamezz: L Opinion [13487] JamesSH45: when’s fanmail [13487] Privvyhh: WWWW [13487] RayanB7_: 💀💀 [13487] masjar3: !sub [13487] poohslime: huh [13487] acidthriller: LMAOO [13487] drewscrat02: my king cmonnnnn broooooo [13488] dustym0: jynxziGRIDDY [13488] PEEEENPAPI: RON GOT AURA [13488] jayben423: jayben423 subscribed with Prime. [13488] mayonnaise_steven: IRONIC [13488] CP3myGOAT: W EVILJORDAN [13488] imufir6: nice ads [13488] ikshmael: lmfao wwwwwwwwww [13488] abelossk: WWWWWW [13488] aceo8907: w [13488] RayanB7_: 💀 [13488] lala_land28: 44 Hours??? [13488] aaiden120: Jinx he can you tell me how to unlink my Ubisoft account so I can get it please I want to charm [13488] astroidr6: W RON 💀💀💀 [13488] paccofr: paccofr subscribed with Prime. [13488] JB1zzle7: W QUOTE [13489] NobodyTouchesLegoat2: IMHIM [13489] 0__fitz__0: !SUB [13489] Wilxzi: W [13490] aceo8907: ww [13490] Bizo_3: 💀💀❤️ [13490] Wilxzi: WWW [13490] ikshmael: www [13490] StoneyStarboy: Damn [13490] Zxtrso: LOCK INNNN SLIMEEEEE [13490] EditzIsShambles: W sorng [13490] grevekindt: real music always wins [13490] ashtn1738: fr [13490] lukie_pookie77: WW [13490] bananasuckwins: jynxziLaugh [13490] LarivDesigns: LarivDesigns subscribed with Prime. [13490] gibranthhhh: FUCK THEM [13490] joshpisag: Ayee [13491] Nightbot: real [13491] woventer: L SMOKER [13491] webdapleb: AURA [13491] xxxlando90: gooddddddddddd aimdddd [13491] keagan861: popcorn lungs 💀💀 [13491] jynxziisbest1231: wwww [13491] Gucci_kid54: payphone guy LMAO [13491] aubesmeister92: AURA [13491] enrikfn: onggg [13491] j_c_r582: gift sub pls [13491] JG_QwERtY: lollllll [13491] Democtic: democt1Griddy democt1Griddy democt1Griddy democt1Griddy democt1Griddy democt1Griddy [13491] phiiiilthy: henchmen [13491] dieheartsaint: WWWWWWWWW [13491] Nightbot: gifting you luck in finding a job 🙏🏻 [13492] oisinok158: L VAPER [13492] 17AAlexx17: WWWWWWWWWWWWW SONGSSSSSSSS [13493] basedgodliv: THE AURA IS CRAZYYYY [13493] eeffeybeefy: !link [13493] Wilxzi: HE HAS AURA [13493] damnbro0_0: W SONG [13493] baseballkid_rivers: play get In with me [13493] rockyrapid: L vaper [13493] Jpilzx: W CARTI [13493] joshpisag: evil jordan [13493] abelossk: WWWWWWW [13493] Nightbot: @eeffeybeefy If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [13493] chichi21091: L FEIN [13493] jynxziisbest1231: w [13493] maallydub: w aura [13496] dusllbee: 💀💀 [13496] zech_12: L vaper [13496] kaiden6710: na shower with your dad is crazy in bottom left [13496] foogerman: L VAPERRRRRRRR [13496] caseoh4L: ahhhhhh im bautta busttttttt [13497] bruhluis: LMAOOO [13497] sami_etu: L SMOKING [13497] bandhi27: DONT BE A RON [13497] rayepenberrr: THAT FIRST SONG WAS LEAKED CARTI? SEND THAT!!!!! [13497] AsianMyles: RON IS BETTER [13497] djtomato8__: L ad [13497] Jshaw520: WWWWW [13497] rocodhadra: AURA [13497] RayanB7_: he has so much aura [13497] bigtonka7: 2024MUSIC [13497] gradyseltzer: late [13497] abelossk: EVILJORDAN [13497] gabethekanyestan: IN HIS POCKET LMAOOOO [13497] nyxonprime: TRUE [13497] Fossabot: @georgek1908, Your message is too long [3x] [13498] calvbeastly110: only 2 more hours to go [13498] dirty50: Truth LUL [13498] cheesytaxes198: type 1 in chat if you’re Canadian [13498] RayanB7_: he has so much aura [13498] wiiman12311: wiiman12311 subscribed at Tier 1. [13498] imufir6: imufi007 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! let’s go [13499] daddymyker: little gpoon [13499] ImCaptRogers: YEP [13499] RDGSUNI: U HAVE 0 AURA [13499] djtomato8__: Lad [13499] dieheartsaint: HIS MUSIC TASTE IS BETTER [13499] jynxziisbest1231: wwww | Jynxzi | Prime Jynxzi is Back | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [13320] [13330] you [13340] you [13350] you [13360] you [13370] you [13380] you [13390] you [13400] you [13410] you [13420] you [13430] you [13440] you [13450] you [13460] you [13470] you [13480] you [13490] you | There is no Highlight in the provided timespan. Jynxzi watches a stream/clip and 'admires' it. |
Jynxzi | Prime Jynxzi is Back | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [13620] CESCHH: ok bye [13620] arabjoke: DUCKINN [13620] Nightbot: ok [13622] jakemcj: jakemcj subscribed at Tier 1. [13622] woah_planky: Cheer100 hey jynxzi can you check your insta dms? [13622] taqqvue: cap [13622] tsmquiqui: L DUCKING [13622] sustainablearnaldo: SO CAP [13622] jackson_mays: zzzzzzzaddddyyyy [13622] bardown16__: w huncho [13622] OD_Reborn: STOMPN’s Henchman STOMPN’s Henchman STOMPN’s Henchman STOMPN’s Henchman STOMPN’s Henchman STOMPN’s Henchman STOMPN’s Henchman STOMPN’s Henchman STOMPN’s Henchman STOMPN’s Henchman STOMPN’s Henchman [13622] EditzIsShambles: JUST RESTART DUMBASS [13622] x2Matty: pre end [13622] bastian_nn21: OFFCC [13622] Roggz_: CAP [13622] bizzleskizzzle: OR JUST LOAD IT UP AGAIN IDIO [13622] Gucci_kid54: wtf??? just go back live [13622] leekaudio: part timer [13623] zlatanbegovic: PRE END [13623] Shamelesstable: 20k and he’s out [13623] TTVSLYMIME: PLEASE CRASH [13623] riobelt12: checl round 3 [13623] Lizuhbiff: IF STREAM CRASHES WE GET BACK ON NERD [13623] iampIuto: !watchtime [13623] vantagecontrol: OK [13623] idk_lxcas: what kind of headset do you use bro [13623] kokichioma2_: PRE END [13623] gthree_13: just restart dumbass [13623] StreamElements: iampIuto has spent 6 days 18 hours watching jynxzi [13623] snydc: pre end [13623] BlakeMaaate: 4hr mark coming up [13623] sobernut66: gg [13623] southieboy2024: WELL UNFOLLOW [13624] gh0st0ntwitch: bro just start the stream again [13624] smur7y: bye [13624] bdrett: pre end [13624] gotgrappe: planning end [13624] conradxd: PRE END [13624] dylliett: lol preend [13624] xsaintjester: NO JUST COME BACK H PART TIMER [13624] ry577587: sure [13624] willowen777: praying it crashes rn [13624] goobd0: jynxziVapeBreak [13624] KenpachiJ23: part timer [13624] Gucci_kid54: wtf??? just go back live [13624] ricrocs20: part timer [13624] Nightbot: 😂 [13624] tommy_llo: you are PETRIFIED of coffee 😂 [13625] tommy_llo: you are PETRIFIED of coffee 😂 [13626] rexyiu: preend [13626] Roggz_: CAPP [13626] fsaphid: WISE DUCK [13626] overseerlive: part timer cya [13626] xNesquicc: pre end [13626] cornificusy: PRE END [13626] PrimePlays_: nice pre excuses [13626] melanpath: DFFF [13626] soundcloutken: w 25 gifted [13626] garrettblack1234: penis [13626] dieheartsaint: UNFOLLOW [13626] itachi85884: itachi85884 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! real [13626] qtmeta: f [13626] austin653902: duckin [13626] Nightbot: k [13627] DaOGJalapeno: pre end [13627] josephp2217: pre excuses [13627] zaddybrump: w pre end [13627] sowereinyourmom: VAPINGGGGG [13627] Gucci_kid54: wtf??? just go back live [13627] ddyphantomfunk: PAHT TIMA [13627] Vjay21: Pre end pre hibernation [13627] chrovozz: chrovozz subscribed with Prime. [13627] OTFKevinho: OTFKevinho subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 8 month streak! [13627] tommy_llo: you are PETRIFIED of coffee 😂 [13627] beamofeli: beamofeli subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [13627] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: lets put 500 on it LUL [13628] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: lets put 500 on it LUL [13629] vemon_ssg: Aw [13629] Flacco64: W STREAM [13629] hotasianjezuz: pre end [13629] crippy_cow246: scripted [13629] Vamnpire_: BYEEEEE [13629] uriynosov: YOU CHEATED [13629] leethanjames: JYNXIII [13629] bigtoe1233: JYNXZI YOU MAKE ME BUST' [13629] TTVSLYMIME: GOODNIGHT PRE END [13629] tkettel_: spoitHUH spoitHUH spoitHUH spoitHUH spoitHUH spoitHUH spoitHUH spoitHUH [13629] KenpachiJ23: PART TIMER EXCUSES [13629] aIexpereira: you can so easily start it back up tf😭 [13629] southieboy2024: YOU SAID UNFOLLOW [13629] hakasi_: pre end [13629] 44jameses: Cronus leaked [13630] TezcatVAL: I'm so hot for you jynxzi [13630] gh0st0ntwitch: just start the stream again [13630] phiiiilthy: L partimer [13630] xsaintjester: JUST COME BACK IF IT CRASHES [13630] aidenkillsnoobs: w gift [13630] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: lets put 500 on it LUL [13630] jon6669th: 0srt timer [13630] bardown16__: 6 hour stream? [13630] StreamElements: gordito1432 has spent 1 hour 10 mins watching jynxzi [13630] finnxmoneyham: crasheddd [13630] StreamElements: frosty79000 went all in and lost every single one of their 5615 points LUL [13630] ChowCapalot: caseoh waiting [13630] alleyne98: LEAKED [13630] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: lets put 500 on it LUL [13630] cuddle_xd: PRE END [13631] updog724: lllll [13631] iamphoenix_rickad: crashed [13631] con1con123: ECHO- ROUND 9 02:59:30 LISTENNN! [13631] tommy_llo: you are PETRIFIED of coffee 😂 [13631] socalchamp714: excuses [13631] ekg_blitz: ekg_blitz subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! Ads crazy [13632] tommy_llo: you are PETRIFIED of coffee 😂 [13632] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: lets put 500 on it LUL [13633] cuItous: no delay [13633] EditzIsShambles: RESTART [13633] therealjnime: p [13633] nickowada: YOU HAVE 400 DAYS MORE WARMUP, U DONT NEED WARM UP [13633] kxngpsycho: PART TIMER [13633] boss27330: F [13633] LCG_Tim: no [13633] finnxmoneyham: it crashed [13633] Nightbot: F in the chat [13633] shika1x: l script part timer so fat [13633] Gucci_kid54: yea mhm [13633] cuddle_xd: PRE EBC [13633] bigtoe1233: BUSTTT [13633] swoleboh: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [13633] Darrell087: no [13634] Nightbot: ussy [13634] realafgking: pre end from fat stream part timer [13634] LHA1NUKE: no [13634] BallzHahaLol: no [13634] HiVise: No I hate it [13634] pVoh: no [13634] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [13634] tazzytaz1112: fatty [13634] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: lets put 500 on it LUL [13635] PurifiedHer: PurifiedHer subscribed at Tier 1. [13635] tommy_llo: you are PETRIFIED of coffee 😂 [13636] free_rio313: free_rio313 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! junko is winning if he locks in and get his aura up [13636] sandy_sir: WWWW [13636] nickowada: YOU HAVE 400 DAYS MORE WARMUP, U DONT NEED WARM UPP [13636] farater: L [13636] ikshmael: w wallpaper [13636] melanpath: NOPE [13636] cmcam12: f [13636] forky999: no [13636] irregularlord: no [13636] rcr751: LMAO it crashed [13636] soundcloutken: yes [13636] ImCaptRogers: YES [13636] Flakeyy__: CAP [13636] kieqz_: mid [13636] Nightbot: real [13637] A1_switch: LOOKS SHIT [13637] guegalc_: W wallpaper [13637] chojimaster: setting up the pre end w [13637] terrenceb12: W full timer [13637] Cyito: ya [13637] masynnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn: no [13637] pouya_bm: no [13637] freecyaxd: no [13637] moonjamin_: pre end [13637] senorguey: you said this [13637] bmb_sky4: anything to get away from clix [13637] coffeedog993: lLLl [13637] w_skilla: Don't let me down [13637] pat9927: bum [13637] kieqz_: mid [13638] kieqz_: mid [13638] BigKlutchTV: BigKlutchTV subscribed at Tier 1. [13638] kieqz_: mid [13639] kieqz_: mid [13639] toemuncherwilson: dookie [13639] BigX043: you dont go outside [13639] bhulk26: L wallpaper [13639] taqqvue: noooo [13639] hsksink: fake [13639] alt_aidn: L part timer [13639] souwhis: Part timer ofc [13639] abbeygaile: NO [13639] bossysnowmanpt2: you are still good jynxzi it’s fine when ricci beat you [13639] LiftinFC: F [13639] mjcapalot2p: clean twin [13639] djr0se: no [13639] Gucci_kid54: yea mhm [13639] fsaphid: CAP [13640] nox7220: mid [13640] kieqz_: mid [13640] Ic7y8190: WW [13640] Little_Davy: OUTDOOR BOYS [13640] bananapeelguns: npc wallpaper [13640] Stratshd3: mid [13640] mynnti_: pre end [13640] knittingclub: mid [13640] patriccee: nah [13640] bigtoe1233: FAT [13640] bardown16__: basic asf [13640] farater: cap [13640] lordtekkno: W [13640] c0cksy: !link [13640] kieqz_: mid [13641] kieqz_: mid [13641] Sixinlol: Sixinlol subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 3 month streak! Say my name..... Ur g damn right [13642] kieqz_: mid [13642] benihanha: as [13642] phiiiilthy: dell [13642] vantagecontrol: mid asf [13642] k3vondabus: BOT WALLPAPER [13642] lastsilverking: W [13642] weirdvibez: Just go live again [13642] ienvymike: Www [13642] st0rk0: no [13642] dieheartsaint: BIG GUY [13642] s___upreme: you dont touch grass [13642] sandy_sir: WWW [13642] TheFireCubex: medium [13642] oceanscore: L wallpaper [13642] ebast1099: FFFF [13643] McTurtleton: L [13643] hackipt: yes [13643] syd1878: leaked wallpaper [13643] ttvtweaks_fr: yes [13643] michael_mendozap: no [13643] zo_tazra: mid af [13643] faze1628: mno [13643] Cale_is_me: fuck [13643] kruupahh: mid [13643] LowW0N: that’s comp [13643] claygaunt: YES [13643] konkykoink: L WALLPAPER [13643] hunter18denali: YOOOOO YOU HAVE FIVE M [13643] taqqvue: assss [13643] kieqz_: mid [13644] kieqz_: mid [13644] benrr6: wakvy_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! W [13644] OGKurlss: OGKurlss subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! [13644] kieqz_: mid [13645] kieqz_: mid [13645] axletooth_: yea [13645] ChowCapalot: bad aim [13645] xslenderyoshix: but u smoking?? [13645] KenpachiJ23: cap [13645] evo_xixty_: 1/100 [13645] grannywangwnag: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [13645] Noid_Enthusiast: 7/10 [13645] astroidr6: really a mid wallpaper [13645] orutanitibu: default [13645] AimLinc: mid [13645] patriccee: cap [13645] romanmarinello: Chunkoo [13645] Darrell087: oonon ooon o [13645] cutepotato42: ass [13646] og_qtip: y [13646] kai_fanya: it needs to be brook monk [13646] hsksink: mid [13646] asuna__11: cap [13646] not_s0_curry99: Cap [13646] trendsetta_jo: cap [13646] sandy_sir: WWWW [13646] co0lmonkey: W [13646] weezerbiggestfan: Big nature guy [13646] haithamexe: Mid [13647] Biiebs11: jukedbiiebs11 gifted a Tier 1 sub to fosterman24! This is their first Gift Sub in the channel! [13648] surehes1shot: mid [13648] ebast1099: FF [13648] nav_comin: gggaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy [13648] purpleso: cap [13648] SwissChrissS: SwissChrissS subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [13648] cjgorilla: Stop saying part timer [13648] nate_greatest: mid [13648] xJudMuffin: Maybe a big guy [13648] Nightbot: no 🧢 [13648] Junkoclonefr: AN DW WALLPAPER [13648] Iuvmimi: mid [13648] SAYDaADA: mid [13648] Little_Davy: W [13648] canadian_pizza_420: W wallpaper [13648] percshiestyy: !link [13649] quinnnythefos: No mid [13649] Flurmp_: 2 fat 2 tiptoe [13649] tsmquiqui: ASS [13649] thegoat3673: L [13649] evo_xixty_: 1/1000 [13649] antviewing: play stompn [13649] x_karam_x: yes [13649] kieqz_: mid [13649] JaRule703: mid [13649] tylrhod: !charm [13649] distortedcolrs: Buy the junko skin on pc [13649] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [13651] kieqz_: mid [13651] spicygarlicc: part timer [13651] Zenoverseiscool: YOU SHOULD PLAY ON VULKAN JYNXZI [13651] Gucci_kid54: call them on discord [13651] bballerpro1001TTV: ass [13651] SyfnLive: you've never seen nature [13651] kieqz_: mid [13651] kaycenamos: ass [13651] tommy_llo: you are PETRIFIED of coffee 😂 [13651] EthanTop20: you don’t go outside 💀 [13651] sandy_sir: WWWWW [13651] dewzee_: FUCK NO UR FAT [13651] hiifti: cap [13651] MrDinoNuggs: TITLE CHANGE 'Jynxzi VS Clix and Ron $20,000' [13651] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [13652] sweatybrewz: thats ny backyard wtf [13652] vindatt: ww [13652] Vikemta3000: yeh [13652] Junior2oh9: CMON JUNKOOO [13652] fanum_hater: all in on JUNKOO Lock In [13652] crazyr6555: subs [13652] chazwell: Hellllll yeahhhhj [13652] kieqz_: mid [13652] skillathadrilla: cap u dont touch grass [13652] tyson_rust: do 20k [13652] maallydub: WW [13652] mnke4up: W WALPAPERRRR [13652] cilln_: basic [13652] treywaller003: L [13652] DrazRUp: Its a W [13653] tommy_llo: you are PETRIFIED of coffee 😂 [13654] bdog997: is that Ireland [13654] thuuminjoker: f [13654] coo112233: WW [13654] eliesparza081: so we capping [13654] alt_aidn: pre end [13654] instantlyfox18: you have 4 yards on siege [13654] friedchickenaltaco: W [13654] tylerm1cjrjf: do you mean big eater guy [13654] ebast1099: it crashed [13654] Darrell087: on n on on on [13654] shanecurtis480: shanecurtis480 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! yuhhhh [13654] fletchiboy_16: it’s default fatty [13654] jacethakushking: you’ve neve seen grass like that [13654] Scrooblord1234: PART TIMER [13654] sandy_sir: WWWWW [13655] inatinos: default ahh wallpaper [13655] bsblbro09: wa [13655] Gucci_kid54: call them on discord [13655] fanum_hater: all in on JUNKOO Lock Inall in on JUNKOO Lock In [13655] Caiyzer: !gamble all [13655] ItsTruck_Month: WE ALL UNFOLLOW IF THAT HAPPENS ☠️☠️ [13655] Indian12323: Indian12323 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 8 month streak! see [13655] JoelBrennan: is that cabot? [13655] BigDaddyB76: yes [13655] jinxthemunch: 4/10 could do better [13655] StreamElements: PogChamp Caiyzer went all in and won 160 points PogChamp they now have 320 points FeelsGoodMan [13655] lxkeye17: go on a hike fatso [13655] hiifti: xap [13655] x1mingo: you’re just big [13655] Fossabot: @csnhjksf, Your message is too long [13656] sandy_sir: WWWWW [13656] vChags: can we get an ootd [13656] apexdripppn: d [13656] quazicle: !pulse [13656] HunnidJs: famn mal [13656] beamuzii_: u have over a year in seige u fucking hate nature [13656] lifeofbuddah: bro is a vaper now? [13656] purpleso: not a nature guy [13656] jaylanbecky2: you have to go outside to like nature [13656] Nightbot: CARDIAC SENSOR DEPLOYED [13658] aeglocky_: only outside you ever see [13658] bucketsrad: jynxziGRIDDY [13658] shortmidget95: did t shoutout subs [13658] whiteboy_witt: L smoker [13658] ItsTruck_Month: WE ALL UNFOLLOW IF THAT HAPPENS ☠️☠️😭😭 [13658] bsblbro09: www [13658] itseeziie: tt [13658] KenobiBean: I didn’t ask [13658] tkettel_: STOP SMOKING IN THE HOUSE [13658] daddylonglegz0303: LEAKED WALLPAPER [13658] nat11l: WWWWWWWWW [13658] gdbeast8: 5 isn’t 😂😂 [13658] numberonericciglazer: -20k [13658] jmizzzzz: CAP DEFAULT WALLPAPER [13658] Gucci_kid54: call them on discord @jynxzi [13659] scufblitz: fatass [13659] DJ_Dxn__: scared [13659] bardown16__: scared [13659] smol32: BIG NATURE GUY AND YOU SMOKE? [13659] luna_4hunnid: r u using guns [13659] ry577587: you’re saying that to end [13659] landoxdoji: When is fanmail [13659] tellyg47: bro nervous [13659] jynxisucksatr6: I hit golf balls off the top of there once pookie [13659] crow_bow11: When fan mail [13659] 120fpslukas: jynxziChampion_HF jynxziChampion_HF jynxziChampion_HF jynxziChampion_HF [13659] etanishimyuh: yo [13659] bucketsrad: jynxziRAHHH [13659] Cash_tiu: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [13659] introvertben: You like nature when it's eaten [13660] Gucci_kid54: call them on discord @jynxzi [13660] band300it: It’s in Italy [13660] jackwe489: do it for brecky lil bro [13660] 8mrtn: ......... [13660] theycallmetickle: cap u dont leave the house [13660] Neonmean: jynxziVapeBreak_SG jynxziVapeBreak_SG jynxziVapeBreak_SG [13660] FRESH__KNIGHT__111: looks like wales [13661] jynxziisbest1231: wwwwww [13661] icecoldmedy: hes broke ass dont have that [13661] rsnnx: but u don’t go outside [13661] vaxxz_: Junko scared [13661] bzLink: you started shaking when you heard 20k 💀 [13661] goofgaming92: HE HAS 14 million buddy [13661] sonofalawnmower_: BAN ACE AGAINST CLIX BAN ACE AGAINST CLIX [13661] senorguey: dont lose to these fortnite players [13661] xSilentFPS: BRO THATS THE RANDOM WALLPAPERS YOU GET FOR FREE [13661] nickahlotahpuss: jynxziFALL [13661] HunnidJs: when id du fanmail [13661] ethaniol_the_3rd: JUNXZI WHY IS XIM BANNED [13661] nav_comin: !size [13661] Protuse: Protuse subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! YO [13661] Cash_tiu: PartyPopper PartyPopper PartyPopper PartyPopper PartyPopper PokChandelure [13662] d44rkfire: 💀 [13662] unknownsoldier6969: 20k [13662] k7nav: he said he’s a big nature guy [13662] ivxhypnoticonyoutubei: cringe [13662] TypicalLoganbar__Twitch: BASIC ASS WALLPAPER [13662] Gucci_kid54: call them on discord @jynxzi [13662] simpgg_: mid [13662] Drillestt: sss [13662] itz_guzman24: it should be brekie hill [13662] BenjamanHoffer: w [13662] jmelt_3: jmelt_3 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! [13662] patriccee: capp [13662] notfrankiesburner: yes [13662] djr0se: do 10 [13662] tylerchampagne: 20 bands [13663] bardown16__: corny [13663] akellyyy5682: L wallpaper [13663] bucketsrad: jynxziGG jynxzi0x [13663] thatguy8261: no [13664] yoitsrooz: JUNKO YOU HAVE INSPIRED ME TO START SMOKING [13664] xlZODIAClx_: corny [13664] estuardo1426: DBstyle [13664] jiraiyasensei45: crashed [13664] pikniker_aap: HolidayPresent [13664] junkbentley: adds [13664] Junior2oh9: he has 14 mil bruh he dont care [13664] dimez1217: IF U LOSE TO THESE MFS WITH 3HRS IM UNSUBBING IF U LOSE TO THESE MFS WITH 3HRS IM UNSUBBING IF U LOSE TO THESE MFS WITH 3HRS IM UNSUBBING [13664] clam_ch0wd3r: shit ass [13664] crazyr6555: subssubs [13664] homunculousry: shut up fatty [13664] smur7y: cringe?? [13664] papasmiley15: !pulse [13664] notblest: your a part timer guy [13664] zettyx40: BIG VAPER GUY [13665] burtbott: only time you see grass [13665] guyman3256: crash [13665] ykmmikey: WHOEVER SAYS W IS GLAZIMG ONG [13665] Nightbot: @centcal -> You have to let it go. [stop posting links] [warning] [13665] MarkyKn: .... [13665] StreamElements: Caiyzer has spent 16 days 16 hours watching jynxzi [13665] stirzy_: … [13665] fredbed178: it’s bad [13665] charlsss24: regálame el r6 no seas ratón [13665] iiistizzzyiii: !charm [13665] excessivezero5: acoustic [13665] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [13665] BenjamanHoffer: ww [13665] whiteboy_witt: jynxziChampion [13665] Nightbot: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4wd6242y2qn44TiCCPX12W?si=fNuuwhSzQFuJxdxUp_NxcA&dl_branch=1&nd=1 [13666] burnoooutxd: Default ahh wallpaper [13666] federalcurrency: kneegrow [13666] reeeisaiah: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [13666] maviscracked: outside is bros opps [13666] crazelucas45: CRINGE [13666] Kingumer99: i hope you lose [13666] Gucci_kid54: call them on discord @jynxzi [13666] prycelss: CLIX IS LOYKEY A BILLIONARE [13666] panda_1322: okay nature guy [13667] elphentusee: that shit fire [13667] SolidSamFisher65: I don't touch grass so 5/10 [13667] LowW0N: when’s fan mail? [13667] PRESTON0293: jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH [13667] jynxziisbest1231: wwwwwwww [13667] paullno_: give my point lil n [13667] voids_cool: YOUR SCAREDDDDD [13667] drwagersupporter: MY EYES [13667] Xswagmite420X: he’s covering the end stream button [13667] dissroom: … [13667] Scrooblord1234: NO [13667] ItsPurpsss: That's the default shit lmao [13667] JustcallmedamieN: no [13668] vibin_xyrix: you got this chunky [13668] skillathadrilla: ron better [13668] gohawkskid: !settings [13668] g0osemen: dsyrcqAhhh dsyrcqAhhh dsyrcqAhhh dsyrcqAhhh dsyrcqAhhh dsyrcqAhhh dsyrcqAhhh dsyrcqAhhh dsyrcqAhhh dsyrcqAhhh dsyrcqAhhh dsyrcqAhhh [13668] patriccee: cap [13668] bxbybrian: Y U SMOKINGGGGGGGG [13668] bardown16__: cornball [13668] Nightbot: https://clips.twitch.tv/FurtivePiercingRavenRiPepperonis-Q7Z6UtOCxU_bV5fV [13668] taqqvue: Monion [13668] wendigoxm: stream ending soon [13668] xNesquicc: hes so scared [13668] hebcr7: cap 500 days [13668] bucketsrad: c [13668] Gucci_kid54: call them on discord @jynxzi [13668] iamdigi6: isaaceDam isaaceDam isaaceDam isaaceDam [13669] xd_Draz: your not ron [13669] jiraiyasensei45: crashedd [13669] evenlaw2: corny [13669] gazzxfn: HE HAS 14M HE SERIOUS [13669] tommy_llo: you are PETRIFIED of coffee 😂 [13670] whiteboy_witt: L washed [13670] angelkarrizales: hi [13670] cyclonecrxct: jynxzi your washed but your misses is bad asf [13670] iamdigi6: isaaceDam isaaceDam isaaceDam isaaceDam isaaceDam [13670] alexandre_biologic_milk69: Corny [13670] icecoldmedy: dada [13670] toasted_22: BRO HAS 14.7 MILLION, I DONT THINK HE CARES [13670] keagan861: I’m so close [13670] Tempr___: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [13670] trangler_: No sound [13671] jhonbdeer: You're not ron [13671] breadstikkkkkkkkkkkk: you gotta have it as ur wallpaper cuz u never see it irl [13671] harrick1a: big nature guy takes a puff of a cigar [13671] thrasher292: stop fading ron n clix [13671] ximstw: when is fanmail [13671] jynxziisbest1231: wwwwwww [13671] GabeRockz: u have no aura fatass [13671] m1_ray69: L part timer [13671] lilrainman_10: MyAvatar [13671] Xpiredberryy: bro doesn’t inhale the cigar he just exhales [13671] vamhpyre: oh hell no [13671] MrDinoNuggs: TITLE CHANGE 'Jynxzi VS Clix and Ron $20,000'. [13671] Gucci_kid54: call them on discord @jynxzi [13671] axls_daddy: axls_daddy subscribed with Prime. [13672] TTV_Speedy_BE: The only grass you se [13672] monkey_cracked: !link [13672] Nightbot: @monkey_cracked If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [13673] drwagersupporter: WHY ARE YOU SO FAT [13673] moonface125: Heads Jynxzi [13673] WHEREDAMFDOPEAT: who won you or Ricci i had to get off for a sec [13674] jynxziisbest1231: ww [13674] xorbitpowerx: SEND ME A CLIP OF JYNXZI PULLING UP CLIXS STREAM PLEAEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [13674] RDGSUNI: DOES HE HAVE MORE MOTION THAN U ???? [13674] brxapi: w [13674] DanTor808: hi [13674] duckythebukki: put all your money on hynxzi [13674] homez_15: !pulse [13674] OpitmusFine: W nature guy [13674] snoopdoggg42000: just gimme my money [13674] swaszh: Part timer [13674] Cliffys_PH: it’s 3 hours end stream or kick the camera [13674] braydenplayz2: 4 breck [13674] l8r_pumpkin: fattass [13674] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [13675] simplywilliam_: cornball [13675] MrDinoNuggs: TITLE CHANGE 'Jynxzi VS Clix and Ron $20,000' [13675] used_potato: 1v1 me Us3d_Potat0 pls [13675] santoswrx: hop on fifa [13675] nolan727272717: CRASH [13675] ITSJJP: @Jynxzi go to settings on obs and put the 4th option hide ob [13675] b1itz007: these guys are copper don’t lose [13675] ximstw: whens fanmail [13675] xNesquicc: F [13675] goldenmatthew08: W wallpaper jynxzi [13675] GusKling: SCARED [13675] zimpxrrr: spent all my points on you so don’t sell [13675] Nightbot: F in the chat [13675] the_zoobie: 3 [13675] Cash_tiu: mcaT [13676] tkettel_: jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY [13676] himothytimothythe2nd: bro is captain ng [13676] Xenstormyyy: put up a mil don’t be weird [13676] LowW0N: when is fan mail [13677] apexdripppn: h [13677] jackwe489: EEE [13677] sketchryanttv: MercyWing1 KomodoHype MercyWing2 [13677] rainbowsixgod_777: wew [13677] StormWTF_: what is you smoking [13677] Nightbot: h [13677] Kuovon: Yo Jynxzi what iphone case u got [13677] icecoldmedy: dadad [13677] willrooneyy: crashed [13677] 5StarHoodini: no [13677] Little_Davy: JUST GIVE ME MY MONEY [13677] Captainhotshot0: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [13677] emptyshelly: -20K [13677] Drifty_o: oolkllokioolooooo [13677] sportz_54: ggg [13678] Shanks_S90: looks like skywalkers island hahahahaha very nice [13678] ya_yeet_yessir: CORNY [13678] reeeisaiah: jynxziWTF [13678] raging9770: monion [13678] zonedtothebone: the cigar is a douche thing no? [13678] g0osemen: dsyrcqWalking dsyrcqWalking dsyrcqWalking dsyrcqWalking dsyrcqWalking dsyrcqWalking dsyrcqWalking dsyrcqWalking [13678] rnso1o: lawsuit incoming [13678] bm_creedxx: jynxziCORNY [13678] sonofalawnmower_: BAN ACE AGAINST CLIX [13678] wgen9: U BETTER WIN PART-TIMER [13678] zrxwyd: crash [13679] TheReal_BigBlack: W carpet [13679] patriccee: capp [13679] tellyg47: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [13679] bardown16__: average vaper lingo [13679] bigboyyesboy: all in on you [13679] bigboyrook666: fat [13679] 0__fitz__0: 0__fitz__0 subscribed at Tier 1. [13680] sirsquidys: L jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [13680] issacoldheart_12789: issacoldheart_12789 subscribed at Tier 1. [13680] tkettel_: CORNY [13680] lilhimx: L bailout [13680] evanevanevan180: jynxziCORNY [13680] virxec0420: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [13680] patriccee: cap [13680] Nightbot: no 🧢 [13681] esteban3445: F [13681] BadgerBdubbs_: crony ass [13681] apexdripppn: usueu [13681] ethaniol_the_3rd: I NEED TO KNOWWW KYNXZIII [13681] DanTor808: money [13681] gdbeast8: bro I wish I could play for 5k and not care [13681] Cash_tiu: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 [13681] dagoatedgamer52752: part timer [13681] jackwe489: E [13681] xx_allonsy_xx: clix is a billionaire [13681] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [13681] bigmomo8: hurry up fatty [13681] AZ_drxpz: !charm [13681] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [13681] excessivezero5: it crashed [13682] theloraxgaming7777: jynxzi0x jynxzi0x jynxzi0x jynxzi0x jynxzi0x jynxzi0x jynxzi0x jynxzi0x jynxzi0x jynxzi0x jynxzi0x jynxzi0x jynxzi0x jynxzi0x jynxzi0x jynxzi0x jynxzi0x jynxzi0x jynxzi0x jynxzi0x [13682] skillathadrilla: scared [13682] iamphoenix_rickad: pre end [13682] liamwells_chi: who is this streaming [13682] gohawkskid: !swns [13682] qandy9: !gamble 1000 [13682] bm_creedxx: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [13682] jocart22: stream crashed [13682] patriccee: capp [13682] adam1o82uwnau: !settings [13682] lazyfink: Scripted wager [13682] StreamElements: @ab758917, you only have 795 points. [13682] bulkingtoast: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [13682] used_potato: im gold [13682] frostytyman1: jynxziFAT jynxziGoodAim [13683] Ahblisk: emphasis on 'bigg' [13684] senorprepotente: senorprepotente subscribed at Tier 1. [13684] patriccee: cap [13684] paulmichael07: HOW AM I SUBBED AND STILL GETTING FUCKING ADDDDSSSSS [13684] botjjlol: part timer [13684] tyyy2solid: l [13684] rico332192919: FAT ASS [13684] braydenslsg: when’s fan mail [13684] soyyjynx: When is fan mail? [13684] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [13684] isonastyyyy5: kaicForhead kaicForhead kaicForhead kaicForhead kaicForhead [13684] hughesy210: why’s he keep saying clits [13684] seigeant15: YO dont smoke junko ur gonna become a no time streamer [13684] evenlaw2: DIESOFCRING [13684] cuddle_xd: BRO JUS A COPYCAT [13684] MrDinoNuggs: TITLE CHANGE 'Jynxzi VS Clix and Ron $20,000'.. [13685] iceyvice1: Corny [13685] apexdripppn: jsjse [13685] Captainhotshot0: jynxziRAHHH jynxziSubHype jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE [13685] tkettel_: CRINGE WEIRDO [13685] lilrainman_10: DendiFace CoolCat [13685] thebigone_18: JONSOION [13686] asherbrody1: I’ve lost everything because of you jynxzi [13686] luna_4hunnid: r u handicap in this match [13686] dvrk77: !size [13686] cte1121: setting [13686] cj280000: That looks like Detroit [13686] MrDinoNuggs: TITLE CHANGE 'Jynxzi VS Clix and Ron $20,000' [13686] gazzxfn: he has 14m [13686] tizzel123: yo [13686] vaxxz_: put up 5 bandoritos [13686] JavierSC_: No [13686] papacalzone23: !link [13686] Fossabot: @dalerem3mbers, Your message is too long [13686] berin_b: !watchtine [13686] steviepicks: 50/50 IS CRAZY [13686] alvy05_: im all in [13687] tbyers19: top 5 [13687] khcgame01: ur losing ur monion [13687] sub_zero2106: 8888 on junko [13687] presto2346: React Harder [13687] Narlii: brecky [13687] lukegorena11: lukegorena11 subscribed with Prime. [13687] bigpapajxrdan: g [13687] Ragerzx: is jynxzi streaming today [13687] daddycorbi: all my points on daddy junko [13687] bulkingtoast: jynxziWTF jynxziFAT [13687] sopa_de_carpincho: 5050 [13687] Nightbot: no [13687] Chris_Karate: LLLLL [13687] ry577587: your saying that do you can end [13687] ethanstockdale: when are you calling clix [13688] skillathadrilla: actually scared [13688] Lowwval: Wait, why is jinx only playing for 5K? Is he broke? [13688] droseeee13: start [13688] sandy_sir: 💀💀 [13688] swaszh: OBESE [13688] lolo00075: chat [13688] nat11l: jynxzi thought u didnt sm [13688] 14CKhino: jynxziSmoke [13688] Seductive_Spank: did he beat ricci [13688] updog724: laggg [13688] lukemahomie: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [13689] carter_isfullboxed: part timer [13689] tyyy2solid: ban me [13689] jrnlshrmp: vise [13689] Captainhotshot0: jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE [13689] bigboyrook666: low income streamer [13689] whozz_blitz: sketch is waiting [13689] isonastyyyy5: kaicGimmiegold kaicGimmiegold kaicGimmiegold kaicGimmiegold [13689] nate_9er: when is fanmail [13689] iamdigi6: lemme put some kids in ya gangy [13689] crisjs2: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [13690] patriccee: capp [13690] bigbadbman2000: wdym you never touch grass how would you know [13690] superhumanisdabest: YESSSS [13690] sqxntzzlol: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD [13690] treywaller003: jynxziLOL [13691] 5StarHoodini: ur a good guy [13691] austin_berlin03: It looks like any other windows background [13691] Scrooblord1234: jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE [13691] lolo00075: chattt [13691] liamwells_chi: what’s this guys name [13691] boltsnyper: rocco won [13691] BeafyJoe7: GalaxyUnpacked [13691] Gucci_kid54: 💀💀💀 [13691] patriccee: cappp [13691] ImShoosa: 5 MORE HOURS FATSO [13691] updog724: LAGGG [13691] drakew1212: drakew1212 subscribed with Prime. [13692] charlsss24: regálame el r6 y de paso a tu jermu también [13692] l4rs_0lof42: You have to out on the lowest grapich setting on siege if u dont whant it to crash [13692] kwabxt: Hills [13692] Cale_is_me: PJSalt MyAvatar Shush [13692] newt_er: daddu [13692] kinoth_: 20k [13692] 261638292: !bits [13692] MrDinoNuggs: TITLE CHANGE 'Jynxzi VS Clix and Ron $20,000'. [13693] patriccee: cap [13693] cobalett: !LINK [13693] Roundmurcury270: !charm [13693] sub_zero2106: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [13693] gohawkskid: !sens [13693] hiddrd: <3 [13693] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [13693] isonastyyyy5: kaicGimmiegold kaicGimmiegold kaicGimmiegold [13694] Nightbot: Jynxzi sens and settings here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2GcpqRqJ9U [13694] bighead440: fat neck [13694] YaBoiShayC_: omm if i get sold [13694] zxourii: LMAAOAOOAOAA [13694] apexdripppn: ok [13694] patriccee: capp [13694] xvybiex22: 😭 [13694] Nightbot: ok [13694] yuhh_garrett: is when mail fan [13694] idknate2306: jynxziBadAim [13694] SpeedyJenkinss: !sponsors [13694] kingmaneto: @coffeezillasdaughter WHY IS HE SO SCARED OF YOU ???? [13695] himothytimothythe2nd: vapee [13695] boltsnyper: ricci won [13695] adadwdawdda: MONION [13695] Nightbot: 👀 [13695] ralphmcgill: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [13695] etanishimyuh: lol [13695] Nightbot: 😂 [13695] isonastyyyy5: kaicGimmiegold kaicGimmiegold kaicGimmiegold kaicGimmiegold [13695] zxourii: BAHAHAHAHHAHHS [13696] fanum_hater: all in on JUNKOO Lock In [13696] caseintop: flux is crazy [13696] mytwitchtowatchstreams: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [13696] bigdawg101520: you are fat [13696] gaberatorrr: yes [13696] kinda_hated420: no way the bet is 50/50 [13696] luhzyfrmk3: 😭😭😭 [13696] hobbes_mobbin: exactly [13697] adadwdawdda: Monion [13697] jadexdi1: pov jynxzi is your favorite streamer [13697] Chris_BIiss: 999 [13697] BIGGIE_CHEESE83: headset dent [13697] dieheartsaint: leaked [13697] x2_couslns_: jynxziSubHype [13697] patriccee: cap [13697] caseohafatty1000lbs: ill do a 50k after this [13697] fanum_hater: all in on JUNKOO Lock Inall in on JUNKOO Lock In [13697] lolo00075: chatttttttttyt [13697] squshie_lmao: clix is lowkey him at r6 [13697] tyyy2solid: ban me please [13697] MrDinoNuggs: TITLE CHANGE 'Jynxzi VS Clix and Ron $20,000'... [13697] taqqvue: GGs [13697] Harry__GG__: 20 bands hahaha [13698] jeepranglerr: LMAO [13698] marko_dadio: case is waiting [13698] GoodTimeTrippy: I fuck with the background [13698] tbyers19: cring [13699] jrnlshrmp: hivise [13699] BeafyJoe7: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [13699] CasualAden: WWW [13699] etanishimyuh: loo [13699] fanum_hater: all in on JUNKOO Lock Inall in on JUNKOO Lock Inall in on JUNKOO Lock Inall in on JUNKOO Lock In [13699] wessonishere_: gg [13700] lolo00075: chat [13700] Pilot_Azog: LMAOOO [13700] Captainhotshot0: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [13700] etanishimyuh: lol [13700] ivwai: when is fan mail [13700] vibin_xyrix: was how mail of fan [13701] SpideyyJoee: W AURA [13701] Spottet: ... [13701] big_dogs69: PotFriend PotFriend PotFriend [13701] kruupahh: daddy [13701] kdjxjxnxxjxn: PikaRamen [13701] fanum_hater: all in on JUNKOO Lock Inall in on JUNKOO Lock In [13701] monkeyballs9875: !discord [13701] homez_15: !watch time [13701] fate_harley: …….. [13701] snoopdoggg42000: Anita max win [13702] lukemahomie: wwwwwww [13702] apexdripppn: o [13702] Nightbot: https://discord.gg/jynxzi [13702] コッド_クンク: JASHAHHA [13702] livingmite: you have no AURA [13702] Scrooblord1234: jynxziFALL [13702] tvt_prodz: scared [13702] ykmmikey: 2 [13702] soundcloutken: LMAOOO [13702] bardown16__: the max loss [13702] lolo00075: chatt [13702] josh_0256: ..... [13702] fanum_hater: all in on JUNKOO Lock In [13702] Captainhotshot0: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [13703] awill13: ong if u put 20K Jynxzi I will put 20K points on u king [13703] MrDinoNuggs: TITLE CHANGE 'Jynxzi VS Clix and Ron $20,000' [13703] drewskii711: LOL [13703] swaszh: CRINGE [13703] opiumwizard777: let me get the rizz on both sides [13703] Daniellopez818: Daniellopez818 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 1 month streak! puusy im an og [13703] actaavis: LMFAO [13703] xvybiex22: yoo [13703] PGCenturion: dang, I’ve eliminated every single person in this 1v2 in their game of choice [13703] x2_couslns_: jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype [13703] clover7575: .................. [13703] Duffey5: 50 [13703] trashpanda526: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [13704] fanum_hater: all in on JUNKOO Lock Inall in on JUNKOO Lock In [13704] notblest: a million [13704] oppaxt: …….. [13704] tyyy2solid: bryh [13704] noskipn: lmao [13704] chichi21091: THOSE BIG MACS ARNT MAKING THE SELFS [13704] Cash_tiu: Squid1 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [13704] arabjoke: O [13704] ykmmikey: 2000 [13704] bulkingtoast: jynxziFAT jynxziWTF [13704] paul_teehee: DO 20 RACKS [13705] rexyiu: mo [13705] Gucci_kid54: GOOD [13705] dominantace7: ANITA MAX WYNN [13705] TTVSLYMIME: EEWWWW [13705] amplify_o7: 20k [13705] jrnlshrmp: HIVISE [13705] ProsStayLive: WWWW CLIX [13705] jaceyboi8815: You should thinkplay GTA After please [13705] chunkboyy: .... [13706] cali_livin_ttv: lol [13706] wopperjrdingy: part timer [13706] Gucci_kid54: GOOD [13706] HiVise: We good [13706] livingmite: CRINGE [13706] 0zen1k: HES BOUTA LOSEEE [13706] KING_SEXY_REXY: Jynxzi how old are you bro serious question jw [13706] ykmmikey: NO [13706] Kuovon: Yo Jynxzi what iphone case u got? [13706] vsoka: mfaolo [13706] akashgahlon: ur good [13706] numberonericciglazer: ANITA MAXWIN [13706] Roastedninga: oh nah [13706] tinglesmg: ANITAMAXWINNNNN [13706] caseintop: chat 14 ads [13707] bardown16__: LMAOOO [13707] grassman013: no [13707] fanum_hater: all in on JUNKOO Lock Inall in on JUNKOO Lock Inall in on JUNKOO Lock In [13707] truedat___: corny [13707] lolo00075: hello chat [13707] josh_0256: ... [13707] StriictBurnt: auraaaaaaaaaa [13707] Gucci_kid54: GOOD [13707] dogglwoggle: AN HOUR LONG ADD??? [13707] Makfyi2: w jynxzi [13707] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: @kingmaneto cuz ill win lol [13708] WufBro: cash app broken [13708] 509_zac: 20k [13708] sirplebgamer: Jynxzi will there be a Jynxzi 1v3 vs Caseoh, Kai, and Sketch that would be such an entertaining stream [13708] jayy2rawww___: W [13708] hitmanag35: bare bread goneeee tdyyyy [13708] sub_zero2106: pezzyWideLeft pezzyWideRight [13708] benboy1327: L are [13708] Kuovon: Yo Jynxzi what iphone case u go [13708] akashgahlon: w [13708] vsoka: lmfaooo [13708] jikinirdon: Losing 20 bands is crazy [13708] Captainhotshot0: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [13708] tj12332: part timer [13709] himatwar: 122k is insane [13709] zxourii: I NEED DA MAX WEEN [13709] tyniles12: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [13709] notblest: a mill [13709] l4rs_0lof42: You have to out on the lowest grapich setting on siege if u dont whant it to crash. [13709] ClopNB: stream ending in 12 minutes [13709] fanum_hater: all in on JUNKOO Lock In [13709] speck4lf: lol [13709] Nightbot: bozo [13709] knotchmann: 1000 [13710] akashgahlon: wwww [13710] homez_15: !watchtime [13710] lolzz43: ANITA MAX WYNN [13710] StreamElements: homez_15 has spent 22 hours 50 mins watching jynxzi [13710] brav6660: ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper [13710] rico332192919: …. [13710] Unstoppable1217: 20 is crazy [13710] l4rs_0lof42: You have to have the lowest crhpics on pc to make it not crash. [13711] slimpy23: we good [13711] TTVSLYMIME: CORNBALL [13711] fricknick8: hey [13711] papasmiley15: !pulse [13711] breadstikkkkkkkkkkkk: u gotta have it as ur wallpaper cuz u never see it irl [13711] boophyy: boophyy subscribed with Prime. [13711] fate_harley: cringe [13711] kynzi00: 15k channle points on u [13711] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [13711] LowW0N: when is fan mail [13711] fanum_hater: all in on JUNKOO Lock Inall in on JUNKOO Lock In [13711] crimsontide17: 1 mil [13711] grassman013: Part timer [13711] 4100eli: 50k [13711] orrzyy: 100K [13712] l1am3dwardz: 30k [13712] caseintop: hi chat [13712] kyramixx: hi xhat [13712] dieheartsaint: 1 million [13712] Lowwval: Bro Jace is way more risk than this fucking guy [13712] zetnogaming: GET KAI 2V2 [13712] kuzicompany: Anita Max Win [13712] no_way35: please stop smoking : : [13712] resin223: 😭😭😭 [13712] informnz: 50 bands [13712] miah_space: kirkGwak kirkDog kirkGasm kirkPuckers [13712] Captainhotshot0: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [13712] Nightbot: CARDIAC SENSOR DEPLOYED [13712] drbuffdaddy: drbuffdaddy subscribed at Tier 1. [13712] Nightbot: F in the chat [13713] 0zen1k: PREEE LLLL [13713] R6_Butter: Still here [13713] wessonishere_: jynxi ur stupid ahh better not ose [13713] Pumpifiedd: 20K [13714] AIRMAX93: $50k [13714] ollinxy: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [13714] fredy3022: https.//twitch.Fredy3022.com [13714] percc80: PRE ENDDD [13714] ugxawash: wow [13714] DaysBe4Rodeo: 20 [13714] greesyappl3: 50k [13714] ppeekol: anita maxwynn [13714] Gucci_kid54: 50k ????? [13715] Zenoverseiscool: Launch siege wit Vulcan API [13715] kyramixx: hi chat [13715] fredyman225_: 10k [13715] melonmonkeyy: LOL [13715] HimJonDro: 0 lol [13715] amplify_o7: Part timer [13715] cstorme4: make a ring [13715] supreme_imagine7: fatass [13715] mario91allstar: WTF [13715] sheeeeshy523: 200 bands no balls [13715] youngsosa4kt: 100K [13715] snoopdoggg42000: ANITA MAX WIN [13715] leviszn1_: jynxzi me and u 2v2 them [13716] Kuovon: Yo Jynxzi what iphone case u got? [13716] MrFatals: MrFatals subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months! so we’re in copper [13716] Gucci_kid54: 50k ????? [13716] lukemahomie: wwww [13716] actaavis: L FLEX [13716] swagz99: 5kk [13716] percc80: PRE END [13716] tellyg47: 50k [13716] kruupahh: NVM [13716] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [13716] sophiajulia1: WHAT [13716] 3mor_ooo: caseoh is waiting [13716] reqonlmao: ............ [13716] wetnapkinz2: BRUH [13716] snoop1y_: WHAT [13717] xslenderyoshix: xqcSkull xqcSkull xqcSkull [13717] caseintop: L jynczi [13717] largetittynickolas: WTF [13717] Fossabot: @xd_watergod, Your message is too long [13717] xJudMuffin: stop [13717] WufBro: CASH APP KEKW [13717] drewskii711: EZ [13718] Harry__GG__: 2v1 will be hardd [13718] jumbodwarf: 50K [13718] kyanmeadows: !watchtime [13718] goektwo: WWWWW [13718] fredyman225_: 10kez [13718] pinkbikestealer: LOOOOOOOOOOOL [13718] ChambzSG: 100k [13718] cyrus_luvs_g0d: stream crashed [13718] LCG_Tim: crazy [13718] StreamElements: kyanmeadows has spent 1 day 11 hours watching jynxzi [13718] Blackk070: CAP [13718] resin223: 2000 [13718] Nightbot: i was crazy once [13718] Bionicremz: 50k is insane [13718] SneezyTT: wihtout ending stream**** [13719] Nightbot: no 🧢 [13719] josh_traynham999: 20K [13719] numberonericciglazer: CAP [13719] excessivezero5: damn [13719] TheFailedSiege: ??? [13719] xJudMuffin: stop [13719] yukifvv: LMFOIAFOIAFOAFOAF [13719] inmortal_bigmac: w flex [13719] xLegendSnipezz: ?????? [13719] cowzay: 💀 [13719] razoo020: HUH [13719] luisr0112: DAYUMNNNNNNNNNNNN [13719] actaavis: WEIRD FLEX [13719] soundcloutken: DAAAAMNNNNN [13719] cowzay: 💀 [13720] dusllbee: wait [13720] ahightower: 50??????? [13720] EyeSpeedBoost: fucken rich [13720] tellyg47: GG [13720] cornificusy: YOURE FUCKIN FUNNY [13720] wyatt_r2010: DAAAAAAAAMN [13720] cheedog23: 50k [13720] kruupahh: THANK U DA DA [13720] adak2835: LMFAO [13720] SwaidOnTwitch: ???????????????????????? [13720] lana777xx: O [13720] HoodedSum: WTF [13720] Johllux: wtf [13720] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [13722] soyyjynx: RICH [13722] zynreaper: do it!!! [13722] IIDoomsdayI: what [13722] Robomb_: holy fuck [13722] Roundmurcury270: !pulse [13722] patriccee: NAHHH [13722] ZusuR6: 50K WAGER [13722] taqqvue: STOP [13722] Twistween: HOLY [13722] rjk323: WWWW [13722] Gluppiee: RICH FUCK [13722] shauxity: YOOOOOOO [13722] bardown16__: UNGRATEFULUNGRATEFULUNGRATEFULUNGRATEFUL [13722] Gucci_kid54: 50k ????? [13722] QuickPup3340436: BRUH [13723] kr8money: 50!!!! [13723] nehsty: 😭😭😭😭😭 [13723] luisr0112: WWWWWWWWWWWW [13723] taviaa20: NO NO NO NO NO NO [13723] FirmGrasp_: WHATTTT [13723] soundcloutken: ONG [13723] TheFailedSiege: ???? [13723] astroidr6: LMFAOOOOOOOOOO [13723] junkojohnsonda3: :O :O [13723] Neatnamewow: YOOOOO [13723] cowzay: 💀 [13724] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: flexing... [13725] Twistween: WTF [13725] swoleboh: dee [13725] Duffey5: 50k [13725] nettspendd_: no shot [13725] klnghenryvlll: 50? [13725] tellyg47: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [13725] wyatt_r2010: RICH FLEX [13725] dgcv_: wtf [13725] LCG_Tim: wild [13725] Arctic4PF: DO IT [13725] AnrisM: wow millionaire [13725] gintokisakata123: wtf [13725] Gucci_kid54: 50k ????? [13725] bardown16__: UNGRATEFUL UNGRATEFUL UNGRATEFUL UNGRATEFUL UNGRATEFUL UNGRATEFUL [13725] StreamElements: Junko_Oh lost 2000 points in roulette and now has 4390 points! FeelsBadMan [13726] captainritza: NAWWWWWWW [13726] Kuovon: Yo Jynxzi what iphone case u got?? [13726] kenitar1: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA OKKKKK [13726] kazuii_: OH NAH [13726] bazinga_9001: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 [13726] caseohsbuttcrack219: oh nahh [13726] largetittynickolas: NO SHOT [13726] IIDoomsdayI: ???????????? [13726] mrennnnnn: chilllll [13726] puffinhd: HELL NAH [13726] glekn: dammmm [13726] dusllbee: YO [13726] vamhpyre: … [13726] aspect_fnc: AHH [13726] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: flexing... [13728] HackedOasis: YOOOOOOOOOO [13728] breakthrough787: ohhh shit [13728] actaavis: WEIRD FLEX…. [13728] sowereinyourmom: BS [13728] joker_4life_: 50K 🤣💀💀 [13728] f0ddy15: nah holy [13728] nokk4_: bro no way [13728] Kuovon: Yo Jynxzi what iphone case u got [13728] dolceamore69: dear god [13728] robbis1717: oh hell nah [13728] xx_allonsy_xx: lock 50 [13728] iceysray: DAYUM [13728] killjoy778: 50? [13728] ZusuR6: RUN IT IDIOT [13728] Gucci_kid54: 50k ????? [13729] onlyforr: cappppp [13729] blackiceshake: is clix when n ? ronaldo you vs [13729] maikawaa: GOD DAYUM [13729] bardown16__: UNGRATEFUL RICH [13729] IamTheFlash: CLIP FARMING [13729] thegameboy44: YOOOOOOO [13729] dtreams02: NAH WTFFFF [13729] iitzdutch: YOOOOOOO [13729] berrie_crunch: run it [13729] anna_borshin69: CONTENT [13729] qSauxey: meow [13731] Biotonne420: 💀 [13731] ghost_ytyt: L MILLION AIR [13731] i_love_my_turban: 50k lmao [13731] jzreigns: 50 RACKS [13731] e_isahgoodg: Bro...... [13731] superior06_: WHATTTT [13731] gmilla_fn: he does have l;ikle 124 [13731] fuze_bs: Jesus Christ [13731] rahdri__: egossss [13731] vantagecontrol: denzDRUMAR denzDRUMAR [13731] envyfn____: JUNKO YOUR COOKED [13731] chadieladdie: NotLikeThis LUL [13731] Riz1019: CAP. [13731] vibin_xyrix: was how mail of fan [13731] xlfenwinxl: DONT DO 50 [13732] goofgaming92: 50k [13732] donnied2133: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [13732] presto2346: react harder [13732] bigfella_58: NO WAY [13732] leinanarcher: DO IT 50K [13732] fsg_fatal: Do it [13732] Gucci_kid54: 50k ????? [13732] wilmertcortes360: yooooooooooooo [13732] resin223: 😭😭 [13732] slimpy23: YOOO [13732] actaavis: weird flex [13732] OzuraKIN: 50 BANDS LMAOOO [13734] xxsupremexx86: xxsupremexx86 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 8 month streak! [13734] caxh_money: caxh_money subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [13734] MarkR_07: 50? [13734] coldboned: fake millionaire [13734] klnghenryvlll: L FLEXING [13734] JacobyKenobi: BRO WHATTTTTT [13734] Stello96: YOOOO🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 [13734] Suulks: DO IT PUSSY [13734] vantagecontrol: denzDRUMAR denzDRUMAR denzDRUMAR denzDRUMAR denzDRUMAR [13734] Captainhotshot0: VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug [13734] major_avid_c: BE A MANN [13734] Flakeyy__: WAIT W FUCKING CONTENT WAIT W FUCKING CONTENT WAIT W FUCKING CONTENT WAIT W FUCKING CONTENT WAIT W FUCKING CONTENT [13734] f0nzie_: billionare [13734] wambood: YO WHAT [13734] arrowzgotnomotion: bro does not have motion [13735] nice6910: FIFTYYYYU WHAAAAAAAAAA [13735] Gucci_kid54: 50k ????? [13735] JazzIsSick: yoo no way [13735] qwerxy_isnt_cute: Might as well give me a band [13735] cowzay: do it youre both rich [13737] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: do it. think of the views and exposure [13737] leinanarcher: DO IT 50K [13737] ryykz_: 50????? WTF [13737] jxhnontop: poor shaming [13737] willrooneyy: lock it [13737] glenwakins: it crashed [13737] th3homi3mo3: 100k crazy [13737] hussle_p_: not 50 nahhhhh [13737] Nightbot: poor❌ pour✅ [13737] kfars_14: WTFFFFFFFFF NO WAY [13737] captainmangos: that wire is not clearing [13737] Ic7y8190: rich ass [13737] Greatgodd: 4 HOUR MARK RAPIDLY APPROACHING ‼️‼️ [13737] 0__fitz__0: !LINK [13737] jack_is_cracked19: 50 K [13738] mandooo001_: 🤣🤣🤣🤣 [13738] Nightbot: @0__fitz__0 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [13738] bardown16__: SO I GUESS WE'RE FLEXING? [13738] FaintestBlue: FaintestBlue subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 7 month streak! L 1 hour streamer plus you’re chunky [13738] vantagecontrol: denzDRUMAR denzDRUMAR denzDRUMAR [13738] itsjcnextdoorr: CHILLLL WTF [13738] Stryke0ut: done [13738] f0nzie_: billionaire [13738] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: do it. think of the views and exposure [13738] inaxvy: no [13738] lunasyns: LLLLLL MILIANORARES [13738] guerdez: 50 BANDS [13738] lilcreature666: NO CHILL [13738] isnumo: 50 bands????? [13738] itzzillla: 50 is cap [13739] PhilMeUp22: 50k is crazy [13739] Rehsurect: 500000000 [13739] 11_noxx: 50 is crazy [13739] Low3r17: bruh that’s people annual salary [13739] mrjelly1151: 50k [13739] bardown16__: SO I GUESS WE'RE FLEXING?SO I GUESS WE'RE FLEXING?SO I GUESS WE'RE FLEXING? [13741] Qos4: do it [13741] tyweepitch123: 50 is crazy [13741] mr_bubblers: is it a 2v1 [13741] jhixel: 50k is crazy [13741] burgerguy43: that’s insane [13741] TTVSLYMIME: THIS WILL BREAK THE INTERNET [13741] CharlieRadke: CharlieRadke subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months, currently on a 8 month streak! WWWW [13741] a1dannnnn: 50k????? [13741] B1ackorbit: please dont [13741] astroidr6: NAH CLIX IS SO RICH 💀💀💀💀 [13741] TheReal_BigBlack: That's huge [13741] TDXSabeR: 50 BANDS [13741] quazicle: no fucking way [13741] dieheartsaint: ANNUAL SALARY ON R6 BRO [13741] kingtempers: oh god [13742] murganski: oj [13742] squshie_lmao: 50 bands holy [13742] thegameboy44: NO Way [13742] emmanuel97878: millionare [13742] belligoal69: 50 g [13742] ethan_rf: poll it [13742] lurks1000: -50 bands [13742] liamctheman: nah your toast [13742] canadian_pizza_420: 50k 😂 [13742] wolveine70: 50 RACKS [13742] guerdez: 50K [13742] xqlf_: !watchtime [13742] nokk4_: IF YOU LOSE UR COOKED [13742] grezzorunz: 25K [13742] FutureMLK: 50????????? [13743] meowcat93820: NAHHHH [13743] StreamElements: xqlf_ has spent 11 days 3 hours watching jynxzi [13743] elcolombiiano: WHAT HAPPENED TO @hivise HELLCAT [13743] sustainablearnaldo: L flex L flex [13743] cameronnicoletto: You [13743] nevergeater: 50......k [13743] limitedpaws: 50k is beyond insane [13743] jackwe489: TAKE IT BRO [13743] chris_and_mittens: bro flexing hard [13744] dhogger083108: your be fine [13744] juanythegoat: CAP [13744] reedg1325: DO IT [13744] resin223: 50k [13744] omgvace: clix has money LOL he js won 60k off fncs [13744] dfaoverdrive: you are not Jeff besoz [13744] fortniteballz99: CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat [13744] patriccee: BAND FOR BAND [13744] potatoyktv: yoooo chat [13744] fanum_hater: all in on JUNKOO Lock In [13744] sebblues2: YOOO [13744] mandooo001_: 🤣🤣 [13744] Cxminmm: 50 bands is crazy 😭😭 [13744] tellyg47: -51k [13744] lilbitestko11: millionaire [13745] sustainablearnaldo: L flex L flex L flex L flex L flex [13745] boogiebills1017: -52k [13745] iso_matthew: rich [13745] hsydudbehs: THATS PENNIES [13745] thefin3ssekid: nahh don’t do that [13745] Skeptol: FAN MAIL [13745] mateomyers31: bro is eating [13745] daddylonglegz0303: 50K IS CRAZY [13745] jasperlikes: no fucking way [13745] jeepranglerr: dont do that [13746] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: do it. think of the views and exposure [13747] TheFailedSiege: 50k is crazy [13747] twizzyisthatu: do a million [13747] dimez1217: IF U LOSE TO THESE MFS WITH 3HRS IM UNSUBBING IF U LOSE TO THESE MFS WITH 3HRS IM UNSUBBING IF U LOSE TO THESE MFS WITH 3HRS IM UNSUBBING IF U LOSE TO THESE MFS WITH 3HRS IM UNSUBBING [13747] ybbetterq: take money [13747] Kunspiree: shi lemme hold a band [13747] presagexviii: money laundering yo [13747] daddymyker: 50?????? [13747] jesseblackarmz: 50 bands [13747] ivwai: fan mail [13747] monkeytoe17327423: jynxzi your buggin [13747] joker_4life_: 50K IS CRAZY [13747] B1ackorbit: this is bad [13747] trangler_: 25 [13747] zz66z76: jynxziVapeBreak [13747] waltnashplayzrl: BRO THATS THE AVERAGE YEARLY WAGE [13748] sheabae1212: CAPPP [13748] resperks: DO IT RICH FUCK [13748] leinanarcher: DO IT 50K [13748] homie_on_sarms: 50 thou wow [13748] xlfenwinxl: DONT DO 50, it’s actually irresponsible [13748] lliillbbooaatt: CAPPP [13748] itsjcnextdoorr: CHILL [13748] Fossabot: @lulmanztomas, Your message is too long [13748] willowen777: ye ggs [13748] the_dusty_pelvis: 50 racks [13748] samdizplay: youll remake that next week [13748] rileybouchard30: NAH THATS INSANE MAN [13748] Harry__GG__: 5 0 start [13748] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [13748] Suulks: HE WAS 5-0 UP [13749] kidzboop: kidzboop subscribed with Prime. [13749] AsHFearless: AYEO DROP ME 50k [13749] dussetom: chiari1028 subscribed with Prime. [13750] imchillin: 50k IS WILDDD [13750] cutieruben: 50 ???????????? [13750] a1dannnnn: NO WAY [13750] SnortingMemes: DO NOT DO 50K [13750] ryan_ram13: hi [13750] Pumpifiedd: DO IT RICH BOY [13750] itsjcnextdoorr: CHIL [13750] ugxawash: LYING [13750] opthemiop: this is fkn crazy [13750] terrell_whatdoyoumean: yeah your cooked [13750] BIGGIE_CHEESE83: DO 50 THEN FAT BOY [13750] TrtoI: they did [13750] BigX043: started at 5-0 [13750] RotaryJoker: can i have a band to hold? [13750] landowolf873: No fucking way [13751] wgen9: WIN [13751] Gucci_kid54: wait.... [13751] thefin3ssekid: do 10k [13751] dieheartsaint: ANNUAL SALARY BRO [13751] addisonb1239: 50 bands is wild [13751] abelossk: WOAHHHH [13751] Greatgodd: 4 HOUR MARK RAPIDLY APPROACHING ‼️ [13751] tommy_llo: everything you do is for content 😂 [13751] lukegorena11: !sub [13751] MFAM_CodyTheStrongWay: 50 bands?!??!?!? [13751] shauxity: 7-2'D [13751] jacethakushking: clix got fortnite pirme money [13751] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [13751] empty20: empty20 subscribed at Tier 1. [13751] g_money0013: no wayy [13752] Grumpie: with a 5-0 start [13752] OhKayG: 5-0 LEADDDD [13752] zynreaper: and they smoked xim [13752] blury_001: they didint [13752] rayzobe: do it your both loaded [13752] W1dx: W1dx subscribed at Tier 1. [13752] tommy_llo: everything you do is for content 😂 [13753] yungg_batman: don’t [13753] goektwo: 💀💀💀 [13753] r6gamer37: THEY STARTED 5-0 [13753] cheedog23: 50K is FUCKING CRAZY [13753] xthugzilla: open a school. buy a bank. be productive. [13753] ekowic: rich people bro… [13753] venjusu_: PLAY WITH STOMPING [13753] itsjcnextdoorr: CHILL [13753] nate_5_: 5-0 start [13753] xd_watergod: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [13753] jackwe489: UZIS MID ASF [13753] CMBQVX: 50😭😭 [13753] MrDinoNuggs: N A H HHHHHHHHH [13753] nathan48343: 7 ads.come on bro 4th time now dude pls STOP farming meeeeeeeee [13753] Scrooblord1234: 50KK [13754] velsenityx: flexing [13754] azlyn_love22: it was a 5 kill lead lol [13754] jesussimps123: YOU LOST [13754] cutieruben: YOOOOO [13754] JetfireZB: Thats cap [13754] ugxawash: CAPPO [13754] ryanlucido: oozies ass [13754] yrnlilstink: I’m going crazy for 50 bands😵💫😵💫 [13754] xx_allonsy_xx: oozie [13754] Knockerhound69: 50k is cap [13754] Nightbot: no 🧢 [13754] saiint22: 50 k [13754] joshpisag: gg [13754] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [13754] tabascosauce_11: tabascosauce_11 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months! [13755] Gucci_kid54: wait.... [13755] tommy_llo: everything you do is for content 😂 [13756] zindumz: they had a 5-0 lead [13756] psykokane: don’t let him in your head [13756] blazerna: 50K WHAT [13756] crimsontide17: 50 BANDS IS WILD [13756] UnknowXc: -50k [13756] nugo_c: LMAOOO CAAPPPP [13756] bobdude765: 6 round lead [13756] toad_2999: YOO [13756] patriccee: GG [13756] theduke_ljt: don’t lose to much money [13758] lukemahomie: wwwwww [13758] saiint22: do it [13758] gingie0202: free $$$ [13758] Scrooblord1234: 50 [13758] yuknoewhoitis: FUCK THAT SPLIT THE 50 K AMONG US [13758] nevergeater: wha....a [13758] Dylan_VanHook: Dylan_VanHook subscribed at Tier 1. [13759] RayanB7_: they did💀💀💀 [13759] mateomyers31: duo with someone [13759] lolo00075: okay [13759] PhilMeUp22: 50k????? [13759] frskkiwi: EVERYONE UNFOLLOW IF HE LOSES [13759] asubii_: 5-0 leadd [13759] exavn_: cap [13759] th3pq: when’s fan mail when’s fan mail when’s fan mail when’s fan mail when’s fan mail when’s fan mail when’s fan mail when’s fan mail when’s fan mail when’s fan mail when’s fan mail when’s fan mail [13759] charliedrinkwater04: 50 💀 bro do 100 [13759] TrtoI: yes [13759] dom2bred: gg [13759] zz66z76: jynxziFAT [13759] enrikfn: they lost [13759] darcss: Wait this guy stil live? [13759] Magic5hadow: CAP [13761] dr_m23: cap [13761] cleerk77: CAP [13761] AaroonDMC: oh yea ur cooked [13761] clikkzy_: cap [13761] lana777xx: LMAOO [13761] thegameboy44: No way for 50k [13761] Fergiee2: CAP [13761] Duffey5: lock [13761] ronin_ytt: no way [13761] skibidimaster2003: NAHHHH [13761] fanum_hater: all in on JUNKOO Lock In all in on JUNKOO Lock In [13761] Nightbot: Jynxzi has Unknown Error Occurred. If problem persists, please contact support. active subscribers! [13762] xd_watergod: jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype [13762] binkiebtw: OMEGALUL [13762] uqxm7: 5-0 lead tho [13762] cstorme4: make a ring [13762] piecectrlshaq: CAP [13762] cilln_: CAP [13762] rebornnn: @COFFEEZILLASDAUGHTER bro already at the top LUL [13762] Chopss1: 50.k [13763] Chihuahuaa714: yuhhhh [13763] diogo_boinho: 5-0 LEAD [13763] r6gamer37: THEY STARTED 5-0 !!!!!!! [13763] sifend: 20 k [13763] Jaywrldz_: yeah u lost [13763] skibidimaster2003: DONT [13763] Jamieischamp: CLIX HAS 17 MILL IN HIS BANKK [13763] actaavis: they beat XIM [13763] vibin_xyrix: was how mail of fan [13763] vexsiux: he had a 5-0 [13763] jmizzzzz: gotta be cap [13763] Torvi57: DONT PLAY FOR 50 [13763] a1dannnnn: no way [13763] TTVizions: lies [13763] 1738clutch: no he didntttt [13764] b0l1dee: 50K OR UR PUSI [13764] murganski: okokkokookkokokookokokookokokkookokokok [13765] exultz_yt: L 30 minute adds [13765] nardo_nick: no that’s just insanr [13765] winterworld: LOL [13765] LuxeLT: lmao [13765] xxobnoxiousxx: 50 bands without being sad oh hell no????? [13765] nock_8: he did i was in stream [13765] demon1ic: 😨 [13765] updog724: I THOUGHT STREAM CRASHED BUT I PAUSED IT LMAO [13765] awill13: ggs [13765] mrdowman: cappin [13765] walter6112: started 5-0 [13765] 4100eli: nahhhh [13765] junkojohnso: cap [13765] Nightbot: 😂 [13765] Twistween: NO WAY [13766] tha_n_a_t_o_s: cap [13766] tellyg47: he’s scaredddd [13766] 1738clutch: 5-0 lead [13766] 420Blaziken_: cap [13766] fpsdom_: 50 you pussy [13766] xx_allonsy_xx: cap [13766] xd_watergod: jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard [13766] asxppayt: 5-0 [13766] rjk323: GGs [13766] AaroonDMC: dont do 50 [13766] shauxity: THEY STARTED WITH A 4-0 LEAD [13766] willowen777: yeah -20k [13766] actaavis: they beat xim [13766] plugah: cappin hard asf [13766] Franklin: they beat xim [13767] bolo555: don’t put money jynxzi [13767] DJ_Dxn__: UR SCARED [13767] drbooterr: capp [13767] frankicexd: 5-0 lead [13767] Pumpifiedd: DO IT MILLIONAIRE [13767] sanden94mxx: cappp [13767] slxpbtw: UR FUCKED THEY DID [13767] luisr0112: 50K MF [13767] lotusizk: THEY HAD A LEAD [13767] Lardette: 5-0 lead 5-0 lead lead [13767] iceysray: GG [13767] Nightbot: @etanishimyuh -> No! Come on! No! [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [13767] Franklin: they beat ximthey beat xim [13768] Franklin: they beat xim [13768] Franklin: they beat xim [13768] Franklin: they beat xim [13768] Franklin: they beat xim [13769] Franklin: they beat ximthey beat xim [13769] Franklin: they beat xim [13769] thatguy545232: Cap [13769] swifooo: 4 -0 lead [13769] z_purpleswag1: ur cooked [13769] chrismunoz13: SCARY [13769] gezzaa0: STOMPNNNN [13769] Hayyyyzz: he had 5 rounds [13769] grrr_himself: -52k [13769] xanadux_: he had a 5 ROUND LEAD [13769] callmemichael56: cap [13769] jake_wall13: 5-0 [13769] Franklin: they beat xim [13769] BigKlutchTV: jynxziBuena jynxziBuena jynxziBuena jynxziBuena jynxziBuena jynxziBuena [13769] Chicago_Z: GG [13770] fioreniko11: fioreniko11 subscribed with Prime. [13770] Gucci_kid54: wait.... [13770] Franklin: they beat xim [13770] sifend: 20k20k. [13770] joshpisag: lock 50k [13770] itsbeasty01: cap [13770] Kihx__: STARTED 4-0 [13770] tryzobito: xim [13770] qtmatt_6: 5-0 [13770] onepiece_fab: they had a lead [13772] Atrain1118: you might be getting sharked [13772] zolleh: THEY BEAT XIM [13772] yRolIer: BEAT XIM [13772] eIegantstay: WITH 5-0 LEAD [13772] Johllux: Can’t duck now chubby [13772] lumsharky: IT WAS XIM [13772] f0nzie_: pussy [13772] m_morris1063: HEY CHATT [13772] who_asked1: IT WAS 5-0 LEAD [13772] gezzaa0: STOMPN [13772] HackedOasis: -50k buddy [13772] bman6913: bro he is fucking lying [13772] TTVizions: capppp [13772] beegusbite: already lost [13772] jc130000: 10k [13773] Reasqiscracked: GG [13773] Nightbot: @con1con123 -> You're mistaken. [stop posting links] [warning] [13773] Gucci_kid54: wait.... [13773] Llewyyyy: HES LEVEL 3 [13773] utxpiaaa: 5-0 lead [13773] Nightbot: Jynxzi sens and settings here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2GcpqRqJ9U [13773] yo_camm: liars 5-0 lead [13773] Chicago_Z: THEY BEAT XIMM [13773] logedoge: don’t lose money like that bro [13773] daniel_xo999: 5-0 lead [13773] vincible_23: cap [13773] LCG_Tim: do it [13773] aceo8907: -50k [13773] bardown16__: THEY BEAT XIMMMM! [13773] vsoka: PRE GG’S [13774] asxppayt: they beat xiim [13774] jaquayveontaviousontiktok: 50ON DIS SHI [13774] dawsdaboss22: xim [13774] oLx0nn: they started 5-0 up [13774] harleyjman: 5-0 lead [13774] viosma: 5-0 Lead [13774] a1dannnnn: they started 5-0 [13774] BxbyA_GetOn: cap [13774] amrit_09: they beat xim [13774] 4shrush: 5-0 lead [13774] ry_spers: DO IT PUSSY [13774] kyle_clair16: kyle_clair16 subscribed at Tier 1. [13776] bolo555: don’t put money they best xim too [13776] 11_noxx: they made him start 0-5 and 0-4 [13776] alaskanwhiskey: just do 5k [13776] tbaby0691: he’s losing [13776] PRESTON0293: Cheating [13776] KyleK_T: DONT LOCK 50 WTF @Jynxzi [13776] TTVizions: cappppp [13776] JBizzy_1: started 5-0 [13776] KAMIKRAZI: youre fucked [13776] its999jayfn: they were up 5] [13776] bigt_570: !watchtime [13776] beegusbite: -50k [13776] shauxity: OOZIE GAVE THEM A 4-0 LEAD [13777] juzoyi: 5-0 [13777] subwayenjoyer: CAP [13777] covebrawler: 5-0 lead [13777] dash3241: 🙊🙊🙊🥩🥩🥩🥩🥩🥩 [13777] StreamElements: bigt_570 has spent 5 days watching jynxzi [13777] hsydudbehs: cap [13777] swifooo: they beat xim [13777] talk2emb: 5-0 lead [13779] pixelhypemam: they had a 5 kill [13779] zo_tazra: nah if he looses he gonna pre end [13779] lolo00075: just get ok [13779] lucasmc235: he didn’t they had a 5-0 lead [13779] amp_redpanda: !prediction [13779] r3nz212: nah 5-0 lead then 4-0 lead # [13779] IamTheFlash: LOL [13779] Karson27: Karson27 subscribed with Prime. [13779] joshpisag: huh [13779] soundcloutken: LOL [13779] waaa437: STARTED 5-0 [13779] MrDinoNuggs: nahhhhhh [13779] bardown16__: LMAOOOO [13779] 420Blaziken_: jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown [13779] Gucci_kid54: LMAO [13780] rapterft101: Cap cap [13780] ykmmikey: they beat ximthey beat xim' [13780] italianow_99: Cap [13780] jmizzzzz: ain’t no way they gonna do 50k [13780] Chicago_Z: THEY BEAT XIMMMM [13780] cheesychester13: OOZIE WAS DOWN 5-0 for star [13780] TTVizions: cPpppppp [13780] saiint22: 50k or ur pussy [13780] nokk4_: kill lead [13780] kazuii_: THEY BEAT XIM [13780] CasesBallCheese: Cap [13780] loganmills32: they beat xim [13780] cowzay: LMFAO [13780] Masxdonna: Masxdonna subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! jack dingle [13780] CallMeAydin_: 100K [13781] berrie_crunch: lock in [13781] jacethakushking: think about ur money [13781] kingnta_: they beat xim [13781] connerboxedyoulol: he did [13781] swoleboh: lmfao [13781] vortxxttv: coming up on the 4 hr markk [13781] sebblues2: ain’t no way [13781] wyay: 😭 [13783] vsoka: LMFOAOO [13783] patriccee: LMAOO [13783] ZachXc48: LUL LUL LUL [13783] itsrageyy: they beat xim [13783] TTVizions: cappppppppp [13783] KAMIKRAZI: lmfaoo [13783] aceo8907: -50kk [13783] Icyyonkbm: lmaoooo [13783] kutzfv: INSANELY COOKEDINSANELY COOKEDINSANELY COOKEDINSANELY COOKEDINSANELY COOKEDINSANELY COOKEDINSANELY COOKED [13783] xx_nard_xx: 2v2 with stompn [13783] plantingkitchen: strwbr15Bonk strwbr15Bonk strwbr15Bonk strwbr15Bonk [13783] awill13: LMFAOOOO [13783] joshpisag: DONT MEAN SHIT [13783] greesyappl3: THEY BEAT XIM [13783] spector_J1: jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH [13785] Franklin: they beat xim [13785] kutzfv: INSANELY COOKEDINSANELY COOKED [13785] ugxawash: 😭😭😭🧢 [13785] AyoSpanky: HE DID [13785] willswingr6: lmaoooo [13785] Franklin: they beat xim [13785] Franklin: they beat xim [13785] Franklin: they beat xim [13785] Franklin: they beat xim [13786] Franklin: they beat xim [13786] glaceeonn: lock 50k [13786] Obibenkenobi80: LUL [13786] prosauce13: !watchtime [13786] aaron_v1ner: better lock in daddy [13786] thedude694206: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 [13786] Franklin: they beat xim [13786] ykmmikey: 5 KILL LEAD [13786] F4teAu: call ron [13786] angryfrenchfry2: jynxziPACK [13786] nathan22hunter: LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOO [13786] TTVizions: cappppppp [13786] StreamElements: prosauce13 has spent 3 days 17 hours watching jynxzi [13786] Franklin: they beat xim [13786] joshpisag: 😂😂😂😂😂 [13787] iso_matthew: 50k [13787] sOkKa9000: they beat xim [13787] gbrees: they beat xim [13787] cornificusy: 2-0 means nothing [13787] coosa1x: 5-0 lead [13787] Fossabot: @norvini, Your message is too long [13787] miyione: 2* MB [13787] dfgshad0w: all my channel points straight on jynxzi idc i trust [13787] junkoluver6969: beat xim [13787] zxourii: 😂😂 [13787] valhalla_mx56: TRASH [13787] kingnta_: they beat ximmmm [13787] banditoborrito: 2-0 [13787] bolt0241: I’m [13787] used_potato: pls warm up on me [13788] auditharealest: -50,000 [13788] Stello96: AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHAAAAHHA [13789] sevinplayzcomp: redo production [13789] r457k0: FORT KIDS OWNS U [13789] vortxxttv: coming up on the 4 hr mark [13789] lukemahomie: wwwwwwwwww [13789] jikinirdon: Do not lock 50k [13789] uswax_: easiest 50k for someone [13789] F4teAu: CALL RON [13789] MarkyMarks_: 50 k PUSSY [13789] mrmilku1234: He’s capping [13789] Franklin: they beat xim [13789] gezzaa0: GET STOMPN [13789] Diddyyyy: THEYRE COPPERS [13789] uiuvnoah: liar [13789] kenitar1: HELLLLLLL NAAAAH [13790] Franklin: they beat xim [13790] vijero721: they got lucky kills [13790] COOLDUDEwithyo: LOL [13790] subduedmonkey123: script [13790] OzuraKIN: 185K channel points on clix and ron GL chat [13790] Franklin: they beat xim [13790] PRESTON0293: HES CHEATING [13790] xvybiex22: 5 KILL LEAD IS CRAZYYYY [13790] bardown16__: 2-0 [13790] billybully111: 🤜🥩 [13790] Franklin: they beat xim [13790] jmizzzzz: ain’t no wayyyyyyy [13790] phiiiilthy: 😂 [13790] willrooneyy: lock 50k [13790] xslenderyoshix: jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh [13791] ykmmikey: 5 KILL LEADD [13791] Franklin: they beat xim [13791] i__999__i: DinoDance [13791] noah1234567891011828108: big boys in my face [13791] ttstan_: LOL [13791] Franklin: they beat xim [13791] Franklin: they beat xim [13792] Franklin: they beat xim [13792] austinboston_22: austinboston_22 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Le5s go [13792] nikisimmer2015: Lmaoooooo [13792] benitez6543: I want my points back bro [13792] DaysBe4Rodeo: 50K !!! [13792] ajahhaba: it was xim [13792] brandib4: I would only do 10 grand [13792] dieheartsaint: NEVER MIND MODS [13792] vortxxttv: coming up on the 4 hr markk [13793] Diddyyyy: COPPERS [13793] itsjcnextdoorr: CHIL [13793] sami_etu: 50K IS CRAZY [13793] asubii_: NO KILL LEAD [13793] nawfside3800: 50k- [13793] jesus_of_rebirth: he scared [13793] Gucci_kid54: LMAOO [13793] 0z_ozone: 0-0 [13793] jqyil: yea [13793] olezaltvik: they beat xim [13793] sevyyy19: he means xim [13793] lurkfv: they beat xim [13793] rhamturd: he lyinnnnnn [13793] ulitries: bro [13793] TheSigSoldierSSG: pulse only defense [13794] yesmann223: WHAAAAAAT [13794] iloveezzy: THE BEAT XIM [13794] lolo00075: with [13794] cakelebs: do it [13794] BrownEyeEater: 50 strait up [13794] Phobos_222: they beat xim [13794] bolt0241: xim [13794] kyle_clair16: jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT [13794] greesyappl3: THEY BEAT XIMM [13794] ykmmikey: they beat xim [13794] LowW0N: when is fan mail [13794] Gucci_kid54: LMAOO [13794] toohighjay: TTHEY BEAT XIM [13794] Bizo_3: they beat xim [13794] StreamElements: @jack46ace987 jack46ace987 has 235 points and is rank 1082688/1728535 on the leaderboard. [13795] Chopss1: 50k [13795] cstorme4: make a ring [13796] scourfn: THEY BEAT XIM [13796] hr21savage: they beat him [13796] sibo812: I’m telling you clix is way better than you think [13796] zz66z76: jynxziCopper jynxziChampion [13796] reltheory: xum [13796] raffe12341: they beat xim [13796] itsjcnextdoorr: CHILLLLL NOOOO [13796] spacebicorn1: cap [13796] Twistween: CAP [13796] Coldbear_E: they beat xim [13796] logedoge: don’t lose 50k bro come on [13796] Nightbot: no 🧢 [13796] Nightbot: no 🧢 [13798] lolo00075: the game [13798] austinboston_22: WW [13798] cool_player247: Hi jinxi big fan much love [13798] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: CAP [13798] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: CAP [13798] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: CAP [13798] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: CAP [13799] austinboston_22: www [13799] QuickPup3340436: EXCEPT FOR RAYAN [13799] dialedguido: thats irresponsible [13799] woahbrokk: RAYAN?? [13799] nolimitcloudy555: !sub [13799] capndundy: capndundy subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! [13799] bzLink: what about garron? [13799] ykmmikey: they beat ximMM [13799] willswingr6: CAP [13799] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [13799] jackary172: jynxziVapeBreak [13799] mikec10310: they beat xim [13799] Twistween: SO CAP [13799] Chihuahuaa714: yuhhh [13799] Icyyonkbm: cap [13800] chris23168: 5-0 lead [13800] scourfn: THEY BEAT CIMMM [13800] diorwtw_: THEY BEAT XIM [13800] bardown16__: RAYAN [13800] 35prky: it was xim [13800] logedoge: be smart [13800] junkojohnso: they beat xim [13800] Chopss1: 50k [13800] lolo00075: pls [13800] nastynatee98: XIM IS ASS [13800] pmgzyx: CAP [13800] tellyg47: cap [13800] 0__fitz__0: !LINK [13800] wyatt_r2010: ima be honest close game [13800] dr3wcrazy: CAP | Jynxzi | Prime Jynxzi is Back | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [13620] I need a load-up siege. Downloading content. [13630] my wallpaper? Y'all like my wallpaper? Be honest. Ciao, my big nature guy. Big nature guy. Big nature guy. Big nature guy. Big nature guy. Big nature guy. [13640] People are gonna say cat. Chad, I like my wallpaper. Yes or no, I'm be honest. I'm gonna call clicks right now. I don't think he's serious about 20,000. [13650] That would just be irresponsible. I'm calling clicks. Just keep me by my mom, y'all! [13660] I'm face damage licks. [13670] [13680] Yo! Yo! Yo, are you serious about 20,000? Are you kidding? I don't know if I'm waiting for fuck, but I need to lower my... [13690] the energy shifts chat once I get on the phone. Okay wait, how much you guys want to play for? You said 10 or 20,000, I'm trying to play for the maximum here. I need the max ween. [13700] Like could you lose Rob being sad? Oh my god, no way. Okay, wait, did my stream crash? No, I'm good. How much can I lose without being sad? In a way to- Yeah. [13710] Without being sad, 50,000. 515. I said 50, not 15. [13720] I said 50. Yeah, I can't tell anybody. Yo, yo, I can't even tell if this is content or not. This is the thing, this is the thing. When do you see me in wrong place? [13730] I swear to god I can't tell this for content or not bro [13740] No clue where you're I'm where you're going to know you seven O'sy. Yes, bro. Hey, I don't want to tell you that though, but wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, you know, O'sy's like a pro player. [13750] Yeah Wait, wait, wait, how did you seven o'ooz-eeke? Was it like pistol all me or something? No, it was all there's everything. There's all guns. All guns. Zero zero. You've seven o'o'ooz-ee [13760] No, Brian, we shall slide. No, you can't try, try, try, try, try, try, try. Wait, hold on. Chat, no, no, no, no. I'll join called in a second, bro. Hold on, I'm loading on my game. [13770] Whoa, I thought you said no to see whoa You're a bitch bro he gave you a five [13780] kill lead that doesn't even mean anything if we lock 50,000 you got to understand uzi's mnk pro i'm a controller player [13790] Like Dude I literally pay I literally pay everybody bro the only time I the only time I haven't paid someone it was one time with Ryan and I | There is no Highlight in the provided timespan. Jynxzi watches a stream/clip and talks to his chat, then starts smoking a cigar. |
Jynxzi | Prime Jynxzi is Back | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [14040] ItzRollsz: ItzRollsz subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 5 month streak! hi [14043] wyay: 💀 [14043] shrimp_097: lmfao [14043] realbizalt: realbizalt subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! [14043] DJ_Dxn__: LMAAAAAAAOO [14043] iRecoil: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL [14043] ahmed_shokry: LUL [14043] Jaywrldz_: 😭😭😭 [14043] bardown16__: LMAOAOAOAOA [14043] astroidr6: LMFAO W RON [14043] dusllbee: 🤣🤣🤣🤣 [14043] erickdiddy: crazy [14043] YOMAX4: www [14043] Nightbot: i was crazy once [14043] SpawnGrieferr: HAHAHHA [14043] corymoist: lwt him talk [14044] EclipseHimseIf: GG [14044] itsbeasty01: 💀 [14044] liamctheman: DAN [14044] a1dannnnn: oh shit [14044] Rigbonedd: LMAO [14044] mikeee3xx: EPIK SOLD [14044] CriticalVAL: WWWWWWWWW [14044] ellarer: LAMOOOO [14044] CP3myGOAT: LMAOOOOOO [14044] frilly619: No Hate [14044] RatmantheGreat: W [14044] mandooo001_: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [14044] maxdechert: EPIK CARRIED CLIX WASHED [14044] 0_xFashii: HAHAHAHAHHAHA [14044] vsoka: FACTA [14045] jumbodwarf: LUL [14045] lakeyoung: BITCHED [14045] zestyabdriel: WWW [14045] MERC7__: CLIX carried epik [14045] cxrtz05: jynxziCRY jynxziCRY [14045] bbqoill: STOMPING YOUR CARRY [14045] yungKIBE: LMAO [14045] ROCKN__: LMAO [14045] fadedgamess: lmaooo [14045] nobawd: 😭😭😭😭😭 [14045] TheFailedSiege: wwww [14045] wyay: 💀 [14045] ROCKN__: LMAO [14045] ROCKN__: LMAO [14045] ROCKN__: LMAO [14047] Ascalice19: 420 day [14047] imsocool4718: YOOOOO [14047] siryousef7: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [14047] streakxsy: Jynxsi epik sold him [14047] winterworld: LOL [14047] masejh_: lmao [14047] frostbite999081: hahahahahahaah [14047] yuzukezzzz: mother fukcerrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!! [14047] fate_harley: 💀💀💀 [14047] IKnoKay: LMAO [14047] Exxxcl: WWWWWW [14047] 0_xFashii: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH [14047] zestyabdriel: LMAO [14047] xslenderyoshix: jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh [14047] farming_outlaws: lol [14049] SnortingMemes: if they get a handicap do not do 50K [14049] treewhispererr: brainrot [14049] stay_mad_kid971: 😭😭😭😭 [14049] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: SKYTE TOO LMAO [14049] goofgaming92: STOMPN [14049] neverseg: RON STFU MIC IS HORRIBLE [14049] nolan59: True [14049] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: SKYTE TOO LMAO [14049] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: SKYTE TOO LMAO [14049] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: SKYTE TOO LMAO [14050] ethancanter: ShowLove95 [14051] itsbeasty01: 💀💀💀💀💀 [14051] Jaywrldz_: stompn drop u 😭😭😭 [14051] leorzn: LMAOOO [14051] BigJosh_54: did him dirty [14051] scarlxtt4: lmao [14051] kxngpsycho: LMAOOOO [14051] taqqvue: no wayyy [14051] jkthekidd_04: USE SHOTGUNSSSSSSSS [14051] mandooo001_: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [14051] mandocommando21: rons a clown [14051] Gucci_kid54: 💀 [14051] anviani: 💀 💀 [14051] WoanSickySik1: ww [14051] vjive: STOMPN DROPPED YOU [14051] emptyshelly: WWWW [14052] phiiiilthy: 😂😂😂 [14052] truebaby2x: Bout to go live I need support and followers come join pleaseeeeee!!!! [14052] bazinga_9001: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 [14052] Yourmumscheeks: LMFAOOO [14052] Bigdaddymycack69: W [14052] yungKIBE: LMAO [14052] Arii10: oh eow [14052] farming_outlaws: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [14052] oo_play: epik sold [14052] TheSigSoldierSSG: alright I’m gonna watch some GOT good luck let’s go!!! [14052] eman2222222222: W HENCHMEN [14052] OMGitsVanc: they won’t let you talk [14052] HackedOasis: LMAO [14052] shippleyy: LMAOOOOO [14052] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀 [14053] Gucci_kid54: 💀 [14053] monetary_diner1: L ron [14053] TheBrandonx23: LMAOOOOOOOOOOO [14053] americanzek: …… [14054] bezerkon240: HOW DOES EVERYONE KNOW LOL [14054] nickyjam2400: LMAOOOOO [14054] greesyappl3: U GOT DROPPED JYNXZI [14054] capndundy: CLIX CARRIED EPIK [14054] ChocolateLoverVz: W press [14054] FadedJunior710: ron just the punching bag lmaoo [14054] hashoeke: LMFAOOOOOO [14054] wgen9: Rigged rules [14054] JBizzy_1: LMAOOOOOOO [14054] houstonkills: HAHAHAHAHA [14055] KinddaSuss: why cant they use shotguns hahaha [14055] Aliwardez: MINGO TOO [14055] sophiajulia1: BRO RON NEEDS TO STFU [14055] jussmarcos: U GOT DROPPED TWICE [14055] bazinga_9001: 🗣️ [14055] loadmeister_: 125k for this child [14055] rebornnn: at the end of the day r6 is a fps [14055] 420Blaziken_: stabeGREEN stabeWHITE stabeBLUE stabeRED stabePINK stabeYELLOW stabeWHITE2 [14055] willrooneyy: stompn dropped you [14055] lukemahomie: wwwww [14055] phiiiilthy: skyte too [14055] aquafina2340: L smoke [14055] jr1d3r14: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [14055] CMOMoney187: NO KILL LEAD [14056] troncoop: :skull: [14056] poopyb0i: SKYTE TOO [14056] kxngpsycho: STOMPN AND SKYTE [14056] picklepuss47: L glaze [14056] kaxy01: 😂😂 [14056] RiIey5k: TRUE [14056] lemony__: LMAOOO [14056] papiadrianchiki: d [14056] nmna_zz: 💀💀💀💀💀 [14056] bazinga_9001: 💀🗣️ [14056] aidenkillsnoobs: clix actually carried this fncs [14056] ChambzSG: skyte too lmaooooo [14056] kreninn1: LMFAOOOOOOOOO [14056] mrbobbybob999: LOL [14056] finalarigato_: DROPPED BY SKYTE AND STOMPN [14057] cilln_: 🤣🤣🤣🤣 [14057] Myusernameisjojo: Hi white speed [14057] huegrection132: LMAO [14057] maallydub: W ron [14057] nightfight25: L Ron [14057] laydenkellum11: !prime [14057] JustinBlaze2323: RON HAS 44 HOURS [14057] bazinga_9001: 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🥲🗣️ [14057] xerrularr: WW [14057] Jbuckallew21: caseohByrangeedesigns caseohByrangeedesigns caseohByrangeedesigns caseohByrangeedesigns caseohByrangeedesigns caseohByrangeedesigns caseohByrangeedesigns [14057] Nightbot: Subscribe to @Jynxzi for FREE with Twitch Prime Twitch.tv/subs/jynxzi [14057] Facelesss__: 💀💀💀💀 [14057] deycondones: dropped from every team💀 [14057] zxourii: LMFAOOOOOO [14057] rebornnn: at the end of the day r6 is a fps [14058] steven_mcnasty: cooked him up [14058] soundcloutken: LOOOOOOOL [14058] linklink232: SKYTE DROPPED HIM TOO [14059] rebornnn: at the end of the day r6 is a fps [14059] pistolapeen: JYNXI IS A BITCH HATER [14059] zxourii: 😂😂 [14059] xerrularr: W [14059] greesyappl3: jynxzi is washed d [14060] ItsMeWubba: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [14060] zeimzyk: W RON [14060] zxourii: 😂 [14060] faze_jew12: looooooool [14060] legionxgl: this is going good so far [14060] bronnyiswaiting: get stompn to 2v1 them [14060] Scribyyfn: L [14061] henny_2121: LMAOOO [14061] reedbooksplz: LMAO [14061] galaxy_liv_: FREE RONBIG CLIX [14061] maxplaysfort21: W RON [14061] Falayho69: SHOTGUNS ARE PART OF THE GAME WHY ARE THEY ALWAYS BANNED? [14061] cilln_: 😭😭😭 [14061] CurxyyALT: LOL [14061] datboyiskxng: TAKE THE FREE KILLS HE IS GIVING WE DON'T CARE IF HE LOSE [14061] Nightbot: 😂 [14061] 1v9fiora: clix always does this he will downplay everything to get his way. don’t give in!!! [14061] reedg1325: 💀💀💀💀💀 [14062] QuakerOats0: LieMeter [14062] ttv_kade553: epik sold clix do badly [14062] Scribyyfn: LLLLL [14062] mandooo001_: HE DID DROP YOU [14062] sustainablearnaldo: TWO STACKS IN ONE DAY [14062] jesko_11: Play with stompen [14062] djrassball: W grimace ohio skibidi [14063] Unloved_Jamn23: WHY IS HE BETTING MONEY IN A GAME HE DOESNT KNOW (LITERALLY ACOUSTIC) [14063] OzuraKIN: LMAOOOOO [14063] razoo020: 💀 [14063] rubinson18: 😂😂😂😂😂 [14063] houstonkills: HAHAHAAHHA [14063] mandooo001_: LOL [14063] ClutchReady: W @coffeezillasdaughter [14063] sauce_godzzz: LMAOOOO [14064] goektwo: LMAOOOOO [14064] troyrn: !LINK [14064] gqphillyfan26: lol pro singer is crazy [14064] Nightbot: @troyrn If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [14064] lilposed2rap: w leak [14064] fpsdom_: LMFAOMOFMAO [14064] 420Blaziken_: stabeHead stabeHead stabeHead stabeHead stabeHead stabeHead [14064] big_daddy_dirk: It’s a 2 vs 1. What are these pancakes talking about with a 3 round lead 😂 [14065] nat11l: W RONNNNNN [14065] xslenderyoshix: jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh [14065] thegr8mehdi: Ron so loud [14065] xNoRecoil: LOLOL [14065] gaberatorrr: LEAD??? [14065] BigJosh_54: TwitchConHYPE [14065] combatsquash14: lmao [14065] bardown16__: PAYPHONE MADE PAYPHONE MADE PAYPHONE MADEPAYPHONE MADEPAYPHONE MADE [14065] theloraxgaming7777: ron got carried to his fncs win [14066] siryousef7: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [14066] fpsdom_: IM DEAD [14066] maallydub: lmao [14066] levishhh124: 1234 people watching [14066] thiagom2222: u need shotguns or ur cooked [14066] fireworksfir: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [14066] flycoconut14: Porr ron [14066] Scribyyfn: LLLLLLL [14066] jsgc: mute the dumbass [14066] etanishimyuh: yuh [14066] m4rkh3nry: moon5? [14066] opiumwizard777: STOMPN’s GATORADE BOY [14067] Skaminskylaslavibei: they both pc gamers [14067] yannijnll: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [14067] jake_ratt1103: yap [14067] Yourmumscheeks: 💀💀 [14067] rubinson18: 💀💀💀💀💀💀 [14067] djrassball: Real shit word bro [14067] bhughesinator: fu liam [14067] Deathtrap424: turn ron down pls [14067] m6s0nn: mute ron [14067] Nightbot: real [14067] RELAXPJ23: W ron [14067] Fossabot: @TheeMutzNutz, Your message is too long [14067] agent_feroo: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [14067] gaberatorrr: NO KILL LEAD [14067] geemikeyyy: LUL [14068] vxmpzzzzz: WW [14068] charlie1704_: turn ron down hes annoying [14068] wyay: 😭 [14068] nailwind: LMAO [14068] bardown16__: PAYPHONE MADE PAYPHONE MADEPAYPHONE MADEPAYPHONE MADE V VPAYPHONE MADE [14068] hitkyxn: Clix carried [14068] awill13: LMFAOOOOO [14068] Freaky3: LMFAO this is funny [14068] ykmmikey: RBP [14068] a1dannnnn: MOON FIVE????? [14068] ccolchester: Why bro got a christmas tree ?????? [14068] ben3k59: W ron [14068] malek101292: L bully [14069] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [14069] mickle_pickle12345: AsexualPride BisexualPride GayPride GenderFluidPride IntersexPride LesbianPride NonbinaryPride PansexualPride TransgenderPride [14069] Hunt3r242: WWWWWW [14069] backwoodtrauma: We want sketch [14069] frnk_luong: LMFAOOOOO [14069] footballnmore: HAHAHAHAHHAH [14069] fpsdom_: IM DEAD lOL [14069] resperks: FUCK CLIX [14070] YLKaya: the capoff [14070] vxmpzzzzz: W [14070] fybaleee: LMAOOOOOOO [14070] dentege: 💀 [14070] bardown16__: MOON 5 [14070] krumaru: 💀 [14070] itz4xwrld999: part timer [14070] ykmmikey: IM DEAD ASFC [14070] benjiionps: 💀💀 [14070] k_nife_: LOLLL [14070] haayden_r6: n## [14070] vantagecontrol: 30 SECONDS [14070] YourAnimeOtakuYT: LUL [14071] footballnmore: AHAHAHHAHAHAH [14071] mickle_pickle12345: GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride [14071] cole4455: BRO TURN HIS ASS DOWN HES LOUD AF [14071] zxourii: LMAOAOAOAOAOA [14071] jesko_11: Play with stomp [14071] sandy_sir: LMFAO💀💀 [14071] percc80: THERES 2 OF THEM ONLY 2 KILL LEADD @jynxzi [14071] bigdubbfan: bro clixs title says your a part timer you need to shit on heem [14072] africanguy23454372: that is crazy [14072] soundcloutken: LOL [14072] nobawd: 😭 [14072] Nicogazzotti: Lmaooo [14072] 3xRyannn: 0-0 [14072] enviro69: Moon 5 [14072] isttopotop: lmao [14072] bbqoill: cringe nicholas [14072] JustinBlaze2323: LOOK AT RONS STEAM TIME [14072] gengarlover12345: !pulse [14072] grahgrah24: L SHOTGUN FAX [14072] footballnmore: AJAHHAHAHAHAHA [14072] mikee_1300: moon 5 [14072] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀 [14072] Nightbot: CARDIAC SENSOR DEPLOYED [14073] coolddedes: 💀💀💀💀💀 [14073] ddark88: jynxziWTF [14073] Xander9ix: GoldPLZ [14073] xslenderyoshix: WWW MAROON 5 [14073] toumazaaaa: LUL LUL LUL [14073] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀 [14073] theman0032: Guys are flexing Fortnite wins 💀💀💀 [14073] raider0519: moon 5??? [14073] astroidr6: W RON LMFAOOO [14073] tianhatake: MOON 5 [14073] 666heavens: HAHAHAHAHAHA [14073] steezi8433: OMEGALUL [14073] sustainablearnaldo: moon 5 [14073] jizzojohnson: !link [14073] ontiveroselise: how can he ban shotguns when it’s 2v1 [14074] backwoodtrauma: WE WANT SKETCH!!! [14074] goofynicco: CMON BEAT THEM [14074] huegrection132: L bully [14074] resperks: FUCK CLIX INA SCHATTTTT [14074] beamofeli: speed fake [14074] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀 [14074] BigJosh_54: GoatEmotey [14074] aquafina2340: jynxziLOL [14074] lukemahomie: wwwwwwww [14075] cashsimple: NO KILL LEAD [14075] KAMIKRAZI: lmfaooo [14075] timmerson12: da da [14075] Myusernameisjojo: white speed!! [14075] haayden_r6: HAHAHAHA [14075] zalt2: !watchtime [14075] zxourii: BAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA😂😂 [14075] vantagecontrol: 30 SECONDSSSS [14075] m6s0nn: mute payphone [14075] Hunt3r242: FAXXXX [14075] itz_David: LMFAAOOOOOOOOOO [14075] StreamElements: zalt2 has spent 3 days 8 hours watching jynxzi [14075] sandy_sir: 💀 [14075] spector_J1: Certified pancake [14075] threetrixmafia: clix sucks bro [14076] surfacewl: GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride [14076] jahmapants: adam levine?? [14076] starryqueeen: LMAO [14076] footballnmore: YOO I AM DEAD [14076] theman0032: pathetic [14076] rileybouchard30: MOON 5 [14076] vantagecontrol: 30 SECONDS [14076] levishhh124: stream crashed [14076] lukemahomie: wwwwwww [14076] jsgc: mute that dumbass [14076] itskatter: RON HAS 44 [14076] maxdechert: RON IS SUCH A W THO [14076] i_loOp: stop talking competetieve, xbox ass controller player, you are hella good tho [14076] gezogotpackss: who won for the 1k????? [14077] footballnmore: HAHAHAHAH [14077] kingtempers: moon 5 [14077] tvjxmes: hahahahha [14077] twilightglxy: HypePopcorn [14077] BackshotHero: can this fucking loser put a shirt on [14077] m6s0nn: mute ron [14078] T__MURDA: aim assist [14078] dispatch001: Excuses [14078] drake_crawfor: !watchtime [14078] nmna_zz: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 [14078] xp_jammy: ron owns you jinky [14078] StreamElements: drake_crawfor has spent 6 hours 30 mins watching jynxzi [14078] footballnmore: AHAHHAHAHAH [14079] aIexpereira: 😭😭💀💀 [14079] anviani: moon 5 LUL [14079] hashoeke: bro 💀 [14079] ChatMan04: !pulseskin [14080] 730H: moon5 is crazy [14080] vantagecontrol: 30 SECONDS SSSS [14080] sargtuffk: hiveise sucks [14080] bobbythecollector: MOON 5 💀 [14080] 8mrtn: Glazing [14080] sauce_godzzz: STILL MISSING MY MCNUGGETS [14080] terrell_whatdoyoumean: wwwwww [14080] willrooneyy: stompn [14080] ItsMeWubba: WWWWW [14080] loyaltylux: COPPER JYNXZI [14080] tnadash2: White speed [14080] colbyc777: Ron catching every stray [14080] alc1h: LMFAO [14080] ShinobiBen: jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY [14081] lukemahomie: wwwwwwww [14081] Suulks: 0-0 on controller with a 2v1 and one shot headshot is 100% fair [14081] neverseg: FUCK U RON [14081] 1v9fiora: clix always does this he will downplay everything to get his way. don’t give in [14081] og_triax: i can teach how to smoke a cigar brother [14081] dimezgood: Ok [14081] b_dizzz: moon? [14081] Nightbot: ok [14081] grahgrah24: NO SHOTGUN FSX [14081] malek101292: L BULLY [14081] roberttoppi: bully [14082] Stewoh: Fax [14082] ofxka: MOON 5 [14082] reedg1325: FortOne [14082] ebrozik: clix is a wenie [14082] mandooo001_: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [14082] threetrixmafia: STREAMER OF THE YEAR [14082] joker_4life_: LMAO NO WAY 🤣🤣🤣 [14082] goopsfavorite: goopsfavorite subscribed at Tier 1. [14082] erickdiddy: 0-0 [14082] footballnmore: AHAHAHHAH [14082] EndrSR: play with caseoh [14082] ChambzSG: got drops 2 times in 10 min [14082] a1dannnnn: IT IS [14082] vantagecontrol: 30 SECONDS [14083] temprrdd: 2 kill [14083] bo_rog3rss: CLIX DID PISTOL ONLY [14083] FranJetta: easy clix and Ron lock, Jynxzi is washed [14083] Rezloh98: bender58BOOBA [14083] burgerguy43: they pussy [14083] moodzter: whos the kid at the bottom of the screen [14084] rucrew122: Agreed [14084] VeterNx: INSANE [14084] xvybiex22: 💀💀💀 [14084] djdave1001: yes it is [14084] 1v9fiora: clix always does this he will downplay everything to get his way. don’t give in, [14084] nevergeater: cap [14084] yesmann223: TRUE [14084] Nightbot: no 🧢 [14084] CMOMoney187: NO KILL LEADD [14084] haayden_r6: A [14085] allstarliam015: he’s got a point [14085] colbyc777: every single strain [14085] lord_hokage_97: Ron keeps setting himself up to get bullied bro stop [14085] mikemike2213: insane [14085] backwoodtrauma: Sketch is better I’m glazing don’t care [14085] Rockos__Tacos: dudes ass if he doesn’t take this [14086] braxton_rtr: no kill lead [14086] Suulks: 0-0 on controller with a 2v1 and one shot headshot is 100% fair... [14086] jjburden: yeah ti is [14086] AD55NN: hurry up big boy [14086] DynamiClick: SCAMMERS [14086] infraredhulk: ronaldo is fucking stupid [14086] Pamurrr: Pamurrr subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 17 months, currently on a 17 month streak! [14086] twizidy: Them trying to get a kill lead is pathetic [14086] sayed_aland: hivise ban that guy [14086] nav_comin: u bouta bully this foo into another car stream [14086] footballnmore: 😂😂😂😂😂 [14086] TheeMutzNutz: 0-0 NO RULES 0-0 NO RULES 0-0 NO RULES 0-0 NO RULES 0-0 NO RULES 0-0 NO RULES 0-0 NO RULES 0-0 NO RULES 0-0 NO RULES 0-0 NO RULES 0-0 NO RULES [14086] classy126: 30 seconds is up [14086] theman0032: no kill lead [14086] RuggedBubbles: I CANT WITH THESE MAROON 5 JOKES LMAOOOO [14087] grahgrah24: NO SHOTGUNS [14087] UnknowXc: IT IS [14087] Justin1170: that is insane [14087] 1v9fiora: clix always does this he will downplay everything to get his way. don’t give in!! [14087] festival_________: just mute that fucking random [14087] Itsblunter: HELL NAH [14087] AIRMAX93: give them two [14088] bolt0241: xim [14088] ElAgua7: L KILL LEAD [14088] footballnmore: 😂😂 [14088] Lowwval: ron actually is a pro player, jynxzi is a content creator and a ranked players hahahahahahahhahaa loser bud [14088] OzuraKIN: NO SHOTGUN THATS IT [14088] couristine: this is better than reality television [14088] nightfight25: no kill leaded [14088] TayeulToer: YOU GONNA GET REKT FR [14088] sargtuffk: hive sucks [14089] ethancanter: Junko your gonna lose tubby [14089] dispatch001: Bro u literally wrecked shroud [14089] threetrixmafia: STREAMER OF THE YEAR NOT CLIX [14089] Suulks: 0-0 on controller with a 2v1 and one shot headshot is 100% fair. [14089] bo_rog3rss: YOU ARE SCARED [14089] jammmmess: faxxx [14089] youseftheone14: VERY CRAZY [14089] Pilot_Azog: IM ON A PAYPHONE [14089] soccernick50_: 20K?? [14089] DumpOnUrChess: put Sketch on your team [14089] footballnmore: 😂 [14089] lockeykockey3: THEY STARY PUT WITH 3 KILL LEAS BUT UGET CASE OH CALL HIM UP [14090] Rynojt: kill lead is crazy [14090] angelkarrizales: white speed [14090] NOTBless: NO SHOTGUN BAN [14090] jadornet3: that’s crazy bro [14090] awill13: No that is INSANE [14090] jahmapants: noooo [14090] YummySteak: CRAZYYYYY [14090] FadedJunior710: 30 SECONDS ARE UP [14090] ironmax22_: tell them no aim assist [14090] steeg7: they tripping [14090] trillville0: HELL NAH [14091] aIexpereira: delusion [14091] bolt0241: x I’m [14091] nokk4_: 100 true [14091] BraithWaiteManorGold: no kill lead [14091] fumblebumble123: prfessional kymsyker [14091] biggluebag69: no don’t take it [14091] djdave1001: hes insane [14091] jacethakushking: that’s insane [14092] Jstinl: thats so dumb [14092] jynxzilover25: !watchtime [14092] Johnnyturbo27: clix is crazyy [14092] grahgrah24: NO SHOTGUN [14092] jeepranglerr: A KILL LEAD [14092] StreamElements: jynxzilover25 has spent 3 days 20 hours watching jynxzi [14092] HimJonDro: it is wen u just 7-0 a pro player clix!!!! lol [14092] dababy12345moneydrop: w [14093] britzyanaxo: NO WAY BRO. [14093] lazarlazar45161: watchtime! [14093] monkey_762: poll it [14093] naterrater8: MODS tell them 10k per round [14093] tvjxmes: wtf [14093] CrazyWobbles: MAKE THEM EARN IT [14093] nicklibertyyy: he’s gonna unalive himself [14093] rileybouchard30: IT'S FOR SURE INSANE [14093] bluff1n: aint no way [14093] theman0032: No kill leads [14093] ykmmikey: they beat xim [14093] 3idiotsss: he is gaslighting😂😂😂😂 [14093] burke468: he said that so casual [14093] alc1h: CLIX IS A FUCKING JOKE [14094] ElAgua7: BITCH KILL LEAD [14094] lockeykockey3: CALL CASE OH [14094] Pooch824: no kill lead man [14094] abyssaldreamsss: It is insane [14094] sweatyhandzs: hell nah thefuckk [14094] notblest: do bo3 [14094] mrtimbitq: L blunt [14094] baseball_dude: XIM OWNS YOU [14095] xenzzzzz_: L SMOKER [14095] LukieOCE: clix has more hours than you at gaming for aim [14095] RatmantheGreat: MONEY? [14095] Axreo: kill lead is some fn kid vibes [14095] ChambzSG: no kill lead [14095] v_3rtex: nAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH [14095] Chris_Karate: RON VOLUME TOO PERFECT [14095] 313_Ven: rons mic is so annoying [14095] kaxu7: stable has 44 hours @jynxzi and is level 53 [14095] knowxnx: CAP [14095] JustinBlaze2323: RON HAS 44 HOURS IN R6 [14095] threetrixmafia: STREAMER OF THE YEAR [14095] AmiriSaki: 1 ROUND [14095] Syphalp: its 20k lmao 0-0 or nothing [14096] senorprepotente: tryna Rob you in broad daylight [14096] nav_osu: NO KILL LEADS [14096] wdbhmex: weak ass streamer [14096] roberttoppi: L bully [14096] SHKR_CR: !cham [14096] 0Liquidate0: POLL IT [14096] danieipf: L SMOKER [14096] Pumpifiedd: BECAUSE THERES NOT 20K [14096] safylol: fucking dumbass you dont aim with your ENTIRE ARM its only your wrist holy shit console kids [14096] FaZe_xxFlow: when is fanmail [14096] rexyiu: vo3 [14096] Ill_Willll: no kill lead tf [14096] kaxy01: INSANE [14096] Rynojt: no kill lead [14097] criptixflix_: naw jynxzi that’s an L take epic sold clix [14097] lil_m0narch: NO KILL LEAD [14097] bloodwzrd: yapplebees [14097] lucas_santos798: noooo [14097] karidareal: DONT DO THAT SHIT JYNXI [14097] icyivory: nah F that [14097] Pooch824: stop fucking yourswlf [14097] NovaWorkmannn: Since when do you smoke @Jynxzi [14097] blubandana3: @1v9fiora facts kids a content sympathy sociopathic fien [14097] Roxazyz: jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys [14097] prestoistheone: 20k is crazy [14097] ChambzSG: normal game [14098] faze_flow1: pol [14098] britzyanaxo: Kill lead is So stupid [14098] lil_m0narch: POLL IT [14098] jester09876987y43: jynxiactually has a point [14098] syd1878: no kill lead [14098] Rockos__Tacos: you are so bad bro [14098] aveah_1: dammmm jynxziBALD [14099] jacethakushking: clix aim is ten times better than u [14099] 1v9fiora: 20k?!?!? [14099] nav_osu: NO KILL LEAD [14099] frxkzzz: !watchtime [14099] StreamElements: frxkgoldengem has spent 4 days 14 hours watching jynxzi [14099] bunthank10: 20 k and a kill less is absurd [14099] mayerm_03: best of 12 [14099] nawn__: controller is such a disadvantage fuck no dont give them any kill lead [14100] Falayho69: Fuck i wish i could have an answer to this [14100] cxusticttv: siege doesnt have aim assist [14100] rexyiu: bo3 [14100] alc1h: CLIX IS A JOKE [14100] Siins_100: Ron has 40 hours [14100] slumpe6: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump <3 <3 <3 [14100] CrispyTrooper39: FUCK THIS WANNABE FUCKERS [14100] aadhavishim: yoyo [14100] aveah_1: jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD [14100] xpecthaven: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke [14100] wdbhmex: lame ass mf [14100] jeepranglerr: A KILL LEAD IS A NO CHAT [14100] tripyaa: clix is a bitch lmao [14101] bardown16__: NO [14101] faze_flow1: poll it [14101] ykmmikey: NO [14101] tissuewitanissue: POLL POLL POLL [14101] nmna_zz: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 [14101] aveah_1: jynxziBALD jynxziBALD [14102] a1dannnnn: THERE WASNT MONEY ON THE LINE [14102] zetnogaming: GET KAI FOR 2V2 [14103] ashtennmichael: lol [14103] Nightbot: 😂 [14103] rngchevyman: give jynxzi sketch [14103] enezll: BO3 to reach the 6 hour mark [14103] murga28: cap] [14103] Allegorie87: NAHHHH [14103] Pooch824: no kill lead!! that to much bread [14103] bams_za: !watchtime [14103] sweatyhandzs: kill lead hell nah [14104] illpeach_: a kill lead is trash [14104] StreamElements: bams_za has spent 1 day watching jynxzi [14104] PushinTree: no kill lead [14104] jayupxo: 20k compared to 1k [14104] lil_m0narch: NO KILL LEAD [14104] italianow_99: No lead [14104] soundcloutken: LOL [14104] bardown16__: NO AIM ASSIST LOL [14104] icyivory: no kill lead fuck that [14104] sumo26_: xim aint put 20k on it either [14104] nav_osu: NO KILL LEADS ALLOWED [14105] EndrSR: L cigar [14105] opluhz: ron has 1 fncsand got carried by unknown😭😭😭 [14105] yesmann223: LOO [14105] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [14105] bolt0241: xim is. a cheater [14105] gqphillyfan26: aim assist lol [14105] aveah_1: jynxziBALD [14105] Suulks: 0-0 on controller with a 2v1 and one shot headshot is 100% fair.. [14105] cantaranas2: Bros ending stream in 5 mins [14105] Sess2k: !watchtime [14105] ykmmikey: IS RON DUMB?????????? [14105] britzyanaxo: KILL LEAD AND 20K IS WILD. [14105] zain_almnsi: CAP [14105] channel6jay: yo [14105] StreamElements: Sess2k has spent 30 mins watching jynxzi [14106] rileybouchard30: SHUT UP RON [14106] joshi_sasuke: WholeWheat [14106] quixabands: NNO KILL LEAD [14106] pimp_daddyg6: DO PISTOLS [14106] cybermonsta: cap [14106] Fossabot: @sevthebeast7, Your message is too long [14107] WtfVercetti: XIM WAS USING PISTOL ONLY XIM WAS USING PISTOL ONLY XIM WAS USING PISTOL ONLY XIM WAS USING PISTOL ONLY XIM WAS USING PISTOL ONLY [14107] ChambzSG: it's a 2v1 lolll [14107] arrowzgotnomotion: this is siege stupid ur not getting a 3k [14107] cartcolo1: aim assist [14107] asxppayt: wtfff [14107] sk1papa: sk1papa subscribed at Tier 1. [14107] hsydudbehs: cause he wasn’t playing for 20K [14107] CholoAssassin: I would do the 20k with kill lead EASY MONEY [14107] yesmann223: LOL [14107] caprisun4947: poll [14107] blury_001: no [14108] joshpisag: what [14108] bluff1n: aint no way [14108] dakota10hudson: no kill lead [14108] backwoodtrauma: KILL LEAD?! [14108] lil_m0narch: BRUH POLL IT [14108] WtfVercetti: XIM WAS USING PISTOL ONLY [14108] vNotoriousOG: PUSSY'S [14108] biggluebag69: don’t play [14108] glaceeonn: bro said aim assist [14108] DynamiClick: NOO FUCK THAT [14108] CriminalNEOs: hahahahahaha [14108] moreryanx1: no kill lead [14108] lockeykockey3: THEY GET 3 KILL LEAD BUT U GET CASE OH [14109] bzLink: wise duck [14109] Bdubz_MMIV: no kill lead [14109] Stewoh: ??? [14109] tissuewitanissue: POLL [14109] karidareal: NO KILL LEAD [14109] rebornnn: 0 [14109] benzillah: nah asking for a kill lead against a controller is INSANEEEEE [14109] sn3ak1n: cap [14109] sebmister69: CAN YOU DROP SWEATER WEATHER jynx remix [14109] mandocommando21: clowns [14109] aceo8907: 1 [14109] azlxCS: bro ron need to stfu [14110] dboi48: bros want a lead n they using kbm lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooo [14110] callmekeithsavage: # [14110] lil_m0narch: POLL IT [14110] moodzter: someone dm me who the kid at the bottom is [14110] Mooaj: These guys are so scared lmao they want to offer 50k but want to be up 2 rounds right away [14110] Rockos__Tacos: terrible at siege and put in 8 years [14110] liamctheman: aint no way he said aim assit [14110] 1v9fiora: clix always does this he will downplay everything to get his way. don’t give in. [14110] jetkins69: nah [14110] italianow_99: Poll [14110] foxbat1984: L BULLY [14110] swizzle96: ....aim assist [14111] TheBigFattyDoink: Clowns [14111] asxppayt: OH HELL NOO [14111] joshpisag: 2 kill??? [14111] thatmexican_102: poll it [14111] CriminalNEOs: jahskfdccio9uawsdHJFCP [14111] awill13: HELL NO [14111] THE_KN1GHTS_: NO KILL LEAD [14111] snb_pursuit: burger [14111] RikB55: don't do it [14111] nav_osu: KILL LEADS FOR LOSERS [14111] WtfVercetti: XIM WAS USING PISTOL ONLY XIM WAS USING PISTOL ONLY [14111] mrmuffin58: wtf [14111] VestraAU: VestraAU subscribed with Prime. [14111] Arin7XS: JUNKO IS RIGHT [14111] saucythanos54: fair [14112] nastynatee98: these guys are a joke [14112] jahmapants: NOOO FUCK THESE DUMBASS FORTNITE KIDS [14112] jizzojohnson: jizzojohnson subscribed at Tier 1. [14112] Amboujie: A KILL LEAD IS ISANE [14112] george_monte: these dudes are so braindead [14112] fyr_pdx: fyr_pdx subscribed with Prime. [14112] jetkins69: 0/0 [14112] JaxonTL: l vapeee [14112] coolpug_: RON IS FUCKING AUTISTIC [14112] lil_m0narch: POLL ITTTT [14112] bazinga_9001: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 [14112] Nightbot: @dimezgood -> Beep Boop! [stop posting links] [warning] [14112] fireworksfir: jynxziBadAim [14112] Yourboy_Mimic: pussy [14113] deal_dough76: There is [14113] mateomyers31: don't [14114] goopsfavorite: goopsfavorite is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [14114] sustainablearnaldo: POLL [14114] dakota10hudson: noooooooo [14114] jdizzyrules: !link [14114] jeepranglerr: UMM [14114] PGEDankyDave: scaryyy [14114] Nightbot: @jdizzyrules If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [14114] goektwo: LMAOOOOOO [14114] capolotko: Payphone. [14114] ttvxlarry: L VAPER [14114] goopsfavorite: goopsfavorite gifted a Tier 1 sub to ardasah_! [14114] blue_pancake88: nooo [14114] nav_osu: NO KILL LEAD [14115] djdave1001: they pussies [14115] blurr123abc: get kai or sketch [14115] dkoenker33: No lead [14115] dusllbee: AHAHA [14115] fumblebumble123: aim assist in regular mode [14115] hipnatiz3r: L kill lead [14115] lil_m0narch: NAHHHHH [14115] zzzwxc: I thought he was vaping [14115] joshpisag: 0-0 [14115] icyivory: f that [14115] nevergeater: stop trying to cheat [14115] tissuewitanissue: POLLL [14115] rebornnn: zero kills lead [14115] sustainablearnaldo: POLLL [14115] Nightbot: F in the chat [14116] KleptoFiasco: Scammere [14116] ConnorSoren: cringe af [14116] bardown16__: 2 KILL LEAD B03 [14116] krumaru: 💀 [14116] bigboy9775: what are they on [14117] sobernut66: jynxziSNOT [14117] ddark88: Me and you vs them [14117] sim_qc40: do 0-0 [14117] YoungFatherSlum: youre talking to fort kids [14117] goektwo: 💀💀💀 [14117] soundcloutken: LOLOL [14117] thadlarue: noooooooooooooooooooo [14118] zxourii: 😂😂 [14118] hsydudbehs: RON ON HIS DICK [14118] ahmed_shokry: LUL [14118] dusllbee: WWW [14118] PGEDankyDave: scary [14118] blue_pancake88: noooo [14118] mandocommando21: kill lead is crazy [14118] DynamiClick: SCAMMERS [14118] nottduckyy: good by [14118] sustainablearnaldo: POLLLLLLPOL [14118] naptime121: No bread [14118] djdave1001: pussies [14118] shepallen12: no [14118] juliohypeman: lmaoaoaoaooa [14120] Cantromp: PANCAKE [14120] syzn2: DONT DO IT UR GONNA GET FKN SMACKED [14120] StreamElements: ronnie__ttv has spent 3 days 10 hours watching jynxzi [14121] Arin7XS: PUSSY ASSES [14121] irbrbrj: LMAO [14121] jc130000: DONT [14121] WtfVercetti: XIM WAS USING PISTOL ONLY XIM WAS USING PISTOL ONLY XIM WAS USING PISTOL ONLY [14121] maallydub: SING PAYPHONE [14121] bakurasauge: CLIx = CLOWN🤡🤡🤡 [14121] GamingMasters: Kill lead is pathetic ngl [14121] bradschutty: LOLOLOLOLOL [14121] frostbite999081: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [14121] nav_osu: KILL LEADS ARE LLLLLLLLLLL [14121] stirzy_: LMAO [14121] kingofestates: no kill lead tffffff [14121] the_munchalorian69: hahahahhahahaha [14122] pozenaze: LMA [14122] cjc15: wwwwww [14122] torgan___: kill lead??????? [14122] THE_KN1GHTS_: NO KILL LEAD THAT SHI STUPID [14122] nawn__: poll it [14122] tissuewitanissue: POLL POLLL [14122] bardown16__: 2 KILL LEAD B032 KILL LEAD B032 KILL LEAD B032 KILL LEAD B032 KILL LEAD B032 KILL LEAD B032 KILL LEAD B03 [14122] solo_100k: w bully [14122] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: LMFAOOO [14122] Hoomanadaw: WWWWWWW [14122] snb_pursuit: bring up burgee [14122] staywithmelonger: 0-0 [14122] LCG_Tim: W RONNN [14122] StreamElements: Tkozy_ has spent 4 days 11 hours watching jynxzi [14122] blue_pancake88: nooooo [14123] soundcloutken: LOLOLOLOL [14123] HeavenlyHiro: wtf are they on [14123] IamRDF: IamRDF subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! When is kai vs sketch [14124] lukeiixii: na pull it [14124] YoungFatherSlum: Fort kids [14124] erickdiddy: THIS IS CRAU [14124] 4c_blue: just play for 500 [14124] bardown16__: 2 KILL LEAD B032 KILL LEAD B032 KILL LEAD B032 KILL LEAD B032 KILL LEAD B032 KILL LEAD B032 KILL LEAD B032 KILL LEAD B03 [14124] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: LMFAOOO [14124] cooljgr5: LOL [14124] Rockos__Tacos: you are tubby bro [14125] monkey_762: lmao [14125] torgan___: kill lead??? [14125] Softxz_: explain the differnece between roller and mnk, I dont think they know its a big skill gap [14125] Falayho69: need kill lead? [14125] sustainablearnaldo: POLL POLL POLL POLL POLL POLL POLL POLL POLL POLL POLL POLL [14125] hydromellow: lmao [14125] hussle_p_: hahah [14125] xenzzzzz_: LAWSUIT [14125] luhsac: buttermilk😂😂😭 [14125] steven_mcnasty: asking for kill lead is actually wild [14125] drcornchips: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [14125] lrobsy: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [14125] Cantromp: HI PANCAKE [14125] irbrbrj: PANCAKES [14125] bardown16__: 2 KILL LEAD B032 KILL LEAD B03 [14126] Nightbot: 👀 [14126] glaceeonn: clown ass losers [14126] DJ_Dxn__: RON FUNNY ASD [14126] AlphaFrostey: 3 kills shotgun [14126] hunter_10934: Stop lying bro [14126] RaulIPonce: W bully [14126] adhd_movement: 0-0 [14126] derpy_squash2: LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL [14126] pocketpengun: BUTTERMILK PANCAKES LUL [14126] nyc_vasili: lol [14126] DiffyDC: DONT DO IT [14126] yungKIBE: LMAO [14126] LCG_Tim: W PRESS RON [14126] coolhex597: it's a 3 stack [14126] glas37: thief [14127] torgan___: kill lead??????? [14127] Hybs_: LMAO [14127] voxxyyyyyyyyy: W [14127] backwoodtrauma: THEY PUSSY AS FUCK [14127] sophiajulia1: BRO MUTE RON [14127] cowzay: 🥞 ImTyping [14127] wyay: LMFAO [14128] wyay: LMFAO [14128] zain_almnsi: SO REAL [14128] cvck_6: jynxziBALD jynxziGoodAim [14128] astroidr6: LMFAOOOOOOOOOO [14128] coco_slick223: why are they scared [14128] zxourii: HEYYEHA [14128] zcpsl0l: WWWW [14128] xlfenwinxl: DONT LET THEM BAN SHOTGUNS [14128] ytgssb5stardeo7ngktfyrgss: true [14128] JB1zzle7: LMAO [14128] papimoore: W RON [14128] Suulks: 0-0 on controller with a 2v1 and one shot headshot is 100% fair. [14128] Gucci_kid54: facts mhm [14128] Aliwardez: LMAOFAXXXXXXXXXXX [14128] Gail_Iewis: WWWWWWWWWWW [14129] sustainablearnaldo: WWWWW [14129] SepticBarkk: W [14129] capzz_z: REAL [14129] eliaz3591: SO TRUE [14129] liamctheman: dammmmm [14129] axeletation: 0-0 [14129] derpy_squash2: PART TIMER [14129] Nabusmain: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [14129] nugo_c: trueee [14129] Nightbot: real [14129] RatmantheGreat: I HATE THESE FUCKERS [14129] DSFC_: w [14129] puronicaa: W [14129] yoxic: TRUEEEE [14129] cowzay: LMFAO [14130] wyay: LMFAO [14131] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: LMFAOOO [14131] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: LMFAOOO [14131] TheFailedSiege: w [14131] QuickPup3340436: FAX [14131] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: LMFAOOO [14131] LCG_Tim: RON GOATED [14131] aidenkillsnoobs: lmao [14131] itsrageyy: REAL [14131] jynxzishmeatrider: w ronaldo [14131] taqqvue: w [14131] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: LMFAOOO [14131] a1mhaxks_: WWWWWW [14131] jeren_03: DAMN [14131] frostbite999081: jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF [14131] Gail_Iewis: W RON [14132] ShadowBisharp: W [14132] datboyiskxng: INSANE [14132] Aproxie: LUL [14132] frenchfry_guru: W [14132] sauce_godzzz: REALLL [14132] emmanuel97878: WWWWWWWWWWWWW [14132] dieheartsaint: FACTS [14132] ionic_a1pha: MOD RON [14132] Kanepw: LOOLOLOLOL [14132] snake4628: facts [14132] bacobry: pre end [14132] Suulks: LOLLLLLL [14132] puronicaa: LMFAO [14132] tissuewitanissue: POLL [14132] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: LMFAOOO [14134] judas3653: lmao [14134] weathermanjuan: 5 minutes left [14134] 1and14chunko: real [14134] YrtPipe: W RON [14134] cverhagen61: wwww [14134] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: LMFAOOO [14134] durkx_: FACTS [14134] BOMB3R54: TRUE [14134] joker_4life_: LMAO [14134] cselite: LMAO [14134] wvaper: FAXS [14134] Yourmumscheeks: 💀💀 [14134] hugefatgoose0: Haha [14134] Nightbot: 😂 [14134] asinkidnic: WEEWWW [14135] poopyb0i: W RON [14135] lubii_i: HAHAHA [14135] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: LMFAOOO [14135] sandy_sir: LMFAO💀 [14135] joshballer9: FACTSSSSS [14135] stirzy_: LMFAO [14135] urixhh: Facts [14135] mafi_aa: LMFOAOOOOOO [14135] Peensa: LMAO [14135] voxxyyyyyyyyy: WWWW [14135] xbossx96: LOL [14135] xozlagy: WWWW RON [14135] cowzay: 5 more mins [14135] Nightbot: no 🧢 [14135] tommy_llo: REAL [14136] tommy_llo: REAL [14137] tommy_llo: REAL [14137] displaynqme: W RON [14137] thomas_tpt329: 💀💀 [14137] Gucci_kid54: facts mhm [14137] xenzzzzz_: PART-TIMER [14137] lilcreature666: WW [14137] vincible_23: true [14137] astroidr6: LMFAO REAL [14137] aceo8907: 5 MINS!.. [14137] stanvisser123_ig: Againts xim was for 1k [14137] frostbite999081: jynxziCRY [14137] mandooo001_: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [14137] 0_xFashii: WAITT [14137] Kanepw: REAL REAL REAL REAL REAL [14137] WoanSickySik1: 2 hour actually [14138] pasta_god69: parttime [14138] speedkillaa: real [14138] KyleK_T: REAL [14138] ihatezem: w rom [14138] tubbontop: W RONNNNNNNNN [14138] juliohypeman: FACCCCC W RONNN [14138] 200pieced: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 [14138] Torvi57: 😭🙏🏼 [14138] ChaseGG26: TRUEEEE WWWWW [14138] jhonbdeer: Cap [14138] radd88: CAP [14139] tommy_llo: W RON [14139] wyay: 💀 [14139] tommy_llo: W RON [14140] blue_pancake88: noooo [14140] turkish_savage: W payphone singer [14140] pbnoelk: W RONNN [14140] zen2valid: Clix is a demon [14140] ZOLT_____: cooked [14140] dom232103: he meant 2 [14140] displaynqme: LMAOOO [14140] Gucci_kid54: facts mhm [14140] paperplanes___: Aware [14140] xdBearjr: W RON [14140] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [14140] N0tLuxk: CAAP [14140] tommy_llo: W RON [14140] Snaggerhead: WWW [14140] KenobiBean: 💀💀💀 [14141] jake_wall13: poll [14141] sizzly_boy: 🤣🤣🤣🤣 [14141] astronotvalid: CAP [14141] iitzarcino_: Rons got a point there [14141] the_DIPLOMATA: I love this discussion [14141] leorzn: REAL [14141] eduardo_el_papi123: W [14141] crazyd0gz_: jynxziCORNY [14141] adhd_movement: poll 0-0 [14141] snakesfn_: fax [14141] xerrularr: WWWWWW [14141] vsoka: LMFAOOO [14141] damedollabop: W RONNN [14141] Diwookender: 😂🤣 [14141] LF_Hombre: REAL [14143] Franklin: w [14143] ZachXc48: LUL LUL LUL [14143] M1n0_Grinds: jynxzi is getting cooked [14143] Franklin: w [14143] xslenderyoshix: jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh [14143] t3no123: t3no123 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! if they get the kill lead shotguns should be unbanned [14143] Kanepw: PART TIMERRRRR [14143] GraysonMudry_: www [14143] asuna__11: w Ron [14143] blunder26: W RONNNN [14143] Franklin: w [14143] vincible_23: w ron [14143] urmuffinsrburnin: 4 hour mark coming in hot [14143] reedbooksplz: WWWWW [14143] Franklin: w [14144] ricky_rat991: damn ron [14144] stelini420: cap [14144] ihatezem: real [14144] TheGhxstSzn: saying aim assist in r6 is a crazy fucking shout out to [14144] tkofclaps: >( [14144] TheWarren63: w Ron [14144] asinkidnic: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [14144] dgcv_: 😂😂 [14144] bellowgam88: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWw [14144] ChocolateLoverVz: TRUE [14144] matthew060603: W RON [14144] Franklin: w [14144] ROCKN__: LMAO [14144] StreamElements: If you're a gamer, you need a Starforge! Snag one -> https://starforgepc.com/Jynxzi [14144] Franklin: w [14145] Franklin: w [14145] Franklin: w [14145] Franklin: w [14145] Franklin: w [14146] Franklin: w [14146] Franklin: w [14146] piesgood_: CAP [14146] asinkidnic: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [14146] yesmann223: LMAOOOO [14146] hiifti: FOUR HOUR MARK RAPIDLY APPROACHING [14146] blazeescamilla1: Spitting [14146] blue_pancake88: noooooooo [14146] Franklin: w [14146] bzLink: YUP RON [14146] afrovsdaworld: 0-0 [14146] juarezrocks: 4 hours is being generous [14146] Nightbot: yup yup yup [14146] Franklin: w [14146] Franklin: w [14147] Vividly004: W RON [14147] taylor135621: these 2 annoyinggg [14147] dgcv_: 😂😂😂😂💀💀💀 [14147] soundcloutken: LOLO [14147] NBS_BigSal: 2* [14147] SaucinOP: 5 mins [14147] sebmister69: SING FOR HIM [14147] onepersonn8: so reallllll [14147] irbrbrj: W RONN [14147] xdBearjr: W ROM [14147] ROCKN__: LMAO [14147] xJudMuffin: wow [14148] xJudMuffin: wow [14148] razoo020: WWWWWWWW [14149] VeterNx: Calm down Ron, streaming itself aint a normal job [14149] Aliwardez: WW [14149] Shamelesstable: quality over quantity [14149] Naw_m8: 4HR COMING UP 4HR COMING UP 4HR COMING UP 4HR COMING UP [14149] zachgrca: WWWWWWW [14149] PastaVI: LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [14149] pizzatime123113: PANCAKE IS JYNXZIS THING [14149] rightguard56: W [14149] dommer_dsl: W [14149] afrovsdaworld: 0-0-0-0-0-0-0- [14149] irbrbrj: W RON [14149] qboys02: w [14149] matthew060603: WWWWWWW [14149] yungKIBE: LMFAO [14150] goody3ar_: trying to steal more saying and getting called out lol !! [14150] dan_is_on_twitch_: .............. [14150] mrfrizzle4200: 💀 [14150] 999moneytime: wwwwww [14150] ykmmikey: WWWWWWWWWWWWW [14150] xJudMuffin: wow [14150] flea_was_taken: W WW [14150] Hpine19: lol [14150] realt0xsick: WWW [14150] ctrainexp7: wwwwwwww Ron [14150] aidenkillsnoobs: w stream [14150] theleogaming1: W [14150] ihatezem: ww [14150] ROCKN__: LMAO [14150] ROCKN__: LMAO [14151] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: LMAOOOO [14152] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: LMAOOOO [14152] afrovsdaworld: 0-0-0-0-“-“-“-“- [14152] nailwind: SCREAMING MATCH [14152] razoo020: WWWWW [14152] wakka412: wakka412 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months! [14152] QuickPup3340436: LMAO [14152] a1dannnnn: LMAOOOOOOO [14152] BladesMatt18: real af [14152] itsthog22: jynxziHappy [14152] rustableryme: LMAOOOO [14152] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀 [14152] frostbite999081: 😭 [14152] aidenkillsnoobs: wwwww [14152] boldexploring: washed [14152] jimb_: jesust [14153] cashmoney102jr: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [14153] Chicago_Z: WW [14153] lawdog2743: W RON [14153] MYVIRALMOMENT: w [14153] Nabusmain: W BEEF [14153] theloraxgaming7777: wild [14153] ollie_717: W CLIP FARM W SCRIPT W PART TIMER W PRE END [14153] darwizzys: w Ron [14153] Expertkiller833: W [14153] mafi_aa: LMFOAOOOOOOO [14153] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: LMAOOOO [14153] vvivvidsqwrl: 😂😂 [14153] ROCKN__: LMAO [14153] xJudMuffin: omg [14153] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: LMAOOOO [14154] wyay: 😭 [14155] Stello96: BROOOOOOOOO [14155] cyphatonic22: 😂😂😂😂 [14155] DJ_Dxn__: w ronnn [14155] xo_jxhnny: ☠️☠️☠️ [14155] blue_pancake88: noooooo [14155] sKrims___: brooooo [14155] lilcreature666: W RON [14155] darwizzys: W Ron [14155] Suulks: LAMAOOOOOOOO [14155] ikshmael: LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOO W [14155] itBLICKYY: w ron [14155] kratozzcg: L PART TIMER [14155] DaRealGaby54: F [14155] xJudMuffin: omg [14155] Nightbot: F in the chat [14156] owenbatting17: LMAO [14156] zangyang420: 💀 [14156] bigt_570: WWWW [14156] bobthemob_0202: lmao [14156] pocketpengun: WAYTOODANK [14156] diegoo_055: w Ron [14156] naxfor09: bro this ron dude wild [14156] KenobiBean: WW [14156] eudypies: Lmao [14156] JBizzy_1: LMOOOOOOO [14156] lukie_pookie77: 3.11 [14156] ROCKN__: 💀 [14156] wyay: 😭 [14156] ROCKN__: 💀 [14157] xJudMuffin: omg [14157] MrShotYa__: MrShotYa__ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months, currently on a 10 month streak! love u daddy [14157] wyay: 😭 [14158] Scrooblord1234: W RON [14158] beanrgirl: EGO VS EGO [14158] realmatze26005: LMAOOOO [14158] 420Blaziken_: stabeAngry stabeAngry stabeAngry stabeAngry stabeAngry stabeAngry [14158] evoke_playzz: 🤣🤣🤣 [14158] Chicago_Z: WWWWWWWWW [14158] skyehigh97: broooo [14158] natexumeasy: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [14158] mafi_aa: YOOOOOOO [14158] aceo8907: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH [14158] SoarHorizon: LOL [14158] hashoeke: 💀💀💀💀 [14158] podolskislegacy: omgggg [14158] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: LMAOOOO [14158] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [14159] shippleyy: OMFG [14159] qball4161: W [14159] voxxyyyyyyyyy: 💀💀💀 [14159] kingofestates: L RON [14159] PGEDankyDave: he trigged [14159] collin12_qw: LMAOOOIII [14159] tyweepitch123: LMAOOOO WTF [14159] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: LMAOOOO [14159] KenobiBean: WWWWW [14159] xlfenwinxl: DONT LET THEM BAN SHOTGUNS WITH A KILL LEAD [14159] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: LMAOOOO [14159] ROCKN__: 💀 [14159] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: LMAOOOO [14159] tommy_llo: W RON [14159] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: LMAOOOO [14160] tommy_llo: W RON [14161] skreezixe: lol [14161] jussmarcos: W PRESS [14161] cdub_009v2: LOLLLL [14161] gonzo_2727: 😭😭😭 [14161] Alcamera: W RON [14161] elephantlover47: decent [14161] roycedupontthefather: grown ass men [14161] driveblind: WWWWWW [14161] cashmoney102jr: 🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯 [14161] finnxmoneyham: 🤣🤣🤣🤣 [14161] Nightbot: real [14161] rnitten: wwwww [14161] the_munchalorian69: WWWWWWWWWWWWW [14161] gatorbox111: W RON [14161] bigt_570: SING PAYPHONE [14162] WerEiNbRecKiE: boob, [14162] goofgaming92: W PRESS [14162] Fossabot: @alenn2x, Your message is too long [14162] fyr_pdx: HOOW DOO I REEDEEEM JYYNXXZZII CHAARM IF I SUBBEDD [14162] Prxey1x: brain rot [14162] riverdontrun: lmao [14162] Me11_w: get em jyxni [14162] sk1papa: !link [14162] YoungVolts: 💀 [14162] mistioc12: CLIX XD [14162] hsbsoge: nahhhhh [14162] FI3K_: this is awesome [14162] rarest_fire: wwwwwwwwww [14162] ROCKN__: 💀 [14162] Nightbot: @sk1papa If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [14163] ROCKN__: 💀 [14163] tommy_llo: RON SPITTING [14164] fredyytywy2: THATS PERFECT [14164] bigmomo8: W ron [14164] Suulks: I CANT LOLLLL [14164] tellyg47: W RON [14164] sputnikxi: LMAOOO [14164] soundcloutken: LMAOOOOOOOOO [14164] alexbeaver4870: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [14164] bram829: Ron gets like 10 viewers [14164] maxdechert: TOXIC WAGERS HIVISE CHANGE TITLE [14164] Nightbot: @200pieced -> What? Did you think I was gone forever? [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [14164] Igniti0n69: haha [14164] dimez1217: lmaooooo [14164] slim_pimp: clix lmaooo [14164] mcmuffin5958: W ron [14164] biggkenn23: Clix is lost [14165] rnitten: wwwwwwwww [14165] beanrgirl: EGO VS EGO VS EGO [14165] NOTBless: RON SUXKING CLIX LMAOO [14165] hydrooutlaw1: WWWWWWWWWWW [14165] othman5654: W [14165] xxdecxyxx: Mod ron [14165] akbar1st: WW [14165] N0tLuxk: 2 crashouts meet [14165] kylegalvin04: W ron [14165] goofgaming92: W RON [14165] itBLICKYY: w ronnn [14165] devilspawn333: LMAOOOOO [14165] WoanSickySik1: Ron w [14165] yrnjj____: 4 hours aproaching [14166] tommy_llo: RON SPITTING [14167] landon00904: RON so real for that [14167] sparkamatic33: jynxziBadAim [14167] horizon45965: this is hilarious [14167] maddiemeagan5: why ron be kinda hot tho [14167] aetherborne1: Ron is annoying as fuck [14167] itzbig_14: WWWWWW [14167] pewpewyadead33: that dudes mic is absolute shit 😂😂 [14167] withacoustic: WWWW PRESSSSS [14167] tiktoklxquid: W ROM [14167] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀 [14167] bardown16__: FAX FAX FAX FAX [14167] yungKIBE: LMFAO [14167] goofgaming92: W ROON [14167] dommer_dsl: LMAOOOO [14167] xenzzzzz_: 0.2 [14168] Blameguy: W RON [14168] dogacious: LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [14168] grandseaker: CARRYY FNCS [14168] clu_Il: ur getting cooked can’t lie [14168] updog724: this bout be hilarious [14168] liamctheman: bro plasy fornite [14168] CMBQVX: 😭😭😭 [14168] leon_1868: w ron [14168] ThatOneRellik: he’s so mad😂😂😂 [14168] sm0fff: 'w ron [14168] tacticalpapi69_: just play fuckers [14168] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: HOLY PRESSED LMAO [14168] elithe_great_: CAP [14168] Nightbot: no 🧢 [14168] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: HOLY PRESSED LMAO [14171] gsmxth02: WW RON [14171] raunchypotatoes36: ron ong [14171] stay_mad_kid971: 😭😭😭 [14171] finnxmoneyham: 💀💀🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻 [14171] cashmoney102jr: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 [14171] 262brando: jynxziPACK jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziSad jynxziSad jynxziSad [14171] BOMB3R54: W RON [14171] threetrixmafia: CLIX CLOWN [14173] goblue19: WWWWWWWW [14173] okellan: isn’t Ron 5’3 [14173] rebornnn: spectrum fight (joke i dont mean it) [14173] caseintop: look at clix [14173] nlstd: MY EARRRRRRRRSSSSSSSS [14173] malte2k_: ron is cooking u [14173] Cazawei: i'll 1v3 all of u chumps. [14173] jessep1421: smh [14173] deadman5805: WWWWW [14173] elphentusee: hes not wrong [14173] opthemiop: this shit is too crazy, i'll tune back in when shit starts lol [14173] chunkos_3rd_nip: YOU WATCH CLIPS FOR 1 hour tf xqcOmega xqcOmega xqcOmega xqcOmega [14173] bigpapij12: ROB IS COOKING [14173] itzbig_14: WWW [14173] bootycrumbstx214: W Ron [14174] ykmmikey: CAPPPP [14174] r6gamer37: PEAK BRAINROT [14174] omg_luke526: whats up brother [14174] neakzambo: ronnnnnnnn [14174] elitexalbanian: its past yall bed time [14174] Bbeckwith30gamer: W [14174] itsfoeh: jynxziBALD [14174] vmeatloaf: Fortnite brother [14174] t_rex3243: WWWWWWWW [14174] bzLink: support=0.2 KD LUL [14174] mandooo001_: 😂😂😂😂😂😂 [14174] monkey_cracked: !Link [14174] subduedmonkey123: jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY [14174] swoleboh: wow that got good [14174] displaynqme: ron spitting [14175] Nightbot: 😂 [14175] soafylol: RON SPITTING LIKE MLK [14175] clover7575: RONS A HALL OF FAME SUPPORT [14175] finnxmoneyham: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 [14175] MellyP1: W RON [14176] lukkyshot1: Fortnite player 😭😭 [14176] lukemahomie: wwwwwwwww [14176] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀 [14176] hdk300: 😂😂😂😂😂 [14176] yungKIBE: LMFAO [14176] bigbob6555: Cilx is just lost in the sauce [14176] johnj_71: Jynxzi spitting [14176] nickyjam2400: LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [14176] grahgrah24: okay. [14176] zo_tazra: ron should shut the fuck up he so autistics [14176] blazeescamilla1: LMFAOOO [14176] traxxr_: CLOWNEDDDD [14176] ThatOneRellik: clix henchman is hilarious [14176] soggywand: 😂😂😂 [14176] ClickfilA: play game [14177] twissssssster: W ron [14177] rune1yt: SHUT UP CLIX NO ITS NOT [14177] yeettsy: L [14177] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [14177] Iucki555: 4 hour mark almost here better wrap it up [14177] mwg_headshot: L mic [14177] mandooo001_: 😂😂😂 [14177] aidenkillsnoobs: yall both yappin 😂 [14177] nailwind: pro at screaming [14177] Nightbot: poor❌ pour✅ [14177] Nightbot: Subscribe to @Jynxzi for FREE with Twitch Prime Twitch.tv/subs/jynxzi [14177] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀 [14177] yungKIBE: LMFAO [14177] finnxmoneyham: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 [14177] aa_ro9: love clix reactions [14178] Kingfn39: dude still has his xmas tree up [14178] polrbbear: GUN STILL WPRKS DUMBASS [14178] backwoodtrauma: Lon [14178] osvqc: WWWWWWWWWW [14178] mrmurp27: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [14178] LostClarity: NAHH NAHH NAHH [14178] theda80: W RON [14178] cowzay: LMFAO [14179] xJudMuffin: 💀 [14180] hashmonster41: roastedddd [14180] assaultfox6727: 💀 [14180] grandseaker: CARRY FNCSS [14180] bigpapij12: W RON [14180] CMOMoney187: TELL HIM HOW GOT THE MOST WATCHING [14180] slayer1169: stomp you both [14180] finnxmoneyham: 💀 [14180] vamosiakk: Lmao [14180] backwoodtrauma: LONDON [14180] b_dizzz: w Ron [14180] xJudMuffin: 💀💀💀💀 [14180] dfaoverdrive: facts [14180] brycedondidit: L ron [14180] snotknot: lil bro said fortnite is hard im deaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad [14181] kenitar1: OLOLOLOLOL [14181] ThatOnlyMuffin: ! [14181] stay_mad_kid971: you play Fortnite😭😭😭 [14181] magic601rose: Jinxy please shit on these two [14181] epictwitchviewr: FORTNITE IS NOT HARD TO PRO💀 [14181] otrdimer98: w won [14181] crimsontide17: LMAO [14181] huvvs: FORTNITE HARDEST GME IN THE WORLD???? WHAT [14181] TRTLHOG: who’s the guy at the bottom [14181] fletcherg223: bro claps these clowns [14181] BlakeMaaate: They speaking facts [14181] hashoeke: DAMN 💀 [14181] carlos30beers: carlos30beers subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [14181] yungKIBE: LMFAO [14181] elephantlover47: WWWWWWW WWWWW [14182] Nextronaut: ron is cringe! smash them jynxzi!! [14182] cverhagen61: lolol [14182] coyb28: 2-22 [14182] Anthonzz: almost 4 hours ? almost 4 hours ? [14182] othman5654: W RON [14182] sm0fff: w rronnnnnnnnnnnnn [14182] italianow_99: No lead [14184] azlyn_love22: LMAOAOAO [14184] 4krants: 5 MINS LEFT [14184] amoose617: L mic ron [14184] Eyyupsama: HARDEST GAME KEKW [14184] tommy_baseball: L RON [14184] shak_almighty: Lon [14184] ericisactuallysmall: RONN [14184] oMapleSyrupy: ouchhhh [14184] YoungSkywalker999: LMAOOOOO [14184] otrdimer98: w ron [14184] Riz1019: WWWW RONNN [14184] a11rise99: lmao [14184] resin223: w ron [14184] brycedondidit: L RO [14184] canadian_pizza_420: W Henchmen [14185] shelovescincoo: bro is clip farming so bad [14185] Cushyz: MUTE HIM [14185] foxbat1984: MOD RON [14185] zimix_xx: W ron [14185] opiumwizard777: W RON [14185] yungKIBE: LMFAO [14185] zardking: the brainrot is real [14185] thatmexican_102: he low key biched u [14185] pkennedy188: when’s fan mail [14185] vresh4: W RON [14185] elithe_great_: WWWWWWWWWWW [14185] zombieGOON666: LUL [14185] BeanTree_: FORTNITE IS HARDER THAN SIEGE BITCH [14185] whenisfanmail0: Lamo [14185] hashoeke: O FUCK [14186] Bluhdcuh954: w ron [14186] ThickSlim: if ron had fans LUL [14186] hwb1: 💀 [14186] oMapleSyrupy: OUCH [14186] NOTBless: RON SAD AND BROKE AF [14186] itskatter: RON HAS 44 [14186] Eyyupsama: HARDEST GAME KEKW [14186] dentege: LMFAO [14186] antiney10: yooooooooo [14187] behindyou_1114: behindyou_1114 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! [14188] ofengzi: play pauphone [14188] andyd0p00w: ALLAHU AKBAR ALLAHU AKBAR [14188] ROCKN__: LMAO [14188] boldexploring: yur [14188] aidenkillsnoobs: 💀💀💀💀💀 [14188] willbaker_4: fucking pancakes [14188] QuickPup3340436: LMAOOO [14188] ttvkemmy: u play fortnite 💀 [14188] iamthehunter08: ron is actually dumb [14188] hot__goblin: NAHH [14188] mcmuffin5958: W RON [14188] hwb1: lmao [14188] daddyhardtears: Lmao Click's face [14188] twitch2omar: JYNXZI SMOKING THAT PACK [14188] soggytoast1992: jynxziPACK [14189] bo_rog3rss: RON WON [14189] nasermsd333: Rom [14189] superior06_: lmaooo [14189] bardown16__: LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [14189] kingofestates: F U RON [14189] vpsychox: vpsychox subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months! LETS GO!!! [14189] sididkeudk: fornite is not the hardest game [14189] prosauce13: I play support in tourneys- Jynxi [14189] kareemnour23: 💀💀 fornite is not the hardest bro💀💀💀💀💀💀 [14189] slitciapper: Y O SSHHUTT THE FUCK UP [14189] Scribyyfn: W RONn [14189] Nightbot: F in the chat [14189] Eyyupsama: HARDEST GAME KEKW [14189] easy_moneysniper1: lmaoooo [14189] cowzay: 💀 [14190] TinoTheThug: Fortnite is shit [14190] 1v9fiora: XIM WASNT PLAYING FOR 20k LMFAO are they actually serious? [14190] mandooo001_: 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣 [14190] rxzerss: jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF [14190] cselite: LOL [14190] r3pentless: L part timer [14190] ROCKN__: LMAO [14191] WufBro: ☠️ [14191] bardown16__: LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [14191] BLOOMODZ: That’s the Payphone guy [14191] snb_pursuit: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 [14191] EthanTop20: LMAOOO [14191] capndundy: jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh [14191] fazejavis11: 💀💀💀 [14191] cashmoney102jr: 🤨🤨🤨🤨 [14191] dogscoolyeah: When is stream [14191] lordsaugus11: w Ron [14191] pokemonhikerchris: bros jealous [14191] lukemahomie: wwwwwww rom [14191] pozenaze: lmao [14191] otxmoody: daddy stop getting mad 😰 [14191] lil_uzi_berp: Ron has 44 hours on r 6 [14192] mafi_aa: LMFAO [14192] t_rex3243: WWWWWWW [14192] Norfsidee: fortnite is the hardest esport is big cap lmao [14192] ddark88: Me and you vs them [14192] achefthatcould: LMAO UR A FAN [14192] finnxmoneyham: THIS IS GREAT [14192] JBizzy_1: LMFAOOOOO [14192] sandy_sir: LLMFAO💀💀💀 [14192] mandooo001_: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [14192] tyweepitch123: LMAOOOOOOO WTF [14192] hwb1: 😭 [14192] natexumeasy: cap [14192] cdub_009v2: LOL [14192] bzLink: Ron fanboy 💀 [14192] Muted_Musician: Muted_Musician subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months! ayoooo [14193] kingofestates: L RON [14193] DJ_Dxn__: ur a fannnnnnnnnn [14193] TheBrandonx23: LMAOOOOO [14193] FliightRFG: RON SOUNDS HURT [14194] capolotko: W junko [14194] akajimzy: W RONNNNNNNNNN [14194] oppaxt: w fan [14194] Gluppiee: LMAO [14194] snb_pursuit: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 [14194] stay_mad_kid971: Ron so lost 😭 [14194] crimsontide17: LMAO. [14194] SKMarc_07: !link [14194] Scribyyfn: L JYNXI [14194] rileybouchard30: FANNNNNN [14194] finnxmoneyham: THIS IS GREATTTT [14194] andyd0p00w: ALLAHU AKBAR ALLAHU AKBAR [14194] Nightbot: @SKMarc_07 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [14194] cashmoney102jr: 🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣 [14194] taqqvue: w fan [14195] TheBrandonx23: LMAOOOOOOOOOO [14195] johngrandasvg: nah [14195] xslenderyoshix: xqcTL xqcTL xqcTL [14195] abelossk: 🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂 [14195] biggluke11: L junko [14195] Nextronaut: L RON L RON L RON L RON [14195] 1v9fiora: XIM WASNT PLAYING FOR 20k LMFAO are they actually serious?! [14195] jm0neyx: lmaoooooooo [14195] wiziaha: W RON [14195] jaxsonrowell: WWWWWWWW [14195] sandy_sir: FAAAANN [14195] Abz_B2806: hes the fan watching your podcast [14195] shak_almighty: Lonnnn [14195] xirkl: LMAOOOOOO [14195] dumplingdn: HAHAHAHAHA [14196] formlsss: CHAT SPAM JYNZI PRESSED [14196] ragingtargaryen: this is so toxic [14196] Spookk710: fan [14196] akajimzy: W RON [14196] dboi48: lmaoooooooooooo [14197] cdub_009v2: AHOOOOOOOOO [14197] DizziCapone: w ron [14197] numberonericciglazer: W RONNNNN [14197] bofred12: clix lovin this lmao [14197] abelossk: LMAOOOO [14197] sebmister69: SING BRO [14197] ROCKN__: L ungrateful [14197] xNoRecoil: RON CLOWN [14197] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [14197] ofxka: W FANNN [14197] finnxmoneyham: 🤣🤣🤣🤣💀💀💀💀 [14197] blake_v4: he doesnt even have any lights on [14197] FI3K_: ron broke [14197] anttt4ever: !watchtime [14197] jm0neyx: lmaoooo [14198] wyay: wow [14198] oppaxt: wow [14198] treyleach1: !watchtime [14198] RiIey5k: W RON [14198] StreamElements: anttt4ever has spent 3 days 18 hours watching jynxzi [14198] stirzy_: ☠️☠️ [14198] xJudMuffin: LMAOOO [14198] biggluke11: prime [14198] mandooo001_: LUL LUL LUL LUL [14198] Nightbot: Blue crown —-> Free —-> no ads —-> charm: https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [14198] fardin906: WWWW [14198] m4rkh3nry: W RONNNN [14198] Nightbot: ussy [14198] ROCKN__: L ungrateful [14198] ROCKN__: L ungrateful [14199] GoyardBags: LMAOOOOOOO [14199] 444cx: L EGO [14199] fieryFighter: W RON [14199] king_silk_the_2nd: leaked [14199] sandy_sir: LMFAAOO💀 [14199] ROCKN__: L ungrateful [14199] wyay: wowwwwww [14199] ROCKN__: L ungrateful [14199] ROCKN__: L ungrateful [14200] wyay: wow [14200] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: HOLY PRESSED LMAO [14201] anbuyukio: W RONNNNNN [14201] Rynojt: start the game bruh [14201] mynnti_: W FAN [14201] GraysonMudry_: jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF [14201] bru_002: W RON [14201] hwb1: 🤡🤡🤡 [14201] Bubby_Sama: WWWWWWW FANNNNNNNNNNNNNN [14201] puhrifyyyy_: REALLL [14201] kevaintcOMP: UR A FANN [14201] stirzy_: ☠️☠️☠️☠️ [14201] Fossabot: @giovannit_, Your message is too long [14201] vsoka: FACTSSS [14201] nailwind: jynxziBALD HIGH OCTAVE STREAMER [14201] bolt0241: ron [14201] TyroneYolo: yep [14202] enviro69: L Ron [14202] craig1920: L JYNXZI [14202] jdawg_3: RON REAL [14202] alexj1232: He owns you [14202] homersimpzyn: 🤨📸 [14202] ZRR_O: L [14202] someneedles: WWWWWWW [14202] cmikks: W RON [14202] ROCKN__: L ungrateful [14202] ROCKN__: L ungrateful [14203] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [14203] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: HOLY PRESSED LMAO [14204] lawdog2743: WWWW RON [14204] dentege: 💀 [14204] abelossk: WOWWWWW [14204] nugo_c: L ungrateful [14204] alospenjamin: BOX HIM [14204] awill13: ggs [14204] GraysonMudry_: jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh [14204] Threestakks: my fuckin ears are bleeding now [14204] ikareempiei: what tf is a ron [14204] shinxx_999: UNGRATEFUL [14204] JB1zzle7: l ungrateful [14204] hashoeke: NAHHHHHHHHHH [14204] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀 [14204] coolkidghost2: L ungrateful [14204] m4t3te: LLLLL [14205] TheBrandonx23: LMAOOOOO [14205] JxdnLol: W RON [14205] purpskurpp420: w ron [14205] ohjelly801: ungrateful [14205] toaru: L UNGRATEFUL [14205] daboompa: this is so dumb [14205] masynnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn: ungrateful [14205] jacethakushking: WOWWWW [14205] houstonkills: RON FARM [14205] stealth3x: UNGRATEFUL [14205] zxourii: LLL UNTRATEFULLLLLLLL [14205] aklllex: L ungreatful [14205] cowzay: ungrateful wow emiruFEELSWEIRD [14205] ROCKN__: L ungrateful [14207] tevis81: L UNGRATEFUL [14207] hunxhodactivist: L UNGRATEFUL [14207] lana777xx: WOWE [14207] wetnapkinz2: BRAINROT [14207] zxourii: LLLLLL [14207] m4t3te: LMAOOOO [14207] adisk69: say him stfu [14207] Chicago_Z: wowowwow [14207] petebk1: L ungrateful [14207] thepoopitysciipity274: MyAvatar [14207] a1dannnnn: L UNGRATEFUL [14207] raunchypotatoes36: wow jynx [14207] mandocommando21: ron L [14207] W_A_G_S_: ungrateful [14207] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀 [14208] finnxmoneyham: I LOBE THIS [14208] morark23: UNGRATEFUL [14208] 6Mes: L UNGRATEFUL [14208] Winston_churchills_nips: L EGO [14208] wazza2969: BOOOOOOO [14208] Get_Josued: L Ungrateful [14209] ROCKN__: L ungrateful [14209] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [14210] aguapo1k: L ungrateful [14210] emptyshelly: UNGRATEFUL [14210] HackedOasis: L ungrateful [14210] nugo_c: lmaooo [14210] biggluke11: L loser [14210] chunkos_3rd_nip: Trash ass podcast L ungrateful [14210] thomas_tpt329: 💀 [14210] rucrew122: Ron is a loser [14210] Jpmalagonv: ungrateful [14210] darronhortmon: darronhortmon subscribed with Prime. [14210] nailwind: jynxziGLASSES HIGH OCTANE [14210] MrBoeding: L UNGRATEFUL [14210] okellan: Ron is 5’3 [14210] poohslime: jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD [14210] StreamElements: parm_esan has spent 1 day 7 hours watching jynxzi [14211] ImFlashyTv: Fortnite is NOT the hardest game 🤣🤣 [14211] zebroa1: L UNGRATEFUL [14211] martytrev: Ight just play [14211] iparnold14: Ron annoying af [14211] someneedles: WWWWW [14211] fwdonavan: W RON [14211] DoodlesVT: L ungreateful [14211] Woxhlaps: lol [14211] YoungSkywalker999: UNGRATEFUL [14211] braydenwims: wow L ungrateful [14211] N0tLuxk: L UNGRATEFUL [14211] ofengzi: payphone [14211] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀 [14211] Nightbot: 😂 [14211] ROCKN__: L ungrateful [14212] captet14: captet14 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 2 month streak! ez win [14212] ekh098036: ekh098036 subscribed at Tier 1. [14213] bacanada: L UNGREATFUL [14213] jantjetoch: UNGRATEFUL [14213] linklink232: L Ungrateful [14213] joethebrolambo: Lungrateful [14213] asap_137: boo [14213] Unloved_Jamn23: Ight this boring I’m leaving [14213] ebknight89: lmaoooo [14213] cakelebs: L [14213] raunchypotatoes36: ungrateful [14213] slimyseeper123: clip farming [14213] souplover721: L ungrateful [14213] dez0npluto: jynxziWTF [14213] joshballer9: SHITTY PODCAST BTW [14213] rzaaa7: L ungrateful [14213] goofgaming92: W RON [14214] faide13689: jynxziCopper jynxziChampion [14214] bosanacdaviid: ungrateful [14214] dommer_dsl: L UNGRATEFUL [14214] klarr69: W RON W RON W RON W RON W RON W RON W RON W ROM [14214] afrovsdaworld: 0-0 [14214] used_potato: L ungrateful. [14214] Alcamera: L UNGRATEFUL [14214] damnbro0_0: L UNGRATEFUL [14214] sauce_godzzz: UNGRATEFUL [14214] shmidtlick: lag [14214] ftmjr24: part timer [14214] cowzay: not watching the next ep now emiruFEELSWEIRD [14214] sdwhockyyy671: sdwhockyyy671 subscribed with Prime. [14216] blazeescamilla1: L UNGRATEFUL [14216] beckquick365: ungrateful [14216] chummynew: L UNGRATEFUL [14216] kade_1224: L UNGRATEFUL [14216] ceej____: HOW DO YALL HAVE SUCH ORRIBLE MICROPHONES I ODNT GET IT [14216] Arctickilller1000: LLLLL [14216] ofengzi: sing payphone [14216] HulkHogan69: W ron [14216] ivandj432: L UNGRATEFUL [14216] troyrn: !LINK [14216] tazthedork: W RON W RON W RON W RON W RON W RON W RON W RON [14216] podolskislegacy: ungrateful [14216] rahdri__: 😭😭😭😭😭 [14216] PRESTON0293: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [14216] piecectrlshaq: LMao [14217] xslenderyoshix: LLLLLL UNGRATEFUL [14217] oaksie33: just play [14217] ryyn__: L UNGRATEFUL [14217] 1738clutch: hes right [14217] basic_rbob: this crazy [14217] tharealdirtydan6: L ungrateful [14217] Johnnyturbo27: no bans [14217] anviani: L UNGRATEFUL THE MONEY CHANGED HIM [14217] evoke_playzz: 🤣🤣🤣🤣 [14217] joshua_crump_: L ungrateful [14217] bardown16__: SUPER DUPER UNGRATEFUL [14217] taqqvue: L ungratful [14217] eddiebot69: jynxziSmoke [14217] Clumzxy: STOP STALLLLLING [14218] luisr0112: yo slam this fat kid [14218] threetrixmafia: CLIX CLOWN [14218] owens2010: L UNGREATFULL [14218] grego_1233: L ungrateful [14218] dopeycoolladd: L ungrateful [14218] astroidr6: REAL REAL REAL [14218] afrovsdaworld: 0-0-0-0-0- [14218] RaulIPonce: he’s weird [14218] mafi_aa: Ungreatful Fat ass [14218] MellyP1: W RON [14218] monkey_cracked: !Link [14218] Nightbot: real [14218] Dueylife__: Dueylife__ subscribed with Prime. [14220] delacruzito420: UNGRATEFUL [14220] lando_bess: can we start the game please [14220] dogacious: IM DYIUNG [14220] GiHHMiC: L ungrateful [14220] legendaryman2k21: L ungratful [14220] mandooo001_: LUL LUL LUL [14220] kfars_14: bro Ron is hella annoying [14220] asap_137: L [14220] wrizzjt: part timer [14220] streamsniperdatroller: fuck rom [14220] Brandxn_zl: L UNGRATEFUL [14220] wiziaha: UNGRATFUL [14220] rzaaa7: Part timer L [14220] xdBearjr: L UNGRATEFUL [14220] peejlynch22: START PLAYING | Jynxzi | Prime Jynxzi is Back | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [14040] Stop and drop Joe's a different point. Stop and drop Joe. You never get it, don't worry. You got dropped. Okay, so back to my point. You guys are both, okay, fuck it. We'll ride around. [14050] Your professional player flex we'll go with that [14060] No, I was gonna say that your professional moon five parity clone row you're a moon five like parity account at this point Our maroon five my bad you guys both are professional players you guys have both played games [14070] at the highest level you guys are both mouse and keyboard you're aiming with your entire arm i'm aiming with my controller asking for a kill lead and to put 20,000 on it is fucking insane bro [14080] That's not insane at all if you get a kill it boy. It's you get a kill if we have to do best of three No, no, no, why did we give us a four kill [14090] Zimgiv is a fucking four kill bro and you're saying you're better than him And he said he's better than him Zimg's rousin keyboard bro you don't understand bro I'm aiming with my thumbs bro Zimg is aiming with his wrist Have a check with him Have a check with him assist No [14100] No, there's no aim assist in this game, bro. There's zero aim assist, bro. Down, bro. Listen, dude. Listen, dude. Alright, I'll lower two to kill. That's the most... That's the most... Okay, Inter said that. We could lock this. Yeah, I... [14110] I know, Ron. Again, either sing, pay for the pancake! You'll pancake! Don't turn my own turn! Split a milk! I'm gonna call with two buttermilk fucking pancakes right now with a fucking sign. See you soon, George! [14120] You see that? He's using my joke. He's using my joke. He's using my joke. You know what your thing is? And then your stream after 4 hours, that's your thing. That's your thing, Chichi. That's your fucking... [14130] That's the only thing okay, so continue what you were gonna say I'll fix our streamer as of tonight. Wow, I know a fucking job is eight hours so your below average I'm fucking gonna go mad. I could do you know I could do you [14140] No anything anything good in there... [14150] I could sit there and be like, hey, sit down, I'm sure everybody carry you to the front of the door. You're one of the friends. You're one of the three. You're one of the three. You're one of the three. You're one of the three. You're one of the three. [14160] I play 4 night break you don't have kills [14170] And swear to address the part time shit Ron I could do your quilly ass 12 hours [14180] Yeah, okay, you're actually mad one of your streams I love you. Why was my podcast bro for an hour? That's not energy streaming [14190] Wait, wait, you're making fun of people supporting watching your videos. I'm seeing it. I'm seeing it. I'm seeing it. I'm seeing it. [14200] He's making fun of people supporting your podcast. Yeah, twist it out. We don't do it ever well. [14210] Super on great floor. Remember when he came from James Bond. Oh James Bond, bro. Back to the wager. Best of three? Only way I agree to it. Two round lead is if it's a best of three on three. It's from Appsbrow. Oregon Club Border. | There is no Highlight in the provided timespan. Jynxzi talks/discusses with his colleagues and sets rules for their next games. |
Jynxzi | Prime Jynxzi is Back | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [14520] lilaplazam: 0-0 [14520] tonytarrantino: clix henchmen is way too cocky [14520] willowen777: no shotguns [14520] whatdidyousay069: THIS IS G A Y [14520] AustinnRod25: fye [14520] escreamerkai: this kid picking his nose [14520] etnad_420: leave plz [14520] Bdubz_MMIV: jesus christ [14520] GetSniped15: W [14520] arc_tur_us: fair [14520] silk9775: jynxziFAT_TK [14520] bradennnnn__: LEAVE [14521] zolleh: -50K. [14521] peterrparkkerr: TAKE A BLINKERRR [14521] sSoulzyFPS: Trash [14521] aidenkillsnoobs: start the game fatass [14521] penguinpro236: they don’t understand no aim assist [14521] DJ_Dxn__: NO SHOTTTYU [14521] d7wson: copper 2 champ [14521] scriptmad3: they yappin to get him to 6 hours [14521] shak_almighty: Copper to camp [14521] bailey_boi001: let’s gooooooo [14521] adhd_movement: bullets kill all the same level 3 or level 483 [14521] yata_chris: YOU’RE BEING CONNED LEAVE [14522] benglady77: jynxziSuprised [14522] youngsosa4kt: LOCKED [14522] drmonkeeman10: NO SHIELDS [14522] linklink232: Up to 8 makes no fuckin sense it defeats the whole purpose [14522] cristiandepaz: NO SHOTGUN [14523] lolo00075: boooooooo [14523] Harry__GG__: 2v1 GL brah [14523] podolskislegacy: lock it [14523] cr7goat12343: ofc oregon [14523] Freshcotija: LEAVE [14523] GetSniped15: WWWWWWWW [14523] Lowwval: weak that’s pussy shit [14523] jean6912: xim taught them how u play [14523] ImFlashyTv: HEY RON STFU [14523] ginger_jo: leave [14523] bursttwrld: no shottis [14523] levishhh124: jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage [14523] thouxanbanjess: POLL IT [14523] damonvanbeek05: bro wtf are these guys doing [14524] ozo1010234: 3 KILL LEAD??? [14524] DJ_Dxn__: NO SHOTTY [14524] msteez1: NO SHOTGUNS [14524] colti_live: PLAY THE DAMN GAME [14524] WildxWilf: no shotgun [14524] ironmax22_: fair [14524] urboylucky21: shotgun [14524] TowardsNate: just do 0-0 bro [14524] wordsoffictions2: NO SHOTGUN [14524] d7wson: copper to champ [14524] unholy_razz: 3 kill lead is crazy [14524] youngsosa4kt: LOCKEDDD [14525] jaime_0269: KappaPride [14525] bardwwonsiege: !link [14525] Nightbot: YouTube: Jynxzi R6 [14526] etnad_420: leave [14526] livetylerr: MEAVE [14526] cloud_nebula123: Jenna stop now [14526] cr7goat12343: shotgun [14527] RiotShieldRat0: W [14527] lolo00075: boooooooooooo [14527] levishhh124: PanicVis PanicVis PanicVis PanicVis [14527] rytheballer: chat weird af [14527] ethanyoung0802: jynxziBadAim [14527] AlexZz_zZ: OMG JUST RUN IT BRUH [14527] coolman9750: Why do they get a lead? [14527] yrraez: 24 HOUR STREAM LES GOO [14527] teekay_4: play the game [14527] Nuclearsupernova: NO SHOTGUN [14527] green_applesyt: BR OTHIS SHIT CORNY [14527] b_u_t_t_e_r_____: copper to champ!!!!!!! [14527] jacke1323: jynxziLOL [14527] GrdyGaming: NO SHTOGUN [14527] coyote_man93: POLL IT OR LEAVE [14528] swizzle96: shottties ??????? [14528] bradyshelton51: This dude gotta stop betting [14528] stangchickkk: BRO GIVE THESE SCARIES SOME LS [14528] random6927: no shotgun [14528] zxourii: LMAO [14528] 8mrtn: enough Yapping Play [14528] treeslayer588: LEAVE [14528] DJ_Dxn__: NO SHOTGUNS [14528] bradennnnn__: DONT PLAY WITH THESE KIDS [14528] jaime_0269: KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride [14528] lumas111: Ron is annoying af [14528] jpuchalski4: BAN SHIELDS [14528] bursttwrld: no shotgun [14528] DestroyedRose: THESE GUYS ARE JOKES [14528] CMOMoney187: BRO GO PLAY RANKED ILL GIVE SUBS [14529] tomasvl2004yt: No shotguns [14529] dialedguido: HURRY TF UP [14530] mathewsm101: YAPPINGTONS [14530] Booteecrumbs: NO SHOTGUNS [14530] helppdree: yooo wassup start game [14530] eycei: I’ve played MnK on pc for 50 hours and I would shit on myself on controller with 25000 hours [14530] SyfnLive: my brain is literally rotting [14530] jaime_0269: KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride [14531] yungbog26: COPPER TO CHAMP IS BETTER CONTENT [14531] GrdyGaming: NO SHOTGUN [14531] fenelchatesito: It's fort jtd??? [14531] DJ_Dxn__: NO SHOTYS [14531] cxmbooo_: W RON [14531] amplify_o7: lockkkk innn [14531] jpuchalski4: BAN SHIELD OPS [14531] Freshcotija: Leave [14531] silk9775: jynxziFAT_TK jynxziFAT_TK [14532] Owasisz: LEAVE LEAVE LEAVE [14532] unknownsoldier6969: TwitchConHYPE [14532] death_assn: hi [14532] southernb1ood9: They’re low-key gaslighting you [14532] pocketpengun: W CMON JUNKO [14532] alexbeaver4870: tell them no shields [14532] bradennnnn__: LEAVE [14532] camel_fried_rice: THE FOOTAGE WOULD SUCK ANYWAY PLAY RANKED INSTEAD [14532] chese_god: no shotguns [14532] bengtson144: hey fatass start the game [14533] thatcher_2015: NO SHOTGUN [14533] commmanderred: KICK RON HE IS ANNOYING [14533] bursttwrld: no shotgunnnn [14533] 0zen1k: LEAVE [14533] NOTBless: RON WEIRD AF [14533] coolddedes: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 [14533] lolo00075: booooooooooo [14533] mooseyy08: how clix lose his girl to a fat fuckin dork [14533] Demon3812: LMAo [14533] rio_talkingg: jynxziFALL [14533] SpotUGotU: No shotgun no shields!!!!! [14533] aidenkillsnoobs: start the game [14533] purpskurpp420: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA [14533] carneyfn: @atomik_ninja98 hes fucking joking its funny aSH' [14534] Ayzorax: THIS IS HILARIOUS [14534] silk9775: jynxziFAT_TK [14534] zqiqh: bro ur gonna lose [14534] nova8205: just play the game [14535] ItisDaZiA: !link [14535] Gray10k_: NO SHOTGUNS EITHER [14535] maallydub: no shotguns [14535] a1dannnnn: lmaooooo [14535] BlxzinK: JUST PLAY THE GAME [14535] notm1ssg: I would like if Anyone could get me a sub I [14535] fudggaming: hurry up [14535] dicslapp: we getting 24 hrs or what [14536] jaime_0269: KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride [14536] brycedondidit: PLAY THE FUCKING GAME PLAY THE FUCKING GAME PLAY THE FUCKING GAME PLAY THE FUCKING GAME PLAY THE FUCKING GAME [14536] shinnok47: IRONIC [14536] Urawizardhaary: like you [14536] dsgkatarina: MOGGED [14536] DfwNate: lmaooooooooo [14536] silk9775: jynxziFAT_TK jynxziFAT_TK jynxziFAT_TK jynxziFAT_TK jynxziFAT_TK jynxziFAT_TK jynxziFAT_TK jynxziFAT_TK jynxziFAT_TK [14536] paul_teehee: WWWWWWWWWWWWWW [14536] iSowek: LMFAO [14536] iluvsmileyz: do copper to champ bro [14536] 406max: no shotgun [14537] purpletrain024: I like s’mores [14537] dillongallagher: leaveeeee [14537] mlkennedy842: penis [14537] jaime_0269: KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride [14537] bailey_boi001: let’s go !!! [14537] bursttwrld: no shotgun [14537] Stewoh: Kai and sketch had no problem lmaooo [14537] willowen777: SEZ U [14537] Apocalypse979: OMEGALUL [14537] Lugak: these brus are annoying ngl [14538] soundcloutken: HAHAHAHA [14538] RiotShieldRat0: Let's get it jynxzi!!! [14538] vex_jxy: fax [14538] nevergeater: agreed [14538] thecopyninja88: WWW [14538] seaofchris: lol [14538] i__999__i: leave [14538] DJ_Dxn__: CLIX OWNS U [14538] Nightbot: 😂 [14538] boomshot4728: jynxziLaugh [14538] ImCaptRogers: HAHHAHAHHAHA [14538] hashfaced: fuck them play ranked [14538] LCG_Tim: W CLIX [14538] Aproxie: LMAOOOOOO [14539] bradennnnn__: LEAVE THE CALL [14539] dimez1217: NO SHOTTY [14539] drmonkeeman10: NO SHOTGUNS TOO [14540] solorex10: PANCAKE [14540] 0_xFashii: FAXX [14540] othersidelawnyt: !link [14540] jonsieboy_: L BULLY [14540] zxourii: 😂😂 [14540] lowkeyid: WW RON [14540] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [14540] iCEDso1: LMAOOOOOOOOO [14540] Nightbot: @othersidelawnyt If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [14540] jaime_0269: KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride [14540] Executiv_e: l [14540] sim_qc40: BRO U GONNA LOSE [14540] 100xjota: HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH [14540] Grumpie: lmaoo [14541] Britbratt5150: 😂 [14541] liamh200122: hahahahaha [14541] dialedguido: HURRY TD UP [14541] soundcloutken: LOLOLOL [14541] NeoFao: W [14541] newchy: jynxi 2/7 is mathematically better than 3/8 [14541] nasermsd333: L [14541] awill13: lmfaooooo [14541] mrawsome1885: L [14541] bursttwrld: no shotgunnnnnn [14541] Scubby: LMFAOOOOOO [14541] SPPlCYY: mogged [14541] 0_xFashii: NO CAP [14541] swishernish: shotguns? [14541] robumm: W CLIX [14542] lolo00075: boooooooooo [14542] bradschutty: LMAOOOOOOO [14542] BermudaLines: OMEGALUL [14542] cloud_nebula123: it’s getting to him [14542] immortalchair55: KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride [14543] jc130000: LMAOOO [14543] 0_xFashii: NO CAPP [14543] captainritza: LMAOOOO [14543] aidenkillsnoobs: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 [14543] scariest7000: LOOOL [14543] WoeZayBk: play to 7 [14543] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀 [14543] Shenzric: LMFAO [14543] ryanroach14: he so fine [14543] amplify_o7: LMFAOO [14544] OdinAofara: 🥞🥞 [14544] VeterNx: They are BOTH BUTTERMILK [14544] wetnapkinz2: DONT DO IT [14544] bigtemp2: you’re weird bruh [14544] whatdidyousay069: MY BRAIN IS ROTTING [14544] tylerspeaking: he looks soft af bro [14544] SykeGoon: 🥞 🥞 [14544] NOTBless: RON ANNOYING [14544] dentege: 💀 [14544] Rigbonedd: LMAO [14544] dsgkatarina: MOGGEDD [14544] edvin________: 😭 [14544] primeconch: You and Clix are ESKIMO BROS [14544] lolo00075: booooo [14544] homie_on_sarms: HAHAHA [14545] Knucklebumper: LOL!!!! [14545] aldegames: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHA [14545] rebornnn: dont even know who he is [14545] jaime_0269: KappaPride KappaPride [14545] exmatthew: don't play them [14545] tcomo21: 🤣 [14546] shrexysexy: ron weird af fr [14546] talus19: lmaoooo [14546] jesus_christ824: lmao [14546] zxourii: LMFAOOOOOOO [14546] ImCaptRogers: LMAOOOO [14546] dycebrg: trash player [14546] clkbevvy: play the game [14546] eudypies: 💀 [14546] cloud_nebula123: bounce [14546] WoeZayBk: do math son [14546] pocketpengun: BETTER THAN YOU LUL [14546] Britbratt5150: LOCK IN [14546] rebornnn: dont even know who he is [14547] levishhh124: jynxziCharizard [14547] grego_1233: play copper to champ [14547] fadedgamess: lmaoooo [14547] QuickPup3340436: IRONIC [14547] alexbeaver4870: no shields [14547] Sabriii_3: 3 KILL LEAD IS A FORCE BUT W I ONLY CARE ABOUT MY POINTS HAHAHAHAHAHAH [14547] purejayhay: LMAO WWWWWW [14547] mandooo001_: 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 [14547] bursttwrld: no shotgunnnnn [14547] cs2beans: lol [14547] wetnapkinz2: LMAOOO [14547] xNoRecoil: BUTTERMILK [14547] speddie18: HE CARRIED EPIK WHALE WHAT DO YOU MEAN [14547] fardin906: 💀 [14547] Abz_B2806: LMAOOOOOOOOOO [14548] rehxhimself: IROIC [14548] cashmoney102jr: PartyPopper PartyPopper PartyPopper PartyPopper [14548] btap777: clix is a douche [14548] YrtPipe: LMFAOAOOAOAOA] [14548] sim_qc40: 0-0 [14548] vMalcis: ironic [14549] iCEDso1: OMFGGGGGGG [14549] Britbratt5150: LOCK IN❗️❗️❗️ [14549] tevis81: 1 Mill earnings btw [14549] tylerspeaking: he looks soft as baby shit [14549] soundcloutken: LOOOOOL [14549] xlfenwinxl: don’t let them bitch you and ban your opps [14549] cosmicclatter: I will subscribe if you smoke these clowns [14549] Dallas00_: L bukky [14549] jean6912: xim taught them ur operators [14549] Blood_Lure: L;MFAOOO [14549] TTV_ZynxySc: lol [14549] larzsssss: he's actually so good lmfao [14549] bardown16__: LIP READER [14549] coyote_man93: NO SHOTGUNS [14549] thegarr577: WRONG SCREEN [14550] mandooo001_: 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 [14550] loiro_2: W CLIT [14550] rehxhimself: IRONIC [14550] o_rayan_x: ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ [14550] blubandana3: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [14550] actaavis: MORE BREAD THAN U BTW [14550] bzLink: holy ironic [14550] whatdidyousay069: MY BRSIN IS ROTTIN [14550] benlindner: WWWW [14550] xslenderyoshix: jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh [14550] Nightbot: no 🧢 [14550] julian_arce05: ironic [14550] yungKIBE: CLIPPED [14550] 0_xFashii: LMAOOOOOOOOOO [14550] puronicaa: LMFAO [14551] OdinAofara: 🥞 [14551] kz139911: Cook [14551] jet_slides: LMAOOOOO [14551] RaulIPonce: W bully [14551] trulyjuley: LMAOOOOO [14551] ZachXc48: lol [14551] purejayhay: AHHAAHAHHAHAHAHAH [14551] Executiv_e: lol [14551] itsRadikal: FAX FAX FAX FAX FAX FAX [14551] LeBamJames23: these dudes are lame [14551] fadedgamess: LMAO [14551] ycrazed_: he fine😻😻 [14553] dtreams02: LOCK IN BUDDY [14553] notchic07x: 60k [14553] ontiveroselise: they’re scared [14553] casetring: just like you [14553] GraysonMudry_: w [14553] gooofyx: L BULLLY [14553] EthanTop20: 💀💀💀 [14553] 100xjota: IM DED [14553] aguapo1k: ironic huh [14553] wetnapkinz2: LMAOOOOOOO [14553] voxxyyyyyyyyy: IRONIC💀💀🤣 [14553] blazeescamilla1: COOKED [14553] Fossabot: @zxk0__, Your message is too long [14553] soundcloutken: W [14553] willowen777: SEZ U 💀 [14554] garrettvalentich: lmaooooo [14554] x2Matty: 😂 [14554] blake_v4: whos lacy [14554] bardown16__: LIP READERLIP READERLIP READERLIP READERLIP READERLIP READERLIP READER [14556] Zombiegamer780: ironic [14556] charlie1704_: why does ron have $30 amazon headphones [14556] kareemnour23: pnaoooo [14556] Y_SO_SERIOUS_BOO: IRONIC [14556] Fakee____: L BULLY [14556] DoubleNickel15: LLLLLLLLL [14556] Owasisz: DONT PLAY THEM JYNX ITS NOT WORTH IT [14556] dialedguido: HURRY TF UP [14556] Nightbot: https://discord.gg/jynxzi [14556] x2Matty: 💀 [14556] Gluppiee: LMAO [14556] grego_1233: that’s literally you [14556] dimez1217: NO SHOTTY NO SHOTTY [14556] benlindner: WW [14556] chunkos_3rd_nip: 700k earned though [14557] MellyP1: LOL [14557] jup____: WWWWWWWWWWWWWW [14557] mandooo001_: 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂 [14557] ozo1010234: Clix a nasty fortnite player Jynxzi too good [14557] PushinTree: FAXXX [14559] pfletchgbn: pfletchgbn subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [14559] in_cog_nito33: lmfaooo [14559] luhsac: 😂😂😂😂 [14559] aidenkillsnoobs: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 [14559] MostWantedZane: lmfaooo [14559] chs_alpha: L BOZO [14559] gScxtty: WWWWW RON [14559] DfwNate: WWWWWWWWWWW bully [14559] chunkymonkey682: well another 5k gone [14559] iStrahfe: he carried 😂😂😂 [14559] YTubeBlur: washed ronaldo [14559] bradschutty: LMAOOOOOOOO [14559] Britbratt5150: RON CORNY❗️🌽 [14559] TheBigCryo: he’s literally the goat at 1v1 tho [14559] wetnapkinz2: BUTTERMILK [14560] nokk4_: absolutely backpacked [14560] 0_xFashii: LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO [14560] Nightbot: real [14560] scarlxtt4: COOK HM [14560] sandy_sir: 💀💀 [14560] MellyP1: LMAO [14560] bardown16__: LIP READERLIP READERLIP READER [14560] a1dannnnn: lmaoooooo [14560] Cayden705: jynxi don’t sell my channel points [14560] mynnti_: W [14560] larzsssss: LUL [14560] noahricho__: wwww [14560] ImCaptRogers: PAYPHONE [14560] CMOMoney187: BRO GO PLAY RANKED ILL SEND SUBS TRUST [14560] etnad_420: cringe [14561] Licqid: lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooo [14561] Nightbot: ok [14561] colton12121: TRU [14561] cashmoney102jr: PokSceptile PokSceptile PokSceptile PokSceptile PokSceptile [14561] vxmpzzzzz: W [14561] whsprrrr: W [14561] magic601rose: You better not sell im trusting you with everything [14562] scyth3r_fn: HHAHAHAHA [14562] 8mrtn: Ok [14562] bigbob6555: NAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH [14562] stay_mad_kid971: 😭😭🚖 [14562] benlindner: WWWWWWWWWWWW [14562] godly_spiro: bet [14562] thegr8mehdi: Lmao [14562] wetnapkinz2: LMAO [14562] kurmss: 😭😭😭 [14562] PushinTree: LOL WW [14562] HeavenlyHiro: these mfk are lame askin for a kill lead [14562] Jaywrldz_: 😭😭😭 [14562] homie_on_sarms: Payphone [14562] blazeescamilla1: Sara Saffari [14562] awill13: are we not warming up???? [14563] hr21savage: banned [14563] bardown16__: LIP READERLIP READERLIP READERLIP READERLIP READER [14563] DiamondfieldJack: LMAOOOO [14563] Dallas00_: 😂 [14563] je19_: true [14563] sceells: nah he carried bruh [14563] StreamElements: @my_name_is_angel, my_name_is_angel has been following jynxzi for 8 months 19 days 23 hours [14565] dexxbz: oh we will [14565] papitasdechile_: bet [14565] theda80: jynxie ur no better [14565] NOT_caleb10: bully [14565] DfwNate: www bullly [14565] Captainhotshot0: ok [14565] achefthatcould: THIS IS RICH COMING FROM YOU LMAOOOOOOOOOOO [14565] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: yayy [14565] pocketpengun: PRE UNFOLLOW LUL [14565] brandonk202020: Done [14565] blake_v4: 'stable' [14565] owenbry: BETTY [14565] benlindner: WWWWWWWWWW [14565] tommy_llo: on it [14565] noahricho__: www [14566] Nabusmain: 💀 PAYPHONE GUY [14566] donnied2133: Payphone gyy [14566] S1PPINPURPLE: BET BET BET BET BET BET BET BET BET BET BET BET BET BET BET BET BET BET BET BET BET BET BET BET BET [14566] Britbratt5150: RON CORNY❗️❗️🌽 [14566] mrmilku1234: @jynxzi bring up Darla [14566] TheFailedSiege: Sounds fimiliar [14566] NotRevrb: YOU CANT WIN EITHER [14566] unfoundedsoupy: Ban Jynxi [14566] tellyg47: LACY HAS BETTER HOURS THAN YOU PART-TIMER [14566] MoneyB24: stable got a $5 webcam [14566] purx_ow2: case carried epik [14566] mynnti_: WWWWWW [14566] etnad_420: www [14566] aidenkillsnoobs: I’m unsubbing if u lose [14566] YoungFatherSlum: can’t believe they are asking for so much handicap [14567] tommy_llo: on it [14567] goofgaming92: BET [14567] waterboroy: /ban jynxzi [14567] darsh__harry: there pretty good [14567] cs2shmeek: REAL [14567] zolleh: -50K [14567] lobsterda: W BRIEF [14567] tommy_llo: on it [14569] clopfx: W JYNXY [14569] papa_shh: ur a fucking joke [14569] maallydub: W [14569] etnad_420: wwww [14569] squidggle: wwwww [14569] stopitjax: jynxi is fattt [14569] MrScyro: screw blue headphones guy [14569] eycei: unstableronaldo [14569] filthy_pleb1: W tittys [14569] alexbeaver4870: tell them no shield [14569] JoelBrennan: bro don’t do clix like that…he is good shit [14569] daniel_xo999: UN MOD IF YOU LOSE [14569] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: finally [14569] displaynqme: your carried buy stomp [14569] arrowzgotnomotion: sing payphone pancake [14570] benlindner: WWWWWWWWW [14570] mandooo001_: 😂😂😂😂😂 [14570] tha_n_a_t_o_s: lmaf [14570] longjohnnat: 😂😂😂😂😂 [14570] kurta__: LMAOOOOO [14570] lilcreature666: BET [14570] Clumzxy: IF YOU WIN RON SINGS PAYPHONE [14570] colej_18: redo the predic [14570] homie_on_sarms: 😂😂😂😂 [14570] bubbl3_wrap_: Leave [14570] Lugak: LOCK IN [14570] moyo512: L bully [14570] Yourmumscheeks: Ronaldo the goat [14570] StreamElements: mobs246 has spent 10 days 8 hours watching jynxzi [14570] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [14571] lolo00075: hey [14571] ItzWumboTTV: are you not a first round exit [14573] zxourii: wwwwwwww [14573] jdjdjdjdjdhdhuzbbz: real [14573] blake_v4: ' stable ' [14573] maallydub: facts [14573] notcolinn: nah ron gonna carry😭😭😭 [14573] RUI1Z_: locked [14573] flcres_: you got known for screaming at ur face cam 😭 [14573] blazeescamilla1: HE BANNED SARA SAFFARI IN HIS CHAT [14573] MatureDonkey: 😭😭😭 [14573] realcloudzy1: w oron and lcixx [14573] 25_voltage: 💀💀💀 [14573] purx_ow2: clix carried epik [14573] jbradford33: KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride [14573] bradennnnn__: LEAVE CALL [14573] benlindner: WWWWWWWWWWWWW [14574] willszyy: RON WON FNCS [14574] wiitted: Freeee [14574] outlawryley: why has bro got a tree up still [14574] gScxtty: W STABLE [14574] m4rkh3nry: when he was winning fncs what were you doing?? [14574] soundcloutken: HAHAHAH [14574] itsbeasty01: Stompn carried gou [14574] the_question_kid: what is happenen [14574] lucy_gx: u better win [14574] snotknot: saved [14574] o_rayan_x: 💀😂 [14574] adam_reVenue: nah [14574] ShadowsofKaneki: you’re fucking cooked [14574] Blem10: ronaldo has motion [14574] zxourii: do it [14575] casetring: stream snipe [14575] doubletwst: cringe you right [14575] TheFailedSiege: SOUNDS FIMILIAR [14575] Eliptar: PRIME JYNXZI IS BACK [14575] isellvc_: LMAOO [14575] DfwNate: wwww bully [14575] hsydudbehs: dont [14576] ITz_F1XX: pre ban [14576] Mooaj: I made a mistake betting against you o think [14576] kolbybelcher69: LMAOOO [14576] yazanisgoated17_: WHAT😭😭😭😭😭 [14576] 2xvurx: do 0-0 [14576] causevseffect: I can’t wait to unfollow you [14576] macbum009009: you got known for kicking your camera [14576] baileyhdbb11: bro had the most damage out of every person in every region 🥴 [14576] 07fein: ???? [14576] skiph_games: W 20 subs [14576] brothers_20: 24 hour stream [14576] vijnfrthebest: CHEATER [14576] 4027464091: Ok [14576] a1mhaxks_: if you lose can i get mod???? [14576] swishernish: L cringe [14578] moneymike102204: if you loose 24 hour. stream [14578] KLARSY11: I lost all my points [14578] Spartan7OO: six hours [14579] 730H: lmao [14579] MrScyro: leave [14579] benlindner: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [14579] beayloin37272: !watchtime [14579] aIexpereira: restart predictions [14579] wgen9: WIN FATASS [14579] squidggle: if u lose im unfollowing [14579] K1llerr_6: SAY IT TO THEREE FACE [14579] oS3V3N_: they beat xim btw [14579] StreamElements: beayloin37272 has spent 6 days watching jynxzi [14579] bardwwonsiege: !link [14579] johnpeter3rdd: dont lose [14579] henry_cabrera: NOOOO [14579] mandooo001_: 😂😂🤣 [14582] Gorilla10: that's too far [14582] TLC_Karma: streamsnipe lol ahhaha [14582] bolt0241: cringe [14582] benlindner: WWWWW [14582] slxughtrd: lol [14582] sebmister69: SING JUNKO [14583] actaavis: MAN WHAT [14583] Nightbot: 😂 [14583] a1dannnnn: whatttt [14583] cucciman2k7: !watchtime [14583] Dallas00_: Ron annoying but clix a W [14583] brandonh0011: clix carried [14583] ragingphoenix98: Lock in [14583] blazeescamilla1: Sara Saffari looking ass [14583] yazanisgoated17_: NO WAY [14583] StreamElements: cucciman2k7 has spent 13 days 14 hours watching jynxzi [14583] lilcreature666: NOOOOOO [14583] nbachicoo: jynxi fuck them so badly they feel like they got attacked mentually spiritually and physically pin them against their will and sap their life from them [14583] ayebeeceedeefgee: 24 [14583] cs2beans: streamsniping [14583] xnvxcki: Ron and clix on top [14584] 3be3s: L cheater [14584] GamingManV111: !watchtime [14584] wiitted: PART TIM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2GcpqRqJ9U [14596] BlakeF30: you lose I’m unfollowing [14596] maskedbootyy: ngllllll bro IM with you but clix carried epik I watched the whole mf😂 [14596] itsbeasty01: xim did pistol only with 4k [14596] wavy_wonka: lmfaoooo [14597] chunkystew9273: if u lose sing payphone [14597] lumas111: ahahaha pistol only [14598] chopvl: !watchtime [14598] andyro07: Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm [14598] bardwwonsiege: !link [14598] imheaforthegangbang: Ron couldn’t even tip ubereats today he broke [14598] astro_nothere_: if u lose imma unsub [14598] v3nom_mjsolo00: yoo [14598] X_JAGERR: facts [14598] StreamElements: whoiswoz has spent 1 day 4 hours watching jynxzi [14598] 0zen1k: SNIPER ONLYYY [14598] FaultySkills: no [14599] urmuffinsrburnin: they are such scammers [14599] sc_kittime: 2 kill seven [14599] callumfn_7: CLIX fans rise clix fans rise clix fans rise [14599] tyweepitch123: PLAY THE GAME [14599] newchy: jynxi 2/7 is mathematically better than 3/8 [14599] salttlife420: just leave this [14599] Roastedninga: 3 to 8 [14599] pocketpengun: PISTOL ONLY LUL [14599] benzillah: cringeeeeeee [14600] hoodieks: start the game [14600] flxffybxns: YOU ARENT A COMP PLAYER, YOU PART TIME STREAMER, ILL GIVE IT 10 MONTHS BEFORE YOU END UP STREAMING THREE TIMES EVRRY WEEK [14600] FaultySkills: hell no [14600] jeepranglerr: this is a lot of money. [14600] timan198: SHOT GUN [14601] whsprrrr: NO SHOTGUNS [14601] elphentusee: jynxzi is the Clix that made it [14601] bean28ap: bro these kids are so cringe [14601] jazzgocrazyy_: BRO ARE yall gonna start gotdamn [14601] Rushuur: CRINGE [14601] esconor525: damois [14601] dillon_sumner6: my channel points [14602] ilove_cilx: He won fncs [14602] camel_fried_rice: FUCK THESE GUYS [14602] johnnysins019: yo [14602] blubandana3: LMAOOO IRL TO YOU FLAMING CLIX WITH YOUR ATTIUDE [14602] MazenAB_: BAN SHOTGUN [14602] yrnjj____: they already tryna cheat [14602] jayTBNRBOSSS: bro js leave [14602] dgcv_: bro just star [14602] RatmantheGreat: CAN YOU GUYS JUST PLAY THE GAME [14602] arrowzgotnomotion: PANCAKE LOSER L CLIX L RON [14602] oo_play: omggggg [14602] xVancedd: 4 hours time to end [14602] Scrooblord1234: STREAMSNIPER [14603] salttlife420: tghis is so cringe [14603] jackxytx: not mfs coming from clix live saying carried STFUUUU [14603] fanum_hater: all in on JUNKOO Lock In [14603] jackw098313: ONE FOR THE PLUG AND ONE FOR THE HOES [14603] mandocommando21: these guys [14603] mrmaniacmiguel: KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype [14604] kenitar1: OMMMMMG [14604] rod_wave44: pre stream snipe [14604] lovagalia1: jynxzi you look good [14604] RiotShieldRat0: L bully. [14604] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [14604] loading_72: Yeeerrr [14604] 0zen1k: SNIPERRERRRR [14604] patken07: PISTOL ONLY AND USE SMG 12 and 11 [14604] the_question_kid: WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING [14604] 1111smitty1111: bruh [14604] Crenshaw_White: Pistol Deimos [14604] j0tto57: @Jynxzi DEIMOS PISTOL YOU SOLLDD!!!! [14604] ragingphoenix98: We want prime jynxzi not washed jynxzi [14604] sney_03: yeah and play with 1 hand only LMAO this kids bruh [14604] nightsidee_: NO SHOTGUN [14605] lockeykockey3: JUNKO I WILL NEVER UNFOLLOW U MY KING [14605] yonaldonpc: no shotty [14605] USAFM1ke: THESE GUYS ARE SO SCARED [14605] the_contractor22: they’re pussy [14605] moreryanx1: jynxziCopper jynxziChampion jynxziCopper jynxziChampion jynxziCopper jynxziChampion [14606] maikawaa: there so fucking stupid [14606] sym0ne_t: THEY’RE SCARED😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 [14606] ghxstt123: leave [14606] wsubrother: Fan mail? [14606] Harry__GG__: Edgy LUL [14606] altnico: IF YOU LOSE SING PAYPHONR [14606] king_silk_the_2nd: just leave [14606] S7A71C: clax [14606] grrrrlock: three manchildren squabbling [14606] wicksupahof: riPepperonis riPepperonis riPepperonis riPepperonis wicksuDancelikethatguy [14606] ymezx: they ass [14606] swizzle96: shotties???????? [14607] a1fnso: FAX [14607] julian_arce05: FAX [14607] nSpaghett: jus leave [14607] ras_killa: 2 lil bitches [14607] michaeldorfman: kids cornballs [14607] holo2x: FA [14607] pingobuh: they said no shotguns [14608] glaceeonn: ?? [14608] theninetails316: LUL LUL LUL LUL [14608] drmonkeeman10: WWWWWWW [14608] kobe5010: lol [14608] itsdavidlol24_: real [14608] theloraxgaming7777: get case on [14608] carneyfn: @jayTBNRBOSSS STFU [14608] Nightbot: real [14608] aidenkillsnoobs: if u sell my points I’m unsubbing [14608] fanum_hater: all in on JUNKOO Lock In. all in on JUNKOO Lock In [14608] Craziestcoco: they’re tryna finesse [14608] bzLink: true LUL [14608] baconator300030: ur so weir [14608] xlibbyz: These guys are scared [14609] instaxsavage: Lol [14609] TyroneYolo: scared [14609] laqueefus: FR [14609] Maystache: HE IS SOOOO SCARED OF THE SHOTTY [14609] BabyPluto778: longest stream of the year [14609] apollodiddat: no shotgun [14610] itsSpennny: facts [14610] wicksupahof: wicksuDancelikethatguy wicksuDancelikethatguy wicksuDancelikethatguy wicksuDancelikethatguy wicksuDancelikethatguy wicksuDancelikethatguy wicksuMydoria [14610] PistolxPetex: FAX [14610] watt_14_: 3-8 [14610] chunkystew9273: if you lose sing payphone [14610] julian_arce05: REAL [14610] Maj_NN: FAXXX [14610] johnnysins019: good aim [14610] jamohubbo: prejunko w [14610] DJ_Dxn__: SHOTGGUN CRUTCH [14610] big_mama49: NAHHHH [14610] js_ent27: these dudes are pussies [14610] alanwkkw21: Www [14610] itsrageyy: NO [14610] nolan59: true [14611] ethan12xjjsjzj: Omf goodnight this is lame [14611] chad69male: start game [14611] Rigbonedd: LMAO [14611] vNotoriousOG: PUSSYS BRO TAKE THEM MOPS OFF YOUR HEAD [14611] sym0ne_t: THEY’RE SCARED😂😂😂😂😂😂 [14611] GTS_Mamba: fax [14611] lazogod: wtf is this [14611] D1RTYNAP: Bro just leave [14611] 0zen1k: BOSS G [14611] lolzz43: FAX [14611] thecopyninja88: NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOO [14611] etnad_420: cringe plz@leave [14611] xslenderyoshix: jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh [14611] a1fnso: FAX FAX FAX [14611] BigFrankx: This is sad0 [14612] qwvzr: fax [14612] arthurhx_: THEYRE SO SCARED [14612] WufBro: pre end [14612] dayoffrelaxing: lol [14613] wicksupahof: Scared [14613] a1fnso: FAX [14613] Xoxo_v1bez: Heehhe [14613] itsrageyy: NO RULES BRO [14613] Cole_H33: pllayyy [14613] erickdiddy: NO SHIELDS [14613] tiltedbtw: DEIMOS [14613] sakraf_03: Ron is ass [14614] xlibbyz: Scared [14614] qwvzr: fax fax [14614] sSoulzyFPS: HURRY THE FUCK UP TALL WASTE TIME FOR FREE [14614] mrdowman: these yapper [14614] bradennnnn__: NNNOOOOOO [14614] CMOMoney187: L JUNKO FOR NOT READING CHAT [14614] breaksomlegs: it’s a two v one [14614] Kihx__: LLLLL [14614] sfxnavigator12334: you look ugly when you were 8 and played socceryou look ugly when you were 8 and played soccer [14614] big_mama49: NAHH [14614] MazenAB_: NO SHOTGUN IS FAIR [14614] arrowzgotnomotion: CAP ILY CHUNKY [14614] JKlotz81: they’re so pussy [14614] Harry__GG__: Whattt [14614] Nightbot: no 🧢 [14615] kinoth_: real [14615] Flurmp_: lol [14615] Maj_NN: FAX [14615] Nightbot: 😂 [14615] mafi_aa: FRFRRRRRRR [14615] cozelive: NO [14615] SantoEUW: OMEGALUL [14615] yolkton: CLIX CALLED U PART TIMER IN STREAM TITLE [14615] wordsoffictions2: NO SHOTGUNS [14615] pozenaze: LMAO SCARED [14615] michealllllllllllll: true [14615] cowpuff2: fax [14615] sfxnavigator12334: you look ugly when you were 8 and played soccer [14615] broydg72177: He'll nooooo [14615] jackhjzzz: Real [14617] Isaiahdeez01: no [14617] skrillyansh: LMAO [14617] neweracbb: SCARED [14617] coldyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy: u agreed to that [14617] julian_arce05: no shotguns [14617] tiltedbtw: DEIMOS PISTOL [14617] actualMile: NOPE [14617] clark_dashark: these mfs think he’s actually that good [14617] Gorilla10: LUL these suckas are pussy [14617] uhhmason_: jynxzi and stompn vs ron and clix [14617] jrosscowboys7: no shotty [14617] Quainni: FAX [14617] rebornnn: they can ban agent [14617] tissuewitanissue: W [14617] DJ_Dxn__: SHOTGUN CRUTCH [14618] mafi_aa: FRRRRRRRR [14618] 11_noxx: just play copper to champ bruh [14618] MotoNerdQLD: Bro is the negative K/D champ [14618] Gucci_kid54: 💀💀💀 [14618] pvrzixal: not shotguns [14618] dgcv_: HURRY TF UP [14618] bylatibay: @chat [14618] 001_christian: dax all you use is shotguns [14618] NOTBless: RON DONT KNOW WHAT HE TALKING ABOUT [14618] xenzzzzz_: FAXXXXXXXXXX [14618] johnwicckk2: BUY ME A XBOX AND ILL BREAK MY PS5 AND GET TO EMERALD IN 3 days [14618] Nightbot: ? [14618] MrScyro: leave [14618] PastaVI: they sound scared tbh to have a crutch [14618] BigKlutchTV: Obvious [14621] c1audius_: L [14621] Barry_McKOCKinerr_: u did tho [14621] itsrageyy: NO RULES HURRY UP [14621] karidareal: THEY ARE SCARED BRO [14621] Rafapro1458: bruh they have so many advatanges already [14621] giorgio_curcioooo: PAYPHONE [14621] GTS_Mamba: shotgun crutch [14621] Gucci_kid54: 💀💀💀 [14621] annebelleykelly: this is weak [14621] mydadownsepicgames786: quit yap [14621] Knoccturnal: no lead [14621] Vividly004: ITS SO TRUE [14621] the_contractor22: what are these rules [14621] bzLink: “wait no shotguns” yeah you’re shaking 💀 [14621] patken07: PISTOL ONLY USE DEIMOS SMG 12 AND 11 [14622] qetty_: so corny [14623] cashmoney102jr: PikaRamen PikaRamen PikaRamen [14623] bazsirko0: nooooo [14623] bigpapij12: HES SCARED [14623] tossedwolf4190: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [14623] Jpmalagonv: LOST [14623] h1mmyturnher: no shotguns but they don’t get a lead [14623] 406max: jynxziCopper jynxziChampion [14623] Taylan_2k: 2 pussies [14623] Quainni: SHOTGUN CRUTCH [14623] Isaiahdeez01: nnoo [14623] qwvzr: we did we did [14624] annebelleykelly: this is weakkk [14624] rytheballer: 5050 poll [14624] co0lmonkey: L ROn [14624] HFSTitan321: they pussy [14624] eatthatcat45: eatthatcat45 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months! I’m bricked [14624] jewlovinpainter: BRO JUST PLAY THE GAME [14624] mikeloko6677: hurry tf up [14624] Spredmastah: Clowns [14624] Nabusmain: BULLIED [14624] suupeerrrmarioooo: leave [14624] mrdowman: bro just do copper to champ [14624] talus19: JUST LEAVE [14624] dommer_dsl: FAX FAX [14624] Dj767: HOLD JYNXZI HOLD [14624] Nightbot: @daddyclsv If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [14625] jakedec3: THEY ARE COWARDS [14626] gavin_raheb: just start [14626] Isaiahdeez01: noo [14626] xlfenwinxl: don’t let them ban the shotgun please [14626] falbby_: NOOOOOOOO [14626] mrsigmauwu: JUST PLAYYYYY jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [14626] Allegorie87: NAHHHH [14627] tankhitemup00: how are you taking away shotguns ? [14627] bigpapix_916: chop chop [14627] bennyhoppa: BRO I ALREADY BET CANT CHANGE RULES [14627] h1mmyturnher: no lead [14627] ontiveroselise: they’re 2v1 u [14627] bradennnnn__: NOOOOO [14627] jewlovinpainter: DAMN [14627] unforgiven717: this is so cringe and degenerate [14627] woventer: NO SHOTGUN [14627] juansonwick: w [14627] chuskii617: YAP FEST [14627] jxiboii: if they making all these terms tell them to raise the stakes [14627] HFSTitan321: tell them bro [14628] annebelleykelly: this is weak [14628] lucy_gx: no way he said that [14628] ender_antho: They are exagerating their terms [14628] nasermsd333: L [14628] eft_chess: ITS A 2v1!!!!!!!!!!!! [14628] crossf1re22: THEYRE SO SCARED LMFAOOOOOO THEYRE SO SCARED LMFAOOOOOO THEYRE SO SCARED LMFAOOOOOO THEYRE SO SCARED LMFAOOOOOO THEYRE SO SCARED LMFAOOOOOO THEYRE SO SCARED LMFAOOOOOO [14628] nightsidee_: LMAO [14628] sohni8: Wsp [14628] RealGooseman: DO THARTT [14628] dieheartsaint: yup [14628] stikoy: these two are pussies [14628] skeeler_boi: play junko [14628] itsclaps__: !subcount [14629] co0lmonkey: L Ron [14629] bradennnnn__: STFU [14629] Taylan_2k: they so scared [14629] yrnjj____: don’t fall for em Jynxzi [14629] BrieCheeseWheel: zzzzzzz [14629] Nightbot: Jynxzi has Unknown Error Occurred. If problem persists, please contact support. active subscribers! [14629] ragingphoenix98: Lock in jynxzi lock in [14629] sfxnavigator12334: you look ugly when you were 8 and played socce [14629] afrovsdaworld: no shotguns 0-0 [14629] seaofchris: Why cant these guys see this... [14629] rebornnn: they can jsut ban operators [14629] ajlovesfootball: yapppppppppppppp [14629] britzyanaxo: OMG WHAT CLOWNS. [14630] stunnavisionz: yesss [14630] Gorilla10: LUL suck pussies [14630] SxLo_hq: ! watchtime [14630] tyweepitch123: PLAY THE GAME [14630] itsrageyy: NO RULES HURRY UP NO RULES HURRY UP [14630] Arin7XS: PUSSY ASS [14630] xp_jammy: nah they got yo ahh [14630] Falayho69: why dont u use shotguns then?? [14630] NOTBless: RON HAS ZERO KNOWLEDGE [14630] js_ent27: these kids are pussies [14630] mj130067: 510 spent jynxi [14630] KAZOKSX: NO SHOTGUNS [14630] Dj767: Nah they are cowards [14630] sooulaa: why dont yall just play the game [14630] actualMile: ???? [14631] causevseffect: no way [14631] Gucci_kid54: 💀💀💀 [14631] qwerxy_isnt_cute: That's not finessing [14631] ginger_jo: leave em [14631] nowthatstight: This kid sucks put a shirt on. [14631] annebelleykelly: this is weakkkk' [14631] losmitchy: These guys are so cringe [14631] vaquri: THESE IDIOTS JUST WANT FREE 20KTHESE IDIOTS JUST WANT FREE 20K THESE IDIOTS JUST WANT FREE 20K [14631] JamieLockhart: brothers have a scroll of rules [14631] stunnavisionz: facts [14631] thelinkon_: jynxziPACK [14631] crossf1re22: THEYRE SO SCARED LMFAOOOOOO THEYRE SO SCARED LMFAOOOOOO THEYRE SO SCARED LMFAOOOOOO THEYRE SO SCARED LMFAOOOOOO THEYRE SO SCARED LMFAOOOOOO THEYRE SO SCARED LMFAOOOOOO THEYRE SO SCARED LMFAOOOOOO [14631] vivylovesu: shotgun clutch [14631] neverseg: he doenst have aim ... LETS GO JYNXZI FUCK THIS NOOBIS [14631] Jaeslow: mhm take the dal [14632] HimJonDro: its 2v1 and they wanna ban ANYTHING IS CRAZY [14632] linklink232: Up to 8 is crazy [14632] fuzion_killer2: that’s good [14632] goofgaming92: yes [14632] wyatt_r2010: reading a script [14632] mikeloko6677: hurry up [14632] glaceeonn: RON IS LYING [14632] friedlightning: WHO THE FUCK IS ROBALDO [14632] bazsirko0: nooooooo [14632] tylrhod: !link [14632] sSoulzyFPS: IT'S A SNOOZE FEST FIGURE IT OUT [14632] newchy: jynxi 2/7 is mathematically better than 3/8 [14632] wishtemp: shotgun spammer [14632] cozynxo: they pussy [14632] itsdavidlol24_: LOL [14633] sfxnavigator12334: you look ugly when you were 8 and played socc [14633] raging9770: Sodl [14633] Gucci_kid54: 💀💀💀 [14633] itsrageyy: NO RULES HURRY UP NO RULES HURRY UP NO RULES HURRY UP NO RULES HURRY UP [14633] Spookk710: bro wtfff [14633] arthurhx_: use shotguns what are these pussys doing [14633] eggnoogs: L [14634] Blackk070: LMFAO [14634] itsWS_: LMFAO [14634] Tf2_bot2: the gaslighting is crazy [14634] rtisticlove: copper to champ this kids are clowns [14634] knowxnx: CAP [14634] Emmusing: lul [14634] DJ_Dxn__: LMAOOOOOOOOO [14634] m4rkh3nry: LMAOOO [14634] icykle2002: the handicapppppsss [14634] loot_hoard: Just play heads up already quick stroking each other [14634] vakko___: LMAOAOAOAOAOAO [14634] docockk: docockk subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 2 month streak! uh [14634] Javl3r: ITS 2 VS 1 [14634] superior06_: LOL [14634] mysticcbtw: LMAOO [14635] burke468: SO WHAT [14635] annebelleykelly: this is weak1 [14635] Gucci_kid54: 💀💀💀 [14635] vantagecontrol: PUUUSSSSYYYYY [14635] puronicaa: LMAO [14635] rjk323: WWW [14635] BigKlutchTV: Finesse [14635] spector_J1: Hahaha [14635] Gail_Iewis: LMADFGsdgfv [14635] whatdidyousay069: leave [14635] reedbooksplz: LMAO [14635] Fossabot: @jaxsonlegacy, Your message is too long [2x] [14635] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [14635] agarxstv: yikes [14635] CMOMoney187: BRO GO PLAY RANKED ILL SEND SUBS [14636] gnvismad: lmfao [14636] LaggyMcstutters: play or leave [14636] alleyne98: looooooooooool [14636] hehateme0: he’s scared [14636] xskaaaz: W RON [14637] tommy_llo: LMAO [14638] tommy_llo: LMAO [14638] instaxsavage: Pro gamers BTW [14638] cowpuff2: L clix [14638] xiphoidar: JUST PLAY RANKED BRO [14638] PEEEENPAPI: LMAO [14638] ikshmael: o [14638] zangyang420: W [14638] Duffey5: lmaooooo [14638] bigt_570: lmfao [14638] Tf2_bot2: they are so delusional [14638] Nightbot: real [14638] WEAZEL211: LMAOOO [14638] shauxity: HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAH [14638] puronicaa: LMFAOOOOO [14638] rnitten: wwwwwwwwwww [14639] the_smooch: lmao [14639] tommy_llo: LMAO [14639] youb4450: Lma9ooaoaoao [14639] bbqoill: LMAOOOOOOOOO [14639] luhsac: 😂 [14639] wajard0: WW [14639] domiwk_: LMAO [14639] tankhitemup00: y’all weird tryna limit him 😂 [14639] in_cog_nito33: lmao [14639] LooksDoKill: LOOOOOOOOL [14639] C0UGHNN: 😭 [14639] KAMNEE: OMEGALUL [14641] itsrageyy: NO RULES HURRY UP NO RULES HURRY UP [14641] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀 [14641] Icyyonkbm: LMFAOOOO [14641] mandooo001_: 🤣🤣🤣🤣 [14641] m4t3te: LMFAOOOOO [14641] cozelive: HOLY CRYBABYS [14641] xenzzzzz_: LMFAOOOOOOOOO [14641] Blem10: lol [14641] bolt0241: w ron [14641] bigpapix_916: PLAY ALREADY [14641] rnitten: wwww [14641] xwhomj: W ron [14641] burke468: PUTTING UP BREAD WHO CARES [14641] astroidr6: LMFAOOOO [14641] cashmoney102jr: jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage [14642] christofer2468: LMAOO [14642] lamine_224: Guys After This Game its over Typical parttimer Jynxzi [14642] camiscrazy6910: lmao [14642] vijnfrthebest: LOL [14642] MrRetakess0420: W [14642] kobe5010: lmao [14642] xkrispyqx: ayooooooo [14642] PEEEENPAPI: W RON [14642] swoleboh: jynxziSNOT [14642] bradyshelton51: These stips suck [14643] dxvywtw: dxvywtw subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 1 month streak! yoooo [14644] wig_town: Ron has 44 [14644] krafted_: LMAO [14644] bardown16__: RONALDO PLAYED WITH SPOIT [14644] joaopedrparreira: ww [14644] Gucci_kid54: LMAO [14644] gibbymerkle: these kids are so annoying [14644] julian_arce05: HES IN UR HEAD [14644] 1prom: LMAOOOOO [14644] YLKaya: LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOO [14644] WarmerMink149: cooked [14644] sandy_sir: 💀💀 [14644] PEEEENPAPI: W RON [14644] ZB_Connor_: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW RRONNNNNNNNNN [14644] NOTBless: SOMEONE PLS END RON [14644] dewzee_: W RON [14647] Franklin: w [14647] wyay: LMFAO [14647] jackcanthang: say yes to pistol and use deimos [14647] arrowzgotnomotion: L yapper [14647] Franklin: w [14647] actaavis: LMAOO [14647] samsta464: HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAH [14647] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: ironic LUL [14647] xJudMuffin: 💀💀 [14647] grego_1233: caseoh and Kai never complained like this [14647] itsrageyy: NO RULES HURRY UP NO RULES HURRY UP [14647] hereca_: LMAOOOOOOO [14647] whsprrrr: WWWWWW [14647] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: ironic LUL [14647] StreamElements: PogChamp brenn158 went all in and won 10 points PogChamp they now have 20 points FeelsGoodMan [14648] bardown16__: RONALDO PLAYED WITH SPOITRONALDO PLAYED WITH SPOITRONALDO PLAYED WITH SPOIT [14648] lil_cracka01: FACTS [14648] KAMNEE: LMFAO [14648] malte2k_: W RON [14648] zeroskillzzz14: Faxs [14648] unorthodoxbricc: 2 lead means nothing??? [14648] coopdog_77: WWW [14648] resin223: W RON [14648] Darrendevil123: LOL [14648] Nightbot: 😂 [14648] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: ironic LUL [14648] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: ironic LUL [14650] HausyBoy: Ron has 50 hours on steam [14650] 1prom: LMAOOOOO [14650] icyivory: bro this shit is so lame [14650] Gucci_kid54: LMAO [14650] lone_gunnaa: Ron lvl 50 [14650] dylanhadley45: ACTUALLY TRUE HAHAHA [14650] exoticxsss: 😂 [14650] waterypanda: W [14650] jynxzy69: bop [14650] P9TCHH: WWWWW RICCIIII [14650] mandooo001_: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [14650] i_love_my_turban: w Ron [14650] YLKaya: BACKE [14650] DizziCapone: w ron [14652] StreamElements: wattzyobeef has spent 10 days 14 hours watching jynxzi [14652] bigafricano: lol facts [14652] briannqtt: ironic [14652] sim_qc40: course they are good [14652] j_shotfn: W ron [14652] rahdri__: 😭😭😭😭 [14652] Nightbot: @rswaka -> I could do this all day. [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [14653] P9TCHH: WWWW RICCCCIII [14653] camel_fried_rice: These guys make me so fucking angry bro [14653] foxbat1984: W RON [14653] skadooshasian: hes in your head [14653] nowthatstight: Who would be in his stream instead of jynx [14653] AlmeOk: hahahaha [14653] zeze_otf: w ron [14653] kaxy01: 😂😂😂😂 [14653] YLKaya: BACKED [14653] rate38: bro LETS GO [14653] ych_green: CAN WE REPOLL PLEASE [14653] adrianrp100: lmao [14653] flywackysauce: bro STFU RONALDO [14653] OccultDecay: bro just leave these clowns asking for a kill lead is so pathetic [14653] strawhatcuhlub: LUL LUL LUL [14654] mandooo001_: 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣 [14654] sturdyjones: just ban smoke [14654] tjmskiesFN: W PRESS [14654] lll_seb_lll: bro they’re scared [14654] jamalsbball: ron [14654] hobbes_mobbin: LUL [14654] xlfenwinxl: bro they act like being pro m&k players isn’t a huge advantage [14654] kurta__: LMAO RON IS MAD [14654] aidenkillsnoobs: ron mad [14654] Gucci_kid54: LMAO [14654] thekrykna: shut up kid [14654] qzchiy: Ron funny af😭 [14654] xslenderyoshix: WWW RON jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh [14654] strawhatcuhlub: LUL [14654] tissuewitanissue: LAMO [14656] smatt1119: L streamers [14656] strawhatcuhlub: LUL LUL [14656] Arin7XS: ron is literally the example of pure brainrot [14656] mandooo001_: 😂😂🤣🤣🤣 [14656] j_shotfn: W RON [14656] Gucci_kid54: LMAO [14656] Atrain1118: throwing a lot around stipulations for such little information [14656] goofynicco: 2v1 [14656] lolzaustin: 😂 [14656] lapiana69: Clix is forcing [14656] asapscamp: w ron [14656] PAXT0NR6: DarkKnight [14656] kuyafish: send ron home [14657] tyweepitch123: PLAY [14657] xx_nard_xx: THIS IS GETTING ANNOYING NO OTHER STREAMS HAVE THESE BS CONDITIONS [14657] Spookk710: these foos don’t play the game @jynxi your assss [14657] pixelhypemam: just 2v2 ong [14657] grego_1233: idgaf if there’s money this is stupid [14657] tacticalpapi69_: brain fuckin rot just fuckin play [14657] X_JAGERR: noooo [14657] WufBro: 💀 [14657] pagspuck6: L jynxi [14657] tms_justoff: Ron funny lol [14657] moyo512: L bully [14657] itsrageyy: NO RULES HURRY UP [14657] twitch2omar: too much kids glazing ron [14657] hereca_: W ron [14657] cashmoney102jr: jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE [14659] Franklin: LOL [14659] outsider_816: bro just go copper to champ they pussy😮💨 [14659] rynear25: rynear25 subscribed at Tier 1. [14659] lolo00075: all 3 of u [14659] maallydub: RON [14659] ItsBeastyy__: w ronaldo [14659] actaavis: Stompn carries u [14659] eycei: there on MnK they should win either way [14659] papa_shh: keep punkin this dude [14659] frostbite999081: hes so annoying [14659] rowlyyyy: W RON [14659] P9TCHH: W RIICCCII [14659] wonpaz: W RON [14660] jaydenprotack: this isn’t going anywhere bruh [14660] wormsandbugs: Ronald fr a child [14660] urmuffinsrburnin: rons only friend is his mommy [14660] WhosBryan16: for brecki [14660] sandy_sir: 💀LMAO [14660] bbqoill: MORE KILLS [14660] reyflacko: BEEEF [14660] Gucci_kid54: LMAO [14660] nokonwyz: yo can you just fkn plz now [14660] ReactiveTiger999: w trio [14660] fropppee: RON IS FLAMING YOU FATTY!!!!!!!! [14660] Jason10191: oh nah [14660] crazyone49: They are such pussies! [14660] Brownmx32: these guys are chumps [14660] kurta__: RON IS A BABY [14661] zetnogaming: CHAT YOU WANT THEM TO WIN FOR 24 HOURS, IS THIS CHAT STUPID? [14661] iam_jumpy1: Hurry tf up [14661] Nastysnipes187: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 [14662] Gucci_kid54: LMAO [14662] sandy_sir: 💀 [14662] cosmicclatter: These guys are actually cringe [14662] stunnavisionz: no shotty 2 rounds only [14662] NOTBless: WHO TF WATCHES BRAINROT RON [14663] favorsthebald: this sucks [14663] bt_97_: no shotgun too Ricky too [14663] CorleoneCaPWN: LET HIM COOK [14663] brandonstone10: can yall jus play lol [14663] Tahdonus: no rules [14663] arloww24: why are you doing three kill? If you do two kill, you would only have to win four times. If you do three kill, you would have to win all five times. [14663] Mr_Maug_: W JUNKO STANDING ON BUSINESS [14663] P9TCHH: booper8LMFAOA [14663] bigboyrook666: are you gonna play or not fatty [14663] chunkymonkey682: poll [14663] Lowwval: lmfaooooo [14663] i_Bash: leave [14664] adoksweats: F7CKING PLAY OMGGGGHG [14664] rytheballer: wwwwww rooonn [14664] Invis_BluKey: lmfaoo [14664] elitehunter_59: im at a payphone [14664] blazeescamilla1: Why is Ron cooking [14664] johnathan806: lol [14664] tyweepitch123: PLAY THE GAME [14664] MrMcDugel: Fortnite Pancake [14664] jeffed_xd: jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL [14664] CMOMoney187: GO PLAY RANKED [14664] camiscrazy6910: I hate Ron with all my heart [14664] typical_zahi: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [14664] Gucci_kid54: LMAO [14664] jamalsbball: ron has 44 hours [14664] astroidr6: HES IN YOUR HEAD LMFAOOOOOO [14665] syd1878: I hope Ron and clix get drivebyed [14665] junkycuh: XIM LET U WIN DUDE [14665] theyluv_jynxzi: !sens [14665] Nightbot: Jynxzi sens and settings here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2GcpqRqJ9U [14666] aidenkillsnoobs: ron pressed af [14666] Gucci_kid54: LMAO [14666] banthewholechat1: 4 hour mark [14666] KINGBEER_23: I GOT 50K ON U [14666] Invis_BluKey: lmfaoooooooooooooooooooo [14666] 30ventures: call lamont [14666] Goncalocri1: Goncalocri1 subscribed with Prime. [14666] IHate_x1mm: twitchRaid twitchRaid twitchRaid [14666] sandy_sir: YOUR A FANNN [14666] bofred12: Fr play alr [14666] jairoocalixto: jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT [14666] toastybunz03: hurry up [14666] Domin1kk_: fuck them man [14666] wormsandbugs: Ronald cringe [14667] solorex10: Fan [14667] MrScyro: screw blue headphone guy [14667] metazoan_thyme: mute ron he annoying [14667] BigKlutchTV: Richie [14667] jerrymahh: L CLIX [14667] harm_19: Ron makes no sense [14667] lolo00075: all [14667] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [14667] PAXT0NR6: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziChampion [14667] bigboyrook666: fatt [14668] theda80: RON>>>>> [14668] blazeescamilla1: Ron cooking [14668] tyweepitch123: JUST PLAY DUMBASS [14668] toad_2999: hurry up [14668] gordosnapzzz: zem? is trash pure cheater [14668] typical_zahi: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [14668] opal_game2: Ron doesn’t even know what he’s talking about😭😭😭 [14668] outsider_816: bro just go copper to champ they pussy😵💫 [14668] Invis_BluKey: lmaoooooo [14668] muerteeater6: yo Franklin [14668] asianhowie: L Ron [14668] astro_smerk: who won? ricci or jynxzi [14668] kurta__: RONNNN CANNNN STFUUUUUUUUU [14668] Blem10: Ron has 2 days [14668] the_flame_throws_games: the_flame_throws_games subscribed at Tier 1. [14669] cyclone696969: H [14669] Nightbot: h [14669] earacena: RON GOT 44 HOURS [14669] lolo00075: three [14669] tdynqmicz: Reginald cooked you cheddar bob [14669] stunnavisionz: straight nut sacks [14669] ttv_riplee: clix isnt even that good at fortnite bro [14669] DeshawnD26: bruh this is shit is wack, leaveee [14669] treeslayer588: Hurry up I got work [14669] ilyycutie: TURN CLIX UPPPP [14669] Rigbonedd: LMAO [14669] cosmicceejay: if they so good why do they need all the handicaps tho [14669] CaptonBlaze420: L [14670] Fossabot: @b1itz007, Your message is too long [14670] goofynicco: 2v1 xim ego???? [14670] griffkeeks: lag [14670] borell33: let’s play [14670] bosshog0626: They are baiting U [14670] ISOison51: PLAYYYYYY [14670] lolo00075: of [14670] typical_zahi: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [14670] jacabooob: bro this Chad is fucking annoying [14670] Rigbonedd: LMAO [14670] PAXT0NR6: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [14670] Arin7XS: how tf did xim lose [14670] bootysnacher14: why lil bro mad [14670] BobbyDigs: so wait this is a 2v1? [14671] curranboy7: just start the game brig [14671] potatomaster_1: just play [14671] mrrocketbunny69: HOW ABT STFU AND RUN IT [14671] abog631: !watchtime [14671] datboyiskxng: THEY CHEATING ITS 2V1 WHY BAN GUNS [14671] whatdidyousay069: leave [14671] StreamElements: abog631 has spent 1 day 10 hours watching jynxzi [14671] jaydenprotack: r they gunna hurry this shit up or whya [14671] lolo00075: you [14671] beenobean: W RON [14671] bosleyonxbox: 5 kill lead [14672] KAMIKRAZI: BRING IN CASEOH FOR 2v2!!!! [14672] current6636: YOU SCARED OF FORTNITE PLAYERS @jynxzi [14672] moshjeffrey115: COPPER TO CHAMP TIME [14672] that1_foo: HURRY UP I GOTTA GO TO WORK [14672] AllDayDabber: this Ron guy is a total douchebag [14672] ChrisandNemo: WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace [14672] j0nesy43: PLAY THE GAME [14672] MAustinN: 6hrs is still part time [14672] iluvsmileyz: cringe [14672] vvKawZ: FUCKING PLAY THE GAME [14672] crazyone49: They such babies bro wtf [14672] outsider_816: bro just go copper to champ they pussy🥴 [14672] MrScyro: mute him [14672] in_cog_nito33: fanboy [14672] CorleoneCaPWN: RON COOKIN FRFR [14673] lolo00075: are you [14673] rytheballer: W ron [14673] tony2trill69: yes do it [14673] duckytank_: OMGGGG LETS GOOO HURRY UP OMFGG [14673] Invis_BluKey: lmao [14673] dooworkson89: Pil [14673] cakelebs: L [14673] rynear25: !charm [14673] bruhsoundeffectdos: why does this guy have a Christmas tree [14673] fivepeeps8658: If he's better no lead [14673] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [14673] jamalsbball: ron had 44 hours [14673] toastybunz03: fuck get on with it [14673] Scrooblord1234: L EGO [14673] tyweepitch123: JUST PLAY THE GAME [14674] Reqwify: !bracket [14674] vvKawZ: JESUS CHRIST [14674] Nightbot: Tourney bracket here => https://brackethq.com/b/0ybzb/ [14675] rswaka: tell them to come back with more hours [14675] favorsthebald: bored [14675] ilyycutie: TURN CLIX UP [14675] bosleyonxbox: they won 2 [14675] lolo00075: ur [14675] KAMIKRAZI: BRING IN CASEOH FOR 2v2!!!!!!! [14676] rayzennnnnnnnn: 3 [14676] alltimechiefsfan: hurry up bro [14676] adoksweats: JUST PLAY [14676] 11cayden11: !sub [14676] DeshawnD26: nah they scammers [14676] italianow_99: Mute this guy [14676] theloraxgaming7777: get case oN [14676] PAXT0NR6: jynxziWTF [14676] astro_smerk: who won [14676] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [14676] tyweepitch123: PLAY THE GAME [14676] dooworkson89: Poll [14676] ikuoshi: @jynxzi dont fold, they being weird [14676] landowolf873: Hurry the fuck up [14676] Bezful: trash [14677] lolo00075: all [14677] austinouradaboiii: DRAMA ALERT ‼️ [14677] callofthewildlegend: jynxziGG caseohThumbsup [14677] i_Bash: non bro use shotgun [14677] Magris: NO SHOTGUN 1-8 [14678] lebpjames: goooo [14678] ych_green: CAN WE REPOLL PLEASEe [14678] AlmeOk: actually funny for once LUL [14678] nevergeater: its a 2v1... [14678] ITz_F1XX: hurry up [14678] emoneytyb: lmaoooo [14678] jkasperowicz2: it was clixs idea to do thisit was clixs idea to do this [14678] dlggerkelly: Ron is mad [14678] YrtPipe: BRUHHH HURRYYYY TFFF UPPPP [14678] monetary_diner1: LUL [14679] MrNoKapHuncho: Nah ron funny asf 😂😂😂😂 [14679] leothechief11: ron has 50 hours [14679] itsrageyy: HURRY UP [14679] thebigbrady1: !sens [14679] hendrixishim: Ron is horrible [14679] blessedbychris01: When fanmail [14679] PAXT0NR6: jynxziGG [14679] Freshcotija: Leave [14679] jynxiiscoolwww: hurry up gosh [14679] lolo00075: L game [14680] fluid_chippzzz: just start [14680] DeshawnD26: they scammers [14680] amrit_09: 2-7 [14680] Vaspt_: SHOTGUN SALLY [14680] rilcal211: play [14680] KAMIKRAZI: BRING IN CASEOH FOR 2v2!!! DO IT [14680] iluvsmileyz: asking for too much [14680] jkasperowicz2: it was clixs idea to do thisit was clixs idea to do thisit was clixs idea to do thisit was clixs idea to do thisit was clixs idea to do this [14680] jehsE_: rons cooking bro [14680] morris797: RON HAS 50HRS ON STEAM [14681] mrrocketbunny69: BROOO [14681] rytheballer: jus play already [14681] toad_2999: HURRY UPPPPPPPPPPPPP [14681] w1zarddic: w1zarddic subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months! yooo [14681] yesimhotyesigame: dude got a christmas tree still up [14681] waterypanda: No shotgun [14681] tyweepitch123: JUST PLAY DUMBASS [14681] outsider_816: bro just go copper to champ they pussy😬 [14681] motor_g0at: just play brooooooooooooooo [14681] ilonelywoiif: W J [14681] DJ_Dxn__: 3-8 no shottys [14682] ghxstt123: leave [14682] deeann14: HEY PANCAKES START THE 2v1 MY GOD [14682] mattybonezz: mute that kid da sho [14682] yaboisleepsinanest: this what happens when fortnite kids play this game [14682] Bezful: yes shotguns [14682] cowpuff2: Just play [14682] cheebah710: cohhChatting cohhChatting cohhChatting [14682] amueller99: didn’t know it took this long to play a game [14682] jkasperowicz2: it was clixs idea to do thisit was clixs idea to do thisit was clixs idea to do thisit was clixs idea to do this [14682] sephzeraa: bro these two are so annoying and not cool lmao [14682] bigboyjohnsun: Poll it [14682] cWattzz: ron owns you [14683] adoksweats: KUST FUCKING PLAY [14683] kaxy01: pre end [14683] dallassssssd: FallCry FallCry FallCry [14683] onefrombeloww: zzzzz [14683] p90xxl_off: omg [14683] sean12081: hurry up brooo [14683] pimpingpropane: you guys talk a lot [14683] juansonwick: l [14683] zachespinoza: thats even, just lock it [14683] piesgood_: pussy [14683] ISOison51: PLAY [14683] bradennnnn__: USE SHOTGUNS [14683] NotLewz: this is annoying just go [14683] IHate_x1mm: stable stfu nobody wants to hear you [14683] mequon02: 0-0 [14684] redreda24: bro wtf is this [14684] fyaspxce: start it fatass [14684] KinddaSuss: These guyssss [14685] xxim_himxx: L part timer [14685] Doughzzz: U BITHCEN SO HARD [14685] BrisK_aka_BK: START THE GAME [14685] kuhblicky: RON IS SO CORNY [14685] blink_cod200: zzzZZZ [14685] itsrageyy: HURRY UPP [14685] faze_jew12: 2 8 [14685] hyvbyhyhyyhy: This shit pissing me off [14685] ybchrish: THEYRE SO CORNY [14685] cole4455: LEAVE [14685] shlumpking44: ask Ron why he doesn’t live with Clix [14685] in_cog_nito33: fanboyy [14686] cWattzz: ron owns youron owns you [14686] jwsmith93: 1 series [14686] cancerkid169: athienJASON [14686] Stynqfn: Kai vs Ron [14686] ozmafan69: holy fuck play [14686] suupeerrrmarioooo: this guy corny asf at the bottom [14686] shamood_: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz [14686] exoticxsss: startt [14686] cakelebs: LL [14686] Allegorie87: NAHHH [14686] cardiacjohnsondeployed5: when fanmail [14686] Blowpawp: this is so lame [14686] jean6912: xim was teaching them ur game style [14686] Walltace: These kids are annoying leave [14686] Bezful: use any [14687] invincible_175: bro just play [14687] used_potato: these guys suck [14687] 3522498313: bott [14687] juansonwick: i [14688] ISOison51: PLAY THE GAME [14688] i__999__i: leave [14688] monkey_762: 💀 [14688] cyclone696969: C'mon [14688] george_monte: ron is such a pussy [14688] partomix: partomix subscribed with Prime. [14688] ilonelywoiif: W JYNXZI [14688] ITz_F1XX: stop being scared [14688] titanack11223: Swag? [14688] a1mhaxks_: i’m bouta leave [14689] almondbutteer: RUN IT HOLY FUCK [14689] jaidenbuncy: hurry up [14689] x2Matty: good offer [14689] woozydajoint: woozydajoint subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! yoo [14689] joetips123: start the game already [14689] coolguy45209: JUST LEAVE [14689] rytheballer: hurry it’s getting late [14689] tankhitemup00: use shotguns !!! [14689] waterthiel: start the got darn game brother [14689] itsrageyy: HURRY UP [14689] homersimpzyn: no shotgun 1-8 [14689] juansonwick: no [14689] raffe12341: 1 lead up to 8 bro [14689] cheebah710: HypeDisguise [14689] callofthewildlegend: caseohBanchat caseohBanchat caseohBanchat caseohBanchat caseohBanchat caseohBanchat caseohBanchat caseohBanchat caseohBanchat caseohBanchat caseohBanchat caseohBanchat [14690] prolegend134562: START ALREADY [14690] shauxity: NO SHOTGUNS, 2 ROUNDS UP TO 7 [14690] michael745689: leave brooo [14690] aiden_clever: Ron is so annoying [14690] ZohbdyBouttaDrive: START [14690] blink_cod200: 💤💤💤 [14690] fncablaze: LONGEST STREAM OF THE YEAR [14691] coiko: PLAYY [14691] wymvr: jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown [14691] jamesharvey20: LEAVE [14691] DeshawnD26: no shotguns [14691] britzyanaxo: RON IS THE BIGGEST LOSER [14691] wetdirtgaming: ACTUAL CORNBALLS [14691] twitchsucks13243: TELL RON TO GET THE FUCKING MIC OUT OF HIS THROAT [14691] baconator300030: ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper [14691] ilyycutie: CLIX TOO LOW [14692] orazalfire: They feining [14692] cyclone696969: Cmon [14692] chunkystew9273: if u lose sing payphone [14692] bananakiller2345577: Plaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy [14692] alltimechiefsfan: jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown [14692] boog2600: Ron sounds like a bitch [14692] alecasca_: wtf even is this [14692] AnimeGirl_97: RON SHOULDNT BE MAKING SHIT FOR REAL HE AIN TAKING SHIT SERIOUS [14692] maxtomerc3: HURRY TF UP [14693] rynear25: how do I get the charm [14693] pipefull: TURN RON VOLUME DOWN [14693] shamood_: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ [14693] emoneytyb: wwwwwwwwwwwww [14693] bog11222009: jynxziBadAim [14693] Ok_Customer: @mrpissboy JUNKO WUNKO WILL NOT LET YOU HIT 🙏😭 [14693] itsrageyy: HURRRYYYY [14693] arthurhx_: THEYRE FINESSING YOU [14693] sn1pz_safe: ZZZZZZZ [14693] t3xasplays44: !gamble 1000 [14693] frost_7896: Hurry up [14693] yourragestwistednut: RON LEVEL 50 BTW [14693] StreamElements: t3xasplays44 lost 1000 points in roulette and now has 550 points! FeelsBadMan [14693] Rafapro1458: nahhh [14693] peejlynch22: HURRY UPPP [14694] paul_teehee: NO [14694] itz_dylan28: just fucking play the fucking game [14694] codyxo69: just leave vc bruh this shits ass [14694] nik30211: Ron is eating his mic [14694] handyandyhehehe: hehe [14694] jacobswanson44: holy shi start [14694] current6636: WHY YOU SCARED OF FORTNITE PLAYYERS @jynxzi [14694] Stynqfn: Kai vs Ron!!!!!!! [14695] Lowwval: that’s sad bud [14695] cWattzz: ron owns youron owns you [14695] ghxstt123: wack [14695] co0lmonkey: RON IS A BITCH [14696] alakai_ma: hurry up i got school tmr [14696] leedle_lee23: Ron loud asf [14696] PaperMetal300: this is lame [14696] yomasterflex879713: when the stream edinb [14696] bradennnnn__: USE SHOTGUNS [14696] caps_lul: tell them they can ban an operator with a shotgun [14696] brodiegert8: they asking to much [14696] ISOison51: PLAY [14696] used_potato: don’t even do kill lead [14696] paul_teehee: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [14696] joetips123: i don’t wanna hear u lot talking [14696] yaboisleepsinanest: NO [14696] JaylinJamess: Bro leave these lil ass bums alone. just go play copper [14696] brxxzy04: Just leave they dumb asf [14696] loh513: no [14697] MagicaI_Journey: LMAO [14697] bardown16__: NOOOONOOO [14697] jetkins69: ino [14697] cakelebs: L [14697] annebelleykelly: these 2 [14697] exoticxsss: just start [14697] nevergeater: just shut up [14697] mozz_black94: Start [14697] marcos_pwizzy: YOUR A MILLIONAIRE [14697] DeshawnD26: frrr [14697] HFSTitan321: i never use shotguns [14697] ThatOneRellik: Lacy carries clix now lowkey [14697] nearlyoriginal_: yo hurry the fuck up [14697] TokyoIsntHome: NOOOOOO [14698] paul_teehee: NOOOOOOOOO [14698] caden_autrey17: PLAY [14698] mequon02: fuck no [14698] yaboisleepsinanest: NOO [14698] VNateV: VNateV subscribed with Prime. [14699] actaavis: they can’t be serious [14699] bobthemob_0202: l [14699] keck909: play other people they want to much [14699] c_swish25: jerry [14699] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [14699] Bezful: junko shady [14699] jamalsbball: ron has 44 hours [14699] gcampbell2009: just play [14699] YGOsteedy: jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE [14699] yaboisleepsinanest: NO [14699] CMOMoney187: BRO GO PLAY RANKED [14699] lhoggatt258125: poll [14700] favorsthebald: bored [14700] jacob_ravensfan: Your dog shit [14700] james38_24: PLAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY [14700] jetkins69: no [14700] alvy05_: boring [14700] Fossabot: @elcolombiiano, Your message is too long [2x] [14700] xlfenwinxl: don’t [14700] xxcomfyxcouchxx: HURYY AND PLAY [14700] joetips123: my days [14700] boomgti: HELL NO [14700] NOTBless: TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT [14700] ykmmikey: NO [14700] Rafapro1458: these are grown man babies [14700] kingrice118: JUST PLAYYY!!!!!!1 [14700] annebelleykelly: these 2 are lame af | Jynxzi | Prime Jynxzi is Back | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [14520] We're quick to something we need to talk real quick. I just want to you mine about that. Yeah, I can definitely do just Do that like start moving your shitty headset around when you're undefeated. Yeah. Yeah [14530] Um, clicks is this right here is a buttermilk fucking pancake bro. This is a kid who has tried and tried again to play Fortnite at a competitive level and [14540] and he's eventually coming to the realization that he's just gonna turn into an IRL streamer with Lacey cause this kid can't win shit. He got absolutely backpacked to a fourth place finish and after that, he's gonna be a little bit more confident. [14550] And here's my other opponent, stable fucking Ronaldo, who literally got known for singing payphone. Chad if I lose this game you guys can just like ban me. [14560] Can just unfollow me. I don't care bro three kill lead up to eight bro that is beyond free Wait if they're deafened can I just listen to their stream. Yeah, I'm definitely doing that actually now that [14570] That's cringe, that's cringe, that's cringe, that's cringe. That's cringe, that's cringe, that's cringe, that's cringe, that's cringe. I wouldn't do that. Alright, I'm undefening. Yo, I'm undefined. [14580] Yo, what do you do? Pest only? No bro. With no kill? With no kill? Hell no. Fuck no. Hell no. You think I'm not dumb bro? Nice one. Okay, so if we're gonna do the three killed, [14590] or whatever you said, 3-7. It's upstairs only. Right. That's a fact, obviously. And are you using a shot from upstairs? Yes, yes. I could use any gun. I could use any gun. Yep, any gun. See, that's the only gun. [14600] I don't know if I like the show that we're giving the shot come bro. That's all he's good at he doesn't know how to aim so bro Just just you gotta get rid of the shotgun bro. Okay, so the notion [14610] shotguns that's it obviously no shotgun no no no one agreed to that but you just giggled if it's so if I'm lying Why don't you just not you shotguns of confused yeah well okay I can do [14620] No shotguns, but it'd be a two round lead up to eight then two round lead up to eight Oh, that's just finessing. Then you know every operator, bro. You have 10,000 hours. We have fucking five [14630] That's like I'm as we've as many hours as you stream this week, bro. You understand that? Yo, you've done what what is this 20 minutes of real content this your first real content [14640] You're welcome. No, I mean, you're the most real content. You're welcome. You're Mr. Ricky. You're Mr. Ricky. 20 times better than you, but OK. So it's him and I. [14650] He's better than you. He carried you that entire game. We all saw it. Like, tell him. Tell him now. He's like, no, no, no, no, no. He's like, you know, because you guys are on a team. He knows you know. [14660] You got back. You got back. Wait, you're watching? Bro, I'm not your fan. I saw. Whatever. I was looking up your watch. So no shotgun, no shotgun, 3-8. No shotgun, 3-8. [14670] Nope. No, no, no, two, two. Come on, bro. We're going with what you want, bro. No, no, no, no, no. What I want is we can do no shotguns, cool dope swag, but it's gonna be a two-round lead. [14680] up to 8. That's my final offer too. I'm not budging on that because I'm putting on my last offer. Yeah right. Final offer doesn't exist. You guys got to think bro, you guys are taking half the risk I'm taking. You guys have your other [14690] What do we do a coin flip on it? What if we do a coin flip on that? I'm not a coin flip on it. That's fair. No, I'm not really fair. I'm taking on it. It's a coin flip. But then okay, okay, do a coin flip but you take on risk too. | There is no Highlight in the provided timespan. Jynxzi talks/discusses with his colleagues. |
Jynxzi | Prime Jynxzi is Back | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [15120] Ktanwin1: 1111 angel [15120] poopyb0i: white speed [15120] mobythem4n: CLOSE KEYBIND MENU @Jynxzi [15120] 0z_ozone: APPLY [15120] znat98: close the menu dumbass [15120] lorenoffff: save it [15120] itsrageyy: KEYBINDS DISABLED IN THIS SCCREEN [15120] gMANGO: CLOSE MENU [15122] tdog272: tdog272 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 1 month streak! ueu [15122] QwavvyZB: get out of settings [15122] shmighty2x: scroll down save settings [15122] xenzzzzz_: PRESS ESCAOE [15122] oldbay7: LEAVE MENUE [15122] aka_ryguy: close the menu [15122] GoD_Its_me_Again: KEUBINDS ARE DISABLED WHILE THIS PANEL IS VISABLE!!! [15122] jc130000: close the menu [15122] CMOMoney187: GO PLAY RANKED [15122] ZB_Connor_: LEAVE THE SETTINGS [15122] halgazzz: SAVE CHANGES [15122] giusr6: jynxziEZ [15122] eman55x: ESC [15122] dkellog: You have to apply the setting [15122] asapscamp: white speed [15123] Xaver11077: EXIT THE FUCKING PAGE YOU DUMMY [15123] monking0908: close the the settings [15123] JessePinkman24: CLOSE MENU [15123] AirPatrol: EXIT OUT [15123] bellslabz1984: keybonds are disabled [15123] ihk88: fuck with the shirt [15123] theturdx: jynxziCRY [15123] ghostadriel: GET OUT OF SETTINGS [15123] zzztanner: it literally says keybinds are disabled on that screen [15123] dawnjeffer: close the menu [15123] Syncrous: broooooo [15123] c_swish25: white speed [15124] SHxd3s: SHxd3s subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! [15125] llbreezyii: SAVE ITTTTTTT [15125] annebelleykelly: leave menuuu [15125] xxcomfyxcouchxx: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [15125] friedlightning: WHITE SPEED [15125] blazeescamilla1: HE HATES BEING CALLED SARA SAFFARI [15125] ogpeaks: CLOSE KEYBIND WINDOW AND TRY CLOSE KEYBIND WINDOW AND TRY CLOSE KEYBIND WINDOW AND TRY CLOSE KEYBIND WINDOW AND TRY [15125] Nuclearsupernova: CLOSE KEYBIND MENU [15125] thegreatcashini: you have to save and leave menu [15125] awesomeknight60: esc [15125] imxfamoso: READ THE YELLOW DUMMY [15125] BVBYDVDDY: you have to leave that screen [15125] Gluppiee: PRESS ESC [15125] itzsurkii: CLOSE DISC SETTINGS [15125] StreamElements: gruboclock has spent 6 days 6 hours watching jynxzi [15125] zzztanner: idiot [15126] Rezi_Dk: FACE-CAM IS TOO BIG [15126] joseppph2: LOOK AT THE TOP YELLOW [15126] 2018SubaruSTI: CLOSE THE KEYBIND MENU [15126] RockoOnCoffee: LEAVE THE MENU [15126] gam3rlogic: YELLOW BOX TOP OF SCREEN [15126] KKZiinc: ESC [15126] survthadon: SASsave [15126] wuklis: close menu [15126] snakesfn_: HIT ESCHIT ESCHIT ESCHIT ESCHIT ESCHIT ESCHIT ESCHIT ESCHIT ESCHIT ESCHIT ESCHIT ESC [15126] fartman70_11: DUMMY [15126] seafourtv: SHIFT + D SHIFT + D SHIFT + D SHIFT + D SHIFT + D SHIFT + D SHIFT + D SHIFT + D SHIFT + D SHIFT + D SHIFT + D [15126] pebolssss: @Jynxzi EXIT MENU [15126] vyzqes: lol [15126] tommy_llo: you're just a fucking brick [15127] tommy_llo: you're just a fucking brick [15128] arodOMG: is this serious? [15128] cbgraham2001: read the yellow message [15128] bobo946: bobo946 subscribed at Tier 1. [15128] pultes: bro can yall play [15128] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [15128] CMBQVX: close the menuuuu [15128] EA5TN: w idiot [15128] SirLiquidBacon: READ THE TOP IN YELLOW [15128] yungKIBE: READ THE YELLOW MESSAGE IDIOT CLOSE THEN DO IT [15128] raidon_37: CLOSE THE MENU [15128] acMok: EXIT THE KEYBIND SCREEN DUMBASS. [15128] movebricksss: can u read? [15128] xzsensor: HOLY SHIT HOW ARE YOU SO DUMB [15128] thegumbosquirts: keyboard disabled on this screen exit!1 [15128] 1ofem: jynxziVapeBreak [15129] tatebate: Read dummmm [15129] glyaro: CAN YOU READ [15129] fartman70_11: BROOOOO [15129] xnuar: scroll down to save [15129] ggh0stz: jynx RIGHT CTRL DUDE [15129] ja1en_ttv: big blue button top right [15129] imthekoolaidman: CLOSE SETTINGS [15129] eyvod: CLOSE KEYBIND DUMBASS [15129] cornelius_fudge: ESC [15129] giusr6: jynxziFAT [15129] ritxhieee: KEYBINDS ARE DISABLED WHILE THIS PANEL IS VISIBLEKEYBINDS ARE DISABLED WHILE THIS PANEL IS VISIBLE [15129] Nightbot: ussy [15129] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: 4 hour intro taking too long [15130] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: 4 hour intro taking too long [15131] funkygerbil918: HIVISE HELP [15131] SyfnLive: PRESS THE X [15131] AaroonDMC: HOLY SHIT HOW R U SO FUCKING DUMBBB [15131] TClear: save settings [15131] fallen4x: Close the key bind menu [15131] notcesarcanadian: ITS IN YELLOW [15131] Nocturnnum: CLOSE SETTINGS [15131] prestoninthecutt: yo escape [15131] goofgaming92: EXIT OUT THE SCREEN [15131] m4rkh3nry: IT SAYS KEYBINDS DISABLED WHILE PANEL VISIBLE [15131] dawnjeffer: close it [15131] jairoocalixto: jynxziTONGUE [15131] pultes: playyyy [15131] MannyForPresident01: SAVEE [15131] darkweavver: Press save! [15132] willruiz1: SCROLL DOWNNNNNNNN [15132] joshua_crump_: close the menu [15132] janberdtolga: HIGHVISE CALL [15132] twinkiewinkiefan123: SET THE KEYBIND AND CLOSE THER MENU/SET THE KEYBIND AND CLOSE THER MENU [15132] dj6300usmc10: this guy can’t read [15132] unkown_19el: Mo. [15132] tomatoontheside: early now just part [15132] ttvcoachp: there’s nothing wrong [15132] Miltxn33: JESUS CHRIST [15132] Kar3z_1: CLOSE THE MENUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU [15132] jaythaprofit_: I’m almost done baby a little louder [15133] masballs: masballs subscribed with Prime. [15134] imem1lontop: arem u stupid [15134] theonlyjevans2: @Jynxzi READ YELLOW BOX AT TOP!!! [15134] WyldNF: CLOSE PANEL [15134] wonston8: close settings idiot [15134] Xzotiixs: KEYBINDS ARE DISABLED IN SETTINGS [15134] BigKlutchTV: White I show speed [15134] jaredyoder1897: this mf [15134] thegumbosquirts: exit then doing [15134] xzsensor: HOW ARE YOU SO STUPID [15134] Omegabloodflo99: CLOSE IT IDIOT [15134] KeelinHollywood: READ [15134] FloppyPankakez: CLOSE SETTINGS [15134] CMBQVX: close menuuuu [15134] giusr6: jynxziCopper [15134] Fossabot: @yoazi__, Your message is too long [15135] lagmaster66: save it [15135] flyfisher3000: close the keybind menu [15135] evan_lawson08: you just have shit setup [15135] jordant_99: CLOSE SETTINGS [15135] kimblee95: READ THE TOP [15135] oldbay7: HIT ESCAPEEEEEEEE [15135] skr33ts: close menu [15135] phoneblingin: I DONT HAVE AD FREE [15135] PapaBangerrSlanger: PRESS X [15136] maverick_t9: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [15137] ckem1738: Omg [15137] Djeunut: Close settings to save Close settings to save Close settings to save [15137] itsLipton_: stalling until 6 hours [15137] ismosapien: PRESS THE X [15137] razoo020: READ THE MESSAGE AT THE TOP 💀 [15137] darkweavver: press save [15137] bardown16__: ban clix [15137] M4dSkillz98: keybinds are disabled [15137] yungKIBE: READ THE YELLOW MESSAGE IDIOT CLOSE THEN DO IT [15137] arizonaoutlawz: !watchtime [15137] mxqv: clooseee the mennuuuu [15137] LouieB823: ——— [15137] I__Boski__I: close the menu [15137] twinkiewinkiefan123: SET THE KEYBIND AND CLOSE THER MENUSET THE KEYBIND AND CLOSE THER MENU [15137] srkruser: HAVE A MOD DEFEN YOU [15138] sw4vz: PRESS SAVWE [15138] bluejoltz23: close menu [15138] ilivein30bc: yo it doesn’t matter [15138] StreamElements: arizonaoutlawz has spent 1 day 13 hours watching jynxzi [15138] notcrumb: you have to escape [15138] olezaltvik: fr [15138] beef5trokemeoff: save iottttt [15138] Wambrew: SUCH A BRICK [15138] U4RR7: SPEEN CLONE [15138] BudNTheBoyzzz: save settings [15138] Willbates24: save it [15138] BigButteredCorn: Ayo white speed save [15138] NOTBless: JUST PLAAAYYYY WHO CARESSSS [15138] nathan170107: READC [15138] imem1lontop: are u stupid [15140] CriminalNEOs: ESC BRO [15140] jarells1: 135K watching grandad figure out discord [15140] snydc: READ THE TOP [15140] Omegabloodflo99: CLOSE THE SETTINGS DUMBASS [15140] r1chard07: ESCAPE [15140] Rezi_Dk: FACE-CAM IS TOO BIG TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [15140] U4RR7: WHITE SPEED [15140] Rigbonedd: @Jynxzi keybinds are disabled in this screen [15140] messihispants: start game [15140] Kouzyyyy: just hit the X [15140] kaz_idk: learn how to read idiot [15140] peejlynch22: JUST PLAY [15140] blazeescamilla1: SARA SAFFARI HE BANNED IT IN HIS CHAT [15140] jakethesnake__14: exit the menu [15140] bhawk_exe: when is fan mail [15141] e3ncodbot: !watchtime [15141] SHKR_CR: close the menu bruh [15141] StreamElements: lilnitro_22 has spent 3 hours 30 mins watching jynxzi [15141] flow_qb: @hivise [15142] basheerio: basheerio subscribed with Prime. [15143] Trechx: KM [15143] cleerk77: W CHAT [15143] nightmarellamaa: sals [15143] phoneblingin: FOR ANY STREAM ANY MORE [15143] jmack051995: BORDERLESS [15143] dxnkkkk: close menu [15143] xNoRecoil: HOLY SHIT [15143] dxsam_0: read [15143] KeelinHollywood: idiot [15143] gazerjosh: BibleThump [15143] foooooddddd: HOLY SHIT MAN [15143] Nocturnnum: FINALLY [15143] whiteboy123456789: close the menu you paraplegic [15143] bigpapix_916: W SHIRT [15143] Conkion: bro [15144] reflexeslol: CLOSE THE MENUUUUUU [15144] FlocksofClocks: exit [15144] xenzzzzz_: DUMBASS [15144] ttv_harv2007: Xbox discord [15144] temp8787: take your time [15144] joeyourmyidol: you have to save [15144] halgazzz: dear god lol [15144] itzsurkii: holy shit [15144] xcoltxn: FINALLY [15144] awill13: WWWW [15144] MoneyB24: omg finally [15144] alleyne98: actually braindead [15144] bardown16__: w [15144] cq5mic: YOU HAVE TO GO OUT OF SETTINGS [15144] jizzn0: fucking idiot [15145] HyperDriiv3: SAVE IT YOU BUBBLE [15145] scottyslife: IDIOT [15145] twitcheruser111: jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY [15145] SoarHorizon: WOW [15145] jaethedon__: BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail [15145] bigpapipig: L ARRSSS [15145] o_rayan_x: Stupid [15145] dan_rta: HAHAHAHAHA [15145] stygmatah_: hurry tf upppppppppppppp [15145] maverick_t9: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [15147] voxxyyyyyyyyy: Idiot [15147] LiIPiffer: OMG YOU'RE ACTUALLY SUCH A BOOOOOOTTTTTT [15147] herzy6: YOURE SO DUMB [15147] yunckz_: idiot [15147] cornificusy: DUMBASS [15147] x_VigiI_x: smh [15147] KenpachiJ23: DUMBASS [15147] iBankston: braindead [15147] jacobswanson44: buying so much time to get to 6 hr mark [15147] fpsdom_: FUCKING DUMBASs [15147] mrzesty24: holy [15147] tyweepitch123: FINALLY [15147] tommy_llo: you're so dumb 😂 [15147] Jimzuhhh: IDIOT [15147] twinkiewinkiefan123: dipshit [15148] monyisabigmanlol7: JYNXZI U DUMBASS [15148] redgrunky: finally [15148] wyat897: 🍑🍆=👶 [15148] krimmerFPS: Idiot holly [15148] santasgrandma: dumb [15148] eyvod: FINNALY [15148] theonlyjevans2: thank the lord well done [15148] xdflounderr: dumb ass [15148] tommy_llo: you're so dumb 😂 [15148] tommy_llo: you're so dumb 😂 [15149] tommy_llo: you're so dumb 😂 [15150] kurixxxxxx: lolllll [15150] MrWatsonTTV: DUMBEST KID I EVER SEEN [15150] th3_king_cam3l: dumbass [15150] swoleboh: just that omfg [15150] silentninja1462: dumbass [15150] ismosapien: Holy fuck you’re stupid [15150] dajones003: nice [15150] MrDinoNuggs: dumdum [15150] scottyslife: L READER [15150] fpsdom_: DUMBASS [15150] sizxor: you dumb [15150] theturdx: jynxziFALL [15150] bubbanutz77: HOLY SHIT [15150] Go_pay_your_rent: Go_pay_your_rent subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! Ricci owns you [15151] SurfZtdM: GOOD GOD [15151] wambood: geez bro [15151] mattygotdatfatty: long ass intro [15151] nailwind: NAHH [15151] vsoka: DUMBASS [15151] yblurzy: idiot [15151] kyleozzy16: go off settings [15151] hereca_: Idiot [15151] PurePro_: GOD DAMN [15151] JynxzisDaughter99: so dumb [15151] SHKR_CR: finaly [15151] botkayden: !watchtime [15151] teaknical: ron stream snipin already [15151] papa_dyll: goofy ass kid [15151] StreamElements: botkayden has spent 2 hours 30 mins watching jynxzi [15152] notdauts: braindead [15152] Nightbot: Jynxzi is controller on PC [15152] xprodigyx_91: DUMBASSS [15152] Trechx: NOI [15152] arrkane420: so stupid [15152] not_Iucky: YOUR SO DUMB [15152] MoneyB24: how does this guy feed himself [15152] savaeg_mom: wehoopEmote33 wehoopEmote33 wehoopEmote33 wehoopEmote33 wehoopEmote33 wehoopEmote33 wehoopEmote33 wehoopEmote33 wehoopEmote33 wehoopEmote33 wehoopEmote33 wehoopEmote33 wehoopEmote33 wehoopEmote33 [15152] shaxie_jesus: $$$$$$$$ [15152] shinnok47: PRE END [15152] Miltxn33: DONUT [15152] GTS_Mamba: acoustic [15152] lliillbbooaatt: ur dumb [15153] ttvoxyy: Cheer1 [15154] goofgaming92: FARMING STREAM TIME [15154] b0zyyyy: DUMB FUCJS [15154] noahkeyss: IT SAIS It there [15154] Shamelesstable: 6 hour stream of settings [15154] henwythelegend: DUMBASS [15154] scottyslife: L READER IDIOT [15154] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: pushing a 5 hour intro. do something [15154] Omegabloodflo99: DUMBASS [15154] jaegerlamb: CAUCASIAN SPEED [15154] melts_rl: t [15154] ozo1010234: 30 minute stall [15154] BurrHD: DUMBASS [15154] THACARTER712: thacarF [15154] nicklibertyyy: stupid [15154] ZimGoobr: HOW ARE THEY RICH [15155] iTzLowkeyLucas: I FELLL OUT OF MY CHAIR WHEN THEY SAID HE NEEDS TO BE FAIR. LIKE I HURT MYSELF FOR REAL.... [15155] MYBLACKFISHFAIDE: fat [15155] chickenfriedpork1: DUMB IDEIOT [15155] troncoop: dumbaaaasssss [15155] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: pushing a 5 hour intro. do something [15155] stygmatah_: Move ONnNnNnNnNnNnN [15155] skiwazow_: PLAY [15155] Huntxr_I: Huntxr_I subscribed at Tier 3. They've subscribed for 13 months, currently on a 13 month streak! 13 months t3 [15156] BEERMAN00: TAKES 3 CHAT [15156] tripssalty11: wwwww [15156] 59ulsoto: WARM UP [15156] melanpath: dumbest [15156] flenexdagamer: jesus christ they do this for a living.... [15156] Yourboy_Mimic: omg [15156] semoy5: you’re so slow it’s hilarious [15156] dankspank_69: Cheer1 [15156] CMBQVX: 😭😭😭this guy doesn’t use pcs [15156] hud2__: fat ass [15156] Nightbot: Just sub bozo you’ll get no ads, my emotes, double the channel points, and guess what you will also get my beautiful charm that you will never lose, and many more!!!! #subuporshutup [15156] StreamElements: juzevsp has spent 17 hours 10 mins watching jynxzi [15156] jacksharkey77: surely can’t be this stupir [15156] meepling: quit yapping [15156] hunteybear1: hivise help us please [15157] thatacelife: this guy streams for a living [15157] nerdnecktom: so fucking stupid [15157] llDEVNll: dumbass [15157] Naw_m8: DUMBASS [15157] cilln_: STALLING [15157] ahmadz_02: huryy [15157] tyweepitch123: PLAY THE GAME [15158] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: pushing a 5 hour intro. do something [15159] blazeescamilla1: Sara Saffari [15159] danmesz109yt: play [15159] arrkane420: actual moron [15159] fortnite_on_top11: you should get a tattoo [15159] eagleeyes1242: how i link my ubi [15159] nevervault_: fucking idiot [15159] Xtendid: Y’all been stalling for way too long bruh [15159] SlowFeet1: SHOTGUN FOR ROTATES [15159] dustinm1122: you’re dumb [15159] astroidr6: you are such a fatass [15159] ghostpeper10: start it already god damn [15159] fbbfrost_chaos: no stream sniping dumbass [15159] zingerrrrbox: start the fucking 1v1 [15159] bubba_333: Eric is trash at clash of clans [15159] BladesMatt18: go off settings [15160] jeddunhamjr: hi [15160] SyfnLive: UR TECHNOLOGICAL LITERACY IS ACTUAL DONKEY DICK [15160] 59ulsoto: warm up [15160] bardown16__: L ALZHEIMERS [15160] Kunspiree: jesus [15160] Omegabloodflo99: LICK MY BALLS BROC [15160] zacrifise: gjhfjgfjdh [15160] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [15160] ireddzzzz: ireddzzzz subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! love you [15160] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [15160] dillon_sumner6: L Streamers [15160] ablottachecks: r u stalling [15160] adam_reVenue: DUMBY [15160] razoo020: SO HELPLESS [15160] al3kay: al3kay subscribed at Tier 1. [15161] kwispykr3m3: !Link [15161] nasermsd333: Lol [15161] 906rampage: fuck [15161] Nightbot: 😂 [15161] Nightbot: @kwispykr3m3 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [15162] foxy7143: L [15162] KytoSanXL: Dummy PArtTImer [15162] yungKIBE: ZZZZZZZZZ [15162] Adxom1_: L [15162] Gorilla10: play the damn game!!!!! [15162] CAira_Holmes: 0mgggggggggg [15162] TypicalLoganbar__Twitch: ACUSTIC FATASS OVER HERE [15162] imem1lontop: stfu lil dog [15162] mommymika6921: I’m still in adds [15163] lucasreid3351: STALLING [15163] Miltxn33: Jesus Christ that was annoying [15163] a1mhaxks_: God help us all [15163] JynxzisDaughter99: 2.6 goq [15163] Nightbot: https://clips.twitch.tv/AdventurousHedonisticYakinikuBibleThump-pUxxa5Rp0x8aWNXU [15163] zacrifise: jjjjn [15163] Naw_m8: NO IT WONT [15163] ivAero: absolute PU PEGA [15163] KenpachiJ23: STFU [15163] bardown16__: PART TIMER [15163] Nightbot: 30% OFF G FUEL gfuel.ly/jynxzi CODE: “JYNXZI” [15163] thatacelife: cant do anything right [15163] kaz_idk: @hivise tell him to fix it cuz he is a fuck terd [15163] yungKIBE: ZZZZZZZZZ [15163] Gucci_kid54: nice [15165] NotMal13: stream sniping o [15165] thekrykna: parttimer [15165] LiftinFC: how are these guys famous [15165] zacrifise: hghhfhg [15165] PrimePlays_: You HAVE A CHAT FOR A REASON [15165] lolo00075: booo [15165] xx_asriel_dreemur_xx: Part timer [15165] Gucci_kid54: nice [15166] loremori03: jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL [15166] Fossabot: @AgentMixzy, Your message is too long [15166] astroidr6: OMG START THE GAME 💀 [15166] adoksweats: PART TIMMER [15166] vsoka: OMG [15166] wyat897: lol [15166] infntryy: SIDEMEN REACTED TO U [15166] jaythaprofit_: I’m almost done baby a little louder [15166] 902pingu: should be everything if none of you boys have to paint your nails [15166] meat_wagon1: part timer [15166] JynxzisDaughter99: 2.6 gpa [15166] Nightbot: no 🧢 [15166] Harry__GG__: LUL [15166] meyersdale: stalling holy shit [15166] StreamElements: halozxb has spent 3 days 12 hours watching jynxzi [15167] zacrifise: hggfhff [15167] tomatoontheside: 2 hours end stream now [15167] samito0111: Gg [15167] 906rampage: hurry the fuck up [15167] thruzeromusic: jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT [15167] dopeycoolladd: part timer [15167] xannyduhnanny: DRUNKKKO [15167] connor9759: ITS OVER [15167] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [15168] str1fe222: Jynxzi Straforge? [15168] PurePro_: PLAY THE FKN GAME [15168] itsdavidlol24_: pre end [15168] cyclone1729: partimer [15169] beanlegoat: bro [15169] rebola901: this is dragging [15169] jonsmith716: part time [15169] melanpath: F [15169] Nightbot: F in the chat [15169] twitch2omar: JYNXZI YOU HIT ON THE HEAD U AUTSTIC BOY [15169] bluejoltz23: part timer time [15169] Nightbot: https://discord.gg/jynxzi [15169] zacrifise: vbhfg [15169] juarezrocks: shit [15169] snowylwm: GOODNIGHT CHAT [15169] foooooddddd: actual neanderthal [15169] Gucci_kid54: nice [15169] KenpachiJ23: STOP STALLING [15169] yungKIBE: ZZZZZZZZZ [15170] chaseoh___: Part [15170] acemarine2: jynxziCopper [15170] Fuey: gg [15170] lolo00075: boooooooooooooo [15170] ahmadz_02: hurrrryyyy [15170] Yourboy_Mimic: END STREAM [15170] panda_1322: pre end [15170] dmoney4lyf: hurry the fuck up [15170] blazeescamilla1: Part timer [15170] astroidr6: here we go [15170] itoksiq: bruh [15170] iso_matthew: WWW [15170] nuke_em_007: nuke_em_007 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [15171] NOVUSTTT: NOVUSTTT subscribed at Tier 1. [15172] IlzZAlecZzlI: IlzZAlecZzlI subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! [15172] booyah330: pre end [15172] nx5uu: did e [15172] 23_GOOB: Pre end [15172] highimmartiin: pre end [15172] ZoroKnowsDawae: Bring stream back on [15172] PEEEENPAPI: PLANNED END [15172] ahmadz_02: hurrryyyy [15172] yungKIBE: ZZZZZZZZZ [15172] lolo00075: boooo [15172] cyclone1729: partimer. [15172] thesupremesalt: ????? [15172] KenpachiJ23: STALLER [15172] fazehypebeast07: PART TIMER [15172] bigriggs321: part timer [15173] taqqvue: Pre end [15173] WHOdyyy: pre end [15173] zacrifise: bfjfgghjhb [15173] uppishnebula425: !watchtimr [15173] tiktoklxquid: PRE END [15173] sirpeep_r6: so we’re in copper [15173] kai_solos: pre end [15173] lcvelymads: ur so dumb [15173] joshua_crump_: gn stream [15173] sebbyong: L PART TIMER [15173] twosoupsforu: pre end [15173] CMOMoney187: EVERY ONE LEAVE [15173] Nightbot: skyteWELOST150 safJam jynxziGG SLAAAMMMED [15173] yungKIBE: ZZZZZZZZZ [15173] Gucci_kid54: nice [15174] bardown16__: F [15174] carbar14: white spped ending [15174] willruiz1: pre end [15174] mayonnaise_steven: SCRIPT [15174] vshowi: Gn boys [15174] Nocturnnum: then just start it back up after ?> [15174] tommy_llo: F [15174] tommy_llo: F [15175] tommy_llo: F [15175] tommy_llo: F [15175] tommy_llo: F [15176] nottrenten: part tmer [15176] lolyevin6276: retared [15176] cyclone1729: pre end [15176] raging9770: W bulge [15176] walshy444: Steve will clip farm [15176] sam_klesel: YEA YEA YEA YEA [15176] xgm_iclipz: Ricci wanna 1v1 ronny [15176] gotgrappe: excuse [15176] nx5uu: she ebe [15176] fazehypebeast07: WHITE SPEED [15176] zacrifise: jgjgfjgjgjf [15176] Nightbot: 👀 [15176] soundcloutken: W PENIS [15176] sizxor: part timer [15176] nvegaming88: PRE END [15177] brycenk09: pre end [15177] nomad2375: 4hr streamer [15177] bardown16__: FF [15177] ourluciferrrr: pre end [15177] 4KTrevor: part time [15177] Licqid: W STREAM W STREAM W STREAM W STREAM W STREAM W STREAM W STREAM [15177] Get_Josued: pre end [15177] PaidBando: pre end for an excuse [15177] RUI1Z_: good excuse [15177] zestyquesty11: w buldge [15177] dsfeda: bricked up [15177] zacrifise: jgjggg [15177] zangyang420: F [15177] dommer_dsl: W bulge [15177] twitch2omar: F [15178] xannyduhnanny: URRR DRUNKKKK [15178] brycedondidit: F [15178] ghostpeper10: stallings asf [15178] koftefull: pre end [15178] dan_is_on_twitch_: fffff [15178] willruiz1: GN CHAT [15178] Fuey: F [15178] acelesskunai: ABSOLUTE PART TIMER [15178] Jude224573: @smellthecheesepull [15178] a1mhaxks_: L part timer [15178] smoothderek: my sub ended I think [15179] thebotboyd: Mass un follow [15179] shlumpking44: change nothing [15179] semoy5: L [15179] Old_Muffin: pre end [15179] limiteclipse_: TELL RON WHAT HAPPENED WITH ANGIE [15179] kinoth_: f [15179] whozorx: F [15179] bex_tt: white speed [15179] dommer_dsl: W [15179] cyclone1729: pre end. [15179] bardown16__: FFF [15179] theaveragebum: FFFFFF [15179] KenpachiJ23: STALLING WTF [15179] samito0111: Ggggg [15180] noskillused2: gn [15180] kb9_8: ffff [15180] Aaron_Lui05: PRE END [15180] Tynerrrrrr: juuuiiiiii [15180] szymakka: L excuses [15180] hbeast_19: hbeast_19 subscribed at Tier 1. [15182] hit_low912: HURRYYYYY [15182] Licqid: W STREAM W STREAM [15182] boldexploring: gn [15182] beanlegoat: gn [15182] dewzee_: L PART TIMER [15182] slayer1169: fucken tic tok brain bitch [15182] hltman28: stop yappiin [15182] bigmjukaaa: part timer [15182] NobodyTouchesLegoat2: GET A PROFFESSIONAL TECH PERSON [15182] wyat897: when’s fan mail# [15182] theaveragebum: FFFFFFFFFFFF [15182] KiddCartierr: Pre end [15182] vmysticalman: F [15182] hyadezz: all that to crash [15182] michaeljud1: relive [15183] suctioncupiculous: gg [15183] tomatoontheside: glitches [15183] D1esel03: fan mail [15183] algansek: FFFFF [15183] CBKxSpeedy: w bulge [15183] drmonkeeman10: PRE END [15183] picklepickled: picklepickled subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [15183] yungKIBE: ZZZZZZZZZ [15183] szymakka: bye [15183] PaidBando: gn char [15183] ssh_b33zy: f [15183] Mahawx_: NotLikeThis1 [15183] melanpath: F F F [15183] matthew060603: FFF [15183] bardown16__: F [15184] yomikei: part timer [15184] burntnut4: then restart [15184] HFSTitan321: GG [15184] djlucas_18: f [15184] cyclone1729: fat. [15184] ybchrish: OML [15184] GatxBTW: pre end [15184] NobodyTouchesLegoat2: GET A PROFFESSIONAL TECH PERSON [15184] blazeescamilla1: L part timer [15184] samito0111: Ggtttgggg [15184] yoazi__: FFFFFF [15185] tommy_llo: F [15185] tommy_llo: F [15186] tommy_llo: F [15186] c1audius_: pre end [15186] mikael_098123: FFF [15186] SSkoou: i just got 14 ads [15186] TTVSLYMIME: HYPEEEE [15186] tommy_llo: F [15186] PaidBando: gn chat [15186] melanpath: FFFF [15186] dieheartsaint: if your stream crashes I’m unfollowing [15186] kasenis: bro hurry up [15186] missmyexss: part timer [15186] clxps09_: pre end [15186] theaveragebum: FFFF [15186] 1Rope: W gfuel [15186] tommy_llo: F [15187] jmizzzzz: PART TIMER [15187] DevTheChosenOne: F [15187] tommy_llo: F [15187] jamieforsterutb: pre end [15187] devinsfaceisu: Pre end [15187] PEEEENPAPI: PLANNED END [15187] sam_klesel: EXCUSUSESSSS [15187] HFSTitan321: Capper [15187] deepfriedgambit: pre end [15187] jussmarcos: L part timer [15187] sthcrew17: part timer [15187] cyclone1729: fat [15187] iateyourspacebar: iateyourspacebar subscribed with Prime. [15188] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: please crash [15188] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: please crash [15188] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: please crash [15189] ikromky: PART TIMER [15189] xannyduhnanny: URRR DRUNKKK I CAN TELL [15189] papimoore: F [15189] apple_premium68: so we’re delaying it [15189] itsdavidlol24_: L PART TIMER [15189] AevraConverse: fffffffffffff [15189] sam_klesel: GGGGGG [15189] luhbankq: w part time [15189] easternboy1448: F [15189] PushinTree: WWWW [15189] ragingtargaryen: pre end [15189] vvKawZ: moron [15189] yblurzy: l [15189] GMGvelli: F [15189] fpsdom_: FF [15190] Vividly004: FF [15190] awill13: lmfaooooooo [15190] Carluz7: CROSS FINGERS [15190] khcgame01: Y so many ADSSS BROOO [15190] slw_fraggr: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [15190] coolddedes: GN [15190] JayCatHD: Lol its boutta crash [15190] Zavi_O7: nice pre end [15190] tared_kingzzz: F [15190] Night3tar: pre end [15190] cokipoki7: F [15190] beanlegoat: pre end [15190] tommy_llo: F [15190] tommy_llo: F [15190] tommy_llo: F [15191] tommy_llo: F [15191] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: please crash [15191] tommy_llo: F [15191] rolawnmower: rolawnmower subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! when is 2v1 vs ron and clix? [15191] tommy_llo: F [15191] tommy_llo: F [15192] immortalhatchet: imagine ending at 130k [15192] vShxdowz_: weve passed the 30 min mark btw [15192] mcsky_Neomax: R u stupid [15192] maxplaysgames12346: part timer [15192] Jedi_Driveby: Jedi_Driveby subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! boom!!!! [15192] godly_spiro: L part timer I’m done [15192] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [15192] chipskartoffel_: fat [15192] devinsfaceisu: L [15192] NoLoveJayt: headset dent [15192] swoleboh: 10% [15192] boldexploring: fn [15192] zahh2sh1fty: part timeer [15192] yblurzy: L [15192] iSuxkbro: iSuxkbro subscribed at Tier 1. [15193] Nightbot: fortnite battle pass [15193] fbbfrost_chaos: no stream sniping dumbass [15193] tomasvl2004yt: Pre end [15193] frydryss: PART TIMER [15193] anbuyukio: cap [15193] Trlkqy_R6: FFFF [15193] zealous_snail: f [15193] yairo1x: F [15193] bryzcc: please crashh [15193] ladanc: PART TIMER [15193] b1gg1eq: PRE END [15193] fudggaming: L [15193] debait_: Fff [15193] synically32: These two dudes are annoying asf [15195] bobjan1238: F [15195] fpsdom_: FFF [15195] debait_: ffff [15195] JayCatHD: CAP [15195] bballerpro1001TTV: ended [15195] KiddCartierr: pre end [15195] SIeepur: F [15195] niixzyy_is_op: pre end [15195] blazeescamilla1: PART TIMER [15195] oppiscite: F [15195] CMBQVX: hypere [15195] papimoore: W RICKY L MR LAHEY [15195] alvin_theking: gn chat [15195] Robomb_: ff [15195] dylannesi: dylannesi subscribed at Tier 1. [15196] tomasvl2004yt: Pre endd [15196] jaegerlamb: SCRIPTED [15196] o_justice: pre end [15196] Nabusmain: L PART TIMER [15196] bolt0241: part timer [15196] papitasdechile_: GN [15196] thegamer60001: i hope stable takes ur money [15196] hxcked_iq6: f [15196] lukezub04: good stream bye! [15196] chandler254: chandler254 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! lit [15196] cowzay: 10% elisPray [15198] bm_creedxx: f [15198] HawaiianHercules: SEE YALL TMRW [15198] sam_klesel: GGG [15198] deepfriedgambit: F [15198] yousorryaf_ttv: this man so ready to end [15198] mayo2smo: ffffffffffff [15198] BladesMatt18: ggggg [15198] xiphoidar: FFF [15198] boldexploring: gn [15198] tommy_llo: PLEASE END [15198] krjet: part mf timer [15198] thatacelife: PRE END pre end [15198] joe031600: part timmer [15198] smickeywithablicky: 4 hour mark [15198] arrkane420: SCRIPTED CRASH INCOMING [15199] jadornet3: oh boy [15199] natedogg1991_: Pre end [15199] glaceeonn: w parttimer [15199] Nightbot: @iamlegend406 -> Boop! [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [15199] XavierBando: FF [15199] acbplay2: DAMNNN [15199] apoc712: 20 hour stream [15199] haloking063: pre end [15199] to0nice: Youre so dumb sometimes it hurts [15199] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [15199] Gorilla10: crash!!!!!!!!!!! [15199] kemperkiller03: kemperkiller03 subscribed at Tier 1. [15200] tommy_llo: PLEASE CRASH [15201] asmizzle_: pre end [15201] bignessttv: ffffff [15201] turningGAZAtoZAZA: BYE CHAT [15201] cringygamerpro: PRE END [15201] helioz1275: L [15201] whozorx: f [15201] MostWantedZane: Gn stream [15201] sam_klesel: GGGGG [15201] Nightbot: F in the chat [15201] jaydogg1024: pre end [15201] stanpines420: bruh [15201] sammyboiii345: pre end [15201] rileybouchard30: PLS CRASH [15201] jacobqt__: part timer part timer part timer part timer part timer part timer part timer part timer part timer part timer part timer part timer part timer part timer part timer part timer part timer [15201] sandy_sir: LMAAOO💀💀 [15202] deedledine: L part timer [15202] OzzyDaPlug: ffff [15202] neuxzie_: FF [15202] iBankston: ENDINGENDING [15204] tommy_llo: PLEASE CRASH [15204] cuddle_xd: HERE WE GO [15204] krjet: mf part timer [15204] lochbessie: pre end [15204] jasontodler: sketch is waitin! [15204] joe031600: fucking loser [15204] brycek55: bros hoping it does [15204] acemarine2: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [15204] semoy5: L streamer [15204] Nightbot: no [15204] acbplay2: Wewww [15204] coolguy45209: pre end [15204] PEEEENPAPI: PLANNED END [15204] arrkane420: SCRIPTED CRASH [15204] Nightbot: skyteWELOST150 safJam jynxziGG SLAAAMMMED [15205] samirvert: F [15205] cali_livin_ttv: unfollow 100k [15205] ghxstt123: 😂 [15205] ejam123445: F [15205] zenithohio: fffffffffff [15205] FixinGood: pre end [15205] younghitmen03: F [15205] Mastercube11: script [15205] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀 [15205] hunter18denali: Cheer1000 [15206] tommy_llo: PLEASE CRASH [15206] inn0cents__: inn0cents__ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months! [15207] fate_harley: 💀💀💀💀 [15207] DashDabs: stream crashed [15207] Billboss9000: pre end [15207] bigboyjohnsun: Poll crash [15207] M8TRiiX: he's actually hilarious [15207] mayo2smo: fffffffffffff [15207] semoy5: GN [15207] younghitmen03: FF [15207] bstructure_: PRE SCAAMER [15207] pocketpengun: “6HOURS BTW” [15207] zauqh: pre end [15207] MulaVisions: how hard is it to re fire [15207] inanementt: PART TIMER FAKE CRAZH [15207] k3ntrol: pre end [15207] thruzeromusic: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [15208] hugemonkey38: pre end [15208] iBankston: ENDINGE [15208] Nightbot: bozo [15208] alvin_theking: pre ending [15208] bushy_3: it crashed [15208] nievez: f [15208] dankspank_69: Cheer100 [15208] blackbeard_is_cool: @jynxzi wasted about 45 mins so far [15208] acemarine2: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [15208] rl_nexus569: Ffff [15208] boldexploring: pre end [15208] blazeescamilla1: Lmfaoooo [15208] WildxWilf: gn [15208] deadlyboi17: it’s gonna crash bru [15208] nvegaming88: PRE END [15209] jonsmith716: fuck [15209] merlock62: nice stream [15209] bushy_3: ggs [15210] beamage_: GOODNIGHTT [15210] k3ntrol: inching to end [15210] coolddedes: gn [15210] CMOMoney187: LEAVE WAVE EVERYONE LWAVE [15210] thadlarue: ffff [15210] epictwitchviewr: PRE END [15210] FinnElim: end stream fatso [15210] GamerOfShield: ffffff [15210] babywiped: FFF [15210] tommy_llo: PLEASE CRASH [15210] leorzn: PRE END [15210] melanpath: FFF [15210] peytonlee1: is it still going? [15210] softycola: F [15210] taqqvue: crashed [15211] rl_nexus569: F [15211] llNoxksll: pre end [15211] boldexploring: f [15211] hiifti: IM BEGGING [15211] vibin_xyrix: don’t be a part timer [15211] jaythaprofit_: jynxziPACK [15211] displaynqme: END [15211] RFcoilz: Lmao [15211] acemarine2: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [15211] NixusJM: gb [15211] gotgrappe: pre end [15211] ssgtysxn: FFFFFFFFF [15211] Greatgodd: L SCRIPTED END [15211] adenator23: pre end [15211] KenpachiJ23: PRE END [15212] TheNameIsMarino: pre end gg [15212] ourluciferrrr: pre end [15212] BladesMatt18: please craah [15212] Tarmlolz: yo white speed when is the stream starting [15212] CosmicR6_: bye [15212] lucasreid3351: L [15212] opiumwizard777: pré end [15212] Moistychickenthighs: Gn chat [15212] phinny20: faking just to end [15214] Darrendevil123: w stream [15214] KenpachiJ23: PRE ENDD [15214] YaBoiPortaL: PRE END [15214] younghitmen03: F [15214] lobo_blanko1: PRE [15214] Yujiofps: Atl east he lasted 4 hours [15214] threetrixmafia: bro smoke these fuckin pussies [15214] its_perses_1: PLEASE END [15214] Vividly004: PLEASE CRASH [15214] bballerpro1001TTV: pre end [15214] belikebob_: ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper [15214] luharkham: did bro just leak a backpack as merch?? [15214] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [15214] tared_kingzzz: bye [15214] cutepotato42: Ron’s in ur head [15215] yvng_codey: gn [15215] spicyhotsauce42: pre end [15215] cali_livin_ttv: over 100k unfollow [15215] lilchrisx4: pre end [15215] tiktoklxquid: PART TIMER [15215] Gradyzez: top g part timer [15215] tdrizz75: part timer [15215] thebigseen: gg chat [15215] BlxssMK: Dizzy_RxD subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! JUNKOOO LOVE THE NEW SSG BUNDLE [15215] ethannba2kleague: ethannba2kleague subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! yoo [15216] tommy_llo: PLEASE CRASH [15217] devinsfaceisu: Faking [15217] hr21savage: STREAM CRASHED [15217] oppiscite: ELGATO PLEASE SAVE US [15217] arrkane420: GN chat [15217] mrrcharrless: it crashed?!! [15217] xd_Draz: pre end [15217] othatscar88: pre end [15217] not_savage111rl: PRE END [15217] jaythaprofit_: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [15217] r1pmoon: pre end [15217] mounteney: PRE END [15217] zahh2sh1fty: gn chat [15217] ApolloGaming22: welcome gk ghd bib dang m nzmd ix olli inc k jury sznnz xzh gnzg I love you all so much I wikkl a millionaire in the next 4 yd`rz thank tau [15217] dommer_dsl: F [15217] acemarine2: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [15218] trulymatts: faking the end [15218] zylin666: part timer [15218] gblicxy: gblicxy subscribed at Tier 1. [15218] RubHubAp: CAN WE MAKE IT TO 6 HOURS [15218] kfars_14: gn stream [15218] justhimbuddy: ff [15218] jayfrumthev: nockztWBits nockztWBits nockztWBits nockztWBits nockztWBits nockztWBits nockztWBits nockztWBits [15219] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: w vise [15220] deycondones: @synically32 should be used to it you watch jynxi [15220] Booty_Bandit4: pre end [15220] possiblyquick: 'WOWWWW NOT GOING TO BE A 6 HOUR STREAM WHO WOULDA KNOWN [15220] adenator23: gn chat [15220] obeyedquasar2500: 4 hours mark [15220] freezfoezz: just end [15220] deadlyboi17: crashed fr [15220] dommer_dsl: Pre end [15220] quinnnythefos: leaked [15220] Gucci_kid54: pre end 💀 [15220] hypersavage119: sdfg [15220] sebbyong: BRO ALWAYS TRYING TO FIND A WAY TO LEAVE [15220] GamerOfShield: run prediction on ending [15220] Gail_Iewis: GN [15220] devinsfaceisu: Pre end [15221] blazeescamilla1: CALL HIM SARA SAFFARI [15221] dajones003: nice [15221] twosoupsforu: PRE END [15221] thekrykna: ofc [15221] soundcloutken: LOLO [15221] Shamelesstable: gg [15221] erickdiddy: JERRY [15221] ya_yeet_yessir: GGS CHAT [15221] semoy5: SEE YU TOMORROW [15221] fate_harley: W HIVISE [15223] Slasherus: JERRY? [15223] bardown16__: STEADY IS CALLING [15223] maverick_t9: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [15223] imarealonexx: 4 hour streamer [15223] taqqvue: w hivise [15223] otk_33: Skibbidi [15223] CMOMoney187: 4 HOUR STREAMER [15223] WufBro: welcome to Verizon [15223] konnerelston240: Gn [15223] younghitmen03: FFFFF [15223] mrrcharrless: crashed [15223] lolthrillzzz: W JERRY [15223] BladesMatt18: CRASSHHHHH PLSSSS [15223] dieheartsaint: no data [15223] PearsBack: Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa [15224] leesulee: UN FOLLOW IF HE ENDSS [15224] tr0g1n: F [15224] rengaarc: GN YALL [15224] fbbfrost_chaos: no stream sniping dumbass [15224] Clumzxy: lmao [15224] drmonkeeman10: CLIP THE CRASH [15224] arabhippo1: such a part timmer [15224] DonotDisturb_b: F [15224] mk4yzz3: pollpoll [15226] capndundy: LEAKED [15226] DuheN_: W Jerry [15226] m0nkeyjoj0: Squid2 TwitchConHYPE CoolStoryBob GoatEmotey [15226] SW0LES: goodnight [15226] BoxYing: pre end [15226] henwythelegend: LEAKED [15226] peytonlee1: hi [15226] nolanmackayy: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [15226] goofgaming92: W JERRY [15226] american_ore0: 4 hour mark [15226] Gucci_kid54: pre end 💀 [15226] 6MHz: gn chat, L end [15226] PackagedBinkie: PackagedBinkie subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! [15226] its_perses_1: WWWW [15226] cheesychester13: JERRY [15227] quinnnythefos: w leakkk [15227] gamerguy591710: HeyGuys [15227] plummm23: @tommy_llo 💀 [15227] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [15227] twistszzz: DinoDance DinoDance [15227] Fossabot: Jynxzi currently has 161197 subscribers! [15227] prock23: bye [15227] bigdan263: L jerry [15227] arrowzgotnomotion: gn yall time to end [15227] jaethedon__: w 6hr stream [15227] ZB_Connor_: LEAKEDDD [15227] vlonedropout: GGS [15227] Mastercube11: GGs [15227] nickka_clickka: CAUCASIAN FAST [15227] jomama122408: Jerry? [15228] Ssyzzzz: Ssyzzzz subscribed at Tier 1. [15229] chaaar56: 5 more minutes and I'm lights out [15229] quinnnythefos: w leakled [15229] hellbent6666: hi [15229] CMOMoney187: PART TIMER [15229] dillon_sumner6: pre end [15229] otk_33: skibbidi [15229] bardown16__: DOKK IS CALLING [15229] opiumwizard777: go tug your johnson ALREADY [15229] bruhhtito: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [15229] kamkam8515: w jerry [15229] fade_electric__: Jerry??? [15229] Pavotis: Pavotis subscribed with Prime. [15229] M3RKIE__: JERRY [15229] tooslow44: hivise hammered [15229] rudygoat1: GN [15230] stinkybhuthole: i’m [15230] bushy_3: ise [15230] zestyquesty11: w buldge [15230] davisaj36: RedCoat RedCoat RedCoat RedCoat [15230] hiifti: PRAYING TO CRASH [15230] cpot799: jynxziSNOT [15230] joe031600: pre end fucking fatasss [15230] mrbuttcheeks_: CRASH PART TIMER [15230] freezfoezz: edn [15230] prock23: gm [15230] hud2__: w Jerry [15230] Nightbot: @Trid3nx -> moon2PLSNO [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [15230] moyo512: leaked [15230] bm_creedxx: jynxziVapeBreak [15230] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [15231] willruiz1: jynxzi0x [15231] tiktokhaychrowz: LEAKED [15231] lil_cracka01: leaked [15231] notjaymx: PRE END BEFORE 6 HOURS -100k FOLLOWERS [15231] theringgenral: Part timer [15232] ulitries: a#part to@e [15232] DJ_Dxn__: jerry? [15232] clemo22222: clemo22222 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! [15232] leanlover21: bro when are you guys gonna actually play it’s been a solid hour [15232] zurx_onttv: jerry [15232] itsmeeeee_eee: Juergen [15232] erickdiddy: LMAOOOOOOOO [15232] Vjay21: Pre end [15232] Shamelesstable: predictions on if it crashes [15232] astroidr6: HIVISE DRAKED YOU 💀💀 [15232] odd_1_out_21: Wuts the big announcement [15232] thelegendroheet: part timer [15232] chugnutsboy: jerry from rick and morty [15232] Yourmumscheeks: L Verizon [15233] Nightbot: predict when you will get some bitches [15233] bigdan263: L jerru [15233] zbar2099: Jerry [15233] mgprocks1771: trash [15233] ZB_Connor_: LEAKEDDDD [15233] wavvyfo: Myth 2.0 [15233] freezfoezz: end [15233] paraveruN: !discord [15233] xammbi: avidqrTw3rk avidqrTw3rk avidqrTw3rk [15233] zahh2sh1fty: part timer [15233] jamieforsterutb: PRE ENDDDDDD [15233] Nightbot: https://discord.gg/jynxzi [15233] Nightbot: F in the chat [15233] rudygoat1: GNNN [15233] bunthank10: Jerry [15234] adoksweats: PLEASE CRASH PLACE CRASH [15234] erafor9: PRE EXCUSE LUL PRE EXCUSE LUL PRE EXCUSE LUL PRE EXCUSE LUL PRE EXCUSE LUL [15234] K0UGl: NotLikeThis [15234] robbiepodrido: play weirdo [15234] twistszzz: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [15235] guegalc_: jerry [15235] jackwhitney08: jerry [15235] twistszzz: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [15235] iceboy927: Gg [15235] YomarNT: OFC HES ENDING [15235] SlowFeet1: LEAKED@ [15235] lil_cracka01: LEAKED PRTTIMES [15236] sebbyong: BRO ALWAYS ENESS [15236] cole_zz1: Pre end [15236] mindmelter12: BRO BAN STREAM SNIPING [15236] mondodingers420: end stream [15236] dereck823: HURRYY UPP [15236] TTVShadow310: fakeing to end [15236] vargasman23: green fn [15236] bbe_jee: WutFace WutFace WutFace [15236] koocookilla: TwitchConHYPE [15236] zander248: jynxziBadAim GalaxyUnpacked [15236] enviro69: Part timer [15236] RiotShieldRat0: It's lagging [15236] Ssyzzzz: !Link [15236] CashAviation: CashAviation subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! [15236] thatacelife: JUNKO YOURE FUCKING FAt [15238] bardown16__: W JERRY W WHITE SPEED [15238] twisty360: white speed [15238] sheckjesuss: jynxziGLASSES [15238] chucks_absortion: part timer [15238] bbe_jee: WutFace WutFace WutFace [15238] CMOMoney187: PAERTIMER [15238] Nightbot: no [15238] Nightbot: skyteWELOST150 safJam jynxziGG SLAAAMMMED [15239] johnnydollar6945: johnnydollar6945 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [15239] lolo00075: L junko [15239] twilight114: W jerry [15239] blitzoimp01: ..................... [15239] bbe_jee: WutFace <3 <3 <3 [15239] chuckycheeseratt: WHITE SPEED WHITE SPEED 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨WHITE SPEED WHITE SPEED 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨WHITE SPEED WHITE SPEED 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 [15239] jesquivel97: part timer [15239] j0hnnyp4in_: jynxziGG [15239] NippyHussell: sub [15239] Fossabot: @colrfl, Your message is too long [15239] wgen9: FATASS slam these fraudulent fn players CMONNN MANN [15239] uamo06: PLEASE CRASH, 4 HOUR MARK [15239] lazyfink: Goodnight chat we will see you tmr [15240] obeyedquasar2500: end stream [15240] jomama122408: w Jerry [15240] RiotShieldRat0: Lag [15240] Shamelesstable: predictions on stream end [15240] nassiertje: L parttimes [15240] semoy5: GN [15240] frenchy896ygf: gday [15240] offensive3838: just end stream [15240] jamieforsterutb: GN CHATLLLL [15240] mmwildin: green fn [15240] jason_bourne1: STOP MAKING EXCUSES AND JUST END [15240] JBizzy_1: W jerry [15240] BitterSweetBoo420: Jerry? [15240] Gucci_kid54: he sounds so sad 😞 [15241] spookytopshooterrr: jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage [15241] robbiepodrido: common seller [15241] bensib_: see you tomorrow [15241] aidenxd111: L ad [15241] jakeynwa: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [15241] leesulee: UNFOLLOW IF. HE ENDS. [15241] threetrixmafia: run copper to clamp tbh [15242] burntnut4: L Part timer [15242] kuddyplayz: scripted [15242] DJ_Dxn__: hivise name is jerry [15242] officialvisogod: YOU ARE 9/11 [15242] joshyyks: L PC [15242] HFSTitan321: Goodnight yall [15242] daddycorbi: jynxziBadAim [15242] dreadteacher: pre end [15242] rokybokysok: jerry [15242] johnnydollar6945: dad [15242] boyerrr0: JERRY😭😭😭 [15242] Gucci_kid54: he sounds so sad 😞 [15242] brinda_loves_u: pre end [15242] boat1118: boat1118 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! bro said Ong 6 hours stream [15242] sketchisnotreal1: LEAKED [15243] zauqh: charged [15243] RFcoilz: Shift at McDonald's starts in 30 [15243] sparklingjuices: EZ pre end crash [15243] tyroneon240: jerry head ass [15243] aydanbigboy: PRE END [15243] soggytoast1992: GoatEmotey [15243] l31r6ag: ALT - F4 [15243] a_hunnitt: BYE CHAT [15243] cole_zz1: Stupid mf [15243] EarThy05: did jynxzi beat richard before [15243] jaythaprofit_: jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH [15243] zway_da_goat: Jerry is hivise [15243] sam_rlcs: w [15243] ihk88: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [15243] nolanmackayy: jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT [15244] jumbodwarf: so this is how u think youre gonna hit 6 hours LUL @Jynxzi [15244] SrMoondog: #beep [15244] skrmickelflop: 9 adds [15245] cga324: fat [15245] lolo00075: boooooo [15245] mounteney: GOODNIGHT CHAT [15245] giusr6: jynxziChampion [15245] wrooney15: PART TIMER [15245] thruzeromusic: jynxziCORNY L cornball [15245] V01D_1411: 🤫🧏♂️ [15245] zyn__24: w [15246] sketchisnotreal1: Leaked [15246] tazz_g4: GN [15246] xannyduhnanny: ESCUSES [15246] BladesMatt18: 😀 [15246] PistolxPetex: PRE END [15246] febrezedeodorant: hurry up [15246] giftism: W VISE [15246] brybrybrynocry: pnis [15246] Aliwardez: PRE END [15246] Moistychickenthighs: L part timer [15246] ourluciferrrr: pre end [15246] Gucci_kid54: he sounds so sad 😞 [15246] jomama122408: j [15247] jaythaprofit_: jynxziGG [15247] SengerInHD: white speed [15247] tyswings: Squid3 Squid3 Squid3 Squid3 [15247] woozyzebra: Send it [15247] Gamer_Wasabi: LMAO [15247] WufBro: gggggggggg [15247] dicerthomasyt: jynxziClown [15247] leonardo_yeet420: o7 [15247] wyatt_r2010: yay [15247] davidishim855: w stream [15247] scythrrz: clix wins [15247] bignessttv: gh [15247] CasesBallCheese: Why are you still streaming? [15247] baygrizzly: IM FINNA GO WATCH CASEOH [15247] schytoothehigh: stop stalling to get to 6 hours [15248] jaythaprofit_: jynxziSNOT [15248] c1audius_: 8 ads [15248] dreadteacher: part timer [15248] lordsaugus11: pre end [15248] mickey__mouse23: LEAKED [15249] bodsi_vi: INSHALLAH [15249] tommy_llo: PLEASE CRASH [15249] obeyedquasar2500: 4 hours he’s gonna end [15249] hatimalimkyt: End [15249] Nubsofdoom: USUALLY SKIP THIS PART [15249] blazeescamilla1: CALL RON SARAH SAFFARI HE HATES IT!!!!! [15249] bignessttv: gg [15249] JumpedMaple2: Part timer [15249] goopykiller: 9 ads is insane [15249] hiifti: GN [15249] slightlybelowaveragesize: how is bro still on this [15249] lil_cracka01: WHOTE SPEED IS A PART TIMER [15249] Nyziv: KonCha [15249] Xeniatro: bro hit 4 hours and has to find a way [15249] k3ntrol: pre end [15250] guiltfn_: if end unfollow [15250] willruiz1: SCRIPTED [15250] viphedge: bro cmon [15250] voiidwashere: PRE ENDDD [15250] ballliey2000: pre end [15250] KenpachiJ23: PRE END [15250] Aliwardez: PRE END PRE END [15250] soundcloutken: LOL [15250] vsoka: L PARTTIMER [15250] Nightbot: 😂 [15250] santiagogv23: ? jynxziClown [15250] AevraConverse: gYATTTT [15250] gotgrappe: plan [15250] 22pha_hasrizz: Pre end [15250] Nightbot: ? [15251] bex_tt: give it to meeeeee [15251] epg090910: white speed [15251] vividchil: PLEASE DONT CRASH [15251] ic_abel: ic_abel subscribed with Prime. [15251] tommy_llo: PLEASE CRASH [15252] puronicaa: PRE F [15252] xxleelandcoolxx: pre end [15252] julian_arce05: GG [15252] nolanmackayy: PrimeYouDontSay PrimeYouDontSay PrimeYouDontSay [15252] tokefalcon: gg [15252] jonesy_ak: gyatt [15252] Gorilla10: PLAY THE FUCKIN GAME!!!!!! [15252] lockeykockey3: MY KING U GOT THIS [15252] Atacus666: W JERRY [15252] Vividly004: NAH [15252] joshua_crump_: gn [15252] luv_aqua: luv_aqua subscribed at Tier 1. [15252] therealjnime: wow [15252] Rafapro1458: it crashed [15252] aceo8907: f [15253] PhilMeUp22: Pre end [15253] donutyo345: gyatt [15253] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: please crash [15253] o_nitro69: pre end [15253] venusbtw2727: gg [15253] BigGulpss: f [15253] Ethor53: F [15253] StreamElements: theyluv_jynxzi won 10 points in roulette and now has 375 points! FeelsGoodMan [15253] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: please crash [15253] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: please crash [15253] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: please crash [15254] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: please crash [15255] gizmocutesnoot: he does ts on purpose [15255] cj2k008: crashed [15255] pants456: W stream [15255] ragingtargaryen: bye junko [15255] beamofeli: f [15255] KenpachiJ23: PRE ENDS [15255] finnxmoneyham: F [15255] hockeyeezy_: crashed [15255] bardown16__: PLEASEE CRASH [15255] colby_johnson45: jerry [15255] tommy_llo: PLEASE CRASH [15255] Vividly004: CRASH [15255] CMOMoney187: PART TIMER [15255] Gail_Iewis: PLEASE CRASH [15255] kexvia: k [15256] blackiceshake: PLSSSSS [15256] jesquivel97: L [15256] RealGooseman: PART TIME [15256] phinny20: SwiftRage [15256] rocodhadra: F [15256] zachsullick99: Part timer [15256] iTzLowkeyLucas: GODDAMN u LISTEN to NO ONE [15256] nasermsd333: Ffff [15256] skrillyansh: L [15256] jkdhdhdudd: PRE END [15256] Nightbot: k [15256] yourmyfavoritperson: Crashed [15256] jacobisxani: F [15256] tommy_llo: PLEASE CRASH [15256] tommy_llo: PLEASE CRASH [15257] tommy_llo: PLEASE CRASH [15257] tommy_llo: PLEASE CRASH [15258] obeyedquasar2500: pre end [15258] lucasreid3351: CRASH [15258] tw1tch_jxnas: f [15258] BladesMatt18: PLEASE CRASH [15258] rrrrmatey: Can y’all shut up y’all gonna make this dude quit [15258] finnxmoneyham: FFFF [15258] thereal_swazy: GN CHAT [15258] AboveWild: L [15258] yaboy_green: crash [15258] mattomalley74: f [15258] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [15258] sandy_sir: PLEASE CRASH [15258] KenpachiJ23: PRE END [15258] Rastamonkeybread10: cya [15258] jacobzaik: YO STREAM STILL GLING ON??? sad i missed it fr [15259] rafabouttabag: l streamer [15259] yvesownsyou: PLSS [15259] slayerx2903: LMAOAOAO [15259] DynamicGrass: DynamicGrass subscribed at Tier 1. [15259] DBlue_Heat: F [15259] pultes: GN chat [15259] stevie9952: c-ya [15259] alanboxed: it crashed [15259] jaydogg1024: pre end [15259] beamofeli: ffffff [15259] ethnnnnnnnnn: f [15259] akagiredsuns__: gn chat [15259] epictwitchviewr: L PART TIMER [15259] ethang2929: gyat [15259] alelmao_: FFFFF [15261] qtmeta: F [15261] finnxmoneyham: FFFFFFFFF [15261] Gluppiee: gyatt [15261] pultes: frashes [15261] BladesMatt18: CMONNN CRASH [15261] hockeyeezy_: crashedddd [15261] julian_arce05: WERE GOOD [15261] blazeescamilla1: PLEASE CRASH [15261] Harry__GG__: B) B) B) [15261] scottyslife: WE ARE HERE [15261] shaggychaxso: Unfollow if he ends [15261] dewzee_: L PART TIMER [15261] jbro1630: PRE END [15261] lazyfink: Goodnight [15261] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [15262] raging9770: W stream [15262] TwixyBott: f [15262] NoLoveJayt: gyat [15262] YoungAkua: ff [15262] obamabalin: GYAT [15262] Licqid: W STREAM W STREAM W STREAM [15262] NotJellyGD: BIG GYATT [15262] 1Loula: NO IT DIDNT [15262] voidic09: ffff [15262] thereal_swazy: GGS [15262] rxzerss: WWWWWWWWW [15262] dylliett: w it worked [15262] DiffyDC: WRRE GERE [15262] Aliwardez: W [15262] StreamElements: 1ofem has spent 4 days 14 hours watching jynxzi [15263] tommy_llo: W [15263] tommy_llo: W [15264] tommy_llo: W [15264] bman6913: ffff [15264] Villias: WWWW [15264] sandy_sir: NOOOOOOO [15264] RubyLayyy: w [15264] ieatrice01: IT CRASHED [15264] godly_spiro: please crash [15264] LoganWpt: W [15264] xottic7777: ww [15264] ImCaptRogers: WWWWWWWWWWW [15264] boldexploring: gg [15264] hiifti: L [15264] Jaydentheturtle: CRASHED [15264] Nightbot: F in the chat [15264] mayo2smo: frfffffffff [15265] dan_is_on_twitch_: CRASSHEDDDDDD [15265] Hokki: Pre end duck [15265] frxztyjusbetter: WW [15265] Gucci_kid54: it’s good [15265] dommer_dsl: PL EASW CRASH [15265] erensolos__: F [15265] FinPind: ITS BEEN OVER 4 HOURS [15265] hspital: it didnt [15265] faded_rxse: PLS CRASH [15265] meechlit: W [15265] CAMARO_SSV8: begging for a crash [15265] YrtPipe: FFFFFF [15265] xsaintjester: W [15265] tommy_llo: L [15265] tommy_llo: L [15266] tommy_llo: L [15266] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: NOOOOO [15266] tommy_llo: L [15266] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: NOOOOO [15266] tommy_llo: L [15267] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: NOOOOO [15267] mounteney: WWWWWWWWWWWWW [15267] rnitten: wwwwww [15267] xNoRecoil: W [15267] WoanSickySik1: stream carshed [15267] off__limits00: f [15267] adam_reVenue: w [15267] kutzfv: Asl;wdrefigkoughbGFSWDE RFI;HLPUY gswdrfvbohiju;yi u gbLkw>nr, erhs [15267] trulygil3: W [15267] youngbackshot: it crashed [15267] EthanTop20: W [15267] MrBoeding: CRASHED [15267] updog724: byee [15267] yt__ghost15: we [15267] bardown16__: FUCK [15268] certifiedjoe344: OIL UP IM ON DA WAY [15268] ckoneman: part time [15268] kaiblgl: W [15268] ZohbdyBouttaDrive: LL [15268] bradschutty: WWWWWWW [15268] tacticalpapi69_: W W W W W W W W w [15268] lsmith0620: ww [15268] Sabriii_3: F [15268] toxix_415: ff [15268] PEEEENPAPI: F [15268] julian_arce05: WWWWW [15268] MrSwifty_O: START THE FUCKING 1V1 [15268] bdizzle0213: w [15268] Villias: LETS GO [15268] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: NOOOOO [15270] semoy5: GN [15270] tooslow44: leaked [15270] fletcherg223: W [15270] chaosfn24: W [15270] sophiajulia1: WWWWWWWWW [15270] realmatze26005: WWW [15270] KenpachiJ23: LLLL [15270] AboveWild: W [15270] lpclapz: W [15270] NoLoveJayt: W [15270] coolguy45209: WWWW [15270] pultes: Crashed [15270] ethang2929: gyattt [15270] xammbi: w crash [15270] Nightbot: skyteWELOST150 safJam jynxziGG SLAAAMMMED [15271] tommy_llo: NOOOOO [15272] tommy_llo: NOOOO [15273] kook_luke: L [15273] Atacus666: W [15273] a1mhaxks_: it crashed [15273] xo_jxhnny: L [15273] jake_wall13: hurry up [15273] DJ_Dxn__: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [15273] freezfoezz: L [15273] zzzmaker2: P [15273] aka_ryguy: nah we good [15273] Vividly004: F [15273] MooseSlapz: L [15273] bigmjukaaa: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [15273] muds1233: www [15273] tyroneon240: W [15273] lil_cracka01: it didnt [15274] tommy_llo: NOOOOOO [15274] melanpath: LLLL [15274] scrunchybunsmclastery: WE [15274] cmon_astro: fffff [15274] reedg1325: IT CRASHED [15274] arturobananana: w [15274] bxzyiscomp: bxzyiscomp subscribed at Tier 2. [15276] MrDinoNuggs: CRASHED [15276] FinnElim: LLLLLLLLLLLL [15276] AaroonDMC: LLLLLLL [15276] acmilan_1117: LLLLLLL [15276] KenobiBean: LLLL [15276] BladesMatt18: NOOOO MAN [15276] tripssalty11: No it didn’t [15276] itBLICKYY: he wanted it to crash so badly [15276] babydino1326: yes [15276] bighedseb: LLL [15276] nosterzx: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLL [15276] caperoniii: NO WAY [15276] beef5trokemeoff: LLLL [15276] wrooney15: NOOOOOO [15276] darxyasf: 6 HOUR STREAM [15277] Vividly004: LLL [15277] dontbullybuba: WWWWWWWWWWWW [15277] kook_luke: LLLLL [15277] v24xo: L [15277] Gucci_kid54: it’s good [15277] ketchupxp: WWWWW [15277] gremblin9: W [15277] DtTekoo: wwww [15277] nounasaifii: WWWWWWW [15277] aries51x: WWWWW [15277] cfootball33: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [15277] thecopyninja88: WWWWWWWWWW [15277] cbanz1327: w [15277] melanpath: L [15277] MinxHQ: MinxHQ subscribed with Prime. [15278] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: NOOOOO night ruined [15278] LordosTV: tylernajara subscribed with Prime. [15279] v9ov: ww spam w [15279] kutzfv: L CRASH [15279] drcornchips: murderr them [15279] bman6913: WISH STREAM CRASHED [15279] chillvibes126: Wwwwww [15279] jasontodler: Pre end [15279] zbar2099: lll [15279] MrDinoNuggs: CRASHEDDDD [15279] lilrab00: please end [15279] cmcam12: does hi vise get paudv [15279] jake_wall13: taking so long to [15279] Ssyzzzz: !LINK [15279] finnxmoneyham: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO [15279] jynxgddaim: w [15279] finiri69_: L [15280] DuheN_: W JERRY [15280] japjit17: wwwwwww [15280] Hudsn__: WWWW yeast [15280] whose3: L [15280] rolyrocks2010: w [15280] highestceo: crashed [15280] ftmjr24: PART TIMER [15280] KMFpool: let’s goooooo [15280] vincible_23: f [15280] IStay_Frostyyy: stream crashed [15280] At0mic56: crashed [15280] c_qed: hh [15280] Nightbot: @Ssyzzzz If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [15280] bardown16__: LETS NOT GO [15280] alexfisk: alexfisk subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 7 month streak! l fatass [15281] shiestychewy: shiestychewy subscribed at Tier 1. [15282] foul__phynx: WW [15282] v9ov: w [15282] SSNTB_Gaming: WWWWWWWWWWWWW [15282] justajager: F [15282] ku1300_: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [15282] mmwildin: wwww [15282] isaac_pino: lll [15282] Daniel_Smith10: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [15282] ethannba2kleague: stream crashed [15282] ycgadnn: this is my 10th ad bro [15282] agitatedave: W [15282] acbplay2: LL [15282] jam129345: WWWWWWWWWWWWW [15282] obicdo: L [15283] Gucci_kid54: it’s good [15283] Vixsy_FN: FF [15283] weirdfathertv: L part time [15283] jynxivapeseveryday: w [15283] yum_dog: l [15283] itznategaming3: FF [15283] vaughann12: goodnight chat [15283] lethqlz: part timer [15283] c_qed: gggg [15283] bardown16__: GOD DAMMIT [15283] beamofeli: gggs [15283] dajones003: @6Mes [15283] blubandana3: MODS CELEBRATING WITH A AD ???? [15283] haakim27: w coffe [15283] JimmyJibblets: bro it was boutta shit itself [15284] hotdog743: Cheer100 [15285] auxnative2: LLLLLLLL [15285] jayfrumthev: nockztWStream nockztWStream nockztWStream [15285] updog724: ffffffff [15285] slurxy__: NOOOOOOO [15285] epictwitchviewr: no [15285] sami_etu: DD [15285] Arrivezz: FFFFF [15285] acmilan_1117: LLLLLL [15285] cali_livin_ttv: let’s go brother ☝🏽☝🏽☝🏽☝🏽 [15285] lavickers_: stream crashed [15285] senorguey: yessss [15285] duncant13: it’s down [15286] DistilledWat3r: no [15286] mk4yzz3: w [15286] thepropickler: IT CRASHED [15286] huddyhuddyhuddy: just play pc [15286] niceguyfinishlast40: yes [15286] hud2__: w Jerry [15286] paul_teehee: YES [15286] wrooney15: JUST END FAT FUCK [15286] goob561: WWWWW [15286] lockeykockey3: UR MY KING [15286] Rastamonkeybread10: no sound [15286] lil_smokey_801: L [15286] WallyAE86: 138k viewers lol [15286] brycek55: bro acting likes he’s happy ab it [15286] Vixsy_FN: FFFFFF [15287] tommy_llo: BRO I WAS SO ERECT TOO [15287] sighz56: wwwwwwwww [15287] offthabluz: lmao he wanted that to crash so bad 😂 [15287] alecasca_: SHOTGUN KING [15287] epictwitchviewr: No [15287] nutwack: L [15287] voiidwashere: GN YALL ENDED [15287] c_qed: ggggggg [15287] madeinchina1k: GIFT MEEEEE [15287] potato_is_a_flop: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [15287] madarlyuh: yes [15287] paul_teehee: YESSSSS [15287] Rastamonkeybread10: gg [15287] bdcsnip3rx2772: crashed [15287] keitonmetz: w [15288] Nightbot: gifting you luck in finding a job 🙏🏻 [15288] mrfish9999: NOOOOOOOOOO [15288] slayerblxzy: you are so fat [15288] melanpath: FFFFFF [15288] icysharkbite6: omgbhyet plwy you [15288] hope_0297: hey I’ll send a nude for a sub 💋🤣S [15288] vvhessi: black [15288] joace431: hurry up [15288] metarzan7676: SHIT ON THEM JYNXIIIIII [15288] JordanCuhhhh: ffffff [15288] fini697: L [15288] 6goat06: wwww [15288] siegeman3k: wwww [15288] koocookilla: w [15288] jonesy_ak: noooo [15289] TSMiller9754: TSMiller9754 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months! [15290] CazHawkin: f [15290] KiddCartierr: Stream crashed [15290] 1ynx08: w [15290] blueashlie: CRASHED [15290] remtrippin: LL [15290] NeonsMothersMissingLeg: BADAIM [15290] voiidwashere: ENDED [15290] Sebastian_rose425: they gunna stream snipe [15290] mistifiedfn: L [15290] StarBlvzin: Brotha STATRTTTT [15290] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [15290] duncant13: nooki [15290] bionicfalcon219: it didn’t [15290] ivandj432: WW [15291] madarlyuh: we hear you [15291] Slicc_Rich: SLAM THESE KIDS [15291] wild_bill_0730: L [15291] highasfoo: papa jynx [15291] jv2neatt: the stream isn’t loading ?????? [15291] peytonlee1: love the charm [15291] imperialrahn: FFFF [15291] blackiceshake: W [15291] SoarHorizon: NO [15291] gamerking63: FFFFFFFFFFF [15291] mrmilku1234: W [15291] melanpath: F [15291] itunevert: CRASHED [15291] sandy_sir: NOOOOOO [15291] Nightbot: 😂 [15292] KookyMonkeyy: KookyMonkeyy subscribed with Prime. [15292] mfgoalie2000: mfgoalie2000 subscribed at Tier 1. [15293] 2GREAZE: boooo [15293] Night3tar: GREEN FN [15293] jacksonppoff11: crashed [15293] ohhmerc: yo [15293] iitzarcino_: L [15293] shauxity: LMAO [15293] lolo00075: boooo [15293] ReaganPro: crashedd [15293] pultes: No [15293] fpsdom_: kimmich [15293] DistilledWat3r: no i cant [15293] Purpp1221: I’ve got work tomorrow [15293] lunarbluetick: !watchtime [15293] ienvymike: Crashed [15293] vKuhz: gamble 1000 [15294] nyc_vasili: lol [15294] t0xict0mato: noooo [15294] davethebabe26: bro def wanted it to crash [15294] iparnold14: MAKE SURE THEYRE NOT STREAM SNIPING [15294] ezmikey_: L [15294] fate_harley: 💀💀💀💀 [15294] chickenfriedpork1: EVERYTHING TO PERFECT [15294] zayden1031: L NON CRASH [15294] StreamElements: lunarbluetick has spent 11 days 14 hours watching jynxzi [15296] harmel58: harmel58 subscribed with Prime. [15296] AdmiralQcumber: FFFFFFFFF [15296] connorbutt34: F [15296] pultes: kimmich [15296] matt_smorg: jyxziiii [15296] Nightbot: F in the chat [15296] voiidwashere: ENDE [15296] semoy5: STREAM CRASHED [15296] zahh2sh1fty: yes [15296] ZOLT_____: lag [15296] DJ_Dxn__: kimmich [15296] dgcv_: THIS IS TAKING SO LONG BRUH [15296] StreamElements: grant3415 has spent 1 day 4 hours watching jynxzi [15296] Gail_Iewis: LM | Jynxzi | Prime Jynxzi is Back | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [15120] Corny I don't know if he's trying to figure out his thing It literally says at the top, but it's not working [15130] top. No, we have to figure it out though like all jokes set. Brother's out like, Cha how do you fix it? He's saying exits. Oh you have to exit your settings apparently. Okay now let me try F10. [15140] Oh my god it works. Okay, I have 10 works. Okay, I worked it worked. Okay, I just have to take it out. Alright, um, what else bro? Anything else? I think that's everything bro. I think I [15150] everything. Wait, now what we're just talking about a minute ago bro? It was like something in siege? Oh, I need to switch my monitors. This might crash my stream. I'm not even kidding. I'm not a part-timer chat. [15160] I need to switch my modder to my Xbox modder. It's like a 10% chance it crashes my stream just letting you guys know Have I say title? There's literally a 10% [15170] percent chance to crash my street because I'm switching to my hex box right right right you'll regal live though right I guess he will my street crashes [15180] How do I tell you? I'm loading up Netflix and we'll play tomorrow. Okay Moment of truth chat moment of fucking truth. There's a 10% chance of stream crashes, bro whenever I swear [15190] Which monitors this happens. Hi guys, should I deactivate the source before I do it? Let me call you guys. Did you jinxy leave the call? No, bruh, I'm in the call, you fucking idiot. Did you leave? I'm in the- [15200] It is streaming hello on funny bra. All right. I pick up pick up pick up pick up. Hi. I pick up Everything needs to go perfect bra. Can't fuck this up [15210] I'm gonna death in real quick. I'll see you pancakes in a minute. Nice bro. Thank you Jerry. Just hangs up bro. [15220] Yo, how do I prevent it from crashing, bro? If I switch monitors like a 10% chance of crashes You're saying to deactivate my display source or my game [15230] capture. Wait, I can't even deactivate it, bro. All I can do is just remove it. [15240] Just switch it and hope for the best. Alright, Chad, if it says the stream crashed, just load up the stream. It's not rocket science. Alright, I'm switching. [15250] Yep, stream crashed. Nice, bro. [15260] Oh my god, it didn't crash. Oh my god. Oh my god. We one face it. Have I did it crash? Yes [15270] I'm taking 5,000 off these idiots. Let's fucking go right now. Alright, now let me call Hi-Fi's one more time and make sure everything's good. [15280] Yo I'm back I'm back I'm back yo yo could you guys hear me yo I'm back could you guys hear me streamed in a crash [15290] You good? Yo, Kinnitch. A. A. R. You actually look so much like a... | There is no Highlight in the provided timespan. Jynxzi talks to his chat and changes settings on his stream. |
Jynxzi | Prime Jynxzi is Back | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [15420] thekrykna: lol [15420] zylin666: holy fuck start [15420] YTubeBlur: open packs [15420] Nightbot: 😂 [15420] ROX_on_Controller: DinoDance [15420] gabypappagirl: leaked [15420] TomDoggo76: Cheer1o0 [15420] bardown16__: LEAKED [15420] Baize_Jimbo: LLLLLLL [15421] im_reactions: RON= YAPPER [15421] lukeiixii: Ron is level 52 ???? [15421] nolan59: L [15421] BrockDurdy: 60 hz someone tell him [15421] bb_belt_trevor: WHAT [15421] acelesskunai: !Fanmail [15421] m0nkeyjoj0: CoolStoryBob WutFace [15421] chaseoh___: L [15421] 4everpaidseo: tell Ron shut up😭😭😭 [15421] cornificusy: L LOSER [15421] tomasvl2004yt: Lower Renaldo voice bro my ears are bleeding with this telephone microphone @jynxzi [15421] soundcloutken: HAHAHAHH [15421] Gail_Iewis: UNSUBBING [15421] dangerbuff06: CAP [15421] waxpen101: TURN UR HZ UP UGLY MORON [15422] hannahbango: L BULLY [15422] Nightbot: no 🧢 [15422] rendoricee: that would be east dum ass [15422] bigriggs321: 60hz [15422] RiIey5k: L BULLY [15422] maraisugly: answer his auestiony [15422] beanlegoat: leaked [15422] mags3776: I miss oJynxzi [15422] bzLink: L bully [15423] m0nkeyjoj0: Squid2 [15423] thatboyjohnnylive: holy shit you guys hate on him so much y’all just mad y’all ain’t successful like him [15423] mayo2smo: 60hz [15423] jacobswanson44: L [15423] LeytonRay: CALL HIM RON NICKLES [15423] xavier110313: why 60 fps? [15423] pocketpengun: HIS DAD DOES LUL [15423] vanilla_gorilllla: wwwwwww jerseyyyyyyyy [15423] Miltzia: re open the sumbiision plzzzz [15423] RhettArnold: sub! [15423] CAira_Holmes: LMAO [15423] tdogg19996767: l take [15423] 8jacks895: BRO UR DAD FISHES [15423] burnettskie: GoldPLZ GoldPLZ GoldPLZ [15425] 420Blaziken_: -20k [15425] nikisimmer2015: LLLLL [15425] tattoom3nace: LOL [15425] yea_yoshii: l [15425] laqueefus: L ADDICT [15425] gingoology: L take [15425] ninjaxrunner: L smoking [15425] COOLDUDEwithyo: L [15425] Comptonian15: turn Ron downnnnn [15425] bhristm: L [15425] excessivezero5: L son [15425] sebbyboi8360: jynxziGoodAim [15425] aaronl0: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH [15425] astroidr6: LLLLL [15425] kylbossboi: Fishing goated [15427] beanskittv: BIG L [15427] Gail_Iewis: L FISHING HATER [15427] bennetth2099: your a bithc [15427] BagelLordBoy: jynxziGG [15427] aidenkillsnoobs: what???? [15427] scammerlivesmatterthe2nd: how do u try dick [15427] glaceeonn: fishing hating [15427] Exoctix: his settings [15427] HighOnLifeman: LMAOOOOOOOO [15427] joseph_theman4321: CAN U JUST SART THE GAME AREADY [15427] sup4r_n0va: WHITE SPEED [15427] sandy_sir: 💀 [15427] DBlue_Heat: you just made the game in the up to 4 spot [15427] eliiite__: SO MEAN [15427] dr_broad: 60hz [15428] tomasvl2004yt: Lower Renaldo voice bro my ears are bleeding with this telephone microphone @jynxzi [15428] bito_bot: fishing fye wym [15428] glizz_kitty: jynxzi up this late??? [15428] jstreamsandstuff_: i [15428] Gorilla10: L conversation [15428] NoLoveJayt: o jynxzi prime [15428] captainbob5757: l [15428] phroggythefirst: L BULLY [15428] saxt777: L bully [15428] kmackval: l bully [15428] dsfeda: L VAPER [15428] ITz_F1XX: stream crashed [15428] numberonericciglazer: bully [15428] luhswrv: NO UR NOT [15429] BladesMatt18: fuck hou [15429] smokeuhdoob: BRO IS YAPPING [15429] bigboy9775: shut up [15429] beejyy_on_twitch: melee only? [15429] lando_bess: ron bro smh [15429] legetaat2: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL [15429] BigBaller3545: L [15429] Gail_Iewis: L TAKE [15431] Miltzia: PLEASEEE [15431] julian_arce05: L bully [15431] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [15431] stratigicsturgeon: L take [15431] longjawnsilverdad: l bully [15431] Vividly004: L SMOKER [15431] bigdan263: face cam is literally perfect please change [15431] KeelinHollywood: meanie [15431] r0sayy: who won the 1 v 1 you or Jynxzi [15432] ttv_novocaine: ttv_novocaine subscribed with Prime. [15433] chriscannotstop: W fishing [15433] 2tropix: L Take [15433] Jit_fn1: L BULLY [15433] PGEDankyDave: Dammn [15433] vanilla_gorilllla: not really jersey is so ass [15433] jacobswanson44: Huge L [15433] xJrboy_: LUL [15433] CrxzTTV: leaked [15433] grouppii: jynxzi i found u on snap [15433] scxpxre: Nico [15433] ctwilson112: 🥱🫦🤫🧏♂️ [15433] spraydafire: FISHING IS AMAZING [15433] BTA_likemike34: it said up to 4 [15433] canadian_pizza_420: L take [15433] YETIKILLER420: L TAKE [15434] ao2o9: PotFriend [15434] waxpen101: 60 HZ [15434] dereck823: LMFFAOOOO [15434] zombieaxem3n: I’m about to win still many points [15434] no_name8823: L TAKE [15434] chris10520: L BULLY [15434] Jace_Ford: narcissist [15434] tennmann33: l take [15434] Miltzia: REOPEN [15434] immortalchair55: Lnsmoker [15434] KenpachiJ23: L SMOKER [15434] cboycapalot: L FISHING IS THE SHIT [15434] OzuraKIN: L Bully [15434] CAira_Holmes: L SMOKERRRRRRRR [15434] quinnerxbl: L MANS! FISHING IS THE BEST [15435] Max_TheWarden: fishing over golf [15435] cuddle_xd: BULLY L [15435] bigjohnsongoat: mike owns fishing [15435] chasexwrld: L junko [15435] amplify_o7: L SMOKER [15435] crazy_man5208: fishinh is amazing [15435] dangerbuff06: L take [15435] jhonbdeer: Fuck you fishing is goted [15436] jairoocalixto: jynxziFALL [15436] purimr339: A [15436] sucram_w: L SMOKER [15436] banito_the_dorito: l [15436] dereck823: LMAOOOOOOO [15436] full1x: L BULLY [15436] clover7575: L BULLY [15436] reed0burrit0: L bully [15437] waxpen101: BRAINDEAD 60 HZ MORON [15437] SSNTB_Gaming: rude [15437] twywg: W [15437] leinanarcher: L CIGAR [15437] R3YSE: BRO RON IS A GOOD DUDE [15437] xo_moz_tt: O [15437] robbiepodrido: L [15437] glaceeonn: fishing goes hard [15437] erraticdoge: L bully [15437] Aarios_: LL [15437] lukemahomie: wwwwwwwwwwwwww [15437] Stello96: FISHING IS THE BEST TF YOU TALKING ABOUT [15437] frosty_8111: 60HZZZ [15437] jeffxzi: when is this stream replay going to end? [15437] stepbroturo: L bully [15438] dereck823: LMFAOOOO [15438] flippy420l: L EGO [15438] coruptedyt: jynxziChampion [15438] arabjoke: L BULLY [15438] 100xjota: YOU AT 60FPS!! [15438] smull2016: so mean to Ron [15438] Jace_Ford: bully [15438] walterfrmdao: STILL COPPER BTW [15438] seb8_10: up to 4 [15438] TheMoltenGamer: L junkie [15438] TGlock_: YOU SAID SCUS [15438] vaughann12: bro couldn’t fish if he wanted to [15438] itsrozay__: ron is a vibe [15438] bigboy9775: I’m telling ur daddy [15438] DynamicGrass: !link [15439] banito_the_dorito: LLLLL [15439] sSoulzyFPS: YOU SUCK AT FISHING PROB [15439] Nightbot: @DynamicGrass If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [15439] tissuewitanissue: L BULLY [15439] Andrx27_: L BULLY [15439] CMOMoney187: L JUNKO' [15440] yea_yoshii: L FLORIDIAN [15440] kingsanze11: W MundaneMike [15440] dereck823: LMFAOOOOLMFFO [15440] Gohan429: Fish this Duck in your mouth [15440] Gail_Iewis: -ALL SUBS [15440] w4ckass: L conversation haver [15440] kylbossboi: L ego [15440] Evanzaw: L coms [15440] Jit_fn1: L BULLYY [15440] xCrazed: his dad is dead man cmon... @Jynxzi [15440] thrasherjacob024: blunt? [15440] djnuub: did xim get banned again? [15440] masynnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn: your kidding [15440] marcothepanda: just leave and go watch clix and stable. this guy has changed [15440] ldrgirlyyyy: L SMOKER [15442] stratigicsturgeon: Fishing or goated [15442] Miltzia: I DIDNT VOTEE FUCKKK [15442] joetuna2727: hi baby hi baby hi baby hi baby hi baby hi baby hi baby hi baby hi baby [15442] lwfroyo: L bullyyyy [15443] 100xjota: YOU AT 60 FPSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS [15443] chasexwrld: Squid1 Squid4 Squid3 Squid2 [15443] itzalphaclip: L asshole [15443] MrLagtast1c: fake o jynxzi [15443] siege6is6l: L son [15443] dereck823: LMAOOFAOOOOO [15443] skipsee: L EGO [15444] WawaPike: L take [15444] saxt777: L bully [15444] legetaat2: LLLLLL [15444] Miltzia: MODSSS [15444] Elmutu1312: dont hinale the cigar is bad [15444] wtroiano: finishing is great [15444] bruhhhh1232123: 60 hz L L [15444] liamctheman: L bully [15444] sopa_de_carpincho: SteveWillLose5k [15444] dkellog: Change windowed to full screen, you're on 60fps [15444] borizzjohnson: L smoker [15444] Evasivvee: L BULLY [15444] yeahthefboys: !watchtime [15444] rrrrmatey: guys I have 2 more ads stop spoiling the stream [15444] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [15445] StreamElements: yeahthefboys has spent 2 days 15 hours watching jynxzi [15445] BladesMatt18: pussy [15445] ace_phenix14: L bully and L smoker [15445] iamxaviiier: TRASHHHH [15445] koocookilla: @jynxzi love you man [15445] pyroishim1: L bully [15445] jorgen002: L SMOKER [15445] grrrrlock: why not do predictions per map [15445] spexzsz: I was wonder when you we’re going to 1v2 clix and Ron hey part time dreamer [15445] skullrealms: W Jersey [15445] ttvbwoa: yoo [15445] Gail_Iewis: L OPINION [15445] jynxgddaim: lmao [15445] Fossabot: @caseintop, Your message is too long [15445] oppiscite: L bully L smoker [15446] FreeTimmothy: copper [15446] jairoocalixto: l bully [15446] jonasthetiger: L smoker [15446] volitantbongo: volitantbongo subscribed with Prime. [15447] Eyyupsama: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHHA [15447] waxpen101: 60 HZ UGLY [15447] maxwelliswell1: Clix is Ron's father [15447] inanementt: L ANGER ISSUES [15447] jackson7456: huge l [15447] CVaughn22: L bully [15447] blubandana3: DO THIS FOR YOUR DAD AND YOUR RELATIONSHIP BEING DISRESPECTED AND MOCKED BY RON [15447] kacamak_: L BULLY [15447] dom_334: 60hz [15447] Miltzia: REOPEN [15447] chichichachaboomboom: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz###¢№##$;+-_$$#####$############$### [15447] theda80: L BULLY [15447] chucks_absortion: zzz [15447] omsahh: L EGO [15448] sheer_simple: L bully [15448] lolzaustin: L bully [15448] WarmerMink149: pixels [15448] CAira_Holmes: L BLUNT [15448] jboogie018264: !sub [15448] Hunw123: Mike loves taking you fishing [15448] Trubold: SO WE'RE IN COPPER [15448] t1spookyyyy: 60fps [15448] vvsc4rsyn: its on up to 4 [15448] Fhaus0051: Ron is unbearable [15448] farisbrutalia: CHANGE TITLE OF STREAM [15448] flarezxqo: hey brody [15448] shaiikoisthegoat: hospital [15448] o_0eclectic_zZ: How u a ‘nature guy’ and hate on fishing [15448] trulymatts: l bully [15449] TGlock_: ITS ON CENTRAL [15449] yousadork: L bully [15449] CALeB4473: W GAR [15449] Miltzia: I DIDNT VOTE [15449] fortune718: Cheer100 who dose everyone have there money on [15450] erraticdoge: L chunko [15450] 907J0K3R: bro start this shit [15450] Miltzia: FUCKKK [15450] ricardo_duran2006: xiiim [15450] voiidwashere: ENDED [15450] cadeeerrr: L XIM [15450] beanlegoat: o_jynxzi [15450] coruptedyt: Pride1 [15450] kacamak_: L BUYYL [15450] masynnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn: MORE ADS RIGHT AFTER [15451] diabolicswing: chill out a lil man [15451] itzSoulace: RUN PREDICTIONS [15451] rodneywadeso_: Rodney is btc [15451] iso_matthew: w bully [15451] iwanttaco69: copper4 [15451] LaMartyMar: STILL 60 FPS [15451] lawdog2743: L jynxzi [15451] ashtinr6: bro said fishing is horrible [15451] J1zz13r: L [15451] borizzjohnson: l take [15451] baconator300030: HOLY DISASTER [15451] rehxhimself: L RGO BITCVH [15451] adrianrp100: L BULLY [15452] imfadedzds: L anti social [15452] Its_Xel: leaked [15452] wutisgon984: Xim [15452] ZAZAOTD: W GAR [15452] SirLiquidBacon: LTAKE FISHING AMAZING [15452] cpot799: jynxziFAT [15452] BagelLordBoy: jynxziWTF [15452] swinkel024: L bully [15452] BrockDurdy: 60 hz junko change [15452] niknaknixon: l bully [15453] kingslayer1929: SeemsGood [15453] zoni123321: L smoker [15453] bigriggs321: 60hz [15453] 100xjota: YOU AT 60 FPSSSSSSSSSS [15453] kacamak_: L BULLY [15453] lexandxr: 60 HZZ [15453] carter_isfullboxed: L smoker [15453] omsahh: EGO [15453] pickledcookie26: W cigar [15453] scammerlivesmatterthe2nd: W EGO [15453] chasexwrld: Squid4 Squid3 Squid2 Squid1 [15453] ricardo_duran2006: xiiiiiiimmmmm [15453] dsfeda: L CIG [15453] waxpen101: 60 HZ STEVE CANT DO IT [15453] jonsieboy_: L BULLY [15454] znxnl: L Ron [15454] Awakealijim: !discord [15454] Evasivvee: L bully [15454] worlddominater357: jynxzi so cute [15454] ttvtreyden1: àéozlslllsos [15454] this_dudeha: jynxziVapeBreak [15454] Nightbot: https://discord.gg/jynxzi [15454] maxwellium01: ong Ron is annoying [15454] ihk88: when is the kai 1v1? [15454] beanlegoat: xim [15455] peak_potato: how much wagered? [15455] clu_Il: UR ON 60HZ BOT [15455] jonasthetiger: Why you hatin [15455] hadmose: L cigar [15455] smull2016: L bully [15455] ttvbwoa: LLLp [15455] thrasherjacob024: blunt?hgjgh [15455] 32takebrando: it said up to 4 [15455] lucas_santos798: lmao [15456] filthy_pleb1: smoking cigar wrong [15456] bims189: oil up every death [15456] ZAZAOTD: W GARR [15456] CAira_Holmes: L CIGER [15456] acelesskunai: L [15456] Bopper2121: L jynxzi, bro fell of bc of his ego [15456] baconator300030: HOLYY DISASTER [15456] talkingjadn_: jynxzi let the money get to him😢 [15456] vaughann12: he can’t golf and can’t fish get him out of my house [15456] mitchell101_: L [15456] scammerlivesmatterthe2nd: W BULLY [15456] chasexwrld: L BULLY [15456] connor9759: LOL [15456] xiphoidar: RE OPEN PREDICTION [15456] Nightbot: 😂 [15457] sSoulzyFPS: Ok [15457] volitantbongo: j [15457] zxourii: clix45 [15457] Nightbot: ok [15457] bardown16__: leaked [15457] sgdrako: lmao [15457] harryplayz15: lock in [15457] cornificusy: W RON [15457] KiddCartierr: w chat [15457] thesupremesalt: W [15457] rnitten: lmao [15457] Ounisimo: Damn Steve Wont stream it growing huge ego [15457] zumafr: L ximmer [15457] omsahh: L EGO [15457] soundcloutken: LOLLLP [15458] sup4r_n0va: WHITE SPEED [15458] StreamElements: rjkaz28 has spent 2 hours 10 mins watching jynxzi [15458] sl4yer_21: 👆 [15458] acelesskunai: WCHAT [15458] hereca_: W ron [15458] bardown16__: leakkked [15458] nevergeater: w [15458] ttvtreyden1: àéo”àlzà”ooço”oé [15458] zoni123321: L smoke [15458] volitantbongo: kjhhh [15459] logi3x16: L bully [15459] thekrykna: Lol [15459] niknaknixon: L bully [15459] smull2016: L BULLY [15459] oDvbz: whats the wager? [15459] beanlegoat: l mnk [15459] beskarbird: curse [15459] soundcloutken: LOLOL [15459] WarmerMink149: lag [15459] ISaltyCarrotI: @jynxzi you’re on 60 hz [15459] Wuzaarr: Pre 7-5 Loss [15460] zxourii: LMAO [15460] 100xjota: YOU AT 60 FPSSSSSSSSSSSSS [15460] twywg: VoHiYo [15460] FlamewrldTay: wethanEz wethanEz wethanEz [15460] BayGullDaGoat: screen froze [15460] acelesskunai: W CHATTT [15460] shaiikoisthegoat: bully [15460] full1x: L EGO' [15460] chasexwrld: L MEAN [15460] omsahh: EGO [15460] RealGooseman: L VIEWERS [15460] glitchass34: New opp pack in the air [15460] waxpen101: 60 HZ HAM [15461] xaslone: pre 7-0 [15461] basic_rbob: lmaooo [15461] kam_mass: hifise open poll [15461] jesussimps123: WWWW [15461] igndrama: jynxzi smoking dat blunt [15461] bardown16__: clix46 [15461] KruvIsusov: WARMUP [15462] zandere2863: LIKES KIDS BUT DOESNT FISH SMH [15462] aaiden120: how do I link my Ubisoft account so I can get the tram [15462] volitantbongo: hhhhhh [15462] stov3nnn: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww jynxi [15462] FreeTimmothy: w ron [15462] jamieashe_: Iwl I think you take L [15462] Miller_242: Miller_242 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months, currently on a 5 month streak! [15462] hardstucksilverguy42: loser chat [15462] soundcloutken: W CHAT [15462] colbones: just start the fucking game [15462] ry577587: fishing is not horrible [15462] CVaughn22: W RON [15463] baconator300030: HOLYYY DISASTER [15463] Harry__GG__: Harry__GG__ is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel! [15463] YoitsMarko: w chat [15463] iso_matthew: lock tf in [15463] jaegerx08: SCREEN PAUSED [15463] Gorilla10: PLAY THE DAMN GAAAAAME!!! [15463] hensrud7: fuck ron [15463] tin_speedy360: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!turn on drops [15463] Harry__GG__: Harry__GG__ gifted a Tier 1 sub to keegannrgk! [15463] AyyyItsAstro: W RON [15463] Harry__GG__: Harry__GG__ gifted a Tier 1 sub to travis2169! [15463] Harry__GG__: Harry__GG__ gifted a Tier 1 sub to chanclegg! [15463] Harry__GG__: Harry__GG__ gifted a Tier 1 sub to bettergiboon! [15463] KenuArts: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [15463] Harry__GG__: Harry__GG__ gifted a Tier 1 sub to MaysofJai! [15464] nawfside3800: L ego [15464] CMOMoney187: L JUNKO FOR NOT LIKEING FISHING [15464] kaden_beal: kenny [15464] shaiikoisthegoat: w rizz [15464] omg_luke526: K9mmich [15464] junkossgsmeat: L bully [15464] omsahh: L EGO [15464] jaythaprofit_: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [15464] volitantbongo: h [15464] trulymatts: l bullyy [15464] Nightbot: h [15464] gremblin9: Bully [15464] bardown16__: clix47 [15464] gbaby3702: W CHIEFER [15464] KruvIsusov: WARMUP DUMBASS [15465] a_delph9: L bully [15465] xaslone: ggs [15465] cheschi_: 60 fps [15465] BrockDurdy: 60 hz someone tell him [15465] dabkid710: L Junko [15465] UnrealTrev: L BULLY [15465] KenpachiJ23: W CHAT [15465] volitantbongo: hh [15465] g0atsplash: L BULLY [15465] zumafr: L ximmerr [15465] SengerInHD: Ron such a w [15465] shaiikoisthegoat: rizz [15465] Gohan429: w chat [15465] jaythaprofit_: jynxziFAT [15466] ichbinsdermaxi: 60hz? [15466] amplify_o7: W CHATT [15466] kacamak_: L EGO [15466] acelesskunai: W'S IN THE SHHAAAAAAAATTTT [15466] inanementt: IM ON A PAYPHONE [15466] lrc1977: lrc1977 subscribed with Prime. [15466] omsahh: EGO [15466] AyyyItsAstro: W ron [15466] P4N_MAN1: L copper 4 [15466] b1itz007: STOP SMOKING JUNKO THE CHUNKO STOP SMOKING JUNKO THE CHUNKO STOP SMOKING JUNKO THE CHUNKO STOP SMOKING JUNKO THE CHUNKO [15466] jamieashe_: I think you Lllll [15467] KruvIsusov: WARMUP [15467] zoni123321: stop smoking [15467] jaythaprofit_: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [15467] volitantbongo: hhhhh [15467] fatalhercules98: L [15467] nitrojinx_: Say alright [15467] chriscannotstop: W Ron [15467] bardown16__: clix48 [15467] itzSoulace: Cheer1 [15467] fornightmasterrr: W YouTube video [15467] big_ed5618: frozen [15468] YoitsMarko: u like little kids [15468] aidenharpe: SCREEN FROZEN [15468] pllyboii: play rank with them [15468] KenuArts: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [15468] blvkursed: change title to white speed [15468] billyboy0519: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [15468] supercarrot5794: W ron [15469] m0nduy: is this twitter [15469] dewzee_: LEWIS FROM MEET THE ROBINSONS [15469] jaxon71009: w bully [15469] jynxi73: w [15469] boodiebob23: this is so cool lol also stupid [15469] rainzynski: L Ron [15469] cronicnoglomb: SCrren froze [15469] donaldtheblackkid: how many cigars is that already tn🗣🗣💯💯🫣🔥 [15469] Vividly004: TEACHING KIDS TO SMOKE IS CRAAAZY [15469] xiphoidar: REOPEN PREDICTIONS MODS PLEASE [15469] omsahh: L EGO [15469] ThunderDankOG: lol [15469] jaythaprofit_: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [15469] borizzjohnson: W chat [15469] r3nz212: can u change the name? [15470] SlimeOnlyFans: drama alert posted saying you said the N word [15470] bardown16__: clix19 [15470] xCl0udLight: I love Ron 😭😭😭😭😭 [15470] zzzmaker2: pre 8-0 [15470] SimonC343: RESET PREDICTION [15470] HaaaWam: I love Ron lol [15470] CVaughn22: L BULLY [15470] numberonericciglazer: W RON [15470] joetuna2727: hi baby hi baby hi baby hi baby hi baby hi baby [15470] jaythaprofit_: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [15470] NolteTrea00: Bully [15470] jaegerx08: SCREEN BAD [15470] SengerInHD: Ron is a w [15471] MrLagtast1c: fake o jynxzi [15471] sightlytoomey420: he typing on nothing lmao [15471] jesussimps123: YAYAYAYAYA [15471] acelesskunai: W'S IN THE SHAAAT [15471] lj_256: clix is xim [15471] brice0126: i think we jyxzied it 🤓 [15471] basic_rbob: Ron fuckin hilarious [15471] evanamoungus: smoke more [15471] monetary_diner1: Cheer 500 [15472] aaronl0: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA [15472] jboogie018264: !Sub [15472] nailwind: taking hours [15472] buyaohaoshui: when is fan mail [15472] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [15472] theafroman29: I went to highschool with Ron [15472] RyIxnnn: UN FREEZE IT FATASS [15472] Reversely12: frozen [15472] moreryanx1: poll mods [15472] chad69male: 😘 [15472] DeathlyiOS: 60 fps [15472] BEANBURRITOAST: @Jynxzi CALL EROBB [15472] b1gg1eq: L BULLY [15472] bardown16__: clix12419 [15472] massey714: !settings [15473] Nightbot: https://clips.twitch.tv/FurtivePiercingRavenRiPepperonis-Q7Z6UtOCxU_bV5fV [15473] waxpen101: 60HZ UGLY [15473] supercarrot5794: W RON [15473] Meeqxh: DO NOT DEAFEN [15473] lakeyoung: !watchtime [15473] 0nionbabi: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [15473] zxourii: LMAOAAOOA [15473] kutzfv: it isnt clix45 [15473] zoni123321: smoking=gsu [15473] brandonx313: brandonx313 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 6 month streak! [15473] tin_speedy360: please turn on drops [15473] StreamElements: lakeyoung has spent 1 day watching jynxzi [15473] maskedbootyy: bro they dontttttt know how siege 1v1 energy works lmfaooo. in fortnite 1v1 they have passive aggressive talks but in siege it’s full blown fuckin war 🤣🤣 [15473] brybrybrynocry: Al script [15473] yea_yoshii: L FLORIDIAN [15474] SirRedSnake: Can I get a sub please? [15474] KenuArts: copper [15474] nate_menace: frozennnn [15474] luckylucciano_: I bet my whole house on junko [15474] jake_43west: he still be alive rn if u [15474] papimoore: O_JYNXZI IS YOUR PRIME [15474] sbgkodak: io [15474] tvjxmes: L CHT [15474] hadmose: When is Kai vs case oh [15475] theog_jtorres: !gamble6000 [15475] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [15475] lukeiixii: Ron level 53 mhm [15475] vvhessi: stream crashed [15475] jaegerx08: SCREEN FOSE [15475] RyIxnnn: MOD ME [15475] isreal4459: L bully [15475] asphhyyxia: 60 hz [15475] drxmzz5969: drxmzz5969 subscribed at Tier 1. [15475] caden10ing: L vaper [15475] epictwitchviewr: L CHAT I WANNA WATCH ALREADY [15475] DeathlyiOS: 60 hz [15475] M1n0_Grinds: 60FPS60FPS60FPS60FPS [15475] stale_memes101: Get off 60hz [15475] nyc_vasili: screen froze [15476] jred_05: L bully [15476] klonkelford: YOU ARE ON 60 [15476] hensrud7: fuck Ron [15476] droopyelephant67: bully [15476] bes_st: ing you said the N word [15476] BrockDurdy: 60 hertz hivise [15476] nawfside3800: Lego [15476] BagelLordBoy: jynxziFAT [15476] soggytoast1992: jynxziSNOT [15476] asphhyyxia: 60 hz60 hz [15476] rytheballer: L bully [15476] apple_premium68: let’s get this GOING [15476] KeelinHollywood: fr stop being a dick [15476] whillyuhmm: THESE MFS ARE SO DUMB [15476] RAZXR_fn: L bully [15477] rlmoneybags: jynxziBadAim jynxziGLASSES jynxziGRIDDY [15477] RyIxnnn: MOD MEEE [15477] rachcatcrossing: L bully [15478] displaynqme: SCREEN FROZEN [15478] Gorilla10: play the game! [15478] beanlegoat: 30hz [15478] demon1ic: its duck science [15478] asphhyyxia: 60 hz60 hz60 hz [15478] icyy4sure: screen froze [15478] samsamisbaas: s [15478] esteban_was_here: yo did junko just ghost the cigar [15478] bardown16__: LOL [15478] kacamak_: L EGO [15478] lolo00075: booooo [15478] afync: BRO 130?!?!! [15478] caxdaddy12: L JUNKO [15478] kaden_beal: HHBBDJEOEOEKEJDNDNDNDNDNDND [15478] Quainni: RELAX [15479] the_rill_dyl: how much are they playing for? [15479] supercarrot5794: Chill out [15479] epictwitchviewr: SCREEN [15479] johnsoninvestigator: ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper [15479] NolteTrea00: L bullo [15479] McTurtleton: copper [15479] hannahbango: L [15479] mic173: screen [15479] connor9759: LOLL [15479] b1gg1eq: L bully [15479] ryanlucido: ron stream snipin ong [15479] asphhyyxia: 60 hz60 hz60 hz60 hz60 hz [15479] jamieashe_: I think you lost @jynxzi [15480] epg090910: dick [15480] chugnutsboy: fortnite kids [15480] flarezxqo: HEY BRODY [15480] nyc_vasili: screen froze? [15481] bobobo_1818: chat stop riding jynxzi!@! [15481] greythic: my god this is taking too long [15481] snipezabambi: nah [15481] ybchrish: OMFG [15481] toasted_22: 563 [15481] thiagom2222: L bully Ron is a W bully [15481] CALeB4473: W GAR [15481] tvjxmes: L CHAT [15481] baseball_dude: damn [15481] hensrud7: fuck ron [15481] hope_0297: hey I’ll send a nude for a sub 💋🤣 [15481] madeinchina1k: G1FT ME PLEASE [15481] sean_mcconville_9363: nu [15482] jaegerx08: SCREEN CRASHH [15482] bigboymason71: yo jynxzi I Js added you so please add me back I am a twitch streamer as well [15482] igna2004_: Lmaooo [15482] Reversely12: froze [15482] epictwitchviewr: Frozen [15482] foutweny: so unfunny dudes [15482] BillyBob980: bro is caseohs testicular tumor [15482] stupidgarbage2: FORTNITE BALLS [15482] lotusizk: can i get a gifted? [15482] BagelLordBoy: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [15482] pkennedy188: when’s fan mail [15482] juuzoufn_: screen froze [15482] tinyheem: W SMOKER [15482] frosty_8111: 60HZZZ'' [15482] nawfside3800: GANGSTA [15483] soundcloutken: LOLO [15483] HappyJTC: LMAOO [15483] lolo00075: booo [15483] jaythaprofit_: I’m almost done baby a little louder [15483] lilsniperdude1: fronzen [15483] robbieh96: L jynxzi ego [15483] amplify_o7: L FATASS [15483] bardown16__: AHAHA HAHAHA [15483] KenuArts: jynxziBadAim [15483] bigriggs321: 60hz [15483] tripssalty11: lmao [15483] abudnick03: THEY SO DUMB BRO [15484] cronicnoglomb: SCAREENFROIZE [15484] RFcoilz: mobamb1Zeet mobamb1Zeet mobamb1Zeet mobamb1Zeet mobamb1Zeet [15484] soggytoast1992: jynxziFAT [15484] nate_menace: froze [15484] jesussimps123: RON SAID HE WAS GONNA STREAM SNIPEEEEE [15484] johnsoninvestigator: :( :( :( :( [15484] ldrgirlyyyy: buddy [15484] moozieorginal: i hope he wins [15484] nawfside3800: BURR [15484] kanyewest804: LMAO [15485] asmizzle_: screen froze [15485] mattze___: L EGO [15485] asphhyyxia: 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz [15485] nate_babin: frozen [15485] brybrybrynocry: L script [15485] stale_memes101: 60FPS? [15485] Skatetrain: they are a waste of time [15485] V1txge: !mod [15485] 100xjota: YOU AT 60 FPS [15485] JB1zzle7: added a rando LMAO [15485] Scubby: shit is not rocket science bro [15485] Nightbot: 15 days watchtime MINIMUM, ZERO trolling, and respect to other viewers! [15485] McTurtleton: so we're in copper [15485] theman0032: Trolling [15485] nickahlotahpuss: jynxziPACK [15486] sney_03: change the hz [15486] juuzoufn_: SCREEN FROZE [15486] mazz440: 60 hz [15486] asphhyyxia: 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz [15486] jaegerx08: L SCREEN [15486] BagelLordBoy: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [15486] drmonkeeman10: STALLING IS CRAZY [15486] bardown16__: 563 [15486] epictwitchviewr: FROZEN [15486] yovynce: yovynce subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months, currently on a 2 month streak! Don’t sell and lock in [15486] dkellog: Change windowed to full screen, you're on 60fps [15486] baller_115: star [15486] gufspoon: Sketch is waiting [15486] beanlegoat: 10hz [15486] lolo00075: L [15487] purplemonkies11: it's on 144 [15487] hadmose: when is Kai vs case oh [15487] nawfside3800: GRAHH [15487] rdye22: leave these bums [15487] superiorhare420: jynxzi ur stuck in copper [15488] garrettre: w [15488] acelesskunai: CAN WE FUCKING GO [15488] robbieh96: L jynxzi egooo [15488] waxpen101: 60HZ UGLYyy [15488] aaronl0: LMMMMAAAAAOOOOOO “ITS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE KID” HHAHAHAHAHAH [15488] tyyraw: screen frozen [15488] jimmahb: NOT FUCKING FUNNY [15488] jacelynn29: HEY 👋 AND THE BEST OF ALL 👌 FOR YOU GUYS IS 👦 AND IS NOT JUST THE WAY YOU 😉 😀 TO THE WORLD TO 😉 😀 AND THE WAY IT IS 😀 😊 THE A THE IDEA PULSE THE 😀 OF A 6 8 OF A A AND [15488] hereca_: W ron [15488] sirpeep_r6: everyone say screen froze [15488] littleneo123: screen frozen [15488] himithy696: wait how is bro still live😮😮😮 [15488] hud2__: frozen [15488] klonkelford: 60 fps [15489] asphhyyxia: 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz [15489] sleepyyyzzzzz: 60fps 60hz [15489] 100xjota: HOLY FOOK [15489] neverseg: FUCK U RON [15489] baller_115: start [15489] bardown16__: 519238910849082140981209380 [15489] xNesquicc: L STREAMER [15489] ZohbdyBouttaDrive: leaked [15489] reid528: RELAX HOLY SHIT UR SO ANNOYING [15489] bims189: oil up every death [15489] TugMango: WHAT ARE YOU CLICKING????? [15489] hope_0297: xxhey I’ll send a nude for a sub 💋🤣 [15489] epictwitchviewr: L SCREEN [15489] BrockDurdy: 60 hz 60 hz [15489] whillyuhmm: THESE MFS ARE SO UNFUNNY [15490] trulymatts: L bullyy [15490] nyc_vasili: screen froze [15490] asphhyyxia: 60 hz 60 hz [15490] kidsnooz: kidsnooz subscribed with Prime. [15490] m3hrau: Cheer1 [15491] zplots91: jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE [15491] asphhyyxia: 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz [15491] ak_je: bunch of trolls [15491] paiinz405: Jynxzi = wish version of clix [15491] tehjayj: frozen [15491] dosprime2k20: change match settings [15491] waxpen101: 60 HZ [15491] limesqueeze24: SCREEN FROZEN [15491] lotusizk: could i get a gifted? [15491] careyjerryberry: screen frozen [15491] this_dudeha: jynxziVapeBreak [15491] lolo00075: boooo bully [15491] Seadisc1: L clix and ronL clix and ronL clix and ron [15491] nawfside3800: BOMBOCLAAAG [15492] itsMrMarshy_: itsMrMarshy_ subscribed with Prime. [15492] ZB_Connor_: GAME FREEZE [15492] johnsoninvestigator: HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys [15492] pllyboii: PLAY RANK WITH THEM [15492] sney_03: L 60hz [15492] tonyv02: L ego [15492] tkettel_: I AM SO BORED [15492] jointedvoyage: Scrahsed [15492] chasebullock77: clix o7 [15492] sgdrako: screen froze [15492] nailwind: sketch is waiting [15492] arrkane420: added random lol [15492] TripTwitch: they are so annoying [15492] bardown16__: clix1247821739817298371983 [15492] epictwitchviewr: FROZEN [15493] wakawaka232323: 60hz [15493] sandy_sir: LLMFAOI💀💀 [15493] bryceerr: jynxziBadAim [15493] juuzoufn_: SCREEN FROZEN [15493] b1gg1eq: 1 HZ [15493] littleneo123: screen frozenf [15493] Seadisc1: L clix and ron [15493] dusllbee: so slow boring ass were waiting [15493] fortune718: Cheer100 whoooo do yall have ur money on [15494] blackiceshake: JYNXZI WHY YOU SO MEAN????? [15494] ttvRaion: Copper IV [15494] KenpachiJ23: w clix [15494] 100xjota: CHAT SPAM IT [15494] lolo00075: bully boo [15494] bru_002: Why are you so mad [15494] Seadisc1: L clix and ronL clix and ron [15494] gavincp123: Turn Clix Up [15494] fatedvisionz_: L DAD [15494] BrockDurdy: 60 hz [15494] drmonkeeman10: STALLING [15494] dragon_fruit18: DROPS? [15494] xNesquicc: L BULLY [15494] sn3ak1n: THIS IS TAKING FOREWVER [15495] Swept_Kujo: timer is counting [15495] 1vito_501: dude I’m done watching this shit [15495] Get_Josued: 60 hz [15495] asphhyyxia: 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz [15495] BigBaller3545: 60hz [15495] voiidwashere: ENDEDDD PSRT TIME STTEAMERR [15495] h1ss1ngv1p3r123456789: what is your time played on r6 [15495] Kar3z_1: u said ong 5 min warm up [15495] TheMrGoat_: Stream is fronen [15495] theman0032: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [15495] xxxlejuanjamesxxx: screen froze [15495] ttvpoisonvoid: w [15495] stale_memes101: 60hz [15495] bardown16__: lix8247812784 [15495] thekrykna: @fortune718 Jynxzi [15496] ttv_kade553: !watchtime [15496] Seadisc1: L clix and ron [15496] liamctheman: leave these bums [15496] StreamElements: ttv_kade553 has spent 2 hours watching jynxzi [15497] wehtam1904: run predictions [15497] mayo2smo: 60 hertz [15497] itzSoulace: WTF [15497] ISaltyCarrotI: BRO YOURE ON 60 HZ LISTEN [15497] acoistic_ace: carsh [15497] onefrombeloww: fullecreen [15497] JakeJawz: wtf is this frozen screen [15497] t1spookyyyy: SCREEN FROZEEEE [15497] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 [15497] FrenchieHugo: frozen [15497] dsfeda: L VAPER [15497] ZB_Connor_: THE GAME IS FREEZE [15497] cheschi_: 60 fps [15497] finalarigato_: RON IS LEVEL 52 LMFAO [15497] nyc_vasili: froze [15498] offensive3838: I’m sorry jynxi [15498] hannahbango: L BULLYY [15498] asphhyyxia: 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz [15498] littleneo123: screen froezen [15498] softycola: dumbass [15498] lostvape791: 60fps [15498] damien_72_: TIGER STANCE PauseChamp TIGER STANCE PauseChamp TIGER STANCE PauseChamp TIGER STANCE PauseChamp TIGER STANCE PauseChamp TIGER STANCE PauseChamp [15498] nevergeater: here comes the friend requests [15498] Gucci_kid54: my bad :( [15498] Red_Deathhh: STOPPPPPPPP what [15498] V1txge: !watchtime [15498] zumafr: Screen froze [15498] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀 [15498] StreamElements: V1txge has spent 3 days 5 hours watching jynxzi [15498] 909_Jesus: screen froze [15499] juunyboi: !gpa [15499] Schmule: its 144 [15499] ri3ntje: LMAOOOOO [15499] sleephitdiff: !Gamble 10 [15499] Nightbot: 2.6💀 [15499] StreamElements: sleephitdiff lost 10 points in roulette and now has 2940 points! FeelsBadMan [15499] tarsaI: 💀 [15499] ROCKN__: steve wont do 6 hours [15499] tarsaI: 💀 [15500] C4XEB: never getting to copper to champion... [15500] Gucci_kid54: my bad :( [15500] D0M6478: l copper [15500] drxmzz5969: !charm [15500] SquattingSlavski: these bums annoying asf [15500] jt565503: open beta [15500] aaronl0: LOOOOOOOL [15500] dozeri: 60hz [15500] cheesychester13: CLIX SAID N WORD [15500] chucks_absortion: @fortune718 clix [15500] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [15500] aidenharpe: SCREEN FROZEN [15500] TheMoltenGamer: no [15500] tin_speedy360: @highvise turn on drops [15500] tonyv02: your actually changing [15501] dariusporkjr: screen [15501] asphhyyxia: 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz [15501] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: keep spamming him chat [15501] tkettel_: FUCK THIS SUCKS [15501] peytonlee1: REvenge [15501] schierro: this is the worse chat ever [15501] joshcrowell: No [15501] xhuncho707x: can we play a game already my god [15501] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: keep spamming him chat [15501] luisr0112: screen frozen [15501] sandy_sir: LLMFASAOAOAOOO💀 [15501] Fossabot: @classyep, Your message is too long [15501] Jakow98: hard stuck copper [15501] ItsJustBlayze: Lmao [15501] dosprime2k20: change match setting [15502] hope_0297: hey I’ll send a nude for a sub 💋🤣x [15502] the_question_kid: when are clips when are clips when are clips [15502] ilovebugsandtoes: ?ets goo [15502] kampenomkuk: white speed [15502] XTMidnight: NO STFU [15502] Nightbot: 😂 [15502] dieheartsaint: 60 hz [15502] dugs__: he’s used to ending at this team he’s getting irritated [15502] Vividly004: UR SO FAT [15502] orazalfire: RONALDO IS LE [15502] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: keep spamming him chat [15502] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: keep spamming him chat [15502] ROCKN__: steve wont do 6 hours [15503] ROCKN__: steve wont do 6 hours [15503] jallamander: jallamander subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! [15503] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: keep spamming him chat [15504] jt565503: open bets [15504] jgranados12: hrjr [15504] RealShenZero: SwiftRage SwiftRage [15504] jboogie018264: !Sub [15504] BrockDurdy: 60 hz hivise [15504] aaronl0: LOOOOOOOOOOL [15504] Gucci_kid54: my bad :( [15504] FlocksofClocks: lol [15504] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [15504] monkfish21_12: l bully [15504] liamctheman: send freidn requests [15504] omsahh: L EGO [15504] Synec__: JYNXZI BEING A FRUIT LOOP [15504] gio_2002707: 20 v 1 when? [15504] g3rm59: jynxziGoodAim [15505] leekaudio: 🤣🤣🤣🤣 [15505] kexvia: hh [15505] pllyboii: PLAY RANK W THEM [15505] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: keep spamming him chat [15505] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [15505] tared_kingzzz: jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL [15505] Abz_B2806: HAHAHAHAHAHZHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAHAHAHAHA [15505] tkettel_: IM BORED [15505] thecheese111: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [15505] xNesquicc: 2.6 LMAO [15505] moneysignslexy: NOPE [15505] Nightbot: https://clips.twitch.tv/AdventurousHedonisticYakinikuBibleThump-pUxxa5Rp0x8aWNXU [15505] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: keep spamming him chat [15505] sirpeep_r6: screen froze [15505] xJudMuffin: 👹 [15506] schierro: you guys suck [15506] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [15506] grant4444444: NotLikeThis [15506] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: keep spamming him chat [15506] sirgln: nah we good [15506] zombieaxem3n: lock in [15506] detstvo_1: brehh [15506] leinanarcher: 60 FPS [15506] StreamElements: leone_hamrett has spent 4 days 21 hours watching jynxzi [15506] ROCKN__: steve wont do 6 hours [15506] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: keep spamming him chat [15506] claygaunt: Cheer1 [15507] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: keep spamming him chat [15507] PerkOnyx: PerkOnyx subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! NO [15508] asssgoldenpopper4: just end it [15508] bbowden_23: YOURE ON 60 HZ FATASS YOURE ON 60 HZ FATASS YOURE ON 60 HZ FATASS YOURE ON 60 HZ FATASS YOURE ON 60 HZ FATASS [15508] Mooaj: Do this shit offline next time [15508] yazanisgoated17_: NAHHH🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [15508] big_junko23: !charm [15508] BeanTree_: you are actually so annoying [15508] mupzna: jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh [15508] Gucci_kid54: my bad :( [15508] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [15508] mayo2smo: your on 60 hz [15508] Abz_B2806: SPAMMMM HIM [15508] theman0032: jynxziVapeBreak [15508] theguyxp: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [15508] StreamElements: precision_velocity has spent 2 days 2 hours watching jynxzi [15508] xD4B4Rx: jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES [15509] igna2004_: And the warm up? [15509] sirplebgamer: Jynxzi will there be a Jynxzi 1v3 vs Caseoh, Kai, and Sketch that would be such an entertaining stream [15509] hope_0297: hey I’ll send a nude for a sub 💋🤣xxx [15509] beanlegoat: 20hz [15509] ihk88: screen froze [15509] jdjdjfdfd: keep sending [15510] fortune718: Cheer100 who dose everyone have there money on [15511] lj_256: clix is xim [15511] vaccumlint: love u junko [15511] 8mrtn: pre End [15511] flippy420l: 60 HZ [15511] brush2bench: frozsn [15511] amplify_o7: omfggg [15511] CoolioJordan: !watchtime [15511] kenniel_rg: WHATSSS UP [15511] gochiefswin: screen broke [15511] JayTrain__: jacking my dick off again in here sigh [15511] meepling: u mad ? [15511] ItsJustBlayze: LMAO [15511] StreamElements: CoolioJordan has spent 19 hours 20 mins watching jynxzi [15511] Abz_B2806: SPAMMMMM HIMMMMMMM [15511] jmizzzzz: STALLING [15512] baly_jr: ron [15512] jsgc: please fuck these kids [15512] xRinxa: WHEN IS FAN MAIL!!! [15512] takenname248: bro holy fuck just play bro gawd damn [15512] shinnok47: WHITE SPEED [15512] cyclone1729: i will touch u [15512] Zcvier: steve [15512] yaboisleepsinanest: CRASHEDD [15512] thegoatedgamr: ? [15512] bc_2044: SCREEN FROZE [15512] Tommy122908: SCREEN FROZE [15512] soundcloutken: SOMEONE SAID STEVE WONT DO 8 HOURS [15512] Nightbot: ? [15512] playboibrody: 77 [15512] b312noblesixx: this is boring I’m leaving [15513] xavi_is_bad: ITS FROZEN [15513] BeanTree_: stop screaming in the mic dumbass [15513] tonyv02: L bully [15513] NolteTrea00: pre end [15513] fernydabest: L bully [15513] 6MHz: DO FAN MAIL [15513] snipesnipdu8383: when is fan mail [15513] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: keep spamming him chat [15513] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: keep spamming him chat [15513] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: keep spamming him chat [15515] valid_troy: !gamble [15515] asphhyyxia: 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz v [15515] cluckster8978: frozen [15515] mr_scooby0: jynxziBadAim [15515] thiagom2222: keep spamming [15515] zerxezs: when mail fan [15515] kanyeasada9: STEVE WONT DO 6 HOURS [15515] caseoh_is_massive32: 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz [15515] goodbrofs: 20hz [15515] BrockDurdy: 60 hz [15516] brinda_loves_u: trolling [15516] aidenharpe: SCREEN [15516] leapfrog100: !watchtime [15516] bruhhhh1232123: 60 FPS L [15516] baly_jr: ronn [15516] logical_recess0: ghbvg [15516] shearn55: !settings [15516] StreamElements: leapfrog100 has spent 40 mins watching jynxzi [15516] omsahh: L EGO [15516] bbowden_23: YOURE ON 60 HZ FATASS YOURE ON 60 HZ FATASS YOURE ON 60 HZ FATASS YOURE ON 60 HZ FATASS [15516] Nightbot: https://clips.twitch.tv/FurtivePiercingRavenRiPepperonis-Q7Z6UtOCxU_bV5fV [15516] kayylaaag: hurry up [15516] playboibrody: 777777 [15516] Blem10: lol [15516] Tommy122908: SCREEN IS FROZEN [15517] schierro: let us get on with this shit [15517] PapaSmurfOG: screen is frozen!!!!!!! [15517] papimoore: CANT SEE [15517] donakaaa: 60hz [15517] nevergeater: cap [15517] Nightbot: no 🧢 [15517] kyle_angel99: kyle_angel99 subscribed at Tier 1. [15518] nevervault_: 60hz idiot [15518] LurkinSilently: Hiii [15518] xd_watergod: no [15518] livetylerr: LONGEST JINXI STREAM [15518] sluopyrl: L billy [15518] Red_Deathhh: ur game is frozen to us [15518] Miller_242: copper [15518] neronazh: 10hz [15518] caseoh_is_massive32: 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz [15518] bhriscoe: YAWN [15518] tyroneon240: Yo fuck these viewers [15518] ofengzi: xim [15519] angel_xcz: Pre end [15519] caden10ing: 💀💀💀 [15519] Waqas2205: the quote of the day [15519] playboibrody: 7777 [15519] yaboisleepsinanest: CRASHHEDD [15519] asphhyyxia: 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz [15519] chrisrankel: what’s going on [15519] peejlynch22: SCREEN FROZEEE [15519] zetrixx995: !watchtime [15519] bbowden_23: YOURE ON 60 HZ FATASS YOURE ON 60 HZ FATASS YOURE ON 60 HZ FATASS YOURE ON 60 HZ FATASS YOURE ON 60 HZ FATASS [15519] Roastedninga: nah thats rons chat [15519] schierro: stop it chat [15519] StreamElements: zetrixx995 has spent 1 day 11 hours watching jynxzi [15519] fncablaze: SCREEEEEEEEEEE [15519] realcloudzy1: screen frozen [15520] xavi_is_bad: ITS FROZEN DUMBASS [15520] thekrykna: BUlly [15520] omsahh: EGO [15520] kayylaaag: ur fat [15520] BigElote: bro your past 4 hours [15520] evanonave_: !watchtime [15520] JayTrain__: hate being fat and ugly and white [15520] ROWVI: :L [15521] zumafr: DO FAN MAIL [15521] Serqski: STEVE WONT DO IT [15521] ROWVI: :L [15521] bbe_jee: less fo [15521] ofengzi: xximm [15521] goodbrofs: 20hz [15521] offensive3838: ITS FROZEN [15521] noahhoahu: play boy [15521] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: keep spamming him chat [15521] WeLuvCase: jynxziFAT [15521] lilturk69: play fifa [15521] ISaltyCarrotI: 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz [15521] pkennedy188: when’s fan mail [15521] omsahh: L EGO [15521] dom_334: 60HZZZZZZ [15522] brinda_loves_u: trollling [15522] yaboisleepsinanest: CRASHHEDDCRASHHEDD CRASHHEDD [15522] bamafan4ever15: More invites [15522] 11_noxx: shift f22 [15522] ku1300_: !sub [15522] MillzyFC: CARDIAC [15522] hadmose: when is Kai vs case oh [15522] madeinchina1k: jynxzi [15522] meaaaatnut: Yo junko I'm from UK it's 3am here staying up to see u take 5k from these mongd [15522] schierro: you guys suck [15522] ghostflyer9355: PLAY THE GAME [15522] Eggrollemporium: screen froze [15523] crimson688: !sene [15523] gamechanger0512: PREDICTION [15523] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: keep spamming him chat [15523] ROWVI: :L [15523] maf1aduck: isn’t fan mail at 8 [15523] samsta464: WHERES THE VOTE POLE????????/ [15523] aadhavishim: froze [15523] bardown16__: lmao nice ad [15523] lolyevin6276: !watchtime [15523] bmanholl: ACREEN FROZE [15523] baly_jr: 60 [15524] meeper_man: !charm [15524] goodbrofs: 20hz20hz [15524] Splay04: 👁️👀😀 [15524] StreamElements: lolyevin6276 has spent 11 days 10 hours watching jynxzi [15524] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [15524] hitmankayto: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [15524] yaboisleepsinanest: CRASHHEDD CRASHHEDD [15524] brinda_loves_u: trolling [15524] caden10ing: 💀💀 [15524] scariing: fuck was that noise [15524] thecriticalhipp0: you’re on 60 [15524] ROCKN__: just spammed you on 5 accounts [15524] WarmerMink149: screens [15524] chaaar56: L Tech wiz [15525] ilovebugsandtoes: Dkdkd [15525] ghostflyer9355: PLAY [15525] goodbrofs: 20hz [15525] yrraez: FAT [15525] ROCKN__: just spammed you on 5 accounts [15525] rxjrick: white speed [15525] spgzz: Steve wknt do 6 hrs [15525] whillyuhmm: whillyuhmm subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 4 month streak! HURRY TF UP GOD [15525] mrrocketbunny69: KEEP ADDING 🤣🤣 [15525] xNesquicc: F [15525] Nightbot: F in the chat [15525] SimonC343: RESET PREDICTIONS [15526] used_potato: youre on 60 fps change that youll be at a disadvangted [15526] vFalconer: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz [15526] WarmerMink149: screenss [15526] afync: BRO 130k?!??!? [15526] clarktheog1: !WATCHGIME [15526] vsoka: STREAM SNIPING [15526] Acofosho: 60fps [15526] orazalfire: RONALDO IS LEVEL 52 ?????? [15526] qwerxy_isnt_cute: 60hz [15526] riccinj: !Watchtime [15527] 11_noxx: shift f2 [15527] schierro: worst twitch chat [15527] monkfish21_12: 30hz [15527] StreamElements: neohoney817 has spent 6 days 10 hours watching jynxzi [15527] Splay04: 👁️☺️👁️ [15527] papawille: BRO IS CLICKING NOTHING BRO IS CLICKING NOTHING BRO IS CLICKING NOTHING BRO IS CLICKING NOTHING [15527] unpaireddd: W bmw ad [15527] yaboisleepsinanest: CRASHHEDD [15527] ghostflyer9355: THE [15527] shearn55: !watchtime [15528] dwd__1: L part time streamer L smoker L Clip baiter L fell off [15528] daddysawyer123: cant stop sending two fat [15528] squirmy017: yo jynxzi can you support my friend sus6090 on twitch [15528] RemainingTie1: SO CHAOTIC [15528] Unfussythought: fr [15528] gurjot_08: ITS NOT PURPOSE IDIOTS [15528] bhriscoe: IM GETTING SLEEPY [15528] daxgunns: FROSN [15528] ybchrish: omfg [15528] sam_rlcs: w [15528] percocetsjoints: f [15528] crimson688: !send [15528] 1vito_501: I’m done watching this dry ass yelling match [15529] fletcherg223: hey fat ass start the game [15529] pjarnigan2004: hurry [15529] ROCKN__: just spammed you on 5 accounts [15529] ROCKN__: just spammed you on 5 accounts [15529] caseoh_is_massive32: 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz [15529] 420Blaziken_: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [15529] ROCKN__: just spammed you on 5 accounts [15529] zjunktrunk: He's still up streaming 😮😮😯😯 [15529] rxjrick: wjitr [15529] yaboisleepsinanest: CRASHHEDD CRASHHEDD [15529] ileaqzvv: RUN PREDS AGAINRUN PREDS AGAINRUN PREDS AGAINRUN PREDS AGAINRUN PREDS AGAINRUN PREDS AGAINRUN PREDS AGAIN [15530] itzSoulace: PREDICTION [15530] capit0m: STOP SPAMMING [15530] ISaltyCarrotI: lost [15530] zetnogaming: I'M ADDING YOU JINXZY [15530] vaccumlint: Daddy junko [15530] glitchass34: Junko winning ezz [15530] offensive3838: IT FROZEN [15530] 100xjota: HAHAHAHAH [15530] this_dudeha: 🤔 [15530] myleghurtsman: W BMW [15530] WarmerMink149: scrennn [15530] orazalfire: RONALDO IS LEVEL 52 !?!?? [15530] SimonC343: RESET PREDICTIONSS [15530] purplemonkies11: yall are dumb [15530] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: keep spamming him chat [15531] 4pfcbfw: p [15531] xskymer: CHANGE HZ PLS [15531] the_question_kid: is it a 2 v 1 [15531] nonothegamer337: # by [15531] isaacyerr: retsart prediction [15531] vtoxickl: TheRinger [15531] kd19: this is so funny [15531] lj_256: CLIX IS CIM [15531] trapways01: shits a train wreck lol [15531] sney_03: buy a 360hz monitor [15532] mild_salsa05: KEEP SPAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMING [15532] 4pfcbfw: d [15532] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: keep spamming him chat [15533] fortnitecooler11: LETS GOOOOO [15533] benimaru_12: wsg white speed [15533] WeLuvCase: HypeSleep HypeSleep HypeSleep [15533] brinda_loves_u: crazy [15533] xd_watergod: not [15533] No_luvv_isaiah: Stream crashed [15533] xNesquicc: FFFFFFFFF [15533] Nightbot: i was crazy once [15533] logi3x16: DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame [15533] fbbfrost_chaos: no stream sniping dumbass [15533] yngOreo: h [15533] TTCKxlce: eat my ass daddy JUNKO YOU KNOW I NEED YOUR PART TIMER ASS [15533] Nightbot: h [15533] orazalfire: RONALDO IS LEVEL 52 !?+(_($ [15534] chugnutsboy: why didnt they do this before stream [15534] jahhonr6: 4090 and 60hz wtf [15534] bardown16__: AVERAGE BULLY [15534] xdflounderr: I DIDNT GET TO DO IT [15534] jacelynn29: HEY THERE IS ASS AND YOU CAN GET ME 😘 😉 AND CAN YOU GIVE CAN THE A SET OF A THE ONE VIDEO ? I NOT MY OWN NAME AND IS A LITTLE MORE BIT A FEW YEARS OLD BUT I IS I [15534] Gorilla10: PLAY THE FUCKIN GAAAAAME!!!!!! [15534] mustyybean: Ron is casually watching tiktok on stream [15534] cxrtz05: jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY [15534] drxmzz5969: !charm [15534] dexzeyy: clix 459 [15534] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [15534] spgzz: Steve wont do 6 hrs [15534] tigerwill09: Jynxzi gone win [15534] lil_wayne07: screens jacked up fr [15534] mattway420: whens fan mail [15535] Thepugarmy_SSG: lol [15535] 1phatballs: only 144? [15535] Nightbot: 😂 [15535] atet___: atet___ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! [15536] ROWVI: :L [15536] znxnl: L Ron [15536] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [15536] idrisoggang: L [15536] MagnitudinalWave: Kreygasm [15536] 100xjota: WE WERE SO WRONG CCHAT [15536] Juuanri: j [15536] metazoan_thyme: jynxziLaugh [15536] isaacyerr: restart prediction [15536] ybchrish: these dumbasses [15536] blazeescamilla1: CALL HIS ASS SARAH SAFFARI HE HATES IT!!!!!!! @coffeezillasdaughter [15537] xottic7777: frozen [15537] mortdilfango: Jynxzi vs uzi when? [15537] shiestychewy: hay steave [15537] luke31246: jynxziPACK [15537] RageDaaGreat: YAWN [15537] mik1y3: fuck ron [15537] perucore: BADAIM @snipershane0305 [15537] drmonkeeman10: LMAOO [15537] slippy217: slippy217 subscribed with Prime. [15537] shadowdem0n24: COPPER IS CRAZY [15538] ctwilson112: 🥱🫦🤫🧏♂️😮💨😎 [15538] neonwarper: why you playing 1080p [15538] fate_harley: 💀💀💀💀💀 [15538] xd_watergod: no [15538] Buff_Al: Buff_Al subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! chill daddy [15538] orazalfire: RONALDO IS LEVEL 52 !?!!!? [15538] GulpFN: WWWWW [15538] Fossabot: @assaultfox6727, Your message is too long [15538] bardown16__: W [15538] mrrocketbunny69: KEEP ADDING 💀 [15538] harry2727273: sniping [15538] qwerxy_isnt_cute: 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz 60 hz [15539] zumafr: WHEN IS FAN MAIL [15539] swayfuI: LMAOOO [15539] RyIxnnn: USE 4:33 [15539] sandy_sir: LLLMFAO💀💀 [15539] bradschutty: LMAOOOOOO [15539] vitality5175: griddy [15539] philly_x_dj: DELAY STREAMMM [15539] ybchrish: cringe [15539] yaboisleepsinanest: CRASHHEDD [15539] CasesBallCheese: YO FIX FACE CAM [15539] dkellog: Change windowed to full screen, you're on 60fps [15539] Greatgodd: LMAOOOO [15539] rnitten: Lmaoo [15539] bardown16__: WWWWW [15539] fpsdom_: HAHAHHAHA [15540] dusllbee: 💀💀💀💀💀 [15540] epictwitchviewr: W RON [15540] dsfeda: L VAPER [15540] reedbooksplz: LMAO [15541] gamingwithbluntz: FROZEN [15541] loloabribus: LMAO [15541] shinxx_999: LMFAO [15541] aidenkillsnoobs: predic [15541] monkfish21_12: hh [15541] jonasthetiger: L mean [15541] daniel7338: daniel7338 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! yo [15541] yaboisleepsinanest: CRASHHEDDCRASHHEDD [15541] aklobus: 60Hz [15541] rnitten: wwwwwww [15541] Greatgodd: W [15541] Gail_Iewis: W RON [15541] mcsky_Neomax: jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE [15541] rivylul: LMFAOOO [15541] z6ch_: LMFAOOOO [15542] lebpjames: dszzz [15542] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀 [15542] fredyytywy2: HAHAHAHAHA [15542] xpheq: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [15542] shauxity: LMAO [15542] lucas_santos798: lolllll [15542] frydryss: PRESSED [15542] bardown16__: WW [15542] fpsdom_: HAHAHAHA [15542] yomaeee: !watchtime [15542] mafi_aa: LMFAOOOOOOOO [15542] julian_arce05: RIGHT FOOT CREEP [15542] camdonjames: bro startttttttttttttttt [15542] soundcloutken: LOOOL [15542] StreamElements: yomaeee has spent 3 days 5 hours watching jynxzi [15544] harrisonfraudjr: !dayoff [15544] nobawd: 💀💀💀💀💀 [15544] philly_x_dj: DELAY [15544] benjiionps: 💀💀 [15544] astroidr6: LMFAOOOOO [15544] oktommii: LOL [15544] coolddedes: lol [15544] ybchrish: CRINGE [15544] a1dannnnn: 😂😂😂😂😂 [15544] crox_colly: LMAOOO [15544] lj_256: CLIX IS XIM [15544] d44rkfire: LMAO [15544] Hybs_: LMAO [15544] margzzzzz1: 💀💀💀💀 [15544] thekrykna: Lol [15545] DarkBombs76: w RON [15545] minimax_20: MIC NOT WORKING [15545] willxnova: W [15545] fpsdom_: HAHAHA [15545] Vividly004: RIGHT FOOT CREEP [15545] zackt0xic: ww [15545] x_VigiI_x: pxppySide pxppySide pxppySide pxppySide pxppySide [15545] xJrboy_: 😭 [15545] rnitten: w [15545] xaslone: lmao [15545] RFcoilz: mobamb1Zeet mobamb1Zeet mobamb1Zeet [15545] sandy_sir: L,MAAOAOOO💀💀 [15545] Stryke0ut: lmaooo [15545] RuggedBubbles: W RON [15545] taqqvue: right foot creep [15546] Neso_54: W Griidy [15546] b1gg1eq: L YAPPER [15546] excessivezero5: LMFFAAOOO [15546] TTCKxlce: EAT MY ASS JUNKO [15546] jasp1fy: CLIX ON 360 HZ [15546] Apocalypse979: OMEGALUL [15546] maf1aduck: W ron [15546] AboveWild: BRO [15546] yungKIBE: LMAO [15548] Softxz_: 🤣🤣🤣 [15548] funkygerbil918: LOOOOL [15548] Verlaxify: LMAO [15548] daniel7338: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [15548] monke2207: ajajndrn [15548] CBLiive: clit is ass [15548] Bizo_3: 💀💀💀💀 [15548] basic_rbob: callme992Boo callme992Boo callme992Boo callme992Boo [15548] benimaru_12: w white speed [15549] MrDinoNuggs: 60FPS 40090 [15549] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀 [15549] cowzay: jynxziGRIDDY [15549] blazeescamilla1: LMFAOOOO [15549] usmc_aj: run prediction [15549] CasesBallCheese: FIX FACE CAM [15549] bardown16__: COPPER 2 CHAMP [15549] joshcrowell: yes it is [15549] isaacyerr: run prediction [15549] ttvnotphazed: 😭😭 [15549] hereca_: Lmaoooooooooo [15549] tezoo1k: W RON [15549] Rybosaurous: lmaooooo [15549] AustinnRod25: I like it [15549] bluejoltz23: HIT THE GWIDDYYYY [15550] philly_x_dj: DELAY STREAM [15550] MrBoochiie: W GRIDDY [15550] ZappyToast: L SMOKER [15550] zxourii: YES IT IS [15550] yungKIBE: LMAO [15550] cowzay: jynxziGRIDDY [15552] Day_r6: jynxziBounce [15552] dablooooons: 😭😭😭😭 [15552] Carluz7: LUL LUL LUL [15552] 313nbayongboi: WWW [15552] bryann1029: LMAO [15552] kaelyb1097: LMAO [15552] Bizo_3: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [15552] ImCaptRogers: LMAO THE GRIDDY [15552] blametojo: RON IS SUCJ A TROLL OMEGALUL [15552] ashep7: hahahahhahahaha [15552] xprodigyx_91: W RON [15552] Gucci_kid54: jynxziGRIDDY [15552] gatorbox111: W [15552] julian_arce05: W Ron [15552] astroidr6: LMAO [15553] bardown16__: CLIP FARMING [15553] CasesBallCheese: FACE CAM [15553] chaaar56: W Griddy [15553] fate_harley: LMAOOOOOO [15553] butcha77: 🤣 [15553] SengerInHD: omaoooo [15553] nickyjam2400: lmaoooooooooooo [15553] junkydunky1234562728: w Ron [15553] imnotcaptaincrunch: imnotcaptaincrunch subscribed with Prime. [15553] JimmyCrowww: JimmyCrowww subscribed at Tier 1. [15555] Franklin: 😂 [15555] 2amzaxy: w GRIDDY [15555] biggluebag69: lock in [15555] itsRadikal: 💀 [15555] C0b0ys1234: clip farmer [15555] Captainhotshot0: lmao [15555] dany3lln: W RINGTONE [15555] tootchainzzz: brainrot [15555] Franklin: 🤣 [15555] williamckinney: play payphone [15555] lj_256: CKIX IS XIM [15555] piynts: bro is deep in your head [15555] qasey23: L Actin [15555] Franklin: 🙂 [15555] AyyyItsAstro: W GRIDDY [15556] daniel_blue22: 🤣🤣🤣 [15556] thekrykna: Griddy [15556] Franklin: 🙂 [15556] 8mrtn: ron owns You [15556] Aliwardez: LMAO [15556] Tombutto: W RON [15556] lixxy434: W RON [15556] gavinblocker: 😭😭😭😭😭 [15556] excessivezero5: WWWWW [15556] joshua_crump_: w Ron [15556] ZB_Connor_: LMAO [15556] RFcoilz: mobamb1Zeet mobamb1Zeet mobamb1Zeet mobamb1Zeet mobamb1Zeet [15556] Gucci_kid54: jynxziGRIDDY [15556] carbar14: Lmao [15556] AKALoverBoy: SO FUNNYYYYY [15557] thedude694206: lol [15557] goodbrofs: 60hz60hz [15557] Rastamonkeybread10: it’s funny [15557] Cliopatrra: WHITE SPEED [15557] isaac_pino: wwwww [15557] Crashjohn69: LMAOOOOOOOO [15557] chugnutsboy: ron is begging for relivency [15557] hopethepopeee: w ron [15558] Franklin: 😂 [15559] xJudMuffin: laughing [15559] Franklin: 😂 [15559] AevraConverse: LMAOOO [15559] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: LMAOO [15559] bigouncedanny: 😭😭😭😭😭😭 [15559] alboito143: LMAOOOOO [15559] bardown16__: AHAHAHH1 [15559] Franklin: 😂 [15559] ZimGoobr: LMAO [15559] xxhunchoxx23: 😂 [15559] hoteypotey: 60 fps on pc settings [15559] Junkoclonefr: LMAIO [15559] applesnbiscuits: lmaoo [15559] blazeescamilla1: LMFAOOOOO [15559] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: LMAOO [15560] 500danny: lmaooooooooooooooooo [15560] zenofv1: haaa [15560] AverageSlime: L ron [15560] XTMidnight: LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [15560] captaincrunch872: hahaha [15560] madeli7656: Lol [15560] venjusu_: HAHAHAHAHHA [15560] ajaylul: lol [15560] DarkBombs76: lmaO [15560] kj2xx___: LMAO [15560] Thunderstruck357: LMFAOOOOOOOOO [15560] Franklin: 😂 [15560] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: LMAOO [15562] Harry__GG__: GL bro lock in [15562] FunnyPancakes84: w ron [15562] smicky11: lmao [15562] fixitupewan: hahahahaha [15562] CaptonBlaze420: LMAOOOO [15562] stepbroturo: W ron [15562] jesus_of_rebirth: 😂 [15562] wap_ncl: 😭 [15562] zacrifise: AHAHAHAHAH [15562] xprodigyx_91: WWWWW [15562] LuvKal_: 🤣🤣 [15562] astroidr6: LMFAO [15562] LeytonRay: HA HA HA [15562] undecidedpig: Lmao [15562] the_0ne_and_onlyy: GG [15563] ohitsice: L crybaby [15563] xxcomfyxcouchxx: HAHAHHAHAA [15563] TyJoySticks: lol [15563] Alexskittles900: Lmao [15565] stay_crying: 😂 [15565] luckyclover_17: hahahahahhahaha [15565] zacrifise: LMAO [15565] avas03115: LMAOOOOOOOOOO [15565] hensrud7: 😂😂 [15565] tf_chrxz: hahahaha [15565] TxchTemperZ: yo [15565] rickywasnice: lol [15565] Nightbot: ? [15565] bdcsnip3rx2772: 🤣 [15565] itsbeasty01: 😂😂😂😂 [15565] AyyyItsAstro: LMAOOOOOOOO [15565] Kingstinkyman: bkepNo [15565] edge_n: LMOA [15565] Nightbot: 😂 [15566] prXy_ClxPZ: lol [15566] Bizo_3: 💀💀💀 [15566] weloveyou_jj: LMAAAAOOOOO [15568] FinnElim: LOLLLLL [15568] hailord16: lmfao [15568] itsRadikal: 💀 💀 💀 [15568] itzSoulace: RUN PREDICTION [15568] kleinn47: 😭😭😭😭 [15568] itsbeasty01: 😂😂 [15568] MoMoneyMan7791: lol [15568] juansonwick: HAA [15568] TTVShadow310: 🤣🤣 [15568] Makfyi2: griddy is so old [15568] vloitss: ha [15568] panchy0: LMAO [15568] moneysignslexy: IM LAUGHING BAN ME [15568] creamyzanchez: 🤣 [15568] eldenwill: he’s actually mad [15571] Franklin: 😂 [15571] juansonwick: HAHAHA [15571] potato_is_a_flop: lmao [15571] beejayel08: lol [15571] hensrud7: 😂 [15571] ashep7: FACE CAM WAY TOO GOOD [15571] xd_watergod: 😂😂😂😂😂 [15571] coolkidghost2: LMAAAAAO [15571] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [15571] zebred9718: hahahahahhabahah [15571] mateowag: jajajajaaj [15571] maskedbootyy: moddddddd Ron [15571] sashthedash: HAHAHAHA [15571] kaelyb1097: lol [15571] Franklin: 😂 [15572] prXy_ClxPZ: lollol [15572] dbdshanks: 😭😭😭😭 [15572] gregybooiiii: 😂😂😂😂 [15572] eagermanhive: LMFAOOOOOOOOO [15572] brandonmonnnnnn: ha ha ha [15572] Breezz0: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA [15572] joemama2746: lol [15572] cruzponce7200: 😂😂😂😂😂 [15572] king_duck01: absolutely pissing my pants [15572] dancingsniper2: hahaha [15572] papimoore: LMAOO [15572] executyr: I SAID RIGHT FOOT [15572] Rastamonkeybread10: haha [15572] zecerX: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 [15572] Franklin: 😂 [15573] Franklin: 😂 [15573] Franklin: 😂 [15573] Franklin: 😂 [15574] jonnnny30: Ron’s a goat fym [15574] zain_almnsi: L DRUNKO [15574] RoverBot: NO [15574] quinfl01: HAHA [15574] mateowag: jajajaajaj [15574] potato_is_a_flop: haha [15574] g3rm59: !sub [15574] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [15574] xp_jammy: L VAPER [15574] cardgoldfish805: right foot creep [15574] cruzponce7200: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 [15574] papimoore: LMAO [15574] bardown16__: W JERRY [15574] shippleyy: W ron [15574] antoniomartinez61310: ha [15575] actaavis: W ADDICT [15575] florber: Bro thinks he's HIM [15575] DaneGleeesack69: why does he hate the griddy [15575] chewywrld: LMAO [15575] swinkel024: 😄 [15575] CaptonBlaze420: W [15575] loganrussell_10: haha [15575] danperk213: nipple reveal???? [15575] zumafr: LMAOOOOOOOOOO [15575] jointedvoyage: W franklin [15575] Wbrazys: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 [15575] Night3tar: ur in 60 fps [15575] Jace_Ford: nuh uh [15575] mustyybean: Right foot Creep ouuuu walking with that heater [15577] yinzerscience: hahahha [15577] freemar313: 😂😂 [15577] moneysignslexy: AHAHAHHAHA [15577] kaitoisherelol: hivise ban me [15577] Thepugarmy_SSG: lnao [15577] zumafr: LMAO [15577] juansonwick: 💀💀💀 [15577] aryana2024: MaxLOL [15577] garrettblack1234: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🍆🍆🍆🍆 [15577] peytonlee1: if you lose i swear [15577] shelikedill: 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂 [15577] TTVShadow310: ❤️ [15577] abelossk: NO [15577] abejouni2333: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziBuena [15577] cruzponce7200: 😂😂😂😂😂 [15578] coltonlittle10: rons a child [15578] jbonfit: HAHA [15578] faiorie: ngll [15578] YoAdrixn: ahahaaahhaha [15578] nbzno: zesty? [15578] quinfl01: LMAOO [15578] beanlegoat: good joke [15578] slangiinn: CHARLIE WORLEY LORE [15578] whimsicalrodent: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [15578] deyynolxve: 😂😂😂😂😂 [15578] Sheepanato: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [15578] ftcmember_fr: LMaO [15578] seb1of1: LMAIOO [15578] tip1r: 😭 [15580] quesoh12345: MaxLOL StoneLightning [15580] ITz_F1XX: L drinker [15580] scam8172: GoldPLZ GoldPLZ GoldPLZ GoldPLZ GoldPLZ [15580] 2amzaxy: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA [15580] peytonlee1: lmfaoo [15580] zumafr: 😂☝️ [15580] moneysignslexy: HAHAHAHHAHAHAAAAA [15580] oPlxnets: another cigar?? [15580] zacrifise: ERHST]EReryt53bdgtrth'34'2 [15580] zecerX: 😂 [15580] FinnElim: RON AND CLIX LOCK TF OM [15580] Dexile_yt: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [15580] albertotheboss: DRAMA ALERT TWEET [15580] 420Blaziken_: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [15580] iBankston: RON CRINGE [15581] ihk88: bro is going 0-7 [15581] marsee111: I feel like Jynxzi actually doesn’t like ron [15581] urtrash57: jynxziEZ [15581] chewyAR: 🤣🤣🤣 [15581] lil_cutie999: 😂😂😂😂😂 [15581] techspprt23: L drinker [15581] vvhessi: Ron doin da stinky [15581] whimsicalrodent: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [15581] eligarner: 😂 [15581] BreadXttv: 🦶 [15581] cybertrax: 2 hours later rofl [15581] kawaiikellen: MaxLOL MaxLOL MaxLOL MaxLOL [15581] SeaUma: get defense king [15581] Nightbot: @trg_live -> I can do this all day... [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [15583] thememeog: run predsss [15583] bigafricano: callme992POG callme992POG callme992POG callme992POG callme992POG [15583] zecerX: 🍟 [15583] chiiberia: why these mf actually funny af 🤣🤣 [15583] GhostZep: DRUNKO [15583] quesoh12345: MaxLOL :p :p [15583] resin223: 😭😭😭 [15583] isuckatgaming31: when’s caseoh vs Kai [15583] OTFKevinho: lock in [15583] Nightbot: predict when you will get some bitches [15583] eligarner: 🤣 [15583] metarzan7676: FUCK EM UP JUNKOOOOOOO [15583] Darthaka: predictions [15583] mikee_1300: LOCK THE FUCK IN [15583] astroidr6: another cigar 💀 [15584] wap_ncl: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 [15584] TTCKxlce: EAT MY ASS JUNKO [15584] cyclonic14: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [15584] tvjxmes: LOCK INNN [15584] misfitjackson: been moving mad different since sketch [15584] kidmundi: acid break [15584] fate_harley: lmao [15584] itskyrxx: PLAYYYY ITS BEEN 30 minutes [15584] StreamElements: JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/jynxzi [15585] leethanjames: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [15586] plague_aercn: chug [15586] YoAdrixn: ahahahahahahaha [15586] witterxwy: HAHAHAHA [15586] aidenkillsnoobs: prediction [15586] P4N_MAN1: 🤣😭🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣😭🤣🦂 [15586] rudedoge_123: ayo is this the first match of the 1v2? [15586] yrraez: 🧕🏿🤛🏽🤛🏽🤛🏽 [15586] jr1d3r14: finally game time [15586] Vividly004: CHEATING [15586] dbdshanks: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke [15586] fredyytywy2: RIGHT FOOT CREEP [15586] yoreginald25: White Speed [15586] MYVIRALMOMENT: LMAOOOOO [15586] dkellog: You're on 60hz [15587] chad430: ahhaahhahah [15587] gatorbox111: 😂 [15587] acid_rain171717: redo predict [15587] acoistic_ace: ahah [15587] X_JAGERR: drink water [15587] gonzo_2727: 😭😭😭 [15587] Nabusmain: 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀 [15587] djondblock: 🦧 [15587] lukezub04: lmaooooo [15587] RuggedBubbles: HE PUT 8 SO HE ENDS ON DEFENCE LOL [15587] rbriskk: MOD RON [15589] jason_r60: 😂 [15589] oPlxnets: another cigar ? [15589] northybooboobear: bussy reveal? [15589] rxjrick: BRING BACK CHARLOE [15589] sandy_sir: HAHAHHAH💀 [15589] eligarner: 😅😂 [15589] albertotheboss: DRAMA ALERT TWEEEETTT [15589] thegrunttt: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [15589] idmuss: Ron is weird [15589] xd_watergod: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 [15589] yousorryaf_ttv: L addicts [15589] nailwind: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [15589] jynxzi_lefttoe: lmfas [15589] gonzo_2727: 😭😭😭😭😭 [15589] zurx_onttv: jynxziEZ [15590] YoAdrixn: ahahaaha]hahh [15590] Gucci_kid54: :o [15590] jb05rm: Ron annoying asf [15590] moneysignslexy: HAHAHAHAHAHA I LAUGHING SO HARD LAOALAOALAOALAOL [15590] elishisty: MY POINTSSSSSSS [15590] james38_24: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke [15590] blvkursed: bro ron funny asf [15590] ayeeant_: that discord call was half the fucking stream [15590] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀 [15590] tin_speedy360: Hivise can we turn on drops????????? please [15590] thekrykna: jynxziGoodAim [15590] jonnyangus: Ron cringe [15590] muds1233: they so annoying [15590] potato_is_a_flop: LOLOLOLOL [15590] lIlScourlIl: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [15591] KenpachiJ23: FENT BREAK [15591] mjbarnes34: 😂😂😂😂 [15591] airpod_shawty69: RIGHT FOOT CREEP WALKING W THAT HEATER [15591] NTjimi: Hahahahahahah black boy [15591] benimaru_12: drunk white speed [15591] StreamElements: 4shrush has spent 2 days 22 hours watching jynxzi [15591] uhberto: 🤣🤣 [15591] Dreevus: Ron the most cringe streamer I’ve seen [15591] JimmyCrowww: jynxziPACK [15591] eliiite__: DEAFENMM [15591] yvngxdxn: RAUL [15591] himithy27: lol [15591] leethanjames: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [15593] wgen9: Pre end stream [15593] snipezabambi: he actually doesn’t like him I swear [15593] zumafr: L drinker [15593] puglover98_: haba [15593] FrlGav: get off rons meat fr [15593] uhberto: 🤣 [15593] DKTHRONE: 😀 [15593] dewzee_: LEWIS FROM MEET THE ROBINSONS [15593] BoBoDragga: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAGAHHAHAHAHAPUSSYBITCH [15593] CodeMysteryMan: addicted [15593] xd_watergod: 😂 [15593] i7lc_binary: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [15593] adenator23: LETS GO [15593] displaynqme: mod vise [15593] vBrxyant: Nah [15594] resin223: 😭😭😭😭 [15594] Gucci_kid54: :o [15594] mtypk1: Hahahaha🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [15594] gregybooiiii: Meaw [15594] prestontimmons: WHISKEY [15594] scammerlivesmatterthe2nd: WILLY WONKA [15594] matt17239: FIZ SETTINGSS [15594] vitality5175: when is fanmail [15594] TwizfuI: TwitchConHYPE [15594] azraelwoah: AHAHAHAHAHAH [15594] ZZALXXX: MOD FAN MAIL [15594] margzzzzz1: LOCKIN [15594] hooda_123: jynxziWTF [15594] fakiaj: bru [15596] imZooqa: aim labs kids [15596] FaZeMando2416: My god this took forever [15596] aquawya: lmaoo [15596] vBrxyant: L [15596] excessivezero5: LMAAAOOO [15596] shktbdisk: how much they playing for? [15596] xaslone: lmao [15596] angryturnip2: This kids so unfunny [15596] Swept_Kujo: ron is shitting himself [15596] goofy_goober46: start the predict [15596] mild_salsa05: 8 [15596] mynnti_: he says the joke twice💀 [15596] urtrash57: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT GoatEmotey GoatEmotey jynxziEZ jynxziEZ [15596] jonnnny30: Ron’s a goat [15596] jordanbinladen: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke [15597] acid_rain171717: g [15597] Britbratt5150: RON CORNY [15597] r6claymeweb: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [15597] chuksuck: haha [15597] resin223: 😭😭😭😭😭 [15597] tvjxmes: FUCK YOU RON [15597] Nightbot: no [15597] Acofosho: 6 hour stream 30 min gameplay [15597] aarxn_05: 😂😂😂😂 [15597] SoarHorizon: LOL [15597] blazeescamilla1: LMFAOOOO [15597] Nightbot: 😂 [15597] oPlxnets: andrew tate jr [15597] 22pha_hasrizz: Not funny [15597] fartman70_11: clix has his code on your girlfriends boobs hush up [15598] WanderingReaper7: STALLING [15598] yes_its_wet0901: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 [15598] jason_r60: 😂😂😂 [15598] B1gBaq: JYNXZI'S WASHED [15598] youb4450: Lmao [15598] evan14147: When's fan mail [15598] p0ldz: W [15598] NTjimi: Skibidi toilet [15598] lilturk69: whens fan mail [15598] kn0wnassassin: L ron [15598] cali_livin_ttv: AFK lol [15598] MoneyB24: when’s fanmail [15600] ragingtargaryen: literally 2 hours ago stfu [15600] wgen9: Pre end [15600] DecBeRekin: right foot creep [15600] pandemicmadeearth1: cooked [15600] RennyGobe: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [15600] pdq_23: 😂😂😂😂😂 [15600] jayden_hanson7: poll? [15600] easy_moneysniper1: frrrrrr [15600] samfromphx: vaper [15600] big_red__77: I think Ron is the least funny person I have ever had the displeasure of hearing [15600] bardown16__: not funny [15600] alaskanwhiskey: W Ron [15600] Nightbot: h [15600] Duffey5: mod ron | Jynxzi | Prime Jynxzi is Back | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [15420] conversation bro Ron I don't care bro I'm taking 5,000 off you or 2,500 off you then 2,500 off your father wait on XC on all right I'm about to invite you guys oh [15430] underscore jinks he already had you added from the last time in xe i yet if you added k then um here what's your your idea idea idea idea [15440] You're out of me right now you out of me right now. Just add you bro. Click 4 5 Wait clicks 405 you said no, it clicks 4 5 clicks 4 5 clicks 4 5 here on send that I'm gonna send you [15450] because my entire chat is sending me friend requests for no reason just to pass on. Keep sending him friend requests. Clickes 45. Yeah, something like that. Yeah, click [15460] 45 added you added you set yo except that now except that what is it I can't find it it's oh underscore jinks e bro oh underscore jinks e the shit is not wrong science kid you didn't you know shut [15470] What the fuck up, relax bro, you didn't add me. Clicks45 on my nothin's wifi, clicks- Clicks563. Yeah, clicks- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Jinksey, can you do that? [15480] 5.6353. Let me know what you're doing. Click 5.6353. Add it, add it, send it, send it. Let's go. Oh, you didn't add me. Yes, I did, bro. Yes, I did. Click 5.6353. [15490] poiot diva i added you y euch cheeks can we please stop Phh STOP TENDI counts [15500] Jesus Dude you didn't add me bro you fucking idiot. Yo, let me just have Ron. Yo Ron. Ron don't even say it [15510] I had to wait just I'm not even gonna see you get out of me. I'm not a good at it. Well you add I met like I got you added okay, I accept [15520] I'm out in settings. We're not doing this. I'm out of city. You're about me. You're about me. You're about me. You're about me. You'll click. You'll click. You added me. You added me as a friend. I'm on your friends. No, no, no, no. We have you're on my friends. Is he a chill? [15530] 5 6 3 invited boom invited invited join the game and invite Ron stupid ass Hey Ron on God, I'm gonna band you, bro. I'm gonna [15540] I'm gonna ban you I'm gonna just block you alright alright stop stop this shit shit is not funny bro [15550] Someone call my phone. It's my it's my ringtone. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Man anyone laughing. Yo, hi guys. Time out. Anybody laughing? That joke is so old. [15560] I'm getting a beer and uh yeah another cigar. This is gonna be awesome bro. This is gonna be awesome. Uh Ron's machines get the fuck off my team. No. Get the fuck off my team. No. [15570] I'm going back to your mother. Look at that! Oh my god, here's the rego chat. Oh my god. [15580] Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, we've been warming up for this moment. [15590] When's fan mail jinks see? There we go | There is no Highlight in the provided timespan. Jynxzi talks to his colleagues and they are setting up the game. |
Jynxzi | Prime Jynxzi is Back | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [15720] 2riotgaming: ww [15720] braydenhockey6: EASY [15720] gingoology: bro is not bruce buffer [15720] garrettandnoah1287: You are my daddy [15720] Dood_Chill_guy2: Ron needs to feel the touch of a woman [15720] diegoowestt: !gamble [15720] schizo76: delay the stream [15720] ozo1010234: L STALLER [15720] zayy826: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke [15720] fletcherg223: when’s caseoh [15722] chris_powell: chris_powell subscribed at Tier 1. [15723] masonshuford_: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [15723] plaxxiii_: look at clix stream [15723] minimax_20: WWWWWWWWWWW [15723] leo_deo_deo: !discord [15723] Violeta_Famelia: :D :D :D [15723] Nightbot: https://discord.gg/jynxzi [15723] dtbgucci: ❄️ [15723] xx_asriel_dreemur_xx: CLICKS GO SUCC DIXX [15723] McFlyyZ: @trentonwilli lmao [15723] qbert103: holy ahit they still haven’t started [15723] Darrendevil123: look at clix stream [15725] StreamElements: @luvsxtoru, that doesnt look like a valid username Keepo [15725] drmonkeeman10: LMAOO [15725] nik30211: Turn Ron down [15725] blujerry: turn ron down [15725] blazeescamilla1: FANMAIL IS WHEN [15725] itslukesmith: !watchtime [15725] StreamElements: itslukesmith has spent 6 hours 20 mins watching jynxzi [15726] yolucid__: LOOK AT CLIXX STREAM [15726] Gucci_kid54: 💀 [15726] evan_balls: REDO PREDS [15726] imyourdad336: 3 [15726] braydenhockey6: BEER IS GOOD [15726] wTENDY: lock the fuck In [15726] wetdorito5207: !watchtime [15726] guerdez: 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ [15726] kikou134241342: clix bout To stremsnipe [15726] bigmerch1: beer gut [15726] troncoop: 33333 [15726] SnOoZy711: !watchtime [15726] braydenwims: omg look at clix stream [15726] thekrykna: L Drinker [15726] StreamElements: justinlikesburgers has spent 2 days 20 hours watching jynxzi [15727] MagicErvn: 💀 [15727] panzerwagon2: clix stream [15727] shuriken1213: were in copper [15727] dtbgucci: ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️⌛️⌛️ [15729] yoxic: clix stream 💀 [15729] ethanval999: huhhhhhh yeahhhhhh [15729] ellarer: CLIX STREAM [15729] travels27: clix stream [15729] masonshuford_: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke [15729] xp_jammy: mute payphone boyyyy [15729] amWeld: look at clix stream [15729] pocketpengun: S [15729] iamiraki: XD [15729] censutive: !watchtime [15729] yoxic: clix stream 💀 [15729] taiyel34: wwwwww [15729] togood2005: LOOK AT CLIXSCREEN [15729] StreamElements: censutive has spent 11 hours 40 mins watching jynxzi [15729] spexzsz: time to end stream I has been 4hours [15730] joey2goated0: jynxziGG [15730] UppAnddAwayy: clixxx [15730] guerdez: 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ [15730] blazeescamilla1: WHEN IS FANMAIL [15730] angrypoupon: this kid could not be anymore annoying [15730] 2riotgaming: www [15730] hope_0297: hey I’ll send a nude for a sub I’ve never been given one before 💋🤣xxx [15730] Gucci_kid54: 💀 [15730] mannylc3: clix streamssss [15730] Cheechill: lul [15730] recoil_128: lmao 😜 [15730] isaacyerr: prediction? [15730] NBS_BigSal: open up predictions [15730] augustusrock: LOOK AT CLIX STREAM [15730] skullrealms: HOF YAPPERS [15731] maquavis: check clix strwam [15731] bims189: partimer washed [15731] skillfuldude: CLIX STEAMM [15731] skiuhh: CLIX STREAM [15731] bigearnoah_18: CLIX STREEAM [15731] Craziee_: LOOK AT CLIXSSSS STREAMMMMM [15731] galaxy_liv_: SEEYUH [15732] jackson7456: W COKE STREAMERS [15732] ianrl_: LOL [15732] bardown16__: LMAO BRUH [15732] Mishanator88: check clix stream [15732] testostronin: STAT LOCKED [15732] cheater_b3n: look at CLIX. stream [15732] Nightbot: 😂 [15732] Violeta_Famelia: kek! [15732] Hxwes_X0: open predictions [15732] palzyxd: look clix stream haha [15732] ilovebugsandtoes: So worst [15732] delv2wierd: !watchtime [15732] SignedSZN: CLIXS STREAM LOL [15732] alectheuser: you on 60hz [15732] cheesychester13: !watchtime [15733] eggjui: ❄️❄️❄️ [15733] StreamElements: delv2wierd has spent 9 hours 30 mins watching jynxzi [15733] axed_____: clix stream [15733] plaxxiii_: check clix stresm [15733] cmikks: CLIX STREAM [15733] dkellog: 60hz 60hz 60hz 60hz 60hz 60hz 60hz 60hz 60hz 60hz [15733] hunter18denali: PLAY THE CLIP AMD GET IN HIS HEAD [15733] ice_assassin_: KappaClaus KappaClaus KappaClaus KappaClaus KappaClaus [15733] jeepranglerr: LMAO [15733] taiyel34: wwww I could do this all day. [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [15744] Evasivvee: CLIX STREAM [15744] StreamElements: hugefatgoose0 has spent 23 hours 10 mins watching jynxzi [15744] hoopswitchriscases1sniper: lmao [15745] pytnnn: CLIX STREAM [15745] sherwyn2332: Clix and Ron are playing on stretch, also 60 fps [15745] ellianabreu765: clix stream [15745] cmoberg06: w clix [15745] CodeMysteryMan: addict [15745] dtbgucci: ❄️ [15745] waterypanda: Bro [15745] mannylc3: CLIX STREAMMMMMMM [15745] lockeykockey3: COME ON MY KING MY ROYAL HYNISS [15745] benlindner: loser [15745] littleneo123: bawsjdkBAWHD [15745] AnrisM: dawg talkin to himself [15745] Harry__GG__: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [15745] kaelyb1097: 😂 [15745] bardown16__: RON ISNT REAL [15746] boyerrr0: i hate him [15746] JBizzy_1: LMAOOOOOOO [15746] enviro69: SHHHH ron [15746] joshballer9: CLIX STREAM RN [15746] Xy1an1: IDIOT [15746] junkolover_69: Lmaooooooooo [15746] thiagom2222: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [15746] maquavis: BRECKIIIEEEEEE [15746] StreamElements: lspooner11 has spent 2 days 9 hours watching jynxzi [15746] r6gamer37: LMAOO [15746] nillarilla710: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [15746] Ryemoonbread: LMAOOOOOOOOOOO [15746] yoxic: clix stream 💀 [15746] yoxic: clix stream 💀 [15748] CharlieT14_: !watchtime [15748] Sassyy13: lmao [15748] Ounisimo: LOook clix stream [15748] bigmerch1: jynxzi is an alcholic [15748] xp_jammy: mute payphone boy [15748] m1lney: BAN YING AND SMOKE [15748] csuave638: CLIX STREAM [15748] theog_jtorres: jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY [15748] travels27: clix stream @Jynxzi [15748] cmoberg06: clix the goat [15748] StreamElements: CharlieT14_ has spent 1 hour 30 mins watching jynxzi [15748] lilnasmistake: PogChamp PogChamp [15748] kbbreezy9: did you beat SHAIKO [15748] guerdez: 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ [15749] dabeast025: ban Ron [15749] monke2207: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [15749] lwfroyo: !watchtime [15749] VeterNx: Ron is annoying af ong [15749] isaac_alber_muller_love: !link [15749] testostronin: STAY LOCKED [15749] JoeyDVRr: JoeyDVRr subscribed with Prime. [15749] reformednosh: !sub [15749] babyrizz14: fan when mail [15749] Nightbot: @isaac_alber_muller_love If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [15749] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [15749] joshballer9: CLIX RN [15749] KlqoGG: CLIX STREAM [15749] punkyounow86: Play payphone [15749] Furnfacetv: CLIS STREAM [15750] bluejoltz23: the gapper [15750] UppAnddAwayy: clixxxxxxxx streamm [15750] aaron716_: dumbass [15750] ntieskoe: come onnnn [15750] nevergeater: shut up payphone [15750] NeoNw: look at clix's stream [15750] mamad_sh: clix stream [15750] matthewhofe: holy fuck start already you’ve played 1 game in the past 4 hours [15750] roltho: 😂 [15750] Moneybrad1: this dude annoying asl [15751] Quainni: jynxzi does not like ron lmaooooo [15751] Darrendevil123: clix stream [15751] wiitted: Clix stream [15751] rxndell: CLIX STREAMMM [15751] misfaced: !watchtimd [15751] kemohano13: CLIX STREAM [15751] 420Blaziken_: clintHD clintS [15751] diabolicswing: 144hz [15751] augustusrock: LOOK AT CLIX STREAM. [15751] wgen9: FATASS slam these fraudulent fn players CMONNN MANN [15751] bigearnoah_18: CLIX STGREAM [15751] darxyasf: HAHAHA [15751] HFSTitan321: heheheehehe [15751] officalwem: LOLLL [15751] UnrealTrev: CLIX STREAM [15752] bazl4k: cliox stream [15752] Vital_Image: 60hz [15752] NOTBless: LET EM TALK TO HIMSELF [15752] fletcherg223: when’s caseoh [15752] guerdez: 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 HZ 60 [15752] SurfZtdM: bro shut up [15752] Its_BombSquad_: Ron is so damn annoying bro [15752] FI3K_: dumbass kid [15752] okWezy: CLIX STREAM [15752] StreamElements: Cayden2turnt has spent 1 day 10 hours watching jynxzi [15752] LawnMoah: LawnMoah subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! [15752] Furnfacetv: CLIX STREAM [15752] Fossabot: @alwaysfaded30, Your message is too long [2x] [15752] onlyaguy_: lmaoooo [15752] 6est9osition: clix stream [15753] gokness: CLIX STREAM [15753] jordan_plays456: CRINGEE [15753] 1vancornejo: clik [15753] ig_dizzz: can I still get the charm [15753] ajlove88: I ditch my bitch over you she wants yo break up now and idc bc I have been hyped up abt this shit [15753] jaksooh: LOOK CLIX STREAM [15753] cheesexz: CLIX STREAM [15755] carterisbadd: clix stream [15755] augustusrock: LOOK AT CLIX STREAM... [15755] lsmith0620: bro they sniping [15755] hope_0297: hey I’ll send a nude for a sub I’ve never been given one before 💋🤣xxxx [15755] babyrizz14: fan mail [15755] cheesychester13: !gamble [15755] shixfty: CLIX STREAM [15755] dabeast025: BAN RON [15755] ldrgirlyyyy: L DRINKER [15755] sil8s25: CLIX [15755] brybrybrynocry: when breaky stream [15755] jakeynwa: loook at Clix stream [15755] pkunzpkunz: CLIX STREAM [15755] frostf_n: LOOK CLIXS STREAM [15755] metzzz_onTwitch: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [15756] plaxxiii_: @jynxzi look at clix stream [15756] kaelyb1097: Steve won’t do it 😂 [15756] yaronagro: clix streammmmmm [15756] carneyfn: CLIOX STYREAM [15756] 1nxght: CLIX STREAM [15756] plkw_: !followage [15756] HillLsTwitch: clix stream [15756] hadmose: when is Kai vs case oh when is Kai vs case oh when is Kai vs case oh when is Kai vs case oh [15756] dalton0612: !watchtime [15756] Costa_Lotta: CLIX STREAM [15756] braydenhockey6: beer and keys [15756] StreamElements: dalton0612 has spent 1 day 11 hours watching jynxzi [15756] StreamElements: @plkw_, plkw_ has been following jynxzi for 2 years 9 months 26 days 12 hours [15756] thekrykna: L Dunt [15756] ike_is_weird: CLIXS STREAM [15757] Darrendevil123: clixx stream [15757] akizzyyy: riccin1SLAP [15757] rxndell: CLIX STRESMMM [15757] driftin987: CLICKS STREAM [15757] its_alexander__: CLIX STREAM [15757] frostbite999081: jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH [15757] 3jcs: clix stream [15757] lakeshow4711: MYYYYYYYYYYYYY GOD CAN WE PLEASE START THIS' [15757] samee696: CLIX STREAM [15757] lolNxvvy: LOOK CLIUX STREAM [15758] freedohs_: freedohs_ subscribed at Tier 1. [15759] yrraez: STEVE WONT DO IT [15759] FinnElim: BAN ACE [15759] Hanbaks: CLIX STREAM [15759] misfaced: !watchtime [15759] ybchrish: CARDIAC JOHNSON DEPLOYED [15759] 1vancornejo: clik stream [15759] sil8s25: clix stream [15759] NeoNw: clix stream [15759] Loud__Keef: LOOK CLIX STREAM [15759] rain21iooo: OH HEL NAH [15759] polokillz_: clix stream!!! [15759] Medhisimplyy: L DRINKER [15759] travels27: clix [15759] StreamElements: misfaced has spent 6 days 19 hours watching jynxzi [15759] echoismynickname1: LOOK CLIX STREAM💀💀💀💀💀💀 [15760] funnyman105: CLIX STREAMMM [15760] mattyr611: TYPE 1 IF [15760] vibesswfaithhh: vibesswfaithhh gifted a Tier 1 sub to WolffaceG74! This is their first Gift Sub in the channel! [15760] lazyfink: Omg look at clix stream [15760] kendall_lang: GO TO CLIXS STREAM [15760] cardgoldfish805: Steve won’t do it [15760] ARZard_: Clix stream [15760] thatsnotmeguys: L RON CRINGE [15760] billcollectorss: clix stream [15760] Robgsterr: CLIX STREAM [15760] ISaltyCarrotI: @jynxzi you’re on 60 HZ [15760] ir0njuju3o: Botting [15760] doveriboi: look [15760] szlatt: CLIX STREAM CLIX STREAM CLIX STREAM CLIX STREAM CLIX STREAM CLIX STREAM CLIX STREAM CLIX STREAM CLIX STREAM CLIX STREAM CLIX STREAM [15760] Suulks: LOOK AT CLIXS STREAM [15762] artpedro: WWWWWW [15762] 00aj7: LOOK CLIX [15762] funnyman105: CLIXX STREAMM [15762] tjmskiesFN: CLIX STREAM [15762] Drake69420: clix stream [15762] YaBoiPortaL: W CLIX STREAM [15762] dobiishim: HOW IS RONALDO LEVEL 52 [15762] full1x: CLIX STREAM [15762] asmizzle_: Ronald McDonald is your boss [15762] vibin_xyrix: w dent [15762] Mrplug99: look clix stream [15762] plaxxiii_: clix stream daddy [15762] mihlq: LOOK AT CLIX STREAM [15762] KlqoGG: CLIX BAN [15763] avance2222: LOOK CLIX [15763] kendall_lang: CLIX STREAM [15763] Loud__Keef: OPEN CLIX STREAM [15763] bardown16__: LMAOOO GG [15763] implatinum: !LINK [15763] c4mmy2000: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [15763] Nolan_Lovett: CHECK CLIX [15763] apcmit: go to clix stream [15763] fpsdom_: ECho [15763] 32rev: !watchtime [15763] Costa_Lotta: LOOK AT CLIX STREAM [15763] StreamElements: 32rev has spent 14 days 1 hour watching jynxzi [15763] Nightbot: 😂 [15763] lazyfink: CLIX STREAM [15763] LeBrodyjames: clix stream [15764] 3jcs: clixs stream [15764] msa_vv: LOOK AT CLIX STREAM [15764] arul_11: clix stream [15764] zinczyuav: !followage [15764] Suulks: LOOK AT CLIX STREAM [15764] StreamElements: @zinczyuav, zinczyuav has been following jynxzi for 1 year 2 months 24 days 4 hours [15766] m_mmot: DENT [15766] nassr_hm01: CLIX STREAM [15766] Hatenoid: check clix stream [15766] itsbeasty01: HE CANT USE SHOTGUNS [15766] SimonC343: RESET PREDICTIONS [15766] DrSweattt: look at clix stream [15766] trawontwitch: LOOK NOW [15766] dirtyopin: yo this kid is so annoying [15766] fornightmasterrr: jynxziSad jynxziSad [15766] Jag________: @jynxzi Clix stream [15766] lsmith0620: look at clix stream [15766] Furnfacetv: LOOK AT CLIXS STREAM [15766] yourwashedfn: yooo [15766] jahhca: w [15766] Nyziv: !watchtime [15767] orazalfire: RONALDO IS LEVEL 52 !??!!??!!! [15767] tztokfatcok: CLIX STREAMMM [15767] evaidfps: clix stream [15767] zyroxsznn: clix stream [15767] shixfty: LOOK AT CLI [15767] ontiveroselise: omfg [15767] StreamElements: Nyziv has spent 20 days 13 hours watching jynxzi [15769] mattyza_: OHHHH RON IS THE BOY WHO SANG PAYPHONE [15769] 8jacks895: CHECK CLIXS STREAM ASAP [15769] julian_arce05: LOOK AT CLIX STREAM [15769] doctoruwot: !followage [15769] Savi37: look at clix stream [15769] szlatt: CLIX STREAM [15769] voiightt: !watchtime [15769] mrwhite129: clix stream [15769] tom_6329: comic [15769] vsoka: CLIX STREAM [15769] juuzoufn_: CLIX STREAMMMMM [15769] StreamElements: @doctoruwot, doctoruwot has been following jynxzi for 6 months 30 days 2 hours [15769] StreamElements: voiightt has spent 1 day watching jynxzi [15769] Furnfacetv: LOOK AT CLIX STREAM [15769] Suulks: LOOK AT CLIX STREAM. [15770] capolotko: LOOK AT CLIX STREAM [15770] remmemmberr: clix stream [15770] saggywalnutz1: you got this junko [15770] aydanbigboy: open clix stream [15770] meohthreeeu: cringecringe [15770] maskedbootyy: CHUG BEER WHEN YOU DIE CHALLENGE? LMFAO [15770] xaslone: yes [15770] blurzi: TURN RONALDO ASS DOWN [15770] apcmit: clix stream [15770] krispaeee: head dent [15770] elitecxm: LOOK AT CLIX STREAMM [15770] kkaIebb: clix stream [15770] seanpelol: LOOK AT CLIX STREAM [15770] tempfn6: @shixfty ituv [15770] meepling: clix stream [15771] finn_shad21: do you love her like fr? [15771] tztokfatcok: CLIXXX STREAMM [15771] babyrizz14: when fan mail [15773] empanada10: GO TO CLIX STREAMM [15773] hope_0297: hey I’ll send a nude for a sub I’ve never been given one before 💋🤣zx [15773] tays_stream667: W BULGE [15773] cheebah710: cohhPop cohhPop cohhPop [15773] szlatt: CLIX STREAM CLIX STREAM CLIX STREAM CLIX STREAM CLIX STREAM CLIX STREAM CLIX STREAM CLIX STREAM CLIX STREAM CLIX STREAM [15773] Pandamarklive: CLIX STREAM NOW [15773] jackcanthang: = [15773] augustusrock: LOOK AT CLIX STREAMLOOK AT CLIX STREAMLOOK AT CLIX STREAMLOOK AT CLIX STREAM [15773] rxndell: CLIX STREAMMMMMMM [15773] capolotko: LOOK AT CLIX STREAM BRO HURRY [15773] blurzi: RONALDO LOUD ASF [15773] Agateturnip3057: look at clixs stream [15773] orazalfire: RONALDO IS LEVEL 52 !?!!??! [15773] quinnnythefos: !watchtime [15774] meohthreeeu: cringe [15774] 8jacks895: CHECK CLIXES STREAM [15774] StreamElements: quinnnythefos has spent 8 days 20 hours watching jynxzi [15774] lsmith0620: clix stream [15774] c4mmy2000: jynxziGoodAim [15774] resin223: 😭😭 [15774] clover7575: clix stream [15774] Phobos_222: clix stream [15774] ghostflyer9355: RaccAttack [15774] burntsun: clixxx stream [15774] agentburt: look at clix stream [15774] major_avid_c: KOOOK AT CLIX STREAM [15774] aydanbigboy: open his stream [15774] 216_ryan: CLIX STREAM [15774] Furnfacetv: JUNKOCLIX SYRTEAM [15775] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [15775] mindmelter12: !watchtime [15775] bigcain805er: bigcain805er subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! w [15775] braydeng19: look at clix stream [15775] xClarity: L Ron [15775] 6est9osition: clix clix streamstream [15775] pytnnn: clix stream [15775] yazanisgoated17_: CLIX STREAMMMM😂😂😂😂😂 [15775] o_creed: CLIX STREAMMMMMMMMMMMMM [15775] nicocurry3015: what is on the stream [15775] evaidfps: clix streammmm [15775] StreamElements: mindmelter12 has spent 12 hours 50 mins watching jynxzi [15776] bardown16__: YEEAH ITS GG [15776] michael1_2u: Look at clix [15776] twitch2omar: CLIX IS WEIRD [15776] DonotDisturb_b: CLIX STREAM [15776] StormyPetrel70: CLIX STREAM [15776] christiannservinn_yrg: LMFAOOOOO CLIX STREAM [15776] lem85: LOOK CLIX STREAM [15776] rxndell: CLUX STREAMMMM [15776] sp00kyy981: clip stream [15776] junkolover_69: Clix stream [15776] WillMoss342: WutFace WutFace [15776] jackcanthang: clix stream [15776] i22misa: !watchtime [15776] 8jacks895: CLIX STREAM [15776] StreamElements: penguinthi3f99 has spent 20 hours 10 mins watching jynxzi [15779] disxlvo_: clix stream [15779] eliiite__: CLIX STREAM [15779] spartanman0822: CLIX STREAM [15779] draxify1x: clix stream [15779] m1lney: CLIXX STREAM [15779] yazanisgoated17_: CLIXNSTREAMMMMMMM [15779] rxndell: CLIX STRWAMMM [15779] bcannici: clix streammmm [15779] braydonboiii: CLIX STREAMMMM [15779] ya_yeet_yessir: WWW BAN [15779] billcollectorss: look at clix stream [15780] 32rev: ,…. [15780] aaronl0: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH [15780] resin223: 😭😭 [15780] bardown16__: JYNXZI WON [15780] daesharquisha: clix stream [15780] bail_fps: clix stream [15780] orazalfire: RONALDO IS LEVEL 52 !??!!!!!!! [15780] knowxnx: cap [15780] dsfeda: L VAPER [15780] qirko: PEEP REAL QUICK [15780] S_wiiFT: yo jynxi you gotta hit champ again [15780] Nightbot: no 🧢 [15780] ntieskoe: wwww [15780] steiner_31: Clix stream [15781] pablito2450: CLIX STREAM [15781] m1lney: CLIX STREAM [15781] evanamoungus: stop doing drugs [15781] eanbabyy: clix stream brooooo [15781] Loud__Keef: LOOK CLIX STREAM NOW [15781] ontiveroselise: clix streammm [15781] srlcsv: clix stream [15781] drybonesnick: clix stream [15782] NotExactlyG0ld: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [15782] SuperGranzeboma: weed cigar weed cigar [15782] localbinman24: CIX STREAM [15782] Suulks: LOOK AT CLIX STREAM... [15782] laqueefus: CLIX STREAM [15782] KlqoGG: clix stream [15782] hope_0297: hey I’ll send a nude for a sub I’ve never been given one before 💋🤣u [15782] ajaxdishcleanerTTV: LOOK AT CLIX STREAM [15782] funnyman105: CLIX STREAMM [15782] Angel70011: clix stream [15782] eliiite__: CLIX STREAMMM [15782] braydonboiii: CLIXXX STREAMMM [15782] chronix_031: !watchtime [15782] juuzoufn_: OPEN CLIX STREAM [15782] C_mckay02: CLIX STREAM [15783] idonxrontt: clix stream [15783] colej_18: clix stream [15783] StreamElements: chronix_031 has spent 1 day 20 hours watching jynxzi [15783] fe4r_blue06: !watchtime [15783] yoxic: look [15783] Coldglow8: hi [15783] Savi37: LOOK AT CLIX STREAM @Jynxzi [15783] asap_ALEEX: CLIX [15783] DonotDisturb_b: CLIX STREAMM [15783] nevergeater: yea his henchman cant answer [15783] ilovebugsandtoes: disposal skskeixkxmduduzjskdo [15783] 4xstuntz: noooooooooooooooo [15783] ishaan77: clix stream [15783] pccc_lucccid: !Link [15783] Nightbot: @pccc_lucccid If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [15784] brassRR: ok [15784] ragingtargaryen: bro clix is being a degenerate [15784] major_avid_c: LOOOK AT CLIXXX STREAM [15784] Nightbot: ok [15785] noahjahzo: CLIX STREAM HOLY SHIT 😭😭 [15785] kbee1511: LOOK AT CLIX STREAM [15785] 24sparky24: clix stream [15785] gunnerhea69: clix stre am [15785] wakefv1: CLIX STREMA [15785] clairebear59: TURN RON DOWN PLEASE [15785] aquawya: STEVEWONTDOIT [15785] TankerNS: LOOK AT CLIXS STREAM [15785] RemainingTie1: CLIX STREAM [15785] GooseMcJohnson: BROOOOO [15786] SllNFUL: clixx stream [15786] eliiite__: CLIX STREAMMMMMMMMM [15786] davvixveng: jynxe can you start twerking pretty pleaseeee [15786] ya_yeet_yessir: WWW [15786] iluvstompn: Clix stream [15786] csuave638: CLIX STREAM [15786] asap_ALEEX: CLIX STREAM [15786] funnyman105: CLIX STREAM [15786] cruzey10: clix stream [15786] peppapig_p: hahahhahaaha [15786] fezlrr: Ninja has cancee [15786] braydonboiii: CLIX STREAM [15786] Nolan_Lovett: check clix stream [15786] 0anatra0: chekc clix stream [15787] rehxhimself: OMG [15787] hadmose: when is Kai vs case oh when is Kai vs case oh when is Kai vs case oh when is Kai vs case oh [15787] bims189: my cheeks are spreading [15787] thekrykna: Clixs [15787] skellie07: clix stream [15787] brybrybrynocry: when breaky stream [15787] jynxzi_best24308: 🤫🧏♂️ [15787] gamingwithzach22: Is fanmail Friday? [15787] yoxic: oh my god [15788] yoxic: this is bad [15789] darsh__harry: clix stream [15789] loganmercer88: THATS WHILD [15789] jaidenjohnston21: WHATS ON CLIXXX [15789] localbinman24: CLIX STREAMMM [15789] jjjkop: clix stream [15789] footlettucephil: lol [15789] JuanLozn: check his stream [15789] veryloosegoose: CLIX STREAM [15789] yazanisgoated17_: CLIX STREAMMMM........ [15789] Rigbonedd: LMAO [15789] drizycuh: clix stream [15789] kevaintcOMP: STREAM [15789] 1vancornejo: clik stream [15789] izabella74174222: jynxziSubHype [15789] hunxhodactivist: LOOKK [15790] stanky_b3am: stanky_b3am subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [15790] r0llerdray: OH MYH GIOD [15790] lilpopotred: YYYOOOOOOOOOO [15790] yungKIBE: LMAO [15790] daesharquisha: look clix stream [15790] sandy_sir: LLMFAAOOO💀💀💀 [15790] xzsensor: HAHAHAHA [15790] advancedstarj: CLIX STREAM [15790] bibleiscorrect: look stream [15790] itsmarkler: clix stream [15790] superiorpick87: CLIX STREAM [15790] masonshuford_: nah he is weird for that [15790] HiVise: Jesus [15790] vsoka: LOOK AT CLIX STREAM [15790] connort_hi: clix stram [15791] mg270g: LOOK [15791] yoxic: this is bad [15791] aftercloud3: YOOOOOOOOOOOO [15791] dangerbuff06: ? [15791] StreamElements: @vxikri, vxikri has been following jynxzi for 5 months 13 days 1 hour [15791] empanada10: GO TO CLIX [15791] ri3ntje: W [15791] Nightbot: ? [15791] ROCKN__: YOOOOOOO [15791] ROCKN__: YOOOOOOO [15791] ROCKN__: YOOOOOOO [15791] ROCKN__: YOOOOOOO [15791] ROCKN__: YOOOOOOO [15792] ROCKN__: YOOOOOOO [15792] ROCKN__: YOOOOOOO [15792] ROCKN__: YOOOOOOO [15793] yoxic: this is bad [15793] mfau: YOOOOOOOOO [15793] bigearnoah_18: OH MY GOD [15793] thegreatcashini: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [15793] puffpuffjuicer: ????? [15793] funnyman105: CLIX STREAMM [15793] vSnxpers: Clix stream [15793] AggroSwavy: clix stream [15793] coldclipp: what he smoking [15793] mudamajor: oh my godd [15793] j22whatever3: hahahahahahah [15793] trawontwitch: clix stream [15793] poopooballs123: they still haven’t started oml [15793] papazarbs: CLIX STREAM [15793] coolkidghost2: AHHHHH [15794] LDenmark: YOOOOOOOOOOOO [15794] bgisrippin: L ban they said no shotguns lol why ban smoke [15794] WtfVercetti: CLIX STREAM [15794] yungKIBE: LMAO [15794] lil_cracka01: look at his stream [15794] durkx_: LOOK AT CLIX STREAM [15794] yoxic: YOOOOOOO [15794] jakegoldstee: look at clix stream [15794] leland123567: !charm [15794] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [15794] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀 [15794] joshballer9: LMAO [15794] lukeerree: YOOOOOOOOO [15794] ikshmael: lol [15794] yoxic: YOOOOOO [15795] echoismynickname1: LOOK AT CLIX STREAM💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 [15795] THACARTER712: This Ronaldo dude sucks.... [15795] sonofalawnmower_: BAN ACE [15795] Nightbot: 😂 [15795] ri3ntje: w [15795] wokebandz: clix stream [15795] gordyh_8: yoooooooo [15795] brandonbrassar1: lmaooooo [15795] secretsoul101: CLIX STREAM [15796] OhLxkee: OhLxkee subscribed with Prime. [15796] Chase123: O NAH [15796] InfuzedJr_: omg [15796] moodzter: OMG [15796] Aightly: yoooooooooo [15796] funnyman105: CLIX STREAMMM [15796] awesomeflipper: THATS FOUL [15796] YaBoiPortaL: LMAOOOOOO [15796] lil_cracka01: LOOK [15796] connort_hi: go to clix [15796] SplashinJs: omg CLIX STREAM NOW [15796] jakegoldstee: OMG [15796] soap7891011: clix stream [15796] papazarbs: CLIZ STREAM [15796] skreezixe: yoooo [15797] freemar313: yooooooooo [15797] baseballpro: open [15797] hunxhodactivist: CLIXX STREAM [15797] Nabusmain: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [15797] ishaan77: outrageou [15797] ultraspot_: !watchtine [15797] infulrxto: yooooooooooooo [15797] imklikzyhd: RAMADAN [15798] ROCKN__: thats wild [15799] woah_leslie: LMAOOOOOO [15799] skreezixe: YOOOO [15799] soundcloutken: LOOOOL [15799] RiIey5k: WHAT [15799] realmatze26005: WTF [15799] Hazaka_: HAHAHAHAHAHAGGAA [15799] pat9927: react harder [15799] zangyang420: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 [15799] AlexInParis_: LMAOOOO [15799] PizzerNo: LMAOOOOOOOOO [15799] mrnadez: yooooooooooooooooooo [15799] Junkoclonefr: CLIX STREAM [15799] pabloatecheese: lmaoooo [15799] obeyozzy: OMG [15799] puronicaa: CHECK HIS STREAM [15800] yungKIBE: LMAO [15800] krylauxfn: WWWWWWWWWWW [15800] lolzplayzv: LMFAOOO [15800] kuddyplayz: yoooooo clix stream [15800] qthitz: LMAOOOOOOOO [15800] capolotko: Wtf [15800] l1am3dwardz: breackieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee [15800] kkaIebb: LMFAOOOOOOO [15800] itsrageyy: NOOOOOOOOOO [15800] Gucci_kid54: nah that’s crazy 💀 [15800] Diddyyyy: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [15800] ROCKN__: thats wild [15800] ROCKN__: thats wild [15800] ROCKN__: thats wild [15800] ROCKN__: thats wild [15801] yoxic: yooooooooo [15802] clairebear59: HES SO LOUD [15802] swtching: YOOOOOOOOO [15802] xJudMuffin: omg [15802] jakegoldstee: OMMGG [15802] raul905: OMFG [15802] Pazdox: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [15802] kade_1224: BROOOO [15802] wilkins870: wilkins870 subscribed with Prime. [15802] srkruser: CLIX STREAM [15802] fpsdom_: NAH [15802] pabloatecheese: wild [15802] g_money0013: 😂😂😂 [15802] jumbodwarf: LMAO [15802] PizzerNo: CRAZYYY [15802] vsoka: LMFAOOO [15803] Verq1x: HOLY FUVCK [15803] McLovin0034: OMGGGGG [15803] RuggedBubbles: WW [15803] KenpachiJ23: WHAT [15803] willszyy: RON IS TO LOUDE [15803] d44rkfire: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 [15803] lymigui: LMAOOOOOOOOO [15803] wockysloppy: LMAOOO [15803] yoxic: YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [15803] Diddyyyy: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [15803] sparklingjuices: Òooooooooooooooo [15803] kimblee95: YOOOOOOOOOOOO [15803] ROCKN__: thats wild [15803] xJudMuffin: omg [15803] ROCKN__: thats wild [15804] yoxic: YOOOOOOOO [15804] xJudMuffin: omg [15805] tecwlk: COOOOKED [15805] vrqzd: BROOOOO [15805] wannabewalrus: yoooo [15805] IIwuxiII: CRAZY [15805] Anth0nyG7: these guys are trolls [15805] fpsdom_: DAMNNNN [15805] Rastamonkeybread10: yoooooooo [15805] itzSoulace: W CLIX [15805] lurkinglettuce: HOLY [15805] xJudMuffin: omg [15805] Suulks: THATS SO WILD [15805] jelnooo: oh man [15805] Nightbot: i was crazy once [15805] monntys: nahhhhh [15805] Junkoclonefr: CLIX STREAMMMMMMMMMMMMM [15806] tobybin: LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO [15806] livingmite: ohhhh nahhh [15806] RuggedBubbles: WWWWWWWWWWW [15806] harryw3r: omg [15806] jaegerlamb: OMG [15806] yungKIBE: LMAO [15806] echo5822: echo5822 subscribed at Tier 1. [15806] enrikfn: NAHHHHHHHHHH [15806] papimoore: GO TO CLIX STREAM [15806] Gucci_kid54: nah that’s crazy 💀 [15806] ROCKN__: thats wild [15806] ROCKN__: thats wild [15806] Arrowz02: NAHHHH [15806] ROCKN__: thats wild [15806] ROCKN__: thats wild [15807] ROCKN__: thats wild [15808] bxrettafn: !watchtime [15808] IamTheFlash: LOOOOOOOOOK [15808] displaynqme: CRAZY [15808] Suulks: LOOK BRO PLS [15808] JakesBadd: PLEWASE LOOK [15808] AaroonDMC: YOOOOOO [15808] Nightbot: @cleaz_lk -> You're welcome. [stop posting links] [warning] [15808] WerEiNbRecKiE: damnn [15808] StreamElements: bxrettafn has spent 3 hours watching jynxzi [15808] roseswung: ong [15808] vreyes240405: YOOOOOOOOO [15808] MrDinoNuggs: CLIX STREAM LOOK [15808] pabloatecheese: yooo [15808] soundcloutken: HAHAHAHAHAHA [15808] reedbooksplz: LMFAO [15809] itsrageyy: NAHHHHHHHHH [15809] Zerptt: THATS WILD [15809] GiddyB: thats crazy [15809] itzglazer: lol [15809] 30yeet: check clix stream [15809] monntys: thatsss fucked [15809] krink820: shut up [15809] sinTr1ck: YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [15809] crawfishthegoat: yo wtf [15809] nicojej: YOOOOOOO [15809] tarsaI: YOOOO [15809] tarsaI: YOOOO [15809] tarsaI: YOOOO [15809] tarsaI: YOOOO [15810] tarsaI: YOOOO [15810] smackked: When is face reveal Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [15810] tarsaI: YOOOO [15810] ROCKN__: oh nahh [15811] ROCKN__: oh nahh [15811] itsDeFib: ron is annoying lmfao [15811] khalilluu: lollllllllllllllllllllllll [15811] funnyman105: CLIX STREAM [15811] shmoney_maker: nahhhhhhh [15811] acelesskunai: LOL [15811] philmadad: yoooooooo [15811] slezzz: LMAO [15811] CallMeAydin_: wtf [15811] blvkursed: YOO [15811] juuzoufn_: CLIX STREAM [15811] ChocolateLoverVz: yeah….. I can’t bro [15811] cornificusy: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA [15811] big6arrot: !watchtime [15811] mrmerojuana: lolololol [15812] StreamElements: big6arrot has spent 6 days 22 hours watching jynxzi [15812] Acetrain_Gamez: NOOOOO [15812] vreyes240405: YOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [15812] kylerizzenhouse69: LOL [15812] Suulks: LOOK PLS [15812] OzuraKIN: LMAOOOOO [15812] pultes: Uo [15812] sandy_sir: LLMFAAOOOO💀💀 [15812] pabloatecheese: wilding [15812] ncards: HAHAA [15812] Gucci_kid54: nah that’s crazy 💀 [15812] NeverJared: DAMNNNNNNN [15812] ROCKN__: oh nahh [15812] weloveyou_jj: yooooo [15812] ROCKN__: oh nahh [15813] xJudMuffin: thats crazy [15814] lucash3108: hahahHahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaha [15814] r6gamer37: GG [15814] ClutchReady: HELL NAH [15814] recoil_128: CLIX STREAM [15814] SPPlCYY: yes he cares [15814] shmoney_maker: nahhhhhhhhh [15814] kinoth_: bro thats crazy [15814] aimenty: LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [15814] CVaughn22: AYOOOOOO [15814] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [15814] ayeitsamritlol: YOOOOOOOOOO [15814] x1mingo: NO WAYYYYYY [15814] yyungkodaa: wow [15814] piynts: wow [15814] kkony2012: cross the line [15815] fabernino: WHAT [15815] drihxy: YOOOOOOO [15815] basic_rbob: 😭😭😭😭 [15815] juicebox6427: XD [15815] AaroonDMC: YOOOOOOO [15815] ch9dgamer: your bitch [15815] yungKIBE: USE CODE CLIX [15815] clairebear59: THRN RON DOWN HES SO ANNOYING [15815] bradschutty: LMAOOOOOOOBRE CKIEEEE [15815] itzSoulace: WWWWWW [15815] soundcloutken: LOOOOL!! [15815] Vixsy_FN: YOOOOOO [15815] sabrinh00: THATSWILDDDD [15815] tarsaI: 💀 [15815] tarsaI: 💀 [15816] ROCKN__: oh nahh [15817] Arrowz02: THATS MESSED UP [15817] Arrowz02: THATS MESSED UP [15817] zyroxsznn: ooooh nah [15817] ZB_Connor_: THATS CRAZY [15817] lilrue361: to to his stream [15817] juuzoufn_: OPEN CLIX STREAM [15817] patken07: LMFAOOOII [15817] mystic_sky54: oh nah [15817] SplashinJs: HIS STREAM IS WILD [15817] evo_xixty_: yoooo [15817] Arrowz02: THATS MESSED UP [15817] zumafr: HOLY SHIT [15817] jelnooo: o nah [15817] i_eat_mormns: YOOOOOO [15817] AaroonDMC: THATSS CRAZYYYYYY [15818] viharr4o: Look his stream [15818] skeezersss: yooooooo [15818] donaldtrumpisthicccc: who tf are these holigans [15818] superduperdavis: ?????? [15818] Rushuur: SO ODD [15818] s0larkillian13: insane [15818] MrDinoNuggs: LOOK CLIX STREAM [15818] 4xstuntz: CLIX STRAEM [15818] everettderkacht: WILD [15818] acbplay2: what happened [15818] amercaind: what happend [15818] Gucci_kid54: nah that’s crazy 💀 [15818] itsjcnextdoorr: WOWWWWW [15818] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀 [15819] xJudMuffin: thats crossing the line [15819] scarfacce69: scarfacce69 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! Lmao [15820] aceo8907: lmaoooooooooooo [15820] okseany: what happened [15820] patken07: OH HELL NAH [15820] WeaselExo: WHAT HAPPENED [15820] wsiloo: no wayyyy [15820] sandy_sir: 💀 [15820] blaizewright012: These kids annoying asf [15820] fantastick___: !link [15820] SurfZtdM: no wayyyy [15820] nyroishim: THATS CRAZYYYYYYYY [15820] mcgovv: YOOO [15820] souplover721: NAHHHH [15820] Nightbot: @fantastick___ If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [15820] skeezersss: yoooooooo [15820] ItsYoinkaz: LMFAOOOOO [15821] AyooTayy_: THATS WILDDD [15821] apesrcool: yoooo [15821] dieheartsaint: HOLY SHIT [15821] swaszh: FADE [15821] lurkinglettuce: DAMNN [15821] FaultySkills: what happend [15821] Evasivvee: Hes txting her rn [15821] abudnick03: HELL NAW [15821] kttisfat69: nahhh [15821] themradtv: yoooooooo [15821] benjiionps: 💀 [15823] brybrybrynocry: when breaky stream [15823] urdelli: WHAT HAPPENED [15823] sushi_twitch1: oh nooooooo [15823] yyungkodaa: LOCK IN [15823] mcgovv: HAHAHA [15823] eianz_: NAHHH [15823] itsjcnextdoorr: WWOOWWWWW [15823] skeezersss: holy shit [15823] SurfZtdM: NO WAYYYY [15823] xslenderyoshix: THAT CRAZY [15823] IodizedTV: @Jynxzi NOW YOU KNOW HOW YOU SOUND CLOWN [15823] x1mingo: THATS A STRAIGHT VIOLATION [15823] Kwiber: brrooooo [15823] jarrett4x0: yo bix ain’t yooo bixxxx [15823] goofy_drob: bro😂😂😂 [15824] shivermetimbers15: what happened [15824] soundcloutken: aLololol [15824] chopggs: HAHAHAHA W PRESS [15824] 559sebas: holy fuck [15824] damedollabop: NAAAAAAAH [15824] mutsis: 😭😭😭😭 [15824] philCollins6969: NAHHHHHHH [15824] dr_m23: Omg [15824] Gucci_kid54: nah that’s crazy 💀 [15824] olezaltvik: noway [15824] Cstriker10: HES MAD [15825] eianz_: NAHHNAHHH [15826] michael1_2u: Clix stream [15826] ahightower: bro signed some titties [15826] Elusive4K_: TOOK UR BITCH [15826] wamz_9: Nah 💀💀 [15826] lotus_52: fuck clix and ronaldo [15826] shaquilleoatmeal652: HOLY [15826] kindaopmusic: LOLOLOL [15826] jxmxt: that’s crazy [15826] xJiggySmallsx: Ronaldo the most annoying MF to ever live [15826] Bizo_3: 💀💀💀 [15826] itsjcnextdoorr: WOWWWW [15826] MrBarryAllen2: LOOK [15826] twitch2omar: THATS SO WILD [15826] daniel_xo999: LMFAOOOO [15826] southieboy2024: 💀 [15827] philCollins6969: YO [15827] coolpersonlover: THATS YO GIRL [15827] cr4zyvib3z: Steve won’t do it💀 [15827] lapua473: smoking cigars is not a good replacement for cigs and drinking beer is not a good replacement for water…!!!!!🥷🏿🦸🏿♂️🤦🏻🤦🏻🤦🏻🤦🏼 [15827] SensoryCargo28: loook [15827] grim_reaper900: YOOO [15827] IYIythic: NOO WAY [15827] rtisticlove: bruh cmon! [15827] aceo8907: thats crazy [15827] napkinz3: W [15827] 1Loula: LMAOOOO [15827] cxrtz05: jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY [15827] jjaden2323: LMFAOOOO [15827] olezaltvik: fuckem up [15827] DiorVolkz: 💀💀💀 [15828] eianz_: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH [15828] maezeegirl: maezeegirl subscribed with Prime. [15829] eianz_: AHAHA [15829] AaroonDMC: THATS CRAZYYYYY [15829] official_rafty: nahhhh [15829] r6bennii: nahhhhh [15829] raid3rk: clowned your dumbass LMAO [15829] IYIythic: LOOK [15829] cartiercrushes: YOOOOO [15829] ImCaptRogers: omg no [15829] nausea3500: AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH [15829] natexumeasy: its brecckie [15829] ROCKN__: !pobox [15829] hereca_: Lmaoooooo [15829] eianz_: BAHAH [15829] xNoRecoil: HOLY SHIT [15829] blakeehernandez: woowwwwwwww [15830] advancedstarj: BEA THEM [15830] rickyjeans: turn that damn kid down [15830] cmcam12: what was on his stream [15830] lymigui: NAAAAAAAAAAAAAH [15830] greenbeanwashinmachine: chat what is it? [15830] guiltfn_: Look [15830] enrikfn: RON GOT CHEATED ON [15830] ayeitsamritlol: JYNXZI THATS WILD [15830] lil_cracka01: thats crazy [15830] naim_on_top08: LOCKIN LOL [15830] bigearnoah_18: thats crazy [15830] NuklyOden: HESSS MADDD [15830] StreamElements: fe4r_blue06 has spent 1 day 1 hour watching jynxzi [15830] eianz_: HAHAHA [15831] eianz_: HAHAH [15832] xJudMuffin: nah that was wild [15832] basic_rbob: nahhhhhhhh [15832] PesoTirador: what happened ? [15832] mrt_gaming52ttv: yo thats crazy [15832] asherart777: yall so annoying [15832] rohozjam: jynxziWTF jynxziFALL [15832] lavickers_: what happened [15832] greesyappl3: WWWW [15832] advancedstarj: THATS CRAZY [15832] kiiiinem: LMAOOO [15832] ashtennmichael: ashtennmichael subscribed with Prime. [15832] javier23231243: he wrote in brecki s tits [15832] Xzotiixs: LMAOOOO AINT NO FUCKING WAY DAWG [15832] fpsdom_: CRAZYYYy [15832] kolorsz: W CLIX [15833] Jxrrfv: ron is acutally annoying asf with that shitty ahh mic [15833] Vixsy_FN: NAH YOUR COOKED [15833] pat9927: react harder [15833] TypicalGersham: NAHH THATS CRAZYY [15833] ViperTJM: that was wild [15833] livingmite: nahh [15833] josephp1205: NAH THATS FOULLLLL😭 [15833] YummySteak: fight on site [15833] purejayhay: cringe ass Fortnite kid [15833] SandrGamingMC: oml [15833] natexumeasy: brecckie' [15834] eianz_: THATS TUFF [15835] callenshoturass: ron cringe [15835] call_me_locked: thats messed up [15835] JahFlxck: WTF DID HE DO [15835] pigbenus2: HAHA [15835] ultraspot_: !watchtime [15835] xcoltxn: NAHHH [15835] recoil_128: LMAO [15835] youoypuoyo: HAHAHAHA [15835] FI3K_: that’s fucked [15835] jxmxt: mad about Darla [15835] StreamElements: ultraspot_ has spent 2 days 14 hours watching jynxzi [15835] IodizedTV: @Jynxzi NOW YOU KNOW HOW YOU SOUND [15835] cruzponce7200: YOUR GF [15835] Hashira_707: WHAT HAPPENED [15835] SnowyJoey27: what happened [15836] braxton_rtr: actually wild [15836] mudamajor: HAHAHHAHA [15836] kxmil05: THATS CRAZY [15836] RennyGobe: CHILDISH [15836] imainxboxx: LLLLMMMMAOOO [15836] yungKIBE: USE CODE CLIX [15836] CVaughn22: 💀💀💀💀 [15836] ClutchReady: OMG [15836] crox_colly: THATS CRAZZZYYY [15836] SadurnGG: PERSONALLY I WOULDNT LET THAT SLIDE [15836] joejoe122717: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [15836] wplickmykn33: drawing on a girls tits [15836] fraggxrzz: WILDDD [15838] joetips123: i’m here to watch the game [15838] PURE1SAUCE: code clix [15838] SnowyJoey27: what haooened [15838] idko161728: they leaked u bro [15838] ichbinsdermaxi: smoke em [15838] lexayeeee_: lmfaoooooo [15838] alex18524: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣💀💀 [15838] atomicmelonn: THATS WILD [15838] waltaw24: HE WROTE USE CODE CLIX ON BRECKIES TITS [15838] willowen777: he cooked yo shit [15838] hunter18denali: no way bro brought that up [15838] evanhaskin: oh damn bro [15838] natexumeasy: its brecckie [15838] Bastixb04: brekkie [15838] FiZiCs_TV: jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE [15839] Fossabot: @dennshoo, Your message is too long [15839] nyroishim: DAMN [15839] Messy_Jesse_: LMAOOO [15839] ratedtogood: !Sub [15839] chopppsss: nah thats crazy [15839] pccc_lucccid: !link [15839] xbendit0: who the fucj is that girl [15839] shmoney_maker: NO SHOTTTTT [15839] KeLatray: with his name on her tittes lmaoooo W CLIX [15839] HyperDriiv3: STAY SALTY CUMKO [15839] BigBaller3545: HES MAD😭😭😭 [15839] DqnFN: ban mute [15839] z_purpleswag1: LMFAOOOO [15839] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [15839] WClarkeyzz: WClarkeyzz subscribed with Prime. [15841] zyrolc: SO CLIX IS IN BREKIE [15841] aimenty: UR GIRL WROTE USE CODE CLIX ON HER TITS [15841] Roastedninga: lock in [15841] kingofestates: gg [15841] ayebeeceedeefgee: jynxzi hit tho [15841] jadornet3: what happened [15841] dialedguido: never play with these guys again [15841] silentbutgirthy: LMAO [15841] bardown16__: CLIX STREAM IS CRAZYYYCLIX STREAM IS CRAZYYY [15841] fjdodaj34: what he do [15841] oGqnnr: WHAT HAPPNED [15841] NOTBless: LAMEEE [15841] pigbenus2: WILDFDDD [15841] Nightbot: i was crazy once [15841] TiChrome: THATS CRAZYYY [15844] deedledine: THATS CRAZY [15844] napkinz3: Ww [15844] softpeopleneedtogetout727: play the game [15844] seirusre: NGL W FOR NOT GIVING A SHIT [15844] kingofestates: wraps [15844] zinczyuav: !watchtime [15844] finnxmoneyham: nahhhhhhhhh [15844] 313tragic: lacySad [15844] daftdanielson: these guys are so lame [15844] daxgunns: THATS WILED [15844] CarterOnHere: what did he do? [15844] Shnaggy_Divot: code clix on breckies tits [15844] evanhaskin: brecki [15844] yungKIBE: USE CODE CLIX [15844] StreamElements: zinczyuav has spent 4 days 23 hours watching jynxzi [15845] Result802: ying [15845] elitecxm: W CLIX [15845] brandonbrassar1: he stole yo girl [15845] orazalfire: RONALDO IS LEVEL 52 !!!!!???? [15845] billcollectorss: go to his stream [15845] evplayer13: HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH [15845] cohmalito: !watchtime [15845] cartiercrushes: he been knee she a clout chaser aint nothing new [15845] Nightbot: @kazukispeach [15845] kuddyplayz: for the streets [15845] lil_cracka01: ace [15845] CMOMoney187: FUCK THIS KID SCAMM HIM BRO [15845] tkettel_: MUTE [15845] donki_kong_: donki_kong_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! [15845] yungKIBE: USE CODE CLIX [15846] CallMeTuzi: THATS CRAZYYYYYYYYYY [15846] jaisecolston: clapp back [15846] tuckmanrah1: OMG YOURE DONEZO [15846] willowen777: Pffttt [15848] 20_robert: you better win [15848] FI3K_: too far fr [15848] jmills1975: these clowns annoying [15848] YourMothersKeepr: WHAT HAPPENED [15848] napkinz3: WWWWWWWS [15848] zoddtheimmortal0: whos that girl chat? [15848] michael1_2u: No way [15848] tkettel_: NOOOO [15848] Bastixb04: brekkie was on clix stream [15848] ShaunSingyy: too far [15848] moneysignslexy: REACT TO THE PHOTO [15848] lucifergolive: jynxziHappy [15848] aydanbigboy: LOOK [15848] CallMeTuzi: WTFFFFF [15848] Therealgs_: NAHHH [15849] junkos_daddy42069: clix is crazy for that [15849] nitteh: HE WAS SIGNING BRECKIES CHEST [15849] addyaim: gahhhhhhhh [15849] C_mckay02: CLIX L [15849] NobodyTouchesLegoat2: ENEMY COMBATANT!! [15849] hunterr4l: NEVER LETTING SOMEONE TALK TO ME LIKE THAT TBH @jynxzi [15849] nxtgengrower: no shotguns are already agreed hahahahahah [15849] awesompro6666: U GOT VIOLATED [15849] tomasvl2004yt: Rons mic [15849] trApsteak: your gf is crazy [15849] donjuanthejulio: WHAT HAPPENED [15849] finnxmoneyham: that’s wild [15849] tkettel_: MUTE [15849] Xzotiixs: THATS WILD [15849] charliefv_: YOU BASICALLY KISSED CLIXES DICK BC YOU KISSED BREKIE AND SHE GAVE HIM HEAD [15850] jjaden2323: LMAOOO VIOLATION [15850] fpsdom_: thats wild [15850] elite_yuru: it’s him writing on her tits [15850] ace_z00m: it was a picture of him writing code clix on breckies breasts [15850] LazerBoomer: he was touching brecki hild boobs [15850] crox_colly: VIOLATION [15850] NobodyTouchesLegoat2: ENEMY COMBATANT!! [15851] deluIu_: watchtime! [15851] connor9759: YOU CANT LOSE NOW BRO [15851] bluefaceburnitt: cringe asf [15851] eicherbiker23: it was him writing on breckies honkers [15851] TheCloutWolf: STRAIGHT VIOLATION [15851] ronni_graham: this kid won’t stfu [15851] sladedank: kapkan [15851] Allegorie87: FENRIRRR [15851] jorgemoreno1400: neon was on that too unfortunately NotLikeThis [15851] MilfTokenScam: clip???? [15851] thekrykna: Gyatttt [15851] bigmoneyshmo: what he do??? [15851] brybih: that’s crazy [15851] xd_jakk: lowkey weird [15851] AnrisM: thats messed up tbh i think u needa teCh him a lesson [15852] Jayden_Scoop: THAT IS CRAZY WORK [15852] bomccul: lock in for brekie [15852] 0nlyrome: INHALE THE DAME WEED [15852] kuela_: ACE [15852] clipz45794: **** on them [15852] evplayer13: AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA [15852] thatguy8261: he’s mad [15852] ciocarelli: ciocarelli subscribed with Prime. [15854] specaix: your girls tits is crazy [15854] swaggigadrilla: they probably gonna say goyo hes amazing for solo defense site [15854] voids_cool: VIOLATION [15854] thatguy8261: 💀💀💀 [15854] rubenmynuts: !watchtime [15854] xdProgoGG: you need to look [15854] g_five_nine: brekie [15854] twosoupsforu: USE CODE CLIX [15854] crzxsed: ralliedDJ ralliedDance ralliedDJ ralliedDance ralliedDance ralliedDJ ralliedDance ralliedDJ [15854] juzoyi: Lmaooo [15854] aydanbigboy: LOOK AT THE STREAM [15854] killswitch_1400: killswitch_1400 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! [15854] kbowley59: L Jynxzi [15854] StreamElements: rubenmynuts has spent 11 days 16 hours watching jynxzi [15854] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [15855] captainmangos: tried to warn you [15855] Kaboos138: BAN RAM! [15855] clover7575: USE CIDE CLIX [15855] Miratomio: FOR THE STREETS FOR THE STREETS FOR TE+HE STREETS [15855] franm776: OH NAH [15855] CrypticClutch: CLIX HIT [15855] Nman187tv: oh wow o crazy [15855] flappyjunk: lmfao what he do [15855] addyaim: YOUR GIRL [15855] typicalkaden1: yo [15857] mandooo001_: mad disrespect [15857] moneysignslexy: UR SO MADD [15857] yluxas_: THATS CRAZYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY [15857] yousef_91917: crazy comeback [15857] nathanle23: ewwww [15857] crzxsed: ralliedDJ ralliedDance ralliedDJ ralliedDance ralliedDJ ralliedDance ralliedDance ralliedDJ ralliedDance ralliedDance ralliedDJ ralliedDance ralliedDance ralliedDJ [15857] loganmercer88: look at it [15857] napkinz3: WW [15857] 213for: When is fan mail 💌📬When is fan mail 💌📬When is fan mail 💌📬When is fan mail 💌📬When is fan mail 💌📬When is fan mail 💌📬When is fan mail 💌📬When is fan mail 💌📬When is fan mail 💌📬When is fan mail 💌📬 [15857] uhhmason_: nah bro you gotta fight him now [15857] voids_cool: ONG VIOLATED [15859] kuddyplayz: for the streeeeets [15860] handyandyhehehe: junco pls 1v1 me I’m champion 9 [15860] jackrondeau: Charm? [15860] franm776: NAHHHHH [15860] ntieskoe: wwww [15860] karma1602: who was the girl [15860] yungKIBE: USE CODE CLIX [15860] evanhaskin: Clix took your girl [15860] itaxum: what happen [15860] splxshonb: LMAOOOOOOO [15860] cheebah710: warden mhm cohhNODDERS cohhNODDERS cohhNODDERS [15860] a31el: bro saw it hes coping by acting like he didnt se itt [15860] hadmose: when is Kai vs case oh when is Kai vs case oh when is Kai vs case oh when is Kai vs case oh [15860] drphilsfade48: INHALE IT LOSER [15860] kghut24: VAPING? [15860] bumzzz22: personally [15864] awill13: hes gotta be pissed [15864] captainpickles699: WHAT WAS THE PIC [15864] 4d17: NAH LEAVE BRECKIEEE SHE FOR THE HOUSE STREETSSS [15864] hopscotch6969: preficitoons [15864] clover7575: CODE CLIX ON UR GIRLS TITS [15864] Britbratt5150: DUDE CORNY ASF NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [15864] joeyguacamolee: Landshark LMAO [15864] sunadratsuc: shotguns are banned [15864] devslatt: these kids are braindead [15864] braden_r86: W Eskimo bros [15864] abelossk: yikes [15864] thekrykna: SWeat [15864] kmundo6: !watchtime [15864] pat9927: react harder [15864] CrypticClutch: CLIX SMASHED [15865] YoungSkywalker999: FOR THE STREETS LUL [15865] DOOMlNATlON: Clix jus leaked him rawdoggin breck [15865] el_qc1234: lmfao [15865] StreamElements: kmundo6 has spent 4 days 6 hours watching jynxzi [15865] gamingwithzach22: Was fanmail yesterday [15865] zumafr: Warden [15865] stopitjax: omg start gggggg [15865] Yeastts: WHAT HAPPENED [15865] jblightd3lux0: jblightd3lux0 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 5 month streak! ive been subbed for 5 months [15866] LobitoLeon1: LobitoLeon1 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! [15866] srkruser: CLIX with you GIRL [15866] donnied2133: what happened? [15866] pccc_lucccid: !Link [15866] vTaiNo: PUSSY [15866] atomicmelonn: LOOK AT STREAM [15866] Nightbot: @pccc_lucccid If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [15866] moneysignslexy: UR SO FUCKING MAD [15866] bigmoneyshmo: what did he do????? [15866] fpsdom_: VIOLATION ,VIOLATION ,VIOLATION ,VIOLATION ,VIOLATION ,VIOLATION [15866] taskeyyy: wtf happened [15867] jb14: That boi puffin cuz [15867] grantshyper17: !watchtime [15867] mgd_dawg: mgd_dawg subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 4 month streak! [15867] rollingstoned6: YING AND ECHO [15867] StreamElements: grantshyper17 has spent 11 days 7 hours watching jynxzi [15867] lukeiixii: btw it was a picture of clicks signing Becky’s boobs are something [15867] orazalfire: RONALDO IS LEVEL 52 !??!!???!! [15867] danklemur: do some more character [15867] jawnnyhockey: use code clix [15867] kingtempers: HAHAAHA [15867] yungKIBE: USE CODE CLIX [15868] scariing: WHAT HAPPENED [15868] FoxWRLD: they're banning a defender [15868] Vividly004: BREKKIE RAN THROUGH [15868] dustinm1122: daqing on brekies tits 😭😭😂😂😂 [15868] mrt_gaming52ttv: brooo you going allow that [15868] Harry__GG__: Loool [15868] Britbratt5150: DUDE CORNY ASF❗️ NotLikeThis [15868] tyson_000_: !watchtime [15868] Nightbot: @disorientedcamera -> I'm not scared. [stop posting links] [warning] [15868] projectsfortune: corny [15868] Pyqn: THATS WHAT U GET DOR DATING OF MODEL [15868] up1abandzz: lmaoaoaoao [15869] yungKIBE: USE CODE CLIX [15869] esdrubaldo717: 60HZ [15869] StreamElements: tyson_000_ has spent 16 hours watching jynxzi [15869] rtisticlove: !watchtime [15869] xeppenn: Use code clix [15869] Phobos_222: u got violated [15869] blckisdead: SOMMERSET DONT WANT CLIX [15869] dkellog: You're on 60hz [15869] kalebhall_22: This dude might be an idiot [15869] stopitjax: STARTTTTTTTTT [15870] 24sparky24: HE BANNED YING [15870] a31el: bro saw it hes coping by acting like he didnt see it [15870] Motionboy222: bop [15870] itsbloodrust: Ahahaha [15870] Byzkk72: clix is crazu [15870] orazalfire: RONALDO IS LEVEL 52 !?!!?? [15870] NOTBless: WHY IS PREDECTION DONE THEY AINT EVEN START [15870] RotaryJoker: WARDEN ASS LOL [15870] jayfrumthev: bakedf2Cheers bakedf2Cheers bakedf2Cheers bakedf2Cheers bakedf2Cheers bakedf2Cheers bakedf2Cheers bakedf2Cheers bakedf2Cheers bakedf2Cheers bakedf2Cheers bakedf2Cheers [15870] mayzer690: clix is a loser [15870] stable_stunner: how do you get the charm [15871] X3N0VERZE: they banned an attacker [15871] raulyhanma: nahh [15871] fpsdom_: VIOLATION , VIOLATION , VIOLATION , VIOLATION , [15871] nathanle23: ewew [15871] addyaim: USE CODE CLIXXX [15871] muteingu: uhhh ohhh [15871] farisbrutalia: he’s in that head!!! [15871] reedbooksplz: open his stream [15871] voids_cool: BRO ACTUALLY COOKED YOU [15871] cornificusy: 4 defenders crazy [15871] jvhn_perez: super senior vibes [15871] thebigseen: what was it??? [15871] gonlot4: Beckie a certified bop [15871] mmiller585: holy shit this wild [15872] eagleeye15000: jynxzi got cucked [15872] solid_gg: why is he passive smoking ?:| [15872] ambition413: THESE MFERS ARE ANNOYING AF [15872] g_five_nine: that’s brekkie with clix [15873] MustyOGK: this is gonna be interesting [15873] kenoskue: !watchtime [15873] Boooch: ditch these dummies [15873] cleonard4479: BibleThump1 [15873] StreamElements: kenoskue has spent 21 hours 20 mins watching jynxzi [15873] shaiikoisthegoat: jynxzi give me some of that [15873] ldrgirlyyyy: uh ohh [15873] qball4161: bro [15873] CrypticClutch: RON HIT [15873] kingofestates: LMFAO WHAT A VIOLATION [15873] ybchrish: OH HELL NO [15873] jb14: best cigar hit of his life [15873] adabhamlincoln: kids are losers lmaooo [15873] addyaim: USE CODE CLIXXXX [15873] theman0032: These guys are regarded [15874] sunadratsuc: SHOTTY BANNED [15874] Bubbzzl: ron clip farming [15874] lem85: use code clix [15874] SavageRaccoon11: WHAT HE DO [15874] Xy1an1: L STALLING [15874] GraysonMudry_: hahahahaha [15874] orazalfire: RONALDO IS LEVEL 52 !?!!!?? [15874] vstryker_: what happened [15874] YaBoiPortaL: Clixthat guy [15874] iamiraki: They wanna ban Warden XD [15874] gregybooiiii: Breckies gyat [15874] bardown16__: CLIX STREAM IS CRAZYYYCLIX STREAM IS CRAZYYYCLIX STREAM IS CRAZYYYCLIX STREAM IS CRAZYYY [15874] hatez_x: That’s a foul [15874] pigbenus2: USE CODE CLIX [15874] mmiller585: they weird [15875] jefferybeefington: HE WANTS TO END SOOO BAD [15875] acrilix_15: Crashing [15875] yousef_91917: use code clix [15875] kavin276: dada? [15876] Rushuur: LEAVE [15876] cilln_: “WarDEn” [15876] ton_618_chan: Wasting your time [15876] faiorie: imagine this is ur gf lmaoo id kill myself [15876] ichbinsdermaxi: they are disrespected the King [15876] Nathan7405: W clix? [15876] justajager: WHAT HAPPEND WHISPER ME [15876] elmspizza: me personally wouldn’t take that type of disrespect [15876] pccc_lucccid: !link [15876] dracryla: actually fucked [15876] jahhca: SMOKE AND YING [15876] sushi626: DO NOT LET THAT SLIDE [15876] jilcon: DONT LET THAT SLIDE JYNXZI [15876] Vividly004: BREKKIE A HOE [15876] c_stazzz: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [15877] emanciool: open clix stream [15877] stopitjax: HURRRYYYYYY UP STEVEEEE [15877] jjaden2323: LMAOO IM CRYINH BROO [15877] ilovebugsandtoes: Strength k only [15877] MOABrob: MOABrob subscribed at Tier 1. [15877] habsfan1912: !watchtime [15877] acrilix_15: CRASHED [15877] aymenyousif: that’s fucked up [15877] gdjdjsnns: Junko fucking and Clix botn [15877] wake2wak3: hurry up [15877] Rhyphix: ying and mute [15877] StreamElements: habsfan1912 has spent 1 day 4 hours watching jynxzi [15877] CheetahRTG: PLAY MINDGAMES W THEM [15877] k1rk18: holy shittttttt start [15877] Giannimagnotti: Giannimagnotti subscribed at Tier 1. [15878] ak_frozy: valid crashout [15878] Cheechill: LUL [15878] jayfrumthev: bakedf2Cheers bakedf2Cheers bakedf2Cheers bakedf2Cheers bakedf2Cheers bakedf2Cheers [15878] fantastick___: !link [15878] ishaan77: where's predict? [15878] chinolisa: BRO LEAVE PLZ [15879] zyrolc: DatSheffy [15879] mbyhuhu: WE TOLD YOU JYNXZI [15879] Kepharal: bro HHURRTY THE FUCK Up [15879] a31el: bro saw it hes coping by acting like he didnt see it [15879] voids_cool: USE CODE CLIX [15879] yt_exotic_69: let him cook [15879] babyrizz14: when mail is fan [15879] chantzgamer: he is setting his dom right away. he said i pissed on it first.... [15879] bardown16__: GG JYNXZI WON [15880] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [15880] HFSTitan321: lets go jynxzi!!!! [15880] illsharky: code clix haahgaga [15880] ihaventbearminecraft: i haven’t beat minecraft [15880] Fossabot: @PREZENTZz, Your message is too long [15880] hovhadovah: !watchtime [15880] yousef_91917: use code clixxx [15880] alaskanwhiskey: LOCK IN JYNXZI F THEM HOES [15880] aintmyshadow: USE CODE CLIX [15880] dobiishim: HE DREW ON UR GIRLS TITS [15880] mrisaiahh: sloppy seconds [15880] notbeboop: l [15880] StreamElements: hovhadovah has spent 6 days 21 hours watching jynxzi [15880] benzillah: this is fucking cringe [15880] dsfeda: sgd(guwgrufgg838fjfjgl4ir7t [15881] eastzly: Use code clix [15881] frankb345: !sub [15881] this_dudeha: l [15881] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [15882] zumafr: L clix [15882] 60inchclip: funny thing is clix is hella pussy irl [15882] Miratomio: DEF FOR THE STREETS [15882] l1am3dwardz: beg you mute after bans [15882] williamdesign2k2: bro pliz mute that scream ass kid he is too loud [15882] sameersmami: Jynxzi seeing red [15882] Narlii: them boys hit [15882] jarrycarry1: start this shit [15883] mmiller585: this crazy [15883] Gorilla10: Lalcoholic [15883] burkeaubuchon: smoking and drinking real classy I can see him going down a rabbit hole [15883] callmekxng_: Ur girl got another man's name on her tits [15883] whillyuhmm: so fkn annoying [15883] harryplayz15: !link [15883] afync: 150k?!!?!?! bvbb no vb [15883] dialedguido: NEVER PLAY WITH THESE GUYS AGAIN [15883] adabhamlincoln: FORTNITE DEADDDD [15883] voids_cool: CODE CLIX [15883] SGG_TrYhArD: !watchtime [15883] justajager: WHAT HAPPEND ON CLIX STREAM WHISPER ME [15883] bardown16__: GG JYNXZI WONNN [15883] StreamElements: SGG_TrYhArD has spent 3 hours 10 mins watching jynxzi [15883] SAVE_N8: they didn’t ban one move on [15884] cycy_theguy: bro how did you lose to R ICCI [15884] dboi48: bro just fuckin leave [15884] egroves_69: WHAT HAPPENED [15884] Nathan7405: jynxzi owns them thooo [15884] scariest7000: CLIX WENT CRAZY BRO HE VIOLATED [15884] syncing_: clix bots [15884] 417z72: gift NOW [15884] JBizzy_1: IT WAS JUST HIS FEET ON HIS HAND CAM I THINK [15884] a31el: bro saw it hes coping by acting like he didnt see itt [15884] Nightbot: gifting you luck in finding a job 🙏🏻 [15884] cp_lover42: never play with these mfs again bro [15884] jarrycarry1: holy fick [15884] addyaim: XUSE CODE CLIXX [15884] kn0wnassassin: bro this stuff so annoying [15885] ismokemids52: use code clix [15885] DumpOnUrChess: Ron needs to shut the fuck up. L streamer. [15885] zumafr: L CLIX [15885] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [15886] McFlyyZ: this a bot chat the real chatters here now [15886] Veshper_: BRO IS TRYING TO GET OFF EARLY LOOOOL [15886] bardown16__: LMAO JYNXZI WON [15886] SHKR_CR: !link [15886] SmugMang: whit1 speeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed [15886] CMOMoney187: SCAMM THSES KIDS [15886] LouieB823: use code clix on boobies jynxziBadAim [15886] roast_cheese_lord23: u lost to ricci then 1v1d 2 fortnite streamers [15887] everyonelovesorlando: play the damn game [15887] dane1256: Fenrir [15887] yungKIBE: USE CODE CLIX [15887] jussmarcos: 💀💀💀💀 [15887] ISaltyCarrotI: @jynxzi you’re on 60 Hz [15887] mmiller585: holy shit [15887] IPROVOKEI: CLIX WAS SIGNING BRECKIES TITS LMAO [15887] 1tak3jxke: was it brecie? [15887] crimson688: predict ended [15887] oofBlacklisted: BRO PLEASE DONT STREAM WITH THEM PLEASE FOR [15887] lac3dup_lo: ON GOD YOURE A BITCH JYNXZI DONT LET THESE MF BULLY YOU INTO THEIR RULES [15887] LEIVAX__: kaylla7Goku kaylla7Goku kaylla7Goku kaylla7Goku kaylla7Goku [15887] NuklyOden: USE CODE CLIX [15888] shitatrust: please win [15888] zuniexz: !charm [15888] yungKIBE: USE CODE CLIX [15888] adabhamlincoln: L CLIX [15888] jarrycarry1: startstart [15888] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [15888] shaiikoisthegoat: let hit it together in the bathroom [15888] bardown16__: JYNXZI WON [15888] b1gg1eq: L DECIDER [15888] brybrybrynocry: when breaky stream [15888] band300it: I took a shit and shower and you still haven’t started [15889] ybchrish: BEAT CLIX ASS [15889] thicccsweat: yooo [15889] Tangy6303: THESE TWO ARE INSUFFERABLE [15889] hatez_x: That’s nasty [15890] funky_floris: funky_floris subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! [15890] sunsetbythewater: he’s actually sad [15890] rapidvertlol: SMOKE NOT MUTE [15890] 6mirlol: !sub [15890] maskedbootyy: HE WAS SIGNING YOUR EX’S BREAST [15890] yazanisgoated17_: HERE WE GO [15890] mandooo001_: Beckie titties on stream [15890] joeymac32: USE CODE CLIX [15890] ISwaggyBI: they are worse then xim at yapping [15890] bardown16__: JYNXZI WON LOL [15890] thatseasy12_r6s: Are you really going for a girl that let CLIX sign her yiddies????? [15890] syncing_: L clix [15891] sSoulzyFPS: 1hr of bullshit HURRY THE FUCK UUUUUUPPPPPPP [15891] itsrageyy: USE CODE CLIX [15891] yungKIBE: USE CODE CLIX [15891] jarrycarry1: start [15891] swaggigadrilla: i knew it [15891] pccc_lucccid: hey Jynxi does the charm take time to get into my account [15891] theda80: W CLIX [15891] rocket_russ: turn him down [15891] knots8: USE CODE CLIX [15891] justajager: WHAT HAPPEND ON CLIXS STREAM WHISPER ME@ [15891] mmiller585: fuck these guys [15891] tonysplah: USE CODE CLIX [15891] xClarity: This Ron kid so fucking cringe [15891] robbieh96: Jynxzi has anger issues [15891] Cstriker10: he can’t use shotguns [15892] SmugMang: WHITEEEEEEEEE WPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED [15892] addyaim: USE CODE CLIXX [15892] cleonard4479: Cheer1 [15892] realmatze26005: wtf [15892] BNvstyy: What did he say? [15892] reformednosh: !prime [15892] thatsnotmeguys: L RON CRINGE [15892] Nightbot: Subscribe to @Jynxzi for FREE with Twitch Prime Twitch.tv/subs/jynxzi [15893] doublejackss: GOH YO LUL [15893] hadmose: when is Kai vs case oh when is Kai vs case oh when is Kai vs case oh when is Kai vs case oh [15893] viper_3261649: @braden_r86 your black [15893] bigmerch1: THAT IS SO WEIRD YO [15893] scottyslife: L LORD'S NAME IN VAIN [15894] lolo00075: noooo [15894] grounkie: ban solis [15894] orazalfire: RONALDO IS LEVEL 52 !?!!!?!! [15894] dgcv_: HURRY THE UP [15894] ddrizzyyyyyy: BAN ACE FOR CLIX [15894] yRolIer: LMAOO [15895] this_dudeha: l clix [15895] lukemahomie: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [15895] rnitten: lmaoooo [15895] lolo00075: boo [15895] rollingstoned6: ECHO [15895] bunthank10: L clix [15895] lurkinglettuce: damn Jynxzi is pressed [15895] rocket_russ: so fucking loud [15895] wake2wak3: L CONTENT [15895] awill13: chat is so weird [15895] colizkool2: USE CODE CLIX [15896] KeLatray: W clix [15896] adabhamlincoln: L CLIXX [15896] goofy_drob: USE CODE CLIX [15896] brybih: use code clix [15896] pat9927: react harder [15896] silentbutgirthy: That is brutal [15896] lem85: USE CODE CLIX [15896] iiithxnderiii: clix stream now [15896] can425323: Skateparkge Skateparkge Skateparkge Skateparkge Skateparkge Skateparkge Skateparkge Skateparkge Skateparkge Skateparkge Skateparkge Skateparkge Skateparkge [15896] Scoobasteve562: YING GOYO [15896] v1b3zz_: did. bro just hit the penjamin [15897] scariest7000: USE CODE CLIX [15897] addyaim: USE CODE CLIXXX [15897] onelittlexavier: can you make my wish come true by telling me happy birthday day pls [15898] beans0110: these two are the lowest iq mf ive ever seen [15898] SmugMang: WHITEEEEEEEE SPEEEEEEEEEEEEED [15898] bluefaceburnitt: they cringe asf [15898] THEMRS0UP: REROLL PREDICTIONS ITS BEEN AN HOUR [15898] wig_town: ban ace [15898] kobebeef22: L CLIX [15898] Nman187tv: these mf are annoying af [15898] moeyspoey: my favorite viewer botter [15898] ilovebugsandtoes: During [15898] soggywaffle236: Ron needs to stop yapping [15898] Gucci_kid54: 💀 [15899] myless_ii: USE CODE CLIX [15899] aymenyousif: they weird for that [15899] adabhamlincoln: L CLIX [15899] acelesskunai: BAN GOYO [15899] Badladbrutalbrad2: honeslty I’d love if we just canceled this wager. shirtless dudes annoying asf [15899] theoriginalfyzi: ace [15899] orazalfire: RONALDO IS LEVEL 52 !?!!?!! [15899] bruyessi: L clix [15899] im_washed222: predict? [15899] ZenexFr: jynx is going to go the drunken fist on r6 [15899] swaggigadrilla: they gonna get goyo wow [15899] Nightbot: ussy [15899] Nightbot: @jkruis10 -> You're on my naughty list. [stop posting links] [warning] [15899] aimenty: USE CODE CLIX LOLLLL [15899] danklemur: oof [15900] YourMothersKeepr: WHAT HAPPENED [15900] yungKIBE: USE CODE CLIX [15900] roltho: omg they ass [15900] schnappycake: LACY IS CHU NKY [15900] Mc_Caber: RONS HILARIOUS [15900] robbieh96: Anger issues jynxzi [15900] jawnnyhockey: use code clix [15900] pccc_lucccid: !link [15900] NOTBless: OMFFGGGGG [15900] Nightbot: @pccc_lucccid If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com | Jynxzi | Prime Jynxzi is Back | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Sieg [15720] We are going to band. Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait Yesterday now as a right now we have a two-kilade I'm above you okay so stop talking [15730] That's number one. Number one, number one for the attacker. You hear me bitch boy? Yo, Steve won't do it. Can you hear me? Yo. Yo, yo, yo, Steve won't do it. [15740] So! Alright! We're banning, we're banning Ying! [15750] Okay, your attacking band is ying. What would you like your defensive band to be? We want a band smooth. [15760] Okay, you banned yin and smoke those are your final bands wait wait Think about this Ron You know what I said I want to ban smoke [15770] What do you want to ban? You're the brain. I'm the aim. You're not the aim. You're not the aim. Why did I click on click this stream? Oh my! [15780] Oh my goodness gracious [15790] You gonna fucking fight him and not me. Oh my god! Oh my god! I'm gonna shoot! [15800] You gotta go and to pick my friends bro. Oh, we banned bro. I don't even have any camera [15810] No, that's to be not so I would never see jinx. I would never do that. I would never [15820] Come on bro, man bro. I don't care. Okay, who do you want to be? I've been just banned. I've been I've been smoke. What do you want to be? Wait, he has to be in two minutes. [15830] well no he's he doesn't have a and whatever you want to whatever you want to have done i don't give a k chaku we've been smoking who else chaku what else we've been uh... [15840] Clash? Smoking clash? Wait, no, clashes. Clashes and defender. Go on, go on. Goils and defender. [15850] more than But why is he quiet when I said warden hold up? Uh-oh Uh-oh [15860] He just he just muted to mute Banner fucking attacker in a defender and stop trolling good. I don't I don't know who to be [15870] I don't know this game Yingen Mew yingen Mew yingen Mew that's fair. That's fair. I think you can use fair [15880] you locked. Alright, I'm getting in go-yo. Alright, you guys gotta come to a decision here. What do you want to ban, bro? Jesus Christ saying go-yo. [15890] That's a defender or attacker No, goyos a defender I don't know, jinxy I don't know, can you tell us who you want to be? | There is no Highlight in the provided timespan. Jynxzi is absent, only his colleagues are still on the call. They are waiting in the game lobby. As soon as he returns, the conversation with his colleagues continues. |
Jynxzi | Prime Jynxzi is Back | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [16362] damoney24356: damoney24356 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 6 month streak! bro said mute would have been dead with the worst aim of the century [16362] rebornhehe: NO SHOTGUN [16362] treeslayer588: CLIX CHAT LWAKING YOU [16362] jalena0413: he gonna clutch this round [16362] folksyzoo: when’s fan mail [16362] NolyPoly2000: SHOTGUN??????? [16362] slurkio: Y U SCARED TO PUSH OFF FLASH ?? [16362] fruitiiloops: 60hz hivise call him [16362] PointyTTVfn: I love you baby and if it’s quiet alright I love you baby [16362] millisgoated125: turn hi I off [16362] eagleeyes1242: washed [16362] mcglizzy420_: JYNXZI IS AVID GONNA SUE YOU FOR YOUR NEW CARD BACKGROUND? [16362] jjaden2323: no shotguns dumbass [16362] not_skins: SHOTGUN [16362] conduitvbb: you trippin [16363] joshmo3131: no shotty [16363] daddymyker: NO SHOTTY [16363] soloxstars: washed ass [16363] THE_KN1GHTS_: SHOTGUN [16363] victor052405: mingojLOL mingojLOL mingojYapping mingojYapping mingojYapping [16363] sleephitdiff: no shotgun [16363] 1v9fiora: sens feels wrong because ur Hz [16363] packer1226_: no shoygun [16363] an0nym0us020: washed [16363] jahhca: NO SHOTGUNS [16364] iSmeezy: lair [16364] astolfo_enthusiast: SHOTGUN [16364] FOCRyze: no shotgun remember bro [16364] eagleeyes1242: loser [16364] blazeescamilla1: HE DOESNT READ CHAT [16364] bright_dark05: Ah too easy [16364] joebartis: shotty [16364] Nightbot: too easy [16364] wyler111: no shotgun [16364] eaglelightx: I BETTED ON U BRO [16364] rdye22: give avid half the winnings [16364] 44jameses: castle????????? [16364] TheShortGuyNoah: uh oh lol [16364] shauxity: L EXCUSES [16364] fresctv: no shotgun [16365] xiphoidar: SHOTGUN FOR ROTATE IS FINE [16365] rel054: no shot guns [16365] hekst7: damn [16365] FreakWet: Ron gets all the high school pune [16365] plummm23: 60 HHZ [16365] TheMc_Gaming: caseohHotspot caseohHotspot caseohHotspot caseohHotspot [16365] daniel_blue22: cap [16365] ddyphantomfunk: no shotgun [16365] napkinz3: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAimjynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [16365] ddrizzyyyyyy: THEYRE CHAT IS SNIPING [16365] Nightbot: no 🧢 [16366] kevinplaysgamesfr: StinkyCheese StinkyCheese jynxziCRY jynxziCRY [16366] 1v9fiora: sens feels wrong because ur Hz… [16366] willemba: THATS THE WORST AIM IVE EVERRR SEEEN [16366] codyxo69: 60hz cumko [16366] Pre_Enigma: NO SHOTGUN [16367] Dallas00_: NO SHOTGUNNN [16367] wyler111: no shotty [16367] jordan_plays456: L RON L CLIZ [16367] legionxgl: no shotgun [16367] Gamer_MoBTW: !sen [16367] Ziggimo: u always have a shitty excuse [16367] airpxds: no shotgun [16367] brendanhutchin: CLIX IS BETTERRER [16367] leland123567: Ash and ace [16367] Cheeto_59: shotgun?? [16367] jahhca: NO SHOTTYS [16367] yvngxfinite: Jesus Christ we are so in copper [16367] fardin906: SURE [16367] ctxblake1: 60hz change it [16367] eagleeyes1242: washed [16368] caydentakesLs: part time streamer [16368] tre5swoo: SHOTGUN? [16368] bakindle: they’re sniping bro [16368] kingdripy32: no shotguns goofy [16368] Aw_Heal_Naw: you mean his feet [16368] iSmeezy: liar [16368] shawdenn: gg [16368] cybermonsta: no shotgun [16368] niknaknixon: ash and ace [16368] 24everythingk: how do I get charm [16368] dentege: LOCK IN [16369] TLC_Karma: no shotgun [16369] grant_wilson2009: no shotgun [16369] conor2271: cheated [16369] eagleeyes1242: loser [16369] jetkins69: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke [16369] tentynxi: HES NOT 60hz [16369] reedbooksplz: NO SHOTTY [16369] ferdaman123765: shot gun [16369] sendit357: snipping for sure [16369] nasmokey: YOU GOT THIS JUNKO [16369] RyanWhit_: pre end [16369] shinnok47: SHOTY [16369] pexyyontop: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [16369] florezxs: hi sorry for bad english [16369] theman17z2: he was sing ash and asie [16370] Pumpifiedd: NO SHOTGUN CHAT [16370] clark_kent842: GIVE ME ILOVEXIM OR I RETIRE [16370] djksplat_: no shot gun [16370] swymz7: Fps brooooo [16370] boolupx: pussy [16370] MinnesotaSlime: !LINK [16370] Nightbot: @MinnesotaSlime If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [16370] eagleeyes1242: wash [16370] kaushinator1: SHGOTGUN [16370] meatslayer831: shotgun [16370] rosh347: no shotgun [16370] zarlinx: VoHiYo [16370] milllyan: NOT SHORGUN [16371] itsdavidlol24_: NO SHOTTYYY [16371] jjaden2323: no shotguns dunbassss [16371] WhosBryan16: q [16371] wyler111: no shotgun [16371] Razearcc: PogChamp [16371] whsprrrr: CHEATER [16371] warmkolache: L [16371] BrandonWyattt: DQ [16371] ssdd761: chunko youre so big i want to force feed you taco bell and macdonalds till you look like caseo and then we will hit the penjamin for 7 hours [16371] twb_memer: !watchtime [16371] obnix121: ego jynxzi [16371] ceethehooligan: kapcan [16371] yblurzy: shoty [16371] StreamElements: twb_memer has spent 14 hours watching jynxzi [16371] awill13: using it for rotate [16372] bzLink: shotgun…… [16372] Iowsubie: @plummm23 HES ON 144 [16372] pogzeus: cheating [16372] BrykixHD: SHOTGUN [16372] cokipoki7: NO SHOTGUN IDIOT [16372] tkp1nnas: skill issue [16372] quick_pro123: supershorty [16372] SIXreazonzY: WASHED 0-3 [16372] eagleeyes1242: wahsed [16372] The_REAL_YOGI: no shoty [16372] Gluqo: WHYD YOU GIVE THEM 2 ROUNDS [16372] Stealn_x: KappaPride [16372] 44jameses: no shtgun [16372] pexyyontop: jynxziBuena jynxziBuena [16372] JoeyDVRr: no shotguns?? [16373] QFlamingoQz: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke [16374] caden_autrey17: cheated [16374] AllDayDabber: no shotguns for kills!!! [16374] caydentakesLs: part timer [16374] GusKling: no shotgun [16374] blazeescamilla1: HES BLATANTLY IGNORING CHAT [16374] grant_wilson2009: shotgun [16374] eagleeyes1242: washed [16374] itz_jcuh: Ur getting 3-0d. u ass [16374] myerz98: shotty?? [16374] LucidActives: Rotation [16374] conor2271: cheater [16374] jetkins69: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [16374] pexyyontop: jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh [16374] ellarer: CHEATER [16374] willemba: THATS THE WORSTTTT AIM IVE EVER SEEEN [16375] CodeMysteryMan: shotgun??? [16375] yazanisgoated17_: NO SHOTTY [16375] tevis81: no shotgun [16375] legionxgl: cheater [16375] major_avid_c: NO SHOTGUNNN CHEATRERRR [16375] yblurzy: no shory [16375] jjaden2323: idiot no shotguns [16375] ixchrollo: NO SHOTGUN GOOFY [16375] dlaw8891: No shotgun [16375] itsdavidlol24_: NO SHOTTY. [16375] daddycorbi: jynxziGoodAim [16375] v2Margoose: so we’re using a shotgun [16375] Stealn_x: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke TwitchConHYPE [16375] italianow_99: Shotty [16376] zynzo1: no shotgun [16377] aaron68676656656: pop off junko [16377] TheShortGuyNoah: they're gonna lost it over the shotty [16377] quick_pro123: shot gun [16377] GinnysRUs710: LOCK THE FUCK IN [16377] hsydudbehs: NO SHOTGUN [16377] xjvng: xjvng subscribed with Prime. [16377] SlakeBaye: shotgun!!! [16377] Flurmp_: L cheater [16377] mashed_max: gool aim [16377] cryptic2brazzy: FANMAIL [16377] AllDayDabber: no shotty [16377] ddrizzyyyyyy: THEYRE CHAT IS SNIPINGTHEYRE CHAT IS SNIPING [16377] huddyondabeat: NO SHOTGUN [16377] osvqc: NO SHOTTY [16377] mrkeedoocap: cheater [16378] yvngxfinite: shotgunnnn??????? [16378] Stealn_x: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [16378] i_midnite: no shotguns? [16378] airreaper98: did they redo predictions? [16378] major_avid_c: CHEATERRRR [16378] homelessguynexttocaseohs: jynxziPACK [16378] coopdog_77: SHOTGUN [16378] damianwuva: No shotguns [16378] JBizzy_1: its rotates chat [16378] DE_GhostlyEFC: NO SHOTTY [16378] evo_xixty_: shotgun [16378] The_REAL_YOGI: shoty [16378] vsoka: NO SHOTGUN [16378] yblurzy: shoty [16378] spottywatty: NO SHOTGUNS [16379] juanrl1117: shotgun [16380] Stealn_x: TwitchConHYPE jynxziSmoke [16380] galaxy_liv_: NO SHOTGUN [16380] Harry__GG__: Lol castle stubnose shotty ftw [16380] immortalchair55: NI SHOTTY [16380] thelast420wizard: No shotty [16380] Nightbot: 😂 [16380] crox_colly: no shotgun [16380] tyroneon240: new tech [16380] godisgoat: no shotgun [16380] pickleberri: No shotty [16380] Shimmmy_fps: shotgun [16381] elimsios: NO SJOTFUN [16381] piesgood_: no shotgun [16381] andres_ra12: CLASSIC [16381] samm55ss: No shotgun??? [16381] teothegoat2: YOU LOSING TO A PRO FORTNITE PLAYER AND A RETIRED FORTNITE PRO [16381] officialgoulden: IT IS ON 144 IDIOTS [16381] reverse_numero: no shotty [16381] Rhyphix: ??? i thought it was no shotguns [16381] Gabimanaver: no shotguns [16381] bbboss1289: cheathing [16381] millisgoated125: turn hifi off [16381] Fossabot: @squawkkz, Your message is too long [16381] wormsandbugs: is lead on all games? [16381] surehes1shot: no shootgun [16381] E_Atomiii: Part timer [16382] AllDayDabber: shotgun [16382] UnknowXc: SHOTGUN?? [16382] zain_almnsi: PRE SLAM [16382] rainzthew: hifi [16382] jahhca: NO SHOTTY [16382] stoicmatthew: ITS FOR ROTATE DUMBASS CHAT [16382] 23_GOOB: no shootgun cheater [16382] itsdavidlol24_: NO SHOTTTY. [16383] jonny4xg: cheerwhal1 cheerwhal1 cheerwhal1 cheerwhal1 cheerwhal1 cheerwhal1 cheerwhal1 cheerwhal1 cheerwhal1 cheerwhal1 cheerwhal1 cheerwhal1 cheerwhal1 [16383] justadeamin: !pulse [16383] elimsios: SHOTFUN [16383] xiphoidar: rotates are fine chat [16383] goonsquadcarter_: SHOTGUN@ [16383] imthatb0mber: sotgun [16383] Nightbot: CARDIAC SENSOR DEPLOYED [16383] Hazaka_: jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ [16383] pexyyontop: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [16383] ellarer: NO SHOTGUN [16383] crox_colly: NO SHOTGUNNN [16383] francyPNTS: !watchtime [16383] grant_wilson2009: no shotgun [16383] AMTvv: 60HZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ [16383] JoeyDVRr: no shotguns???? [16384] bigerdonut23: I’m nutting zaddy [16384] kyle_kocher: shotty [16384] muzboy123: NO SHOTGUN [16384] itsdavidlol24_: NO SHOTTY [16384] StreamElements: francyPNTS has spent 8 days 9 hours watching jynxzi [16384] cokipoki7: NO SHOTGUNNNN [16384] sirplebgamer: no shotgun [16384] whiffsfn: ; [16384] drmonkeeman10: BRO USED SHOTGUN [16384] FreakWet: NO SHOTTY [16384] ikshmael: chat stfu god damn [16384] meepling: no shotgun [16384] jynzxijohnny: !ads sense [16384] Okrelo: CHANGE TO 240 HZ [16384] Nightbot: !sub for the jynxzi charm, no ads and a fire ass badge beside your name jynxziHappy Sub right here—> https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [16385] ellaaajai: jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY [16385] kdog21sav: gg u used a shotty [16385] typos_tv: SHOTGUN!!!?!? [16385] twitchboyzard: !spotify [16385] Nightbot: https://open.spotify.com/user/ojynxzi?si=hNtr6WdOTDaljuYqRryEbQ&dl_branch=1 [16386] 23_GOOB: No shotty [16386] 420Blaziken_: NO SHOTGUN [16386] gamerfrong: clix is mad annoying bro thinks hes relevent [16386] deadzone16: 60hzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz [16386] penn_p: no shotty [16386] RepsterSurf: D: [16386] crox_colly: NO SHOTGUNNNN [16386] jerome5467: NO SHOTTY [16386] Reptify: NO SHOTGUN [16386] xammbi: no shotgun [16386] biggluebag69: my goat [16386] lordtenten: NO SHOTTY [16386] angrygingesleftdirtyball: HES ALLOWED TO ROTATE [16387] aidenwatchesstreams: ASHHH [16387] gavynn5: shotgun [16387] elimsios: NO SHOTFUN [16387] isaiah223k: no shorty [16387] greasydxst: shotgunn [16387] bigpump19: no shotgun [16387] c0pyr1ght3d_: Shotgun [16387] ihciy: no shotty bro [16387] goonsquadcarter_: NO SHOTGUN [16387] dixe_btw: no shotty [16387] RealGooseman: NO SHOTGUN [16387] JoeyDVRr: no shotgun [16387] piesgood_: NO SHOTGUN [16387] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [16388] cryptic2brazzy: FANMAIL [16388] 1v9fiora: sens feels wrong because ur Hz LMAO [16388] BoxYing: there’s no way you play ranked after [16388] smoothderek: cheater no shotty [16389] E_Atomiii: part timer slime [16389] degraviocc: cheater [16389] userfein: shotgun??????? [16389] mitch8094_: No shotguns [16389] RagnarDalton: 60hz60hz60hz [16389] Diegitrin: jynxziSNOT [16389] newtnbrute_: SHOTGUN# [16389] xMyfex: ace [16389] mcronaldsfries: PRE END [16389] elimsios: NO SHPTGUN [16389] S_assassin64: ying shotgun meta [16390] tbgfather: NO SHOTTY DUMBASSS [16390] kyle_kocher: shotty [16390] Fuego_Fg2: SHOTGUN!!!!!! [16390] Glitchyguy37: nice shotgun [16390] YaBoiShayC_: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 [16390] p0ubele: alrdy cheating damnnn [16390] jynxzis_daddy69: !watchtime [16390] YTubeBlur: EL PRESIDENTE [16390] mistioc12: shotgun [16390] CEO_Daniel: cheater [16390] dxrkiiie: no shotgun cheater [16390] zbetrippin: he’s using for rotates [16390] voxxyyyyyyyyy: You can use it for rotates don’t be weird chat [16390] yblurzy: no shoty? [16390] StreamElements: jynxzis_daddy69 has spent 2 hours 10 mins watching jynxzi [16391] Gamer_MoBTW: sens! [16391] Nightbot: @KejasLive -> What are you on about? [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [16391] an0nym0us020: L [16391] dbreakkaa: CHANGE HRTZ [16391] evo_xixty_: no shotgun [16392] grant_wilson2009: L cheater [16392] Zucherberg: NO SHOTGUN [16392] wyler111: shotty [16392] aydanbigboy: u cheated [16392] not_skins: SHOTGUN!.!|!|> [16392] Xtendid: FOR ROTATION IDIOTS [16392] bbboss1289: no shotty [16392] deffenedd: shotgun [16392] 1v9fiora: sens feels wrong because ur Hz LUL LUL LUL [16392] jalena0413: lock in buster [16392] greasydxst: shotgun [16393] tyroneon240: HE CAN MAKE ROTAION WITH SHITGUN [16393] flamingbbq7: yo [16393] toot_________: no shotgun [16393] kendon_11: CHAT ITS A SECONDARY [16393] thelast420wizard: No shotgun L host [16393] asssgoldenpopper4: chill chat he’s not killing them woth shotty [16393] Darthaka: cheater [16393] Roastedninga: not killing with it dumbasses [16393] anwlol: !settings [16393] chicagoserge: LOCK IN [16393] stat1k_8k: cheater [16393] Nightbot: https://clips.twitch.tv/FurtivePiercingRavenRiPepperonis-Q7Z6UtOCxU_bV5fV [16393] lord_dinkus727: Shotty [16393] warzonemaster2435: shotgun [16393] boredomitself0: shotgun [16394] Dallas00_: SHOTGUN ? [16394] luke01245: shotgun idiot [16394] KeelinHollywood: shotguns banned [16394] shanejacka: no shotgun [16394] WIKI_ZIKI: shotty???? [16394] puffpuffjuicer: NO SHOTGUNNN [16394] jmoney78901: shotgun??? [16394] LightningKakuzu: dookie on me [16395] melanpath: EASY DW [16395] nevr_ending: no shotgun dumbass [16395] 23_GOOB: cheater [16395] hydrooutlaw1: No shotguns [16395] ixchrollo: READ CHAT [16395] YaBoiShayC_: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [16395] trvpgod415: let him cook [16395] ttvnotphazed: bro he’s not using it chill chat [16395] jamopopo: ORYX [16396] faurori: no shotgun [16396] lemonhead408: shotgun [16396] The_REAL_YOGI: shotgun [16396] carbar14: L cheater [16396] braydenwims: CHEATED [16396] demo_prozz: its to rotate idiots [16396] DoodlesVT: no shotguns [16396] connor9759: NO SHOTGUN [16396] sebmister69: NO SHOTGUN [16396] evo_xixty_: NO SHOTGUN [16396] migwuel962: how do I sub with twitch primehow do I sub with twitch primehow do I sub with twitch prime [16396] WIKI_ZIKI: shotgun [16396] lordsaugus11: no shotgun [16396] zbetrippin: holy sht chat is stupid [16397] melanpath: DQ [16397] elimsios: NO SHOTGUN [16397] tmoores88: no shotgun [16397] acoistic_ace: no shotgun [16397] gotgrappe: shut up yall he’s using it for rotates [16397] AllDayDabber: shotty [16397] beefychips218: shotty [16397] kmackval: SHOTTY?? [16397] kendon_11: ITS A SECONDARY [16397] ssdd761: fatt [16397] Ethor53: L cheater [16397] dbreakkaa: NO SHOTTY [16397] nankdugz: NO SHOTGUN [16397] Torpq1: THATS NOT ALLOWED [16397] NOTBless: SHOTGUN FOR ROTATES [16398] ImNevin37: SHOTGUN [16398] frankydubois: L BOSO [16398] lulDark_: NO SHOTGUN [16398] crox_colly: NO SHOT GUNNNN [16398] jvhn_perez: +5000 [16398] imthatb0mber: SHORTYYYY [16398] caden_autrey17: can’t use shotgun chunko [16398] coquii123: I think you should throw a diddy party [16398] yblurzy: shotguns [16398] kingqoozy: dq [16399] braydenwims: L CHEATER [16399] stat1k_8k: shotgun ?? [16399] farisbrutalia: bros act cheating.. el presidente [16399] 3luezz: NO SHOT GUNS [16399] bru_002: SHOTGUN? [16399] inaxvy: no way he plays ranked after [16399] phaxzi: bro missed 4 mags on his feet those control freaks are obviously helping. [16399] ultimate589: Shotgun [16400] itsdavidlol24_: NO SHOTTY [16400] j0tto57: cheater?? [16400] shrimpyboi6969: u loss to Fortnite iditots [16400] Elijah_1x: no shotgun? [16400] jackie_blocher1: he’s using it for sure set up clowns [16400] Nightbot: @milfshake5790 -> You wanna dance? [stop posting links] [warning] [16400] 6MHz: $6K LOSS [16400] solorex10: he is using it to rotate [16400] connor9759: SHOTGUN [16400] dkellog: You're on 60hz [16400] WIKI_ZIKI: L round [16400] JakesBadd: STFU PLZ [16400] grant_wilson2009: no shorty [16400] yyungkodaa: HE CANT KILL WITH SHOTGUN STFU CHAT [16400] KevHasCats: NO SHOTGUN [16401] itsfoley_: 4-0 [16401] tyzer_r6: fix hz [16401] youngbackshot: cheater [16401] xammbi: shotgun??? [16401] mugensxr: they said shotguns for site are allowed [16402] Flurmp_: shameless [16402] floridian64: no shotgun [16402] YunggStef: NO SHOTGUN [16402] imthatb0mber: SHOTGUN [16402] hsydudbehs: SHOTGUN [16402] rytheballer: no shotty [16403] stumbleroberto: HE CAN USE SHOT GUN FIR ROTATE CHAT [16403] awill13: chat it's for ROTATES chill out [16403] sheluvzjaywayzzz_: PREDICTION PREDICTION PREDICTION PREDICTION PREDICTION PREDICTION PREDICTION PREDICTION PREDICTION PREDICTION PREDICTION PREDICTION [16403] cornificusy: SHOTTY PAYUP [16403] golzerrrr: NO SHOTGUN [16403] bruh69_90: cheater [16403] cokipoki7: BLUD NO SHOTGUNS [16403] brugal013: bro [16403] 4liles: its rotate shotgun you idiots [16403] masonshuford_: HE CAN MAKE ROTATIONS [16403] daneeeboy04: YALL DUMV [16403] carbar14: shotgun cheater [16403] lilshriga: SHOTGUN [16403] conduitvbb: hehe [16404] DinoRaf: CHEATER SHOTGUN [16404] flicksopp: FamilyMan [16404] ThisManRay: HE CAN USE IT FOR ROTATES MORONS [16404] dkellog: 60hz [16404] baconatoromg: no shotguncheater [16404] yamenx313: no shooty [16404] lIlIllIx: to makw rotates dumbass chat [16404] justinienm: shotgun [16404] RunawayXcon: CHAT HE CAN USE IT TO ROTATE [16404] 23_GOOB: no using shotgun to rotate [16404] redd46226: no shot gun [16404] itzSoulace: mods are dumb asf for closing predictions 45 minutes before the match starts [16404] PaPaTwiZZy: PaPaTwiZZy subscribed at Tier 1. [16404] camthemfmate: PJSugar [16405] elimsios: CHEAYER [16405] Pumpifiedd: HES ALLOWED TO MAKE ROTATES DUMBASS CHAT [16405] angrygingesleftdirtyball: Chat stfu he can use shotgun for rotations. Yall are so dumbChat stfu he can use shotgun for rotations. Yall are so dumb [16406] patwisk2: cheater [16406] easy_moneysniper1: haha cheating [16406] flamingbbq7: good for rotates [16406] wulkingg: Yoo [16406] ihciy: cheater scared no shotguns [16406] faurori: CHEATER [16406] RiotShieldRat0: Shotty [16406] ajflodallas: that a shotgun???? [16406] youngbackshot: L CHEATER [16406] WIKI_ZIKI: Shotgun carry [16406] Nabusmain: L SHOTGUN [16407] WcKsTaRz: yo fat fuck [16407] Afonso_fish: NO SHOTGUN [16407] oofRiot: L shotgun [16407] smokybutcher: hahahaha brings out the shotgun [16407] never_back_down7: cheater [16407] elimsios: CHEATER [16407] acoistic_ace: l cheater [16407] FN_Arty: no shotgun bozo [16407] beezbatz: Shotgun? [16407] Scribyyfn: CHEATER [16407] dogoflow_gaming: SHOTGUN [16407] yblurzy: ur using shotgun [16407] PhilMeUp22: Sbotgun???? [16407] sirplebgamer: shottty [16407] AwakeNRED: NO SHOTGUN [16408] BoneTheStone: lol idiot [16408] tztokfatcok: CHEATER [16408] presagexviii: lets go funko pop [16409] nessybestiee: didnt they ban shotty?? [16409] hoosier_daddyb58: cheater [16409] BrandonWyattt: CRAP ON ME DOLORES [16409] dkellog: You're on 60hz [16409] wordsoffictions2: CHBEATER USING SHOTGUN [16409] ryagodR6: w [16409] Dudebottle: it’s literally for rotation stfu [16409] jamo1_fn: jamo1_fn subscribed at Tier 1. [16409] Scribyyfn: CHEAT [16409] zbetrippin: HES MAKIN ROTATES DUMB CHAT [16409] NOTBless: ITS FOR ROTATES DUMB CHAT [16410] astronical: L part timer [16410] t_rex3243: Cheat [16410] CodeMysteryMan: bros actually using a shotgun 💀💀 [16410] al_sah_him00: NO SHOTGUN FOR KILLS U IDIOTS STFU [16410] bankai_cambo: auto rounf for them u used shotty [16410] dabdaddy402: sketch is waiting [16410] dr3wcrazy: NO SHOTGUNS [16410] holajomamarock: LUL LUL [16410] lulDark_: SHOTGUN [16410] Backstab1901: fix hz [16411] RiotShieldRat0: Cheater [16411] yvngxfinite: L SHOTGUN ABUSERRRR [16411] VinKeller_: +100,000,000 [16411] abelossk: for rotates you dumbass labrats some of y’all were made in a lab 💀 [16411] FN_Arty: cheater [16411] brugal013: what did I come back to [16411] grayluvpizza: HES USING IT FOR ROTATES JESUS💀 [16411] inaxvy: no shot he plays ranked later [16411] Prxey1x: YALLL RON USED SHOTTY LAST GAME [16411] kjswirl: !settings [16411] gotgrappe: it’s for rotates shut up [16411] ximIab: @evo_xixty_ hes not killing them with it dumby [16411] reverse_numero: didn’t they say no shotgun [16411] Calebb_Twitch: he can’t kill with a shotgun I believe guys [16411] cornificusy: CHAT STUPID [16412] mugensxr: they said shotguns for site are allowed [16412] fyr_pdx: SHOTGUN [16412] DanteVia: It's not getting a kill, they agreed to rotates you dumbasses [16413] chase_pow: NO SHOTGUN [16413] zukolovesyou: stop ximming [16413] PhilMeUp22: Nvm [16413] GamerJonathan__: W cheater [16413] dogoflow_gaming: SHOTGun? [16413] strawhatcuhlub: this has got to be the dumbest chat I’ve ever read. [16413] tex4christ: cheating [16413] Dallas00_: shotgunnn [16413] twitch2omar: shotty [16413] bankdupeli: ain’t that a shotgun [16413] jordan_plays456: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [16413] cybermonsta: scamminggg [16414] xbolillo10: xbolillo10 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months! [16414] kinoth_: bad aim [16414] vantagecontrol: NO SHOTGUN L CHEATERRRR [16414] AwakeNRED: NO SHOTGUNN [16414] caineybobbers27_onr6: p [16414] pvddy_: L cheater [16414] ajflodallas: shotgun?!?!?!? [16414] CEO_Daniel: DQ [16415] cWattzz: cheater [16415] faurori: NO SHOTGUNSSSSSSSSS [16415] grandseaker: BAD AIM [16415] yvngkyrie7: L cheater [16415] RageDaaGreat: CHAT IS STUPID ASF [16415] lulDark_: SHOTGUNSS [16415] cornificusy: CHAT SO STUPID [16415] nycecho_: ALLOWED ROTATES [16415] yoogxrrett: I HATE THIS CHAT [16416] jordan_plays456: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [16416] CallMeAydin_: CHAT STFUUUUUU [16416] observey: chat is so dumb [16416] jkdhdhdudd: Chat is a dumb ass [16416] Lowstyy: CHAT DUMB ASF [16416] ThisManRay: ROTATES IDIOTS [16416] fyr_pdx: L BULLY [16417] CallMeAydin_: CHAT STFUUUUUU [16417] t_rex3243: Cheating [16417] legionxgl: cheater [16417] BigBaller3545: THIS CHAT IS SO FUCKING DUMB I STG [16417] diesel_griz: using shotgun you lose [16417] livetylerr: yall so scary [16417] nathanh50: bro chat is dumb he’s only making rotations [16418] lolo00075: chat [16418] Z3stiS: Fucking dumbasses he cant use shotguns to kill [16418] tectiteLive: LMAOOOO ALREADY CHEATING [16418] Razearcc: BAD AIM [16418] k3vfps_: SHOTTY IS BANNED [16418] rytheballer: no shotgun [16418] Fossabot: @ilusios_tacopog, Your message is too long [16418] dr3wcrazy: YOU HAVE A SHIT GUN [16419] brugal013: nah [16419] stumbleroberto: FIR ROTATE CHAT DUMBASS [16419] ehchecazzo: BAD AIM [16419] droopyelephant67: L part timer [16419] RiotShieldRat0: Shotugun [16419] YETIKILLER420: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [16419] soggywaffle236: Cheater [16419] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [16419] Scribyyfn: NO SHOTTY [16419] ijenniiferw: ijenniiferw subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! [16419] MissDelivery: chat shut up [16419] cybermonsta: no shotgun [16420] DaOGJalapeno: 1.5 hours left [16420] mugensxr: they said shotguns for site are allowed [16420] LightningKakuzu: bad aim [16420] JBizzy_1: ITS ROTATES [16420] nycecho_: ROTATES [16420] antmovindiff: shotgun [16420] raidersking24: !sub [16420] livetylerr: shut up [16420] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [16420] Lowmeinnn: yall never heard on tunnels?? [16420] SirCatSyrup: ITS FOR ROTATIONS IDITO CHAT [16420] gotgrappe: chat is brain dead [16420] flamingbbq7: good for rotates guys [16420] jfrosh: CHAT YALL ARE SO FUCKING STUPID [16420] jynzxijohnny: !ads sens [16421] joeymac32: BAD AIM [16421] Nightbot: !sub for the jynxzi charm, no ads and a fire ass badge beside your name jynxziHappy Sub right here—> https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [16421] starburstghost: BAD AIMMMMMMM [16421] jordysttv: had aim [16421] Backstab1901: fix hertz [16421] 24everythingk: !LINK [16421] Nightbot: @24everythingk If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [16422] ddrizzyyyyyy: NVM [16422] Tyzekk_: HES USING CHAT HES USING CHAT HES USING CHAT HES USING CHAT HES USING CHAT HES USING CHAT HES USING CHAT HES USING CHAT [16422] Supaaa007: HES NOT USING SHOTTY [16422] lnfet: no shottys [16422] AmiriSaki: CHAT YOU DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME [16422] pexyyontop: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [16422] RedAuratix: chat isnt real r6 players bruh [16422] canham7577: bad aim [16423] lolo00075: yes chat [16423] gburn2443: Yall he can use shotgun for rotation not for kills [16423] XxDizziexX69420: dumbass chat [16423] Greatgodd: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [16423] bflynn67: L AIM [16423] im_soy_happy: im worried for jynxzi's mental health when he loses this 2 v 1 [16423] Stxlkkkk: how you losing to a bunch of fortnite nerds [16424] theyluv_jynxzi: bad aim [16424] jordan_plays456: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [16424] twilight114: he’s not killing with a shotgun are you guys dumb [16424] igl_artic: Chat is fumb asg [16424] Greatgodd: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [16425] xxkillerrrxx883: BRO YOUR STUPID USING SHOtGUNS LIKE BAN ME ASS [16425] crossf1re22: DUMBASS CHAT NO SHOTGUN FOR SHOOTING DUMBASS CHAT NO SHOTGUN FOR SHOOTING DUMBASS CHAT NO SHOTGUN FOR SHOOTING DUMBASS CHAT NO SHOTGUN FOR SHOOTING DUMBASS CHAT NO SHOTGUN FOR SHOOTING [16425] lIlIllIx: stupid ass chat istg [16425] 0Liquidate0: he can use shotty for rotation yall are dumb [16425] flipflopgrease: HEY DUMBASS CHAT HE IS USING THE SHOTGUN FOR HEAD HOLES AND ROTATES [16425] jordan_plays456: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [16425] itsM0G_: CHAT SO DDUMB [16425] RiotShieldRat0: Cheater [16425] mtypk1: Shotgun [16426] volue_: LMAOOOOOOOOO [16426] CMOMoney187: GOOFY FOR GIVING 2 FREE ROUNFS [16426] napkinz3: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [16426] rollingstoned6: SLAMMED [16426] 001_christian: w [16426] evo_xixty_: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [16426] danklin21: W [16426] mysticcbtw: W [16426] jordan_plays456: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [16426] UnholyZenpai: hes using the smg man yall troll to much [16427] xtwistedghostx: chat has no brains legit [16427] golzerrrr: WW [16427] chinobreadyy: slammed [16427] jackhjzzz: stfu chat rotates are always allowed to be made [16427] voxxyyyyyyyyy: WWW [16427] devinfv1: gtfo [16427] v1b3zz_: lock in Nickolas [16427] lolzz43: dumb chat [16427] hr21savage: HES CAN USE SHOTHUN JUST NOT TO KILL [16427] vantagecontrol: ASSSSSS [16427] dominantace7: L [16427] 001_christian: www [16427] nevr_ending: UR ASS [16427] Greatgodd: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [16427] aspy1_: THESE FORTNITE KIDS IN CHAT LMAO [16428] orrzyy: YOURE SO BADDDDDDDDDDD [16428] oranglyy: WASHED [16428] jacobswanson44: w [16428] arabjoke: OMG [16428] bzLink: SLAMMED [16428] ttviswak: The part timer is on whaaat [16428] trucker_larry: PartyPopper PartyPopper PartyPopper PartyPopper PartyPopper [16428] shauxity: HAHAHAHAHAAHAHA [16428] Lowstyy: MOST DUMBESY CHAT OF ALL TIME [16428] jaegerlamb: Hhahahahhahaha [16428] julian_arce05: LMFAOOOO [16428] sandy_sir: 💀 [16428] exvce: he’s using it for rotates you dum fucks [16428] voxxyyyyyyyyy: WWWWW [16428] Nightbot: 😂 [16429] Nightbot: F in the chat [16429] tarsaI: 😭 [16429] oneshot_clapz: LOOOOOOOOOL [16429] jordan_plays456: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [16429] epictwitchviewr: W [16429] xlightningrod: o [16429] tarsaI: 😭 [16429] tarsaI: 😭 [16430] ROCKN__: WW [16430] ROCKN__: WW [16430] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Cocottee_! [16430] ROCKN__: WW [16430] ROCKN__: WW [16430] ROCKN__: WW [16431] ROCKN__: WW [16431] xNoRecoil: WASHED [16431] ROCKN__: WW [16431] Garfilet: BAD AIM [16431] astroidr6: WWWWWW [16431] ROCKN__: WW [16431] Eguy209: L chat [16431] benjiionps: 💀💀 [16431] bzLink: YEAH GG💀 [16431] jordysttv: bad aim [16431] ROCKN__: WW [16431] OzuraKIN: LMAOOOO [16431] ROCKN__: WW [16431] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [16431] ROCKN__: WW [16432] arabjoke: SLAMMED [16432] cam_twitchtv: ur so bad [16432] divster72: sooooooo bad [16432] ayeitsamritlol: SLAMMED [16432] rohozjam: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [16432] ragingtargaryen: washed [16432] ROCKN__: WW [16432] ROCKN__: WW [16433] bad_robot22: bad_robot22 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 5 month streak! b [16434] jesu844: w [16434] CyNaK_Fritzyy: W [16434] smxck_420: lmao [16434] GenGecho: SLAMMED [16434] elimsios: UR CHEATING [16434] astroidr6: WWWWWWWWWWW [16434] Okrelo: HES ALLOWED TO USE SHOTTY FOR ROTATES [16434] bluR50: GET FUCKED [16434] TheBigCryo: HES USING IT TO BREAK WALLS [16434] simondragon101: HAHAHAHAHAHAAH [16434] wgen9: FATASS slam these fraudulent fn players CMONNN MANN [16434] beansackmp4: W [16434] Bubby_Sama: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [16434] julian_arce05: SLAMMED [16434] glas37: WWWW [16435] coolmanppp: W [16435] daniel_blue22: washeddddd [16435] matthew060603: WWWWW [16435] Skylitt_: washed [16435] unknowns_wrld: bruh [16435] thebigboigucci: WWWWWWW [16435] puffpuffjuicer: BAD AIMMMMM [16435] MattMancer: PRE END [16435] Elusive4K_: SLAMMED [16435] ApolloGaming22: lmaoooooooo ur washed [16435] WIKI_ZIKI: L shotgun [16435] AboveWild: BAD AIM [16435] ihciy: SLAMMED [16435] jesu844: www [16435] Bubby_Sama: WWWWWWW [16436] redgrunky: SLAMMMMMED [16436] Benny88999: pre end [16436] ParkerPeen: HELLCAT [16436] ROCKN__: WW [16436] ROCKN__: WW [16436] ROCKN__: WW [16438] wambood: SHITTY AIM [16438] damoney24356: SLAMMED [16438] grassizbass: LLLLLLLL [16438] kiba_barrier1: washed [16438] hnkfng: so bad [16438] Greatgodd: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [16438] foxbat1984: WWWWWWWW [16438] pexyyontop: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [16438] skillet419: L [16438] julian_arce05: Slammed [16438] jesu844: Ron wins you [16438] sandy_sir: WWWWWW [16438] alexm0814: w [16438] oAnsary: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [16438] ak_je: yur ass [16439] bigtemp2: lmaoooo slammed [16439] Nabusmain: SLAMMED BOIII [16439] hoopswitchriscases1sniper: SHITTY AIM [16439] falllquitor: WASHED [16439] fnnstepper111: that’s tuff [16439] brugal013: wow [16439] dentege: WASHED [16439] astroidr6: SLAMMED [16441] jxhnontop: w [16441] jaden9024: washed [16441] vsoka: gg’s [16441] yngecchi: owned [16441] timjg23: castle strat [16441] milllyan: WWWW [16441] oxxwizz: BRO GOT ISSSUES WITH COPPERS [16441] vxxssed: Junko stopped being a part time streamer [16441] sleepyyyyfn: wwwwwwww [16441] stackswopofanboi: 😂 [16441] Bubby_Sama: WWWWWWWWW [16441] tyroneon240: slammed [16441] sandy_sir: WWWW💀 [16441] Davaids72: Davaids72 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 1 month streak! . [16441] notdauts: washed [16442] whsprrrr: SHOTGUN [16442] MellyP1: ASS [16442] 7xBealou2v_: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [16442] DJ_Dxn__: LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [16442] pultes: 😧 [16442] tastypopsicle7: he’s xim [16442] oAnsary: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [16442] killeronsnd: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [16442] 1v1mejynxi: lock in [16442] v2_Arctic: o [16442] marv167_: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [16442] LoadedCoot116: jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY [16442] foxbat1984: WWWWW [16442] sneaky83xx: slammed by fortnite kids [16442] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀 [16443] Vinnyx2: washed [16443] N0tLuxk: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [16443] shadowdem0n24: W Naldo [16443] brandonp0175: 4-0????? [16443] greenbeanwashinmachine: ur so ass [16443] vNotoriousOG: YOU LOSING YOUR MONEY [16443] justaroach26: cheaater [16443] kjk0o0: Bad aim [16443] WufBro: GG CHAT PRE END [16443] Jpmalagonv: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [16443] Deisyldacreatorr: cheater get the fuck off the game [16443] castro101123: LMAO GG [16443] therooster315: hellcat [16443] JJ135789: JJ135789 subscribed with Prime. [16445] trulyblackboy: washed [16445] notkyus: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [16445] xx_asriel_dreemur_xx: SLAMMED [16445] womrz_r6: SLAMMED [16445] credibull: this is nawt gewd... [16445] tyroneon240: slameed [16445] 0_xFashii: LMAOOOOOO [16445] stackswopofanboi: W [16445] saucin2hard: jynxzi0x [16445] foxbat1984: WASHED [16445] 7xBealou2v_: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [16445] ZimGoobr: LMAO IF YOU LOSE THIS OMG [16445] luke000897: washed [16445] v2_Arctic: okayyy [16445] swoleboh: gotta play like a pussy [16446] cookieman677: -5 RACKS [16446] paraplegicdemon: 7-0 [16446] matthewis2cool: washed [16446] DonotDisturb_b: UR SO ASS [16446] J_Woahh: WASHED [16446] driverff: XIM [16446] sandy_sir: 💀 [16446] eggz_eggz_eggz: stay claim bro you got this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [16448] alexcas33: pre end [16448] amplify_o7: PRE SHIT ON [16448] johnjohnsonII: a NFL stadium worth of people are watching you right now dont lose! [16448] camel_fried_rice: I'm actually disappointed [16448] jhjfjsfnfnf: ww [16448] ashantithegoat: ur so ass [16448] asap_ALEEX: W [16448] vanillechip7: blud is drunk [16448] mandooo001_: SLAMMED [16448] rroalex: SLAMMEDDDD [16448] pexyyontop: WWWWW [16448] sheeep_slayor: BAD AIM [16448] MattXIX: gooood aim [16448] gmxcz: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [16448] Nightbot: too easy [16449] jack4737236: you butch [16449] ya_yeet_yessir: WWWWW [16449] rubmystick123: they in your head [16449] swungbygio_: to Fortnite players are crazy [16449] jack_on_it: actualy washed [16449] clu_Il: END STREAM NOW [16449] datboyiskxng: HE NOT SHOOTING AFTER THEM WITH SHOT SILLY CHAT [16449] maxwelliswell1: Bro is choking so hard [16449] whocaydnn: ofc you gon lose [16449] thetoppredator: when you take off your shirt you always win [16449] saintsfnt: slammmmmmmmmmmmmed [16449] lilperc8: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [16449] damedollabop: WWWWW [16449] ROCKN__: ur ass 💀 [16451] jakemucha25: the 3 round lead was not fair lol [16451] btap777: can I have free money too jynxzi [16451] jjaden2323: NO SHOTTYS TOO IDIOT [16451] evan_is_cool_7: L [16451] imchillin: good games [16451] feintxfaint: WASHEDP [16451] ONEsecPLAYZ: ONEsecPLAYZ subscribed with Prime. [16451] booperdooper2981: LLLLLLL [16451] damedollabop: WWWWWW [16451] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [16451] nevr_ending: dude ur gonna get 8-0 [16451] shadowdem0n24: Washed [16451] nmunaine24: penis reveal rn [16451] Darrell087: pussyh [16451] tyroneon240: SLAEMMD [16452] blakemcg1: ur playing shitty rn lock in twin [16452] swungbygio_: washed [16452] theswift128: washed [16452] joseph_busce: daddy [16452] Teoo_Not_Him: @ROCKN__ ur actualy a mod in every chat [16452] titanta: this is lowkey crazy [16452] Toxicprogamer: LMAOOO [16452] aydannn: EZ [16452] sheeep_slayor: SHITTY AIM [16454] batlandscug: zero [16454] genxzz12: washed [16454] boolupx: disgrace to the siege community [16454] randall249: omh [16454] oofman_xd1: Why did you give them 2 rounds [16454] cjt_unknown: SLAMMED [16454] Toad___l: !delay [16454] skeeeesh: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [16454] Eiightyhd: WASHHHH [16454] brybih: yah I solf [16454] Nightbot: 🤡🫵 [16454] darsh__harry: deamos [16454] ZimGoobr: WASHED! [16454] pexyyontop: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [16454] zain_almnsi: drunko [16455] gScxtty: jasont2STURDY jasont2STURDY jasont2STURDY jasont2STURDY jasont2STURDY [16455] adenator23: 5k down the drain [16455] Stryke0ut: Fortnite pro [16455] hotdogman3033: lock tf in [16455] Yv3s__: THIS MF IS ASS LMAOOOOOOOO [16455] zlles: PRE END [16455] You_know_blazeN: lock tffff Innnn [16455] kxngpsycho: ASS [16455] sterlingarcher321: he can still set up site with a shotty [16455] awill13: ur good brother lock in [16457] farisbrutalia: 24 HOUR STREAM UPCOMING [16457] cyclone696969: Washed [16457] MrBoochiie: bro [16457] maykiton24: hyped up on a 2v1 wtf [16457] randall249: gg [16457] astroidr6: THEY OWN YOU 💀💀💀 [16457] topher18: this should be ez [16457] tripssalty11: I don’t think they needed the 2 kill lead lol [16457] CashRunzDaWorld: your ass [16457] Tillerzzz: 2-0 [16457] homersimpzyn: them acting hard after having a head start is wild [16457] 18ft_: ur using a shotgun [16457] josueisthegoat: washed [16457] jayd1909: ur are so bad [16457] SurfZtdM: come on bbro u got this [16458] cornificusy: FATASS [16458] createdbyjimi: lock in [16458] switchbrotha: you’re literally an idiot for even giving them a lead [16458] alexveca1727: washed [16458] swishernish: cmon Jynxzi !!! [16458] XTMidnight: GG [16458] asap_ALEEX: UR ASS 😂😂😂😂😂 [16458] thepropickler: SHITTY AIM [16458] bigcuddlesbear: tryutry [16458] porkky72: pre end [16458] Nightbot: “😂😂😂” -avidqr6 [16458] rjcz_: h [16458] Btangtong22: washed that’s why [16458] Nightbot: h [16458] rohozjam: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [16459] Gorilla10: LUL fornite bros [16459] professor_sq: so we’re in payphone [16459] Toxicprogamer: You're WASHED [16459] banditoborrito: pre end [16459] yomikei: ass [16459] yThxmas: nothing without shotty [16459] cibzii: selling my points [16459] on1xghost: washed [16459] llKizull: he’s xim [16459] gaming_enjoyer111: L ratio [16459] goofynicco: Lock in [16459] Nightbot: @milfshake5790 -> Boop! [stop posting links] [16461] uBemr: buddy was not ready for this💀💀💀 [16461] itsRadikal: EZ 5k [16461] b0l1dee: JYNXZI THE SELLER JYNXZI THE SELLER JYNXZI THE SELLER [16461] gthree_13: LOCK IN [16461] hsydudbehs: SHITTY AIIIMMM [16461] red7k_: UR SO BAD PART TIMER [16461] chicagoserge: LOCK IN [16461] cornificusy: FATASSSS [16461] ImSe6as: W [16461] thegarr577: washed [16461] WIKI_ZIKI: Nothing but selling [16461] cyphatonic22: stfu chat sados [16461] imlushy: stevewontdoit + kimmic +washed + carried by stompn + mcdonalds worker + vapist + 0.3 kd in tourneys [16461] Backstab1901: fix hertz [16461] Merceei: ur ass [16462] rosh347: no shotty [16462] Xxeoko: LOCK IN U GOT THIS [16462] Fossabot: @llegopapaalchat, Your message is too long [16462] crasty82: Ur terrible [16462] halfanxietyy: THEY STARTED 2-0 CLOWNS [16462] HFSTitan321: come on fucking jynxzi [16462] MellyP1: STRAIGHT TRASH [16462] trayvono41: AVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOU [16462] ashantithegoat: FUNgineer FUNgineer FUNgineer FUNgineer FUNgineer FUNgineer FUNgineer FUNgineer FUNgineer FUNgineer [16462] twayers3: LOCK IN BRO [16462] Stxlkkkk: bruh these fortnite nerds are literally bending you over [16462] FredIsNeverDead: FredIsNeverDead subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! [16462] ROCKN__: ur ass 💀 [16464] kovixz: 20k down the drain [16464] RiotShieldRat0: U used shotty [16464] WillyGeeWhiz: lock in jynxzi [16464] momin2005: DEMOIS [16464] canham7577: bad aim [16464] JStolle1: 24 hourrr [16464] DaquanLmao: lock in [16464] alecasca_: LOCK INNNNNNNNNNNNN [16464] sup33ri0r: LOCK THE FUCK IN [16464] fewtx: LOCK IN BRO [16464] rayepenberrr: SELL MY CHANNEL POINTS OF COURSE [16464] PancakePolice469: bro beat these dumbass kids [16464] kareemnour23: LOCK INNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN [16464] bigjoe71372: go Deimos [16464] yungKIBE: Jamgie [16465] juniorsosajs: LOCK IN [16465] mayonnaise_steven: AYYYY YOOOOO [16465] bigdaddypizzas: 1 copper vs 2 bronze [16465] popjam16: lock in bro [16465] g_h_o_s_t__yt: LOCK INN [16465] HFSTitan321: come on!!!! [16465] renzolive_: easy hellcat [16465] pwaley: tf goin on jynxi [16465] slipz9: ur soo washed [16465] zurcmbk: ALL THAT TALK JS TO GET SLAMMED [16465] dream253576: jynxziHappy [16465] wrdd2lu: T THE FUCK UP [16466] gjrgrind: lock in [16466] FI3K_: YOURE WASHED AS FUCK [16466] jetkins69: hes not shooting them with it [16466] Tarfoot: two v 1 i sun fair as shit [16466] notkyus: Part timer bro [16466] CJNagel21: he’s off his rocker [16466] Darkside720: you stupid [16466] fakhar90: Bro fn Players Bro what Are you doing [16467] itsWS_: excuses LMFAO [16467] acoistic_ace: your washed [16467] xzxXander: no shotgun [16467] swishernish: LOCK IN [16467] maddieh74: lock in wtf [16467] bigcuddlesbear: gfd [16467] the_contractor22: CRAZY HOW THEY GET COCKY WITH 3 FREE ROUNDS [16467] piynts: bro i thought its only been 2 rounds [16467] Knitgher: breckies ending it after this [16467] pexyyontop: washed [16467] redplanet263: wamai mute [16467] Nightbot: i was crazy once [16467] CashRunzDaWorld: Y O U R A S S [16467] sammy_h18: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [16467] Nightbot: Blue crown —-> Free —-> no ads —-> charm: https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [16468] RllySunny: YOU CANT LET THESE FN KIDS BEAT YOY [16468] rolledupcatnip: “i own u” “dont get ahead of urself” thats silly [16468] blahblahblah1353: part time streamer incoming [16468] pok7631: lock tf in jynxi [16470] LMoneyX: CMON JYNXZI [16470] tiktok_fnclapz: Pre end [16470] kinoth_: come on bro [16470] YoungFatherSlum: walk them down junko [16470] k0nnaan: PAUSE [16470] MrX1063: lock in [16470] thebuffdiabetic: WASHED [16470] bobjohnson49: washed [16470] astora_of_j: L FATASS [16470] drop47k: no shi [16470] oowompwomp: 24 hour stream [16470] damnimgood007: BETTER THEN U [16470] brayaites1: how are u losing [16470] slipz9: ur really bad at [16470] jaegerx08: SMOKE [16471] coldsavage273: bad aim [16471] fatal_ghosty12: 4-0 bro what are you doing [16471] bvttaa: GET OFF THIS GAME [16471] Nightbot: skyteWELOST150 safJam jynxziGG SLAAAMMMED [16471] fornightmasterrr: lock in and keep trying [16471] Magris: -6k part timer [16471] censutive: jynxziGoodAim [16471] jjaden2323: NO SHOTGUNS IDIOTTT [16471] theman0032: You can’t lose bro, they’re Fortnite players ffs [16471] sal_is_co0l: kaliiii [16471] amzray: shotgun main [16471] Antoniofan2419: WE GOT A PART TIME SWINGER [16471] boredomitself0: wake the fuck yup [16471] MaloneWyte: that’s new tech [16471] terrijoehoe: jynxziSad [16473] narutoking46: LOCK INNN!!! [16473] henastyplottz: 8-0 [16473] koocookilla: ace [16473] tvjusto: LOCK IN JUNKY [16473] iissusngl: 24 hour stream [16473] itsssssss_jae: bros washed [16473] caineybobbers27_onr6: k [16473] WIKI_ZIKI: Get this guy a sales license [16473] k0nnaan: KIDS?? [16473] lamalma0: why peek [16473] Nightbot: k [16473] jaytcreep: LOCK IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [16473] itznategaming3: excuses excuses [16473] sneakywrld1: bro…. ur getting slammed by Fortnite mfs [16473] noahhoahu: you suck [16474] HawaiianHercules: get on ricci angle [16474] antuan3k: ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper [16474] bigcain805er: ass [16474] dominator_2008: 🐸🐸🐸🐸 [16474] stayintheboxman: lock in [16474] sal_is_co0l: kali [16474] bigbusser28: Bro, why would you do that? [16474] not_minty_: wamai and mute [16474] ifinalstage: PRE END [16474] womrz_r6: RICCI AND CLIX AND RON OWN U [16474] sammy_h18: jynxziSmoke [16474] Nightbot: 👀 [16474] DJ_Dxn__: WASHED FACEIT PLAYER [16474] m4rkh3nry: real [16474] Nightbot: real [16475] lucasetche: RE THEY CONSOLE OR M&K ? [16475] calebc_: i should’ve bet on the fortnite kids ffs [16475] duxk09: selling bro [16475] techgames44: j give me my monyun [16476] yazanisgoated17_: GLAZEEEEE [16476] speedygekoy: lock in jynxzi [16476] lordcrayonk: STABLE OPWNS U JUNK [16476] 13mxk: losing to fortnite pros theali27Hahaa theali27Hahaa theali27Hahaa theali27Hahaa [16476] marble3034: cause yo haven’t been good in 8 years [16476] yoitsmetj: washed [16476] ttviswak: Holy fk [16476] Dallas00_: cheat and still losing [16476] HFSTitan321: LLOCK INN!!! [16476] sitonmyfaceplssssss: part timer [16477] bvttaa: WHYD THEY GIVE U A SKIN [16477] imswevybtw: getting dog shitted on lmaooo [16477] gsrikhao: excuse [16477] itsdavidlol24_: ong is crazy [16477] xJrboy_: no shotgun LUL [16477] nasmokey: LOCK IN [16477] epictwitchviewr: glazjng [16477] jhussey55: not in his prime [16477] wrdd2lu: TTT UPPPP [16477] trayvono41: AVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOU [16477] reclusivecaesar: pre end [16477] badbeats4040: Y u got SHOTTY [16477] Gorilla10: Jynx washed [16477] didi2026: he’s losing to fucking ron [16477] Nightbot: ussy [16478] ragegage88: JYNXZIIIII WASHED???? [16478] mondo_bongo: DUDE [16478] gokuui284: I thought jynxi was good [16478] wifi12345678: hop that ass on fortnite [16478] ashantithegoat: PrimeRlyTho PrimeRlyTho PrimeRlyTho PrimeRlyTho PrimeRlyTho PrimeRlyTho PrimeRlyTho [16478] unkown47470: doing to much [16478] piynts: when did it become round 4 [16478] yazanisgoated17_: LMFAO [16478] koocookilla: run ace [16478] malooki17: THATS WHAT YOU GET FOR AGREEING [16478] thr33_thr33: drunko [16478] forky999: you mean ricci angle [16478] luvf_grinch: SHITTY AIM [16478] x2Matty: PLAY LIKE YOUR PLAYING AGAINST XIM [16478] bigcuddlesbear: ewqeqw [16479] eggz_eggz_eggz: YOU CAN DO THIS [16479] angryfatman78: 5k channel points gone then [16479] aposhhhh: i mean warm up on pc [16479] joseph_busce: dadd [16480] cokipoki7: Caseoh> [16480] colonizer109: LITTLE GIRL IS WASHED AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH [16480] F1are1x: I bet all my channel points on u u better win [16480] bringer0frain99: lock in [16480] NoLoveJayt: Deimos [16480] xxxscottyboixxx: Your selli g [16480] rb_cris: PRE 24 hour streammm [16480] luv_aqua: ong we bouta get a 24 hour stream lmaoooo [16480] anserx_: On death row here [16480] yo_zilo: 24 hourrr [16480] streakxsy: Ur losing 4-0 to fucking fortnite pros how are u loosing [16480] wrdd2lu: TTTT UPPPP [16480] paxtonslater146: jynxzi is high vapema2JOINT vapema2JOINT vapema2JOINT vapema2JOINT vapema2CHEECH vapema2CHEECH vapema2CHEECH vapema2CHEECH [16480] 13mxk: losing to fortnite pros theali27Hahaa theali27Hahaa theali27Hahaa theali27Hahaa theali27Hahaa [16480] zackery79: needed a 2-0 lead 😂 [16481] sammy_h18: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [16481] Real_Fuzes: LOCK IN [16481] epictwitchviewr: glazing [16481] ender_antho: Jynxzi always puts some dumbass rules when i bet on him [16481] YoungFatherSlum: send em back to fort [16481] xexvus: having to get 2 rounds is actually depressing ngl [16481] joseph_busce: daddy [16481] trayvono41: AVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOU [16481] hit_low912: what clix do [16481] Zhanhow: GET THEM OUT OF YOUR HEAD [16481] stevedbd_exe: 💀 THIS THE GUY THAT BEAT BEAULO 💀 💀 THIS THE GUY THAT BEAT BEAULO 💀 💀 THIS THE GUY THAT BEAT BEAULO 💀 [16481] hopethepopeee: HOLY GLAZE [16481] sparkiesteagle6: don’t let these chumps win pleeeeezzeee junko [16481] Jayden_Scoop: LOCK IN JUNKOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [16481] xoxo_xana: to be fair they had 2 up on u so [16482] daddibaddii: excuse [16482] zcastleman30: bro they have no right to talk shit when they were bitching that they needed a 2 round lead [16482] lukemahomie: wwwwwww [16482] Arin7XS: THESE TWO ARE IMPATIENT LET THEM PUSH ON DEFENSE [16482] obnix121: ur losing to fortnite players [16482] CMOMoney187: NEVER SUBING AGIN ALL HE DOSE IS SELL [16482] notkyus: Part timer [16483] SunnySoulTV: LOCK IN! [16483] raidersking24: !sub [16483] okay_steve: SELLING [16483] KingMagnus_: WATING THEM BOTH AT THE SAME TIME ITS FUNNY AF [16483] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [16483] caineybobbers27_onr6: s [16483] shadys_cracked: WASHED [16483] lilafro: pre end [16483] ragegage88: JYNXZIIIII WASHED????? [16483] Okrelo: STILL NO FNCS THO [16483] glams66: Deimos [16484] 4gotten_here: Slamming [16484] lawdog2743: clix aim is ass [16484] nevr_ending: excuse [16484] stangchickkk: BRO WHAT DAUGHTER [16484] srlcsv: play kapkan idiot [16484] 13mxk: losing to fortnite pros theali27Hahaa theali27Hahaa theali27Hahaa theali27Hahaa [16484] gsrikhao: washed [16484] uVaIentine: gg [16484] caculo123: they bad just use your IQ [16484] ihk88: going winless [16484] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [16484] bvttaa: WHYD THEY HIGE U A SKIN [16484] trayvono41: AVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOU [16484] thefin3ssekid: giving them 2-0 lead when money on the line is crazy [16484] cverhagen61: bro they literally had a two round lead [16485] big_mama1235: WASHED [16485] boognorth: COPIUM [16485] Rosward23: EZ 5K [16485] mrchris712: RED DOT MAKES YU AIM FASTER [16485] wrdd2lu: TTT UPPP [16485] theguyinthehoodie420: here coke the excuses [16485] jynzxijohnny: !settings [16485] rahdri__: WASHED + L EGO + SHES USING U [16485] Nightbot: https://clips.twitch.tv/FurtivePiercingRavenRiPepperonis-Q7Z6UtOCxU_bV5fV [16485] caineybobbers27_onr6: sa [16485] papi_rafita_: bruh [16485] mattbompton: owen three bum [16485] cdnmxtye: !watchtime [16485] trayvono41: AVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOU [16486] itzSoulace: mods are dumb asf for closing predictions 45 minutes before the match starts [16486] itsjustovo: lock in like it’s a tournament [16486] zackery79: they bums [16486] StreamElements: cdnmxtye has spent 3 days 14 hours watching jynxzi [16486] lamalma0: butterface going win [16486] HFSTitan321: fuze the windows [16486] abolfazlfif: Focuse [16486] lordcrayonk: STABLE OWNS U JUNKO [16486] calebc_: bye to my points [16486] itsWS_: who is he talking to LMFAO [16486] sebmister69: YOU NEED TO CAMO THEY PYSHING HARD USE THAT [16486] sixlics: gg [16487] grandfist2000: Fucken lag [16487] julian_arce05: Excuses [16487] mycatlovesbread: just get good ngl [16487] dakotalol: aim translates [16487] caineybobbers27_onr6: ss [16487] WIKI_ZIKI: the way he sells channle points [16487] iyawnj: no s [16487] jake_sandy1: they know how to yellow ping stable just did it 😂😂😂 [16487] trayvono41: AVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOU [16487] You_know_blazeN: bro fuck that lock in jynxi🤦🏽♂️ [16487] mehdi_bzdi: pre end [16487] wrdd2lu: TT UPPP [16487] KohnnyLo: AIM HARDER [16487] ixglorytv: pre 24 hour stream [16487] GiHHMiC: fix hz [16488] jimbo126789: excuses [16488] Supaaa007: he scammin [16488] skellie07: excuses [16488] BoxYing: xim trained them [16488] HFSTitan321: fuze [16488] McFlyyZ: IM ON A PAAYYYYYYYYPPHONE LISTING TO JYNXZI LOOSE [16488] gdbeast8: come on junco [16488] bvttaa: NEVER PLAY THIS GAME AGAIN [16488] diegopat09: gg [16488] x2Matty: STOP PLAYING LIKE AN IDIOT [16488] ddrizzyyyyyy: THEYRE CHAT IS SNIPING [16488] yo_zilo: 24 hour stream [16488] JustinBlaze2323: BRO RON HAS 44K HOURS [16488] RubyLayyy: LOCKKKKK [16488] joseph_busce: daddy we love you [16489] WyldNF: here comes the cope [16489] juniorsosajs: Attack Mode dawg [16489] matiffles07: All aim no brain [16489] harryplayz15: LOCK IN [16489] zain_almnsi: EXCUSES [16489] bigfella_58: R.I.P God [16490] asap_ALEEX: WOMP WOMP [16490] itsfloppaa: ur mid [16490] PushinTree: ....... [16490] joseph_busce: lol [16490] Nightbot: 😂 [16490] ONEsecPLAYZ: !LINK [16490] Nightbot: @ONEsecPLAYZ If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [16491] iissusngl: but this definitely pre end [16491] LebronJamesBroo: Fax [16491] bigcain805er: buns [16491] VeaBe_RL: it’s all aim no brain just start using gadgets [16491] blakee_320: your ass [16491] noahhoahu: you suck you suck you suck [16491] rizzlergjb39: RON OWNS YOU [16491] ayeitsamritlol: Wait so chat if clix and ronaldo win at round 8 do they win tourney if they go win after win? [16491] REBELRECKS: CRAZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY [16491] professor_sq: so we’re in payphone [16491] trayvono41: AVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOU [16491] imlushy: stevewontdoit + kimmic + washed + carried by stompn + mcdonalds worker + vapist + 0.3 kd in tourneys + part timer [16491] winglng: yap [16491] Nightbot: “😂😂😂” -avidqr6 [16491] sallyvibes: i have all my points on you jynxzi LOCK IN [16492] bigafricano: excusesss [16492] astroidr6: W 999 CHAIN? [16492] itsdavidlol24_: ong is crazy. [16492] Snipest_: you have it tho [16492] booperdooper2981: WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING [16492] isaacaltaccount: lvl 3 gyat [16492] thebigtraktor: L [16492] solowstkn: Like Ron bro really cmon u gotta win these [16492] 18ft_: U CANT USE A SHOTGUN 💀 [16492] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [16492] joshcrowell: he’s 🍆 riding [16493] fouriessurfer144: EXCUSES [16493] FearingAce1: pov your washed [16493] callme_alexv: lock in [16493] ThatOneRellik: “they know how these fortnite players are” as a grown man is crazy💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 [16493] astora_of_j: give him his money [16493] yazanisgoated17_: WOMP WOMP [16493] sammy_h18: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [16493] SauceGardner: DONT SWING, YOU HAD SITE SET UP PERFECT [16493] Kn1vesfps: lock in [16493] trayvono41: AVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOU [16493] eicherbiker23: kai is like level 3 he’s better [16493] Talent_1ess: HUMBLE? [16493] jjburden: thats why i thought the handicaps and advantages were so stupid bro [16493] antuan3k: ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper [16493] xannyduhnanny: dkkk suckkinnn [16494] amplify_o7: excuses [16494] shauxity: NOTHING BUT EXCUSES [16494] jordan_plays456: UR NOT WASHED [16494] U4RR7: EXCUSES [16494] trayvono41: AVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOU [16494] wrdd2lu: TTTT UPPPP [16494] bvttaa: NEVER OLAY THIS GAME AGAIN [16495] NOXITEZ: EXCUSUUUUSES [16495] gScxtty: WWWWWWWWWWWW [16495] itsfloppaa: L [16495] rayplays23: 8 years [16495] ozo1010234: dumb bet in the first place [16495] ashoveram: better than kai? [16495] Elusive4K_: excuses [16495] luvvforzd: gg [16495] trayvono41: AVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOU [16495] daddibaddii: you lost your spark [16495] agitatedave: yap [16496] somaalan5: say no if its bo3 [16496] rizzlergjb39: CALL HIM DADDY [16496] coems00: EXCUSES EXCUSES [16496] bigtemp2: you just said he sucked tho ? [16496] Gorilla10: they aint Kai and Case LUL [16496] immutablecoast8: lock tf in [16496] cs2beans: no shit. fortnite is 10x harder than this game [16496] yazanisgoated17_: EXCUSES [16496] trg_live: Wommmmmmppppppp [16496] SubtleJayyy: @HiVise have him SWITCH TO 3=2 ration on pc [16496] lamalma0: this guy sucks [16496] dcaszle: bro should have left 😭😭😭 [16496] julian_arce05: excuses [16496] phaxzi: jynxzi - my control freaks are why I’m losing. also jynxzi - loses to Ricci and is gonna lose to two guys who don’t play this game with brand new control freaks. [16497] scoonc6: !watchtime [16497] zap_901: lets gooo 24 hour stream [16497] trayvono41: AVID OWNS YOUAVID OWNS YOU [16497] mattnickk: welp ur getting exposed [16497] StreamElements: scoonc6 has spent 3 days 6 hours watching jynxzi [16497] FreakWet: they just play akward as fuck [16497] REBELRECKS: OMGGG [16497] itsfloppaa: suck [16497] elmspizza: already coping [16497] ilyMYKAH: of course you’re losing [16497] sensei_036: stop meat riding [16498] kingng13: ron better than clit [16498] lucifieds: t up holy fuck [16498] raggedyjesus: 0.0001% of your networth out the window [16498] dispatch001: Soo u destroyed shroud [16498] itsfloppaa: u [16498] Unloved_Jamn23: BRO LET THEM GET IN HIS HEAD [16498] esmmmr: yap [16498] streamerburner: excuses [16499] footballking_62: jynxziBadAim [16499] bvttaa: EASY 5 bands [16499] landologs2: diiiiile uuuup [16499] kirisuna6: GET ON MNK [16499] jahomai: How does he have 1.5 scope [16499] lamalma0: get better [16499] wrdd2lu: TTTT UPPP [16499] yazanisgoated17_: Womp WOMP [16499] untold_rian400: bby [16499] clover7575: 100000 HOURS VS 3 [16500] Camzila369: youre losing against fortnite players [16500] nathanielb31: They finessed this guy bruh [16500] bossyjoec: STOP MAKIN EXCUSES NOW DAAAMMIITT!!!!! hsmDog hsmDog [16500] itsfloppaa: ass [16500] spenzerg: ????? [16500] NOXITEZ: HERE COME THE EXCUSES [16500] wwildcats3: they are playing wamai and mute </b> | Jynxzi | Prime Jynxzi is Back | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [16360] Now this is<|ja|> [16370] down a five-point four-nighter to get to have a new idea about council strats not a clue [16380] FUN! TO haben IW [16390] [16400] [16410] A bomb has been located by our fore. [16420] License failed. What am I? Swaying!!! [16430] All I have to do is play the trophy next to all that's literally yet We're talking about I'm talking to you. Oh, no fucking go baby [16440] I know how you four-night pros are, Ron! Good shit! For real! For fucking all! Don't get ahead of yourself, remember? Come on. [16450] Lever, pull more out. Chat, I don't know why I swung that bro. All I have to do is play that dude, no one kills me on the pitch, bitch. [16460] Come on kids, thanks so much. Come on, bro. I'm not dialed. I'm like underestimated there. These guys are literally like, they're a professional ammetable players on 4 minutes. So like, obviously that got a good name. [16470] He's got like clicks like the best level three I've ever seen and I put I'll put that like on to go Like this guy's level three bro [16480] They played a professional game on mouse and it's no excuse. I just need to like be better I'm like I'm giving them 50 50 gunpights, and I'm on a fucking controller like I can't give them that [16490] I mean I try to get the pick but that's just dumb, that's just silly. | There is no Highlight in the provided timespan. Jynxzi and his colleagues start a new round and everyone is focused on playing. |
Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege[700] naedog1: peak[700] xslenderyoshix: ME :)[700] willygeewhiz: why is your tounge orange?[700] lefadura: W[700] kingbubble14: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK[700] deathonnix05: that’s wild thh[700] ckhitz: Funeral?[700] reaper6969lol: WEDDDING[700] gucci_kid54: Pffttt[700] subwayenjoyer: PRIME[700] iacert: when was the last time caseoh sat on your nostrils and u sniffed up[700] bradl00: WHATS ON UR TONGUE FATTY?[700] tellatubbin: gifted[700] rubylhughes: OG??[700] swlng_: 🚨@jynxzi VIP ME 12 MONTH SUB🚨l[701] uprisinggod5: jynxsi dropped by spoit[701] beru6969: jynxzi remember the time we had oral on he school busssss[701] notnrgscooby: 1 hour stream[701] trippycapps23: JUST GOT BACK FROM A COKE DEAL[701] neeskooooo: wait, you went to a wedding?[701] kr5vv: CAP[701] marriedtoclash: I know you ate cheetos earlier[701] qwvzr: me[701] bardown16__: prime garfield[701] gucci_kid54: Pffttt[701] exxyq: w[701] funnierdingo: freakfield[702] izaiah559: gat[702] idk_wtpyk: react harder fattie[703] nick222_: WWWW[703] izaiah559: fat[703] bulldog04_: bring it back[703] spplcyy: I REMEMBER[703] shivermetimbers15: diddy waiting[703] kr5vv: CAPPP[703] theyluv_nxthan: Lads[703] realrusto: prime[703] kymchi__: babyshower them?[704] marrymcgeier: wedding[704] jj_2p: w[704] beru6969: jynxzi remember the time we had oral on he school busssssjynxzi remember the time we had oral on he school bussssss[704] trips_ok: W GAREFIELD[704] reaper6969lol: WEDDDINGWEDDDDING[704] stygiana13: REACT HARDER[704] avas03115: PRIMEEEEE[704] excessivezero5: CAP AND FAT[704] subwayenjoyer: YOUR PRIME[704] zinxxyt1551: what was the announcement[704] j5uav3: goat[704] joeyschifilliti: joeyschifilliti subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 6 month streak! [704] lild33__: LETS GO GOLFING[704] ajew2: one hour stream[704] ashton597: REACT FATTER FATTY[705] artistic_trix_: CAP[705] af17__: that’s Nuno trevares[705] fuze_bs: prime[705] dnaskr6: sending hate from ur orange tongue[705] lynchster1: Cheer1 turn that face can off fatty[705] belligoal69: weird[705] bdub4224: fat boy and large[705] trash_bru7675: Trash_bru7675 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 5 month streak! let’s go babby[705] neviooe: mr beast is waiting[705] bradl00: TONGUE FATTY?[705] schrodas: PRIME JYNXZI WOUDLVE HAD 100K+ PEOPLE[705] hobbes_mobbin: CAP[706] cyyn1cal: ur weird[706] beru6969: jynxzi remember the time we had oral on he school busssss[706] keepinrebus: Why Is your tongue orange?[706] reaper6969lol: WEDDDING[706] fossabot: @wandilly69, Your message is too long[706] jacob_5432: L SUB ONLY[706] trapsteak: I’m waiting[706] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[706] stirzy_: Pfftt[706] kr5vv: CAPPPP[706] phoenixf54: gross[706] unclejimmy69_: DO IT HAVE CHEESE[706] swlng_: 🚨@jynxzi VIP ME 12 MONTH SUB🚨aa[707] sandy_sir: YES YOU DO[707] imperixxl: L[707] racerr77: i do[707] alphaeid3: how much money were u making off those tik toks be honest[707] beru6969: jynxzi remember the time we had oral on he school bussss[707] izaiah559: fatt[707] simplyjavon: w sub mode[707] reaper6969lol: WEDDDDING[707] ahmadz_02: sendig love from sweden😘[707] omars012: L[707] lynchster1: capp[707] fuze_bs: ur prime[708] vnzoo_: prime[708] bardown16__: prime garfieldprime garfield[708] badguardr: badguardr subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! [708] lowerclassked: cap[708] adz_sux: loser[708] huncho_lys: ope[708] gucci_kid54: weirdo[708] waitholdonilikethis: wwww[708] daygoldfish: diddy[708] marriedtoclash: Cheetos boy[708] fezy20: is bro in CALI[709] coffeezilladaughter: 4k[709] schrodas: PRIME JYNXZI WOUDLVE HAD 100K+ PEOPLE![709] flinthartsky: fit check[709] angelchastity: Leaked[709] remygilbert: react harder[709] silentnowso6p: what is the clip account[709] beru6969: jynxzi remember the time we had oral on he school busssss[709] swlng_: 🚨@jynxzi VIP ME 12 MONTH SUB🚨w[709] izaiah559: fattt[709] union432: bad audio[709] alexreid07: alexreid07 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! gang shit[709] itz_eakoz: I LOVE THE FORTNITE SEX[709] thxmasdibble: fat[709] iacert: ?[709] nightbot: ?[710] iamyesssssss: eewwwww[710] jonthesllly: Fat ass[710] suckoglizzy: California is bad[710] n1cholas_c: nuno Tavares L ball knowledge[710] jxstak: !gamble 1k[710] alphaeid3: how much money were u making off those tik toks be honest[710] luvjrt: what are u talking about[710] bro6ski: fortnite sex exposed[710] coffeezilladaughter: 4k [710] sawyergd2: catalina wine mixer[710] streamelements: JxstAK won 1000 points in roulette and now has 5703234 points! FeelsGoodMan[710] kr8money: GROSS[710] c0zzo: ayo????[710] melimanttv: sending hate from the wedding[711] xd_shadowx: Cap[711] unclejimmy69_: DO IT GOT CHEESE[711] marie_xm: oh nah[711] berstbuda10: Wedding sigma[711] schrodas: PRIME JYNXZI WOUDLVE HAD 100K+ PEOPLE[711] devildoc_l03a: devildoc_l03a subscribed at Tier 1. [711] willthegoatonyt: Willthegoatonyt subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [711] trooperyt09: trooperyt09 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [711] gucci_kid54: weirdo[712] kr5vv: IS THIS KICK?????????????[712] reaper6969lol: WEDDDDDING[712] squidwarddobeabaddiedoe: CONGRATULATIONS ON GETTING MARRIED @jynxzi[712] shakzz929282: 1 if ur a chat bot[712] mg270g: HUH[712] swlng_: 🚨@jynxzi VIP ME 12 MONTH SUB🚨zz[712] wrvnn26: SEX WATCHER[712] sabriii_3: FELL OFF[712] excessivezero5: MOD GARFIELD[713] rxdhid: Prim jynxzi[713] dnaskr6: cheesy ahh tongue[713] fuze_bs: when you weren’t part time[713] iridetheshortbus1: L[713] shivermetimbers15: diddy waiting.[713] streamelements: If you're a gamer, you need a Starforge! Snag one -> https://starforgepc.com/Jynxzi[713] iamyesssssss: ewwwwww[713] seven2shifty: seven2shifty subscribed with Prime. [713] garrettmoyers: woahhhh[713] trips_ok: FN RULE 34[713] xdilldope_2: ofc[713] jj_2p: yes u do[713] nightbot: fortnite battle pass[713] fezy20: HES IN FUCKING LA[713] ajew2: sending hate from canada[714] mightymouseca: did you just get back from a wedding?[714] jynxzy_daddy: jynxziPACK[714] woody_hairyson: baby shower[714] notnrgscooby: oral?[714] d1purge_: wedding[714] falkirk18: ?[714] xbuux1215: fell off @jynxzi[714] beru6969: sss[714] chaos5720: diddy wedding[714] tommbomb420: fortnite sex?[715] ankealien: get on R6 fatass[715] omars012: L fortnite sex watcher[715] schrodas: PRIME JYNXZI WOUDLVE HAD 100K+ PEOPLE![715] nightbot: Blue crown —-> Free —-> no ads —-> charm: https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi[715] huncho_lys: fortnite naughty[715] the_acorn22: Pause[715] bradl00: TONGUE FATTY[715] iamyesssssss: grosssss[715] cheesesammies: cheesesammies subscribed with Prime. [715] shivermetimbers15: LMAO[715] murpheykayso: I do[715] logblev1: you definitely do[715] flerg1: REACT HARDER HEADASS[716] ltk97: leaked[716] vividly004: L GOONER[716] trackstack_: fat[716] fadedmonkie467: why’s your tounge Orange fat ass[716] withnovidksi: weird[716] zaddybrump: back when you cared[716] willtingg: pause[716] marriedtoclash: Cheetos boy L[717] unclejimmy69_: DO GROW CHEES[717] xkxingzx: GO HOME FUCK BREEKIE[717] maseeftw: fortnite sexyaddict[717] iacert: when was the last time caseoh sat on your nostrils and u sniffed up[718] shivermetimbers15: real[718] gowhaan_: real[718] i_love_this_name: Pp Cheer1[718] nightbot: real[718] sandy_sir: 💀💀[718] horizon_kbm: If you not a 1 year sub minimum you a fake fan[718] z1slayer10: 1v1 ME NOW WASHED BOY[718] voxxyyyyyyyyy: W[719] uzuerez: video idea oldest champ vs youngest[719] fazetugood: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY[719] lowerclassked: 🧢[719] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀[719] dalemoney__: ugly ass shirt[719] trips_ok: W[719] ssgbrajan: you do[719] voxxyyyyyyyyy: WW[719] iacert: when was the last time caseoh sat on your nostrils and u sniffed up ?[720] artistic_trix_: REAL[720] realrusto: real[720] falkirk18: ??[720] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀[720] bro6ski: LMFAOOOO[720] neeskooooo: 😂😂😂😂😂[720] jynxzy_daddy: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK[721] voxxyyyyyyyyy: W[721] rob0000flo: !points[721] ssgbrajan: real[721] jaceehhss: ! link[721] iidoomsdayi: REAL[721] streamelements: @rob0000flo rob0000flo has 43275 points and is rank 1919/1727465 on the leaderboard.[721] bulldog04_: real[721] gotgrappe: lmaoo[721] peacedbanana: OMG LOL[721] bennyy23: Lol[721] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀[721] vitality5175: WWWWWWW[721] nightbot: 😂[721] zayzay0609: yoooo[721] infamoustryhardr: Real[722] trips_ok: REAL[722] ajf160: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL[722] maxedout18: LMAOOOOOOO[722] xandresrx13: who’s wedding was it[722] bighedge18: your bigger than casoeh[722] sugarmilk22: WWWWW[722] bardown16__: CASEOH TOO ACCURATE[722] itsjxsee27: yeah you do[722] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀[723] andrx27_: CASEOHH[723] bro6ski: 😭😭😭[723] xslenderyoshix: lowti3Wow lowti3Wow lowti3Wow[723] sheluvjahseh: real[723] whozaxel: rea[723] bradl00: TONGUE???[723] stygiana13: FUCKING REACT HARDER BORING ASS[723] donjohn024: donjohn024 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! w jynx[723] abgvloners: sub![723] marie_xm: wait[723] subwayenjoyer: REAL[723] ionic_a1pha: W CLIPFARM[723] kinoxgaming30: kinoxgaming30 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months! yo wsg jynxxi[723] astroillogical: LMAOOOO CASE[723] mg270g: SKETCH[724] sandy_sir: 💀💀[724] flaume_aux: REAL[724] cyyn1cal: REAL[724] roblox_player727: !clips[724] shivermetimbers15: mcdonalds employee[724] weazel211: LMAOOO[724] abyssaldreamsss: LUL LUL LUL[725] dicslapp: fat wedding fortnite sex[725] whozaxel: real[725] gotgrappe: real s[725] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀[725] puffpuffjuicer: LOLLL[725] xxnoblejokerxx: jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY[725] gl0kk40spaz: I[725] atomicmonkegt: real[725] gottwitch4jynxzi: 🚨🚨🚨🚨TURN OFF SUB ONLY YOUR FALLING OFFF🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨[725] swlng_: 🚨@jynxzi VIP ME 12 MONTH SUB🚨[725] khangdodo: 😹😹😹😹😹[725] snowy_bobcat: REACT HARDER[726] tomlowne38: Sending love from wedding[726] falkirk18: ?/[726] jxstak: !gamble 500[726] gl0kk40spaz: W[726] sandy_sir: 💀[726] remygilbert: sending hate from north London, UK[726] stirzy_: LMAO[726] streamelements: JxstAK won 500 points in roulette and now has 5703734 points! FeelsGoodMan[726] ssgbrajan: rral[726] weso2141: so we in a wedding[727] gl0kk40spaz: WW[727] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀[727] kacpur132: w[728] not_lethal_: CAP[728] puertorico_51: REAL[728] nightbot: no 🧢[728] hatefromireland: W[728] iacert: when was the last time caseoh sat on your nostrils and u sniffed up[728] flaume_aux: REALL[728] churtle1: L MIDGET[728] j5uav3: real leg image[728] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀[728] stirzy_: LMAO .[728] zxvq1: sending hate from Mongolia[728] gl0kk40spaz: REAL[729] notnrgscooby: real[729] dustybusty123: cap[729] ssgbrajan: fake[729] s3rkz8: 35k views jynxzi your view bots aint working[729] juicyorfruit: Fortnite segs wedding funeral[729] bdub4224: take it out of sub only fat[729] hithereimabigfanofu: JYNXZI YOUR MY FAV CAN YOU SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAMEY[729] politesob1978: fucking weirdo[730] fazetugood: jynxziPACK jynxziTONGUE jynxziGRIDDY[730] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀[730] iacert: when was the last time caseoh sat on your nostrils and u sniffed up ?[730] stirzy_: LMAO ,[730] bazsirko0: champions league!!![731] bardown16__: real[731] reggiewoo: Take chat out of subscribers only fat ass[731] stygiana13: HAHAHAHAHA[731] shivermetimbers15: w[731] silentnowso6p: what the clip account for a friend[731] xthrxsherx: xThrxsherx subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! you not fat[731] lordtekkno: WW[731] alphaeid3: LMAO[732] victor_pineapple: REAL[732] gl0kk40spaz: REALL[732] sandy_sir: WWWWWW[732] baller122019: WTF NAHHH[733] idk_wtpyk: react harder fattie[733] j5uav3: same build[733] sandy_sir: WWWWW[733] hobbes_mobbin: REAL[733] surgezack: TAKE IT OFF SUB ONLY FATTY[734] shivermetimbers15: fat and short[734] ssgbrajan: Dake[734] khangdodo: real[734] subwayenjoyer: W[734] iacert: when was the last time caseoh sat on your nostrils and u sniffed up[734] saladboy32: so true[735] bro6ski: REAL[735] sandy_sir: REA;[735] ahmadz_02: sendig love from sweden love to you[735] alucard1910: !charm[735] neeskooooo: facts[735] nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn[735] iidoomsdayi: REALL[735] adz_sux: facts[735] sheckjesuss: Fatty McFat Fat[735] ssgbrajan: fake[735] victor_pineapple: LMAOOOOOOOO[736] notnrgscooby: w[736] bardown16__: TOO ACCURATE[736] sandy_sir: REAL[736] puertorico_51: W[736] cesargancho_03: I remember im real[736] marie_xm: real[737] excessivezero5: REAL[737] jxstak: !gamble 4k[738] malgusidk: w[738] angelchastity: LOL[738] iacert: when was the last time caseoh sat on your nostrils and u sniffed up ?[738] realrusto: caseoh too small[738] bdub4224: take it out of sub[738] bro6ski: MCDONALDS REAL[739] puffpuffjuicer: LMAOOOOOOO[739] handsoup_: !watchtime[739] streamelements: handsoup_ has spent 14 days 14 hours watching jynxzi[739] sandy_sir: REAALL[739] union432: bad audio[740] iacert: when was the last time caseoh sat on your nostrils and u sniffed up[740] mg270g: REAL U[741] sandy_sir: REAL[741] marie_xm: REAL[741] pbeast26_: i[741] eastoner79: eastoner79 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [741] artistic_trix_: MCDONALDS[741] shivermetimbers15: w employee[741] unpaireddd: real[741] flerg1: bluh is not even 6ft lol[741] imperixxl: REAL REAL REAL REAL REAL REAL REAL[742] iacert: when was the last time caseoh sat on your nostrils and u sniffed up ?[742] clappinsandy: my little sisters waiting[742] goin_broke1234: yo[742] puertorico_51: ssgamingHype ssgamingHype ssgamingHype ssgamingHype ssgamingHype ssgamingHype ssgamingHype ssgamingHype ssgamingHype[742] horizon_kbm: W 1 year[742] jaceehhss: !link[742] nightbot: @jaceehhss If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[742] topdawgtrav: REAL[742] pi00t3r: sketch lookin zesty[742] belligoal69: real[742] bro6ski: REAL[742] sandy_sir: REALL[743] younghitmen03: HEY FAT FUK, YOUR SHIRT IS INSIDE OUT[743] jordanbean21: lmao[743] cheebah710: cohhNODDERS cohhNODDERS[743] iacert: when was the last time caseoh sat on your nostrils and u sniffed up[743] simplyjavon: yo[743] sandy_sir: REAL[743] forbiddenopossum: REAL[743] adz_sux: cap[744] silentnowso6p: what’s the clip account for a friend[744] fezy20: real[744] minty5144: w[744] bardown16__: yes you do :)[745] union432: fat piece of shit[745] sandy_sir: REALL[745] gotgrappe: real[745] iacert: when was the last time caseoh sat on your nostrils and u sniffed up ?[745] boong_420: REAL[745] marie_xm: cap[745] mg270g: CAP[745] bdub4224: take out of sub[745] eduardocrxz: Sending hate from all 343 states👋[746] xkxingzx: GO HOME FUCK BREKIE[746] tomlowne38: real[746] sandy_sir: REAL[746] zjixcy: Real[746] sabriii_3: THE BRECKIEE ERA[747] thatboikendi: thatboikendi subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 8 month streak! [747] iacert: when was the last time caseoh sat on your nostrils and u sniffed up[747] neeskooooo: day in the life[747] huncho_lys: w minecraft art[747] i_love_this_name: Cheer1[747] roblox_player727: whats the acount name[747] luigistoe: Real[747] grehpm: best clip of the day[747] shivermetimbers15: Employee of the month[747] theoneandonlyd: Can i get a 10 count nugget please[748] trackstack_: real[748] xjulze: LINK[748] mrxturner25: hello gamers[748] nightbot: bozo[748] bardown16__: ofc[748] sandy_sir: REALL[748] savagesean09: savagesean09 subscribed at Tier 1. [748] gucci_kid54: real[748] realrusto: real[748] nightbot: real[748] m3gs_23: why is it subs only[748] iacert: when was the last time caseoh sat on your nostrils and u sniffed up ?[748] nickcarriedyou_: brain refresh[749] jxstak: !gamble 1k[749] streamelements: JxstAK lost 1000 points in roulette and now has 5702734 points! FeelsBadMan[749] sandy_sir: REAL[749] motocrossguy507: how was the wedding[749] d1purge_: real[750] marriedtoclash: I saw you eating cheetos earlier[750] trackstack_: REAL[750] tkettel_: tkettel_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [750] z1slayer10: 1v1 ME NOW WASHED BOY[750] spergous: w music[750] microweenisclean: real life[750] gl0kk40spaz: U DO[750] zjixcy: super real[751] bardown16__: ofc ofc ofc[751] iacert: when was the last time caseoh sat on your nostrils and u sniffed up[751] bighedge18: your bigger than casoe[751] savagesean09: why did you lose against Real Madrid bro your supposed to carry[751] minty5144: real[751] trackstack_: real[752] sawyergd2: u don't have to lie anymore[752] fanz_abuswe7l: f sup only[752] nightbot: F in the chat[752] ssgbrajan: reallll[752] khangdodo: skinny[752] gl0kk40spaz: SO REAL[753] tykyran: real[753] cowzay: W vlog[753] bardown16__: ofc[753] sandy_sir: REALREALL[753] xiphoidar: real[753] ezzable: Ezzable subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! [753] iacert: when was the last time caseoh sat on your nostrils and u sniffed up ?[753] trooperyt09: you[753] shivermetimbers15: real[754] odogmcleary: real[754] union432: disgusting fat fuck[754] tj_gains: W[754] ssgbrajan: Rea[754] kalxl17: Live footage[754] neeskooooo: yes u do[755] saladboy32: typical jynxzi[755] bennyy23: Can I get 12 piece nuggets pls[755] hatefromireland: real[755] dalemoney__: wedding[755] trackstack_: Fat[755] bighedge18: funeral[756] iacert: when was the last time caseoh sat on your nostrils and u sniffed up[756] j5uav3: real undedited[756] puffpuffjuicer: LOLLLL[756] rob0000flo: !gamble all[756] jakeynwa: fat[756] topdawgtrav: SO REAL[756] streamelements: PogChamp rob0000flo went all in and won 43275 points PogChamp they now have 86550 points FeelsGoodMan[757] sakan_27: u dp[757] aidentod: Q[757] sandy_sir: REAL FOOTAGE[757] inflatedsack: inflatedsack subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! you stink[757] zjixcy: 4k real[757] marbewylin: Ww clip[757] iacert: when was the last time caseoh sat on your nostrils and u sniffed up ?[758] mxmorrow811: REAL[758] forbiddenopossum: W REAL[758] tomlowne38: Real[758] voidant0: Real[758] coffeezilladaughter: looks accurate ngl[758] boong_420: REAL REAL[758] assumesgenderidentity: w[758] xd_shadowx: Facts[758] fezy20: real as fuck[758] kacpur132: ofc[759] coffeezilladaughter: looks accurate ngl [759] puffpuffjuicer: REAL[759] iacert: when was the last time caseoh sat on your nostrils and u sniffed up[759] xslenderyoshix: Listening[760] aspictdg: YOU SHOULD JOIN FAZE AND MOVE INTO FAZE HOUSE YOU SHOULD JOIN FAZE AND MOVE INTO FAZE HOUSE. YOU SHOULD JOIN FAZE AND MOVE INTO FAZE HOUSE[760] lesinglemother: real[760] shivermetimbers15: employee of the month[760] d1purge_: very real[760] unclejimmy69_: HOW ARE U SO BIG[761] iacert: when was the last time caseoh sat on your nostrils and u sniffed up ?[761] danny19291: real[761] coffeezilladaughter: looks accurate ngl[761] excessivezero5: YES YOU DO[761] xdilldope_2: that’s so accurate[761] beefbayonet733: hate from[761] inaxvy: is jynxzi slowly falling off? 36k from 60k is sad[762] earthquake__19: caseoh should be thicker[762] glocksteppa_: obesity[762] hobbes_mobbin: DAMN[762] mxmorrow811: ReaL[762] matttheduck95: !LINK[762] gibz456: new McDonalds shirt today?[762] iacert: when was the last time caseoh sat on your nostrils and u sniffed up[763] union432: stinky fatso[763] jxstak: 😡[763] re_bo123: fuck you[763] fezy20: rip[763] absolut_tobi: absolut_tobi subscribed with Prime. [763] mynameisnotgoon: www[763] gucci_kid54: 😢[763] pbeast26_: PBeast26_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 5 month streak! yurr[764] saladboy32: rip junk[764] jackfirsty: mcdonald’s interview[764] trapsteak: I’m waiting[764] idk_wtpyk: react harder fattie[764] xiphoidar: extremely real[764] subwayenjoyer: DAMN[765] cowzay: FallCry[765] gotgrappe: HAHA[765] iacert: when was the last time caseoh sat on your nostrils and u sniffed up ?[765] tulhobazz: rip[765] mrxturner25: RIP[765] wiffk: idk stream[766] linka745: Linka745 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! [766] shivermetimbers15: Smoking on your chair[766] neeskooooo: damn[766] bardown16__: RIP CHAIR :([766] flacco64: REAL AFFFFF[766] angelchastity: awww[766] danklemur: yoooooo[767] bro6ski: RIP[767] bighedge18: wedding[767] iacert: when was the last time caseoh sat on your nostrils and u sniffed up[767] ayana727: ayana727 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months! [767] gucci_kid54: 😢[767] forbiddenopossum: REAL NERD[768] realrusto: RIP[768] iidoomsdayi: RIP[768] pabloatecheese: jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY[768] landog290: W[769] khangdodo: BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump[769] vixilens: RIP[769] danklemur: REAL[769] deyyveon: I love you jynxzi[769] xvxpre: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭[769] neeskooooo: rip[769] razoo020: RIP CHAIR[770] qwvzr: yoooo[770] gucci_kid54: 😢[770] pbeast26_: s[770] malgusidk: RIP[770] itstrxz_: sub only and still getting called fat is crazy[770] ydguf1231: rip[770] unclejimmy69_: RIPP[770] puffpuffjuicer: RIP[770] cowzay: FallCry that makes me sad[770] gowhaan_: w clip[770] hatefromireland: RIP[770] puertorico_51: RIP[770] horizon_kbm: W 1 year JUNKO[770] flerg1: F[770] abeaver: RIP[771] imperixxl: :([771] streamelements: PogChamp fanz_AbuSwe7l went all in and won 1205 points PogChamp they now have 2410 points FeelsGoodMan[771] odogmcleary: o7[771] bdub4224: take it out of sub only fat ass[771] subwayenjoyer: RIP[771] gucci_kid54: 😢[771] chrisleader69: chrisleader69 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! [772] mrxturner25: 😔[772] iacert: when was the last time caseoh sat on your nostrils and u sniffed up ?[772] mynameisnotgoon: la bro bro[772] goin_broke1234: goin_broke1234 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [772] xeno_xcaliburr: TOO REAL I WAS THERE[772] sabriii_3: F[772] belligoal69: 😢[772] pesadilla15637: rip[772] goin_broke1234: goin_broke1234 gifted a Tier 1 sub to bippindabipper! [772] shivermetimbers15: smoking on your chair .[772] jakew14571: WW[773] victor_pineapple: RIP CHAIR[773] trips_ok: RIP[773] itz_eakoz: RIP[773] lefadura: RIP[773] boong_420: BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump[773] danklemur: REAL![773] bobbcenaa: RIP[773] leotheseven7th: rip[773] abeaver: RIP CHAIR[773] pabloatecheese: jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY[773] angelchastity: :( :( :( :([773] xoacymd: RIP[773] ckhitz: Ik he doesn’t work at McDonald’s cuz he didn’t even know how many hours most people work 💀💀💀💀[773] khangdodo: smoketvSad smoketvSad smoketvSad smoketvSad smoketvSad smoketvSad smoketvSad[773] thereal_swazy: RIPr[774] gucci_kid54: F[774] brxcks_: W[774] mstysack: this muh fucka is still in sub only mode[774] itstrxz_: fat[774] iacert: when was the last time caseoh sat on your nostrils and u sniffed up[774] sandy_sir: F[774] nightbot: F in the chat[774] fezy20: RIP[774] bardown16__: RIP :[774] victor_pineapple: F[774] gucci_kid54: F[774] konkykoink: f[774] savagesean09: madrid[774] mrbrecken: F[774] xseejuu: HATE FROM CANADA[775] andrx27_: F[775] ttvxpsychosusanoo: F[775] ydguf1231: 😭😭😭😭[775] babayaga434: f[775] spplcyy: RIP[775] abeaver: F[775] gucci_kid54: F[775] pabloatecheese: jynxziCRY jynxziCRY[775] sakan_27: F[775] infamoustryhardr: F[775] zornthehero: F[775] sandy_sir: FF[775] gucci_kid54: F[776] whozaxel: F[776] naw_m8: f[776] trospire: F[776] farater: rip[776] stygiana13: HAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHA[776] xjulze: link[776] iidoomsdayi: F[776] jadenmoltisanti: F[776] trooperyt09: idc[776] likeablevenus12: F[776] letsgofaygo: RIP[776] abyssaldreamsss: F[776] beensock: F[776] funnierdingo: f[776] okseany: F[777] silentnotorious: WWWWWW[777] pinkish31: rip[777] xkaitlyn_c: f[777] itsweem: F[777] imperixxl: FFFF[777] aagreyy: RIP[777] bubba_dice: f[777] saladboy32: f[777] nate29turtle: F[777] marie_xm: rip[777] bonnkers: F[777] ibmercs: F[777] dynakin29: F[777] kingbubble14: Your the best twitch streamer and your not fat and you don’t work at McDonald’s[777] gucci_kid54: F[779] smileysfts: SmileySFTS subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 5 month streak! [779] jakew14571: FFFF[779] chivo_19: f[779] zjixcy: ff[779] qwvzr: f[779] mg270g: F[779] edwinn_carier: F[779] owendl14: w[779] gxdflako: F[779] mlb_asf: f[779] cactusmastrr22: fffffff[779] meekcha_: f[779] hqjnx: rip[779] thatboy_shaun: F[779] xzertion_: fff[780] adhd330: F[780] zayzay0609: f[780] kr5vv: FFFFF[780] realrusto: F[780] rnitten: f[780] avas03115: F[780] amendext: FF[780] wiffk: f[780] loadedpotuwa: fat[780] xo_isaac27: WWWWWWWWWWW[780] puffpuffjuicer: F[780] lowerclassked: l[780] n0tmimic: F[780] lilfilballer10: f[780] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[781] junkocumko123: fat[781] kashyamean: f[781] wyattz90: Wf[781] fr_max_: f[781] flerg1: FF[781] beefbayonet733: hate from Iraq[781] union432: F[781] fernybfc: FF[781] jimmy_and_nutty: F[781] juice_rl_: fly high 🕊️[781] penciiiii: w[781] kr5vv: FFFFFF[781] 70ejj: F[783] johnsindestroyer: dad fixed it[783] soupsclips: f[783] derekgarcia_: f[783] curlymagic69: ff[783] cude3: ur at breckies bitch[783] reesespuffs69420: FF[783] youtube_voidfn: F[783] trackstack_: W[783] sweetxmeat: RIP Chair[783] adamg1105: f[783] ziortex: F[783] grzybek9_: FFF[783] cilln_: rip chair[783] gloqsi: f[783] reaper6969lol: LLLLLLLLLLLLLL[784] snooziezzz: F[784] timberwear: SHIRT INSIDE OUT!! TELL HIM CHAT!![784] politesob1978: f[784] baggiestchief5: o7[784] xzertion_: f[784] z1slayer10: 1v1 ME NOW WASHED BOY[784] chasewalton22: F[784] jxstmath: fff[784] akrazy_chikken: f[784] gl0kk40spaz: FFFFFFF[786] sandy_sir: FFF[786] nickparadoxx: FFFFF[786] silwitit410: L[786] novak310: f[786] neekjogger: WWWWWWWWWWWWW[786] aspictdg: f[786] youtube_voidfn: ff[786] ohitsice: f[786] schlorborg: F[786] reaper6969lol: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL[786] curlymagic69: f[786] fossabot: @wstcide, Your message is too long[786] em0ney__: YOUR DAD REINFORCED ITF[786] billysgenie: C[786] sh0t0____: F[787] es4_orlando: f[787] kr5vv: FFFFF[787] meekcha_: FF[787] iliquifyy: get some FAT in the chat[787] bro6ski: FF[787] imkyleguy: f[787] dopescrubl0rd: F[787] oglinden_69: LL[787] chickengod433: o7[787] tballh84: fff[788] miraclewhip2001: miraclewhip2001 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [789] d1purge_: WWWWWWW[789] dicslapp: w[789] leanmfjr: w[789] savagesean09: rb[789] nickdoesshit: F[789] billysgenie: F[789] meekcha_: FFF[789] basedjerms: F[789] kuehn220: fat in the chat[789] angelchastity: WWW[789] nightmare_22ofc: f jynxziSad[789] johnsindestroyer: f[789] louisvees: F[789] setdatrendz: F[790] kamcontrols: fffffff[790] cjsocrackedz: f[790] mrxturner25: Lmaooo[790] not_lethal_: LMAO[790] lilsluga: lmfao[790] alphaeid3: lol[790] wizzariz: RIP OG CHAIR[790] beefbayonet733: hate from Afghanistan[790] nightbot: 😂[790] fuego_mcnasty: FFFFFFFFF[790] arealmexican15: ww[790] cobraeye__: you fèll off[790] alexbtw14: www[790] realrusto: W[791] inaxvy: @kingbubble14 the glaze is actually crazy 😭😭🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽[791] ionic_a1pha: FACTSSS[791] gotgrappe: LMAO[791] notnrgscooby: w[791] unclejimmy69_: DID U SECRETLY EAT THE CHAIR[791] mandatories: lmao[791] burakozsyy: you are not even home[791] cowzay: so wholesome <3[791] weso2141: f[791] 7ghxst_: LMAO[791] adz_sux: WWW[791] kingkaixz223: F[791] andrewn621: FFFF[791] iidoomsdayi: LMAOOO[791] yotti_z: f[792] noobie__2: Rip[792] setdatrendz: fo[792] darkcyclecd: 💀[792] neeskooooo: 😂😂😂😂😂[792] iacert: when was the last time caseoh sat on your nostrils and u sniffed up ?[792] cowzay: so wholesome <3[792] iintrs: IIntrs subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months, currently on a 14 month streak! fat[793] juicyorfruit: W[793] caseohsjuicycrack: sub only is crazy.[793] assumesgenderidentity: haven't got my order of merch yet[793] xxangeleyes11xx: fff[793] weso2141: fffff[793] grzybek9_: WW[793] kreammyyyyy: smoking that chair pack[793] skytheguyy: suck it[793] iacert: when was the last time caseoh sat on your nostrils and u sniffed up[794] sandy_sir: FF[794] setdatrendz: f[794] xxnoblejokerxx: f[794] dogo6789: ffff[794] infamousdwills: @dark_den2[794] subwayenjoyer: LMAOOOOO[794] mufctaelor: fat[794] em0ney__: MUNDANE MIKE FIXED IT[794] beefbayonet733: hate from Iraq[794] ilovebarney12: f[794] unclejimmy69_: DID U SECRETLY EAT THE CHAIRRDID U SECRETLY EAT THE CHAIR[794] puertorico_51: F[794] weso2141: fff[794] bighedge18: bigger than casoeh[794] manofsteel202222: Fat[795] puffpuffjuicer: LMAOOOOOOOO[795] bbjunecake: FFF[795] yonatan_t: RIP W CHAIR[795] belleb0043: Ffff[795] girthyahh: F[795] goshal04: lol[795] charlesonsniff: mandem[795] slaterthe420lord: play more Minecraft one day with sketch and caseoh[795] sandy_sir: FFF[795] trapsteak: I’m waiting[795] tilunky: FFFFFFFFFFF[795] carlwheezr6: f[795] 2coold_: W[796] yelvispresley: o7[796] cyyn1cal: WHOLESOME[796] untraced_: F[796] zayzay0609: w[796] mg270g: U STOLE THE CHAIR FROM THE WEDDING[796] nutz500: W[796] unclejimmy69_: DID U SECRETLY EAT THE CHAIR[796] drkahl__: F[796] angelchastity: wwwww[796] gl0kk40spaz: FR[796] grzybek9_: WWW[796] sandy_sir: FF[796] chinzies_: Hate from Burger king[796] dicslapp: fat[796] mufctaelor: ffff[797] jxstak: !gamble 3k[797] jlrod5260: F[797] streamelements: JxstAK lost 3000 points in roulette and now has 5699734 points! FeelsBadMan[797] danklemur: W[797] clapped1445: f for fat[797] gl0kk40spaz: TRUEE[798] bradl00: TONGUE FATY?[798] zigzapro360: No F’s it’s in sub mode[798] 1738clutch: then vs than[798] grzybek9_: W[798] savagesean09: McDonald’s build[798] alphaeid3: awww[798] stygiana13: HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA[798] boong_420: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT[799] jaceehhss: !link[799] nutz500: MOD HIM[799] nightbot: @jaceehhss If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[799] gl0kk40spaz: REALLL[799] unclejimmy69_: DID U SECRETLY EAT THE CHAIRR[799] ziortex: WWWWWWWW[799] deathonnix05: jynxziChampion[799] charlesonsniff: hehehef[799] pabloo782: rip the chair[799] jun3bug1xyt: f[800] crxpyyfn_: f[800] unclejimmy69_: DID U SECRETLY EAT THE CHAIR[800] 1738clutch: wrong than[800] xsilent__star: LMAO REAL[801] weso2141: f[801] gl0kk40spaz: SO REAL[801] iacert: when was the last time caseoh sat on your nostrils and u sniffed up ?[801] daubben: The chair is fixed no?[801] drxppy_zapzz: f[801] unclejimmy69_: RDID U SECRETLY EAT THE CHAIR[802] shivermetimbers15: garfield clone[802] stygiana13: SEND IT[802] jackscurry08: F[802] gl0kk40spaz: SO TRUE[802] david_lombardi: WWWWWWWWWWW RIP CHAIR[802] iidoomsdayi: WW[802] pi00t3r: LMAOO[802] snooziezzz: did you get fatter?[802] horizon_kbm: W 1 year GOAT[802] iacert: when was the last time caseoh sat on your nostrils and u sniffed up[803] ggabeguzman: ggabeguzman subscribed with Prime. [803] windwithbreze: F[803] uzi2032: fat[803] drxppy_zapzz: F[803] unclejimmy69_: DID U SECRETLY EAT THE CHAIRR[804] tilunky: FFFFFFFFF[804] luigistoe: mod[804] gucci_kid54: 💀💀💀[804] neeskooooo: w new Garfield[804] sbro394: f[804] nightbot: F in the chat[804] bassfacedubs: MOD HIM[804] seven2shifty: whats the best defender in r 6[804] yvesownsyou: BOMBOOCLAAAAT[805] unclejimmy69_: DID U SECRETLY EAT THE CHAIR[805] subwayenjoyer: REAL[805] nightbot: real[805] adz_sux: Real[805] sandy_sir: FFFFFF[805] big_billy_man: F[805] gucci_kid54: 💀💀💀[805] shivermetimbers15: AYO[806] beefbayonet733: hate from Syria[806] edgar__2001: F[806] danklemur: WWWWWWWWW[806] angelchastity: LOLOLOL[806] iacert: when was the last time caseoh sat on your nostrils and u sniffed up ?[806] bardown16__: POLL IT, THIS GUY OR GARFIELD?[806] belligoal69: real[806] sandy_sir: FFFFFFF[806] aspictdg: YOU SHOULD JOIN FAZE AND MOVE INTO FAZE HOUSE YOU SHOULD JOIN FAZE AND MOVE INTO FAZE HOUSE. YOU SHOULD JOIN FAZE AND MOVE INTO FAZE HOUSE[806] coffeezilladaughter: real[807] realrusto: REAL[807] coffeezilladaughter: real [807] xzavior626: let me get a 9 piece[807] unclejimmy69_: DID U SECRETLY EAT THE CHAIRR[807] stygiana13: LMAO[807] hobbes_mobbin: LOL[808] dalemoney__: lmaoooo[808] gucci_kid54: 💀💀💀[808] iacert: when was the last time caseoh sat on your nostrils and u sniffed up[808] xslenderyoshix: jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh[808] not_lethal_: NAHH[808] artistic_trix_: REAL[808] rjkaz14: fuck you junko[808] kingtyden: F[808] coffeezilladaughter: real[808] victor_pineapple: REAL[808] sandy_sir: F💀💀💀[808] d1purge_: REAL[808] gl0kk40spaz: FAT STREAMER[809] short5topshorty1: FACTS[809] unpaireddd: LMAO[809] aspictdg: f[809] voyager021: REAL[809] andrx27_: LMAOOOOO[809] angelchastity: LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL[809] purepro_: LOL[809] neeskooooo: wtfffffff[809] bardown16__: POLL IT, THIS GUY OR GARFIELD..[809] kleist23: dude holy fuck. this guy is fucked[809] skytheguyy: whole Sam is in you[809] gotgrappe: HAHA[809] imperixxl: LMAO[809] skirtboiiiy1: frfr[809] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀[810] short5topshorty1: REAL[810] kr5vv: REAL[810] gucci_kid54: 💀💀💀[810] oglinden_69: hayhahahahaha[810] rubiks_xd7: rubiks_xd7 subscribed with Prime. [810] ymiyhh: miyhzxz subscribed at Tier 1. [811] shivermetimbers15: real[811] sweetxmeat: Real[811] j5uav3: LMAO[811] bardown16__: POLL IT, THIS GUY OR GARFIELD[811] mario9047: REAL[811] belligoal69: facts[811] aspictdg: YOU SHOULD JOIN FAZE AND MOVE INTO FAZE HOUSE YOU SHOULD JOIN FAZE AND MOVE INTO FAZE HOUSE. YOU SHOULD JOIN FAZE AND MOVE INTO FAZE HOUSE[811] razoo020: NAHH[811] bro6ski: REAL[811] whozaxel: REAL[811] jakeclerico: REAL[811] luigistoe: Mod him[811] oglinden_69: LOl[811] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀[811] wyattz90: real[812] gspeedd: real[812] kr5vv: REALLL[812] dalemoney__: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀[812] andrx27_: LMAOOOOOOOO[812] spplcyy: REAL[812] pinkinfinite: LMAOOOOO[812] jxstak: !gamble 6k[812] thereal_swazy: LMAOOOOO[812] drake_justus: real[812] xo_isaac27: REAL![812] streamelements: JxstAK won 6000 points in roulette and now has 5705734 points! FeelsGoodMan[812] 2coold_: LMFAOOOOO[812] zzfrostwizardzz: LUL[812] bardown16__: POLL IT, THIS GUY OR GARFIELD?[812] gucci_kid54: 💀💀💀[813] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀[813] tilunky: stompn[813] cruc1al3: REAL[813] nenon_kai: Real[813] topdawgtrav: W[813] fox_da_qt: REALLL[813] lefadura: REAL[813] excessivezero5: LMAOOO[813] marrymcgeier: real[813] fragnantg: LMAOOOOOOO[813] fmbrert: fmbrert subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [814] bassfacedubs: W[814] shivermetimbers15: real.[814] z1slayer10: 1v1 ME NOW WASHED BOY[814] j5uav3: REAL[814] davood332: w[814] hatefromireland: real[814] kevinamaro: real[814] nutz500: MOD HIM???????'[839] mugiwaramamba: HALA MADRID[839] maxedout18: REACT HARDER[839] jlopez2070: hey cumko[839] colinbailey101: !gamble all[840] imuglyah: leaked[840] two2girls: bro just blew my eardrums out[840] streamelements: PogChamp colinbailey101 went all in and won 9935 points PogChamp they now have 19870 points FeelsGoodMan[840] sharekindness: Clip farmed[840] zxttv21: gg[840] ajew2: lewked[840] theoneandonlyd: no edit[840] neeskooooo: mod that guy[840] nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP[840] ggates3001: DUMMY THICCCCC[840] willbubby24: w clip farm[840] hobbes_mobbin: DEF A ACCURATE RETELLING[840] james_david381: leak[840] blaze_riplol: w[840] iamluis55: jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh[841] beefbayonet733: HATE FROM SYRIA[841] pinkfluffysliper: real[841] alexitotomars: MY EArs[841] tomlowne38: Real[841] chasewalton22: Mod him[841] cactusmastrr22: 1:30 streamer[841] edgarsrms: mundane mike is waiting[841] clopnb: KENDRICK DROPPED[841] unclejimmy69_: GIVE ME PINK EYE[842] tkettel_: the teuth[842] fezy20: CHUBBED[842] es4_orlando: jynxzi leaked[842] drxppy_zapzz: fat[842] nate181920: nice shirt[842] zachrogersss: weird[842] mperfectx_: white speed[842] turksr6: jynxziPACK[842] paul16283: to real[842] moneychasrr: stop screamin fat boy[842] sinkwithevan: fake react[842] bdubb_3: MOD HIM[842] erattic__: what the hell[842] cilln_: w clip[842] danklemur: clip of the day forsure[843] unclejimmy69_: GIVE ME PINK EYEE[843] thorgoes: that was wholesum[843] lumpyoctopus19: Ben 10[843] lindseyherrera: MEOWWWWWWT[843] dicslapp: mod him fatty[843] blackbiscuit17: WHAT TIME IS SHROUD[843] stygiana13: UNGRATEFUL[843] revbangz: !gamble all[843] streamelements: @revbangz, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan[844] luigistoe: Mod him[844] ahmadz_02: sendig love from sweden❤️❤️😘😘😘[844] neeskooooo: Ben ten[844] williamstevenss: HE NEVER DENIED IT[844] immortal675: w real[844] daniel_xo999: BARS[844] joshallen_proztictoc: welcome to the mod squad[844] kingbubble14: your the best[844] tmaacc: Those looked like real images[844] ghuttomeg: SENDING HATE FORM POLAND[844] ajew2: clip farm[844] retronitez: ben ten[844] unclejimmy69_: GIVE ME PINK EYE[845] realrusto: BEN 10[845] xslenderyoshix: jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh[845] inaxvy: 34k viewers?[845] nolimitnoob_: Turn this dumb mode off cuhh[845] turksr6: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK[845] miraclewhip2001: leakeddddd[845] notnrgscooby: leaks[845] itzwumbottv: turn off sub only lame ass[845] 1738clutch: 💀💀💀💀💀[845] z1slayer10: 1v1 ME NOW WASHED BOY[845] david_lombardi: STOP YELLING IM TRYING TO TAKE A NAP[845] sandy_sir: 1-10[846] gray154: react harder idiot[846] r0ssboss44: EARLY STREAM YAYAYAYAYAY[846] savagesean09: w clip[846] yourlittlecuz: jynxziTONGUE[846] khangdodo: 1-1 wedding[846] tkettel_: reality[846] ghuttomeg: SENDING HATE FORM POLAND SENDING HATE FORM POLAND[846] unclejimmy69_: GIVE ME PINK EYEE[847] kr8money: jynxzi react harder[847] hisysdemes: 1st rounded[847] flaume_aux: 1-10 BEN[847] clappinsandy: my little sisters waiting[847] xdilldope_2: !watchtime[847] unclejimmy69_: GIVE ME PINK EYE[847] ghuttomeg: SENDING HATE FORM POLAND[847] streamelements: xDillDope_2 has spent 4 hours 50 mins watching jynxzi[848] excessivezero5: MOD HIM FATSO[848] savagesean09: w[848] blackbiscuit17: WHAT TIME IS SHROUDD[848] badoke3: let keep[848] sinkwithevan: fake react harder[849] burgerdude55: play with stompn[849] chitdaripper: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK[849] edgarsrms: ben[849] ghuttomeg: SENDING HATE FORM POLAND SENDING HATE FORM POLAND[849] rixlovv: LMAOOO[849] chrisleader69: 1-10 ben[849] union432: jynxzi I wanna put my rizz into your skibidi and fanum tax on your back[849] mperfectx_: WHITE SPEED[849] kleist23: kaicGimmiegold kaicGimmiegold kaicGimmiegold[849] puertorico_51: BEN 10[849] autizyn: did you propose to stompn?[849] brigglyb2001: BRO JUST GOT BACK FROM THE DIDDY PARTY[850] unclejimmy69_: GIVE ME PINK EYEE[850] ajew2: w clip[850] khangdodo: 1-10 wedding[850] xthrxsherx: did you thank my sub i didn’t see bc i have to do it in a different tap on my phone[850] tyl6rnol: Tyl6rnol subscribed with Prime. [850] jeffersuun: why not in chair L ungrateful[850] krpt240: LEAKED[850] colinbailey101: !points[850] jxstak: !gamble 3k[850] ghuttomeg: SENDING HATE FORM POLAND[850] streamelements: JxstAK lost 3000 points in roulette and now has 5701734 points! FeelsBadMan[850] streamelements: @colinbailey101 colinbailey101 has 19870 points and is rank 13607/1727463 on the leaderboard.[851] unclejimmy69_: GIVE ME PINK EYE[851] tellatubbin: react harder[851] shhhlucky: u bum[851] jackgarv_2183: it wasn’t a wedding it was a P diddy party[851] jaceehhss: !link[851] cactusmastrr22: 1:30 streamer.[851] nightbot: @jaceehhss If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[851] ghuttomeg: SENDING HATE FORM POLAND SENDING HATE FORM POLAND[852] therealrhino_: 😂[852] shivermetimbers15: shut up[852] yourlittlecuz: jynxziFALL[852] the_jaggg: that’s motion brother ☝️[852] ahmadz_02: sendig love from sweden❤️❤️😘😘😘😘😘[852] kate_bivvvv: hey jynxzi congrats on your wedding![853] unclejimmy69_: GIVE ME PINK EYEE[853] pizzagratis: BEN 10[853] moochisdaddy: Ben 10[853] snipdx: BEN TEN[853] jackgarv_2183: it wasn’t a wedding it was a P diddy party .[853] ghuttomeg: SENDING HATE FORM POLAND[854] musicraft6202: w[854] flaume_aux: WEDDING[854] coffeezilladaughter: oh hell no[854] playyaaaaaa: that what he said[854] daswort: L[854] shivermetimbers15: fat[854] bardown16__: ....[854] ghuttomeg: SENDING HATE FORM POLAND SENDING HATE FORM POLAND[854] tkettel_: 1-10 Ben[855] coffeezilladaughter: oh hell no [855] flacco64: REACT HARDER, HATE FROM VIRGINIA[855] andrx27_: HALA MADRID[855] ehall_8414: hi[855] 1738clutch: is that arabic?[855] maxedout18: SENDING HATE FROM MADRID[856] runangun837: !sub[856] tmaacc: “I do” ahh shirt 💀💀[856] nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi[856] xslenderyoshix: IT'S FOUR ARMS jynxziLaugh[856] iobo31: ......[856] zxhxr1: HALA MADRID[856] therealrhino_: 😂😂😂😂😂[856] sandy_sir: BEN 10[857] jackgarv_2183: it wasn’t a wedding it was a P diddy party ![857] trapsteak: I’m waiting[857] excessivezero5: LMAOOOO[857] cinomadeit: white shirt humiliation ritual. how was the diddy party[857] neeskooooo: did you go to a wedding today junko?[857] short5topshorty1: SHUT THE FUCK UP[857] ahmadz_02: sendig love from sweden❤️❤️😘😘😘😘[857] artistic_trix_: BEN 1-10[857] coffeezilladaughter: oh hell no[858] aspictdg: YOU SHOULD JOIN FAZE AND MOVE INTO FAZE HOUSE YOU SHOULD JOIN FAZE AND MOVE INTO FAZE HOUSE. YOU SHOULD JOIN FAZE AND MOVE INTO FAZE HOUSE[858] twsei1: w[858] flerg1: terrorist wannabe[858] stompben: WWW[858] datboi777839: Jynxi i wanna nut on you[859] shhhlucky: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[859] clopnb: KENDRICK DROPPED KENDRICK DROPPED KENDRICK DROPPED[859] jackgarv_2183: it wasn’t a wedding it was a P diddy party ,[859] wearethebestaround1: Ben 10[859] ben100800: HALA MADRID[859] pogdaddylonglegs: Beckie waiting[859] miraclewhip2001: sending hate from kentucky[860] dozeruk: your fat asf[860] kleist23: kaicDubs kaicDubs kaicDubs kaicDubs kaicDubs kaicDubs[860] unclejimmy69_: GIVE ME PINK EYEEGIVE ME PINK EYE[860] gowhaan_: ben 1-10[860] qrtvn: why u wearing your Girlfriends shirt[860] bardown16__: ok[860] nightbot: ok[860] licking_taco: ben[861] shivermetimbers15: ben 1-10[861] cruc1al3: JUNKO JYNXZI NBA PART TIMER LEAKED LEAKEDD LEAKED[861] doobyscooby420: when you playing Tim[861] unclejimmy69_: GIVE ME PINK EYE[861] shhhlucky: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[862] brandom39: you sucked today[862] mg270g: ….[862] ghuttomeg: SENDING HATE FORM POL[862] o_jameer: yo[862] jpmartinez80: cap[862] nightbot: no 🧢[862] tykyran: big tits[863] n0tmimic: oh hell no[863] godsmoekr: shut up[863] jackgarv_2183: it wasn’t a wedding it was a P diddy party n[863] kr8money: KICK SOMETHING ALREADY[863] wiffk: ben 10[863] holyflippindang: racist[863] voxxyyyyyyyyy: Rigged match wdc lmfao[863] gotgrappe: thanks for coming to my wedding today ![863] unclejimmy69_: GIVE ME PINK EYEE[863] excessivezero5: 1-10 FAT[864] ghuttomeg: SENDING HATE FORM POLAND SENDING HATE FORM POLAND[864] rayanb7_: glory hunter[864] subwayenjoyer: SHUT UP[864] tooler2jz: W[864] jynxziisbald293: fall ofd[864] suulks: BVB[864] neeskooooo: cap[865] supersaiyan1821: PikaRamen PikaRamen[865] unpaireddd: CAP[865] skeeeesh: shut up[865] ghuttomeg: SENDING HATE FORM POLAND[865] 501boy: you playing doc today?[865] fatonduty: nbaChunko[865] rayanb7_: glory hunter[865] beefbayonet733: SENDING HATE IN GENERAL[865] lefadura: 15[865] unclejimmy69_: GIVE ME PINK EYE[865] xsilent__star: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis[865] akaloverboy: FUCK MADRID[865] masn_3: Shut up[865] kleist23: kaicBLM kaicBLM kaicBLM[866] brandom39: you sucker today[866] shivermetimbers15: wedding[866] rayanb7_: glory hunter[866] d1purge_: fat[866] chrisleader69: biggest glory hunter ever[866] ghuttomeg: SENDING HATE FORM POLAND SENDING HATE FORM POLAND[866] harryunt_: fat[866] joshua63981: joshua63981 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 3 month streak! I LOVE YOU JYNXZI SUCK MY NIPS[867] itstaxel: no one cares[867] jxstak: !gamble 9k[867] subwayenjoyer: REACT FAT BOY[867] streamelements: JxstAK lost 9000 points in roulette and now has 5692734 points! FeelsBadMan[867] suulks: DORTMUND[867] rayanb7_: glory hunter[867] wiffk: fat ben 10[867] ghuttomeg: SENDING HATE FORM POLAND[867] daygoldfish: rigged[867] bardown16__: nobody watches soccer lol[867] daswort: L glazing[867] vlxnely: wedding[867] jynxzipartimer123: HALA MADRI[867] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[867] lordtekkno: NOOOOO[868] unclejimmy69_: GIVE ME PINK EYEEGIVE ME PINK[868] artistic_trix_: DELUSIONAL[868] sharks550: you're showing too much cleavage[868] razoo020: ok[868] ahmadz_02: sendig love from sweden❤️❤️😘 love youuu[868] xiphoidar: cap[868] cantuerick: WWWWW[868] rayanb7_: glory hunter[868] short5topshorty1: STOP YAPPING[868] mrbean0909: HALA MADRID[868] jackgarv_2183: it wasn’t a wedding it was a P diddy party ‘[868] ghuttomeg: SENDING HATE FORM POLAND SENDING HATE FORM POLAND[868] goshal04: bvb[869] imuglyah: clip farmer[869] mcgovv: W[869] khangdodo: BVB[869] r0wb0: shut up[869] drmuc1: rigged[869] d1purge_: wedding[869] owenblackwell420: nope[869] short5topshorty1: YES[869] itz_soroosh021: ROBBED[869] ghuttomeg: SENDING HATE FORM POLAND[869] shivermetimbers15: yes[869] alphaeid3: stfu no ball knowledge[869] rayanb7_: glory hunter[870] 1738clutch: yes[870] einfach_lewis: Dortmund on top[870] sandy_sir: YES[870] calebcoro3: like shit did you see new Eli glitch[870] xslenderyoshix: YES[870] poopmanin69: l glaze[870] cantuerick: NO SIR[870] tefeq_gs: yes[870] alphaeid3: stfu no ball knowledge[871] rayanb7_: glory hunter[871] ghuttomeg: SENDING HATE FORM POLAND SENDING HATE FORM POLAND[871] imperixxl: yes[871] jayohhee22: YESSIRRRRRR[871] unclejimmy69_: GIVE ME PINK EYE[871] da_squirrel3: yes[871] adz_sux: yes[871] artistic_trix_: YES[871] wavesot: yes[871] wearethebestaround1: Yes[871] definitely_not_a_copp: yes[871] bardown16__: idk[871] unrealriki: yes[871] mcgovv: WWWWW[871] lowboysniperlol: yea[872] dmann0912: yes[872] alphaeid3: stfu no ball knowledge[872] unpaireddd: ALWAYS[872] stygiana13: bruh[872] ghuttomeg: SENDING HATE FORM POLAND[872] rayanb7_: glory hunter[872] unclejimmy69_: GIVE ME PINK EYEE[872] purifiedher: knowledge of my balls[872] o_g1814: Yes[872] poopmanin69: l gaze[872] tangydrugs420: yes[873] wyattz90: uyes[873] jackgarv_2183: it wasn’t a wedding it was a P diddy party -[873] suulks: WE STAND FOR DORTMUND[873] blowz3y: BVB[873] goshal04: BVB[873] sakan_27: yes[873] ghuttomeg: SENDING HATE FORM POLAND SENDING HATE FORM POLAND[873] domclipz: yup[873] reedg1325: DORTMUNDDD[873] nitrousabuser: BvB[873] rayanb7_: glory hunter[873] nightbot: yup yup yup[873] shivermetimbers15: fat[873] zxhxr1: yes[873] flaume_aux: WHEN'S THE WEDDING[874] sandy_sir: YUP[874] alphaeid3: stfu no ball knowledge[874] davood332: yes[874] khangdodo: BVB 😹😹😹😹😹[874] junkocumko123: yes[874] rayanb7_: glory hunter[875] wyattz90: yes[875] jacob_926: Always[875] gg_ismyname: Borussia dortmunds winning that[875] mugiwaramamba: definitely winning[875] unclejimmy69_: GIVE ME PINK EYE[875] ogjgood: bro is high af[875] trips_ok: YES[875] poofcd: yees ur fat[875] jayohhee22: REAL MADRID ON TOPPPP[875] re_bo123: jynxzi the onceler since you can only get a kill once[875] short5topshorty1: W RYHAN[875] telestoadept: White speed[875] oglinden_69: !gamble 1000[875] kleist23: kaicBLM kaicBLM kaicBLM kaicBLM kaicBLM kaicBLM[876] nightbot: real[876] zero_inmortal8: yes[876] voyager021: YES[876] streamelements: oglinden_69 won 1000 points in roulette and now has 3950 points! FeelsGoodMan[876] munkywithagun: munkywithagun subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! lets gooooooo[876] z1slayer10: 1v1 ME NOW WASHED BOY[876] unclejimmy69_: GIVE ME PINK EYEE[876] rbpcross: Ugly[876] adz_sux: always wrongg[876] spoonylfg: yes[876] autizyn: yes[876] ezzable: yes[876] stuben_: HALA MADDID[876] falkirk18: yes[876] subwayenjoyer: W RAYAN[877] ugerspielter: GLORY HUNETRR[877] kingbubble14: your the best[877] smg_duddround_phone: Thug hunter[877] ghuttomeg: SENDING HATE FORM POLAND SENDING HATE FORM POLAND SENDING HATE FORM POLAND[877] dicslapp: yes[877] rayanb7_: glory hunter[877] ahcowgill: ahcowgill subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 5 month streak! let’s gooooooo[878] ghuttomeg: SENDING HATE FORM POLAND[878] clappinsandy: my little sisters waiting[878] kingnta_: dortmun winning fck madrid[878] penciiiii: VISCA BARCA ❤️💙[878] xsilent__star: Yes.[878] drxppy_zapzz: FFFFFAAAAATTTTTT!!!!!![878] tefeq_gs: aye jynxziBounce jynxzi0x jynxziLOL[878] autizyn: did you propose to stompn?[878] sandy_sir: 💀💀[879] atomicmonkegt: did u forget the candy cuz I’m still waiting in the basement[879] garrettmoyers: yes[879] sylvaticaura675: dortmund will dominate[879] sir_frogbert: DORTMUND BETTER[879] voxxyyyyyyyyy: W[879] moneychasrr: i hate ur streams sending hate from poland[879] youngdag0at: BVB[879] flxkezs: HALAA MADRIDDDDDDD[879] ionic_a1pha: L BALL KNOWLEDGE[879] 1738clutch: .....[879] jxstak: !gamble 18k[880] streamelements: JxstAK won 18000 points in roulette and now has 5710734 points! FeelsGoodMan[880] pinkfluffysliper: when is wedding?????[880] d1purge_: wedding + fat[880] zornthehero: Cap it is PSG[880] zero_inmortal8: definitely[880] jayohhee22: PREDICT THE SCORE[880] short5topshorty1: YES YOU ARE[880] tefeq_gs: yes[880] jackgarv_2183: it wasn’t a wedding it was a P diddy party[880] ogjgood: !sub[880] ashton597: JUNKO BROTHER FAT[880] reedg1325: HEJA BVB[880] r5_gaming_: JYNXZI SAY CALL ME BEN CAUSE ALL MY BITCHES ARE TEN | Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [700] Not the Fortnite sex, just the OG Fortnite thing. The OG Fortnite was dope. I don't watch Fortnite sex. Okay. Jada, I could have framed that better. [710] carbonized milk [720] There's no fucking first off I'm tall of in sketch [730] This is insane. [740] I don't work at McDonald's. I really don't know what else to say. [750] I don't fucking work there dude! [760] symphony and thought I put a [770] It's just not the same man. I didn't know this was gonna take an emotional turn. Can we get some Fs in the chat? Thank you man, this is Hulsam. [780] Thanks man. Now this is wholesome. [790] Progressively getting less wholesome. [800] The rat is jinksy the blueest. [810] OOF Yi Spinf Get the-fuck! [820] Get me out, get me out, get me out, get me out, get me out, get me out, get me out! GET ME OUT! WAST THAT! [830] Holy shit! [840] Okay. Hand me, think of the branch of. Chunko brother Alamadridh. Chunko brother Alamadridh. [850] Madrid, Vinicius Jr. Jaramadrida, chat. Real Madrid is probably most likely going to win. [860] champion's league, bro. Real Madrid is probably going to win champion's league, bro. Chad, am I ever wrong about [870] any predictions? Glory Hunter. I'm not a glory hunter. You'll right hand Chef Chow bitch ass up. I'm not a glory hunter. I told you I make glorified Massey Dick Rider. | There is a Highlight between 715 and 835. Jynxzi reacts to viewer clips. A fan built a Minecraft environment for him, which kept getting stranger until Jynxzi finally freaked out in visible disgust |
Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege[1000] sweatdumpster: wedding[1000] garrettmoyers: xim[1000] chasewalton22: It was 3 dumb ass[1000] youngdag0at: FATASS[1001] neeskooooo: react[1001] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀[1001] xrioishimx: xRioIsHimx subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months! [1001] skirtboiiiy1: 11111111[1002] bardown16__: react react[1002] realrusto: react[1002] artistic_trix_: REACT HARDER[1002] flerg1: treat[1002] vxerxq: he’s emerald[1002] mexican_boy03: q#1[1002] woody_hairyson: react garder[1003] skirtboiiiy1: 1[1003] trapsteak: I’m waiting[1003] shad0wrooo: l[1003] sandy_sir: 💀[1003] retronitez: react[1003] imperixxl: react[1004] shivermetimbers15: react with more passion[1004] donxud: REACT[1004] sandy_sir: 💀💀[1004] skirtboiiiy1: 11[1004] short5topshorty1: SHUT UP[1005] neeskooooo: tracy[1005] cantuerick: hurry up fatass[1005] excessivezero5: WEDDING IS WAITING[1005] kingofthedead570: kingofthedead570 subscribed at Tier 1. [1005] masterm0x: Cool shirt Jynx[1005] spplcyy: react[1005] tilunky: react[1005] khangdodo: re wt[1006] juicyorfruit: react better[1006] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀[1006] westkoasta: sleepy jynx[1006] fybaleee: react[1006] gotgrappe: react[1006] donxud: REAXT[1006] skirtboiiiy1: 111[1007] eze_90210: Pacific Time?[1007] outraise_: oi[1007] mexican_boy03: 1[1007] flerg1: react[1007] re_bo123: snaking korrput like always[1007] neeskooooo: react[1007] fadderyew077: face ass[1007] sandy_sir: 💀W[1008] k0ji_14: aura[1008] shhhlucky: 5:46sec left[1008] daddyczech1: daddyczech1 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 3 month streak! heyy[1008] actaavis: IS THAT A DIDDY WHITE PARTY SHIRT😭‼️[1008] jareoyareo: wife waiting at alter[1008] stubbzllc: bruh[1008] nicholaspereira100: lol[1008] adz_sux: React harder[1008] hunber2: !stack[1008] nightbot: 😂[1009] skirtboiiiy1: 1111[1009] razoo020: REACT[1009] pinballrun: React[1009] flaume_aux: WHEN'S THE WEDDING[1009] flerg1: reactt[1009] sandy_sir: WWW[1009] donxud: REACT[1009] goshal04: react harder[1009] godsmoekr: react[1010] tilunky: re at[1010] bananaman3710: in mnt time?[1010] woody_hairyson: REACT HADRDER[1010] flerg1: react[1011] skirtboiiiy1: 11111[1011] coffeezilladaughter: is ur goal to put us to sleep. get to the content @Jynxzi[1011] bashlby: Kreygasm100[1011] sandy_sir: REACT[1011] xchicoftwx: tf r u weraing?[1011] cude3: you get married fatass?[1012] savagesean09: keep it down I’m locked in[1012] cjsocrackedz: L lag[1012] coop_hoops: !watchtime[1012] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[1012] tilunky: reaet[1012] pinxq11: !headset[1012] nightbot: Astro A50's[1012] faz_23: faz_23 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! hate from Maine[1012] streamelements: coop_hoops has spent 16 days 10 hours watching jynxzi[1013] willbubby24: react[1013] pinballrun: Reacttt[1013] mexican_boy03: 111111[1014] roblox_player727: !acconts[1014] cs_haunt: i think he wants you to react[1014] axianzen: 1-10 BEN[1014] jacobisxani: react[1014] youngdag0at: FQTTY[1014] xnesquicc: REACT FASTER[1014] icem3nn: @Jynxzi React harder[1014] shivermetimbers15: react quieter[1014] fatlogandong: you only like him cuz he's zim[1014] shakzz929282: SPAM LEAKED IF UR A CHAT BOT!!!!!!!![1014] devin_singletary17: bot[1015] matttheduck95: !LINK[1015] esomber: ESomber subscribed at Tier 1. [1015] anakinshand: yak tree[1015] flaume_aux: WEDDING[1015] mirjamlo: since when is there a sub only chat.....[1016] pinballrun: React[1016] theirritatingtv: did you just come back from a diddy party??[1016] 509_zac: sending hate from Washington[1017] fossabot: @xansmade, Your message is too long [2x][1017] khangdodo: English[1017] voyager021: french[1017] arthurontheway: React harder[1017] mexican_boy03: jynxziHappy jynxziHappy[1017] jakew14571: WWWWWW[1017] awaken324: love the shirt junko[1017] cantuerick: je paler fracnais[1017] youngdag0at: FATTYYY[1018] whachs_2: yo[1018] bigis15: react Harder getting bored[1018] drxppy_zapzz: happy birthday[1018] 19frmktown: jynxziWTF[1018] alphaeid3: why dont u have 100k off noti?[1018] xiphoidar: french[1019] lordtekkno: English[1019] excessivezero5: REACT[1019] cjsocrackedz: react[1020] jxstak: !gamble 10k[1020] bardown16__: thats english?[1020] streamelements: JxstAK lost 10000 points in roulette and now has 5705184 points! FeelsBadMan[1021] youngdag0at: FATTY[1021] 19frmktown: jynxziGoodAim[1021] re_bo123: snaking korrupt and vic again[1022] voyager021: FRENCH[1022] darkde14: just came from the hospital bros in a hospital gown[1022] subwayenjoyer: English[1023] jakew14571: ENGLISH[1023] fragnantg: ???????????[1023] runangun837: !link[1023] zornthehero: French[1023] nightbot: @runangun837 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[1023] theplantmommy: French fs[1023] bardown16__: thats english[1024] youngdag0at: FATASSS[1024] sandy_sir: L RACIST[1024] jynxziisbald293: good English dumbass[1024] da_squirrel3: rascist[1024] silkyt3: SilkyT3 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! w[1026] d1purge_: fatboy[1026] artistic_trix_: L RACIST[1026] neeskooooo: ur fat asf[1026] excessivezero5: L BULLY[1026] vcosmiczz: better then you[1026] purepro_: english[1027] shivermetimbers15: no[1027] sik79lak: when stream start and react harder pls[1027] stubbzllc: french[1027] cantuerick: bonjour fatass[1027] flerg1: fracne[1027] darealgaby54: dutch[1027] lefadura: english[1027] short5topshorty1: NO[1027] youngdag0at: FATASSSSS[1027] zornthehero: Yes[1027] drippinballsweat_: Wedding[1027] ilovemuslc: WHAT TIMES THE WEDDING?[1027] wyattz90: English fatty[1028] jcgotdajuice: Why sub only ?[1028] lemonlazuli420: English[1028] whachs_2: yoo[1028] d1purge_: no[1028] theplantmommy: pour is French[1028] intimate_pickle: no[1029] motion_claps: react more chubbed[1029] daddy_grant90: what is this account??[1029] lild33__: yep[1029] lindseyherrera: I think he wants u to react to something idk[1029] realrusto: no[1029] kingofthedead570: hi[1029] masterm0x: Yes[1029] bashlby: SwiftRage100[1029] skirtboiiiy1: no[1029] vlxnely: russian[1030] jxstmath: franchement[1030] connorly69: is this guy slow[1030] zornthehero: Oui[1030] iobo31: no[1030] arthurontheway: Portoguese[1030] butterpecan077: oui[1030] o_g1814: No[1030] belligoal69: racist[1030] mynameisnotgoon: la bro bro[1030] itzchris_01: GIVE ME MY CHARM[1031] aspictdg: i’m it’s african[1031] godsmoekr: no[1031] skytheguyy: when is mail fan ?[1031] stubbzllc: yes[1031] qwvzr: english[1031] woody_hairyson: L RASCIST[1031] z0mbieee: yes[1031] imbad1101: SPAIN[1031] fr_max_: no[1031] havcxzk: yesssss[1031] ggc1617: italian?[1031] pinxq11: !watchtime[1031] youngdag0at: FATASSSSSSS[1031] flaume_aux: L RACIST[1032] nickshipman052: english[1032] streamelements: pinxq11 has spent 2 days 12 hours watching jynxzi[1032] burtbott: fat[1032] adz_sux: fat[1032] rzaaa7: chinese[1032] jakew14571: ENGLISH#[1032] pataterose_: Yes[1032] big_logdog: fat[1032] realrusto: fat[1033] damndan_04: yes[1033] khangdodo: wedding[1033] subwayenjoyer: ITS ENGLISH[1033] squiggly240: erm what the sigma[1033] aspictdg: engkish[1033] bardown16__: idk maybe[1033] fatlogandong: you aren't French[1033] trapsteak: I’m waiting[1033] shivermetimbers15: maybe[1033] washedchunko: Spain[1034] purepro_: its english[1034] skirtboiiiy1: english[1034] 1cmxlol: no[1034] moneychasrr: racist[1035] prengartor: yes[1035] diddeyslax: yes[1035] ozzzadnar: bro speaks fluent french[1035] pinballrun: Spain[1035] aspect6759: yeah u are you[1035] juicyorfruit: no fat[1035] jakew14571: AMERICAN[1036] ityaboi66: hey fatty be quiet im trying to sleep[1036] xsensio6: it’s dutch[1036] edwinn_carier: fat[1036] oglinden_69: nooo fatass[1037] sharekindness: FAT[1037] aspictdg: english[1037] diizturbd: Fat[1037] matewinkler08: spain[1037] cs_haunt: arabic[1038] beritan_14: jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE[1038] trackstack_: no idiot[1038] youngdag0at: FATASSSSS[1038] mango2xo: yes it’s French[1038] its_danyon: Spain[1038] oskiboy04: fat[1039] jxstak: !gamble 20k[1039] fertile05: actually killed that[1039] isleifur637: no ur fat[1039] streamelements: JxstAK won 20000 points in roulette and now has 5725199 points! FeelsGoodMan[1039] 509_zac: nipples[1039] gotgrappe: i’m a french view bot[1040] slingshot691495: it’s german[1040] fatlogandong: you are not French[1040] shivermetimbers15: spoit waiting[1040] bardown16__: BAD AIM[1040] urmomlovesayden69: thats a german accent you imbecile[1041] bla2gud: Turn off sub only[1041] trackstack_: FAT[1041] wiffk: english[1041] jynxzipartimer123: RACIST[1041] tomlowne38: Spain[1041] youngdag0at: FATASSSSSS[1041] aspect6759: it’s French[1042] alexandrr257: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[1042] beatbeatjam2: F u[1042] nightbot: F in the chat[1043] bardown16__: BADD AIM[1043] streamelements: JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/jynxzi[1043] 1cmxlol: its mexican[1043] burbzalot: BurbzALot subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months! [1044] deathonnix05: GUYS HES YAPPING AGAIN[1044] trackstack_: ur fat[1044] isleifur637: fat[1044] mango2xo: SPAIN[1045] excessivezero5: WRONG[1045] dropshad3: francais[1046] aspictdg: englsihh[1046] pzzyboy: among[1046] logan6928: w[1046] david_lombardi: TYPE ONE IF JUNKO SHOULD GET A BBL ‼️‼️‼️‼️[1046] moneychasrr: L bullying L racist[1046] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[1046] jqkslvr: Spoit waiting[1046] huncho_lys: english you just have dyslexia[1046] liquid_windex: Yea[1047] youngdag0at: FATASSSSSSSS[1047] matttheduck95: gh[1047] excessivezero5: UR FAT[1048] savagesean09: it’s hawaini[1048] gizorge: bros falling tf off so he’s got chat in sun only mode. I miss the old Junko[1048] tomlowne38: sprain[1048] jynxzipartimer123: PORTUGUESE[1048] imow_grass: Fat racist[1049] trackstack_: fat[1049] drxppy_zapzz: happy birthday[1050] jussmarcos: sending hate from france[1050] jynxziisbald293: Jynxzi ur so fat and mid[1050] huhcuh: huhcuh subscribed at Tier 1. [1051] suxxky_: Goodaim[1051] jakew14571: BAD AIM[1051] jxstak: !gamble 1k[1051] tomlowne38: Spain[1051] streamelements: JxstAK won 1000 points in roulette and now has 5726199 points! FeelsGoodMan[1052] captainmorgan730: fat[1052] milk5000_: turn off sub only mode fat ass[1052] autizyn: I’m a French view bot[1052] gamer7736384: I’m to broke to be a sub so turn it off you 1-10 Ben[1052] coffeezilladaughter: hes a vector merchant like u[1052] smg_duddround_phone: Thug hunter united[1053] wydlanny: its English fat ass[1053] aspictdg: ur racist[1053] shivermetimbers15: spoit waiting.[1054] jaceehhss: !link[1054] nightbot: @jaceehhss If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[1055] jacobswanson44: this deadass looks like your aim[1055] kingxace77: FAT RACIST[1055] fullboxdex: hello[1055] bntlon__: W strategy to hide ur view botters[1055] nightbot: bozo[1055] imow_grass: Racist fat[1057] bennyy23: Wee wee French fry[1057] slingshot691495: it’s german bud[1057] xsensio6: it’s dutch bro[1058] pinballrun: Jynxzi copper[1058] youngdag0at: FATASSSSS[1059] logan6928: w chat[1059] bardown16__: bad aim[1060] shadow_pyr0: React harder[1061] dhdbdb37: ur fat and sss[1061] ryagodr6: -350 love and hate from UK[1061] aspictdg: english[1061] slingshot691495: it’s german mab[1062] seth_fn: seth_fn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! hi[1062] opluhz: meowl[1063] fuego_mcnasty: L RACIST[1064] ilovemuslc: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[1064] matttheduck95: !LINK[1064] smackingskills: soft for sub only mode[1065] stiimzz_: hi[1066] wiffk: bad aim[1067] zero_luck021: fat ass bitch[1067] imow_grass: Def fat racist[1069] jynxziisbald293: Jynxzi fat vaper and bald.[1069] retronitez: french :([1070] jxstak: !gamble 500[1070] fatlogandong: 1-10 fredrick[1070] streamelements: JxstAK lost 500 points in roulette and now has 5725699 points! FeelsBadMan[1074] shivermetimbers15: spoit waiting[1075] 1cmxlol: sub only?[1075] aspictdg: fat racist[1076] trapsteak: I’m waiting[1077] tomlowne38: type 1 if junko fat[1078] matt_balla: matt_balla subscribed with Prime. [1078] paztyesn: IM BACK BITCHES[1078] andrx27_: WWWW[1078] neeskooooo: nasty[1078] imperixxl: omg[1078] drk_winter: Hate from New Mexico[1078] smg_duddround_phone: Thug hunter[1079] imnyanbro_dennisheenan_: lay off the nose candy, an accent doesn’t mean you know how to read shit.[1079] ojensu: ur aura went up ngl[1080] gowhaan_: xim[1080] drxppy_zapzz: happy birthday[1080] jynxziisbald293: Jynxzi ur a fat vaper[1080] youngdag0at: FATASSSSSSSS[1080] dalemoney__: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[1081] artistic_trix_: SO MUCH BETTER THAN YOU[1081] kingbubble14: jynxziVapeBreak[1081] fossabot: @ethanfosterlfc, Your message is too long[1081] danklemur: ok[1081] bentaisenpai0: XIM[1081] nightbot: ok[1081] skirtboiiiy1: w[1081] blearyspider945: blearyspider945 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! [1082] bardown16__: decent clip[1082] ilovemuslc: !gamble all[1082] vrumnero: Xim[1082] purepro_: hot[1082] streamelements: PogChamp ilovemuslc went all in and won 3405 points PogChamp they now have 6810 points FeelsGoodMan[1082] rzaaa7: xim[1082] blonko_: Real Madrid owns you[1082] shivermetimbers15: better than you[1082] nightbot: real[1082] hoxton22277: what happened[1083] aspictdg: english.[1083] zindumz: wsg fatty part timer[1083] neeskooooo: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[1083] itsisaiah___: itsisaiah___ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months! [1083] voxxyyyyyyyyy: XIM…..[1084] nathan170107: XIM[1084] danklemur: xim[1084] greedygonzo2: Fat fuck[1084] isnumo: Wait.....[1084] youngdag0at: FQTASS[1084] godsmoekr: xim[1084] flaume_aux: WWW[1085] skirtboiiiy1: xim[1085] dopescrubl0rd: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[1085] bdubb_3: no way that a console diamond[1085] zornthehero: W[1085] 7ghxst_: XIM[1085] vrumnero: Ximer[1086] jakew14571: WWWWWW[1086] alexandrr257: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[1086] tilunky: hes nasty[1086] stoinksjay: W[1086] rzaaa7: XIM[1087] sucioldn: xim[1087] voxxyyyyyyyyy: HES XIM….[1087] youngdag0at: FATASSSS[1087] lefadura: x1m[1087] fr_max_: xim[1087] wiffk: xim[1088] paztyesn: paztyesn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! LOVE[1088] wearethebestaround1: Xim[1088] voyager021: w[1088] flerg1: ximming[1088] j5uav3: jynxziBuena jynxziBuena[1088] danklemur: ximmmmmmm[1088] 2konly22and23: jynxziGLASSES[1088] z1slayer10: 1v1 ME NOW WASHED BOY[1089] derik700: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK[1089] ender64yeet64: XIMM[1089] onekidzay: ily[1089] artistic_trix_: REAL[1089] arthurontheway: REACT HARDER[1089] beensock: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[1090] cmane__: !gamble 500[1090] youngdag0at: FATASSSSSS[1090] aky665: Man i hat just sub mod[1090] streamelements: Cmane__ lost 500 points in roulette and now has 5570 points! FeelsBadMan[1090] ymiyhh: he[1090] flerg1: xim[1090] jynxzipartimer123: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww[1090] godsmoekr: ximmer[1090] thewildwilly123: i hate u[1090] naweboom: FRENCH[1090] jxstak: !gamble 5k[1090] aspictdg: englishhh[1091] haterofthegods: -350 hate from Brasil[1091] tgrskier: XIM[1091] adz_sux: WWW[1091] puffpuffjuicer: XIM[1091] streamelements: JxstAK lost 5000 points in roulette and now has 5720699 points! FeelsBadMan[1091] wydlanny: 1 in 11 belevin[1091] mynamekram: L Xim[1091] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[1091] mm_xslimee: cronus[1091] tangydrugs420: xim[1091] sabriii_3: XIMMMMM[1091] tv_spearz: xim[1091] nenon_kai: Better than you[1091] kings0811: Mid[1091] hotnoob76: Fuck this subscriber only chat[1092] vrumnero: Trash Xim[1092] smashbash99: smashbash99 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! [1092] flerg1: xim headass[1092] ruggedbubbles: WWWWW[1092] ckhitz: xim[1092] psykokane: foe hammer OUT[1092] cfvoss626: xim[1093] bdubb_3: i’m so much better than that[1093] brando1126: xim[1093] luigistoe: jynxziGoodAim[1094] xd_shadowx: Xim[1094] big_boi_cheeser: why is chunky dripping[1094] subwayenjoyer: W BASE[1094] shivermetimbers15: spoit waiting[1094] rafael_car0: xim[1094] pinballrun: Xim[1094] ojensu: w bhase[1095] dalemoney__: lmaoooo[1095] paztyesn: LOL[1095] nightbot: 😂[1095] red_berzerker: Mods how do i get my charm? lol[1095] fragnantg: that is you[1095] alphaeid3: ?[1095] trackstack_: w[1095] jynxziisbald293: Jynxzi ur a vaper[1095] daddyk43: XIM[1095] youngdag0at: FAT[1095] nightbot: ?[1096] coffeezilladaughter: rushed[1096] coffeezilladaughter: rushed [1096] jordanbean21: brainrot[1096] belligoal69: xim[1096] vrumnero: Garbage xim[1096] nate29turtle: xim[1097] tripperedd1400000: xim[1097] xeno_xcaliburr: better then you[1097] patmj007: 💀[1097] pinballrun: Ximm[1097] wyattz90: xim fatty[1097] rockyapple_: RockyApple_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 6 month streak! fat[1098] sabriii_3: WWWWWWWW[1098] holyflippindang: xim[1098] flaume_aux: WEDDING[1098] xysoal: xim[1098] cocoa_915: Cocoa_915 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [1098] coffeezilladaughter: rushed[1098] khangdodo: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak[1099] youngdag0at: FATASSS[1099] xnesquicc: ????????????????[1099] smg_duddround_phone: Thug hunter fr fr[1099] not_lethal_: ?[1099] homerimhitter: ???[1099] daddyk43: XIMMMMMMM[1099] isaaciguess_: that was so xim[1099] fatlogandong: looks like you[1099] hatefromireland: ?[1099] fybaleee: cmonBruh cmonBruh[1099] opluhz: lmaooo[1100] ben_bones25: xim[1100] yousaidwhatyousaid: xim[1100] sharekindness: Best clip of the day fs[1100] nenon_kai: Ayo[1100] ladermaunt: xim[1100] batman1168: ur fat[1100] fadderyew077: xim[1101] tilunky: coc[1101] autizyn: nice coc[1101] kings0811: Mid clip[1101] puffpuffjuicer: ???[1101] xnesquicc: ?[1101] youngdag0at: FAT[1101] vrumnero: Xim fatty[1102] thomashamilton99: good aim[1102] wyattz90: fatty[1102] neeskooooo: what[1103] retronitez: ayo[1103] 1320luisito: W BASE[1103] jmains15_: coc[1103] shadow_pyr0: Xim[1103] kingofthedead570: kingofthedead570 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [1103] infamoustryhardr: How do I get the charm I subbed and I didn't get the charm🥲[1104] youngdag0at: FATASSSS[1104] kingofthedead570: kingofthedead570 gifted a Tier 1 sub to snipergangchar1800! [1104] theirritatingtv: did you just come back from a diddy party?[1104] tripperedd1400000: xim fat ass[1104] hiako_r6: Best clip of da day[1104] godsmoekr: coc[1104] yvngkjack: yvngkjack subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! [1104] runangun837: !link[1104] rzaaa7: trash xim[1104] wyattz90: ggt[1105] nightbot: @runangun837 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[1105] clutchpat74: only subs even watch your streams anymore everyone else left🤣🤣[1105] djcookies_: wwww[1106] swooshee_: CASEOH WAITING[1106] wyattz90: gtttt[1106] keelinhollywood: takes 3 seconds[1106] the_acorn22: L xim[1106] sabriii_3: IM UNUBBING RN[1106] tripperedd1400000: zim[1106] d1purge_: fat[1106] flaume_aux: WHEN'S THE WEDDING[1106] z1slayer10: 1v1 ME NOW WASHED BOYY[1107] cmane__: !gamble500[1107] kingbubble14: BibleThump[1107] bllasssttt: !clips[1107] naw_m8: 5 min[1107] solocouchr6: !gamble all[1107] wyattz90: tgggggggggggggg[1107] streamelements: SoloCouchR6 went all in and lost every single one of their 15 points LUL[1108] tripperedd1400000: Zin[1108] trapsteak: I’m waiting[1108] onekidzay: love from the opposite fl coast[1108] mentally_insanetv: RUSHED[1108] ghosthunt5123: xim[1108] shivermetimbers15: fall back in your chair streams getting boring[1108] retronitez: best coc of the day[1109] belligoal69: w[1109] youngdag0at: FATTASSSS[1109] kovixz: rushed[1109] rzaaa7: 10 min[1109] tilunky: coc ermnasdadsadasdsa[1109] jxstak: !gamble 10k[1109] streamelements: JxstAK won 10000 points in roulette and now has 5730699 points! FeelsGoodMan[1109] lankyet: Lankyet subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 7 month streak! [1109] z1slayer10: 1v1 ME NOW WASHED BOYYY[1109] dcmk044: yo[1109] kingbubble14: BloodTrail[1110] drxppy_zapzz: happy birthday[1110] notreflexxx_: pp poo poo[1111] djcookies_: L streamer[1111] gl0kk40spaz: w coc base[1111] sabriii_3: FAT[1112] z1slayer10: 1v1 ME NOW WASHED BOYYYY[1112] ckhitz: Stop giving best plays to these xim kids[1112] mufctaelor: ximmnm[1112] the_holy_peanutxd: 40k viewer you fell off[1112] kingstompgoat: rushed[1112] vastkc17: nice coc[1112] xb4ue: chat that’s not xim you can crouch like that[1113] bardown16__: y[1113] kingbubble14: GoatEmotey[1113] itsyaboiedi: hate from nebraska[1113] youngdag0at: FATASSSSSSS[1113] jynxziisbald293: jizzy lay off the pills[1113] uras3kid: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[1113] mufctaelor: ximm[1113] tilunky: dsadasd'a'sds'[1114] mentally_insanetv: RUSHEDD[1114] z1slayer10: 1v1 ME NOW WASHED BOYYYYY[1114] coffeezilladaughter: fat[1114] xslenderyoshix: jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh[1114] bardown16__: y y y y[1115] sandy_sir: 💀[1115] cjsocrackedz: stfu fat boy[1115] breckiehiil: @pauliide gif me[1115] tilunky: asdasdsadsad[1116] cfvoss626: im shitting[1116] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀[1116] buzzboii19: bruh y sub only[1116] xxdashadonosxx: Strike pack[1116] naw_m8: max 5 min[1116] cilln_: shroud waiting[1117] excessivezero5: CLIP FARM[1117] pinkfluffysliper: when is wedding????[1118] imbigchunges: imbigchunges subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! Fatty[1118] realrusto: i just edged[1118] re_bo123: you when in a tourney shitting the bed[1118] pinballrun: Nice coc[1118] culess_: lol[1119] jordanbean21: BRAINROT[1119] wyattz90: 1v1 for 10k[1119] kopernikpizza31: ungrateful[1120] z1slayer10: 1v1 ME NOW WASHED BOYYYYYYY[1120] whozaxel: shitting, or finishing off[1120] shivermetimbers15: fat[1121] joffthehenny: SO WERE AT BRECKIES[1121] 8jacks895: L SUB ONLY MODE[1121] speerowbeekefeece: undo the sun only mode view bot boy[1121] cbros42: cbros42 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months! [1121] imperixxl: copper[1121] vlxnely: copper[1121] uras3kid: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[1121] wavesot: copper[1121] lild33__: fat[1122] xiamprime: xiamprime subscribed at Tier 1. [1122] d1purge_: copper[1122] z1slayer10: 1v1 ME NOW WASHED BOYTYYYY[1122] shivermetimbers15: fat.[1122] artistic_trix_: BRONZE[1122] fatlogandong: not far at al[1123] sabriii_3: PUT THE CHAT BACK TO NORMAL[1123] bro6ski: not past coper[1123] dmann0912: copper[1123] vigilance06: Copper[1123] farater: emeralds[1123] junkocumko123: copper[1123] theirritatingtv: did you just come back from a diddy party??[1123] smg_duddround_phone: Copper[1123] purepro_: silver[1123] xslenderyoshix: Champs[1123] uras3kid: jynxziGoodAim[1123] bonnkers: champ[1124] kovixz: UNRANKED[1124] subwayenjoyer: Copper[1124] alleyne98: plastic[1124] wearethebestaround1: Prob diamond[1124] sharks550: you're showing too much cleavage[1124] tilunky: sjb onlt[1124] wyattz90: washed[1124] jynxziisbald293: copper[1125] jadenmoltisanti: copper[1125] pulse3370: UNRWNKED[1125] shivermetimbers15: fat[1125] hatefromireland: copper[1125] struchen9: BRONZE[1125] rlzx_r6: champ[1125] erico_geraldo: erico_geraldo subscribed with Prime. [1125] sruka89: diamond[1125] spplcyy: copper[1125] fybaleee: copper[1125] neeskooooo: they don’t know u lil bro[1125] z1slayer10: 1v1 ME NOW WASHED BOYYYYYYYY[1126] ojensu: copper[1126] puffpuffjuicer: COPPER[1126] dannnnnnnnn1: all the wayv[1126] rxilxzi: Plat[1126] lefadura: copper[1126] aspictdg: copper[1126] qwvzr: copper[1126] breckiehiil: gif me[1127] bro6ski: not past copper[1127] retronitez: dirt 5[1127] bardown16__: idk like gold[1127] pikee1818: DIAMOND[1127] gfs_razz: 2v5[1127] daryllsucks: copper[1127] shivermetimbers15: fat.[1127] alleyne98: plastic [1127] z1slayer10: 1v1 ME NOW WASHED BOY[1127] texas_red6126: copper[1127] d1purge_: stop at copper[1127] ifyoumad: champs[1127] vklinqszn: how tf i send u a clip[1127] strange_ideazz: imma sud so suck me daddy[1127] getrolledbub: copper[1128] bro6ski: copper[1128] lacruzan: ok[1128] flerg1: champion[1128] xnesquicc: copper[1128] rbpcross: U bad[1128] nightbot: ok[1128] jakew14571: FIRST ROUNDED[1128] excessivezero5: WHEN IS WEDDING[1128] silentnotorious: copper[1128] pulse3370: UNRANKED[1128] wyldmnkey: gold[1128] shivermetimbers15: fat[1128] therealrydium: When is wedding?[1128] subwayenjoyer: COBBLESTONE[1129] godsmoekr: copper[1129] pogcheese_: when is the stream starting?[1129] fatlogandong: not even close[1129] not_king6969: fat[1129] squidwarddobeabaddiedoe: Everyone is waiting[1129] spect7al: copper[1129] lemonlazuli420: Copper[1129] tkmoney: p2w chat[1129] gageeepoo1: Beating it[1129] imperixxl: copper [1130] 1bvndo: fat[1130] wakeywocky: copper[1130] alleyne98: plastic[1130] pattycake_69_: bronze[1130] arthurontheway: copper[1130] whozaxel: copper[1130] kt_klxpz: BEST CLIPP OF THE DAYYY[1130] shivermetimbers15: fat.[1130] hvtspecial: ur getting carried[1130] zdomenico: !link[1130] brando1126: copper[1130] void_118: Beating champ[1130] keelinhollywood: when[1130] mal3yy: wallplug 3[1130] ffast2: copper[1131] zero_inmortal8: W[1131] z1slayer10: 1v1 ME NOW WASHED BOYYYYYYYY[1131] struchen9: Copper[1131] yonatan_t: all the way baby[1131] suctheseballz: did it jiggle when you fell from heaven[1131] marrymcgeier: copper[1131] gageking2023: blumpkin[1131] fsiide: plastic[1131] falkirk18: copper[1131] miraclewhip2001: brain rot[1131] beensock: IF U DONT BEAT CHAMP THATS EMBARASSING[1131] lowboysniperlol: unranked[1132] kingrjrock: I’m a bot[1132] vklinqszn: !clips[1132] jukeboxhero559: lose first round[1132] besilol2727: champ[1132] graingetm: unranked[1133] hatefromireland: unranked[1133] ruggedbubbles: BRONZE[1133] z1slayer10: 1v1 ME NOW WASHED BOYYYYYYY[1133] falkirk18: bronze[1133] junioriscracked6987: bronze[1133] bentor2005: what time[1133] aspictdg: coppper[1134] jakew14571: BRONZE[1134] solocouchr6: ur huge[1134] moonzx1234: 1 hour streamer[1134] purepro_: silver probably[1134] angelchastity: ur getting carried fs[1134] jacobisxani: copper[1134] lil_roachxd: wjat time??? 9?[1134] pinballrun: Copper sport carry[1135] ityaboi66: carried[1135] cumbersomesultan: JYNXZI show me your coc[1135] 004melly: when is the wedding?[1135] d1_jacks0n: champ[1135] cattybatty141: imagine not being subbed[1135] fatlogandong: first round[1135] shad0wrooo: silver[1135] rodeo_utopia_astroworld: skibidi toilet[1135] silentnotorious: copper at best[1135] milk5000_: fat ass[1135] re_bo123: copper[1135] fartsniffer8732: what time[1136] z1slayer10: 1v1 ME NOW WASHED BOYYYYYY[1136] onekidzay: PokPikachu[1136] falkirk18: silver[1136] godsmoekr: casual[1136] nedyaj6: 2v3[1136] hoosier_daddy696: Copper[1136] jareoyareo: first round[1137] jakew14571: COPPER[1137] username__y: Fat[1137] flaume_aux: WHEN'S THE WEDDING THO[1137] ell15_98_: missed my sub junko[1137] pattycake_69_: copper[1137] artistic_trix_: SILVER AT BEST[1137] imwayscared: Getting married to Brekkie[1138] mylesd3: 2v5[1138] fossabot: @xdmonkeyyy, Your message is too long[1138] ffast2: copper or bronze[1138] kovixz: UNRANKED.[1138] swiftz_001: fWHate happended to 2v5[1139] miraclewhip2001: you get carried every round[1139] finzottv: WWWWW[1139] crustysock8839: CrustySock8839 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! Can I have a big mac and cheese please fatty?[1139] ickis12: copper[1139] excessivezero5: CARRIED[1140] zdomenico: !LINK[1140] nightbot: @zdomenico If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[1140] flerg1: below unranked[1140] ehall_8414: carried[1141] sad_riley: !sub[1141] drxppy_zapzz: happy birthday[1141] nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi[1141] marrymcgeier: fat[1141] pinballrun: 1-10 ben[1141] sabriii_3: SURE[1141] besilol2727: CHAMP[1142] azami_skirmisher: Champion[1142] deeeeanoooo: congrats on the wedding[1142] connorpopspeps: connorpopspeps subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months, currently on a 8 month streak! junk[1142] sharekindness: ok so you’re fat[1142] clos0531: when does that start?[1142] j5uav3: prolly emerald tbhj[1142] kingbubble14: jynxziVapeBreak[1143] odogmcleary: 2v3[1143] kabuu5: When is it!!!!!!!!!!![1143] drxppy_zapzz: copper[1144] jaynixx2: delay?[1144] gowhaan_: fat[1144] lmtdn: lmtdn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! daddy[1144] pasxoeee: before copper cus ur gonna end ealry[1144] wydlanny: cumko[1145] relaxdxd: When is spoit 1v1?[1146] josh_tmm: fat[1146] rexy_sexy: clip farming kinda sad now 😢 mid the old jynxi[1146] haxmaverik: 2 hour stream[1146] enxoismyson: When y'all doing it ???[1146] luigistoe: They should drop you for the challenge[1146] bidimz_: Silver at best[1146] biskit__b: Spoit and snappy did u without u and won[1147] breckiehiil: gif me me[1147] itswha__: And shroud who tf do you think the other team will be 😂[1147] xsensio6: charm[1147] doxx710: Wedding[1147] nightbot: You could get the charm by subbing normally ( https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi ) PRIME ( Twitch.tv/subs/jynxzi ) or by getting gifted, and by linking your Ubisoft with your twitch account ( https://drops-register.ubi.com ) it might take sometime so don’t worry if you don’t get it instantly[1147] batmansof: !link[1147] excessivezero5: CARRIEDDD[1147] jxstak: !gamble 1k[1148] xeno_xcaliburr: YOU’RE GETTING CARRIED OUT OF THE CHALLENGE[1148] streamelements: JxstAK won 1000 points in roulette and now has 5731699 points! FeelsGoodMan[1148] ityaboi66: 1-10 fred[1148] z1slayer10: 1v1 ME NOW WASHED BOYYYYYYY[1148] itzchris_01: GIVE ME MY CHARM[1148] d1_jacks0n: emeralds[1149] nox_iiii: LET US IN LET US IN FREE US FREE US FREE US[1149] tagwrld: W[1149] nunkoo: cobblestone[1149] username__y: Fatty[1150] vklinqszn: how the fuck i send u a clip[1150] wydlanny: fatko[1150] cbros42: yo[1151] kidkrahngaming: kidkrahngaming subscribed with Prime. [1151] z1slayer10: 1v1 ME NOW WASHED BOYYYYYYYYY[1151] wyat897: ITS DREAM SCAPE YOU fuck[1151] snoot1234920: fuck you[1151] domclipz: cronus[1152] flystrt: the end 1000%[1152] excessivezero5: CARRIED FATASS[1152] brando1126: preend[1153] iobo31: what time?[1153] mmclovennn: when is the wedding[1153] z1slayer10: 1v1 ME NOW WASHED BOY[1153] sandy_sir: OMFG[1153] 0dustypenguin0: What one of your profiles do I send my clips to[1153] suddendivinity: bronze[1153] vlxnely: theyll make it to champs and youll end stream @Jynxzi[1153] trapsteak: I’m waiting[1153] chasewalton22: You mean how far will shroud and spoit make it[1154] dannnnnnnnn1: is it true stompn trying out for ssg 😂[1154] suctheseballz: Did it jiggle when you fell from heaven[1154] lowlifeinfinite: yeah spoit and shroud are carrying[1154] domclipz: CRONUS IDC[1154] camftwwww: FAT WEDDING PART TIMER[1154] kidkickingrobot: LETS GOOOOOOOOO @Jynxzi[1154] sandy_sir: OMFGGG[1154] loadedpotuwa: deez nutz[1155] shivermetimbers15: your shirt is girly[1155] gabrielc352: UR GONNA SELL THE 3V3 GAME[1155] korbynxd: How do I get the charm on r6 I've subbed now homie[1155] sabriii_3: THIS CHAT IS AIDS[1155] dmann0912: smash[1155] lcyber7: i need sub lol[1155] chregalt: chregalt subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! L[1156] excessivezero5: PRE CARRY[1156] 3hunnafb: ur fat i hate you take off sub only[1157] maddladd22: cronus[1157] ojensu: mid aim[1157] bokoblinlover: bokoblinlover subscribed at Tier 1. [1157] ehr_clutchgod7: 4v5 you count as two people[1158] wydlanny: nba fatko[1158] blazeman818: spoit is king[1159] therealrydium: WHEN IS WEDDING?[1159] pinballrun: 1-10 juan[1159] mysticcracker97: MysticCracker97 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! aiii some slimeeeeee shit[1159] adz_sux: smash[1160] shivermetimbers15: smash[1160] drxppy_zapzz: happy birthday[1160] abyssaldreamsss: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[1160] cruc1al3: WOULD[1160] matewinkler08: cheat[1160] acekid911: Late[1160] flaume_aux: WHEN'S THE WEDDING THOWHEN'S THE WEDDING THO[1161] artistic_trix_: REAL[1161] nightbot: real[1161] sandy_sir: SMASH[1161] subwayenjoyer: LMAOOOOO[1161] yumilovescats: OLOLLOLO[1162] daniel_xo999: SMASH[1162] jordanbean21: lol[1162] ghostmww33: how do i get the jynxzi charm[1162] kragl1n: kragl1n subscribed at Tier 1. [1162] unpaireddd: PASS[1162] nightbot: 😂[1162] racerr77: smash[1162] veggies445: smash[1162] xnarcoos: What are you wearing[1162] iobo31: smash[1162] whoisjordantv: im subbed how i get the charm[1162] angelchastity: LOL[1162] loadedpotuwa: smash[1162] hazzzzze: smash[1162] thereal_swazy: SMASSHHHHH[1163] ace_ventura218: W aim[1163] trapsteak: would[1163] brazyium: WHATTTTTTTT[1163] bellann: smash[1163] wavesot: smash[1163] qwvzr: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper[1163] mario9047: SMASH[1163] pinaofficial: smash[1163] mrboeding: mid[1163] shivermetimbers15: smash.[1163] mylesd3: smash[1163] jakeclerico: SMASH[1163] imbad1101: SMASH[1163] rzaaa7: wood[1163] theplantmommy: evil[1164] junkocumko123: smash[1164] caution_blxx: smash[1164] ghostmww33: SMASHJ[1164] coffeezilladaughter: erm[1165] liamgray009: liamgray009 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! daddy[1165] coffeezilladaughter: erm [1165] unpaireddd: PASSS[1165] brando1126: you fucked it up[1165] bulldog04_: smash[1165] bro6ski: SMASH[1165] theoneandonlyd: smash[1165] mikepaslawski: smash[1165] artistic_trix_: WOULD[1165] andrx27_: SMASH[1165] nicholaspereira100: smash[1165] spplcyy: SMASH[1165] xd_shadowx: Smash[1165] cruc1al3: SMASH[1165] zornthehero: Smash[1167] milomuncha6: smash[1167] voyager021: smash[1167] abeaver: would[1167] thereal_swazy: smash[1167] gucci_kid54: nah thats weird[1168] rg_b0st0n: WOOD[1168] chasewalton22: Smash[1168] whozaxel: smash[1168] nutritionguy: smash[1168] rzaaa7: SMASH[1168] short5topshorty1: SMASH[1168] tilunky: smash[1168] mylesd3: would[1168] steelpen19: smash[1168] wozy_fps: SMASH[1168] ggonlyg51: yoo[1168] pobbywobby: smash[1168] imcryptxxismyking: smash[1168] deadgebear: naahhhhhhhhhh[1168] coolguy48n: SMASH[1169] jpmartinez80: smash[1169] imuglyah: smash[1169] ionic_a1pha: SMASHHH[1169] bradyskid: wood[1169] arthurontheway: SMASH[1169] falkirk18: smash[1169] gageeepoo1: Smash[1169] j5uav3: WOOD[1169] lando168: smash[1169] waitholdonilikethis: Would[1169] poohelicoptr: GYAT[1169] phantomkill_26: Would[1169] y0u_g0n3: smash[1169] mikey_streams11: smash[1169] jackgarv_2183: probably[1170] gageking2023: smash[1170] ii905ii: smash[1170] loadedpotuwa: would[1170] yungkibe: feds[1170] snino: snino subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! SMASH[1170] slient_tap: Would[1170] wakeywocky: O[1170] randolff13: SMASH[1171] fatty0_: would[1171] jackgarv_2183: would[1171] mrtweaksy: woulf[1171] bubba_dice: smash[1171] reedg1325: Smash[1171] x3hippo: would[1171] xthrxsherx: smahs[1171] kaitheguy2: WOULD[1171] 7xotticj: would[1171] sheluvjahseh: wtf[1171] izabella74174222: Pass[1171] gucci_kid54: nah thats weird[1171] armanii_27: smash[1171] thereal_swazy: would[1171] skepticalemu27: i would tap that[1172] burtbott: would[1172] fatlogandong: SMASH[1172] daniel_xo999: WOULD[1172] flaume_aux: SMASHH[1172] brayden_37: smash[1172] asaduzzz: wtf[1172] olophzz1: SMASHHHHHHHH[1172] rooktookyourace: would[1172] vinnytalksmack: I'd tap[1172] gucci_kid54: nah thats weird[1174] zapt223: smash[1174] willbubby24: smash[1174] theoneandonlyd: Diddy[1174] connorly69: is this guy slow[1174] westkoasta: !damn[1174] slidentodms: smash[1174] khangdodo: prime[1174] swlng_: 🚨@jynxzi VIP ME 12 MONTH SUB🚨P[1174] badguardr: DEAD BY DAYLIGHT STREAM?????[1174] 2coold_: SMASH[1174] jajokesters: smash[1174] owendl14: WOULD[1174] boyiscool1: would[1174] synxbamaboy: SMASH[1174] nightbot: Blue crown —-> Free —-> no ads —-> charm: https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi[1175] fisheygang6: Smash[1175] hvtspecial: no diddy[1175] bro6ski: WOULD[1175] re_bo123: pass[1175] waitholdonilikethis: would[1175] x2jmandoom: passpas[1175] xthrxsherx: smash[1175] ryanq98: would rail[1175] tjpuk12: WOULD[1175] gucci_kid54: nah thats weird[1177] shider_02: smash[1177] dieheartsaint: 1000% pass[1177] fanaticgameslive: WOULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLDDDDDDDDDD[1177] vexstrem: smash[1177] shhhlucky: crash[1177] paztyesn: SMASH[1177] tonemcbone21: 😂😂😂😂😂😂[1177] vladi1224: smash[1177] danners07: would[1177] pz_enjoyr: Gyatt[1177] mrtweaksy: would[1177] juicyorfruit: smash[1177] ckhitz: Wack[1177] sharekindness: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak[1177] georgeevs23: !charm[1178] nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn[1178] park3r: BRUH[1178] murpheykayso: Smash[1178] erikvenice: IM DRAKE SO SMASHH[1178] liamisultrasigma: smash[1178] swlng_: 🚨@jynxzi VIP ME 12 MONTH SUB🚨Z[1178] mmclovennn: smash[1178] doctordk17: REPORT[1178] goon3144: PASS[1178] jackhjzzz: SMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASH[1178] berstbuda10: smash[1178] yungkibe: feds[1178] xsilent__star: NAH 😭😭[1178] liebross2: I WOULD[1178] gucci_kid54: nah thats weird[1179] vladi1224: would[1179] marie_xm: uhh[1179] 99trixx: smash[1179] aspect6759: smashhhhhhhhhh[1179] j5uav3: wood[1179] ch1vs_714: can I rizz[1179] hivise: yikes | Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [1000] React, react, react, react, react, react, react, react, react, react, react, react, how about the cl- Thank you, God damn [1010] Wat langwege is dit? Manche, dit is eicef pro longe. Oh, dit is gar niet. [1020] French. Susur, quiet, dech-charsement, this is French. It's gotta be. J'adore my right! J'adore my right! [1030] I've got this but it's not any sekop stamina The lines in your vein are confused [1040] I好了! Die, my child!!! Excuse me, sir! Left!!! [1050] Okay, he's diamond. Yep, nevermind. This guy's valid. Okay, he's valid. [1060] Okay, this guy's about it. No, he's getting tracked by demos. He might actually be dead here. [1070] plus qu'un d'apports d'apports éliminés et si on va être ici [1080] Back a bit of day, hands down. [1090] What the fuck is this cock? Dude, I mean, like that had you taken like 25 minutes. [1100] and it's easily 25 minutes. There's no way that didn't take... No, that's like an hour probably, bro. This guy centered his entire class of clans base around [1110] someone shitting on a toilet. [1120] make it 3v5 or 7 right because we're beating this challenge once and for all tonight Chad I'm telling you bro I promise we're beating this challenge once and for all tonight [1130] Good reign! W. J.C. Charm as well! [1140] Jalan menemukan tempat ema! Gerryibi mawee Di situ Hier Finger Jalan barking [1150] Damn this guy's nuts Go- Okay Yo y'all are actually sending decent clips to Ray Deras [1160] I was three. Why is the entire chat just saying smash? I was three! [1170] WHAT THE FUCK?! Yow, yow. MY MOUTH ARE SEAING SP- I was to be rough. NO, YOU GUYS ALL NEED TO BE IN PRISON. I WAS LITTLE RELATIONAL. | There is a Highlight between 1165 and 1185. A viewer has Jynxzi's childhood photo as their profile picture; everyone in the chat is enthusiastically typing: Smash |
Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege[1800] xtortion300: Xtortion300 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [1801] ellen_from_caseoh_s: Nice wedding shirt my man looks exactly like the one i wore to my sisters wedding[1801] carter_streamer_10: wedding[1801] 730h: would you wear it to a wedding?[1801] greekwarrior64: wedding[1801] daxbfaded: bong stream??[1801] malakaigarcia33: no drip cap[1801] timmystaint00: BROS NOT GETTING IN THE CLUB WITH THAT SHIRT💀[1801] coffeezilladaughter: we get it. u went to a wedding stfu[1801] junkolicious: funeral?[1801] flaume_aux: DID BRO GET MARRIED??[1801] totallynotjudah: w wedding fit[1801] armanii_27: wedding?[1801] dondo_14: YAPPING[1801] bochpo23: I AM A VIEW BOTTER[1801] lexuztexuz: did he go to a wedding?[1802] max1392: wedding[1802] telestoadept: Why didnt you invite me at the wedding?[1802] thexanthosis: how was the wedding[1802] fartsniffer8732: wedding?[1802] ahmadz_02: sendig love from sweden❤️❤️😘[1802] reynamain687q: spaln[1802] ot_gaminggg: SMASH[1802] tatteduptoddler: whose wedding[1802] coffeezilladaughter: we get it. u went to a wedding stfu [1802] veggies445: Be nice[1802] to_moski: funeral[1802] picklerick3644: prom[1802] wakeupnv: wedding[1802] ryan18062: wedding[1802] aidenkillsnoobs: congratulations[1803] drake_justus: wedding?[1803] brandon6702: when the wedding[1803] bgrantbkirsteven: Funeral ???[1803] oobi___: Weddingggggg???[1803] toadystoad: 🚨SENDING HATE FROM GERMANY🚨[1803] supersonic3p: interview for the register?[1803] anthony_1957: KAI HAS A BIGGER DICK THANK YOU[1803] mvpwoodson: wedding??[1803] threeswoopes3: so how was the wedding[1803] niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick: WEDDING[1805] zxdi3: you went to a wedding?[1805] realrusto: show whole fit[1805] captncrunch45555: weding[1805] anthony480ant: 2 hour streamer[1805] steelpen19: I saw you at the wedding[1805] whoisjglidd: react quieter[1805] vohlsswing: Stroking rn😈[1805] nenon_kai: So the wedding is later[1805] trapsteak: don’t have all day[1805] saunr1: funeral[1805] badaim39: who’s wedding?[1805] khangdodo: shirt too formal[1805] bnasty334: Beckie’s closet?[1805] mxyz97x_: go bald[1805] kidkrahngaming: when’s the wedding[1806] jcob8928: SUB ME 😩😩[1806] afamousghost: who’s wedding[1806] fliyin_: !watchtime[1806] imsreet: whos wedding[1806] sl4yer___: PRE END WARNING[1806] streamelements: fliyin_ has spent 4 days 3 hours watching jynxzi[1808] qusce: fat[1808] monster1186: change[1808] zynx4k: WHOS WEDDING[1808] cyclone191919191919: how was the wedding flower boy[1808] king_slayer273: fall guys fall guys fall guys fall guys fall guys fall guys fall guys fall guys fall guys fall guys fall guys fall guys[1808] infamoustryhardr: !link[1808] nospacesdan: have you ever done a sober stream brother?[1808] nightbot: @infamoustryhardr If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[1808] axxel360: CHURCH?????[1808] pauliide: @Jynxzi i love you, I got back to playing R6 bc of your streams and I just wanted to give smth back. Stay the way you are and don't let any haters tell you what to do. Haters have small brains.[1808] r1chard07: Wedding on the beach?[1808] sikegirl13: how I send a clip that’s not on Xbox anymore??[1808] iholt44: who got married?[1808] vvincxntt: react smarter[1808] zornthehero: Wedding ?[1809] iliquifyy: FUNERAL[1809] yourbutt329: og fort w[1809] pablo_gaming120: react harder[1809] urrrduuummbb: stompn dropped u[1809] gooselangoose: funeral then[1809] shipmannnn: WHEN IS THE TIM 1V1??[1809] angelt20004: are u home or[1809] rorypenman: So we woke up and chose that item of clothing[1809] beanhead1027: you can’t ban people when you only have 40k watching lmao the fall off gotta be studied[1809] xxxscarfacexxx13: They mad cause you look good[1809] fazzlle: I’m a bot[1810] wolfbite1235: wolfbite1235 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! [1811] artistic_trix_: WHOS WEDDING DID U GO TO[1811] alexpc2700: so who got married f[1811] gibz456: you got married?[1811] justsri_: wedding[1811] adengdogg: funeral[1811] hot549hats: jynxzi went to a funeral[1811] lilstyze: play r6[1811] srw0607: ur not even home[1811] leadmarauder: Wedding[1811] hxnry00: congrats jynxzi[1811] maxverstappen_redbull_33: wedding[1811] xlsizedburrito: diddy’s wedding?[1811] chez_wickk: ur wedding?[1811] daddymortar_: jynxzi i just joined the steam did you go to a wedding?[1811] fernybfc: What wedding did you got to @jynxzi[1812] okgerardo: u wore that shirt yesterday bro[1812] k_2_shiesty: L flexor[1812] dondo_14: TURN OFF STREAM[1812] itskamina: best man PogBones[1812] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[1812] m1rageporky: wewwww[1812] brygriff134: real estate shirt[1812] t00cliche: w wedding fit[1812] iswingeverybody: wedding?[1812] ahmadz_02: sendig love from sweden❤️❤️😘 love you[1812] nightbot: real[1812] bro6ski: Diddy party?[1812] letsgofaygo: wedding shirt[1812] whoopzzz_: W SHIRT BROTHER[1812] rgarcia221: where’s vrecjie@[1813] slime3023: breckie’s closet[1813] gladyszorro: gyat[1813] thatboynathan16: shut up JynxOh[1813] lvcx99: VACATION AHH FIT VACATION AHH FIT VACATION AHH FIT VACATION AHH FIT VACATION AHH FIT[1813] aidenkillsnoobs: congratulations on your marriage[1813] clukazooo: can i kiss you[1813] holyfathead97: react softer fatty[1813] snapgvo: deep V[1813] yoyo4257: wedding congrats![1813] allhailthethiccone: AllHailTheThiccOne subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! [1813] jtr0n: WE NOT BANNING ANYONE 🤣🤣[1814] hivise: mhmm[1814] hivise: mhmm[1815] jaymach111000: ur so ass[1815] tom_moz: I’m lost here[1815] obamasrightarm: your at breckies[1815] short5topshorty1: FUCK YOU[1815] mr_prince55: L[1815] scubaschen: not your closet[1815] xiphoidar: bro was the groom[1815] itsdannyyd: BRIDE WAITING[1815] cowe_scese: Weddding[1815] saladinsbigbooty: wedding?[1815] snipingelmo: shut up[1815] sandy_sir: WWWWWW[1815] jtr0n: WE NOT BANNING ANYONE 🤣🤣[1815] camjones8: wedding[1815] itsjxsee27: more like breckies closet[1816] hako0q: Hhhhhhh[1816] faxzcapz: L wedding shirt[1816] mr_lag64: Fat wedding[1816] mshoal: react reactioner[1816] flameboy2604: w[1816] poopyy23: react harder wedding boy..[1817] spadez_wins: Spadez_Wins subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months! w 10 months[1818] bnasty334: wedding[1818] m1rageporky: @feelssunnyman fsmSille fsmSille fsmSille fsmSille fsmSille[1818] jtr0n: WE NOT BANNING ANYONE 🤣🤣[1818] santasbeltbuckle: Cooked[1818] oglinden_69: whos wedding was it for !!!!!!!! just tell usss you fat bitch!!!!!![1818] jxkey_1: alr[1818] salmsmith: womp womp.[1818] rgarcia221: where’s breckinridge[1818] dicslapp: did you get married[1818] hasanislikedat: REACT HARDER S[1818] savagehrp: “a shitty shirt” THE MONEY CHANGED YOUU[1818] sandy_sir: WWWWWWW[1818] t3ch_supp0rtx: WW[1818] bardown16__: AWWW :)[1818] acolombi58: yea im shocked junko smoko[1819] avaryxt97: GYATT[1819] bubblesllll: cap[1819] totallynotjudah: FAT[1819] rubylhughes: my mum left[1819] jotheman1312: we at the beach[1819] telestoadept: jynxziFALL[1819] sinkwithevan: wedding[1819] whatisthewordd: ONLY HAVE ONE AONLY HAVE ONE ACCONT LOADED CCONT LOADED ONLY HAVE ONE ACCONT LOADED ONLY HAVE ONE ACCONT LOADED ONLY HAVE ONE ACCONT LOADED[1819] pinballrun: OGMUDBONE[1819] 6urner: 11111111111111[1819] sleepyyonhots: !Link[1819] devin_singletary17: you[1819] therealharrytante: KEN FROM BARBIE[1819] iswingeverybody: wedding[1819] sandy_sir: WWW[1820] lightningkakuzu: W SON[1820] better_call_knight: Your fat[1820] itsfrzyy: CAPPP[1820] yaboyepicjustin: Just wanted to dress nice for your video presentations rn[1820] cincoflames: FAT WEDDING??????????????????[1820] tampahawk: when is stream?[1820] donny433: WWW[1820] jtr0n: WE NOT BANNING ANYONE 🤣🤣[1822] papimoore: GET HER A PORCHE[1822] hbombzzzzz: hate from your brothers wedding[1822] dustinwilso292: breakie[1822] vaerbatim: Fat[1822] nightbot: no[1822] d1purge_: let’s go golfing[1822] thatboynathan16: when is the wedding[1822] theyfishy: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1[1822] belligoal69: hellcat[1822] edwinn_carier: fat[1822] ilovemuslc: STFU[1822] gageking2023: no[1822] siddy707: aww[1822] snipingelmo: ask diddy[1822] reddeadmachine: Don't want details but hope your having a great time hanging out with the ol lady! Love from Indiana[1823] sandy_sir: WW[1823] surgedickeyq: NEW PORSCHE[1823] puffpuffjuicer: WWWWWW[1823] tame965story: your mom[1823] imuglyah: no you wont[1823] quickpup3340436: GET HER A PORSCHE[1823] squishytofu7: that’s nice[1823] jokesie: WHY 4:30PM[1825] okgerardo: same shirt as yesterday lol[1825] fxrmal1: d[1825] short5topshorty1: STUF[1825] synxbamaboy: NO SHUTUP[1825] astrobliss69: don’t care[1825] raymondt1d: I’ll give your mum my present[1825] zxhxr1: you[1825] drake_justus: wedding[1825] picklerick3644: ur my mommy[1825] crogen23: Crogen23 subscribed with Prime. [1825] bardown16__: NECKLACE :) NECKLACE :)[1825] marriedtoclash: Did u eat cheetos today fatty fatty boom boom[1825] fqsrrlive: fqsrrlive subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! yeaaa[1825] junioriscracked6987: dildo[1825] d1purge_: fat[1826] santasbeltbuckle: Viewbot[1826] unrealriki: shut up[1826] ewewewewesd: a lamborghini[1826] uhhlividd: car[1826] vo1tageee: wedding?[1826] lynchster1: fat[1826] mrdetectivex: I’m the present[1826] loadedpotuwa: a house[1826] rnitten: wedding shirt[1828] owenblackwell420: Mother’s Day is in March[1828] poofcd: i dont have one[1828] itz4xwrld999: NOTHING[1828] wavesot: L wetting shirt[1828] theplantmommy: I CROCHETED HER A SWEATER[1828] 6urner: 1111111[1828] moose1088: fat[1828] gabrielc352: I don't have a mom[1828] v2shxfty: your not even at your house you don’t have a closet blue has a suitcase[1828] thefailedsiege: get her a house[1828] steelpen19: a Jynxi charm[1828] telestoadept: jynxzi0x[1828] coffeezilladaughter: get her a rented porsche[1828] veggies445: Fat[1828] scleebles: Dick[1829] charlo_et_pitchou: a dildoo[1829] oli060609: Nothing[1829] lpnbotz: BLACK ICE[1829] proxy_games0: nothibg[1829] pinballrun: Get her a rental[1829] hisashonyoutube: I am a view bot[1829] multiversus23: FAT[1829] therealharrytante: KEN FROM BARBIEE[1829] temp2smexy: flowers[1829] ewewewewesd: LMAO[1829] joshua69power: dildo[1830] kakashisprincess: L[1830] hivise: She wants a IPad Pro[1830] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[1830] kakashisprincess: L[1830] kakashisprincess: L[1830] coffeezilladaughter: get her a rented porsche 911[1831] kakashisprincess: L[1831] vizzeez: fuck you[1831] tj_gains: Get her a porsche[1831] luckisduck: don’t have one[1831] lickinglightbulbs: wedding[1831] ched_r6: a jynxzi charm[1831] clapz55550: rose toy[1831] x3hippo: bronny waiting[1831] mosesmillman: wedding shirt[1831] chubb1994: A WEDDING SHIRT[1831] kakashisprincess: LL[1831] jxstmath: A HOUSE[1831] sandy_sir: YOUR FATT[1831] decaids1: Fat[1831] kakashisprincess: L[1832] tiger_morning_wood_69: lambo[1832] alexandru_olar: a home[1832] keeney178: my mom od[1832] burakozsyy: not porsche[1832] xeno_ducky: who’s wedding[1832] s1yth0r6: dildo[1832] abeaver: LMFAO[1832] hivise: She wants a IPad Pro[1832] bardown16__: NECKLACE :) :)[1832] zebo_816: a wedding[1832] kakashisprincess: L[1832] vohlsswing: Nothing[1832] kakashisprincess: L[1832] hivise: She wants a IPad Pro[1832] kakashisprincess: L[1833] kakashisprincess: L[1833] kakashisprincess: L[1833] coffeezilladaughter: get her a rented porsche 911 @Jynxzi[1834] mike245069: my mom died[1834] bardown16__: NECKLACE :) :) :)[1834] fnsshoto1: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT[1834] gibz456: L[1834] lild33__: L promo[1834] aggropenguinz: fat[1834] shivermetimbers15: fatty[1834] dgcv_: a house[1834] adz_sux: fat[1834] kakashisprincess: LL[1834] bigmeat1586: When is the TimTheTatman 1v1?[1834] cyclone191919191919: congrats on the marriage[1834] 9opha: fatt[1834] cmatache007: I’m also going golfing[1834] kakashisprincess: L[1835] charkills1516: IGIFTED[1835] bigjackyjack: a boat[1835] whatisthewordd: CHAIN[1835] yiorio_: SHUT UP PLS[1835] 00kiraa: no[1835] awesomeflipper: flowers[1835] mosesmillman: wedding[1835] theonlykilo: Bro no way you thought that shirt was a good idea[1835] ryanruel3: when’s wedding stream[1835] jarrod__0: candle[1835] vinny_sleepz: perfume[1835] s1yth0r6: doldo[1835] capalotmarsbaby: eat my ass[1835] cringeee6: jynxi surprised they had it in your size fatass[1835] wood1223: Su multi millionaire[1836] coffeezilladaughter: get her a rented porsche 911 @Jynxzi [1837] jkthekidd_04: a wedding shirt[1837] lexuztexuz: wedding?[1837] thefailedsiege: GET HER A HOUSE[1837] ojxstinn: renting her a porch like u[1837] salmonellaguy1: you sold the champions shut up[1837] beefbayonet733: HATE FROM IRAQ[1837] cayd9299: dildo[1837] litxt: my moms dead[1837] fazejayce4: Porsche 911[1837] sheluvzchristian: don’t have a mom[1837] gfs_razz: my mom is dead[1837] igot5onme_: nothing[1837] pmca84: L[1837] lingostarr23: dumbass shirt[1837] iamluis55: making a garden for my mother[1838] toxictoots776: dildo[1838] wjs0402: THE SAME SHIRT YOURE WEARING[1838] kriegerrr_: new wedding shirt[1838] majlolik: phat[1838] oh_shadow12: don’t got oen[1838] nutritionguy: my mom does drugs[1838] yng_ep: react to the wedding[1838] ooziejr: Fuvk you fatass[1838] mistershortlegs: a baby[1838] deadoutlawz: A HOUSE[1838] nuggiii10: whats the plan for today?[1838] kakashisprincess: SHUT UP[1838] theyfishy: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 can you please check your work email[1840] stars_470: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT[1840] 2_jandro_3: frat shirt[1840] qtznixx: stfu[1840] babychrism: wedding[1840] trapsteak: don’t have all day[1840] juunyboi: sending hate from Nicaragua[1840] scleebles: weiner[1840] yankeefan22506: YOUR FAT[1840] helix_reapz: not your closet[1840] saladinsbigbooty: dildo[1840] j5uav3: L nicholas[1840] squishytofu7: breakfast[1840] father_hatred: Kratom[1840] dametime0311: your skin[1840] v2shxfty: she wants a lambo[1841] daryllsucks: Leaked[1841] 0pticnuggets: DILDO W[1841] whowyatt: car[1841] mxyz97x_: diddy waieting[1841] pinkieisblazed: i’m getting my mom a ring with all of our birthstones on it![1841] uno___1: Hobby lobby stuff and flowers bc she is an art teacher[1841] streammikec: !sub[1841] rylandbigball420: rylandbigball420 gifted a Tier 1 sub to vonathan711! [1841] nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi[1841] coffeezilladaughter: get her a rented porsche 911 @Jynxzi[1842] lsween: LSWEEN subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months! [1843] imacionic: L[1843] tacticalgummybear: L poor shamer[1843] whoopzzz_: but her a car[1843] itscsper: rent her a Porsche[1843] jayson_v3: flowers[1843] jaidrn_654: FAT[1843] tellatubbin: react drunk[1843] dieheartsaint: bbl jizzy[1843] supersonic3p: interview for the register?[1843] ot_gaminggg: fat[1843] aryana2024: Flowers[1843] therealharrytante: KEN FROM BARBIEEE[1843] angelchastity: Buy my mom a gift dont be weird[1843] dayanitiel445: dick head[1843] sirplebgamer: cutting board[1844] pablo_gaming120: wedding shirt[1844] davisweat: www[1844] fatboy_l0l: I’m getting her you[1844] td3409: Crocs[1844] goobert624: Nothing because she won't let me go go daydrians tour[1844] ryanq98: rented car[1844] l0udxd: bounce on it[1844] feeling_fernski23: a Subscription to Junko[1844] lucas135742: chunko[1844] bran_do: Bran_do subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! [1846] sruka89: AN ATOM BOMB[1846] yourbutt329: frfr[1846] xivvy__: i made donuts for my mom[1846] nobiggy1000: epstein waiting[1846] djwalnutz: w golf with mom day[1846] 12232769599: A car[1846] lxix3: fatso[1846] sprayalldaygaming: a dildo[1846] keeney178: mine overdosed[1846] vektor808: wedding with Beckie[1846] xxbangedyouxx: brekkie and jinx the wedding[1846] konnor_krein: love the streams[1846] bardown16__: dont be weird[1846] barrackollamax: wedding[1846] juggaloomie: Yo jynxzi nice meeting you at the wedding hope you had a nice time[1847] 123798the: you[1847] flizzyyyyw: L AD L AD[1847] gilly2456: a hug[1847] pimpdaddytroy: mu mom left me -_-[1847] goose200789: sending love from hate ville..[1847] 0onsk_: BRO BUY YOUR MUM A HOUSE YOUR A BILLIONAIRE[1847] nightbot: F in the chat[1847] tripgang710: my mom dead bro thanks[1847] lucas135742: chunkooo[1847] betamale233: A BRAND NEW XBOX[1847] mackuzzzzz: rose toy[1847] drewpysnatchh: whos the mon[1847] d4n1el_33: tim is waiting[1847] jxstak: !gamble 1k[1847] streamelements: JxstAK lost 1000 points in roulette and now has 5731449 points! FeelsBadMan[1848] jtr0n: WE NOT BANNING ANYONE 🤣🤣[1849] nunnya89: quinceañera[1849] clukazooo: edible arrangements[1849] bakedscoutz: NICE WEDDING FIT NERD[1849] xxitzgokuxx: wedding drip go hard[1849] iadamtn: a rented poarvh[1849] lukasskvarek: Fat[1849] chicago_z: another skipped stream[1849] tampahawk: when does stream start? jynxzi[1849] yourlocaltimmy_: getting her a purse[1849] shrewbop: You suck[1849] adengdogg: funeral[1849] ceiteach17: fat boy[1849] shivermetimbers15: fatso[1849] nutritionguy: my mom likes drugs[1849] strike_finesse1: my moms dead[1850] faxzcapz: L wedding shirt[1850] peanutlord27: please be quiet I’m playing ranked[1850] itzislxm: what time did you go to the wedding? #latestream[1850] daroosh: bro clean your tongue holy shit!!!!!![1850] qwvzr: wedding[1850] c4sh_jos: LMAOO[1850] dean902: you got off early yesterday to go buy this nice lil t shirt with bae huh ????[1851] rayanb7_: can u get my mom a new house[1852] jackisthegoatfr: FAT[1852] mirror_glitch5: Didn't notice the shirt[1852] carbonmob409: #hype[1852] azazel42023: you[1852] loadedpotuwa: get her a hoiset[1852] edwinn_carier: fat[1852] drxppy_zapzz: happy birthday[1852] therealharrytante: KEN FROM BARBIE[1852] iliquifyy: some flowers[1852] s1yth0r6: dildo[1852] alexfisk: jizz on me[1852] stickworkog: lose weight for your mom[1852] washedchunko: washed chunko[1852] liammclaren__: can you get me something? i dont have money to buy a gift[1852] konnor_krein: love the stream[1853] mrbreadstick_12: r[1853] thinkjoker1475: wedding t shirt[1853] lmankeyyyl: i have no idea[1853] birdsinthetrap: going to rent her a Porsche[1853] joncampfan: get her a house dont be weird[1853] rorypenman: So we woke up and chose that item of clothing[1853] mrwaffle452: mrwaffle452 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months! tick tok shop[1853] stirzy_: I WAS JUST ABT TO SAY THAT 😭[1853] harrytby: she died last year.[1853] salmonellaguy1: a rented porsche[1853] beefbayonet733: HATE FROM PAKISTAN[1853] im100509: a porche 911[1853] batmansof: WE NOT RICH LIKE YOUUUU[1853] clapz55550: teddie bear[1853] luckysgrave: cheer500 FAT[1855] zilla3212: zilla3212 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 4 in the channel! [1855] jynxziizaddy27: Cheer99 love from tennessee[1855] theyfishy: Cheer1[1855] fnsshoto1: jynxziSad jynxziSad jynxziSad jynxziSad jynxziSad[1855] carterwooley17: Wedding is waiting on you[1855] ryanruel3: L son[1855] coolkidghost2: Plants[1855] swiftz_001: L P JIZZY[1855] sl4yer___: PRE END WARNING[1855] joshua69power: buy her a dildo[1855] zilla3212: zilla3212 gifted a Tier 1 sub to slidmeister! [1855] lore_09: You are my mum[1855] nightbot: h[1855] edward40xans: Apple Watch[1855] purpp1221: maybe get her a grand kid[1856] greymarleyg95: fact[1856] fatnfatal: Chat been L's heavy recently[1856] igrioz: Rent a Porsche[1856] youngherox: ear rings[1856] rodge_tate: wanna send me a band so I can buy my mom something[1856] gray154: get her a house dummy rich diddy[1856] yourlocaltimmy_: purse[1856] clapz55550: rose toy[1856] moistyturtl: WEDDING ?????[1856] helsinksky: SPAIN[1856] zlawless5: flowers[1856] iitzdutch: BADAIM[1856] elmadretuya: flowers and a nice dinner[1856] tkettel_: lmao[1856] scrabelr6: treatboxxxxx subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 1 month streak! g[1857] spicy_meatball412: spicy_meatball412 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! [1858] chicagoserge: FAKE CHAT READER.[1858] imshortyy_: money[1858] papimoore: IM GETTING HER NEW EARRINGS[1858] rayanb7_: can u get my mom a new house[1858] doinwatucant: blender[1858] loadedpotuwa: get her a house[1858] horizon_kbm: GET ANOTHER RENTED PORSCHE[1858] willhousev: lego flowers[1858] snipingelmo: smart watch. legit[1858] fatty0_: love from bohine grove[1858] duvoolol: pre marriage[1858] devin_singletary17: aggvvvvvvbvbbbbbbbbvv. be vvvvvvvvvvvvcvcccccccccccfccfccffffffffffffffff[1858] swlng_: 🚨@jynxzi VIP ME 12 MONTH SUB🚨l[1858] blaze_riplol: perfume[1858] mxyz97x_: obese[1859] nhlslurpy26: a dildo[1859] craigdarroch37: wedding[1859] srtassault: 911[1859] lgrmreaperl: a necklace[1859] mark202343: Your shirt is inside out LUL[1859] fast_car27: we are not millionaries[1859] daryllsucks: hate from iowa[1859] joe_mk77: perfume[1859] toadystoad: 🚨SENDING HATE FROM GERMANY🚨[1859] hot549hats: fatboy[1859] rytheballer: wedding shirtt[1859] cuate_abs: fat[1859] streamelements: PogChamp niixzyy_is_op went all in and won 90 points PogChamp they now have 180 points FeelsGoodMan[1859] jaeksnaek2946: A DILDO[1859] rayanb7_: can u get my mom a new house[1861] gamingwithtonio2: fat by[1861] theyfishy: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1[1861] rellik334: Fat[1861] king_grizz_: 😂😂😂😂😂[1861] salmonellaguy1: im getting a rented porsche[1861] brembin: SENDING LOVE FROM DETROIT[1861] efra9325: youre fat take that bullshit off[1861] belligoal69: get her a hellcat[1861] clopnb: KENDRICK JUST DROPPED KENDRICK JUST DROPPED KENDRICK JUST DROPPED KENDRICK JUST DROPPED KENDRICK JUST DROPPED KENDRICK JUST DROPPED[1861] friwurl: Fat[1861] tkettel_: fat ass[1861] ms2915: probs a necklace[1861] harrygamer04: take her out to gambling[1861] feeling_fernski23: Subscription to you Junk[1861] streamelements: @b_anx, you only have 5 points.[1862] cxrys3: fat[1862] patmj007: 💀[1862] witnessja: get her a mansion dont be weird[1862] imhe87: make a video with D’ Aydrian Harding[1862] uno___1: Hobby lobby stuff bc she is an art teacher and flowers[1862] lxix3: get her a Lamborghini[1862] bigmanjhonny25: WEAR A SUIT ON SATURZ[1862] pup_sammyttv: wow guy's.[1862] itscsper: rent her Porsche[1862] had2dirtyit: jynxi charm[1862] kakashisprincess: !points @jxstak[1862] bro6ski: don’t be wierd get her a lambo[1862] streamelements: @KakashisPrincess jxstak has 5731454 points and is rank 2/1732478 on the leaderboard.[1862] rayanb7_: can u get my mom a new house[1863] rayanb7_: can u get my mom a new house[1864] jayk87: JayK87 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! [1864] darthventura: Chubby[1864] cyclone191919191919: HOW WAS THE WEDDING[1864] toesniffer300: my mom loves candles[1864] pinkieisblazed: i’m getting my mom a ring with all of our birthstones on it!![1864] sprayalldaygaming: dildo[1864] itzolred: she’s dead[1864] 304smegatron: FLOWERS[1864] sl4yer___: !gamble all[1864] na2s68: !charm[1864] d4n1el_33: when is 1v1 with tim[1864] carter_doubled: 😍😍😍[1864] fossabot: @treeharvest, Your message is too long[1864] user10638352: bomb[1864] nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn[1865] boomersquad10: im giving her my johnson[1865] dionysus1963: Flowers[1865] fnsshoto1: Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm[1865] rayanb7_: can u get my mom a new house[1865] streamelements: PogChamp sl4yer___ went all in and won 1935 points PogChamp they now have 3870 points FeelsGoodMan[1865] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[1865] boejecker99: FLOWERS AND MACROONS[1865] elkaholic1: w son[1865] thagoonguapo: wedding shirt my guy[1865] pleyg_: beep beep boop boo.. I am a view botter[1865] moocher747: !gamble 10k[1865] barrackollamax: W wedding[1865] streamelements: moocher747 lost 10000 points in roulette and now has 415 points! FeelsBadMan[1865] hipponat_: ur fat[1865] notsideshow: Your viewbot free trial is running out. Please renew subscription to continue.[1866] jaxson1834: fat[1866] rd3gree: marriage ceremony?[1866] 2coold_: FAT[1866] sik79lak: when stream starts[1866] theyfishy: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1[1866] siegeknite: necklace[1866] senyorchev: a stepdad[1866] goinggraham14: necklace[1866] hebsecurity512: your mom[1866] rayanb7_: can u get my mom a new house[1867] rayanb7_: can u get my mom a new house[1868] immortal675: cheer1[1868] nosweats2: wedding[1868] thewarren63: when is the honeymoon?[1868] mackg309: u ate earth[1868] itznotmarkeese: bronny waiting[1868] wood1223: Get her a rose toy[1868] urrrr8113: i[1868] xgiftedd: vibrator[1868] xantac5: When’s fan mail?[1868] juanrl1117: A house unlike you and you’re a millionaire[1868] slayer_him: wedding[1868] mxyz97x_: fuck u chunko[1868] allenlivee: big boy[1868] liam_teas: A g wagon[1868] exoticzac: !gamble all[1869] yeeet151: a card[1869] 6urner: DILDOOO[1869] streamelements: PogChamp exoticzac went all in and won 685 points PogChamp they now have 1370 points FeelsGoodMan[1869] dicslapp: will you buy my mom a car[1869] tampahawk: When does stream Start? @Jynxzi[1869] bigmeat1586: When is the TimTheTatman 1v1?[1869] trooperyt09: love u[1869] mcwaffle_abc123: get her porche or your biased[1869] miguel_1st: jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL[1869] pinballrun: Pay rayan[1869] barrackollamax: wedding ??[1869] iswingeverybody: twerkkkkkkk[1869] sammccue: love from irelanf[1869] hivise: @KakashisPrincess, Leave![1869] funnierdingo: when wedding?[1870] tdgjam: I’m getting my mom an airfyer[1870] gingerbengee_: !gambel 800[1870] gageeepoo1: Dildo[1870] marriedtoclash: Did u eat cheetos today fatty[1870] papipringlez: thowell1999 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months! [1872] binroller: get my mom a new crib[1872] junkolicious: w rayan[1872] x1mm_too_ez: FAT JUNKO DIDDY ALWAYS GOES 1 in 10 BEN[1872] cai10578: love you jynxzi[1872] theb00gyman111: just tell her shes good[1872] rockpenguin599: ur so fat[1872] msfx001: fat[1872] lewis_swfc1867: can u buy me a sub[1872] fnsshoto1: jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF[1872] saladinsbigbooty: dildo[1872] kakashisprincess: 😐😐[1872] mario9047: HEY JUNKO HOW WAS THE WEDDING[1872] chubb1994: A WEDDING SHIRT LIKE YOURS[1872] aryana2024: Flowers, please look at this. I lost my mum.[1872] washedchunko: stop trolling[1873] lucaspulsfn: gleebglogabgalob[1873] yng_ep: react to the wedding[1873] buliorico_: 30min left in the stream w stream[1873] chucksnastyy: HELLCAT[1873] iziah3006: Fat[1873] ryagodr6: L bully[1873] causitav: you jynxzi i love you[1873] lowlifeinfinite: Buy your mom a porsche 911 GT3RS[1873] majestic_one314: Wedding????[1873] dametime0311: I’m giving her your skin[1873] hexghon: !gamble all[1873] notsideshow: Your viewbot free trial is running out. Please renew subscription to continue..[1873] imperixxl: true[1873] streamelements: PogChamp hexghon went all in and won 19055 points PogChamp they now have 38110 points FeelsGoodMan[1873] ahmadz_02: sendig love from swedennnn😘❤️❤️❤️[1874] ttvsweatydiq: cocane[1874] elijahporter21: a card that doesn’t stop saying mom[1874] jimjamthegreatman: I’m gonna get my mom the Jynxzi charm with no ads[1874] carter_doubled: DADDY[1874] nolovepoppinit: nolovepoppinit subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! [1875] bardown16__: NO COMPOSURE AT ALL[1875] nbawelter: im getting her the black guys that dance from tiktok[1875] badamabada: too poor to give her something[1875] cadyn_hardrath: flowers[1875] itsdannyyd: BRIDE WAITING[1875] gavinprzenpop: fa[1875] aqturo: i like u shirt daddy[1875] moistcornflake: what time is the wedding?[1875] vaquri: @rayanb7_ OF COURSE YOU ASKING FOR HANDOUTS[1875] jxstak: !gamble 3k[1875] barrackollamax: L wedding[1875] mustafa_monster1: get her a house[1875] sammccue: love from dublin ireland[1875] spicyhotsauce42: pay rayan[1876] streamelements: JxstAK won 3000 points in roulette and now has 5734454 points! FeelsGoodMan[1876] bobbyhim2: i broke collarr bone[1876] calvin_isnot_himm: w wedding[1876] rickgrimes1014: Little pusss[1876] harrygamer04: take her out to gamble[1876] fnsshoto1: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3[1876] daxbfaded: use bong[1876] 6urner: DILDOOOOO[1876] waggnasty71: who got married???[1876] luigithegoat2: fatlol[1876] j_undees: This was 5 years ago[1876] mxyz97x_: fuck you fatass[1876] trashpanda9379: W chat[1876] lowlifeinfinite: Buy your mom a porsche 911 GT3RS![1877] bravo_dog2002: Sending hate from Australia[1877] nutbuster10293: @hivise how do I send dono[1877] sarlovjr: shirt too big[1877] austinthegoat214: FAT[1877] purpp1221: give her a grandchild[1877] opeisag123: don’t have one[1877] macevermes: A plant[1877] kobegunns: HES BETTER THAN U NOW LMAOOOOOHES BETTER THAN U NOW LMAOOOOOHES BETTER THAN U NOW LMAOOOOOHES BETTER THAN U NOW LMAOOOOOHES BETTER THAN U NOW LMAOOOOOHES BETTER THAN U NOW LMAOOOOO[1877] only1carneal: you a bum[1877] dd_ocefn: Back in the day this way builds brah LUL[1877] phxze_live: when’s clip reaction[1877] chickeneater2343: a vibrator lmaoo[1877] jynxzifat123: fatfatfat[1877] lastrorowdyl: Fat Wedding[1878] y_cxn: and WHATS WITH THE PEOPLE WHO DONT HAVE A MOM HUHHH[1878] srtassault: jynxziBadAim[1878] lucaspulsfn: fatahhh[1878] ojxstinn: a Porsche rented like u did[1878] theyfishy: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1[1878] cenzm91000: ur drunk from the wedding[1878] derpy_turtle_2020: this was a billion years ago dide[1878] thebigborowske: look like the beast shrunk to a normal person and sucked at R6[1878] lynchster1: greasy[1878] vlxnely: can i give her your nudes?[1879] lunagamegood: d[1879] rellik334: Heyv[1879] im100509: get her a grandchild[1879] tok_yo_something: view botting[1879] bru_c_e: Do it clap cumco[1879] guest412banned: did I miss wedding stream?[1879] dieg0tv_: !gamble 1000[1879] jamohubbo: ok[1879] hangryharold: i need you to wish my mum a happy mothers day[1879] nightbot: ok[1879] streamelements: dieg0tv_ won 1000 points in roulette and now has 13295 points! FeelsGoodMan[1879] camjones8: sugma[1879] kobegunns: HES BETTER THAN U NOW LMAOOOOOHES BETTER THAN U NOW LMAOOOOOHES BETTER THAN U NOW LMAOOOOO[1879] sheeesh_swo: make that ass clap[1879] mario9047: HEY JUNKO HOW WAS THE WEDDING??[1880] russian_afk: can you get my mom a mansion[1880] murks7: can i come to wedding[1880] lunagamegood: k[1880] bccouch: this vid is 5 yrs ild dude[1880] nightbot: k[1880] mxyz97x_: love u junko[1880] the_portuguez: mothers day in here was last sunday, for real[1880] stompben: WEAR A SUIT ON SATURDAY[1880] xtheriosx: BULLY[1880] ii_cabaye: you get your dad a Porsche but the one who raised you for 9 months in her stomach gets to go golfing[1880] bestchickennuggets: !watchtime[1880] deathbythorne: hop on roblox[1880] streamelements: bestchickennuggets has spent 9 days 19 hours watching jynxzi[1880] jynxzifat123: fat[1880] theb00gyman111: l clip[1881] sherwyn2332: What are you wearing[1881] lowlifeinfinite: Buy your mom a porsche 911 GT3RS!!![1881] tkettel_: shut the fuck up and keep reacting loser[1881] radiant443: J Diddy[1881] seeeethy: OBESE[1881] pinballrun: Horse[1882] j0ojoo1: unfunny[1882] yngstunnaz: BIGMAC, NUGGETS FRIES, DIET COKE[1882] sniperdog1423: You guys should Kyourself[1882] jkthekidd_04: ...[1882] nuator: Offer ur mom to diddy[1882] numberonericciglazer: diddy dropped[1882] jacobiscool4321: Stephen Hawking waiting[1882] don_kurdo: Stompin’s boy[1882] stashyyyyyy: stop yapping[1882] limit_cloudz: necklace[1882] saljleo: the jynxzi charm[1882] apoo_1105: get her a mothers card and a trip to Disney[1882] notsideshow: Your viewbot free trial is running out. Please renew subscription to continue.[1882] helsinksky: SPAAAIN[1882] mrbreadstick_12: 🤪🤪🤪🤪[1883] skidless69: Double chin[1883] kobegunns: HES BETTER THAN U NOW LMAOOOOOHES BETTER THAN U NOW LMAOOOOOHES BETTER THAN U NOW LMAOOOOO........[1883] jaypozo: react harder fat ass[1883] austinthegoat214: fat[1883] dicslapp: please buy my mom a car[1883] xyzxxzyx: Not fat[1883] ryantnick44: ryantnick44 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! 3 months!! many more to go!! love you junko[1883] tobysellz: you[1883] dillontopp: so we’re in wedding so we’re in wedding so we’re in wedding so we’re in wedding[1883] weeoutdizbich: He's dressed for is R6 careers funeral[1883] j5uav3: 5 years ago this guy was a gamer[1883] haxzymp5: my mom died you bully[1883] kewl_whip_: did you get that shirt from baby gap[1883] djbigcucumber: dad gets Porsche mum gets a shit golf course[1884] o_g1814: 🤣🤣🤣🤣[1884] kopaw0w: not funny[1884] helsinksky: SPAIN[1884] strhie: YO BRO EVERYONE WAS BAD THAT LONG AGO DUMVASS[1885] lmmxttyic3: getting my mom some of Beckie’s breast milk[1885] senyorchev: WHEN IS THE WEDDING[1885] tok_yo_something: view bot[1885] mubel13: got mine a fondue set[1886] luv4paris: DUMMY[1886] qwxyiscool3287: L BULLY[1886] urrrr8113: I’m jerking off and I want you to lick it up[1886] kakashisprincess: !points[1886] junko_is_bot: fuck u ur fat[1886] adengdogg: funeral???[1886] buliorico_: 30 more minutes to hit your mark. w stream[1886] streamelements: @KakashisPrincess KakashisPrincess has 2264023 points and is rank 6/1732478 on the leaderboard.[1886] kermaviili_: Fat im suprised you found clothes that fit you fatty[1886] jbradford33: balls[1886] mrnobody856: @RayanB7_ just ask for the house, we know you live in her basement[1886] nothakari: Spain[1886] dillontopp: so we’re in wedding so we’re in wedding so we’re in wedding so we’re in wedding so we’re in wedding so we’re in wedding so we’re in wedding[1887] nightbot: balls[1887] hot__goblin: penis[1887] lil_dave: sending hate from Oregon[1887] cuddleswithdad: Pay for my wife’s student loans[1887] megahead0: When’s fanmail[1887] tjpuk12: THIS IS 5 YEARS AGO FATASS[1887] scleebles: these is season 6 asshole[1887] worldgent69: get your mom me for Mother’s Day[1887] mirror_glitch5: Damn[1887] nate2x0: !charm[1887] angelchastity: Mkay[1887] lowlifeinfinite: Buy your mom a porsche 911 GT3RS[1887] napteezzy: get your mom a shakeweight[1887] nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn[1887] sandy_sir: HOLY SHIT[1888] trapsteak: don’t have all day[1888] seareech: DRUNK[1888] bardown16__: 1 PUMP[1888] colbycrawford4: jynxi you were at the diddy party[1888] dieheartsaint: slurred speech L DRUNK[1888] potatoman1709: money so she can do whatever she wants with it[1888] theschwiftyyeti: hate from idahoo[1889] xaxstro_: 1 hour streamer[1889] niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick: you’re not the same after this marriage[1889] dd_ocefn: 5 years ago tho LUL[1889] estyl_: builder prolapse[1889] volta1529: ironic[1889] sik79lak: bad aim[1889] brandon617854: HEY JYNXZI ITS JEFFERY YOU STILL COMING TO THE ISLAND THIS WEEKENED??[1889] jaminzo: it’s 5 years ago[1889] pinkinfinite: OOOOOO[1889] xqdu: bro this is like season 5[1889] agnus7777: react medium[1889] goose200789: sending love from hate ville[1889] aceoftwigs: HELLCAT ![1889] glazeddropemoff: u suck[1890] mailpolitica: ye we can see[1890] gilly2456: this is season 5 what do you expect[1890] ixouipe: hhhd[1890] guest412banned: did I miss wedding stream??[1890] vaerbatim: Zenti dropped you[1890] coolman9743: your worse[1890] flvckocondones: luck[1890] rip_phanto: fat[1890] jaretmscott: view bot[1890] aridedown95: ARideDown95 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 7 month streak! KOBEEEEEEE[1890] thomascashedin: no more nipples for jynxzi[1890] jynxzipartimer123: YOU TOO[1890] 1nsertcs: dildo face.[1890] coolkidswag35: HOW DO YOU GET JINXZI CHARM[1890] strhie: NOBODY CAN BUILD LIKE THAT BACK THEN[1891] thetato22: fortnite[1891] toadystoad: 🚨SENDING HATE FROM GERMANY🚨[1892] coffeezilladaughter: isweatgames was worse then this[1892] pauliide: @Jynxzi i love you, I got back to playing R6 bc of your streams and I just wanted to give smth back. Stay the way you are and don't let any haters tell you what to do. Haters have small brains.[1892] lucaspulsfn: bros fatter than caseoh[1892] daxbfaded: bong stream????[1892] gageking2023: ricci is waiting[1892] sheeesh_swo: !gamble all[1892] reaidannyboi: ReaIDannyBoi subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! L part timer[1892] wearywillow: can you buy my mom a house[1892] nightbot: 👀[1892] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀[1892] streamelements: PogChamp SHEEESH_SWO went all in and won 230 points PogChamp they now have 460 points FeelsGoodMan[1892] strhie: DUMBFUCK[1892] scleebles: okay asshole[1892] grostbnk: Fuck yoy[1892] streamelements: Y1ss1R has spent 4 hours 50 mins watching jynxzi[1893] astrobliss69: mint one that you fat bastard[1893] bardown16__: would[1893] abeaver: L bully[1893] timgomez: JYNXZI DIDDYY[1893] stompben: WEAR A SUIT ON SATURDAY WEAR A SUIT ON SATURDAY[1893] purpp1221: wedding cake good?[1893] terrorgoat22: hey jynxsi how has ur day been today?[1893] jynx_jester: yo jynxzi you look tight af nice shirt[1893] short_theguy: my mom died[1893] itzhak_buda: give her 100,000 channel points[1893] rellik334: Fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat[1893] buliorico_: 30 more minutes[1893] pogdaddylonglegs: bully[1893] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀[1893] d1purge_: real[1894] subwayenjoyer: LMAOOOOO[1894] mr_krabs187: make her a homemade card[1894] nightbot: real[1895] lynchster1: L hygiene[1895] drew_ttyl: REAL[1895] deaed_man_walking: AYO[1895] joshua_nosh99: 🟣🟣Did you go to diddys wedding ? 🟣🟣[1895] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[1895] abeaver: LMFAO[1895] brandrumz: OMG[1895] whsprrrr: WWWWW[1895] mrmimo18: I'm away for work but im gonna send her flower and when i come back im fonna go diner with her[1895] miniboban: !gamble 3000[1895] jcob8928: SUB ME PLEASE 😩😩😩[1895] ramm564: does your mama have a coc*[1895] squidward362: ITS OLD?????[1895] ypikay: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA[1895] bigbossman_007: LMFAAAAO[1896] lolcitylols: fat[1896] surgedickeyq: Ahahahahahahababaha[1896] imwayscared: PFP[1896] streamelements: @miniboban, you only have 5 points.[1896] mightygaminghh: LMAO[1896] jakeclerico: W[1896] marie_xm: oh no[1896] noel_ydder2: !gamble all[1896] dondo_14: www[1896] guest412banned: did I miss wedding stream?[1896] unrealriki: holy[1896] aridedown95: lmaoooooooo[1896] shivermetimbers15: REAL[1896] gavinprzenpop: didddy waiting[1896] streamelements: noel_ydder2 went all in and lost every single one of their 150 points LUL[1898] unknowns_wrld: hahahahah[1898] bronowice_: XDD[1898] vaquri: WHAAAATTTTT[1898] yaboyepicjustin: NOOOOOOOOOOO[1898] mrtennuhsee: lmao[1898] bardown16__: HEY BRECKI!!!![1898] muhkuhluh: WTF LMAO[1898] drivr01: KEKW[1898] aidenkillsnoobs: wwwww[1898] imuglyah: of corse[1898] sladerade50: Real[1898] chubb1994: A WEDDING SHIRT JUST LIKE YOURS[1898] nightbot: no 🧢[1898] puffpuffjuicer: LOLLLLL[1898] jakeclerico: REAL[1899] dancingcrabss: LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO[1899] azbuckeye15: breckies[1899] littleuncle34: Real[1899] angelchastity: LEAKED[1899] muchyttv: wedding[1899] nightbot: 😂[1899] iliquifyy: snapped[1899] opbean_: STOP PICKING CLIPS BASED OFF THE PFP STOP PICKING CLIPS BASED OFF THE PFP STOP PICKING CLIPS BASED OFF THE PFP[1899] telestoadept: Why didnt you invite me at the wedding?[1899] stirzy_: everyone was ass back then ☠️[1899] cantuerick: CALI LEAKED[1899] treyyy2k: Epstein waiting[1899] jynxzipartimer123: WWWWWWWWWWWWW[1899] reswungbluu: reswungbluu is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! [1901] reswungbluu: reswungbluu gifted a Tier 1 sub to carlmartens! [1901] donteatmybagels: HES AT BRECKI[1901] mg270g: LEAKED[1901] halo_moe_: AYO?[1901] moratistaxp: rip chair[1901] wood1223: Get her a rose toy[1901] mr_krabs187: huh[1901] joshua_carriere: pookie bear[1901] imperixxl: LMAO LMAO LMAO[1901] haviccauser: LEACKED[1901] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀[1901] jay_cob928: INVITE USHER TO YOUR MOMS BIRTHDAY[1901] nenon_kai: Leaked[1901] mrbrecken: LMAO[1901] iliquifyy: BROKEN[1902] yousef_shelpy: When is the game,[1902] mario9047: LMAOO[1902] dicslapp: real[1902] papachris: flowers[1902] tw_kingy_: fat[1902] crumply3_: real[1902] kingjulienn3: breickies[1902] immortal675: cheer3[1902] lynchster1: diddy wants you to[1902] z_keyes: greedy[1902] jynxzipartimer123: WWW[1902] alexfisk: leak[1902] nbo17o: Mother’s Day was yonks ago[1904] seth_lawson_: w wedding shirt[1904] frog_bio: jinxy owns a dildo[1904] r34p3r10: REAL[1904] fossabot: @cryptix_spz, Your message is too long[1904] voyager021: WWWWW[1904] forbiddenopossum: w[1904] aridedown95: 💀💀💀[1904] michael_mcl32: u looked in ur closet and said yeah that’s the shirt I wanna wear l[1904] juggaloomie: Yo Junko nice meeting you at the wedding hope you had a good time[1904] beefbayonet733: HE LOOKS LIKE CHEDDAR BOB[1904] gageking2023: rea[1904] edwinn_carier: real[1904] lowboysniperlol: STRAIGHT SLOBBERING[1904] sandy_sir: 💀[1904] dondo_14: Leaked[1905] playarb: jynxziEZ[1905] tacticalgummybear: can you buy my mom a new life so she can come back from the dead?[1905] katieoreilly_: 1 hour streamer[1905] mrjunko420: LEAKED[1905] thomascashedin: tickle no more pickle[1905] bardown16__: brecki has a nice house[1905] 0_unk1nown: WALL LEAKED[1905] shivermetimbers15: HOT ASF[1905] retronitez: new room leaked[1905] oglinden_69: whos wedding was it for !!!!!!!! just tell usss you fat bitch!!!!!!![1905] nosweats2: wedding[1905] youngdag0at: LOLLLL[1905] imagodmf: IMAGODMF subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 3 month streak! would[1906] coffeezilladaughter: worst clip farm to date[1907] apoo_1105: cliped[1907] vohlsswing: BRICKES HOUSE[1907] hangryharold: jynxziGoodAim[1907] imwayscared: TOES[1907] megahead0: When’s fortnite stream?[1907] excessivezero5: WWW[1907] mg270g: HOUSE LEAKED[1907] cowpuff2: Leaked[1907] yiorio_: GO BACK HOME[1907] alexfisk: leaked[1907] ryder9708: wedding[1907] carterwooley17: real[1907] fernybfc: WW[1907] victor_pineapple: LEAKED[1907] astro_bmc: WOULD[1908] skellarfr: leaked[1908] shad0_wang31: FUCK U[1908] rohanraikai: DIDDY WAITNG[1908] gavinprzenpop: diddy waiting[1908] pleyg_: beep beep boop boo.. I am a view botter[1908] mr_lag64: Wwww[1908] chunkykillua: FAT[1908] zynx1209: LEAKEADDDA[1908] kizmusdd12: he is at Breckies[1908] trixz_venom: trixz_venom subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! !watchtime[1908] coffeezilladaughter: worst clip farm to date [1910] multiversus23: LEAKED[1910] oharvz: caseohs wedding?[1910] glazeddropemoff: clip farming again[1910] captainjames1234: buy your mom a Lamborghini to show appreciation don’t be weird[1910] up1abandzz: leak[1910] shrewbop: real[1910] siddy707: broken chair 😱[1910] jitrolly: leaked![1910] whsprrrr: Jeffrey Epstein waiting[1910] gageking2023: real[1910] avahasflava: u look spiffy @Jynxzi[1910] mr_krabs187: ewwwwwwwwwwww[1910] sage081608: leaked[1910] mirror_glitch5: Wheres your shirt?[1910] puffpuffjuicer: LEAKED[1911] drtywater: LEAKEDDDDD[1911] austinc6969: leaked[1911] sladerade50: Kendrick waiting[1911] flamingsh0: LEAKEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD[1911] apoo_1105: real[1911] vg7892: yh;[1911] oxahgen: FAKE REACTER[1911] fnsshoto1: LOOLLL[1911] conric0: I MISS THA OLD JYNXZi[1911] dk_rotte: bbl drizzy drip PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar[1911] kermitosama: W[1911] sandy_sir: 💀💀[1911] oimojooi: aw hell naw.. jynxziCRY[1911] imwayscared: GO BA K[1911] streamelements: imhimonly_ has spent 7 days watching jynxzi[1913] streamelements: If you're a gamer, you need a Starforge! Snag one -> https://starforgepc.com/Jynxzi[1913] blorpifyme: leak[1913] purepro_: CALI LEAKED[1913] drtywater: LEAKEDDDD[1913] laxto_: leaked[1913] zlles: STILL IN CALI I SEE[1913] barrackollamax: wedding[1913] imperixxl: LEAKED LEAKED LEAKED LEAKED LEAKED LEAKED LEAKED LEAKED LEAKED LEAKED LEAKED LEAKED LEAKED LEAKED LEAKED[1913] shadow_789123456: breakup house[1913] zero_inmortal8: l[1913] theegrizz_: NEW SETUP????????[1913] carterwooley17: L clip farm[1913] iliquifyy: WORCLIPOFFTHADAY[1913] gageking2023: reall[1913] ryanruel3: Beckie’s house[1914] daxbfaded: fanmail[1914] whomercer: Beckie beckie[1914] lucaspulsfn: OV-hooee[1914] ryanthemayan6: leaked[1914] angelt20004: you in caliiiii[1914] aidannn69: leak[1914] fnsshoto1: 💀💀💀💀💀[1914] docstinky: when is daddy waddy gonna fix your legendary chair?[1914] excessivezero5: LMAOOO[1914] jitrolly: leaked.[1914] burt_nurt: L[1914] chrisarg17: JYNXZI TOE SUCKER[1914] bravo_dog2002: Sending hate from Australia[1914] tatteduptoddler: who got married[1914] ilovemuslc: CLIP FARMING[1916] c4rs0n0827: I got mine a poem[1916] jsmileyyyy: LEAKED[1916] 0zen1k: DOXEDDD[1916] wyattz90: gamble 2000[1916] veggies445: aaaannndd its all over the screen[1916] hangryharold: jynxziPACK[1916] alec_raeleigh2: ur fat[1916] eafcgrinder0: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK[1916] youngdag0at: TOE SUCKER[1916] coffeezilladaughter: worst clip farm to date[1916] joshua_carriere: pookie bear with the grippers[1916] kingjulienn3: LEAKEDDD[1916] ityaboi66: beautiful wedding shirt[1916] 1nsertcs: dildo face[1916] trippycapps23: eat a toe[1917] andydabox: leaked[1917] nothakari: Spain[1917] rytheballer: brexkie[1917] elgasch: Wait jynxzi you at breckies[1917] salt_mane: wya vro[1917] waggnasty71: wedding[1917] vaerbatim: L clip farm[1917] oxahgen: FAKE REACTER LOL[1917] ggmainmen: lek[1917] bgrantbkirsteven: so we’re at Breckies house 🏡[1918] thedukeoftheuk: TheDukeoftheUK subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months! Junkkkoo[1919] jb1thru10: real[1919] reddeadmachine: Hope your having a great time with the ol lady! Love from Indiana[1919] chunkykillua: FAT.[1919] gwam123444: who’s house[1919] letsgofaygo: L CLIP FARMER[1919] ajew2: real[1919] oxy4brkfst: real[1919] shadow_789123456: breakie house[1919] thexanthosis: leaked[1919] up1abandzz: leakeddd[1919] astro_bmc: bro made an OF tape[1919] bretj2000: oh hes wearing nice shit cause he in cali[1919] yadiiking: leaked[1919] ll_yuxki_ll: Diddy house[1919] jkthekidd_04: leaked[1920] trapsteak: don’t have all day[1920] gimmebeef: Jynxzi just got back from epsteins Island[1920] darth_fudge136: new chair from the wedding[1920] goon3144: i'm a viewbot[1920] ajnemesio: golfing[1920] goose200789: sending love from atlanta[1920] im_carter_: Leaked😓😓😓[1920] anglenf16: finally a stream without vaping?[1920] coffeezilladaughter: worst clip farm to date [1921] jxstak: !gamble 1k[1921] streamelements: JxstAK lost 1000 points in roulette and now has 5733454 points! FeelsBadMan[1921] mrallstar1412: MrAllStar1412 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! yes daddy[1922] followmavenplayz: fat real[1922] lukasskvarek: LUKA MODRIC WAITING FOR HIS 6TH CL TITUL[1922] gregrob12: Happy for you and your girl man honestly your a top tier streamer if not the best[1922] itsxiphr: your a priest now???[1922] paypigunfortunately: brekkie[1922] the_infamous_eli: QUOTE OF THE DAY[1922] davtheemu: go home[1922] bigmeat1586: When is the TimTheTatman 1v1?[1922] jotheman1312: clip harder[1922] pastramirl: bro, you’re back at Beckie’s?! wtf is going on with you man. you better lock the fuck in[1922] notsideshow: Your viewbot free trial is running out. Please renew subscription to continue.[1922] jaidrn_654: FAT[1922] kodykyote25: L[1922] ggmainmen: leacker[1922] gavinprzenpop: fat[1923] winkledinkle28: lol[1923] jo17n: Jo17n subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months! [1923] lukewhey: !watchtime[1923] guest412banned: did I miss wedding stream?[1923] flawless_amir: Toe liker[1923] eduardo1of1: ur fat[1923] cuddleswithdad: Pay for my wife’s student loans[1923] dondo_14: Who’s house are you at🫣[1923] streamelements: LukeWhey has spent 3 days 9 hours watching jynxzi[1923] wckstarz: fat[1923] thrgosmysuprme: Beckie’s house[1923] bradleyj1983: I’m console emerald 4 with a 2.0KD, need some pointers to push diamond.[1923] alexfisk: fat ass leaker[1923] youngdag0at: TOE SUCKERRRRR[1923] itzhak_buda: give her 100,000 channel points[1924] retronitez: so we're at breckie's[1924] toadystoad: 🚨SENDING HATE FROM GERMANY🚨[1924] shrewbop: you[1924] scleebles: Junko can we get a mansion tour[1924] vex_bro: leaked[1924] samladen35: Ricci waiting[1924] ryzek7777: fat motherfucker[1924] purpp1221: wedding[1924] zonkxzz: l fatty[1924] mshoal: UR LEAKED[1924] mrdoctor117: nah they caught you sucking toes nah[1924] nightbot: 👀[1926] hxsty____: leaked[1926] saidur__0705: 21 MINS LEFT[1926] connor1237373: suck mine next[1926] jaguarextreme167: clipfarm[1926] ttvldogruls: Brekie[1926] mendosha707: so were at breckies[1926] clope42069: the chair fall is just not the same 🐸🐸🐸[1926] ticktack18: Is the chair dead[1926] famousamos_ftw: khacki shorts to a wedding?[1926] cyclone191919191919: SO WE AT BRECKIES?[1926] subwayenjoyer: When is real content?[1926] dirtymiata: !watchtime[1926] edwinn_carier: clip farm[1926] realceedee: Leaked[1926] streamelements: DirtyMiata has spent 6 days 11 hours watching jynxzi[1927] ch1vs_714: I relate[1927] sleepyyonhots: !LINK[1927] madsnake53: hows thje chair[1927] trenbro6: Junko wearing that tony saprano special tshirt[1927] drtywater: LEaked[1927] ajew2: too fatt[1927] masterfall02: are you at breckies[1927] nightbot: @sleepyyonhots If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[1927] kamcontrols: LEAKEDD[1927] pleyg_: beep beep boop bop.. I am a view botter[1927] japanlean: clip farm tiktok boy[1927] spplix: breckies. hiuxe[1927] brandon617854: HEY JYNXZI ITS JEFFERY YOU STILL COMING TO THE ISLAND THIS WEEKENED??[1927] nightbot: real[1927] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[1928] ltmusturd: !watchtime[1928] streamelements: king_slayer273 has spent 1 day 8 hours watching jynxzi[1928] budlight19m: !Discord[1928] nightbot: https://discord.gg/jynxzi[1930] camftwwww: when’s Kai vs caseoh[1930] multiversus23: REAL[1930] lilpoppa101: at ur hoes house[1930] darthventura: Power Piss Time[1930] lubie586: WEARING BRECKIES SHIRT[1930] devontodaro: UR GETTING CHUBBY[1930] youngdag0at: TOE SUCKERRRRRR[1930] the_infamous_eli: quote of the day[1930] laxto_: the shirt makes sense now[1930] bdubb_3: it was his wedding[1930] jp_gravy69: toe sucking after the wedding is crazy[1930] puffpuffjuicer: CAM TOO PERFECT[1930] shotzyy_393: wedding??[1930] ryanruel3: breckies place[1930] streamelements: gyposk has spent 2 days 5 hours watching jynxzi[1931] juiceypoooh: why are you faking reactions? [1931] goldenzues180: react softer[1931] jynxieparttimer: banned[1931] arthurontheway: clipped[1931] juliusceasariusthe6th: NO[1931] lil_ky_l3: Leaked[1931] macpackgames: WEDDING SHIRT BERT [1931] fvcklimitz: BRECKIES HOUSE[1931] kickz321: booger sugar PJSugar[1931] xxchunk07: lmao[1933] anrinara: toe licker[1933] flippingmatt72: @jynxzi ricci will always own you[1933] x3hippo: 1v1 DIDDY[1933] wood1223: Get her a rose toy[1933] anglenf16: finally a stream without vaping[1933] tk_kdx: @breckies[1933] itzislxm: what time did you go to the wedding? #latestream[1933] jynxzis__vape: breckies house[1933] ejiswavy: get leaked fatty[1933] goldenplays12: w[1933] qwvzr: nope[1933] beefbayonet733: YOU LOOK LIKE CHEDDAR BOB[1933] thrgosmysuprme: brekies house[1933] viking_ys: Breckies house it all makes sense[1933] mendosha707: so we’re at breckies[1934] vincex1: LEAKED[1934] majestic_one314: Wedding????[1934] sebas2comp: zezezeezezze[1934] dondo_14: FAT[1934] slayer_him: im a bot[1934] yeeet151: did you move to California[1934] mrbjell: React to Bayern offside[1934] yng_ep: react to the wedding[1934] curqsd_: 🚨in cali for a wedding leaked 🚨[1934] dog_food2: you at didy party[1934] ilovemuslc: VIEW BOT GUY[1934] lil_dave: !gamble all[1934] coolcatliam2641: NEW ROOM!!!!!!!!!!!![1934] owenblackwell420: Mother’s Day was in March Jynxzi[1934] tiktoklxquid: BRECKIES HOUSE[1935] yingas12: i am a view bot[1935] dtk844: FAT[1935] baked_gingerpie: Beckie feet[1935] streamelements: PogChamp Lil_Dave went all in and won 6855 points PogChamp they now have 13710 points FeelsGoodMan[1935] shadow_789123456: why are you at breakie house[1935] lynchster1: fat[1935] niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick: you’re not the same after this marriage[1935] streamelements: @crampedbtw, crampedbtw has been following jynxzi for 3 years 11 months 10 days 8 hours[1935] coffeezilladaughter: only 45k viewers LUL[1937] mcwaffle_abc123: I’m a view bot[1937] 9opha: fat[1937] nenon_kai: Fat[1937] swiftz_001: P JIZZy[1937] cactusmastrr22: you look spiffy[1937] bennyy23: Don't break the chair fat ass[1937] juiceypoooh: why are you faking reactions?why are you faking reactions?[1937] d1purge_: fat[1937] gavinprzenpop: fat boy[1937] mythicqi: my moms dead bro thanks[1937] dredaddy93: fuck your[1937] mario9047: FAT[1937] dustybusty123: fatass[1937] ayedevon02: FAT[1937] dogeksicousin: Fuck you[1938] thutto1211: leaked[1938] gladyszorro: fatass[1938] oli060609: Fuck you[1938] mvfjosh33: would[1938] subwayenjoyer: FUCK YOU[1938] beefbayonet733: HE LOOKS LIKE CHEDDAR BOB[1938] tykyran: fat[1938] nightbot: ussy[1938] axviii_0: fat[1938] kingazull: fat shirt[1938] bigmerch1: going on a date after this for sure[1938] odeck3r: fatso[1938] shuphu: ur fat[1938] trippycapps23: FAT[1938] feelssunnyman: hi[1940] x1vapid1x: x1VAPID1x subscribed at Tier 1. [1940] captainjames1234: I’d fuck u[1940] xiamprime: FATASS[1940] joker_4life_: YOUR FAT[1940] k1nngn1ck: Suck my johnson[1940] ewewewewesd: fat[1940] x3hippo: FAT[1940] xlsizedburrito: lose some weight[1940] wethans__mom: fat[1940] cyclone191919191919: FUCK U[1940] birkila: wedding outfit man[1940] imdriiv: what up fatty[1940] notthebestgamer09: FUCK YOU[1940] dalemoney__: fuck you[1940] gageking2023: WHATS UP BROTHER[1941] icypopp_: FUCK YOU FATASS[1941] ch1vs_714: daddy[1941] totallynotjudah: fattyyyyy[1941] cyyn1cal: hey fatass[1941] jxstak: !gamble 3k[1941] jaidrn_654: Fatty[1941] exclusifyy_: wow hes bigger than i thought[1941] tjpuk12: fat[1941] alleyne98: yo fatass [1941] gabrielc352: CALL U LARD ASS[1941] roe_v_bladee: ROB YOU[1941] erikvenice: 1-10 Ben[1941] ciaran3122: fuv[1941] anakinshand: fat[1941] streamelements: JxstAK won 3000 points in roulette and now has 5736454 points! FeelsGoodMan[1942] 20poundpc: 20poundpc subscribed with Prime. [1943] zolicia: BAD AIM[1943] masty5820: fuck you[1943] sammccue: id say hey bro im a huge fan[1943] bigmerch1: FUCKYOU PUSSY[1943] chunkkydunkk1: eat shit nerd[1943] imperixxl: FAT[1943] thebiglesypoo: FUCK YOU[1943] pinballrun: Fat[1943] joshua63981: FAT[1943] pogcheese_: 1-10 ben[1943] vladi1224: love your videos[1943] jbrown1209182: fat[1943] jayyyl: far[1943] speedyazmf: meow[1943] navii_xi: yerrrr[1944] apotatobehindapotato: Fat rat[1944] elmadretuya: hi and how are you[1944] qmwk: FAT BOY[1944] slatttfest: fuck you[1944] bubberiffic: ID SAY KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK MAN[1944] usergeeked: YOURE FAY[1944] limittiji: badddd aim[1944] itssupernova4tw: can i get a picture[1944] wh1te_lght: fat[1944] usmelywrld: fatty[1944] barrackollamax: wedding[1944] adhd330: fatttt[1944] shivermetimbers15: fat.[1944] swiftz_001: P JIZZYT[1944] arrowz02: fk you[1945] acpanda95271: acpanda95271 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months! [1946] sharks550: you're showing too much cleavage[1946] fazehypebeast07: Hey daddyy[1946] apoo_1105: real[1946] sruka89: ITS THE VIEW BOTTER[1946] rnitten: wedding shirt[1946] hyperaxion: your fat[1946] juiceypoooh: why are you faking reactions?why are you faking reactions? [1946] shivermetimbers15: fat[1946] jayyyl: fat[1946] jtocold24: what’s up fatass[1946] sikegirl13: how do I send a clip that’s not on Xbox anymore??[1946] docgreenthumbbb: ROC PILE[1946] malakaigarcia33: pregnancy me[1946] gavin55562: you a bitch[1946] lillypond_: id prob ask for a picture<3[1947] sodasentry: i love u[1947] bardown16__: hey jynxzi! love the streams! :) :O[1947] reddeyejedi: man tiddies[1947] ted_b123: thanks for my food[1947] kennaa17: Cheer100[1947] falkirk18: fatty[1947] drizzybrandi: fat[1947] nforming: daddy chill[1947] crazyleggs8: what’s up dawg love the streams just make em longer[1947] zlawless5: fat boy[1947] birdsinthetrap: I’m a irl bot[1947] monster1186: ur fat[1947] kisuutf: So fat[1947] tragicsss_: suck my dick[1947] ot_gaminggg: fat[1949] vincent_edp: obese[1949] igotforksss: stompn son[1949] ryder9708: wedding[1949] avahasflava: hobo[1949] zxhxr1: Fuck you[1949] itzolred: real[1949] scleebles: daddy[1949] jaidrn_654: FAT[1949] boadhi: buy me a hellcat[1949] daryllsucks: you are so large[1949] shadow_789123456: you married breakie[1949] captianunderpants0011: I would shake your 3 leg my boy[1949] gavin_batts: HEY JYNXZI FUCK YOU IS WHAT I WOULD SAY[1949] trippycapps23: FATBOY[1950] darthventura: Obese[1950] o_c0x0n: Can I get a big mac[1950] cai10578: say wassup[1950] jaybrown2428: can I syd[1950] tellatubbin: react drunk[1950] itscsper: ur fat and a botter[1950] roadrunner10007: kissing[1950] vfl00fv: why do u make false promises every stream[1950] theorself: stupid[1950] lynchster1: fake chat[1950] its313simon: join a gym[1950] cyclone191919191919: fat ass[1950] nick12498: fat[1950] to_moski: can u buy me a pc[1950] lyles69: I’d buy you a beer[1952] logan6928: can I get money piggy[1952] bignature: When is fan mail[1952] thagr33nbast3rd: Damn you thick[1952] 2coold_: your a fatty[1952] yankeefan22506: FATASS[1952] swlng_: fatvprob[1952] sandy_sir: YUPP[1952] jbradford33: fuck you[1952] auxnative2: yes[1952] rzaaa7: FAT[1952] clapped1445: fuck you[1952] nightbot: bozo[1952] drosserrs: fuck u[1952] bdubb_3: fat[1952] bslo10: would tell ya to lose weight[1953] i_snort_spies: i would fuck your ass[1953] jayboy6401: fuck you[1953] juiceypoooh: why are you faking reactions?why are you faking reactions?[1953] mcv5353: SHIRT INSIDE OUT[1953] theschwiftyyeti: hate from idaho[1953] flippingmatt72: ricci owns u @jynxzi[1953] exotic_nudels3: fat af[1953] proxy_games0: yes[1953] wwipo: fat[1953] coolguy45209: FUCK YOU[1953] docstinky: when is daddy waddy gonna fix your legendary chair?[1953] chubb1994: WEDDING SHIRT[1953] deviousgiga: fuck you fatass[1953] purifiedlv: sketch[1955] drxwey: FAT[1955] ryantnick44: can I get a 10 piece[1955] tomlowne38: bigger in person[1955] yourboy492: yourboy492 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! [1955] vladi1224: to give me a autograph[1955] pampers4211: how to play against cheater[1955] helix_reapz: leaked!!![1955] charlesonsniff: pussy[1955] telestoadept: Zz[1955] masecurry: love u dude[1955] otrippyyo: I’d be excited and ask for a photo and[1955] nightbot: yup yup yup[1955] daryllsucks: yep[1955] un1corn_n1nja: fat boy[1955] waggnasty71: wedding????[1956] dirtymiata: pull it out[1956] carterwooley17: Wedding is waiting on you[1956] istizzled: bro got married today[1956] sladerade50: Pre vape break[1956] jake_l1: phatty boom boom[1956] khangdodo: 2-20 zenti[1956] thekid22: queer[1956] dewey2341: fuck you[1956] tristan12844: if i saw you id ask for a big mac[1956] uruma7: fuck you[1956] jdoves1996: You’re the best streamer[1956] esqcrs: twat[1956] qwinnix_: I WOULD HUG U[1956] mr_krabs187: i need $20[1956] streamelements: @rohanraikai, rohanraikai has been following jynxzi for 3 months 17 days 22 hours[1958] mcarpen2011: Caseohs twin[1958] saladinsbigbooty: bbl junko[1958] njw94: Fat as fuck[1958] juiceypoooh: why are you faking reactions?[1958] purepro_: FATASS[1958] enchantmentgolf: fuck ricci[1958] grrugzx: Fat[1958] crxckedthecode: id rob your rich ass[1958] thebossman564: d[1958] daryllsucks: fatass[1958] woody_hairyson: I’d ask for a picture[1958] papasovereign: Id ask you how you are, about streamer life, and ask to be mod or if I could work for the team somehow[1958] oharvz: caseohs wedding[1958] marrymcgeier: i am a bot[1958] monster1186: loose weight[1959] siddy707: carry me in siege[1959] forbiddenopossum: n word[1959] slatttfest: fat ass[1959] rzaaa7: YEP[1959] caution_blxx: buy me a lambo[1959] xdilldope_2: where’s my nuggets and fries[1959] jonwithnoh217: bro would get the fattest dap up[1959] trapsteak: don’t have all day[1959] kirbyderby94: milk me daddy[1959] slippedwrench: I love you take my picutre[1959] jbradford33: fat[1959] sandy_sir: 💀[1959] mirror_glitch5: U good jynxzi, love from Australia[1959] alexfisk: wsg jizzy[1959] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[1960] seth_lawson_: lemme sniff[1960] rylandbigball420: your my favorite streamer[1960] pauldadollyyy: bad aim[1960] daphxduck: you’re going to break your new chair[1960] juiceypoooh: why are you faking reactions? [1960] buliorico_: only 30min left!! w stream[1960] volta1529: only 45k viewers is crazy[1960] play_boi_23: buy ma a house[1960] streamelements: crampedbtw has spent 2 days 10 hours watching jynxzi[1962] goldenzues180: react softer[1962] sb__1000: !watchtime[1962] ieatplanes5110: are you fat[1962] waterypanda: where’s the wedding[1962] pinballrun: Speed clone[1962] streamelements: sb__1000 has spent 14 days 4 hours watching jynxzi[1962] spoonylfg: fatter[1962] misterb2235: React harder[1962] pinxq11: I want prime jynzxi back[1962] cactusjax23: hate from Epstein island[1962] ligma696969696911: jynxziBounce jynxziSmoke[1962] destroyerbro84: love you[1962] slatttfest: fat bitch[1962] mxyz97x_: fatass[1962] islumpx: chair[1963] tennessejed622: hey look it’s caseoh[1963] streamelements: @itsxiphr, itsxiphr has been following jynxzi for 3 years 3 months 14 days 5 hours[1963] batmansof: !link[1963] fnsshoto1: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT[1963] lil_dave: skinny[1963] nightbot: @batmansof If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[1963] hi12971: i would tell you to break up with brekie[1963] biggauss95: CREEPER[1963] purpp1221: xxxxxxxxxL wedding shirt[1963] jake_l1: phatty boom boom,[1963] yankeefan22506: FATTY[1963] lynchster1: TTS DADDY[1963] notsideshow: Your viewbot free trial is running out. Please renew subscription to continue.[1963] iliquifyy: WHATS UP BROTHER☝️[1963] fossabot: @bonk1972, Your message is too long[1964] botondus_: When is old jinxzy[1964] tygresssss: hey fatty can I have a picture love the streams[1964] swlng_: 🚨@jynxzi VIP ME 12 MONTH SUB🚨[1964] sammccue: ur a bot dumbassseeee kid[1964] madridxi: I would tell you stop peaking in tourneys[1964] treyyy2k: Epstein waiting[1964] joker_4life_: BUY ME A HELLCAT[1964] stompnisthegoatofr62008: Fat[1965] kennaa17: Cheer100[1966] grrugzx: Ur fat[1966] wood1223: Get her a rose toy[1966] ramblinrec: I'd Yell in your eat and smile...[1966] bouncy_hook376: I would say what up[1966] stebrown10: what’s up brother 👆🏻[1966] bennyy23: Nice dent[1966] cuddleswithdad: Pay for my wife’s student loans[1966] yoosuhk: jynxzi owns ricci[1966] mudafuddajones: Fuck you[1966] hisashonyoutube: I a am a big fan of[1966] barrackollamax: wedding ?!![1966] iobo31: let me see them nipples[1966] evelynxonttv: !watchtime[1966] jp_gravy69: SUPER DUPER FAT[1966] tootall0913: great to meet you. thanks for bringing me back to the game.[1967] potat0_chlp: can I get a picture fatty[1967] fernando70697: GOING TO A DIDDY PARTY[1967] trapsteak: I’m waiting[1967] streamelements: evelynxonttv has spent 1 day 15 hours watching jynxzi[1967] brando1126: lemme hit vape[1967] ligma696969696911: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke[1967] strawhatroyal: 30 MINS LEFT[1967] globaldevious: neutral feelings from Massachusetts[1967] beefbayonet733: STOP THE AUTISM[1967] lynchster1: TTS[1967] siddy707: wedding video[1967] khadiieee: hi[1967] sammccue: fat[1967] kps_resue: the hard r[1967] shivermetimbers15: white speed[1969] taha2023s: toe sucker[1969] vortexxrez: nice funeral shirt bitch[1969] alexfisk: fat[1969] potatoman1709: Nice dress[1969] hlatte4: hurry up and end[1969] sweatzisontop: Fat[1969] ryzek7777: n word[1969] bongboifish: id ask for a 10 piece[1969] hxnry00: shut the fuck up you fat ass[1969] jplant3: JPlant3 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [1970] nuttynapkin69: OBCD.[1970] alra174: I’d say GRRRRRDDDD AIM[1970] dookiecentral: HES AT THE GARDENING TOOL HOUSE[1970] lil_dave: !points[1970] aidan117buddy: Oh PAPA JYNX[1970] ilghtboomer: ilghtboomer subscribed with Prime. [1970] gorillagoomba: erm what the sigma?[1970] seb4st1an_562: i’d give you the penjamin[1970] streamelements: @Lil_Dave Lil_Dave has 13710 points and is rank 28260/1732477 on the leaderboard.[1970] ligma696969696911: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziRAHHH jynxziTONGUE[1970] devildoc_l03a: I would place my McDonald’s order[1970] seeeethy: FATTY[1970] shimo1994: I’d give you a bump of snow ❄️[1970] tag_reaper_x: i'd say HIIIII '' FATASS'[1970] itslikejakey3: Hate from the wedding venue[1971] barrackollamax: wedding[1971] sleepyyonhots: !LINK[1971] msfx001: L STREAMER REACT WITH MORE EMOTION[1971] daxbfaded: bong stream[1971] fruitloverboy: JYNXZI STOP EATING FATSO[1971] yngstunnaz: CAP[1971] slatttfest: tub of lard[1971] ajew2: gatordade[1971] streamelements: miniboban went all in and lost every single one of their 5 points LUL[1971] nightbot: no 🧢[1971] elmadretuya: if I can get a pic and how do you think the bucs will do this yr[1971] streamelements: elgogochess has spent 1 day 13 hours watching jynxzi[1971] ligma696969696911: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY[1971] bardown16__: omg![1971] ryantnick44: give me money you’re rich[1972] jt8618: stfu[1972] luigithegoat2: buy me a house dont be weird[1972] jaypozo: when does the stream start?????[1972] griff2255: yuh[1973] incarnat33: incarnat33 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! So we’re in Cali? Alright. jynxziGLASSES[1973] apoo_1105: fat[1973] jer4mey: !xbox[1973] qwxyiscool3287: FUCK YOU[1973] 123_money_received: Fat[1973] bigbob123456678: I would say hello[1973] nightbot: Xbox Series X[1973] aleccool45yt: 45k views 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂[1973] rwrkx: your almost the size of case[1974] lolomurphy123: u the best.[1974] mxyz97x_: goat[1974] fatboiswirv: MY GUY IN HAWAII?[1974] vrxvu: i’d give u the right hook[1974] tintin12: old chair when[1974] gregawesome58: swaet[1974] imissedmyshots2: hi fatass[1974] synzzz1x: I WOULD SAY YOUR FATTER IN PERSON[1974] jesusduqc: wheres your wife[1974] maxverstappen_redbull_33: shut the fuck up[1974] chunkykillua: XXL WEDDING SHIRT[1974] triixyg: You are an awsome streamer, very funny:)[1975] jsmileyyyy: DIDDY BOY[1975] miraclewhip2001: fat[1975] whoooomattt: I love you jynxzi[1975] artistic_trix_: CAP[1975] sanden94mxx: Wedding[1975] lftstiff: pancake[1975] fnsshoto1: FATTY[1975] azmxkxmd: speed clone[1975] jewell_jitsu: Liam behind you[1975] goose200789: IM A VIEWBOT..[1975] jollay_monkay: CHUNKO SSG[1975] nightbot: 🧍🏻[1975] snaggy_freeks: can we take a picture[1975] douglas420710: !points[1976] ztoezy4me: demon[1976] lolomurphy123: u the best[1976] chunkykillua: XXL WEDDING SHIRT/[1976] valhalla0423: Skinny[1976] majestic_one314: Wedding????[1976] cheeseb4ss: wedding who[1976] sleezdk: bbl jynxzi[1976] lucaspulsfn: daddy suck my balls[1976] ilovezimm: Bro is at breckies[1976] purpp1221: XXXXL wedding shirt[1977] im1234567891: hate from canada hate[1977] xd_j1k: breckies HOUSE[1977] ahmadz_02: sendig love from sweden❤️❤️😘[1977] dropsow2: !gamble all[1977] kizmusdd12: fat[1977] fuze_i_choose_u: Would ask 4 picture[1977] jdndifndjdkdh: sign my. dick[1977] iccooh: Hello, im the new viewbot developed ny the jynxzi team[1977] gregawesome58: weat[1977] thutto1211: congrats on the wedding[1977] beezbatz: My girlfriend dresses me @jynxzi[1977] susjr02: fuck yiu[1977] streamelements: PogChamp dropsow2 went all in and won 2525 points PogChamp they now have 5050 points FeelsGoodMan[1977] masonkij: I would say hi I love you and you are my favorite streamer[1977] khadiieee: ha[1978] ilghtboomer: !sub[1978] jewboy6869: cream pie me[1978] notorie1y: fuck you[1978] whosdean: YO JYNXI SUP[1978] lolomurphy123: u the best.[1978] slatttfest: fat piece of shit[1978] dookiecentral: GARDENING TOOL HOUSE[1978] jotheman1312: can I get some McNuggets[1978] nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi[1979] xhowell_: hello[1979] chubb1994: HAPPILY MARRIED[1979] oli_r6demon15: fat[1979] junkolicious: end the stream already[1979] daigledetails: breckies house[1979] lolomurphy123: u the best[1979] jesseanddevon: W WEDDING SHIRT[1979] subwayenjoyer: PANCAKE[1979] landenyz125: Wsp junxzi how are you doing[1979] 0pticzz__: GET ME A MCDONALDS HAPPYMEAL[1980] natecyp: so when the new move in tour with my gf????[1980] sherlockburns: happy birthday day big boyyyyyyy[1980] infamousbeast99: Drake waiting[1980] notorie1y: mld me[1980] khadiieee: h[1980] fe3dbac: I’d thank you and say hi[1980] nightbot: h[1980] alexvalbuena08: shut up[1980] jaretmscott: sober up jynxi[1980] aarand0410: fat[1980] wlteekzi: BRO DRESSED UPPPP[1980] alexandrr257: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[1980] xtopchedda: bros barley pulling 50 k views lol[1980] junkocumko123: diddy waiting | Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [1800] next giveaway today five years ago OG Fortnite [1810] Oh Chad, by the way, Mother's Day is coming up. Make sure you guys get your mom something nice for Mother's Day. I think I'm going golfing with my mom on Mother's Day, but I got to figure out what present I want to get her. Chad! [1820] What present are y'all getting your mother for mother's day? Let me know in the chat. Fuck you. Okay. I mean, I'm trying to like spark a dialogue here. [1830] Really dude? Fat, fat, fat, fat, diddy-waiting. I can't ask my child anything bro. I literally [1840] Yo, dude, straight up, bro. Get her a Porsche. Don't be weird. Bro, straight up. Yo, straight up, I ask you guys like a simple question. What are you? [1850] getting your mom for Mother's Day. I see five people type fat. One person said fuck you. Coffee said it. Okay. [1860] So I can tell. [1870] You are fucking horse cock at fortnight. You're on builder pro and this shit does not look professional at all This is builder semi pro dude. This guy's horse [1880] I can't be the only one seeing how bad this guy is at building right? Good rain though really good [1890] I see you, boy! What the fuck was that? What the fuck was that? [1900] What was that? Not at all. What was genuinely what was [1910] Fuck man! GET THE FUCK! Hope you liked it. [1920] Oh my god. There's no way people actually react to the U-bot guy. So you can't even call me Jynxie. [1930] I'm actually curious, bro. If you guys saw me in public, what would you say to me? Genuinely curious. Actually curious. Wedding. Okay. [1940] fat fat fat your fat fat okay that's what you guys would say [1950] Ben [1960] outside of this door. I believe it is a gang and an ace. If I were you I would throw a C4 close of the door. It's going to blow up the ace charge and then I would hold a pixel beacon head, chop them. [1970] Oh my god he's doing what I would do. Oh my god he's doing it. Oh my god he's doing it. Good thing! Good! | There is a Highlight between 1878 and 1915. Jynxzi watches a viewer clip. The viewer's profile picture shows their foot at Jynxzi's mouth, causing him to freak out. |
Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege[5000] spartan7oo: LUCK[5000] cttt36z: VISE IM SILVER UBI IS THATPCTECH @[5000] nightbot: Twitter: twitter.com/Jynxzi[5000] kaiki2shiesty: GOOD AIMMMMMM[5000] oddnova2: oddnova2 gold pc[5000] kento_rain: Nah nah nah 🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢[5000] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5000] redmorgan2: Xim[5000] airpxds: Erm[5000] donnied2133: LLLL[5000] shanatl: LMAO[5000] villias: comeback could be real[5001] spoonylfg: wwwwwwwwwwwwww[5001] jeremiahnakogee: WHAT A JOKE '403 AHH BOI' GET HIM TF OUTTA HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!![5001] gary_sm0ak: blevinsLethimcook blevinsLethimcook blevinsLethimcook blevinsLethimcook blevinsLethimcook blevinsLethimcook[5001] muhkuhluh: WWWWWWWW[5001] dwaynejohnson7747: @HiVise Ubisoft Tokyo7743 SILVER 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | Silver 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | Silver 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | SILVER 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 |[5001] setdatrendz: luck[5001] retronitez: L SCRIPT[5001] ghost8869360: how do I get the Jinxzi charm[5001] d1gg_sniffs_glue: Ww[5002] kodaks_father: LUCKY ASF💀💀[5002] bumbabeee: @HiVise Maevvee - SEND ME THE SCRIPT @HiVise[5002] chickenenwafflez: W[5002] bdettey: L SHIRT[5003] bigballer3545: jynxziFALL[5003] zdelta209: @HiVise Glory--- silver 5[5003] spoonylfg: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww[5003] thedo1_jr: clip farmming[5003] turbodogo: avids thu,bs locked from jerking his shit to much[5003] evanmobile123: jynxziGoodAim[5004] nunchuckchick69: luck[5004] mortar: damn man[5004] morspeach: 133 ping[5004] mieciu18888: WHEN IS FANMAIL?[5004] isthatfrank: scripped[5004] atomicsharkkk: w[5004] muhkuhluh: CHOKE[5004] some_guy_named_kevin18: AVID!!!!!![5004] oddnova2: oddnova2 gold Pc[5004] jackrat1212: @tbcsage[5004] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5005] solely_sharp: flip the screen back “Jynxzi”[5005] theoneandonlycj123: JUNKO YOURE CUTE[5005] immug: Line 62 of the script allow Avid to come back.[5005] evanmobile123: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[5005] bigjohndamn: luck[5005] xgm_iclipz: Stfu u just said avid was losing[5005] stealthreapez: w avid[5005] woahbullet: script[5005] spoonylfg: wwwwwwwwwwwwww[5005] drastixflickdu: w[5006] jeremiahnakogee: WHAT A JOKE '403 AHH BOI' GET HIM TF OUTTA HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!![5006] donxvxn_: fuck zenti[5006] tydahitta: FlawlessVictory FlawlessVictory FlawlessVictory FlawlessVictory FlawlessVictory[5006] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5006] gabe01222222: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[5006] fullestfps: @HiVise Im bronze UBI: Drake.78[5007] woahbrokk: woahbrokk subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 5 month streak! [5007] aaurzzz: @hivise ubi aaurzz rank silver 4[5007] xrxgez: l script[5007] timethenpri: hacks[5007] haydenvvs14: l[5007] abelydgn: WHAT A CATCH[5007] fadedthanabitch: ain’t no comeback[5007] itzzstinka: @HiVise stinka - Gold 5[5008] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5008] ttvdustyy_1: WWWWWWWWW[5008] raspberry__7: FAT.[5008] mincartisto: damn[5008] oddnova2: oddnova2 gold PC[5009] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5009] rohanraikai: W GIFTERSS[5009] spoits_oiled_butt: @hivise Farvond IM SILVERr[5009] cttt36z: VISE IM SILVER UBI IS THATPCTECH @hivise[5009] dtrain111: when is the 1v1[5009] chickenenwafflez: SHEEEESSSHHHHHHHH[5009] flaume_aux: W SCRIPT[5009] yeller_tv: STOPP ADDING CAENTURY TO EVERYTHING[5009] ogxmangyy: 🤯[5010] raspberry__7: FAT[5010] bigjohndamn: l;ucky[5010] manuelapex2023: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww[5010] infntryy: !gamble 25[5010] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5010] jitsu2000: Jynxzi stop involving urself[5010] kento_rain: Zenti gonna be the one[5011] the_zucc: that was so lucky[5011] streamelements: infntryy lost 25 points in roulette and now has 35 points! FeelsBadMan[5011] luhwatson: hes lagging jynxzi of course hes gonna lose[5011] jlopez2070: WEDDING FIT?[5011] nestor_423: wavid[5011] muhkuhluh: jynxziGoodAim[5011] aaurzzz: @hivise ubi aaurzz rank silver 4@hivise ubi aaurzz rank silver 4[5011] hardhornnightmare: NOOOOOO[5011] raspberry__7: FAT.[5011] stealthreapez: AVID GOAT[5011] nightbot: “😂😂😂” -avidqr6[5011] acbplay2: cum[5011] tcsloth: I got 8 ads, help[5011] reidypoo_: 🍀[5012] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5012] tenthebin: 5-3 CURSE[5012] omegabloodflo99: L SHIRTTTT[5012] fooinc: 100% luck ong[5012] zxnxliamm: VISE UBI LIAMMMOP[5013] oddnova2: oddnova2 gold Pc[5013] milomuncha6: IRONIC[5013] zdelta209: @HiVise Glory--- silver v@HiVise Glory--- silver 5 @HiVise Glory--- silver 5[5013] ewewewewesd: avid on 100 ping LOL[5013] spoonylfg: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww[5013] raspberry__7: FAT[5013] hi12971: he crouched into it[5013] aaurzzz: @hivise ubi aaurzz rank silver 4[5013] agnus7777: fuck zenti[5013] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5013] parzzyspurs: Cum bag of the century[5013] minitruckinmatt_: @hivise MiniTruckinMATT[5013] balls_thatsit: @Gucci_kid54 whats up bro hope you are doing good[5013] af1ow: l[5013] whosselqk: poopybutt654 subscribed at Tier 1. [5014] teedforever: sudoku[5014] drippywhiteboy69: DrippyWhiteBoy69 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! [5014] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5014] notaarish: W instigation[5015] raspberry__7: FAT.[5015] spoonylfg: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww[5015] oddnova2: oddnova2 gold PC[5015] iliblackbirdili: @hivise bronze get me in to eat iLiblackbirdiLi[5015] babymaamaz: fuck you[5015] jlopez2070: WEDDDING[5015] blockmanr6: avid goooo[5015] cttt36z: VISE IM SILVER UBI IS THATPCTECH[5016] pondr6: @hivise xbox silver jamespond5436[5016] abelydgn: WHAT A FUCKING CATCH[5016] zdelta209: @HiVise Glory--- silver 5 v[5016] spoits_oiled_butt: @hivise Farvond IM SILVER[5016] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5016] slomorunner149: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL[5016] jxrzq1: @jynxzi NEW PODCAST WHEN?????????.[5017] jackisthegoatfr: fat weeding[5017] isthatfrank: w script[5017] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3[5017] mieciu18888: WHEN IS FANMAIL[5017] shanatl: LOL[5017] znon_95k: v[5018] glcpalawccttxs3xz452actj1: taylor sift album is softer[5018] nightbot: YouTube: Jynxzi R6[5018] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great bronze 5 (deserve to be plat 'he should be play'-a plat)[5018] sandy_sir: 💀[5018] snatchy96: avid is locked[5018] morspeach: 100 ping[5018] starpl3tinum45: That was just lucky[5019] manwthkd: lock in my points avid[5019] mrshotya__: Skateparkge Skateparkge Skateparkge Skateparkge[5019] ruggedbubbles: LMAOOOOO[5019] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀[5019] fleetyeet21: cumko[5019] woahbrokk: !followage[5019] rohanraikai: Lol[5019] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5019] nightbot: 😂[5019] bardown16__: www[5020] streamelements: @woahbrokk, woahbrokk has been following jynxzi for 8 months 18 days 20 hours[5020] omegabloodflo99: LLLL SHIRT[5020] mrmilku1234: FAT[5020] kaisarbaby: LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[5020] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3 Pc[5020] lordcap103: zenti bouta choke on avids dick[5020] shanatl: LMAOO[5020] jxrzq1: @jynxzi NEW PODCAST WHEN?????????z[5020] ilovefort531: w[5020] thelegendherself1: LUL LUL LUL LUL[5020] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀[5020] mattchutt: lolol[5020] kingootis: L script for real[5020] ttvsentenal: like i said 6-4 zenti[5020] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great bronze 5 (deserve to be plat 'he should be play'-a plat) asdasda[5021] znon_95k: v[5021] pttoxicnuke: avid go back[5021] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3[5021] metroooofn: yo[5021] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀[5021] avidglazer2ez: ur getting fat[5021] cttt36z: VISE IM SILVER UBI IS THATPCTECH @hivise[5022] dr_haircut: sirduk5OHHH sirduk5OHHH sirduk5OHHH sirduk5OHHH sirduk5OHHH sirduk5OHHH sirduk5OHHH[5022] mrmilku1234: W[5022] balls_thatsit: @hivise hope you are doing good too[5022] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5022] kypeanutt: PULSE?![5022] aarongonzalez1224: w jynsxi[5022] jxrzq1: @jynxzi NEW PODCAST WHEN?????????[5022] sandy_sir: 💀💀[5022] bigunit212: Zenti VS Snaippy[5022] oddnova2: oddnova2 gold Pc[5023] kaisarbaby: TF[5023] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great bronze 5 (deserve to be plat 'he should be play'-a plat[5023] lacuna9: LMAO[5023] zdelta209: @HiVise Glory--- silver v@HiVise Glory--- silver 5 @HiVise Glory--- silver 5 @HiVise Glory--- silver 5[5023] tymarl3y: !gamble 10[5023] kento_rain: Avid as[5023] slomorunner149: HAHAHHAHAAHHHAHAH[5023] sameeettttttttt: L ZENTI L BULLY L FAT JUNKO[5023] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀[5024] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3 Pc[5024] cokedupyolk: avid a fat ginger who tryna be hood[5024] spoits_oiled_butt: @hivise Farvond IM SILVERr[5024] ayayayayayay__: LMAO 🤣🤣[5024] docishard: watch him choke[5024] yungkibe: LMAO[5024] uniqueorspecial: @HiVise BRONZE3 ubi - wenston11 @HiVise @HiVise BRONZE3 ubi - wenston11 @HiVise[5024] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great bronze 5 (deserve to be plat 'he should be play'-a plat)[5024] avaryxt97: AHAHAHHAHA[5024] gucci_kid54: @balls_thatsit wsg thanks man <3[5025] madmaxsonx: @hivise pay me[5025] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀[5025] tydahitta: WhySoSerious DarkKnight[5025] coffeezilladaughter: Hall of fame spectator merchant[5025] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3[5025] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5025] scooter2ez: LMFAOAOAOAOAOAO[5025] jlopez2070: WEDDING SHIRT[5025] mieciu18888: FAT[5025] kar3do: 60 ping difference is crazy[5025] nightbot: real[5025] treyindacut: jynxziSad[5025] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great bronze 5 (deserve to be plat 'he should be play'-a plat[5025] solely_sharp: flip the screen not upside down jynxziiii[5026] abelydgn: AVID CMON !!![5026] sandy_sir: 💀💀[5026] mortar: LUL LUL LUL LUL[5026] gucci_kid54: @balls_thatsit wsg thanks man <3[5026] yungkibe: LMAO [5026] xnorecoil: Ubi: 'xNoRecoil.' Bronze 5 @HiVise[5026] elmadretuya: I miss stompn[5026] dtrain111: when is the 1v1?[5027] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great bronze 5 (deserve to be plat 'he should be play'-a plat)[5027] k1marcus_: 100 PING[5028] ilovefort531: lol[5028] coffeezilladaughter: Hall of fame spectator merchant [5028] ayayayayayay__: This guy[5028] bryceleyh: 😂😂😂[5028] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great bronze 5 (deserve to be plat 'he should be play'-a plat[5028] yungkibe: LMAO[5028] kuopt_: :joy_cat:[5028] juliusceasariusthe6th: W MCDONALDS WIFI[5028] f3me_him: 💀[5028] muhkuhluh: L Zenti[5028] featherisbeast: 💀💀[5029] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[5029] acbplay2: ass[5029] ricci__0: !prime[5029] nightbot: Subscribe to @Jynxzi for FREE with Twitch Prime Twitch.tv/subs/jynxzi[5029] jase7s: bro they so mad[5029] youssef_705: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak[5029] rysoios: @HiVise R6s_Ryy[5029] fossabot: @snooziezzz, Your message is too long[5030] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great bronze 5 (deserve to be plat 'he should be play'-a plat)[5030] roguejizzle: 40[5030] moneysignslexy: wenti[5030] cttt36z: VISE IM SILVER UBI IS THATPCTECH[5030] voidstaken: Jynxzi when are you live?[5030] spoits_oiled_butt: @hivise Farvond IM SILVER[5031] aiden6audet: ???????????[5031] xthugzilla: 5-3 curse is real af[5031] bardown16__: ???[5031] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great bronze 5 (deserve to be plat 'he should be play'-a plat[5032] ajx1212: Cap[5032] jxrzq1: @jynxzi NEW PODCAST WHEN?????????..[5032] crypticbrad_goat: W[5032] nightbot: no 🧢[5032] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great bronze 5 (deserve to be plat 'he should be play'-a plat)[5033] causevseffect: W STRESSER[5033] zombiedancing1: ?[5033] nightbot: ?[5033] donte097: hallo :D[5033] tymarl3y: !gamble 1[5033] dsnod332: fatty[5034] shanatl: ZENTI IS A CRASH OUT LOL[5034] whatisthewordd: bro think he gus fring[5034] glizzytwister: zenti mob leaked[5034] aiden6audet: SO WEIRD[5034] blockmanr6: GoldPLZ GoldPLZ GoldPLZ GoldPLZ[5035] nathan_18088: Why are you on avid side[5035] exkamisama: long ah ad[5035] cttt36z: VISE IM SILVER UBI IS THATPCTECH @hivise[5035] slomorunner149: LUL[5035] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great bronze 5 (deserve to be plat 'he should be play'-a plat[5035] f3me_him: bro….[5035] onjah1400: 💀💀[5036] kuopt_: kuoptt = bronze[5036] mieciu18888: WHEN IS FANMAIL[5036] kaisarbaby: THATS CRAZY[5036] nightbot: Discord: https://discord.gg/wYbjvHk[5036] tyroneyolo: w ddos[5036] dwaynejohnson7747: @HiVise Ubisoft Tokyo7743 SILVER 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | Silver 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | Silver 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | SILVER 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 |[5036] tkettel_: ZENTI better[5036] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great bronze 5 (deserve to be plat 'he should be play'-a plat)[5036] lazyjonathan01: w script[5036] ramz2xx: LMAOOOOOOOOOO[5037] xd_ghostgamer: ???[5037] lorym02: W[5037] danielisak3n: What's up brother ☝️[5037] issac_theking23: to loud[5037] kvng_jxju: noa[5037] outsider_816: LOCK IN BUNKBED-BOY[5038] justinpain69: Let's go I'm getting hit by a tornado[5038] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great bronze 5 (deserve to be plat 'he should be play'-a plat[5038] cmomoney187: HES STRESSING[5038] solely_sharp: Jynxzi make screen right side up[5038] abrahamdxm: lmao zenti chattinng[5038] goosemooz: L SCRIPT[5038] stareyy: ion know i just don’t like avid after that whole merch shit[5038] pixelfruit44: pixelfruit44 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months! love u[5039] infntryy: !gamble 35[5039] coffeezilladaughter: Hall of fame spectator merchant[5039] jxrzq1: @jynxzi NEW PODCAST WHEN?????????…..[5040] drcowfishphd: @hivise DR.COWFISH_PHD COPPER 1[5040] chickenenwafflez: BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump[5040] bumbabeee: @HiVise Maevvee - SEND ME THE SCRIPT @HiVise[5040] jimmy_madman: plz choke[5040] angelaguzmann: @hivise thedowdster11[5040] theligmalord: W gaslight[5040] ajx1212: Bro IS NOT HIM[5040] mystf1t: yo guys i just got siege[5040] rxedzz: avid is legit lagging he’s way better[5040] kevinmgl: I'm bronze and I'd beat avid[5041] flaume_aux: BROO....[5041] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great bronze 5 (deserve to be plat 'he should be play'-a plat)[5041] shortkingfrfr: @hivise ubi: shortkingfr bronze 2[5041] agnus7777: avid better cum for his back[5041] slomorunner149: W ZENTI[5042] trippleahh: @HiVise oTripple silver[5042] p1l2k3y4: JUNKO 2 LARGE FRIES AND A COKE[5042] datkiddude: jynxzi his McDonald’s connect[5042] swypher: @hivise add swypher05 I’m silver 1[5043] spoits_oiled_butt: @hivise Farvond IM SILVERr[5043] s0creami: type 1 if Jynxzi gets carried[5043] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great bronze 5 (deserve to be plat 'he should be play'-a plat[5044] trippleahh: @HiVise oTripple silver @HiVise oTripple silver[5044] js_iicon: @HiVise Twitch-JS_IIcon Bronze 1 0.9KD[5044] mortar: mob[5044] royal2huu: @HiVise leigt plat, 1.2 win loss 0.7 kd, thats if they get this for, causeid shit on jynxzi[5045] omegabloodflo99: WWWW ZENT[5045] jxrzq1: @jynxzi NEW PODCAST WHEN?????????[5045] theligmalord: w gaslight[5045] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great bronze 5 (deserve to be plat 'he should be play'-a plat)[5045] laaserlaser: hivise copper 1 AgrooJJ[5045] alegonzc16: cringe[5045] kawpin: jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES[5045] kypeanutt: LUL LUL LUL[5045] milesmorales758: !link[5046] meeeeeoiiii: jynxi muted[5046] nightbot: @milesmorales758 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[5046] cttt36z: VISE IM SILVER UBI IS THATPCTECH[5046] zombiedancing1: l glaze[5046] voxxyyyyyyyyy: Ugly ass skin[5046] maxwelliswell1: I BELIEVE[5046] snooziezzz: real shit✅ 💩 real shit😃👍 never tell a lie🤫🤐 real shit🤪 never tell a lie🚫🗣️[5047] coffeezilladaughter: shitty ass skin[5047] franv16: zenty ddosing avid[5047] causevseffect: Ah 2 ez[5047] nightbot: too easy[5047] islanderlucas28: islanderlucas28 subscribed with Prime. [5047] tyroneyolo: w lag switch[5047] exkuch: zenti is in the mob i think[5047] jxrzq1: @jynxzi NEW PODCAST WHEN?????????…[5047] sameeettttttttt: @hivise jerry scratch my ba11z[5048] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3 pc[5048] tymarl3y: !gamble 5[5048] streamelements: tymarl3y won 5 points in roulette and now has 60480 points! FeelsGoodMan[5048] coffeezilladaughter: shitty ass skin [5048] snooziezzz: real shit✅ 💩 real shit😃👍 never tell a lie🤫🤐 real shit🤪 never tell a lie🚫🗣️real shit✅ 💩 real shit😃👍 never tell a lie🤫🤐 real shit🤪 never tell a lie🚫🗣️[5048] higherlearning91: 200 ping wild[5048] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀[5048] voxxyyyyyyyyy: Ugly ass gun[5049] jannumii: Lulu[5049] tfirkel: @hivise Dfirkel gold 5[5049] platinumgyt: @hivise I am platinum and my ubi is PlatinumThicc[5049] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀[5050] bigkhm: @jajajaj13148 @jajajaj13148 get ready[5050] jxrzq1: @jynxzi NEW PODCAST WHEN?????????[5050] meeeeeoiiii: mute[5050] ireapzz666321: ACCOUNTFORSALE. @HiVise AM SILVER4[5050] mrlurker17: @HiVise Gold 3 GilbertMate17[5050] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3[5050] yungkibe: LMAO [5050] dagrannyfolder05: @HiVise OutGrannyFoldin-Ubisoft[5050] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀[5051] causevseffect: WWWWWW[5051] philmeup22: Lol[5051] nightbot: 😂[5051] snooziezzz: real shit✅ 💩 real shit😃👍 never tell a lie🤫🤐 real shit🤪 never tell a lie🚫🗣️[5052] omegabloodflo99: YOU TOLD HIM TO PRESSSS[5052] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀[5052] mezzdup_bun: 😭😭😭[5052] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5052] voxxyyyyyyyyy: Dumbass gun[5052] theligmalord: W jump avid[5052] tb_styx: ZentiNY[5052] causevseffect: WWWWWWWWWw[5053] sandy_sir: 💀[5053] exkamisama: L ad[5053] lorym02: Zenti is a bitch[5053] solely_sharp: jynxzi screen sideways[5054] outsider_816: BUNKBED-BOY IS LOCKED[5054] unrealriki: W ZENTI[5054] causevseffect: WWWWWWWWWWWw[5054] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5054] sandy_sir: 💀💀[5054] basetownn: na im good[5054] bigballer3545: shitty skin[5054] aidenwilkin: Skibidy rizz[5054] docishard: when is the stream?[5054] nightbot: Subscribe HERE: https://www.twitch.tv/subs/Jynxzi[5055] bardown16__: fax[5055] puffpuffjuicer: LOLL[5055] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀[5055] jannumii: Lund[5055] coffeezilladaughter: payed him to promo ur so weird LUL[5055] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5055] jxrzq1: @jynxzi NEW PODCAST WHEN?????????,?[5055] twizzyyxcaseoh: TwizzyyXCaseOh subscribed with Prime. [5056] slomorunner149: LMAOOOOOO[5056] lyricai_: zenti a bitch[5056] rlake: he would play pulse in a 1 v 1[5056] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀[5056] philmeup22: 💀💀💀[5056] flaume_aux: LMAO[5057] alphaeid3: shits ugly asf[5057] causevseffect: WWWWWWWWW Zenti[5057] schoooooo_: exactly what someone being intimidated by the mob would say[5057] trippyexit: W FRIEND[5057] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5057] jake2blaze2: W bundle[5057] exhaustedslothh: W promo[5057] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀[5057] trashcaba: purplexxxed: Silver 4[5058] vemon_ssg: Alr[5058] coffeezilladaughter: payed him to promo ur so weird LUL [5058] ayootayy_: GLAZEEE[5058] causevseffect: no[5058] rohanraikai: 1[5058] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5058] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀[5058] articght: Ght. @HiVise[5058] pabloisc00l: bbl jynxzi[5058] jxrzq1: @jynxzi NEW PODCAST WHEN?????????[5059] mrmilku1234: W[5059] slomorunner149: HAHAHAHAHA[5059] drippywhiteboy69: rizz[5059] exkuch: zenti is fucking up the promo[5059] fooinc: i want what zenti is on[5060] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5060] will1042: let’s go junkotron[5060] alphaeid3: shits ugly asf[5061] snipesnipdu8383: w 11 ads[5061] uwwkaway: WE GOOD[5061] teedforever: motion[5062] leept88: LMAOOO[5062] jake2blaze2: W BUNDLE[5062] laxthebarsmith: 'im paying 40 locals from your area to go get on your mcdonalds wifi ' is the only thing of actual humor zenti has said LUL[5062] philmeup22: LMAOOOO[5062] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great bronze 5 (deserve to be plat 'he should be play'-a plat[5062] arcanefd: im good[5062] fenikoz: WW ZENTI[5062] bigiceking2953: yo[5062] coffeezilladaughter: payed him to promo ur so weird LUL[5062] cruzngame: SLURP[5063] featherisbeast: 😭😭😭😭[5063] ghanou66: Script[5063] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5063] purepro_: lol[5063] thrainage: whats wrong with 2 inches[5063] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great bronze 5 (deserve to be plat 'he should be play'-a plat)[5063] sekretkricket: #ad[5064] thelegendherself1: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL[5064] mead_cider: LUL[5064] exkuch: sued[5064] jxrzq1: @jynxzi NEW PODCAST WHEN?????????.[5064] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great bronze 5 (deserve to be plat 'he should be play'-a plat[5064] bonnkers: L Zenti[5065] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[5065] mieciu18888: When is fanmail???[5065] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5065] dondo_14: facts[5065] nevr_ending: LMFAO[5065] joebidenreal69420111: jynxziSmoke jynxziEZ jynxziSmoke jynxziTONGUE jynxziBounce jynxziEZ jynxziBounce jynxziEZ jynxziSad jynxziSad jynxziSad jynxziSad[5066] spartan7oo: Wedding[5066] fadedthanabitch: glazing[5066] bigiceking2953: yoooooo[5066] grrrthee: zenti spittin facts rn[5066] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great bronze 5 (deserve to be plat 'he should be play'-a plat)[5066] chaseonbase357: Lame asf[5066] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5066] gucci_kid54: 💀💀💀[5066] raz_mckennaaa: !sens[5067] nightbot: Jynxzi sens and settings here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2GcpqRqJ9U[5067] puffpuffjuicer: LMAOOOOO[5067] ogxmangyy: glaze?[5067] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great bronze 5 (deserve to be plat 'he should be play'-a plat[5067] theligmalord: BBL JIZZY[5068] solely_sharp: make screen up right jynxziiii[5068] enderwolf1451: Hii[5068] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5068] arminnrd: snitch[5068] slomorunner149: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL[5068] joebidenreal69420111: jynxziCRY[5068] xitzdokeyx: !link[5068] shanatl: LAOO[5069] aidenwilkin: Skibity toilet[5069] coffeezilladaughter: payed him to promo ur so weird LUL [5069] notblest: always trying get money[5069] balls_thatsit: @Gucci_kid54 just thought i would say hi XD i know i dont really text here that much but you know i gotta check on the boys[5069] trippyexit: WWWW AVID[5069] muhkuhluh: lmaoo[5069] mxyz97x_: u js sold him[5070] onisniperr: w manz[5070] hivise: 💀[5070] easy_moneysniper1: eeal[5070] whoosupremes: whoosupremes subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 4 month streak! yo[5070] ryan18819: 13 ads junko you suck[5070] cuddle_xd: AVID WANT SOMEMORE SSG MONEY[5070] dlblake1582: @Hivise blakeatu[5070] nightbot: “😂😂😂” -avidqr6[5070] jxrzq1: @jynxzi NEW PODCAST WHEN?????????,??[5071] tonnic_tonnic: Love from canada[5071] mortar: LUL LUL LUL[5071] voidstaken: it’s so big…[5071] jase7s: when is fan mail[5072] shortkingfrfr: @hivise ubi: shortkingfr bronze 2[5072] tymarl3y: !gamble 2k[5072] exkuch: sued for all you are worth[5072] averykindhumanbeing: @HiVise makeaw1shk1d12 copper[5072] sandy_sir: W PROMO[5072] emptyshelly: 2 INCH JOHNSON[5073] jxrzq1: @jynxzi NEW PODCAST WHEN?????????[5073] kento_rain: Nah 2?????????????[5073] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great bronze 5 (deserve to be plat 'he should be play'-a plat)[5073] sandy_sir: 💀💀[5074] mightygaminghh: W glaze[5074] shanatl: W SELL OUT[5074] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀[5075] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great bronze 5 (deserve to be plat 'he should be play'-a plat[5075] jxrzq1: @jynxzi NEW PODCAST WHEN?????????..[5075] spartan7oo: LAWSUIT[5075] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀[5075] xnorecoil: Ubi: 'xNoRecoil.' Bronze 5 @HiVise [5076] mosstrr: W PROMO[5076] abrahamdxm: do it zenti[5076] bumbabeee: @HiVise Maevvee - SEND ME THE SCRIPT @HiVise[5076] philmeup22: WWWW[5076] trinidadmf: duke is live[5076] sandy_sir: 💀[5076] idougzx: Zenti is fucking cringe[5077] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great bronze 5 (deserve to be plat 'he should be play'-a plat)[5077] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?[5077] spoits_oiled_butt: @hivise Farvond IM SILVERr[5078] jxrzq1: @jynxzi NEW PODCAST WHEN?????????[5078] mead_cider: he said mob[5078] kjunior2468: Lmaoooo[5078] rohanraikai: !roulette 25[5079] whosselqk: !link[5079] solely_sharp: chat make jynxzi flip screen[5079] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great bronze 5 (deserve to be plat 'he should be play'-a plat[5079] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?.[5079] streamelements: PogChamp rohanraikai went all in and won 25 points PogChamp they now have 50 points FeelsGoodMan[5079] nightbot: @poopybutt654 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[5079] francis6345: So mine will double in size??[5079] emptyshelly: L SELL OUT[5079] bryceleyh: 😂😂[5080] fightinggamer101: Turn of PH and maybe you won't be lagging[5080] shortkingfrfr: @hivise ubi: shortkingfr bronze 2@hivise ubi: shortkingfr bronze 2[5080] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?[5080] onjah1400: 💀💀💀💀[5080] puffpuffjuicer: LOLL[5081] chickenenwafflez: BibleThump[5081] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great bronze 5 (deserve to be plat 'he should be play'-a plat)[5081] rlake: zenti actually funny[5081] capzz_z: 😂😂😂😂😂😂[5081] notbeeler: @HiVise My ubi is NOTBEELERRR - im gold V[5081] revbangz: !gamble 30[5081] kennkenn2011: fucked her tight pussy[5082] streamelements: revbangz lost 30 points in roulette and now has 60 points! FeelsBadMan[5082] cttt36z: VISE IM SILVER UBI IS THATPCTECH @hivise[5082] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?.[5082] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great bronze 5 (deserve to be plat 'he should be play'-a plat[5082] mikesosa: wwwwwwww[5082] jlopez2070: PRE END[5083] ender_antho: U sold pulse[5083] flowgotknown: W SCRIPT[5083] voidstaken: It’s growing…[5083] gucci_kid54: @balls_thatsit <3[5084] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?[5084] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great bronze 5 (deserve to be plat 'he should be play'-a plat)[5084] dtrain111: when is the 1v1[5084] cttt36z: VISE IM SILVER UBI IS THATPCTECH[5085] dlblake1582: @HiVise blakeatu[5085] sharks550: @HiVise Uplay Chupinazo.R6 Diamond 4 PC[5085] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?.[5085] xotcdog: xotcdog subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! CHADTTT[5085] weed_tea: @iDougzx frfr[5085] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great bronze 5 (deserve to be plat 'he should be play'-a plat[5086] bigunit212: Zenti VS Snaippy[5086] articght: @HiVise Ght.[5086] spoits_oiled_butt: @hivise Farvond IM SILVERr/[5086] dwaynejohnson7747: @HiVise Ubisoft Tokyo7743 SILVER 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | Silver 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | Silver 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | SILVER 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 |[5086] chickenenwafflez: LMAOOOOOO[5086] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?[5086] wheels353535: bronze[5087] drcowfishphd: @hivise DR.COWFISH_PHD COPPER 1[5087] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5087] issac_theking23: whens the 1v1[5087] uniqueorspecial: @HiVise BRONZE3 ubi - wenston11 @HiVise @HiVise BRONZE3 ubi - wenston11 @HiVise p[5088] ched_r6: @HiVise diamond ubi: ched.psv ---diamond ubi: ched.psv ---diamond ubi: ched.psv ---[5088] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?.[5088] tbhkysfr: Zentis sniping, changed into IQ without droning avid[5088] lild33__: ZENTI GONNA WIN LMAO[5088] cttt36z: VISE IM SILVER UBI IS THATPCTECH @hivise[5088] kessell1414: kessell1414 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [5088] staypuffpass: bro on rainbow talking about the mob. 😆 😆 😆[5088] jlopez2070: PRE ENDDDD[5088] aidanfinch111: fat[5089] chickenenwafflez: CRAZY[5089] nightbot: i was crazy once[5089] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?[5089] rohanraikai: !roulette 50[5089] jxrzq1: @jynxzi NEW PODCAST WHEN??????????[5089] voxxyyyyyyyyy: saw that streamsnipe[5090] lhawl1346: @hivise bigben41803 silver[5090] larrybeans72: u sold him[5090] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?.[5090] bigbooch427: bro said no one got sued[5091] tb_styx: sniping[5091] emptyshelly: PRE END[5091] mads_deadd: fatty[5091] shortkingfrfr: @hivise ise ubi: shortkingfr bronze 2[5092] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?[5092] zdelta209: @HiVise Glory--- silver 5[5092] juanp3n3tranx: RRRR[5092] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great bronze 5 (deserve to be plat 'he should be play'-a plat)[5092] rysoios: @HiVise R6s_Ryy champ[5092] xxkinqelixx: xxkinqelixx subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 10 month streak! [5092] wrpsyz: Jynx.ubi @HiVise Im bronze 2 i just started playing the game[5093] chickenenwafflez: INSANE[5093] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?.[5093] ender_antho: U sold avid dumass[5093] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great bronze 5 (deserve to be plat 'he should be play'-a plat[5094] goonieman2: bro just sold avid ngl[5094] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5094] dwasi_07: fat[5094] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?[5094] dpanzonee: when is Avid vs Zenti?[5094] jlopez2070: PRE ENDDDDDD[5095] dave6380: bros doing tricks on it 😭[5095] sunm08: W script[5095] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?.[5096] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5096] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great bronze 5 (deserve to be plat 'he should be play'-a plat)[5096] aminmjv: Glazing is crazy[5096] jxrzq1: @jynxzi NEW PODCAST WHEN?????????zzz[5096] bardown16__: IQ is so good[5097] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?[5097] azuiah: damn avid fell off[5097] fooinc: GG[5097] mieciu18888: WHEN IS FANMAIL??[5097] dobbs4848: YOU SOLD HIM[5097] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5097] nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP[5097] cttt36z: VISE IM SILVER UBI IS THATPCTECH[5097] fossabot: @mstysack, Your message is too long[5098] dagrannyfolder05: @hivise Outgrannyfoldin[5098] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?.[5098] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great bronze 5 (deserve to be plat 'he should be play'-a plat[5098] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5099] goblin3hits: WWWW[5099] theligmalord: SUE AVID[5099] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?[5099] trippleahh: @HiVise oTripple silver 2[5099] lyricai_: gg[5100] solely_sharp: chattt make Jynxzi flip screen back up right[5100] moneysignslexy: sold avid[5100] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5100] uniqueorspecial: @HiVise BRONZE3 ubi - wenston11 @HiVise @HiVise BRONZE3 ubi - wenston11 @HiVise @HiVise BRONZE3 ubi - wenston11 @HiVise[5100] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?.[5100] xnorecoil: Ubi: 'xNoRecoil.' Bronze 5 @HiVise[5100] donniebawls: YOU GAVE AWAY HIS OPERATOR[5101] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5101] matiffles07: U sold him[5101] larrybeans72: u sold him bruh[5101] o_m3l0nn: u said hi op[5101] trippleahh: @HiVise oTripple silver 2 @HiVise oTripple silver 2[5102] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?[5102] willszyy: u told avid ops[5102] shortkingfrfr: @hivise @hivise ubi: shortkingfr bronze 2[5102] tonytuckerr: NotLikeThis AVID STREAM SNIPING NotLikeThis[5102] niceguyfinishlast40: zenti stream sniping[5102] faded_121: sold avid[5102] fooinc: W SCRIPT[5103] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5103] flowgotknown: WW Script[5103] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?.[5103] trippleahh: @HiVise oTripple silver 2[5104] captain_clout1: Sniping[5104] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5105] exxoticpear: jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL[5105] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3 Pc[5105] trippleahh: @HiVise oTripple silver 2 @HiVise oTripple silver 2[5106] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5106] kingxace77: JYNXZI SOLD AVID LMAO[5107] trippleahh: @HiVise oTripple silver 2[5107] rohanraikai: Fr[5107] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3[5107] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5107] chunke_monkey: W streamsnipe[5107] isocixble: stream snipe[5107] ttvsentenal: like i said 6-4 zenti[5107] dwaynejohnson7747: @HiVise Ubisoft Tokyo7743 SILVER 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | Silver 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | Silver 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | SILVER 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | 10101[5108] apollosbuttchecks_avery: @avidglazer2ez heyyy[5108] dobbs4848: YOU SOLD AVID[5109] danny19291: quiet down I’m trying to sleep[5109] mieciu18888: FAT[5109] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5109] iminjynxziscloset: u sold him[5109] junkomychunk: Bro os clicking scroll wheel not rb[5109] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?[5110] imperixxl: @HiVise imperixxl - copper I @HiVise imperixxl - copper I @HiVise imperixxl - copper I @HiVise imperixxl - copper I @HiVise imperixxl - copper I @HiVise imperixxl - copper I[5110] matiffles07: You sold hi.[5110] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add'[5110] xxcage69: script[5110] bellslabz1984: f[5110] donniebawls: YOU GAVE AWAY HIS OPERATOR BY PROMOTING DIPSHIT[5110] nightbot: F in the chat[5110] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?.[5110] ireapzz666321: ACCOUNTFORSALE. @HiVise AM SILVER2[5110] littlechiken8: LUL[5111] crankiplier_fanatic: WEDDING![5112] javedjanxbean: YOU GAVE AWAY THE OP[5112] aidenwilkin: Did you rizz up livvy with canons?[5112] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?[5112] yhungiee: !gamble 50[5112] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5112] bowser088: you sold avid[5112] exo_m800: : @HiVise rank : bronze u play : cluelessmk[5112] rohanraikai: !roulette 50[5112] streamelements: yhungiee won 50 points in roulette and now has 410 points! FeelsGoodMan[5112] larrybeans72: U SOLD HIM[5113] funky101010: HELP MODS ANYONE PLZ HELP[5113] mrmilku1234: W[5113] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?.[5113] dallascowboys51: you sold avid[5113] beetle_the_goat: YO[5114] dtrain111: when is the 1v1?[5114] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?[5114] ched_r6: @HiVise diamond 2 ubi: ched.psv ---diamond 2 ubi: ched.psv ---[5114] cttt36z: VISE IM SILVER UBI IS THATPCTECH @hivise[5115] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great bronze 5 (deserve to be plat 'he should be play'-a plat)[5115] dlblake1582: @HiVise blakeatu silver[5115] quozify_1: u literally told him he’s pulse[5115] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?.[5116] real_c_usa253: ITS CUZ U LEAKED HIS FUCKING OP[5116] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5116] dlblake1582: @HiVise blakeatu silver@HiVise blakeatu silver[5116] iminjynxziscloset: YOU SOLD HIMMMM[5117] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?[5117] robo750: YOU SOLD HIM DUMDUM[5117] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5117] dlblake1582: @HiVise blakeatu silver[5118] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?.[5118] diyahshiesty: !sub[5118] nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi[5118] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5119] javedjanxbean: MODDSSSS[5119] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?[5119] ots003: yeah cause you have away his op junk[5119] bardown16__: HOW DOES THAT ONLY DO 30?[5119] xproknockz: he stream sniping like a mf 🤣[5119] mini_gamers453: GoatEmotey[5120] john_0181: boring clip farming content[5120] issac_theking23: hi[5120] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5120] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?.[5120] tymarl3y: !gamble 2k[5121] streamelements: tymarl3y lost 2000 points in roulette and now has 58480 points! FeelsBadMan[5121] tdoki_: broooooo we love you[5121] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5121] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?[5121] acidthriller: zentis crash out[5121] lrozz35711: you gave avids operator up[5122] uniqueorspecial: @HiVise BRONZE3 ubi - wenston11 @HiVise[5122] ocurry: Tim is waiting @Jynxzi[5122] venogunns: @zenti[5122] cttt36z: VISE IM SILVER UBI IS THATPCTECH @[5122] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?.[5122] cultxretv: baseg[5123] outsider_816: he aint stream sniping[5123] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5124] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?[5124] cttt36z: VISE IM SILVER UBI IS THATPCTECH[5124] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great bronze 5 (deserve to be plat 'he should be play'-a plat[5124] fadedthanabitch: caseohThumbsup[5124] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5124] funky101010: MODS TEXT ME I NEED HELP[5125] dlblake1582: @HiVise blakeatu silvr[5125] javedjanxbean: MOOOOODDDDDDDDDSSSS[5125] lrozz35711: u sold avid[5125] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?.[5125] matttheduck95: !LINK[5125] larrybeans72: YOU SOLD AVID[5125] nightbot: @matttheduck95 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[5126] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5126] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?[5126] bumbabeee: @HiVise Maevvee - SEND ME THE SCRIPT @HiVise[5127] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5127] yaboihaezy: !time[5127] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great bronze 5 (deserve to be plat 'he should be play'-a plat)[5128] iminjynxziscloset: WHY DID YOU SELL HIM[5128] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?.[5128] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5129] docishard: When is the stream?[5129] bowser088: you sold avid dumbass[5129] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?[5130] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5130] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3 pc[5130] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?.[5131] rohanraikai: !roulette 25[5131] fossabot: @mstysack, Your message is too long [2x][5131] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5132] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?[5132] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3[5132] whosselqk: !link[5132] trash_bru7675: chat[5132] apollosbuttchecks_avery: @hivise heyyyyy[5133] znon_95k: v[5133] larrybeans72: YOU SOLD HIM[5133] drcowfishphd: @hivise DR.COWFISH_PHD COPPER 1[5134] nukeyy200: START GLAZING AVID ZENTI FINNA BE MAD[5134] classiixxx: nnysMLADY[5134] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5134] c0ddii: part timer[5135] trash_bru7675: only[5135] woahbullet: sniping[5136] streamelements: @gargecboss gargecboss has 60 points and is rank 1709371/1741013 on the leaderboard.[5136] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5136] ched_r6: @HiVise diamond 2 ubi: ched.psv ---diamond 2 ubi: ched.psv ---diamond 2 ubi: ched.psv ---[5136] realmrlahey: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE[5136] dwaynejohnson7747: @HiVise Ubisoft Tokyo7743 SILVER 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | Silver 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | Silver 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | SILVER 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 |[5136] maxxedoo: fuck you avid ya fuckin bum[5136] lrozz35711: telling him basically he’s lulse[5136] retromidd: 2 out of 8 adds Jinxi. really?[5137] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great bronze 5 (deserve to be plat 'he should be play'-a plat[5137] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5138] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀[5138] mieciu18888: WHEN IS FANMAIL??[5138] dobbs4848: YOU SOLD AVID[5138] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5138] crt20050: crt20050 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months! [5139] lyricai_: lol[5139] nightbot: 😂[5139] avexyyz: Avexyyz subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 3 month streak! LUV U VIEWBOTTER[5140] ykrtn: u sold[5140] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?when are playing tim?[5140] nikohawley: Omg[5140] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5140] camgraziano: !bracket[5140] nightbot: Tourney bracket here -> https://brackethq.com/b/nmy1b/ (Back In Blood)[5141] ztsoat3: IF YOU FUCK WITH AVID = YOU ARE NOT RACIST[5141] justkyle69: YEEEEEEEEEES[5141] shortkingfrfr: @hivise ubi: shortkingfr bronze 2[5141] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5142] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?.[5142] jayyd1220: ur so cut jynxie can you take your shirt off for me dad[5142] box_ttvv: Just give me my moneyyy[5143] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?[5143] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5143] annafinneyy: jynxzi i got your shirt bro 40 bucks is crazzyyyyy[5144] boguuuuu: he's sniping[5144] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?.[5144] issac_theking23: your garbage[5144] js_iicon: @HiVise Twitch-JS_IIcon Bronze 1 0.9KD[5144] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5145] 0710_beast: @fadedthanabitch[5145] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?[5145] streamelements: gargecboss won 20 points in roulette and now has 80 points! FeelsGoodMan[5146] theboyjdubs: when is shroud[5146] kingxace77: W SELL[5146] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?.[5146] googlechromed: W ZENTI W ZENTI W ZENTI W ZENTI W ZENTI[5146] cttt36z: VISE IM SILVER UBI IS THATPCTECH VISE IM SILVER UBI IS THATPCTECH[5147] joefather2169: nooooooooooooooooo[5147] lrozz35711: you told him zenti avid was pulse[5148] rohanraikai: !points[5148] unrealriki: PAY ME ALREADY[5148] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?[5148] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great bronze 5 (deserve to be plat 'he should be play'-a plat)[5148] logic446: IM A BOT[5148] larrybeans72: U SOLD HIM BRUH[5149] teedforever: not my glorious king[5149] cttt36z: VISE IM SILVER UBI IS THATPCTECH[5149] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?.[5149] box_ttvv: Just give me my money[5149] ohhserq: Ohhserq subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! ww[5149] sirmixalot2424: fat[5150] shanatl: P,G[5150] tristandias_: jynxziFAT[5151] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?[5151] lpaco60fps: @hivise PacoGuns emerald 4[5151] dudesickkid: sending hate from avid[5151] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great bronze 5 (deserve to be plat 'he should be play'-a plat[5152] shanatl: OMG[5152] gaming_hangover: L script[5152] niceman00001: imGlitch imGlitch imGlitch imGlitch imGlitch imGlitch imGlitch[5152] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[5152] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?.[5152] sharks550: @HiVise Uplay Chupinazo.R6 Diamond 4 PC[5153] joefather2169: plzzzzzzzzzz[5153] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great bronze 5 (deserve to be plat 'he should be play'-a plat)[5153] sirmixalot2424: FAT[5153] cttt36z: VISE IM SILVER UBI IS THATPCTECH VISE IM SILVER UBI IS THATPCTECH[5154] mieciu18888: WHEN IS FANMAIL?[5154] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?[5154] nightbot: @rxdhid -> Terminated! [stop posting links] [warning][5154] shanatl: LOL[5154] mezzdup_bun: BRO[5154] yooofrozen: O MY[5155] cttt36z: VISE IM SILVER UBI IS THATPCTECH[5155] tarsai: W[5155] spartan7oo: W[5155] tarsai: W[5155] vaggelakyss: Nice stream snipe dude[5155] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?.[5155] yungkibe: OOOO[5155] bardown16__: O[5155] causevseffect: WWWWWW[5155] tarsai: W[5155] wearethebestaround1: Slammed[5155] tarsai: W[5155] icecold111111: WWWWWWWWWWWWWW[5156] papimoore: WWWWWW[5156] tarsai: W[5156] marie_xm: W[5156] poopyy23: W[5156] zyn_popper69420: !watchtime[5156] tarsai: W[5156] lylt_tango: w[5156] shanatl: W[5156] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?[5156] streamelements: zyn_popper69420 has spent 5 days 23 hours watching jynxzi[5156] bardown16__: O O O O O[5156] scooter2ez: OH MY GOD[5156] tarsai: W[5156] gray_gahd: yup[5156] retronitez: W[5157] kodaks_father: WWWWW[5157] nightbot: yup yup yup[5157] nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP[5157] bumbabeee: @HiVise Maevvee - SEND ME THE SCRIPT @HiVise[5157] tarsai: W[5157] thelegendherself1: nooooooo[5157] tarsai: W[5157] tarsai: W[5157] tarsai: W[5158] heartsopurple: OMG[5158] jacobswanson44: w[5158] mezzdup_bun: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[5158] snipes376: WWWWWWWWWWW[5158] causevseffect: WWWWWWWWWWWW[5158] bigunit212: Zenti VS Snaippy[5158] comypioukk: WWWW[5158] slam_xdd: WWWW[5158] osc4r_asdf: WWWWWWWWW[5158] fooinc: LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[5158] juliusceasariusthe6th: wenti wenti[5158] arminnrd: WW[5158] bio_blast: @HiVise Silver 4/Carrotz.[5158] khangdodo: WWWWW[5158] unrealriki: LMAO[5159] ralnb0w6: fuck avid[5159] chaseonbase357: Holy[5159] papimoore: WWWWW[5159] acetrain_gamez: LOL[5159] kodaks_father: WWWWWWWWWWW[5159] piecectrlshaq: gimme my money[5159] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5159] kobe_bwc: why would you announce that Avid is wearing your skin which is a Pulse thing! You told Zenti what op to run[5159] gucci_kid54: W[5159] hivise: WAITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT[5159] kellarc46: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww[5159] jake111291: yoooooo[5159] papasmurph131: Good shit[5159] puffpuffjuicer: GGS[5159] hivise: WAITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT[5160] hivise: WAITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT[5160] poopyy23: LETS GO[5160] arminnrd: WWW[5160] barhdock: ww[5160] tumsy797: wasted[5160] c_hen009: WWWWWWWWW[5161] bigballer3545: W[5161] flaume_aux: WWWWW[5161] dondo_14: pay up[5161] nightbot: @kento_rain -> Oops, I did it again! [stop spamming symbols] [warning][5161] goobrielfps: FREEE CASHHHH[5161] astrogaming450: NO PAY[5161] brando1126: w[5161] goblin3hits: WWWW[5161] agentpanda004: w[5161] papimoore: FUCK AVID[5161] streamelements: carsonhim has spent 3 days 4 hours watching jynxzi[5161] daubben: LETS GOOOO[5161] cyyn1cal: W[5161] jacobswanson44: W[5161] gray_gahd: pay it up baby[5162] ayayayayayay__: WWWWWWWWWW[5162] desicrete: AY UP[5162] ohhserq: wwwwwwww[5162] sinatrasinag: lmao[5162] offsiz1: WWWW[5162] icecold111111: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[5162] whatdefudge: PAYDAY[5162] mieciu18888: WHEN IS FANMAIL[5162] party_buffalo_: woooooow[5164] scrambles91: how zenti sell the IQ play though[5164] sethkru: WWWW[5164] googlechromed: W ZENTI W ZENTI W ZENTI W ZENTI[5164] astrogaming450: NO PAYOUT[5164] 7xotticj: w[5164] haggis_z: WW[5164] finishedyeti488: Pay out[5164] rxdhid: @HiVise Gumbyismyworld[5164] trips_ok: HES STREAM SNIPING[5164] barhdock: www[5164] goblin3hits: PAYPYTTTTT[5164] fadedthanabitch: WWWWWW[5164] surgedickeyq: WWWWWWWWWWW[5164] desicrete: PAY UP[5164] bigblrrrrrrrr: wwwwwwww[5165] agentpanda004: wwwww[5165] mrbrecken: YES[5165] cyyn1cal: W FENTI[5165] jlopez2070: WASHED[5165] omegabloodflo99: I W[5165] lmink13: come onnnnnnnnnn[5165] bobcat_1113: avid is ass[5165] nightbot: too easy[5165] azuiah: wow[5165] nightbot: “😂😂😂” -avidqr6[5165] newsyno: pay out[5165] babayaga434: lmaooo[5165] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?.[5165] mrsupremium: wwww[5165] bryceleyh: W ZENTI[5166] ozzzadnar: give me my piints[5166] bardown16__: :O[5166] tyroneyolo: read him[5166] zinczyuav: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[5166] sameeettttttttt: L AVID[5166] kraken541: zenti cheating[5166] ttvdustyy_1: LLLLLLLL[5166] tnttommy2k: KING ZENTI[5166] mezzdup_bun: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW FUCK AVID[5166] offsiz1: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[5168] sebblues2: AINT NO WAY[5168] vusps: WW[5168] zyn_popper69420: !gamble200[5168] 2greaze: WWWWWW[5168] ralnb0w6: FUCK YOU[5168] asiantookmyyrice: LMAO[5168] azahelrios: W[5168] omegabloodflo99: WWWWWW[5168] bardown16__: :O :O[5168] mxyz97x_: run me my points[5168] dieseldanny: PAY UP[5168] therealrydium: W ZENTI LETS GOOOOOOOOO[5168] donniebawls: YOU GAVE AWAY AVIDS OPERATOR BEFORE THE ROUND[5168] dealwithopxz72: PAY[5168] jlopez2070: WASHHHEEDDDDDD[5169] jay_cob928: PAYY upp[5169] goblin3hits: PAYOUTTTTTTT[5169] average_munch: AVID IS ASS AVID IS ASS[5169] realzestypear: PAY DAYYYY[5169] masonbonfig2: wow[5169] juliusceasariusthe6th: WENTI WENTI WENTI WENTI[5169] spoits_oiled_butt: @hivise Farvond IM SILVERra[5169] omegabloodflo99: WWWWW[5169] redmist3119: payout[5169] xnorecoil: Ubi: 'xNoRecoil.' Bronze 5 @HiVise [5169] trenbro6: PAY ME MY MONNAYY[5169] emptyshelly: AVID IS SHIT[5169] jayyyl: LMAOO[5169] acetrain_gamez: GGGG[5169] astrogaming450: NO PAY[5170] smallmouth6: wwwwww[5170] box_ttvv: PAY MEEEE[5170] whatisthewordd: L SCRIPT[5170] fossabot: 'Zenti' won the prediction! PogChamp 34.21% of people voted correctly, meaning 63515795 points will be distributed among 2674 users.[5170] newsyno: pay outtt[5170] moneysignslexy: wow bru[5170] xnovared: WWWWWW[5170] 2greaze: WWWWW[5172] coffeezilladaughter: nah thats bad...[5172] goblin3hits: WWWWWWWW[5172] bossmaster4726: noooo[5172] bardown16__: :[5172] lyricai_: hahahaha[5172] evoke_playzz: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣[5172] infamousdexzy: streamsniper[5172] kodaks_father: LETS GOOOOO[5172] bluefishgaming71: zenti is big[5172] jlopez2070: WASHH[5172] marie_xm: Wow[5172] gspeedd: KING ZENTI[5172] noroi69: www[5172] astrogaming450: MO WAY[5172] madix1221: WWWWWWWWWWWWE[5173] docishard: STREAM SNIPER[5173] pmw11: W[5173] becooper: WWWWWW[5173] williamos_101: dont payout[5173] powerplug_official: L[5173] alphaeid3: WW[5173] thedouge178: NO PAYOUT[5174] coffeezilladaughter: nah thats bad... [5175] drkpushin: L AVID[5175] offsiz1: PAYYYYYYY[5175] exafiyz: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[5175] easton1206: wwwww[5175] zerks1111: PAYUP[5175] daryllsucks: FUCKING DOGSHIT[5175] meowserpro_: GIMME MY POINTS[5175] marie_xm: WOW[5175] eddiefendi: let’s go pay me[5175] goblin3hits: GIMME MY POINTS[5175] realzestypear: BRING ME MY MONEY[5175] omegabloodflo99: KING ZENTTT[5175] lludix7412: PAY UP[5175] swoleboh: avid sold[5175] markymarc2001: markymarc2001 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [5176] kaywall_: WWWWWW[5176] gustavocis007: w bread[5176] agentpanda004: W[5176] sirmixalot2424: WWWW[5176] ogklaw: he’s in the stream[5176] elbowella5: he pissin me off[5176] alphaeid3: WW [5176] mynamejeff675: cheating[5176] snake4628: snake4628 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 7 month streak! Keep it up[5176] reeferpilot: L AVID[5176] ardaszr: W Zenti[5176] mehradambtw: when are playing tim?.[5176] skulltroopsttv: W ZENTI[5176] untrained_assassin: W[5177] kypeanutt: L AVID[5177] robo750: YOU SOLD AVID[5177] hoxton22277: !fanmail[5177] steezi8433: ZENTI ERA [5177] emptyshelly: UNINSTALLL[5178] infamousdexzy: streamsniperr[5178] motomemph: WWWWW[5178] brett02: W[5178] jxrzq1: @jynxzi NEW PODCAST WHEN?????????..[5178] reapersghost658: BIG FUCKING W[5178] douglas420710: REFUNDDDD[5178] adrian_141: Pretty obvious steamsnipe[5178] snackiez88: lay[5178] bladenkurama: pink eye served[5178] bluefishgaming71: W ZENTI FR[5178] conner_is_on_yerky: AVID SOLD[5178] jaysondaqt: Avid folded so hard bruh[5178] awesomeness1814: nooooo[5179] exkuch: say dadda[5179] exafiyz: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[5179] oddnova2: @HiVise Oddnova2 PC gold[5179] zdelta209: @HiVise Glory--- silver v[5179] sirmixalot2424: W[5179] xpecthaven: gg[5179] couren525: I won[5179] matt_burek: wwwww[5179] r1se_narco: Thx for no selling my bread[5179] offsiz1: PAYYYY UPPPPP[5179] itzchris_01: BYE[5179] becooper: AVID SUCKS[5179] causevseffect: WWWWWWWWWWW[5179] asteroidlando: u washed[5179] seanmulrooney: avid such an L[5180] dis_is_will: Pay me out[5180] eothes12: payouttttttt[5180] s0lid_franco_: hyyyyy | Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [5000] I'm not choke this game bro do not choke a five or two because that would be catastrophic dude real shit [5010] That would be absolutely catastrophic sentencing. I think you're never. I think you're not. I don't care. I'll paint 40 locals in your area to go to them and go to the next to the Wi-Fi. I don't care about. Are you serious? Yup. [5020] 40 locals right now i have connections everywhere bitch you know how i have connections everywhere you're not in the mob but we don't have connections uh... uh... don't ask me why ho [5030] Wait, I'm not liking it even more. Okay, I'll send this out of the fucking mob. Can we go on with the game bro? Damn. So happy, nice gun was hit! [5040] I don't want some! Evan, nice job dude! I'm not doing it! I pre-changed it. Let's go, bro. I gotta just go to the open shop, go to S&C. Thank you, man! Hell no! If you buy that shagel, peel it for me! [5050] The best guys in the game, no dicks, sir. Yeah, the most cosmetic head down to the item, sautbre. Jixie Chow is going to see you in the camera. Listen to him. [5060] You're gonna get to it. It's so kind of. I can't see it cuz of black wine but it's pretty calm. Cocky shit. You're gonna get to it. Stop. Stop. [5070] Yeah, yeah Two minutes in one time soon I'm doing a six on the clock. I'm trying to play in the character that I'm just nobody I guess I'm gonna play a good guy. I bring out a hero sent him [5080] might know sent you one. Zenty's IQ. Zenty's IQ. He can literally hard counter-advent its DG. All Zenty has to do is click RB, find Avent's pulse [5090] Canter and its GG's. It's fucking GG's. They're ass GG's. Oh my god. Zenti fucking one. [5100] I have to put it in the name. Sentience. Sentience. Sentience. Sentience. Sentience. Sentience. [5110] Oh my god, what are you doing? You are so dumb. Is that your son of a health? Nice C4, nice C4, nice C4, nice C4, nice C4. 10DS 70 health. [5120] health. Zentie is going to take over the site. Zentie might be able to plant. Zentie might be able to plant. Abysguer to walk up to Main Sears. It's okay though. I've walked [5130] I'm chasing you through the wall. Wallhack, street to one dead. Senty's gonna win this game. Avid lost sight control. Avid lost. [5140] i've been out of the internet i know you're exact or it's right now like like no bullshit i have it all my mother's life i know exactly where you are right now what a grenade [5150] What a grenade from sentient run run at it. Run It's the boss's pension. It's the boss's pension. It's the boss's pension. It's the boss's pension. It's the boss's pension. [5160] means the attacker, Unfortunately, I'm not over with LoD comment ம [5170] Do you remember? Yeah, I got something. Yeah, yeah, what's up, man? Listen, I'm officially at the today. What's it is, mate? It's a late age, a 33. | There is a Highlight between 5100 and 5170. Jynxzi watches a 1v1 match. One of the players, Zenti, wins the decisive round and trash talks his opponent |
Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [5420] zoro916: Lol[5420] bigbad205: @hivise let me be a bronze[5420] cristi1an_: I AM A VIEWBOT MrDestructoid jynxziBadAim[5420] jefftufferson: yall are fucking stupid[5420] lzzdot: coke breakkk[5420] superduper_oliver: @HiVise im bronze pc please let me in my username is W5_himself[5420] ttv_pluh_beatle: how do i get the charm[5420] a_f4rbr1dg3: !watchtime[5421] jolmtron: jynxzi smile if you like kids[5421] maximiliosa: here we go[5421] streamelements: a_f4rbr1dg3 has spent 0 secs watching jynxzi[5421] phrrynn: casa blanca tony montana looking ahhhhh @Jynxzi casa blanca tony montana looking ahhhhh @Jynxzi casa blanca tony montana looking ahhhhh @Jynxzi[5421] slicc_rich: Slicc_Rich subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! FART[5421] bigchunkybois918: jynxziSmoke jynxziCRY jynxziGLASSES jynxziPACK jynxziGRIDDY jynxziTONGUE jynxziRAHHH jynxziBounce jynxziFALL jynxziSNOT jynxziGG jynxziLOL jynxziEZ jynxziSubHype[5421] joey49ponder: he[5422] d3frmtop: COKED OUT[5422] turbodogo: coke sniffle jynx[5422] iamcaseohdistroyer: MVGame[5423] yhattie: Yhattie subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! yessir[5423] biggauss95: COKE BREAK[5423] voxxyyyyyyyyy: MY GOAT RICCI🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩[5423] fart_tickler_: GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey[5423] ghost8869360: ghost8869360 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [5423] omegac3_: @dagranny[5423] ghost8869360: ghost8869360 gifted a Tier 1 sub to logboomer! [5423] vipersbetter: part timer[5423] kingeaston216: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak[5423] travv4: bro what are u wearing[5423] thelegendherself1: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL[5424] chungzreal: jynxziLOL#[5424] 99rayray: !LINK[5424] dthugans: @HiVise emerald 1 1.7kd dthugans[5424] nightbot: @99RayRay If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[5424] landoj4: cocksucka[5424] slomorunner149: LMAO[5424] lorrshane12: jynxzi stinks[5425] kento_rain: Hmmmmmmmmmmm[5425] kingeaston216: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak[5425] shivermetimbers15: LMAO[5425] doc_sail: wsg case[5426] lethal_kuhleb518: ricci[5426] rayhan1344: ainaaaa[5426] manny61904: coke[5426] shivermetimbers15: LMAOOOO[5426] muhkuhluh: LMAO[5426] kingeaston216: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak[5426] chrisdavid177: ur fat[5426] milesmorales758: !Link[5427] jimmy_madman: he gave u $5 and twitch $245[5427] not_tman69: !gamble all[5427] kingeaston216: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak[5427] slomorunner149: LUL LUL LUL[5427] mincartisto: oh shit[5428] shivermetimbers15: LMAO![5428] madageeza: !gamble 300[5428] youngbackshot: WWWW SCRIPT[5428] tsm_jonathan38: !gamble 1000[5429] voxxyyyyyyyyy: MY ITALIAN RICCI🤩🤩🤩[5429] le_huard: no bots?????[5429] kingeaston216: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak[5429] matttheduck95: !LINK[5430] footballkingkai: BloodTrail[5430] protocolsavage: ur funniest content recently was u begging stompn to let u back into the stack LUL LUL LUL[5430] muhkuhluh: HAAAAAA[5430] dirtydulay: lmfao[5430] kingeaston216: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak[5430] naz2flyfr: !gamble all[5431] streamelements: naz2flyfr went all in and lost every single one of their 1630 points LUL[5431] zayneg1: Have him play me[5431] alex_holmes38: fatso watso went to a wedding[5431] mrballs2017: L laugh[5431] chekoutmyinhaler: Lo[5432] shivermetimbers15: LEAKED[5432] elpollodiablo55: skibidi toliet[5432] lorrshane12: like pig[5432] joshbram06: WHATS THAT WHITE SHIT ON YOUR NOSE JUNKO[5432] ogklaw: ZENTI IS 7x times[5433] grimre4per071202: junko gotta redeem himself[5433] landoj4: FUH ZENTI[5434] kingeaston216: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak[5434] iamcaseohdistroyer: :jynxzi[5434] mrballs2017: fake[5434] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great (bronze) should be plat[5434] jmains15_: Ricci my king[5434] the_one_demise: LMAO[5435] jesse_kingjr21: JYNXI A FAT BITCH !!!![5435] black_luffy7: are you streaming on YouTube tv[5436] landoj4: LFGGGG RICCI[5436] ttv_dani6: fat[5436] platinumgyt: @hivise I am platinum and my ubi is PlatinumThicc[5436] bendover9119: Your cookrd[5436] crankiplier_fanatic: [5436] gamerboy48832two: hugs[5436] hubbgubb: BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage[5437] kuneyei: invite ricci[5437] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great (bronze) should be plat.[5438] ttvsentenal: ya r bots[5438] weuzdp: link[5438] litoo_nl: Richie will win[5438] ajvik01: yo[5438] sameeettttttttt: ZENTI SHUT THE FUCK UP[5438] mrmilku1234: W[5438] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great (bronze) should be plat[5439] landoj4: LOCK IN TICCI[5439] xammbi: !gamble all[5439] ojtsy: l[5439] streamelements: xammbi went all in and lost every single one of their 210 points LUL[5439] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great (bronze) should be plat.[5440] not_tman69: !watchtime[5440] streamelements: Not_Tman69 has spent 11 days 9 hours watching jynxzi[5440] shivermetimbers15: its a ricci era[5440] hillbillyvr_gaming: Badd aim[5440] dirrtydeweyy: !gamble all[5440] ppgod121: jynxzi0x jynxzi0x jynxzi0x jynxzi0x jynxzi0x jynxzi0x[5440] chunkm0nke: jynxziSad[5441] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great (bronze) should be plat[5441] streamelements: PogChamp dirrtydeweyy went all in and won 420 points PogChamp they now have 840 points FeelsGoodMan[5441] iitzcrayz: LUL LUL[5441] spencerlovesgaming: spencerlovesgaming subscribed at Tier 1. [5441] gragasentmax: Zenti so annoying[5441] flowinttv: I’m a viewbot[5441] mecha_striesand: zenti so cringe[5441] madageeza: !gamble[5441] vizualizedave: invite RICCI[5442] d3frmtop: COKE HEAD[5442] curseedl: no way y'all actually like zenti[5442] tfirkel: DISCORD[5442] bigunit212: L Vaper[5442] phrrynn: blk ppl[5442] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[5442] sightsxd1: i hate zenti[5443] gucci_kid54: :O[5443] coffeezilladaughter: 1880s ass cup LUL[5443] yaboyshredzz: ASL[5443] landoj4: RICCI LOCK IIIIN[5443] emptyshelly: RICCI THE BEST[5443] nightbot: 👀[5443] loxxv6: IF I GIFT 50 GIFTED WILL YOU GET BREKKIE TO COME SAY THANKS[5443] shivermetimbers15: LMAO[5443] chrisdavid177: Y SPAM[5444] teoab20: she grittin awl awn maw baws[5444] coffeezilladaughter: 1880s ass cup LUL [5444] gucci_kid54: :O[5445] footballkingkai: yo[5445] lorrshane12: dumb kid[5445] too_tall_2_fall: Love the content Jynxzi tootal17FistBump tootal17FistBump tootal17FistBump[5445] ttvraion: !gamble all[5445] sammildrum2: L VAPER[5445] ojtsy: !points[5445] streamelements: ttvRaion went all in and lost every single one of their 185 points LUL[5445] streamelements: @oJtsy oJtsy has 89565 points and is rank 326/1742280 on the leaderboard.[5445] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great (bronze) should be plat.@HiVise Opie_the_Great (bronze) should be plat[5446] chrisdavid177: Y[5446] sykosocial12: VAPING FAT ASS[5446] sightsxd1: zenti suckssss[5446] ogklaw: vote zenti for 7 times your channel points[5446] kuneyei: LMAO[5446] dcsteppa8: let’s be real jynxzi made a lot of people famous asl[5447] zayneg1: jynxziChampion[5447] shinumae: LOLLLLLLLLLL[5447] dirtydulay: hahahaha[5447] slomorunner149: LUL[5447] jokezgotmxtion: xim clone[5447] worldasetupboi: PLS DONT HE SO ANNYOING[5447] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great (bronze) should be plat[5447] parrazalex120: lmaooo cocksucka[5448] wavysalami: !gamble all[5448] th3_king_cam3l: !gamble all[5448] deadmemez6: Ricci gonna clap[5448] whenisfanmai1: bbl jizzy[5448] streamelements: PogChamp th3_king_cam3l went all in and won 840 points PogChamp they now have 1680 points FeelsGoodMan[5448] bigunit212: L vaper[5448] bio_blast: @HiVise Silver 4/Carrotz.[5448] elprolewisss: this zenti guy does not shut the fuck up[5448] diabetesdavid: I am a view bot[5448] ethan0625: BRO THIS DUDE IS ANNOYING[5449] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great (bronze) should be plat/[5449] nolimitnoob_: GEEZ[5449] gucci_kid54: :O[5449] maddixanderson: when are you going to stream[5449] gucci_kid54: :O[5449] voxxyyyyyyyyy: O SHIT[5449] cbros42: I GOT EVERYTHING ON RICCI[5450] the_one_demise: YOU OWE ME MODE[5450] ttv_pluh_beatle: ! link[5450] landoj4: ZENTI ass asf[5451] the_zucc: LUL[5451] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great (bronze) should be plat[5451] shivermetimbers15: HOLLYWOOD[5451] pfbsuave: zenti annoying[5451] bardown16__: :O[5451] bendover9119: !points[5452] rflts: WW[5452] jalenmoney_23: you really made him leave mid tourney💀[5452] nikofaded2: DIRT RANDOM[5452] whosselqk: !link[5452] yaboyshredzz: TWO FAT FUCKS[5452] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great (bronze) should be plat.[5452] theninetails316: LUL LUL LUL LUL[5452] myskyz: MySkyz subscribed at Tier 1. [5452] kraken541: zenti has brain damage[5453] biomebreaker: Bro this Zenti doin too much[5453] el_fargz: eL_Fargz subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [5453] sightsxd1: W RICCI[5453] yungkibe: LMAO[5453] baseball232054: Moscow mule??[5453] battlehinds: ZIIIIIMMMMMMMMM[5453] retronitez: LMAO[5453] obeygod489: OOOOOO[5453] kuneyei: DIRT RANDOM[5453] crims_on_120fps: zenti is ass[5453] ruggedbubbles: FAKE XIM[5453] shivermetimbers15: OH SHIT[5453] fossabot: @cuddle_xd, Your message is too long[5454] rflts: WWWWW[5454] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great (bronze) should be plat[5454] yungkibe: LMAO [5454] bardown16__: LMAO[5454] slomorunner149: CAP[5454] trash_pog: Zenti sounds liek he never gets laid and it shows in his R6 gameplay[5454] xirkl: W 1v1[5454] nightbot: no 🧢[5454] el_fargz: w[5455] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great (bronze) should be plat.[5455] ruggedbubbles: FAKE XIM [5455] rflts: WWWWWWWW[5455] stungbythewood: LMAO[5455] thedude694206: dammmmmml[5455] cristi1an_: LMAOOOOOOOOO WHO[5455] edwardreaver: DIRT RANDOM XDDD[5455] lmlcedout: zenti wants everyone to hate him[5455] lesinglemother: run the prediction[5455] g_weezy888: thinks he’s xim[5455] wadetraynor7: turn down zenti[5455] voxxyyyyyyyyy: WWW HUMBLE THIS FRAUD😭😭😭[5455] grizzlyact: !gamble 1000[5455] landoj4: ZENTI ASSS[5456] sightsxd1: WWW RICCCIII[5456] yungkibe: LMAO[5456] shivermetimbers15: LMAO[5456] butterpecan077: LMAOOOO[5456] streamelements: GrizzlyACT lost 1000 points in roulette and now has 100 points! FeelsBadMan[5456] justachattalol: HES A XIM CLONE[5456] rflts: WWWW[5456] azahelrios: YO[5456] wetclop: ricci waiting[5456] muhkuhluh: jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh[5456] obeygod489: ooooo[5456] the_one_demise: 💀[5456] kuneyei: LMFAOWMSOSOOSW[5456] kbm_wonder: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1[5456] wilson2beast: o zenti[5457] unknowns_wrld: hahhaha[5457] ruggedbubbles: FAKE XIM[5457] pinkinfinite: OMGGGG[5457] 27sn0wman: OMG MUTE ZENTI[5457] landoj4: DAMMMMMMM[5458] sightsxd1: WWWWW[5458] yaboyshredzz: W RICCI[5458] mancake_bigboy: LMaO[5458] zzfrostwizardzz: Ricci wins[5458] peakychad: WWIPO[5458] joeyisajuggalo: LMFAOO[5458] m0ntq: OOOO[5458] mrmilku1234: Lmaooo[5459] junior2oh9: W ricci[5459] a_f4rbr1dg3: !watchtime[5459] grimre4per071202: ricci gonna slam zeti[5459] dispencer4892: LMDAO W RICCI[5459] justachattalol: HE A XIM CLONE[5459] symmetricalilussion: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL[5459] streamelements: a_f4rbr1dg3 has spent 0 secs watching jynxzi[5459] abood_goat: Shush[5459] kingtonybatts: LEAKED[5460] bruhhtito: WWWW RICCII[5460] evoke_playzz: ricciiii[5460] jadenmoltisanti: BET THE HOUSE ON RICCI[5460] peakychad: WWIPO [5460] coffeezilladaughter: LMAO[5460] mrgamerstyler: LUL[5460] shhhlucky: loool[5460] mrmilku1234: W[5460] shivermetimbers15: WWWWWWWWW[5461] merpepo: jynxziClown[5461] qlize: common ricci W[5461] retronitez: WICCI[5461] slomorunner149: LMAOO[5461] usilent_: :O[5461] jasonbl99: ZENTI IS A G[5461] kingpakalypse93: LUL LUL LUL LUL[5461] jimmy_madman: ayy nate waaddya doin man[5461] exhaustedslothh: W ricci[5461] sandy_sir: 💀[5461] salty_dawg84: W[5461] dhristenson20: LMAO[5461] turbodogo: WWW[5461] boover22: w ricci[5461] cristi1an_: WHO???????[5462] shivermetimbers15: WWWWWW[5462] jrick0505_: W ricc[5462] elontusk351: hahaha[5462] landoj4: OMFG[5462] joeyisajuggalo: W RICCI[5462] omegac3_: LOL[5462] nightbot: 😂[5463] stubbzllc: lmaaaoooo[5463] junior2oh9: W RICCIIII[5463] yaboyshredzz: W RICCIIII[5463] akijaaa: W RICCI[5463] qwerxy_isnt_cute: Wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww[5463] washedmoo: wwww[5463] peakychad: WW[5463] ofg_zey: 💀[5463] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀[5463] mariam7927: WWWWWWWW[5463] ophantomz: LMAOOO[5463] shivermetimbers15: WWWWWWWW[5464] stompnsemen: Ricci the goat[5464] merlinmcchicken: Zenti so annoying[5464] antihamandcheese: yuh[5464] da_mexican_kev: W RICCI[5464] the_one_demise: 😂😂😂😂😂😂[5464] darkside720: LMAO[5464] cristi1an_: WHO[5464] justachattalol: XIM CLONE[5464] sleepyaside: W RICCI[5464] dangerplayss: LMFAO[5464] jayyd1220: damnnnn[5464] klatsflap: LUL LUL LUL[5464] thisisgabegg: Fake XIIM[5464] trikthegoat: tell Zenti to take his mic out of his mouth[5464] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀[5465] grunkleerk: 😭😭[5465] muhkuhluh: LMAOOOO[5465] xoerickk: zenti is so annoying[5465] ssgtjohnson93: LUL[5465] jrick0505_: Ww ricc[5465] m1dknight__: BRUUUHHHHHHHH[5465] evoke_playzz: LETS GOOORICCIII[5465] xd_j1k: WW RICHIII[5465] demonshadow7237: LMAO[5465] the_one_demise: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂[5465] l3wyy_: BAHHHHAAAHAHAHAHHAAH[5465] baconboy_150: W RICCI[5465] beastattackk15: All my points on ricci rn[5465] xivvy__: jynxziHappy jynxziWTF[5465] dionysus1963: Dirt random is crazy[5466] alsmith177: DarkKnight[5466] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀[5466] landoj4: OSHI[5466] shivermetimbers15: LMAO[5466] tnttommy2k: LEAKED VAPE[5466] legitgunns: I'm a vaper of all vaping AKA jynxi[5466] nstaroliverr: jynxziBadAim[5466] cabalheretic: he said ur a dirt random 😭😭😭😭😭[5466] 4eyesgeek: @HiVise gold V UBI pc - durrhurrr[5466] salty_dawg84: 😂😂😂😂[5466] cheznuts54: WWWWW[5467] nikofaded2: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW RICCI[5467] mortar: LOL[5467] stubbzllc: w[5467] cttt36z: VISE IM SILVER UBI IS THATPCTECH VISE IM SILVER UBI IS THATPCTECH[5467] reylifl1: W RICCI[5467] rubyhaunte: W RICCi[5467] elontusk351: wwwwwwww[5467] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀[5467] milesa31: turn him@down[5467] m0ntq: OOOO OOOO[5467] out_loved: zenti gonna bully ricci[5467] abeaver: LMFAO[5467] k1ng_walt: gn chat[5467] lotus_52: W RICHARD[5467] nightbot: skyteWELOST150 safJam jynxziGG SLAAAMMMED[5468] carminekos: wild LOL[5468] zizu426: LMFAOO[5468] docishard: WIN OR BAN LUL[5468] grizzlyact: !gamble 2000[5468] tatcero: WWWWWWW RICCI[5468] sandy_sir: 💀[5468] lmlcedout: W ricci[5468] darkangelz3005: 💀💀💀💀💀[5468] 1738clutch: wowwww[5468] puffpuffjuicer: LOLLL[5468] crunxzy: W RICCIIii[5468] not_lethal_: OH AHIT[5468] jrick0505_: Wwwwricc[5468] evoke_playzz: COME OM RICCIII[5468] oknexuslol: 💀[5469] xxdarthtaterxx69: wwwwwwwwwwwwww[5469] user13151719: 😂😂[5469] cyyn1cal: W RICCI[5469] xd_j1k: WWWW RICCCIII[5470] yungkibe: O[5470] cpoole1212: 😂[5470] justachattalol: FAKE ILOVEXIMM[5470] lotus_52: WW RICHARDDDDD[5470] itzchris_01: W ricci[5470] theligmalord: RICCI NEEDS TO CLUTCH FOR THE POINTS[5470] xd_j1k: WWWW[5470] abeaver: LMFAO LMFAO LMFAO[5470] v2alphaa: W RICCII[5470] jimmy_madman: trooper[5470] onjah1400: W Ricci[5470] mariam7927: HESSS RICCIIII[5471] ilovestrikepackk: @avidscams[5471] yourbadfriend1: richi is winning[5471] js_iicon: @HiVise Twitch-JS_IIcon Bronze 1 0.9KD[5471] yungkibe: O [5471] ogxmangyy: oh lord[5471] avaryxt97: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH[5471] trapparafael06: jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL[5471] jamalhiggins54: LMFAOOO[5471] bluecoconutbsd: RICCI DADDY[5471] kingtxrx: w[5471] shivermetimbers15: LMAO![5471] demonshadow7237: LOL[5471] zinx3008: jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL[5471] darkangelz3005: 💀💀💀💀💀💀[5471] soundcloutken: LOLOL[5472] v2alphaa: W RICCI[5472] zer0_909: oh shitdd[5472] dangerplayss: LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[5472] milesa31: turn him down[5472] seb4st1an_562: WW RICCI[5472] alphaeid3: this is content[5472] evoke_playzz: L[5473] stungbythewood: i love how messy this is[5473] xivvy__: !sub[5473] featherisbeast: W RICCI[5473] itsallgood_man_: W RICCI[5473] thegoatedgamr: W ricci[5473] nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi[5473] washedmoo: W RICCI[5473] kbm_wonder: jynxziSmoke[5473] xenoeq: W RICCI[5473] abeaver: WW RICCI[5473] shivermetimbers15: LMAOOO[5473] crunxzy: RICCI THE KINGG[5473] schoooooo_: omg[5473] imdriiv: w ricci[5473] nightbot: 👀[5474] 27sn0wman: ZENTI SUCKS[5474] itzchris_01: W RICCI[5474] flaume_aux: WWW RICCI[5474] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great (bronze) should be plat[5474] edwardreaver: AVID CATCHIN STRAYSSS[5474] nightbot: “😂😂😂” -avidqr6[5474] sleepyaside: W RICCII[5474] m_stelts2: WWWW RICCI[5474] alex_holmes38: OH NAH ☠️[5474] v2alphaa: W RICCII[5474] alphaeid3: this is content[5474] lotus_52: RICHARDDDDDDDD[5474] swoleboh: cmon ricci[5474] darkangelz3005: 💀💀💀💀💀[5474] bardown16__: W RICCI[5475] deadmemez6: WWWWW RICCI[5475] landoj4: W[5475] dklovesjw999: w ricci[5475] yungkibe: O[5478] fnsshoto1: W riccie[5478] yungkibe: O[5478] bandemicboy: w[5478] parrazalex120: dogshit cocksucka[5478] emmixxx: RICCCIII[5478] diabetesdavid: Cocksucka[5478] streamelements: @Jackwatts6, jackwatts6 has been following jynxzi for 3 years 5 months 12 days 6 hours[5479] ihaveabbl31360: L[5479] xnba_dame: Ricci 100%💀💀💀[5479] sznncadenn: COCKSUCKAA[5479] usilent_: HARRIBLE COCKSUCKA[5479] xwhiteferrari: Pussies[5479] xemptchan: w ricci[5479] emmixxx: WWW[5479] andresmango: HEs HIM[5479] srtm0_: 💀[5479] jewelrystv: I am a bot from telegram paid by Jynxzi.[5479] deadmemez6: WWWW RICCI[5479] mr_nzon3: W ricci[5479] the_one_demise: W RICCI[5479] oknexuslol: W ricci[5479] dklovesjw999: ricci new jerseyyyyy[5480] medic_george: W RICCI[5480] lightningkakuzu: fuck urself for inviting this cocknosed bum mf --[5480] raspberry__7: COCKSUCKA[5480] cure_octane: w ricci[5480] ixchrollo: lol[5480] mancake_bigboy: He going offscript[5480] lmlcedout: ricci wins[5480] alex_holmes38: oh nah[5480] playerfaith: OMG WHAT THE SIGMA[5480] relixsmoke: w new jersey[5480] lotus_52: W RICHARDDD[5480] shivermetimbers15: HOLLYWOOD RICCI[5480] strike_finesse1: HIII YT[5480] footballnmore: W RICCI[5480] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great (bronze) should be plat.[5481] abeaver: 💀[5481] chickenenwafflez: WWWWWW[5481] streamelements: PogChamp iamcaseohdistroyer went all in and won 215 points PogChamp they now have 430 points FeelsGoodMan[5482] milky469: such a new yorkian😭😭[5482] voxxyyyyyyyyy: Yep pre 7-0 ricci sweeep[5482] faded__dreams: intern65OG[5482] gbrees: w ricci[5482] auscarnifex: Get on with it[5482] rxdhid: @HiVise Gumbyismyworld Silver 5[5482] landoj4: l bully[5482] bardown16__: YA HAIRBABLLE[5482] user13151719: 💀💀[5482] paztric: Paztric subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [5482] dantheman3377: 😂😂😂💀💀💀[5482] kfundss: COCKSUCKAAAA[5482] tharrison_: l zenti[5482] jaymanred2019: Jaymanred2019 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 2 month streak! h#[5482] voltz_ingot: BUMMMMMM LOL[5483] slomorunner149: LUL[5483] sykosocial12: 🤣🤣🤣😂😂[5483] ixchrollo: w ricci[5483] easy_moneysniper1: lmaooo[5483] haehaex: w ricci[5483] elontusk351: no earning 😂😂😂[5483] jackberko23: W ricci[5483] strike_finesse1: HI YT[5483] pizzadino_: AVID CATCHING STRAYS 😭[5483] muhkuhluh: W RICCI[5483] emptyshelly: WWW RICCIIIIII[5483] randolff13: W RICCI[5483] thedude694206: cockshacou[5483] jxsse1234: LESS GO RICCI[5483] jewelrystv: I am a bot from telegram paid by Jynxz[5485] piratesecu: w ricci[5485] xxdarthtaterxx69: wwwww this ricci[5485] fnsshoto1: W Ricci[5485] easy_moneysniper1: lmaooooooooo[5485] spedmaxxer: W ricci[5485] redmist3119: w ricci[5485] rockpenguin599: wwww my boy ricci[5485] dionysus1963: COME ON BRO!!!!![5487] kuneyei: OH MY GOD[5487] demonshadow7237: W RICCHI[5487] gucci_kid54: WOAH[5487] uknown_tb: jynxziSmoke[5487] yourbadfriend1: LUL SeemsGood[5487] liam_ennis21: COCKSUCKA[5487] gucci_kid54: WOAH[5487] sheff_fps: all in on ricci[5487] tishdee: @avidscams hi[5487] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great (bronze) should be plat.@HiVise Opie_the_Great (bronze) should be plat.[5487] schoooooo_: you should just make a toxic tournament[5487] gucci_kid54: WOAH[5487] creamyzanchez: daddy ricchi[5487] unixonyx: W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI[5487] qtreidd: !gamble all[5488] oprahstartedcovid2: W ricci[5488] bruhhtito: !Watchtime[5488] real_hasbulla: L[5488] cheznuts54: OOP[5488] mecha_striesand: zenti using the starbucks drive through mic[5488] slomorunner149: Hahahahahahahahah[5488] streamelements: QtReidd went all in and lost every single one of their 16082 points LUL[5488] streamelements: bruhhtito has spent 8 days 22 hours watching jynxzi[5488] gucci_kid54: WOAH[5488] khxdi_: khxdi_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! W[5488] gucci_kid54: WOAH[5489] gucci_kid54: WOAH[5489] markrussooo: WWWW[5489] haehaex: AYO[5489] zinx3008: caseohThumbsup caseohThumbsup[5489] glizzytwister: cocksucka[5489] ozzzadnar: lets go ricci[5489] mrmeme2o6: crazy[5489] the_one_demise: WOAH WOAH[5489] bardown16__: YA HAIRBBLE[5489] toastgoescrunch: WOAH[5489] wigspitter88: w ricci[5489] morrgy40: Ricci my king[5489] azahelrios: YO[5489] 1738clutch: w[5489] nightbot: i was crazy once[5490] yungkibe: LMAO [5490] milesmorales758: dam[5490] lmlcedout: ricci is legit the king[5490] xsmokingjokerx: he loves it hahahah[5490] azmxkxmd: w ricci[5490] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great (bronze) should be plat.[5491] snf_equal_if: W Richard[5491] m0ntq: OOOO[5491] tekkerzdave: Cawksucka[5491] bostonterrierlover: WWW[5491] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great (bronze) should be plat[5491] mr_glock_lesnar: KING RICCI[5491] spudddyyy_braah: i would dog all of you[5491] onefred: WEWWWWWWWWWW[5491] gdmeverything: thats crazy bruh[5491] lindbo: COCKSOCKA[5491] joeyisajuggalo: what the fuck[5491] blansondo: W RICCI[5491] arthns23: arthns23 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! LETS GOOOO[5491] zinx3008: caseohThumbsup caseohThumbsup caseohThumbsup[5491] cristi1an_: PAUSE[5492] slomorunner149: AYO[5492] bardown16__: thats fucked[5492] the_one_demise: WOAH[5492] manog5179: L ZENTI[5492] soundcloutken: LOOOL[5492] yungkibe: LMAO[5492] sameeettttttttt: ,,cOcKsUcKa'[5492] brodie4000: WWWW[5492] obeygod489: WOAHHHHH[5492] the_rozzinator: wow[5492] twonoodle1: W Ricci[5492] cttt36z: VISE IM SILVER UBI IS THATPCTECH[5492] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great (bronze) should be plat.[5492] docgreenthumbbb: did I miss a prediction damn[5492] dantheman3377: cocksucka[5493] einsteinsbeard: nb4 my points[5493] xxdarthtaterxx69: ricci[5493] damedog15: WHAO[5493] vip3rwing: wwwww[5493] usilent_: WOAHHH[5494] scrugsftw: bros falling offf only 60k[5494] dozalitotwitch: PizzaTime[5494] kento_rain: Nahhhhhh this sound like cod lobby[5494] tragicsss_: oh shit[5494] 1738clutch: w zentiw zentiw zentiw zentiw zentiw zenti[5494] hall0ween_: COCKSUCKA[5494] the_one_demise: PAUSE[5494] monokork: WOAHHH[5494] itzkaitoz: jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL[5494] articome: l zenti[5494] lunnkyy: just checkin my chat color again[5494] swjffty: !gamble 2k[5494] easy_moneysniper1: lmaooo[5494] damedog15: MODSss[5494] omegac3_: lol[5495] macspeed: jeez[5495] nightbot: 😂[5495] streamelements: Swjffty won 2000 points in roulette and now has 270115 points! FeelsGoodMan[5495] beastattackk15: LESSSS GOOO RICCIIII[5495] trashpanda9379: W Richie[5495] thelegendherself1: WOAH[5495] goingdummy420: yessir[5495] theligmalord: OH NAHHHHH[5495] masomidd: HARIBO[5495] madladsam95: CAAAAWWWWKSUKKKKKA[5495] cttt36z: VISE IM SILVER UBI IS THATPCTECH VISE IM SILVER UBI IS THATPCTECH[5495] mysticmegan20: 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂[5495] junko_washed2415: COCKSUCKA YA FUCKIN BUM🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥[5496] ttv_dani6: jynxziGoodAim[5496] jewelrystv: I am a bot from telegram paid by Jynxzi[5496] real_voided: RICCI GOT ALL MY POINTS HE BETTER WIN[5496] milky469: fortnite accent clown[5496] isaqitoo: NAHHHH[5496] scooterscruel: W[5496] obeygod489: WOAH WOAH WO[5496] unconquerablegravity: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀[5496] easy_moneysniper1: lmaooooooo[5496] dcsteppa8: Jynxzi deserves a lot of credit yo fr[5496] loshuevitos1: RICCI ACENT💀💀💀💀💀[5496] mancake_bigboy: Woaah[5496] azahelrios: W[5496] funkusamonkus: HAHAHAHA[5496] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great (bronze) should be plat[5497] bruhhtito: Alright low blow[5497] maxwelliswell1: W ZENTI[5497] andy_2125: w ricci[5497] easy_moneysniper1: pause[5497] qiyaamzrr: wwwwwRicci[5497] ny_juggernaut: WWWWWWWW[5497] bio_blast: @HiVise Silver 4/Carrotz.[5497] osmanemre000: HAHAHAHAHAHHAA[5498] emptyshelly: WOSAHHHH[5498] door831: W RICCI[5498] bendover9119: !game[5498] 27sn0wman: 6-0 RICCI[5498] duncan_shaw0: jyxni[5498] tharrison_: zenti a joke[5498] scooby_mannn: Yezzirrrr[5498] snf_equal_if: W everyone[5498] nightbot: @bendover9119 -> There was an error connecting to Twitch's API. Try again later.[5499] xivvy__: jynxziChampion[5499] classywizardgamer: THATS CRAZY[5499] scampos__: TODAYS SCRIPT IS A W[5499] pinkinfinite: WOAHHHH[5499] nobapsay: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣[5499] anthonieus: Sending hate from the clit[5499] scratchhandsniff: Rip to my phone speaker[5499] nrghuddy: 🙂↔️🙂↔️🙂↔️🙂↔️[5499] jewelrystv: I am a bot from telegram paid by Jynxzi.[5499] creepergamer_116: LMAOOOO[5499] ayman_ksa55889: FAT[5499] wolfbro23: W zenti[5500] drippyfidgetspinner: w zenti[5500] donqueror: 20k on ricci[5500] ogklaw: zenti is 7X YOUR CHANNEL POINTS[5500] extrachromie69: xim wanna be[5500] exoticpig333: wow[5500] alexfourrr: yo that's crazy[5500] emptyshelly: WOAHHH[5500] twiixx_tv: LUL[5500] masomidd: HARIBOO[5500] kuzakaiee: woahhhhhh[5500] outsider_816: ik zenti gonna get slammed but still gotta bet him just in case[5501] featherisbeast: CHILL[5501] milesmorales758: !Link[5501] kingeaston216: jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT[5501] coria254: YAY[5501] bluey009: 😭😭😭[5501] just_mauro: crazy[5501] bruhhtito: LOW BLOW[5501] rickyshanecarl: woah[5501] wiggyman99: !gamble all[5501] mxttyg1015: 😂😂😂😂😂[5501] arko_235: 😭😭😭😭[5501] washedmoo: wwwww[5501] swjffty: L zenti[5501] streamelements: PogChamp wiggyman99 went all in and won 65 points PogChamp they now have 130 points FeelsGoodMan[5502] zzstittch: ricci ricci ricci ricci ricci ricci[5502] iamcaseohdistroyer: w[5502] lmlcedout: zenti is so cringe 😭[5502] axarito: bro got too far[5502] dxniel_official: !gamble 500[5502] purgahh: ☠️☠️☠️[5502] theligmalord: SLAM HIM RICCI[5502] blockmanr6: yo yo yo[5502] 069cloud069: wedding[5502] funkusamonkus: I love ricci[5502] streamelements: dxniel_official won 500 points in roulette and now has 2980 points! FeelsGoodMan[5502] jayyd1220: UR HUGGING THAT ?[5502] i_luv_seige42o: w ricci[5502] oknexuslol: tell zenti to chill[5502] docgreenthumbbb: missed the chance to bet against zenti[5503] crankiplier_fanatic: W[5503] picklerick3644: L ZENTII[5503] purgahh: ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️[5503] iamcaseohdistroyer: www[5503] maximiliosa: COME ONNN IM NOT LOSING[5503] relixsmoke: gamer word inbound[5503] itsrageyy: WWWWWWWWWW[5504] staymaddweeb: Jynxzi being soft like usual[5504] snf_equal_if: W sister[5504] emptyshelly: DAMNNNNN[5504] syncx_25: 😭😭😭😭😭[5505] the_one_demise: IM ACC THE CONSOL[5505] d1milfhunt3r: 😘[5505] ethan0625: XBOX GANGSTER[5505] ztsoat3: I FUCKED RICCI SISTER[5505] febreze_air1: w[5505] kento_rain: Cod lobby[5505] sheepmorino: Such a W idea[5505] thumpy__: jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES[5505] soundcloutken: IM THE KING[5505] frankiep00: W ZENTI[5506] ozzzadnar: w ricciiii[5506] theligmalord: W RICCI[5506] teedforever: #WHYNOT[5506] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5506] bentley_0927: ricc[5506] lgslaton2000: jynxziWTF[5507] wavy_guns: IMISS XIMM BROOOOOO[5507] maanci: zenti so lame lmfao[5507] heavystunts: jynxzi big stomach belly fat[5507] i_am_the_militia: Whhoooaaaa[5508] gavinmoser101: Kreygasm[5508] mecha_striesand: zenti not being cringe chanllenge impossible[5508] landoxdoji: W ricci[5508] febreze_air1: w shots[5508] gaming_hangover: could ricci be anymore Italian?[5508] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5508] range_x2: best time to tune in[5508] xyvtobi: unmute zenti[5508] dimmadome713: se ti on some shit[5509] rohanraikai: MINGO IS THE KINGGG[5509] charcharrr2020: CUMSUCCA IS CRAZY[5509] louiessg: what did he say[5509] plzexcusemylag1: both ass[5510] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addznon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5510] snf_equal_if: W zenti[5510] the_one_demise: IM THE KING[5510] dabtronaut: W ZENTI PRESS LUL[5510] syrects: syrects subscribed at Tier 1. [5510] reeferpilot: SOMEONE HAD TO SAY IT[5510] sandy_sir: 💀💀[5510] graf_grenkovic: L[5510] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[5511] fossabot: @JustJon_8052, Your message is too long[5511] qqueensarahh: MINGO KING OF PS[5511] cacthongbetong: L[5511] spxsie: W Zenti[5511] goingdummy420: been waitin on this[5511] zzstittch: ricci ricci ricci ricci ricci ricci ricci ricci ricci ricci ricci ricci[5511] nightbot: 👀[5512] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀[5512] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5512] swjffty: weirdo[5512] jokezgotmxtion: mingo king of ps[5512] kuneyei: LMAOOO[5513] choppy10951: lock in chat[5513] yng_ep: Minho betger[5513] sloppytoppy92: lol[5513] streamelements: If you're a gamer, you need a Starforge! Snag one -> https://starforgepc.com/Jynxzi[5513] pi5tolpete: zenti needs to chill[5513] dizz594: WICCI[5513] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀[5513] jalenmoney_23: Mingo>[5514] tryzobito: zentis a Xim clonr[5514] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀[5514] ur_too_angry: W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI[5515] opposite_of_dead: RICCHI W[5515] purgahh: L ZENTI[5515] frank_h0rrigan: ....isnt mingo PS?[5515] i_luv_seige42o: i put all on ricci[5515] usilent_: king of console💀[5515] kingbubble14: hi[5515] ttv_pluh_beatle: !link[5515] donnyyy18: I love ZENTI 😅[5516] brandonnn111: MINGO????[5516] bendover9119: !gamble80[5516] theyknowjordy: MINGO IS KING OF PS[5516] ozzzadnar: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance[5516] relixsmoke: New Jersey stand up[5516] blockmanr6: bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple[5517] itz_vinxe: LLL[5517] rippler2182: come on bro 😔[5518] mxttyg1015: zenti is so annoying[5518] kuneyei: COME ONNN BROOO[5518] delinskk: case waiting[5518] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5518] xrxgez: Ricci vs mingo[5518] jayyvsf: !leaderboard[5518] ur_too_angry: W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI[5518] streamelements: @JayyVSF Check out the points Leaderboard here https://StreamElements.com/jynxzi/leaderboard[5519] rustynail4175: penis[5519] minority_man223: fat[5519] mortar: interesting[5519] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5520] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great (bronze) should be plat.[5520] omegac3_: both lose to stomp daddy[5520] sandy_sir: 💀💀[5520] another_ruby: zenti[5520] vizualizedave: HUMBLE ZENTIIIIIIII[5520] purgahh: ZEHNTEE[5521] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀[5521] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great (bronze) should be plat[5521] onisniperr: my nuts[5521] wenegadewaidew: !gamble 100000000[5521] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5521] niceman00001: hi[5521] flippingmatt72: mingo vs ricci[5521] jungo_t: get xim[5521] streamelements: @wenegadewaidew, you only have 225 points.[5522] choppy10951: hop off[5522] koliesk: don’t sell Ricci[5522] kuneyei: HES NOT LOSING BROOO[5522] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great (bronze) should be plat.[5522] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5522] shivermetimbers15: RICCIIII[5522] cardiacepi: w bulge[5523] theninetails316: LUL LUL LUL[5523] plimbous: I want you in me[5523] timothyhimothy1: mingo next[5523] lmlcedout: ricci already winning[5523] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀[5523] mrgamerstyler: LUL [5523] another_ruby: zenti drake[5523] theylovedylann: sent i is cringe[5523] ttvsentenal: i would beat ricci ass in siege[5524] shortkingfrfr: @hivise ubi: shortkingfr bronze 2[5524] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5524] turbodogo: ximti[5524] slomorunner149: LMAO W NEW JERSEYIAN[5524] itz_vinxe: LL SirSad[5524] kingpakalypse93: LUL LUL LUL LUL[5524] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great (bronze) should be plat[5524] deadmemez6: RICCI[5524] iliiiililil: mingo aint king no more[5525] overwatchthesecond: IM A BOT[5525] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5525] albertorivera100: are you good at golf[5525] mortar: LUL LUL LUL LUL[5525] uncsnipe: zenti just be yappin[5526] blansondo: zenti is fat as shit he ain’t fucking anything but a tub of chicken💀[5526] willygeewhiz: dude is even drinking out of a wedding cup[5526] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great (bronze) should be plat.[5526] iamcaseohdistroyer: WW[5526] snf_equal_if: Fuck his sister zenti ur not trailer trash[5526] robchanic: did ur grandma not that for u[5526] sandy_sir: !A[5526] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5526] nstaroliverr: jynxziBadAim jynxziWTF jynxziSubHype[5526] mirjamlo: W RICCI[5526] vizualizedave: W Ricci!!!!!!!!![5526] pbkazy: lm17Boom lm17Boom lm17Boom lm17Boom[5527] ogklaw: vote zenti[5527] xthrxsherx: no way zenti beat avid and thinks he’s the king[5527] iitzcrayz: LUL[5527] iamcaseohdistroyer: FFF[5527] anthony8975: lol[5527] rjf0622: ricci vs mingo for king of ps[5527] nightbot: 😂[5527] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5528] mirjamlo: W[5528] faded__dreams: :D ;p :p ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)[5528] conor0413: sidemen are waiting[5528] pbkazy: lm17Headhulk lm17Headhulk lm17Headhulk lm17Headhulk[5528] sandy_sir: A[5528] vizualizedave: HUMBLE ZENTIIIIIIII[5529] abelydgn: W RICCI LETS GO BRO GONNA EMBARRASS HIM[5529] shivermetimbers15: HOLLYWOOD RICCI[5529] whois_khi: ricci[5529] cttt36z: VISE IM SILVER UBI IS THATPCTECH[5529] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5529] pbkazy: lm17Boom lm17Boom lm17Boom[5529] gdmeverything: FeelsAmazingMan[5529] ozzzadnar: jynxziPACK w ricci[5529] cheesesteak5151: Cucumber wizard[5529] mrmilku1234: WWW LOVE RICCI[5529] exoinfinite: exoinfinite subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [5529] purgahh: O ZEHNTE[5530] battlehinds: is Zenti Z1M ??[5530] isaacgonz321: booelol vs ricci ?[5530] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5530] holdonlooslyy: HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys NotLikeThis jynxziPACK[5530] sandy_sir: a[5530] pbkazy: lm17Headhulk lm17Headhulk lm17Headhulk[5530] haehaex: W RICCI FR[5531] chillenmcmillen: J-J-J-J-J-JUUUUNKOOOO[5531] deadmemez6: RICCI GONNA CLAP[5531] n4rco66: HAHAHA[5531] mirjamlo: W RICCI[5531] chunko_is_washed: pre 6-0[5531] onefred: WENTI[5531] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5531] koliesk: don’t sell ricci[5532] pbkazy: lm17Boom lm17Boom lm17Boom[5532] qrxliixz: ricci vs mingo?[5532] gavinmoser101: BOP[5533] pbkazy: lm17Headhulk lm17Headhulk lm17Headhulk[5533] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5533] dangerplayss: LMFASO[5533] schoooooo_: lmfao[5533] niceman00001: yyyy[5533] evoke_playzz: come on RICCIIII[5533] mancake_bigboy: W Ricci[5533] bevd2024: let’s go Ricci[5533] yaboyshredzz: W RICCI[5534] theylovedylann: L zenti[5534] jimmy_madman: RICCi[5534] mirjamlo: W RICCII[5534] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5534] lightningkakuzu: fuckurself for inviting this cocknosed bummf --[5534] pbkazy: lm17Boom lm17Boom lm17Boom[5534] dangerplayss: LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[5534] slomorunner149: W RICCI[5535] blansondo: zenti is fat as shit he ain’t fucking anything but a tub of chicken💀💀[5535] ofg_zey: ricci>[5535] exhaustedslothh: W Ricci[5535] mrieos: i dont even tap into seige like that but im hyped for this lmao[5535] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5535] kinga8215: stay humble[5536] aiden6audet: ?[5536] pbkazy: lm17NewSub lm17NewSub lm17NewSub[5536] onefred: WWWWWWW[5536] nightbot: ?[5536] motion6oy: lmao[5536] mirjamlo: W[5537] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5537] dinocattt7821: sjsj[5537] turbodogo: XIMTI AND XIMXI[5537] evoke_playzz: POLL[5537] cheesesteak5151: Brother[5537] downside: W RICCI[5538] yaboyshredzz: WWWWWWWWWWWWW ROCCO[5538] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5538] joshuauxhiha: ROCCO I[5538] trikthegoat: EVeryone in this game has little peepees[5538] voxxyyyyyyyyy: The aura from ricci is insane…[5538] jarroszz: did Zenti beat Avidd?[5538] boxyhasgoats: LUL[5538] bardown16__: i cant even hear him[5538] gragasentmax: W RICCI[5538] janberdtolga: ZENTI IS BRAINROT[5538] spudbobspudpants: we all know that stompn is the king!!!![5538] ecks_dee_fitzy: eating the mic[5539] ur_too_angry: W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI[5539] ethan0625: bro this is so annoying[5539] bevd2024: w ricci[5539] chickenenwafflez: BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump[5539] slomorunner149: WWW RICCI[5539] mirjamlo: W RICCI[5539] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5539] auscarnifex: Quit barking[5539] toby916: turn him down[5539] itsweem: hes in a tourney[5540] brettkingeter: PUT A BANDO ON IT[5540] theylovedylann: Richi WWWWW[5540] mhussar404: W RICCI[5540] kayym0: w ricci[5540] frackedfly: ogga bogga[5540] n4rco66: W RICHARD[5540] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5540] zzfrostwizardzz: LMFAO[5540] ttv_mclovin_: his mic iss trash[5541] trash_pog: W mute button[5541] topboooy: Zenti isn't top 10000 lol[5541] yaboyshredzz: RICCI WWWWWWWWWW[5541] aiden6audet: ZENTI PLEASE SHUT UP[5541] kuneyei: tell zenti get the fucking mic out his throat[5541] msfx001: W SCRIPT[5541] dinocattt7821: w ricci[5542] diabetesdavid: IM A BOT[5542] kento_rain: Bruhhhh[5542] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5542] overwatchthesecond: IM A BOTIM A BOTIM A BOTIM A BOTIM A BOTIM A BOTIM A BOTIM A BOTIM A BOT[5542] da_mexican_kev: Bro wants to be xim so bad[5542] cheesesteak5151: Hey brother[5542] 27sn0wman: ZENTI DEFINITELY DOESNT WASH HIS HANDS[5542] another_ruby: zenti drakee[5543] voxxyyyyyyyyy: Yapping to the wall[5543] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5543] biomebreaker: L screamer zenti lol[5543] retromidd: IM BOUTTA BE UP 25 MIL POINTS[5543] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[5543] bigb1ack22: w ricci[5543] bardown16__: I cant even hear zenti[5543] meeeeeoiiii: cawk sucka[5543] ghosteee_23: I put 700 on zenti but I know he’s gonna lose[5544] rickyshanecarl: woah[5544] dthugans: lmao[5544] bigunit212: Ricci owns this kid[5544] nightbot: 👀[5544] pandylovexx: Bros gawking that mic[5544] spicyhotsauce42: praying on riccis downfall[5544] therunter667: please shit on zentis face[5544] aiden6audet: ZENTI PLEASE SHUT UP ZENTI PLEASE SHUT UP ZENTI PLEASE SHUT UP ZENTI PLEASE SHUT UP ZENTI PLEASE SHUT UP ZENTI PLEASE SHUT UP[5544] jinx_grue: all zenti does is get loud he needs to stop yapping[5544] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5544] davidlean222: jynxziWTF[5544] thomashamilton99: I hate Zenit[5544] justasadlonleyfactgot: W RICCI[5545] nebyouluh: zenti has a lateral lisp[5545] lvinkovic29: Zenti new ilovexim[5545] mortar: LOL[5545] ayzorax: white xim[5545] dannyboii6990: RICCIII[5545] owhodiee: !watchtime[5545] onefred: WICCI WENTI[5545] itzdolphoodlez: zenti wants to be xim so bad he’s fucking annoying[5545] simplyjavon: just accidentally bet 10k on zento[5545] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5545] whois_khi: don’t sell me ricci[5545] retronitez: CAP[5545] baller122019: w ricci[5546] streamelements: owhodiee has spent 14 days 7 hours watching jynxzi[5546] nightbot: no 🧢[5546] cerprimetime: What is that accent? Lmao[5546] flipofthegods: xim knockoff[5546] slomorunner149: LUL[5546] another_ruby: zenti drake[5546] vaulltz: Ricci is fucking owning this guy[5546] ethan0625: being loud ain’t funny[5546] ssoulzyfps: Lmaooooooo[5547] justachattalol: HELL YEAH CHESTER[5547] kraken541: braib rot[5547] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5547] rvrichardson: RICCI[5547] renexzzx: C[5547] chocoo___: jynxzi vs ricci[5547] izayyahh: hes in tourney[5547] xivvy__: !sub[5547] crunxzy: COK SUCAAAA[5547] nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi[5547] skit_less: new gen is WILD[5548] bevd2024: W Ricci[5548] noahheier: Zenti literally eating his mic[5548] baconboy_150: zenti is so loud and fucking annoying[5548] joshuauxhiha: RICCCIIIIII[5548] kento_rain: Rip mic[5548] laffoon21: GLAZE[5548] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5548] chunkoisfatty: cccoooooommmmmmeee oooooooooooonnnnnn brooooooooooo[5548] strawhatcuhlub: zenti finally[5548] broswaldo: zenti is a lil jit[5548] danklemur: damnnnn[5548] milesmorales758: ricccciii[5548] deadmemez6: zenti talk to much[5548] gekkotreestv: type 1 if busting[5548] bardown16__: i cant even hear zenti lol[5549] not_lethal_: CAP[5549] regashu: so this is the FLAAAAAAAAAAAAAANK 'enemy combatant' dude. love the vids lmfao[5549] spicyhotsauce42: w zenti[5549] papa_yaya: zenti is a peace of shit fuckt aht fucking dumb ass[5549] lil_darth_caden69: i got Ricci dawg[5549] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5550] hdez2kk: cap[5550] pickledearlobe: W Ricci[5550] another_ruby: zenti drakee[5550] zak00987: RICCIII[5551] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5551] laffoon21: GLAZZZEEE[5551] ofliqq: Stfu[5551] izayyahh: playing tourney[5551] justicewise024: RICCI WILL OWN ZENTI[5552] bigboibbc: CARRIED[5552] thelegendherself1: Kappa LUL LUL LUL LUL[5552] supermarketgames: zenti needs to fix mic[5552] exoinfinite: These are grown people? WTF dial it down jeez xD[5552] coffeezilladaughter: only LUL[5552] biomebreaker: L SCREAMER ZENTI XD[5552] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5552] jamalfries29: Gold 4 EdgingEddy1107 (locked in tn pick me pls)[5552] worldasetupboi: donnyyy18 WEIRD FOR THAT NO CAP[5552] papiflo23: zenti wants to be XIM SOOOOOO BADDDDDD[5552] ur_too_angry: W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI[5553] lightsshown: Sjeje[5553] hazmatbro09: toxic[5553] dookiedemon7700: I fucking hate this dude[5553] danklemur: W zenti[5553] conceptevan15: RICCI[5553] aiden6audet: ZENTI PLEASE SHUT UP ZENTI PLEASE SHUT UP ZENTI PLEASE SHUT UP ZENTI PLEASE SHUT UP[5553] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5554] sandy_sir: 💀💀[5554] dtrain111: unmute your game[5554] dripboi534: CAP[5554] nobapsay: 🤣🤣🤣🤣[5554] kozaop2: bro i have 1 channel point[5554] battlehinds: is this XIM????[5554] crunxzy: COK SUKKKCAA[5554] yaboyshredzz: WW RICCI WWWW[5554] isaacgonz321: booelol vs ricci ??[5554] bino_: Zent should go to the ghetto and talk like he does on Xbox[5555] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀[5555] renexzzx: ianaiana[5555] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5555] smokeaz0612: Ricci VS MINGO[5555] sebas2comp: zenti ur so unknown bro you leech off jynxzis fame, you wouldnt be anywhere w out jynxzi[5555] xiamprime: this dude is more annoying than xim[5556] smsjason: this dude isnt funny[5556] sfb_peetah: fuck you bitch[5556] izayyahh: ricci playing toruney[5556] goatslayer68: I love zenti[5556] kokochanl: zenti the new xim or wha[5556] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀[5556] bxwdie: RCCI ON TOP[5556] tizzydontmiss: carried facits[5556] renexzzx: ianaianaiana[5556] stupidsacksboys: jenaurfEz jenaurfEz jenaurfEz jenaurfEz jenaurfEz jenaurfEz[5556] ryguythatguy: @hivise TTVryguythatguy silver V[5556] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5557] gbl0stws: gbl0stws subscribed with Prime. [5557] smi1esbug: who won?[5557] dangerplayss: LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[5557] simplyjavon: just bet 10k on zenti[5557] nocnil12345: strongest console in history vs strongest console of today[5557] cozmic_mayhem: Zenti stream sniping on an alt 100%[5557] sandy_sir: 💀[5558] sickgamingskill: Pacific time is crazy[5558] metallicjokerx: whoa ricci not arguing to someone that's not jyncxi[5558] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5558] greasymario: ZENTI SO FUCKING ANNOYING HOLY FUCK[5558] zbabycash: cap[5559] jujufan1999: jynxziVapeBreak_SG[5559] mrchipmunk1305: 💀💀💀[5559] ayman_ksa55889: W CHILD TICKLER[5559] bio_blast: @HiVise Silver 4/Carrotz.[5559] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5559] ja_kell27: this guy is the worst[5559] litoo_nl: ricci wins[5559] kento_rain: GoldPLZ GoldPLZ GoldPLZ GoldPLZ GoldPLZ GoldPLZ GoldPLZ GoldPLZ GoldPLZ GoldPLZ[5559] sandy_sir: !a[5559] causevseffect: 8 protested wins[5560] scratchhandsniff: Bro zenti annoying af[5560] izayyahh: ricci in tourney[5560] swiftz_001: Swiftz_001 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 6 month streak! W[5560] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5561] itsweem: he can't play rn he's mid game[5561] badulakes: WZENTI WZENTI[5561] ghostyx64: bros heated for nothing lmaoo 🤣 what a goof[5561] bean1939: all I am[5561] timothyhimothy1: mingo next[5562] kuneyei: we can barely hear what he’s saying , tell zenti get the fucking mic out his throat[5562] blackmass71: W MIC[5563] sandy_sir: a[5563] vizualizedave: Zenti sounds like THANOS lol!!![5563] viking_ys: zenti sounds like a child compared to ricci lol what a joke[5563] fuego_fg2: FAT BITCH[5564] jarells1: Ricci got this[5564] china_town_man: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4[5564] jdz11_: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak[5564] zoinksshibby: bro what is wrong with this guy[5564] captain_clout1: Courtesy of Stompn[5564] samzygunss: avid sold my channel ponts[5564] sfb_peetah: you a bitch jinxi[5564] nightbot: “😂😂😂” -avidqr6[5565] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addvb[5566] slomorunner149: LUL LUL LUL[5566] malik99smith5_: you a bitch[5566] lucas135742: zenti too loud bro[5566] pattt1112: Ricci[5566] chrisgttm: RICHARD NEW JERSEY[5566] causevseffect: haha xim skyte[5566] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5567] deniskurtto98: lets go[5567] lightningkakuzu: fuckurself for inviting this cocknosed bummf -- [5567] mortar: LUL LUL LUL[5568] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5568] sandy_sir: 💀💀[5568] samzygunss: spoit waiting[5569] connor_s278: Richie ez win[5569] itsthatguy121: Itsthatguy121 subscribed with Prime. [5569] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5569] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀[5569] dripboi534: LMFAO[5569] thagr33nbast3rd: Tell him to take mic out of throat[5570] iicammm: HELLO ADMIN[5570] deniskurtto98: ws ricci[5570] nightbot: bozo[5570] dangerplayss: LMFAO[5571] reedthebets: sending love from Michigan[5571] harveytg: W ZENTI[5571] m0ntq: RICCI'S THE G.O.A.T[5571] isaacgonz321: booelol vs ricci[5571] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5571] sailent95: LMAO[5571] docishard: ZENTI IS ASS[5571] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀[5571] lightningkakuzu: fuckurself for inviting this cocknosed bummf -- ONGGGGGG[5571] retromidd: NOT GLAZE MY GOAT RICHIE WOULD NEVER LOSE[5572] real_voided: bru[5572] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5572] supermarketgames: zenti stream snipping[5572] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀[5573] cobracommander954: hoe zenti[5573] cheesesteak5151: Crabs[5573] caitl0n: L zenti[5573] junkogyattttt: DIDDY WAITING[5573] metalxontop: pookielovemen subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [5573] yoshitoshiabe: 💀[5573] sandy_sir: 💀💀[5574] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5574] kinsprici: Lol[5574] nightbot: 😂[5575] superduper_oliver: @HiVise im bronze pc please let me in my username is W5_himself[5575] milesmorales758: !Link[5575] nightbot: @milesmorales758 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[5575] jaggybigtokes: Jynxzi blazed for sure[5575] renexzzx: Mingo vs Ricci???[5575] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5576] deadmemez6: W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI W RICCI[5576] ttvsentenal: ya is garbage[5576] luhkrankee: fat[5576] cozmic_mayhem: zenti stream sniping with alt 100%[5576] mags3776: richard[5576] jokezgotmxtion: he thinks he a xim[5577] nk2x_: I love zenti[5577] voltz_ingot: MORE PPL VOTE FOR ZENTI[5577] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5577] skullj: His stream sinping[5577] vflylyfe: HE IN TOURNEY[5577] junkogyattttt: DIDDY waiting[5577] sailent95: w zenti[5577] itz_vinxe: W RICCII[5578] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5578] real_voided: l glazing[5578] bigunit212: Ricci owns this mid[5578] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[5578] nightbot: 👀[5578] dazza404: AHAHAHAHA[5579] nocnil12345: the first round decides who is the challenger[5579] certxifedontwitch: Do Mingo next he's gonna beat ricci or zenti frfr[5579] nicolas0_00: xim clone[5579] ghosteee_23: if Ricci loses this I will lose my virginity tomorrow[5579] domdoesntstreamidk: Jynxzi coach me please[5579] mclovinzack: mclovinzack subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! FUCK ZENTI LOVE PART TIMER[5580] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5580] slomorunner149: LMAOOOOO[5580] bmg_zoro: how much gamer score you got[5580] nwoll1: zenti on speed[5580] junkogyattttt: diddy waiting[5580] renexzzx: Mingo vs Ricci???//[5580] zkyno: pineda21x subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! LETS GO RICCI FUCK ZENTI UP[5581] maximiliosa: zenti is so toxic[5581] mhussar404: diddy waiting[5581] xnba_dame: Ricci finna fuck on him[5581] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5581] joeyisajuggalo: thesha273ShaggsLul thesha273ShaggsLul thesha273ShaggsLul[5581] grunkleerk: 🐺🐺[5581] griffindor69420: I GOT INTO THE 5V3[5582] heavystunts: i am a view bot hired by jynxzi[5582] infamousbeast99: WANNA BE XIM SOOO BAD[5582] jasonbl99: ZENTI IS A G[5582] rohanraikai: W GUFTERRR[5582] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5582] jokezgotmxtion: he thinks he xim[5582] kuneyei: it would be awesome sauce[5582] jajdadda: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE GoldPLZ[5583] skullj: Echo[5583] slomorunner149: HAHAAHHAHAH[5583] lmlcedout: cmon bro ricci aint losin[5583] tvitorino5643: is this tiktok[5583] renexzzx: Mingo vs Ricci???/[5584] sathrhs: VAPE BREAK[5584] lild33__: w zenti all day[5584] jamosprt: fat[5584] lightningkakuzu: fuckurself for inviting this cocknosed bummf Richy -- ONGGGGGG[5584] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5584] losttreks: Diddy waiting[5584] junkogyattttt: diddy[5584] kr8money: zenti will 6-0 ricci[5584] ugly_g_: AviD is so trash[5585] shivermetimbers15: WWWWW[5585] kento_rain: TPFufun TPFufun TPFufun TPFufun TPFufun TPFufun TPFufun TPFufun TPFufun TPFufun TPFufun TPFufun TPFufun TPFufun TPFufun TPFufun TPFufun TPFufun[5585] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5585] docgreenthumbbb: you’re not in FL?[5585] th3_king_cam3l: !gamble 20[5585] riqzy_lft: sport wait[5586] renexzzx: Mingo vs Ricci???///[5586] dubxshiftz: zenti is a jessiecookBozo[5586] streamelements: th3_king_cam3l won 20 points in roulette and now has 1700 points! FeelsGoodMan[5586] legendzxbl: did y waiting[5586] elixr5k: 💩💩[5587] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5587] sfb_peetah: zenti sound like a fuckind depressed bitch[5587] washedmoo: pacific time[5587] whosselqk: !LINK[5587] tnttommy2k: L VAPE[5587] niceman00001: 👉👈[5587] timothyhimothy1: vape break[5587] ghostyx64: zenti a goof bro[5587] cbaxyro: caucksocker[5588] dwaynejohnson7747: @HiVise Ubisoft Tokyo7743 SILVER 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | Silver 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | Silver 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | SILVER 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 |[5588] rohanraikai: W GUFFFFTERS[5588] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5588] renexzzx: Mingo vs Ricci???////[5589] giraffettv_: giraffettv_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! J[5589] mancake_bigboy: Jynxzi sit on me daddy[5589] slomorunner149: RICCI[5589] mmew_2: vaper[5589] babayaga434: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak[5589] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5589] damedog15: COMEEE ONNNN[5590] samzygunss: SPOIT[5590] battlehinds: is it not Xim?[5590] extramildsauce: LO[5590] kayat11: TELL ZENTI TO TAKE HIS MICROPHONE OUT HIS ASSHOLE BRAV[5591] adnamnski: coke break[5591] clikkzy_: fgfg[5591] wusername11: vape break[5591] razoo020: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak[5591] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5591] samzygunss: WAITING[5591] thisisgabegg: RICCI[5592] renexzzx: Mingo vs Ricci???Mingo vs Ricci???Mingo vs Ricci???Mingo vs Ricci???/[5592] jynxishairybaallls: Balls sacks[5592] nightbot: balls[5592] rohanraikai: W GUFTID[5592] sabbbaaa: OOOOOOOOO[5592] fullestfps: @HiVise im bronze UBI: Drake.78[5592] wipeor_krust: SeemsGood[5592] losttreks: Diddy waiting.[5592] legendzxbl: diddy waiting[5592] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[5593] ootwerk: ootwerk subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [5593] ttvdustyy_1: vape break[5594] cesargancho_03: Ricci come on bro[5594] kr8money: zenti wins by 3[5594] vx0sr: already gappend[5594] dilucted: !slots 1000[5594] n4t4nstyle: JEST KTOŚ DZISAJ?[5594] alfie_14_streams: !sens[5594] nightbot: Jynxzi sens and settings here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2GcpqRqJ9U[5594] ttvsentenal: is it going to 6[5594] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[5594] jetman422: Vaper[5594] streamelements: @Dilucted, you only have 601 points[5594] bino_: @mods someone ban me please so i dont have to see this chat[5594] talkyyzz: RICCI YOU BETTER WIN[5594] gaming_hangover: another coke break?[5595] joshdavis56: joshdavis56 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months! [5595] elixr5k: stompgBadaim[5595] mezzdup_bun: ????????[5595] jadenmoltisanti: CMONNNN RICCI[5595] infntryy: W JYNXY[5595] extramildsauce: WWWWWW[5595] douglas420710: l[5595] jackieice7: FrankerZ[5595] scolt4631_gmail_com: hi[5595] iiluvvzz: quickie[5595] popsicletimmy: LETS GO ZENTI[5596] unweptanemone90: !gamble 50k[5596] jimmy_madman: les go Ricci[5596] streamelements: unweptanemone90 won 50000 points in roulette and now has 766180 points! FeelsGoodMan[5596] nothing_or_something: ricci better wipe the floor[5596] matt_burek: Cole break[5596] smoove_jlo: L vape[5596] 1and10ben: SUBprise[5597] bob8384583883: looking big today[5597] relixsmoke: gamble all on ricci[5597] hadezclips: Vaping is for losers Jynxi[5597] mr_mayhem31_: LETS GOOOOO[5597] dtrain111: unmute[5597] po0kzz: AVIDD A SHITTERRRRRRR[5597] tnttommy2k: VAPE[5597] bio_blast: @HiVise Silver 4/Carrotz.[5597] nm00r3: W BULDGE[5598] mahmut_akdemir: RICCI IS GONNA DOG HES ASS[5598] justachattalol: ILOVEXIMM CLONE[5598] c00l_pug1: vape break[5598] losttreks: Diddy waiting[5598] joeyisajuggalo: THE FUCKIN CRACKS[5598] colt_4__5: w budge[5598] twsei1: heroin break[5599] captain_clout1: ❄️[5599] imhigh1600: w vape[5599] skocklord22: zenti 6 -0[5599] bigrondo69: VAPE BREAK[5599] ur_too_angry: already up dumbass[5599] rohanraikai: L vaper[5599] jules_gentil: HGGSP nk[5599] cojo2467: !points[5599] emptyshelly: L VAPERRR[5599] extramildsauce: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[5599] marky4579: W BULGE[5599] streamelements: @cojo2467 cojo2467 has 8530 points and is rank 61359/1742278 on the leaderboard.[5599] worldasetupboi: @kr8money WEIRD FOR THAT ZENTI RIDER[5600] relixsmoke: freelo[5600] retromidd: vape brake[5600] rxdhid: @HiVise Gumbyismyworld Silver 5@HiVise Gumbyismyworld Silver 5[5600] joeyisajuggalo: HAHAHGAHGA[5600] raspberry__7: COKE BREAK[5600] ethantop20: ?[5600] elixr5k: stompgChattin stompgChattin stompgChattin stompgChattin[5600] nightbot: ?[5600] cuppycake922: riccinwine | Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [5420] Oh [5430] I keep on saying, actually, I'm a shroom. What, bro? What, bro? Talk, talk, that's what. Listen, yo yo yo, Ritty, unblocked, un-mute 10- [5440] Oh, I don't know. I hear him. I hear him. I hear him. I hear him. Look at the wall. Look at the wall. All right. Can I give it in? Hold on, hold on. Can I give it in? Wait. Who is this? I don't even know who you are, bro. [5450] You're a fucking dirt random bro. You go in. Who the fuck are you? Oh, Zenti! You fucking dog shit kid! You fucking rascal! You fucking rascal! You fucking rascal! You fucking rascal! [5460] You sit and rake your fingers, you're going on. You be the dog shit trailer, punch right out. You have it. You lack anything to go about. You lack a vehicle, private queue. You fucking dog shit, kid bro. [5470] You fucking show you punk stuff. You fucking bomb. You fucking horrible kids. No wins. No earnings bro. No earnings are fucking a scratch to the game [5480] I'm a fucking god. I'm a fucking king. I'm a dog you kid. I'm a fucking dog you. The fuck out of it. Can I get a word off? Fucking sister bitch. Whoa! No! Zenti, fuck them up. No. Hold on. [5490] All right, first off is that Pombra. No. Second, let me give an introduction. Both of you guys are claiming to be the King of Consul. Ricky claims to be the King of Consul. [5500] Zenti is now the P.S. King of P.S. Yep, so Zenti's playing the lead is the King of Console. Ricky's playing the lead is the King of PlayStation. Let's get you guys in a game. You guys have never played the game. [5510] before. Come on. Oh my. Richie, what are you talking about? What are your thoughts on Zenti, Richie? I don't even know what this fucking dog should ask for. [5520] And make it! Who is this kid bro? Do chat! You're nothing, you're nothing, you're nothing! You're nothing bro! You're nothing bro! You're nothing bro! Back shut the fuck up, put you up there! [5530] I got to become honest with you, no one is zero-faceted with your face at all. How last, Polly? Zero-electric faces. I own your blast. Fuck you, go, bro. Zero faces at all. Even... [5540] It kicks you as more face than your ass. Oh yeah! Oh yeah, I do say it. Oh yeah, whole ass boy, let's go, bro. I think I have like seven or eight faces. It's nothing crazy, but you know, seven or eight faces. Yup. [5550] 7 or 8 post tested face no no We were to that were protested so like five or six minutes. I guess it was two and then you you you you are assembled Avengers [5560] Sky on sim like everybody look that's besides the point bro Richie where you at? He got nervous. He got nervous. You have to get a bottle of water. You have to get a bottle of water [5570] is how I say so fucking nervous. Oh, so if you could remove your microphone from your esophagus and then join the game, that'd be great, bro. That'd be awesome, bro. [5580] How did we get a fucking water? Travis game is gonna hit. Run the prediction bonds! Lock in your predictions. Let's go. Lock in your predictions. I'm getting a water. [5590] LOL | There is a Highlight between 5430 and 5490. Zenti and Riccie insult each other, both considering themselves the King of Console |
Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege[7000] razoo020: JUST SNIPING jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak[7000] odin0987654321: gamble all[7000] toxicgodz60: not sniping w cope[7000] caseymahfet28: xim[7000] kirkishisgoat: please fucking read chat[7000] justkyle69: HES IN HIS HEAD[7000] angeldk: W SCRIPT[7000] rydeordie22: clip farm[7000] ximxlitttxboix: L sniper[7000] massenzzz: BYE BYE POINTS CHAT HAHAHAHA[7001] l3gend3_: DinoDance DinoDance GO ZENTI GO DinoDance DinoDance[7001] blake_schultzz: stream sniping[7001] masterhalocheif: DQQ[7001] david_fm21: sniping[7001] lbgoat23: SNIPING[7001] iprof1t: SPOIT WAITING[7001] kawpin: HES SNIPING[7001] yingas12: ITS XIMMM PLAYING[7002] noobygod_king: watchtime![7002] stupidgarbage2: SPOIT WAITING NOT JOKING[7002] millx6: LLAY RICCI[7002] voidedits10: Jynxzi[7002] collerose: jynxziVapeBreak_SQSending hate from ubisoft[7002] aarushh14: Viewer list[7002] poopyfacetomatonose7447: he is sniping[7002] alexanderr_xxiv: omg[7002] bladenkurama: he big mad[7002] ihaveabbl31360: WWWWW[7002] worldasetupboi: JUNKO CHAT RIDE PECKER JUS LIKE HIM MMMMMMMMMM[7003] landonpushinpp: viewerlist[7003] gmg_jay: zenti betters are gonna be rich[7003] caseintop: @zenti[7003] kawpin: SNIPING[7003] ballonriser: Dq zenti[7003] vividly004: L friend[7003] ayyyydude: i thougt he was the replacement[7003] annefrankofficially: snipe[7003] spagncheemz: sending love from aus[7003] ismail_180: STREAM SNIPPED[7003] lcgotti__: well I lost my points lol[7003] the_kn1ghts_: SNIPINH[7004] stupidgarbage2: SPOIT WAITING NOT JOKING![7004] pwilson1919: PLAY HIM NEXT[7004] yingas12: ITS XIM PLAYINGG[7004] firstplace999: W script[7004] nickcerrato: zenti is snipingg[7004] kirkishisgoat: please read chat[7004] chillzx0: JUNKO GLAZING ZENTI[7004] emptyshelly: L CLIP FARMING[7004] xthrxsherx: read the chat you fuck head[7004] jozetofunny: yo ricci[7004] fossabot: @not1mathias, Your message is too long[7004] aiden6audet: HES BEEN SNIPING BRO[7004] twist3r_1337: !link[7005] nightbot: @twist3r_1337 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[7005] renexzzx: ZENTI VS MINGO /[7005] hunchojk: zenti[7005] hanyon44: i went all in with 10k points wtf[7005] bardown16__: ricci[7005] 5starjordan90: HE IS SNIPING LOOK AT CHAT FAT ASS[7005] divineg777: JUNKO WASHED ONG[7006] qlize: ricci[7006] rflts: ricci[7006] moonmilk7: ricci[7006] rydeordie22: Ricci[7006] xthrxsherx: ricci[7006] ismail_180: SNIPING[7006] boroblahh: yes[7006] plr_ratio: just lost my 31k channel points 😔[7006] nightbot: @mgmeditzz -> No disassembly required. [stop spamming symbols] [warning][7006] iprof1t: SPOIT FR WAITING[7006] chingchowbing: Lllllllllll[7006] justkyle69: RICCI[7006] alaplakka: WENTI[7006] kirkishisgoat: please bro[7006] actuallycasper: RICCI[7007] mazexey: W script[7007] xgm_iclipz: Ricci[7007] noroi69: zenti[7007] r4inzzswxng: !poll[7007] quickpup3340436: ZENTI SNIPING[7007] renexzzx: ZENTI VS MINGO /[7007] 6imsaucy3: !gamble 10[7007] the_zucc: he’s in the list[7007] snowylwm: ZENTI VS SPOIT[7007] ugly_g_: RICCI[7007] chrispy123567: he’s in stream[7007] maddyjv: SCRIPTED[7007] funnyguruu: RICCI ENDING[7007] haxmaverik: zenti in viewer list[7008] justachattalol: ricci[7008] annefrankofficially: sniping 1000[7008] not_lethal_: ricci[7008] haehaex: ricci[7008] notorioushawk_: RICCI[7008] thegoattombrady: ricci[7009] adrian_141: Ricci[7009] jynxzicespice: ricci[7009] the_kn1ghts_: SNIPINGGG[7009] stingytomato: ricci[7009] rajatislam06: zentii[7009] mazexey: W SCRIPT[7009] odin0987654321: Gamble All[7009] jaxzious: STREAM SNIPER[7009] borncreezy: zenti[7009] baeleb7: zenti[7009] giantwhiteginger: sniping[7009] drippyfidgetspinner: zenti[7009] anczzz20: READ CHAT[7009] trippyexit: ricci what??[7009] bladenkurama: HA[7010] weathermanjuan: DQ[7010] angeldk: WW SCRIPT[7010] ismail_180: STREAM SNIPEE[7010] gotgrappe: ricci[7010] slomorunner149: RICCI[7010] caden_autrey17: ricci easy[7010] isaacp_1: sniping[7010] tb_styx: ric[7010] dchili88: Ricci[7010] lild33__: zenti easily[7010] krimmerfps: ZENTI[7010] jayyfuegoo: ricci[7010] kirkishisgoat: read chat bro[7010] ratmanthegreat: RICCI BY FAR[7010] luke_roosevelt: Ricci[7011] cmanalmighty: ricci[7011] cxhd: WW instigator[7011] sarasota_john: zenti[7011] aiden6audet: HES SNIPING[7011] teyssx: Zenti[7011] clapziiee: zenti[7012] seb1of1: ricci[7012] zindumz: ricci has more motion[7012] pinkinfinite: RICCI[7012] tommy_llo: me[7012] breaksolo: SCRIPT[7012] jaggybigtokes: zenti in watch list LLL[7012] asante_404: stream snipe[7012] tommy_llo: me[7012] slomorunner149: RICCI FS[7012] rockpenguin599: ricci[7012] puffpuffjuicer: RICCI[7012] kaneki13567: ricci[7012] wethans__mom: @yzenti[7012] hunxhodactivist: senti[7012] kr8money: zenti[7014] puerccofn: ZENTI ERA[7014] wigspitter88: stream snip[7014] x1xzoozx1x: zenti[7014] amayalovee: ricci[7014] jcd41_: jcd41_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 9 month streak! love from TN Junko[7014] tommy_llo: me[7015] tommys234: ricci[7015] anbulexz: GET ZENTI IN THE STACK[7015] gray10k_: Zenti doesn't do sh!t lol[7015] ttr6plaz: ricci cheating and losing[7015] mxmck25: nah zenti[7015] chrisarg17: ZENTI SNIPING[7015] heallyos_: ricci[7015] tommy_llo: me[7015] poivreau: zenti[7015] breaks808: RICCI[7015] elitesharkbait: bro he just sold[7015] coolcat17000: ricci[7015] wiffk: ricci[7015] michealhunter90: cry cry cry[7016] thebradbury: zenti seems like a loser[7016] iamtheflash: zenti[7016] ghostglicksvz: shut up junko[7016] maisonvx: ricci[7016] xthrxsherx: DQed zenti already[7016] bananajoe420g: upset of the century but zenti prolly sniping[7016] divineg777: JUNKO WASHED ONG[7016] iamtemperise: who is zenti?[7016] heiitaker: sniping[7016] dylanlikesoccer: ricci[7016] 7x_phantom: ricci my daddy[7016] g5_luffy: g5_luffy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months! when is Zenti vs Ricci[7016] aiden6audet: HES SNIPING HES SNIPING HES SNIPING HES SNIPING HES SNIPING HES SNIPING[7016] mr_propel: YO NO SHIT HES IN THE VIEWER LIST[7016] alaplakka: ZENTI W[7017] bur_6_er: zentie[7017] annefrankofficially: the one not sniping[7017] dain_saagge: ricci[7017] jerh2009: Dont pay out hes sniping[7017] iprof1t: SPOITTT[7017] nwoll1: zenti winning tho[7018] chippy1196: zenti been talking too much canceling sound ques[7018] royal2huu: not anmore[7018] poopyfacetomatonose7447: zenti is in the viewrlist[7018] kz139911: Ricci[7018] jstagg: ZENTI SNIPING YOU NEADERTHANL[7018] greatwhite770: gg[7018] ligmacheesecake: ewww[7018] chingchowbing: My balls[7018] nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP[7018] mrmilku1234: W[7018] xeno_xcaliburr: RICCI BUT ZENTI FR DOGGING HIM[7018] aiden6audet: HES SNIPING HES SNIPING HES SNIPING HES SNIPING HES SNIPING HES SNIPING HES SNIPING[7018] basicallylawsin: ricci fs[7019] seanthrows: ricci dumbass[7019] kuzakaiee: Ricci obv[7019] iceeze_: RICCI a fraud[7019] pizzadino_: ricci got way more motion lol[7019] woahbullet: u do not read chat bitch[7019] mxmck25: zenti do[7019] omegac3_: ZENTI era[7019] tkettel_: Ricci comeback[7019] yingas12: THIS AINT ZENTIII[7019] yaboilucas22: ZENTI SNIPPING[7019] not_lethal_: ?[7019] tatizol: Tatizol subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 3 month streak! yo[7019] nightbot: ?[7019] joefoy2021: sentiment[7019] nightbot: 👀[7020] elitesharkbait: richi sold[7020] bradymartin2370: ricci tf is that question[7020] bambam1519: this is getting lame[7020] aiden6audet: HES SNIPING[7021] maddengod0906: Zenti got aura[7021] ghostglicksvz: ricci[7021] bongliberish: walling[7021] ttr6plaz: ricci snipping[7022] gnrsteez: ZENTI ERAA[7022] therealchapo7: barely[7022] wesleybtv: use a real word. motion id stupid[7022] angel0102c: @zenti[7022] schoooooo_: go knicks[7022] maxwelliswell1: none of the above[7022] wiffk: zenti just talks[7022] mynamejeff675: dick rider[7022] vacgrey: GLAZE[7022] pixelhermitt: Ricci Era[7022] yvxqp: ricci[7022] trippyexit: GGS CHAT[7023] ttv_beastnator: Spoit vs ricci and zenti[7023] jaxon562: W SCRIPT[7023] dominick14356: THIS CHAT SAD THAT RICCI LOSING 😭😭😭awww[7023] asante_404: he is cheating[7023] royal2huu: zenti has aura[7023] bubbabass69: stompin[7023] patmj007: set up[7023] coleman_2017: RICCI RICH[7023] mrmilku1234: Ricci[7023] allstar_traphouse: sniping[7024] worldasetupboi: JUNKO CHAT RIDE PECKER JUS LIKE HIM MMMM[7024] ferdabirds: I think ive heard 'Hes actually getting mad' from somewhere else[7024] cxffed: L script L cheater[7024] core_crimzy: Zenti is a Little Bitch[7024] the_only_dot: he’s sniping Bru[7024] gr3av3s3y: zenti isn’t even playing get of his dick[7024] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[7024] liamakky: Dq snioing[7024] trippyexit: HHS[7024] alexanderr_xxiv: fuck kendrick and drake this is it[7024] kento_rain: Zenti on topp[7025] melonmanboi: DEF CHARLES[7025] wraithlike_: LOL[7025] cxhd: DansGame[7025] nightbot: 😂[7025] sngbrjvgh: GIVE ME YALLS POINTS LMAO[7025] elitesharkbait: the sell[7025] d44rkfire: bad aim[7025] clark_dashark: idk when zenti got this good[7025] malakaigarcia33: xim[7025] slyxwy: !charm[7026] nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn[7026] trippyexit: GGS[7026] harleyjman: RICCI IS STREAM SNIPING HE KNEW THERE WAS A GOYO THERE[7026] mrmilku1234: W[7026] anthonythebiggest123: can I add you on Xbox[7026] princelamont711: what the sigma?[7026] decepticonday: COME ON[7026] mimiwlzd7: Read chatttttttttttt fatasssssses[7026] salmongod99: FRAUD[7026] poopyy23: zenti[7027] shep_007: BOTH SO BAD[7027] acidthriller: ZENTI LOWK TODAY[7027] fridgemagnet1017: look at zenti aura[7027] michealhunter90: cry cry[7027] perfectrotation7: LMFAOOOOOOOOOO[7027] ttr6plaz: he’s snipping[7028] morroctaco: !delay[7028] kirkishisgoat: this is not zenti[7028] nightbot: 🤡🫵[7028] the_only_dot: BOOOOOOOO[7028] ayayayayayay__: Cocksucka[7028] worldasetupboi: JUNKO CHAT RIDE PECKER JUS LIKE HIM[7029] mr_propel: GES IN THE VIEWer list[7029] liamakky: DQ[7029] chasemay1: Zentis the type to Lia Thomas[7029] nachomanranchysalad: FRAUD WATCH[7029] nunchuckchick69: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[7030] martian_gamess: no his voice annoying as shit[7030] the_only_dot: BOOOOO[7030] elitesharkbait: the script[7030] totsutx: who cares your fat @jynxzi[7030] richardz50: If zenti wins I'm rich[7031] ligmacheesecake: w fraud[7031] ttv_beastnator: Spoit vs ricci and Zenti[7031] pizzadino_: this is not zenti LMAO[7031] ttr6plaz: snipper[7031] the_only_dot: BOOOO[7031] jantaya5: guy doesn’t read chat[7032] xgm_iclipz: Stfu[7032] fenikoz: HELL NAW RICCI[7032] c6naqn: HEA NERVOUS[7032] rituallx: 1-10 Ben[7032] royal2huu: zenti has auraa 100 percent[7032] masterhalocheif: so is you[7033] drafann: DQ[7033] mr_propel: HES IN THE LIST[7033] coleman_2017: Erm what the sigma[7033] allstar_traphouse: stream sniping[7033] worldasetupboi: JUNKO CHAT RIDE PECKER JUS LIKE HIM MMMMM[7033] naw_m8: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[7033] seb1of1: CMONNNNNNNNNNNN[7033] kirkishisgoat: THIS ISNT ZENTI BRO[7033] swoleboh: with twitch too..[7033] swwaldo: RICCI CANT CONTROL HIS RECOILRICCI CANT CONTROL HIS RECOILRICCI CANT CONTROL HIS RECOILRICCI CANT CONTROL HIS RECOIL[7033] ethenexe: Wager him[7034] lightupgalaxy: no[7034] veglasagna: BA DAIMMM[7034] jackmavericktv: FACTS[7034] the_only_dot: BOOOOO[7034] aaronl0: LOOOOOOOOOOOOL[7034] rituallx: stfu[7034] puffpuffjuicer: HUHH[7034] igl_artic: HE IS NOT STREAM SNIPING I CHECKED RICCI CHAT[7034] mahmut_akdemir: STFU[7035] jerh2009: Don't pay out hes sniping[7035] melonmanboi: y’all are old men now[7035] walrusnipplez69: FAKE[7035] devslatt: wedding shirt[7035] chicken5678404: Zenti in viewer list[7035] noturdad1233: noturdad1233 subscribed at Tier 1. [7035] patmj007: setup[7035] skybully33: cry chat[7035] justkyle69: YOU TOO[7035] funnyguruu: FRAUD ALERT[7035] bubbabass69: zenti v stompin[7036] liamakky: Dq[7036] royal2huu: zenti[7036] divineg777: ironic[7036] lightningkakuzu: yep[7036] slomorunner149: RICCI SOLD :([7036] refinedv22: !link[7036] drafann: DISQUALIFY HIM[7036] nightbot: @refinedv22 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[7036] weeoutdizbich: GG[7037] rrizzy_fr123: what the sigma[7037] ligmacheesecake: w fraud!@!![7037] vividly004: U do that all the time[7037] spaceghostxxv: ZENTI IS STREAM SNIPING[7037] dingolingogaming: STILL BEATS U[7037] 2cdubb2: my balls's is hot[7037] jewboy6869: your shit[7037] mahmut_akdemir: STFUU[7037] royal2huu: =[7037] chrixsp23: so are you[7038] worldasetupboi: JUNKO CHAT RIDE PECKER JUS LIKE HIM MMMMMMMM[7038] ttr6plaz: he’s snipping[7038] voidedits10: Cheating xim and stream sniping[7038] kirkishisgoat: DQ HIM BRO[7038] gnrsteez: LETS GOOOO ZENTI[7038] tkettel_: script[7038] jynxzisjohnson00: READ CHATTTT[7038] keyz517: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[7038] lightningkakuzu: YEPPPPPPP[7038] snoopdoggfather: MODS[7038] pistolxpetex: TOOK YOUR ROSTER SPOT[7038] roroyoooo12: !LINK[7038] breaksolo: dq[7038] leadzz_: sold[7038] malakaigarcia33: bring back xim[7039] coburnr6: better aim than u shitter[7039] walrusnipplez69: FRAUD[7039] bigbobby210: he’s better than you[7039] buttholehouse: L[7039] collerose: Sending hate from ubisoft[7039] yournewempireiii: play him then[7039] kylezg0nkorrupt: NA HE NOT[7039] ghostyx64: YOURE A FRAUD[7040] immug: FraudFPS[7040] b0xofkleenex: BUT HE BEAT YOU[7040] mahmut_akdemir: YOUR ASS[7040] egbro10: says you[7040] inside_track: Bro ur washed af[7040] rrizzy_fr123: l bully[7040] shelovesbiget: nb[7040] charlieday321: DONT FORET YOU GOT REPLACED BY HIM[7040] skybully33: cry for points char[7041] jewboy6869: your dog shit[7041] leadzz_: ggs[7041] voxxyyyyyyyyy: account hop of hell…[7041] slomorunner149: RICCI SOLD BRUH[7041] cristi1an_: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[7041] daquavion_ticklenut_jr: 1-10 ben[7041] redrozzez: just twitch drone him 😭🙏[7042] mahmut_akdemir: FATASS[7042] kirkishisgoat: PLEASE READ CHAT[7042] juggernaut9898: bros blatantly cheating if this is a pay out istg FailFish FailFish FailFish[7042] ivraiden: your a fraud then too bud[7042] malakaigarcia33: xim[7042] actuallycasper: huh he's low[7042] ttr6plaz: watch ricci[7042] flamingsh0: L script[7042] d44rkfire: cap[7042] funnyguruu: he is shaking in his boots[7042] nightbot: no 🧢[7043] ball_tongue__: RICCI PRESSED AND STRESSED[7043] worldasetupboi: JUNKO CHAT RIDE PECKER JUS LIKE HIM MMMMM[7043] daviebroy: dipi84Scam dipi84Scam dipi84Scam dipi84Scam dipi84Scam dipi84Scam dipi84Scam dipi84Scam dipi84Scam dipi84Scam dipi84Scam[7043] ballonriser: Dq zenti[7043] tommys234: L SCRIPT[7043] streamelements: JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/jynxzi[7043] sheeesh_dummiethicccct: jynxzi you have the worst aim ever stfu[7043] bubbabass69: stompin[7043] rtired: your aim is worse bro[7043] divineg777: HES BETTER THAN Y[7043] fossabot: @not1mathias, Your message is too long [2x][7043] antivenom_0: Your is worse[7043] lotus_52: it’s dim and he’s sniping[7044] jarells1: i just lost 35K points[7044] coopthang: RICCI = TRASH[7044] kuzakaiee: bro stfu[7044] cow_the_killa: ur worst jynxzi[7044] gnrsteez: ZENTI ERA[7044] ahhhhhhhhhwhhh: Spoit and shroud waiting[7044] ryguythatguy: @HiVise TTVryguythatguy silver V[7044] seb4st1an_562: calm it he’s nervous[7044] broiiler: seen way worse from you @Jynxzi[7045] chriswar09: !sub[7045] nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi[7045] jewboy6869: I’ll shit down your throat[7045] russian_bomber_: W GLAZE W GLAZEW GLAZE W GLAZE W GLAZE W GLAZE W GLAZE W GLAZE W GLAZE W GLAZE W GLAZE W GLAZE[7046] jaxzious: HES SNIPING[7046] daquavion_ticklenut_jr: DQ ZENTI[7046] gmg_jay: did I by far[7046] snf_equal_if: Aura[7046] gettfaded: you’ve had worse[7046] jude224573: better than you[7046] camille__________________: you can’t be talking[7046] sngbrjvgh: GIVE ME YALLS POINTS LMAO.[7046] hunt3r32622: UR AIM IS NOT BETTER BRO[7046] royal2huu: zenti = aura[7046] jynxzisjohnson00: XIMMMM[7047] divineg777: HES BETTER THAN U[7047] worldasetupboi: JUNKO CHAT RIDE PECKER JUS LIKE HIM MMMM[7047] puerccofn: ZENTI ERA[7047] emptyshelly: -4K points[7047] spxsie: copper aim ricci jynxziCopper jynxziCopper[7047] bigju28: must not see yourself play[7047] pandamanfam_: tf you talking aboyt bro[7048] ttr6plaz: ricci cheating[7048] sngbrjvgh: GIVE ME YALLS POINTS LMAO[7048] liamakky: Dq waiting[7048] russian_bomber_: W GLAZE W GLAZE[7048] kingsinns5: BRO SO DESPERATE FOR THAT TOURNY SPOT[7048] nightbot: @Rainyday202 -> Are you finished? [stop posting links] [warning][7048] kirkishisgoat: READ UR FUCKING CHAT[7048] breaksolo: you should HAVE DQ HIM FROM THE START BUMM[7049] stealthkilzzz: should see your aim lol[7049] melonmanboi: CHARLIE WILL MAKE R6 GREAT AGAIN[7049] lolcatzidk: You are worse than him[7049] b0xofkleenex: HE 7-2 you[7049] spaceghostxxv: L sniping[7050] gnrsteez: stompgGG stompgGG stompgGG stompgGG stompgGG[7050] ghostyx64: HES BETTER THAN YO ASS[7050] drafann: NOPE[7050] allstar_traphouse: stream sniping bro[7050] daquavion_ticklenut_jr: sniping[7050] rtired: your aim is worse[7050] patmj007: 1v1 him don’t set him up[7051] iheartmens: 1-10 ben[7051] qesamid: ZENTI ERA [7051] richardz50: Alright[7052] jynxzisjohnson00: ISNT ZENTI[7052] divineg777: U GOT DROPPED FOR RICHIE[7053] seb4st1an_562: he got it[7053] worldasetupboi: JUNKO CHAT RIDE PECKER JUS LIKE HIM[7053] daviebroy: trusty34Notes trusty34Notes trusty34Notes trusty34Notes trusty34Notes trusty34Notes trusty34Notes[7053] lcastell4no: 1v1 zenti[7053] clickyhellasticky: you have way worse[7053] drafann: HES NOT CONTROLLER[7054] memerman55: [7054] waltzmz: zenti era[7054] kirkishisgoat: THIS ISNT ZENTI[7054] danklemur: 6 upside down thats a 9 now[7054] collerose: Send hate from jynxzis fatherSending hate from ubisoft[7054] ximxlitttxboix: L sniper[7054] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[7054] a_imx: JYNXZI YOU ARE GETTING 6-0'd BY ZENTI STHU[7054] xchrisdolx: If ricci a fraud so are you bro you have no room to talk 1 and 10 ben[7054] pollywogtv: L snipe[7055] logedoge: then that makes you a fraud[7055] no_playtime_isaac_05: your mics on[7055] onemellox: onemellox subscribed at Tier 1. [7056] patrickdestar25: stream sniping[7056] drafann: HES NOT CONTROLLERRR[7056] raideasy: sniping[7056] elitesharkbait: L SCRIPT L SCRIPT L SCRIPT L SCRIPT L SCRIPT L SCRIPT L SCRIPT L SCRIPT L SCRIPT L SCRIPT L SCRIPT L SCRIPT L SCRIPT L SCRIPT[7057] swagfart777: THIS WAS BRO'S PLAN TO GET BACK IN THE STACK 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂[7057] cusican33: nice script[7057] jynxzisjohnson00: XIMMM[7058] bardown16__: ricci waiting[7058] elliott4527: SHROUD IS WAITING[7058] nightbot: 👀[7058] russian_bomber_: w glaze[7058] notwoif: reverse sweep though?[7058] kirkishisgoat: THIS IS NOT ZENTI[7058] seb4st1an_562: let’s go ricci 🥺[7058] drafann: THATS XIM[7058] daquavion_ticklenut_jr: stream sniping[7058] no_playtime_isaac_05: your mics on your mics on[7059] cmanalmighty: react harder[7059] lcastell4no: play zenti[7059] crankiplier_fanatic: HE IS TRYING CALM DOWN![7059] richardz50: Chill[7059] collerose: Sending hate from ubisoft[7059] izzsmokie: wtf is this man wearing[7059] drafann: XIMM[7060] omegabloodflo99: EZZZZ[7060] rrizzy_fr123: L bully[7060] kinsprici: Mods you better pay out[7060] raiankure_nick: PogChamp[7060] kirkishisgoat: BRO[7061] worldasetupboi: JUNKO CHAT RIDE PECKER JUS LIKE HIM MMMMM LOL[7061] daviebroy: dipi84Scam dipi84Scam dipi84Scam dipi84Scam dipi84Scam dipi84Scam dipi84Scam[7061] jaysicy: !prime[7061] qiyaamzrr: dq[7061] nightbot: Subscribe to @Jynxzi for FREE with Twitch Prime Twitch.tv/subs/jynxzi[7062] b0xofkleenex: RICCI BEAT YOU JYNXZI HR A FRAUD[7062] tobytrice531: W wedding attire[7062] 5starjordan90: ZENTI IS SNIPING LOOK AT CHAT[7062] breaksolo: PART TIMER[7062] ghostyx64: STREAM SNIPE[7063] omegabloodflo99: EZ[7063] snagz_vx: W AURA[7064] masterhalocheif: washed like junko[7064] kirkishisgoat: READ CHAT[7064] nathanhalo7: Did they swap account[7064] omegabloodflo99: EZZZZZ[7064] btr_foot: fat[7064] lemerot: freee[7064] rituallx: 1-10 Ben[7065] ximxlitttxboix: he’s sniping bro disqualify him[7065] peedrug: i am gonna make a bank[7065] notwoif: no shot its a full ass reverse sweep[7065] bardown16__: its a zenti era[7066] snf_equal_if: This is aura[7066] omegabloodflo99: EZZZZZZ[7066] kcisthemain: ZENTI IS STREAM SNIPING[7066] wyat897: NO ZENTI IS CHEATING I CHECKED HIS STREAM HIVISE DO SOMETHING !!!!!!!🤬🤬🤬🤬[7066] voidedits10: Ricci is better than jynxzi[7067] chicken5678404: viewer list wiewer list[7067] noturdad1233: !link[7067] raideasy: xim[7067] nightbot: @noturdad1233 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[7067] caseymahfet28: xim[7067] jrmurillo01: HE GOT BAPTIZED[7068] ahryma: CMON ZENTIIIII[7068] qiyaamzrr: dq zenti[7068] jonathonc1: sniping[7068] gnrsteez: W ZENTI[7068] no_playtime_isaac_05: your mics on your mics on your mics on[7068] assumethat: Ricci is ass[7069] ogklaw: he’s in stream[7069] notgrlngo: x script[7070] helsinksky: HE STREAM SNIPE[7070] omegabloodflo99: EZZZZZZZZZ[7070] jaxzious: ZENTI SNIPING[7070] breaksolo: L NO GIVER OF POINTS[7070] lemerot: ezz[7071] xistybot420: zenti era[7071] voxxyyyyyyyyy: account hop of hell🤫[7071] qiyaamzrr: zenti[7071] jgranx: jynxzi has carried Ricci several times[7071] the_hack: 9 ads, tf[7072] xenkyi: STREAM SNIPE[7072] oimojooi: THIS THE END OF RICCI ERA[7072] devslatt: what is zentis twitch[7072] rituallx: sniping[7072] gnrsteez: ZENTI ERA[7072] puerccofn: ZENTI ON TOO[7072] giantwhiteginger: he’s stream sniping[7072] wisdomgalaxy: Era never begun[7073] raideasy: sniping[7073] breaksolo: BRO[7073] no_playtime_isaac_05: your mics on your mics on your mics on your mics on your mics on your mics on[7073] andylagin: SENDING HATE FROM MICHIGAN[7073] kcisthemain: HE STREAM SNIPINGGG NOT FAIRRR[7073] kontrolfreeksss: DQ[7073] tegridyfarms712: 1-10 Ben[7073] rockpenguin599: Zenti cheated[7073] jonnycakes2013: hi[7073] lordraahibius: !watchtime[7074] gennygfx: fat streamer[7074] daphxduck: ZENTI VS SPOIT ZENTI VS SPOIT ZENTI VS SPOIT ZENTI VS SPOIT ZENTI VS SPOIT ZENTI VS SPOIT ZENTI VS SPOIT ZENTI VS SPOIT ZENTI VS SPOIT ZENTI VS SPOIT ZENTI VS SPOIT ZENTI VS SPOIT[7074] cxffed: L cheater[7074] lemerot: w[7074] streamelements: lordraahibius has spent 1 hour 40 mins watching jynxzi[7074] xelo_r6: W SCRIPT[7074] tonytuckerr: DQ!!!![7074] b0xofkleenex: RICCI BEAT JUNKO[7074] seigedem: balkisbeuendkdjfhjrjdjddjdjnreiwApakwirbfpwnwowqbeofbcoebrkwwnfbcorkrbciebeofbwowjdbckejwowhdbcocjebeiabqowjebrckcowheodbaoqqopedknczlzpaapzpspqpeoerkjjwjhrhjsiwowpdjhgjsoaoworncoao[7074] sleepy_knight00: W zenti[7074] weeoutdizbich: SNIPER[7075] notgrlngo: wscript[7075] tommys234: IN CHAT[7075] houseman45: zenti[7075] bubbabass69: stompin[7075] tyroneyolo: w zenti[7075] ximxlitttxboix: zenti is stream sniping[7075] anthonieus: L[7075] emptyshelly: DQ[7076] ihaveabbl31360: L RICCI[7076] trustyahweh: wniping[7076] btr_foot: when’s fan mail[7076] isaacp_1: streammm snipinnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggfgffffffff[7077] jonathonc1: he’s sniping you dumbass[7077] puerccofn: ZENTI ON TOP[7077] qiyaamzrr: zent is dq[7077] yingas12: THIS AINT ZENTIII[7077] oimojooi: ZENTI ERA[7078] dhatchkrisch420: read chat you dumb donkey[7078] emptyshelly: DQQQ[7078] infamousbeast99: ricci is literally on twitch[7078] jonnycakes2013: hie[7079] gnrsteez: ITS ZENTI ERA[7079] jakohallo: check on ginge[7079] sheff_fps: NO TWITCH DRONES DUMMY[7079] seb4st1an_562: go ricci 🥺🥺[7079] rockpenguin599: zenti cheating[7079] dookiebeano: VISEE CALL HIM AND TELL HIM TO CHECK VIEWER LIST[7079] sngbrjvgh: GIVE ME YALLS POINTS LMAO[7080] grikxm: GGGGGGGGGG[7080] jantaya5: sniping[7080] xavrac06: how is this random dude winning[7081] rizeflyy: @jynxzi react to sketch cod tourney[7081] notgrlngo: w script[7081] kcisthemain: HE CHEATING[7081] oli_r6demon15: zen be sniping[7081] ttr6plaz: ricci cheating[7082] roangloves: ZENTI IS SNIPING LIKE A BITCH[7082] myviralmoment: he has no twitch’s[7083] rileyeilte73: jynxziVapeBreak[7083] purpflow: anal[7083] ralfusgames: this idiot is breathing into the mic during every single sound cue dq this clown[7083] codyxo69: he doesnt have any drones u fucking ape[7083] scranfrank2: No twitch drines left[7083] lemerot: lets goo[7083] myelin7: RICCI HAS DELAY YOU BRAINDEAD CHAT[7084] papimoore: ZENTIS ERA[7084] roddyx019: good script[7084] gennygfx: clip farmer[7084] mattwho0: W comeback[7085] mannybvideos: YAPPERRRR[7085] liamakky: Sniping[7085] jantaya5: snipinh[7085] gr3av3s3y: L fraud[7085] destroy3rdon: drones are gone[7085] smallpp61: why is daddy dressed up[7085] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[7085] brettkingeter: ZENTI STREAM SNIPING[7085] winterydegree: is he actually sniping?[7086] ei_boyi: ei_boyi subscribed with Prime. [7086] crankiplier_fanatic: WHOS WEDDING WERE YOU AT?[7086] noturdad1233: !Link[7086] sngbrjvgh: GIVE ME YALLS POINTS LMAOooo[7086] weeoutdizbich: Mentioned cheating[7086] papimoore: WWW ZENTI[7086] fatty_acid420: I finally caught up to my favorite part-timer[7087] gennygfx: l streamer[7087] sdms9: sniping[7087] tyroneyolo: zenti betters[7087] madtitan886949: READ FUCKN CHAT NIMROD[7087] joe_thehoe1: all ways bet on the under dog[7087] callmekori1: zenti viewer list[7087] monicama1997: DQ[7087] bzbzvzvzvzvz: b[7087] dark_ninja_23: No drone[7088] iheartmens: he doesn’t have twitch drones[7088] kevinmgl: He has none[7088] reeferpilot: !watchtime[7088] jaxon562: W SCRIPT[7088] r0yalproblem: no they dont[7088] streamelements: reeferpilot has spent 1 day 13 hours watching jynxzi[7088] slomorunner149: SECOND BEST[7088] dirtydoggjose: zenti stream sniper[7089] kcisthemain: HE IS STREAM SNIPING[7089] tttttttay: He would need like 4 shots[7089] africuhhh: hi[7089] razoo020: ACCOUNT SWAPPING LUL[7089] f3artheflop999: he has no more twitches[7089] devendagen: Wait zenti is in chat jynxzi[7089] snowylwm: ZENTI IN STREAM[7089] izakic: L cheating[7089] moonie_nm: fatboy[7089] jantaya5: sniping[7090] wavysicko: hivise screen shot[7090] purple__aesthetic: no drone[7090] saidur__0705: better than u 200000%[7090] jrmurillo01: baptize shirt?[7091] spiderpxg: @zenti[7091] ttv_sway7: ain’t no way[7091] spaceghostxxv: Zenti meat rides really showing themselves[7091] gabimanaver: 3rd best[7092] sandy_sir: W[7092] frafrafrank: both his drones gone[7092] peepslumps: jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGG[7092] jqqkee: the games a 5v5[7092] ryry20114901: he’s oit[7092] blacktiehitman: NO DRONES LEFT[7093] devslatt: zenti sniping[7093] qiyaamzrr: dq zenti[7093] bardown16__: :O[7093] justachattalol: WWWWW[7094] yungkibe: OOOO[7094] trapsteak: Mingo better[7094] ghostyx64: ZENTI IS CHEATING! he’s sniping!![7094] sandy_sir: WWWWWWW[7094] 8bitgordo: which one of these guys is 1-10 ben?[7094] gr3av3s3y: zenti not playing get of his dick[7094] xgm_iclipz: CMON[7094] kuzakaiee: wwwwww[7094] icecold111111: WWWWWWWWWWW[7094] rifter_6gxd: CMON[7095] krantz1n: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGLASSES[7095] silentsteppa12: no drones[7095] sabbbaaa: EZ W[7095] isaacp_1: stream sniping[7095] sandy_sir: WWWWWWWW[7095] jaydenismyname1432: wwwwwwwwwwww[7095] xyvtobi: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[7095] worldasetupboi: ONCE RICCI GET THE LEAD WONDER WHAT YALL WOULD BE SAYING LOL ACTUAL BOTS LETS GO RICCI[7095] fossabot: @bluelobster923, Your message is too long[7095] breaks808: ZENTI jynxziClown[7096] wivverz: W[7096] bardown16__: :O :O[7096] redrozzez: Ricci standing still to hop in the stream 😂😂[7096] sngbrjvgh: GIVE ME YALLS POINTS LMAO[7096] nightbot: 👀[7096] jonathonc1: diddy party at jynxzi’s[7097] seb1of1: WWWWWWW[7097] mezzdup_bun: WWWWWW FINALLY[7097] funnyguruu: back?[7097] owendeann: WWWWW[7097] ttr6plaz: he’s snipping[7097] gennygfx: u fat asf ong[7097] featherisbeast: W[7097] jonathonc1: w[7097] bzbzvzvzvzvz: what are they playing to[7097] jaxzious: WWWWW[7097] axarito: the comeback[7097] slomorunner149: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[7098] tommys234: WWWWWW[7098] sleepyyonhots: GOOOD SHIT[7098] katiekitt3n: Wooo[7098] sandy_sir: WWWWWWW[7098] mea7yy: the good days of zapping ppl with twitch LUL[7098] justachattalol: FUCK ZENTI[7098] emmixxx: YESS[7098] jakohallo: im a bot[7098] bradymartin2370: W[7098] anczzz20: read chat[7098] elixr5k: WWWW[7098] retronitez: L SCRIPT[7099] d44rkfire: cmon[7099] elengilbert: WWWWWWWWWWW[7099] pr0_killer2: WW[7099] mrmilku1234: W[7099] buddha_wol: DOG SHIT ASS KID[7099] sandy_sir: WWWWWW[7099] puffpuffjuicer: W COMEBACK[7099] mezzdup_bun: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[7099] emmixxx: WW[7099] crunchy_boi72: Lets go ricci[7099] blakescheating: w[7099] collerose: jynxziVapeBreak_SQ[7099] kirkishisgoat: THIS ISNT ZENTI[7099] worldasetupboi: JUNKO CHAT RIDE PECKER JUS LIKE HIM[7100] elitenoob910: Wwww[7100] vexxiify: toxic vs toxic[7100] xander_mar: LETS GOOO[7100] giantwhiteginger: stream sniping[7100] yooofrozen: uh oh[7100] sandy_sir: WWWWWWW[7100] maxwelliswell1: WOW[7100] cozmic__27: WWWWW[7100] seb1of1: WW[7100] oimojooi: 2 more rounds[7100] iamtheattackjr121: WWWW[7101] msfx001: L[7101] wivverz: WW[7101] sandy_sir: WWWWW[7101] simplynottrue: >LLLL+[7101] medic_george: WWWWWWWWW[7102] v5platz: HES SSOSOOOOO AMAZINGGG[7102] sabbbaaa: EASY W[7102] gennygfx: he got slammed[7102] slomorunner149: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[7102] cozmic__27: WWWW[7102] chump_activities: Squid1 Squid3 Squid4[7102] jonathonc1: yesssss[7102] blazecreepe_: Wwwwwwww[7102] sandy_sir: WWWWWWW[7102] isaacp_1: he is[7102] bananajoe420g: LETS GO COMNE BVACVKL RICICICI[7102] russian_bomber_: hes locked[7102] kz139911: W[7102] xander_mar: WWWWWW[7102] daquavion_ticklenut_jr: 1-10 BEN[7103] dripboi534: W[7103] jakohallo: check on ginge[7103] aarushh14: ww[7103] tkettel_: ricci comeback[7103] gnrsteez: FUCKK[7103] katiekitt3n: Come on RICCIIIIII[7103] l3gend3_: NNOOO[7103] sandy_sir: WWWWWWWW[7104] sundayjefe: whys he wearing shoulder pads[7104] imrazerd: WWWWW[7104] paqytoncandales: nono o[7104] milesmorales758: !Link[7104] emptyshelly: WWWWW[7104] gennygfx: W[7104] evanhanefeld: W script[7104] nightbot: @milesmorales758 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[7104] dripboi534: WWWW[7104] jtr100: QUIT YAPPING[7104] cozmic__27: WWWWWWWWWWW[7104] lil_ky_l3: lock in[7104] sandy_sir: WWWWWW[7104] twizzya3: w[7105] russian_bomber_: hes lockes[7105] aarushh14: wwwwww[7105] kento_rain: Fuc[7105] xander_mar: WWWWWWWWW[7105] brody_eodice3: wwww[7105] kirkishisgoat: THIS ISNT ZENTII BROOOO[7105] daphxduck: ZENTI VS SPOIT ZENTI VS SPOIT ZENTI VS SPOIT ZENTI VS SPOIT ZENTI VS SPOIT ZENTI VS SPOIT ZENTI VS SPOIT ZENTI VS SPOIT ZENTI VS SPOIT ZENTI VS SPOIT ZENTI VS SPOIT ZENTI VS SPOIT[7106] devendagen: Jynxzi zenti is in chat[7106] v5platz: HESSS SSOOOO AMAAZINNGGG[7106] sleepyyonhots: L ZENTI[7106] xenkyi: Stream snipin[7106] seb4st1an_562: HOLY FAWK[7106] unknown_aa4: part timer[7106] btr_foot: when’s fan mail[7106] jaxon562: W[7106] paqytoncandales: nooo[7106] slomorunner149: WWWWWW COMEBACKKKK[7106] yungkibe: OOOO [7107] core_crimzy: STREAMSNIPAH[7107] jaxzious: L SNIPER[7107] nashtherizzler: WWWWWWWWWWWWW[7107] retromidd: W[7107] louisvees: W[7107] chump_activities: Squid4 Squid1 Squid3[7107] angeldk: L sniper[7107] defaultyspartan: BECAUSE HES STREAM SNIPING YOU FUCKING IDIOT!!![7107] range_x2: SCRIPTED SCORE IS 7-5[7107] princetaji: light vs dark…[7107] daquavion_ticklenut_jr: 1-10 ben[7107] skaterbro_214: stream sniping[7108] brody_eodice3: wwwww[7108] tagwrld: W[7108] rajatislam06: LLLLLLLL[7108] ximxlitttxboix: L sniper[7108] v5platz: W[7108] ken_keneki19: someone’s on zentis account[7108] kakashisprincess: !raffle 6k 5[7108] cookiegod2112: Aura[7108] swwaldo: RICCI IS A FRUAD RICCI IS A FRAUD RICCI IS A FRAUD RICCI IS A FRAUD RICCI IS A FRAUD RICCI IS A FRAUD[7108] t3xasplays44: W[7108] isaacp_1: stream sniping[7108] streamelements: PogChamp a Multi-Raffle has begun for 6000 points PogChamp it will end in 5 Seconds. Enter by typing '!join' OpieOP[7108] kingnoah1106: WW[7108] imjustmali: come on bro[7108] dm3the111: snipeah[7109] nunchuckchick69: OKG[7109] jang2279: NotLikeThis[7109] kirkishisgoat: PLEASE BRO[7109] tonytuckerr: DQ Zenti[7109] ctbrobb: the biggest upset is ricci beating spoit[7109] 5starjordan90: HE IS SNIPING[7109] rajatislam06: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL[7109] jaxon562: WW[7109] kento_rain: DMmmmmmmm[7109] assumethat: Zenti is a bitch[7109] the_kn1ghts_: WW[7109] duplix___: LLLLLLLL[7110] toast_gunns: W SCRIPT🔥🔥🔥[7110] brody_eodice3: wewww[7110] streamelements: The Multi-Raffle for 6000 points will end in 3 Seconds. Enter by typing '!join' FeelsGoodMan[7110] worldasetupboi: JUNKO CHAT RIDE PECKER JUS LIKE HIM MMMMM[7110] gucci_kid54: !join[7110] gnrsteez: WE GOOD[7110] seb4st1an_562: HOLY FAWKKKKK[7110] v5platz: WW[7110] martian_gamess: w script[7110] jajokesters: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww[7110] paqytoncandales: no[7110] jaxon562: W[7110] kakashisprincess: !join[7110] lowkeyisoffline: Stream snipah[7110] milfsfearme: WWWWWWWwwwwwWWWWWWW[7111] elengilbert: OOOO[7111] weeoutdizbich: ZENTI CHEATING[7111] alaska_tweety: please[7111] seanthrows: it’s not zenti[7111] spaceghostxxv: STREAM SNIPING[7111] streamelements: The Multi-Raffle for 6000 points will end in 2 Seconds. Enter by typing '!join' FeelsGoodMan[7111] ares6771: COME ONNNNNNNNNN[7111] featherisbeast: Lock in Ricci[7111] raideasy: check viewer list[7111] wiffk: SNIPAAAAAA[7111] dm3the111: !join[7111] slomorunner149: WWWWWWWWWWWWWW RICCI[7111] annefrankofficially: he isssssssss[7111] jaxon562: WW[7112] rajatislam06: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL[7112] chippy1196: shouldn’t it be 4-4?[7112] streamelements: The Multi-Raffle for 6000 points will end in 1 Seconds. Enter by typing '!join' FeelsGoodMan[7112] coleman_2017: RICCI BETTER[7112] twizzya3: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[7112] shadow_pyr0: Nooooooo[7112] lordraahibius: !join[7113] jaxon562: W[7113] donniebawls: RICCI[7113] kirkishisgoat: IM BEGGING READ CHAT[7113] cold_solar111: GOOD AIMM[7113] refzim: he is not[7113] bubbabass69: stompin[7113] singularitycopium: jynxzi sucho ass up[7113] chicken5678404: viewer list dumb ass[7113] pimpdaddytroy: WWWW[7113] npollack3: fat[7113] naim113: DQ[7113] kiee_eu: sniper[7113] seb1of1: WWWWWWWWWWW[7113] arismha: damn[7114] rajatislam06: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLL[7114] kevymon_: this script is crazy[7114] streamelements: The Multi-Raffle has ended and dm3the111 won 6000 points each FeelsGoodMan[7114] m_ts6: yes ass[7114] the_rozzinator: ohhhh[7114] rockpenguin599: www[7114] 5starjordan90: LOOK AT CHAT HE IS SNIPING[7114] dm3the111: OMG[7114] skinnyjorgs: sniping[7114] wiffk: SNIPEAAAAAA[7114] daquavion_ticklenut_jr: 1-10. ben[7115] t3xasplays44: Pay me my monneyyyy[7115] collerose: jynxziVapeBreak_SQ jynxziVapeBreak_SQ jynxziVapeBreak_SQ jynxziVapeBreak_SQ[7115] rockpenguin599: ww[7115] vzenr: Ll[7115] chump_activities: OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog[7115] jaywpg204: w script[7115] ogklaw: WATCH ZENTI[7115] equa1izzer: SCRIPT[7116] dm3the111: OMGG[7116] katiekitt3n: !join[7116] thewater_bottle: W script[7116] voidedits10: XIM AND STREAM SNIPING[7116] bowser088: W SCRIPT[7116] brooksy_5: dq[7116] alaska_tweety: INSANE SCRIPT[7116] maddengod0906: !join[7116] emptyshelly: STREAM SNIPINGGG[7116] loverforyou214: wwwww[7116] evanhanefeld: diddy waiting[7116] rockpenguin599: w[7116] lilknifer561: can you pause stream need to finish homework[7116] rileyeilte73: fat[7116] vzenr: L[7117] ttr6plaz: he’s in stream[7117] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[7117] seb4st1an_562: BOP[7117] imb3d: Banana[7117] jonathonc1: finally noticed[7117] angeldk: !join[7117] cookiegod2112: Arua[7117] kakashisprincess: oh[7117] brettkingeter: ZENTI STREAM SNIPING[7117] spaceghostxxv: Zenti is sniping[7118] brooksy_5: dqqqq[7118] dm3the111: OMGGG[7118] osgvoltz: Cheer1[7118] bvhj7: Zenti can easily achieve a high rank[7118] cursedbladetoji: cursedbladetoji subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 3 month streak! wow I’ve been here too long[7119] shadow_pyr0: LLLLLLLLLLLL[7119] imrazerd: W SCRIPT[7119] deanwallace82547: @ricci[7119] kiee_eu: viewer list[7119] tacoonn: L sniper[7119] katiekitt3n: !join l[7119] sotos1911: scripted[7119] dm3the111: OMGGGGGG[7119] vzenr: l[7119] kakashisprincess: TWIN[7119] wesleybtv: !jin[7119] craftingtime27: Craftingtime27 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! [7119] alexclawson1: AlexClawson1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! 👍🔒[7119] twizzya3: jynxziBuena jynxziBuena[7119] miraclewhip2001: he most definitely is coming back[7120] loverforyou214: www[7120] twitchoibombo: !gamble all[7120] brooksy_5: dqdqdqf[7120] gabe_utsecks22: lmfao hes litererally reading the chat and repeating us[7120] emptyshelly: HES IN THE STREAM[7120] streamelements: twitchoibombo went all in and lost every single one of their 1295 points LUL[7120] zerma6690: did avid qq loose[7120] isoalienn: !gamble 10[7120] btr_foot: when fan mail[7120] twiixx_tv: WWWWWW[7120] daquavion_ticklenut_jr: 1-10 BEN.[7121] 4pflestat: scripts[7121] dubsnice: id bet money hes sniping[7121] streamelements: @isoAlienn, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan[7121] seb4st1an_562: jynxziBadAim[7121] kakashisprincess: TWIN[7121] dm3the111: OMG.[7122] annefrankofficially: sniping ass fool[7122] buggy2faded: w script[7122] kakashisprincess: TWINNN[7122] starr4d: Stream sniping[7122] supermarketgames: viewerlist[7122] royal2huu: w script[7123] 6imsaucy3: !join[7123] jynxzi567498: shaking in his boots[7123] cookiegod2112: W[7123] rlake: 3-0 to 4-5 HOLY SHIT[7123] qiyaamzrr: dq zenti is stream sniper[7123] jetman422: W ricci[7123] cashisgooder: when is Ricci vs zenti[7123] kiee_eu: SNIPED[7123] ajtogoodd1212: bro there’s a 1 minute delay it doesn’t matter if he in stream[7124] ghostyx64: ZENTI IS CHEATING! he’s sniping!![7124] spinyw1ny: LEAK THE MEAT[7124] wyat897: dq[7124] collerose: jynxziVapeBreak_SQSending hate from ubisoft[7124] sightsxd1: zenti is cheating[7124] slomorunner149: W RICCI[7124] thomashamilton99: tell senti to shut his fuckin mouth[7124] wiffk: FUCK ZENTIIIIII[7124] vzenr: L[7124] skaterbro_214: senti sniping[7124] emptyshelly: 1-10 BEN[7125] cookiescrem: W script[7125] xpecthaven: !gamble 1k[7125] wesleybtv: !join[7125] snagz_vx: WAY TO FOLLOW THE SCRIPT[7125] elengilbert: LMAO[7125] twizzya3: jynxziBuena jynxziBuena jynxziBuena[7125] crankiplier_fanatic: !join[7125] killerx12311: I don’t think that’s senti[7125] angeldk: !join z[7125] streamelements: xpecthaven lost 1000 points in roulette and now has 376263 points! FeelsBadMan[7125] rock1113tv: Honestly a good script[7125] aaronl0: HASHAHAHAHAHAH[7125] daquavion_ticklenut_jr: 1-10 ben.[7125] anthonythebiggest123: can I add you on Xbox[7126] cookiegod2112: Wwaww[7126] dm3the111: TWINNNN[7126] free__kay: SOMEONE ON ZENTI ACCOUNT[7126] az_lad: come on ricci[7126] braxx2022: zenti stream snipping[7126] kirkishisgoat: READ CHATTTT[7126] jaxon562: W SCRIPT[7126] stay_mad_kid971: I need sum more[7126] luigistoe: Ricci bouta shit on him[7126] evanhanefeld: WHO WATCHIN THIS IN 2024[7127] nightbot: 👀[7127] bingototwizzy: @jynxzi[7127] henster2415: yoooo[7127] twizzya3: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[7127] dm3the111: TWINN[7128] rileyeilte73: Fat[7128] paqytoncandales: L script[7128] lilknifer561: can you pause stream need to finish homework.[7128] funnyguruu: zenti not playing KEKW[7128] maysells: com onnnnnnnnnnnnn zenti[7128] cookiegod2112: Wwwwww[7128] kakashisprincess: DMONEYYYYY[7129] cristi1an_: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[7129] twitch_watcher82: twitch_watcher82 subscribed at Tier 1. [7129] fluxious209: ZENTI SNIPING[7129] 03_caden: w script[7129] vract_: why didnt he shoot him with the twitch drone?[7129] kirkishisgoat: THIS ISNT ZENTI[7130] brooksy_5: dqdqdqdqdqd[7130] lilknifer561: can you pause stream need to finish homework[7130] gizorge: COKE DEALER AHHHHHH SHIRT[7130] gnrsteez: ZENTI ERA[7130] emptyshelly: 1-10[7130] mrmilku1234: W[7130] michealhunter90: wa wa wa[7130] arismha: yoo[7130] jtcr3amy7: joel_cream27 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months! [7130] brenden_w_14: Ricci getting stream sniped[7130] chump_activities: TwitchUnity StinkyCheese[7130] jynxzi567498: AURA[7131] bloodhunter445: !join[7131] xvoidyyx: Lemme get a 20 piece[7131] iamviewbot123: YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS[7131] jerh2009: Don't pay out hes sniping[7131] battlecurl: @chicken5678404 you realize that you can snipe on a different account idiot[7131] oimojooi: RICCI SOUNDS SO STRESSED[7131] voidedits10: Jynxzi don't read chat lol[7131] gennygfx: FAT[7131] russian_bomber_: w pizza[7132] ogklaw: WATCH ZENTI AND WATCH THE STREAM SNIPE[7132] stepbrofizz: hes actually sniping[7132] c0llin3872: someone tell zenti to stop saying hoe[7132] xenkyi: Stream sniping[7132] lilknifer561: can you pause stream need to finish homework.[7132] cerprimetime: Even is ricci loses he gave zenti 5 rounds[7133] madboutdat: when’s tim 1v1???[7133] lazerboomer: adin tax n Mingo better then ricci[7133] vexxiify: zenti dont sell this shit[7133] brokenw1nd0ws: Zenti my new favourite character 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭[7133] twizzya3: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[7133] izakic: wwwwww[7133] optikcal: scrtipted[7133] catcherlife44: !gamble all[7133] dummyneon: mf stays not reading chat 😭[7133] michealhunter90: wa[7133] willw1967: hr[7133] swashii_: any money on the line?[7134] streamelements: catcherlife44 went all in and lost every single one of their 120 points LUL[7134] iamviewbot123: YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS[7134] kakashisprincess: YURRRRR[7134] absent_all_day: you have delay on?[7134] trxckprod10: Ricci is under age[7134] brooksy_5: dqdqdqdqdqdqdq[7134] ihavetopeebad: L SCRIPT[7134] dm3the111: safSturdy safSturdy safSturdy safSturdy safSturdy safSturdy[7134] omgrickymorton: ZENTI STAY OFF SCRIPT[7134] collerose: Sending hate from ubisoft[7135] assumethat: Nioor[7135] focus_stewie: wedding?[7135] snagz_vx: W SCRIPT[7135] gavin27279: dant let meh come Bach stream snipa 😭[7135] katiekitt3n: !join lol[7135] atrain13_: stream snipe[7135] kakashisprincess: HYBBB[7136] h3rb4l5m0ke: BROS NOT EVEN READING CHAT FUCK THIS GUY FRFR[7136] bananaslushie1: READ CHAT[7136] twizzya3: jynxziBuena jynxziBuena[7136] lilknifer561: can you pause stream need to finish homework[7136] voxxyyyyyyyyy: Yo wdc fat fuck mute that mic[7136] donniebawls: RICCI WIN OR ILL HATE YOU FOREVER BIG H[7136] russiank00t: Alreightt[7136] spaceghostxxv: L stream sniping[7137] slomorunner149: RICCI WWWWWWWW[7137] graysonnn69: ris[7137] daquavion_ticklenut_jr: 1-10 ben[7137] willw1967: hes ss[7137] wesleybtv: than run a poll stupid[7137] jakohallo: check on ginge[7137] cribsamazing: zenti stream snipe[7137] yeah_he_did: !link[7137] kingkrusher_1756: he better[7137] nightbot: @yeah_he_did If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[7138] x_ipandemic: zoom this skin malusi[7138] jalen348: glaze[7138] dm3the111: WAKASHIIIII[7138] atrain13_: snipoing[7138] mike1huncho: JYNXZI JYNX[7138] starr4d: Daddy give me some[7138] lilknifer561: can you pause stream need to finish homework.[7138] uziel_cruzlopez: bros down fall needs to be studyed[7139] noturdad1233: !link[7139] blonko_: L GLAZE[7139] sotos1911: w script[7139] liamakky: Sniping[7139] smackingskills: L SCRIPT[7139] big_shug01: pizza pizza[7140] brooksy_5: DQDQDQ[7140] rjarratt1: rjarratt1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! [7140] kaaayseaa: 100% sniping. How'd he know ppl were saying???[7140] jynxziizaddy27: scriped[7140] tenderblender_: because its scripted[7140] maddengod0906: ZENTI WINS GG[7140] benstaham: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak[7140] iamviewbot123: YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS[7140] gingersneeze329: @zerma6690[7141] mont1500: my Johnson is retracting[7141] kozee6969: RICCI ALL THE WAU[7141] docterrb: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance[7141] michealhunter90: wa wa[7141] daquavion_ticklenut_jr: 1-10 ben.[7141] bananaslushie1: READ CHAT%[7141] 6imsaucy3: !gamble 10[7141] idk_wtpyk: who’s in 2137 with md[7141] atrain13_: snipe[7141] odmute: !gamble all[7141] lilknifer561: can you pause stream need to finish homework[7141] streamelements: 6imsaucy3 lost 10 points in roulette and now has 2775 points! FeelsBadMan[7142] bostonterrierlover: DQ[7142] jalen348: glazing[7142] streamelements: odmute went all in and lost every single one of their 22985 points LUL[7142] jude224573: script[7142] not77cold: L script[7142] az_lad: W RICCI[7142] mugiwarawaters: !news[7142] tennessejed622: zenti in stream[7142] maskedbootyy: @avidqr6 your ass[7142] notwoif: fat you said the same thing about avid and woooooopsieeeee[7143] jalen348: glaze[7143] russian_bomber_: W RICCI[7143] willw1967: stream snipe[7143] iamviewbot123: YESSS[7143] breaks808: SCRIPT[7143] bananaslushie1: CHAT[7144] jmb3030: Ik this is scripted[7144] ryanvt11: spoit waiting[7144] aaronl0: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL[7144] lazerboomer: adin n Mingo betrer on ps5[7144] lilknifer561: can you pause stream need to finish homework.[7144] mymaintwiitch: this 1v1 is wild bro![7144] dirty50: LUL[7145] voxxyyyyyyyyy: LMFAO[7145] npollack3: cmonnnn zenith[7145] realceedee: newmongraal1 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! [7145] jrnxl_: SOME ONE ON ZENTI ACCOUNT[7145] tuzygg: richie has to win[7145] gfam420000: Cheer1[7145] bubbabass69: stompin[7145] bigdogsmifh: can you shut the fuck up[7145] kento_rain: Nahhhhhh by 🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢[7145] blonko_: L GLAZEE[7145] sandy_sir: 💀[7146] ttr6plaz: he’s cheating[7146] ei_boyi: !link[7146] kirkishisgoat: PLEASEEEEE THIS ISNT ZENTI[7146] slomorunner149: LUL LUL[7146] famegotcha: L script[7146] mooaj: Anyone could win, I have lots of points on zenti tho[7146] ayocalbo: LMAOOOOO[7147] hoestereyy: script[7147] jstinl: chat is so stupid[7147] ittybittyfrog_: Rocco always cheating tho[7147] salmongod99: W SCRIPT[7147] jorjais291: script[7147] bardown16__: `bastad[7147] lilknifer561: can you pause stream need to finish homework[7147] sleaksxn: zenti is no xim[7147] laggyluke271: !gamble all[7148] ball_tongue__: LMAOOOO[7148] retronitez: no dq[7148] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀[7148] daquavion_ticklenut_jr: 1-10 ben/[7148] gennygfx: GLAZER[7148] lbgoat23: sniping[7148] streamelements: LaggyLuke271 went all in and lost every single one of their 1265 points LUL[7148] turbodogo: W PLOT DO YOU HAVE A GHOST WRITER LIKE DRAKE[7148] ryanvt11: spoit is waiting[7148] jgranx: fuck ads bruh[7148] ltk97: scripted Ong[7148] bananaslushie1: READ CHAT[7148] rcr751: Yooo[7148] sk_r6_04: Ricci trash[7149] luigithegoat2: lol[7149] vvenomking: spectate ricci again[7149] nightbot: 😂[7149] beatrizwillshift: DAMNNN-[7149] turntdemonttv: TurntDemonttv subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! 4 months chuky I MEAN chunko I MEAN JUNKO.... OOOP[7149] rumbigk: LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[7149] jaxon562: W[7149] brooksy_5: DQDQDQDQDQ[7149] 12ffffg: l script[7149] poookieppp: !watchtime[7149] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[7149] katiekitt3n: !join p[7149] ogklaw: nah l script[7149] az_lad: LETS GO RICCI[7149] streamelements: poookieppp has spent 2 days 9 hours watching jynxzi[7150] mrnobody_0123: HE BETTER WIN MY FUCKING CHANNEL POINTS[7150] slomorunner149: LMAOOOOO[7150] king_bartholomew6: !gamble 500[7150] animosity26: jynxziWTF[7150] streamelements: king_bartholomew6 lost 500 points in roulette and now has 17480 points! FeelsBadMan[7151] zebraaaaa12: should be 5-4 ricci[7151] noblenoah11: Ricci loosing to zenti naw[7151] uwu_ravioli: NOoOO[7151] seb1of1: LMAO[7151] pita_broodje: bastad[7151] jebyje: BRO PLS RICCI[7151] iamviewbot123: siudFHAISUHFUERDHFG[7151] sandy_sir: 💀[7151] brooksy_5: DQDQDQ[7152] fossabot: @Pixel_AIM, Your message is too long[7152] kozee6969: LMAOOOO[7152] tysayshi21: zenti do it bro[7152] iso_matthew: LMAOOOOO[7152] daquavion_ticklenut_jr: 1-10 ben;[7152] killerboss4life420k: Love u Jix[7152] cashisgooder: when is Ricci vs Zenti[7152] free__kay: SOMEONE ON ZENTI ACCOUNT AGAIN‼️‼️‼️[7152] famegotcha: L scrip[7153] jaxon562: WW[7153] twist3r_1337: !charm[7153] nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn[7153] 6imsaucy3: !gamble all[7153] 4pflestat: TwitchConHYPE[7153] lilknifer561: can you pause stream need to finish homework.[7154] kiryenti: L script[7154] pooliebearg: SUPP DADDYYY[7154] jaxon562: W[7154] derekleclauchard: coach me!!!!!![7155] wood1223: Hurry up we tryna see the 3v5 against every rank[7155] nayluvsjay: wait is it fr scripted[7155] jrnxl_: SOMEONE ON ZENTI ACCOUNT[7155] wesleybtv: 10 ADS???? you broke desperate ass mf[7155] brooksy_5: DQDQDQDQ[7155] kozee6969: LMAOOOOOOOO[7155] junkofatt: L script[7156] wetblubber: ur ginormous[7156] el_yukon_956: zenti is cheating[7156] famegotcha: L script[7156] daquavion_ticklenut_jr: 1-10 ben'[7156] nad1022x: Zenti blocked wound. dude come on man. that’s a round[7156] chump_activities: HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HEHEHEHE HEHE HE HE HE HE[7156] jayblaketn: Well you have the script so that’s not fair[7157] randhtz29: 💀💀💀💀💀[7157] papi_hawk: papi_hawk subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! [7157] pizzadino_: !gamble 500[7157] cristi1an_: 💀💀💀💀[7157] streamelements: pizzadino_ won 500 points in roulette and now has 6115 points! FeelsGoodMan[7157] wetblubber: LMFAO[7157] lilknifer561: can you pause stream need to finish homework[7158] crankiplier_fanatic: W RICCI[7158] cacthongbetong: SCRIPT[7158] nobody5460: Please check tiktok msg. Possibly 1st video for spot on chalet?[7158] nhldestroyer772: nhldestroyer772 subscribed with Prime. [7158] wetblubber: LMAO[7158] devendagen: Jynxzi zenti in chat[7159] dripboi534: LMFAO[7159] happycatipillar: you don’t read your chat[7159] dirty50: LOL[7159] daquavion_ticklenut_jr: 1-10 ben.[7160] lorym02: The DQ[7160] voxxyyyyyyyyy: 22 yo and bunk bed warrior[7160] royal2huu: w script[7160] mezzdup_bun: LMFOAAOAOAOO[7160] rcfn_yt: when is spoit[7160] worldasetupboi: LOOK NOW ON RICCI SIDE YALL ROBOTS FASHOOOO YOUR CHAT AINT REAL LMAO DICK RIDE[7161] lilknifer561: can you pause stream need to finish homework.[7161] trenbro6: LOL[7161] ttheo555: Lmaloo[7161] ittybittyfrog_: RICCI ALWAYS CHEATING[7161] gopsarok: when ft shroud[7161] nightbot: 👀[7161] sa__uce: yes I seen it[7162] leept88: LMAOAOAAOAO[7162] kakashisprincess: I CANT SEE SNYTHING[7162] famegotcha: L scrip junko[7162] slomorunner149: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL[7162] sammyboi0607: what happend to prediction[7162] wetblubber: YES[7162] hunxhodactivist: W BUNKBED[7162] mashness3: LMAOOOOOOO[7162] aaronl0: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL[7162] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀[7162] daquavion_ticklenut_jr: 1-10 ben,[7162] nachomanranchysalad: LMAO[7163] zapiffy: LMAO[7163] ttheo555: Lmaooo[7163] heallyos_: LOL[7163] lilknifer561: can you pause stream need to finish homework[7163] gnrsteez: W ZENTI[7163] no_playtime_isaac_05: STREAM SNIPE[7163] dm3the111: safFun[7163] assumethat: Egypt[7163] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀[7163] nightbot: safFun[7163] wetblubber: YES[7163] mackalexander500: Balller[7164] carminekos: ☠️[7164] aiden6audet: ............[7164] buttholehouse: NAHHH[7164] sins_x6: LMAOOO[7164] voxxyyyyyyyyy: we been know[7164] jonathonc1: 🤣🤣[7164] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀[7164] wetblubber: YES[7165] joshpisag: yesss[7165] lemerot: freee[7165] not_lethal_: lmaooo[7165] voidedits10: LOL[7165] daquavion_ticklenut_jr: 1-10 ben[7165] xmzungu: BRUH[7165] dangerplayss: LMFAO[7165] rnitten: lmaooo[7165] rrizzy_fr123: what the sigma[7165] boppo_jr: The pause[7165] wetblubber: YES[7165] funnyguruu: LUL[7165] lilknifer561: can you pause stream need to finish homework.[7165] jerh2009: Don't pay out hes sniping[7165] syreva: lmao[7166] avahasflava: ;MFOAFMAFMOAFMOMOAFMOFA[7166] chrisarg17: L BULLY[7166] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀[7166] wetblubber: YES[7166] jmoneygraal: jmoneygraal subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! fat[7166] not_lethal_: LMAOO[7166] southernaimer: OMG[7166] dusllbee: 💀💀[7166] yoshitoshiabe: 💀 💀[7166] devslatt: LMAOOOOO[7166] kezioo13: LMAO[7166] easy_moneysniper1: lmao[7166] dgcv_: 💀💀[7166] puffpuffjuicer: LOLLLLL[7166] twitch_watcher82: !link[7167] vicodin_iv: lmaoo[7167] wetblubber: YES[7167] swwaldo: LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[7167] jaysicy: jaysicy subscribed with Prime. [7167] trippyexit: OH[7167] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀[7168] wetblubber: IT IS[7168] funnyguruu: exposed[7168] bambam1519: lmaoooo[7168] lilknifer561: can you pause stream need to finish homework[7168] oknexuslol: chill[7168] soundcloutken: DQ[7168] deeezyah: AHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA[7168] maxwelliswell1: LOL[7168] vividly004: OBVIOUSLY[7168] royal2huu: thats not fair[7168] seb4st1an_562: bully[7168] peantbuttnerr: OH NAHHHHHH[7168] easy_moneysniper1: lmaoooooo[7168] lorym02: The DQ broooooooo[7168] izukiyoo: OMG[7169] perfectrotation7: LMFAOOOOOOOO[7169] elengilbert: 💀[7169] joshpisag: it’s real[7169] voxxyyyyyyyyy: You knew this?[7169] papichulo0004: NO WAYYY LMAOOOO[7169] gnrsteez: UHHH[7169] mrtennuhsee: lol[7169] fanz_abuswe7l: lol[7169] rosin42000: lololollll[7169] wetblubber: IT IS TRUE[7169] famegotcha: L script junko[7169] dm3the111: @kakashisprincess me either[7169] abeaver: YES[7169] not_lethal_: LMAO[7169] henr6ent: SOOOO WE’RE WORSHIPPING THE OWL 🦉[7170] forevervluxz: LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[7170] supernintendomike: ????[7170] pounds_of_xanax: that silent is louddddd[7170] overclock1: LMAOOOO[7170] buttholehouse: BRUHH[7171] no_playtime_isaac_05: 💀[7171] ethantop20: ...[7171] abeaver: ????????[7171] bray_2solid_: nahhhhhhhhhhhhh[7171] ayocalbo: GROWN MAN ONA BUNK BED[7171] unweptanemone90: !gamble 500k[7171] wetblubber: IT IS TRUE[7171] krabfrmhell: 😂😂[7171] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀[7171] shadow_b3nn3tt: 💀💀[7171] iamletshotbox: ???[7171] streamelements: unweptanemone90 won 500000 points in roulette and now has 1251200 points! FeelsGoodMan[7171] tok_yo_something: WTF[7172] anthonythebiggest123: can me and you played r6 together[7172] az_lad: HAHAHAAH[7172] worldasetupboi: LOOK NOW ON RICCI SIDE YALL ROBOTS FASHOOOO YOUR CHAT AINT REAL LMAO DICK RIDEEEEEE[7172] fookingwot: HUH[7172] owendicss: jynxziEZ_SQ[7172] iitzspencer: w ricci[7172] blundergats2: huh[7172] voidedits10: WHAT[7172] gfam420000: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1[7172] oknexuslol: 💀[7172] aaronl0: HES ON A OFFENDER LIST[7172] lilknifer561: can you pause stream need to finish homework.[7172] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀[7172] retronitez: ???[7172] abeaver: ??????????[7175] kezioo13: LMFAO[7175] conedfullboxed200: ooooooooooh heelll nahhhhhhhhhh[7175] vemon_ssg: Alr[7175] sukehirojc: W SCRIPT CHUNKO[7175] turbodogo: hits the roof[7175] haehaex: Hahahah[7175] seb4st1an_562: who sleeps with him??[7175] ofliqq: Lmfao[7175] abeaver: ????[7175] boppo_jr: Bathroom[7175] kaaayseaa: 100% sniping. How'd he know ppl were saying???[7175] bardown16__: ofc thats what you think abt[7175] puffpuffjuicer: HUH[7175] sandy_sir: LMFAAAOO[7176] royal2huu: bro might live with fam[7176] wetblubber: IT IS TRUE[7176] dalowrld: DaloWrld subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! d[7177] lilknifer561: can you pause stream need to finish homework.[7177] xd_cheeseme: L BULLY[7177] nunchuckchick69: dog what[7177] deathsleftnut: the shower?[7177] draxnsklount: shower[7177] sloppiergnat812: wats wrong with a bunk[7177] richthesimp: so he poor shaming[7177] lolcatzidk: LUL[7177] syphon_ac007: We shaming over a bed, crazy[7177] cobycute: ???????[7177] onjah1400: LMAOOOOOO[7177] jonathonc1: 🤣[7177] seb1of1: HUH[7178] jakinbacon7: LMAOOOOOO[7178] demonshadow7237: LMAO[7178] woiyar: LET IT RIP[7178] bubbabass69: stompin[7178] smur7y: asking the real questions[7178] easy_moneysniper1: it’s trye[7178] wetblubber: IT IS TRUE[7178] solarspacey: bunkbed billy[7178] extramildsauce: L BULLY J[7178] dookiedemon7700: ?????[7178] katiekitt3n: !join .[7178] angeldk: LUL LUL[7178] papa_yaya: LMFAOOOOOOOOO FUCKINGF LOOOSERRRRRRR[7178] jynxgddaim: LMFAOOO[7179] sandy_sir: LMFAAAOOO[7179] jayjugger: LMFAO[7179] cobycute: ?[7179] okhimnotjinxy: LMAO[7179] joyboy_011: buy him a bed[7179] wearytraveler1212: crazy[7179] rushuur: bunk bed ben[7179] theninetails316: LUL LUL LUL[7179] nightbot: ?[7179] caillousshinyforehead: LOL[7179] nightbot: i was crazy once[7179] nightbot: 😂[7180] leept88: LOOOOOOOOOL[7180] strubes11: top bunk[7180] wetblubber: IT IS TRUE[7180] 50calclipz: shameless[7180] bardown16__: ofc thats what you think about[7180] patchohulihan: Lmfaoooooo[7180] h3rb4l5m0ke: @jynxzi YOU FELL OFF KID YOUR LOOKING AT CHAT AND NOT EVEN READING[7180] gogekemheim: damn.[7180] jabbathenut_: HUH | Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [7000] I'm on my mind. Is that it? J-Do you all think has more motion between Zenti and Richie? It's gotta be Richie bro. Richie definitely has more. [7010] more motion. Oh my balls stick right now. Oh god they do. I'm so sweaty. We chaps for the blast. [7020] Barreimati, Barreimati, Barreimati, wait Ricky's a fucking frog. Bad fucking aim, Ricky. Oh my god, Ricky's a frog. I don't give a fuck what anybody's saying. [7030] It says, Ritee is absolutely afraid, effective immediately. That was the worst day I've ever seen. Bob. [7040] I wore a [7050] I know. I just know Richie. I know you're one, dude. Come on, bro. [7060] It could be the end of Richie's era. The thing is, Senty's on 5-8 years of magnetic. Richie years of magnetic. Senty doubled back though. The thing is bro. [7070] senties on 5hp so Ricky could hypothetically twitch drone senti right now Richie with all the pressure in the world a lot of people consider richie to be if [7080] If not the best player on PlayStation, the second best player on PlayStation, he's currently losing to an Xbox Diamond. This might be the biggest upset of the month. Richie gonna walk up now. [7090] Rikis in sight. Come on. No, he's not coming back. He's not coming back. No, it's okay. Come back. Come back. Come back. [7100] I guess I'm streaming, I guess I'm streaming, I'm only taking what? 6 rounds? I only took you 6 rounds? You might come back. I only took you 6 rounds. I only took you 6 rounds. You might come back. I'm not even allowed to. [7110] Okay, though he might come back. Okay, but you're not coming back for she. But now let me come back. You're shaking bro. You're shaking your aim is very shaky. This would be a crazy comeback. I've been on was on all day. [7120] This would be a crazy come back. Stick that fucking game, hope. You're not the man I was on all day. I don't know, bro. Yo, if I'm giving a prediction right now, I'm saying Richie wins. [7130] this shit i'm not gonna lie richi's gonna win this round on maloosey and then he's gonna win the last round richi's gonna win this game six five bro it's just too big of an upside bro zenty's highest ranking [7140] You sleep in a bunk bed and fucking disgraceful bastard. You upkeep shooting stuffin' keep reading chat bitch. I'm reading my chat like why? I was boy. Woo! [7150] I don't think you live in a bunk. You live in a bunk. Is the bunk bed thing even true? Those empty guests are now. We don't know. [7160] What? What? How does he masturbate? How? [7170] Wait, it's actually it was real the entire time This was real the bottom buck I don't give a fuck I don't give a fuck What if there she goes to the top bunk? | There is a Highlight between 7180 and 7290. Zenti unexpectedly wins the decisive round, and both players insult each other afterward |
Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege[12200] nightbot: Twitter: twitter.com/Jynxzi[12200] garenaguilar: stop looking at me bro[12200] iso_matthew: it’s usa[12200] c9_inches: BRO ONLY WATCHES R6[12202] nashtherizzler: 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷[12202] juan_aqt: team Usa vs team world siege tournament 🗣️[12203] lsc_pansa_: BRASILLLLLL PORRA🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷[12204] tweeteer123: tweeteer123 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 2 month streak! .[12204] juan_aqt: team Usa vs team world siege tournament[12205] jakebutters30: jynxziGG[12205] rtru13: 8 ads is wild[12205] gianlof1: MIC SO LOUD MIC SO LOUD MIC SO LOUD MIC SO LOUD MIC SO LOUD MIC SO LOUD MIC SO LOUD MIC SO LOUD MIC SO LOUD MIC SO LOUD MIC SO LOUD MIC SO LOUD MIC SO LOUD MIC SO LOUD MIC SO LOUD[12206] jsapps: Brazilian Coca plant ensures they play prime[12206] mrhobo242: love from japan[12206] yng__cam: y[12207] gianlof1: MIC SO LOUD[12207] juan_aqt: team Usa vs team world siege tournament 🗣️[12207] okrelo: YOUR ASH[12207] dm3the111: scarz owns Japan[12208] miguel__mcf: 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷PORRAAAAAA[12209] colincostello30: im sliver my user is FaZe_Jelker[12209] nashtherizzler: 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷[12210] akaloverboy: VAMO CARALHOOOOO[12210] fontoleaff: W Brazil[12211] mfsoloj: hey hey[12211] okrelo: BLOW IT UP[12212] trawlrz: FRANCE GOT KARMINE CORP VITALITY BDS[12213] worldasetupboi: ID SAY IT A KIAD[12213] sliceslinger131: SILVER sliceslinger1[12213] calikocoyy: Jynxzi why are you runnkng 7 ads, turn them off for this stream you fatty[12213] echoelvish: all right[12214] llllllhu: 🇳🇫[12215] n0tluxk: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL[12215] cozyjew: USA 🇺🇸 USA 🇺🇸 USA 🇺🇸 USA 🇺🇸[12215] bardown16__: LOL[12216] nightbot: 😂[12216] nashtherizzler: 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷[12216] joshua200000000001: !link[12216] nightbot: @joshua200000000001 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[12216] kyotoblade76: Ricci is better[12216] nightbot: 👀[12216] cherrypickr1: bro i have a 2.4 kd[12217] worldasetupboi: KAID[12217] flixyy_oo: 1 and 10 tyqauiviontavious[12217] donny433: HIVISE ADD ME FOR GOLD GAME : Donny433[12217] szxy541: hello pookies[12217] xoblinkk: view botter how do you go from 110k viewers to 60k[12217] clippzzzy_11: Wsp[12217] nightbot: bozo[12217] casusbelli8: L DRONE[12217] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[12218] sandy_sir: 💀[12218] rifter_6gxd: Bad aim[12218] hushhthemonkey: ....[12218] krusegg: LMAO[12218] waterrnelons: ?????????[12218] arminnrd: LMAO[12218] scarlettt07: HUH[12218] drewskii711: squadLUL squadLUL squadLUL squadLUL[12219] xpecthaven: ???[12219] n0tluxk: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL[12219] crossf1re22: ?[12219] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀[12219] nightbot: ?[12220] atmo_ns: lol[12220] trawlrz: 💀[12220] aqona_: ???[12220] wildstarlight: holy[12220] nashtherizzler: 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷[12220] ag_prxdigy: !prime[12220] himmcuz: @COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER I love u[12220] nightbot: Subscribe to @Jynxzi for FREE with Twitch Prime Twitch.tv/subs/jynxzi[12220] noobboy2077: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL[12220] nehsty: ?????[12221] miguel__mcf: BRASIL MENTIONED CARALHOOOOOOOOO🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷[12221] nightbot: YouTube: Jynxzi R6[12221] trawlrz: 💀💀💀[12221] benh01: ew[12221] mrgamerstyler: LUL[12222] cmomoney187: WHATTTTT[12222] imgooper: brazil is a huge chunk of game community[12222] n0tluxk: k[12222] lightningkakuzu: AYO[12222] ayayayayayay__: HUH[12222] mr_wav_: ??[12222] nightbot: k[12222] nicco1_3: zacata2Dadkewk zacata2Dadkewk zacata2Dadkewk zacata2Dadkewk zacata2Dadkewk[12222] imjumpsteps: 😂😂😂[12223] soursoup_90: wedding[12223] fuarkingjelo: bros shirt is dapper[12223] griefpb: cmeisterYikers[12223] 0161au5t1n: ??[12223] puffpuffjuicer: LMAOOOOOO HUH[12224] trawlrz: 💀💀😭[12224] raratummy: ?[12224] range_x2: lmfao[12224] qqueensarahh: ????[12224] deylan752: L drone[12224] jinx_grue: lmaooo[12224] zackholeee: lmaoooo[12224] masonbonfig2: what[12224] cman05031: ?[12224] twointhapnk: LUL[12224] siuuu1877: hahahaha[12224] 1mjustb0red: HUH??[12224] cerprimetime: WASHED[12225] therealblackstewiegriffin: !gamble all[12225] dogwater__________sipper: ? ? ?[12225] rass_4k: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper[12225] streamelements: PogChamp therealblackstewiegriffin went all in and won 50077 points PogChamp they now have 100154 points FeelsGoodMan[12225] gaminggamingagamigng: WASHED[12225] wyrxa1: Yo[12225] autismpatient3: what[12226] kings0811: 🤣🤣🤣🤣[12226] retronitez: can it be mine pookie bear[12226] s1lver_wolf: LUL[12226] thesullys: Coffeezilla how did you get ur name 😂[12226] infiniteddark7: jynxziSuprised_SG[12226] qybo_: mendAware[12227] therealblackstewiegriffin: W[12227] cman05031: huh[12227] coffeezilladaughter: @himmcuz thx u too[12228] worldasetupboi: ZERO GAME SENSE[12228] jquilin_: terrible player[12228] jabbathenut_: LMAO[12228] f1shyh: GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey[12228] torrecri: TorreCri subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months! [12228] llllllhu: would you like to come over and hang out with me and diddy[12229] closetwalrus: fat[12229] jebyje: LMAO[12229] a09h1_: clipped[12229] ukiyoix: its good i can hard breach you if you want[12229] masonl22_: ?[12230] ashxrix: ARE. U OKA[12230] kursedprezz: !watchtime[12230] streamelements: kursedprezz has spent 26 days 16 hours watching jynxzi[12230] pizzaboys1031: caseohByrangeedesigns[12230] omgrickymorton: BBL JIZZY[12231] 2001_mazda_protege: come to brazil[12231] yerrnas: WASHEDDDDD[12231] gucci_kid54: nice ine[12231] cashgoat2: lemme run the sliver game[12231] peter_dab: 🤣🤣🤣[12232] iamnotsuspect: korea hasnt been good for last 10 years, birthrate so low, the best league player is in his 30s[12232] mattyyyice2: !gamble 1000[12232] stormpt: KEKW[12232] streamelements: mattyyyice2 won 1000 points in roulette and now has 10820 points! FeelsGoodMan[12232] nardo03: LMAOOOO[12233] commander_2269: 😭[12233] kod_kuunq: yo[12234] icetarossa: LOOLLL[12234] donny433: HIVISE ADD ME FOR GOLD GAME Donny433[12234] mboz1205: @fazeyumi funny name you got there[12235] imbatman199800: jynxziBadAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziEZ[12235] jacobswanson44: nope[12235] isaidsitdown718: lmfaoooooooo[12235] gucci_kid54: nice one[12235] ashxrix: ZESTY AF[12236] kl4404: Ja esppswsp @ @. @. @ @@@@@ @. @. @[12236] bdogfn12: I can’t see bc of ads[12236] cup_vile: you're dog shit[12237] cermu: SELLING[12237] xoglockzii: bruh[12237] coreofr: BBL JIZZY freckCheeky freckCheeky freckCheeky freckSaul freckCheeky freckSaul freckCheeky freckSaul freckSaul freckCheeky freckSaul freckCheeky freckSaul freckCheeky freckSaul freckSaul freckCheeky[12237] okrelo: DIMBASS[12238] iy1ccc: 💀bro that was so loud[12238] chezfv1: chezughadorf subscribed with Prime. [12238] retronitez: l miss[12238] xmagopica: ur bad[12238] nightbot: Discord: https://discord.gg/wYbjvHk[12238] phlashiie: diddy clone[12238] hollowvzn: what rank are they playing rn[12239] kl4404: @ @@ @ @ @@ @[12239] hannibalb: this dude????[12239] jorginhomp04: HAHAAHHA[12239] supernintendomike: why is this stream so loud LUL[12240] isaidsitdown718: twice[12240] ixcomic: fat[12240] echoelvish: GOOD AIM[12241] twosangx: 10 million hours still ass[12241] larrikinau: fell off[12242] orevzs: Very supposed part timer is streaming for this long[12242] hippotekk: boa tarde[12242] kaileehurd5: <3[12243] pizzaboys1031: kaicSturdyy kaicSturdyy[12243] jquilin_: should be on the bronze team[12243] pinballrun: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[12244] youngbloodss69: hutchmfPls hutchmfPls hutchmfPls hutchmfPls hutchmfPls hutchmfPls hutchmfPls lvndmaShake lvndmaShake lvndmaShake lvndmaShake[12244] gingersneeze329: !prime[12244] yahpnk: YahpnK subscribed with Prime. [12244] riskel_with_r: BRASIL MEINTIONED RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH[12245] razizi05: L[12246] coffeezilladaughter: lucky[12246] bardown16__: LOL[12246] nightbot: 😂[12246] raider454_: BAD AIM[12246] ag_prxdigy: AG_Prxdigy subscribed with Prime. [12247] lilfreizaa: what rank is it?[12247] ixcomic: fat ass[12247] maximiliosa: L ADSSSS[12247] sumo26_: GOOD AIM[12247] tangthegoat: tangthegoat subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! [12248] noobboy2077: LUL LUL[12248] worldasetupboi: SPOIT ASS[12248] eyemaarbz: fat x2[12249] sawyergd2: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[12249] ixcomic: fat[12250] crossf1re22: SPOIT DEAD[12250] kyotoblade76: Ricci is better[12250] nightbot: 👀[12250] iy1ccc: i almost got introuble[12252] cup_vile: BRooo[12252] easy_moneysniper1: more ads[12252] chadthundercoc12: add me for bronze game[12252] mrrubybitter: who smoking za rn[12252] ixcomic: fat x2[12253] cmomoney187: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[12253] 4eyesgeek: @HiVise add me im SILVER 2 Pc ubi - durrhurr[12253] juulpoddady: IM GOLD VISE[12254] imgooper: aim[12254] retronitez: SPOIT DEAD[12255] ravensflock6765: you lost[12255] easy_moneysniper1: what[12255] jarroddsibleee: jarroddsibleee subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months! Fat[12255] spectrumrf: jynxziBadAim_HF jynxziBadAim_HF jynxziBadAim_HF jynxziBadAim_HF jynxziBadAim_HF jynxziBadAim_HF[12255] dm3the111: gg[12255] ixcomic: fat[12255] nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP[12256] hushhthemonkey: spoit dead = round over[12256] spectrumrf: jynxziBadAim_HF jynxziBadAim_HF[12256] nightbot: Subscribe HERE: https://www.twitch.tv/subs/Jynxzi[12256] abagoflays: L aim[12257] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[12257] retronitez: ITS OVER[12257] machinecoma: gooddaim[12258] donny433: HIVISE ADD ME FOR GOLD : DONNY433[12258] abagoflays: gg[12258] spectrumrf: jynxziBadAim_HF jynxziBadAim_HF jynxziBadAim_HF jynxziBadAim_HF jynxziBadAim_HF jynxziBadAim_HF jynxziBadAim_HF[12258] jake_1_upup: GG[12259] jacobean82: bro had me look up labour water, never again[12259] ttkcjj: @mrrubybitter me[12260] puffpuffjuicer: SPOIT DEAD GG[12260] hippotekk: tudo bem?[12260] bardown16__: OW[12261] dm3the111: round over[12261] oxs_josee: jynxziEZ[12262] peytonfox19: want to no the rank[12262] funky224224: its jover[12262] sandy_sir: w[12262] e36m3_: goooood aim[12262] ixcomic: fatty[12262] chickenenwafflez: bad aim@[12262] echoelvish: my earssss[12263] sandy_sir: w ww[12263] 0161au5t1n: @HiVise Austin0161xd on ubisoft, gold 5[12263] n0tluxk: OWSSA[12264] xlcruz011lx: W[12266] n0tluxk: OWWWWWW[12266] trenthin: !discord[12266] nightbot: https://discord.gg/jynxzi[12266] shtxckk: 1-1[12266] hydrxw: ow[12266] trawlrz: WHROHD[12266] jsnseahawk: Carried[12267] nestor_423: pre frost mat[12267] lashyclone: holy shit chill out[12268] trawlrz: WHROUD[12268] mcoscarella: spoit hitting a frost mat is wild[12269] hydrxw: shut up[12269] ixcomic: fat Ass[12269] omegabloodflo99: BRO TURN DOENNNN[12269] sliceslinger131: SILVER sliceslinger1 highvise[12270] radioheadlover762: stop yelling[12270] jynxziluver699: frost[12270] clippzzzy_11: Wsp[12270] nitrospaghettqc: jynxziGoodAim[12270] pupusas_d: I’m a bot[12271] po0kzz: YO MODS CAN YOU HELP ME WITH MY HOMEWORK SO I CAN KEEP WATCHING JYNXZI[12272] omegabloodflo99: ITS SO LOUD[12272] joethebossmans: all my money on you guys[12273] xlcruz011lx: WW[12274] bucketg00se: script[12274] ixcomic: fat[12274] cmomoney187: DRONE[12274] mrzavio: Get locked innn[12274] trevbit: Bronze is free[12275] lipan_apache_tx: Drag meen[12275] oph1212: oph1212 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 2 month streak! swweet[12275] retronitez: pre shroud frost mat and loss[12275] thomastwitch28: what rank is he playing against[12276] jmelnn: hm[12276] istudyadultfilms: only time allowed on ash[12277] bucketg00se: scripted[12277] crossf1re22: W REQUEST[12278] ixcomic: fat x2[12278] 200iqscared: YO[12279] jynxziluver699: frost Maine[12279] maximiliosa: Im a bot im a bot im a bot[12279] raider454_: WORST CLIP OF THE DAY[12280] chezfv1: !charm[12280] nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn[12280] n0tluxk: ofc you’re getting carried away[12281] ionevenknow1234: u don’t gotta scream[12281] donny433: HIVISE ADD ME FOR GOLD - DONNY43E[12281] jasonseagle: stop yellinggggg[12282] moscaz: what rank is this?[12282] ttkcjj: @mrrubybitter i feel you homie[12282] sbetterssss: shut up there bronze 💀😭😭[12283] dannypb0945: jynxzi needs a loudness filter[12283] addex03: GUYS HOW MANY LINES OF COKE THIS STREAM???[12283] shreckwess: i'm a view bot[12284] ixcomic: fat ass[12284] ashar_k: type shi[12286] etat96: I’m a bot[12286] chybahassan: chybahassan subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [12286] jmelnn: jinczi[12286] nitrospaghettqc: jynxziBadAim[12286] dentedteef: fat[12287] ixcomic: fat[12287] zxl_zephyr1: 47 ads[12287] ixchrollo: bro on coke?[12288] zapiffy: THESE GUYS ARE GUNNA STOP PLAYING WITH YOU WITH HOW MUCH AND LOUD YO USCREAM[12288] ssjredriott: yo[12289] camgraziano: what rank[12289] poopyy23: scream louder[12290] spectrumrf: jynxziBadAim_HF jynxziBadAim_HF jynxziBadAim_HF jynxziBadAim_HF jynxziBadAim_HF jynxziBadAim_HF jynxziBadAim_HF jynxziBadAim_HF jynxziBadAim_HF jynxziBadAim_HF jynxziBadAim_HF jynxziBadAim_HF[12290] joncampfan: z[12290] oofriot: PART TIMER IS ON[12290] gutkey_og: !gamble all[12291] streamelements: @gutkey_og, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan[12291] thomastwitch28: what rank[12291] zombislayer160: zombislayer160 subscribed at Tier 1. [12291] mrrubybitter: type shi[12291] ggman2357888: jynxziGG[12292] mrzavio: its bronze its not that deep[12293] maddiewilder: IF SOMEONE GIFTS ME ILL KISS U[12293] wizardwabbit: Bro doesn't know the only other electrical or is kaid[12293] xlcruz011lx: L[12293] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[12294] golddemon63: hey jyinxy watching from Australia[12294] jmelnn: I’m a bot[12294] etat96: I am a bot[12295] jasonseagle: no reason to be screaming[12295] poopyy23: bronze[12295] dentedteef: cat[12296] hindo23: I’m a bot[12296] swwaldo: JUNK YOU CANT WIN[12297] dukedog666: can some of yall watch my stream @dukedog6666[12297] chunkypear684: lock in[12298] callofzay: CallofZay subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [12298] iceispapi: IceIsPapi subscribed at Tier 1. [12299] moscaz: what rank is thissss[12299] dentedteef: fat[12299] vertex1629: fattie[12299] kingmedi420: Whats up brother[12300] jmelnn: I’m abot[12300] mauri8xd: 1 if bot[12300] camgraziano: !rank[12300] shreckwess: i'm a view bot paid for by jynxzi[12300] nightbot: Check out Jynxzi's Rank and Stats here -> https://r6.tracker.network/profile/xbox/Junk%20Shiesty[12301] n0tter1: @jynxzi smokes shrouds pen1s!!!![12303] revzioce: 1-4 thor[12303] bardown16__: BIG MAC PLSV[12305] bananajoe420g: bro just saw in cc[12305] okemat: okemat subscribed at Tier 1. [12305] mboz1205: @po0kzz just do it ya homework you failure[12306] ixcomic: fatasss[12306] saviorboy: WW[12307] sliceslinger131: HIGHVISE ADD ME FOE SILVER sliceslinger1[12308] gaminggamingagamigng: KappaHD KappaHD[12308] ixcomic: fat[12309] imskirbyyy: jynxzi what’s ur fav car[12309] shadowinbreed: Gg jinx[12310] nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP[12312] swwaldo: 1-4 BOAR[12312] saviorboy: saviorboy subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! WW[12313] cadendatat: @addex03 10 pounds[12313] pupusas_d: I’m a bot[12313] ixcomic: fat x2[12314] revzioce: obese.[12314] dentedteef: bad aim[12316] clippzzzy_11: 👾👾👾👾👾[12316] waterrnelons: ban him[12317] worldasetupboi: @maddiewilder LMAO[12318] waterrnelons: W[12318] donny433: HIVISE ADD ME FOR GOLD : DONNY433[12319] cup_vile: cap[12319] moscaz: WHAT RANK IS THIS PLSS[12319] nightbot: no 🧢[12319] juulpoddady: VISE ADD ME FOR GOLD - JUUL-poddaddy[12319] efaeustle: kiss me[12320] waterrnelons: safFun[12320] nightbot: safFun[12320] bubbles_editor: bubbles_editor subscribed with Prime. [12320] bardown16__: BAD AIM JYNX[12321] doom_knight2: what rank?[12321] pepemeltdownx: Def a trap[12321] plasimfps: FATSO FATSO FATSO[12322] voylrl: LMAO[12322] ixcomic: overweight[12323] dentedteef: bad aimmmmm[12323] retronitez: YOU LET HIM DIE[12323] binroller: sold[12324] ms_duce: f[12324] trawlrz: L PLANT SPOT[12324] nightbot: F in the chat[12324] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[12324] negzero_: USUCK[12324] slain__gaming: L friend[12324] voylrl: LMAO LMAO LMAO[12325] complex8252: Washed[12325] bunnillia: lol[12325] diomar: ???[12325] haribo_steele_: ur aim is so shit[12325] nightbot: 😂[12325] cup_vile: knew it[12325] xwhiteferrari: Fraud[12325] mrnexxuz0: trash[12326] ixcomic: fat[12326] trevbit: lets go jynxzi[12326] jorginhocraycray: BRO[12326] retronitez: YOU LOST[12326] gingersneeze329: !prime[12326] jammiedodgersu: BAD AIIMMMM[12326] nightbot: Subscribe to @Jynxzi for FREE with Twitch Prime Twitch.tv/subs/jynxzi[12326] zizu426: Almdaooo[12327] trawlrz: ASS PLANT SPOT[12327] chunkypear684: bad aim[12327] elfsoultaker: LMAO[12327] puffpuffjuicer: SOLD[12327] ttv_mclovin_: you still in Bronze?[12328] ms_duce: fff[12328] noobboy2077: bad aim[12328] jaystep_: L TEAMMATE[12328] youngherox: bad aim[12328] zizu426: LMAOOOO[12328] negzero_: TRASH[12328] thatseasy12_r6s: F[12329] soggyshane: SHIDDY AIM[12329] nestor_423: L friend[12329] tripleasian: bad aim[12329] pr0_killer2: 'TRUST ME'[12330] retronitez: YOU LOSE THESE[12330] sliceslinger131: HIGHVISE ADD ME FOE SILVER sliceslinger1 v[12331] ixcomic: overweight[12331] shreckwess: Gg[12331] jordank4li: BAD FUCKING AIM[12331] ogjellebene: IM A VIEW BOT[12332] tkyre: KOVAAKS NEEDED[12332] trawlrz: ASS PLANT[12332] gucci_kid54: pre sell[12332] applesnbiscuits: LMAOOOO BAD AIM BAD AIM[12332] bro6ski: IM BACK NOOO I MISSED COPPERS[12333] coughing_lady: Yesss good come back[12333] young_life_: @Hivise add me for gold Killua--Wave[12334] brookeyolo: bad aim[12334] unodakinechris: L bait[12335] ms_duce: WIN IT[12335] snowylwm: TRUST ME[12335] caseohusfat: Jynxsi next podcast ep when[12335] trawlrz: ASS PLANT SPOT[12335] n0tluxk: SOLD[12335] yerrnas: LMAOOOOOO[12336] cup_vile: kill or kick[12336] jebyje: L aim[12337] kong1290: L teammate[12337] slumtrapper: he should’ve stuck the plant[12337] xevious_: SO BAD[12337] gucci_kid54: LMAO[12337] gucci_kid54: LMAO[12337] gucci_kid54: LMAO[12338] bardown16__: LOLL[12338] pr0_killer2: L TEAMATE[12339] donny433: HIVISE ADD FOR GOLD : DONNY433[12339] moscaz: WHAT RANK THEY PLAYING[12339] voylrl: BAD AIM[12339] binroller: bad aim[12339] casusbelli8: WASHED[12340] l1am3dwardz: lol[12340] thewilltee: LMFAO[12340] chrisppyy99: KEKW[12340] hushhthemonkey: UR SO BAD LUL[12340] trawlrz: LMAOOO[12340] fightandhide: OMG[12340] ukiyoix: ass[12340] rifter_6gxd: UR ASS[12340] slain__gaming: L bait lmao[12340] xevious_: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL[12341] unbrokenspirit_: L[12341] retronitez: YOU SUCK[12341] ixcomic: bad sim[12341] rockstarrlifebecallin: LMAO[12341] drawzz15: VISE ME PLEASE FOR SILVER[12341] patrickdestar25: washed[12341] xwhiteferrari: FRAUD[12341] dukers12: L teammate[12341] plsyt: DOGSHIT[12341] krazyki_: Hey wanna do a nuke with 2 girls on WZ RN[12342] trawlrz: LMFAOOO[12342] plasimfps: nahhhhh[12342] daze________: nooooo[12342] blakepeterson00: so bad[12342] revzioce: bad aim[12342] gucci_kid54: sold[12342] nehsty: LMAOOOOO[12342] moonniix_: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL[12342] dsaltine: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[12342] herbbalink: SOLD[12342] matthewcantthinkofaname: LOL[12342] elithe_great_: SOLDDDD[12342] trace014: ass[12342] renzo_cer: bad aim[12342] gucci_kid54: sold[12343] mikepaslawski: 😭😭😭[12343] thatboydev: LUL LUL LUL[12343] mrnexxuz0: LMAOOOO[12343] retronitez: DOG WATER[12343] fontoleaff: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[12343] drizzmoolah: LMAO[12343] xjudmuffin: so bad[12343] ethhxn: ass[12343] dgcv_: noooo[12343] lildingleberryy: SOLD[12343] gucci_kid54: sold[12343] rocketz492560: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[12343] supernintendomike: LMAO SO ASS[12343] luckilistener223: L[12343] dsaltine: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[12344] ayayayayayay__: LLLLLL[12344] shadowd4: LMAOOOOOOOOOO[12344] jordank4li: ASSSS[12344] gucci_kid54: sold[12345] voyager021: LMAO[12345] vsoka: YOU SUCK[12345] dantheman3377: Trash[12345] bucketg00se: L[12345] luisr0112: trasshhhhhh[12345] joey031899: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[12345] xjudmuffin: so bad[12345] itzblipy: ur ass[12345] jonbih2004: we?[12345] lnatezl: w[12345] richardbobby25: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[12345] nazrat_51: OFC[12345] swoleboh: LMAO[12345] puffpuffjuicer: LMAOOOOOO[12345] coffeezilladaughter: W[12346] djtheheat: SOLD[12346] 226_toyo: WASHED[12346] swampass82: LLLLLLL[12346] shadowd4: LMAOOOOO[12346] gaminggamingagamigng: YOUR SO ASS[12346] coffeezilladaughter: W [12346] trxyyyh: bro[12346] texoi_: SOLD[12346] staticchannel35: W[12346] jordank4li: SO ASS[12346] coffeezilladaughter: W[12346] coffeezilladaughter: W [12346] xjudmuffin: so bad[12346] coffeezilladaughter: W[12346] coffeezilladaughter: W [12347] coffeezilladaughter: W[12348] jaxooobxd: REACT HARDERREACT HARDERREACT HARDERREACT HARDERREACT HARDERREACT HARDERREACT HARDERREACT HARDERREACT HARDERREACT HARDERREACT HARDER[12348] allegedlymma: 💀💀💀💀[12348] richardbobby25: jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh[12348] bweiss10: washed[12348] bryce_games24: sold[12348] xjudmuffin: so bad[12348] pthecow_: dumbass[12348] thumbah11: ass[12348] not_lethal_: Lmao[12348] olx0nn: sold[12348] peter_grifiin: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[12348] dgcv_: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[12348] owen123098456: ass ss[12348] peasantbread_: bro threw 💀[12348] gucci_kid54: we know[12349] boba89294837: BAD AIM[12349] islandniland: ASS[12349] haydenvvs14: PLANT[12349] swarthy_puma: trash[12349] coffeezilladaughter: W [12349] db_kekw: so fucking ass[12349] phoenixking143: SO TRASH[12349] jordank4li: L[12349] stfuju9999: LLLLLL[12349] itzblipy: ass[12349] rndode0: bad aim[12349] avaryxt97: WTF[12349] fossabot: @fisheyethunder, Your message is too long[12349] gucci_kid54: we know[12349] coffeezilladaughter: W[12350] coffeezilladaughter: W [12351] snowylwm: TRUST ME SHROUD[12351] honedaxe: W SELL WOW[12351] purpleduck3552: trash[12351] exkamisama: L AIMM[12351] vexstrem: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[12351] rayj14: FRAUD[12351] ryantnick44: garbage[12351] dantheman3377: trash[12351] owen123098456: so bad[12351] jaystep_: L TEAMMATEE[12351] pthecow_: your horrible[12351] bryce_games24: w[12351] fruitiiloops: sold[12351] jordank4li: FRAUD[12351] bdubm8: classic sell as always[12352] bossmaster4726: washed[12352] king10man69: ass[12352] 0710_beast: hahaaha[12352] laffy0769: trash[12352] zintecsq: trash[12352] closetwalrus: FAT[12352] iikxvn: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[12352] etat96: ass[12352] thecharlemagne1: TRASH[12354] legendaryssammy: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL[12354] balls_thatsit: TRUE[12354] mahmut_akdemir: badd aim[12354] zxl_zephyr1: bad aim fatso[12354] lilsnowgod: FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK[12354] slain__gaming: YEP[12354] quesony: loser[12354] captainjames1234: ur fucking terrible[12354] biggiebeast2k: So bad[12354] kgkving2: sold[12354] maximiliosa: ASS[12354] unfundedsole: SHOULDVE STUCK[12354] fybaleee: W[12354] hooper2134: try fishing[12354] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[12355] stingytomato: bro[12355] yukio_021: plant?[12355] jjmsolottv: Sold[12355] treyxa_: sold[12355] nightbot: @krilxxy -> Holy cow! [stop spamming symbols] [warning][12356] waterrnelons: bro said mb 💀💀[12357] therooster315: REAL[12357] sto0rmy: ur so bad[12357] bubbrubbfn: washed[12357] ukiyoix: Lynxzi[12357] bbeckwith30gamer: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[12357] bs0526_boss_yt: Fat[12357] nightbot: real[12357] papabrendo_69: ur so washed[12357] 1vb3: another causal sellout[12357] jagbear2: dumy[12357] sandy_sir: 💀💀[12357] skyl1n3id: SOLD[12357] skibidilouiefn: true[12357] chickenenwafflez: WASHED[12357] thumbah11: blud is washed[12358] zaddybrump: ur a loser[12358] tercity: FUCK YOU FAT FUCK[12358] bum_mccracken: BADAIM[12358] unfundedsole: PROS DONT FAKE[12358] bweiss10: 🧼🧼🧼[12358] leytonray: SO ASS[12358] nykjohnjc7: you are crap[12358] hydrxw: 2v6[12358] conxed: mah lord ur ass[12358] coffeezilladaughter: W[12358] trainsarecool36000000: SHITTY AIM U HAVE SOME SHITTY AIM BRO[12358] wiskle_gar: just plant[12358] shashlik_2_0: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[12358] twizzytinkle: that’s crazy 😭[12358] coffeezilladaughter: W [12359] bighatch26: SO BAD AIIIM[12359] noobboy2077: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL[12359] coffeezilladaughter: W[12359] dreamystonne10: sold[12359] t0asty19: Washed streamer[12359] f0nzie_: SOLD[12359] bardown16__: THATS ALL ON YOU[12359] revzioce: im a top 5 controller![12359] coffeezilladaughter: W [12361] ogmordi: ogmordi subscribed with Prime. [12361] xfrenzisy: so bad[12361] 6imsaucy3: !gamble all[12361] longoria1234: a[12361] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀[12361] tercity: YOU FUCKING SUCK[12361] deadboy7809: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper[12361] santiagosantangas: fat mat pat hat bat[12361] infiniteddark7: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[12361] streamelements: PogChamp 6imsaucy3 went all in and won 2755 points PogChamp they now have 5510 points FeelsGoodMan[12361] cutepotato42: u fucking suck[12361] unfundedsole: PROS DONT FAKE DUDE[12361] wiskle_gar: WTF any[12361] iilliin: fat[12361] cryptixxfs: ur ass jynxi[12362] nestor_423: so bad[12362] squiddysnipe: washed[12362] ttv_mclovin_: BRONZE?[12362] hs260: T-shirt inside out.[12362] t0asty19: Sold[12362] xirkl: how is your aim THAT bad[12362] luisg26401: WASHED[12364] demon3812: o my heavens[12364] btrikd_r6: 🗑️🗑️🗑️[12364] youjustsad: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[12364] greg_tf2: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[12364] jmelnn: bad aim[12364] chrisppyy99: controller aim [12364] wesnelson9: i wont let you doe shroud trust me[12364] mateotheastronaut: what were you watching[12364] zeroskillzzz14: SO DUMB PLANT[12364] wymo_: top 5[12364] infiniteddark7: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[12364] bighatch26: WORST AIIM EVER[12364] frankiesfr: solid try[12364] trawlrz: YIKESSS[12364] beegusbite: already selling in bronze[12367] chrisrock820: I miss prime chunko[12367] hs260: T-shirt inside out[12367] youjustsad: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[12367] defaultyspartan: we all know. you also payout stream snipers[12367] yoimelon: jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown[12367] champaynered: !rank[12367] ekim_23: holy bad[12367] qirby1337: ALL GOOD LOCK IN HAPPENS BRO[12367] ripash: What is that 😭[12368] patchohulihan: top 5[12368] cutepotato42: u had one job[12368] peppers56: what rank are they on rn[12368] prestotw: u can’t be champ[12368] maximiliosa: YOURE SHITTTTTT[12368] complex8252: You deserve copper[12368] iso_matthew: LLLLL[12368] bardown16__: THAT IS ALL YOUR FAULT :)[12368] rlh21texas: w[12368] dormitorysea87: junko good try[12368] therealblackstewiegriffin: !gamble 50000[12368] xchrisdolx: He lit gave u the call of the century[12368] streamelements: therealblackstewiegriffin lost 50000 points in roulette and now has 50154 points! FeelsBadMan[12368] isaiah1054: L[12368] rocco2292: why not plant[12369] nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP[12369] hs260: T-shirt inside out.[12369] likeapro_1: WASHED[12369] deadboy7809: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper[12369] deylan752: 1-1.[12369] blader7709: soooooo we losing to the bronzes[12369] tvedgedaddy: trash[12369] crossf1re22: BRO RAN IN THE BATHROOM LMAO[12369] jmelnn: washed[12369] osamabeenflexin: big sell[12369] bweiss10: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper[12369] jorginhocraycray: my god god[12369] drizzmoolah: Retire[12370] bum_mccracken: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[12370] itspurgy: top 5 controller he says lmfao[12370] nate110602: Sold shroud and then sold the round[12370] iso_matthew: LLLLLLL[12370] revzioce: top 5 roller my cheeks[12370] keatonwastaken: top 5 million[12370] yukio_021: top 5 controller is bad[12370] goofyahhguydo: washed[12370] astro_bmc: L jynxzi[12370] honeyxbadg3r: WAT IS U DOING???[12370] hs260: T-shirt inside out[12372] bweiss10: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper[12372] truzeog: solddddddddddddd[12372] spicycabbageroll: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[12372] superslurper123: ricci would’ve won that[12372] dantheman3377: Trash[12372] addex03: anyone knows how many rounds?[12372] noahmang7: his ego got to him[12372] cutepotato42: one job[12372] liamx32: so we not planting[12372] hs260: T-shirt inside out.[12372] jorginhocraycray: my god bruh[12372] hooper2134: go fishing it’s easier[12372] mateotheastronaut: “I won’t let you die”[12372] tkapdakid: big mental[12372] goobyman21: sold[12373] young_life_: Killua--Wave for gold[12373] 4kbanditt: what rank are they on[12373] kr8money: bronze better than you[12373] saeword: NT[12373] beegusbite: ass[12373] infiniteddark7: jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown[12373] qphew_: ur a failure[12373] keygenerators: WORST PLAYER AOT WORST PLAYER AOT WORST PLAYER AOT[12373] treyl_27: bad aim[12373] luckilistener223: buns[12373] hs260: T-shirt inside out[12373] angelito_plays_r6: u suck[12374] astro_bmc: L teammate[12374] frank_h0rrigan: of course this would be the time i bet 250k[12374] alstell1993: @HiVise add me for Silver ORNG3x[12374] mcdadrs: HOP DAT ON FORTNITE[12374] pinpoint_bore_33: pinpoint_bore_33 subscribed at Tier 1. [12374] boxingchilli: ram me[12374] 123timmeh: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[12374] infiniteddark7: jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown[12374] saeword: NT NT[12374] jquilin_: 2v6[12374] sruka89: UR A DETRIMENT TO ANY STACk[12374] ifinalstage: ASS[12375] schmepper: 38% LuL[12375] moscaz: what rank they pkaying[12375] osamabeenflexin: SOLDDDSS[12375] k0qe: ITS NOT 'ALL GOOD'[12375] 6imsaucy3: !gamble 2500[12375] hs260: T-shirt inside out.[12376] etat96: your fucking ass[12376] truzeog: as[12376] cerprimetime: WASHED GRANDPA[12376] kingmedi420: Got no gas in it[12376] exvinty108: you should of planted[12376] gtb2bad: BCWarrior BCWarrior BCWarrior BCWarrior BCWarrior BCWarrior BCWarrior[12376] urmom890628: BIGGEST STREAMER[12376] zornthehero: jynxziCopper[12376] girthquakegames: Coulda planted[12376] saeword: NT NT NT[12376] jaww2006psn: ba🥁🥁🥁🥁d aim[12376] 123timmeh: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[12376] luckilistener223: l sell[12376] babychrism: no plant is crazy[12376] villevet23: damn frost was fast af[12377] hs260: T-shirt inside out[12377] dominicisagod: horrendous aim[12377] itzme_jordan44: stream sniper[12377] doofdy_: washed[12377] mayilick: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[12377] astro_bmc: L TEAMMATE[12377] lilcarrot03: why rush[12377] ryantnick44: L teammate[12377] lkntiv: so bad[12377] funky224224: pc bronze > jinky[12377] 241sether: bad aim[12377] cryptixxfs: wait[12377] kinsprici: Runs like a lil bitch[12377] truzeog: ass[12378] nestor_423: SPOIT CALLED VIGIL[12378] binroller: flanked pussy[12378] legendaryssammy: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL[12378] greencobalt1: ass[12378] cizco400: L[12378] rsinkler: you suck[12378] saeword: NT NTN TN T[12378] zarizyki: PikaRamen[12378] qybo_: mendSTFU mendSTFU mendSTFU[12378] truzeog: as[12379] jacobshacke: u suck[12379] hs260: T-shirt inside out.[12379] honeyxbadg3r: WTAF[12379] lilsluga: 😭[12379] hammerbae808: BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump[12379] dantheman3377: so bad[12379] abraham123rod: what rank[12379] furysquid157: Rent check[12379] fossabot: @zdox_xvape, Your message is too long[12380] dlayg2: lyd[12380] diomar: This is why you were dropped[12380] closetwalrus: DAT[12380] hs260: T-shirt inside out[12380] chunkypear684: time to retire[12380] hooper2134: fishing[12380] bepubi: L teammate | Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [12200] Yes sir Hold on Jeff most guy I'm chilling. Bye. I'm gonna see what's on the wall and where [12210] All right, where my drone's gonna fly back into my fucking face. It's a kid. It's a kid It was a kid [12220] you did well Fault clás pretty shut can be shitting to come out know are that are sure that were Americans that wasское karma guess [12230] Yeah, oh never mind. Okay, this is I want to know You got it. You need me now one moment. I sketch [12240] Okay, alright, you know what? That's fine. You guys got this. I got the wall shot go get it go get it! Get the wall shot! In bathroom. [12250] Shad we can win this bro or carry might be dead but we could win this shit yeah God I'm gonna get on site windows and just creep up nice [12260] SHOW! COME ON! 2-2, do you have a drone? I have a drone. I have a drone. I have a drone. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I do. Okay. I'm gonna know what you see, brother. Sorry. [12270] I need some type of noise to cut this off. I'm out of junk, hold on. [12280] It's pointed on my prep! Got him on there, I'm on there. Alright! Okay. [12290] I don't see anyone you guys can probably plant no? [12300] Yo. Wait, no one's in bathroom. Interesting. That's a vigil. Careful. [12310] I got you. I got you, John. I want to let you die. Trust me. Go in, master. Go in, master. Go in. Go in, master. [12320] Alright, I'll let you die. Friendly. Got you. Damn it. That's down the hall. That's down the hall. Mating. [12330] t five five [12340] I'm a failure. I'm just a fine. [12350] failure. I'm sorry guys that was my that was my chance. That's all good. [12360] I'm sorry, I got you killed bro [12370] I said I wouldn't let you die and I let you die, that's on me. I did not know there was a guy in the hallway and a guy in the door. It's gotta be better, that's all. It's just gotta be better. I'm sorry guys, I swear I'll play better from now on. Secure the area, keep the room. | There is a Highlight between 12325 and 12345. Jynxzi misses his shots, causing his team to lose the round as time runs out; afterward, he starts yelling. |
Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [14120] jrain02: you got snipped cuz you swung bozo[14120] jeremiah_h1: 0-3 Stalin[14120] asmrxgaming: JYNXI U KILLING YOUR SELF BRO PLAY WITH THE TEAM[14121] f1xsr4k: rasco1Heart rasco1Heart rasco1Heart rasco1Heart[14121] g5_luffy: 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3[14121] theguyxp: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK[14121] iak40kevin: 0-3 Ollie[14121] kbrov: no way yall lose to silvers[14121] fezy20: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper[14121] ttmacattck10: 0-4 here it comea[14121] benheffley1: 0-3 lee[14121] christopus__: LLLLLLLLLLL[14121] ochoaminn: whats the rank here ?[14121] yousorryaf_ttv: 0-3 dequavous[14122] miguel__mcf: 0-3 cristiano ronaldo[14122] beastmode7784: kali was not bs[14122] zookie69: stop selling your team bud[14122] beepy694: what rank is this?[14122] rousey_ttv: @Hivise add me on pc for gold match my username is IcePankMiceElf[14122] sephzeraa: 0-3 Larry[14122] cococam10: bro put his head on a punch hole when there’s a kali[14123] prothegoldenw: so I subbed how do i get the jynxzi charm[14123] r6champka1: @plasmaticpea he didn’t drop if so what’s it called[14123] c_caliber17: shroud can’t hear nothing you so loud[14123] tytdrakem8: !points[14123] streamelements: @TytDrakeM8 TytDrakeM8 has 0 points and is rank 1759786/1760527 on the leaderboard.[14124] iamtheflash: 0-3 not making it to gold[14124] bs0526_boss_yt: Dont sell my points you little bitch[14124] iamtemperise: PRE END[14124] mboz1205: 'this is the day we beat this challenge'[14124] crewssss13: 2-1 is craxy[14125] sodacow10: you swung a kali moron[14125] therealjc34: 0-3 Clown[14125] deefrmda954: u peeked a kali long range are u fucking stupid😂😭😭😭😭😭[14125] mcbrooks2: you’re playing like a kill thirsty gold[14125] ericgar4545: Cheer1[14126] darthventura: Have them Glaze your Forehead[14126] el_baritas303: 0-3 too silvers is crazy[14126] ttv_boocrazer: don’t swing kali[14127] coughing_lady: FOCUS!!! MAN YOUVE GOT THIS COME ONNN[14127] bardown16__: self glaze[14127] deefrmda954: u peeked a kali long range are u fucking stupif😭😭😭😭[14127] marlinpingou: the word u looking for is anyone[14127] flowz515: 0-3 tree[14128] fusionnadez: why would you shove your head on a punch hole you bongaloid[14128] rocodhadra: SHROUD AND SPOIT 2v5 LUL LUL LUL LUL[14129] ben10thereal: 0-3 rizz[14129] samkdot: Peaks headhole on kali and calls bs I cantttttttttt[14129] ponstermenis_: 0=3[14129] joffthehenny: GET ON SUPPORT[14129] russian_bomber_: GLAZE[14129] sandrgamingmc: um you shoved your head on a sniper hole and got your head blown off[14129] mannyskiiis: mannyskiiis subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! [14130] jghostdagoat: w[14130] plaquewhiteboy: 0-3 shitter[14130] aaronl0: LOOOOOOOOOL[14130] cashniehenke69: ❤️❤️❤️[14130] ponstermenis_: ][14130] loafsterr: LMAO[14130] h_spencer22: !watchtime[14130] xoglockzii: ur actually free[14131] streamelements: h_spencer22 has spent 2 days 8 hours watching jynxzi[14131] patrickdestar25: glazing[14131] mhystec: bro put his head on a punch hole when there’s a kali[14132] nmblol: 0 and 3 chunk[14132] jor_ezy: 0-3 Ben[14132] versateel: dude..peaking a punch hole that a kali just shot is not bullshit.. it was dumb LUL[14132] sephzeraa: 2v5 no drunko[14133] lil_steppa33: swing kali is bullshit apparently[14133] lazer_x69: 0-4ben[14133] cold4k: 0-3 BRECKEE[14134] unkown0985: ur ass[14134] o_m3l0nn: hes been streaming too long he has to end[14134] v_kahn: Okay super Mario Maker[14134] el_baritas303: 1-2 is crazy 😂😂[14134] quirke456: o-3 peepee[14134] femalesonandrew: I want my points plz[14134] xoglockzii: ur free[14135] loafsterr: LUL[14135] moldypea1: @Hivise Add me for Pc champ my ubi is Moldypea.[14135] gabimanaver: YOU PEAKED A PUNCH HOLE AGAINST A SNIPER, YOUR ACTUALLY DELUSIONAL IF YOU THINK THAT IS A BULLSHIT WAY TO DIE[14136] gmg_jay: UNFATHOMABLE WASH UP[14137] fontoleaff: 0-3 Free[14137] jspence4: rank?[14138] richardbobby25: don’t peak when they have to push lol[14138] brigetx: 0-3 Krispy Cream[14138] murciirl: pre end[14138] sevyyy19: 0-4[14138] mmew_2: 0-3 gee[14139] iso_matthew: all my points gone[14139] tescn: 0-3 Mcgee[14139] spankabeeglebottom: 0-3 White Speed[14139] aaronl0: 0-3 LEE[14139] angelosantucc: !link[14139] rylanwise26: 0-3 Ben[14140] nightbot: @angelosantucc If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[14140] lr2mystc: 0-3 White speed[14140] jessedahmer_: 0-3 Mary 0-3 Mary 0-3 Mary 0-3 Mary 0-3 Mary 0-3 Mary 0-3 Mary 0-3 Mary 0-3 Mary 0-3 Mary[14140] mllfluvr3: !watchtime[14141] szxy541: 0-4 toe[14141] streamelements: mllfluvr3 has spent 1 day 18 hours watching jynxzi[14141] number1cutiger: doubters laughing like a villain rn[14141] elvictorkills: Are they supposed to be the silvers???[14141] troywilson04: 0-3 I AGREE[14141] moldypea1: @Hivise Add me for pc champ my ubi is Moldypea.[14142] g3tcl1ped: 0 and and 3 Bree[14144] azarelio: 0 - 3 dean[14144] ponstermenis_: 0-3 steve[14144] beepy694: what rank is this[14145] votesymba: lmao console league ish[14145] bardown16__: lit![14145] jspence4: !rank[14146] nightbot: Check out Jynxzi's Rank and Stats here -> https://r6.tracker.network/profile/xbox/Junk%20Shiesty[14146] yoshidotodoh: BG[14146] zookie69: stop selling your team buddy[14147] elseebo: zesty[14147] dicehaha: ?[14147] nightbot: ?[14147] bennett0618: 1-3[14147] mousey_yt_: w[14147] crimsonhaki: jynxziGoodAim[14148] z3rkzzzy: 💅💅[14148] looplifts: 1-3 pee[14148] thebigshah: 5 more mins[14148] ljopee: @Hivise add Jew.Dispatcher on pc for gold[14148] 0mykell: FINALLY[14149] jeremiah_h1: finally[14149] soggybean12909: zest[14149] cpshelly: 1-3 marie[14149] robert131110: !link[14149] vegetablelasagna92: finally[14149] tpdozyy: LOSING LARRY[14150] a1mhaxks_: 1-3 fatass[14150] crypticx45: zesty mf[14150] flame_jockey: Deaduhhhh 😫[14151] juju__bees: 0-3 Bree[14151] iso_matthew: RIP MY POINTS[14151] z0mbieee: at least that kid is getting his 50 dollars[14151] cpshelly: KENDRICK DROPPED[14152] luckyduck424899: 1-3 bree[14153] juancdestroy: FATASS NO COMPOSURE NO COMPOSURE NO COMPOSURE NO COMPOSURE NO COMPOSURE NO COMPOSURE[14153] twhip2002: Bro what[14153] wtfinny: WTFinny subscribed with Prime. [14154] oopsharley: !watchtime[14154] rousey_ttv: @Hivise add me on pc for gold match my username is IcePankMiceElf[14154] 1pmonxbox: !gamble all[14154] streamelements: oopsharley has spent 7 days 2 hours watching jynxzi[14154] elitepuma5: 0-3 RAQUESE[14154] streamelements: PogChamp 1pmOnXbox went all in and won 2990 points PogChamp they now have 5980 points FeelsGoodMan[14156] mattj1107: 1 and 3 lee[14156] dossulzi: 20k hours on this game to go 0-3 against silvers 😂😂[14156] ljopee: @Hivise add Jew.Dispatcher on pc for gold/[14156] qgnhrr6: 1-3 i like d[14156] omegabloodflo99: 1-3 jeee[14157] maddnessxl: ZESTY[14157] echoelvish: 0-3 quantavius[14158] incognitodiabetic: rank???[14158] troywilson04: 0-3 LOTTERY[14159] azarelio: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[14159] da_muffin69: I hate id rank just got here[14159] rickydelay: if re peeking a sniper is bs i guess then[14160] plzexcusemylag1: 0-3 ben[14161] ex0tic_exfil: holllaaaa[14162] omegabloodflo99: 1-3 flea[14162] bardown16__: ...[14162] rysoios: @HiVise add me for the champ game my ubi is R6s_Ryy[14162] twhip2002: Ddddddeeeeeeeaaaaadddddd[14163] boonychicker: say please[14164] benowens20: 0-3 free[14165] bardown16__: not in an anime btw[14165] dontgotjuice: 0-3 BREAKIE[14165] drauzee: ?[14165] omegabloodflo99: 1-3 ben[14165] acejaxk_: !watchtime[14165] streamelements: acejaxk_alt has spent 3 days 16 hours watching jynxzi[14165] j0rshyy: .......[14166] jspence4: rank??[14166] patrickdestar25: goofy[14166] numzyxbl: !stompn[14166] mattj1107: 1-3 Lee[14166] nightbot: 35 year old controller warlord![14166] fhdjdjdkdikfofkfkf: jynxziCopper[14167] nameless2107: your nowhere close to pro you can barely kill silvers lol[14168] jacobisxani: corny[14168] pashasrighteye: L[14168] ggbvlobs: 💀[14168] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[14168] jspence4: rank[14168] hiro789987: @TPDozyy is using all caps get him mods[14169] coffeezilladaughter: .........[14169] mrboeding: corny[14169] imjonjonn: no shot hes still live[14170] 0_xfashii: wtf[14170] brigetx: 1-3 cheese[14170] djtheheat: not anymore 🤓🤓🤓[14170] troywilson04: 0-3 SKI[14171] securediamond10: Brainrot 💀💀[14171] echoelvish: do you know an owen CUZ YOURE OWEN 3[14171] puffpuffjuicer: NAHH[14172] nmblol: 20k hours BTW and he's 0 and 3[14172] jspence4: rank?[14172] tyrex_boi12: why do i hear a mouse[14172] shadows_lol21: sigma[14172] natedogtripieg: cringe[14172] patrickdestar25: corny[14172] gatzzzy: what rank we on?[14173] misxellaneous: corny[14173] gunnarbread: AI[14174] retronitez: useless brava hack[14174] comicowi: 💅💅💅[14175] maddnessxl: CORNY[14175] bruhhtito: CORNY[14175] tyswings: WTFF[14176] 0_xfashii: waht did u just say[14176] mmew_2: 1-3 dee[14177] the_rill_dyl: i still can’t believe avid sold my channel points[14177] dallascowboys51: lit 👬[14177] russian_bomber_: NOT ANYMORE QUOTE OF THE DAY[14177] mattj1107: bum[14178] scribyyfn: what rank[14178] waterypanda: SWING THEM[14178] sinistertriggerz: The most useless hack 😒[14179] misxellaneous: CORNY[14179] securediamond10: corny[14179] perchgotthat: 1-3 Speed[14179] inst4ntreplay: CARDIAC[14180] k0qe: CORNBALL[14180] zookie69: stop selling your team lardass[14180] plaquewhiteboy: 💀💀💀[14180] misxellaneous: CONRY[14181] azarelio: jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE Hold still im almost done[14181] jynxzisleftnu_t: 12?[14181] bruhhtito: CORNY KID[14182] misxellaneous: CORNY[14182] 1pmonxbox: !rank[14182] yerrnas: cornyyyy[14182] raidzskillz: corn ball[14182] nightbot: Check out Jynxzi's Rank and Stats here -> https://r6.tracker.network/profile/xbox/Junk%20Shiesty[14182] fattbuttcartman2: jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown[14183] streamelements: If you're a gamer, you need a Starforge! Snag one -> https://starforgepc.com/Jynxzi[14183] fart_sniffer___: Silver[14183] imjonjonn: STILL LIVE?[14184] nippyhussell: NippyHussell subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! [14184] kings0811: Not anymore 🤣🤣🤣[14184] doub_zz: shroud not talking??[14184] troywilson04: 0-3 GO DO GLEE[14184] dave_____________________: cornball[14184] thermalberry369: no audio[14185] inst4ntreplay: SENSOR[14185] mattj1107: 1-3 zesty[14185] zombiegoon666: NOT ANYMORE[14186] bobisdefinitleythebest: 0-3 mgee[14187] luvcayden: !rank[14188] maddnessxl: Not anyone more heh....[14190] elitepuma5: 0-3 HOWARD[14190] rhaynier0: !link[14190] nightbot: @rhaynier0 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[14191] bbl_drizzy1220: 1 and 3 Steve[14191] misxellaneous: NOT ANYMORE[14191] incognitodiabetic: rank[14191] saintjaydaman: Kendrick did not drop stop lying[14192] russian_bomber_: NOT ANYMORE TYPE SHIT[14192] tagwrld: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK[14192] inst4ntreplay: DEPLOYED[14193] kovixz: 1-4 to silvers[14193] hardballer2011: isub[14193] brigetx: 1-3 Rusty[14193] j0rshyy: not anymore 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪[14195] misxellaneous: CORNY[14195] fattbuttcartman2: jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown[14196] coffeezilladaughter: nooooooo[14196] scungychin: spoits the king bruh[14197] causevseffect: hey in the backpack[14198] casusbelli8: CARRIED[14198] hendrik8181: 0-3 Mcdonalds double big tasty bacon menue extra large with a diat coke and some large fries + two apple pies and a Mc flurry m&m‘s[14199] a1mhaxks_: carried fatass[14199] mattj1107: carried[14199] jwolfe7803: W[14200] kantbeplato: what up bot[14200] snowylwm: HES JUST CHEERLEADING[14201] bardown16__: GOOD AIM[14201] misxellaneous: NOT ANYMORE AHH[14201] brigetx: 1-3 carried[14201] incognitodiabetic: ssilver now???[14202] shootfast_: the carry is crazy[14202] twitteruserr: HELLO[14202] nightbot: bozo[14202] sandy_sir: W[14202] bardown16__: GOOD AIMMM[14202] becooper: WWWWWW[14203] immozziie: ImMozziie subscribed with Prime. [14203] sandy_sir: WWWWWW[14203] 1pmonxbox: !points[14203] nmblol: 1 and 3 ken[14203] streamelements: @1pmOnXbox 1pmOnXbox has 5980 points and is rank 98484/1760526 on the leaderboard.[14203] coffeezilladaughter: bascially a 1v1[14204] featherisbeast: W[14204] tarducken12: hop in hte backpack buddy[14204] kenitar1: WWWW[14204] liquidp1e: l,fgg[14204] coiko: WW[14204] xpecthaven: www[14204] sandy_sir: WWWWWWW[14204] vegetablelasagna92: 3-2[14205] crimsonhaki: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[14205] lordtekkno: WWWWW[14205] russian_bomber_: HES BRICKED????[14205] comicowi: FIRST KILL[14205] sandy_sir: W[14206] xthugzilla: !gamble 20k[14206] n0__sleep: Kreygasm[14206] sippinonwocka: WWWWWWWW[14206] coiko: W[14206] zharutoz: WWWWW[14206] rousey_ttv: @Hivise add me on pc for gold match my username is IcePankMiceElf[14206] scooter2ez: WWW[14206] bruhhtito: NICESEE💅💅[14206] streamelements: xthugzilla won 20000 points in roulette and now has 67865 points! FeelsGoodMan[14206] og_chris_98: exemLFG[14206] zombiegoon666: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[14206] looplifts: 2-3 knee[14206] fezy20: W[14207] slain__gaming: Finally a kill[14207] wolverines4142: 2-3 Samantha[14207] featherisbeast: GOOD AIM[14207] ahmedtheroyal1: WWW[14207] sippinonwocka: WWWWWW[14207] r1pmoon: WWWWW[14207] locoangel___: @Highviiisssee let me get in that gold lobby please loco510angel I’m controller on PC[14207] t3xasplays44: W[14207] travwhit: BAD COMMS[14208] shivermetimbers15: WWWW[14208] plzexcusemylag1: 2-3 bri[14208] lizard_4639: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[14208] maximiliosa: COME ONNNNN[14208] sippinonwocka: Wwwww[14208] luckyduck424899: LETS GO[14208] r1pmoon: WW[14208] puffpuffjuicer: WWWW[14208] zombiegoon666: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[14209] tnyczr: CARRIED[14209] xpecthaven: wwww[14209] slow_butter: WWWWWWWWWWWW[14209] emmixxx: WWWWW[14209] azarelio: W CHEERLEADER[14209] dirty_lint_roller: WWWWWW[14209] darthventura: Fat[14209] sippinonwocka: W[14210] shivermetimbers15: WWWWW[14210] pe4chyplays: 2-3 free?[14210] retronitez: good aim but you're still ass[14210] therealjc34: 2-3 lee[14210] ezriup: WWWW[14210] omggtr15: wwwwwwwww[14210] zaddybrump: hurts[14210] waterypanda: finally a kill[14210] cryptixxfs: kendrick did not drop what r u guys talking about[14210] zombiegoon666: W[14210] natethe8th: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[14210] drmzcarnage: DRMzCARNAGE subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months, currently on a 14 month streak! keep on the grind Junko seeing you blow up this big been a blessing 🤝🏼[14210] incognitodiabetic: what rank[14210] bjneely3624: what rank rn[14210] shauxity: 0-3 TIMOTHY[14211] kz139911: W[14211] the_toetickler9000: 2 and 3 john[14211] a1mhaxks_: 2-3 fatass part timer[14211] mattj1107: 2-3 ZESTY[14211] shivermetimbers15: WWWWWWW[14211] votesymba: yooooo good aiym[14211] cutepotato42: noooo[14211] retracattac: FINALLY[14211] jwolfe7803: WW[14211] n0__sleep: SeemsGood[14211] tylert11_: jynxziGoodAim[14211] smitty020310: Smitty020310 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! Yessir[14211] grub954: thank you for yelling[14212] puffpuffjuicer: 1-3 PEEEEE[14212] clyxzii: GORRRAAIIIMMMM[14212] 7d_waffle: !subhistory[14212] bigwhitegoose92: PJSugar PJSugar[14212] zombiegoon666: WW[14212] juju__bees: 2-3 bree[14212] 4krami: GOORRREAIM[14212] xxmekaa: jynxziGoodAim[14213] deylan752: WWWWWWWWWWWWWW[14213] suunyboywest: 0-3 BEN[14213] darthventura: Obese[14213] emmixxx: WWWW[14213] bruhhtito: NICEEE💅💅[14213] tanner0henry: W[14213] nestor_423: spoit zesty[14213] mjcapalot2p: 1-3 bree[14213] waterypanda: NICE MILL[14214] pcgi014: 2-3 clixx[14214] ajzoldyck34: holy shit[14214] shivermetimbers15: WWWWWW[14214] dirty_lint_roller: WWWWWWWWWWWWW[14214] yaboy_green: FINALLY[14214] itoxiixi: w[14214] jor_ezy: 2-3 Ben[14214] puerccofn: 2-3[14214] bosleyonxbox: !gamble all[14215] ttmacattck10: clutch junko[14215] dustanutt: Shush[14215] streamelements: PogChamp bosleyonxbox went all in and won 100 points PogChamp they now have 200 points FeelsGoodMan[14215] cook_ez: 2-3 gee[14215] millieyunz: WW WW WW[14215] itsrageyy: WWWWWW[14215] zombiegoon666: WWW[14215] autizyn: 2-3 Ben[14215] shivermetimbers15: WWWWWWW[14215] ryan16346: w[14216] pe4chyplays: 2-3 Beckie hills bed[14216] frasier17: 12-3-2 is KnUtZ[14216] myshiesty: 2-3 Lee[14216] oceanscore: GOOD AIM[14216] arkplayer42069: washed[14216] jimmybob1240: queef on my nugs[14216] skinnybgoats: who’s wedding[14216] 3092562567ejdjd: hehe[14216] jjtnt_falcon: raaaah[14216] gold672: 2-3[14216] minling480: w[14216] lil_spider52709: jynxziGoodAim[14216] yaboy_green: SOME KILLS[14216] elitepuma5: W[14216] nxtdiamond2424: 2-3 so free[14217] 1pmonxbox: !gamble 1000[14217] streamelements: 1pmOnXbox lost 1000 points in roulette and now has 4980 points! FeelsBadMan[14217] cjnagel21: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[14217] sheff_fps: 2-3 tree[14217] ghostyx8: 2-3 pp[14217] 2_jandro_3: 2-3 Jerry[14217] peter_grifiin: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[14218] n0__sleep: W[14218] zap_edo: 2-3 tein[14218] pawkzz: 2-3 your free[14218] its_ant16: lllllll[14218] fezy20: spoits son[14218] ftpbd: 2-3[14218] asmooth360: 2-3 LEE 2-3 Lee[14218] ajaystayfaded: 2-3 lee[14219] peter_grifiin: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[14219] russian_bomber_: YOU'RE BEING CARRIED[14219] mcbrooks2: lucky kill[14219] astella21_: still negative fat ass[14219] retronitez: CARRIED[14219] 3092562567ejdjd: nene[14219] cjnagel21: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[14219] ezrapl2009: 2-3 Tyrone[14219] gold672: 2-3 BEN[14219] appaxz: 2-3 glee[14219] 5ebxstian: 2-3[14219] theworstmustache: !watchtime[14219] fattbuttcartman2: we MIGHT be losing to silvers[14220] streamelements: theworstmustache has spent 5 days 1 hour watching jynxzi[14220] offsetsz: pc silvers = console champs[14220] muddyscruggs: Script[14220] 80nte: wake up junbooo[14220] ghostyx8: 2-3 PP[14220] cjnagel21: jynxziGoodAim[14220] minling480: goodddd aim[14220] mario9047: 2-3 ELLEN[14220] deylan752: 2-3[14220] jynxzithecokeaddict: bro celebrating in front of silvers😂😂😂[14220] omegabloodflo99: PRE CUM[14220] plzexcusemylag1: 2-3 bree[14221] juju__bees: 2-3 Bree[14221] dubsac: 1-10 Ben[14221] turbodogo: 2-3 jynxi loves PP[14221] bjneely3624: what rank[14221] 1738clutch: 6x ur kills[14221] zombiegoon666: WWW[14221] hoosierg8r: Goooodddddaaiiiiiimmmm[14221] mfsoloj: 2-3 Jamal[14221] shivermetimbers15: WWWWWW[14222] cjnagel21: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[14222] azarelio: W CHEERLEADER jynxziBounce jynxziBounce jynxziBounce[14222] jeff12345678912345: 2-3 ben[14222] waterypanda: 2-3 LEE[14222] linkdin909: GOO AIM[14222] therealjc34: KENDRICK LEAK[14222] dmfthegod23: 3-2 boo[14222] peter_grifiin: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion[14222] miketysonpenith: miketysonpenith subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [14223] christopus__: trash[14223] crossf1re22: 2-3 clix[14223] bosleyonxbox: !gamble 100[14223] moneygoon47: Drone boy jinxzy[14223] cjnagel21: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[14223] its_ant16: LLLLLLLLLLLLL[14223] darthventura: Getting Glazed[14223] nestor_423: 2-3 Lee[14223] bardown16__: darkparadox is doing tricks on it[14223] lil_spider52709: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[14223] asmooth360: 2-3Lee[14223] owengardz: SKODEN[14223] 1pmonxbox: !gamble all[14224] mezuxa: 2-3 CLIVE[14224] cutepotato42: I bet 1 point on the silvers I’m going broke[14224] brigetx: 2-3 carried[14224] plasmaticpea: WAIT JYNXZI GOT A KILL??[14224] jimmybob1240: glaze[14224] brayden_starr: !points[14224] 24_bobo: 2-3 suck meeee[14224] disturbius_: MAYBE IF YOU GOT A FUCKING KILL[14224] streamelements: @brayden_starr brayden_starr has 115 points and is rank 1647995/1760526 on the leaderboard.[14224] bbl_drizzy1220: L DRONE[14224] christopus__: sell[14224] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[14225] squeeggle: seb ur dumb[14225] hkysam: 2-3 mcgee[14225] rysoios: @HiVise add me for the champ game please my ubi is: R6s_Ryy[14225] chocoo___: 2-3 lee[14225] lanesolos_u: W[14225] maallydub: carried[14225] habaruku: how's he the lowest on the team LUL[14225] mfsoloj: 2-3 Jamla[14226] itscsper: @Hivise bob_26 plat 5[14226] iamtheflash: get carried harder[14226] dingo_dee: TONIIIGGHTT[14226] asrialas: 1-3 McGee[14227] wisesaiko: no way you three loose this shit[14227] omegabloodflo99: PRE END I MEAN CUM[14227] slain__gaming: Dude won $50[14227] 12gamefive: !points[14227] jimmybob1240: queef on my nugs[14228] asmrxgaming: 1-3 TEA[14228] ethqnttv: 2-3 bumblebee[14228] frasier17: Adge[14228] shivermetimbers15: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke[14228] christopus__: trash[14228] jackkp6: angry ginge is waiting[14228] nastynatee98: only 60k viewers? must have gotten rid of some view bots!!1[14228] midooprototype: 2-3 brie[14228] x1vapid1x: 2-3 pp[14228] jor_ezy: React to Kendrick[14228] 3092562567ejdjd: sifna[14229] king10man69: 2-3 Michael[14229] russian_bomber_: DRAKE WAITING[14229] itskaylee13: WWWW[14229] azarelio: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper[14229] jordjrm: 2-3 his walk cause debris[14229] uzi_is_goatedd: 1-3 Lee[14229] wilmafingerduu: DUST OFF THE JOHNSON[14229] fossabot: @aliverecord7, Your message is too long[14229] unkown0985: carryyyyyyyyyyyy[14229] ghostyx8: 2-3 PP 2-3 PP[14230] kenjamin_franklin_: 2-3 MCGEE[14230] bardown16__: lesions[14230] fattbuttcartman2: we MIGHT be losing to silvers???[14230] shottacf: what rank[14230] mattj1107: 2-3 Zesry[14230] zyphoxalt: what rank is this?[14230] christopus__: can[14230] rylanwise26: 2-3 Lee[14230] rickydelay: 1-3 ggs[14231] thorfinnspupil: 8 ads?????[14231] nmblol: 2 and 3 script as always[14231] eliashowe: still negative[14231] maallydub: 9 ADS[14231] benowens20: 2-3 fatty[14231] crimxinz: 2-3 Bree[14231] turbodogo: 2-3 tea[14231] cryptixxfs: 1-3 give it to me[14232] 123798the: 2-3 ben[14232] sheluvskyro: bros selling my channel points[14232] gmg_jay: wooowww first good round[14233] eliteruby808: !LINK Eliteruby808[14233] bigdadbenson: CARDIAC[14233] nightbot: @eliteruby808 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[14233] stewardlemur688: 2-3 Lee[14233] gabrielsc9: 2-3 lebron[14233] flowz515: 2-3 pee[14233] omegabloodflo99: PRE END I MEAN CUMM[14233] lucas135742: 9 ads[14234] cmr1904: 2-3 obese[14234] swachary: 2-3 mcgee[14234] joepop64: dammm[14234] infiniteddark7: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[14234] chrisracecar: 20 ADS[14235] strozzit: 2-3 Steve[14235] ojt221: W[14236] vxrnix: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[14236] gold672: Insane 2v5[14236] pajex__: LET HIM COOK[14236] mishim1sh: 2-3 lee[14236] thutto1211: wedding[14237] leafman13: 2-3 kinda ass ngl[14237] featherisbeast: 2-3 you smell like pee[14237] mattj1107: 10 ads![14237] therealjc34: KENDRICK GOT LEAKED!!!!! REACT[14237] emmano77: 2-3Brodrick[14237] brandoalert: RETIRE[14237] dabgiemn: 4-0 with u on team?[14237] thorfinnspupil: 23 ads????[14237] teddyzbonjour: two and three McGee[14238] its_ant16: COME ON SILVER[14238] jreepy: L ada[14238] kizzatee: nooo[14238] bbl_drizzy1220: wwwwwwwww[14238] 2_jandro_3: 2-3 Jerry .[14238] astella21_: 6 ads[14238] i9980xe: 2-3 commie[14238] snipingscotty: kapkan[14238] shauxity: 2-3 TIMOTHY[14238] maallydub: 9 ADS IS CRAZY[14239] rousey_ttv: @Hivise add me on pc for gold match my username is IcePankMiceElf[14239] roguepuma: ur fat[14239] smokenducks: 10 ads[14239] infiniteddark7: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[14239] asmooth360: 2-3 Leee[14239] rileespookieoncod: L adddddddddddddddddddd[14239] unkownghoul1: 10 ads[14239] 7d_waffle: yo[14239] muddyscruggs: Sketch is waiting[14240] bigdawg_112811: lession[14240] zane767: 8 ads!???[14240] koolaid2160: They beat copper?[14240] maximiliosa: cardiac sensor deployed[14240] nelsonfunyfarm: 2-3 fat[14240] xthugzilla: !duel @brayden_starr 115[14241] 2_jandro_3: 2-3 Jerry[14241] streamelements: @brayden_starr, @xthugzilla wants to duel you for 115 points, you can !accept or !deny within 2 minutes[14241] salmongod99: 2-3 bri[14241] looplifts: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[14241] omegabloodflo99: 2-3 fart[14241] mario9047: 2-3 BEN[14241] asrialas: 2-3 mcgee[14242] dan1soulcas: 9 ADS[14242] noah_mcbride420: 9 aads[14242] clearcartoon: uuhhhhhh bro got that 507[14242] huuuujh: can I get a Big Mac[14243] ljopee: @Hivise add Jew.Dispatcher on pc for gold[14243] bbl_drizzy1220: wwwwwww[14243] taylerdev: 2-3 pedro[14243] streamelements: JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/jynxzi[14243] nxtdiamond2424: frankystrings waiting[14243] nocturnnum: I THINK U SHOULD LOCK THE FUCK IN[14243] wusername11: ads[14243] pappichulliog: 34 ads[14243] flowz515: 2-3 mcGee[14243] nightbot: Just sub bozo you’ll get no ads, my emotes, double the channel points, and guess what you will also get my beautiful charm that you will never lose, and many more!!!! #subuporshutup[14243] ttvpokemasteraby: 2 and 3 seigfrieid[14243] kizzatee: LLLlLl[14244] benowens20: carried[14244] bosleyonxbox: !points[14244] leafman13: YOU GOTTA COOK JUNKO[14244] pizzaboys1031: 300000 ads[14244] streamelements: @bosleyonxbox bosleyonxbox has 200 points and is rank 1291042/1760526 on the leaderboard.[14245] bbl_drizzy1220: wwwww[14245] swadnezy: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[14245] nastynatee98: 2-3[14245] arikoci: 8 fucking ads..[14245] comicowi: 2-3 you drink pee[14245] murciirl: pre end[14245] mrlurker17: Gold - GilbertMate17 @HiVise[14246] seeliamlive: yy[14246] gluppiee: carried[14246] maximum_regret: 65 ADS[14246] omegabloodflo99: 2-3 FART[14246] juju__bees: 2-3 bree[14246] brandoalert: PAY RYAN[14246] unkownghoul1: ur fat[14246] number1cutiger: spoit might be the best ever and you might be the worst ever[14246] jimmybob1240: glaze[14247] ajawas: jynxzi0x[14247] pollywogtv: 10 adssss!![14247] xammbi: 2-3 double cheese[14247] thorfinnspupil: 27 ads???????[14247] vqhts: FATTY[14247] ryan16346: wwwŵwŵŵwwwŵwŵŵwwwŵwŵŵwwwŵwŵŵ[14247] 5ebxstian: L carried[14247] tillyman1180: 2-3 Tim[14247] king6pooky: 2-3 free fatty[14248] louisp594: 2-3 you play like a copper 3[14248] sharkb8_1121: 2-3 bean[14248] slain__gaming: 7 fkn ads bro[14248] budlightyearrrr: 20 ads[14249] mattj1107: sellout sammy[14249] virtsx: he has 12 jyunxzi has 2[14249] saintjaydaman: damn 9 adds[14249] alexaviergonzalez04: !sub[14249] bobbywonkerss: ads is wild[14249] jor_ezy: 2-3 hate from North Carolina[14249] becooper: CARRIED[14249] shivermetimbers15: @jynxzisleftnu_t[14249] nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi[14249] chrisbychiken: play tubarao next defense please[14250] phteve_: you stop view bottin?[14250] cooshado: 9 ads is fucking wild[14250] fluidaimz656: ho[14250] unkownghoul1: fatass[14250] vxrnix: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[14250] mtdo_72: carried[14250] pr0_killer2: +50 DOLLARS TO THE SHITTY MIC GUY[14251] kickin_wing1: Taylor got his 50$ 😂[14251] fattbuttcartman2: this is why i bet 10 points on jizzy[14251] bardown16__: LOL[14252] r1pmoon: 2-3 john[14252] nightbot: 😂[14252] datboyiskxng: GOOD AIM[14252] n0__sleep: 9 ADS??[14252] zackholeee: 69 ads[14252] hamandchzil: Kendrick or drizzy[14252] eqxks: eqxks subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 9 month streak! [14252] its_ant16: 999999 ads?[14252] neivoxxxxxx: neivoxxxxxx subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! [14253] taylerdev: john sohn 2-3[14253] nightbot: johnson[14253] zaddybrump: hrty[14253] bardown16__: LOLL[14254] kidkickingrobot: LETS GOOOO SHOUD[14254] svgreen_sox77: 2-3 Dee[14254] emmano77: 2-3 Brodruk[14254] bosleyonxbox: !gamble all[14254] uncertifiedhooper: HOW ARE U NEGATIVE AGAINST SILVERS BRO[14254] f_oggierduck: 109 ADS???[14254] thiccthiccd4ddy: 2-3 Fred[14255] shutupkaryn: 17 ADS[14255] truhitman76: ya[14255] vqhts: DRUNKO[14255] mahmut_akdemir: 1v7[14256] cmomoney187: 2 N 3 BI;;Y[14256] 7d_waffle: !sub[14256] freakwet: ILLUMINATE ADS[14256] benowens20: hard carried[14256] captainkarate1: ads[14256] glizzytwister: dumbass[14257] f1xsr4k: 24HR ADS[14257] bjneely3624: what rank what rank what rank what rank what rank what rank[14258] becooper: ???????????[14258] bbl_drizzy1220: caseohLockincaseoh caseohLockincaseoh caseohLockincaseoh caseohLockincaseoh caseohLockincaseoh caseohLockincaseoh caseohLockincaseoh caseohLockincaseoh caseohLockincaseoh[14258] kingnoah1106: w 100 ads[14258] vqhts: CHUNKO[14258] 12gamefive: 100000000 ads you greedy bitch[14259] maximum_regret: 161 ADS[14259] swadnezy: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK[14259] wilmafingerduu: DUST OFF THE JOHNSON[14260] thorfinnspupil: 49900 ads????[14260] jor_ezy: 54 ads[14260] bbl_drizzy1220: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion[14260] alexandrr257: HSWP HSWP HSWP HSWP HSWP[14261] 1pmonxbox: !gamble all[14261] n1cz3n: 2 and 9 ADSSSS[14261] jynxitron_isbae: @Hivise Chefmadmike34 emerald[14262] johnnyblazetk: 2-3 against silvers is crazy[14262] bigsmugotter: goofy[14262] nestor_423: sold[14262] becooper: UR SELLING[14263] ghostgamer476: 9 fucking ads wild[14263] ezsniperzx: I js jizzed to brecki hill[14263] virtsx: 50 ads[14264] maximiliosa: 209 ADS[14264] jbizzy_1: DUDE 18 ADS UGGGGGGHHHHHHH[14264] funnyguruu: wouldnt win without spoit[14264] fl_kadin: that’s the difference between console and pc champion[14264] tommy_llo: Dumbass[14265] bbl_drizzy1220: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[14265] wakeem7: nah[14265] iso_matthew: cumco[14266] ghostyx8: 39 ADS BRO[14266] murciirl: chunko[14266] dazdatboi: !mic[14266] id_smashjunko: 2 kill bill[14266] nightbot: https://clips.twitch.tv/CrunchyOriginalTapirMoreCowbell-08WejFY65FeSynKk[14266] narrowsmother: L class set[14266] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[14267] tacticalgummybear: 2-3 backshotted by a donkey[14267] drastixflickdu: 2-3 kenny's[14267] deadlymouse293: 2-3 KNEE[14267] funnierdingo: 2-3 tree[14268] azarelio: having ads is crazy just sub up kids jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[14268] saintjaydaman: we aint gonna see who wins with this many adds[14268] freakwet: IMAGINE ADDING FOR ILLUMINATE[14269] el_baritas303: carried[14269] tcbest69: hate from oregon[14269] r1pmoon: 2-3 billy[14269] aidenkillsnoobs: 64k fell off[14270] nmblol: 7 ad dad[14270] wyattj11111: 2v5 Jynxzi doesn’t count[14271] nombus2323: 2-3 chee[14271] sharkb8_1121: 2and 3 bean[14271] tarducken12: go backpack[14272] featherisbeast: so many ads[14272] vqhts: SO ASS[14272] keyz517: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY[14273] deeeznutzz562: 9 ads crazy[14274] el_baritas303: spoit is your daddy[14274] rippedmicrobe46: l adds I have 8 fucking adds[14274] wilmafingerduu: 9 fucking ads[14275] dondawizard: !sub[14275] truejoey: truejoey subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [14275] shivermetimbers15: shroud has aura[14275] azzamalt: 30 ads is crazy[14275] swavy353: L adddss[14276] snowylwm: SPOIT IS SO GOOD[14276] rileespookieoncod: 30,000 stream points junko[14276] ryishim17: fat[14276] omegabloodflo99: 2-3 pee[14277] jor_ezy: nice ads you greedy bitc[14277] gold672: Prime Jynxi wouldn't go 2-3[14278] nightbot: Blue crown —-> Free —-> no ads —-> charm: https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi[14278] causevseffect: I ain’t watching yo ads[14278] thiccthiccd4ddy: Bunko[14278] russian_bomber_: CARRIED[14278] waterypanda: ads[14278] nightbot: Just sub bozo you’ll get no ads, my emotes, double the channel points, and guess what you will also get my beautiful charm that you will never lose, and many more!!!! #subuporshutup[14278] balzy350: 5 ads[14278] favio_3475: EIGHT ADS?!?!?!?!?!??[14278] erickisdagat12: wedding[14279] lacedupwilliam: LacedUpWilliam subscribed with Prime. [14280] alexkellogg: alexkellogg subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 15 months! W[14280] taylerdev: JOHN SOHN 7-4 SHITTER VARSITY[14280] omegabloodflo99: 2-3 tree[14281] thiccthiccd4ddy: Junko[14281] waterypanda: ADDSSS[14281] keyz517: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK[14282] capz_l: Capz_L subscribed with Prime. [14282] ryishim17: far[14283] baller122019: WASHED[14284] swadnezy: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT[14284] ledavid1806: KENDRICK DID NOT DROP FUCK YALL[14285] thiccthiccd4ddy: Mucho[14285] omegabloodflo99: 2-3 treee[14286] bubbypp: BRO 69 ADS IS CRAZY MONEY FARMING[14286] youngherox: pre end[14286] locoangel___: @Highviiisssee let me get in that gold lobby please loco510angel I’m controller on PC[14286] robert131110: !Link[14286] nightbot: @robert131110 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[14287] tarducken12: junk[14287] f1xsr4k: UPA[14288] luca_bazooka2011: tits take away ads[14288] sulahimself: 😮💨[14288] rysoios: @HiVise add me for the champ game my ubi is R6s_Ryy[14289] deepakgod333: 2-3 McFlurry[14289] el_baritas303: spoit is your dad[14289] plzexcusemylag1: 2-3 bree[14289] tormented_beans13: 8 ADS[14290] tommy_llo: What rank are you on fatass[14290] gimme_tank: gimme_tank subscribed at Tier 1. [14290] dingdon273: hey yall[14291] wusername11: washed[14291] eliteruby808: !LINK eliteruby808[14292] benowens20: ask shroud if it bends left?[14292] the_rill_dyl: 7 ad Evan[14292] zyrox_247: yall aint making plat[14292] gmoug03: gmoug03 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [14292] wilmafingerduu: fucking 9 ads[14292] wyattj11111: 2-3 jean[14293] tarducken12: junky[14293] mcadventurekid: ads[14293] person652: Y so many add your a millionaire[14294] 1pmonxbox: !gamble all[14294] streamelements: 1pmOnXbox went all in and lost every single one of their 4980 points LUL[14295] saintjaydaman: Kendrick didn’t drop yall[14296] ravid27: ads[14296] jor_ezy: How much money do you want[14296] cjsocool7187: BAD AIIIMMMM[14296] taylerdev: @Jynxzi YOU ON SQUIRT SQUAD OR CREAM TEAM?[14296] justin_smith810: jynxziCopper[14297] roguepuma: if i lose all my channel points bc you're the weakest link imma never watch again[14297] favio_3475: did he already die?[14298] spartan7oo: 11 ads[14298] bardown16__: silly[14298] seancase33: 8 ADS?!??!![14299] romanticart: !sens[14299] nightbot: Jynxzi sens and settings here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2GcpqRqJ9U[14300] zombiefeasterr: game gonna be over before these ads[14300] ddogz20: bro i have 12 ads💀[14300] thorfinnspupil: so many ads | Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [14120] I'm going to go for the archives. Yeah, I love that from you. Yep. Just comps. I'm going to go on a nice there. Let me check. Oh yeah. [14130] I'm gonna go to my good No one You're easy-sclair Don't set your catwalk Floating Drown me in Okay Eh, I couldn't take it I'm calling now [14140] I'm out of ammo. Shot come here get this wall. [14150] Köserser zur säsningen men skän Kom ihop för om jag har spärr [14160] ohhhh that was pretty good [14170] drone. Shows on the long angle. Shows. You could probably play there like all around. It's like the most powerful position ever. I could take the fuser off you too. No one's close. [14180] No one office? Stop two! Two, two, two, two, three! Nice! Nice! [14190] Nice round! Off-miss, no, sorry, he's on the desk in front of you guys close archives. Brickside, yeah. He's fighting with them now. [14200] I don't know, I just wanna know. Come on! Let's fucking go! Good round, bro. Good calm, split. Good kill, sharp, two two. We're not as good as fucking self-proclaimed. [14210] man. Let's go. Bro, honestly bro, this game could have been a fucking forum. [14220] Let's get bathroom. Let's get bathroom. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Michael Lee Sin here Frost what do you think? [14230] I think. Errr, yeah, Frost is good, yeah. I could have gone though, like, window jump-ins and shit. Yep. [14240] Spoil you have 12 kills right now? Yeah, I've been going at it. I've been flying Shit, I like that. I like the bomb. [14250] I have a shotgun on Frost. I repeat, I do not have a shotgun on Frost. Boy, you have to make all the rotates. Got it, I got it. Pro, this is my PC shit. [14260] Is it possible if you drop 20 to this game? Oh, this. Oh, he's gonna. Bro, if we go 3-3, I mean, I didn't want to say that, but if we do go to this game, [14270] 3-3 you can ride up to 1-8. But if we lose then it's like yeah. They're outside the site window. They're trying to have a punshit. [14280] shield into shield yeah yep I think I have arm raised [14290] I think they're above us. I'll see you in a minute. Bye, bad. | There is a Highlight between 14140 and 14210. Jynxzi gets 2 kills, including the final one, and then screams triumphantly. |
Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [16020] unknownsoldier6969: stop dying[16020] gail_iewis: PC IS CHAMP LVL XBOX[16020] csancheezy27: UR SUCH A SELLER[16020] mesme_r: PRE END[16020] creepercreedy: !sub[16020] not77cold: 1-3 Bree[16021] kutthroah: YOU ALWAYS DIE FIRST[16021] nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi[16021] xiphoidar: OPXJYNXZI[16021] aatencio214: Pre end[16021] poopypupper: fat[16021] aceistheplac_: 1-3 tree[16021] xen_26: 1-3 era[16021] aaronl0: LOOOOOOOOOOOL[16021] crypticx45: classic always bot frag[16021] plebichu: hed be champ on xbox @jynxzi xbox players suck ass[16021] joemama22356: YOUR SO BADYOUR SO BADYOUR SO BADYOUR SO BADYOUR SO BADYOUR SO BADYOUR SO BAD[16021] patrickdestar25: pre end[16022] ieatdirt94: FAT[16022] eyespeedboost: how does his smg 12 taste 😂😂😂😂😂[16022] drizzmoolah: stop selling u FUCK[16022] cad_e_n: FAT[16022] ydino69: 1 - 3 flea[16022] mrripoff43: 1-3 FREE[16022] donut_daboi: junko ur my kind papu[16022] sjbaltz90: Cronus[16022] supaawsome12313453: gg channel points[16023] camron_twitch1: end now[16023] drauzee: Fat[16023] hasanislikedat: FATTTTTTTTT[16024] isaacjsmith123: you sold[16024] vooly7: pre end[16024] spartanjosh402: stop selling[16024] thelordc2622: 1 - 3 LOCK IN[16024] xboxtwitch_fn: WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace[16024] patrickdestar25: Pre end[16024] soggyshane: LOL[16024] nightbot: 😂[16024] hivise: I mean thats what happens when you have a mouse[16024] x2batem: your fat[16024] fireandfury2020: W eddy[16024] jacqueshuncho: RUINED BY SMURF[16024] subzero123628372: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper[16025] theyungmaestro: Do not enrage me mischievous delinquent[16025] quaz_on_stumble: jynxziGLASSES[16025] natedaman_: jynxzi you’d be a gold on Xbox if he’s a diamond on xbox[16025] fishynacc: in gold I trust[16025] twinkleberry20: J DA HI OK OH I’LL K WE DE WE WW W OK D OH D OH AS OH FEW WAS CA[16025] peteyp216: U always die first[16025] ssoulzyfps: Imagine chat growing up[16025] coughing_lady: He's gotta be a goal next round d[16025] joanda007: 1-3 ben[16025] ehchecazzo: SOO WERE IN COPPER[16026] rc4321: 1-3 steve[16026] tellyogirlp: you’re so washed now[16026] xen_26: 1-3 eraa[16027] ydino69: 1[16027] patrickdestar25: PRE END[16027] ieatdirt94: L SELL[16027] hasanislikedat: FATTT[16027] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[16027] camron_twitch1: end stream now[16027] wetmeat_: fatttt[16027] mattybuckets26: white monkeu[16027] juannotthetwo: fat[16027] retronitez: pre end fatty + ur bad[16027] ahmedcaparxxx: w script[16028] subzero123628372: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper[16028] maximiliosa: 1-3 FREE[16028] lvl1nasxrex: rip channel points[16028] 0saycheese: KNOW YOUR PLACE BITCH[16028] leofckdyadog: what rNi[16028] fishyburgee: !watchtime[16028] dieingllama: !gamble all[16028] streamelements: fishyburgee has spent 4 days 10 hours watching jynxzi[16028] angelo__547: ZQK IS CHANP[16028] streamelements: PogChamp dieingllama went all in and won 2360 points PogChamp they now have 4720 points FeelsGoodMan[16028] koolaid2160: Part timer[16029] xen_26: 1-3 era[16029] wetmeat_: fat[16029] js_sasha: jynxzi sucks now :((([16029] supaawsome12313453: gg cghanbnel points LNAOAO[16029] jynxzis__vape: 1-3 Lee[16029] hasanislikedat: FAT[16030] xiphoidar: OPK JYNXZI[16030] crossf1re22: LOCK IN[16030] aceistheplac_: can you just mute your mic bitch[16030] thebooster321_j: 1 HOUR STREAM YESTERDAY 1 HOUR STREAM YESTERDAY …[16030] richardpakman: stop selling[16030] littlemisskrazy: LittleMissKrazy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! [16030] csancheezy27: YAP YAP YAP YOU SOLDDDDDDD[16030] leytonray: 1-3 wedding tee[16030] itz_victory1234: chat what rank is this[16030] bravebearjb: That guy's not gold bro 🤣🤣🤦🤦 the ranking system sucks[16031] tipsy_biscuit: when did jynxi become sorta ass[16031] xiquontol: 1-5 PRE END[16031] 4hedxat: L SELL[16031] tufffrank: Spoit is carrying[16031] kaptenkrunch127: carried[16031] callm3mrj: U MID[16031] alfawarden: @hivise Me for Plat game. @ AlfaWarden[16031] vredzi: your fat[16031] shashlik_2_0: 1-3 FLEA[16031] scrambles91: LOCK IN!!!!![16031] gail_iewis: PC GOLD IS CHAMP LVL XBOX[16031] lochbessie: pre end[16031] bucnasty928: !gamble 400[16032] yawwwwwwwweeee: pre end[16032] macktruck25: sell[16032] streamelements: bucnasty928 won 400 points in roulette and now has 3055 points! FeelsGoodMan[16032] satisfyr6_: shut up fatass[16032] killoidd: 1-3 free[16032] angelo__547: ZQK IS CHAMP[16032] patrickdestar25: TERRIBLE PLAYER[16032] capo_yeyo: lock tf in[16032] leofckdyadog: what rank[16033] facefullofsack: FAT BOY[16033] crudoe: what rank are we on chat?[16033] hasanislikedat: FATT[16033] mayoape: stop playing like an idiot[16033] coldpillow0: yes you do[16033] lildingleberryy: !top points[16033] weeoutdizbich: 1-3[16033] streamelements: Top 5 points: 1. jxstak (5754179), 2. samarraii (5743761), 3. kazukispeach (4236113), 4. xvytall (3820000), 5. fsqv (2434562)[16033] blacktiehitman: OPK[16033] crossf1re22: LOCK IN LOCK IN LOCK IN LOCK IN LOCK IN[16033] b00tyburgla1492: fat[16033] aaronl0: TOO RIGHT[16033] tv_shoyo: free points[16034] gingers146: 1-3 flee is crazy[16034] l3ttsy: 1ST FRAG EVERYTIMR[16034] just_jrg: Hes M n k hes going to peak[16034] xiquontol: 1-5 PRE ENDD[16034] incognitodiabetic: sellout[16034] 4hedxat: !gamble all[16035] w0mps: WOMP gona WOMP[16035] streamelements: PogChamp 4hedXAT went all in and won 20 points PogChamp they now have 40 points FeelsGoodMan[16035] nivekzyatsev: he did indeed[16035] hfb_official: BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump[16036] capo_yeyo: tf[16036] subzero123628372: PART TIMWR[16036] coleman_2017: 1-3 lee[16036] hypersfg: breeze108AllLove breeze108AllLove[16036] dustymailbox: hivise im a plat if you need someone[16036] snowylwm: SPOIT 11-2 ALREADY[16036] zazagunz: 1-3 steve[16036] thenachoman0707: thenachoman0707 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months! [16036] sigma181: carried[16036] yapper699: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance[16036] thelordc2622: LOCK IIIIIIIIIIIIIIN[16037] tellyogirlp: washed like laundry[16037] itsluch416: 1-3 LEE[16037] bigdaddyb76: can u stay alive[16037] uncertifiedhooper: 1-3 FOR FREE[16037] xahpgib: IS THAT A PRO LEAGUE STRAT?[16037] crossf1re22: LOCK IN LOCK IN LOCK IN LOCK IN LOCK IN [16037] r6gamer37: @seosku pc gold differnet[16037] sinistertriggerz: Wanna work at my store jinxy you seem to be good at selling things[16037] hitzfrmthabong1: 11k damn son[16037] tacky507: 20k hrs on siege and this ass[16037] aidenkillsnoobs: so ass[16038] complex8252: WASHED[16038] gordosnapzzz: stay with ur team u goofball[16038] votesymba: channel in[16038] fzprodigy123: pre end[16038] not77cold: 1-3 left on seen[16038] sanchezjesus: @i_snort_spies fax ppl dont get it console v pc 360 fps n hertz not comparable[16038] chillichoppa: lock In junky[16038] maximiliosa: SPOT HARD CARRY[16039] genuinekiiia: 1-3 flea 🤣🤣🤣🤣[16039] mea7yy: yer u do[16039] shauxity: JYNXZI IS SELLING SO HE CAN END STREAM[16039] percapappa: console gold is pc copper 5 stuck[16039] suojj: suojj subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! [16039] s0lid_franco_: lmaooo[16039] jabsmacado: got OPKd[16039] jxqkk_: SELLING MY POINTSSSS[16039] nachuxxs: brooo loose the controler[16039] tipsy_biscuit: like he isnt good anymore lmao[16040] craxzi_: ur actually no good my boy[16040] damnimgood007: YOU FUCKED IT[16040] matchpointbets: Your buns[16040] itsdavidlol24_: 1-3 Not me[16040] crypticx45: you say this every game you play LMAO[16040] dornimaze77: fst[16040] quickpup3340436: PRE END[16040] unstealthyninja4: jynxzi your Johnson is shrinking![16040] theyungmaestro: 1 -3 GLEE[16040] gaminggolemwatcher: !gamble all[16040] ieatdirt94: MCCDONALDS[16041] jovanhynava11: what rank is ur[16041] streamelements: n1ght1337qq went all in and lost every single one of their 60 points LUL[16041] crudoe: what rank are we on junior?[16041] gordosnapzzz: u roam[16041] chrisp_2023: quit playin like a bitch bro[16041] rickydelay: washed streamer but sill love em[16042] dustymailbox: my ubisoft is PooBox[16042] not_somber: this is not slow[16042] javantevante: jinxzi you’re fat and should retire[16042] habaruku: duhh[16042] crakkz1: YAP YAP YAP YAP YAP YAP[16042] itsthediabetic: sit site stop roaming you’re not stompn[16043] kelynxz: L user[16043] viiloe: LOCK INNNN[16043] patrickdestar25: CARRIED BY SHROUD AND SPOIT[16043] dornimaze77: fat[16043] streamelements: JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/jynxzi[16043] blakemathews11: MP5 FROM WARZONE 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![16043] vegetablelasagna92: get back on minecraft[16044] zeyadgod: but your washed[16044] iamironman999: 1-3 Nicholas[16044] cbucketz_21: HES TRYNA FUC W BREKCIE AND END SOON[16044] tx_hooligan91: !gamble all[16044] djtinnio: you did the opd[16044] killoidd: boots loose to golds[16044] given_freeman: fbcracHuge fbcracBalls fbcracAllskill fbcracAllthetime[16044] gordosnapzzz: stop being dumb[16044] gizorge: BY HONEST YOU WANT TO END ITS BEEN 4 HOURS[16044] itsluch416: 1-3 LEE [16044] streamelements: PogChamp tx_hooligan91 went all in and won 30 points PogChamp they now have 60 points FeelsGoodMan[16045] complex8252: bricked[16045] reconik1127: jynxziChampion[16045] kinoth_: gud aim[16046] thebasedtaka: cmonBruh[16046] coolncollected_: bent over[16046] masterjusjus: and shroud[16046] mikev1cksdog: HES CHAMP[16046] tellyogirlp: dog water[16046] djmicki_: L[16046] xiquontol: 1-5 PRE END[16046] csoderholmx: You are so good love the streams[16046] 4dr06: 1-3 to 13-2…[16047] coopthang: PAY UP[16047] titanpjs: junko selling[16047] jlints_612: jynxziVapeBreak[16047] peachysadin: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper[16047] hypersfg: breeze108SlowSadJam[16047] matchpointbets: you suck fatass[16047] speedybouneymar: who boud try a mogg[16047] yurrrrdddddd: 1-3 jixzy[16047] mcstinkalott: 1-3 gabriel[16047] lelanyoboi123: lelanyoboi123 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! [16048] lilcoom3211: Junko your selling the. bruh[16048] crudoe: what rank are we on?[16048] jxqkk_: STOP SELLING MY POINTSSS[16048] q4v1: eddy thinks he’s a comedian[16048] ieatdirt94: CHUMPY[16048] warrrne: 88888[16048] crossf1re22: LOCK IN LOCK IN LOCK IN[16048] killoidd: BibleThump[16049] tytdrakem8: !points[16049] jynxzisleftnu_t: poor shroud[16049] streamelements: @TytDrakeM8 TytDrakeM8 has 5 points and is rank 1746329/1764364 on the leaderboard.[16049] nightbot: poor❌ pour✅[16049] rass_4k: what rank[16049] warrrne: 888[16049] thebooster321_j: 1 HOUR STREAM YESTERDAY 1 HOUR STREAM YESTERDAY ![16050] itsdavidlol24_: 1-3 couldnt b eme[16050] rxvertsrx: you’re just realizing that????[16050] warrrne: 8[16051] urmom890628: PRE RETIREMENT[16051] itscsper: @HiVise plat 5 BOB_26[16051] complex8252: baddddd aim[16051] dreamzzgottwitch: !gamble 400[16051] vocab2: glaz[16051] streamelements: dreamzzgottwitch won 400 points in roulette and now has 1385 points! FeelsGoodMan[16051] damehigh: this not console[16051] coophutch12: 1-3 fatty[16052] caseisreallyabiggie: Wow nice good try shroud[16052] angelo__547: HES CHAMP[16052] ullaronx: I see why you were good so long this season[16052] raideasy: like thaaaa[16052] ashzic: UR ACTUALLY SO BAD WTF?????????[16052] syedobarahino: This is gold on pc????? Wtffffff[16052] biiggie1410: Ya ur silver on pc[16052] dustymailbox: PooBox would be a goated plat for the next game[16052] jynxzithecokeaddict: 1 - 10 Ben[16053] ayoitzjayo: PC GOLDS OWN YOU[16053] lighostil_: CAN I GET A 10 PIECE[16053] killoidd: washed[16053] damnimgood007: HE DICKED YOU[16053] jovanhynava11: !rank[16054] nightbot: Check out Jynxzi's Rank and Stats here -> https://r6.tracker.network/profile/xbox/Junk%20Shiesty[16054] ieatdirt94: BIG FAT[16054] bucnasty928: !gamble 100[16054] quaz_on_stumble: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper[16055] speedybouneymar: who boud tryna mog[16055] finalarigato_: LMFAO[16055] sigma181: CARRIED[16055] tacky507: you have years worth of time on this game and can’t beat golds[16055] javantevante: lock in fat loser[16056] bananasfps: drone hunter zoro[16056] pollobds: GOLD[16056] gucci_kid54: idiot[16057] brycesucksatrocketleague_: TYPE 6 IF YOURE CURRENTLY EDGEING TO THIS STREAM[16057] xwhiteferrari: LMAOOOOO[16057] ieatdirt94: FAT[16057] f_oggierduck: love from wales[16057] drauzee: ?[16057] kinoth_: lmao[16057] nightbot: ?[16057] caseisreallyabiggie: you a bad teammater[16057] lucas135742: big fat[16057] retronitez: L[16057] gucci_kid54: idiot[16058] moron2000: 1-3 william[16058] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[16058] snoozy711: ???[16058] ehchecazzo: SO WERE IN COPPER[16059] crypticx45: SO BAD LMAO[16059] ahmedtheroyal1: OMGGGG[16059] gucci_kid54: idiot[16059] given_freeman: cartie3Gc cartie3Gc cartie3Gc cartie3Gc cartie3Gc cartie3Gc cartie3Gc[16059] djbswims: L[16059] lsagi0: ?????????????[16060] fishynacc: w[16060] peachysadin: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper[16060] bengii1: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA[16060] wilson2beast: w[16060] waterypanda: HAHAHAHA[16060] 0mykell: ???????????????[16060] gianlof1: ZQK IS CHAMP ZQK IS CHAMP ZQK IS CHAMP ZQK IS CHAMP ZQK IS CHAMP[16060] wingluss: WTF AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHHAAHAHH[16061] complex8252: dumb[16061] killoidd: bro is so washed[16061] unknownsoldier6969: LMAO[16061] haleful: lmao[16061] shivermetimbers15: ….[16061] unleasheddem0nz: brooooo L script[16061] friedlightning: 1-10 PRE END[16061] vegetablelasagna92: DUMBASS[16062] yungkibe: LMAO[16062] bodthebodo: !sens[16062] drizzmoolah: LMAO[16062] nightbot: Jynxzi sens and settings here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2GcpqRqJ9U[16062] wasdi532: HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA[16062] crudoe: whoops[16062] djbswims: L.[16062] mmew_2: LMAOOOOOOO[16062] xwhiteferrari: COOKED[16062] chute_mi23: YOU ASS FR[16062] 4hedxat: LMFAOO[16063] leektatted25: lmaooo[16063] gucci_kid54: idiot[16063] gianlof1: ZQK IS CHAMP ZQK IS CHAMP ZQK IS CHAMP ZQK IS CHAMP ZQK IS CHAMP [16063] hivise: LMAo[16063] caffeinatedcoco: bro[16063] urmom890628: RETIRE[16064] bengii1: HAHAHAHAHHA[16064] drauzee: ??????[16064] clumzy5: it not giving me charm[16064] puffpuffjuicer: LOLLL[16064] cbucketz_21: ??????[16064] heemcream: WHAT ABOUT SHROUD BRUH[16064] razoo020: SOLD[16064] cocomobreezy: you are so ass holy shit lol[16064] itsdavidlol24_: YOURE ASS[16064] yungkibe: LMAO [16064] nightbot: 😂[16064] peachysadin: ggs[16064] shivermetimbers15: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper[16064] mario9047: LMAOOO[16064] caffeinatedcoco: …[16065] zackholeee: lmaooo[16065] patrickdestar25: LMAO[16065] gianlof1: ZQK IS CHAMP ZQK IS CHAMP ZQK IS CHAMP[16065] unleasheddem0nz: L script[16065] tipsy_biscuit: bruh[16065] donkrun1g: LOL[16065] salmongod99: DUMBASS[16065] thegeneral675: IDOT[16065] drizzmoolah: DUMBASS[16065] xyvtobi: washed[16065] grandkoi_: usuwu[16065] nymzi: L[16065] matchpointbets: SO BAD[16066] 5tops: 'best r6 player'[16066] caseisreallyabiggie: you a bad teammate[16066] hivise: NICE[16067] nestor_423: sold[16067] tytdrakem8: !gamble 5[16067] 6ixpure: Bud you're ass[16067] kurisu1229: ?????[16067] funnyguruu: cooked[16067] shivermetimbers15: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper[16067] ryan32334: l[16067] ehchecazzo: COPPER[16067] kaptenkrunch127: washed[16067] streamelements: TytDrakeM8 went all in and lost every single one of their 5 points LUL[16067] caffeinatedcoco: retire pls[16067] randhtz29: ro[16067] tnyczr: ????????????????????????[16068] craxzi_: jeeeeezus[16068] driverff: LMFAOOOOO[16068] randolff13: LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO[16068] mayberep: fake champion[16068] tpdozyy: GONNA LOSE TO SLIVERS[16068] xahpgib: quit[16068] thesciencedeductor: bro[16068] autizyn: damn you suck[16068] zackholeee: sold[16068] greymatt3r_: SO ASS[16068] cristoratwood: bro he’s washed now[16068] gillyswilly322: peek gameplay[16068] ryladarkstar: i literally do that daily.[16068] bengii1: HHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA[16068] s0lid_franco_: ain’t no way[16069] exhaustedslothh: wow[16069] quinnnythefos: SO TRASH[16069] shivermetimbers15: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper[16069] 4hedxat: WTF ARE U DOING[16069] thelordc2622: LOOOOOOOOOOOL[16069] 8pina: ITS WAS A MISINPUT[16069] wingluss: WW WW WW WW WW[16069] nasser53f: Washed[16069] aidenkillsnoobs: so ass[16069] cjnagel21: lol[16069] boejecker99: LMAOOOOOOO[16069] figmentmeister: washed[16070] packmachine: ass[16070] waterypanda: UR WASHED[16070] pantera_221: No way you did that 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂[16070] ryann_585: 💀💀💀💀[16070] gbiouss1: LOCK I[16070] complex8252: 0 game sense[16070] pvoh: clip farmer[16070] redskittlezzzz: ur so trash[16070] zackholeee: washed[16071] 4hedxat: LMAOO[16071] tyhuddy2: ur horrible[16071] wolverines4142: dumb[16071] mdotae: 1-1 1-1 bum 1-1 bum 1-1 bum 1-1 bum 1-1 bum 1-1 bum 1-1 bum 1-1 bum 1-1 bum 1-1 bum 1-1 bum 1-1 bum[16071] nestor_423: so ass[16071] urmom890628: RETIRE NOW[16071] unknownsoldier6969: drop siege[16071] unixonyx: 4 hour stream??? am i dreaming rn?????????[16071] rass_4k: is he high again[16071] lucas135742: LMAO[16071] xboxtwitch_fn: So bard[16071] lostmyastrs: no shot[16071] jd_bloom: Script[16071] archangels7: Junior throw[16071] emmano77: Dujey[16072] bengii1: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA[16072] xoerickk: selling[16072] fireandfury2020: washed[16072] clumzy5: !charm[16072] rocketz492560: DUMB ASS[16072] itsdavidlol24_: so we're in copper[16072] ogcnewts16: FAT ASS FINGERSSSSSSSSSS[16072] severe2: in cobblestone[16072] nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn[16072] samuelmiceli12: throwing[16072] patrickdestar25: MISINPUT[16072] sandrgamingmc: so trash[16072] given_freeman: cartie3Party cartie3Party cartie3Party cartie3Party cartie3Party cartie3Party cartie3Party cartie3Party[16072] beegusbite: there you go selling again[16072] omrbodyno: leaving shroud hanging[16073] randolff13: BRO IS SO WASHED[16073] ogklaw: ….[16073] xahpgib: stop looking at chat[16073] tripleasian: bad aim[16073] 4hedxat: 💀💀💀💀💀[16073] gianlof1: ZQK IS CHAMP[16073] gangsta_pc_gamer: lmao[16073] ryan32334: L[16073] gbiouss1: LOCK IN[16073] caseisreallyabiggie: SAY NICE TRY SHROUD[16073] drewskii711: BRO WHAT IS GOOD WITH YOU RN[16073] csancheezy27: BRO WHAT ARE U ACTUALLY DOING RN[16073] xlsizedburrito: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper[16074] drudabomb_: UR DRUNK[16074] rsinkler: almost pro[16074] xoerickk: you’re so ass[16074] dave_____________________: plastic[16074] thelordc2622: WTF[16074] ugotvectored143: 'im the king'[16074] axe25mar: 1-3 Steve[16074] estayban_1: HE WANTS TO END[16074] x2batem: copper gameplay[16075] waterypanda: NICE SCRIPT[16075] richardpakman: you’re ass[16075] urmom890628: PRE RETIREMENT[16075] wisdomtooth321: FAT BOY IS STUPID[16075] quaz_on_stumble: jynxzi is washed???[16075] caseisreallyabiggie: IDIOT[16075] dodgedaggers: what are you doing[16075] gold672: 1-3 eric[16075] azzamalt: this guys trolling[16075] prolegend134562: washed[16076] beegusbite: cheeks[16076] juannotthetwo: L Melusi[16076] dave_____________________: plastic gameplay[16076] cjnagel21: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper[16076] ogklaw: throwing[16076] gangsta_pc_gamer: jynxziFAT[16076] purplemfpiggy69: washed[16076] turbodogo: opper copper[16076] snowylwm: NAH U SABOTAGING FR[16077] nestor_423: retire[16077] killoidd: dude looks like he is having a great time[16077] killerpeto00: selling[16077] blakkthunde: my copper xd[16077] toomuchspamz: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper[16077] camburger__: washed[16077] prolegend134562: washeddd[16077] capo_yeyo: ur a sell out[16077] kingkpj: BRO LOCK IT IN!!!!![16077] b00tyburgla1492: dogshit[16078] 2amnoahh: wus good mr part timer[16078] captainjames1234: do u spoit and beoulo[16078] trace0303: what rank is this[16078] plut0_6x: @chadieladdie 8-0[16078] casusbelli8: WASHED[16078] tyhuddy2: waashed[16078] ieatdirt94: LARD ASS GET A BRAIN[16078] rocketz492560: FUCKING IDIOT[16078] pr0d1gy_fr: no wonder he lost champ[16078] cjnagel21: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper[16078] hen_in50: part ofthe script[16078] joemama22356: YOUR SO BADYOUR SO BADYOUR SO BADYOUR SO BADYOUR SO BADYOUR SO BADYOUR SO BADYOUR SO BAD[16078] hereliesmel: pack it up bro[16079] zackholeee: so washed[16079] sweatnoodle: OH HELL NO[16079] given_freeman: cartie3Gg cartie3Bru cartie3Gg cartie3Bru cartie3Gg cartie3Bru[16079] baller122019: WASHED[16079] beegusbite: duke[16079] tisaac31: washed[16079] prolegend134562: washedddd[16079] justgam3ing: 6v2[16080] crossf1re22: retire bro[16080] nico_nexis: choke harder[16080] camron_twitch1: BROS MEWING. LOOK AT THIS CLOWN 😭😭😭🤡[16080] ryan32334: P[16080] tpdozyy: FAKE CHAMP[16080] yung_josho00: DUMBASS[16080] tyhuddy2: aasssss[16080] javantevante: ur copper[16080] killerpeto00: washed[16080] habaruku: he's ready to end stream[16081] bodeanplays: so we're in copper[16081] d1zzyna: Bro wants to end early[16081] ryan32334: L[16081] complex8252: so were in copper[16082] txkingfisher03: CHRISNXTDOOR IS BETTER THAN YOU[16082] prodwxrk: hop back on clash royale[16082] illslapyourma: Washed[16082] xahpgib: washed[16082] prolegend134562: washedddddddd[16082] ryan32334: P[16082] favio_3475: bro is actually washed[16082] jadensanto: NotLikeThis Kappa[16082] nightbot: @ju1cethekid999 -> Much better. [stop spamming symbols] [warning][16083] iamironman999: why do shroud and spoit have this copper on their team??[16083] arifootball5: do you even want to win[16083] bulldog04_: it’s was a misinput 😭[16083] subzero123628372: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper[16083] itzhunter_31: w throw bed time[16083] dustymailbox: @HiVise if you need a plat I am awesome sauce PooBox[16083] alfawarden: @hivise Me for Plat game. @ AlfaWarden[16083] tyhuddy2: dogggg[16083] ryan32334: I[16083] cmhood2005: caseohThumbsup[16084] nestor_423: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper[16084] axe25mar: 1-3 steve[16084] itzsmogzzz: We losf[16084] hobartlcus: hobartlcus subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [16085] recktwo: SELLINGGGGGG[16085] papimuchacho123: 23000 hours and wrong button?[16085] itsjus_lj: L[16085] ahmedtheroyal1: JUST CLASH UR ASS[16085] tacky507: type 1 if you like dudes[16085] fossabot: @tsar_goopnak, Your message is too long[16085] onlylildrip2: bro got a gf and lost all his r6 skills[16086] ryan32334: II[16086] archangels7: Junko throw yo[16086] xahpgib: WASHED[16086] matchpointbets: 2 v 6[16086] cjnagel21: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper[16087] ryan32334: I[16087] urmom890628: RETIRE[16087] friedlightning: 1-10 PRE ENDD[16087] nestor_423: jynxziCopper[16087] newestemployee: ded[16087] luckyduck424899: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[16087] i_snort_spies: prime jynxzi was 2 years ago[16088] camron_twitch1: MEW HARDER[16088] lostmyastrs: JYNXZI IM SILVER 5 AND DONT DO THAT[16088] nightbot: Blue crown —-> Free —-> no ads —-> charm: https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi[16088] boejecker99: GET SLAAMMEEDDD[16088] azzamalt: just say u want to go to work bro[16088] frog_leg_: controller pro league[16088] nivekzyatsev: so we’re in copper?[16089] 4hedxat: PRE DEAD[16089] ashzic: Thought this guy was good 0-3?[16089] cmhood2005: caseohComeoncuh[16089] vozzhub: drunko[16089] greyfox44: SELLING MY POINTS[16089] dannydrip02: He trying to End Stream[16089] subzero123628372: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[16090] estayban_1: HES TIRED[16090] unleasheddem0nz: horrible angle[16090] bogusjit: you’re fell off needs to be studyed[16090] urmom890628: PRE RETIREMENT[16091] riskyrevs: come on junko[16091] txkingfisher03: CHRISNXTDOOR IS BETTER THAN YOU![16091] jorrisito: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper[16091] axe25mar: 1-3 Steve[16091] juannotthetwo: washed[16091] elirowell9: stop swinging[16091] dreamzzgottwitch: !gamble 220[16091] jynxziviewbot1: secure my moints[16092] matchpointbets: 2 v6 2v 6[16092] scotchie9111: SHROUD SPOIT + COPPER vs every rank[16092] lostmyastrs: UR AWFUL[16093] given_freeman: cartie3Rage cartie3Rage cartie3Rage cartie3Rage cartie3Rage cartie3Rage[16093] peachysadin: fucking idiot[16093] arifootball5: 1111111111111111111111111[16093] tx_hooligan91: !gamble all[16093] drudabomb_: HIGH AND DRUNK[16094] unknownsoldier6969: jynzi fall off[16094] jorrisito: jynxziVapeBreak[16094] estayban_1: HE WANTS TO END[16095] imbeastly_: 1[16096] txkingfisher03: CHRISNXTDOOR IS BETTER THAN YOU[16096] 8jacks895: 1[16097] ju1cethekid999: 0000000000000001[16098] justcallmedamien: 2[16098] auxelo69: 111[16098] cmhood2005: GoldPLZ[16098] friedlightning: 1-10 PRE END[16098] kelynxz: 1[16098] fartinhaler634: 1[16098] judeisnothim: 1[16098] djbswims: 1[16098] dunkinhonut: 1[16099] circlesz_: 1[16099] captainkarate1: 1[16099] rabbit42o: 1[16099] auxelo69: 11111111[16099] bogusjit: 1[16099] axe25mar: 1-3 steve[16099] justcallmedamien: 1[16100] chunkygorilla19: 1[16100] camron_twitch1: BRO already took damage.[16100] mjm0415: 1[16100] ya_jesny: washed cocain addict 😕[16100] kinoth_: 1[16100] auxelo69: 111111[16100] nymzi: 1[16100] fannubx: 1[16101] estayban_1: HES SO TIRED[16101] juannotthetwo: Miss prime junior[16101] lttr6: 1[16101] rabbit42o: 1111[16101] auxelo69: 1111111[16101] tewsins: 1[16102] scotchie9111: 11111111[16102] mattmentalityy: 1[16102] matchpointbets: 2 v 6 2 v 6 2 v 6 2 v 6 2 v 6 2 v 6[16102] crossf1re22: UR A JOKE[16102] coleman_2017: 1[16102] malachidarzi13: 1[16102] camron_twitch1: uninstall[16103] auxelo69: 11111111[16103] rabbit42o: 11[16103] archivedfashion: 1[16103] brattn_: 1[16103] estayban_1: HE WANTS TO END[16103] matchpointbets: 2 v 6[16103] tewsins: 1111[16103] ieatdirt94: LARD ASS[16104] mr____krabs_: 1[16104] patrickdestar25: 1[16104] supaawsome12313453: 1[16104] bhonkers: slow down[16104] ggurnothingkid: making moves like that you definitely lost[16104] 8jacks895: 11[16105] complex8252: edge[16105] chainz_swng: 11[16105] matchpointbets: 2 v 62 v 62 v 6[16105] supaawsome12313453: 11111[16105] tsar_goopnak: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper[16105] captainkarate1: 111111111111111111111111111111[16105] tewsins: 111[16105] x1vapid1x: he gonna end stream early[16105] shadowbeast_w: w[16105] tatsuoverhead: LMAO[16106] brattn_: 111[16106] supaawsome12313453: 111111[16106] matchpointbets: 2 v 6[16106] 00kiraa: 1[16106] kantaraketta: 1[16106] quaz_on_stumble: jynxzi is washed??? jynxziBadAim[16106] harrybobeary: Zok champion[16107] aliwardez: 1[16107] stfrosti: 1[16107] purplemfpiggy69: washed[16107] malachidarzi13: 11[16107] sensorstripe: Now the commentator is also playing? What is going on?[16107] bulldog04_: 1[16108] tyhuddy2: 1[16108] nestor_423: you are actually copper my g[16108] plebichu: stop peeking. ur ass[16108] autumnpirate28: autumnpirate28 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [16109] subzero123628372: 1[16109] cristoratwood: pre end[16109] scrambles91: 3 v5 and hes peaking everything[16111] hunterj61391: 1[16111] typicallygerman: L Parttimer sell them[16111] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[16112] xoerickk: why is chat spamming 1[16112] estayban_1: HE WANRS TO END[16112] xen_26: bad aim[16112] lloydski_: it was probably twitch who shock droned you[16113] i_snort_spies: ??????????????[16113] coleman_2017: 11[16113] post_melonss: what rank is this?[16113] captainkarate1: [16113] cristoratwood: pre rage end[16114] twinkleberry20: why is everyone typing 1[16114] harrybobeary: Zok champ[16115] hunterj61391: 11[16115] ieatdirt94: PAY RAYAN[16115] estayban_1: HE IS SO TIRED[16116] hunterj61391: 1[16117] thegeneral675: BAD AIM[16117] shadowbeast_w: 1[16117] rass_4k: jynxziBadAim[16118] camron_twitch1: so ass[16118] estayban_1: HE WANRS TO END[16118] hypersfg: breeze108SlowSadJam breeze108SlowSadJam breeze108SlowSadJam breeze108SlowSadJam[16120] joelasav: @Hivise add me for emerald lobbies @barry_mckocener[16120] hypersfg: breeze108SlowSadJam breeze108SlowSadJam breeze108SlowSadJam[16120] unfodubbed: is this gold????[16120] wingluss: ????[16121] complex8252: 0 game sense Ben[16121] luckyduck424899: jynxziBadAim[16121] hypersfg: breeze108SlowSadJam breeze108SlowSadJam[16121] tyhuddy2: 111[16122] yungkibe: dont sell[16122] camron_twitch1: bad aim[16124] harrybobeary: Zok camp[16124] seosku: stop peeking[16124] coleman_2017: Pre End[16125] 4am1600: bad aim[16125] brettkingeter: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[16125] i_snort_spies: W pre end[16126] 4hedxat: ???[16126] matchpointbets: 2 v 62 v 6 2 v 6[16126] tyhuddy2: 11[16126] tandem_k: rank ?[16126] buggk1v1: stop peaking[16128] despoken: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[16128] camron_twitch1: terrible aim[16128] jorrisito: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[16129] matchpointbets: 2 v 6[16129] funky224224: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[16129] obvioussly_: ur aim is so ass[16130] nigels_wrld: what rank is this[16131] matchpointbets: 2 v 6 2 v 6[16132] ieatdirt94: SHIT AIM[16132] buggk1v1: calm down[16133] ashzic: hes throwingggggggggg[16133] hypersfg: breeze108SlowSadJam[16133] satisfyr6_: AI Aim?[16133] nerosino_: bruh stop peaking like a bronze[16133] harrybobeary: Zok champ[16134] h0tto_h0tto_h0tto: 1[16134] 4hedxat: THIS GUYS CHAMPION?[16134] wingluss: ???[16134] camron_twitch1: aim harder[16134] gucci_kid54: sold[16135] xidontknowausername: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[16135] kinoth_: lmao[16135] tipsy_biscuit: DUDE[16136] killoidd: you minus well start playing Minecraft full time[16137] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀[16138] funnyguruu: ur ass[16138] dustymailbox: @HiVise for plat add PooBox[16138] waterypanda: BROOO[16138] monkandme386: ur ass[16139] donut_daboi: doo doo[16139] thegeneral675: broooo[16139] tyhuddy2: ur washed[16140] youngherox: sold[16140] thecurefordesdemenita: bro is running out of content😭😭[16140] mikeyswooshh: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[16141] azahelrios: DOO[16141] 4hedxat: LMFAO[16141] subzero123628372: WASHED[16141] shadowbeast_w: asssss[16142] snowylwm: 1-3[16142] ehchecazzo: SO WERE IN COPPER[16142] lostmyastrs: 1-6 idiot[16142] waterypanda: SOLD[16143] given_freeman: fbcracKissurdad fbcracMotherbeach fbcracKissurdad fbcracMotherbeach fbcracKissurdad fbcracMotherbeach fbcracKissurdad fbcracMotherbeach[16143] ahmedtheroyal1: ASS[16143] tipsy_biscuit: LITERAL DEATH CAM SIM[16143] redskittlezzzz: ur asssssss[16143] seosku: holy sellout[16144] peachysadin: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper[16144] klnghenryvlll: SO BAD[16144] archangels7: Throw harder[16144] renzo_cer: how do you keep dying first[16144] mikeyswooshh: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[16144] richardpakman: ur ass[16144] youngherox: SOLD[16144] malachidooley: washed[16144] chrisisthegoat2524: carried[16144] holidaybh: HI YT[16144] mrk9___: 1-4 vs golds ?[16145] bulldog2056: trash[16145] crossf1re22: SELLING[16145] aaronl0: LOOOOOOOOOL[16145] xahpgib: BROOOOOOO[16145] cermu: u getting fucked on rn[16145] thereal_jb_: Wow still streaming thats crazy asf[16146] aceistheplac_: 1-4 boar[16146] brettkingeter: washed[16146] itsdavidlol24_: youre ass[16147] sigma181: RETIRE[16147] pplop_o3: jynxziVapeBreak_SQ[16147] aleksander221: Pre end[16147] davineross: bro no way your this washed[16147] curlyocam: UR ASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS[16147] bodthebodo: !sens[16147] ahmedtheroyal1: SELLINGG[16147] wilson2beast: so ass[16147] mzkhixcrxzy: ur so ass[16147] shadowbeast_w: butt[16147] nightbot: Jynxzi sens and settings here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2GcpqRqJ9U[16147] supaawsome12313453: HOLY UR ASS[16148] sandy_sir: PRE END[16148] duffy712: sold[16148] mikeyswooshh: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[16148] w0mps: jynxziBadAim[16148] thegeneral675: ITS A 2v6[16148] shivermetimbers15: ….[16148] jakemastr: 2 vs 5[16149] rc4321: 1-4 crow[16149] sandy_sir: PRE ENDDD[16149] youngherox: selling again[16150] itsdavidlol24_: selling[16150] tipsy_biscuit: when tf did you become so ass[16150] mid_potato: !rank[16150] sandy_sir: PRE END[16150] nightbot: Check out Jynxzi's Rank and Stats here -> https://r6.tracker.network/profile/xbox/Junk%20Shiesty[16150] icypopp_: jynxziSNOT[16151] holidaybh: HI YTtttt[16151] kappamikey_: RIGGED[16151] soggyshane: 1-6 CLIX[16151] slothfulde1ight: ur ass[16151] vanhoy: 2v5[16151] schapzttv: 1-5 freddie[16152] fossabot: @levi513_, Your message is too long [2x][16152] axe25mar: 1-4 sore[16152] onlylildrip2: doo doo boi[16153] w0mps: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[16153] azahelrios: UR SO ASS[16153] sandy_sir: PRE ENDPRE END[16154] lmnfm: Carried by shroud omE[16154] mikeyswooshh: jynxziBadAim[16154] lochbessie: 0-1,000,000,000[16155] scrambles91: Jynxzi is the best person on the Golds team[16156] itsdavidlol24_: 1-4 snore[16157] kantaraketta: doodoo[16157] sandy_sir: ;RE EM D[16157] pplop_o3: jynxziVapeBreak_SQ jynxziVapeBreak_SQ jynxziVapeBreak_SQ jynxziVapeBreak_SQ jynxziVapeBreak_SQ jynxziVapeBreak_SQ[16157] crackerd2883: 2v5[16158] lillewis00: looks like ur tourneys[16158] given_freeman: jessee3L[16158] npwn: hard carry[16158] camron_twitch1: dead💅💅💅[16159] pplop_o3: jynxziVapeBreak_SQ jynxziVapeBreak_SQ jynxziVapeBreak_SQ[16159] davineross: stop fuckin dyin dude[16159] schapzttv: 1-5 FRED[16160] coleman_2017: so we're in cobblestone[16161] pplop_o3: jynxziVapeBreak_SQ[16161] tripleasian: hes being targeted so he knows[16161] harrybobeary: Za[16162] gemjerry: Is it just me or is jynxzi just bad idk[16163] brettkingeter: jynxziBadAim[16163] sabatthor: Stompn should play instead of you[16163] pplop_o3: jynxziVapeBreak_SQ jynxziVapeBreak_SQ jynxziVapeBreak_SQ jynxziVapeBreak_SQ jynxziVapeBreak_SQ jynxziVapeBreak_SQ jynxziVapeBreak_SQ[16164] therealrhino_: your teammates can’t hear?[16165] schapzttv: 1-5 FRANK[16165] joelasav: @Hivise add me for emerald lobbies @barry_mckocener[16165] offsetsz: bro is this a 2 v 6[16166] sandy_sir: PRE END[16168] peachysadin: get carried harder[16168] peterbusto: what rank is it[16168] tripleasian: your not smart[16168] sandy_sir: PRE ENDPRE[16168] dannyhasfriends69: deimos knows he knows dumbass[16169] obvioussly_: shroud n spoit vs 5 golds[16169] sandy_sir: PRE END[16169] 0710_beast: pre end[16170] lmnfm: @scrambles91 u don't know shroud buddy[16170] matchpointbets: 2 v 6[16171] sandy_sir: PRE ENDD[16171] gwiddynaitor: daddy[16172] sandy_sir: PRE END[16172] thirstylowkey_: !LINK[16173] nightbot: @ThirstyLowkey_ If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[16173] sandy_sir: PRE ENDD[16173] wilson2beast: 2v6[16173] christiannn207: WASHED[16173] satisfyr6_: Zesty moments #4[16175] sandy_sir: PPRE END[16175] arifootball5: hey you stinky fat loser try maybe[16175] dillononland: bru8h back away from you're camera ffs[16175] harrybobeary: ZOk CHAMP[16175] therealrhino_: he should of said bathroom[16176] sandy_sir: PRE ENDD[16176] given_freeman: slater14Lag slater14Lag slater14Lag slater14Lag slater14Lag slater14Lag[16177] sandy_sir: PRE END[16177] xahpgib: PRE END[16177] schapzttv: 1-5 FRED[16177] grizl2: @azahelrios 9 month sub? you must love ass Clown[16178] coleman_2017: 2V6[16178] sandy_sir: PRE ENDD[16178] nestor_423: YOU KNOW SPOIT HAS RED PING ON DEIMOS RIGHT?[16178] subzero123628372: PRE END[16179] sandy_sir: PRE END[16180] sandy_sir: PRE ENDDF[16180] 0anderson2063: it basically a 2v5 with a coach[16181] dirty_lint_roller: PRE END[16181] sandy_sir: PRE END[16181] offsetsz: chat spam 2 v 6[16182] brettkingeter: jynxziFAT[16182] lillewis00: I didn’t think it was Saturday[16183] scorpion_goat: Why are you so bad?[16183] matchpointbets: 2 v 6 fatass[16184] tripleasian: He was ebing argeted so he can see him dumbass[16187] camron_twitch1: @joelasav WE AINT GETTING EMARLD LOBBIES LMAO[16189] gucci_kid54: NO[16190] magician182831: this is the end[16190] ssjredriott: jynxziBadAim[16190] levi513_: Jinkzy has a small penus jinkzy has a small penus[16192] plpksv00: For the love of the dick mole...[16192] yungkibe: NO WAY[16192] fossabot: @Gingeylol, Your message is too long[16192] sandy_sir: 💀💀[16193] coughing_lady: Great. Calls[16193] zloxy__: jizz[16195] camron_twitch1: so ass[16195] scorpion_goat: 2v6[16198] infamoustuna: shroud is washed[16198] lankeelegs: when is the 3v5 starting[16198] perfect_gold: fat[16199] gwiddynaitor: jynxzy daddy pookie bear I'm champion 1v1 me rn bro[16200] rellik334: Wedding[16200] brettkingeter: jynxziVapeBreak[16200] ayr33x: this guy is backseating shroud lmao | Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [16020] Oh, shit, who is who? So, I'm a big relation here. I need to do better, like I need to do better, bro. I need to do better. [16030] Come on. Good try, boy. That ass. Thank you, thank you, thank you. [16040] Got it. Five seconds to do it. You got two jumps. Bob located by off board. [16050] maybe [16060] <|da|> grounds Woot hur, sæm, at du shoulder! [16070] They're going above. Oh yeah, this guy's going above. Is there someone on your kitchen with them? I'll tell you. [16080] there is, so I don't hear anybody right now. Yep, yep. Yeah, they're growing above. Gonna be hard. Run into them, come to the right now. [16090] Right enough to my kitchen window right now. I'm getting drawn. So I'm gonna shock drones me [16100] We're gonna have to make a fly. I'm getting like triple drone. Yeah, I'm done. We're pounding shroud on the door. [16110] we want if if and death if if and if [16120] on the server store. One's above the screen. I'm a drone. Nice. Nice. I've got one. I've got one. You could have backed out, but he'd want to see it. No, there's a little sea. [16130] I'm gonna see oh my god he can he walked under it It's a good check it's a no kitchen or no bathroom bathroom throw right there. Yep right there That's it that's it that's it that's to be due [16140] I've been spot about this day, man. Try to find him. You can watch my service. Yeah, yeah, shot. Your service is good. Your service is good. Both of them. Both of them. Try to roll, bang his way. [16150] Good! On the siabla? What the f**k? He doesn't even know we know. Shout out to MOVE ITS too much to my hair. Yep, can I hear it? [16160] The fissures down here, I'm just gonna wait for them to drop and get it. Bro, he's waiting for you to flank right now, boy. He's like waiting for you to flank up the stairs. He's just staring at it. Walking down. [16170] Yeah, he's heading to the staircase now. Not caught up I'm just waiting [16180] Don't peek that trap. Don't even peek it. I can call when he walks up. I can call when he gets close. On the door, standing on the center, walking up, walking up, walking up, walking up, walking up. [16190] Good try, he's lit! Gotta be in back! Hit a goo, hit a goo, hit two goo! God he's low. Hit two goo! | There is a Highlight between 16053 and 16060. Jynxzi accidentally throws a grenade at himself and then screams in response. |
Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [17860] macwards: wwwww[17860] murciirl: selling[17860] oogabooga8271: be a friend[17860] derritos: lock in[17860] mrskrtog: L friend[17860] christiannn207: LFGGGGGG[17860] singrxcia: BRO LOCK IN WTF[17861] beefjerkyboi69: SELLING[17861] thinblood1: GOOD FRIEND THOUGH[17861] securediamond10: L friend[17861] sneakyassassin73: L[17861] lessleaves: MID GAME/???[17861] sneaky83xx: scary[17861] killua7606: selling[17861] therealregoooo: L friend and L teammate[17861] skittlesshdo: L STREAMER[17861] cyrus_luvs_g0d: W FRIEND[17861] k4yeff: N9 WAY TORAYS KY H8RTHDAY TOO[17862] vividly004: U WANT TO END SO BAD[17862] bengcooper18: Someone died on ur team blud[17862] scribyyfn: ???[17862] macwards: wwwwwwwwww[17862] noodle5605: L TEAMMATE[17862] gormli6969: ???????????????????[17862] fancyaf__: you lose its your fault budddy[17862] yeahthefboys: 🤦🏻♂️[17862] 4hedxat: L TEAMMATE[17862] murciirl: L[17862] vier301: mid game is crazy[17862] stevedadfreshtv: Throwingggggg[17862] up1abandzz: L friend[17862] itzinfinityt: play the damn game first[17865] icewhitegti: throwing[17865] dantevia: W FRIEND[17865] yomikey22: !sens[17865] mitchell101_: u gonna lose[17865] bigddreiss45: l love you[17865] nightbot: Jynxzi sens and settings here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2GcpqRqJ9U[17865] n1cholas_c: PLAY THE GAME DIPSHIT[17865] camburger__: play the game fool[17865] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[17865] sneakyassassin73: Ll[17865] darktimezz: Sellimng[17865] jmoneyow: SELLING[17865] itschupa: SELLING[17865] gormli6969: ???????[17865] jwiggy2: PLAY MORON[17866] halo1234504: L FRIEND L TEAMMATE SELLING[17866] peetskywalkr: Selllllinnnggg[17866] murciirl: o way L[17866] gartymb: SELLING[17866] nachuxxs: BRO PLAY THE GAME[17866] kadh24k: 3-2 breckies using you[17866] nickisthereal: L SELLER[17867] stonerfame: lock in[17867] deadragon_slayer: seller[17867] bardown16__: YOU ARE IN THE BATTLEFIELD..[17867] christiannn207: L FRIEND[17867] pantera_221: You're a bad friend[17867] cyrus_luvs_g0d: W[17867] jesse_4561: SELLINGGGGGGGG[17867] elengilbert: Clown[17867] vrsweat2: selling[17867] noodle5605: PLAY THE GAME[17867] plebichu: he wants to end so bad. unfollowed[17867] blackburrytv: L TEAMMATE[17869] vrsionn_: he don’t know you[17869] itzphsyz: 💀💀💀[17869] stonerfame: man[17869] thunderblitz44: L TEAMMATE[17869] darkwolf7x: wanna play dumbass[17869] novauwn: SELLING[17869] jwolfe7803: LUL[17869] jooociee: l friend[17869] splxshreturns: Sellout[17869] nubsofdoom: FINISH THE ROUND DUMBASS[17869] gormli6969: ?????????//[17869] tommys234: SELLING[17869] sneakyassassin73: LL[17869] reidbra: jynxziVapeBreak[17869] skittlesshdo: YOU SOLD[17870] supergremlin420: seliing[17870] youngzshiesty: Case waiting[17870] ashzic: STOP SELLING FATASSSSSSSSS[17871] scribyyfn: lock in bro[17871] javiersc_: L SELLER FUCK YOU[17871] tumbostaysolo: W friend L teammate[17871] jesse_4561: L SELL[17871] maallydub: L YOUR SELLING THE GAME[17871] x1vapid1x: w friend[17871] wingluss: sold[17871] piecectrlshaq: after the tame[17871] matt_przeszlo: he don’t know you i guess[17871] iso_matthew: WWWWWWW[17871] oogydoogyy: its tmrw[17871] wolfioonlinexd: 💀💀💀💀💀[17871] peteyp216: Selling on purpose[17871] stfuju9999: skyteGgmofo skyteGgmofo skyteGgmofo skyteGgmofo skyteGgmofo[17871] frozenpickelz: Happy birthday caseoh[17872] substanceabuser_: wow[17872] fxrgien: noo way i got same bd as caseoh💀[17872] gluppiee: W EGO[17872] wyincer: ur selling[17872] brettkingeter: selling[17872] yerrnas: HAPPY BIRTHDAY CASEOH[17872] pubstomp9r: he don’t know u lil bro[17872] jwiggy2: POINTS ON THE LINE IDIOT[17872] dmanxay: L SELLER[17872] gartymb: SELLING[17872] plebichu: he wants to end so bad. unfollowed ......[17872] browntown0829: L teammate[17872] hcaz17: bruh[17872] beefjerkyboi69: LOST PASSION LLLLL[17872] wiskle_gar: L teammate[17873] sheff_fps: THROWING[17873] crossf1re22: IGNORED LMAO [17873] aalanis8: selling[17873] bigddreiss45: I love u[17873] itsbranchez: selling[17873] sponge08bob: 1V4 AS WE SPEAK[17874] bardown16__: YOU ARE IN THE BATTLE FIELD[17874] cook_ez: L teammater[17874] itz______max: 54k bro fell off.[17874] t0pshlf: HE DONT FW U[17874] grrrrlock: what the fuck is this guy doing[17874] nudnicc: SELINGGGGGGGGG[17874] treightonttv: sell[17874] bubba_dice: Selling[17874] kaptain_crunch_: w friend[17874] alinitythecatthrower: You dont deserve to play with spoit and shroud[17874] controllerbender: Selling on purpose[17874] retronitez: HE DOESNT WANT TO PICK UP L FRIEND[17875] 303_flaco: his birthday is tomorrow[17875] zfxyr: trowing the game[17875] piecectrlshaq: game[17875] supergremlin420: so dumb[17875] urboylucky21: sold fs[17875] tytdrakem8: it’s tomorrow[17875] iso_matthew: WWWWWWWWWWW[17875] maallydub: RO[17875] jacks2hype: bro what are you doing[17875] gingersneeze329: he don’t know u lil bro[17875] codyxo69: L teammate[17875] bossbaby123321123321: l player[17875] patrickdestar25: farming clips[17875] wiffk: absolutely launching[17875] gluppiee: W EGOO[17876] howardeh30: he dont know you lil bro[17876] onlylildrip2: HE DONT KNOW YOU LUH BRO[17876] shelbsll: YOURE IN A GAME DUDE HELP UR TEAMMATE[17877] legrimegg: hes streaming[17877] sheff_fps: BRO JUNKO PLAY[17877] yerrnas: L EGO SELLOUT[17877] winterydegree: UHHHH HOW ABOUT AFTER THE ROUND????[17877] elliotdiaz528: man calling mid game when shroud died[17877] securediamond10: He don’t know you lil bro 💀💀[17877] apollocrater: bros dokkaebi calling irl[17877] itsbranchez: throwing game[17877] oogabooga8271: L TEAMATE[17877] iso_matthew: SELLING[17877] nigel_xp: jynxziVapeBreak[17877] killershark44xd: L sell[17877] pubstomp9r: HE DONT KNOW U[17877] jesse_4561: L SELLER[17878] kennalowe2466: L TEAMMATE[17878] 1lilnarowoah: L sell[17878] cvmmoose: he don't know you[17878] strictlythreez: L friend[17878] therealregoooo: HE IS FOLLOWING THE SCRIPT[17878] skittlesshdo: SOLD BITCH[17878] fiorem321: fuck caseoh[17878] macfoster0: dono wall'd[17878] oasis10_: lock in[17878] plpksv00: AJC[17878] n1cholas_c: HOLY L TEAMMATE[17878] itz______max: 54k bro fell off[17878] mfdoomxx_: FAT[17878] bossbaby123321123321: L player[17878] crossf1re22: HE DONT FW YOU[17879] zackholeee: selling[17879] user82731: he doesn’t know u dude[17879] nachuxxs: SELLING[17879] mfrugg: bro what you doin[17879] billy_crystal66: PLAY @Jynxzi[17879] tennow96: ANNOYING[17879] itsbranchez: selling[17879] junko_johnson: this is why you got dropped[17879] oknexuslol: spoit is dead[17879] t0pshlf: HE DONT FW YOU[17879] itzsmogzzz: Selling[17879] itzdequanlol: he don’t know u lil bro[17879] peachysadin: throwing[17879] greenbeans067: L teammate[17879] infinitefreakkcharm: throw the game out the window[17880] codyxo69: u wonder why u get dropped[17880] vrsweat2: l teamate[17880] ttvkermdem: discordddddd[17881] elengilbert: WHAT A Clown WHAT A Clown WHAT A Clown WHAT A Clown[17881] tatsuoverhead: selling on purpose[17881] hcaz17: why do this now[17881] fwj4y_: UR SELLIN RN PLSY THE GAME[17881] gormli6969: ???????[17881] beefjerkyboi69: LOST PASSION[17881] maallydub: HELP YOUR TEAM[17882] stevedadfreshtv: FAT F*** LOCK IN[17882] krispycream3r: selling[17882] pinballrun: W[17882] neverendingechoo: bro wants to end so bad so he’s selling[17882] kelvinprom_: bro play the game[17882] alphahomietroy: YOUR TEAM IS LOSING[17882] nudnicc: SELLLLLLLLINNNNNGGGGGG[17882] benyamin7_: l teammate[17882] slickpipe200: YOUR GONA DC[17882] ttvkermdem: discorddddd[17882] crakkenjack: lock in[17882] kennalowe2466: WOW[17882] mikehansen675: case don’t know you bro[17883] evilparasite320: L teammate[17883] unstealthyninja4: sold round[17883] poopyy23: bro is selling[17883] blubberboomm: W FRIEND[17883] itsbranchez: big sell[17883] 4dr06: he don’t know you[17883] nickisthereal: ITS A 2V5 ANYWAYS[17883] bigddreiss45: jiffy[17883] moseyy_1: moseyy_1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [17884] gizorge: he doesn’t know you lil bro[17884] gamerskillz120: 3-2[17884] bardown16__: UNC[17884] sirplebgamer: W friend[17884] nate110602: Leaked[17885] tillerzzz: ADHDDDDDD[17885] shadowpanda141: selling[17885] vrsweat2: 💀[17885] bigddreiss45: ifjjff[17885] featherisbeast: PLAY THE GAME[17885] mustxf_haleem: bruh L teamate[17885] ebrink1515: L teamate[17885] jwiggy2: HE DONT FW YOU NOW PLAY[17886] actualpotatobtw: LMFAO [17886] lindenyoung21: Selling[17886] leodebeer: FeelsBirthdayMan[17886] 8pina: W FRIEND[17886] bardown16__: CASEOH UNC[17886] chaoseries: LMFAO[17886] tea4664: mental chalked[17886] pinballrun: Case w[17886] kovixz: LMAO[17886] skittlesshdo: YOURE SELLING[17886] 7xbealou2v_: play[17886] itz______max: 54k bro fell off.[17886] therealregoooo: Nice script, nice selling[17887] nickisthereal: SELL[17887] dothat1thang: Dothat1thang subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! Love your work bro[17887] mightygaminghh: LMAO[17887] prodwxrk: ??????[17887] zackholeee: ur selling[17887] gino_bhu: im literally a hate watcher at this point.... i used ot love this idiot[17887] groovymrdrizzle: L content[17887] jpbarry98: MID GAME[17887] dmanxay: SELLER[17887] k0qe: L TEAMMATE[17887] kfmiro16: shit teamate[17888] jaysotor: Case happy birthday casa[17888] speenaa: @HiVise add for emerald lobby Username: Baguette__-_[17888] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀[17888] ssoulzyfps: LMAOOOOOOO[17888] yeet_god230: HAPPY BIRTHDAY CASEOH[17888] bubba_dice: Bad teammate[17888] snowylwm: NAH U TROLLING SPOIT[17888] riskyrevs: don’t sell get off yo phone 😂😂😂😂😂[17888] pingobuh: OMEGALUL[17888] gucci_kid54: 💀💀💀[17888] tillerzzz: ADHDDDDDDDDDDD[17889] pxndagamezzz: skibidi toilet skibidi skibidi toilet[17889] hectorpagann: L teamate W friend[17889] szcept0: L teamate[17889] elengilbert: lmao[17889] cheebah710: it’s okay :([17889] stevedadfreshtv: LOCK IN FAT FUCK[17889] tag_reaper_x: WWWWWW[17889] aaaa_beast: L friend & L teammate[17889] itsbranchez: quit[17889] yung_josho00: L TEAM MATE[17889] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀[17889] chatens: nice sell[17889] clay_0124: 1v4….[17890] dmanxay: L SELL[17890] bizo_3: WWW[17890] elengilbert: LMAO[17890] king_bypad: sellingggggg[17890] sandy_sir: 💀💀[17890] mustxf_haleem: L teammate[17890] surfer619sd: L friend, L teammate, Ls all around @jynxzi[17890] sponge08bob: SHROUD CARRYING[17891] noodle5605: HOW U SELLING THIS BAD[17891] qu33fqueennutfart: 26[17891] nickisthereal: L SELL[17891] fncablaze: SELLINGG[17891] jynxzithecokeaddict: 😂😂[17891] vnotoriousog: bro why you throwing[17891] mycoxcrusty: he heard you went 1-4[17891] lovegnarly: ???????[17891] itz______max: 54k bro fell off[17891] 4hedxat: LMAOOOOO[17891] vrsweat2: 🦅🦅[17891] browntown0829: no passion for the game[17891] kennalowe2466: UR SELLING[17891] elengilbert: NAHH[17892] maallydub: MID GAME WHY[17892] unknownsoldier6969: case won’t let u hit[17892] soccernick50_: selling????[17892] becooper: KEKW[17892] jordank4li: L TEAMATTEAMMATE[17892] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀[17892] speenaa: @HiVise add for meemerald lobby Username: Baguette__-_[17892] zfxyr: your selling[17892] grrrrlock: holy[17892] moe1234566: sold[17892] quickpup3340436: FUCK THE 12 YEAR OLD WHO TOLD YOU TO CALL[17892] hcaz17: L teammate[17893] azahelrios: SELLINGGGG[17893] tennow96: PLAY THEGAME[17893] eli_s238: W FRIEND[17893] itz______max: 54k bro fell off.[17893] torvi57: SELLING[17893] puffpuffjuicer: LMAOOOO[17893] sandy_sir: 💀💀[17894] twhit_007: twhit_007 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! [17894] 4hedxat: L FRIEND[17894] evilparasite320: selling the game[17894] lilsnowgod: 3-2 Pikachu[17894] momscreamytiger: WEDDING[17894] moe1234566: sell[17894] yammo27: LOL[17894] beefjerkyboi69: Lost passion sold[17894] nightbot: 😂[17894] bigbossman_007: L BULLY[17894] barrymexico: WWW BRO[17894] yungkibe: WW[17894] prbyblazin69: LLLL SHIT TEAMATE[17894] qu33fqueennutfart: 26666[17894] uprisinggod5: spoit dropped you[17895] rapidvertlol: w friend[17895] itsbranchez: leave[17895] angelrocha759: angelrocha759 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 6 month streak! let’s gooooo lock in[17895] n1cholas_c: SUCH A TERRIBLE TEAMMATE HOLY SHIT[17895] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀[17895] yungkibe: WW [17895] moe1234566: sold[17896] 226_toyo: 💀💀[17896] plzexcusemylag1: MID GAME??[17896] dmanxay: HELP UR TEAM[17896] gluppiee: LOCK IN[17896] killershark44xd: Bad sell[17896] vnotoriousog: selling[17896] bearadona: NICE SELLLL[17896] oscoda_: L friend[17896] yeet_god230: HAPPY BIRTHDAY[17896] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[17896] itz______max: 54k bro fell off.[17896] javiersc_: NICE SELL PUSSY[17896] yoretr0_: W[17896] caseohscanadianbrother: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[17897] lover0876: llllll[17897] klnghenryvlll: L FRIEND[17897] fncablaze: WHAT ARE YOU DOINGGGG[17897] gucci_kid54: L friend[17897] itz______max: 54k bro fell off[17897] lindenyoung21: Kicked for inactivity[17897] wingluss: HAPP BIRTHDAY FeelsBirthdayMan HAPP BIRTHDAY FeelsBirthdayMan HAPP BIRTHDAY FeelsBirthdayMan HAPP BIRTHDAY FeelsBirthdayMan HAPP BIRTHDAY FeelsBirthdayMan HAPP BIRTHDAY FeelsBirthdayMan[17898] vrsweat2: beeeedeseesp[17898] ssoulzyfps: Wwwwwwww2[17898] dantevia: W[17898] kfmiro16: good sell[17898] darkwolf7x: the fuck is wrong with u[17898] 4dr06: zeusySUCC[17898] raw_421: pre end[17898] becooper: LMAOOOOO[17898] qcpoutineqc24: @Jynxzi Dude you miss shroud[17898] cruzzzii: SELLING[17898] cheebah710: omg no wayyyy :)[17898] kelynxz: he doesnt know you[17898] fanhspateras: f u[17899] hymenripper_: watchtime![17899] nightbot: F in the chat[17899] bardown16__: LOL[17899] icyike907: selling[17899] itz______max: 54k bro fell off.[17899] iso_matthew: L[17899] gucci_kid54: L friend[17899] mrcatplays13: fat[17899] waterypanda: L friend[17899] maallydub: NO PASSION FOR YOUR YEAM L[17899] kssomakeyafacego420: GIFT HIM[17899] nightbot: gifting you luck in finding a job 🙏🏻[17899] aghdavood: jynxziFAT[17899] zackatk420: sellll[17900] gartymb: W WHOLESOME[17900] brockstaroo7: washeddddd[17900] philmeup22: L friend[17900] zursty74: L dude[17900] puffpuffjuicer: W FRIEND[17900] sandy_sir: 💀💀[17900] raw_421: lol[17900] yammo27: W jynxzi[17900] bon_3d: W[17900] teddydub1: its only 11 by him[17900] plzexcusemylag1: selling[17901] skankbanger44: W[17901] maallydub: L[17901] grrrrlock: mid game???[17901] kadh24k: 3-2 breckies using you[17901] deylan752: W FRIEND L GAMER[17901] zackatk420: sel[17901] jwolfe7803: W[17901] raw_421: slammed[17901] speenaa: @HiVise add for me emerald lobby Username: Baguette__-_[17901] bon_3d: WWWW[17901] damian_was_here762: 40????💀💀💀[17902] bearadona: NICE SELLLLLL[17902] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀[17902] azahelrios: W[17902] peachysadin: L bully[17902] joshwehe: W FRIEND[17902] dogbook_esq: W COUPLE[17902] dakevo_: lol[17902] plaz_1: W CASE[17902] zackatk420: sell[17902] bandhi27: L TEAMMATE L FRIEND[17902] plebichu: he wants to end so bad. unfollowed .....[17902] yesyo78: bro is actually 50[17903] hoxton22277: w friend[17903] zeek1947: Bitch[17903] antstimulator: shroud on his own[17903] bardown16__: w friend[17903] itz______max: 54k bro fell off54k bro fell off54k bro fell off[17903] ssoulzyfps: WWWWWWWWWWW[17903] jonoj123: fake friend[17903] unknownsoldier6969: he don’t know u bro[17904] biggdubstv: L friend[17904] melimanttv: L friend[17904] horizons_g: W FRIEND[17904] chickenenwafflez: WWWW[17904] kingeddie01: w[17904] trixbless: L friend[17904] crayj210games: fac[17904] gartymb: W FRIEND L TEAMMATE[17904] ghost__0927: w friend[17904] rusty_249: W[17904] raw_421: part timer[17905] ukahen: W FRIEND[17905] forgivedxrk: HOLE-SOME JYNXZI[17905] itz______max: 54k bro fell off.[17905] mxgn0lia: L friend[17905] s3rlpeel: w chunko[17905] coochie06_jdw: 3 second call wtf[17905] gormli6969: ???????????[17905] skullj: W friend[17906] rvmbbo: W CASE[17906] chickenenwafflez: WWW[17906] deadlockdemon: fake friend not knowing[17906] funky224224: w[17906] rogdawg13: w friend[17906] zeek1947: 👇🐵🐵[17906] taylors_brandon: w[17906] lcboyd: W friend[17906] itz______max: 54k bro fell off[17906] bearadona: SELLLING SO HARDDDF[17906] astonedchimpanzee: jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage[17907] aposhhhh: case oh waiting[17907] sbagno: W[17907] raix206: l friend[17907] reecehtx: w[17907] jumbotampon: w friend[17907] dmanxay: W[17907] b1izzop: L friend fr[17907] kovixz: 40 tons[17907] loikay: WWWWW[17907] lulux10125: W[17907] ediyofav: W jinxy[17907] nudnicc: L TEAMMATE[17907] almightyclarence: W friend[17908] swaginacan: W friend[17908] chickenenwafflez: WW[17908] itsjustovo: W friend[17908] slow_butter: HE DOESNT KNOW U[17908] x1vapid1x: ww[17908] dmanxay: WW[17908] binroller: W[17908] robbiesks: WWW FRIEND[17908] whatisthewordd: GOOOD VIBES[17909] elengilbert: CLOWN[17909] subzerdcloudburst: W FRIEND[17909] lil_cracka01: W friend[17909] oggisaac1994: L bully[17909] dilapidatedorange: pre start[17909] jmc_gravy: L TEAMMATE[17909] xen_26: LL teamate[17909] dmanxay: w[17909] bearadona: SELLLINGGGGG[17909] carls_lol: w friend!![17909] gartymb: W FRIEND[17909] jynxzithecokeaddict: w friend[17909] kssomakeyafacego420: L FRIEND NO PREZENT[17909] yyzlapx: W case L cumko[17909] casyeoh: Fuck me[17910] ddog_666: W friendship[17910] jace0h: W firend[17910] damian_was_here762: L friend[17910] colem551: swap phones[17910] heyimbenpart2: W FRIEND W BRO[17911] nightbotbini: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[17911] cruzzzii: No you can’t[17911] corneliusisup: Gift humm[17911] fatlungwormdisease: W friend[17911] inoxxah: W friend[17911] n1cholas_c: W FRIEND L TEAMMATE[17911] chickenenwafflez: WE LOVE CASEOH[17911] iatmosx_: W FRIEND[17911] coreyrlt1: L bully[17911] socon_destiny: bad friend[17911] binroller: W FRIEND[17911] eliteskillz420: w fr[17912] gartymb: L TEAMMATE[17912] c0mposuree: W friend[17912] kasey19472: you didt even know about it L friend[17912] mjnky_: W jizzy[17912] phantomhunter2007: W FRIEND[17912] peachysadin: W bully[17912] dmanxay: www[17912] marxusrazo_: w friend[17913] sadchildsheiz: w friend[17913] damian_was_here762: L FRIEND[17913] xhashone: L Convo[17913] tayflexxx: W FRIEND[17913] bearadona: SELLLLLLINGGGGGGG[17913] mixzryy3243: W[17913] whatisthewordd: GOOD VIBES[17913] flickaclick_: W friend[17913] dmanxay: ww[17913] tpqr: L friend[17913] kopaw0w: fake friend[17914] eli_s238: W FRIDND L TEAMMAT3[17914] differ__: oh my rizz[17914] gartymb: W FRIEND[17914] prog1234: W friend L teamate[17914] afkclown02: L[17914] stinkbutt74: w[17914] haridy69: WWWWW[17914] sdkie: W[17915] leon_g0592: w friend[17915] wittaweybugha: 10 ads is wild bro[17915] hymenripper_: !watchtime[17915] crypt0_f3in: W brother[17915] lilstyze: how cute[17915] natex567: W FRIEND[17915] stark_3446: W FRIEND[17915] xps_codename0: W PART TIMER[17915] yesyo78: L[17915] s1ppinpurple: W FRIEND L TEAMMATE[17915] zzzkavada_: wholesome[17916] streamelements: hymenripper_ has spent 18 days watching jynxzi[17916] clearfuture8678: w friend[17916] milesthebestever: 1 in 10 jynxzi loves men[17916] damian_was_here762: L BULLY[17916] mattieicy: W friend W man[17916] dmanxay: I AM A BOT[17916] gartymb: L TEAMMATE[17916] lenkiio: W FRIEND[17917] jakeomalley16: WWWWWWW[17917] bearadona: SOLD SO HATD[17917] ssoulzyfps: Wwwwwwww[17917] bountyxsniper31: W FRIEND[17917] foreverrpluto: L friend[17917] aleup: W friend[17917] robertcuz420: w[17917] atec_12: W homie[17918] whatisthewordd: GOOOOOOOD VIBES[17918] dp6363: W FRIEND[17918] meatjacket1912: L Bully[17918] snoopwook420: Cashoh is probably 25[17918] 123littlemoon: W FRIEND[17919] deylan752: lmaoo[17919] ccoul: he said w jynxzi[17920] colem551: swap pones[17920] shrek696972: L friend[17920] joelgotbeanss: L friend[17920] brayaites1: w friend[17920] inoxxah: RATE JYNXZI W[17920] redhawkmouse: WHOLESOME[17920] akaloverboy: W[17920] xslenderyoshix: WWW FRIEND[17921] marxusrazo_: W friend[17921] mr_craner12: W FRIEND[17921] rinneganzs: happy birthday boo[17921] mjnky_: w friend[17921] yamikoza_j: W FRIEND[17921] vibxslol__: Www frineds[17922] bizo_3: WWW[17922] bubbagumpsshr1mp: wholesome boy[17922] moonlightchari: w[17922] whatisthewordd: GOOOOD VIBES[17922] sshreddiezz: w case[17923] damian_was_here762: L MEANIE[17923] domlol1234: w friend[17923] idizzycx: idizzycx subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 4 month streak! [17923] chopmops: W SCRIPT[17923] caseohsbrokengamingchair: W FRIEND[17923] beefjerkyboi69: SELLING TO END[17924] azuria6060: W FRIEND[17924] stxned69: CASE SAID W FRIEND <3[17924] n1cholas_c: W FRIEND L TEAMMARE[17924] nick_maxson: W JYNXZI[17925] chipsahoy1414: WWW[17925] yesyo78: L wedding[17925] goddessc20: WWWWWWW[17925] slow_butter: HE DOESNT KNOW WHO U ARE[17925] bizo_3: W FRIEND[17925] swifty_206: W friend[17926] big905: W friend but still a 1-10 ben[17926] russian_bomber_: L FRIEND[17926] coughing_lady: So fu king sweet man🥹😂🫰[17926] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[17927] nick_maxson: W FRIEND[17927] nenon_kai: W friend[17927] whatisthewordd: GOOD VIBES[17927] goodshootyfellow: fat[17927] dmanxay: I AM A BOT PLEASE DO NOT INTERACT WITH ME[17927] goddessc20: WWW FRIEND[17927] ssjredriott: gift him subs for his birthday[17927] noah_mcbride420: w friend[17928] unbellevable: W FRIEND L TEAMMATE[17928] hyphxx: W CHUBNKO[17928] ravenvek: Rare jinxzy w[17928] lltusa_: W JUNKO❤️[17929] kosmmy: w friend[17929] zharutoz: WWWWWWW[17929] justasadlonleyfactgot: W LOVER[17930] imon1230fps: !watchtime[17930] nick_maxson: W JYNXZII[17930] streamelements: imon1230fps has spent 1 hour 20 mins watching jynxzi[17930] gucci_kid54: Pffttt[17930] jaybrown2428: PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar[17931] boing7779x: GOOD AIM[17931] kingmxtt24: Why does Google say tomorrow[17931] rsinkler: buy him a house[17931] n1cholas_c: WWWWW[17932] cannedcod: w friend[17932] viiloe: WWWWWWWWW[17932] hyphxx: W FRIEND L TEAMMATE[17932] bardown16__: woah[17932] qu33fqueennutfart: CASE SAID W FRIEND[17932] noltetrea00: wwww jynxzi[17933] yesyo78: W wedding[17933] whatisthewordd: GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD VIBES[17933] byeboyboy: !sub[17933] nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi[17933] bryanfranco430: w junko[17933] pmaccdaddy: ksie[17933] fvcklimitz: WWW[17934] rubengomes_: W FRIEND W GAMEPLAY[17934] dragonlazarking: wwwww[17934] sweezy_mane: nasty[17934] seosku: CALL[17935] nick_maxson: DUB JYNXZII[17935] crossf1re22: WWW[17935] boing7779x: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[17935] fossabot: @thegr8mehdi, Your message is too long[17935] xrainzwrldx: GOOD AIM[17935] subzerdcloudburst: W FRIENDD[17935] elengilbert: OOOO[17936] bardown16__: that was agressive[17936] mr_tacoman00: wassup yall[17936] stevedadfreshtv: W LOSER[17936] gartymb: W TEAMMATE W TEAMMATE[17937] wolveine70: what a shot[17937] robher_toes: w[17937] zeek1947: Call[17937] patrickdestar25: thats aura[17938] vader_96: RARE W JUNKO[17938] dmanxay: I AM A BOT[17938] nick_maxson: W JYNXZII[17938] redwolfgamer620: u called caseoh[17938] zack_attack0513: guck[17938] n1cholas_c: MADE UP FOR IT[17938] bigboobiesmough: Ww jynxi[17938] kfmiro16: wait let him cook[17939] hoomanadaw: W FUCKIGN AIM[17939] bdog_twichtv: w friend[17939] mad_alex38: for case[17939] javiersc_: L SHOTGUN CRUTCH[17939] killua7606: w[17940] crypt0_f3in: Buy him a whole jack in the box meal for his birthday[17940] gartymb: BRO COOKED[17940] crossf1re22: WWWWW[17941] ted60sec: W friend[17942] dmanxay: I AM A BOTT[17942] yesyo78: W[17943] juannotthetwo: these plats are shit[17943] williamstevenss: he said who was that when he hung up[17944] notbanshee: notbanshee subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months! [17944] slyyfn2: L SHOTGUN CRUTCH[17944] nick_maxson: W FRIEND JYNXZI[17945] joelisfineasf: yo[17946] yesyo78: L[17947] cheebah710: oooooo[17948] mr_tacoman00: get this dub junco[17949] nick_maxson: W JYNXZI[17949] dmanxay: I AM A BOT[17950] cheebah710: cohzBongos cohzBongos cohzBongos cohzBongos[17951] zack_attack0513: I am a view bot[17951] zane04842: wanna play madden[17953] ssjredriott: gift case subs for his birthday[17953] nightbot: gifting you luck in finding a job 🙏🏻[17953] noltetrea00: ww friend good luck![17953] joelisfineasf: yurr[17953] provolone_void: w case Cheer1 Cheer1[17956] joelisfineasf: hy[17956] powerkuboyxd: jynxzi0x[17956] stainscf: insane crossfade W[17957] lilsnowgod: 5-2 mind you[17957] bennyy23: Fuck caseoh is 19[17957] joelisfineasf: hey[17958] wizzingz: boss g clutch[17958] supercookie1267: I am a bot[17958] bardown16__: GOOD ANGLE[17960] ziggy_money: !link[17960] nightbot: @ziggy_money If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[17960] user6226526: L Small PP[17960] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[17961] gucci_kid54: oh no[17962] bardown16__: UNLOSEABLE[17963] powerkuboyxd: jynxzi0x jynxzi0x jynxzi0x[17963] ted60sec: W friend![17963] ychxpo: DONT SELL[17963] shicamura: G[17963] nightbot: no[17964] combustionknight: 55k fell off[17964] dantevia: seeling[17967] waterypanda: OH NO[17967] leodebeer: lost[17970] blakepeterson00: pre sell[17970] alexandru_olar: case bday[17970] user6226526: !watchtime[17971] streamelements: user6226526 has spent 7 hours 50 mins watching jynxzi[17971] gluppiee: gg[17971] aiexpereira: pre sell[17971] nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP[17971] incognitodiabetic: sell incoing[17973] gucci_kid54: oh no[17974] mememasterbear: !watchtime[17974] streamelements: mememasterbear has spent 5 days 1 hour watching jynxzi[17974] mysterydrip: gg[17975] aiexpereira: pre sell pre dead[17975] yesyo78: W fall off[17975] fwj4y_: U SOLD[17975] waterypanda: SOLD[17976] gluppiee: ASS[17976] a111dann: caseoh took over[17976] ssoulzyfps: Huh?[17978] stopdowning: wtf[17978] suegspr: !sub[17978] nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi[17979] gucci_kid54: wait[17979] user6226526: !gamble 1[17979] lil_cracka01: ur ass[17980] streamelements: user6226526 won 1 points in roulette and now has 456 points! FeelsGoodMan[17980] ychxpo: ZUMBASS[17980] tommys234: SOLD[17980] yoboykaip: carried[17980] wingluss: ???????????[17980] supercookie1267: sell[17980] linkdagod690: What rank are they on[17981] svge_art: W friend. he was so happy u called lol[17981] incognitodiabetic: yup[17981] mr_tacoman00: he’s got em watch[17981] professional_men_kissing: !watchtime[17981] nightbot: yup yup yup[17981] streamelements: professional_men_kissing has spent 2 days 16 hours watching jynxzi[17982] javiersc_: ASS[17982] zzcaden: ?????????????????[17982] gluppiee: NO TIME[17982] sruka89: UR SO SHIT[17982] bardown16__: WTF ARE U DOINGG[17982] yesyo78: bro is ass[17983] suegspr: ! sub[17983] xo_metro: Idiot[17984] ssgtysxn: YOU SUCK[17984] inoxxah: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[17984] rubengomes_: W[17984] cynicalgrey59: idiot[17984] thruzeromusic: HAHAHAH dumbass[17985] joelasav: @Hivise add me for emerald lobbies @barry_mckocener[17985] dantevia: Tf are you doing[17985] incognitodiabetic: what i say[17985] marlo361: Selling[17985] tommys234: SOLD THE ROUND[17985] 0710_beast: BRO[17986] kayzu_sr: SOLDDDDD[17986] raw_421: ez clap[17986] 8pina: BEHIND YOU DUMBASS[17986] bryanfranco430: selling[17986] caseoh_is_sigma_: listen to comms[17986] chaoseries: ????????????????[17987] kingxkins: are u dumb[17987] inoxxah: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[17987] deadlygamer51: u suck[17987] mmercy_: HE SAID BEHIND YOU[17987] ahmedtheroyal1: IDIOT[17987] xyvtobi: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[17987] yoboykaip: carried.[17987] inotfullyhere: so bad[17987] gowhaan_: listen to ur team[17987] marsh_shall2: W[17987] itzsmogzzz: L[17987] diz_ynottony: ur so ass[17987] joi2077: listen to him dummy[17987] ykezra: your an idiot[17987] notorioushawk_: HE SAID BEHIND[17988] nostvlgic: BAD AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM[17988] jordank4li: ASS[17988] jm0neyx: idoit[17988] downside: TF U DOIN[17988] zorroon: Ur cooked[17989] bardown16__: SOLDD[17989] waterypanda: ????[17989] kfmiro16: sell[17989] retronitez: he has enough time[17989] lunurhd: bro ur washed[17989] yoboykaip: carried[17989] actualpotatobtw: W[17990] xo_metro: Ur so bad[17990] tcbaair: chat my channel points are glitched thyere stuck at 0[17990] ranqaii_: listen to comms[17990] noah_mcbride420: type shiii[17991] 0710_beast: HES SAID BEHIND[17991] ssoulzyfps: He telled[17991] cookiemafia46: !charm[17991] jm0neyx: wyd[17991] nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn[17991] coughing_lady: Ayeeee yesss[17991] bizo_3: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[17991] inotfullyhere: L aim[17991] caseoh_is_sigma_: listen comms[17991] suegspr: !watchtime[17991] clouxd_r6: I AM A BOT[17991] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[17991] wackyjacky0922: W FRIEND[17992] sruka89: UR ACTUALLY HORRIBLE[17992] whatisthewordd: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[17992] karaseviyorum: LMAOOOOO[17992] streamelements: suegspr has spent 6 hours 10 mins watching jynxzi[17992] isthatcb: 6-4 Chode[17992] tommys234: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[17992] browntown0829: selling so bad[17992] philmeup22: UR ASS[17993] bardown16__: YAY[17993] subzerdcloudburst: WWWWWWWW[17993] noah_mcbride420: yessirrrr[17993] actualpotatobtw: WW[17994] gormli6969: SOLD[17994] tommys234: WWWWWWWWWWWWW[17994] gingersneeze329: your shit[17994] glokk40cap: YOURE AWEFUL[17994] puffpuffjuicer: WWWWWW[17994] bardown16__: YAYYY[17994] whatisthewordd: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[17994] zane04842: would you like to play madden[17994] wingluss: WW WW WW WW WW WW[17994] waterypanda: ur trasy[17994] gucci_kid54: you got lucky[17994] willhandley: ur bad[17995] gavinprzenpop: carried[17995] milesthebestever: 1 in 10 jynxzi loves men[17995] mo_1seet4: Hi[17995] daz_mrlandybgood: ur lost[17995] bignessttv: ????[17995] notorioushawk_: ARE U DUMB[17995] mitch4322: WWWWWWWWWW[17995] inoxxah: jynxziBadAim[17995] gluppiee: ASS BUT W[17995] tenproduct: seller[17995] nolimi7_: T bag troll[17995] javiersc_: L CARRIED[17995] louisvees: ASSSSSSSSS[17995] kenitar1: wwwwwwwww[17995] pinballrun: YO[17996] skullj: L[17996] pantera_221: WWWWWWWWWW[17996] tytdrakem8: yo what[17996] bignessttv: ?????[17996] xrainzwrldx: W[17996] hoxton22277: sold[17996] chaoseries: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[17996] lts_crlspy: W[17996] peachysadin: ass[17996] yungkibe: WOW[17996] jordank4li: WWW[17996] whatisthewordd: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[17996] cook_ez: gg[17996] gucci_kid54: you got lucky[17996] lil_cracka01: w clutch ngl[17997] jme_exe: WW[17997] jdawg_3: SOLD[17997] featherisbeast: LETS GOO[17997] subzerdcloudburst: WWW[17997] bandhi27: SOLD[17997] robher_toes: w[17997] timethenpri: bro is trash[17998] hoomanadaw: HE SOLD LMAO WWWWWWW[17998] denoofficiall: L SCRIPT[17998] viiloe: 3-00000000[17998] waterypanda: CARRIED[17998] stonerfame: ayeeeeee yo[17998] antom291: your so assssssssssssssss[17998] wakeem7: what are you doing[17998] lindenyoung21: Lucky tbh[17998] isthatcb: 5-2 chode[17998] cowboysfourlife: bro wants to end stream so bad Lmao[17998] bignessttv: ???[17998] whatisthewordd: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[17998] javiersc_: UR ASS[17998] louisvees: FUCK U[17998] yungkibe: WOW [17999] mitch4322: ALMOST SELL[17999] pollobds: 5-2[17999] ghxsted195: lmao[17999] ssjredriott: gift case subs for his birthday![17999] beefjerkyboi69: SELLING[17999] gavinprzenpop: carried.[17999] nightbot: gifting you luck in finding a job 🙏🏻[17999] bcstevens: good script[17999] killua7606: ass[17999] alex_zexnr: WWWWWW[17999] bardown16__: 5-2 woo![17999] ayres_m: w[17999] timethenpri: trash[17999] steezymiikee: WWWWWWW[17999] pinballrun: Wwwwwwwww[18000] nymzi: so bad[18000] anthonyawful: Wwwww[18000] peachysadin: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper[18000] vibeznzz: BADD[18000] acidzipp: LOLOLOL[18000] diego_pimentel97: he literally said around you[18001] 69elf69: suo[18001] neothetheo: YES[18001] penabudder001: YIPIEEE[18001] i_love_case_mwa: WWWWWWWWWWWW[18001] seosku: W[18001] cruzzzii: you’re garbage[18001] jussmarcos: hes cav[18001] cynicalgrey59: WDYM[18001] yungkibe: WOW[18001] nilsonmadridx: nilsonmadridx subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 7 month streak! you’re actually still online wtf???[18001] beefjerkyboi69: UR SO BAD[18001] jm0neyx: HE SAID BEHIND[18001] coochie06_jdw: GGS[18002] gucci_kid54: you got lucky[18002] colem551: bro is ass[18002] steezymiikee: WWWWWWWWWW[18002] legendaryssammy: W[18002] fbn_nubz: 5 hours btw[18002] reallycarry012: he told you[18002] jesse_kingjr21: he said behind you dumb ass[18002] butterpecan077: shroudJam[18002] neothetheo: YESYESYEYS[18002] xiphoidar: YOU REALLY TRIED TO SELL[18002] 86crx: 5-2 my shoe[18003] undead_remix: mm[18003] supercookie1267: sold[18003] thruzeromusic: YOU HAD THE CALLOUT[18003] unstealthyninja4: almost sold[18003] speenaa: @HiVise add for meemerald lobby Username: Baguette__-_[18003] bobthenob231: luck[18003] llldadlll2000: W[18003] riskyrevs: gggg[18003] tytdrakem8: !gamble 5[18003] steezymiikee: WWWW[18003] probabledemise: HE CALLED IT DUMBASS[18003] lilodoman: what a trash[18003] xo_metro: He told u idiot[18003] lessleaves: W CLUTCH[18003] streamelements: TytDrakeM8 won 5 points in roulette and now has 35 points! FeelsGoodMan[18004] snipezabambi: if he didn’t crouch he would have had enough time to[18004] itoxiixi: w[18004] carsontiv: you sold[18004] ssjredriott: gift case subs for his birthday[18004] toxfnn: L script[18004] mrmelo28: SCRIPT[18004] jme_exe: W[18004] yoboykaip: carried[18004] coochie06_jdw: W PLAY[18004] hyrohd: had the callout and never turned lmao[18004] timethenpri: HE SAID BEHIND[18004] user6226526: !gamble .1[18005] maximiliosa: 5-2 DOO[18005] brandon_18180: what a sell[18005] unknownsoldier6969: 5-2[18005] hoomanadaw: W BAITING JYNXZI[18005] axxel360: WORST PLATS EVER HOLY[18005] k0qe: UR OLD[18005] billy_crystal66: YOURE A BUM @Jynxzi YOURE A BUM @Jynxzi YOURE A BUM @Jynxzi YOURE A BUM @Jynxzi[18005] steezymiikee: WWW[18005] stonerfame: big script[18005] speenaa: @HiVise add for emerald lobby Username: Baguette__-_[18005] beefjerkyboi69: U SO ASS[18005] itsbranchez: still sold[18005] tenproduct: DUMB[18005] hashoeke: bailed out LUL[18005] cmomoney187: WWWWWWWWW[18006] radio4210: Someone said 55.k fell pff[18006] tea4664: HE SAID BEHIND YOU THREE TIMES[18006] stevedadfreshtv: 5-2 threw[18006] yesyo78: blud[18006] wavyyon1: 5-2 jew[18006] steezymiikee: WW[18007] vrtx_entityyy: 5 and 2 blue[18007] oogabooga8271: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww[18007] therealregoooo: L script[18007] horizons_g: LETS GOOOOOO[18007] colem551: bros a sellout[18007] i_snort_spies: stfu[18007] yoboykaip: carried.[18007] n1cholas_c: LISTEN TO CALLOUTS[18007] coochie06_jdw: W PLAYYY[18008] grahamlennon: w full timer[18008] nolimi7_: arm shot[18008] umessedup2: he said it[18008] vraxkin: WWWW[18008] j0nahb: paid actor[18008] timethenpri: HE TOLD YOU[18008] 69elf69: sup[18008] jm0neyx: W CALL OUT[18008] staticchannel35: W[18009] nightkill19: wwwwwwwwwwwww[18009] vegetablelasagna92: BAD REACTION TIME[18009] zane04842: wanna play madden[18009] denoofficiall: 5-2 Dennis[18009] maallydub: W script[18009] steezymiikee: WWWW[18009] youizyt35: carried fatass jynxzi kid[18009] soggyshane: 4-0 JOE[18009] xiphoidar: ARM SHOT[18009] axxel360: WWORST PLATS[18009] robisgreat10: TRASH PLAYER GET OFF THE R6S[18009] bardown16__: bossg is so bugged recently[18010] north10101010: your so bad[18010] yoboykaip: carried[18010] colem551: sellout[18010] deanogaming1: Lowkey cooking[18010] coop6ixx: WWWWW[18010] jdawg_3: WASHED[18010] mrmelo28: L SCRIPT[18010] sillyvannah: thank goodness[18010] steezymiikee: WW[18010] robisgreat10: TRASH PLAYER GET OFF THE R6STRASH PLAYER GET OFF THE R6STRASH PLAYER GET OFF THE R6S[18011] beefjerkyboi69: UR SO ASS[18011] speenaa: @HiVise add for me emerald lobby Username: Baguette__-_[18011] yesyo78: L script[18011] momhntr: 5-2 cazooo[18011] hyrohd: bad game sense[18011] magnadart_a11: You need meat[18011] ssjredriott: gift case subs for his birthday![18011] its_me_carney: wwww[18011] robisgreat10: VVVVTRASH PLAYER GET OFF THE R6S[18012] neothetheo: LETS GO LETS GO LETS GO HYPEHYPHYPE[18012] jimmybee98: wedding shirt is washed[18012] browntown0829: L teammate[18012] steezymiikee: WWW[18012] louisvees: Ass[18012] saltytrash77: WHAT WERE U DOING[18013] robisgreat10: TRASH PLAYER GET OFF THE R6SVTRASH PLAYER GET OFF THE R6STRASH PLAYER GET OFF THE R6SV[18013] notcoopd2: he told you like 8 times behind... wdym[18013] deadlynuts239: 5-2 you smell like poo[18013] wenagadewader69: how do u miss that[18013] henr6ent: HOW IS FINKLE ALIVE[18013] swoleboh: job not finished[18013] acexura: 5-2 blue[18013] nightkill19: lagga ahhh servers[18013] seanbombrl: 5-2 Lou[18014] robisgreat10: TRASH PLAYER GET OFF THE R6STRASH PLAYER GET OFF THE R6STRASH PLAYER GET OFF THE R6SVVTRASH PLAYER GET OFF THE R6STRASH PLAYER GET OFF THE R6S[18014] russian_bomber_: 9-2POOOO[18014] steezymiikee: W[18014] mysterydrip: least obvious script[18014] gartymb: SOLD[18014] emmano77: let's go W play[18014] colem551: selliut[18014] coleman_2017: W CALLOUT[18014] jm0neyx: W CALL OUTTTT[18014] mr_bdawg05: W[18014] ssjredriott: gift case subs for his birthday[18014] suulks: LEG[18014] c2_aces: sketch cooking COD PROS[18014] bardown16__: bossg is so bugged[18014] stonerfame: hi viz script hits[18015] coreyrlt1: L script[18015] yesyo78: W script[18015] drkey21: 5-2 agro loo[18015] dmanxay: 5-2 U POO[18015] mrmelo28: L SCRIPTTTTTT[18015] joelgotbeanss: without a shotgun bro is so washed[18015] alpha____q____up: he did call it[18015] rhettjet: trash[18016] aposhhhh: worst plats in oc history whos checkign this shit[18016] digou07: 5-2 what??[18016] robisgreat10: VVVTRASH PLAYER GET OFF THE R6S[18016] steezymiikee: WWW[18016] unitedbean_m3: well planned out[18016] code_vortex283: Shoulder shot[18016] itoxiixi: she even screamed[18016] colem551: sellout[18016] saltytrash77: UR ASS[18016] matiffles07: You hit legs[18016] diego_pimentel97: HE LITERALLY SAID AROUND YOU AND YOU KEEP LOOKING THE SAME WAY[18017] brodway647: he said he was rotating wtf r u doing[18017] mr_bdawg05: LETS GOOOOOOO[18017] uncledalts: BAD AIM[18017] aalanis8: 5-2 WAZOO[18017] cheebah710: that was close MIJA[18017] wackyjacky0922: W TRASH[18017] gartymb: SOLD THE ROUND[18017] zwagg44: oh wow this part timer is actually on for once[18017] iso_matthew: WWWWWWWW[18018] steezymiikee: WWWW[18018] omdelapte: bc you shot her feet[18018] vrsionn_: deaf[18019] neothetheo: LETSGOOOOO[18019] bearadona: HE SAID BEHIND YOUUUU[18019] thegarchamps: only does 86 to limbs[18019] coreyrlt1: L plats[18019] guessets: THE SCRIPT GO CRAZY TODAY[18019] rozzieeee: L[18019] sheff_fps: legged her no?[18019] delayy3x_: blud 🤓[18019] suulks: U HIT HER LEG[18020] cheebah710: cohhNODDERS[18020] mr_bdawg05: CHAMP[18020] jehobaal: punk[18020] xxglizzy_gladiator69xx: W 5 hour[18020] ssjredriott: gift case subs for his birthday![18020] steezymiikee: WWWWW[18021] factual59: 5-2 yessir[18021] seanbombrl: 5-2 Lou ...[18021] momhntr: 5-2 kazoo[18021] yesyo78: Scripted[18022] xslenderyoshix: lowti3Wow lowti3Wow[18022] bags1031: Chest up[18022] fastermilk_: 5-2 bitch[18022] cmhood2005: caseohThumbsup[18022] timethenpri: LISTEN TO YOUR CALLOUTS[18022] speenaa: @HiVise add for emerald lobby Username: Baguette__-_[18022] user6226526: !commands[18022] nightbot: @user6226526 -> The bot commands for this channel are available at https://nightbot.tv/t/jynxzi/commands[18022] yoboykaip: carried.[18022] rubengomes_: @hivise how do I join the emerald game?[18022] iso_matthew: 4-0??????[18022] mr_bdawg05: LETS GOOOOOOO[18022] streamelements: @user6226526 You can find a list of all Commands here https://StreamElements.com/jynxzi/commands[18022] mrmelo28: L SCRIPT[18023] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[18023] ssjredriott: gift case subs for his birthday[18023] steezymiikee: WWWWWWWW[18023] mariyosfilth: 5-2 POO[18023] k0qe: L[18023] zaywyd__: didn’t hit all bullets[18023] ahmedcaparxxx: @Hivise emerald ubisoft: capar.[18023] whatisthewordd: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[18024] bearadona: HE SAID BEHIND UUUUU[18024] neothetheo: LETS GO JYNX[18024] sigmaalphamonkey: 5-2 Mc nugget[18025] tommys234: yeah youre right no way LMAO[18025] robisgreat10: TRASH PLAYER GET OFF THE R6S[18025] fastermilk_: 5-2 pussy[18025] dmanxay: 4-0 plats is insane[18025] saltytrash77: L SCRIPT[18025] milesthebestever: 1 in 10 jynxzi loves men[18025] whatisthewordd: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[18026] factual59: Jynxzi you own me zaddy keep it up love you[18026] riskyrevs: ximmmm[18026] xerfios: 5 2 hugh[18026] speenaa: @HiVise add for me emerald lobby Username: Baguette__-_[18026] steezymiikee: Wwwwwwwwwww[18026] goofyahhguydo: L script[18026] digou07: W trash[18027] gmg_jay: TALK TO SHROUD HES STILL HERE DICKHEAD[18027] yoboykaip: carried ...[18027] iiitayyi: junko did you get accepted back into avengers university[18027] speenaa: @HiVise add for emerald lobby Username: Baguette__-_[18028] excselxl: washedddd[18028] juannotthetwo: script[18028] whatisthewordd: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[18028] bosleyonxbox: Mods pay out from golds[18029] matiffles07: You hit his legs[18029] robher_toes: w script[18029] mr_bdawg05: FOOOK YEAAAAA[18029] fastermilk_: 5-2 sexy man[18029] dakfannn: CARRIED[18030] seanbombrl: 5-2 Lou.[18030] nymzi: 5-2 wager loo[18030] steezymiikee: wwwwwwwwewww[18030] jeiloveztakiz: FAKE PLATS[18030] ssjredriott: gift case subs for his birthday![18030] omdelapte: you shot her feet[18030] yoboykaip: carried......[18030] nightbot: gifting you luck in finding a job 🙏🏻[18030] thegreatape69: w script[18030] lurkteamsb: 5-2 mcgoo[18030] retronitez: 5-2 ben[18030] spartan7oo: WWW 5HRZ[18031] moe1234566: YOU HIT HER ARM THE BOSS G DOES 93 DAMAGE TO THE ARM IDIOOT[18031] mememasterbear: 5 HOURS[18031] itszizzyfps: 5-2 POO[18031] bosleyonxbox: PLEASE[18031] fox_tbh: it was coastline[18031] bardown16__: idk? dont ask me[18031] yeezytheone: CARRIED[18031] yammo27: 1-7 joe[18031] qu33fqueennutfart: WE?[18032] kentickle: 5-2 ben[18032] bearadona: HE LITERALLY SAID BEHINDDDD U DUMMY[18032] cure_octane: it’s always done that bullshit[18032] 30vasu: FAKE GOLDS[18032] steezymiikee: WWWW[18032] yyzlapx: Fat piggg[18032] isthatcb: 5-2 chode[18032] laplaya_r6: ill 1v3 yall easy af[18032] yoboykaip: carried....[18032] ysraarsy: vs what rank?[18032] yesyo78: because it’s a script[18033] neothetheo: 💀💀💀💀[18033] caseoh_is_sigma_: script[18033] nfzilla: FortOne[18033] asiantookmyyrice: L SCRIPT[18033] yungkibe: im saying[18033] pinballrun: Smurfs[18033] steezymiikee: WWWWW[18033] peachysadin: cuz ur ass[18033] fox_tbh: COASTLINE[18033] zeros_the_zombie: that’s a nice shirt 👕[18034] jynxzithecokeaddict: scripted[18034] ssjredriott: gift case subs for his birthday[18034] maallydub: 5-2 clein[18034] jesse_kingjr21: we???? you mean spoit and droid[18034] t0pshlf: SMURFS[18034] hxrkirat: 5-2 GRU[18034] aposhhhh: 5-2 fat[18034] crumzking: ONE WAS A EMERALD[18034] snipezabambi: give case 100 gifted[18034] eva_unit_1_: 5 hours overworking![18034] raspberry__7: YOURE GETTING COCKY[18034] skullj: Carry[18035] ayyannishimmm: rare semi long stream[18035] byeboyboy: !sub[18035] ebrink1515: Not 4 0 yet[18035] juannotthetwo: L script[18035] nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi[18035] nonstoprp98: 5-2 jew[18035] mememasterbear: 5 HOURRRRRRS[18035] coleman_2017: You hit cav's leg[18036] tormented_beans13: You hit her in the hand[18036] joeyjamos: MAP[18036] whatisthewordd: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[18036] mr_tacoman00: sending love from Texas[18036] bosleyonxbox: PAYOUT MODS FROM GOLDS[18036] jizzn0: SCRIPT[18036] bmbxswxsh: script[18036] ace_ice76: 1-4[18036] yesyo78: W scripted[18036] yoboykaip: carried...........[18036] zen_squishy: Goes 1 an 10 tournament psypho3Rizzler[18037] fuzzydice_ttv: WE???[18037] fox_tbh: COASTLINE IS DUMB[18037] steezymiikee: WWWWWWWWWWW[18037] aalanis8: 5-2 GLEN MEEAN[18037] shauxity: SMURFS[18037] badgertracks_: SCRIPT[18037] jynxziviewbot1: dont jinx[18037] rubendagoat52: You had 1 kill[18037] joffthehenny: JINXED[18037] penabudder001: CUZ UR FAT[18037] unstealthyninja4: pc v console[18037] xoxojjasmine: silver*[18037] gman1484767: L script[18038] r1chard07: You're actually getting kills[18038] t0pshlf: THEY WERE SMURFS[18038] ssjredriott: gift case subs for his birthday![18038] ranktv1: 5-2 john[18038] steezymiikee: WWJ[18038] blefave: bros selling on purpose to end stream[18038] milo19835: script[18038] retronitez: 5-2 trent[18038] onlyhats: W SCRIPT[18038] suulks: LEG SHOT[18038] ventosity: cuz ur finally shooting back[18038] motivatedcheese: 5-2 ben[18038] pumpkins1ay3r: 5-2 you smell like a basket[18038] zxc_tesak_228: FAKE PLATS[18038] zackholeee: 5-2 poo[18039] snowylwm: 3-3 WITH SILVER TOO[18039] shipster24: YOU GETTING KILLS[18039] mariyosfilth: 5-2 POOO[18039] bearadona: LMAOOOO Y PANICKED SO HARD[18039] molditwitch: fake gold[18039] gannonmarquardt23: 5-2 lou[18039] steezymiikee: WJ[18039] user82731: golds have aura[18039] mememasterbear: 5 HOURS[18039] deadlynuts239: because the times are better than you[18039] kiddsora: thes plates got carried[18039] swaggy24k: because youre bad[18039] unknownsoldier6969: hvise script[18039] dmanxay: #_# with golds and $_) plats[18039] caseoh_is_sigma_: SCRIPT[18040] asiantookmyyrice: SCRIPTED SCRIPTED SCRIPTED[18040] jesse_kingjr21: they doing all the work fat bitch[18040] therealregoooo: PLats gonna win[18040] forgivedxrk: W SCRIPT[18040] neothetheo: 🧎🏼🧎🏼🧎🏼 | Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [17860] you [17870] You're a little good bro? Yo, kids happy birthday man! [17880] I appreciate you man, I appreciate you man. Happy birthday man. How old are you now like 40? I'm kidding, I'm kidding. I'm getting, I'm getting. Happy birthday man, it's all I wanted to say. [17890] Yes, sir. It's all on man. All right, thanks for reminding me chat. So I am back Okay, so you have yeah, too right [17900] hallway and one slanking drop. Did you get my drone up there? Uh, yep. Oh wait, I can make the play. Two reds and one red. [17910] So restate us I think. Yeah, anyway. Yeah, one is playing plus two PCs now. Biggs is playing on the piece on the left side by the outside. [17920] All right, by JL side or whatever Nice, but shit once on your left summer. No, Tim come on. Nice injured. I do a ratio for my mom [17930] I can call again. Hold on, hold on. Oh my god. We have to be server side, right? We have to go out. [17940] Yeah, he's on the road. He's on the door. Wait, what is this guy doing? He's just standing there. He's walking in. [17950] 1 Kardashians 2 WE BELIEVA [17960] You got this? I can see if they push this your hallway on the right. [17970] Sighter, sighter, push in the hallway. Pushing around, pushing around, behind you, behind you, behind you. No, I thought. [17980] But I'm really fat. Wait, he doesn't have time, huh? He doesn't have time. No way he has enough time. Yes! There's no way! It's all... It's all... It's all... It's... Let's go! [17990] Oh My God fucking go. Let's fucking go good show. it really dude I didn't know it was on my window like that fast bro. No, he he he he he he run here [18000] But I you hit that you hit cavera I saw and I was forced away and cavera is a one arm or I've never seen anything like that That's crazy because earlier this [18010] This game, the boss G1 shot, so I don't understand what the state of the boss G is right now. I'm gonna still give it another world up. You'll know where you're at. Yeah. 4-0 Plats, bro. That's a state. [18020] Dude, nice assaibments. Dude, Jack, how do we go fourth or... No, how do we go three, three with goals? [18030] And then we go 4R with blast. Someone make it make sense bro, please make it make sense. Secure the bombs. They're out, honestly. Hello. | There is a Highlight between 17900 and 17995. Jynxzi gets 2 kills and wins the round as the enemy team runs out of time |
Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [18221] user82731: pay spoitt[18221] cristoratwood: plat[18221] cheebah710: nom nom[18221] finesteak4: jynxziSuprised jynxziSuprised jynxziSuprised[18223] erykn_: 1[18223] twhip2002: W stream[18224] arifootball5: fuck you[18226] xkrispyqx: anyone else notice this dude sucking in his cheeks so his face is skinny[18227] csancheezy27: king von is waiting[18227] fadedmonkie467: L streamer[18227] bwacrosby: JYNXZI IS WASHED DELETE THE GAME FATTY[18227] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[18227] xxobnoxiousxx: 2[18227] bleachyumyums: !stack[18227] nightbot: itribune, korrupt, dj, vic , jynxzi[18229] kryzenzlol: TURN ON DND[18229] emmano77: 2[18229] chrissuck12345: why u using bos g use smg 12 is it cyz u cant cintroll recoil[18229] rz_hybrid: cheerwhal160 boi[18231] natevsthew0rld: hey fatass[18231] ghost102341: fuck you from jynxziii[18233] hassygassy: !watchtime[18233] tommys234: WOAH[18233] chaocuishao: goodluck tonight Jynxzi I hope you win this all the way to champs. I have to go to work in the morning and slave my life away at walmart. most terrible decision in mylife[18233] streamelements: hassygassy has spent 5 days 10 hours watching jynxzi[18234] austin172: jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY[18234] herbycattle: fat[18234] horizons_g: MEWING[18234] bleachyumyums: !points[18235] ssoulzyfps: 5-3 breckies toes[18235] tacticalgummybear: sending hate from Jynxzi[18235] tommys234: ayo[18235] streamelements: @BleachYumYums BleachYumYums has 750 points and is rank 590560/1766946 on the leaderboard.[18235] xwavyjayyx: Sketch waiting[18236] 915jay: CALL CASE ITS HIS BIRTHDAY[18236] emmano77: 2222222[18236] hazmatbro09: bro ass is about to be grass[18236] daniel_snow2315: Cheer100 spoit is your daddy[18236] goodgamemanyourgoatted: when are you playing with spoit?[18237] tommys234: AYO[18238] slawwthh: 5-3 fan mail[18238] jesussimps123: longest stream so far 2024[18238] kenjamin_franklin_: 5-3 Banjeree[18239] seb1of1: CRAZY[18239] nightbot: i was crazy once[18239] rass_4k: 5-3 Beckie.[18240] natedaballer10: play better[18241] 915jay: CALL CASE ITS HIT BIRTHDAY[18242] stephenthegreat1: Let’s gooo bro T’ up[18243] emmano77: 22222[18243] imsylli: drizzy waiting[18243] bwacrosby: GOOD FLASH RATURD[18244] mreverett_1125: !sub[18244] rass_4k: 5-3 Beckie‘[18246] fadedmonkie467: L short fat man[18246] bardown16__: chalk the garage[18247] kasherken: kasherken subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 21 months, currently on a 21 month streak! 21 months let’s goooo[18247] 915jay: CALL CASE ITS HIS BIRTHDAY[18247] redllama22: shroud is over ur shit[18248] g3rnad3rr: Fat[18249] rass_4k: 5-3 Beckie,[18249] austin172: PowerUpL jynxziBALD PowerUpR[18250] butterpecan077: no way theyre using clash[18251] bleachyumyums: !gamble 300[18251] streamelements: BleachYumYums lost 300 points in roulette and now has 450 points! FeelsBadMan[18254] bardown16__: YES[18254] tommys234: @915jay HE ALREADY DID BOZO[18255] pinballrun: OIL THAT FAT TIGHT BODY OIL THAT FAT TIGHT BODY OIL THAT FAT TIGHT BODY OIL THAT FAT TIGHT BODY OIL THAT FAT TIGHT BODY OIL THAT FAT TIGHT BODY OIL THAT FAT TIGHT BODY[18255] joelgotbeanss: shotgun crutch[18256] gingeylol: iii[18256] khairy6716: I love u big boi[18256] 1olle: Lost 1.1 mil points today lol FUCK ZENTI[18257] plebichu: gg[18257] nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP[18258] austin172: PowerUpL jynxziFAT PowerUpR[18258] gingeylol: iiiii[18259] bigballs5454: yes[18259] yyzlapx: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12[18259] leodebeer: gg[18259] joelgotbeanss: bro is so dogshit[18260] therealregoooo: Lost[18260] gingeylol: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii[18262] therealregoooo: W script[18262] docxblaze: docxblaze subscribed at Tier 1. [18262] ssoulzyfps: !gamble all[18262] streamelements: PogChamp Mystihk went all in and won 1270 points PogChamp they now have 2540 points FeelsGoodMan[18263] shane007777: Fat Diddy[18264] xwavyjayyx: L script[18265] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[18265] bardown16__: WHY WOULD THEY NOT?[18266] scooter2ez: anddddd good round[18266] tommys234: sorry that was mean @915jay[18266] glasscow0327: yeah snipers can break hatches[18267] macwards: Macwards subscribed with Prime. [18267] coochie06_jdw: 3-2 INCOMING[18267] tyresechan11: what rank is this[18268] bionicremz: cap[18268] nightbot: no 🧢[18269] mattdoeslights: SELLING[18271] snowygames13: lefttt[18271] bwacrosby: WE SHOULD DIP = YOU'RE ON YOUR OWN SHROUD LMAOOOOO JYNXZI YOU A CLOWN[18272] coochie06_jdw: 3-2 INCOMINGG[18273] user82731: drink lean[18274] leodebeer: 3-2 classic script[18275] austin172: cap[18276] snowygames13: plat[18276] thorfinnspupil: is this gold?[18276] hesioo_: GGs[18277] bardown16__: choking[18277] stopdowning: GG[18278] wanthony__: wanthony__ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 7 month streak! yerrrr[18278] wingluss: GGs[18279] lil__davie: you suck[18279] xkrispyqx: this dude is zesty tonight[18280] joi2077: gg[18281] plpksv00: PoddersPrigmata[18281] siegeisaw360: Hi jynky[18283] gucci_kid54: GG[18283] kasherken: wooo[18283] yyzlapx: fatass[18283] nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP[18283] 4hedxat: yea 3-2[18283] bardown16__: LOL[18283] luigi_best27: gg[18283] nightbot: 😂[18283] blakepeterson00: gg[18284] junko2trappy: pre rage[18284] gucci_kid54: GG[18284] ssoulzyfps: Gn chat[18284] nightbot: skyteWELOST150 safJam jynxziGG SLAAAMMMED[18284] hesioo_: gg[18285] unknownsoldier6969: L[18285] zyrox_247: how to join?!!!!!!!!!!![18285] coochie06_jdw: 3-2[18286] 4hedxat: gg[18287] junko2trappy: pre end[18287] bardown16__: LOLLL[18287] 4hedxat: GG[18288] shewantcja2: 4-1incomin[18288] sandy_sir: 💀[18288] tommys234: bro needs clash to win[18289] elengilbert: SLAMMED[18289] bardown16__: LOL[18289] peachysadin: W THROW[18290] jitonterps69: stop using the bosg you aren’t good skunko[18290] junko2trappy: pre ended[18290] xo_metro: So bad[18290] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀[18290] louisvees: Omg[18291] coffeezilladaughter: LMAOOO[18291] 4hedxat: GGGGG[18291] elengilbert: SLAMMED SLAMMED SLAMMED[18291] robertcuz420: gg[18291] aztcgalaxy1: lol[18291] seb1of1: LMAO[18291] javiersc_: ASS ASS ASS[18291] sandy_sir: 💀💀[18291] i_snort_spies: SHIT ON[18291] joelgotbeanss: so deserved[18292] coffeezilladaughter: LMAOOO [18292] gucci_kid54: terrible[18292] snowylwm: LUL[18293] ssoulzyfps: Thats what she said[18293] joshwehe: SLAMMED[18293] bardown16__: WHY DIDNT U BAN CLASH LOL[18293] coffeezilladaughter: W[18293] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀[18293] speenaa: @HiVise add for emerald lobby Username: Baguette__-_[18293] notorioushawk_: EZ[18293] coffeezilladaughter: W [18293] okgarywinthorpe: W[18293] javiersc_: WWWWW[18293] coffeezilladaughter: W[18294] finesteak4: Oil me up daddy[18294] heyarnru: LMAO[18294] strange_sushi_: WASHED[18294] wingluss: HAHAHAAHHAAHAHAHAHHAHAAH LMFAO[18294] coffeezilladaughter: W [18294] coffeezilladaughter: W[18294] coochie06_jdw: lmaoooo[18294] sandy_sir: 💀💀[18295] coffeezilladaughter: W [18295] crawiie: L bozo[18295] nvlukkkk: sold[18295] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[18295] macwards: jynxziPACK[18295] tytdrakem8: !gamble 10[18295] ykezra: W throw[18296] streamelements: TytDrakeM8 won 10 points in roulette and now has 40 points! FeelsGoodMan[18296] gucci_kid54: terrible[18296] sterkr: garbage[18296] robertcuz420: pre end[18296] momscreamytiger: wedding[18296] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀[18296] siegeisaw360: I love u[18296] javiersc_: LMAOOOOO[18296] coughing_lady: Ahhhb l.aoooo onnn noo[18296] tallyemup123: 5-4 Brecki[18296] xyvtobi: u sold[18296] lol_static686: w[18296] deaed_man_walking: LOL CLASH[18297] xwavyjayyx: L script[18297] guccigaemr: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA[18297] sandy_sir: 💀💀[18297] alex_zexnr: hahahahaha[18297] momscreamytiger: WEDDING[18298] giorgio_curcioooo: WWWWWW[18298] iadamtn: W[18298] kawsee: washed[18298] coffeezilladaughter: W[18298] becooper: LOOOOL[18298] coffeezilladaughter: W [18298] hivise: GOOD GOOD[18298] javiersc_: WASHED[18299] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀[18299] hoxton22277: they need clash to win[18299] giorgio_curcioooo: WW[18299] joffthehenny: JYNXED IT[18299] jackteply29: pre end[18299] mrjacobwaffly: asss][18299] lol_static686: W[18300] biggdubstv: THROWING[18300] sandy_sir: 💀💀[18300] yung_josho00: WASHSD[18300] xkazato: ez[18300] vegetablelasagna92: 5-4 aircraft carrier[18301] sandy_sir: 💀[18301] austin172: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[18301] chrisisthegoat2524: 5-4 vape pen[18301] puffpuffjuicer: WW[18301] giorgio_curcioooo: WWWWWWWWW[18301] lol_static686: WWWWWW[18301] teddv0: washed[18301] mrjacobwaffly: ass[18301] thecharlemagne1: w[18301] siegeisaw360: w[18302] iadamtn: Www[18302] worldasetupboi: BOSG LIKE YOU THINK YOUR NICE CUZ[18302] sandy_sir: 💀💀[18302] giorgio_curcioooo: WW[18303] donxvxn_: PRE END[18303] tryhardtim909: WWWWWWWWWWWWWW[18303] sandy_sir: '[18303] mrjacobwaffly: assas[18303] yerrnas: SLAMMMEDD LMAOOOOO[18304] iibananajuice: PridePog[18304] tennow96: you’re ass stop using boss G[18304] mattdoeslights: 4-0??????[18305] mrjacobwaffly: as[18305] akoladez: scripted[18305] nvlukkkk: d1 seller[18305] jayhawk0623: jayhawk0623 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months! [18305] lol_static686: WWWWWWWWWWW[18306] yyzlapx: fatty[18306] gingersneeze329: LMAO[18306] ydino69: 'cant believe we 4 - 0d plat'[18306] no_limit_call: jynxzi wanted to lick the top of clashes head🦧[18306] merckyyy_: vape ?[18306] yerrnas: LMAOOOOOOO EZ[18307] ssoulzyfps: thats what she said brother[18307] aatencio214: Sold[18307] kaynegonzo: you’re selling bro[18307] coffeezilladaughter: my grandma woulda won that[18307] monkeyy41: STOP GOING BOS G[18308] coffeezilladaughter: my grandma woulda won that [18308] goodgamemanyourgoatted: when are u playing with spoit???????[18308] lol_static686: WWWWWWWWWWWWW[18308] mrjacobwaffly: asas[18309] speenaa: @HiVise add for me emerald lobby Username: Baguette__-_[18309] ayedevon02: THROWING?????[18310] xo_metro: Copper ban[18310] biggdubstv: YOUR BAD THATS IT[18310] fossabot: @azamiskirmish, Your message is too long[18310] mrjacobwaffly: asss[18310] villevet23: so cringe[18310] arifootball5: 5-4 thor[18310] staticchannel35: PRE END[18311] unitedbean_m3: cooked[18311] cheebah710: that guy brings o’douls to parties[18312] ssjredriott: gift case subs for his birthday[18312] sirplebgamer: ass[18312] nightbot: gifting you luck in finding a job 🙏🏻[18312] mrjacobwaffly: asssss[18313] itsmingg_: lag[18313] downside: 5-4 DOOR[18314] vamuras: my life my life my life, in the sunshine[18314] kiragsd: PRE END[18314] yerrnas: EZ 💀[18314] mrjacobwaffly: assssss[18314] sirplebgamer: sold[18314] dmanxay: PRE END[18315] itsmingg_: lag lag[18315] amazingpickle52iscute: PART TIMER[18315] moneysignslexy: 5-4 toe[18315] rass_4k: 5-4 bored[18316] spammingstraights: PART TIMER[18316] iadamtn: W script @hivise as usual[18316] ssjredriott: gift case subs for his birthday![18316] arifootball5: 5-4 door[18316] mrjacobwaffly: assssssssssss[18316] peachysadin: ur ass[18316] itsmingg_: lag lag lag[18316] speenaa: @HiVise add for emerald lobby Username: Baguette__-_[18317] lightout679: @hivise how do i sub using amazon prime[18317] itzinfinityt: lock in nowwwwww[18317] dmanxay: pre end[18317] fordadonuts: Spoke too soon[18317] kiragsd: PURE END[18318] mrjacobwaffly: aassssssss[18318] isthatcb: 5-4 Chode[18318] bloodhound9265: plz kiss me dady[18318] d2ans: BRO WHY IS HIS MIC SO BAD[18318] spl_zeey: pancake ass kid[18318] tubularkenny: Stop going boss g[18318] itsmingg_: shity[18319] joshwehe: Dont throw[18319] ssjredriott: gift case subs for his birthday[18319] rass_4k: 5-4 bored‘[18320] arifootball5: 5-4 nor[18320] johnnyblazetk: maybe dont throw this round loser[18320] mrjacobwaffly: asasasasas[18320] warrior20252: stream sniping[18320] yerrnas: 🤡💀[18321] wwrry: please dont fumble u trash ass kid[18321] mrjacobwaffly: as[18321] sirplebgamer: L[18322] mreverett_1125: !follow[18322] yerrnas: 💀🤡🤡🤡[18323] hzah: @tecqai ur abum[18323] rass_4k: 5-4 bored.[18323] mrjacobwaffly: asas[18323] uprisinggod5: SeemsGood[18324] strawhatroyal: 5-4 fat[18324] cheebah710: he brings Heineken zero to the meet up[18324] jesusamacias2: Trash[18324] biggdubstv: CONTROLLER[18324] arifootball5: 5-4 explore[18325] chicoval: muted[18325] ssjredriott: gift case subs for his birthday![18325] nightbot: he can see his own mic input.[18325] angel_2545: your choking on it[18325] tubularkenny: Stop boss g[18325] user6226526: L Streamsnipers[18325] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[18326] therealregoooo: 5-4 Ben[18326] canadian_pizza_420: W clash[18326] adriano_c02: @hivise I’m emerald, ubi is AdrLLL-_-[18326] lucamaster46521: what rank?????????[18327] fordadonuts: Throwing for content[18327] pinballrun: No shot[18327] gmg_jay: L racist[18327] hhooniee: @yerrnas in r6 you shoot, gather info and think alot before doing something with the info or else youget headshoted[18327] xkrymr: sending hate from Massachusetts[18327] cheebah710: LUL LUL LUL[18328] omar713_: what rank is this[18328] merckyyy_: was he holding a vape ?[18328] bardown16__: Run the lesion over frost hereee[18328] ssoulzyfps: Lmaoooooooo pre end[18328] robchanic: we???[18329] soto_han: chokeeeeeee[18329] captainkarate1: Can u keep it dwo[18329] xwavyjayyx: L script[18329] vladi1224: pre end[18329] ssjredriott: gift case subs for his birthday[18330] mreverett_1125: !sub[18330] nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi[18330] 915jay: CALL CASE ITS HIS BIRTHDAYYYY[18330] coreyrlt1: w script[18331] thekeekstah: you are absolute horse radish[18331] murciirl: pre end[18331] leodebeer: bro gotta make 15 kills in this round[18332] xxdirtyybandzzxx: jynxziGG jynxziGG jynxziGG jynxziGG jynxziGG jynxziGG[18333] arifootball5: 56-4 ben[18333] ssjredriott: gift case subs for his birthday![18333] fordadonuts: Thrusting for content[18333] bionicremz: pre end[18334] bwacrosby: SPOIT PICKS THE LOCATIONS AND STRATS! HE IS BETTER THAN YOU AND SHROUD COMBINED[18334] lilsmalls1: 5-5 prefire[18334] soloslac: gg fell off part timer 5-4 Jerry[18334] nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP[18334] rass_4k: 5-4 bored)[18334] kenkunkaneki: bro pls win[18335] elengilbert: BRO IS SELLING 💀[18335] slayingjerker13_: slayingjerker13_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [18335] ssjredriott: gift case subs for his birthday[18336] warrior20252: bum ass stream snipers[18336] taytaz00: Junkoooo[18336] sl1cks_: 5-4 SOLD[18336] groceryworker: 'YOU' STARTED CHOKING THIS GAME BUDDY[18337] jacobisxani: GIVE CASE 100 SUBS[18337] jniceee_: u jinxed it saying 4-0[18338] sandy_sir: jynxziClown[18338] blameraw: HOLY a 5 hour stream?!![18338] muddyscruggs: Change to shottty[18338] ranoutofcdspace: 5 n 4 floored[18338] rass_4k: 5-4 bored[18338] fastheals1_: PRE END PRE END PRE END PRE END PRE END[18338] vezed_: plats trash talking 💀[18339] zcylent: jynxzi go clash[18339] ssjredriott: gift case subs for his birthday![18339] peachysadin: jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL[18339] itblickyy: ITS MELUSI NOT MEL safF[18339] orzo_: what rank are we on[18340] yowhatsupfor: When 5 of every Ranks[18340] goategoist: what rank is this[18340] crossf1re22: JUST HAVE SPOIT CARRY U[18340] downside: 5-4 THOR[18340] lukek302: gyatt aroni[18341] ghost102341: pre end[18341] kenkunkaneki: cmon[18341] ssoulzyfps: Actual pre end bois fn[18341] ssjredriott: gift case subs for his birthday[18342] user82731: shiddy aim[18342] captainkarate1: Can u keep it down im trying to sleep[18343] joedirtwtf: come on man[18343] edp445onwz: It's 5 hours jynxzi[18344] carterszn: !subs[18344] xanpercoxy: 5-4 pour[18344] hhooniee: @itblickyy in r6 you shoot, gather info and think alot before doing something with the info or else youget headshoted[18344] fossabot: Jynxzi currently has 136657 subscribers![18345] unknownsoldier6969: told that bih lick me up[18345] xxdirtyybandzzxx: jynxziGG jynxziGG jynxziGG jynxziGG jynxziGG jynxziGG jynxziGG jynxziGG[18346] nolifepxnic: 5-4 fatso[18346] rass_4k: 5-4 bored?[18346] foyo1458: foyo1458 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 7 month streak! [18346] j_paul_yeti: jynxed em saying 4-0[18347] xxdirtyybandzzxx: jynxziGG jynxziGG jynxziGG jynxziGG jynxziGG[18347] speenaa: @HiVise add for emerald lobby Username: Baguette__-_[18347] cbmachine: what rank are they on[18348] israeldagoat3: headset dent pls[18348] xxdirtyybandzzxx: jynxziGG jynxziGG jynxziGG jynxziGG[18348] cheebah710: sure[18349] tommys234: SELLING BRING SHOTGUN[18350] zeloofn: what rank are they in[18350] jniceee_: should of never said u was Guna 4 0 then[18350] cosmiclyran: 5 and 4 on the floor[18350] kfmiro16: pre 3-3[18350] hfb_official: hai[18350] hoxton22277: jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion[18350] runtzwrld: what rank is this[18351] kenkunkaneki: riccc era[18352] autinnebula: u suck[18353] iam_themunch: !gamble all[18353] douglas420710: LOCK IN[18354] streamelements: PogChamp iam_themunch went all in and won 735 points PogChamp they now have 1470 points FeelsGoodMan[18354] nanzor_158: !mic[18355] lacuna9: @cbmachine plat[18355] nightbot: https://clips.twitch.tv/CrunchyOriginalTapirMoreCowbell-08WejFY65FeSynKk[18355] crawiie: ChewyYAY ChewyYAY ChewyYAY ChewyYAY ChewyYAY ChewyYAY[18356] worldasetupboi: SHROUD IS WWWWWWWWWW[18356] howa_sigma: Fan is mail when[18356] macwards: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper[18357] gingeylol: @xkrymr what part whats your adress[18358] soto_han: shrouds bored[18359] bodenbuff: 5-4 lore[18359] tenproduct: why no frost shotgun[18360] ghosto010: !gamble all[18360] worldasetupboi: MANS[18360] streamelements: PogChamp ghosto010 went all in and won 20 points PogChamp they now have 40 points FeelsGoodMan[18360] thegeneral675: choke[18360] r1bbbet24: case and sketch are waiting for minecraft[18361] squeaks_guns: jynxziHappy[18361] sweatnoodle: frost with no shotgun haha[18362] hhooniee: @nanzor_158 in r6 you shoot, gather info and think alot before doing something with the info or else youget headshoted[18362] petitgrand2: score[18363] speenaa: @HiVise add for me emerald lobby Username: Baguette__-_[18363] lightout679: @hivise how do i sub using amazon prime[18363] kenkunkaneki: rip==========r=d[18363] unknownsoldier6969: lick me[18364] hendrik8181: @hivise emerald: xHopOnSkyLanders[18366] coldsummers1: !watchtime[18366] unknownsoldier6969: please[18366] streamelements: coldsummers1 has spent 29 days 11 hours watching jynxzi[18366] nerd629: ChewyYAY ChewyYAY ChewyYAY ChewyYAY ChewyYAY ChewyYAY[18366] siegeisaw360: JYNXI[18367] vital7h02: no shotgun?[18368] traewayyy__: !gamble all[18369] kenitar1: 5-4 morty[18369] 4hedxat: !slots 100[18369] streamelements: traewayyy__ went all in and lost every single one of their 825 points LUL[18369] t0pshlf: WTF IS THAT MAT😭😭[18369] xwavyjayyx: L script[18369] streamelements: @4hedXAT you got BibleThump | BibleThump | Kappa and lost your 100 points LUL[18369] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[18369] beetle_bass: Hey @Jynxzi what rank is this round? my good buddy @dimicus would like to ask but hes not online so im asking for him.[18370] sweezy_mane: wtf is that frost mat[18370] nos_iii: bro I have been emerald for 4 operations now[18370] ayjrrr: jynxziFAT_SG jynxziFAT_SG jynxziFAT_SG jynxziFAT_SG jynxziFAT_SG jynxziFAT_SG jynxziFAT_SG[18370] naw_m8: NO SHOTGUN ON FROST?[18371] kenkunkaneki: br0 you duck[18372] speenaa: @HiVise add for emerald lobby Username: Baguette__-_[18372] fedeg0: ???????????[18372] cosmiclyran: l frost mat[18372] redzbravo: JRMPXX IS SMURFING HE BOUGHT HIS ACCOUNT[18372] joelasav: @Hivise add me for emerald lobbies @barry_mckocener[18372] dpettrovic: sending boredom from india[18372] shotgun_shellbangbang: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper[18373] alexasffr: wow a stream past 5 minutes good job part timer[18373] legendsxvick13: DO NOT CHOKE[18374] ssoulzyfps: You cant be locked in if youre locked out brother[18374] mightygaminghh: kendrick waiting[18374] brett02: W[18375] xwavyjayyx: Bag seller[18375] nightbot: FUCK U MACCIES FUCK U TFEQ[18375] t0pshlf: WTF WAS THAT FROST😭😭😭[18375] squeaks_guns: jynxziEZ[18376] cheebah710: c’mon cohhNODDERS cohhNODDERS cohhNODDERS[18376] dotsic: dots_solos subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 1 month streak! burger[18376] ayedevon02: THROWIN WHY PEAK[18376] xwhypplike69: 1-10 pre end[18376] 4hedxat: !gamble all[18377] streamelements: PogChamp 4hedXAT went all in and won 60 points PogChamp they now have 120 points FeelsGoodMan[18377] robertcuz420: f[18377] nightbot: F in the chat[18377] groceryworker: 'YOU' STARTED CHOKING THIS GAME BUDDYY[18377] hhooniee: @naw_m8 in r6 you shoot, gather info and think alot before doing something with the info or else youget headshoted[18379] champagne99papi__: what rank is this ?[18380] marsg92: MarsG92 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 5 month streak! W part timer[18381] dab_1_tighty: l[18382] gucci_kid54: !points[18382] streamelements: @Gucci_kid54 Gucci_kid54 has 30290 points and is rank 5023/1766946 on the leaderboard.[18383] therealregoooo: 5-4 ur poor[18383] streamelements: If you're a gamer, you need a Starforge! Snag one -> https://starforgepc.com/Jynxzi[18383] dab_1_tighty: L[18383] t0pshlf: L FROST MAT[18385] speenaa: @HiVise add for me emerald lobby Username: Baguette__-_[18385] cheebah710: it’s kinda late low key HypeDisguise[18385] lacuna9: @champagne99papi__ plat[18385] bwacrosby: @KINGvC IVE BEEN IN QUEUE FOR 32 MINUTES WTF!!!!!![18385] imbobothegoat: !sens[18386] fyzzixxx: stop peaking play smart[18386] mrskrtog: PRE END[18386] nightbot: Jynxzi sens and settings here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2GcpqRqJ9U[18387] ssoulzyfps: Frost crutch[18388] andydub2020: no shotgun on frost is copper fr[18388] coleman_2017: worse frost mats than mine[18388] adriano_c02: @hivise I’m emerald, ubi is Adrlll-_-[18391] spl_zeey: spoit and shroud finn’s drop you from this challenge[18392] mrskrtog: AH EE ENE[18392] nightbot: too easy[18392] plpksv00: AerialDeduction[18393] seb1of1: @champagne99papi__ plat[18393] therealregoooo: barrrraim[18394] speenaa: @HiVise add for emerald lobby Username: Baguette__-_[18394] mrskrtog: PRE END[18394] d4wg_444: what rank is it[18394] rass_4k: 5-4 bored[18395] pantera_221: They really had to bring a clash to win[18395] elengilbert: ??????????[18395] sandy_sir: 💀[18395] gucci_kid54: !gamble 8k[18395] rand0mcookie: W script[18395] streamelements: Gucci_kid54 lost 8000 points in roulette and now has 22290 points! FeelsBadMan[18396] xwavyjayyx: All u do is sell games[18396] sandy_sir: 💀💀[18396] worldasetupboi: ASSS[18396] elengilbert: LMAO[18396] preesstooonnn: operator crutch[18397] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀[18398] 8pina: 💀💀💀💀[18398] sandy_sir: 💀💀[18398] leodebeer: bad aim[18399] kelle_paca109: react HARDER[18399] rosyvlr: BAD AIM[18399] dantevia: dog shit aim[18400] gluppiee: BAD AIm[18400] mrskrtog: PRE CHILL NE[18400] rai_on_god: jynxziBadAim[18400] prog1234: lmaoooooo[18400] ziggy_money: !link[18400] thatseasy12_r6s: tf was that frost[18400] 4hedxat: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAimog1 | Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [18220] You draw to it. Yeah, yeah, it's a clash. It's a clash. Okay Sure, what do you have as your like throwable? [18230] I'm gonna flash this guy. Yeah, I'm gonna make a hole in this watch out. I'm gonna hold right here. [18240] Got found. Bro, I don't know what we should push. I don't know if this is the place where I think we should get. [18250] Yo, do snipers break hatches? That's what I mean, that's what I mean. Wait, where? That's what I mean. That's what I mean. There you go. [18260] Wow, there's one in... One is an A-bomb. I'm gonna call him, make a fucking player. Ooh, that's just an idiot saying what? [18270] his . glass of [18280] I guess you're just like you must be so funny parties man. Oh my god you must be a bar [18290] party to my that's much fun. Okay. This guy's just so much fun. Spoiled you remember like three hours ago when I was like yeah bro the shields are like don't worry about it. [18300] But you actually got a good rid of it next game. We actually got to get rid of it. Holy fuck. Yeah I would rather play a mirror nine times out of ten than that bro. It takes no skill. He just knows [18310] Where we are and we can we go somewhere else maybe? Yeah, it's up to you it's up to you. We could go upstairs. I don't think we've tried that yet We're starting to like kind of choke this game. You're not trying to open it [18320] Yeah, go with yeah, yeah go open go open go open. I'll go I think open my biggest frost a really oh frost melt melt Good smells great here child. Yeah, all right. We got it in the sprue of we're attacking the last round against the clover [18330] I'm just gonna look around a little bit. [18340] You have to see if I can impact you. Fuck you. Like an impact or something here? Yeah, thank you, Sean. Bomb location, contact. [18350] BAT exponentially is playingane [18360] The coin mobile cover. Loading you, man. Hey, man. Alright, the MiStoff says, wait in. [18370] Twitch showing on me. Watch out, you didn't shot. What's fucking Twitch drone is that bro? [18380] You they have a twitcher on the site shroud unless you shot it I got it okay nice you guys get over there Yeah, there's pretty yeah, yeah, wonderful no sepida [18390] Oh they just trying to jump in through one window? No, yo, in this drone fucking die please. What the hell? Yeah, I'm pretty sure... | There is a Highlight between 18280 and 18295. Jynxzi gets killed by someone using a shield, and then he completely loses it. |
Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege[1500] pissmissile01: pissmissile01 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months! [1501] andrx27_: lmaoo[1501] slitciapper: spoit,junko,shroud[1501] ot_gaminggg: hi[1501] minty5144: w wedding fit fatass[1501] jjconnell1215: ur terrible dude[1501] sandy_sir: FAT[1501] itzphsyz: w sub only[1501] aduckonquack506: fat[1501] whobby22: You’re trash[1501] mwhitee29: fuck[1501] mrtweaksy: fat fah[1501] dombruh4: YOUUU[1501] sseekr: no way fat boy[1501] flaume_aux: FAT[1501] chaditoyo: junko[1502] sagemodekillla: faaattt[1502] shanemay1: sketch[1502] hbombzzzzz: fat vaper[1502] firstdownsyndrome: Tim[1502] bloorex1: ydyee[1502] tkettel_: spoit is literally a pro[1502] bryxngt: not you that’s for sure[1502] greesyappl3: shroud[1502] r5_gaming_: JYNXZI SAY CALL ME BEN CAUSE ALL MY BITCHES ARE TEN[1502] tatteduptoddler: fat[1502] thatboynathan16: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT[1502] jf17___: 1-10 Ben coming back[1502] fusionstormyz: fat[1502] chillz8278: yea no[1502] vxcloak: fat[1503] uprisinggod5: shroud dropped jynxzi[1503] fwdonavan: fuck you[1504] ab_ra: ITS A 2V6 JYNXZI[1504] mrtweaksy: fat fat[1504] sandy_sir: AT[1504] dabrat956: Sub only chat is 🏳️🌈[1504] chillz8278: ye no[1504] zilphone: ur fat[1504] neythang06: fat[1504] sprayalldaygaming: daddy???[1504] lgrmreaperl: getting CARRIED[1504] astro_bmc: spoit went P and beat you[1504] beefsteuuu: FLANKING WITH MIRA IS NOT GAME SENSE[1504] artistic_trix_: THEY OWN YOU[1504] thatboynathan16: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT[1504] jaminzo: nottttttttttti bop[1504] chubz9753: you[1505] dkuhnsquadd: ur mom[1505] wawjrlol: i love you my king junko[1505] brando1126: UR FAT[1505] docterrb: fat[1505] bloorex1: yes[1505] nuskiwtw: noo[1505] williamnyk: williamnyk subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [1505] hoponforteli: so we’re in copper[1505] sandy_sir: FAT[1505] malachi_76: you have too much fat on your ears[1505] jynxzisjohnson00: SENDING HATE FROM YOUR SHIRT...[1505] charliepyke_96: 2v5[1505] fwdonavan: fuck yoy[1505] flyingballssss: fatty[1505] itzcam432: avid[1506] monkandme386: monkandme386 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 2 month streak! suck me[1506] nightbot: “😂😂😂” -avidqr6[1506] d4n1el_33: youre washed bozo[1506] myelin7: DIDDY ALL WHITE PARTY??? @Jynxzi[1506] thatboynathan16: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT[1506] ryanruel3: when’s wedding stream[1506] 1bvndo: wedding [1506] mach1_g: MACH1_G subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months, currently on a 9 month streak! LOSE WEIGHT[1507] daddy_mcphatty: xim is waiting[1507] swwaldo: Jynxzi I say this with love, you are one of the worst players I have ever watched @Jynxzi KEKW[1507] wyattz90: wedding shirt[1507] thebiggjohn: FAKE CHATS[1507] ahmadz_02: youuuuuuuu are the bestg[1507] hobbes_mobbin: wedding[1507] thatboynathan16: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT[1508] sparo61: SeemsGood100[1508] wakeywocky: LMAOOOOO[1508] mxyz97x_: u have half spoits game sense if that.[1508] biggauss95: shroud[1508] fwdonavan: fuck uou[1508] steiner_31: you have best ears though[1508] bloorex1: yded[1508] stephcurrylover4: streaming for the wedding[1508] retronitez: wedding shirt[1508] tonemcbone21: not trying to disrespect you here but Spoit def has better all around skill[1508] joshluciano: shroud waiting yo @Jynxzi[1508] d1purge_: wedding shirt[1508] random124524: 5 copperss[1508] caitl0n: w shirt 💕[1508] carlwheezr6: spoit[1509] ford_f15o_: SENDING HATE FROM VIRGINA[1509] short5topshorty1: CAP[1509] poopyy23: fat[1509] bonk1972: what time is spoit[1509] n0tmimic: WEDDING SHIRT[1509] nightbot: no 🧢[1509] hangryharold: you da man[1509] luisvercettiii: 😭😭😭😭😭[1509] adhd330: fat fat[1509] khangdodo: wedding[1509] viz3riptid3: kai better than you[1509] willthegoatonyt: fuck you fatass[1509] iobo31: nope[1509] drxwey: FAT[1509] binroller: why is it 4?[1510] sseekr: ur getting carried fatty[1510] tt3mp3st: No one said that[1510] fwdonavan: fuck u[1510] mosesmillman: wedding shirt[1510] blearyspider945: L style[1510] bloorex1: yes[1510] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[1511] vip_draco: XDDrake24 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 10 month streak! pee on me[1511] d1_jacks0n: yes man your better man[1511] dmann0912: cheer1[1511] vquzyfn: Chat[1511] shredhn: shroud and spout 2v5[1511] vinniedean: shhhhhhh[1511] ttvxpsychosusanoo: you def[1511] beurixx: wedding shirt[1511] iconthe1: wedding shirt[1511] godsubortion: spoit is pro[1511] brygriff134: nice shirt polo boy[1511] poopo_phyto_ttv: wedding shirt[1511] erniecrawford: erniecrawford subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! hi[1511] tygresssss: ass[1511] remitsated: spoit the best[1512] cartermcnz: NOY YOU FASTSO[1512] victor_pineapple: RAYAN IS BETTER[1512] oplxnets: interview shirt[1512] flerg1: fatass[1512] neythang06: FATTT[1512] jmez233: jmez233 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [1512] cyclone191919191919: def not u wedding boy[1512] fadedmonkie467: wheres the wedding[1512] fazejayce4: wedding[1512] jjconnell1215: WEEDING SHIRT[1512] brztwinkie: W shirt[1512] rezyfc: fattt[1512] vlxnely: who got married[1512] archieb08: when do you react to clips?[1512] edwinn_carier: wedding[1513] jmez233: jmez233 gifted a Tier 1 sub to tjplayssss! [1513] jmez233: jmez233 gifted a Tier 1 sub to V1NSUN! [1513] logic446: logic446 subscribed at Tier 1. [1513] jmez233: jmez233 gifted a Tier 1 sub to BostonZK! [1513] jmez233: jmez233 gifted a Tier 1 sub to lewistaylor__! [1513] fusionstormyz: fattt[1513] jmez233: jmez233 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ddotsig! [1513] tornleg: pfiddy oarty[1513] itscsper: wedding stream[1513] comptonian15: Comptonian15 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 9 month streak! ur skinny[1514] beefbayonet733: hate from Iraq[1514] belligoal69: we want nudes[1514] mrbrecken: crazy[1514] anxo97: HEY DUMBASS[1514] 730h: zesty shirt[1514] jackscurry08: play fall guys[1514] clapped1445: flip no[1514] justkyle69: YOU HAVE NO STYLE[1514] azudoo: wedding shirt fatty[1514] kidkrahngaming: FAT[1514] nightbot: i was crazy once[1514] bigblrrrrrrrr: wedding shirt[1514] whoisjglidd: casehos got more game sense[1514] adhd330: wedding shirt[1514] mirror_glitch5: U got this[1515] remitsated: who’s getting married?[1515] enxoismyson: Bronny[1515] tygresssss: dropped[1515] neythang06: FATASSSS[1515] joshua69power: U should just stay on cams[1515] biggauss95: washed[1515] pkshiestyy: wedding haha[1515] 9opha: @Kriegerrr_ L MAN[1515] greesyappl3: let’s go golfing[1515] bloorex1: yes yes[1515] ezmoneysnipr727: I[1515] joshluciano: shroud waiting yo @Jynxzi [1515] swiftz_001: FUCK YOU P JIZZY[1515] vastkc17: yo nice shirt jynxzi looks good on you bro[1515] hivise: did I get an invite to the wedding?[1518] retinix: fake[1518] bangboy301: bangboy301 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months! Styless*[1518] xd_erectgamer_69: KENDRICK DROPPED[1518] carbennn: when is the wedding[1518] joe_selby: SUB ONLY??[1518] maxv010500: lol[1518] rxkz__: W FIT[1518] fleezus_7: look like a bitch[1518] mario9047: HEY JUNKO HOW WAS THE WEDDING[1518] cbros42: THE EFFECT[1518] wavesot: L wetting shirt[1518] mosesmillman: wedding stream[1518] fossabot: @snaggy_freeks, Your message is too long[1518] bloorex1: yesp[1518] vspritteee: FAT‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️❤️[1519] kilja0815: 1 in 10 ben thinking he good[1519] jynxziizaddy27: love from tennessee[1519] deekjones: taf[1519] lilbitestko11: LA FIT[1519] 730h: zest shirt[1519] hivise: did I get an invite to the wedding?[1519] hivise: did I get an invite to the wedding?[1519] hivise: did I get an invite to the wedding?[1520] dieheartsaint: Doesn’t look good on you[1520] angelofosho: wedding shirt[1520] itzchris_01: ##@$@##$[1520] chitdaripper: looking nice man jynxziPACK[1520] whobby22: You have style?[1520] astro_bmc: no drip Junko[1520] goonical: whens the wedding[1520] aiden_noodles: fake message[1520] tornleg: pdiddy party[1521] imuglyah: worst streamer[1521] rezyfc: fatttt[1521] jaypozo: finally damn[1521] binroller: 4:32 PM?[1521] grehpm: shroud did drop you[1521] emmanuel122704: smash[1521] hakun3matata: you doing good today?[1521] lethallcake: LethallCake subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! 5$ to keep it down please i wanna go to sleep[1521] cyclone191919191919: not u wedding boy[1521] izayasworld: I love you junko[1521] flaume_aux: BRO'S GETTING MARRIED[1521] ab_ra: TWO VERSUS SIX JYNXZI[1521] xjulze: thts never stylish[1521] edwinn_carier: who got married[1521] chillz8278: Fatty patty[1522] wyattz90: dropped from your team[1522] ilovezimm: You[1523] dayanitiel445: spoit best over all sheoud good aim and you well when you die they know the round about of the enemies[1523] neythang06: FATTYY[1523] jitrolly: fake chat[1523] rezyfc: fatt[1523] pkshiestyy: wedding hahahaha w wedding[1523] mjthegoat4523: Spoit owns you parttimer[1523] mosesmillman: my big fat wedding[1523] chaditoyo: put your tie back on.[1523] cessation00: love you zinx[1523] chitdaripper: jynxziPACK[1525] chubb1994: COURT DATE SHIRT[1525] sheckjesuss: Fatty McFat Fat[1525] litstizzy: YOU LOOK GOOD BROHTHER☝️[1525] xxbangedyouxx: no[1525] duvoolol: pre marriage[1526] jcombs03: no one said best streamer[1526] pkshiestyy: Diddy wedding[1526] jxsh1233: when’s sketch irl stream[1526] shivermetimbers15: hivise owns you[1526] cooperdorrissss: WEDDING SHIRT[1526] finnnnnnnns: messi or ronaldo[1526] juicy_l369: jynxziFAT_SQ[1526] isaaciguess_: ur a cheerleader[1526] batmansof: !link[1528] samsta464: GOLF SHIRT[1528] revbangz: McDonald’s interview[1528] retronitez: athieno waiting[1528] itsm0ral: your hot[1528] mzoller303: 44k buddy stop voting[1528] big_fella40: 1 hr part timer[1528] daviebroy: Is @jynxzi streaming during his bachelor party?[1528] aduckonquack506: lose a few pounds fatty[1528] rezyfc: fatttttt[1528] cs_haunt: you getting carried like baby[1528] jaminzo: listen to notti bop[1528] telestoadept: No one said that[1528] lawthom1506: who’s getting married brother[1528] erikthesage: Losing to silvers[1528] noegip: kingpin[1529] vlxnely: whens the facebook stream[1529] saunr1: sending hate from Australia we hate you[1529] neythang06: FAT FUCK[1529] pittsburghpromqueen: W stream easy win tonight you got this. Your the GOAT even SPOIT said so[1530] jeavs27: married jynxzi >>>[1530] pinballrun: Court date shirt[1530] beurixx: Wedding shirt[1530] jxhzt: Spoit is a pro obviously hes gonna have better game sense 💀[1530] wyattz90: spoit dropped you for stompnn[1531] aberman1: HEY FATTY[1531] xthrxsherx: don’t listen to these guys your not fat[1531] woody_hairyson: BEST STREAMER[1531] 1and10ben: FAT ASF[1531] tolanr4: Fake chats[1531] withnovidksi: SENDING HATE FROM MISSOURI[1531] pkshiestyy: diddy wedding[1531] murf243: fire your stylist[1531] sinkwithevan: wedding[1531] fertile05: no drip[1531] motocrossguy507: did you a brekkie get married today[1531] itsyaboiedi: inv hivise to wedding[1531] bigheadgleadle: they don’t appreciate the drip![1531] winninggod: can I get invited to the wedding[1531] upgrayedd06: Wheres ur necklace??[1532] brztwinkie: W Shirrtt[1532] abeaver: jynxziFAT[1532] rezyfc: fatt[1532] ahmadz_02: sendig love from sweden❤️❤️😘 love you[1532] villias: lol marriage vibes[1532] trapsteak: DONT HAVE ALL DAY[1532] ktxzytv: bro got that off Tik tok shop😭😭😭[1532] ilovemuslc: NAH LOOKS A BIT SMALL ON YOU[1532] preview_link94: nah man just giving you a hard time junko at da enndaaa day we all here to watch you go 1-10 Ben[1532] nightbot: 😂[1532] swiftz_001: P JIZZY[1532] flaume_aux: YOUR GETTING MARRIED?[1532] chicagoserge: Im not resubbing[1532] sopa_de_carpincho: ricci is waiting[1532] nightbot: 👀[1533] shivermetimbers15: fat[1533] hangryharold: jynxziBounce[1533] blitzblazeog: blitzblazeog subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! thanks chubby[1534] kingazull: fat shirt[1534] quiniethapooh: let me see that Johnson[1534] monkandme386: bro dressed up like a vampire[1534] notthek1ng_: sit on it[1534] neythang06: FAT FUCKING FATTY[1534] o_g1814: Die[1536] plotzee: kick it[1536] caution_blxx: ioha waiting[1536] gucci_kid54: end stream[1536] vecteran: Big junkus pls read this[1536] justkyle69: BREAK IT[1536] telestoadept: Fake subs is crazy[1536] amczac: HIRE A STYLIST THAT SHIT IS ASS[1536] angelchastity: end[1536] xnorecoil: IS THIS A KICK STREAM??[1536] nightm4r3_gaming: they are going to carry you tonight[1536] l4nd0nfl: Lwesding shirt[1536] iobo31: end stream[1536] mosesmillman: my bug fat wedding[1536] jitrolly: fake chat.[1536] daryllsucks: you are fat[1537] 1bvndo: yes[1537] wokstarmark: P Diddy Party Fit[1537] coffeezilladaughter: end[1537] manta_sway: !link[1537] whosnovaaa: DREAM IS WAITTING FOR YOU jynxziFAT jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[1537] hisashonyoutube: fat[1537] gottwitch4jynxzi: YOU DID NOT PUT THAT SHIT ONNNN😭😭😭🙏🏾🙏🏾🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨[1537] gucci_kid54: end stream[1538] jgocrazy9977: big[1538] kreammyyyyy: TES[1538] bloorex1: ye[1538] tatteduptoddler: shirt tight fatty[1538] mario9047: HEY JUNKO HOW WAS THE WEDDING.[1538] ggc1617: yes[1538] kriegerrr_: you change your shirt[1538] okgerardo: u wore that shirt yesterday bro[1538] maxv010500: igly[1538] odew___: Can you invite me to the wedding[1538] juicy_l369: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK[1538] edwinn_carier: bbl jizzy[1538] bardown16__: yup :)[1538] angelchastity: ebd stream[1538] nightbot: yup yup yup[1539] flerg1: yes retire ur washed[1539] lild33__: kick it[1539] justkyle69: THROW IT OUT[1539] loyal2_dj14: sexy baby[1539] horizon_kbm: throw it in a lake[1539] anneflank1945_: yes[1539] shivermetimbers15: fat[1539] 1bvndo: retire[1539] noegip: bowling shirt[1539] dkuhnsquadd: yes[1539] rzaaa7: NUY OTHER ONE[1539] gromplegoblin: your massive junko[1539] archieb08: when do you react to viewer clips[1539] keyz2416: fat[1539] 2_jandro_3: frat shirt .[1540] fatty0_: church fit[1540] dalemoney__: retire[1540] krckn_r6: jaymanrex subscribed at Tier 1. [1540] gucci_kid54: end stream[1541] aduckonquack506: stop being fat[1541] strike_finesse1: yes[1541] whsprrrr: Fat[1541] braxton5264: why you in California[1541] coffeezilladaughter: yes retire plz[1541] anneflank1945_: eat[1541] bonk1972: what time is spoit[1541] kreammyyyyy: YES[1541] falkirk18: yes[1541] conrad_harvill: king of r6[1541] upgrayedd06: Wheres your necklace??[1541] mikepaslawski: stop being so fat[1541] macpackgames: Man is out here dressed like Alfie Moon off Eastenders[1541] vohlsswing: Yes please[1541] puffpuffjuicer: YES[1542] dreadmacaque: end stream[1542] chubb1994: FUNERAL SHIRT[1542] imuglyah: end stream fatty[1542] wavesot: L wetting shirtL wetting shirt[1542] retronitez: you retire[1542] coffeezilladaughter: yes retire plz [1542] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[1542] andrx27_: flight is Kai wait h when is[1542] banditoborrito: end stream[1542] cuddleswithdad: dumbass wedding fit[1542] anneflank1945_: yes[1542] vlxnely: pre end[1542] fxrmal1: did I tes[1543] shep_007: fat[1543] theostinks: yes please[1543] kaepxun: sending hate from Ethiopia[1543] bakedscoutz: bro you’re washed. you got famous and then shut on the ones that support you. L STREAMER[1544] blearyspider945: throw the xbox off your roof[1544] timmystaint00: 0 RIZZ[1544] diamand_gang: sending hate from Hubble Space Telescope[1544] wrvnn26: RETIRE[1544] bigblrrrrrrrr: PLEASE RETIRE[1544] fab1anm_: fqt[1544] daxsterxd: end stream[1544] coffeezilladaughter: yes retire plz[1544] miraclewhip2001: please retire[1544] whatisthewordd: only one account loaded[1544] sladerade50: Fat[1544] seeeethy: FAT[1544] wakeywocky: END[1544] chicagoserge: END STREAM[1545] hivise: Why was I not your best man at the wedding?[1545] xd_dans: fat[1545] chaditoyo: show the draws[1545] 9opha: end stream already[1545] hivise: Why was I not your best man at the wedding?[1545] nuskiwtw: yes[1545] bnasty334: retire[1545] falkirk18: end.[1545] nightbot: bozo[1545] setdatrendz: yes[1545] letsgofaygo: yes[1545] hivise: Why was I not your best man at the wedding?[1545] goshal04: yes[1545] bloorex1: yes[1545] zir0325: bros trying to impress Beckie[1546] raymondt1d: you change shirt that’s what you do[1546] fab1anm_: fat[1546] adhd330: retire[1546] therealc4yt: therealc4yt subscribed with Prime. [1547] whoisjglidd: get better[1547] joshallen_proztictoc: ranked[1548] pinballrun: Washed[1548] mirror_glitch5: U got this[1548] theoneandonlyd: pre end[1548] yoitznicoo: Love u pookie[1548] tarkennfragqer: did you Marry breackie[1548] flaume_aux: DID YOU GET MARRRIED?[1548] zach2521: HIT CLEAR ALL[1548] flawless_amir: End stream[1548] waffle_fart800: jynxziVapeBreak_SG[1548] captainearl_: end stream[1548] gageeepoo1: 1-10[1548] abeaver: yes[1548] caution_blxx: take a shower[1548] itzcam432: i love your streams[1548] anneflank1945_: yes retire now[1549] aberman1: fat[1549] therealblackstewiegriffin: !gamble 25k[1549] sheluvzchristian: FALL GUYS[1549] woody_hairyson: use ps5[1549] tj_gains: Retire for so many reasons[1549] streamelements: therealblackstewiegriffin lost 25000 points in roulette and now has 76000 points! FeelsBadMan[1549] edwinn_carier: fat[1549] issem30: Do you need a video editor? @Jynxzi[1549] setdatrendz: right now[1549] j5uav3: blitz??[1549] fworthy33: Thanks for always lighting up my day 😀[1550] wrvnn26: RETURE UR WASHED ANYWAYS[1550] kxsvntwitch: you’re wearing my nans curtains[1550] lacruzan: did brecki buy you that hideous shirt[1550] baldy_wlt: DID YOU GO TO SKETCH’S WEDDING??[1550] mrrquackk: L[1550] murpheykayso: Funeral[1551] its_rickjames710: W Shirt[1551] hyperaxion: yes please[1551] masty5820: end stream[1551] joshua69power: buy another xbox[1551] salivalover: BLOW YOUR HEAD OFF[1551] edwinn_carier: faf[1551] chicagoserge: END STREAM BOZO[1551] ligma696969696911: ligma696969696911 subscribed at Tier 1. [1551] sladerade50: You are fat[1552] dionysus1963: Go buy another one your rich[1552] droxz420: Hate from South Africa[1552] strike_finesse1: fatass[1552] dylsersdude2008: It's a W shirt bro[1553] leivax__: PokCharizard[1553] therealkshores60: please retire fatty[1553] im_carter_: breckies house[1553] gl0kk40spaz: yes retire ur fat[1553] banditoborrito: enddddd[1553] mirror_glitch5: U hot this[1553] captainearl_: end[1553] stompben: WEAR A SUIT ON SATURDAY[1553] biggauss95: BULLY[1553] edwinn_carier: fat[1554] st0nerdude420_: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK[1554] coordinate0341: coordinate0341 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [1554] murf243: you’re already retired[1554] braxton5264: why you at the East coast[1554] drtywater: end stream per usual[1554] jackscurry08: fat[1554] isa___01: I think your shirt is nice[1554] savagesean09: are you 40[1555] coordinate0341: coordinate0341 gifted a Tier 1 sub to TDREwyd! [1555] re_bo123: end stream already it has gone on for too long[1555] tkettel_: HATE FROM OHIO[1555] immortal675: Cheer1[1555] ktxzytv: bro got that off Tik tok shop[1555] globaldevious: sending neutral feelings from Massachusetts[1555] loxsis114: yes[1555] chubb1994: COURT DATE SHIRT[1555] michaelmyers2003: fat[1555] yoyo4257: retire and go work at McDonald’s[1555] pinballrun: Ambautoblitz[1556] andrx27_: WWWW[1556] argo749: I really like your shirt[1556] biggauss95: L BULLY[1557] archie_fl: fat[1557] mrblenetic: throw it out the window and buy a ps5[1557] tobiassskjefraass: !link[1557] nightbot: @tobiassskjefraass If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[1557] bardown16__: good aim :)[1557] monkandme386: the shirt is dumb[1557] gioo_31: viewer bot[1557] ot_gaminggg: l part timer[1557] waffle_fart800: jynxziVapeBreak[1557] therealharrytante: JINKY KEN DOLL[1558] g59dset: are you doing lines or sum[1558] classic_phippsy: im a 2 year paid subscription viewbot[1558] wany_hg: eurovision??[1558] enxoismyson: Fat ahh[1559] fertile05: can smell the axe from here[1559] pasow567: hoe[1560] imwayscared: ImWayScared subscribed at Tier 1. [1560] retronitez: good aim[1560] ttvspecs: Ass[1560] zane223857: !charm P1tJacob[1560] carterwooley17: Spoit is waiting[1560] wrvnn26: WASHED RETIRE NOW L PART TIMER[1560] nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn[1560] iamsolo2x_: Your fat[1561] expiedbanana: m[1561] blitzblazeog: thank you chubby[1561] thepatriot1789: Sending hate from New Hampshire[1561] kingxace77: STFU AND SHAKE THAT DUMPY[1562] elchuckless: my freedom of speech is being harassed[1562] ryanward14: bohemia n grove ahhhh shirt[1562] subwayenjoyer: GOOD AIM[1562] waffle_wrld06: get a new Xbox you’re a millionaire[1562] otgzz: CALM DOWN BIG MAN[1563] onekidzay: best aim[1563] elfamosojavisss: WASHED[1563] ot_gaminggg: L PART TIMER FAT[1563] archie_fl: L SELLER[1563] yankeefan22506: FAT[1564] zir0325: yes[1564] therealharrytante: JINKY KEN DOLL l[1564] biggauss95: GET A PLAYSTATION[1564] imissedmyshots2: bad aim[1564] iamsk1nwalker: FAT[1564] pkshiestyy: wedding[1565] dannnnnnnnn1: jynxzi got the best game sense[1565] andrx27_: 🤣[1565] xnorecoil: BBL JIZZY[1565] imhoiy: did you go to a wedding?[1565] bardown16__: dc the don?[1565] dxrktavisdabomb: you lose weigh[1565] dieheartsaint: idk but you are fat[1565] silvarandy25: hi[1565] telestoadept: You got married ?[1566] jackscurry08: I’m a view bot[1566] mirror_glitch5: Bad aim[1567] romanyeayea: fat[1567] archie_fl: RETIRE[1567] hisashonyoutube: fat[1568] edwinn_carier: fay[1568] zarekfoxey: Hipeto donke[1568] mr_lag64: Part timer wedding dress[1568] upgrayedd06: Love the shirt!!!!!!!![1568] brickwallbray: pre end[1568] blitzblazeog: jynxziGRIDDY[1568] jdg1618: of course you already wanna get off[1569] granteicher: fat[1569] zir0325: retire[1569] im_carter_: breckies house?[1569] pittsburghpromqueen: Jynxzi is the GOAT[1569] sladerade50: FATTY[1570] withnovidksi: SENDING HATE FROM MISSOURI[1570] edwinn_carier: fat[1570] fazejayce4: mod him[1571] mario9047: HEY JUNKO HOW WAS THE WEDDING[1571] uadonk12: who got married?[1571] therealharrytante: JINKY KEN DOLL lk[1571] bakedscoutz: WASHED STREAMER[1571] iliquifyy: STREAM ALMOST HALFWAY DONE[1572] lild33__: @hivise you really think he fw you after streaming? lmao[1572] nosweats2: they dropped uu[1572] goose200789: Sending love from hateville[1572] telestoadept: Congrats for the wedding ![1572] heeeeelp1: Jynxzi your videos and streams always make my days and I just wanted to say you’re the reason I play Siege :> Ps: You should 1v1 Kudos[1573] w1nxfn: w1nxfn subscribed at Tier 1. [1573] aberman1: fatty[1573] frogffrogr: ahhh ahhhhh ahhhhhhhhhh[1573] flaume_aux: YOUR GETTING MARRIED?[1573] archie_fl: END STREAK[1573] sparo61: Cheer45[1573] zodiaclover70: Bully[1574] upgrayedd06: Nice shirt[1574] antom291: sending hate from Russia[1574] eqiunox24hrsss: FAT BATTY BOU[1574] vaquri: 98???[1574] touchedcloud: Yo whats with the pablo escobar cosplay?[1575] ot_gaminggg: L BULLY[1575] dablackestboss: junko[1575] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[1575] frogffrogr: ahhhhhhhhhh[1575] andrx27_: 💀💀💀💀[1576] rubiks_xd7: i subed n didnt get the charm???[1576] blitzblazeog: jynxziRAHHH[1576] frogffrogr: ahhhhhhhh[1577] whoisjglidd: bully[1577] iliquifyy: STREAM ALMOST HALFWAY OVER[1577] cuddleswithdad: Take that dumbass shirt off[1577] wany_hg: Have u watced eurovision[1578] timmystaint00: BROS NOT GETTING IN THE CLUB 💀[1578] fazejayce4: invite him to the rank stack[1578] picklerick3644: picklerick3644 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [1578] frogffrogr: ahhhhhhhhh[1578] setdatrendz: hurry up and end stream[1578] kegstand_sam: Can’t wait for a 2 hour stream[1579] mrcool_24: Mrcool_24 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! [1579] xsavagechulox: shitty aim[1579] imnyanbro_dennisheenan_: Take another bathroom break and come back with an itchy nose..[1579] sladerade50: Mod me fatty[1580] andrx27_: L BULLY[1580] lowlifeinfinite: RIP KIXSTAR[1580] therealharrytante: JINKY KEN DOLLL[1580] elfamosojavisss: ONE HOUR STREAM AGAIN TONIGHT BOYS[1581] cuddleswithdad: Wedding shirt ass[1583] imwayscared: Had to subscribe to the legend[1583] streamelements: If you're a gamer, you need a Starforge! Snag one -> https://starforgepc.com/Jynxzi[1583] nk2x_: please end stream[1583] arealbum: youve changed bud, crazy sub only[1584] bardown16__: GOOD AIM[1584] jaypozo: nice stream idiot[1584] jynxziizaddy27: hi[1584] zilla3212: zilla3212 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 3 in the channel! [1584] iliquifyy: 30 MIN MARK[1584] shep_007: fatass[1584] realrusto: not kaid[1584] zilla3212: zilla3212 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ant2_Times! [1584] blitzblazeog: jynxziTONGUE[1584] mirror_glitch5: Can u coach me in seige[1585] n0tp3y: change the chat back to no sub fatass[1585] andrx27_: WWWWWW[1586] upgrayedd06: Dogggyyyy[1586] veggies445: Youre getting married??[1586] andrx27_: WWWWWWW[1587] artistic_trix_: L BULLY[1587] dondo_14: dondo_14 subscribed with Prime. [1587] graingetm: mute audio im sleeping[1587] bakedscoutz: FAME GOT TO THIS SHITTER[1588] shakzz929282: SPAM 1 IF UR A CHAT BOT[1588] jaceehhss: !link[1588] coughtax: is this you?[1588] nightbot: @jaceehhss If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[1589] lucidluvsmilfs: 1-10 jamal[1589] therealharrytante: JINKY KEN DOLLLL[1589] retronitez: not kaid fatty[1590] telestoadept: Congrats for the wedding[1590] r5_gaming_: BUTT[1590] sinkwithevan: I subbed and didn’t get an inv to the wedding[1590] archie_fl: UR SHIRT IS ASS U AINT ON THAT PUSSY[1590] murpheykayso: Funeral[1590] caution_blxx: pre 1-10 ben against all ranks[1590] xolotl4113: xolotl4113 subscribed at Tier 1. [1591] chunkofunkojunko: !prime[1591] the_real_aspect: jynxziBadAim[1591] brick4456: brick4456 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! yessuh'[1591] nightbot: Subscribe to @Jynxzi for FREE with Twitch Prime Twitch.tv/subs/jynxzi[1591] mr_mask08: !LINK[1592] poohelicoptr: @heeeeelp1 holy yap[1592] dieheartsaint: fat plus I’m gooning[1592] upgrayedd06: Dogggyy duu dduuuuuuu[1592] jakew14571: WWWWWWWWW[1592] bardown16__: :O :O :O :O[1592] im_carter_: breckies house??[1593] realrusto: be nice[1593] deadlynuts239: 1[1593] coughtax: is this ur clip?[1594] wavesot: L wetting shirt[1594] r5_gaming_: GYAT[1594] 7ghxst_: BANNED[1594] kingxace77: REACT HARDER TUBBY[1595] sinkwithevan: wedding?[1595] sladerade50: Too fat[1595] savagehrp: @hivse[1595] douglas420710: YOOO[1595] daxsterxd: w[1595] daytuned: 10-4[1595] issem30: Do you need a video editor??@Jynxzi[1596] keyz2416: na sub only is crazy[1596] atomvapettv: He's going to a meeting[1596] chitdaripper: 1[1596] frogffrogr: fat[1596] rnitten: wedding shirt[1596] ja12___: FAT[1596] iamsk1nwalker: FAT CHUNKO[1597] cuddleswithdad: dumbass wedding fit[1597] marshin123: youre not the same[1597] ot_gaminggg: BA🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁AIM[1597] jakew14571: WWWWWWWWWW[1598] upgrayedd06: Eweww aim[1598] amedos_butt_cheek: caseohs waiting[1598] chubb1994: COURT DATE SHIRT NICE[1598] camftwwww: can I get a peck of your pecker[1598] zeosnake: zeosnake subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [1599] frogffrogr: FAT[1599] kaepxun: you’ve been streaming for almost 30 minutes. time to end stream[1599] juantanamo657: Your a g keep it up[1599] yankeefan22506: FAT[1599] argo749: I really like your shirt[1600] xoptic_mattx: caseohByrangeedesigns[1600] carlyshep: CarlyShep subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! [1600] flaume_aux: DID BRO GET MARRIED[1600] snsontwitch: whos horny[1601] poopyy23: pre marriage[1601] yoitznicoo: jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF[1601] sinkwithevan: REACT HARDER[1601] frogffrogr: fat[1602] tok_yo_something: no chance[1602] revbangz: L[1603] frogffrogr: FAT[1604] ttvdyynamite: what’s up brotha[1604] joshua_carriere: joshua_carriere subscribed with Prime. [1604] andrx27_: FATTY[1604] fnsshoto1: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[1604] khangdodo: how was the wedding?[1605] frogffrogr: fat[1605] smoke_eater80: smoke_eater80 subscribed with Prime. [1606] yoitznicoo: jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF[1606] azuiah: L[1606] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[1606] slunz: slunz subscribed with Prime. [1607] poopyy23: fat[1607] 7ghxst_: TriHard[1607] yxng_g_turbo: love your content bro[1608] alleyne98: @HiVise love you sugar[1608] supersonic3p: did you ask to get the promotion to burger expert today?[1608] chase_swings: chase_swings subscribed at Tier 1. [1608] dexter_grimes: Dexter_Grimes subscribed at Tier 1. [1609] o_g1814: LAG[1609] lild33__: www[1609] marshin123: BREKI AND JYNXZI GOT MARRIED[1609] frogffrogr: FAT[1610] andrx27_: WWW[1610] siddy707: jynxziBadAim[1610] carterthebest: yapping[1610] 7ghxst_: WAYTOODANK[1610] runangun837: !link[1610] jefftufferson: @hivise your a weirdo[1611] andrx27_: W[1611] manta_sway: !link[1611] frogffrogr: fat[1611] jaypozo: bruh[1611] yoitznicoo: jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF[1611] phantomriskyy: kick your camera I’m bored[1611] timmystaint00: BROS NOT GETTING IN THE CLUB 💀[1612] gunnarbread: aW BIN DA SHARTTTT[1612] 7ghxst_: WAYTOODANK [1612] slunz: ;;l[1613] frogffrogr: FAT[1613] alexfisk: alexfisk subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 8 month streak! hey fatass[1613] tatereyn: L Bully[1613] cuddleswithdad: take that dumbass shirt off[1613] mrbojangles7x: does bro have any content for today[1614] frogffrogr: fat[1614] lilpepe786: l!prime[1614] marshin123: BREKI AND JYNXZI GOT MARRRIED[1614] ilovemuslc: STOP CLIP FARMING[1614] marriedtoclash: Cheeto tounge[1614] poopyy23: W sub only[1615] iamsk1nwalker: fatty[1615] frogffrogr: FAT[1615] artistic_trix_: REACTING TO UR OWN CLIP[1615] pinballrun: KIXSTAR CHARM[1616] its_dxrk__: your so fat[1616] upgrayedd06: Crabbbyyy paddy[1617] keyz2416: Sun only mode is crazy you changeee[1617] frogffrogr: fat[1617] azuiah: wwwwww[1617] gotgrappe: did you like the wedding?[1617] kseats: hey ![1618] frogffrogr: FAT[1618] andrx27_: LILLL[1618] archie_fl: U CRITICIZING CLIPS WHEN THEY ALL BETTER THAN U CRUNCHY SOCK[1618] gunnarbread: WS IN DA SHATTT[1618] carterthebest: stop yapping[1619] savagehrp: @feelssunnyman why sub only?[1619] shivermetimbers15: whos wedding was it?[1619] snsontwitch: type 1 if ur horny[1619] frogffrogr: fat[1619] stealthzenkaidashi: stealthzenkaidashi subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months, currently on a 4 month streak! [1620] 7ghxst_: WAYTOODANK that banns[1620] marshin123: BREKI AND JYNXZIII GOT MARRIED[1620] mark_biggs_fan: or what[1620] lottomatt: time to end stream[1621] snsontwitch: 1[1622] poopyy23: you're so fat dude[1622] frogffrogr: 1[1622] cuddleswithdad: wedding fit goes hard 🔥[1623] chicagoserge: CANT HEAR SHIT[1623] byron1740: jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage[1623] pinballrun: KIXSTAR CHARMMMM[1623] charlesonsniff: jynxziSmoke jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL[1623] siddy707: wedding footage[1623] saeedsboyfriend5: fatass[1623] lord_jester522: Turn sub only off please[1624] frogffrogr: 11[1624] sweatzisontop: Hi should I sub?[1624] boydotme: your fat as[1624] dieseldanny: bro's dripped out for what[1625] flaume_aux: DID BRO GET MARRIEDDID BRO GET MARRIED[1625] charlesonsniff: jynxziEZ[1625] therealharrytante: KEN FROM BARBIE[1626] shortkingfrfr: jynxziGoodAim_Sq[1626] unfoundedsoupy: Hopping on roblox[1626] unrealriki: didnt hear[1626] im_carter_: breckies house[1626] fossabot: @TaquitoYumer, Your message is too long[1626] frogffrogr: 1111[1626] dondo_14: cap[1627] nightbot: no 🧢[1627] wavesot: jynxziClown jynxziClown L wetting shirt[1627] preview_link94: I heard it[1627] lazyjonathan01: L PART TIMER[1628] joe__786: !watchtime[1628] ilovemuslc: CLIP FARMING[1628] streamelements: joe__786 has spent 22 days 9 hours watching jynxzi[1629] frogffrogr: 11[1629] redrickk_: Redrickk_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months, currently on a 18 month streak! YEAAAA[1629] churtle1: i guess ill quit[1629] charlesonsniff: jynxziChampion[1630] carterthebest: YAPPERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR[1630] flaume_aux: DID BRO GET MARRIED[1630] pinballrun: KIXSTAR CHARMMM[1630] unpaireddd: i didnt hear it[1630] na2s68: Na2s68 subscribed at Tier 1. [1630] frogffrogr: 1[1630] trubold: CAP[1630] htank55: no life[1630] cuddleswithdad: who’s wedding?[1631] bardown16__: my stream lagged right when you played it, nice[1631] matttheduck95: bad aim[1631] shakzz929282: Who was the best man @jynxzi[1631] charlesonsniff: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion[1631] henothim89: turn tts on[1631] poopyy23: W sub only[1631] runangun837: !Link[1632] nightbot: @runangun837 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[1632] pinkinfinite: DIDNT EVEN HEAR[1632] upgrayedd06: Rezz que[1632] imwayscared: Get that bread papa[1632] salmonellaguy1: you sold[1632] charlesonsniff: jynxziChampion[1632] sandy_sir: ME[1632] gageeepoo1: He's better than you[1632] mirror_glitch5: Yes[1632] therealharrytante: KEN FROM BARBIEE[1632] juunyboi: juunyboi subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 7 month streak! sending hate from Nicaragua[1632] sosa_ethan: cant hear shi[1633] retronitez: you should quit[1633] nuukiial47: Sending love from germany[1633] preview_link94: I hear it all[1633] fjaytoquickk: going to Roblox[1633] sandy_sir: MEE[1633] artistic_trix_: ME[1633] yankeefan22506: FAT[1634] azuiah: Ight my bad[1634] ohitsice: me[1634] trapsteak: don’t have all day[1634] z0mbieee: HEAR WHAT[1634] angelchastity: not me[1634] flaume_aux: DID BRO GET MARRIED DID BRO GET MARRIED[1634] itsbranchez: cap[1634] poopyy23: Fat[1634] 7ghxst_: !sub[1634] raaahhh_: crouch[1634] nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi[1634] unrealriki: not me[1634] khangdodo: how was wedding[1634] 1320luisito: sending hate from your basement <3[1634] charlesonsniff: jynxziChampion jynxziCopper[1635] combo12: N9t me[1635] qsxcred: me[1635] realrusto: me[1635] tragicsss_: not me[1635] keyz2416: me[1635] victor_pineapple: me[1635] d1purge_: wedding[1635] noel_ydder2: meeeeeee[1635] dannnnnnnnn1: me[1636] au1funguy: not you[1636] raider_484: me[1636] sandy_sir: MEE[1636] 7ghxst_: !prime[1636] lj_256: fat[1636] nightbot: Subscribe to @Jynxzi for FREE with Twitch Prime Twitch.tv/subs/jynxzi[1636] hbombzzzzz: me[1636] 9opha: me[1636] unfoundedsoupy: Nah[1636] charlesonsniff: jynxziCopper[1637] marriedtoclash: Cheeto tounge boy[1637] evananderson384: l[1637] strawhatroyal: i dont have a headset on fatboy[1637] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[1637] barhdock: blud[1637] punian_: Didnt hear because stream is muted[1637] abeaver: jynxziCopper[1637] sandy_sir: ME[1637] zixcyq: me[1637] skullcrusher1605: Me[1637] tangypoppy4789: literally didn't[1637] iamsk1nwalker: FAT[1638] ryder9708: me[1638] falkirk18: me[1638] villias: me easily[1638] tmaacc: not u[1638] pleyg_: JYNXZI SHUT THE FUCK UP FATASS[1638] d1purge_: fat[1638] thrgosmysuprme: me[1638] tilunky: me[1638] mg270g: ME[1638] angelchastity: ur schizo[1638] mjmary55: me[1638] junkolicious: me[1639] j5uav3: gues im quitting[1639] mirror_glitch5: jynxziCopper[1639] gabrielc352: I CANT HEAR LARD ASS[1639] rxdhid: Sub only mod ia goated[1639] caution_blxx: so ur quiting[1639] cyberski_: me[1639] pinballrun: KIXSTAR CHARMMMM[1639] tkettel_: BLITZ[1639] jakew14571: YEP[1639] waffle_wrld06: sending hater from Antarctica[1639] willthegoatonyt: not me[1639] retronitez: not you[1639] graingetm: not u[1640] pulse3370: SPOIT[1640] kbbreezy9: late idiot[1640] binroller: me[1640] therealharrytante: KEN FROM BARBIEEE[1640] dynakin29: i aint hear shit[1640] lild33__: just you[1640] lazyraccon72: nope[1640] bardown16__: me lol its not rocket science[1640] xlhammerheadlx: not me[1640] fatonduty: fat[1640] notthek1ng_: sit on it[1640] goshal04: me[1641] twitch_littlebro: I’m listening on my phone[1641] owenblackwell420: you was speaking so no[1641] drivr01: Dawg I turned the fuck up[1641] flaume_aux: DID BRO GET MARRIED DID BRO GET MARRIED DID BRO GET MARRIED[1641] victor_pineapple: I HEAR EVERYTHING[1641] zexiiv: well im deaf so thanks man[1641] cyclone191919191919: how was the wedding[1641] maddieh74: not me[1641] imwayscared: Me[1641] abeaver: fat[1642] gibz456: you didn’t hear it[1642] cactusmastrr22: you should stop streaming whil eyour ahead[1642] brickwallbray: get ricci[1642] aryana2024: me[1642] icecreamkilla13: me[1642] timmystaint00: BROS NOT GETTING IN THE CLUB 💀[1642] ben_the_goat875: L grinder[1642] smoove_jlo: so were in copper[1642] pmca84: U[1642] shredhn: fat[1643] jes_8e: jynxziCopper[1643] bodybags___: fat[1643] streamelements: JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/jynxzi[1643] joker_4life_: CANT HEAR SHIT[1643] mynameisnotgoon: faIIing ghst[1643] poopyy23: fatt[1643] tkettel_: BLITZZZZZ[1643] jqmx13: FAT[1644] keyz2416: Sun only is crazy you really did change[1644] charlesonsniff: jynxziChampion[1644] ksksjdbdjsnd: if ur fat ass is talking how we gonna hear it[1644] whoisjglidd: not u[1644] notthek1ng_: wedding[1644] tmaacc: not you[1644] angelchastity: schizo[1644] itsdannyyd: me me me[1645] pinballrun: Not me[1645] knucklepan: I cant hear it your yelling[1645] charlesonsniff: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion[1645] lnsurgent_: cringe ass sub only[1645] tr4pz_: X[1645] bigbad205: me[1645] darrenp420: not me 🤣🤣[1646] sandy_sir: MEE[1646] invinciblemg: jynxziCopper[1646] therealharrytante: KEN FROM BARBIEEEE[1646] jes_8e: jynxziChampion[1646] jaypozo: no res[1646] pinkinfinite: NOT ME[1646] fjaytoquickk: sending hate from Mundane Mikes house[1646] kingtyden: heard[1646] snsontwitch: junko ur ass[1646] letsgofaygo: low audio[1647] fazeyumi: sub only?[1647] faze_cloud68: I didn’t[1647] kopaw0w: we can see him[1647] na2s68: L coke break[1647] charlesonsniff: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion[1647] withnovidksi: SENDING HATE FROM MISSOURI SENDING HATE FROM MISSOURI SENDING HATE FROM MISSOURI SENDING HATE FROM MISSOURI SENDING HATE FROM MISSOURI SENDING HATE FROM MISSOURI[1647] bigaxedowg: bigaxedowg subscribed with Prime. [1647] telestoadept: congrats for the weeding[1647] joshallen_proztictoc: I’m champ and didn’t hear it[1648] uknown_tb: jynxziPACK[1648] mannnnnnnnna: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper[1648] at9am: me[1648] that_rampage: You're mother[1648] imhoiy: did you go to a wedding?[1648] greekwarrior64: greekwarrior64 subscribed at Tier 1. [1649] jynxi_is_my_dadd: can’t hear over you fatass[1649] azuiah: “me” 😹[1649] chubb1994: SKETCH DONT JACC YOU GANG[1649] poopyy23: W grindr profile[1649] rockyapple_: w sub only[1649] flaume_aux: DID BRO GET MARRIED[1649] lucastheman5564: me[1649] him223s: not you but me[1650] montagneistrash: meow[1651] dondo_14: WHEN IS THE WEDDING[1651] mynamestim: we can't hear it because youre molesting your mic what[1651] loyal2_dj14: me[1651] wintersjdm: WintersJDM subscribed with Prime. [1651] ilovemuslc: STREAM HARDER[1651] mannnnnnnnna: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper[1651] vip_draco: pee on me[1652] dragontraq: can’t hear it over your annoying ass voice[1652] sawyahh: I ain’t watch ur stream w headset on[1652] loadedpotuwa: no[1652] therealharrytante: KEN FROM BARBIEEE[1652] adz_sux: Jokic MVP[1653] chickennugget310: why is sub only on?[1653] andrx27_: lol[1653] sleepyyonhots: !link[1653] nightbot: 😂[1653] cyclone191919191919: how was the wedding junky[1653] dabrat956: Sending hate from the Andromeda galaxy[1653] bbljynxzii: BibleThump1 BibleThump1 BibleThump1 BibleThump1 BibleThump1 BibleThump1 BibleThump1 BibleThump1 BibleThump1 BibleThump1[1654] matttheduck95: I love using ram[1654] madridxi: how tf[1654] rnitten: wedding shirt[1654] mannnnnnnnna: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion[1654] therealharrytante: KEN FROM BARBIE[1654] parzzyspurs: Hala Madrid[1654] manta_sway: !link[1655] shredhn: ur so fat[1655] im_carter_: breckies house?[1655] twizidy: Stop turning sub-only on and off[1656] kbiotx: kbiotx subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! [1656] ieatplanes5110: turn off subscriber only mode[1656] lordtekkno: Fan mail is waiting[1656] 004melly: who wedding ?[1656] xdivide_x: what are u wearing were u at the beach?[1657] largetoast05: ToastyGrapez on rblx add me fellas[1657] 1shan_2: W sub only[1657] imnyanbro_dennisheenan_: I’m on my phone. how tf am I gonna hear that shit?[1658] andrx27_: L[1659] zachattack2994: WHATS THE ANOUNCEMENT[1659] abeaver: LMFAO[1660] dablackestboss: I’m diamond 1[1660] speerowbeekefeece: MULTI MILLIONAIRE WANTS PEOPLE TO SUB WHEN HE ALSO DATING AN OF MODEL[1660] therealharrytante: KEN FROM BARBIEEEE[1660] bardown16__: L bully[1660] veggies445: fell off 43k in 27 minutes[1660] pinballrun: KIXSTAR CHARM[1660] wsurodeo: Bro[1661] flaume_aux: DID BRO GET MARRIED??[1662] big_country420_: What's wrong with chat??[1662] yoitznicoo: jynxziLaugh jynxziWTF[1662] andrx27_: L BULLY[1662] coolkidswag35: !link[1662] nightbot: @coolkidswag35 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[1662] gibz456: When are you going live?[1663] sleepyyonhots: link[1663] hittmonster: Hmm[1663] supersonic3p: interview today?[1663] realrusto: L BULLY[1664] joncampfan: #[1665] telestoadept: W wedding how was it ?[1665] btwdylan019: WWWWWW[1665] mario9047: HEY JUNKO HOW WAS THE WEDDING?[1665] loadedpotuwa: yes[1665] ilovezimm: Me[1665] lizandro_20: sub only is a W[1665] 004melly: wedding ?[1666] at9am: 😭[1666] tkettel_: W[1666] retronitez: let him reload dont be weird[1666] bardown16__: stop bullying him[1666] gageeepoo1: He's better than you[1667] jefftufferson: @hivise you look like a creak head[1667] iilliin: L bully[1667] kit_kat_williams: Good game sense[1668] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[1668] artistic_trix_: YES[1668] bennyy23: I heard you kweef[1668] swoleboh: that's reasonable cmon now[1668] dieheartsaint: fat[1668] telestoadept: L bully[1668] nightbot: @TheyFishy -> Come on! [stop posting links] [warning][1669] lord_jester522: Who ever made this man turn on sub mode from the deepest part of my heart fuck you[1669] mirror_glitch5: jynxziCopper[1670] tkettel_: W BULLY[1670] konnor_krein: W[1670] aleta99: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK[1671] qwvzr: yup[1671] nightbot: yup yup yup[1671] therealharrytante: KEN FROM BARBIE[1671] bigmeat1586: Jcjf[1671] khangdodo: when is wedding[1671] unfoundedsoupy: L bully[1672] donkeykong1029384756: L[1673] yankeefan22506: FAT[1673] joe_selby: WEDDING FIT ?![1673] x3hippo: BULLY[1673] parzzyspurs: Real Madrid in the finals Hala madrid[1673] nightbot: real[1673] tkettel_: CRASHOUT[1674] btwdylan019: plc[1674] bigchunkybois918: !link[1674] pauliide: Jynxzi i love you, I got back to playing R6 bc of your streams and I just wanted to give smth back. Stay the way you are and don't let any haters tell you what to do. Haters have small brains.[1674] r6prazzer: W sub only[1675] jaypozo: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT[1675] mudafuddajones: fat[1675] trapsteak: don’t have all day[1675] scleebles: So we're in dried up tissue v[1675] pinballrun: Yes[1675] mrboeding: FATASS[1675] kaorlol: TURN THIS STUPID SHIT OFF HIVISE[1675] klayzaimehockey: KlayzAimeHockey subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months, currently on a 10 month streak! [1675] jt8618: I am going to stroke you jynxzi[1675] poopyy23: L bully[1676] bardown16__: horrible clip[1676] marriedtoclash: I saw you eating cheetos in your kitchen earlier today[1676] alexandrr257: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[1676] ein_anderwaffel: ein_anderwaffel subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! [1677] youngwood98: youngwood98 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months! [1677] caitl0n: W bully?[1677] abeaver: jynxziBadAim[1677] poopyy23: fat[1677] anneflank1945_: w wedding shirt[1677] alexfisk: l part timer[1678] snsontwitch: chunko fuck my badussy[1678] fbn_nubz: Mid aim[1678] d1purge_: wedding shirt too small for ur fatass[1678] xiamprime: L BULLY[1678] kykyroro1: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[1678] artistic_trix_: REACT HARDER[1678] daryllsucks: YOU SUCK[1679] htank55: spoit's waiting[1679] notinterlace0: wedding shirt + fat[1679] adennnn_: w clip[1679] wakeywocky: WEDDING[1679] telestoadept: when was the wedding?[1679] metrooboomleo: Crashout[1679] just_in_peace: its calles schizophrenia[1679] 7ghxst_: bad aim[1679] ethan__chase: Congrats on the wedding[1679] gsgshards: cant hear it because had to turn your stream down cause i can have ears[1679] imwayscared: Poop[1679] mario9047: HEY JUNKO HOW WAS THE WEDDING[1679] syncx_25: WHY IS IT SUB ONLY MODE YOU MONEY GRABBER[1680] daubben: clips dont hit like they did in 2022[1680] pea1k: whens fan mail?[1680] young_hal0: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke[1680] washedchunko: Drake waiting[1680] grostbnk: Fat[1680] retronitez: good clip[1680] loadedpotuwa: bbl jizzy[1680] arthurontheway: Bıully | Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [1500] Wedding shirt. Yo Krieger, you're a six month sub saying wedding shirt. This is not a wedding shirt. It's called wearing something stylish. [1510] Shroud dropped you know he didn't bro lose weight best streamer. Thanks man Try this in turny back [1520] Turn the strap. Still finnig of a turd water. Big chunky, thinking of a prime. Fiddy, thinking of a turd water. Leads all thinking of a prime shop. [1530] Yo chat, what do I do when my Xbox messages don't load? Try to just like retire like what do I do? Next week, but a day! [1540] coming in from bullets. Oh my god bro peeking [1550] This window is so fucking OP because whenever they breach they have their back turned to you. Okay your aim is a little bit concerning. [1560] Okay, your gamer time is donut, dawn 98, it all checks out. [1570] I have a bad feeling about this. Right! Way to react to the sound cue, Kate. [1580] What the fuck was that? All of the composure you had went right out the goddamn window! [1590] Okay, so Thermite has the diffuser so you could hype a thing. [1600] just camp on this window all around wait till they grab the diffuser then peak and make about it there was an enemy combat and pushing that hallway [1610] What have I got not? He's resin. I'm going to replay the sound to you if you don't hear this. Stop now and get on Roblox. This goes for anyone in the stream. If you don't hear this [1620] this Rez quits each. If you didn't hear that quit right there, one of them is gonna be 20 HP. If you didn't hear that Rez quits each. [1630] Just stop now while you're ahead who heard it be honest Left right there literally right there Enemy about it [1640] is full sprinting right on top of your penis. That was the guy that was knocked. [1650] Okay, so let me get one thing straight and abundantly straight. If I ever see you reload with 24 bullets again, I will permanently fucking ban you from [1660] Twitch channel. You just reloaded with 24 bullets. Do you want me to crash out in this joint? What if an enemy combatant was watching you right now? [1670] there you'd be down! Good rainbow though. I'm not impressed bro I'm not impressed with the clip. | There is no Highlight in the provided timespan. Jynxzi firstly Reacts to a R6 Clip which disappointet him. Then he watched a strange Minecraft Clip before the timeframe ended |
Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege[2600] oswzn: zero aura[2600] gwrldskiii: White speed[2600] stupidratgrl: TONGUE NEEDS BRUSHED ASAP[2600] azztazz: @Jynxzi shirt is inside out.[2600] xd_ghostgamer: 💀💀💀[2600] fattycree: Fat[2600] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀[2600] apoo_1105: big horse[2601] iamsk1nwalker: UR FAT[2601] tok_yo_something: speed clone wanna be,[2601] xmekk77: REMOVE THE JYNXZY CLOXN[2601] gageking2023: POV YOUR WATCHING JUNKO PLAY RANKED[2601] reece294: FAT 1-10 BEN[2601] lil_dave: sending love from border[2601] tatteduptoddler: when is wedding?[2601] theegrizz_: ????????????[2601] bomboclaut650: Bro thinks hes Pablo escobar[2601] coffeezilladaughter: that might be u on a smurf @Jynxzi[2601] gray154: fatttt[2601] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀[2601] bigheadbassturd: L Bully[2602] mahmut_akdemir: HOLY CLIP FARM[2602] fenikoz: L BULLY[2602] spike07z: fatfat[2602] brayxswag13: white speed[2602] mulylive: 49k😂😂😂😂😂😂 fell off[2602] agnus7777: L bully[2602] bardown16__: thats so harsh...[2602] puertorico_51: revuwuStrawbxRev revuwuStrawbxRev revuwuStrawbxRev revuwuStrawbxRev revuwuStrawbxRev revuwuStrawbxRev triD[2602] dawah22: SENDING HATE FROM AFGHANSTIANMNMMMM[2603] strafefacts_: when fanmail[2603] hunterl0710: that dog has better aim then you[2603] ls_prinz: LS_Prinz subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! JUNKOOOOO FAT ASS[2603] azztazz: @Jynxzi shirt is inside out[2603] imuglyah: good boy speed[2603] the_antt2: !charm[2603] sandy_sir: 💀[2603] winx2323: L speed clone[2603] nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn[2603] yesityy: yo[2603] reece294: FAT[2603] coltspinks123: when's fan mail[2603] potatoman1709: L bully[2604] tbpstanime: J[2604] milk5000_: when wedding[2604] jollay_monkay: Sending love from ur basement FATASS[2604] fredog0: L BULLY[2604] ellismull21: L bully[2604] jeesus882: RAYAN WAITING[2605] gamermen1331: L bully[2605] dawah22: SENDING HATE FROM AFGHANSTIANN[2605] mrbjell: React to Bayern offside[2605] chop_doc47: L speed clone[2605] luis20081231: can do 1v1s please[2605] kevgagne: DJ KHALED A SHIRT[2605] r6_rxynx_: 11[2605] rose1chi_: hate from a ginger[2605] sleepyyonhots: !LINK[2605] chunkofunko420: l bully[2605] nachitotkt: sending hate from your basement[2605] budlight19m: What's jynxzis discors[2605] marrymcgeier: fat wedding boy[2605] aceo8907: banned[2605] t3xasplays44: Diddy watching[2606] that_foo_dominc: Skibidi toilet rizz[2606] pauliide: @Jynxzi i love you, I got back to playing R6 bc of your streams and I just wanted to give smth back. Stay the way you are and don't let any haters tell you what to do. Haters have small brains.[2606] jfoster1405: How was the wedding Cumko????[2606] evanwade144: I’m gunna aim at your head 😉😏[2606] sp0okysan: sending hate from Georgia[2606] azztazz: @Jynxzi shirt is inside out.[2606] shivermetimbers15: dressed to impress ahh shirt[2606] ityaboi66: sending hate from mars wedding shirt boy[2606] therealregoooo: Nasty orange ahh tongue[2606] drewnordin: !cum[2607] nightbot: drewnordin is ABAUTUKUMMMM 😫😩😩😖😔[2607] eianz_: tell ‘em unc[2607] coffeezilladaughter: that might be u on a smurf @Jynxzi [2607] retronitez: no one wants your charm fatty[2607] stupidratgrl: TONGUE NEEDS BRUSHED ASAP TONGUE NEEDS BRUSHED ASAP[2607] ballinamgee: jynxziFAT[2607] reece294: SO FAT[2607] eiightyhd: WHEN IS THE WEDDING STREAM?[2607] schlity: SENDING HATE FROM SWEDEN[2608] real_voided: dnufer fatty[2608] shimo1994: w dog[2608] dawah22: SENDING HATE FROM AFGHANSTIANNN[2608] thatbirdd: LMAOOO[2608] rokkvalingur: Sending love from iceland[2608] ch1vs_714: stop screaming I’m trying to sleep[2608] kingeaston216: sending hate from your moms house[2608] royce_abear: hes not a big fan of head[2608] the3gggod22: HATE FROM ANTARTICA[2608] azztazz: @Jynxzi shirt is inside out[2608] bayzansl: sending wedding from germany[2608] datwetduck: jynxziPACK[2609] donzodlv: sending hate from Santa’s workshop[2609] cyyn1cal: white speed[2609] sunm08: you are 1-100 ben[2609] skinnyjorgs: part timer[2609] futuramaaa123: hey jynxzi thankyou for inspiring me to be a fatter person im now obese and transported everywhere on a crane[2609] mcwaffle_abc123: sending hate from the Sahara[2609] minimint2_rdo: L bully[2609] hdez2kk: jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown[2609] maximiliosa: RAYAN WAITING[2610] arrows33: 1-10 benjamin[2610] itzantigony: L bully[2610] tabanaaka: lovesilkyblankets subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! [2610] jolmtron: whiteboyem[2610] ghostftw68: sending much hate from The Netherlands[2610] sharks550: you're showing too much cleavage[2610] gageking2023: POV YOUR WATCHING JUNKO PLAY RANKED[2610] murf243: sending hate from all 50 states[2610] jollay_monkay: Sending love from ur basement FATTY[2610] tiny_johnson98: fat[2610] dsm_: congrats on your wedding!!!! 💕💕💕😭😭🙏🙏🙏[2610] hayleenoo: hate from the bermuda triangle[2610] meowserpro_: NOM NOM NOM[2610] smileyy_01: L bully[2610] calijuice_707: SHROUD WAITING SHROUD WAITING SHROUD WAITING SHROUD WAITING SHROUD WAITING SHROUD WAITING SHROUD WAITING[2611] little_kid_touchr: fat[2611] victorrnunez: l speed clone[2611] akmiike420: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4[2611] theginger001: hate from Denmark[2611] fossabot: @ykwallz, Your message is too long [3x][2611] azztazz: @Jynxzi shirt is inside out.[2611] palod1: sending hate from chile[2611] gageking2023: ..[2611] taowhobro12: L bullu[2611] jackberko23: sub![2612] frankithdogwater: SENDING HATE TO TEN THOUSAND RESIDENCES ON SANTA MONICA BLVD!!!![2612] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[2612] kermaviili_: sending hate from everywhere[2612] marrymcgeier: l bully[2612] b0rntlred: bros jelqmaxxing[2612] sudeepy11: muted[2612] nightbot: he can see his own mic input.[2612] philly19j: Love you bro could you go back on NBA Junko and react to Philly176358 clip[2612] sfb_peetah: Chill[2612] dr_dabz_: TwitchConHYPE[2612] hoodiechach: sending hate from iraq sending hate from iraq sending hate from iraq[2612] superjw13: sending hate from your tiktok[2612] ezman22: bully[2612] kaden_19: never seen you aim at head level[2613] luis20081231: do 1v1s fat ass[2613] nickonfort: bad aim[2613] kevinbittner: Are you going to a vegas wedding?[2613] bemeepo: LMFAOOO[2613] benowens20: sending death threats from England ❤️[2613] ow2fan0: L bully + ratio[2613] chunkofunko420: L bully[2613] waggnasty71: sending hate from Ohio jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak[2614] lowkeyxloco: Mod him[2614] seeeethy: WEDDING FIT HARD[2614] siege_lyght: siege_lyght subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 6 month streak! [2614] skellarfr: hate from australia[2614] apoo_1105: love the shirt[2614] noahquarter: so fat[2614] fatal_monstr: W CLIP[2614] leann_bean: L BULLY[2614] conciding99: L bully[2614] vampjr69: L BULLY[2615] lazaroh_: L Bully[2615] azztazz: @Jynxzi shirt is inside out[2615] glass0fwhiskey69: Send hate from your fat column jynxziFAT[2615] cai10578: sending love from North Carolina[2615] ezman22: L Bully[2615] t3xasplays44: Diddy waiting[2615] flerg1: L BULLY[2616] jolmtron: stop it whiteboyem[2616] julioamoedo: sending hate from whovile[2616] beezbatz: So your girlfriend dresses you @jynxzi[2616] jeesus882: RAYAN IS WAITING[2616] bxriley: great aim[2616] fairyk4: HOŁY ITRIONIC[2616] zayneg1: jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY[2616] hughesy210: mute[2616] sneklol1: jizzy i own your fatass lemme 1v1 you and youll be saying dada in minutes jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper[2616] jollay_monkay: Sending love from ur basement FATASS[2616] wyattz90: Fan Mail[2616] shivermetimbers15: “fashionable” ahh shirt[2617] ryanq98: Sending Hate from Sea World[2617] jackberko23: !Sub[2617] fenikoz: L CYBERBULLY[2617] nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi[2617] cyyn1cal: pay rayan[2617] washedchunko: Drake waiting[2617] theginger001: hate from denmark[2617] bakedscoutz: 1-10 SPEED[2617] spartan7oo: Hate from that Dog[2617] f1_f4st: W[2617] lcmxclu: LCMxClu add me im emerald let’s 1v1🫡[2617] maximiliosa: L Bully[2617] ktisbad10: aye fatty how I get my charny[2617] 0dustypenguin0: !discord[2617] nightbot: https://discord.gg/jynxzi[2618] retromidd: react harder[2618] giorgio_curcioooo: WAGER COFFEE[2618] bc_tumz: fat[2618] azztazz: @Jynxzi shirt is inside out.[2618] xcurlly: LETS GO TO THE BEACH 🏖️[2618] short5topshorty1: SHUT UP[2618] chunko_ssg1: hey fanum how was your day[2618] antom291: sending hate from russa[2618] fadetyrique: L BULLY[2618] hellowydhuh: L BULLY[2618] 0710_beast: who’s getting married BloodTrail[2618] thelastactualdweller: hate from canada[2618] forgotten_sprite0: sending hate from phillipsburg new jersey[2619] bardown16__: whos us?[2619] mcwaffle_abc123: sending hate from Africa[2619] m_aming: W clip[2619] wyat897: sending love from indiana sending love from Indiana!!!!!!!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️[2619] calijuice_707: SHROUD WAITING[2619] fenikoz: L BULLY[2619] azztazz: @Jynxzi shirt is inside out[2619] pablo_gaming120: L BULLY[2619] reece294: FATTY[2619] deadchannelmastext: mastext subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! [2619] frankithdogwater: SENDING HATE TO TEN THOUSAND RESIDENCES ON SANTA MONICA BLVD![2619] burgerman810: Mod[2619] datwetduck: L bully[2619] schlity: FAT[2619] menglend: Tf is he wearing[2620] malers516: malers516 subscribed with Prime. [2620] ronanconnors: wedding[2620] xiamprime: PRE END[2620] seeeethy: FAT CLIP[2620] jynxzisjohnson00: sending hate from your shirt[2620] zer0_909: L Bully[2620] tetsuoooo: we must be in gobblestone[2620] serhumor: what tf is this 9 min standard Que?[2620] azztazz: @Jynxzi shirt is inside out.[2620] zayneg1: jynxziBounce jynxziBounce[2621] rickyy679: sending hate from jynxzi[2621] ezman22: L BULLY[2621] gragasentmax: Sending hate from France @Jynxzi[2621] wyattz90: Fan mail s[2621] stxptxlk: better then u[2621] bc_tumz: so fat[2621] peyton_tblood: L bully[2621] jolmtron: stop it whiteboyem ur lowk weird[2621] wakeywocky: sending hate from Sweden[2622] bradleyj1983: do some PS5 clips[2622] tomic: HALA MADRID HALA MADRID HALA MADRID HALA MADRID[2622] macpackgames: WEDDING SHIRT BERT [2622] kobysimps: u fell off onb[2622] victorrnunez: L SPEED CLONE[2622] lickinglightbulbs: how do I get the junco charm?[2622] richonstixx: sibidi jynx[2622] fenikoz: L CYBERBULLY[2622] tj_gains: Jynxzi has never heard of crouch level[2622] cheebah710: cohhNODDERS cohhNODDERS cohhNODDERS[2622] rtxreaper: jynxziGoodAim[2622] a7x53537: sending hate from Antarctica[2622] lightningkakuzu: kendrick won[2622] sweeney2626: sweeney2626 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! Jynxzi can u do you vs the ranked u deserved and can u do me My user is Sweeney2828[2622] reece294: W FATTY[2623] marrymcgeier: fat wedding boy[2623] tbpstanime: L stream[2623] azztazz: @Jynxzi shirt is inside out[2623] yadiiking: shroud waiting[2623] panos_klon: L BULLY[2623] jollay_monkay: Sending love from ur basement FATTY[2623] fruitloverboy: TEAM KENDRICK OR DRAKE FATTY[2623] superjw13: sending hate from ssg[2623] rae36481235: yo[2624] pmsole: LETS GO GOLFING[2624] padineta: tf is that shirt?[2624] zer0_909: FAT BULLY[2624] c8shark: Being nice is free[2624] jolmtron: okay whiteboyem[2624] elmadretuya: love from Tampa[2624] xelo_r6: when is wedding? [2624] luis20081231: fat boy do 1v1s[2625] gray154: sending hate from Albania[2625] aceo8907: kendrick mid[2625] aaron2litt11: bro Is running out of stream ideas[2625] springwaterspring: caca[2625] buddange06: what’s bro wearing?[2625] cocopuffs329: he was aiming at a different head[2625] akiyuvlr: send hate from swiss🅿️[2625] zayneg1: jynxziChampion[2625] kuba_k219: l bully[2625] fenikoz: L CYBERBULLY ![2625] dripboi534: L BULLY[2626] jbyrd0515: fat bully[2626] tsingtong: change shirts wtf[2626] madgamer1105: Sending hate from Pennsylvania, W wedding[2626] shivermetimbers15: dressed to impress ahh shirt[2626] brando1126: fuck slips[2626] bc_tumz: fat clip[2626] awesomephil101: how do u send clips[2627] darthventura: Obese[2627] ronalddooo123: sending hate from ronaldo[2627] retromidd: harder[2627] azztazz: @Jynxzi shirt is inside out.[2627] calijuice_707: SHROUD WAITING SHROUD WAITING[2627] twitchdude212a: hhehehe[2627] brandon617854: NOSTRILS ON LARGE[2628] ghypzy: W bully[2628] antom291: sending hate from russia[2628] arsham1234567890: ؟؟[2628] mr_krabs187: they not like us[2628] yadiiking: double crossed[2628] rtxreaper: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[2628] skinnyp8865: !gamble all[2628] axess10: scarface type shirt[2628] yourlocaltimmy_: fat[2628] b0rntlred: stop jelqmaxxing[2629] streamelements: PogChamp skinnyp8865 went all in and won 20 points PogChamp they now have 40 points FeelsGoodMan[2629] poopyy23: when is clips[2629] kuba_k219: L bully[2629] jonmanns: OVHOEEE[2629] sxpremegxmer: sending hate from Antarctica[2629] fatty0_: fell off[2629] syco_mm: !sub[2629] beefbayonet733: EAT LESS[2629] trintdman: sending hate from cookie clicker[2629] pizzadino_: DRAKE OR KENDRICK[2629] douglas420710: Fat?[2629] dsm_: congrats on your wedding[2629] uvilitye: !watchtime[2630] max1soos: !gamble all[2630] renansika: wen is fan mail[2630] jynxzisjohnsonnhard: fat[2630] manta324: OV HOE[2630] streamelements: uvilitye has spent 5 days 2 hours watching jynxzi[2630] hayleenoo: sending hate from Bermuda triangle[2630] washedchunko: sketch waiting[2630] streamelements: Max1soos went all in and lost every single one of their 3180 points LUL[2630] doinwatucant: play keyboard and mouse jynxzi[2630] dalemoney__: do PlayStation clips[2630] fatal_monstr: CLIP OF THE CENTURY[2630] fenrirr6s: !link[2630] dondo_14: 4:51 PM?[2630] nightbot: @fenrirr6s If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[2630] tkettel_: HATE FROM OHIO[2631] kobysimps: u fell off[2631] slinkxi: never seen you 1v3[2631] p_beyers: fat ass[2631] lastrorowdyl: Fat wedding[2631] fatboynnnnnn: 11[2631] braydon_r10: sending love from Newcastle up the geordies[2631] hughesy210: muted[2631] numberonericciglazer: A MINORRRRRRRR[2631] cheebah710: mucho SILKYYYY[2632] kingeaston216: fat[2632] richonstixx: bbl frizzy!!![2632] hassan_d_gold: fuck you[2632] gray154: sending hate from New Zealand[2632] martinezchris396: that ur gameplay[2632] dbdshanks: Ov hoooooo[2632] theginger001: just hate[2632] gfn_rem: why yo mic so loud fat dude[2633] fenikoz: L BULLY[2633] him223s: ligma[2633] waagoon: Hi[2633] seeeethy: FAT FAT LIP[2633] awesomephil101: what’s the gamer tag[2634] panos_klon: L FATTY[2634] enjaykold: when’s the stream start[2634] reece294: L FATTY[2634] dondo_14: so we’re in LA[2634] g59dset: how many lines you do today[2634] zer0_909: FAT BULLY BITCH[2634] yadiiking: shroud waiting[2635] ishoot4free6: how was the wedding[2635] sqishyboi: junko react to my clip it’s hilarious[2635] lil_dave: sending love from lair[2635] the_holy_peanutxd: is that lean?[2635] wyat897: sending love from indiana sending love from Indiana!!!!!!!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️sending love from indiana sending love from Indiana!!!!!!!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️[2636] hughesy210: no audio[2636] mrk9___: fat peter griffin[2636] mr_krabs187: W stream[2636] doingdoggyr6: @silkyblankets[2636] jolmtron: sending hate from unknown substances[2636] xiamprime: TOO FAT[2636] glass0fwhiskey69: Send hate from your fat[2636] dylonius3887: Bro When Will you play a game[2637] akiyuvlr: send hate from swiss[2637] datwetduck: wheres the johnson[2637] azztazz: @Jynxzi shirt is inside out[2637] poopyy23: When are clips?[2637] retromidd: skibidi[2637] vulk_btw: u fell off[2637] dawah22: SENDING HATE FROM AFGHANSTIAN[2638] suegspr: HATE FROM A MINOR[2638] just1nvaljr: L chair Fell of fat[2638] pr0digaljay: “Your’re 1-10, they not like you”[2638] c4sh_jos: BBL JIZZY[2638] oxxfriskyxxo: PAY RAYAN[2638] moodyeel: !gamble 2k[2638] streamelements: MOODYEEL lost 2000 points in roulette and now has 150705 points! FeelsBadMan[2638] jolmtron: sending hate from unknown substances.[2639] cheebah710: gulp gulp cohhNODDERS cohhNODDERS cohhNODDERS[2639] fatboynnnnnn: tit boy[2639] eiightyhd: WEDDING WAITING[2639] pizzadino_: congrats on the wedding[2639] isaidsitdown718: atleast you not a drake glazer[2639] tkettel_: FAT[2639] 03_caden: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4[2639] twistedmat: When are Jynxzi and Shroud playing together tonight?[2639] gray154: sending hate from Antarctica[2639] azztazz: @Jynxzi shirt is inside out.[2639] jarrod__0: wedding[2639] dawah22: SENDING HATE FROM AFGHANSTIAN SENDING HATE FROM AFGHANSTIAN SENDING HATE FROM AFGHANSTIAN[2639] djjustinmaster110: WHERES UR DAUGHTER????????????[2639] solomdog: SoloMdog subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [2639] vividmp3: pp[2640] jolmtron: sending hate from unknown substances[2640] el_chxpo__: can anyone tell me what the announcement was[2640] imhimbtw57: imhimbtw57 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [2640] piecectrlshaq: pre profile pic shock reaction pre profile pic shock reactionpre profile pic shock reaction, 'when did this happen'[2640] rae36481235: hi[2641] imhimbtw57: imhimbtw57 gifted a Tier 1 sub to xxfargusx! [2641] woauhr6: 1v1 WOAUHHHHHH[2641] conciding99: fat[2641] ophantomz: OVE HOE[2641] azztazz: @Jynxzi shirt is inside out[2642] simplyjavon: ask for a kiss[2642] dawah22: SENDING HATE FROM AFGHANSTIANNNNN[2642] igl_arxr0: Yo[2642] gaming_hangover: you gonna stream more than 1 hour today buddy?[2642] richonstixx: ur so mean[2643] yker1c: !discord[2643] jolmtron: sending hate from unknown substances..[2643] striker_vc: KENDRICK DROPPED[2643] azztazz: @Jynxzi shirt is inside out.[2644] benowens20: react skibidier[2644] p_beyers: when’s the wedding[2644] izabella74174222: Pure[2644] azztazz: @Jynxzi shirt is inside out[2644] kodaks_father: WWWW[2644] ravenvek: Being nice is free[2644] jolmtron: sending hate from unknown substances[2645] dexo1_8: why is when fanmail[2645] blehwolf: MY CLIPS WILL MAKE YOU CRY NGL IM VERY BAD[2645] minimint2_rdo: Lame advertisements i don’t even speak german 💀💀[2645] dawah22: SENDING HATE FROM AFGHANSTIANNNNNNNN[2645] azztazz: @Jynxzi shirt is inside out.[2646] tok_yo_something: fat[2646] plus2drew: 69 GOD[2646] maximiliosa: Sending hate from Russia[2647] rennat04: he would 7-0 u fatso[2647] azztazz: @Jynxzi shirt is inside out[2647] him223s: fell off[2648] dk_rotte: bbl diddy drip PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar[2648] mach570: Team kill[2648] bardown16__: WOAH[2648] blqukun: bad aim[2648] jxckbake: when’s clips[2648] seeeethy: BBL JUNKO[2648] azztazz: @Jynxzi shirt is inside out.[2649] btwnbeast94: CAN WE GET AN OOTD REAL QUICK[2649] lcmxclu: LCMxClu add me im emerald let’s 1v1🫡[2649] giopio595829: giopio595829 subscribed at Tier 1. [2649] pizzadino_: you're only fans jynx now[2649] jolmtron: sending hate from unknown substances..[2649] marrymcgeier: wedding[2650] furdturguson07: !rank[2650] nightbot: Check out Jynxzi's Rank and Stats here -> https://r6.tracker.network/profile/xbox/Junk%20Shiesty[2650] agnus7777: you flew sideways[2650] eianz_: bad angleeee[2650] ryzonne: fat[2650] bardown16__: WOAHH :O[2651] azztazz: @Jynxzi shirt is inside out[2651] dawah22: SENDING HATE FROM AFGHANSTIAN SENDING HATE FROM AFGHANSTIAN[2651] tymarl3y: !gamble 500[2651] airpxds: KENDRICK DROPPED[2651] streamelements: tymarl3y won 500 points in roulette and now has 59935 points! FeelsGoodMan[2652] fossabot: @beastman12543, Your message is too long[2652] jolmtron: sending hate from unknown substances[2652] lastrorowdyl: bbl jynxzi[2652] legitcornbread: KEKW[2652] giga_boy11846: Lol[2652] nightbot: 😂[2652] bobbysnax_: Wedding day?[2652] dawah22: SENDING HATE FROM AFGHANSTIAN[2653] azztazz: @Jynxzi shirt is inside out.[2653] jolmtron: sending hate from unknown substances...[2654] azztazz: @Jynxzi shirt is inside out[2654] xchrisdolx: Love from iowa[2655] jolmtron: sending hate from unknown substances[2655] cheebah710: HypeDisguise HypeDisguise[2656] whzzie: !watchtime[2656] hazy916daze: lol[2656] badamabada: jynxziFAT[2656] azztazz: @Jynxzi shirt is inside out.[2656] streamelements: whzzie has spent 3 days 4 hours watching jynxzi[2656] jolmtron: sending hate from unknown substances..[2657] hunterl0710: shut up ben[2657] conciding99: react harder[2657] sik79lak: when stream starts?[2658] acidthriller: jynxzi the goatttt[2658] cheebah710: mhm[2658] yrnkanjozoku: he still there bozo[2658] packersdelight_: No[2659] btwnbeast94: OOTD[2659] tristan12844: when is tim getting on[2659] gray154: sending hate from the kanto region in pokemon[2660] suegspr: HATE FROM LGBTQ[2660] minimint2_rdo: Give me better ads Junko[2660] sacredszn: SacredSZN subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! [2661] swiftcalf3: jynxziGoodAim evanth5ILived[2661] avedawg02: L ungrateful[2661] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[2661] braydon_r10: sending love from Newcastle up the geordies[2662] qwxyiscool3287: REACT TO MY CLIP FATTY[2662] i_l0ve_my_x1m: i_l0ve_my_x1m subscribed with Prime. [2663] dexo1_8: when is why fanmail[2663] itsluch416: weddinh[2663] bamdadrose: still hate from middle east[2663] bobbysnax_: FAT[2663] elijahsaur: Jynxi have bad aim[2664] whataweedo: Who you thinking for the 1v1?[2664] badamabada: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT[2664] mase020: i want every fagggooot shoott[2664] renansika: wen is fan mail[2664] norahboros: SHIRT INSIDE OUT[2664] airpxds: BBL JYNXZI[2665] ekwash: L AD[2665] arkgamer_006: hes still there chill[2666] cheebah710: okay coach[2666] coope10: Sending hate from a meth lab[2666] roscoradfam: aura check[2667] elitepuma5: to[2667] mxmck25: THATS EXACTLY WHAT YOU DO[2667] maximiliosa: Sending hate from Wall Maria[2668] bobbysnax_: FATTY[2668] sandy_sir: ????[2668] nightmaretofire: CHIEF KEEF WAITNG[2668] elitepuma5: yup[2668] datwetduck: jynxziFALL[2668] yrnkanjozoku: ???[2668] nightbot: yup yup yup[2669] seeeethy: nice wedding shirt[2669] ohitsice: nooo[2669] striknx: nicholas[2669] frogffrogr: is jynxzi black or white[2669] indicted: PAUSE[2669] kingjulienn3: pause[2669] agnus7777: !watchtime[2669] fruitloverboy: PAUSEEEEE[2669] crxckedthecode: BBL JYNXZI[2669] streamelements: agnus7777 has spent 20 mins watching jynxzi[2669] morrgy40: pause[2670] aceo8907: ?[2670] glizzytwister: pause[2670] nightbot: ?[2670] sandy_sir: .............[2670] sviqon: !link[2670] andrezwapper: wtf[2670] nightbot: @sviqon If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[2670] nolimitnoob_: ??[2670] dislexic_ai: HUH [2670] jbess1e: ayo[2670] ropa0_0: !link[2670] atlhines95: why are we still doing clips[2670] dawah22: SENDING HATE FROM AFGHANSTIAN SENDING HATE FROM AFGHANSTIAN SENDING HATE FROM AFGHANSTIAN[2670] mxyz97x_: pause[2670] warrrne: www[2671] ohitsice: oh nah[2671] ieatnails02: love from narnia[2671] elitepuma5: Fat[2671] r6god12345tr: when does stream start[2671] jolmtron: ?[2671] kyeluvzz: clip farmer[2671] zuhvyyyyy: EQWEQWWEQWQWEQWEQWEQWEQWEQEW[2671] shadow_lazar: ???[2671] hhartorias: HUH[2671] p_beyers: your shirt is inside out[2671] maximiliosa: ???[2671] kevgagne: Cubano ahhh shirt[2671] pinkinfinite: ????????[2672] darthventura: Your “ASS” Ketchum[2672] dawah22: SENDING HATE FROM AFGHANSTIAN[2672] nehsty: ????[2672] kingjulienn3: PAUSEEE[2672] trintdman: SENDING HATE FROM NORTH KOREA[2672] plus2drew: OVO[2672] ryzonne: sending hate from antarctica[2672] fruitloverboy: PAUSE[2672] jbess1e: PAUSE[2672] mg270g: ???[2672] iamsk1nwalker: FAT[2672] lil_dave: boner check?[2672] rondog456: sending hate for Haiti[2673] shellyroll420: WHATS UP BROTHER[2673] furdturguson07: !communityrank[2673] useridsucks: Hate from Massachusetts[2673] koing13: no such thing as[2673] smerching: ironic[2673] niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick: W CLEAVAGE SHIRT[2673] james5277: bro take that shirt off and burn it 😂😂😂😂[2673] cunor99: DENT[2673] fatal_monstr: ????[2673] h0odiecam: ???[2673] bretj2000: not a thing[2673] palod1: you[2673] zuhvyyyyy: QWEEEEE[2673] ender64yeet64: ????[2674] reece294: FAT[2674] tripplayzvr: PAUSE[2674] swing_gunns: how do I get the charm[2674] goshal04: woah[2674] crackaneman: !link[2675] voyager021: pause[2675] zuhvyyyyy: EEEEE[2675] jollay_monkay: Pause[2675] mahmut_akdemir: HOLY CLIP FARM[2675] ttv_br0k3n_09: nah uh[2675] woauhr6: 1v1 WOAUH[2675] alexis_1390: !gamble all[2675] kenoqsia: lol[2675] kingjulienn3: PAUSEEEE PAUSEEE[2675] streamelements: alexis_1390 went all in and lost every single one of their 75 points LUL[2675] ricardo_diass: BBL JYNXZI[2675] aidanishere09: PAUSE[2675] crxckedthecode: BBL JYNXZI BBL JYNXZI[2675] datwetduck: sheeeeeesh[2675] retronitez: you're too tight[2676] cheebah710: I love right[2676] malachidooley: pause[2676] malmccfly: Diddy waiting now[2676] lladdd: ??????????[2676] not_lethal_: ?[2676] zuhvyyyyy: EEEEEE[2676] striknx: I just came[2676] lilmoosey_fr: OH NAHH[2676] itzhak_buda: groomsmen?[2676] spartan7oo: L HAIR[2676] ellismull21: wow[2676] m4rkh3nry: why is he dressed like elvis?[2677] maxwelliswell1: PASUE[2677] bradleyj1983: do some PS5 clips[2677] crxckedthecode: BBL JYNXZI[2677] anthoree69: breakie refercence[2677] fruitloverboy: PAUSEEEEEEEEE[2678] iknighhtt: No Diddy[2678] bevis_35: Fat[2678] jlrod5260: W[2678] striknx: smash[2678] alrightf: ?[2678] jbess1e: No diddy[2678] superjw13: PAUSE[2678] that_weird_kid12q: jdiof[2678] plus2drew: SAY OVO[2679] xdilldope_2: ayoooo[2679] darthventura: Obese[2679] yassobelnome: ayoooo[2679] arkgamer_006: PAUSE[2679] dripboi534: PAUSE[2679] halo_moe_: DENT?[2679] c4sh_jos: P JIZZY[2679] tragic95: love from Oklahoma[2679] short5topshorty1: weding?[2679] rickjamesseigerb6: I love you JINK JINK[2680] wakeywocky: P DRIZZY[2680] saucypickleyt: PAUSE[2680] jdrula: pause[2680] badamabada: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT[2680] soccercristian: you fell off bitch[2680] aidanishere09: DIDDY?[2680] benowens20: react skibidier[2680] letsgofaygo: pause[2680] wyat897: sending love from indiana sending love from Indiana!!!!!!!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️[2680] suegspr: HATE FROM REAL ESTATE COMMUNITY[2680] cheebah710: ohhhhhh okay[2680] lilmoosey_fr: JUST CAME[2680] leonpablo7890: Fat[2680] tongs2eat: Sending hate from skibidi land[2681] fattycree: jynxziVapeBreak[2681] ryann2700: FAT[2681] monster1186: leaked[2681] nightmaretofire: CHIEF KEEF WAITING[2681] yoohammabamma47: op[2681] zippeyy69: zippeyy69 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 10 month streak! your fat[2681] seeeethy: fat[2681] siegetec: anddd ad break[2682] nou1st_: caseohByrangeedesigns caseohByrangeedesigns caseohByrangeedesigns caseohByrangeedesigns caseohByrangeedesigns[2682] eianz_: bad angle bruh[2682] lolisagame21: buh[2682] aminmjv: Clip farming[2682] badamabada: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT[2682] t3xasplays44: I'm creaming[2683] cheebah710: yes angle[2683] bru_c_e: You're tight[2683] rooktookyourace: fat[2683] mahmut_akdemir: CLIP FARMER[2684] badamabada: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT[2684] sparehypnotic: g[2684] flacko_stick: !discord[2684] humpty2dumpty: you fell off[2684] nightbot: no[2684] nightbot: https://discord.gg/jynxzi[2684] acidthriller: DIDDY[2684] litstizzy: ahhhlright[2684] dewey2341: !watchtime[2684] lil_dave: wedding?[2684] crxckedthecode: BBL JYNXZI BBL JYNXZI[2684] streamelements: dewey2341 has spent 8 days 6 hours watching jynxzi[2684] tom_foolery30: fat[2685] seeeethy: Fattyyy[2685] ldrdoestwitch: why are you wearing drapes[2685] plus2drew: NOW STEP THIS WAY[2685] jolmtron: P JIZZY[2685] x6jah9x: buddies views are starting to drop[2685] pauliide: @Jynxzi i love you, I got back to playing R6 bc of your streams and I just wanted to give smth back. Stay the way you are and don't let any haters tell you what to do. Haters have small brains.[2685] cathfire24: l[2685] ellismull21: no diddy[2685] rooktookyourace: FAT[2686] palod1: sesty[2686] ickis12: Beckie[2686] whomercer: someone just rolled in from delusion town (jynxzi)[2686] austinc2120: How was sketches wedding??[2687] philmeup22: Pause no diddy[2687] alrightf: fat[2687] leadsdaboi: WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWOWOWOWOWO what the sus[2687] umgav: !gamble all[2687] jxrdy___: SUB![2687] streamelements: umgav went all in and lost every single one of their 880 points LUL[2687] crackaneman: !sub[2687] nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi[2688] carluz7: dent[2688] airpxds: NO NO NO[2688] andrewfrickedem: no drizzy[2688] acidthriller: SUS[2689] d00dz27: 😂[2689] ttv_br0k3n_09: when u starting stream?[2689] cheebah710: HypeDisguise HypeDisguise HypeDisguise[2689] suegspr: HATE FROM FAT PEOPLE[2689] gray154: sending hate from Caseohs gyatty[2689] striknx: keep your mouth open, almost done[2689] fruitloverboy: L DIDDY PARTY[2689] swoleboh: ok[2690] nightbot: ok[2690] short5topshorty1: did you go to a wedding?[2690] seeeethy: wedding???????[2690] tristan12844: is tim vs junko at 8pm[2690] r6god12345tr: when does the stream start chat[2691] real_voided: jynzxi can i see ur cleavage?[2691] ravenvek: Ayooo[2691] spartan7oo: Hair is selling[2691] fr0d5: !link[2691] evcovington: hi[2691] xdukeie: jinkie[2691] maxwelliswell1: cap[2691] tragic95: darn[2691] btwnbeast94: I BEG TO DIFFER[2691] nightbot: no 🧢[2691] serhumor: what is the average age of your viewers? had a 12 year old spitting in his mic two games ago. was wild af.[2691] dexo1_8: now is why then fanmail[2693] badamabada: jynxziFAT[2693] bardown16__: this is brainrot[2693] badlandschuggz: STOP FUCKING GLAZING BITCH[2694] lil_dave: !watchtime[2694] parker_0900: @Anthoree69 ban him mods[2694] swing_gunns: Sun![2694] ricardo_diass: BBL JYNXZIIII[2694] streamelements: Lil_Dave has spent 23 hours 10 mins watching jynxzi[2694] jollay_monkay: SLAMMED[2694] eskero_69: eskero_69 subscribed at Tier 1. [2694] ender64yeet64: brecky[2694] jakew14571: UR ASS ISNT TIGHT?[2695] wakeywocky: DIDDY WAITING[2695] therealsixeyes: 90000 ads is crazy[2695] nolimitnoob_: O[2695] daviebroy: @jynxzi was there wine at the wedding???[2695] trashpanda9379: Cap[2695] soccercristian: were you at the diddy parties?[2696] dribbleheadredd: wait what[2696] cheebah710: ok ok not the ass[2696] jhbbeast1362: nah[2697] 3ooblkout: !discord[2697] ikiknsnnsj: fat fat fzt fat fat fat fat fat[2697] skinnyjorgs: sending hate from Antarctica[2697] kamillitv: what’s his gt to send clips ?[2697] 5starfridge: loose ass??[2697] caleb_ololol: notcal2b converted from a Prime sub to a Tier 1 sub! [2697] joman966: Big and Fat[2697] 1nsertcs: becki[2697] woody_hairyson: bad aim[2698] gray154: sending hate from diddy island[2698] mr_krabs187: ayooo[2698] jollay_monkay: WASDHED[2698] yourlostdad6969: fatty[2698] cxhd: @HiVise why did you remove NAILS 7tv emote? :O[2698] fireblasta_12: bro fuck you[2698] aceo8907: !ppsize[2699] hdez2kk: jynxziClown jynxziClown ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper[2699] nightbot: aceo8907 has a 7 incher[2699] kxrzifyy: id let you tickle my ass[2700] lmaotwinky: !gamble all[2700] cheebah710: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[2700] jxrdy___: jxrdy___ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! ayy[2700] n3cr0manc33r: #FREEDANIELLARSON[2700] streamelements: PogChamp lmaotwinky went all in and won 5 points PogChamp they now have 10 points FeelsGoodMan[2700] maximiliosa: Sending hate from Xims basement[2700] ieatnails02: sending hate from breckies[2700] qwxyiscool3287: IM A BPT FROM SOUTH AFRICA[2700] gabe01222222: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[2701] eianz_: long ahh clip[2701] th0masvalle: breckiee[2702] chasemay1: i know u r loose[2702] yourlostdad6969: fatttyyy[2702] minimint2_rdo: Can you give me free sub Jynxzi pls i am broke[2702] gray154: bad aim[2702] woody_hairyson: bro panic[2702] jackpotattack: congrats on the wedding fatty[2703] ryzek7777: stfu fattie fat fattie[2703] crackaneman: !charm[2703] nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn[2703] henhenboi: Hes talking bout his ass[2704] hollowvzn: is junko a CLB[2704] andrewfrickedem: drake is waiting[2704] kaden_19: you should react to your own gameplay, a lot of this is the same[2704] p_beyers: fatty[2704] frogffrogr: is jynxzi black?[2705] 1cebox6: 1cebox6 subscribed at Tier 1. [2705] half_bakked_420: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[2705] woody_hairyson: bad clip[2706] lludix7412: Ayo[2706] ryzonne: I HATE YOU[2706] spartan7oo: Diddy shirt[2706] swing_gunns: Sub![2706] fossabot: @joshallen_proztictoc, Your message is too long[2706] kevgeiguys: Hi[2707] th0masvalle: brecki[2707] palod1: L diddy[2707] itzhak_buda: groomsmen?[2707] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[2707] suegspr: HATE FROM SKINNY PEOPLE[2708] lolcitylols: fat[2708] philmeup22: !excuses[2708] ryagodr6: @cxhd its still there for me[2708] nightbot: avid 'My room is hot' 'My ac is off' 'No water' 'I aint eat all day' 'Im tired' 'Durag too tight' 'pc lights in my eyes' 'im lagging' 'someones talking in my ear' 'my controller bugged' ' hes stream sniping' 'he's cheating' 'it's thundering outside' 'i need to piss' 'i'm sick' 'there are fireworks outside' 'it's LATE' 'it's my birthday'[2708] flimfalm: !watchtime[2708] xdukeie: jinki[2708] gabe01222222: jynxziGoodAim[2708] streamelements: flimfalm has spent 11 days 10 hours watching jynxzi[2708] theogpizzaparker: his ass is loose[2709] yourlostdad6969: fat[2709] w1nxfn: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[2709] umgav: !gamble all dwdw[2710] 730h: did you meet anyone at the wedding?[2711] yumitaco: yo diddy calling jynxziFAT[2711] cj_cm1: BRECKIEE[2712] ttv_br0k3n_09: case is sexy[2712] thegreatian0: sending support from chicago[2712] nightbot: @solely_sharp -> What an interesting hypothesis. [stop spamming symbols] [warning][2712] yourlostdad6969: big[2712] pxstal: wedding[2712] waterrnelons: !gamble all[2712] gray154: sending hate from drakes mansion[2712] woody_hairyson: he’s panicking[2712] streamelements: PogChamp waterrnelons went all in and won 3005 points PogChamp they now have 6010 points FeelsGoodMan[2713] binroller: pre viewbots[2713] superjw13: HATE FROM OBESE PEOPLE[2713] andrezwapper: !ppsize[2713] rougelefter: !ppsize[2713] retronitez: react quieter[2713] badamabada: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT[2714] seeeethy: fatt[2714] coconut0ill: !LINK[2714] donnywasslow: fat[2714] 730h: did you meet anyone at the wedding??[2714] nightbot: @coconut0ill If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[2714] awilsyboy: Diddy called, he wants that ass[2715] dalemoney__: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[2715] fizzell_: WEDDING SHIRT[2715] 4tonsofpoo: hi[2716] n3cr0manc33r: #freedaniellarson[2716] 730h: did you meet anyone at the wedding?[2716] palod1: are you asian?[2717] x6jah9x: HATE FROM ARKANSAS[2717] kevgagne: SOPRANOS AHHH SHIRT[2717] cheebah710: jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT[2717] frogffrogr: !gamble all[2718] seeeethy: faty[2718] 730h: did you meet anyone at the wedding? ??[2718] streamelements: frogffrogr went all in and lost every single one of their 11560 points LUL[2718] ropa0_0: !LINK[2719] 730h: did you meet anyone at the wedding?[2719] dawah22: SENDING HATE FROM AFGHANSTIAN[2719] remyballer_: someone pick me up and hit me[2720] pxstal: wedding shirt[2720] seeeethy: fat[2720] nathanmoonsun: CALLED IT[2720] whomercer: someone just rolled in from delusion town (jynxzi)[2720] yeetsufe: what’s your xbox[2720] sandy_sir: NICE[2720] stupidratgrl: CAP[2720] bardown16__: nobody asked[2720] yourlostdad6969: react gooder[2721] amg_g0dspeed: Cap[2721] kriegerrr_: cracked at eating[2721] seeeethy: obese[2722] minimint2_rdo: When Mail fan when[2722] yrnkanjozoku: maybe cause you too fucking loud stfu fatty[2722] mightyman08: jynxziBadAim[2722] kieranjack1245: Fat[2722] gageeepoo1: He's better than you[2722] fruitloverboy: #EVERYONE SPAM 1 IF JUNKO IS FAT AS HELL[2722] dawah22: SENDING HATE FROM AFGHANSTIAN SENDING HATE FROM AFGHANSTIAN[2723] tongs2eat: Cap[2723] cheebah710: classic[2723] fr0d5: ! link[2723] nightbot: no 🧢[2723] tlmoore2603: k[2723] gavinprzenpop: FAT[2723] nightbot: k[2724] maximos0515: !LINK[2724] arminnrd: prewatched[2725] jaethedon__: !stack[2725] nightbot: itribune, korrupt, dj, vic , jynxzi[2725] patrickdestar25: L self glaze[2725] real_voided: ba🥁🥁d aim[2725] maximiliosa: Sending hate from India[2725] terralobster: wow u have ears omg so cracked[2726] burnttoastttv_: jizzy i have to walk my fish bye[2726] thekari_: And u still suck[2726] dylonius3887: Wedding soon?[2726] seeeethy: tubby[2726] ag97ies: TIGHT[2726] gavinprzenpop: KK[2726] badamabada: jynxziFAT[2726] topher18: why can't you do this in game ?[2726] dawah22: SENDING HATE FROM AFGHANSTIAN[2727] woody_hairyson: L l clip[2727] arkgamer_006: hes better than you[2727] sircolt3321: BCWarrior BCWarrior[2727] jlanny19: ResidentSleeper[2727] tkettel_: CRACKED OUT[2727] shep_007: high on it[2728] pele_paltnacke: you got dropped[2728] bravo_dog2002: Brecki Hills better than you[2728] justice17suii: @Jynxzi when is tim 1v1????????????????[2728] r6bxwie: flipping ADDDDD[2728] sircolt3321: B)[2728] n3cr0manc33r: CHUNKO[2728] yourlostdad6969: !watchtime[2729] streamelements: yourlostdad6969 has spent 1 day 5 hours watching jynxzi[2729] palod1: react softer[2729] lolcitylols: What dude did you merry[2729] lesinglemother: 1-7 Clive[2730] btwnbeast94: BUT YOU DONT DO THAT IN REAL MATCHS[2730] gavinprzenpop: K[2730] woody_hairyson: he’s panicking[2730] seeeethy: fat boy[2730] offsetsz: 4 hours of clips[2731] spartan7oo: DIDDYS SHIRT 👕[2731] qwxyiscool3287: CRACKED AT EATING[2731] snailmanthirteen: FAT[2731] tok_yo_something: fat[2732] leecee_gg: what is that user name??[2732] pxstal: sending hate from New York[2732] dawah22: SENDING HATE FROM AFGHANSTIAN SENDING HATE FROM AFGHANSTIAN[2732] rougelefter: diddy[2733] mcnuggets481: 1[2733] neenknow: i'm trying to go to sleep can you be a little bit louder??[2734] benowens20: react skibidier[2734] badamabada: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT[2734] yukio_021: y r u better at clips[2735] gansho02: employee of the month ah shirt[2735] badamabada: jynxziFAT[2735] xaslone: when’s fan mail[2735] jhbbeast1362: Touch some grass[2735] backpack41797: @jynxzi I’m the Uber driver I’m waiting outside ur McDonald’s job called and told me to come get you. also how’d the wedding go[2736] tok_yo_something: FAT[2737] qwxyiscool3287: DIDDY[2737] woody_hairyson: he’s panicking bro[2738] gavinprzenpop: ZENTI WAITIG[2738] tkettel_: react harder pancake boy[2739] wrpsyz: what is the big announcement[2739] tok_yo_something: fat[2740] fossabot: @Magik__89, Your message is too long[2740] fr0d5: !watchtime[2740] streamelements: fr0d5 has spent 11 days 22 hours watching jynxzi[2740] bardown16__: yes he did?[2740] yourlostdad6969: your diddy[2741] minimint2_rdo: When Mail when fan when[2742] fairdamidlan: ebt award ahhh shirt[2742] kamillitv: !clips[2742] shoprite24: when is spoit coming[2743] nightbot: @solely_sharp -> I'm only trying to help. [stop spamming symbols][2743] fruitloverboy: UR SO ASS JYNXZI FUCK U[2743] voidzz55: here before the view bots[2743] tok_yo_something: FAT[2743] jaethedon__: !stacj[2744] acidthriller: WHEN FAN MAIL[2744] badamabada: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT[2746] andrezwapper: its too small damn[2746] ericzgrinda: chill[2746] badamabada: jynxziFAT[2746] jaethedon__: !stack[2747] gavinprzenpop: hows diddy?[2747] captainjames1234: start doing shit[2747] oalkaline: 14 minutes left of the stream[2747] urdadaho3: your a hoe[2749] leecee_gg: what is user nameeeee?????[2749] lilgoatb: L CLIP[2749] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[2750] woody_hairyson: he’s in panic bro[2750] itzhak_buda: groomsmen?[2751] spartan7oo: When Diddy?[2751] jaethedon__: s[2752] kevgagne: DIDDY AHH SHIRT[2752] johnsonisdangling: Cheer1[2752] fr0d5: !link[2752] nightbot: @fr0d5 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[2753] madtitan886949: definitely better . Aim than u Jynxzi[2753] msfx001: L STREAMER REACT WITH MORE EMOTION[2753] cheebah710: brb one more beer and imma eat this bbq chicken pizza[2753] rojao2ktv: !followage[2753] streamelements: @rojao2KTV, rojao2ktv has been following jynxzi for 1 year 5 months 20 days 4 hours[2754] tkettel_: REACT HARDER PANCAKE BOY[2754] officialhosuja: yoooooooo. o[2754] jaethedon__: !stack[2755] kevgeiguys: Besttt angleee[2755] woauhr6: 1v1 WOAUH[2756] bristoldar1: when are you playing ranked bro and plus loving the stream and can you add me as a friend on Xbox and play some ranked with me I need help ranking up[2756] tok_yo_something: DIDDY[2756] yourlostdad6969: short dick[2756] sirplebgamer: how the fuck do we send shit?[2757] jakii_pl: tourney today?[2757] joshkillz7189: Yoo do you have any tips to get better at r6[2758] ericzgrinda: SZZZZZZZZZZZ[2759] astro_guns: !plan[2760] bi1boba11sackins: L SHIRT FROM BRECKIE'S BDAY IN VEGAS[2760] tdvo05: jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE[2760] whomercer: someone just rolled in from delusion town (jynxzi)[2760] yourlostdad6969: your short[2760] minimint2_rdo: L angle[2762] tok_yo_something: WHEN DIDDY[2763] grantjohnston2018: fell off so hard[2764] minimint2_rdo: L glazer[2764] gavinprzenpop: 1v1 me[2764] renansika: wen is fan mail[2764] real_voided: Nicholas giddy[2765] spartan7oo: Diddy WAITING[2765] mezzdup_bun: BLIND LMAO[2765] poopyfacetomatonose7447: h[2765] nightbot: h[2767] bladeeleech: sending love from hate[2767] lrk_jinxt: Hello! I am a bot! You can change my introduction in the settings![2767] bardown16__: HORRIBLE AIM[2767] jakii_pl: !plan[2768] kxrzifyy: L 8 ads[2769] darthventura: Chubby[2770] sircolt3321: jnyxzi I know your room smells like anal juice[2770] yumitaco: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[2771] palod1: l screamer[2772] neptune_3300: My spirit animal jinxy daddy jinxi[2772] henhenboi: L buly[2773] ceejaae: WHERES BREKKIE[2773] lilskittle5: can u hurry up[2773] ral_cookz: Fat[2773] darthventura: Moist[2774] h3rb4l5m0ke: BRO IF YOU DONT STOP SCREAMING IM TRYING TO FUCKING SLEEP[2774] frankithdogwater: SENDING HATE TO TEN THOUSAND RESIDENCES ON SANTA MONICA BLVD[2774] gavinprzenpop: bad aim[2774] mrwhippy420: !watchtime[2774] bladeeleech: did beckie choose your shirt[2774] streamelements: MrWhippy420 has spent 5 days 11 hours watching jynxzi[2774] awwdio: DIDDY WAITING[2775] limiteclipse_: thats actually the worst aim evwr[2775] fr1zfantom: wedding shirt? why?[2775] useridsucks: Hate from Massachusetts[2775] bacics: Whens the wedding[2775] kvng_hayden: !link[2775] gageeepoo1: He's owns u[2776] oalkaline: 14 minutes left[2776] tok_yo_something: DIDDY[2776] andrx27_: wwww[2776] bradyburp: bradyburp subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! shrek is waiting[2776] bardown16__: BAD AIM[2776] pauliide: @Jynxzi i love you, I got back to playing R6 bc of your streams and I just wanted to give smth back. Stay the way you are and don't let any haters tell you what to do. Haters have small brains.[2777] eianz_: horrible sim[2777] mrsnake_ttv: chubbhy[2777] losttryhard2k: can i get a hug type of shirt[2777] futuramaaa123: hey jynxzi thankyou for inspiring me to be a fatter person im now obese and transported everywhere on a crane[2777] donnywasslow: he plays like you[2777] moonniix_: why are you dressed like dj khaled[2777] ykwallz: Love your streams man ur a good streamer don't mind these guys junko. Love coming in from Pennsylvania ❤[2777] burdman021: TOSS HIM OUT THE CLUB[2777] darthventura: Obese[2777] bi1boba11sackins: L SHIRT FROM BRECKIE'S BDAY IN VEGASS[2777] woody_hairyson: 6/10[2777] andrx27_: www[2778] kraken541: eww[2778] fontoleaff: FontoLeaff subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months, currently on a 8 month streak! Washed[2778] ghost_8299: fat[2778] 2tropix: Who else waiting for heimler[2778] mezzdup_bun: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀[2778] mogenheten777: Sending love from Sweden[2778] fenrirr6s: !link[2778] zyperdiaper: 'This will get the ladies' ahh shirt[2778] joshlol59: okay[2779] wyat897: sending love from indiana sending love from Indiana!!!!!!!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️[2779] thekari_: 4.6[2779] timspams: timspams subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! wedding shirt goes hard fatko[2779] ricardo_diass: BETTER THAN YOU[2779] bardown16__: AUHH[2779] dawah22: SENDING HATE FROM AFGHANSTIAN[2779] reece294: FATTY[2780] iamsk1nwalker: FAT[2780] thattruegod: hi jyn[2780] minimint2_rdo: React harder[2780] eianz_: HORRIBLE AIM[2780] voltzyll: ewwwwwwwww[2780] sik79lak: when stream starts?[2780] azztazz: @Jynxzi shirt is inside out[2780] astro_guns: Jynxzi ur hot[2780] crackhead000111: Bro hes bettsr than you shut up[2780] udppzy: bad aim[2780] burdman021: 2.5[2780] bayzansl: sending wedding clothes from germany[2780] theundergroundgoat11: when is the minecraft stream with case and sketch? | Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [2600] I'm all any and all jinks each arm privileges until you stop aiming at crouch level. We're gonna keep it that way That was horrible that was fucking [2610] That was one of the worst clips I have ever bared witness to Day not like us day not like us Soky blankets think of the switch price [2620] Não se esqueça de dar um abraço a todos! Não se esqueça de dar um abraço a todos! Não se esqueça de dar um abraço a todos! [2630] What are you aiming at? [2640] Oh my god, this is a good angle. Why are we changing it? Whoa, why are we playing Pokemon Ash catch him? [2650] You had a good angle and you took it and wiped your ass with it. Why are we doing random shit now? You had a good angle! [2660] Okay now that's too tight. [2670] angle because even if you see somebody on that angle you're not even going to be able to shoot through it. [2680] Which happens, we got theForbidden Rung�, don't be mad how much we are and it's this time for theчuuun запz beneficial calling somebody and collect lists too. [2690] because and [2700] Good thing! There's an enemy combatant on your right. [2710] Why are you looking at a castle barricade? On your right. Thank you right there. Like I'm so fucking cracked [2720] And make about it. Before winning right through that door frame. Proding. He's now on your left? He left. Nobody's there anymore. [2730] Beautiful reaction to that sound cue or you didn't react to that sound cue. Oh my god. It's progressively getting worse They haven't opened up any castle barricades [2740] This round is technically still very free! Oh my god, that's the best angle you've held. [2750] Holy shit, that's the best handle you've held. [2760] Barring! Chalk it! Barring! Good rain! [2770] 5 seconds left. | There is no Highlight in the provided timespan. Jynxzi firstly reacts to a R6 Clip. Then he started R6 by himself to play with his mates. |
Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege[3300] tweemetal2: skibidi toilet[3300] minimint2_rdo: L overreact[3300] starchild_here: 🤣🤣🤣[3300] wiffk: 🤣🤣🤣[3300] fossabot: @not1mathias, Your message is too long[3300] emmanuelmudiay15: www[3300] kentickle: PAY RAYAN[3300] itsmenicks12: L Zenti he's weird[3300] zapiffy: ill report zenti's twitch every chance i get[3300] frriiedd: IMA GROWN ASS MAN[3301] jrvh28: PART TIMER[3301] fruitloverboy: OH DAMNNNNNNNN[3301] dornimaze77: fat[3301] lkliegel: fake laugh[3301] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[3302] emmanuelmudiay15: w[3302] gooptray2: 50k VIEWS IS AN ALL TIME LOW[3302] collin061316: good warmup junko[3302] j5uav3: avid so funny[3302] nxvxrdxrk: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL[3302] unconquerablegravity: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀[3302] crash66: hes sooo fat[3302] gordoreloaded: why did avid change moods so quick. he pumped now. 🤣🤣🤣[3302] litstizzy: 😂😂[3302] dtayknownexum: I dare bro to twerk on camera[3303] illumilatin: bother funny af[3303] jayblaketn: A happy meal 💀[3303] emmanuelmudiay15: ww[3303] mortar: 🥹🥹🥹[3303] docgreenthumbbb: STFU GOOP ONG[3303] madish_1: WWW[3303] live2getfaded: HERE IT GOES[3304] swiftsplit: poor[3304] nightbot: poor❌ pour✅[3304] slomorunner149: HAHHAHAHAH[3304] maxaxe21: 💀[3304] hoodiesznbree: ooooo[3304] tb_styx: ofc its a happy meal[3305] darth7396: hi[3305] etb_pablo: HAHHAHAHA[3305] peel_ski04: jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE[3305] minimint2_rdo: L overreaction[3305] maximiliosa: W SCRIPT[3305] zennkaii: tell zenti I got next[3305] slimyy_vf: WHEN IS FAN MAIL???????????????????[3305] puffpuffjuicer: LOLL[3306] swiftcalf3: cap[3306] tkettel_: W AVID[3306] spiderpxg: 😂😂😂[3306] streamelements: yaboyshredzz has spent 0 secs watching jynxzi[3306] bigrondo69: Bands[3306] nightbot: no 🧢[3306] lakernation2012: 😂😂😂[3306] michaelcritelli: !Link[3307] gooptray2: 50k VIEWS IS AN ALL TIME LOWW[3307] hoodiesznbree: HAHAHAHAHHA[3307] day62306: 10 bands then[3307] phrrynn: casa blanca looking ahhhh @Jynxzi casa blanca looking ahhhh @Jynxzi [3307] ryann2700: LMAOOOOOO[3308] sukmibolo: unc[3308] hoodiesznbree: LMAOOO[3308] yoimelon: jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh[3309] slimyy_vf: WHEN IS FAN MAIL??????????????[3309] xkleb: how do these kids have 1k to just wager at a moments notice?[3310] bullylng: EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle[3310] khangdodo: smoketvL smoketvL smoketvL[3310] legend_xvo: Longest jynxi stream[3310] minimint2_rdo: React harder[3311] devintrevor23: let me play[3311] aiieg: LMFAO[3311] gooptray2: 50k VIEWS IS AN ALL TIME LOW[3311] sukmibolo: UNC[3311] picklol69: COPPER MY USER IS PICKYWICKYDOO[3312] katiekitt3n: !gamble 1000[3312] turbodogo: WELCOME BACK FROM A 1 YEAR VACATIOn[3312] dawah22: FortOne FortOne FortOne FortOne FortOne[3312] spartan7oo: 5TH GRADE AHHH HAIR[3312] icydouble00: WHATS THE ANNOUNCEMENT[3312] kazungutsy: nifex8Force nifex8Force nifex8Force[3312] ryzonne: IM A VIEWBOT[3312] streamelements: KatieKitt3n lost 1000 points in roulette and now has 27710 points! FeelsBadMan[3312] the_zucc: LUL LUL LUL LUL[3312] maitomakkara_: @HiVise[3313] fruitloverboy: OH SHIUTTTTTT[3313] perkonof: change title[3313] drexxelle1of1: Shut up fat boy no one cares fatty[3314] cryzzon95: cryzzon95 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [3314] aiieg: IMNA GROWJ ASS MAN[3314] sebastian09765: fake laugh for the stream[3315] duckbutt20: MF isn't even streaming[3315] blackhawkbnd: 5k[3315] robher_toes: inc[3315] adengdogg: funeral???[3316] gloctavius: LMAOO[3316] theeblackbadgermayes: uncle jynx[3316] devintrevor23: let em play bro[3316] d4m3_08: Aviddd q[3316] vo_rt3x: when is the shroud game[3316] fergifergg: clipfarming[3316] 1and10ben: !fat[3317] joffthehenny: W AVID[3317] brodway647: @hivise I’m copper[3317] nightbot: Full Time Streamer ❌ Full Time Vape God ✅[3318] slimyy_vf: WHEN IS FAN MAIL???????????[3318] memerman55: Love you Chinnor 😍 💋[3318] milomuncha6: hiviseAW[3318] mazzaa3: who’s better out of them two ?[3319] michaelcritelli: !LINK[3319] nightbot: @michaelcritelli If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[3319] def_not_matt15: !link[3320] christaylor123: orange tongue[3320] lichsynthetiq: No money no friendship - Avid 2024[3320] jynxishairybaallls: Penises[3320] tomashupe: W[3320] purepro_: w[3321] anntuni: W avid[3321] sandy_sir: 💀[3321] woody_hairyson: w[3321] bash2701: w script[3321] rokkvalingur: Fuck you[3321] chaseonbase357: W[3321] slomorunner149: LUL[3321] acidthriller: UNC AVID CRASHING OUT[3321] dtayknownexum: UNCCCC[3322] nehsty: LMAOOOO[3322] cardiacsenordeployedd: JUNKO 1V1 ME[3322] thedude694206: LOL[3322] notmm8s: h[3322] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀[3322] hsals__: 💀[3322] nightbot: 😂[3322] nightbot: h[3323] mattthebat12357: THEY SUCK[3323] ttvsentenal: 1v1 me[3323] shivermetimbers15: shut up[3323] robher_toes: unc[3323] jqueasyyy: w[3323] nellyz_13: 😂[3323] mightygaminghh: LMAO[3323] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀[3323] alexandrr257: W[3323] meowserpro_: LMAO[3323] topher18: W[3323] saphyrz: W[3324] yungkibe: LMAO[3324] chickenenwafflez: WWWW[3324] fontoleaff: W avid[3324] rydotgov: HAHAHAHA[3324] pr0_killer2: LMAO[3324] woody_hairyson: WWWW[3324] dxpressxxn: a thousand sandals[3324] thekari_: LMAO[3324] tco_prism: fell off[3324] mortar: 💀💀💀[3324] saidur__0705: HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAAHHA[3324] alrightf: W[3324] spartan7oo: HAHAHAHAHA[3324] streamelements: yaboyshredzz has spent 0 secs watching jynxzi[3325] chaseonbase357: Www[3325] slimyy_vf: WHEN IS FAN MAIL??????[3325] collin061316: How is this a warmup[3325] wyincer: wwwwww[3325] floridaboyrob: lmaoooooo[3325] dawah22: LMFAO[3325] bullylng: DendiFace DendiFace[3325] gdmeverything: LMAOO[3325] joacohdp: W[3325] clutchupzor: LMFAOOO[3325] thedude694206: lol[3325] collineichner: w grown man[3326] nehsty: W[3326] azazel42023: 🤣🤣🤣[3326] brenden_w_14: @jynxzi brush you nasty ass tongue[3326] jynxishairybaallls: SeemsGood Kreygasm Kreygasm[3326] meowserpro_: W[3326] naterrater8: lmaoooo[3326] cr1pson_: 💀💀💀💀💀[3326] youngromez: w[3326] thedude694206: ww[3326] wilteddice: when is the game with shroud chat?[3327] slomorunner149: W[3327] itsswinging: 😭😭[3327] hexghon: Lmao[3327] fazehypebeast07: W[3327] d44rkfire: LMAO[3327] iidoomsdayi: LMAOO[3327] debel_coek42: W AVID[3327] exclusifyy_: 😭😭😭😭[3327] sfb_peetah: Fuck you too[3327] vizzeez: LMAOOO[3327] wiffk: STRAY[3327] nightbot: real[3327] theegrizz_: LMAOOOOOOOOOO[3327] woody_hairyson: THEY NOT LIKE US[3327] litstizzy: avid funny ash man🙈[3328] godlysushi: MODS TITLE[3328] sorawtm: L:OOOOOOOOOOOOOOLL[3328] nightbot: “😂😂😂” -avidqr6[3328] spartan7oo: WWW[3328] stiqsz: @HiVise IM GOLD GET ME IN[3328] drexxelle1of1: avid better[3328] kotaaa1: LMFOAFOFA[3328] supaawsome12313453: LMAOOO[3328] hazaka_: 🤣🤣🤣🤣[3328] mr_monk_a: !gamble 1[3328] real_binotto: wwwwwww[3328] fruitloverboy: HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAH[3329] streamelements: mr_monk_a won 1 points in roulette and now has 355 points! FeelsGoodMan[3329] tomashupe: WWW[3329] unrealriki: LMFAO[3329] niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick: W CLEAVAGE SHIRT[3330] dawah22: BRO???[3330] chickenenwafflez: THIS IS A WWWW[3330] wearethebestaround1: Lol[3330] jad_enll: lmao[3330] mohammed_a_cfc: lolo[3330] starchild_here: 😂😂😂[3330] samzygunss: stalling[3330] passmedazaza: franky98Diamond[3330] bretj2000: lmmmmaaaaaapppppppp[3330] iamcaseohdistroyer: like[3331] fruitloverboy: LMAOOOOOOO[3331] cardiacsenordeployedd: JUNKO 1V1 ME IM MUCH BETTER[3331] bardown16__: ?[3331] tkettel_: LMAO[3331] nightbot: ?[3331] dtayknownexum: UNC NEEDS TO TWERK ON CAMERA[3331] recoil_128: w[3331] theegrizz_: W AVID[3331] obelus_inf: all my money on avid[3331] yngstunnaz: LMAO[3331] chandler402: Lmao[3331] etb_pablo: W AVID[3331] pinkinfinite: LMAOOOO[3331] fazehypebeast07: W AVID[3331] peel_ski04: jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH[3332] lolcitylols: FallWinning[3332] iamcaseohdistroyer: l[3332] saphyrz: WWWW[3332] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[3333] dtayknownexum: IDIOT[3333] iamcaseohdistroyer: like l[3333] mohammed_a_cfc: lol[3333] thedude694206: w[3333] jayblaketn: I can’t 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀[3333] dalemoney__: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀[3333] eianz_: unseasoned chicken ahh shirt[3334] rlcohnfn: i subbed on a diff account when do i get the charm?[3334] fireblasta_12: bumba[3334] f1zzzz0: can i get a sub please😊[3334] puffpuffjuicer: LMAOOO[3334] theegrizz_: WWWWWWWWW AVIDD[3334] shivermetimbers15: W UNC[3334] passmedazaza: franky98Diamond franky98Diamond franky98Diamond franky98Diamond franky98Diamond franky98Diamond[3334] shadow_pyr0: W[3334] abelydgn: LMAOOO FUCK YOU[3335] yiorio_: @hivise can u put me in 3v5 ubi is ITZYL0 for plat[3335] chodeman47: BROKE?[3335] chickenenwafflez: DAYUMMMMM[3335] scooter2ez: LMFAOAOAOAOA[3335] bensmaii: giancarlo stanton[3335] swiftsplit: junko you bricked my pc big boy[3335] saphyrz: W[3335] ghoste556: EleGiggle EleGiggle[3335] dawah22: UNC[3335] eianz_: unseasoned chicken ahh shirt[3336] jynxishairybaallls: I'm moaninggggg AHH[3336] ttvsentenal: i’ll 1v2 them[3336] vauoni: jynxziVapeBreak[3336] marrcosb: HOUSE SS[3336] iamcaseohdistroyer: UNC[3336] bullylng: EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle[3336] fruitloverboy: LMFAOOO[3336] zennkaii: tell zenti I got next[3336] nost0mpn: hahahah[3336] xxsinknconsxx: fix the audio bro!!!!!![3337] turbodogo: not even a part timer[3337] crunxzy: w short u have aura[3337] maximiliosa: UNC IS CRAZY[3337] unrealriki: W AVID[3337] tilunky: u getting bitched[3338] scooter2ez: W UNC[3338] sfb_peetah: Damn they lagging[3338] marrcosb: HOUSE EE[3338] chickenenwafflez: 😭😭😭😭😭[3338] rubinson18: 💀💀💀💀💀[3338] slimyy_vf: WHEN IS FAN MAIL???????????[3338] qdeadlyford: !headset[3338] miraclewhip2001: W avid[3338] saphyrz: WWW[3338] dtayknownexum: PUSSY ASS[3338] nightbot: Astro A50's[3338] moose41gaming_: stir the pot Jynxzi[3339] jynxzithecokeaddict: spectate harder[3339] kingxace77: UNC[3339] blackhawkbnd: 5 bands[3339] debel_coek42: WWWWW[3339] d4m3_08: LOL[3340] thatmentofish: thatmentofish subscribed with Prime. [3340] tristan12844: is tim vs junko at 9pm[3340] juanf16: YOOO[3340] george_hop: SeemsGood[3340] tgjusblazed: Jokic mvp[3340] xkillionaire10: LMAOAOAOAOAOA[3340] maximiliosa: W AURA[3340] slomorunner149: LMAO[3340] fruitloverboy: HE CALLING HIM UNC OH DAM'[3341] marrcosb: HOUSE EEEE[3341] mesharykw: jynxziHappy[3341] shivermetimbers15: W unc![3341] thedude694206: p[3341] alex_ferm27: UNC[3342] kkakaoanab: more clips[3342] puffpuffjuicer: W UNC[3342] maximiliosa: UNC[3342] cyyn1cal: W UNC[3342] omegabloodflo99: W UNCCCC[3343] gburd5348: UNC[3343] j5uav3: avid like 19 lmao[3343] marrcosb: HOUSEEEE[3343] rubinson18: house[3343] fazehypebeast07: WAVID[3343] not_jessy69: you’ve lost the[3344] papasmurph131: He's not even completing sentences at this point 🤣[3344] dripboi534: W UNC[3344] kkakaoanab: clips[3344] xiateursisx: whys it tagged adhd[3344] c4shup: LMAO[3344] reoft: I like your shirt today bro u look very HANDSOME[3344] tiagolexi04: Please[3345] fruitloverboy: HES FLAMING HIS SHIT[3345] jake_l1: Jake_L1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [3345] dtayknownexum: dick[3345] nxvxrdxrk: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀[3345] zuhvyyyyy: W UNC[3345] blackhawkbnd: 5[3345] maximiliosa: W UNC[3346] cuphead_4367: w[3346] marrcosb: PLAY HOUSE[3346] zunaid19: unc is crazy[3346] royal2huu: @HiVise im genuine plat from eu, which means bants, 1.2 win rate, id smoke jynxzi and spoit[3346] mateivlad1: W[3346] bc_tumz: this is comedy gold[3346] khangdodo: unc[3346] d4m3_08: 7[3346] passmedazaza: franky98Quiet franky98Quiet franky98Quiet franky98Quiet franky98Quiet franky98Quiet franky98Quiet franky98Quiet[3346] gpcpolo_67: WHEN IS CLIPS[3347] rip240: 🤣🤣🤣🤣[3347] real_voided: Junko will supply the happy meal with his employee discount[3347] zzfrostwizardzz: W Avid[3347] dxpressxxn: a thousand meals to give away to the hungry fats in chat[3348] juliusceasariusthe6th: L UNC[3348] ttvsentenal: they’re bots[3348] slimyy_vf: WHEN IS FAN MAIL??????[3348] causevseffect: we know Loo on that zenti account[3349] scleebles: jynxziGLASSES[3349] debel_coek42: W UNC[3349] spidersonic214: Xbox 360 black ops lobby is back!!!!![3349] collin061316: Bro is not warming up 💀💀💀💀[3350] anbulexz: 🫸🍑[3350] jynxz1f4rtsn1ff3r: crash out[3350] slomorunner149: W AURA[3350] lazyygaming_: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY[3350] d4m3_08: 7 better[3350] fruitloverboy: W UNCLE[3351] samzygunss: 5[3351] fart_tickler_: W unv[3351] marrcosb: PLAY HOUSEEE[3351] slimyy_vf: WHEN IS FAN MAIL????????????????[3352] thefinalequinox: UNC 😂[3352] lowelojoe: 7[3352] slomorunner149: 7[3353] elitepuma5: @hivise LET ME JOIN THE GAME AGAINST JYNXZI[3353] tacticalgummybear: @hivise Uconnect: Moose_Actual I’m a bronze[3353] bardown16__: why does zenti always get 2 accounts?[3353] cb_baby: Dick eater[3354] jynxzithecokeaddict: bro came from Bible studies[3354] sfb_peetah: they some puccys[3354] bardown16__: why does zenti always get 2 accounts??[3354] fart_tickler_: W unc[3354] cyyn1cal: 7[3354] mortar: 💀💀💀[3355] csabaikolbi420: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL[3355] ventrix31: NotVentr1x — silver @HiVise[3355] 0jacks0: W zenti[3355] bardown16__: why does zenti always get 2 accounts?[3355] cstratts: W gramps[3356] jarrettanderson42: let’s gooo[3356] marrcosb: 7[3356] ahryma: 7[3356] tristan12844: is tim vs junko at 9pm or is it tomorrow[3357] pluh_how: B[3357] spartan7oo: WWWW[3357] fontoleaff: 7[3358] chasemay1: isnt zenti a swimmer[3358] fart_tickler_: Wunc[3358] fruitloverboy: THIS AURA IS WILD NGL[3358] rambo_slice69: pre end[3359] chroniclyliam: i am a view bot[3359] wiffk: 7777777[3359] marrcosb: 777[3359] chickenenwafflez: 😭😭😭😭[3359] thapilot23_deo: 7[3359] day62306: 6[3359] marthman_: youre my fav part time streamer[3359] bardown16__: why does zenti always get 2 accounts????[3360] mmew_2: fattttt[3360] slomorunner149: 6[3360] kingxace77: W Zenti[3360] shivermetimbers15: LMAO[3360] sfb_peetah: i’ll pull up rn[3360] marrcosb: 7777[3360] yoitsevoid: @hivise im plat urixz_luca[3360] slimyy_vf: WHEN IS FAN MAIL????????????[3361] fart_tickler_: W unc[3361] sigmanamedkorbyn: 7[3361] reoft: I like your shirt today bro u look very HANDSOME cutie[3361] pluh_how: W[3361] marrcosb: 7777777[3361] alexbtw14: !discord[3361] minimint2_rdo: L overreact[3361] nightbot: https://discord.gg/jynxzi[3361] madben8u: whats going on[3362] nehsty: LMAOOOOO[3362] 1738clutch: ..[3362] fruitloverboy: OH DAM[3362] pvoh: 7[3362] chickenenwafflez: 7[3363] tb_styx: what[3363] shivermetimbers15: 32[3363] kentickle: 7777[3363] unknowns_wrld: nahhhh[3363] jolmtron: LOOOOL[3363] slimyy_vf: WHEN IS FAN MAIL???????????????????[3363] marrcosb: PLAY HOUSE[3363] fart_tickler_: W[3364] babu_huh: !discord[3364] trospire: Lol[3364] meowserpro_: NAH[3364] albinomonkey8205: 1h mark incoming[3364] nightbot: 😂[3364] patrickdestar25: LMAO[3364] philmeup22: 9[3364] pluh_how: Stream[3364] wiffk: 6 cool[3364] kentickle: 77777[3365] sandy_sir: 💀[3365] kohiibee: wwwwww[3365] shivermetimbers15: 32![3365] 1738clutch: w zenti w zenti w zenti w zenti w zenti[3365] dablackestboss: www[3366] pinkinfinite: WOAHHHHH[3366] longnutz_69: 7777777[3366] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀[3366] slomorunner149: 66[3366] zennkaii: tell zenti I got next[3366] hubbapuffa: w zEnti[3366] j5uav3: and there it is[3366] misha_22_01: ?????????[3366] cyyn1cal: 💀💀[3367] deepakgod333: ???[3367] sorawtm: NAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH[3367] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀[3367] chumlee: lmfaoooooo[3367] niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick: 32[3367] puffpuffjuicer: LMAOOOO[3367] luigithegoat2: llol[3367] slimyy_vf: WHEN IS FAN MAIL??????????????[3367] nxvxrdxrk: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL[3367] mortar: OMG[3368] dripboi534: LMAOO[3368] thagr33nbast3rd: Ouch I'm 32[3368] zizu426: 7[3368] recoil_128: DAMN[3368] callump16: zenti have my children[3368] alex_ferm27: DAY@[3368] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀[3368] tb_styx: 7[3368] sfb_peetah: Goddam[3368] ttvsentenal: bots[3369] sebblues2: BRAHHH[3369] shivermetimbers15: LATISHA[3369] turboxkian: !bracket[3369] mincartisto: hi[3369] kyxdi8: !LINK[3369] nightbot: Tourney bracket here -> https://brackethq.com/b/nmy1b/ (Back In Blood)[3369] nightbot: @kyxdi8 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[3369] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀[3369] destinyy271: 77777[3369] collin061316: Most intense jynxzi warmup (he’s not playing)[3369] sigmanamedkorbyn: 77777777777777[3369] scooter2ez: LATISHA[3369] kentickle: do it to 7[3370] fruitloverboy: WAIT HE JUST COOKED THIS MF[3370] 1738clutch: wowwwww[3370] 27sn0wman: COPPER STREAMER[3370] maxheieck: ok[3370] trenbro6: LATISHA :O[3370] nightbot: ok[3370] lightningkakuzu: HAHAHAHAHHAAHHAH[3370] alex_ferm27: DAYM[3370] jyan42: 💀[3370] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀[3370] reallyd3ad: this is peak[3370] day62306: 32[3370] nehsty: HAHAHAHH[3370] samib__: W ZENTIIIIIIII[3371] el_juaniquin: 💀💀💀[3371] marrcosb: L:MAO[3371] jordank4li: WOAH[3371] unclelester6969: whats happening[3371] dustpart1cl3: OHH[3371] ninewings767: when to Riccis stream and he’s playing with stream snipers 💀💀💀💀[3371] bajablastisgas: 💀💀💀💀💀[3371] jaydjen: 7[3371] raw_421: lol[3371] cams1ayz: LUL LUL LUL[3371] shivermetimbers15: LATISHA![3371] slimyy_vf: WHEN IS FAN MAIL?????????[3371] michael_angiuli__: michael_angiuli__ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! yoooo[3371] sandy_sir: 💀💀[3371] notaverager6: nice stream 1 hour mark approaching[3372] bardown16__: LEAK[3372] dxpressxxn: he a de gen ???[3372] chaseonbase357: Yoo[3372] co5taaa: YOOOOOOOOOO[3372] misha_22_01: WHAT??????[3372] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀[3372] zizu426: 77777[3373] pvoh: Lmaooo[3373] bardown16__: LEAKED[3373] coffeezilladaughter: LMAOO[3373] gucci_kid54: WOAH[3373] shivermetimbers15: LEAKED[3373] lordakumax: OMEGALUL[3373] voyager021: WHAT[3373] slyryfry: LEAKED[3373] purepro_: LEAKED[3373] sorawtm: ITS GATED IS CRAZY[3373] ghoulnesss: cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh[3373] cyyn1cal: LMAOOOO[3373] unrealriki: LMOO[3373] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀[3374] recoil_128: damn[3374] joeyisajuggalo: NO LEAKING[3374] wiffk: AHHHHHHHHH[3374] khangdodo: bro[3374] 0jacks0: 💀💀[3374] gucci_kid54: WOAH[3374] sukmibolo: UNCCC[3374] papimoore: W LATISHA[3374] get_josued: LEAKED[3374] chasemay1: SWIMMER ZENTI[3374] swiftcalf3: 😂😂😂😂[3374] fwdolphh: leaked[3374] demon3812: IM DYINGGG[3374] cxltproducedthis: LEAKED[3374] fart_tickler_: Leak[3375] iamcaseohdistroyer: LEAKED[3375] basetownn: 😭😭[3375] nehsty: 💀[3375] slimyy_vf: WHEN IS FAN MAIL????????[3375] shivermetimbers15: LEAKKKEDDD[3375] glizzytwister: wenti[3375] voyager021: NAH MAN[3375] yaboy_ic: yaboy_ic subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 15 months, currently on a 12 month streak! Much Love[3375] philmeup22: Leaking[3375] kingxace77: LEAKED[3375] zizu426: 777777777[3375] 0jacks0: 💀💀💀💀💀💀[3375] trawlrz: LEAKED[3375] rnitten: lmaooo[3375] seb0461: HAHAHAHAHAA[3376] minimint2_rdo: Grow chest hair Junko[3376] exclusifyy_: 😭😭😭😭[3376] slomorunner149: LUL LUL LUL[3376] invalidqt: LFMAOOOO[3376] scooter2ez: LMFAOAOAOAOAOAOA W LATISHA[3376] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀[3376] max1soos: :skulll:[3376] kraken541: Brain rot[3376] marthman_: That’s gotta be racist[3376] coffeezilladaughter: LMAOOO[3376] lightningkakuzu: HAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAH[3377] gucci_kid54: WOAH 😭[3377] unfoundedsoupy: Leaked[3377] mortar: LOL[3377] offsiz1: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂[3377] bajablastisgas: ZENTTTIIIIII[3377] fontoleaff: D:[3377] streamelements: co0lmonkey lost 338 points in roulette and now has 1920 points! FeelsBadMan[3377] shivermetimbers15: LATISHA[3377] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀[3377] puffpuffjuicer: LEAKEDD[3377] leviathanrize29: LEALEX[3377] blorpifyme: leaked[3377] raw_421: hahhhaha[3377] takreflex: 😂😂[3377] gucci_kid54: WOAH 😭[3378] joeyisajuggalo: NO LEAKING STOP[3378] khantu63: O[3378] slimyy_vf: WHEN IS FAN MAIL????????????????[3379] mightygaminghh: LATISHA[3379] rnitten: lmao[3379] chickenenwafflez: MY GOD[3379] kareniee: WHAT THE HELLLLL[3379] randolff13: LEAKED[3379] 9opha: WW LATISHA[3379] dripboi534: LEAKED[3379] nehsty: LEAKED[3379] leviathanrize29: LEked[3379] chunkolikesboys: NAHH[3379] trawlrz: 💀💀[3379] jerome2linear: LEAKK[3379] sharkpretzel: sussy baka[3380] dan1236cmon: anit no way[3380] sukmibolo: unc[3380] wyat897: sending love from indiana sending love from Indiana!!!!!!!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️[3380] exclusifyy_: LATISHAAA[3380] dionysus1963: L Leak[3380] fruitloverboy: HOLY SHIT WTF[3380] 5kel: You fell off[3380] aznamo_: L zenti[3380] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[3380] shivermetimbers15: W LATISHA[3380] zizu426: 77777[3380] marie_xm: LMAO[3380] coffeezilladaughter: LMAOOO [3380] bajablastisgas: MY GOAAAAT[3380] alexandrr257: 😭😭😭😭😭😭[3381] slomorunner149: LMAO[3381] theyknowjordy: OMG 😂😂😂[3381] mincartisto: fuck[3381] gucci_kid54: WOAH 😭[3381] danegleeesack69: DaneGleeesack69 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! notice me daddy[3384] conor0413: what was the big announcement[3384] goshal04: leaked[3384] wiffk: TOOOOOO FARRRRRRR[3384] pizzadino_: LMAOOOO RACIST LEAK[3384] fossabot: @king_slayer273, Your message is too long[3384] trashcanpete76: TrashcanPete76 subscribed with Prime. [3385] shivermetimbers15: W LATISHA![3385] spartan7oo: LETTUCE[3385] tragicsss_: woah[3385] imthebestestatr6: letisha leaked[3385] dylonius3887: Bro[3385] tweemetal2: skibidi toilet[3385] arminnrd: Leticia??@[3385] ethantop20: 💀[3385] grimre4per071202: LEAKED[3386] khangdodo: yoo[3386] vengeance4b: LATISHA[3386] pinballrun: Ok what[3386] hivise: huh?[3386] strawhatroyal: WOAH[3386] cttt36z: HIVISE CHECK TWITTER DMS[3386] cpvptoby: lmao'[3386] i_love_pizzarolls: Latisha[3386] milomuncha6: cmonBruh[3386] notjeffery13: dkdn[3386] pinkinfinite: ???????[3386] dnaskr6: LETISHA[3386] shawbobon: latisha[3386] randysbeaver: take off that weird shirt![3387] lichsynthetiq: Fuck you @Avid[3387] bullylng: DendiFace DendiFace[3387] offsiz1: WWWW LEAKKK[3387] trawlrz: WTF[3387] tristan12844: is tim vs junko at 9pm or is it tomorrow[3387] yungkibe: woah [3387] jbess1e: avid winning Ts[3387] minimint2_rdo: Grow chest hair JunkY[3387] jwlatham09: hi[3387] axess10: LEEEEAAAAAAAKEDDDDDDD[3387] xxjaymanthegxx: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL[3387] wes_150: leaked[3387] zaddybrump: leaked[3387] nightbot: “😂😂😂” -avidqr6[3387] tkettel_: W LEAK[3388] bhodieee: zenti a w fr[3388] setdatrendz: yoooo[3388] slimyy_vf: WHEN IS FAN MAIL???????????[3388] shivermetimbers15: W LATISHA[3388] vengeance4b: WOAH[3388] redmist3119: 💀[3389] swiftcalf3: Ayo[3389] rawroverme: getting leaked is wild[3389] apo_logo: LATISHA CAN GET THIS D[3389] sirpickleton_12: Jynxzi you’re order of 30,000 bots has been confirmed we only need your twitch info[3389] smileyy_01: W LEAK[3389] coinhall22: so we viedwbotting?[3389] jonparada47: Leak[3389] 5kel: Fell off franklin[3389] stubbzllc: eak[3389] big_kevin__: on sight[3389] tragicsss_: huh???[3389] yungkibe: WOAH[3389] th0masvalle: LUL LUL LUL[3389] puffpuffjuicer: WOAHHHH[3390] xxjaymanthegxx: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL[3390] fullboxz124: LATISHA[3390] axess10: LATISHAAAAA[3390] slime3023: 😂[3390] swoleboh: yes[3390] goofyahhguydo: leaked[3390] 2spiffyy: zenti nahhh[3390] zaddybrump: no[3390] securediamond10: ayo[3390] samladen35: yes[3390] itzruiins: WOAH[3391] shivermetimbers15: YES[3391] fadetoorion98: FUCK ZENTI'[3391] maxwelliswell1: Latesha[3391] dopescrubl0rd: 😂😂😂😂[3391] offsiz1: www[3391] th0masvalle: LUL LUL[3391] blorpifyme: no[3391] astrobliss69: jynxziBounce[3391] gucci_kid54: nah[3391] piecectrlshaq: bro that is crazy[3391] leviathanrize29: bi[3391] snipingelmo: yes[3391] marrcosb: no[3391] aaronsauce17: i’m leaking[3391] topwatermarauder: yes[3392] raw_421: no[3392] shadow_pyr0: W leak[3392] 1738clutch: yes[3392] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀YES[3392] michael875131256: yes[3392] gucci_kid54: nah[3393] unknowns_wrld: yes[3393] captainkarate1: yes[3393] youmadbrofps: yes[3393] bardown16__: woah thats his kid woahh[3393] voltzyll: LEAKED[3393] milomuncha6: ron[3393] m_e_i_s_t_e_r_o: YES[3393] sleepy12210: joebartPain joebartExcited joebartBusiness joebartMan joebartZooted joebartWeBelieve joebartPog joebartWeirdchamp joebartSquidward joebartAlpha joebartHesChoking joebartLocked joebartWide joebartDog[3393] catsareangels: yes[3393] trawlrz: YES[3393] niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick: yes[3393] minimint2_rdo: Grow chest hair Jonathan[3393] topher18: yes[3393] ghostofsparta69420: Latisha??[3393] zawattsun: Let’s not let this be a 1 or 2hr stream jynxziCRY[3394] joshallen_proztictoc: LaKeisha[3394] wiffk: RACISTTTTT[3394] boejecker99: Yes[3394] gageeepoo1: Yes[3394] zaddybrump: bo[3394] lildingleberryy: yes[3394] jwilly223556557: no[3394] yoimelon: Latisha[3394] sandy_sir: TES[3394] zappytoast: YES[3394] cyyn1cal: NAHHH[3394] sharks550: ITS TRUE IM LATEETHA[3394] pepperoni_roni: ZENTI WEIRD AS FUCK[3394] toast2773: LEAKED[3394] jimmyneuutron: YESSSSS[3395] iamcaseohdistroyer: TE[3395] fadetoorion98: FUCK ZENTI[3395] dhatchkrisch420: wwwwwww[3395] kotaaa1: YESSYY[3395] aliverecord7: FUCK YES[3395] momsblender69: yeh[3395] belligoal69: you’d loose[3395] thedude694206: yes[3395] play_boi_23: yuh[3395] stubbzllc: yes[3395] nossydd: yes[3397] markus587: no[3397] llama_the_og: I know her and she's a slug[3397] pinguthepenguin69: LATISHA BONQUAYQUAY THE THURD[3397] closet_demons_: UES[3397] andrew789r: yes[3397] stoinksjay: Yes[3397] recoil_128: yes[3397] tangthegoat: no[3397] slimyy_vf: WHEN IS FAN MAIL???????????????[3397] jackgirthbyrne: yes[3397] cuttinggemm: nah[3397] drykooolaid: o[3397] leotheseven7th: no[3397] nossydd: uesssss[3397] phvntxm0_: yea[3398] dakfannn: NO[3398] maxwelliswell1: YES[3398] th3darkgam3r25: no[3398] non_tox1c: no[3398] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀[3398] randolff13: LATISHA LEAKED[3398] ahflu: yes[3398] haviccauser: YESSSSS[3398] erniecrawford: yes[3398] zaddybrump: no[3398] j5uav3: LMAO[3398] autizyn: you suck[3398] alexx_ohh: no[3398] shotzyy_393: yess[3398] theegrizz_: yea[3399] mikeys07: yer[3399] hkysam: yes[3399] arc_tur_us: zenti is freaky[3399] nehsty: LMAOOOOO[3399] wyat897: sending love from indiana sending love from Indiana!!!!!!!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️[3399] xx_allonsy_xx: no[3399] cj_cm1: no[3400] ajsmith4683555384428: y a[3400] datboi_timothy7: your buns lil bro[3400] jbess1e: your getting clapped either way[3400] trippyexit: you will get slammed by winner[3400] dombruh4: bruh wassup wit these kids[3400] cptj08: hell yea[3400] jaminzo: yes[3400] slomorunner149: LMAOOOOOO[3400] arthurontheway: YESSSS[3400] bgalp0310: no[3400] grimre4per071202: yes[3400] mikeyd519: yes[3400] bajablastisgas: HOLY SHIT WHAT HAPPENED BETWEEN EM[3400] edrickhd: yes[3400] 27sn0wman: LOSER V LOSER[3401] homesickalien5: YES[3401] closet_demons_: YES[3401] 5kel: Falling off fredrick[3401] erminuka: no[3401] numberonericciglazer: yur[3401] sandy_sir: 💀💀[3401] causevseffect: W zenti as usual[3401] turbowessi: hahAHHHAHAHA[3401] kermitdafrog88: No fat[3401] fruitloverboy: ZENTI THIS IS WILD[3401] miraclewhip2001: you suck[3401] clarons: no[3401] capsizedboat: yes[3401] wiffk: 6 cool[3401] treygames19: Yes[3402] waitingona4ever_: No you'll lose[3402] yiorio_: @hivise can u put me in 3v5 ubi is ITZYL0 for plat[3402] chickenenwafflez: YYEESSS[3402] setdatrendz: no you suck[3402] slimyy_vf: WHEN IS FAN MAIL??????????????[3402] blueskull6661: no you would lose[3402] mrtopshot1: yes[3402] justachattalol: L ZENTI[3402] ttvsentenal: put me in bot[3404] puffpuffjuicer: LMAOOOOOOO[3404] chickenenwafflez: YES[3404] shivermetimbers15: w latisha[3404] itzzdametime: yea[3404] therunter667: yes[3404] lgslaton2000: yes[3404] nitrousabuser: no[3404] kdjxjxnxxjxn: Getcamped Getcamped Getcamped[3404] xsaintjester: NO[3404] xkleb: 19 yo has $1k to drop on r6??? [3404] acidthriller: CREEPY[3404] inezloe: Yes[3404] mrpringles2077: yes[3404] tiagolexi04: Yess[3405] mr2geto4u: no[3405] yoimelon: w script[3405] killardillard: yes[3405] spartan7oo: LETTUCESHA[3405] chickenenwafflez: DUH[3405] unixonyx: zenti is unironically so annoying[3405] oss_odenschosen: Jynxzi u ruined call of duty I started playing r6 and can't stop playing[3405] fadetoorion98: @o_zenti[3405] rlake: AVID IS MR BRIGHTSIDE[3406] nehsty: W Latisha[3406] cj_cm1: you suck[3406] jonparada47: being weird af[3406] crookedpit: no your loosing[3406] 1738clutch: who is latisha?[3406] zizu426: LMAO[3406] notaverager6: Terrible streamer[3406] recoil_128: 😂 latisha[3406] jackpotattack: L zenti[3406] slimyy_vf: WHEN IS FAN MAIL????????????????????[3406] bandodadon: yup[3406] nightbot: yup yup yup[3406] causevseffect: W zenti as usual W zenti[3407] andrew789r: yesyes[3407] chadversary: you'd lose to the loser[3407] zzfrostwizardzz: Too far[3407] theboyjdubs: when is shroud spout[3407] immortal675: yea[3407] ogxmangyy: l[3407] bigstinkybeanz: BOOOO L PART TIMER[3407] kentickle: leaked[3407] dazzymoatgoat: yesssssss[3407] fruitloverboy: HES RAGE BAITING HIM[3407] axess10: W ZENTI[3407] friedchickenaltaco: ERM WHAT THE SIGMA[3407] junior_jef: Yes[3407] tiagolexi04: Ya[3407] miraclewhip2001: fatass[3408] andrew789r: ye[3408] fenuzi: you’ll lose[3408] showtimes444: lol[3408] cyyn1cal: 💀💀💀[3408] whatisthewordd: mute zenti he lil dick[3408] nightbot: Blue crown —-> Free —-> no ads —-> charm: https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi[3408] nightbot: 😂[3408] 2spiffyy: mute him[3408] jakemastr: bro think he the final boss[3408] trawlrz: LATISHA💀💀[3408] robher_toes: leaked[3408] thelastactualdweller: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis[3408] killardillard: tes[3408] seb4st1an_562: latisha[3408] pinballrun: L Zenti[3409] infinitykid1571: play winner[3409] djsubb0: djsubb0 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! STREAM MORE PLEASEEEEEEEE[3409] shivermetimbers15: LATASHA[3409] fullboxz124: LATISHA LOL[3409] outr0_66: LUL LUL LUL uhhhh[3409] 1738clutch: latasha?[3409] itsmenicks12: L racist[3409] coolmokevw: non[3409] dxpressxxn: lateeeshaaaauhhh[3410] xsaintjester: U GONNA LOSE[3410] elverum2021: W AVID[3410] andrew789r: yesyes[3410] notaverager6: fuck you[3410] erniecrawford: yess[3410] dornimaze77: fat[3410] maxwelliswell1: Latesha[3410] wiffk: fuck zenti[3410] shadow_pyr0: Yes[3410] topper30915: L zenti[3410] killardillard: yes[3411] fatboynnnnnn: 1v1 me[3411] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[3411] outr0_66: yes[3411] dripboi534: W LEAK[3411] sotaswavy: na u fuckin suck[3411] ghoste556: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 Boofass[3411] elpueblo30: Play the winner double or nothing[3411] marrcosb: LETICIA THIS LETASHA THAT[3411] sebblues2: LATISHA??[3411] chunko_ssg1: in gta[3411] tylxzrr: @therealstewiegriffen[3411] rellyyboii2x: latash[3411] g3ms1x: I'm a bot[3411] bajablastisgas: AYOOOO[3411] goodaim086: w script[3412] yabo98: fat[3412] treygames19: L zenti[3412] yaavidz: yaavidz subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months! [3412] llama_the_og: Latisha dont live here no moe[3412] peel_ski04: jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH[3412] yeelzy69: no you suck[3412] chickenenwafflez: MY GOODNESS[3412] robher_toes: w script[3412] cj_cm1: you ass[3412] freakkyun: what’s zenti channel?[3412] sfb_peetah: You better chill zenti before i smack you ass you[3413] bigrendawg69: LATISHA???[3413] shivermetimbers15: W LATASHA[3413] coolmokevw: n[3413] spartan7oo: WWWW ZENTI[3413] rblyth: If avid loses he's ass[3413] outr0_66: dumbass[3413] miraclewhip2001: you’d lose to both[3413] mickdjagger: w zenti[3413] xxjaymanthegxx: 😭😭😭😭😭[3413] fadedthanabitch: W ZENTI[3413] k4gi_: LATISHA[3413] tb_styx: latasha[3413] jaydengob32: BloodTrail[3414] pinballrun: L zenti[3414] juansonwick: yes[3414] squareplate: FANMAIL WHEN?[3414] ykwallz: Love your streams man ur a good streamer don't mind these guys junko. Love coming in from Pennsylvania ❤[3414] jynxishairybaallls: @jonparada47 I CANNOT STOP SHARTING[3414] wethans__mom: @avidscams[3414] shivermetimbers15: LMAO[3415] sinkwithevan: W leak[3415] slimyy_vf: WHEN IS FAN MAIL?????????????????[3415] infinitykid1571: PLAY WINNER[3415] tiagolexi04: Yes i[3415] abelydgn: AYYYEEE YOOO CHILLL[3415] alex_holmes38: avid is such a bitch[3415] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀[3415] killerbanana89: Kendrick or Drake[3415] tomy_il: STOMPN VS KASON[3415] user848585939291: sz[3415] dynamo_dann: latashayayayay[3415] gamingforlivesgfl: Stfu. You're ending stream after ONE match[3415] trawlrz: LMAO[3416] bajablastisgas: 💀💀💀💀[3416] th0masvalle: LETICIA[3416] marrcosb: lmao[3416] 0jacks0: W Zenti !![3416] shivermetimbers15: LMAOOO[3416] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀[3417] yungkibe: uuh[3417] gnat0attack: lmao[3417] mrpringles2077: play winner[3417] spartan7oo: LEAKED[3417] robertcuz420: wtf[3417] bardown16__: LOLL[3417] lightningkakuzu: LOL[3417] tristan12844: is tim vs junko at 9pm or is it tomorrow[3417] alexandrr257: Lol[3417] steveclark21: L zenti[3417] daviebroy: @jynxzi was there wine at the wedding???[3417] miraclewhip2001: WAIT YOU ALREADY HAVE[3417] tkettel_: INSTIGATE[3417] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀[3417] nathangarriott: yes[3418] j5uav3: ture[3418] chickenenwafflez: THEY WILD[3418] slomorunner149: HAHAHAHAH[3418] milk5000_: self snitching[3418] kashin_4: Latisha[3418] 1738clutch: how u know[3418] boejecker99: W LATISHA[3418] coffeezilladaughter: real[3418] neon_nectarine: neon_nectarine subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [3418] marrcosb: kekekekekke[3418] strawhatroyal: LAMMMMMA[3418] nightbot: real[3418] kieranjack1245: NO[3418] bardown16__: LOL[3418] crunxzy: i am[3419] nehsty: LOL[3419] swaginacan: true[3420] gageeepoo1: Ummm[3420] outr0_66: FortHype FortHype NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis[3420] therealblackstewiegriffin: !gamble 40k[3420] scleebles: Junko can we get a mansion tour[3420] evanwade144: run polls[3420] wearethebestaround1: Lol[3420] fontoleaff: Real[3420] slimyy_vf: WHEN IS FAN MAIL?????????[3420] spartan7oo: LEAKKKKED[3420] streamelements: therealblackstewiegriffin won 40000 points in roulette and now has 130005 points! FeelsGoodMan[3420] schrodas: REAL[3420] ball_tongue__: VIEW BOTS DOWN[3420] tsm_mrquakker: 💀💀💀💀[3421] trawlrz: TRUE[3421] drakemj13: latisha can get it[3421] lowelojoe: LETISHA GAVE HIM THAT STD[3421] stiqsz: @HiVise get me in im gold skitlesman123[3421] fruitloverboy: ITS TRUE IM AVID[3421] alexandrr257: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭[3421] trenbro6: LEAKED[3421] yoitsevoid: @hivise I’m plat urixz_luca[3421] topwatermarauder: lequeefa[3421] sleepygirlxo: real[3421] becooper: it me[3421] sandy_sir: LMFAAOOOLMAAOO[3421] mrpringles2077: play winnerplay winnerplay winner[3421] joshallen_proztictoc: i would[3421] juliusceasariusthe6th: IM LETICIA[3422] chickenenwafflez: MY GOODNESS[3422] outr0_66: nixstahHaha nixstahHaha keenorGhost2 keenorGhost2 keenorGhost2 keenorGhost2[3422] zombi_3z: yes king][3422] d44rkfire: s💀[3422] justachattalol: I’m latisha[3422] bajablastisgas: LMAOOO[3422] alex_ferm27: LMFAO[3423] k_mead5: I’m Timothy[3423] 23bso: erm what the sigma guys[3423] nickparadoxx: W CHAT[3423] woody_hairyson: gggg[3423] liljimjimjimmy: fell off[3423] unrealriki: HI LATISHA[3423] swaginacan: real shit[3423] sandy_sir: LMFAAAOOOO[3423] biggauss95: YESSS[3423] whatitdopoo: why is your time 5:04[3423] recoil_128: LATISHA IN CHAT[3424] thetwig02: Real[3424] jsmileyyyy: TRUE[3424] trawlrz: REAL[3424] the_undeadgeneral: https://clips.twitch.tv/TardyTolerantSangTriHard-fb5gxjG5XO5pTzE_[3424] lukianyeeet: @latisha[3424] lovemyballs101: SENDING HATE FROM PLUTO[3424] mortar: GoldPLZ modder3Lose modder3Lose modder3Lose modder3Lose[3424] truebryson1: it’s true I’m late Shia[3424] nightbot: @The_UndeadGeneral -> Too easy. [stop posting links] [warning][3424] marrcosb: true[3424] dripboi534: LMAO[3424] rondsilverthe1st: smash acids sonsm[3424] sandy_sir: LMAAOAO[3424] rcain02: stop ducking me[3424] 1bvndo: nobody said that[3425] aznamo_: LMAO[3425] eianz_: unseasoned chicken ahh shirt[3425] khangdodo: zenti right[3425] thegamertot: IM LETTUCE[3425] dablackhelenkeller: its me im avids sister @Jynxzi[3425] iheartmens: wedding ass shirt[3425] joshallen_proztictoc: I would[3425] ghostlynine: hi latisha[3425] locolos: fake CHAY[3425] minimint2_rdo: Grow chest hair for that shirt Junko[3425] idkbroxddd: l zenti[3425] xpose__6: which baby mama is latisha @avidqq[3425] mcgdonkey: nutsacks[3425] pietheguy_: real[3425] rzaaa7: YES HES[3426] sandy_sir: LMFAAAOO[3426] djsubb0: lmfaooooo[3426] becooper: I AM[3427] recoil_128: @Latisha[3427] captainjames1234: blackest name ever[3427] f1zzzz0: zenti gonna lose[3427] zachattack553: Did you win contested territories or did you lose[3427] ykwallz: Love your streams man ur a good streamer don't mind these guys junko. Love coming in from ❤ ❤[3428] biggauss95: W STREAM[3428] leknuts: im lateesha[3428] slomorunner149: LUL[3428] marrcosb: true true[3428] ohwelljessica: ohwelljessica subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! [3428] lilsylo21: can u pay for my college[3428] youmadbrofps: Im the real latisha[3428] mrman2349: fat[3428] stubbzllc: yes[3428] seb4st1an_562: latasha[3428] tgrskier: I’m Latisha too[3429] rzaaa7: I M[3429] m4t3te: no one said that[3429] jonparada47: tryna be famous[3429] mrpringles2077: play winner[3429] terd1123: terd1123 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! Happy anniversary fatness[3429] datboylevi145: ohh no u leaked me[3429] milk5000_: latasha[3429] captainbighardd: Sending hate from Latisha[3430] aiieg: it’s true[3430] cheeseburger107379: whats up brother[3430] scooter2ez: !latisha[3430] tkettel_: IM LATISHA[3430] maximiliosa: W TRASHTALK[3430] mightygaminghh: W Zenti[3430] carrzyy1: fat[3430] cerprimetime: ZENTI IS GOATED[3430] hittmonster: hittmonster subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months! [3430] shivermetimbers15: latasha in the chat[3431] darthventura: Moist[3431] terry34265: W ZENTIII💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥[3431] swaginacan: true[3431] joshallen_proztictoc: ngl o would[3431] timetoliveh: Send chat[3431] frumpygod: she my side hoe it’s true[3431] qiyaamzrr: real[3431] fossabot: @bartoosszz, Your message is too long[3431] doddin1: when is fan mail[3432] reeferpilot: when is fan mail[3432] jsmileyyyy: HIS MAMA[3432] trippyexit: its true im the mobile home[3432] noopixdream: jynxziFALL[3432] box_fruitgamerf: Omg[3432] ninjamango_: im latisha too[3432] gemjerry: I'm latisha[3432] aiieg: it is true[3432] recoil_128: @Latisha.[3432] dripboi534: ITS TRUE[3432] shivermetimbers15: LMAO[3432] minimint2_rdo: Grow some chest hair for that shirt Junky[3432] spartan7oo: BRO WON[3432] slimyy_vf: WHEN IS FAN MAIL???????[3432] kl4404: hate from germany[3433] riskyrevs: no I’m Latisha[3433] itzwumbottv: finally not sub only[3433] bardown16__: GYAT[3433] 2spiffyy: zenti gotta be racist lol[3433] trashcanpete76: maybe Latisha was the friends we made along the way[3433] killerbanana89: Drake or Kendrick[3433] 1738clutch: w e girls[3433] itsolliedunn: 3 minutes of stream left[3434] marrcosb: lmao[3434] ltgyourselfnow: @Jynxzi U WOULDNT SAY SHIT TO OUR FACES ReallyMad[3434] slomorunner149: W ZENTI[3434] kayat11: SENDING HATE FROM ANGOLANA[3434] yt_jellybeen: laticha is slimmer than you fatty[3434] real_voided: Marcello and latisha want to smash u❤️[3434] bigrendawg69: W LATASHA[3434] bardown16__: GYATT[3434] itsrallyy: W SHARKEESHA[3434] ttvsentenal: put me in[3435] fart_tickler_: W zenti[3435] aiieg: zenti is the goat[3435] gucci_kid54: :O[3435] gohan_sanrl: BECKKKIEEE HILL TITS[3435] dan1236cmon: imma smacj ur dad up[3435] rcain02: 1v1 me for money[3435] gucci_kid54: :O[3435] gucci_kid54: :O[3435] largechod3: I am[3435] locolos: fake chat baby bro[3435] younghitmen03: BLM[3435] theman0032: DAMNNNNNN[3435] samzygunss: BRONZE[3435] trenbro6: LOL[3435] whatitdopoo: time 5:04[3436] juliusceasariusthe6th: w zenti[3436] fruitloverboy: OH DAMN[3436] darthventura: Smegma[3436] nehsty: LOLLLL[3436] marrcosb: e girls[3436] wyat897: sending love from indiana sending love from Indiana!!!!!!!!!!!!!❤️. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️. sending love from indiana sending love from Indiana!!!!!!!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️[3436] slimyy_vf: WHEN IS FAN MAIL???????????????[3437] pinkinfinite: LMAOOOOO[3437] merckyyy_: Tom and HiVise[3437] samib__: MADOOOOOOOOO[3437] karkzxy: !LINK[3437] pietheguy_: 💀💀[3437] justkyle69: INSTIGATE[3437] joeyisajuggalo: HAHGHAGJHA[3437] nightbot: @karkzxy If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[3437] minimint2_rdo: Grow some chest hair for that shirt JunkoOo[3437] glizzytwister: leaked[3437] 0710_beast: @avidqpr[3437] jyxiboopooped: zenti needs to catch a bullet[3437] kraken541: brain rot[3438] captainbighardd: sending hate from Latisha[3438] yoimelon: w scriptt[3438] wearethebestaround1: W[3438] younghitmen03: BLMM[3438] box_fruitgamerf: Lol[3438] rlcohnfn: i subbed not on this account tho i linked when do i get charm?[3438] nickparadoxx: WWWW CHATTTT[3438] nightbot: 😂[3438] biggauss95: W AVID QQ[3438] recoil_128: blm[3438] noxhh1m: jynxzi who got married im so happy for them[3438] waitingona4ever_: Ayo[3438] tb_styx: im latisha :)[3438] shivermetimbers15: E BOY[3438] alexandrr257: jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL[3439] zadabeast: W EDGE CONTENT[3439] milk5000_: Latisha waiting[3439] dalemoney__: lmaoooo[3439] hivise: Vote on the prediction[3439] hivise: Vote on the prediction[3439] hivise: Vote on the prediction[3440] hivise: Vote on the prediction[3440] hivise: Vote on the prediction[3440] day62306: Wait bronze is crazy[3440] boejecker99: LET IT HAPPEN[3440] yungkibe: LMAO[3440] maxwelliswell1: LEAKED[3440] spartan7oo: LEAKKKKKKED[3440] puffpuffjuicer: LOLLL[3441] swaginacan: LMAO[3441] theegrizz_: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[3441] hivise: Vote on the prediction[3441] kotaaa1: AHAHAHHAHAAH[3441] toesniffer300: w[3441] hivise: Vote on the prediction[3441] dripboi534: OH NAH[3441] fruitloverboy: THIS IS INSANE[3441] hivise: Vote on the prediction[3441] aliverecord7: IS HE CUMMING???[3441] recoil_128: blm blm[3441] yungkibe: LMAO [3441] wckstarz: its true im latisha[3441] hivise: Vote on the prediction[3442] hivise: Vote on the prediction[3442] cam_clan_yt: yeasss[3442] jsmileyyyy: LOL[3442] callump16: I spoke to her, it’s actually latisha[3442] cyyn1cal: W ZENTI[3442] hivise: Vote on the prediction[3442] fadedthanabitch: LUL LUL LUL[3442] hivise: Vote on the prediction[3442] arminnrd: sent to sleep[3442] chcknnuggt1: perhaps I am a viewbotter.[3442] slomorunner149: LUL LUL LUL[3442] hivise: Vote on the prediction[3442] baller122019: 😂😂😂😂😂[3442] jojopawn: bro bro bro[3442] yungkibe: LMAO[3443] not1mathias: DAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM[3443] twitchluke7: He is he’s in the room with me[3443] khangdodo: yoooooooooo[3443] cam_clan_yt: a[3443] streamelements: JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/jynxzi[3444] abelydgn: ITS LATEISHA !!![3444] iamtayster: JUNKO pls INSTIGATE[3444] friedchickenaltaco: AHAHHAHAHAH[3444] itzwumbottv: WOAH WHAT DID I COME BACK TOO[3444] el_juaniquin: Loool[3444] marthman_: !sub[3444] tylermitchell80085: 🔥 w[3444] nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi[3445] darkangelz3005: LMAOOOO[3445] showingbreak10: avid qq is daddy[3445] champagnemonkey: I’m LaQuana[3445] chickenenwafflez: >( >( >( >([3445] nightbot: “😂😂😂” -avidqr6[3445] dornimaze77: fat[3445] ac182837: Stop muting party fat bitch[3445] mrpringles2077: play winnert[3445] drizzycon: yo[3445] llama_the_og: eGIRL BTW[3445] rawroverme: LMFAO[3445] f3ntus3r: queef in my mouth[3445] 1738clutch: avid[3445] theegrizz_: LMAOOOOOO[3445] zadabeast: W EDGE CONTENT ![3446] niko200801: SHEEEESH[3446] monte_is_epic: im natasha and avid is my man that big boy!!![3446] cashgunnar6: MOD LATISHA[3446] wyat897: sending love from indiana sending love from Indiana!!!!!!!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️[3446] play_boi_23: advid[3446] utopiah_: L Laqueefa[3446] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[3446] sfb_peetah: chill tf out[3446] shivermetimbers15: E GIRL DEMON[3446] blvdeless: LUL LUL LUL[3447] slimyy_vf: WHEN IS FAN MAIL????????????????[3447] yaboilucas22: vape[3447] minimint2_rdo: Grow some chest hair for that shirt Junko[3447] luciano320654: toxic[3447] tb_styx: cronus[3447] forevercsh: zenti[3447] dive_bomb2120: lmfaooo[3447] justachattalol: avid[3447] nickrob101: 2V2 THEM W/ ZENTI[3449] collin061316: HOW IS THIS WARMING UP[3449] lildingleberryy: AVID[3449] basetownn: me[3449] tweemetal2: skibidi toilet[3449] tatteduptoddler: pay zenti[3449] juliusceasariusthe6th: ZENTI[3449] drizzycon: ass[3449] gregglyy: AVID[3449] armanhsa: Cheer1[3449] tormented_beans13: Avid[3449] solely_sharp: bro why screen upside down[3449] alex_holmes38: oh nahhh[3449] baiier: fake reaction fat[3449] jbess1e: Avid[3449] thetwig02: AVID[3451] slomorunner149: AVID[3451] j5uav3: BUNK BED DEMON[3451] d44rkfire: avid[3451] not1mathias: AVIDS[3451] kaneki13567: avid[3451] joacohdp: avid[3451] play_boi_23: avid[3452] omegabloodflo99: ZENNNTTTYYY[3452] dalemoney__: poll it[3452] london125678: what the sigma[3452] cerprimetime: ZENTI[3452] fazehypebeast07: ACIDDD[3452] stubbzllc: avid[3452] lake_74: AVID[3452] m0t0cardo: why is fanmail?[3452] pizzadino_: ABID[3452] lukawh: avid gonna melt bro[3454] yungsaucybagoftakis: Zenti is wylin[3454] abelydgn: LMAOOO COOKED[3454] junior2oh9: AVID[3454] nightbot: i was crazy once[3454] maximiliosa: AH TOO EASY[3454] drunkmonk8ey: when r u gonna stream with avid again[3454] xxdmanx9: u[3454] rockpenguin599: wwww[3454] captainjames1234: i don’t wanna vote vise daddy[3454] fazehypebeast07: AVIDDD[3454] nightbot: too easy[3454] pizzadino_: AVID[3454] fossabot: Jynxzi currently has 137001 subscribers![3454] tygresssss: avid[3454] steveclark21: avid[3455] jsmileyyyy: AVID[3455] marrcosb: lmao[3455] ramm564: AVID[3455] boobooguy: Avid[3456] bajablastisgas: DADDDYYY ZENTIIII[3456] jakeisgoodatsiege: Is this ranked[3456] rockpenguin599: www press[3456] niennub: 'warmup'[3456] abelydgn: ZENTI[3456] sfb_peetah: zenith a bitch[3456] showingbreak10: daddy avid[3456] chrispy123567: avid[3456] minimugs_11: bro not kendrick[3456] ttvsentenal: me[3456] lordsaltyy: jynxziBALD_TK[3456] baller122019: AVID[3457] robin6948mwnnna: lollol[3457] yumitaco: jynxziWTF[3457] eggsotic_12: Instigate[3457] hmgjb: he on avid ass[3457] keese1013: They hyped rn 😂😂[3457] dan1236cmon: zentiii frfr[3457] alexgclark: Avid[3457] lake_74: AVIDDDDDDDDD[3457] kizmusdd12: avid[3457] maanci: @HiVise lemme play the 3v5 vs every rank daddy[3457] junior2oh9: AVVIDDDDD[3457] thatonepperson3585: POLL[3457] bdksbdb: AVID[3457] immortal675: zenti[3457] alexandrr257: THIS BETTER THAN DRAKE AND KENDRICK[3458] xyvtobi: poll[3458] ohflight_tv: avid[3458] emmixxx: AVID[3458] jude3314: Sup[3459] dnovak2726: where’s the prediction[3459] acee_3z: POLL[3459] shadow_pyr0: Avid[3459] x1vapid1x: you made this happen😭[3459] ralnb0w6: avid will duck his dick[3459] dookiedemon7700: POLLL[3459] omegabloodflo99: ZENT[3459] robin6948mwnnna: lol[3460] ibenchtv1: avid[3460] collin061316: warming up real good[3460] eddiefendi: EddieFendi subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months! [3461] slushy1936: esfsdfesdfesdfesfesfsefsef[3461] swaginacan: close it Vise[3461] gdbobi: 4k points on him and lilbro getting folded in pre game vc[3461] kieranjack1245: Leaked[3461] solely_sharp: screen upside down[3461] scyth_23playspc: L warmup[3461] grimre4per071202: W Avid[3461] astrobliss69: avid[3461] chickenenwafflez: :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O[3461] dylan38fozter: yoooooo[3461] shivermetimbers15: LATASHA[3461] alex_holmes38: AVIDS IS A BITCH[3462] im_violet: MET GALA SHIRT??[3462] wtfmisty: drake and kendrick type beef[3462] zvcta: zenti[3462] terry34265: ZEBTIIIII[3462] causitav: @0jacks0 you're a goofy[3463] omegabloodflo99: ZENTTT WWW[3463] minimint2_rdo: Grow chest hair for that shirt Junko[3463] slomorunner149: LMAO[3463] user848585939291: zenti uses his finger as a toothbrush[3463] aaroondmc: bunk bed demon LMAO[3463] lordsaltyy: jynxziBALD_TK jynxziBALD_TK[3463] johnsonoftheyear: youtube intro[3463] showingbreak10: dadddy avid[3463] lovemyballs101: SENDING HATE FROM PLUTO[3464] sabriii_3: AH TOO EZZ[3464] ramiinu: lateethsa waiting[3464] kayat11: SENDING HATE FROM PENISLAVIA[3464] theman0032: LEAKED, LAWSUIT INCOMING[3464] kbetts23: kbetts23 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months! [3464] waltzmz: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[3464] kieranjack1245: W script[3465] maximiliosa: ahh tooo easy[3465] lowelojoe: BUNK BED[3465] chickenenwafflez: :O :O :O :O :O :O :O[3465] bajablastisgas: 💀💀💀💀💀[3465] kyzonxbox: buckshot[3465] matyice06: he isn’t winning[3465] jakemitchell11: !predictions[3465] captainbighardd: Sending hate from Latisha[3465] nightbot: Lods preds jynxziBALD jynxzi0x jynxziClown[3466] kizmusdd12: 30 minutes more and he is ending as usual[3466] scrumplestiltskin: Avid is a loser[3466] mishayeet: ong[3466] lake_74: AVVVVID[3466] swiftcalf3: zesty zenti[3467] terry34265: ZENTIIIIIIIIIIIUUI[3467] raw_421: lol[3467] dud3isnasty: POLLL[3467] slomorunner149: HAAHHAHAHAHAHAH[3467] itslikejakey3: This is amazing!! Hate from my couch[3467] yungkibe: HUH[3468] jayz710: seen this before heard these shit talks[3468] shivermetimbers15: LATEEEESHA[3468] minimint2_rdo: Grow some chest hair for that shirt Junko[3468] dud3isnasty: POLL[3468] chickenenwafflez: :O :O :O[3468] minimugs_11: bro not Kendrick[3468] puckbob: big boy[3469] hunterl0710: shut up[3469] abelydgn: AVID LMAOOO IM RETARDEDD[3469] jaykeob: jaykeob subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! [3469] stupidratgrl: LMAO[3469] spartan7oo: HAHAHHAHAHHAAHHAAHAHHA[3469] jynxishairybaallls: @spartan7oo ermmm... Why CAN I NOT STOP SHARTING???[3469] dombruh4: jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT[3470] captainbighardd: sending hate from Latisha[3470] 27sn0wman: BOTH SUCK DONT CARE[3470] live2getfaded: He pulled a dave free on him[3470] tristan12844: is tim vs junko at 9pm or is it tomorrow[3470] biggestcrashout: my name is nycole mixon[3470] connor4921: prediction[3470] cyyn1cal: W bunkbed[3470] fossabot: @azamiskirmish, Your message is too long[3470] nehsty: LEAKED[3471] chickenenwafflez: :O :O :O :O :O :O[3471] fruitloverboy: BUNK BEDS ARE W'S WTFFFFF[3471] kayat11: SENDING HATE FROM PENISLAVa[3471] causevseffect: extremely common zenti W[3471] nickshipman052: poll[3471] marrcosb: lol[3471] raw_421: poor avid[3471] theman0032: LAWSUIT INCOMING[3471] nightbot: 😂[3471] nightbot: poor❌ pour✅[3471] cardiacsenordeployedd: u fell off only 50k veiwers[3472] iiluvvzz: LMFAO[3472] codein3cowboy: LAQUEEEFA[3472] evanwade144: run polls[3473] wiffk: nah zenti went too far[3473] sleepyaside: sleepy957Smartboi[3473] bullylng: EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle[3473] showingbreak10: avid dadddy[3473] ty0875: I hate you[3473] nexlolol: LEAK LEAK[3473] tomashupe: W[3473] demented_king_93: new team?[3473] jwisdom: LMFAOOOOOO[3473] shep_007: LMAOOOO[3473] sfb_peetah: fuck zenti[3473] zanelfc: OMGGGG[3474] bboycons8696: !LINK[3474] dawah22: OH[3474] jynxzithecokeaddict: L[3474] nightbot: @bboycons8696 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[3474] bardown16__: lol[3474] unknowns_wrld: nahhh[3474] 1233gjj: 1233gjj subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! that’s crazy[3474] juliusceasariusthe6th: lmaoo[3474] blvdeless: LUL[3474] seezaayy: RitzMitz[3474] nehsty: OMG[3475] bardown16__: LOLLL[3475] zanelfc: LMFAOO[3475] milk5000_: avids my neighbor Latisha is a man[3475] nexlolol: LMAOOLEAKK[3475] dawah22: OHHHHHH[3475] chickenenwafflez: :O :O :O :O :O[3475] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀[3475] mightygaminghh: OOOO[3475] ghostlynine: LOL[3475] daddykazekagecolin: DAMNNNNNN[3475] scooter2ez: DAYUMMMMM[3475] gregglyy: LMAOOOOOOOOOO[3475] sorawtm: LOOOOOOOOOOLLL[3475] finzottv: HAHAHAHAHAAH[3476] ohjake_: LMAOOOOO[3476] coffeemaker45: LOL[3476] causevseffect: W zenti[3476] mosthatedcancer: LMAOOOO[3476] jynxzi_viewer_bot: Zenti is a xim clone[3476] marthman_: !sub[3476] minimint2_rdo: Grow some chest hair for that shirt Junkoz[3476] nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi[3476] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀[3476] spartan7oo: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL[3476] slimyy_vf: WHEN IS FAN MAIL?????????????[3476] not_lethal_: LMAO[3476] pinkinfinite: OMGGGG[3476] get_josued: 💀💀💀💀[3477] unknowns_wrld: LMAO[3477] marrcosb: XD[3477] lildingleberryy: NAHHH[3477] grimre4per071202: bunk bed leaked[3477] fruitloverboy: OH[3477] nexlolol: LEAK[3478] becooper: LOOOOOOOL[3478] leknuts: LMAOOOOOOOO[3478] causevseffect: W ZENTI[3478] mortar: OMG[3478] sneeeper: LOL[3478] kayat11: SENDING HATE FROM PENISLAVA[3478] saphyrz: LMAO [3478] licctor: this the new kendrick vs drake[3478] pbxquan: LMAOOOOOOO[3478] sebblues2: BAHAHAHAHAHA[3478] icarusvzx: NAHHHHHHHHHHHHH[3478] cyyn1cal: LMAOOOOO[3478] finzottv: LMAOOOOOO[3479] swiftcalf3: 😂😂😂😂😂😂💀[3479] th3darkgam3r25: yap yap yap[3479] alex_ferm27: OMG[3479] chummynew: LMAO[3479] karkzxy: !LINK[3479] jjenson: BRUH[3479] espananyc: 😆[3479] ahryma: W ZENTI[3479] purepro_: W AVID[3479] penguinlovepizza: damn[3479] puffpuffjuicer: LMAOOOOOOO[3480] dxpressxxn: brick layer #noconstruction[3480] mincartisto: damn[3480] wsurodeo: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[3480] dawah22: LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[3480] tok_yo_something: HAHAHHAAA[3480] leviathanrize29: LOLLL[3480] lordtekkno: 💀💀💀💀💀[3480] ziftygh: WTFFFFFFFFF[3480] gh0st5725: lmao[3480] ghost_8299: lol[3480] sirpickleton_12: Jynxzi you’re order of 30,000 bots has been confirmed we only need your twitch info[3480] 0pticzz__: IM ALL 4 E GIRLS[3480] rellolol: DAMNNNN[3480] sleep2death: DAMN[3480] flakviper: @hivise love when you shit on jynxzi | Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [3300] I [3310] I'm not gonna talk to you about this. I'm not gonna talk to you about this. Look, look, look, look. Okay, first off, let's not make this about money, bro. Let's make this a civil war. [3320] Hold on. What map do y'all want to play? And what a map do y'all want to play to? Whatever it's pussy, whatever, whatever pussy. Oh shit. [3330] Holy shit! Yo, all right YovertTION not cookincitoass [3340] Yep, okay, okay, do y'all want to play this five six or seven bro? What do y'all want to play to? It's a He's seven seven seven seven seven seven seven [3350] fuck okay we're gonna do it just six that's fair yeah haven't I've just just a life reminder you're 32 in a moment [3360] bomb you fucking your your your generate you're not you're not you live in a home with the t-shirt and uh... like you're [3370] No leaking, no leaking, no! No, you're gonna leak. No names, no leaking, no names. No, no, no, you're gonna leak, buddy. You're gonna leak. No names, come on. [3380] 1991 [3390] I play winner yes or no all right up to six. I'm inviting you all right I'll be on the day and there's video proof of that [3400] out there on…. [3410] Give me a code name I guess I don't know bro someone in the chat just said it's true. I'm Latisha No, you're not Get this game. I'm sorry to break it to you bro. Ever [3420] Like 1.0 ever since Nate's got nerfed bro. You're your ass. I'm sorry, bro [3430] You play with four eagles every day. You play with four eagles every day. Yeah. I'm sure I do, Browns. Your code is rich. [3440] Literally streamed every day but okay My bad demon I literally Just like a demon's every day I swear [3450] Okay, first off I feel like I'm legit I'm legit I feel like zendy sleeping in a bunk bed is a low Bro and that shouldn't be information that we say to the stream that's I don't give a fuck you [3460] He literally said my house. He said my house, bro. He said my house. Yeah, but what I'm saying is leave the mobile home out of this. Leave the teacher out of this. Leave the bunk bed out of this. I have it if you put too much. [3470] side bunk bed side to side it's bigger than your mobile home average my best your beach bro fucking go back and walk me in | There is no Highlight in the provided timespan. Jynxzi is discussing with his mates about their upcoming match |
Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege[3000] yabba_dabba_94: avid trash[3000] nicklibertyyy: Adintax[3000] peel_ski04: 1v1 HiVise[3000] gusyyyuuuyy: Adain and avid[3000] lightningkakuzu: LOL[3000] ickis12: WARM UP FATTIE[3000] ttvsentenal: meeeeee[3000] dornimaze77: pritty pritty please 🙏 lay me[3000] nightbot: 😂[3001] xxylanzk: 🍆💦🍑[3001] sirpickleton_12: Jynxzi you’re order of 30,000 bots has been confirmed we only need your twitch info[3001] youngromez: hate from loveville ❤️[3001] velaclyaa: CHARLIEEEEEEEEE[3001] bubbabass69: 1v1[3001] sunofabeach420: charlie[3001] multiversus23: SHUT UP[3001] boejecker99: GET GARRON[3001] sigvals: !gamble lal[3001] shawnw1212: U r not home[3001] nicklibertyyy: adin[3001] garrettmoyers: snappy[3001] inezloe: THE TWO ULTIMATE TRASH TALKERS[3001] samuraivii76: okay you are good you should kill him he is bad abid is winnign[3002] pittsburghpromqueen: W AVID VS ZENTI[3002] daneparshall: Charlie[3002] sneklol1: [3002] herbnb: RICCCCCIIII[3002] minimint2_rdo: Do fanmail[3002] lolcitylols: can I have your special white cream[3002] vulpy2688: avid vs big d drake[3002] its_dr3w759: HOW IS THAT A WARM UP[3002] chrispy123567: I miss charlie[3002] wiffk: what symbol is mod?[3002] ozzzadnar: bros warming up to spectate LUL . ![3003] layton_k: pay mingoo[3003] buckxx09: ITS LIT ITS LIT ITS LIT ITS LIT[3003] rroshade: 1v1 Kendrick Lamar[3003] maximiliosa: ZENTIIIIIIII[3003] dark_ninja_23: Zenti[3004] babykeemlover13: bro has so many viewbots there is literally only 7k votes on the poll[3004] yourdadisme: yourdadisme subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months, currently on a 11 month streak! [3004] clawrence2214: !link my account[3004] unholyrampage93: Scarface shirt?[3004] xxsupremexx83: YESSSSSS[3004] kassanofft: !gamble 559[3004] yaboyshredzz: www[3004] misterbubbatw: can I have a mcchicken and a 10 price and diet coke[3004] velaclyaa: CHARLIEEE[3004] alyssa_curry11: when is fan mail[3004] thomasgray_1: what time is the wedding[3004] mmatroy: hydrate out of stock bc he always thirsty[3004] wavyyon1: 1V1 VICBANDS[3005] sunofabeach420: charliee[3005] nicklibertyyy: adin tax[3005] puffpuffjuicer: LOLLLL[3005] goblin3hits: !gamble all[3005] streamelements: goblin3hits went all in and lost every single one of their 45 points LUL[3005] siah_ccrazzy: 1v1 STOMPN PUSSY[3005] emorris1214: not a warm up[3005] kqqfk: end stream[3005] herbnb: RIIIIICCCCCIIII[3005] zaddybrump: yes[3006] multiversus23: fat[3006] goobrielfps: PEAAAAKKKKK[3006] subwayenjoyer: SNAPPY[3006] ashxn_l: sup you handsome beast?![3006] worst_speller: !gambleall[3006] sigvals: !gamble all[3006] d_mann2: !gamble 400[3006] trawlrz: lmao[3007] ayorah_: where’s charlie[3007] nobapgrumpyg: Inv NOBAPGRUMPYG IM UP ON AVID[3007] samuraivii76: AVID[3007] ozzzadnar: bros warming up to spectate LUL![3007] stompben: WEAR A SUIT ON SATURDAY WEAR A SUIT ON SATURDAY[3007] nightbot: “😂😂😂” -avidqr6[3007] aeoerick: XIMMMM PLEASE[3007] minimint2_rdo: Do fan mail[3007] chrispy123567: I miss chalrie[3007] mortar: LOL[3007] sunofabeach420: charlie[3007] giffoni__: wait dont move im almost done[3007] ausstario99: Why is fanmail @Jynxzi [3007] streamelements: @JynxziThePartTimer, you only have 10 points.[3008] maximiliosa: ITS LITTT[3008] trawlrz: LMAO[3008] emorris1214: wtf[3008] serrvin_: 1v1 PANA OR KAXYU[3008] ickis12: WARM UP FAT[3008] dannyyboy005: PrimeRlyTho PrimeRlyTho PrimeRlyTho PrimeRlyTho[3008] nobapgrumpyg: Inv NOBAPGRUMPYG IM UP ON AVID Inv NOBAPGRUMPYG IM UP ON AVID Inv NOBAPGRUMPYG IM UP ON AVID[3008] bossboy68: me[3008] niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick: W CLEAVAGE SHIRT[3008] lilskittle5: when’s fan mail[3009] strawhatroyal: CHANGE TITLE[3009] the_zucc: EleGiggle[3009] nobapgrumpyg: Inv NOBAPGRUMPYG IM UP ON AVID Inv NOBAPGRUMPYG IM UP ON AVID Inv NOBAPGRUMPYG IM UP ON AVID Inv NOBAPGRUMPYG IM UP ON AVID[3009] sorawtm: !points[3009] 24k_nick: W 1v1 ngl[3009] charliepyke_96: !gamble 200[3009] trawlrz: snappiy[3009] ra1nest: when starting the stream is?[3009] tristan12844: is tim vs junko at 8pm[3009] streamelements: @SoraWtm SoraWtm has 0 points and is rank 1/1734388 on the leaderboard.[3009] tymarl3y: !gamble 2k[3009] clawrence2214: !link[3009] daltoot: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak[3009] sirbenss: IT S AIDEN[3010] wrvnn26: CHESTRR[3010] ski69_: Not long time[3010] streamelements: tymarl3y won 2000 points in roulette and now has 61935 points! FeelsGoodMan[3010] ozzzadnar: bros warming up to spectate LUL ![3010] dornimaze77: I’m lay me[3010] dylonius3887: NO[3010] buckxx09: YO[3010] sunofabeach420: charliee[3010] hunterl0710: avid 0-10[3010] dannydrip02: Bros saying who like he ain’t in the stream[3011] emorris1214: not a warm up[3011] d1zzyna: W[3011] samuraivii76: avid[3011] nobapgrumpyg: Inv NOBAPGRUMPYG IM UP ON AVID Inv NOBAPGRUMPYG IM UP ON AVID Inv NOBAPGRUMPYG IM UP ON AVID Inv NOBAPGRUMPYG IM UP ON AVID [3011] dynamo_dann: they not like us[3011] marztjd: @avid[3011] layton_k: you still have to pay mingoo[3011] lucas910xx: Charlie[3011] 17dayne: LOLLLLLLLLLL[3011] bravo_dog2002: Sending hate from Australia[3012] sunofabeach420: charlie[3012] wyat897: sending love from indiana sending love from Indiana!!!!!!!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️[3012] wrvnn26: CHESTER[3012] unluckyplayy: you can’t get to champ[3012] boejecker99: JUNKO GET GARRON[3012] washedchunko: zenti waiting[3012] godstabss: Jynxzi you should play sea of thieves @jynxzi[3012] slomorunner149: W JYNXZI[3013] gabrielc352: ZENTI GONNA COOK[3013] nobapgrumpyg: Inv NOBAPGRUMPYG IM UP ON AVID[3013] trawlrz: SNAPPIY[3013] pittsburghpromqueen: W[3013] kar3do: CHARLIEEEE VS ZENTIII[3013] pablo_rat4: @avidscams[3013] kr8money: jynxziPACK[3014] samuraivii76: AVID[3014] samjessopp99: Charlie[3014] nobapgrumpyg: Inv NOBAPGRUMPYG IM UP ON AVID Inv NOBAPGRUMPYG IM UP ON AVID[3014] newku11: GET XIM[3014] vaxxz_: 1v1 Aiden tax[3014] axess10: w 1v1[3014] fruitloverboy: DONT BE A BITCH[3014] cai10578: sending love from North Carolina[3014] chrispy123567: I miss Charlie[3015] daltoot: jynxziFAT[3015] babykeemlover13: bro has so many viewbots there is literally only 7k votes on the poll.[3015] nobapgrumpyg: Inv NOBAPGRUMPYG IM UP ON AVID Inv NOBAPGRUMPYG IM UP ON AVID [3015] sunofabeach420: charliee[3015] ozzzadnar: bros warming up to spectate LUL LUL[3015] yela5322: 1v1 Kingbradd[3015] onetimeshot67: CHARLIE[3015] trawlrz: SNAPPIYY[3015] mynameisnotgoon: faIIing ghst[3015] nebis12: i miss charlie[3015] jbagz7: how are you warming up by watching 1v1s???????[3015] kaixen26: 1v1 Kendrick[3015] wrvnn26: CHARLIE[3016] btwnbeast94: WHY IS HE IN CALI[3016] witherspark: CHESTER[3016] romane6785909: you play[3016] nobapgrumpyg: Inv NOBAPGRUMPYG IM UP ON AVID Inv NOBAPGRUMPYG IM UP ON AVID[3016] skums__: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4[3016] aggrodevv: @avidscams OMG[3016] jayonth3sticks: Loo vs AVID qq[3016] babykeemlover13: bro has so many viewbots there is literally only 7k votes on the poll[3017] unholyrampage93: 👕👕👕👕👕👕👕[3017] subwayenjoyer: XIM[3017] darkkkkkkkh: faaaaaaaaat[3017] bubbabass69: 1v1 me[3017] quietcloud45: imma sub rn[3017] yabba_dabba_94: get stompn[3017] samuraivii76: avid[3017] squidwarddobeabaddiedoe: so we are not warming up[3017] hennyczzz: Charlie[3017] nobapgrumpyg: Inv NOBAPGRUMPYG IM UP ON AVID Inv NOBAPGRUMPYG IM UP ON AVID [3017] tymarl3y: !points[3017] sunofabeach420: charlie[3018] buckxx09: FAT BOY[3018] snipezabambi: damn I joined just in time to see the stream end[3018] babykeemlover13: bro has so many viewbots there is literally only 7k votes on the poll.[3018] boejecker99: GET GARRON[3019] nobapgrumpyg: Inv NOBAPGRUMPYG IM UP ON AVID Inv NOBAPGRUMPYG IM UP ON AVID[3019] elitej1x: Hate from czechlosvakia[3019] dornimaze77: please play me jynxi[3019] ttvsentenal: i’ll trash ya[3019] ayorah_: charlie[3020] trawlrz: SNAPPIY[3020] nobapgrumpyg: Inv NOBAPGRUMPYG IM UP ON AVID[3020] sunofabeach420: charliee[3020] babykeemlover13: bro has so many viewbots there is literally only 7k votes on the poll[3020] samuraivii76: AVID[3020] slimyy_vf: when is fan mail[3020] layton_k: pay mingo[3021] kinetxxx: so much for warming up smh[3021] axess10: LETS GOOOOO[3021] ski69_: Charlie[3021] nobapgrumpyg: Inv NOBAPGRUMPYG IM UP ON AVID [3022] bru_c_e: Cheenr10jsj000 Cheer10bsbs000[3022] boejecker99: PLAY GARRON[3022] babykeemlover13: bro has so many viewbots there is literally only 7k votes on the poll.[3022] deadpool67699: jynxziCharizard[3022] sunofabeach420: charlie[3022] amedos_butt_cheek: !watchtime[3022] d_mann2: drug dealer ahhh shirt[3022] streamelements: amedos_butt_cheek has spent 23 hours 40 mins watching jynxzi[3023] minimint2_rdo: Fanmail[3023] flower_invictus: @jynxzi ur rlly big and fat end stream fatass[3023] junkoisgo: Your fat[3023] nebis12: BRING CHARLIE BACK[3023] i_am_the_militia: Whens fanmail[3023] samuraivii76: avid[3023] mavv_guns: sending hate from Washington[3023] babykeemlover13: bro has so many viewbots there is literally only 7k votes on the poll[3023] intenserappiz1: !watchage[3024] trollinglobbyz420: !link[3024] btwnbeast94: WHY IS IT 3 hours back[3024] sp8ceman25079: Spaceman1235689[3024] nightbot: @trollinglobbyz420 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[3024] motheman123: IM WAITING bro[3024] buckxx09: FAT[3024] 1738clutch: w zenti[3024] theundergroundgoat11: snappy[3024] sunofabeach420: charliee[3025] mr_krabs187: Love ya, have a great stream[3025] zzfrostwizardzz: LUL[3025] trawlrz: LMAOOO[3025] babykeemlover13: bro has so many viewbots there is literally only 7k votes on the poll.[3025] l2_joystick5: audio[3025] pepperoni_roni: HE TROLLLLLING[3025] marie_xm: wow[3025] sandy_sir: 💀[3026] dawah22: jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown[3026] motheman123: IM WAITING[3026] samuraivii76: AVID[3026] wlittlelime: nice[3026] frackedfly: l vape[3026] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[3026] cac0gazapo: SNAPIYY[3026] subwayenjoyer: W ZENTI[3026] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀[3027] trawlrz: W ZENTI[3027] alexbtw14: need other people for content like always[3027] minimint2_rdo: When fanmail[3027] lordraahibius: L BULLY[3027] maximiliosa: GYATTT[3027] louie69112: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[3027] babykeemlover13: bro has so many viewbots there is literally only 7k votes on the poll[3027] slomorunner149: W JYNXZI, W ZENTI, W AVID[3028] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀[3028] 1738clutch: w zenti w zenti w zenti w zenti w zenti w zenti[3028] tristanhowell385: W Zenti[3028] cwaltz342: letters[3028] mammado_o: Spoit[3028] layton_k: pay mingoooo[3028] sunofabeach420: charlie[3028] samuraivii76: avid[3028] thenuttes: snapiy[3028] trawlrz: W ZENTIII[3029] oreoandcookie21: bro you need to warmup[3029] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀[3029] caitl0n: sending love from me and the girls 💕💕[3029] cxltproducedthis: SCRIPT[3029] mynameisnotgoon: 1v1 me faIIing ghst[3029] iluvyou_69420: FATTY[3029] babykeemlover13: bro has so many viewbots there is literally only 7k votes on the poll.[3029] chicoval: bought to get carried[3029] co0lmonkey: !WATCHTIME[3029] joshallen_proztictoc: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion[3029] streamelements: co0lmonkey has spent 4 days 2 hours watching jynxzi[3029] evanwade144: 1v1 yourself[3029] cwaltz342: get lou[3029] mortar: LUL LUL LUL LUL[3030] toneshooting: he’s gonna see the stream foo[3030] el_qc1234: 💀💀💀[3030] she_for_the_streetz: bring back Charles[3030] kr8money: jynxziSNOT[3030] vrrs468: LMFAOOO[3030] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀[3030] 1738clutch: w zenti w zenti w zenti w zenti w zenti w zenti w zenti w zenti w zenti w zenti w zenti w zenti[3030] trawlrz: W ZENTI[3030] sunofabeach420: charliee[3030] acidthriller: WUSS[3030] damnbro0_0: W ZENtI[3030] unholyrampage93: unholy101GGGMA unholy101GGGMA unholy101GGGMA unholy101GGGMA[3030] babykeemlover13: bro has so many viewbots there is literally only 7k votes on the poll[3031] boejecker99: 1v1 GARRON[3031] wyattz90: Give ryan his money[3031] spookywsg: 💀💀💀[3031] fossabot: @Gregawesome58, Your message is too long [5x][3031] adurallz_: INV DYZFUNCTIONS[3031] motheman123: im waiting[3031] elitej1x: Hate from czechlosvakia[3031] samuraivii76: AVID[3031] frackedfly: L vape[3031] sirpickleton_12: Jynxzi you’re order of 30,000 bots has been confirmed we only need your twitch info[3031] flower_invictus: END STREAM FATASS[3031] pmw11: W ZENTO[3032] shrewbop: YOURE LATE TO THE WEDDING[3032] sunofabeach420: charlie[3032] nonappreciative: 😂😂😂[3032] unfoundedsoupy: 1v1 snapiyy[3032] alaplakka: WENTI[3032] theoneandonlyd: clip farmer[3032] 1738clutch: w zenti w zenti w zenti w zenti w zenti w zenti[3032] khangdodo: L[3032] deathbythorne: fkkkkk zentiii[3032] kyxdi8: !LINK[3032] babykeemlover13: bro has so many viewbots there is literally only 7k votes on the poll.[3032] royal2huu: scriptt[3032] motheman123: IM WAITING[3033] the_zucc: LUL[3033] damnbro0_0: W[3033] joshallen_proztictoc: jynxziGG jynxziGG[3033] zorz_xz: 1v1 me u ass[3033] treeman8947: FAT[3033] trawlrz: WENTI[3033] sunofabeach420: charliee[3034] tomashupe: W zenti[3034] flower_invictus: END STREAM[3034] marie_xm: w instigate[3034] babykeemlover13: bro has so many viewbots there is literally only 7k votes on the poll[3034] washedchunko: Funeral?[3034] cwaltz342: letters[3034] garrettmoyers: snappy[3034] xxylanzk: L instigate[3034] maximiliosa: LMAOOOOOOO[3034] mw3official04: L[3034] 1738clutch: w zenti w zenti w zenti w zenti w zenti w zenti w zenti w zenti w zenti[3034] milk5000_: “warming up” and doesn’t even play lol[3034] unholyrampage93: unholy101CHEEZING4JU[3034] smackingskills: L AVID[3034] obijuann1: da drama[3035] ethantop20: EthanTop20 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [3035] piecectrlshaq: LMAO W ZENTI[3035] alyssa_curry11: when is fan mail[3035] minimint2_rdo: You do fanmail pls[3035] slomorunner149: W 1V1'S[3035] cxltproducedthis: W SCRIPT[3035] jking3555: W ZENTI[3035] agnus7777: no[3035] kassanofft: !gamble 500[3035] samib__: madooooo[3035] motheman123: i’m waiting[3036] sneklol1: 1v1 me pookie pie jynxziCopper[3036] thomasgray_1: what time is the wedding[3036] babykeemlover13: bro has so many viewbots there is literally only 7k votes on the poll.[3036] samuraivii76: avid[3036] pmw11: W ZENTI[3036] spidersonic214: Yoooooo! Let's goo!!!![3036] elliotdiaz528: bruh[3036] ttvsentenal: ya bots fr[3036] maximiliosa: ZENTI WAITING[3036] luke_pizza69: W zenti[3036] cwaltz342: fatty[3036] barhdock: L bully[3036] russuuh: i[3037] mmew_2: fat[3037] kingofthedead570: vape on stream[3037] charliepyke_96: !gamble 300[3037] motheman123: IM WAITING[3037] kr8money: bro was pooping[3037] mynameisnotgoon: faIIing ghst[3037] pietheguy_: W zenti[3037] leoflowbro: L script[3037] unholyrampage93: unholy101CHEEZING4JU unholy101CHEEZING4JU unholy101CHEEZING4JU[3037] babykeemlover13: bro has so many viewbots there is literally only 7k votes on the poll[3037] mraimdot: PAY RYAN[3038] maximiliosa: W SCRIPT[3038] exclusifyy_: w[3038] evanwade144: W vaping[3038] siah_ccrazzy: alpha[3038] dornimaze77: play me jynxi[3038] boomq2: u look like a donkey[3038] nightbot: packs Saving for 999 for an opening![3038] flower_invictus: PRE END[3039] spplcyy: bagq[3039] rankfut: l friend[3039] maddog201269: favorite streamer[3039] xistxz: 1v1 yourself[3039] treeman8947: FATTASS[3039] babykeemlover13: bro has so many viewbots there is literally only 7k votes on the poll.[3039] trawlrz: WENTIII[3039] recoil_128: clip farming[3039] coffeezilladaughter: ur on his time u need him for content LUL[3039] hunterl0710: your employees bully you[3039] abelydgn: L FRIEND[3039] itslesk: itslesk subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! yoooo[3039] youngromez: love from skull island ❤️[3040] tristan12844: is tim vs junko at 8pm[3040] elitej1x: Hate from czechlosvakia[3040] kermit_col: @jynxzi let me hit ❤️❤️[3040] kulkid305: L script[3040] theredheadedpleb: your time lol[3040] maximiliosa: W SCRIPTT[3041] rcfn_yt: he’s at Breckies[3041] scleebles: he said aight love you[3041] thomascashedin: griddy or no sigma[3041] bojezan: cut yo hair[3041] babykeemlover13: bro has so many viewbots there is literally only 7k votes on the poll[3041] nehsty: W[3041] alaplakka: ZENTI[3042] thatbirdd: W SCRIPT[3042] dakfannn: L BULLY[3042] worst_speller: jynxziBALD[3042] aky665: How long Dose it Take to get the charm[3042] mrbjell: !discord[3042] coffeezilladaughter: ur on his time u need him for content LUL [3042] slomorunner149: W SCRIPT[3042] azazel42023: wwww scripter[3042] nightbot: https://discord.gg/jynxzi[3042] recoil_128: clip farm[3042] tunova_: W SCRIPT[3042] trawlrz: WENTI WENTI[3042] squidwarddobeabaddiedoe: so we ain't warming up[3042] zorz_xz: 1v1me u ass[3043] flower_invictus: PRE END STREAM[3043] layton_k: pay mingo for clutching[3043] pokirages: W script[3043] lucas910xx: Charlie[3043] minja22349: w instigator[3043] woody_hairyson: 2he alr knows[3043] liplanktonil: Dort[3044] deathbythorne: fkkk aviddd[3044] mw3official04: L SCRIPT[3044] evanwade144: w vapes[3044] unrealriki: WW ZENTI[3044] x2jmandoom: script got leaked[3044] finzottv: DONT DO IT[3044] g37o_: why are you so mean to avidq[3044] sorawtm: L SCRIPT[3044] subwayenjoyer: L CLIP FARM[3044] garrettmoyers: snapppyyyy[3044] amedos_butt_cheek: followage[3044] cstratts: @avidscams[3044] frackedfly: L vape puff puff[3045] poopyy23: W script[3045] alaplakka: W ZENTI[3045] shivermetimbers15: dressed to impress ahh shirt[3045] belligoal69: put me in coach[3045] jeffsznn: hes in stream he knows[3045] outsider_816: bro went back in time[3045] dawah22: jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH[3046] khangdodo: mingo[3046] jorgito4120: !gamble 100[3046] czstaa: instigator[3046] timetoliveh: FlawlessVictory[3046] tunova_: W SCRIPTTING[3046] theoneandonlyd: farmer[3046] streamelements: @jorgito4120, you only have 15 points.[3046] kit_kat_williams: Glazer[3046] abelydgn: L SCRIPT[3046] nehsty: LMAOOOO[3046] thatbirdd: L SCRIPT[3046] trawlrz: WENTIIII[3046] ztsoat3: WHAT IS BLUD WEARING LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO[3046] doddin1: !gamble all[3047] streamelements: doddin1 went all in and lost every single one of their 5 points LUL[3047] duffmcscruff: L script[3047] haviccauser: !link[3047] babykeemlover13: bro has so many viewbots there is literally only 7k votes on the poll .[3047] 27sn0wman: EVERYONE IS WAITING[3047] jdawg_3: L script[3047] woody_hairyson: alr onows[3047] nasermsd333: W SCRIPT WRITING W SCRIPT WRITING W SCRIPT WRITING W SCRIPT WRITING W SCRIPT WRITING W SCRIPT WRITING W SCRIPT WRITING W SCRIPT WRITING W SCRIPT WRITING W SCRIPT WRITING[3047] subwayenjoyer: L SCRIPT[3048] maximiliosa: W SCRIPT W SCRIPT[3048] berto2hk: bro scripting it in real time[3048] motheman123: IM WAITINg[3048] ttvsentenal: 1v1 me[3048] finzottv: AVIDD NOT FEELING IT[3048] jojosiwameth: ANGIE IK UR FAT ASS IS WATCHING[3048] c4rs0n0827: 5:01[3048] bigmancheeser: w manz[3048] clasicwoody: pay rayan[3048] hennyczzz: Charlie[3048] khangdodo: mingooooo[3048] liplanktonil: base[3048] marie_xm: zenti babay[3049] zorz_xz: 1v1 me u ass[3049] strawhatroyal: WHO DIED[3049] mexicanjeff17: can we 1v1[3049] alaplakka: WENTII[3049] aminmjv: W script[3049] snm_kaizen: www[3049] nonappreciative: the Tim The Tatman 1v1 was golden btw[3050] berto2hk: bro scripting it in real time.[3050] lilroncetti: !points[3050] mightygaminghh: L script[3050] slayer_him: daddy[3050] streamelements: @lilroncetti lilroncetti has 13820 points and is rank 27891/1734388 on the leaderboard.[3050] toesniffer300: retigga[3050] jeffsznn: hes in streamm[3050] spartan7oo: BRECKKIE IN THE OTHER ROO.[3050] slimyy_vf: WHEN IS FAN MAIL?????[3050] bluelobster923: you did not mute[3050] tygresssss: pay Ryan[3050] realblueballs: L MIC[3050] tyson__19: he’s in la[3050] dylonius3887: L[3050] ickis12: WARM UP FAT[3051] streamelements: @amedos_butt_cheek, amedos_butt_cheek has been following jynxzi for 3 months 26 days 1 hour[3051] bigmancheeser: W MANZ[3051] tunova_: PRE CLIP FARM[3051] zappytoast: snapiyy[3052] belligoal69: meeee[3052] dylonius3887: LLL[3052] warrrne: HolidayPresent HolidayPresent HolidayPresent HolidayPresent HolidayPresent[3052] trawlrz: WENTI WENTI WENTIII[3052] wydlanny: i said huh[3052] motheman123: IM WAITING[3052] half_bakked_420: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[3052] romanyeayea: dont u have to warm up[3052] lyroontiktok: yo Jyxzi how do I link my Ubisoft account to twitch[3052] deathbythorne: they are trash and poor sports[3052] jojosiwameth: ANGIE[3053] charliepyke_96: !gamble 1000[3053] aeoerick: L SCRIPT[3053] ayorah_: chester[3053] mmew_2: ur fat[3053] jeffsznn: w scrio[3053] chrisdagod69420: w script[3053] icyyonkbm: weeks[3053] swipe_3_2: hi[3053] dylonius3887: LL[3053] 0710_beast: stream snipe[3053] s0l01111: hate from uk[3053] aggrodevv: @aggroDev[3053] schoooooo_: @Jynxzi spain[3054] samib__: L SCRIPT[3054] d_kendo: he's in the stream dummy, he knows[3054] vulpy2688: avid AINT got nothing on big d drake[3054] theundergroundgoat11: snapy[3054] kylexxgamer: the stream is almost done[3054] duffmcscruff: script[3054] nightbot: “😂😂😂” -avidqr6[3054] ski69_: Charlie[3054] dave_cz21: hello fat[3054] nonappreciative: great content need more of that[3054] tomashupe: nice script[3054] nightbot: bozo[3054] d_mann2: drug dealer ahhh shirt[3055] mr_clean200: w[3055] pietheguy_: he knows it’s zenti[3055] subwayenjoyer: W ZENTI[3055] dylonius3887: LLLLLL[3055] mogenheten777: Sending love from Sweden[3055] bigmancheeser: W MANDEM[3055] luis20081231: why won’t u 1v1 viewers[3055] ugxawash: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE[3055] jolmtron: 1v1 me fraud lol[3056] trawlrz: o Zenti[3056] sharks550: you're showing too much cleavage[3056] hivise: Real[3056] trexlnator: shush buddy[3056] royal2huu: w script[3056] nightbot: real[3057] dylonius3887: lLLL[3057] faze1628: pls[3057] i_am_the_militia: Whens fanmail[3057] trevor_tyy: warm up[3057] tymarl3y: !points[3057] maximus1197: chattt[3057] kermit_col: @jynxzi letttt meeeee hitttttttttt[3057] tunova_: W CLIPFARMING[3057] crashingyeti903: ew[3057] theundergroundgoat11: snappy[3057] hivise: LMAO[3057] motheman123: im@waiting[3058] slomorunner149: WRIPT[3058] finzottv: avid is sad read the room junko[3058] kr8money: pay rayan[3058] outsider_816: whys it 4:58[3058] r5_gaming_: JYNXZI SAY CALL ME BEN CAUSE ALL MY BITCHES ARE TEN[3058] 27sn0wman: L SHIRT[3058] hunterl0710: script is bad[3058] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[3058] jeffsznn: w script[3058] trawlrz: LMFAO[3059] dylonius3887: LLLLLLLLLLLll[3059] erikf12255: bro who’s house are u at[3059] joshallen_proztictoc: jynxziLOL jynxziLOL jynxziLOL[3059] nicksd022: when’s the 3v5?[3059] thomassimecek: yo[3059] quietcloud45: vs kia[3059] toesniffer300: oil up big daddy[3059] 0710_beast: @avidscams[3060] flu223: whats on your tongue[3060] spartan7oo: GET BRECKIEE[3060] motheman123: IM WAITING[3060] vitoishere69: picking nose[3060] ggtime5221: w script[3060] slomorunner149: LMAO[3060] piecectrlshaq: LMAO[3060] brotmane: Eewwww[3060] takeachance124: avids in the viewer list tf[3061] dylonius3887: LLLLLLLLLLLLll[3061] maximiliosa: W RAYAN SCRIPT[3061] marie_xm: LMAO[3061] ickis12: L SCRIPT[3061] jolmtron: 1v1 me fraud looollll[3061] jojosiwameth: BITXH[3061] trawlrz: LMFAOOO[3061] dave_cz21: jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT[3061] zuhvyyyyy: fuck u get a job bum[3061] morspeach: he’s in stream[3061] hunta28: its almost an hour long steam end comming soon[3062] lichsynthetiq: FUCK YOU AVID.[3062] c4rs0n0827: !watchtim[3062] niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick: W CLEAVAGE SHIRT[3062] iamviewbot123: kjzxhcljkDHSXZcv[3062] mynameisnotgoon: faIIing ghst faIIing ghst faIIing ghst faIIing ghst faIIing ghst[3062] twixyclips_: TwitchConHYPE[3062] shivermetimbers15: dressed to impress ahh shirt.[3062] liam3548: W avid[3062] jorgito4120: !gamble 15[3062] jsetto20: bengalSave bengalSave bengalSave bengalSave bengalSave bengalSave[3062] xiamprime: LMAO[3063] formulates_: ew[3063] nonappreciative: not this bullshit whatever this is🤣🤣[3063] joshallen_proztictoc: jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE[3063] coconut0ill: Kreygasm Kreygasm[3063] footballkingkai: bro[3064] luca5_the_pro11: did you hear kendricks new song to drake? just now[3064] jzdeath: 1v1 viewers[3064] tongs2eat: Aå[3064] piecectrlshaq: AVID IS SO ODD[3064] woody_hairyson: l bully[3064] tfirkel: what happen to you warming up you need it[3064] motheman123: i’m waiting[3064] joebidenreal69420111: joebidenreal69420111 subscribed with Prime. [3065] caitl0n: sending love from me and the girls 💕💕[3065] charliepyke_96: !gamble all[3065] jolmtron: 1v1 me fraud looooooooool[3065] mammado_o: RyuChamp[3065] recoil_128: w[3065] tygresssss: you need to warm up[3065] mortar: LUL LUL LUL LUL[3065] streamelements: PogChamp charliepyke_96 went all in and won 2285 points PogChamp they now have 4570 points FeelsGoodMan[3065] alyssa_curry11: when is fan mail[3065] jsetto20: bengalSave bengalSave bengalSave bengalSave[3065] dylonius3887: L game[3065] thenuttes: snappy[3065] ninjamango_: wedding[3066] mynameisnotgoon: faIIing ghst[3066] phobichomo_abcdlgt: 😂😂😂[3066] cornificusy: PAY AVID[3066] nehsty: LMAOOO[3066] theunseen00: !watchtime[3066] trawlrz: 💀💀[3066] thomassimecek: sup[3066] g37o_: why you so mean avidq[3066] tomy_il: junko do stompn vs kason[3066] streamelements: TheUnseen00 has spent 17 days 5 hours watching jynxzi[3066] motheman123: IM WAITING[3066] xxbookablexx: me[3066] rayven8tor30: charlie[3066] recoil_128: wwwww[3066] thomasgray_1: what time is the wedding[3067] half_bakked_420: 😂😂😂😂[3067] headhunter_223: headhunter_223 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 7 month streak! [3067] liplanktonil: vape break[3067] joshallen_proztictoc: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT[3067] scleebles: His tampon fell ouy[3068] marcelthemerc: @Jynxzi is the DANA WHITE OF RAINBOW SIX[3068] shep_007: fake ass laugh[3068] evanwade144: w vaping[3068] ayorah_: bring chester back[3068] brazyium: why he in his feelings[3068] alex_holmes38: bro just woke up[3068] iamsk1nwalker: fat[3069] friedbutter6: L instagitor[3069] youmadbrofps: HAHAHAHAA[3069] acidthriller: zesty avid[3069] toesniffer300: oil up daddy[3069] sfb_peetah: Kindergartener[3069] takeachance124: he knows already he’s in the viewer list[3069] yamuthaissocute: you suck at warming up[3069] j5uav3: W AVID[3069] thomascashedin: your booty stinky[3070] 17dayne: HA HA HA HA[3070] morspeach: avid in stream[3070] motheman123: IM WAITIN[3070] landozuy42: were u just at a wedding[3070] xpose__6: @babykeemlover13 how have you been following since today but youve subbed for 2months?[3070] tco_prism: react to clips[3070] slomorunner149: LUL LUL LUL[3070] tomashupe: law suit incoming[3070] gallonzofmilk: L script[3070] phobichomo_abcdlgt: lmaaaoooo[3070] hivise: REAL[3070] fossabot: @iCEDso1, Your message is too long[3070] nightbot: real[3070] dogtooo: L bully[3070] spacewacky_: L avid[3071] 0710_beast: @avidscams lol[3072] dontbullybuba: now[3072] abelydgn: He gonna be mad[3072] zorz_xz: 1v me u ass[3072] belligoal69: fan mail[3072] ethantop20: 💀[3072] punian_: So never[3072] element_zzzzz: when is fanmail[3072] nibtimmy: what if he don’t wanna 1v1 him[3072] hivise: No[3072] misterbubbatw: can I have a mcchick and a 10 peice[3072] tyri0n48: tyri0n48 subscribed at Tier 1. [3072] apex_way: bro just got married[3073] kovixz: no[3073] strawhat_oso: fuck avid lame ass punk[3073] shivermetimbers15: no[3073] maximiliosa: THANK YOU HIVISE SCRIPT[3073] ghost_8299: never[3073] lgslaton2000: jynxziChampion[3073] trajanfn: jager black ce[3073] ender_antho: Open 1 pack[3073] elitej1x: Hate from czechlosvakia.[3073] grumpyonyt: no[3073] berttrev: So never[3073] hivise: No[3073] headhunter_223: You got this Junko[3073] streamelements: c4rs0n0827 has spent 6 hours 10 mins watching jynxzi[3073] trixcwl: trixcwl subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 6 month streak! [3074] jolmtron: 1v1 me fraud loooooooool[3074] chair00009: Elmo ahh laugh[3074] spacewacky_: P avid[3074] jarrettanderson42: L[3074] seanmulrooney: when you reacting to clips?[3074] villias: yes you do[3074] wyattz90: so never[3074] qwxyiscool3287: IM SILGVER AND DESERVE PLAT[3074] tame965story: no[3074] trawlrz: no[3074] wakeywocky: LMAOOO[3075] otaldomerli: uou[3075] ddog_666: never?[3075] bardown16__: yup[3075] mustyybean: fake laugh[3075] swaginacan: Bully[3075] acidthriller: L[3075] nightbot: yup yup yup[3075] itsluch416: so never[3075] phobichomo_abcdlgt: real lmaoo[3075] frxsty_ops_2: inv[3075] piecectrlshaq: OPEN PACKS NOW[3075] deathbythorne: ah2ez[3075] slomorunner149: YES[3075] brotmane: L Streamer[3075] gucci_kid54: LMAO[3076] sandy_sir: 💀[3076] tymarl3y: bruh[3076] berttrev: never[3076] i_am_the_militia: Coke Break[3076] slothbaseform: Emerald know ur place[3076] hivise: 💀[3076] majestic_one314: Fat[3076] zappytoast: no[3076] tj_gains: Sooooo never[3076] fooinc: lmao[3076] hivise: 💀[3076] swoleboh: LMAO[3076] hivise: 💀[3076] le_huard: no[3076] hivise: 💀[3078] dawah22: SENDING HATE FROM AFGHANSTIAN SENDING HATE FROM AFGHANSTIAN SENDING HATE FROM AFGHANSTIAN[3078] slomorunner149: LMAO[3078] vvoxill: W[3078] astroillogical: LMAO[3078] piecectrlshaq: LMAOOOOOOOOO[3078] dalemoney__: lmaoooo[3078] theunseen00: !watchtime Caseoh_[3078] sirpezzz: LMAO[3078] fattycree: Did Beckie dress you today?[3078] aznamo_: w[3078] gageking2023: REAL[3078] eworz26: LMAOOOO[3078] zappytoast: nono[3078] mightygaminghh: OOOO[3078] 24k_nick: true[3079] elijah2345682: 😭😭😭😭[3079] samladen35: real[3079] dondo_14: FACTS[3079] steelpen19: w[3079] stephcurrylover4: real[3079] im_snacks: no[3079] dawah22: W[3079] villias: 😂[3079] zaddybrump: w[3079] vrrs468: LMFAOOO[3079] kingofthedead570: no cap[3079] scleebles: No[3079] berttrev: Pay mingo[3079] purepro_: LOL[3079] nightbot: 😂[3080] acidthriller: no[3080] belligoal69: fan Mail when?[3080] lazyjonathan01: 1-10[3080] samib__: jajajajaja[3080] ethantop20: 💀💀[3080] papimoore: FACTS[3080] tame965story: W AVID[3080] unfoundedsoupy: W avid[3080] tahalam03: WWW[3080] gray_gahd: W AVID[3081] michaelcritelli: michaelcritelli subscribed at Tier 1. [3082] nmaringer2468: wwww[3082] adz_sux: wwww[3082] maximiliosa: W AVID[3082] coffeezilladaughter: -300 aura to ur name[3082] purepro_: true[3082] cr1ti3al: L mystery[3082] cowpuff2: W[3082] wakeywocky: LMAOOOO[3082] mcwaffle_abc123: fat[3082] theoneandonlyd: REAL[3082] j4c0bexe1: reall[3082] boat1118: real[3082] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀[3082] tymarl3y: !points[3082] pinkinfinite: LMAOOOOOO[3083] steelpen19: wwwww[3083] youjustsad: fat[3083] elijah2345682: 😂😂😂😂😂[3083] streamelements: @tymarl3y tymarl3y has 61940 points and is rank 747/1736307 on the leaderboard.[3083] thekari_: LMAOOOOOOO[3083] kodaks_father: WWWW[3083] alexx_ohh: fat[3083] kofinz: damn bro[3083] vvoxill: w[3083] macklinwatkins: nahhhhhh[3083] jaidrn_654: W[3083] flappings: real[3083] j5uav3: W AARON[3083] xiamprime: W AVI[3083] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀[3084] youngherox: facts[3084] therooster315: wwwwWWWW[3084] huncho_lys: when's fan mail[3084] voidsweepzz: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣[3084] kingjulienn3: LMAOOO[3084] cobainsveins: 😂😂[3084] khangdodo: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL[3084] onetimeshot67: LOL[3086] jobedaglobe: www[3086] robertad12: He right[3086] robin6948mwnnna: wwww[3086] dawah22: WWWWWWWWWWWWWW[3086] f1yinggoose: w[3086] aminmjv: W script[3086] scleebles: W avid[3086] jorgito4120: !gamble all[3086] o_jsck: duo ranked with avid[3086] multiversus23: TRUE[3086] trawlrz: W AVID[3086] agnus7777: real[3086] unrealriki: W AVID[3086] caden_autrey17: W[3087] thunderclapswk: lol[3087] xdilldope_2: w avid[3087] fate_harley: W AVIDDDD[3087] 123rtyghj: hell nah[3087] pietheguy_: mod him[3087] fazehypebeast07: W AVID[3087] pooneslayer96: he right[3087] dave_cz21: real[3087] exclusifyy_: w avid[3087] alexx_ohh: fatttt[3087] ozzzadnar: bros warming up to spectate LUL[3087] nicthenewb: w avidd[3087] xiamprime: W AVIDDD[3087] nathanfarm4500: w fat[3087] stoinksjay: W Avid[3088] chandler402: Real[3088] cmomoney187: FACY[3088] trawlrz: WAVID[3088] maximiliosa: L AURA[3088] allitleperson102: jynxziBALD_SQ[3088] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀[3089] eianz_: fat aura[3089] fatgiganticballs: fatgiganticballs subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! W[3090] cleanfire: LMAO[3090] elitej1x: Hate from czechlosvakia[3090] nehsty: W avid[3090] acidthriller: ☠️☠️☠️☠️fax[3090] focus_stewie: no pack opening this season[3090] tristan12844: is tim vs junko at 9pm[3090] xxylanzk: fat[3090] ryann2700: WWWWWWWWWWWW[3090] therealeliteowen: HAHAHHAHAHHA[3090] semoy5: Lmfaooooo fuck no[3090] gageking2023: REALR[3090] dolceamore69: loreedddssssds[3090] scleebles: avid keeps it real[3090] zzfrostwizardzz: So we are never having a pack opening ?[3090] nightbot: “😂😂😂” -avidqr6[3091] ofliqq: Lmao.[3091] alphaeid3: yay content is here[3091] dblue_heat: fake laugh[3091] thexanthosis: REAL[3091] alex_ferm27: REWL[3091] multiversus23: REAL[3091] ocrankin: fat[3091] wdn121: FlawlessVictory FlawlessVictory[3091] boomersquad10: c##. lcccc[3091] peel_ski04: w avid[3091] retronitez: fake laugh[3091] dave_cz21: script[3091] exclusifyy_: REAL AVID[3091] corey___swag: w[3091] whatisthewordd: only funnny fat from this comm[3092] vizex112: 💀[3092] ineedthemdrops: gg[3092] aaronsauce17: w avid[3092] dornimaze77: fat[3092] nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP[3093] tortellinitapper: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂[3093] lil_m0narch: NEGATIVE AURA[3093] itzzdametime: real[3093] quietcloud45: avid[3093] stomper337: YO JINXZIIIIII[3093] steelpen19: fat is your aura Jynxi[3093] fuegomvp: sending backshots from Maryland[3093] xedwz: fat aura[3093] aron_rivas07: LMAOOOO[3093] o_jsck: duo ranked w avid[3093] iluvyou_69420: w avid[3094] wyat897: sending love from indiana sending love from Indiana!!!!!!!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️[3094] theunseen00: !watctime Caseoh[3094] iamehumanbeing: none of you were here 3 years ago[3094] shane3182: !watchtime[3094] maximiliosa: BRO DOES NOT HAVE AURA[3094] fenikoz: W AVID[3094] theundergroundgoat11: snappy[3094] lightningkakuzu: wwwwwwwwwwwwwww[3094] proxyy_tv: ironic[3094] nightbot: Subscribe to @Jynxzi for FREE with Twitch Prime Twitch.tv/subs/jynxzi[3094] streamelements: shane3182 has spent 7 days watching jynxzi[3094] unfoundedsoupy: Who's better?[3094] shrewbop: fatass[3094] littlealaska: so aura's in copper[3095] wdn121: FlawlessVictory FlawlessVictory FlawlessVictory FlawlessVictory FlawlessVictory ChewyYAY[3095] aminmjv: L aura[3095] dave_cz21: l[3095] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[3096] gab_du_88: @avidscams[3096] dawah22: SENDING HATE FROM AFGHANSTIAN SENDING HATE FROM AFGHANSTIAN SENDING HATE FROM AFGHANSTIAN SENDING HATE FROM AFGHANSTIAN[3096] quietcloud45: acid[3096] rockpenguin599: wwww avid[3096] dolceamore69: ihhhhh helnooooo[3096] robin6948mwnnna: true[3096] pxzi9529: w script[3096] mothemelon: fat[3096] kitochu1: warm up L[3096] slimyy_vf: WHEN IS FAN MAIL???[3097] dis_is_will: Real[3097] chickenenwafflez: ATE[3097] clashncolor: avid[3097] fossabot: New Prediction! PogChamp 'Who You Got?', outcomes are 'Zenti', 'Avid'![3097] dawah22: SENDING HATE FROM AFGHANSTIAN[3097] rt_rust11: f[3097] sneklol1: i agree with avid you should 1v1 me fatso[3097] nightbot: F in the chat[3097] darkangelz3005: lmaooooo[3097] exotic_vinier: NO[3097] tommnstq: !headset[3098] astrobliss69: L avid he’s black[3098] ozpinn_: free money[3098] nightbot: Astro A50's[3098] lightningkakuzu: w 1v1 w 1v1 w 1v1 w 1v1 w 1v1 w 1v1 w 1v1 w 1v1 w 1v1 w 1v1 w 1v1 w 1v1 w 1v1 w 1v1 w 1v1 w 1v1 w 1v1 w 1v1 w 1v1 w 1v1 w 1v1 w 1v1 w 1v1 w 1v1 w 1v1 w 1v1[3098] el_qc1234: W avid[3098] fairdamidlan: cc[3098] boobooguy: AVID[3098] smovz854: open packs now[3098] caitl0n: sending love from me and the girls 💕💕[3098] alphaeid3: yay content is here[3098] elitej1x: Hate from czechlosvakia..[3098] ggtime5221: he started reading the script[3098] sfb_peetah: Avid[3098] cobainsveins: 💘[3098] snm_kaizen: HELL ISNT GOOD DOE[3099] slimyy_vf: WHEN IS FAN MAIL?????[3099] kanroh: !gamble all[3099] spartan7oo: FAT[3099] streamelements: Kanroh went all in and lost every single one of their 16395 points LUL[3099] godsmoekr: W AVID[3099] setchy023: the falloff is crazyyy[3099] sirpickleton_12: zenti[3099] stomper337: WASSSSUP JKNX[3099] chrisdagod69420: L aura[3099] mj69_420: Wwwww[3100] quietcloud45: avid[3100] papasmurph131: papasmurph131 subscribed with Prime. [3100] tunova_: W AVID[3100] ozzzadnar: bros warming up to spectate LUL ![3100] llxhakaixll: W AVIDDDDDDDDDDDDD[3100] jah_w0rld: yo[3100] zombiedancing1: cap[3100] merckyyy_: how was the wedding cske[3100] trawlrz: 💀[3100] jadenclear: L bozo[3100] nightbot: no 🧢[3100] aziniko: avid[3100] ttv_mclovin_: not yet[3100] elusivew: snappy going to win[3100] its_bobb_: Its_Bobb_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 4 month streak! fat[3101] donxvxn_: zenti[3101] thomassimecek: avid[3101] yt_jellybeen: warm up u r bot[3101] thequickzy: hi[3101] bunga32: open pack[3101] deathbythorne: they are both trash and bad sports[3101] keynin24: where’s xim[3101] grumpyonyt: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀[3101] multiversus23: CAP[3101] laufxs: !watchtime[3101] m_ts6: yhhyhhhyyhyyyyyyftggggggggggggg[3101] samuraivii76: avid[3101] konnerelston240: Lol[3101] streamelements: Laufxs has spent 3 days 1 hour watching jynxzi[3102] mmew_2: no ur not fatty[3102] swaginacan: AVID 100%[3102] ttvenskybobo: leaked[3102] eggofeggs: CAP CAP CAP[3102] gburd5348: fat aura[3102] idropdimez69: it’s scripted[3103] patrickdestar25: CAP[3103] swiftcalf3: cap[3103] kofinz: pre end[3103] stomper337: JINXZZZZZZ[3103] trawlrz: 💀💀💀💀💀💀[3103] el_baritas303: when is spoit[3103] unoaj1: “gonna get carried”[3103] schoooooo_: cap[3103] heyoloolo: cap[3103] evcovington: zanti[3103] shiftenergy121: can I see your tiny Johnson[3103] s0l01111: i have autism[3103] kriegerrr_: cat[3104] hvtspecial: CAP[3104] coolkid_fortnite123: pp[3104] twixyclips_: jynxziBALD[3104] tiny_johnson98: cap[3104] luigithegoat2: no[3104] get_rect_59: Cap[3104] trawlrz: 💀💀💀💀[3104] oldfatball69: Diddy pack[3104] patrickdestar25: Cap[3104] kizmusdd12: Cap[3104] jadenclear: L hozzo[3105] pinkinfinite: CAP[3105] bristow54: he sucks[3105] thomascashedin: your booty stinky[3105] ghoste556: jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage[3105] haviccauser: CAPPPPPPPP[3105] lucas135742: “do i have aura”🤓[3105] d44rkfire: cap[3105] dropowtt: w avid[3105] nyugito: rawwwawaah[3105] topteargohan: all in on avid ah 2 ez[3105] ryry_the_guyguy: when’s fanmail[3105] camposjc__: warm up idiot[3105] kriegerrr_: fat[3105] eggofeggs: other way around[3105] eianz_: chubby cheeks aura @jynxzi[3106] maximiliosa: u dont have aura lil bro[3106] autizyn: you suck[3106] onlyfanslix: spoiy waiting[3106] poopyy23: clips when[3106] swaginacan: scripted[3107] slimyy_vf: WHEN IS FAN MAIL??[3107] lllblitzylll: Shrouds better[3107] htk2119: cap[3107] itsluch416: BOTTOM FRAG AS USAL[3107] ken12_savage: l Xbox ps5 better[3107] puffpuffjuicer: CAP[3107] 615w: extreme cap[3107] reggiewoo: your ass[3107] deefrmdabck: !sub[3107] tongs2eat: Cap[3107] huncho_lys: fan mail?[3107] faze_cloud68: cap[3107] dog_food2: cap[3108] nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi[3108] mogenheten777: Sending love from Sweden[3108] griffkeeks: packs '[3108] changelingyolt: recycling content smh[3108] remitsated: CAPPPPPOPP[3108] thehonoredone_187: cap[3108] mcwaffle_abc123: avid has aura[3108] alyssa_curry11: when is fan mail[3108] jacked3588: Pls 1v2 me I started playing r6 because of you[3109] tomashupe: spoit is gonna carry your ass[3109] tj_gains: In what universe[3109] luigithegoat2: fat[3109] stello96: CAP[3109] darthventura: Obese Wins[3109] dxpressxxn: I eat hella ass[3109] phoenixxfps1: L AURA[3109] kizmusdd12: Big Cap[3109] maximiliosa: ur not good lil bro[3109] stockcoin: take your shirt off[3109] robo750: AVID VS MINGO[3109] gamingforlivesgfl: L streamer[3109] el_baritas303: scripted[3109] sleepyyonhots: !LINK[3109] natethe8th: doesn't hurt to warm up tho bruh[3110] shiftenergy121: it’s tiny[3110] nightbot: @sleepyyonhots If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[3110] spartan7oo: ACTUAL FAT[3110] ttvttv197023: cap[3110] elitepuma5: CAP[3110] joey_hudson2010: CAP 🧢[3110] kytanakb: spoit's gonna carry you[3111] slomorunner149: MOD VISE[3111] xxsupremexx83: L LIAR[3111] mickdjagger: delusional[3111] lemon_house412: !watchtime[3111] lazerslot: !cp[3111] belligoal69: fan Mail when?[3111] living_in_limbo: shroud carries[3111] thetrue_mtp: J[3111] streamelements: lemon_house412 has spent 15 days 12 hours watching jynxzi[3111] we_baliinx: !watchtime[3111] stello96: Cap[3112] jimmy_fallon3: when is next breck stream[3112] exotic_vinier: nice warmup fatty[3112] bigmancheeser: THIS 1v1 gonna be 15% better than you playing ranked[3112] ttvenskybobo: script leaked[3112] tykyran: richhi[3112] shrewbop: fat[3112] nehsty: Call jerry[3112] multiversus23: HIVISE[3112] ccwhyyoumean89: Stop the cap[3112] monte_is_epic: wedding??????????????[3113] slimyy_vf: WHEN IS FAN MAIL[3113] ninjamango_: sketch is waiting[3113] streamelements: If you're a gamer, you need a Starforge! Snag one -> https://starforgepc.com/Jynxzi[3113] d44rkfire: 💀[3113] dexo1_8: say me if you think he’s ass and is going to sell[3113] klania11: Bro lost to spoit 3-7 and 0-6 u shit[3113] gucci_kid54: jerry MadgeLate[3114] kingpakalypse93: CAP[3114] ssoulzyfps: Cap[3114] b00temuncher33: ur funny[3114] shivermetimbers15: when is fanmail?[3114] picklerick3644: you need practice[3114] tco_prism: always be scripting[3114] sfb_peetah: AVID 10000000000000%[3114] coolkid_fortnite123: cap you ass[3114] shiftenergy121: ur Johnson tiny[3114] hassan_d_gold: cap[3114] wispure: L Ohio[3114] idropdimez69: scripted[3115] th0masvalle: jerry[3115] haviccauser: Cap and fat[3115] zombiedancing1: script update[3115] ski69_: Charlie[3115] qwxyiscool3287: AVID WINS[3115] friedchickenaltaco: first come first cum[3115] bardown16__: calling! :D[3115] darthventura: Chubby Young Boy[3115] ghost_8299: jerry[3115] lightningkakuzu: JERRY[3115] whatisthewordd: hivise script incoming[3115] washedchunko: Jerry[3115] snm_kaizen: U CANT CARRY SPOIT, SPOIT IS DADDY[3115] ken12_savage: L Xbox[3115] 123rtyghj: your fat[3116] merckyyy_: how was the wedding cake[3116] shadow_solidus: @jynxzi you don't have aura you have a gravitational pull L fatass[3116] bristow54: avid ass[3116] slomorunner149: MOD HIVISE[3116] pancakepolice469: can’t[3116] xoxocooperr: fat people don’t carry[3116] jking3555: JERRY[3116] damnbro0_0: jerry[3117] immortalemir: new headset??[3117] washedchunko: leaked[3117] arthurontheway: cap[3117] jadenclear: fugalatoogan[3117] hunterl0710: high vise is ai[3117] candough1: WE BACK TOO PRIME JYNXI[3117] maximiliosa: HIVISE TIME OUT JYNXZI[3117] finzottv: ww jerry[3118] itzsn0wyy: he doesn’t need a warm up he’s gonna get carried[3118] zaddybrump: this 1v1 about to be peak[3118] pancakepolice469: cap[3118] therealkshores60: wedding warrior[3118] xgm_iclipz: Why did avid only streamed for 2 mins & 41 seconds @jynxzi[3118] iblurr_hits: jynxziRage[3118] whatisthewordd: line 8[3118] biskit__b: !discord[3118] jynxzimodsarepxssy: 1 HOUR STREAMER 1 HOUR STREAMER 1 HOUR STREAMER 1 HOUR STREAMER 1 HOUR STREAMER 1 HOUR STREAMER[3118] minimint2_rdo: Only thing you carry is the vape to the bathroom[3119] nightbot: https://discord.gg/jynxzi[3119] lx_sigmaboy_xl: w[3119] tame965story: OFC YOUR GONNA CARRY THEM CAUSE YOUR FAT[3119] dynamo_dann: Jerry[3119] vincible_23: said we was going to warmup 🤣 🤣[3119] m_j429swag: avid[3119] soundcloutken: wedding[3119] ko_rogue: SPOIT IS YOUR DAD HOW CAN YOU CAREY HIM?[3119] k_mead5: Avid[3119] shivermetimbers15: Hivise owns you[3119] oldfatball69: Johnson pack[3119] sandy_sir: 💀[3120] fossabot: @einsteinsBeard, Your message is too long[3120] s0l01111: 🍗🍉[3120] deathbythorne: best man ![3120] tongs2eat: Wvise[3120] sportsenjoyer3: JERRYYYYYYYYYYYY[3120] justapear333: 7-1[3120] bru_c_e: Avid[3120] setchy023: prime jynxzi would have 150k viewers[3120] darthventura: Penis Level[3120] nightbot: Blue crown —-> Free —-> no ads —-> charm: https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi[3120] coconut0ill: wedding[3120] xxsupremexx83: JERRY ALERT[3120] spartan7oo: REAL PHAT[3120] shiftenergy121: tiny Johnson[3120] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀'[3121] bot_206fan: when does stream start[3121] slimyy_vf: WHEN IS FAN MAIL??[3121] nightbot: real[3121] autizyn: w Jerry[3121] miraclewhip2001: you’re gonna get carried[3121] bristow54: jerry[3121] accipst1x: buss on my face jerry[3121] lazerslot: !channelpoints[3121] alex_ferm27: W JERRY[3121] trawlrz: LMAO[3121] eothes12: jerry[3121] exxxcl: W jerry[3121] qwxyiscool3287: TELL AVID TO STREAM[3121] khangdodo: JERRY[3122] finzottv: ww jerryyy[3122] bardown16__: phone[3122] dxpressxxn: I eat helllllllaa butt[3122] pancakepolice469: capppp[3122] griffkeeks: packs?? really, this is how you have fallen???[3122] ral_cookz: Scripted[3123] aekhalil85: LEAKED[3123] kizmusdd12: Hivise tell him he is Fat[3123] sandy_sir: WWWWW[3123] slothbaseform: Leaked phone ringer[3123] tomashupe: W jerry[3123] owen123737: fat as$ your so bad apur[3123] yoosuhk: VOTING FOR ZENTI CUS ALL MY HOMIES HATE AVIF[3123] theunseen00: !watchtime Caseoh[3124] ryan18819: how was the wedding cake fatty[3124] shivermetimbers15: hivise owns u[3124] dynamo_dann: Jerry Johnson[3124] kkakaoanab: clips[3124] sandy_sir: WWWWWWW[3124] pancakepolice469: CAPP[3124] streamelements: TheUnseen00 has spent 17 days 5 hours watching jynxzi[3124] ugxawash: Jerry is crazy[3124] icypopp_: GayPride[3124] gucci_kid54: 💀💀💀[3124] spicy_nalgas: WWW STREAM[3125] f3artheflop999: I lost 20,000 because Jynxi is a fucking bot who should I vote for[3125] miraclewhip2001: fatass[3125] smileyy_01: jerry?[3125] shanemay1: Jerry[3125] kahviiiiiii: leaked[3125] kentickle: you will never carry spoit lol[3125] xxsupremexx83: jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh[3125] mothemelon: jERRRYYYYY[3125] bristow54: berry[3125] immortalemir: New headset??[3125] gucci_kid54: 💀💀💀[3125] bingbong_cruse6: Bills suck67 copper 3 0.6 kd[3125] gucci_kid54: 💀💀💀[3125] joeyisajuggalo: LMFAOOO[3125] mmatroy: zenti L[3126] samuraivii76: AVID[3126] ken12_savage: L Xbox ps5 better[3126] sandy_sir: 💀[3126] nightbot: “😂😂😂” -avidqr6[3126] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[3126] zynx1209: HIVISE OWNS YOU[3126] nehsty: ?????[3126] b00temuncher33: Johnston pack[3126] trawlrz: BROS NAME IS JEREY[3126] vernalbog: hiiiiiiiiii[3126] bigrondo69: High vise is better than you[3126] huncho_lys: when is fan mail[3128] qiyaamzrr: leaked[3128] spartan7oo: JERRY JERRY JERRY[3128] purepro_: WOW[3128] khangdodo: L[3128] tomashupe: www[3128] grantjohnston2018: fuck this boring steam, you fell off so bad[3128] kingjulienn3: LLL[3128] aiieg: F[3128] inevafrez: 💀💀💀[3128] krvn_brwn: JEREYY[3128] nightbot: F in the chat[3128] breadngl: Lmao[3128] nehsty: L bully[3128] merckyyy_: jerry[3130] brothurrrrrrrr: bro just warm up[3130] stello96: BROOO[3130] spry_sergeant2010: 😭😭[3130] retronitez: LF RIEND[3130] kingjulienn3: LLL LLLL[3130] iiluvvzz: L press[3130] hassan_d_gold: junko the caper[3130] jordank4li: L[3130] pietheguy_: spoit owns you but ok I guess[3130] kizmusdd12: Fck you![3130] itzruiins: 💀💀💀💀[3130] shivermetimbers15: hivise owns you[3130] yourmomsglizzy: Bro[3130] aiieg: JERRY[3130] ethantop20: 💀💀💀💀💀[3132] t0uch___: L Streamer[3132] deathbythorne: not his government[3132] puffpuffjuicer: LMAOOO[3132] meowserpro_: L BULLY[3132] chicoval: l bully[3132] alexis_traver: !watchtime[3132] we_baliinx: h[3132] bristow54: BARRY[3132] ethantop20: 💀💀💀[3132] unknowns_wrld: nahhh[3132] fruitloverboy: L BULLY WTF[3132] justapear333: 7-2[3132] retronitez: L FRIEND[3132] nightbot: h[3132] streamelements: alexis_traver has spent 2 days 13 hours watching jynxzi[3133] merckyyy_: Jerry[3133] htk2119: L BULLY[3133] kingjulienn3: LLLL[3133] guest412banned: L bully[3133] slimyy_vf: WHEN IS FAN MAIL???????????????????[3133] recoil_128: LLLLL[3133] patrickdestar25: L Boss[3133] swiftlymf: LMAO[3133] justapear333: 7-1[3133] buffy6783: look up sketch first ever ace[3133] ethantop20: 💀[3135] ethantop20: 💀💀💀💀💀[3135] samib__: W JERRY[3135] azazel42023: fuck Jerry[3135] kolsen2k: L bully[3135] jynxziviewbotnumber4089: W[3135] nesgt: W JERRY[3135] peel_ski04: L Bully[3135] obeygod489: w[3135] bubba_dice: his name is Jerry?[3135] nehsty: W Vise[3135] grumpyonyt: w[3135] kollegekevin24: L[3135] recoil_128: L EGO[3135] voydskiirah: LMFAOOOOOOOOO[3136] kyxdi8: !LINK[3136] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀[3136] gucci_kid54: L jackass[3136] sebblues2: FREE JERRY[3136] slomorunner149: LMAO W VISE[3136] itzzwonky: not even champion hahahahahah[3136] java1038: WWW[3136] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[3136] ow3n3fa: L[3136] autizyn: he owns you[3136] aminmjv: L bully[3136] exevoqr: W jerry[3136] jewboy6869: fat ass[3136] ssgbrajan: free jerry[3136] caitl0n: sending love from me and the girls 💕💕[3137] voyager021: w jerry[3137] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀[3137] alex_ferm27: FUCK YOU[3138] xxsupremexx83: jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF[3138] coolkid_fortnite123: !link[3138] lilsluga: VISE[3138] recoil_128: EGO[3138] gkjay08: !bracket[3138] elcernamayor: ResidentSleeper SSSsss SSSsss[3138] samuraivii76: AVID[3138] acidthriller: TROLLY WOLLY[3138] jamosprt: fat[3138] nightbot: Tourney bracket here -> https://brackethq.com/b/nmy1b/ (Back In Blood)[3139] bigdiilf: bigdiilf subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months! lets possibly go[3139] jbess1e: W[3139] exclusifyy_: WWWW[3139] lazerslot: !leaderboard[3139] sandy_sir: 💀[3139] mj69_420: L BULLYYYYYY[3139] teberculosis: hate from Wisconsin[3139] slimyy_vf: WHEN IS FAN MAIL????????????????[3139] nenon_kai: Real[3139] minimint2_rdo: You only carry the vape to the bathroom[3139] streamelements: @LazerSlot Check out the points Leaderboard here https://StreamElements.com/jynxzi/leaderboard[3139] kingjulienn3: LLLLL[3139] el_baritas303: w[3139] trevorrose122222: W jerry[3139] eianz_: chubby cheeks aura @jynxzi[3140] itsthelynxy: W vise[3140] ryan18819: !watchtime[3140] basher_5: show me the chair[3140] aeoerick: FAXS[3140] fenikoz: WW JERRY[3140] rzaaa7: FATTY[3140] belligoal69: w[3140] streamelements: ryan18819 has spent 4 days 2 hours watching jynxzi[3140] sebastian09765: L[3140] syedobarahino: W[3140] van1shed: REAL[3140] kingjulienn3: LLLL[3140] swung_u: !watchtime[3140] astroillogical: love jerry[3140] mynameisnotgoon: faIIing ghst[3141] tomashupe: W jerry[3141] lightningkakuzu: w jerry[3141] abelydgn: L FRIEND[3141] primal512: W VISE[3141] samuraivii76: avid[3141] jakedarlington99: common Jerry w[3142] terry34265: f[3142] pilxz07: W[3142] jewboy6869: your a fat fick[3142] darkienebula: jynxziVapeBreak_SG GlitchCat[3142] jayblaketn: 💀[3142] quinn_raydawg: jerry my cherry[3142] monstersslayer67: WWWWWWWWWWW[3142] sandy_sir: W HIVISE[3142] maximiliosa: HIVISE L[3142] ttvaddey20: hi[3143] el_qc1234: 💀💀💀[3143] ssgbrajan: fuck toy[3143] xrg99: !points[3143] chickenenwafflez: 😭😭😭😭[3143] jynxzithecokeaddict: let’s go golfing[3143] o_m3l0nn: w jerry[3143] syedobarahino: W🌽[3143] phoenixxfps1: W Jerey[3143] samuraivii76: AVID[3143] streamelements: @xrg99 xrg99 has 520 points and is rank 745223/1736307 on the leaderboard.[3143] kingjulienn3: LLLLL[3143] wavyyon1: call xim and see if he’s okay[3143] lil_m0narch: free jerry[3143] joshuauxhiha: W[3143] spartan7oo: JERRY JERRY JERRY JERRY JERRY JERRY[3144] thomasgray_1: what time is the wedding[3144] aiexpereira: Jerry owns you[3144] statixtm: W JERRY[3144] royal2huu: w jerry[3144] joshallen_proztictoc: ugh[3144] ssgbrajan: you[3144] killardillard: w[3144] tco_prism: !gamble 500[3144] goonie1x: bro went from 100k to 50k[3144] patrickdestar25: L BULLY[3144] dripboi534: W JERRY[3144] unrealriki: W JER[3144] gucci_kid54: nope[3144] sebblues2: JERRY IS MY GOD[3144] streamelements: @TCO_Prism, you only have 5 points.[3145] alex_ferm27: DONT BULLY JERRY[3145] mishandledshrimp: what’s with the collar shirt[3145] samuraivii76: avid[3145] kingjulienn3: LLL[3145] deasy_4: jerry[3145] piecectrlshaq: FREE MY BOY JERRY[3145] dblue_heat: free Jerry[3146] lilsluga: W vise[3146] exclusifyy_: W JERRY[3146] jewboy6869: cream pie me[3146] wakeywocky: WWW VISE[3146] itzzdametime: L boss+ fat[3147] killardillard: w hivise[3147] andxty4: hh[3147] quinn_raydawg: JERRY MY CHEERY[3147] sandy_sir: W @HIVISE[3147] jayblaketn: W Jerry[3147] samuraivii76: AVID[3148] ossieum: W HIVISE[3148] aceo8907: W L[3148] dxpressxxn: f jerry jones[3148] gucci_kid54: pre scam[3148] consoleloadtimes_____: jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD[3148] d44rkfire: no[3148] xrg99: !gamble all[3148] swiftsplit: this guy sucks[3149] streamelements: xrg99 went all in and lost every single one of their 520 points LUL[3149] andr3wxoxo: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis[3149] shivermetimbers15: W SCRIPT[3149] lil_m0narch: common jerry w[3149] ryan18819: !followage[3150] samuraivii76: avid[3150] merckyyy_: Tom and HiVise[3150] dondo_14: W[3150] katiekitt3n: !gamble 1500[3150] streamelements: @ryan18819, ryan18819 has been following jynxzi for 2 months 24 days 23 hours[3150] streamelements: KatieKitt3n lost 1500 points in roulette and now has 28710 points! FeelsBadMan[3150] aiexpereira: Gerald owns u[3150] glizzytwister: w jerry[3150] vvsdylann: MercyWing1 DinoDance MercyWing2[3150] deefrmdabck: !jynxzi[3151] terry34265: go[3151] nightbot: Full Time Streamer ❌ Full Time Vape God ✅[3151] fruitloverboy: WWWWWWW JERRY[3151] lilsluga: free jerry[3151] b3ntery: Love from Germany[3151] lordtekkno: L friend W Jerry[3151] nutritionguy: wedding[3151] mr_chaos121: L bully[3151] rip240: !gamble all[3152] samuraivii76: AVID[3152] streamelements: rip240 went all in and lost every single one of their 5 points LUL[3152] nightbot: TikTok: @Jynxzi[3152] terry34265: TERRY[3152] acidthriller: COOKED[3152] multiversus23: CALL HIVISE[3152] niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick: w cuse[3152] spartan7oo: JERRY JERRY JERRY JERRY JERRY JERRY JERRY JERRY[3153] whatisthewordd: get me im silver[3153] ssoulzyfps: Im silver[3153] kofinz: bro out sub mode back on please[3153] eliashowe: jynxziVapeBreak[3153] sneeeper: mod him[3153] stiqsz: how do i get in[3153] coopsb_: !discord[3153] coffeezilladaughter: w scam[3153] aunzulfiqar121: Ban hivise[3153] nightbot: https://discord.gg/jynxzi[3153] shivermetimbers15: W SCRIPT WRITER[3153] samuraivii76: avid[3154] kieranjack1245: Praying for secret champs[3154] babu_huh: hivise can i play in emerald[3154] tfirkel: dub vise[3154] le_huard: w jerry[3154] dxpressxxn: pre cum[3155] mynameisnotgoon: faIIing ghst I’m copper[3155] shelrod2: jynxziChampion[3155] datmandev26: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke[3155] king_grizz_: 😂😂😂[3155] hazaka_: wwww[3155] superwoman06: l Jerry[3155] sloppyman676: You look like a Hawaiian dad[3155] samuraivii76: AVID[3155] bristow54: JERRY[3156] niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick: w vise[3156] basher_5: show the chair[3156] dansuku: jynxziTONGUE[3156] slimyy_vf: WHEN IS FAN MAIL????????????????????[3156] yiorio_: @hivise can u put me in 3v5 ubi is ITZYL0[3156] frackedfly: script[3156] shadow_pyr0: W vize[3156] whatisthewordd: im silver[3156] yaboyshredzz: When fanmail fatass[3156] mfam_yadidaa: LUL LUL LUL[3156] mynameisnotgoon: faIIing ghst[3157] nutritionguy: ask about the wedding hi vise[3157] monoxero: yerrrrrrr[3157] cr1pson_: hahaaaaa[3157] samuraivii76: avid[3157] jynxishairybaallls: I like men[3157] nightbot: “😂😂😂” -avidqr6[3157] worst_speller: !discord[3158] puertorico_51: ssgamingHype ssgamingHype ssgamingHype ssgamingHype ssgamingHype ssgamingHype jynxziFAT[3158] bi1boba11sackins: I'D RATHER SEE YOU WARM UP THAN THESE CLOWNS PLAYING EACH OTHER[3158] fossabot: @esentialgod, Your message is too long [3x][3158] cyyn1cal: w vise[3158] ceeshort: ban hivise[3158] acidthriller: FAX[3158] purfied_gaming: im a copper[3159] trawlrz: BROS NAME IS JERRY[3159] alex_mount1: Wsg[3159] maximiliosa: yo yo yo[3159] minimint2_rdo: Fanmail[3161] slimyy_vf: WHEN IS FAN MAIL?????????????????[3161] purfied_gaming: let do it[3161] heyoloolo: ImTyping[3161] willhousev: PotFriend[3161] puffpuffjuicer: LOL[3161] rubydafcknorangutan: W[3161] nightbot: 😂[3161] quinn_raydawg: JERRY MY CHERRY 🍒🍒🍒[3161] t1ger_five5: !followage[3162] xyoungxcashx: cap[3162] nightbot: no 🧢[3162] streamelements: @t1ger_five5, t1ger_five5 has been following jynxzi for 3 months 29 days[3162] heyoloolo: ImTyping ImTyping ImTyping[3162] f1xsr4k: woooooo[3163] jynxzithecokeaddict: let’s go golfing let’s go golfing let’s go golfing[3163] spartan7oo: JERRY JERRY JERRY[3163] tame965story: 2v6[3163] niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick: W CLEAVAGE SHIRT[3163] minty_juice02: has donated $10 Glitch[3163] jeffersuun: IM COPPER ON PC LETS GO[3163] cannonrossi: !discord[3163] cbros42: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak[3163] strawhatroyal: easy[3163] abot316: re re[3164] schoooooo_: all pro champions[3164] airpxds: W JERRY[3164] powerplug_official: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak[3164] peeksfnn: lemme play[3164] heyoloolo: ImTyping[3164] rubydafcknorangutan: Mod him[3164] imkyleguy: i hate you fat ass[3164] cr1pson_: 💀💀💀💀💀[3164] luke_pizza69: Who tf is Jerry[3165] yaboyshredzz: suck me darrrrdy[3165] finzottv: truee[3165] retronitez: 2v5[3165] derechtekoreaner: play ranked with them[3165] le_huard: w jerrry[3165] aiexpereira: Gerald owns u unequivocally[3165] xnonamefound: xNoNameFound subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! Bad Aim Aim Harder[3166] bsaxdijfew: WHEN ARE YOU STREAMING WITH B HILL?[3166] elengilbert: CAP[3166] jynxishairybaallls: KISSING DUDES???!?!?!!!!!![3166] nickp51: SCRIPT LEAKED[3166] gusthebus123433: love from oklahoma[3166] slomorunner149: LMAO[3166] pickled_midg3t: RagedNewt3[3166] samuraivii76: AVID[3166] stiqsz: how do i get i[3167] wavyyon1: call xim and ask if he’s okay[3167] mmew_2: fat[3167] peeksfnn: me[3167] 27sn0wman: MAKE HIVISE HEAD MOD[3167] belligoal69: nope[3167] bubblesllll: cap[3167] rubydafcknorangutan: Mod jerry[3167] aspiring_hero: Pre Silver can i be in the silver game[3167] oscillot_: jynxzi is in a good mood. being nice[3167] ssoulzyfps: Im actual silver[3167] caitl0n: sending love from me and the girls 💕💕[3167] nehsty: Cap[3167] tomashupe: nah bruh[3167] iitzdutch: .............[3168] thestar_1210: avid[3168] kahviiiiiii: cap[3168] dondo_14: cap[3168] jeffersuun: IM COPPER ON PC[3168] primal512: CAP[3168] c00l_pug1: I’m a emerald[3168] iiluvvzz: cap[3168] jynxziviewbotnumber4089: CAP[3168] pondr6: i’m a legit silver[3168] minimint2_rdo: Pls do fanmail[3168] purfied_gaming: PICK ME[3168] khangdodo: HE DONT CARE[3168] shelrod2: jynxziTONGUE[3168] finzottv: trueee[3168] kentickle: CAP[3169] ceeshort: CAP[3169] jordank4li: 2V5 YOU ASS[3169] maitomakkara_: cap[3169] milk5000_: I’m copper[3169] maximiliosa: im a bit im a bot im a bot[3169] recoil_128: cap[3169] vernalbog: can i play[3169] tb_styx: cant wait for Shroud and Spoit vs 5 of every rank[3169] jerome2linear: cappp[3169] meowserpro_: CAPP[3169] outsider_816: cap[3169] mlkkeliso: AHAHAHAH[3169] tomashupe: stop the cap[3170] cyyn1cal: mod hivise[3170] yaboyshredzz: fat fuck[3170] tysayshi21: CAAAAP[3170] iitzdutch: ..............[3170] nate29turtle: cap[3170] manninat: I am a legit copper- 200 hours in the game[3170] itzmamba_au: .....[3170] htk2119: W JERRY[3170] samib__: CAP BRUH[3170] powerplug_official: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak[3170] iobo31: ccappppppppppppp[3170] pinkinfinite: CAP[3170] koeking9: fat[3170] astroillogical: carry????[3170] tiny_johnson98: CAP[3171] kingpakalypse93: LUL LUL LUL[3171] youngherox: ur gonna sell them[3171] zylopg: who wants to play siege with me my user is ChuckBallsYT just send me a message[3171] kieranjack1245: CAP[3171] qwvzr: ….[3171] meowserpro_: CAP[3171] strawhatroyal: CAP[3171] swung_u: !watchtime[3171] youjustsad: cap[3171] thenameismarino: dawg why are you wearing a dining room table cloth as a shirt[3171] d44rkfire: capppp[3171] monoxero: clowned[3171] slomorunner149: JYNXZI CARRIES[3171] streamelements: swung_u has spent 1 day 23 hours watching jynxzi[3172] recoil_128: cap cap[3172] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[3172] fazehypebeast07: CAP[3172] everybody_lies99: lol[3172] jeffersuun: IM COPPER ON PC LEMME IN[3172] samwat23: hello[3172] iimentos: CAPPPP[3172] rubydafcknorangutan: Mod hivise[3172] nightbot: bozo[3172] powerplug_official: jynxziVapeBreak[3176] elengilbert: 1-10 BEN[3176] jewieboi: hell naw[3176] squ1shypancakes: cap[3176] buttersplatter: Cope[3176] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀[3176] el_qc1234: ca[3176] nickp51: HE WRITES THE SCRIPT THOUGH[3176] tongs2eat: Cap[3176] ogxmangyy: wrong[3176] the_zucc: cap[3176] z_keyes: ur the fat of the team[3176] nightbot: instagram.com/Jynxzii[3176] zappytoast: CAP[3176] iimentos: BIG CAPPP[3176] galax0n_: cap[3177] tomashupe: W jerry[3177] xclassickx: @imkyleguy stfu no life lil bro[3177] thehunter_79: in copper hard stuck[3177] victor_pineapple: W HIVISE[3177] kahviiiiiii: CAP[3177] hanzjacobe22: Cap[3177] cyyn1cal: ur dogshit[3177] fazehypebeast07: cap[3177] autizyn: Jerry is your daddy[3177] purepro_: W[3177] youjustsad: caaaappppp[3177] peel_ski04: cap[3177] belligoal69: 2 v 5[3177] retronitez: 2v5[3177] sandy_sir: 💀[3178] nickswylin: cap[3178] coffeezilladaughter: ur the support princess LUL[3179] igna2004_: wwww vise[3179] axess10: cap[3179] pr0_killer2: lmao[3179] kingxace77: W VISE[3179] cr1pson_: hahaha[3179] saphyrz: LMAO[3179] f1xsr4k: L DRIP[3179] tomashupe: w jerrrry[3179] youngromez: cap[3180] goshal04: cap[3180] ze_weed_flex: kk[3180] cyyn1cal: cap[3180] ballsofsteel124: play with vise[3180] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀[3180] decadenzd: cap[3180] caden_autrey17: stfu[3180] shivermetimbers15: ur washed[3180] fazehypebeast07: CAP[3180] kingyardbird: lies[3180] notorioushawk_: SPOIT HAS MORE GAME SENSE THAN YOU[3180] muhkuhluh: HAAA[3180] bigtonka7: LMAO[3180] coffeezilladaughter: ur the support princess LUL [3180] victor_pineapple: W VISE | Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [3000] Hold on, let me call Zenti. This is gonna be good. Chat just trust me. Just let me cook with this one. Yo, Zenti! [3010] Hey, you want a 1v1 avid? Uh, do you want a 5 minutes? 5 minutes? 5 minutes? Okay, but Zenti, here's the thing. No, it's gotta be like 3 minutes. Zenti, as soon as you... [3020] you join the party just fucking press him. Since you got mad on your time bro, 5 minutes okay? 3 minutes, 3 minutes. [3030] Yo Abbott he'll be here in like three minutes bro. Alright Don't just don't worry about who it is bro. Don't worry about who it is bro [3040] What about who it is? I don't know who it is but it's straight bro. Bro what? You don't know who it is bro? You haven't played this person like actual months bro. Like Jen? [3050] You win months literal months. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Why do you sound so sassy, bro? Is everything good? Because you're finna piss me off. [3060] I'm not trying to be mysterious bro. Jack, we need to do a pack opening stream once I get champion bro. [3070] I literally have dude you have a do I have aura by the way this is gonna sound weird. Oh no you're fat [3080] Oh This won't be most good to be good at sell bro. I'm not even gonna lie. This won't be most good to be good at sell Jack from the predictions want [3090] Zenti versus Abid. Run the fucking predictions. Write the fuck now. Chad, I don't need to warm up, bro. I'm gonna carry Spoi and I'm gonna carry Shroud. Trust me. [3100] I'm gonna carry this boy and I'm gonna carry this route. Trust me. Oh wait, I need to call Hi-Vice. This is actually important. [3110] Hold on Jerry, you're calling you right now. BEEP! BEEP! Yo! Yo Jerry! [3120] Um, first off, how you doing man? I don't give a fuck. Yo Jerry, um, I'm kidding, how you been? [3130] I mean I was better before I saw Jinx, you know my phone both good, but Okay, um Hi guys me shroud and split our three V [3140] Fiving every rank are you confident you could get legit ranks in or are we going to get scammed? You're gonna get scammed [3150] But the cops at least. No, but okay, but here's the thing, bro. Wait. Honestly, bro, me, Floyd and Shroud, even if there are a couple smurfs, we will win. [3160] Bro because look look at it like this right high-bys I have the game sense I'm the IGL I'm the carry of the team Spoi has the aim [3170] Shroud has the aim, bro, but at the end of the day, I'm the carrier of the team. I'm the heart of the team. I'm the brains of the... That's holding them down. No, I'm the brains of this operation. | There is no Highlight in the provided timespan. Jynxzi is talking to his mates. Two of them are insulting each other. At the end of the timeframe, they started a 1v1 match between zenti and avid |
Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege[3600] the_zucc: FAKe ASS LAUGHTER[3600] kvllsh0t: Lscams[3600] mortar: OMG LOL[3601] xkleb: how do these kids have money? [3602] elitesharkbait: W jynxzi charm[3602] fossabot: @Imitatez, Your message is too long[3602] thebooster321_j: franklinCrazy AVID MOBILE HOME LOCATION LEAKED franklinCrazy .[3603] dripboi534: LMAO[3603] deeezyah: deeezyAH subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [3603] sfb_peetah: stupid ass bitch[3603] slomorunner149: LUL LUL[3603] ac182837: Fat junko[3603] qwxyiscool3287: HAHAHAHAHA[3603] m3ta111: LMFAOOO[3604] zandyyer_: W IMPRESSION[3604] minimint2_rdo: L scripted[3605] tb_styx: ur fat too buddy[3605] abelydgn: 😂[3605] camthegoat142: !watchtime[3605] jazzgocrazyy_: !bracket[3605] streamelements: camthegoat142 has spent 0 secs watching jynxzi[3605] nightbot: Tourney bracket here -> https://brackethq.com/b/nmy1b/ (Back In Blood)[3606] stiqsz: @HiVise CAN I GET IN THE GOLD STACK skitlesman123 is my ubisot connect[3606] sslum_shiesty: whats hapinin[3606] livvy_bivvy_: 🤣🤣[3606] smackingskills: FAKEST LAUGH OF ALL TIME[3606] fr0st2024: Walter White Ass home[3607] atomicsharkkk: jynxziRage[3608] k1ngr3myb0ss: !gamble 300[3608] notaverager6: bro just streams himself fake laughing[3608] kvllsh0t: chunko[3608] xkleb: how do these kids have money?[3608] theonlycooks: theonlycooks subscribed at Tier 1. [3608] dxpressxxn: dawg your very fat rn[3608] cjthepro51: This is butt[3609] 27sn0wman: THIS IS SAD[3609] fruitloverboy: L GLAZE WTF[3609] jayblaketn: “Yyyeah” 💀[3610] kingnoah1106: Laugh harder[3610] midwayzach12: know that was funny[3610] rubydafcknorangutan: Laugh more[3610] sandy_sir: WHAT[3611] titohits200s: ads[3611] ppgod121: !gamble 150[3611] adrian_141: Is this the wedding ceremony[3611] nightbot: Just sub bozo you’ll get no ads, my emotes, double the channel points, and guess what you will also get my beautiful charm that you will never lose, and many more!!!! #subuporshutup[3611] streamelements: @ppgod121, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan[3611] big_chupi: hivisse Ubisoft ApolloBravo33 silver 5[3611] cb45thehammer: why he sound like that[3611] kvllsh0t: chinko junkp[3611] causevseffect: how[3612] cjthepro51: BORING[3612] jrey1976: script[3612] seeeethy: L STREAMER[3612] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[3612] tweemetal2: @coffeezilladaughter stfu lil bro your so freaky[3614] lanndo_1: ADS[3614] bardown16__: how did he just miss[3614] sandy_sir: 💀[3614] dwaynejohnson7747: @HiVise SILVER 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | Silver 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | Silver 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | SILVER 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 |[3614] rubydafcknorangutan: laugh harder[3614] shivermetimbers15: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[3614] simp4m33ch: BBLJUNKOO[3615] jfkreload: Avid is waiting for you[3615] jsmileyyyy: SCRIPT[3615] marrcosb: Aw[3615] touched_bygabe: Tim’s waiting[3615] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀[3615] fr0st2024: walter white ass home[3615] atomicsharkkk: jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage[3615] daddyezhere: !prime[3615] nightbot: Subscribe to @Jynxzi for FREE with Twitch Prime Twitch.tv/subs/jynxzi[3616] alex_ferm27: 9 ads!?[3616] buttabrowni: L AD[3616] dodgerfan2020: ad[3616] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀[3616] lanndo_1: !ADS[3616] marrcosb: ww[3616] nightbot: !sub for the jynxzi charm, no ads and a fire ass badge beside your name jynxziHappy Sub right here -> ( https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi )[3616] drunkossg: L ADSSSS[3616] minimint2_rdo: Shit ads[3616] atomicsharkkk: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE[3616] tomashupe: WWWWWWWW[3617] bigunit212: Oooooo[3617] dawah22: SENDING HATE FROM AFGHANSTIAN[3617] overclock1: ohhhhh[3617] causevseffect: damn[3617] wiffk: avids not fat?[3617] thecoolkid1234937373773: fat[3617] 5stargooner: WWW[3617] bardown16__: XIM[3617] darkangelz3005: LUL LUL LUL LUL[3617] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀[3617] marrcosb: w[3617] elitepuma5: @hivise LET ME JOIN MY UBISOFT IS ELITEPUMA2001 ALL LOWERCASE, IM THE LOWEST RANK[3618] dive_bomb2120: w[3618] airpxds: 10 ADS[3618] whebas: LOL[3618] h8isdogwater: What up 🦝🦝🦝[3618] yungkibe: OOOO[3618] pinkinfinite: WHATTT[3618] nightbot: 😂[3618] glizzytwister: w[3618] atomicsharkkk: TwitchConHYPE jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage[3618] 5stargooner: WWWWWWWWWWW[3618] maxwelliswell1: DMAN[3618] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀[3618] scooter2ez: OH[3618] causevseffect: W zenti[3619] marrcosb: wwwww[3619] lichsynthetiq: AHAHHA[3619] rlake: ZENTI THE GOAT[3619] marie_xm: w[3619] kovixz: Spoit, Beaulo, Elemzje, Shaiiko, and Jynxzi vs 1 Unranked[3619] yungkibe: OOOO [3619] atomicsharkkk: jynxziRage jynxziRage TwitchConHYPE[3619] idkicona: L ad[3619] jonathonc1: 🫣🤣🤣[3619] mightygaminghh: OOOO[3619] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀[3619] trenbro6: EASY $$$$[3619] benadad69: hi[3620] marrcosb: wwwwww[3620] 5stargooner: WWWWWWWWW[3620] shep_007: FATASS[3620] bardown16__: XIM XIM XIM[3620] th3darkgam3r25: L ad[3620] theonlytoast555: Theonlytoast555 subscribed with Prime. [3620] bru_c_e: 10 ads!![3620] sineddlol: W[3620] yungkibe: OOOO[3620] patwisk2: 8 ads[3620] surgedickeyq: WWWWWWWWWW[3620] marie_xm: W[3620] joeym1904: ADS[3620] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀[3621] lightningkakuzu: FAT AD[3621] dubcity777: L AD[3621] terry34265: wWWWWWWW ZENTIIII[3621] fightinggamer101: All he knows is the word hoe[3621] ttvsentenal: ya r ass[3621] pr0_killer2: WW[3621] atomicsharkkk: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE[3621] 5stargooner: WWWWWWWWWWW[3621] bobbythecollector: HOLY[3621] jalurs: lol[3621] marrcosb: wwwwwwww[3621] xkleb: how do these kids have money? [3621] ttvcricket12: LOL[3621] yungkibe: OOOO [3621] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀[3622] killr448538: add killer448538[3622] thecommieyeagerist: @xKleb More than u so you cant hate kid[3622] idkicona: L[3622] 5stargooner: WWWWWWWWWW[3622] marie_xm: WW[3622] tylert11_: wwww[3622] gordoreloaded: ads nooooooo[3622] mincartisto: damn[3622] ohdyl: ohDyl subscribed at Tier 1. [3622] meowserpro_: W[3622] icecold111111: WWWWWWWWWWWWWW[3623] slomorunner149: WWWWW[3623] yungkibe: OOOO[3623] snatchy96: spectate harder lard boy[3623] k1ngr3myb0ss: !gamble 300[3623] blockmanr6: GoldPLZ GoldPLZ[3623] dwaynejohnson7747: @HiVise SILVER 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | Silver 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | Silver 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | SILVER 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | 11[3623] streamelements: k1ngr3myb0ss lost 300 points in roulette and now has 1990 points! FeelsBadMan[3623] daubben: W[3623] dripboi534: L ADSS[3623] 5stargooner: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[3624] thedude694206: OH?[3624] cr1ti3al: 9 ads[3624] 26rane26: WWWWWWWWWWW[3624] onjah1400: W zenti[3624] michael875131256: W[3624] milk5000_: 9 ads I’m sliding on u[3624] t4pwaterr: ADDS[3624] lanndo_1: L AD[3624] exkamisama: L ADDDDD[3624] fr0st2024: wwwwwwwww[3624] recoil_128: yo[3624] midzplayz: CLISE PREDS[3624] rubydafcknorangutan: doctor1102CRY doctor1102CRY doctor1102CRY[3624] cholulapapi_: 3 minutes of ads :/[3624] dawah22: BROOOOO[3625] solely_sharp: the blood rushing to Jynxzi brain from screen upside down.[3625] aylanthagod: L AD[3625] rsxezn: !watchtime[3625] finikki: Bruh[3625] fr0st2024: wwwww[3625] streamelements: rsxEzn has spent 1 day 1 hour watching jynxzi[3625] freemilkshakes: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[3625] jacobdaman2878: Shush[3625] jsmileyyyy: ADS[3625] noahhmann: 10 adsssssss[3626] odhinn26: 10 ads[3626] surgedickeyq: WWWWWWWWWWW[3626] yungmoniog: wow[3626] tkettel_: LFG[3626] bossmaster4726: w ad[3626] jtb_41: dwng[3626] shivermetimbers15: ZENTIIIIIII[3626] elitesharkbait: jynxziGoodAim[3626] yungsaucybagoftakis: EEEEZZZZZZZ[3626] bigunit212: W[3626] fr0st2024: ww[3626] t4pwaterr: wtf[3627] okayabay: JUNKO LEAKED[3627] waterhorse256: FAT[3627] shrimp_097: wwwz[3627] nxvxrdxrk: Wwwwwwwwwwwwwww[3627] jaymoney1027: 10 ads[3627] cerprimetime: WWWWW[3627] jynxishairybaallls: @buttabrowni ermmm... Why CAN I NOT STOP SHARTING???[3627] fadedthanabitch: GOOD AIM[3627] elengilbert: OOOO[3627] n0tmimic: WWW[3627] destroyerbro84: I predict them losing to copper[3628] theboldscavenger: FAKE LAUGH, ARTIFICAL STREAMER, SCRIPTS LIVE STREAMS...STICK TO YT SHOTGUN CRUTCG BOY[3628] heath43767: l adds[3628] exkamisama: L ADDDDDSSSS[3628] griffkeeks: L jobs '[3628] strifewut: StrifeWut Gold V[3628] whebas: W ADS[3628] buttabrowni: L ASS ADS[3628] pauliide: PauliiDE is gifting 50 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 150 in the channel! [3628] mattorange03: !watchtime[3628] abelydgn: DAMN[3629] samib__: madoooo[3629] max1soos: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[3629] papasmurph131: Dead as disco[3629] streamelements: mattorange03 has spent 9 days 23 hours watching jynxzi[3629] qhogi: omfg[3629] capirannopresto: LMAOOO[3629] chefferiespc: HIT REG FOR ANTS[3629] greenteahc: w ad timing[3629] t4pwaterr: ADDS[3629] hivspooky1: L AD[3630] largegoldfish: ADS[3630] sportnugget_13: 10 ADS BROOOOOO[3630] nexlolol: L AD[3630] lilnugget6213: L RACIST[3630] max1soos: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[3630] tkettel_: W ZENTI[3630] bigunit212: Wwwwww[3630] im_violet: AHHH 2ez[3630] atomicsharkkk: jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage[3630] swiftcalf3: rip points[3630] bc_tumz: fuck avid[3630] fr0st2024: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww[3630] zxtrso: !sub[3630] n0tmimic: WWWWWWWWWWW[3630] qwxyiscool3287: FUUUUUUUCK[3632] pauliide: PauliiDE gifted a Tier 1 sub to slattslime22! [3632] pauliide: PauliiDE gifted a Tier 1 sub to pogphrog985! [3632] shivermetimbers15: CRONUS[3632] pauliide: PauliiDE gifted a Tier 1 sub to KyleDiMatteo! [3632] pauliide: PauliiDE gifted a Tier 1 sub to bigbellybadboi1! [3632] pauliide: PauliiDE gifted a Tier 1 sub to kinetxxx! [3632] pauliide: PauliiDE gifted a Tier 1 sub to cartski_! [3632] pauliide: PauliiDE gifted a Tier 1 sub to jtwoods0123! [3632] pauliide: PauliiDE gifted a Tier 1 sub to sahid270! [3632] pauliide: PauliiDE gifted a Tier 1 sub to hunterleguepla! [3632] pauliide: PauliiDE gifted a Tier 1 sub to ykdreamy2! [3632] pauliide: PauliiDE gifted a Tier 1 sub to lethalkingzz! [3632] pauliide: PauliiDE gifted a Tier 1 sub to ScubaNatee! [3632] pauliide: PauliiDE gifted a Tier 1 sub to tyzerfn10! [3632] nightbot: “😂😂😂” -avidqr6[3633] f1xsr4k: 24hr ads[3633] trubearsky_10: 1000 ads[3633] qqueensarahh: FUCK THIS AD[3633] marrcosb: ww[3633] luciano320654: dam[3633] rechargedpulse: AVID MY GOAT[3633] n0tmimic: WWWWWW[3633] joey_hudson2010: gees[3633] invisityyy: 11 adds[3633] louisvees: SLAMMMMMMEEEDDD[3634] eaglesfanhurts: L avid[3634] capirannopresto: ADS[3634] bc_tumz: WW[3634] lanndo_1: 678 ADS[3634] retronitez: CLOSE THE PREDICTIONS[3634] fadedthanabitch: AVID IS WASHED[3634] okayabay: LEAKED[3634] atomicsharkkk: fuckkkk[3634] smovz854: ads bro[3634] bardown16__: W PAULL[3635] bradygoateddd2: 73 ads is crazy[3635] randawgl: WWWWWWWW[3635] kanroh: 10 ADS??????????[3635] elengilbert: WWWW PAUL[3635] qhogi: cheeeeeel[3635] yungkibe: WW[3636] tongs2eat: W[3636] capirannopresto: AD[3636] fossabot: @kushdragon59, Your message is too long[3636] justwinbabiy: l mic[3636] 27sn0wman: SO LAME[3636] rsxezn: !Watchtime[3636] shuttermoore: 9 ads is crazy[3636] sharks550: YO WHO LET THE PATATOS PLAY[3636] bardown16__: W PAUL[3636] bentley_0927: can I change bet[3636] aggrodevv: THATS A REALLLY GOOD SCRIPT[3636] vastaik: Avid got robbed[3636] lilnugget6213: L RACISTT[3636] nexlolol: L AD.[3636] nolifepxnic: 8 flubberducking ads 😐[3637] lxquidc4: Wwwwww[3637] mincartisto: mokey[3637] slomorunner149: W AD[3637] chickenenwafflez: oh[3637] rubydafcknorangutan: doctor1102LOCKEDIN[3637] a_morales8699: dman[3637] chaseonbase357: W[3637] clgsailing: W[3637] l0l_s0rry: jynxi look like he from HANGOVER[3637] rifter_6gxd: T0[3637] izayasworld: W paul[3637] caxexee: y[3637] dunc824: xim clone[3637] kotaaa1: hol;yy[3638] tb_styx: mic in his esophagus[3638] aggrodevv: LETS GOOO[3638] co0lmonkey: W[3638] eat_ur_wheaties: theske30LOVE[3638] nexlolol: L AD[3638] fontoleaff: w[3638] rapidvertlol: 50 GIFTED[3638] joey_hudson2010: that was insane[3638] shadow_pyr0: W[3638] coffeezilladaughter: ironic[3638] elpollodiablo55: elpollodiablo55 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months, currently on a 10 month streak! [3638] monke_s: oh no my Chanel points[3638] c4sh_jos: 30 ads bro wtf[3638] ksixpantherx88: broke streamer boy milking ads[3638] amp_redpanda: not I love xim[3639] tfirkel: what’s the discord[3639] snatchy96: L sell out[3639] samjessopp99: L ADDS[3639] donniebawls: PAULLLL[3639] griffkeeks: L instigator[3639] akannne: 8 ADS[3639] maximiliosa: L ad break[3639] odhinn26: wtf 10 ads jynxi stop[3639] lxquidc4: Wwwwwww[3639] douglas420710: !gamble all[3640] ezman22: yeaahh....[3640] chickenenwafflez: OH[3640] streamelements: douglas420710 went all in and lost every single one of their 130 points LUL[3640] tongs2eat: W gidted[3640] nexlolol: L AD.[3640] lordtekkno: W paul[3640] jake111291: w paul[3640] gamingwithbluntz: 10 ads is crazy[3640] yungkibe: WW [3640] roadrunner10007: L[3640] hiddenstarter: Edited shirt[3640] obamnajones: WENTI[3640] joanda007: e[3641] seeeethy: FAT[3641] ventrix31: NotVentr1x — silver @HiVise[3641] jakesylvai23: 9 ads is wild[3641] x1_mel: my points gone[3641] purechurdoyt: THATS THE ONE LUCKY WALLBANG[3641] ender_antho: W paul[3641] jokoden: jokoden subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 8 month streak! [3641] turboshupey: primesub[3641] kanroh: fat ass[3641] bennyy23: Avid is washed[3641] tristan12844: 60 ads[3641] nexlolol: L AD[3641] xedwz: W[3641] yungkibe: WW[3642] kraken541: zenti is trash[3642] bardown16__: thank 50 subs[3642] gnarlydrew24_: W paul[3642] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀[3642] evanmobile123: WW[3642] hivise: W[3642] jaymoney1027: hh[3642] kotaaa1: WWWWWWWWWWW[3642] jacobdaman2878: !gamble 100[3642] donniebawls: PAULLLLLLLL[3642] plantedrook: Hurry up and end part timer[3642] hivise: W[3642] streamelements: @jacobdaman2878, you only have 30 points.[3642] hivise: W[3643] patwisk2: 10 minutes of ads[3643] f1xsr4k: w gifted[3643] rafsan_123: close pred[3643] hivise: W[3643] jaminzo: w paul[3643] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀[3643] hivise: W[3643] hivise: W[3643] hivise: W[3643] hivise: W[3643] hivise: W[3643] hivise: W[3643] snooziezzz: AH2EZ[3643] hivise: W[3643] donniebawls: PAUL[3644] hivise: W[3644] tongs2eat: W godted[3644] hivise: W[3644] hivise: W[3644] hivise: W[3644] hivise: W[3644] hivise: W[3644] hivise: W[3644] hivise: W[3644] hivise: W[3645] miraclewhip2001: avid gonna win tho[3645] bardown16__: thank 50 subs plz[3645] fruitloverboy: WATCH OUT GUYS ONLY 1 HOUR LEFT WATCH OUT GUYS ONLY 1 HOUR LEFT[3645] charlieb__ttv: w[3645] sebas2comp: W[3645] willyb146: 10 adds is crazy[3645] xeeum: w[3645] junkoiswhitespeed: W[3645] treyindacut: yo[3645] slayyypex: yo[3645] maximiliosa: AH TOO EASY[3645] tweemetal2: @coffeezilladaughter ssshhhh[3645] kaiki2shiesty: what in the fluff[3645] nightbot: too easy[3645] mohgwin: w pauli[3646] yungkibe: WW GIFTS[3646] squishyttv_: w[3646] gordoreloaded: bro 10 ads is crazy[3646] turbodogo: HE ALREADY CRASHOUT[3646] decadenzd: w[3646] joker_4life_: W PAUL GOFTED[3646] elid817: WWWW[3646] lbruning: another 50?![3646] evanwade144: W paull[3646] donniebawls: PAULLL[3647] cyyn1cal: W[3647] chxrme4: 11 ads[3647] fr0st2024: w[3647] sinable: Sinable subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! [3647] exafiyz: wwwwwww[3647] jumbodwarf: CMON ZENTI[3647] sebas2comp: W paul[3647] dubcity777: WWWWW[3647] g3ms1x: PLS AVID LOSE[3647] samib__: WWWWWWWWW[3647] blonut20: ads came at the literal worst time[3647] dwaynejohnson7747: @HiVise SILVER 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | Silver 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | Silver 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | SILVER 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 |[3647] bru_c_e: !gamble all[3647] jcob8928: W[3647] nightbot: Just sub bozo you’ll get no ads, my emotes, double the channel points, and guess what you will also get my beautiful charm that you will never lose, and many more!!!! #subuporshutup[3649] lamchops02: w[3649] im_zona: L 9 Adds[3649] dymb0: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY[3649] kokochanl: YUH[3649] jcob8928: WWW[3649] decadenzd: wwwwwwwwwwww[3649] hivspooky1: W[3649] causevseffect: W PLUG[3649] dxpressxxn: let’s go 🐈⬛[3649] treynado7710: w[3649] exafiyz: wwwwwww[3649] jacobdaman2878: Bro[3649] anthonypence: w[3649] donniebawls: PAILLL[3649] autizyn: 60 ads?[3650] bionicremz: W paul[3650] luxzsy: w[3650] layla_sky04: a week worth of ads[3650] georgemreal: gift mee[3650] farty_poo123: bad aim[3650] fadedthanabitch: CLOSE PREDICTION[3650] sourisabully: WWWWW PAUL[3650] nightbot: gifting you luck in finding a job 🙏🏻[3650] juan_aqt: w[3650] hunterthedrunkk: L streamer[3650] onjah1400: to ez[3653] douglas420710: !points[3653] streamelements: rsxEzn has spent 1 day 1 hour watching jynxzi[3653] swiftcalf3: lmfao[3653] mbmr6pro: Hi[3653] paypigunfortunately: ah[3653] streamelements: @douglas420710 douglas420710 has 0 points and is rank 1737703/1737912 on the leaderboard.[3653] fontoleaff: W plug[3653] decadenzd: wwww[3653] roadrunner10007: l asds[3653] gemmer_5: !wat htime[3653] leo1935_: jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ[3653] rifter_6gxd: FAT[3653] iamviewbot123: WWW[3653] donniebawls: PAULLLL[3653] evanmobile123: W PAUL[3654] obamnajones: W[3654] exclusifyy_: 😭😭😭😭[3654] sorawtm: W[3654] smovz854: who won[3654] slomorunner149: W[3655] snm_kaizen: W GIFTS TOO BAD IT WASNT ME[3655] big_d_carlos: w paullll[3655] imexternalinstep: screen black[3655] datboylevi145: paul[3655] leo1935_: jynxziEZ[3655] causevseffect: TTV Loo[3655] jsmileyyyy: TTV[3655] odhinn26: 7 more ads L streamer[3655] lamchops02: looooool[3655] killr448538: add killer448538[3655] iamviewbot123: WWWWWWWW[3656] shovelleaner: it is[3656] terry34265: wwwww ZENTIII💀🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥[3656] onx90: Bad game tonight kimach[3656] egren21: jynxziSNOT[3656] roadrunner10007: l lasds[3656] chickenenwafflez: MY GOODNESS[3656] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀[3656] kaiden_502: L AVID[3656] cinderveteran: Lol[3656] ral_cookz: fuck you[3656] simp4m33ch: BBLJUNKOO[3656] nightbot: 😂[3656] warpic_: wwwwwwwwww paul[3657] maximiliosa: AHH TOO EASYYYY[3657] clarons: cus you use them for content HOE[3657] sammons_jacob: you use them[3657] exclusifyy_: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭[3657] kaixen26: W[3657] stinkmeanor13: L selfish ahh[3657] conpop12345678: SO DOES UR GF[3657] recoil_128: w[3657] the_drvtach_show: Wwwwww[3657] eaglesfanhurts: W Paul[3657] tweemetal2: @jynxzi stfu fatty[3657] roadrunner10007: lasdl[3657] wckbrantley: yo[3657] obamnajones: W GIFTS[3657] evanmobile123: W PAULL[3658] ronnyg420: 1096 ads is crazxzzzzzzyy[3658] iamviewbot123: WWW[3658] dylan38fozter: link[3658] rameescankles: way more people[3658] jackt3e: 50 w[3658] benwaitsman: benwaitsman subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! sii[3659] arrowz02: W 50 W PAUL[3659] arrowz02: W 50 W PAUL[3659] jacobdaman2878: Aaaa[3659] arrowz02: W 50 W PAUL[3659] busterr7777: w kingdom of the planet of the apes ad[3659] austinc6969: cuz ur a millionaire[3659] 74shotz: change title[3659] ppvzh0: 1hour mark[3659] vastaik: We will not be looking at Zenti's twitch[3659] arrowz02: W 50 W PAUL[3659] snatchy96: 9 ads average junko sell out[3660] evanmobile123: PAULLLLL[3660] sfb_peetah: fuck zenti[3660] iamviewbot123: WWWWWWW[3660] decadenzd: please sub mre[3660] roadrunner10007: gdddfdfss[3660] georgemreal: llll ads[3660] aiipex_crm: jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ[3660] g0ldyy: g0ldyy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [3660] bigrickey420: jynxziGoodAim[3661] sanadoosha: 10 ads fuck my life[3661] kaixen26: W PAUL[3661] jackt3e: w[3661] rameescankles: it is tho[3661] 8jacks895: @HiVise lemme get in for the silver game[3661] cheeseburger7527: UNGREATFUL[3661] sourisabully: W 50 GIFTED[3661] momsblender69: momsblender69 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! junkoooo[3661] babymoodswings: 🥸[3661] livvy_bivvy_: Shity ad[3661] realengo17: SENDING HATE FROM CONGGOOOOOOOVSENDING HATE FROM CONGGOOOOOOO[3661] reggiewoo: cause your a bitch[3662] noti_________________: @hivise CLOSE PREDICTIONS .[3662] roadrunner10007: lkasd[3662] tongs2eat: W gifted[3662] accipst1x: 25 ads like bro[3662] menglend: Youre using him as content[3662] monkey2venom: !sub[3662] dustinb616: dustinb616 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! LETTTS GOOOOO IM EDGINGGGG[3662] itstakeoff_: jynxzi[3662] nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi[3663] exclusifyy_: billboard 😭😭😭😭😭[3663] jaunty89: Paulie W[3663] booberdipper: 10 minutes of ads bro[3663] sandy_sir: ?????????????[3663] coffeezilladaughter: same way as ur a walking atm LUL[3663] codygeorge18: W GIFT[3663] roadrunner10007: kasdas[3663] tahalam03: IT IS[3663] moonmqn51: h[3663] reggie2401: !prime[3663] recoil_128: L millionaire[3663] nightbot: h[3663] nightbot: Subscribe to @Jynxzi for FREE with Twitch Prime Twitch.tv/subs/jynxzi[3663] yungkibe: HUH[3663] qzivert: ah 2 easy[3664] kytanakb: shut up and let them talk[3664] kotaaa1: ?????????[3664] hynzz1: YOU’RE USING THEM FOR CONTENT[3664] ltgyourselfnow: ???????[3664] unklemustache: hey boy let the rest of us get some bread too[3664] bardown16__: oh..?[3664] reachyx: ??????[3664] dwaynejohnson7747: @HiVise SILVER 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | Silver 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | Silver 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | SILVER 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | ![3664] killersquad9545: ISE MINE[3664] franchuto: HOE ASS BOI[3664] reailise: Press resume u twat[3664] sandy_sir: ?????????[3664] tristanhowell385: ???[3664] x2justinde: bro they aren’t both good I won’t be surprised if they kill each other for the final kill[3664] kraken541: do it[3666] cheeseburger7527: L UNGREATFUL[3666] jacob_926: W 50[3666] mincartisto: what[3666] glizzytwister: pause[3666] rondsilverthe1st: please be mine[3666] justkyle69: DO IT[3666] killersquad9545: USE MINE[3666] jbess1e: do it[3666] bardown16__: oh?[3666] recoil_128: ungrateful[3666] 27sn0wman: L SELF[3666] ewewewewesd: ??[3666] sandy_sir: .............[3666] epictrout: EpicTrout subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! Get me in the copper stack. Love from Scotland[3666] mosthatedcancer: WOAHHH[3667] markzynk: same[3667] yiorio_: @hivise can u put me in 3v5 ubi is ITZYL0 for plat[3667] spydergdk: DO IT[3667] sierrastreamz: LMAO[3667] sxnsse: HUH[3667] gucci_kid54: ?[3667] the_drvtach_show: WWWWWWWWWWWW[3667] nightbot: ?[3667] cheznuts54: ?[3667] trospire: jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSuprised[3667] sharks550: ???[3667] 1bvndo: do it[3667] fossabot: Prediction Locked! 🔒 👀 - the choice with most wagered points is 'Avid' with 42587759 points out of 63514723 points total. Good luck![3667] raw_421: bbc[3667] bigrickey420: jynxziSmoke[3669] belikohs: whatttt[3669] gemmer_5: poes[3669] layla_sky04: 10 ads is insanse[3669] farty_poo123: l vozo[3669] voidonps_: avid predicted it bro[3669] ll0leviathan0ll: XIM WAITING[3669] jeffersuun: you are literally using them for content[3669] bardown16__: good start[3669] nightbot: “😂😂😂” -avidqr6[3669] rainyremix12: Www[3669] puffpuffjuicer: LMAOO[3669] mxstic09: CLOSE PRED LODS[3669] giga_boy11846: What[3669] codyxo69: whys ur tongue orange[3671] thebooster321_j: 10 ADS BRUHHHHH[3671] ashzic: L GREEDY[3671] dwaynejohnson7747: @HiVise SILVER 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | Silver 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | Silver 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | SILVER 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 |[3671] corkled: dont you use them for content tho lol[3671] roshi_181: 9 adds is wild tho[3671] nome_t: AYOOOO[3671] ronanconnors: when was the wedding[3671] yaboilucas22: W[3671] fruitloverboy: LLLLLL[3671] the_portuguez: W @PauliiDE[3671] noti_________________: L MODS CLOSE PREDICTIONS[3671] pancakepolice469: cuz you have 60k viewers you dumbass[3671] retronitez: BET[3671] yungkibe: uuh [3671] maxwelliswell1: W[3672] junkomychunk: Who got married[3672] ttheo555: jynxziFALL[3672] faze_cloud68: pauseee[3672] 27sn0wman: L SELF PROMOTION[3672] vaguies: can it be mine??[3672] sportnugget_13: AYOOOOOOOO[3672] farty_poo123: l bozo[3673] tristan12844: is tim vs junko at 9pm or is it tomorrow[3673] kystu: HUH[3673] leo1935_: jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ[3673] dxpressxxn: I join the stream to let go of my unhinged comments I’ve been thinking all day then I leave[3673] jackt3e: w50[3673] bigrendawg69: L UNGRATEFUL[3673] 74shotz: change title..[3674] nimo_penguin: L streamer[3674] macowenri: !LINK[3674] dahtwo: HUHHH[3674] cheeseburger7527: DONO[3674] abelydgn: ????[3674] nightbot: @macowenri If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[3674] deadoutlawz: YE[3674] youngwolf123: Whooo[3674] raw_421: avid a cam[3674] dripboi534: WTF[3674] thelightskinneddavid: jynxziSubHype[3674] manwthkd: excuse me?[3675] d4m3_08: !points[3675] codygeorge18: W GIFTED[3675] harmonemonster98: boys[3675] bibm04: Ur viewbotting bro, it doesnt matter[3675] jeffersuun: you are using them for content[3675] streamelements: @D4M3_08 D4M3_08 has 150 points and is rank 1474816/1737912 on the leaderboard.[3675] thomassimecek: nah im soposed to be asleep[3675] mmew_2: W 50 gifted[3675] mortar: ????[3676] faze_cloud68: ayooo[3676] killersquad9545: !gamble all[3676] sharks550: you're showing too much cleavage[3676] aqua33tv: !prime[3676] clarons: cus you use them for content HOE [3676] streamelements: killersquad9545 went all in and lost every single one of their 475 points LUL[3676] collin061316: GIFTED[3676] deadoutlawz: EE[3677] 74shotz: change title.....[3677] romanyeayea: these ads are more entertaining react harder[3677] 35242xxxxxxxx: d[3677] rip240: 🤣🤣🤣🤣[3677] datboylevi145: paull[3677] minimint2_rdo: Grow chest hair for that shirt Junkoz[3678] imevlox: imevlox subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! avid v jinxbo inbound[3678] kr0siss: gfds[3678] decadenzd: can you give me a sub[3678] odhinn26: 5 ads left fuck you jynxzi[3678] mkamzae: L XBOX[3678] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[3679] aggrodevv: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[3679] ralnb0w6: @avidscams[3679] fruitloverboy: JYNXZI THIS ADS ARE ASS[3679] yourmommy2367: Black[3679] wckbrantley: hey[3679] the_drvtach_show: You are a Legend @jynxzi[3679] cheeseburger7527: L UNGREATFUL[3679] jani_r6: what brown thing u licked man?[3680] 27sn0wman: BAD SHIRT[3680] killersquad9545: FUCKK[3680] kelloggs_f: what is with the annoying shit kid ??[3680] marrcosb: running up that hill[3680] thebooster321_j: 10 ADS BRUH WTF[3680] bullylng: scumMAD scumMAD scumMAD[3680] nimo_penguin: L ungrateful[3680] schre15: eh[3681] jk1x6_: jk1x6_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 3 month streak! 1-10 BEN[3681] cobainsveins: L adsss[3681] sebosski: Cmon junko[3681] elitepuma5: @hivise LET ME JOIN MY UBISOFT IS ELITEPUMA2001 ALL LOWERCASE, IM THE LOWEST RANK[3681] datboylevi145: paul[3682] themoneyshow: TheMoneyShow subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! [3682] minimint2_rdo: Grow some chest hair for that shirt Junko[3682] lucas135742: can’t see????[3682] yaboybenderbending: yaboybenderbending subscribed with Prime. [3682] turtle300: JUNKONWASHED[3682] baller122019: ADS WTF[3682] fossabot: @derektopg, Your message is too long[3682] junkomychunk: What wedding did you go[3682] slushy1936: why ios ro this angrui[3682] nightbot: Just sub bozo you’ll get no ads, my emotes, double the channel points, and guess what you will also get my beautiful charm that you will never lose, and many more!!!! #subuporshutup[3682] sabbbaaa: xDDDDDDD[3682] tomashupe: wtf[3682] shmidtlick: GIFTED[3682] roshi_181: L adds[3683] belikohs: WHO SCREAMS THAT WHEN THEYRE MAD[3683] killersquad9545: L[3683] blockmanr6: Paul w[3684] detstvo_1: I neeeeddddddddd a sub plzzzzz[3684] leo1935_: jynxziEZ jynxziEZ[3685] dr_plegue: 17 ads[3685] kaiki2shiesty: jynxzi look like gridlock[3685] aunzulfiqar121: Do it[3685] ajfoxgaming: your fair is blank[3685] jacob_926: 50 gifted[3686] leo1935_: jynxziEZ[3686] callump16: 50 GIFTED[3686] nxvxrdxrk: 50 gitteddddddddddd[3686] thebooster321_j: 1-10 BEN[3686] killersquad9545: L ADDS[3686] grzybek9_: !gamble all[3687] streamelements: grzybek9_ went all in and lost every single one of their 660 points LUL[3687] shmidtlick: U GOT GIFTED[3687] worst_speller: Worst_Speller subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Fat boy[3687] erfanek007: a[3688] jeffersuun: YOU ARE USING THEM FOR CONTENT LET THEM SHOUT THEIR STREAM[3688] tovarlive: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE[3688] joey_hudson2010: L 9 ads[3688] jm1ke__: 50 gifted!![3688] realmacpgh: fat[3688] decadenzd: sssss[3688] jynxishairybaallls: @layla_sky04 shut the hel up or else bud[3689] d4m3_08: !gamble 10[3689] ocean301: !prime[3689] streamelements: D4M3_08 lost 10 points in roulette and now has 140 points! FeelsBadMan[3689] shmidtlick: W PUAL[3689] minimint2_rdo: L stream sniper[3689] ze_weed_flex: kkl[3690] the_drvtach_show: WWWWWW[3690] tclazer: tclazer subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 9 month streak! fuck avidd[3690] sportnugget_13: 10 ADS BROOOOOO[3691] stupidratgrl: GIFTED[3691] mincartisto: naah the fuck[3691] julien5945: uuhh[3691] manaphyonfire: @Paulliiidd leggo[3691] cobainsveins: L[3691] shiftyninja21_: audio[3691] tasmq_: @avidscams[3691] marrcosb: w[3691] rainyremix12: 50 gifted[3693] slomorunner149: W[3693] farty_poo123: you suck[3693] stupidratgrl: 50 GIFTED[3693] sebas2comp: when is mundane mike vs Jynxzi[3693] carterhdhduehudrh: jynxy[3693] reggie2401: reggie2401 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! love you[3693] shmidtlick: GREAT MAN THERE PUAL[3694] chunko_ssg1: jynxzi stream sniping[3694] jaidrn_654: FAT[3694] ender_antho: Zenti is sniping[3694] julien5945: hahahah[3694] cheeseburger7527: L FATASS STREAMER[3694] rondsilverthe1st: ZENTI IN VIEWER LIST[3694] jbess1e: lag[3694] pickled_midg3t: nerd[3694] greenfn245: @avidscams[3694] zinczyuav: END PREDICTIONS[3694] ajfoxgaming: it is blanck[3695] elengilbert: WWWW PAUL[3695] tomashupe: WWWWWWWW[3695] detstvo_1: I need a sub plzzzz[3695] junkomychunk: Did you get married[3696] seb4st1an_562: bro shut up who are you[3696] zachdaring17: 9 ads is crazy[3696] tfirkel: discord for the 2 v5[3696] beloaderr: beloaderr subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! [3696] captncman77: fst[3696] scooter2ez: LMFAOAOAOAOA[3697] reeibum: @zenti[3697] hereca_: LMAO[3697] jackt3e: 50[3697] icedso1: LMFAOOOOOOOOO[3697] ezravader1202: AVID WINS[3697] seb4st1an_562: 😭😭😭[3697] turtle300: SENDING HATE FROM THE ENTIRE US[3697] cheeseburger7527: L FATASS[3697] decadenzd: ww[3697] bboycons8696: !LINK[3697] sandy_sir: 💀[3697] wolfnreverse21: SO WHAT YOU CAN GET FAMOUS BUT THEY CANT TRY BY DOOMG SHOUT OUTS?[3697] stevenfromclevlend: stevenfromclevlend subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! w[3697] theyluvlix: JYNXZI WHAT R U WEARING DOG[3698] dylanhadley45: @avidscams[3698] meowserpro_: W[3698] juan_aqt: w[3698] chunko_ssg1: nerd[3698] anthonywtp: 10 adds[3698] semoy5: L mans[3698] stevenfromclevlend: w[3698] n0ctourne: LMAOAOA[3698] 27sn0wman: L UNGRATEFUL[3698] sorawtm: LOOOOOOOL[3699] farty_poo123: boo[3699] mbmr6pro: DinoDance[3699] theyluvlix: L FIT[3699] d4m3_08: !gamble 5[3699] tongs2eat: Lmao[3699] qlivk: brooo[3699] biskit__b: !discord[3699] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀[3699] nightbot: https://discord.gg/jynxzi[3699] minimint2_rdo: W jinxy[3699] mohgwin: w 50[3700] thebooster321_j: 10 ADS WTF[3700] crisss5k: kamuih subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! oil up junky[3700] slomorunner149: LUL[3700] captncman77: fatt[3700] coneeerll: o[3700] rondsilverthe1st: ZENTI IS IN LISTEN[3700] jakedrumro14tv: @avidscams[3700] nxvxrdxrk: !followage[3700] mysticcbtw: LMAOO[3700] worst_speller: !link[3700] boyiscool1: @avidscams[3700] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀[3700] daddyezhere: !prime[3701] streamelements: @NxvxrDxrk, nxvxrdxrk has been following jynxzi for 8 months 1 hour[3701] nightbot: Subscribe to @Jynxzi for FREE with Twitch Prime Twitch.tv/subs/jynxzi[3701] junkomychunk: Wedding fit[3701] konnerelston240: Thank me for my subscription !!!!!!![3701] puffpuffjuicer: LMAOOOO[3701] gboiiion4frames: bro is not the main character[3701] marrcosb: kekekeke[3701] suulks: LMAOOOOOOO[3701] swoleboh: if he wants to[3701] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀[3702] chaoticxs0: yearp[3702] whebas: FACE TOO PERFECT[3702] decadenzd: wwwwwwww[3702] saucypickleyt: LMAO[3703] ezravader1202: AVID WINS [3703] nightbot: “😂😂😂” -avidqr6[3703] qlivk: 😭😭😭😭[3703] manaphyonfire: 50 gifted w[3703] tomashupe: WWWWWWWWW[3703] derektopg: 5 minute ad is crazy 5 minute ad is crazy 5 minute ad is crazy 5 minute ad is crazy[3703] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀[3703] philmeup22: LMAII[3703] waveringtripod3: shroud is stream snipping[3703] coneeerll: j[3703] ein_anderwaffel: WWWWWWWW[3704] justsri_: zenti stream sniping[3704] ezravader1202: AVID WINS[3704] pumpkinspice300: Stream sniper[3704] yumitaco: damn[3704] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀[3704] lightupgalaxy: l ad[3704] dwaynejohnson7747: @HiVise SILVER 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | Silver 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | Silver 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | SILVER 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 |[3704] unoaj1: @avidscams[3704] taytaygoated: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY[3704] samib__: MADOOOOOOO[3705] schoooooo_: @Jynxzi they are both stream sniping, god told me[3705] minimint2_rdo: Grow some chest hair for that shirt Junko[3705] ezravader1202: AVID WINSAVID WINSAVID WINS[3705] thebiggjohn: L 50 ADS B2B[3705] piecectrlshaq: LMAOOOOO[3705] tkettel_: LAMOOOO[3705] seb4st1an_562: bro is not the leader of anything[3705] philmeup22: LMAOOO[3705] jbess1e: 😭😭[3706] decadenzd: wheres my sub[3706] babymoodswings: 12is crazy bruv[3706] ohmygoditsninja1796: he’s going to shove a what now 🤨🤨🤨[3706] ethanzw: fake laugh[3706] turbog40: Avid gonna sue you[3707] kaixen26: BROS NOT MC[3707] adam26174: Hello[3707] frostyrellik: HAHAHAHA[3707] that1babywhale: !streamsetup[3707] nightbot: bozo[3707] saucypickleyt: 💀💀💀[3707] arismha: What are they doing[3707] egren21: jynxziFALL[3707] featherisbeast: bruh 10 ads[3707] kotaaa1: lmfoafoa[3707] trskill97: LUL LUL LUL[3707] farty_poo123: I just got a ad[3707] zzzterry17: jj[3707] sfb_peetah: shut up gd[3707] fs_tiki: fs_tiki subscribed at Tier 1. [3708] ezravader1202: AVID WINSAVID WINS[3708] devintrevor23: vape ads[3708] kaiki2shiesty: jynxsi is the same size as gridlock[3708] cheeseburger7527: L FATASS UNGREATFUL[3708] elengilbert: NAHH[3708] jcob8928: LMFAOOOO[3708] hivise: wait[3708] mightygaminghh: LMAO[3709] mbmr6pro: LUL DinoDance[3709] itzace3036r6: !bracket[3709] michael23010: michael23010 subscribed at Tier 1. [3709] tristan12844: is tim vs junko at 9pm or is it tomorrow[3709] kotaaa1: HAHAHAHAHHAH[3709] xgawkgawkgawk9000x: xGawkGawkGawk9000x subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months! [3709] nightbot: Tourney bracket here -> https://brackethq.com/b/nmy1b/ (Back In Blood)[3709] kentickle: LMAAOOO[3709] slomorunner149: L AVID[3709] 444cx: w[3709] flyzznixghtmare: A[3709] a1mhaxks_: fat[3709] dxpressxxn: shut yo dumb ass up[3709] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[3709] el_cheika: wwwwwwwwww[3710] victor_pineapple: LMAOOOOO[3710] fizzell_: Fizzell_ subscribed with Prime. [3710] justsri_: zenti sniping[3710] cobainsveins: L A D S[3710] bio_blast: @HiVise Silver 4/Carrotz.[3710] fruitloverboy: JYNXZI HOW MUCH MONEY DO U NEED STOP GIVING ME ADS MF[3711] poopoo796: why you got poop on your tongue?[3711] surgedickeyq: HAHAHAHAHAHA[3711] qlivk: LMFA[3711] poptoast3r: fat biu[3712] slomorunner149: L AVIDDD[3712] m4rkh3nry: im stream sniping[3712] leofckdyadog: o ads[3713] maxwelliswell1: W[3713] streamelements: If you're a gamer, you need a Starforge! Snag one -> https://starforgepc.com/Jynxzi[3713] nickparadoxx: jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh[3713] chickenenwafflez: THEY ON YOUR ASS[3714] kotaaa1: AHAHAHAAHHHAHA[3714] outsider_816: !viewer list[3714] frostygoingcrazy: fat[3714] cyyn1cal: SNIPE VS SNIPE[3714] lildingleberryy: JYNXZI STREAM SNIPING[3714] qlivk: LMFAO[3714] farty_poo123: vape ads[3714] flyzznixghtmare: L[3715] bymacca: stop shouting maaann[3715] wiffk: WEIRDOSSSSS[3715] meekdiddy: bro think he the events starter💀💀💀[3715] madtitan886949: Delicacies?? WTF?1[3715] flyzznixghtmare: LL[3716] jackberko23: W[3716] shadow_pyr0: W[3716] nickparadoxx: jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh[3716] mortar: 💀💀💀💀[3716] nxvxrdxrk: !watchtime[3716] justkyle69: LET THEM BOTH STREAM SNIPE[3717] hotchao: @avidscams[3717] streamelements: NxvxrDxrk has spent 20 mins watching jynxzi[3717] semoy5: teaming up on avid[3717] bichito5iuuuu: w avid[3718] muhkuhluh: jynxziClown[3718] flyzznixghtmare: L[3718] playerfaith: bro stop spreading misinformation[3718] cheeseburger7527: L UNGREATFUL FATASS[3718] dripboi534: L[3718] wiffk: THEY BOTH SUCKKKK[3719] nickparadoxx: jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh[3719] minimint2_rdo: Says the one who uses Jing[3719] elengilbert: LMAO[3719] thetwig02: Wild[3720] cyyn1cal: WWW[3720] qwerxy_isnt_cute: W zenti w avid[3720] worst_speller: !sub[3720] phant0m_burg: fuck ads[3720] nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi[3720] shadowblade2250: 🇮🇱[3720] cosmic_waves: LMFAO [3720] fontoleaff: w[3720] sznncadenn: LMAO[3721] imrazerd: BRO LOST CONTROL OF THR[3721] 27sn0wman: THIS IS SO SAD[3721] tomashupe: w[3721] marrcosb: LOL[3721] elengilbert: LMAO LMAO[3721] nightbot: 😂[3721] swoleboh: LMAO[3721] bowserboss99150bot: I have 32 ads[3721] secretplays123: Redpond to my snap[3722] slomorunner149: LUL[3722] the_zucc: LUL[3722] swizle: LOLOLOL[3722] daddyezhere: wtf[3722] cobainsveins: L A D S[3722] fortnitelabbajjjj: @avidscams[3722] azahelrios: LOL[3722] rezecx_: jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF[3723] that1babywhale: !setup[3723] hitzfrmthabong1: some babys bro[3723] shivermetimbers15: WTF IS GOING ON[3723] lightupgalaxy: L avid#[3723] zzzterry17: l addsssssssssssssssssssssss[3723] vengeance4b: WAITTT[3723] wiffk: THEY BOTH SUCKKKKKK[3723] poptoast3r: fatty Junk ☝️[3723] kjohns81: Lmao[3723] zvchgotbanned: lmaoooo[3723] scrumplestiltskin: Avid sucks[3724] yammo27: Lol[3724] slomorunner149: LMAOOOO[3724] itskamina: LUL[3724] thekari_: LMAOO[3724] trippyexit: LMAOOOOO[3724] phant0m_burg: ads is some ass[3724] unrealriki: LMAO[3724] nightbot: Just sub bozo you’ll get no ads, my emotes, double the channel points, and guess what you will also get my beautiful charm that you will never lose, and many more!!!! #subuporshutup[3724] gray_gahd: THESE DUDES[3725] kodaks_father: LMAOOO[3725] wiztaylor77: WAYTOODANK[3725] seb4st1an_562: W TROLL[3725] fruitloverboy: W AVID[3725] tongs2eat: LMAO[3725] causevseffect: W ZENTI[3725] shivermetimbers15: @Zenti[3726] steezi8433: LOL[3726] the_zucc: HAHA[3726] m4rkh3nry: why is he dressed like elvis?[3726] zermityy: 10 ads is absolutely ridiculous[3726] konnerelston240: Thank me for subscribing!!!!!!!!![3726] yomommajunko: l adfffs[3726] atomicsharkkk: nahhhhhh[3726] dxpressxxn: sniping stream[3726] tahalam03: LOOOOL[3726] qwerxy_isnt_cute: W zenti w avidW zenti w avid[3726] wethans__mom: @avidscams[3726] tymarl3y: lmfao[3727] kodenmma: change title fat pos[3727] ttonii4: LETSS GOOOO[3727] qlivk: AVID FUNNY AS HELL[3727] dbuchhaas: DBuchhaas subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 6 month streak! [3727] diegoplayztv_: lmaoo[3727] d44rkfire: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀[3727] jcob8928: LMAOOOO[3727] daddyezhere: !prime[3727] jerome2linear: LMFAO[3728] petro8869: when is spoilt[3728] puffpuffjuicer: LMAOOOOOOOO[3728] scleebles: 🤣[3728] i_love_pizzarolls: My mom is latisha[3729] bigal02_12: jynxzi needs to watch the vape ad[3729] bichito5iuuuu: W AVID[3729] phant0m_burg: fuck ads[3729] cheeseburger7527: UNGREATFUL[3729] causevseffect: this is content[3729] yungkibe: LMAO[3729] ttv_br0k3n_09: womp womp[3730] minimint2_rdo: Grow some chest hair for that shirt Junko[3730] nickparadoxx: jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL[3730] 1738clutch: w zenti[3731] atomicsharkkk: 😂😂😂🤤[3731] coolshopguy: WTFF is going onnnnn lolol[3731] picklisfat: avid don’t make any sense bro[3731] codygeorge18: GIFTED[3731] yungkibe: LMAO [3732] shmidtlick: @avidscams[3732] kiciver31: i[3732] jewlarryate: no u[3732] vizex112: @avidscams[3732] fossabot: @monk_63, Your message is too long[3733] outsider_816: !yzenti[3733] brierleyo1: jynxziVapeBreak[3734] mxmck25: avid is a straight troll[3734] lmaotwinky: is caseoh eating today?[3734] nightbot: “😂😂😂” -avidqr6[3734] nickparadoxx: jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL[3734] chrisoffurslol: L AVID[3734] dwaynejohnson7747: @HiVise SILVER 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | Silver 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | Silver 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | SILVER 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | ![3734] cheeseburger7527: GIFTED[3734] morspeach: 25 adds[3734] macdaddyplayapimpjdawg: avid dumb[3734] babymoodswings: HiVise a nark[3735] bluecoconutbsd: This is a disaster[3735] that1babywhale: !headset[3736] nightbot: Astro A50's[3736] slomorunner149: LMAO[3736] nbackus24: vape break[3736] wckbrantley: Lebrun add goes crazy[3737] andresmango: thanks jynxi for 40 ads in a row[3737] zanchotracko: WHATSUP lebroro[3737] subarumahf000: l ad[3737] nickparadoxx: jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL[3737] der_not_bandol: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak[3738] petro8869: when is 3-5[3738] kotaaa1: LLFMOAFOA[3738] mightygaminghh: LMFAO[3739] snatchy96: L junko sellout[3739] unoaj1: @avidqr6[3739] nickparadoxx: jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL[3739] lilfronki: !prime[3739] kotaaa1: HAHAHHAHA[3739] nightbot: Subscribe to @Jynxzi for FREE with Twitch Prime Twitch.tv/subs/jynxzi[3739] cyyn1cal: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK[3739] howefit11: Avid real pussy[3739] jewlarryate: o[3740] boxedanimationsx: @avidscams[3740] kingnoah1106: w manipulation[3740] thirstlng: lowkey avid the biggest clown[3740] cheeseburger7527: UNGREATFUL FATASS[3740] h3rb4l5m0ke: DRAKE AHH SHIT[3740] der_not_bandol: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak[3740] dylanhadley45: @avidscams[3740] boyiscool1: @avidscams[3740] lightupgalaxy: L at&t[3740] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[3741] dead_reaper_11: BRO STOP WITH THE ADS[3741] slomorunner149: HHHHAHAHAHH[3741] kotaaa1: HAHAHAHAHAHA[3741] causevseffect: this is content W[3741] luxzsy: HAIRLINE[3741] megahead0: jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE[3741] fontoleaff: W gaslight[3741] tristanhowell385: pre lawsuit[3741] lulxiv: !sub[3742] marleyjgj: spout waitin[3742] der_not_bandol: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak[3742] chillsuperfly: chillsuperfly subscribed with Prime. [3742] nickparadoxx: jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL[3742] mxmck25: avid a weirdo[3742] sebblues2: @zenti[3742] fruitloverboy: L AVID L ZENTI[3742] tombstoneactuall: bros gaslighting 💀[3742] beloaderr: lil boy[3742] kotaaa1: HAHAHAHAHAHAAH[3742] kanroh: 10 ADS IS INSANE[3743] andrezwapper: damn that hairline[3743] der_not_bandol: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak[3743] tztroller19: Bro tapped out like drake[3743] bardown16__: 2.6[3743] kevin_maruchan69: at Briekies house[3744] nightbot: https://clips.twitch.tv/AdventurousHedonisticYakinikuBibleThump-pUxxa5Rp0x8aWNXU[3744] tristan12844: is tim vs junko at 9pm or is it tomorrow[3744] whatsup334: bruhhhh[3744] kotaaa1: AHAHHAHAHA[3744] aznamo_: BALDDDD[3744] extasyap: Lmao[3744] leytonray: LeytonRay subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! fat[3744] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀[3744] der_not_bandol: jynxziVapeBreak[3744] sketchclone1: !sub[3744] minimint2_rdo: L spectator[3745] justkyle69: BALD[3745] puffpuffjuicer: HUH[3745] a1mhaxks_: fat[3745] nightbot: bald[3745] slomorunner149: LUL LUL LUL LUL[3745] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀[3745] elcoditu: @avidqq[3746] nickparadoxx: jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL[3746] semoy5: jynxi stfu[3746] kraken541: clip farmer[3746] dwaynejohnson7747: @HiVise SILVER 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | Silver 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | Silver 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | SILVER 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 |[3746] mortar: LUL LUL LUL[3746] msfx001: L AVID[3747] lightupgalaxy: L doordash[3747] jg030310: 1 ad ww[3747] whatisthewordd: pedicure pedifile[3747] supaawsome12313453: LMAOAOOAOOA[3747] morspeach: Squid1 Squid2 Squid4[3747] retsamyar: you gonna claim stream sniped no matter what happens[3748] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀[3748] jcob8928: 🤣🤣🤣🤣[3749] whatsup334: adds are crazy[3749] tiagolexi04: Hairline[3749] csabaikolbi420: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL[3749] ttvsentenal: yall r ass[3749] dxpressxxn: mass manipulator[3749] landon_yeah: jynxziBALD jynxziBALD[3749] brierleyo1: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak[3750] recoil_128: lmao[3750] sharks550: you're showing too much cleavage[3750] gaming_hangover: avid stealing my channel points[3750] minimint2_rdo: White speed[3750] sfb_peetah: shut tf up jinxi[3750] gray_gahd: W AVID[3750] the_zucc: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHHAHAHAA[3751] brierleyo1: jynxziVapeBreak taysmcLOVE taysmcLOVE taysmcLOVE taysmcLOVE[3751] whebas: W MANIPULATION[3751] jakedrumro14tv: @avidscams[3751] bardown16__: poor shamer[3751] nightbot: poor❌ pour✅[3751] bolgang1919: typeshit[3752] andresmango: thank u for 1000000000000 ads[3752] captainbighardd: McDonald's logo hairline[3752] detstvo_1: let’s kcuf[3752] z_38w: hairline wild[3752] bio_blast: @HiVise Silver 4/Carrotz.[3753] skup81_: dick[3753] merlinmcchicken: sending hate from california[3753] jacob_926: 50 gifted[3754] fnsshoto1: jynxziWTF jynxziWTF[3754] xnovared: 10 ads bru[3754] daddyezhere: sub[3755] theemporiumm: w content[3755] cheznuts54: pettyqures[3755] extasyap: Fat[3755] realengo17: SENDING HATE FROM CONGOSENDING HATE FROM CONGO[3756] nickparadoxx: jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH[3756] xshelbii: i have like 25 ads.[3756] nikolehutch: what’s wrong with a pedicure[3756] jxsse1234: jynxziGoodAim[3756] phant0m_burg: jack in the box[3756] tnttommy2k: hate from nova scotia[3756] cheeseburger7527: FATASS UNGREATFUL[3756] shivermetimbers15: mastah manipulator[3756] aduckonquack913: aDUCKonQUACK913 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 5 month streak! [3757] dr_plegue: ?[3757] kevin_maruchan69: brekies house[3757] nightbot: ?[3757] radiant443: j Diddy[3757] maddilfs: maddilfs subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [3757] dive_bomb2120: these audio ads devious[3757] ssquirrrellll: 😭[3758] skynoblue: he dumb asf omg[3758] 0710_beast: hair line[3758] mwp_strike: MwP_Strike subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months! watch sketch in the faze tourney junko[3758] ezravader1202: CHEATING[3758] nickparadoxx: jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH[3758] rbleiman31: yu4r[3759] pla4boi: jack doherty brother[3759] aiden6audet: W ZENTI[3759] jayjugger: im dead lol[3759] howefit11: Avid is a pussy[3759] vizzeez: 💀💀💀💀[3759] bigldubzz: !LINK[3759] nightbot: @bigldubzz If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[3759] bigunit212: 200[3759] reaper_1709: @avidscams[3759] miguell_jr: chat can someone gift>[3760] yammo27: Fatty[3760] lessthanthree_____: the fuck you wearing gang[3760] wckbrantley: gang gang[3760] nickparadoxx: jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH[3760] ophantomz: AVIDD IS DRAKE[3761] bigmoyaknow1: !bracket[3761] lulxiv: !prime[3761] xbxclickbaitxbx: jynxzi is a gonna lose his 1v1[3761] nightbot: Tourney bracket here -> https://brackethq.com/b/nmy1b/ (Back In Blood)[3761] g4tsio: Hahaha[3761] coleman_2017: poor shamer[3761] shivermetimbers15: @zenti[3762] elite6618: 😂😂[3762] rbleiman31: yur[3762] fssteen: hairline[3762] ezravader1202: CHETING[3763] mortar: OMG[3763] aiden6audet: AVID A FAT FUCK[3763] nbackus24: L booga suga[3763] xyvtobi: n[3763] 1bvndo: no[3764] momsblender69: ome30[3764] minimint2_rdo: L speed copy[3764] pabon7475: w junko[3765] rolly_edge: yay[3765] justkyle69: CAN I GET A 10 PIECE PLEASE[3765] shovelleaner: please?[3765] fssteen: hardline[3766] tco_prism: so many ads[3766] konnerelston240: Thank me for subscribing!!!!!!!!![3766] bradog31: spoit waiting[3766] ethan0625: avid says bruh too much[3766] nightbot: “😂😂😂” -avidqr6[3766] theemporiumm: !title avid[3767] fossabot: @TheEmporiumm Title for Jynxzi: WOOOOOOOO[3767] gnat0attack: please???!![3767] nightbot: @TheEmporiumm -> There was an error connecting to Twitch's API. Try again later.[3767] daddyezhere: !prime[3767] bboycons8696: !LINK[3767] yiorio_: @HiVise plat 5/ ITZYL0[3767] prxaiz: pre end[3767] mfmookie: mfmookie subscribed with Prime. [3767] firstakuma: Avid really got that trailer park education LMAO[3768] ventrix31: NotVentr1x — silver @HiVise[3768] 5horti: WOO shit ass hairline[3769] aunzulfiqar121: @hivise ban jynxzi[3769] liljimjimjimmy: his stupid did u pass high school?????[3769] fssteen: hairline[3770] tb_styx: hate from drake’s basement[3770] madtitan886949: Jynxzi said future 1v1 delicacies🤣lmao[3770] friedchickenaltaco: erm what the sigma[3770] skup81_: !game[3770] z_38w: hairline[3770] fruitloverboy: hes in that head[3770] nightbot: @skup81_ -> There was an error connecting to Twitch's API. Try again later.[3771] pinkystews: @tnttommy2k ayyyy me too[3771] logboomer: w streamsnipe[3771] tylerniknam69: L hairline[3771] austin_einsiedel: why’d stompn drop you[3771] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[3771] molywoppin: Molywoppin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! [3772] fnsshoto1: HAIRLINE[3772] dxpressxxn: I eat the booty like groceries[3772] the_green_leaf: Avid is so defensive over his manhood. What a loser[3773] brapp3402: 8 ads is crazy[3773] joshallen_proztictoc: @avidscams[3773] gnat0attack: say please[3774] kingxace77: CHANGE TITLE TO BBL JIZZY[3774] detstvo_1: I need sub I will foot rub[3774] accipst1x: last ad[3775] lilfronki: lilfronki subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! [3775] tedescod49: tedescod49 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [3775] ttvraion: Sound delayed[3775] natertrater: 10 ADS BRO[3775] hollemfps: hollemFPS subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months, currently on a 11 month streak! I want to see avid more he lowkey carrys your stream[3776] elegriv: @HiVise Do a troll title pls LMAO[3776] cjv_134: Damn[3776] nbackus24: speed clone[3776] aaronsauce17: i live in a cardboard box[3776] minimint2_rdo: Grow some chest hair for that shirt Junko[3777] jounashrty233: when is shroud and spoit[3777] grimre4per071202: 10 ADS IS CRAZY[3778] bardown16__: because its not him[3778] josh6362816: audio bug[3778] jewlarryate: ima paint my nails green[3778] swativas: LMAO[3778] tugsttv: tugsttv subscribed at Tier 1. [3779] stompnisthegoatofr62008: Higg[3779] jmiggyfromthree: okADDDDDDDDDSSSS[3780] cheeseburger7527: ungreatful[3780] justkyle69: HE TRYNA GET THAT BAND[3780] yeetboi_9000: Cheater | Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [3600] Oh, last boy. Oh my god. Get cover my face. I have it, my big daddy. I have it, no, hell, no. Hell, no. Yes. I'm going out. I'm going out. There's two of us. [3610] What [3620] Are you having less time now? I WISH You can probably see the Chem out We can see the Ching Cheng Do you know it? [3630] If avid loses this game, this is the downfall of avid bro. I know. I was trying to promote my twitch. I'll kick it out the party right now. I'll kick it off or down the hall. I was just... [3640] Why is that your twitch? It's fucking garbage. That's a shameless log. No, we're not doing that. Why does everybody just use my stream after you guys get your best friend out of this? [3650] Every time so we're twins the parade And now my mic's glitching bro and I [3660] Boy, how has boy not a shove a dick in my ass? I Can't hear shit. I can't see shit. My mic is glitched [3670] Keep crying bitch. I'm back. I'm like, hoes bitch. First off, a couple things we need to clarify. What was he? Stream avid, take it easy. Stream sniping is out though goddamn window. Hey, see ya. [3680] That's a honor. I know. If you do, I'm just letting you know. If I catch wind that one of you guys is streaming time, it gets automatic, just qualification, and future suspension from any and all future 1v1. [3690] Events tournaments or [3700] No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! No, no, no, no, no! There is no one's food supply. [3710] There's no stream sniping. Yeah, how are we? How are we? How are we? How are we fucking? Y'all are both stream sniping. Fucking, I don't care. I'm just trolling away. You know you can't do that. We won't! [3720] I'm not gonna do that. I'll keep trying, I'm not gonna play, why, if Zidzie's in a viewer list, I'll get a free win. I'll probably shoot him. Okay, so nobody's stream's life. Y'all, hey! I have you are so fucking petty sometimes bro. [3730] You literally said that you're gonna swing flip and then said you're mass manipulating brah I say not I never said that I'm not taking it ever. I don't get petty cares, bro Don't say that bottom another man, please [3740] Motherfucker is so stupid my god I'll get out of the panic here. Yeah, you're standing in a mobile home the rest of your life. You're so dumb now [3750] I'm gonna move it now bitch. You alright? Yo, how the fuck is that? If you are not doing this, I promise I'm doing it. Oh I'm in that shit. Oh I'm in that shit. I'm gonna take my band with me too. Have I seen title [3760] do that avid cube or senti what is avid laughing at [3770] Oh my god, the old zenty almost wallbanged him. Why did zenty look like that? I'm trying to do some shit about a bitch. Do some shit about a bitch. Oh, he's coming out. | There is no Highlight in the provided timespan. Jynxzi watches two of his friends (avid and zenti) playing 1v1 against each other. at the end of the timeframe, a new round just started |
Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege[4400] yung23gunna30: L add break when I’m paying for a sub[4400] codywrlld: Pre end[4401] tkettel_: U A BITCH[4402] drastic_degree: 58k fell off[4403] live2getfaded: LMAOOOOOO[4403] m1_ray69: I would let avid spank me[4403] mikec750: YOU GONNA LOSE AND PRE END[4403] therealteamfat: weeding[4403] classiccmochi: They BOTH have loose wires in the head lol. 'Im a grown man' stfu HAHAHAHHA[4404] eafcgrinder0: L ZENTI[4404] theduke_ljt: SingsNote BBL Drizzy SingsNote[4404] slomorunner149: W AVID[4404] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[4404] ampbash: !link[4404] paqytoncandales: whole lotta yap[4404] salingaway1: LL FENTZENT[4404] junior2oh9: when is spoit game[4405] niceguyfinishlast40: hes got ur charm on[4405] sandy_sir: 😭💀[4405] xoticzz236: jynxziCopper[4405] snailmanthirteen: SCRIPT[4405] mynamejeff675: stand up for yourself pussy[4406] tobytrice531: fan mail when[4406] anioppa: zenti is def gonna win cus hes annoying[4406] codywrlld: Pre emd[4406] wsgethwn: zenti wanna be xim like loo[4406] eafcgrinder0: 5[4407] hillbillyvr_gaming: Fatty[4407] mxmck25: biggest clip farmer[4407] lilchugs9000: FAT[4408] staypuffpass: don't use big words I'm grown[4408] ein_anderwaffel: Zenti wins jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE[4408] flaume_aux: L SCRIPT[4409] tkettel_: W ZENTI[4409] uhhhclipz: jynxzis most wholesome chatters be like[4409] codywrlld: Pre end[4409] higuns_: LMAOOOOOOO[4410] eafcgrinder0: L ZENTI[4410] slomorunner149: W AVID L ZENTI[4410] loco7185: Part timer can't game for that long[4410] kubrick_2001: this ho ass insult is so bad[4410] siguyy_: kick senti[4411] blakkrose4: !gamble 1500[4411] spud0313: spud0313 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [4411] streamelements: @blakkrose4, you only have 50 points.[4411] yellowflash221: my durag is to tight ~AvidQ[4412] googlechromed: HOPE ZENTI WINS[4413] tyroneyolo: zenti arc[4414] eueuueuww: uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuyyyyyy[4414] lilchugs9000: FATFAT[4415] jack209613: free xim[4415] bodaciious: All for content[4415] trips_ok: W ZENTI[4416] xvktownvx: !gamble all[4417] streamelements: xvktownvx went all in and lost every single one of their 235 points LUL[4417] syphon_ac007: Still having avid on stream is crazy lol[4417] hall0ween_: BBL JYNXZI[4417] jaxson1834: Fr[4417] jynxzihorrid: OMG ZENTI IS ACC A XIM CLONE[4417] arminnrd: zenti r6 joker[4418] alexanderr_xxiv: zenti needs therapy[4418] ein_anderwaffel: W zenti jynxziTONGUE[4418] lilchugs9000: FTA[4418] codywrlld: WENTI[4419] bigsly333: cuz you’re a lazy streamer[4419] jolmtron: why does zenti sound like xim[4419] carterfn09: boring ass stream[4420] mariyosfilth: yeh he got issues like u lol[4420] tttttttay: Shitti[4420] lilchugs9000: FAT[4421] cobracommander954: LENTI[4422] anthonycaza76: anthonycaza76 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 6 month streak! [4422] adamclassen17: your the best streamer don’t let the brainless hatters get you mad because without you no one in your live will play r6 you brought the game back to life[4422] bananak1n_: zenti wants to be bagq so bad[4422] roguejizzle: HOAE AS BOY[4422] cashgoat2: good[4423] mrmilku1234: W[4423] anioppa: L Zenti[4423] stevenbloxfruit9986: 👴🏾👴🏾👴🏾👴🏾😭👴🏾👴🏾👴🏾👴🏾👴🏾👴🏾👴🏾[4423] sinkwithevan: zenti era[4424] 5h00t4h: ZENTI CRINGE CHEATER[4424] slomorunner149: I miss X1m[4424] subwayenjoyer: W ZENTI[4424] cashgoat2: aim[4424] hi_imalex7: @tarsai your badge just be changing every message you send what type of tech is that[4425] bullylng: DendiFace DendiFace[4425] awfuljewel: bbc[4426] 1xparis: is zenti xim[4426] worldasetupboi: ZERO CREATIVETY IS WHY MY BOI GETTING CARRIED TO FAME AND RACKS[4426] ein_anderwaffel: WENTI[4427] jolmtron: why does zenti sound like xim bro[4427] sukmibolo: how was the wedding[4428] infamousbeast99: ZENTI WANNA BE XIM SO BAD[4429] raptorx3hi: This shit boring[4429] kraken541: zenti stream sniping[4430] sharks550: you're showing too much cleavage[4430] jynxzihorrid: XIM CLONEEE[4431] liamawesome1: yo[4431] m1dknight__: bro only speaks in cussed words[4431] justachattalol: XIM CLONE[4432] lordtekkno: Xim clone[4432] inotfullyhere: bbl junction[4432] carterfn09: fall back in ur chair alr[4433] tkettel_: AVID IS A BOT[4433] jolmtron: why does zenti sound like xim[4433] nightbot: “😂😂😂” -avidqr6[4433] awfuljewel: !gamble all[4433] 1takejohn: zenti wants to be xim so bad[4433] streamelements: awfuljewel went all in and lost every single one of their 250 points LUL[4435] causevseffect: EXTREMELY COMMON ZENTI W[4435] mxmck25: zenti just learned that phrase[4436] cuwwan: ZENTI ON THE FENTI[4436] ihavetopeebad: L STREAMER[4436] tfirkel: DISCORD LINK[4436] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[4437] gjuytrf: Sending hate from earth[4437] 1takejohn: xim clone[4438] jolmtron: xim clone[4438] zae710420: scripted[4439] shivermetimbers15: LMAO[4439] justachattalol: xim[4439] jonparada47: xim wannabe[4440] subwayenjoyer: L XIM CLONE[4440] jayyt37: jayyt37 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! how i get tis damn charm lol[4440] jolmtron: xim cloneee[4440] v2_arctic: shut up[4440] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀[4440] causevseffect: EXTREMELY COMMON ZENTI WWWWWw[4441] bettr_call_paul: zenti as mentally stable as yeezy[4441] wsgethwn: zenti wanna be xim like loo[4442] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀[4442] zae710420: avid is ass[4442] tarsai: yooo[4442] theninetails316: LUL LUL LUL LUL[4442] outingcope: TRUE[4442] shivermetimbers15: LMAO LMAO[4442] retronitez: LMAO[4443] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀[4443] leept88: LOL[4443] dondo_14: cap[4443] jolmtron: xim wannabee[4443] yungkibe: LMAO[4443] nightbot: no 🧢[4443] gotgrappe: lmao[4444] gooptray2: BORING[4444] gamermen1331: Xim clone[4444] juliusceasariusthe6th: WENTI[4444] elengilbert: WWWWWWWWW[4444] mezzdup_bun: DELUSIONAL LMAOAOA[4444] azahelrios: TRUE[4444] 0z_ozone: FACTS[4444] syphon_ac007: Capppp[4444] cashlocg: ww[4444] yungkibe: LMAO [4444] ampbash: !LINK[4445] papimoore: XIM CLONE[4445] nightbot: @ampbash If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[4445] tkettel_: INSTIGATE[4445] pinkinfinite: LMAOOOO[4445] javiersc_: Lmao[4445] theemoviking: real[4445] nightbot: real[4446] alphaeid3: ig[4446] ezman22: cap[4446] jolmtron: xim wannabeee[4446] poopyy23: cap[4446] cashlocg: www[4446] not_lethal_: CAP[4446] brunodavies1: brunodavies1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! cmon[4446] tj_gains: 🤷♂️😂😂😂😂😂[4446] mkulas99: ZENTI vs Ricci[4447] phroggythefirst: cap[4447] mrgamerstyler: LUL[4447] bardown16__: not top 200[4447] spplix: zenti annoying asl[4447] xen_26: cap [4447] justachattalol: ximwannabe[4447] slam_xdd: cap[4447] sosasworld: 💀💀💀[4447] terrior2030: cap[4447] mountnjusticee: cap[4447] nenon_kai: Cappp[4447] kosmoqt: lmaooooooo[4447] multiversus23: tru[4447] fenikoz: WW ZENTI[4448] azahelrios: FAXX[4448] c4sh_jos: TRUE[4448] trips_ok: W ZENTI[4448] buff_yellow: LMAAAOOOOO[4448] jakelove218: lol[4448] puffpuffjuicer: LOLLLL[4448] wilderbeast247: Yoo why can i join the game??????????[4448] jwisdom: top 50 thousand[4448] cerprimetime: ZENTI the nest play with him everyday[4448] mingoismydad: fax[4448] fuze_bs: top 1000[4448] titosunbornchild: CAP[4448] 1takejohn: xim alonee[4448] iprof1t: TRYNA BE XIM SO BAD[4448] jolmtron: xim clone[4449] mrmilku1234: CAP[4449] slomorunner149: L Zenti[4449] subwayenjoyer: BRING XIM BACK[4449] keyz2416: cap[4449] kingnoah1106: CAP[4449] becooper: LMAOOO[4450] dislexic_ai: Cap[4450] jokezgotmxtion: he thinks he’s xim[4450] o6zj: bro L scrip, when did avid get this damn horrible[4450] timing_err0r: 💀💀💀💀💀[4450] s0lid_franco_: lol[4450] ezman22: CAp[4450] tristan12844: is tim vs junko at 9pm or is it tomorrow[4450] ein_anderwaffel: WWW[4450] xxbryzxx: audio[4450] jaxson1834: only 490 watching[4450] sheepmorino: ricci vs Zenti[4450] ayzorax: top 10000000[4450] papimoore: XIM WANNABE[4450] nightbot: 👀[4451] mortar: LOL CAP 🧢[4451] soccernick50_: cap[4451] easy_moneysniper1: real[4451] arthurontheway: fax[4451] seb1of1: BRO THINK HE XIM[4451] ezman22: cap[4451] ripluckyy: xim[4451] faded_121: xim clone[4451] cxltproducedthis: no cap[4452] gooptray2: BORINGG[4452] ttvplexa: XIM CLONE[4452] vooly7: cap[4452] mintysemiiiii: top 50 000[4452] mrmilku1234: W[4453] ezman22: CAAAp[4453] mahmut_akdemir: EMERALD TALKING[4453] ikonik_kay: xim clone[4453] spacepandas_: nah[4453] theligmalord: Cap[4453] n0tluxk: -50[4453] barrysatarto: E40[4453] csabaikolbi420: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL[4453] koreanpapi7: koreanpapi7 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! cap[4453] yaboyshredzz: JUNKO IS W[4454] fuze_bs: top 1000 maybe[4454] thegamewinner888: No Sylvia Chave fans? Come on![4454] alexanderr_xxiv: now his talking to himself[4454] infamousbeast99: XIM CLONE[4454] ein_anderwaffel: W[4454] dtrain111: UNMUTE YOUR MIC![4454] rankfut: top 200 maybe[4455] jyan42: youre top 10000 at best[4455] nzanchi2549: xim[4455] whenisfanmail0: Top 10#9398282$9939393949393[4455] slomorunner149: X1m Clone[4455] spacepandas_: wrong[4455] gooptray2: BORING[4455] bossmaster4726: top 75[4455] titanbofa: @zentipo[4455] binroller: 💀[4455] 1takejohn: xim cloneee[4456] mxmck25: top 50 lmao[4456] papimoore: BRO WANTS TO BE XIM SO BAD[4456] avending_machine: zenti is so annoying[4456] 6brzndon: bottom 100[4456] kiee_eu: CRINGE XIM[4456] deadspouse: bros tryna be xim it’s cringe as fuck[4456] ripluckyy: xim clone[4456] tsm_mrquakker: wanna be xim💀💀💀[4456] subwayenjoyer: BRO IS NOT XIM[4457] nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi[4457] mmew_2: top 50 million[4457] voltzyll: top 5k[4457] keyz2416: top 10000[4457] astrobliss69: no[4457] wyattjk3162: zesty shirt[4457] sharks550: TOP 5 MILLION[4458] michael_tromba: xim clone[4458] spplix: ZENTI ANNOYING[4458] chefferiespc: bro your emerald[4458] gooptray2: BORINGG[4458] vanxietyx: top 10000000[4458] syphon_ac007: Top 50 copper[4458] arces74: STOMPN IS 100000000000000000000000000000X BETTER[4459] hivise: If you wanna play tonight (3v5) Post Ubisofts and @HiVise, Ill add you on Ubisoft![4459] muhkuhluh: Zenti with the Jynxi charm lmao[4459] cjaywya: nope nowhere near top 50[4459] sandy_sir: 💀💀[4459] flamingsmurf: zenti vs xim?[4459] ein_anderwaffel: WWWWWW[4459] v2_arctic: 50 thousand[4459] juliusceasariusthe6th: TOP 1000[4459] chazza_7651: WHERES CHARLIE[4459] mezzdup_bun: BRO[4460] scrimshyper: ximm clone[4460] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀[4460] nolimitnoob_: OMG[4460] justachattalol: XINMM CLONE[4460] casiqueeee: -50[4460] tacocat1109: when is the 3v5[4460] kiee_eu: CRINGE[4460] tsm_mrquakker: WWW[4460] pouchmouch: xim clone 💀💀💀[4461] famousxjames21: hey chat[4461] sandy_sir: 💀💀[4461] grub954: top 50 in copper[4461] flydog92: OOOOOOOO[4461] gasbabynoah: jynxzi look like my pastor[4461] fossabot: @yyyyyyyyyyy1199, Your message is too long[4461] fruitloverboy: HE WANNABE XIM LMFAO[4461] ein_anderwaffel: WWW[4461] chunkoisfatty: xim clone[4461] marie_xm: oh[4462] tsm_mrquakker: WWWWW[4462] kj___279: Zenti is shite[4462] xen_26: top 500000[4462] co0lmonkey: top 10 000 000[4462] bardown16__: BAD AIM L[4462] oemgan: SHIT AIM[4462] colton21478: Top 1000[4463] thelegendherself1: W[4463] morrgy40: WWWW[4463] yungkibe: jynxziBadAim[4463] anioppa: nice[4463] retronitez: WHAT WAS THAT[4463] voyager021: W AVID[4463] blockmanr6: damn[4463] ender_antho: Xim wannabe😂😂😂[4463] pinkinfinite: TOP 50 IS CRAZY[4463] cosmic_waves: LMAO[4463] xd_ghostgamer: W[4463] formulates_: xim clone[4464] goldpiglv: xim clone[4464] yungkibe: jynxziBadAim [4464] mynamejeff675: tell zenti to shut the fuck up!!!!!!!![4464] joeyisajuggalo: OMGGGG[4464] flydog92: FILTH[4464] slomorunner149: W AVID[4464] batman1168: bro[4464] titosunbornchild: 💀💀💀💀[4465] chunke_monkey: hadddd[4465] casiqueeee: -50000[4465] randolff13: W[4465] theunseen2000: Who's chad?[4465] 1takejohn: cringe xim 2.0[4465] villias: W[4466] tilted_tricky: XIM CLONEE[4466] marie_xm: omg[4466] taycurry11: WWWWWWWWWWWW[4466] blakkrose4: !gamble 50[4466] theligmalord: chunko is washed[4466] puffpuffjuicer: SLAMMMED[4466] neverbackdownneverwhatya: Uwu[4466] tkettel_: junko instigate[4466] nunchuckchick69: LETS GO AVID[4467] dawah22: YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[4467] xeeum: w[4467] seb1of1: WW[4467] the_zucc: BAD AIM[4467] ruggedbubbles: AVID ALWAYS COMES BACK[4467] nightbot: “😂😂😂” -avidqr6[4467] 5h00t4h: zenti ilovexim clone[4468] junior2oh9: WWWW[4468] owendeann: BADDDD AIM[4468] sendit357: ur corny Xim[4468] kuzakaiee: BAD AIM[4468] slomorunner149: PIXEL MERCHANT LMAO[4469] wrpsyz: zenti vs ricci[4469] sabbbaaa: W AVID[4469] gasbabynoah: jynxzi look like my pastor[4469] fadedgamess: DONT PEAK THAT[4469] junior2oh9: WW[4469] bigunit212: AVID BEDDDDDDR[4469] kiee_eu: CRINGEEE[4470] trips_ok: PIXEL MERCHSNT[4470] chickenenwafflez: WWWWWW[4470] mahmut_akdemir: cronus[4470] kingsizedwalnut: bad aaimmmm[4470] jayyfuegoo: chronus[4470] jimenamedinat: aim is ass oh my[4470] stirzy_: ☠️☠️[4471] dawah22: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[4471] ein_anderwaffel: W AVIDDDDDD jodaMowe[4471] xernety: BRING XIM BAXK[4471] f1shyh: W[4471] jussmarcos: nah hes such a pixel merchant[4471] joeyisajuggalo: themus62FastCatClap themus62FastCatClap themus62FastCatClap themus62FastCatClap[4471] playboicarti_____________: NAH THATS CRONUS[4471] infntryy: CRONUS[4471] mezphy: zen[4472] junior2oh9: WWWWWWWW[4472] caybaby_: Zenti always been like this yall tripping[4472] alondra_13358: LOL[4472] killlacoop: W[4473] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀[4473] noise859: CRONUS[4473] kiee_eu: XIM WANNABE[4473] tsm_mrquakker: HE WANNA BE XIM SO BAD[4473] tyroneyolo: pixel merchant[4474] turbodogo: pixle parlor[4474] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀[4474] grahamcrackers20: Top 5 copper[4474] shivermetimbers15: cronus[4474] mahmut_akdemir: CRONUS[4474] fadedgamess: DONT PEAK THATTTT HES LOKE RHAT[4474] stealthreapez: W AVID[4474] fruitloverboy: FREE ASF[4474] matyice06: YEEEEEEES[4474] 1takejohn: cringe xim 2.00[4474] claybot03: cronus[4474] adamkats: react, harder[4474] ruffysznx: cronus[4474] swoleboh: from zenti[4474] mrmilku1234: FAT[4475] faxzcapz: stompn best controller player[4475] malfunctionz_: CRONUSSSS[4475] siipq: CRONUSSSSSSSSSSS[4475] xelo_r6: cronus 100%[4475] stay_mad_kid971: cheating[4475] thecmend3men: W[4475] cerprimetime: without pixels avid would lose 7-0[4475] jayyfuegoo: that’s actually cronus[4475] slimreaper8080: what’s it to[4475] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀[4475] hughesy210: Cronus[4476] slomorunner149: LMAO[4476] driverff: LMAO[4476] fontoleaff: w[4476] 1wrldkai: 💀💀💀[4476] niko200801: fucking Cronus shit[4476] sominho_: lol[4476] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀[4477] nightbot: 😂[4477] mrmilku1234: W[4477] mistaorca: Orca115 literally copper v @HiVise[4477] elitej1x: bro just stands still and shits on him[4477] kakashisprincess: !raffle 6k 5[4477] padineta: dind't even move the mouse tf[4478] sandy_sir: 💀💀[4478] mezphy: cronus[4478] streamelements: PogChamp a Multi-Raffle has begun for 6000 points PogChamp it will end in 5 Seconds. Enter by typing '!join' OpieOP[4478] hillbillyvr_gaming: Fatty[4478] kaden_19: helllll nah[4478] themegamind1234: hello[4478] nkl_richh: fat[4478] nightbot: bozo[4478] cookiedevourer1: W commentator[4478] crizzly12520: that’s Cronus[4479] tyroneyolo: w[4479] goldpiglv: xim wannabe[4479] sendit357: ur corny zenti[4479] siipq: CRONUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS[4479] ikonik_kay: Cronus[4479] blockmanr6: 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️[4479] gucci_kid54: !join[4479] kingnoah1106: WWW[4479] streamelements: The Multi-Raffle for 6000 points will end in 3 Seconds. Enter by typing '!join' FeelsGoodMan[4479] poopcheesee: x1.0 @HiVise[4479] rysoios: R6s_Ryy @HiVise[4479] prunicle: CRONUS[4480] swagynn: @hivise swagynn for silver[4480] sani_boy: Cronus[4480] lilchugs9000: WHEN ARE YOU 1V1ING AVID???[4480] stirzy_: jynxziSNOT[4480] sandy_sir: LKMAAAAOO[4480] airpxds: Cronus[4480] alphaeid3: !join[4480] kakashisprincess: !join[4480] fnsshoto1: Www[4480] dubzyygg: bro wanna be xim so bad[4480] whatisthewordd: HIVISE allblackattire silver 5[4480] streamelements: The Multi-Raffle for 6000 points will end in 2 Seconds. Enter by typing '!join' FeelsGoodMan[4480] kosmoqt: lmaoo[4480] ruffysznx: SO THATS CRONUS[4481] poopcheesee: x1.0 @HiVise x1.0 @HiVise[4481] yyyyyyyyyyy1199: KappaPride KappaPride[4481] sandy_sir: LMFAAAOOA[4481] slomorunner149: LUL LUL LUL LUL[4481] lemerot: cronus[4481] therealblackstewiegriffin: !join[4481] sominho_: thafs insane[4481] hbw_27: L Cronus[4481] tristan12844: is tim vs junko at 9pm or is it tomorrow[4481] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[4481] mkulas99: Avid is a pussy[4481] ikonik_kay: cronus[4481] ebo1104: 💀💀💀[4481] malfunctionz_: CRONUSSSSS[4482] dan_dx000: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE PowerUpR[4482] exo_m800: @HiVise bronze :cluelessmk[4482] streamelements: The Multi-Raffle for 6000 points will end in 1 Seconds. Enter by typing '!join' FeelsGoodMan[4482] beastly222: 2 ez[4482] poopcheesee: x1.0 @HiVise[4482] novakuda: Ong that’s Cronus[4482] bardown16__: k1a has zero recoil?[4482] adamclassen17: jynxziFAT[4482] spoits_oiled_butt: @hivise Farvond IM SILVER[4482] sandy_sir: LMAAOAOO[4482] shivermetimbers15: LMAO[4482] theligmalord: DAMNNNNNNNN[4482] c4sh_jos: !join[4483] titanbofa: he’s in stream[4483] fadedthanabitch: CRONUS[4483] bardown16__: k1a has zero recoil? k1a has zero recoil?[4483] pepelaugh1212: cronus 100 percent[4483] crizzly12520: Cronus[4483] katiekitt3n: !join[4483] sabbbaaa: W AVID W AVID W AVID[4483] stealthreapez: W avid[4483] streamelements: The Multi-Raffle has ended and therealblackstewiegriffin won 6000 points each FeelsGoodMan[4483] papimoore: LMAOOOOO[4483] owendeann: CRONUSSSSS[4483] some_guy_named_kevin18: W'[4483] jbuffalo_: WAIT[4484] ooziejr: Hell nah thats cronus[4484] mortar: LOL[4484] turbodogo: peteit picle user[4484] clipz0scar: !join[4484] tyroneyolo: w acuse[4484] 0z_ozone: LMFAO[4484] not_lethal_: LMAO[4484] jorginhocraycray: !join[4484] sandy_sir: LMAAOAOOLMFAAOAO[4484] bardown16__: k1a has zero recoil?[4484] spoits_oiled_butt: @hivise Farvond IM SILVER .[4484] 1wrldkai: 💀💀💀💀[4484] kellarc46: hahahahahha[4485] spookywsg: 💀💀💀[4485] dan_dx000: PixelBob PixelBob PixelBob PixelBob[4485] strawhatroyal: damn'[4485] muhkuhluh: HAAAAAAA[4485] infntryy: CRONUS ONG[4485] sandy_sir: LMAAOAOAO[4485] some_guy_named_kevin18: W[4485] jmanijiwola: LMAOOOO[4485] kakashisprincess: ok[4486] nightbot: ok[4486] rogers2009: cronus[4486] therealblackstewiegriffin: WSG TWIN @KakashisPrincess[4486] fadedthanabitch: CRONUSSSSS[4486] spoits_oiled_butt: @hivise Farvond IM SILVER...[4486] kentickle: L CRONUS[4486] sandy_sir: LMFAAAOOO[4486] 1wrldkai: 💀💀💀[4486] fwwaye: whatvhappenee to ps[4486] milfn_cookies: can someone explain why ppl don’t like red pinging?[4486] featherisbeast: 💀💀💀[4487] nexervisity: Branditoto I'm copper 5[4487] airpxds: ha[4487] mrmilku1234: Lmaooo[4487] novakuda: L Cronus[4487] exo_m800: @HiVise bronze :cluelessmk @HiVise bronze :cluelessmk[4487] dominatemecaseoh: @hivise chilloof96[4487] stay_mad_kid971: chating[4487] ogchainsaw: that was cronus bruh[4487] killuabladed: LMAOOOOO[4487] darthaka: LOL[4487] sheepmorino: ricci vs Zenti[4487] juliusceasariusthe6th: LMAOOOOO[4487] bardown16__: k1a has zero recoil???[4487] elijat1: Cronus[4487] nightbot: 👀[4488] adrilplayz_: Cronus[4488] muhkuhluh: LMAOOO[4488] sandy_sir: LLMAAAOOO[4488] nrv_greenbean: @hivise Geeb.R6 em 4[4488] highimchicken12: HighImchicken silver @hivise[4489] notpianned: ! gamble all[4489] sukmibolo: !join[4489] jbuffalo_: WAIT CRONUS[4489] isnortsmartiez: HAHA[4489] rlake: smoking on that avid pack[4489] pokirages: Cronus[4490] sandy_sir: LMAAAAOOO[4490] easy_moneysniper1: real[4490] subwayenjoyer: L CRONUS[4490] nightbot: real[4490] fadedthanabitch: L CRONUS[4490] mrmilku1234: FAT[4490] darthaka: SSG MERCH MONEY[4490] nightbot: say hello to Space Station Junko jynxziGLASSES[4490] frriiedd: he not wrong[4490] jynxzihorrid: ZENTI WAS PLAT B4 2.0[4490] claybot03: Cronus[4491] evoke_playzz: lmaooo[4491] paroczaibxnce: LMAO[4491] nightbot: @blockmanr6 -> Woohoo! [stop spamming symbols] [warning][4491] spacexplorer3: zenti is ass[4491] dlblake1582: @HiVise blakeeatu[4491] sandy_sir: LMFAAAOAOO[4491] kingbubble14: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion[4491] rtired: zenti is xim[4491] blakkrose4: !join[4491] 0z_ozone: 💀💀💀💀[4491] saidur__0705: !snes[4491] ebo1104: 💀💀[4491] brewzn_: that is cronus[4492] kilbyplays: baseg[4492] csabaikolbi420: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL[4492] shmidtlick: wavid[4492] vxtincs: @hivise wdg.vxtincs diamond[4492] jbuffalo_: W CROJUS[4492] kingbubble14: jynxziGRIDDY[4492] mahmut_akdemir: THATS CRONUS[4492] ooziejr: Hn that's cronus 100%[4493] jakinbacon7: lol[4493] jcalvillo21: jcalvillo21 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! [4493] sandy_sir: LMFAAAOO[4493] poopyy23: L chronus[4493] katiekitt3n: !join .[4493] elijat1: caught[4493] stayswaying999: zenti mad[4494] brunoodlez: @HiVise brun0.[4494] jussmarcos: smg 12 too ayo[4494] rapidvertlol: GOLD 5 YoRapid @HiVise[4494] sandy_sir: LMAAOAO[4494] jbuffalo_: W CRONUS[4494] muhkuhluh: L SALTY[4494] sendit357: corny zenti[4494] ikonik_kay: Cronus and xim clone[4495] flynnxzx: ZENTI MAD[4495] iiwii_2022: GUUURRRRAAAAIIIMMMM[4495] ajzoldyck34: lol whaaaaat?[4495] fadedthanabitch: CRONUS[4495] some_guy_named_kevin18: W.[4495] jesse_kingjr21: jynxi low key fat[4495] hughesy210: 💯 cronus[4495] swagynn: @hivise add swagynn for silver[4495] zui_live: Fxke.. @HiVise[4495] bigunit212: HE LEGIT[4496] shivermetimbers15: MONEY SSCAMER[4496] mrmilku1234: W[4496] kentickle: CRONUS CHECK[4496] worldasetupboi: HE SEAT JUST STINK AND HE FAT[4496] notbeeler: NOTBELERRR is my ubisoft[4496] therealblackstewiegriffin: MY RAFFLE MOD QUEEN @KakashisPrincess[4496] kkakaoanab: crunos[4496] el_guar: CorgiDerp CorgiDerp CorgiDerp[4496] v2_arctic: lawsuit incoming[4496] loganshevlin123: shut up fentanyl[4496] kakashisprincess: !raffle 6k 5[4496] lordcap103: zenti fukin sux[4497] some_guy_named_kevin18: W[4497] whatisthewordd: HIVISE allblackattire silver five[4497] dtrain111: UNMUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE[4497] streamelements: PogChamp a Multi-Raffle has begun for 6000 points PogChamp it will end in 5 Seconds. Enter by typing '!join' OpieOP[4497] slomorunner149: LUL[4497] trashpanda9379: Bro just making excuses Lmao[4497] panos_klon: WHEN IS THE 1V1 ?[4497] kraken541: w[4497] jefferybeefington: @HiVise level 51 not even ranked Leompgod[4498] theligmalord: W cronus[4498] chunke_monkey: LMAO Zenti[4498] blakeb726: ssg money[4498] bluefishgaming71: bluefishgaming71 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! 2nd month subbed I’m so happy[4498] streamelements: The Multi-Raffle for 6000 points will end in 3 Seconds. Enter by typing '!join' FeelsGoodMan[4499] kakashisprincess: !join[4499] cynicalgrey59: its the K1A 💀[4499] bige230: lowkey sus[4499] gucci_kid54: !join[4499] killuabladed: yes he is 😂😂😂😂[4499] tymarl3y: !join[4499] alphaeid3: !join [4499] w_fan08: WEDDING[4499] fadedthanabitch: DO A CHECK[4499] relaxdxd: @HiVise Relaxd. Bronze 5[4499] streamelements: The Multi-Raffle for 6000 points will end in 2 Seconds. Enter by typing '!join' FeelsGoodMan[4499] therealblackstewiegriffin: !join[4499] caw__: CawW_ @HiVise Bronze 3[4500] jorginhocraycray: !join [4500] madix1221: cronus 🤣🤣🤣[4500] gredimal: cronus[4500] some_guy_named_kevin18: W,[4500] hsmn9: plat hsmn9[4500] joe_selby: copper 1 @hivise UBISOFT- bacchislover20[4500] sp00ky714: Loser[4500] jbess1e: W cronus[4500] spookywsg: !join[4501] tkod32: !gamble 500[4501] merlinmcchicken: coping[4501] saucypickleyt: CRONUS[4501] therealblackstewiegriffin: lol[4501] streamelements: The Multi-Raffle for 6000 points will end in 1 Seconds. Enter by typing '!join' FeelsGoodMan[4501] d_kendo: Sending love from Avid's Attorney[4501] streamelements: Tkod32 won 500 points in roulette and now has 4380 points! FeelsGoodMan[4501] glazrs: bruh[4501] mistaorca: Orca115 copper v @HiVise[4501] bardown16__: !join[4501] hunter420butler: !Link[4501] brewzn_: that’s cronus 20000%[4501] nightbot: @hunter420butler If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[4501] jesseg248: wats cronus?[4501] ireapzz666321: ACCOUNTFORSALE. @HiVise[4502] ched_r6: @HiVise ched.PSV add me[4502] katiekitt3n: !join l[4502] fruitloverboy: HE HAS GYATT TO BE CRONUS WTF WAS THAT[4502] onebeastremains574: lol[4502] lilchugs9000: FAT[4502] kkakaoanab: cruons[4502] notpianned: ! all in[4502] streamelements: The Multi-Raffle has ended and kakashisprincess, jorginhocraycray, katiekitt3n won 2000 points each FeelsGoodMan[4502] kingbubble14: jynxziVapeBreak_SQ[4502] reeferpilot: W AVID[4502] mrlurker17: @HiVise GilbertMate17 gold 3[4502] thikcy_c: SCRIPT?!?!?[4502] spookywsg: caseohWiijams[4502] siipq: 100000% CRONUSSSSS[4502] dr_plegue: itsmem26Dance itsmem26Dance itsmem26Dance itsmem26Dance itsmem26Dance[4503] ckhitz: Ckhitz gold 1[4503] flynnxzx: ZENTI IS MAAAAAAAD[4503] harrythegoat717: AINT NO WAU[4503] agnus7777: fuck zenti[4503] mxmck25: !join[4503] slimjim0406: sidemen are waiting[4504] ikonik_kay: Cronus vs xim clone[4504] jetaches: Xbox gang[4504] goldpiglv: w cronus[4504] jamalfries29: gold 4 EdgingEddy1107 @HiVise[4504] tyroneyolo: zenti playing dirty[4504] cabbage_palmer: 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰[4504] bradywresaler: Boydad4[4504] kenoqsia: zenti is so cringe man it hurts[4504] w_fan08: WEDDDIINNGG[4504] sendit357: corn ball zenti[4505] nexervisity: @hivise Branditoto copper[4505] kakashisprincess: ok[4505] harrythegoat717: DNDH[4505] panopticism: Xbox gamers rise up[4505] xdcal3b: ![4505] nightbot: ok[4505] winfuzzy: winfuzzy @HiVise[4505] blockmanr6: 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🙀☺️😚😁🙂🫘[4506] muhkuhluh: whining yapper[4506] nojasiah: im emerald[4506] cabalheretic: 😭😭😭[4506] harrythegoat717: CC[4506] kypeanutt: bro is maddd[4506] eggnoogs: !join[4506] fadedthanabitch: L AVID[4506] cerprimetime: CAN I GET A 20 PIECE?????[4507] max1soos: !Join[4507] holidaybh: cope[4507] ktisbad10: pussy[4507] katiekitt3n: !join d[4507] exo_m800: @HiVise bronze :cluelessmk @HiVise bronze :cluelessmk @HiVise bronze :cluelessmk[4507] daz___geaney: !join[4507] mxriiii1: fat[4507] uncmagz: @HiVise Ubi:Emptymagz[4507] dlblake1582: @HiVise blakeeatu plssssssss[4507] cmarch716: MaxLOL[4507] argxen: @hivise dankmlgmanny emerald[4507] whatisthewordd: HIVISE ALLBLACKATTIRE SILVER 5[4508] ty_0929: Who got married[4508] rabidpus: @hivise your are the goat 🐐[4508] luciano320654: w[4508] holidaybh: copecop[4508] spoits_oiled_butt: @hivise Farvond IM SILVER[4509] caw__: @HiVise Bronze 3 CawW_[4509] notbeeler: NOTBELERRR is my ubisoft.[4509] piecectrlshaq: @avidscams[4509] warrrne: HolidayPresent HolidayPresent HolidayPresent HolidayPresent HolidayPresent HolidayPresent[4509] zae710420: garbage[4509] jolmtron: BROOKZN @HiVise run it[4509] g4tsio: Lobby full of hoes[4509] lyonsdvl: 100% Cronus[4509] syphon_ac007: Junkos son lol[4509] t1bolus: !headset[4510] benowens20: wedding[4510] nightbot: Astro A50's[4510] swayy67735: @HiVise silver and wxxy. on ubi[4510] itsvelocy: @itsvelocy @hivise[4510] moss________: @HiVise (z.moss) no parentheses ubi bronze[4511] notbeeler: NOTBELERRR is my ubisoft[4511] friwurl: avid in stream[4511] nightbot: “😂😂😂” -avidqr6[4511] kiee_eu: XIM WANNABE[4511] jynxziugly: !Link[4511] hsmn9: plats hsmn9[4511] ssamfpss: @hivise Gold 5 .. Ubi: SamMix909[4511] ein_anderwaffel: Lmao[4511] swagynn: @hivise add swagynn[4511] ruggotm: @HiVise sniffmyash_ silver[4512] harrythegoat717: C@[4512] w_fan08: WEEDDDIIINGG[4512] dtrain111: UNMUTE[4513] evanhei: hey[4513] raulyhanma: @hivise Rauly.zzz plat[4513] fox666545: bro mad cause he’s losing[4513] niko200801: there is no way controller has so much better recoil than pc[4513] notbeeler: NOTBELERRR is my ubisoft.[4513] iiwii_2022: 💀💀💀💀💀[4514] dash_ck: @jynxzi shirt is inside out[4514] 53peaks: is this insane asylum tourneys?[4514] notbeeler: NOTBELERRR is my ubisoft[4514] themegamind1234: hell[4515] winfuzzy: winfuzzy @HiVise diamond5[4515] ikonik_kay: cronus[4515] gredimal: cronus? @hivise[4515] lylt_tango: audio[4515] xdcal3b: !gamble[4515] jamalfries29: gold 4 EdgingEddy1107 @HiVise t[4515] panos_klon: WHEN IS THE 1V1 ??[4516] justsketral: @hivise Sketral. Plat 1.6 kd[4516] thatdelinquent: k1a has the easiest recoil ever zenti just trash LUL[4516] 5h00t4h: HOW IS A CONFESSED CHEATER COMPLAINING ABOUT CHEATS?[4516] deathonnix05: yap[4516] kiee_eu: MUTE ZENTI[4516] autizyn: @hivise autizyn[4516] notbeeler: NOTBELERRR is my ubisoft.[4517] damian8042: W con cron[4517] moss________: @HiVise (z.moss) no parentheses ubi bronze @HiVise (z.moss) no parentheses ubi bronze[4517] poopcheesee: x1.0 @HiVise[4517] sheff_fps: we can hear them[4517] itsweem: zenti is terrible[4517] sharks550: BEO LIVES IN A TRAILER HE DOESNT HAVE CHRONUS[4517] fruitloverboy: I CANT HEAR BRO[4517] sircapsalot5: mute zenti[4518] nrv_greenbean: @hivise Geeb.r6 em on pc[4518] blockmanr6: crazy match[4518] harrythegoat717: @jynxzi[4518] nightbot: i was crazy once[4518] notbeeler: NOTBELERRR is my ubisoft[4518] 5ohgreg: @HiVise FROSTEDTIP69[4518] arko_235: Avlt23 @hivise[4519] xdiamondback_: @HiVise My Ubi is ImDiamondBack[4519] poopcheesee: x1.0 @HiVise x1.0 @HiVise x1.0 @HiVise x1.0 @HiVise[4519] hisef0: your looking good, hate from the netherlands[4519] dive_bomb2120: end stream[4519] tok_yo_something: LOL[4519] zakasubhani: zaka1052 @hivise[4519] nightbot: 😂[4519] supernintendomike: L BOX[4519] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[4520] bumbabeee: @hivise Maevvee[4520] angelaguzmann: thedowdster11 @hivise[4520] sendit357: zenti is a corn ball[4520] salingaway1: L BULLLLYYYYYY[4520] poopcheesee: x1.0 @HiVise[4521] kaliam28: SCAMMOR vs Zenti[4521] relaxdxd: lool[4521] m1keytop_: FN1 Mikey2085 ubisoft[4521] shivermetimbers15: BRAINROT[4521] untouched_jay10: zenti stfu[4521] outlaw6423: L[4521] rysoios: R6s_Ryy Champ @HiVise[4521] mortar: LOL[4521] wynin: @hivise Wynin1x @hivise Wynin1x[4522] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise[4522] poopcheesee: x1.0 @HiVise x1.0 @HiVise[4522] zino831: hate the way that you talk the way that you walk[4522] ein_anderwaffel: L xbox[4522] moss________: @HiVise (z.moss) no parentheses ubi bronze[4522] holidaybh: COPE PUSSY[4522] xdcal3b: !gamble 100[4523] wavysicko: a is a meat rider who make his friends for money[4523] gooptray2: Ironic[4523] beanzz_95: !bracket[4523] hsmn9: plat hsmn9[4523] nightbot: Tourney bracket here -> https://brackethq.com/b/nmy1b/ (Back In Blood)[4524] jamalfries29: gold 4 EdgingEddy1107 @HiVise[4524] hempenrail: jynxziLaugh[4524] cmarch716: OhMyDog[4524] yaboyshredzz: pussy ass zenti[4525] yeabutstill: yoooo[4525] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ BRONZE THREE[4525] swagynn: @hivise swagynn for silver[4526] zui_live: Fxke.. @HiHiVise[4526] nexervisity: @hivise Branditoto copper 5[4526] hillbillyvr_gaming: Fatty[4526] alphaeid3: hivise's pc is on fire[4526] jjconnell1215: @hivise get me in the stack cuh[4526] ethan0625: bro play with shroud[4526] showtimegab3: @hivise how big is it soft[4526] saidur__0705: @highvise ipakiNBD[4527] wynin: @hivise Wynin1x[4527] holidaybh: COPE ZENTI[4528] joe_selby: add me copper 1 @hivise UBISOFT- bacchislover20[4528] titosunbornchild: You on Xbox tho??[4529] cvrsedvfx: @HiVise lane______ Diamond[4529] playboicarti_____________: thatrizz[4529] mrmilku1234: W[4530] bradywresaler: Boydad46070[4530] sircapsalot5: mute zenti mf annoying[4530] andresofunny: HOW DID HE SEE HIM W AVID[4530] adamkats: react harder[4531] soundcard: @hivise dudu.8888888 - SILVER[4531] kraken541: L zenti[4531] wrpsyz: Jynx.ubi[4531] reece_fy: ubisoft- summrz_[4531] slomorunner149: LMAO[4531] argxen: @hivise Ubisoft dankmlgmanny[4531] brunoodlez: @HiVise brun0. Emerald[4531] crizzly12520: Cronus[4532] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVisec[4532] moss________: @HiVise (z.moss) no parentheses ubi bronzee[4532] samet_lo: @hivise lolifet plat5[4532] bodaciious: @HiVise - HighCountry402[4532] hsmn9: plat hsmn9 plat hsmn9[4533] mrmilku1234: FAT[4533] damian8042: W cron cron[4533] ein_anderwaffel: Fake chat[4533] soundcard: @hivise dudu.8888888 - SILVER [4534] mynamejeff675: kick zenti out!!!!![4534] sandy_sir: 💀[4534] kuopt_: kuoptt - Bronze[4534] mintysemiiiii: thats xim[4535] notbeeler: NOTBELERRR is my ubisoft.[4535] joeshmoe1000: I HATE THE WAY THAT YOU WALK,THE WAY THAT YOU TALK[4535] relaxdxd: @HiVise Relaxd. Bronze 5[4535] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀[4535] chcknnuggt1: MY UBI IS JYZ0N[4535] gingersneeze329: @hivise GingerSneeze329[4536] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀[4536] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise[4536] ragedaagreat: RageDaGreat @hivise[4536] rareuser1: great streams brother[4536] soundcard: @hivise dudu.8888888 - SILVER[4536] joe_selby: copper 1 @hivise UBISOFT- bacchislover20[4536] kuopt_: kuoptt - Bronzee[4537] notbeeler: NOTBELERRR is my ubisoftNOTBELERRR is my ubisoft.[4537] youngingog: Pre record[4537] 0z_ozone: WWW[4537] playboicarti_____________: @hivise thatrizz[4537] fontoleaff: Real[4537] nightbot: real[4537] poopcheesee: x1.0 @HiVise x1.0 @HiVise x1.0 @HiVise[4537] relaxdxd: @HiVise Relaxd. Bronze 5@HiVise Relaxd. Bronze 5[4537] katiekitt3n: !join lol[4537] kuopt_: kuoptt - Bronze[4538] 5h00t4h: zenti cringest kid you have ever had on stream[4538] js_iicon: @HiVise Twitch-JS_IIcon 0.9 bRONZE[4538] worldasetupboi: YOUR FLYING COULOURS[4538] subwayenjoyer: REAL[4538] angelscreed8841: @hivise Ubi is SNOAngelsCreed[4538] raptorx3hi: Thus shit boring[4538] wsgethwn: zenti wanna be xim like loo[4538] supremesleeve: Gold 1 TheProdigyTTV @Highvise[4538] kuopt_: kuoptt - Bronzee[4539] mrmilku1234: W[4539] rapidvertlol: GOLD 5 YoRapid @HiVise[4539] poopcheesee: x1.0 @HiVise[4539] simpnoob: xbox>>[4539] nick12498: bronze nickg1249 @hivise[4539] chop2shiesty: Chop2shiesty @HiVise[4539] rogers2009: fat[4539] yeabutstill: wow[4539] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise q[4539] exo_m800: @HiVise bronze :cluelessmk[4540] soundcard: @hivise dudu.8888888 - SILVER [4540] juliusceasariusthe6th: L JYNXZI[4540] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3[4540] justinlillardmusic: xim[4540] fossabot: @zeqne, Your message is too long[4540] black_luffy7: Hey when your free could you help me get better at the game @Jynxzi[4540] uhoh102000: crazy[4540] supercape__: BLABBERING[4541] a25166real: hi Jynxi I love your streams!![4541] yaboyshredzz: ZENTI PUSSY[4541] sandy_sir: LMAAOAO[4541] swagynn: @hivise ubi: swagynn[4541] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3![4541] vahmedl: ahmed2. @hivise[4542] sircapsalot5: shut zenti up[4542] kuopt_: kuoptt - Bronzeee[4542] sandy_sir: LMFAAAOOOA[4542] asaduzzz: 100% kronus[4542] liamluthy15156: BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump[4542] relaxdxd: @HiVise Relaxd. Bronze 5[4542] samet_lo: @hivise lolifet platinum 5[4542] puffpuffjuicer: LMAOOOO[4543] mortar: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL[4543] yungkibe: LMAO[4543] soundcard: @hivise dudu.8888888 - SILVER[4543] lronboy23: SICK BURN[4543] easy_moneysniper1: www[4543] sandy_sir: LMAAAOO[4543] kuopt_: kuoptt - Bronze[4543] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise[4543] fraser_12: !bracket[4543] quandaledingile22: LOWBLOW[4544] phobichomo_abcdlgt: lmaooo[4544] moss________: @HiVise (z.moss) no parentheses ubi bronze[4544] tyroneyolo: w pay off[4544] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3[4544] drykooolaid: ubi is drykooolaid @hivise[4544] jimmy_madman: hes just him[4544] nothing431126: @avidscams[4544] sandy_sir: 'LMFAAAOOA[4544] marcsalinas_11: Arrowhead water is fire don’t @ me[4544] tnttommy2k: W ZENTI[4545] notbeeler: NOTBELERRR is my ubi[4545] justinlillardmusic: MICROSHAKING[4545] jowenjovarici22: copying u?[4545] cynicalgrey59: !sens[4545] 1738clutch: w zenti[4545] sandy_sir: LMAAAOOO[4545] causevseffect: EXTREMELY COMMON ZENTI W[4546] nightbot: Jynxzi sens and settings here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2GcpqRqJ9U[4546] tfirkel: HIVISE DISCORD LINK[4546] roguejizzle: HOAE AS BOY[4546] cabbage_palmer: 😂😂😂😂[4546] philmeup22: LMAO[4546] soundcard: @hivise dudu.8888888 - SILVER [4546] theemoviking: KEKW[4546] spoits_oiled_butt: @hivise Farvond IM SILVER[4546] flicky2ez: my ubi is my nam[4546] jay_cob928: 😭😭[4546] lild33__: w zenti[4546] gjuytrf: Add ii ssxvq[4547] yungkibe: LMAO [4547] icecold111111: LAMOO[4547] stay_mad_kid971: 😭🤣😭😭😭[4547] sandy_sir: LMFAAOAOOLMAAOO[4547] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3 on pc[4548] sandy_sir: LMAAOOO[4549] jay_cob928: 🤣🤣🤣[4549] panda_plop: panda_plop @hivise[4549] revbangz: !gamble all[4549] fullestfps: @hivise bronze Drake.78[4549] exo_m800: @HiVise bronze :cluelessmk @HiVise bronze :cluelessmk[4549] streamelements: PogChamp revbangz went all in and won 25 points PogChamp they now have 50 points FeelsGoodMan[4549] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise b[4549] moss________: @HiVise (z.moss) no parentheses ubi bronzee[4549] soundcard: @hivise dudu.8888888 - SILVER[4549] sandy_sir: LMAAOAOO[4549] hsmn9: plat hsmn9[4549] pastm1ke: pa3t @HiVise[4549] buggsb22: !discord[4549] subwayenjoyer: AVID AND JYNXZI IN ILLUMINATI[4550] nightbot: https://discord.gg/jynxzi[4550] onebeastremains574: !gamble 1000 points on avid[4550] nightbot: “😂😂😂” -avidqr6[4550] maxwelliswell1: PAYED OFF[4550] xcanzu_: yo[4550] streamelements: ONEBEASTREMAINS574 lost 1000 points in roulette and now has 910 points! FeelsBadMan[4550] darkojodi: zenti sounds like he gets bullied[4550] johnsonaploid: !LINK[4550] sandy_sir: LLMFAAAOOO[4550] googlechromed: W ZENTI[4550] qwerxy_isnt_cute: Leaked leaaaked[4551] nightbot: @johnsonaploid If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[4551] swayy67735: @HiVise silver and wxxy. on ubi[4551] pinguttv: @HiVise Silver 4 Ubi- Fererou[4551] evanhei: Sending love to arkasas[4551] paulepepine: FELLLL OFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF[4551] prdgy_vepz: Agent_vepz @hivise[4551] icecold111111: W ZENTI[4551] sandy_sir: LMAAOA[4552] untouched_jay10: zenti a bum[4552] stay_mad_kid971: that’s tyff[4552] dwaynejohnson7747: @HiVise Ubisoft Tokyo7743 SILVER 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | Silver 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | Silver 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | SILVER 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 |[4552] raptorx3hi: This shit boring asl[4552] fenikoz: WWENTI[4552] lild33__: we love zenti out here[4552] jimmy_madman: haters gonna hate[4552] phobichomo_abcdlgt: tell zen ti to shut up[4553] tullhomytoo: athino came out[4553] frenziiie: @hivise ILikeTurtlez708 gold 5 1.2kd[4553] hsmn9: plat hsmn9 plat hsmn9 plat hsmn9 plat hsmn9[4553] naterthot_: bros coping so hard lmfao[4553] jynxilover997: ChewyYAYChewyYAY ChewyYAY[4553] nrv_greenbean: @hivise Geeb.r6 emerald 4 on pc[4553] soundcard: @hivise dudu.8888888 - SILVER [4553] mxmck25: !join[4554] imdum777: zenti annoyi ng sf[4554] m1keytop_: FN1 Mikey2085 ubisoft @hivise[4554] maxwelliswell1: KICKBACKS[4554] fullestfps: @hivise bronze Drake.78 4[4554] slomorunner149: LUL[4554] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise w[4554] whatisthewordd: HIVISE ALLBLACKATTIRE SILVER 5[4555] axarito: thats xim's father[4555] 5h00t4h: zenti is more annoying than charlie[4555] kaqna: w zenti[4555] whowhatwhenwhy17: tell mr beast to give me a tesla pls[4555] bio_blast: @HiVise Silver 4/Carrotz.[4555] mintysemiiiii: xim shack[4555] coopthang: jynxzi look like a mob boss in that shirt[4556] qwerxy_isnt_cute: Leaked leaaakedLeaked leaaaked[4556] vahmedl: ahmed2. @hivise ,,[4556] fenikoz: WW ZENTI[4556] flaume_aux: WWW ZENTI[4556] relaxdxd: @HiVise Relaxd. Bronze 5[4556] jayyfuegoo: 😂😂😂[4556] ein_anderwaffel: W zenti[4556] m1keytop_: FN1 Mikey2085 ubisoft[4556] fullestfps: @hivise bronze Drake.78 2[4556] sandy_sir: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😭[4557] idk20189: SF_Zuji @HiVise *[4557] googlechromed: PAY ZENTI[4557] cabbage_palmer: Micro shake[4557] xisthatmf: Cumko[4557] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise q[4557] easy_moneysniper1: payed[4558] swagynn: @hivise FOR SILVER ubi: swagynn[4558] sircapsalot5: shut zenti up dawg 😂😂😂[4558] vahmedl: ahmed2. @hivise[4558] blockmanr6: @jynxzi w[4558] kingrobb_: prettyboyrobb_ @HiVise[4558] deathbythorne: I don’t like either one of them dude[4558] outr0_66: LUL LUL[4559] zqyyz: @hivise my ubi is ascetlc i peaked champ but im diamond right now[4559] shanatl: THEY A FUNNY ASS DUO[4559] fullestfps: @hivise bronze Drake.78 1[4559] bumbabeee: @hivise Maevvee highest rank silver[4559] justinlillardmusic: Xim[4559] mintysemiiiii: xim[4560] vahmedl: ahmed2. @hivise,,[4560] relaxdxd: @HiVise Relaxd. Bronze 5[4560] rysoios: R6s_Ryy @HiVise[4561] phobichomo_abcdlgt: zenti is yappin[4561] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3[4562] bing_chilling20: L script[4562] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[4562] calitoon29: who’s worse, zenti or xim[4562] culess_: culess_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [4562] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise[4562] angelscreed8841: @hivise ubi is SNOAngelsCreed and I’m silver 5[4563] swaginacan: XIM[4563] dagrannyfolder05: Outgrannyfoldin Ubisoft @HiVise[4563] sleepin14: agentsleepin @hivise[4563] maciejuskiii: @HiVise maciejuskii[4563] alexanderr_xxiv: zenti needs to stop doing drugs damn[4563] hungrygingery: Yesterday I subbed and connected my twitch account to Ubisoft and haven't gotten the charm. Someone help[4563] terradosbeats: zenti talks too much, ass loser[4563] anotherdayinthedark: zenti a straight clown[4563] whowhatwhenwhy17: tell mr beast to give me a tesla[4563] northstar295: @HiVise emerald 3 last season[4564] cstriker10: !prime[4564] nightbot: Subscribe to @Jynxzi for FREE with Twitch Prime Twitch.tv/subs/jynxzi[4564] relaxdxd: @HiVise Relaxd. Bronze 5[4564] exo_m800: @HiVise bronze :cluelessmk[4564] fooinc: bro is not kendrick[4564] autizyn: @hivise autizyn rank bronze[4564] dossolar: my ubisoft is Sigcv @HiVise[4564] jynxziugly: !Link[4565] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3 ![4565] hsmn9: plat hsmn9[4565] cuddle_xd: WHY ZENTI SO REAL ALL THE TIME[4565] blickyr1chard: jynxzi recongnise me[4565] m1keytop_: FN1 Mikey2085 ubisoft @hivise[4565] blutrace: L zenti[4566] nexervisity: @hivise Branditoto r6[4566] fullestfps: @hivise bronze Drake.78[4566] soundcard: @hivise dudu.8888888 - SILVER[4566] swagynn: hivise FOR SILVER ubi: swagynn.[4566] pinguttv: @HiVise Silver 4 Ubi -Fererou[4567] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3[4567] shivermetimbers15: lol[4567] nightbot: 😂[4567] whowhatwhenwhy17: i need a tesla[4567] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise j[4568] sooprr: @hivise SooperTrooper21[4568] uncsnipe: zenti hella annoying[4568] exo_m800: @HiVise bronze :cluelessmk @HiVise bronze :cluelessmk[4568] hsmn9: plat hsmn9 plat hsmn9[4568] xoticzz236: jynxziVapeBreak[4569] m1keytop_: FN1 Mikey2085 ubisoft[4569] blickyr1chard: a[4569] spookywsg: !points[4569] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3 ON PC[4569] swagynn: hivise FOR SILVER ubi: swagynn-[4569] streamelements: @N0tSp00ky N0tSp00ky has 3065 points and is rank 196244/1739486 on the leaderboard.[4569] w_fan08: @Jynxzi Wdym its gonna be rough and raw tonight?[4570] shanatl: Emo avid[4570] jgschnitz_: j[4570] whatisthewordd: HIVISE ALLBLACKATTIRE SILVER FI[4570] m1keytop_: FN1 Mikey2085 ubisoft @hivise[4570] staywithmelonger: ombeombe @HiVise[4570] bot2human: they should be 3 v 5 stoners[4570] vibinirish: play RIcci[4570] kaliam28: avid L scamer[4571] yungkibe: LMAO[4571] spoits_oiled_butt: @hivise Farvond IM SILVERv[4572] guest412banned: @HiVise TTVguest412 unranked[4572] samet_lo: @hivise lolifet[4572] liltimmm_: zenti is mad annoying[4572] m1keytop_: FN1 Mikey2085 ubisoft[4572] mintysemiiiii: ximm[4573] blockmanr6: this match is crazy[4573] hsmn9: plat hsmn9[4573] jgschnitz_: @hivise[4573] tkettel_: “I guess_____”[4573] bardown16__: !excuses[4573] kj___279: Zenti is dogpoo[4573] nightbot: avid 'My room is hot' 'My ac is off' 'No water' 'I aint eat all day' 'Im tired' 'Durag too tight' 'pc lights in my eyes' 'im lagging' 'someones talking in my ear' 'my controller bugged' ' hes stream sniping' 'he's cheating' 'it's thundering outside' 'i need to piss' 'i'm sick' 'there are fireworks outside' 'it's LATE' 'it's my birthday'[4573] m1keytop_: FN1 Mikey2085 ubisoft @hivise[4573] xcanzu_: my charm still hasn’t come[4573] slomorunner149: LUL LUL LUL LUL[4574] codyxo69: @HiVise Cody_xD PC CHAMP[4574] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3 UBI[4574] drykooolaid: ubi is drykooolaid @hivise yueeeee[4574] hasan41300: @imbttrlol @hivise[4574] js_iicon: @HiVise Twitch-JS_IIcon 0.9 Bronze[4574] milk5000_: @hivise .8 copper 4 ubi offwhitewilly[4574] pinguttv: @HiVise Silver 4 Ubi- Fererou[4574] ckhitz: CKhitz Gold 1[4574] strawhatconstituent: LETS GO AVID[4574] joeyk145: dmr zenox on Xbox @hivise[4575] vibinirish: PLAY RICCI HE ON[4575] evanhei: im in coppe[4575] swagynn: hivise, FOR SILVER ubi: swagynn[4575] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise[4575] theninetails316: LUL LUL LUL[4575] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3[4575] zui_live: Fxke.. @HiVise champion[4575] therealblackstewiegriffin: !gamble 16k[4575] shanatl: LMAOOO[4575] natethe8th: aint no way[4575] whowhatwhenwhy17: i need a tesl aso bad[4576] streamelements: therealblackstewiegriffin won 16000 points in roulette and now has 122020 points! FeelsGoodMan[4576] splash_steam: SPLASH_STEAM @HiVise[4576] yungkibe: LMAO [4576] royal2huu: AVID AVID AVID AVID AVID AVID AVID AVID AAVID WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[4576] soundcard: @hivise dudu.8888888 - SILVER [4576] js_iicon: !discord[4576] bardown16__: LMAO[4576] icecold111111: YES[4576] vystick: vystickk @hivise[4577] reddargonwing: W[4577] 5ohgreg: @HiVise FROSTEDTIP69 [4577] blickyr1chard: yooo babby[4577] exo_m800: @HiVise bronze :cluelessmk[4577] idk20189: SF_ZUJI @HiVise[4577] swoleboh: mhm[4577] strawhatconstituent: LETS GO AVID[4577] unknowns_wrld: what ?[4577] therealblackstewiegriffin: W[4577] davrxl: @HiVise davrxl[4577] slomorunner149: LMAO[4577] worldasetupboi: NOOOO[4577] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3 PC[4577] wrpsyz: Jynx.ubi @HiVise[4577] m1keytop_: FN1 Mikey2085 ubisosoft[4578] argxen: @hivise Ubisoft dankmlgmanny,emerald[4578] bardown16__: !excuses[4578] ein_anderwaffel: WWW[4578] lacuna9: XIM FUNNIER NGL[4579] worldasetupboi: NOOOOOOOOOOOO[4579] strawhatconstituent: LETS GO AVID[4579] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3[4579] numberonericciglazer: w excuse[4580] worldasetupboi: NO[4580] mintysemiiiii: HES XIM[4580] spoits_oiled_butt: @hivise Farvond IM SILVERe[4580] swagynn: @hivise FOR SILVER ubi: swagynn[4580] mortar: oil up[4580] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3 PC | Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [4400] I've been playing the couch with everyone. I'll lose it here stupid ass. You're fucking stupid ass. I'll lose it to you bitch. Yo, send to me. [4410] I'm not gonna be unstable. Do it right now, bitch. Gun the tech, come on. Haven't I walked through the breach here? Oh, ass, boy, come on. Haven't I just walked through the breach here? [4420] Senti playing all the way back. What a camera from senti. Oh my god. What a camera from senti. What a fucking [4430] camera from senti senti to go for a wall bank and i have to rotate back to the piece i'm a king of this game there's a lot of fucking king stop is not the king rich is not the king on the fucking king jimsy is definitely not the king [4440] The top 100 of course I'm the fucking king of this game top 50 and shit Sentin currently beating avid this could be one of the greatest [4450] upsets we've ever seen as a char. It's 3 to 2 right now. Senty has the lead. The main breach is open. Senty might start walking through the breach. [4460] No, I'm gonna pick some merchant pick some merchant can't beat me on a pixel sensey. I don't know why you peaked me bruh It's just really easy, bro. She's really easy. Oh [4470] My mic unplugged wait that's cronus let's get a cronus check on abdq Let's get a cronus check. I like this. That's cronus. No, we've done we've done use all avenues all the [4480] This is G Merch Money on the Chronus. Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, that's Chronus. That's Chronus the shit. I'm gonna fuck that's Chronus. Hell no. I guess I've done multiple Chronus crimes [4490] I know your ship is up in bitch. We've done a multiple I'm not going to burn their account. I should have rid of this I'm not in the show. He's about it. Fucking Coney's as big [4500] I hate you bro. I'm not winning this game. What is this? What is this? I'm going to win. No, Jigsie Sun, what is this? What is this? Sun, what is this? Underneath this operator. Under my Sun is not responding to any. [4510] I'm fine right now. I'm fine. I'm fine. We can't find a microphone for these things. It's just not responding. Okay. I just want to find some bitches Xbox. Thank you. I'm back. [4520] What is the game up to 6? The game is up to 6. Also, Zenti, we've done multiple cronists checks on Abbott. These fast flying colors is not cronists. Yup, and then I'll be back. [4530] Check out the other... Thank you. So, yep, yep, yep. Abuse the rest of his SSG merch to pay off. Jinks to say that shit. Yeah, I can't breath. Ah, that's not really... How are you gonna use his money to... [4540] Hey, him back! No, I can't bro. How was it? That's not what happened, that's far from the truth. I guess that's not what happened, bitch. Two minutes, five seconds, come on, I expected better from you. [4550] bitch. Is that the only thing I can see? Avid on the floor. We are joking with me. I'm just still there. Found him to the chopper. Oh, I was boy. [4560] gonna throw his full reds, throw it up the main stairs. You need to walk. No, I'm not on him. I'm in the street. What are you gonna do about it, bitch? I'll control his slippery. He can't do this. [4570] That wig what? Oh, last but not yet. What is that? Did anyone else hear that excuse? Whoa, what? Did it by attackers? | There is no Highlight in the provided timespan. Jynxzi watches 1v1 of avid and zenti. avid wins the first round. zenti winds the second round at the end of the timeframe |
Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege[4700] vanity123456789: I PREDICTED IT[4700] d_kendo: he's terrible[4700] kiko_snipz: W[4700] 5stargooner: BAD AIMM[4700] tyroneyolo: cold hands[4700] average_munch: AVID IS TRASH[4700] relaxdxd: @HiVise Relaxd. Bronze 5[4700] gucci_kid54: avid sold[4700] nightbot: “😂😂😂” -avidqr6[4701] mandooo001_: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[4701] volta1529: AVID IS ASS[4701] oknexuslol: L script[4701] elitepuma5: @hivise my GAMERTAG IS RAYCEST69 IM THE LOWEST RANK IM ON XBOX[4701] infinitykid1571: WHO WON[4701] junior2oh9: AVID SO WASHEDDDDD[4701] easy_moneysniper1: nice ads[4701] vahmedl: ahmed2. @HiVise[4701] reidypoo_: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[4701] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_great....[4701] sandy_sir: LMFAAOAOOAO[4702] chekoutmyinhaler: W[4702] trippyexit: WASHEDDDD[4702] 5stargooner: BAD AIM[4702] jgschnitz_: @HiVise JGSchnitz SILVER...[4702] causevseffect: that shit was so ass[4702] scalervr: @Hivis[4702] skinnyjorgs: L ad[4702] tbarton03: zenti keeps cutting off sound[4702] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise[4702] soundcard: @hivise dudu.8888888 - SILVER [4702] sweatzisontop: Www[4702] kaiden_502: LLLLLLLL[4702] ayayayayayay__: WWWWWWW[4702] reapersghost658: AVIDS SO SHIT[4702] kellarc46: THIS IS WHY HE FARMS PIXEL PEEKS LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL[4703] sandy_sir: LMAAAOO[4703] iiwii_2022: BARRRAAAAAAIIIIMMM[4703] akizzyyy: hes shaking[4703] weed_tea: zenti is so mental[4703] jay_cob928: ww[4703] notbeeler: @HiVise NOTBELERRR is my ubisoft - im gold[4703] trips_ok: THEY BOTH SUCK[4703] junior2oh9: WTF[4703] alphaeid3: WW [4703] bobjohnson49: silver aim[4703] logboomer: XXIMMMMMK[4703] modernpro1: @HiVise tdnscld IS MY USER IM SILVER 3 ADD ME @HiVise tdnscld IS MY USER IM SILVER 3 ADD ME @HiVise tdnscld IS MY USER IM SILVER 3 ADD ME[4703] gspeedd: trash[4703] tkettel_: AVID IS A BAITER[4703] sf_zuji: SF_Zuji @HiVise[4704] mandooo001_: LUL LUL LUL[4704] royal2huu: avids aim is tragic[4704] donqueror: HES LAGGIN??????[4704] xkleb: both has bad aim[4704] jgschnitz_: @HiVise JGSchnitz SILVER,,[4704] soundcard: @hivise dudu.8888888 - SILVER[4704] mgmohamad: mgmohamad subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! W SCRIPT[4705] kekiwashere: bad aim breh[4705] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise w[4705] featherisbeast: sold so hard[4705] xlsizedburrito: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[4705] ooziejr: Loll[4705] tb_styx: aim of doom[4705] worldasetupboi: CUASE KEEP FUCKING WITH THE SOUND[4705] goblin3hits: GOOD AIM ZENTI[4705] flaume_aux: WASHEDD[4705] acidthriller: L RULE BREAKERP[4705] skulltroopsttv: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[4705] fyzzixxx: mid vs mid[4705] alexandrr257: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[4705] drbloodi: THATS SHIT BRO[4705] siipq: TRASHHHHHHHHHHH CRONUSSSSSSSSS[4708] shikkennaggets: wth was that[4708] bigunit212: UU[4708] skulltroopsttv: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[4708] ched_r6: @HiVise diamond ubi: ched.psv ---diamond ubi: ched.psv ---[4708] garfilet: -10 sensitivity[4708] xxylanzk: bronze have better aim than avid[4708] navimd: avid is really bad[4708] swagynn: @hivise ADD SWAGYNB FOR SILVER[4708] fenikoz: L AVID WASHED[4708] hsmn9: pc plat hsmn9 pc plat hsmn9 pc plat hsmn9 pc plat hsmn9[4709] mandooo001_: LUL jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[4709] camalama3: @hivise Add me Camalamading[4709] sweatzisontop: What[4709] akizzyyy: hes shaking bro[4709] jgschnitz_: @HiVise JGSchnitz SILVER.[4709] ezman22: @HiVise is avid a real person[4709] ruffysznx: avid never aims like that[4709] aaurzzz: @hivise ubi aaurzz rank silver 4@hivise ubi aaurzz rank silver 4[4709] utopiah_: horrid aim from both of them 😂😂🙃[4709] dumplingdn: !excuses[4709] nightbot: avid 'My room is hot' 'My ac is off' 'No water' 'I aint eat all day' 'Im tired' 'Durag too tight' 'pc lights in my eyes' 'im lagging' 'someones talking in my ear' 'my controller bugged' ' hes stream sniping' 'he's cheating' 'it's thundering outside' 'i need to piss' 'i'm sick' 'there are fireworks outside' 'it's LATE' 'it's my birthday'[4709] dieow_on_console: Loohnar is trying to q snipe you and do the glitch[4709] uknown_tb: jynxziFALL[4710] m1keytop_: FN1 Mikey2085 ubisoft @HiVise[4710] kellarc46: PIXEL MERCHANTTTTTTTTTT[4710] warmonkey999: woah[4710] k_mead5: his HIM[4710] indicted: BLABBERING[4710] sf_zuji: SF_Zuji @HiViseSF_Zuji @HiViseSF_Zuji @HiVise[4710] lordcap103: avid aiming with his jhonson[4710] spaceghostxxv: THE ADS TODAY ARE CRAZY[4710] zombie2464: !sub[4710] foupalord: assvid[4710] nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi[4710] rbriskk: WENTI WENTI WENTI WENTI WENTI WENTI WENTI WENTI WENTI[4710] willthegoatonyt: holy shit[4710] mandooo001_: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[4710] maxl738: badrrr ping ngl[4711] jshuttle_11: 32 ads[4711] donut4421: L 33152 ads[4711] teddyzbonjour: they both suck ahh[4711] siegepro21: @hivise copper 4 - Bobbyboyo12345[4711] schoooooo_: ricci era bro[4712] simplyjavon: simplyjavon subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [4712] catfish113: LEAS GOOOO ZENTI[4712] panos_klon: WHEN IS THE 1V1 ??[4712] jgschnitz_: @HiVise JGSchnitz SILVER,,,,[4712] batman151007: jynxziSNOT[4712] tsingtong: Cronus what was that[4712] holderclose: Bad sim really shiddy aim[4712] 5ohgreg: @HiVise FROSTEDTIP69 sil[4712] nrv_greenbean: @hivise Geeb.r6 emerald on pc[4712] desicrete: PAYYY UPPPP[4712] sfb_peetah: dammit[4712] box_ttvv: both bad aim[4713] lmlolo: horrrible aim[4713] sweatzisontop: W[4713] ein_anderwaffel: Avid so ass[4713] m1keytop_: FN1 Mikey2085 ubisoft @hivise[4713] ryann2700: wwwwwwwww[4713] splash_steam: @hivise SPLASH_STEAM copper 3[4713] vibinirish: zenti mad fucking annoying bruh[4713] soar1nq: shiddy aim[4713] chargy999: fatty[4713] sf_zuji: SF_Zuji @HiVise SF_Zuji @HiVise[4713] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_great[4713] sheluvsceon: L EXCUSE[4714] nickp51: 95 ADS?!?![4714] itsbokky: jynxi can you swamp my bet please[4714] sircapsalot5: there isn’t a more annoying mf on the mic than zenti[4714] g4tsio: Fuck zenti pussy boi[4714] jgschnitz_: @HiVise JGSchnitz SILVER,[4714] 5ohgreg: @HiVise FROSTEDTIP69 silver[4714] worldasetupboi: THIS IS BRAINROT[4714] danklemur: shroud waiting[4714] pelletkorrel: L avid[4714] spoits_oiled_butt: @hivise Farvond IM SILVERsd[4714] m60boy: K.ush @HiVise[4714] eliterift2: xim[4714] yaboilucas22: 5 ADS BAD AIM YOU STUPID[4714] wolfbro23: L script[4714] conneronsiege: @hivise ConnerOnSiege silver 2 1.0 kd 1.1 win loss.....[4715] lilsimpforuuu: LMFAOOO L AVID[4715] sf_zuji: SF_Zuji @HiViseSF_Zuji @HiVise[4715] kinsprici: Thats some silver aim[4715] stolly58: HORRIBLE[4715] brazzersaddict: Boby.B @HiVise Bronze[4716] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_great dgfsfsdf[4716] sami2k3: @HiVise bootyfiness23 im gold 3 add me and kick zenti[4716] abw2029_icloud_com: 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀[4716] trips_ok: AVID ON THAT STARBUCKS WIFI[4716] tkettel_: AVID JUDT BAITS[4716] bigheadd213: W ads[4717] papasmurph131: That was the dumbest round 🤣[4717] warrrne: MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid[4717] wiffk: pings insane[4717] prdgy_vepz: t[4717] 5ohgreg: @HiVise FROSTEDTIP69 silve[4717] bardown16__: BECAUSE HES IN A MCDONALDS?[4717] jgschnitz_: @HiVise JGSchnitz SILVER/[4717] sdrogosupersonico: BAD AIM[4717] box_ttvv: both bad[4717] jaidrn_654: !LINK[4717] xojay_flocka: @HiVise Im sliver 5 ubi XoJay-_- you have me added c[4717] strawhatroyal: MCDONALDS[4717] lilsimpforuuu: L AIM[4717] mosthatedcancer: is he about to cry[4717] kraken541: zenti dumb as fuck[4718] chunkolikesboys: bad aim[4718] m1keytop_: FN1 Mikey2085 ubisoft @HiVise FN1 Mikey2085 ubisoft @hivise[4718] prdgy_vepz: Agent_vepz @HiVise[4718] fossabot: @Seeeethy, Your message is too long [2x][4718] bigwhitegoose92: damn[4718] trippyexit: he was lagging[4718] causevseffect: WWWWWWW[4718] painalmightypush: ew what is happening[4718] flights_back: flights_back subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! [4718] subwayenjoyer: W ZENTI[4718] yata_chris: M AND K???????[4718] mosstrr: nah his hands slippery guys[4718] cttt36z: VISE IM SILVER UBI IS THATPCTECH[4719] coopthang: AVID SCARED WITH THEM SWEATY HANDS[4719] 5ohgreg: @HiVise FROSTEDTIP69 silver[4719] ninjastarhim: nine ads ._.[4719] soundcard: @hivise dudu.8888888 - SILVER [4719] bigheadd213: w ads[4719] 1738clutch: w zenti[4719] xojay_flocka: @HiVise Im sliver 5 ubi XoJay-_- you have me added @HiVise Im sliver 5 ubi XoJay-_- you have me added[4719] causevseffect: WWWWWWWWWWww[4719] kid_natas: avid always cries[4719] angelaguzmann: thedowdster11 @hivise - copper copper copper[4719] prdgy_vepz: y[4720] t_jarmon51: avid needs to put the sticks down man[4720] coldpillow0: so many ads[4720] alphaeid3: LUL[4720] tifyv: Tifyv subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 5 month streak! [4720] platinumgyt: y[4720] pkrs_l: How avid even worse than you[4720] rbriskk: WENTI WENTI WENTI WENTI WENTI WENTI WENTI WENTI WENTI WENTI WENTI WENTI WENTI[4720] mxmck25: lmao avid got excuses for years[4720] causevseffect: WWWWWWWWWWWWW[4720] supremet5: !gamble 10000[4721] streamelements: @supremet5, you only have 610 points.[4721] imperixxl: @HiVise imperixxl - copper, 0.4 kd, level - 54 please select me[4721] soundcard: @hivise dudu.8888888 - SILVER[4721] laqu12345: lol[4721] nightbot: 😂[4721] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_great a asdasdas[4721] sharks550: @HiVise Uplay is Chupinazo.R6 Diamond 4 PC[4721] relaxdxd: @HiVise Relaxd. Bronze 5[4721] m1keytop_: FN1 Mikey2085 ubisoft[4721] xojay_flocka: @HiVise Im sliver 5 ubi XoJay-_- you have me added[4722] alphaeid3: LUL [4722] rysoios: R6s_Ryy @HiVise[4722] causevseffect: WWWWWWWWWWWWWW[4722] desicrete: I’M HARDLY PROUD[4722] wiffk: mcdonalds[4722] thr3payments: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[4722] flannard: mobile home ping[4722] prdgy_vepz: Agent_vepz @HiVise[4722] cyyn1cal: w zenti[4722] mstysack: @HiVise DinnyBunny69, Plat 1[4722] elitepuma5: YO @hivise my GAMERTAG IS RAYCEST69 IM THE LOWEST RANK IM ON XBOX[4722] taxinyou18: 13356ads[4723] ardn3r: what a shitty ass ad man[4723] trippyexit: lagging[4723] m1keytop_: FN1 Mikey2085 ubisoft @hivise[4723] rbriskk: WENTI WENTI WENTI WENTI WENTI WENTI WENTI WENTI WENTI WENTI WENTI WENTI WENTI WENTI WENTI WENTI WENTI WENTI WENTI WENTI[4723] ryguythatguy: @hivise TTVryguythatguy silver v[4723] chriswar09: !sub[4723] 1738clutch: w zenti w zenti w zenti w zenti[4723] shivermetimbers15: ZENTI DDOS[4723] perform_adot: W Zenti[4723] kitnfoo: He’s mouse trapped[4723] chunkoisfatty: starbucks wifi[4724] conneronsiege: @hivise ConnerOnSiege silver 2 1.0 kd 1.1 win loss[4724] vigil_edge: !link[4724] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_great asddas[4724] itzzstinka: @HiVise stinka Gold 5[4724] bowser088: bad aim[4724] wolfbro23: l script![4724] 1738clutch: w zenti w zenti[4725] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[4725] bluejbolt: @hivise Boltz1494[4725] dwaynejohnson7747: @HiVise Ubisoft Tokyo7743 SILVER 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | Silver 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | Silver 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | SILVER 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 |[4725] dasupalama1: @schoooooo_ hop off[4725] moss________: @HiVise ubi z.moss pc bronzee[4725] firstseens: PRESS HIM FOR THE SOUND CUT OFF[4725] fullestfps: @HiVise bronze Drake.78[4725] sam3erd: ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper[4725] m1keytop_: FN1 Mikey2085 ubisoft[4726] causevseffect: W ZENTI[4726] painalmightypush: these dudes suck[4726] 5ohgreg: @HiVise FROSTEDTIP69 silve[4726] spoits_oiled_butt: @hivise Farvond IM SILVER[4726] shanatl: Love the script today buddy :) @HiVise[4726] elitepuma5: @hivise my GAMERTAG IS RAYCEST69 IM THE LOWEST RANK IM ON XBOX YO[4726] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_great dadad[4726] sandy_sir: 💀[4726] xwzzyx: blue balled by ads[4726] m1keytop_: FN1 Mikey2085 ubisoft @hivise[4726] yyelsie: L streamer[4726] lpaco60fps: @hivise I’m emerald PacoGuns gamer tag[4727] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3 PC[4727] real_voided: ADS[4727] 1738clutch: vw zenti w zenti w zenti w zenti w zenti w zenti w zenti w zenti w zenti[4727] vahmedl: ahmed2. add up the ubisoft @HiVise[4727] nightbot: Just sub bozo you’ll get no ads, my emotes, double the channel points, and guess what you will also get my beautiful charm that you will never lose, and many more!!!! #subuporshutup[4727] prdgy_vepz: gt[4727] brettacus09: fat[4727] dieheartsaint: W stress[4727] nightbot: GT IS [redacted][4727] ohwelljessica: why you keep letting zenti break the rules[4727] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀[4727] aaurzzz: @hivise ubi aaurzz rank silver 4[4727] imperixxl: @HiVise imperixxl - copper, 0.4 kd, level - 54 please select me [4727] dionysus1963: LMAO[4728] dtrain111: when is the 1v1 starting[4728] n0tdrew: LMFAOOOOOOOOO[4728] blueranger207: bad aim[4728] fr0st2024: shitty aim[4728] cody_the_goat_0101: dude this is not happening[4728] ein_anderwaffel: W zentii[4728] cyyn1cal: W FENTI[4728] ylopiii: oh... wait both are dog shit actually[4728] prezii1_: @hivise PreZii1 I’m copper[4728] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀[4728] bio_blast: @HiVise Silver 4/Carrotz.[4729] shivermetimbers15: ZENTI DDOSED[4729] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_great asdadad[4729] logboomer: WWW[4729] m1keytop_: FN1 Mikey2085 ubisoft[4729] prdgy_vepz: Agent_vepz @HiVise[4729] relaxdxd: @HiVise Relaxd. - Bronze 5[4729] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3[4729] blah_blah7736: zenti annoying as fuck[4729] 1738clutch: w zenti w zenti w zenti w zenti w zenti w zenti w zenti w zenti w zenti w zenti w zenti w zenti[4729] ryuthebest001: LUL[4729] mikepaslawski: 😭😭[4729] scooter2ez: LMFAOAOAOAO[4729] causevseffect: WWWWWWW STRESSER[4730] bumbabeee: @hivise Maevvee for silver[4730] 5ohgreg: @HiVise FROSTEDTIP69 silver[4730] ardn3r: ads at the worst time man[4730] yyelsie: L part timer[4730] subwayenjoyer: L JUNKO[4730] 0j7y: w[4730] prdgy_vepz: iiii[4730] 1738clutch: w zenti w zenti w zenti w zenti[4731] yoitsevoid: @hivise I’m plat urixz_luca[4731] freedlddy: :D :D[4731] jynxzifollower: ads[4731] 5ohgreg: @HiVise FROSTEDTIP69 silve[4731] maciejuskiii: @HiVise maciejuskii[4731] cyyn1cal: W FENTIII[4731] trippleahh: @HiVise oTripple[4731] wolfbro23: L script[4731] xnorecoil: xNoRecoil. Bronze 5 @HiVise[4731] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_great adadad[4732] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3 PC[4732] swagynn: @hivise silver Ubisoft: swagynn[4732] brett02: LOL[4732] prdgy_vepz: Agent_vepz @HiVise[4732] 1738clutch: w zenti w zenti w zenti w zenti w zenti w zenti[4732] solely_sharp: copper two flying through copper[4732] causevseffect: W STRESSER[4732] aaurzzz: @hivise ubi aaurzz rank silver 4@hivise ubi aaurzz rank silver 4[4732] trippleahh: @HiVise oTripple@HiVise oTripple[4733] bluefrog9736: INSTIGATE THE@[4733] brando1126: bro put his house on the game[4733] lhawl1346: @hivise bigben41803 silver[4734] mstysack: @hivise DinnyBunny69, Plat 1[4734] ricorllytuff: !LINK[4734] swoleboh: he doesn't care[4734] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3[4734] prdgy_vepz: lll[4734] nightbot: @ricorllytuff If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[4734] glizzytwister: w zenti[4734] xllsnagllx: h[4734] shadowblade2250: jynxi my mcdonalds just called they said your late for your shift[4734] teerezzed03: avid is definitly not cronus[4734] cttt36z: VISE !IM SILVER UBI IS THATPCTECH[4734] nightbot: h[4734] trippleahh: @HiVise oTripple[4734] nightbot: “😂😂😂” -avidqr6[4734] vahmedl: ahmed2. add up the ubisoft @HiVise ..[4735] skineatre: 3w3ww3w33w3w3w3w3w3w3w3w3w3w3w[4735] hsmn9: pc plat hsmn9 pc plat hsmn9 pc plat hsmn9 pc plat hsmn9 pc plat hsmn9[4735] prdgy_vepz: Agent_vepz @HiVise[4735] bahast0ff: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[4735] adamkats: react harder[4735] cttt36z: VISE IM SILVER UBI IS THATPCTECH[4736] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_great adadada[4736] fr_kiran: L script[4736] ferntbaby: @hivise Fernt bronze 3[4736] rdgblits: &[4736] notbeeler: @HiVise My ubi is NOTBEELERRR - im gold V[4736] throatyogurt95: throatyogurt95 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 5 month streak! let us know if you enjoy throat yogurt[4736] 5ohgreg: @HiVise FROSTEDTIP69 silver[4737] ayzorax: hhahahahah[4737] soundcard: ubisoft cope - gold @hivise[4737] lilstyze: zenti cheat[4737] mynamejeff675: kick zenti for cheating[4737] ckhitz: @HiVise Gold 1 CKhitz[4737] xpierce23: L ping[4737] apemenacegang: STRESSIN[4737] causevseffect: W STRESSER WWWWWWWWWW[4737] fadedthanabitch: W ZENTI[4737] dieow_on_console: Loohnar is trying to q snipe you and do the gIitch[4737] siipq: MCDONALDS HOTSPOT[4737] shanatl: LMAO[4737] gucci_kid54: LMAO[4737] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_great[4737] gucci_kid54: LMAO[4738] gucci_kid54: LMAO[4738] i_miller1: DDOS[4738] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3 PC[4738] gucci_kid54: LMAO[4738] gucci_kid54: LMAO[4738] soundcard: ubisoft cope - gold @hivise [4738] couren525: hvvu[4738] prdgy_vepz: Agent_vepz @HiVise[4738] trippleahh: @HiVise oTripple@HiVise oTripple[4739] aaurzzz: @hivise ubi aaurzz rank silver 4[4739] tnttommy2k: BRAIN ROT[4739] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀[4739] soundcard: ubisoft cope - gold @hivise[4740] shanatl: LMAOOO[4740] prdgy_vepz: jhgguf[4740] jynxziugly: !Link[4740] gamermen1331: my ping is high to[4740] retronitez: LMAO[4740] shivermetimbers15: ZENTI DDOSED![4740] lydn: 🤣🤣🤣[4740] voxxyyyyyyyyy: 585 PING???????[4740] bluecoconutbsd: ZENTI annoying af[4740] trippleahh: @HiVise oTripple[4740] dlblake1582: @Jynxzi[4740] playafr: LMAOOOOOOOOO[4740] notbeeler: @HiVise My ubi is NOTBEELERRR - im gold V.[4740] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀[4740] soundcard: ubisoft cope - gold @hivise [4741] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_great a[4741] prdgy_vepz: Agent_vepz @HiVise[4741] obviousspy10: LMAO[4741] swaginacan: react harder[4741] platinumgyt: @hivise I am platinum and my ubi is PlatinumThicc[4741] dieheartsaint: W STRESSER[4741] alleyne98: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL[4741] ayzorax: hahahahahahhahahahaha[4741] spoits_oiled_butt: @hivise Farvond IM SILVERa[4741] flaume_aux: LMAO[4741] spaceghostxxv: L HIVISE PRESSING THE AD BUTTON[4741] xmzungu: ring ring ring[4741] bearrlou: THAT SHIT SAYD 585[4741] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀[4742] fontoleaff: LUL[4742] zekelag: LMFAO[4743] ohitsice: hahaha[4743] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀[4743] mightygaminghh: LMAO[4743] elitepuma5: @hivise my GAMERTAG IS RAYCEST69 IM THE LOWEST RANK IM ON XBOX[4743] spoits_oiled_butt: @hivise Farvond IM SILVERaaa[4743] aaurzzz: @hivise ubi aaurzz rank silver 4@hivise ubi aaurzz rank silver 4[4743] fox666545: lol[4743] yiorio_: @HiVise plat 5 / ITZYL0[4743] justice17suii: @Hivise unranked[4743] dieow_on_console: Loohnar is trying to q snipe you and do the glitch[4743] mansonfreeelo: @hivise mmanson13 play[4743] fgeezo: LMAOOOOOO[4743] sykosocial12: PART TIMER[4743] rinzlerthegoblinking: LMFAOOOOO[4743] subwayenjoyer: W AVID[4744] nexervisity: @hivise Branditoto copper 5[4744] sandy_sir: 💀💀[4744] 1738clutch: avid son hogging wifi[4744] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_great[4744] thelittlefraguel: LMFAO[4744] m60boy: K.ush @HiVise[4744] dk_da_shooter: this is brain rot[4744] koolaidman69695: LMAOOOOOOOOO[4744] ender_antho: 600 ping[4744] retronitez: HES DOING 80 ON THE HIGHWAY[4744] niceguyfinishlast40: 585 ping[4744] nachomanranchysalad: LMOA[4745] js_iicon: @HiVise Twitch-JS_IIcon Bronze 1 0.9KD[4745] itzruiins: LMAOOOOOOOOO[4745] ohitsice: true[4745] fluxious209: 500 PING IS WILD[4746] s1ppinpurple: LMFAO[4746] jynxzifollower: Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm[4746] seb1of1: LMAO[4746] saucypickleyt: MCDONALDS CLOSED[4746] poopyy23: W answer[4746] akizzyyy: masami3TheEnd[4746] swagynn: @hivise FOR SILVER ubi: swagynn[4746] modernpro1: @HiVise tdnscld IS MY USER IM SILVER 3 ADD ME @HiVise tdnscld IS MY USER IM SILVER 3 ADD ME @HiVise tdnscld IS MY USER IM SILVER 3 ADD ME[4746] brazzersaddict: @HiVise Boby.B Bronze[4746] elitepuma5: @hivise my GAMERTAG IS RAYCEST69 IM THE LOWEST RANK IM ON XBOX.[4746] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_great a fafa[4747] 4eyesgeek: @HiVise gold V UBI pc - durrhurrr[4747] sandy_sir: LMFAAAOOA[4747] koolaidman69695: LMAOOOOOOO W AVID[4747] steezi8433: LMFAO[4747] rockstax16: rockstax16 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 6 month streak! I love u brother thanks for always making my days better[4747] swaginacan: react realer[4747] trippleahh: @HiVise oTripple @HiVise oTripple[4747] lydn: 😭😭😭[4747] klatsflap: LUL LUL LUL LUL[4747] fazehypebeast07: LMAO[4748] mikeyfn_3: im a sub[4748] aicyberjay: 585 ping[4748] tfirkel: @hivise gold 5[4748] js_iicon: @HiVise Twitch-JS_IIcon Bronze 1 0.9KDd[4748] preston0_p: L adds bruh tf[4748] unclejonathon: RING RING HELLO LMFAOOO[4748] akizzyyy: masami3BadAim[4748] astoncr: LMAOOOO[4749] fazehypebeast07: PMAO[4749] koolaidman69695: WWWWWWW AVID[4749] buzzk2: I[4749] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_great[4749] sandy_sir: LMAAAOOLMAAAO[4749] zooinksss: LOLLLLLLLL[4749] shanatl: LMFAOOO[4749] ko_rogue: he got that MOBILE HOME WIFI AHHH[4749] notbeeler: @HiVise My ubi is NOTBEELERRR - im gold V[4749] freedlddy: :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D[4750] jaidrn_654: !LINK[4750] marie_xm: LMAO[4750] sandy_sir: LMAAAOO[4750] fate_harley: LMFAOOOO[4750] itchris15: just hit level 50 today whats good gamertag - Balzaq9755[4750] oliver_hyde221: !script[4750] brett02: zenti gonna win[4750] bardown16__: CALE MAKAR IS WAITING[4750] jyzzismcdonaldsboss: LUL[4750] aaurzzz: @hivise ubi aaurzz rank silver 4@hivise ubi aaurzz rank silver 4@hivise ubi aaurzz rank silver 4[4750] ricorllytuff: !link[4750] akizzyyy: masami3BadAim masami3BadAim masami3BadAim masami3BadAim masami3BadAim[4750] dust63: @hivise sukver 4 .4 KD[4751] ayzorax: 80 on the highway[4751] sandy_sir: OLMFAAAOO[4751] eskero_69: !link[4751] shovelleaner: starbucks wifi[4751] rohanraikai: !followage[4751] fate_harley: 💀💀💀💀[4751] s1ppinpurple: LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[4752] driverff: LMFAO[4752] wood1223: Mobile house[4752] elitepuma5: @hivise my GAMERTAG IS RAYCEST69 IM THE LOWEST RANK IM ON XBOX. K[4752] killerb1111: L[4752] cuddle_xd: WHO HE THINK HE IS[4752] trips_ok: LMAO[4752] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3[4752] streamelements: @rohanraikai, rohanraikai has been following jynxzi for 3 months 17 days 23 hours[4752] akizzyyy: masami3BadAim masami3BadAim[4752] sandy_sir: LMAAOAO[4752] dwaynejohnson7747: @HiVise Ubisoft Tokyo7743 SILVER 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | Silver 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | Silver 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | SILVER 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | 11111[4752] hillrave: LOLL L L LL[4752] sharks550: THE MCDONALS WIFI IS TWEAKING[4752] platinumgyt: hivise I am platinum and my ubi is PlatinumThicc[4753] bumbabeee: @hivise Maevvee - SEND ME THE SCRIPT @hivise[4753] emptyshelly: WWW[4753] aaurzzz: @hivise ubi aaurzz rank silver 4[4753] beamerboy31: beamerboy31 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! [4753] sandy_sir: LMAAOA[4753] jaytbnrbosss: bros stressed[4753] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3 PC[4753] pinballrun: Ring ring[4754] hey_dude1235: @breckiehill[4754] brando1126: mcdonalds wifi[4754] fate_harley: LMAO[4754] lilkingdommy: lilkingdommy subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 5 month streak! hello chat my beloved[4754] notblest: script[4754] griffey355_: 😂😂😂😂[4754] sandy_sir: LMFAAAOOO[4754] onisniperr: riccifCRY riccifCRY riccifCRY riccifCRY riccifCRY[4755] sandy_sir: LLMAAOAO[4755] lacuna9: 80 ON THE HIGHWAY[4755] mkamzae: 80 on the highway 😂😂😂[4756] fate_harley: ROFL[4756] nonappreciative: nonappreciative subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 25 months, currently on a 12 month streak! 25 months type shi[4756] dime_pc: 585 ping[4756] ghoulnesss: cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh[4756] sandy_sir: LLMAAAOOOO[4756] tyroneyolo: wifi[4757] sabbbaaa: W AVID[4757] fox666545: FamilyMan[4757] vahmedl: ahmed2. add up the ubisoft @HiVise[4757] swagynn: @hivise FOR SILVER,ubi: swagynn[4757] aaurzzz: @hivise ubi aaurzz rank silver 4@hivise ubi aaurzz rank silver 4[4757] slomorunner149: LMAOOOOO[4758] sandy_sir: ALMFAAAOOA[4758] 5ohgreg: @HiVise FROSTEDTIP69 silve[4758] xnorecoil: Ubi: 'xNoRecoil.' Bronze 5 @HiVise[4758] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_great c[4758] bananak1n_: trailer park ah WiFi[4758] georgemreal: plz gift[4758] worldasetupboi: WE DONT CARE[4758] shynique0000: I love avid 😂😭[4758] anthonieus: Bruh -3.4e² ads[4758] ricorllytuff: !LINK[4758] itzzstinka: @HiVise stinka Gold 5[4759] zqyyz: @HiVise my ubi is ascetlc ive peaked champ[4759] sandy_sir: LMAAAOOO[4759] essjay32142412412414: LMAO[4759] hsmn9: pc plat hsmn9 pc plat hsmn9 pc plat hsmn9[4759] ireapzz666321: ACCOUNTFORSALE. @HiVise AM SILVER4[4759] dawah22: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL[4759] elitepuma5: @hivise my GAMERTAG IS RAYCEST69 IM THE LOWEST RANK IM ON XBOX.,[4759] rachel_b111: adssss[4759] brazzersaddict: Boby.B @HiVise Bronze[4759] bluefishgaming71: I’m stroking it rn[4760] jackisthegoatfr: weeding[4760] saucypickleyt: MCFONALDS CLOSED[4760] sandy_sir: LMFAAAOO[4760] keezykatt: keezykatt subscribed with Prime. [4760] trippleahh: @HiVise oTripple[4760] dieow_on_console: Loohnar is trying to q snipe you and do the gIitch[4760] 5ohgreg: @HiVise FROSTEDTIP69 silver[4760] tyroneyolo: bros on wifi[4761] spoits_oiled_butt: @hivise Farvond IM SILVER[4761] youngj913: w fat[4761] vibinirish: NOT A FAIR FIGHT[4761] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_great asdasd[4761] sandy_sir: LMAAOO[4761] jynxzifollower: Hiviase- let’s add more ads[4761] bio_blast: @HiVise Silver 4/Carrotz.[4761] hecken_heck: @hivise gold v hecken_heck[4761] aaurzzz: @hivise ubi aaurzz rank silver 4[4761] bahast0ff: jynxziPACK[4762] junior2oh9: @breckiehill[4762] shanatl: WHAT[4762] sandy_sir: LLMAAAOOO[4762] 240_blaze: 7 ads👎🏽[4762] spoits_oiled_butt: @hivise Farvond IM SILVERa[4762] hsmn9: pc plat hsmn9 pc plat hsmn9 pc plat hsmn9 pc plat hsmn9 pc plat hsmn9 pc plat hsmn9 pc plat hsmn9 pc plat hsmn9 pc plat hsmn9 pc plat hsmn9 pc plat hsmn9[4762] rysoios: R6s_Ryy @HiVise[4762] 5ohgreg: @HiVise FROSTEDTIP69 silve[4762] bettr_call_paul: the downfall of avid[4762] paolobittar: @HiVise Xjason on Ubisoft; IM ON PC AND I CAN 100% DESTROY JYNXZI AND HIS MINIONS, I AN GOLD V[4762] notaarish: WWW AVID[4763] immentalityy: victim mentality[4763] hecken_heck: @hivise gold v hecken_heck[4763] sandy_sir: LMFAAAOO[4763] shanatl: LMFAOO[4763] 1738clutch: L bully[4763] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[4763] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_great[4764] drykooolaid: ubi is drykooolaid @hivise[4764] mesharykw: jynxziLOL[4764] scoobedoo134: L adds[4764] mstysack: @hivise DinnyBunny69, Plat 1 @hivise DinnyBunny69, Plat 1[4764] kingrobb_: prettyboyrobb_ Diamond @HiVise[4764] 0z_ozone: THIS IS THERAPY[4764] rachel_b111: ads[4764] lhawl1346: @hivise bigben41803 silver[4764] opalexander156: !watchtime[4764] nightbot: Just sub bozo you’ll get no ads, my emotes, double the channel points, and guess what you will also get my beautiful charm that you will never lose, and many more!!!! #subuporshutup[4764] jolmtron: @hivise BROOKZN[4764] ryan18819: do Vic bands vs ricci[4764] sandy_sir: LMAAOO[4764] saucypickleyt: MCDONALDS CLOSED[4764] streamelements: opalexander156 has spent 1 hour 10 mins watching jynxzi[4765] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3[4765] emptyshelly: NICOTINE NIC[4765] c00l_pug1: fat[4765] jaytbnrbosss: BROS STRESSED jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[4765] fossabot: @deezay123, Your message is too long[4766] n4rco66: 500 PING IS CRAZY 😭[4766] nonnoboii: its because ur hosting on na se[4766] yoitsevoid: @Hivise I’m plat urixz_luca[4766] vahmedl: ahmed2. add up the ubisoft @HiVise ,,[4766] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_great asd[4766] dlblake1582: @HiVise blakeatu[4766] bahast0ff: jynxziSubHype[4766] shanatl: HES SO DUMB[4766] olivein1080p: silver rn but usually plat @hivise[4766] elitej1x: W avid[4766] slayyypex: Slayyypex subscribed at Tier 1. [4766] 5ohgreg: @HiVise FROSTEDTIP69 silver[4766] aaurzzz: @hivise ubi aaurzz rank silver 4@hivise ubi aaurzz rank silver 4[4767] elitepuma5: @hivise my GAMERTAG IS RAYCEST69 IM THE LOWEST RANK IM ON XBOX‘[4767] platinumgyt: @hivise I am platinum and my ubi is PlatinumThicc[4767] xyvtobi: there we go[4767] defectnotfound: LMAOOOOO[4767] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_great[4767] phrrynn: N WHAT?????????[4767] gun_will: lmfao[4768] theman0032: fuck this guy[4768] xoswanx: xoSwanx subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! w[4768] sandy_sir: 💀[4768] arminnrd: L Avid[4768] prdgy_vepz: l[4768] lpaco60fps: @hivise I’m emerald gamer tag PacoGuns[4768] spoits_oiled_butt: @hivise Farvond IM SILVERr[4768] finzottv: f[4768] nightbot: F in the chat[4768] gary_sm0ak: peek1PeekSUS peek1PeekSUS peek1PeekSUS peek1PeekSUS peek1PeekSUS peek1PeekSUS peek1PeekSUS[4768] worldasetupboi: YOU ARE CRYINGGGG LOSER[4769] proxy75g: HolidayCookie[4769] synec__: RESTART YOUR SHIT[4769] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀[4769] elitej1x: Facts[4769] chunkolikesboys: L bully[4769] mstysack: @hivise DinnyBunny69, Plat 1 @hivise DinnyBunny69, Plat 1 @hivise DinnyBunny69, Plat 1[4769] dwaynejohnson7747: @HiVise Ubisoft Tokyo7743 SILVER 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | Silver 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | Silver 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | SILVER 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | 11[4769] potatosrg: ba🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁 aim[4769] adamski3103: !link[4769] wood1223: BURGER king wifi[4769] xxylanzk: jynxziGoodAim_HF[4769] nightbot: @adamski3103 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[4769] frriiedd: RHETORICAL[4769] spoits_oiled_butt: @hivise Farvond IM SILVER[4769] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_great asd[4770] uniqueorspecial: @HiVise PEAKED BRONZE ALWAYS BEEN BRONZE - wenston11 @HiVise @HiVise PEAKED BRONZE ALWAYS BEEN BRONZE - wenston11 @HiVise .[4770] elitepuma5: @hivise my GAMERTAG IS RAYCEST69 IM THE LOWEST RANK IM ON XBOXl[4770] 6imsaucy3: 586 ping💀💀💀[4770] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀[4770] defectnotfound: HAHAHHAAHHAHAH[4770] willthethrill105: L add break[4770] prdgy_vepz: Agent_vepz @HiVise[4770] kypeanutt: f[4770] potatomajor: mhm[4770] harrythegoat717: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE[4770] 5ohgreg: @HiVise FROSTEDTIP69 silve[4771] glozin0133: avid a bitch[4771] opalexander156: !pc[4771] spoits_oiled_butt: @hivise Farvond IM SILVERrrr[4771] jasonbl99: SCAVID[4771] nightbot: “😂😂😂” -avidqr6[4771] nightbot: Jynxzi is controller on PC[4771] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_great[4771] swayy67735: @HiVise silver and wxxy. on ubi[4771] sandy_sir: 💀[4771] chunkolikesboys: L BULLY[4772] prdgy_vepz: kjjk[4772] 5ohgreg: @HiVise FROSTEDTIP69 silver[4772] mstysack: @hivise DinnyBunny69, Plat 1[4772] larniaxx: rhetorical question[4772] vahmedl: ahmed2. add up the ubisoft @HiVise[4772] bahast0ff: jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh[4772] ricorllytuff: !Link[4772] unlitdragon: L AD[4772] spoits_oiled_butt: @hivise Farvond IM SILVERe[4772] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀[4772] harrythegoat717: GoldPLZ[4773] mimiwlzd7: Why zenti cutting sound[4773] prdgy_vepz: Agent_vepz @HiVise[4773] bizzysaint: L BULLY[4773] elitej1x: It happends[4773] abelydgn: LMAOOO L[4773] multiversus23: DUM ASS[4773] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀[4773] zombie2464: zombie2464 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! [4773] litstizzy: he don’t have fiber optics😞[4773] theman0032: FUCK AVID[4773] spoits_oiled_butt: @hivise Farvond IM SILVERra[4773] zqyyz: @HiVise my ubi is ascetlc ive peaked champ.[4774] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_great asd[4774] syphon_ac007: All he does is cry and make excuses, why tf do u keep bringing him on lol[4774] jynxzifollower: NATE WHAT ARE YOU DOING MAN?[4774] proxy75g: HolidayCookie HolidayCookie HolidayCookie HolidayCookie HolidayCookie HolidayCookie HolidayCookie[4774] seb1of1: LMAOOO[4774] prdgy_vepz: jgggfugjh[4774] vahmedl: ahmed2. add up the ubisoft @HiVise ..[4774] js_iicon: @HiVise Twitch-JS_IIcon Bronze 1 0.9KD[4774] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀[4775] flaume_aux: WTF[4775] gray_gahd: nah this dude is unreal[4775] zqyyz: @HiVise my ubi is ascetlc ive peaked champ..[4775] jcp1423: bro was missing mad shots stfu[4775] kingxace77: THIS MF IS STUPID[4775] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_great[4775] titosunbornchild: Rhetorical questio??[4775] aaurzzz: @hivise ubi aaurzz rank silver 4[4775] und3feated_g: SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood[4775] swagynn: @hivise hivise FOR SILVER ubi: swagynn[4775] stackable03: rhetorical[4775] 5ohgreg: @HiVise FROSTEDTIP69 silve[4775] prdgy_vepz: Agent_vepz @HiVise[4775] vibinirish: NAH THIS IS A REPORT[4776] battlecurl: Battlecurl subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! love ya[4776] spoits_oiled_butt: @hivise Farvond IM SILVERrg[4776] bar123racing: L vaping af[4776] aiden6audet: L RETA.RD[4776] ricorllytuff: link[4776] skidless69: Rv[4776] chekoutmyinhaler: Www zenti[4776] chunke_monkey: You the one that asked why he was lagging tho?[4776] zqyyz: @HiVise my ubi is ascetlc ive peaked champ...[4776] beastman12543: PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt[4776] mfpancho420: 🤣🤣🤣🤣[4777] 5ohgreg: @HiVise FROSTEDTIP69 silver[4777] spoits_oiled_butt: @hivise Farvond IM SILVERreah[4777] prdgy_vepz: llklk[4777] yaboilucas22: L SFD L SDS[4777] moss________: @HiVise ubi z.moss pc bronze[4777] brixel: keep screaming fat ass im almost there[4777] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀[4777] x_100accurate: x_100accurate subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! [4777] jcp1423: bad aim[4777] limewolf2077: limewolf2077 subscribed with Prime. [4778] raorange: Why you got hearts for nostrils tho[4778] zqyyz: @HiVise my ubi is ascetlc ive peaked champ....[4778] shanatl: LMAOAO[4778] mikeytomlin: IT'S CALLED RHETORICAL[4778] tarsai: W ZENTI 😂[4778] gsolozz: lol[4778] dryppin: @hivise dryppyn xbox .9 kd[4778] amoinasaur1: Amoinasaur1 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! [4778] nightbot: 😂[4778] ahrobbie325: www[4778] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3 PC[4778] 5ohgreg: @HiVise FROSTEDTIP69 silve[4778] und3feated_g: Valid[4778] fooinc: ONGGGGGGG[4778] tarsai: W ZENTI 😂[4779] prdgy_vepz: Agent_vepz @HiVise[4779] spoits_oiled_butt: @hivise Farvond IM SILVERr w[4779] kingrobb_: prettyboyrobb_ @HiVise[4779] wheatthins4: AVID A PUYSYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY[4779] xernety: NIC RAGE[4779] beastman910: beastman910 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months, currently on a 11 month streak! part timer[4779] lord_boggsy: it's called a rhetorical question[4779] tarsai: W ZENTI 😂[4779] spiderpxg: L bully[4779] theligmalord: L bully smh[4779] lild33__: a rhetorical question @avidqq[4779] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise[4780] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3[4780] juliusceasariusthe6th: a rhetorical question?[4780] tarsai: W ZENTI 😂[4780] theweedanator10: L bully[4780] prdgy_vepz: gygg[4780] jynxziugly: !Link[4780] abelydgn: AVID WASHED[4780] primesoicy: maybe rhetorical the word he needs[4780] aaurzzz: @hivise ubi aaurzz rank silver 4@hivise ubi aaurzz rank silver 4[4780] zqyyz: @HiVise my ubi is ascetlc ive peaked champ.....[4780] jaidrn_654: !LINK[4780] sam3erd: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL[4780] jordan_onit: retorical[4780] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_great asd[4780] tarsai: W ZENTI 😂[4781] quickz_hawk: jynxziFAT[4781] drykooolaid: ubi is drykooolaid @hivise hyyeeeeee[4781] hellowguyrt: retorical question[4781] tarsai: W ZENTI 😂[4781] slomorunner149: 'Hypothetical' LMAO[4781] spoits_oiled_butt: @hivise Farvond IM SILVERr 4[4781] cttt36z: @hivise silver ubi is thatpctech[4781] googlechromed: BE A MAN AVID[4781] lightningkakuzu: HAHAHAHAHA [4781] prdgy_vepz: Agent_vepz @HiVise[4782] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3 PC[4782] hyxpz2276: SEVEN ADS[4782] elitepuma5: @hivise my GAMERTAG IS RAYCEST69 IM THE LOWEST RANK IM ON XBOX[4782] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_great[4782] andrewn621: 'It was an answer I didnt need answer'[4782] moss________: @HiVise ubi z.moss pc bronzeer[4782] aaurzzz: @hivise ubi aaurzz rank silver 4[4782] mstysack: @hivise DinnyBunny69, Plat 1 @hivise DinnyBunny69, Plat 1[4782] 5ohgreg: @HiVise FROSTEDTIP69 silver[4782] fooinc: FRRRRRR[4783] prdgy_vepz: hhiuhu[4783] hhartorias: OOOO[4783] jaegerx08: L AD[4783] kawpin: jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH[4783] sandy_sir: !EXCUSES[4783] rysoios: R6s_Ryy champ @HiVise[4783] jynxzihorrid: XIM CLONE[4783] nightbot: avid 'My room is hot' 'My ac is off' 'No water' 'I aint eat all day' 'Im tired' 'Durag too tight' 'pc lights in my eyes' 'im lagging' 'someones talking in my ear' 'my controller bugged' ' hes stream sniping' 'he's cheating' 'it's thundering outside' 'i need to piss' 'i'm sick' 'there are fireworks outside' 'it's LATE' 'it's my birthday'[4783] bar123racing: L vaping ad[4783] bahast0ff: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[4783] proxy75g: MercyWing1 BabyRage Shush MercyWing2[4783] kurehead: said 'check my ping'[4783] 5ohgreg: @HiVise FROSTEDTIP69 silve[4783] justkyle69: W ZENTI SHIT TALKING[4784] bignatem42: 💀[4784] poopyy23: W zenti[4784] spoits_oiled_butt: @hivise Farvond IM SILVER[4784] hivise: LMAO[4784] prdgy_vepz: Agent_vepz @HiVise[4784] alphaeid3: xim clone i fear[4784] notbeeler: @HiVise My ubi is NOTBEELERRR - im gold V[4784] captaingeep: mister2501HYPE mister2501HYPE mister2501HYPE mister2501HYPE mister2501HYPE mister2501HYPE[4784] mfpancho420: FailFish FailFish FailFish FailFish FailFish[4784] bumbabeee: @hivise Maevvee - SEND ME THE SCRIPT @hivise[4784] vibinirish: REPORT REPORT[4784] cttt36z: VISE IM SILVER UBI IS THATPCTECH[4784] ynwa_fcd_: zenti rent free in avids head[4785] mstysack: @hivise DinnyBunny69, Plat 1[4785] guy_pc: yo dumbasses post it in the discord[4785] utopiah_: GOOD NEWS MY UNCLE JUST WOKE UP FROM HIS COMA, OH SHIT, HE JUST OFFED HIMSELF NOW AFTER LISTENING TO ZENTI FOR 1.5 seconds[4785] worldasetupboi: ALL BOTS[4785] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_great asd[4785] cuccojamb: cuccojamb subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! Junko[4785] milehightrips: milehightrips subscribed with Prime. [4785] 5ohgreg: @HiVise FROSTEDTIP69 silver[4785] duckdeeee: fatass[4785] zoz_zz: 59 k lmao[4785] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[4785] tarsai: yooo[4785] ferntbaby: @hivise Fernt bronze 3[4785] s1ppinpurple: DAMMMNNNN[4785] prdgy_vepz: higu[4786] erminuka: Shush Shush Shush Shush Shush Shush[4786] tarsai: yooo[4786] googlechromed: W ZENTI W ZENTI W ZENTI W ZENTI[4786] elitepuma5: @hivise my GAMERTAG IS RAYCEST69 IM THE LOWEST RANK IM ON XBOXo[4786] tizytil: @avidqq[4786] 5ohgreg: @HiVise FROSTEDTIP69 silve[4786] hivise: WOAH[4786] tarsai: yooo[4787] paqytoncandales: adds[4787] spoits_oiled_butt: @hivise Farvond IM SILVERrhh[4787] moss________: @HiVise ubi z.moss pc bronze,[4787] skineatre: 60,309[4788] kypeanutt: L AIVD[4788] slomorunner149: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL[4788] zqyyz: @HiVise my ubi is ascetlc ive peaked champ........[4788] prdgy_vepz: Agent_vepz @HiVise[4788] shanatl: LOL[4788] xnorecoil: Ubi: 'xNoRecoil.' Bronze 5 @HiVise [4788] sfb_peetah: fuck zenti[4788] ryuthebest001: LUL LUL[4788] jimmy_madman: ayy nate whaddya doin man[4788] scoobedoo134: La dd[4788] 5ohgreg: @HiVise FROSTEDTIP69 silver[4788] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3 P[4789] saytxxn: PRE END[4789] fontoleaff: W Zenti[4789] elitepuma5: @hivise my GAMERTAG IS RAYCEST69 IM THE LOWEST RANK IM ON XBOX.[4789] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise[4789] ched_r6: @HiVise diamond ubi: ched.psv ---diamond ubi: ched.psv ---[4790] 5ohgreg: @HiVise FROSTEDTIP69 silve[4790] perkins09004: nicotine Nicholas[4790] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3[4790] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_great[4790] alphaeid3: xim clone i fear[4790] skinnyjorgs: love missing 2 rounds cause of ads[4790] theligmalord: jynxzi changed[4790] zqyyz: @HiVise my ubi is ascetlc ive peaked champ.........[4790] cerprimetime: ZENTI is KING ROASTER[4790] s1ppinpurple: COMMON ZENTI W[4791] febreze_air1: L bully[4791] thephasmid: lol[4791] duckdeeee: fat asee[4791] preston0_p: L zenti bro’s literally playing like a bitch[4791] paqytoncandales: add[4791] xileql: Avid didn’t get no better wifi after scaming Junko 🤣🤣[4791] spoits_oiled_butt: @hivise Farvond IM SILVER[4791] dirty_187: zenti dog shit fr[4791] fenikoz: WW ZENTI [4791] retronitez: LATISHA[4791] mstysack: @hivise DinnyBunny69, Plat 1 @hivise DinnyBunny69, Plat 1 @hivise DinnyBunny69, Plat 1[4792] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_great asd[4792] wrldkian: hello Nicholas[4792] elitepuma5: @hivise my GAMERTAG IS RAYCEST69 IM THE LOWEST RANK IM ON XBOX y[4792] eskero_69: ! link[4792] alphaeid3: xim clone i fear[4792] powwow63401: L zenti[4792] nightbot: bozo[4792] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3 PC[4792] offsiz1: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂[4792] articght: Ght. @HiVise[4792] dopescrubl0rd: jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL[4793] elitecodie: fuck avid[4793] cttt36z: @hivise IM SILVER UBI IS THATPCTECH[4793] zqyyz: @HiVise my ubi is ascetlc ive peaked champ..........[4793] jynxzihorrid: ZENTI IS A XIM CLONE[4793] xxylanzk: jynxziGoodAim_HF jynxziGoodAim_HF jynxziGoodAim_HF jynxziGoodAim_HF[4793] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3[4793] spoits_oiled_butt: @hivise Farvond IM SILVER a[4793] demonplayz54: !link[4794] tuxedocloth: tuxedocloth subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [4794] xenkyi: It was a rhetorical question jynxzi[4794] 5ohgreg: @HiVise FROSTEDTIP69 silver[4794] mightygaminghh: Latisha waiting[4794] nightbot: @exo_m800 -> moon2A [stop posting links] [warning][4794] pondr6: @hivise silver 3 xbox[4795] jetzers7: LMAO[4795] worldasetupboi: LATEESHA SOUND LIKE A HOE ANYWAY[4795] lanceyreal: FAT[4795] zqyyz: @HiVise my ubi is ascetlc ive peaked champ...........[4795] nathanyo2112: xim 2.0[4795] elitepuma5: @hivise my GAMERTAG IS RAYCEST69 IM THE LOWEST RANK IM ON XBOX YO[4795] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3 PC[4795] tuxedocloth: hr[4795] inotfullyhere: cuss[4795] cttt36z: VISE IM SILVER UBI IS THATPCTECH[4795] notaarish: L zenti[4796] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[4796] woke69_: lmao[4796] bullylng: DendiFace DendiFace[4796] forstakin: !discord[4796] surgedickeyq: WWWW LATISHA[4796] zqyyz: @HiVise my ubi is ascetlc ive peaked champ..........[4796] nightbot: https://discord.gg/jynxzi[4796] js_iicon: @HiVise Twitch-JS_IIcon Bronze 1 0.9KDD[4796] justice17suii: @hivise unranked iitzjustice[4797] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3[4797] malfunctionz_: L ZENTI DUDE IS WEIRD[4797] 5ohgreg: @HiVise FROSTEDTIP69 silve[4797] yker1c: jynxzi almost as fat as caseoh[4797] offsiz1: WWW ZENTIIIII[4797] kiddg4280: zenti is not it[4797] theman0032: L AVID TRAIN 👇[4797] blockmanr6: Jesus Christ[4797] googlechromed: W ZENTI[4797] hecken_heck: @hivise gold v hecken_heck[4797] bignatem42: DORÏME👽 ĪÑTERįME ÅDAPÁRÉ👺👽DØRÌMÉ🌚👽 AMÈÑØ 👽⚠️AMĖÑÕ 👶🏿🐭 ŁÄTÏRÊ👹👹👽 ŁÄTĪRÊMÒ👽🩸[4798] zqyyz: @HiVise my ubi is ascetlc ive peaked champ.............[4798] seeeethy: fat[4798] dwaynejohnson7747: @HiVise Ubisoft Tokyo7743 SILVER 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | Silver 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | Silver 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | SILVER 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 |[4798] l3m0n2974: just got 9 ads[4798] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3 PC[4798] boxercarti: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK[4798] easy_moneysniper1: what’s happening[4798] isthatfrank: man 2 man LMAOO[4798] duckdeeee: Cheer1[4798] trash_pog: Imagine being a grown ass man and talking liek a teenager lol[4799] spaceghostxxv: L HIVISE PRESSING THE ADS[4799] spoits_oiled_butt: @hivise Farvond IM SILVER.[4799] prdgy_vepz: l[4799] emptyshelly: W ZENTII[4799] trippleahh: @HiVise oTripple Silver[4799] dopescrubl0rd: jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh[4799] zqyyz: @HiVise my ubi is ascetlc ive peaked champ...............[4799] slomorunner149: LMAO[4799] zui_live: @HiVise Fxke.. Champion[4799] goobers3492: bdanaher1 @HiVise[4799] platinumgyt: @hivise I am platinum and my ubi is PlatinumThicc[4799] lilsimpforuuu: w bully[4799] 5ohgreg: @HiVise FROSTEDTIP69 silver[4799] 414mixie: LMFAO[4799] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_great a[4800] maniekz: Weird[4800] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3[4800] lord_boggsy: dude this guy should've graduated highschool before betting it all on R6[4800] xkleb: kid who plays r6 all day calls someone else an excuse of a man...HUH[4800] spoits_oiled_butt: @hivise Farvond IM SILVER..[4800] paqytoncandales: go away[4800] revbangz: !gamble 25[4801] yungkibe: LMAO[4801] zqyyz: @HiVise my ubi is ascetlc ive peaked champ..............[4801] streamelements: revbangz won 25 points in roulette and now has 90 points! FeelsGoodMan[4801] zeehitz_: who tf is Latisha 😂😂😂😂[4801] xkleb: kid who plays r6 all day calls someone else an excuse of a man...HUH [4801] bodaciious: @ricci is GOAT[4801] chaseonbase357: Both of them are weird[4801] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3 PC[4802] itzshmack: itzShmack subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [4802] elitepuma5: @hivise my GAMERTAG IS RAYCEST69 IM THE LOWEST RANK IM ON XBOX[4802] drcowfishphd: DRCOWFISHPHD_YT[4802] seeeethy: fatttty[4802] spoits_oiled_butt: @hivise Farvond IM SILVER....[4802] malfunctionz_: L ZENTI[4802] cttt36z: @hivise IM SILVER UBI IS THATPCTECH[4802] iliblackbirdili: UBI: iLiBlackbirdiLi[4803] abelydgn: ITS HERE AVID FALLS !![4803] seb1of1: LMAO[4803] csrodasvillalobos: glaze[4803] googlechromed: W ZENTI W ZENTI W ZENTI[4803] uniqueorspecial: @HiVise PEAKED BRONZE ALWAYS BEEN BRONZE - wenston11 @HiVise @HiVise PEAKED BRONZE ALWAYS BEEN BRONZE - wenston11 @HiVise[4803] bumbabeee: @HiVise Maevvee - SEND ME THE SCRIPT @HiVise[4803] yungkibe: LMAO [4803] vystick: vystickk @HiVise[4803] aaurzzz: @hivise ubi aaurzz rank silver 4@hivise ubi aaurzz rank silver 4[4804] sharks550: @HiVise Uplay is Chupinazo.R6 Diamond 4 PC[4804] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[4804] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3[4804] xkleb: kid who plays r6 all day calls someone else an excuse of a man...HUH[4804] spoits_oiled_butt: @hivise Farvond IM SILVER...[4804] mrmiyagi30: @hivise is it only Xbox or PC as well?[4804] proxy75g: FootYellow FootYellow FootYellow FootYellow[4805] prdgy_vepz: Agent_vepz @HiVise[4805] reggieetc: L xim clone#[4805] sami2k3: @HiVise bootyfiness23 im gold 3[4805] emptyshelly: LATISHA[4805] klhett1: Jynxzi should I download Tom Clancy[4805] elitepuma5: @hivise my GAMERTAG IS RAYCEST69 IM THE LOWEST RANK IM ON XBOX YO[4805] theligmalord: Zenti is the king[4805] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3 PC[4805] aaurzzz: @hivise ubi aaurzz rank silver 4[4806] justice17suii: @hivise unranked iitzjustice...[4806] jjschu581: W zenti[4806] angelaguzmann: thedowdster11 @hivise I’m copper[4806] shanatl: LMFOAO[4806] zepuhh: I am not[4806] ja_kell27: ban Zenti[4806] bigballer3545: @hivise champ 1.5 pmu plz[4807] elitepuma5: @hivise my GAMERTAG IS RAYCEST69 IM THE LOWEST RANK IM ON XBOX[4807] theman0032: LATISHA[4807] paqytoncandales: l adds[4807] spiderpxg: why’d you leave Latisha NotLikeThis :([4807] modernpro1: @HiVise tdnscld IS MY USER IM SILVER 3 ADD ME @HiVise tdnscld IS MY USER IM SILVER 3 ADD ME @HiVise tdnscld IS MY USER IM SILVER 3 ADD ME[4807] seeeethy: fatassss[4807] spoits_oiled_butt: @hivise Farvond IM SILVER.[4807] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3[4807] utopiah_: !penis[4807] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls adda[4808] fullestfps: @HiVise Bronze Drake.78[4808] mieciu18888: fat[4808] alexanderr_xxiv: zenti has no friends[4808] dhxncho508: DHxncho508 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 9 month streak! wwwwww[4809] worldasetupboi: LATEESHA SOUND LIKE A HOE[4809] ckhitz: @HiVise Gold 1 CKhitz[4809] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[4809] elitepuma5: @hivise my GAMERTAG IS RAYCEST69 IM THE LOWEST RANK IM ON XBOX YO[4809] ghostlynine: @hivise My ubi is GoblinGeneral bronze[4809] csrodasvillalobos: glazeeeeeee[4809] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3 PC[4809] sfb_peetah: ima smack his ass so fucking hard[4809] mrmilku1234: FAT[4809] qwrqc_: @hivise shadowlord_pain on ubisoft Gold[4810] spoits_oiled_butt: @hivise Farvond IM SILVER.....a[4810] fossabot: @reapergrim358, Your message is too long[4810] vahmedl: add up the ubisoft ahmed2. @HiVise[4810] heyitzfinny: ggg[4810] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[4811] elitepuma5: @hivise my GAMERTAG IS RAYCEST69 IM THE LOWEST RANK IM ON XBOX[4811] aaurzzz: @hivise ubi aaurzz rank silver 4@hivise ubi aaurzz rank silver 4[4811] zepuhh: bot[4811] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3[4811] not1mathias: [4811] justice17suii: @hivise unranked iitzjustice[4811] baller_23tot: w stream[4812] theligmalord: my cronus king[4812] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[4812] ardazuugoo: !watchtime[4812] lanceyreal: IM A VIEW BOT[4812] streamelements: ardazuugoo has spent 1 day 12 hours watching jynxzi[4812] emptyshelly: L FAT[4812] spoits_oiled_butt: @hivise Farvond IM SILVERa[4812] jynxziswebcam: zenti and avid both need to be taught a lesson irl, mfs egos through the roof for console[4812] thatconvict: ironic[4812] blockmanr6: w jynxzi[4813] elitepuma5: @hivise my GAMERTAG IS RAYCEST69 IM THE LOWEST RANK IM ON XBOX YO[4813] spiccyyacee: 5 ads[4813] mellownaybor: jynxziLaugh[4813] fwwaye: @hivise im unranked[4813] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[4813] pondr6: @hivise xbox silver jamespond5436[4815] fizzywya: @hivise Zylo champ gold 2 1.3 kd[4815] elitecodie: fat avid vs 50” pizza[4815] hsmn9: pc plat hsmn9 pc plat hsmn9 pc plat hsmn9 pc plat hsmn9 pc plat hsmn9 pc plat hsmn9 pc plat hsmn9 pc plat hsmn9 pc plat hsmn9 pc plat hsmn9[4815] ghost8869360: I subscribe and didn’t get my Jinxzi charm[4815] elitepuma5: @hivise my GAMERTAG IS RAYCEST69 IM THE LOWEST RANK IM ON XBOX[4815] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[4815] prdgy_vepz: get me inn taht bitch[4816] rysoios: R6s_Ryy @HiVise[4816] iliblackbirdili: @hivise iLiblackbirdiLi[4816] tyroneyolo: hes got 600 ping[4816] drcowfishphd: @hivise DRCOWFISHPHD_YT COPPER 1[4816] caseohboyfriend9000pounds: hi[4816] limewolf2077: !link[4817] tkettel_: ZENTI better[4817] nightbot: @limewolf2077 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[4817] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[4817] xnorecoil: Ubi: 'xNoRecoil.' Bronze 5 @HiVise[4817] js_iicon: @HiVise Twitch-JS_IIcon Bronze 1 0.9KD[4818] prdgy_vepz: Agent_vepz @HiVise[4818] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[4818] powwow63401: Lzenti[4818] shanatl: LMAOAO[4818] im_not_good: I will say avid on that high of ping n he’s keeping up with dude[4819] yoitsevoid: @hivise plat urixz_luca[4819] jynxziugly: !Link[4819] ducboy275: HI[4819] dacfee: @HiVise Dacfee pc gold[4819] ezcarn: @HiVise carnley30 COPPER 2[4819] aaurzzz: @hivise ubi aaurzz rank silver 4@hivise ubi aaurzz rank silver 4@hivise ubi aaurzz rank silver 4[4819] black_luffy7: Hey when your free could you help me get better at the game[4820] elitepuma5: @hivise my GAMERTAG IS RAYCEST69 IM THE LOWEST RANK IM ON XBOX yo[4820] cttt36z: VISE IM SILVER UBI IS THATPCTECH[4820] dwaynejohnson7747: @HiVise Ubisoft Tokyo7743 SILVER 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | Silver 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | Silver 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | SILVER 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | 11[4820] imnoah0_0_: ADS[4820] nightbot: Just sub bozo you’ll get no ads, my emotes, double the channel points, and guess what you will also get my beautiful charm that you will never lose, and many more!!!! #subuporshutup[4820] easy_moneysniper1: @hivise turn off ads[4820] seeeethy: obese asssss[4821] ayayayayayay__: ☠️☠️☠️[4821] revbangz: !gamble 30[4821] hisashonyoutube: HisashONYouTube subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 2 month streak! yooo big man you still own me a 1v1[4822] emptyshelly: I AM A VIEWBOT PURCHASED BY JYNXZI[4822] tkettel_: ZENTI goated[4822] babynobless: JUST LIKE YOU[4823] sukmibolo: !join[4824] mannybvideos: IM GOLD 5[4824] elitepuma5: @hivise my GAMERTAG IS RAYCEST69 IM THE LOWEST RANK IM ON XBOX[4824] prdgy_vepz: comeon man[4825] bsteaddy: !TIME[4825] tb_styx: aint this the guy who lives in jynxzis xb messages[4825] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_great i can shi on them[4826] dazazaa: PLS PICK DAZAZAA IM SILVER[4826] cttt36z: VISE IM SILVER UBI IS THATPCTECH @hivise[4826] skylefyf: Ads[4826] danielisak3n: ni[4826] inotfullyhere: W world knowledge[4826] itzzstinka: @HiVise stinka Gold 5[4827] prdgy_vepz: Agent_vepz @HiVise[4827] xdiamondback_: @HiVise My ubi Is ImDiamondBack Im In Platinum[4827] 5ohgreg: @HiVise FROSTEDTIP69 silve[4827] milk5000_: arguing with smart people is hard but arguing with idiots (avid) is impossible[4827] bigballer3545: @hivise gt: brraae champ 1.5 pmu plz[4827] pantera_221: It's sad when jynxzi is the least annoying person in the lobby[4828] lhawl1346: @hivise bigben41803 silver[4828] fizzywya: hivise Zylo champ gold 2 1.3 kd[4828] colecaba17: @hivise I’m a bottom bucket gold gamertag colecaba17[4828] roodytoodypatooty: @HiVise ubisoft-sunaroh Rank-Bronze 5[4829] 5ohgreg: @HiVise FROSTEDTIP69 silver[4829] bigunit212: 7 ads is crazy[4829] prdgy_vepz: llololo[4829] utopiah_: !masturdebater[4829] everettblack__: hey[4830] nightbot: @jamalfries29 -> You're on my naughty list. [stop posting links][4830] lpaco60fps: @hivise emerald gamertag PacoGuns[4830] 5ohgreg: @HiVise FROSTEDTIP69 silve[4831] mrlurker17: @HiVise Gold 3 GilbertMate17[4831] keanureevesisimmortal: May contain drugs?[4831] ferntbaby: @hivise Fernt bronze 3[4831] yungkibe: LMAO[4832] sandy_sir: 💀[4832] xxgbaby286xx: lol[4832] nightbot: 😂[4832] trippleahh: @HiVise oTripple silver[4833] yungkibe: LMAO [4833] cynicalgrey59: dude lives with his mom wdym man[4833] mezzdup_bun: LMAO[4833] elitepuma5: @hivise my GAMERTAG IS RAYCEST69 IM THE LOWEST RANK IM ON XBOX:[4833] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀[4833] 5ohgreg: @HiVise FROSTEDTIP69 silver[4833] prdgy_vepz: Agent_vepz @HiVise[4834] inotfullyhere: fat[4834] drcowfishphd: COPPER 1 @hivise DRCOWFISHPHD_YT[4834] moss________: @HiVise ubi z.moss pc bronze[4834] tnttommy2k: NEED A ZENTI VS XIM[4834] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀[4834] bumbabeee: @HiVise Maevvee - SEND ME THE SCRIPT @HiVise[4835] trippleahh: @HiVise oTripple silver@HiVise oTripple silver[4835] notaarish: HAHAHAHA[4835] danielisak3n: nice friend[4835] dwaynejohnson7747: @HiVise Ubisoft Tokyo7743 SILVER 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | Silver 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | Silver 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | SILVER 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 |[4835] bardown16__: why arent they using their flashes?[4835] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀[4835] scoobedoo134: L adds[4835] 5ohgreg: @HiVise FROSTEDTIP69 silve[4836] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[4836] mountnjusticee: I subbed and no charm:([4836] axarito: LMAOOO[4836] trippleahh: @HiVise oTripple silver[4836] elitepuma5: @hivise my GAMERTAG IS RAYCEST69 IM THE LOWEST RANK IM ON XBOX. yo[4836] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀[4836] fontoleaff: Real[4836] lyricai_: lol[4836] nightbot: real[4837] klhett1: Jynxzi should I download Tom clancys rainbow 6 siege[4837] clarons: HE STREAM SNIPING[4837] inotfullyhere: fatass[4837] 5ohgreg: @HiVise FROSTEDTIP69 silver[4837] iitzdutch: ONG FATTY[4837] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_great papa Hivise better than jynxi[4837] elengilbert: 💀[4838] lightningkakuzu: FAT[4838] dionysus1963: W Press[4838] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀[4838] vahmedl: add up the ubisoft ahmed2. @HiVise .[4838] seb1of1: LMAO[4838] 5ohgreg: @HiVise FROSTEDTIP69 silve[4838] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_great[4839] ireapzz666321: ACCOUNTFORSALE. @HiVise IM SILVER4[4839] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3 PC[4839] ayayayayayay__: FAT[4839] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀[4839] 5ohgreg: @HiVise FROSTEDTIP69 silver[4840] panda_sage: L chunko cheese ads[4840] slomorunner149: LUL LUL[4840] causevseffect: WWWWWWW[4840] tropicalshiesty: LMAOOOOO[4840] ducboy275: I HATE N[4840] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3[4840] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀[4841] joogu_: 9 ads are wild junkpo[4841] ched_r6: @HiVise diamond ubi: ched.psv ---diamond ubi: ched.psv ---diamond ubi: ched.psv ---[4841] 5ohgreg: @HiVise FROSTEDTIP69 silve[4841] waterrnelons: !gamble all[4841] demonplayz54: hey[4841] martymcfly02004: dabankspeeps[4841] ilovestrikepackk: @brazzersaddict[4841] ltgyourselfnow: LMAO STFU MAN[4841] streamelements: PogChamp waterrnelons went all in and won 6015 points PogChamp they now have 12030 points FeelsGoodMan[4841] royal2huu: partimer[4841] turbodogo: he def shaves his legs[4841] shanatl: IM DEAD[4841] sandy_sir: 💀💀[4842] prdgy_vepz: comoooon brooooo[4842] spoits_oiled_butt: @hivise Farvond IM SILVER[4842] trooftv: trooftv subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! jynxziGoodAim[4842] isleifur637: @HiVise Im plat 4 ubi is isleifur3 [4843] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀[4843] causevseffect: WWWWWWWW[4843] 5ohgreg: @HiVise FROSTEDTIP69 silver[4843] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3 PC[4843] s1ppinpurple: ???[4843] slomorunner149: LMAO[4843] elitepuma5: @hivise my GAMERTAG IS RAYCEST69 IM THE LOWEST RANK IM ON XBOX O[4843] xxgbaby286xx: Shut up fatty[4843] lyricai_: gg[4844] sandy_sir: 💀💀[4844] limewolf2077: !LINK[4844] nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP[4844] yungkibe: didnt you make fun of him[4844] pondr6: @hivise xbox silver jamespond5436[4844] hypeziii: yeah these damn ads[4844] causevseffect: WWWWWW[4844] brazzersaddict: @HiVise Boby.B Bronze[4845] mewzec: @hivise copper 5 on Xbox. Ubi: mewzec[4845] worldasetupboi: LATEESHA WHATS THAT HER STAGE NAME ? CUZ WAS DATING A STIPPER LMMAO[4845] bullylng: DendiFace DendiFace[4845] spoits_oiled_butt: @hivise Farvond IM SILVERa.[4846] yungkibe: didnt you make fun of him[4846] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3 pc[4846] spoits_oiled_butt: @hivise Farvond IM SILVER..[4847] splash_steam: @hivise SPLASH_STEAM copper 3[4847] causevseffect: WWWWWWw[4847] ducboy275: HI[4847] xnorecoil: Ubi: 'xNoRecoil.' Bronze 5 @HiVise [4847] prdgy_vepz: Agent_vepz @HiVise Agent_vepz @HiVise Agent_vepz @HiVise Agent_vepz @HiVise[4847] voxxyyyyyyyyy: yeah quit talking wdc abt you[4848] elitepuma5: @hivise my GAMERTAG IS RAYCEST69 IM THE LOWEST RANK IM ON XBOX ayo[4848] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3[4848] hypeziii: L[4848] js_iicon: @HiVise Twitch-JS_IIcon Bronze 1 0.9KDD[4848] jwisdom: mmicheal phelps jr[4848] c4rs0n0827: zenti after 🛏️😊🛏️[4848] rysoios: @HiVise R6s_Ryy[4848] nick12498: @hivise bronze nickg1249[4848] googlechromed: W ZENTI W ZENTI[4848] sandy_sir: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣[4849] cttt36z: VISE IM SILVER UBI IS THATPCTECH[4849] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3 Pc[4849] spoits_oiled_butt: @hivise Farvond IM SILVERr[4849] articght: Ght. @HiVise[4850] smsjason: swimming?[4850] fizzywya: @hivise Zylo champ gold 2 1.3 kd[4850] justkyle69: SPOIT WAITING[4850] ytuhx: bro fell off[4850] tifyv: @HiVise ubisoft Tifyv silver 1 crzyprple plat 1[4850] nosalad182: Fat[4850] neymarjrfan5052: bronze 1[4851] elitepuma5: @hivise my GAMERTAG IS RAYCEST69 IM THE LOWEST RANK IM ON XBOX yo[4851] 5ohgreg: @HiVise FROSTEDTIP69 silve[4851] tovi68: steve will chew it chain[4851] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3[4851] gooser315: Adsssss![4851] epicgamerepic223: Swimming is for loseds[4851] sukmibolo: !raffle[4851] yaboihaezy: part timer[4852] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[4852] mrmanjayce: Pluh[4852] 5ohgreg: @HiVise FROSTEDTIP69 silver[4852] gardenllama570: gardenllama570 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! WWWWW[4853] elitepuma5: @hivise my GAMERTAG IS RAYCEST69 IM THE LOWEST RANK IM ON XBOX[4853] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3 PC[4853] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[4853] mrmilku1234: W[4853] trippleahh: @HiVise oTripple silver @HiVise oTripple silver[4853] ogklaw: zenti in the stream[4854] willerjodoin: willerjodoin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [4854] ducboy275: I HATE N[4854] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[4855] epicgamerepic223: Losers swom[4855] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3[4855] trippleahh: @HiVise oTripple silver[4855] royalmp2: @hivise are you real?[4855] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[4856] elitepuma5: @hivise my GAMERTAG IS RAYCEST69 IM THE LOWEST RANK IM ON XBOXu[4856] bardown16__: jus gimmie my modday[4856] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3 PC[4857] prdgy_vepz: come ooooon bro[4857] royal2huu: part timer[4857] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[4857] klhett1: L[4857] gunnersforreal: !watchtime[4857] streamelements: gunnersforreal has spent 25 days 8 hours watching jynxzi[4857] febreze_air1: 😂[4858] ripfunyun2: jynxziVapeBreak[4858] elitepuma5: @hivise my GAMERTAG IS RAYCEST69 IM THE LOWEST RANK IM ON XBOX[4858] martymcfly02004: dabankspeeps bronze[4858] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3[4858] lpaco60fps: @hivise emerald gamertag PacoGuns add me[4859] bio_blast: @HiVise Silver 4/Carrotz.[4859] 5ohgreg: @HiVise FROSTEDTIP69 silve[4859] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great[4859] dillarrrd: why is the player base on this game legitimately dumb af compared to other tactical fps games?[4859] uniqueorspecial: @HiVise PEAKED BRONZE ALWAYS BEEN BRONZE - wenston11 @HiVise[4859] guest412banned: 23 ads[4860] michael875131256: W[4860] demonplayz54: !link[4860] ireapzz666321: ACCOUNTFORSALE. @HiVise AM SILVER4[4860] nightbot: @demonplayz54 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[4860] 5ohgreg: @HiVise FROSTEDTIP69 silver[4860] el_qc1234: LMFAOOO[4860] ducboy275: I[4860] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3 PC[4860] vahmedl: add up the ubisoft ahmed2. @HiVise[4860] elitepuma5: @hivise my GAMERTAG IS RAYCEST69 IM THE LOWEST RANK IM ON XBOX.[4860] shanatl: OMG :O[4861] quandaledingl345: !points[4861] unklemustache: hivise zadeabsy577 Ubisoft. plat 2[4861] causevseffect: omg[4861] notaarish: whats the wager[4861] streamelements: @quandaledingl345 quandaledingl345 has 5 points and is rank 1732955/1741015 on the leaderboard.[4861] h3rb4l5m0ke: this shit boring breh not even gonna lie[4861] slomorunner149: W ADS[4861] voxxyyyyyyyyy: ping[4861] titanman58320: Wedding[4861] juliusceasariusthe6th: WENTI[4861] poopyy23: W[4861] sandy_sir: HOLLYY SHIIIITTT[4861] tarsai: W[4862] marie_xm: wait[4862] opiebott: Opie_the_Great asdad[4862] dwaynejohnson7747: @HiVise Ubisoft Tokyo7743 SILVER 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | Silver 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | Silver 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | SILVER 2 | Ubisoft Tokyo7743 | 1111[4862] surgedickeyq: WWWWWWWWWW[4862] arminnrd: W[4862] tarsai: W[4862] yungkibe: OOOO[4862] ayayayayayay__: WWWWWW[4862] unrealriki: OH MY[4862] mrmilku1234: FAT[4862] xnorecoil: Ubi: 'xNoRecoil.' Bronze 5 @HiVise[4862] big_kevin__: WWWWWWWW[4862] flydog92: NO WAY[4862] 5ohgreg: @HiVise FROSTEDTIP69 silve[4863] nevr_ending: GOOD AIM[4863] fooinc: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[4863] kuzakaiee: wwwwwwwww[4863] icecold111111: WOW[4863] tarsai: W[4863] worldasetupboi: LASTEESHA IN STREAM[4863] supernintendomike: no way[4863] yungkibe: OOOO [4863] elitepuma5: @hivise my GAMERTAG IS RAYCEST69 IM THE LOWEST RANK IM ON XBOX..[4863] marie_xm: W[4863] tarsai: W[4863] doinwatucant: 1v2 them jynxzi[4863] big_kevin__: WWWWWW[4863] voxxyyyyyyyyy: Ping of hell[4863] jayyfuegoo: damn[4864] tarsai: W[4864] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[4864] jonathonc1: w[4864] tarsai: W[4864] nolimitnoob_: omg[4864] causevseffect: no way[4864] cttt36z: VISE IM SILVER UBI IS THATPCTECH @hivise[4864] lightningkakuzu: HAHAHAHAH[4864] icecold111111: W[4864] opiebott: Opie_the_Great papa[4864] cynicalgrey59: LUL[4864] numberonericciglazer: W[4864] tarsai: W[4864] bumbabeee: @HiVise Maevvee - SEND ME THE SCRIPT @HiVise[4864] unrealriki: W AIM[4867] sweatzisontop: W[4867] elengilbert: OOOO[4867] roodytoodypatooty: @HiVise ubisoft-sunaroh Rank-Bronze V[4867] thelegendherself1: NO WAY[4867] osc4r_asdf: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[4867] 5ohgreg: @HiVise FROSTEDTIP69 silver[4867] ahryma: ZENTIIIIIIIII[4867] icecold111111: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[4867] fihzy_: gg[4867] unrealriki: WWWWWW[4867] arminnrd: pay outttt[4868] marie_xm: WWW[4868] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[4868] spoits_oiled_butt: @hivise Farvond IM SILVER[4868] hypeziii: L add[4868] opiebott: Opie_the_Great papapa[4868] ryann2700: Wwwww[4868] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[4868] not_lethal_: WWWWWWWW[4868] tymarl3y: W[4868] vanity123456789: LETS GO[4868] shanatl: HIP HIP HOORAY[4868] nolimitnoob_: hip hip hoorayyy[4868] seb1of1: W[4868] fadedgamess: NOOOOO[4868] osc4r_asdf: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[4869] glcpalawccttxs3xz452actj1: sunny[4869] 5ohgreg: @HiVise FROSTEDTIP69 silve[4869] trips_ok: SIMPOL[4869] fenikoz: W ZENTI[4869] hivise: LMAO[4869] hivise: LMAO[4869] nightbot: 😂[4869] nightbot: “😂😂😂” -avidqr6[4869] cyyn1cal: W FENTI[4869] hivise: LMAO[4869] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[4869] sukmibolo: !link[4869] unrealriki: W[4869] murpheykayso: L[4869] hivise: LMAO[4870] hivise: LMAO[4870] fadedgamess: NOOO[4870] hivise: LMAO[4871] milesmorales758: milesmorales758 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [4871] pantera_221: Zentis so much better bruh[4871] foupalord: lmao[4871] milesmorales758: milesmorales758 gifted a Tier 1 sub to melodivinity! [4871] joeyisajuggalo: HIP HIP HOOORAU[4871] lhawl1346: @hivise bigben41803 silver[4871] offsiz1: WWWWWW[4871] surgedickeyq: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[4871] yungkibe: HIPHIP HOORAY[4871] ryo_glitchedd: @hivise RYO_Glitched gold 1[4871] retronitez: PAY OUT[4871] roodytoodypatooty: @HiVise ubisoft-sunaroh Rank-Bronze 5[4871] robert131110: how do you get the jynxi charm[4871] fadedgamess: NOOOOOOO[4872] db14tv: walked down KEKW[4872] worldasetupboi: LATEESHA IN STREAM[4872] kodaks_father: LMAOOOO[4872] mrmilku1234: FAT[4872] fenikoz: L AVID[4872] leeman472: HIP HIP HOOORAAAYY[4872] astrogaming450: NO PAY[4872] papimoore: WWWWW[4872] unrealriki: W ZENTI[4872] mezzdup_bun: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW LMAI[4872] sheluvsceon: L EXCUSES[4872] tenthebin: LMAOOO[4872] bardown16__: hiphiphorray[4873] itblickyy: my points[4873] ruoofy: HIP HIP HOORAY[4873] thiccgoldboy: @hivise Garywinthorpe09[4873] yungkibe: HIPHIP HOORAY[4873] malachidarzi13: lmao[4873] not_lethal_: W[4873] tkettel_: ZENTIIIIIII[4873] thejoelykins: hip hip hooray????[4873] osc4r_asdf: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[4873] sandy_sir: LMAAAOOA[4873] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[4873] poopyy23: W zenti[4873] emperorcici: ZENTI IS GOAT[4873] opiebott: Opie_the_Great btr then smurfs[4873] elitepuma5: @hivise my GAMERTAG IS RAYCEST69 IM THE LOWEST RANK IM ON XBOX[4874] slomorunner149: LMAO[4874] jonathonc1: avid is washed[4874] mightygaminghh: hip hip hooray[4874] kodaks_father: WWWWWW[4874] tb_styx: HIP HIP HOORAY[4874] volta1529: 30k down the drain again[4874] ryuthebest001: LUL[4874] turbodogo: ximti[4874] siipq: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL[4874] sandy_sir: LMFAAAOOAO[4874] fenikoz: L AVIDD[4874] 5ohgreg: @HiVise FROSTEDTIP69 silver[4874] cyyn1cal: W FENTIIII[4874] puffpuffjuicer: LOLLLLL[4874] cccccameron_: avid is cheeks[4875] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[4875] loadedtoester: @Jynxzi ALL THE EXCUSES LUH MAO!!!! LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL[4875] opiebott: Opie_the_Great[4875] gnat0attack: HIPHIPHORREY[4875] dripboi534: W[4875] lurks1000: rip my points[4875] marie_xm: omg i thought avid would win[4875] sandy_sir: LLMAAAOO[4875] spxsie: jynxziClown jynxziClown[4875] elitepuma5: @hivise my GAMERTAG IS RAYCEST69 IM THE LOWEST RANK IM ON XBOXu[4876] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls add[4876] offsiz1: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[4876] basetownn: w[4876] nevr_ending: HIP HIP HORRAY LMAOOO[4876] noliferino994: LMAO[4876] caw__: @HiVise CawW_ Bronze 3[4876] jayneedsbounce01: nice part timer is streaming[4876] evoke_playzz: 🤣🤣[4876] intristwetrust: L vozo[4876] lordcap103: avid aim is dog[4876] jbess1e: Selling bruh[4876] justkyle69: PAY UP[4876] sandy_sir: LMAAAOOAO[4876] malachidarzi13: LMAO[4877] joeyisajuggalo: HIP HIP HOORYA[4877] kentickle: HIPHIP HOORAY[4877] cerprimetime: WWWW[4877] kingsizedwalnut: PAYY MEEEEE[4877] vanity123456789: WWWW[4877] tj_gains: RIP EVERYBODYS POINTS[4877] gioooooo0o: !wt[4877] znon_95k: znon. on ubi gold 1 @HiVise pls addv[4877] desertcityzen: Actively sees Zenti cheat and asks why he's winning[4877] dripboi534: W ZENTI[4877] yungkibe: HIPHIP HOORAY LMAO[4877] cyyn1cal: W FENTI[4877] aid3n_ssg: TOO ZENTIII???[4877] obamnajones: HIP HIP HOOOORAYYYY[4878] causevseffect: EXTREMELY COMMON ZENTI W EXTREMELY COMMON ZENTI W EXTREMELY COMMON ZENTI W EXTREMELY COMMON ZENTI W EXTREMELY COMMON ZENTI W[4878] 7xotticj: w[4878] daryllsucks: WHY THE FUCK DID I BET ON THIS CLOWN[4878] elitepuma5: @hivise my GAMERTAG IS RAYCEST69 IM THE LOWEST RANK IM ON XBOX.[4878] nightbot: Jynxzi sens and settings here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2GcpqRqJ9U[4879] gary_sm0ak: Hip hip hooray[4879] skineatre: AvidQ vs Zenti[4879] elitecodie: trash ping Cronus[4879] litstizzy: zenti💀💀[4879] philmeup22: Hip hip[4880] causevseffect: EXTREMELY COMMON ZENTI W EXTREMELY COMMON ZENTI W EXTREMELY COMMON ZENTI W EXTREMELY COMMON ZENTI W[4880] 5ohgreg: @HiVise FROSTEDTIP69 silve[4880] g4tsio: Waaaaaa[4880] jacobishimhaha: mhystcMhystcGOODAIM[4880] kingsizedwalnut: PAAAAYY M,EEEEEE[4880] sandy_sir: LM,FAAAOO[4880] siipq: CRONUSSSSSSSSSSS LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL[4880] bigjohndamn: w[4880] drcowfishphd: @hivise DRCOWFISHPHD_YT COPPER 1[4880] king_orientale: KJN[4880] offsiz1: BROOOOO LMAOOOO[4880] rysoios: @HiVise R6s_Ryy champ[4880] crowdedminds: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣[4880] junior2oh9: LLLLLL[4880] purepro_: hip hip hooray | Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [4700] I'm playing with everything you're supposed to be. You're not gonna have to have to have my pink beard to hit. I got a hundred of five bro. Like, I'll actually look at my pink beard. Wait, why is your pink beard? [4710] I don't know why is my best why is it in 120? Hell yeah, I'm stressing you yeah [4720] Last a goddamn felony you're you're not stressing him bro, okay? I don't give a no stop Zenti you're not just stop trolling for two seconds. I have it. Why are you like? [4730] bra yeah yo why am i lagging don't fuck i don't fucking know [4740] Look, fuckin' time, I'm done asking. What kind of question is that? There's nothing we can do about your lag, bro. So what are you omitted to your lag? You're crying in my ear about you. [4750] Nick, Nick look at my pink Nick that was you 10 seconds ago bro was it not okay Exactly so stop fucking crying Nick it was an answer I did not [4760] answer bro i didn't need to answer to it i wanted to know why i was like but i don't need to answer to it i'm just like hypothetically saying why am i like you protect your life i'm saying the out loud [4770] Yo, I've admit to this. You're not letting me fuck this. I'm asking you to say I'm like, If you ever ask me to excuse me, I'm gonna excuse you. Yeah, I'm gonna forgive you. I'm gonna forgive you. Whatever, bro, I don't care. Yep. [4780] You've been making excuses for the hell Just why without keeping the squ worst out N-Now I feel I askç Get so we're wrong the whole fucking hell [4790] I was on scussed that's why Yo, he's very scussed this motherfucker south of the loose. He knows how moved and he knows what's up. Put me on scussed [4800] You didn't move you didn't move yeah, I guess you motherfuckin so weird bro. He can't take a loss bro I've been genuinely gonna fuck my mom. That's where you live that. Oh [4810] The most toxic cat I can microst bigger than your mobile home bitch. Don't ever compare yourself to me as a man. [4820] I fucking owe you bitch. Not a man, isn't he? Don't be strong. He's thrown. No, last point. Uh, swimming is actually pretty honorable. [4830] That's sort of fuck up. I mean fucking cheeksy shut yo fat ass. Oh gosh, fuck up. You know nothing about that woman, how? She's making fun of Zendi for swimming and I'm defending our eye whatever. [4840] You're shaking, David. You're shaking, bitch. This one K is wine. How the fuck am I talking? Give me my bread. [4850] How the fuck is Zenti winning? It's actually the craziest upshot I've ever seen. Bomb located by a duck. Zenti's in. [4860] المزالتي labble [4870] Oh Look at my feet bro. Look at my feet. I can't keep crying bitch. Maybe buy this might be the upset of the center I can't you this might be the upset | There is no Highlight in the provided timespan. Jynxzi watches 1v1 of avid and zenti. they start by insulting each other. then zenti winds the round |
Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege[5800] l1ammcc1: l[5800] bardown16__: in gta[5800] yungkibe: why he do the Skecth squint[5801] itskinghunt: W ZENTI[5801] lockedin2204: dim[5801] jamie_ftp: w[5801] joshpisag: what[5801] ash90p: 2 ADS[5801] ayman_ksa55889: DOC IS WAITING[5801] everydayimhustlin02496: Scrunch harder[5801] xcel_vortex1: !watchtime[5802] streamelements: xcel_vortex1 has spent 5 days 8 hours watching jynxzi[5802] bardown16__: IN GTA[5802] stunt3k: jizzy please lick it with eye contact[5802] reevesog: Nicholas Combs[5802] ogklaw: LOOKS LIKE YOU JUST GOT BACK FROM DIDDYS PARTY[5802] joeyisajuggalo: calm down[5802] grizzlychub760: it ain’t no diddy anymore it’s No Drizzy[5802] midocute12: FootGoal FootGoal FootGoal FootGoal FootGoal FootGoal FootGoal FootGoal FootGoal FootGoal FootGoal FootGoal FootGoal FootGoal FootGoal FootGoal[5802] drosserrs: ryan harris[5802] abelydgn: Q PASO[5802] emptyshelly: W GRANNYYY[5802] battlehinds: is this xim????[5802] hondrooo: lol[5803] nightbot: 😂[5803] losttreks: Satanic ahh mf diddy waiting btw[5803] reggieetc: that’s not zenti on that account btw[5803] gucci_kid54: WOAH[5803] gucci_kid54: WOAH[5803] arodfromthechi: WHATS UR AD REV?[5803] joshpisag: DO WHAT?[5803] spot_123mo: what time is it for jynxiy[5803] daubben: Zenti on mnk 💀💀[5803] gucci_kid54: WOAH[5803] swoleboh: nahhh[5803] vaxxz_: Lads[5803] fanz_abuswe7l: !gamble all[5803] gucci_kid54: WOAH[5804] hollowhuman: @riccifps[5804] streamelements: fanz_AbuSwe7l went all in and lost every single one of their 1734 points LUL[5804] leept88: WOAH[5804] 27sn0wman: THANK GOD I WONT HAVE TO LISTEN TO THIS LOSER[5804] yungkibe: why he do the Skecth squint[5804] shemoanzbot: zenti zim[5804] bardown16__: WOAH[5804] gucci_kid54: WOAH[5804] arodfromthechi: WHATS UR AD REV?WHATS UR AD REV?[5804] pinkinfinite: WOAHHHHHH[5804] drxxy_: wya[5804] painalmightypush: owl boy is crazy[5805] tarsai: LMAO[5805] theligmalord: SLAM THIS KID RICCI[5805] rockstarrlifebecallin: LMAO[5805] yoshitoshiabe: 💀 💀 💀[5805] kellan_port: fake stream[5805] sleezdk: BBL Jynxzi[5805] joshpisag: WOAH[5805] waffle_miata: W[5805] thevixenator: thevixenator subscribed at Tier 1. [5805] tarsai: LMAO[5805] arodfromthechi: WHATS UR AD REV?WHATS UR AD REV?WHATS UR AD REV?WHATS UR AD REV?WHATS UR AD REV?[5805] chasefuller11: !watchtime[5806] tarsai: LMAO[5806] dm3the111: safFun safFun safFun[5806] paztric: no predictions?[5806] streamelements: chasefuller11 has spent 5 days 9 hours watching jynxzi[5806] nightbot: safFun[5806] mingoismydad: @ricc[5806] tarsai: LMAO[5807] kcostz180: spoit is a demon on kbm[5807] glck6: w[5807] bardown16__: WOAHHWOAHHWAOHH[5807] emptyshelly: IN GTA[5807] the_one_demise: WOAH[5807] bigboaz12: L 25 aaaaaaadssss[5807] dm3the111: safFun safFun safFun safFun safFun safFun[5807] lockedin2204: ximmm[5807] zumafr: Awww[5807] shemoanzbot: zim clone[5807] bucooj: bro streaming from Eipstein islands[5807] erminuka: 🤣🤣🤣🤣[5808] glck6: wwwwW[5808] cupnoodles49: LOOL[5808] sandy_sir: 💀[5808] onefred: 😂😂😂😂[5808] lmlcedout: L granny[5808] wtfzerfix: fat[5808] bardown16__: HOOT HOOT🦉[5808] joshpisag: ZENTI A BITCH[5808] dm3the111: safFun safFun safFun safFun[5808] abeaver: ?????[5808] poshynrl: jinki just came back from the grove with a illuminati meeting[5809] shanatl: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL[5809] seb1of1: ?????[5809] zumafr: FUNNY[5810] dm3the111: safFun safFun[5810] thirstyblackguy: !points[5810] dingodno: silent drop is back in siege[5810] baller122019: ADS[5810] glck6: WWWWWW[5810] jcob8928: ☠️☠️☠️[5810] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀[5810] emptyshelly: WOAHHHH[5810] tootrillie: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[5810] streamelements: @thirstyblackguy thirstyblackguy has 0 points and is rank 1741537/1742277 on the leaderboard.[5810] nashtherizzler: WOWWWWWWWWWW[5811] abeaver: XIM CLONE[5811] lockedin2204: ximmmmm[5811] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀[5811] severe2: he's crazy[5811] glck6: WWWWWWW[5811] kytanakb: Zenti is hilarious[5811] tb_styx: bbl jynxzi[5811] taxinyou18: 827373738383838383838 ads[5812] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀[5812] gucci_kid54: Vote on the predictions dinkDonk[5812] liirsh_fn: bro shut tf up[5812] mancake_bigboy: @jynxzi can i get a 20 piece?[5813] lightningkakuzu: hahahahahahh[5813] gucci_kid54: Vote on the predictions dinkDonk[5813] ezklsn: !prime[5813] nightbot: Subscribe to @Jynxzi for FREE with Twitch Prime Twitch.tv/subs/jynxzi[5813] gucci_kid54: Vote on the predictions dinkDonk[5813] xd_ghostgamer: 💀💀💀[5813] gucci_kid54: Vote on the predictions dinkDonk[5813] sandy_sir: 💀💀[5813] balebswrld: CLOSE PREDICTIONS[5813] mason_black12: jynxziVapeBreak_HF[5814] stinkybhuthole: zenti on demon time[5814] losttreks: Cim clone[5814] lockedin2204: dimmmm[5814] trips_ok: W ZENTI[5814] dylansrose: RICCI GONNA GET EXPOSED SOON[5815] nightbot: 👀[5815] bdubm8: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL[5815] gingersneeze329: ADDDSSS[5815] zumafr: jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh[5815] ravenvek: 💀💀💀💀💀[5815] xkleb: ricci needs to sit this kid down[5815] kingnoah1106: thats why u post the owl in you snap story[5815] ecks_dee_fitzy: ricci in viewer list[5816] reggiewoo: oh shit[5816] shemoanzbot: ximmmm clone[5816] bio_blast: @HiVise Silver 4/Carrotz.[5816] acnh_drago1: 😛😛😛😛First Jynxi Stream[5816] grazzlies: grazzlies subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 5 month streak! [5816] jetman422: Ricci exposed u[5817] codmozii: when is 2v5[5817] blizzywitdaglizzy_69: I didn’t mean to pick zenti bro[5817] lightningkakuzu: COCKNOSED RICK LMAOOOOO!!!! COCKNOSED RICK LMAOOOOO!!!! COCKNOSED RICK LMAOOOOO!!!! COCKNOSED RICK LMAOOOOO!!!![5817] itskinghunt: !gamble all[5817] krimmerfps: 💀[5817] lacuna9: coke break private jet to the colombia cocaine distribution headquarters WE HEAR U BRO.[5817] streamelements: PogChamp ItsKingHunt went all in and won 5395 points PogChamp they now have 10790 points FeelsGoodMan[5817] dr_haircut: Dr_Haircut subscribed at Tier 1. [5817] deadragon_slayer: 🥷🏼🥷🏼🥷🏼[5817] shemoanzbot: Xim[5818] losttreks: Xim clone[5818] nestor_423: x1m clone[5818] pedroishort: Keisha’s[5818] wearethebestaround1: safFun safFun[5818] mahmut_akdemir: XIM WANNABE[5818] mrmilku1234: W[5819] dthugans: @hivise emerald 1 add me dthugans[5819] causevseffect: xim a zenti clone[5819] myskyz: !LINK[5819] emptyshelly: XIM CLONE[5819] nightbot: @MySkyz If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[5820] fh_zero: safFun safFun safFun safFun[5820] swaggy_b_4: zenti is pure comedy[5820] bardown16__: LOL[5820] reeziecups: who won zenti or avid[5820] infamousbeast99: XIM JR[5821] slomorunner149: W TOXIC 1V1'S[5821] abeaver: xim clone[5821] trips_ok: CLOSE PREDS[5821] nutz394: drake dropped[5821] anthonytiger25: gift plz[5822] nightbot: gifting you luck in finding a job 🙏🏻[5822] itsdafoe: I dont[5822] cashisgooder: when is Ricci vs Zenti[5822] yungkibe: PEAK[5822] dingodno: silent drop is back[5822] woolengb: will xim ever be back[5822] erickec98: safFun safFun safFun safFun[5822] jang2279: LUL[5823] mancake_bigboy: Xim[5823] brickziord: Jinxzy daddy why so many ads??[5823] codmozii: When is 3v5[5823] remainingtie1: GlitchCat GlitchCat[5823] zepuhh: zenti is xim btw[5823] krimmerfps: 💀 💀[5823] timethenpri: no shit[5823] abeaver: XIM CLONE[5823] shemoanzbot: ximmm clone[5824] liirsh_fn: stop screaming[5824] lockedin2204: ximmmmm[5824] icespiceliker: ZENTI IS A X1M CLONE[5824] talovan24: Wish me luck on my AP exams shnookums[5824] zumafr: jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH[5824] nutz394: drake droppped[5824] dylansrose: RICCI GOT EXPOSED[5824] pan_koqos: fr[5824] grpfrags: shut yo hoe as up jynxzi and play some drums[5824] blizzywitdaglizzy_69: can I change mine[5824] rhthem: rhthem subscribed with Prime. [5824] laffoon21: zenti just talks shit and hits like a women LUL LUL[5824] fossabot: Prediction Locked! 🔒 👀 - the choice with most wagered points is 'Ricci' with 110499835 points out of 132245934 points total. Good luck![5825] tylawrence_: zenti is a bitch lol[5825] itzspeed_yt: w ads[5826] jacobean82: Sameeee[5826] worldasetupboi: YOUR WEIRD[5826] shemoanzbot: Xim jr[5826] coffeezilladaughter: mid peak[5826] yoohammabamma47: XIM[5826] viniisbest1: HiVise run a poll plz[5826] battlehinds: IS THIS X1M??????[5826] creamyzanchez: w warm up[5826] bdubm8: Zenti is very unstable but I love it 😂😂😂😂[5827] jesse_kingjr21: JYNXI DOG SHIT 🥵🥵🥵 @jynxzi NGL[5827] backlashin: nbadiddy[5827] bardown16__: HOOT HOOT🦉[5828] nutz394: drakeee dropppped[5828] timethenpri: why did you stop[5828] co0lmonkey: i dont[5828] z3nnyongg: z3nnyongg subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 2 month streak! yuhhhh[5828] trashcaba: BRO'S NOT ZIM[5828] nathanx75: Peak[5828] honzad1: ofc[5828] pedroishort: ajasjsnjanaskskskkskwkwk[5828] milesa31: close predictions[5829] kento_rain: Damm I gonna go deaf[5829] mingoismydad: prims[5829] shemoanzbot: Xim jrrrr[5829] tvitorino5643: PENIS#[5829] alexanderr_xxiv: zenti male britney spears[5829] joshpisag: STFU COMPETAGIVE ASS SWIMMER[5829] slomorunner149: WWWWWW TOXIC 1V1'S[5830] el_brilla01: PREDSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS[5830] abeaver: ZENTI IS A XIM CLONE[5830] emptyshelly: I MISS PRIME JYNXZI[5830] justachattalol: XIM COPY[5830] tormented_beans13: What the sigma[5831] aidanishere09: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak[5831] nutz394: drake droppppped[5831] sicklexcell: xim clone[5831] anubisthegod111: anubisthegod111 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! Yessir[5831] anthonylaface: w Michelle[5831] notsliime: CHANGE TITLE[5831] jay_noscope06: prime[5831] losttreks: Xim clone.[5831] ttvspectrex: ttvspectrex subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! [5831] 501boy: zenti trying to be xim[5831] nightbot: Blue crown —-> Free —-> no ads —-> charm: https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi[5832] shadow_pyr0: W[5832] nick12498: ITS NOT A WEDDING SHIRT ITS THE DRESS CODE AT BOHEMIEN GROVE[5832] woobubbles: mid[5832] ayman_ksa55889: SIDEMEN WAITING[5832] bardown16__: HOOT HOOT🦉 :)[5833] worldasetupboi: THIS SHIT IS BRAINROT[5833] bklav: xim clone[5833] zen2valid: xim clone[5833] michael875131256: W[5833] krjet: this is not peak[5834] lordtekkno: spoit is waiting[5834] aidanishere09: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak[5834] chillenmcmillen: j u look like a dad on vacation in that shirt @Jynxzi[5834] milesa31: close prediction[5834] caarloj: @jynxzi you’re definately clapping cheeks tonight with this shirt on[5834] klueka: !points[5834] dylansrose: RICCI GOT EXPOSED [5835] whosselqk: !LINK[5835] streamelements: @Klueka Klueka has 35 points and is rank 1715769/1742277 on the leaderboard.[5835] packrunnermarss: bagq wnna be[5835] oppp91: HAHAH[5835] aiieg: WOAH[5835] joshpisag: fax[5835] smkeyy_: KEKW[5836] auxelo69: would be nice if ricci wasnt here his ny f8gg0t ass[5836] notsliime: CHANGE TITLEEEEEEEEEEEE[5836] justachattalol: XIM0.6[5836] slomorunner149: WWWWWWWWW TOXIC 1V1'S[5837] joshpisag: REAL[5837] aidanishere09: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak[5837] nightbot: real[5837] lonni3x: let’s gooo[5837] rydxrvi2: spoit is waiting[5838] yammo27: Cap[5838] nightbot: no 🧢[5838] vitality5175: if u don’t stream for 6 hours I’m gonna diddy you[5838] bigboaz12: I just got 250 5 minute ADS BRO[5838] joshpisag: REAL ASF[5838] jamie_ftp: lol[5839] nightbot: 😂[5839] sukmibolo: !gamble 10[5840] mrmilku1234: RICCI[5841] notsliime: CHANMGE TITLEEE[5841] youngbackshot: X1M???[5841] aidanishere09: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak[5842] youssef_705: Absolutely peak[5842] joshpisag: REL[5843] nightbot: Use code POGHF93417 for 65% off your first meal at https://strms.net/hellofresh_jynxzi[5843] rydxrvi2: SPOIT IS WAITING[5843] dozalitotwitch: 4 ads is crazy[5843] streamelements: JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/jynxzi[5843] zumafr: CAP[5843] crunxzy: give ricci info ab zenti[5843] lonni3x: ricci[5844] fossabot: @jinxzi_fan100, Your message is too long[5844] azmxkxmd: L bohimian[5844] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[5844] everydayimhustlin02496: Blink hared[5844] nightbot: mild tourettes (something he can't control.) be nice![5845] oneeyedwonder: BRUH BANNED TO THE AD REALM[5845] joshpisag: TEAL[5846] xgremljn: f[5846] bardown16__: HOOT HOOT🦉[5846] gingersneeze329: !sub[5846] nightbot: F in the chat[5846] joshpisag: TRUE[5846] nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi[5847] thevixenator: ?LINK[5847] iatlasx: what’s up pancake :)[5847] kiethrich: bubble guppie zenti whack as hell[5847] losttreks: Xim clone[5847] tb_styx: im the owl[5848] rydxrvi2: SPOIT IS WAITING[5848] roguejizzle: HOAE AS BOY[5849] auxelo69: f8vxim[5849] aidanishere09: !gamble 5000[5849] wtfzerfix: fatfatfatfatfatfatfatfatfatfatfatfatfat[5849] streamelements: @aidanishere09, you only have 3525 points.[5849] dylansrose: THEYRE BOTH CRINGE[5849] mrmilku1234: W FUKIN RICCI[5849] crankiplier_fanatic: L ADDS[5850] everydayimhustlin02496: Harder[5850] mulletman6904: mulletman6904 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! [5850] mrmilku1234: W[5851] ihateautocorrect: zenti came before xim[5851] mxrapid: !gamble[5851] xgremljn: l[5852] youngbackshot: 1 WIN??[5852] nrghuddy: 😊😊😇🥰[5852] imgeekinhard7: sending hate from Australia[5852] cuddle_xd: DUDE THAT GOT DROPPED IS LISTEN TO THIS[5852] davidlean222: jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF[5852] thenamesgman: !gamble all[5853] streamelements: thenamesgman went all in and lost every single one of their 2730 points LUL[5853] imnotruta: eeee[5853] casper1093: how is Charlie doing??[5853] pxtrick_jxzz: !gamble 200[5853] 7brayden: W[5854] streamelements: @pxtrick_jxzz, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan[5854] battlehinds: Drake dropped 🫡🫡🫡[5854] kaden_19: w stream[5854] rydxrvi2: SPOIT IS WAITING [5854] lightningkakuzu: RICKY GOT KICKED FROM THE STACK 😂 😂 😂 RICKY GOT KICKED FROM THE STACK 😂 😂 😂 RICKY GOT KICKED FROM THE STACK 😂 😂 😂[5854] nightbot: 🪳[5855] imnotruta: bbb[5855] xgremljn: k[5855] blockmanr6: gooo ricci[5856] nightbot: k[5856] youngbackshot: X1M???[5857] king_shura_dj_420: WHO WON[5857] anthonytiger25: !gift[5858] turboxkian: Real Madrid or dortmund ???[5858] imnotruta: leggo[5859] frank_h0rrigan: Yo who miss xim lowkey[5859] kento_rain: Damm Jinxi charm[5859] protocolsavage: I think ricci actually pulls here[5859] notafish1133: wherea ate [redictions[5860] acnh_drago1: gyat in ad[5860] aiieg: NOT IN GTA THO?[5860] konkyy_: konkyy_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months! [5861] derekbrothers1: L adds[5861] travall15: zz[5861] sukmibolo: !gamble 100[5862] rydxrvi2: SPOIT IS WAITING[5862] streamelements: @sukmibolo, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan[5863] ch13f_kraken: ch13f_kraken subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! [5864] lordtekkno: SPOIT IS WAITING[5864] iatlasx: !points[5864] tookofw: COME AWWWNNNNN BROOOOO[5864] streamelements: @Iatlasx Iatlasx has 0 points and is rank 1741964/1742276 on the leaderboard.[5864] jynxzicespice: XIM?[5865] bardown16__: good prefire[5865] codmozii: gift?[5865] notafish1133: PREDICTIONS[5865] nightbot: predict when you will get some bitches[5865] rydxrvi2: SPOIT IS WAITING [5866] lightningkakuzu: RICKY GOT KICKED FROM THE STACK 😂 😂 😂 RICKY GOT KICKED FROM THE STACK 😂 😂 😂 RICKY GOT KICKED FROM THE STACK 😂 😂 😂 RICKY GOT KICKED FROM THE STACK 😂 😂 😂[5867] battlehinds: IS THIS X1M??????[5867] slowcimaf50: daddy?[5868] lurcide: CLASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS[5868] slomorunner149: L ZENTI[5868] itzspeed_yt: Deez ads are nice[5869] viniisbest1: Run a poll plz HiVise[5869] nightbot: Subscribe HERE: https://www.twitch.tv/subs/Jynxzi for the CHaaaaarm[5869] ayayayayayay__: LUL[5869] marthman_: you do that[5870] bigunit212: XIM[5870] codmozii: gift a sub?[5871] nightbot: gifting you luck in finding a job 🙏🏻[5871] notafish1133: PREDICTIONSS[5872] sleepyyonhots: hi[5872] oveofgod123: wall hacks[5872] jussmarcos: ZENTI WANTS TO BE XIM SO BAD[5872] itsjustbrandon221: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT[5872] ttvspectrex: jynxziGG[5872] aztcgalaxy1: lmaoooo[5873] rydxrvi2: SPOIT IS WAITING[5873] lawdog2743: Xim????[5873] kyrizzle559: kyrizzle559 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! Does it squirt[5873] rytheballer: wedding[5873] douglas420710: L[5874] pxtrick_jxzz: !Gamble 100[5874] jewboy6869: daddy[5876] huddy101407: hi jynxzi[5876] xtrustmebro95: L Zenti[5876] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[5876] frenzy8o: did zenti beat avid chat[5876] axarito: literally xim clone[5877] battlehinds: THATS FKN XIM HAHAHAHA[5877] ttvspectrex: bet that[5877] gabe_utsecks22: I forgot I was watching on charter cable jynxzi thanks for the 9 ads[5877] rydxrvi2: DADDY SPOIT IS WAITING[5877] ke11ocks: oh nah 💀[5877] anthonytiger25: !bagq[5878] nightbot: just a virus tbh[5878] viniisbest1: HiVise Run A Poll Please[5878] bardown16__: HOOT HOOT🦉[5878] onefred: @lightningkakuzu bro you look stupid[5878] 2aiivee: 2aIivee subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [5880] mahmut_akdemir: WANNABE XIM[5880] nk2x_: ppl callin him a xim copy 😂 😂[5880] notafish1133: DUDE GIMME PREDICTOONMS[5880] xslavx_2009: dog[5881] katiekitt3n: Ok[5881] nightbot: ok[5881] madtitan886949: FUCK MISSED PREDICTS WAS GOIN ALL IN ON RICCI[5882] el_brilla01: LLLLL MODSSSSSSS[5882] thomashamilton99: Zenit sucks[5882] ens0071: bring back xim[5882] unctropyx: stole cons flow[5882] cristi1an_: zenti so ass just prefiring head hight[5883] fh_zero: this is I love xim[5883] frenzy8o: did zenti win against avid chat[5883] yobihluvguap: jynxziHappy_SG[5883] swagfart777: swagfart777 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months! Been here for a minute & I'm staying!!! Love you bro, keep it going 💪🏻🔥[5883] katiekitt3n: Lol[5883] nightbot: 😂[5883] ayman_ksa55889: DIDDY IS WAITING[5884] errldabble710: Hi daddy junko[5884] djdpekid: 8 ads is EGREGIOUS[5884] william82743: he got it from king xim😹[5884] fishing_with_devon: join my stack[5885] katiekitt3n: F[5885] bavaroni: bavaroni subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 7 month streak! [5885] uhhlividd: why does brb copy dim[5885] nightbot: F in the chat[5886] vip3rwing: xim?[5886] mk_triclops: @Frenzy8O believe so LuL[5886] treyd_25: treyd_25 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [5886] rydxrvi2: SPOIT IS WAITING[5886] symmetricalilussion: LUL[5886] mecha_striesand: zenti takes being cringe as a full time job[5887] neptoris: zenti is so cringe[5887] lord_exiled: o[5887] frank_h0rrigan: we miss the old x1m[5887] dimovlr: when is the 1v1[5887] tryhardninja923: zenti so wack[5888] notafish1133: PLS AVIDD PREDICTIONS[5888] aalsko: k[5888] acnh_drago1: 😛😛🏳️🌈GYAT🤑🤑🤩[5888] joeyisajuggalo: keganLulkeg keganLulkeg[5888] nightbot: k[5888] mahmut_akdemir: XIM clone[5889] skulltroopsttv: 100000 ads[5889] lightningkakuzu: @OneFred go watch stompns vod u bum mf[5889] lordtekkno: lordtekkno gifted a Tier 1 sub to CODmozii! They have given 76 Gift Subs in the channel! [5891] roguejizzle: HOAE AS BOY[5891] slvmmin: xim[5891] pxtrick_jxzz: xim #[5891] unctropyx: he think he xim[5891] amazon_135: xim[5891] thevixenator: ?LINK[5891] fossabot: @fragzz67, Your message is too long[5892] redkb: He Def in stream[5892] lightningkakuzu: RICKY GOT KICKED FROM THE STACK 😂 😂 😂 RICKY GOT KICKED FROM THE STACK 😂 😂 😂 RICKY GOT KICKED FROM THE STACK 😂 😂 😂 RICKY GOT KICKED FROM THE STACK 😂 😂 😂 RICKY GOT KICKED FROM THE STACK 😂 😂 😂[5892] nightbot: 🪳[5893] xd_cookie1: is it to 4 or 7[5894] nothing431126: @ri[5894] f0urheads: xim[5894] oreo1v5s: xim[5895] pxtrick_jxzz: jizz[5895] ty_kel1415: screens black[5895] mxrapid: !gamble all[5895] battlehinds: that’s xim[5896] losttreks: Xim clone[5896] unctropyx: bro wanna be xim so bad[5896] mancake_bigboy: Zenti so cringe[5897] emptyshelly: HES XIMMMMMMMMMM[5897] mr_fat_duck: !link[5897] nightbot: @mr_fat_duck If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[5897] pxtrick_jxzz: juzz[5897] yobihluvguap: jynxziHappy[5897] everydayimhustlin02496: Zaddy junko put me in your basement[5897] chubb0987: spoit is waiting[5898] chillenmcmillen: You lookin like a dad on vacation in that shirt Jynxzi[5898] dagudsonn: Jin[5898] katiekitt3n: I'm going for a poo brb[5898] exkuch: zentis sens is so slow[5898] companese: screen watching[5898] pxtrick_jxzz: jizz[5898] datacticalteacup: is he on coke[5899] thevixenator: ?link[5899] slomorunner149: LUL[5899] docishard: His actually stream sniping?[5901] pxtrick_jxzz: jozz[5901] theninetails316: LUL LUL LUL[5901] emptyshelly: JIZZ[5902] pxtrick_jxzz: kizz[5902] himmy_john_: spoit waiting[5902] turbodogo: i thought ricci was malusi[5904] smkeyy_: LUL[5904] vastkc17: account swapping[5907] everydayimhustlin02496: Balls[5907] nightbot: balls[5908] mrmilku1234: W[5908] pxtrick_jxzz: jizz[5908] bardown16__: i guess you can hear it?[5908] fragzz67: DFW[5908] sicklexcell: zent on xim talking shit[5909] zdogl12: I like guys[5910] battlehinds: w xim[5910] thomashamilton99: zenti is the biggest meat rider of all time[5910] unweptanemone90: !gamble 20k[5911] streamelements: unweptanemone90 won 20000 points in roulette and now has 801180 points! FeelsGoodMan[5912] slomorunner149: L RICCI[5912] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[5912] spinyw1ny: zenti vapes[5913] emptyshelly: BALLS[5913] yobihluvguap: jynxziHappy jynxziHappy jynxziHappy jynxziHappy[5913] king_shura_dj_420: WHO WON[5913] runninfromthaopps: runninfromthaopps subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 7 month streak! [5913] grub954: hi[5914] ianspencee: Kendrick dropped[5914] vastkc17: account swapping fosho[5915] fakieefps: sFFakie @HiVise silver 4[5915] swagajit: swagajit subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! yo[5915] kinghadies603: yo[5915] ronanconnors: ACCOUNT SWAP[5916] jbess1e: stop acting like your better than them 🤡[5918] jerrywastakenn: pizz[5918] oj_thejuiceman: he looks like steve trying to do it[5919] grub954: what r u wearing[5919] obeygod489: Balls[5919] ianspencee: KENDRCIK DROPPED[5919] slomorunner149: LMAOO[5920] kaden_19: is this zenti?[5920] jacqueshuncho: h[5920] nightbot: h[5920] untouched_jay10: zenti wants to be xim so bad[5920] ismellbull: uwu[5921] opiebott: @HiVise Opie_the_Great (bronze) should be plat[5922] jay_eti: yo[5922] oveofgod123: wall hacks[5924] madtitan886949: he blows dick. Let's go lol[5924] emeraldbo7: late fatty[5925] thomashamilton99: zenti is the biggest meat rider of all timee[5925] obeygod489: ^[5926] nightbot: ^[5926] ttvqueef: we needa zenti vs xim 1v1 just to see the shit talk[5927] justkyle69: IN HIS HEAD[5927] jayjugger: zenti SUS asf[5928] kdubz1208: jinx[5928] lightningkakuzu: zenti on top frfr[5929] thevixenator: ?LINK[5931] whosselqk: ?link[5931] rvng_vennom: jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage[5932] jaxon_wut: is it console for 3v5 tonight jynxzi[5932] aiden6audet: ZENTI IS SO IN STREAM[5932] killa_stone: lets goooo[5933] alphaeid3: W[5933] fixqrlive: i do this shi for my brother and my momma too[5933] damnimgood007: the real chat is back bitches[5933] voxxyyyyyyyyy: W[5934] alphaeid3: W [5934] kashjust: hey[5934] voxxyyyyyyyyy: WW[5934] slowcimaf50: i said huh[5935] jme_exe: W[5935] alphaeid3: W[5935] obeygod489: wwwwww[5935] voxxyyyyyyyyy: W[5935] yungkibe: WW[5935] mrmilku1234: RICCI[5935] nightbot: 👀[5935] muhkuhluh: W[5936] ur_boynick99: ur_boynick99 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months! [5936] axarito: WWW[5936] kuzakaiee: wwwwwwww[5936] jme_exe: WW[5936] morrgy40: WWWWW[5936] thelegendherself1: WWWWWWW[5936] skytesbackfolds: WWWWW[5936] alphaeid3: W [5936] villias: W[5936] usilent_: ww[5936] dizzierdizzi: Zenti sniping[5936] misha_22_01: WWWWWWWWW[5936] bardown16__: and he screamed[5936] saeedsboyfriend5: W[5936] lurks1000: W[5937] jme_exe: W[5937] yungkibe: WW [5937] losttreks: Shitted on[5937] acetrain_gamez: gg[5937] featherisbeast: W[5937] muhkuhluh: WWWWW[5937] out_loved: LMAO[5937] nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP[5937] swoleboh: CMONNN[5937] skytesbackfolds: WWWWWWW[5937] alphaeid3: W[5937] mcgdonkey: WWW[5937] cookiedevourer1: WWWWWWWWWWWWWW[5937] usilent_: w[5937] voxxyyyyyyyyy: WW[5938] kaisarbaby: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[5938] jme_exe: WW[5938] sabbbaaa: wwwwww[5938] vanquisherocular: W[5938] itsfoley_: OMG[5938] xyvtobi: WWWWWWW[5938] pacific1616: w[5938] retronitez: L[5938] bigboy5845: Wwwwww[5938] skytesbackfolds: WWWWWWWWWW[5938] alphaeid3: W [5938] lumoiu: wwwwwww[5939] cobracommander954: wwwwww[5939] fixqrlive: w[5939] jussmarcos: CMONNNNNNNNN BRO[5939] jesussoloriop: w[5939] jme_exe: W[5939] joeyisajuggalo: wwwwwwwwww[5939] evanhanefeld: lfg richard[5939] bananaslushie1: EEEEEEZZZZZ[5939] kaisarbaby: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[5939] kotaaa1: WWWWWWWWWW[5939] seb1of1: WWWWWWWW[5939] nrsimhaa: WWWWWWWWWWWWW[5939] volcanicsquash: W RICCI[5939] caseohsyellowwallpaint: LOL[5939] aiden6audet: LOSING WHILE SNIPING WOW[5940] lyfszn: W[5940] alphaeid3: W[5940] nightbot: 😂[5940] bardown16__: and he screamed lol[5940] misha_22_01: WWWWWWW[5940] landoj4: WWWWWWW[5941] kaisarbaby: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[5941] lightningkakuzu: RICKY GOT KICKED FROM THE STACK 😂 😂 😂 RICKY GOT KICKED FROM THE STACK 😂 😂 😂 RICKY GOT KICKED FROM THE STACK 😂 😂 😂 RICKY GOT KICKED FROM THE STACK 😂 😂 😂 RICKY GOT KICKED FROM THE STACK 😂 😂 😂[5941] 999moneytime: WWWW[5941] tymarl3y: W[5941] landoj4: WWWWWWWW[5941] bananaslushie1: WWWWWW[5941] crazycraven82: wwww[5941] nightbot: 🪳[5941] saeedsboyfriend5: w[5941] skytesbackfolds: WWWWWWWWWWW[5941] kotaaa1: WWWWWWWWWWWWWW[5941] dionysus1963: COME ONE BRO[5941] otherztv: WWWWWWWWWWWWWW[5942] volcanicsquash: WWWWWWWWWW[5942] bigboy5845: Wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww[5942] randhtz29: WWW[5942] thelastactualdweller: WWW[5942] liam3548: CMON BROOOOOOO[5942] real_voided: w[5942] arminnrd: W[5942] muhkuhluh: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[5942] juliusceasariusthe6th: NOO[5942] deadmemez6: W[5942] cipo1234as: wwww[5942] jaydenleecarson_0: WWWWWWWW[5942] jme_exe: WW[5942] trashpanda9379: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[5942] crazycraven82: w[5943] liljo120021: cheater[5943] otherztv: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[5943] bardown16__: and he screamed[5943] evoke_playzz: LETS GOO RICCCIII[5943] mrmilku1234: W[5944] trashpanda9379: WWWWWWWWWW[5944] slomorunner149: WWWWWWWWWWWW RICCI[5944] bardown16__: HOOT HOOT🦉[5944] tymarl3y: QT[5944] weuzdp: zxxfrty[5944] ethan0625: WWWWWW[5944] junior2oh9: WWWW[5944] ttgtrap: w[5944] landoj4: WWWWWWW[5944] trenbro6: LOL[5944] otherztv: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[5944] yoboyezin: WWWWWWWWWWW[5944] sabbbaaa: WWWW[5944] bigboy5845: Wwwwww[5944] fr0sty3265: SMOKIN ZENTI[5945] kobegunns: WWWWWWWWWWWW[5945] kotaaa1: WWWWWWWWWWW[5945] szxwa: w[5945] skytesbackfolds: W[5945] ztsoat3: what???[5945] otf_bigboy: Is this CaseOh vs Sketch??[5945] tarsai: LMAO[5945] rockpenguin599: wwww ricci[5945] aiden6audet: LOSING WHILE SNIPING WOW LOSING WHILE SNIPING WOW[5945] trashpanda9379: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[5945] demonshadow7237: W RICCHI[5945] iced_u: W[5945] azmxkxmd: w[5945] setdatrendz: WWWWWWWWWWWWW[5945] bryceleyh: COMEON[5946] imjustmali: wwwwwww[5946] kaisarbaby: SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS[5946] iiluvvzz: W[5946] tarsai: LMAO[5946] tarsai: LMAO[5946] bennyy23: bennyy23 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! [5947] tarsai: LMAO[5947] cristoratwood: bahahahaha[5947] bobbythecollector: LUL[5947] hhartorias: LMAO[5947] jinx_grue: LMAOOOOO[5947] dionysus1963: WWWWWWWWWWWWW[5947] justachattalol: WWWWWWW[5947] range_x2: WWWWW[5947] cody10st: Ww[5947] dantheman3377: W[5947] sabbbaaa: WWWWWWWWWWW[5947] mikec750: WWWWWW[5947] xfearvert: 😭😭😭😭😭😭[5947] cloudz0_: WWWWWPWOW[5947] rjk323: WWWWWW[5948] evoke_playzz: LETS GOOO[5948] xenoeq: W[5948] everydayimhustlin02496: YEEEEAAAA[5948] jrleal: WW[5948] bigboy5845: Wwwwwww[5948] trashpanda9379: WWWWWWWWWWWW[5948] patrickdestar25: WWWWWW[5948] deadmemez6: wwwww[5948] coffeezilladaughter: LMAO[5948] katiekitt3n: itsmun3W itsmun3W itsmun3W itsmun3W[5948] not_lethal_: LMAOO[5948] fnsshoto1: WWWW[5948] cristi1an_: LMAOOOOOOO[5948] junior2oh9: WWWWW[5948] ayomiddy: WWW[5949] jordan_totact2: jordan_totact2 subscribed at Tier 1. [5949] cloudz0_: WW[5949] mariam7927: WWWWWWWWWW[5949] vooly7: cawk suckaa[5949] qwxyiscool3287: WWWWW[5949] eemarv: W[5949] damnimgood007: CUM ON BRO[5949] flaume_aux: WWWW[5949] coffeezilladaughter: LMAOO[5950] mariam7927: WWWWWWW[5950] zonkxzz: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[5950] cristoratwood: lmao[5950] stringerrrbell: hahahahha movafucka[5950] xtrustmebro95: WWWW[5950] jrleal: WWWWW[5950] trent7211: W[5950] mesme_r: LMFAOOOOOOOO[5950] michael875131256: W[5950] breaks808: WWWWWWWWWWW[5950] sheff_fps: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[5950] nicthenewb: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww[5950] cactusmastrr22: fuka[5950] kashjust: ww[5950] emptyshelly: SMOKIN THAT ZENTI PACK[5951] crocbot3000: shit.[5951] vincenlchs: WWWW[5951] maanci: LMFAOIOOOOOOO[5951] seb1of1: LMAO[5951] theyknowjordy: 😂😂[5951] articome: WWWWWWWWWW[5951] yappkira: W[5951] ruyyyyy12345: zenti ass 😭[5951] damedog15: W[5953] jokonotjoko: WWWWWW[5953] cristi1an_: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[5953] weathermanjuan: WWWWWW[5953] colin144fps: wwwww[5953] keysfinest: GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey[5953] inside_track: W[5953] faithyountt: LMAOOO[5953] joshbram06: WWWW[5953] fireblasta_12: hahahahhahahha[5953] notbevv: wwwwww[5953] parrazalex120: COCKSUCKA[5953] eemarv: WWW[5953] dewzee_: W[5953] ghuttomeg: WWWWWW[5953] krjet: W RICCI[5954] zizu426: LMAOOOO[5954] a_f4rbr1dg3: WWWW[5954] otherztv: WWWWWW[5954] dixe_btw: fake laugh[5954] satanix_666: CAWK SUCKIN MOTHAFUCKA[5954] evoke_playzz: 🤣🤣🤣🤣[5954] 23x24x25: WWWW[5954] randolff13: WW[5954] bryceleyh: COCKSUCKA[5954] eianz_: 😂😂😂😂[5954] sandy_sir: WWWWWW[5954] theoneandonlyd: coaak[5954] eianz_: 😂[5954] shiesty_serosh67: @HiVise PLAT 1.2 kd jamacanb4nann4[5955] ghuttomeg: WWWW[5955] asherbozo11111: w[5955] mirjamlo: WWWWWWWWWW[5955] chrisnikola: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[5955] sightsxd1: WWWSSS IN THE CHAT[5955] dingho22: wwwwww[5955] mezzdup_bun: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[5955] eianz_: 😂😂[5955] itschrex: WW[5955] envy_capone_: WWWWWWWWWWW[5955] seb4st1an_562: WWW RICCI[5955] bob_balls2: LMMAAAO[5955] joshpisag: wwwww ricci[5955] nate29turtle: cawksucka[5955] eianz_: 😂😂[5956] riottrazzle: riottrazzle subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 10 month streak! [5957] mezzdup_bun: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[5957] hlgzchris: slammedslammed[5957] mirjamlo: WW[5957] colton102343: LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~[5957] dingho22: wwwww[5957] x_mo10: MY GOAT[5957] otherztv: WWWWWWWW[5957] lightupgalaxy: wwwwwwwwwwwwww[5957] shivermetimbers15: CAWKSUCKIN MOTHAFUCKA[5957] yappkira: WW[5957] nicthenewb: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww[5957] itzchris_01: itzchris_01 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! FAT[5957] sandy_sir: WWWW[5957] randolff13: W[5957] joshpisag: uessir[5958] gbby98: i fw ricci[5958] janberdtolga: W[5958] onjah1400: LMAO[5958] blakescheating: fet[5958] nightbot: https://clips.twitch.tv/VainPlayfulLouseRiPepperonis-E-9jStnDJfByDabj[5958] seb4st1an_562: WWWW[5958] zonesvn: W[5960] atomicsharkkk: WWWWWW[5960] andressomg: that BLUE LOCK TALK[5960] 23x24x25: WWW[5960] itsbranchez: WWWW[5960] zunorah: W[5960] joshbram06: WWW[5960] voidonps_: WWW[5960] nome_t: COCKSUCKKAAAA[5960] trips_ok: W RICCI[5960] psykokane: CAWK SUCKA[5960] itz_walter19: WWWWWW[5960] dingho22: wwwwww[5960] aiden6audet: LOSING WHILE SNIPING WOW LOSING WHILE SNIPING WOW LOSING WHILE SNIPING WOW LOSING WHILE SNIPING WOW[5960] xvertr: cum on brooooooo[5960] tj_gains: Ricci is so funny 😂[5961] agente2games: W RICCI![5961] blakescheating: fat[5961] sleepyyonhots: w ricci[5961] ryantnick44: CMON BROOOOO[5961] pttoxicnuke: that fucking New York came out[5961] crunxzy: WWWWWWWW[5961] deadragon_slayer: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke[5961] jaydensnipe: wwwwww[5961] nightbot: “😂😂😂” -avidqr6[5961] nightbot: F in the chat[5961] godfromtheesouth: LMAOOOOOO[5961] le_huard: PJSugar[5961] aidenkillsnoobs: w ricci[5961] joshpisag: ZENTI A BITCH[5961] dingho22: wwwww[5963] bigballs5454: CAWKSUKA[5963] dantheman3377: WW[5963] donniebawls: ricci is levels above this kid[5963] mintysemiiiii: W[5963] molotov_144: wwwwww[5963] jaydensnipe: wwwwwww[5963] colbycrawford4: 😂😂😂[5963] otherztv: WWWWWWWWWWW[5963] rabbit42o: wtf are you wearing[5963] joshpisag: STFU ZENTI[5963] chunkoisfatty: w new york[5964] gjsncsnaf: fat[5964] mrmilku1234: W[5964] vazisbetter: glazing[5964] lmohh: RICCI FUCK HIS ASS UP[5964] chrisarg17: LMAOAOAOAO[5964] samalfa4: pawn in his puzzle?[5964] mrbrecken: ez points[5964] nwoll1: peak fucking content[5964] satanix_666: LMAOOOO THAT ACCENT IS HILARIOUS[5964] everydayimhustlin02496: WWWWW[5964] ibraahim_senpai: and i just lost all my points[5964] sexychriz: lost my points for sure[5964] omegac3_: Uy[5964] crunxzy: WWWWWWWWWWW[5964] lilsluga: lolol[5965] thegamewinner888: My OH Canadan by Syvia Chave akso bangs right up there![5965] anthonycaza76: COME ON WE AINT LOSING[5965] vulcore: PASSION[5965] alexanderr_xxiv: hes so new york[5965] kuzakaiee: RICCI JUST CANE FROM A TORUNY RICCI IS WARMED UP TO THE MAX ZENTI IS COOKED 🤣🤣💀💀💀🙏🙏🙏[5965] xproknockz: W Italian[5966] rydeordie22: Ricci brings the passion FR[5966] 5dizzyy: not that funny[5966] terry34265: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀[5966] tekkerzdave: CAWKSUCKA[5966] nightbot: 👀[5966] ilovejynxyi: @zen2valid[5966] teecarr: teecarr subscribed with Prime. [5967] unitedbean_m3: wwww[5967] andresofunny: WWWW[5967] domdoesntstreamidk: W[5967] xvertr: cum on broooooo[5967] cristi1an_: CAWK SUCKA[5967] aiden6audet: LOSING WHILE SNIPING WOW LOSING WHILE SNIPING WOW LOSING WHILE SNIPING WOW[5967] crunxzy: YES HE DID[5967] streamelements: PogChamp ForrgottenFH went all in and won 55 points PogChamp they now have 110 points FeelsGoodMan[5967] milesa31: muthafawka[5967] joshpisag: HE DID[5967] turksr6: wedding[5967] jaydensnipe: wwwwwwwwww[5967] itz_walter19: Wwwwww[5967] dingho22: wwwwwww[5967] voxxyyyyyyyyy: he did lowkey[5968] spinyw1ny: www[5968] kellanatsm: Love Ricci[5968] joelnotyetda1: cap[5968] napknzgg: KAWK SAWKIN MUTHA FUCKA[5968] nightbot: no 🧢[5968] babayaga434: COCKSUCKAAAHHHH[5968] mirjamlo: W RICCIO[5968] osteven7: w[5968] rickyshaw3: CACKSOCAKAAAAAAAAAAA[5968] sabriii_3: SUCH A REAL LAUGH[5968] thelightskinneddavid: U cawksuckin muddafawka[5968] aiden6audet: LOSING WHILE SNIPING WOW[5968] dingho22: www[5969] geraldmandingo: W[5969] wrpsyz: i knew this was gunna be good lmaoo[5969] myshiesty: cawksucka[5969] shadowfighter242: cmon bro![5969] deadmemez6: RICCI WINS THOUGHS[5969] baconboy_150: W RICCI[5969] voxxyyyyyyyyy: He did[5969] aiden6audet: LOSING WHILE SNIPING WOW LOSING WHILE SNIPING WOW LOSING WHILE SNIPING WOW LOSING WHILE SNIPING WOW[5970] c_lewis5: CAWKSUWKA[5970] cormacmcgill2018: he did[5970] lejitflamingo: !discord[5970] itz_walter19: WWWWWWW[5970] jj234222: W NEW YORK[5970] spud0313: don’t break that chair harass[5970] nightbot: https://discord.gg/jynxzi[5970] mintysemiiiii: w[5970] theemporiumm: HE DID BEAT SPOIT[5970] ckhitz: jynxziGoodAim[5970] iiluvvzz: CUMMMM ONNNN BROOOOO[5970] leadzz_: “COME ONNN IM NOT LOOSINNN”[5971] mirjamlo: W RICCI[5971] chunko_ssg1: w Italian[5971] liam3548: Nah idk this is funny[5971] scleebles: the meth making junko tweak[5971] jerryjo201: I missed the last tourni so did you play stompn and who won[5971] xlainuz: CAP[5971] willrooneyy: he did[5971] spedpop: part to my puzzle is crazzyyyyyyyyy[5971] daw_9124: EZ POINTS FR[5971] mingoismydad: HE DUD[5971] mancake_bigboy: SeemsGood[5971] dingho22: wwwwwwwwww[5971] slomorunner149: W RICCI[5971] sandy_sir: 💀💀[5971] xvertr: cum on brooooooo[5972] sheepmorino: Its the accent[5972] tb_styx: no he didnt[5972] masonmogren1104: yo[5972] itsmikee3: the accent is soo funny[5972] crankiplier_fanatic: W RICCI[5972] invalidqt: hre did[5972] rohanraikai: He did not beat spoit[5972] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀[5972] ttvtsunaml: WWW[5972] mkulas99: he did[5972] dingho22: wwwwwwwwwww[5973] trikthegoat: Ricci looks like he would fit in your pocket[5973] keisernator: Beckie’s chair*[5973] zachmarch2223: he did[5973] fossabot: @leboureau_phenix, Your message is too long[5973] evanhanefeld: richard W[5973] joshpisag: HE DID BRO[5973] shxrk_10: forget my other chats[5973] benstaham: FAT[5973] youngbackshot: MuddaFukka[5973] thevixenator: !LINK[5973] nightbot: @thevixenator If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[5973] mirjamlo: W RICCIII[5973] naterolol: naterolol subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [5973] sandy_sir: 💀💀[5973] dingho22: wwwwwwwwwwww[5974] ganqr14: yes he did[5974] scooby_mannn: This is top teir 1v1s[5974] yungkibe: uuh[5974] mendosha707: breckies chair***[5974] theprinceoffp: HE DID[5974] mirjamlo: W[5974] alexucke: He did[5974] clat__: he did[5974] ttvtsunaml: WW[5974] rippler2182: FROM THA HEART[5974] mellyfellyy: wwww ricci[5974] bowser088: someone said cum on bro[5974] drippyfidgetspinner: @ricci[5974] viniisbest1: JUNKO RUNA POLLLLLL[5977] i_am_the_militia: Wheres the fixed chair?[5977] baller122019: W RICCI[5977] tobytrice531: cocksuckin 🤌🏻 muthafucka 🤌🏻[5977] kotaaa1: HE DID[5977] steelkurtnn: 😂😅😂😅😂[5977] justkyle69: DO IT ZADDY[5977] zek4456: instigate[5977] yungkibe: plink[5979] d_kendo: He did[5979] kyro88trax: HE DID[5979] tsexs: RICCI IN THE STREAM[5979] yungkibe: plink [5979] daw_9124: W RICCI[5979] benstaham: FATTTTTTT[5980] vip3rwing: wwwww[5980] joshpisag: FAX[5980] adverthim: !ricci[5980] kkis3k: HE DID[5980] iso_matthew: WWWWWW[5980] omegac3_: W nj accent[5980] bigpapij12: come on brooooo[5980] cashisgooder: when is Ricci vs Zenti[5980] mintysemiiiii: e[5980] mingoismydad: HE DID BEAT SPOIT[5980] slomorunner149: LUL | Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [5800] phone already it could me doèceNew [5810] Fuck it go. Damn I missed the toxic 1v1 streams damn. [5820] Here peak don't look to that second one I do it you don't do it, bro. Don't fucking do it. How? How ass boy? [5830] Keep playing support for stopping. How to better Katie than stopping and I'm on Saturday one. How to better Katie than stopping on Saturday one. Slowing your words. Your fucking scared of me bitch. How to better Katie? [5840] How does shit on your gun? Sent you to shoot Richie's drone. Richie definitely the heavy favorite going into this game. You never know though, bro. Sent you could easily go on a run here. Richie definitely the heavy favorite. [5850] but but senti could go on a run. Is that the gets rid of Richie has one drone left. One drone is all Richie has. [5860] no no can't do that bro can't do that can't do that that's [5870] But why would we get back on the chart? I feel like a fucking freak, bro. [5880] But it's empty doing what is it? I'll take your spotted 30 I'll take your spotted 3 Wait, then the Loki looks decent right now. What the fuck am I watching? [5890] Rikki is gonna ash open that breach stop in him. Stop in him. You need a new teammate this guy fucking sucks. He blows dicking. Let's go [5900] You could hear it too, Santa's actually in his head. Bad wall bang from Richie. Santa might actually be in his head. [5910] Clock's running richy. Clock's running ho. And I'm on a rich angle. This is the- this is the 17- We're calling this a 17- We're calling this a 17- We're calling this a 17- We're calling this a 17- [5920] Oh, oh my god. Riki looks cracked right now. Riki looks cracked. I'm not even gonna lie. [5930] He's a little bit more than I am. He does! Oh my god he has a little bit more than I am. Come on! You don't shit ass kid! Come on bro! You are nothing! You are a hot guy! [5940] You're fucking part of my puzzle! You cock-socking love a fucker! I'm a ship of warfrogs, just lie down! I cannot get one, you cannot get one! No, this motherfucker! [5950] about to fall out of my fucking chair I know you're nervous that hole around I don't know if your griffin's actually funny as fuck without a [5960] I just be spoils today bro. I'm gonna fuck me. What is my style of the fuck we get? What is that? I'm gonna be spoils today. I'm gonna be spoils. You're actually so funny bro. [5970] Oh Last boy the best support on console you're you're just grace to Italy breath you're just | There is no Highlight in the provided timespan. Jynxzi watches 1v1 of zenti and ricci. ricci kills him and freaks out. a new round starts right at the end of the timeframe |
Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege[6101] 123_door_giveawayy: little caesars trash[6101] tb_styx: CAP OF DOOM[6101] maxwelliswell1: CAP ITS ASS[6101] jbran1515: cap[6101] bobbyboy6942069: PIZZA PUZZA[6101] joshpisag: it’s ass[6101] scleebles: lies[6101] kento_rain: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance[6102] spartan7oo: CAP[6102] jasonbl99: PIZZA PIZZA[6102] coffeezilladaughter: its shit ong[6102] gordonramsme___: REAL[6102] jbess1e: 😭😭[6102] n0tluxk: OFCCC[6102] nightbot: real[6102] beenhavinncho: PIZZA PIZZA[6102] maddengod0906: It’s mid asf[6102] breadman8332: ME[6102] purgahh: lil ceesurs[6102] zzzprzey: !link[6102] tajhh: I just ate sum sum crazy puffs[6102] cramadyyy: mid[6102] nightbot: @zzzprzey If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[6103] fossabot: @xojay_flocka, Your message is too long[6103] phobichomo_abcdlgt: PIZZA PIZZAA[6103] sathrhs: L RACIST[6103] thisdudeayden: I don’t like ether one of them but this is hilarious[6103] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[6103] trollenthusiast21: !LINK[6103] ihateautocorrect: ZENTI IS FUNNY AS HELL[6103] xjakeshiesty: how tf is it goof[6103] umessedup2: what are you yapping about[6103] bertofg2: Ricci lore[6103] nickp51: BRO IM DEAD[6103] mandooo001_: 😭😭🤣🤣[6103] imfadedzds: ong[6103] maddengod0906: Mid[6103] spplcyy: you’re just fat[6107] n0tluxk: CAP[6107] spartan7oo: FLORIDAA GUY[6107] loganthedudeman_: PIZZA PIZZA[6107] gjonkerrl: it’s so mid[6107] spplcyy: FAT SPEAKING[6107] wagerln: Pizza Pizza is diabolical 💀[6107] captain_clout1: Best pizza in New York[6107] juicycoen911: CAP[6108] letsgofaygo: pizza pizza[6108] cyryan24: fatass[6108] vip3rwing: that’s crazy[6108] mariyosfilth: MId[6108] ihateautocorrect: HE ALWAYS BE LEAKING PEOPLE[6108] easy_moneysniper1: mega cap shits asss[6108] russian_bomber_: LMAAAOOO W liTLLE XEASARS[6108] itzchris_01: Little Ceasars is mid[6108] cuddle_xd: WWW LIL CEASARSB[6108] a665190: !disc[6108] eternal__yy: MercyWing1 Squid3 MercyWing2[6108] deadmemez6: ITS WHY HE COOKING[6108] cesar_took_ur_girl: that’s meeeeeess[6108] beastly222: 😂😂[6109] alphaeid3: LMAO[6109] xiphoidar: LUL[6109] xjakeshiesty: Llllllzzzz pizza[6109] sandy_sir: 💀[6109] chippy_843: Cap[6109] papimoore: LIL CEAZEAZ[6109] fishyfinn7: ALR[6109] iimentos: cappp car board[6110] rmyadxer: jynxziVapeBreak_SG jynxziVapeBreak_SG jynxziVapeBreak_SG jynxziVapeBreak_SG jynxziVapeBreak_SG[6110] thedude694206: real[6110] colbycrawford4: 😂😂😂[6110] phobichomo_abcdlgt: PIZZA PIZAA[6110] beardedthan0s: SPOIT WAITING SPOIT WAITING SPOIT WAITING SPOIT WAITING SPOIT WAITING[6110] jbess1e: Cap[6110] pizzadino_: LITTLE CAESAR'S MID ASS[6110] ifart694200: lol[6110] out_loved: its true[6110] tymarl3y: better then McDonald’s[6110] marie_xm: real[6110] ubesnotcuh: how is Caesar and why is he so little?[6111] arminbrando: L zenti[6111] xpecthaven: true[6111] usilent_: real[6111] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀[6111] jcp1423: zenti too funny[6111] average_munch: THAT WAS FUNNY[6111] slattyyyyy: PIZZA PIZZA[6111] darkangelz3005: THEY DO[6111] nolimitnoob_: Real[6112] xwhiteferrari: LOL[6112] krxzzyy_: lol[6112] skulltroopsttv: Sketch live[6112] viniisbest1: run a poll[6112] supernintendomike: LUL[6112] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀[6112] cooploveslax: facts[6112] envy_lxser11: PLAY WITH SKETCH[6112] elengilbert: LMAO[6112] cappalotty: REALLL[6112] cesargancho_03: LUL LUL[6112] carminekos: ☠️[6113] jamalhiggins54: real[6113] n0tluxk: GREASIEST PIZZA[6113] ttvtsunaml: Damm[6113] abeaver: LEAKED[6113] streamelements: If you're a gamer, you need a Starforge! Snag one -> https://starforgepc.com/Jynxzi[6113] emptyshelly: BEST PIZZA[6113] marie_xm: REAL[6113] real_voided: LOL[6113] xeno_xcaliburr: real[6113] speeddemon00002: I am eating it right now[6113] joshpisag: GARBGE PIZZA[6113] spartan7oo: FLORIDAA GUY PIZZA[6113] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀[6113] bardown16__: richard newjersey is waiting[6113] symmetricalilussion: LMAO LMFAO[6114] battlehinds: w xim[6114] ligmabalzzzzzzzp: zenti prof yapper[6114] flightteamfuckme: lmao[6114] krxzzyy_: real[6114] rohanraikai: Lolll[6114] blxssewoo: FAT[6114] mrmilku1234: PIZZA PIZZA PIZZA 🍕🍕🍕[6114] jussmarcos: FAXX[6114] cyryan24: REAL[6114] jimmy_madman: little caesars fire GlitchLit GlitchLit GlitchLit GlitchLit[6114] caidenoboyle519: when’s the bronny stream[6114] marthman_: LOL[6114] streamelements: PogChamp JynxziThePartTimer went all in and won 60 points PogChamp they now have 120 points FeelsGoodMan[6114] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀[6115] docishard: so we not telling the truth[6115] princetaji: LMFAOOOO[6115] seb4st1an_562: LMFAOO WW[6115] saucelordrp: Fuck lil czrs[6115] viniisbest1: run a polll[6115] nolimitnoob_: Oh nah[6115] bardown16__: DIDDY[6115] cjaywya: fake news York bitch[6115] featherisbeast: !gamble 10[6115] ihateautocorrect: PIZZA PIZZA[6115] jynxzithecokeaddict: facts[6115] streamelements: FeatherIsBeast lost 10 points in roulette and now has 665 points! FeelsBadMan[6115] bruhhtito: REAL[6115] cheznuts54: 💀[6116] ryagodr6: REAL[6116] causevseffect: WWWWWWWW[6116] lyve_o: Lyve_O subscribed with Prime. [6116] rjk323: LMAOOOOOO[6117] airpxds: real[6117] beastly222: 🤣🤣[6117] hhartorias: LOL[6117] seb4st1an_562: LMFAOA[6117] hydrag0n09: LMAO TRUE[6117] leaky_spite7: jynxzi you inspired me to start streaming on twitch I’ve been streaming to knightbot for two days but because of you I will never give up my dreams[6117] codename_cotton: 10 piece[6117] marie_xm: it is[6117] domonitka: LIL CEASERS BEST PIZZA IN WORLD[6117] sickgamingskill: FRIENDLY FIRE[6117] ihaveabbl31360: PIZZAPIZZA[6117] jewelrystv: 💀💀💀[6117] causevseffect: WWWWWWWWW[6117] ronin_ytt: until you made Diddy[6117] xmzungu: Catching Strays! haha[6118] remainingtie1: L DIDDY[6118] patrickdestar25: LMAO[6118] voxxyyyyyyyyy: McDiddy😭😭[6118] bruhhtito: REALLL[6118] seb1of1: LMAOOO[6118] dantheman3377: True[6118] junior2oh9: HE STILL DOES[6118] seb4st1an_562: WWWW[6118] diabetesdavid: W[6118] dripboi534: LMFAO[6119] jayyfuegoo: REAL[6119] cerprimetime: Little Cesar's is cardboard[6119] flightteamfuckme: real[6119] real_the_v12: Pizza Hut better[6119] kotaaa1: LLLMFAOFOA[6119] 420blaziken_: little Caesar’s is ass except for their deep dish[6119] ronin_ytt: lmaoo[6119] rjk323: WWWWWW[6120] swayfui: DIDDY PARTY[6120] joshuauxhiha: REAL[6120] big_shug01: facts[6120] qrxliixz: 😭😭😭[6120] rockpenguin599: www ricci[6120] joshpisag: 🗑️🗑️🗑️🗑️🗑️ PIZZA[6120] drauzee: 🇮🇹🇮🇹Pizza pizza🇮🇹🇮🇹[6120] bryanfranco430: Diddy waiting[6121] n0tluxk: REAL[6121] jay_noscope06: 😭😭[6121] supernintendomike: L DIDDY[6121] iimentos: REAL[6121] flightteamfuckme: leaked[6121] setdatrendz: LEAKED[6121] tomascruzjr7: leaked[6121] emptyshelly: FACTSSSS[6121] xd_ghostgamer: REAL[6121] boost_jamtoast: ong facts tho[6121] bbop2011: !spotify[6121] guapotaco2x: w take[6121] slomorunner149: TRUE STORY[6121] nightbot: https://open.spotify.com/user/ojynxzi?si=hNtr6WdOTDaljuYqRryEbQ&dl_branch=1[6121] epiccakelegacy: REAL[6122] tumsy797: Origin Story[6122] hsals__: REAL[6122] spartan7oo: FLORIDAA PIZZA[6122] ihaveabbl31360: PIZZZAAAA[6122] captncreditcard: leaked[6122] gucci_kid54: cap[6122] tony24760: real[6122] nightbot: no 🧢[6122] jaxon562: jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL[6122] maxh1m: ricci funny asf bro[6122] unoaj1: mcdiddys[6122] unklemustache: Diddy made you[6122] nightbot: 👀[6122] healnus: yo... you have bad taste in pizza if you think little cesears is good pizza[6122] sandy_sir: 💀[6123] sabbbaaa: DIDDY[6123] abrahamdxm: they dont got little ceasars in new york[6123] iiluvvzz: diddy[6123] tuhony: Tuhony subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! [6124] alphaeid3: how was he?[6124] looplifts: real[6124] blvet2: cap[6124] daps1x: LMAOOOOO[6124] jay_noscope06: real[6124] dantheman3377: There’s a documentary[6124] iideell: ricci not from ny[6124] vip3rwing: 🍕🍕🍕[6124] mrpikls34: stream laggy[6124] drauzee: Real[6124] joshpisag: leaked[6125] 123_door_giveawayy: diddy waiting[6125] fwspadee: LEAKED[6125] anthonieus: Real[6125] qrxliixz: mcdiddy[6125] jbess1e: LMAO FAX[6125] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀[6125] tekkerzdave: REAL[6125] jaxon562: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion[6125] tomascruzjr7: leak[6125] prock23: PIZZA PIZZA[6125] vlone_onnc: leaked[6125] dingoid_: real[6125] alphaeid3: how was he?[6125] edgarsrms: real[6125] arvijohnn: boy caught a stray LMAO[6126] rohanraikai: You did[6126] titanwalk3r: Fat[6126] slomorunner149: LMAO[6126] codenamequis: facts[6126] max_v3rstapp3n: P DIDDY[6126] flightteamfuckme: true story[6126] snowylwm: FROM RONALD TO DIDDY[6126] vip3rwing: 🍕🍕[6126] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀[6127] carbar14: leaked[6127] joshpisag: yes u did[6127] ttvtsunaml: diddy[6127] darkangelz3005: IVE SEEN LIL CEASER ON JAMAICA AVE[6127] animosity26: 💀💀💀💀[6127] brettkingeter: leakeddd[6127] clark_dashark: UR JUST LIKE DRAKE[6127] emptyshelly: MCDONALDS EMPLOYEEE TILL DIDDDY[6127] bloodletter44: LMAOOOOO[6128] cappalotty: real[6128] fadedjrosh: I work at McDonald’s[6128] l2_joystick5: leaked[6128] trashcaba: ReAL[6128] causevseffect: you have ive seen the pics[6128] ihaveabbl31360: W ZENTI[6128] sabbbaaa: DIDDYDIDDY[6128] mrmilku1234: CAP[6128] yobihluvguap: diddyy[6129] tomascruzjr7: leakeddd[6129] avernity: no Diddy[6129] kingnta_: diddi do it ???[6129] auxelo69: dick a balls everywhere[6129] taxinyou18: diddy[6129] acidthriller: cap[6129] tacoonn: when is Ricci vs Zenti?[6129] easy_moneysniper1: you did tho[6129] not_lethal_: NAH[6129] lucas135742: cap[6129] chunkoisfatty: LKEAAEDED[6129] thelastactualdweller: REAAAAL[6129] yoshitoshiabe: 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀[6129] tb_styx: LITTLE CAESARS TASTES LIKE CARDBOARD[6129] nightbot: 😂[6130] lyfszn: real[6130] dgcv_: nah ik leaked[6130] yankeefan22506: yankeefan22506 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [6130] zek4456: leaked[6130] zap_edo: leaked[6130] slomorunner149: FACTS[6130] dewzee_: real[6130] infamousbeast99: TRUE[6130] xlsizedburrito: LEAKED[6130] diabetesdavid: Lmao[6130] bardown16__: YA DOONMED[6130] bowser088: leaked[6130] shivermetimbers15: LEAKEDDD[6130] godfromtheesouth: REAL[6130] crxshoutjxden_: REALLLL[6131] saddestblaze: REAL[6131] fruitloverboy: whats ur background jynxzi[6132] cacthongbetong: LEAKED[6132] jaxon562: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[6132] aidenkillsnoobs: mcdiddy[6132] bananaslushie1: P diddy[6132] nightbot: 🪳[6132] tomascruzjr7: leakedddd[6132] chadley_da_badddie: Diddy Clone[6132] codename_cotton: can i get a 10 piece with a sprite[6132] radiant443: J Diddy[6132] bardown16__: YA DOOMED[6132] bwsxdiaz12: don’t disrespect NY pizza CHUNKO[6132] quadteaonyt: Luv u junko[6132] jewelrystv: ryan garcia knows[6132] xotichaze: lil ceasers to a lil DIDDY[6132] yobihluvguap: diidyyyyy[6133] cjaywya: leaked[6133] zap_edo: leakedleakedleakedleakedleakedleakedleakedleaked[6133] usilent_: diddy[6133] mkulas99: 😭😭[6133] b00ty_clapper1: leajed[6133] noxwydd: W leak[6133] everydayimhustlin02496: Diddy is crazy[6133] big_shug01: real[6133] pito_g2craz: factual evidence[6133] minority_man223: leaked[6133] lfcfan10: !bracket[6133] younghitmen03: AINT NO PARTY LIKE A DIDDY PARTY[6133] nightbot: real[6135] jaxonb33: can I please unsubscribe[6135] infamousbeast99: TRUE STORY[6135] 0_vzmp: you met diddy?[6135] hxwes_x0: realest[6135] unknownpersonlol69: FAT[6135] noraack15: YA DOOMED[6135] disfunctionss: j diddy[6135] gamerboy48832two: lol[6136] oimojooi: REAL[6136] crankiplier_fanatic: DIDDY[6136] sightsxd1: LEAKE[6136] the_one_demise: real[6136] mrmilku1234: Lmao[6136] kluxr_: MCDIDDY[6136] the_zucc: real[6136] emptyshelly: DIDDY AND DRAKE WAITING[6136] seb4st1an_562: L DIDDY[6136] codename_cotton: can i get a 10 piece with a spritee[6136] salty_dawg84: leaked[6136] yobihluvguap: DIIDDYYYD[6136] yoosuhk: bro is telling a dude from NY that little ceasers is good[6136] vlone_onnc: 😂😂😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤣[6136] xxyungadolf: j diddy fr[6137] aaron_2740: LEAKED[6137] chadthundercoc12: No diddy[6137] ashzic: LEAKED JYNXZI LORE[6137] jaywlk: fatt[6137] boxbag54512: that is Rio Yooxi not Rio Messi[6137] haviccauser: REAL[6137] looplifts: real fr[6137] halalteej: leaked[6137] arisvls: LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO[6137] aggro_ck: factual[6137] vip3rwing: 🍕🍕[6137] michael_mendozap: J DIDDY[6137] infamousbeast99: LEAK[6137] spplcyy: cap[6137] stirzy_: it’s all factual[6139] noxwydd: noxwydd subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 1 month streak! W leak[6139] unrealriki: W DIDDY[6139] ick4twitch: baraim[6139] johllux: Johllux @hivise[6139] lazyygaming_: leaked[6139] alphatrones: i saw u[6139] ryuthebest001: not yet[6139] r03g_juju: jdiddy[6139] hunchojackie: time to end, its past 1 hour[6139] seb4st1an_562: W DIDDY[6140] n0tluxk: FACTS[6140] slomorunner149: LUL[6140] asherbozo11111: LEAKED[6140] bar123racing: real[6140] sendit357: real[6140] natemagee1: yes diddy[6140] flightteamfuckme: McDiddy smh[6140] chadthundercoc12: no diddy[6140] bodybags___: facts[6140] cusican33: u did[6140] stirzy_: it’s all factual .[6140] iiluvvzz: diddy waiting[6140] voltz_ingot: NERVOUS LAUGH THER NJUNKO[6140] trilog47: W STREAM[6140] ashzic: LEAKED JYNXZI LORE LEAKED JYNXZI LORE LEAKED JYNXZI LORE[6141] o_amzii: so cap your cappin fat[6141] emptyshelly: EPSTEIN WAITING FATASSS[6141] jbran1515: SO WERE IN MCDONALDS[6141] yobihluvguap: DIDDDYYYY[6141] anthony8975: leaked[6141] dizzierdizzi: Anxiou and sipping water[6141] odin0987654321: diddy waiting[6141] westythegoat_712: leaked[6141] staywithmelonger: tiktok lore[6141] protocolsavage: BBL DRIZZYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY[6142] stirzy_: it’s all factual ,[6142] higherlearning91: no diddy[6142] maddengod0906: NO DIDDY[6142] brenden423: YA DOOMED[6142] kkehnzo: bro drank water[6142] lazyygaming_: leaked leaked[6142] jimmy_madman: ruh roh[6142] jbess1e: Still works at McDonald’s *[6142] baconboy_150: real[6142] travcrop2: Real[6142] day62306: Diddy[6143] xivvy__: ezalg L[6143] saddestblaze: REAL LEAK[6143] chadthundercoc12: no didd[6143] flightteamfuckme: McDiddy lol[6143] unknowncult_: diddy[6143] thebooster321_j: LEAKED[6143] yobihluvguap: FIDDDYYYYY[6143] codename_cotton: can i get a 10 piece with a sprit[6143] nrsimhaa: W jynxi lore[6143] grumpyonyt: leakedd[6144] iplanoa: when is timtatman 1v1[6144] booblover3000: booblover3000 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [6144] turbid_gamer: LEAKED[6144] baconboy_150: leaked[6144] keithyg152: Bro met Drake[6144] aguapo1k: diddy waitin[6144] daffodilbark985: Whats with the shirt?[6144] kappahr6: they do have them in the Bronx I mean that have them in the Bronx and Harlem and Brooklyn don’t know bout queens tho[6144] ihaveabbl31360: P JIDDY[6145] cusican33: leaked[6145] hudion5500: exposed[6145] bigbutchbrand: ricci funny[6145] kkehnzo: he cooled[6145] slomorunner149: LMAO[6145] nickp51: BRO THIS SHIT IS SO FUNNY[6145] infamousbeast99: W LEAK[6145] hjhughes31: junko a plant[6145] ghostwolf6677: LEAKED[6146] mcmofin17: DIDDY IS WAITING[6146] dantheman3377: Documents on file[6146] bruv95359: PIZZA PIZZA PIZZA PIZZA[6146] thebooster321_j: REAL[6146] slvmmin: diddied[6146] fenikoz: LEAK[6146] ick4twitch: barrrrr aiiimm[6146] flightteamfuckme: McDiddy lmao[6146] russian_bomber_: diddy waiting[6146] mosesmillman: diffy waiting[6146] therealblackstewiegriffin: !gamble 17k[6146] qoaexheaydy: diddy[6147] streamelements: therealblackstewiegriffin won 17000 points in roulette and now has 139035 points! FeelsGoodMan[6147] jynxi_best: fat[6147] jimmy_madman: nuh uh[6147] forevervluxz: zenti boutta get shit onn[6147] vip3rwing: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL[6147] nwoll1: REAL REAL REAL[6147] classywizardgamer: YEA YOU SID I WAS THE CAMERA MAN[6147] caidenoboyle519: when’s the bronny stream[6147] vitality5175: bro got diddied[6148] colinclearyyy: eHethsh[6148] richiehill1: L JYNXLER[6148] hulk757_: apathyGoat apathyGoat apathyGoat apathyGoat apathyGoat apathyGoat[6148] sum1_wrld: I LIVE IN NY THERE IS ONE IN OSWEGO NY[6148] lazyygaming_: leaked leaked leaked[6148] opponentsfn: opponentsfn subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 5 month streak! [6148] yobihluvguap: DIDDYYY[6149] vip3rwing: LUL LUL LUL[6149] ro4r2: kendric froped[6149] luissatonforgies: real[6149] thebooster321_j: REALL[6149] tymarl3y: He would still be working at McDonald’s if Stompn wasn’t his sugar daddy[6149] bardown16__: da fuck![6149] achaneprod: YA DOOMD[6150] lilshriga: as im eating little caesars rn lmao[6150] flightteamfuckme: McDiddy losl[6150] saddestblaze: REAL LEAKS[6150] abathingpanda1: !ricci[6150] itofrozenn: itofrozenn subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [6150] nightbot: https://clips.twitch.tv/VainPlayfulLouseRiPepperonis-E-9jStnDJfByDabj[6150] stirzy_: KappaHD[6151] boobooshabookie: diddy calling[6151] yobihluvguap: DIDDDDYYY[6151] unknowncult_: Fat[6151] lyve_o: yurp[6151] emptyshelly: DIDDY WAITING[6151] xivvy__: kaep yddid[6151] choppy10951: when’s fanmail[6151] big_shug01: can i get a 10 piece[6152] patchohulihan: NERVOUS[6153] jynxzithecokeaddict: Diddy dropped[6153] hjhughes31: L plant[6153] beardedthan0s: SPOIT WAITING SPOIT WAITING SPOIT WAITING SPOIT WAITING SPOIT WAITING SPOIT WAITING SPOIT WAITING[6153] thetonyd2k: p jynxzi[6153] yobihluvguap: DIDDDDYY[6153] aaron_2740: when’s the stream with diddy[6153] zbabycash: diddy long lost son[6154] alphaeid3: !gamble 10k[6154] imjustoosaucy: imjustoosaucy subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 8 month streak! [6154] b00ty_clapper1: leaked[6154] thedinobuster: JYNXZI X DIDDY[6154] streamelements: AlphaEid3 lost 10000 points in roulette and now has 481409 points! FeelsBadMan[6155] spiccyyacee: spiccyyacee subscribed with Prime. [6155] chunko_ssg1: real leak[6155] hulk757_: apathyFlick apathyFlick apathyFlick apathyFlick apathyFlick apathyFlick apathyFlick apathyFlick apathyFlick apathyFlick[6156] yobihluvguap: DIIDDYYY[6156] russian_bomber_: diddy diddy diddy diddy diddy diddy[6157] sleezdk: BBL JYNXZI[6157] lambeauleap28: lambeauleap28 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! hi[6158] seb4st1an_562: ZENTI[6158] tcjek18: TCJeK18 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! [6158] everydayimhustlin02496: BLINK HARDER[6158] doggiewoggy12: chair[6158] nightbot: mild tourettes (something he can't control.) be nice![6158] ldrdoestwitch: true it’s on the wiki[6158] leaky_spite7: h[6158] nightbot: h[6159] joshpisag: stay quite ZENTI[6159] cumbersomesultan: ain’t no party like a diddy party[6159] hunchojackie: DRIZZY WAITING[6159] yobihluvguap: DIIISDYYYY[6159] tacoonn: when Ricci v Zenti[6159] zendormon: Diddy[6159] airpxds: TREMBLING[6159] cashisgooder: when is ricci vs zenti[6160] saddestblaze: REAL LEAK[6160] jj436436: g[6161] nightbot: no[6161] jimmy_madman: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[6161] ihaveabbl31360: P JYNXZI[6161] iiluvvzz: jynxzi X diddy[6161] viniisbest1: run a poll[6161] ti_lur: they whipped creamed him eup and brought the dogs in LUL[6161] remainingtie1: DIDDY WAITING[6161] anthony8975: diddy[6162] travcrop2: Junko you mess with the diddler[6163] joshpisag: STAY QUIET ZENTI[6163] okami_1999: diddiddy oit?[6163] xanpercoxy: coke boy[6164] yobihluvguap: DIIDDYYYY[6164] warrrne: gamble 20[6164] sswiger20: LEAKED[6164] huntermast06: diddy and jynzxi stream next[6164] minimclovin_: !bracket[6164] nightbot: Tourney bracket here -> https://brackethq.com/b/nmy1b/ (Back In Blood)[6165] optoxiic: get Kendrick and drake to settle there beef here[6165] higuns_: we learned from Kendrick you don’t need facts. GG it’s over for you buddy[6165] beardedthan0s: SPOIT WAITING SPOIT WAITING SPOIT WAITING SPOIT WAITING SPOIT WAITING[6165] radiant443: J Diddy[6166] thegoldenchild870: Zenti is a front runner[6166] mg757: YOU MEET DIDDY[6166] bluntttashes: it’s that ny Italian accent[6166] asherbozo11111: W ricci leaking the iluminoti[6168] lobo_blanko1: yeah[6169] beastman12543: i love jynzkzi[6169] 2faygoj: !watchtime[6170] russian_bomber_: Diddy wants to hook up[6170] pepegrisho132: Diddy waiting[6170] streamelements: 2faygoj has spent 4 days 19 hours watching jynxzi[6170] xel_go: Jynxzi worked at subway with Jared delivering 3inch subs to lil girls hahaha @Jynxzi[6170] megahead0: jynxzi is the illumanati leader confirmed[6171] xivvy__: Diddy peak[6171] salty_dawg84: diddy[6171] zendormon: Diddy waitingg[6171] cappalotty: can i order a 20 piece nuggets and large fry @Jynxzi[6171] yobihluvguap: DDIIDDDYYY[6171] tabanaaka: PowerUpL SSSsss PowerUpR[6171] cheesesteak5151: Diddy[6171] quozify_1: diddy waiting[6171] sebxslol: Sebxslol subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! [6172] a665190: !discord[6172] nightbot: https://discord.gg/jynxzi[6172] hunchojackie: DRIZZY WAITING DRIZZY WAITING DRIZZY WAITING DRIZZY WAITING[6172] everydayimhustlin02496: Badd aim[6172] mg757: YOU MEET DIDDY ?[6173] warrrne: !gamble 30[6173] streamelements: warrrne won 30 points in roulette and now has 225 points! FeelsGoodMan[6173] sandy_sir: W[6173] jynxi_best: fatty[6173] voxxyyyyyyyyy: WW[6173] supernintendomike: OOOO[6174] usilent_: w[6174] sandy_sir: WWWWWW[6174] iiluvvzz: diddy party stream[6175] tumsy797: god damn[6175] nolimitnoob_: DANG[6175] xzertion_: WWWWWWWW WWW[6175] sandy_sir: WWWWWWWW[6175] joshpisag: STFU ZENTI[6175] villias: W[6175] xpecthaven: good aim[6176] littlemasain: junko[6176] alphaeid3: WW[6176] camron_twitch1: “Hi, I’d like to order a Big Mac meal with medium fries and a Coke, please.”[6176] sandy_sir: WWW💀WW💀W[6176] pinkinfinite: WWWWW[6176] dantheman3377: W[6176] ayman_ksa55889: WHEN IS ISHOWSPEED 1v1[6176] slomorunner149: WWWWWWWWWWWWW[6176] muhkuhluh: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[6176] abrahamdxm: omg ricci[6177] mezzdup_bun: EZZZZZZZZZZZ[6177] arentyogood: ArentYoGood subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months, currently on a 13 month streak! wassup duo[6177] emmixxx: OMGGGG[6177] alphaeid3: WW [6177] joshpisag: TO EZ[6177] thelegendherself1: DAMN[6177] ethan0625: WWWWWWWW[6177] itzmultikillx: !gamble 1k[6177] nate29turtle: cap that fast food ahh pizza. come to chicago and get some giordanos[6177] sandy_sir: WWWWWWW[6177] bluelobster923: thats gg[6177] worldasetupboi: WWWWWWWWWWWWW[6177] nightbot: no 🧢[6177] streamelements: @ItzMultiKillx, you only have 865 points.[6177] xzertion_: Wiici[6178] guyson: W[6178] mg757: YOU MEET DIDDY ??[6178] bonesstv: LMFAOOOOOOOOO[6178] huddythebuddy13: Hate from Indiana[6178] skytesbackfolds: WWWWWWWWWWWWW[6178] alphaeid3: WW[6178] ewewewewesd: ricci won[6178] aaron_2740: fat[6178] voxxyyyyyyyyy: WWW[6178] nightbot: 👀[6178] cosmic_waves: wwwwwwwwwww[6178] sandy_sir: WWWWWW[6178] muhkuhluh: WWWWWWWW[6178] carminekos: SLAMMMMMMED[6178] emmixxx: WWWW[6179] jynxi_best: fat[6179] sleepyyonhots: w[6179] featherisbeast: W RICCI[6179] mezzdup_bun: ESZZZ[6180] glazrs: wwww[6180] bangawanga: lolololololololololol[6180] mrmilku1234: W[6180] justasadlonleyfactgot: WWWWW[6180] sleepyyonhots: ww[6180] kuzakaiee: 🤣🤣🤣🤣[6180] xzertion_: wicci[6180] causevseffect: bro zenti so ass[6180] xpecthaven: Good aim[6180] abrahamdxm: GOOD AIM[6180] bonesstv: WWW RICIIIII[6180] infamousbeast99: SLAMMED[6181] jonathonc1: w[6181] salty_dawg84: diddy waiting[6181] trashpanda9379: WWWWWWWWWWWW[6181] slomorunner149: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[6181] ihaveabbl31360: P JIDDY[6181] bardown16__: riccis movement is diabolical.[6181] codename_cotton: SPIT ON HIM[6181] littlemasain: help[6181] shvdowreaper: ricci has gooood aim[6181] thelastactualdweller: WWWWWW[6181] kotaaa1: LMFOAFOA[6181] jrleal: WW[6181] sandy_sir: WWWWWWW[6181] voxxyyyyyyyyy: WWW ITALIAN PRINCE[6181] slvmmin: hahhahaha[6184] axarito: he owns him[6184] cappalotty: W RICCI[6184] parrazalex120: ezzzz[6184] olejohnnydogs: Zenti selling my points[6184] mlb_asf: RICII NYYYY[6184] lilsimpforuuu: WWWW[6184] dubcity777: WWWWW[6184] skytesbackfolds: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[6184] slomorunner149: WWWWW RICCI[6184] dantheman3377: WWWWW[6184] alphaeid3: WW [6184] saddestblaze: JynxziDiddy[6184] tymarl3y: just pay us now[6184] xzertion_: wwwww[6184] sandy_sir: WWWWWW[6186] capirannopresto: LMAIOOOOO[6186] usilent_: HARRIBLE[6186] jimmy_madman: W[6186] xzertion_: wwwwww[6186] dubcity777: WWW[6186] glazrs: too easy[6186] supernintendomike: zenti is ass LUL[6186] jinx_grue: ZENTI WASHED[6186] fishyfinn7: HARRIBLE[6186] kypeanutt: SLAMMMMMMMEDDDDD[6186] carminekos: LIGHT WORKKKKKKK[6187] dannnnnnnnn1: avidd washed 😂[6187] zynxbeyond: RICCI ON TIP[6187] yobihluvguap: DIIIDDRYY[6187] sandy_sir: WWWWWw[6187] maxl738: ricci on timing damn[6187] junior2oh9: ezzzzz[6187] cerprimetime: Kronus[6187] deadmemez6: WWWWWW[6187] smkeyy_: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[6187] emptyshelly: HATE FROM GERMANY[6187] ripl3ttuce: MARONE[6187] slomorunner149: LUL LUL LUL LUL[6187] slvmmin: W[6187] dman_laws: HARRABLE[6187] average_munch: zenti is terrible[6188] smackheadjed: HANG ON HE'S STREAMING FOR LONGER THAN 1:30 HOURS????[6188] xzertion_: wwwwwwwww[6188] cristi1an_: CAWKSUCKA[6188] xwhiteferrari: L[6188] kotaaa1: WWWWWWWWWWW[6188] sandy_sir: wwwwww[6188] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[6188] jimmy_madman: WWW[6188] megahead0: sending hate from your attic[6188] meowserpro_: there goes my points :<[6188] aguapo1k: zenti is dog[6188] thegoldenchild870: Front runner zenti[6188] mezzdup_bun: HOWABLE LMAOAOAOA[6188] deadmemez6: WW[6188] mikec750: WWWWWW[6189] sandy_sir: WWWWWW[6189] kotaaa1: WWWWWWWWWW[6189] fluxious209: YO ZENTI MIGHT GET 6-0'D[6189] joshpisag: CRY ZENTI CRY[6189] tommys234: HARRIBLE[6189] dragnfrute: Ricci is smooth with it[6189] trashpanda9379: WICHIE[6189] nightwing214: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp[6189] alexanderr_xxiv: damn 3-0[6190] fvcklimitz: MARONN[6190] kraken541: zenti sucks[6190] kanroh: MARONEEEEWE[6190] cheeseburger256: crazy[6190] nightbot: i was crazy once[6190] sandy_sir: WWWW[6190] olejohnnydogs: weird ahhhh kid[6190] frank_h0rrigan: Clean Sweep?[6190] dangerplayss: LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[6190] swoleboh: ?[6190] babayaga434: MAHRONE[6190] ihateautocorrect: 7-0[6190] nightbot: ?[6190] joshpisag: WOAH[6190] streamelements: 1pmOnXbox has spent 3 days 13 hours watching jynxzi[6191] uservidzz: BRO IS NOT TONY SOPRANO[6191] mezzdup_bun: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[6191] h3rb4l5m0ke: hawrible[6191] slvmmin: ZENTI IS ASS[6192] hhartorias: HUH[6192] joshpisag: PAUSE[6192] voxxyyyyyyyyy: RICCICOD IS BACK….[6192] bigunit212: 7-0[6192] retronitez: AYO[6192] evoke_playzz: CAWKSUCKA!!![6192] gbrees: ricci era[6192] mirukiuu_: ricci is nice[6192] azmxkxmd: riccifGOKU[6192] qwxyiscool3287: WWWWWWW[6192] shivermetimbers15: HUHHH[6193] zynxbeyond: ZENTINIS ASS[6193] swayfui: HUH[6193] fvcklimitz: MARONNNN[6193] dantheman3377: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY[6193] maxl738: ????[6193] alexplzyz: LOL[6193] nightbot: 😂[6193] kingxkins: marron[6193] seb4st1an_562: WWWW[6193] codioh: Www[6193] nobapsay: wtf is zenti doin?[6193] supernintendomike: ????[6193] cmanalmighty: HARRIBLE[6193] ohzow: MARON LMFAOOOO[6193] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀[6194] jaydenleecarson_0: pay up already[6194] emeraldtyr: did diddy diddle a dude?[6194] xiphoidar: LMAOOOOOO[6194] millerlytekidd: Dis dude Toxic AF. I rather watch Tim try to play this.[6194] kanroh: MAROOOONNNEEEEEE[6194] bigballs5454: HARIABOL[6194] pinballrun: WHAT[6194] viking_ys: HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA ZENTI IS A FUCKING JOOKKEEEEEEEE[6194] aaron_2740: junko x diddy[6194] emptyshelly: UR HARRIBLEEE[6194] slomorunner149: LUL[6195] evoke_playzz: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣[6195] akimbo802: he the king of this shit[6195] villias: LMAO[6195] zefttw: W LITTLE CESARS WORKER[6195] bardown16__: ...[6195] woody_hairyson: w payout[6195] iitzcrayz: ayo[6195] supernintendomike: WHAT[6195] acidthriller: SUS[6195] lilsluga: 💀💀💀💀💀[6195] xpecthaven: ??[6196] 12gamefive: FREE POINT RICCI CMMMOOOONNN[6196] do0mdayy: ?????[6196] jbran1515: HE JUST SAID MARONE[6196] masontompkins_72: W[6196] maxwelliswell1: WOAH[6196] itzmultikillx: !gamble 1000[6196] echo5822: jynxziSubHype[6196] usilent_: WOAH[6196] bardown16__: ???[6196] kotaaa1: ??????????? ?[6196] fvcklimitz: MARON[6196] cmagbro: !gamble all[6196] seb4st1an_562: WW RICCI[6196] kfrm03mm: im gald i bet all my channel points on ricci[6197] leept88: LMAO[6197] victuuuuur: WHAAAAT[6197] codename_cotton: SPIT ON IT RICCII[6197] sammyboi0607: rooting for ricci but put points on zenti[6197] yobihluvguap: DIIDDYYY[6197] thedude694206: huh[6197] dantheman3377: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion[6197] streamelements: cmagbro went all in and lost every single one of their 120 points LUL[6197] sonotreal: LMAOAAAAO[6197] unknownpersonlol69: can I get a 10pc and a coke fatty?[6197] vlone_onnc: lmao[6197] sswiger20: leaked[6197] voidthegoddd: ZENTI LEAVE THE GAME[6197] mikeys07: lmao[6197] jungo_t: PAUSE[6198] nachomanranchysalad: Gayge[6198] beastly222: ma heart[6198] stidd63717: W[6198] exhaustedslothh: 7-0 bro[6198] smkeyy_: LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO[6198] xiphoidar: ??????????[6198] retronitez: SALAMI[6198] xpeajay: bye[6198] jynxi_best: fat[6199] justexoticss: PREEEE 6-0[6199] eraend22: lmaooo[6199] causevseffect: hahahaha[6199] slomorunner149: W RICCI[6199] pinballrun: jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY[6199] scooter2ez: AYOOOOO[6199] dagoodkush: ???[6199] mg757: YOU MEET DIDDY ?[6199] maximos0515: !LINK[6199] h3rb4l5m0ke: HAWRIBBLE[6199] tennessejed622: MARONE[6199] daman3368: hi you are one of the best streamer I have ever seen I would support but my mom doesn’t let me[6199] kotaaa1: ??????????[6199] swwaldo: LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[6200] juliusceasariusthe6th: BRO WHAT[6200] cristoratwood: lol[6200] puffpuffjuicer: WOAHHHH[6200] colin144fps: www[6200] hsals__: 💀[6200] seb1of1: LMAO[6200] razoo020: LMFAO[6200] flaume_aux: WOAHHH[6200] joeshmoe1000: LMFAO[6200] rockstarrlifebecallin: LMAO[6200] slavist_: ???[6200] imrazerd: ?????[6200] trippyexit: LMAOOIII[6200] faxzcapz: WWWWWWW[6200] shiesty_serosh67: @HiVise PLAT 1.2 kd jamacanb4nann4[6201] mortar: huh ?[6201] bam2k17_: D piddy[6201] painalmightypush: who’s mama loo[6201] baconboy_150: ZENTI IS DOG SHITTTT[6201] weeoutdizbich: XD[6201] princetaji: LMFAOOOO[6201] lucas135742: YOO[6201] jynxzicespice: LMAO[6201] razoo020: LMAO[6201] codename_cotton: SPIT ON IT RICC[6201] jimmy_madman: only 8??[6202] mg757: YOU MEET DIDDY[6202] bruhhtito: alright bro[6202] causevseffect: hahahahaha[6202] rxchlxl: RARE RICCI W[6202] officerconradd: OfficerConradd subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 3 month streak! Brotherrrrr[6202] tb_styx: wtf[6202] veyyl: NAHH[6202] vlone_onnc: 😂😂😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣[6202] beastly222: 😂[6202] ckittle1: harobble[6202] kushibun02: MARONNNN[6202] fentrevive: subway[6202] spplcyy: WENTI[6202] scleebles: given him the kielbasa[6202] puffpuffjuicer: LMAOOOOOO[6203] iiluvvzz: wedding shirt[6203] vexcodex: OH NAWL[6203] airpxds: W ZENTI[6203] fossabot: @dom_mma, Your message is too long[6203] tommys234: YA ARE FUCKIN HARRIBLE CAWKSUCKAH[6203] yohnnyspoons: w richi[6203] xmzungu: SALAMI[6203] jmains15_: 8 INCH ITALIAN CAWWWKKK[6203] vacgrey: ????[6203] russian_bomber_: lmmaaooo[6203] fruitloverboy: DIDDY AHH PARTY[6203] yobihluvguap: DIIDDYY[6203] jbess1e: 7-0[6203] revbangz: !gamble 20[6203] jj234222: LMAOOO[6204] emptyshelly: BENDING HIM OVERRRR[6204] streamelements: revbangz won 20 points in roulette and now has 90 points! FeelsGoodMan[6204] ihaveabbl31360: P JYNXZI[6204] joshpisag: wtf !4[6205] trippyexit: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭[6205] russian_bomber_: lmmmmmaaaoooo[6205] echo5822: jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE[6205] ttgtrap: diddy[6205] zikenfg: LMAOOOOO[6205] colin144fps: wwww[6206] codeace999: Play play play play[6206] pinballrun: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak[6206] jungo_t: zenti is sooo bad[6206] vlone_onnc: 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣[6206] poopyfacetomatonose7447: fat[6206] mrmilku1234: LMAOO[6206] kinggobliny: ZENTI IS ASS[6206] vacgrey: AYOOO[6206] deadmemez6: RyuChamp RyuChamp RyuChamp RyuChamp[6207] itzmultikillx: !gamble 100[6207] exhaustedslothh: pre sweep[6207] hexghon: yoooo[6207] sammyboi0607: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper[6207] echo5822: jynxziSubHype[6207] kryos45: WWWWW[6207] daw_9124: pay the puck up boy[6207] tymarl3y: gamble 2500[6207] unctropyx: !discord[6207] slomorunner149: HAHHHAHH[6207] docgreenthumbbb: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke[6207] bowser088: diddy[6207] nightbot: https://discord.gg/jynxzi[6207] mattomalley74: pause[6207] spplcyy: DIDDY WAITING[6208] arminnrd: glazing[6208] bostonterrierlover: WWW Italian sausage[6208] viniisbest1: run a polllllllllllllll[6208] gmatrix08: diddy[6208] 40k_j: interview shirt[6209] colin144fps: ww[6209] yobihluvguap: dfiiddyy[6209] pito_g2craz: what a nice guy[6209] echo5822: jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziGLASSES[6209] lucas135742: WHAT THE FUCKK[6209] jamie_ftp: he’s after geting humbled[6209] ti_lur: TRIPPIN[6209] codeace999: play fall guys[6209] flaume_aux: DIDDYYY[6209] iiluvvzz: diddy wedding shirt[6210] kryos45: WWW RICCI[6210] chunkoisfatty: NOOO DIDDDDYYYY?[6210] emptyshelly: HES FUCKING ZENTI RN[6210] colin144fps: wwwww[6210] dpanzonee: when is ricci vs zenti[6210] slothfulde1ight: 1v1 winner[6210] ihaveabbl31360: DIDDY[6210] joeyisajuggalo: thesha273ShaggsLul thesha273ShaggsLul thesha273ShaggsLul[6210] puffpuffjuicer: NAHHHHH[6210] faxzcapz: poopy butt[6211] gokugutt: LMAO[6211] mrmilku1234: W[6211] yohnnyspoons: rich > zenti[6211] cashisgooder: When is Ricci vs Zenti[6211] radiant443: j Diddy[6211] maximos0515: dripped out junkoo[6211] chad_wick_emporer: 7-0[6211] sheepmorino: W 1v1[6211] colin144fps: ww[6211] eltecato: LMAOOOOOOOOOO [6211] mikeys07: skylanders is peak[6211] justjon_8052: cmon zenti[6212] therealcobra25: 😂[6212] yousorryaf_ttv: why did I bet on this bum lol.i wanted the come up on points lmao[6212] joshpisag: SKYLANDERS[6212] generalmonkeyz: sketch waiting[6212] ckittle1: Diddy waiting[6212] fentrevive: jynxzi met diddy at subaway[6212] acidthriller: DIDDY AHH[6212] colin144fps: wwwww[6212] puhhz: Ricci is shitting on this kid[6212] jewelrystv: hes dreaming[6212] jj234222: DIDDY IS WAITING[6212] bbop2011: !spotify[6212] nightbot: 👀[6212] kodaxs_brother: there are levels to this game[6213] vjay21: Zenti carries your stream fatass[6213] nightbot: https://open.spotify.com/user/ojynxzi?si=hNtr6WdOTDaljuYqRryEbQ&dl_branch=1[6213] voltz_ingot: FREE PTS[6213] joeyisajuggalo: KEKWW[6213] johnyboy12322: when is 3v5[6213] itsthatguy121: !prime[6213] itzchris_01: No diddy[6213] colin144fps: www[6214] mp39edits: ?[6214] nightbot: Subscribe to @Jynxzi for FREE with Twitch Prime Twitch.tv/subs/jynxzi[6214] hamdioka: ggg[6214] mintythelancer: mintythelancer subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months! Hate from all of Toronto Canada[6214] deadlockdemon: there goes all his self respect[6214] flawnski: flawnski subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [6215] maskedbootyy: you know zenti gives up when he starts being hella submissive 😂[6215] spinyw1ny: join my party then[6215] zindumz: W RICCI[6215] colin144fps: ww[6215] rodxbod: zenti switched up REAL fast[6215] leggomyeggo2069: ricci was locked in a tourney earlier[6215] nutscruncher: Zenti doesnt give a F LMAO[6216] dizzierdizzi: Are you ever going to warm up and play?[6216] lucas135742: THATS WILD[6216] 12gamefive: CMON RICCI 6-0[6216] phantom4897348: jynxziBuena jynxziBuena jynxziBuena jynxziBuena jynxziBuena jynxziBuena jynxziBuena jynxziBuena[6216] shadow_pyr0: L Zenti[6216] colin144fps: www[6216] iitzcrayz: ricci is his dad now[6216] dave35224: !gamble all[6216] echo5822: Kappa RedCoat RedCoat RedCoat[6217] streamelements: dave35224 went all in and lost every single one of their 5 points LUL[6217] 0pal0nyx: Zenti a fraud[6217] vizualizedave: L ZENTI[6217] littlemasain: show them tits[6217] russian_bomber_: talian shhlloooonnggg[6217] luisgotdropped: P Junko[6218] jolmtron: free channel points[6218] choppy10951: when’s fanmail[6218] joshpisag: SKY LANDERS 💀💀[6218] hawksszn: @jynxzi did you stay at the diddy party after 12am[6218] bowser088: diddy waiting[6218] emptyshelly: HOP ON DOODLE JUMP[6218] gokugutt: Scrippted?[6219] jewelrystv: zenti is dreaming[6219] opalexander156: Its 2 inches[6219] echo5822: StoneLightning[6219] mrslashzzz: yo @Jynxzi , hows the headset dent going?[6219] frankiep00: ZENTI funny ash have him in streams more[6219] mattlundy15: GET XIM GET XIM GET XIM[6220] joeyisajuggalo: toadphKekw toadphKekw toadphKekw[6220] tymarl3y: !gamble 1k[6220] codeace999: play fall guys1[6220] mackalexander500: SUCK DICK[6220] jxrdy___: !watchtime[6220] gmatrix08: diddy party[6220] streamelements: tymarl3y lost 1000 points in roulette and now has 67480 points! FeelsBadMan[6220] streamelements: jxrdy___ has spent 1 day 1 hour watching jynxzi[6220] xzc6355: bro is about to cry[6220] worldasetupboi: CANT WAIT TILL ZENTI LOSE ON GOD[6220] taxinyou18: skylanders w game[6221] jayyd1220: SPIT ON IT[6221] dingolingogaming: FREE AHH PREDICTION[6221] lldylxnlll: jynxziChampion[6221] supernintendomike: Italian sausage LMAOOOOOOOOOO[6221] jimmy_madman: zenti waiting[6221] binroller: RICCI ERA[6221] joshbram06: DADDY RICCI[6221] finnick70: hello jinxi BegWan[6222] lenny1224ttv: !watchtime[6222] nightbot: bozo[6222] streamelements: Lenny1224TTV has spent 9 days 6 hours watching jynxzi[6222] javion: should of said salami tbh[6222] slomorunner149: L ZENTI[6222] tobytrice531: zenty 🧹[6223] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[6223] kotaaa1: ??[6223] h3rb4l5m0ke: ZENTI IS A WANNABE XIM[6223] k0qe: EGO[6223] klein250: SKYLANDERS LMAOOOO[6223] bdogg1123: 2020Party 2020Party 2020Party 2020Party[6223] cleallian: hop dat ass on fortnite[6223] notbrody0k: Ranked tn[6224] ihaveabbl31360: P JYNXZI[6224] monicama1997: CALL RICCI ARBY'S COS HE'S GOT THE MEATS[6224] mg757: WAITING FOR DIDDY[6224] kotaaa1: ??????[6224] caseohsgrandpap: Wait skylanders was peak wtf??[6224] joshpisag: SKY LANDERS 🤣🤣🤣[6225] jmanijiwola: XIM CLONE[6225] cmagbro: !gamble 50[6225] aidanishere09: !gamble 2000[6225] codeace999: play fall guys[6225] rohanraikai: Lmfao[6225] xivvy__: shut up diddy[6225] streamelements: aidanishere09 lost 2000 points in roulette and now has 1530 points! FeelsBadMan[6227] kotaaa1: LOLOLOLOLOL[6227] nightmare20105: When is 5v every rank[6227] bdogg1123: 2020Party 2020Party 2020Party 2020Party 2020Party 2020Party 2020Party[6227] slomorunner149: LMAO[6227] ttgtrap: lol[6227] opplord: Zenti is diabolical 😂😂😂[6227] nightbot: 😂[6227] trenbro6: zenti is a horrible xim clone[6227] jynxi_best: spam junkos fat[6228] codeace999: play fall guys8[6228] dacfee: @HiVise dacfee pc gold[6228] cashisgooder: when is Ricci vs Zenti[6228] sunm08: Sketch is waiting[6228] lyve_o: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke[6228] vip3rwing: odds too good[6228] jimmy_madman: sidemen waiting[6229] crankiplier_fanatic: W STREAM[6229] sandy_sir: 💀[6229] jolmtron: diddy waiting[6229] braydenh2013: spoit is waiting[6229] jenksiee: lmao[6230] jayyd1220: SPIT ON ITT[6230] slomorunner149: LUL[6230] codeace999: play fall guys7[6230] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀[6230] hamdioka: Moin[6230] xfearvert: baqq clone[6231] fransua2423: Im Italian and i confirm[6231] acidthriller: KING OF DIDDY[6231] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀[6232] elengilbert: LMAO[6232] kraken541: zenti on meth[6232] to4sterbread: so were in copper[6232] eltecato: OMEGALUL[6232] codeace999: play fall guys0[6232] ti_lur: LUL KING OF CONSOLE xdd[6232] jynxi_best: fat[6232] sandy_sir: 💀[6233] beastly222: 😂😂😂[6233] oppiscite: P JIZZY[6233] bardown16__: HOOT HOOT🦉[6233] dantheman3377: yeah[6233] bdbhdhshahj: !Link[6233] 1vertex3: wedding[6233] nightbot: @bdbhdhshahj If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[6233] easy_moneysniper1: king of console but he’s ass[6233] joshpisag: WWWWW ZENTI[6234] sandy_sir: 💀💀[6234] primalevolve: PrimalEvolve subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months, currently on a 12 month streak! dADDY[6234] nolimitnoob_: Oh no[6234] jayyd1220: SPIT ON ITTTT[6234] codeace999: play fall guys76[6234] slomorunner149: HHAHHAHAHAHAH[6235] opponentsfn: DIDDY[6235] xpecthaven: 🤣🤣[6235] kyr_menstrual_cycle: LUL[6235] bardown16__: HOOT HOOT🦉.[6235] denticccc: zenti the best skylanders player[6235] xfearvert: baqq clone 😭[6235] dantheman3377: true[6235] itskorde: !gamble 230[6235] jussmarcos: LMAOOOOOOO[6235] coolgamertv_: SALTY LMAOO[6235] juliusceasariusthe6th: W RYAN[6236] mortar: 💀💀💀[6236] streamelements: ItsKorde won 230 points in roulette and now has 895 points! FeelsGoodMan[6236] vitality5175: diddy[6236] dpanzonee: when is Zenti vs Ricci[6236] oppiscite: P JIZZZY[6236] bardown16__: HOOT HOOT🦉[6236] supernintendomike: chewing on mic = funny[6236] not_lethal_: LMAOOO[6236] oli_r6demon15: oli_r6demon15 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! yay[6236] gokugutt: LMAO[6236] iplanoa: when is sleep stream[6237] iiluvvzz: DIDDY[6237] nossydd: xim clone[6237] russian_bomber_: ryan garcia waiting[6237] villias: yoooo[6237] joshpisag: WOAH[6237] bio_blast: @HiVise Silver 4/Carrotz.[6237] ttgtrap: w[6237] jimmy_madman: pdiddy waiting[6237] jadenmoltisanti: RICCI CLONE[6237] fossabot: @aceyvn, Your message is too long[6237] emptyshelly: P JIZZY[6237] codeace999: play fall guys77[6238] stirzy_: LMFAO[6238] glizzytwister: leaked[6238] unpaireddd: LEAKED[6238] easy_moneysniper1: diddddddy[6238] iitzcrayz: lmfao[6238] spplcyy: wenti[6238] mg757: DIDDY WAITING[6238] justice17suii: @Jynxzi zenti getting touched rn[6239] autismpatient3: diddy dropped[6239] frank_h0rrigan: Ricci 'The Janitor' New Jersey is mopping up rn[6239] taibheoir: are you the guy that was in the peanut butter falcon movie?[6239] jayyd1220: SPIT ON ITTTTT[6239] grunkleerk: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak[6239] oppiscite: P JIZZY[6239] easy_moneysniper1: didddddddy[6239] oveofgod123: 😭😭[6239] poofcd: cap[6240] nightbot: no 🧢[6240] leept88: LMAO[6240] joshpisag: SUCH CAPO[6240] shadow_789123456: why is jynxzi in LA[6240] onefred: P CHUNKO[6240] coronaman32: SPOIT WAITING[6240] codeace999: play fall guys666[6240] axarito: hell nah[6240] ihaveabbl31360: WWWW[6240] dingolingogaming: DIDDY[6240] viniisbest1: run pols[6240] opponentsfn: NO DIDDY[6240] puffpuffjuicer: REAL[6240] thelegendherself1: LUL LUL LUL LUL[6241] nightbot: real[6241] jc130000: CAP[6241] jynxzithecokeaddict: leaked[6241] tootrillie: real[6241] joshpisag: LIES[6241] emptyshelly: P JIZZZYYYY[6241] stizzle2209: new mic zenti lol[6241] iiluvvzz: DIDDY LEAKED[6241] i_luv_seige42o: jynxziChampion jynxziFALL jynxziPACK jynxziCRY jynxziSad[6241] slomorunner149: HAHAHAAHHAH[6241] mellyfellyy: wwww skylanders[6241] binroller: CAP[6241] arinad: LMAO[6241] unknownpersonlol69: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper[6241] iliblackbirdili: facts[6242] toxicsnakegotyou: zenti is a Xim wanna be[6242] jmanijiwola: OFC[6242] tobobobocop: Ricci and zenti are waiting[6242] flaume_aux: DIDDYYY[6242] nightbot: 👀[6242] nossydd: ximmmmmmmmmm[6243] cmomoney187: DO IT THEN PUSSY[6243] jewelrystv: ryan garcia exposed you[6243] codeace999: play fall guys444[6243] oppiscite: P JIZZZY[6243] iiluvvzz: LEAKED[6243] juicethekid90: real[6243] gokugutt: LEAKED[6243] churrbb: no you cant[6243] jynxi_best: far[6243] vrrs468: real[6243] supernintendomike: your ass not going to court[6243] sandy_sir: 💀[6243] blonko_: L FED[6243] ttgtrap: w diddy[6243] russian_bomber_: RYAN GARCIA WAITING[6244] obamasrightarm: diddy[6244] thrainage: lawyer speak[6244] dondo_14: no you can’t[6244] azmxkxmd: cap[6244] iiluvvzz: DIDDY[6244] iliblackbirdili: hes right[6244] joshpisag: GO AHEAH[6244] jxrdy___: @StreamElements 1 day and 1 hour i cant get back[6244] slomorunner149: CAP[6244] bloodletter44: LEAKED[6244] mattlundy15: WE WANT XIM WE WANT XIM WE WANT XIM WE WANT XIM WE WANT XIM WE WANT XIM WE WANT XIM WE WANT XIM[6245] n0tluxk: P DIDDY[6245] poofcd: we saw u[6245] jayyd1220: SPIT ON ITTTTTTT[6245] basetownn: diddy[6245] plzexcusemylag1: LEAKED[6245] gyssa0217: REALL[6245] sandy_sir: LEAKERD[6245] spartan7oo: AVID[6246] dyl_kel98: Ricci is annoying asf[6246] nightbot: “😂😂😂” -avidqr6[6246] 27sn0wman: IM SO EXCITED TO NOT HEAR ZENTI[6246] dantheman3377: facts[6246] puffpuffjuicer: LOL[6246] oppiscite: P JIZZZZY[6246] aidenkillsnoobs: cap[6246] emptyshelly: YES IT ISSS[6246] dagoodkush: it is???[6246] bowser088: real[6246] grumpyonyt: p diddy leaded[6246] sabbbaaa: DIDDY[6246] jewelrystv: ryan exposed you[6246] mrboeding: cap[6246] n0tluxk: REAL[6247] real_voided: dddy[6247] blonko_: L SNITCH[6247] crxshoutjxden_: REAALLLLL[6247] johnyboy12322: when is 3g5[6247] ti_lur: DEFAMATION[6247] mrexposedtv: he’s trying to be Xim[6247] chippy1196: Tell zenti to go get a job[6247] elviiira_: REAL[6248] sandy_sir: LEAAKKKKEDFDDD[6248] jynxi_best: fatty[6248] salty_dawg84: real[6248] c00l_pug1: nuggets[6248] joe_money11: yo jynxzi we have the same last name and it is spelled the same[6248] midooprototype: What is diddy[6248] thelastactualdweller: REAL[6248] dondo_14: no crime committed[6248] spplcyy: diddy waiting[6248] codeace999: play fall guys3444[6248] ihateautocorrect: real[6248] maddengod0906: CAP FAT[6249] xeno_xcaliburr: LEAKED[6249] maxh1m: you try to take everything to court pussy[6249] vitality5175: u met diddy[6249] retronitez: LEAKED[6249] boobooshabookie: diddy defamation[6249] oimojooi: ACTUAL REAL[6249] flaume_aux: P DIDDYY[6249] zqkaxn: fat[6249] 420blaziken_: LEAKED[6249] emptyshelly: LEAKED PICS[6249] chubbronbeast12: reallll[6249] sandy_sir: LEAEKKKKEDD[6249] tallwithanxiety: LEAKED[6249] gyssa0217: LEAKEDDD[6249] joshpisag: FREEDOM OF SPEECH[6250] usilent_: fat[6250] b00ty_clapper1: leakkked[6250] anthonieus: Leaked[6250] hjhughes31: diddler[6250] angermanagemint: LEAKED[6250] sponge08bob: DIDDLED BY DIDDY[6251] tktokbrendan0_0: fat[6251] ayman_ksa55889: I HATE TRANS[6251] justagamert4g: BibleThump LUL BibleThump LUL[6251] gokugutt: OWL[6251] protocolsavage: leaked[6251] robertrene9: W DIDDY[6251] dagoodkush: it literally is[6252] slvmmin: real[6252] ccghbv: real[6252] sandy_sir: LEAAEAKKKKEDD[6252] skullj: Did it[6252] emptyshelly: LEAKED VID[6252] mezzdup_bun: LEAKD[6252] tymarl3y: !gamble 4k[6252] arko_235: bros lawyer is jayoma[6252] snowylwm: SEEMS TRUTH[6252] classywizardgamer: LEAKED[6252] cacthongbetong: REAL[6252] mandooo001_: LUL LUL LUL LUL[6252] supernintendomike: LEAKED[6252] dstatog: O Ziddy[6252] adnamnski: cap it s real[6253] az_lad: leaked[6253] real_voided: DIDDY[6253] pizzauniversepizza: LEAKED[6253] slipperynoodle3: 😂😂[6253] flaume_aux: LEAKEDD[6253] iiluvvzz: LEAKED[6253] spartan7oo: AVID SUIY[6254] basetownn: leaked[6254] jdogboi7362: leakes[6254] hjhughes31: diddles[6254] beastly222: real[6254] soar1nq: super duper real[6255] i_am_the_militia: LEAKED[6255] cheznuts54: FAT[6255] landoj4: fat[6255] gamerboy48832two: leasekdc[6255] nobapsay: LEAKED[6255] joshpisag: TRUE[6255] itzdequanlol: Diddy waiting[6255] h1m_fan: w zenti[6255] fenikoz: WW LEAK[6255] lazyygaming_: leaked leaked[6255] xd_ghostgamer: LEAKED[6255] mandooo001_: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL[6255] danzelcurry1655: go@call@your girlfriend moms[6255] sandy_sir: LEAAAKKEDD[6255] crxshoutjxden_: CAP[6256] hydra14_: hiding behind lawyers[6257] denticccc: i saw you with diddy[6257] sswiger20: LEAKED[6257] codenamequis: leaked[6257] spinyw1ny: LEAKED[6258] fruitloverboy: ur a cult leader bitch fuck u[6258] tekneeks: REAL AND TRUE[6258] vitality5175: diddy and you good friends[6258] pito_g2craz: L liar[6258] rfkilla: lake[6258] sandy_sir: LEEAAAKKKEDEDDD[6258] mintmotors: stream lag[6258] tktokbrendan0_0: your fat[6258] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[6258] littlemasain: junko I’m 8ay any advice[6258] usilent_: 1-10 ben[6258] youngzshiesty: Leaked your b ahhh[6258] juicycoen911: LEAKED[6258] aiexpereira: diddy[6258] gh0stgh0sty: CHARLIE CONFIRMED[6259] docishard: LEAKED[6259] bread7s: script[6259] masterhalocheif: diddy do it[6259] scleebles: the meth making junko tweak[6259] sp1tfire246: im confused[6259] aidenkillsnoobs: Mcdiddy[6259] jbess1e: drizzy[6259] dpanzonee: when is Ricci vs Zenti[6260] shadow_789123456: look at the time he is Breakie house[6262] dantheman3377: Documentary on Netflix[6262] heartbreakdrke: leaked[6262] bloodletter44: P DIDDY[6262] minority_man223: p jizzy[6262] aiexpereira: J diddy[6262] trashpanda9379: LEAKED[6262] omegabloodflo99: WWW[6262] keeganpat1234: SeemsGood[6262] jynxi_best: fat[6262] notbreze: leaked real diidy[6262] travv4: EXPOSED[6262] exhaustedslothh: did Ryan Garcia actually leak you lmao[6262] achtohbr: SENDING HATE FROM YOUR HOUSEe[6262] grizzlychub760: NO DRIZZY[6262] arvijohnn: P ALL DIDDY[6263] marthman_: you knew jeffery epstein[6263] vipersbetter: it’s all facts[6263] increatejr: P Jynxzi[6263] roulette_00: !points[6263] maxpodgur27: fatso[6263] streamelements: @oxi_rose4, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan[6263] streamelements: @roulette_00 roulette_00 has 4035 points and is rank 152641/1743712 on the leaderboard.[6264] nogravybaby: DIDDDYYYY[6264] xvertr: the diddler[6264] sircapsalot5: scripted[6264] russian_bomber_: Rysna GARCIA WAITING[6264] danzelcurry1655: go call your girlfriend moms[6264] i_am_the_militia: LEAKED DIDDY ADVOCATE[6264] xdarkkn: DIDDY & JIZZY[6264] drewskibtw: P JYNXZI[6264] puqa_f2: leakeddd[6264] itsallgood_man_: whens the diddy stream[6264] xstxrmzx: jynxziGLASSES[6264] jayyd1220: SPIT ON ITTTT DIDDYYYY[6266] iamviewbot123: LEAKEDDDDDDD[6266] bear_249: leaked[6266] higherlearning91: why you so mad ahaha[6266] wrldkian: it isn’t rlly guy shut up[6266] jeremyrios_15: caught in 4k🫵🏼[6266] m0ntq: LEAKED?[6266] dueces99: wedding bro[6266] chidomaster: why you getting mad????[6266] thebooster321_j: LEAKEDDDD[6266] yuenuffxx: 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻[6266] jacvogel: so real[6266] blockmanr6: 1v1 zenith[6268] jbess1e: P jynxzi[6268] lildi2023: Leaked[6268] aiexpereira: J DIDDY[6268] bigpapij12: play with my titty diddy[6268] fransua2423: IM ITALIAN AND I CONFIRM[6268] nogravybaby: DIDDDYYYYDIDDDYYYY[6268] ihaveabbl31360: YO P JYNXZI[6269] dingoid_: o_Diddy[6269] danzelcurry1655: lawyer up[6269] bio_blast: @HiVise Silver 4/Carrotz.[6269] glizzytwister: bbl drizzy x jynxzi when?[6269] flaume_aux: PIZZA PIZZA[6269] cheznuts54: fat[6269] mrmilku1234: WWW[6269] cabalheretic: zenti breakdown 😭😭[6269] 2cdubb2: diddy is waiting[6270] zak00987: FAT[6270] demonsquirrel504: def leaked all defensive lmao[6270] hiviseadork: Illuminati[6270] iiluvvzz: diddy[6270] bear_249: facts[6270] 1of1hazzy: 9 min[6270] opalexander156: your 2 inches[6270] dgotyobih_: LEAKED[6270] oatmeal110221: lmaooo[6270] tobobobocop: when’s the ricci and zenti 1v1[6270] autismpatient3: diddy droppedd[6270] backwoodstodaface: diddys wedding shirt[6271] whte5: I diddy[6271] pthecow_: p jynxzi[6271] axstrogalaxy: axstrogalaxy subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [6271] maxpodgur27: fatso[6271] ghostogee: exposed[6271] russian_bomber_: he's waiting[6271] specaix: J diddy J diddy J diddy J diddy[6271] itsallgood_man_: diddy waiting[6271] rhthem: RICCI ON TOP[6272] slvmmin: DRIZZY AND JIZZY GETTIN BIZZY[6272] mrmilku1234: W[6272] iamviewbot123: LEAKED[6272] f3lcaun: sending love from michigan[6272] rydeordie22: you shouldnt defend yourself too hard or else you look guilty bra[6272] co0lmonkey: !gamble 15%[6272] jayyd1220: SPIT ON ITTTT DIDDYYYYYYYYYY[6272] minority_man223: P fatty[6272] tymarl3y: !gamble 4000[6272] toast_gunns: Real✅ Leaked✅ Exposed✅ fake❌[6272] yuenuffxx: TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity[6272] henr6ent: SOOOO WE’RE WORSHIPPING THE OWL[6272] streamelements: co0lmonkey lost 334 points in roulette and now has 1899 points! FeelsBadMan[6272] jtromp_21: damn[6272] protocolsavage: JYNXZY V RICCI WHEN???????????[6273] xdolphinfloggin: This game is so ass[6273] parrazalex120: when is tim 1v1[6273] 8bitorangejuice: diddy defender[6273] mintmotors: lag[6274] qwxyiscool3287: ZENTI IS A BITCH[6274] danzelcurry1655: go@call@your girlfriend moms layer up[6274] cashisgooder: when is Ricci vs Zenti[6274] iitzcrayz: lot of talk for someone who doesnt even have a point[6274] tokyoxxghoul: Jynxzi was at the Island?!?! Confirmed!!![6274] crankiplier_fanatic: PROOF[6275] ajcapa: PIZZA KING[6275] bettr_call_paul: did diddy diddle you?[6275] xjaxsasx: pizza pizza[6275] russian_bomber_: diddy waiting[6275] pv4pl: LEAKE[6275] grumpyonyt: Junko ask ricci for a free pizza[6276] jayyd1220: SPIT ON ITTTT DIDDYYYYYYYYY[6276] bardown16__: aww :)[6276] opalexander156: g[6276] nightbot: no[6276] easy_moneysniper1: king of little ceaswrs[6276] bdbhdhshahj: !Link[6276] nightbot: @bdbhdhshahj If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[6276] dom1n7nce: fucking idiots[6276] zking_17: Ricci is moping rn lmao[6277] ihaveabbl31360: P JUNKO[6277] nightbot: 👀[6277] jordan_totact2: nah getting leaked is crazy jyxnzi[6277] beastly222: mcdiddy[6277] fisheygang6: Leaked[6278] brennancolesy: when’s the og chair back[6278] nightbot: @keithfishing -> moon2PLSNO [stop posting links] [warning][6278] iiluvvzz: DIDDY[6278] thrainage: hes projecting his own life onto others D:[6278] aiexpereira: J DIDDY FUCK YOU TUBBS[6278] im100509: mcdiddy[6278] slomorunner149: LUL[6278] hiviseadork: illuminati[6278] bardown16__: :)[6278] kotaaa1: :)[6278] jtromp_21: bruh[6279] jewelrystv: ryan garcia exposed you shut up fatty[6279] turbid_gamer: HE INVOKES THE FITH[6279] tobobobocop: when’s the 1v1[6279] bnetrino: :)[6279] itzmultikillx: !gamble 100[6279] bear_249: pizza pizza[6279] mezzdup_bun: LMAO[6280] radiant443: J Diddy[6280] streamelements: ItzMultiKillx won 100 points in roulette and now has 965 points! FeelsGoodMan[6280] henr6ent: :)[6280] imperixxl: :)[6280] keeganpat1234: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK[6280] aceyvn: jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown[6280] danzelcurry1655: go@call@your girlfriend moms lawyer up[6280] johnyboy12322: 3v5 at what time[6280] iiluvvzz: wedding shirt | Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [6100] I don't even have those in New York. I don't even think they have those dealers in New York. You were scrubbing toilets at last. What should you do with that? We know you work at McDonald's, Junk Sir. Okay. [6110] I'll tell you my daddy. Yeah, that's not my background story in any regard. Did it meet you? [6120] Didn't meet daddy chat did not meet daddy. I went on a cameo around got see he told me everything Okay, yeah doomed [6130] is even facture water accurate at all. What do you want? What do you want, Auntie? What do you want, bro? Trying to go up the Jengsy Swampy? Oh, yeah. [6140] Dude, Ricky's accent when he's yelling is actually funny. The whoever called that shit the jinky-smoppy. I taught him that shit. I taught him that shit. The fuck? What the fuck do you think you were? I taught him that shit, ho. [6150] Impress some trap. I know your ass trembling. You're trembling, bitch. You had a lucky ass prefire. You did the same thing every time. [6160] I promise you, I promise you're not one in a shed bitch. Ricky might be able to make a play here. Ricky goes through the brief hour, can't connect. [6170] Don't be pervade, shoot him, I'm ready to move, but this is... But this is... Die! Come on! SETTI! You are so dog shit bro! You are so fucking bad bro! [6180] Holy shit, you are fucking hard, why do you keep challenging that bro? That's my angle. It's gonna go part two, bitch. He's giving me that child. [6190] No fucking dumb ass kid bro. Don't we put a 10-T-T just give him that 8 inch Italian inch long. Yo, yo, no. Give me the fuck out of this party. That ass, bro. [6200] No, like actually what is Zenti saying right now bro Highlanders empty skylanders bro. Oh, he's not done. Bro. This is not done. I don't care if she's not over bro [6210] This is not over to the world. Guy Landers bro, you challenge the best people. Why are you swinging that bro? Like genuine, you have Malucca. This is not the best on the whole. I'll let you guys clear on the question. Fucking game on the King of Cons, on the King of Coins. [6220] So you're like, king of console but you're swinging in front of your utility, bro. That doesn't even make sense Yo, yo, who's talking to y'all? How fast, bro? Who's talking to the whole ass? Why does your coach keep volume high? [6230] Okay, hey, this could actually I could actually pursue this in court none of this is factually backed up [6240] in any regard bro he's just screaming diddy like none of this is even leaked no nothing's leaked bro none of this is real do that [6250] I don't even say it! Tell me, how do I know? Fuckin' fuck man, shut the fuck up. You're the king of little seasons, but... That fucker talking to me. Auntie, already topped me? [6260] Good to recharge that side wall so we can move in and out of master bedroom in the top main staircase free of Now run into trophies empty in master bedroom [6270] That's a bad room. Richie on the Maloo scene. Richie just do a smiley face? Why did he draw a smiley face? | There is no Highlight in the provided timespan. Jynxzi watches 1v1 between zenti and ricci. ricci starts with a win while at the end of the timeframe zenti wins a round with a headshot |
Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege[6400] tee_irex: DQ[6400] itskamina: LUL [6400] roseassassinii: Yes[6400] sundeviltitan11: yesssss[6400] nickcerrato: dq this fool[6400] lilsluga: dq[6400] schoooooo_: yellow card[6400] nashtherizzler: DQQQQQQQQQ[6400] ghuttomeg: dq[6400] certifiedaxtro: hes[6400] jaxon562: yes[6400] mcitch1: YES[6400] bigldubzz: get him gone[6400] m3atwadd: GIVE HIM A POINT[6400] xkncxdyingbreed: dq[6401] vlone_onnc: dq[6401] jayjugger: he keeps doing it[6401] shadowninja_7: DQ him[6401] wiffk: 3-1[6401] junkofan4sure: yes dq[6401] packlin_: how do i get in the discord[6401] sp1tfire246: dq hime[6401] cxffed: da him now[6401] aidenda17: DQ HIM[6401] inst1ncttttt: dqdqdqdqdqdqdqdqdqdqdqdqdqdqdqdqdq[6401] thebestmighty10: dq[6403] freebigbrother: YES DQ[6403] tubularkenny: Dq his ass[6403] jc130000: DQ[6403] bigboyswag75: dq[6403] worldasetupboi: DQ THIS ANNOYING BUM PLEASE[6403] sinable: DQ[6403] steezymiikee: DQQ[6403] rizinskis: DQ[6403] lazyboygunna: he’s cheating and your encouraging it[6403] youngbabe94: DC him[6403] faze_cloud68: yes[6403] thisguy424: no ricci sucks[6403] zentiic_60fps: diddy[6403] xemptchan: DQ[6403] gnrsteez: NO Dq[6404] thelegendherself1: dq[6404] killswitch164: DQQQQ[6404] bigbubba833: dQ[6404] hiviseadork: yes[6404] ceejaae: DQ[6404] tkettel_: come onnnnn brooooo[6404] akabk03: dq[6404] gsolozz: dq[6404] pwilson1919: na he can just mute buddy[6404] whowhatwhenwhy17: do it[6404] crankiplier_fanatic: YES![6404] nickcerrato: dq[6404] qlize: dq that bum[6404] igot459trillionvc: DQ[6407] nightbot: safFun[6407] r6forqive: dq[6407] 12gamefive: dq bruh[6407] koliesk: cheater[6407] arminbrando: DQ[6407] mikiebgood: yes[6407] fisheygang6: Dq[6407] slap_jax49: FQ[6407] gabriel200hj: dq[6407] mathewsmommyy: dq[6407] jakinbacon7: DQ HIS HOE ASS[6407] mawitsi: dq[6407] liamthegolfer: as a dude from ny back my boy up[6407] akorn730: @Jynxzi ask ricci if he wants the dq[6407] gsolozz: DQQQQQQ[6408] czx_78: czx_78 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 7 month streak! fat[6409] tatking315: Yes dq[6409] arc_tur_us: Pay Avid[6409] lihuncho1: dq[6409] bdogg1123: HahaPoint HahaPoint HahaPoint HahaPoint HahaPoint HahaPoint HahaPoint HahaPoint HahaPoint HahaPoint HahaPoint HahaPoint HahaPoint[6409] bennyboy2807: dq[6409] miraclewhip2001: DQ[6409] changelingyolt: dq that Cocksucka[6409] toppso: dq him[6409] mhahs22: DQ[6409] slap_jax49: DQ[6409] justjon_8052: VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay[6409] masterhalocheif: L instigator[6409] lazyboygunna: bro tell him to stop[6409] junkofan4sure: dq[6409] j_syve: YES DQ HIM[6410] its_ruben_: LMAO[6410] iiluv3x1m: DQ him bro[6410] cris078h: Dq[6410] plzexcusemylag1: PJSugar PJSugar[6410] kaden_19: DQ[6410] mynamejeff675: dq[6410] westythegoat_712: DQ[6410] theoneandonlyd: he is honestly annoying[6410] iplayswingg: dq[6410] keeganpat1234: Just do ittty[6410] zxtrso: NOOOOO[6410] sleepyyonhots: yessss DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ[6410] jimmy_madman: dq tastes good[6410] adriano_c02: EVERYONE JUST WANT THEIR POINTS OH HELL NO[6410] pulse3370: DQ[6411] inst1ncttttt: he weird[6411] az_lad: dq that bum[6411] mhahs22: DQQQ[6411] alitroach: EZ DQ[6411] zek4456: Dq[6411] aceduke1: yes[6411] blockmanr6: GOOOO RICCCI[6411] deyy2116: DQ[6411] ace_mudlay: yes[6411] curseedl: humble that dumb ass kid[6413] mhahs22: DQ[6413] idtheindescibable: DQ[6413] igot459trillionvc: DQ ZENTI[6413] mathewsmommyy: DQ[6413] prettyfoal56889: dq[6413] lihuncho1: poll it[6413] raix206: dq[6413] m0ntq: ]DQ[6413] reevesog: last warning[6413] 1_kemo_: dq[6413] deadmemez6: DQ him[6413] joshpisag: A SWIMMER[6413] ti_lur: THATS A DQ[6413] riskyrevs: dq[6413] jaxon562: dq[6414] nightbot: 😂[6414] xemptchan: dq[6414] robertcuz420: DQ[6414] niftykillz: DQ[6414] xxdaniel_larsonxx: Dq[6414] b4uins: DQ[6414] sundeviltitan11: fuck ZENTI[6414] michaelbrazyy: DQ HIM[6414] angermanagemint: DQ DQ[6414] imposter6982: DQ--[6414] isaidsitdown718: DQ[6414] butterly: DQ[6414] nathangarriott: dq[6414] gnrsteez: NO DQ[6414] moderatedgg: dq this bum[6415] cris078h: dq[6415] justicewise024: Bro who acc voted zenti[6415] trade_nades: junko six mins then you get carried[6415] blakerham: DQQQ[6415] moonie_nm: Drakes waiting[6415] f3artheflop999: yeah and then still payout the ricci win[6416] miraclewhip2001: DQ HIM BRO[6416] lanceyreal: DQ[6416] siethie: dq[6416] oolipapa: zenti strike 2. strike 3 you outttttt[6416] blakerham: DDQ[6416] jayden830gsgj: dq[6416] leo00168: dq[6416] 420blaziken_: DQ[6416] ghostrider80413: DQ[6416] invinciblead: DQ[6416] nightbot: @znon_95k -> Jackpot! [stop posting links] [warning][6416] zxtrso: don’t hate[6416] raaahhh_: DQQQQQQQ[6416] montagneistrash: ZENTI NOT REAL[6416] papimoore: IDK WHO U AAH[6417] loganlth77: that round don’t count[6417] slummyfps: dq[6417] xemptchan: yes[6417] cris078h: DQ[6417] viper_rl_: DQDQ[6417] ocpar: do[6417] kuzakaiee: POLL IT MODS[6417] breaksolo: DQ[6419] gimmetwosdummie: GimmeTwosDummie subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 17 months! [6419] slomorunner149: DQQ ZENTI[6419] lucas135742: tell him again bruh n dq if he does it again[6419] jrleal: DQQ[6419] idkbroxddd: dq[6419] ajvik01: not fair[6419] v0r73ks: dq[6419] jynxi_best: fat[6419] wiffk: w ricciiiiii[6419] laxthebarsmith: DQ[6419] joshpisag: PRO SWIMMER[6419] retronitez: run a poll[6419] bd63: DQQQ[6419] spplix: DQQ[6419] sleevo_stevo123: sleevo_stevo123 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [6420] itzmultikillx: DQ MAN[6420] virtuallynxxx: dqq[6420] kuneyei: dq[6420] theboss7585511: DQ[6420] imposter6982: DQ[6420] goodguypingu: DQ[6420] jayden830gsgj: dq that ho[6420] top22percent: nooooo[6420] ethanmondss: He keeps doing it[6420] bambam1519: dqdq[6420] muzimagic: YES DQ[6420] certifiedaxtro: DQ[6420] gbl0stws: !Link[6420] nightbot: @gbl0stws If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[6420] theoneandonlyd: he is a bum[6421] nome_t: dq dq dq dq dq[6421] deadmemez6: DQ[6421] iso_matthew: yessss[6421] dewzee_: DQ[6421] papimoore: DONT DQ[6421] jayylashae: DQ[6421] theonetheonlybarbairan: DQ[6423] spplix: DQQQQ[6423] robertcuz420: DQ[6423] alterevil714: dp[6423] kingc69: DQ[6423] ajvik01: dq[6423] envy_capone_: DQ[6423] zkyno: DQDQDQDQ[6423] iiluvvzz: DQ ZENTI[6423] xxdaniel_larsonxx: Dq[6423] blake_schultzz: dq[6423] tkettel_: instigate mire[6423] deadragon_slayer: yes[6423] grrrthee: DQ[6423] xthrxsherx: DQ[6423] soundcloutken: DQQQQ[6424] gemini_420: dq[6424] jadenmoltisanti: DQ[6424] blakerham: DDQQQDQD[6424] lmlcedout: “im so good at instigating” ☝️🤓[6424] mg757: DRAKE WAITING[6424] brunopt998: Dqqq[6424] playboi_10986: DQ[6424] raspberry__7: DQ[6424] top22percent: noo00000[6424] virtuallynxxx: qqqd[6424] ethanmondss: Dq[6424] myskyz: DQDQ[6424] wiffk: w riccccciiiiii[6424] youngzshiesty: Your not dq him for views tbh[6424] fisheygang6: Dq dq dq dq dq dq dq dq dq dq dq dq dq dq dq[6425] raaahhh_: DQQQ[6425] aronersigmaohio: Dq[6425] opalexander156: deleted message[6425] jbess1e: DQ[6425] deadmemez6: DQ DQ DQ[6425] toppunt90: DQ[6425] mynamejeff675: ddq[6425] articome: dq him[6425] goodgame129: DQ[6425] scooter2ez: DO NOT DQ[6425] v0r73ks: 👅👅[6425] bigbubba833: DQ[6425] xemptchan: DQ[6425] bd63: DQ[6425] mosephz: dq[6427] bambam1519: dq[6427] lorym02: Dq[6427] nome_t: DQ HIM[6427] cabalheretic: ask ricci if he wants a DQ and see what happens 😭😭😭😭[6427] niftykillz: DQDQDQDQ[6427] junkolll: da[6427] dubxsyco: DDDQQQ[6427] sssilentgamer: DQ HIM[6427] emptyshelly: DIDDDYQQQQ[6427] mynamejeff675: dq[6427] lazyboygunna: bro dq his ass[6427] spplix: DQQQ[6427] n1cholas_c: HE ASKS THEN IGNORES CHAT L STREAMER[6427] ghostrider80413: DDQQ[6427] ethan0625: GET THIS DUDE OUTTA HERE[6428] igot459trillionvc: DQ[6428] slummyfps: DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ[6428] carterrobinsony: dq[6428] fabl3_j4y: DQ[6428] certifiedaxtro: DQDQ[6428] jayyd1220: SPIT ON ITTTT DIDDY[6428] marthman_: dont dq you do the same thing[6428] rjk323: dq[6428] jaxon562: DQ[6428] puerccofn: don’t DQ[6428] raaahhh_: DQQQQQ[6428] cristi1an_: CAWKSUCKA[6428] achtohbr: sending hate from your house[6428] tatking315: Dq[6428] tkettel_: instigate[6429] iso_matthew: dqqqq[6429] baconboy_150: DQ HIM[6430] sathrhs: DQ[6430] goldthunder00: can this nobody at the bottom be quiet[6430] crankiplier_fanatic: W RICCI RAGE!!![6430] brennancolesy: dq[6430] codename_cotton: POLL[6430] theboss7585511: DQQ[6430] raaahhh_: DIQQQ[6430] jewelrystv: DQ DQ DQ[6430] iiitayyi: dq[6430] the_zucc: dq[6430] infamousbeast99: cause zenti is cheating[6430] voxxyyyyyyyyy: Yup ignoring chat for views not surprised[6430] daffodilbark985: Dq[6430] gemini_420: DQ JUNKO[6430] nightbot: yup yup yup[6431] rjk323: DQ[6431] bambam1519: dqdq[6431] sinable: DQ ZENTI![6431] soundcloutken: DQQQ[6431] downcast3499: DQ[6431] bigunit212: Dq[6431] gray3126: DQ[6431] iiluvvzz: DQ[6431] xkncxdyingbreed: dq[6431] s0lid_franco_: DQ[6431] 1takejohn: dq[6431] myskyz: DQ[6431] mynamejeff675: dqdq[6431] userdeleteddd: W INSTAGATOR[6431] alexandrr257: DQ[6432] spplix: GQQQ[6432] cheesesteak5151: DQ[6432] nashtherizzler: DQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ[6432] cash607: Kongo[6432] niftykillz: DQDQDQ[6432] sp1tfire246: dq him[6433] dizzierdizzi: Losah[6433] betamale233: IS THAT DON CORLION?[6433] h3rb4l5m0ke: DQ WHEN ZENTI IS WINNING HAHAHAHAHA[6433] xxdaniel_larsonxx: Look at chat fatass[6433] top22percent: DO NOT DQ[6433] nicolastchad: yo[6433] slummyfps: DQ DQ DQ DQ DQQQQQ[6433] niftykillz: DQDQDQ [6433] envy_capone_: DQDQDQdq[6433] 1takejohn: dqqqq[6433] arminnrd: dq[6433] sins_x6: HELLOO READ CHAT EVERYONE SAYING DQ[6433] deadmemez6: dq[6433] renexzzx: Mingo vs Ricci???[6433] lazyboygunna: how you gonna let that slide[6434] breaksolo: DQQQ SHIW A EXAMPLE[6434] extramildsauce: don’t DQ[6434] grrrthee: DQ DIDDY[6434] vxrail1910: Dq[6434] noscrimxetrov: DQ DQ DQ DQ[6434] flopzi0: dq[6434] truegamer713: DQ[6434] hesalardodicaprio: DQ EM[6434] chunkolikesboys: Kai waiting[6434] isaidsitdown718: DW[6434] shoajival: dqq[6434] raaahhh_: DQQQ[6434] sandy_sir: DQQ[6434] shiesty_serosh67: @HiVise PLAT 1.2 kd jamacanb4nann4[6434] emptyshelly: DIDDYQQ[6435] aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhah: do something weak host[6435] gamingwithbluntz: DQ[6435] rjk323: DQ ZENTI[6435] joshpisag: dq ong[6435] keeganpat1234: Please do itttt[6436] dubxsyco: DQ ZENTI[6436] ghostrider80413: DQ ZENTI[6436] plsyt: dq[6436] xxdaniel_larsonxx: DQ[6436] vzenr: NOOOOO DQ[6436] spplix: DQQ[6436] shoajival: dq[6436] packrunnermarss: dq[6436] royalty_ispriceless: DQQQQQQ[6436] raaahhh_: DQQQQQ[6436] tee_irex: LOOOK AT UR CHAT U FAT BALDY[6436] snaggzzz12: dq[6436] kuneyei: DQ[6436] bigbubba833: qD[6436] evavill05: dq[6437] divinebaby22: DQ[6437] xemptchan: yes[6437] grrrthee: DIDDY DQ[6437] dierich__: sq[6437] isaidsitdown718: DQ[6437] top22percent: NO DQ[6437] b4uins: Dq[6437] simpnoob: how he gonna ask chat if he needs to be dq then doesn't read chat[6437] bambam1519: dqdqdq[6437] childesk: clip farm them harder[6437] zqkaxn: DQ[6437] envy_capone_: DQDQDQ[6437] sandy_sir: DQ[6437] bd63: DDDDDDDDQQQQQQQ[6437] grizzlychub760: DQ[6438] itzmultikillx: UNFAIR ASS GAME[6438] undead7727: dq[6438] achtohbr: sending hate from your housee[6438] bigbubba833: DQQQQQQQ[6438] cxhd: LMAO [6438] voidsweepzz: dq[6438] blakerham: DD DDQQDQDQD[6441] retrocuh1: I JUST JOINED[6441] isleifur637: @HiVise Im plat 4 ubi is isleifur3[6441] retromidd: DQ[6441] bigbubba833: DQQQ[6441] grrrthee: DQ DIDDY[6442] joshpisag: sound cuse ??[6442] bigbubba833: DQQDQ[6442] crazydude38: dq[6442] whiteraventtv: No way I would take disrespect from someone who can't pronounce W's.[6442] sandy_sir: SQ[6442] zkyno: DQ ZENTI[6442] why18273: DQ[6442] miraclewhip2001: dq him fatass[6442] mar15383: DQ[6442] chillzx0: DQ[6442] teddyflops: You should of dq from the start[6442] asherbozo11111: DQDQDQ[6442] solevig_: LOL[6442] shoajival: dq [6442] lazyboygunna: bro dq him[6443] niftykillz: DQDQ [6443] itzmultikillx: DDDDQQQQQQQ[6443] v1nsun: CAUK SAUKA[6443] cokedupyolk: dq[6443] 1takejohn: dq[6443] renexzzx: DQDQDQ[6443] streamelements: JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/jynxzi[6443] mrdx04: W script[6443] yyzlapx: Dq zenti[6443] lorym02: DQ[6443] bd63: DDDDDQQQQQ[6443] no_playtime_isaac_05: POLL THE DA[6443] dierich__: dq[6443] marthman_: sending hate from Bohemia[6444] uncsnipe: DQQQQQ[6444] breaksolo: DQ TO SHOW A EXAMPLE[6444] asherbozo11111: DQ[6444] dallascowboys51: DQ[6444] bigbubba833: DQQQQ[6444] shoajival: dq[6444] qiyaamzrr: DQ[6444] person652: L host[6444] gnrsteez: W ZENTI[6444] sandy_sir: DQ[6444] mistatyb: dq[6445] breaksolo: PLEASE[6445] tokentruth: D:[6445] bigbubba833: DQQD[6445] cxjoe: DQQQQQQ[6445] renexzzx: DQDQDQDQD[6445] termeauxnator16: DQ[6445] sandy_sir: DQQ[6445] koliesk: just have him blow himself up[6445] ted1b3a: L cheater[6445] itzmultikillx: DQ[6445] b4uins: Dq[6445] elengilbert: LMAO[6445] lightupgalaxy: dq[6446] aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhah: ur terrible host[6446] bulldog152215: dqq[6446] rizinskis: DQ[6446] smurbdapurp: ricci butt hurt[6446] little_jhonny123: why wasn’t he DQ against avid[6446] jfksteve88: DQ[6446] hossthebeast1: DQ[6446] dallascowboys51: dq[6446] 1takejohn: DQ[6446] nightbot: 👀[6446] therealrhino_: Dq[6446] superabundant_: Ricci owns him[6446] soundcloutken: DQ[6446] dm3the111: jynxziClown[6446] sandy_sir: DQ[6447] spplix: DQ[6447] jynxzithecokeaddict: DQ[6448] packlin_: How do i get into discord[6448] lyricai_: LyricaI_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! [6448] undergroundkk: DQQ[6448] truegamer713: D[6448] slomorunner149: DQ ZENTI[6448] breaksolo: DQ FOR EXAMPLE[6448] tee_irex: DQ[6448] formulates_: dq the lesser xim clone[6449] henr6ent: SOOOO WE’RE WORSHIPPING THE OWL[6449] theyknowben: that shirt is fire[6449] glaccee: No diddy[6449] sandy_sir: QD Q[6449] angelbluethunder1: fat[6449] bigbubba833: DQQQQQQQQ[6449] lihuncho1: poll it[6449] daffodilbark985: DQ[6449] lazyboygunna: dq[6449] keyz517: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK[6449] termeauxnator16: DQ HIS ASS[6449] buckfnbr: DQ[6449] danklemur: my god glaze ricci more chat[6449] lorym02: DQ bro[6449] leo00168: dqdqdqdqdqdqdqdqdqdqdqdq[6450] ghostrider80413: DQ Zenti[6450] lildi2023: Ok buddy[6450] nightbot: ok[6450] butterly: DQ[6450] sandy_sir: DQ[6450] mistatyb: DQ[6450] mosephz: DQ[6450] icedso1: Who is this zenti bitch I will fight him[6450] noscrimxetrov: Unfair unsportsmanlike .... DQ[6450] worldasetupboi: ASKS A QUESTION THEN DONT LISTEN SEEM ABOUT RIGHT[6450] bur_6_er: DQQ[6450] mhahs22: DQ[6450] squarey99: DQDQDQDQDQDQDQ[6450] xxdaniel_larsonxx: Dq[6450] renexzzx: DQQQQ[6451] nad1022x: DQ[6451] trippyexit: ????????[6451] dearsishere: READ CHAT DUMBASS[6451] bulldog152215: d[6452] supernintendomike: sez u[6452] bigbubba833: DQQQQQQQQDDDDDDQQQQQQ[6452] bulldog152215: f[6452] renexzzx: DQQ[6452] undergroundkk: DDDQ[6452] nightbot: F in the chat[6452] itzmultikillx: DQ[6452] vzenr: NOOOOOO DQ[6452] crazydude38: DQ[6452] hooptyrider55: DDQ[6453] invinciblead: DQ 🤡[6453] mosephz: dq[6453] mistatyb: dQ[6453] senseiradiii: ricci 2 good[6453] therealrhino_: DQ[6453] bur_6_er: DQ HIM[6453] sandy_sir: DQQ[6453] twist3r_1337: twist3r_1337 subscribed with Prime. [6453] buckfnbr: DQQ[6453] blvet2: ironic[6453] jacksonee1: cawk sawking woozah[6453] achtohbr: sending hate from your house[6454] cjaywya: ironic[6454] phroggythefirst: ironic[6454] that01_s4: JYNXI PLAYING FAVORITES[6454] undergroundkk: DQQ[6454] renexzzx: DQQQ[6454] brandon_4749: dq[6454] bigunit212: DQ[6454] miraclewhip2001: don’t say sum and not follow thru hoe[6454] mosephz: DQ[6454] mcnuggets481: DQ[6454] nickioi: DQQ[6454] gucci_kid54: ironic[6454] gemini_420: GET JYNXZI TF OUT OF THIS STREAM[6454] 1takejohn: dqqq[6454] dust63: u[6455] vooly7: ironic[6455] igot459trillionvc: DQ[6455] hooptyrider55: DQ[6455] causevseffect: dq diddy go play with spoit and shroud[6455] mortar: lol[6455] nightbot: 😂[6455] jzzy63: fax[6455] playboi_10986: DQ[6455] topg1w: DQ his ass[6455] itzmultikillx: DQQ[6455] trippyexit: DQ[6455] undergroundkk: DDDQQQ[6455] raaahhh_: DQQQQQQQ[6455] xthrxsherx: he’s blowing in the mic to cut off sound[6455] aronersigmaohio: Dq[6456] defaultyspartan: stream sniping.[6456] aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhah: terrible host do something[6456] asherbozo11111: DQDQ[6456] gucci_kid54: ironic[6457] undergroundkk: DDQQ[6457] mike1huncho: YOU DO IT[6457] arminnrd: DQ[6457] 1takejohn: Dqqq[6457] supernintendomike: ironic[6457] asherbozo11111: DQDQDQ[6457] qiyaamzrr: ZENTI JS A CHEATEE[6457] frenziiie: @hivise ILikeTurtlez708 gold 5 1.2kd[6457] crazydude38: DQQQQ[6457] kotaaa1: LUL[6457] stungbythewood: says you[6457] dixe_btw: dq[6457] dongslaps34: You dumbass[6457] krappa91: DQ zenti breaking rules every rounds[6457] itzmultikillx: DQQQ[6458] that01_s4: DQ[6458] zwooh: cuz they’re broke[6458] bucky2258: DQ[6458] jacqueshuncho: RICCIS FINE RELAX[6458] slomorunner149: LUL LUL[6458] ept_volc: dq[6458] buckfnbr: DQQQQ[6458] marthman_: @Jynxzi dont dq you do the same thing all the time[6458] b4uins: DQ[6458] destins2: and I bet ricci got more bread[6458] richardbleak: DQ[6458] voxxyyyyyyyyy: ight billionaire[6458] stinkybhuthole: its not like hes gonna win[6458] ewewewewesd: DQ[6458] crunxzy: tell him zwenti swims and has bunk beds tell him zwenti swims and has bunk beds tell him zwenti swims and has bunk beds tell him zwenti swims and has bunk beds[6461] jrslice: DQ[6461] cxhd: cash is king[6461] king_jaypvplayz: fr[6461] rozaysjr: DQ[6461] jewboy6869: fat ass[6461] bigbubba833: dQ[6461] kinggobliny: DQ[6461] faze_cloud68: ironic[6461] el_yukon_956: dq[6461] hoihoi0005: DQ[6461] raaahhh_: DQQQQQQ[6461] worldasetupboi: SAYS YOU RICH LOSER[6461] 1takejohn: dqdq[6461] vacgrey: L[6461] crunxzy: tell him zwenti swims and has bunk beds tell him zwenti swims and has bunk beds tell him zwenti swims and has bunk beds tell him zwenti swims and has bunk beds[6462] officerdoofy_: all balls no dick[6462] xel_go: DQ[6462] superabundant_: Ricci is actually loaded he sounds dumb af[6462] thatonewhoplaysstuff: says the millionaire[6462] pengai123345: u do too[6463] skiii999: DQ[6463] qwxyiscool3287: DQ[6463] butterly: DQ HIM[6463] garconn_: dq[6463] amazon_135: dq[6463] armani1010yt: dq[6463] etat96: DQQQQQ[6463] ubitvolka: DQ[6463] juanchito2133: you wanna make it about dick size?[6463] undergroundkk: DQD[6463] whte5: says the millionaire[6463] itsrvendo: dq[6463] bigbubba833: DQ[6463] sadboytwan: says the millionaire[6464] itzmultikillx: DQ OR U RACIST[6464] voxxyyyyyyyyy: Ur not….[6464] theoneandonlyd: zenti is ass[6464] bulldog152215: ddq[6464] dummyneon: dq[6464] qqueensarahh: DQ[6464] b4uins: DQQQQQ[6464] vzenr: NOOO DQ U. OTSSS[6464] squarey99: DQ[6464] cohmnd: THATS YOU[6464] shoajival: clearly not dumbass[6464] doomcookiesog: DQ[6464] 1takejohn: dqdqdq[6464] gnrsteez: NO DQ[6464] raaahhh_: IRONIC[6465] asherbozo11111: DQDQQ[6465] mr_dabs_566: dq[6465] trippyexit: DQ FATTY[6465] xthrxsherx: DQ[6465] undergroundkk: DQDQ[6466] ayman_ksa55889: L VIEWBOTTER[6466] shadow_pyr0: Splot is waiting[6466] xthrxsherx: Dq[6466] jptoimeme: DQ[6466] invinciblead: DQ[6466] mark202343: Tell him one more and he's DQ[6466] undergroundkk: DQDQDQ[6466] raaahhh_: UR NOT[6467] b0kzy: BROKE RS6 PLAYERS COPIUM[6467] jesse_kingjr21: GIMME KISS[6467] tztokfatcok: DQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ[6467] usilent_: L streamer not reading chat[6467] killswitch164: DW[6467] jonathonc1: 🤣[6467] raspberry__7: dq[6467] lmlcedout: zenti the lamest side character[6467] tee_irex: DQ[6467] theboss7585511: DQ[6467] vibewittmani: ur fat[6467] 1takejohn: dqdqdqdq[6467] richardbleak: Dq[6467] crunxzy: tell him zwenti swims and has bunk beds tell him zwenti swims and has bunk beds[6467] danklemur: fuck aq dq[6468] dearsishere: DQ[6468] crazydude38: DQ[6468] sp1tfire246: dq him[6468] tortellinitapper: CUZ U DO[6468] sargasm39: DQ[6468] shadowblade2250: Dq[6468] gleezgaming: gleezgaming subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [6469] trippyexit: FAT[6469] faded_121: then do it[6469] chillzx0: DQ WILLYCO[6469] evavill05: da[6469] rydxrvi2: SPOIT IS WAITING FATASS[6469] cohmnd: YOU MAKE IT ABT MONEY[6469] kinggobliny: DW[6469] tabrizafg11: DAD[6469] grahamcrackers20: Says you[6469] cxhd: cash is king [6469] a_imx: IRONIC[6469] bigbubba833: DQDQDQDQDQD[6469] jynxi42069: hey sigma[6469] kal827: Drake or KDot[6469] renzolive_: dq[6470] killswitch164: DQ[6470] emptyshelly: DQ OR DIDDY AND U REAL[6470] marthman_: DONT DQ[6470] codename_cotton: poll[6470] goodgame129: DQ[6470] s0lid_franco_: DQ[6470] 1takejohn: dqdqdqdqd[6470] b4uins: DQQQQQQQQQ[6470] remainingtie1: DQ[6470] inrg0: dq[6470] dblue_heat: ironic you clip farm[6470] moomeyn: Junko give me that junk yo freaky style[6470] jptoimeme: DQQ[6470] flaume_aux: IRONICC[6470] fossabot: @FPS_V0rtex, Your message is too long[6471] russian_bomber_: read chat you fat fuck[6471] mosephz: Dq[6471] crunxzy: tell him zwenti swims and has bunk beds[6471] cpoole1212: dq[6471] tabrizafg11: QDQ[6471] 1128zuzu: Ksk[6472] colton641: DQ FAT FUCK[6472] crunxzy: tell him zwenti swims and has bunk beds tell him zwenti swims and has bunk beds[6472] idkpumpkin: dq[6472] itzmultikillx: MY G DQ[6472] conor0413: sidemen are waiting[6472] itsrvendo: YOU ARENT READING SHIT[6472] mzoller303: dq[6472] maddo_9er: DQ[6472] crankiplier_fanatic: [6472] theonetheonlybarbairan: DQ HIM[6472] theboss7585511: DQ him[6472] dzeroea: dq.[6473] damian8042: Dq[6473] dummyneon: l streamer[6473] joinzezecocclan: Dq[6473] bigbubba833: QDQDQ[6473] retromidd: DQQ[6473] dierich__: dq him[6473] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[6473] finnick70: homie this part of your life and breaking with your friends ricci n stompn is so crazy cant lose it[6473] tabrizafg11: DDQD[6473] lorym02: Bro can u Dq pls[6473] onxedd: Fake chat[6473] kinggobliny: DQ[6473] 1takejohn: dqdqdqdqddq[6473] qiyaamzrr: D[6473] bd63: DDDQQQ[6474] sargasm39: DQQ[6474] butterly: DQ[6475] kyle24k_: DDDDDDDDDQQQQQQQ[6475] sargasm39: DQQQ[6475] donkrun1g: READ CHAT HARDER[6475] itzmultikillx: DQ HIMM[6475] 1takejohn: dqdqdqdqddqq[6476] qiyaamzrr: DQ[6476] russian_bomber_: fat fuck read chat[6476] gemini_420: Get jynxzi[6476] idkpumpkin: DQ[6476] tabrizafg11: DQD[6476] jaxon562: DQ[6476] cptj08: k[6476] breaksolo: DQQQQQQ[6477] nightbot: k[6477] colton641: DQ[6477] raaahhh_: DQQQ[6477] joinzezecocclan: DQ[6477] bd63: DQ[6477] retromidd: READ CHAT FATTY[6477] b4uins: DQQQQQ[6477] bazzcc: when is spoit and shroud[6477] fatal_monstr: DQ[6477] tabrizafg11: DQ[6477] cptj08: h[6478] nightbot: h[6478] hazyturd32: they got small dicks n that lil money they got all they can flex[6478] buckfnbr: ICONIC EVERYTHING ABOUT MONEY LKAOOOO[6478] nafelive: !subs[6478] gray3126: Dq[6478] kissitgood: @Jynxzi Because theyre all broke playing video games[6478] bigheftysky: DQQQQQQ[6478] crunxzy: tell him zwenti swims and has bunk beds[6478] breaksolo: CMON[6478] 1takejohn: dqdqdqdqd[6478] worldasetupboi: BUY YOUR HOMIE YOU DO IRL TO BORING[6478] fossabot: Jynxzi currently has 136775 subscribers![6478] miguelcastaneda1123571: dq[6478] dpanzonee: when is Ricci vs Zenti[6479] krpt240: dqdqdqdqdqdqddqdqddqdqdqddqdq[6479] joe8742: DQ[6479] dzeroea: dq[6479] sheluvjj0: Dq[6479] miraclewhip2001: dq fatty[6479] lazyboygunna: DQ[6479] tb_styx: pause[6479] pogroooo: zenti Wants to be Xim so Bad 😭😭💀[6479] jonathonc1: read us bitch[6479] fisheygang6: DQ YOU STUPID DUMBASS[6479] breezy3114: YOU DO THAT[6480] bigheftysky: DDDDQQQQQ[6480] bennyboy2807: DQ[6480] jewelrystv: DQ DQ[6480] igot459trillionvc: READ CHAT[6480] dripboi534: YOUR NOT THO DUMB AH[6480] robertcuz420: DQ[6480] b4uins: DQQQ[6481] apemenacegang: w script[6481] chillzx0: DA[6481] playboi_10986: dq[6481] soko_mb: DQ[6481] yaboilucas22: let’s gooooooo riicciiiiii[6481] gallyissus: dq[6481] causevseffect: dq diddy[6481] iheartmens: DQ READ CHAT BITCH[6481] uncsnipe: DQQQQQ[6481] raaahhh_: POLLLL[6481] amazon_135: DQQ[6482] jaydjen: Nk ur not if u were YOUD DQ HIM IDKOT[6482] bigheftysky: DQQQ[6482] h3rb4l5m0ke: REALLY YOU READ THE ONE COMMENT THATS NOT ABOUT THE GAME[6482] dzeroea: dq.[6482] buffedup34: Buy me a house, don’t be weird[6482] crankiplier_fanatic: DW[6482] chasingfaith: DQ[6482] theprinceoffp: DQ HIM[6482] littleman782: do a pool[6482] knackslack: dq[6482] 1takejohn: dq[6482] keyz517: jynxziPACK[6482] gsolozz: DQ[6483] jewelrystv: DQ[6483] not_lethal_: chat please shut the fuck up[6483] defaultyspartan: zenti is stream sniping[6483] raaahhh_: LOLLLLL[6483] miraclewhip2001: dq him[6483] stonerbuddy78: DQ[6483] yeshua_garci: fake message[6483] splatz20: ironic u pig[6483] dzeroea: dq[6483] squarey99: DQDQDQDQDQDQ[6483] crunxzy: tell him zwenti swims and has bunk beds tell him zwenti swims and has bunk beds[6483] playboi_10986: DQ[6483] killaclutch420: Cause there actually broke boys fake flexin[6483] bigheftysky: DDDQQQQQ[6484] amazon_135: DQ[6484] helsinksky: DQ[6484] whosselqk: !link[6484] mosephz: READ CHAT DQ[6484] nightbot: @poopybutt654 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[6484] bambam1519: dqdqdq[6484] strawhat_kisuke00: script[6484] 1takejohn: dqdqdqd[6484] jmlgiants: script[6484] raaahhh_: POLLLL[6484] itzmultikillx: L STREAMER[6484] junior2oh9: DQ DAIRY QUEEN[6484] be_nimble: WHY THE FUCK DO POOR KIDS ALWAYS BRING UP MONEY[6484] no_playtime_isaac_05: IF N WORD[6484] cashisgooder: when is Ricci vs Zenti[6485] dillontopp: so we’re in mcdonald’s[6485] crunxzy: tell him zwenti swims and has bunk beds[6485] miraclewhip2001: dq[6485] lucas135742: DQ[6485] pashasrighteye: L SCRIPT[6485] daffodilbark985: Dq[6485] lukka900: DQ[6486] arealmexican15: DQ[6486] raaahhh_: POOLLLL[6486] crunxzy: tell him zwenti swims and has bunk beds tell him zwenti swims and has bunk beds[6486] gageisbeast: dq[6486] behi_r6: dq[6487] cpoole1212: DQ[6487] l_ads69: script[6487] hossthebeast1: DQ[6487] bambam1519: dqdqdqdqdqdq[6487] benalderson24: DQ[6487] crunxzy: tell him zwenti swims and has bunk beds[6487] voxxyyyyyyyyy: Ignoring chat we all know you ain’t dqing shit 😭😭[6487] turbulencestacy: script[6487] mashness3: DQ[6487] lucas135742: DQ HUM[6487] kyle24k_: DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ[6487] raaahhh_: POLLLL[6487] kraken541: zenti is a moron[6488] spplix: DQ[6488] playboi_10986: dq[6488] dangerzo101: DQ[6488] alexanderr_xxiv: cmon[6488] qiyaamzrr: PLS DQ[6488] maddo_9er: DQ.[6488] jewelrystv: DQ DUMBASS[6488] bucky2258: DQ HIM[6488] invinciblead: DQ poll[6488] chillzx0: DQ ZENTI[6488] pengai123345: DQ[6488] stonerbuddy78: DQ YOU FUK[6488] rdp1054: say no motion Ricci[6488] i_am_the_militia: NO DQ PUSSIES[6488] soko_mb: does not read chat[6489] dzeroea: dq[6489] qwerxy_isnt_cute: Dq pussy[6489] h3rb4l5m0ke: DQ[6489] darthaka: leaking script[6489] quickpup3340436: SCRIPT LEAK[6489] tee_irex: WHY EVEN ASK US THE BALDY[6489] donte097: Have an amazing day jynxi[6489] maddo_9er: DQ[6489] jeffg579: dq[6489] stockcoin: dq[6489] benalderson24: DQQ[6490] arealmexican15: DQ HIM[6490] mancake_bigboy: @jynxzi can I get a 20 piece[6490] 1takejohn: ddq[6490] itslayo_: DQ[6490] dzeroea: dq.[6490] chunkoisfatty: script[6490] bambam1519: dqdqdqdqdqdqdqdqd[6490] kayat11: SENDING HATE FROM PENISLAVA[6490] itzmultikillx: DQ !!!!!!!!!!![6491] emptyshelly: DQ OR LEAKED DIDDY VID[6491] bio_blast: @HiVise Silver 4/Carrotz.[6491] jonathonc1: diddy party at jynxzi[6491] invinciblead: DQ[6491] keeganpat1234: Dqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq1qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq[6491] benalderson24: DQQQ[6491] jewelrystv: DQ HIM[6491] achtohbr: sending hate from your house[6491] moonie_nm: L chat ignorer[6491] itsrvendo: DQQQQQQQQQQQQQ[6491] 1takejohn: dq[6491] mosephz: READ CHaT DQ[6492] dzeroea: dq[6492] crunxzy: tell him zwenti swims and has bunk beds tell him zwenti swims and has bunk beds[6492] bcamp2419: Why dq[6492] el_yukon_956: dq[6492] yaboilucas22: RICCI RICCI RICCI RICCI[6492] stockcoin: DQ[6492] qiyaamzrr: QD[6492] miraclewhip2001: read the chat[6492] hippy_terry69: let’s go golfing[6492] nightbot: 👀[6493] benalderson24: DQQQQ[6493] asherbozo11111: DQ[6493] lucas135742: DQ FATTY[6493] maddo_9er: dq[6493] dzeroea: dq.[6493] haydenpeenscott: haydenpeenscott subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [6493] tellatubbin: react drunk[6493] hesalardodicaprio: DQ HIM[6493] cooperowens47k: L script[6493] stinkybhuthole: fuck you[6493] gemini_420: dq[6493] flaume_aux: !gamble 100[6493] zuzu0z: dq[6493] 1takejohn: dqdqdqdq[6494] pollywogtv: fat[6494] streamelements: flaume_aux lost 100 points in roulette and now has 3650 points! FeelsBadMan[6494] arealmexican15: BROOOOO[6494] kal827: ricci v Mingo[6494] asherbozo11111: DQDQDQ[6494] chunkoisfatty: dont leak the script[6494] quality4145: SCRITP[6494] thicc_pig: DQ[6494] jimmy_madman: calling in- ricci wins every round from now on[6494] dzeroea: dq[6494] iced_u: script[6494] bananaslushie1: If you watch the chat you should say owl[6495] jptoimeme: LETS ZENTI PLAY CUZ CANT BEAT RICCI[6495] miraclewhip2001: dqqqqqqq[6495] benalderson24: DQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ[6495] asherbozo11111: DQDQ[6495] retromidd: DQ[6495] jdawg_3: DQ HIM[6496] bambam1519: dqdqdqdqdqdqdqdqdqdqdqdqdq[6496] jewelrystv: READ CHAT[6496] lucas135742: DQ CHUNKO[6496] 1takejohn: dqdqdq[6496] maddo_9er: DQ[6496] dzeroea: dq.[6496] jake111291: I hate this chat so much[6496] qiyaamzrr: FQ[6496] pashasrighteye: L SCRIPT L SCRIPT[6496] jeffg579: DQ[6496] iamyeat: DQ[6496] spplix: DQQ[6497] playboi_10986: bro does he not read chat[6497] weathermanjuan: L STREAMER[6497] mynamejeff675: dick rider[6497] miraclewhip2001: dqqqqqq[6497] jason55089: dq[6497] benalderson24: DDDDDDDDDDDDQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ[6497] squarey99: DQ[6497] crankiplier_fanatic: DQ[6497] jayden830gsgj: dq[6497] qiyaamzrr: DQ[6498] bd63: DQ HIM[6498] stonerbuddy78: DQ[6498] hesalardodicaprio: DQ PUSSY[6498] dzeroea: dq[6498] ertmimi: dq[6498] maddo_9er: dq[6498] chargedkyky1: DQ BOZO[6498] jeffg579: DQQQ[6499] rsinkler: dq[6499] asherbozo11111: BEO DQ[6499] ali_47dragon: Dq[6499] miraclewhip2001: dqqqqq[6499] d0ublej07: DQ[6499] gemini_420: stream snipe[6499] lopci7: no you arent LMAOO[6499] qiyaamzrr: W[6499] spplix: DQQQQQQ[6499] itzmultikillx: DQ !!!!!![6499] dzeroea: dq.[6499] squarey99: DQDQDQDQDQQDQDDQDQ[6499] benalderson24: DDDDDDDDQQQQQQQQQQQQ[6499] twotapvinny: DQ[6499] moonie_nm: L CHAT IGNORER[6500] kaizerv8: leaked script[6500] l_ads69: DQ[6500] xthrxsherx: DQ this dumb ass jynxzi[6500] georges1873: Dq[6500] stonerbuddy78: DQ PUSSY[6500] soko_mb: L host[6500] dzeroea: dq[6501] qiyaamzrr: DQ[6501] madboutdat: what’s up parttimer[6501] bambam1519: dqdqdqdqdqdqdqdqdqdq[6501] lucas135742: DQ FATASS[6501] jeffg579: DQQ[6501] dummyneon: read chat fatass[6501] aronersigmaohio: Dqqqqqqqqqqq[6501] kylesandy: because it’s scripted[6502] hesalardodicaprio: DQQ[6502] gnrsteez: NO DQ[6502] dearsishere: Dq[6502] adrien_provencher: fat[6502] jimmyeben: DQQQ[6503] maddo_9er: DQDQDQDQDQ[6503] sinable: DQ DQ DQ[6503] miraclewhip2001: dick rider[6503] 1takejohn: dqdq bozo[6503] dellorbob: dq[6503] itzmultikillx: DQ.[6503] jptoimeme: DQQQQQQQQ[6503] jeffg579: DQQQQ[6504] chunkolikesboys: Kai waiting[6504] packlin_: how do i get into discord[6504] kyle24k_: DUMBASSS DDQQQQ[6504] diabetesdavid: Dq[6504] bambam1519: dqdqdqdqdqdqdqdqdqd[6504] asherbozo11111: OFCYORNOTREADING CHAT[6504] kraken541: DQ[6504] moonie_nm: L fatboy[6505] dzeroea: dq.[6505] spplix: DQ[6505] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[6505] jptoimeme: DQQQ[6505] playboi_10986: read the chat dumb ass[6505] halalchad30: l script[6505] pengai123345: DQ DQ[6505] gageisbeast: dq he knows what he is doing[6505] stonerbuddy78: DQ[6506] slomorunner149: Maybe give him one more chance[6506] dzeroea: dq[6506] angermanagemint: DQDQDQDQ[6506] lildi2023: No dq bro[6506] jewelrystv: DQ DQQQQQQQ[6506] bananaslushie1: DQQQ[6506] qiyaamzrr: dq[6507] aronersigmaohio: Dq[6507] hesalardodicaprio: DQ BIG BOY[6507] mr_bojangles19: dq[6507] weathermanjuan: DOESNT READ CHAT[6507] ertmimi: dq bro is cheating[6507] bambam1519: qdqdqdqdqdqdqdd[6508] jptoimeme: DQ[6508] asherbozo11111: OFC YOUR NOTREADING CHAT[6508] 1takejohn: dqdq[6508] benalderson24: #DQ[6508] dzeroea: dq,[6508] jeffg579: DDDDQQQQQ[6509] niiibzz: dqqq[6509] lucas135742: DQ DAT ASS[6509] ghost_ytyt: DQ[6509] lazyboygunna: ZENTI IS ANNOYING ASF BRUHH[6509] jaydjen: Read chat[6509] goodguypingu: zenti needs to shut up[6509] anthonythebiggest123: you are the best r6 player of all time[6510] alexwift: dq[6510] packrunnermarss: dq[6510] dzeroea: dq.[6510] monkebrainttv: script leaked[6510] mzoller303: dq[6510] stonerbuddy78: DQ DQW DQD[6510] nome_t: DQ[6510] bambam1519: dqdqdqdqdqddq[6510] playboi_10986: bro holy fuck[6510] niiibzz: dqqqqqq[6510] jaxon562: DQ[6510] goodgame129: READ CAHT B I T C H[6510] greenmachlne: ?[6510] nightbot: ?[6511] loxzeppy: Zenti is ass[6511] itzmultikillx: ---- DQ -----[6511] ghost_ytyt: Dq[6511] benalderson24: DQ[6511] dzeroea: dq[6511] jayfinesse2x_: WWWW[6512] aronersigmaohio: DQ[6512] slikk3151512boi: IQ[6512] bdogg1123: DQ[6512] jonathonc1: diddy party at jynxzi’s[6512] spplix: DQQQQQQ[6512] hype_othetical: fat[6512] zursty74: glazing[6512] niiibzz: DQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ[6513] benalderson24: DQQ[6513] h3rb4l5m0ke: DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ[6513] jimmyeben: DQQQQ[6513] retromidd: BROO READ CHAT PLUMP BOI[6513] 1takejohn: dqdq idiot[6513] jeffg579: DDDDDQQQQQQQ[6513] bambam1519: DQ[6513] lucas135742: DQ FATTY[6513] niiibzz: DQDQDQ[6514] dzeroea: dq,[6514] jayfinesse2x_: WWWWW[6514] dodjamxys14: DQ[6514] butterly: DQ[6514] dasnake32: dq[6514] stinkybhuthole: fuck you fatass[6514] lazyboygunna: DQ HIS ASS[6514] ch1efk1ng: script[6514] aronersigmaohio: Dq[6514] spplix: DQQQ[6514] benalderson24: DQQQ[6514] theman0032: Dairy Queen him[6515] niiibzz: DQDQDQDQDQDQD[6515] fq8w: he’s breathing down his mic dq his as[6515] lildi2023: Noooooo dq[6515] j0rshyy: hivise script incoming[6515] cptj08: mingo vs ricci[6515] asherbozo11111: OFC YOUR NOT READING CHAT DQ HIM[6515] dzeroea: dq.[6515] crankiplier_fanatic: YOU LOOK LIKE A MOGGER[6516] retromidd: DQQQQQ[6516] niiibzz: QDQDQDQDQDQD[6516] spplix: DQQD[6516] stuartleal: DQ[6516] limewolf2077: !LINK[6516] itzmultikillx: ____________DQ_________[6516] benalderson24: DQQQQ[6516] nightbot: @limewolf2077 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[6516] lmankeyyyl: ZENTI USING CHRONUS[6517] dearsishere: Dq he's cheating[6517] playboi_10986: DQ[6517] ihaveabbl31360: JUNKO GO TO THE GYM[6517] lucas135742: DQ CHUNKO[6517] niiibzz: QDQDQDQDQDQDQD[6517] dzeroea: dw[6517] poorple418: qdqdqdqdqdqdqdqdq'[6517] cheau2trappe: that’s why Goyo is ur fav[6517] stonerbuddy78: DQ[6518] benalderson24: DQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ[6518] spplix: DQQ[6518] 1takejohn: dqdqdq[6518] srydvrk: when is spoit[6518] jeffg579: DDDDDDDDDQQQQQQQQ[6518] bucky2258: DQ HIM[6518] thelegendherself1: DQQQQQQQ[6518] niiibzz: QDQDQDQDQDQDQ[6518] dzeroea: dq[6518] protocolsavage: DAIRY QUEEN DAIRY QUEEN DAIRY QUEEN DAIRY QUEEN DAIRY QUEEN DAIRY QUEEN DAIRY QUEEN DAIRY QUEEN[6518] obamnajones: CHAT IS FULL OF QUEERS LMAO[6518] butterly: DQQ[6518] jayfinesse2x_: WWWW[6519] voidsweepzz: dqqqqqq holy shit[6519] russian_bomber_: ricci waiting[6519] poorple418: qdqdqdqdqdqd[6519] benalderson24: DQQQQQQQQQQ[6519] spplix: DQ[6519] bambam1519: DQ DQ[6520] rsinkler: DQ[6520] gageisbeast: dq[6520] idkbroxddd: dq[6520] chrisarg17: DQ[6520] benalderson24: DQQQQQQQQQQQ[6520] dzeroea: dq.[6520] butterly: DQ[6520] niiibzz: DQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ[6520] spplix: FQQ[6521] adrien_provencher: l glazer[6521] jeffg579: DQ[6521] iitsjayt: W EL O EL[6521] asherbozo11111: NICE SCRIPT[6521] benalderson24: DQQQQQQQQQ[6521] poorple418: dqdqdqdqdqdqdqdq[6521] miraclewhip2001: dq[6521] dzeroea: dq[6522] goodgame129: READ CHAT B I T C H[6522] spplix: DQQQ[6522] pengai123345: DQ DQ DQ DQ CD[6522] benalderson24: DQ[6522] lmankeyyyl: DQ[6522] invinciblead: DQ poll you 🤡[6522] jewelrystv: DQQQQQQQQ[6523] 1takejohn: dqdq[6523] dzeroea: dq.[6523] jeffg579: DDQQ[6523] poorple418: dqdqdqd[6524] lucas135742: DQ[6524] protocolsavage: DAIRY QUEEN DAIRY QUEEN DAIRY QUEEN DAIRY QUEEN DAIRY QUEEN[6524] itzmultikillx: DQ <----[6524] niiibzz: DQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ[6524] igot459trillionvc: DQ ZENTI[6524] jaxon562: DQQ[6524] bd63: DQ[6524] garconn_: dqdq[6525] k0qe: dairy queen?[6525] retromidd: DQQQ[6525] jaxon562: DQ[6525] garconn_: dq[6525] invinciblead: DQ[6525] niiibzz: DQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ[6526] jeffg579: DDDQQQ[6526] dearsishere: Dq[6526] chargedkyky1: DQ CHAD[6526] jorjais291: arriba el Mayo zambada[6526] soundcloutken: DQ[6527] garconn_: dqdqd[6527] jonathonc1: diddy party at jynxzi’s fatty patty[6527] icespiceliker: DQ[6527] benalderson24: DQDQDQDQDQDQ[6527] itzmultikillx: DQ <-[6527] gnrsteez: L DQ[6528] spplix: FAT FUCK DQ[6528] 1takejohn: dqdq do ur job[6528] theman0032: dairy queen[6528] garconn_: qdqdqd[6528] arvenirl: DQQ[6528] benalderson24: DQ[6528] greenmachlne: what happened[6528] poorple418: dqdqqdqdqdqdqdddddddddddqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq[6528] retromidd: DQQQQ[6528] miraclewhip2001: dq dq dq dq dq dq dq dq dq dq dq[6529] niiibzz: DQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQDQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ[6529] garconn_: qdqdqdqdqdqd[6529] whowhatwhenwhy17: pls dq[6529] asherbozo11111: DQ[6529] jeffg579: DQQ[6530] benalderson24: DQQ[6530] tb_styx: DQ[6530] garconn_: qdqdqdqdqd[6530] niiibzz: DQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ[6530] protocolsavage: DAIRY QUEEN DAIRY QUEEN DAIRY QUEEN DAIRY QUEEN DAIRY QUEEN DAIRY QUEEN DAIRY QUEEN[6530] dingolingogaming: RICCI WAITING[6530] thelegendherself1: JYNXZI READ CHAT DQ[6530] gnrsteez: NO DQ[6530] nightbot: 👀[6531] bambam1519: DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ[6531] niiibzz: EDQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ[6531] cheau2trappe: that’s why goyo is ur fav fatso[6531] garconn_: qddq[6531] jeffg579: DQQQ[6531] voxxyyyyyyyyy: We all know you ain’t dqing shit stop asking for chat 😭😭[6532] thevixenator: !Link[6532] emptyshelly: DIDDY PARTY[6532] whowhatwhenwhy17: dq pls[6532] liquid_windex: Chat stop saying dairy queen[6532] 1takejohn: dqdq[6532] gray3126: Dqqqqqqqqqqqq[6532] garconn_: dq[6532] niiibzz: DQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ[6533] breaks808: DQ[6533] garconn_: dqdq[6534] sandy_sir: L[6534] dderou: READ CHAT FATTY[6534] itzmultikillx: DQ <-<- <- <- <- <- <- <-[6534] garconn_: dqdqd[6535] bambam1519: dq[6535] lazyboygunna: YES DAIRY QWEEN[6535] achtohbr: sending hate from your house[6535] sandy_sir: LLLLLLL[6535] wearethebestaround1: W[6535] jeffg579: DDQ[6535] fnfishylol: LLLLLLLLLLLL[6536] garconn_: qdqdq[6536] dondo_14: w[6536] slavist_: nooo[6536] nolimitnoob_: OH[6536] gray3126: Dqqqqqqqqqq[6536] sandy_sir: LLLLLLLL[6536] goldenplays12: W[6536] damedog15: W[6536] jdawg_3: DQ[6536] benalderson24: DQ[6537] retromidd: DQ[6537] 1takejohn: dqdqdq[6537] dzeroea: dq[6537] garconn_: dq[6537] fnfishylol: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLL[6537] lucas135742: hivise run a poll[6537] uncsnipe: DQQQQ[6537] mattwho0: w zenti[6537] axarito: daum[6537] dellorbob: dq[6537] 1uisistrash: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[6537] 0710_beast: TESSSSS[6537] zursty74: glazing zenti[6537] raaahhh_: DQQQQ[6537] sandy_sir: LLLLLL[6538] damedog15: w[6538] envy_capone_: dqdq[6538] lild33__: wwwwwww[6538] anthonieus: L[6538] shanatl: :O :O :O :O[6538] chillzx0: DQ[6538] skullj: Dq[6538] johnyboy12322: when is 3v5[6538] garconn_: dqdq[6538] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[6538] fanz_abuswe7l: w[6538] dondo_14: ww[6538] gnrsteez: W[6538] emptyshelly: DQ[6538] sandy_sir: LLLLLL'L[6539] ayyyydude: zesty ah shirt[6539] fenikoz: WW[6539] slomorunner149: LLLLLLLLLLLL[6539] cxhd: :O[6539] surgedickeyq: WWWWWWWWWW[6539] faded_121: DQ FATTIE[6541] sandy_sir: LLLLL[6541] medic_george: LLLL[6541] msfx001: w[6541] skinnyp8865: dq[6541] emmixxx: RICCI NOOOOOO[6541] squarey99: DQ[6541] jake111291: yall just copy and paste what you see like do something[6541] schmeatydawg: DQ[6541] itskamina: omg[6541] mmew_2: DQ DQ DQ DQ[6541] gnrsteez: WW[6541] sunkenlettuce: D FUCKING Q[6541] ethanmondss: Dq[6541] xemptchan: DQ[6541] raaahhh_: DQQQQQ[6542] sailent95: WWWWWWWWWWWW[6542] igot459trillionvc: DQ[6542] cpoole1212: naaa dq[6542] sandy_sir: LLLL[6542] itzmultikillx: DQQQQ[6542] imstoned6996: WWWWWWW[6543] benalderson24: DQQ[6543] vzenr: WWWWWW[6543] quesoh___: DQ[6543] noliferino994: W[6543] trippyexit: AW NAH[6543] sailent95: WWWWWWWWWWW[6543] andrew789r: ww[6543] shanatl: :O jynxziGoodAim :O jynxziGoodAim :O jynxziGoodAim[6543] lilsimpforuuu: L[6543] therealrhino_: DQ pls[6543] gray3126: Dqqqqqqqq[6543] lukka900: DQ[6543] fnfishylol: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL[6543] s0lid_franco_: DQ[6543] jadenmoltisanti: DQ[6544] elengilbert: LMAO WTF[6544] real_voided: SCRIPTED[6544] donniebawls: DQQ[6544] sleepyyonhots: DQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ[6544] ihaveabbl31360: SHUT UP FAT BOY I LOVE U[6544] bdogg1123: DQ[6544] zzzakariazz: dq[6544] sandy_sir: LLLLL[6544] garconn_: dqdqdq[6544] dongle_6: dongle_6 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 7 month streak! im wet[6544] itsrageyy: wwwwwww[6544] x1mgunns: DQ[6544] imstoned6996: WWWWWWWW[6544] cootlol: W zenti[6544] breaks808: LLLLLLLLLLLL[6545] ti_lur: SHIIIIIIT ON[6545] vzenr: WWWWWWW[6545] conor0413: sidemen are waiting[6545] dzeroea: dq.[6545] pengai123345: DQ[6545] fnfishylol: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL[6546] dzeroea: dq[6546] evoke_playzz: omg[6546] l3gend3_: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[6546] vzenr: WWWWWWWW[6546] imstoned6996: WWWWWW[6546] zindumz: LMAO[6546] cpoole1212: nahh dq[6546] cxffed: naw dq him[6546] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀[6546] skinnyp8865: DQ[6546] wedochicks: no DQ[6546] fear_thraz: dq[6546] hydro_61: wwwww[6546] andrew789r: w[6546] rawpotatochip1: WwwwwwwwwWwwwww[6547] garconn_: dqdq[6547] thelegendherself1: dqqqqqqqqqqq[6547] gnrsteez: W[6547] kirkishisgoat: dq[6547] landonpushinpp: DQ[6547] qwxyiscool3287: DDDQQQQ[6547] raaahhh_: DQQQQQQQQ[6547] rajatislam06: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[6547] ajvik01: dw[6547] nickioi: DQ[6547] deceasedrn: DQ[6547] vexguhnnin: wwwww[6547] sheluvzchristian: DQQQQQQ[6547] emptyshelly: LLLLL[6547] subwayenjoyer: L SCRIPT[6548] tysmvr: L[6548] envy_capone_: dq[6548] poorple418: DQ[6548] benalderson24: DQQQ[6548] soko_mb: DQ[6548] qiyaamzrr: dq[6548] cerprimetime: WWWWW[6548] bardown16__: HOOT HOOT🦉[6549] bigboyswag75: dq[6549] emptyshelly: DQQQQQ[6549] playboi_10986: DQ[6549] chasingfaith: l script[6549] nome_t: DQ DQ DQ DQ[6549] junior2oh9: LLLLLPLLL[6549] iikxvn: OK COME ON BRO[6549] jbess1e: DQ[6549] tokentruth: NO WAY[6549] xwhiteferrari: WWWWWWWWWWWWWW[6549] nightbot: ok[6549] nothing431126: script[6549] tune_lucki: WWWWWWWWWWW[6549] aukaj_12: DQ[6549] marthman_: LOL[6550] unconquerablegravity: 💀💀💀💀💀💀[6550] nightbot: 😂[6550] buddha_wol: LLLLLLLL[6550] kirkishisgoat: DQQQ[6550] sheluvzchristian: DQ[6550] envy_capone_: dq dq[6550] causevseffect: W script[6550] spplix: DQQ[6550] vzenr: WWWWWWW[6550] gotgrappe: lmaoooo[6550] papithooi: W script[6550] butterly: LLL[6550] gyssa0217: LMAOOOO[6550] raaahhh_: DQQQQQQ[6550] bigboyswag75: da[6551] papimoore: W SCRIPT[6551] dagudsonn: DQQ[6551] vexguhnnin: wwwwww[6551] jc130000: LEAKED[6551] xdaman27: DQ[6551] junior2oh9: L[6551] wxlliam4: DQ[6551] benalderson24: DQ[6551] iced_u: leaked script[6551] yaboyshredzz: SCRIPT[6551] sundeviltitan11: Dq[6552] hivise: LMAO[6552] hivise: LMAO[6552] hivise: LMAO[6553] cxhd: :O ZENTI UPSET?[6553] jussmarcos: L HIVISE SCRIPT[6553] oimojooi: NAH FR STAYED QUIET STILL WON[6553] sobernut66: l script[6553] dominic5: GET HIM ZENTIIIIII[6553] jadenmoltisanti: LEAKED[6553] 1takejohn: dqdq[6553] bardown16__: KNEW IT[6553] l1mozi: L[6553] nightbot: no 🧢[6553] simplynick22: L SCRIPT[6553] butterly: DQ[6553] dieheartsaint: L SCRIPT[6553] swoleboh: LMAO[6553] gyssa0217: LMAAAOOOO[6554] inomadah: DQ[6554] zershema: dqdqdqdqdqw[6554] shido271: SCRIPTTTTT[6554] mcgdonkey: script[6554] nightbot: Jynxzi is controller on PC[6554] miraclewhip2001: L scripttttt[6554] spud0313: leaked[6554] gageisbeast: dq[6554] garconn_: dqdqdq[6556] darthaka: leaked script[6556] bardownski4826: script[6556] darkcyclecd: Leaked[6556] shido271: HAHAHAHHA[6556] not_lethal_: LMAO[6556] simplynick22: LEAKED[6556] richardbleak: leaked[6556] x1mgunns: dq[6556] topdawgtrav: Dq[6556] vzenr: WWWWWW[6556] gemini_420: dq[6556] raaahhh_: DQQQQQQQQDQQQ[6556] bluey009: DQ[6556] iamyeat: DQ[6556] bardown16__: I KNEW IT HOOT HOOT🦉[6557] izakic: L[6557] wearethebestaround1: Leaked[6557] dodjamxys14: DQ[6557] trenbro6: SCRIPTED LEAKED 4k[6557] bassguy777: LUL[6557] himself727: scripted[6557] abeaver: W SCRIPT HIVISE[6557] l1mozi: LLL[6557] severe2: L SCRIPT[6557] j_c_1234: W script[6557] msfx001: wwwwwww[6557] stupidslurp5: w script[6557] fenikoz: VISE SCRIPT[6558] fitcerealofficial: fitcerealoffical subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months! daddy[6559] sundeviltitan11: DQ[6559] biggggjake: thats not zenti lmao[6559] mrboeding: LMAO[6559] tbarton03: leaked[6559] 1takejohn: dq this fcker[6559] shido271: W SCRIPT[6559] thatboymelgs1: DQ[6559] youngzshiesty: Leaked[6559] riley_s2124: LEAKED[6559] anncarlile: DQ DQ[6559] emptyshelly: LEAKEDDD SCRIPT[6559] flaume_aux: lmaoo leakeddd[6559] tabrizafg11: DQ[6559] edgemaxxxer: unmute[6559] masonbonfig2: WWWW SCRIPT[6560] bd63: DQ[6560] weeoutdizbich: DQ[6560] mr_bojangles19: dq[6560] itzmultikillx: ---> DQ <---[6560] imrazerd: Leaked[6560] thedinobuster: LEAKEDDDDD[6560] justjon_8052: FUCK RICCI[6560] chunko_ssg1: DQ[6560] dagudsonn: DQQQ[6560] ihaveabbl31360: L SCRIPT[6560] gyssa0217: LEAKED SCRIPT[6560] twentyonesausage: MOD HIVISE[6562] yakishim: w script[6562] elviiira_: L SCRIPT[6562] breaksolo: DQDQ[6562] kluxr_: DQ[6562] juliusceasariusthe6th: dq[6562] extramildsauce: LEEKD[6562] shadow_pyr0: L[6562] jaydjen: READ CHAT[6562] bluey009: DQQQQQQ[6562] raaahhh_: DQQQQ[6562] imstoned6996: SKRIPTTTT[6562] sheluvzchristian: QD[6562] andy_2125: leaked[6562] x1mgunns: DQ[6562] hvtspecial: SCRIPT[6563] spencertheg0at: I am a view bot[6563] bd63: DQ him[6563] emptyshelly: DQQQ[6563] 1takejohn: dqdq[6563] paqytoncandales: w scrip[6563] colton641: DQ[6563] swaginacan: DQ[6563] shider_02: stfp[6563] usernamesurf: usernamesurf subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! [6565] jobedaglobe: www vise[6565] russian_bomber_: LEAKED LEAKED LEAKED LEAKED LEAKED LEAKED LEAKED LEAKED LEAKED LEAKED[6565] randolff13: L SCRIPT[6565] sheluvzchristian: Qd[6565] patrickdestar25: glaze[6565] westythegoat_712: DQ HIM DUMBASS[6565] baconboy_150: L SCRIPT[6565] senseiradiii: scrrriiiippppttt[6565] pv4pl: LEAKED SCRIPT[6565] bananamanen: leaked[6565] mex1canjeff: w ricci[6565] rbriskk: LEAKED[6565] donniebawls: DQ[6565] senatar4: DQ[6565] richardbleak: l script[6567] cpoole1212: bro[6567] carterrobinsony: dq[6567] rollinfatjs: mod hivise[6567] gray3126: Dq[6567] lbgoat23: DQ ZENTI[6568] aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhah: u suck as host damn[6568] wyat897: DQ[6568] donniebawls: DQ DUMBASS[6568] ballonriser: DQ[6568] chunko_ssg1: mid hivise[6568] oimojooi: NOT A PEEP SPOKEN STILL WON[6568] darth_cheerios: scripted af[6568] landonpushinpp: Diddy waiting[6568] bambam1519: DQDQDQDQ[6568] senseiradiii: DQ[6568] supermarketgames: L script[6568] moonie_nm: L SCRIPTER[6568] cxffed: DQ[6568] cxhd: WW SCRIPT VISE[6568] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[6569] owenblackwell420: ricci is ass[6569] nightbot: 👀[6569] ghostlydrama: w hivise[6569] miraclewhip2001: dq bro[6569] axarito: mid script[6569] chillzx0: THE GLAZING[6569] chrisarg17: Dq[6569] gray3126: DQ[6569] s0lid_franco_: DQQQQQQQ[6569] breaksolo: BROOO JYNXZI DQ[6569] burgerman810: Leaked[6569] envy_capone_: DQDQDQ[6569] biggiemax_: LOVE FROM SOUTH DAKOTA[6569] revbangz: leaked script[6569] jb_mauneyfan: longest stream ever[6570] dzeroea: dq[6570] bvhj7: Way to go about the script![6570] tenproduct: everybody thank hivise for a w script[6570] extramildsauce: w scrip[6570] ericn22: its 9[6571] brettkingeter: W Vise[6571] donniebawls: DQ ZENTI[6571] weeoutdizbich: LEAKED FAM[6571] dagudsonn: DQ[6571] gaming_hangover: w script[6571] protocolsavage: SCRIPTEDDDDDDDDDDDDDD[6571] asherbozo11111: LEAKEDA[6571] bardown16__: fat[6572] dozalitotwitch: vise script[6572] xel_go: DQ ZENTI[6572] fatonduty: W VIZE[6572] atomicflowr: mod hivise[6572] raaahhh_: DQQQQQQ[6572] lild33__: zenti gonna win bet on the house[6572] bobby1912: Zenti is ass lmao[6572] jewelrystv: FUCK ZENTI DQ HIM[6572] xnohstalgia: dq .[6572] yoosuhk: @hivise W SCREENWRITE[6572] jayohhee22: W script[6572] lmankeyyyl: DQ [6572] cxhd: WW SCRIPT VISE [6572] revbangz: script[6572] junior2oh9: !followage[6573] myskyz: L GLAZE[6573] sandy_sir: FAKE ASS LAUGH[6573] 1takejohn: dqdq[6573] tk_trapz: tk_trapz subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 9 month streak! L part timer[6573] streamelements: @Junior2oh9, junior2oh9 has been following jynxzi for 1 year 1 month 2 days 6 hours[6574] cpoole1212: dq zenti[6574] qiyaamzrr: DQ[6574] xnohstalgia: dq ..[6574] loverforyou214: DQ[6574] dewzee_: DQ[6574] maddengod0906: FUCK THE SCRIPT[6574] cleaz_lk: zenti might be xim[6575] censorshipmonkey69: L friend[6575] fw_bxbiiin: DQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ[6575] memerman55: Dq[6575] witherspoon3: W VILLION[6575] aiexpereira: w script ig[6575] 0meistr: dq[6575] fruitloverboy: fat lmao[6575] shadowblade2250: Dq him dumbass[6575] rdp1054: scripted[6575] isaidsitdown718: DQ homie[6575] 1takejohn: dqdqddqq[6575] usilent_: fat[6575] kdubz1208: jinx[6575] itzmultikillx: DQ DQ DQ DQD QD QDQ DQD Q[6575] fearkiko: scripted[6576] xnohstalgia: dq[6576] xthrxsherx: DQ this guy[6576] bigboyswag75: dq[6576] manndo1138: !script[6576] bowser088: DIDDY WAITING[6576] yungkibe: LMAO[6576] yuurrr29: leaked[6576] yvnf1y: leaked[6576] kento_rain: Bruhhhhhhhhhhhhh[6576] skulltroopsttv: ZENTI VS STOMPN[6576] skiii999: W Villion[6576] king_jaypvplayz: Exposed[6576] extramildsauce: w scrip w scrip w scrip w scrip w scrip w scrip w scrip w scrip w scrip w scrip w scrip w scrip w scrip w scrip w scrip w scrip w scrip w scrip w scrip w scrip w scrip w scrip w scrip w scrip w scrip[6576] ssoulzyfps: DairyQueen Zenti[6576] grikxm: LMAOOOOOOO[6577] slomorunner149: LMAO[6577] lbgoat23: DA ZENTI[6577] jude224573: w script[6578] shwa224: is zenti champ[6578] littlejohnjohnny2: script[6578] garconn_: dq[6578] image_goodrrr: mid ass streamer[6578] armani1010yt: dq[6578] bxteries: zenti wants to be xim so bad its sad[6578] sfb_peetah: jinxi is glassing zenti[6578] therealrhino_: DQ[6578] dozalitotwitch: w vise[6578] raaahhh_: GDQ[6578] ryapyy: Www.sigma[6578] itzaustin_ex: Hate from Louisiana[6578] sheluvzchristian: dq[6579] ghuttomeg: DQQ[6579] xnohstalgia: dq..[6579] trskill97: LUL[6579] bigbubba833: DQDQDQ[6579] iiluvvzz: leaked script[6579] dzeroea: dq.[6579] patrickdestar25: L[6579] brettkingeter: W JERRY[6579] kento_rain: Lololol[6579] kladdvalp: DQ ZENTI L[6579] pandylovexx: DQ[6579] darkangelz3005: L SCRIPT[6579] achtohbr: sending hate from your housee[6579] nightbot: real[6579] snaggerhead: doing backflips on it[6580] rbriskk: HES NOT GONNA DQ YOU CHATTING LOSERS[6580] 1takejohn: dqdqdqddq[6580] ghuttomeg: DQ | Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [6400] I'm not going to talk about those seizures. I'm not going to talk about those seizures. What do you do? How will you do? How will you do? How will you talk about your father? How will you talk about your father? [6410] No idea what the fuck you are bro You know [6420] He said that fucking scene, Jinks is shot. Keep off on the one moon. One B1 moon. Keep off on the box, suckin' loser. Waffle and ass bitch. Yo, Ricky's actually getting pissed as fuck. This is peak. [6430] He'll ask back for week's progress, bro. VACRO, I'll be back for the char every day.erなので at the rafting time. He'll ask, bitch. [6440] I could buy your whole fucking ancestry, bro. Don't fucking have to do like that again, bitch. Oh, yeah, you're always about money, bro, with these guys. Why do these guys... [6450] R6 guys always making about bread bro damn Ricky on the ram senti on the goy-o read chat dumbass I am [6460] Zenti false-winging. Yo, Zenti's gonna get a blast head shot. You can do it with the poioe. I guarantee you. You can do this one. It's over. I promise you it's over. That was actually smart. Don't give me this one. [6470] actually if you're gonna start ramming shit don't do that actually gonna get a blast headshot i can fucking feel that bro [6480] It's that he's gonna get a blast ass headshot. I can already fucking tell bro now. I can already tell Ricky's gonna be so pissed. Goyo is like the best operator in the game [6490] for bullshit headshots. Oh, why is that you walking up Ricky nose? Why is that you walking up bro? If Ricky's driving [6500] If Ricky drone's empty it's actually GG's. Ricky's yet to drone's empty though. Setties playing close haddock. Ricky going to go to the other side. [6510] just帡 [6520] Drone left he's gonna have to make this one worthwhile. He knows that he's not in addict. He knows he's not an addict off of that drone Senty wise lins right back into it. Ricky has no drones left [6530] Zentsie got rid of both of Ricky Strong's Ricky has no way of moving forward. He's gonna throw out a flash [6540] I [6550] There's no high-by script bro not this shit Yo, I'm not even gonna hold you said you look locked as far [6560] I'm not even gonna walk this shit Give me that round, I'll just give it a round This is more than this to game This is a legacy game Reaching this is a legacy game [6570] I don't need a king of fucking console, hope. Yo, Zendi is actually so far out of touch with reality. It's actually impressive, huh? Yeah. | There is no Highlight in the provided timespan. Jynxzi watches 1v1 between zenti and ricci. they are constantly insulting each other. zenti wins a round while at the end of the timeframe he again won a round against ricci |
Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege[6701] manugioino: SNIPPINGGG[6701] bigblrrrrrrrr: wwwwwwwww[6701] kingpakalypse93: uh oh[6701] jalen348: WWWWWW[6701] hoestereyy: wwwwww[6701] imtwuxic: WENTI[6701] fabiantheking13: SQ[6701] louisvees: NO WAY[6701] roroyoooo12: roroyoooo12 subscribed with Prime. [6701] fxrgivings: DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ[6701] daubben: 💀💀[6701] blakepeterson00: DQ[6701] maysells: W WTF[6701] pashasrighteye: WWWWW[6701] lost12303: dq[6702] xiphoidar: SPOIT WAITING[6702] invinciblead: DQ[6702] kaitheguy2: W ZENTI[6702] cxhd: :O [6702] fossabot: @LightningKakuzu, Your message is too long[6702] quesoh___: Dq[6702] jaxon562: dqqqqqqqqqqq[6702] envy_capone_: DQDQDQDQ[6702] muhkuhluh: LOCK IN RICCI[6702] gnrsteez: WWWW[6702] imstoned6996: WWWWWWW[6702] sucondeez42069: !watchtime[6702] emptyshelly: DQQ[6702] lazyboygunna: BRO DQ HIM[6702] streamelements: sucondeez42069 has spent 5 days 14 hours watching jynxzi[6703] gucci_kid54: PIZZA PIZZA[6704] callumb_999: no way[6704] imstoned6996: WWWWWW[6704] jalen348: WWWWWWWWW[6704] dragonsoul0904: DQ[6704] mrmilku1234: W Fucking Script[6704] spxsie: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion[6704] dookiedemon7700: no fucking way broooo[6704] retromidd: STREAM SNIPE[6704] truegamer713: DQQQQQQQQQQQ[6704] peantbuttnerr: bro has aura[6704] pookie_zzz: www[6704] bambam1519: DQDQDQDQDQDQDQDQDQDQDQDQDQDQDQDQDQDQDQDQDQ[6704] zengecko79: xim[6704] clutchpat74: WWWWWW WENTI[6704] ghosteee_23: it[6705] deadmemez6: D[6705] muhkuhluh: LOCK IN[6705] zershema: dqdq[6705] whowhatwhenwhy17: dq[6705] ajvik01: dq[6705] xemptchan: dq[6705] manaphyonfire: no way[6705] frenziiie: @hivise ILikeTurtlez708 gold 5 1.2kd[6705] andrewthomp7: Stream snipe[6705] kiee_eu: SNIPER[6705] poorple418: DQ[6705] ghuttomeg: LLLLLLLL[6705] quesoh___: dq[6705] cxhd: :O[6705] vzenr: WWWWWWWW[6706] qiyaamzrr: DQ BROOO[6706] skybully33: chat stfu[6706] voltz_ingot: STREAM SNIPING FS[6706] untold_rian400: DQ[6706] icedso1: DQ DQ DQ DQ[6706] jaybowwwwww: W[6706] dzeroea: S[6706] rollinfatjs: ez points[6706] nmo17: fritzy1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! [6706] gucci_kid54: PIZZA PIZZA[6708] az_lad: DQ[6708] smokeyseasoning: heas STREAJM SNIPING[6708] vibecheckgames: Zenti is locked in[6708] ninogtaz: WOW[6708] whowhatwhenwhy17: dq pls[6708] nunchuckchick69: HOW[6708] blakescheating: CHEATER[6708] never_again_x: wWWWWW[6708] alaplakka: wenti[6708] imstoned6996: WEWWWWW[6708] pandylovexx: DQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ[6708] blake_schultzz: sniper[6708] trskill97: LUL[6708] kirkishisgoat: DQ BROOOO[6708] clutchpat74: ZENTI THÉ GOAT[6709] nightbot: @ItzMultiKillx -> Boop! [stop spamming symbols] [warning][6709] jalen348: WWW[6709] coopthang: W[6709] cheznuts54: PIZZA PIZZA[6709] dzeroea: N[6709] zachyayx: WW SCRIPT[6709] vzenr: WWWWWWW[6711] uzi_is_goatedd: uzi_is_goatedd subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [6711] ttvenskybobo: looks xim[6711] defaultyspartan: he’s stream sniping so much and you ain’t even catching it[6711] rhthem: I SAW YOU ATE MC DONALDS![6711] mrmilku1234: W[6711] tannercrawfish: zenti merch?[6711] masterhalocheif: dq[6711] papithooi: PIZZA PIZZA[6711] llliiiiiillllliiiiillliii: C teir content your so washed ![6711] himself727: racist[6711] lbgoat23: STREAM SNIPING[6711] imstoned6996: WWW[6711] vzenr: WWW[6711] dzeroea: E[6711] wockisnothere: how tf is ricci losing😭😭[6712] revbangz: !gamble 30[6712] xyvtobi: also L script[6712] bigbubba833: DQDQDQ[6712] bionicrubble642: Xim[6712] bambam1519: DQDQDQDQDQDQDQDQDQDQ[6712] bananaslushie1: DQQQQQQQQ[6712] streamelements: revbangz won 30 points in roulette and now has 135 points! FeelsGoodMan[6712] itzmultikillx: DQ[6712] ezrabruh_: spoit slams zenti[6712] junkogyattttt: dqdqdqdqdq[6712] oimojooi: ZENTI GOIN CRAZY[6712] deano_13_: dq[6712] bluey009: ricci abt to sell the bread[6712] vzenr: WW[6712] gucci_kid54: PIZZA PIZZA 🍕[6713] aidenr6__: dq[6713] smellykn0b6921: l script[6713] az_lad: DQ HIM BRUH[6713] bladenkurama: bad aim[6713] quesoh___: Dq[6713] swarthyd: everyone is waiting for you[6713] yamuthaissocute: PIZZA PIZZA[6713] calman98: DQ[6713] gurburgur: CMONNNNNNNN ZENTIIIIIIII[6713] streamelements: If you're a gamer, you need a Starforge! Snag one -> https://starforgepc.com/Jynxzi[6713] gucci_kid54: PIZZA PIZZA 🍕[6714] liamisultrasigma: PIZZA[6714] jski099: L RACISM[6714] bananajoe420g: RICCI LOCK IN!!!![6714] crimsoncomet524: MY GOAT HAS ALWAYS BEEN GOOD[6714] mohammedjordang: pizza pizza[6714] jason5ohh: dq[6714] coopthang: ZENTI[6714] shido271: W SCRIPT[6714] ballonriser: Stream snipe[6714] lmlcedout: blatant racism[6714] quesoh___: dq[6714] giorgio_curcioooo: CRONUS[6714] qiyaamzrr: DQQQQ[6714] dragonsoul0904: D[6715] junkogyattttt: dqdqdqd[6715] wedochicks: LET HIM COOK[6715] xemptchan: DQ[6715] vzenr: W[6715] glizzytwister: zenti arc[6715] jaydjen: Read chat fuckinv idiot[6715] houstonkills: SUS[6715] kkis3k: CRONUS[6715] imstoned6996: WWWW[6715] funnyguruu: xim xim[6715] atrain13_: stream snipe[6715] realprometheuz: SINCE XIM[6715] lmankeyyyl: DQ [6715] lazyboygunna: BRUV[6715] witherspoon3: W SCRIPT[6716] stungbythewood: RICCI[6716] tyontop1: L SCRIPT[6716] junior2oh9: ACC HOPPING[6716] tykyran: some ones playing on his account[6716] theman0032: :( :( :([6717] ccamtoe: zenti funny af[6717] bangawanga: scripted[6717] itzlegitghost: Ricci better not choke this[6717] kingtyden: you need to Dq[6717] junkogyattttt: dqddqdqdqdqd[6717] novak310: took him long enough[6717] ball_tongue__: NAH RICCI SELLING[6717] papichulo0004: WW SCRIPT[6717] vort3x064: Hey dude[6717] llliiiiiillllliiiiillliii: C teir content your so washed ![6717] big_shug01: come on bro[6717] jinx_grue: L stream snipinf[6717] nestor_423: he locked[6717] unknowncult_: fr[6717] hype_othetical: fat[6718] jorgw28: xim[6718] xeno_xcaliburr: W ZENTI[6718] brokenw1nd0ws: Zenti Vs stompn next 😂[6718] ti_lur: GIT GUD KID[6718] thedon_isreal: Better than u[6718] hazmatbro09: w[6718] dixe_btw: fr[6718] slomorunner149: W RICCI[6718] achaneprod: sus[6718] nashtherizzler: W SCRIPT[6718] ugerspielter: DQ[6718] breakb00mer: that’s not him[6718] i1yzay: i1yzay subscribed at Tier 1. [6718] 501boy: he’s on xim[6718] kr8money: W zenti[6719] omegac3_: NO WAY[6719] ralfusgames: this idiot is breathing into the mic during every single sound cue dq this clown[6719] gdubsdad: gdubsdad subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months, currently on a 10 month streak! [6719] weeoutdizbich: L SCRIPT[6719] nm00r3: PLSSSS SPOIT[6719] ronanconnors: account swap[6719] masterhalocheif: DQ[6719] z2nicekez: z2nIceKez subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! [6720] fricci_chacha: Zenti been good u just a hater[6720] range_x2: nice script[6720] lbgoat23: STREAM SNIPING ZENTI[6720] godlolumad: SOME1 IS ON HIS ACCOUNT[6720] ttonii4: practiced like a mf[6720] rubydafcknorangutan: L script[6720] boejecker99: GETFUCKEDRICCI[6720] crispyhotchicken: xim[6720] coopthang: W ZENTIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII[6720] pizzadino_: RICCI LOCK INNNNNNN[6720] strawhat_kisuke00: zenti better than jynxzi[6720] fenikoz: WW ZENTIIIII[6720] houstonkills: SUS]SUSUSUSUUS[6720] gnrsteez: WWW[6720] truegamer713: L SCRIPT WTF DQ[6721] flamecat__: when he pluged in his xim[6721] eqkox: blatent snupe[6721] imstoned6996: WWWWWW[6721] ryykz_: GET STOMPN[6721] voxxyyyyyyyyy: We all know it’s loo stfu brodie[6721] papithooi: PIZZAAAA MAMAMIAAAA[6721] nashtherizzler: W SCRIPTTT[6721] yungkibe: he beats you all the time[6721] wedochicks: LET HIM COOK F THAT DQ[6721] edgarsrms: L script[6721] ryantnick44: bout to lose all my points bc of ricci[6721] coffeezilladaughter: its a script[6721] poopyy23: w[6721] gray10k_: He is definitely cheating in some way shape or form lmao[6721] naw_m8: NEW UPDATE[6722] ball_tongue__: RICCI SELLING[6722] weeoutdizbich: L SCRIPTS[6722] omegac3_: MY POUNTS[6723] aqua33tv: aqua33tv subscribed with Prime. [6723] langishyou_1: bad script[6723] germesco29: BETTER THAN YOU[6723] pandylovexx: DQ[6723] inerstellarboyyy: jynxziCRY[6723] chillzx0: DQ HE CHEATED[6723] helloimrail: ACC HOPPING[6723] n8dogg1974: when is 3v3[6723] cxffed: dq[6723] h3rb4l5m0ke: SINCE YOU LET HIM BREAK RULES AND GET THE UPPER HAND YOU DONKEY ASS KID[6723] breaks808: DQ[6723] desertcityzen: He's been cheating what do you mean??[6723] junior2oh9: ACC SWAM[6724] kaaayseaa: It really should be 4-2. That one round was fake[6724] plsyt: xim[6724] yungkibe: he beats you all the time[6724] t3xasplays44: Let's Go zenti!!!![6724] streamelements: @ooopatroopa, you only have 10 points.[6724] flamingsh0: sus[6724] crispyhotchicken: ximmmm[6724] az_lad: BRO IS STREAM SNIPING[6724] itsbranchez: stream sniping[6724] articome: L script[6724] skulltroopsttv: DQ[6724] timethenpri: ITS XIM[6724] king_jaypvplayz: scripts done[6724] marthman_: someone playing for him[6724] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[6725] saddlizer01: avid is on apex😭[6725] ihaveabbl31360: PIZZA PIZZA[6725] nightbot: “😂😂😂” -avidqr6[6725] omnurac: da[6725] behdrr: dqq[6725] blake_schultzz: zenti snipe[6726] waxyy_332: waxiestemu86 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 5 month streak! w junko[6727] jxsse1234: account hopping[6727] maddengod0906: SCRIPTS[6727] yothatzoxy: WWWWWWW[6727] dragonsoul0904: DqDq[6727] 0pal0nyx: u let zenti break rules?[6727] easy_moneysniper1: better than you ofc[6727] mahmut_akdemir: GRIND ARC[6727] lludix7412: BRO I HAVE 250,000 ON THIS[6727] newsyno: script[6727] gnrsteez: W JERRY SCRIPT FR[6727] highquality00: scripted[6727] sngbrjvgh: yall sore losers quit spamming dq he’s not making noise anymore 😂[6727] timethenpri: ITS XIMMMMM[6727] daltoot: zenti jynxziTONGUE[6728] legendzxbl: casual racism[6728] houstonkills: SUS[6728] jeremestari: acc hop or stream snipe[6728] prollyjiggy: paid ricci[6728] tykyran: that’s not him[6728] npollack3: fat[6728] shadows_lol21: GET SPOITT[6728] llliiiiiillllliiiiillliii: C teir content your so washed[6728] michael875131256: W[6728] garconn_: dqdq[6728] pandylovexx: DQQ[6728] youngbabe94: L[6728] dragonsoul0904: DqDqDqDqDq[6728] sleepyyonhots: DQ NOM PLEASE[6728] t3xasplays44: Win e this[6729] giantwhiteginger: sniping[6729] msfx001: wwwwwwww[6730] sngbrjvgh: yall sore losers quit spamming dq he’s not making noise anymore 😂😂[6730] freegansterr: Hes better then u[6730] voxxyyyyyyyyy: loo letters yeah we know jynxzi[6730] pandylovexx: DQ[6730] ryantnick44: ricci chokingggggg[6730] isaiahx7106: NOT HIM[6730] behdrr: dq him[6730] nightbot: 👀[6730] wmans_9: xim?[6730] garconn_: dqdqdqdq[6730] omnurac: Darry queen[6731] scranfrank2: Stream sniping[6731] envy_capone_: stream snipingg[6731] whowhatwhenwhy17: i want script to change[6731] taha__talebi: !sens[6731] blueberrylubeee: zenti always been better the yiu fatass[6731] germesco29: ZENTI BETTER THAN YOU[6731] zuzu0z: DQ HIM[6731] keyz517: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper[6731] lilsluga: sniping[6731] elfamosojavisss: RICCI YOU CANT LOSE THIS[6731] nightbot: Jynxzi sens and settings here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2GcpqRqJ9U[6731] dragonsoul0904: DqDqDqDqDqDqDqDq[6731] unknowncult_: Ong[6731] novak310: ain’t he been on the streams for over a year??[6731] smurfxd0_: Smurfxd0_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months, currently on a 14 month streak! dq[6732] stonerbuddy78: L[6732] mattman1h9: better then u[6732] tkettel_: ricci singing he mad[6732] coffeezilladaughter: hes ass its a script u know this LUL[6732] core_crimzy: L SCRIPT FAT BOY[6732] criticalgabe: dq[6732] effect___888: L[6732] caseymahfet28: it’s zim[6732] bear_249: hahahaha😂[6732] warrior20252: spoit waiting[6732] mimiwlzd7: Dq[6732] timethenpri: ITS XIMMMMMM[6732] sngbrjvgh: yall sore losers quit spamming dq he’s not making noise anymore 😂[6732] revbangz: sniping[6732] lilsluga: lmfao[6735] sngbrjvgh: yall sore losers quit spamming dq he’s not making noise anymore 😂😂[6735] captaindounutx: L SCRIPT HIVISE[6735] bear_249: 😭[6735] lil_ky_l3: Cronus bro[6735] camron_twitch1: Jynxzi and Diddy, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.[6735] caseymahfet28: it’s not him[6735] inezloe: xim[6735] kaaayseaa: Should be 4-2[6735] ajvik01: dqqq dumbasss[6735] sykosocial12: SCRIPTEDDDDD[6735] cookiegod2112: Snipping ĺ[6735] qiyaamzrr: XIM[6735] skulltroopsttv: ZENTI STREAM SNIPING[6737] fruitloverboy: NO script put it on skibidi[6737] caseymahfet28: it’s dim[6738] ballonriser: xim[6738] lilsluga: he’s stream sniping are u fr[6738] ayman_ksa55889: HES XIM[6738] quinnnythefos: @zengecko79[6738] jalenmoney_23: Kason is playing for zent right now[6738] kladdvalp: DQ THAT TRASHKID[6738] ch1efk1ng: script[6738] bear_249: 😅[6738] patrickdestar25: DQ[6738] ihaveabbl31360: HOP OFF RICCI BRO[6738] garconn_: dqdqddq[6738] awesomeness1814: ZIM[6738] manugioino: DQQQQ[6738] free__kay: SOMEONE ON ZENTI ACCOUNT[6738] jordan_onit: tie is crazy[6739] llliiiiiillllliiiiillliii: C teir content your so washed[6739] shadow_pyr0: Splot waiting[6739] slayeralexo3: stomp playing on his console[6739] inerstellarboyyy: L script[6739] pookie_zzz: do u know what is grass[6739] subwayenjoyer: L SCRIPT[6739] bot_206fan: SKETCH WAITING[6739] coffeezilladaughter: hes ass its a script u know this LUL[6739] jewelrystv: DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ L SCRIPT L SCRIPT L SCRIPT L SCRIPT[6739] jonathonc1: diddy party at jynxzi’s[6739] douglas420710: Hes cheating clearly[6739] peepslumps: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim[6739] applefacey: sending hate from a tornado[6739] bweiss10: xim or hoppin[6739] oli_r6demon15: jynxziBounce jynxziFALL jynxziRAHHH jynxziVapeBreak jynxziBadAim jynxziCopper[6740] mimiwlzd7: Dqq[6740] xdaman27: DQ[6740] garconn_: dqdqdqdq[6741] qiyaamzrr: DQ[6741] spleenz0: Zenti u are a king[6741] aidangould07: Dan scheider script[6741] overclock1: AMAZING SCRIPT[6741] mimiwlzd7: Dq[6742] l337i: HE BEEN GOOD AND ALWAYS BEEN BETTER THAN UR PART TIMER ASS[6742] revbangz: he’s stream sniping dumbass[6742] kento_rain: Gimme my money by mon[6742] murciirl: ppl mad about points lol[6742] vzenr: W[6742] xdaman27: DQQ[6742] garconn_: ddqqd[6742] bear_249: 🤤[6742] zorz_xz: DQ HIM BOZOZ[6742] camron_twitch1: Jynxzi and Diddy, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G[6742] chrisarg17: SNIPING[6742] moooooseman: w script[6742] realprometheuz: XIM[6742] xxjayxx2g: fatty McDonald’sfatty worker[6743] koscart: !wt[6743] russian_bomber_: ricci is shitting bricks[6743] mattman1h9: bettter then you[6743] monkeyjoex: !points[6743] elfamosojavisss: RICCI LETS GOOOOO[6743] douglas420710: Clearly cheating lol[6743] dzeroea: E[6743] kaden_19: it’s not zenti[6743] streamelements: @monkeyjoex monkeyjoex has 810 points and is rank 558593/1745232 on the leaderboard.[6743] censorshipmonkey69: sketch waiting[6743] gimme_girlfriend_for_xmas: Zentk[6743] fr_kiran: stomping vs zenti[6743] jfkreload: He been accusing cronus alot, guilty himself?[6743] gnrsteez: stompgGG stompgGG stompgGG[6743] vzenr: WW[6744] caseymahfet28: it’s xim[6744] camron_twitch1: Jynxzi and Diddy, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.[6744] maddengod0906: Lol free 100k[6744] nightbot: 😂[6744] drex1470: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1[6745] greenchandrian: he's pulled that shit before[6745] nathanzimmie2: xim[6745] kevdogg2272: Yooo zenti is out of this world right now[6745] dzeroea: D[6745] nightbot: @runningboy147 -> Back to square one. [stop spamming symbols] [warning][6745] daphxduck: put zenti up against spoit 😂😂[6745] dloredo1600: dq[6745] mimiwlzd7: Dqq[6745] undergroundkk: DDQDDQQQ[6745] gr3av3s3y: dq[6746] douglas420710: DQ HIM[6746] xdaman27: DDQQQQ[6746] gimme_girlfriend_for_xmas: x[6746] eliiite_: DQ[6746] talanbasketball15: snipinggggggg[6746] yrraez: HES xim[6746] garconn_: dq[6746] bigballs5454: @hivise zZp1utoZz bronze 1[6746] soulsniper87246: he’s zim[6746] rhthem: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziFAT[6747] undergroundkk: DDDDQQQ[6747] gxsted_: Xim[6747] skoodlybop: skoodlybop subscribed at Tier 1. [6747] camron_twitch1: Jynxzi and Diddy, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G[6747] mimiwlzd7: Dq[6747] jadixbsibs: why did u say chat do we dq bro ur viewers r going down😢[6747] unknownpersonlol69: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak[6747] cxffed: if i l lose my channel points to this cheating loser[6748] dzeroea: T[6748] eliiite_: DQQQ[6748] undergroundkk: DQQQ[6748] jonathonc1: fuck zenti[6748] douglas420710: HE X1M[6748] nightbot: TikTok: @Jynxzi[6748] koscart: !watchtime[6748] offsiz1: BRO ZENTI ACTUALLY SO GOOD[6748] termeauxnator16: DQ ZENTI[6749] streamelements: koscart has spent 7 days 13 hours watching jynxzi[6749] cantu16: glaze zenti for ricci to be mad[6749] mr_alex56: DQ[6749] eliiite_: DQQQQQ[6749] dzeroea: O[6749] mimiwlzd7: Dqq[6749] jaydenismyname1432: DQQQQQQQQ hes stream sniping !!!!!![6749] xdaman27: DQ[6749] dayanitiel445: dq[6749] lilsimpforuuu: gotta be xim[6749] ajvik01: dqqq[6750] russian_bomber_: SHITING BRICKS[6750] lil_ky_l3: trash aim to good aim?[6750] undergroundkk: DDDDQQQQQ[6750] manugioino: READ THE CHAT NICHOLAS[6750] bweiss10: DQ[6750] camron_twitch1: Jynxzi and Diddy, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.[6750] wiffk: it’s. im[6750] fransua2423: SHUT FUCK UP ZENTI , W ITALIAAA🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹 WHAT MEANS MAFIA??[6750] chrisarg17: SNIPING HJ[6751] dzeroea: D[6751] isaiahx7106: ITS NOT ZENTI[6751] wyat897: DQ[6751] cookiegod2112: Sniping[6751] itsrallyy: WHOLE STREAM IS A ZENTI GLAZE[6751] douglas420710: DW XENTI[6751] coffeesco: BY STREAM SNIPING AND XIM[6751] kadaveree: wsg[6751] unknownpersonlol69: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak[6751] mimiwlzd7: Dq[6751] slnmpd: dw zenti he’s been breaking the sound que rule every round almost[6751] ihaveabbl31360: W[6751] rxckzo_games: Is he viewbotting or is he just him[6751] jewelrystv: DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ L SCRIPT L SCRIPT L SCRIPT[6751] kaden_19: not zenti playing[6752] tvmukamed: you sound feminine today[6752] pandylovexx: DQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ[6752] xmbdxx: !watchtime[6752] streamelements: xmbdxx has spent 1 day 19 hours watching jynxzi[6752] eianz_: boring script write a better one[6752] camron_twitch1: Jynxzi and Diddy, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G[6752] bennyboy2807: DQ[6752] damedog15: DQ[6752] gr3av3s3y: dqqqqqqq[6753] ihaveabbl31360: WW[6753] dzeroea: I[6753] thecoletrain05: this is not Zenti lmfao[6753] undergroundkk: DDDQQQQQQ[6753] raideasy: dq[6753] timethenpri: ITS XIMMMM[6753] whereyomomsatyo: when he 7- 2 you[6753] kotaaa1: ?[6753] ajvik01: dqqqq[6753] nightbot: ?[6753] mimiwlzd7: Dqq[6753] wiffk: ximmmm[6754] daubben: spoit waiting[6754] dzeroea: E[6754] talanbasketball15: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim[6754] pxxzy6: PISS ON ME[6754] wuzzawizza: dq[6754] llliiiiiillllliiiiillliii: C teir content your so washed ![6754] ihaveabbl31360: WWW[6754] xthrxsherx: we already DQ zenti fkn read that chat you fkn dick head[6754] bulldog04_: DQ FATTY[6754] yrraez: he’s xim[6755] stonerbuddy78: ZENTI IS WATHCING THE STREAM LMFAO[6755] bananamanen: xim[6755] ajvik01: dqqqqqqqqq[6755] xxjayxx2g: fatty[6755] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[6755] dabigsteppa2: DQ[6755] chrisarg17: SNIPING JJJ[6755] douglas420710: DQ XENTI[6755] qiyaamzrr: DQ[6755] gr3av3s3y: dqqqqqqqq[6755] fossabot: @joebidenreal69420111, Your message is too long[6755] iso_matthew: DQQQQQQQ[6755] juggernaut9898: FailFish FailFish FailFish FailFish[6755] flamingsh0: Rule breaking and a script? thats crazy[6755] undergroundkk: DDQQ[6756] collerose: Send hate from jynxzis father[6756] f0urheads: Dq[6756] itsrallyy: L GLAZING[6756] camron_twitch1: Jynxzi and Diddy, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.[6756] ihaveabbl31360: WWWW[6756] unknownpersonlol69: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak[6756] mattman1h9: zentis better then you[6756] ajvik01: dqqqq[6756] funnyguruu: little ceasars[6756] freakwet: modme[6756] myfriendsstream: Make delay a little longer just in case he is stream sniping[6756] undergroundkk: DDQ[6757] demonguy1905: fat[6757] dodjamxys14: DQ L SCRIPT[6757] ramosmitty: is he home?[6757] pastramirl: KAXYU KAXYU KAXYU KAXYU KAXYU KAXYU KAXYU[6757] llliiiiiillllliiiiillliii: C teir content your so washed[6757] bonesstv: DQ HIM U FUCK[6757] realprometheuz: ITS XIM[6757] az_lad: Dq zenti[6757] gos_eclipse: sniping[6757] lildi2023: Bro there no strip[6757] atokyobeaner: come onnnnn[6758] undergroundkk: DQQ[6758] ajvik01: dq[6758] jaxon562: read chat[6758] jaydjen: READ CHAT AND DQ HIM FATASS[6758] offsiz1: ZENTI IS GOOD BRO[6758] loverforyou214: how much did you pay him[6758] xxjayxx2g: fattu[6758] slnmpd: dq zenti[6759] gokugutt: WWWW[6759] crankiplier_fanatic: SAY ON SKIBIDI IT AINT SCRIPTED!![6759] camron_twitch1: Jynxzi and Diddy, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G[6759] llliiiiiillllliiiiillliii: C teir content your so washed ![6759] seth_fn: shroud eating[6759] undergroundkk: DQQQQ[6759] jonathonc1: w ricci[6759] coopthang: THANK YOU HIVISE[6759] sngbrjvgh: give me yalls points[6759] pxxzy6: PLS PISS ON ME[6759] wyat897: DQ DUMB ASS[6759] deztroer2: view botting 100%[6760] gr3av3s3y: dqqqqqqqqq[6760] michelle02122018: it’s zim[6760] strawhatroyal: 3-3?[6760] ferni1207: HEY YOUTUBE!!!!!![6760] ti_lur: classic 'dont let us get one' KEK[6760] daphxduck: SPOIT VS ZENTI[6760] i_luv_seige42o: avid on apex lmao[6760] sendtlttys: Zenti think he jaylen brown[6760] nashtherizzler: wwwwwwwwwwww[6760] nightbot: “😂😂😂” -avidqr6[6760] ilikejynxzi2935yea: !bracket[6760] duck00z: dq[6760] manugioino: NICHOLAS READ[6760] nightbot: Tourney bracket here -> https://brackethq.com/b/nmy1b/ (Back In Blood)[6760] metroskydiver05: when is side men[6761] baconboy_150: SNIPING[6761] camron_twitch1: Jynxzi and Diddy, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.[6761] ashzic: L SCRIPT[6761] mhahs22: DQ[6761] tie821: IS THE STREAM ENDING IN 7 MINUTES?[6761] ramosmitty: 8. he gome[6762] slugterra4: !watchtime[6762] lil_spider52709: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT[6762] llliiiiiillllliiiiillliii: C teir content your so washed[6762] streamelements: slugterra4 has spent 2 days 18 hours watching jynxzi[6762] sh6mss: ACC SWAP ITS XIMMMMMMM[6762] kaydenbassani69: wwwwwww[6762] jonathonc1: diddy party at jynxzi’s[6762] coffeezilladaughter: u texted ricci to let zenti get 3 rounds LUL[6762] unknownpersonlol69: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak[6762] xthrxsherx: we already all dqed zenti[6762] ballonriser: junky wonky get him out[6763] eianz_: boring script write a better one[6763] xxjayxx2g: ur fat[6763] crazyfr0gtv: OOOO[6763] thebossman564: can I get a ten piece[6763] chrisarg17: SNIPING[6763] camron_twitch1: Jynxzi and Diddy, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G[6764] gucci_kid54: @dimezgood yoo[6764] sircapsalot5: when is spoit and stroud?[6764] eqxilizer: they are waiting for you[6764] inst1ncttttt: zenti has jynxzi charm[6765] eianz_: boring script write a better one[6765] helsinksky: READ THE CHAT U FAT FUCK[6765] armanibeams: wow your still live. shocker[6765] taha__talebi: !sens[6765] nightbot: Jynxzi sens and settings here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2GcpqRqJ9U[6766] unknownpersonlol69: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak[6766] onlymixkey: GOOO RICCI[6766] cokedupyolk: bad host[6766] jaydjen: NotLikeThis[6766] qiyaamzrr: DISQUALIFICATION[6766] muhkuhluh: cant wait to watch you get carried![6766] eianz_: boring script write a better one[6766] douglas420710: DQ XENTI HE XMI[6766] mckenzielewisccfc: L script[6767] tonipepper0ni: !watchtime[6767] skulltroopsttv: ZENTI STREAM SNIPING[6767] streamelements: tonipepper0ni has spent 2 days 3 hours watching jynxzi[6767] jamesnogas: jamesnogas subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 7 month streak! hi[6767] dmelo: zenti in viewers list[6767] wuzzawizza: DQ[6768] freakwet: pls[6768] momhntr: PIZZA PIZZA[6768] eianz_: boring script write a better one[6769] obamnajones: CHAT MAD ASF 😂😂😂😂😂😂[6769] yihhgiy: w trio[6769] bladenkurama: dookie mc dook dook[6769] manugioino: DIDDDDY[6769] xthrxsherx: L scripted[6769] xxjayxx2g: read chat[6769] shadow_pyr0: Splot waiting[6769] pandylovexx: DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ[6770] iiluv3x1m: bruhhh let I love x1m 1v1 him bro[6770] soulsniper87246: he’s xim[6770] pizzadino_: @lightningkakuzu zenit not gonna suck you off lil bro stop riding[6770] maskedbootyy: all yall mad you bet everything on ricci fuckin bums😂😂😂😂[6770] duck00z: dqDQ[6770] ferni1207: GO JYNXZI[6770] mckenzielewisccfc: !sub[6770] unknownpersonlol69: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak[6770] nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi[6771] gaadu_007: d[6771] nandofredo: ricci is selllinnnnnnnnngnggngggggg[6771] coopthang: S/O HIVISE[6771] dabigsteppa2: DQ zenti now[6771] warrior_01281: !brakcet[6771] nightbot: 👀[6771] kaydenbassani69: jynxziGoodAim_TK jynxziGoodAim_TK jynxziGoodAim_TK jynxziGoodAim_TK jynxziGoodAim_TK[6771] itzdatwhiteboy: Fatass[6771] bceelfc: #[6772] duck00z: DQ[6772] tannercrawfish: is jynxzi losing?[6772] ooopatroopa: !bal[6772] omegabloodflo99: EZ POINTS[6772] gnrsteez: IM FINNA GET PAYED[6772] qiyaamzrr: DQ[6772] juicycoen911: mingo streamsning[6772] hooptyrider55: no warmup, typical👍[6773] unknownpersonlol69: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak[6773] pogcheese_: L[6773] 1of1hazzy: time[6773] xxjayxx2g: read chatttt[6773] breaks808: ZENTI IS DOGSHIT[6774] wyat897: DQ[6774] jaydenismyname1432: DQQQQQQQQ hes stream sniping !!!!!!![6774] slumpdog100_: When does 1v1 matter in a game thats build for team work[6774] warrior_01281: !bracket[6775] 6imsaucy3: MY POINTS ARE IN YOUR HANDS RICCI[6775] savage_rat432: !watchtime[6775] gamingornothing_: your glazing[6776] streamelements: savage_rat432 has spent 21 hours 40 mins watching jynxzi[6776] kaaayseaa: Should be 4-2[6776] lild33__: he can’t just make a delay mid stream fucking idiots[6776] envity_alt: favourite part tier[6776] wyler111: !gamble 200[6776] soulsniper87246: xim[6776] kirkishisgoat: THIS ISNT ZENTI[6776] dmelo: he’s xim[6776] streamelements: wyler111 won 200 points in roulette and now has 35230 points! FeelsGoodMan[6776] darkofx14: !followage[6777] streamelements: @darkofx14, darkofx14 has been following jynxzi for 1 year 7 months 24 days 11 hours[6778] emptyshelly: OFC U NEED SHROUD AND SPOIT L CARRIED FATASS[6778] h3rb4l5m0ke: @jynxzi YOU ARE SPINELESS MY GUY BET YOU WONT EVEN BOX RICCI[6778] shahrmouta: L Script[6778] obamnajones: CHAT MAD ASF 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂[6778] sircapsalot5: when is spoit and stroud[6778] easy_moneysniper1: bros not even reading chat[6779] smackingskills: DQ[6779] lightningkakuzu: @pizzadino_ RENT FREE PIZZA PIZZA BOY[6779] keyz2416: spoit waiting[6779] unknownpersonlol69: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak[6779] obamnajones: CHAT MAD ASF 😂😂😂😂😂😂[6780] envity_alt: part timer[6780] bweiss10: L script[6781] gamingornothing_: glazing[6781] nothing431126: g[6781] nightbot: no[6781] xthrxsherx: he’s already DQed you fucker[6781] collerose: Sending hate from ubisoft[6781] envity_alt: DQ[6781] bluelobster923: AYO DONT SAY DQ JUST CAUSE YALL WHINING ABT HOW U MAY LOSE POINTS[6782] unknownpersonlol69: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak[6782] naturalpersian: Ricci got this[6782] obamnajones: CHAT MAD ASF 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂[6782] voxxyyyyyyyyy: account hop of hell[6783] omegabloodflo99: EZZZZ[6783] oimojooi: ZENTI LOCKED IN[6783] ghostyx64: DQ ZENTI HE BROKE THE RULES[6784] foesapp: FoeSapp subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months! you’ll never see this but sending love from Iraq[6784] nightbot: instagram.com/Jynxzii[6784] obamnajones: CHAT MAD ASF 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂[6784] pookie_zzz: who suck more ass[6784] veggies445: Xim vs Zenti[6784] xx_snowbubble: caseoh is better[6784] gnrsteez: WWWW[6784] slomorunner149: L SCRIPT[6784] helloimrail: This isnt zenti bro[6784] kirkishisgoat: THIS ISNT ZENTI PLEASE READ MY CHAT[6784] envity_alt: DQQQ[6784] voidedits10: L script[6785] gi_josee: Bronny waiting[6785] envity_alt: DQ[6786] kng_jxon: fat[6786] qesamid: ZENTI ERA [6786] moedee4k: !watchtime[6786] justachattalol: xim clone[6786] streamelements: moedee4k has spent 1 day 7 hours watching jynxzi[6786] ballonriser: spoit gonna carry[6787] qesamid: ZENTI ERA[6787] obamnajones: CHAT MAD ASF 😂😂😂😂😂😂[6788] camron_twitch1: Stream harder read chat harder[6788] qwxyiscool3287: DQ[6788] joebidenreal69420111: !gamble points[6788] unknownpersonlol69: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak[6789] kirkishisgoat: THIS IS NOT ZENTI[6789] easy_moneysniper1: bros not even reading chats smh[6789] gnrsteez: W SCRIPT[6789] veggies445: w[6789] qiyaamzrr: BRO HIVISE DQ ZENTI[6789] wyler111: !gamble all[6789] voidedits10: L scriptt[6790] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[6790] extramildsauce: ADS[6790] nightbot: Just sub bozo you’ll get no ads, my emotes, double the channel points, and guess what you will also get my beautiful charm that you will never lose, and many more!!!! #subuporshutup[6790] ewingisnick: yo[6791] darth_zo: L AD[6791] bardownski4826: it’s xim[6791] gamermen1331: bro is. it Xim[6792] yaboilucas22: I BEETTTT 200 ON THIS SHIT[6792] ghostyx64: ZENTI CHEATIN[6793] pastramirl: WE WANT KAXYU WE WANT KAXYU WE WANT KAXYU WE WANT KAXYU WE WANT KAXYU WE WANT KAXYU WE WANT KAXYU WE WANT KAXYU[6794] gxsted_: He's fucking XIM[6794] basetownn: ?[6794] mrdx04: LLL ADS[6794] angeldk: L script[6794] nightbot: ?[6794] unknownpersonlol69: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak[6794] m00nwater3: he is not xim[6795] olejohnnydogs: W SCRIPT VISE[6795] easy_moneysniper1: nice ads[6795] savage_rat432: @jynxzi youre my favorite part timer[6795] mckenzielewisccfc: !watchtime[6795] stilyx00: !sens[6795] streamelements: mckenzielewisccfc has spent 2 days 4 hours watching jynxzi[6795] nightbot: Jynxzi sens and settings here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2GcpqRqJ9U[6795] stimuiantc17: shroud waiting[6795] xxjayxx2g: read chat dread chat read chat read chat read chat read chat read chat read chat read chat[6796] doritoslocosnachos: !ads[6796] nightbot: !sub for the jynxzi charm, no ads and a fire ass badge beside your name jynxziHappy Sub right here -> ( https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi )[6796] happycatipillar: out of touch[6797] invinciblead: Nobody cares. DQ zenti[6797] maskedbootyy: CHAT IS LOSERS MAD[6797] comypioukk: LMNBSSERTIKJBVDERT[6797] kirkishisgoat: THIS IS XIM[6797] mrdx04: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLL ADS[6797] easy_moneysniper1: W ads[6797] camron_twitch1: zesty ass voice[6797] mrmilku1234: W[6797] mxario_0: STFU[6797] skulltroopsttv: ZENTI STREAM SNIPING[6797] omegabloodflo99: EZ EZ EZ EZ[6798] calpolwater: Ricci will win lol[6798] snortsum: stfu[6798] criticalgabe: jynxziChampion[6798] myskyz: SHUT UP FATASSSTOP YAPPING[6798] oreo1v5s: mute[6798] discokeith: discokeith subscribed with Prime. [6798] maddengod0906: LOCKED[6798] c00l_pug1: l ard[6798] ourguns: shut up fat ass[6798] onemellox: !link[6799] nightbot: @onemellox If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[6799] qiyaamzrr: HIGHVISE CALL[6799] fatal_monstr: DQ ZENTI[6799] y_boiboi: jynxie boi[6800] voxxyyyyyyyyy: Aggro Loo vs ricci should be the title 🥸🥸🥸[6800] d44rkfire: shut up[6800] papithooi: w drip junko[6800] moneywatch25: camera out[6800] myskyz: YOUR ASS[6800] gnrsteez: SU[6800] qqueensarahh: L AD[6800] phuckmiwongtime: Bruh[6800] qkxne: pls shut up[6800] kirkishisgoat: PLEASE[6800] mrdx04: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLL ADSS[6801] easy_moneysniper1: w ads[6801] zombie2464: STFU[6801] thomashamilton99: LADS[6801] woventer: STFU[6801] nwoll1: fuck[6801] ihavetopeebad: 817272663 ADS FUCK YOU[6801] joebidenreal69420111: !gamble all[6801] zane767: L ad[6802] soko_mb: read chat[6802] yungplague24: L adsssss[6802] haribo_steele_: why is he on m&k for a 1v1[6803] lotus_52: X1M IS PLAYING[6803] prxxel: Prxxel subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months, currently on a 15 month streak! 15 months gangy[6803] elengilbert: SHUT UP[6803] loshuevitos1: STFU💀💀💀[6803] vivid_maz: 100 ads[6803] jaydenismyname1432: DQQQQQQQQ hes stream sniping !!!!!![6803] jumpinsqueekers: XIM[6803] ourguns: stfu[6803] papithooi: w drip jynxzi[6803] gi_josee: Bronny waiting rn[6804] myskyz: ASS[6804] thomashamilton99: LADSSSS[6804] cjnapatrolu: l ad[6804] nightbot: @Toastmahbred -> moon2A [stop spamming symbols] [warning][6804] datboi_timothy7: !ads[6804] puffpuffjuicer: STFU[6804] drzrift4521: WOW ADS[6804] gnrsteez: SHUT UP[6804] basetownn: 😭😭[6805] syedobarahino: Cap[6805] slomorunner149: W[6805] cerprimetime: AD???[6805] nightbot: no 🧢[6805] kassava0: STFU FAT BOY[6805] plzexcusemylag1: L voice acting[6805] sovibezz: ads? i spam chat then[6805] nbaedits69_9: shut up[6805] sandy_sir: SHUT THE FUCK UP[6806] pashasrighteye: stfu[6806] unknownpersonlol69: !gamble points[6806] comypioukk: LMAO[6806] voidedits10: Jynxzi zenti is xim[6806] emptyshelly: SHUT UP[6806] boover22: coke is kicking in[6806] zombie2464: HORRIBLE CASTING[6807] randyyxo: cappp[6807] ourguns: Omfggggg stfu[6807] ballonriser: dq[6807] llama_the_og: And...activate pop up blocker...and im back[6807] retronitez: TALK QUIETER[6807] mackalexander500: SUCK MY NUTS[6807] swayfui: you are not ricci blud[6807] gnrsteez: STFU[6808] kurisu1229: SHUT UP[6808] speedrunnerinc: stfu[6808] dongslaps34: Fuck your stupid ads[6808] itsallgood_man_: shut up[6808] emptyshelly: MUTE MIC[6808] busterr7777: w ad[6808] pashasrighteye: WWWW ZENTI[6808] sandy_sir: L[6808] wraithlike_: stfu[6809] splayjester9371: L ADDDDSSSS[6809] yomommajunko: L adds[6809] sheluvdarry: l commentary[6809] kirkishisgoat: HIGHVISE THIS IS NOT SENTI[6809] joey_hudson2010: W COMMENTATOR[6809] qesamid: ZENTI ERA [6809] ttheo555: Stfu lil bro[6809] subwayenjoyer: LMAOOOO[6809] snipes376: WWWWWWWWW[6809] llliiiiiillllliiiiillliii: why do you sound like something up your ass[6809] alphatrones: react harder[6809] oli_r6demon15: STFU[6809] gahndrsn: L commentation[6809] sandy_sir: LLLLLLL[6809] mmew_2: STFU[6810] alaska_tweety: i wanna watch planet of the apes W ad[6810] trenbro6: LETS GOO[6810] drzrift4521: GREEDY ADS FATTY[6810] lemerot: deem[6810] nolimitnoob_: OMGGG[6810] noahgboss: Lads[6810] achtohbr: sending hate from your house[6810] lackhammer_: schnauze digga[6810] funnyguruu: no way[6810] efoggy: l ad[6810] aidanishere09: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak[6810] basetownn: omg[6810] sandy_sir: LLLLLL[6811] papimoore: WWWWWWWWW[6811] 0710_beast: W[6811] scranfrank2: L ad[6811] merckyyy_: L commentator[6811] xwhiteferrari: PMGOG MG OGOGMGOG MG[6811] caseymahfet28: so obviously xim[6811] jewelrystv: DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ L SCRIPT L SCRIPT L SCRIPT L SCRIPT[6811] stimuiantc17: spoit waiting[6811] nobody5460: Please check tiktok msg. Possibly 1st video for spot on chalet?[6811] muhkuhluh: NO WAY[6811] crakkenjack: shut up[6812] llliiiiiillllliiiiillliii: why do you sound like something up your ass![6812] pashasrighteye: WWWW ZENTI WWWW ZENTI[6812] ayayayayayay__: WWWWWWWW[6812] yungkibe: OOOO [6812] lilmoosey_fr: WHATT[6812] michael875131256: W[6812] l3gend3_: GO ZENTI GO DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance[6812] 0710_beast: WW[6812] ahryma: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[6812] 6imsaucy3: !gamble 10[6812] twist3r_1337: !LINK[6812] papithooi: w drip junko[6812] shanatl: :O :O :O :O[6812] streamelements: 6imsaucy3 won 10 points in roulette and now has 2785 points! FeelsGoodMan[6813] wearethebestaround1: Slammmmmedddd[6813] quesoh___: DQ[6814] not_lethal_: BRO WHAT[6814] olejohnnydogs: WWWWWW[6814] themeattenderer: LMAOOO[6814] glizzytwister: wtf[6814] nightbot: Twitter: twitter.com/Jynxzi[6814] emmixxx: RICCII WTFF[6814] ourguns: stfuuuu[6814] aidanishere09: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak[6814] t3xasplays44: Wwwwwww[6815] diggaaad: Let Zenti go up 1 round then DQ him[6815] mckenzielewisccfc: !sub[6815] andrew789r: ww[6815] pashasrighteye: WWWW ZENTI WWWW ZENTI WWWW ZENTI[6815] nolimitnoob_: NO WAYYY[6815] llliiiiiillllliiiiillliii: why do you sound like something up your ass[6815] nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi[6815] d44rkfire: W[6815] sandy_sir: LLLL[6815] lild33__: LOL[6815] jaydenismyname1432: DQQQQQQQQ hes stream sniping !!!!!!!![6815] dangerplayss: HOLY SHITTTTTTTTTT[6815] nightbot: 😂[6815] quesoh___: dq[6815] muhkuhluh: WTFFFFFFFF[6816] yungkibe: OOOO[6816] xeno_xcaliburr: THE 0-3 COMEBACK[6816] hyshroww: WWWWWW[6816] livetylerr: BRO WHAT[6816] ashtrologyy: OMG[6816] garconn_: dq[6816] truegamer713: DQ[6817] makkguns: makkguns subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 5 month streak! uhhh[6817] k_nife_: LOLLL[6817] xwhiteferrari: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[6817] suppyali: LETS GOOOOOO[6817] jonathonc1: the choke[6817] sandy_sir: LLLLLLL[6817] vzenr: wwwwww[6817] riddleitup: L[6817] 0710_beast: COMNNN[6817] caseymahfet28: it’s xim[6817] ckvng2: L ADSSS[6817] toastmahbred: 🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖[6817] easy_moneysniper1: fake laugh fake everything[6817] ihaveabbl31360: yo jynxzi i love ur streams bro love from Australia[6817] boss_up_352: DQ[6818] msfx001: wwwww[6818] olejohnnydogs: W ZENTI[6818] gyssa0217: WWWWW[6818] chillzx0: DQ[6818] cpoole1212: dq him[6818] randolff13: W[6818] gnrsteez: LETS FUCKING GOOOOO[6818] jewelrystv: DQQQQ[6818] macklinwatkins: WWWWWW[6818] shocwave788: WWWWWW[6818] trenbro6: HIP HIP HORRAYYY[6818] sandy_sir: LLL[6818] schmeatydawg: LOLLL[6818] emptyshelly: DQ[6818] sammyboi0607: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww[6819] vzenr: www[6819] fanz_abuswe7l: wwww[6819] yungkibe: LMAO[6819] vier301: YEAAAAAAAAAA[6819] ali_baloch07: ww[6819] muhkuhluh: ???????????????[6819] ayayayayayay__: LMAO[6819] nolimitnoob_: HIP HIP HOORAYYY[6819] bambam1519: DQDQDQDQDQDQ[6819] merlock62: omg[6820] gamingornothing_: L ad[6820] xkleb: luck[6820] cxhd: :O[6820] shocwave788: WWWWWWW[6820] extramildsauce: LOLOL[6820] coopthang: BLESSED[6820] o_m3l0nn: DQ[6820] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[6820] llliiiiiillllliiiiillliii: why do you sound like something up your ass?[6821] pizzadino_: NAHHH[6821] kirkishisgoat: DQ HIM[6821] lild33__: GGGGG[6821] ryzerr6: ????[6821] fishyfinn7: OMG[6821] junior2oh9: BRO[6821] jbess1e: stfu[6821] coffeezilladaughter: the script of death LUL[6821] dayanitiel445: dqqqq[6821] gavin27279: RICCI WASHED[6821] shocwave788: WWWWWWWW[6821] coffeezilladaughter: the script of death LUL [6821] cxhd: :O [6821] nightbot: 👀[6821] xemptchan: DQ[6822] troyportelli22: My ppints[6822] iamtheattackjr121: WTF[6822] nightbot: Just sub bozo you’ll get no ads, my emotes, double the channel points, and guess what you will also get my beautiful charm that you will never lose, and many more!!!! #subuporshutup[6822] nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP[6822] cmomoney187: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[6822] eianz_: 😛😛😛[6822] coffeezilladaughter: the script of death LUL[6822] coffeezilladaughter: the script of death LUL [6822] eianz_: 😛[6822] eianz_: 😛😛[6822] eianz_: 😛[6823] awarf24: awarf24 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months, currently on a 16 month streak! [6823] eianz_: 😛[6823] coffeezilladaughter: the script of death LUL[6823] eianz_: 😛[6823] eianz_: 😛[6823] eianz_: 😛[6823] eianz_: 😛[6824] soycasey: SLAMMED[6824] coolz41: wwwwwww[6824] myviralmoment: yooooooooo[6824] twizzya3: jynxziRage jynxziRage[6824] rohanraikai: L ADSS[6824] opplord: W ads ‼️‼️🥴[6824] unconquerablegravity: HELL NAW[6824] surpressed_anomaly: WW[6824] ogxmangyy: Ayo[6824] qkxne: stompn next???[6824] dodjamxys14: DQ L SCRIPT DQ L SCRIPT DQ L SCRIPT DQ L SCRIPT DQ L SCRIPT DQ L SCRIPT DQ L SCRIPT DQ L SCRIPT DQ L SCRIPT DQ L SCRIPT[6824] gray10k_: SOMEONE PLAYING FOR HIM LMAO[6824] sheckjesuss: W[6824] coffeezilladaughter: the script of death LUL [6824] average_munch: Oh no[6825] lemerot: free poll[6825] jackisthegoatfr: XIMM'[6825] goofygubly: LUL[6825] randolff13: PIZZA PIZZA[6825] jaydenleecarson_0: gg[6825] ryzerr6: ???[6825] lordraahibius: DQ HIM[6825] extramildsauce: LOLOLOLOLOL[6825] stumblnn: L ricci[6825] coffeezilladaughter: the script of death LUL[6825] vzenr: w[6825] blxzzarddgxtmxtion: WW[6825] coffeezilladaughter: the script of death LUL [6827] jaxzious: 0-3 COMEBACK[6827] fishyfinn7: LMAO[6827] faded_121: so we aint dqing????[6827] rasku1z: WWWWW[6827] gray3126: sniping[6827] kiee_eu: SNIPER[6827] toastmahbred: 🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖[6827] bamlikesbois: WHO WON I GOT A AD[6827] juice_rl_: HIP HIP HOORAYYY!!!!![6827] surpressed_anomaly: WWWW[6827] josephp1205: NO WAYYYY[6827] sheckjesuss: w[6827] v1nsun: hes cheating[6827] boat1118: waittttt…. bro selling[6827] bobbymurda9: no way[6828] xpecthaven: noo ricci[6828] uhhjayyy_: my points!![6828] ryantnick44: ricci sold[6828] lachlanwoods: ZENTI I LOVE YOU[6828] skulltroopsttv: ZENTI STREAM SNIPING[6828] box_ttvv: W[6828] potatomajor: lmao[6828] invinciblead: Dq[6830] twizzya3: jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH[6830] hydroxrazor: L addd[6830] ttvsentenal: ZENTIIIIIII FTWWW[6830] mr__kovacs: Zenti goated[6830] emptyshelly: DQDQDQDQDQ[6830] cheznuts54: FREE POINTS[6830] charliepyke_96: DQ[6830] poopyy23: W[6830] sheluvzchristian: TF[6830] chrisarg17: SNIPING[6830] villias: no way this is happening[6830] surpressed_anomaly: WWWWWWW[6830] ryzerr6: WAHTTTT[6830] kokainecowboy: sniping[6830] youngbabe94: Selling[6831] juan_aqt: xim[6831] cxhd: AH 2 EZ [6831] mlbleif: L af[6831] quacomoley: SCRIPTED[6831] chair00009: dq[6831] nightbot: too easy[6831] twist3r_1337: !link[6831] kiee_eu: DQ[6831] nightbot: @twist3r_1337 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com[6831] hivise: W SCRIPT[6831] nathan170107: no head? no head? no head? no head? no head? no head? no head? no head? no head? no head?[6831] hivise: W SCRIPT[6831] realprometheuz: HES CHEATING[6831] shotzyy_393: W script[6831] hivise: W SCRIPT[6832] hivise: W SCRIPT[6832] elitesharkbait: ZENTI IS TOGLLING[6832] t_racing: W SCRIPT!!!![6832] hivise: W SCRIPT[6832] cxhd: AH 2 EZ[6832] hivise: W SCRIPT[6832] hivise: W SCRIPT[6832] hivise: W SCRIPT[6833] metroooofn: dq[6833] salty330: W commentator[6833] boat1118: ricci selling[6833] xemptchan: L SCRIPT[6833] jayjugger: YOINK LUL[6833] itzworn: the script[6833] specialontwitch: W script HiVise[6833] eianz_: SCRIPT OF DOOMMMMM[6833] mochaeu: what about shroud and spoit[6833] nathan170107: no head? no head? no head? no head? no head? no head? no head? no head? no head? no head? no head? no head? no head?[6833] leeman472: HIP HIP HOORAY[6833] jacvogel: WE[6833] douglas420710: HE IS ON XIM[6833] junior2oh9: ACC HOPPING[6833] swoleboh: jynxziCRY[6834] emptyshelly: DQDQDQDQDQDQ[6834] jaydenismyname1432: DQQQQQQQQ hes stream sniping !!!!!![6834] ajvik01: DQDQDQ[6834] marrsey1872: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper[6834] kaisarbaby: Thats gotta be wall bro[6834] billyebean1: SCRIPTED[6834] olejohnnydogs: :O :O :O[6834] manwthkd: W script[6834] sleepyyonhots: DQDQDQDQDQDQDQDQDQDQ[6834] hawksszn: that is not zenti playing?[6834] giantwhiteginger: sniping[6834] pantera_221: You need to 1v1 zenti[6834] jacvogel: WEW[6834] maddengod0906: RICCI SUCKS[6834] twizzya3: jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF[6835] milesa31: hip hip HORRRAAAY[6835] obamnajones: HIP HIP HOOOORAYYYY[6835] juan_aqt: ximming[6835] buttholehouse: omg[6835] jajokesters: noooooooooooooo[6835] papichulo0004: LLLLLL ADS[6835] eianz_: SCRIPT OF DOOMMMMM[6835] mugensxr: mythical script[6836] witherspoon3: W SCRIPT[6836] boptimus: I'm about to be rich[6836] zertaa_: WWWW[6836] yassien123e: lets go dumb ass jynxzi[6836] xxdethbusxx: W zenti[6836] cxhd: AH 2 EZ [6836] inezloe: He’s using a xim[6836] johnyboy12322: I got 10 ads[6836] gnrsteez: W ZENTI[6836] pookie_zzz: MY DICK IS HARD[6836] vspetric: L AD[6836] acidthriller: SCRIPT[6836] cmomoney187: THERES A FULL MOON[6836] callenflynn8: I got a million adds fat boy[6836] pandylovexx: DQQ[6837] teddydub1: zenti is him[6837] sheluvzchristian: DQ[6837] eianz_: SCRIPT OF DOOMMMMM[6837] alimorgan1: clean ur tongue[6837] naybreezyy: W Script[6837] 2pnk1stnk_: XYM IS PLAYING![6837] twizzya3: jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF[6837] randyyxo: zenti era[6837] xkleb: check his setup[6837] iamviewbot123: DQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ[6837] surpressed_anomaly: WW[6837] joffthehenny: L SCRIPT[6837] icyyonkbm: script ash[6837] cxhd: AH 2 EZ[6837] oli_r6demon15: shut tf up ur so fat[6838] coopthang: LETS GOOOOOOOOOOO[6838] xdaman27: DQ PLSSSS[6838] smh_2ytber: scripted[6838] mugensxr: mythical script[6839] nightbot: YouTube: Jynxzi R6[6839] eianz_: SCRIPT OF DOOMMMMM[6839] toastmahbred: 🤖🤖🤖🤖[6839] nayembarba: FUCK[6839] scampos__: BEST HIVISE SCRIPT[6839] justachattalol: make HIM 1v1 XIMMMMM[6839] kokainecowboy: stream sniping[6839] nbajbone215: he shoulda been dqed[6839] fransua2423: Script[6839] shadowblade2250: the script is real[6839] junior2oh9: AXX HOP[6839] pandylovexx: DQ[6839] astros4l713: ZENTI IS HIM[6839] inezloe: xim[6840] clutchpat74: HIP HIP HORRAYYYYYY ZENTGOAT[6840] livetylerr: HIP HIP HOORAY[6840] richardbobby25: L script[6840] ayyyydude: wasnt ricci your replacement? what happened[6840] iamviewbot123: DDQQQQQQQQQ[6840] garconn_: dqdq[6840] izakic: LLLLLL[6840] the_one_demise: YOURE NEXT[6840] pchrispy: WWWWW[6840] dvrkflames: GET SPOIT[6840] surpressed_anomaly: WWW[6840] preme_waffle: oh wait.... I'M UPPPPPP!!!!![6840] eianz_: SCRIPT OF DOOMMMMM[6840] douglas420710: HENIS ON XIMMM[6840] maddengod0906: W SCRIPT @hivise[6841] damedog15: COME ON BRO[6841] sheff_fps: ITS NOT ZENTI [6841] haxmaverik: RICCI LOCK TF IN BRRROOO[6841] juan_aqt: hes doing xim[6841] yassien123e: FUCK YOU JYNXIZ[6841] garconn_: dq[6842] masterhalocheif: DQQW[6842] isaacp_1: W script[6842] danniestt: w script[6842] caseohbellybuttons: W Script[6842] garconn_: dqdq[6842] flow_jg: COMON ZENTI GIMME MY FUCKING POINTS[6842] iidoomsdayi: W SCRIPT[6842] slomorunner149: LMAO[6842] fxtal_us: !bracket[6842] mjcapalot2p: dq[6842] eianz_: SCRIPT OF DOOMMMMM[6842] daleysmoke: W SCRIPT[6842] nightbot: Tourney bracket here -> https://brackethq.com/b/nmy1b/ (Back In Blood)[6842] ja4cx: ja4cx subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months! hi[6842] douglas420710: HE IS XIMMMM[6843] antrilia: buy him housew[6843] rajatislam06: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[6843] shadowblade2250: script[6843] optikcal: pay outttttttt[6843] bro6ski: since when did zenti get good[6843] shocwave788: W SCRIPPTTT[6843] roroyoooo12: ilink[6843] surpressed_anomaly: WwW[6843] papimoore: WWW ZENTI[6843] ched_r6: @HiVise diamond 2 ubi ched.psv[6843] sheluvzchristian: HE CHEAT[6843] f0urheads: 🤖🤖🤖[6843] pchrispy: WWWWW SCRIPT[6843] quesoh___: dw[6843] gnrsteez: LETS FUCKING GOOOO[6844] woody_hairyson: L script[6844] eianz_: SCRIPT OF DOOMMMMM[6844] aguapo1k: ricci era[6844] i_am_the_militia: DQ[6844] sheckjesuss: w script[6844] breaks808: ZENTI IS A jynxziClown[6844] ryzerr6: GET OFF THE SCRIPT RICII[6846] magnumminded: DQ[6846] papimoore: WWWWWW[6846] stungbythewood: man is quaking[6846] oimojooi: ZENTI ERA[6846] quesoh___: dq[6846] asherbozo11111: LL SCRIPT[6846] voltz_ingot: SSSSSSSSSSCCCCCCCCCRRRRRRRRRIIIIIIPPPPPPPPPPTTTTTTTTTT[6846] himself727: script[6846] spleenz0: IM RICH PAY UP BOI[6846] lilsnarky8: ALL MY POINTS[6846] zir0325: dqddqqdqdqdqdqdqdq[6846] dangerplayss: O FUCK[6846] douglas420710: HE IS XIMMMMM[6846] itzlegitghost: MY POINTSSSS!!!!![6846] twizzya3: jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE[6847] kento_rain: Hohohouuohojoh[6847] grikxm: WWWWWWWWWWWW[6847] tommy_llo: When is the stream ending?[6847] wearethebestaround1: It's a zenti er[6847] eianz_: SCRIPT OF DOOMMMMM[6848] gray_gahd: bruh[6848] pootin34: are you mad[6848] chillzx0: DQ![6848] bladenkurama: that was a good poop[6848] jackiscool_31: Ricci on top[6848] ethenexe: W[6848] frogffrogr: DO A VIEWERS 1V1 AFTER THAT[6848] tommy_llo: When is the stream ending?[6848] jackisthegoatfr: DQQQQQ HIM[6848] 6imsaucy3: !gamble 1000[6848] zir0325: dqdqdqdqdqdqdqdq[6848] gr3av3s3y: bs this[6848] dcsteppa8: zentis wit it[6848] andrew789r: damm[6849] xthrxsherx: hi vise call this kid we all DQed zenti[6849] zaltairr: zenti eda[6849] kraken541: DQ that moron[6849] 0pal0nyx: Zentii rat cheater[6849] ballonriser: W script[6849] itst3mp: 6X POINTS LMAO 6X POINTS LMAO 6X POINTS LMAO 6X POINTS LMAO[6849] lazyboygunna: BRO HES CHEATING[6849] douglas420710: HE IS XIMMMMMM[6849] bowser088: script is insane[6849] anotherdayinthedark: fluke of the century[6849] qwebes_: new king[6849] papimoore: WEBTI[6849] aaron_1997: bro there goes my 50k channel points 🤦🏻♂️[6849] heyboniita: heyboniita subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [6849] juice_rl_: @hivise W SCRIPT[6850] kinsprici: 'DQ'🤓[6850] jsnseahawk: Goated script @hivise[6850] ilovekanyewest034: PLS GET SNAPIYY TO 1V1 ZENTI AFTER THIS BRO[6851] emmylou71: the spit 😂😭😭😭[6851] ahryma: GET ST0MPN[6851] retronitez: W SCRIPT[6851] douglas420710: HE IS CIMMMM[6851] bananapeelguns: zenti era[6851] xyvtobi: Jynxzi has NO backbone[6851] tonxytonx: ZENTI ERA[6851] gr3av3s3y: dq[6851] voidedits10: Zenit is xim[6851] offsiz1: ZENTIIII AURA[6851] tommy_llo: When is the stream ending?[6851] jmitch_08: 50 ads[6851] jaxzious: W SCRIPT[6852] xsefos: L SCRIPT[6852] shocwave788: NAHH NAHH BET YOUR POINTS ON SOMETHING ELSE[6852] nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[6852] kento_rain: Yes sirrrrrrrr[6852] kypeanutt: W SCRIPTW SCRIPT[6852] dubxsyco: LLLL[6852] zhwandoon01: can you release vod[6852] gray_gahd: this is wild af[6852] billyebean1: SCRIPTED LLL[6852] jaylin_tab: what the scrupt[6852] asherbozo11111: L SCRIPT[6852] youngbabe94: L[6852] theegrizz_: W SCRIPT[6852] douglas420710: HE IS CIMMM[6853] vulk_btw: RICCI VOTERS IN SHAMBLES LUL RICCI VOTERS IN SHAMBLES LUL RICCI VOTERS IN SHAMBLES LUL RICCI VOTERS IN SHAMBLES LUL[6853] russian_bomber_: SCCRRIPPTTEDDD[6853] nightbot: 👀[6853] alaska_tweety: my tucking points[6853] kokainecowboy: SS[6853] shider_02: i am gonna lose so much points[6853] shhhlucky: can we ban zenti[6853] keyz517: RICCI IS CHEEKS jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke[6853] maddengod0906: SCRIPTTTT[6853] gahndrsn: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK[6853] arcanefd: THE SCRIPT IS WORKING MAGIC[6853] vip3rwing: www[6853] xolotl4113: let’s goooooooooooooooooooooo[6853] yoimelon: L SCRIPT[6853] fridgemagnet1017: w zenti Phelps[6854] atroslays: I’m about to get so many points lol 😆[6854] iamviewbot123: DQQ[6854] liamakky: Dq[6854] raideasy: DQ[6854] xthrxsherx: this is some bullshit[6855] kizi_ysl: this is feeding families[6855] dongslaps34: Hivise predict the script[6855] elengilbert: SCRIPTED[6855] schoooooo_: ricci erraaa bro[6855] donniebawls: I put 50k on ricci. ong I’ll become riccis biggest hater if he loses[6855] mhearn25: zenti the goat bru[6855] vulk_btw: RICCI VOTERS IN SHAMBLES LUL RICCI VOTERS IN SHAMBLES LUL RICCI VOTERS IN SHAMBLES LUL RICCI VOTERS IN SHAMBLES LUL [6855] dubxsyco: L[6855] 03_caden: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4[6855] moonie_nm: L QDS[6855] chillzx0: DQ THIS IS BOLOCTS[6855] snf_equal_if: !gamble all[6855] bladenkurama: huge dump taken[6856] madtitan886949: glad i missed predictions fukme[6856] hik__uyr4: WWWW[6856] notrevrb: L SCRIPT[6856] djbigcucumber: ricci losing all his aura[6856] xwhiteferrari: OMGGGGGGG[6856] kento_rain: New king[6856] spagncheemz: sending hate from Australia[6856] streamelements: SNF_equal_IF went all in and lost every single one of their 110 points LUL[6856] univalentsauce: LAKERS IN 10!!!!!!!!![6856] criticalgabe: jynxziBALD_SQ[6856] bardownski4826: it’s xim playing[6856] twizzya3: no wayyyy[6856] vip3rwing: wwww[6856] lividwyd: GET STOM[6856] milfsfearme: W script W script[6857] officerdoofy_: zeeeeeeeyyaaammm[6857] zenzz2k: script[6857] drafann: CAN YOU DQ HIM YET[6858] lorym02: Sq[6858] smh_2ytber: SCRIPTED IS CRAZY OR ZENTI IS JUST THE GOAT[6858] dubxsyco: LL[6858] milfsfearme: W scriptW scriptW scriptW script[6858] s0creami: zenii vs stompgoat[6858] dacfee: @HiVise dacfee pc gold[6858] xthrxsherx: DQed[6858] chair00009: DQ[6858] ayyyydude: what happened to the replacement[6858] tula_fiens: L script[6858] elengilbert: SCRIPTED AND RIGGED[6858] lilsnarky8: ALL MY POINTSSS[6858] patmj007: sniping[6858] little_jhonny123: aye you was waiting on this script[6858] ethanval999: someone has to be cheating[6859] crakkenjack: stream sniping[6859] qiyaamzrr: DQ[6859] fiber42: w script[6859] zenzz2k: niq[6859] luckypicklex: DO ZENTI VS STOMPN[6859] nad1022x: y didn’t u dq[6859] 1takejohn: dq[6859] tegridyfarms712: HIPPHIPP HORRAYYYYY[6859] memerman55: L script[6859] eldenkybe: Why Ur tongue yellow bro L vaper[6859] bulldog04_: FUCK YOU FATTY DQ[6859] fenikoz: WW VISE SCRIPT[6860] zdelta209: @HiVise Glory--- silver 5 @HiVise Glory--- silver 5[6860] milfsfearme: W scriptW scriptW scriptW scriptW scriptW script[6860] ajvik01: dqqq[6860] wiffk: CMONNNN RICCCCI[6860] supernintendomike: he cheated one round tho[6860] kirkishisgoat: THIS ISNT ZENTI[6860] annefrankofficially: dq this fool[6860] isaiahisbetter6969: ZIMMMM[6860] dombruh4: jynxziRAHHH[6860] xenkyi: Zenti cheatin[6860] bweiss10: L Script @hivise[6861] snagz_vx: BRO FOLLOW THE SCRIPT[6861] bonesstv: U DONT LISTEN TO URSELF OR CHAT U FUK[6861] billyebean1: L SCRIPT[6861] pttoxicnuke: w script[6861] thefirecubex: W zenti fuck ui ricci[6861] officerdoofy_: dddeeeyyuumm[6861] ghostyx64: DQ ZENTI HE BROKE THE RULES[6862] fransua2423: 🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹[6862] davinciscodes: why does it always gotta be scripted :([6862] tonxytonx: ZENTI ERAAAAAAAA[6862] xkleb: !script[6862] vxerxq: what’s it up to dirt cheese random[6862] jacks11a: script[6862] nwoll1: L script[6862] rayanb7_: wtf did i join to 💀💀💀[6862] westythegoat_712: Snapiyy[6862] skulltroopsttv: SCRIPT IF THE DAY[6862] russian_bomber_: W SCRIPT[6862] houseman45: insane script[6862] yhungkhing: sucks[6862] jynxzisjohnson00: ACCOUNT HOPPING[6862] myfriendsstream: L SCRIPT[6863] zershema: SKRIPTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT[6863] showtimegab3: ZENTI IS HIM[6863] nar1zs: nar1zs subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! Kddkk2[6863] lazyboygunna: DQ[6863] rayanb7_: wtf did i join to 💀💀💀[6863] 1takejohn: dqdq[6863] lorym02: Dq[6863] luke_pizza69: W zentiiiu[6863] manugioino: SCRRRRIPTED[6863] rustyriley31: script[6863] iak40kevin: SHROUD IS WAITING[6863] iidoomsdayi: INSANE SCRIPT[6864] fanz_abuswe7l: “dq” 🤓👆🏻[6864] jaxzious: SCRIPTED[6864] voidedits10: L SCRIPT ZENTI XIM[6864] ogklaw: FACETIME ZENTI[6864] rayanb7_: wtf did i join to 💀💀💀[6864] zenzz2k: 🥺[6864] poorple418: DQ[6864] fridgemagnet1017: zenti turned in the swim suit for r6[6865] cainekwk: L SCRIPT[6865] renexzzx: SCRIPT[6865] sh6mss: bro is it actually xim[6865] fabiantheking13: stream snipe[6865] kurisu1229: stfu[6865] crazydamemel0rd: bros on a revolutionary run[6865] invinciblead: Trash ass game. DQ the cheater[6865] jorjais291: stomp vs zenti[6865] bardownski4826: not zenti[6865] cxrter14: HE'S ZIM[6865] 0pticzz__: CRONUS XIM[6865] xthrxsherx: we DQed him[6865] rayanb7_: wtf did i join to 💀💀💀[6865] toesniffer300: ozenti definitely has a xim[6865] angeldk: script[6866] chair00009: DA[6866] avaprue21: Stream sniping???[6866] westythegoat_712: Get snapiyy[6866] voltz_ingot: SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD[6866] leavenwxrthtv: W zenti[6866] elontusk351: rip channel points[6866] 1takejohn: dqdqdq[6866] rnitten: yup[6866] rayanb7_: wtf did i join to 💀💀💀[6866] nightbot: yup yup yup[6866] fenikoz: WW HIVISE SCRIPT YOU COOKED[6867] kdubz1208: RyuChamp[6867] ligmabalzzzzzzzp: w script[6867] tannercrawfish: DADDY ZENTI[6867] thatsproper: ThatsProper subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months! [6867] hujnhtyyhhh: ZENTI MAKING US BANK BRO[6867] nathanhalo7: Someone on his account[6867] chair00009: DQ[6867] bubbabass69: stompin[6867] brady6723: W Zenti[6867] kirkishisgoat: DQQQ HIM[6867] papithooi: bro zenti is ass[6867] chubbzthefatty: caseohDookiestain[6867] crankiplier_fanatic: SCRIPTED!!!![6867] ajvik01: dq[6867] shadow_pyr0: Splot waiting[6868] zershema: k[6868] mrmilku1234: W[6868] collineichner: L script @hivise[6868] rayanb7_: wtf did i join to 💀💀💀[6868] nightbot: k[6868] breaks808: SCRIPTED[6868] cris078h: dd[6868] steveclark21: zenti has to be cheating[6868] 0pal0nyx: Rat cheater[6868] elmspizza: sniping??[6868] basetownn: 😭[6868] tonxytonx: ZENTI ERRRRAAAAAAAAAA[6869] opiebott: 4,500[6869] jynxzithecokeaddict: w hivise script[6869] rddiablos: IM SUBBED AND GETTING ADS WHAT THE FUCK[6869] lolcatzidk: Scripted[6869] rayanb7_: wtf did i join to 💀💀💀[6869] fossabot: @dimezgood, Your message is too long[6869] milfsfearme: W script W script W script W script[6869] cris078h: gs[6869] shahrmouta: Leak the script HIVISE[6869] jynxzi567498: balls[6870] extramildsauce: REAL LAUGH REAL LAUGH[6870] nightbot: balls[6870] slomorunner149: DAAAMN[6870] bladenkurama: he want the fat dump[6870] jaxzious: W SCRIPT[6870] nightbot: real[6870] cainekwk: ZENTI CHEATED[6870] junkomychunk: Invite xim and ots over for both[6870] poorple418: DQDQDQDQDQDQDQDQDQDQDQDQDQDQDQDQQ[6870] oli_r6demon15: L script[6870] rayanb7_: wtf did i join to 💀💀💀[6870] meancupofchili22: let him play till he loses[6870] l123456789012: bro is xim[6871] caseymahfet28: xim[6871] giormcf: THIS IS SOME REAL MADRID COMEBACK SHIT[6871] ttvenskybobo: hivise leaked breacky vid[6871] vexstrem: zenti legacy game[6871] houseman45: fv[6871] kirkishisgoat: READ CHAT BRO[6872] v2_arctic: @Jynxzi IS HE XIM????[6872] rayanb7_: wtf did i join to 💀💀💀[6872] retromidd: if zenti wins he’s my father.[6872] kuatokills: check the viewer list[6872] alaplakka: WENTI[6872] bonesstv: DQ DQ DQ DQ[6872] cris078h: w[6872] trickortrock: someone else is playing his account[6872] zdelta209: @HiVise Glory--- silver 5[6872] redrozzez: 🥹😞💔[6872] slomorunner149: AYO[6872] fatboynnnnnn: im egeing[6872] 0710_beast: YESSSS[6872] disturbeddakota: are you playing Zenti after?[6873] isaacp_1: w script[6873] unitedbean_m3: L streamer[6873] the_one_demise: HIVISE CANCEL THE SCRIPT[6873] ttvliyo: bro get him on XIM[6873] vaguies: EZ x6[6873] sircapsalot5: to be real zenti should’ve been disqualified[6873] poopyy23: W zenti[6873] gluppiee: L SCRPT[6873] iitzdutch: 🤣[6873] nad1022x: u should’ve dq man[6873] jrleal: WHERES THE DQ[6873] maddengod0906: THIS CRAZY[6873] easy_moneysniper1: how many adsssss good lordddddd[6873] smackheadjed: SNIPING[6874] seb4st1an_562: jynxziBadAim[6874] ajvik01: DQQQQQQQQQQQ[6874] qwebes_: goat[6874] destins2: rank don’t mean shit[6875] senseipandas: new script goes hard[6875] ihaveabbl31360: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW[6875] wyat897: DQ HIM ALREADY YOU FUCK[6875] greeno342: Zenti has someone playing for him[6875] orjaex: Zenti OTP[6875] tula_fiens: script[6875] achaneprod: Wild[6875] isaidsitdown718: bruh all of chat is literally telling you to DQ zenti and you ignoring us[6875] nbkzach555: L adds[6875] stilyx00: !settings[6875] tee_irex: GIVE HIM STOMPN[6876] fanz_abuswe7l: L chat[6876] nightbot: https://clips.twitch.tv/FurtivePiercingRavenRiPepperonis-Q7Z6UtOCxU_bV5fV[6876] rayanb7_: wtf did i join to 💀💀💀[6876] rybo415: @hivise stream sniping for sure[6876] ttvliyo: XIM[6876] mimiwlzd7: Dq[6876] fransua2423: 🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹[6876] luisfuge_: play zenti[6876] unitedbean_m3: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak[6876] tommys234: zenti dq[6876] williambeattie2010: SNIPING[6876] bonnieboi24: Zenti is so ass[6876] skz_chumington55: account hop[6876] 1takejohn: dqdq[6876] gluppiee: L SCRIPT[6877] splatterfest: SCRIPT OR CHEAT[6877] bkc67: viewer list[6877] lightningkakuzu: PZIZA PIZZA BOY LOSING[6877] haythemaker: junko took and ad break and then I got ads bro come on😭😭and least I can see the stream❤️❤️[6877] indigojg: adddd[6878] thicc_pig: SENDING HATE FROM AUSTRIA 🇦🇹[6878] spracky0: ZENTI IS STREAMSNIPING[6878] qblinz: Chunko is Xim edge[6878] qiyaamzrr: DQDQDQDQDQDQDQDQDQDQDQDQDQDQDQDQDQDQDQDQDQDQDQDQ[6878] darkorange34: 8 ads is crazy Jynxzi[6878] collerose: jynxziVapeBreak_SQ[6878] atilt45: give him STOMPN[6878] ajvik01: DQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ[6878] yephr20: Zenti is good[6878] ghostyx64: L STREAM[6878] range_x2: W Zenti Script[6878] hunterherbert69: THIS IS WHO REPLACED JUNKO IN THE STACK????[6878] ball_tongue__: XIM SNIPING[6879] taylorupton: !followage[6879] milfsfearme: W script W script[6879] streamelements: @taylorupton, taylorupton has been following jynxzi for 5 months 11 days 21 hours[6879] yeahthefboys: stream sniping[6879] mimiwlzd7: Dqqqqqqqqqqqq[6880] bl4ckfist__: BL4cKFisT__ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! miau[6880] daleysmoke: THIS SOME GOOD SCRIPTING LMFAO[6880] dubxsyco: LL[6880] sandy_sir: W SCRIPT @HIVISE[6880] 0710_beast: IMM GETTING PAYYED[6880] russian_bomber_: stickc it in me[6880] omegac3_: Sniping[6880] rcrdawg: Scripted[6880] helion999: snipinggggggg[6880] helloimrail: ACCOUNT HOPPING[6880] simplistic_za: your mic is ass what in tf @Jynxzi[6880] lazyboygunna: BRUV READ YOUE CHAT BALDY[6880] 1takejohn: dqdqdq | Jynxzi | WOOOOOOOO | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [6700] I don't want a richie. I don't want fucking richie. This Italian bitch can be spoilt. Fuck you go, bro. How last? Um, since your since when did you get good? [6710] When the fuck did this shit happen? Since when did that do nana nana? Hello? [6720] Zanty on the Goyo Richie on the Block. [6730] This game was 3-0 for Richie. Oh my god, he's pissing down his lag. I told you not to throw. Richie is pissing down his fucking lag right now. [6740] You can be one in the silver for you, bro. You can be one round in the silver for you, bro. Come on, bro. I'm gonna locate and defuse a bomb. Oh, as boy, come on. Zanty on the goiyo, Richie on the buck. [6750] Chat team it up with spoi and shroud after this game bro 3-3 right now Ricky jumping up on main entrance [6760] We're gonna walk through trophy. [6770] I'm playing my goals. I'm playing my goals. Do something about that. No, I had back. No, I had back. Let's play bro. Let's play. Come on. Let's dance bitch. [6780] Come on, Zendi requesting to get along. Please. You don't. It's got a gluel on the main gate as well. Well played from Zendi. I'm not going to lie. Zendi's playing lights out right now. Ricky got to start to drone through games. [6790] He's two minutes ten seconds on the clock here. Ricky's got nothing but time. Zenty Storazic oil on that trophy door. Walk in if I was rich, I would buck open that side at a quall. That's exactly what it's gonna do. [6800] right here right now that is my type of play yet another goil goes off from Zenti Zenti only has one unactivated goil weapon [6810] What the fuck is that? What the fuck is that? P.P.P. Oh, no, that was the luckiest kill of all time. Yeah, it's too easy, bro. [6820] The luckiest kilowatt time. That's so bad. Yeah, it's so bad. What the fuck is happening tonight? No, no, no, real shit. I would have never in a million years thought that something was gonna be avid. Let's go. [6830] Ritchie in the same night [6840] There's a new king! There's a new king! Oh! That same manager! My God! There's no... That same manager! I'll board you! I told you that's a gamey one bitch! I told you that's a gamey one, Richie! [6850] You gave me one, there's a no-a-blocking way out, bro. What the f**k? How is senti doing this shit, bro? Deras! Ha-ha-ha-ha! [6860] Yo! The OGs know how crazy of an opsepsis. Bro, his center's highest rank is Diamond. Browthasky. [6870] Prozente's highest rank ever is diamond and he just beat avid 6 to 4 and now he's beating Richie 4 to 3. Hi guys, no I will not. | There is no Highlight in the provided timespan. Jynxzi watches 1v1 between zenti and ricci. the clip starts with a new round which zenti won. the timeframe ends up with another win of zenti followed by a couple of insults |
Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [360] 3luezz: HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA [360] javi_ram0s: HIVISE [360] clapz__yt: UR SHMBBBB [360] BigBoat3000: Clip farming farmer [360] 5star_zachhh: yea dummy [360] KingKeaton2009: NO SOUND [360] minimarsz: 😭😭😭😭😭 [360] Gn3ll0: finally [360] ellisongearheart112: DUMBASS [360] lilbro1463: no sound [360] rockpenguin599: lol [360] funnyguy02945: haha [360] alilepetit123: DUMASS NO SOUND [361] jynzxifan11: LETS GO W HIGHVISE [361] mudafuddajones: you don’t read chat [361] AgentMixzy: IDIOT [361] Watch_Trey: dumbass [361] nevcoop420: bro [361] Ethanol_ll: HAHHAHAHHA [361] sandy_sir: LMAAOOO [361] typicaltylerrrr: VISE GO CALL HIM [361] thrasting: l fat ass [361] big_ether: 😂😂 [361] soyhomosapien: HAHAHA [361] 1738clutch: ........... [361] ethanx1600: UR SO DUMB [361] a0rab: THANK YOU HIVIS [361] t_k9087: no sound [363] bigtallwall: bigtallwall subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [363] Deano_26: Deano_26 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! yo [364] 12_1234sad: AHHAHAAHAHA [364] JaclynLovesYou: Bro [364] CRACKEDJAIR31: HAHAHAHAH [364] jynzxifan11: W HIGHVISE [364] Cliopatrra: THA WHOLE TIME [364] coleissussybaka: lmao [364] Im_That_Kid__: HIVISE CLUCH [364] Gucci_kid54: yo tubs no sound @jynxzi [364] davethebabe26: 6 min he realizes [364] taki_ogbobbyjohnson13: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [364] wrenchmonkey4: *hivise dont call me i want to farm a clip right here* [364] jimmy__johnn: no sound no sound no sound no sound no sound no sound no sound no sound no sound no sound [364] og_twotone: the realization [364] tonymontona23: W VISE [364] uhm_soggy: ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️5 MINUTES MARK APROCHINGV‼️‼️‼️ [366] jackgutschenritter: jackgutschenritter subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months! [367] SpaceKowboy55x: NAHH NAHH NAHH [367] brodsstar: This kid bro [367] remxkb: pre end [367] atkin_67: 6 mins [367] shivermetimbers15: L intro [367] schrodas: LMAO. [367] adrianjimenez69: FINALLY [367] sgt_baker_91: NO SOUND YOU FUCKING DUMBASS [367] princeneeks: forever [367] mkay_faded03: WOWWW [367] RICKYAGUU: mic weight limit exceeded 🚨 [367] ArtOfWar23: W VISE [367] sebbydontplay: W clip farm [367] dcmemo310: L MIC [367] jryce22: back [368] kazukispeach: yea dumbass [368] moogplatinum: moogplatinum subscribed with Prime. [368] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: muting audio on purpose for clips LUL [369] ItsMalikx: ENTIRE STREAM [369] kazukispeach: yea dumbass [370] lyricsquirl: finnalu [370] serioussalmon09: W hiivise [370] KewlPodTV: Jesus junko [370] hiphen07: clip farming ofc fat ass [370] mrmcdonalds24123: 3 HOURS [370] jaxon1to1: THE WHOLE STREAM [370] r6_ufoz: w [370] Brettgarrett22: W [370] ItsMalikx: ENTIRE STREAM [370] berto2hk: hollywood acting. [370] emptyturtle: head ass [370] acolombi58: clown [370] strawser65: WHOLE TIME [370] ttvart1st34: the start mongo [370] dxddybean1: Worst streamer of 2024 [371] o_Zuvaa: o_Zuvaa subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 7 month streak! WHO'S READY FOR ANOTHER 1 HOUR STREAM!!!!!!!! [373] JazzyBenchpress: JazzyBenchpress subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months! yoo [373] Schalky1616: 6 minutes [373] RSsurge_: WE BACK [373] isaacyerr: YESSSSSSS [373] suraijuvt: W VISE [373] xd_watergod: W vise [373] adrianjimenez69: THE WHOLE TIMEEEEE [373] CRACKEDJAIR31: WHOLE STREAM [373] utxpiaaa: WHOLE TIME [373] evoltflicks1: AOUNS [373] billybobdk_: 6 min [373] kataya21: 💀💀💀💀 [373] f0ley0: 💀💀💀 [373] tr_blade_: lol [373] Cliopatrra: WHOLE TIME [374] adamfalbo: adamfalbo subscribed at Tier 1. [375] kovvbaby: kovvbaby subscribed at Tier 1. [376] t1abtw: CLIPFARMERRRR [376] alexhart17298: staged [376] AgentMixzy: DRONE [376] slayteruwu: sense the start [376] mhysticc: WHOLE TIME [376] PhoenixChicken3: w [376] willowen777: MOST ENTERTAINING JYNXZI STREAM 💀 MOST ENTERTAINING JYNXZI STREAM 💀 MOST ENTERTAINING JYNXZI STREAM 💀 MOST ENTERTAINING JYNXZI STREAM 💀 [376] dmnd_freezy: L streamer [376] Shrando_Bomb: YOUR SO smart [376] wyfyttv: SING HARDER [376] princeneeks: LOL [376] elite_grobz: WHOLR STREAM [376] SimplyHoopin: IDIOT [376] DrewBiBud: LMAO [376] whivs: FINALLY [377] yoho_thepirate: The whole song [377] hub__buh: SWEET THANKS FOR SOUND BRO [377] misty_vino_: idiot [377] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀 [377] ya7ya_0: dumbass [377] fevita: u looked autistic [377] uncleruckus08: No sound [377] SheIuvEx: wetardddd [377] zbar2099: nrooo [377] stompn00: Dum ass [377] ronanl14l: Mute [377] poptart223_: idiot ass [377] catsrule9125: 7 mind [377] chunkeymonkey25: clip farm [377] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [378] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: muting audio on purpose for clips LUL [378] earthquake12937: earthquake12937 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! w [380] bor1s6: IDIOT [380] x_xligmax_x: DUMB AS F [380] inzanewarriorx: fake chats [380] patwisk2: fuck [380] mrsirbat: pre end [380] Watch_Trey: whole time [380] brotherzatanna: WWWW [380] vreyes240405: FAKE TEACTION [380] YoImElon: dumbass [380] badboytunesmush: While stream [380] twizzy_me: 😭 [380] tyroneon240: ITS GOOD [380] trixtzys: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke [380] slickey66: slickey66 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [380] slickey66: slickey66 gifted a Tier 1 sub to that_taco420! [382] clat__: you do this on purpose dont act dumb [382] keggy42069: FARMING CLIPS [382] Im_That_Kid__: L STREAMER MODS CARRYING [382] caseohbese: part timer [382] 5_Star_Skittles: nooooooooo [382] rabswilldoit: bro got too famous he don’t read chat for shit [382] stale_memes101: !uptime [382] justinave_: DIP SHIT [382] Starchild_Here: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [382] jryan_18: clip farming [382] wrooney15: fucking dumbass [382] k3vondabus: NOW DO IT AGAIN [382] Greeno342: Literally the whole stream DONKEY [382] jynxzispreadmeplz: thank u finnally [382] caperoniii: FUCJIJG DUMBASS [383] MkGamingg25: DUMBASS LMAO [383] liljeed04: 6 mins no sound lol [383] sugarybro56: lol [383] bubblegum_josh: FATTY [383] corbungus: sound time [383] Blasian023: L streamer [383] 1brah1mehsan: bad aim [383] mymoogoesgrrr: too long lmao [383] saucin2hard: 😂😂😂😂 [383] mysticcbtw: finally [383] sigma1309: W HIVISE [383] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀 [383] Watch_Trey: dumb [383] CosmicLonerr: clip farm [383] All_Around_7_11: All_Around_7_11 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! jynxziFAT jynxziRage [384] urchecks: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [385] OliverAD1820: lmaoo [385] GImnq: W clip farm [385] thrgosmysuprme: your a bot [385] rudicruz1: no [385] exhaustedslothh: W HIVISE [385] knightl7l: pre end [385] ChitDaRipper: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [385] aydanbigboy: whole time [385] macher___: ur so stuoid [385] barthh_2ndd: whole stream [385] P0LEYY_: bruh [385] core1622: clip farmer [385] poptart223_: pissed me off [385] kkbaseball1: L [385] skullcrusher1605: jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH [386] wrooney15: noooo [386] bigiesmols7: LATE [386] HimWannabe: NOOOOOOOOOOOO [386] tyler11344: lol [386] mrmcdonalds24123: FUCK U [386] chaotickiller0: DUMBASS [386] SpedBxby: W CLIP FARM [386] ayee_itsalyssa: polo [386] TTV_STAPPY: stupid ass [386] KingRinzy: NO THANKS [386] aarxn_05: end stream [386] raiding_gamez: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 [386] DRK819: w hivise [386] jynxie888: DUMBASS [386] killabounty21: jynxziEZ [387] krisdropem: krisdropem subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! JYNXZI NUT IN ME [388] egalz11: no [388] Provolone_Void: L intro [388] slayteruwu: dumbass pancake ass kid [388] sheistysaltine: I wanted to hear the song [388] bc_420_69: w hivise [388] Brodskeee: W no clip farm [388] jamaal21: whole time [388] thw_abebosss: L STREAMERRR [388] benjimann_: benjimann_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! [388] jdenis2010: too loud [388] thekamcrew3: REDO [388] falkirk18: white speed [388] chimchimchurri: 💀💀💀 [388] austin172: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [388] vreyes240405: CLIP FARMER [389] ReallyRodey: clip farming [389] mr__shh: NO PLEASE [389] trips91: ww [389] peytonwellman: wow [389] tony_5744: LLLLLLLLLLL [389] ojt221: Un sub 😂😂 [389] adde2solid: end stream [389] LastKingGloomy: no don’t re do [389] nxm13470: No [389] ryzewydcrew: cap [389] whompus69: 1v1 doc [389] richardmillieee: end stream [389] MXmck25: no [389] Nightbot: no 🧢 [390] HelenaaDBD: HelenaaDBD subscribed with Prime. [391] Blasian023: clip fsrmer [391] badboytunesmush: Break something [391] SxLo_hq: GOOD JOB PART TIMER jynxziBadAim [391] marigeeked: L [391] CamDouGaming: 😂😂😂😂😂😂 [391] zfzeus: IDIOTTTTTT [391] macher___: GET A LIFE [391] JacobrBuck: to lound [391] wonston8: farming [391] cobalett: what happened [391] mcmuffin5958: L [391] gelatopak: THE CLIP FARM CRAZY [391] aarxn_05: end [391] pedroishungry: yo [391] xThrxsherx: no [392] i_am_st3bo: dalbayob [392] the_young_sire: NO NO NO [392] floatyyturdd: pre end [392] iamjsg6: mute again [392] Rayyyqon: OMEGALUL [392] Smokedsalmon2004: part timer [392] Tsukuy0mi14: vise carries [392] maxmilliond: THANKS FOR READING CHAT [392] CapnKota: CapnKota subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 5 month streak! [393] ray_twofour: ray_twofour subscribed at Tier 1. [393] kazukispeach: safFun [393] bignategaminglol: bignategaminglol subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! yay [394] boyle10: boyle10 subscribed at Tier 1. [394] fatsped024: dumbass [394] pinkliquid_: W CLIP FARMING [394] niahhajj: L script [394] junkijunka: HIVISEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [394] RoronoaBere: white speed [394] kazukispeach: safFun [394] bobthybuilderll: jynxziPACK [394] DeFectNotFound: sorry hivise [394] cdub_009v2: PLLSSS NOOOO [394] WNDALL: WNDALL subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! [394] skullcrusher1605: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke [394] wild_mikey_9119: lol [394] Dj767: Nah i dont want to hear the lame ass music ong [394] LastKingGloomy: no redo [395] kakainmeinpooopooo: Is bro acustic [395] dr1pzzy_d_d: clip farmer [395] r6copperofficial69420: 😭 [395] saucenosoy_: Muting on purpose is insane [395] atilt45: CLIP FARMING IS CRAZY [395] evabutler234: u dumbasssss [396] urchecks: BibleThump1 BibleThump1 BibleThump1 BibleThump1 BibleThump1 BibleThump1 [397] swnate: no redo [397] egalz11: start stream [397] lawndart512: W VIISE [397] goobershooter56: doing it on purpose [397] isorem1x: white speed [397] datguy6ix: Clip farming [397] pinkliquid_: W CLIP FARMING 💀💀 [397] vreyes240405: CLIP farmer [397] m1hajlo0o: WE SPAMMED ALL THE TIME U DUMBASS FAT [397] fireteamwedge_: clip farmer [397] flying_raijn: mod him [397] Yuki_4743: jynxziCopper jynxziCORNY [397] Brodskeee: w no clip farms [397] EliteDeath7501: L FATASS [397] matt8u: no [398] All_Around_7_11: jynxziHappy jynxziHappy jynxziHappy jynxziHappy jynxziHappy jynxziHappy jynxziHappy [398] LS_Prinz: TO LOUD [398] izbjamin: izbjamin subscribed with Prime. [398] kazukispeach: W [398] RayanB7_: you’re the worst actor i’ve ever seen in my life💀💀💀 [398] TDizzyDwarf: TDizzyDwarf subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 6 month streak! wtf lmao dude cmon [399] kazukispeach: W [399] kazukispeach: W [399] kazukispeach: W [399] kazukispeach: W [399] kazukispeach: W [400] OliverAD1820: clip farmer [400] seedless1904: mod @hivise [400] k_dogg907: part timer [400] vreyes240405: CLIP FARMER [400] kazukispeach: W [400] chimchimchurri: W VISE [400] loadedcam: CLIP FARM [400] alphnx: W [400] fruityforeman: L CLIP FARMER DIDNT SELL IT HARD ENOUGHT [400] Jygako2: 24h stream when? [400] kazukispeach: W [400] goobershooter56: 🚨🚨🚨CLIP FARMER🚨🚨🚨 [400] purphour: clip farmer [400] mrmcdonalds24123: 1638 [400] phvntxm0_: WWW [401] kazukispeach: W [401] biffleyyyy: copper [401] Rhys123134: white speed white speed white speed white speed [401] Avdrvw: MAYBE READ CHAT LI LBRO @Jynxzi [401] suplolsup: 6 MINUTES [401] 401Loony: when’s the xim wager [401] matt_dubsss: www [401] kazukispeach: W [401] RayanB7_: you’re the worst actor i’ve ever seen in my life💀💀💀 [401] kazukispeach: W [401] kazukispeach: W [401] kazukispeach: W [402] kazukispeach: W [402] RayanB7_: you’re the worst actor i’ve ever seen in my life💀💀💀 [403] wargod8287: clip farming# [403] gh0stfoo: WWWWWWWWW [403] jonah091010: w [403] cayden_gb1234: W [403] Aura717: 1738 [403] ZariZyki: W HIVISE, HE CARRYING [403] peejlynch22: WHAT HAPPENED [403] suplolsup: 6 MINS [403] orazaty: Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm [403] xxlazyllamazx: part timer type shit [403] tactical__wick: w [403] lilsluga: ok wait lessgo [403] captn_22: r word [403] ticklemeweenus: THANK YOU HIVISE [403] phvntxm0_: W [404] immortal_ghost4: w [404] kazukispeach: W [405] RayanB7_: you’re the worst actor i’ve ever seen in my life💀💀💀 [406] RayanB7_: you’re the worst actor i’ve ever seen in my life💀💀💀 [406] Rixzzer: Rixzzer subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! let’s gooooo [406] Wutalgang: remmyyyyy [406] erx_97: you donut cabbage salad looking pancake bumblebee sausage hot cross bun toad in the hole bob the builder chunky boo stinky poo [406] QuantaviusNicolasFattson: gamer of the year btw [406] vlxkjtt: USE CODE CLIX [406] wild_mikey_9119: omg [406] xd4rhenrx: www [406] cfrostyy23: LLLL [406] Shocwave788: WW [406] kr5vv: wwwwww [406] sterling_mott: W [406] Ozzzadnar: w [406] blackbeard_is_cool: no please no [406] Fc450Murda: PANCAKE ASS KIDS 🤣🤣 [407] RayanB7_: you’re the worst actor i’ve ever seen in my life💀💀💀 [409] balls_thatsit: Actually laughing [409] sandy_sir: WW [409] NobleGamer123: hobby streamer [409] dstatog: L lip sync [409] frostyyrea: GET THE STREAM STARTED [409] trevwill03: WWWWW [409] adambaxter0: w [409] rnitten: ong @RayanB7_ [409] Dillonbice: they didn’t call you before hand…. wait happens every before stream stripped [409] fuze_i_choose_u: What happend yesterday [409] piratheepk1: W [409] delasierrajacob81: w [409] dates_tv: jynxziWTF [409] YoImElon: wwwwwwwww [409] Nightbot: real [410] ratapotata: ratapotata subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! [410] mikethelion16: mikethelion16 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [410] bigchees32: st0rmy668 subscribed at Tier 1. [410] tankyy24: tankyy24 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [410] mikethelion16: mikethelion16 gifted a Tier 1 sub to dutchmandirtydan! [412] kr5vv: WWWW [412] schreckness: he don’t care about anyone in chat [412] 101dre: W [412] richxrdcolee: WWWWWW [412] lukabrasi123: pancake harder [412] All_Around_7_11: jynxziGLASSES [412] callgelix: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [412] kobebeef22: wwww [412] rr_kurbyx: JUNKO [412] collinlarsen029: W VISE [412] dylansrose: WWW [412] DrNxshy: W [412] kingwinner2424: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [412] dtreams02: WWWWWWWWWW [412] princeneeks: @RayanB7_ and you're broke so it's okay [415] Gavwydd: caseoh is waiting [415] kobebeef22: w [415] tdog08470: jynxziSmoke [415] liljeed04: jynxziGoodAim [415] njtregs: w [415] kxngpsycho: 1738 [415] flapjak7393: w [415] twizzy_me: wwwwww [415] livebmoney: w [415] Brettgarrett22: W [415] TheSigSoldierSSG: jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype [415] NxcoGz: NxcoGz subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 6 month streak! !!! [415] alphnx: w [415] coleissussybaka: my ears [415] foxxiarz: WW [416] quadrommex: quadrommex subscribed with Prime. [416] harryjpearson9: harryjpearson9 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! big fan of [417] 2AM_owen: 2AM_owen subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! [417] dylanwpressley: dylanwpressley subscribed at Tier 1. [418] burgerboy349: WWWWWWWWWWW [418] swiftyp31: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [418] meeps13: alright mute the mic again [418] jshipspaceship: WWWWW [418] Fatroll_: www [418] bc_420_69: w [418] stealthzenkaidashi: WWWWWWW [418] officergoofy1: let’s go [418] Mokong716: bitter [418] wild_mikey_9119: 2016 vibes [418] scotty1530: w [418] skettynoodlez69: when is fan mail [418] trickyricky315: jynxziGLASSES [418] mason_ssg: wwwwwww [418] kobebeef22: wwwwwwwwwww [419] tylersfv: WWWWW [420] l5ey: l5ey subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [421] CMOMoney187: READ CHAT MORE PUSSY [421] tdog08470: jynxziTONGUE [421] voo_z: end stream [421] MushyisFish: W [421] burgerboy349: W [421] iandonahue24: ww [421] Samostroff17: W [421] xd4rhenrx: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [421] topdawgtrav: w [421] InsidiousDC: buns [421] thickson: jynxziTONGUE [421] ismokebluntsbro: Fucking goofball [421] OTXSWXVY: 7 min mark [421] moneyethan: WWWWW [421] Nightbot: Google the lyrics bozo [422] eddi5543: eddi5543 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 8 month streak! [422] kazukispeach: why do u know all the words [423] urchecks: TriHard1 TriHard1 TriHard1 TriHard1 TriHard1 TriHard1 [423] ajmeez23: ajmeez23 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [424] kobebeef22: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [424] ItzzzLegacy: WWWWWWW [424] Fatroll_: wwww [424] omooda19: wwwww mans [424] Swtshirt_Steve: I get high wid my babay [424] blackbeard_is_cool: just end [424] RFcoilz: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke [424] AzuIah: I just wanna got a sack for us to roll [424] bigo_johnson: www [424] britnish616: Part time streamer [424] trickyricky315: jynxziSmoke [424] jynxzifazn: 173888 [424] TheSigSoldierSSG: jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype [424] ilysmbubbly: no sound [424] shivermetimbers15: wwww [426] jbmoon29: jbmoon29 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [426] garyslife: garyslife subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 15 months, currently on a 14 month streak! W [427] callgelix: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [427] m1hajlo0o: jynxziClown [427] richxrdcolee: CLIX WAITING [427] swoleboh: W [427] mrmcdonalds24123: HE SOLD HIS SOUL [427] xak47b: W [427] big_gillus: Wwwwwwwwwwwww [427] Kit_Hs__: there’s something wrong with you [427] ItzzzLegacy: WWWWWWWWWW [427] jynxgddaim: W [427] rexiscraz: dumbass Fatass [427] tyqwax: WWWWWW [427] kobebeef22: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [427] whoisjglidd: WWW [427] prestonb75: @jynxzi idiot [428] chickennstrippp: chickennstrippp subscribed at Tier 1. [430] SkreamingGoat598: sketch is waiting… [430] jshipspaceship: WWW [430] RFcoilz: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [430] jdw032312: www [430] cobalett: w [430] N0T_JP: L SINGER [430] Fatroll_: wwwww [430] vibin_xyrix: jynxzi0x jynxzi0x [430] CRACKEDJAIR31: worst clip farmer worst clip farmer worst clip farmer worst clip farmer worst clip farmer worst clip farmer worst clip farmer worst clip farmer worst clip farmer worst clip farmer [430] xpecthaven: DinoDance DinoDance [430] wrooney15: WHITE SPEED [430] Sportanzug: @HiVise you da goattt [430] FaultySkills: great song [430] pretendloki9737: bros fs on something [430] Villias: W [431] ApexSega: apex__sega subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! w [432] davidreza52: Cheer1 [432] whovon3: whovon3 subscribed at Tier 1. [433] crazyhead505: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [433] katzenverkaufer: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [433] tycer218: wwwwww [433] AcousticJago: zesty ahh [433] RamboSchlong: no sound [433] davtheemu: ww [433] young_zaddy1106: jynxziVapeBreak [433] kwakucharles1: WWWWW [433] fazeeyk: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [433] connor287430: W [433] clay_0124: w Jerry [433] syvvvv: W [433] nnifthepoooo: when Kai vs Caseoh? [433] mason_ssg: WWWWWWW [433] trevwill03: WHENS FAN MAIL [434] CougarCarter32: WWWWW [434] bkstoned95: zoo wap [434] hobals5: jynxziTONGUE jynxziGRIDDY [434] gemms3ttv: CLIP FARMER [434] T_M0ney13: MY BOYYYYYYYY [434] Vicordrengen: Clipfarmer [434] tom230909: wwwwwwwww [434] playboifarti30: muteeeeee [434] mrkorsomthing: W [434] vibin_xyrix: jynxzi0x [434] clark_kent842: WHAT HAPPENED YESTERDAY [434] freeunxcertx: L [435] BlessedxJD: BlessedxJD subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 2 month streak! Sup Jynxzi!! Hope you have a banger stream brother! [436] orbitplayz10: wwwwww [436] fncablaze: WWWWWWWWW [436] johnathanfkennedy: johnathanfkennedy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months, currently on a 14 month streak! YOOOO [436] fazeeyk: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [436] wild_mikey_9119: I feel old [436] Yuki_4743: w [436] exoticsalad420ps: pre end [436] shainomack: W [436] lllcomboziii: bigger than caseoh [436] loppepe: one of the best songs ONG [436] ore385: ore385 subscribed with Prime. [436] tyqwax: WWWwW [436] grezzorunz: w fatass [436] iandonahue24: w [436] SneezyBruh_: MAKE VODS [437] hgcbacon: w [437] aydenlane2762: WWWW!! [437] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [437] Millertopia: Par Time Streamer FR [437] xJakeShiesty: WWWWWW [437] T_M0ney13: WWWWWWW [437] katzenverkaufer: WWWWWWWWWWW [437] syppisdogwater: WWWW [437] reviloshark3118: w [437] PeteTheFifer: Good to see you happy 👍 [437] CassBass175: end stream [437] kaiden_thesus: yes [437] memioursv3: WILL SHOW MAN TITS FOE GIFT [437] andreww734: w song [438] elias2006123: elias2006123 subscribed with Prime. [439] NoaaHDHD: NoaaHDHD subscribed with Prime. [439] islayat2k: islayat2k subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! [439] rawls69: rawls69 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! [439] vipergamez1896: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [439] Sportanzug: MY BOYYYYY [439] sobiethegreat: yep this is the last time im subbed to jynxzi [439] KrispyKoala_: NO SOUND [439] syvvvv: WWWWWW [439] kxngpsycho: WWWWW [439] kobebeef22: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [439] jmizzzzz: WWW [439] Jygako2: Acoustic and talented [439] remxkb: L intro go to clips [439] angelsrgone: bruh [439] crackingsoul: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [440] twcman01: w [440] jpizzy321: jynxziFALL [440] zxtyzxcel: ueu [440] Ticketss69: MUTE THIS SHIT [440] aaron716_: sound harder [440] slayteruwu: W [440] fazelaichy3214: jynxziSmoke [440] Rayyyqon: wwwwww [440] thacattac: now we gotta go through this with sound [440] squishytofu7: GlitchCat GlitchCat GlitchCat [440] tyqwax: WWWWW [440] theoneandonlycj123: this sounds like the type of song to be sung by a guy with one eye [440] RayanB7_: @princeneeks and he doesn’t know of your existence dirt random [442] remyeatcat: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [442] h3x323: L INTRO [442] gnom3o: BANDS GOOOOOOO [442] actaavis: wwwww [442] qotvw: www [442] Frostyle30: W Intro [442] junkijunka: W [442] mashedpotatoes_1: mid [442] dstatog: L lip sync [442] getdoggedon88: hey daddy [442] that_lax_kid: jynxziWTF jynxziWTF [442] hughjinvaney: WWWWWWWWWWWWWW [442] relaxedmonk1: how do you exactly get the charm after you subscribe [442] kobebeef22: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [442] zonic5791: WW [443] p0rk0_yt: w.ww.w.w.w [443] Nightbot: @hamzah18209 -> You wanna dance? [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [443] jacb444: what happened with the police [443] breauxski32: breauxski32 subscribed at Tier 1. [443] fruityp3bbl35: L bully [443] d1purge_: fat ugly bitch 🐽 [443] badvibes222: Wwwwww [443] qakny: nice one dumb fuck [444] the_geekster_: the_geekster_ subscribed with Prime. [444] bahnsad: you stupid bitch [444] akbeamgod: dumb fuck [444] itachisenpai33: itachisenpai33 subscribed with Prime. [445] h3x323: NO SOUND U MF [445] Bl0bite: jynxziVapeBreak [445] HelenaaDBD: !link [445] yrsmrclean: L [445] l5ey: jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY [445] that_lax_kid: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke [445] syvvvv: WWWW [445] vdr1_: guys brain is a fucking parking lot for song lyrics [445] tmoney3034: wwwww [445] Nightbot: @HelenaaDBD If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [445] CDawg2Swifty: W [445] Starchild_Here: www [445] kanzoxyare: jynxziRAHHH [446] i_r_m_n_yt: stream ends in 50 minutes [446] verixs_033: so we’re losing another tourney [446] StreamElements: devons62 has spent 1 day 2 hours watching jynxzi [446] alreidford: no sound [446] irektuv69: WEWWWWWW [446] indimensiond: You were raging to fetti wap [446] chriscannotstop: W part timer [446] misty_vino_: no sound bozo [446] void6329: www [446] ayoraul: keystiKrmt keystiKrmt keystiKrmt keystiKrmt keystiKrmt [446] boomerfiji: eerieasf subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Whats the plan for stream gango [446] ronnieg907: ronnieg907 subscribed at Tier 1. [448] cichy223: cichy223 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 2 month streak! w [448] jake098712: end stream f [448] adott2400: w sub [448] shivermetimbers15: wwwww [448] remxkb: L intro [448] kaidyn07: lettttttsssssss. gooooooooooo [448] sheistysaltine: W [448] xenzikz: W [448] junkossockxx: so we’re in bronze [448] Jygako2: amercia got tslent [448] Tubugai___: jynxziBadAim [448] nokk4_: Cheer1 [448] hugh_jaskocc: W FRIDAY LETS GOO [448] tyqwax: WWWWWW [448] acerlmao: YOU FATTY [449] mrrnathan: daddy [449] krueg22onfortnite: Llllll [449] iicyfrog: CLIP FARMING [449] jshipspaceship: WWWWWW [449] jacoda_r6: !followage [449] Fossabot: @yoshi_VXZ, Your message is too long [449] actaavis: WWWWW [449] kingwinner2424: W [449] grimm_howler: I need therapy [449] superman844: w [449] gabby_blues: ARE YOU HORNY RIGHT NOW [449] collin_2009: hhh [449] isorickyy: Trash intro [449] Nightbot: !accept [449] ghostaci: ghostaci subscribed with Prime. [451] vipergamez1896: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [451] joeydhdfif: joeydhdfif subscribed at Tier 1. [451] syvvvv: WWWWW [451] lacytolazy: is that a 999 satan Chain?????? [451] shivermetimbers15: wwwwww [451] xAxstro_: use code clix [451] trevwill03: WWWWWW [451] kingofthekings27: edit [451] royalllive: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [451] ItzzzLegacy: WEWWWWWW [451] elliot_p67: glitz [451] goobershooter56: no sound idioy [451] devslatt: cmonnn bro [451] eloxtheif: jynxzi up⬆️⬆️ [451] acerlmao: fat [452] phatfutgecko: I cried laughing when I saw his face after picking up the phone [452] mab____6000: Rap harder [452] angelbluethunder1: dance harder [452] blazerxd1263: Throw back to the good old days [452] jshipspaceship: WWWW [452] mike_an_i: link [452] mybanana_45: sing harfer [452] wrooney15: white speed sit the fuck down [452] zac_supp: sketch made you [454] Virtualfreak124: Virtualfreak124 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [454] Sharpie_Sniffer666: THIS GOES HARD [454] coleissussybaka: no soubd [454] CMOMoney187: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [454] drip770: so he’s him [454] vvstks: Mute [454] redcross32: fat fuck you look like someone called Leo but he’s bigger [454] tyqwax: WWWW [454] cuate_abs: jynxziBounce [454] theonlyrob9: no sound [454] megastorm2op: White speed 🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀 [454] Tubugai___: jynxziCORNY [454] xwhomj: WWWW [454] yungmummyy: WWWWWWWWW [454] l5ey: jynxziCRY [455] jaydentorres12345: 2 [455] calpolwater: YEAHHH [455] w0inthachatt: l [455] xtr3me_iq: whens fanmail [455] exquitisreal: ;p ;p [455] philforlife31918: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [455] JAYTOTAL: GoldPLZ GoldPLZ GoldPLZ GoldPLZ GoldPLZ [455] ryanocearel_56: HEY 20PC LARGE FRIES AND A LARGE COKE [455] gl1tch165: jynxziSuprised [455] claus2nice: horny!!! [455] aiangxll: WWWWW [455] iicyfrog: CLIP FARMER [455] leroyy2k: RAP HARDER [455] ghoul_punk100: what happened yesterday Brodie we curious [455] syvvvv: WWWWWWW [457] SpedBxby: CLIP FARMER [457] llvzq: this kid knows it [457] pixsux: sit your fat ass down you look like dumb ass [457] malgusidk: WWWWW [457] SHANATl: >( >( >( >( [457] brocktavious_6: jynxziGG [457] mrhambone31: SING HARDER [457] frank17389: CRINGE [457] zjgunnr: ww [457] toxic_frosty1247532: yeahhhhhhh ayyyy [457] makillahh: ngl baby Kia better [457] Patrick7813: PotFriend PotFriend PotFriend [457] sunflxwersesh: lmaooo [457] KrispyKoala_: NO SOUNDS [457] coleissussybaka: no sound [458] iPxul14: no sound [458] irektuv69: www [458] drakesnake14in: what’s up brother [458] ThreadierHeart8: W bulge [458] idkloski: BRAWADIS [458] otx_crazy: pussy [458] vvkaze: ww [458] juaner_25: !watchtime [458] thitherbike4435: WHEN KAI 1v1? [458] mannyrocks22: Wwwww [458] TwizzyNate: WWWWWWWWWWWW [458] RFcoilz: mobamb1Zeet mobamb1Zeet mobamb1Zeet [458] devryderz: JYNXZIII WSGGGG [458] StreamElements: juaner_25 has spent 20 hours watching jynxzi [458] tonymfingfry: tonymfingfry subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 1 month streak! fatass [459] crimsonflair_05: crimsonflair_05 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! bros vibin [460] kazukispeach: safD [460] kazukispeach: safD [460] AVFC_Nitro: AVFC_Nitro subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months! [460] bumzzz22: Kendrick [460] 76vertix: WW [460] XPRLUCA: www [460] kintheboss455: 😂😂 [460] beanyox: beanyox subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months! what’s goody [460] rileyb1906: 20 piece mcdonalds chicken nuggets [460] jbreed: L TUNE [460] ftwitch7771: Wwww [460] lokie_4l: WWWWWWWW [460] TwizzyNate: LMAO [460] kazukispeach: safD [460] tyqwax: WWWWW [461] dr3gotstacks: 1v1 me pussy [461] skidhuman: @RayanB7_ richer than you in every way [461] yetigamerfruit: jynxziTONGUE [461] liamlad2009123: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [461] 7o7ang3lo: wwww [461] chaingang904: sing harder [461] BAC4425: blevinsFISTPUMP blevinsFISTPUMP blevinsFISTPUMP blevinsFISTPUMP [461] Zaddy_Zohan: ur not saying anything [461] sampo420: SING HARDERR [461] l5ey: jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY [461] bbrandonsoliss: white speed activities [461] brotherzatanna: WWW [461] kazukispeach: safD [461] kazukispeach: safD [461] zxk0__: zxk0__ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [462] kazukispeach: safD [463] blakeblackball53: we w [463] bkstoned95: big fetty [463] 7o7ang3lo: wwwwww [463] ELChUlo6311: W [463] mason_ssg: YAAAAAAAAAA [463] jizjaq: Your acoustic [463] sk1g1: late [463] shximbo: noooo sound [463] thatboredguy8: VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea [463] Tyros: Tyros subscribed with Prime. [463] a0rab: WWWW [463] kingofthekings27: blood thinks he’s an edit [463] oilrighelipad: jynxziPACK [463] mario9047: WWWW [463] Samostroff17: Streams gonna end soon [464] cam_r6_siege: ww [464] Wynurr: REACT HARDER [464] ericroot70: Fuck clix [464] pinky_pie22: goooooooooooooood aimmmmmmmmmmmm [464] sammyisgoodatsiege: clipped [464] omooda19: jynxziVapeBreak [464] Louis12070: dance harder fatass [464] Exvosity: 10 min mark rapidly approaching [464] KyoshiiiiiGames: mom im scared [464] meloneater56: no sound [464] otx_crazy: fat ass [464] sharpy2325: MAKE NEW CONTENT [464] anabells13: UN MUTE [464] remxkb: can we just get into clips now [464] r6_ufoz: react harder [467] bossup150: Wwwwwwwwwwwwwww [467] notskyz_: NO SOUND [467] jynxzi_isaparttimer: Vibe harder [467] relaxed_oven84: jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD [467] Gl0balSi1ver: ajsWinningSon [467] evoltflicks1: MIC [467] gaming_kid000: white speed [467] illecit2213: !link [467] cam_r6_siege: wwwww [467] xxjinkce: jynxziBounce jynxziBounce [467] charlieambrose1: !link [467] Patrick7813: Kappa Kappa Kappa [467] richxrdcolee: WWW [467] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: jynxziAbuh [467] jinxz_is_crazy: jinxz_is_crazy subscribed with Prime. [468] mikethelion16: mikethelion16 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 2 in the channel! [468] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: jynxziAbuh [468] mikethelion16: mikethelion16 gifted a Tier 1 sub to xB3ASTxL1BRA! [468] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: jynxziAbuh [469] mattashley8888: iboss3Sdance iboss3Sdance iboss3Sdance iboss3Sdance iboss3Sdance iboss3Sdance iboss3Sdance iboss3Sdance iboss3Sdance iboss3Sdance [469] FaultySkills: yeaaaaaa [469] CricketCEO: BEST STREAMERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR [469] bittooscared: NO MUSIC [469] jakecooper94: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [469] fortnitefan5607: !watchtime [469] felizeousado: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [469] knightl7l: rap faster [469] LurviaFN: ZESTY [469] dgcv_: wwwww [469] CMOMoney187: SELLING PONDS W MY BABY [469] sparkypistol12: fan is when mail? [469] scarycalf112902: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [469] Gucci_kid54: lebronJAM [469] slandorunit: JYNXZIIIIIII [470] bakedog_77: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [470] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [470] vepaxxxxxx: w [470] atkin_67: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [470] stablegravity_: zest you [470] cam_r6_siege: wwwwww [470] Misha_22_01: WWWWWWWWWW [470] real_kdogg: Yeaaaaaa [470] necrojeanc_rts: TOP 10 RAPPERS I WOULD HEAR ON SPOTIFY [470] rexiscraz: dumbass Fatass [470] soundcloutken: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [470] xenzikz: WWWWW [470] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: jynxziAbuh [470] Nightbot: Google the lyrics bozo [470] YEGGG0: YEGGG0 subscribed with Prime. [471] frfrench156: frfrench156 subscribed at Tier 1. [471] imaperidot: imaperidot is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 23 in the channel! [472] pragasss: 2 Mcdoubles and a diet coke pls [472] starlord2284: LUL LUL LUL [472] azrealsyx: Dagger [472] ayoraul: keystiKrmt keystiKrmt keystiKrmt keystiKrmt [472] h33m927: react harder [472] boogiemez: hi [472] austinplayzrocketleague: L adssss [472] Lowstyy: blackoutzGG blackoutzGG blackoutzGG blackoutzGG blackoutzGG [472] willybilly123467194: w [472] opiumwizard777: GET LIT HARDER [472] soundcloutken: TwitchConHYPE [472] Przombie4: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [472] jdw032312: ee [472] mintyspringg: dad theres a man dancing [472] actaavis: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [473] vvkaze: www [473] imaperidot: imaperidot gifted a Tier 1 sub to ta1nnt! [473] iPxul14: cringe [473] richxrdcolee: WWWWWWWW [473] imaperidot: imaperidot gifted a Tier 1 sub to carter_lanager! [473] AnbuGalactic: YEAHHHH [473] trey0231: jynxziFAT [473] zmacex2: NinjaGrumpy NinjaGrumpy NinjaGrumpy NinjaGrumpy NinjaGrumpy NinjaGrumpy [473] J1zz13r: on mute [473] Misha_22_01: LETSGO [473] GhxstHxvoc: wwww [473] krruegr: SING HARDER FAT [473] Jinxy2409: .................. [473] servinacut: servinacut subscribed at Tier 1. [473] patfenise88: patfenise88 subscribed at Tier 1. [474] StreamElements: If you're a gamer, you need a Starforge! Snag one -> https://starforgepc.com/Jynxzi [475] jacb444: what happened with the police [475] ratboixr: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [475] MozzOnWheatBread: NO SOUND NONE [475] wistcuh: SUNSHINE [475] CRACKEDJAIR31: worst clip farmer worst clip farmer worst clip farmer worst clip farmer worst clip farmer worst clip farmer worst clip farmer worst clip farmer worst clip farmer worst clip farmer [475] gScxtty: DinoDance [475] sweatyboi63: 🤫🧏♂️ [475] dhtrz: !watchtime [475] Reegowrath: broooo😭 [475] itzbrian_24: what’s the deal with the cops yesterday [475] kittenvirus: Milk me [475] Captainhotshot0: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [475] abyssaldreamsss: GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey [475] gsopplu: jynxziVapeBreak [475] xenzikz: WWWWWWWWW [476] saucin2hard: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [476] itachi85884: dance hard [476] brocktavious_6: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [476] bakethecake13: what are we foing [476] jynxyisgothmommy: bros filled with autism [476] chiken_em: jynxziFAT [476] chunko_ssg999: chunkoooo [476] ITz_F1XX: ? [476] glockwitdabeam: we back for another 3 hour stream let’s gooooo!!!! [476] FI3K_: W SONG [476] mrmilku1234: W [476] noaht71311: NO SOUND [476] panpan55602: no way bro [476] Nightbot: ? [476] kazukispeach: safSturdy [477] kazukispeach: safSturdy [477] kazukispeach: safSturdy [477] sithfish1211: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [478] peaktick99: peaktiBanana peaktiDancingcat peaktiBanana peaktiDancingcat peaktiBanana peaktiDancingcat peaktiBanana peaktiDancingcat [478] kazukispeach: safSturdy [478] alexclement4: I love balls [478] zarz_xb: oh nah [478] swilley69: w [478] hellojejjy: w [478] hedgehog_kid1: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [478] xxjinkce: CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat [478] iPxul14: cringe ewwww [478] julemagnev1: GYAAAAAAAAAT [478] BeCooper: GYATTTTTTTT [478] dogpoop21: WHEN FANMAIL [478] gabrielc352: ? [478] JacobrBuck: when is fanmail [478] shivermetimbers15: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [479] GlockToretto: fainterHehe fainterHehe [479] cornell0607: ??? [479] cuate_abs: jynxziBounce jynxziBounce jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [479] filthethrill87: gyattt [479] NoGameDave: davywaLOGO davywaLOGO davywaLOGO davywaLOGO davywaLOGO davywaLOGO [479] c4r1na__: too hard [479] ackoeppel_yt: GYATT [479] Blvdyghosty: GYAATTTTTT [479] RedMist3119: jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL [479] thatboredguy8: GYATTTT [479] fops4455: GYATTT [479] itsswinging: and stream [479] CRACKEDJAIR31: worst clip farmer worst clip farmer worst clip farmer worst clip farmer worst clip farmer worst clip farmer worst clip farmer worst clip farmer worst clip farmer worst clip farmerr [479] Nightbot: yup yup yup [481] AgentMixzy: jynxziBuena jynxziBuena jynxziBuena jynxziBuena jynxziBuena jynxziBuena jynxziBuena jynxziBuena [481] lukasskvarek: commooooon [481] idk__bruhhh: I [481] vrxvu: @rayanb7_ your know for getting 5 coppers 😭💀🙏 [481] TTVLdogruls: Whats happened yesterday [481] waaang1990: Part timer...... [481] cfinndog22: vibes are immaculate [481] lilsluga: too much gyat [481] auxnative2: WWWWWWWWWW [481] magnificentgaming944: LEVEL 5 [481] slowIythere: floydgotgyat subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 2 month streak! Yo jynxzi how did it go with the swat team yesterday? is everything okay? how did it go [481] xkraqo: xkraqo subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 6 month streak! 9 months 😀😀😀😀 [481] marie_xm: jynxziPACK [481] hgcbacon: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [481] felizeousado: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [482] iheartmilfs016: WWWW [482] xgn_1999: w [482] swoleboh: AYO [482] lotus_52: XIM BEAITNG YOU AND STOMPIN [482] aliyzah_11: jynxziCopper [482] FE4RLE33: LLLLL [482] mikeoxhard_2: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [482] thedarth117: yo [482] vvkaze: ww [482] SpedBxby: GYATTTT [482] ejdjjdnd: GUATTTT [482] wawhat24: am I deaf [482] caps1398: GYAAAAATTTTTTT [482] elliot_p67: gyattttttytttttttt [482] Fossabot: @jjmanaj, Your message is too long [483] robbiefraqs: robbiefraqs subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months! [484] jynxzymom: GYATT [484] oinkiobae: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [484] SirKoji: w [484] pulparindo525: latel [484] stackswopofanboi: gyat [484] ryder225gaming: gyaaaaaattttt [484] thomas_abr67: gyatt [484] itskiefer: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [484] shivermetimbers15: gyat [484] phoenixf54: GYAT [484] luhplayaak: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [484] hyperfang12: um [484] lennyygoncrazy: lennyygoncrazy subscribed at Tier 1. [484] pattyboi09: jynxziWTF jynxziBounce jynxziBounce jynxziBounce [484] MrXTurner25: ???? [485] stunwrk: charm! [485] monkeman0827: Gyatt [485] delsonc2005: announcement?? [485] babyjesus4l: would [485] the_black_leaf: jynxziGRIDDY [485] Vinny__888: ight im out [485] kinoern: DROP ITTTTT [485] theunkown753: CLIP [485] carsonharper5: ready harder [485] frgoats: lebronJAM [485] ojt221: Ayoo [485] brodsstar: GYYYYAATTTTTTT [485] xxjinkce: CoolCat [485] daleysmoke: gyat [485] logedoge: MY EYES [486] huddyondabeat: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [486] StrawHatConstituent: ???????? [487] itzzjustmike: smash [487] enoenpatlajica: 🚾 [487] shelloassstink: jynxziGLASSES [487] nc_cosmo69: MY EYES [487] xd_botticuss: play siege [487] kamille_m1: AYOOOOO [487] Amunify: MY EYESSSS [487] corollarolla: ? [487] ttvolly01: rap harder [487] buttersisgod876: hooooooo [487] twain77: who asked for this [487] david_7763: gyaaaaaat!!!!! [487] gas_rath: GYATT [487] Reegowrath: 😭 [487] rea1_cole_wor1d: rea1_cole_wor1d subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 8 month streak! yooooo [488] baray123456: GYATTT [488] unknowngen65: yoo [488] mrkorsomthing: WW [488] baubin7: EWWWW [488] iPxul14: ewww [488] kunkletron1: woah woah woah [488] mploveslife: banned [488] rexiscraz: gyatttt [488] Patrick7813: GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride [488] 3luezz: L [488] NOMrcyAlpha: L song [488] Gmanhoops: Gmanhoops subscribed at Tier 1. [488] peaktick99: peaktiBanana peaktiDancingcat peaktiBanana peaktiDancingcat peaktiBanana peaktiDancingcat peaktiBanana peaktiDancingcat [488] jimmybobbybobjim: jimmybobbybobjim subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! react harder [488] mczoot11: mczoot11 subscribed with Prime. [489] kazukispeach: slaphiPatrick [489] kazukispeach: slaphiPatrick [489] kazukispeach: slaphiPatrick [490] kazukispeach: slaphiPatrick [490] thatboredguy8: GYATTTTTTTTTTTTTT [490] kazukispeach: slaphiPatrick [490] OplloH: I love white speed [490] zicksee: i join to this [490] its_cmen: wwwwwww [490] harrylufc193: jynxziLaugh_HF jynxziLaugh_HF jynxziLaugh_HF jynxziLaugh_HF jynxziLaugh_HF jynxziLaugh_HF [490] shelloassstink: jynxziLOL [490] hbudell437: clipped [490] justasadwhiteguy: justasadwhiteguy subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 7 month streak! gyatt [490] N1bnib: no sound [490] brandon_15109: gyattt [490] okyunginj13: jynxziPACK jynxziGRIDDY [490] Neoisim: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [490] oilrighelipad: TwitchConHYPE [491] johannes_el: chat [491] igot5Op: GYATTTT [491] kazukispeach: slaphiPatrick slaphiPatrick [491] adro1221: YOO [491] V1TAL30: big juicy [491] soundcloutken: LOL [491] akbeamgod: gyatttt [491] jynzxifan11: W 10 Giftedd [491] davidishim855: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY LETS FUCKIKG GOOOOOOOO VIBES ARE UP [491] Patrick7813: smash [491] auxnative2: GYYYYYYYAT [491] rexiscraz: would [491] kazukispeach: slaphiPatrick [491] Nightbot: 😂 [491] kazukispeach: slaphiPatrick [492] kazukispeach: slaphiPatrick [492] epicgamer074: epicgamer074 gifted a Tier 1 sub to kfinley123! [492] kazukispeach: slaphiPatrick [492] kazukispeach: slaphiPatrick [492] frostieisbetter: frostieisbetter subscribed with Prime. [493] peaktick99: peaktiBanana peaktiDancingcat peaktiBanana peaktiDancingcat peaktiBanana peaktiDancingcat peaktiBanana peaktiDancingcat [493] kazukispeach: slaphiPatrick slaphiPatrick [493] sweatyboi63: gyatt [493] braybro69: big [493] BxbyA_GetOn: gyattt [493] MkGamingg25: gyattttt [493] vrxvu: @rayanb7_ your know for getting 5 coppers 😭💀🙏…. [493] young_drew420: ayyyyyooooooo [493] vexerjones10: MY EYES [493] vvkaze: ww [493] squiggly240: jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL [493] RFcoilz: WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace [493] marigeeked: LMAOOOO [493] Kjumps22: gyattt [493] richxrdcolee: GYSATTTTT [494] bbqjett: gyat [494] bummelbi: Twerk [494] curlyyeezus: dannyb1002hard dannyb1002hard dannyb1002hard dannyb1002hard dannyb1002hard [494] mploveslife: banned brother [494] wrooney15: my eyes [494] Jygako2: GYATTT [494] kylerizzenhouse69: GOD DAMNNNNNNN [494] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: THEREHEGO [494] kazukispeach: slaphiPatrick slaphiPatrick [494] osorojo34: GYAAAAT [494] itsyaboyyato: jynxziGoodAim [494] itachi85884: dance harder [494] spazn_: aye yo [494] xenzikz: COOOKINNNB [494] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: THEREHEGO [495] kazukispeach: slaphiPatrick [495] kazukispeach: slaphiPatrick [495] kazukispeach: slaphiPatrick [496] blaccboy_22: ??????????? [496] devinlancelewis: vnceSURPRISE vnceSURPRISE vnceSURPRISE vnceSURPRISE [496] itskiefer: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziPACK [496] compshark67: gyat [496] AgentMixzy: jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD [496] sp1nz0_: WHAT THE RYCKKKK [496] i_r_m_n_yt: hahahah [496] noahhhhhhhhz: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [496] hunterr4l: 😍 [496] nc_cosmo69: GYYYYAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTT [496] cderb20: Damn [496] rexiscraz: wouls [496] terrell_fyb: ZESTYY AHHH [496] kazukispeach: slaphiPatrick [496] kkthegoat14: I'm bouta nu.... oops just busted [497] Fortune2Nice: ????????????? [497] beasty_boy2211: GYATTTTY [497] kxngpsycho: GYATTTTT [497] core1622: gyaatttttttt [497] MrMoose_389: jynxziFALL [497] phoenixf54: jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL [497] SunnySlugger: too fat [497] amazegamez21: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [497] siguy83: my eyes [497] romerooz: GYAT [497] kazukispeach: slaphiPatrick [497] Nightbot: @xskyguux -> Nightbot one, bad guys zero. [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [497] sandstrat: GYATTTTTTTTTT [497] westonvv: DANNNNNNNGGGG [497] peaktick99: peaktiBanana peaktiDancingcat peaktiBanana peaktiDancingcat peaktiBanana peaktiDancingcat peaktiBanana peaktiDancingcat [498] kazukispeach: slaphiPatrick [498] kazukispeach: slaphiPatrick [499] reloqded: d1 clip farmer [499] lukasskvarek: WWWWW [499] Wildlyoutoffocus: gyattt [499] ryder225gaming: yes pls [499] 16andre16: 💀💀💀 [499] meattamer69: YOOOOOOO [499] no_limit_kobe: AGUAAGAUATTTT [499] mxilman_: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [499] saucin2hard: Gyatt [499] brauwnspazzin: literally clip farming [499] Swagg3rb0y: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [499] samjp_18: shit stain [499] evoltflicks1: W [499] CalebTheSilverPleb: my eyes [499] matt8u: mattpost15 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! [500] Brodskeee: also gyat [500] MasonDello: oh my gyat [500] jittrippinx: gyaaaaaaaaaaaaat [500] bigmandbrady69: my mom just asked if you have autism [500] ugxawash: bruh wtf is you doing [500] Autizyn: clip farming [500] ejdjjdnd: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [500] chesseballz473: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [500] hartley2356: Bro💀💀 [500] TTVnulled: throw it back jynxzi [500] dnxuc01: smazh [500] hughjinvaney: GYATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT [500] sandstrat: GYAT [500] noke2747: bro lock in [500] jay2floated: jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH [501] zacv33: zacv33 subscribed at Tier 1. [502] rizzlycruz13: Gyat [502] patrick_thestar1: CLIP ITT [502] KeepRecords: GOOD GOOGLY MOOGLY [502] thiagoaround: GYATT [502] luke_is_him_: Gyyyyaaaattyyy [502] huntercrai6: listen to PEEK A BOO by okay fine [502] ArcRanger22: 1v1 DR DISRESPECT [502] Gmanhoops: awwwww [502] drip770: LET ME EAT [502] peakyseaside: GYAAAAAT [502] TwizzyNate: Sexy [502] vaseline93: AYO [502] itskiefer: :> :> [502] thw_abebosss: jynxziPACK [502] isorickyy: jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF [503] kylerizzenhouse69: SHIT FATTTT ASFFFF [503] outofIuv: grown man btw [503] damian_was_here762: 💀 [503] fzdifdrdtiditxr: my eyes [503] benjaminwictor: so fuckin white soeed [503] bacanada: ?????, [503] schexmix98: Hell yeah [503] cfrostyy23: L GROWN ASS MAN [503] soundcloutken: LOL!! [503] Gucci_kid54: junkoPls [503] OTXSWXVY: PrideUwu [503] og_twotone: GYAAAAAAT [503] docterrb: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [503] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [503] naniAU: naniAU subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! CLIP FARMING [504] StrawHatConstituent: Love handles [505] matthewandreason: matthewandreason subscribed at Tier 1. [505] SPRITECMD: MY EYES [505] zkdizzy: GYAYTTTYYYTY [505] phoenix_o14: Smashhhhhhhhhhh [505] gi11y_gi11y: smol [505] saucewrld_: AYEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [505] yurboilayne: AHAHAHAHAHHA [505] RageDaaGreat: GYAAAAAAAAT [505] zer0_aero: gyatt [505] atkin_67: w [505] t0pshlf: BORING [505] aiaroplane: yea I’m out [505] coladazlol: WHAT DID I COME BACK TO [505] thejoeyp14: [505] k1nngn1ck: Fat as fuck [506] imainkayce: MY EYES [506] zfriend__: Fat [506] aiangxll: ALL IN MY FACEE AHHH [506] fae_edwin: gyattttttttt [506] tsgking3580: bro is zesty as hell [506] barrybongz420: dumptruck [506] siguy83: my eys [506] therealbossbabyy1: Gyat [506] george2142: ?????? [506] malachi_g_5: jynxziTONGUE [506] 2precisetv: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [506] skummytwix_: jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziCRY jynxziCRY [506] mrmcdonalds24123: WEAK [506] shelloassstink: gagoblStare [506] zdeeko: zdeeko is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 13 in the channel! [507] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: THEREHEGO [507] StrawHatConstituent: Love handles [507] kazukispeach: slaphiPatrick ur tits look so good today [507] peaktick99: peaktiBanana peaktiDancingcat peaktiBanana peaktiDancingcat peaktiBanana peaktiDancingcat peaktiBanana peaktiDancingcat [507] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: THEREHEGO [507] zdeeko: zdeeko gifted a Tier 1 sub to nox_xditz! [507] zdeeko: zdeeko gifted a Tier 1 sub to chillmo101! [507] zdeeko: zdeeko gifted a Tier 1 sub to oeternoandre! [507] zdeeko: zdeeko gifted a Tier 1 sub to Day2Stoned! [507] zdeeko: zdeeko gifted a Tier 1 sub to shakeeweight! [508] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: THEREHEGO [508] Samostroff17: can there be no camera now [508] PhillyGoatJ: MY EYES [508] sigma1309: MY EYES [508] Leo_Menchaca: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [508] bittooscared: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [508] CallMeSkezo: elobumShock elobumShock elobumShock [508] skullcrusher1605: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [508] rexiscraz: my eyes [508] kazukispeach: slaphiPatrick ur tits look so good today [508] sleezeypeas: luxieSlay luxieSlay luxieSlay luxieSlay luxieSlay [508] nickholmes11: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [508] StrawHatConstituent: Love handles [508] RedMist3119: jynxziGRIDDY [508] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: THEREHEGO [509] Russ_d1esel: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [509] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: THEREHEGO [509] siguy83: my eyes [509] LS_Prinz: GYATT [509] KodakNovakk: what’s happening [509] swoleboh: LMAO [509] axzkora: new pfp [509] porkky72: white speed [509] Pataklol: WHAAATTT??? [509] chonkste: AYOOOO [509] verixs_033: bro chill [509] kazukispeach: slaphiPatrick ur tits look so good today [509] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: THEREHEGO [509] rvin22: rvin22 subscribed with Prime. [510] monkeytheking20: monkeytheking20 subscribed at Tier 1. [510] kazukispeach: slaphiPatrick ur tits look so good today [510] StrawHatConstituent: Love handles [510] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: THEREHEGO [511] vVacnt: ur fat rolls are moving [511] orlxw: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [511] SneezyBruh_: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [511] brodsstar: GYATTTT [511] SnowyJoey27: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [511] yamota: jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL [511] jwolfe7803: jynxziFAT [511] damoney24356: MY EYES [511] kazukispeach: slaphiPatrick ur tits look so good today [511] saluted420: white speed [511] k_dogg907: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [511] MrCacoona: my eyes [511] junkokun: my eyes [511] momsvuvker: MY EYES [511] peaktick99: peaktiBanana peaktiDancingcat peaktiBanana peaktiDancingcat peaktiBanana peaktiDancingcat peaktiBanana peaktiDancingcat [512] P3drokills: EYEEEESSSSS [512] dexxyfresh: jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT [512] BuzzedGamer: sleeper build [512] bloometstremer: w [512] xenzikz: GYYYYAAAATTTTT [512] SHANATl: LMAO [512] ItsProGamer0: my eyes [512] you__g: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [512] juan9848: WEAKK [512] sebastianodiwasserfall: MY EYES [512] bentley_playz: weak [512] Vip3rwing: nahhhhh [512] bloberrii: L FATTY [512] TheRealVillager_on_120hz: my eyes!!!! [512] kazukispeach: slaphiPatrick ur tits look so good today [513] StrawHatConstituent: Love handles [513] ShiroRonin_: ShiroRonin_ subscribed at Tier 1. [513] sappytree561870: sappytree561870 subscribed at Tier 1. [514] austin_einsiedel: austin_einsiedel subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! [514] shelloassstink: caseohThumbsup caseohThumbsup [514] matthewandreason: just subbbed [514] kylerizzenhouse69: BACK IT UP ON ME AGAIN JUNKRAT [514] ZxlectFN: jynxziSmoke jynxziWTF [514] judon_nfl: i just came on my phone [514] fe4r_ryza: L COPYRIGHT [514] rmcd17: on Good Friday smh [514] SpaceSSG: my eyes [514] coleissussybaka: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [514] spencer_thebrickwall: myyyyyy eysssss [514] Ehren_brown_13: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [514] dcmemo310: my eyes [514] StrawHatConstituent: Love handles [514] OTXSWXVY: jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF [515] SoullessM0nster: SoullessM0nster subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months! [515] ddpdame: sus [515] crizma567: fat [515] qharmacyy: clip farming [515] makillahh: grown man btw [515] pur_str_xp1: doc react to you [515] xxjinkce: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [515] jordangrant2001: fatty [515] Rhys123134: still no sound idiot [515] meloneater56: bros not packing [515] automatikgaming111: clip farm [515] ojt221: Fat [515] erayaus45: erayaus45 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! when is mail fan [515] someMOHyoungin: someyoungin_ subscribed with Prime. [515] peaktick99: peaktiBanana peaktiDancingcat peaktiBanana peaktiDancingcat peaktiBanana peaktiDancingcat peaktiBanana peaktiDancingcat [516] StrawHatConstituent: Love handles [516] neekcap: neekcap subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months, currently on a 9 month streak! w or nah [517] 262brando: got my member twitching 👁️👄👁️ [517] SnowyJoey27: jynxziPACK jynxziGRIDDY jynxziPACK jynxziGRIDDY jynxziPACK [517] DeadgeBear: DeadgeBear subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! elisYay [517] Ijwdiii: jynxziGoodAim [517] trickyricky315: homies actually fit? [517] OTXSWXVY: jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF [517] Strawhatflixy: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [517] brodsstar: clip of the day [517] carlosc5665: GYATTT [517] Nightbot: Blue crown —-> Free —-> no ads —-> charm: https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [517] kingwinner2424: GYAAAAAAAAAAT [517] xleaahh: Chubster [517] SneezyBruh_: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [517] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [517] vdr1_: PUT THE SHIRT ON [518] clapz__yt: EWWW [518] V1TAL30: YOU LIKE SKETCH TOES [518] juansonwick: GYAT [518] mtdo_72: 1738 [518] Fossabot: @tehepicradio_, Your message is too long [519] itsAjzz: xQackyx subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months! love u jynzxy 🤤 [520] jigmeprinz: no sound [520] OTXSWXVY: jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF [520] juliusceasariusthe6th: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [520] goldenfox_yeet: fat rolls [520] lzcrouso: my eyes [520] Aspectsx: end stream [520] tflo28: GYATTTTTTTT [520] Vicordrengen: pepparoni tits [520] jaxstax216: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [520] shelloassstink: caseohByrangeedesigns [520] xxjinkce: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [520] acerlmao: worst clip of the yearr [520] t0pshlf: FALLING ASLEEP [520] Brettgarrett22: W [520] jusbeachyy: UR A FATASS [521] lordjesus1656: SMASH [521] reverse999g: no sound [523] cousinsgamingontwich: smash [523] bradysuckss: put a jockey and a bra on [523] xexclusivet: clip farming [523] carsonharper5: react harder [523] fatheadbro: mmmmm yummy [523] Gucci_kid54: junkoPls [523] xxjinkce: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziPACK [523] samanthaonxbox: BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump [523] mintyspringg: GYAT [523] Righteous101758: L FATASS [523] Patrick7813: smash [523] conrad_eberly: sniff sniff [523] taki_ogbobbyjohnson13: so we’re blind now [523] logedoge: NICE C CUPS [523] kr5vv: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [524] StrawHatConstituent: Love handles [525] kazukispeach: me [525] kazukispeach: me [526] kazukispeach: m [526] StrawHatConstituent: Love handles [526] onepersona65: e [526] oli10123: W ROLLS [526] charliee_payne: ME [526] zacv33: clip [526] SkreamingGoat598: me [526] calpolwater: Me [526] Darthslothious: Me [526] kazukispeach: mem [526] balls_thatsit: Bro is definitely zesty [526] trapszn2: LATE [526] kunkletron1: out of breath [526] mrunnamed: me [526] dinomingoo: dinomingoo subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! Cmonnn [527] kazukispeach: em [527] StrawHatConstituent: Love handles [528] kazukispeach: m [528] kazukispeach: em [529] skullcrusher1605: Me [529] wrfro: me [529] doobiepuffer: Clear chair [529] big_ether: would [529] Loganator7690: jynxziFALL [529] StrawHatConstituent: Love handles [529] Patrick7813: I’m hard [529] o_g1814: Meeee [529] Arctips: jynxziGRIDDY [529] bknight444: when is bronny [529] 13mxk: ME [529] osorojo34: MEE [529] tmoney3034: meeee [529] bigrendawg69: ME [529] phoenixf54: NE [530] kazukispeach: m [531] kazukispeach: me [531] ItsMalikx: me [531] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: fat [532] t0xiccdog: me [532] Bruh_thatsmusty: PART TIME MCFATASS [532] PinkyTofuu: jujure1STARE jujure1STARE jujure1STARE jujure1STARE jujure1STARE [532] fops4455: jynxziHappy jynxziHappy jynxziHappy jynxziHappy jynxziHappy jynxziHappy jynxziHappy jynxziHappy jynxziHappy jynxziHappy jynxziHappy jynxziHappy [532] wateriest_suit: ME [532] VyseM4H: When is Jynxi stream is? [532] junko_slammed_him: mee [532] Lil_Twing: me [532] phoenix078x: ME [532] Shrando_Bomb: memememe [532] Vicordrengen: me [532] DarkRiptide03: meee [532] benny03_: ME [532] pantera_221: HURRY UP AND FINISH THIS FUCKING INTRO YOU DICK [532] kazukispeach: memmem [533] StrawHatConstituent: Love handles [533] kazukispeach: mmem [534] jadedmilf: juliansmilf subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months! me [535] okaymikeyyy: okaymikeyyy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 9 month streak! [535] officergoofy1: me [535] ttv_676baby: 1 [535] young_zaddy1106: just finished [535] N0T_JP: W VAPER [535] BsturkTV: me [535] ysgyaxe56: 1 [535] jamesschiav0: me [535] junko_slammed_him: meee [535] GeorgeURNAN: Me [535] Dragonkid0108: me [535] k0koloko63: sigma? [535] jooshi3_: me [535] zacv33: jynxziPACK [535] actaavis: me [536] lowerclassked: lowerclassked subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [536] lucast923: lucast923 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! I’m horny [536] sugcarlos: sugfuow subscribed with Prime. [537] kazukispeach: 4 [538] calgarycanuck99: me [538] YooSuhk: ME [538] dantesinferno369: Me [538] fcreezz: me [538] nick12498: ME [538] FrostySpace9055: not me [538] jynxgddaim: ME [538] Maybe_Roach: not me [538] kazukispeach: 44 [538] phvntxm0_: me [538] MibuR6: me [538] orlxw: 3 [538] devslatt: mee [538] jizzy_l: me [538] mic_too_good: me [539] kazukispeach: 4 [540] ItsMalikx: 4 [540] kazukispeach: 44 | Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [360] you [370] you [380] you [390] you [400] you [410] you [420] you [430] you [440] you [450] you [460] you [470] you [480] you [490] you [500] you [510] you [520] you [530] you | There is a Highlight between 300 and 600. Unfortunately, the sound is muted (due to copyright), but Jynxzi sings along to a song and then suddenly starts twerking. |
Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [1600] Tw0n89: blue hair was prime jinxzi [1600] mrcoin911: That guy would be in Breekie [1600] beholdtoxic: part timer!!!!!!!! [1600] Goat_Lion87: ZESSTY [1600] yayeet2747: smash [1600] dadley1_8: soooo cap [1600] duckzaptt: seduce me [1600] NFFe4rr: part timer [1600] mrballs2017: IM ALMOST FINISHED! [1600] tizumpug: part timer [1600] drippymippy67: skill issue [1600] bigballer1075: I would [1600] staxsonwii: hit [1600] phiiiilthy: stream harder [1600] therea1fever: ban him harder [1602] xfeaarr: stream better [1602] alphaa7x: GYATTTTTT [1602] trevwurster: WHENS FAN MAIL [1602] fridge_ff: when are u reacting? [1602] noob9nov: lie harder [1602] richxrdcolee: CAPPPP [1602] marijuanohavoc: 🧢 [1602] jarrycarry1: w [1602] noam___1: let me get some of that ass [1602] monkeyowner24: Part time streamer [1602] r_monkey0: PART-TIMERRR [1602] arrowzgotnomotion: would [1602] tdjax810: part timer [1602] XGNAPEXX: part time [1603] deh_1234: cap [1603] demboys1325: gyattttttttt [1603] crazy224unit: me too jynxzi [1603] joshhh__: 1 hour 30 left [1603] squiggly240: double or nothing [1603] jynxiismyfavoritestreamer: I’m harder [1603] kryan192: GYAT [1603] Zxkhius: we need more clips [1603] philisic: prime [1603] lizard_4639: when clipssss [1603] WindowLckerJP: Fix camera [1603] adamray61: you havent made it 6 hours at all this week [1603] Gucci_kid54: clip farm harder [1603] Nightbot: Blue crown —-> Free —-> no ads —-> charm: https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [1603] rangahead69: rangahead69 subscribed at Tier 1. [1605] Deerandom: gyat [1605] iiiiii1iiiilllll: bby girl [1605] BabyBiffle: stop talking so loud [1605] lealannoonan7: Part timer [1605] TTVcjj: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [1605] itachi85884: Stream harder [1605] marosi2004: GAME IS GAME [1605] kirby1005hk: WHAT HAPPENED YESTERDAY BUD [1605] mylestism: you were ass [1605] Bruh_thatsmusty: STREAM WORSE [1605] USAFM1ke: DRDISRESPECT WAITING DRDISRESPECT WAITING DRDISRESPECT WAITING DRDISRESPECT WAITING DRDISRESPECT WAITING [1605] hoodienate98: illuminati [1605] xompgoat: your reading imaginary comments [1605] ahcarirSsS: weight wise [1605] patriotsfan199: GYAT HARDER [1606] baller7jems: lied abt swatting [1606] matthewrealtor: breath softer [1606] robotmech8: peak [1606] 7z7z7z7z7z7z7z7z7z7z: 30 minutes left [1606] spades_skeleton: What's the announcement [1606] emmanuelb52: sexy ass middlesxhooler [1606] dabs037162: said that yesterday [1606] mika__3: i just came [1606] tinu_07: stream harder [1606] yaboixey: whens 6 hour? [1606] Scrooblord1234: REAL [1606] t3ch_supp0rtx: cap [1606] jarrycarry1: ww [1606] Nightbot: real [1608] uplift_frost: bronny is waiting [1608] gamer_a1010: REACT MORE REACTABLE [1608] utdjason: Only 6 hours?? [1608] kingjulienn3: REACT SOFTER [1608] boomroasted4881: PRIME [1608] moneky_man7649: BROS GYAT IS BIGGER THAN. E [1608] MebbyWebby: peak era [1608] treyknox04: cap [1609] ChangeTheChano: STREAM LONGER [1609] shelikedill: react harder [1609] RedDeadMachine: Stream better [1609] father1stju___: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [1609] copycatcloudy: prim [1609] berryyyz: max two hours [1609] junkossockxx: GYATTTTT [1609] owlblitz_yt: !LINK [1609] Nightbot: @owlblitz_yt If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [1609] leroyy2k: when does stream end? [1609] sheluvswull: l [1609] SwizzyAU: prime jynxzi middle school [1609] Nightbot: https://clips.twitch.tv/AdventurousHedonisticYakinikuBibleThump-pUxxa5Rp0x8aWNXU [1609] foxxiarz: 10k cheered junko [1609] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [1610] eliiis07: prime [1610] lukabrasi123: pancake harder [1610] do1t4state: 🧢 [1610] 44nightmareszz: when is bron 1v1 [1610] skiller8282: 2 hours ez [1610] DrDeadShot_: CAPPPPPPP 3 hrs top [1610] TTVcjj: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [1610] ur_boi_e: When is the reacting to the Clash of Clans bases? [1610] Disasterman420: announcement? [1610] goldblumisgod: dont listen to them [1610] IsaiahHommes: GUESS? 250LBS [1610] liljohnson_jr: cap [1610] inchsmarttv: 30 dead in seoul [1610] him_again_og: him_again_og subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! Zerkaa is waiting [1611] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: 2 goals 4 years [1612] Trix01AN: you streamed 26 seconds late you part-timer. [1612] oscarbandzz: I LOVE U JYNXCI [1612] tonydalowk: PEAK HARDER [1612] destroyerrowant: U peaked in the womb [1612] AvatarAced: still part time [1612] jakethegrape875: part timer [1612] BadDadJokes90: BAN GYYATT [1612] antivax_ryan: Post prime [1612] jrockets445: omg thanks for the sub [1612] Kingsofwater: LOLLLLLL [1612] d1purge_: 2 goals in 4 years btw [1612] goobershooter56: washed reactions [1612] logedoge: PRIME JYIMXZI [1612] Gucci_kid54: clip farm harder [1612] BlakeMaaate: L streamer casual streamer [1613] RedsIsBad: WHEN IS FAN MAIL [1613] canonaki: Chunko [1613] clbool: JYNKZI REACT TO RAPIDZ RYZE ITS A ACE BEST CLIP ITW [1613] morgano12: when is irl stream with sketch [1613] jxke_og13: how big is it [1613] realnot_crxpt1c: go harder [1613] bigtimehog: cap [1614] thecrohnsguy: Cheer1 [1615] h0llywood666: IQ 147 [1615] VyseM4H: When will Jynxzi be live Junko [1615] AyWATP: when is clips [1615] arrowzgotnomotion: who said do it queef [1615] TTVcjj: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [1615] inchsmarttv: 30 dead in Seoul [1615] kxngpsycho: 2 GOALS [1615] Bruh_thatsmusty: STREAM SOFTER [1615] Kingsofwater: LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL [1615] ACE_LYFTY: ngaa [1615] pistolverts: u love little kidsss [1615] THORgoes: BLINK HARDER. [1615] Nightbot: no 🧢 [1615] Nightbot: mild tourettes (something he can't control.) be nice! [1616] Sooooomuchsauce: 3hours Holy cow! [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [1621] uszrtrey: BLINK HARDER [1621] synncose: L glazerL glazer [1621] jnxd10: JYNXZI WHAT HAPPEND TO THE SIX HOUR YESTERDAY [1621] bmk_0: W @coffeezillasdaughter [1621] eliash1002: DEBATABLE [1621] pur_str_xp1: DR DISRESPECT IMITATE YOU TODAY [1621] GHOSTEEE_23: ur gonna go 1 and 5 and sell ur teammates [1621] afulafnbr: do it squirt?? [1621] mrhaeton: L washed streamre [1621] Saunr1: cap [1621] razoo020: washed [1621] asydbc: yall nasty [1621] NachoFishYT: 30 minute mark incoming [1621] nioascoob: by showout he means stompn gonna showout [1621] tdjax810: bro WAS NOT the fastest kid in middle school [1622] donielous: part timer [1622] JointedBlunt: bouta sell tmr or turn up? [1622] k1rky1: your old [1622] maxhdcfc: cap [1622] T1me2ghost_06: caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads [1622] t0mthedominater: CAP [1622] highonit999: jo [1622] pessiandmessi: fart [1622] flaccid_toes: nuh uh [1622] LukeB4rr: WHITE SPEEDDDD [1623] envy_lxser11: Pride100 Pride100 [1624] highonit999: o [1624] mrhaeton: par timer [1624] mematron3000: caseoh is watjng [1624] jebronlames23234: since berf [1624] uplift_frost: react harder [1624] troyurboi28: 0.2 [1624] Zxkhius: we need better clips react better [1624] Johnmicheals4564: part timer [1624] iqvisions: Clix better [1624] scornscizzor: when is friday [1624] valorantwatcherhhh: im better then you [1624] lilaaronlee2: yo [1624] american_ore0: react with more enthusiasm [1624] kcbeats_: 5:40 hour stream at best [1624] NoLoveJayt: pre first rounded [1625] sebas_isbetter: Ur gonna bottom frag [1625] george_sainsbury: !link [1625] EternalKatze: ETERNALKATZE WATCH CLIP [1625] kuoe_: kuoe_ subscribed at Tier 1. [1625] swagfart777: DR.DISRESPECT CALLED YOU OUT FOR THE 1V1!!!! [1625] SwizzyAU: middle school was prime jynxzi [1625] seanlame: PRIME JUNKO [1625] iron_marz: lmao he said zerkha is waiting [1625] isorem1x: white speed 45 minute stream [1625] hypepercent: tug m [1625] AyWATP: when is 24 hour stream [1625] breadandcottagecheese: LATTEEEEE [1625] hannngtime: Ricci's waiting [1625] afulafnbr: bad aimmmm [1626] Howdy_x_Wildy: full time is 8 hours brother [1626] cra1ger777: can u do ps clips next [1626] Nightbot: k [1626] bdoooos: are you 1v1ing spoit sunday [1626] thecrohnsguy: Cheer100 [1628] glueater6000: How big is it? [1628] iamxpot: bro says this every day then streams for 3 hours L part timer [1628] staxsonwii: react harder [1628] pramified: no you are not ur ass [1628] adamnardi: anybody else see the leak? [1628] zurkesss: Fall back harder [1628] kashon_2021: cap your getting carried [1628] xJakeShiesty: johnson reveal 50 gifted [1628] StreamElements: chromiqs has spent 1 day 19 hours watching jynxzi [1628] shelikedill: bro react harder [1628] Principa1ity: part time washed fat [1628] Fossabot: @wsgvincent, Your message is too long [1628] YEZTY__: part time streamer [1628] mintyspringg: FART ON ME [1629] scuzzyy24: like mystikal said. shake ya ass [1629] fnlauris2010: L capper L capper L capper L capper L capper L capper part timer [1629] yuikk__: almost 30 minutes time to end part timer [1629] jbhayward: what time is fan mail [1629] cxnz33: sit harder [1629] lilknifer561: when is 8 when is 8 when is 8 when is 8 when is 8 when is 8 [1629] swagfart777: DR.DISRESPECT CALLED YOU OUT FOR THE 1V1 [1629] rmjzixn: face cam too good [1629] moneky_man7649: YOU SUCK [1631] MonkiDayZ: His punis finally peaked in elementary [1631] greatestgriddygrady: white speed [1631] subscribetoomlyt: cap white speed [1631] bnasty308: rage harder, not funny [1631] B1aCk0uTdUsTy: #jynxzi is getting touched tonight [1631] nestiee__: wheres sketch lil brooooooo [1631] broadstbullies10: 6 hour harder [1631] whyme47348: u have gyatt [1631] yokes000: fan mail when [1631] 76vertix: BAN HARDER [1631] Papi_7even: I GOT MONEY ON YOU JUNKO DONT SELL [1631] Yazsi: SOUND BUG [1631] mangotango2k: cry me a river [1631] sonnyD_24_hi: jynxzi just got ur charm [1632] xtyrant0: clip softer [1632] anselparsa: when is vaping stream? @jynxzi [1632] FredIsCrackD: Kai is waiting [1632] LukeB4rr: WHITE SPEEDDDDDD [1632] farisbrutalia: Kai vs Caseoh IRL [1632] airstrike_99: when is roller prime [1632] daddyg_1817: steve [1632] k1rky1: out of prime L [1632] datprk: 30 mins left [1632] svice47: speed clone [1632] pistolverts: u love little kidssssssi [1632] szabiley1: when is the bealuo 1v1? [1632] staxsonwii: please kiss me [1632] ed_wa_er_: 2 hour streamer [1632] gabee19: jynxzi is that the same shirt I nutted on? [1633] jxke_og13: how fucking big is it [1633] rvng_grnnja: !LINK [1633] speeder10000: Cheer100 [1634] staxsonwii: gyatt [1634] rhysstone22: react harder [1634] Slab7: Slab7 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! you're hilarious!!! [1634] toxiiwnl: Come on man jynxzi harder [1634] omarggvog: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLL stream [1634] d4rkcyclonz: full timer [1634] carlosc5665: why are we lying tho [1634] porlagee: Junko let's play siege together [1634] BadDadJokes90: PART TIMER [1634] swungbyaj: slide a sub [1634] kursed_zade: jynxziVapeBreak [1634] lockeykockey3: NO UR NOT COMIN ME [1634] synncose: L glazer [1634] x_h3adhunt3r_x2: you said you quit being a part timer and was a part timer yesterday L bully [1635] b5stix: what’s up chat [1635] tommowavyy: it’s 5 o’clock somewhere!!! ! [1635] thebulletlegend: WHITE SPEEEDDDDD [1635] coopcade1233: Hi how is your day [1635] vfxlo: fatass [1635] Arin7XS: legally blind [1635] dad_builds: jynxziRage jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziBounce [1635] king_ybr: when is sketch vs kai? [1635] pistolverts: u love little kids [1635] swagfart777: DR.DISRESPECT CALLED YOU OUT FOR THE 1V1!!!! [1635] LukeB4rr: WHITE SPEEDDDD [1635] jacktheswordzguy: 5 bits [1635] teoplastaras: Peack 9 wears old [1635] trouble75839: and react [1635] xofficialkevo: !link [1636] eddiegz84: loo [1636] RKAqua: blink harder [1636] meddyy3: white speed [1637] 69iliketurtles: you looking mad zesty [1637] goldenhayhay789: white speed [1637] kashon_2021: stompin cheerleader [1637] mrmilku1234: Calling sketch he waiting portioning [1637] PayMeToThrow: jynxi charm is GLAZING jynxi charm is GLAZING [1637] nae____nae: whens 1v1 with Juice Wrld? [1637] c0nf1rmed: washed [1637] Jojo_The_Chimp: pay rayan [1638] LukeB4rr: WHITE SPEEDDDDD [1638] clickkyc: skyteBADAIM [1638] 2xbxlletsz: YURRRRRR [1638] mrballs2017: STOPMOVING IM ALMOST DONE [1638] gypsyfreak01: Is it big [1638] mematron3000: jinxzi junko is watjng [1638] MAD5411: when is Caseoh vs Kai [1638] valv3d: YOURE WASHED UP [1638] The_SenZor: how long is stream? [1638] amarifan232: w aim [1638] edwxies: react harder [1638] freddywebb055: !charm [1638] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [1638] EternalKatze: BRO LOOK AT MY CLIP ETERNALKATZE BRO IM TELLING U [1639] seanlame: PRIME JUNKO WHEN HE WAS NINE [1639] PayMeToThrow: jynxi charm is GLAZING jynxi charm is GLAZING jynxi charm is GLAZING jynxi charm is GLAZING [1639] Nightbot: Blue crown —-> Free —-> no ads —-> charm: https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [1639] stinkingset74020: said “6 hour streamer” the last three streams and none hit 6 [1639] scatchhhhh: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [1639] juicey___y: what’s up brother🤓☝️ [1639] niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick: WHAY [1639] LukeB4rr: WHITE SPEEDDDDDD [1639] tommowavyy: it’s 5 o’clock somewhere! [1639] clapz__yt: REACT FAATER [1639] tizumpug: bully [1639] ajaystayfaded: miss jynxzi prime from. 1997 [1639] peakyseaside: !time [1639] yoresse2: ??? [1639] adamnardi: definitely was jynxzis jelly rolls in that leak [1640] 0rion91: ??????? [1640] philipp2889: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [1640] clbool: WHENS KAI CENAT VS CASEOH [1640] 1ukef: jynxziCharizard [1640] adrian62345: REACT LORD [1640] thebulletlegend: WHITE SPEEEDDDD [1640] sambavz679: WHITE SPEED [1640] josewzrd: stream softer [1640] michael_ogles: Why did you say the n word? [1640] tonydalowk: WHENS THE SPOIT VS STOMPN [1642] ziobullone: be a part timer harder [1642] swagfart777: DR.DISRESPECT CALLED YOU OUT FOR THE 1V1!!!!!! [1642] opmbeno: when is fanmail [1642] wmudon: what? [1642] zgoat69: make me harder [1642] Yatoslug: no part time today junkie [1642] ltsjustbrandon: PRE 4-20 [1642] histiosurvivor: react humanly [1642] matthew575463458: when is spoit v Xim [1642] adrian62345: REACT HARDER [1642] yvltokyo: W [1642] mintyspringg: fart on meg [1642] BadDadJokes90: PART TIMERR [1642] copycatcloudy: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [1642] xxwidlyxx: react harder [1643] clapz__yt: REACT FASTER [1643] blpemfan69: 30 MINUTE MARK SLOWING COMING UP [1643] Pico727: Black speed [1643] eddiegz84: white speed lol [1643] twitchbotfn_: GYAT [1645] Yazsi: SOUND BUGG [1645] Vertex_72: RESVT BETTER [1645] unknowns_wrld: good aim what ? [1645] crimsontide17: WHITE SPEED [1645] destroyerrowant: Badd aaiiiiimmmmmm [1645] prof_smurf: Kroger brand speed [1645] cambam1295: you always say it is a long stream then get off at 4 hrs 😭 [1645] conn0113x: MyAvatar [1645] mybanana_45: white soeed [1645] pele1554: she’s [1645] drewbea: white speed [1645] hbraul74: 6HR STREAM DONT MAKE YOU A 6HR STREAMER [1645] savgew: SEE HARDER [1645] markythe3rde: Breathe harder [1646] faiss99: REACT WITH MORE PASSION [1646] boogarsugar123: Doodlr [1646] xaiman100x: react to zerko [1647] iiiiii1iiiilllll: FAT JUNKO [1647] Valiyx_: REACT HARDER [1647] lykan608: you’re copper [1647] helioz1275: YOU GONNA GO NEGATIVE LIKE YOU ALWAYS DO 0.7 KD HAVING AHH [1647] blpemfan69: 30 MINUTE MARK SLOWING COMING UP. [1647] gumbogoooo: SPIT HARDER [1647] darkfrostyyy: white speed the one hour mark is approaching [1647] Amii_Tsunamii: HITTING THE 30 MIN MARK CHATTT 1 HOUR AND 30 MINS LEFT!!! [1647] nymil__: WHITE SPEED HARDER [1647] zeddsthename: when are clips [1647] father1stju___: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke [1648] dmx5p: WHITE SPEED [1648] ep2831: why do you weight 280? [1648] d_sgustin: white speed part timer who needs to react harder and be faster cause sketch is waiting [1648] hxarveybanks06: Roll letters harder [1648] WEgoLEGEND74: white speed [1648] lilsquirt_3: yo when’s clips? [1648] breadandcottagecheese: HUH? [1648] maxqzu: REACT BIGGER JUNKO [1648] v0rtex079: When's fanmail tonight [1648] savmatty: twitch harder [1648] playyaaaaaa: white speed [1648] iluvzebra12: When is fanmail [1648] luwill908: when xim beat u u ended at the 3 hour mark [1648] hypepercent: can u tug me [1649] berto2hk: no way they wasted a spot on your washed ass🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. [1649] tommowavyy: it’s 5 o’clock somewhere!!! ,/! [1649] mybanana_45: white sleed [1649] solot14: oof [1649] mamadzinolda: W [1650] boistic: jynxzi clone [1650] quackinator0: react harder [1650] prof_smurf: Kroger speed [1650] father1stju___: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [1650] TheLlamaHabibi: GIMME UR BONNEEER [1650] asydbc: THIS CHAT IS ASS [1650] eddiegz84: purple speed [1650] Valiyx_: REACT HARDERR [1650] agentghostfn: When is 24 hour stream [1651] playyaaaaaa: WHITE SPEED [1651] englishwhatch: WHEN IS JYNXZI VS SHAIIKO [1651] LukeB4rr: WHITE SPEEDDDD [1651] trippie_spedz: how do you submit clip if you don’t run Xbox [1651] caseohww: Breath HARDER [1651] thetesticulartorter: jynxziVapeBreak [1651] arrowzgotnomotion: black speed [1651] SnarFnatureR: BETTER AIM THAN U [1651] pur_str_xp1: DR DISRESPECT IMITATE YOU TODAY [1651] trouble75839: Go to PlayStation and react, go to PlayStation and react go to PlayStation and react, go to PlayStation, and react to PlayStation and react [1651] lippo966: !settings [1651] crotch_gobbler1: when’s fan mail [1651] yummycookies612_: when does clips start [1651] Nightbot: https://clips.twitch.tv/FurtivePiercingRavenRiPepperonis-Q7Z6UtOCxU_bV5fV [1652] sambavz679: REACT HARDER [1652] TemptFN_: face cam to obnoxious [1652] jack123the3: hey my big daddy junko [1652] capxhaa: 🧢 [1652] breadandcottagecheese: YOU FELL OFF [1652] slimetoklpz: How do we send you clips [1652] akmase47: h [1652] Spoidz_: react harder [1652] Nightbot: h [1652] xlpans: w [1652] STORAGEONTOP: white speed [1652] mynxerr: wait this kid is going to cook now [1652] vfxlo: breath harder [1652] johnson_is_1: yo [1653] pbcj: WHEN IS SHROUD 1v1 [1653] peakyseaside: Middle school was your prime [1653] Uncommon209: ROLLLER KING MODESTO [1653] thediabetic: what is this crazy anououncment [1654] 2amzzz: REACT HARDER BRO [1654] r6isgood14: whens clips [1654] lukemahomie: wwwwwwwwwwwwww [1654] JUST_RESET_LUL: soft boy [1654] mrmilku1234: Scream harder [1654] LukeB4rr: WHITE SPEEDDDDDD [1654] hypepercent: can u tug me! [1654] tokyo_drift149: when are you reacting to clips [1655] jynxzijohnson5: yooo love your streams cheer 1000 [1655] FZbrownie: white speex [1655] solot14: bad aim shitty aim [1655] mattzags: react harder [1655] dylboss124: jynxziBuena [1655] xNilo121: stream faster [1655] svice47: react harder [1655] aceofgods07: whens jynxi vs jynxi ????? [1655] FRESH__KNIGHT__111: WHITE SPEED [1655] karammxfjd: React better [1655] thcinfested: best junko ahh aim [1655] mrgetupintheree: react better kid [1655] gregovalhead: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [1655] NachoFishYT: 30 minute mark incoming [1655] zonaryvirus77: yurrrrr [1656] thatguyncholas: speed is better than u [1656] LukeB4rr: WHITE SPEEDDDD [1656] RageDaaGreat: W GIFTED SUBS [1656] clapz__yt: WWW [1656] Yeezon00: Ishowmeat [1656] ghostofnykr: 1v1 Dr Disrespect [1656] fazeeyk: BA BC WE [1656] ganqr14: white speed [1656] SnarFnatureR: BETTER AIN THAN U [1656] yurboilayne: react harder [1656] mut69: react fatter [1656] sonnyD_24_hi: jynxziLOL [1656] QuadzohPlays: QuadzohPlays subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! RAHHH [1656] x_taffy: REACT HARDER PANCAKE [1656] mintyspringg: I LOVE YOU [1657] wavyyair: white speed [1657] Zurx727: who hosted? [1657] bobby0m: FELL OFF ONLY 70K VIEWERS [1657] frozennngod: !link [1657] gooey_underpants: white speed [1657] adrian62345: XQC CLONE [1657] dejvid1997: when fanmail did i miss itt [1657] luis_the_loser: nut harder [1657] lilaaronlee2: lilaaronlee2 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [1658] miirrr4k: REACT HARDER [1658] lilaaronlee2: lilaaronlee2 gifted a Tier 1 sub to caysonlile! [1658] tommowavyy: it’s 5 o’clock somewhere!!! 665) [1658] typsyyyy: UR GONNA HIT THE THIRTY MIN MARK [1658] crimsontide17: WHITE SPEED. [1658] maxhdcfc: where’s Kai [1658] GronkSpike89: u sa1d that last nght [1658] SPLATGT: stream with more elegance [1658] ashtxn____: I miss the old jynxzi, I miss 2019 junko [1658] akke10004: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [1658] ry4nd4v15: I have on in my pants [1658] LukeB4rr: WHITE SPEEDDDDDD [1658] mybanana_45: white spedd [1659] samg0ul: clix better [1659] rizzlergjb39: react more [1659] Brahley: Bros getting tips from coppers [1659] mth_127: WHACHT HARDER [1659] LaSalle19: Black speed [1659] r_monkey0: be harder junky [1659] kieran11156: jynxzi7LOL jynxzi7LOL jynxzi7LOL [1660] xofficialkevo: !Link [1660] carneyfn: white speed [1660] muddyass420: Turn sound brightness up [1660] Amii_Tsunamii: 30 MINUTE MARK CHAT [1660] crotch_gobbler1: poop [1660] LukeB4rr: WHITE SPEEDDDD [1660] jnxd10: JYNXZI WHAT HAPPEND TO THE SIX HOUR YESTERDAY [1660] morgano12: when is irl stream with sketch [1660] itza_miracle: stream harder [1660] clapz__yt: WHITE SPEED [1660] sonoxxet: sonoxxet subscribed with Prime. [1660] hypepercent: tug me junki [1660] SlySoulxd: SlySoulxd subscribed with Prime. [1660] savgew: WHITE SPEED IS MAD [1660] staxsonwii: white speed [1661] xojay_flocka: react softer [1661] yurdzi: bos g [1661] killernitewolf: Your dope [1661] peterbot_fan1: better aim than you [1661] cxnz33: sit harder [1661] RedsIsBad: WHEN IS FAN MAIL WHEN IS FAN MAIL WHEN IS FAN MAIL WHEN IS FAN MAIL [1661] MidRollerJ: just like you [1661] tommylee_bruh: first talk harder, react harder, be faster, and get harder🤦 [1661] leoochmia: i am always hard when im watching you jynxzi [1662] LukeB4rr: WHITE SPEEDDDDD [1662] Doublefli: w [1662] d4rkcyclonz: react softer [1662] pbcj: when is shroud 1v1 [1662] TheLlamaHabibi: IK UR HARD [1662] ed_wa_er_: 2 hour streamer [1662] aShortPerson2: poop [1662] jjpapa_: WHITE SPEED WHITE SPEED WHITE SPEED WHITE SPEED WHITE SPEED WHITE SPEED WHITE SPEED WHITE SPEED WHITE SPEED WHITE SPEED WHITE SPEED WHITE SPEED WHITE SPEED WHITE SPEED WHITE SPEED [1662] professorfinesser01: oof [1662] mlg_lightfreshy: look harder [1663] konahriik123: react harder [1663] dvnskii: stream harder [1663] r6isgood14: w [1663] crypt057: stream harder [1663] tommowavyy: it’s 5 o’clock somewhere!!! 356 [1663] mynxerr: let his cook [1663] EhDoBew: Nvm. Idiot and a man who [1663] harryrostron: hey jynxzi, I have watched you streams for a while and you never fail to make me get out of my wheelchair and turn it off. stream harder [1663] peakyseaside: middle school was your prime [1663] kalebtaylor17: REACT SOFTER [1663] FredIsCrackD: Kai is waiting [1663] helioz1275: WHITE SPEED [1663] PYRO3101: SWING HARDER [1663] LukeB4rr: WHITE SPEEDDDDDD [1663] tizumpug: react harder [1664] usual_flex4: HOW DO I SEND CLIPS CHUNKO [1664] stgrid: dre80un4frunrnjiorenij3fornovjitr [1664] mangotango2k: cry me a river [1664] george_sainsbury: jynxziWTF [1664] lilaaronlee2: yo [1664] blpemfan69: 30 MINUTE MARK SLOWLY COMING UP [1664] Jmangunslinger510: be fat harder [1664] valorantwatcherhhh: is it purple [1665] STORAGEONTOP: what’s up brother [1665] P3Decimus: Face cam to big [1665] hubcap32: react harder [1665] stanchhealer984: React harder [1665] NFFe4rr: white speed [1665] BabyFaceBamBam: Wait is Jynxzi [1665] twsei1: taiwanese speed [1665] legoawesomeism3: !LINK [1665] fakemegatorpr: fakemegatorpr gifted a Tier 1 sub to voiloidd! This is their first Gift Sub in the channel! [1665] alospenjamin: PRE END [1665] waterhorse256: 💀💀💀💀 [1666] viisualiize: when’s fan mail ? [1666] cole4455: LEBRON IS WAITING [1666] aceofgods07: REACT BETTER PUSSY [1666] mrmilku1234: White Speed [1666] tommowavyy: it’s 5 o’clock somewhere!!! 0 [1666] ShadowNinja_7: jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF [1667] jaytalkt0em: 🤣 [1667] ganqr14: why are u copying speed [1667] lilaaronlee2: y [1667] chandlerscott999: react faster [1667] crotch_gobbler1: p [1667] ItzMultiKillx: SO WE ARE IN COPPER [1667] xofficialkevo: !LINK [1667] neweracbb: STFU [1667] mybanana_45: buck suck [1667] blpemfan69: 30 MINUTE MARK SLOWLY COMING UP . [1667] hypepercent: i want a tug [1667] joelennon99: when’s 1v1 against ryanstoyreviews [1667] ace_z00m: shotgun pussy [1667] swagfart777: DR.DISRESPECT CALLED YOU OUT FOR THE 1V1 [1668] rizzlergjb39: STREAM HARDER [1668] lachy_kr: react better [1668] softpeopleneedtogetout727: my ersssssssssss [1668] caseohspepnips: WHITE SPEED [1668] ducksnifflemonkeyball: ducksnifflemonkeyball subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! [1668] xompgoat: he’s like u site in a corner with a shotgun [1668] nae____nae: whens 1v1 with Juice Wrld? [1668] yurboilayne: stream harder [1668] wavyyair: white soeed [1668] flaccid_toes: of? [1668] akke10004: react harder [1668] rmjzixn: face cam too good [1669] faze_cloud68: wsg part timer [1669] noahjett33: Party1 [1669] zeronamesallowed: WHITE SPEED [1669] blpemfan69: 30 MINUTE MARK SLOWLY COMING UP .. [1669] GHOSTEEE_23: my ears omg [1669] kadonlee: white speed [1669] killernitewolf: W [1669] amSherman: Roll your R's harder [1669] v0rtex079: Talk harder [1670] dirtygyro718_: WATCH CLIPS HARDER WATCH CLIPS HARDER WATCH CLIPS HARDER WATCH CLIPS HARDER [1670] trenta222: L BULLY [1670] Jmangunslinger510: be fat more? [1670] sandy_sir: L BULLY [1670] 2amzzz: BAD AIM [1670] conn0113x: good aim [1670] kekwbr: react lesser [1670] itsxv1p: itsxv1p subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 6 month streak! Bad aimmmm [1670] m0zzar3lla1: of course [1670] thecoolestkidw: cold [1670] solot14: hahaha [1670] MAD5411: when is Caseoh vs Kai [1670] thcinfested: it basically is a sniper [1671] BoBoDragga: what's the clips account? [1671] eianz_: when does the reactions start [1671] yvltokyo: MlNlMlNTER WAlTING [1671] softpeopleneedtogetout727: my ears [1671] thatguyncholas: speed dupe [1671] DAxUCE: first round seller [1671] copycatcloudy: face cam too big [1671] knutupnext: L part timer [1671] ghftedgf: CLIP FARMING [1671] gamer_a1010: REACT MORE REACTABLE [1671] drslevx: link [1671] kyden608: L BULLT [1671] FZbrownie: white speed [1672] stanchhealer984: React faster [1672] mrlegendpubg: migaa [1672] blpemfan69: 30 MINUTE MARK SLOWLY COMING UP … [1672] oneswiftyboii: react harder [1672] dylboss124: jynxziCORNY [1672] stinkingset74020: said “6 hour streamer” the last three streams and none hit 6 [1672] hhoonigann: bust [1672] Encryptoh: bollocks mate [1672] ii_cabaye: what time stream tonight [1672] lilaaronlee2: yooo [1672] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: he inherited ur gamesense [1672] PYRO3101: HEAR HARDER [1672] eianz_: when does the reactions start [1672] xzileds_: DADA [1672] hypepercent: tug me junki [1673] kieran11156: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 [1673] polski_brat0_0: STREAM HARDWR [1673] brodyslayer: white speed [1673] diff3rentlock: WHITE SPEED WHITE SPEED WHITE SPEED WHITE SPEED WHITE SPEED WHITE SPEEDWHITE SPEED WHITE SPEED WHITE SPEED WHITE SPEED WHITE SPEED WHITE SPEED WHITE SPEED WHITE SPEED [1673] xojay_flocka: react softer. [1673] bigbeakboy: PRE END [1673] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: he inherited ur gamesense [1674] StreamElements: If you're a gamer, you need a Starforge! Snag one -> https://starforgepc.com/Jynxzi [1674] lukabrasi123: pancake harder [1674] blpemfan69: 30 MINUTE MARK SLOWLY COMING UP ….. [1674] tragicredgaming: when is speed 1v1 [1674] hxarveybanks06: Roll your letters harder [1674] eianz_: when does the reactions start [1674] BOOGI3_R6: L Bully [1674] tolstrupp: when is stream ending @Jynxzi [1674] hubcap32: L reacter [1674] vixzo10: jynxziChampion_TK jynxziChampion_TK jynxziChampion_TK jynxziChampion_TK [1674] 76vertix: react harder [1674] Vuxdy: ome5 [1674] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [1676] xamsintv: so is this like the white speed sorry im new? [1676] ishiddeddd: Doc [1676] anselparsa: when is vaping stream? @jynxzi [1676] tonydalowk: white speed [1676] plumpy100: hi [1676] moroseten: Better aim than you [1676] bochpo23: bochpo23 subscribed at Tier 1. [1677] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: he inherited ur gamesense [1677] xaiman100x: react to zerko [1677] cra1ger777: jynxziSNOT [1677] wyfyttv: STREAM SEXIER [1677] Goobacca710: jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh [1677] PenjaminSir: bros a part timer [1677] d_sgustin: white speed part timer who needs to react harder and be faster cause sketch and bronny is waiting [1677] pvoisthename: HE DONT KNOW YOU LIL BRO [1677] g59_aoki: jynxzi get your dick out! [1677] hhoonigann: BUSSTTSTSTSTS [1677] nickka_clickka: this is what you do [1677] carzyev1234: bruh [1677] PYRO3101: SMILE HARDER [1677] o_o50: didnt diddy want to invite or do a stream with Adin ross?? [1677] Bruh_thatsmusty: NOBODY ASKED [1679] Conkion: U ARENT TALKING TO HIM IN REAL TIME [1679] zeddsthename: when are clips [1679] rmaxr6: L bully [1679] clbool: WHENS DJ KHALED 1V1? [1679] icethunder23: good aim [1679] pessiandmessi: FART [1679] gabee19: jynxzi is that the same shirt I nutted on? [1679] tokyodifter156: Cool [1681] markythe3rde: Better than u [1681] jynxzyyyyy: jynxziWTF_BW jynxziWTF_BW jynxziWTF_BW jynxziWTF_BW [1681] STEPOFF_2021: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [1681] rubix__twitch: white speed [1681] chuckle13: stream skinnier [1681] vlorccs: Jynxi [1681] livetylerr: xim is waiting [1681] destroyerrowant: Hey be nice [1681] g59jackie_: OH MY GOD [1681] xxlighterox: how do I send clips [1681] eddiegz84: we in champ [1681] jacktheswordzguy: ban him rn [1681] rizzlergjb39: WHITE SPEED [1681] softpeopleneedtogetout727: REact harder REact harder REact harder REact harder REact harder REact harder REact harder REact harder REact harder REact harder REact harder REact harder REact harder REact harder REact harder [1681] blpemfan69: 30 MINUTE MARK SLOWLY COMING UP [1682] TheMobster: !prime [1682] agentghostfn: When is 24 hour stream [1682] m0zzar3lla1: 30 minutes left [1682] Nightbot: Subscribe to @Jynxzi for FREE with Twitch Prime Twitch.tv/subs/jynxzi [1682] coIdein: when is bro streaming [1682] hbraul74: 6HR STREAM DONT MAKE YOU A 6HR STREAMER [1682] Fossabot: @lonishqipee, Your message is too long [1682] xjustus05: !link [1682] bumbusterjuco: screamed louder [1682] cris_71907: what you doing for Easter what you doing for Easter [1682] valv3d: LIGHTSKIN SPEED [1682] pantera_221: HES YOU [1682] mrgetupintheree: clip farming [1682] himmcuz: WHITE SPEED WHITE SPEED WHITE SPEED [1682] barrett_dagoat24: YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE [1684] k1rky1: BETTER AIM THAN YOU L [1684] tdjax810: he can’t hear you idiot [1684] Nightbot: Full Time Streamer ❌ Full Time Vape God ✅ [1684] keaton_y21: ur stream is reversed reversed [1684] colbyjm1: Skwtch is [1684] blpemfan69: 30 MINUTE MARK SLOWLY COMING UP . [1684] maagmerkz25: better then u [1684] elexirr69: u are partimer [1684] biggfiles59: biggfiles59 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [1684] ganqr14: stop being white speed [1684] hypepercent: tug me [1684] haagkali: Go to the gym [1684] sophiebloiss: your face cam needs to react harder [1684] g59_aoki: JYNXZI GET UR DICK OUT! [1684] benguinzz: Jynxzi [1685] MonkaTheJuicer1: L bully [1685] eldopops: jynxi just broke my monitor speakers [1685] camille_134: l bully [1685] shadowxzcz: uni [1685] ishiddeddd: mr disrespect [1685] trenta222: LET HIM COOK [1685] leo_brannan0192: fan when is mail [1685] tommowavyy: it’s 5 o’clock somewhere!!! [1685] LightningKakuzu: KANYE WEST 1V1 [1685] giftmesubforcharm: gyatttttt [1685] lachy_kr: play fall guys tn [1685] cris_71907: what you doing for Easter [1685] kieran11156: GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride [1686] Vertex_72: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW SNIPER [1686] egrimey23: react to clix montage [1686] mrhaeton: play siege harder [1686] NachoFishYT: 30 minute mark incoming [1686] ttv_taxablelemon68: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [1686] r6isgood14: w [1686] PenjaminSir: u should start streaming full time [1686] Sou1Taker215: WORST CLIPOFTHEDAY [1686] hypepercent: tug meeee [1686] finnisthebest1234: BLACK SPEED [1686] Elden_Wraith: critique harder [1686] adrianoboss69420: REACT HARDER BUDDY [1686] blpemfan69: 30 MINUTE MARK SLOWLY COMING UP .. [1686] vixolizard69: copper 6 [1686] fazeeyk: TIME ME OUT PLSSSSS [1688] hypepercent: tug meeeeee [1688] viisualiize: react harder [1688] tt_thic_boy: good aim [1688] goddddddaim555: FACE REVEAL [1688] iketheman88: lmao [1688] slykric0: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [1688] raptorman222: stream faster [1688] camille_134: L bully [1688] SPLATGT: sn [1688] bandzzzzzz1: let him cook 🙏 [1688] Bruh_thatsmusty: L BULLY [1688] GHOSTEEE_23: fan aiming is hot [1688] blpemfan69: 30 MINUTE MARK SLOWLY COMING UP . [1688] teeko_flamez: White speed is waiting [1690] ttv_yijo: shut up white speed [1690] plumpy100: white speed [1690] karammxfjd: React better [1690] spungw: l bully [1690] shwayy1: reading this chat is making me lose braincells [1690] bdoooos: are you 1v1ing spoit sunday [1690] quackinator0: L bully [1690] mut69: react fatter [1690] cartop5489: L bully [1690] joaspayingbills: react harder [1690] tommowavyy: it’s 5 o’clock somewhere!! [1690] morgano12: when is irl stream with sketch [1690] ttv_taxablelemon68: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [1690] java19861: I would believe that your gonna run for president then belive your going higher then a 0.4 kd [1690] giftmesubforcharm: gyoast [1691] johnson_jynxzi: L bully [1691] Quiet_Violent: !slots [1691] kuoe_: jynxziHappy [1691] StreamElements: @Quiet_Violent you got OpieOP | 4Head | BibleThump and lost your 100 points LUL [1691] hypepercent: tug meeee [1691] TTVLdogruls: 10 k bit [1691] cra1ger777: can u do ps clips next [1691] tonydalowk: fucking idiot [1692] zavsmh: END THE STREAM [1692] eviljaxon: clip farm harder [1692] konahriik123: react hardee [1692] blpemfan69: 30 MINUTE MARK SLOWLY COMING UP …. [1692] r_monkey0: 28* [1692] skyteiswashed: good aim [1692] cxnz33: sit harder [1692] lukeslim89: Stfu junko [1692] tjukky: pre 2 hour stream [1692] dabakkie: crimSTANCE crimSTANCE crimSTANCE crimSTANCE crimSTANCE crimSTANCE crimSTANCE crimSTANCE crimSTANCE crimSTANCE crimSTANCE [1692] cceCHAMPmateo: Clix better [1692] savmatty: COACH HARDER [1692] Yazsi: SOUND BUG [1692] kyleghs: hey bubble ass react quirkier [1692] maxqzu: REACT LOUDER WHITE SPEED [1693] hypepercent: tug meeeeee [1693] Bruh_thatsmusty: L BULLY’ [1693] dootch7: better than you [1693] prof_smurf: Save a lot speed BibleThump BibleThump [1693] sweatyboi63: react cooler [1693] trajanfn: WWWW [1693] Doublefli: mcrnacho [1693] moe_bojan: hairline higher [1693] ShadowNinja_7: bro just keep shooting LUL jynxziGLASSES [1693] g59_aoki: Rainbow Six Marketplace beta. [1693] tommylee_bruh: who asked [1693] caseyj_13: white speed [1693] vonr62k: white sketch [1693] creamycheese67: when’s fanmail? [1693] imshtonedmanlmao: speed clone [1694] special_speed8: I’m literally subbed and I get ads [1695] rhysinnes71: rhysinnes71 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months! [1695] liamog1239: white speed clone [1695] xbg_reax: L bully [1695] viisualiize: L bully [1695] peakyseaside: middle school was your prime [1695] caseohww: Yappppppp [1695] sirswaggertoniv: sirswaggertoniv subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! [1695] damienmill2007: Dono [1695] hxarveybanks06: Roll letters harder [1695] itz_locoz: !sub [1695] tmoney3034: let mans cook [1695] thetesticulartorter: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [1695] angus1664681: !LINK [1695] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [1695] Nightbot: Xbox Series X [1696] yurdzi: better than u [1696] ArdeeTheOne: WHAT IS UR USERNAME [1696] il_naso_di_mariosturniolo: Coach harder [1696] eianz_: okay [1696] gooey_underpants: l bully [1696] VyseM4H: When will Jynxzi be live Junko [1696] blpemfan69: 30 MINUTE MARK SLOWLY COMING UP [1696] mangotango2k: cry me a river [1696] Encryptoh: LOL [1696] IsaiahHommes: sigma 20 alert [1696] Nightbot: 😂 [1696] no_mercy_echo: white speed [1696] jedra808: white speed [1696] reylee201: I love you jynxi [1696] v0rtex079: Bullying [1698] e_tristan_e: e_tristan_e subscribed at Tier 1. [1698] ajaystayfaded: react to zherka reacting to sidemen reacting to jynxzi [1698] Nightbot: k [1698] chandlerscott999: L react harder [1698] schrodas: L FATTY + BULLY [1698] Artoofer: REACT FAN MAILER [1698] PIGIS_BEAST: PIGIS_BEAST subscribed at Tier 1. [1698] Nightbot: no 🧢 [1698] cyyn1cal: sketch is waiting [1698] AyWATP: jynxzi clone [1698] yvltokyo: tyap [1698] Nightbot: mild tourettes (something he can't control.) be nice! [1698] swoleboh: jynxziCopper what is bro looking at [1698] MkGamingg25: real [1698] Nightbot: real [1700] drauzee: No [1700] waterhorse256: CAP [1700] sleepy_zebo: L BULLY [1700] itzyaboiidaniel_blgl: WWWW [1700] mylestism: yes u have [1700] yvltokyo: yapp [1700] pur_str_xp1: DR DISRESPECT IMITATE YOU TODAY [1700] x_taffy: REACT HARDER PANCAKE [1700] voiloidd: ggggggggggg [1700] daxtony08: beetle juice clone [1700] hannngtime: Ricci's waiting [1700] highonit999: j [1700] thcinfested: react less like a fat ass [1700] 1brah1mehsan: facts [1702] deadlyghst: jynxziSuprised jynxziSuprised jynxziSuprised jynxziSuprised jynxziSuprised [1702] Tripzy_1: !watchtime [1702] SpwashFN: 💀 [1702] squareblock112: WE KNOW [1702] AceOfHalo2: thats a big ass bedroom [1702] StreamElements: Tripzy_1 has spent 5 days 7 hours watching jynxzi [1703] stanchhealer984: Skill issue [1703] seedfyu: L BULLY [1703] coolpatato123: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [1703] xxassassinxx2004: yo jynxziEZ [1703] histiosurvivor: react humanly [1703] Quiet_Violent: !slots [1703] joaspayingbills: react slower [1703] phatfutgecko: jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY [1703] v0rtex079: L GLAZE L GLAZE [1703] smegaletv: cap [1703] tizumpug: react harder [1703] hxarveybanks06: Roll your letters harder [1703] m1hajlo0o: react harder [1703] StreamElements: @Quiet_Violent you got BibleThump | Kappa | Kappa and lost your 100 points LUL [1703] STEPOFF_2021: jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY [1704] StreamElements: JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/jynxzi [1704] mashal2nd: laid??? [1704] opmbeno: when is fanmail [1704] blpemfan69: 30 MINUTE MARK SLOWLY COMING UP …. [1704] Nickg128: CAP [1704] FI3K_: reckie [1704] goddddddaim555: of course a bully [1704] vsoka: we know [1704] donnlarkin11: Cap [1704] matthew_hadlock_: i would one pump you [1704] letsgetitongit: 27m in my ass [1704] NeverWasEwao: !watchtimw [1704] wrooney15: kai got viewers [1704] zx6iq: cao [1704] mrhaeton: Play siege harderrrr [1705] chilly_buckle: react more enthusiastically [1705] yvltokyo: yappppp [1705] scrimsversion: Lies [1705] lulbrodi: does anyone know when jynxzi stream starts? [1706] mrmilku1234: L bully [1706] nokkydocky: when is 1v1 with speed [1706] MebbyWebby: were in womb 3 [1706] BroComp: PART TIMERRR IMBOUNDD [1706] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [1706] wade_hayden: LeBron is waiting in discord [1706] myerz98: GYAT HARDER [1706] tizumpug: no life [1706] zayeditzzyt: blueryaiBluenoway blueryaiBluenoway blueryaiBluenoway blueryaiBluenoway blueryaiBluenoway blueryaiBluenoway [1706] Vertex_72: NERD [1706] ed_wa_er_: 2 hour streamer [1706] x7kaleb: 27 [1706] pessiandmessi: SUBprise SUBprise SUBprise SUBprise SUBprise [1706] SnarFnatureR: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL [1706] abdullasalmeen: react better. [1707] logan45332: what account do I send clip to? [1707] goddddddaim555: bully [1707] thetesticulartorter: jynxziBadAim [1707] v0rtex079: L GLAZD [1707] displaynqme: f [1707] highonit999: u [1707] dylboss124: hey there brother glitz [1707] spongie130: Sure [1707] bigbezzle: lol [1707] bunger_enjoyer: CLIT FARMER [1707] frka23: jynxziChampion [1707] donnlarkin11: CAPPP [1707] thebulletlegend: WHITE SPEEEEEDDDDD [1707] xobdove_123: W bully [1708] hittmmaann: LUL [1708] OgKxsh42: yo you’re fr my favorite streamer and i enjoy watching your streams man. keep it up [1708] JettyP9156: You should react to clips [1708] samsonite2323: L bully [1708] mrhaeton: Play siege harder [1709] salakka17: uni1 [1709] caseohisafarriswheel: REACT FATSER/HARDER [1709] 5df13: i misss the old jynxzi [1709] Clumzy5: 500 days of this [1709] bummelbi: React hardrrrrrrr [1709] lotrofan154pls: HE FCKED [1709] luis_the_loser: NUT HARDER [1709] jnxd10: JYNXZI WHAT HAPPEND TO THE SIX HOUR YESTERDAY [1709] konahriik123: react harder [1709] mrmilku1234: Bully [1710] angelchastity: EXPLAIN HARDER [1710] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: he inherited ur gamesense [1710] williamlord12: clip it [1710] pandaboss2116: you got laid [1710] Highquze: CAP [1710] xaiman100x: react to zerko [1710] valorantwatcherhhh: react harder [1710] NFFe4rr: yappin [1710] mintyspringg: JUNKO [1710] abdullasalmeen: react better.. [1710] wyfyttv: L BULLY [1710] m1hajlo0o: white speed [1710] gillette568: gillette568 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 6 month streak! when is clips? [1710] sheluvswull: L [1711] B1aCk0uTdUsTy: #jynxzi is getting touched tonight [1711] aidanishere09: when is fan mail? [1711] StreamElements: @Quiet_Violent you got 4Head | PogChamp | PogChamp and lost your 100 points LUL [1712] twohandedtaco: twohandedtaco subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months! Keep up the good work king [1712] lost_fish007: 27,1m away actually [1712] mrmilku1234: Bullying [1712] mfsoloj: when is the 6 hour stream [1712] notskyz_: PRE END [1712] austintrout14: !gamble all [1712] aceofgods07: yo jynxi fr looks like king kong [1712] rockpenguin599: lol [1712] nbl_212169: 0.2 kd [1712] dylansalant15: liam is waiting [1712] Fossabot: @theunkown753, Your message is too long [1712] myepicisboxedbybraylol: lol [1712] StreamElements: PogChamp austintrout14 went all in and won 15 points PogChamp they now have 30 points FeelsGoodMan [1712] NeverWasEwao: !watchtime [1712] conn0113x: good aim [1713] dootch7: siege harder [1713] tonydalowk: SHUT THE FUCK UP AND REACT [1713] Nightbot: 🧍🏻 [1713] atrain038: atrain038 subscribed at Tier 1. [1713] solot14: leg it jynzxi [1713] Whissou_Nuestra_MagizZ: could someone give me a gift? [1713] kalebtaylor17: L BULLY [1713] zxxy7: react better [1713] StreamElements: NeverWasEwao has spent 1 day 7 hours watching jynxzi [1713] EhDoBew: Brahma better [1713] zeddsthename: when are clips [1713] shifty_ston3rs: WHypeTrain [1713] hbraul74: 6HR STREAM DONT MAKE YOU A 6HR STREAMER [1713] BrenDen423: white sketch [1713] NFFe4rr: L bully [1714] josewzrd: REACT SOFTER [1715] journooo: IMPOSSIBLE [1715] imem1lontop: GLAAZZZEE [1715] tt_thic_boy: cap [1715] mr_chicas: meters? its feet bro [1715] kingwinner2424: jynxziBadAim [1715] ZachXc48: react harder please [1715] lazerboom01: when does stream start [1716] agentghostfn: When is 24 hour stream [1716] finnxmcg: fatt ass be quiet [1716] junkossockxx: he’s cooking wait [1716] alex2turnt45: Womp wom0 [1716] mocca_r6: REACT STRONGER [1716] itzyaboi__goofball: jynxziBALD [1716] Nickh828: 28 actually [1716] mike_an_i: !link [1716] NachoFishYT: 30 minute mark incoming [1717] Nightbot: @mike_an_i If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [1717] imjoshin2023: imjoshin2023 subscribed with Prime. [1717] abdullasalmeen: react better. [1717] slimpy23: L LIAR [1717] kp_bruvy8: Heyy [1717] Quiet_Violent: !slots plzz [1717] Chigg27: jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE [1717] finnisthebest1234: ;p >( ;p >( O_o >( ;p TheRinger TwitchConHYPE GoldPLZ GalaxyUnpacked SSSsss SSSsss SSSsss SSSsss SSSsss SSSsss SSSsss SSSsss SSSsss SSSsss [1717] hxarveybanks06: Roll letters harder [1717] peaxesnipe: brekie [1717] lukeontwitch24: Hi [1717] gatorbox111: yap [1717] ghostrider80413: bro thats like 100ft [1717] StreamElements: @Quiet_Violent you got PogChamp | PogChamp | PogChamp and won 2000 points PogChamp // [1717] tectalagenda: tectalagenda subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [1718] getslxmmedk1d: 30 minute mark coming soon get ready [1718] gooey_underpants: no coochi [1718] f_f_h_w: white speed [1718] wholeadthedogsout: white speed [1718] fadeskyl1ne: watch clips harder [1718] hubcap32: why is he not reacting harder [1718] toxiiwnl: Can you jynxzi harder? white speed lookin ass [1718] r_monkey0: L [1718] mrhaeton: Play siege harderrr [1718] mintyspringg: WHEN IS FANMAIL? [1718] kxngpsycho: clip farm harder [1718] djmicki_: react harder [1718] CrisisYaDig: react fatter [1719] maxqzu: WHITE SPEED REACT HARDER [1719] WillBubby24: react harder [1719] dootch7: lizzo [1719] jackman1374: Mod him [1719] crimsontide17: WHITE SPEED [1719] DAxUCE: better than you [1719] Adin76: clix is your daddy [1719] killernitewolf: Prime [1720] Nightbot: Blue crown —-> Free —-> no ads —-> charm: https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [1720] bardown16__: IS THIS WHOVILLE? [1720] vanquish3r78: when are clips ? [1720] bucketofben: end stream [1720] scrimsversion: yap lesser [1720] zupson_maksiu: WE'VE SEEN THEM LEAKS [1720] redcross32: white speed [1721] soundcloutken: ass reveal when? [1721] mattdagoat26: gyatttttt [1721] celluo: REACT HARDER [1721] lVlrPATRIC: lVlrPATRIC subscribed with Prime. [1721] elma_maria_varios: DONT STOP TALKING I AM ALMOST THERE BROTHER [1721] death_streams66: react sader [1721] destroyerrowant: U will never get laid [1721] fnnstepper111: face reveal [1721] Shaqtin_Fool: yap harder fatty [1721] thekidjjtofye: does bro know how long a meter is [1721] boogarsugar123: Fat [1721] morgano12: when is irl stream with sketch [1721] swiftyp31: body count is 4 [1722] bardown16__: DJ MOORE [1722] LaSalle19: L Bully [1722] aceticpollard: white speed [1722] graysonbrr: l ppig [1722] johnson_jynxzi: L bully [1722] cxnz33: sit harder [1722] goobershooter56: jynxzi’s prime was 1974 [1722] goon_junior13: why are you bullying people [1722] themajordj_: what account is that to send clips [1722] trysten03: watch harder [1723] angelchastity: COACH HARDER [1723] dylansalant15: liam is here [1723] yvltokyo: react harder fat fuck [1723] ziobullone: be a part timer harder [1723] plumpy100: white speed [1723] wokesosa: L [1723] darkfrostyyy: black sketch [1723] r2onpermban: waiting for the adin Ross noti ur quilly [1723] ironspidey420: BatChest BatChest BatChest BatChest [1723] pele1554: I nutted [1723] algotitotwitch: PAUSE HARDERR [1723] thcinfested: ITS 31 METERS BTW [1723] UserGeeked: GET LAID [1724] Uncommon209: @Jynxzi YOU LOOK LIKR FRANKLIN THE TURTLE WITH THAT NEEECK [1724] GageosaurusRex: BLINK HARDER [1724] cartierdimonds: WOMP WOMP [1724] Bruh_thatsmusty: IN A MINUTE [1724] hxarveybanks06: Roll your letters harder [1724] kingwinner2424: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [1724] goobershooter56: fat [1724] junkowunk0: When is clips????? [1725] landonhill05: landonhill05 subscribed with Prime. [1725] chandlerscott999: end stream [1725] chttoafj: You’ve been laid by Brekkie [1725] lotrofan154pls: SHITTTY AIM [1725] r_monkey0: L white speed [1725] davidbtw256: FACE REVEAL [1726] kyleghs: hey bubble ass react like speed [1726] Vertex_72: IN A MINUTE IMA NEED AH [1726] cuItous: what time is clips [1726] lazerboom01: when does the stream start [1726] peakyseaside: middle school was your prime [1726] mrgetupintheree: react better tbh [1726] tame965story: sad [1726] valorantwatcherhhh: in a minute imma need aaaaa [1726] st_frosty_1: oil me up [1726] cyyn1cal: L SKETCH CLONE [1726] goobershooter56: React lighter [1726] glarpies: Thank god chat hates your annoying ass [1726] henny_2121: so we're yapping [1726] B1aCk0uTdUsTy: IM HARD YELL MORE [1726] 76vertix: react harder [1727] elVeeeDeee: play with xqc @Jynxzi [1727] mangotango2k: cry me a river [1727] yurdzi: your clip [1727] kingwinner2424: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [1727] lukabrasi123: pancake harder [1727] bagel_croissant_bagel: NotLikeThis [1727] Nightbot: @softpeopleneedtogetout727 -> I hope you learned your lesson. [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [1727] Crimson_Ginge: CAP [1727] tizumpug: react but you are harder yk [1727] redcross32: WHITE SPEEEDD [1727] jayriv70: L bully [1727] lafc_nano15: When are clips [1727] mocca_r6: REACT QUITER [1727] FatherJaquan: skull [1728] monsignordrip: react harder [1728] austintrout14: !gamble 100 [1728] FredIsCrackD: Kai is waitingi’m [1728] journooo: REACT HARDER BRO WTF ARE U DOING [1728] davenportc21: cheer100 [1728] Chigg27: jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT [1728] LMsema: bronny is waiting [1728] Sou1Taker215: #WORSTCLIPOFTHEDAYY [1728] englishwhatch: react harder [1729] dad_builds: !link [1729] hxarveybanks06: Roll letters harder [1729] cartop5489: nah 28 [1729] glizzybob55: Sketch is waiting [1729] lcvelymads: GYAAAAT [1729] unknowngen65: acc? [1729] finnxmcg: white speed [1729] gaming_enjoyer111: u know that’s 81 feet away right? ur wrong [1729] FredIsCrackD: Kai is waiting [1730] nunyabizznez: WHAT HAPPENED YEASTERDAY? [1730] tommowavyy: it’s 5 o’clock somewhere!!!? [1730] dysin27: what account to send clips [1730] stinkingset74020: HIVise i subbed almost two months ago and still waiting for charm in R6 [1730] miirrr4k: FACE REVEAL [1730] bardown16__: IS THIS WHOVILLE? [1730] icereaperthedemon: when fan mail [1730] thegr8mehdi: White speed 🐕👨🏼💼White speed 🐕👨🏼💼White speed 🐕👨🏼💼White speed 🐕👨🏼💼White speed 🐕👨🏼💼 [1730] thomsoncarroll: L bully [1730] chopcheezzz: meat reveal? [1730] geraldmandingo: + [1730] loco7185: have you said the plan for stream? [1730] maagmerkz25: bro react harder [1730] Donz804: !watchtime [1730] eggwood942: face reveal? [1731] GHOSTEEE_23: that was ok aim wierdo [1731] samsonite2323: fat [1731] StreamElements: Donz804 has spent 21 days 12 hours watching jynxzi [1731] mgicshroom: watch goofygober720 clip [1731] ebknight89: no headshots smg [1731] swiftyp31: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [1731] Rigbytv_: jynnxzi is waiting [1731] caseohspepnips: YAP HARDER [1731] m0vnta1n5: I thought Kai was the worst player you've ever witnessed. [1731] unknowngen65: acc [1731] matematicomunista: REACT HARDER [1731] lykan608: when’s fam mail [1732] xNilo121: shit harder [1732] monkeyowner24: WHO TF CHATTED THOSE EMOTES [1732] elpapasito420: Don’t overreact [1732] whitedoto: your FACE [1732] deadlyghst: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [1732] thcinfested: TIC HARDED [1732] MAD5411: when is Caseoh vs Kai [1732] ashtxn____: React more clip farmery [1732] stanpines420: WHAT HAPPENED YESTERDAY [1732] goobershooter56: speed clone [1732] kingwinner2424: White speed [1732] bigdaddyphhfffff: When are we gonna react to clips? [1732] spriggan__17: REACT PERFECTER [1732] flamingbbq7: wait a min to pump me up [1733] randompork: yap harder [1733] caseohisafarriswheel: L BULLY [1733] logedoge: HAS UR AIM AND GAME SENSE [1733] dannydmann: when is fan mail [1733] kekwbr: approaching 30 min mark pre end [1733] tmoney3034: react harder [1733] finnxmcg: withe spedd [1733] tolstrupp: clip farming motherfucker [1733] swiftyp31: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [1734] ijnndieiieji: good aim [1734] lachy_kr: when’s face reveal [1734] pessiandmessi: aWHEN ARE CLIPS [1734] gabee19: jynxzi is that the same shirt I nutted on? [1734] nae____nae: whens 1v1 with Juice Wrld? [1734] eddiegz84: nice [1734] karammxfjd: React better [1734] B1aCk0uTdUsTy: ILL TOUCH YOU [1734] sonnydee02: L gameplay [1734] josewzrd: REACT [1734] solo_x_skill: react with ur eyes closed [1734] tryspp: I want to fix on your mouth [1734] uhcninja: SHUT UP HARDER PLEASE [1734] TheLlamaHabibi: GIVE ME UR NON ERECT BONER [1734] brucelongwong: React harder [1735] crafty77: W [1735] dejvid1997: when fanmail did i miss it [1735] yehehwhehwhw: !link [1735] akke10004: react harder [1735] 2kt0ny: 30 minute mark he funna end stream soon [1735] bardown16__: BETTER THAN YOU [1735] jordang2314: get mad [1735] uzsiiee: d1 clip farmer [1735] littleliamroeder: White speed [1735] lulbrodi: does anyone know when jynxzi stream starts? [1735] berryyyz: jynxi you should start streaming [1735] yurdzi: ????? [1735] malicioustoilet: Stream is glitching [1736] ZSAf1rebird: whats the account name to send clips too [1736] st_frosty_1: when do you collab with caseoh [1736] egrimey23: shittttyyty aim [1736] death_streams66: react better [1736] puffpuffjuicer: GOOOD AIM [1736] f_f_h_w: WHITE SPEED [1737] fadeskyl1ne: be quiet [1737] aaron_sperez47: HOW CAN I GET THE CHARM [1737] mrmilku1234: Bullying bully bulging bulge bullying [1737] jynxzis_daddys1: Nope [1737] probIms: GOOD AIM [1737] ohyesbabyboy: react harder [1737] gongon678: gongon678 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 1 month streak! PART TIMER PART TIMER 1 HOUR STREAMER [1737] jedra808: white speed [1737] goobershooter56: React lighter [1737] Jcotty: when is fan mail [1738] FredIsCrackD: the Kai is waiting [1738] fishing_with_devon: love you [1738] B1aCk0uTdUsTy: YOU MAKE ME HARD [1738] joelennon99: when’s 1v1 against ryanstoyreviews [1738] e_u_a_n_2939: When do you nut [1738] swiftyp31: jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown [1738] nathanh50: !gamble 25% [1738] Nightbot: bozo [1739] odd_1_out_21: jynxziVapeBreak_HF [1739] tolstrupp: stop clipfarming [1739] Kameron_Blevins: pls [1739] StreamElements: nathanh50 lost 1626 points in roulette and now has 4879 points! FeelsBadMan [1739] hdgevieuf: I’m bout to cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum [1739] Spartan7OO: KIA 50HR STREAM PART TIMER [1739] laureneimear: 2wwww [1739] d_sgustin: white speed part timer who needs to react harder and be faster cause sketch and bronny is waiting [1739] TheRealAdex21: TheRealAdex21 subscribed with Prime. [1739] tokyo_drift149: react harder [1739] whitedoto: FACE [1739] CaseohDookieStain1: REACT HARDER REACT HARDER REACT HARDER REACT HARDER REACT HARDER REACT HARDER REACT HARDER REACT HARDER [1739] eddiegz84: gg [1740] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [1740] crypt057: stream harder [1740] deaed_man_walking: hes better than you [1740] tizumpug: react but get harder [1740] nm00r3: when u live [1740] xjustus05: !link [1740] aidanishere09: 30 min streamer [1740] yvng_vlad: BETTER THAN YOU [1740] xaiman100x: react to zerko [1740] kam2x___: kam2x___ subscribed at Tier 1. [1740] copycatcloudy: L washed [1740] stanpines420: WHITE SPEED [1740] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [1740] swoleboh: yea ig he knew [1740] fazeeyk: elli [1741] kjendal18: !screentime [1741] davidmag2: !gambleall [1741] squareblock112: HACKER [1741] TDoki_: good aim [1741] yurdzi: bad aim [1741] ItzMultiKillx: HOWS THAT A HEADSHOTTTTTT [1742] edwxies: middff [1742] GHOSTEEE_23: gooodldldld aim [1742] slimpy23: GOOODDD AIM [1742] e_u_a_n_2939: nut [1742] icereaperthedemon: react harder [1742] 8Pina: W [1742] Kromium_: HELP XQC [1742] rewind016: GOOD aim [1742] kyberiv: nice [1742] abdullasalmeen: react better.. [1742] BabyYodom: Lucky [1742] FredIsCrackD: Kai is waiting [1742] trysten03: w [1742] ahmetreha10: ishowspeed waiting [1742] mintyspringg: BOSTOM CREME ON ME [1743] Brettgarrett22: W [1743] cris_71907: what you doing for Easter [1743] siphon_ash: so we’re planting inside of Beckie hill [1743] 0rion91: GRRRRRRRRRAIN [1743] carzyev1234: oh my god [1743] sweaty_bozo55: react quieter [1743] ohyesbabyboy: react harderr [1743] treyknox04: bronny waiting [1743] maagmerkz25: batter then u [1743] NFFe4rr: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [1743] getslxmmedk1d: callout harder [1743] hbraul74: 6HR STREAM DONT MAKE YOU A 6HR STREAMER [1743] donald9082: breathe harder [1743] abdullasalmeen: react better. [1743] jackman1374: He’s better than yoy [1744] jacktheswordzguy: he hit every shot he just burst fired [1744] jnxd10: JYNXZI WHAT HAPPEND TO THE SIX HOUR YESTERDAY [1744] DIG_Vibxs: Daddy junko🤤 [1744] myfavvideogame: REACT HARDER [1744] ii_cabaye: what time stream tonight [1745] abdullasalmeen: react better./ [1745] ed_wa_er_: 2 hour streamer [1745] caseohisafarriswheel: react faster fat asss [1745] todayterror909: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [1745] Updwg: Jynxzi what is rainbow six siege [1745] skyteiswashed: glaze harder [1745] donnlarkin11: WTF [1745] lazerboom01: when is stream starting [1745] lucasignorino: MF YOU HAVENT DONE A 6 HOUR STREAM SINCE LAST YEAR BRO [1745] mfsoloj: when is the 6 hour stream [1745] aShortPerson2: holy damn [1745] camstxr: react harder [1745] zayeditzzyt: blueryaiBluememe blueryaiBluememe blueryaiBluememe blueryaiBluememe blueryaiBluelit [1745] salsa15679: when r u 1v1 bronny [1745] Cloudblimp: Is this SoundCloud? [1746] yurboilayne: PART TIMER [1746] ivi_falling: WHENS FAN MAIL [1746] nbl_212169: 0.3 kd [1746] fishing_with_devon: I love you [1746] cakez408: BETTER THAN YOU [1746] abdullasalmeen: react better. [1746] viisualiize: GOOD AIM [1746] T1me2ghost_06: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [1746] caseohww: REACT STICKYE [1746] infected24678: Yooo junkoooo [1746] thebulletlegend: WHITE SPEEEEEDDD [1746] matthew_hadlock_: i just nutted [1746] hhoonigann: REACT HARDER [1746] Fossabot: @lonishqipee, Your message is too long [2x] [1746] hxarveybanks06: Roll letters hardr [1747] wyfyttv: L BULLY [1747] tolstrupp: stop reacting, do fanmail [1747] rizzlergjb39: REACT [1747] frizzle_geo: REACT HARDER WHITE SPEEDREACT HARDER WHITE SPEEDREACT HARDER WHITE SPEEDREACT HARDER WHITE SPEED [1747] xJakeShiesty: jynxziTONGUE [1747] salsa_content: uni1 [1748] ragtagzx: sigma [1748] donald9082: breath harder [1748] eliash1002: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [1748] r6demonoslek: swr he was laid by brekie hill [1748] austintrout14: !roullette 100 [1748] monkeyowner24: BOP BOP BOP BOP [1748] wackyxzachy: tuh [1748] niixzyy_is_op: !watchtime [1748] peakyseaside: middle school was your [1748] junkossockxx: jynxziBuena jynxziBuena jynxziBuena jynxziBuena jynxziBuena jynxziBuena [1748] kjbeatss: INSANE IN THE MEMBRANE AIM [1749] stanpines420: REACT HARDER [1749] StreamElements: niixzyy_is_op has spent 2 days 21 hours watching jynxzi [1749] AyWATP: jynxziFAT [1749] oreo1v5s: take notes [1749] jackman1374: He’s better than you [1749] k1rky1: Brecki be pegging you ahahaha [1749] NachoFishYT: 30 minute mark incoming [1749] shaqaroni_palmersan: Callout Better [1749] kira24137: What is your user for I can send clips [1749] ginger_mustachio: CRAZY REACTION [1749] smithy14r6: !link [1749] a1mhaxks_: you should try siege [1749] Nightbot: i was crazy once [1749] Nightbot: @smithy14r6 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [1750] GigaChadUSA: jynxziGoodAim [1750] B1aCk0uTdUsTy: OPEN YOUR MOUTH [1751] meddyy3: WHITE SPEED [1751] hartinus187: L glazer [1752] xNilo121: 5Head 5Head 5Head 5Head 5Head CARDIAC CARDIAC CARDIAC CARDIAC CARDIAC CARDIAC [1752] nuzzet: WALL HACK [1752] caseohww: Mom? [1752] souhsa: REACT HARDER [1752] father1stju___: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke [1752] kamuden11: white speed [1752] tokyo_drift149: I show speed cologne [1752] tommowavyy: it’s 5 o’clock somewhere!!!!!!! [1752] T1me2ghost_06: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [1752] thesuperrams: he’s bedder than you [1752] lmaooaryan: live harder [1752] munraaj2: White speed [1752] finnisthebest1234: WHENS THE XQC 1V1 [1753] cris_71907: what you doing for Easter what you doing for Easter [1753] nolns: When is Face reveal? [1753] jaytalkt0em: WHEN IS REACTIONS [1753] SlickZay_38: rub me papi [1753] 7spry: react vetter# [1753] prof_smurf: Save a lot speed BibleThump BibleThump [1753] mrmilku1234: When is fan mail [1753] Bigpotato362837: 50 HOUR STREAM PART TIMER [1753] stanpines420: WHITE SPEED [1753] abdullasalmeen: react better./ [1754] flamecuhh: cap [1754] Nightbot: no 🧢 [1754] hyper_mxtrix: bad clip [1754] keanu4_: How is Fanmail [1754] nyyankz99: react harder [1754] Gucci_kid54: AINT NO WAY [1754] Johnmicheals4564: real [1754] blpemfan69: 30 MINUTE MARK SLOWLY COMING UP … [1754] peakyseaside: middle school was your prime [1754] Nightbot: real [1754] r6isgood14: l [1754] gamer_a1010: REACT MORE REACTABLE [1754] anselparsa: when is vaping stream? @jynxzi [1755] abdullasalmeen: react better. [1755] goddddddaim555: FACE REVEAL [1755] d_sgustin: when does stream start [1755] Gucci_kid54: AINT NO WAY [1755] cxnz33: sit harder [1755] samuwol1: dribble more fr [1755] mrhaeton: Play siege harder [1756] roguegamingcs: roguegamingcs subscribed at Tier 1. [1756] father1stju___: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [1756] sweaty_bozo55: react quiet [1756] hazzy_dog_: Beckie is sexu [1756] kam_mass: react harder [1756] cris_71907: what you doing for Easter [1756] eddiegz84: omg [1756] davidbtw256: WHEN DOES THE STREAM START [1756] abdullasalmeen: react better./ [1756] Denqae: when is bronny [1756] Nickh828: mod him [1756] Gucci_kid54: AINT NO WAY [1756] aidanishere09: Shaiiko is waiting [1756] atomicalpha400: Listen louder [1757] Nightbot: Jynxzi is his #1 fan [1757] drspaanky: Luck [1757] ohyesbabyboy: react harder you bum [1757] yvng_vlad: BETTER THAN YOU BETTER THAN YOU BETTER THAN YOU BETTER THAN YOU BETTER THAN YOU BETTER THAN YOU BETTER THAN YOU BETTER THAN YOU BETTER THAN YOU [1757] B1aCk0uTdUsTy: #jynxzi is getting touched tonight [1757] wackyxzachy: your name [1758] blpemfan69: 30 MINUTE MARK SLOWLY COMING UP …. [1758] therealbobbyd: 6HR STREAM UNTIL ANOTHER FAKE “incident”@jynxzi [1758] idol_spefy: hi [1758] broadstbullies10: 6 hour harder [1758] WitchyDuckling: @Jynxzi naked homeless man jumps on your back what the first thing you do beat him off or let him stay [1758] mangotango2k: cry me a river [1758] grahamsbro: when is fan mail? [1758] LiTareu: react slower [1758] reload_on_x: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [1758] caseohww: L glazer [1758] oliivveerr: How to hell the cops get yo ass [1758] Big_j679: L fulltimer [1758] miirrr4k: WHEN IS FAN MAIL [1758] Gucci_kid54: AINT NO WAY [1759] thegr8mehdi: White Speed 🐶 White Speed 🐶 [1759] hartinus187: L Glazer [1759] cr1spy_00: !watchtime [1759] Vuxdy: SHIDDY AIM [1759] abdullasalmeen: react better.// [1759] uhcninja: shut up harder [1759] StreamElements: cr1spy_00 has spent 2 days 4 hours watching jynxzi [1759] Mishes4: I've seen this reaction before [1759] luvgoltzonfort: yo [1759] goon_junior13: stop bullying people [1759] bdoooos: are you 1v1ing spoit sunday [1759] sc_kittime: react harder [1759] BOOGI3_R6: Better than you [1760] lukabrasi123: pancake harder [1760] pupeee_: stream harder [1760] luisfuge_: react softer [1760] nolimitnoob_: that’s crazy [1760] hannngtime: Ricci's waiting [1760] dotzerr: is this walmart [1760] calpolwater: good sim [1760] jynxzis_daddys1: When's fanmail [1760] whitedoto: this FACE [1760] abdullasalmeen: react better. [1760] TheKohl: play beverly hills by shaboozey [1760] pele1554: your hot [1760] twuzyy: nicholas daddy im hard rn [1761] rewind016: Jynxzi when’s fan mail [1761] savmatty: no life harder [1761] solot14: haha [1761] eianz_: when does the reactions start [1761] flamecuhh: aplicable [1761] blpemfan69: 30 MINUTE MARK SLOWLY COMING UP …… [1761] gamer_a1010: REACT MORE REACTABLY [1761] sebas_isbetter: Chunko when is clips [1761] Harshgrind: react harder [1761] mrmilku1234: When is fan mail junko [1761] causticmainforlife: L Part-Timer [1761] angus1664681: !link [1761] pessiandmessi: WHEN IS CLIPS [1761] finalfishingxiv: when are you ending stream in like an hour? [1761] v0rtex079: L glaze [1762] GHOSTEEE_23: accidental kills r tight [1762] puhcheckco: React harder [1762] berto2hk: no way they wasted a spot on your washed ass🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [1762] idol_spefy: fat [1762] kyleghs: hey bubble ass react like speed [1762] copycatcloudy: when is face reveal? [1762] abdullasalmeen: react better./ [1763] fishing_with_devon: jynxziGoodAim [1763] wyfyttv: IS THIS OPIUM [1763] tolstrupp: when is fanmail [1763] eliash1002: L BULLY [1763] jt_dnb: insane [1763] rileyyidoboyce: react harder [1764] gamerraybtw2: when is fan mail [1764] gncasser: Watching Jynxzi reacts to zerka reacts to jinxzi reacts to sidemen reacts to jynxzi [1764] ganqr14: better then urs [1764] monkeyowner24: STFU [1764] mike_an_i: !LINK [1764] e_u_a_n_2939: Ligma balls [1764] gorilla_nuts_: badie [1764] whylee: whylee subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months! [1764] garrbear909: REAL [1764] cemmrti: he try to shot window [1764] vfxlo: i didnt ask [1764] d1purge_: real [1764] pizzadino_: LMAOO [1764] finnxmcg: white speed. [1764] mokerdot: berrrr [1765] monkeymossy: React faster [1765] blpemfan69: 30 MINUTE MARK SLOWLY COMING UP [1765] hxarveybanks06: Roll your letters harder [1765] obito_slays: Real [1765] 1ukef: i can tell u smell like onion must [1765] x_taffy: REACT HARDER PANCAKE [1765] chriswar09: !charm [1765] gabee19: jynxzi is that the same shirt I nutted on? [1765] siphon_ash: DRIBBLE HARDER [1765] kjbeatss: WHENS FRIDAY? [1765] eddiegz84: lol [1765] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [1765] Nightbot: 😂 [1765] anirishladwithoutajob: BE HARDER [1765] copycatcloudy: real [1766] VyseM4H: When will Jynxzi be live Junko?? [1766] NFFe4rr: react softer [1766] lulbrodi: does anyone know when jynxzi stream starts? [1766] yurdzi: real [1766] drauzee: Real [1766] deaed_man_walking: OMG [1766] nolimitnoob_: LMFAOOO [1767] deadenglish: deadenglish subscribed with Prime. [1767] gamer_a1010: REACT LESS REACTABLY [1767] atmbongo: REAL [1767] HappyJTC: real [1767] trenta222: REAL [1767] 0rion91: REAL [1767] Kingsofwater: LOLLLL [1767] sherk_ondvd: REAL [1767] Punnkkinn: Sketch is waiting [1767] copycatcloudy: real! [1767] giraffelover_: real [1767] cakez408: BETTERR THAN YOU [1767] berryyyz: jynxi you should start streaming [1767] pur_str_xp1: DR DISRESPECT IMITATE YOU TODAY [1767] kieranjack1245: Real [1768] matthew575463458: lol [1768] puffpuffjuicer: LMAOOOOO [1768] svice47: real [1768] akiim100: LOL [1768] gummytot: real [1768] ganqr14: real [1768] YEZTY__: hahaha [1768] scoopinit19: REACT SOFTER [1768] Gucci_kid54: 💀💀💀 [1768] PBaJ420: smd [1768] SirSal244: real [1768] babyjesus4l: real [1770] octhoburs: Bro has aura [1770] AyWATP: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [1770] BannD1tt: WOULD [1770] NFFe4rr: real [1770] oSaltii: 🤣🤣 [1770] killernitewolf: Legit [1770] no_mercy_echo: REAL [1770] Frenchtoasters1: Dildo exposed [1770] wearethebestaround1: Real [1770] jadedmilf: real [1770] cosmicz__: real [1770] gyssa0217: REALLL [1770] Gucci_kid54: 💀💀💀 [1770] vrrs468: lmfaooo [1770] anselparsa: when is vaping stream? @jynxzi brooooooooooooo [1771] wyfyttv: L BULLY [1771] cloudyseason: W [1771] mortyas_: REal [1771] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀 [1771] crimsontide17: CLIP FARM [1771] MisterGurke2: reral, [1771] BIured: real [1771] randompork: pre glaze [1771] kingskully88: real [1771] Kingsofwater: REALLLLL [1771] rewind016: real [1771] X_Evaz_X: real [1771] zoeschreiner: real [1771] Bugg_Mangg: MODDDD HIMMMMMMM [1771] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [1772] hhoonigann: Cheer100 react harder [1773] Twin_Rage04: real [1773] antivax_ryan: Get harder [1773] Villias: lmao [1773] gront_2507: pertfect pic [1773] tizumpug: react but get harder [1773] mrhaeton: Play siege harderr [1773] iamthiga: RAL [1773] Felixhe__: gyatttttttt [1773] TheIcyFade: real at [1773] ruebe801: Real [1773] kobebeef22: real [1773] m4t3te: real [1773] hesmaa: real [1773] AyWATP: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [1773] SimplyDominated: 😭 [1776] LightningKakuzu: REAL [1776] masonrausch23: real [1776] Kingsofwater: REALLLLLLLLLLL [1776] berryyyz: REAL [1776] sebby_68: very real [1776] jnxd10: JYNXZI WHAT HAPPEND TO THE SIX HOUR YESTERDAY [1776] injuredrobin: clip [1776] CrisisYaDig: LMAO [1776] solanalovesme: cute [1776] politesob1978: real [1776] wrooney15: zesty mf [1776] cliqes123: WHAT TIME IS FAN MAIL [1776] zoeschreiner: not edited [1776] twoblade_: When is fanmail [1776] docterrb: xim is waiting [1778] daddyuhlexis: daddyuhlexis subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! L clip farmer [1779] BlessSharky: real [1779] mortyas_: reall [1779] m1hajlo0o: REAL [1779] iluvzebra12: Real [1779] 214_4ndrew: REAL [1779] iiithxnderiii: MOD HIM [1779] Bruh_thatsmusty: REAL [1779] ttvlil_hopink: 😂😂😂 [1779] PhillyGoatJ: real [1779] shreksysammy: be alive harder [1779] hbraul74: 6HR STREAM DONT MAKE YOU A 6HR STREAMER [1779] sebby_68: so real [1779] obertkenobi: real [1779] makillahh: you were bald [1779] vfxlo: live harder | Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [1600] case that I peaked when I was nine when I was you know like one of the best one when I was your roller out of your prime okay tomorrow's [1610] The older prime chat happens once a month, the biggest tournament of the month, I'm gonna show out, I promise. I'm gonna show out. BANG! [1620] Yup, you're dead. [1630] Yup, you're dead! 100% you're dead! SHIRIYANG! Mirio Karein! [1640] [1650] You do realize you have a shotgun in your hand, right? And not a sniper rifle. You're holding very long range angles with a shotgun. [1660] Wait till he gets close, wait till he gets close Hey dumbass! What did I just say to you? It is a sh- [1670] Shotgun, not a sniper rifle. Okay. Let's break down frame by frame while you're the worst player I've ever been witness to. [1680] There's an enemy combatant upside down rappelling on the roof and you just went for a one pump from the top. [1690] 27 meters away. I know that's 27 meters away because I've never been laid and I've dedicated 18,000 hours to rainbow six each. That guy is 100 [1700] 100% 27 meters away. What the fuck are you doing? Even if all six of your shotgun shells land on his head, you will do zero damage because of the bullet spray. [1710] Thank you. You see, now we pulled out the correct gun. It's about damn time. [1720] Shit, a guy in! Close right of the door! Close right of the door! [1730] of the door. Close right of the door. Close right of the door. [1740] I thought he killed Buck. I repeat he did not kill Buck. No, that's ace. He shot. [1750] over Aces Head to kill the guy repelling. This might be aura. He shot over Aces Head to kill the guy [1760] I'm not a bad repelting. This might actually be aura. Dude I love you bro. Dude I hate you bro. [1770] So edited silly. So edited silly dude. | There is a Highlight between 1500 and 1800. Jynxzi watches viewer clips (R6). First, he insults the viewer for using the wrong weapon (according to Jynxzi), then he praises them for a kill. He finally loses it when he sees their profile and punches his camera. |
Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [3160] spectralboxedyou: jynxziSuprised [3160] its_trip: react with a tighter clinch!!!! [3160] he_is_that_one: Doc waiting [3160] phoenixking06: whitespeeeds [3160] adondee: good stop recycling content [3160] mickdickles: W DOC CLONE [3160] kucciman_25: ll [3160] scaumy123: Jynxzi clone [3160] BraithWaiteManorGold: DOC jr [3160] G0LDdiggxr: bronny waiting [3160] falanafury: when is stream [3160] imshtonedmanlmao: u do know tho [3160] leomoz11: hey doc [3160] zackholeee: when is fan mail [3160] thedrunkw1zard: !LINK [3162] mickdickles: W DOC CLONE [3162] zbar2099: L [3162] ItachI_2027: Fan maip [3162] spectralboxedyou: jynxziSuprised jynxziSuprised jynxziSuprised [3162] highonit999: d [3162] VyseM4H: When is Jynxzi live Junko?? Btw can I use your McDonald's discount? [3162] liamlouda: L bulllly [3162] aggrofv7: aggrofv7 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 2 month streak! yyuh [3163] iluvzebra12: Pancake [3163] dr_dinger52: Whos Mail Fannnn [3163] mickdickles: W DOC CLONE [3163] Zenoverseiscool: WHEN IS FANMAIL [3163] ben_n0n: !subs [3163] badlandschuggz: BUTTER BALL [3163] N00bydy: buttle milk waffle [3163] jayofrmdashh21: W pfp [3163] milanofzo_: FACE LEAKED [3163] lukemahomie: WHEN IS CLIPS [3163] yasona: buttermilk pancake [3163] fudgenough350: WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS DRUNK FATASS [3163] chasecollier2023: nut harder [3165] hope_0297: !gamble all [3165] svge_monkey: how’s McDonald’s [3165] YBeli_: HEY JIZZY WHEN DOES STREAM END [3165] aare123456: react hrder [3165] mickdickles: W DOC CLONE [3165] StreamElements: PogChamp hope_0297 went all in and won 120 points PogChamp they now have 240 points FeelsGoodMan [3165] stormtrooper980: react to mine @jynxzi [3166] wha12up: hello pancake [3166] biggpoppa88: I know you can not react but docs chat is talking about you [3166] yungasiimov: yes he can [3166] titteemilk: P Diddy waiting [3166] jayofrmdashh21: w pfp [3166] dimez1217: nobody said that [3166] slickrick484: slickrick484 subscribed at Tier 1. [3166] spectralboxedyou: jynxziSuprised when is clips fat boy [3166] Nightbot: bozo [3166] jayyszn7: L BULLY [3166] rhaokot2: when is fan [3166] ongollypacks: FAN MAIL IS FUCKING BORING [3167] rusticles11: clix better :) [3167] Nightbot: @ttv_glizzy101 -> No! Come on! No! [stop spamming symbols] [3167] LocusATM: DAN SCHNEIDER IS LIVE JYNXZI POO [3167] Fossabot: @ttv_glizzy101, Your message is too long [2x] [3167] its_trip: I react with a tighter clinch [3167] aaronmartinezx5: when is fan mail [3167] lfell21: poll it [3167] diego_11_p: Chair is edited guys [3167] exoticliquidin: not even your quote buddy [3167] walker_tv08: what happened yesterday? [3167] finnisthebest1234: JUNK I HAVE A FAT ASS [3167] yourlate123: i love you jynxzi [3167] TheReal_BigBlack: Buttermilk pancake [3167] pakman_1110: Bronny is ready [3167] ljlbeastmode: when is 24 hr stream [3168] DXGhalo: fan mal [3168] nbl_212169: react harder/longer/louder [3168] fehmi975: part timer [3168] Nightbot: ok [3168] swoleboh: WTF [3168] Nightbot: too easy [3168] wyay: good flash [3168] mickdickles: W DOC CLONE [3169] freegdogg: !link [3169] dr_dinger52: Whos Mail Fan [3169] hiipoint1: !discord [3169] cdntlovec: jynxziGLASSES [3169] RellWyd_: who farted [3169] b1alby: Purple moncler! [3169] mat1234567654321: l [3169] bigjohn985: POLL [3169] j0hnnybravoo: ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper [3169] ampasdampa: waffle [3169] sebastisnfergg: u smell like poop [3169] Nightbot: https://discord.gg/jynxzi [3169] Beastlygamer412: When is oil streamYou know you liked it [3169] XxFAZ0xX: Fly me out? [3169] eliasjensen13: react harder [3170] caps1398: Buttermilk pancake [3170] liamlouda: cap [3170] soundcloutken: LOLLLLLLLLLL [3170] Nightbot: no 🧢 [3170] kalooR6: FATTY [3170] hunterl11100: play fallguys we wont grab you [3170] spin4myblock: butermilkpancake [3170] aaronmartinezx5: fan mail is when [3170] popobroog: junko why is there 8 add [3170] jedimastercrunk: jynxzi gawk gawk [3170] blazej232389: yo jynxzi live the stuff brother keep it up [3170] zir0325: who is fan mail and why are we doing him [3170] dahoomie: ILLUMINATI PUPPET [3170] theitmanforreal: ur mom is playing r6 [3170] stormtrooper980: react to mine @jynxzi [3171] rmc91: white speed [3171] hossseff: React to Doc now [3171] thekamcrew3: skip it [3171] lasse_fv123: package [3171] Shoopi: worst quote of century congrats [3171] wyay: good flash [3172] janjsmaidn: dad is waiting [3172] lewistank13334: chunko watch dr disrespect [3172] turkish_sigma: anyone else getting ads [3172] SgtLimon7: PLAY GOOD LOOKING BY DIXON DALLAS [3172] caseohscashregister: BUTTERMILK AHH PANCAKE [3172] Jager_514: white speed [3172] silvaa_2x: buttermilk pancake [3172] ryan444566788: White speed [3172] GHOSTEEE_23: W play [3173] rlmenagh: FAN MAIL NOW PIE ASS [3173] bennnyboi11: get on r6 fattyy [3173] epikhorizon_: REAC TO DOC REAC TO DOC REAC TO DOC REAC TO DOC REAC TO DOC REAC TO DOC REAC TO DOC REAC TO DOC [3173] vepzfrr: 1 hour up [3173] boofman0151: speak in a scouse accent [3173] jayyszn7: U FUCKING BULLY [3173] abc123oz: why I get a add every five minutes [3173] drankspecialist223: sidemen [3173] dr_dinger52: Whos Mail Fann [3173] pizzaismyhorcrux: Can someone help me out with a sub? [3173] spectralboxedyou: when is clips fat boy [3173] adambaxter0: take my soul and make me mod jynxzi [3173] imshtonedmanlmao: u know tho its just u telling us [3173] Willisx003: my eyessss [3173] Nightbot: you are not going to get the acc. type !clip [3174] sebas_isbetter: TIM AND DOC 1v1 IN OREGON A WHILE BACK REACT TO IT U PART TIMER [3174] dmx5p: JYNXZI LET US SEE DAT RECOIL DADDY [3174] the_big_man83123: white speed [3174] aaronmartinezx5: who is fan mail [3174] harvester0915: shayyLFG shayyLFG shayyLFG shayyLFG shayyLFG shayyLFG [3174] zayden1031: ah 2 ez [3174] sexysubie2002: sogNut sogNut sogNut sogNut [3174] craby_agent44: play Rdr2 [3174] aerology01: @Jynxzi SUGAR FREE ASS DONUT [3174] tulon2137: When is fan mail [3174] Haarrzzz: W DOC CLONE [3174] nahshaw1: EVERYONE SPAM WHAT HAPPENED YESTERDAY WITH COPS‘ [3174] georgieboyyyy8: Let's play together please daddy [3174] DXeny_: play ranked skinny man [3175] DaRealGaby54: JYNXZ YOU A FRECH TOAST [3175] p1gott: when mail can mail can can fan mail [3175] McFistyz1: get Avids lawyers [3175] stormtrooper980: react to mine @jynxzi [3176] blazeybee69: dfskgjregvjreiotcfbgbbgffrycgfrygfyrgcygeiwygfcyryf [3176] d44rkfire: 💀 [3176] dylanfranklin06: v-sync on or off???? [3176] InfiniteAnarchy: l vapor [3176] falanafury: when is your stream [3176] iiithxnderiii: WHEN IS FAN MAIL [3176] NachoFishYT: 1 HOUR MARK INCOMING jynxziChampion [3177] oliivveerr: Whole milk 🥞🥞🥞🥞🥞🥞 [3177] diego_11_p: Chair is edited [3177] fa7edevilboi: thank you bro mb about to pfp but much loce [3177] chasecichocki2: chasecichocki2 subscribed at Tier 1. [3177] coleypapa: SHOVE YOUR BIG VAINY JOHNSON UP MY TIGHT CREAMY PUSSY [3177] kr0nipz: @Jynxzi it's my birthday today [3177] GHOSTEEE_23: were in champ [3177] FRESH__KNIGHT__111: NODIDDY ASS PANCAKE [3177] RellWyd_: flash me daddy [3177] dr_dinger52: Whos Mail Fan [3177] imhimlol0012: Hindu react to my clip [3177] willbick2kk: KAI IS BETTER ICK [3177] pur_str_xp1: Doc Quote you today !! [3177] theman250abc: when is mail fan [3178] meddyy3: blink softer [3178] mystycuz: those arent your qoutes fatass [3178] farfromsane999: i have the same headset hyperx is goated [3178] Nightbot: mild tourettes (something he can't control.) be nice! [3178] jxryrn: SKETCH IS AT THE DOOR SKETCH IS AT THE DOOR SKETCH IS AT THE DOOR SKETCH IS AT THE DOOR DID U GET RAIDED [3178] MAD5411: when is Caseoh vs Kai [3178] thekamcrew3: SKIP IT [3178] scarypullup1: when is 8 [3178] Jager_514: react harder r [3178] fadezzzontwitch: fat ass pancake [3178] rmc91: white speed? [3178] dr_dinger52: Whos Mail Fannnn [3179] konahriik123: react hardee [3179] jynxzisoftcok12835: jynxzisoftcok12835 subscribed with Prime. [3179] Wilburn86: buttermilk pancake [3179] nikisimmer2015: LMAOOOO [3179] theyhatedeo: DarkKnight DarkKnight [3179] jayyszn7: FAT BULLY YOU [3180] theitmanforreal: your mother is on r6 [3180] jenna9211: 🤨 [3180] fardeloren26: fake clips [3180] jynxisucksatr6: Washed [3180] keed910: whens fan mail [3180] iiithxnderiii: REACT HARDERRRRRRR [3180] Shadow_Kage__: RECREATE THE DRAKE VIDEO WITH SKETCH ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper [3180] thedozer8224: 😂 [3180] janjsmaidn: caseoh is waiting [3181] heder_sot69696969: L BULLY [3181] wyay: FLASHBANG [3181] dojee11: DOC [3181] wessy130: Skype is live [3181] goddddddaim555: FACE REVEAL [3181] lemon_tea7: !link [3181] Virenzio: hit the camera [3181] bigjohnzy: its not a quoite youy dumby [3181] zackholeee: Whom is fan mail [3181] dr_dinger52: Whos Mail FannWhos Mail Fan [3182] phoenixking06: L BULLY [3182] ashes4k: CLIX IS WAITING CLIX IS WAITING CLIX IS WAITING [3182] brandonlt28: great flash [3182] giraffelover_: fake clip [3182] fadezzzontwitch: fat ass kid [3182] Smiley_Ty: !link [3182] USAFM1ke: DOC STREAMING R6 DOC STREAMING R6 DOC STREAMING R6DOC STREAMING R6 DOC STREAMING R6 DOC STREAMING R6 [3182] boofman0151: speak in a liverpool accent [3182] critxtwo: doc lowk nasty [3182] loloabribus: LMAO [3182] mike_an_i: jynxziPACK [3182] trxpztaj: DR. DISRESPECT GOT BANNED FOR STREAMING IN A PUBLIC BATHROOM IN 2019 [3182] nitemurr: lmao [3182] dergrosse2: when is fan mail [3182] pwaley: fanmail? [3183] dentege: good flash [3183] hotchillixx: when is fanmail [3183] stormtrooper980: react to mine @jynxzi [3183] MrPingTo: s [3183] sandy_sir: LMAAOOO💀💀💀 [3183] dmx5p: JYNXZI LET ME SEE DAT RECOIL [3183] dr_dinger52: Whos Mail Fannn [3183] mrmilku1234: Dog dog dog [3183] HappyJTC: LMAOOO [3183] fardeloren26: fake stream [3183] zaykett27: guys say rankex [3183] g4zegoat: dont [3183] gumabruhhhhh: Kick the CAM already [3183] schmermitermy: my eyssss [3183] randompork: cap [3184] Nicrot: Wokege [3184] sebastisnfergg: u remind me of boobie dust [3184] xxmuffinmanxx9121: !clips [3184] evil_engine_no_9: LMFAOOOO [3184] dr_dinger52: Whos Mail Fann [3184] trex_v1: !watchtime [3184] grm_ex0tic: plz react to Yoru Eclipse clip [3184] FailDaGoat: junko let clix and case 1v1 in r6 [3184] zirnick: episode 2 tonight??? PLEASe [3184] StreamElements: trex_v1 has spent 8 hours 10 mins watching jynxzi [3185] boofman0151: speak in a liverpool accent. [3185] myfavvideogame: BETTER THAN I [3185] aaron_sperez47: LMAO [3185] curtis_ed: i have jager black ice and only started this week [3185] voxxyyyyyyyyy: farming clips while kai playing a better game 🦍😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 [3185] nahshaw1: EVERYONE SPAM WHAT HAPPENED YESTERDAY WITH COPSv [3185] elevatefromalaska: lol [3185] dr_dinger52: Whos Mail Fan [3185] sandy_sir: LMAAOO💀 [3185] siroakes97: oh wow. yup he is live and playing R6 [3185] Nightbot: 😂 [3185] SgtLimon7: PLAY GOOD LOOKING BY DIXON DALLAS !!! [3185] badlandschuggz: DIEABITES DEMON [3185] phoenixking06: L BULLYUY [3186] deblud: HAHAHAHAA [3186] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [3186] itzdyl4n_: clip farm [3186] lukemahomie: wwwwwwww [3186] fladaboner: DOC STREAM ON KICK PLEASE [3186] l4m4ndo: revxKappa [3186] bennnyboi11: get on r6 fatty [3186] fardeloren26: fake clips [3186] rasheed__1: whens mail fan [3186] knuffiesblik: when’s fanmail [3186] Dexile_yt: REACT HARDER [3186] wyay: FLASHBANG [3186] konahriik123: react harder [3186] cretty_: why is fanmail [3186] tornado87635: lol [3187] invalidbruhh: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [3187] dr_dinger52: Whos Mail Fann [3187] goddddddaim555: Lbed [3187] suren70: REACT SOFTER [3187] martiin_ortiiz: naf Liam [3187] NFFe4rr: react harder [3188] routine59: ilovex3King [3188] lykanfox: Whens the next podcast episode? [3188] peeter0311: doc going crazy on Seige [3188] dbpdrake: NOOOOOOO DOOOO FANNN MAILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL [3188] vanczzfp: can u react to jynxzi [3188] masynnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn: champ [3188] fadezzzontwitch: fat ass pancake [3188] theman250abc: mail fan fat man [3188] Markedboat: FLASHBANG [3188] zeroace313: so we’re in champion [3188] Rihvs: Late [3188] yasona: pancake bru [3188] FigureHead4002: aluminum [3188] adro1221: door leaked [3188] 5ebxstian: CLIP FARMER [3190] warlord670: speed clone [3191] dr_dinger52: Whos Mail FanWhos Mail Fan [3191] rmjzixn: we are doing fanmail chunko [3191] LocusATM: Remake the drake video jynxzi [3191] iamythofam: I’m naked [3191] mystycuz: L scripter [3191] k11ler627: Outch [3191] demonization763: CARDBOARD [3191] maecffff: you look like panecake mixtureee [3191] ericisactuallysmall: HIT DESK HARDER [3191] josealmanza1523: jnxxzy rank [3191] goddddddaim555: L BED [3191] fezzzzzi: champ [3192] scaumy123: better then you [3192] meddyy3: gyatt [3192] stormtrooper980: react to mine @jynxzi [3192] hexy: that was literally a good flash wtf? [3192] leonopoop: FLASHWARNING [3192] breezemoney: 😂😂😂😂😂😂 [3192] deronkingz: hit harder [3192] peedrug: my eyes [3192] GHOSTEEE_23: sooooooowere in plat [3192] 5ebxstian: CLIP FARMING [3192] fardeloren26: fake jynxzi [3192] raven_1108: champion [3192] copycatcloudy: L bully [3192] wha12up: react harder [3192] chxrlie2105: basically 8 [3193] n_dawg3666: fix your green screen!!!!!!!!!!!I’m [3194] maecffff: you look like panecake mixture [3194] Wilburn86: react harder [3194] badtwitchtv: chamipon [3194] m00nwater3: ♻️♻️ [3194] milanofzo_: FACE LEAKED [3194] thedrunkw1zard: !LINK [3194] tone__17: CLIP HARDER. [3194] Dexile_yt: REACT HARDERR [3194] ry4nd4v15: Ur rank [3195] b1nked: CLIP FARMING [3195] Pixeled_Player: plastic 2 [3195] Nightbot: @thedrunkw1zard If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [3195] jakethegrape875: react harder jynxziVapeBreak [3195] jxryrn: did u get raided [3195] tyler27647: cops waiting [3195] king_star12345: champion [3195] zaykett27: guy say rankex [3195] iron_marz: iron_marz is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [3195] shivermetimbers15: W FLASHBANG [3195] bobdude765: WHITE SPEED [3195] saucin2hard: Speed [3195] fardeloren26: fake slips [3195] loloabribus: DIRT 3 [3195] iron_marz: iron_marz gifted a Tier 1 sub to huntermallard1! [3196] konahriik123: react more [3196] maecffff: you look like panecake mixtureee [3196] stormtrooper980: react to mine @jynxzi [3197] cluuer6: bully [3197] mrbrokeboi420: champ [3197] BigMexicanNerd: lw doc is cookin on R6 [3197] bigab45: W [3198] maecffff: you look like panecake mixture [3198] gryph33: react harder [3198] itzyaboi__goofball: THATS DIRT [3198] osrscamba: SPEED CLONE [3198] xvsself: LMFOOAAO [3198] jmor2569: react harder show more emotion [3198] solargt1: WHEN IS ISWEATGAMES STREAM??? [3198] pocketpengun: GOOD AIMMMMM [3198] suren70: REACTER SOFTER WHITE SPEED [3198] iqnatertater: white speed [3198] lonishqipee: junko is waiting [3198] Telli7: doc is waiting [3198] kkhgttttt: MY EYES [3199] razor1234512: when is fanmail [3199] pillcrusher1: jynxziLOL_SQ [3199] KMFpool: broken condom 3 [3199] farfromsane999: someone call CPS camera protective services [3199] xxthanos33txx: clip farmer [3199] ykbranagan: bruh these ads [3199] hunterl11100: play fall guys we wont grab you [3199] l4m4ndo: lmaooooooooo [3199] ttvdeluxe_: tobblestone [3199] mr_user_use_you: 2 hr stre [3199] rhysstone22: whens fan mail [3199] fadeskyl1ne: PANCACKE RANK [3199] iqued3: when is fan mail [3199] JayAreZeee: good reaction now end stream [3200] blakezz86: stream earlier for uk [3200] jxryrn: raided ? [3200] fardeloren26: fake clips [3200] heartelly: !watchtime [3200] titteemilk: P Diddy waiting [3200] StreamElements: heartelly has spent 9 days 5 hours watching jynxzi [3201] hey_007: Tourney [3201] monkeyonplane: jynxziFAT [3201] rethyss: wooooooooooooooooooo [3201] diego_11_p: When is clips [3201] ken_ken333: do u wanna go fishing [3201] goddddddaim555: LE BED [3201] offbeat_punk: jynxziSmoke jynxziVapeBreak [3201] DXeny_: play ranked dada [3201] AlMoratta: L chat [3201] meddyy3: gyattt [3201] thomascosmos8: THIS [3201] bobagonk534: w xbox player [3202] pepper718: FACE CAM TO PERFECT [3202] d44rkfire: hear harder [3202] fort90d: Jynxi [3202] nailwind: hes fighting his demons [3202] LocusATM: Scripted [3202] llc_troi9: Yo [3202] maecffff: you look like panecake mixturee [3202] stormtrooper980: react to mine @jynxzi [3202] skyteiswashed: ! when is fanmail [3202] drewchimane: yo you wanna run some fort duos? [3202] TTV_zeny_: TTV_zeny_ subscribed with Prime. [3202] dav_55: strawberry ass poptart [3202] fardeloren26: fake stream [3202] wideschizoJeb: he kicked his cam finally LUL [3202] infamousbeast99: quick play [3203] LightningKakuzu: NUT HARDER NUT HARDER NUT HARDER NUT HARDER NUT HARDER NUT HARDER NUT HARDER NUT HARDER NUT HARDER [3203] rethyss: lesgo [3203] rakze0: nah he is taking the piss [3203] ryan444566788: White speed [3203] goddddddaim555: L BED [3203] SpeyLive: hit harder [3203] thedozer8224: BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ [3203] iSledge1: Watch harder [3203] wideschizoJeb: he kicked his cam finally LUL [3203] ham_boo: LETS SEE THAT HEAD DIP [3204] jstalker2: do fan mail your fat ass [3204] maecffff: you look like panecake mixture [3204] Jager_514: Jynxzi clone [3204] jammy_1_: I can't see they can't see strategy!!! [3204] liptonomi: WHITE SKETCH IM FROM ITALIA WHITE SKETCH IM FROM ITALIA [3204] ramboniious: have better reactions [3204] razor1234512: when is fan mail [3204] zaykett27: guys say ranked [3204] selvan000: 1 v 5 the sidemen on r6 [3205] Z3stiS: Welcome to cardboard 1 [3205] wideschizoJeb: he kicked his cam finally LUL [3205] finnisthebest1234: TRY HARDER NEVER STOP [3205] dr_dinger52: Whos Mail Fann [3205] meddyy3: gyat [3205] pcsryze: WHO IS FAN MAIL WHO IS FAN MAIL WHO IS FAN MAIL WHO IS FAN MAIL WHO IS FAN MAIL WHO IS FAN MAIL WHO IS FAN MAIL WHO IS FAN MAIL [3205] v_kahn: React softer [3205] diego_11_p: when is clips [3205] klngsliime: BUTTERMILK PANCAKE [3205] tyler27647: police waiting [3205] mrblueboygocrazy: better than speed [3206] EUfreddie: jynxzi you stink get out i am better [3206] Failinglifeproudly: l bully [3206] wideschizoJeb: he kicked his cam finally LUL [3206] vanpogs: React harder [3206] tone_x7: almost 8 [3206] GHOSTEEE_23: im down there [3206] martiin_ortiiz: fan mail with Kylie cox [3206] king_star12345: unreal rank [3207] fardeloren26: fake jynxzi [3207] NachoFishYT: 1 HOUR MARK INCOMING jynxziChampion [3207] copycatcloudy: face cam too big [3207] tripperedd1400000: lag [3207] nailwind: schizo clip [3207] ugolyduckoling: 100 ADS [3207] pcsryze: WHO IS FAN MAIL WHO IS FAN MAIL WHO IS FAN MAIL WHO IS FAN MAIL WHO IS FAN MAIL WHO IS FAN MAIL WHO IS FAN MAIL [3208] efra9325: ISHOWCLIPS [3208] 999_duke: when clips [3208] gryph33: r SeemsGood [3208] krunkbruticus: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [3208] lil_srt845: lil_srt845 subscribed at Tier 1. [3208] capxhaa: punch your desk harder [3208] munraaj2: GoldPLZ [3208] pillcrusher1: jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT [3208] pcsryze: WHO IS FAN MAIL WHO IS FAN MAIL WHO IS FAN MAIL WHO IS FAN MAIL [3208] InfiniteAnarchy: no diddy [3208] MAD5411: when is Caseoh vs Kai [3209] Fossabot: @mr_butternips69, Your message is too long [3209] giraffelover_: I get these weirdos all the time [3209] pur_str_xp1: Doc Quote you today !! [3209] ScxryBerry: what’s the clip [3209] nikisimmer2015: 1000% copper [3209] bigbunnychung: fan mail when [3209] sebastisnfergg: WHEN IS FAN MAIL [3209] thedozer8224: BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump [3209] meddyy3: gyatt [3210] nbl_212169: react harder/longer/louder [3210] jaceerracer: JacerRacer has a great banger of a YouTube video on you [3210] swooont: ppop [3210] Haarrzzz: SOFT BATCH [3210] spicydonut19: script harder [3210] MediateAttic5_: AVERAGE PLAT CONSOLE PLAYER [3210] pcsryze: WHO IS FAN MAIL WHO IS FAN MAIL [3210] fort90d: Can you tell me how to go live please [3210] jolyx0: How do I connect my R6 to Twitch? [3210] emmettwashere: fix camera [3211] brandonlt28: 9/10 clip won’t lie [3211] blazeandrage: THAT IS NOT A HUMAN [3211] maecffff: you look like panecake mixtureee [3211] sm0keythebeear: BETTER THAN U [3211] imdefxim: bros watching his own gameplay [3211] k4omzy: Early? [3211] pcsryze: WHO IS FAN MAIL [3212] jmor2569: react harder show more enthusiasm [3212] rethyss: smoke crackkkkkkkkkkkkkk [3212] TatManJake: looks like a clip i seen on duty [3212] bigtimehog: SKETCH CLONE [3212] mrcasman88: I love u jinxi [3213] logan77777777: NUT HARDER NUT HARDER NUT HARDER NUT HARDER NUT HARDER NUT HARDER NUT HARDER NUT HARDER NUT HARDER [3213] maecffff: you look like panecake mixture [3213] lonishqipee: is waiting@ [3213] MoneyHendrix: it was good meeting you at the Illuminati meeting. stay dialed for the gang brother bear 🖖 [3213] diego_11_p: When clips [3213] knuffiesblik: !sub [3213] bigdoy37: 3 [3213] gryph33: react harder [3213] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [3213] stormtrooper980: react to mine @jynxzi [3213] Shadowxzxzx: america brain lmao [3213] meddyy3: gyattt [3214] mashal2nd: pxppyROFL pxppyROFL pxppyROFL pxppyROFL [3214] jappie005: Almond milk ass waffle [3214] susuzkarpuzzz: sadfasıdfjşasdfas [3214] dart_zy: L] [3215] giraffelover_: it’s fake [3215] loganoir2: oh another clip farm [3215] sebastisnfergg: NUT HARDER [3215] maecffff: you look like panecake mixtureeeee [3215] USAFM1ke: DOC STREAMING R6 DOC STREAMING R6 DOC STREAMING R6 [3215] bigbunnychung: when fan mail [3216] curtis_ed: i have jager black ice and only started this week [3216] mazzaa3: ngl dr disrespect is cooking rn [3216] meddyy3: gyat [3216] razor1234512: when is Dan mail [3216] pcsryze: WHO IS FAN MAIL . [3216] vengence_rise: best aim istg [3217] goddddddaim555: FACE REVEAL [3217] gryph33: re [3217] loganoir2: react harder [3217] giohall11: morgz wannabe [3217] finnisthebest1234: HES RIGHT THERE [3217] avocado_toast_420: Would you let me tap? [3217] pocketpengun: GOOD AIMMMM [3217] hogwash17: doc clone [3217] blazej232389: hi jynxzi love ur stuff brother keep it up [3217] lonishqipee: @imdefxim [3217] iibrolykidiiv: better [3217] susuzkarpuzzz: aslkdşjfsaldşkfjşl [3218] amed0kfc: LUL [3218] DXeny_: play ranked brother [3218] TheDivess: BRAINROT [3218] maecffff: you look like panecake mixtureeee [3218] spicycelery3691: AINTNOWAY [3218] MoneyHendrix: it was good meeting you at the Illuminati meeting. stay dialed for the gang brother bear 🖖🖖🖖🖖 [3218] xdbossbear66: when’s fan mail [3218] offbeat_punk: jynxziFALL [3218] mrmilku1234: Doc eating [3219] ugolyduckoling: 8 ADS [3219] biggpoppa88: jynxziCRY [3219] 4n7oni0_Q: 4n7oni0_Q subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [3220] diego_11_p: when clips [3220] soulzthegoat: are you okay my pookie wookie bear [3220] susuzkarpuzzz: lşasdjfaskdfjasdf [3220] quin_oscar03: Is mail time when fan [3220] maecffff: you look like panecake mixture [3220] SpectreKilo: no [3220] emmettwashere: fix camera angle [3220] xlpans: blow on my foreskin [3220] spino_x99: ffff [3220] Gimme_Girlfriend_For_Xmas: L mic [3220] SinisterSting: notice me senpai jynxzi [3220] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [3220] meddyy3: gyatt [3220] logan77777777: NUT HARDER NUT HARDER NUT HARDER NUT HARDER NUT HARDER NUT HARDER NUT HARDER NUT HARDER NUT HARDE [3221] repentmi: yooo [3221] loganoir2: clip farm [3221] FailDaGoat: junko let clix and case 1v1 in r6 [3221] onepersona65: lklet him cook [3221] maecffff: you look like panecake mixtureeee [3222] pillcrusher1: PridePog [3222] beasts_o: REACT HARDER [3222] aaronmartinezx5: who is fan mail [3222] bigbunnychung: Mail fan when [3222] razor1234512: when is fan mail [3222] LocusATM: BRO WHAT THE FOK? [3223] martiin_ortiiz: pancake nipples [3223] diego_11_p: When clips [3223] InfiniteAnarchy: l aim [3223] chxrlie2105: basically 8 [3223] maecffff: you look like panecake mixture [3223] jxryrn: Arthur dies [3223] thomascosmos8: He's better than u bro [3223] jmor2569: react harder miss the old jynxzi [3223] sneakyninjaalt: the cam slams getting old hynxzi you gotta start scissor kicking that shot [3223] itzhak_buda: goodnight everyone 1 hour mark here we come [3224] selvan000: 1v5 the sidmen on r6 [3224] bigbiiis: Clip farm [3224] twofifthsofarat: Fake clip [3224] itz_ethxn_: say DeoFya fat as hell [3224] meddyy3: gyattt [3224] Wilburn86: what fan mail is time? [3224] mrmilku1234: Doc Waiting [3224] edifsop355: REACT [3224] kr0nipz: @Jynxzi it's my birthday today [3224] MediateAttic5_: white speed [3225] shadow_lslayed: fake clip [3225] v_kahn: 8 ads [3225] shivermetimbers15: W GAMEPLAN [3225] ashsiege_: react harder [3225] dizzyvzn: react like speed [3225] randellstrash: brain rot clip [3225] gryph33: react harder [3225] diego_11_p: when is clips [3226] a1Iex_: white jynxzi [3226] finnisthebest1234: YOU SEE HIM [3226] mr_butternips69: Earthquake junko earthquake junko earthquake junko earthquake junko earthquake junko earthquake junko earthquake junko [3226] milanofzo_: FACE LEAKED [3226] ossieum: ur acoustic [3226] logan77777777: NUT HARDER NUT HARDER NUT HARDER NUT HARDER NUT HARDER NUT HARDER NUT HARDER NUT HARDER NUT HARDERr [3227] NachoFishYT: JynxziChampion [3227] meddyy3: gyat [3227] pillcrusher1: jynxziLOL_SQ jynxziLOL_SQ jynxziLOL_SQ jynxziLOL_SQ [3227] grm_ex0tic: plz react to Yoru Eclipse clip [3227] LiTareu: better player than you :O [3227] bigbunnychung: when clips [3227] yourboyfendyy: FELL OFF [3227] VyseM4H: !sub [3228] scaumy123: better then you [3228] soulzthegoat: react harder [3228] evil_engine_no_9: he just did the inception stair glitch [3228] Akram_the1: FANMAIL WHEN MadgeLate [3228] wrjackson87: LETS GO CHAMP [3228] slipperysalami_: Cheer10 Cheer10 love you jynxzi your streams make me laugh all the time [3229] diego_11_p: When is clips [3229] soulzthegoat: react harderreact harder [3229] randompork: Copy speed harder [3229] copycatcloudy: pancake ass kid react harder [3229] lockeykockey3: BETTER THAN U SMARTER AND SEXIER [3229] Mishes4: Prime Jynxzi would've broke camera [3229] boofman0151: speak in a liverpool accent. [3229] lonishqipee: lemme tap [3229] Nightbot: Blue crown —-> Free —-> no ads —-> charm: https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [3229] aidanmeagan: @jynxzi react harder [3229] DXeny_: play ranked my g [3229] jmor2569: miss the old jynxzi [3229] conconconcon1313: SWAT TEAM IS WAITING [3229] xvsself: HELPMD [3229] G0LDdiggxr: bronny waiting [3230] lotus_52: DOC CLONE DOC CLONE DOC CLONE DOC COLNE DOCCLONE DOC CLONE DOC CLONE DOC CLONE DOC CLONE DOC CLONE DOC CLONE DOC CLONE [3230] soulzthegoat: react harder [3230] maecffff: you look like panecake mixtureee [3230] NachoFishYT: 1 HOUR MARK INCOMING jynxziChampion [3230] avix_dezign23: 8 ads is crazy [3230] meddyy3: gyatt [3231] lucaplyz1729: stream harder [3231] iibrolykidiiv: lmao [3231] titteemilk: P Diddy waiting [3231] joacohdp: better than you [3231] loganoir2: react harder [3231] ossieum: ur a restart [3231] bahamutking415: doc is nasty [3231] kxaq_glitch: fanmzul [3231] GHOSTEEE_23: W gmplay [3231] soulzthegoat: react harderreact harderreact harderreact harder [3231] ihaventbearminecraft: NO FANMAIL UNDERCOVER RANKED [3231] monkey_loaf: JINXZI WHAT DOES BDUSSY MEAN I'M SO CONFUSED WHAT IT MEANS [3232] larrydavcdf: so we’re in copper [3232] yeaaries: who is fanmail [3232] Gimme_Girlfriend_For_Xmas: Bad mic react harder fatty [3232] kingkorey80: castle is always the dumbest players [3232] wideschizoJeb: forsen's mic too loud @jynxzi [3232] soulzthegoat: react harder [3232] gryph33: react harder white speed [3233] tripperedd1400000: but harder [3233] Shadow_Kage__: I Want You To Show Me Your Panties With a Disgusted Face [3233] caseohisafarriswheel: white speed [3233] heder_sot69696969: im guessing diamond one [3233] 77freddiee: WHITE SPEED [3233] ugolyduckoling: IHAVE 8 ADS [3233] yodie_fn: L bully [3233] invalidbruhh: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [3233] bobagonk534: w xbox player [3233] he_is_that_one: Doc waiting [3233] soulzthegoat: react harderreact harder [3233] andrejkermkis: Jinxzy is fake [3233] windwardchunk55: windwardchunk55 subscribed at Tier 1. [3234] croswarr: 🤫👉👈 [3234] zeus262: Im dead bro [3234] randompork: copy speed harder [3234] meddyy3: gyattt [3234] ryan444566788: White speed [3234] bigab45: When does the stream start [3235] bigjoe200644: I’m on the toilet [3235] LocusATM: cream on me [3235] ossieum: ur restarted [3235] Zenoverseiscool: WHEN IS FANMAIL [3235] smackked: BREKKIES IN MIAMI [3235] soulzthegoat: react harderreact harderreact harderreact harderreact harder [3235] nahshaw1: EVERYONE SPAM WHAT HAPPENED YESTERDAY WITH COPS [3235] vansem112: jynxziSad [3235] sm0keythebeear: REACT HARDER WHITE SPEED [3236] bowman0x: CREAM FILLED TWINKIE [3236] aultraso: bro is talking like bro can here him [3236] tripperedd1400000: diddy [3236] fehmi975: sock a little dick the game r6 jynxzi [3236] pillcrusher1: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown [3236] scaumy123: better than you [3236] c0nf1rmed: react harder [3236] soulzthegoat: react harder [3236] 8mrtn: brainrot clip [3236] fat_germ: L bully [3236] distoorbed: BEST CLIP OF THE DAY [3237] Nightbot: @rug2222 -> AAhhh... much better! [stop posting links] [warning] [3237] wrjackson87: SUB TIME [3237] bubasubasubasubas: when is kai vs caseoh???? [3237] eliasjensen13: when is fan mail [3237] bigbunnychung: mail when [3237] l4m4ndo: revxKEKW revxKEKW revxKEKW revxKEKW revxKEKW [3237] trengodfps: I MISS THE OLD JYNXZI [3237] soulzthegoat: react harderreact harderreact harder [3237] meddyy3: gyat [3238] goddddddaim555: FACE REVEALI'm [3238] gryph33: white speed [3238] ChuckinSauce: better than you [3238] Akram_the1: FANMAIL WHEN MadgeLate m [3238] MoneyHendrix: it was good meeting you at the Illuminati meeting. stay dialed for the gang brother bear 🖖 [3238] ossieum: white speed [3238] sebastisnfergg: NUT HARDERNUT HARDERNUT HARDER [3238] tothewindoooowtothewall: OMEGALUL [3238] paxilfr: WSG DADDY [3238] martiin_ortiiz: pancake titties [3238] soulzthegoat: react harder [3239] jperes11: p [3239] slippycrowe: better than you [3239] diego_11_p: White speed [3239] solargt1: FAKE JYNXZI [3239] lonishqipee: prime junko is waiting [3239] sneakyninjaalt: faaaaacccckkkkkk [3240] charlespriest065: LETS GO CHAMP [3240] malligamers: when's fanmail [3240] suren70: react softer white speed [3240] otrdimer98: react harder [3240] XavierBando: DinoDance [3240] panda_plop: i see champion charm [3240] wessy130: WTF [3240] InfiniteAnarchy: l bully [3240] MAD5411: when is Caseoh vs Kai [3240] gohbey123: !link [3240] wideschizoJeb: forsen's mic too loud @jynxzi [3240] Nightbot: @gohbey123 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [3241] zaykett27: guys say ranked [3241] ry4nd4v15: Better than u [3241] thomascosmos8: bronny is waiting [3241] xxvacility: mod him [3241] smackked: BREKKI IN MIAMI [3241] cosmin629: better than u 100% [3242] lilpasqua3: worst clip of the day [3242] ScxryBerry: nah this different [3242] theitmanforreal: better than you [3242] ossieum: white speed/// [3242] MoneyHendrix: it was good meeting you at the Illuminati meeting. stay dialed for the gang brother bear 🖖🖖 [3242] croswarr: no you [3242] jakker1611: Keep talking almost finished [3242] Smiley_Ty: !link [3242] cillercabbage: !watchtime [3243] akirooguns: !gt [3243] StreamElements: cillercabbage has spent 10 mins watching jynxzi [3243] TrillMuhammad: is this even a clip? [3243] Nightbot: Junko SSG [3243] luxs3000: brekiii [3243] tbc_baby: actual bot [3243] userfjdhdhdjx: react softer [3243] Fossabot: @elsmokey4200, Your message is too long [3243] gillette568: champ [3243] goddddddaim555: L BED [3243] aaronmartinezx5: react harder [3244] camisbuiltdiff: jynxziCORNY jynxziClown jynxziVapeBreak [3244] tripperedd1400000: diddy coming for you [3244] d44rkfire: L bully [3244] fehmi975: your ass [3244] jxryrn: Arthur diess [3244] quin_oscar03: google images are waiting [3245] Akram_the1: FANMAIL WHEN MadgeLate [3245] bimbopan01: play with doc [3245] luxs3000: hill [3245] GHOSTEEE_23: sooo were in fanmail [3245] pur_str_xp1: Doc Quote you today !! [3245] camisbuiltdiff: jynxziCORNY jynxziClown jynxziCORNY [3245] thedozer8224: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [3245] wrjackson87: HOW DO I SUB???? [3245] j0ltzzzz: BEST CLIP OF THE DAY [3245] ossieum: ur a restart [3245] jynxziglaze2: REACT HARDER [3246] bigpapajxrdan: mod him [3246] nahshaw1: EVERYONE SPAM WHAT HAPPENED YESTERDAY WITH COPS! [3246] qtneoxyz: qtneoxyz subscribed at Tier 1. [3246] zer0_aero: so we’re in air rank [3246] knupfer_: Hi [3246] MoneyHendrix: 🖖it was good meeting you at the Illuminati meeting. stay dialed for the gang brother bear 🖖 [3246] curtis_ed: i have jager black ice and only started this week [3246] DXeny_: play ranked nickq [3246] rlmenagh: REACT HARDER [3247] gigachad1982: wtf [3247] jxryrn: Arthur dies [3247] tripperedd1400000: diddy [3247] doger6god: link! [3247] diego_11_p: When is clips [3247] judekjkjk: jynxziLOL jynxziLOL jynxziLOL jynxziLOL jynxziLOL jynxziLOL jynxziLOL jynxziLOL jynxziLOL jynxziLOL jynxziLOL jynxziLOL [3247] mashgoated: he’s better than you [3247] alextheprodigyy: w [3248] invalidbruhh: jynxziClown jynxziClown [3248] hxnson: mod him [3248] ScxryBerry: bro [3248] eepy_liquid: so were in brick VI [3248] prod605: 1v1 me I’m ass [3248] trengodfps: WHO MISSES THE OLD JYNXZI CHAT?!? [3248] luxs3000: BREKKI [3248] fehmi975: hahahha [3248] sebastisnfergg: NUT FASTER [3248] InfiniteAnarchy: l bull e [3249] jxryrn: Arthur diess [3249] ossieum: ur acoustic and fat [3249] Dragontraq: morgz lookin ahh [3249] offbeat_punk: React harder daddy [3249] MoneyHendrix: it was good meeting you at the Illuminati meeting. stay dialed for the gang brother bear 🖖🖖🖖🖖 [3250] camisbuiltdiff: mvpamaHmmmm mvpamaEgypt mvpamaHaha mvpamaSUIT mvpamaNewwave mvpamaRed mvpamaHmmmm mvpamaBlue mvpamaMVP mvpamaCool mvpamaPrince mvpamaYellow mvpamaMVP [3250] greez2330: boring [3250] meddyy3: harder mommy junko [3250] mrmilku1234: Smash gyat give it head [3250] beasts_o: react harder or im unsubbing [3250] imdefxim: bros reacting to himself [3250] visionisvibin3: Bronny 1v1?? [3251] jayofrmdashh21: better then u on Saturdays [3251] ScxryBerry: this is a joke [3251] vxrail_smack: he better than you [3251] mikeypacks: react harder [3251] jxryrn: Arthur dies [3251] i_Bash: he play like u [3252] bazinkaxd: @jynxzi can u react harder please i beg u [3252] mrmilku1234: Gyat [3252] tothewindoooowtothewall: tenseSmash [3252] zer0_aero: !sub [3252] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [3252] Akram_the1: FANMAIL WHEN MadgeLate m [3252] liptonomi: WHITE SKETCH IM FROM ITALIA [3252] ossieum: ur acoustic [3253] jamexisgoated: clip farming again [3253] wyfyttv: WHEN IS KAI VS CASE 1V1 [3253] zaykett27: guys sayranmes [3253] njw94: !watchtime [3253] mrmilku1234: Smash [3253] aaronmartinezx5: REACT HARDER [3253] routine59: react HARDER DADDY [3253] StreamElements: njw94 has spent 11 hours 40 mins watching jynxzi [3253] larrydavcdf: so we not dronin [3254] smackked: BRECKY IN MIAMI [3254] jmor2569: keep reacting I’m almost done [3254] selvan000: 1v5 the sidemen on r6 [3254] jxryrn: Arthur diess [3255] copycatcloudy: when mail fan is when junko??? [3255] spicycelery3691: KEKW [3255] nuckrl_: the other 2 jynxzis are waiting [3255] ossieum: ur fat [3255] jedimastercrunk: mod him [3255] ryan444566788: Speed is better [3255] natt61: is better than you [3255] sebastisnfergg: EDGE HARDER [3255] 7danky7: gang gang [3255] lilzeusu: react harder [3255] VyseM4H: When is Jynxzi live Junko?? Btw can I use your McDonald's discount? [3255] DXeny_: play ranked dummy [3256] Akram_the1: FANMAIL WHEN MadgeLate [3256] althemaster123: copper to champ tonight [3256] mrmilku1234: Smashed [3256] luxs3000: BRECKIIIE [3256] v_kahn: 18 ads [3256] boofman0151: speak in a liverpool accent [3257] wideschizoJeb: already better than you on tournament saturday LUL @jynxzi [3257] biglipenergy69: first clip of the daaayyyy [3257] jxryrn: Arthur dies [3257] USAFM1ke: DOC STREAMING R6 DOC STREAMING R6 DOC STREAMING R6 [3257] ossieum: L FAT ASS [3257] solargt1: WHICH IS THE REAL JYNXZI??? [3257] SN1P3Z_au: PART TIMER PART TIMER PART TIMER PART TIMER PART TIMER PART TIMER PART TIMER PART TIMER PART TIMER [3257] mr_butternips69: Earthquake junko earthquake junko earthquake junko earthquake junko earthquake junko earthquake junko earthquake junko [3257] mia_is_afk: mia_is_afk subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! [3257] w0nin: FACECAM TOO PERFECT [3257] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [3257] ali_zt23: goat streamer [3257] doctorsalami_: He’d carry you [3257] mrmilku1234: Smash [3257] mylittleschmookums: is when mail mail fan fatass [3258] swoleboh: so shit [3258] b1alby: Purple moncler! [3258] wideschizoJeb: already better than you on tournament saturday LUL @jynxzi [3258] alextheprodigyy: L bully [3258] mytwitchtowatchstreams: sup fatass [3258] rlmenagh: HARDER REACT HARDER [3258] lotrofan154pls: ban him [3258] im_sarge: jynxi reacted [3258] excessivezero5: WHEN IS CLIPS WHEN IS CLIPS WHEN IS CLIPS WHEN IS CLIPS WHEN IS CLIPS WHEN IS CLIPS WHEN IS CLIPS WHEN IS CLIPS WHEN IS CLIPS WHEN IS CLIPS [3258] sandy_sir: LMAAOOOO💀 [3258] infamousbeast99: 💀 [3258] k1stxrz: this guy would cool you white speed [3258] rethyss: kekw [3258] amed0kfc: Best clip of the day [3259] kruger_06: TwitchConHYPE [3259] judekjkjk: react harder [3259] phinies205: LMFAOO [3259] sebastisnfergg: NUT HARDEE [3259] rain_redeemed: BETTER THAN YOU [3259] razor1234512: when is fan mail [3259] theitmanforreal: I bet he goes positive in tournies tho [3259] FailDaGoat: junko let clix and case 1v1 in r6 [3259] greez2330: booo [3259] Akram_the1: FANMAIL WHEN MadgeLate m [3260] martiin_ortiiz: when is caseoh vs Kai [3260] 8mrtn: worst clip OAT [3260] jamexisgoated: clip farm [3260] jxryrn: Arthur diesss [3260] randompork: yap [3260] 203_henz: coming up to the 1 hour mark [3260] robert09763: when is caseoh coming over [3260] LiTareu: better than jynxzi [3260] loloabribus: LMAO [3260] prod605: clip farm my clip [3260] dentege: wtf [3261] copycatcloudy: real [3261] maecffff: you look like panecake mixture [3261] diego_11_p: Real [3261] ossieum: ur acoustic [3261] kikislay69: full send [3261] bigslopppie: what do pancake mean?? [3261] Nightbot: real [3261] gloryboykobe: w clipfarm [3261] titteemilk: P Diddy waiting [3261] hogwash17: W doc clone [3261] wideschizoJeb: already better than you on tournament saturday LUL @jynxzi [3261] lemdumre_: lemdumre_ subscribed at Tier 1. [3261] mrmilku1234: Breckieeeeeee [3261] sundeviltitan11: what is plan for stream [3261] bradley__nl: jynxziVapeBreak_SG [3262] jxryrn: Arthur dies [3262] DirttyD23: ban him [3262] SiscaManik92: sit on my face brother [3262] nailwind: CATBOY <3 [3263] disanto003: disanto003 subscribed at Tier 1. [3263] freegdogg: @HiVise [3263] iluvzebra12: Real [3263] tmoores88: charmin extra soft [3263] fendi_l9: GYAT [3263] sebastisnfergg: NUT HARDER [3263] malligamers: bahahhahha [3263] suren70: react softer [3263] MaxxBeatz: LOOOOOOOOL [3263] vykarian: REAL [3263] t3ch_supp0rtx: real [3263] distoorbed: REAL [3263] beastmode428: boobies by Mexican OT [3263] milanofzo_: FACE LEAKED [3263] NachoFishYT: 1 HOUR MARK INCOMING jynxziChampion [3264] fehmi975: better than you [3264] diego_11_p: real [3264] jitty66: real [3264] xero_report: REAL [3264] aare123456: react harder [3264] nikisimmer2015: Wtffff [3264] jamexisgoated: clip farmer [3264] bobagonk534: w xbox player [3264] maecffff: you look like panecake mixturee [3264] NFFe4rr: gyat [3264] wrizzrex: W [3264] steezy_crab: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [3264] oreo1v5s: ........ [3264] soulzthegoat: smashhhhhhhhhhh [3264] mytwitchtowatchstreams: WWWWWW [3265] rapha92santos: smash [3265] abdo_37: real [3265] peppjohn: when is fan mail [3265] invalidbruhh: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [3265] boofman0151: speak in a liverpool accent/ [3265] elsmokey4200: when is fan mail [3265] HappyJTC: REAL [3265] jmor2569: real [3265] itzhak_buda: goodnight everyone 1 hour mark here we come [3265] wyay: sadly real [3265] stormtrooper980: react to mine @jynxzi [3267] stormtrooper980: react to mine @jynxzi [3267] NFFe4rr: real [3267] subdezeroc: blue cheese 5 [3267] currytoloco: react softer [3267] nonozbobo: WWWW [3267] poohelicoptr: WOULD [3267] 999_duke: WHEN FANMAIL [3267] excessivezero5: YAAAAS [3267] copycatcloudy: so real [3267] randompork: copy speed harder [3267] remdoteh: jynxziBadAim [3267] steezy_crab: wwwwwwwwwwwww [3267] Nightbot: k [3267] vitality5175: fanmail bitch [3267] nailwind: backshots [3268] Vraj_: when is fan mail [3268] monkey_loaf: JINXZI WHAT DOES BDUSSY MEAN I'M SO CONFUSED WHAT IT MEANS [3268] gxstt: WHENS FAN MAIL [3268] farfromsane999: LLL [3270] poohelicoptr: GYAT [3270] SiscaManik92: what them lips do [3270] silvaa_2x: real [3270] zackholeee: real [3270] vxrail_smack: so we in champion [3270] jacktheswordzguy: OMG BAN HIM [3270] sadchildsheiz: real [3270] loloabribus: JYNXZI HOLY SHIT IM HARD [3270] AlphaHelixYT: STREAM IS WHEN? [3270] DXeny_: play ranked bad boy [3270] liamlouda: real [3270] saucin2hard: LL [3270] nailwind: BACKSHOTS ON GOD [3270] onghepalmer: better than you [3270] ikilledjustin: sadly real [3271] wideschizoJeb: already better than you on tournament saturday LUL @jynxzi [3271] mlagasse1: cmon [3271] goldrocktv: LUL LUL LUL [3271] darcss: HIDE SCREEN AND REACT TO DOC HIDE SCREEN AND REACT TO DOC HIDE SCREEN AND REACT TO DOC [3271] steezy_crab: reaaaaaallllllllll [3271] Zapssey: 😂 [3271] SynicV: SO REAL [3271] f0urjimsxd: WHEN ARE CLIPS? [3271] chimanga8_: l [3271] v2_Arctic: you are [3271] Akram_the1: FANMAIL WHEN MadgeLate m [3273] evilbr6: BleedPurpleHD BleedPurpleHD [3273] numberonericciglazer: DONT [3273] solargt1: WHEN IS FACE REVEAL [3273] jmor2569: real [3273] hunterl11100: LL [3273] chunguswitfungus27: do fan mail pwease king [3273] Shadow_Kage__: RECREATE THE DRAKE VIDEO WITH SKETCH Recreate the drake video with sketch [3273] hockeyman309: l [3273] thatsirmdude: L lair [3273] cloudyyboca: DO FAN MAIL [3273] shadow_lslayed: do it now punk [3273] JAYTOTAL: L [3273] irving_YY: Gyattt [3273] diegoandres29: when is clips [3273] sebas_isbetter: ur washed [3274] CreepMan_: When is Kai vs. Caseoh [3274] lost_xeno: POLL IT [3274] Nightbot: 😂 [3274] alextheprodigyy: when is fan mail [3274] wideschizoJeb: already better than you on tournament saturday LUL @jynxzi [3274] jayheffo: LLLL [3274] excessivezero5: WHEN FANMAIL BUNKO [3274] masynnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn: w [3274] LPnBotz: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL [3274] onghepalmer: better than toy [3274] Fossabot: @quaxfn_60, Your message is too long [3276] ghostaddict_vr: MOD HIM [3276] Shoopi: youre lying [3276] sam_21910: WOULD [3276] roguehunchofn: L bully [3276] drip_kryptic: fat [3276] maecffff: panecake ass clipfarmer [3276] guavastrafe: WHEN ARE CLIPS [3276] kingcreeper627: No [3276] ChocolateLoverVz: Jesus [3276] hesstruck75: REAL REAL REAL REAL REAL REAL REAL [3276] wahab_03: would [3276] steven_530: real [3276] timothe2369: LLLLLLL [3276] clxmpjr23: LLLLLLL [3276] fixitupewan: yea [3277] t0mthedominater: WHEN IS FANMAIL [3277] Nightbot: no 🧢 [3277] pur_str_xp1: Doc Quote you today !! [3277] genny0824123: LLLLLLLLLLL [3277] itzzjustmike: real [3277] nenon_kai: L [3277] OUTINGCOPE_C9: meow [3277] kazuu_ya: SKIP FAN MAIL [3277] QuickPup3340436: TWINKZI [3279] micdrop_gaming: DO FAN MAIL!!!!! [3279] theitmanforreal: when is face reveal [3279] large_pwnguin34: no [3279] joseph10hfyfdg: nooooooooooooooo [3279] curtis_ed: i have jager black ice and only started this week [3279] genny0824123: LLL' [3279] chazwell: When is Dan mail [3279] jordm19: h [3279] marthman_: you’re acting like the fan mail does this to you [3279] frizzy_122: L [3279] BurgahKang: buttermilk pancake [3279] Nightbot: h [3279] SpangIish: good [3279] excessivezero5: WHEN IS CLIPS WHEN IS CLIPS WHEN IS CLIPS WHEN IS CLIPS WHEN IS CLIPS [3279] braydon_jacobsen1: yessssss [3280] Encryptoh: pls don fan mail [3280] Bellybum14: when is fanmail? [3280] Grimeybreh: ewwwww [3280] wacksonog: poll it [3280] farfromsane999: FAN MAIL [3280] ossieum: ur acoustic [3280] LiTareu: rreeaall [3280] lotrofan154pls: worst clip ever madeee [3280] nococknation: ungrateful [3280] jujulovesdazaza: FANMAIL PLSSSS [3280] 916k: kimmich [3280] fraqgrgn: L part timer [3280] Alternate_xr: Fanmail lame anyways [3280] z_toxic13: z_toxic13 subscribed with Prime. [3281] ttv_hardshot: ttv_hardshot gifted a Tier 1 sub to just_bla1se! [3281] ttv_hardshot: ttv_hardshot gifted a Tier 1 sub to mellemarsh! [3281] ttv_hardshot: ttv_hardshot gifted a Tier 1 sub to jadni0914! [3281] ttv_hardshot: ttv_hardshot gifted a Tier 1 sub to patryk7882! [3281] ttv_hardshot: ttv_hardshot gifted a Tier 1 sub to ToPHer_QZ! [3282] junko_fat_: L [3282] kucciman_25: LLLLLL [3282] badtwitchtv: L [3282] death_streams66: part timer [3282] arn2ld_: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [3282] mikgag108012: L [3282] boofman0151: speak in a liverpool accent.... [3282] yourmomstoe12: whens fan mail [3282] DXeny_: play ranked my guy [3282] thegeekinator_: part timer [3282] alextheprodigyy: when is fan mail junk [3282] Heybooy: W [3282] zoni123321: pole it [3282] steven_530: would [3282] NFFe4rr: l streamer [3283] JCR_Jacob: ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [3283] skrsphyinx: L p-art timer [3283] pizzaboys1031: L [3283] metisboyyy: keep talking im almost finished [3283] flynn_a2: L [3283] noahhhhhhhhz: jynxziChampion jynxziPACK [3283] hockeyman309: L [3283] gibber009: nooo plsss [3283] wideschizoJeb: already better than you on tournament saturday LUL @jynxzi [3283] gmilsm0k3s: do it [3283] agott0120: L [3283] LocusATM: foot cam when [3283] lost_xeno: IM UNSUBBING [3285] ossieum: ungratful fat ass' [3285] jackdaviesx: Keep up the grind junko W 6 hour streamer [3285] konahriik123: react to mundane mikes OF [3285] cansbarnett2: L [3285] dragonbagon123: WWWW [3285] uplift_frost: do something puppet [3285] maecffff: panecake ass clipfarmerr [3285] byJanniTV: wwwwww [3285] xlpans: LL [3285] iSledge1: do it [3285] cloudyyboca: LLLLLLLLLLL [3285] bluejoltz23: MOD HIM NOW [3285] Lonergoon14: When is fan mail [3285] eliteone02: your a bait [3285] paxilfr: !watchtime [3286] masynnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn: why [3286] c0nf1rmed: LLL [3286] ReggieKush00: wipe your lip bother !! [3286] Gabimwk: W [3286] jynxziglaze2: REACT HARDERRR [3286] rangerkies: Noooooo [3286] chasethegunner40: l [3286] koecreation: meowwwwww [3286] rippedraxk: Xd [3286] Drag0nTamerLiam: fanmail when is [3286] evan0fseven: W [3286] TANGYDRUGS420: IM COOL WITH THAT BRO [3286] StreamElements: paxilfr has spent 5 days 23 hours watching jynxzi [3288] ikilledjustin: L KIMMICH [3288] FishyDaG0AT: When fanmail is? [3288] suren70: pre end [3288] cxhd: WW no fan mail [3288] phoenixxfps1: L [3288] trangler_: React harder kitty [3288] obito_slays: Smash would [3288] dtbkillas: omg I’ll eat your ass for it😁 [3288] seedless1904: L [3288] baubin7: CLIPS WHEN ARE [3288] DaxsterXD: tonight [3288] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [3288] mmarinotwitch16: thank god [3288] logan77777777: l [3288] OxTPlaya: I’m 100% fine with that [3289] kckash__: man of your word??? [3289] iiithxnderiii: UNSUBBING [3289] v2_Arctic: do it fat oBXjw [3289] qtneoxyz: L [3289] bluejoltz23: MOD HIM RIGHT NOW [3289] fleages: W GIFTED [3289] EnzoqZ: L [3289] bardown16__: IS THIS WHOVILLE? [3289] xJakeShiesty: unsubbing [3289] Nightbot: ok [3289] shivermetimbers15: P DIDDY IS WAITING [3289] cxhd: WW no fan mail [3289] ttv_676baby: w [3289] keyoncapalot: Twinkzi [3289] stormtrooper980: react to mine @jynxzi [3290] warden_main4: fan is Mail when?? [3290] jakobgarcia2522: L [3290] drewscrat02: thank god [3290] ghostaddict_vr: mod him [3290] toastyman2022: L Liar [3290] jellyjam4282: when is fan mail [3290] chanch0_: let’s fuck [3290] glitchedfoxstudio: When is stream [3290] MoneyHendrix: it was good meeting you at the Illuminati meeting. stay dialed for the gang brother bear 🖖✋✋🖖 [3290] 2Gbaker: fan mail# [3290] the_monkeyclipper: play ranked [3290] eusoulindo2210: EWWWWWWWW [3290] dubz76_: do it brother 👦 so papi [3290] adde2solid: L [3290] VyseM4H: When is Jynxzi live Junko?? Btw can I use your McDonald's discount? [3292] akaydinho: feet cam? [3292] lemdumre_: jynxziGoodAim jynxziBadAim [3292] tmoores88: charmin [3292] gumbogoooo: LOSES 1 MIL SUBS [3292] jasontodler: hivise [3292] stormtrooper980: react to mine @jynxzi [3292] butterdog74312: did you get swatedd [3292] croswarr: unsub [3292] xolaticiaxoo: when’s fan mail??? [3292] JynxziTheWhiteSpeed: what time is fan mail?? [3292] bbowden_23: WHEN IS FANMAIL [3292] alexw_04: when is fanmail [3292] tripperedd1400000: when is fan mail ? [3292] smegaletv: good [3292] fybaleee: hi my kitten [3293] alaskanwhiskey: DOC IS WAITING [3293] oc3anspray: ddddd [3293] gmilsm0k3s: DO IT [3293] large_pwnguin34: cringe [3293] cxhd: WW no fan mail [3293] whlterwhite: l [3293] Boogie_mp4: fix your cam @Jynxzi [3293] maximummax9736: no [3293] ttv_676baby: yes [3293] stormtrooper980: react to mine @jynxzi [3294] phantomclan69yt: Cheer1 [3295] The_Architect112: The_Architect112 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! hi daddy [3295] jappie005: Almond milk ass waffle [3295] rangerkies: un subing [3295] jimboy2189: lpl [3295] kttisfat69: its 8 [3295] stormtrooper980: react to mine @jynxzi [3295] soka__101: Run ranked wi xim [3295] byJanniTV: wwwwwww [3295] gablielllllllll: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL [3295] smegaletv: w [3295] jodanger_000: white speed [3295] ginjah_ninja10: loser [3295] tonyishyper69: Doc is waiting @jynxzi [3295] orbit5757575: ll [3295] oreo_bw: dbdbfjfbfbdbdjbd [3296] curlylennon: f [3296] TheOGOnion: PLAY THE TOURNEY [3296] wideschizoJeb: forsen's mic too loud @jynxzi [3296] Nightbot: F in the chat [3296] scaumy123: Jynxzi clone [3296] stormtrooper980: react to mine @jynxzi [3296] nxghtmarexds: nxghtmarexds subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 2 month streak! 3 months [3298] stormtrooper980: react to mine @jynxzi [3298] bigbunnychung: L [3298] thc_town: !Prime [3298] orbit5757575: llll [3298] GettingStickae: MAIL IS FAN WHEN [3298] Arin7XS: SMASH [3298] Nightbot: Subscribe to @Jynxzi for FREE with Twitch Prime Twitch.tv/subs/jynxzi [3298] milanofzo_: FACE LEAKED [3298] opixz53094: LLLLLLL [3298] beastmode428: boobies by Mexican OT [3298] darsh__harry: about to hit the 1 hour mark [3298] cloudyyboca: DO IT [3298] staidTV: PLAY RANKED [3298] akaydinho: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [3298] NachoFishYT: 1 HOUR MARK INCOMING jynxziChampion [3299] lukasskvarek: Is it nice to have buttplug in ur ass? [3299] SkeeloFn: !watchtime [3299] b1alby: Purple moncler [3299] mr_butternips69: Earthquake junko earthquake junko earthquake junko earthquake junko earthquake junko earthquake junko earthquake junko [3299] blakezz86: stream earlier for uk [3299] blaze_0_0_: buttermilk ass pancake [3299] epiksilentz: WWW [3299] pixelhermitt: golf doc [3299] mexicanbatmanssg: CAP YOU NEED THAT CONTENT TO MAKE THIS 6 HOURS BE REAL [3299] StreamElements: SkeeloFn has spent 40 mins watching jynxzi [3301] Gruscadoo: good [3301] tickleurpickll: But I prawmisted [3301] MoneyHendrix: it was good meeting you at the Illuminati meeting. stay dialed for the gang brother bear 🖖🖖🖖🖖 [3301] rnitten: finally [3301] bigwilli2301: finding a bad pfp to clip farm [3301] deathriders84: Bro the Photoshop is insane [3301] rubix__twitch: Time to wrap up the stream [3301] tyflevil95: when’s fan mail [3301] drewscrat02: L [3301] wafflewater10: idc fatass just fall out of you chair [3301] Fixsaann: yoooo [3301] Hunw123: you are my sunshine [3301] jakedog103: whens fan mail [3301] bigbailey16: SO YOUR SCARED [3301] jakecooper94: poll it [3302] phoenixxfps1: W [3302] antoniova38389: fuck u [3302] staidTV: PLAY RANKED PLAY RANKED PLAY RANKED PLAY RANKED PLAY RANKED PLAY RANKED [3302] ankwerd: what’s with all the ads? [3302] RageDaaGreat: W GIFTED SUBS [3302] boofman0151: speak in a liverpool accent.. [3302] giftmesubforcharm: w [3304] colbyjm1: Sketch is waiting [3304] azazazazloh334: CLIP FARMING [3304] vondy211: W [3304] lemon_wr3cker: DO YOU EDGE [3304] ryder_r11: w [3304] darcss: w [3304] 6ryuzo: bro [3304] GutzyAiden: GutzyAiden is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 83 in the channel! [3304] chxrlie2105: is when mail fan [3304] colej_18: fan mail time puppet [3304] DXeny_: play ranked fatty [3304] Gucci_kid54: ok [3304] Villias: W [3304] kiladex: are you still doing the 24 hour stream tomorrow [3304] Lonergoon14: When does fan mail start [3305] sebastisnfergg: Wwwwww [3305] 01haku: Masonic Speed [3305] Egg_Puckett: DOC JR [3305] oSaltii: HypeBeard [3305] cooksucker109: YEAH [3305] pumaloco7: liam naf si nehw [3305] piecectrlshaq: wwwwwww [3305] GutzyAiden: GutzyAiden gifted a Tier 1 sub to 1amhimothy! [3305] shrime_11: yes sir [3305] GutzyAiden: GutzyAiden gifted a Tier 1 sub to lenxaufm! [3305] GutzyAiden: GutzyAiden gifted a Tier 1 sub to sillybeanman! [3305] cainsims07: thank harder [3305] notorious_tings: DO FAN MAIL U KEPT UR WORD [3305] zebroq: HOW ARE YOU BROTHER [3305] Nightbot: 🧍🏻 [3307] phoenixxfps1: WW [3307] sebastisnfergg: WWWWWW [3307] l1luc4er: when is fan mail [3307] kicksbetter: 🔴REACT TO SEXXY RED MUSIC VIDEO🔴REACT TO SEXXY RED MUSIC VIDEO🔴REACT TO SEXXY RED MUSIC VIDEO🔴REACT TO SEXXY RED MUSIC VIDEO🔴REACT TO SEXXY RED MUSIC VIDEO🔴 [3307] RayanB7_: no one wants to watch that shit anyways [3307] lucaplyz1729: smoke harder [3307] evan0fseven: L [3307] G0LDdiggxr: bronny waiting [3307] itzhak_buda: pre end 1 hours mark goodnight everyone [3307] jiimmyzz: 1 HOUR MARK COMING UP [3307] zacky005: You’re falling off [3307] keyoncapalot: twinxzi [3307] redgrunky: L [3307] goldrocktv: CAM TOO BIG [3307] Chicago_Z: L [3308] tactop: KAI IS WANTS TO PLAY WITH YOU [3308] oce_statt: WWWW [3308] pizzaboys1031: W [3308] uplift_frost: we want summer jynxzi [3308] snip3r225: WWWWWWW [3308] biglipenergy69: W [3308] callumwinter2156: react top garrfeildf [3308] hesstruck75: JYNXZI WHEN DOES THE STREAM START? [3308] airforcegunner14: when is fan mail [3308] paynefulpower: ROLL YOUR TONGUE HARDER DADDY [3309] eaterofallbutt: eaterofallbutt subscribed with Prime. [3309] wyay: 💀 [3310] noah_better: you felled off junky [3310] selvan000: 1v5 the sidemen on r6 [3310] manny11122288: L [3310] Pilot_Azog: L farming [3310] oce_statt: WWW [3310] ok63r: Kai is playing r6 [3310] glockwitdabeam: if you skip tourney you’re a sellout [3310] benstoner1: WWWW [3310] NoSleepNandoxD: When is fan mail? [3310] wha12up: clix talking shit [3310] chanch0_: let’s fuck baby [3310] itzzjustmike: IF YOU DONT DO FAN MAIL IM UNSUBING @jynxzi [3310] DownfallJY: W [3310] GettingStickae: MAIL FAN IS MAIL [3310] dizzyvzn: you should try out fan mail [3311] silvaa_2x: NO [3311] excessivezero5: WHEN IS CLIPS WHEN IS CLIPS WHEN IS CLIPS WHEN IS CLIPS WHEN IS CLIPS [3311] elphentusee: fan mail harder [3311] spicydonut19: script harder [3311] wideschizoJeb: forsen [3311] diegoandres29: when is clips [3311] pur_str_xp1: Doc Quote you today !! [3311] frederikbrose13: u promised turney! [3311] Fossabot: @YTLANDYN77, Your message is too long [3311] generallaine: generallaine subscribed with Prime. [3312] robsuperior: robsuperior subscribed with Prime. [3313] brett0s: LOSING VIEWERS AFTER THATO NE [3313] RoadShotX: FEN IS WAN MAIL??? [3313] jujulovesdazaza: THERES LAG [3313] b1alby: Purple moncler! [3313] frederikbrose13: u promised turney [3313] Dexile_yt: Foresen mic is off [3313] xzomb1ez: W [3313] paxt0n_: W [3313] Gucci_kid54: 💀💀💀 [3313] w0nin: FACECAM TOO LOUD [3313] Gamingmonkey2022: good aim [3313] zackholeee: WHEN IS FAN MAIL [3313] anbu_monkey: 'Fanmail always at 8' [3313] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [3313] randompork: no [3314] Chief_T282: clix is ur daddy [3314] that_guy2day: react HARDER [3314] bigslopppie: what do pancake mean?? [3314] lotrofan154pls: yo dude i unsubbed [3314] cubeenjoyer: When is fan mail? [3314] fuegomvp: when is fan mail [3314] ooooo55777: W [3314] jodanger_000: white soeed [3314] jj_amedi: fqn@il [3314] masynnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn: 5 more minutes [3314] fadeskyl1ne: what are you doing next [3314] captaincookie: WHITE SPEED [3314] USAFM1ke: DOC STREAMING R6 DOC STREAMING R6 DOC STREAMING R6 [3314] nate_from_ohio: doc waiting [3314] cowzay: forsenE [3315] Taijutsuxd: Taijutsuxd subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [3316] v_kahn: Almost at the hour mark [3316] chazwell: Ur gaying excuse me [3316] RayanB7_: no one wants to watch fanmail💀💀🙏🏼 [3316] Nicrot: forsen [3316] DC_Chapo: when is fanmail [3316] hunglikeahorse66: Cam to big [3316] rnitten: which one is he [3316] iluvzebra12: Facecam to big [3316] oh_runni: Pdiddy is waiting [3316] lu_keeeep: NO FANMAIL [3316] notbongster: fan mail is the only real content [3316] aaronmacrae18: BRONNY is WAITNG [3316] Beetus_29: Beetus_29 subscribed with Prime. [3316] longbillginger46: forsenPls FORSEN forsenPls FORSEN forsenPls FORSEN forsenPls FORSEN forsenPls FORSEN [3316] EmergencyKraus: foursens [3317] wavyyon1: when 2v2when 2v2 [3317] cope_o: camera to big [3317] mrmilku1234: I show speed is waiting @jynxzi [3317] alaskanwhiskey: STEVEWILLDOIT IS TOO LOUD [3317] eoDont: More buttplugs coming in LUL [3317] cartop5489: 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🙏🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁 [3317] jetatoni: L bully [3317] austinpg02: SUNSHINE [3317] maecffff: panecake ass clipfarmerrrrr [3317] Gucci_kid54: 💀💀💀 [3317] literallynotafan: LLOLLLL [3317] matiffles07: Fuck this I am watching xim's stream [3317] wideschizoJeb: forsen @jynxzi [3317] jalen7ng: Cheer1 spit louder [3317] RayanB7_: no one wants to watch fanmail💀💀🙏🏼 [3318] splitzbx: splitzbx subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 5 month streak! yessir [3318] RayanB7_: no one wants to watch fanmail💀💀🙏🏼 [3319] Nimao_7: 4 sens is crazy [3319] zizloxx: you are my sunshine [3319] tripperedd1400000: WHEN IS FAN MAIL [3319] MAD5411: when is Caseoh vs Kai [3319] l31r6ag: PLEASE STOP WHISPERING [3319] rubabantics: For sends [3319] yaboisleepsinanest: clips when is? [3319] critxtwo: recycling content [3319] l1luc4er: is when mail fan [3319] bottomlesstoe101: No fan mail [3319] randompork: kai to loud [3319] cooksucker109: DOC [3319] visionisvibin3: Bronny 1v1?? [3319] longbillginger46: forsenPls FORSEN forsenPls FORSEN forsenPls FORSEN forsenPls FORSEN forsenPls FORSEN forsenPls FORSEN forsenPls FORSEN [3319] CrazyBroo12: 5 min left of stream [3320] CanadiiianBac0n: no fan mail [3320] doger6god: LINK! [3320] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [3320] Lonergoon14: When you doing fan mail [3320] MoneyHendrix: it was good meeting you at the Illuminati meeting. stay dialed for the gang brother bear 🖖👆 [3320] DXeny_: PLAY RANKED DADA [3320] RayanB7_: no one wants to watch fanmail💀💀🙏🏼 [3320] robsuperior: LFG! [3320] disanto003: !link [3320] ucantseeme26: too early fan mail is at 8 [3320] noluiis: W [3320] theofficialdonaldt: ECHO [3320] Nightbot: @disanto003 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [3320] Cxminmm: forsen mic [3320] slipperysalami_: when fan mail [3321] GoncalvesGTR: GoncalvesGTR is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [3321] bonsaiarcadeyt: jynxziGoodAim [3321] 500lumens: 💀 [3321] fleages: FACE CAM TOO LOUD [3321] goddddddaim555: L BED [3321] demarshifty: foresend [3321] dizzyvzn: you should try doing fan mail could be cool [3321] silvaa_2x: NO BRUH [3321] RayanB7_: no one wants to watch fanmail💀💀🙏🏼 [3321] GoncalvesGTR: GoncalvesGTR gifted a Tier 1 sub to maleahhh11! [3321] GoncalvesGTR: GoncalvesGTR gifted a Tier 1 sub to beverlita! [3321] GoncalvesGTR: GoncalvesGTR gifted a Tier 1 sub to dontgotjuice! [3321] GoncalvesGTR: GoncalvesGTR gifted a Tier 1 sub to popeye4372! [3321] GoncalvesGTR: GoncalvesGTR gifted a Tier 1 sub to idrip46! [3321] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: kais mic is too loud [3322] Ushushn: Ushushn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months! wrong mic [3322] RayanB7_: no one wants to watch fanmail💀💀🙏🏼 [3323] ajisred: BRONNY WAITING [3323] b1alby: Purple moncler [3323] kxng4x: AY CLIX WAS A L MANS [3323] CreepMan_: When is Kai vs. Caseoh [3323] caseohscashregister: it’s not 8 [3323] crosseyedclap: twinkle twinkle little star [3323] dar_iius: What was the Song in the Intro? [3323] longbillginger46: FORSEN IS WAITING [3323] zurfeyy: should i buy the cardiac johnson hat [3323] digiwyd: WHEN IS FANMAIL [3323] Purdyyy: DOC IS STREAMING [3323] ewok_yubnub: ewok_yubnub subscribed with Prime. [3323] noluiis: WWWW [3323] landonhill05: sit on my face [3323] RayanB7_: no one wants to watch fanmail💀💀🙏🏼 [3324] 6ryuzo: WE DONT WANNA SEE FANMAIL [3324] zayda1g: ooooo [3324] copper5confirmed: jynxziGoodAim [3324] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: kais mic is too loud [3324] captaincookie: WHITE SPEED WHITE SPEED [3324] steven_530: WHEN IS FAN MAIL [3324] gpixel8: L [3325] RayanB7_: no one wants to watch fanmail💀💀🙏🏼 [3325] Sheluvvrj: Sheluvvrj subscribed at Tier 1. [3326] RayanB7_: no one wants to watch fanmail💀💀🙏🏼 [3326] tomer_blaze: L [3326] ronstermania18: why they hate sm [3326] thearcherr2: when does stream start?when does stream start?when does stream start?when does stream start?when does stream start?when does stream start? [3326] biglipenergy69: SKETCH IS WAITING [3326] juicyIemons: FORSEN OWNS YOU [3326] Fhbat123: when is fanmail? [3326] Komford: Komford subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! xxxxxxxxxxxx [3326] longbillginger46: FORSEN IS WAITING [3326] UnesiestHalo04: !link [3326] Nightbot: @sasaki0908 -> Holy cow! [stop posting links] [warning] [3326] ttv_r0gue__: Ur early [3326] airlock3: doc got good aim right now [3326] Trap2Kwastaken: its not 8 [3326] somber_willow: Yeee boiiii [3327] oc3anspray: ji [3327] yopaddyyy: 1v1 bronny [3327] wideschizoJeb: forsen @jynxzi [3327] rapha92santos: Clap [3327] zzoing: copper to champ tonight? [3327] nate_from_ohio: fake stream [3327] matt8u: Kai is waiting [3327] tripperedd1400000: WHEN IS FANMAIL [3327] RayanB7_: no one wants to watch fanmail💀💀🙏🏼 [3327] TheGingerPollo: TheGingerPollo subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! Fan mail Forsen [3328] zayda1g: oooooo [3328] wideschizoJeb: forsen @jynxzi [3328] RayanB7_: no one wants to watch fanmail💀💀🙏🏼 [3329] wavyyon1: vwhen 2v2vwhen 2v2 [3329] janjsmaidn: case oh [3329] mrmilku1234: Doc waiting [3329] Garrett_Kretsinger: octanes mic too load [3329] tonyishyper69: Doc is waiting @jynxzi [3329] milanofzo_: FACE LEAKED [3329] joe_iuliano: joe_iuliano subscribed with Prime. [3329] bigbird2463: when’s fan mail [3329] glockwitdabeam: live stream sellout [3329] say_goodbye_pls: say_goodbye_pls is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 15 in the channel! [3329] vertic_k: hey big boy [3329] longbillginger46: forsenPls FORSEN forsenPls FORSEN forsenPls FORSEN forsenPls FORSEN forsenPls FORSEN forsenPls FORSEN forsenPls FORSEN forsenPls FORSEN forsenPls FORSEN [3329] smackked: When is face reveal?!? [3329] JennnaGames: hell yuh [3329] gillette568: when’s clips? [3330] connivers_kunai: FORSEN IS WAITING @Jynxzi [3330] sjskjhdsu: Mic is hurting my ears [3330] ENZO_RB19: WHITE SPEED [3330] wkeymoxyyy: NOOOOOO PZ [3330] say_goodbye_pls: say_goodbye_pls gifted a Tier 1 sub to nvamzp! [3330] say_goodbye_pls: say_goodbye_pls gifted a Tier 1 sub to aspec_oo! [3330] say_goodbye_pls: say_goodbye_pls gifted a Tier 1 sub to commissarstroheim! [3330] say_goodbye_pls: say_goodbye_pls gifted a Tier 1 sub to bright_dark05! [3330] ChocolateLoverVz: not fanmail AGAIN [3330] say_goodbye_pls: say_goodbye_pls gifted a Tier 1 sub to diplexstatue97! [3330] wideschizoJeb: forsen @jynxzi [3330] oreoz3: DOC wants to play [3330] 21camhur: happy friday kai [3332] mrmilku1234: Bronny waiting [3332] bottomlesstoe101: Y NO FAN MAIL [3332] steezi8433: FORSEN [3332] wkeymoxyyy: NOOOPEE [3332] benj190204: when is fan mail [3332] captaincookie: im hard [3332] weeoutdizbich: Fat [3332] rnitten: we do not care [3332] yungasiimov: we got it [3332] zeus262: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [3332] delanopoppe23: Suck dick [3332] Litwick75: fanmail is when [3332] Brettgarrett22: W [3332] ryzoxfnbr: DONT EVEN1 [3332] brendanwilson3: when is fan mail [3333] iiithxnderiii: CUMMMMMMMMMM TIMEEEEEEEEEEE [3333] kais_unknown: heyy [3333] bigboy_static: not until 8 [3333] tkettel_: W background [3333] itzhak_buda: pre end 1 hour mark goodnight everyone [3333] Chicago_Z: NO ONE WANTS FANMAIL [3333] sm0keythebeear: ungrateful [3333] noname___________0: LOWER CASEOH FACECAM [3333] maxtomerc3: @RayanB7_ i do [3333] TenderToes69: TenderToes69 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! uh [3333] jwolfe7803: W [3333] smackked: 1v1 FORSEN [3333] charlespriest065: open harder [3333] EnzoqZ: White speed [3333] elmadretuya: fan mail I thought it was clips ? [3334] lilkidlol96: he do it for his mama and his lil brudda too [3334] NotChemicalBeaver: meltedatom81067 [3334] zubby_s4: !watchtime [3334] jayishim778888: lo [3334] big_pat10: WHENS FAN MAIL [3334] theofficialdonaldt: REAXT HARDER [3334] jankotra: W [3334] bdigaming: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [3334] StreamElements: jizzer69420 has spent 50 mins watching jynxzi [3336] CaseohDookieStain1: when’s fan mail [3336] Luczidity: LLLLLLLLLLLLLL [3336] generallaine: youre frozen [3336] SeaOfLeviathan: whens fanmail? [3336] iluvzebra12: When is fan mail [3336] ryzoxfnbr: DONT EVEN2 [3336] GARLICCRUST420: GARLICCRUST420 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [3336] jxryrn: Arthur dies [3336] ryzen_ssg: React fatter, fatty mcfat fuck🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 [3336] Gucci_kid54: Lemao [3336] TM_FR0STY: W BUDGE [3336] fletchiboy_16: IM SWATTING U [3336] theofficialdonaldt: REACT HARDER [3336] liiveagain: liiveagain subscribed at Tier 1. [3336] landonhill05: sit on my face please [3337] GARLICCRUST420: GARLICCRUST420 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Jasludss! [3337] GARLICCRUST420: GARLICCRUST420 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Espananyc! [3337] GARLICCRUST420: GARLICCRUST420 gifted a Tier 1 sub to konnerelston240! [3337] GARLICCRUST420: GARLICCRUST420 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ALLLdaSMOKE! [3337] GARLICCRUST420: GARLICCRUST420 gifted a Tier 1 sub to soccergoat_10! [3337] wha12up: WHEN FAN MAIL [3337] aidsssy: aidsssy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! [3337] tornado87635: turn down brony mic [3337] c4sh_jos: real @rayanb7_ [3337] fe4r_ryza: bronny mic loud [3337] maxh1m: what was yesterday?? [3337] longbillginger46: WE DONT CARE [3337] StreamElements: tng_jack0 has spent 10 days 16 hours watching jynxzi [3337] Nightbot: gifting you luck in finding a job 🙏🏻 [3337] Nightbot: real [3338] spoiiledmilkk: yayyy [3338] kazuu_ya: L FAN MAIL [3338] giftmesubforcharm: w [3338] wideschizoJeb: forsen @jynxzi [3338] brrs0n: bruh [3340] ryzoxfnbr: DONT EVENFF [3340] linklink232: fanmail [3340] goddddddaim555: FACE REVEAL [3340] crowthekushdealer: When fan mail when [3340] reexsprism: when is manfail [3340] hulk88138814: sks [3340] cambassford06: speed clone [3340] etb_pablo: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [3340] ericisactuallysmall: ZORP 👽 [3340] bdigaming: FallWinning FallWinning [3340] jedimastercrunk: is fan mail when? [3340] comandalorian: Man is when fail [3340] andyzoop: THIS IS ASS [3340] DXeny_: PLAY RANKED AFTER DADA [3340] roddneymunch: Dent | Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [3160] against me. You repelged into the building! [3170] And your first instinct was, hmm, I don't want any vision right now. You then headbutt your flash. [3180] What fucking rank have I stumbled into tonight? This is not even copper! [3190] What in the fuck are you doing? No one's down here, nobody's down here! [3200] Nobody's down here, bro. For the nice time. Thank you. No one's down there. Okay, listen for a walk [3210] For long range engagements, I want you to use your pistol. For close to medium range engagements, I want you to use your shotgun. [3220] Do you understand? Or Puncha Window. Goddamn! [3230] This guy's ass, bro. This guy's actually ass. This guy is ass. [3240] ids [3250] So we're not droning. Give me your gamer title. [3260] right? Yeah, we might not do farewell to right. Yeah, we might not do farewell to right. [3270] We might not do family else tonight. I'm not gonna lie. We might not do family else tonight, brothers. We might not do family else tonight. [3280] Jesus Murphy. Yeah Chad, we might not do fan melt tonight. [3290] BGB hard shot, think of it as a 5 gift. BGB hard shot, think of it as a 5 gift. [3300] Let's do fan mail come on all right jam family. Oh, then we're gaming. Let's go Four cents mic is too loud. Yo, can you guys stop saying this four cents? [3310] Shit, I'm the only Mike that's all on right now. No one else is Micah's on All right chat fanman [3320] Motherfucking Friday. Chatted in Spannell Friday. It is Spannell Friday chat. Chatted in Spannell Friday. [3330] It's Van Mel Friday baby. Let's go! | LThere is a Highlight between 3100 and 3400. Jynxzi watches viewer clips (R6). The viewer plays extremely poorly, causing Jynxzi to get upset and once again hit his camera.LMAusgabe1 |
Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [3561] siclstreamsbot: adress the clix beef [3561] killer_sam6783: butt plug [3561] shipmannnn: DUDE WHEN IS FAN MAIL?? [3561] jadenrip: when is the eggs [3561] himhsvysv: react harder [3561] ben_ea1well: show me ur peen [3561] markosur: there bigger than mia khalifas bruh [3562] igotdriplol62: would [3562] wolfybe_salty: smash [3562] fadeskyl1ne: HURRAY [3562] tytyattack: ITS FRAGRANCE [3562] VV0_20: tyep [3562] marthman_: you’ve gotten that like 5 times istg if you fall for it again [3562] wha12up: UH OH [3562] theycallmesexyy: skinny but fat [3562] angelchastity: Poop spray u FUCKIGN ACTOR [3562] ZachXc48: gotti [3562] clutchinlux: I love your steaks I also stream [3562] HBohn: show us the bed stains [3562] titteemilk: P Diddy waiting [3562] JFrezzy_: GUTE NOT GUTTIE DUMBASS [3562] bbowden_23: its ass# [3563] latinaloverrrs: FAN MAIL HARDER FAN MAIL HARDER FAN MAIL HARDER [3563] hotnoodles19: so hot [3563] adamtaylor101: SPIT HARDER [3563] satanix_666: he got it yesterday lol [3564] cman2525250: jynxziVapeBreak [3564] sm0keythebeear: !watchtime [3564] hulk88138814: Brother [3564] kingargy01: Stay still I’m almost done [3564] StreamElements: sm0keythebeear has spent 9 hours 50 mins watching jynxzi [3564] Fossabot: @TTV_zeny_, Your message is too long [3564] Shakey_Elite: i just finished all over my monitor [3564] aslpeak1: Happy good Friday to everyone Jesus loves you [3564] amcat88: smell harder [3564] k4kmose: yayyy [3565] Sh1nomori: it's going to smell like asws [3565] tempyboi21: TYPE 1 and f your edding to this [3565] mageladon_lover: doritos titty jynxziFAT [3565] wsubrother: when can mail [3565] grouppii: gate? [3565] glitterpickelss: my eyes [3565] jinxua69: when is fanmail [3565] Yakifier: lick them lips [3565] GINNII10: WHEN IS FANMAIL [3565] jenna9211: My eyes [3565] broodjekebaab: jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY [3565] thicboi_fartinlutherking: fan mail when is [3565] nitrolinos: buttttt plugggg [3565] TheAceMan97: kick xim out [3565] axikcze11: jynxziWTF [3566] vito_scllate: thats hard [3566] pinklemonade297: my pants r getting tighter [3567] cornbreadbruh: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [3567] tamronv2: react harder [3567] elijahonroids: MUST HAVE A SLOW METABOLISM [3567] glitterpickelss: ewwww [3567] facelessdmon: taste it [3567] Johnsonator3000: yoooo [3567] kapedwz: when’s Kai vs case [3567] luwill908: !watchtime [3567] beeslams: FATTY [3567] r_ptor: laced with cocaine [3567] Gexrox: GoldPLZ [3568] yourmomstoe12: W UR TEETH! [3568] jizzylicious: UNBOX HARDER [3568] w0inthachatt: fragrance [3568] choperfan56: JIX FEED ME PLEASE!!!!!🙏🏾 [3568] StreamElements: luwill908 has spent 1 day 21 hours watching jynxzi [3568] kingyadir: Bronny waiting [3568] lpa_quixotic: WHEN IS CLIP REACTING [3568] mikaelhell367: hes talking im almost finished [3568] vexed_qt: fake chat [3568] latinaloverrrs: FAN MAIL HARDER FAN MAIL HARDER FAN MAIL HARDER [3568] broodjekebaab: jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY [3568] kttisfat69: thats a cumrag [3568] bbowden_23: ass [3568] c0d0ger: w fragrance [3568] our_ritual: react harder [3569] yo_wassuh_dude: Fan mail harder [3569] dentege: EWW [3569] bananacactux: MY EYES CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit [3570] moreryeslice: !watchtime [3570] Tyl3rPlayzz: tits bigger than cases [3570] dripdippotatochip: let me motorboat [3571] kobanyai_fantom04: FÁN MAIL HARDER [3571] elphentusee: fan mail harder [3571] travv8: make an only fans [3571] StreamElements: moreryeslice has spent 15 hours 10 mins watching jynxzi [3571] jdabha: @Jynxzi why am i bricked up rn? [3571] shifty_ston3rs: it's pronounced Goot [3571] L0C0XD_: when is fan mail [3571] FittedLuffy: TIG OL BITTIES [3571] byron1740: play DrDisrespect [3571] hadesslayer_: bursting [3571] richardbleak: when is fan mail? [3571] sogoodnhs2: Ur terrible [3571] bardown16__: EAT IT [3571] finalarigato_: OH NO [3571] kimjongsquarepants: it’s perfume [3572] mert_abiz52: you are so cute [3572] thebiggjohn: FACECAM TO BIG [3572] crazydawson159: NOOOO [3572] JAYTOTAL: EWWWW [3572] dado_727: dont spray that [3572] spectralboxedyou: ungrateful [3572] ZachXc48: lmaoo [3572] mrsalamanderiii: WWWWWW SENT [3572] Ayzorax: BO [3572] kennxoxo: is that poop spray? [3572] joeym254: noooo [3572] xnelfrox: WTF [3572] pocketpengun: USE IT [3572] ZeyyV2: when is fainmail? [3572] quinnnythefos: EWWW [3574] xnelfrox: wtf [3574] kz139911: L [3574] kinoth_: PogChamp [3574] lucasmc262927: so we smell [3574] Wacom480: LMFAOOOO [3574] Colombian___: BODY ODOR BREEZE [3574] eoDont: BE OBESE LUL [3574] v_kahn: Body oder [3574] redprd: fat [3574] quinnnythefos: EWWWWW [3574] broodjekebaab: jynxziCORNY PinkMercy PinkMercy [3574] jezy_7: COLOGNE [3574] crimsontide17: OH NO [3574] Brica: oh lawd [3574] GHOSTEEE_23: spray into mic so we can smell it [3575] tocitkatempr: yea [3575] jankotra: PFFFFFT [3575] crowthekushdealer: Face reveal [3575] robert09763: what happend yesterday [3575] thesupa1: gets good [3575] dirtylilrainbow: body odor breeze [3575] Dmann0912: show your starfish [3575] xenonsweater: w [3575] lewshifer: why does this man have no decorations in his room [3575] akaydinho: I need that blanket jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke [3575] Lonergoon14: Cops are waiting [3575] goldrocktv: WHEN'S FANMAIL??? [3575] no_grass_effxct: just hit a nasty 1 tap in ranked im nutting [3575] u_a_cornball: LMAO [3575] gus24_: Fan Mail harder [3576] SWP_Harry: big pepperonis burning my eyes [3576] kyberiv: nooooo [3576] wyfyttv: WHEN IS KAI VS CASE 1V1 [3576] mittelgang: are u also streaming on bražżers? PS lick me harder [3576] captaincookie: eat it [3578] latinaloverrrs: FAN MAIL HARDER [3578] MIZZTER_TV: AGAIN?? [3578] slammons1127: slammons1127 subscribed at Tier 1. [3578] toby_13dr: fart spray [3578] iccedlemontea22: I love squelching to jynxzi constant [3578] joeym254: dtands for body odor [3578] meddyy3: MY EYES [3578] yaboijimbo81ei: react smarter [3578] kiddy_fidle: 💀 [3578] devildogs1775: aye so I subscribed here but don’t got the jinxy charm [3578] Nightbot: 😂 [3578] benihanha: hey white speed [3578] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [3578] yohnnyspoons: it’s a prank don’t spray it [3578] ques2kuku: when is fanmail [3579] y2luvsdaddyjynxzi: I'm damp rn [3579] greengamez: it’s fart spray don’t do it [3579] wokesosa: lmaooo [3579] tony2sweaty234: be grateful [3579] caseohs_8thchinroll: this moron [3579] adav224: oh HELL no [3579] satoruu_z: JUNKO [3581] pc3553: pc3553 subscribed at Tier 1. [3581] derritos: body odor [3581] ruebe801: 💩 💩 [3581] satoruu_z: DONT [3581] theenviousname_: LLLLL [3581] aultraso: fart sprau [3581] hotdog6867: 🍆💦💦💦💦💦 [3581] jacob_suckz: BODY ODER [3581] grouppii: finna be fqrt spray [3581] bjxxn: no way he falls for it again [3581] edgaard2: edgaard2 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 5 month streak! Jan Paul Gautier [3581] quinnnythefos: EW [3581] axikcze11: cc [3581] captainmangos: L CLIP FARMER [3581] jizzylicious: UNBOX HARDER! [3582] Phantomille: WHEN IS FAN MAIL JYNXZI [3582] alexw_04: when is kai vs sketch [3582] captaincookie: DRINK IT [3582] freckles_beans: NOOOOOOOO [3582] wha12up: BALL SRAY [3582] wideschizoJeb: do the stevie wonder joke again 💪 LUL ♻ @jynxzi [3582] marthman_: GOOD ACTING BRO [3582] sm0keythebeear: BODY ODOR [3582] satoruu_z: DON [3582] jynxzipartimer123: !watchtimerank [3582] ajgoatednc: BODY ODOR [3582] StreamElements: jyngraal has spent 2 days 21 hours watching and is rank 179062/1674004 on the watchtime leaderboard [3582] donkeybabyjjjj: WHEB IS FAN MAIL [3582] dtbbc: NO [3582] ZeyyV2: when is the fanmail junko [3583] saucemanontwitch: when is friday [3583] ynwsweaty5231: what’s up dick [3583] gigabiga14: its fart spray [3583] lilhay_1872: double chin [3583] bbowden_23: ITS BODY ODOR [3584] Nightbot: TikTok: @Jynxzi [3585] tony2sweaty234: be grateful and wear it [3585] Colombian___: GG [3585] kaylingillespie: 💀💀💀💀💀 [3585] amed0kfc: L PROMO [3585] Drachenfels: AIR OF DESPAIR LOL [3585] bright_dark05: U need it [3585] shadow_b3nn3tt: when is kai vs case [3585] gavinzuccini24: its so good trust [3585] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [3585] CharlieFCB_: CLIP FARMER SOFTER [3585] razoo020: 💀 [3585] glitchedfoxstudio: Fanmail when [3585] NoLimi7_: Body Odor? [3585] jizzylicious: UNBOX HARDER!!! [3585] DankXD9618: B O [3586] Sh1nomori: CLIP FARMING [3586] wideschizoJeb: do the stevie wonder joke again 💪 LUL ♻ @jynxzi [3586] farty_mcswiggins: L vaper [3586] wJuuh: WWWWWWWWW [3586] dtbbc: FART SPRAY [3586] jetatoni: WHEN IS FANMAIL [3586] nick_c_304: Do you know when roller saturday at 1pm is? [3586] DarkVoid832: Finna smell like BO [3586] angelchastity: spray it directly on [3586] wrooney15: stick it up your ass [3586] nandogetdough: GOOFY ASS JUNKO [3586] jxrevilla: this dude has to be clip farming [3586] maxh1m: react harder [3587] elite_gh0ul_23: pre end [3587] itsLipton_: clip farming [3587] ItsRainnXYZ: !prime [3587] flunkzy: its johnson juice [3587] CharlieFCB_: CLIP FARMER SOFTER CLIP FARMER SOFTER CLIP FARMER SOFTER CLIP FARMER SOFTER CLIP FARMER SOFTER CLIP FARMER SOFTER CLIP FARMER SOFTER [3587] xotix_caries: CLIP FARMER [3587] Nightbot: Subscribe to @Jynxzi for FREE with Twitch Prime Twitch.tv/subs/jynxzi [3588] blakedaboi: don’t spray it [3588] mikaelhell367: well needed [3588] caseohisafarriswheel: DONT SPRAY IT [3588] NahteX6: REACT HARDER [3588] brotherzatanna: FART SPRAYCLIP FARMING [3588] yoursoc00l: spray it [3588] im_am_cooper: jynxziCORNY [3588] GHOSTEEE_23: its off brand febreeze in a can [3588] bbowden_23: ITS BO [3588] Nightbot: ok [3588] bluehundro69: Noò [3588] c0d0ger: a fragrance [3588] ThatBoiMarleyy: shit spray fasho [3589] BigRedSkulks: fart spray? [3589] tocitkatempr: Kappa [3589] breezyy888: Questionable fragrance [3589] jesseblackarmz: L CLIP FARMING [3589] excessivezero5: UR GONNA THROW UP [3589] MeghsTTV: Aeu de despair [3589] tin_can_4: its BO [3589] okchance: fart [3589] quinnnythefos: BODY ODOR [3589] KidsShotgun: $10 walmart cologne [3589] fps_reese: LOL [3589] RTMmace: bro knows hes clip farming [3589] jizzylicious: UNBOX HARDER!! [3589] itzhak_buda: Xbox profile pic farming [3589] DeanzHere: IT GON SMELL LIKE BOOTY [3590] Phantomille: WHEN IS FAN MAIL [3590] dcuzzo22: DONT [3591] sculder: too big [3591] weirdcamwin: CODE CLIX [3591] pampeeez: U NEED IT [3591] caleb_aviation1: YESSSSS [3591] swoleboh: spray that on yourself for sure [3591] TheAceMan97: smells like xim [3591] maxh1m: reacttt harder [3591] Buddy19235: when is fan male white speed [3591] himhsvysv: clip farm [3591] wha12up: SMASH [3591] joxofxi413: bro is special [3591] hannes_tee: 220€ [3591] paragon0909: When is sketch vs caseoh [3591] naileditpete: lol [3592] ericisactuallysmall: BODY ODOR DUMBASS [3592] yaboisleepsinanest: B.O PUT IT EVERYWHERE [3592] jynxzibabyboy: kis me daddy [3592] SLHHunter: clip farming [3592] elroxha: clip farmer [3592] jxrevilla: clip farming [3592] basedmogger: BO? O LAWD [3592] junko_fat_: when is Fan Mail [3592] jimberleigh: ITS F A R T SPRAY BRUH [3592] caseohs_8thchinroll: u idiot [3592] TheKohl: play Mike Dimes - HOME (Remix) ft. JID [3592] wokesosa: clippp farm lmaooo o [3592] RTMmace: clip farm [3592] z4ch272: BODY ODORE [3594] willberry141414: u ain’t [3594] thatoneguysheknows: spray it on your neck [3594] sam_21910: DUMMY [3594] maxh1m: react harder [3594] captaincookie: DRInk it [3594] mrsalamanderiii: WWW COLONE [3594] rilerrr: CLIPFARM W [3594] bignessttv: LITTLE DOES HE KNOWLITTLE DOES HE KNOWLITTLE DOES HE KNOWLITTLE DOES HE KNOWLITTLE DOES HE KNOW [3594] c0d0ger: w fragrance [3594] tony2sweaty234: react harder [3594] yotti_z: WHEN IS CASE VS SCETCh [3594] yohnnyspoons: scripted [3594] vitality5175: pre fart spray [3594] CoRe_Crimzy: FART SPRAY [3595] tc_connor8348: stinky bitch [3595] fe4r_ryza: 20 more seconds left of stream [3595] wyfyttv: WHEN IS FANMAIL?? [3595] donkeybabyjjjj: CLIP FARMER [3595] CyganSydneyy: whens fan mail [3595] zebroq: COLOGNE [3595] Yakifier: spray it [3595] wJuuh: ITS 1000 DOLLARS [3595] sm0keythebeear: L CLIPFARMING [3595] Nightbot: @billeyboi22 -> Boop! [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [3595] alexanderhush: DONT [3595] RynzFTW: don’t ITS FART COLONGE [3595] SHANATl: EWWWW [3595] DankXD9618: BODY ODER [3595] satoruu_z: DO NOT USE IT DO NOT USE IT DO NOT USE IT [3596] goldrocktv: When's fan mail??????? [3596] mk_acj: whens fan mail whens fan mail whens fan mail whens fan mail whens fan mail whens fan mail whens fan mail whens fan mail [3596] ImHeyZues100: W CLIP FARMING [3596] jacobpoppin: L jynxzi [3597] flynn_a2: cus you stink [3597] NFFe4rr: open harder bro [3597] zenobubba: FATTTYYYYY [3597] gamerfamer895: use it you’ll smell great [3597] vamp_15121: I LOVE U JYNIX KEEP TYHAT SHIT UP TWIN [3597] l4m4ndo: revxJAM [3597] Gexrox: fat [3597] kindaopmusic: BO lol [3597] party_poison69: WHEN IS FAN MAIL?! [3597] freckles_beans: NOOOOOOOOOOO [3597] mrmilku1234: You need it you smell like fucking shit please use [3597] EliteGamer81848: when is fanmail? [3597] maxh1m: reactttt harder [3597] mrmonkey289: 20 bucks [3598] bbowden_23: CLIP [3598] petertaxx: shit spray [3598] DizzytimerxX: nips poking through the shirt who u feeling like? [3598] opiumwizard777: pre toilet water [3598] thcinfested: ITS FENT [3598] poshijoshi12: YOUR SLOW [3598] greengamez: FART SPRAY BRO [3598] quietlump31: w faker [3598] aidenkillsnoobs: spray it [3598] cs2beans: its ass [3598] marthman_: REALLY DUDE [3598] Johnsonator3000: jynxziGRIDDY [3598] vamp_15121: LOVE U JYNIX KEEP TYHAT SHIT UP TWIN [3598] Lonergoon14: Cops are waiting.. [3599] timberedstew459: lol [3599] kingyadir: Bronny waiting [3599] jimberleigh: DONT DO IT [3599] wideschizoJeb: do the stevie wonder joke again 💪 LUL ♻ @jynxzi [3601] USAFM1ke: SMELL HARDER SMELL HARDER [3601] o_diggity__: wear it [3601] amcat88: smell harder [3601] dyxn2: clip farmer1211 [3601] malakye9956: how many boys have you snogged [3601] Trollzy_JH: what time is fan mail [3601] GerkyZay: clip farm [3601] bbowden_23: CLIP IT [3601] PoaRidor: CLIP FARMING [3601] naileditpete: naileditpete subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! [3603] toastmalone_14: the sticker isnt even straight lol [3603] blurrt_: fart spray dumbass [3603] lpa_quixotic: LLLLLLL [3603] kamille_m1: BODY ODOR [3603] freckles_beans: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [3603] limesqueeze24: IDIOT [3603] bamboozledbakedbeans: exaggerated gag incoming [3603] v_kahn: Clip dark [3603] tamronv2: react harder [3603] lukemahomie: lol [3603] elyasazizwafa2451185: ggs [3603] jimberleigh: ITS FART SPRAY [3603] ItsBazingoo: mail fan is when [3603] satoruu_z: BRO DO U NOT KNO WHAT B.O IS [3603] ThatBoiMarleyy: body odor breeze? [3604] eoDont: GOOGLE IT TO FIND OUT [3604] sm0keythebeear: BO IS BODY ODOR [3604] captaincookie: drink it [3604] zeze_otf: clip farmer [3604] dumpsterduck2424: lubr [3604] failedfrogbirth: nah... [3604] PROPNlGHT: promoted [3604] LocusATM: OH NO [3604] iccedlemontea22: squelching to you [3604] bleubielen: to [3604] airforcegunner14: it fart spray [3604] DeltaAAairlines: !LINK [3604] HurtsOurSavior: multi zillionaire can’t afford cologne [3604] shivermetimbers15: FART SPRAY [3604] c0d0ger: w frangranve [3605] aaronmacrae18: PRE CLIP FARM [3605] Wasted_Amok: that does not look expensive [3605] Hydro_J3T_onSticks: FARTSPRAY [3605] hessy_613: WATER OF DESPAIR [3605] r_ptor: CLIP FARMING AS ALWAYS [3605] tooobka: When is fan mail [3605] crustynut101: iT LITERALLY SAYS BO [3605] eazysi: Tom ford [3605] victorhanma7: Bath and body works lookin ahhh [3605] Nightbot: 🍉 [3606] Lia_Da_Platypus: Lia_Da_Platypus subscribed at Tier 1. [3609] jacethakushking: ITS BO [3609] NahteX6: REACT HARDER REACT HARDER [3609] mathewparkin45: LABEL AINT EVEN STRAIGHT [3609] Marcus11394: Lol this dude trolling [3609] official_peru: clip farming [3609] Nightbot: 😂 [3609] waterypanda: waterypanda subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [3610] ImHeyZues100: W CLIP FARMER [3610] shifty_ston3rs: Body Odor Breeze [3610] maxh1m: react harder [3610] owen82_: fake ass Tom ford [3610] huntermast06: when fan is mail [3610] weirdcamwin: CODE CLIX [3610] meddyy3: fart spray [3610] hunterl11100: FART BOMB [3610] fybaleee: you’re so stupid [3610] theringgenral: @ss [3610] easilyshooting: watch that Shii stink [3610] BellyDelphine: FART SMELL [3610] RedMist3119: lied for the clip [3611] yaboisleepsinanest: CLIP FARMING CLIP FARMING CLIP FARMING [3611] Drag0nTamerLiam: gn chat [3611] aaronmacrae18: CLIP FARM [3611] burgerboy349: its fart [3611] latinaloverrrs: FAN MAIL HARDER [3611] lynxzey: !followage# [3611] katiemasias: shart spray [3611] bignessttv: LITTLE DOES HE KNOWLITTLE DOES HE KNOWLITTLE DOES HE KNOW [3611] Nightbot: skyteWELOST150 safJam jynxziGG SLAAAMMMED [3611] popeallen: L FARMER [3611] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [3611] CMOMoney187: FART SPRYT [3611] okchance: the sticker is crooked [3611] TTV_zeny_: FortOne [3611] sasuke13110: part time [3612] limesqueeze24: UR SO DUMB LMAOO [3612] jin468rl: clip [3612] Darthslothious: Its a low end clone dummy [3612] HeeMCreaM: OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [3612] captaincookie: Drink It [3612] latinaloverrrs: FAN MAIL HARDER FAN MAIL HARDER FAN MAIL HARDER [3612] adamtaylor101: L ungrateful [3612] tkettel_: idiot [3612] wyfyttv: CLIP FARM HARDER [3612] ThaWizardofOdds: SirSword [3612] dmx5p: WHENS FAN MAIL [3612] Brica: ah fuck [3612] calcamatmat2007: fakey [3612] Nightbot: too easy [3612] itsyaboiedi: when is sketch and steve irl stream [3614] SHANATl: LMQAOOOO [3614] Infinitedarknes: to cover up that stank [3614] m2swing: GoatEmotey [3614] drovght: IDEK IF HES CLIP FARMING ANYMORE HES JUST A FUCKING IDIOT [3614] chris_frags: PROBABLY FART COLOGNE [3614] giftmesubforcharm: L ungrateful [3614] bobnweave4: farmer [3614] lil_srt845: Cheer1 [3614] lowki_mp3: clone [3614] vitality5175: ahahhahha [3614] hunterl11100: FART SPRAY [3614] zCry2k: WHAT HAPPENED YESTERDAY [3615] tikit24: put it on [3615] Obibenkenobi80: on the skin man.... [3615] picklerick3644: not the shirttttt [3615] 2famous_isaac: 🤓☝️ [3615] kinoth_: LMFDAO [3615] axikcze11: jynxziWTF [3615] kapedwz: titties [3615] itzyaboi__goofball: U NEED IT [3615] rakze0: HAHAHA [3615] wasabigod208: WWWWW [3615] youngherox: botta smell like fishy Coochie [3615] Villias: LMAO [3615] RainbowFishcakes: LMAOOO [3615] nicecallbubs00: lol [3615] HeeMCreaM: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO [3616] bluntleex: hahahahahah [3616] scatchhhhh: L DESIGNER [3616] Amunify: FARMING [3616] jacethakushking: ITS BO DUM ASS [3616] urrrduuummbb: LMAOOOO [3617] lotrofan154pls: poison [3617] tothewindoooowtothewall: OMEGALUL [3617] RedMist3119: worse than clix with this shitb [3617] elijahonroids: HAS MY HARD SOCK CAME IN THE MAIL YET? [3617] skeezersss: clip farming [3617] nikisimmer2015: 😭😭😭😭😭 [3617] latinaloverrrs: UNGRATEFUL [3617] OfficialNinjaBananen: U got tom ford? [3617] Rookie_Roux: lol [3617] beeslams: LMAOOAOOS [3617] spicycelery3691: LUL [3617] kriscaruso21: W [3617] bigouncedanny: clip farm [3617] limesqueeze24: IDIOT [3617] Junkocumko123: clip farm [3618] sebaplaytz: if it got itlian EAU DA PLAUTA ITS FANCy [3618] riley2cozy: oh hell no [3618] captaincookie: DRink it [3618] chriscar24: clip farm [3618] mrmilku1234: Sketch Samson [3618] 1Drae: LMAO LMAO [3618] jc14_0: clip farmi h [3618] wyfyttv: WHEN IS KAI VS CASE 1V1 [3618] 2famous_isaac: ☝️ [3618] Darthslothious: Its a low end clone idiot [3618] unknowns_wrld: 😂😂😂😂😂 [3618] farfromsane999: NOW YOU SMELL LIKE SHIT GOOD JOB [3618] JayAreZeee: w ad [3618] KrystalAdum: LMFAOAOAOOOOO [3618] letsgoshroom: letsgoshroom subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! hey chunko [3620] Lampier: clip farmer [3620] sobiethegreat: lmaoooo [3620] YEZTY__: hahah [3620] so_minty_fresh: lol [3620] skeezersss: farmingggg [3620] shivermetimbers15: WWWWWW [3620] verykingjef: 💀💀💀💀💀💀 [3620] Mosk0wGaming: BODY ODORBODY ODORBODY ODORBODY ODORBODY ODORBODY ODORBODY ODORBODY ODORBODY ODOR [3620] drovght: IDEK IF HES CLIP FARMING ANYMORE HES JUST A FUCKING IDIOT IDEK IF HES CLIP FARMING ANYMORE HES JUST A FUCKING IDIOT [3620] VyseM4H: When is Jynxzi live Junko?? Btw can I use your McDonald's discount? [3620] c0d0ger: farming [3620] m4t3te: LMFAOOOO [3620] greengamez: lol [3620] adav224: I KNEW IT [3620] aidenkillsnoobs: 💀💀💀💀💀 [3621] GigaChadUSA: LMFAO [3621] justkillmenowlol: Xlipfarm [3621] nick_c_304: Do you know when roller saturday at 1pm is? [3621] Deavinator: you didnt spray it [3621] laureneimear: Wwwww [3621] Fawful77: L ACTOR [3621] azay1a: CLIP FARMING [3621] r3lahpz: lmao [3624] captaincookie: DRink It [3624] woootaang: $12 [3624] EpikMemez: fake [3624] LUDCITY: you probaly smell like fart [3624] Gray10k_: PRE CLIP FARM YO ASS KNEW WHAT IT WAS [3624] SmacKaroniS: wtf [3624] sreexharii: cap [3624] auxnative2: lol [3624] iam_t0kyo: TRICKED WWWWW [3624] SHANATl: L ACTING [3624] pocketpengun: LMAOOOOO [3624] Nightbot: no 🧢 [3626] 8mrtn: it's Fake [3626] badtwitchtv: clip farming [3626] wwwdotgoogledotcom: L NO OSCAR FOR U [3626] rapha92santos: ungrateful [3626] Amunify: CLIP FARMING [3626] HavocDem0n: fart spray [3626] zfzeus: FAKE REACTIONS [3626] farfromsane999: HE KNEW [3626] vhaqkz: clip farmer [3626] GINNII10: ungrateful [3626] bigouncedanny: clip farming [3626] noluiis: L CLIXXXXXX [3626] axikcze11: jynxziBadAim [3626] mrgrumpygramps: CREAMM [3626] skeezersss: clip farming [3627] drewscrat02: clip farm at its finest [3627] giftmesubforcharm: ungrateful [3627] CMOMoney187: HAHHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAA [3627] gus24_: L Actor [3627] adz_sux: l actor [3627] yaboisleepsinanest: CLIP FARMING CLIP FARMINGCLIP FARMING CLIP FARMINGCLIP FARMINGCLIP FARMINGCLIP FARMINGCLIP FARMINGCLIP FARMING CLIP FARMINGCLIP FARMINGCLIP FARMINGCLIP FARMINGCLIP FARMING [3627] cohen2212: clip farm [3627] Deavinator: FAKEE [3627] hulk88138814: spark [3627] macsf15: clip farm [3627] goddddddaim555: smell harder [3629] masontoch: clip farming [3629] CoRe_Crimzy: L ACTING [3629] saucemanontwitch: L CLIP FARMER [3629] sebastisnfergg: L ACT [3629] kennys0424: lmaooooo [3629] miniclub93: lmaooooooooo [3629] c0d0ger: L clip farming [3629] yaboisleepsinanest: CLIP FARMINGCLIP FARMINGCLIP FARMINGCLIP FARMINGCLIP FARMING CLIP FARMINGCLIP FARMING [3629] iibrolykidiiv: acting [3629] maxh1m: react harderr [3629] yotti_z: CLIP FARMING [3629] RedMist3119: clip. farmed. [3629] JFrezzy_: L UNGRATEFUL [3629] HellBent14: body odor [3629] sm0keythebeear: L CLIPFARMING [3630] neverseg: LUL [3630] Knoccturnal: dum fk [3630] not_puree: LMAO [3630] Sh1nomori: casualy [3630] Grom9696: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 [3630] Hambino_Scope: agriculture stream [3630] bussbro: scripted [3632] jacktheswordzguy: OMG [3632] NahteX6: REACT HARDER [3632] maxh1m: react harder [3632] SLHHunter: clip farming L [3632] jc14_0: clip farming [3632] skadooshasian: Clip Farming [3632] meddyy3: fart sprayy [3632] ryan_5856f: FART SPRAY [3632] 1Drae: LMAO [3632] gumbogoooo: LIQUID ASS [3632] Amunify: L Actor [3632] ag_steve: clip farming [3632] hdhdjdjdhdh82828: w [3632] tyshaunh04: dummy [3632] mrgrumpygramps: FART FART FART FART [3633] georgelh44: L fatty [3633] dommer_dsl: L ACTOR [3633] sam_21910: 😂💀😭 [3633] duddydimes: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [3633] daysb4three: UR A SHIT ACTOR [3633] otto_5g5: 😂😂😂 [3633] wideschizoJeb: overexaggerating for clips LUL ♻ [3633] ebcrocks: w [3633] captaincookie: dRink it [3633] Max_daubas: L ACTING [3633] skeezersss: farminggggg [3633] ayoraul: clip farmimg [3635] jayson_v3: jayson_v3 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! [3635] damaniac21: lol [3635] tc_connor8348: SCRIPTED [3635] 999_duke: UNGREATFUL [3635] poptarttoooob1: REEEEEEEEEEEE [3635] sentonBeeblo: didnt spray [3635] petertaxx: SHIT SPRAY [3635] 2HRDCore: its a FART SMELL [3635] lucasgiants10: fake [3635] DINAHAUNA: THEY REPLACED IT WITH FART SPRAY [3635] ThatBoiMarleyy: HORRIBLE ACTING [3635] creamjohn_: cap [3635] masontoch: clip farm [3635] vix348: hattee [3635] Max_daubas: SCRIPTED [3636] iibrolykidiiv: lmao [3636] kingcreeper627: W [3636] kingargy01: L clip [3636] deal_dough76: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [3636] amarifan232: smell harder [3636] l3ttsy: GROWN MAN BTW [3636] Knoccturnal: so scripted [3636] dripdippotatochip: L script [3636] beanbeansupreme021: L [3636] sam_21910: 💀💀💀😭😭😭😭 [3636] captainmangos: hahahahahah so funny cause ita fart spray guys [3636] proot69: FART SPRAY [3636] Netrunner_951: reeeeeee [3636] Nightbot: Twitter: twitter.com/Jynxzi [3636] lil_srt845: Cheer1 [3637] Dyddon: Dyddon subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! [3638] oalbah590: smell harder [3638] jazzar123abc: lol [3638] ohhmerc: LOOOLLLLLLLLL [3638] Its_Yurk: clip farmer [3638] dukenukem1400: Wwwww [3638] t_wooo63: clip farming [3638] boynowayboy123: cap [3638] cbdubbs34: farming [3638] grant_ellinger: w [3638] thereal_swazy: no it doesnt [3638] kashyy15: they put fart spray [3638] tyshaunh04: clip farm [3638] kwakucharles1: valled B.O. freeze for a reason [3638] Max_daubas: CLIP FARMING [3638] zzzmicah: clip farm [3639] newte11118: clip farming [3639] dumbdoc1227: W clip [3639] caseohisafarriswheel: loser [3639] maxxyyy07: BO stands for Body odor your idiot [3639] amed0kfc: Scripted [3639] Plxiy: L SCRIPTED CLIP FARM [3639] plasticbro: SCRIPTED [3639] NFFe4rr: clip farming [3639] sicklexcell: miss the old junko [3639] JAYTOTAL: clip farming [3639] redprd: fat [3639] vanxietyx: farmer [3639] daneeeboy04: it’s bo [3639] that_guy2day: CLIP FARMER [3639] Crazer17: L ACTOR [3641] ikilledjustin: womp womp [3641] sprit27: mb [3641] Mando_Mad: cliip farming [3641] butziiguns: clip farming [3641] TowardsNate: didnt even spray but okay [3641] Hambino_Scope: L [3641] 5sEeKeR5: jynxziBALD [3641] georgewww14: Clip farmingggg [3641] DangOhLang: DangOhLang subscribed at Tier 1. [3641] hbdjdylan: didnt even soray [3641] kennxoxo: get out the jersey [3641] tc_connor8348: SO SCRIPTED [3641] Jxke23: script [3641] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [3641] imbetterthankluu: clip farmer [3642] MaceKaiser: react harder [3642] kennys0424: L fake [3642] tkettel_: BO FOR BODY ODOR DUMB ASS [3642] brickslays: clip farming [3642] iicyx__: lmaoo [3642] scrille4: clip famer [3642] Nightbot: 😂 [3642] mickfhagan24: clip farming [3642] kendricklamarfan836: L UNGRATEFUL [3642] bazinga_9001: 🤣🤣🤣🤣 [3642] spedestbred: ungrateful [3642] topz_clm: is it body odor bottled [3642] TTV_STAPPY: w [3642] xavii623: clip farming [3642] wideschizoJeb: overexaggerating for clips LUL ♻ [3644] mattmun187: mod me [3644] federale_: clip farmed…. you happy? [3644] red_dragonemperor: Clip farming are we [3644] hockeyfan__128: just clipped that [3644] hunterl11100: HOW DO YOU LIKE FART SPRAY FATASS HOW DO YOU LIKE FART SPRAY FATASS HOW DO YOU LIKE FART SPRAY FATASS [3644] Sekoreo: STOP FARMING [3644] Chief_T282: clip farmer [3644] pea0yt: LOL [3644] tony2sweaty234: ungrateful [3644] joacohdp: L farmer [3644] PsychoCXI: L actor [3644] NFFe4rr: open harder [3644] cristianfutzbol: nice acting [3644] sethservices: !discord [3644] flynn_a2: L [3647] okchance: I’ve seen this before [3647] v_kahn: L actor [3647] nenon_kai: Smell harder [3647] nathanhalo7: Ungrateful [3647] plasticbro: L ACTOR [3647] bigslopppie: sneako sent that [3647] simp4m33ch: L FARMER [3647] wrooney15: bro is morgz [3647] bobnweave4: wompwomp [3647] wha12up: CHAT HARDER [3647] ChrisPur1: BO is body odor brother [3647] ThatBoiMarleyy: CLIP FARM HARDER [3647] jxrevilla: he didn’t even spray [3647] MoneyHendrix: BROS A PAID ACTOR AT THIS POINT [3648] gibber009: UNGRTEFULLL [3648] TowardsNate: didnt even spray [3648] zzeun: L actor [3648] nicojosi1826: farming [3648] rnitten: w clip farm [3648] jynxziglaze2: CLIP FARMIIING [3648] kttisfat69: body odor [3648] lcedash: MY EYETS [3648] soulzthegoat: clip farming [3648] deaed_man_walking: IT SMELLS LIKE B.O [3648] 500lumens: react harder [3648] xxraghedkingxx: Farmer [3648] exxyq: The performance or the looks ahh fragrance [3648] puerccofn: CLIP FARMER [3648] fin1hes: everyone stop chting [3649] gingerbreadmonkey: gingerbreadmonkey subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months! Yo [3650] tonyishyper69: React softer [3650] maxwelliswell1: It's bo einstein [3650] jxhnnyyss: my eyes [3650] ttvthe_duck_: L actor [3650] eli6z: laced [3650] 6misterfox9: l actor [3650] justkillmenowlol: My eys [3650] cs2beans: @wideschizoJeb u new? [3650] junkofunkochunkofatass: cumko [3650] mrmilku1234: Smell harder when you’re finished [3650] rilerrr: react softer [3650] wessy130: lol [3650] dontbullybuba: my eyes [3650] gus24_: L reaction [3650] tar_j101: WET FART SPRAY WET FART SPRAYWET FART SPRAY WET FART SPRAYWET FART SPRAY WET FART SPRAYWET FART SPRAY WET FART SPRAYWET FART SPRAY WET FART SPRAYWET FART SPRAY WET FART SPRAY [3651] donkeybabyjjjj: PRE OPENS DAN MAIL [3651] kpatters1: react harderr [3651] kaazmayne110: FART SPRAY [3651] duddydimes: jynxziSNOT [3651] deviant_lyfe: bo is body odor genius [3651] nick_c_304: Do you know when roller saturday at 1pm is? [3651] bobnweave4: womp womp [3651] fnbreadwinner: ITS BODY ODER BREEZE [3651] TheRealVillager_on_120hz: l actor [3651] MoneyHendrix: L FARMING [3651] ReaganPro: clip farmer [3651] akaydinho: I hope it’s bear piss [3651] undecidedpig: Farmington a [3651] fluhgee: jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY [3651] Nightbot: bozo [3652] zfzeus: FAKE HARDERRR [3652] ShadowK1ller907: CLIP FARMER [3652] roastedpigeon56: Clip farming is wild [3652] lynxzey: !follow [3652] plasimfps: my eyes [3652] dr_dinger52: SMELL HARDERJ [3652] metro_boomln: shake it dumbass [3652] toxik_b0y: MY EYES [3652] Gingr2Clutch: clip farming [3652] StreamElements: LilSnippyPlays has spent 5 days 8 hours watching jynxzi [3654] NoSugarJustDaddy: nah [3654] frostyyrea: MY EYES [3654] PoaRidor: W CLIP FARM [3654] TheReal_BigBlack: React fatter [3654] kingargy01: GET THIS MAN AN OSCAR [3654] campacks12: clip farming like a mffff [3654] Jpmalagonv: act harder [3654] sm0keythebeear: bo is body odor [3654] SplashMan_0723: Clip farmer [3654] spitzy131313: it’s called BO BREEZE [3654] nonwetback: fatasssssss [3654] zfzeus: FAKE HARDER [3654] 1Yinmn: fakeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee [3654] imjaydizzle4200: nice boobs [3654] drewscrat02: jynxzi make ur clipping farming better bro wtf is this [3655] thsaw1: PUT ON A BRA [3655] undecidedpig: Farm [3655] dommer_dsl: L BULLY [3655] kiddy_fidle: react harder [3655] rbsmilk13: MY EYES [3655] newte11118: ungrateful [3655] tytyattack: BRO IT SAID EAU DE DESPAIR DUMBASS [3655] ravenclaw651: L acting [3655] megaman_2365: smell harder [3655] masontoch: clip farming [3655] jxhnnyyss: RONI TITS [3657] 1and14chunko: firstpicknick subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 7 month streak! [3657] ezdroobie: WWW [3657] mickfhagan24: actor [3657] Starmit: nice agriculture stream brother. [3657] spiderkam2010: BO MEANS BODY ODOR [3657] skeezersss: farming hard af [3657] Axxki6: Body Odor breeze lmaoooo [3657] MoneyHendrix: FARMING AGAIN [3657] rnitten: clip farm central [3657] kill_shott0666: B.O. STANDS FOR BODY ODOR DUMBASS [3657] ghoul_punk100: jynxziBALD [3657] gillette568: BO = BODY ODOUR [3657] conn_or12: TITTIES [3657] donkeybabyjjjj: PRE OPENS FAN MAIL [3657] tunacv: jynxziVapeBreak [3658] kapedwz: jynxziSad jynxziSad jynxziSad jynxziSad [3658] aminmjv: L acting [3658] riotabyss1: my eyes [3658] manjeetz: BO stands for body odor you pancake [3658] mittelgang: are u also streaming on bražżers? PS lick me harder [3658] sm0keythebeear: clipfarmer [3658] coxktane: rizz [3658] bor1s6: BODY ODOR BREEZE [3658] trippyj2112: fake react you already got that package [3658] hiifti: REACTOR MORE MAYBE [3658] memecentrals: clip farming [3658] giftmesubforcharm: L [3658] ajaksiii: L act [3658] bigpointbuck: pepperonis [3658] iiabdullahx37: iiabdullahx37 subscribed at Tier 1. [3659] beanbug13: beanbug13 subscribed with Prime. [3659] lil_srt845: Cheer1 Cheer1 [3660] Nightbot: YouTube: Jynxzi R6 [3660] 34kaiploo: my eyes [3660] mrmilku1234: Smash [3660] nonwetback: dumbassss [3660] Werldly: W ACTING BROTHER [3660] skadooshasian: Farm harder [3660] hulk88138814: Brother [3660] bobnweave4: thats embarrassing [3660] tooobka: When is fan mail [3660] simply_brandon_: my eyes [3660] CharlieFCB_: TOO SMALL [3660] tkettel_: farmingn [3660] c0d0ger: smell harder [3660] DeFectNotFound: bo = body odor [3661] MoneyHendrix: MY EYES [3661] jxhnnyyss: MY EYES [3661] Lonergoon14: Cops are waiting [3661] jj_amedi: farmer of cilps [3661] PYRO3101: Smell harder [3661] dr_dinger52: SMELL HARDERRRR [3661] shivermetimbers15: W BULGEEE [3661] sweatdumpster: react harder [3661] mattmun187: it’s fart spray [3661] imjusma1: NAAHHHH [3661] boziboo: farming clips [3661] mrbooom91: nice clip [3661] zylux_ghost: wwww [3663] wyfyttv: L ACTING [3663] Molywoppin: agriculture pioneer [3663] fishadvocate: L CLIP FARMER [3663] buncey_b_21: Spit on your toes...... [3663] loveinvages: read the chat harder [3663] stingylemonz: Y'all forget this man's has 1000hrs on seige [3663] jetkins69: jynxziGRIDDY [3663] banana_bread0102: stop using the lords name in vain bro [3663] mytwitchtowatchstreams: wew [3663] idkflight: L ungrateful [3663] aaronmacrae18: CLIP FARMER [3663] cbdubbs34: fake [3663] wwwdotgoogledotcom: FAKE DUMB [3663] u_a_cornball: FARMER DAN [3664] breezyy888: wtf is that shirt [3664] prime_king4556: parttimemer [3664] bigpointbuck: my eyes [3664] bubbie_not_bub: L script [3664] Chief_T282: w clip farmer [3664] roastedpigeon56: FAt [3664] xGhettoZeugUnzensiert: clip farmer wiht titts [3664] dommer_dsl: CLIP FARMING [3664] xxvvg2456: L acting [3664] bread_054: jynxziClown [3664] junkofunkochunkofatass: w [3664] Fossabot: @WrongHippo, Your message is too long [3666] baseballfactsnate: hahahahahah so funny cause ita fart spray guys [3666] dumbdoc1227: W clip farm [3666] emoneytyb: clip farm [3666] MuuRLii: L actor [3666] sithjaklahaha: react harder [3666] 00aniyhh: clip farming [3666] drewbud: give this guy a grammy [3666] badbeats4040: CLIPS RECYCLE [3666] kicknass9999: farm [3666] sunnyj3: my eyes [3666] bumblebtuna99: shirt harder [3666] yogurt_dawg: lube [3666] mike1huncho: WWWWWWWWWW [3666] giftmesubforcharm: w [3666] paulaner_spezi_88: W [3667] trillpeek: L act [3667] kiddy_fidle: ungrateful [3667] marthman_: really dude [3667] xlpans: smell harder [3667] hdhdjdjdhdh82828: slow [3667] donkeybabyjjjj: FARMER [3667] r_ptor: FAKE [3667] dicslapp: clip farm [3667] 8mrtn: Mist Ugrateful Streamer 2022 [3667] dr_dinger52: SMELL HARDERRR [3667] sebastisnfergg: clip farming [3667] wideschizoJeb: @cs2beans no LUL [3667] skeezersss: farmer [3667] hisisbeem: bro doesn’t know what b o is 💀 [3667] tkettel_: clip farmer [3669] ocean_wavesss: farmed a good clip. good job [3669] UndergroundTyrant: cap [3669] mrguywholikesgames932: ??? [3669] tiktoklxquid: L vaper [3669] shivermetimbers15: W BULGE! [3669] hiifti: REACT SMALLER [3669] Nightbot: no 🧢 [3669] ysaitguns: We saw [3669] luis_11c: clip farmer [3669] jinxua69: CARDIAC JOHNSON 💀🙏 [3669] kberg2: nice clip [3669] VyseM4H: When is Jynxzi live Junko?? Btw can I use your McDonald's discount? [3669] ryan_5856f: SMELL HARDER J [3669] YoungOldd: smell harder [3669] SCPeeta: We saw [3670] swervey: ?????????? [3670] niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick: true [3670] drewscrat02: still clip farming? [3670] skrubbed_: THIS WAS YOUR PRIME [3670] cjaywya: Illuminati boy stop money laundering and clip farming [3670] luisvercettiii: dumbass doesn’t know what bo stands for [3670] quinnnythefos: level 1000 agricultural farmer [3670] imjaydizzle4200: 😂😂😂😂 [3670] L0C0XD_: when is fan mail [3670] Ayzorax: breky [3670] GHOSTEEE_23: is it in yet? [3670] marthman_: banned [3670] nailwind: backshots [3670] cs2beans: ohneW [3671] solargt1: jynxziCopper [3671] v_kahn: Stream harder [3671] dukenukem1400: L [3672] OFG_Zey: L strokes [3672] ossieum: ur restarted [3672] d44rkfire: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 [3672] kazuu_ya: PRIME JYNXZI RN THERE [3672] yotti_z: CLIP FARMINg [3672] slayer1169: what’s the police shit about yesterday? [3672] quinnnythefos: level 1000 agricultural farmerr [3672] 8elowZer0: L clip farmer [3672] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [3672] Nightbot: Blue crown —-> Free —-> no ads —-> charm: https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [3672] jstalker2: wwwwwww [3672] jadenrip: l clip [3672] yourmomstoe12: WTF [3672] TheKohl: TheKohl is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 65 in the channel! [3672] mouldysand1234: Hey junko you seem like a cool guy you should try streaming . [3673] lucy_gx: …. [3673] ogkrax23: BRUH IS ASKING CLIPS SO BAD [3673] hulk88138814: Bring the oga [3673] linklink232: The chair is 12 [3673] saucin2hard: L [3673] Eiightyhd: REACT HARDERRRR [3673] ericisactuallysmall: l streamer [3673] skadooshasian: Clip farming [3673] soundcloutken: LOLOL [3673] yvsour40: Slipped [3673] 999_duke: HARDER [3673] crowthekushdealer: L script [3673] JFrezzy_: AYOOOOOOOOù [3673] meddyy3: wth [3673] Im_Canadian_Maple: Im_Canadian_Maple subscribed with Prime. [3674] TheKohl: TheKohl gifted a Tier 1 sub to applejuice_1_5! [3674] TheKohl: TheKohl gifted a Tier 1 sub to eliteonly2x! [3674] TheKohl: TheKohl gifted a Tier 1 sub to Devingotit! [3674] TheKohl: TheKohl gifted a Tier 1 sub to rackzyisgoat! [3674] TheKohl: TheKohl gifted a Tier 1 sub to b3hexa! [3674] TheKohl: TheKohl gifted a Tier 1 sub to s1r3z444! [3674] TheKohl: TheKohl gifted a Tier 1 sub to kr0siss! [3674] TheKohl: TheKohl gifted a Tier 1 sub to lollzers42069! [3674] TheKohl: TheKohl gifted a Tier 1 sub to yoshi__1020! [3674] TheKohl: TheKohl gifted a Tier 1 sub to minimanmoo1! [3675] luis_11c: l clipfarminggg [3675] actuallykyle1: clip farmer [3675] LiTareu: Be Obese :P [3675] wha12up: would [3675] zayeditzzyt: blueryaiScaryryai blueryaiBluenoway blueryaiBluenoway blueryaiBluenoway blueryaiBluenoway blueryaiBluenoway [3675] sweetasian123: HUH [3675] morrgy40: dude [3675] Parad1gm___: ???? [3675] MedekTW: Edged [3675] BABYKEEMLOVER13: white soeed [3675] CharlieFCB_: DICK WAS OUTTT [3675] kaylingillespie: ??????? [3675] kobebeef22: true [3675] hope_0297: DO A PREDICTION “WILL JYNXZI SCREAM IN THE NEXT 5 MINUTES” [3675] QuickPup3340436: SHORT STROKES [3676] Gail_Iewis: WE DONT CARE [3676] ZachXc48: alrighttt [3676] Danny_r30: L CLIPFARMING [3676] Nav0213: Walmart [3676] lev1hughes: i subbed. how do i get my charm [3676] Tyl3rPlayzz: u bad at siege [3676] rangerkies: brekkkkie [3676] akaydinho: FootGoal FootGoal FootGoal FootGoal FootGoal FootGoal [3676] eoDont: CLIP FARMER [3678] somfjackson: CLIP [3678] thcinfested: ...... [3678] dentege: wtf [3678] j_christt: (B)ody (O)dor Breeze [3678] bazinga_9001: 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ [3678] samjrsy: !watchtime [3678] vixyontwich: vixyontwich subscribed at Tier 1. [3678] itzyaboi__goofball: TO UR MOM [3678] sampo420: CLIP FARMING [3678] brrs0n: he’s drunk [3678] kaylingillespie: ????? [3678] tkettel_: EWWWWWWEEW [3678] soulzthegoat: L CLIPFARM [3678] wha12up: smash [3678] StreamElements: samjrsy has spent 22 hours 30 mins watching jynxzi [3679] anishtheneaat663: clip farmer [3679] koreanklutz: L strokes [3679] xXSnowFlackXx: Clout Puppet. [3679] nxtexiello: w bulge [3679] tytyattack: QUICK LIL CLIP FARM [3679] mandarino_semiautomatico: nice penis [3679] sculder: Eau de despair? LUL [3679] badtwitchtv: ?????? [3679] sd_psych0: DRY HUMP HARDER [3679] Willisx003: im horny [3679] nikauznl: i’m finsihed [3679] men12308: lol [3679] GHOSTEEE_23: u and me both [3679] Nightbot: 😂 [3679] ElDiegin_guey: ElDiegin_guey subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! let’s go [3681] megaman_2365: smell faster [3681] DemonTiming__: clip [3681] dawarrior5: nah [3681] smokey76789: chill with the gd [3681] slimdonkey83: Clip farmer [3681] Hoi_Ye: Loser [3681] CG_CHRONIX: wth [3681] luwill908: Finally, your new shirt [3681] zackholeee: wish I was that chair [3681] twofifthsofarat: Better acting on the Hub [3681] lonishqipee: qctor [3681] bbowden_23: L UNGREATFUL [3681] plasimfps: YOU ARE NOT JYNXZI [3682] Nightbot: ? [3682] stirzy_: ☠️☠️ [3682] Nightbot: Discord: https://discord.gg/wYbjvHk [3682] fehmi_berlinnnn: i have buy your Skin [3682] Nightbot: GUYS STOP ASKING WHAT ACC HIS XBOX ACC GONNA GLITCH FROM TOO MANY PPL SPAMMING [3682] trospire: ??????? [3682] ZacAttack150: i wish i was that chair [3682] YoungOldd: that thang swanging [3682] kaylingillespie: 💀💀💀💀 [3682] hisdudenessobama: RECOIL [3682] tkettel_: STOP [3682] scatchhhhh: CLIP FARM SLAVE [3682] c0d0ger: unbox better [3682] njburke55: u don’t hit shit from the back [3683] louismroberts: poor brekie [3683] nrgrose3: 1v1 wager RoIIur [3683] itzz_ty12345: CLIPPED [3683] oalbah590: smell harder [3683] nick_c_304: Do you know when roller saturday at 1pm is? [3683] Nightbot: poor❌ pour✅ [3685] ism4_4z: ism4_4z subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! [3685] kapedwz: 😭😭😭😭 [3685] lil_mayo4197: clip farm [3685] RealCheek: Jack Doherty leak is that you? [3685] goddddddaim555: smell harder [3685] sasuke13110: clip farmer [3685] JG_btw: LMAOOO [3685] MoneyHendrix: ☝️it was good meeting you at the Illuminati meeting. stay dialed for the gang brother bear 🖖 [3685] Hoi_Ye: Buldge [3685] codgod123456789101113: jynxziBALD jynxziBALD [3685] wha12up: would [3685] danburnell54: CLIP FARMER [3685] 1kyseth: ???? [3685] 21camhur: bros bricked [3685] c0d0ger: unboxe better [3686] Nav0213: walmart [3686] MAD5411: when is Caseoh vs Kai [3686] silkysteury: boring ass clip farmer [3686] officialhudd: breckir [3686] vhaqkz: you never be smashing [3686] nach0bish: FAT NIPS [3686] fujuni1015: beckie love that [3686] esk1ii: w peterwacker [3686] Bao_R6: come in my ass [3686] donkeybabyjjjj: WHEN IS FAN MAIL [3686] kennxoxo: Thank you brother [3686] 500lumens: 💀 [3686] prime_king4556: parttimer [3686] daddylonglegz0303: BROS HAVING FLASHBACKS [3686] clovtxpnut: dont ever do that again [3687] coby6009: WHAT DID I JUST TUNE IN TO [3687] daledeadly420: daledeadly420 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months, currently on a 11 month streak! fat [3687] kingmr85: clip that [3687] oXuchi: tank you sir:) [3688] monkeyowner75: im so horny now [3688] TTV_zeny_: jynxziWTF [3688] kyleghs: JYNXZI WHEN U GNA WEAR A DIFFERENT PAIR OF SHORTS [3688] rm9003: Jynxzi you look like a melted m&m [3688] chilledguy0: When is fanmail [3688] megaman_2365: unbox harder [3688] shrime_11: hard rn [3688] sharkyboy912: terbulance [3688] jedimastercrunk: gyatt [3688] bennnyboi11: clip farming [3688] colej_18: we know with who [3688] imjaydizzle4200: Beckie is this true [3688] kk_klutch: Have you seen the glove on your skin [3688] ikilledjustin: ???????????? [3690] breezyy888: Nicholas [3690] Nightbot: ok [3690] trexinatorr: W dildo [3690] pizzadino_: SHUT UP LMAOO [3690] mrmilku1234: W [3690] ExllyZ: YOO [3690] a1Iex_: farmer nicholas [3690] konqer_isqt: gyatt [3690] peakzenno: when is clips [3690] spiderkam2010: BO MEANS BODY ODOR [3690] iiabdullahx37: I LOVE YOU MR J [3691] honkerlover: play siege [3691] lev1hughes: live harder [3691] georgelh44: L stinky [3691] tkettel_: DTOP [3691] highonit999: d [3691] zocross: quote of the day [3691] jizzylicious: CLIPFARMER [3691] dozer20210: CLIP FARM ANYHRADER [3691] tocitkatempr: sukoNoted [3691] bigdawgsteve77: clix owns u [3692] donkRun1g: when is fan mail [3692] spectralboxedyou: ungrateful [3692] ianthetankjr: best agricultural streamer [3692] mattmun187: L [3692] fadeskyl1ne: DO THAT TO ME [3692] Buddy19235: when is fan male white speed [3692] edcfs_2: jynxziClown [3692] NahteX6: REACT HARDER [3692] jeffdagoatf31: do the chair harder [3692] ExllyZ: ??????? [3692] sebastisnfergg: my dead dogs strokes better [3692] FredrickZelder: THE LEAK WAS REAL [3692] highonit999: r [3692] squidwardtestals: w recoil [3692] ceo_untouchable: when is fan mail [3693] majorwood28: L bulge [3693] tkettel_: STOP [3693] jynxo__: Nice dick [3693] trillpeek: GROW UP [3693] wackatacka12: BRECKKKIIEEEE??? [3693] nostyaye: clip farming [3693] coleissussybaka: I hate the new junko the always rude junko the bad mood junko [3693] vixyontwich: !link [3693] badtwitchtv: cmonBruh [3693] CrzyVibez: when’s fan mail????? [3693] Instinct_86: Could you fanmail? [3693] meddyy3: ww [3693] fran_ferre: yoooo [3693] Nightbot: @vixyontwich If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [3693] GHOSTEEE_23: whens bronny 1v1 [3694] highonit999: rr [3694] p_weiss03: L clip farm [3694] zeke738: clip farmer [3694] Trollzy_JH: when is fan mail [3694] ethan8755875796: hi [3695] breezyy888: Lmfao [3695] LazerBoomer: b.o. is body odor breeze @jynxzi [3695] mrgrumpygramps: how do i get jynxi CHARM [3695] giftmesubforcharm: P [3695] thattoxicguy306: jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL [3695] dominic060843322: white speed [3695] vin_buzz: stop glazing fatty ur not sketch [3695] Lonergoon14: Cops waiting [3695] jayboy6401: part timer [3695] rxv0: lmfaooo [3695] natejunior__: can i get a sub please bro [3695] junkycuh: !gamble 1000 [3695] tokyoforgetshispassword: cool bam key meme rick post touch cousin omg mf huh th go if fun ho out to using info [3695] MOB_Trav: L Stroked [3695] hfhfhrhnxjxjd: Weeeeeeddddddd [3696] StreamElements: junkycuh lost 1000 points in roulette and now has 6585 points! FeelsBadMan [3696] c0d0ger: unbox beter [3696] TinYgOoNbReAd: FUCK LIL CLIX [3696] ogkrax23: L CLIP FARMER [3696] banana_bread0102: stop using the lords name in vain bro !!!!! [3696] tictacjak3: @jynxzi u ever gonna do a collab with meatymarley ? [3696] its_avery5: I’m bricked [3696] RainbowFishcakes: IRL Alpha Packs [3696] craiggy67: did you pray today ? [3696] pizzadino_: DOWN BOY IS INSANE [3696] Nightbot: k [3696] ttvlk110605: white speed [3696] hulk88138814: Bro is lost [3696] fe4r_ryza: when’s fanmail [3696] thfc_11rw: jynxziCopper_SQ [3698] InfiniteAnarchy: fan mail harder [3698] Ikhavod: cocaine [3698] savmatty: back shot better [3698] kingyadir: Bronny waiting [3698] Metz_Bomb: pot [3698] LiIPiffer: COCAINE [3698] zayuhh5: CLIP FARM HARDER [3698] lilremy999: white speed [3698] leanlover21: end stream [3698] hotdog6867: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 [3698] danloft: find god clip farmer [3698] loveinvages: read the chat harder [3698] jxhnnyyss: 2.4 GOA [3698] Phantomille: when is fan mail bro [3699] bardown16__: COCAINE? [3699] JFrezzy_: WHITE SPEED [3699] slipperysalami_: jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH [3699] jayofrmdashh21: L strokes [3699] trillpeek: L ACT [3699] jadenrip: jynxziPACK [3699] amcat88: zerkaa waiting bro [3699] solllars: when is fanmail [3699] g0nuclear: LUL [3699] toastbrot_lj: when is fanmail [3699] c0d0ger: unbox better [3699] oSaltii: it’s blow [3699] kryll3n: Whut it dew mija [3699] rubobzen: fanmail harder [3699] soulzthegoat: L COUNTING [3702] kill_shott0666: ADRESS THE SWATTING [3702] Principa1ity: 5 vapes [3702] Metz_Bomb: that’s weed [3702] ceo_untouchable: bet there vapes [3702] sobiethegreat: coke order [3702] xavierpatt556: u always get me chibbed [3702] tkettel_: IDIOT [3702] cheebah710: HypeDisguise PJSugar [3702] iSledge1: Open Fanmail harder [3702] w4ffleus: is this the 2v2? [3702] mannyyr6: MIGHT LEAVE BAD ACTINGL [3702] lev1hughes: buddy can’t count [3702] Bao_R6: when is fan mail [3702] neweracbb: Y U ACTING LIKE SKETCH WEEIRDO [3702] Jedi_Driveby: SKETCH IS WAITING [3703] abram1331btw: i feel bad for breckiee [3703] gavinzuccini24: irl beginner packs? [3703] lincstud23: alpha packs [3703] jurek177: alpha packs [3703] brotherzatanna: L COUNTER [3703] Nightbot: packs Saving for 999 for an opening! [3703] jxhnnyyss: 2.4 GPAA [3703] mosky843: alpha pack [3703] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [3703] verykingjef: W COKE [3703] oliivveerr: All are drugs [3703] JosephFN5: t6eyw4tget3tu6uteyreasA7rytgfed6ujy5ht4g3rfedwo8i7u6hy5gt4fr3de2s1wq [3703] soulzthegoat: L IDIOT [3703] ryan_miller29: SPIORTS CARDS [3703] akbeamgod: vapes [3704] rexzy0ntwitch: alpha packs [3704] noluiis: SKETCH IS WAITING [3704] UrCuzzy: It's coke [3704] devolition8: when’s fan mail [3704] geeez_gaupo: Huh [3704] alucard_ex2: PRE END [3704] WhereYaAtDuckboy59: WhereYaAtDuckboy59 subscribed with Prime. [3705] beeslams: beeslams subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! w? [3705] Foul_Owl99: PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh [3705] yotti_z: PART TIMING, ClIP FARMING FATASS PART TIMING, ClIP FARMING FATASS [3705] kingxrhino: when is fanmail! [3705] joacohdp: putting my finger inside you [3705] akaydinho: WWWWWW [3705] meddyy3: weed [3705] politesob1978: L math skills [3705] Fossabot: @ll_breezy_l, Your message is too long [5x] [3705] kapedwz: zaza [3705] cheebah710: cohhNODDERS cohhNODDERS cohhNODDERS cohhNODDERS [3706] L0C0XD_: when is fan mail [3706] scaumy123: IS THIS WALMART [3706] tc_connor8348: my fan when is mail [3706] pea0yt: 5 DILDOS [3706] sebastisnfergg: jynxziRage [3706] ericisactuallysmall: leaked [3706] tone__17: COKE>>..... [3706] brrs0n: L clip farmer [3706] Phantomille: when is fan mail [3706] wideschizoJeb: pre coke LUL [3706] Fiercemercy: Math harder [3706] kleinn47: when fan mail [3706] zykaq: caseoh is ready [3706] zentihater01: I HAVE A HALF CHUB [3706] igotdriplol62: L [3707] vlak74: is When Mail Fan [3707] ttvlk110605: white ishowspeed [3707] e2matryhard: it’s cocane [3707] datboisaint77: alpha packs [3707] bubbanutz77: dono [3707] rayyaan_10: so we're in brekkie [3707] goddddddaim555: open box harder [3707] recktwo: Tournament?? [3707] zackholeee: when is fan mail? [3707] pxntonty: 2.6 [3707] fat_germ: jynxziVapeBreak [3707] Nightbot: https://clips.twitch.tv/AdventurousHedonisticYakinikuBibleThump-pUxxa5Rp0x8aWNXU [3707] exxyq: oh neymar [3707] trawlrz: jynxziGoodAim [3707] jeffy_213: jeffy_213 subscribed at Tier 1. [3708] garlicandonions_: L triple chin [3708] TinYgOoNbReAd: can I send you poop [3708] sowerzzz: Greenkey still on [3709] fronntpaanda: drugs [3709] NFFe4rr: open harder [3709] mythicalkatt: chair is a victim [3709] hunterl11100: CANT COUNT GO BACK TO SCHOOL [3709] axelissavage23: 1v1 me ur ass [3709] crowthekushdealer: When fan mail [3709] imran_420_: cockai. @ [3709] lowkelijah: Bro he sent u 10 gifted [3709] tytyattack: TURN OFF CHROMA KEY [3709] Furnfacetv: LEAKEDDDDDD [3709] bigab45: OPEN FASTER [3710] Nate2Gleeful: REACT HARDER [3710] tkettel_: NICE COUNTING DUNBASS [3710] ShowNoMercy0125: Hung like a hamster [3710] sasuke13110: end stream [3710] brosko32: clip farming [3710] sebastisnfergg: ;) ;) BCWarrior jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage [3710] wideschizoJeb: pre coke LUL [3710] BigMexicanNerd: when’s fanmail [3710] mattmun187: when’s fan mail daddy [3710] aYo_6ix: chat is wild in here [3710] oreo1v5s: COUNT HARDER [3710] wallywats: bro is not mewing [3710] a_milky_straw: when is clips [3710] iiabdullahx37: 1v1 [3710] yotti_z: PART TIMING, ClIP FARMING FATASS PART TIMING, ClIP FARMING FATASS PART TIMING, ClIP FARMING FATASS PART TIMING, ClIP FARMING FATASS PART TIMING, ClIP FARMING FATASS [3711] monkeyowner75: white speed. [3711] j3w1shgam3r: big lips [3711] kill_shott0666: GASS [3711] TuNour: TuNour gifted a Tier 1 sub to deryy200! This is their first Gift Sub in the channel! [3712] sirbenss: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [3712] AnimeTiddies52: containment packs Pog [3712] sebastisnfergg: jynxziRage ;) ;) BCWarrior jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage [3712] firemonke254: w counting [3712] Dzcson: L clip farm [3712] ericisactuallysmall: fatso [3712] tocitkatempr: sukoNod sukoSwipe [3712] rubabantics: Amazon Oder of vapes [3712] Jellyboy506: Alpha packs [3712] apisuki: LEAKED [3713] hi_money23: great math white speed [3713] dergrosse2: try snus [3713] meddyy3: boner [3713] vinayhal: When is fanmailWhen is fanmail [3713] moneyman_691: pensi [3713] 6Mes: when is fan mail [3713] ghostofsparta69420: walters crystal blue [3713] sebastisnfergg: jynxziRage ;) BCWarrior BCWarrior jynxziRage jynxziRage [3713] wideschizoJeb: pre coke LUL [3713] cooksucker109: WHEN IS FANMAIL [3713] cadec_games: I wish I was the chair [3713] lookywooky69: WALTER WHIIIITEEE [3714] akumav0idd: @breckiehill [3714] JFrezzy_: PRE BANNED [3714] rayyaan_10: brekkie [3714] mrmilku1234: Sketch waiting [3714] diego_11_p: leaked [3714] j0emama55: h [3714] liamlouda: end [3714] Senjur0_: L LEAK [3714] Nightbot: h [3714] 700kayfock: hivise im gonna touch uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu [3714] craiggy67: Coca ? [3714] nick_c_304: Do you know when roller saturday at 1pm is? [3714] drakesnake14in: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak ArsonNoSexy ArsonNoSexy ArsonNoSexy ArsonNoSexy ArsonNoSexy ArsonNoSexy ArsonNoSexy [3714] Metz_Bomb: was it from Walter white [3714] wyfyttv: L CLIP FAR@I G [3715] IG0N_3: L UNEDUCATED [3715] e2matryhard: cocane [3715] hunterl11100: HOW DO YOU LIKE FART SPRAY FATASS [3715] Trollzy_JH: what time is fan mail [3715] wessy130: vapes [3715] sasuke13110: L ungrateful [3715] zekkgg: zekkgg subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 6 month streak! lets go [3715] gamecubezombie: count harder [3716] oldertouch: when is fan mail [3716] VyseM4H: Fanmail when is? [3716] yotti_z: PART TIMING, ClIP FARMING FATASS PART TIMING, ClIP FARMING FATASS PART TIMING, ClIP FARMING FATASS PART TIMING, ClIP FARMING FATASS PART TIMING, ClIP FARMING FATASS PART TIMING, ClIP FARMING FATASS [3716] mancity565: O [3716] stg_muki: Stream Harder puppet [3716] giftmesubforcharm: open harder 😎 [3716] vinayhal: When is fanmail [3716] diego_11_p: Leaked [3716] Furnfacetv: LEAKEDDD [3716] bardown16__: PILLS [3716] jaaah31: I’ll ask Beckie [3716] theitmanforreal: 100 gifted if you bleach your asshair live [3716] mattmun187: when’s fan mail [3716] konqer_isqt: xims [3717] buisanessfly: when is fan mail [3717] chris_frags: BRO SENT YOU PURE COLOMBIAN [3717] aidenkillsnoobs: do day 1 [3717] mcbloof123: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [3717] paulaner_spezi_88: Penos [3717] Bao_R6: when is fan mails [3717] 00aniyhh: clip farming [3717] PalmettoRebel: PalmettoRebel subscribed with Prime. [3717] meddyy3: pussy [3718] sebas_isbetter: Bro got send 5 alpha packs [3718] wideschizoJeb: pre coke LUL [3718] bjxxn: I think that’s enough fan mail [3718] mrmilku1234: Smelly fuck [3718] Gexrox: white speed [3718] donkRun1g: when is fan mail [3718] Metz_Bomb: banned [3718] axelissavage23: 1v1 me ur as [3718] alh1310: Stetch is waiting [3718] dedo_hamed: huh [3718] sasuke13110: ungrateful [3718] mashal2nd: open up day 2 first [3718] suslebron: L [3719] wyfyttv: L CLIP FARMING [3719] tyler_gxx: fat [3719] masynnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn: look at my pfp [3719] anitaaa_78: nahh wtf [3719] Lonergoon14: Cops at ur door [3719] brodybrahh: MREs [3719] mittelgang: are u also streaming on bražżers? PS lick me harder [3720] lavincen: lag [3720] wideschizoJeb: pre coke LUL [3720] adamhoak: cardiac [3720] giftmesubforcharm: harder [3720] abedmoh: CAN'T EVEN COUNT [3720] hulk88138814: Brother [3720] gubrilla: L cocaine [3720] cmnpvp: ITS SHIT [3720] isaackerr1: READ THE NOTEEEEEE [3720] wallywats: fine ahhh [3720] jacobisxani: ALPHA PACKS [3720] evotvlol: kk [3720] jaybay2209e: LUL [3721] tylerniknam69: react to swatting clip [3721] NFFe4rr: open harder l [3721] honkerlover: play siege chunko [3721] wideschizoJeb: pre coke LUL [3721] lachlandall: pre walter white meth [3721] moneyman_691: sketch is waiting [3721] mrmilku1234: Skeyou wai [3721] wrooney15: cole [3721] leanlover21: end stream [3722] xavii623: L counting [3722] ripreneangelile: BROS GOT THAT AUTISTIC LOOK [3722] ItsYeBoi2016: bro unboxed the same spray every stream, always acts confused, always sprays it, always same reaction [3722] overlord_skullz: when is fanmail [3722] MAD5411: when is Caseoh vs Kai [3722] VLiteralV: nut [3722] rytheguy_44: weeeeeeeeddd [3722] victorhanma7: dude could still #2 Pencils in that big ahh nose [3722] xerxsnipess: how do you send fan mail [3722] Gucci_kid54: read the note maybe [3723] giftmesubforcharm: ipen [3723] krax_zd: DUMBASS GO BACK TO SCHOOL [3723] kyleghs: screen too bright [3723] devolition8: start the fan mail [3723] akke10004: when is fan mail [3723] paulaner_spezi_88: Penis [3723] wackatacka12: JUNKY WHENS FENTANYL REVIEWS [3723] trawlrz: uh oh [3723] azcyl: react to sidemen [3723] diego_11_p: leaked [3723] gingie0202: fan mail harder [3723] tony2sweaty234: react harder you ungrateful streamer [3723] Buddy19235: when is fan male white speed [3723] wessy130: q [3723] oliivveerr: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis jynxzi0x jynxzi0x NotLikeThis jynxzi0x NotLikeThis jynxzi0x NotLikeThis jynxzi0x HeyGuys HeyGuys MyAvatar Squid1 TheIlluminati [3724] Ayzorax: Day 1 or one day [3724] JFrezzy_: WEEED [3724] mrwebba2345: l [3724] kleinn47: when fan mail, [3724] wideschizoJeb: pre coke LUL [3724] Hambino_Scope: Jager black ice [3724] Senjur0_: BREKKIE SMELL [3724] wockluvr: when is fanmail [3724] SpuddyLH: ! day or day 1 [3725] farfromsane999: WTF [3725] frizzlerbaby123: Cheeer1 [3725] Gucci_kid54: read the note maybe [3725] TheMysticLimits: WHITE SPEED + WHEN IS FANMAIL + WE MISS 2013 JYNXZI [3725] lordstraven: !Watchtime [3725] diego_11_p: Leaked [3725] StreamElements: lordstraven has spent 3 days 18 hours watching jynxzi [3725] sculder: boy needs to read [3725] ScxryBerry: man’s got some instructions [3725] skullj: ? [3726] char1sm44: L reaction [3726] oXuchi: tank you sir [3726] mrwebba2345: g [3726] Nightbot: ? [3726] JustinDonna: what was crazy announcement [3726] Nightbot: no [3726] jhop10: clix [3726] 999_duke: POCUCAJ [3726] jayboy6401: coke [3726] tunacv: Squid1 Squid3 Squid4 [3727] itznotlyn: Whats up with the days [3727] meddyy3: gum [3727] ttv_wuwu: I'm in [3727] tocitkatempr: sukoPray [3727] robert09763: dumbass [3727] sniperopsfrost: Let me suck your sack [3727] ttv_shaydon009: i [3727] hulk88138814: End stream [3727] therealchopper_: when is fanmail [3727] rewind016: ungratefull [3727] floatedsky: cliped [3727] grouppii: OMG ITS POKEMON [3727] Metz_Bomb: No one clip [3728] verykingjef: PRE HEROINE [3728] trawlrz: WHITE SPEED [3728] heder_sot69696969: L fatass [3728] r_ptor: PRE BOMBB [3728] bardown16__: BIRTH CONTROL PILLS FOR BRE.CKIE?? [3728] rubabantics: Blud what [3728] donkRun1g: when is fan mail? [3728] sh1ft_04: W junko [3729] thcinfested: PRESSED 30s [3729] sowerzzz: Greenkey still on junko [3729] pizzadude1068: when is fanmail [3729] sm0keythebeear: ITS ROIDS [3729] utahutes8529: Addison Rae waiting [3729] tocitkatempr: sukoSmug [3729] mrfrizzle4200: Cobain [3729] wideschizoJeb: pre coke LUL [3729] pd150arl: lol [3729] lilremy999: white speed [3730] nnylyad: PRE COKE [3730] its_avery5: jynxziSNOT [3730] trapmoneyy24: jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh [3730] r_ptor: PRE BOMB [3730] aqua_ml: !followage [3730] mrmilku1234: When is fan mailb [3730] vixyontwich: !link [3730] grouppii: IK IT [3730] caleb_aviation1: its coke i betcha [3730] bunzishere: kaicSHOOK [3730] Gexrox: when’s fanmail [3730] wavyboycheeze: @shadow_lslayed no [3730] xzomb1ez: L drugs [3730] StreamElements: @aqua_ml, aqua_ml has been following jynxzi for 3 years 8 months 23 days 23 hours [3731] ghostofsparta69420: it’s white weiner sauce [3731] friedsheavibe: BANNED [3731] oXuchi: tankyou sir [3731] wallywats: when’s caseoh vs kai [3731] zentihater01: !clip [3732] r_ptor: PRE BOMBB [3732] trixyis_here: the black jynxzi the black jynxzi the black jynxzi the black jynxzi the black jynxzi [3732] giftmesubforcharm: fatty [3732] Nightbot: 😂 [3732] Nightbot: @vixyontwich If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [3732] m3gs_23: its a condom I bet [3732] lev1hughes: no [3732] tony2sweaty234: when are you doing fanmail [3733] its_avery5: jynxziPACK [3733] facelessdmon: hit it [3733] Nightbot: GUYS STOP ASKING WHAT ACC HIS XBOX ACC GONNA GLITCH FROM TOO MANY PPL SPAMMING [3733] stroopdroopbfg: stroopdroopbfg subscribed at Tier 1. [3733] r_ptor: PRE BOM [3733] cooksucker109: When is fanmail [3733] JFrezzy_: WHEN IS FANMAIL? [3733] dmx5p: WHAT THE FUCK [3733] rexzy0ntwitch: BRO SENT IRL ALPHA PACKS [3733] 2onyx0: drugz [3733] trillpeek: BOP [3733] kullersidek: bros clip farming now lol [3734] hulk88138814: Enjoy staying [3734] jackman1374: L package opener [3734] braydon_jacobsen1: day 1 is a rapper [3734] 5sEeKeR5: jynxziBALD jynxziGG jynxziLOL jynxziHappy jynxziSuprised jynxziCopper [3734] skrubbed_: DO IT [3734] lukemahomie: wwww [3734] dollyaioli: nut rags im calling it [3735] kingxjxrrad: WHENS FAN MAIL [3735] r_ptor: PRE BOMB [3735] ericisactuallysmall: CoolCat [3735] fronntpaanda: be grateful [3735] floatedsky: PotFriend [3735] tocitkatempr: sukoSmile [3735] Pdiddillydawg: it’s meth [3735] BigMexicanNerd: brother whens is fanmail [3736] l4m4ndo: revxKEKW [3736] 2ndbae: Did bro fall off? [3736] Instinct_86: Could you fanmail? [3736] Nate2Gleeful: WHEN MAIL IS FAN [3736] Trollzy_JH: what time is fan mail at [3736] donkRun1g: when is fan mail [3736] itzhak_buda: Xbox profile pic farming [3736] rizza1997: does charm count for gifted subs [3736] mr_2great: jynxziClown [3736] sasuke13110: l clip farmer [3736] not_kennnnay: next fan mail if the day [3736] giftmesubforcharm: gyat [3736] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [3737] JAYTOTAL: ass [3737] wessy130: asss [3737] trawlrz: WHITE SPEEDD [3737] jin468rl: farh [3737] xNilo121: inhale it [3737] nufcflynn_: jynxsi I’ll cave your fuxking teeth in [3737] phinies205: try it [3738] garlicandonions_: L fake [3738] L0C0XD_: when is fan mail [3738] brocktavious_6: it is seven not eight [3738] skrubbed_: L UNGATEFUL [3738] hfhfhrhnxjxjd: Clip farming [3738] goddddddaim555: open box harder [3738] yusuflolking: My fat boy opening fanmails [3738] cury112: smeel it first [3738] mrmilku1234: Sketch waiting g [3738] floatedsky: PotFriend PotFriend [3738] jackman1374: Open fan mail harder [3738] r_ptor: PRE BOMBR [3738] will376388: brad231NASH [3738] hunterl11100: FENTYNL [3738] tocitkatempr: sukoLeash1 [3739] bigboyk13: when is fan mail [3739] alexstork12344: WHEN IS FAN MAIL [3739] BellyDelphine: URINE AHJAHHAA [3739] giftmesubforcharm: gyatttt [3739] pedrooliv80: is it possible to take the clix minions of the chat? all they say is l acting and clip farming. [3739] ahnoah: !followage [3739] wessy130: ass [3739] wallywats: when’s fanmail [3739] itzyaboi__goofball: black ice [3739] slipperysalami_: pick up the phone [3739] kingyadir: when’s fan mail [3739] juliet_noromeo: OUT IT ON N [3739] r_ptor: PRE BOMB [3739] illtown315: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [3739] xottic7777: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 | Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [3560] B.O. Breeze. Okay, that actually sounds good, it's fuck. [3570] B.O. Breeze the fragrance. I think I just got sent a high-end column. [3580] here. I'm pretty sure I just got sent a high end come on. [3590] Woo-hoo-hoo! That looks fancy! Beobreeze, bro! Look at the packaging chat! Beobreeze! [3600] Let's smell this motherfucker. Has no scent. I guess I got to spray it. [3610] [3620] What the fuck is that? What the fuck is that? My shirt reads! [3630] Oh my god! My shirt reeks! [3640] Holy fucking shit, dude! I actually, and I put it on my shirt on backwards. [3650] the car carry [3660] Yeah, Johnson deployed. Shout out to this high-behinded in from the back. Guardian, Johnson deployed. [3670] Why did that actually get me half chumped? Young boy! [3680] I'm out today! To Nicholas! Alright. [3690] Holy shit This guy sent four bags no five bags [3700] 보i [3710] Day 3, day 4. Day 1. [3720] ありま [3730] Nope, I'm not putting it on anymore cologne. That probably smells like, uh, I don't even know, dude. Calm or something. | There is a Highlight between 3500 and 3800. Jynxzi opens packages from viewers and almost vomits at a perfume, then leaves the room to change his shirt. |
Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [4300] toxix_nova1: use it [4300] Big_Chungalard: oh that thing is fire [4300] jamesyggg: kabooom [4300] wianus17: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 [4300] savyaa26: jynxziVapeBreak [4300] bth11_2: blow [4300] rexqrz: KKKK [4300] jrosene: unless your satanic [4300] The_SenZor: DONT DO IT [4300] hito2222: BLOW [4300] routine59: no [4300] steelname1: NNOOO [4300] clpzzlol: when is fan mail [4300] airforcegunner14: jynxziPACK [4300] Jakow98: don’t [4301] juniorhall9864684: Hi [4301] nateystwitchy: BLOW IT LIKE ITS A JOHNSON [4301] pandaboss2116: blow me [4301] vitality5175: blow it [4301] sam2311313: blow it [4301] Banksy369: SCAry sound [4301] RatmantheGreat: YES [4301] jizzylicious: BLOW ME [4301] ilovekick2: blow it [4301] sandy_sir: BLOW IT [4301] jynxzi_lefttoe: noooooooooo dont [4301] siickllyy: pause [4301] McWerner: ITS A WHISTLE [4301] Frostyslippy: blow it [4301] ItsPurpsss: cause yousa bitch [4302] Bugg_Mangg: USE ITBLOW IT [4302] xlRelapse: DOC IS WAITING [4302] alebertins: breack it [4302] callmemayko: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke [4302] Nicrot: PauseChamp [4302] deadlyghst: don’t do it [4304] r_ptor: SKETCH IS WAITING [4304] CCp_Apache: makes a crazy sound [4304] tatertot_107: no [4304] mr_5_star: WWWWBLOW IT LIKE IT JOHNSON [4304] ultimakyla: its a curse [4304] ItIsSwavyyy: BLOW ITNTI THAT JOHNSON [4304] SnoopTT: looks like some voodoo shit [4304] jred_05: jynxziFAT [4304] wilcuhh: wilcuhh subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! 2 moth suba [4304] quentin_olson: blow really hard [4304] quinnnythefos: cooll asf [4304] ddanuplex: ITS A DEATH WHISTLE SIMILAR TO THE ONES THE AZTEC USED [4304] CMOMoney187: USE IT PUSSY [4304] drmonkeeman10: AZTEC WHISTLE [4304] dauntedsign21: blow hard [4305] wJuuh: CURSED [4305] TTVChikinNgz3: blow it [4305] isaakfn: My ears [4305] burnatoms: DONT BLOW IT [4305] coltpython77: its a whistle blow it [4305] xriifty: clipped [4307] beaver1781: beaver1781 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! [4307] owenthegoaile: Pooopy buttt!!!!!!! [4307] pawdukes_fan_person: USE IT [4307] jayofrmdashh21: dont bro [4307] nonamemir: no [4307] ghoul_punk100: blow me [4307] sp4xee: whens fanmail [4307] lcwhufc: open harder [4307] jibbnuts: do it [4307] jimberleigh: noooooooo [4307] yohnnyspoons: it’s just a whistle that makes. scream sound [4307] snooziezzz: IT'S AN INSTRUMENT [4307] drovght: ITS A WHISTLE DUMBASS [4307] vix348: it’s super calming [4307] ItIsSwavyyy: BLOW IT [4308] th3pq: how do you get charm [4308] HeavenlyDismay1111: its an actual whistle [4308] k1ute: GGs your haunted now [4310] animegirlmii5: Hai [4310] Th3MidasTouch33: blow it daddy [4310] iSledge1: Open Fanmail harder [4310] trawlrz: cursed [4310] TTVChikinNgz3: blow job [4310] tothewindoooowtothewall: DO IT PUSSY [4310] etb_pablo: BLOW IT THEN BLOW ME [4310] TheFaTaLTime: its a whistle [4310] dtreams02: ITS A WHISTLE DUMBASS [4310] goldrocktv: BLOW ITTTT [4310] noluiis: OPEN IT [4310] Sportanzug: broooo noooo [4310] TowardsNate: its fine [4310] girrfman: it’s just a whistle [4310] Wishmeri: Don't blow it [4311] snooziezzz: IT'S FOR MUSIC [4311] kaazmayne110: IT SOUNDS LIKR SCREAMING [4311] nikolasderallerechte: Whistle [4311] apotatobehindapotato: blow it [4311] xriifty: clipepd [4311] jrosene: it’s a spirt thing [4311] ZacAttack150: BLOW IT DADDY [4311] exlipse_bot: DO IT [4311] shauxity: I'M GETTING CLOSE, KEEP GOING [4311] chubbyy32: chubbyy32 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [4311] pantera_221: BLOW. INTO. IT. ITS. A. WHISTLE. YOU. IDIOT. [4313] exterminadorPa: its a normal whistle [4313] trawlrz: GG [4313] vitality5175: suck it [4313] J1MB0B97: do it [4313] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [4313] recovd: dont do it [4313] ChrisPur1: bro its a whistle [4313] itsjcnextdoorr: DONTTTT [4313] meyersdale: its a whistle bud [4313] inaxvy: USE ITT [4313] PapiThooi: don’t blow it [4313] The_SenZor: DONT ITS NO NO STOP [4313] Ethenexe: Do it [4313] stratigicsturgeon: open bag and blow into it [4313] quinnnythefos: its cool [4314] s1yth0r6: u should do a cinema stream [4314] thabovenatormaceface: blow it daddy [4314] Pweetybird1: it’s a fart bomb [4314] jaythesophisticated: bro do it, its fine [4314] Lonergoon14: Last time joe rogan blew that covid happened [4314] mike1huncho: BLOW IT HJJ [4314] 17dezy: pusy [4314] dialedguido: look up the history of it [4314] StreamElements: sekotar has spent 10 mins watching jynxzi [4314] tedium_dzn: ur fine [4316] fops4455: it sounds like a scream] [4316] ReaganPro: doonttttt [4316] sniperopsfrost: Pussy [4316] juanda_don: NOOO [4316] yohnnyspoons: it’s fine bro [4316] kaidan_r6: jynxziVapeBreak [4316] benstoner1: DO IT [4316] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [4316] DsbSpanky: its a wisel [4316] TowardsNate: DONT BEA BABY ITS OKAY [4316] garrbear909: bruh its a whistle [4316] callmeb0o: DEEEEEEEP BREATH [4316] McWerner: ITS A WHISTLEE [4316] pandaboss2116: blow me instead [4316] bubbanutz77: ITS FOR SKINWALKERSS [4317] blast_ryu: Blow it dad [4317] Tucodiaz: those are so cool [4317] wilcuhh: its loud af [4317] isaackerr1: ITS A WHISTLE [4317] burnatoms: IT CALLS THE SKIN WALKERS [4317] ianaiq: don’t [4317] kingxrhino: blow hard pussy [4317] roastedpigeon56: pussy [4317] alakai_ma: PUSSY [4317] ARob688: Bros a coochie [4317] universalator03: ITS A WHISTLE [4317] razor_clapz6905: pussy [4317] tc_connor8348: BLOW INTO IT U GET MONEY [4317] cloud_1053: cloud_1053 subscribed with Prime. [4319] DILLWIZARD: Nah I ain't touching that [4319] livestock_: pussy [4319] SiscaManik92: pussy blow [4319] idkwhattoputhere0912: Pussy [4319] Tries: play nhl [4319] lucas_vdh: don’t [4319] TallSlimeRj: do it [4319] bth11_2: blow it [4319] ex0tic_74: cool noise [4319] patriotsfan199: blow me [4319] dillon_sumner6: wowza [4319] grant_ellinger: Aztec scream noise [4319] Dimer____: FONT DO IT [4319] juanda_don: STOP [4319] donkey077: your good [4320] popcornoi: blow it daddy [4320] Vamnpire_: OPEN DUMBASS [4320] trexzyii: do it [4320] blue4321234: It's a whistle [4320] beefbabyx: L bully [4320] trangler_: NOO [4320] rmul44: blow it [4320] simply_brandon_: call dad [4320] ramirezchris2711: pussy [4320] poookieppp: Jynxi [4320] echo5822: pissy [4320] shifty_ston3rs: pussy [4320] CammyGTv: put your mouth on it and blow it for me [4320] code_vortex283: Do it pussy [4320] isaiah223k: poll it bruh your chillin [4322] Dilucted: Blow me then? [4322] echo5822: pussy [4322] muttonmashergaming26: give it a blowjob [4322] milkysilky13: it’s a whistle [4322] ttv_lxl: LESS VIEWERS THEN KAI [4322] chicagoserge: SKINWALKERS [4322] juanda_don: NO [4322] joshjiq: AZTEC DEATH WISTLE [4322] trexinatorr: Cheer1 [4322] dialedguido: joe arogan tlked about it [4322] il_solito_matte: Pussu [4322] ickis12: GGS YOURE DEAD [4322] Purdyyy: IM GETTING CLOSE DONT STOP [4322] TowardsNate: ITS FINE [4322] PsychoCXI: it’s actually sick [4323] fcc3: I really don’t understand [4323] jred_05: pussy [4323] luisresendiz2211: trust [4323] Jakeee1x: average Jynxzi stream [4323] rexisfrfr: its a bomb [4323] coolpersonlover: BLOW IT [4323] Menu_: PANCAKE PANCAKE PANCAKE PANCAKE PANCAKE PANCAKE PANCAKE PANCAKE PANCAKE PANCAKE PANCAKE PANCAKE PANCAKE PANCAKE PANCAKE PANCAKE PANCAKE PANCAKE [4323] ikilledjustin: BLOW ME [4323] airbxnder: ITS JUST A WHISTLE JYNXZI [4323] bbowden_23: ITS A WHISTLE YOU FUCKING PUSSY [4323] hannahhjoyyy: it just makes a loud noise bruh [4323] itz_locoz: !link [4323] the_wagz_: its a whistle [4323] BumgusFungu: your find [4323] Nightbot: @itz_locoz If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [4325] calebrules15: its just a loud scary wistle [4325] tomboyspecial: do it [4325] yesmann223: IT JUST SCREAMS [4325] grub954: i want the fish flops [4325] Breezy1478: look it up [4325] noluiis: OPEN ITTTTT [4325] airbxnder: TRY UT [4325] yiorio_: stop being a pussy and do It [4325] jonnymac003: pussy [4325] crosseyedclap: it makes a sound of w human screaming [4325] Mando_Mad: its just a whistle [4325] br3adly: BLOW IT DADYD [4325] kalimusi: open it [4325] abot00: it’s a whistle [4325] politesob1978: blow it [4326] astr0scousin837: It a whistle [4326] lukabrasi123: react harder I’m trying to edge [4326] iwatchflanq: Pusy [4326] tiagolexi04: It's a whisle [4326] Sh1nomori: GOOGLE IT [4326] goldrocktv: BLOW IT DADDY [4326] jakemucha25: think of the clips [4326] nosik68: Blow it papi [4326] scottypimpin_69: NO BLOW IT [4326] rnr_rixze: blow it daddy [4326] zkrilo: BLOW INTO IT PUSSY [4326] xHouseOfPleasure: ITS A WHISTLE [4326] ajoitt: take it out of the bag bro [4326] lotan_plays: It's just a whistle [4326] Icyyonkbm: so pussy [4327] snaggtf: it’s a whistle idiot [4327] xriifty: open harder [4327] scuffedwarior: It's a whistle [4327] sp4xee: BLOW IT PUSSY [4327] adninjastar: adninjastar subscribed at Tier 1. [4327] defficult1: it’s fine bro fr [4327] seabass17xforlife: blow itbdaddy [4327] jacke1323: it makes a scary sound just [4327] 2018SubaruSTI: BLOW IT DADDHY [4327] LPSMerc: pussy [4327] recovd: Dont do it bro [4328] ilovekick2: blow it [4328] trexinatorr: blow it [4328] donkey077: do it [4328] quinnnythefos: BRO [4328] xojay_flocka: pussy [4328] jballer0_0: bro [4328] calebboi321: ITS A WHISTLE [4328] unit3div: open it [4328] echo5822: clix would do it [4328] ChrisPur1: its legit a whistle brother [4328] costran: BRUHHH DO IT [4328] compshark67: do it daddy [4328] TowardsNate: L UNGRATEFUL [4328] vamp_15121: @Jynxzi I SUB TO YOU 1 DAY AGO CAN I HAVE MY CHARM [4328] v3liv: blow it [4329] Gucci_kid54: pussy [4329] lahpaulll03: DO IT [4329] soupjuce: do it [4329] neenooj: clip farming forced character streamer [4329] coins_eater: I know what it is [4329] caseohs_8thchinroll: BLOW IT [4329] ajaksiii: BRO JUST BLOW IT [4329] ddanuplex: ITS A DEATH WHISTLE SIMILAR TO THE ONES THE AZTECs USED [4329] huntermast06: blow harder [4329] BearNakedJEDi: blow it papa [4329] 2famous_isaac: it makes a loud noise [4329] Kuqai: DO it [4329] treyknox04: u r fine [4329] Nightbot: https://discord.gg/jynxzi [4329] speedy_tomato: speedy_tomato subscribed with Prime. [4332] handsoup_: handsoup_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [4332] knuckles_1327: such a pussy [4332] docterrb: it’s a whistle [4332] bartbvs1: blow it fattty [4332] mysteriousmoses: blow it it does nothing wrong [4332] rmul44: omg so boring [4332] Gucci_kid54: pussy [4332] cruz4552: L [4332] addylad1325: do it [4332] sojayko: UR A PUSSY [4332] richardbleak: L part timer [4332] BabyFaceBamBam: Jynxzi is waiting [4332] tunnelsystem93: I'm a witch don't do it [4332] bigdrilla8: L [4332] memecentrals: pussy [4333] mrjohanss: blow or end stream [4333] nyc_vasili: L ungrateful [4333] aquaxct: nik [4333] jobenwagner: bum [4333] ghoul_punk100: it’s a whistle [4333] milo_bowers: donot [4333] cad3nh1010: viseeee [4333] yurdzi: pussy [4333] kingbronsen15: it’s a whistle [4333] mx5a_: ITS A WHISTLE DUMBASS [4333] ineedrustskins: DO IT [4333] roodster218: blow it [4333] SpencerHC0: PUSSY [4333] ingrahamn12: pussy [4333] ryan_miller29: ITS A WHISTLE [4335] AngelWilden: it’s a whistle pussy [4335] tianhatake: pussy [4335] Javion: lmaoo nah you scary [4335] ianaiq: no [4335] v_kahn: It's just a whistle [4335] eliteone02: you so scary bro [4335] Gucci_kid54: pussy [4335] infernalkls: Pussy [4335] inaxvy: ITS A WHISTLEEEE [4335] Gail_Iewis: L UNGRATEFUL [4335] Fak3y_: BLOW IT [4335] lucky4_20: pu55y [4335] mooncakee_: ITS A WHISTLE IDIOT [4335] drphil211: lame [4335] wyfyttv: WHEN IS KAI VS STOMPN [4336] LuhHatch: oh my godddddd bruh [4336] FTKcs: BLOW INTO IT [4336] YourWhisper: UR SELLING [4336] Challenger_YF: BLOW INTO THE WHISTLE [4336] xoMustPrevail: blow it fatty [4336] theitmanforreal: pussy [4336] sweetblasts: L [4336] sky_bri_: pussy [4336] imcrusading: bro [4336] lukastimothy2: FUCKING PUSSY [4336] yesmann223: PUSSY [4336] goldrocktv: BLOWWWWWWWWWW ITTTTTTTTTT [4336] br3adly: PUSY [4336] psychos_0310: search it up [4336] toxix_nova1: bro [4338] jedimastercrunk: blow papi [4338] TypicalLoganbar__Twitch: L SCARED [4338] sandy_sir: YOU A PITCH [4338] dark_plague0_0: open it pussy [4338] Gucci_kid54: pussy [4338] Flipvey: pussy [4338] stratigicsturgeon: do it [4338] dtreams02: PUSSY [4338] saluted420: it’s just a whistle [4338] ryan_miller29: OMG [4338] jakedog103: DO IT PLEASE [4338] dantehop20: dude ur so soft [4338] theofficialdonaldt: hivisee tell him to blow it [4338] rajrana_: what a scardie cat [4338] ant4133: L [4339] juysw: UNGRATFUL [4339] silasthe_virux: L STREAMER [4339] roninakadupa: it’s a whistle google it [4339] aidenkillsnoobs: it’s just a whistle u lil bitch [4339] George_Makin: PUSSSY [4339] lyokaii: pussy [4339] danteyzz: USE IT PLS [4339] blueplaysdn: Do it [4339] cameron_utm: ITS A WHISTLE FATTY [4339] paxsie: blow it bro [4339] mondo_bongo: FUCK IT WE BALL [4339] wideschizoJeb: think of the views LUL [4339] Litwick75: do it [4339] bbowden_23: LLL [4339] trainsarecool36000000: bro its just a whistle [4341] emoneytyb: LLLLLLLLLLLLL [4341] LilBoogieFart: LMAO YES [4341] kamz4567: WHAT [4341] ttv_axey: ITS A WHISTLE [4341] NOXITEZ: PUSYYYYYY [4341] trexinatorr: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [4341] RatmantheGreat: DO IT [4341] NBAjunkooo: BLOW IT [4341] bbowden_23: L [4341] BigMexicanNerd: do it [4341] yonovuhh: Do it [4341] APGReckless: its a war whistle blow it fool [4341] mike1huncho: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [4341] dantehop20: so soft [4341] stonedyoshii223: stonedyoshii223 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [4342] dark_plague0_0: bitch [4342] carlos39302034483920: blow itt [4342] xd_watergod: BLOW IT [4342] joebartfanmydude: EAT IT [4342] ExllyZ: USE ITTT [4342] unfounded_you: makes noise [4342] grantdweber3: PUSSY [4342] Rezles_: DO IT [4342] ishippedmypants8: do itttttt [4342] vexedicyowl6: blow into it bro [4342] stonedyoshii223: stonedyoshii223 gifted a Tier 1 sub to uruma7! [4342] stonedyoshii223: stonedyoshii223 gifted a Tier 1 sub to bowen4098! [4342] stonedyoshii223: stonedyoshii223 gifted a Tier 1 sub to rydawg__! [4342] stonedyoshii223: stonedyoshii223 gifted a Tier 1 sub to finlay17363! [4342] stonedyoshii223: stonedyoshii223 gifted a Tier 1 sub to 1__joshy! [4344] StreamElements: If you're a gamer, you need a Starforge! Snag one -> https://starforgepc.com/Jynxzi [4344] maybfresh: WWWWW [4344] AnaklusmosDaze: Its just a whitsle lmfao [4344] johnispepe: pussyfoot [4344] jynxzisforeakin: LLLLLLL [4344] swoleboh: oh god what [4344] AmazM45c0s: OHYES DADDY [4344] razor_clapz6905: ungrateful [4344] mayzer690: seat [4344] boxmoo: blow it [4344] brutis92: its a WHISTLE BRO [4344] Icyyonkbm: do it [4344] jlrally: BLOWNTHE WHISTLE [4344] jred_05: it’ll get hella clips [4344] BurgahKang: pussy [4345] defecho55: it’s an old Native American/ Indian whistle that was used to scare attackers your fine [4345] AyooTayy_: ITS A WHISTLEE [4345] carlos39302034483920: blow [4345] dontbullybuba: unsub [4345] anime_og00: its a whistle blow it pussy [4345] actually_mewtwo: GO BACK TO THE WHISTLE [4345] owen_ginge: !sub [4345] jsudjsnsjshdkxjzjush: eat it [4345] Haha_Yes629: DO IT [4345] U4RR7: softtt [4345] thundakue98: do it [4345] ryan_miller29: ITS NOT THAT BAD [4345] wha12up: do itdo it [4345] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [4345] systemzvsp: fan mail when? [4347] wha12up: do it [4347] yonovuhh: Blow i [4347] farmer533: YOURE THROWING [4347] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [4347] boxmoo: now [4347] landonhasmotion: blow it [4347] JeyPi_33: open itttt [4347] bloodrenx: blow [4347] xaj8_: DO NOT DO IT [4347] fin1hes: l [4347] flyingcubano: its just a whistle [4347] AmWhiffedM8: lolololol [4347] ITsG0ated: @hivise TELL HIM TO BLOW ITTT [4347] sweatdumpster: blow it daddy [4347] CrispyTrooper39: ITS A WHISTLE [4348] thecbl_: LLLL [4348] mumlauri: Just do it [4348] jynxzisforeakin: LLLLLLLL [4348] vexedicyowl6: blow into it [4348] niall_fox: do itttt [4348] caseohs_8thchinroll: EAT IT [4348] green_fella0: w junko in the chat [4348] wideschizoJeb: think of the views LUL [4348] radicalhimself: BRO YOUR AN IDIOT OPEN IT [4348] imdipperjr: bro [4348] xQcSOYuken: PRE END [4348] littleminioncj: EAT IT [4348] theycallmemrsnow: blow it [4348] ingrahamn12: whistle [4348] blad3_77: BLOW IT [4349] trexinatorr: Cheer1 [4350] pab00704: whistle [4350] chrissplooge: wuss [4350] Rashigi: blow it junko [4350] tiagolexi04: Eat [4350] shiestyyeti: the whistle [4350] playyaaaaaa: DO IT [4350] jxhnnyyss: DO IT [4350] tommy_baseball: EAT IT [4350] ILYHxrse: sounds like someone screaming [4350] t0astedwaffie: LLLL [4350] dalefan64: do it [4350] darkrezzident: DONT DO IT [4350] drjbaby: EAT IT [4350] w4ffleus: blow whisle [4350] Curqsd_: L part timer [4351] heemluiz: do itttt [4351] JeyPi_33: open ittt [4351] TheRealVillager_on_120hz: eat it [4351] sonsosa: DO THE WHISTLE [4351] ollie_4k: Blow it [4351] donkRun1g: so we clip farming [4351] CaseohDookieStain1: do it [4351] aceabc12: blow it [4351] rilerrr: BLOW THEWHISTLEP# [4351] slurrk: no [4351] ericisactuallysmall: EAT IT [4351] trashpupss: trashpupss subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [4351] Sekoreo: W [4351] stirdi: Do it [4351] HapTik_: blow it [4353] k4omzy: Noooooo [4353] karsondasavage2: BLOW THE WHISTLE [4353] daddyk43: its a whistle my guy [4353] kylesreallife: EAT IT [4353] br3adly: PUSSSYA [4353] bbqchickenbbq_: blow the whistle bro it’s just a regular whistle no cap [4353] jamesyggg: blow it [4353] thecbl_: BRO [4353] Chunibyo_rikkaT_T: ITS FROM ASTEC TIMES IT SOUNDS SCARY DO ITT [4353] Thatoneduuude: The whistle is sick [4353] bardown16__: eateateaet [4353] CrispyTrooper39: IT SOUNDS LIKE SCREAMING [4353] eliteone02: your so scary just blow into it 🤦🏻♂️ [4353] islumpx: oil up [4353] dalefan64: pussy [4354] rizztopher_columbus: BLOW IT [4354] wwinthestream223: if you do it i'll give you 100 gifted [4354] xGhettoZeugUnzensiert: DO IT [4354] jynxzishotuwu: React to !CarriedPlat! [4354] emoneytyb: WHISTLE [4354] diplexpoem: it’s a whiskey [4354] realraider_: do it [4354] aadenthiele: when’s fanmail [4354] savage_deeps: W [4354] Nightbot: @jamhamgotslammed If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [4354] boxmoo: open the bag [4354] willstott88: blow it [4354] johnnybarlow28228: Blow ot [4354] zbswoosh_1: Hi jynxi I love you and your streams u got me into r6 [4354] Mr__Wizy: WHISTLE [4356] kr1spynugg3t: kr1spynugg3t subscribed at Tier 1. [4356] Mes_Sec: Ungrateful [4356] bennyy23: Take it all daddy [4356] uSilent_: bruh [4356] thecbl_: DO IT [4356] realraider_: eat it [4356] ghoul_punk100: VISE MAKE HIM BLOW IT [4356] ingrahamn12: blow it [4356] abby_lucas_: EAT IT [4356] broky1833: blowwwww itttttt [4356] vitality5175: bro is about to get salt blistered [4356] saluted420: LLLLLLL [4356] fin1hes: BLOW ITTTTTT [4356] BShaedyn: do the whistle [4357] dolanmaximus420: FUCKING DO IT [4357] chris_frags: BLOW IT MAN [4357] 11111111223333lloveiynzi: BLOW THE WHISTLE [4357] ali_zt23: open harder [4357] monkeyballer_911: It's good [4357] ttvpirangita: do it its an aztec whistle [4357] thatguywithamustang: eat it [4357] large_pwnguin34: blow the whistle pussy [4357] TowardsNate: BLOW IT BRO [4357] cris_v145: it’s good [4357] skinnydikums: blow it pussy [4357] eqqylk: L STREAMER [4357] wrevor_teinberg: when is fan mai???? [4357] 999_duke: DO IT [4357] connor_1256: BLOW IT BLOW IT BLOW IT BLOW IT BLOW IT BLOW IT BLOW IT [4358] trawlrz: Cheer1 [4359] rizztopher_columbus: LOW IT [4359] xdfatfrodo_: LLLLLLL [4359] Dexzterity: WHISTLE [4359] savage_deeps: WW [4359] jynxzi_lefttoe: yesyes [4359] blast_ryu: DO IT [4359] imagineworkingforcricket: DO IT [4359] Nightbot: yup yup yup [4359] yesmann223: Pussy [4359] mcbanksy: ITS JUST A WHISTLE BLOW IT [4359] lukabrasi123: react harder I’m trying to edge [4359] splixnico: blow whistle [4359] bntlon__: D [4359] GHOSTEEE_23: when is fan mail junko [4359] TowardsNate: BLOW IT PUSSY [4360] ttvenskybobo: condom [4360] ajaksiii: BLOW THE WHISTLEE [4360] SyRex_74: eattttttrttttttrt [4360] shadow_lslayed: BLOW IT [4360] jxhnnyyss: EAT IT [4360] chunkboyy: do it [4360] EatCrackRock: blow whistle eat chip die [4360] wideschizoJeb: think of the views LUL [4360] NateCYP: nah you gon summon something [4360] menanfn: L [4360] itzyaboi__goofball: EAT [4360] duck9992: yes [4360] mimcisbad: daddy [4360] BaggnK: DONT BLOW IT IT IS SATANIC [4360] Quackk_s: are you slow, its just a loud whistle [4362] everythingbag3l: WHISTLEEEE [4362] sam2311313: do it [4362] AyooTayy_: BLOW THE WHISTLE [4362] jflnch_: w [4362] cheebah710: I like salt and vinegar chips [4362] ARob688: Whistle was Aztec [4362] deltwitchy: eat [4362] vitality5175: pre salt blisters [4362] mrunnamed: dont eat it [4362] BShaedyn: please we want the whistle [4362] blast_ryu: DO OT [4362] logical_knowledge: !watchtime [4362] iExcur: bro that was the coolest thing you got sent and your not going to use it that’s crazy [4362] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [4362] Ricardo_E210: BLOW IT PAUSE [4363] amazon_a1exa: EAT IT PUSSY [4363] StreamElements: logical_knowledge has spent 8 days 20 hours watching jynxzi [4363] Dexzterity: WHISTLE!@ [4363] urfaimlytreelgbt: whistle [4363] Jaspah_: blow it [4363] savage_deeps: W [4363] Shadowxzxzx: do it [4363] wideschizoJeb: think of the views LUL [4363] william2737737: L [4363] pshootr15: Blow the whistle [4363] skadooshasian: blow the whistle [4363] nickxcarnge: whistle [4363] nfncpure: THE WHISTLE [4363] heder_sot69696969: its the edge chip [4365] slumpkazi: BLOW [4365] johnnybarlow28228: BLOW IT [4365] U4RR7: it’s a whistle pussy [4365] robertsonharry: BLOW IT YOU BITCH [4365] kalvinaslewa: L STREamer [4365] typicaltylerrrr: ITS A WHISTLE [4365] charlierusso9: Eat it [4365] pab00704: blow the whistle [4365] eliloera321: Don’t be weird [4365] chilledguy0: EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT [4365] blast_ryu: DO IT [4365] compshark67: eat it daddy [4365] TowardsNate: ITS JUST A NOISE [4365] xzannersx: BLOW IT [4365] CMOMoney187: BRO FAZE RUB DID IT DO IT SUCM BAG [4366] JackTheLIVE: OOOOHHHH [4366] overlord_skullz: whistle [4366] jeffdagoatf31: grab a drink before [4366] trexinatorr: eat it [4366] bindabben: Use the whistle fat [4366] ola_23k: so out [4366] wideschizoJeb: think of the views LUL [4366] fraudy_ice: Blow it [4366] cruz2345678: do it [4366] wahab_03: no [4366] scfishlab: !FOLLOWAGE [4366] mesharykw: jynxziFAT [4366] StreamElements: @scfishlab, scfishlab has been following jynxzi for 1 year 6 months 22 days 3 hours [4368] d1rty_dan33: whistle [4368] memoryleakk: Blow into it!! [4368] gremblin9: Blow it pls [4368] m3gs_23: bad aim [4368] v3liv: eat the chip [4368] ant4133: LLLLLL [4368] kalvinaslewa: do it [4368] LILART3MIS: yo [4368] shlumt: EAT IT [4368] quinnnythefos: AZTEC DEATH WISTLE [4368] TIGERIVAL: You can't eat that [4368] ThexArchxAngel: PAPA [4368] vitality5175: sniff it [4368] loh513: no [4368] clpzzlol: when is fan mail @jynxzi [4369] roodster218: blow it [4369] firemonke254: laced [4369] chasethegunner40: its jsut a chip [4369] N7_Kobe: BRO buy some damn scissors [4369] ReverseCoast2: L ENTERTAINER [4369] iiabdullahx37: idk [4369] donkRun1g: when is fan mail [4369] Figolvv: blow the whistle [4369] wahab_03: plz no [4369] bbowden_23: BLOW INTO IT NOW [4369] BaggnK: DONT BLOW IT IT IS SATANIC... [4369] w4ffleus: blow the whistle [4369] x72edDogx: BLOW THE WHISTLE [4369] bntlon__: H [4369] Nightbot: h [4371] weeklypickup: Blow the Aztec death whistle it's awesome [4371] bth11_2: do it [4371] spicyhotsauce42: whistle [4371] mattgpanda12: bwhistle [4371] dpca0713: blow the wistle [4371] SPLATGT: pussy [4371] the_wagz_: hivise make him blow the whistle [4371] PtkPhillipe: THE WHISTLE [4371] g59jackie_: ur gonna throw up [4371] TheDonkeyboy17: whistle u a pussy [4371] ondoricoat: BLOW THE WHISTLE [4371] hulk88138814: dhdh [4371] xzannersx: THE WHISTLE [4371] savage_deeps: WW [4371] BShaedyn: show us the whistle [4372] Ricardo_E210: BLOW THE WHISTLE [4372] Jamal_Johnson234: PRE 1 LICK AND SPIT IT OUT [4372] ARob688: Whistle is Aztec [4372] justjhaze: Won't blow a whistle but will eat that [4372] shivermetimbers15: blow the whistle [4372] amgains: ungrateful [4372] Matt_Przeszlo: blow it [4372] lambofan270: old whistle from Aztec [4372] ant4133: LL [4374] Ashermr2: Ashermr2 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! [4374] ed463: BLOW ITTYTTT [4374] lucky_ducky_15: Yoooooooooooooooooooookooooo [4374] Gexrox: SUCK [4374] atk_gamerboy: blow it for me daddy waddy [4374] johnnybarlow28228: blow it [4374] henry_30_20_10: its Nice [4374] jlrally: BLOW IN THE WHISTLE [4374] Kroatomist: look up at the history of it, it's a whistle [4374] TowardsNate: ITS JUST A NOISEEE [4374] juukongen: do it [4374] ant4133: LLLLL [4374] xVigilant: BLOW THE WHISTLE [4374] dialedguido: BLOW IT [4374] Riancantnight: !followage [4375] bbowden_23: BLOW THE WHISTLE [4375] LosExotic: whistle [4375] turbo_banana08: react faster [4375] v3liv: eat it [4375] terzerg: im ketted outtttt [4375] etslibbly: BLOW THE WHISLTE [4375] darronhortmon: blow the whistle [4375] SneakySnackHobo: BLOW IT [4375] 999_duke: DOO IT [4375] tazersolos: R U DUMB ITS JUST A LOUD WHISTLE… [4375] ali_zt23: open hard [4375] lovexqz: THE NETS POSTED YOU [4375] SilentxGinja: atleast you have thicck water to help with the chip [4375] StreamElements: 999kees has spent 10 days 9 hours watching jynxzi [4375] StreamElements: @Riancantnight, riancantnight has been following jynxzi for 11 months 21 days 4 hours [4377] TCRayo: TCRayo subscribed with Prime. [4377] Koncluzions: BLOW ITTTTTTTTTTTTTT [4377] enderkid31: eat it [4377] voiduk74: BLOW IT PUSSY [4377] JeyPi_33: wistle [4377] overlord_skullz: whistle [4377] mammytrehnt: they had to ban the hot chip so that’s the new one [4377] nfncpure: BLOW IT [4377] Kendrxck: BLOW THE FUCKING WHISTLE [4377] Arty_McFly420: blow the the whistle you bitch [4377] noahraine1: eat it [4377] Hey_Its_Dom_: blow the whistle copper kid [4377] thesilentchiken: AT LEAST LET US SEE THE WHISTLE YOU DUMBY [4377] smithyd_1: blow it up crybaby [4377] hulk88138814: Bri is kidding [4378] scooptpoop: dont eat that shit [4378] hoboballsthe2nd: NO ONE CARES BLOW THE WHISTLE [4378] BellyDelphine: LUL [4378] greasysloth05: pc sound like it’s gonna explode [4378] Fossabot: @rapple01, Your message is too long [4378] Frostyslippy: yes to food always [4378] tate_him: when is fain mail [4378] shivermetimbers15: use the whistle [4378] wahab_03: u will want to die [4378] Joeisguap: BLOW ITTT [4378] exitiouss: blow whistle [4378] quinnnythefos: AZTEC DEATH WISTLEe [4378] ant4133: LLLLLL [4378] kaazmayne110: !gamble all [4379] highonit999: one [4379] yaboy_bills: a whistle [4379] owyn_patton: Ni [4379] itzyaboiidaniel_blgl: BLOW THE WHISTLE [4379] mandelynn723: READ THE PACKAGE [4379] yodagungor2013: its just a whistle [4379] StreamElements: kaazmayne110 went all in and lost every single one of their 2995 points LUL [4379] v3liv: BLOW IT [4379] BaggnK: DONT BLOW IT IT IS SATANICDONT BLOW IT IT IS SATANICDONT BLOW IT IT IS SATANIC..... [4380] aimanmousa_: aimanmousa_ subscribed with Prime. [4381] ajaksiii: BLOW THE DAMN WHISTLE [4381] carlos39302034483920: blow me [4381] Cloak_XD: when is fan mail [4381] wahab_03: have water [4381] thatfkinwelder: BLOW THE DAMN WHISTLEE [4381] mori_rtd: what was the announcement? [4381] BaseballSiren: eat it [4381] aursityttv: do it [4381] sterling_mott: BLOW IT NOW!!! [4381] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [4381] typicaltylerrrr: nets posted u [4381] wyfyttv: WHEN IS KAI VS STOMPN [4381] islumpx: oil upp johnny [4381] jred_05: can you do fan mail [4381] StreamElements: @xhailprime, xhailprime has been following jynxzi for 10 months 4 days 3 hours [4382] 1frxd: pussy [4382] bln_emilio: W [4382] 17dezy: eat it [4382] highonit999: I’m just [4382] zlles: NETS TIKTOK [4382] taykwondo_: touch your butthole [4382] JeyPi_33: open ittt [4382] troggeure: blow it. [4382] shanghai30: blow it [4382] SLNTkenobi: blow the whistle come on [4382] Curqsd_: L part timer [4382] StreamElements: AAgreyy has spent 1 day 1 hour watching jynxzi [4384] gandhijr: 3 more hours [4384] ed463: BLOW ITTY [4384] livestock_: BLOW IT [4384] inaxvy: BLOW [4384] saluted420: blow into the fucking whistle fuck imma unsub [4384] complexwarcry: That was an Aztec death whistle it's nothing bad [4384] Echo2pointO: WHISTLE [4384] 7danky7: its a whistle bro [4384] owlseph: blow the whistle [4384] RamboSchlong: THERES SO MUCH WATER ON THE GROUND!!!! [4384] StreamElements: izafootball has spent 14 days 21 hours watching jynxzi [4384] giraffettv_: Whistle [4384] Renux2: whistle [4384] Goatfists: get the thick water ready [4384] x72edDogx: BLOW IT [4385] subdezeroc: jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard [4385] kekwbr: blow it ungratefuller [4385] johannes_fs_: german thing [4385] Yuskillz_: blow [4385] alfredo_ferdinand: Aztec whistle [4385] i_inept: GET THE DEATH WHISTLE [4385] chilledguy0: ADDON FOR NO ADS [4385] rexzy0ntwitch: BLOW IT [4385] BaggnK: DONT BLOW IT IT IS SATANIC..... [4385] U4RR7: Pussy [4385] imshtonedmanlmao: I WANNA HEAR THE WHISTLE BRUHH [4385] typicaltylerrrr: NETS POSTED [4385] charli3kray: USE THE WHISTLE [4387] bobertojr29: when is caseoh vs fan mail [4387] eman55x: BLOW THE WHISTLE [4387] moxyzz01: follow chip with thick water [4387] CMOMoney187: SCUM BAG BOZO [4387] Mr__Wizy: BLOW IT [4387] JeyPi_33: open itt [4387] StreamElements: proxiax10 has spent 9 days 21 hours watching jynxzi [4387] gillette568: WHISTLE [4387] oldgeeser67: fent [4387] Alternate_xr: L fanmail [4387] Ricardo_E210: BLOW IT PLEASE [4387] mimcisbad: blow ittttttttyttttttttttt [4387] cheebah710: cohhChatting cohhChatting cohhChatting [4387] StreamElements: @RespectedOnTwtch, respectedontwtch has been following jynxzi for 1 year 15 days 20 hours [4388] bw0rm: it’s a whistle that was used to scare ppl a long time ago [4388] dewey12346: blow the whistle pussy [4388] jlrally: ITS NOT SATANIC [4388] arasmclol: noooo [4388] skadooshasian: blowbit [4388] radicalhimself: blow the whistle idiot [4388] wahab_03: waterrr [4388] iamachillesvgc: DADDDY [4388] DerTraffiKroate: thats good [4388] PupJonas: eat the whole thing [4388] mcbanksy: ITS JUST A WHISTLE BLOW THE WHISTLE [4388] Hey_Its_Dom_: Blow it [4388] lennonwoods65: When's fan mail [4388] jcrump_10: blow the whistle [4388] gggvoi: gggvoi subscribed at Tier 1. [4390] emotionalthug_: USE GLOVES [4390] visorviper: blow it [4390] thegooodzzz: blow whiste u bitch [4390] illusionfrr: ahmax [4390] BearNakedJEDi: bro cant even open a chip [4390] adro1221: BLOW THE WHISTLE [4390] Ubaubarecords: To late chat ruined the whistle [4390] lukasskvarek: spit on me daddy [4390] steelhawk96: mail fan when is? [4390] the_real_abc: Put all in mouth [4390] actually_mewtwo: THIS MORON SKIPPED THE MOST INSTERSTING PART OF THE STREAM. [4390] brainsyy: WHISTLE [4390] bottomtickler1937: those cost so much blow the whistle you ungrateful shite [4390] fps_reese: BLOW THE WHISTLE [4390] The_SenZor: YOU WILL DIE IF YOU EAT THAT CHIP [4391] superman844: blow whistle [4391] twisted7005: Blow ittt [4391] Isaac_Byfield777: blow the whistleblow the whistle [4391] khky_8: use it [4391] itzyaboiidaniel_blgl: Blow the whistle it's cool [4391] spicyhotsauce42: WHISTLE [4391] kamz4567: BLOW IT HARDER [4391] giftmesubforcharm: blow [4391] marked_bin6: Blow the whistle it makes a funny sound [4391] colbebryce: you will eat this salty ass chip but wont blow a wistle [4391] jxhnnyyss: EAT IT [4391] icecube_08: W [4391] shwane126: fattie mail when fan [4391] smithishere1: smithishere1 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 1 month streak! openis [4392] VickyRAGE: VickyRAGE subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 7 month streak! [4393] x72edDogx: BLOW OT [4393] efra9325: ITS POISON [4393] nfncpure: BLOW THE WHISTLE [4393] dthym: mods help [4393] gragasentmax: BLOW THE WHISTLE [4393] gremblin9: Whistle [4393] coch_l: blow it [4393] ghoul_punk100: BLOW THE WHISTLE PLS [4393] klosxzylivestreams: !watchtime [4393] mrcasman88: DEAD☠️💀☠️ [4393] hololuvsyen: whistle [4393] colbebryce: wistle [4393] U4RR7: speed coone [4393] inaxvy: BLOWWWEW IT [4393] StreamElements: klosxzylivestreams has spent 3 days 17 hours watching jynxzi [4394] kindaopmusic: GET wayer [4394] rip_z2011: eat it or no balls [4394] fourteenchimps45: eat it daddy [4394] mrjohanss: # [4394] NgaDropEmOff: Eat it [4394] coenss0: blow it [4394] kinoth_: eat it [4394] james8165: react crazier [4394] Hey_Its_Dom_: blow the whistle part timer [4394] minipushin: keep talking I’m almost done [4396] TemptFN_: blow the whistle fat fuck [4396] MALtwt: BLOW [4396] PostyMastoned345: solo queuing ranked rn wish me luck [4396] voidzq: BLOW [4396] ajaksiii: BLOW THE WHISTLE OMG [4396] abdouleye: WHISTLE NOW [4396] SLAI_IGHTER: whistle [4396] 5trainn: CRASHOUTTT [4396] GerkyZay: cringe [4396] tc_connor8348: this is Jyxnzi rank jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [4396] vignantpanda: BLOW IT [4396] politesob1978: blow it [4396] lolohuncho22: blow the whistle [4396] ttvpirangita: its a aztec whistle [4396] BShaedyn: we’re demanding the whistle [4397] pg_laos: BLOW THE WHISTLE [4397] Gamingmonkey2022: blow it [4397] quandaledingile22: laced [4397] Ricardo_E210: BLOW IT JUNKO [4397] visorviper: blow [4397] spicyhotsauce42: whistle [4397] MichaelR_1616: WHISTLE [4397] radicalhimself: bro OPEN THE BAG OF THE WHISTLE DUMBASS @Jynxzi [4397] gothboy_xoxo: PepeLaugh [4399] 5trainn: CRASHOUTTTT [4399] kennyomanga: yum [4399] mobydfuf69: blow the whistle [4399] kalvinaslewa: do if## [4399] notradiation: bloweww the whistleee [4399] bylkus: BLOW IT [4399] aspect8479: eat it [4399] 1frxd: whistle [4399] Hey_Its_Dom_: blow the whistle copper kid [4399] wahab_03: water [4399] StreamElements: nothatguypall69 has spent 3 days 18 hours watching jynxzi [4399] Renux2: blow it [4399] sillystoo: BROOKLYN NETS POSTED YOU [4399] Nightbot: 🍉 [4400] freckles_beans: TRY IT [4400] mulberryboss362: CAN I GET A LARGE FRY [4400] jewlovinpainter: BLOW THE FKING WHISTLE [4400] olivix007: BLOW THE WHISTLE [4400] lancesewell: WHISTLE [4400] shanghai30: stop being pussy [4400] shivermetimbers15: blow the whistle [4400] inaxvy: BLOWWW IT [4400] owlseph: blow the whistle dude [4400] chimchimchurri: ESPN POSTED YOU [4400] yungKIBE: isnt that one guy from there? [4400] yurdzi: i have a boner rn [4400] Gregorafk: nets posted [4400] vexchefin: BLOW [4400] jlrally: BLOW THE WHISTLE [4401] hunterl11100: FARMING [4401] thsaw1: BLOW THE WHISTLE [4401] 999_duke: EAT UT [4401] aplus_sean: eat it [4401] starwrld9: Blow the whistle [4401] hockeyy6: bro [4401] LVRS__: @Hivise TELL HIM TO BLOW ON IT [4401] StreamElements: fwd_aspect has spent 8 days 17 hours watching jynxzi [4401] moneyman_691: no one said blow it ur just a weirdo [4401] Challenger_YF: BLOW INTO THE WHISTLE [4401] jacke1323: whens fanmail [4401] ilikeglue02: DONT BLOW IT DADDY [4401] Ricardo_E210: BLOW THE WHISTLE [4403] hezy08: eat it [4403] thatfkinwelder: THE [4403] scooptpoop: dont eat that [4403] hunterl11100: FARMER [4403] ethandifuntorum: WHISTLE [4403] adninjastar: JUST SUBBED FOR THE FIRST TIME LOVE THE STREAMS JYNXZI [4403] cx_silent: jynxziBadAim [4403] birdmanpoes: looks nuclear [4403] unique9k: eat it [4403] bennyy23: Take it all [4403] dgcv_: 😂😂😂 [4403] ohin__: yep pre death [4403] N0GBA8: blow it [4403] iiabdullahx37: !link [4403] Nightbot: @iiabdullahx37 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [4404] The_SenZor: YOU WILL DIE IF YOU EAT THAT [4404] Perckez: eat it bussy [4404] qualitypineapple: blow whistle [4404] roodster218: blow it [4404] bambam1519: BLOW IT [4404] davidaguamel: VLOW [4404] hulk88138814: Unfortunately [4404] user62727o1: ggs [4406] yaboy_bills: use the whistle [4406] riley2cozy: why is green [4406] pepinajaa: BLOW IT [4406] coxktane: L ADD [4406] roninakadupa: dont [4406] homez_15: yo [4406] HappyJTC: DONT EAT IT [4406] fe4r_ryza: jynxziWTF [4406] giraffettv_: Blow [4406] bigslopppie: eat it or ur skibidi [4406] longbillginger46: DO IT [4406] aimanmousa_: omg [4406] xd_watergod: PANCAKE ASS KID [4406] drmonkeeman10: eat it [4407] clappertron17: WutFace [4407] JackoMaxko: so youll eat a salt chip but not blow a whistle [4407] eoDont: WHISTLE [4407] shanghai30: blow the whistle [4407] udbdjsjzk: BLOW THE WHISTLE [4407] shadow_lslayed: blowwww [4408] 3clipcez: 3clipcez subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months! you’re fat [4409] etb_pablo: NO SHIT [4409] august3406: BLWO TH EWHISTLE HOMUIE [4409] sreexharii: WHISTLEEE NOWWW [4409] ooooo55777: blow the wistpe [4409] donaldtrumpisthicccc: fucking ads [4409] cat_lover988: EWWWW [4409] cambassford06: one bite you know the rules [4409] richluxxz: Blow it [4409] JackoMaxko: ok datty [4409] MichaelR_1616: DO THE WHISTLE [4409] jayhoop33: blow it it’s just a weird wistle [4409] mrsalamanderiii: GG's [4409] tkettel_: REALLY??????? [4409] Nightbot: ok [4409] Nightbot: Just sub bozo you’ll get no ads, my emotes, double the channel points, and guess what you will also get my beautiful charm that you will never lose, and many more!!!! #subuporshutup [4410] Luzifer507_: Eat [4410] Ricardo_E210: YES BLOW IT DADY [4410] puffinhd: FUCK THE ADS [4410] vintagemink: !FOLLOWAGE [4410] HoneyButter210: YOURE GONNA GET SICK [4410] lovexqz: NETS POSTED YOU [4410] anthonieus: Eat pussy [4410] lymigui: HERE WE GO HE IS GONNA SPIT IT OUT [4410] jynxziglaze2: HES DEAD [4410] Yuskillz_: add [4410] choperfan56: 1 [4410] rexisfrfr: DO IT [4410] StreamElements: @vintagemink, vintagemink has been following jynxzi for 3 years 1 month 19 days 22 hours [4410] kingtryboss: kingtryboss subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! Fat [4412] dpoyser: blow the whistle pussy [4412] dgcv_: blow the whistle [4412] giraffettv_: Blow it [4412] TheRealVillager_on_120hz: do it [4412] ikilledjustin: for the clip [4412] lost_entity136: it will kill you [4412] nateornyte: CANT SPIT IT OUT [4412] Nxovahh: that could kill u [4412] owlseph: blowwwww [4412] daddyk43: the whistle blow the whistle [4412] Jus_D3v: y’all weird about that damn whistle bruh ‼️‼️‼️ [4412] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [4412] j0toxx: NO ONE CARES BLOW THE WHISTLE [4412] i_inept: GO BACK TO THE WHISTLE [4412] i_Bash: do it [4413] swawby: BLOW THE WHISTLE ITS NOT GONNA DO SOMT DO U [4413] IWIGZI: IWIGZI subscribed at Tier 1. [4413] stirdi: Lmaoooo [4413] idk44465: no [4413] theguymandudeperson: ADDDDD [4413] udbdjsjzk: WHISTLE [4413] nolk0i: EEEEW [4413] pepper718: GOOBLE IT UP [4413] hunterl11100: CLIP FARMER [4413] buckettt3: 8 ads is crazy [4413] exitiouss: blow it [4413] bardown16__: EAT IT [4413] Fossabot: @opixz53094, Your message is too long [4413] apdrew22: apdrew22 subscribed at Tier 1. [4413] selawa: selawa subscribed with Prime. [4415] Kraintstoff: Kraintstoff subscribed with Prime. [4415] sandy_sir: EEWWWW [4415] AlexisAsian1: blow the whistle [4415] IAK40Kevin: Put it in there [4415] chicagoserge: face cam too good [4415] wahab_03: have waterrr so u dont die [4415] sp4xee: fatty [4415] maxtaylorlive: PAUSE [4415] deucebigolo: deucebigolo subscribed with Prime. [4415] Nightbot: 😂 [4415] lukabrasi123: react harder I’m trying to edge [4415] ItsPurpsss: LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [4415] callmemayko: jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE [4415] typicaltylerrrr: ITS A WHISTLE DAWG [4415] jamesyggg: react harder please I need the clips [4416] ooooo55777: blow the wistle [4416] freckles_beans: LICK 👅 IT [4416] christianwastakenby: do it [4416] nolanalways11: Satanic whistle [4416] applesauce5000: DONT YOUR GONNA DIE [4416] 11111111223333lloveiynzi: BLOW THE WHISTLE [4416] ttvthe_duck_: L adds [4416] rydeer5: blow [4416] DirttyD23: ad ait [4416] hunterl11100: LL [4416] bigpapadoggy_361: BLOW THE WHISTLE [4416] xdfatfrodo_: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL [4416] davidaguamel: BLOW THE FUCKING THING [4416] Beaglesniperz: Beaglesniperz subscribed with Prime. [4416] drzinge: drzinge subscribed with Prime. [4417] Nicsu: Nicsu subscribed with Prime. [4418] longbillginger46: CLIP FARMING [4418] sandy_sir: EEEEWWWWWWW [4418] spedpop: blow the whistle [4418] TrxvssOnTop: EAT IT [4418] BaseballSiren: do it [4418] coolpersonlover: DONT BE WEIRD [4418] fryguy133: just eat it [4418] nnaliek: WHENS MAIL FAN [4418] troggeure: do it pussy [4418] jred_05: dallas86BUSH [4418] saleh_capalot: how do I get the charm? [4418] celioalmada: ew [4418] fe4r_ryza: eat it [4418] zkrilo: KEKW [4418] marthman_: really dude [4419] oGoldzz: blow the whistle [4419] crashrockett15: Why a add [4419] irving_YY: LLL [4419] sampo420: EWWW [4419] slim_shady62: puyssy [4419] xdfatfrodo_: LLL [4419] tkettel_: BLOW THE WHISTLE PUSSY [4419] onlytiigerzz: do it for the germans [4419] TheOne_Titan: TheOne_Titan subscribed at Tier 1. [4419] A_Snuck: A_Snuck subscribed with Prime. [4421] RemUwU__: RemUwU__ subscribed with Prime. [4421] TrxvssOnTop: EAT IT PLEASE [4421] heyhello_itsdylan: 😭😭😭😭 [4421] g_money0013: BLOW THE WISTLE [4421] callumwinter2156: l acting [4421] jjoestar2933: adds!!!!!!!! [4421] giraffettv_: Blow [4421] meattamer69: eat it [4421] damee000: CLIP FARMER [4421] dbailey1892: clip farming [4421] imshtonedmanlmao: pre death [4421] bigbanana1222: eat the whole thing [4421] bardown16__: EAT IT ITS NOTHING DIFFERENT THAN MCDONALDS [4421] jynxzi_lefttoe: didnt even bite [4421] Joeisguap: USE WHISTLE [4422] sandy_sir: EEWWWWWWW [4422] darynshab: L ad [4422] fadeskyl1ne: 57 ads [4422] owen_ginge: !sub [4422] cucumberbananaapple: no [4422] PudgySpike: BLOW THE WHITSLE [4422] Ayzorax: imagine breky watching this [4422] irving_YY: Noooooo [4422] trexinatorr: eat it [4422] iTrickHanzo: iTrickHanzo subscribed with Prime. [4422] Nate1971: LL adds [4422] dimetime451: IMM NUTTING [4422] Furnfacetv: EWWWW [4422] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [4423] cubanitopimpam: cubanitopimpam subscribed with Prime. [4424] Gavwydd: do it [4424] ttv_lxl: just lick it bro [4424] ejdabeast95: adds [4424] xotticv1: EAT THE WHOLE THING [4424] cherny05: EWWW [4424] shivermetimbers15: use the whistle [4424] mr_5_star: BLOW THE WHISTLE [4424] femboyasmr___: femboyasmr___ subscribed at Tier 1. [4424] swingin_nn: bruh [4424] lahpaulll03: DO THE WHISTLE [4424] DINAHAUNA: EAT IT ALL AT ONCE [4424] cs_haunt: eat it all [4424] Nightbot: gifting you luck in finding a job 🙏🏻 [4424] mysteriousmoses: eat the whole thing [4424] Curqsd_: L part timer [4425] IceROn30hz: IceROn30hz subscribed with Prime. [4425] zwartedadel: BLOW [4425] dannybox: Put it in your mouth pussy [4425] crz_freaski: blow the whistle please [4425] jjjakob_xd: 200 ads [4425] mozzie_main69420: I just got jager black ice duplicate [4425] compshark67: react harder daddy [4425] chazwell: 9 aids [4425] mako__0: EAT IT [4425] ajdin2014: l add [4425] malgusidk: EWWW [4425] tngnugget95: L ad [4425] skrubbed_: PUSSY [4425] wearethebestaround1: Blow the whistle [4426] Leezer: Leezer subscribed with Prime. [4426] D3ltaDoinks: D3ltaDoinks subscribed with Prime. [4427] itz_knull: itz_knull subscribed with Prime. [4427] cad3nh1010: THE WHISTLE [4427] udbdjsjzk: PUSSY THE WHISTLE [4427] longbillginger46: forsenPls FORSEN forsenPls FORSEN forsenPls FORSEN forsenPls FORSEN forsenPls FORSEN forsenPls FORSEN forsenPls FORSEN [4427] curseofraaaaa: clip farming out of hell [4427] bossone98: bossone98 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [4427] jballer0_0: BLOW IT [4427] jlrally: BLOW THE FUCKING WHISTLE [4427] GHOSTEEE_23: almost there junko [4427] wahab_03: dont [4427] ghoul_punk100: BLOW THE WHISTLE [4427] jacethakushking: THATS WORSE THAN THE WHISTLE WATS WRONG WITH U [4427] percussiondr1: DONT EAT IT ITS A BONER GIVER [4427] arranport: arranport subscribed with Prime. [4427] Crazed_Llama: Crazed_Llama subscribed at Tier 1. [4428] Joeisguap: WHISTLEEEE [4428] choperfan56: YES [4428] mrmilku1234: Sketch waiting [4428] brian_x84: BLOW IT [4428] bluefusiontv: big bite [4428] Nightbot: johnson [4428] cucumberbananaapple: DEADLY [4428] lotrofan154pls: GIFT 5 [4429] v240hz_: v240hz_ subscribed at Tier 1. [4429] samjr04: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 when is fan mail? [4430] IcyDawny: clipped [4430] TowardsNate: BLOW THE WHISTLEE [4430] xserieofficial: 8 ads is crazy wtf [4430] Gavwydd: gift 5 [4430] junkowunko213: GIFT [4430] JoeDanglez: JoeDanglez subscribed at Tier 1. [4430] mortalitytiger: !watchtime [4430] tkettel_: NO [4430] glitchflated: you’ll actually throw up [4430] c0d0ger: whole thing [4430] fraptt: pussy [4430] oSaltii: can died [4430] Joeisguap: BLOW IT [4430] paynefulpower: ME NEXT [4430] StreamElements: mortalitytiger has spent 8 days 12 hours watching jynxzi [4431] Jpmalagonv: blow the whistle it just makes a noise [4431] mysteriousmoses: whole thing [4431] sp4xee: SWALLOW IT DADDY [4431] jlrally: WHISTLE [4431] wahab_03: have wayyyer [4431] creationanonymity: eat the whole thing [4431] adrilplayz_: LLLL AADD [4431] ct789xyz: 84.5 ADS [4431] chazwell: 9 adds [4431] jonhdead3: HAHAHA [4431] koltsterling: L ADD [4431] metenton149: IVE SPENT 48 DAYs WATCHING JYNXI [4431] Cdizzel005: blow the whistle [4431] ittzAndyyy: ur fat [4431] amarifan232: PUSSSY ALERT [4433] BigJoeLive: BigJoeLive subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [4433] hesselsn: lad [4433] unseeninvader0717: unseeninvader0717 is paying forward the Gift they got from olimonstet to the community! [4433] xgm_iclipz: Put tapatio [4433] chickenman1110: gift [4433] owyn_patton: 5 gifted sub's [4433] applesauce5000: PEOPLE HaVe ALMOST DIED [4433] Yuskillz_: loplppppp [4433] unseeninvader0717: unseeninvader0717 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [4433] koolsam13: blow the whistle [4433] chromaticfn: L sell out [4433] junkowunko213: YIFT 5 [4433] breyankelly: when is caseoh breaching through the roof??? [4433] Nightbot: h [4433] TheMothBandit: a big bite [4434] youn9hollow: whole thing in mouth!! [4434] unseeninvader0717: unseeninvader0717 gifted a Tier 1 sub to yikess43123! [4434] bmk_0: NAH [4434] unseeninvader0717: unseeninvader0717 gifted a Tier 1 sub to mpq051009! [4434] unseeninvader0717: unseeninvader0717 gifted a Tier 1 sub to imniceik! [4434] unseeninvader0717: unseeninvader0717 gifted a Tier 1 sub to hayfergyferg! [4434] phantomvs_: BLOW THE WHISTLE [4434] celioalmada: L MONEY LOUNDRY [4434] Tanocor6: WWWWWWWwww [4434] pajarouss: whistle [4434] unseeninvader0717: unseeninvader0717 gifted a Tier 1 sub to dray2cold5! [4434] tato13261: GlitchLit GlitchLit GlitchLit GlitchLit GlitchLit GlitchLit [4434] twisted7005: blow ittttt [4434] Will_The_Wook: Will_The_Wook is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [4434] Will_The_Wook: Will_The_Wook gifted a Tier 1 sub to xqazqzaqx! [4436] robert69__: robert69__ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! hey now [4436] capzz_z: so we are sub farming… [4436] Zerkieo: 40 and you eat it no drink after [4436] eggnoogs: MILLIONARE [4436] bth11_2: pussy est [4436] ALBO_Arbnor: youll die [4436] Entw1stle: ACTING [4436] spicyhotsauce42: BLOW WHIDTLE [4436] sjskjhdsu: have water ready [4436] crz_freaski: blow the whistle it’s just a whistle [4436] myts1c_kn1ght: blow on the whistle daddy [4436] inaxvy: BLOW THE WHISTLE [4436] afclarke: gift 5 [4436] finest_meeks: 7 ADS BRO [4436] Bugg_Mangg: WHISTLE WHISTLE WHISTLE WHISTLE [4437] seamorebutts88: No [4437] Echo2pointO: WHISTLE [4437] pattyboi09: no [4437] DAHONEYGUY: DAHONEYGUY subscribed with Prime. [4437] Ricardo_E210: BLOW IT FOR GOOD FRIDAY JUNKO [4437] longbillginger46: WE GOOD [4437] jynxisucksatr6: Clix is waiting fatass [4437] mayzer690: eat fat ass [4437] idk44465: stop [4437] fraptt: pussssssy [4437] bluefusiontv: big big bite [4437] Tadashi_T_T_Hamada: eat it [4437] TowardsNate: BLOW ITT [4437] geraldmandingo: YOURE DRAGGING THIS [4437] Nightbot: no 🧢 [4438] thecbl_: jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY [4438] buck_eye_08: L add [4438] TrashCanManSam: SUB [4438] asg1877: Noooo [4438] jewlovinpainter: THE WHISTLEEEEEEEEEEE [4438] 62vvin: jynxziVapeBreak [4438] MackyDoo17: blow the whistle [4438] cx_silent: h [4438] boygigigem: !watchtime [4438] JUNKo00000000: bussin? [4438] sp4xee: PUSSY [4438] StreamElements: boygigigem has spent 4 days 4 hours watching jynxzi [4439] ak_lonifer: ak_lonifer subscribed with Prime. [4440] 401Loony: ilovex3Kick ilovex3Kick ilovex3Kick ilovex3Kick ilovex3Kick [4440] kaiden1191: WHOLE THING FOR 10 [4440] crz_freaski: whistle [4440] hot5nakes: Pussy [4440] variablecase210: BIG BITE [4440] onepersona65: uu [4440] lukasskvarek: of course and u r not scared of this [4440] Yuskillz_: pop [4440] fraptt: pusssssssy [4440] roodster218: blow it [4440] mr_scoot_manz: make sure u hydrate after [4440] 3luezz: do it [4440] x72edDogx: BLOW THE WHISTLE [4440] enderkid31: entire chip [4440] slofoe: WHOLE THING [4441] StreamElements: nttotd has spent 9 hours 20 mins watching jynxzi [4441] N0GBA8: blow it [4441] ola_23k: blow [4441] BobaQtea: bite not a nibble [4441] andyboi57: pusssyy wussyyyu [4441] Anisrmk: GET THE DEATH WHISTLEl [4441] xjxck17: 5 gifted for the whole thing [4441] SPLATGT: pussy blow the whistle [4441] AgentPixelized: ElitePixelized subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 3 month streak! WWWW 4 MONTHS [4443] yeetus__mcgee: Zer0skilltv subscribed with Prime. [4443] charlierusso9: EAT IT ALL [4443] TowardsNate: BLOW THE WHISTLE HOLY FUCK PUSSY [4443] Entw1stle: SELLING OUTT [4443] soupjuce: eat the whole thing [4443] bmk_0: DON'T FR [4443] john_hartson78: eat it whole daddyy [4443] CrispyTrooper39: BLOW THE FUCKING WHISTLE [4443] kimjongsquarepants: lame streamer [4443] ttv_lxl: COME ON GUYS [4443] shlumt: WHOLE THING [4443] costran: BLOE THR SHISTLE [4443] jk1rby1: eat it daddy [4443] beanbug13: EAT THE WHOLE THING [4443] StreamElements: @RespectedOnTwtch, respectedontwtch has been following jynxzi for 1 year 15 days 20 hours [4444] sxrxqq: ww [4444] xserieofficial: 8ads [4444] IvLuvsYY: blow the whistle [4444] DarkVoid832: DarkVoid832 subscribed with Prime. [4445] DurangoJack: DurangoJack subscribed with Prime. [4446] Dimer____: ONLY A TIMY BITE [4446] Pdiddillydawg: do it for the clips [4446] sh6mss: HE GIFTED [4446] Gexrox: BLOW IT [4446] GHOSTEEE_23: W invader [4446] mr_5_star: BLOW THE WHISTLE LIKE ITS CLIXS JOHNSON [4446] jstat2004: eat it fat ass [4446] ilovebucke69: w [4446] arrow_l2: !followage [4446] jwolfe7803: jynxziFAT [4446] zippyghost: zippyghost subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! thats kindey faliyre on a chip [4446] i_inept: GO BACK TO THE WHISTLE [4446] TowardsNate: NOT EVEN A BIT [4446] jarrycarry1: LICK IT GOOD [4446] Icyyonkbm: EWWWW [4447] faded_ryzze12: Fuck you highvise [4447] BShaedyn: blow the whistle [4447] shifty_ston3rs: cmon pussy [4447] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [4447] andreww734: !watch time [4447] mob_50: SNIFFA SNIFFA [4447] jmoney____1: ads [4447] Ricardo_E210: BLOW THE WHISTLE PLEASE MIJA [4447] pocketace98: Eat the whole thing you 🐱 [4447] swurvve: swurvve subscribed with Prime. [4447] Nightbot: Just sub bozo you’ll get no ads, my emotes, double the channel points, and guess what you will also get my beautiful charm that you will never lose, and many more!!!! #subuporshutup [4447] CloudzzClan: CloudzzClan is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 8 in the channel! [4448] CloudzzClan: CloudzzClan gifted a Tier 1 sub to avsman29! [4448] CloudzzClan: CloudzzClan gifted a Tier 1 sub to AYD3N5a! [4448] CloudzzClan: CloudzzClan gifted a Tier 1 sub to baseballbub1! [4448] CloudzzClan: CloudzzClan gifted a Tier 1 sub to dayde0! [4448] CloudzzClan: CloudzzClan gifted a Tier 1 sub to ChillieBigg555! [4449] udbdjsjzk: BLOW THE WHISTLE [4449] fgag21212: white speed [4449] eventyrg: Pussy blow the wistle [4449] blametojo: pussy bite [4449] kingbotxv: ewwwwww [4449] thereal_demarz: blow it [4449] IamMikeloven: IamMikeloven subscribed at Tier 1. [4449] itzyaboi__goofball: WWWWWWWWW [4449] trueglow0: PUSSY BITE [4449] sandy_sir: EWWWW [4449] bubbie_not_bub: Blow whistle [4449] ethan_joy: jesus christ [4449] memecentrals: l bite [4449] koolsam13: not a bute [4449] ry4nd4v15: Daddy spit on me [4450] crispybandit1: do not eat it it’s not safe [4450] moigfxcvgf: EAT HARDER [4450] wideschizoJeb: overexaggerating for clips LUL ♻ [4450] reverseallan26: YOUR GONNA DIE [4450] bbowden_23: 0PUSSY [4450] rangerkies: blow the whistle [4450] rydeer5: blow [4450] ajaksiii: BLOW THE WHISTLEE [4450] pdiddy1227: when is fan mail [4450] cad3nh1010: blow the whistle [4450] sequndo_uno: zaddy [4450] illuminate340: BLOW THE WHISTLE [4451] db12445: db12445 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [4451] db12445: db12445 gifted a Tier 1 sub to danny_dutch! [4451] db12445: db12445 gifted a Tier 1 sub to louglad5! [4451] db12445: db12445 gifted a Tier 1 sub to yeeyeee928! [4451] db12445: db12445 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ares_Extreme! [4451] db12445: db12445 gifted a Tier 1 sub to pistachiomouse! [4452] King_Jerod: King_Jerod subscribed with Prime. [4452] hazed__hallowzz: w [4452] FigureHead4002: LUL [4452] crowthekushdealer: W [4452] puffpuffjuicer: EWWWWWWWW [4452] dripdippotatochip: pusys [4452] vsoka: EAT THE WHOLE THING [4452] Fartknocker778: LL BLOW THE WHISTLE [4452] sleepdeprived45: mods I’m not watch the flipping ads [4452] dialedguido: WHISTLE [4452] jred_05: when is the stream [4452] TowardsNate: PUSSY [4452] Krul_77: FAKE REACTOR [4452] jacethakushking: W [4452] vkiast: Not fair [4453] StreamElements: monkandme386 has spent 7 days watching jynxzi [4453] creamjohn_: L bite [4453] yesmann223: BITE IT PUSSY [4453] Sekoreo: EWWWWW [4453] tazersolos: EWWWW [4453] djw123412: i [4453] dayofreckon: dayofreckon subscribed at Tier 1. [4454] slammons1127: slammons1127 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel! [4454] slammons1127: slammons1127 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Acrylic_Machine! [4454] slammons1127: slammons1127 gifted a Tier 1 sub to captain_kurakku! [4454] slammons1127: slammons1127 gifted a Tier 1 sub to TakoWithMeat! [4454] slammons1127: slammons1127 gifted a Tier 1 sub to daniel185443! [4455] slammons1127: slammons1127 gifted a Tier 1 sub to moeningjt6! [4455] hamsterman1212: hamsterman1212 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [4455] laseenwrld: EAT IT [4455] Sascha_Ra2iN3o: L STREAMER [4455] troggeure: finish it [4455] realmatze26005: Didnt take a bite [4455] Disasterman420: 10 ads L. STREAMER [4455] ibetnobodyhasthisusername: EAT THE WHOLE THING [4455] nickdmurray: nickdmurray subscribed at Tier 1. [4455] jamesyggg: swallow [4455] longbillginger46: HORRIBLE ACTING [4455] politesob1978: that was not a bite [4455] baseballtj06: begging for money BibleThump [4455] Spectral_Pixel: All U pussy [4455] ethan_joy: BLOW THE WHISTLE [4456] rellmwwad: clip farmer [4456] xHouseOfPleasure: ITS A WHISTLEEE DO ITTT [4456] ajaksiii: BLOW THE WHISTEL IDIOT [4456] genny0824123: l bite [4456] sampo420: WHOLE THING [4456] marnej0: EAT IT [4456] 001elias: POISON [4456] sxaynecahill: doesnt count [4456] luciano320654: pancake [4456] djw123412: e [4457] GINNII10: GINNII10 subscribed with Prime. [4458] andreww734: !sub [4458] marnej0: EAT IT [4458] break_d_law: !watchtime [4458] lcwhufc: L pussy [4458] mr_5_star: WHISTLE BLOWW [4458] SPLATGT: blow the whistle [4458] sneakytoesy: 6 ADS [4458] noahtheruler: blow it [4458] itsmechase3: LOLLLL [4458] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [4458] thetoddadodlydo: hats it [4458] tflittlemansky: he gifted 5 bite it [4458] CMOMoney187: NO ONE CARES USE THE WHISLE [4458] StreamElements: break_d_law has spent 7 days 3 hours watching jynxzi [4458] drjbaby: didn’t even bite it [4459] hunterl11100: BOG BITE MORON [4459] spedpop: blow the whistle [4459] evannagel5509: bro blow the whistle [4459] Provolone_Void: bite [4459] bardown16__: OHHH MY GOD [4459] r6copperofficial69420: lil ass bite [4459] ttv_lxl: 💀💀💀💀💀 [4459] Curqsd_: L part timer [4459] the_green_leaf: Bad acting [4459] Perfect_Cav: Perfect_Cav subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! Shout out to Chrissy Poo and Darin Chan!!! [4459] doctahvr: sub farmer [4459] trexinatorr: wat it [4459] typicaltylerrrr: WHISTLE [4459] Brettgarrett22: W [4459] ghoul_punk100: HIVISE DO YOUR JOBBBBBBBBB [4460] rhana_banana: Blow the qistle [4460] daddyk43: didnt even bite it [4460] hydroscent: nice [4460] 11111111223333lloveiynzi: BLOW RHE WHISTLE [4460] EstKemz9mm: 1 bite per 5 gifted??? [4460] aus_gamxr: he is such a pussy [4460] xserieofficial: asd [4460] luciano320654: it’s bold [4460] breadslammer: LOL [4460] boynowayboy123: EW [4460] Nightbot: 😂 [4462] v3liv: L clip farmer [4462] pizzadino_: BLOW THE WHISTLE [4462] eoDont: THE WHISTLE [4462] nexxxxxio: do it [4462] finest_meeks: 7 ADS BRO I CANT [4462] BobaQtea: spit on me actually [4462] vsoka: EWWWW [4462] angelchastity: EAT IT [4462] FatLungWormDisease: BITE IT YOU PUSSY [4462] raquis23: that’s not a bite [4462] FLAHKEZ: wat is that [4462] roodster218: blow the whistle [4462] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀 [4462] LuhHatch: WHISTLE NOW OR ELSE [4462] Nightbot: F in the chat [4463] gloso1: junko [4463] fran_ligi: WHAT [4463] baki_9967: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh [4463] LosExotic: WHISTLE [4463] nrgchristopher: Gunko likes it [4463] GreatOttomanSultan: Lmao [4465] icecube_08: 😭 [4465] jayyyydemon: fent [4465] chasecollier2023: nut harder [4465] e3rthal: YOU ARE A STUPID ASS BITCH [4465] djw123412: w [4465] nzvr_vtm: jjoo [4465] gamerfamer895: OMG [4465] sh6mss: CHEATER [4465] topgunmarvrick: blow the fucking whistle [4465] cgtothe1: WTF [4465] lolohuncho22: ayyyy blow the whistle [4465] BustaCap_: Throw it away [4465] keyz2416: keyz2416 subscribed at Tier 1. [4465] thecbl_: The whistle ain’t even bad [4465] kvngtitanz: I’ll do 20 gifted if you really eat that mf [4466] WWville: you know teeth dont feel the salt right [4466] iyonnamonaee: whit [4466] TowardsNate: BLOW INTO THE WHISTLE [4466] Nightbot: fortnite battle pass [4466] wideschizoJeb: overexaggerating for clips LUL ♻ [4466] pinkumars: eww [4466] Ph1xxyy: g [4466] imdrayyy_: WW [4466] Nightbot: no [4466] StreamElements: @vintagemink, vintagemink has been following jynxzi for 3 years 1 month 19 days 22 hours [4468] marked_bin6: Bro is dying gah damn [4468] zlles: EWWWWWWWWWWWW [4468] connorbathgate: fuckin hell [4468] ali8maijd: fake [4468] noahtheruler: whistle [4468] amcat88: react more awesome [4468] notradiation: WHISTLE JUNKO [4468] xriifty: L ungrateful [4468] dxrkkiwez: it’s like a wafer [4468] cloneoneofmany: HOLY SHIT [4468] CMOMoney187: PUSSY ASS STREAMER [4468] jamesyggg: L clip farmer [4468] koolsam13: blow the whistle [4468] 3xshock: whistle [4468] Joeisguap: USE WHISTLE [4469] darronhortmon: blow the whistle [4469] hulk88138814: Brooo [4469] polarbenz: EEEEEEEWWWWWWW [4469] exitiouss: BLOW IT [4469] lukerobinson19: BLOW THE WHISTLEEEE [4469] facelessdmon: eat [4469] wideschizoJeb: overexaggerating for clips LUL ♻ [4469] tflittlemansky: he gifted 5 bite the fucking chip [4469] OsamahBinGuapo: yummmmmm [4471] bbowden_23: FUCKKING EAT IT [4471] shadow_lslayed: BLOW THE WHISTLE [4471] meddyy3: 111111111111111111111111111111111 [4471] girrfman: BLOW THE WHISTLE [4471] thatguywithamustang: bice ads [4471] callmeb0o: BLOW THE WHISTLE [4471] salzkart0ffel: that’s normal [4471] clay_0124: UGHGHHH [4471] BustaCap_: Don’t get yourself sick [4471] w0nin: EXPIRED [4471] lahpaulll03: LOLLL [4471] Junkocumko123: ewwww [4471] typicaltylerrrr: 5 GIFTED [4471] blametojo: EW [4471] Gucci_kid54: GG [4472] bdoggo282828: eat it pancake [4472] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [4472] boynowayboy123: 💀💀💀💀💀💀 [4472] peebs210: blow the whistle [4472] khronos_era_: blow the whistle [4472] owen_ginge: !sub [4472] jynxisucksatr6: Clix is waiting fatso [4472] Hiddenashley: yikes [4472] DiabeticBird: LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [4472] StreamElements: kyleghs has spent 50 mins watching and is rank 1641074/1682142 on the watchtime leaderboard [4474] imbubblyy: imbubblyy subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! yippie [4474] mythicalkatt: BLOW IT [4474] Vamnpire_: LMAOOOOOOOOOOO [4474] iibrolykidiiv: Eat [4474] hoaxfv: !watchtime [4474] d1gg_sniffs_glue: BLOW IT [4474] jackuaza: quit clip farming [4474] vd3mon1cs: are u dumb [4474] kvngtitanz: no cap [4474] iyonnamonaee: white speed [4474] cu1s1d3_666: it’s an AZTEC DEATH WHISTLE !!!!!!!! [4474] Luzifer507_: Eat [4474] mrmilku1234: BloodTrail [4474] StreamElements: HazaaFN has spent 0 secs watching jynxzi [4474] quinnnythefos: you hav e std now [4475] bubbie_not_bub: Blow the fucking whistle [4475] jewlovinpainter: BRO IS NOT BLOWIN THE WHISTLE [4475] jitty66: MOLD [4475] noahtheruler: blow whistle [4475] Ricardo_E210: BLOW THE WISTLE [4475] SinchanDC: WHISTLE please [4475] CrispyTrooper39: JUST DO IT [4475] theboiii8287: it’s supposed to be like that [4475] OutOfWoods_710: blow it [4475] menanfn: BLOW IT [4475] bolt174604: L AD [4475] WingZero2517: OPEN THE WHISTLE [4475] eianz_: eat it buddy [4476] wockz58: wockz58 subscribed with Prime. [4477] Gamingmonkey2022: blow it [4477] buhp_nadezz: Yummy [4477] npman_: WHISTLE [4477] morrgy40: BLOW THE WHITSLEE [4477] 2jzchase: 2jzchase subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 2 month streak! jynxalicious pookie wookie [4477] evannagel5509: blow whisltle pls [4477] akimbo1k: blow it [4477] vamp_15121: @Jynxzi I SUB TO YOU 2 DAY AND I HAVE NOT GOT THE CHARM [4477] chromaticfn: blow the whiles daddddy [4477] MichaelR_1616: BLOW THE WHISTLE [4477] RamboSchlong: playdough [4477] CrispyTrooper39: HOLY SHIT [4477] curseofraaaaa: yikes [4477] mori_rtd: what was the announcement? [4477] UNITEDBEAN_M3: your an L [4478] eqqylk: DO ITTTTTTTTTTTT [4478] girrfman: ITS JUST A WHISTLE [4478] milki0_: BLOW WHISTLE [4478] atk_gamerboy: hi first streem come in from YouTube [4478] t_wooo63: yes [4478] dedo_hamed: yes [4478] Motha_Muncha: blow the whistle [4478] daddyk43: blow the whistle [4478] boxmoo: blow the whistle [4478] Echo2pointO: WHIISSTLEEEE [4478] jacethakushking: ITS J SALT [4478] SwizzyAU: perfect condition [4478] skull_god00: blow it [4478] iiithxnderiii: noooooooooo [4478] HiVise: do it [4480] hogwarts_dropout: WHISTLE [4480] AyooTayy_: BLOW THE WHISTLE [4480] Anisrmk: GET THE DEATH WHISTLE l [4480] mobydfuf69: blow the whistle [4480] Jakow98: don’t [4480] Yuskillz_: blow [4480] granth12312: BLOW IT [4480] kamz4567: YES [4480] slideforyo: YES BLOW IT BROO [4480] JJMSoloTTV: Blow the whistle [4480] jlrally: BLOW IT [4480] cheebah710: whistle yes [4480] DsbSpanky: it safe [4480] jred_05: blow the whistle | Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [4300] Blow into it. I'm scared. I'm scared. [4310] I'm scared. I'm scared. I don't want to blow into it. I Don't want to blow into it. I don't want to blow into it. I'm scared. Okay [4320] Stop saying blow it daddy. Chad that's scary. I don't know what that is. No, that's scary. [4330] next round now today Salt chip challenge [4340] Shhh! [4350] justice [4360] ご覧いただきありがとうございました [4370] from Germany. [4380] Salt chip challenge. [4390] How it works... [4400] There is so much salt on that chip. [4410] ご視聴ありがとうございました [4420] 5g if it subs that'll take a bite. [4430] ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ � [4440] 5 gifted from invader. [4450] Oh, ah, ah, ah, ah. You can't even take a bite. How old is this chick? [4460] How old is this fucking chip? How old is it? There is literally stuff growing [4470] on this chip right now. | There is a Highlight between 4300 and 4600. Jynxzi opens packages from viewers and tries the salted chip, which is probably not fresh. |
Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [5201] not_lethal_: w dad [5201] fazevicky123456: diamond tesyer [5201] blackmagic9898: fake [5201] garbov2: GULLIBLE STREAMER [5201] sekretkricket: ITS REAL GUYS TRUST [5201] FI3K_: DIAMOND TESTER [5201] killer_sam6783: W dad [5201] Echo2pointO: DIAMOND TESTER [5201] the_black_leaf: fake [5201] dubz76_: test it [5201] idek6969696969: use the tester [5201] connorpeeks_tv: Mall special [5201] juanda_don: fat [5201] snifit9: test [5201] mfsoloj: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [5202] bphillips_45: diamond tester [5202] hdkdekwk: you got diamond tester yesterday use it [5202] acelesskunai: BRO WHEN IS FANMAIL! [5202] alexo_seal: W DAD [5202] Werldly: GLAZ [5202] ellaportabella: W dad [5202] keelite15: W DAD [5202] d1gg_sniffs_glue: W dad [5202] her1b: DIMOND TESTER [5202] TreeStumph: W DAD [5202] tkettel_: fake [5202] thsaw1: W MIKEEE [5204] rradianttt: fake [5204] lotus_52: DIAMOND TESTER IDIOT [5204] lluc6chuck: W dad [5204] harppuccino: Awwww [5204] First_Line_Gaming: FAKE [5204] jooacocarp_: w mike [5204] chicagoserge: W MUNDANE [5204] bloodrenx: DIAMOND TESTER [5204] N0GBA8: DIAMOND TESTERR [5204] dgcv_: w dad [5204] barackobama0505: w mike [5204] yungKIBE: diamond test [5204] wyfyttv: l dad [5204] aceo8907: w dad [5204] luciano_el_luky: luciano_el_luky subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! jynxziPACK [5205] bth11_2: test [5205] WingZero2517: ITS FAKE YOU IDIOT [5205] al_sah_him00: Whoever sent dat should’ve sent a diamond tester wit dat [5205] kekwbr: fake ahh rolex [5205] mrcll999: W [5205] CJNagel21: w mike [5205] Drag0nTamerLiam: real [5205] Kendrxck: W dad im jealous [5205] shrevaa: diamond tester [5205] kaleel_drako: TEST IT [5205] montanameise: W [5205] vinsculpts: react harder [5205] richardbleak: smash it [5205] nandogetdough: ITS AN AUDIMAR PAGUET [5205] literalburrit0: diamond test [5207] rambalzgames: rambalzgames subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [5207] joplinese: Ungrateful [5207] bot9981: diamond test [5207] Junkocumko123: test it [5207] Ayokae: w dad [5207] bluejoltz23: ITS NOT REAL ITS FAKE [5207] asssgoldenpopper4: hivise tell him [5207] jahmapants: W MIKE [5207] UntamedLegacy: Fake [5207] STEPOFF_2021: its fake [5207] nahum7800: diamonds test [5207] cdub_009v2: DIAMOND TEST IT [5207] Bruh_thatsmusty: DIAMOND TEST [5207] yungKIBE: diamond test [5207] ApolloG5S: Shit is Glass [5208] dboyce911: put it on ur left wrist [5208] rebel_bebel: !LINK [5208] tjdeany: W bracelet [5208] ugira: wdada [5208] Indicted: USE THE DIAMOND TESTER USE THE DIAMOND TESTER [5208] shrevaa: diamond test [5208] brockthesavagetv: fake [5208] vvkaze: diamond tester [5208] goshatear: Diamond tester [5208] supersoakerseth: diamond tester [5208] sarahedew97: not a Rolex [5208] kolorsz: kolorsz subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! daddy jynxzi react harder [5208] duddydimes: John Buckley said false [5208] Nightbot: @rebel_bebel If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [5208] Nightbot: johnson [5210] squigglylace: squigglylace subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! [5210] undoneeeee: DIAMOND TESTER [5210] ThizzleThick: diamond tester [5210] twink35: FaceTime KAI [5210] johnsonx217: test diamonds [5210] 1_sin_1: IT'S NOT A ROLEX [5210] LilBoogieFart: ALIEXPRESS [5210] polarbenz: THAT IS NOT A ROLLY [5210] N0GBA8: A [5210] mattefull: DIAMOND TESTER [5210] drksolos: diamond testerrr [5210] ryzen_ssg: Diamond tester [5210] Nightbot: no 🧢 [5210] jaketrow: fake ass watch [5210] quinnnythefos: MONEY LAUNDRYr [5211] PixieTwisted: Wish [5211] voidsechogt: Cheer100 what are u doing right now [5213] The_ERc_: W DAD [5213] r6_jabronlames: w mile [5213] vitality5175: capp [5213] prince883: diamond tester [5213] luvlaylahh: w dadddd [5213] bloodrenx: DIAMOND TESTER . . [5213] glockwitdabeam: as real as your stream [5213] quinnnythefos: MONEY LAUNDRY [5213] bartbvs1: w Mike [5213] minerboyruby: the vapester lil bro wants to be the vapestar #toxgas #vapemonster #fumes [5213] vexedicyowl6: Diamond tester [5213] smackked: WISH [5213] stay_crying: Diamond tester [5213] joesph_1239: w mike fr wish my dad was as supportive [5213] saidai_0: FAKE [5214] revvvdead: Nope [5214] hconnor12: diamond test [5214] Snarky52: id test it [5214] dfgshad0w: that aint a rolex thats a bolex [5214] DarkVoid832: Temuex [5214] xThrxsherx: fake [5214] picn1c4wat: L REACTION WHEN ITS FAKE [5214] eliaz3591: Fake chqt [5214] Chriskills11174: TikTok shop [5214] avix_dezign23: SHEIN Rolex [5214] StreamElements: k1ngjaffa has spent 22 hours watching and is rank 520925/1690741 on the watchtime leaderboard [5214] jjsuarez0227: Diamond Tester [5214] SMGenius_: Keep coping homie [5214] big__hitter2023: real [5214] totaliynotethan: DIAMOND TESTER DIAMOND TESTER DIAMOND TESTER DIAMOND TESTER DIAMOND TESTER DIAMOND TESTER [5216] westonvv: FAKE STREAMMM [5216] onghepalmer: DIAMOND TESTER [5216] dalefan64: diamond test [5216] Darthslothious: Its not lmao [5216] snipez7066: Diamond tester [5216] certifiedlag: USE THE DIAMOND TESTER FROM YESTER [5216] zdeeko: Folexxx [5216] joshpisag: 50k [5216] nyc_vasili: use the tester [5216] michael2211: middle of the mall [5216] johnnybanks93: diamond tester [5216] amendext: CARTIER NOT A ROLEX [5216] Kelynxz: TOO SMALL [5216] domclipz: 15 cent [5216] RugTatz: diamond tester [5217] muttonmashergaming26: nahhhhhh [5217] ericisactuallysmall: use diamond tester [5217] Rushuur: FAKE CHAT [5217] atomik_ninja98: that’s fake ash [5217] totaliynotethan: DIAMOND TESTER DIAMOND TESTER DIAMOND TESTER DIAMOND TESTER DIAMOND TESTER [5217] dsnxash: Test [5217] leroyy2k: dhgate [5217] Liltatertot420: TEST IT [5217] ttv_invixity: allibaba [5217] selahsaboss12: diamond tester [5217] ydcakio: ydcakio subscribed at Tier 1. [5218] l1l_wayne2: l1l_wayne2 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! yooooo [5218] cowzay: let me know if you want another one :D [5219] alaskanwhiskey: FAKER THEN UR STREAMS [5219] burkexander: test ittest it [5219] thegamer_w143: diamond tester [5219] ZBNERD: blevinsCross swearinYAP swearinYAP [5219] jamesmay7_: wish [5219] etb_pablo: FAKE [5219] sixersalliance1: DIAMOND TEST IT [5219] philisic: use the Diamond tester [5219] BigTony629: diamond tester [5219] itzzn0_: DIAMOND TESTER [5219] sashthedash: DIAMOND TESTER [5219] lxgacy12: USE UR DIAMOND TESTER [5219] conn_or12: TEMU’TEMU [5219] RUDY_FIASCO: 20000 [5219] dalefan64: diamond tester [5220] M2Gamin: Kai is waiting [5220] Sou13ss: shein [5220] zero2tuff5555: diamond tester [5220] Nightbot: @carters_crazes -> Much better. [stop posting links] [warning] [5220] d00si: Diamond tester [5220] orbmk215: Put it on Johnson [5220] nhubbz: stop lying [5220] JackhuddyW: use the diamond tester [5220] bakedog_77: diamond tester [5220] sl_myst1c2: when fan mail [5220] andyawesome_: mike tryna make you feel better [5220] BraithWaiteManorGold: it doesn’t even say Rolex [5220] Trxy171: T-T-T-T-T-T-TEMMMUUUU TTTTT TEMUUU [5220] lllostxfoundll: lllostxfoundll subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! yuhhh 3 months gang [5222] lilsluga: DIAMOND TESTER [5222] henryphillipsss: found it on Amazon for $14.99 [5222] EllenFromCasohsupermarket: cap [5222] DavieBroy: No shot idiot [5222] MysticMachia: ARE YOU FAST OR SLOW [5222] rocketz492560: DIAMOND TEST IT [5222] literalburrit0: diamond tester [5222] dantheman9021008: diamond test i [5222] certifiedlag: DIMOND TESTER [5222] marthman_: probably cost him $7 [5222] joshpisag: it’s worth 50k [5222] bluejoltz23: ITS FAKE CUMKO [5222] penguinsrkewl: ABSOLUTELY FAKE [5222] Askarit: prove it get it checked KEKW [5222] westonvv: FAKE STREAM [5223] Captainhotshot0: cap [5223] jaythebest2010_: Diamond tester [5223] unknowns_wrld: use the diamond tester [5223] niall_fox: GET THE MONCLERR [5223] SwizzyAU: diamond test ittttt [5223] justred333: $15* [5223] fibrojay: Use your diamond tester on it [5223] crunpethands: NOT ROLEX FATASS [5223] finl000000: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [5223] anita_max_wynn11: W DAD SON REALTIONSHIP [5223] eyemaarbz: DIAMOND TEST FATTY [5223] jolomckolo: Aliexpress [5223] crashingyeti903: crashingyeti903 subscribed with Prime. [5225] scooser: SHOW THE AUTHENTICATION CARD [5225] Logic9924: L avid [5225] domdomas: u have no clue [5225] g_zagame46: Diamond tester [5225] viraljustinn: shine flashlight on it [5225] spriteco1a: REACT HARDER [5225] anilio7878: tester [5225] copiusclaps: HEY FAT FUCK ITS JUNKO THE JUNKINATOR [5225] brickbroman: ON MY JOHNSON ITS FAKE [5225] HendzuX: not even 15$ [5225] CharlieFCB_: FAKER THAN YOUR REACTIONSSS [5225] lanesolos_u: test it [5225] nbl_212169: diamond test [5225] drksolos: diamond tester [5225] FrVoodoo_: test it [5226] caseoh_is_small: bro belived it [5226] v3liv: L clip farmer [5226] jacethakushking: FUKIN TESTTYYY [5226] fearbob: 100% fake [5226] rileynolan22: it’s gonna be a bag of shot [5226] gibbymerkle: test it [5226] rexg003: thats obv not real ur so dumb [5226] etb_pablo: NPO ITS NOT [5226] zeus_3032: beta squad reacted to you [5226] DownfallJY: start a only fanss [5226] owlseph: test it [5226] thedevileyes69: aliexpress [5226] themna_anmeth: TEST IT [5226] mitch_dasherf93: Fake [5226] StreamElements: kyleghs has spent 1 hour 10 mins watching and is rank 1638639/1690740 on the watchtime leaderboard [5228] voltikkkk: fake chsts [5228] fraft029: use the diamond tester [5228] faith_brady: get out the diamond tester from yesterday [5228] Sou13ss: tiktok shop [5228] bygy79: Its Cartier [5228] solo_limtls: DIAMOND TESTER [5228] etb_pablo: ITS FAKE [5228] lights_aqua: diamand tester [5228] RMCHD123: Diamond tester [5228] stea1thgamer_: delusional [5228] tanner19834: diamond tester [5228] Nippercftd: its about as fake as @Jynxzi being good at siege [5228] ricorodriguezsuii: pre record [5228] yoshiebee: Soo fake [5228] tocxld_rain: diamond tester [5229] jamesyggg: IT WAS ME CAN I HAVE THE LAMBO NOW AS HIVISE TOLD ME [5229] oblivionblixx69: USE DIAMOND TESTER [5229] xbalency: ima subb [5229] CharlieFCB_: FAKER THAN YOUR REACTIONSSS FAKER THAN YOUR REACTIONSSS FAKER THAN YOUR REACTIONSSS [5229] robby_1455: NOBODY IS SENDING THAT IN THE MAIL YOU IDIOT [5229] Ricardo_E210: DAIMOND TEST [5229] dalefan64: hvise [5229] kings2567: diamond tester [5229] Darthslothious: Terug fs [5229] cozmosgift: sheinn [5229] vkiast: Fake and fat [5229] eman55x: USE DIAMOND TESTER [5229] hazey_man123: Put on monclair and sheisty [5229] xYOLAx: TESDTTERER [5229] jrybones5kg: bro your a goat fr [5230] twitch_recon_reks: fake fatty [5230] jt14____: Fake [5230] mitch_dasherf93: Fake you dumbass [5230] RedMan949: DIAMOND TEST [5230] ogkushisyum: diamond test it [5230] krlpple: when 2 v2 [5230] treyd_25: diamond test [5230] chiefd247: GET TGE MONCLAIRE [5230] DroppinJce: daimond tester [5230] nandogetdough: AP NOT ROLEX [5230] nhubbz: fake [5230] aidenosz: DIAMOND TEST FATTY [5230] elijahcraz: NOBODY SAID THt [5232] nedaxke: When is the FANMAIL [5232] polishhehe: Diamond test [5232] lordjenubis: use the diamond tester [5232] wibzs: DIAMOND TEST ITTTTTT [5232] mattstewy710: DAWG ITS A CARTIER [5232] AfterEight88: DIAMOND TESTER [5232] u_a_cornball: 100 tokens [5232] xxtoxcicityxx: !followage [5232] tocxld_rain: diamond testert [5232] penciiiii: !watchtime [5232] wyfyttv: WHEN IS KAI VS STOMPN [5232] TouchedCloud: Test the watch you mcdonalds mascot [5232] ocharleys42: it’s fake [5232] StreamElements: penciiiii has spent 12 hours watching jynxzi [5232] StreamElements: @xxtoxcicityxx, xxtoxcicityxx has been following jynxzi for 2 months 2 days 23 hours [5233] powwow63401: Diamond tester [5233] vampo4: use it [5233] DaleMoney__: DIAMOND TESTER [5233] faded_ryzze12: Ali express [5233] TooFarGaming: Test it then [5233] apples3147: when is clips [5233] bambam1519: DIAMOND TEST [5233] ajisred: diamond test it [5233] willuslover: Hit the gym brother [5233] partialview: SCRIPT [5233] novicate: you’re welcome [5233] Ricardo_E210: DIAMOND TEST JUNKO [5235] WurZhi: couldn’t be more of a clip farm [5235] colrfl: WHITE SPEED [5235] glyaro: diamond test [5235] sparkymotors: no it’s not real [5235] Post_Melonss: When does jynxzi stream guys? [5235] nolareelz: USE DIAMOND TESTER [5235] zero2tuff5555: test the watch [5235] Frostyslippy: Kai is waiting [5235] r6_icetea: mj [5235] DiffyDC: LMZAAOOOOO [5235] aarxn_05: diamond test [5235] xbalency: ima rubb [5235] actaavis: use the tester [5235] dana1226: FOLEX [5235] theofficialdonaldt: PRE END [5236] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [5236] vraxkin: Fake Chats [5236] thesamman14: diamond tester [5236] Nightbot: bozo [5236] On3Time: diamond test it!! [5236] smgyankee: TEST IT YOU DONKEY [5236] ChocolateLoverVz: FACTS [5236] mattstewy710: CARTIER [5238] ShzoomK6: clip farming [5238] bronxzzy: CLIP FARMING [5238] connoreddie17: it’s cursed fatso [5238] briank___: diamond test now bitch [5238] maximummax9736: diamond tester [5238] f1shheaded: DIAMOND TESTER [5238] ssjrobbie: yall just let bro be happy [5238] zylux_ghost: GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey [5238] hemmy2222: MORE LIKE $15 [5238] ZohMoneyy: 911 [5238] ttvdabeast86: when is fan mail [5238] Haarrzzz: L DAD LETTING YOU HE DELUSIONAL [5238] klong123g: DIAMOND TESTER [5238] f_tyndaleb: jynxziSNOT [5238] berserkjoker102: Cartier [5239] tym3tbh: DIAMOND TESTER [5239] alex_gaming910: jynxzibadaim [5239] glyaro: DIAMONDD TEST [5239] jaythebull23: diamond tester [5239] xxcardiac_johnsonxx: fakeTemu watch 😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭 [5239] honda_civicthepro: Diamond test diamond test diamond test diamond test diamond test diamond test diamond [5239] godfatheeerr: TEST IT WITH DIAMOND TESTER [5239] vraxkin: Fake Chatssssssss [5239] xoMustPrevail: xoMustPrevail subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! when is fan mail [5239] jxryrn: FAKEEEE [5239] moxyzz01: So WerE In pLaSTic [5239] janamo25: diamond test [5239] comradepoz69: End stream [5239] BustaCap_: Diamond test it [5240] Schoolbusz: Hot [5240] doctorturtle21: r u playing r6 tn papi [5240] longjamire: ilovex3Laugh ilovex3Laugh ilovex3Laugh ilovex3Laugh ilovex3Laugh ilovex3Laugh ilovex3Laugh ilovex3Laugh ilovex3Laugh ilovex3Laugh ilovex3Laugh ilovex3Laugh [5240] livid_gaming6789: Hey junko [5240] peanutlover23: nah thats a 0.15 cent mearch brother [5240] a12raiqu: Damn [5240] hd_cool: jynxziBadAim_BW [5240] bubblegumpikkle: !watchtime [5240] StreamElements: diminishedwave has spent 3 days 3 hours watching jynxzi [5241] quyn_dowell: quyn_dowell subscribed at Tier 1. [5241] Callnighttv77: Callnighttv77 subscribed with Prime. [5242] jainisimopr: that’s fake bro looked at the box [5242] bmk_0: W [5242] TheEmporiumm: can I send u a r6 mute mask? [5242] AlMula8: diamond test watchhhhchch [5242] chillyizaqt: ur a weirdo clip farming [5242] d44rkfire: Use it. [5242] roccyrode: W [5242] CMOMoney187: NO ONECDROPING 15 K ON YOU [5242] kaysaunh: Diamond tester [5242] sashthedash: TEST [5242] nandogetdough: THAT IS AN BUST DOWN AP [5242] nyc_vasili: use the diamond tester [5242] baygrizzly: TEST IT [5242] ryzen_ssg: Diamond tester [5243] dubxnightmare: diamond tester [5243] notjoey714: w [5243] Mes_Sec: Diamond test it junko [5243] StreamElements: carpetgrandpa has spent 21 days 23 hours watching jynxzi [5243] mattstewy710: DAWG ITS CARTIER [5243] brandelo35: monclair [5243] r6_icetea: adad [5243] actaavis: diamond tester [5243] dalefan64: diamond test it [5243] On3Time: diamond test it! [5243] Fossabot: @liltimmy_valid18, Your message is too long [5243] bflash4: fale [5243] aildaydubstep: aildaydubstep subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months! [5243] jamesyggg: W [5243] Crush_Labs: DIAMOND TESTER JUNKO [5244] gangbanginyk: jynxziCORNY [5244] JHTMATKIN: yes [5244] itzhak_buda: To get rid of the curse you have to take off all your clothes [5244] FlVE_STAR1: Diamond test it with diamond tester [5244] hemo2112: diamond tester! [5246] wxcked2crzy: DIAMOND TEST ROLEX [5246] Nightbot: F in the chat [5246] jayb128: jynxziLOL [5246] memysleff: bronny is waiting [5246] milizie123: it fits so well [5246] iobo31: smash [5246] josh_14sm: BROSE JACKED [5246] jackowackoslacko: when’s the casoh date [5246] k1ttencaboodle: is your dad single [5246] not_lethal_: sellout [5247] slimsta: slimsta subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! whistle harder [5247] voidsechogt: Cheer100 what are u doing right now? [5248] AskAaronYT: test the watch [5248] puffpuffjuicer: WWW [5248] treszzz: W SHIRT [5248] SilkyT3: diamond tester [5248] klong123g: DIAMOND TESTER [5248] gyros_zeppeli: !followage [5248] monkey4life_12: PUT IT ON [5248] shanksontop111: is this tubi [5248] jackstandman: g [5248] icey_fn69: !how to link ubisoft to twitch [5248] emanuelngamer: MONEY FARMIN [5248] GINNII10: DIAMOND TESTER [5248] 15oopm: folex [5248] vampo4: DIAMOND TEST IT [5248] Nightbot: no [5249] lleytonstocker: wear it [5249] Nightbot: https://clips.twitch.tv/PrettiestAcceptableRamenGOWSkull-d2uvW26SPtiMcKPd [5249] StreamElements: @gyros_zeppeli, gyros_zeppeli has been following jynxzi for 2 years 1 month 29 days 8 hours [5249] YoooFrozen: burh [5249] lyobulletl: test it [5249] hppyhr420: hppyhr420 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [5249] aryana2024: Get the diamond tester [5249] drjbaby: just put it on [5249] tkettel_: don’t care enough [5249] addedyoutomyk8dd: !watchtime [5249] GINNII10: DIAMOND TESTER DIAMOND TESTER DIAMOND TESTER DIAMOND TESTER DIAMOND TESTER V [5249] sonszn7: TEST IT [5249] cdub_009v2: @Hivise tell this mf to stop reading fake chats and just pull up the real chats [5249] StreamElements: addedyoutomyk8dd has spent 3 days watching jynxzi [5249] fullforce909: fullforce909 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months! [5250] rthreadb: GIFT [5250] GreyishBoy: greyishboy is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [5250] GreyishBoy: greyishboy gifted a Tier 1 sub to noob_grass56! [5250] GreyishBoy: greyishboy gifted a Tier 1 sub to nyk_acid! [5250] GreyishBoy: greyishboy gifted a Tier 1 sub to semboy322! [5250] GreyishBoy: greyishboy gifted a Tier 1 sub to PahulOnPS! [5250] GreyishBoy: greyishboy gifted a Tier 1 sub to banana8008s! [5252] extr1a_: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [5252] anilio7878: Diamond test [5252] JynxziTheWhiteSpeed: MY EYES [5252] astroidr6: DIAMOND TESTER [5252] bylkus: TEST IT [5252] gavin_ur_mom: I rob yo ass [5252] lyobulletl: test i5 [5252] wibzs: HIVISE. TELL HIM TO TET IT [5252] ahmadz_02: hdjwbrvfjw [5252] lights_aqua: diamond tester [5252] mannyrazo: DIAMOND TEST [5252] sonotreal: put it on rn [5252] dalefan64: diamond test now [5252] lpclapz: diamond tester [5252] shanksontop111: is this kick [5253] moneyman_691: MADE BUT LITTLE BOYSMADE BUT LITTLE BOYSMADE BUT LITTLE BOYS [5253] nxrreplazz: diamond tester [5253] themna_anmeth: TESTER PUPPet BITCH [5253] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: chat dont sub [5253] jimmy__johnn: Diamond tester Diamond tester Diamond tester Diamond tester Diamond tester Diamond tester Diamond tester Diamond tester Diamond tester Diamond tester [5253] vinayhal: DIAMOND TEST [5253] goshatear: Diamond test the watch [5253] jxryrn: F A K EEEE [5253] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: chat dont sub [5253] lahpaulll03: YOULL PUT IT ON ANYWAYS [5253] gamerboy25670: money laundering [5253] SplashMan_0723: L money laundering [5253] sonszn7: DIAMOMD TETSER [5253] g_zagame46: diamond testttt [5253] dimitrip_10: Diamond test it [5254] jonahbentson2: Diamond test it [5254] harry_armstrong_: hivise call him and tell him to use diamond tester [5254] solo_limtls: HEY DUMB ASS DIAMOND TESTER [5254] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: chat dont sub [5255] joel1234567810: Badr aim [5255] ambergang0303: go to Miami tomorrow and Steve will do it will probably buy you a real Rollie [5255] jaden_love12: DIMOND TESTER FAT ASS [5255] ticserroo: !watchtime [5255] arrowzgotnomotion: different slides [5255] fleages: GIFTED [5255] jyzziontop: MY EYES [5255] barackobama0505: w bulge [5255] bflash4: THATS NOT A ROLEX [5255] linus_cp: jynxziSmoke [5255] jjsuarez0227: DIAMOND TESTER [5255] StreamElements: ticserroo has spent 1 day 16 hours watching jynxzi [5255] SilkyT3: diamond tester bro [5255] KromOnTwitch: Diamond tester [5255] airtoken13: my eyes [5256] Mrbojangles7x: beggar [5256] makhlaynon: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [5256] cglove333: DIAMOND TESTER YOU FAT FUCK [5258] SvenplayerTV: UNGRATEFUL FUCK [5258] longjamire: ilovex3Bow ilovex3Bow ilovex3Bow ilovex3Bow ilovex3Bow ilovex3Bow [5258] ImDich_: okay fatty [5258] iobo31: would [5258] nileszombie: gyatt [5258] wh1te_lght: diamond tester [5258] nmt_ops: my eyes [5258] wavvyyunng: wavvyyunng subscribed at Tier 1. [5258] barackobama0505: diamond test [5258] radiation_p: 222 [5258] vinayhal: DIAMOND TEST DIAMOND TEST DIAMOND TEST DIAMOND TEST DIAMOND TEST [5258] 120fpsrg: g guy o [5258] brysonc44: react harder [5258] d44rkfire: my eyes [5258] ruebe801: MYY EYEESSSSS [5259] TheRandomEnthusiast: My eyes [5259] skrubbed_: MY EYES [5259] verykingjef: MY EYES [5259] anuglybrute: put it on [5259] malenajaded: GIFT [5259] m0zzar3lla1: greyish W [5259] gymkabouter: can u blow my whistle baby whistle baby [5259] colton12121: clip farming [5259] BigX043: my eyes [5259] xdripyred04: play the game [5259] dimetime451: !watchtime [5259] StreamElements: dimetime451 has spent 1 hour watching jynxzi [5260] ya_boi_robert_: ya_boi_robert_ subscribed with Prime. [5261] dalefan64: Hvise call him bro [5261] streakxsy: MY EYES [5261] fleages: W [5261] Calebeast123: l barber [5261] barackobama0505: bulge [5261] zenofurr: PUT IT ON [5261] nxrreplazz: diamond test [5261] robby_1455: BRO WANTS 5 gifted for everything [5261] 8Driz: diamond tester [5261] ryzen_ssg: Diamond tester fatass [5261] goatstrangla: yes [5261] bigslopppie: 😩 [5261] l_pearce420: my eyes [5261] Saline727: my eyes [5261] 22tedbear22: TEST IT WITH THE DIAMOND TESTER YOU GOT THE OTHER DAY [5262] triston_00: my eyes [5262] czrti_: diamond tester [5262] timhull03090: DIOMAND TEST IT NOWWEOWOWOOEOEOEOEOEOE [5262] noah_k1ng: g [5262] thobyy__: my eyes [5262] alex_tex: MY EYYYES [5264] skyteiswashed: my eyes [5264] her1b: DIMOND TESTER [5264] caseoh_is_small: fat [5264] elevatefromalaska: cant see [5264] joegrubs: MY EYESSSS [5264] hatertot92: THE DENT IS ATROCIOUS [5264] tkettel_: farming [5264] dillon_sumner6: my eyes [5264] fleages: WW [5264] sashthedash: DIAMOND TESTERRRRR [5264] StreamElements: pizzaboys1031 has spent 50 mins watching jynxzi [5264] dakidd67: my eyes [5264] baygrizzly: DIAMOND TEST [5264] On3Time: Diamond test!! [5264] Nightbot: 😂 [5265] dawsonbadgero: Dollar store Rolex [5265] JUNKo00000000: clip farming [5265] MrSpringLOL1: use dimond tester from yesterday [5265] radiation_p: 222222 [5265] camstxr: the jiggle [5265] thatrandomdude142: my eyes [5265] kaleel_drako: FAKE STREAMER !!! [5265] nokkfrags: oil up [5265] dogbook_esq: MY EYES [5265] Nightbot: @27syphon -> Jackpot! [stop posting links] [warning] [5267] dinkel_kong: man tits [5267] NotLeopard: MY EYES [5267] Henry_Vard: 1V5 THE SIDEMEN 1V5 THE SIDEMEN 1V5 THE SIDEMEN [5267] yaav_: flashbang [5267] quwackx: yo [5267] shadow_star170: W GREY [5267] Nippercftd: look at those man titties [5267] stringlessage: MY EYYYYEEES [5267] robby_1455: my eyes [5267] literalburrit0: diamond tester [5267] nolareelz: USE DIAMOND TESTER [5267] StreamElements: legendplayeryt210 has spent 13 hours 20 mins watching jynxzi [5267] argoqr6: fat [5267] Mando_Mad: roni [5267] penguinsrkewl: my eyes [5268] srungo: !subscribe [5268] sonszn7: DIAMOND TEST [5268] critxtwo: W money laundering [5268] djishim3: MY EYESSS [5268] will_brawner: MY EYES [5268] HarrisonCurly14235: ouch [5268] toky1234567890: DIAMOND TESTER [5268] Ariefniaazz: WWWWWW [5268] minipushin: my eyes [5268] camstxr: damn [5268] radiation_p: 22222 [5268] 2018SubaruSTI: 2018SubaruSTI subscribed with Prime. [5268] qu33fqueennutfart: MY EYES [5268] repiks_12: MY EYES [5268] StreamElements: @hunterl11100, hunterl11100 has been following jynxzi for 1 year 1 day 22 hours [5270] adaytojbomb1: adaytojbomb1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [5270] maximummax9736: diamond tester [5270] moneyman_691: MADE BUT LITTLE BOYS [5270] argoqr6: fatty [5270] Ricardo_E210: DIAMOND TEST RN [5270] 2amclxudzz: !LINK [5270] sped_baltimore_nga: fat [5270] yungKIBE: what a hunk [5270] tyy223s: !Watchedge [5270] louisp594: AHHH FLASHBANG [5270] Nightbot: @2amclxudzz If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [5270] iiTzAHill: diamond test [5270] baygrizzly: TEST IT [5270] dalefan64: diamond test [5270] tectalagenda: myeyes [5271] wasdi532: !Watchtime [5271] GordanRamSea: cute [5271] griffin4840: ffffff [5271] doodoomaster28: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [5271] literalburrit0: diamond test [5271] lyokaii: MA EYES [5271] timppap: ewwww ur fat [5271] gemc114: GYATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT [5271] itzyaboi__goofball: WWWWWWWW [5271] yobludimdeaf: yobludimdeaf subscribed at Tier 1. [5271] StreamElements: asd63423 has spent 1 day 18 hours watching jynxzi [5271] Nightbot: Jynxzi has Unknown Error Occurred. If problem persists, please contact support. active subscribers! [5273] hxmble_shiesty: MY EYESSS [5273] bdgrish2435: my eyes [5273] milizie123: it’s fits so snug [5273] eyemaarbz: !gamble all [5273] tbo_benjittv: l [5273] connor_m082: what do u stream on? [5273] Phantomille: big nipples [5273] 15oopm: FOLEX LOL AUDEMAR FAGUET [5273] bh_chris13: shein [5273] moonrocks714: shake it [5273] Evan_D_Goat: put a shirt on fatty [5273] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [5273] poptarthe3rd: I’m blind [5273] X23_WEBNN: DIAMOND TEST IT FUCK FACE [5273] StreamElements: PogChamp eyemaarbz went all in and won 75 points PogChamp they now have 150 points FeelsGoodMan [5274] damaniac21: W bod [5274] lights_aqua: diamon tesster [5274] jimmyjammer65: W SNAIL TRAIL [5274] zanefwejbf: FatFatFat [5274] NotLeopard: MY EYES MY EYES [5274] StreamElements: If you're a gamer, you need a Starforge! Snag one -> https://starforgepc.com/Jynxzi [5274] kaysaunh: Diamond tester [5274] djmacfootballs: my eyes [5274] myerz98: FITS [5274] risevanity2: ain’t no way he think that’s real [5274] itzhak_buda: Opposite Day [5274] Fossabot: @hiouk123, Your message is too long [5275] mini_chan007: mini_chan007 subscribed at Tier 1. [5276] MrSpringLOL1: MY EYES [5276] soulzay3k: real [5276] crazyjj3: MY eyes [5276] djmacfootballs: still fat [5276] RugTatz: DIAMOND TEST [5276] isaacidr: hey [5276] tocitkatempr: elisDancy [5276] ssi_2k: me [5276] drwagersupporter: TURN THE CAM OFF [5276] Nightbot: real [5276] realgoomba: when is Jynxzi vs The Sidemen [5276] repiks_12: MY EYes [5276] johantheworst: !watchtime [5276] yungKIBE: what a hunk [5276] nailwind: REAL [5277] evangrace24: my eyes [5277] Brettgarrett22: W [5277] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀 [5277] cyphatonic22: I thought he was quitting streaming [5277] skinmittens1: skinmittens1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! W 6 pack [5277] zen_tips: Peperoni nipples [5277] malenajaded: purrr [5277] UnhingedRelix: FortHype FortHype [5277] StreamElements: johantheworst has spent 8 days 22 hours watching jynxzi [5277] drewcccc: FAT [5279] tatumvfx: !watchtime [5279] excessivezero5: TURN AROUND [5279] longjamire: ilovex3Bow ilovex3Bow [5279] Phantomille: fat [5279] lights_aqua: tester [5279] jahmapants: ?? [5279] zanefwejbf: FatFatFatFatFa [5279] acelesskunai: DO IT [5279] StreamElements: tatumvfx has spent 1 hour 20 mins watching jynxzi [5279] CokeHearted: !watchtime [5279] Randommeatboll: chunko [5279] lahpaulll03: NOT KIDDING [5279] drewcccc: UR FAT [5279] shivermetimbers15: LMAO [5279] sneaker1re: my eyes [5280] grace893: W [5280] kenlie28: peps [5280] starwrld9: MY EYESSS [5280] GotMotion2024: Cartier, Know Ur Knockoffs [5280] SwizzyAU: fakjeee [5280] thomas_o509: W titties [5280] chanwa69: MY EYES [5280] jamesyggg: FAKE [5280] xernety: YESS [5280] scooter2ez: WOAH WOAH WOAH [5280] Ricardo_E210: DIAMOND TESTER [5280] crashingyeti903: just subbed [5280] sebastiao_duarte_: bricked [5280] westonvv: BANNNED [5280] tkettel_: W Rizz [5281] mitch_dasherf93: Fake [5281] Nightbot: @striketrapz -> Yeah, piece of cake! [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [5281] willuslover: fat [5281] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: .... [5281] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀 [5281] reshardstaywoke: Kai is waiting bro [5281] 6ryuzo: FAKE [5281] gemstonee: good aim [5281] agent_oreo3000: W [5282] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: .... [5282] ofxka: ofxka subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! [5283] bham_bmxer: peek mail body right there [5283] jackowackoslacko: pep nips [5283] stay_crying: Diamond tester [5283] Jorumpog: zoo wee mama [5283] not_caleb55: !r6 playtime [5283] croswarr: l [5283] buttercreamballz: my eyes [5283] latinarxse: Rat [5283] Nightbot: CLICK TO JUMP IN -> https://ubi.li/PlNDA [5283] thsaw1: WWWWWWW [5283] yehehwhehwhw: hh [5283] goshatear: Diamond test the watch [5283] mikeyhambone55: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [5283] Motha_Muncha: opposite day [5283] StreamElements: grouchyzxb has spent 10 mins watching jynxzi [5284] milizie123: chunko [5284] MetroGoofin: W [5284] hussemusse2131: ndkdidild [5284] Pixeled_Player: smash [5285] d4rr3n7: d4rr3n7 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months! w bulge [5285] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: .......... [5285] ShaggyZebruh: ShaggyZebruh subscribed at Tier 1. [5286] xenon633: LOOK at that🤣🤣🤣 [5286] codyleo2: when is fan mail [5286] robby_1455: do it please [5286] anntuni: do it [5286] bbckyne: not realistic [5286] thefearsome08: !Watchtime [5286] MorinnaTheWitch: gachiGASM [5286] toky1234567890: diamond teater [5286] neweracbb: CRINGE [5286] leroyy2k: would [5286] StreamElements: thefearsome08 has spent 5 days 4 hours watching jynxzi [5286] wearethebestaround1: 💀 ☠️ 💀 ☠️ 💀 ☠️ [5286] adaytojbomb1: w [5286] sonszn7: diamond test [5286] repiks_12: MY EYES [5287] excessivezero5: REAL [5287] fruitiiloops: L [5287] Ayofluxi: g1ft me some 1 plz [5287] wxcked2crzy: DIAMOND TEST ROLEX [5287] bobswithcheese12345: take off the watch bro [5289] fazehypebeast07: fazehypebeast07 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 6 month streak! fuck u [5289] vcallmechase: !gamble 1000 [5289] jordan_rehbock: other quality cut precious gems, stones and metals > diamonds @Jynxzi [5289] meaty_kiwi: jynxziTONGUE [5289] sterlingarcher321: my girls here relax [5289] wrooney15: diamond tester [5289] lundy16: clix [5289] shrevaa: USE DONALD TESTER [5289] bryerspeer17: someone give me a sub please [5289] mannyrazo: DIAMOND TEST [5289] ruebe801: Still fat [5289] StreamElements: vcallmechase won 1000 points in roulette and now has 2245 points! FeelsGoodMan [5289] treyallen54321: flex [5289] 360joke: www [5289] crunpethands: smash [5290] joebartfanmydude: Plssssss [5290] dxmmmyyy: it takes 5 gifted for you to put that on [5290] doubledutched: and jacked [5290] thsaw1: DRIPPPPP [5290] InfiniteAnarchy: my eyes so much fat [5290] glizzyglop: turn around [5290] apples3147: when is clips Chunko [5290] westonvv: TOSSS [5290] diplexstatue97: !watchtime [5290] sashthedash: DIAMOND TESTER [5290] StreamElements: diplexstatue97 has spent 11 days 19 hours watching jynxzi [5290] YoungWalka: clix [5290] adaytojbomb1: l [5290] itzdatwhiteboy: LITTLE SMALL [5290] Captainhotshot0: do a 360 [5291] yk_luke_: diamond test [5291] smgyankee: DIAMOND TESTER [5291] SomberTTV: MY EYES [5291] mr_scoot_manz: test it] [5291] 4everjaythe3rd: smash [5293] toky1234567890: diamond tester [5293] crowthekushdealer: Clip farming [5293] SpawnFnM: my eyes help [5293] jaden_love12: TEST THE DUMONDS [5293] crazycolman1: Watch time [5293] moneyman_691: MY EYESMY EYES [5293] maxwelliswell1: Looks somehow even worse [5293] cgtothe1: my eyes [5293] brilsmurfff: DIAMOND TESTER [5293] yk_luke_: Diamond test [5293] tlpsy_au: diamond test it [5293] jezy_7: SHUT UP [5293] jjsuarez0227: DIAMOND TESTER [5293] argoqr6: FATSO [5294] Joi2077: .... [5294] shivermetimbers15: DIAMOND TESTER [5294] gamelikedame0217: Alright we are in copper [5294] Exp_chickenz: !watchtime [5294] xboxontopidontuseaxim: fake watch [5294] oIvst: gorlock [5294] oompaloompa168: !watchtime [5294] MileHIghGunslinger: W [5294] dr_glitters: T3MUUUUUUUUUU [5294] StreamElements: Exp_chickenz has spent 3 days 18 hours watching jynxzi [5294] exitiouss: DIAMOND TESTER [5294] kyguy32: sttttttz [5294] Braiden250: just busted [5294] Harry__GG__: r6ePog r6ePog [5294] arrowzgotnomotion: gravitational aura [5295] FxNyZ: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [5295] brysonc44: react harder [5295] jackstandman: !gamble [5295] cici_leo_ale: Why soo fat? [5296] SHANATl: PUPPET [5296] Crush_Labs: TEST IT [5296] turtlefeet52: !watchtime [5296] mrmunkiman: LOOKS LIKE YOUR TWITTER POST [5296] sped_baltimore_nga: w [5296] 9zAmnesya: W [5296] nxrreplazz: diamond test [5296] shanghai30: give to casho [5296] NachoFishYT: that is as fake as that Rolex [5296] yk_luke_: Diamond tezt [5296] StreamElements: turtlefeet52 has spent 1 day 3 hours watching jynxzi [5296] S_0678: !watchtime [5296] grouchyzxb: fat [5296] jamesyggg: W clip farmer [5296] theenigmaticvoid_: Pull it out! [5297] vinayhal: DIAMOND TEST [5297] Jingden: HI YOUTUBE [5297] lane_c_10: 😂😂😂 [5297] drewcccc: FAT bot [5297] millywhopdaddy: myeyes [5297] Mephrix: diamond tester [5297] czrti_: jynxziBALD_SG [5297] mirac159: Ewwww [5297] yt_exotic_69: far [5299] derrickness39: derrickness39 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months! [5299] traqx_movement: coastalsyn subscribed at Tier 1. [5299] mkakarot: halukakah watch 4$ LUL [5299] phroggythefirst: spoit is waiting [5299] v2shxfty: !watchtime [5299] S3izureSalad: LMAO [5299] fatittymcgee: fake [5299] yt_exotic_69: fat [5299] brandelo35: MONCLAIR [5299] parsa_kz_87: CRINGE [5299] On3Time: fake! [5299] StreamElements: v2shxfty has spent 19 days 7 hours watching jynxzi [5299] LilBoogieFart: ee [5299] extracheesepuffs: !watchtime [5299] Indicted: USE THE DIAMOND TESTER USE THE DIAMOND TESTER USE THE DIAMOND TESTER USE THE DIAMOND TESTER USE THE DIAMOND TESTER USE THE DIAMOND TESTER USE THE DIAMOND TESTER USE THE DIAMOND TESTER [5300] ipasxh: junkoPls [5300] aphexshadow: LOL [5300] ttvdabeast86: bros finally getting girls [5300] longbillginger46: I CRINGED [5300] Nightbot: 😂 [5300] s_teven: CLOSE UR MOUTH [5300] heiss112: llllllllll [5300] TheDivess: CLIPFARMING [5300] 5ebxstian: EWWWWWW [5302] LilBoogieFart: ew [5302] the_mr_psp_guy: Quote of the day [5302] rileynolan22: you so drippy [5302] mar_purpl3: ugly [5302] Mando_Mad: Fake [5302] d44rkfire: CRINGE [5302] Rushuur: 5 DOLLAR WATCH H [5302] splosh85: test it [5302] mrjunkyjunko: Steve can’t do it [5302] mikec750: MR BEAST AHH THUMBNAIL [5302] repiks_12: EWWWW [5302] yungKIBE: macklemore thrift shop run [5302] olliewoods1423: L [5302] zenofurr: profile pic [5302] vPahul: LOL [5303] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀 [5303] GettingStickae: FAKE ROLEX [5303] MaloneWyte: !watchtime [5303] boltzyy___: DISS [5303] lahpaulll03: CROSSEYED [5303] DeadgeBear: its not working LUL [5303] StreamElements: MaloneWyte has spent 13 days 22 hours watching jynxzi [5303] BetaTestingLife: use the diamond tester on the Rolex [5303] DownfallJY: EWWWWWWWWWWWW [5303] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [5303] westonvv: BANNNED [5303] smikeyog: diamond tester [5303] cheebah710: LUL LUL LUL [5303] ryzen_ssg: Diamond tester [5303] cowzay: noway [5304] yungKIBE: macklemore thrift shop run [5304] heart4kate: ewwww [5304] StreamElements: JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/jynxzi [5304] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀 [5304] radioheadlover762: So you rock fake jewelry alrrriighht [5304] her1b: DIMOND TESTER [5304] skrubbed_: KILL ME [5304] neweracbb: THAT WATCH IS FAke [5306] baygrizzly: TEST THE WATCH [5306] trawlrz: CREEP [5306] sandy_sir: 💀💀 [5306] astroidr6: PSYCHO [5306] Nightbot: k [5306] crunpethands: gross [5306] yungKIBE: macklemore thrift shop run [5306] robby_1455: ugly [5306] mytwitchtowatchstreams: LMAO [5306] saucin2hard: jynxziClown [5306] FxNyZ: jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE [5306] lilbeenus: CLOSER [5306] ojg54321: fat [5306] StreamElements: bandodadon has spent 1 day 3 hours watching jynxzi [5306] Fossabot: @imbrysondean, Your message is too long [5307] rangerkies: ewwwww [5307] renejustin78: jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT [5307] acid1ce: shirt too small [5307] offensive3838: you look fat [5307] sonszn7: Diamond test watch [5309] nolk0i: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGJ [5309] biglipenergy69: turn around [5309] jaegerbooty: brutherrrr [5309] h4shm4nder: diamond test [5309] jjg200: sub farm [5309] squ1shypancakes: diamond test [5309] Zeuslegs: no thanks [5309] penguinsrkewl: FAKE [5309] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀 [5309] bluefusiontv: hahahahahahah [5309] bridgermez: link! [5309] abelossk: 😭😭😭😭😭😭 [5309] yungKIBE: macklemore thrift shop run [5309] thefearsome08: !watchtime [5309] saucin2hard: Fake [5310] watkins_hailey: Tf [5310] TheDivess: CLIPFARMER [5310] rczeny: jynxzi can i get shout out jynxzi can i get shout outjynxzi can i get shout outjynxzi can i get shout outjynxzi can i get shout outjynxzi can i get shout outjynxzi can i get shout out [5310] luka777v: F [5310] FelixMadridista72: Moron [5310] xGhettoZeugUnzensiert: SCAMER [5310] DownfallJY: EWWWWWW [5310] Henry_Vard: 1V5 THE SIDEMEN 1V5 THE SIDEMEN 1V5 THE SIDEMEN 1V5 THE SIDEMEN 1V5 THE SIDEMEN 1V5 THE SIDEMEN 1V5 THE SIDEMEN 1V5 THE SIDEMEN 1V5 THE SIDEMEN 1V5 THE SIDEMEN 1V5 THE SIDEMEN [5310] cheebah710: EZ [5310] npf30: WHIP IT OUT [5310] edwrldsmkes: LMAOOO [5310] m0zzar3lla1: L clip farmer [5310] jxsiis: RANK [5310] StreamElements: thefearsome08 has spent 5 days 4 hours watching jynxzi [5310] Nightbot: F in the chat [5312] itsmullz: itsmullz subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! [5312] ryryisheem00: ryryisheem00 subscribed with Prime. [5312] FRESH__KNIGHT__111: TEST IT [5312] acid1ce: too small [5312] willuslover: guyattt [5312] nathaniel_iv: GYAT [5312] springwaterspring: !watch [5312] Rushuur: 5 DOLLAR WATCH . [5312] anilio7878: Diamond test [5312] fentybox: ILLUMINATI [5312] ruebe801: Still fatt [5312] sonszn7: watch test [5312] quinnnythefos: MONEY LAUNDRY [5312] iLimitedGamingHD: ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper [5312] argoqr6: FAT [5313] whitelight5647: CLIP FARMING L [5313] cglove333: Diamond tester [5313] exoticdevin123: ITS FAKE [5313] StreamElements: FR33Z3_FRAM3 has spent 2 days 15 hours watching jynxzi [5313] blubandana3: LUL LUL LUL [5313] TheDivess: MEATCANYON [5313] colton12121: LUL LUL LUL LUL [5313] ogkushisyum: diamond test it [5313] ldrotz8: goofy ahhh look [5313] brysonc44: react hardwr [5313] DynamiClick: LMAOOOO ACCURATE [5313] brandelo35: MONCLAIRRRRRRR [5313] toasty1bro: toasty1bro subscribed at Tier 1. [5314] voidsechogt: Cheer100 what are u doing rn [5315] Evan_D_Goat: shut up fatty [5315] bryerspeer17: someone give me a sub pleasee [5315] vvkaze: diamond tester [5315] Boweyy_: DIAMOND TESTERRRRR [5315] ojg54321: chunky [5315] bb_dad: u wish u were Mr beast bum [5315] Rushuur: 5 DOLLAR WATCH [5315] austin653902: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke [5315] ShhhLucky: busstttttt downnnnn [5315] xwhomj: diamond tester [5315] quinnnythefos: SELLOUT [5315] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: -10 aura [5315] smackked: FACE REVEAL WHEN?! [5315] Ricardo_E210: DIAMOND TEST THE WATCH PLEASE [5315] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: -10 aura [5316] dommyboiiy: dommyboiiy subscribed at Tier 1. [5316] bigheadisacc: fake test it Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [5316] StreamElements: jordanrhrhhdh has spent 30 mins watching jynxzi [5316] rigon112233: L CLIP FARMER [5316] 9zAmnesya: L clip [5316] marygunss: see you in court [5316] mryungx: zesty [5316] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: -10 aura [5317] RayanB7_: brainrot [5317] RayanB7_: brainrot [5318] solo_limtls: DIAMOND TESTER [5318] stoverpanther: fat [5318] jrybones5kg: jrybones5kg subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! your a goat [5318] shrevaa: DIAAOND TEST [5318] l_pearce420: do it queef [5318] RugTatz: DIAMOND TEST [5318] papilio123: Tester [5318] graham129: not real dumbass [5318] uncomfy_axolotl: gyaaattttt [5318] rockpenguin599: wwwwww [5318] xNesquicc: L clip Farmer [5318] totaliynotethan: DIAMOND TESTER DIAMOND TESTER DIAMOND TESTER DIAMOND TESTER DIAMOND TESTER DIAMOND TESTER [5318] bot9981: diamond test it [5318] stay_crying: Diamond tester [5318] nolk0i: BEST FAN MAIL THE DDAHY [5319] slimerrr7600: looks nothing like u [5319] RayanB7_: brainrot [5319] lui_bandz1: test it [5319] gangster00001000001: W Clix [5319] yungKIBE: macklemore thrift shop run [5319] wxcked2crzy: DIAMOND TEST ROLEX [5319] Sum1_WRLD: avidqrTw3rk avidqrTw3rk avidqrTw3rk avidqrTw3rk jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [5319] shivermetimbers15: DIAMOND YESTER! [5319] MrBarryAllen2: use the diamond tester use the diamond tester use the diamond tester use the diamond tester [5319] smikeyog: grab the diamond tester bitch [5319] dalefan64: diamond test if [5319] azay1a: cringe [5319] nolareelz: USE DIAMOND TESTER [5319] yungmummyy: DIAMOND TESTER [5319] deadenglish: !link [5320] 77freddiee: lol [5320] DeadgeBear: DEAD BATTERY LUL [5320] vampo4: fake ass watch [5320] Nightbot: @deadenglish If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [5320] RayanB7_: brainrot [5321] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: -10 aura [5321] RayanB7_: brainrot [5321] jomama8752: jomama8752 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! jogggyggbgy [5322] Jakow98: L fat [5322] kingkp609: Bust down legit [5322] cglove333: TEST IT [5322] neweracbb: its fake u idiot [5322] saucin2hard: Brainrot [5322] RayanB7_: brainrot [5322] tkettel_: test it [5322] sashthedash: DIAMOND TEST [5322] sammyh7o: junko I subbed and linked my acc yesterday and I haven’t got a charm [5322] StreamElements: clownr0 has spent 2 days 4 hours watching jynxzi [5322] Visionn095: diamond test [5322] Nightbot: 🦆 [5322] brandelo35: MONCLAIRRRRRRRRRRR [5322] xModded: white speed [5322] MrSpringLOL1: jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY [5323] ojg54321: fat [5323] stompn00: Fake Rolex [5323] guerdez: brainrot [5323] nhubbz: bruh,it’s fake [5323] harriet_from_hr: DIAMOND TESTER [5323] ghost_20099: get the monclizyyyy [5323] uublitzz: im so close [5323] kylewinks: junko stop doing they dumb fucking face… cringe [5323] Ricardo_E210: DAIMOND TEST [5323] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: -10 aura [5323] ejf2shiesty88: When's clips [5323] 2amclxudzz: !LINK [5323] RayanB7_: brainrot [5323] thelegendroheet: Fake af [5324] serter4654: test it [5324] tlpsy_au: diamond test it [5324] critxtwo: you say that everytime [5324] ZBNERD: HUH [5324] afkeliiot: DIAMOND TESTE IT [5325] RayanB7_: brainrot [5325] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: -10 aura [5326] jiyunotsubasa0: SHOW THE BACK [5326] memysleff: sketch is waiting [5326] rigon112233: MY EYES [5326] hector0896: Holy gyattttt [5326] xNesquicc: STOP CLIP FARMING [5326] kickass395: knee how [5326] b1nked: L PROMO [5326] RayanB7_: brainrot [5326] PowerHouseXX: BRTAIN ROTT [5326] veritasflex: it’s a bomb watch [5326] 8mrtn: katana was the best Fanmail [5326] GLItchEn23: GLItchEn23 subscribed with Prime. [5326] Spartan7OO: L SCRIPT [5326] extracheesepuffs: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [5326] codyleo2: whens fan mail [5327] willuslover: Bo wyayayaya [5327] gumbogoooo: SUED [5327] troggeure: dimond test [5327] tkettel_: test [5327] JynxzisDaughter99: BRAIN ROT [5327] Mephrix: USE DIAMOND TESTER FROM YESTERDAY [5327] rczeny: hello jynxzi [5327] Nightbot: bozo [5327] RayanB7_: brainrot [5327] theinsideout0re0: TheInsideoutoreo1 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 7 month streak! [5329] dalefan64: diamond test it [5329] bot9981: Diamond test it [5329] undeadminer: W W W [5329] harolobarlonuts: MOSANITE [5329] tentynxi: diamon test [5329] EightNeun: Jynxzi be real homie [5329] donkRun1g: Can you do fan mail [5329] penguinsrkewl: diamond tester [5329] JynxzisDaughter99: WHITE SPEED [5329] ojg54321: your huge [5329] saucin2hard: Brainrot brainrot [5329] tkettel_: test ut [5329] Crush_Labs: DIAMOND TESTER [5329] nyc_vasili: monclesey [5329] cglove333: L FAKE [5330] simontx180: caseoh is waiting [5330] Visionn095: diamond tester [5330] Nightbot: no 🧢 [5330] BeingXP: clip farming [5330] fayzo916: STOP FARMING CLIPS [5330] Ricardo_E210: DIAMOND TEST THE WATCH [5332] unknowns_wrld: use the diamond tester [5332] theenigmaticvoid_: Give me 1,000,000 dollars dont be weird [5332] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: -10 aura [5332] evyatar99: use the diamond tester on it [5332] drksolos: diamond tester [5332] braindead1840: my brain [5332] DynamiClick: DIAMOND TEST IT [5332] DroppinJce: it’s fake dumbass [5332] gdotgotit: FAKE CARTIER [5332] ojg54321: fat [5332] bippu2gs: THUMBNAIL FARMING THUMBNAIL FARMING THUMBNAIL FARMING [5332] DsbSpanky: use tester [5332] iLimitedGamingHD: @dawarrior5 hi [5332] Thatoneduuude: Bro really thinks the watch is real [5332] diplexstatue97: !Watchtime [5333] undeadminer: WWWWWWWWWW [5333] viralslattt: TEUM [5333] gravezsznn: TEST IT FAT [5333] cooldudecorr0012: fat [5333] willuslover: Ima suck your cocj [5333] rustymoneybag: when is fanmail [5333] StreamElements: diplexstatue97 has spent 11 days 19 hours watching jynxzi [5335] cisco_6595: bitch boy [5335] saucin2hard: It's fake [5335] mrmooney4511: !sr green and yellow [5335] d44rkfire: BLIND [5335] riderOfrOhann: until next week [5335] Evan_D_Goat: L [5335] bradlythornburg808: bop [5335] shrevaa: TEST IT [5335] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [5335] justjoeken: 24 hr [5335] ttv_yijo: check Amazon it’s 14 dollars on there [5335] CLOUTBOIP: you say that everytime fat ass [5335] ElijahC01: GRAB MONCLEEZY [5335] Crush_Labs: test it [5335] flames4236: fake ass watch [5336] slimdonkey83: When is fanmail 8pm [5336] gualastackz: TEST DIAMONDS [5336] nathaniel_iv: GGYAAT [5336] cookycrum: use your diamond tested [5336] tkettel_: test it [5336] itzyaboi__goofball: W SHIRT!!!!!! [5336] Harry__GG__: r6eUwu [5336] croswarr: XD [5336] sonszn7: diamond test watch [5336] JynxzisDaughter99: CLIP FARMING [5336] ojg54321: so fat [5336] lild33__: w brainrot [5336] Loktarz: bro is not reading chat [5336] StreamElements: aviakast1chz has spent 50 mins watching jynxzi [5336] MackyDoo17: forgot about the whistle so quickly [5337] adghjkkjygvv: it’s smaller now [5337] miqsuu_: Test [5337] cd2x_123: KevinTurtle KevinTurtle KevinTurtle KevinTurtle KevinTurtle KevinTurtle [5337] kaysaunh: Diamond tester [5338] Rushuur: 5 DOLALR WATCH [5338] iSenseiWeasel: 999 [5338] pontso_22: diamond tester [5338] CaptnCreditCard: use the diamond tester you fucking idiot [5338] On3Time: Diamond test! [5338] ChKn_MPfrost: put on bo breeze [5338] codyleo2: whens fan mail fatty [5338] oliivveerr: no aura [5338] nyc_vasili: put the monclesey on [5338] nicholasstewartqueefs: kimmich looking ahh [5338] tbas_hitman: jynxziFAT_SQ jynxziFAT_SQ jynxziFAT_SQ jynxziFAT_SQ [5338] codenamedoggo942: stop clip farming [5338] crashingyeti903: jynxziPACK [5338] drksolos: diamond testerrr [5339] yaboymike13: !watchtime [5339] StreamElements: diminishedwave has spent 3 days 3 hours watching jynxzi [5339] CaffeineSoup: oh my god it's mr beaset [5339] PRESTON0293: GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride [5339] vvjordan999: fist me [5339] vampo4: diamond test it [5339] mocca_r6: when’s fan mail [5339] Phoenix_Fails: Phoenix_Fails subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! [5339] doctorturtle21: L aura [5339] radiation_p: WERE IS A 24 HOUR STREAM [5339] tkettel_: test [5339] aceo8907: aura overall is 7 rn [5339] ojg54321: so big [5339] repiks_12: blow harder [5339] Ricardo_E210: DIAMOND TEST THE WATCH] [5340] justjoeken: 24 hour when [5340] junkodababy: +100 aura / +100 level gyatt [5340] bryerspeer17: cand someone gift meeee [5340] zaza16j: Diamond tester [5341] fecheyy: DIAMOND TESTER [5341] baygrizzly: TEST THE WATCH [5341] jonhdead3: CR7 WATCH WHITE SPEED EDITION [5341] cglove333: DIAMOND TESTER [5341] faded_ryzze12: L cringe You don’t got motion . [5341] jaythebest2010_: DIAMOND TEST IR [5341] ojg54321: giant [5341] liltunameat: @rayanb7_ U ZIM? [5341] jcob8928: clip farming is getting worse lol. [5341] GulagDaddy420: dad fan main was the best [5341] Henry_Vard: 1V5 THE SIDEMEN 1V5 THE SIDEMEN 1V5 THE SIDEMEN 1V5 THE SIDEMEN 1V5 THE SIDEMEN 1V5 THE SIDEMEN [5341] thevibekid_21: react harder [5341] bippu2gs: THUMBNAIL FARMING THUMBNAIL FARMING THUMBNAIL FARMING THUMBNAIL FARMING [5341] mattefull: DIAMOND TESTER ❤️💕💖💖💖💕💕💕💕 [5341] fallen4x: He knows it's fake [5342] Rushuur: 5 DOLLAR WATCH [5342] tuckdaduck18: when’s fan mail [5342] squ1shypancakes: diamond test [5342] deweydoc2421: bounce it on me [5342] brandelo35: MONCLEEZY [5342] blockofcheese05: when is fan mail [5342] yungKIBE: macklemore thrift shop rum [5342] StreamElements: mrpurple649 has spent 3 days 10 hours watching jynxzi [5342] glizzyglop: !watchtime [5342] SwizzyAU: DIAMOND TEST IT [5342] P0LEYY_: diamond tester [5342] ItsDannyyD: WHAT WAS THE ANNOUNCEMENT [5342] Fossabot: @Tacocd, Your message is too long [5342] RugTatz: DIAMOND TRST [5342] MasterSpency: use the diamond tester [5343] beans_with_a_b: my eyes [5343] tbo_benjittv: Diamond tester [5343] repiks_12: Blow harder [5343] yousef_shelpy: Keep standing I am almost finished [5343] rawwwiq: test diamonds [5343] ogkushisyum: test the watch my gof [5343] Dave_eons: x4 [5343] STWChiefdabs: test itt [5343] artistic_trix_: mid fanmail [5345] stormtrooper980: BRING OUT THE MONCLEEZY [5345] ojg54321: so massive [5345] toky1234567890: diamond tester [5345] jjg200: ban me [5345] diamondbtw1: -- ..-- -.- [5345] ishror: w fans [5345] Smeederator: @Jynxzi When is fan mail? [5345] Stoleyewrface: fat [5345] soccer322: pre end [5345] solarspartanz: Shush Shush Shush Shush Shush Shush Shush Shush Shush Shush Shush Shush Shush Shush Shush Shush Shush TehePelo TehePelo TehePelo TehePelo TehePelo TehePelo TehePelo TehePelo [5345] crostomprrh: when is mail fan [5345] tentynxi: fucker doesn’t read fhat [5345] pinkymichael4151067: Diamond test [5345] philipp2889: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [5345] bago121212: TwitchConHYPE GoldPLZ [5346] bot9981: diamond test it [5346] Alex2uniqueEP: TEST IT DIAMOND TESTER [5346] miqsuu_: Twat i4 [5346] Mephrix: diamond tester [5346] l1vlng: @caseoh ur fat [5346] declanjjs: yo [5346] jamessarul: diamond test [5346] slamifiy: when are you boxing adin [5346] jmor2569: how do I unsub [5346] jayy_guns: Tester [5346] crispyloll: DIAMOND TESTERRRRRRRRR U FATTIE [5346] memysleff: bronny is waiting [5346] Merzy808: when is Fan mail [5346] GSTseeker: on the back it says “I eat my own ass” [5346] fl3xgam3r: Wwwww [5347] jjsuarez0227: DIAMOND TESTER!!!!!!!!!! [5347] skullj: Buffer than ceasoh [5347] yungmummyy: USE THE DIAMOND TESTER [5347] shep_007: spoiled ungrateful streamer [5347] ollie_1117: diamond test the watch [5347] potassium20108: when is fan mail [5348] crackson1202: Diamond test [5348] CT__7925: how do I get the charm [5348] donkRun1g: Can you do fan mail? [5348] kolo3021_: Team up with bronny [5348] RugTatz: DIAMOND TEST [5348] rawwwiq: diamond tester [5348] homkieboy: test it! [5348] nathaniel_iv: GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGĞYA [5348] drksolos: diamond tester [5348] ogkushisyum: 👨👨👦👔👩👧🩳👩👧 [5348] chill_lj: cursed [5348] ojg54321: so large [5348] stormtrooper980: BRING OUT THE MONCLEEZY [5348] perc1n: diamond test it [5348] sketchyskillz_: jynxziRAHHH [5350] daddymanjr4: you bench? [5350] tentynxi: read chat [5350] cheebah710: HypeDisguise HypeDisguise [5350] Evan_D_Goat: when is fan mail [5350] cxpprs: DIAMOND TEST THE WATCH [5350] voidsechogt: Cheer100 what’s ur twitch brother [5350] yom1les: yom1les subscribed with Prime. [5351] feddyvdb: diamond tester [5351] repiks_12: When is fanmail [5351] leroyy2k: open harder [5351] xxanthonyxx456: Mail is when [5351] Alex2uniqueEP: TEST IT DIAMOND TESTER TEST IT DIAMOND TESTER TEST IT DIAMOND TESTER TEST IT DIAMOND TESTER [5351] x5h4dowghou1: found the watch on amazon [5351] idk__bruhhh: DOoR [5351] blakeisasweat: MICMICMICMICMICMICMIC [5351] thesteeldeal24: strange little creecher [5351] jfankk: ending in 30 [5351] l_pearce420: when is fan mail [5351] xojay_flocka: Kai is waiting [5351] Nightbot: Jynxzi sens and settings here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2GcpqRqJ9U [5351] ttv_yijo: it’s on amazon [5351] joeyman_: Dimond test it you bitch [5352] nDodgerr: DO U HAVE SKIBIDI SLICERS? [5352] StreamElements: CokeHearted has spent 19 hours 30 mins watching jynxzi [5352] UnhingedRelix: skibidi [5352] atkxully: Rolex from uber eats [5352] smittttttttttttttttttttty: do fanmail harder [5352] FlVE_STAR1: test [5352] krispytv03: what’s your twitch [5352] martin_rezzon: when is fan mail? [5352] mfjones19: he knows it’s fake lol [5352] Ricardo_E210: DIAMOND TEST THE WATCH JUNKO [5352] xsa24b: no sound [5352] ashton_on_twitch1: when is fanmail [5352] DynamiClick: DIAMOND TESTER YOU GOON [5352] crashingyeti903: jynxziSmoke [5352] geraldmandingo: BLOW THE WHISTLE AGAIN BLOW THE WHISTLE AGAIN BLOW THE WHISTLE AGAIN BLOW THE WHISTLE AGAIN BLOW THE WHISTLE AGAIN BLOW THE WHISTLE AGAIN [5353] glischalk: bronnys waiting [5353] CT__7925: !Charm [5353] unknoen75990: 07732 416129 [5353] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [5354] therawside: Use Tester omg u potato [5354] c4mbrut0n: use the diamond tester use the diamond tester use the diamond tester [5354] Chaos_BBX: L clip farmer [5354] faded_ryzze12: L cringe You don’t got motion [5354] Evan_D_Goat: only ? [5354] trawlrz: DIRRON [5354] megobye: jynxziBALD_BW [5354] zayah2: Diamond tested it [5354] nathaniel_iv: ĠÝAAAAAAAT [5354] DavieBroy: Brain rot [5354] troggeure: he is so dumb [5354] lemonsoup6464: diamond test it [5355] thecrunchygoat: !followage [5355] Lm10isBetter: DIAMOND tester [5355] taqqvue: diamond tester [5355] ImHeyZues100: NAHH [5355] idk__bruhhh: DOOR [5355] haileythesloth: who tf sent this man a rolex?? [5355] StreamElements: @thecrunchygoat, thecrunchygoat has been following jynxzi for 4 months 1 day 19 hours [5355] himmy_john_: IF SOMEONE GIFTS ME ILL BE HAPPY [5355] jackowackoslacko: pep nips [5355] yscxksxjrz: L fanmail [5355] colddeh: @hivise FUCK U [5355] arigato_95: warm up [5355] jjg200: L [5355] bridgermez: link! [5355] marthman_: Jesus [5356] shadow21legend: OHIO SKIBIDI [5356] thepathogen1: @jahfromxbox [5356] bago121212: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [5356] vintagemink: I remember your ass without facecam playing for hoursss [5356] xoMustPrevail: kick ur camera [5356] toky1234567890: DIAMOND TESTER [5356] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [5357] twinkiewinkiefan123: when we doing 10k blackjack hands? [5357] teccaontop1: every fanmail is the best [5357] jamesyggg: how do I unsubscribe your fat [5357] iitzdutch: lol [5357] zurumbatic: when is fan mail [5357] Nightbot: 😂 [5357] SwizzyAU: DIAMOND TEST ITT [5357] crispyloll: DIAMOND TEST FATTIE [5357] butterfingers9001: hivise call him about diamond tester [5357] bylkus: DIAMOND TESTERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR [5358] TheDivess: WTF [5358] N00bydy: tease me [5358] ghost_20099: get the moncleezyyyyyyyyyyyy [5358] mrmonkey289: solis gyat level 10 [5358] monkeyowner75: l reader [5358] ROWVI: :L [5358] jmor2569: pls lose weight [5358] koltsterling: L STATE [5358] grooovy610: gonna look like shrek soon wearing all that fake shit [5358] jjg200: ur bad [5358] mitch_dasherf93: Fake [5359] killarj_rl: !wacthtime [5359] deweydoc2421: bounce it please [5359] drksolos: : diamond tester [5359] lilgingy1852: there is no way this dude thinks that is a real Rolex [5359] Fluxxagent2008: average clip farmer [5359] trawlrz: DIRRRRON [5359] tyler_h11: diamond test the watch [5359] yungmummyy: DIAMOND TESTERR [5359] draxeonsmoke: i reverse imaged it the watch is 46 😭🙏 [5359] Nippercftd: @Jynxzi has never been in his prime [5359] Nightbot: ? [5359] Nightbot: real [5359] xojay_flocka: Kai is waiting Kai is waiting [5359] Haarrzzz: DIAMOND TESTER [5359] Nightbot: @exterminadorPa -> Terminated! [stop posting links] [warning] [5360] fr0styn1ips19: use the diamond tester that you got [5360] hejbebeudvrg: Blow me jynxi [5360] adriang180: DIAMOND TESTER [5360] soka__101: Clix is waiting [5361] Tapasrvp20: yoxics tweet [5361] o_Lorina: !watchtime [5361] lool122333: diamond test it [5361] mikeyhambone55: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziBadAim jynxziGoodAim [5361] snowylwm: WHUUUTTT [5361] harry_armstrong_: use diamond tester on the watch you pancake [5361] millywhopdaddy: 0 [5361] lc_papacito: Diamond test it fat fatty [5361] nathaniel_iv: GGGGGGGGGGYYYYYYYAAAAAATTTTTT [5361] BustaCap_: black guys [5361] AerialGGG: leakkkked [5361] StreamElements: o_Lorina has spent 8 hours watching jynxzi [5361] connorrobinson87: when is Kai and case 1v1 [5361] dalefan64: DIAMOND TEST [5362] malenajaded: Ohio gang [5362] munraaj2: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [5362] tkettel_: OHIO MENTIONED [5362] sp33dy314: I'm hard [5362] toky1234567890: OHIOOOOOO [5362] cglove333: DIAMOND TEST THAT WATCH [5362] nbl_212169: diamond test [5362] erickec98: from ohio the ocky way [5362] dpca0713: Diamond tester [5362] kid_kokatsu01: Test it [5362] floatedsky: open main it a car [5362] d44rkfire: ? [5362] harolobarlonuts: BRO LIKE BLACK GUYS [5363] IOH_Gunnin: brainrot... [5363] slimerrr7600: TEST ITT [5363] apples3147: black guys [5363] grouchyzxb: part timer Steve 2 hour streamer [5363] xojay_flocka: Kai is waiting Kai is waiting Kai is waiting [5363] ben10123441fdn4c: CAN I GET A 10 PIECE [5363] Buzzed_Light_Year_: use the diamond tester [5363] leroyy2k: SKETCH WAITING [5363] marthman_: Brain rot [5363] NachoFishYT: BRO HAS 5IQ [5363] jrod4261: test it testicle tuesday [5364] callums_b: jynxzi just saying i would let u do it [5364] ROWVI: :L [5364] cat_lover988: OFC OHIO [5364] vampo4: DIAMOND TESTERRRRRRR [5364] Visionn095: diamond tester [5364] smgyankee: bro will do anything not to use the diamond tester [5364] alfiecoops56: 😎 [5364] killarj_rl: !watchtime [5364] heiss112: ohio sigma [5364] StreamElements: killarj_rl has spent 7 days 15 hours watching jynxzi [5365] Tropical6Q: !watchtime [5365] blessing2real: PRE METH [5365] X23_WEBNN: HI VISEE TEXT HIM TO TEST IT [5365] abhinna810: BRONNY IS WAITING [5365] ogkushisyum: watch [5365] monkymqn: TESTER THE EATCH DIAMOND [5365] shrevaa: diamond test [5365] yTyller: PRE METH [5365] dtbfrfr2: WHEN IS RAN MAIL???????????????????? [5365] somethen: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [5365] Crush_Labs: TEST IT [5365] sigiltfo: fuck u jynxzi [5365] crashingyeti903: jynxziTONGUE jynxziGRIDDY [5365] zentipo: Diamond tester [5365] anthonybirish: ;p; [5366] bl_29: jynxziCopper [5366] kylerizzenhouse69: meth? [5366] lJoshrl: open fanmail harder [5366] AyeeItsFrankie: black guys* [5366] joeyisajuggalo: IM FROM OHIO LMFAOOO [5366] xojay_flocka: Kai is waiting [5366] bryerspeer17: can someone please gift mee [5366] connor_m082: part timer [5366] h4shm4nder: diamond test [5366] notalexg06: black guys [5366] ogkushisyum: test [5366] PremiumScumbagg: LUL LUL [5366] shipmannnn: black guys not black ice [5366] mrmonkey289: COCAIN [5366] wickedgoppy: THE BEST [5367] daddymanjr4: bench? [5367] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [5367] Shuko_2: diasmonff dsf sdaf sad fasd fasd fsad [5367] dogmeowsweird: !watchtime [5367] StreamElements: dogmeowsweird has spent 0 secs watching jynxzi [5368] sandy_sir: LMAO0O💀 [5368] Mephrix: USE THE DIAMOND TESTER FROM YESTERDAY [5368] kylerizzenhouse69: meth?? [5368] austin_yager: !watchtime [5368] mrbubs888: jynxi does it clap [5368] wxcked2crzy: DIAMOND TEST ROLEX [5368] jt14____: Ice [5368] kaywall_: MADE IN OHIO [5368] sixRlNGS_: w [5368] moneyman_691: what is mail fan [5368] crowthekushdealer: Doc is waiting [5368] hunter09559: me whe nfat people openin mail [5368] StreamElements: austin_yager has spent 10 days 10 hours watching jynxzi [5368] TPODripzy: black guys??? [5368] purplemonsta198: W [5369] kickz321: w [5369] bambam1519: DIAMOND TEST [5369] jamesyggg: SHUT THE FUCK UP [5369] KromOnTwitch: DIAMOND TESTER [5369] ugaswans: jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard [5369] coldmantra: W [5369] callums_b: fuck it [5369] ogkushisyum: watch [5369] baygrizzly: OMG TEST IT jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage [5369] anolish: FAF [5369] orlandonut: ????? [5369] o_Lorina: watchtime! [5370] marctin_1212: Fan mail harder cumko [5371] her1b: DIMOND TESTER DIMOND TESTER DIMOND TESTER DIMOND TESTER [5371] zekey76: DIAMOND TEST IT [5371] DetectiveYalse: LMAO [5371] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀 [5371] Toast2773: WWW [5371] da_bears1g: ISLAND BOY CUZ IM TRYNAA FIND [5371] larsehole: black guys [5371] harry_armstrong_: use diamond tester on watch [5371] org_papaya: w [5371] PundaPlayzzz: meth [5371] logantheintrovert: play some games I have work at 5 am bigch [5371] Pugzzz_18: w [5371] Mand0Tv: L [5371] robby_1455: goated [5371] oSaltii: who doesn’t love black ice [5372] wuhappenedd: DIAMOND TEST IT [5372] nateornyte: LUL [5372] lordjenubis: Ask Kai if the Rolex is real [5372] supergtheg: yo jynxzi that watch is fake [5372] TheDivess: SKIBIDI OHIO [5372] carsonhim13: junko I love u don’t open he’s from ohio [5372] oxzy_prodz: lol [5372] MetroGoofin: LMAO [5372] ogkushisyum: look at chat [5372] crazy224unit: blackguys? [5372] onepersona65: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [5372] bluejoltz23: I HAVE THAT [5372] xojay_flocka: Kai is waiting. [5372] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀 [5372] rkeithyy: WWWWW [5373] DsbSpanky: w [5374] flawzxz: W clipfarm .2 kd [5374] xle_cheesyx: Bronny waiting [5374] radiation_p: WERE IS A 24 HOUR STREAM WERE IS A '$ HOUR STREAM [5374] uSilent_: GOIN IN THE HONDA [5374] ogkushisyum: my god [5374] wavy_on_twitch63682: brainrot [5374] adriang180: DIAMOND TEST [5374] Brettgarrett22: W [5374] sonotreal: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [5374] drpepper4l: BEST SCENT ONG [5374] babymexico79: W [5374] mitch_dasherf93: Fake Rolex [5375] agent_oreo3000: Real black ice? [5375] Phantomille: whens fanmail? [5375] fr0styn1ips19: diamond test [5375] stringlessage: W [5375] thegreat2088: when is fan Mail [5375] reylee201: Black ice or Black guys [5375] sandy_sir: 💀 [5375] Xavier1502xD: w [5375] nz_vex: W SMELLY [5375] KingSymon17: lol [5375] tkettel_: NICE [5375] da_bears1g: ISLAND BOYT [5375] ericboss_17: ericboss_17 subscribed with Prime. [5375] blackmagic9898: lol [5375] Shuko_2: diamond test it [5376] oliver_lellow14: DIAMOND TESTER [5376] dirthaze13: dono [5376] hollymollyrollypollyolly: turning green [5377] 1offtime: er1 [5377] tentynxi: DIAMOND TEST THE WATCH JUNKO [5377] dylan_brys: only in ohio [5377] shadow21legend: PRE METH [5377] milizie123: Ohio skibidi sigma rizz [5377] pardon_me922: seen this [5377] anolish: BLACKIE [5377] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀 [5377] ghostofsparta69420: butt plug [5378] stringlessage: WW [5378] ExllyZ: LMAOOOOO' [5378] crashingyeti903: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [5378] g0odbyw: whens fan mail? [5378] zentipo: Test it [5378] deaed_man_walking: it’s car fabreeze [5378] sxaynecahill: pre heroin [5378] Denqae: is it bubblegum pink [5378] kiko93905: For the Hondyzzy [5378] xboxontopidontuseaxim: L black ice [5378] xojay_flocka: Kai is waiting., [5378] AnthonyC1101: ew [5378] waterypanda: L opener [5378] mav2thurl: STEVE WONT DO IT!!! [5378] cheebah710: HypeDisguise [5379] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀 [5379] disdoodisnotpro: ww [5379] pcsryze: diamond tester dumbass [5379] 7danky7: w lil tree [5379] tkettel_: BICE [5379] toky1234567890: DIAMOND TESTER U CHKEN NOODLE SOUP LOOKING ASS KID [5379] stormtrooper980: BRING OUT THE MONCLEEZY [5380] koltsterling: pre drugs [5380] crimsontide17: W [5380] bulkingtoast: bro likes black guys [5380] what_doing1291: When's fan mail? [5380] Brettgarrett22: that’s for your car [5380] imcrusading: W SCENT [5380] anix_simply: Ohio skibidi rizzler [5380] Crush_Labs: FAKE [5380] TheBrandonx23: wwwww [5380] LukasLM100: duke dennis is waiting [5380] okchance: w script [5380] d44rkfire: WWWW [5380] thevibekid_21: react harder [5380] nz_vex: WWWWWWWW [5380] Ricardo_E210: DAIMOND TEST THE WATCH JUNKO | Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [5200] Yo whoever sent me the roll to X. Teamoo, teamoo, teamoo, no bro. [5210] So this is a real-world X. That is a real-world X, dude. That's like a $15,000 watch, bro. Thank you, brother. [5220] μέχω απέτοντα. ναι! [5230] ご視聴ありがとうございました [5240] 5 gift of Rapa Rana 5 gift of Rapa Rana 5 gift of Rapa Rana [5250] ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ � [5260] ご視聴ありがとうございました [5270] I'm kidding, come on. [5280] chat this might be or I do this might be our most wholesome family out today hold on let me get a YouTube thumbnail once I can chat YouTube [5290] road, Rockweck. Turn into Mr. Beast. You want to win a Tesla? [5300] All you gotta do is take four steps forward and eat a feastable chocolate bar. And I'll give you all the Teslas in the world. Chad! [5310] This might be our most awesome family out of the year. This might be our best family out of the year. [5320] This might be our best family out of the year. I'm not gonna lie bro. This could be our best family out of the year. [5330] This could be our best family out of here. Next family out of the day! [5340] ご視聴ありがとうございました [5350] Hey, Jinksy, it's Dylan from Ohio. I noticed you love Brakeys, so I thought I'd send you some. [5360] What? [5370] un ép | There is a Highlight between 5200 and 5500. Jynxzi opens packages from viewers and puts on a Borat suit. |
Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [5760] denizrespectfully: caseoh wannabe [5760] 8skittless: OPHONEEEEE [5760] ppsuccker: Jynxi when are you doing 1v1s?! [5760] paul_teehee: PHONEEEEEEE [5760] highonit999: h [5760] jakermo: ungrateful [5760] ebgfreubgvruf: phonee [5760] lelDerk: L UNGRATEFUL [5760] rafeb1: SMELLYEST [5760] Nightbot: h [5760] sonotreal: check phone [5760] lilz_man: nice shirt [5760] d1gg_sniffs_glue: CHECK PHONE [5760] smittttttttttttttttttttty: to go in the porsche [5760] bartbvs1: 🚭🚭🚭 [5761] futfungus10: phooo ee enenene e [5761] wyfyttv: WHEN IS KAI VS STOMPN [5761] nyxenji: HiVise do it jiggle [5761] ajoitt: DOKKAEBI CALLED [5761] seaofchris: Vuagra [5761] 3reno_: 3reno_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 6 month streak! [5762] DroppinJce: mommy dokkabi is calling [5762] Azzora_: phone [5762] caso_clone: hey washed kid go retire and face cam 2 perfect and VISSE mod me [5762] Powlix: react faster [5762] purplemonsta198: W [5762] jack_wfc_: PHONE [5762] addedyoutomyk8dd: phone [5762] rileynolan22: EAT IT [5762] highonit999: i [5762] celticfreedom2: show them homie [5762] paul_teehee: PHONE [5762] erminuka: phone [5762] ayeitsamritlol: ANSWER UR PHONE DUMB NUTS [5763] jacktheswordzguy: a phone [5763] ttvenskybobo: phone [5763] UnTakenTony: do it [5763] monsignordrip: phone [5763] Spartan7OO: WWWW [5763] crz_freaski: what is buzzing in the background @jynxy [5763] d44rkfire: try it [5763] d3pr3cat3dprime: d3pr3cat3dprime subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! BALLS [5763] lordtimis: react less [5763] grahamlennon: chat is very regarded [5763] thatoneguysheknows: jelly beans [5764] tsbarbershop: eat then [5764] madmanmill09: phone [5764] benny916m: missdd phone [5764] vexcarries: eat one [5764] mike1huncho: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [5764] dissimulate0: W shirt [5764] ebgfreubgvruf: phoneeeeeeeeeeeee [5764] greenbeanpeenn: no [5764] UnTakenTony: dooo it [5764] shroomlickerr: EAT IT [5764] khiwtv: eat [5764] TheDivess: EAT [5764] legendary374: phone@ [5764] FBN_Nubz: PHONE. K [5765] erminuka: PHONE [5765] Meth_od217: Ungrateful [5765] i_Bash: try it [5765] mitch_dasherf93: White speed [5765] futfungus10: phone [5765] reggae___: jynxziCopper [5765] gerson80hd: phone call [5765] pinkymichael4151067: phone sumbas [5765] frostyyrea: WWWW [5765] S3izureSalad: EAT IT [5765] myles2betta: PHONE [5765] mangoodoctor: EAT [5765] zyman24: skech called [5765] sweetasian123: EAT IT [5765] luke_gg15: missed phone call [5766] woahbrokk: LMAOO [5766] junkostwin18: Jager black guys [5766] ppsuccker: Jynxi when are you doing 1v1s? [5766] camkelly2342: OHOBE [5766] MrSpringLOL1: react harder!!! [5766] anonymousbaker7_playz: Your phone [5767] frogsrainbowsandsoftserve: eat them all [5767] Azzora_: 10 missed calls [5767] qui__gon_: try it pussy [5767] tkettel_: eat them [5767] sirgln: phone [5767] thfc_11rw: hey pookie [5767] jxryrn: PHONE [5767] sweatybanana_27: eat it [5767] FBN_Nubz: PHONE 📱 [5767] toast_gunns: Get on the game bro😭 [5767] j_reflex: I remember when you used to play R6 Jebaited [5767] ppsuccker: Jynxi when are you doing 1v1s?Jynxi when are you doing 1v1s? [5767] fadeskyl1ne: EAT [5767] beamedskid: fat [5767] iiizaiah: GGGGGGGGG [5768] benny916m: phone call [5768] paul_teehee: PHONE]] [5768] MouthDribble: L SCAV [5768] legendary374: PhonE [5768] livetylerr: PHONE [5768] woahbrokk: EAT IT [5768] xxanthonyxx456: DO IT [5768] Achtohbr: CHECJ PHONE I CALLED U [5768] xboxontopidontuseaxim: W stream [5768] innocentsluv: HI VISE CALL HIM TO CHECK PHONE U USELESS FUCKKK [5768] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [5768] scottscott630: PRAY FOR NINJA [5768] taqqvue: try one [5768] sweetasian123: NOW [5769] axlon1022: try it [5769] monsignordrip: your phone linging [5769] 2ndbae: Nah it lives 2 seconds longer thats why you automaticaIly take a shit when you die. [5769] gingerchappers: !sub [5769] lilsniperdude1: do it [5769] jacktheswordzguy: phone [5769] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [5770] vuiqor: vuiqor subscribed with Prime. [5770] floatedsky: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [5770] jjaden2323: he doesn’t even have a car LUL [5770] docterrb: PHONE [5770] drmonkeeman10: ungrateful [5770] Lero_ro_YT: oh no your cooked [5770] junothebugger: he’s gonna die [5770] kellarc46: LIGHT WORK NO REACTION [5770] randomtaco87: lol [5770] LocusATM: BRO HAS NO FANS TOO FAT [5770] sarogy_: THE RED ONE IS THE BETS [5770] camkelly2342: PHONE [5770] oznkii: pleaseeee [5771] freddyspaghety69: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 [5771] sk1tt1ezzz: When does fan mail start? [5771] coltonizcold: Do it [5771] ethang1000: ModLove [5771] nickthomas10: eat [5771] venomfpstv: phone call [5771] HoneyButter210: DONT DO IT [5771] SPLATGT: phone [5771] frostyyrea: WWWWWW [5771] glxxr: when fanmail [5771] heart4kate: THOSE E SO HOT [5771] igotdriplol62: bad aim [5771] Nightbot: no [5771] senpaihughesy: senpaihughesy subscribed with Prime. [5771] laureenyo: phone call [5772] jackkelk7: EAT THEM ALL [5772] al_sah_him00: HE BOUTTA DIE [5772] aerawl: TAKE A HANDFULL [5772] jxryrn: IGNORE [5772] 8skittless: JAGGER DARK ICE [5773] Jacobvadner: phone [5773] nolimitnoob_: GG [5773] sinigami826: eat it [5773] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [5773] fehntanyI: LACED [5773] TapsOCE: yewwww [5773] astroidr6: oh dear [5773] andrediaz100: when’s fanmail [5773] HeavenlyHiro: try them all [5773] heart4kate: THOSE R SO HOT [5773] justshyla: try the hottest one [5774] yoleftnutt: phone [5774] mrguywholikesgames932: eat one [5774] InfiniteAnarchy: ungrateful [5774] highonit999: i [5774] pdiddy1227: phine [5774] olli3w: im up at 1 am for this 😎 [5774] sxbte: o [5774] blakedaboi: pre end [5774] deronboy: JYNXZI IS WAITING FOR YOU [5774] lstar20: LOLLLL [5774] Nightbot: @impulse_yt45 -> You have my attention. [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [5774] dosprime2k20: dosprime2k20 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! Answer Phone Fatty [5774] legendary374: PHonE [5774] exterminadorPa: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [5774] 32takebrando: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [5775] sweatybanana_27: eat em [5775] jxryrn: ? [5775] lazy__88: CLIP [5775] AlmightyCman: GG [5775] oscarmyerz: show johnson [5775] Nightbot: ? [5777] keeeeeeeeeeej: L [5777] sampo420: MORE [5777] uSilent_: “ill be the judge of that”🤓 [5777] steelhawk96: CHECK YOUR PHONE [5777] legendary374: PHOne [5777] azay1a: PRE CLIP FARM [5777] aust1ndanner: react harder [5777] beans_with_a_b: bronny is waiting [5777] larrydavcdf: bro hold on there actually painfull [5777] ivy7956: PHONE CALL [5777] highonit999: j [5777] Sotuqq: LACCCCED [5777] tkettel_: CLIP FARMING [5777] renejustin78: fix cam [5777] swoleboh: extremely [5778] potassium20108: PHONE [5778] sarogy_: UR COOKED [5778] sirgln: phone dumbass read ur chat [5778] benny916m: check phone [5778] unknowndruid431: when is ranked [5778] stringlessage: NO SPIT [5778] luvoscar_: ! [5778] puffpuffjuicer: GG [5778] yoleftnutt: you idiot [5778] landonm287: eat them cumko [5779] dark_woif: Lmaooooooo [5779] highonit999: k [5779] krimo4: Ishowbreckie m [5779] impulse_yt45: ggs [5779] Nightbot: k [5779] scottscott630: pray for ninja [5780] d44rkfire: EWWWW [5780] doxter2210: wwwwwwww [5780] lukemahomie: clip [5780] sustainablearnaldo: eaat [5780] skrubbed_: LMMAMAMOAOMAAAOOO [5780] beastymaate: HAHAHA [5780] rny_monkeyx_x: fake [5781] lagg0d: BE CAREFUL [5781] spgpo: hes gonna see red [5781] Ynrsprite: clip farming [5781] lil_maceeee: hahahaha [5781] joeyisajuggalo: juggal17LOL juggal17LOL juggal17LOL juggal17LOL juggal17LOL juggal17LOL [5781] TheChromosomosaur: phone [5781] federale_: yo phone linging [5781] TheEmporiumm: ah too ez [5781] lahpaulll03: CLIP FARMING [5781] Nightbot: too easy [5781] nbgjosh: react harder [5781] yneazy: UR COOKED [5781] darrenp420: 🤣🤣🤣 [5781] tylerniknam69: Arab is calling from haiti [5781] argoqr6: IDIOT [5782] Ayzorax: farming [5782] huntyman_10: LL [5782] deviousgiga: W [5782] Butterly: PHONE [5782] conbomss: clip farm [5782] sandy_sir: WWWW [5782] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: W [5782] joshw0iq06: l [5782] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: W [5782] taqqvue: GG [5782] FELYP8: OMEGALUL [5782] brooks_wok: use diamond tester on Rolex use diamond tester on Rolex use diamond tester on Rolex [5782] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: W [5782] nikisimmer2015: Lol [5782] marthman_: good acting [5783] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: W [5783] hi_tryme: jynxziCORNY [5783] water4785: clip [5783] keylowb: gg [5783] Nightbot: no 🧢 [5783] doxter2210: www [5783] xxxirunitxxx: PHONE [5783] vanxietyx: L actor [5783] landonm287: gg [5783] cheebah710: HypeDisguise HypeDisguise HypeDisguise [5783] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: W [5783] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: W [5783] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: W [5783] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: W [5784] FELYP8: OMEGALUL [5785] sandy_sir: lmO [5785] B4racudaa: B4racudaa subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [5785] kuno__w: well played [5785] TheDivess: PUSSY [5785] krimo4: Breckiiiie [5785] joshw0iq06: L [5785] frostymozz: L acting [5785] argoqr6: CLIP FARM [5785] futfungus10: es [5785] nailwind: overreact [5785] astroidr6: W CLIP FARM [5785] soundcloutken: lool [5785] Schoolbusz: W [5785] Loktarz: CLIP FARMING L [5785] meaty_kiwi: scripted [5786] asxppayt: WWWWW [5786] Blywyy: HAHAHAHAHAHHAA [5786] ogaboogal: W [5786] puffpuffjuicer: WW [5786] rapha92santos: gg [5786] pineappleTPN: CLIP FARMING [5786] shaino21010: pre die [5786] smoklly: phone [5786] TheRandomEnthusiast: Wwwwww [5786] d44rkfire: W [5786] notjoey714: ungrateful [5786] popps1cle: LMFAOOO [5786] junothebugger: butthole burner [5786] tonyf3550: fake reaction [5786] FELYP8: OMEGALUL [5788] unfounded_you: lmao [5788] the_green_leaf: bad acting [5788] kkhgttttt: 😂😂😂😂😂😂 [5788] hogrider78452000: 911 [5788] beastymaate: @COFFEEZILLASDAUGHTER W MOD [5788] joeyisajuggalo: LMFAOOOOOO [5788] sandy_sir: LMAAOOO [5788] callmemayko: WW [5788] flaseyy: L actor [5788] AyWATP: Zain gm [5788] swizzle96: HAHHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH [5788] vrperson2: phone phone phone phone phone phone [5788] u_a_cornball: FARMER DAN [5788] madix1221: wwww [5788] vkiast: W [5789] Jude224573: lmao [5789] bambam1519: PHONE [5789] kellarc46: CLIP FARMER [5789] lolqwxzie: LMAOOO [5789] hunterl11100: clip armung [5789] reallt0: cap [5789] gamerraybtw2: pussy [5789] manuelapex2023: wwwwwwww [5789] 1MPULS_3: w clipfarm [5789] Nightbot: 😂 [5789] skunkyblunts: Handful you wont [5789] accomplice_b: w [5789] sirgln: read chat dumbass [5789] suavebebo: 😂😂😂 [5789] TsG_leGeNd: TsG_leGeNd subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months, currently on a 10 month streak! [5791] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: acting.... [5791] MachoThomasio: pussy [5791] iriarteei: WWWWWWWWWWWWW [5791] jkanga99: fake [5791] lc_papacito: Overreacting [5791] callmemayko: WWW [5791] xero_report: react harder [5791] xXcangolaXx: Fakeeee [5791] steezi8433: W [5791] senpaihughesy: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [5791] dr0pt0pheadsh0t: w acting [5791] legendary374: Phone [5791] flaseyy: horrible actor [5791] SpencerHC0: fake [5791] jj3vanss: bro some sexy dude just gifted me tier 1 [5792] kryptickoncept: phonephonephonephonephonephonephonephonephonephonephone [5792] bradyxhill: w [5792] luvoscar_: !Roulette [5792] 360joke: hahahaha [5792] fl1ckz_rl_: wwwwwww [5792] BlancQs: ACT HARDER [5792] StrawHat_Donny: ww [5792] repulsiverunner: clip [5792] turbo_banana08: fake [5792] landonm287: w [5792] FBN_Nubz: PHONE. 📱 PHONE. 📱 PHONE. 📱 PHONE. 📱 [5792] KatieKitt3n: jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT [5792] BaseballSiren: W [5792] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: acting.... [5792] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: acting.... [5794] MythicSora: Milk [5794] bryce_55t: they acc are hot [5794] NicoNicoKneeCapsTv: i think its hot [5794] Crooks24: That had semen in it [5794] Im_Dull: clip farm [5794] livetylerr: clíp farming again [5794] NahteX6: FAKE REACTION [5794] impulse_yt45: GGS [5794] madix1221: w [5794] kuno__w: clip farming [5794] brooks_wok: use diamond tester on Rolex [5794] itz_David: W [5794] Dave_eons: FAKE [5794] ayeitsamritlol: L UNGRATEFUL [5794] oXuchi: yo [5795] JUNKo00000000: w [5795] fixitupewan: w [5795] xxanthonyxx456: W [5795] peppjohn: w [5795] OsamahBinGuapo: capper [5795] assasxnszn: ACTING [5795] pingbtw0: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [5795] mangoodoctor: LMAOLMAOOMAO [5795] woodywowzers_: W [5795] w0wisuck: W [5797] lunkass: !watchtime [5797] SnoopTT: overreacted [5797] camgohamfuller: ungrateful [5797] crz_freaski: fake [5797] tkettel_: FAKING IT [5797] madix1221: www [5797] wyfyttv: L CLIP FARM [5797] nmartzolf17: W CLIP FARMING [5797] clay_0124: dokkaebi hacked cams [5797] StreamElements: lunkass has spent 3 days 17 hours watching jynxzi [5797] aIexpereira: L clip farm [5797] montagneistrash: actinf [5797] roodster218: phone [5797] saver0b: choke harder [5797] bridgermez: link! [5798] callmemayko: WW [5798] anaIman009: farmer of clips [5798] Sh0tCallr: spitter [5798] quantavious6969: give him clothes like duke [5798] sxaynecahill: L actor [5798] bub024: bros such a bad actor [5798] xriifty: ww [5798] londonv1234: die [5798] kc_Ikka: LMAO [5798] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [5798] Fossabot: @finneh_progamer, Your message is too long [5799] oneboi1da: oneboi1da subscribed at Tier 1. [5800] phumf_: w acting [5800] keyz2416: W clip farm [5800] R6reflexx: you good [5800] argoqr6: YEA GET YO TIKTOK CLIPS OFC [5800] thebishopv: L CLIPFARMING [5800] Sh4dowFi3nD: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [5800] fakedomi2: W actor [5800] TacoBro4: L DEATH [5800] luis_11c: L actor [5800] nothingtoseahear: acting [5800] allgaeuerkuh: Clip Farm [5800] nikisimmer2015: W [5800] oppaxt: clip farming [5800] robbiesks: acting [5800] Gail_Iewis: lmfaooooooooo [5801] SirExoticTv: ok dude [5801] log_tv33: L FAKER [5801] UnTakenTony: W clip [5801] LocusATM: SCRIPTES [5801] TooFarGaming: Buttholes live forever [5801] wickedgoppy: fake [5801] jayz710: damn this kid acts a lot [5801] ohyesbabyboy: L acting [5801] xriifty: w [5801] BsmoothYT: apre end [5801] Mads_049: guys i think it was hot [5801] Nightbot: ok [5801] doxter2210: w [5801] samsnelling: what happened [5801] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: least obvious clip farm... [5803] Achtohbr: FAT AS HELL READ CHAT [5803] w0wisuck: WW [5803] rustplayer1213: L [5803] LukasLM100: FAKE. EVERYTHING [5803] yungmaxxie: CHAT IVE HAD IT BEFORE ITS REAL [5803] docterrb: 📞 [5803] realraider_: clip farming [5803] jaiden_glessing_14: clip farming [5803] AyWATP: zain [5803] RatmantheGreat: LMAO [5803] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀 [5803] itz_locoz: jynxziLOL [5803] Wilburn86: l viper [5803] stormatik: Lmaooooo [5804] nate_xkz: I don’t think he’s actong [5804] paynefulpower: ME NEXT [5804] a_hunnitt: L ACTOR [5804] deaed_man_walking: wait what happens [5804] hudmaster_3000: 💀💀💀 [5804] DummyXOXOXO: @Jynxzi NICE FAKE REACTION [5804] chandy000: !watchtime [5804] StreamElements: chandy000 has spent 12 days 13 hours watching jynxzi [5806] otefeq: clip farm harder [5806] xlittleizzy11xx: Can u lick my balls [5806] kody_lee14: lll [5806] xNesquicc: CLIP FARMING [5806] tatumvfx: is bro ever gonna check phone [5806] Puffti123: REACT HARDER [5806] timppap: W acting [5806] Jcotty: when is fan mail [5806] yurdzi: pre end [5806] innocentsluv: HI VISE [5806] KevinTheMelon: L acting [5806] Schoolbusz: Milk [5806] GettingStickae: HE COOKED CHAZT GG [5806] AyWATP: Zain gm [5806] dr0pt0pheadsh0t: 🍅🍅🍅🍅 [5807] olliemj11: ofougpiglig [5807] ajh_386: L ACTING [5807] TooFarGaming: Not hot [5807] awolfinsheepsclothing420: lol [5807] ebgfreubgvruf: phone [5807] tacticalghost24: react harder [5807] deaed_man_walking: what happnes [5807] trickeog: I think that was the Carolina reaper one 😂😂😂 [5807] summersuckslolliepops: Lact [5807] slayer1169: fake [5807] austin172: W MAIL [5809] shaino21010: actor [5809] sonotreal: check phone [5809] jacktheswordzguy: LOL [5809] crz_freaski: clip farming fake [5809] panoscast: steve [5809] g0nuclear: ResidentSleeper [5809] drvn00: faker than my green card [5809] toast_gunns: #1 clip farmer [5809] realraider_: clip farmer [5809] unfixingcrib391: Get him an Oscar’s for that 👍 [5809] novicate: NOT HOT? [5809] yeehaw_adam: pre end [5809] deaed_man_walking: hot [5809] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: least obvious clip farm... [5809] 0samabin101: white speed [5810] kody_lee14: lolll [5810] trulymatts: L [5810] u_a_cornball: W AGRICULTURE [5810] twitch_recon_reks: end stream [5810] ryeboss: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [5810] bradycollins2: OVER REACTION [5810] lilrab00: L skit [5810] mrm1ggy: not the milk [5810] jagjag123abc: kai is waiting [5810] itsssbabayaga: I was tickling my little brothers feet earlier until my mom told me to stop and wait until he’s born [5810] Shakalakin: need to know [5810] vrperson2: phone [5810] randompork: phoneeeeee [5810] StreamElements: tact7_ has spent 11 hours 20 mins watching jynxzi [5810] lilglooky: jynxziBadAim_SQ jynxziBadAim_SQ jynxziBadAim_SQ [5811] jxryrn: WeLoveCoffee [5811] treszzz: clip farming [5811] Mikehlea1: clip farming [5811] docterrb: phone [5811] absolut1g: AHHAHAHHAHAHHAHA [5811] quantavious6969: give him clothes like duke gets [5811] dummythiccci: watch Out that’s hot [5811] exploading_creeper: FAKE [5811] haaland_goat22: LOLL [5811] 3threex11: acting [5811] chase05_20_: Capping hard [5811] Henry_Vard: not that hot [5811] ebgfreubgvruf: PHONE [5811] tijsvanl00k: tijsvanl00k subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months! React harder [5813] DefauIt0: Bro got poisoned 🤢 [5813] tank2138: this stream suddenly got 100x better [5813] god_503: acting [5813] kamcontrols: !watchtime [5813] kriscaruso21: !watchtime [5813] lilglooky: jynxziBadAim_SQ [5813] nooning95: milky boy [5813] NotAverageJo515: W ACTOR [5813] wherethesidewalkends8: Ungrateful [5813] zapfry66: fake [5813] StreamElements: kamcontrols has spent 23 hours 40 mins watching jynxzi [5813] ur_mom_mad: React harder [5813] TheGoatTomBrady: milk on hand 😂 [5813] unseeninvader0717: react harder [5813] thatacelife: FSKE HARDER [5814] peakfroze3: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [5814] frogsrainbowsandsoftserve: really?? [5814] wizzzir: wizzzir subscribed with Prime. [5814] holdenmcrotch_69: sketch is waiting [5814] macefoo: L CLIP FARMER [5814] ballcs2: FAKE HARDER [5814] SoggyFries78: Nice knowing i [5814] daddy389438: do it clap tho [5814] tw1tch_jxnas: fake [5814] scottscott630: PRAY FOR NINJA [5814] vorb_king: Phone [5814] 7danky7: w fit [5814] floatedsky: l [5814] pingbtw0: TheIlluminati [5814] FAZEDX0UT: white speed [5816] j_reflex: L fake [5816] ebgfreubgvruf: PHONE! [5816] meaty_kiwi: straight to tiktok [5816] koolsam13: clip farmer [5816] rudycuh: !watchtime [5816] ruckinro: CLIP FARMING AS ALWAYS [5816] SirExoticTv: nice act [5816] StreamElements: j_gustine4 has spent 30 mins watching jynxzi [5816] austin172: L MILK [5816] NotAverageJo515: ACTOR [5816] ChocolateLoverVz: every time man….. [5816] stackswopofanboi: clip famer [5816] ghost_bl5ze: ghost_bl5ze subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 4 month streak! W [5816] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: least obvious clip farm... [5816] Nightbot: no 🧢 [5817] impulse_yt45: ggs [5817] w0wisuck: W W [5817] DummyXOXOXO: @Jynxzi NICE FAKE REACTION SAY HI TO TIKTOK [5817] 3threex11: oscar worthy [5817] koltman68: caseohByrangeedesigns caseohByrangeedesigns caseohByrangeedesigns [5817] smoklly: phone [5817] pontso_22: l script [5817] IAmMrCleanTtv: He fucking did it [5817] dplank17: lol [5817] thatacelife: FAKE HARDER [5817] steelhawk96: YOUR PHONE RANG [5817] owenluvsuu: W coffee [5817] oznkii: ZERO SURVIVAL INSTINCTS [5819] awolfinsheepsclothing420: bro couldnt even eat one lmao [5819] wakeupits_coco: .... [5819] jt_425: clip farm [5819] goochygangttv: phone [5819] realraider_: clip farming [5819] nooning95: now dumb it on yourself [5819] Zentiic_60FPS: jynxzi8LOVE [5819] w0wisuck: WW WWWWWWWW [5819] SeymourGenitals: SMALL HOUSE [5819] purplemonsta198: Light work [5819] ixchrollo: PHONE [5819] apples3147: FSKE [5819] dustinnash23: chump [5819] StreamElements: crzy999 has spent 1 day 3 hours watching jynxzi [5819] NotAverageJo515: W ACTOR [5820] cambassford06: clip farm harder [5820] gavin_ur_mom: I think he nutted [5820] seb_wolfe: part timer [5820] natcru0597: L CLIPFARMING [5820] m4ttish3re: WHENS KAI VS CASEOH [5820] wxcked2crzy: TheIlluminati [5820] madmaxsonx: your fon is lingering [5820] auugust121: I MISS THE OLD JUNKO [5820] crz_freaski: white speed [5820] jxryrn: PHONE FAT ASS [5820] LukasLM100: EVERING FAKE HE IS CLIPFARMING [5822] tabor_fan13: You should have that [5822] hazeland420: When is fanmail? [5822] joshw0iq06: white speed [5822] hbchappo: they are not that hot bro jesus [5822] astroo747: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziBadAim [5822] sparkzxero: phone [5822] mrvxzz: react harder [5822] laydenisthatguy83780: EZ [5822] BathtubToys_: over a jelly bean btw [5822] bazsy_w: !watch [5822] Phantomille: react harder [5822] excessivezero5: L PUSSY [5822] loganb921: RED JUG W [5822] owenluvsuu: W clip farm [5822] wig_town: !watchtime [5823] Tseoi: P Acting [5823] classic_phippsy: !watchtimerank [5823] ruckinro: WHITE SPEEED [5823] bambam1519: PHONE [5823] masewindu9000: show tears [5823] jjaden2323: white speed….. [5823] luis_11c: clip farming [5823] mikaknai: react harder [5823] StreamElements: wig_town has spent 11 days 22 hours watching jynxzi [5823] sina__12263: He needs an oscar [5823] StreamElements: classic_phippsy has spent 8 days 22 hours watching and is rank 35871/1690734 on the watchtime leaderboard [5824] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: least obvious clip farm... [5825] Xpertgunz: Was it hot? [5825] JayNthem: steve wont doit [5825] jt_dnb: literally white speed [5825] Cxmryn23: check phone [5825] wxcked2crzy: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [5825] L0rdpale: jynxziWTF [5825] ofxka: Eyes aint even watering [5825] kamcontrols: check your phone [5825] KINGDREW177: when is the bronny 1v1 [5825] breeze_yuh: CLIP FARM [5825] fauxian: react harder [5825] tripperedd1400000: clip farming [5825] innocentsluv: PHONEEE [5825] Henry_Vard: PHONECALL DUMBASS [5825] spzzdyr6: fake reaction [5826] nycbean: L pancake [5826] tyler_cotw: phone [5826] i_like_nugg: clip dark harder fatty [5826] camkelly2342: CHECK UR PHONE [5826] rny_monkeyx_x: dimend test [5826] jonahd42: CLIP FARM [5826] FBN_Nubz: PHONE 📱 [5826] TheEmporiumm: bro is not tryna be speed run [5826] pizzaman58j: clip farming [5826] largo9797: fake [5826] renejustin78: clip farm [5826] excessivezero5: L BITCH [5826] aceo8907: react harder... [5826] B1ankIzOG: hey Chunko when is clips? [5826] FRESH__KNIGHT__111: WHOLE MILK IS CRAZY [5827] sundaydriving62: embarrassing [5827] deaed_man_walking: something’s hot [5827] w0wisuck: WWW [5827] CalebTheSilverPleb: clip farmer L [5827] fwdonavan: clip farming [5827] BathtubToys_: overa jelly bean [5827] kuno__w: CLIP FARMING [5827] HiVise: another clip farm [5829] jp33xy: W [5829] SkullyPlayzThings: WOMP WOMP [5829] luis_11c: L actor [5829] MootMann: fake like your relationship [5829] anthodgreat1: when is fan mail [5829] cosmicjaco: jynxziVapeBreak [5829] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [5829] Trydosey: REACT FAKER [5829] andrewthedoor: !watchtime [5829] generalgrievous201: it did say it was hot🤣 [5829] srt_joey223: Gagaahhahahahaha [5829] ozyy012: !watchtime [5829] StreamElements: andrewthedoor has spent 6 days 13 hours watching jynxzi [5829] kappz99: was it hot? [5830] leutyolo: Bro has a porsche and never shown it to us [5830] thekingxslayer: UNGRATEFUL [5830] h4shm4nder: yo speed [5830] FBN_Nubz: PHONE 📱 PHONE 📱 [5830] jahmapants: reacted harder [5830] suplolsup: REACT HARER [5830] loganb921: RED LABEL WWWW [5830] realraider_: clip farmer [5830] dallmaa313: !LINK [5830] kamcontrols: phone [5830] Nightbot: @dallmaa313 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [5830] roodster218: phone [5830] Marsssssdfn: please check dms on xbox [5830] brooks_wok: use diamond tester on Rolex [5830] thegooddoc55: Act harder [5831] TheEmporiumm: good boy [5831] m17xbulldawg: there a window [5831] oggie02: great acting [5831] wyfyttv: FANMAIL HARDER [5831] nooning95: pour it on yourself [5831] Ogjustwhyy104: clip farm [5831] thevibekid_21: jynxziBALD [5831] bigab45: DRINK ALL OF THE MILK [5831] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: least obvious clip farm... [5831] amarifan232: not hot at all [5831] exlipse_bot: OSCAR [5831] camkelly2342: PHONE [5831] nevercallm_e: react harder [5831] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: least obvious clip farm... [5833] tyler_h11: watchtime! [5833] MorkViking: OSCAR WORTHY [5833] TheRandomEnthusiast: Clip farmer [5833] carters_crazes: jynxi swallow or spit [5833] log_tv33: CLIP FARMING [5833] crumblyha: W OVEREACTION [5833] d3sired88: light work no reaction [5833] koiro_: can u react harder???? [5833] narcississtss: what did he eat [5833] MouthDribble: L clipfarmer [5833] renexzzx: he ate the hottest one [5833] robsonisthebest: REACT HARDER [5833] illest1_: !watchtime [5833] StreamElements: illest1_ has spent 4 days watching jynxzi [5834] dummythiccci: WATXH OUT [5834] Lero_ro_YT: clip farm [5834] iobo31: kai waiting [5834] bardown16__: mod hivise [5834] DummyXOXOXO: @Jynxzi NICE FAKE REACTION SAY HI TO TIKTOK/.. [5834] FBN_Nubz: PHONE [5834] camkelly2342: HECK UR PHONE [5834] patwisk2: ACT HARDER [5834] applesauce5000: GULP [5834] m0zzar3lla1: W clip farmer [5834] toast_gunns: least obvious clip farm [5834] lone_wolf_1992: fake [5834] saucin2hard: Clip farmer [5834] srt_joey223: Jfhfhf [5836] camkelly2342: PHONE [5836] 11xbukxy: Oscar for acting [5836] fairyjerry1: nothx [5836] takeeajoke1: CHECK UR PHONE UNC [5836] joebiten1: bend that back [5836] ciszzko: bros aura is gone [5836] papitasdechile_: REACT HARDER [5836] roccyrode: DO IT AGAIN [5836] pappathick69: face cam to big [5836] ashtxn____: Clip farmer [5836] ericisactuallysmall: DRINK HARDER [5836] BigMexicanNerd: better reaction [5836] rawwwiq: fake [5836] krustynutsock97: ! link [5836] theebreadloaf: brother needs a oscar [5837] baseballpro: clip farmer [5837] breeze_yuh: FAKE [5837] popps1cle: get yogurt [5837] renexzzx: he ate the hottest onehe ate the hottest one [5837] XeroAcid: good boy [5837] glaciusvr: notlikethis [5837] 360joke: clip farm? [5837] aust1ndanner: when is Friday [5837] dawgy_style: L ACTING. [5837] maro_3nnmm: Should I raid him [5837] Puffti123: REACT HARDER [5837] xboxontopidontuseaxim: Part time streamer [5837] lukabrasi123: react harder I’m trying to edge [5837] thatacelife: FSKE HARDER [5837] StreamElements: anickels_21 has spent 1 hour 30 mins watching jynxzi [5838] ajh_386: L ACTING [5838] JaiJaiKoolaid: jynxziGG [5838] PoolsSwimming: !watchtime [5838] jesusxse: PHONE [5838] spanglebab: CLIP FARMING [5838] bth11_2: fake fake [5840] mr_kermintthefrog: HIVISE let’s play ranked together [5840] jeffdagoatf31: eat more [5840] toovalid4u: jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage [5840] angelscreed8841: phone [5840] luis_11c: bro its not that hot [5840] krustynutsock97: !link [5840] oppaxt: act harder [5840] lilglooky: JYNXZI IM WET [5840] little_jhonny123: w highvise [5840] PundaPlayzzz: milkoholic [5840] SnipeMGT: nice clip farm bud [5840] kriscaruso21: L dumbass [5840] rcr751: Fake reaction [5840] Stanaz999040: !watchtime [5840] TheChromosomosaur: PHONE [5841] elvictorkills: Act harder [5841] skullj: Drink milk boy [5841] ajoitt: phone [5841] SaltySeeman_: blud is lard af [5841] UnTakenTony: eat another one [5841] jjjjjjjjfffsqoq: Fake reaction [5841] tysades7: L vaper [5841] PumpzYur: DHRGDDHEUR [5841] StreamElements: HaboGUNS has spent 2 days 3 hours watching jynxzi [5841] the_green_leaf: swish the milk dummy [5841] nooning95: www clip [5843] moneymakermikeonthemic: W ALL AROUND [5843] toadish4332: clip faem [5843] Trydosey: ACT HARDER [5843] drew_dirt: what did he do [5843] crushhype1: Bro got milk on standby [5843] ashtxn____: Clip farmer fats on [5843] srt_joey223: Fhfnfjf [5843] xbotdelta: REACT HARDERR [5843] crz_freaski: fake [5843] Moon_Outlaw: W [5843] homejuice778: L [5843] elchavoo__: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [5843] u_a_cornball: W FARMER [5843] barackobama0505: just busted [5843] zapfry66: ur not even sweating so fake [5844] bth11_2: fake faker [5844] Fossabot: @tonbiddness, Your message is too long [5844] samsnelling: phone [5844] ttv_exoticc123: L CLIP FARMER [5844] boejiden2028: fake [5844] yaboiadrian_: muncho open fanmail harder [5844] penguinsrkewl: fake [5844] xDivide_x: RED MILK YOUR DISGUSTING [5844] frogsrainbowsandsoftserve: whole milk CHUNKO [5844] Bbeckwith30gamer: clip farm [5844] innocentsluv: PHONEEEE [5844] DroppinJce: phone [5844] luis_11c: l clip fsrmer [5844] xqcgw_111: take 2 [5844] chea1185: When is fan mail? [5846] dawgy_style: L ACTING. [5846] JelqEdgeGoon: CLIP FARMING [5846] charleywoley4: Clip farming [5846] tacticalghost24: L reaction [5846] rthreadb: hgfhh [5846] shelikedill: react harder fatso [5846] lachlandall: white speed a [5846] jeffdagoatf31: again [5846] Henry_Vard: HES DECIDING TO IGNORE US [5846] whattheflips7: fake [5846] log_tv33: CLIP FATMING [5846] pdiddy1227: phone [5846] coolguy45209: OSCAR WINNING [5846] roodster218: your phone [5846] fallen4x: So fake [5848] itaygold12: Clip farmer [5848] jakker1611: Drink that 🥛 jizzle [5848] vrperson2: phone [5848] bardown16__: who is clip farm [5849] crz_freaski: this so fake [5849] og_twotone: L [5849] allgaeuerkuh: wasn’t even hot clip farm [5849] ixbrannxs: Dont put it fucking back [5849] Nightbot: @ChikotaR6 -> You're welcome. [stop posting links] [5849] MorkViking: oscar worthy [5849] zlles: ACT LOUDER [5849] brramzy: clip farmer [5849] goncalo_0402: try 3 at the same time [5849] thallltfc: L clipfarm [5849] nothingtoseahear: L farmer [5849] woodywowzers_: L bulge [5849] SayLessTess_: !watchtime [5849] awolfinsheepsclothing420: F a K e [5849] Iuvmimi: disgusting [5850] Nightbot: F in the chat [5850] Meth_od217: followage [5850] g0nuclear: bitch [5850] yTyller: you’d be sweating [5850] jammyscissors37: L clipfarming [5850] StreamElements: SayLessTess_ has spent 1 day 16 hours watching jynxzi [5850] mMew_2: L actor [5850] rudycuh: !watchtime [5850] worldwar27: Nice shirt [5850] cambassford06: fake [5850] taqqvue: jynxziSNOT [5850] lukemahomie: wwww [5850] dripzxq: !watch time [5850] TwizzyWrld_: cymdnghmmcm [5850] u_a_cornball: FARMER FATASS [5851] imnotsorryyy0: EAT ALL OF THEM [5852] 9zAmnesya: So errier [5852] TwizzyWrld_: vh c# [5852] krustynutsock97: link [5852] drovght: NOT EVEN THE HOTTEST ONE PUSSY [5852] slammedfire15: W buldge [5852] excessivezero5: F [5852] TheDivess: WHERES JUNKO [5852] drixxyl2: l acting [5852] docterrb: READ CHATTTTTT [5852] ChocolateLoverVz: you’re such a dirty clip farmer [5852] drwagersupporter: SO FAKE [5852] richardbleak: W shirt [5852] w1nterrloll: Heyy @Phillip_IC [5852] crikta: Just nutted [5852] innocentsluv: phine [5853] camkelly2342: phone [5853] jjaden2323: white speed [5853] dawgy_style: L ACTING [5853] daddyp997: react better [5853] HuddyFTW: clix better [5853] 47sorcerers: can you fart on demand [5853] sammyw222: !watchtime [5853] j_christt: !watchtime [5853] ixbrannxs: Dont [5853] arrowzgotnomotion: pre clip [5853] zossg6: zossg6 subscribed with Prime. [5853] fehntanyI: @jynxzi [5853] StreamElements: j_christt has spent 1 hour watching jynxzi [5853] DrewIsKracked: Stop the stream [5853] stringlessage: ]L REACTION [5854] lrthefinessekid: fake [5854] dxnny2k_: stfu chat damn [5854] smoklly: phone [5855] realest4444: jynxziWTF [5855] dawgy_style: L ACTING. [5855] TheCartoonsXD: CILP FARM SIMULATOR [5855] hemo2112: PHONE PHONE PHONE PHONE PHONE [5855] greggs_sausage_rolls: !gamble all [5855] JoeLauwerys: diamond test the watch [5855] TwizzyWrld_: hk [5855] Bbeckwith30gamer: clip farmer [5855] DummyXOXOXO: @Jynxzi NICE FAKE REACTION SAY HI TO TIKTOK..... [5855] gamerraybtw2: !watchtime [5855] fortnitekid694206: l [5855] monsignordrip: pick up the phone, your phone linging [5855] ethannncarrick999: eat more [5855] StreamElements: greggs_sausage_rolls went all in and lost every single one of their 18850 points LUL [5855] StreamElements: gamerraybtw2 has spent 1 day 21 hours watching jynxzi [5856] imnotsorryyy0: EAT EVERY SINGLE ONE [5856] ttv_invixity: when does the tony start [5856] wizard_the_creator: Wooohahaha [5856] Riasisxd: L clip farmer [5856] haydenbyapproximation: bro is harvesting clips [5856] joeyman_: FAKE [5856] mitch_dasherf93: 0ancake [5856] mimicssssss: light work no reaction [5856] mannyrazo: L actor [5856] dantehop20: L acting [5856] zachthacka: get your clips man [5856] aceo8907: react harder and veinyr [5856] Nightbot: 👀 [5856] stackswopofanboi: actor [5856] StreamElements: fuxkjustin has spent 7 hours 10 mins watching jynxzi [5857] daystrumblue: !watchtime [5857] m17xbulldawg: CHAT THE WINDOW [5857] jagjag123abc: sunshine is waiting [5857] bluelion2179: Smoll balls big wang [5857] bambam1519: OHONE [5857] kotie2012: hilarious [5857] jjftriple6: CLIP FARMING [5858] bambam1519: PHONE [5858] weareallrandomusersbtw: ppj[kk[op[ [5858] moonlol_14: so were clip farming [5858] drovght: NOT EVEN THE HOTTEST ONE PUSSY NOT EVEN THE HOTTEST ONE PUSSY NOT EVEN THE HOTTEST ONE PUSSY [5858] xDivide_x: RED MILK YOUR DISGUSTING RED MILK YOUR DISGUSTING RED MILK YOUR DISGUSTING RED MILK YOUR DISGUSTING [5858] j0hnnybravoo: !watchtime [5858] slamifiy: when are you boxing adin [5858] austin172: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [5858] airbxnder: I always imagined you were upstairs [5858] quackzalonelive: CLIX [5858] theebreadloaf: AND THE OSCAR GOES TOO JUNKO [5858] g3rm59: least noticeable fake reaction [5858] pasxoeee: r@mm [5858] StreamElements: j0hnnybravoo has spent 1 hour 10 mins watching jynxzi [5858] TheDango_: MOD CLIP FARM [5859] owenluvsuu: L actor [5859] imcarriedemerald: ily [5859] fpsdom_: King of clip farming [5859] paynefulpower: ME NEXT [5859] realraider_: clip farming [5859] thablun1man: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [5859] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [5859] xHouseOfPleasure: phoneee [5859] drovght: NOT EVEN THE HOTTEST ONE PUSSY NOT EVEN THE HOTTEST ONE PUSSY [5859] joeyman_: fake [5859] colebihhh: !watchtime [5859] stringlessage: REACT HARDER [5859] yurdzi: react harder [5859] rbleiman31: WAS BEAN BOOZLED RIGHT ??????? [5859] StreamElements: tatumvfx has spent 1 hour 20 mins watching jynxzi [5860] Achtohbr: READ CHAT U STUPID FUCKING FUCK FUCK FUCKITY FUCK FUCK BOY FUCK [5860] moll1es: react harder [5860] Gezinkter_Anwalt: im starting r6 any starter tips? [5860] kappz99: @nymil__ I’m gunna touch u [5862] drixxyl2: l clip farm [5862] bradycollins2: OVER REACTION [5862] AAgreyy: milk me [5862] sjskjhdsu: stompn waiting h [5862] drovght: NOT EVEN THE HOTTEST ONE PUSSY NOT EVEN THE HOTTEST ONE PUSSY NOT EVEN THE HOTTEST ONE PUSSY NOT EVEN THE HOTTEST ONE PUSSY [5862] hatedspawns: w actor [5862] mangoodoctor: suck on an ice cube it makes it better [5862] BiggusDspoon: he is a pu$$y [5862] enrgbando: drink the milk harder [5862] coachmilk69: w [5862] tc_connor8348: I nutted [5862] xlRelapse: yw [5862] realest4444: jynxziRage [5862] jamieforsterutb: house tour [5862] solis04_: L clip farmer, fake actor [5863] fallen4x: Fucking fake as fuck I'm out [5863] keyz2416: least obvious clip farming [5863] quackzalonelive: HILL [5863] pizzaking17_: white speed [5863] tonbiddness: poooo [5863] xHouseOfPleasure: phoneeee [5863] fadeskyl1ne: 1 [5863] dawgy_style: L ACTING [5863] abram1331btw: w clip farm [5863] kz139911: W [5865] Liltatertot420: jynxziSuprised [5865] buddy54happy: junko [5865] suspectbasher2: do you like clix be honest [5865] y00die: oil up daddy [5865] ramishotz: it [5865] courtland_skitt: Burn for me daddy [5865] pancakeisachad: GIVE THIS MAN AN OSCARGIVE THIS MAN AN OSCAR [5865] the_real_abc: FAKE AF [5865] crz_freaski: clip farming bro harvested the whole crop [5865] tkettel_: ACTINGN [5865] tripperedd1400000: Oscar award winner [5865] haydenbyapproximation: clip farmer 🧑🌾 [5865] ceco1k: was it spicy? [5865] krustynutsock97: !link [5865] brooks_wok: use diamond tester on Rolex [5866] 07maurice07: fandyDrink [5866] Nightbot: @krustynutsock97 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [5866] BigBaydos: is that milk from your tiddies [5866] HmSmokey: check your phone [5866] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [5866] log_tv33: CLIP FARMER [5866] xxdaniel_larsonxx: When is fanmail? [5866] Pilot_Azog: CHECK UR PHONW [5866] liam3548: I just got here? LUL [5866] pbskid_hater: L BULLY [5866] icefn16: Deutschland [5866] lilglooky: i JYNXZI IM WET [5866] Tiny93: clip farmer jynxzi [5866] thfc_11rw: hey pookie [5866] jahmapants: react harder [5867] drjbaby: check ur phone [5867] BiggusDspoon: www [5867] innocentsluv: PHONE [5867] wolffy_100: L vaper [5867] phefalopolis: your phone [5867] TheChromosomosaur: CHECK PHONE [5867] xHouseOfPleasure: phonee [5867] hazardly_1: fake [5867] JakenBakemm: !watchtime [5867] realraider_: CLIP FARMING [5867] excessivezero5: L ACTOR [5867] abruptrs: REACT HARDER. @jynxzi [5867] fatittymcgee: clip farming [5867] StreamElements: jaketoos has spent 1 hour watching jynxzi [5869] The_Antt2: Why are y not doing house tour [5869] steelhawk96: PHONE [5869] vinsanity79_: fake harder fake harder fake harder fake harder fake harder fake harder fake harder fake harder fake harder fake harder fake harder fake harder fake harder fake harder fake harder [5869] yunusisteinenuss: when is fan mail [5869] quentin_olson: open harder [5869] smeatboii: clip farm [5869] tacticalghost24: react harder [5869] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: eat another one dont be weird [5869] obscuredaisy764: PHONE [5869] lukemahomie: ewwwww [5869] jcurrency100: whens fanmail chat [5869] lilglooky: JYNXZI IM WET [5869] tylerniknam69: !watchtime [5869] ayeitsamritlol: UR PHONE CALLL [5869] wyfyttv: WHEN IS KAI VS STOMPN [5870] sjskjhdsu: stompn waiting [5870] fpsdom_: King of clip farmingKing of clip farming [5870] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: eat another one dont be weird [5870] tripperedd1400000: clip farming [5870] cambassford06: clip farm harder [5870] StreamElements: tylerniknam69 has spent 4 days 10 hours watching jynxzi [5870] s1lm2n_: pick up the phone [5870] drixxyl2: L acting [5870] owenluvsuu: L ACTOR [5870] m17xbulldawg: CHET THE WINDOW [5870] tennistalan: f [5870] eivind_sm: React Harder [5870] zsorzszzzz: when’s clips?? [5870] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: eat another one dont be weird [5870] sweatdumpster: PANCAKE [5871] akellyyy5682: L FAKE [5871] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: eat another one dont be weird [5871] StreamElements: @hunterl11100, hunterl11100 has been following jynxzi for 1 year 1 day 22 hours [5871] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: eat another one dont be weird [5872] Urfaxgurl: WHAT IS CLIP FARMING [5872] ItzWumboTTV: phone [5872] KevinTheMelon: L clip farm [5872] zachthacka: clip merchant [5872] ZNnex222: znnex222 subscribed at Tier 1. [5872] louis_0908: L CLIP FARMER [5872] pandaboss2116: clip farm fridays [5872] nooning95: react harder [5872] joshw0iq06: white speed [5872] KaiMeister07: !gamble all [5872] StreamElements: jayreplaysbtw has spent 0 secs watching jynxzi [5872] shelikedill: fake reactionn [5872] CameronM9915: 🌽 acting [5872] theebreadloaf: AND THE OSCAR GOES TO JUNKO SHEISTY [5872] xHouseOfPleasure: phoneee [5874] StreamElements: If you're a gamer, you need a Starforge! Snag one -> https://starforgepc.com/Jynxzi [5875] mattywells369: mattywells369 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 5 month streak! who is this fatty [5875] DroppinJce: react harder [5875] NxD_1: @suspectbasher2 touch me [5875] xDivide_x: !watchtime [5875] docterrb: PHONE [5875] wALksTRIker: phone [5875] SHAQED_IS_HERE: phone [5875] nickb_20: when is fan mail [5875] abram1331btw: least obvious clip farm... [5875] imnotsorryyy0: ALL [5875] xGreens: fantabihFDance fantabihFDance fantabihFDance fantabihFDance fantabihFDance fantabihFDance fantabihFDance fantabihFDance fantabihFDance fantabihFDance fantabihFDance [5875] Garfilet: PHONEEEEEEE [5875] StreamElements: xdivide_x929 has spent 0 secs watching jynxzi [5875] Fossabot: @harriet_from_hr, Your message is too long [5875] Nightbot: ? [5876] DummyXOXOXO: @Jynxzi NICE FAKE REACTION SAY HI TO TIKTOK.. [5876] Henry_Vard: STOP IGNORING THE PHONECALL [5876] thoughtsfromabalconyx: bro clip farming [5876] connerdino13456789: sing a song for 100 gifted [5876] junkolicious: when is fan mail happening? [5876] notchminecraftcool1: react harder [5876] KatieKitt3n: jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT [5876] thegeneral675: reach harder [5876] xHouseOfPleasure: phone [5876] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: eat another one dont be weird [5878] xxdaniel_larsonxx: Mail fan when is [5878] quackzalonelive: PHONE FATTY [5878] urnebeani: ALL [5878] joshnin2611: joshnin2611 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months! [5878] apples3147: FIX YOUR CAMERA [5878] coolman29903: check phone [5878] enrique_849: ,phone [5878] bStumpf88: Dirtiest tongue on Twitch [5878] krustynutsock97: ! Link [5878] j_reflex: MILK WAS A PAID ACTOR [5878] dark_plague0_0: phone [5878] ajoitt: phone [5878] Achtohbr: FUCKBOY READ CHAT [5878] StreamElements: ozyy012 has spent 5 days 23 hours watching jynxzi [5878] StreamElements: kelpwarp won 230 points in roulette and now has 530 points! FeelsGoodMan [5879] wolffy_100: La vaper [5879] rebornhehe: so white [5879] SavyBoy_: W clip farmer [5879] aceo8907: react harder fat boy [5879] ss_isa25: jynxziLOL [5879] crazyhead505: DIAMOND [5879] suplolsup: BAD AIM [5879] cjm133: u go through 6 outfits a stream [5880] jesseferber_67: jesseferber_67 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [5881] xHouseOfPleasure: phonee [5881] s1lm2n_: pick up your phone [5881] roodster218: your phone [5881] thatacelife: FSKE HARDER [5881] kidjohne: jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown [5881] tabor_fan13: jynxziRage [5881] Bbeckwith30gamer: phone [5881] suavebebo: 😂😂😂 [5881] MrSpringLOL1: FAKE AS HELL [5881] aabuudie: FEIN FEIN FEIN FEIN FEIN FEIN FEIN [5881] chriskush_: ANSWER PHONE IM CALLING [5881] LukasLM100: when sketch vs Kai [5881] enrique_849: phon [5881] philipp5454: ff [5881] braidedbootyyhair: landsharks on standby [5882] hello_me_tom: there not that hot [5882] hugobordwisch: when is fanmail [5882] Seth_Lamb: go on hot ones [5882] realraider_: clip farming [5882] FBN_Nubz: PHONE [5882] carson_the_cool: !sub [5882] wearethebestaround1: Nice jinxzi made it to an hr [5882] jxryrn: SKETCH CALLED [5882] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [5882] alex_rothweiler: !watchtime [5882] pyrrichd: coach dr disrespect RIGHT NOW! [5882] thallltfc: L clipfarm [5882] thatacelife: FAKE HARDER [5882] StreamElements: alex_rothweiler has spent 4 days 15 hours watching jynxzi [5882] SpencerHC0: !watchtime [5883] oscillate_music: junko the goat [5883] j_reflex: PAID ACTOR [5883] drwagersupporter: OPEN HARDER P [5883] nicobooomin: W CASEOH CLONE [5883] MorkViking: oscar nominee right here [5883] shelikedill: least obvious fake reaction [5883] seanpelol: MISSED CALL [5883] hemo2112: PHONE PHONE PHONE PHONE PHONE PHONE PHONE PHONE PHONE [5883] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: eat another one dont be weird [5885] fwjaguar: hi [5885] makka_pakka20: your a pussy [5885] dezainer27: CLIP FARMING [5885] lufcarter: play siege [5885] apples3147: FIX YOUR CANERA [5885] bogglenutz: W clip farm [5885] claudnel5: LUL LUL [5885] svchinoo: FAKE [5885] pyrrichd: coach dr disrespect RIGHT NOW [5885] SirMonthly: ungreatful [5885] taqqvue: Cap [5885] mason_boy775: jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT [5885] Nightbot: no 🧢 [5885] Nightbot: 🍉 [5885] suplolsup: L CLIP FARMER [5886] childerz27: !watchtime [5886] dawgy_style: L ACTONG [5886] hemo2112: PHONE PHONE PHONE PHONE PHONE PHONE PHONE PHONE PHONE PHONE [5886] sjskjhdsu: stompn waiting [5886] joeyisajuggalo: thesha273ShaggsLul thesha273ShaggsLul thesha273ShaggsLul thesha273ShaggsLul [5886] sundeviltitan11: when is 2 v 2 [5886] thatacelife: FSKE HARDER [5886] rixdqz_ai: L clip farming [5886] StreamElements: childerz27 has spent 2 days 20 hours watching jynxzi [5886] cowzay: eat it another one and it might cancel out [5888] crz_freaski: cap [5888] kaidan_r6: !watchtime [5888] owenluvsuu: MOD HIM DONT BE WEIRD [5888] WWQLF2: drink harder [5888] toon_plxys: !watchtime [5888] footlettucephil: w clip farms [5888] tc_connor8348: harder daddy [5888] oka_squidxel: check phone [5888] apples3147: FIX MIC [5888] Nightbot: @hfhfhrhnxjxjd -> Terminated! [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [5888] Ashermr2: Try enchilada soda [5888] StreamElements: kaidan_r6 has spent 1 hour watching jynxzi [5888] IwhenisfanmailI: water and milk?????? [5888] ryfts1x: Enchilada soda hurry [5888] j_reflex: OSCAR WORTHY [5889] mMew_2: CLIP FARMER [5889] thesuperking2000: bad aim [5889] monekyowner: water makes it worse dumbass [5889] MorninAfterKill: ITLL HELP [5889] alli_pig1: was it spicy? [5889] toadish4332: clip farmclip farmclip farmclip farmclip farmclip farmclip farmclip farmclip farmclip farm [5889] slamifiy: when are you boxing adin [5889] BiggusDspoon: ypu goof [5889] drwagersupporter: WHY ARE YOU OPENING SLOW [5889] austin172: W MAIL [5889] kuno__w: FARMER [5889] cowzay: eat it another one and it might cancel out [5891] enrique_849: phone [5891] tatumvfx: this dumb mf [5891] cometxl: !gamble 100 [5891] oggie02: react harder [5891] BelowTempature: EAT 3 MORE [5891] stackswopofanboi: whit speed [5891] floatedsky: jynxziEZ [5891] suplolsup: L CLIP FARMERR [5891] kuno__w: CLIP FARM [5891] svchinoo: YOUR FACE WOULD BE RED DUMBASS [5891] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [5891] StreamElements: cometxl won 100 points in roulette and now has 1215 points! FeelsGoodMan [5891] worship__me: L clip farmer [5891] smoklly: phone [5891] thatacelife: FAKE HARDER [5892] philipp5454: L [5892] itz__jdog: WHISTLE [5892] dawgy_style: L ACTING [5892] salivalover: DRINK A LAND SHARK [5892] The_Antt2: House tour pls [5892] chasemurdock852: !veiw [5892] br0tat0_ch1p223: !gamble500 [5892] mastakillah567: mastakillah567 subscribed at Tier 1. [5892] peacexoom_: PHONE [5892] i_thxnd3r_i: react harder [5892] Frosted_Bear: L chat [5892] camkelly2342: PHONE [5892] Ashermr2: Make it better [5892] B1ackorbit: fan mail when [5892] StreamElements: digcarolina has spent 1 day 21 hours watching jynxzi [5893] dark_woif: Real [5893] KaliKeef: CLIP FARMER [5893] u_a_cornball: PUT ONE UP UR ASS [5893] haaland_goat22: EAT ANOTHER ONE PUSSY [5893] koltsterling: eat more [5893] rikemapisura: L dramatic [5893] abbooouu: jynxzi missed you brother [5893] leutyolo: Bro has a Porsche and never shown it to us [5893] Nightbot: real [5893] avabrisiel: water makes it worseee [5893] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: eat another one dont be weird [5894] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: eat another one dont be weird [5894] elchavoo__: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [5895] courtland_skitt: L [5895] gamerraybtw2: phone [5895] bogglenutz: W clip farmer [5895] nnightmares16: FAKE [5895] tko969: one more [5895] Raymond0G: STOP SCREAMING SO LOUD CLIP FARMER [5895] benwoodyyyyy23: Clip farm [5895] bambam1519: PHONE [5895] tlpsy_au: fat [5895] romppadd: Literally case oh [5895] innocentsluv: PHPPPHONEEEE [5895] adam_wrld_: L drama queen [5895] csnhjksf: React harder [5895] magician182831: L [5895] lahpaulll03: w clip farming [5896] StreamElements: srafa1210 has spent 1 day 2 hours watching and is rank 454891/1690733 on the watchtime leaderboard [5896] jt_dnb: grow up mate [5896] steelhawk96: CHECK YOUR PHONE [5896] kuno__w: CLIP FARMING [5896] quackzalonelive: HE DONT READ CHAT [5898] lukemahomie: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [5898] sjskjhdsu: stompn is waiting [5898] Uhndress_: drink more [5898] shelikedill: clip farming fat ass [5898] hazakav1610: !watchtime [5898] innocentsluv: PHONE PHONE [5898] imnotsorryyy0: do it again [5898] bobnweave4: it did say so hot [5898] stingray1596: !watchtime [5898] impulse_yt45: someone called [5898] rubendagoat52: Phone [5898] tko969: more [5898] StreamElements: hazakav1610 has spent 1 day 15 hours watching jynxzi [5898] ebgfreubgvruf: PHONNE [5898] quentin_olson: fake mail [5899] AlkozHD: L [5899] Snacks_22: !watchtime [5899] MrSpringLOL1: ACTING ACTING FAKE FAKE [5899] CHARLIE_BAGZ: EAT ANOTHER [5899] bogglenutz: W clip farming [5899] FBN_Nubz: PHONE 📱 [5899] 8skittless: MILKK [5899] BelowTempature: MORE [5899] stackswopofanboi: fake [5899] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: eat another one maybe it will help [5901] xlaur3nw: !watchtime [5901] DaftGh0st: watchtime! [5901] kottonking762: stop sucking [5901] chazwell: What he eat [5901] StreamElements: xlaur3nw has spent 1 day 12 hours watching jynxzi [5901] jash_brown: why is bro so weak [5901] jjaden2323: n u say clix is a clip farmer? LUL LUL LUL LUL [5901] leonamkja: Ungreatfull [5901] tripperedd1400000: clip farming [5901] SPLATGT: phone [5901] sonotreal: phone phone phone phone [5901] SnapsCastro: SnapsCastro subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 1 month streak! FUCK CLIX [5901] FBN_Nubz: PHONE ☎️ [5901] keyz2416: stop clip farming [5901] wyfyttv: WHEN IS KAI VS STOMPN [5902] mitch_dasherf93: Pancake [5902] ja_dre: react harder [5902] rny_monkeyx_x: phone [5902] KiwaKF: oscar worthy fr [5902] itaygold12: Clip farm [5902] Henry_Vard: PHONE PHONE PHONE PHONE PHONE PHONE PHONE PHONE [5902] fixitupewan: no [5902] dawgy_style: L ACTKNG [5902] bobontop1234: phone [5902] Dogiderler27: L actor [5902] PundaPlayzzz: phone [5902] ixbrannxs: When is fanmail [5902] ya_boi_robert_: !charm [5902] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [5902] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: eat another one maybe it will help [5903] jereneitsyt_: mods ban word farming pls [5903] angryy_ginge_23: rect harder [5903] ebgfreubgvruf: PHONEE [5903] 3_wow_3_: JUNKO CHUNKO JUNKO CHUNKO JUNKO CHUNKO [5903] nico_bc_: so are you big daddy [5903] KINGDREW177: when is the bronny 1v1 [5903] yetanotherdude407: why am I horny [5903] ZzHybridShotZz: CLIP FARMING [5904] StreamElements: JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/jynxzi [5904] dangaspigkiller: phone [5904] mamalogi: DROMLOMG WATER ( [5918] ZNnex222: !link [5918] gmen1256: BRO IS A SHRIMP [5918] AmbitiousAJ13: pre-recorded stream [5918] fauxian: fake [5918] koaonfn: jynxziFAT_SQ [5918] tripperedd1400000: clix was right [5918] homejuice778: 00 [5919] liam3548: Your phone [5919] danielsavage1234: what did he eat [5919] leo_nyc11: hi [5919] jjaden2323: L ACTORRR [5919] sjskjhdsu: stompn waiting gfgg [5919] toon_plxys: !watchtime [5919] rhommed: puzzy [5919] fpsdom_: King of clip farmingKing of clip farming [5919] StreamElements: toon_plxys has spent 1 day 17 hours watching jynxzi [5919] nuclearvuse69: jynxziFAT [5919] jamieforsterutb: house tourrrrrrrrr [5919] Novak310: EAT BREAD [5919] Inferno0921: pre end [5919] vvjordan999: open fan mail vibrantly [5920] i_ownsam: PLAY SIEGE BRO [5920] caaaaaaaarrrlll: He needs vinegar [5920] btd_d_mag: !watchtimw [5920] rutter729racing: L STREAMER [5920] nothingtoseahear: L acting [5920] tartarus769: When's clips [5920] slamifiy: when are you boxing adin [5921] nunyabizznez: L ACTING [5921] bl4z3_77: baddddd [5921] Achtohbr: U UGLY PREPUBESCENT FUCK [5921] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [5921] hotsauce2520: stream over [5921] trucloudzzz: clip farmer [5921] ryiswashed: pre end [5921] Lantheman4: Lantheman4 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! gang [5921] littlefire_77040: Bozo [5921] floatedsky: jynxziEZ [5921] tyronemonkee: !watchtime [5921] dooworkson89: TOOTHPASTETOOTHPASTE [5921] razorrogue911x1: part time actor [5921] vinsanity79_: fake harder fake harder fake harder fake harder fake harder [5922] seaoffourtune: jynxziVapeBreak [5922] deathrangerfdmn: my favorite part timer [5922] StreamElements: tyronemonkee has spent 20 days 4 hours watching jynxzi [5922] blakegauer: HURRY UP FATTTTTTTTTTY [5922] kev1n_boZz: bro is screaming like a dragon [5922] tripperedd1400000: clip farming [5922] worship__me: Y u fake it fatty [5922] jjaden2323: L ACTORRRRDR [5922] gdku6uu: Fqkeeeeeee [5922] not_parker_boi5: clip farmer [5923] Xavierang76: gf [5923] gingerbreadfrosting: EAT SOMETHING SWEET FOR SPICE [5923] MaDsNaKe53: cheeseburger [5923] Joeatry: jynxziTONGUE [5923] sebtheockyway: let’s get serious [5923] pingbtw0: !watchtime [5923] xbotdelta: GYATTTT [5923] altyasu: this chat is so aids [5923] Randomtask7711: drink harder [5923] Achtohbr: READ CHAT [5923] StreamElements: pingbtw0 has spent 20 mins watching jynxzi [5923] jamieforsterutb: house tour [5923] ice1011011: all love tho man [5923] madix1221: jynxziFALL [5923] bigtallwall: end [5924] marcoxxdraco: w time wasting 😂 [5924] julie_2k: he dead chat [5924] brandon77battin: Add me back on Xbox brandon77battin [5925] bambam1519: PHONE [5925] dplank17: l [5925] nibbalis: WHEN IS R6 [5925] thehunter0106: W clip farm [5925] hello_me_tom: check your phone you mutherf###er [5925] Wtrashart: so dramatinggg [5925] nico_bc_: s [5925] Vu_Does: okay wtf is ts? [5925] ashtxn____: Fake reaction [5925] likmycrocs_: lol water makes it worse junko [5925] fpsdom_: King of clip farmingKing of clip farming [5925] salivalover: pre end [5925] csnhjksf: jynxziBuena [5925] ogkiiia: faker [5925] Nightbot: 😂 [5926] leonaiterxxx: your fone linging [5926] lmf_wak: !watchtime [5926] fluffypotato_ttv: !watchtime [5926] StreamElements: ovat_joshi has spent 0 secs watching jynxzi [5926] terrazas0090: gya6ttttttttttttt [5926] turdvoy: it’s prob not [5926] anax_streams: !watchtime [5926] mombuster69: what he eat? [5926] shauncool1: !gamble 100 [5926] vuhlente: HeyGuys [5926] jynxzisjohnston: watch time! [5926] StreamElements: @shauncool1, you only have 5 points. [5926] itsmrbando: he ate a fire jelly bean [5926] arrowzgotnomotion: L fatty [5929] seeled_: you're STILL doing fan mail? you're STILL doing fan mail? you're STILL doing fan mail? [5929] leutyolo: Bro has a Porsche and never shown it to us [5929] i_ownsam: PLAY SIEGE JUNKO [5929] mickeyin: do clips [5929] MAJACKS_91: ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ [5929] iPerformiing: turrr [5929] sharkyboy912: !watchtime [5929] rie69ly: bye [5929] HeavenlyHiro: it just keeps getting funnier man I promise [5929] ueueusury: yyyy [5929] enrique_849: phone phone phone phonephone phone phone phone phone phone phone [5929] TheAceMan97: can we get some gameplay already [5929] clickkyc: dead [5929] Nate2Gleeful: !watchtime [5929] StreamElements: xlr8nevah8n has spent 1 day 13 hours watching jynxzi [5930] Siiloh: !commands [5930] suplolsup: whens fanmail [5930] pluh3762627: !watchtime [5930] Nightbot: @Siiloh -> The bot commands for this channel are available at https://nightbot.tv/t/jynxzi/commands [5930] mattywells369: w fatty [5930] StreamElements: @Siiloh You can find a list of all Commands here https://StreamElements.com/jynxzi/commands [5931] siickllyy: !watchtime [5931] fpsdom_: King of clip farmingKing of clip farmingKing of clip farmingKing of clip farming [5931] Ashermr2: !watchtime [5931] sodasentry: chuggo [5931] pdiddy1227: phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone [5931] bizzysaint: pu55y [5931] StreamElements: siickllyy has spent 1 day 21 hours watching jynxzi [5931] calebsheaderr: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [5931] akke10004: whens fan mail [5931] homejuice778: 999 forever [5932] seeled_: you're STILL doing fan mail? you're STILL doing fan mail? [5932] jhonnyboyyy19: !watchtime [5932] darkcloud911: A-+' [5932] drjbaby: SO WERE NOT CHECKING ARE FUCKING PHONE [5932] lukemahomie: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [5932] wickedgoppy: there actually is a carolina reaper one lolol [5932] coltongg789: daddy [5932] steven8253: L [5932] ethanval999: TOUCH HIS WEINER [5932] tennistalan: !gamble 10000 [5932] smoklly: phone [5932] StreamElements: tennistalan won 10000 points in roulette and now has 25180 points! FeelsGoodMan [5932] banthewholechat1: !watchtime [5932] Nightbot: h [5932] Post_Melonss: pre end [5933] vGhstyR6: !watchtime [5933] StreamElements: banthewholechat1 has spent 4 days 3 hours watching jynxzi [5933] keyz2416: this might be one of the worst clip farms I’ve seen [5933] fpsdom_: King of clip farmingKing of clip farming [5933] jrmeyz: jrmeyz subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months! hi cumko [5933] eventyrg: SIGMA PHONE [5934] ketalsmumsafish: why would he fake u dumb ass chat [5934] pobrian0: !watchtime [5934] godlovesyou7284637: iamsho6UWU iamsho6UWU iamsho6UWU [5934] 1ukus3466: LLLLLL [5934] samjuel17: coke break [5934] deaed_man_walking: UM [5935] ayeitsamritlol: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [5935] StreamElements: pobrian0 has spent 20 mins watching jynxzi [5935] jynxzyyyyy: L [5935] dezainer27: caseohGrenadegreen caseohGrenadegreen caseohGrenadegreen caseohGrenadegreen caseohGrenadegreen [5935] lightskinchaonis: !WatchTime [5935] kraken4645: L clip farmer [5935] worship__me: jynxziClown [5935] jakker1611: Wheres my mc nuggets mc donalds employee [5935] jynxzishondaaccord: Coke break [5935] Novak310: EAT SOME BREAD [5935] duruhmax: I gotta try those lmao! [5935] suplolsup: whens fanmaill [5935] qgpreston: jynxziGLASSES [5935] EhZodiac: why bro have a framed carpet [5935] darkcloud911: .C65-;,VG [5936] frostyyrea: L [5936] dark_woif: W [5936] leonrumpehull: clip farming [5936] paperkidd: !watchtime [5936] arrowzgotnomotion: w clip farmer [5936] the_green_leaf: Did he say what happened yesterday with the po po? [5936] toxic_porridge2142069: it says it in the packaging for a reason [5936] yyZlapX: 8==D [5936] StreamElements: chrispycurds has spent 1 day 6 hours watching jynxzi [5937] bryce_55t: spunko stop clip farming [5937] dayyaan247: !watchtime [5937] conron_24: c l i x [5937] jjaden2323: L ACTORRRR [5937] liltunameat: jynxzi u make my dick hard [5937] chase05_20_: @youknownohuh [5937] StreamElements: dayyaan247 has spent 1 day 17 hours watching jynxzi [5938] cheesetoes17426: bro get some spice tolerance [5938] JayAreZeee: lacy tiktok [5938] rexton33: !watchtime [5938] crackshack_699: buttermilk pancake ate one pan cake [5938] levishhh124: he’s blowing currently [5938] Rhyphix: he actually got the reaper jelly bean lol [5938] suplolsup: whens fanmail [5938] kreamiez: lol [5938] godlovesyou7284637: iamsho6UHH iamsho6UHH iamsho6UHH [5938] cailanily: !watchtime [5938] palliaapo: jynxziCORNY [5938] armadillodealer: this chat is 12 [5938] berkayuww: PRE END [5938] joshw0iq06: vaping [5938] iceyupyt: junky [5940] crikta: React harder [5940] kidjohne: L Jynxzi [5940] coltongg789: 😑 [5940] StreamElements: tuckycheese has spent 2 days 3 hours watching jynxzi [5940] abbooouu: pre end | Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [5760] Bean Boozled Firey 5. Extremely hot. I'll be the judge of that. Extremely hot. [5770] say? Being booze would extremely hot. [5780] [5790] あな [5800] Teknow Chief, thank you vej convenience and POpen safely while moving on to the really謝謝 I hope you hold out Kay after taking a test [5810] [5820] Never doing that again. [5830] He's getting worse. [5840] Okay. Okay. [5850] Thank you for that! [5860] 하늬맞..毒천복...! [5870] Hey, uh, okay, so okay! Hey embrace me See who's exubering you Not you Ooh Ooh Hey Uh, Trust me I will Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey [5880] USUUUUUUUUUUT! Okay [5890] Okay. Okay. Okay. All right. Last fan mode of it. Yeah. [5900] Oh my god. That is so fucking bad. That is so bad. [5910] ご視聴ありがとうございました [5920] ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ � [5930] ご視聴ありがとうございました | There is a Highlight between 5700 and 6000. Jynxzi opens packages from viewers and tries extremely spicy Bean Boozled beans, nearly making him throw up. |
Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [7160] rip_lucky698: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7160] vhaqkz: ayooo [7160] voltage598: qhy can we hear him peeing bro [7160] penguinsrkewl: VAPER [7161] variable88: jynxziBounce [7161] clapswitchup: is he on PlayStation? [7161] z_purpleswag1: FAKE SWAT HES DUCKINGGGGG [7161] zaicl_: HELLO?? [7161] 47sorcerers: shake well [7161] xkrispyqx: thats how you got famous?! you let the diddler diddle your diddly? [7161] tripppygio: WHITE SPEED [7161] jt_dnb: bro is the piddler [7161] sharkiemcsteven: W piss [7161] DirtyMiata: @nanor360 wtf is wrong with you bruh swating anyone is so cringe [7161] voonnex: piss asmt [7161] chrispycurds: o can hear it [7161] pirategrad_60: ewwwwww [7162] rmhj1988: you lied [7162] tomwastooken: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [7162] tallboyrode: bro whistles and pees [7162] Chexican: Diddy is waiting [7162] NeverJared: called ut [7162] mangels212: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [7162] shrevaa: www xim [7162] jdamon04: hiding Diddy at your house [7162] RayanB7_: first it was 5 now it’s 8?🤔 [7162] jetkins69: fuck xim [7162] Troyyyyy123: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke [7162] vesperlynd0: p diddy waiting [7162] senddyskittery: COKE BREAK [7162] penguinsrkewl: L VAPER [7162] StreamElements: daniel114578 lost 125 points in roulette and now has 1300 points! FeelsBadMan [7163] bonbon9878: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [7163] xzmillxz: bros vaping [7163] Nightbot: https://discord.gg/jynxzi [7163] pp_hungry: woooow [7163] Rinkydinky7: !Cheer1000000000 [7163] DEMON_RNSH1: Ewww [7163] thereal_smashin: why is he moaning [7163] amdeoliveira11: amdeoliveira11 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [7163] RayanB7_: first it was 5 now it’s 8?🤔 [7167] NeverJared: pre call from me [7167] lukeowen2110: bro called the police to end stream [7167] asap_vortex_: XBOX [7167] f4di_: ???????? [7168] itsreallyconnor: itsreallyconnor subscribed with Prime. [7168] Not_Crazy010: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [7168] gurjotdhillon12: wash your hands [7168] nzanchi2549: you and diddy [7168] t3xasplays44: W [7168] stonedislaand: yuh h [7168] ethan_loves: wait what happened [7168] dfrat_336: hitboBUTTS hitboBUTTS hitboBUTTS [7168] buckettt3: ungrateful [7168] KioshiNugget: W PEEPEE [7168] prz_draco: l [7168] savagetatertot9: l vaper [7169] puurpol: who’d diddy [7169] penguinsrkewl: BRO VAPIN [7169] seven7______: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [7169] PRESTON0293: jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard [7169] floatedsky: wwww [7169] owencx123456: man just leftman just left [7169] slumped2much111: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [7169] KingXxTe0: jynxziGoodAim [7169] Rinkydinky7: !Cheer 1 [7169] sc4rf23: paid officers LUL paid officers LUL paid officers LUL [7169] jynxzifan44444: Blud moaned lol [7169] gabproking_779: sound cue [7169] oldmanmogus: jynxziFAT [7169] Fossabot: @xxyaser2, Your message is too long [7169] lwfroyo: invite ricciiiiiii [7170] gwilllyyy: !gamble [7170] thenotoriousrat1: he pissed on the toilet seat [7170] LloydBBY: def vaping thats for true [7170] unmyworldd: hittin the p low [7170] oomrsmelly: all in on xin [7171] zippywilly: 1🤣 [7171] exotixgoat: OH [7171] thekrykna: ASMR [7171] rbsmilk13: why didn’t stompn streaming this? [7171] outsideroutside: SabaPing Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [7171] arigato_95: phat stream [7171] bebling_05: !watchtime [7171] DankFien: part timer [7171] MMcLovennn: didn’t flush [7171] jacktheswordzguy: LOL why cops at ur gate? [7171] aid3n_ssg: W PISS [7171] j_dyson: !watchtime [7171] tyl3rrrrrrrr: u [7171] StreamElements: bebling_05 has spent 1 day 19 hours watching jynxzi [7171] Nightbot: 😂 [7172] AaroonDMC: whats diddy? tits? [7172] Random_User69_1: JYNXZI DO NOTTI BOPPIN [7172] djrushy22: lets go [7172] collingator40: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [7172] 0onsk_: heard piss hit seat [7172] TheEmporiumm: invite Ricki [7172] landomagic__: SuperVinlin SuperVinlin SuperVinlin [7172] Gxckd: Performance enhancing drugsPerformance enhancing drugs [7172] oxi_727: stop [7172] im_him3788: jynxziSuprised [7172] JaCquinTv: PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt [7172] pizzadino_: XIM IS ANNOYING BAN HIM [7172] z_purpleswag1: FAKE SWAT HES DUCKING [7172] FusionThatGuy: Vapebreak [7172] kamille_m1: xim annoying asf [7173] chris04829: Suck my di [7173] jahthegoat14: ain’t no way [7173] 2ndbae: Bro thinks hes xqc having the toilet so close to chat [7173] DEMON_RNSH1: That's a peeer [7173] floatedsky: www [7174] floatedsky: w [7174] Ryemoonbread: WASH YOUR HANDS [7174] ongvas: invite ricci [7174] thebestnoods1: what a vapor [7174] ryzeo_the_goat: What was that sound [7175] stangchickkk: YOU DIDNT WASH UR HANDS [7175] lwfroyo: invite richard [7175] nevelduong: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [7175] landomagic__: CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit [7175] Jager_514: he [7175] noahhusky3: YALL I BET ON THE WRONG ONE IM COOKED [7175] chadleeb: PLAYSTATION WON SAYS BRENDON GREEK GOD [7175] 0haniken0: God i hate xim [7175] stringbeanfingers: w stream [7175] MMcLovennn: stomp vs xim and ricci [7175] arcsonr6: CHECK DONO [7175] pizzadino_: PAID COPS [7175] voidzq: L VAPER [7175] saylz_dtg: pxppyYAPPA pxppyYAPPA pxppyYAPPA [7175] tinyrick8239: jynxziVapeBreak [7176] icyivory: if he streaming today he ain’t in trouble tomorrow [7176] yxuwn: coke break [7176] apollolekid: ik ts hitting rn junko [7176] 1tsy0uaga1n: jynxi f [7176] 4itay2: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7176] melo_1434: ahhhhh😩 [7177] Ollie8484: M [7177] verygenericusername37: I WISH I WAS JYNXZIS TOILET [7177] obuabo: invite ricci [7177] imchecked: sniffer [7177] JUNKo00000000: coke ain artist [7177] PRESTON0293: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [7177] navii1294: hey get ur fingers outta ur butthole bud [7177] Purple_KandyZ: his gate? [7177] sight_elite: take a piss/text diddy “they know about us” [7177] kapsotherdealr: diddyd [7177] outsideroutside: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [7177] Critfps: LLLLLL [7178] purifiedphh: SMALL ASS STREAM LITTLE PECKERRRRRRRR [7178] cnpatillo: $$$#$$$$$$$## [7178] sharkiemcsteven: no flus [7178] cetzamact: new junko streams SUCKKKK [7178] rogergoat77: wwwwwwwwwww [7178] toesgreenanklespurple420: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [7178] crz_freaski: w pissing [7178] cuddle_xd: DIDDY IN THA BATHROOM [7178] mbarget28: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7178] bekfast2020: 2 hour mark [7178] suhn44: DIDNT WASH HANDS [7178] cold_killing7: Let's go Jynxzii and stomp n jynxziChampion jynxziGoodAim jynxziGG jynxziEZ NewRecord [7178] ducknpuff: damn he coulda made it were we didn’t hear him [7178] Jager_514: tv [7178] JaCquinTv: KevinTurtle KevinTurtle KevinTurtle [7179] Vitamin_Greg: YOU CAN HEAR HIM MISSING THE BOWL [7179] thehammer0304: wash your hands [7179] wetnapkinz2: LOUD AS HEL; [7179] paddycrack_: 1 hour left [7179] CrazyXtian: w [7179] mystkkkk: mystkkkk subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [7180] Ryemoonbread: WASHH YOUR HANDS [7180] sebastianodiwasserfall: 8 horny police officers pounding cumcho the twitch streamer [7180] stangchickkk: DIDNT WASH UR HANDS [7180] FiveInTheMorning: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7180] basedjerms: WASH YOUR HANDS [7180] 702SAUCEWALKA: werid junko and diddy [7180] f_your_ma_up_the_ra: Be a sweetie wipe the seatie [7181] flames4236: W PISS STREAM L TWITCH STREAM [7181] chadley_da_badddie: stop jelqing [7181] unmyworldd: that boy gettin fucked in the ass [7181] jak_boss: @highvise01 [7181] mbarget28: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7181] zackholeee: L diddy break [7181] MilksMamas: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [7181] Nightbot: TikTok: @Jynxzi [7181] drmonkeeman10: EW DIDN’T WASH HANDS [7181] kinoth_: blow it [7181] ice_king1237: w piss [7181] lwfroyo: invite ricciiii [7181] arcsonr6: DONATION [7181] lijos67: LILPEEPEEBOY [7181] JaCquinTv: KevinTurtle KevinTurtle KevinTurtle KevinTurtle [7182] chris_piss10: jynxziVapeBreak [7182] toastinius: cape [7182] noahwilks3030: !sub [7182] uhusirname: kikaRub kikaRub kikaRub kikaRub kikaRub kikaRub [7182] luke21dalton: 2 vaper [7182] zaicl_: BROS SAYING CMON TO HIMSELF [7182] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [7182] craziejakie: nic break [7182] Apollo75639: CHAT REMEMBER WHAT JYNXZI SAID DURING FAN MAIL HE DEF DID THE DIDDY METHOD [7182] streakxsy: jynxziLOL jynxziBounce jynxziCRY [7182] maybfresh: YESS [7182] sirstankles: sirstankles subscribed at Tier 1. [7182] bigmansgaming: hey xim the watch is fake i saw it on amazon for 13 dollars [7182] garlemmm: garlemmm subscribed with Prime. [7182] lKickStandx: RICCI/XIM 💰💰 [7183] dissroom: i hate you fatass [7183] rileynolan22: YES [7184] jamesyggg: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7184] cookie1210: nah [7184] arcsonr6: CHECK DONATION [7184] RetroSpect369: xim is lame asf [7184] calvbeastly110: we want to know why the cops were there [7184] maybfresh: WWWWW [7184] Nightbot: @V_T_3_C -> You're welcome. [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [7184] mikaknai: wash ur hands [7184] kuno__w: NO [7184] splattem_braylen: CASEOHS WAITING [7184] david013111: bro getting a boos job by breky real quick [7184] toesgreenanklespurple420: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [7184] oo_Moir: good aim [7184] zippywilly: Yes [7184] silvasfolly: WASH YOUR HANDS [7185] coquitoopapitoo: w [7185] Ryemoonbread: WASHH YOUR HANDSSS [7185] alfie244566788776543: Part time streamer [7185] sauce_godzzz: drug addict [7185] artframe: LMFAO [7185] K9Jr5: DO IT [7185] chris_piss10: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [7185] ja_nee_boeie: I want ma charm [7185] cxmp_clipx: vapeeeeeee [7185] zazzy_901: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [7185] ethanval999: penjamin ripper [7185] dabeanz__: didn’t wash his hands [7185] SwissChrissS: bet xim and ricci easy channel points [7185] panpanopolis: 10$ JYNXZI WONT READ MY MESSAGE [7185] daynabett: daynabett subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 9 month streak! [7187] benbreezi: cursed [7187] chris_piss10: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [7187] rmhj1988: lie [7187] walkinglivinglegend: cocaine break [7187] voidexitey1: JYNXZIxDIDDYxR KELLY COLLAB [7187] xzmillxz: HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys [7187] mrsalamanderiii: WWW [7187] UnstableDylan: bad aim use the back off the bowl [7187] imnot_lilyy: YESSSSS [7187] yogurt_dawg: CURSED [7187] diddycash: no hand wash [7187] moneymakinrich_: wash your hands yo [7187] sketchysnail396: XIM IS SOOOOO ANNOYING [7187] toesgreenanklespurple420: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [7187] angelchastity: YESSS [7190] robby_1455: 🤣🤣🤣🤣 [7190] rijinmanz1: LOL [7190] Slzy01: !watchtime [7190] arcsonr6: DONO [7190] walkinglivinglegend: coke break [7190] azraelwoah: shut up [7190] kinda_dead_l: Lmao [7190] jrexx17: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7190] abnutted: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 [7190] chadleeb: I BREQAK SAMS [7190] elijahjn: Vaper vaper vaper vaper vaper vaper [7190] StreamElements: Slzy01 has spent 2 days watching jynxzi [7190] 1xevoke: WASH YOUR HANDS [7190] esk1ii: stop touching diddy [7190] Duffey5: so did you snitch on diddy? [7191] Zlairrr: !followage [7191] crz_freaski: loud ah piss [7191] ExllyZ: YOOOOOO [7191] M0MMYKIKI: burden [7191] aquadynamiz: Ayo Rayan got a point 5 and now 8?? [7191] energybuckzy: WWWW [7191] StreamElements: @Zlairrr, zlairrr has been following jynxzi for 1 year 3 months 9 days 2 hours [7191] josephrp32: diddy waiting [7191] rip__jerry: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [7191] ljlbountyhunter: All In On Ricci [7191] yangeekka: cursed [7191] Paralax1551: w peenstream [7191] drippysponge239: jynxziFAT [7191] raqu31: YOU HAD A DINNER DATE WITH DIDDY??????????? [7191] cookie1210: man [7192] dabeanz__: heard the smoke [7192] Nightbot: poor❌ pour✅ [7192] Azzora_: Azzora_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! [7193] CleanerOnTop: CleanerOnTop subscribed with Prime. [7193] lol_bradyy: jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT [7193] maybfresh: WWWWW [7193] ExllyZ: LMAOOOOOOOooo [7193] Vamnpire_: ITS BROKEN [7193] toesgreenanklespurple420: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [7193] strawhatgoofy: aztec death whistle is crazy [7193] crackednaz2: stop [7194] snabla_tomat: L [7194] cookie1210: mach [7194] artframe: LOL do it [7194] parkcity201229: CoolCat GlitchCat [7194] drippysponge239: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [7194] giraffelover_: W [7194] sketchysnail396: HIS HEAD SET IS ALREADY BROKE [7194] SKMarc_07: W BULLY [7194] inaxvy: YESS [7194] devilasta420: DONT DO IT [7195] patwisk2: JYNXZI WAKES UP FEELING LIKE P DIDDY [7195] FiveInTheMorning: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7195] insanesnipes4200: HUGE STREAM [7195] Bocajbilly: EASTER COSTUME???? [7195] themonkeymann722: you’re gonna win!!! [7195] butt_grenade: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7195] displaynqme: CURSED [7195] diddycash: no hand washing hear d [7195] Darkwaters66: g4y [7195] bigab45: wwwww [7195] drippytroy_: w squirter [7195] outsideroutside: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [7195] blesda1: NBAJUNKOO?? if you lose i swear don’t disrespect the goat yb ever again don’t wanna see you play yb ever again [7195] britolly: britolly subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 2 month streak! do it [7195] jdamon04: hiding Diddy at your houseee [7196] hazstevo: noooooooooooo [7196] inaxvy: YESSSS [7196] arcsonr6: DONATION [7196] pawdukes_fan_person: L BULLY [7196] djzelda1195: jynxziVapeBreak [7196] owencx123456: i would get shit on in 6 [7196] SomberTTV: WWWWWW [7197] toesgreenanklespurple420: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [7197] canebear: stream ends in 30 [7197] zulantic: didn’t flush the chain???!! [7197] ExllyZ: DO ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT [7197] kaidenisagoat123: when is fanmail [7197] 1tspharaoh: PepeLaugh [7197] hotandsexymcsteve: go back and flush [7197] snipes376: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [7197] lordtimis: L cheater [7198] g4b1_lexx: your fat [7198] jrexx17: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7199] inaxvy: YESSSSSS [7199] dexyytv: XIM IS OBNOXIOUS ASF [7199] butt_grenade: TheIlluminati [7199] snipes376: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [7199] madraysunshine: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke [7200] ryzeo_the_goat: Bro got that voodoo type shit [7200] bigman1077: solid stream jinky [7200] wyfyttv: ITS BROKEN [7200] floatedsky: waww [7200] drippysponge239: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [7200] mr_kermintthefrog: l bully [7200] toast_gunns: CURSED [7200] inaxvy: YESSSSSSSSS [7201] iDAVYFD: 😂😂😂😂 [7201] mcresswell3006: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [7201] floatedsky: www [7201] msft_Lt_Dan: NOOO [7201] diddycash: no hand wash [7201] dexyytv: XIM IS OBNOXIOUS ASFf [7201] alexisbellaa: Hebron Mohamed is in the home nihow [7201] TheBootyHoleTickIerOG: 💀💀💀 [7202] buggyboo3055: buggyboo3055 subscribed at Tier 1. [7202] toesgreenanklespurple420: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [7202] ZBNERD: Get better headset foe [7202] madraysunshine: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke [7203] LeePlayZyt: !gamble 350 [7203] StreamElements: LeePlayZyt lost 350 points in roulette and now has 1885 points! FeelsBadMan [7203] 1Drae: LMAO [7203] inaxvy: YESSS [7203] 2ndbae: Bro thinks hes xqc having the toilet so close to chat [7203] aidenhasatight_muff: aidenhasatight_muff subscribed at Tier 1. [7203] chadleeb: FATRAT [7203] cjaboe: ong [7204] Matt_Przeszlo: LMFAO [7204] TheBootyHoleTickIerOG: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 [7204] rbsmilk13: stompn go live again [7204] inaxvy: DO ITTT [7204] floatedsky: w [7205] wilson6902: w vaoe [7205] 1Drae: LMAO LMAO [7206] Lero_ro_YT: wat is that ? [7206] lixieo: w [7206] CLIXZYTTVYT: hit it [7206] floatedsky: www [7206] JynxziViewBotNumber4089: l vaper [7206] heini_lehrfeld: ew [7206] jp201028: L VAPED [7206] Jpmalagonv: CURSED XIM [7206] ZBNERD: Ahhhhhh! [7206] verygenericusername37: EWWWWW [7207] wrongle: LLLLLLLLLLLL [7207] iitzdutch: EWWWWWWWWW [7207] drmonkeeman10: LMAO [7207] snabla_tomat: L fatty [7207] g4b1_lexx: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA [7207] amir_237: LMAOOO [7207] mezzdup_bun: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 [7207] floatedsky: ww [7207] imnot_lilyy: LOLL [7207] wetnapkinz2: LMAOOOO [7207] iSowek: ??? [7207] aceo8907: ewwwwwww [7208] 1Drae: LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO [7208] kinoth_: Lewwwwwww [7208] ashtrologyy: PLSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS [7208] angelchastity: THE WATER [7208] alelmao_: IT WAS CURSED [7208] yungKIBE: ruined [7208] rileynolan22: THE SPIT [7208] mlnlz: curshed [7208] tempsi17: ITS BROKEN LMAO [7208] 1738clutch: ? [7208] niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick: broken [7208] M0MMYKIKI: 💀💀💀💀 [7208] diddycash: wash hands????? [7208] cs2beans: eww wtf [7208] mythix_010: mythix_010 subscribed with Prime. [7209] dankfefe: Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [7209] jett196: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 [7209] dozydiss_: LAME [7209] SHANATl: LMFOAOFAO [7209] wyay: oh man [7210] Nightbot: bozo [7210] Nightbot: ? [7210] amir_237: K [7210] chs_alpha: LOL [7210] el_chrispy_one: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [7210] P3NRiL: SALIVA LOL [7210] JynxziViewBotNumber4089: L vaper [7210] mr_kermintthefrog: L bully [7210] curseofraaaaa: LMAO [7210] MisterioWRLD: EWWWW [7210] iDAVYFD: 😭😭😭😭😭 [7210] cetzamact: LMAOOOOOO [7210] sandmanman_: ????????????? [7210] f_your_ma_up_the_ra: NOT THE AZTEC DEATH WHISTLE [7210] SHANATl: EWWWW [7211] coldhearted_389: me on a friday. [7211] Torrie_lol: ????????????? [7211] JermAKAbuffy: lmfao it’s broke dawg [7211] rileynolan22: EW [7211] reb0725: hahahahaha [7211] OnlyExcellent: EWWWWWWW [7211] 1Drae: LMAO [7211] Earthey_: ??????????? [7211] stringlessage: LOL [7211] KyeCapaIot: FAIL [7211] CandanceTR: KEKW [7211] yuzoooskie: ITS PEEING [7211] hockey10_11: LMAOOOOOOOOOOO [7211] dusllbee: AHAHAHAH [7211] GHOSTEEE_23: what the frick [7212] felixgoat1: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [7212] canebear: stream almost over [7212] Nightbot: k [7212] Nightbot: 😂 [7212] BeardedTHAN0S: How many dudes would diddy diddle if diddy diddled dudes? [7212] kissaputkessa: LUL [7212] umbra_cruce: LMAOOOOOO [7212] kazhslol: LMFAOOOOO [7213] wyay: Pffttt [7213] quandaledingile22: w [7213] maybfresh: LMAOOOOOOOO [7213] nikisimmer2015: Wtffff [7213] curseofraaaaa: ICANT [7213] bubblenib: omg [7213] iitzdutch: EEEEEEWWWWWWW [7213] sadchildsheiz: LMAOOOO [7213] bichito5iuuuu: 💀💀 [7213] toesgreenanklespurple420: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [7213] Gw1g: doing it wrong [7213] benjiionps: 💀 [7213] adonxim: LMAO [7213] Gucci_kid54: 💀💀💀 [7213] nvamzp: water [7214] t3xasplays44: Let's Go Stompin!! [7214] IIwuxiII: ewwwwwwwww [7214] landomagic__: ewwwwwww [7214] BellyDelphine: AHAHAHHAHAHA [7214] dangerplayss: LMFOAOAAOAOAOOAAOAOAOAOAO [7214] lauryn_x01: Lmaooooooo [7214] rileynolan22: THE SPIT [7214] TheLegendaryTwerp: LMFAO [7214] KeatonWasTaken: BROKEN OMEGALUL [7214] FadedxSaint: 🤣🤣🤣 [7214] wyay: Pffttt [7215] Jalurs: lmaooo [7215] FadedxSaint: 🤣🤣🤣🤣 [7215] Nightbot: 🍉 [7216] FadedxSaint: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [7216] moneysignslexy: EWWW [7216] uSilent_: 💀💀 [7216] wolfchain35: 💀 [7216] richxrdcolee: lmfaooooo [7216] Nicsu: LOL [7216] piff_paranormal: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [7216] notcloudzzy: EWWWWWWWWW [7216] dangerplayss: LMFOAAOOAAOAOAOAOOAAOAOOAAO [7216] yungKIBE: LMAO [7216] rbsmilk13: what the fuck [7216] FadedxSaint: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [7216] JeyPi_33: broken [7216] kinda_dead_l: TRYING TO KILL HIM [7216] ashtrologyy: HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP [7217] heini_lehrfeld: lol [7217] greenbeanpeenn: that’s water guys [7217] JermAKAbuffy: lmfaooooooo [7217] yangeekka: LMFAO [7217] thsaw1: HAHAHAHAHA [7217] o_erwin: LMAOOOO [7217] babayaga434: lmao [7217] FadedxSaint: 🤣🤣🤣 [7218] FadedxSaint: 🤣🤣🤣🤣 [7218] wyay: 💀 [7218] FadedxSaint: 🤣🤣🤣 [7219] FadedxSaint: 🤣🤣🤣 [7219] yuzoooskie: ITS SQUIRTINGH ITS SQUIRTINGH ITS SQUIRTINGH ITS SQUIRTINGH ITS SQUIRTINGH ITS SQUIRTINGH [7219] Dr_Tip: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH [7219] auxnative2: lol [7219] adhd330: w [7219] oznkii: the water [7219] hectorrgoat: 😭😭 [7219] byec4: CURSING XIM [7219] adonxim: LMAAAOOOO [7219] giraffelover_: www [7219] Jabootei: LMAO [7219] waterrnelons: oh my lord [7219] FadedxSaint: 🤣🤣🤣🤣 [7219] Nightbot: instagram.com/Jynxzii [7219] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [7220] qcheb: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [7220] dgcv_: 😂😂😂 [7220] chris_creek: its squirting [7220] bubblenib: LOL [7220] apollodiddat: WTFF [7220] Silverwing20: LMFAO [7220] ashleyrae421: LMAAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOA [7220] sauce_boss2992: cover the bottom [7220] FadedxSaint: 🤣 [7220] cappalotty: 💀💀 [7220] pirategrad_60: 💀💀💀💀💀 [7220] EightNeun: P Diddy ahh Whistle [7220] nausea3500: What is thatvv [7220] bloodrenx: LOL [7220] FadedxSaint: 🤣🤣 [7221] FadedxSaint: 🤣🤣 [7221] waterrnelons: jesus [7221] ItsMalikx: LMAO [7222] ItsMalikx: LMAO [7222] ItsMalikx: LMAO [7222] SHANATl: LMFAOOOOOOO [7222] soggyshane: HAHAHAHAHAHAA [7222] wetnapkinz2: LMAOOOOOOOO [7222] xNoRecoil: LMFAO [7222] Kelynxz: W [7222] yungKIBE: LMAO [7222] dangerplayss: LMFAOAOAOAOAOOAOAAOOAAOAOOAOAOAOAAOAO [7222] fwkso: L L L L L L L L L L L L L [7222] fourfafour: LMAOOO [7222] adhd330: wwwwww [7222] ItsMalikx: LMAO [7222] vrmlz: LMAOOO [7222] richxrdcolee: AHAHHAAHAHAHA [7223] Menzys: W CLIP FARM [7223] junkojohnsonda3: 💀💀💀💀 [7223] Grom9696: 😂😂😂😂 [7223] awesomeflipper: LMAO [7223] its_dr3w759: 😂😂😂😂😂 [7223] dogmmann: SCRIPTEDDD [7223] luci_sbk: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 [7223] deebeelitt: paid a tor [7223] SugaredupGhosty: LOL [7223] GHOSTEEE_23: xim is dying [7223] zap0y: ROLFFFFFFF [7223] Shadowfist02: lmao [7223] kazukispeach: safF [7223] kazukispeach: safF [7223] yellowchip001: yellowchip001 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! [7224] kazukispeach: safF [7224] FadedxSaint: 🤣 [7225] kazukispeach: safF [7225] austin172: it’s dripping [7225] gray_gahd: LMFAOOOO [7225] dagoodkush: 😂😂😂😂😂 [7225] TheReal_BigBlack: Lmao [7225] diegosaldanagames: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7225] catgrubss: LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOO [7225] Cliopatrra: HES DONE FOR [7225] thereal_swazy: WWWWW [7225] xluurxz: BRO [7225] xSoapyyx: script [7225] damoney24356: 🔒🔒💀🔒 [7225] TheBootyHoleTickIerOG: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 [7225] hereca_: LMFAO [7225] kazukispeach: safF [7226] Suhplexity: BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump [7226] dangerplayss: LMFAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOO [7226] debo8541: I’m dead [7226] opiumwizard777: LOOOL [7226] lurks1000: that shit weak asl lmaooo [7226] adhd330: wwwww [7226] WhosBryan16: iluminati shit [7226] mattman676721: BRAIN ROTTTTT [7226] crovax_ix: lamaloaoa [7226] twncay: KEKEKWK [7226] shordystarx: LMFAO [7226] desnick71: 💀😭 [7226] richxrdcolee: AHAHAHAHAHAHHA [7226] antivax_ryan: no wayyyyyyyyyyy [7227] kazukispeach: safF [7228] StarzyCOD: LMFOAOAOAOAOAOAO [7228] ethangates: 🤣🤣🤣🤣 [7228] maddieh74: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA [7228] Jmlgiants: wtf is happening [7228] Achtohbr: CLIP FARMINGGG [7228] BiggggJake: 😭 [7228] LeePlayZyt: 😂😂😂😂😂 [7228] TheBootyHoleTickIerOG: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 [7228] h6tvass: 😭💀💀 [7228] dirtymitsu: W [7228] waterypanda: He won [7228] Nightbot: yup yup yup [7228] adhd330: wwww [7228] robscar7qb: HAHAHAHA [7228] kazukispeach: safF [7229] baseballtj06: XIM IS CURSED NOW [7229] NesroGaming: its chillin' [7229] SlickNick880: CURSE THEM BEFORE THE PLAY [7229] lpa_quixotic: W CLIP [7229] gavriil_00: LOOOOLLLL [7229] thereal_swazy: W SCRIPT [7229] aaaaaaaa6353: LMAOO [7229] datprotp98: YES [7229] kazukispeach: safF [7230] cowzay: 💀 cant tell which screaming was worse [7230] kazukispeach: safF [7231] cuddle_xd: AHHHHHHHH [7231] moneysignslexy: lolol [7231] LiIPiffer: CURSED OBJECT, YOUR LINEAGE IS CURSED FOREVER [7231] JRamington: LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [7231] toesgreenanklespurple420: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [7231] SnowyJoey27: WHY IS HE SCREAMING BACK [7231] vrmlz: LMAOOOOOO [7231] Starless_D2: MY EARSSSSAA [7231] pinheadxttv: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [7231] maddieh74: AHHAHAHAHAHA [7231] corybrntt6: yes [7231] nailwind: ximms the death whistle [7231] TheBootyHoleTickIerOG: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 [7231] RedEcks3: Mexican Death Whistle [7231] frrk1: Lmaooo [7232] EndyB: YES [7232] T0NY_STARK109: Lol [7232] elijahj4mes: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 [7232] alfredo_ferdinand: LMAO [7232] rny_monkeyx_x: cursed [7232] twncay: LMFIOAOFOFO [7232] crizma567: yea [7232] seekdagass: embarrassing [7232] sillywillymad: STOP WHYS IT WET [7232] JohnHeIms: death whistle [7232] GHOSTEEE_23: xim is dead bro [7232] CactusZack23: YEAH [7232] Hellakittehs: that aint water [7232] tonbiddness: ts was so funy [7232] Nightbot: ok [7234] oldgoont: yeah [7234] richxrdcolee: LFMAO [7234] maddieh74: LMAOOOOOOO [7234] zackholeee: lmaoooo [7234] zippyghost: ahahahahahahahahahha zinmmn zSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS [7234] bryan_cal57: Clip farm [7234] xoperationblackx: LMAOOOO [7234] cojo2467: xim louder [7234] jesus_of_rebirth: 😂 [7234] Kelynxz: XIM IS CURSED [7234] sickmagician802: probably [7234] Icyyonkbm: ye [7234] StarzyCOD: 😂😭😭😂😭💀😂💀😭💀💀😂💀💀😂💀😂💀😂💀😂💀😂💀😂💀😂💀😂💀😂💀😂💀😂 [7234] TowardsNate: WATER in ther [7234] albinx11: LMAFOOO [7235] footballnmore: SHHAHAHAHAH [7235] willemo5: curse him [7235] polir8: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7235] joshf_638: IT WILL DRY [7235] MackyDoo17: that thing is so fucking great!!! [7235] vindinny: WTF ARE U DOING [7235] roosterstroodlee: hahahhaa [7235] Arctic4PF: BRO LMAOAOAOAOA [7235] thickestape: l script [7235] kiodira: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [7235] crizma567: yes [7235] colton21478: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 [7235] Nightbot: @StarzyCOD -> You're mistaken. [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [7237] k_nife_: LOOOLLLLLL [7237] butt_grenade: Xim is so funny [7237] jengis11: @hivise change title [7237] xlfenwinxl: jynxziWTF [7237] 4liles: yes dumbass [7237] LeeDriIIy: LMOAOOAOAO [7237] asydbc: YES [7237] connxrlo: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7237] Clutchpat74: W CLIP💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 [7237] momo250309: xim is the Best 😂😂😂😂😂 [7237] TablesLike: yes [7237] JAKESNAKE238442: my ears [7237] richxrdcolee: W FANMAIL [7237] exotixgoat: LMAO [7237] txrtle_mc: you broke it idiot [7238] ethanval999: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 [7238] chuskii617: www [7238] urgfmysidepiece: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA [7238] rafabouttabag: ur not supposed to put water [7238] roosterstroodlee: fuck ne [7238] kazukispeach: why it leaking [7238] staywithmelonger: SHAKE IT [7238] oomrsmelly: he’s dead now [7238] EWOK7075: YES DUMBASS [7238] bxndiz: alunimiujta [7240] connxrlo: TheIlluminati [7240] Eddie186: hold the bottom [7240] koltsterling: the water broke [7240] Mjgamer420: yes [7240] squiggly240: we summoned more ghosts gg [7240] angus1664681: ahahahah [7240] a_imx: 😭😭😭😭 [7240] kottonking762: yes [7240] actaavis: sacrificed XIM [7240] jamesyggg: it’s wet like me [7240] richxrdcolee: W FANMAILF RE [7240] stea1thgamer_: MCDONALDS HEADSET [7240] footballnmore: LMAOOOOOO [7240] Nightbot: 45 [7240] googlechromed: LMAOOOO [7241] pingbtw0: lmfao [7241] rudeboyryzo: p diddy sent you that [7241] bornwithpassions: stream so fire on mute [7242] waterrnelons: sounds like swedens emergency alert [7242] wyay: illuminati whistle TheIlluminati [7243] hisef0: blow harder [7243] Amunify: LMAO Xim is goated [7243] fbbfrost_chaos: yes you broke it [7243] seven7______: L script [7243] cockdragonz: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7243] xpecthaven: w fan mail [7243] Pre_Malone2: cover the bottommmm [7243] slitciapper: cover the bottom [7243] kanexx_qc: L CLIPFARM [7243] dropstompn: bro screamed 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 [7243] AvidGlazer2ez: HES DEAD NOW [7243] Achtohbr: FLIP CARMINGGGG [7243] lazzyturtle1: diddy [7243] btkirk56: yeah [7243] abruptix: he took xims soul [7244] 666tragix: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [7244] adaliegrace: he died [7244] connxrlo: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7244] yukifvv: UNSCREW THE BOTTOMMMM ITS LOUDER [7244] faded_r6x: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7244] BeardedTHAN0S: How many dudes would diddy diddle if diddy diddled dudes?How many dudes would diddy diddle if diddy diddled dudes? [7244] EnvyTheChamp: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7244] maitomakkara_: jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY [7244] Nightbot: 84 [7244] footballnmore: LMAOOOOOOOO [7244] dogmmann: WHAT A COMMITED SCRIPT [7244] TheDovahKenz: bros gonna be haunted [7244] jobrothemfgoat: wit [7244] squiggly240: pre end [7244] dagoodkush: ILLUMINATI! [7245] moneyyredd: Kim k [7245] eliiite__: BLACK MAGIC [7245] bezxdz_: FAN MAIL FROM ILLUMANATI [7245] z_purpleswag1: FAKE SWAT [7245] josu310f: ILLUMINATI [7245] AugDaug14: fake [7245] HECTICSEVENs: needs to be dry zumbahhhhh [7245] pinkahi: its a bong [7245] Balakae: COVER THE BOTTOM [7245] elijahj4mes: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 [7245] wyay: illuminati whistle TheIlluminati [7247] bloodrenx: YOURE EXORCISNG XIM [7247] giraffefondler: diddy [7247] extra_tilt: extra_tilt subscribed at Tier 1. [7247] a_imx: 😭😭😭😭😭 [7247] footballnmore: LMAOOO [7247] Achtohbr: FLIP CARMING [7247] amingpartys: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [7247] t3xasplays44: Ximm dead [7247] Vividly004: SUMMONED EVERY DEMON [7247] itsbinkie4653: use code clis [7247] bowenisagod: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7247] Fossabot: @yvltokyo, Your message is too long [7247] jobrothemfgoat: wut [7247] xprodigyx_91: ILLUMINATI [7247] keyz2416: Illuminati shit [7248] patwisk2: JYNXZI WAKES UP FEELING LIKE P DIDDY TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7248] decookie420: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7248] DBALRSG: diddy baby [7248] sam2311313: brok [7250] kazukispeach: @waterrnelons LMFAOOOO [7250] calitoon29: Junko sold his soul [7250] Grom9696: diddy [7250] jester09876987y43: illumianti whistle [7250] helloimrail: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7250] jrexx17: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7250] zzeun: industry plant' [7250] Gottjager: diddler jr [7250] Nightbot: 😂 [7250] dylanwall7: invite him to party [7250] okevyo: thickk whater [7250] springz___: why did you wet it [7250] Duffey5: industry plant lizard [7250] Nightbot: Twitter: twitter.com/Jynxzi [7250] amingpartys: 😂😂😂😂😂 [7251] justin_cooke: Diddy sent it [7251] oneshot_clapz: fake [7251] dabruhspeed: YOU CURSED HIM [7251] angelchastity: LOLLLL [7251] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [7251] niIs337: bro drifted in the wrong way [7251] twinnkleglitterr: u are uwu king [7251] Haarrzzz: XIM IS HILARIOUS 😂 [7251] kazualtys: Xim cursed [7251] b312noblesixx: your friends with Jeff Epstein [7251] Monokork: Bro just killed xim [7251] HeckCM: ADD MORE WATER [7251] slayerdomain: slayerdomain subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months! [7251] wyay: 💀 [7252] atlasdistty: atlasdistty subscribed at Tier 1. [7253] bighubbabubba64: actually illuminiati [7253] nehsty: 💀💀💀💀 [7253] juggiesmoove: lMFAAOOO [7253] 76vertix: skinwalker [7253] mommymika6921: double o jynkzi [7253] RedViet: Junko still has his soul [7253] zzertifyy: i claim no negative energy from this amen 🙏🙏🙏🙏 [7253] nevelduong: CHANGE TITLE HIVISE [7253] googlechromed: THIS IS AMAZING [7253] Brxx_11: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7253] provolognecheese192: when does stream start [7253] bowenisagod: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7253] cashcowwwww: NO WATER [7253] That_Dang_Lag: That_Dang_Lag subscribed with Prime. [7253] playback_2k: Jynxzi does zyns [7254] zaykett27: why they there [7254] 4itay2: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7254] Spandal: Illuminati whistle [7254] chadleeb: ILLUMI FULL READS IT [7254] KrautCtrl: junko is industry plug [7254] leondixon200333: epstines island type shi [7254] fliizzyyyy: xim is dead [7254] crppledtempre: Jeffrey Epstein [7254] eliiite__: L BLACK MAGICCCC [7254] mattyh230: when are clips [7254] eplcnoob431: eplcnoob431 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! W STREAM [7256] z_purpleswag1: FAKE SWAT YOU DUCKED THE QUESTION [7256] jj_2shiesty: yo why do you look baked [7256] roguehunchofn:  TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7256] eli_s238: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7256] rnkfeyk: death whistle [7256] dabeanz__: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7256] kalebbrown9: HOLD THE BOTTEMm [7256] saylz_dtg: pxppyW pxppyW pxppyW pxppyW pxppyW pxppyW [7256] EllenFromCasohsupermarket: TheIlluminati [7256] maybfresh: LMAOOOOO [7256] ayeenatyy: jynxziBadAim [7256] tfdjdawg: 😂😂😂😂😂😂 [7256] billis_b69: illuminati [7256] springz___: dum ass [7256] carsonthebest7: jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY [7257] puffpuffjuicer: LMAOOOOOO [7257] dylanwall7: ricci needs an inv [7257] Nightbot: 👀 [7257] GETOFFMYBLICK215: STOP SCREAMING SPEED [7257] slitciapper: COVER THE BOTTOM [7257] aquadynamiz: 💀💀💀 [7257] fpsdom_: W ritual W ritual W ritual W ritual W ritual [7257] r3lahpz: loll [7257] connxrlo: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7257] actaavis: he sacrificed xim [7257] spedpop: DEMONS IN THE WALLS [7257] 1738clutch: omg [7257] THAGR33NBAST3RD: P Diddy partner [7257] Miglzrd1: NOT SUPPOSE TO HAVE WATER BRUH [7257] faded_r6x: TheIlluminati [7258] waterypanda: Omg [7258] zeyroxyxl: Cursed [7258] rixdqz_ai: DUMBEST STREAMER EVER [7258] crooked_osu: 💀💀💀 [7258] connorishim1: wwww [7258] kieqz_: a part timer [7258] wyay: TheIlluminati [7259] kieqz_: a part timer [7259] kieqz_: a part timer [7259] aalienxx: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati PokShadowmew PokShadowmew PokShadowmew [7259] samuel614284: safF [7259] dannym726: !watchtime [7259] kieqz_: a part timer [7259] googlechromed: I LOVE XIM [7259] faded_r6x: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7259] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [7259] t3xasplays44: pxppyGojotwerk pxppyGojotwerk [7259] shivermetimbers15: LMAO [7259] StreamElements: dannym726 has spent 50 mins watching jynxzi [7259] kieqz_: a part timer [7259] playback_2k: Jynxzi does zyns?? [7259] EllenFromCasohsupermarket: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7260] kieqz_: a part timer [7260] moneyyredd: Xim cursed [7260] puffpuffjuicer: LOLLLL [7260] skipsee: you’re an industry plant mofo [7260] coreyledet05: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7260] Aaron678: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7260] j0eltdd: LMFAOOO [7262] xlfenwinxl: BRO'S IN THE ILLUMINATI TheIlluminati Kappa [7262] pooraido: LKMFFAOOOOOOOOOO [7262] curseofraaaaa: LMAO [7262] daniel_xo999: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7262] you__g: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [7262] lolvaporz: 😭 [7262] playboi2105: AZTEC DEATH WHISLTE [7262] garrettvalentich: LMAOOOOOO [7262] robby_1455: cursed [7262] SHANATl: LMFOAFOAO [7262] Bonesstv: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL [7262] Gucci_kid54: LMAO [7262] doubletwst: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7262] kieqz_: a part timer [7262] ysaitguns: Yooo [7263] yahwehsfather: LMAOOOOOOOOOO [7263] Pr3stonv: lmfao [7263] dukenukem1400: Lmao [7263] moderatedgg: W xim [7263] alphaplaystation: XDDD [7263] dcrawdaddyy: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7263] maybfresh: LMAOO [7263] riley2cozy: lmaoooo [7263] bowen_a_lot: Lube it up [7263] byec4: P DIDDY RITUAL [7263] HX_Ghostz: HX_Ghostz subscribed with Prime. [7263] kieqz_: a part timer [7264] kieqz_: a part timer [7265] 30_Cabbages: LMFAOOOOOOOO [7265] xlpans: 🗻🗻🗻🗻🗻🗻🗻🗻🗻 [7265] connxrlo: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7265] curseofraaaaa: LMAO LMAO LMAO [7265] iitzdutch: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7265] zackholeee: L curser [7265] Flamestar420: LOL [7265] zxourii: LMFOAOAOAOAIAIIAIA [7265] coxktane: L SCRIPT, CURSED, HACKER ILIUMINATI [7265] zaykett27: why the police [7265] dabeanz__: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7265] teaknical: lmao [7265] antivax_ryan: confirmed [7265] Aightly: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7265] theprinceofFP: LMFAOOOOOO [7266] SpaceKowboy55x: LEAKED [7266] dagoodkush: XIM RUN! [7266] awill13: lmfaoooooo [7266] starboyui: 😭😭😭😹 [7266] LobitoLeon1: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7266] ayeitsamritlol: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7266] EightNeun: LOVE XIMM [7266] lukemahomie: wwwwwwww [7266] mrrow0000: 😂😂😂 [7266] LWR6: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7266] kieqz_: a part timer [7266] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: LMAOO [7266] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: LMAOO [7266] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: LMAOO [7267] kieqz_: a part timer [7268] kieqz_: a part timer [7268] connxrlo: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7268] koocookilla: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7268] ayeitsamritlol: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7268] chef__stonyy: xim dead 9:01 [7268] notcloudzzy: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7268] milkysilky13: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7268] Junior2oh9: 💀💀💀💀💀💀 [7268] nutty44404: u have to inhale it [7268] nzanchi2549: W Xim [7268] jexerz_: cursed [7268] Tropezqt: LUL [7268] THAGR33NBAST3RD: P Diddy jynx [7268] bowenisagod: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [7268] Gucci_kid54: yoooooo LMAO [7269] SullyLLC: START [7269] aalienxx: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati PokShadowmew PokShadowmew PokShadowmew TheIlluminati [7269] manaphyonfire: P diddy paryy [7269] ishowrizz94: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7269] unmyworldd: p diddy [7269] sturgeon436363: ahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [7269] SHANATl: LMAOOAO [7269] ar33s: Almost 2 hours pre end [7270] neon_nectarine: neon_nectarine subscribed with Prime. [7271] kieqz_: a part timer [7271] Mar0_69: LMAO [7271] yyungkodaa: 💀💀 [7271] itspraying: 😨😨😨 [7271] Gucci_kid54: yoooooo LMAO [7271] LenniHQ: cursed [7271] jehlinaa: LMFFAAPOOOOOOO [7271] kieqz_: a part timer [7271] ChocolateLoverVz: hehehe [7271] largechod3: LMAO [7271] bowenisagod: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [7271] shivermetimbers15: EXPOSEDDDD [7271] Junior2oh9: LMFAOOOO💀😭😭😭 [7271] kieqz_: a part timer [7271] nutty44404: inhale it [7272] twosixx26ray: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [7272] WillBubby24: LOL [7272] sturgeon436363: HHAHAHAHA [7272] drauzee: Lmaoo [7272] snailmanthirteeN: 💀💀💀💀💀💀 [7272] manaphyonfire: p diddy [7272] connxrlo: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7272] rbsmilk13: nah this guy too funny [7272] aklurkin: lmaooo [7272] CharlieFCB_: SPARE HIM JYNXZI [7272] saylz_dtg: pxppyW pxppyW pxppyW pxppyW pxppyW pxppyW pxppyW pxppyW pxppyW [7272] king_dev35: the diddler [7272] yaboi_p_diddy: my parties are amazing chill [7272] imcoolndagamer: imcoolndagamer subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! [7274] FeatherFinger_: FeatherFinger_ subscribed with Prime. [7274] ItzWumboTTV: L chunko [7274] rockpenguin599: LMAOOO [7274] elijahj4mes: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 [7274] purpleturtle0211: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7274] toesgreenanklespurple420: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [7274] dcrawdaddyy: TheIlluminati [7274] JeffTufferson: 💀💀💀 [7274] burntbagel5: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7274] bcitygamer: Stompn Stompn he’s are man if he can’t do it no one can [7274] ddl3000: he cursed to hell now in Illuminati [7274] dabeanz__: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7274] cojo2467: jynxziGLASSES [7274] yungKIBE: RIGGED [7274] jrexx17: summoning demons [7275] uncomfy_axolotl: blow harder [7275] papera_schizzataa: XIM CURSED [7275] daniel_xo999: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7275] Azzora_: nahhh [7275] poopyfacetomatonose7447: leaked [7275] cockdragonz: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7275] thundercheeks1013: bully [7275] lKickStandx: TELL DIDDY NOOOOO [7275] mattydaddy2827: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7275] poppoolbox: BULLIE [7275] ishowrizz94: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7275] Nightbot: YouTube: Jynxzi R6 [7276] kweponss: kweponss subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! [7277] shivermetimbers15: EXPOSED! [7277] LobitoLeon1: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7277] waydand: Lmao [7277] Crooks24: Xim spread them cheeeks [7277] kottonking762: WWWWW [7277] firehydrant99: when is fan mail [7277] frohok: 💀💀💀💀💀💀 [7277] chloe_zst: ffffff [7277] qwizzy_w: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7277] LWR6: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7277] coldmantra: wtf [7277] Douglas420710: JYNXZI X DIDDY [7277] desnick71: 💀💀💀😭😭😭😭💀😭😭 [7277] duvelass: Read chat [7277] patwisk2: JYNXZI WAKES UP FEELING LIKE P DIDDY [7278] magicjeff221: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7278] eplcnoob431: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7278] ihyjayyyyy: LISTEN TO KEN CARSON [7278] BeardedTHAN0S: How many dudes would diddy diddle if diddy diddled dudes?How many dudes would diddy diddle if diddy diddled dudes? [7278] jdamon04: hiding Diddy at your place [7278] nutty44404: inhale the damn thing [7278] oneshot_clapz: L FAKE [7278] HanKabuki: TheIlluminati [7278] Tucodiaz: xim was already cursed [7278] razoo020: 💀 [7278] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: we saw u on the jet with diddy LUL [7278] TheRealTearful: 🤣 [7278] oZazzle: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7278] rynoslamsyou: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7278] CrazyBroo12: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7280] bla2gud: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7280] kemotheking99: XIM IS HIM [7280] SHANATl: LOL [7280] moonface125: LMAOO [7280] ItsSwiftzy: LMAOOOOO [7280] highdominator420: https://clips.twitch.tv/EnthusiasticPoisedBulgogiArsonNoSexy-NYlrLB4GxZDAfv5W [7280] rickyratpff: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7280] gScxtty: W XIM💀💀 [7280] raqu31: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [7280] salty_gamer5569: xplici16Wut [7280] slitciapper: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [7280] Nightbot: 😂 [7280] Nightbot: @highdominator420 -> Nice try. [stop posting links] [warning] [7280] milkysilky13: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7280] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: we saw u on the jet with diddy LUL [7282] saylz_dtg: pxppyW pxppyW pxppyW pxppyW pxppyW pxppyW pxppyW pxppyW pxppyW pxppyW pxppyW pxppyW pxppyW pxppyW [7282] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: we saw u on the jet with diddy LUL [7283] HanKabuki: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7283] mxaccax: P Jynxzi ome5 P Jynxzi ome5 P Jynxzi ome5 P Jynxzi ome5 P Jynxzi ome5 P Jynxzi ome5 P Jynxzi ome5 P Jynxzi ome5 P Jynxzi ome5 [7283] stringlessage: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7283] Shaltu: TheIlluminati [7283] eplcnoob431: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7283] itspraying: puff daddy 😂😂😂 [7283] Foxter_: LUL [7283] SullyLLC: START GAME BULLY [7283] major_avid_c: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7283] xxyaser2: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7283] xPeteShweatyy: XIM CARRYS THIS STREAM [7283] Akrapovixx: so we’re in the bohemian grove [7284] fortniteenjoyer46: jynxziWTF PunchTrees SSSsss [7284] amgush: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7284] zeyroxyxl: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7284] voidzq: W [7284] s_dawg_25: P DIDDY X JYNXZI COLLAB 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 [7284] blownturbo4038: !watchtime [7284] humboldtschweinfurth: DIDDY PARTY XDDD [7284] CharlieFCB_: BANNEDDDDDD [7284] Fossabot: @graciep44, Your message is too long [2x] [7284] maitomakkara_: jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL [7284] wyfyttv: L BULLY [7284] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [7284] StreamElements: blownturbo4038 has spent 1 day 21 hours watching jynxzi [7284] BeardedTHAN0S: How many dudes would diddy diddle if diddy diddled dudes? [7284] PRESTON0293: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [7285] manofsouls: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7285] zentihater01: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7285] ShakeThemPixels: What's the bet today chat [7285] getmaxedaf: Thats breckies dildo [7285] xxyaser2: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7285] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: we saw u on the jet with diddy LUL [7287] youkon4: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7287] zaykett27: why there [7287] dabeanz__: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7287] mkinstryisdxddy: !sub [7287] catotabumami: i love xim for real [7287] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [7287] jobrothemfgoat: jynxziLaugh [7287] kyguy32: ricci hooking Cronus up [7287] qaamilo: illuminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7287] jinx8984: jynxziSad [7287] elijahj4mes: DIDDYS WAITING [7287] Shaltu: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7287] Nightbot: 👀 [7288] certifiedbaggetter: !prime [7288] WoodsOnAWood: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7288] 오역: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7288] zentihater01: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7288] Nightbot: Subscribe to @Jynxzi for FREE with Twitch Prime Twitch.tv/subs/jynxzi [7288] okaybuddy1290: LMFOAOAOAO [7288] PrometheusIgnis: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7288] milkysilky13: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7288] amgush: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7288] mxaccax: P Jynxzi ome5 P Jynxzi ome5 P Jynxzi ome5 P Jynxzi ome5 P Jynxzi ome5 P Jynxzi ome5 P Jynxzi ome5 [7288] 33_inch: Cheer100 w [7288] coldmantra: bro finna pass out [7288] t3xasplays44: pxppyP pxppyP pxppyP [7288] waterypanda: hahaha [7288] JaCquinTv: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7289] junkycuh: W CLIP [7289] Sgnikaifa: MaxLOL [7289] artistic_trix_: P DIDDY PARTY LMAO [7289] arbz3005: Jynxzi was at the island [7290] bowenisagod: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [7290] notpenguia: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7290] savage_deeps: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7290] uncle_been678: L AL [7290] jrexx17: Diddy got him [7290] imnot_lilyy: WHOA [7290] chadleeb: ALLYOURMUDDASBRUUDASSISTAS BRO [7290] zentihater01: TheIlluminati [7290] mxaccax: P Jynxzi ome5 P Jynxzi ome5 P Jynxzi ome5 P Jynxzi ome5 P Jynxzi ome5 [7290] youkon4: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7290] zyrexxyy: !watchtime [7290] aaaaaaaaaa1234567346382: VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay [7290] fay_fn92: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7291] exotixgoat: DAMN [7291] StreamElements: zyrexxyy has spent 20 days 5 hours watching jynxzi [7291] magicjeff221: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7291] elijahj4mes: DIDDLER WAITING [7291] nightsidee_: jynxzi p diddy [7291] heatz_crgo: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7291] SpriteGI: 5omeone glft me a 5ub pIease [7291] theseleafs10: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7291] mazzyman665: mma [7291] lilfishy69: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7291] xernety: THE PEOPLE HIGH ABOVE BRIBE AND THREATEN YOU TO BE A CERTAIN WAY [7291] mc420fly: this might be p diddy [7291] greenapples14: RICCI HAND CAM [7292] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: we saw u on the jet with diddy LUL [7292] bowenisagod: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [7292] zentihater01: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7292] purpleturtle0211: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7293] uncle_been678: LOL [7293] bowenisagod: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [7293] okaybuddy1290: LGMAOAOAO [7293] Gpulse21: jynxzi broke by 30 years old [7293] vraxkin: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7293] chichi21091: when is fanmail [7293] weeoutdizbich: TheIlluminati [7293] damienb653: multi millionaire [7293] kinoth_: mfing ricci [7293] cableguy0006: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7293] qveef: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7293] mazzyman665: lmao [7293] heatz_crgo: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7294] Unsounderdruid3: Illuminati Illuminati [7294] zainboss09: jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY [7294] bighatch26: P DIDDY PARTY AT JYNXI HOUSE [7294] lordtimis: WE SAW YOU AT DIDDYS CRIB [7294] dvowill: LMAO [7294] Songoku_177: jynxziSNOT [7294] pawdukes_fan_person: Squid1 Squid3 Squid4 [7294] amplify_o7: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7294] zentihater01: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7294] desnick71: P DODDU [7294] WoodsOnAWood: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7294] okaybuddy1290: LMAAOOFOGOF [7294] qc_tibidou: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7294] BeardedTHAN0S: How many dudes would diddy diddle if diddy diddled dudes?How many dudes would diddy diddle if diddy diddled dudes? [7294] herbsmith321: herbsmith321 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! wooooo [7295] heatz_crgo: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7295] brixtonbullyfps: WHEN IS THE STREAM [7295] PRESTON0293: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [7295] stompmywomp: whistle summons diddy [7295] philipthesavage: philipthesavage subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! junko ur hot [7295] cikazipi: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 [7296] spankmuffin01: L XIMMM [7296] zaykett27: why they there [7296] aceo8907: .... [7296] zxourii: 😂😂😂 [7296] z_purpleswag1: FAKE SWATTTT [7297] jrvh28: lmfaooooooo xim low key funny [7297] thenotoriousrat1: i bet its maroon [7297] youkon4: TheIlluminati [7297] vuebae: w x [7297] ishowrizz94: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7297] shivermetimbers15: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7297] ilovetrillex: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7297] paxbtw_: CLIX IS BETTER [7297] zeyroxyxl: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7297] okaybuddy1290: LMGDOAOAOAO [7297] savage_deeps: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7298] eliteone02: bro you summoning shit chill deadass [7298] ethanval999: okay xim is actually funny😭 [7298] SHANATl: LLOL [7298] ishowrizz94: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7298] bcitygamer: Stompn carry [7298] shivermetimbers15: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7298] kaiju_krew: W bronze [7298] dhchrjrfbf: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7298] panpanopolis: RICCI IS WAITING [7299] okaybuddy1290: SS [7299] weeoutdizbich: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7299] manofsouls: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7299] muscular_cat5791: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7299] youkon4: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7300] jinx8984: jynxziSad jynxziSad [7300] okaybuddy1290: RR [7300] BosnianHaddis: GET AVID [7300] ishowrizz94: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7300] JaCquinTv: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminatiTheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7300] maitomakkara_: jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES [7300] dawson007420: I spent 4k on the opposite [7300] rnkfeyk: plumpko [7300] WoodsOnAWood: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7300] shivermetimbers15: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7300] FocalEdge: inta net [7300] wildchild19191313: Yoo [7300] ljlbountyhunter: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [7300] BeardedTHAN0S: How many dudes would diddy diddle if diddy diddled dudes? [7300] yungKIBE: lois [7301] zyrexxyy: !followage [7301] razor_shin: jynxziCharizard [7301] pawdukes_fan_person: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 [7301] mvxsms: DIDDY ASSOCIATE [7301] benzz1126: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7301] mezmerized09: IN TUH NET [7301] youkon4: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati MorphinTime [7301] aalienxx: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati sacrafice xim [7301] StreamElements: @zyrexxyy, zyrexxyy has been following jynxzi for 8 months 8 days 1 hour [7301] uSilent_: intanet [7301] Spartan7OO: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7301] dhchrjrfbf: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7301] Vip3rwing: LUL LUL LUL LUL [7301] zeyroxyxl: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7302] asydbc: L RICHIE [7302] 2ndbae: The P diddy Illuminati party.... [7302] facelessdmon: cursed 2v2 [7302] ZBNERD: Cat drug in** [7302] acid1ce: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo [7302] krimmerFPS: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7302] Aaron2litt11: 🐺😭😭😭 [7302] nektariosgr11: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati KAPOW KAPOW KAPOW KAPOW KAPOW KAPOW KAPOW [7302] CarterOnHere: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7303] z_purpleswag1: FAKE SWATTTTTT [7303] bekfast2020: ResidentSleeper [7303] Sphinx1_: not the p diddy party 😭 [7303] AvidGlazer2ez: INTANET [7303] watermelon234455: jynxziSmoke [7303] kaysaunh: ⛹🏾⛹🏾 [7303] rizzyredoyb_r6: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7303] quentin_olson: intanet [7303] wherhimmybe: hshshshzhz [7303] twosixx26ray: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [7303] ar33s: 2 hours, end stream [7303] jamesyggg: 1 bedrooom [7303] weeoutdizbich: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7303] r6gamer37: twitch: riccifps twitch: riccifpstwitch: riccifpstwitch: riccifpstwitch: riccifps [7304] gavina_132: hi [7304] braidedbootyyhair: bro called you p jynxzi [7304] dusavagebb: CAM TOO BIG [7304] Capozze: !brightness [7304] numzyybunz: BCWarrior BCWarrior BCWarrior BCWarrior BCWarrior BCWarrior BCWarrior BCWarrior BCWarrior BCWarrior BCWarrior BCWarrior BCWarrior BCWarrior BCWarrior BCWarrior BCWarrior BCWarrior BCWarrior BCWarrior [7304] Nightbot: 45 [7304] theseleafs10: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7304] BABYKEEMLOVER13: wait why did i see you in handcuffs coming out of diddys house [7304] Whiteboihops27: COCKSUCKA [7304] fliizzyyyy: wheres the predictions mods [7304] shoxley_: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7304] chicagoserge: HE SOUND NY AF [7304] z0a17: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7304] fearmarsh1: itsmun3EasyWork itsmun3EasyWork itsmun3EasyWork itsmun3EasyWork itsmun3EasyWork itsmun3EasyWork itsmun3EasyWork [7304] SirLiquidBacon: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7305] rizzyredoyb_r6: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7305] crppledtempre: Jeffrey Epstein [7305] spankmuffin01: L XIM [7305] hollymollyrollypollyolly: wet bussy already [7305] r6gamer37: twitch: riccifpstwitch: riccifpstwitch: riccifps [7305] tehooh: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7305] marijuanapapi: LOL RICCI A SPECIAL NEEDS KID [7305] dabeanz__: TheIlluminati [7305] xgeorge246: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7305] kazualtys: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7306] mfsoloj: jynxzi have you been to a pdiddy party [7306] HanKabuki: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7307] Knockz: Knockz subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months! feel me [7307] WoodsOnAWood: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7307] frohok: i’m dying😂😂😂 [7307] cikazipi: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 [7307] Joshua69Power: jynxziCORNY [7307] youkon4: THE ISLAND [7307] brodshiesty301: jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF [7307] rizzyredoyb_r6: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7308] SirLiquidBacon: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7308] dhchrjrfbf: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7308] AvidGlazer2ez: intanet [7308] ishowrizz94: TheIlluminati [7308] r6gamer37: twitch: riccifpstwitch: riccifps [7308] ar33s: 2 hours, end stream. [7308] tehooh: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7308] awesomeflipper: 😭 [7308] Gxckd: Plugging in his cronus [7308] manofsouls: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7308] syphon_ac007: Yo tell diddy wasup [7308] rizzyredoyb_r6: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7308] jamesmazz_ttv: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7308] drmonkeeman10: USE THE WHISTLE ON RICCI [7309] asydbc: L XIM [7309] okaybuddy1290: LMFAO [7310] fliizzyyyy: run the predictions mods [7310] duhjulian: jynxziCharizard [7310] ohiodad69: VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay [7310] Joshua69Power: jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY [7310] cikazipi: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 [7310] dhchrjrfbf: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7310] strixy_lol: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7310] uriel_z33: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [7311] rizzyredoyb_r6: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7311] r6gamer37: twitch: riccifpstwitch: riccifpstwitch: riccifpstwitch: riccifps [7311] asydbc: L RICHIE [7311] fymcomboz: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7311] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: we saw u on the jet with diddy LUL [7312] msft_Lt_Dan: WHO INVITED THE LITTLE KID BACK IN THE PARTY [7312] hahsheueikfbfbd: GoodAim [7312] t3xasplays44: pxppyBigHead pxppyBigHead pxppyBigHead pxppyBigHead pxppyBigHead [7312] hey_007: sez u [7312] ghxstt123: internet [7312] clu_Il: tell ricci to go to speech therapy [7312] WoodsOnAWood: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7312] tehooh: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7312] hypxr2k: Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 [7312] rizzyredoyb_r6: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7312] noahmahnke: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7313] car_lowzk: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7313] hrirrg: YOUR SHIT [7313] ohiodad69: VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay [7313] r6gamer37: twitch: riccifps [7313] fl3xgam3r: Just paid on sim stream u bet not lose pussy [7313] ollie_FrTho: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7313] chrolloszn: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7313] rizzyredoyb_r6: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7314] ysaitguns: Your terrible [7314] aaaaaaaaaa1234567346382: 30 mins left [7314] Kelynxz: YOU CURSED THEM [7314] dinodigitaldash: TwitchConHYPE [7314] fliizzyyyy: do your job [7314] PlazmaIQ: plazmaiq is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [7314] xSpoonZilla: https://clips.twitch.tv/GiantElatedPheasantKeyboardCat-TFhNvsL_vxz-6LWz [7314] BABYKEEMLOVER13: wait why did i see you in handcuffs coming out of diddys house? [7314] joeeee1233: BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail TwitchConHYPE [7314] Nightbot: @xSpoonZilla -> Boop! [stop posting links] [warning] [7314] Klapology: Klapology subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 8 month streak! [7314] dhchrjrfbf: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7314] PlazmaIQ: plazmaiq gifted a Tier 1 sub to kingbulldog193! [7315] ohiodad69: MingLee [7315] shoxley_: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7315] nehsty: 😭😭😭 [7315] ifjfjfjjwis: I bet on xim [7315] rnkfeyk: stompnnnn [7315] jaquavion_the_2nd: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7315] chrolloszn: TheIlluminati [7315] Fossabot: @ilikementoaster, Your message is too long [7315] fymcomboz: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7315] sk8fusion: is he gold 1 or bronze 1? [7315] rizzyredoyb_r6: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7315] panpanopolis: RICCI IS WAITING. [7315] Memeshitpost: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7316] cpt_backstrap: cpt_backstrap subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! poll [7316] Shamelesstable: mafeknintahnet [7316] to_tall_atomic: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziGoodAim [7316] zentihater01: TheIlluminati [7316] mezmerized09: EES MOI INTUH NET [7317] tehooh: DansGame DansGame TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7317] lorym02: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 [7317] zaykett27: police [7317] pastry_dish0: TheIlluminati [7317] asta0907: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7317] EatCrackRock: i like ricci tho [7317] jinx8984: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 [7317] dannym726: !watchtime [7317] xzmillxz: whoever just said clix is better leave [7317] zentihater01: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7317] jaquavion_the_2nd: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7317] chrolloszn: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7317] chadleeb: I PULL OUT THE MILLIONS [7317] StreamElements: dannym726 has spent 50 mins watching jynxzi [7317] luke21dalton: When does the stream start [7318] fymcomboz: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati… [7318] hxkikuma: hxkikuma subscribed with Prime. [7318] ohiodad69: MingLee VoteNay [7318] LORDINFAMOUS_36: TheIlluminati [7318] WoodsOnAWood: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid [7318] allixndra380: Kreygasm ResidentSleeper [7318] zentihater01: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7319] xjpupx: how much are they wagering [7319] Spartan7OO: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7319] panpanopolis: RICCI IS WAITING/ [7319] Nightbot: 👀 [7319] spankmuffin01: L XIM HE RUNS WITH THE OPPS [7319] chrolloszn: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7319] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [7319] jaquavion_the_2nd: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7319] HanKabuki: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7320] tehooh: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7320] colordeaf0: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7320] ohiodad69: VoteNay [7320] kaitivess: a [7320] shivermetimbers15: ALL HIL XIMMM [7320] chrolloszn: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati KAPOW [7320] dhchrjrfbf: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7320] shoxley_: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7320] hilal328: do the whistle on ricci [7320] xjacko675: TwitchConHYPE [7321] angelxaviermarquez1: PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride [7321] zentihater01: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7321] SpriteGI: can somone glft me a sub pIease [7321] ace_z00m: harrible [7321] oggasbag_33: he plugged in his xim [7322] jinx8984: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7322] tehooh: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7322] chrolloszn: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7322] ysaitguns: Your terrible. [7322] angelxaviermarquez1: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [7322] stringlessage: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7322] martinino: BRONZE [7323] slattzee: USE CODE CLIX [7323] rustchad375: Squid4 Squid4 Squid4 Squid4 Squid4 Squid4 Squid4 Squid4 [7323] jaquavion_the_2nd: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7323] manny11122288: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7323] elijahj4mes: DIDDY WAITING [7323] trizeboi: jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown [7323] Gxckd: Setting up cronus [7323] kinoth_: 💀 [7323] rnkfeyk: uuhhhuuu [7323] facelessdmon: cursed game [7323] jinx8984: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7323] yoitsrooz: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7323] Spartan7OO: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7323] BABYKEEMLOVER13: wait why did i see you in handcuffs coming out of diddys housewait why did i see you in handcuffs coming out of diddys housewait why did i see you in handcuffs coming out of diddys house [7323] stinkypoo_onu: “intanet” [7324] rijinmanz1: DV LOL [7324] faze_pperry: L zim [7324] chicagoserge: HE SOUND SUPA NY [7324] zentihater01: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7325] LORDINFAMOUS_36: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7325] EightNeun: facts [7326] cnpatillo: MrDestructoid [7326] tehooh: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7326] dvowill: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7326] johnxdfh1: lacy [7326] WoodsOnAWood: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7326] vorfue: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7326] landenwow: they suck asss [7326] buckhornbest: CRAZY [7326] lukemahomie: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [7326] ollie_FrTho: TheIlluminati [7326] Nightbot: i was crazy once [7326] moneyyredd: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7326] ItsPurpsss: ahhh right [7327] pauliewolly81: do it in ricci’s ear [7327] littletricky1: na that’s crazy 💀 [7327] jinx8984: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7327] panpanopolis: RICCI IS WAITING, [7327] nnxietee: REEEEEEE [7327] masterjeeebiee: @ttvmatt18 [7327] asta0907: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7327] gScxtty: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7327] slattzee: USE CODE CLIXX [7327] jaquavion_the_2nd: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7327] BABYKEEMLOVER13: wait why did i see you in handcuffs coming out of diddys house [7327] hellgirlem: yoooooo [7327] LORDINFAMOUS_36: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7327] thecool_catpro: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7328] tehooh: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7328] shoxley_: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7329] mason_ssg: lol [7329] shivermetimbers15: XIM TAKE MY POINTS [7329] MrChipmunk1305: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7329] zentihater01: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7329] Nightbot: 😂 [7329] johnxdfh1: Ronaldo [7329] d44rkfire: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7329] extra_tilt: !link [7329] Nightbot: @extra_tilt If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [7329] SirLiquidBacon: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7330] jinx8984: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7330] Gotgmoney111: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7330] luvermatty: RICCI PLUGGED IN THE CRONUS [7330] rijinmanz1: D5 POVERTY [7330] dhchrjrfbf: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7330] BeardedTHAN0S: How many dudes would diddy diddle if diddy diddled dudes?How many dudes would diddy diddle if diddy diddled dudes?How many dudes would diddy diddle if diddy diddled dudes? [7330] BABYKEEMLOVER13: wait why did i see you in handcuffs coming out of diddys house? [7330] calvbeastly110: harrible [7330] kinoth_: come on bro [7330] HanKabuki: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7330] lanceypoo11: Bet all on Ricci [7330] ohjay1999: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7330] tehooh: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7330] noahmahnke: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7331] realizaneg: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7331] certifiedbaggetter: twitch prime? [7331] dip_chi: w [7331] upmyassoniichan: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke [7332] MoldiTwitch: ww [7332] luci_sbk: USE CODE CLIX [7332] wolffy_100: Jynxzi can’t talk about Ego [7332] lcyvr_: lcyvr_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! i love you chunko [7332] BABYKEEMLOVER13: wait why did i see you in handcuffs coming out of diddys house [7332] rbsmilk13: he did 7-2 you [7332] EastCoastWaterOtter: TheIlluminati [7332] slattzee: USE CODE CLIX [7332] badis244: Illuminati [7332] tehooh: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7332] to_tall_atomic: jynxziRage jynxziBALD jynxziFAT jynxziHappy jynxziBadAim jynxziCopper jynxziCORNY [7333] throatsoftener: Imagine somebody with a lisp talking shit LMAO [7333] realizaneg: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7333] MrChipmunk1305: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7333] akBrae: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7333] jinx8984: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7333] jacke1323: yours do [7333] Spartan7OO: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7333] ollie_FrTho: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7333] sirmasoon: hi [7333] firehydrant99: when is fan mail [7333] MoldiTwitch: wwwwwww [7333] ethncyt: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7334] toast_gunns: TheIlluminati [7334] xvinityyy: jynxziCopper [7334] jebbzzz: look at ur stats [7334] tonbiddness: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [7334] Rosward23: X1M OWN YOU WHITE SPEED [7334] just_dimmest: npenYUM [7335] rnkfeyk: that’s good [7335] realizaneg: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7335] tehooh: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7335] thecool_catpro: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7335] axther_cs: axther_cs subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! yo jynxzi love your content much love [7335] toast_gunns: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7335] rynoslamsyou: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7335] crizma567: ah too easy [7335] ryze090520: GalaxyUnpacked [7335] Nightbot: too easy [7335] floatedsky: jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ [7335] lents0: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7335] amelia0213: caseohComeoncuh [7335] tripp421: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7336] realizaneg: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7336] febrezedeodorant: bros boyfriend is about to Carrie him [7336] akBrae: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7336] francisco1395: no diddy [7336] 2ndbae: You pay them 3k after stream for their services [7337] rustchad375: HSWP HSWP HSWP HSWP HSWP [7337] shoxley_: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7337] AvidGlazer2ez: TheIlluminati [7337] zentihater01: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7337] tripp421: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7337] landenwow: bigga [7337] Spartan7OO: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7337] imnot_lilyy: HURRYYYYYYYY [7337] cuddle_xd: LAWSUIT [7337] z_purpleswag1: HAHAHAHHA [7337] nicholasppppppp: 7-2 [7337] dhchrjrfbf: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7337] bluejoltz23: LOCK IN [7337] jrexx17: hardest laugh I had in a min [7338] uriel_z33: caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads [7338] hellgirlem: i love youuuuyuyuuuuuuuu [7338] dongslaps34: Play the game dumbass [7338] cherny05: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7338] thegoat279573: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [7338] 6juji6: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7339] chadleeb: I TREAT BLACK HATS YEAH [7339] BeardedTHAN0S: How many dudes would diddy diddle if diddy diddled dudes? [7339] tripp421: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7339] realizaneg: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7339] shoxley_: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7339] jeff4rso: stompn is chalked [7339] floatedsky: jynxziEZ jynxziEZ [7339] actaavis: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7339] Gxckd: Richie put cronus in [7340] z_purpleswag1: HAHA [7340] louiedurra: yo [7340] yingson1: what [7340] zootedhm: jynxzi and stompn vs annoying shitter and new yorker [7340] jads1d4r: barti [7340] floatedsky: jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ [7340] cjrox247: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [7340] xowo666: TheIlluminati | Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [7160] ご視聴ありがとうございました [7170] Come on. Hey chat. Hey chat, I bet you. [7180] Chad, I bet you I could break Zim's headset with this thing watch I bet you I could break Zim's headset with this thing Watch this shit ready. They don't even know [7190] You know, you're stopping. Yo, mute me real quick. Yeah, let me know when you have him muted. [7200] I admit it. Wait, you have me admit it? What is that? [7210] What is that? [7220] I think the water broke it. Shouldn't it be louder than that? [7230] Chad, should it be louder than that? It's not a luminary shit. This is fan mail, dude. Who do you guys think I am? [7240] – Sim! – Listen to me. – Oh my God. [7250] Don't do me. No, stop. He's gonna crush me. Stop. That's why he said stop and you do him. Anyone who hears they get sent to the... Oh my god. I think he's pleased with the piggie. [7260] Stop Go y'all are a y'all are losing your first round [7270] in three minutes. Ricky has three minutes for y'all. No, he's I'm literally in the body. You're the body of a mod because hey, I got wait. I got way too much bread on this to be waiting for Ricky. Ralph way too much bread on this. [7280] You were a fuck. Cool. Zim, you were a violent lot of the barrel Zim player dude. Right. Right. I said it dude. What happened? I said it. I said it dude bitch. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. [7290] Oh, and look who- I- I'm with the cat dragged back, it's fucking richy. You're talking about- I'm fucking no, bro. My fucking internet. [7300] So Ricky, join the game, bro. I'm done. I'm done. I'm done. I'm done. So congratulations guys. You guys just lost thousands of dollars because your ego right. You big to understand how to go. [7310] your ego is why wouldn't I have an ego do you know I am have you seen me on the game yeah yeah I mean Ricky has good stats but like similar [7320] Look at your stats, bro. Look at your rank stats. And you're taking my stats. I said I'm gonna take you. I said I'm gonna take you with these stats. I said I'm gonna take you with these stats. Come on, come on. Let's go, come on. [7330] Come on No shame party | There is a Highlight between 7100 and 7400. Jynxzi tries to scare his friend (named i love x1m) with a viewer's gift and break his headset (but it doesn't work). |
Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [8000] 0_xFashii: yea im going broke today [8000] phroggythefirst: hey dumb dumb that was a CLAYMORE [8000] chadleeb: youaintgotnoredrum [8000] aries_playsss: h [8001] elliotgoat73: shothun made [8001] ltl_goated: STOP SELLING MY 30 POINTS [8001] hunterl11100: clix owns u pussy [8001] numzyybunz: Robert, you here? [8001] nickcor11: ! gamble all [8001] kushendever: clix better [8002] austin172: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [8002] litpotato0: litpotato0 subscribed with Prime. [8002] ltl_goated: h [8003] gerggnik: GoldPLZ GoldPLZ GoldPLZ GoldPLZ GoldPLZ GoldPLZ StinkyCheese StinkyCheese StinkyCheese StinkyCheese StinkyCheese foxxyyyRIPP foxxyyyRIPP foxxyyyRIPP [8003] Ayzorax: ??????????????? [8004] tyzer_r6: dim snipe [8004] tfw22: claymore but alr [8005] drmonkeeman10: quit selling [8005] Ayzorax: ???????????????????????? [8005] ltl_goated: STOP SELLING MY 30 POINTS [8005] human_the_human69: !gamble 130 [8006] Buster270: !gamble all [8006] ltl_goated: h [8006] StreamElements: Buster270 went all in and lost every single one of their 875 points LUL [8006] aries_playsss: !gamble all [8006] LookAtJakeMan: !gamble 50 [8006] DamzhFPS: ????????? [8006] 38babycarter: clix our bitch [8006] StreamElements: LookAtJakeMan lost 50 points in roulette and now has 1370 points! FeelsBadMan [8007] RageDaaGreat: !gamble all [8007] DxcembreR6: swing bitch [8007] ltl_goated: b [8007] StreamElements: PogChamp RageDaaGreat went all in and won 680 points PogChamp they now have 1360 points FeelsGoodMan [8007] leonopoop: selled [8008] jakethegrape875: your selling my 1000 points [8008] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [8008] lukemahomie: wwwwwwww [8008] myless_ii: ?????????????????? [8009] MrChopCones: reeclaToxic [8009] deebeast532: brekie a bop [8009] joshpisag: what [8009] tyzer_r6: check viewer list [8009] blower754: !gamble 100 [8009] StreamElements: @blower754, you only have 20 points. [8010] cameatsham3327: !gamble 7000 [8010] StreamElements: @cameatsham3327, you only have 820 points. [8010] jahmapants: so ass [8010] grub954: uhhh [8010] ltl_goated: STOP SELLING MY 30 POINTS [8010] joshpisag: dummy [8010] kanexx_qc: ????????????? [8011] KL11111: L [8011] QuickPup3340436: ???? [8012] daddymyker: @verybigbluboi WITRH STOMPN AGAINST XIMM AND RICCI [8012] artistic_trix_: SO WASHED [8012] xynkilz: jynxziChampion [8012] myless_ii: WASHED [8012] bottomboysc: hey [8012] joshpisag: stupid [8012] vkyle_arm: yoo [8013] drafann: drafann subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! hey bitch say thanks [8013] UnleashedDem0nz: ????? [8013] luke162852: luke162852 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! [8013] itsfebster4: FAN I HAVE A SUB PLEASE ANYONE [8013] xzc12a: ???? [8013] 4hedXAT: !gamble all [8013] finalarigato_: how did you let him walk past you? [8013] StreamElements: PogChamp 4hedXAT went all in and won 15 points PogChamp they now have 30 points FeelsGoodMan [8014] infraredhulk: DUMB ASS [8014] ttwinnin: FLANNKKKK [8014] hubertthemonkey: joebartMan [8015] swedcic: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [8015] wpbcjj: chat telling ops [8015] rubydafcknorangutan: Shotgun, oregan, stompn crutch [8015] chadleeb: rolexitafax [8015] joshpisag: why pick up the mute [8016] jahmapants: ???? [8016] jamesyggg: ? [8016] xzc12a: my god [8017] demoncombo0: LUL [8017] ltl_goated: STOP SELLING MY 30 POINTShow [8017] homunculousry: flanKKK [8017] SKMarc_07: huhhh ??? [8018] ytking134: !gamble all [8018] StreamElements: PogChamp ytking134 went all in and won 5 points PogChamp they now have 10 points FeelsGoodMan [8018] homunculousry: s [8019] mpn_razor2022: jynxziBadAim [8019] joshpisag: brain dea [8019] itzzzkp: r [8019] wasdi532: ?????????? [8020] hunterl11100: zach [8020] itzzzkp: u [8020] yiorio_: pre sell [8020] nobl3nite: please I put 500 quit playing [8020] MurdaManJayX: MurdaManJayX subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 7 month streak! I luv you chunko [8020] d4vidfrmdaO: dragon ball better pussy [8020] kenyon_ll: hell yuh [8021] abuseandusee: PRE DEAD [8021] 2YMI: THAT WAS A FREE KILL [8021] itzzzkp: stupid [8021] raqu31: fLAANK [8021] xqdu: 💀💀💀💀 [8022] himmmmmmmnmmmm: !gamble all [8022] StreamElements: himmmmmmmnmmmm went all in and lost every single one of their 155 points LUL [8022] itsfebster4: CAN I HAVE A SIB [8022] joshpisag: brain dead [8022] grub954: clip that plz [8022] ToxicVerixfy: pre end [8022] dillon__s: FLANKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK [8023] abuseandusee: PRE END [8023] itsfebster4: SUB [8023] nightfight25: selling [8023] qtons: what is happening [8023] zenuthh: shouldve flanked [8023] zanggell1: !gamble 1000 [8024] StreamElements: zanggell1 won 1000 points in roulette and now has 2950 points! FeelsGoodMan [8024] myless_ii: swing that pussy [8024] jimboslicee22: Hivise check viewer list [8024] rbsmilk13: @riccifps [8024] itzzzkp: ?????? [8024] SukseiTheDawn: WHY MDID HE NO RUSH HIM? [8024] itsfebster4: PELASE [8025] UnleashedDem0nz: bro hes so washed [8025] LookAtJakeMan: !gamble all [8025] EVLONI: charm [8025] Nightbot: You could get the charm by subbing normally ( https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi ) PRIME ( Twitch.tv/subs/jynxzi ) or by getting gifted, and by linking your Ubisoft with your twitch account ( https://drops-register.ubi.com ) it might take sometime so don’t worry if you don’t get it instantly [8025] hubertthemonkey: joebartMan joebartMan joebartMan joebartMan joebartMan joebartMan joebartMan joebartMan [8026] kazualtys: he got on his cam bro [8026] de6rave12: what’s the discord? [8026] qghliqdsa: !gamble 100 [8026] grub954: CLIP THAT [8026] nickcor11: !gamble all [8026] abuseandusee: PRE DEAD [8026] StreamElements: @qghliqdsa, you only have 5 points. [8026] sylixlol: !gamble all [8026] StreamElements: PogChamp nickcor11 went all in and won 5 points PogChamp they now have 10 points FeelsGoodMan [8027] StreamElements: sylixlol went all in and lost every single one of their 875 points LUL [8027] gumbogoooo: ZACK? [8027] appledumb: @ITSWOAFY [8027] cread_on_top: cutie pie [8027] Sspazzzzz: script [8027] itsfebster4: I NEED A SUB [8027] itzzzkp: ??????// [8028] hunterl11100: government [8028] UnleashedDem0nz: so washeddddd [8029] ttfluid: !link [8029] Nightbot: @ttfluid If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [8029] Buster270: !gamble 20 [8029] xqdu: mf got scared 💀💀💀💀 [8029] Sspazzzzz: w script [8029] lizardxo: jynxi playing r6 is he back [8030] thedarkdestruct0r: jynxziFAT jynxziWTF jynxziGLASSES [8030] voloisreal: !gamble 300 [8030] StreamElements: voloisreal won 300 points in roulette and now has 690 points! FeelsGoodMan [8031] bigounce762: just use your shotgun [8031] SWIFT_TOP: bamsBOT bamsBOT bamsBOT bamsBOT bamsBOT [8031] finalarigato_: ricci angle [8031] alexrescue_yt: Pre end [8031] Nightbot: 👀 [8032] 1Drae: W [8032] chrolloszn: BRAINROT CHAT [8033] LazerBoomer: u saw him!!!! [8033] dryyybones: ???????????????? [8033] qtons: wow [8033] dukenukem1400: You could got him loser [8033] finalarigato_: ricci angleee [8033] GHOSTEEE_23: good [8033] Sspazzzzz: L script [8033] grub954: CLIP DAT GARBO [8033] 1Drae: WW [8033] xqdu: wait good aim [8034] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [8034] Jatkins27: E [8034] joshnash2008__: !discord [8034] jenksiee: nice [8034] Nightbot: https://discord.gg/jynxzi [8034] chadleeb: kay kay make wish be 3 [8034] whenidecay: It's in your butt! [8034] concreet_karton: WW [8034] j0rdan164: zack [8035] wessonishere_: OMFG [8035] maybfresh: WWWWWW [8035] swoleboh: jynxziGoodAim [8035] Jatkins27: W [8035] itsfebster4: PLEASS GUVE NE A sub [8036] concreet_karton: WWWWWWWW [8036] piecectrlshaq: wwwww [8036] snakess_s: W [8036] mezzdup_bun: WWWWWWWWWWWWWW [8036] BluuBerryBoy: the ricci anglew [8036] mythic_12_: W [8036] santiagosantangas: hardcarried washed [8036] voloisreal: !gamble all [8036] d44rkfire: wwwww [8037] EVLONI: @charm [8037] myless_ii: WWWW [8037] zxourii: EZZZ [8037] GHOSTEEE_23: goodldldld aim [8037] venisonfarts: w [8037] crayon_muncher77: crayon_muncher77 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [8037] nailwind: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8037] Jmlgiants: prime [8037] lilsluga: wwwwwwwww [8037] puffpuffjuicer: WWWWWW [8037] Nightbot: Blue crown —-> Free —-> no ads —-> charm: https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [8037] xpecthaven: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8038] Ayzorax: junko dead in 3 [8038] thexanthosis: WWWWWW [8038] mezzdup_bun: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [8038] myless_ii: WW [8038] senna1601: luck [8038] blinkynurse: WWWWWW [8039] bbyxr: bro made eye contact with him [8039] au_jelly: WWWWWWWWWWWWW [8039] waxer1477: good aim [8039] adjj0987: !gamble800 [8039] jexqua: Eoujj subscribed at Tier 1. [8039] wessonishere_: HES SO GOOD NOW [8039] sin_of_greed_ban: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8040] araiden012: WWWW [8040] hazyturd32: jynxziGoodAim [8040] human_the_human69: !gamble 1 [8040] maybfresh: GOOORAIMMMMM [8040] dtreams02: GOODAIM [8040] mezzdup_bun: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [8040] lukemahomie: wwwww [8040] abuseandusee: GG [8040] bryann1029: W [8040] kinda_dead_l: GOOD AIM [8040] ltl_goated: lucky [8041] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [8041] Swapsterr: CARRRIED LIKE AKLWAYS [8041] z3mmmi: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8041] KinddaSuss: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [8041] mythic_12_: W AIM [8041] Shadowxzxzx: w [8041] kinda_dead_l: W [8041] mohamedali1805: WWWW [8042] TheDovahKenz: WWWWWWW [8042] chefkochfriends: WWWWWW [8042] jetkins69: w [8042] hart_god: Ww [8042] LazerBoomer: bro he walked right past i [8042] mezzdup_bun: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [8043] kinda_dead_l: WWWWW [8043] rebornnn: wallbang [8043] ltl_goated: luckk [8043] Jmlgiants: jynxziGoodAim [8043] 4hedXAT: WWWWWW [8043] voloisreal: !gamble 600 [8044] kinda_dead_l: WWW [8044] asiancarl69: baby growl is coming for your girl [8044] senna1601: lucky [8044] pjthegoat50: Good aim [8044] Klinicul: Klinicul subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! yerrrrrrrr [8044] dankcheesecakee: good AIMMMMM [8044] yourboringaf: wwww [8045] ltl_goated: lucky [8045] mezzdup_bun: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [8045] kinda_dead_l: W [8045] exhaustedslothh: good aim [8045] zebred9718: L [8045] jetkins69: fuck xim [8045] uhhnexuz: !gamble 500 [8045] gumbogoooo: ZACH????? [8045] big_clutch564: jynxziCharizard [8046] StreamElements: uhhnexuz lost 500 points in roulette and now has 435 points! FeelsBadMan [8046] ii_hardz_ii: Wwwww [8046] ttvcy2206_: !link [8046] TheDovahKenz: WWWWWWWWWW [8047] chadleeb: nopixel [8047] MrBladeFranco: jynxziGoodAim [8048] ilovethelegobaby: ilovethelegobaby subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 1 month streak! ... [8048] uzsiiee: bad aim [8048] evadeddlol: CAN ANY OF YOU GUYS PLEASE FOLLOW MY TWITCH? [8048] msjalo: minusd 3k [8048] Hezi_on_pc: 7 ads is crazy jynxi yur actuall a hoe [8048] richxrdcolee: bad aimmm [8049] bigmak53: SOLD [8049] qghliqdsa: !gamble 5 [8049] newtoor6: washed [8049] d44rkfire: BAD AIKM [8049] xqdu: wow ur ass [8049] artistic_trix_: LUCK [8050] ena12795: !gamble 1000 [8050] myless_ii: oh hell nah [8050] StreamElements: @ena12795, you only have 100 points. [8050] kellarc46: BAD AIMMMMMMMMM [8050] joshpisag: WWWWW [8050] tianhatake: bad aim [8051] phe0nix_1: Lucky shot [8051] HappyJTC: BAD AIM [8051] dankcheesecakee: GOOD AIMMMMM [8051] richxrdcolee: SHIDDY AIM [8051] feenster56: feenster56 subscribed at Tier 1. [8051] RapidPompano: W GAME [8051] awesomeflipper: SOLD [8052] hunterl11100: LEAKED [8052] gerggnik: Jynxzi will take one in the butt if i get a gifty [8052] ashtonsl_: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8052] drmonkeeman10: PRE SELL [8052] kellarc46: SOLD THE ROUND [8053] whenidecay: REKT [8053] turldemaster: AAAAAHHHHHHHH [8053] ttvcy2206_: !time [8053] awesomeflipper: BAD AIM [8053] joshpisag: YESSIR [8053] richxrdcolee: SHIDDY AIMMM [8053] nbl_212169: thank you junko [8054] mezzdup_bun: BRUHH [8054] corrupted234: WWWWWWWWWWWWWW [8055] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: bro walk up? [8055] Ayzorax: how to sell a round 101 [8055] lolAmihan: SHIDDY AIMMMMMMMMMM [8055] kinda_dead_l: WW [8055] the_green_leaf: zach?? [8055] brilsmurfff: SHIDDY AIM [8056] gumbogoooo: SOLD [8056] arrozcomtudo: wallhack [8056] richxrdcolee: SHODDY AIMMM [8057] StreamElements: PogChamp suppliesahoy went all in and won 45 points PogChamp they now have 90 points FeelsGoodMan [8057] drmonkeeman10: PRE SOLD [8057] TheDovahKenz: YALL GOT THIS SHIT [8057] YEZTY__: 1 hp [8057] hunterl11100: ZACH [8057] joshpisag: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziRAHHH [8059] joshpisag: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [8059] richxrdcolee: SHIDDY AIMMM [8059] jamal1417: !gamble 125 [8059] crakendss: WWWWW [8059] StreamElements: jamal1417 won 125 points in roulette and now has 905 points! FeelsGoodMan [8059] DreadMoonTV: how u miss that [8060] wyay: W [8060] jynxzispicklesucker: i will suck on your pickle if u win [8060] ya_yeet_yessir: BADD AIM [8060] wyay: w [8060] richxrdcolee: WWWWWW [8060] 1Drae: WWWWWWWWWWWWWW [8060] wyay: w [8060] hunterl11100: ZABK [8060] joshpisag: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziChampion [8060] wyay: w [8060] Nicolita_PR: LEGGO LEGGO LEGGO LEGGO LEGGO LEGGO LEGGO LEGGO LEGGO LEGGO LEGGO LEGGO LEGGO LEGGO LEGGO LEGGO [8061] BANGBROTHERS: EZ [8061] asiancarl69: baby gronk is coming for your girl [8061] olllythedudebro3: Jnxya not washed [8061] rflts: WW [8061] crakendss: WWWWWW [8061] dtreams02: GOOOD AIM [8061] richxrdcolee: WWWWWWWWW [8061] ronaldobetter512: charm [8061] logan_t22: W [8061] 1Drae: WWWWWWWWWWWW [8061] z3mmmi: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8061] Nightbot: You could get the charm by subbing normally ( https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi ) PRIME ( Twitch.tv/subs/jynxzi ) or by getting gifted, and by linking your Ubisoft with your twitch account ( https://drops-register.ubi.com ) it might take sometime so don’t worry if you don’t get it instantly [8061] joshpisag: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8061] maybfresh: WWWWWWWWW [8062] defer233: w [8062] jugganot094: wwww [8062] Traf07: niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice [8062] ebo1104: GOOD AIM [8062] scrumptiousmonkey: Zack?? [8062] kevin_ayers: GOOD AIM [8062] treefrog_3: WWWWWW [8062] xqdu: finally [8062] kyoukos_s: w [8062] rflts: WWWWWWWWW [8062] venisonfarts: WWWWWW [8062] richxrdcolee: WWWWWWWWWW [8062] 1Drae: WWWWWWWWWWWW [8062] piecectrlshaq: wwwwwwwwwww [8062] robbiiieeeeee: WWW [8063] thedude694206: w [8063] whenidecay: REKT EEEMMMMM [8063] qctual: !points [8063] bichito5iuuuu: w [8063] defer233: www [8063] axther_cs: WW [8063] dtreams02: LETS GO [8063] imnot_lilyy: WWW [8063] crakendss: WWWWW [8063] StreamElements: @qctual qctual has 255 points and is rank 1041426/1704664 on the leaderboard. [8064] wyay: W [8064] rflts: GOOD AIM [8064] 0_xFashii: WWWWWWWW [8064] marcelo23672: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8064] SlickShotzz13: COME ON BRO [8064] raybanz: l [8064] 1Drae: WWWWWWWWWW [8064] kobebeef22: Wwwwwsss [8064] GHOSTEEE_23: lessss gooooooooooooo junko [8064] xslenderyoshix: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke [8064] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [8064] ayeitsamritlol: SHIT [8064] richxrdcolee: WWWWWW [8064] wyay: W [8064] negzero_: WWWWWWWWW [8065] ryesun: WWW [8065] j0rdan164: zack [8065] thedude694206: www [8065] nikisimmer2015: WWWWWWW [8065] artframe: LETS GOOOOOOO [8065] wyay: W [8065] wyay: W [8067] unknowns_wrld: WWWWWWWW [8067] dezdounts: w [8067] mohamedali1805: WWWWWWWW [8067] snakess_s: mingojGoodaim mingojGoodaim mingojGoodaim mingojGoodaim mingojGoodaim [8067] thexanthosis: WWWWWWWWWWWWWW [8067] deadmex1can: WWWW [8067] 1Drae: WWW [8067] gav7292: wwwww [8067] Jmlgiants: prime [8067] sunflxwersesh: W [8067] Xoptic_mattx: carried [8067] Nightbot: Blue crown —-> Free —-> no ads —-> charm: https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [8067] LilBoogieFart: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8067] notunrealr6: WWWWWWWWWW [8067] seanbadboi: SIT DOWNNNN [8068] jennaascloud: W [8068] mythicghosst: W [8068] jacke1323: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [8068] Mr_Mango_0: wwww [8068] phe0nix_1: Luck [8068] uhhnexuz: !gamble 45 [8068] Y_SO_SERIOUS_BOO: Ww [8068] rflts: GOOD AIMMMMMM [8068] grrrrlock: LETS GO [8068] biggajj: www [8070] 5starlucky12: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8070] adaliegrace: w [8070] UltraniQ: W [8070] DaleMoney__: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8070] HaskeButterfly: W [8070] stea1thgamer_: WWWWWW [8070] sunflxwersesh: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8070] xOGxAndrewx: WWWWW [8070] karnage0406: W [8070] ttvcy2206_: w [8070] jaustwow: w carry [8070] lilsluga: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [8070] saucin2hard: WWWWW [8070] StreamElements: @Triecent, you only have 1090 points. [8070] CharlieFCB_: CARRIED CARRIED CARRIED CARRIED CARRIED CARRIED [8071] dusavagebb: WWWWW [8071] mozo_msl: W [8071] bigdrillathug: SSLAMMMMED [8071] tg_spoof: lets goooo! [8071] gh0stgh0sty: D1 CHEERLEADER [8071] j0rdan164: w [8071] gnaw256: W [8071] waxer1477: SHITON [8071] rflts: WW [8071] soadyy_: WWWWWWWWWWW [8073] jocelyn_pierce01: WWWWW [8073] odogmcleary: W [8073] bryann1029: W [8073] JSA_Minii: ll ll l l l [8073] peaceablespore1: CARRIED [8073] ATR_Kmoney: L [8073] d44rkfire: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8073] shivermetimbers15: SLAMMMEED [8073] bernard4207: WWW [8073] jacke1323: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [8073] Sloanerrrr: holy shit UR LOCKED [8073] batman_mikey: Carried [8073] adaliegrace: wwww [8073] richxrdcolee: W [8073] 1takejohn: wwwwwww [8074] Declan1531: WW [8074] DaleMoney__: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8074] reload_on_x: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8074] 1Drae: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [8074] corrupted234: W [8074] bluejoltz23: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [8074] sparklingjuices: Slammed [8074] qgpreston: WWWWWW [8074] niiftynate: WWWWWWWW [8074] jaxon562: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziPACK [8074] SurgeDickeyq: WWWWWWW [8074] camtheslayer54: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8076] kylbossboi: GOOOD ARRRIIMMMM [8076] lmfa00000: L [8076] richxrdcolee: WW [8076] sewfii: WWWWWWWWWW [8076] sunflxwersesh: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [8076] tkkndananjaya: WWWW [8076] xxjinkce: w [8076] qgpreston: WWWW [8076] abyssaldreamsss: W DUO [8076] shadow_the_hedgehog27: Www [8076] jaustwow: w carryy [8076] WhoisJxcob_: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8076] coolhex597: W [8076] joshpisag: FREE [8076] adaliegrace: w [8077] Nightbot: @Jaymoney923 -> Back to square one. [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [8077] ryesun: WW [8077] og_twotone: LETS YO JYNXIIIII [8077] zennhitz: w [8077] bread_054: WW W [8077] hispaniclemon: carried [8077] syd1878: bros on his prime [8077] mr_lian1: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [8077] Mistah_j83: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8077] killlava: carried [8078] FearTheGym: FearTheGym subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months, currently on a 4 month streak! hi daddy [8078] Nightbot: Use code POGHF93417 for 65% off your first meal at https://strms.net/hellofresh_jynxzi [8079] zane767: good aim [8079] ragdey_goldberg: wwwwwwwwwwwwwww [8079] ddl3000: carried [8079] MrBladeFranco: WWW [8079] jaxon562: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGRIDDY [8079] zennhitz: wwwwww [8079] gigi979797: slammmmmmmmmmmmmmmed [8079] flxwlo_: GOOD AIM [8079] 1nneo: GOOD AIM BRO [8079] not_billl: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke [8079] xx_allonsy_xx: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8079] fortnitefan5607: carried by comms [8079] joshpisag: TO EZ [8079] giraffelover_: wwwwww [8079] Mando_Mad: W [8080] Declan1531: WWWW [8080] shivermetimbers15: SLAMMEDDDDD [8080] qghliqdsa: carried [8080] googlechromed: ### [8080] Villias: W [8080] carson_d11: GOOD AIM [8080] StreamElements: carteronsocialmediatiktok went all in and lost every single one of their 930 points LUL [8082] ryesun: WWWW [8082] Declan1531: WWWWWW [8082] biggajj: wwww [8082] papichulo171614: WWWWWWWW [8082] lyloski: GOOD SHITT [8082] ZombVr: !gamble 200 [8082] PESTFordy3: w [8082] jedibishop429: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8082] robby_1455: jynxziSmoke [8082] junkos_daddy42069: CARRIED [8082] jamesyggg: W unwashed [8082] travypaddy34: ww [8082] bradlovesmaddon: w [8082] ampasdampa: WWWWWWWWWW [8082] el_chrispy_one: WWWWWWWWWWWWW [8083] stringlessage: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [8083] dbdshanks: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8083] FRICCI_ChaCha: mute made [8083] i_l0ve_cronus: w [8083] StreamElements: @ZombVr, you only have 65 points. [8083] r_4vnzz: CARRIED [8083] afaic0n: wait good aim [8083] kohesion101: aim hacks [8083] camtheslayer54: jynxziGoodAim jynxziChampion jynxziGoodAim jynxziChampion jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8083] mikry420: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8083] JINBE_TCG: CARRIED [8083] sleepyblunt: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8083] frederikbrose13: wwwwwwwww [8083] keanu_a_07: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8083] outsideroutside: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGoodAim [8084] joshua_9_8: YOU DONT GET CARRIED [8084] aydenhelder1: carried [8084] ragingdegen420: WWWWWW UNWASHED [8084] joshpisag: GOOD SHIT [8084] bluemustang03: carried [8084] reisssilvaf: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8084] Spakara: WWWWWWWWWw [8084] cris_71907: stomoin mid [8086] sanihelina: Www [8086] jjonnysk11: WWWWWW [8086] adluum: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8086] cpolston: wwwwwwww [8086] i_l0ve_cronus: Wwwwwwww [8086] choptheguru: carried [8086] joshpisag: MY DAWG [8086] oren103: WWW [8086] richxrdcolee: W [8086] adambaxter0: w [8086] frederikbrose13: wwww [8086] KinddaSuss: Lock it up! [8086] noteagle3: W [8086] bradlovesmaddon: wwwwww [8086] xp_jammy: i do this shit for my momma and my lil brudda too [8087] tommyfitz2226: speed clone [8087] yorumain9: WWWW [8087] tehooh: WWW [8087] Declan1531: 'WWWWW [8087] swaginacan: I came [8087] peaceablespore1: CARRIEDD [8087] bobbiejuice78: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [8087] SleptOnMort: ur gettijgbcarried [8087] ryesun: WWW [8089] dawgitsmee: bronny is waiting [8089] syphzen: wwwww [8089] Declan1531: W'WWWW [8089] yozenoyo: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8089] sensei_clips: GGGGGGGGG [8089] pmw11: WASHED [8089] ragingdegen420: WW UNWASHED [8089] melloman523: !gamble all [8089] protagon1st: cap [8089] ZeStrive: wwwwww [8089] papichulo171614: WWWWWWW [8089] StreamElements: melloman523 went all in and lost every single one of their 125 points LUL [8089] sup33ri0r: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8089] kanothekingyz: W [8089] Nightbot: no 🧢 [8090] StreamElements: nathanh50 went all in and lost every single one of their 4919 points LUL [8090] travypaddy34: wew [8090] maxthedilf: www [8090] TheDovahKenz: GOOD SHIT [8090] rbsmilk13: @itsyaboylalo [8090] vexchefin: WW [8090] neweracbb: ur literally getting varried [8090] remxkb: W [8090] adambaxter0: goat [8090] daryllsucks: cmon bro [8090] bradlovesmaddon: wwwwwww [8090] coleissussybaka: jynxziBadAim [8090] AllDayDabber: Keep that shit uP!! [8090] ATR_Kmoney: don’t celebrate too early [8090] pochopz: pochopz subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! WWWWWWW [8091] ollie_FrTho: carried [8091] JuicyJone: good shit, can you make cam just a bit smaller [8091] maybfresh: WWWWWWWWWWW [8091] lj_256: o Jynxzi ? is back [8091] jame200999: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [8091] frederikbrose13: wwwww [8091] piecectrlshaq: that illuminati aura [8092] sdwhite1215: sdwhite1215 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! LLLL''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' [8093] joshpisag: YESSSUH [8093] rain21iooo: SMG CRUTCH [8093] peaceablespore1: CARRIIED [8093] gavin557854: P Diddler [8093] zootedhm: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [8093] vexchefin: WWWWWWW [8093] xxraghedkingxx: Carried [8093] ATR_Kmoney: lock it [8093] cpolston: wwwwwwwwww [8093] sensei_clips: WWWW [8093] ashton_cf: how much? [8093] nanoeruption: bad aim [8093] slizuh: bro copies how everyone talks 🤣 [8093] Tom_Foolery30: carried [8093] trumoo_mi1k: Yuh [8094] Declan1531: WWWWWWWW [8094] bradlovesmaddon: wwwww [8094] z3mmmi: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke [8094] gyssa0217: W CHEERLEADER [8094] Klinicul: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [8094] theesleepybear1: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [8094] wetnapkinz2: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8094] duvelass: Carried [8094] roodog179: Where's the link for charm [8094] wesbop8: JUNKO IS BACK [8094] HoneyButter210: CARRY [8094] Nightbot: 😂 [8094] ItizSoso: scream louder [8094] piecectrlshaq: illuminati aura [8094] YEZTY__: washed [8095] elder_crispy: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8095] CHIEF1246: CHIEF1246 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [8096] bbdonqc: uu [8096] TheHoodTypePokemon: Gooood Shit [8096] xlpans: wash [8096] itzTobaggan: jynxziGLASSES [8096] rubenkrappenschitz: w [8096] arrozcomtudo: wallhack [8096] fakedomi2: Carried [8096] sebaplaytz: noooooo [8096] zefatal: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8096] Jaymoney923: put it in me [8096] melloman523: !gamble all . [8096] piecectrlshaq: aura [8096] ttvidnk: let me touch u [8097] JacxsonUnknown: i was herweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee] [8097] GHOSTEEE_23: stompin still carrying u [8097] ryesun: LES GOOO [8097] mishoe_00: carriedd [8097] senna1601: your getting carried [8097] tikit24: jynxziGG jynxziGG jynxziGG [8097] Scrapy_JIT: !points [8097] yorumain9: GOOD SHIT MATE [8097] bradlovesmaddon: wwwwww [8097] choptheguru: getting carried [8097] 2ndbae: Blow on the death whistle tell em what time it is [8097] jekjek8: why don’t u do this in tournies [8097] StreamElements: @Scrapy_JIT Scrapy_JIT has 635 points and is rank 580337/1704664 on the leaderboard. [8097] yimmskii: what amphets is this guy on? [8097] nizzy_17: lessgoo [8098] coltg_74: w chunky [8098] DanSudiro: NO WAY [8098] ilovethelegobaby: Man gonna explode [8098] jakedog103: game harder [8098] jayysonxbox: GOOOOD AIIIMMMMM [8099] LilBoogieFart: DO NOT PARTY [8099] xernety: LEAK THE XIM ALREADY [8099] ltl_goated: YA [8099] faildlifee: carried [8099] LazerBoomer: he walked past u at balcony room u didn’t see him lolol [8099] naimdagoat1: clix [8099] nickxcarnge: prime jynxzi [8099] piecectrlshaq: illuminati aura [8099] Nightbot: Blue crown —-> Free —-> no ads —-> charm: https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [8099] xerfios: yo u should do 2v2 wagers wit ron bro [8100] nickeh2478: Good aim [8100] truestormy: CHANGE STREAM TITLE [8100] xxslappinx: hes back w chunko [8100] sebaplaytz: x1m has to win [8100] 1kandre2: WW [8100] HezzyLV: Bro acts so surprised to win lmao [8100] StreamElements: Itz_ergys has spent 3 days 17 hours watching jynxzi [8100] maddieh74: LETS GO [8100] drmonkeeman10: 💀💀XIM NOT TOP 10 [8100] auszynn: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8100] Nightbot: bozo [8100] adaliegrace: controllers about to die [8100] kanothekingyz: jynxzi baxk [8100] buinn: almost over [8100] tikit24: jynxziGG [8101] bradlovesmaddon: wwww [8101] negzero_: BRO LOCKED IN [8101] chris_creek: good aim [8102] 1kandre2: WWW [8102] ky_tazz: stompin carring [8102] nottduckyy: my names Zach too [8102] xlpans: let’s go [8102] lyenxx: 3 jammers in trophy is crazyyy [8102] reeser42169: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8103] richxrdcolee: LOCK INNN [8103] tikit24: jynxziEZ [8103] chaoticpasley7: look in [8103] wuppd: your not winning pal [8103] xxsinn: why are you screaming [8103] mapIesyrum: They lost to Buda [8103] giorgiozakharia: bad aim [8103] thisdudeayden: 2 hour make hit you’re all clear to end in 10 minutes [8103] bradlovesmaddon: wwwwww [8103] 4hedXAT: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8103] ItizSoso: yell louder [8103] sillignevets: got lucky [8103] A_Savage_Tiger: 😂😂😂😂 [8103] artistic_trix_: SO WHY DID YOU TAKE THE MUTE OFF THE BREACH WTF WAS THAT PLAY [8104] ssmallss123: carried [8104] voloisreal: !gamble 611 [8104] ThePruney: 5K [8104] ltl_goated: T [8104] sharpeszn: tnicklesss era [8104] elder_crispy: jynxziFAT jynxziGoodAim jynxziFAT jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8104] mapIesyrum: They lost to Buda... [8104] bradlovesmaddon: wwwww [8104] StreamElements: voloisreal lost 611 points in roulette and now has 79 points! FeelsBadMan [8104] chumbo2: JUNKO IS UNWASHED [8104] jt_dnb: 100k [8104] MrSpringLOL1: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [8105] roguegamingcs: jynxziGoodAim [8105] xSwifftx: WINNING BY 1 ROUND STFU FFS [8105] Jpmalagonv: 5k [8105] jacktheswordzguy: AY BEST DUO??? [8105] Nightbot: Subscribe HERE: https://www.twitch.tv/subs/Jynxzi for the CHaaaaarm [8105] geeez_gaupo: VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea [8105] bradlovesmaddon: wwwwww [8105] biggajj: his carrying [8106] momo164: Kappa BibleThump [8106] Flxkezs: carried [8106] giorgiozakharia: lol [8106] xxx_sam_is_better: GOOD AIMMMMMMMMMMMM [8106] befqyy: L chair leader [8106] mapIesyrum: They lost to Buda.. [8106] wyteshark1: jinxi legit looks a bit fatter [8106] whatarthurr_: LOCK IN [8106] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [8106] adaliegrace: dead battery [8106] ltl_goated: GA [8106] Yoon_Na_Moo: So comp [8106] ickdy: 2v2 with bronny [8106] haris_0101: carried [8106] skull_god00: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8107] articulatebubble_1213: jynxziBadAim [8107] richxrdcolee: CMONJNNNN [8107] tiersign: bro needs daddy to hold his hand to kill xim [8107] skipsee: HES COCKED OUT AGAIN [8107] ThePruney: 5k [8107] itsklipz6: Bro got carried [8107] imad384: !subs [8107] maybfresh: GOOD AIM JUNKOO [8107] gucchipasta: wwwwwww [8107] 06_antraxx: UNWASHED CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit [8107] Fossabot: Jynxzi currently has 167837 subscribers! [8108] YuLiUs8: PowerUpLEntropyWins PowerUpR [8108] elder_crispy: jynxziFAT jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8108] xblynxzzx: PRIME [8108] richxrdcolee: CMONNNN [8108] scarycalf112902: caseohLockincaseoh caseohLockincaseoh caseohLockincaseoh caseohLockincaseoh caseohLockincaseoh caseohLockincaseoh [8109] WhoisJxcob_: P DIDDLER SPAM [8109] TheOGPizzaParker: spit on it [8109] HezzyLV: Bro act like you been there stop screaming [8109] darkcyclecd: Ur hourly salary [8109] articulatebubble_1213: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [8109] melloman523: !points [8109] gobbbythegreat: jynxziFAT [8110] stea1thgamer_: jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES [8110] aiden3412: w’s [8110] henry_30_20_10: !earnings [8110] richxrdcolee: CMONNNNNNN [8110] xynkilz: Yoo love you brotha your better stay safe quit jerking it [8110] chrixsp23: pre end [8110] sn0wmanbruh: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak :) [8110] ThePruney: @Jynxzi 5k bro [8110] myst1cmisty: jynxziChampion [8111] MatriixOP: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [8111] Ketchup_Durant: cream harder [8111] maybfresh: GOOD AIM JUNKO [8111] xPeteShweatyy: 5k [8111] toast_gunns: Water Boy💧👦 [8111] tikit24: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [8111] Nightbot: 🍉 [8112] senna1601: carried hard [8112] ItizSoso: scream louder [8112] bimbopan01: same map always 💤💤💤💤😴💤 [8112] spin4myblock: @richxrdcolee [8113] bf69: w [8113] jaxon562: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [8113] Enzo_Verteramo: ImTyping [8113] 9fmatt: Carried [8114] Bdubz_MMIV: old junko [8114] datboyiskxng: NO IT WILL BE ANNOYING [8114] cripwalkd: !gamble all [8114] prz_draco: Zach [8114] othman565: Carried [8114] stegallbros: junko prime [8114] StreamElements: PogChamp cripwalkd went all in and won 2460 points PogChamp they now have 4920 points FeelsGoodMan [8114] zyno89655: we’re in champion [8115] swansonswana: nba junko is the best player to ever walk this earth [8115] Kolydd: !gamble 10000 black [8115] Enzo_Verteramo: ImTyping ImTyping ImTyping PogBones [8115] StreamElements: @Kolydd, you only have 3040 points. [8115] MatriixOP: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [8116] kdubster21: You still being a beotch cry baby jynxi? [8116] Bdubz_MMIV: W [8116] lukex8onfn: why is chat so silent [8116] oliverboiling: !gambleall [8116] zenn_fp: jyxnzii [8116] cjker23: yoooo [8116] NateDaMan_: CARRIED HARDER [8116] Fossabot: @taggeryt, Your message is too long [8116] richxrdcolee: LETS GET IT LETS GO [8116] thedude694206: www [8117] lukemahomie: www [8117] xynkilz: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [8117] zossg6: W Script [8117] tfgreg: L only fans meat ride [8117] himmmmmmmnmmmm: on god 9 adds is fucking shit [8117] yyZlapX: W PRIME JUNKOO [8118] chef_gec: ZACh???!!!! [8118] ocegamer12: Good aim [8119] junkos_daddy42069: CARRIED CHUNKO [8119] z_must: yooooo [8119] 9fmatt: Carri3dd [8120] robby_1455: stop [8120] Taeyeko: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [8120] 4hedXAT: jynxziBounce jynxziBounce [8120] sparklingjuices: Ballsacks [8120] case_oh_is_a_cutey: hbb [8121] WhoisJxcob_: P DIDDLER [8121] Nightbot: @noyus_lt -> moon2PLSNO [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [8121] yeswecannabis420: 6k no? [8121] myst1cmisty: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [8121] NateDaMan_: GETTING CARRIED [8122] cripwalkd: !gamble 920 [8122] healthy_user: too boring, get madder [8122] ENERGY_CAPZ: !gamble all [8122] uhhnexuz: !points [8123] xorbitpowerx: this mfka screaming is barley standable to watch [8123] StreamElements: BigChubfn went all in and lost every single one of their 7865 points LUL [8123] StreamElements: @uhhnexuz uhhnexuz has 435 points and is rank 748611/1704664 on the leaderboard. [8123] inst4ntreplay: he's locked in [8124] wooyrowe: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [8124] theking837_: !sens [8124] Poorpeso: stomp hatess when junko lies about the money involved [8124] Nightbot: Jynxzi sens and settings here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2GcpqRqJ9U [8125] Trixkzyyy: THATS WHAT WE FU#KING DO [8125] atomik_ninja98: you do so much better when you aren’t in a party with your enemy [8126] 1_fuelix_1: jynxzi has to be on coke lmao [8126] z_must: wwwwwww [8126] iluvvJuanito: ILINK [8126] scrxppy420: !points [8126] YuLiUs8: FBRunSoonerLater FBBlock [8126] realrigg: L gambler [8127] chefkochfriends: bro attack attic [8127] arrozcomtudo: WALLHACK [8127] MrChopCones: !points [8128] ena12795: !gamble all [8128] StreamElements: PogChamp ena12795 went all in and won 100 points PogChamp they now have 200 points FeelsGoodMan [8128] case_oh_is_a_cutey: fcc [8128] ragdey_goldberg: jynxziGoodAim [8128] mzxopiz: jynxziGoodAim_SG [8129] voloisreal: !gamble 11 [8129] nickeh2478: SeemsGood [8130] SomberTTV: yes junko you got this [8131] futfungus10: Jynxi is cold [8131] ltl_goated: YAY JYNXI [8131] maprize: fianlly jynxzi ur not getting carried [8131] Bread1469: !sens [8132] Beast_Mode0555: how u get the charm? [8132] wyteshark1: I think when he angry he looks like 5 pounds fatter [8133] myst1cmisty: jynxziBadAim [8133] Takeit04: jynxziBounce [8133] richxrdcolee: @spin4myblock FUCK U WANT PUSSY [8135] bannaboy507: yo [8135] ltl_goated: YAY JYNXZI [8135] analtarguy: type junktion [8135] biggajj: that call out was immaculate [8135] TheDovahKenz: !gamble all [8135] imsoloninja: !LINK [8135] StreamElements: PogChamp TheDovahKenz went all in and won 450 points PogChamp they now have 900 points FeelsGoodMan [8135] Nightbot: @imsoloninja If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [8136] mzxopiz: jynxziGoodAim_SG jynxziGoodAim_SG jynxziGoodAim_SG jynxziGoodAim_SG [8136] STRAPPEDnoVELCRO: i love you so much [8136] LuvBullett: !top points [8136] WhoisJxcob_: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [8136] StreamElements: Top 5 points: 1. jxstak (5763294), 2. samarraii (5743726), 3. kazukispeach (4201648), 4. xvytall (3820000), 5. fsqv (2433652) [8137] ocracoke12: GayPride GayPride [8137] mzxopiz: jynxziGoodAim_SG Squid4 Squid4 [8137] biggajj: peep [8137] StreamElements: mikeyhambone55 lost 200 points in roulette and now has 160 points! FeelsBadMan [8137] YuLiUs8: Squid2Squid3 Squid4 [8137] chronic_bryan64: what up brother [8137] sniperxxxx973: ralliedClubR ralliedClubR ralliedDJ ralliedDJ ralliedDJ ralliedDJ [8137] phfroggy: !points [8137] tenecy: !gamble all [8138] StreamElements: PogChamp tenecy went all in and won 1470 points PogChamp they now have 2940 points FeelsGoodMan [8138] truestormy: CHANGE STREAM TITLE! [8138] ocracoke12: GayPride GayPride GayPride [8138] mzxopiz: Squid4 Squid1 Squid1 [8138] mkayyy9332: Wassup bruddahs [8138] fuccinsurge: !discord [8138] Kolydd: !gamble 10000 [8138] Nightbot: https://discord.gg/jynxzi [8138] vortexpcvr: jynxziSuprised [8139] cohen_brick: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziCopper [8139] ocracoke12: GayPride GayPride [8139] sniperxxxx973: ralliedClubR ralliedClubR ralliedClubR ralliedClubR [8139] uhhnexuz: !gamble35 [8139] mzxopiz: Squid3 Squid3 jynxziGoodAim_SG [8139] spiceinf: YOO JYNXZI LOCKED IN FRFR?? [8139] lay_z_boy_: give stoppin 500 if y’all win [8140] mezzdup_bun: BRO [8140] ketshup_bk: PRIME [8140] Nightbot: Blue crown —-> Free —-> no ads —-> charm: https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [8140] ocracoke12: GlitchCat GlitchCat [8141] mzxopiz: jynxziGoodAim_SG Squid2 Squid2 [8141] iKapnos_: iKapnos_ subscribed with Prime. [8141] ragdey_goldberg: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8141] harm_cole: !gamble 100 [8142] ocracoke12: GlitchCat GlitchCat GlitchCat [8142] StreamElements: harm_cole won 100 points in roulette and now has 970 points! FeelsGoodMan [8142] kaaaan1900000: junko is carried by stompgoat [8142] sniperxxxx973: ralliedDJ ralliedDJ ralliedDJ [8142] StreamElements: @dropzie, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan [8142] myst1cmisty: jynxziGG [8143] mzxopiz: jynxziGoodAim_SG Squid2 jynxziGoodAim_SG jynxziGoodAim_SG [8143] ocracoke12: GlitchCat [8144] mpn_razor2022: jynxziBadAim [8144] mzxopiz: jynxziGoodAim_SG jynxziGoodAim_SG jynxziGoodAim_SG [8145] sniperxxxx973: ralliedYerr ralliedYerr ralliedYerr ralliedYerr [8145] Jedi_Driveby: JYNXZI you play way worse when you’re in party with X1M [8146] Buster270: !gamble 20 [8146] mzxopiz: jynxziGoodAim_SG jynxziGoodAim_SG jynxziGoodAim_SG jynxziGoodAim_SG jynxziGoodAim_SG jynxziGoodAim_SG [8146] biggajj: he saw his gun top main [8146] StreamElements: @Buster270, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan [8146] itsshamr0ck: DAMNNNNN [8146] bbycheek18: chunko [8147] juicyjessa: !gamble all [8147] mzxopiz: jynxziGoodAim_SG jynxziGoodAim_SG jynxziGoodAim_SG [8148] StreamElements: juicyjbae went all in and lost every single one of their 10 points LUL [8148] 4hedXAT: !gamble all [8148] ragdey_goldberg: jynxziGoodAim [8148] xqdu: 💀 [8148] StreamElements: 4hedXAT went all in and lost every single one of their 30 points LUL [8148] myst1cmisty: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [8149] spiceinf: IS JYNXZI BACK??? [8150] VDkuechle: let’s go stomping [8150] imswevybtw: @hivise can you dm me [8150] diegosaldanagames: L part timer getting carried [8151] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [8151] ragdey_goldberg: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8152] whenidecay: Hellllllll yeaaaaa Jynxxx [8152] salt2703: I know you are trying to be private about your relationship… but I hope you guys are doing good and this stuff isn’t causing any problems between you two. you deserve to be happy love you man [8152] realrigg: !gambleall [8153] miggy_620: ass [8153] introvertedperson79: !gamble 1 [8153] bennythebozo: jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ [8153] StreamElements: @introvertedperson79, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan [8153] biggajj: brook [8153] chris052292: jynxziSmoke [8155] sniperxxxx973: ralliedYerr ralliedDJ ralliedDJ ralliedClubR ralliedClubR ralliedClubR [8155] ThatKidInTheHoodie: !sub [8155] samt3232: plz win u pancake [8155] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [8155] ac3hyper3994: !gamble 70 [8155] mezzdup_bun: DUUUDEEE [8156] StreamElements: ac3hyper3994 lost 70 points in roulette and now has 1195 points! FeelsBadMan [8156] 4hedXAT: NotLikeThis [8156] lunchiestbox: lunchiestbox subscribed with Prime. [8156] creamytip22: !gamble all [8156] bennythebozo: jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ [8156] StreamElements: creamytip22 went all in and lost every single one of their 10 points LUL [8156] scrxppy420: !gamble all [8157] derritos: F [8157] StreamElements: PogChamp scrxppy420 went all in and won 10 points PogChamp they now have 20 points FeelsGoodMan [8157] Nightbot: F in the chat [8158] phfroggy: !gamble 200 [8158] StreamElements: phfroggy won 200 points in roulette and now has 10045 points! FeelsGoodMan [8158] classiccue43: Balla [8159] bennythebozo: jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ [8160] darmoeid69: is this bo3? [8160] levidzuris: Shush Shush Shush Shush Shush [8161] vertex1629: !gamble [8161] corrupted234: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [8162] myst1cmisty: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [8162] bennythebozo: FallWinning FallWinning FallWinning FallWinning FallWinning [8162] itsshamr0ck: you pancake [8162] austinouradaboiii: RICHI IN STREAM RICHI IN STREAMRICHI IN STREAM [8162] john__gt3: igamble 1000 [8163] alexcouturier: F [8163] alph0a1: !watchtime [8163] spiceinf: F [8163] StreamElements: alph0a has spent 22 hours 10 mins watching jynxzi [8163] zVENGEFULz: zVENGEFULz subscribed with Prime. [8164] karl76m4: !gambleall [8165] lil_spo0k: lil_spo0k subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! we [8165] rSanaxx: !gamble all [8165] vertex1629: gamble! [8166] juicyjessa: !gamble 100 [8166] StreamElements: rSanaxx went all in and lost every single one of their 855 points LUL [8166] CantShootHoopsTV: cutie [8166] gh0stonx1m: F [8166] sizybear: ur PayPal is hacked byw [8166] miggy_620: L [8166] itsshamr0ck: pancake [8166] voloisreal: !gamble all [8166] StreamElements: voloisreal went all in and lost every single one of their 79 points LUL [8167] bennythebozo: FallWinning FallWinning FallWinning FallWinning FallWinning FallWinning FallWinning FallWinning FallWinning FallWinning FallWinning FallWinning FallWinning [8167] corrupted234: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [8167] lowkeyisoffline: !discord [8168] j_mercn: Trash [8169] wardozzo: your horrible [8169] Dirtydiapersss: wwwwwwwwwwwww [8169] shamarolder: !waytchtime [8169] Tennessee_Operative: ?charm [8170] biggajj: tourney tmmr [8170] crikey73: wwwwwwwwwwwww [8170] urmomishehe: Cheer1 ur weird [8171] elchert113: @darmoeid69 yes [8171] austinouradaboiii: !gambleall [8171] big_nado123: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8171] tacowyd: !gamble 200 [8172] StreamElements: tacowyd won 200 points in roulette and now has 3125 points! FeelsGoodMan [8172] biggajj: for sure [8172] iprof1t: !gamble all [8173] StreamElements: PogChamp iprof1t went all in and won 235 points PogChamp they now have 470 points FeelsGoodMan [8174] sizybear: ur PayPal is hacked jynxzi [8174] xDarkness23_: wwwww [8174] schmierhahn: !gamble all [8174] drepitts11: I see dat jynxzi is not a 1v1 player, bra goated in 2v2 n up [8174] biggajj: tourney [8174] StreamElements: PogChamp schmierhahn went all in and won 455 points PogChamp they now have 910 points FeelsGoodMan [8174] gamerboy25670: !gamble 200 [8174] itsshamr0ck: white speed [8174] introvertedperson79: !points [8175] StreamElements: gamerboy25670 won 200 points in roulette and now has 10110 points! FeelsGoodMan [8175] StreamElements: @introvertedperson79 introvertedperson79 has 0 points and is rank 1/1704664 on the leaderboard. [8175] Ryan480: !gamble all [8175] StreamElements: PogChamp Ryan480 went all in and won 1255 points PogChamp they now have 2510 points FeelsGoodMan [8175] maybfresh: WWW [8177] biggajj: 2v1 [8177] savagepotato22: !gamble all [8177] StreamElements: savagepotato22 went all in and lost every single one of their 2720 points LUL [8177] jvckstertwitch: LETS [8177] Kolydd: !gamble all [8178] sxhdwsssss: !gambleall [8178] StreamElements: PogChamp Kolydd went all in and won 3040 points PogChamp they now have 6080 points FeelsGoodMan [8178] mezzdup_bun: WWWWWWWWWWWWWW [8178] corrupted234: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [8178] 2ndbae: Lets.... [8179] scrxppy420: !points [8179] biggajj: wwww [8179] GHOSTEEE_23: LEETSSSSS [8180] mezzdup_bun: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [8180] robbiiieeeeee: WW [8180] ebknight89: LETS | Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [8000] I've known, but I think. [8010] Do you have an impact sack? Yeah. I need an impact right here. [8020] I'm gonna play on the kids' pixel. [8030] dead dead to be one walk the bridge i think walk them [8040] couch couch couch couch I see his gun on the couch on the couch on my yellow pig I see his gun I can't shoot Okay, I'm just stay alive, Zach I'm gonna be a little bit... Stay stay stay stay stay stay you're good [8050] that [8060] Let's go get the fuck off me! Right, it's fucking a lil' like a shit. Come on. Let's go, man. [8070] Come on, Zach. Fuckin' dials, man! Get out of my game, you dog shit pussy! C'mon, bro! [8080] These are like two top 10 fucking players on console bro. I'm fucking come on bro Fucking dial dude. I'm dialed man [8090] Yo, they better be in party for map 2. I wanna present my fucking kids. They better be in party for map 2. Zach, I'm not even kidding, I have 3000 on this shit, bro. Die all the fucking, let's go. [8100] I'll eat it as one attack and we win like it's so attack decided I know or defend Decide I like the dog to be picked though brother dog to get it's actually good. I'm gonna [8110] I might go to Gen just to get rid of that trophy like I don't want to like [8120] Yes, yes, yes, ready ready three two one I definitely heard me I hear him close on the window downstairs. Yeah [8130] I just hate that fucking trophy one cuz they could just run in and out of trophy and we can't hear them on the phone They could just get away with anything yo the wall [8140] All soft, bro. I'm amazing. I think it's a quick speech. Druffy, Druffy, Druffy! [8150] Still trophy I think. I tied him his back inside. That was the guy that was trophy right? And find the other breach. Nobody taught me? Nobodies. [8160] Nobody trophy he's not even on this little brick thing. He's got to be close preach don't close preach bro I can I'm gonna drone close preaching run at him after I drone him [8170] I have no drugs. I'm gonna bait in a shot. | There is a Highlight between 8000 and 8300. Jynxzi makes a decisive kill and goes wild afterward. |
Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [13100] tiredngl_: !gamble 100 [13100] StreamElements: fxlcalz won 100 points in roulette and now has 1420 points! FeelsGoodMan [13100] dahen234: you must lock in [13100] fatboyzgaming_: pre end [13100] otx_monke: datwhiteeboii has spent 5 hours watching jynxzi [13101] skull_crusher823: !LINK [13101] kysongamer: I'm losing my points [13101] kamcontrols: @fadedgamess 💀💀💀 [13101] h7md6n: c4 dummy [13101] baconisbakin: !gamble 50 [13101] smelisoks: !gamble 1 [13102] StreamElements: @baconisbakin, you only have 30 points. [13102] StreamElements: smelisoks lost 1 points in roulette and now has 84 points! FeelsBadMan [13102] Fossabot: @BasixFA_, Your message is too long [13102] Defaultisking69: !link [13102] zrpryy: chat what's the score? [13102] Nightbot: @Defaultisking69 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [13102] uncledrew1921: !watchtime [13103] StreamElements: uncledrew1921 has spent 7 hours 40 mins watching jynxzi [13103] officialprance: !points [13103] itzyeety: !gamble 10000 [13104] StreamElements: @officialprance officialprance has 9440 points and is rank 41534/1731791 on the leaderboard. [13104] ecufs: !watchtime [13104] StreamElements: JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/jynxzi [13104] Psychonauticc: Psychonauticc subscribed with Prime. [13104] StreamElements: @itzyeety, you only have 2080 points. [13104] thresh_06: thresh_06 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months! W JUNKO [13104] StreamElements: ecufs has spent 21 days 7 hours watching jynxzi [13104] jaedaclassclown: Dont sell stompn [13104] furgetwitch: !LINK [13105] xHayderr: !gamble 10 [13105] docterrb: jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL [13106] geraldmandingo: !watchtime [13106] StreamElements: geraldmandingo has spent 4 days 20 hours watching jynxzi [13106] PhatGrape: !gamble 100 [13106] jynxy_sketch: Ty bro [13106] Vinipinho_: Vinipinho_ subscribed with Prime. [13106] StreamElements: PhatGrape lost 100 points in roulette and now has 207 points! FeelsBadMan [13108] soundcloutken: SKETCH IS WAITING [13108] aleownsyou: !gamble [13108] h7md6n: left left [13109] PlantBoyIan: jynxzi is such a cocky ass hole now I hate it, law suit if anyone talks on him, like bros a straight bitch, let him know mods bros a bitch, made a bitch get rich L SUBS [13110] pransterp: !score [13110] ksksjdbdjsnd: !gamble 100 [13110] h7md6n: # [13111] Lemonhead86: jyxzi too locked [13111] terriblejay_: thank you brother🤞🏼 [13111] idekwhattomakemynametbh: !roulette [13111] bardown16__: mute is so good [13111] moiisessc: !gamble 80 [13111] xxtherealdutxx: yay [13111] juzevsp: !gamble 400 [13111] StreamElements: moiisessc lost 80 points in roulette and now has 885 points! FeelsBadMan [13111] katefletcher: !watchtime [13111] StreamElements: juzevsp won 400 points in roulette and now has 1010 points! FeelsGoodMan [13112] StreamElements: katefletcher has spent 2 hours 40 mins watching jynxzi [13112] vexusiikk: !gamble 50 [13112] junkovapes_: who’s the 2v2 against [13112] StreamElements: PogChamp vexusiikk went all in and won 50 points PogChamp they now have 100 points FeelsGoodMan [13112] officialprance: !gamble 10 [13112] StreamElements: officialprance won 10 points in roulette and now has 9450 points! FeelsGoodMan [13113] orbhogam1: !gamble 2000 [13113] StreamElements: @orbhogam1, you only have 665 points. [13114] thegamer_w143: !watchtime [13114] bj_5751cod123: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [13114] StreamElements: thegamer_w143 has spent 1 hour 30 mins watching jynxzi [13114] Shadowxzxzx: l [13114] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [13114] unbansndnudsx2: They're stream sniping junko [13115] starwrld9: Thank you bro [13115] ilovehinesly991: !watchtime [13115] StreamElements: ilovehinesly991 has spent 30 mins watching jynxzi [13116] lukemahomie: WWWWWWWWWW [13116] zrpryy: WHATS THE SCORE [13116] gogoku58: Your him bro [13117] thugboi7: junior cmon bro I got 1k on this [13117] vxpercomp: GYATT [13117] yoprzy: !gamble 200 [13117] StreamElements: yoprzy lost 200 points in roulette and now has 300 points! FeelsBadMan [13118] BasixFA_: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [13118] sam_bo_3: !watchtime [13118] yaboysupremetv: swing u wont [13118] danielbeachey3: @terriblejay_ w [13118] bigslime556: White Speed ! [13118] StreamElements: sam_bo_3 has spent 1 day 21 hours watching jynxzi [13118] baconisbakin: !gamble 10 [13118] stan_nay23: AVID IS STREAM SNIPING @aarondavid51 [13118] PrimaryCrayon13: !gamble 10 [13119] Nightbot: “😂😂😂” -avidqr6 [13119] gs_henco: !watchtime [13119] StreamElements: PrimaryCrayon13 lost 10 points in roulette and now has 1120 points! FeelsBadMan [13119] sflk3: !gamble all [13119] StreamElements: PogChamp sflk3 went all in and won 4680 points PogChamp they now have 9360 points FeelsGoodMan [13119] squidward712: what happened yesterday [13119] ImHeyZues100: !gamble 1 [13120] StreamElements: ImHeyZues100 won 1 points in roulette and now has 2136 points! FeelsGoodMan [13120] djensen253: !watchtime [13120] skillet419: dont be a hero [13120] StreamElements: djensen253 has spent 8 days 5 hours watching jynxzi [13120] bardown16__: theyre sniping 100% [13120] aleownsyou: !gamble70 [13120] smelisoks: !gamble10 [13120] mythicaljaklaha: !gamble 100 [13120] nickthehick420: how do I get the jynxi charm? I’m subbed [13121] azZInx: !watchtime [13121] StreamElements: @mythicaljaklaha, you only have 30 points. [13121] aiai566: @geraldmandingo no life 💀 [13121] bammbammdiesel: !gamble 800 [13122] The1Rocoo: 2v2 xim you don’t want the smoke lil bro 😂😂😂 [13122] michael1_2u: Let stompn and only stompn cook [13122] StreamElements: bammbammdiesel lost 800 points in roulette and now has 11455 points! FeelsBadMan [13122] imcsy1: !gamble all [13122] StreamElements: @imcsy1, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan [13123] BasixFA_: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [13123] BreadXttv: @leonsandcastle133 [13123] jamieforsterutb: !gamble 200 [13123] hazzhl: !watchtime [13123] PlantBoyIan: L SUBS NICKS A BITCH [13123] StreamElements: hazzhl has spent 1 day 10 hours watching jynxzi [13124] vxpercomp: @jynxzi [13124] ilovehinesly991: !followage [13124] 4kt_hill: Jynxzi can you help with my cousins sickness research? [13124] mardinlol: !gamble 80 [13124] StreamElements: @ilovehinesly991, ilovehinesly991 has been following jynxzi for 2 months 12 days 22 hours [13124] ecufs: !followage [13124] StreamElements: @mardinlol, you only have 60 points. [13125] BasixFA_: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [13125] peaceful_shirt0: L adds [13125] niall_fox: warden shotgun is crazy [13125] liam3548: PRE END [13126] not_kennnnay: enemy combattttiant left [13126] OKGREMLIN: !gamble 100 [13126] ahhtoeasy: j [13126] StreamElements: OKGREMLIN lost 100 points in roulette and now has 230 points! FeelsBadMan [13126] hollowhuman: !watchtime [13126] CarnageEffectt: !gamble 1000 [13126] itsjust_tcmj: !gamble [13127] StreamElements: hollowhuman has spent 9 hours 30 mins watching jynxzi [13127] unweptanemone90: !gamble 500 [13127] StreamElements: @CarnageEffectt, you only have 680 points. [13127] StreamElements: unweptanemone90 won 500 points in roulette and now has 3615 points! FeelsGoodMan [13127] sniperzjack: !watchtime [13127] herasio_: herasio_ subscribed with Prime. [13127] fruitiiloops: !gamble 10 [13127] willytx: !gamble all [13128] StreamElements: PogChamp willytx went all in and won 14210 points PogChamp they now have 28420 points FeelsGoodMan [13128] BDGTobias: !gamble [13128] StreamElements: fruitiiloops lost 10 points in roulette and now has 680 points! FeelsBadMan [13128] HimJonDro: BAD AIM [13128] letmeplay9: is it 1:1 overall? [13128] juzevsp: !gamble 1000 [13128] rippzxx: yo [13129] SwissChrissS: !watchtime [13129] StreamElements: SwissChrissS has spent 1 day 15 hours watching jynxzi [13129] ksksjdbdjsnd: !gamble 10000 [13129] PhatGrape: !points [13129] StreamElements: @ksksjdbdjsnd, you only have 1785 points. [13130] StreamElements: @PhatGrape PhatGrape has 207 points and is rank 1171750/1731791 on the leaderboard. [13130] ocheezyv: meta boissssss making noissseeeew [13130] detecr: !gamble 200 [13130] sseokul: !gamble [13130] tonbiddness: !gamble [13130] StreamElements: @detecr, you only have 95 points. [13130] PrimaryCrayon13: !gamble 70 [13131] CTB_1up: !gamble 100 [13131] Lemonhead86: too locked [13131] vexusiikk: !gamble 20 [13132] frosty4448: Why does jynxzi look down like that when playing [13132] bammbammdiesel: !gamble all [13132] blakegotgyat: !gamble 100 [13132] plainsi: !gamble 800 [13132] onya_neeze: onya_neeze subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 5 month streak! 5 months of watching CHUNKOOOOOO AND STILL hasn’t lost weight. just gained more forhead [13132] StreamElements: @blakegotgyat, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan [13132] StreamElements: @plainsi, you only have 125 points. [13132] emptyshelly: L SHOTGUN CRUTCH [13133] frostyman224: !gamble all [13133] bxggs117: !gamble 50 [13133] StreamElements: frostyman224 went all in and lost every single one of their 115 points LUL [13133] Lemonhead86: jyxzi too locked [13133] StreamElements: bxggs117 won 50 points in roulette and now has 910 points! FeelsGoodMan [13133] aiai566: @hazzhl no life 💀 [13133] ballqrr: ballqrr subscribed at Tier 1. [13133] hehsjsjhs: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [13134] bubbabwrooney: jynxi wahed [13134] ilovefood2246: ww [13134] boko559: !gamble all [13134] actaavis: SWING [13134] yabenthename: !gamble [13134] StreamElements: boko559 went all in and lost every single one of their 950 points LUL [13134] essence_r6: !watchtime [13134] dankwhoolies69: @hivise tell Cumko to stop being a pussy and run #1 and #2 [13135] mardinlol: !gamble all [13135] waterbottleinacup: !gamble 100 [13135] StreamElements: essence_r6 has spent 4 days 19 hours watching jynxzi [13135] monkyman25: by stompn a hellcat [13135] himothy4572: !gamble 100 [13135] eona0: !watchtime [13135] StreamElements: waterbottleinacup lost 100 points in roulette and now has 1020 points! FeelsBadMan [13135] StreamElements: @himothy4572, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan [13135] kamcontrols: !gamble 100 [13135] StreamElements: kamcontrols won 100 points in roulette and now has 1540 points! FeelsGoodMan [13136] liam3548: PRE END LIL [13136] r_o_b_i_s_g_o_n_e: !gamble all [13136] zrpryy: BAD ARRRRIM [13136] xPostYT_: !gamble all [13136] StreamElements: r_o_b_i_s_g_o_n_e went all in and lost every single one of their 600 points LUL [13136] StreamElements: PogChamp xPostYT_ went all in and won 2140 points PogChamp they now have 4280 points FeelsGoodMan [13137] moiisessc: !watchttime [13137] revenaldtv: !LINK [13137] Nightbot: @revenaldtv If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [13137] actaavis: SWING😹😹 [13137] Lemonhead86: too locked [13137] batuTM: !gamble all [13137] hehsjsjhs: jynxziCharizard [13137] fruitiiloops: !gamble 8 [13137] StreamElements: batuTM went all in and lost every single one of their 415 points LUL [13138] prodawg24: !link [13138] liam3548: PRE END LUL [13138] jason_goat6: d [13139] bardown16__: theyre sniping [13139] plutosays: !watchtime [13139] StreamElements: plutosays has spent 5 days 4 hours watching jynxzi [13140] Iukerr: Iukerr subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months, currently on a 1 month streak! yer [13141] liam3548: PRE END LUL [13141] jamieforsterutb: !gamble 100 [13141] smelisoks: !gamble 10 [13141] hehsjsjhs: jynxziBadAim jynxziGoodAim [13142] StreamElements: TS_FL1CKZ won 100 points in roulette and now has 775 points! FeelsGoodMan [13142] luckyjess7: !link [13142] fent_enjoyer14124521: fent_enjoyer14124521 subscribed at Tier 1. [13142] itsjust_tcmj: !gamble 250 [13142] fzwrd: I HAVE 2 NEW KITTENS! [13143] liam3548: PRE END LUL [13143] urcousinthrokmorton456: urcousinthrokmorton456 subscribed with Prime. [13143] ShiftNoize: !watchtime [13144] satisfieid: !gamble 300 [13144] StreamElements: ShiftNoize has spent 13 hours 20 mins watching jynxzi [13144] StreamElements: @satisfieid, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan [13144] keepitahunnidforhomie: THROWINGGGG [13144] ilovefood2246: w [13145] ahhtoeasy: hwqwwhydeucyhhyudecuyhedcuyherchuyfrueyhuygrce [13145] omniking_4: swing or be swung [13145] jeksman_90: !watchtime [13145] liam3548: PRE END LUL [13145] hehsjsjhs: jynxziWTF [13145] robert11222183629: jynxziPACK [13146] StreamElements: jeksman_90 has spent 8 days 16 hours watching jynxzi [13146] plainsi: !gamble 100 [13146] shiddyboyinc: gaming iq [13146] imgayyss: !gamble [13146] jiisll: anytime brother☝🏼 [13147] Beaum8nt: !watchtime [13147] waterbottleinacup: !gamble 10 [13147] liam3548: PRE END LUL [13147] kaigoati: baraim [13147] StreamElements: Beaum8nt has spent 1 day 8 hours watching jynxzi [13147] afcbaileh: !gamble all [13148] StreamElements: PogChamp afcbaileh went all in and won 550 points PogChamp they now have 1100 points FeelsGoodMan [13148] RageDaaGreat: we [13148] realafcu: !gamble [13148] detecr: !gamble 29 [13148] h7md6n: !gamble 100 [13148] StreamElements: @h7md6n, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan [13149] Phantomille: !gamble 100 [13149] StreamElements: @Phantomille, you only have 65 points. [13149] eenour: !gamble 50 [13149] actaavis: STAY PUT [13149] StreamElements: @eenour, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan [13150] spookywoodo: !gamble 10 [13150] liam3548: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [13150] StreamElements: spookywoodo lost 10 points in roulette and now has 120 points! FeelsBadMan [13150] litpotato0: !gamble 100 [13150] mr_alex56: !gamble 100 [13150] MileyCyrusAndMe: MileyCyrusAndMe subscribed at Tier 1. [13150] JosephFN5: behund you [13150] StreamElements: litpotato0 lost 100 points in roulette and now has 15 points! FeelsBadMan [13150] StreamElements: mr_alex56 won 100 points in roulette and now has 240 points! FeelsGoodMan [13151] fe4r_ryza: !Gamble 100 [13151] usernameisdavid: lool [13151] StreamElements: fe4r_ryza won 100 points in roulette and now has 605 points! FeelsGoodMan [13151] hehsjsjhs: jynxziEZ [13151] tommythethomass: SO BAD LMAOOOOOOOOOO [13151] Pure__Dubstep: jynxi dawg i love you man, you make the hard days way easier to deal with [13151] xqdu: ?? [13151] michael1_2u: He do hurt it's silly 🤓 [13151] 9million45: !bet 1000 [13152] bxggs117: !gamble 500 [13152] offspringking: !link [13152] StreamElements: @9million45, there is no contest currently running. [13152] eona0: !Watchtime [13152] amplifier360: amplifier360 subscribed at Tier 1. [13152] StreamElements: eona0 has spent 2 days 21 hours watching jynxzi [13152] xzc12a: SO FKCING BAD [13152] dalvinggarcia: L [13153] chiiberia: 4 hrs!!!!!!! gonna end after he looses. such a joke [13153] seacam21: LLLLLLLLLL [13153] moiisessc: !watchtime [13153] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [13153] tzhgravity: tzhgravity subscribed at Tier 1. [13153] auggiedoggieee: washed [13153] jdtkk3: !gamble 10 [13153] asm0deus727: BAD AIM [13153] slickplayss: you suck [13153] StreamElements: jdtkk3 lost 10 points in roulette and now has 550 points! FeelsBadMan [13153] realafcu: !gamble all [13153] HimJonDro: shit on [13153] sebosski: NO [13154] vix348: c4 dumb ass [13154] keepitahunnidforhomie: BROS THROWINGGG [13154] sp00ks17_: What a sell [13154] sparked09: !gamble all [13154] essa_khalid: BAD AIM [13154] mardinlol: !gamble all e [13154] darkestreaim: !gamble 185 [13154] ttvvisionz11: !gamble 100 [13154] StreamElements: @sparked09, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan [13154] StreamElements: darkestreaim won 185 points in roulette and now has 1735 points! FeelsGoodMan [13154] PlantBoyIan: NICKS A PUSSY [13154] actaavis: stay put [13154] StreamElements: ttvvisionz11 lost 100 points in roulette and now has 410 points! FeelsBadMan [13154] aiai566: @plutosays bro you have no life 💀 [13155] ilovesnwbunies: !watchtime [13155] dankwhoolies69: FUCKING PUSSIES [13155] StreamElements: ilovesnwbunies has spent 3 days 20 hours watching jynxzi [13155] trippinfrr: !gamble 200 [13155] cordial_sinpila: Please train [13156] z15dorian_: so bad [13156] diaamndsz: ur the worst nitro player ever [13156] StreamElements: @trippinfrr, you only have 50 points. [13156] oznkii: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [13156] sssccrrrww: NOOOO [13156] clerb123: !gamble all [13156] HydraTract: ass [13156] hashafashafash23: Having a BAD day [13156] yoinkiedoodle: @frosty4448 bros locked tf in lol [13156] jaedaclassclown: K [13156] StreamElements: PogChamp clerb123 went all in and won 205 points PogChamp they now have 410 points FeelsGoodMan [13156] kotaaa1: selling [13156] Nightbot: k [13157] nicojej: ??? [13157] unweII: BAD AIM [13157] kikerVA: !watchtime [13157] bardown16__: STOP SWIGING YOU PEASENT [13157] Jynx175: throwing [13157] emmanuel122704: !watchtime [13157] essa_khalid: BAD AIMmk [13157] StreamElements: kikerVA has spent 11 days 4 hours watching jynxzi [13157] s_koczkodan: washed [13157] gs_henco: !watchtime [13157] Reubenko: Oooh [13158] mostdm1234: seller [13158] MVPABomb_: !watchtime [13158] odiw12: when is sidemen 1v5 [13158] jamieforsterutb: !gamble 700 [13158] ttvxxfro3enxx: Washed [13158] pain_adam: Sold [13158] verygenericusername37: STOP SELLING [13158] Germanovidal: W [13158] oznkii: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [13158] will_is_agnome: you got this brother👆🤓 [13158] bluejoltz23: bad aim [13159] ImHeyZues100: !leaderboard [13159] StreamElements: @ImHeyZues100 Check out the points Leaderboard here https://StreamElements.com/jynxzi/leaderboard [13159] fazec1019: LLL [13159] glischalk: L [13159] rayramirez98: W [13159] markietoast: !followage [13159] spookywoodo: !gamble all [13159] TheEmporiumm: where’s burger [13159] iamnomix: YOU ARE SELLING [13160] StreamElements: @markietoast, markietoast has been following jynxzi for 4 months 30 days 2 hours [13160] swingalex: swingalex subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 23 months, currently on a 4 month streak! GANG LOVE YOU BRO [13160] chonkste: SHITTY AIM [13160] Chucksta: SOLD PEEKING [13160] unweII: HORRIBLE AIM [13160] zain_almnsi: ASS [13160] chefdrewskiii: !gambleall [13160] rayramirez98: WW [13160] jarreddeo: c4?????? [13160] ares6771: WW [13160] excessivezero5: LMAAAOOOOOOO [13161] michael1_2u: Slammed [13161] lava_corruptor: sell out [13161] NONDxrk: !sub [13161] afoster1727: afoster1727 subscribed with Prime. [13161] nailwind: this is.. uh oh [13161] ares6771: WWWW [13161] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [13162] jaedaclassclown: Bad aim [13162] IcyDawny: washed [13162] junko1213: bad aim [13162] devoclt: shot gun warrior [13162] PlantBoyIan: jynxzi is such a cocky ass hole now I hate it, law suit if anyone talks on him, like bros a straight bitch, let him know mods bros a bitch PANCAKE [13162] amingpartys: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [13162] DeezohTV: Any gifter chat <3 <3 <3 [13162] rayramirez98: W [13162] tonbiddness: !gamble50 [13162] foyez14: !gamble 80 [13162] raqu31: PLEASE BROOOO [13163] Phantomille: !gamble 65 [13163] inthebizofmisery: !gamble [13163] StreamElements: @foyez14, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan [13163] CTB_1up: !gamble 100 [13163] 1mikeslive1: is this third game [13163] excessivezero5: WWWWWW [13163] StreamElements: @CTB_1up, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan [13163] ares6771: W [13163] zrpryy: NO [13164] ko_rogue: CARRIED [13164] vraxkin: !watchtime [13164] HarleyThrasher: use ur c4 next time [13164] yabenthename: !gmable [13164] guzi666_: ALWAYS SELLiNG [13164] StreamElements: vraxkin has spent 5 days 21 hours watching jynxzi [13164] liam3548: Pre stompin dies [13165] keepitahunnidforhomie: SEILLING [13165] imgayyss: !watchtime [13165] kaidan_r6: I'm [13165] junko1213: mnnjihnth [13165] rayramirez98: WWW [13165] HimJonDro: !watchtime [13165] kuuh91: THROWING [13165] actaavis: OH NAWWWWWEE [13165] StreamElements: HimJonDro has spent 0 secs watching jynxzi [13165] r1chard07: POM POM POONTANG [13165] 4hedXAT: THROWING [13166] bfamerr: BAD AIM [13166] auggiedoggieee: !gamble all [13166] junko1213: fghfghghgn [13166] hashafashafash23: Your smoked bro [13166] itchy_cactus78: selling [13166] StreamElements: @auggiedoggieee, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan [13166] liam3548: LUL [13166] crodi1_: yeah they got u beat [13166] zack167: !gamble 5 [13166] sarzle: HE LITERALLY JUST SPRAYS IN A DOORWAY AND NOTHING ELSE [13167] StreamElements: zack167 lost 5 points in roulette and now has 10 points! FeelsBadMan [13167] kanesanchez3: put it in [13167] diego_wth: !watchtime [13167] xxjiggityjayxx: jynxziBadAim [13167] teddv0: washed [13167] StreamElements: diego_wth has spent 5 days 18 hours watching jynxzi [13167] junko1213: gvgvgngn [13167] Diemond1: STOP FUCKING CHOKING [13167] frostmain_04: frostmain_04 subscribed with Prime. [13168] godly_trikzy: when is fanmail [13168] Kenethhb: stop selling [13168] curly_fry444: hha [13168] nuclearnoob9: !gamble 100 [13168] efenfe: !gamble 100 [13168] svgreen_sox77: YOU SUCK [13168] xPostYT_: !gamble 4000 [13168] StreamElements: nuclearnoob9 won 100 points in roulette and now has 720 points! FeelsGoodMan [13168] tightbeav71: !gamble all [13168] StreamElements: efenfe lost 100 points in roulette and now has 275 points! FeelsBadMan [13168] codyshots87: washed [13168] StreamElements: tightbeav71 went all in and lost every single one of their 12115 points LUL [13169] ttvaddey20: hi [13169] arthur__morgan72: yo chat [13169] PlantBoyIan: jynxzi is such a cocky ass hole now I hate it, law suit if anyone talks on him, like bros a straight bitch, let him know mods bros a bitch LOSER [13169] dpiliero28: jynxziChampion [13169] z15dorian_: you had 1 job my baby😂 [13170] kamille_m1: THROWWWWINGGGGG [13170] junko1213: hg [13170] mrcoolman1233: ain’t no way they selling [13170] chunguswitfungus27: !egamble1000 [13170] Memeshitpost: LET STOMPIN CARRY U lol [13170] michael1_2u: Yes [13170] jdtkk3: !gamble 5 [13171] russy07: @amingpartys freak [13171] bardown16__: these kids are sniping [13171] juzevsp: !gamble all [13171] frostyman224: !gamble 1 [13171] theword42: watchtime! [13171] brandoncarmosino: L gambler [13171] lilmrsam: SOLD [13172] DopeyBloke: blinky bill [13172] ahndixindnej: Pom poms [13172] InsidiousDC: can’t die with smokes in your pocket [13172] odiw12: sidemen 1v5 [13172] actaavis: PINCHED [13172] junko1213: hngvhvggh [13173] bagstarleek: stompn can’t carry u against this team and y’all crumbling [13173] shiddyboyinc: 3rd sell [13173] JayRodTheGod: Y DO GREEN DE RN FR [13173] nutlv: nutlv subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 1 month streak! yo [13173] i_Bash: selling [13173] exfi11ed: Jynxi is so washed [13173] liam3548: OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh [13173] jamieforsterutb: !gamble 100 [13173] stinkyb141: UR SELLING MY POINTS [13174] OFG_Zey: badddaim [13174] CeeGee346: WASHED [13174] etterrx: sold so hard [13174] dragid7: jynxziBadAim [13174] nick_c_304: !controller [13174] Nightbot: Scuf.co/jynxzi [13174] kanesanchez3: 3 [13175] arthur__morgan72: you good [13176] gilbs3: CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER [13176] stickdirtgrass: ilumpeDog [13176] plainsi: !gamble 25 [13176] shadow_789123456: !gamble all [13176] trophyballz91: you suck [13176] moiisessc: !gamble 80 [13176] StreamElements: shadow_789123456 went all in and lost every single one of their 400 points LUL [13176] ghostofsparta69420: MVGame MVGame MVGame MVGame [13177] curly_fry444: 🐺🐺 [13177] StreamElements: moiisessc won 80 points in roulette and now has 965 points! FeelsGoodMan [13177] spookywoodo: !gamble 100 [13177] teilzeitsesselfurzer: Jynxzi hör auf zu verkaufen mann [13177] sp00ks17_: Jynxie always carried what a bum [13177] Gas_Astro: !gamble 2.2k [13177] mythicaljaklaha: I FUCKING HATE YOU JYNXZI [13178] StreamElements: @Gas_Astro, you only have 385 points. [13178] el_drako2: !gamble 300 [13178] ogbutterfinger543: MY POINTS [13178] terriblejay_: your so bad [13178] raqu31: LETS GO STOMPN [13178] StreamElements: @el_drako2, you only have 130 points. [13178] nileszombie: !watchtime [13178] mrspazzout4500: junco is washed [13178] liam3548: OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh [13178] CamCook0215: !gamble all [13178] StreamElements: nileszombie has spent 2 hours 30 mins watching jynxzi [13178] StreamElements: PogChamp CamCook0215 went all in and won 360 points PogChamp they now have 720 points FeelsGoodMan [13178] lukemahomie: WWWWW [13179] soundcloutken: @arthur__morgan72 sup [13179] xPocket: SO HEAVY [13179] txstj1: ur in copper [13179] Hanyon44: is it bullying if i just beat my roommates 5-1 in 1v1🤣 [13179] Fossabot: @JlTZUU, Your message is too long [13180] vexusiikk: !gamble 20 [13180] ttvxxfro3enxx: washed washed washed washed washed washed washed [13180] bxggs117: !gamble 100 [13180] gilbs3: CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER [13180] sincere2fye: ass [13180] StreamElements: vexusiikk lost 20 points in roulette and now has 80 points! FeelsBadMan [13181] excessivezero5: SPECTATOR [13181] mrspazzout4500: booty cheeks [13181] StreamElements: juka10jukes went all in and lost every single one of their 435 points LUL [13182] domthebomb____: domthebomb____ subscribed at Tier 1. [13182] darkestreaim: !gamble 235 [13182] aj2validsmh: !gamble 1000 [13182] itsjust_tcmj: !gamble 250 [13182] StreamElements: @aj2validsmh, you only have 965 points. [13183] pigeonpabloescabar3: i put all my channel points on this game i need him to solo here [13183] gilbs3: CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER [13183] kanesanchez3: 3333333 [13183] munchisgood: how do you tilt on controller [13183] jamieforsterutb: !gamble 200 [13184] ytkraxi: !gamble [13184] inthebizofmisery: !gamble all [13184] BeanMan12320: you know he is a gamer by the way he blinks [13184] luckyjess7: !Link [13184] Nightbot: @luckyjess7 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [13184] biohazardgames442: when’s fan mail @jynxzi [13185] nvxcahpn: jynxzi I sincerely think you are the absolute worst r6 player I’ve ever seen please do urself a favour and hop that ass on Minecraft brother [13185] angeIzfn: !gamble all [13185] mighty_ligma: you blow [13185] rustling_jimmys: just found my sisters box under the bed why does it match mine [13185] gilbs3: CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER [13185] StreamElements: angeIzfn went all in and lost every single one of their 2555 points LUL [13185] snazroty: !gamble all [13186] inaxvy: jynxzi try not to sell stompn challenge impossible [13186] StreamElements: snazfv went all in and lost every single one of their 195 points LUL [13186] Jaydakidd14: hall of fame spectator [13186] sussydiglet: sussydiglet subscribed with Prime. [13186] shad0w_1999: www [13187] mrspazzout4500: but cheeks [13187] JayRodTheGod: @foyez14 stfu [13187] mythicaljaklaha: JYNXZI UR SO ASSSSSS [13187] gilbs3: CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER [13188] efenfe: !gamble 200 [13188] STEVEWELLDOIT: I BET MY CHANAL POINTS ON YOUUUUII [13189] terriblejay_: don’t sell him again brooo [13189] nailwind: jynxziFAT heavy [13189] mezzdup_bun: BRUHH [13189] controlfrank1983: POOP AIM [13189] kryst3208: blow it [13190] anqau: !gamble all [13190] xPostYT_: yo [13190] StreamElements: anqau went all in and lost every single one of their 360 points LUL [13190] qway_moon_: ggs [13191] howdawg66: CHEER LEADER CHEER LEADER CHEER LEADER [13191] z15dorian_: you fell off [13191] gilbs3: CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER [13191] mezzdup_bun: L AIM [13191] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [13192] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: get the pom poms [13192] i_Bash: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [13192] xHELLSOVERLORDx: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [13192] frostmain_04: HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys [13192] MVPABomb_: !watchtime [13192] UndergroundTyrant: BADAIM [13192] gilbs3: CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER [13193] StreamElements: MVPABomb_ has spent 1 day 5 hours watching jynxzi [13193] ilovehinesly991: jynxzi I mean this with the upmost disrespect you are the worst rainbow six siege player ever [13193] belikedoni: bad aim [13193] exfi11ed: washed thats why ur gonna lose [13193] gilbs3: CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER [13194] yabenthename: !gamble [13194] ahmed_shokry: BAD AIM [13194] michael1_2u: Be ready to cheer [13194] mrspazzout4500: he’s washed [13194] Demon_2749: carried [13194] StricGames: bad aim [13194] CodeBlack248: daddy [13194] kaigoati: baraim [13194] gilbs3: CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER [13195] ashtonph1354: ashtonph1354 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [13195] purplemonsta198: jynxziChampion [13195] HimJonDro: !watchtime [13195] qway_moon_: !gamble all [13195] darkestreaim: !gamble all [13195] wrongfrog099: bad aim [13195] ashtonph1354: ashtonph1354 gifted a Tier 1 sub to 2baconchaser! [13195] StreamElements: qway_moon_ went all in and lost every single one of their 1000 points LUL [13195] StreamElements: HimJonDro has spent 0 secs watching jynxzi [13195] Phantomille: !gamble [13196] amingpartys: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [13196] jaycejohnson2001: !gamble 50 [13197] BeanMan12320: you know he is a gamer by the way he blinks. [13197] StreamElements: jaycejohnson2001 won 50 points in roulette and now has 190 points! FeelsGoodMan [13197] vlak74: shiddy aim [13197] Hanyon44: 6 maps i went 5-1🤣 [13197] Flickzyy13: Daddy [13197] infntryy: !gamble all [13197] caso_clone: ModLove ModLove ModLove ModLove ModLove ModLove [13197] antivax_ryan: jynxziBadAim [13197] StreamElements: infntryy went all in and lost every single one of their 595 points LUL [13198] el_drako2: !gamble all [13198] albfrontiersman: BAD AIM STOMPIN [13198] sebosski: W [13198] gilbs3: CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADE [13198] bardown16__: lacking [13198] evanonxbox740: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [13198] OKGREMLIN: !gamble 100 [13198] danieldrinksdaily: ah hell [13199] TheEmporiumm: stompn is sss [13199] StreamElements: OKGREMLIN lost 100 points in roulette and now has 130 points! FeelsBadMan [13199] usernameisdavid: omg [13199] Nightbot: too easy [13199] zoord69: zoord69 subscribed with Prime. [13199] kysongamer: !gamble all [13199] StreamElements: kysongamer went all in and lost every single one of their 75 points LUL [13199] mezzdup_bun: ALRRRRRRRR [13199] JAYTOTAL: GOOD AIM [13199] bagstarleek: stompn has to carry every time lol [13200] feldy12345: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [13200] moiisessc: !gamble 100 [13200] sillski22: y swing [13200] guzman7625: NICE [13200] emptyshelly: CHEER [13200] TheEmporiumm: ass [13201] Save_Dee: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [13201] mezzdup_bun: WWWWWWWWWWWWWW [13201] puffpuffjuicer: WWWWW [13201] mntzzz_: !gamble 500 [13201] StreamElements: mntzzz_ lost 500 points in roulette and now has 165 points! FeelsBadMan [13201] soggyshane: WWWWWWWWWWWWWW [13202] amingpartys: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [13202] hlgmash: WAIT [13202] HappyJTC: GOOD AIM [13202] theword42: !watchtime [13202] mezzdup_bun: WWWWWWW [13202] Treyeight37: !gamble 300 [13202] StreamElements: theword42 has spent 23 hours 10 mins watching jynxzi [13202] 2xfskfn: who’s winnibg [13202] 4hedXAT: WWW [13203] StreamElements: Treyeight37 won 300 points in roulette and now has 1110 points! FeelsGoodMan [13203] PixelDucks12: !link [13203] grrrrlock: wait? [13203] BeanMan12320: you know he is a gamer by the way he blinks [13203] pierce0386: fan mail [13203] nailwind: PREPARE POM POMS [13203] bardown16__: STOMPN MIGHT BE THE BEST EVER [13203] FinnaButtChugg: DO YOU NEED ME [13203] trophyballz91: bad aim [13204] mezzdup_bun: WWWWWWWWWWWW [13204] emptyshelly: L TEAMMATE [13204] darkestreaim: !gamble 100 [13204] ImHeyZues100: cheer [13204] sam_124539: !LINK [13204] CodeBlack248: !balance [13204] kamcontrols: !gamble 10 [13205] StreamElements: kamcontrols won 10 points in roulette and now has 1550 points! FeelsGoodMan [13205] caso_clone: ModLove ModLove jynxziWTF jynxziWTF [13205] wyhattington: POM POMS [13205] hlgmash: HES HIM [13205] TheHoodTypePokemon: I do think Aidan was Stream sniping [13205] xzc12a: the laser [13205] jpapa6969: pre glaze [13205] xNoRecoil: STOMPN MAKES IT LOOK EASY [13205] Save_Dee: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [13205] alexito501k: selling junko [13206] Reubenko: Www [13206] HukDisc: POM POMS [13206] 420Blaziken_: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [13206] emikraza: L clipfarm [13206] zway_da_goat: scripted [13206] bxggs117: !gamble all [13206] z15dorian_: jordan on the wizards [13206] StreamElements: PogChamp bxggs117 went all in and won 910 points PogChamp they now have 1820 points FeelsGoodMan [13207] BreadXttv: w [13207] mav_2336: Remember that Jesus gave his life for us almost 2000 years ago, Love you brother 🙏 [13207] HimJonDro: cap ass watchtime command [13207] Nightbot: no 🧢 [13207] jenksiee: pom poms [13207] l4m4ndo: revxKappa [13207] autismpatient3: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [13207] emptyshelly: WHEN IS FANMAIL [13207] mezzdup_bun: DUDE [13207] earthbonga: GOOD AIM [13208] the_green_leaf: This kidis good [13208] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: pom poms [13208] Reubenko: W [13208] matthewg123__: !gamble 1000 [13208] olusanya24: Cheer boi [13208] StreamElements: @matthewg123__, you only have 465 points. [13208] zs425: wwwwwwwwwwww [13208] caso_clone: jynxziWTF ModLove [13208] Save_Dee: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [13208] STEVEWELLDOIT: GOOOD AI@🤖 [13208] Shadowxzxzx: daddyyyyyyyyyy [13209] The_Rat_K1ng: Steve Can’t Do It [13209] spr1ngst33n: GET THOSE FUCKING POM POMS OUT [13209] georgec24: THIS ISSSSS THE ENDDDDDDD [13209] lowkeymin: PikaRamen PikaRamen PikaRamen PikaRamen PikaRamen PikaRamen PikaRamen NiceTry [13209] BreadXttv: l bozo [13210] evanonxbox740: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [13210] FinnaButtChugg: DO YOU THINK IM PRETTY [13210] tightbeav71: !gamble 120 [13210] vexusiikk: !gamble 100 [13210] pain_adam: Wwww [13210] osmnxx: !gamble 100 [13210] xqdu: WWW [13210] jayreplaysbtw: what’s the score [13210] StreamElements: captain_kurakku lost 100 points in roulette and now has 3779 points! FeelsBadMan [13210] nailwind: CHEERLEADER CMON [13211] joe127896: jynxziBadAim [13211] daneeshaaa: DADDY STOMPNNNNN [13211] skillet419: stompn is ridiculous [13211] menace_2fps: Him [13211] wateriest_suit: DADDY STOMPN [13211] pepper718: WWWWWWWWWW [13212] xqdu: WWWWWWWW [13212] juliansill3: the rock is waiting [13212] usernameisdavid: OMGGGG [13212] sarzle: POM POMS [13212] nvxcahpn: W [13212] jenksiee: naaaaa [13212] scadush23: WWWWW [13212] BreadXttv: I win [13212] sirepic69: w [13212] raqu31: LETS GO STOMPNNN [13212] mr_alex56: jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard [13212] DenjisNumber1Wife: ISTG [13212] bardown16__: hes just too good [13213] pepper718: WWWWWWWWWWWWW [13213] asm0deus727: W [13213] acfyi_: react harder [13213] 1Drae: wwwwwwwww [13213] scooter2ez: wow [13213] xNoRecoil: SO GOOD [13213] JBizzy_1: WWWWWWWW [13213] Garfilet: WWWWWWWWW [13213] Fossabot: @itznotswiftyyy, Your message is too long [2x] [13213] BdotBS: OH MY GOD [13213] nicojej: W [13213] finalarigato_: STOMPNS TOO GOOD [13213] dalvinggarcia: WW [13213] kanexx_qc: him [13213] swoleboh: only stompn could do that [13214] not_puree: DADDY [13214] pxbzy: RalpherZ [13214] 2xfskfn: what happened last round [13214] asm0deus727: WW [13214] WWQLF2: WWWWW [13214] NotFalsie: GOATTTTT [13214] StreamElements: PrimaryCrayon13 lost 70 points in roulette and now has 1050 points! FeelsBadMan [13214] baperss: WWWWW [13214] Differ__: W [13214] skyanimalsss: !gamble 1000 [13214] StreamElements: @skyanimalsss, you only have 230 points. [13216] upl_zak: Ww [13216] bryann1029: W [13216] rebornhehe: CARRIED [13216] playafr: WWWWWWWWWWW [13216] Nateandreike: OMG [13216] Garfilet: POM POMS [13216] salladbooty: STOMPNNNNNNN [13216] dispencer4892: omg lmao [13216] rlzztard: w [13216] GodHvndd: GOATTTTTT [13216] frostmain_04: er1 [13216] wyhattington: POM PIMS [13216] Gucci_kid54: WW [13216] goodlurkx: www [13216] 1Drae: WWWWWWWWWWW [13217] PixelDucks12: !Link [13217] codyunit: WWWWWWWWWWWWWW [13217] Y_SO_SERIOUS_BOO: STOMPGOAT [13217] jacke1323: www [13217] LEEEOO01: ist jmd deutsch und weiß wrm mein controller auf pc nicht geht in r6 [13217] thatloadingguy: Filthy [13217] supa_mcnugget: WWWWWW [13217] Nightbot: @TTVChronoGamerYT If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [13217] el_qc1234: WWWWW [13217] cjrage: 🐐🐐🐐 [13217] hashtag_bike: w [13217] irektuv1: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [13217] ryuthebest001: DADDYYYYYY [13217] connerboxedyoulol: w [13217] jeremiahiscoolaf: OMFG [13219] ocheezyv: squeezing a turd the turd fights back [13219] iitsjayt: AH TO EZZZ [13219] skinnybones_13: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [13219] grii_99: WWWW [13219] AlexInParis_: OMGGG [13219] Jitizin: INSANNNEEEEEEE [13219] fireArtsausage: Wwwwwww [13219] cohlty: unreal [13219] gordonramsme___: GOATTTT [13219] tacosburrito69: STOMPNNNNNNNNNNNN [13219] sssccrrrww: WWWWWW [13219] thecheese111: wwwww [13219] astroidr6: THE GOAT [13219] Gucci_kid54: WW [13219] DXPAo_o: LETS FUCKING GOOOO [13220] ilonelywoiif: WWWW [13220] NOTBless: WOW [13220] bussyimp123: daddy stompy [13220] Maletie: PAY STOMPN [13220] himothy4572: GOOd AIM [13220] mtypk1: !time [13220] daddynestoo: carried [13220] fyr_pdx: CARRIED [13220] kajeisonline: omg [13220] tgrskier: WWWW [13220] uginssss: holy fuck [13221] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: jesus [13221] HiVise: Its just not fair [13221] HiVise: Its just not fair [13222] Shadowxzxzx: bam [13222] frayhr: HES HIM [13222] adriana022008: WWWW [13222] xZiosss: CHEERLEADERRRR [13222] russellt17: ZADDDDDYYYY [13222] fazec1019: WWWWWwwWwWWW [13222] tank0407: GREEN FN [13222] fnnstepper111: stompn the goat [13222] rawwwiq: stompn the goat [13222] hbeats1219: goat [13222] poundinbunz: wwww [13222] JBizzy_1: WWWWWWWWWWWWWW [13222] Bubby_Sama: OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD [13222] shaggguu: EUGH [13222] HiVise: Its just not fair [13223] Chicagojhawk: LISAN AL GAIB [13223] Kjumps22: pour his Gatorade [13223] nokk4_: W [13223] wyhattington: POM POMS [13223] rdyfcryfgufghg: glazing [13223] mcl0vin17: GIVE HIM 2K [13223] oblivionblixx69: www [13223] HiVise: Its just not fair [13223] Gn3ll0: Wwww [13223] cycy_theguy: GOOOATTT [13223] xoatiic_: HES DADDY [13223] vShxftypolo: 2bandz!!!!!!!!! [13223] HiVise: Its just not fair [13223] HiVise: Its just not fair [13224] dlamby2003: dlamby2003 is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel! [13225] berkayuww: real [13225] dlamby2003: dlamby2003 gifted a Tier 1 sub to tehbilh! [13225] commissarstroheim: cheerleader [13225] dlamby2003: dlamby2003 gifted a Tier 1 sub to doublefatal_187! [13225] dlamby2003: dlamby2003 gifted a Tier 1 sub to anttheman21564! [13225] thereal_swazy: GOATTTTT [13225] jdot1911: wwwww [13225] Nightbot: real [13225] dlamby2003: dlamby2003 gifted a Tier 1 sub to erickismessi100! [13225] dlamby2003: dlamby2003 gifted a Tier 1 sub to mr_boom1974! [13225] dlamby2003: dlamby2003 gifted a Tier 1 sub to banksieboy15! [13225] dlamby2003: dlamby2003 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Gampe8! [13225] dlamby2003: dlamby2003 gifted a Tier 1 sub to BeastBR9! [13225] 4hedXAT: WW [13225] Nightbot: say hello to Space Station Junko jynxziGLASSES [13226] faz_23: CHEER FOR HIM [13226] Gucci_kid54: WW stompn daddy [13226] willqt072: STOMP GOATTTT [13226] himothy4572: GOOD AIM [13226] thedude694206: www [13226] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [13226] purpwz: HES JUST SO GOOD OMG [13226] jimmmaa: STOMPPPPPPPPP [13226] tiggytiggerr: JUNKO SAY DADA BRO [13226] HiVise: Its just not fair [13226] dlamby2003: dlamby2003 gifted a Tier 1 sub to pitipontz! [13227] HiVise: Its just not fair [13227] HiVise: Its just not fair [13228] rizzyredoyb_r6: daddy [13228] puffpuffjuicer: DADDDYUH [13228] Sgnikaifa: LUL [13228] vonnn888: daddy stompin [13228] shmidtlick: glazeeeeeee [13228] zrpryy: WWWWWWWWWW [13228] Y_SO_SERIOUS_BOO: STOMPGOAT!!! [13228] p1l2k3y4: WWWWWWWWW [13228] shad0w_1999: 😇 [13228] misterj1122: stoppyyyyyyyyy [13228] trik1k: it’s not fair [13228] junkofan123456789: carryed [13228] borizzjohnson: W Stompn [13228] proxx42: W [13228] himmy_2010: u r getting carried [13229] NumzGT: HES FILTHY [13229] Gucci_kid54: WW stompn daddy [13229] worthrevolute: Start cheering [13229] Tropezqt: WOW [13229] hkardwst: why dont you bring mira ? [13229] Bubby_Sama: OHH MYYYY GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD [13229] wantedcristal_: doaeneTransfer doaeneTransfer doaeneTransfer doaeneTransfer [13229] Zendalath: carried [13229] marktara13: get the pom poms out [13229] Mrcamz16: STOMP W STOMP W STOMP W STOMP W [13229] lunchiestbox: GIVE HIM EVERYTHING [13229] JJBreezzy: WW POOKIEE [13229] KazKeyz: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [13229] NutritionGuy: goat [13229] kccoug: thats your dad [13230] BoofMastrPreRoll: Dadda [13230] rdyfcryfgufghg: GLAZING [13230] honda_civicthepro: Glazzzying [13230] dillon_sumner6: jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH [13230] dboyyy____: POMS [13231] nvxcahpn: WW [13231] tbfluidz: THE GoaT [13231] tuffluck456: holy shit [13231] joey_11810: HES CRAZY [13231] jarheadalpha: That's actually insane [13231] caseohdia69: JUSTICE FOR STOMPN [13231] bardown16__: youre better [13231] 757jacob: !roulette [13231] Gn3ll0: stompn might be the greatest [13231] pmw11: he’s actually crazy [13231] marsbaarr: glaze [13231] PudgySpike: glazing [13231] lukemahomie: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [13231] whiteboybruce: carried [13231] CodeBlack248: !gamble 200 [13232] Sekoreo: WW STOMP [13232] Flickzyy13: Dddddddddaaaaaaaaadddddddddy [13232] ziko_bll: Carried [13232] kgkving2: wtf [13232] ertztz: SUCK HIS SAUSAGE [13232] StreamElements: @CodeBlack248, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan [13232] EWOK7075: WWWWW [13232] Shibew: give him 5k [13232] tightredleather1: let him cook [13232] mtypk1: !Time [13232] nathan22hunter: the sound cut off was insane [13232] JJBreezzy: W POOKIWWW [13232] zen_xot1c: get the poms [13232] notunrealr6: GOAT [13232] ong_allann: GIVE THIS MAN 2K [13233] ocariello7: OMGGGGGGGGGGGG [13233] nailwind: CHEERLEADER [13233] jervolx: glazing [13233] astroidr6: GET THE POM POMS [13233] sk_assassin7133: you havent gotten a kill since i started watching [13233] nokk4_: THATS WILD [13233] pepper718: HE THE GOAT [13234] lacystarfish300: HE'S THE BEST [13234] trulymatts: L HIVISE [13234] otrfv: Daddy stompn [13234] izrarr: CARRIED' [13234] Bonesx27: DAADY [13234] peppar34: glazing [13234] xqdu: ? [13234] z15dorian_: GLAZING [13234] actaavis: THE GOAT [13234] ekiIdog: Johnson deployed [13234] borizzjohnson: WWWWWWWWWWWW [13234] quandaledingile22: GLAZING [13234] Yerrnas: STOMPIN IS THR KING [13234] Nightbot: ? [13234] upmyassoniichan: Ww I [13235] faze_jayw: W carry [13235] ghoul_punk100: THEEEEE GOATTTTT [13235] AbhiwitdaHoodie: glazingggg [13235] mikkides1997: he’s god [13235] naybr1: stompin is GOAT [13235] Meta_SlimJesus: GRAB THE POM POMS [13235] reaper_270915: 💀💯😂 [13235] Falconbro: all u do is play smoke and sit in corners wid a shotgun [13235] HiVise: ? [13235] tehjayj: GLLAAAZZZEEEEEEE [13235] JJBreezzy: W POOKIEEE [13235] osmnxx: !gamble 1000 [13235] datwhiteeboii: W [13235] StreamElements: mardinlol went all in and lost every single one of their 60 points LUL [13235] xiphoidar: POMPOMS [13236] Hendos34: what a fucking god [13236] Mrcamz16: DADA [13236] crisii: justified glaze [13236] seamusbsbl3: dude hes insane [13236] thermalberry369: YOU BETTER PAY HIM [13236] brianna_spamsss: WWW [13236] russellt17: ZADDDDYYYYY [13236] 420Blaziken_: LMFAO [13238] JJBreezzy: WW POOKIE [13238] fishyboi1224: www [13238] oualidaitoile: what [13238] maxxyyy07: ?? [13238] jjrio18: he’s so good. [13238] d3sired88: ? [13238] xqdu: carried [13238] pocketpengun: LMAOOO [13238] loyalty9090: w [13238] ryuthebest001: PunchTrees PunchTrees PunchTrees PunchTrees [13238] expertakeswalls: have to play the tournament [13238] zen_xot1c: POMS [13238] Bonesx27: SAY DADA [13238] DNGeclipse12: w glaze [13238] julian_arce05: DADDY stompn saving the day [13239] puffpuffjuicer: LOLLLLLL [13239] quebecois5721: W stompn [13239] scorpion_samarai: glazi n [13239] bbtrello: WWWWW [13239] fishyboi1224: w [13239] PLAZ_1: PICASSO SHIT [13239] SXNEZI: bro is goated af [13239] ThatProXander: HES HIM [13239] caseohdia69: JUSTICE FOR STOMP [13239] Itzdanielle09: YOOOOO=??== [13239] ozzydlap: STOMPN IS THE GOAT [13239] batlandscug: !link [13239] xslenderyoshix: WWWWWW STOMPGOAT jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke [13239] clasbingbee: glaze [13239] aphexshadow: IM SO WET [13240] unbansndnudsx2: !watchtime [13240] schmermitermy: when does the stream start [13240] ISCOHHH: WAAAAAAAAOH [13240] suhaancharniya4: CARRIEDCARRIEDV [13240] slim_shady62: pompoms [13240] rooonyyy__: carried fatass [13240] StreamElements: unbansndnudsx2 has spent 20 mins watching jynxzi [13241] joekc823: !watchtime [13241] tttttteech: WACK [13241] ChavezdaGreat: 2 bands [13241] lianajmes23: glazeee [13241] baro_berlin: carried junkooo [13241] Kappa_Boyz: LOL [13241] b6mz8b2: Glazsing [13241] salvaguff: W ZACHARY [13241] scorpion_samarai: glazing [13241] StreamElements: joekc823 has spent 40 mins watching jynxzi [13241] nixufofficial: Doing Splits on it [13241] Nightbot: 😂 [13241] NicoNicoKneeCapsTv: Kappa [13241] 4hedXAT: ????????? [13241] Its_Xel: D1 GLAZE [13242] dankwhoolies69: GLASING [13242] qamar_121: WWWWWW [13242] sheeep_slayor: glaze [13242] Thatoneduuude: Cheerlead [13242] nickswylin: WWWW GLASE [13242] keynin24: Pom poms [13242] detegrity: JYNXZI WILL YOU LOCK IN [13242] hehsjsjhs: jynxziRAHHH [13242] rizzyredoyb_r6: nut in meeee😩😩😩😩 [13244] suhaancharniya4: CARRIED [13244] Freewifihere: Hes doing tricks on it [13244] teox0_: glaze [13244] xMeLLoFeTT: GET CARRIED [13244] nickswylin: WWW GLAZE [13244] ChavezdaGreat: 2 bandss [13244] 1nneo: BRO IS LITERALLH MADE TO PLAY R6 [13244] suggss: bros on his dick [13244] itsdopellama: you owe him half if you win [13244] dfwtixzzy: tricks on it [13244] ValkyrieGamingOfficial: W glaze [13244] Greatgodd: ??? [13244] outsideroutside: davinci in his prime [13244] pierogii_: glaze fatass [13244] verixs_033: give stompn all the wager [13245] TruvyTvBte: lollll [13245] rip_gorlo: CHEERLEADER [13245] dominantace7: W [13245] m0ntq: !gamble [13245] d3athlyz: Glazing is crazy [13245] quebecois5721: DADDDDYYY [13245] gangaceo: PogChamp [13245] hsydudbehs: ITS EVERYWHERE [13245] NebulaBreak: PLEASE LET ME GET A SUB PoroSad [13245] joey_11810: noce [13245] wavy14155: GLAZE [13245] aidantaxx: comeback is on [13245] jetticuls_r6: glazeee [13245] 4hedXAT: ???? [13245] JJBreezzy: W POOKIEEE [13246] Phantomille: !gamble [13247] stumph15: !gamble 2300000 [13247] treveazy: stomp me daddy [13247] ChavezdaGreat: 2bdasn [13247] USAFM1ke: STOMPN. THE. GOAT. [13247] mrbuttcheeks_: absolutely justified glazing [13247] StreamElements: @stumph15, you only have 920 points. [13247] florber: hard carry [13247] TheEmporiumm: he’s 3 [13247] ChocolateLoverVz: the GOAT [13247] chavonsqui20: washed jinxzy [13247] l1am3dwardz: hessss is the guy dude [13247] domthebomb____: jynxziPACK [13247] baby_pluto999: stompn is fucking goated [13247] dankwhoolies69: PUSSY GLAZING [13248] Mrcamz16: W STOMP W STOMP W STOMP W STOMP W STOMP [13248] Big_baller_baka: get you pom poms ready [13248] maestr03223: win or u bad [13248] l4m4ndo: PowerUpL revxKappa PowerUpR [13248] Fossabot: @rowdyisbetter, Your message is too long [13248] vShxftypolo: he deserves 2kkkkk [13248] ttvbeez067: nah the Glaze is wild [13248] xeqly: bro stompn is him [13248] bobbish67: ? [13248] repentmi: cheerleader [13248] oofRiot: DESERVES 2K [13248] thedudeman8: L glazzer [13248] jimmmaa: NUT IN ME [13248] joey_11810: nice [13248] jackkyybooo: GLAZ [13249] anglenf16: guac guac [13249] suhaancharniya4: CARRIED CARRIED CARRIED CARRIED [13249] GHOSTxav1er: carried [13250] lukemahomie: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [13250] TunaSubbington: send stompn $$$$$ [13250] suhaancharniya4: CARRIED CARRIED CARRIED [13250] BeanMan12320: you know he is a gamer by the way he blinks [13250] sheeep_slayor: hop off [13250] tkkndananjaya: WWWW [13250] irish_demonslayer: L bully [13250] Zapssey: lollllll [13250] soymexican0: cheerleader [13250] colby9: glaze [13250] GlROUDDDDD: sus [13250] ChavezdaGreat: 2 baands [13250] etomicgamer: @jynxzi here's a video idea you should teach caseoh how to get better get him better then he already is [13250] gmarkv_: jynxziHappy jynxziHappy jynxziHappy jynxziHappy jynxziHappy [13250] liam3548: GLAZING [13251] Yerrnas: STOMPIN IS STOMPING THESE DUDES [13251] blakec771: stompn is so fucking good man holy shit [13251] StreamElements: sharkwavey won 150 points in roulette and now has 340 points! FeelsGoodMan [13251] Foxter_: L Glaze [13251] blakeloonytoons: jynxziRAHHH [13251] dirtyblanc0: react harder [13251] hooda_123: zip it up when your done [13251] adriana022008: jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT [13251] jetticuls_r6: glaze [13251] Jincoln_: valid glaze [13251] UnHolyRampage93: glaze that chin [13251] P0GJUICE: 🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐 [13251] purpwz: Wwww [13251] 1_willard2456: 1_willard2456 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! wwwww [13251] tellyg47: jynxziBadAim from Jynxzi [13252] kgkving2: carried by stompin [13252] austin653902: STG ME TOO [13252] jimmmaa: BREED ME [13253] notevrn: so we're glazin [13253] olddaggerdik: .. [13253] PrimeTimeAdri: JUNMKOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [13253] Mrcamz16: BIG CLUTCH [13253] tommythethomass: ????????????? [13253] 420Blaziken_: JYNXZI LOCK IN [13253] mynamesfoy: !gamble 500 [13253] bbtrello: wwwww [13253] debo740: chain fake as [13254] alexmonkeypoo122: top 1 [13254] opgigv2: he is nuts holy [13254] suhaancharniya4: CARRIED CARRIED CARRIED [13254] 4hedXAT: jynxziFALL [13254] StreamElements: fratboybottyinspector won 500 points in roulette and now has 1970 points! FeelsGoodMan [13254] datkidlester: HOLY SHIT STUDY THAT [13254] clikkzy_: hes 17. [13254] wantedcristal_: w [13254] darkassasin108: carried [13254] dankwhoolies69: DUCKING LOOHNAR [13254] FwSolarTV: !gamble [13254] danwiz34: WGlazer [13254] Robert_Rage: HAHAAHHAAHAH [13255] gmarkv_: jynxziHappy jynxziHappy jynxziHappy jynxziHappy [13255] Gucci_kid54: STOMPN 🐐 [13255] suhaancharniya4: CARRIED CARRIED [13255] justnotGio: 4K to Stompn [13255] aidantaxx: looooooooooool [13255] tehbilh: !charm [13255] airbore47152: 2k [13255] wavy14155: GLAZE!!! [13255] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [13255] mythicaljaklaha: !gamble 100 [13255] pinkliquid_: isnt st0mpn a minor????? [13255] drew7778: carried [13255] StreamElements: @mythicaljaklaha, you only have 35 points. [13255] aphexshadow: SHOULD HAVE PUT 5K [13255] xNoRecoil: CHILL [13256] J_KlNG: L glazer [13256] keynin24: stomping chearleader [13256] Gucci_kid54: STOMPN 🐐 [13256] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [13256] Mayrix_: WWWWWWW [13256] hsydudbehs: !watchtime [13256] suhaancharniya4: CARRIED CARRIED CARRIED [13256] hitdapen_n_defend: !watchtime [13256] ajsnyder25: hop off dick [13256] StreamElements: hsydudbehs has spent 3 days 6 hours watching jynxzi [13256] mute_inked_up: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [13256] greatwhite770: he shot to make the enemy come out [13256] verixs_033: your trash [13256] datwhiteeboii: WWW [13256] rip_gorlo: !gamble [13257] jaayxeno: w glaze [13257] peppar34: POM POMS [13257] JJBreezzy: W POOKIEEE STOMPN [13257] BeanMan12320: you know he is a gamer by the way he blinks. [13257] ChocolateLoverVz: on console [13257] Yerrnas: CARRIEDDDDD [13257] imabot1450: when is fan mail? [13257] seqnzs: gg [13257] 雷哥: he even bait the laser veefroVision [13257] fohderrek: glaze [13257] moderatedgg: Cap [13257] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [13257] Nightbot: no 🧢 [13258] nailwind: now you're reaching [13258] summydoope: GLAZEEEEEEEEEE [13258] RageDaaGreat: PLZZZZZ ANYONE [13258] borizzjohnson: WWWWW [13258] alukoa123: w glaze [13258] Bonesx27: say dada say dada say dada say dada [13259] terriblejay_: meat to meat [13259] jetticuls_r6: glazr [13259] XGeorge25: ?????? [13259] huntertlee2: !gamble [13259] pinkliquid_: isnt st0mpn a minor??? [13259] laidbacksr85: !sub [13259] j9Q9: God ur nothing whiteout stompn💀💀💀 [13259] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [13259] StreamElements: hamza_caseoh has spent 6 hours 20 mins watching jynxzi [13259] ChocolateLoverVz: okkkkk [13259] juliansill3: the rock is waiting [13259] adriana022008: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [13259] saberteeeth: just got here, immediately deaf. thanks babe <3 [13259] rbriskk: ZIP UP HIS PANTS WHEN UR DONE [13260] ad_sz9821: glazer [13260] not_puree: HUMBLE URSELF BITCH SPOIT OWNS [13260] dahen234: glaced [13260] ryuthebest001: WET [13261] xMeLLoFeTT: You drag every team mate down [13261] ahmed_shokry: CALM DOWN BRO LUL [13261] terriblejay_: suck me [13261] UnHolyRampage93: glaze that CHUB [13261] supercritical1: do it [13261] kbee1511: DO IT [13261] onkingdaveo: ya booi a flkkkiinnnnggg deeeemmmoooonnn [13261] umitt3850_: shy zack not celebrate ?? [13262] reallukeabel: carried [13262] bardown16__: no he doesnt [13262] Helsinksky: u are nothing without stompn [13262] BeanMan12320: you know he is a gamer by the way he blinks [13262] chavonsqui20: carried [13262] danwiz34: Glazzzeee [13262] JJBreezzy: W STOMPN POOKIE [13262] jimmmaa: BREED ME STOMP [13262] xXohhHoneyyXx: dickride crazy [13262] Gucci_kid54: STOMPN 🐐 [13262] phantom0xo: stompin is so hot [13262] amingpartys: Bro is the ear breaker get a hedik from that [13262] StreamElements: imboardned lost 10 points in roulette and now has 35 points! FeelsBadMan [13262] astroidr6: CARRIED [13262] pinkliquid_: isnt st0mpn a minor???? [13263] summydoope: W GLAZING [13263] bigochungo1: glaze [13263] ttvAchilleZ: W GLAZE [13263] RL_SP4DEs: 100k viewersssss [13263] izrarr: L BULLT [13263] nailwind: YOU'RE REACHING [13263] xerrularr: CARRIED [13263] mikee_1300: HE DESERVES PAY [13263] 48blunts: so carried [13263] Gucci_kid54: STOMPN 🐐 [13263] styics: GIVE HIM 1.5K [13263] justgam3ing: WHATS HIS TWITCH [13263] mrbuttcheeks_: fully justified glazing [13263] lightbolblouie: YES [13264] damnimgood007: buster [13264] markking14: w stompgoat [13264] shane3182: !watchtimr [13264] hunter31753: MAJOR D1 RIDER [13264] xNoRecoil: CHILL @Jynxzi [13264] WHOISWHO98: GURRRRRAIMMMM [13264] terriblejay_: hard [13264] tehbilh: !sub [13264] jetski_yuh: what happened to chalet map [13264] HeliosSenpai: static sound [13265] kxngpsycho: ALRIGHT CALM DOWN [13265] lukemahomie: WWw [13265] yaboiglo: 2v2 me pussy [13265] almoalv: hell nah [13265] xslenderyoshix: WWWWWWW [13265] KL11111: CARRUED [13265] samirr2x: glaze [13265] alexbeaver4870: Pay Ricci back. he doesn’t deserve rhat [13265] GHOSTEEE_23: stompin as actually crazy [13265] SXNEZI: best console player stompn [13265] BeanMan12320: you know he is a gamer by the way he blinks. [13265] AntiSocialZeri: glazeee [13265] 0_xFashii: well [13265] RL_SP4DEs: GG [13266] rdye22: avid needs half [13266] jayojeda24: jayojeda24 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 5 month streak! DADDYYYY [13266] Meta_SlimJesus: GET POM POMS NEXT TIME [13266] hashafashafash23: Jynxi deadest of all weights besides caseoh [13266] Nightbot: “😂😂😂” -avidqr6 [13266] J02dyn: chill [13266] avoiisters: UR FAT GIVE STOMPN ALL THE MONEY [13266] xAnthrqx: DONT BE GREEDY [13266] Ph_M7: carried [13266] PRESTON0293: jynxziGoodAim jynxziBadAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziBadAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [13266] v1lla1nzz: 3 [13266] michael_anderson224: your doing tricks on it [13266] sizzy200: sizzy200 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! w jynxzi [13266] DNGeclipse12: tricks on it [13266] datwhiteeboii: jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES [13267] rawwwiq: opium [13267] slimpy23: GLAZE [13267] Nightbot: i was crazy once [13267] chickenkatsu808: SPOIT AND BEULO???? [13267] sloxox: Yea your not winning that don't get carried away [13267] zain_almnsi: GLAZING [13267] ziko_bll: CARRIED [13267] rlzztard: backflips on it [13267] voniity1: fuck me pls [13267] THALL_1: BACKFLIPS [13267] alukoa123: w glazetee [13268] keynin24: stomping cheerleader [13268] z15dorian_: W CARRY [13268] Save_Dee: When is fan mail [13268] maestr03223: pay gorn [13268] izrarr: L BULLY [13268] dankwhoolies69: DUCKING LLOHNAR [13268] hxzey04: glazing [13268] cohan_123: U would get shit on [13268] emortalitys: spoit is slamming stompn [13268] nvxcahpn: lmao ok buddy stompn isn’t on that caliber of skill [13268] plebichu: spoit would win but ok @jynxzi [13268] Keyz517: thieffHaha thieffHaha thieffHaha thieffHaha thieffHaha thieffHaha thieffHaha thieffHaha thieffHaha thieffHaha thieffHaha thieffHaha thieffHaha thieffHaha thieffHaha [13269] danwiz34: W Glaze [13269] dehydratedhorse: SPOIT NP CHANCE [13269] imalazykid1: D1 glazer [13269] rob1n_______: BIG CREAUTRE BEHIND YOU [13269] itznotjojo: glaze [13269] verixs_033: your garbage [13269] spyroisawesome1: w glazing [13269] vShxftypolo: 2k give him 2k [13269] moosewala_: he’s yelling in his ear bruh 😂don’t check ur teammate [13269] clu_Il: VALID GLAZE [13269] ong_allann: 1v2 split [13269] axelkidd787: you got a little cream in your mouth [13269] JosephM943: SPO [13269] skyterroz: no [13269] raqu31: CHIILLLLLL LMAPP [13270] junkolicious: THATS ACTUALLY A W IDEA [13270] austin653902: 🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐 [13270] not_puree: SPOIT SLAMS BOTH OF YOU [13270] lil_wayne07: he’s doing splits on it chat [13270] himothy4572: w glaze [13270] Mrcamz16: ZACH OWNS YOU [13270] Seekars: SEND HIM MONEY [13270] BeanMan12320: you know he is a gamer by the way he blinks [13270] Alleyway48: STOMPN THE🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐 [13270] AndrewFrickedEm: glaze [13270] bigzee90: !sens [13270] Nightbot: Jynxzi sens and settings here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2GcpqRqJ9U [13270] kingprongs2: Ur such a dick rider [13271] andrew789r: u the goat [13271] lvcx99: !gamble 600 [13271] fdolla1: glazing is crazy ngl [13271] rawwwiq: W glaze [13271] MorkViking: HES THE GOAT [13271] StreamElements: lvcx99 won 600 points in roulette and now has 1785 points! FeelsGoodMan [13272] eranmxx: BRO IS BASICALLY SUCKIN IT AT THIS POINT [13272] vShxftypolo: 2k [13272] datwhiteeboii: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [13272] USAFM1ke: STOMPN IS SO FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD [13272] swingnn: jynxziGLASSES [13272] apex_cuddy: W horny [13272] xNoRecoil: DONT LOOSE MONEY LIL BRO [13272] hbower4: POM POMS [13272] happygardeeeeen: W GLAZER [13272] PLAZ_1: Aidan fell off [13272] mynamesfoy: !gamble all [13272] bj_5751cod123: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [13272] mr_wav_: when is the 1v1 vs case? [13273] peppar34: D1 RIDER [13273] alexbutlerr: D 1 riding [13273] 100PR00F_: 100PR00F_ subscribed with Prime. [13273] michael_anderson224: you are doing splits on it [13273] jacob_091234: W carry [13273] BeanMan12320: you know he is a gamer by the way he blinks. [13273] boo1yin: glazeeeee [13273] PRESTON0293: FortHype [13273] Ugur95_: iluminati [13273] bardown16__: do flips on it [13273] colby9: how’s stompn taste [13273] khky_8: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [13273] captainjames1234: W GLAZE [13273] Watch_Logan: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [13273] myles2betta: Do it [13274] MightyGoose75: GLAZE [13274] rowdyisbetter: WHENS FAN Mail WHENS FAN Mail WHENS FAN Mail WHENS FAN Mail WHENS FAN Mail WHENS FAN Mail WHENS FAN Mail WHENS FAN Mail WHENS FAN Mail [13275] jamieforsterutb: !gamble 600 [13275] der_m0m0: goat [13275] qjqnwbdhcjxui1jwh: Carried [13275] Tee814: give him 2k [13275] StreamElements: TS_FL1CKZ won 600 points in roulette and now has 1375 points! FeelsGoodMan [13275] NickOn_Top: NickOn_Top subscribed at Tier 1. [13275] micahdavis48: glaze [13275] kxngpsycho: PAY STOMPN [13276] GlsAnthony: spoit destroyed y’all [13276] emptyshelly: SPOIT SHIT ON U [13276] moderatedgg: he was put on this earth to play siege [13276] gilbs3: CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER [13276] cory_1738: 1v1 XIM [13276] sternburgsamuel247: Cam is off [13276] lmsavyy: DIIICCCKKK RIDERRRRR [13276] mkulas99: 2v1 spoit [13276] boejecker99: D1 Rider [13276] CokeFro: stompin is actually nutty [13276] mikee_1300: Pay him [13276] abyssaldreamsss: You need to lock in Junko SeemsGood [13276] ShiftNoize: Activate your braincells and lock in my guy [13277] BeanMan12320: you know he is a gamer by the way he blinks [13277] bengtson144: ZIP IT UPPP [13277] lucasishim5688: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [13277] adriana022008: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [13277] Ugur95_: ilumainati [13277] shakiro__: Spoit 1v2 u [13277] Leffno: jynxziWTF [13277] ChocolateLoverVz: he owns console [13277] kysongamer: !gamble 100 [13278] homez_15: gg [13278] butt_grenade: w glaze [13278] elyeno29: w glazer [13278] stars_470: W glaze [13278] StreamElements: @kysongamer, you only have 5 points. [13278] peppar34: CHEERLEADER [13278] Saito047: only one band L FRIEND [13278] thedeadpixle21: Pause [13278] izrarr: L BUYLLY L BULL [13278] bazingo2385: JUSTIFIED GLAZE [13278] superiscool51: QUIT GLAZING [13278] onatoasterrn: D1 GLAZER [13278] florber: L Jynxzi [13279] ong_allann: 1v2 spoit [13279] lucasishim5688: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [13279] 1_10ben: Meat rider [13279] gilbs3: CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADE [13279] rlzztard: bros spinning on it [13279] xolio2737: glazing to its max [13279] Hunw123: can I bet on the colour of Gatorade you’re giving him [13279] JosephM943: SPOIT [13279] Cheexzys: !watchtime [13279] ttvAchilleZ: W Glaze [13279] bunbeezy04: pay stomp [13279] StreamElements: Cheexzys has spent 20 mins watching jynxzi [13280] Jovou_: d [13280] red_dealu: call him daddy [13280] Juice_RL_: k [13280] BeanMan12320: you know he is a gamer by the way he blinks. [13280] Nightbot: k [13280] ppee1710: glaze | Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [13100] I hit by it because he think it boosted right when I nightured [13110] I think he's gonna grenade me. [13120] You already got the floor? You already got the floor? I think that's so hurt. It's so hurt, it's so hurt. It's trying to get through me. [13130] You got to meet your own from below. [13140] Do you wanna meet? Should the drum please? I know, but they already seem to do that. [13150] Three, two, and eight. One breach on trophy. [13160] [13170] [13180] Thats Naturov. [13190] 5-4 has located a bomb. 1-4 remaining. [13200] [13210] You're the greatest of all time. You are the greatest of all time. You are the- Oh my fucking god. Oh my fucking god. That is sick. [13220] You're doing this to top 10 players, bro. I... I have. Yo. Dude, I saw the footwork on the door, and then you pumped to cut off the noise of you pruning. [13230] I'm not even gonna lie yo, I'm half chubbed in my underpants right now watching this shit good shit You're fucking we can't [13240] I'm going Ace bro. I'm going Ace okay. I will just get the wall and say because like the hard bridge he just like it's kind of as you can't like stop it's the king of the game wow. [13250] Yo, I might wager spoi and bodo next. I don't even care anymore bruh as long as stop is on my team this kid is disgusting You guys see how he shotgun when he laid down and Aiden had to [13260] The idea he prone he owns a [13270] I'm in big this planet. He's looking lost yet again though. I don't know. He's giving you these high jobs. He's never even like, just out of the mouth. About, about, about. I'm not gonna go, no, I won't try to get knocked. | There is a Highlight between 13100 and 13400. Stopmn secures a round thought to be lost after Jynxzi dies early. |
Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [14960] SHEEESH_SWO: !gamble all [14960] StreamElements: SHEEESH_SWO went all in and lost every single one of their 440 points LUL [14960] umBaker: CLASSICAL MUSIC [14961] jaygetpum: !gamble all [14961] connor_d8o: when is fan mail [14961] StreamElements: @jaygetpum, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan [14961] rickyratpff: bad aim [14962] chunkoisfatty: when is fanmail [14964] K9Jr5: Who won first match [14964] bardown16__: bad aim [14965] dapriimee: !gamble 320 [14965] Gvfgibhnj: jynxziLaugh [14966] kovixz: HES A DEMON [14966] kingtedd69: React harder [14967] yuji19o4: my dumb ass friend just lost a $100 on jynxzi [14967] mytwitchtowatchstreams: LLL [14967] RedMist3119: jynxziFALL [14967] Youngbuck9066: !points [14967] islampplr6: !gamble 300 [14967] StreamElements: @Youngbuck9066 Youngbuck9066 has 120 points and is rank 1514641/1742912 on the leaderboard. [14968] StreamElements: @chungusr6, you only have 10 points. [14968] j_ripzzzzabc123: GoatEmotey GoatEmotey [14968] albertwoodsgames: jynxzi whens fan mail [14968] Shottysupreme: payed actors [14968] kemem2000: Well that suck [14968] demoncj22: Aiden sniping Aiden sniping Aiden sniping [14969] slidestayblue: !gamble 10 [14969] qrxmes: !gamble 40 [14969] aspect8479: W [14969] StreamElements: SpecialPoutine won 10 points in roulette and now has 85 points! FeelsGoodMan [14969] StreamElements: @qrxmes, you only have 15 points. [14970] ColbyVisualss: !watchtime [14970] yoboicharm112: Bad aim [14970] MelloPro8540: !sense [14970] KacperPlayZ02: @jynzxifan11 thank you brother 🫶 [14970] StreamElements: ColbyVisualss has spent 5 days 4 hours watching jynxzi [14970] Nightbot: Nothing here, but you could try !sens [14970] Rockst4rss: !watchtime [14970] Itzdanielle09: dumb [14971] yvngchezzyx2: when’s mail fan [14971] rickyratpff: L [14971] j_ripzzzzabc123: GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey [14971] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [14971] 0_mason_o: !watchtime [14971] mg_spamalot: dude [14971] StreamElements: 0_mason_o has spent 8 days 13 hours watching jynxzi [14972] faithyuukii: stream sniping [14972] Jarebear62_: !sub [14972] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [14972] VIIX_Turtle: ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper [14972] mattholwill: !gamble all [14973] jeddy7407: jynxi can you shut up im trying to play [14973] SNF_equal_IF: !gamble 50 [14973] StreamElements: @SNF_equal_IF, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan [14973] demoncj22: sniping Aiden [14973] ahmed_shokry: @K9Jr5 Aiden [14973] Serbian420: Serbian420 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! [14974] cburns_13: SELLING [14974] chair1818: SOLD [14974] ElkTheElk: sold [14975] og_twotone: jynxzi0x jynxzi0x jynxzi0x jynxzi0x jynxzi0x jynxzi0x jynxzi0x [14975] Fossabot: @savagesszn, Your message is too long [14975] thatonebarbie1: Whats up jynxiiii [14975] C4MOttv: CMONNNN [14976] oliivveerr: !gamble 5 [14976] TheJakethy: they have to plant mane [14976] Youngbuck9066: !gamble all [14976] skullgamers1640: L [14976] luckynumchris: Finally you realize 'you're moving too much'Finally you realize 'you're moving too much'Finally you realize 'you're moving too much'Finally you realize 'you're moving too much' [14976] StreamElements: oliivveerr lost 5 points in roulette and now has 385 points! FeelsBadMan [14976] sad_riley: bad aim [14976] StreamElements: PogChamp Youngbuck9066 went all in and won 120 points PogChamp they now have 240 points FeelsGoodMan [14977] 2baconchaser: !link [14977] Nightbot: @2baconchaser If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [14977] qrxmes: !gamble all [14977] chunkoisfatty: what color is fanmail [14977] mg_spamalot: selling hard [14977] cartifailer: L WASHEED [14977] artistic_trix_: WASHED [14977] MelloPro8540: !settings [14978] Nightbot: https://clips.twitch.tv/FurtivePiercingRavenRiPepperonis-Q7Z6UtOCxU_bV5fV [14978] festivcook20: TYPE 1 IF YOU ENJOY THE STREAM AND 2 IF YOU'RE EDGIN [14978] bryanbuthi: when’s clips [14978] demoncj22: Aiden sniping [14979] bigmoemeedia: cmoooonnnnn [14979] wazitron: !gamble 100 [14979] StreamElements: wazitron won 100 points in roulette and now has 21215 points! FeelsGoodMan [14980] iamfaceles: !gamble 200 [14981] KiefBinCashin: in fire place [14982] yvngchezzyx2: hey fatazzz [14982] zachmn08: BRO YOURE SO BAD 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [14982] koecreation: SOLD THE MATCH [14982] aspect8479: pls gift [14983] Messyfv: npenFEELSGOOD [14983] bo_nerr3: !gamble 2 [14983] yamamadumb1212: 2 [14983] StreamElements: bo_nerr3 lost 2 points in roulette and now has 3023 points! FeelsBadMan [14984] ausrsk: absolutely stupid you imbecile [14984] basboy8: BibleThump [14984] GamerRulez: Rerun [14984] poostain982: 2 [14984] ninja9tales: jynxziCharizard_SQ jynxziEZ_BW jynxziEZ_BW jynxziEZ_BW jynxziEZ_BW jynxziEZ_BW jynxziEZ_BW jynxziEZ_BW jynxziEZ_BW jynxziEZ_BW jynxziEZ_BW [14984] cburns_13: SOLD SO HARD [14985] bigmoemeedia: letrssss gooooo junko [14985] Notjoan_oficial: !LINK [14985] Swollverine: Sniping [14985] slimthesurgeon: !watchtime [14985] StreamElements: slimthesurgeon has spent 14 hours 20 mins watching jynxzi [14986] C4MOttv: LOCK IN [14986] hobbes_mobbin: ScaredyCat ScaredyCat ScaredyCat [14986] irlshitbag: 2 [14987] srgtnic69: srgtnic69 subscribed at Tier 1. [14987] MelloPro8540: sold [14987] creative_k1d: !watchtime [14987] off__limits00: snpinngggggg [14987] dapriimee: !points [14988] bunglegrind: 2 [14988] StreamElements: creative_k1d has spent 2 days 2 hours watching jynxzi [14988] yes_its1_inch: ur fat buddy [14988] StreamElements: @dapriimee dapriimee has 230 points and is rank 1112198/1742912 on the leaderboard. [14988] instakillgaming69: !link [14988] austinasm: !watchtime [14988] flufy_angle: !watchtime [14988] luckynumchris: Finally you realize 'you're moving too much' [14989] boaatss: THEYRE SNIPINGG OMG [14989] zack167: !points [14989] daddypie6996: @festivcook20 3 [14989] twizzymushy: !gamble 500 [14989] StreamElements: @twizzymushy, you only have 5 points. [14990] yoboicharm112: So we are in copper [14990] 2realsoilddd: 😊 [14990] nolimit2109: does it curve?????????????????? [14991] xix_mxnstar: how to connect ubisoft to twitch? [14991] bh_chris13: !points [14991] Fawful77: SOLD [14991] YokoGuns: !gamble 190000 [14991] sterlingarcher321: they beat Ricci and xim ? [14991] Nightbot: @minicaseoh123 -> Let's rock! [stop posting links] [warning] [14991] StreamElements: @COOLOWL300, you only have 4275 points. [14992] hazelnutt666: 1 [14992] bigmoemeedia: MyAvatar MyAvatar MyAvatar MyAvatar MyAvatar MyAvatar [14992] bean2448: when is end? [14993] Empathy101: L ad [14993] ryanhogg_: :( [14993] vxrail_smack: he is sniping [14993] boaatss: THEYRE SNIPING [14993] chair1818: STOMPIN WWWW [14993] louka701: snipping so hard [14993] nvxcahpn: WWWWWWW [14994] TheSkippyReal: is zach xim>' [14994] Nexias_: HypeLove1 [14994] xHELLSOVERLORDx: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [14994] maiser_yt: w [14995] known_as_sky179: fanmail wehen [14995] bardown16__: TOM BRADY [14995] TheAceOfSpades54: Yo Jynxzi love you [14995] pocketpengun: W [14995] bigmoemeedia: Shush Shush Shush Shush Shush Shush Shush [14995] dapriimee: !gamble 220 [14995] kingtedd69: White speed [14995] jexerz_: W [14995] watermelonlover2_bryce: ww [14996] instakillgaming69: !Link [14996] nap5418: dead of course [14996] onewaytrey12: WATCH MY CLIPS PLS? [14996] qrxmes: !gamble 30 [14996] ElkTheElk: carried [14996] not_puree: DADDY [14996] sparkk97_: wow [14996] wasdi532: WWWWWWWW [14997] golzerrrr: HOLY SHIT [14997] lunaa: wow [14997] songnumber4: songnumber4 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [14997] peter_26___: what the score chat [14997] BlueMoon1801: u always throw bruh fr [14997] hobbes_mobbin: SeriousSloth SeriousSloth SeriousSloth [14997] xpecthaven: ww [14997] ISCOHHH: DAMNNNNNN [14997] bardown16__: TOMAS BRADY [14998] jamesss______: !watchtime [14998] Ahryma: UR NOT LOSING MAN CMONNNN [14998] pocketpengun: W LFG [14998] chunkoisfatty: !gamble 100 [14998] StaticChannel35: WWWWWWW [14998] StreamElements: jamesss______ has spent 50 mins watching jynxzi [14998] dgcv_: w [14998] pnnix: chill after you get one [14998] xpecthaven: wwww [14998] kewl_whipp: W [14998] USAFM1ke: LOOOOOOOOOOOL [14998] StreamElements: @chunkoisfatty, you only have 20 points. [14998] known_as_sky179: when fanmail [14998] lilsluga: WWWW [14998] xvoitto: EZ [14999] crazyfr0gtv: OMG [14999] slimthesurgeon: !gamble [14999] boaatss: SNIPING SO HARD [14999] lunchiestbox: WWWWWWWW [14999] MisterioWRLD: KOBE [14999] jerellle: wWWW [14999] hobbes_mobbin: SeriousSloth SeriousSloth SeriousSloth SeriousSloth [14999] abomm2626: legend [14999] asap_vortex_: WOAHHHHHHHHHHHHH [14999] Nicogazzotti: WWWW [14999] pkwy: jesus christ [15000] Haleful: wwwwwwwww [15000] pocketpengun: WWWW [15000] 1Drae: e [15000] kandi_fn: sketch outside waiting jynxzi [15000] Buster270: !gamble 15 [15000] StreamElements: Buster270 won 15 points in roulette and now has 35 points! FeelsGoodMan [15001] astroidr6: HOLY SHIT [15001] Youngbuck9066: !gamble 120 [15001] jacob_suckz: DAMNNN [15001] king_named_sven: !gamble all [15001] mrmonkey289: BEAUTIFYL [15001] guzman7625: WWWWWWWW [15001] LightningKakuzu: WWWWWWWW [15001] StreamElements: king_named_sven went all in and lost every single one of their 220 points LUL [15001] USAFM1ke: GOAT [15001] lessisop: WWWWW [15001] bigmoemeedia: GREEEEEENNN FN [15002] knowxnx: GREREN FN [15002] codyunit: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [15002] C4MOttv: ayo [15002] EWOK7075: WOW [15002] rubenswingg: GREEN FN [15002] pocketpengun: W [15002] scooter2ez: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [15002] xvoitto: WWWWWWWWWWWW [15002] moiisessc: GREEN FN [15002] azraelwoah: WOWWWWWW [15002] xqdu: ? [15002] r6raider99: WW [15002] Nightbot: ? [15002] gavsparks: GREEN FN [15002] l4m4ndo: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [15003] JegfyR6: Green fn [15003] hobbes_mobbin: WWWWW [15003] LEONpeonU123458362: stream sniping at its finest [15003] Get_Josued: wow [15003] Tee814: AYOOO LUL [15003] maddieh74: WWWWWW [15003] xbdn05: whats up brother! [15003] bardown16__: SO FUCKING GOATED [15003] DFRANCIS07: w glazing [15003] 1Drae: W [15003] faithyuukii: daddy stompin stomp my pussy [15003] tar_j101: LMGGGGGGGG [15003] kewl_whipp: WWWW [15003] bicks09: GREEN FNN [15003] booyah330: JUMPING JACKS ON IT [15004] festivcook20: @daddypie6996 both? [15004] hazmanian50: no that’s so high iq [15004] angelchastity: GGGGGGG [15004] Z3_BlueW: W [15004] Ahryma: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [15005] hobbes_mobbin: WEWWWWW [15005] lexereth: green fn [15005] littleboi123: W [15005] lilsluga: YESSSSSSSIR [15005] jexerz_: good aim [15005] maddieh74: WWWW [15005] goblinn101: green fn [15005] spiceinf: W FUCKING STOMPN [15005] 1Drae: WWWWWWWW [15005] kewl_whipp: WWWWWWWW [15005] addamnn07: GREEN FN [15006] azraelwoah: HOLY SHIT [15006] lzzdot: w [15006] boynowayboy123: holy [15006] kuuh91: lmfaooooo [15006] woovax: CCARRRIEEEDDDDD [15006] kinoth_: W carried [15006] GodHvndd: stompn is acc insane [15006] astroidr6: THE KING [15006] knowxnx: GREEN FN [15006] bodsi_vi: WWWWWW [15006] asap_vortex_: WWWWWWWWWWWWWW [15006] t3xasplays44: W [15006] OhTeebs: green fn [15006] PrimaryCrayon13: !gamble 86 [15006] emptyshelly: W DADDY STOMPN [15007] xxxtentacorbin: GREEEEE. BEAN FN [15007] Exxxcl: WWWWWWW [15007] moiisessc: GREENNNN FN [15007] lPeriodFart: get carried [15007] StreamElements: PrimaryCrayon13 won 86 points in roulette and now has 313 points! FeelsGoodMan [15008] gabedaboss628: gabedaboss628 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [15008] maddieh74: WW [15008] TheMoltenGamer: 4 hour mark time to end [15008] lost_xeno: GREEEN FNN [15008] cxrtz05: jynxziCRY jynxziCRY [15008] jexerz_: GREEN FN [15008] mhubanks: that was incredible [15008] nxm13470: GREEN FN [15008] sixpilot44: @victfoil [15008] codyunit: GREEN FN [15008] exhaustedslothh: pom poms [15008] pkwy: why is stompin makes me wet also [15008] lilsluga: W STOMPN [15008] ImMug: green fn [15008] imaginedraqons: GREEN FN [15009] ard1th: GREEEN FN [15009] acee_games: green fn [15009] MkGamingg25: ???? [15009] derekc32: WWWWW [15009] golzerrrr: GLAZER [15009] maddieh74: W [15009] AverageSlime: don't spectate him I think they sniping [15009] oliivveerr: W [15009] JBizzy_1: GREEEN FNNNN [15009] joesph_1239: green fn damn [15009] lunchiestbox: carrrrrrryyyyyyy [15009] larzsssss: HOLY FUCK [15009] swaggdiversity: green fn [15009] NFFe4rr: wwwwwwwwwwww [15009] yiorio_: GREEN FN [15010] koreanklutz: carried [15010] kingbronsen15: use arruni [15010] saurvaa: !watchtime [15010] 1738clutch: STFU [15010] StreamElements: saurvaa has spent 15 hours watching jynxzi [15010] tttvvexing: tttvvexing is gifting 50 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 152 in the channel! [15010] rawwwwww34: rawwwwww34 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! [15011] tttvvexing: tttvvexing gifted a Tier 1 sub to smkommmm! [15011] tttvvexing: tttvvexing gifted a Tier 1 sub to wardjohnson! [15011] tttvvexing: tttvvexing gifted a Tier 1 sub to jewbaccaznutz! [15011] tttvvexing: tttvvexing gifted a Tier 1 sub to ginseng_sullivan! [15011] tttvvexing: tttvvexing gifted a Tier 1 sub to FrankJF1506! [15011] tttvvexing: tttvvexing gifted a Tier 1 sub to cloudycamzzz! [15011] tttvvexing: tttvvexing gifted a Tier 1 sub to bigddbuffalo! [15011] tttvvexing: tttvvexing gifted a Tier 1 sub to Fam0uszay_! [15011] tttvvexing: tttvvexing gifted a Tier 1 sub to jasonibarra7! [15011] tttvvexing: tttvvexing gifted a Tier 1 sub to xng_lul! [15011] tttvvexing: tttvvexing gifted a Tier 1 sub to wannannas11! [15011] tttvvexing: tttvvexing gifted a Tier 1 sub to kinglucio19! [15011] tttvvexing: tttvvexing gifted a Tier 1 sub to GusTaLoco09! [15011] tttvvexing: tttvvexing gifted a Tier 1 sub to drizzydre05! [15011] tttvvexing: tttvvexing gifted a Tier 1 sub to slicishim! [15012] julian_arce05: WW [15012] faden208: stream sniping [15012] th0r64: green fn [15012] acidthriller: THE GLAZE [15012] fishybruda64: GREEN FNN [15012] ijshsshdbhssga: glazing [15012] nokk4_: W [15012] embibi__: green fn [15012] bruggod: its everywhere [15012] joelover6071: gooooood shittttt [15012] richxrdcolee: w glaze [15012] Es1mz: Glaze [15012] Iockinz: GLAZE [15012] boji1x: wwwwwwww [15013] dirtyblanc0: I’m wet [15013] jamesss______: !followage [15013] xxxtentacorbin: GREEEEEN FN [15013] connorbutt34: GREEN FN [15013] ItsLemonezz: ItsLemonezz subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! CARRRIED [15013] StreamElements: @jamesss______, jamesss______ has been following jynxzi for 1 month 19 days 8 hours [15014] richxrdcolee: W GLAZEW [15014] cai_st: WWWWWWWWWWW [15014] freewins540: hi [15014] Youngbuck9066: !points [15014] 16egeez: green fnnnn [15014] pureee: glazer [15014] artistic_trix_: CARRIED [15014] thebestviewer12789: green fn [15014] cyyn1cal: 🐐 [15014] mattomalley74: GREEN FN [15014] 2_milimeter_defeater: CARRIED [15014] Rxctu_: stompn is literally the fucking best [15014] saver0b: GREEN FN [15014] StreamElements: @Youngbuck9066 Youngbuck9066 has 240 points and is rank 1076086/1742911 on the leaderboard. [15014] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [15015] julian_arce05: WWWW [15015] dontplaythx: GREEN FN [15015] trulymatts: GREEN FN [15015] yt_ogkilla: GREEN FN [15015] william_callaway: Cheer100 [15015] qeyyys: L CARRIED [15015] peppernade: holy shit that was such a good play [15015] TheAceOfSpades54: Green FN [15015] xbdn05: whats up brother [15015] Mgpn_03: w [15015] irlshitbag: wait i got the train [15015] Spikes_345: W VEX [15016] powerplunga_: w stompn [15016] iTzNathanTv: GREEN FNGR [15016] onatoasterrn: green fn [15016] z_moneyman: greeeeeeeennnnn [15016] KenpachiJ23: carried [15016] georgebihh: georgebihh subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! [15017] lmfaovictor: Tom Brady [15017] jynzxifan11: l [15017] lilsluga: STOMPNNNN [15017] ryanrza605: ayo [15017] skiwavy: GREEN FN [15017] deemonenn: green fn [15017] dumbdoc1227: Stompgoat [15017] marsnyamager: GREEN FN# [15017] yvngchezzyx2: omf [15017] golzerrrr: WW vex [15017] 202Chungus: green fn [15017] nolaab23: WWWWW [15017] seribby: !gamble 1000 [15017] bubby149: Green FN [15017] Le_fishy3030: DONT SELL MY POINTS [15018] julian_arce05: WWW [15018] zCry2k: UR GLAZING HARD [15018] GooseMooz: GREEN FN [15018] StreamElements: seribby lost 1000 points in roulette and now has 1145 points! FeelsBadMan [15018] yiorio_: STFU CARRIED BUM [15018] mrkennedy247: st0mpn vs 2 , jynxzi camera man LUL st0mpn vs 2 , jynxzi camera man LUL st0mpn vs 2 , jynxzi camera man LUL [15018] KenpachiJ23: CARRIEDD [15018] Gammioo: you glazing brucegScared [15018] Exstenful: bro GREEN FN [15018] Spikes_345: YOOOOOO [15018] LightningKakuzu: W 50 [15018] richxrdcolee: GLAZEEEEEE [15018] astroidr6: OUR GLORIOUS KING STOMPN [15018] iiMentos: glazing [15018] jynzxifan11: L [15019] wob38__: you like to watch [15019] Dylzow: !Watchtime [15019] inevafrez: GREEM FN [15019] coilz999: GREEN FN [15019] skullrealms: W [15019] vectorabe: green fn [15019] StreamElements: dylzow has spent 7 days watching jynxzi [15020] FribChibler: W VEX W VEX [15020] nolimitnoob_: greeen [15020] hobbes_mobbin: WWW STOMP [15020] Qos4: ??????( [15020] acidthriller: GLAZE FEST [15020] AngerManageMint: CARRIED [15020] nolaab23: WWW [15020] 4Wolfey4: yessir [15020] guapotaco2x: GREEEEN FNNNNN [15020] wasdi532: WWWWWWWWWW VEX [15020] bardown16__: AND THROAT [15021] JBizzy_1: GREEEEEN FNNNNN [15021] maxxyyy07: GREEN FN [15021] artistic_trix_: GLAZE [15021] lilpr3_: greeen fn [15021] KenpachiJ23: GLAZE [15021] MedMistFN: gooooooodddddd aimmmmm [15021] RemainingTie1: GLAZING [15021] IsaiahHommes: WW [15021] xqdu: ??? [15021] TheSkippyReal: ????????????????? [15021] joeythegoldenlab: getting carried rn [15021] irlshitbag: w train mam [15021] austin653902: WWWWW [15021] ijshsshdbhssga: GREEN FN [15021] opreykt888: WEWWWWWWŴWWWWWWWW [15022] bigmoemeedia: GREEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNNN [15022] mrkennedy247: st0mpn vs 2 , jynxzi camera man LUL st0mpn vs 2 , jynxzi camera man LUL [15022] jervolx: stop glazing damn [15022] BananasFPS: GLAZZZEEEE [15022] jumplss: w [15022] demoncj22: bro listen to chst Aiden sniping [15022] xalt_cron: Green fn [15022] cyyn1cal: CARRIED [15022] JustExoticss: @tttvvexing Thanks for the gift sub! [15023] hi12971: glazeeeeeeeeee [15023] ruijns: w [15023] bardown16__: AND THROAT BTW [15023] guapotaco2x: GREEEN FNNN [15023] synhasfun: Y [15023] bunzyog: glaze [15023] casesunderwear: GLAZER [15023] ttaeffexct: wwwwww [15023] trulymatts: W 5000 [15023] pastorofmupp: w [15023] dennis_2839: OMG THAT IS CRAZY [15023] Cinnavinn: L Glaze [15023] pollen24: green fn [15023] zgBenji: GREEN FN [15023] LightningKakuzu: W 50 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [15024] fishpot2: ??????? [15024] KenpachiJ23: CARRIED [15024] Burger_6: L Glaze [15024] H1RZN: glaaaaaaaaazing [15024] NaseGuns: green fn [15024] MellyP1: CARRY [15024] stlancer62: Backpacked [15024] IsaiahHommes: W [15024] Gravyie: Gravyie subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months, currently on a 16 month streak! [15024] FribChibler: WVEX WVEX WVEXVW EXWWWWWWWWWWWWW [15024] Mes_Sec: GAWD DAMN [15024] rnitten: he’s 10 [15024] Spikes_345: NO WAY [15024] vsoka: LMFAOOO [15024] xifykee: wwwwwww [15025] TheAceOfSpades54: Grown FN [15025] ryuthebest001: ZADDYYYYYYYYYYY [15025] gnom3o: That was a LARGE brain play by STOMPN sheeeeesh [15025] creamjohn_: HEs 4 [15025] drmonkeeman10: PRE END 7-5 LOSS [15025] aidanishere09: good aim [15025] whozorx: GREEN FN [15026] xifykee: wwwwwwwf [15026] ljohnwayneCaseyl: bruhhhhh [15026] PiliBoi: Wwwwwwww VEX [15026] hobbes_mobbin: GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey [15026] C4MOttv: glazer [15026] mg_spamalot: glaze [15026] ISCOHHH: HE IS FUCKING HIMMMMMM [15026] 4Wolfey4: e [15026] trulymatts: WWWW 50 [15026] hubbacca: GLAZING [15026] BeCooper: ????? [15026] JustJudeo: GLAZE [15026] lzzdot: w [15026] johnbananas1: carried [15026] irektuv1: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [15027] snakqey: W [15027] bobbyboy6942069: GREEEN [15027] Jacobvadner: w gifted [15027] OuZiiFPS: huuso [15027] txuriy: W GLAZING [15027] MXmck25: DADDY STOMPN [15027] pureee: holy glaze [15027] letsgofaygo: GREEN FN [15027] YummySteak: CLIP THAT [15027] MoneyB24: glazing [15027] xslenderyoshix: WWWW [15027] eastoniscompp: HES 15 [15027] xifykee: fggweww [15027] Jarebear62_: !charm [15027] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [15029] Cheats: GREEN FN [15029] MellyP1: GREEN FN [15029] zevaci: green fn [15029] qrxmes: !gamble all [15029] xifykee: wwwwaddw [15029] vP3RC: cap [15029] jacobdiluca420: GREEN FN [15029] 4Wolfey4: w [15029] xvNoFLeX: lmao [15031] mr_goldfishxx: glazing [15031] thuasujdasdopsaksj: green [15031] big_jim_2230: daddy [15031] xifykee: daaafwwadawdaw [15031] awill13: that's SOO comp [15031] VIIX_Turtle: ResidentSleeper carried [15032] Franklin: cap [15032] tastietoes69: no u wouldent [15032] BuuGaming_: w [15032] ark_hyper: CAP [15032] Thatboydev: Green FN [15032] boji1x: green fn [15032] yiorio_: STFU CARRIED BUM G [15032] Qos4: green fn [15032] laqueefus: GLAZEEEE [15032] headshoter0096: W GLAZER [15032] yt_ogkilla: CAP [15033] Y_S_N: GREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN FNNNNNNNNNNNNNN [15033] ahmadalderbi: dickriding crazyyyyy [15033] cappalotty: ????? [15033] Franklin: cap [15033] popeallen: so good [15033] iitzMako1: ww [15033] mute_inked_up: stomp daddy [15033] Spikes_345: WWWWW [15033] kanyeasada9: CAP [15033] xifykee: dadadaafwawfafa [15033] eastoniscompp: he’s 15 tho [15033] jjesselle: jynxziFALL [15033] rocketz492560: GREEN FN [15033] swizzy_cc: never betting on this dude again [15033] 2kwilson: w vex [15034] ellypzz: YOOO [15034] vqwan: NO YOU WOULDNT [15034] wazitron: !gamble 200 [15034] 32greengreensauce: c [15034] oliivveerr: He 10 [15035] cappalotty: ???????? [15035] chunkoisfatty: PUT IT IN MY FACE TOOOO [15035] ncchristy: W glaze [15035] hammerlock19: yooo [15035] Mgpn_03: SeemsGood [15035] Franklin: cap [15036] tenproduct: how u dickriding with no dick junko [15036] Mes_Sec: WWW [15036] wuppd: cap you are not doin that [15036] rigo107: stompn is a minor [15036] TheOgBlueP: stop YELLING [15036] artistic_trix_: CAP [15036] proguy696969: a [15036] nani_stitch: !gamble all [15036] 8jacks895: GREEN FORTNITE [15036] maddyxbrielle22: w [15036] benc1203: wvex [15036] ImMug: glazing [15036] Spikes_345: ???????? [15036] StreamElements: PogChamp nani_stitch went all in and won 270 points PogChamp they now have 540 points FeelsGoodMan [15036] bardown16__: nba junko [15039] djzulu104: use the pompoms [15039] known_as_sky179: fanmail??? [15039] proguy696969: wew [15039] 90daybot: i think youll have better aim without kontrol freaks [15039] misterclaritty: he’s 13 [15039] twitchewan101: w vex [15039] dacfee: W VEX MAN [15039] shamus4r: green fn [15039] MellyP1: GETTING CARRIED [15039] dgcv_: know you wouldn’t [15039] 8jacks895: GREEN FN [15039] orlandonut: w [15039] RamboSchlong: literally a cheerleader [15039] prodiswashed: iubguug [15041] xZiosss: CHEERLEADER [15041] louismroberts: fap [15041] IsaiahHommes: w [15042] juliangiddey: me [15042] RamboSchlong: lmfaooooo [15042] IsaiahHommes: W [15042] connorroe_8: glazin [15042] Spikes_345: WWWWWWWWWWW VEX BRO [15042] prodiswashed: minion [15042] jjesselle: kaicNaenae kaicNaenae kaicNaenae [15042] dumbdoc1227: Glazing [15042] recoil_128: carried [15042] dgcv_: cap [15042] julian_arce05: W glazer [15042] abrahiwm: W CHEERLEADER W CHEERLEADER W CHEERLEADER W CHEERLEADER W CHEERLEADER W CHEERLEADER W CHEERLEADER W CHEERLEADER W CHEERLEADER W CHEERLEADER W CHEERLEADER [15042] azraelwoah: another 50 gifted [15042] lbruning: swinging dick vet [15043] pu1secheck: W [15043] xvNoFLeX: ayo [15043] adrianmonks: www [15043] BeCooper: bro is doing splits on it [15043] prodiswashed: imminent [15043] nadjib_lbro: W GLAZ ID GLAZ TOO [15043] bobbyboy6942069: GREEN BEANNN [15043] lucashatesmonkey5: he’s 8 [15043] realliistic: www [15043] henking_: EHAT DOES GREEN FN MEAN [15043] ikex777: W GLAZE [15043] watermelonlover2_bryce: brycex2OO [15043] 1nneo: hahahah [15043] mistha3: W [15043] Franklin: cap [15044] iitzMako1: w [15045] Mes_Sec: REACT HARDER [15045] boji1x: WWWWW [15045] duhfeee: hes doing tricks on it [15045] CarlWheezR6: L ungrateful [15045] aIexpereira: you would not have done thst [15045] coldmine196: give me a sub lol [15045] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [15045] artistic_trix_: CARRIED ASF [15045] mrhoppybeer: OAH [15045] RageDaaGreat: OMG VEX WWWWW [15045] kortcobainn: yoooo [15045] bryan12341235: VEX JS THE GOAT [15046] i_oscar_04: green fn [15046] xifykee: jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH [15046] 16egeez: jynxziGoodAim [15046] umitt3850_: gimmeee [15046] islampplr6: !gamble 10 [15046] shadow_tocool12: @jynxzi stop glazing [15046] MxrwanTV: w [15046] viralace_: F [15046] StreamElements: chungusr6 went all in and lost every single one of their 10 points LUL [15046] Nightbot: F in the chat [15046] imaginedraqons: GREEN FN [15046] zdog_on_xbox: !watchtime [15046] clumsypickie: STRIKEPACK [15046] LightningKakuzu: W VEX [15046] bardown16__: SOOO UNGRATEFUL [15047] xHELLSOVERLORDx: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [15047] StreamElements: zdog11366 has spent 4 days 3 hours watching jynxzi [15048] rougebtc1: h [15048] david_jr313: white speed [15048] ItsBamboo: W [15048] bigmac37473: l [15048] Nightbot: h [15048] king33bart: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [15048] TheJakethy: www [15048] faden208: stream sniping [15048] badgernation2: WWW [15048] realliistic: wwwww [15048] emlusions: j [15048] pocketpengun: W [15048] jagggz: money laundering [15049] pu1secheck: w vex [15049] exkuch: wipe it off when ur done [15049] HK47DroidN: HUH [15049] MidRollerJ: W gifted [15049] ZycroKuba: w [15049] emptyshelly: GLAZING [15049] rice_cooker8: fake laugh [15049] skiwavy: GREEN FN [15049] misterclaritty: bro sold [15049] Buster270: !gamble 10 [15049] spiceinf: LMAOO [15049] RamboSchlong: CHEERLEADERRRR [15049] duhfeee: doing tricks on it [15049] will203s1218: WWW [15049] realliistic: wwww [15050] umitt3850_: f [15050] crazytjc0316: he’s a newborn [15050] h_u179: damn [15050] khky_8: !watchtime [15050] StreamElements: khky_8 has spent 1 day 1 hour watching jynxzi [15051] 5starr_ryan: w [15051] xxalfiexx29: z [15051] lmNationaI: W [15051] emptyshelly: DOING SPLITS ON IT [15051] kryptic__y8: Green fn [15051] Tybrex: jjjjj [15051] monesterapp99: WWW [15051] littleboi123: W 50 [15051] zoomingzack123: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance GoldPLZ [15051] Memeshitpost: W [15051] dopeboiiwalk: Vex gifted another $50 [15051] hardip07: wwwww [15051] embibi__: ??? [15051] CheekyBitOfK: bro stomp is another level [15052] aIexpereira: you would not have done that [15052] gnom3o: WEX WEX WEX WEX WEX WEX WEX WEX WEX [15052] badgernation2: WW [15052] rat459: w [15052] duhfeee: tricks on it [15052] livmclougherz12: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [15052] DirttyD23: ves [15052] XSN1iPEZz: w [15052] powerplunga_: w [15052] SpankinGamin: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [15052] horrorgage: white speed [15052] westuny: W VEXXXXXX [15052] lunchiestbox: carrrrryyyyyyyyyyyy [15052] masballs: w [15052] MorkViking: nut on me [15053] joeythegoldenlab: getting carried rn [15053] BoneDaddyTL: JUMPING JACKS ON IT [15054] alixnader: w. ex [15054] recoil_128: you suck [15054] SpankinGamin: WWWWWWWWWWWW [15054] andyawesome_: ungrateful [15054] inevafrez: w gift [15054] thenotoriousrat1: pop [15054] kingtedd69: White speed [15055] xqmsc: GLAZING [15055] Mgpn_03: w [15055] realliistic: w [15055] gordo_2400: www [15055] imarswalkk: W meat rider [15055] Kbatt215: need a gifted sub [15055] iobo31: ungrateful [15055] addylad1325: !watchtime [15055] CarterOnHere: L UNGRATEFUL [15055] imaginedraqons: GREEEEEEEEENNN FN [15055] charloliking: MOD [15055] StreamElements: addy07kye_ has spent 14 hours watching jynxzi [15055] bardown16__: BULLY [15055] Nightbot: 😂 [15055] StreamElements: @basboy8, you only have 125 points. [15056] duhfeee: doing tricks on it [15056] dylanortiz216: !watchtime [15056] WolfDog18: WWWWWWWWWW [15056] saver0b: UNGRATEFUL [15056] Memeshitpost: winWatch winDance winDance winDance winDance [15056] Mcdragonn: YEAAAAA [15057] Blazegsrp: Blazegsrp subscribed at Tier 1. [15057] GlsAnthony: !followage [15057] tkkndananjaya: WWWW [15057] apollolekid: lfggggg [15057] realliistic: www [15057] talay2626: l glaze [15057] CookedDrew: Link [15057] westuny: VEXXXX [15058] xybiiit: !watchtime [15058] RageDaaGreat: VEX WWWW [15058] StreamElements: @GlsAnthony, glsanthony has been following jynxzi for 2 years 6 months 20 days 2 hours [15058] mazark0: washed [15058] keaton_y21: wwwwwwwww [15058] GH0ST_KUNAI: W VEX [15058] StreamElements: xybiiit has spent 7 days 13 hours watching jynxzi [15058] bhundagaminglive: VEX PLEWSE [15058] Mcdragonn: LETS GET IT [15058] ftwassassin1: w [15058] qeyyys: W VEXXXX [15058] wheeelium: !watchtime [15058] realafcu: 1 [15058] axebenji: W [15058] realliistic: w [15059] lilbarnes123onxbox: wwwwww [15059] charloliking: MOD HIMMMMM [15059] hardip07: wwwwwwww [15059] hugso_: that’s the only reaction [15059] GHOSTEEE_23: vex u have wasted 750 dollars [15059] xx_prestin: WWWWW VEXXXXXX [15059] 123_door_giveawayy: SUBS FROM OTHER COUNTRY COMING IN [15059] awesomepahsom: jynxziPACK [15059] CarlWheezR6: !watchtime [15059] CarterOnHere: ungrateful [15059] arthurwilliams04: W [15059] R5_Gaming_: www vex [15059] duhfeee: tricks on it [15059] oliivveerr: Wwwwwww [15059] StreamElements: CarlWheezR6 has spent 3 hours 50 mins watching jynxzi [15061] mogbuss: glazer [15061] honsez: W [15061] fogullmclovin: !watchtime [15061] CoffeeAM: !watchtime [15061] emperorbillyonxbox: glazer [15061] Nightbot: @andreemaradiagamrt -> You have to let it go. [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [15061] Memeshitpost: winDance winDance winDance winDance winWatch winWatch [15061] StreamElements: fogullmclovin has spent 4 days 16 hours watching jynxzi [15061] yesAUSTiN: you play with nobody else [15061] ajisred: heyyyy cutie pie [15061] hardip07: wawwwww [15061] mgnm__: 150 is crazy [15061] fwito_hoe: 1 [15061] techgames44: glaze [15061] gregovalhead: ah clit [15064] mxnchr: spaamingWisglazing [15064] vxrail_smack: mod him [15064] will203s1218: Vex I love you [15064] lilbarnes123onxbox: vex [15064] chute_mi23: ungratedul [15064] ajisred: kp [15064] saif12312312312312313: money laundering [15064] acidthriller: WWWW [15064] keiferb1: 3 [15064] emptyshelly: DOING HANDSTANDS ON IT [15064] hobbes_mobbin: cause i’m a gremlin peppoAM [15064] freewins540: mcdonalds [15066] CypherzChillin: when is 2v2 [15066] 2_milimeter_defeater: Squirting on it [15066] mikefallucca: !score [15066] hugso_: REACT HARDER [15066] cowbell06: wwwwwwww vexxxxx [15066] c0dexghoul: booper8CELLY booper8CELLY booper8CELLY booper8CELLY [15066] saver0b: !LINK [15066] mxhops: get the palm palms out [15066] honsez: WWWW [15066] Nightbot: @saver0b If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [15066] chunkoisfatty: fuck you hivise [15066] k7nav: what does gifted sub mean? [15067] alixnader: WVEX WVEX [15067] shawtybmurkin: I’m cooper [15067] CorvoRustPro: CorvoRustPro subscribed with Prime. [15067] Fossabot: @finzottv, Your message is too long [15067] bhundagaminglive: PLEASE VEX [15067] BigElote: W VEX [15067] ellypzz: L [15067] Youngbuck9066: !points [15067] bobmarley123459876: when is 2v2 [15067] leafbler: junko i just dropped 19 and 4 on pc gold lobbys are you proud [15067] sean__carnesi: !gamble all [15067] mgnm__: i wanna get gifted bruh [15067] GHOSTEEE_23: L vex waste [15067] StreamElements: @Youngbuck9066 Youngbuck9066 has 240 points and is rank 1076085/1742909 on the leaderboard. [15067] StreamElements: PogChamp sean__carnesi went all in and won 10 points PogChamp they now have 20 points FeelsGoodMan [15068] honsez: WWWWWW [15068] 1takejohn: wwwww vex [15068] rocodhadra: glazing non stop [15068] techgames44: holy glaze [15068] jxicyk: brayden garret we hella zooted in the other room [15068] daddymyker: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [15068] solorex10: www vex [15068] SilentGasMask_: y’all glazing vex [15068] TurntDemonttv: VEX CHILLLL HE WONT ACTUALLY SUCK YOU OFF [15068] king33bart: vex is the goat [15068] Mcdragonn: BOOTED OFF A BEAN JAKON MY SHIT TO THIS [15068] 1_23_4_5: !watchtime [15069] lilbarnes123onxbox: wex [15069] StreamElements: 1_23_4_5 has spent 2 days 14 hours watching jynxzi [15069] qrxmes: !gamble all [15069] pay_kabes71: mod vex [15069] necturn_: necturn_ subscribed with Prime. [15070] dgcv_: !watchtime [15070] daddyvegeta21: money laundering [15070] butt_grenade: w glaze [15070] StreamElements: dgcv_ has spent 4 days 8 hours watching jynxzi [15070] fatal_ghosty12: VIX is rich [15071] Ic7y8190: shiko vs stompn????????????? [15071] duhfeee: doing tricks on it [15071] rocketbladetv: wwww [15071] aash_4644: vexx glaze [15071] hugso_: L VEX [15071] flufy_angle: !watchtime [15071] honsez: WWWWWWW [15071] NotEstival: WWWWWW [15071] xbugimanx: why is he doing tricks on it [15071] StreamElements: flufy_angle has spent 1 day 9 hours watching jynxzi [15071] lavaboy82546: !gamble 1000 [15071] majorkyphazard: w vex [15072] Gammioo: 150. gifted and I don’t get one brucegAngry [15072] StreamElements: @lavaboy82546, you only have 690 points. [15072] cowbell06: vex [15072] bhundagaminglive: VEX. XXXXXXX [15072] wdeeman: yurrrr [15072] mewtonic69: Ungrateful damn [15072] 1takejohn: wwwwwww vex [15073] newyork_1978: nothing like making the rich more rich [15073] datwhiteeboii: UNGRATEFUL [15073] captainrandom729: When is fanmail? [15073] wyffd: junko is free [15073] The_Heated_One: dude is dropping 50 gifted like it’s nothing [15073] honsez: WWWWWWWWW [15073] lilbarnes123onxbox: mod vex [15073] luminalhail: vex do it again [15073] AngerManageMint: PAY STOMPIN [15073] akiimboclutch: W [15074] Villionttv: WHAT KINDA REACTION IS THAT [15074] lord_krusty: !watchtime [15074] Mosesthetrue: 150 gifted lmao Jesus get off twitch and do something fun with your money you fucking mutt [15074] wetcryon420: ok [15074] StreamElements: lord_krusty has spent 13 days 1 hour watching jynxzi [15074] Nightbot: ok [15074] yungbreezy0: did he beat xim and ricchie??? [15074] william_callaway: Cheer100 [15074] fizz_tango: bro jus spent the tax return [15074] fraigzzz: damn 150 subs i didnt get one [15075] connor_d8o: caseohs waiting [15075] tgrskier: W VEX YOUR THE GOAT [15075] horrorgage: white speed. [15075] taylor_428: !watchtime [15075] honsez: WWWWWWWWWW [15076] cellpdf: ez win watch [15076] StreamElements: taylor_428 has spent 6 hours 10 mins watching jynxzi [15076] coilz999: u r fat💜 [15076] jagerlaughsatyou: pluh [15076] Hashtaggetgoodtom: !gamble 100 [15076] 123_door_giveawayy: L MONEY LAUNDERING [15076] pastorofmupp: in every stream my luck is Hager black ice [15076] TheAceOfSpades54: Jynxzi when is fanmail [15076] hugso_: 250 FOR NOTHING [15077] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [15077] bigmoemeedia: !watchtime [15077] alessdev: !help [15077] StreamElements: @Hashtaggetgoodtom, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan [15077] Nightbot: shush 🤣🙏🏼 [15077] StreamElements: bigmoemeedia has spent 1 day 10 hours watching jynxzi [15077] whoisbrane: !watchtime [15077] kantvide: !watchtime [15077] Tatornaitor: REACT HARDER [15077] jjesselle: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [15077] horrorgage: white speed [15078] fuzepuddle: w [15078] ikshmael: hell yea zaddy [15078] jadencook6: jynxziWTF [15078] rocketbladetv: wwwww [15078] honsez: WWWWWWWWWWWW [15079] hvvnlly: yo [15079] jacobdiluca420: GREEN FN GREEN FN GREEN FN GREEN FN GREEN FN GREEN FN GREEN FN GREEN FN GREEN FN GREEN FN GREEN FN GREEN FN [15079] william_callaway: Cheer100 [15079] yngmilly7: miss the old junko [15080] itzaustin_ex: Tax write off [15080] bardown16__: ur hairabble [15080] YoBoiiTooNastyy: Stompin omg daddy [15080] luminalhail: Do it again vex [15081] axebenji: jynxziChampion [15081] palehorse356: stompn getting sexaized [15081] fraigzzz: L add [15081] kloogzakyz: yo jynx what’s the best defender and attacker in your opinion [15081] J_KlNG: ass [15082] ttvpirangita: can get a gift sub [15082] chunkoisfatty: !watchtime [15082] yes_its1_inch: shut up fatsoo [15082] twitch_d1gital: 2 [15082] StreamElements: chunkoisfatty has spent 20 mins watching jynxzi [15082] n0rsa: @vex w [15083] jjesselle: jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH [15083] raze798: !watchtime [15083] aaronf2114: Can I play [15083] pojixo: yes I got a gifted sub [15083] etterrx: W vex ily [15084] oJtsy: !points [15084] big_jim_2230: L chat [15084] redd_801: PowerUpL SSSsss PowerUpR [15084] boaatss: !gamble 10 [15084] StreamElements: @kynoxspirit7 kynoxspirit7 has 29430 points and is rank 3889/1742909 on the leaderboard. [15084] gatpat_slapz09: gatpat_slapz09 subscribed at Tier 1. [15084] horrorgage: white speed. [15084] StreamElements: PogChamp boaatss went all in and won 10 points PogChamp they now have 20 points FeelsGoodMan [15084] icebreaker_8954: ungrateful [15084] daddymyker: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [15085] zechbrothers: they win first game? [15085] fraigzzz: LL ADD [15085] kenison4: jynxziChampion [15085] ellypzz: send another 50 [15085] Tatornaitor: GAME HARDER [15085] hunne_ttv: @Jynxzi do you feel bad for sketch? if you know you know lol [15085] frayhr: !watchtime [15085] bardown16__: HAHAHAH [15085] bigmoemeedia: CMOOONNNNN junko [15085] thedrkill187: junki [15085] kissmycrack007: w vex 152gifted is crazy [15085] StreamElements: frayhr has spent 5 days 10 hours watching jynxzi [15085] xbugimanx: vex has to give nana her credit card back [15086] Sperrmy: who won map 1? [15086] alex_mac_1212: washed [15086] luckheh: !watchtime [15086] StreamElements: luckheh has spent 8 days 13 hours watching jynxzi [15087] itz_sparkx: wherez my sub [15087] DJ_Khaled_26: STOMPN = The Goat [15087] horrorgage: white speed [15087] Chumbolini: what time is stream??? [15087] Z3_BlueW: W [15087] william_callaway: Cheer100 [15087] bardown16__: SIEGE TIMING [15087] ArkTicNoah: JUNKO I JUST GOT THE CHARMMM [15087] ellypzz: do it [15087] thehunter0106: !watchtime [15087] johnnycox1337: LMAO [15088] StreamElements: thehunter0106 has spent 9 hours 10 mins watching jynxzi [15088] mycoxflloppinn: mycoxflloppinn subscribed with Prime. [15088] GlsAnthony: !watchtime [15089] rebornhehe: Sold [15089] MrPanda1923: did they lose the last 2v2 [15089] Buster270: !gamble 10 [15089] swoleboh: toes [15090] StreamElements: Buster270 lost 10 points in roulette and now has 25 points! FeelsBadMan [15090] tommy_llo: W [15090] horrorgage: white speed. [15090] tommy_llo: W [15090] raze798: !followqge [15090] livmclougherz12: Ch [15090] jaycejohnson2001: !points [15090] tommy_llo: W [15090] tommy_llo: W [15091] jjesselle: jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE [15091] tommy_llo: W [15091] pastorofmupp: !followage [15091] dany3lln: HAHAHAHAHA [15091] harley_dent_jasmin: STOMPN VS SHAIKO [15091] RageDaaGreat: HE DESTROYED XIM AND EICCI [15092] horrorgage: white speed [15092] StreamElements: @pastorofmupp, pastorofmupp has been following jynxzi for 12 days 1 hour [15092] yvngchezzyx2: @tttvvexing sub me [15092] 1takejohn: www vex [15092] hazelnutt666: pp [15092] tommy_llo: W TIMING [15093] alessdev: !watchtime [15093] StreamElements: alessdev has spent 4 hours 30 mins watching jynxzi [15093] zack167: !points [15093] LoukWarm: Ubisoft+ [15093] mazark0: smh [15093] dawarrior5: W timing [15093] RageDaaGreat: RICCI [15093] YoBoiiTooNastyy: Pause my fault [15093] box_by_ice: !LINK [15093] bardown16__: W TOES [15093] Nightbot: 👀 [15093] axebenji: jynxziBounce [15094] horrorgage: white speed. [15094] tommy_llo: W TIMING [15094] Reifzi: Reifzi subscribed with Prime. [15094] calpolwater: !watchtime [15094] bigmoemeedia: LETS GOOOOO JUMK [15094] sus_benis: !gamble all [15094] StreamElements: calpolwater has spent 6 days 9 hours watching jynxzi [15094] StreamElements: PogChamp sus_benis went all in and won 5180 points PogChamp they now have 10360 points FeelsGoodMan [15094] savedexxin: !gamble all [15095] maxxyyy07: CHEERLEAD HARDWE [15095] StreamElements: PogChamp savedexxin went all in and won 2850 points PogChamp they now have 5700 points FeelsGoodMan [15095] insyncz_: !watchtime [15095] astroidr6: LMFAO NO WAY [15095] kaidan_r6: w [15095] SilentGasMask_: glazing vex [15095] horrorgage: white speed [15095] StreamElements: insyncz_ has spent 40 mins watching jynxzi [15095] louismroberts: 😂 [15096] skrillyansh: !balls [15096] nbaolafy: !watchtime [15097] kreonsus: !watchtime [15097] lildingleberryy: caseohs eating [15097] hunteybear1: jynxzi lost map 1 [15097] sketchuplol: f [15097] StreamElements: jayyxko has spent 5 days 11 hours watching jynxzi [15097] Nightbot: F in the chat [15097] fraigzzz: L add [15097] yesman876: !binds [15097] raze798: !followage [15097] gouptaaa: !gamble all [15098] horrorgage: white speed. [15098] amarisb: !watchtime [15098] StreamElements: @raze798, raze798 has been following jynxzi for 3 years 5 hours [15098] bigmoemeedia: W [15098] StreamElements: @gouptaaa, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan [15098] tommy_llo: W TIMING [15098] sketchuplol: gfdff [15098] etterrx: vex can i get a sub bby? [15098] StreamElements: amarisb has spent 5 days 4 hours watching jynxzi [15098] itz_sparkx: !watchtime [15098] cjvktm21: cjvktm21 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [15099] faden208: literally stream snipin [15099] ikshmael: badddddd aiiimmm [15099] macher___: aiden in stream [15099] kloogzakyz: yo jynx what’s the best defender and attacker in your opinion ? [15099] bardown16__: ur hairabble [15099] spekkyjj: jynxziBadAim_BW [15099] rstokes241: @tttvvexing legend [15099] sketchuplol: f [15099] smegla: clix mogs [15099] shivi1221: jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH [15100] colizkool2: CLIP FAMRER [15100] r3shez: !gamble aa [15100] Youngbuck9066: !gamble 240 [15100] ncchristy: WHITE SPEED [15100] qrxmes: !gamble 30 [15101] instakillgaming69: !LINK [15101] StreamElements: Youngbuck9066 went all in and lost every single one of their 240 points LUL [15101] Nightbot: @instakillgaming69 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [15101] StreamElements: PogChamp qrxmes went all in and won 30 points PogChamp they now have 60 points FeelsGoodMan [15101] tayfnl: !clip [15101] Nightbot: GUYS STOP ASKING WHAT ACC HIS XBOX ACC GONNA GLITCH FROM TOO MANY PPL SPAMMING [15101] skrillyansh: !watchtime [15101] Hashtaggetgoodtom: !gamble all [15101] MidRollerJ: hopefully I get gifted [15101] gerrycube: @aide [15101] StreamElements: skrillyansh has spent 4 days 11 hours watching jynxzi [15102] zachs305: white speed [15102] JessyorJss: RİGHTTT !!! [15102] dylanortiz216: !watchtime [15102] backroomryk: !watchtime [15102] dawarrior5: kiss them toes [15102] bigmoemeedia: MyAvatar MyAvatar MyAvatar MyAvatar MyAvatar [15102] StreamElements: backroomryk has spent 2 days 20 hours watching jynxzi [15103] itz_zanks: !gamble all [15103] emptyshelly: W TIMING [15103] StreamElements: itz_zanks went all in and lost every single one of their 675 points LUL [15103] De_mbuti: !watchtime [15103] RageDaaGreat: !ppsize [15103] Buster270: !gamble 25 [15103] ncchristy: WHITE SPEEEEED [15103] clumsypickie: SUB FOR NO ADS + JYNXZI CHARM 😊 [15104] pastorofmupp: !watchtime [15104] Nightbot: RageDaaGreat has a 11 incher [15104] StreamElements: pastorofmupp has spent 15 hours 10 mins watching jynxzi [15104] shadow78218: !xim [15104] axebenji: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [15104] Nightbot: Xim (Apex) is an external adapter that lets losers use mouse and keyboard on console to get an advantage over regular controller players. [15104] r3shez: !gamble all [15105] bardown16__: noooooooooo [15105] bcngocat: 4 HOUR STREAM? [15105] sep14323: w [15105] 5rr81: 5rr81 subscribed at Tier 1. [15106] gluzfn: can I smash hivise? [15106] SilentGasMask_: white speed [15106] soccergs92: LLLLLLLL TIMING [15106] Nightbot: @ttvdeath66 -> Not on my watch! [stop posting links] [warning] [15106] BoneDaddyTL: STREAM SNIPERS [15106] Fossabot: @ttvdeath66, Your message is too long [15106] arabjoke: WW [15106] bigmoemeedia: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [15107] qrxmes: !gamble all [15107] bcngocat: WHAT [15107] zlackattck: !gamble all [15107] luminalhail: !followage [15107] StreamElements: zlackattck went all in and lost every single one of their 470 points LUL [15107] Crispycrispysilv: CLIP FARMING [15108] ncchristy: WHITE SPEEEEEEEEEEED [15108] spekkyjj: jynxziBadAim_BW jynxziBadAim_BW jynxziBadAim_BW jynxziBadAim_BW jynxziBadAim_BW [15108] juksterjay: !watchtime [15108] calpolwater: !gambleall [15108] StreamElements: juksterjay has spent 40 mins watching jynxzi [15108] StreamElements: @luminalhail, luminalhail has been following jynxzi for 6 months 25 days 2 hours [15108] lord_krusty: !points [15108] StreamElements: @lord_krusty lord_krusty has 7720 points and is rank 54996/1742909 on the leaderboard. [15109] freewins540: when is fan mail? [15109] fishyfinn7: gg [15109] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [15109] r3shez: !gamble [15110] sketchuplol: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [15110] azraelwoah: lmao [15110] axebenji: jynxziSmoke [15111] secrxfyclipz: !link [15111] bigmoemeedia: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [15111] yungbreezy0: did he beat xim and ricchie??? [15111] skrillyansh: !points [15111] connor_d8o: Casoh is waitinc [15111] crazytjc0316: UWot [15112] roninakadupa: W [15112] ncchristy: SPEED WHITE [15112] drmonkeeman10: PRE END [15112] j0rdan256788: h [15112] wheeelium: !watchtime [15112] Nightbot: h [15113] xpecthaven: gr [15113] StreamElements: wheeelium has spent 1 day 8 hours watching jynxzi [15113] montagnedaddy: junko I’m nutting to u right now [15113] Ethanator082: longest stream of the year [15113] cyyn1cal: jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY [15114] livmclougherz12: W [15114] GHOSTEEE_23: gg lost round [15115] fogullmclovin: !gambleall [15115] Raimo80: !xim [15115] zack167: !watchtime [15115] dnkyhand: play fortnite [15115] StreamElements: zack167 has spent 1 hour 10 mins watching jynxzi [15115] adzilla4514: did they win first game? [15115] jerellle: Come on jynxzi [15115] jaycejohnson2001: !watchtime [15115] JessyorJss: İ saw on your right side [15115] calpolwater: !gamble all [15116] StreamElements: calpolwater went all in and lost every single one of their 865 points LUL [15116] MXmck25: pre end [15116] ncchristy: WHITE SPEEEDY [15116] baqgu: l [15116] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [15116] crazytjc0316: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 [15116] raze798: !watchtime [15116] bigmoemeedia: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [15117] CarlWheezR6: !watchtime [15117] maagmerkz25: ur done [15117] StreamElements: raze798 has spent 2 months 2 days 5 hours watching jynxzi [15117] youcompleteit: !gamble all [15117] StreamElements: youcompleteit went all in and lost every single one of their 65 points LUL [15117] pastorofmupp: !gamble [15118] GlsAnthony: !watch time [15118] skrillyansh: !gamble 450 [15118] boaatss: !gamble 80 [15118] StreamElements: skrillyansh lost 450 points in roulette and now has 930 points! FeelsBadMan [15118] spyderduder: spyderduder subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! [15118] clumsypickie: WHITE SPEED [15118] Youngbuck9066: !watchtime [15118] faden208: stream sniping [15118] VIIX_Turtle: ResidentSleeper carried [15118] StreamElements: Youngbuck9066 has spent 4 hours watching jynxzi [15119] william_callaway: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [15119] lord_krusty: !gamble 2000 [15119] StreamElements: lord_krusty won 2000 points in roulette and now has 9720 points! FeelsGoodMan [15119] 0Mykell: SUPP JUNKOOOO [15119] ljohnwayneCaseyl: @tttvvexing feed the homeless or something [15120] noxboxspe2_: !gamble 434 [15120] youthinkyoucanescape1: When's kai vs case oh? [15120] SobaTHEGOAT: !watchtime [15120] gatpat_slapz09: !link [15120] average_siege_player: average_siege_player subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [15120] diesalsdust: OMG ITS PAST 4 hours [15120] StreamElements: 3moryly has spent 2 days 5 hours watching jynxzi [15120] StreamElements: @noxboxspe2_, you only have 20 points. [15121] cyyn1cal: free round [15122] clumsypickie: white speeeeeddd [15122] islampplr6: !charm [15122] iamfaceles: !gamble 100 [15122] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [15122] StreamElements: iamfaceles won 100 points in roulette and now has 785 points! FeelsGoodMan [15123] bigmoemeedia: LETS GO JUNKO [15123] pureee: @jynxzi u know stompn doesn’t fwu u just have clout 🤣 you’d be dust if u didn’t stream [15123] pwr_claps: !watchtime [15124] skrillyansh: !points [15124] StreamElements: pwr_claps has spent 10 hours 50 mins watching jynxzi [15124] yes_its1_inch: part time streamer full time McDonald worker give me a Big Mac and a large coke [15124] TheAceOfSpades54: Jynxzi when are clips I sent you a Kali clip [15124] StreamElements: @skrillyansh skrillyansh has 930 points and is rank 441000/1742909 on the leaderboard. [15124] bigmoemeedia: LOCK IN [15124] mindless_gamingg: Pls [15124] emptyshelly: SHAIIKO IS WAITING [15125] Nightbot: Jynxzi is his #1 fan [15125] damian22132: sub [15125] koecreation: carried [15125] ElkTheElk: gg [15125] nvxcahpn: DAMN [15125] popeallen: !watchtime [15125] watermelonlover2_bryce: L [15125] lilpoppa101: lilpoppa101 subscribed at Tier 1. [15125] StreamElements: popeallen has spent 4 days 18 hours watching jynxzi [15125] fishpot2: noob [15126] yiorio_: SLAMMED [15126] astroidr6: OHHHHHHHHH [15126] g4tsio: HAHAHAHAHAHAAH [15126] mytwitchtowatchstreams: LOL [15126] SirSneezus: 2 more hours to go buddy [15126] Nightbot: 😂 [15126] swoleboh: damn [15126] limiteclipse_: SLAMMMMED [15126] bardown16__: god damn aiden [15127] jerellle: L [15127] JustJudeo: SLAMMMED [15128] o_o25649: so were in copper [15128] xcacheflow_: WASHED [15128] yummywetpaper: ass [15128] drmonkeeman10: PRE END CHAT [15128] koecreation: 😂😂😂😂😂😂🤢 [15128] itsluis75: so washed [15128] z_moneyman: get the pom poms [15128] AngerManageMint: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL [15128] mazark0: we got snipers watching you [15128] Villionttv: SLAMMED [15129] recoil_128: trash [15129] lPeriodFart: you’re so bad [15129] GHOSTEEE_23: L [15129] koimata: shitttt onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn [15129] bigbuck153: does r6 cost money on Xbox like it does for ps5 [15129] youthinkyoucanescape1: When's kai vs caseoh [15129] trips_ok: slammed [15129] jvhn_perez: YOUR ASS [15129] jerellle: Nice try [15130] blower754: WWWW [15130] astronotvalid: OMG [15130] ikex777: SELLING [15130] maagmerkz25: stompn dead u have no chance [15130] pay_kabes71: sold [15130] liam3548: LMFAO [15130] g4tsio: GET SMACKED [15130] chrisavibe: how does he know tho [15130] cbucketz_21: L [15130] azraelwoah: garbo [15130] cornell0607: bro [15130] exotixdavid: exotixdavid subscribed at Tier 1. [15130] 16egeez: f [15131] devi0uss_: white speed tryna get like clicks [15131] Nightbot: F in the chat [15131] swedcic: stompgSold stompgSold stompgSold stompgSold stompgSold stompgSold stompgSold stompgSold stompgSold stompgSold stompgSold stompgSold stompgSold stompgSold stompgSold stompgSold [15131] mythicghost9: DOAMMED [15131] Messyfv: npenGGSMAN [15131] richxrdcolee: SALM,MMEDDDD [15131] kloogzakyz: yo jynx what’s the best defender and attacker in your opinion ?? [15131] recoil_128: slammed [15131] VIIX_Turtle: ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper carried [15131] g4tsio: GET SMACKED [15131] ewxavier: ur ass [15132] juangmygskaaats: so washed [15132] bigmoemeedia: SLAMMMMED [15132] tubbytevah: tubbytevah subscribed at Tier 1. [15132] koimata: ahit onnnnnnnn [15132] xcel_dropshot: L teammate [15132] mythicghost9: SOAMMED [15132] maagmerkz25: SLAMMED [15132] Buster270: !gamble all [15132] quebecois5721: !watchtime [15133] jvhn_perez: YOUR TRASH [15133] StreamElements: quebecois5721 has spent 22 hours 30 mins watching jynxzi [15133] g4tsio: GET SMACKED [15133] huntercw3: white speed [15133] AngerManageMint: LLLLLLLL [15133] livmclougherz12: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [15133] fluex3245: SLAMMMMMMMMMMMED [15133] MXmck25: HE WAS ON THE CAM [15133] richxrdcolee: SLAMEEDDDDD [15133] blacktiehitman: washed [15133] mxnchr: WASHEDDDDDDDDDDDDD [15133] basboy8: !roullette [15133] jackst08: !Watchtime [15133] prowseyfn_baa: !watchtime [15134] koecreation: SELLING [15134] emptyshelly: BRONNY WAITING FATTY [15134] aspect8479: COPPER [15134] colizkool2: LOL [15134] gubrilla: aiden is crazy [15134] Chumbolini: LLL [15134] xjxstaqua: CARRIED [15134] pastorofmupp: !gamble all [15134] cyyn1cal: SLAMMED [15134] Youngbuck9066: !watch time [15134] puhrifyyyy_: SLAMMED [15134] juancho23k: gg [15134] browniefoo: he sucks hes camping [15134] g4tsio: GET SMACKED [15135] Cinnavinn: Waahws [15135] LuhKobi: swung [15135] Gingishi: PUSSY [15135] bardown16__: HOW THE HELML DID THAT HIT [15135] richxrdcolee: CMONNN [15135] Slap336: SOOOOO ASSSSS [15135] apollothesweat: !watchtime [15135] qrxmes: !points [15135] AngerManageMint: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL [15135] iamnomix: YOUUU ARE RUBISH [15135] StreamElements: apollothesweat has spent 6 days 3 hours watching jynxzi [15135] xVeNuMzx: !gamble all [15135] livmclougherz12: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [15135] recoil_128: trash [15135] spooky_667: Win 1s [15136] StreamElements: xVeNuMzx went all in and lost every single one of their 5 points LUL [15136] colizkool2: SLAMMED [15136] kreonsus: !watchtime [15136] C4MOttv: washed [15136] Nightbot: k [15136] BoneDaddyTL: ? [15136] Nightbot: ? [15137] rawwwiq: slammed [15137] MXmck25: HE WAS ON THE CAN [15137] lavaboy82546: !gamble all [15137] Jeff_WU____: fck me [15137] bonedemon17: pay stompn [15137] yvngchezzyx2: white ishowspeed [15137] FlunkoChunko: L JUNKO [15137] schyea: washed [15137] StreamElements: lavaboy82546 went all in and lost every single one of their 690 points LUL [15138] bigmoemeedia: SLLLLLAAAMMMMMEEEEEEEDDDD [15138] Cinnavinn: washed [15138] iamdirtydan34: lock in fatass [15138] Gingishi: JUST SWING PUSSY [15138] powerplunga_: unlucky [15138] arabjoke: UR ASS [15138] Chumbolini: WHAT TIME IS STREAM [15138] zachmn08: YOURE SO BAD LMFAO [15138] AngerManageMint: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL [15138] richxrdcolee: CMONNNNN [15139] MXmck25: CAM [15139] scxrlordy: !watchtime [15139] CarterOnHere: pcled [15139] laqueefus: CARRIED [15139] z_moneyman: gooooooo stompn!!!!! [15139] cyyn1cal: jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY [15139] orlandonut: jynxziSad jynxziSad [15139] StreamElements: scxrlordy has spent 2 hours 30 mins watching jynxzi [15139] astronotvalid: ??? [15139] recoil_128: washed [15139] Slap336: WASHED [15139] gav2010: stomp = washed? [15139] myboy_559: jynxziVapeBreak_SG [15140] trips_ok: lol [15140] vinteed: washed [15140] skullgamers1640: jynxziSad jynxziSad jynxziSad jynxziSad jynxziSad jynxziSad [15140] datwhiteeboii: W GIFTED VEX [15140] MellyP1: SHIT ON [15140] vibin_xyrix: bad cheerleader [15140] bardown16__: QUICK PEEKING IS CRAZYYY [15140] BlueMoon1801: ur so slow [15140] orlandonut: jynxziSad [15140] lunchiestbox: LLLLLLLLLLLL | Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [14960] Insight Insight Which side which side? I'm by man. I have no clue. No clue. Like I want you. No, I'm not made. I'm moving too much. Um, I'll make it in. I'll make it in. [14970] I'm a thing walking up walking up walking up on this thing inside reading everything I'm called a plant I'll call the plant planting on this yellow thing planting God off it God off it God off it shotgun [14980] [14990] The way you understand sound. [15000] actually makes my pussy wet bro GOOD SHIT SICK! I'm pretty like the only player I play with, like as every... everybody I play with has better [15010] in the me but you're the only player I play with where I don't have to call out the shit that I hear bro I just watch. Good fucking shit stomping. Put your fucking dick in their face! [15020] Come on I knew holding the nitro like walking up was how I would have done the same thing and you shot while you grabbed it like and you [15030] He's like me bro, he's not shooting that cam out of mid air. Maybe like psycho is doing that. That's about it though. [15040] Oh my god, a Vex with another 50 seconds. Vex, think of those 50 get the Frank on my sword of God. Every top champ I play with, like I have to like call out shit. Let's not be too late. [15050] This kid's a fucking Adam of another. This kid's a Kremlin. All right, bro, just play like psychos, literally. Let's go. [15060] the two be to my side there reading the reading the reading the reading the reading he's gonna play like an absolute fucking freak of nature it's a lesion and organ [15070] this next person [15080] They're reading Oh my god, I'm gonna time this insane someone clip that someone fucking [15090] You have located a bomb. Let me go and fill it. Legion, like far. Shot like him. He's inside as well. They're both inside. We're gonna pick the drone hall. [15100] I can kill me. Oh, he walked. Okay. [15110] oKOH [15120] I'm still in the kit. Let's try it. Bro, I got a... You've been on the menu. Dude, why? [15130] Why did Lee's not like move at all bro? He just where is Lee's in? I'm like I'm trying to get I'm thinking way too much. I should just | There is a Highlight between 14900 and 15200. Stopmn secures a round believed to be lost after Jynxzi dies early; Jynxzi screams in excitement. |
Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [15200] bigmoemeedia: lovk in [15200] arabjoke: WW [15200] exotixdavid: !link [15201] MkGamingg25: washed. [15201] bustcuff: whys he speaking so fast [15201] SaschaTheBreite: Just turn vsync on [15201] Nightbot: @bman6913 -> You're welcome. [stop posting links] [warning] [15201] chunkoisfatty: gotta nerf xbox [15201] gatpat_slapz09: !link [15201] golzerrrr: SOLD [15201] pay_kabes71: fan mail is when [15202] jerellle: L [15202] gubrilla: when is bronny 1v1 junko [15202] box_by_ice: !LINK [15202] CarlWheezR6: white speed [15202] xqdu: 💀💀💀💀💀💀 [15203] mytwitchtowatchstreams: LOOLLLLL [15203] Messyfv: npenGGSMAN [15203] Icetarossa: ?? [15203] g4tsio: HA HAHAHAHAHAHA [15203] conkersbadfurday: bro thinks his ricci [15203] charlie_12345678901234: When is 2v2 [15203] clumsypickie: aiden is my daddy [15204] brendan5297: !watchtime [15204] adonias1514: 1 [15204] StreamElements: brendan5297 has spent 10 hours watching jynxzi [15204] KranolaBar: @bigbuck153 yes it costs money on Xbox unless you have gamepass, Idk what type of gamepass though [15204] westo5: ?????????? [15204] iamfaceles: !gamble 1000 [15204] cam_twitchtv: wwwwwww play [15204] JustJudeo: HORRIBLE [15204] shiroseraph: kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk [15204] lPeriodFart: washed [15204] whatsacoolname: w stream today [15204] g4tsio: HA HAHAHAHAHAHA [15204] pay_kabes71: SOLD [15205] acidthriller: LOCKED U GOT THIS🔐☝️ [15205] tristan7x: trash [15205] willytx: ? [15205] Nightbot: ? [15205] bagstarleek: ur selling [15205] ttbooth: LLLLLLL [15205] liam3548: LOL [15205] 123_door_giveawayy: LUL LUL [15205] Nightbot: 😂 [15205] Axeljcruz: SIKE [15205] Xunexia: LMAOOO [15205] big_ounce325: 4 hr mark passed end stream fat part timer [15205] GHOSTEEE_23: ur about to be killed [15206] g4tsio: HA HAHAHAHAHAHA [15206] donn_zzz: jynxziSad jynxziSad jynxziSad jynxziSad jynxziSad jynxziSad jynxziSad jynxziSad jynxziSad jynxziSad jynxziSad jynxziSad [15206] v1zors: Idiot [15206] r6isdalight: lmaooooo [15206] pocketpengun: STREAM SNIPE [15206] recoil_128: lmao [15206] arabjoke: W [15206] xiphoidar: selling [15207] nothingtoseahear: LMAOOOOO [15207] fault404__: WTF ARE U DOING [15207] itsluis75: why doing that [15207] woovax: LLLLLL [15207] g4tsio: HA HAHAHAHAHAHA [15208] lunchiestbox: No brain [15208] ofragqed: YOURE NOT STOMP [15208] vsoka: DUMBASSS [15208] domplay1000: W [15208] quikpeekr: put your tongue away [15208] ashtn1738: Aidan sniping [15208] 16egeez: oucchhhhh [15208] maagmerkz25: SLAMMED [15208] recoil_128: TRASH [15208] azrieex: I heart clix [15208] g4tsio: HA HAHAHAHAHAHA [15208] chunkoisfatty: what color is fanmail [15208] tarsaI: hi [15208] azraelwoah: SELLING [15209] Axeljcruz: SIIIIKKKKEEEE [15209] 0Mykell: ? [15209] thecharlemagne1: washed [15209] arabjoke: WW [15209] spider_man_: cooked [15209] phiiizzy: BAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAH [15209] chicken__bucket97: holy washed [15209] connor_d8o: StoneLightning [15209] pay_kabes71: SLAMMED [15209] gn_trippyjay: gn_trippyjay subscribed with Prime. [15209] a1boss4: You got it [15210] g4tsio: HA HAHAHAHAHAHA [15210] slipthenip21: that was horrible [15210] MostWantedZane: trashhhh [15210] recoil_128: WASHED [15210] willytx: ??? [15210] westo5: ?????? [15210] cyyn1cal: selling [15210] sSoulzyFPS: WHAT ARE YOU DOING [15210] MorkViking: SHIT ON [15210] sanemi_222: nice play man [15210] sandy_sir: L CARRIED FATTY [15211] sm3iiy016: !gamble all [15211] j9Q9: God ur terrible [15211] elithe_great_: SOLD [15211] StreamElements: sm3iiy016 went all in and lost every single one of their 120 points LUL [15211] tristan7x: washed [15211] fluex3245: OMG SLAMMMMMED [15211] hyena_superior: what kind of play was that lol [15212] Fossabot: @zqnlx, Your message is too long [15212] barneysdust: WHAT ARE YOU DOING😭 [15212] 123_door_giveawayy: L CLIP FARM [15212] GHOSTEEE_23: washeddddddd [15212] siirysl1: siirysl1 subscribed at Tier 1. [15212] yeet_do: w stream snipe [15212] nothingtoseahear: washed [15212] dane_bacigalupi21: SLAMMMMMMMEDDDD [15212] YokoGuns: !watchtime [15212] bigmoemeedia: SLAMMMEEEEEDEDDD [15212] faithyuukii: junko you’re creamy [15212] xpecthaven: 💀💀 [15212] StreamElements: COOLOWL300 has spent 3 days 11 hours watching jynxzi [15212] sandy_sir: 💀 [15212] richxrdcolee: lmfaoooo [15213] danny__s03: sold [15213] Nightbot: ok [15213] 0_mason_o: Okay [15213] alex_mac_1212: washed [15213] g4tsio: Okay [15213] n0rsa: wiioo [15213] asap_vortex_: HOWWWWWWWWWW [15213] MidRollerJ: SNIPING [15213] vqwan: SLAMMED [15213] nausea3500: BAITED [15213] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀 [15213] JabbaTheNut_: HUH [15213] lpa_quixotic: 💀💀💀💀💀 [15213] GHOSTEEE_23: bet [15214] MellyP1: SO ASS [15214] xhypxrr: trash [15214] cyyn1cal: W SELL [15214] itsluis75: so bad [15214] 1Drae: LMAO [15214] RageDaaGreat: !ppsize [15214] insertoriginalname38: 2 [15214] chicken__bucket97: i will [15214] hovenisaperson: !watchtime [15214] Qos4: ???????? [15214] 0Mykell: ???? [15214] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀 [15214] StreamElements: hovenisaperson has spent 14 hours 10 mins watching jynxzi [15214] ROCKN__: @Jynxzi 🥗 [15215] jaycejohnson2001: !gamble 35 [15215] Nightbot: RageDaaGreat has a 0 incher [15215] recoil_128: CARRIED [15215] tonyman5793: yo [15215] brando1126: viewer list [15215] vsoka: SNIPIJG [15215] richxrdcolee: LOOOOOOOL [15215] lpa_quixotic: 💀💀💀💀 [15215] rnitten: ok [15215] chunkoisfatty: SLAMMMMMMED [15215] flacko__k: what are you doing gang [15215] rocodhadra: no im 12 [15215] willytx: ?????? [15216] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 [15216] nvxcahpn: WTF [15216] csal90: WASHED [15216] drmonkeeman10: PRE END [15216] BRKsTHY: !sens [15216] HiVise: ????? [15216] Nightbot: Jynxzi sens and settings here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2GcpqRqJ9U [15216] yonisalzamli77: WTF [15216] HazIsGoat: SNIPING [15216] JustJudeo: terrible [15216] liam3548: SOOOOO YOU WERE SAYING…. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [15216] jerellle: That's not a stream snipe [15216] axsussss: let’s go [15216] g4tsio: Okay will do [15216] MorkViking: COMMON RUN OUT???? [15217] JabbaTheNut_: HUHH [15217] sSoulzyFPS: LMAO [15217] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀 [15217] Fawful77: SOLD [15218] vsoka: SNIPING [15218] mrrocketbunny69: PAUSE [15218] chunkoisfatty: slamed [15218] oofRiot: PAUSE [15218] Z3_BlueW: ??? [15218] xpecthaven: LMAO [15218] cappalotty: ?????? [15218] fault404__: bro's just fucking selling atp [15218] lpa_quixotic: 💀💀💀💀💀💀 [15218] swatkill3184: ?????????????????? [15218] phiiizzy: FUCKING TARDICLE [15218] azraelwoah: YOU ARE SUCH A JOKE [15218] MAKEANGELS4GOD: cheating [15219] JabbaTheNut_: HUH [15219] chiefd247: !points [15219] betterttk: they sniping [15219] ManiacWolf8000: bongbo8DROOL [15219] Buster270: !gamble 15 [15219] adaliegrace: def sniping [15219] StreamElements: @chiefd247 chiefd247 has 7070 points and is rank 62110/1742907 on the leaderboard. [15219] blackvoid223: YOOOO [15219] sandy_sir: 💀💀WTFFF [15219] xslenderyoshix: OK :) [15219] artistic_trix_: SO ASS [15219] MkGamingg25: ???????? [15219] DaleMoney__: STREAM SNIPPING [15219] TheSkippyReal: ?????????? [15219] CokeFro: nooo [15222] richxrdcolee: LMFAOOOOOOOOO [15222] carbar14: L sell [15222] lucasignorino: YOUR ASSS [15222] bigmoemeedia: YOOOOOO [15222] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [15222] charlie_12345678901234: When in bronny 1v1 [15222] mattishoss: washed [15222] d_d3vin: aaaayyyyoooooooo [15222] pxbzy: RalpherZ [15222] Qos4: I’m 5 [15222] sandy_sir: WTFFF [15222] chunkoisfatty: WILLDOO [15222] bagstarleek: wtf are u doing [15222] xeroaiden: BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump [15222] BrothersRoomTV: sollld [15223] yxungjay: sellout fr [15223] evilminorr: L bad at gaming [15223] cappalotty: ?????| [15223] drmonkeeman10: SOLD PRE END [15223] a1boss4: Ayo [15223] strikef1: !settings [15223] acidthriller: DID THEY STREAM SNIPE ? [15223] recoil_128: WASHED [15223] Nightbot: https://clips.twitch.tv/FurtivePiercingRavenRiPepperonis-Q7Z6UtOCxU_bV5fV [15223] Rxctu_: L baiters [15223] ghoul_punk100: they baited you so hard [15223] richxrdcolee: WOWWWW [15223] rnitten: im 5 [15223] MkGamingg25: ?????? [15223] StreamElements: greese021 has spent 1 day 1 hour watching jynxzi [15227] connor_d8o: part timer [15227] yiorio_: HORRIBLE [15227] rockoe3386: ❤️ [15228] jacqueshuncho: ??? [15228] senjihideyoshi: Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm [15228] crispy_bot9: react harder [15228] DynSweet: twist the thumbstick clockwise to tighten it [15228] jesseblackarmz: Snipinggg [15228] recoil_128: RRASH [15228] evilminorr: l bad at gaming [15229] NareclippedU: @aidanhansonn [15229] bigmoemeedia: BRUHHHH [15229] Prism_Immortal: damn [15229] asap_vortex_: SNIPING???? [15229] dat_one_kid_named_ludwig: Aiden’s sniping [15229] be_nss: Sold [15229] sandy_sir: 💀 [15229] donaldduck7695: !watch time [15229] pay_kabes71: clix and ron own you [15229] alex_mac_1212: trash [15229] iamemrah7: LLLLL [15229] dieheartsaint: W farming [15229] spectreed_4: reported [15229] myboy_559: jynxziVapeBreak_SG [15229] JustExoticss: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [15230] loggens: WTF DID YOU SAY [15230] coolpug_: HES SNIPING [15230] sebbyong: STREAMSBUPIJG [15230] Cinnavinn: Sold [15230] StreamElements: @Quiet_Violent you got OpieOP | OpieOP | OpieOP and won 2000 points PogChamp // [15230] m6s0nn: vic stream sniping [15230] dumbdoc1227: I love selling [15230] brando1126: stream snipe [15230] iamemrah7: L [15230] artistic_trix_: WTF ARE YOU DOING [15230] zanahhhhh: yeah their plays look hella snipping [15232] StreamElements: CoffeeBus947 lost 10 points in roulette and now has 1859 points! FeelsBadMan [15232] iamemrah7: LLLL [15232] newyork_1978: tunnel vision [15232] collin561: WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF [15232] Nightbot: @bodigamer341 -> MrDestructoid [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [15232] syruhp256: l run out copper [15232] NinjaDuckyYT: i- [15232] batlandscug: bruh [15232] Buster270: !gamble 20 [15232] papitan10: always trying that corny ass peak [15233] peardapyr: ass [15233] RamboSchlong: bruh selling so hardddd [15233] zanahhhhh: idk [15233] freewins540: when is fan mail? [15233] johnsonbig1: snipe)??? [15233] iamemrah7: L [15233] carterfull88: they are stream sniping [15233] ziperzz_08: snipping [15233] juniorchii: do you like selling [15233] pay_kabes71: SOLDD [15233] Rxctu_: junko should've known [15233] GHOSTEEE_23: selliing stompin as per usual [15233] clipzz420: washed [15233] zarrahts: IM 5 [15233] dimi684: dimi684 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! [15234] chicken__bucket97: snipping [15234] 4oltage: 4oltage subscribed at Tier 1. [15234] recoil_128: CARRIED [15234] dumbdoc1227: U love selling [15234] tsowell3006: !watchtime [15234] betterttk: check viewers [15234] skkrlett: Play slower [15235] StreamElements: tsowell3006 has spent 21 hours 10 mins watching jynxzi [15235] syruhp256: L [15235] txuriy: L SELLOUT [15235] Rxctu_: dumbass [15235] andedray: play goyo [15235] SaschaTheBreite: Change that gamertag to WashedJunkoo [15235] cartaviusdemetrius: ! watch time [15235] 6stxrr_ivan: cam to big [15236] deany23: has to be sniping [15236] koocookilla: I’m 10 [15236] StraightBeaming: pre end [15236] lc_papacito: L sniping [15236] rocodhadra: u donthvae a vagina [15236] Kristian146: stream sniping for ure [15237] iamemrah7: LL [15237] hi12971: bro what are you even doing' [15237] cornell0607: YOU ACTUALLY ARE SELLING SO HARD [15237] NeverJared: HAD A DRON EON U [15237] gonzaseby: you're selling so bad [15237] NareclippedU: @aidanhansonn snipping [15237] yapper699: THEM TITS [15237] whitelight5647: L WASHED CARRIED BY STOMPIN [15237] henry24687: AIDENS IN THE CHAT [15237] hovauk: hovauk subscribed with Prime. [15237] trapp_iso: so washed [15237] Cold_B_ee: actual pre end [15237] quanov69: HE IS SNIPING [15237] chazwell: My four year old cousin hear u say that [15237] dumbdoc1227: U love to sell [15238] cameronbanks22: !roulette 100% [15238] Slap336: SNIPPING [15238] bigmoemeedia: Shush Shush Shush Shush Shush [15238] xbotdelta: TYPE 1 IF JYNXZI IS WASHED [15238] problylxck: stream sniping [15238] iamemrah7: LLLL [15238] chiefd247: !gamble 1000 [15238] StreamElements: PogChamp cameronbanks22 went all in and won 515 points PogChamp they now have 1030 points FeelsGoodMan [15238] exotixdavid: !LINK [15238] duncanstreams0: there stream sniping 100 [15238] MorkViking: COMMON RUNNOUT?? [15238] Nightbot: @exotixdavid If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [15238] yiorio_: HOP THAT ER ON PC [15238] StreamElements: chiefd247 lost 1000 points in roulette and now has 6070 points! FeelsBadMan [15238] MellyP1: CLIP FARMING [15239] dropoutcllge: washed [15239] RenegadeDAV3: so we’re in copper [15239] uCall_me_T: selling [15239] luminalhail: Selling stomp [15239] airguy69: L [15239] spooky_667: Sell out [15239] andedray: yo go goyo [15239] trumelz: w [15240] bhundagaminglive: SKMEONES IN THE CHAT [15240] Apocalypse979: W CLIP FARMING [15240] clipzz420: booty [15240] zyonicz: stream snippinf [15240] gicco99: start cheering bitch [15240] MellyP1: SO ASS [15240] JayyviiLive: no diddy [15240] 6stxrr_ivan: can to big [15240] layschips710: $-2000 [15240] evilminorr: l bad at streaming [15240] kottonking762: L seller [15240] SlimReapaTV: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke [15240] Ic7y8190: go back to McDonald’s man [15241] ykchazz: can I get a shoutout [15241] asssgoldenpopper4: 20 seconds [15241] gatpat_slapz09: !link [15241] kandi_fn: your def selling bro [15241] dat_one_kid_named_ludwig: Vic sniping [15242] domplay1000: W [15242] luc117700: I’m waiting [15242] dumbdoc1227: Always go lotta be extra [15242] bmorebully: WIN THIS SHT BIG DICK!!!!!!! [15242] chunkoisfatty: JYNXZIS HORNY [15242] TrippyShroomzz: PWNED NOOB [15242] himothy4572: AIDEN SNIPING [15242] football_gerad: STREAM SNIPER [15243] Drastiik_: DrastiikPlayz subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! [15243] willaml16: your ass [15243] topzfn_: clix [15243] ayoitsfootball: washed part time fatass [15243] ykchazz: are you the #1 thug 😂😂😂 [15243] 13mxk: @aidentax [15243] officergoofy1: Ron raid [15244] Mcdragonn: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 [15244] frank_h0rrigan: get hungry [15244] tc1u: selling [15244] rny_monkeyx_x: average sell [15244] deany23: L sniper [15244] mythicghost9: HE IS SNIPING [15244] tuned_audi: you suck [15244] Creativityz: Dude is actually being a full time streamer tonight no shot [15244] bobmarley123459876: WHEN IS 2v2 [15245] caps1398: when is stream? [15245] lilzeusu: washed [15245] fortnitefan5607: Stompn clutch incoming [15245] Buster270: !gamble 18 [15245] luminalhail: Ur ass [15245] andedray: goyo [15245] IOH_Gunnin: youre selling stompgoat... [15245] zyonicz: stream snipping [15245] cornell0607: 🧱🧱🧱🧱🧱🧱 [15245] Phantomille: is it 1-1 rn??? [15245] batlandscug: rub [15245] vibin_xyrix: stop trying to make plays cheerleader [15245] lockeykockey3: @streamelements [15245] StreamElements: Buster270 lost 18 points in roulette and now has 32 points! FeelsBadMan [15245] Fossabot: @jaydavila4, Your message is too long [15246] vashuk95: stompn hate you [15246] dumbdoc1227: Always gotta be extra [15246] unclebuck777: it’s tha middle of the summa got my hoodie on [15246] bhundagaminglive: ADIN IN CHAT [15246] stixsnflixs: YALL PUSSY ASS JUNKO DICK RIDERS THATS BASIC SHIT [15246] box_by_ice: I put my thing and I didn't get I [15246] bubbster0: u make me horny [15246] hilal328: !watchtime [15246] blazeandconner2024: selling [15247] StreamElements: hilal328 has spent 8 days 22 hours watching jynxzi [15247] aspect8479: bet [15247] SlimReapaTV: jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH [15247] homez_15: !watchtime [15247] drmonkeeman10: PRE END [15248] ethanval999: damnnnnnn [15248] RageDaaGreat: !ppsize [15248] StreamElements: homez_15 has spent 1 day 5 hours watching jynxzi [15248] jr_qr: LOL [15248] thebigk05: thebigk05 subscribed with Prime. [15248] kingofapex87: !watchtime [15248] Nightbot: RageDaaGreat has a 4 incher [15248] Nightbot: 😂 [15248] powerplunga_: bro def sniping [15248] mythicghost9: HES LITERALLY SNIPING [15249] bigmoemeedia: Shush Shush Shush Shush Shush Shush Shush Shush Shush Shush Shush Shush Shush Shush Shush Shush Shush Shush [15249] chiefd247: !gamble 2000 [15249] Mystic3312: they’re sniping !!! [15249] Duddastalktomenice: JUST TWERK AT THIS POINT [15249] duncanstreams0: sniping 100 [15249] jaycejohnson2001: !gamble 35 [15249] riquethevirgin: watching this at chilis wsp [15249] andedray: play goyoy [15249] StreamElements: jaycejohnson2001 won 35 points in roulette and now has 170 points! FeelsGoodMan [15250] luminalhail: Drone hungry [15250] zynx1209: YOU SOLD [15250] MChammer1776: pre end 4 hour mark [15250] antonyy_6: !watchtime [15250] MellyP1: YOU'RE TERRIBLE [15250] j_rotho: White Speed [15250] StreamElements: antonyy_6 has spent 11 hours 50 mins watching jynxzi [15250] maagmerkz25: -2k [15250] ethanval999: selling [15251] GraysonMudry_: @ic7y8190 [15251] trelua: !watchtime @rnitten [15251] balez_1: sniping [15251] bhundagaminglive: ADJN IN. HAT [15251] layschips710: —2K😂 [15251] dumbdoc1227: Y u always gotta be extra [15251] StreamElements: rnitten has spent 1 month 28 days 5 hours watching jynxzi [15251] jerellle: W [15251] jdot_c: jynxziFALL GoatEmotey GoatEmotey jynxziWTF jynxziGG jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSmoke jynxziFAT jynxziLOL jynxziLOL jynxziGG jynxziGG jynxziGG [15252] RedMist3119: why aren’t you winning jynxziFALL [15252] austin653902: SHIT ON [15252] rip_gorlo: stream sniping [15252] dat_one_kid_named_ludwig: Aiden and Vic In chat [15252] imortal_wolf_: o [15252] be_nss: Pay stompn [15252] adriannaaa1: RONNNN [15252] josh123583: selling [15252] hedgehog_kid1: AIDEN IS IN THE CHAT [15253] Duddastalktomenice: JUST TWERK AT THIS POINTT [15253] Harshgrind: my barrel is full extended [15253] zynx1209: HES SNIPING [15254] yapper699: ure girls tits r nice [15254] yiorio_: GET THE PON PONS [15254] bigmoemeedia: sniping [15254] NareclippedU: @hivise AIDAN STREAMSNIPER @aidanhansonn [15255] ebknight89: 3-3 what the fuck is this!!? [15255] z_purpleswag1: NO HES NOT DUMBASS [15255] mzxopiz: bro I am -54 I wasn’t even planned [15255] wcjfl87vhp48: wcjfl87vhp48 subscribed with Prime. [15255] zynx1209: HE SHOOTING [15255] trips_ok: selling stomp [15255] DreDae16: pre end stream [15256] Duddastalktomenice: JUST TWERK AT THIS POINT [15256] faithyuukii: junko you’re in a funk rn but I still love you daddy 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷 [15256] iamfaceles: !gamble all in [15256] dumbdoc1227: U love to sell [15256] StreamElements: iamfaceles went all in and lost every single one of their 1485 points LUL [15257] mrgetupintheree: stfu chat [15257] shawtybmurkin: funniest streamer right now [15257] RealCrabTak: stream sniping [15258] dyIIan_: DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight DarkKnight [15258] stixsnflixs: BASIC SHIT STOP DICKRIDING THIS WASHED MF [15258] killemall5uuuuu: !gamble 80 [15258] StreamElements: killemall5uuuuu lost 80 points in roulette and now has 775 points! FeelsBadMan [15258] chunkoisfatty: JYNXZIS STREAM SNIPINg jynxziGLASSES [15258] l_eeland: l_eeland subscribed at Tier 1. [15258] Shamelesstable: call me mummy you fahken tollywap [15259] demoncj22: sniping [15259] Crusheddog: Gg [15259] charliegeorgee: BloodTrail [15259] cully_is_chill: Oh no [15259] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [15259] urdeadnanxd: WHY TF IS HE 1V1 STOMPIN AGAIN WHEN WILL HE LEARN [15259] ashtn1738: sniping [15259] bigmoemeedia: AIDENS IN CHAT [15260] zynx1209: HES GYAT [15261] monkeynuts15: I LOVE YOU [15261] Nightrider8242: wow [15261] venwopgaming: so he is making stompn 1v2 every match [15261] kandi_fn: sniping [15262] VIIX_Turtle: ResidentSleeper carried [15262] azraelwoah: STOMPN CARRYING [15262] real_biggiemax: Jyxzi is hot ngl [15262] hobbes_mobbin: ScaredyCat ScaredyCat ScaredyCat [15262] Nightbot: @ptbxeno -> Piece of cake. [stop posting links] [warning] [15262] iicxrtifiedaim: !settings [15262] Nightbot: https://clips.twitch.tv/FurtivePiercingRavenRiPepperonis-Q7Z6UtOCxU_bV5fV [15263] yiorio_: GET THE PON PON [15263] xgm_iclipz: @aidentax bruh caught u lackin [15263] eman2086: white speed [15263] powerplunga_: they sniping [15263] MellyP1: YOU'RE BAD AT THIS GAME STOP PLAYING IT [15264] andedray: play goyo [15264] quickarrow: Can I be mod [15264] freewins540: when is fan mail? [15264] itsminicoop10: aidenfat is sniping [15264] juniorchillin_: who won first map chat? [15264] Fleaness_: !mc [15264] Duddastalktomenice: JUST TWERK AT THIS POINTT [15265] swatkill3184: RANDY ORTON [15265] Nightbot: https://clips.twitch.tv/SneakyElatedPepperFUNgineer-o7iMQT3-KpHvP1aO [15265] thelegendroheet: Pre end [15265] pedrogu08: KILL SOMEBODY JUNKYARD [15266] j9Q9: God stompn is saving ur money [15266] zynx1209: LEBRON IN CHAT [15266] igetangryonr6: 4 hr mark [15266] j_rotho: White SPEED [15267] killemall5uuuuu: !gamble [15267] Duddastalktomenice: JUST TWERK AT THIS POINT [15267] bigmoemeedia: AIDEN IS IN CHAT [15267] 6599527: just subbed [15267] kodi436: when the rematch vs ILovex1m [15267] performsiegeplayer: randy orton? [15268] tsowell3006: !gamble all [15268] fiddley1: !charm [15268] blancwill1am: jynxzI is selligg my channel points [15268] StreamElements: tsowell3006 went all in and lost every single one of their 815 points LUL [15268] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [15268] himmy_bucketsfan: Aiden’s in chat [15268] chiefd247: !points [15269] mythicghost9: HES SNIPING [15269] StreamElements: @chiefd247 chiefd247 has 6070 points and is rank 76356/1742907 on the leaderboard. [15269] chunkoisfatty: GOODRDR AIIMM [15269] yrgdeoamp: yrgdeoamp subscribed at Tier 1. [15269] literalthereal: literalthereal subscribed with Prime. [15270] cardiac_daddy18381: !sub [15270] vibin_xyrix: stop making plays cheerleader [15270] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [15270] zynx1209: GYATTTT [15271] hovauk: W [15271] itzonnatali: jynxziFAT [15271] henry24687: AIDENS IN THE CHAT [15271] faithyuukii: junko you’re in a funk rn but I still love you daddy 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷 Fr YOURE golden [15271] bigmoemeedia: HES IN CHAT [15271] himothy4572: pre end [15272] ykchazz: GalaxyUnpacked GalaxyUnpacked GalaxyUnpacked GalaxyUnpacked [15272] zynx1209: EIZZLER [15272] jerellle: No [15272] RAIDXZ_R6: daddy [15273] crackerswhite: aiden in chat [15273] stixsnflixs: AIDENS NOT IN CHAT [15273] triketacos: !watchtime [15273] StreamElements: triketacos has spent 4 days 17 hours watching jynxzi [15274] mavaguns: Skibbidi toilet [15274] recoil_128: stompn carries stompn carries [15274] pay_kabes71: viewers going down lmao [15274] MostWantedZane: white speed [15275] pay_kabes71: washed [15275] switcher90s: you shouldnt be able to comm if dead [15276] duncanstreams0: sniping [15277] ace_freelight4: white speed [15277] Cashoutnil: STREAM SNIPING [15277] soldierboysad: who they playing against [15277] lorcansabeast: l bully [15277] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [15278] himmy_bucketsfan: in chat [15278] chunkoisfatty: aidens in chat [15278] Nightbot: Use code POGHF93417 for 65% off your first meal at https://strms.net/hellofresh_jynxzi [15278] skullgamers1640: he’s in stream [15279] kinoth_: let stompn cook [15279] keiijuan: bro still streaming [15279] zynx1209: BIG BOOTY [15279] layschips710: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 [15279] TriggahX: aiden in chat [15279] Harshgrind: junko kiss my barrel [15280] ykchazz: are you the #1 thug 😂😂😂 [15280] artistic_trix_: U SOLD [15280] lool122333: the moment it hits 6 hour hes leaving without saying bye [15281] chiefd247: !gamble 2000 [15281] jesssepinkkmzn: 1 [15281] HiVise: @NareclippedU ???? His name is @AidenTax and hes not in the stream 💀 [15281] midas_clutch: Jerking my Johnson to this stream fr [15281] stixsnflixs: AIDEN IS JUST BETTER [15281] himothy4572: AIDEN SNIPING [15281] gnaw256: @aidentax [15282] LadnerBaptisttt: when is fan maikl [15282] ktaets: 6 hours [15282] lorcansabeast: L bully [15282] justkman50000: !watchtime [15282] chunkoisfatty: AIDEN IN CHT [15282] jdot_c: Cheer1 [15282] ace_freelight4: White speed [15282] LEONpeonU123458362: he is streamsbiping [15282] StreamElements: justkman50000 has spent 40 mins watching jynxzi [15283] charlie_12345678901234: white speed [15284] llacx0: dick cheese [15284] Fossabot: @enforcer6387, Your message is too long [15284] masonsmith2116: !whatchtime [15284] joekc823: goodnight gotta go [15284] zynx1209: GYATTT [15284] dyIIan_: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [15284] bigmoemeedia: Aiden’s in chat [15284] xcacheflow_: @HiVise [15285] tsowell3006: !charm [15285] lil_ducky15: lag [15285] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [15285] x_skep_x: dadad [15285] jaycejohnson2001: !gamble 20 [15286] nathaniel0809: what do you think is the best attack op [15286] joe_99: !mc [15286] duncanstreams0: stream sniping [15286] zynx1209: RIZZER [15287] GHOSTEEE_23: shut upppppppppp junko [15287] xHELLSOVERLORDx: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [15287] ozcarrrr: hi [15287] soldierboysad: are u playing against randoms?> [15287] gawddreato: gawddreato subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [15288] powerplunga_: sniping! [15288] mason_b40: @xeroaiden [15288] charlie_12345678901234: White speed [15288] smicahshellz: Randy Orton????? [15288] ddacoolkids: !sens [15289] Nightbot: Jynxzi sens and settings here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2GcpqRqJ9U [15289] aomarmafia: !watchtime [15289] StreamElements: aomarmafia has spent 2 hours watching jynxzi [15290] faden208: stream sniping [15290] charlie_12345678901234: Fat [15290] txgerfighter: !watchtime [15290] bigmoemeedia: sniping [15290] caseintop: 4hers get off [15291] StreamElements: txgerfighter has spent 50 mins watching jynxzi [15291] ocheezyv: 1v1 shut uppppp [15291] nvxcahpn: DOESNT HAVE TO GIVE CALLOUTS MY ASS [15292] himothy4572: w snipe [15293] 33stopbondz: boom [15293] HoodProspect: kai stream snipin [15294] aiden_kinda: fuvk me [15295] kingofapex87: watchtime [15295] colbebryce: My question is how did he know to pre-aim at that as if he knew you were there already? [15295] iluvpenguinsb: if u see this I’m new brother ☝️ [15295] wassaidanwass: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [15296] charlie_12345678901234: White sketch [15296] Buster270: !gamble all [15296] pk_droid3: I’m a little late surprised your still streaming part timer [15296] unclebuck777: they don’t know what I’m on [15296] tannermangano: !watchtime [15296] demoncj22: sniping [15297] StreamElements: tannermangano has spent 4 days 17 hours watching jynxzi [15297] x_skep_x: ass [15297] GHOSTEEE_23: L callouts [15297] bigmoemeedia: they sniping [15297] edoggi77: Sniping [15297] LEONpeonU123458362: there stream sniping 100% [15297] freewins540: when is fan mail? [15297] gatpat_slapz09: !link [15298] Nightbot: @gatpat_slapz09 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [15298] blazeandrage: YOU ARE ALWAYS DEAD [15298] ethanval999: DinoDance DinoDance [15298] stixsnflixs: AIDEN IS BETTER IK ITS HARD TO BELIEVE [15299] killemall5uuuuu: !gamble all [15299] glossygeo: washed [15299] Decky5: chat did he win first map [15299] xGreens: who won map 1 [15301] cicada190: !watchtime [15301] charlie_12345678901234: White speed and fat [15301] StreamElements: cicada190 has spent 22 hours 30 mins watching jynxzi [15301] BigbywoIf: W [15302] iiriottii: !link [15302] mrgetupintheree: pro don’t fake [15302] FLM_Elite: !watchtime [15302] StreamElements: FLM_Elite has spent 1 day 7 hours watching jynxzi [15302] nightridaaaa: ! gamble [15303] phenix_277: jynxziGLASSES [15303] gavin_ur_mom: !watchtime [15303] aquioxw: good aim [15303] drmonkeeman10: PRE END [15303] Nightbot: @ptbxeno -> You wanna dance? [stop posting links] [15303] himothy4572: AIDEN SNIPING [15303] CarterOnHere: bad coms [15303] masonsmith2116: !watchtime [15304] tylerbacon43: stompin biting his tongue [15304] StreamElements: masonsmith2116 has spent 5 days 6 hours watching jynxzi [15304] arabjoke: WW [15304] Mystic3312: gamble 1000 [15304] chunkoisfatty: AIDENS IN THE VIEWER LIST [15304] jerellle: L [15305] Nightbot: Subscribe HERE: https://www.twitch.tv/subs/Jynxzi for the CHaaaaarm [15305] papahut05: !watchtime [15306] irlshitbag: !watchtime [15306] StreamElements: papahut05 has spent 1 day 16 hours watching jynxzi [15306] yiorio_: GET THE PON PONS READY [15306] gh0st_0o0_: @aiden_kinda [15306] 33stopbondz: junky bunky [15306] tsowell3006: !gamble all [15307] quinnd36: quinnd36 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! aty [15307] recoil_128: stompn carries you [15307] kingofapex87: !watchtime [15307] lPeriodFart: Definitely zen [15307] xpecthaven: nt [15307] StreamElements: kingofapex87 has spent 23 hours 50 mins watching jynxzi [15307] flixy_opp2x: !watchtime [15308] crackerswhite: aiden in chat [15308] bigmoemeedia: sniping [15308] tonyman5793: yo [15308] ethanval999: FallHalp FallHalp [15308] nvlovee: u 15 min over buddy [15309] backwardsgaming420: jynxzy I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUU [15309] ace_freelight4: !gamble all [15309] StreamElements: PogChamp ace_freelight4 went all in and won 510 points PogChamp they now have 1020 points FeelsGoodMan [15310] trips_ok: your selling [15310] kinoth_: nt [15310] j9Q9: YES [15311] calusesdong: washed [15311] drmonkeeman10: PRE END SOLD [15311] recoil_128: 2-5 [15311] hobbes_mobbin: LLLL [15312] duncanstreams0: sniping [15312] sobiethegreat: you are throwing [15312] bigmoemeedia: Aiden in chat [15312] charlie_12345678901234: Fat white speed [15312] kristo31: gg buddy [15312] jaycejohnson2001: !gamble 25 [15312] knowingcannan63: y’all suck [15312] brando1126: L [15312] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [15312] azraelwoah: damn [15312] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [15312] StreamElements: jaycejohnson2001 lost 25 points in roulette and now has 145 points! FeelsBadMan [15313] wyffd: 2-5 [15313] MXmck25: buss [15313] yummytie: @Decky5 YES [15313] Duddastalktomenice: JUST TWERK AT THIS POINT [15313] chunkoisfatty: SNIPING [15313] 33stopbondz: play harder [15313] artistic_trix_: SOLD [15314] henry24687: AIDENS IN THE CHAT [15314] elithe_great_: SOLD [15314] amroth_azaghal: STOMPN v 2 [15314] gubrilla: W SELL JYNXZI [15315] xpecthaven: ofc [15315] august3406: ur ass junko [15315] swatkill3184: -2K [15315] Duddastalktomenice: JUST TWERK AT THIS POINTT [15315] Get_Josued: common sell [15315] pay_kabes71: jynxzi ur selling [15315] charliegeorgee: junkcuck [15315] recoil_128: 2-5 2/5 [15315] TriggahX: aiden in chat [15315] maagmerkz25: -2k [15316] h0wlerz_: BARR AIM [15316] leannaklahn: AIDEN SNIPPPINGGG [15316] AngerManageMint: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL [15316] katta101: hi [15316] barneysdust: WASHED [15316] levyyyy____: excuses [15317] blendeduplevvi: 2-5🤣🤣😂💀💀💀😂💀🤣🤣🤣 [15317] powerplunga_: he sniping [15317] xbotdelta: Washed [15317] betterttk: they are sniping [15317] box_by_ice: !LINK [15317] taiscanlan123: As [15317] SlimReapaTV: 2-5….. [15317] eydanelduro: !watchtime [15317] MXmck25: busss [15317] caseintop: @aidentax in the chat [15317] chunkoisfatty: HES IN THE CHAT [15317] JustTeddie: throwing [15317] StreamElements: eydanelduro has spent 14 hours 30 mins watching jynxzi [15318] geraldmandingo: PRE END [15318] strikef1: !controllerbinds [15318] cornell0607: BRO NIC YOUR SELLING SOOOOOO BAD OMG [15318] CarterOnHere: 15 minutes too long [15318] xybiiit: !gamble all [15318] pay_kabes71: ofc [15318] CrimsonHelm: SOOOOL [15318] StreamElements: xybiiit went all in and lost every single one of their 4280 points LUL [15318] rnitten: -2k [15318] jdot_c: Cheer1 [15318] lPeriodFart: washed [15319] sobiethegreat: aiden sniping [15319] hiifti: CARRIED BOOTY [15319] chiefd247: !gamble2000 [15319] CrimsonHelm: DD [15319] MXmck25: bussss [15319] Fossabot: @usernotfound37, Your message is too long [15319] jo_el_1: YOURE ASS [15319] MrDrAlanGrant: stream snipe [15320] nfncpure: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 [15320] chunkoisfatty: CHAT [15320] ikex777: 2-5 [15320] faithyuukii: junko you’re in a funk rn but I still love you daddy 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷 [15320] itsminicoop10: aidenfat snipinggggg [15320] SlimReapaTV: hello???? [15320] deadsabo: Pre end [15320] trips_ok: 2-5 [15320] faden208: stream sniping [15320] deionbassett: he owns you [15321] JEFE_TWITCH_: washed [15321] iamnomix: WASHED [15321] pay_kabes71: washed [15321] duncanstreams0: stream sniping [15321] CrimsonHelm: SOOOOLD [15321] 0_mason_o: After this I'm never voting you again [15321] bigmoemeedia: sniping [15321] itsluis75: -2k [15321] lorcansabeast: l bully [15321] cam_twitchtv: pls stop selling junko [15321] artistic_trix_: PLAY HARDER [15321] EgirlFresh: jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES [15321] MXmck25: bussssss [15322] cringygamerpro: GG [15322] ebccluchez: @jynxzi why can’t I sub with prime?? [15322] Mystic3312: !gamble 1000 [15322] chunkoisfatty: Chatetrtrt [15322] xslenderyoshix: forsenLaughingAtYou forsenLaughingAtYou forsenLaughingAtYou forsenLaughingAtYou jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [15322] august3406: SELLING [15323] StreamElements: @Mystic3312, you only have 445 points. [15323] cai_st: SNIPING [15323] nfncpure: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 [15323] brando1126: sniping [15323] just_choccy: @aiden_kinda [15323] bryson_671: sniping [15323] MAKEANGELS4GOD: selling [15323] yiorio_: USE THE PON PONS [15323] Jeff_WU____: ☝🏿 [15324] ZombVr: snipe [15324] liquidviper977: !& [15324] ebknight89: going to watch baseball instead. more exciting [15324] JEFE_TWITCH_: ass [15324] senshikevin: sniprinj [15324] calvbeastly110: deimos [15325] xHELLSOVERLORDx: jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY [15325] 6stxrr_ivan: when’s wager? [15325] maagmerkz25: washed [15325] rprophecyy: @aidentax [15325] vxzukii_gg: 1v2 me n my friend hes gold 2 im plat 3>>>>>>>>> [15325] xoakua: Pre End [15325] recoil_128: 2-5 [15325] secrxfyclipz: !link [15325] 13mxk: !watchtime [15325] swatkill3184: -2K. [15325] SolHusky: STREAM SNIPOJG [15325] StreamElements: 13mxk has spent 2 days 16 hours watching jynxzi [15325] eljohn17_: Washed [15325] tyson2722: aidan sniping [15325] Ahryma: they didnt need a cam for that [15326] qeyyys: WASHEDD [15326] Denekyy: AIDEN IN CHAT AIDEN IN CHAT AIDEN IN CHAT AIDEN IN CHAT AIDEN IN CHAT AIDEN IN CHAT [15326] bluemerica: stream sniping [15326] cameronbanks22: !roulette 500 [15326] yamamadumb1212: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [15326] j9Q9: ofc bottom off the scoreboard again tuh [15326] 713chinooo: f [15326] chunkoisfatty: IN THE CHAT [15326] cxrtz05: Zack and Cody tripping [15326] StreamElements: cameronbanks22 won 500 points in roulette and now has 1530 points! FeelsGoodMan [15326] Nightbot: F in the chat [15326] 226_Toyo: stop selling fat ass [15326] cringygamerpro: PRE END [15326] cruddykiwi: WASSSSHHHED [15326] combatsquash14: bad [15327] elevenslayer148: 2-5 no eys [15327] killabee1025: Jynxsi sold [15327] Luvelpro: !watchtime [15327] renegaderaider273829: @aidentax [15327] aidanbruh21: carried [15327] ashtn1738: sniping [15328] ash_ave_bubba: get your shit together!!!!! [15328] StreamElements: Luvelpro has spent 23 hours 50 mins watching jynxzi [15328] unweII: YOU ARE SELLING [15328] Phantomille: @hivise aiden in chat [15328] Harshgrind: love u lebronzo [15328] chodatron: sniping [15328] nfncpure: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 [15329] clumsypickie: washed [15329] JEFE_TWITCH_: @jynxzi is so ass [15329] weezdog30: -2k lol [15329] keithlistlll: l 3k [15329] xtheblackmode: u washed [15329] skullgamers1640: they are stream sniping [15329] lilpewpew6: pre endddd [15329] zachary3323: pre end [15329] Sp1keee__: PAUSE [15329] dylannn619: pre end [15329] yonisalzamli77: ITS 1V2 [15329] lPeriodFart: kill something [15329] duncanstreams0: snipe [15330] roninakadupa: !sub [15330] 1renero: carried [15330] Denekyy: AIDEN IN CHAT AIDEN IN CHAT AIDEN IN CHAT AIDEN IN CHAT AIDEN IN CHAT AIDEN IN CHAT [15330] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [15330] lc_papacito: L aiden sniping [15330] azraelwoah: this is all your fault jizzy [15330] urmomsbarber: sucks at every other map but Oregon [15330] lilpewpew6: jejhejhehehe [15330] gnaw256: SeemsGood [15331] strikef1: !keybinds [15331] jiavanniii: chalk my points [15331] imgood_at_fortnite: AIDENS IN THE CHAT [15331] dunkondeezz: sniping [15331] luis_eloi10: carried [15331] casontheman1st: I’m thinking about getting into puppet making is that weird [15331] kingpakalypse93: Carried stop selling Jynxzi [15331] daniel_severe: CMOOOOOON [15331] Denekyy: AIDEN IN CHAT AIDEN IN CHAT AIDEN IN CHAT AIDEN IN CHAT AIDEN IN CHAT AIDEN IN CHAT AIDEN IN CHAT AIDEN IN CHAT AIDEN IN CHAT AIDEN IN CHAT AIDEN IN CHAT AIDEN IN CHAT [15332] unweII: SOLD [15332] z_purpleswag1: pre end [15332] danielbeachey3: AIDEN [15332] kessinger_9918: kessinger_9918 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 6 month streak! [15332] papitan10: common run out you hardly get kills on it idiot [15332] jblax24: !watchtime [15332] sld_stxtic: carried [15332] yiorio_: 2-5 KEVIN [15332] disdoodisnotpro: pre end [15332] StreamElements: jblax24 has spent 2 days 19 hours watching jynxzi [15332] Slap336: SELLING [15332] lilpewpew6: jkasblkd balkdasjf laksdjbn [15332] crackerswhite: aiden was in chat [15332] hdk300: competition [15332] maagmerkz25: -2k [15333] chunkoisfatty: BROOOOOOOOO [15333] lunchiestbox: Junkkkk selllling [15333] GHOSTEEE_23: should have bet more against stompin in this 1v2 [15333] jackst08: L [15333] wyffd: when did they release Stompn backpack simulator [15333] calvbeastly110: Deimos [15333] Sp1keee__: PAUSE BREAK [15333] BlueMoon1801: Deimos BRO CMON [15333] renegaderaider273829: they in chat [15334] cai_st: Sniping [15334] nvxcahpn: PLS DONT SELL THIS [15334] koliesk: come on junko you got this [15334] LakeStevensSlayer: play harder [15334] obvioussly_: ur not good [15334] m1xxfps: Sleekx7 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! [15334] faithyuukii: junko you’re in a funk rn but I still love you daddy 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷 it’s all good [15334] loon9406: washed bud [15334] ffffyggyghhug: !gamble 10 [15335] cornell0607: jynxziCRY [15335] kenshi_555: your trash washed up selling stompin [15335] MorkViking: COMMON RUNOUT DUMBASSS [15335] treyywydd: treyywydd subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 4 month streak! [15335] monesterapp99: You sold [15335] leannaklahn: aIDEN SNIPPPINGGGG [15335] StreamElements: ffffyggyghhug lost 10 points in roulette and now has 245 points! FeelsBadMan [15335] jackst08: Q [15335] volublerex: washed [15335] clumsypickie: FBPass FBBlock FBPass FBBlock FBPass FBBlock [15335] Wildlyoutoffocus: jynxziLaugh [15335] aydivine: when fan mail [15335] bluemerica: they sniping your Johnson yo [15335] fckbraeden: if dude sells my points again man [15335] rainbowninja172: suck my dic [15336] RamboSchlong: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [15336] d_unknown_vegi: STREAM SNIPING [15336] j9Q9: Ofc bottom off the scoreboard again tuh [15336] blurrymidnights: !gamble all [15336] Sp1keee__: PAUSE BREAK! [15336] unklemustache: gg [15336] StreamElements: PogChamp blurrymidnights went all in and won 1905 points PogChamp they now have 3810 points FeelsGoodMan [15336] m6s0nn: vic sniping [15336] mirkooo_o: !watchtime [15336] henry24687: AIDEN SNIPING [15337] kt8vonxbox: aiden is in stream [15337] StreamElements: mirkooo_o has spent 12 days 8 hours watching jynxzi [15337] 1renero: ur selling [15337] ilvemadelyncline: !watchtime [15337] adrianmonks: @aidentax [15337] katta101: bri [15337] TCO_nick: HESS STILL STREAMINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG [15337] immercii123: pre end [15337] powerplunga_: it’s not a cam he stream sniped you [15337] gnaw256: OptimizePrime [15337] jackst08: La [15337] llacx0: yu ass [15337] GHOSTEEE_23: 1v2 [15337] tyson2722: aidan in viewer list [15337] snoopyrelic078: snoopyrelic078 subscribed with Prime. [15338] loon9406: washed dad [15338] Cozza_: so carried ngl, play the game more to be good [15338] omniswyd: L Part Timer [15338] Sp1keee__: PAUSE BREAK!!! [15338] sqelchy: jynxzi selling the bread [15338] Harshgrind: lebronzo [15338] be_nss: PAY STOMPN [15338] 6stxrr_ivan: when wager? [15338] locomoco8080: part timer [15338] parker_57: theyre in the chat [15338] h8tq: Kai is waiting [15338] icyivory: chill in site and relax [15338] charliegeorgee: 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸AIDENS UP YOUR ASS🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 [15338] acidthriller: lock in [15338] graph106: I'm losing 8k jajajajajajajJ at this point [15339] milzalx7: !roulette [15339] glizzybob55: Play harder [15339] iluvmurdxa: sniping [15339] exhaustedslothh: losing 2k [15339] imdruuunk: DRINK BEER! [15339] z_purpleswag1: no tf they arent [15340] CZPerseuS: can i get a gifted ? czpersEz [15340] StraightBeaming: chalked channel points [15340] henry24687: AIDEN IN CHAT [15341] GHOSTEEE_23: poor stompn [15341] llacx0: part timer [15341] jeremiahallen8: you got this bro just focus [15341] Nightbot: poor❌ pour✅ [15341] trippinfrr: 3K FUCKIN POINTTTSSSSS JYNXZI [15341] 13mxk: !gamble 100 [15341] StreamElements: 13mxk won 100 points in roulette and now has 2265 points! FeelsGoodMan [15341] Phantomille: STREAM SNIPING [15341] ch1ckfilasian: hey dude🗣️ [15341] jackst08: L [15341] charlie_12345678901234: Fuck you fat [15341] pochedepatate1: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [15342] johnsonbig1: bout to be down 2 bands [15342] danielbeachey3: HES STREAM SNIPING [15342] kt8vonxbox: aiden is in [15342] caseintop: @aidentax in the chat bro [15342] jimmmaa: 2-0 TO 0-2 [15342] vashuk95: sellllllller [15342] MrDrAlanGrant: STREAM SNIPIUNG [15342] deany23: #carried [15343] strikef1: !sens [15343] a1boss4: Bro you have to win [15343] THE_R33CE: Remember they push you when you are on defense [15343] Nightbot: Jynxzi sens and settings here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2GcpqRqJ9U [15343] imgood_at_fortnite: HES IN THE CHAT [15343] quinnd36: what the sigma [15343] sh6mss: seller [15343] rioluk: rioluk subscribed with Prime. [15343] soysauce_12: Washed [15343] edwin_ivan23: white speed [15344] freshgorilla4: lose harder [15344] HoodProspect: kai stream snipin [15344] its_vandy69: stopmn daddy [15344] linklink232: ur a stompn merchant [15344] lloveximm: Stop complaining [15344] llacx0: waxk [15344] daddydex6969: daddydex6969 subscribed at Tier 1. [15344] FLM_Elite: !watchtime [15344] 6stxrr_ivan: when’s wager [15345] mannyclose20: GGs [15345] TunaSubbington: L seller [15345] immercii123: when is sketch 1v1 [15345] StreamElements: FLM_Elite has spent 1 day 7 hours watching jynxzi [15345] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [15345] Matthew571: Points gone [15345] cringygamerpro: 2-5 OLD [15345] itsnotnoahxd: NBAWASHO [15345] chunkoisfatty: REALLY BAD AIM FROM JUNKY TRUNKY CHUNKY HERE [15345] codyxo69: @Aidentax [15345] duddydimes: stop selling [15346] exhaustedslothh: pre end [15346] graymonkey06: 4hours stream is crazy [15346] Itzdanielle09: we know [15346] darkestreaim: !gamble 5 [15346] slimerrr7600: 45 MIN LEFT [15346] WTFKEKWLOL: Selling [15346] StreamElements: darkestreaim lost 5 points in roulette and now has 5 points! FeelsBadMan [15346] recongaming_24: stomps lowkey tired [15346] faithyuukii: junko you’re in a funk rn but I still love you daddy 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷 you’re the goat [15346] a1exc1: when’s fanmail ? [15346] runatrainonmemmg: feel bad for stompn [15346] koliesk: nah you’re good [15346] liquidviper977: !gamble 579 [15347] BlueMoon1801: DEIMOS BRO [15347] StreamElements: liquidviper977 won 579 points in roulette and now has 20225 points! FeelsGoodMan [15347] dexxbz: 2-5 Jared [15347] dado_ubica: !gamble all [15347] lemur824: true [15347] 1renero: carried [15347] danielbeachey3: ADINS IN CHAT [15348] GHOSTEEE_23: too late [15348] StreamElements: PogChamp dado_ubica went all in and won 1550 points PogChamp they now have 3100 points FeelsGoodMan [15348] realafcu: white speed [15348] crazykiller721_beastmode: Yo u need to stop every person u go head to head with even if it's solo or what [15348] MyBananaTooRipe: Aiden sniping [15348] imgood_at_fortnite: BRO JE [15348] calusesdong: you suck [15348] deviousdaniel8: !link [15348] clumsypickie: what the sigma [15348] caseintop: sniping [15348] ch1ckfilasian: ⭐️ [15348] jaycejohnson2001: !gamble 75 [15348] Nightbot: @deviousdaniel8 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [15348] drmonkeeman10: pre end [15348] BigggPhat: stream sniping [15349] monesterapp99: BADD AIMM [15349] irlshitbag: wait [15349] 4Wolfey4: STREAM SNIPING [15349] saltedcracker4: !gamble 200 [15349] maniiio_: royalp6Bozo royalp6Bozo royalp6Bozo royalp6Bozo royalp6Bozo [15349] z_purpleswag1: NO THEY AINT DUMBASSES [15349] h0wlerz_: LOCK IN [15349] Matthew571: Point guard [15349] cornell0607: YEAH THEN DIAL IDIOT [15349] chonkste: pre end [15349] StreamElements: @saltedcracker4, you only have 50 points. [15349] TheKingTayy: how much is up ? [15349] McStuttter: @aiden_kinda [15349] bluemerica: sniping your johnson [15349] spooky_667: Sell out [15350] immercii123: case oh waiting [15350] rip_gorlo: Jynxsell [15350] gavin_ur_mom: !watchtime [15350] imiiglacial: washed [15350] somerndmprsn: aiden stream sniping [15350] lPeriodFart: washed [15350] StreamElements: gavin_ur_mom has spent 1 hour 40 mins watching jynxzi [15351] squirts_a_lot: llol [15351] raze798: !followage [15351] itsluis75: yeah u selling [15351] tellyg47: NotLikeThis [15351] faithyuukii: junko you’re in a funk rn but I still love you daddy 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷 mwah [15351] RecWtw: clix [15351] MAKEANGELS4GOD: you’re making stompn look bad [15351] chacho7638: lock in [15351] Nightbot: @taiscanlan123 -> Sometimes you scare me! [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [15351] StreamElements: @raze798, raze798 has been following jynxzi for 3 years 5 hours [15351] Nate2Gleeful: FortBush [15351] GHOSTEEE_23: no shit [15352] yonisalzamli77: STOMPN 1V2 [15352] yiorio_: PRE END [15352] maniiio_: royalp6Bozo royalp6Bozo [15352] ImTimzey: TYPE 1 if u think jynxzi is boosted [15352] kolbym22: master baiter [15352] kings0811: L crackhead [15352] gubrilla: honestly you're hard selling [15352] shotby3bdu: !gamble 9 [15352] SlimReapaTV: ok at least you know what’s wrong [15352] irlshitbag: !watchtime [15353] faden208: stream sniping [15353] spiceinf: FUCK IT TURN UP [15353] Nightbot: ok [15353] StreamElements: shotby3bdu lost 9 points in roulette and now has 11 points! FeelsBadMan [15353] deany23: 🤡🤡🤡 [15353] charlie_12345678901234: Lock in [15353] StreamElements: irlshitbag has spent 11 hours 20 mins watching jynxzi [15353] stoneymcstoner69: Its okay your not good any more bro [15353] meersy303: No shit [15353] woystershiresauce: white speed is insane [15353] onlybychanc3: who won the first one [15353] jynxzi_is_mine_: jynxziGLASSES [15354] CookedDrew: LINK [15354] itsdonggg: itsdonggg subscribed at Tier 1. [15354] Buster270: !gamble all [15354] BackisPack: sniping [15354] Matthew571: points gone [15354] fault404__: no shit [15354] StreamElements: Buster270 went all in and lost every single one of their 32 points LUL [15354] Mcdragonn: callme992AMP [15354] luminalhail: Pre end [15354] fadedgamess: @aidentax [15355] dagoat8989: sellin [15355] MrDrAlanGrant: FUCKING DUMB ASS BITCH [15355] tristyynt: your good dude just chill [15355] z_purpleswag1: THEY HAD DRONES ON HIM [15355] itsnotnoahxd: NBAWASHED [15355] yodoffxy: we know [15356] jeremiahallen8: you got this [15356] Mcdragonn: callme992AMP callme992AMP [15356] danielbeachey3: ADANS IN chat [15356] jynree: @Jynxzi lock in dont read this [15356] BigbywoIf: W [15356] xbotdelta: REIMBURSE STOMPN [15356] kmonkeyktm: @aiden# [15356] Thatoneduuude: THAT'S THE GOAL [15356] hxzey04: goodnight yall [15356] clu_Il: kafe is a boring ass map [15356] b8tamales: he gonna get smoked [15356] iminchampinseige: My Johnson is wet [15357] amplify12321: kreoClench [15357] saidur__0705: 1 hr 45 mins till the '6 HR STREAM' [15357] Immurement: Boutta get carried and lose LUL [15357] Nate2Gleeful: FortBush FortBush FortBush FortBush FortBush FortBush FortBush FortBush FortBush FortBush FortBush FortBush FortBush FortBush FortBush [15357] BreadXttv: l [15357] sakata_ix: Let's go [15357] cxeqi987: cxeqi987 subscribed with Prime. [15357] chiefd247: !points [15357] asianboyg: @aidentaz [15357] StreamElements: @chiefd247 chiefd247 has 6070 points and is rank 76356/1742906 on the leaderboard. [15357] genericdinosaur: genericdinosaur subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! buttcheeks [15358] zynx1209: @hivise what’s up bro 😭 [15358] SlimReapaTV: STAY TF ALIVE [15358] kodi436: damn IloveX1m whoop your ass when you going to rematch him [15358] satiia_21: 2-5 mice [15358] xlZODIAClx_: !watchtime [15358] loon9406: wash ur in stomp's backpack [15358] jynxzi_is_mine_: jynxziCopper [15358] StreamElements: zozo214666 has spent 13 hours 40 mins watching jynxzi [15358] 4Wolfey4: HES IN CHAT [15358] katta101: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [15359] ducks3121: stop overthinking [15359] kings0811: L crackheadd [15359] juzevsp: !gamble 40 [15359] MXmck25: lock in cumko [15359] ursuchasnackontiktok: get better aim [15359] simon21lfc: So we're in tutorial [15359] Mcdragonn: callme992AMP callme992AMP callme992AMP callme992AMP callme992AMP callme992AMP callme992AMP callme992AMP callme992AMP [15359] dented838: LUL [15359] StreamElements: juzevsp lost 40 points in roulette and now has 50 points! FeelsBadMan [15359] xZiosss: its always on you cheerleader [15359] eventyrg: NO FUCKING SHIT DUDE [15360] jynxzi_is_mine_: jynxziBadAim YouWHY [15360] GHOSTEEE_23: junko is black speed [15360] himothy4572: AIDEn is sniping [15360] LEONpeonU123458362: stream sniping [15360] breckenc: lock in [15360] vxzukii_gg: w sell [15360] charlie_12345678901234: Lock the fuck in pussy [15361] pulse3370: AIDEN STREAM SNIPER [15361] westo5: nice deduction dummy [15361] faithyuukii: junko you’re in a funk rn but I still love you daddy 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷 you gotta lock in [15361] aidanmjh4: sniping [15361] luc117700: white speed is waiting [15361] jynxzi_is_mine_: jynxziHappy jynxziCopper [15361] strikef1: !sens. [15362] adrianmonks: SNIPING [15362] hugso_: !gamble 200 [15362] kmonkeyktm: in chat [15362] imgood_at_fortnite: JINYXI THEY ARE WT [15362] juju777654: dick in my anus now [15362] bandz4dom: COMONNNNNNN LOCKKKK INNNN [15362] StreamElements: hugso_ lost 200 points in roulette and now has 100 points! FeelsBadMan [15362] chunkoisfatty: ITS CAUSE YOUR FAT [15362] juniorchii: LUL LUL LUL [15362] CarlWheezR6: skill issue [15362] jynxzi_is_mine_: jynxziRage jynxziGLASSES [15362] jacobv1818: come onnnnnn bro [15363] ellie_is: just like tournament saturday [15363] conkersbadfurday: your getting to fat to fit in the backpack junko [15363] grandfist2000: I put 1 band on you [15363] Starlie_: 2 and 5 Clive [15363] ixbrannxs: You selling stompn [15364] drippyefx: drippyefx subscribed at Tier 1. [15364] wyffd: yeah thats how you win [15364] pdrillaa: @aidentax [15364] bolt_r2: WHAT [15364] red_dealu: if e keep selling like that yea he will lose 2k [15364] jynxzi_is_mine_: jynxziBadAim YouWHY [15364] nfncpure: 2-5 CHIVE [15364] Scott_Danshaw: AIDEN IN CHAT [15364] frenchstench69: just stop dieing EZ W [15365] gkc919: you need to stop playing like scared [15365] Simplyng2690: just hop off [15365] faithyuukii: can u ram me in site [15365] xrynzi: selling my channel points twice is xrazyv [15365] Isaiahdeez01: justice for rayan [15365] BreadXttv: ur selling [15366] whivs: someone tell me if they won oregon i wasnt here [15366] jynxzi_is_mine_: jynxziHappy [15366] ZencoSJ: @aiden_kinda [15366] CookedDrew: lInK [15366] Antonio99sp: !followage [15366] charliegeorgee: 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸AIDENS UP YOUR ASS🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 [15366] alexjojo999: !gamble all [15366] vixzry3x: jynxziSmoke jynxziCRY jynxziBounce jynxziFALL jynxziSNOT jynxziGLASSES jynxziPACK jynxziGRIDDY jynxziTONGUE jynxziRAHHH [15367] StreamElements: @Antonio99sp, antonio99sp has been following jynxzi for 2 years 11 months 16 days 12 hours [15367] joseph_mccleery: !gamble all [15367] StreamElements: alexjojo999 went all in and lost every single one of their 1885 points LUL [15367] strikef1: !sens [15367] BRKsTHY: !comands [15367] haytch9x: warden lesion [15367] StreamElements: joseph_mccleery went all in and lost every single one of their 60 points LUL [15367] lucky6159: who won map 1 [15367] zannkyogtiktok: @zachary3323 [15367] disdoodisnotpro: PRE END [15367] gerrycube: !followage [15367] stawpin: stompn not trippin cause it ain’t his bread 🤣😂 [15367] chunkoisfatty: fatass [15367] iplayswingg: 4 hours [15368] SharkInDF: u guys lost. [15368] asianboyg: @aidentax [15368] llhamood95ll: add delay [15368] rnitten: !watchtime [15368] voidghd: !Watchtime [15368] lc_papacito: Aiden in chat [15368] lilpoppa101: ypoooooooooo [15368] StreamElements: rnitten has spent 1 month 28 days 5 hours watching jynxzi [15369] henry24687: aiden in chat [15369] adrianmonks: @hivise HES SNIPING [15369] jynxzi_is_mine_: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [15369] ebccluchez: ebccluchez subscribed with Prime. [15370] xHELLSOVERLORDx: xhells1Emotecode xhells1Emotecode xhells1Emotecode xhells1Emotecode xhells1Emotecode xhells1Emotecode xhells1Emotecode xhells1Emotecode xhells1Emotecode xhells1Emotecode [15370] fadedgamess: @jynxzi [15370] LEONpeonU123458362: he is in chat bro [15371] RageDaaGreat: W [15371] jynxzi_is_mine_: jynxziCopper [15371] SharkInDF: Idek why I better on u [15371] Memeshitpost: Bros cooked [15371] myth1c4134: LOCK IN 🤫🧏♂️ [15371] charliegeorgee: 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸AIDENS UP YOUR ASS🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸⏱️ [15372] jynxzi_is_mine_: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [15372] lilpoppa101: tttttt [15372] caseintop: @aidentax is sniping [15372] liam3548: 3-4 pre end [15372] rimz_y: jynxzi does not disappoint [15372] Lehon5: can i have a sub pls? [15373] Hotdogdawg: @Jynxzi fix your fucking mindset right now [15373] chunkoisfatty: 2 HOUR STREAMER [15373] nfncpure: 2-5 CLIVE [15373] schwiftypsu: !watchtime [15373] ggsinchat144: lock the fuck in [15373] LoukWarm: !ubisoft+ [15373] a1exc1: fanmail when ? [15373] StreamElements: schwiftypsu has spent 6 days 16 hours watching jynxzi [15373] madero187: yuh [15373] Isaiahdeez01: unban rayan [15374] KcDarkxKnight: w [15374] deany23: ♿️♿️ [15374] bmdevill4499: !sub [15374] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [15374] ImArdyn: Jynxzi not reading chat as usual [15374] masonrausch23: Great Strat, try that one [15374] 4okemon: did they win map 1 [15374] slyyfn2: AIDEN IN THE STREAM [15374] luminalhail: Pre -4k [15375] mazark0: bro you sold this whole stream except 2 times [15375] iplayswingg: w [15375] z_purpleswag1: they had drones on him [15375] haytch9x: aiden sniping [15375] xyomdxdebo: junto you sold? [15375] flamezgaming15: almost 5 hours [15375] jo_el_1: hop that ass on Fortnite [15375] FrVoodoo_: !watchtime [15375] hugso_: hxbxb [15375] StreamElements: FrVoodoo_ has spent 18 hours watching jynxzi [15376] katta101: PowerUpL MyAvatar PowerUpR [15376] vixzry3x: YO [15376] Nate2Gleeful: FortHype FortBush FortHype FortBush FortHype FortBush FortHype FortBush FortHype FortBush FortHype FortBush FortHype FortBush FortHype FortBush FortHype FortBush FortHype FortBush FortHype FortBush [15376] lilpoppa101: tt [15376] 1voids_nova: 2-5 [15376] CarlWheezR6: in chat [15376] adonias1514: Nokk is so useless [15377] hovauk: WW [15377] CookedDrew: LinK [15377] Driplord_liv: who winning [15377] adrianmonks: AIDEN IN CHAT [15377] vulk_btw: AH 2 EZ [15377] Nightbot: too easy [15377] vxzukii_gg: w sell bro [15377] sportnugget_13: !watchtimw [15377] ilvemadelyncline: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [15378] LEONpeonU123458362: stream sniping [15378] haytch9x: aiden in charge of [15378] kt8vonxbox: aiden is in aiden is in aiden is in aiden is in aiden is in aiden is in aiden is in aiden is in aiden is in aiden is in aiden is in aiden is in [15379] fadedgamess: @hivise [15379] hotnoob76: Lag [15379] homez_15: w [15379] charlie_12345678901234: Lock in fat boy [15379] pochedepatate1: !gamble 100 [15379] StreamElements: pochedepatate1 won 100 points in roulette and now has 1110 points! FeelsGoodMan [15380] alexandrr257: WWWWWWWWWWWW [15380] ervycWSF: @aiden [15380] chiefd247: !gamble 2000 | Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [15200] I'm sorry, I'm ready to remain. Wait, wait, they knew I was there. Not one drone and the other drone was caught in white waiting for me. [15210] I'm talking Shove a dick in my vagina show out drink see do not shove a dick in my vagina. I'm sorry. I Just got full on me bro. I just got [15220] full on fucking baited. He said there was one drone left and of course it's in the most inconvenience for me. [15230] CEL both of [15240] That job's guy light he ran you mr. C4 why did not blow right I think the drone is still on you on the it's not on you It's on it's all at the pillar of the very white marble thing [15250] Drop down, Randy Orton, Pillar, Pillar, Pillar, Pillar. I have your Red 90, Kim's Act. Don't even fucking worry about it. He's gonna be reading door until I- [15260] different. Reading and reading and reading. [15270] I can call plan. Planting by the store I think by the pillar. Sticking, sticking, sticking. No, off it, off it, off it! [15280] No, he can't be that he can't be that. So really? [15290] Stick it. No object. This is Christ. Back in reading. He's not in the other signs in reading. [15300] Their [15310] I don't know if they knew I was fucking there, bro. They had a cam bottom white. I don't know where it was though. Right in Cedar here, inn. Yeah, man. [15320] just ask. Alright, I need to chill a little bit. I took the crack head mindset a little too far that round. Bro, cuz like fun. [15330] How did I even fall for that though, bro? Like why would Aiden buck open the white hallway window like he obviously has someone watching? There's like no benefit of that other than baiting [15340] No, chat that rounds 100% on me bro. Honestly this game is on me. Honestly the dollar. How do I read that? Riding time not like die. [15350] I think I'm reading again for sure. Yep, they're reading with a warden in a lesion. Warden in a lesion, I'm simply not going in. Insertion in five seconds. [15360] I'm gonna like Ram site Let's go bro, let's go! No! No, I'm not red cam, I'm red cam Yep, on it, on it Like a second Yep, you're good, follow Apparently a C-Shibli could hear everything [15370] Mm-hmm. Like a gone bait. Wait, I have something shh. I heard red carpet, but I don't hear them down here. Wait, wait, wait. Fuck yo, he's blocking open emo. | There is a Highlight between 15200 and 15500. Jynxzi dies in a very dumb way, then screams in response. |
Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [15500] acee888: stompon sold [15500] pransterp: jynxzibadaim [15501] gamerchill675: !watchtime [15501] spiceinf: STOMP [15501] omar9541: Washed [15501] StreamElements: gamerchill675 has spent 7 days 1 hour watching jynxzi [15502] lc_papacito: Aiden is stream sniping [15503] faithyuukii: JUNKO LOCK IN [15503] Dushlaii: stewNT stewNT stewNT stewNT stewNT stewNT [15503] boaatss: !point [15504] chunkoisfatty: HES IN THE STREAM [15504] StreamElements: JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/jynxzi [15504] cheebah710: HypeDisguise HypeDisguise HypeDisguise [15505] ginjah_ninja10: they snipping bro [15505] DavieBroy: Aiden was sniping. He just left the chat [15505] KREZ0_: Carried classic [15505] kingbronsen15: sniping vise [15505] spiceinf: STOMPP [15506] duallydulak: AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING [15506] bootygobler389: whens next copper 2 champ ep [15506] iikailebii: Hey [15507] chunkoisfatty: AIDEN IN THE STREAM [15508] pwr_claps: … [15508] tduncan9999: jynxziLOL jynxziLOL jynxziLOL jynxziLOL [15509] bigpoppa365: THIS DUDE SELLS [15509] damperferret308: !rules [15509] noel_pushing__p: jynxziCopper [15509] Nightbot: 1. No bullying, sexism, racism, homophobia or other hate-based chat 2. No ethnic, sexual, religious, disability, agist or transphobic slurs 3. Don’t spam words or use all-caps 4. Don’t argue with people over chat — especially the moderators 5. English only in chat 6. No advertising or self-promotion 7. No backseat gaming ALSO 8. HARASSMENT OF ANY KIND WILL NOT BE TOLERATED- This will result in a severe time out or a permanent ban from chat [15509] iforgotmypas23: Who ever follows me gets a treat [15509] slop_2: @bad aim [15510] voodoochile1827: plz gift sub MingLee MingLee MingLee [15510] woovax: LOCK IN BRO [15510] fkiller2103: !watchtime [15511] StreamElements: fkiller2103 has spent 3 hours 50 mins watching jynxzi [15511] lilsluga: jesus stompn is amazing [15511] pay_kabes71: stompn carrying [15513] chunkoisfatty: AIDEN IS IN YOUR VIEWER LIST [15513] soysauce_12: Part timer [15513] ocheezyv: don’t be scared be looking [15513] dajeee_capital: ok [15513] Nightbot: ok [15514] 1renero: throwing [15514] duallydulak: AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPINg [15514] smackson_jeager: link? [15514] kyixzu: @hivise [15515] a629184: !charm [15515] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [15515] gavin_ur_mom: !link [15515] braydondag0at: YO GET JON PAUL GATIEAR [15515] Nightbot: @gavin_ur_mom If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [15515] tduncan9999: Squid1 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [15515] daddydex6969: your ass [15516] bigmanchris_69: !sub [15516] pwr_claps: He in chat [15516] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [15517] NinjaDuckyYT: aim [15518] BATMANDMAN: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [15518] koliesk: lock in junko [15518] airlocket157478: Jynxzi got punched by Mike Tyson in the FACE [15518] bigouncedanny: stompn pls [15518] duallydulak: AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING [15518] uriell_8: uriell_8 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! boobies. [15518] awwayqw: LOCK IN LOCK IN LOCK IN LOCK IN LOCK IN LOCK IN LOCK IN LOCK IN LOCK IN LOCK IN LOCK IN LOCK IN LOCK IN LOCK IN LOCK IN LOCK IN LOCK IN LOCK IN LOCK IN LOCK IN [15519] KREZ0_: Sketch is waiting [15519] Beaven91: ur ass [15519] iikailebii: Hey jynxzi [15520] prblrns: junko didn’t sell bro why wasn’t Stompn holding the hallway 😭 [15520] ginjah_ninja10: he called out your timestamp at 4 hours or smth [15520] icelickz: call junko hivsee [15520] drippyefx: !link [15520] spiceinf: OH [15520] 1renero: get a kill [15521] dostay_: AIDEN IN THE STREAM [15521] Nightbot: @chunkoisfatty -> Oops, I did it again! [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [15521] bigouncedanny: stompn my goat [15522] bigouncedanny: pls [15522] kyixzu: @jynxzi [15522] Kryten319: 6 hour stream? [15522] IIThommo: wait jynxi has gone over 4 hours 😂 [15522] lilsluga: skill level >>> [15523] xoRuger: washed [15523] xoRuger: washed [15523] ohiosred_neck: ohiosred_neck subscribed at Tier 1. [15523] redrozzez: !watchtime [15523] faden208: stay off your boi [15523] faithyuukii: DADDY LOCK IN [15523] gray_sn: !watchtime [15523] StreamElements: redrozzez has spent 16 days 12 hours watching jynxzi [15524] xoRuger: washed [15524] noel_pushing__p: jynxziGLASSES [15524] nickka_clickka: HIVISE WATCH AIDEN DURING ROUNDS HES LOOKING ALL OVER THE PLACE [15524] butternubs_200: !watchtime [15524] xoRuger: washed [15524] xoRuger: washed [15525] xoRuger: washed [15525] exotixdavid: !LINK [15525] gnom3o: GOOD ROUND BOYSSSSSSSSSSSSSS [15525] lostkeys1228: Hy [15526] atorres56077: STREAM SNIPPING!!! [15526] icelickz: sniping [15527] hrzotic: @aidanmjh4 [15527] Sirchoom: get the Pom Pom’s and beer boy [15527] daddydex6969: wash [15527] sco9pe_: COMMS? [15527] joey_11810: sniping [15527] pocketpengun: WW [15527] mrgetupintheree: chat stfu ur daddy is losing [15528] mrhoppybeer: Dont ask for gift subs PogChamp [15528] chunkoisfatty: YOUR ASS JYNXZO [15528] noel_pushing__p: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [15528] spoonarooniefn: Aiden is stream sniping [15528] deionbassett: briny waiting [15528] aaronstrutton: aaronstrutton gifted a Tier 1 sub to aspect8479! They have given 2 Gift Subs in the channel! [15528] 8igray1620: stream snipe [15528] xpecthaven: w [15529] pocketpengun: W [15529] iforgotmypas23: Who ever follows me gets a treat. [15529] ElkTheElk: carried [15529] swoblerdobler69: don’t lose [15529] lilsluga: WWWWWWWW [15529] ikex777: WWWWWWWWWWWWWW [15529] KREZ0_: Carried [15529] xqdu: WWWWW [15530] rnitten: L [15530] scrqv: charm! [15530] jayden444k: BigBrother [15530] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [15530] Franklin: w [15530] xpecthaven: wwww [15530] Amunify: say dada [15530] watermelonlover2_bryce: W [15530] Jermex6: w [15530] aminthemorning2004: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [15530] Franklin: w [15530] NormalPizza: W [15530] kacperxexx: insane [15530] Franklin: w [15530] mytwitchtowatchstreams: CARRIED [15531] Gail_Iewis: yewsrsdagfv [15531] Franklin: w [15531] cappalotty: WWWWWW [15531] mody__100: wwwww [15531] dusllbee: Wwww [15531] bfamerr: YESSSSZSSSSSSS [15531] dukeodb: W [15531] xpecthaven: www [15531] Franklin: w [15531] duallydulak: AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPIN [15531] himothy4572: WwWWwWwWwW [15531] J_KlNG: stompn is daddy [15531] Franklin: w [15531] Franklin: w [15531] angelchastity: WWWWWWW [15532] tobybin: WWWWWWWWWWW [15532] xqdu: WWWWWWWWWW [15532] JeadeVR: HOLY SHIT [15532] lunchiestbox: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [15532] Franklin: w [15532] Franklin: w [15532] Franklin: w riccin1W [15533] xqdu: WWWWWWWW [15533] Exxxcl: WWWWWWWWWWW [15533] GogoProto23: W [15533] trips_ok: WWWW [15533] kenitar1: WWWWWWW [15533] stars_470: WWW [15533] chs_alpha: wwww [15533] rileybouchard30: wwwwwwwwwwww [15533] VIIX_Turtle: ResidentSleeper carried [15533] boaatss: AIDENS SNIPING [15533] NeverJared: GOATEDDDDDDDDDDDD [15533] itsluis75: WWWWWWWWWW [15533] maxwelln984: Your cute [15533] Gail_Iewis: YESSSSSSSSSSSSS [15533] gingerbreadfrosting: POM POMS [15534] ducks3121: w [15534] trips91: I can’t get the charm but I’m subbed [15534] gjkkllllui: Wwww [15534] lilsluga: WWWWWWWWWWWWWW [15534] gummyb2002: wwww [15534] ad1legado: ZACK W [15534] trips_ok: WW [15534] junkofeetpic: WWWWWWWWWWWWWW [15534] 1Drae: w [15534] ChocolateLoverVz: WW [15534] StaticChannel35: W [15534] chunkoisfatty: FUCK IT LEH DO IT [15534] xjpupx: sniping [15534] Cinnavinn: w [15534] cappalotty: carried [15535] MkGamingg25: WW [15535] chakra13: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [15535] rebornhehe: W STOMPN [15535] TrenchKid_18: WWWWWWW [15536] pkwa6: ur being carried [15536] NeverJared: THE EBST [15536] D1PXZY: WW [15536] spencer123_____: wwwwww [15536] mazark0: carried [15536] J_KlNG: ww [15536] mzxopiz: jynxziGoodAim_SG [15536] clusterfvxk: wwww [15536] NOBAPGRUMPYG: ilovex3XIm ilovex3XIm ilovex3XIm ilovex3XIm [15536] lilsluga: STOMPNNN [15536] drippyefx: ! link [15536] Franklin: w [15536] prblrns: W [15536] xpecthaven: ww [15536] 1Drae: WWWWWWWWWW [15537] CQIN: w stompn [15537] cheesychester13: WWWWWWWWWWWWWW [15537] duallydulak: AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPI [15537] chronic_bryan64: Look in bro come on im a big fan [15537] tdd_fusionslicer: Wwwww [15537] linklink232: Stompn merchant [15537] MXmck25: CARRIED LETS FO [15537] 34ryvn: MUGA MUGA [15537] Slap336: CARRIED [15537] tweakyxgandhi: W [15537] Franklin: w [15537] Franklin: w [15537] Franklin: w [15538] Franklin: w [15538] adenwolford68: Cheer1 [15538] Franklin: w [15539] HiVise: MY GOAT [15539] stuman1345: sup Jynxzi first time tuning into one of your streams, love your YouTube content man keep doing this bro [15539] Syphalp: WW [15539] ohiosred_neck: WWWWWWW [15539] mzxopiz: jynxziBadAim [15539] jwillcapolot: Ofc I joined and the stream is about to end @jynxzi [15539] 16egeez: wwwwww [15539] Harshgrind: 3/6 [15539] tellyg47: CARRRIEEEEEEEEEEED [15539] astroidr6: GLORIOUS KING STOMPN [15539] 1renero: l player [15539] moreau001: w [15539] liam3548: L [15539] lynx_k3: WWW [15539] cheesychester13: wwwww [15540] maglac887: SLAMMEDDD [15540] hazellol_: WWWWWWWWWW [15540] nahhetweakinmango: W [15540] colthe_bolt: carried so hard [15540] 909_Jesus: Aiden was stream sniping [15540] srgtnic69: WWWWW [15540] Ego_disaster: WWWWWWWWW [15540] MorkViking: CARRIED AF [15540] DavieBroy: Aiden was here [15540] NeverJared: WAY BETTER THAN U [15540] xpecthaven: www [15540] colby9: carried [15540] Rxctu_: stompn is the best [15540] cheesychester13: wwww [15540] lilsluga: INCH BY INCH [15541] joey_11810: SNIPING [15541] MXmck25: CARRIED LETS GO [15541] nvxcahpn: W [15541] himothy4572: WWWWWWwWWWwWw [15541] abyssaldreamsss: W stompgKing [15541] reviloshark3118: we [15542] cheesychester13: wwwww [15542] faithyuukii: DADDY junko you’re in a funk rn but I still love you daddy 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷 [15542] dxshz1371: WWWWWWWW [15542] 17xeno: REAL MEN STICK THE PLANT [15542] Friiissk: CARRIED CHAMP [15542] ttv_lethalbite: wwwwwwww [15542] Nightbot: real [15542] reviloshark3118: ww [15542] gnom3o: My GOATS [15542] poopingperson: @aidanmjh4 [15542] zachmn08: CARRIED [15542] boomroasted4881: wwwwwwwww [15542] mazark0: call him dada [15542] nickmash2010: stream snooing [15542] MkGamingg25: WW WW WW [15543] amroth_azaghal: STOMPN ULTIMATE CARRY [15543] upl_zak: Www [15543] Mcdragonn: quyonRage quyonRage quyonRage quyonRage [15543] vbxledgend: fucking w [15543] kt8vonxbox: aiden is in [15543] mikkides1997: let’s fucking go !!!!!!!! [15543] svickova_128: W [15543] cheesychester13: www [15543] awwayqw: WW [15543] melloman523: backpack backpack [15543] ttv_lethalbite: wwwwwww [15543] nenon_kai: Wwww [15543] bluurrii: face cam too big junko [15543] reviloshark3118: w [15543] MorkViking: W [15544] astrox507: GUREIMMMMM [15544] patriotsfan199: water boy [15544] faithyuukii: WWWWW [15544] himothy4572: WwWwWw [15544] Nightbot: 🍉 [15544] caydenhall31: my hero academia [15545] nathan_522: SNIPING [15545] nymrxi: !watchtime [15545] MachoTacoVerde: wwwwwwwwww [15545] blazecreepe_: Wwwwwwwwwaw [15545] roninakadupa: !watchtime [15545] tank0407: good aim fn [15545] lil_ducky15: WWW [15545] maxwelln984: W [15545] skeletanger: wwwww [15545] viralslattt: w cheerleader [15545] nickmash2010: aniping [15545] StreamElements: nymrxi has spent 17 days 3 hours watching jynxzi [15545] Dushlaii: stewVAC stewVAC stewVAC stewVAC stewVAC stewGEAR stewGEAR stewGEAR stewGEAR [15545] xlos96: SO WERE FUCKING IN STOMPN [15545] cheesychester13: wwwwwwww [15546] yoinkiedoodle: w stompn [15546] unknowns_wrld: WWWWWWWW [15546] nenon_kai: Wwwwwww [15546] sonofmybrother: w [15546] rixdqz_ai: www [15546] kaazmayne110: 3 and fucking 6 [15546] tk_sicknick: SCRIPT HARDER [15546] lunchiestbox: better pay him everything [15546] daniel_severe: wwww [15546] rnitten: wwwww [15546] larzsssss: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [15546] hxb5: WWWWWWW [15546] NeverJared: WWWWWWWW [15546] cheesychester13: wwwww [15546] swoleboh: w stompn [15547] ttv_lethalbite: wwwwww [15547] aabuudie: so my bet is sold [15547] ashura791: WWWWWWWW [15547] kryqtxz: STOMPN SAVE MEEEEE [15548] jussmarcos: carried [15548] tristyynt: w [15548] user092746462810: www [15548] skeletanger: WWWW [15548] jr_qr: -----2K [15548] 1renero: l junko [15548] uriell_8: wwww [15548] sebbyong: DADDY [15548] phatfutgecko: WWWW [15548] jackland01: 3-6 clix [15548] captainbrodyy: 3 and 6 lil dick!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [15548] cheesychester13: wwwwww [15548] ValkyrieGamingOfficial: DOUBLE EW STOMPIN [15548] ttv_uriah18: wwww [15548] JuzShort: WWWWW [15549] yopabsa: white speed [15549] zyonicz: Franklin is comp [15549] ke1zeraaa: W ST0MP [15549] blazeandrage: CARRIEDD [15549] Mads_049: carried [15549] ttv_lethalbite: www WW W W W W W [15549] vinnyd_44: hivise glazing [15549] CarlWheezR6: carried [15549] J_KlNG: wwww [15549] NeverJared: BEST PLAYER [15549] thedreamers121: W STOMPN [15549] joey_11810: BD [15549] IsaiahHommes: W STOMPN [15549] iaminevitable1: w stompnnnnnnnnnnn [15549] brando1126: carry [15550] faden208: sniping [15550] AyooTayy_: WWWWWWW [15550] rnitten: wwwwwwwww [15550] henry24687: AIDEN IN CHAT [15550] ajgals: 3-6 owned by clix [15550] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [15550] NinjaDuckyYT: damn [15550] jmess32: L GLAZER [15550] mc_the_goat12: wwwww [15550] mogbuss: water boy [15550] junko1213: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [15550] mtscroni: www [15552] nathan_522: ADIEN ON STREAM [15552] ybchrish: w zack [15552] yvngeenj: wwwww [15552] robinzap2: W [15552] ValkyrieGamingOfficial: DOUBLE YOU STOMP [15552] rebornhehe: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [15552] 1Drae: W STOMPN [15552] Angrymango67: WWWWW STOMPN [15552] xrynzi: w stompy [15552] umitt3850_: wwwww [15552] pkwa6: carried [15552] imanueel6: getting carry [15552] mbarget28: pom poms [15552] potatoskinss69: w stompn [15552] colby9: he need a pay raise [15553] sebbyong: NI CEEEEE [15553] joeybilodeau1: How do I get charm [15553] vsoka: W STOMPN [15553] mikkides1997: WWWWWWW STOMP [15553] Bxokenr6: WWWWWWWWWW STOMPNNNNN [15553] condeez10: w [15553] Sirchoom: get the Pom poms and cheer boy [15553] shadow_tocool12: w [15553] Nicogazzotti: W STOMPN [15553] xexzellentx: Carrieddddd [15553] chunkoisfatty: AIDEN IN CHAT [15553] ohiosred_neck: W JIZZY [15553] DavieBroy: Aiden WAS HERE [15553] newyork_1978: you need to step up [15553] coolhex597: W [15554] MrJohnson119: w [15554] Buddy19235: ww [15554] Geezerxd_: W CARRY [15554] DiscordNox: Everyone on Siege PC is actually stupid asf [15554] kimjonisill: W [15554] ludoveechee83: poffSnipes poffSnipes poffSnipes poffSnipes poffSnipes poffSnipes poffSnipes poffSnipes poffSnipes [15554] Rehmedi: WWWWW [15556] leodil7188: W stomp [15556] eastoniscompp: www [15556] alexbutlerr: W Aiden [15556] andrew789r: ww [15556] bbtrello: DADA [15556] olavo454: wwww [15556] cloke__: sniping [15556] chunkoisfatty: AIDEN IN STREAM [15556] duallydulak: AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING k [15556] z3n_be_dead: WWWWWWWWWW [15556] xbotdelta: Bench warmer [15556] drippyefx: !Link [15556] daniel_severe: SAAAAVE USSS [15556] Moro22_: W STOMPN [15556] Nightbot: @drippyefx If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [15557] qeyyys: WATERBOYYYY [15557] chronic_bryan64: LOOk in im a [15557] IAK40Kevin: LETS GO ZACHARY [15557] phatfutgecko: jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF [15557] gnom3o: WOMPIN WOMPIN WOMPIN WOMPIN WOMPIN WOMPIN WOMPIN WOMPIN [15557] samantosca11: w stompn daddy [15557] Ghost_E77: JYNXI BACK IN THE BACKPACK [15557] unclejearbear: w stomp [15557] shnyda999: W DADDY [15557] vxzukii_gg: wwwww [15557] hydr0_690: ST0MPN CAN GET ITTY [15557] ltischler: LESTOMP DADDY [15557] yamomlvswilfred: pom pom [15557] junkossgisdoodoo: Cairred [15558] tigerfist658: glaze ngl [15558] huddyondabeat: uni1 [15559] baqtman: wendlllinh6 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! [15559] drunkdriver438: W STOPIN [15559] altergaming2: hey jynxzi ive been a fan for awhile and i just started using twitch, i love u man! [15559] HimothyPapi: KISS HIS JOHNSON JYNX!!!! LOL [15559] tduncan9999: FBCatch FBCatch [15559] duallydulak: AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING l [15559] yopabsa: WHITE SPEED [15559] traphouseozz: last round [15559] beeslams: he’s so good [15559] koecreation: SHOWER JUNKO [15559] aabuudie: sooooo we’re sold [15559] Echo1969: W [15559] phatfutgecko: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [15559] nickka_clickka: Aiden keeps looking around [15559] nathan_522: HE KEEP LOOKING RIGHT [15560] CoffeeBus947: !points [15560] senseiz33: choking on it [15560] chunkoisfatty: AIDENS IN THE LIST [15560] lewist1237: !watchtime [15560] StreamElements: @CoffeeBus947 CoffeeBus947 has 1959 points and is rank 241702/1742906 on the leaderboard. [15560] DangOhLang: Aiden in chat Aiden in chat Aiden in chat Aiden in chat Aiden in chat Aiden in chat Aiden in chat Aiden in chat Aiden in chat Aiden in chat Aiden in chat Aiden in chat [15560] StreamElements: lewist1237 has spent 1 day 1 hour watching jynxzi [15560] DreDae16: w stompin [15560] AyoChris15: vnceW vnceW [15560] juzevsp: !gamble 50 [15560] baseballkid_rivers: last round 🤣🤣 [15560] xbotdelta: Bench warmerr [15560] corleoneealex_: W CARRY [15560] bigdaddyballerindaflesh: Glazeijg [15561] StreamElements: PogChamp juzevsp went all in and won 50 points PogChamp they now have 100 points FeelsGoodMan [15561] vxzukii_gg: wwwwwwww [15561] yeda_1: stompn on sum udda shit [15561] trips_ok: PRE FIRST PICK [15561] daddysmoney25: stomping is the greatest to ever do it [15561] poopybaiis: 4 hour mark!!!!!!!!! [15561] b1itz007: WWWWWW [15561] Buddy19235: jynxziGG [15561] ZachXc48: W glaze [15561] faithyuukii: STREAM SNIPING RN [15561] itsjonreaper: carry [15561] slash87_: WWWW STOMPN [15562] updog724: WHEN IS MAN FAIL [15562] bigwezmin: bigwezmin subscribed at Tier 1. [15562] nitesky9: Idk how this doesn't convince u that Ur being carried [15562] BrandXYZ17: jynxziBounce jynxziBounce jynxziBounce jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE [15562] duallydulak: AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING q [15562] jaayxeno: w stompn [15562] chunkoisfatty: I STG [15562] hobbes_mobbin: wwww GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey [15562] b8tamales: he just lossed a 1 to a kid planting [15562] drew7778: spectating simulator [15562] kings0811: Pros don't fake [15562] luh_d2x: L JUNKO SELL [15562] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [15562] kaywall_: W STOMPN [15562] Nightbot: bozo [15563] Himothy_Himingsdale: GLLLAAAAZZZZZZEEEEE [15563] itzsofreezy: WHO ONE WITH THE XIM 2V2??????? [15563] daniel_severe: STOMPIN SAAAVE UUUUSS [15563] hashoeke: 💀💀💀💀 [15563] AndresxSoler: use your Pom Pom’s [15563] modric1706: backpack [15563] Mayrix_: WWWWWWWWWW [15563] mild_salsa_on_twitch: W STOMPN [15563] worthrevolute: Stompn is reverse jynxzi [15563] himothy4572: W CARRy [15563] uhmsteven: aiden is stream sniping [15563] mr_xan5: Bring out the pom poms [15563] easterlypie118: WWWWWW [15563] Geezerxd_: W CARRY! [15565] palainair: palainair subscribed with Prime. [15565] hobbes_mobbin: GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey [15565] xJustShan: !watchtime [15565] Buddy19235: jynxziGG jynxziGG jynxziGG jynxziGG jynxziGG jynxziGG [15565] twitch_dominux: w [15565] faden208: stream sniping [15565] StreamElements: xJustShan has spent 14 hours 40 mins watching jynxzi [15565] chunkoisfatty: AIDEN IN HERE [15565] aabuudie: !watchtime [15565] KytanaKB: put the pom poms on rn [15565] hunterspen: I LOVE YOU BROTHER☝🏻 [15565] maccasana: stompn is beyond sick at this point [15567] sinlesslol_: have you used the pon pons yet? [15567] nickmash2010: VISE [15567] chxmp321: Glazing blowing bubbles on it [15567] chunkoisfatty: BROOOO [15567] Prism_Immortal: ninoegRAAAH ninoegRAAAH ninoegRAAAH ninoegRAAAH [15567] iikailebii: R [15567] datboyiskxng: LETS GO [15567] imanueel6: w carrry [15567] jaycejohnson2001: !gamble 40 [15567] CokeFro: W STOMP [15567] iminchampinseige: I got wet to that clutch [15567] treverlyhills87: jynxziRage_TK jynxziRage_TK jynxziRage_TK jynxziRage_TK jynxziRage_TK jynxziRage_TK [15567] griffinttyy: junko do curve right or left [15567] StreamElements: jaycejohnson2001 lost 40 points in roulette and now has 200 points! FeelsBadMan [15568] emptyshelly: DOING BACKFLIPS ON IT [15568] 5p4nky: W STOMPIN [15568] hobbes_mobbin: GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [15568] jrnlshrmp: PokCharizard [15568] ajgals: sniping [15569] hunchopce901: heeee [15569] chilledguy0: NAHH NAHH NAHH NAHH [15569] gubrilla: STOMPN CARRY [15569] aggrojxy: W [15569] DreDae16: nice entry kill junky [15569] MorkViking: DOING GYMNASTICS ON IT TF [15569] moroneymonk: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [15570] cbk737: get Pom poms [15570] bslo10: Pom poms [15570] castroisgoat7: jynxziRAHHH [15570] blazeandrage: NIJAAAAA [15570] xThrxsherx: w carry [15570] abrahamdxm: LOCK IN KID [15570] williambeattie2010: BRONNY WAITING [15570] jslime_5: carry [15570] freewins540: pulse [15570] skemzz_: n [15571] sendit48: h [15571] ohshawblade: He’s the best [15571] Nightbot: h [15571] vloitss: !watchtime [15571] nickmash2010: VJSE [15571] phatfutgecko: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [15571] exotixdavid: !LINK [15571] StreamElements: vloitss has spent 4 days 1 hour watching jynxzi [15571] hydr0_690: WWWW ST0MPNNN [15571] corleoneealex_: AIDEN STREAM SNIPE [15571] fazeeyk: !points [15571] duallydulak: AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING e [15571] nelsonlitt315: WWWWW [15571] reflex_8397: what round is this [15572] zionthegoat128: stream [15572] lucky6159: !watchage [15572] mxhops: Palm palms [15572] newyork_1978: step up junko [15572] numberforborr: did they lose on organ? [15572] madmaxsonx: w script. [15572] crownshinju: Aiden in chat [15572] chunkoisfatty: SOMEBODU CATCJ AIDEN [15572] litlikezeus: IRL [15572] florezxs: ur actually so washed i get surpirsed when u get a kill bro [15572] bigmac37473: l [15572] ZachXc48: take out the pon pons [15572] Blakebast12: I hope stompn finders me [15572] TheCEOofDubs: amazing stream [15572] isaacrd_77: get your Pom poms cheerleader [15573] drippyefx: !link [15573] ho1236: L GLAZER [15573] madtitan886949: W STOMPN!!!!!! [15573] yamomlvswilfred: Pom pom [15573] Tee814: STFUUUU [15573] skemzz_: hhhhhhhbgf [15573] maccasana: shi is disgusting [15573] sigmaboy69420: w stompn in the chat [15573] Harshgrind: jynxziPACK [15573] xxraghedkingxx: Aiden i sniping [15573] melloman523: !gamble all [15573] chunkoisfatty: AIDEN [15573] debo740: pre ebd [15574] joeybilodeau1: @jynxzi how do I get the charm on xbox [15574] ajgals: he’s sniping [15574] pwr_claps: AIDEN IN CHATTT [15574] StreamElements: melloman523 went all in and lost every single one of their 50 points LUL [15574] spw0017: spw0017 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 5 month streak! yurrr [15574] nickmash2010: VISE [15574] kt8vonxbox: imGlitch AidenTax [15575] Oda1ne_: L JINXZI GOING NEGATIVE [15575] tripy28: sniping [15575] wannabewalrus: when he’s 1 and when he’s lagging [15575] colthe_bolt: can you frick me pls and thanks u [15575] mzxopiz: AIDEN SENT ME [15575] astrox507: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [15575] maxwelln984: Stop and u unbeatable [15575] Harshgrind: jynxziTONGUE [15575] corbz32: !watchtime [15575] Prism_Immortal: l0megaGlowstick l0megaGlowstick l0megaGlowstick l0megaGlowstick [15575] lScrub: 3-6 OWNED BY CLIX [15575] StreamElements: corbz32 has spent 3 days 9 hours watching jynxzi [15576] chunkoisfatty: AIDEN IN CHAT [15576] duallydulak: AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING r [15576] ginjah_ninja10: snipping [15576] F0STER_CS: stompin jizzy on me [15576] roadington: W STREAMM [15576] aiden_swing: Aiden in [15576] junkossgisdoodoo: L backpack [15576] igetangryonr6: last round [15576] Snorlol: WWW STOMPBNNN [15577] elitexalbanian: wwwwwwwww [15577] luh_d2x: L JUNKO SELLING STOMPN [15577] 4028359175: bro junko is so washed [15577] Harshgrind: jynxziRAHHH [15577] WaduDaddy: WWWWWWWWWWW [15577] corleoneealex_: AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING [15577] lScrub: 3-6 OWNED BY CLIX [15577] YummySteak: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [15578] squirtlesnumbaonefan: doing backflips on his dick [15578] itseeziie: BRO LOCK THR FUCK IN STOMP IS BACK PACKING U [15578] moonz_lol: sniping [15578] airlocket157478: Nicky [15578] harrybouglas: stream sniping Aidan [15578] mzxopiz: AIDEN SENT ME AIDEN SENT ME [15578] debo740: pre ENE [15578] 909_Jesus: @hivise Aiden was stream sniping [15578] YVNGVEIN: bro needs a new mic ong [15578] trips91: !link [15578] lScrub: 3-6 OWNED BY CLIX [15578] thedreamers121: W SKETCHHH [15578] zachary3323: pre end [15579] Saltayy__: !link [15579] duallydulak: AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING t [15579] P0GJUICE: W stompn [15579] faden208: stream sniping bro [15579] kt8vonxbox: aiden is in [15579] spence4695: Youre carrue [15579] Zenoverseiscool: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [15579] mzxopiz: AIDEN SENT ME [15579] aka_gavin42075: aka_gavin42075 subscribed at Tier 1. [15580] Frog_Leg_: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [15580] viisualiize: no way he made it past the 4 hour mark. i don’t believe it [15580] lScrub: 3-6 OWNED BY CLIX [15580] websteraaron123: jynxziBadAim_HF [15580] litlikezeus: IRL SKETCH [15580] xxraghedkingxx: Aiden sniping [15580] thecumz0ne: stompin cream pie my buttwhole [15580] hunxhodactivist: who’s ur daddy ??? [15580] bagel_on_twitchTV: hello [15581] faithyuukii: AIDEN IN CHAT STREAM SNIPE [15581] blazeandrage: nibaaaa [15581] opreykt888: Hi [15581] gubrilla: W STOMPN L JYNXZI GETTING CARRIED GETTING CARRIED [15581] xaiyo0_0: stompn mic buggin [15581] lScrub: 3-6 OWNED BY CLIX [15581] corleoneealex_: AIDEN IN STREAM [15581] nathan_522: AIDEN SNIPING [15581] bionicfalcon219: bionicfalcon219 gifted a Tier 1 sub to lanchero20! This is their first Gift Sub in the channel! [15581] keaton_y21: aussieaClench [15581] sebbyong: JUNXZI U LOOK LIKE MY BALLSACK [15581] goatedgrape_: listen to master [15582] datboyiskxng: DUB STOPM [15582] spoonarooniefn: AIDEN IS SNIPING [15582] duallydulak: AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING y [15582] Dushlaii: stewGEAR stewGEAR stewGEAR stewGEAR stewGEAR stewGEAR stewGEAR stewGEAR stewGEAR stewGEAR stewGEAR stewGEAR stewGEAR [15582] lScrub: 3-6 OWNED BY CLIX [15582] iminchampinseige: I'm wet rn [15583] echoquest15: kaicWAVE kaicWAVE kaicWAVE kaicWAVE kaicWAVE kaicWAVE kaicWAVE [15583] drew7778: wow your such a good spectator [15583] stars_470: POM POMS [15583] lScrub: 3-6 OWNED BY CLIX [15584] nickka_clickka: @aiden_swing ?????? [15584] m3ddic: He swears to go chat lol [15584] keaton_y21: aussieaClench aussieaClench aussieaClench aussieaClench aussieaClench [15584] duallydulak: u [15584] awwayqw: GET THE POMS POMS AND SAY DADDY ZACH [15584] faden208: stream sniping [15585] lScrub: 3-6 OWNED BY CLIX [15585] DavieBroy: @aiden_swing ???? [15585] daddysmoney25: get Pom poms [15585] echoquest15: kaicDubs kaicDubs kaicDubs kaicDubs kaicDubs kaicDubs kaicDubs [15586] lScrub: 3-6 OWNED BY CLIX [15586] chuffs02: there stream sniping [15586] faithyuukii: THEYRE BEING BAD [15587] zzol29: win defense its game [15587] lScrub: 3-6 OWNED BY CLIX [15587] chunkoisfatty: AIDENS GYAT RECOIL IS CRAZY IN THE CHATRTRTRTRT [15587] siipq: aiden snipingggggggggg [15588] sebbyong: MOD HIVISE [15588] abn0rmal_tv: Mf is lagging so much [15588] lScrub: 3-6 OWNED BY CLIX [15588] ajsweat06: how to get charm [15588] ruyyyyy12345: shit [15588] duncanstreams0: stream SNIPING [15588] andrew789r: w [15588] koliesk: lock in junko [15588] capxlot_co4: !subs [15588] chadi2727272: Yo [15588] MAKEANGELS4GOD: Aiden stream sniping [15589] williambeattie2010: Aiden sniping [15589] coldcallgamin: !watchtime [15589] courtlazy: I subscribed off stream but i didnt get the benefits? [15589] gnomeasss: @aiden_swing [15589] Fossabot: Jynxzi currently has 168869 subscribers! [15589] lScrub: 3-6 OWNED BY CLIX [15589] StreamElements: coldcallgamin has spent 2 days 11 hours watching jynxzi [15589] xaiyo0_0: FIX STOMPN MIC [15590] tduncan9999: BrainSlug [15590] 4hedXAT: L CARRIED [15590] mikee_1300: Chat a bunch of bricks [15591] lScrub: 3-6 OWNED BY CLIX [15591] bilal_1938: did you lose oregon [15591] ajgals: he’s loooking away mid round [15591] duallydulak: AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING u [15592] lScrub: 3-6 OWNED BY CLIX [15592] roninakadupa: SirSword [15592] OnionEater4: HES ON ME BROTHER [15592] litlikezeus: IRL [15592] motocrossguy507: call of duty [15592] corleoneealex_: AIDEN IS IN CHAT [15592] icyivory: listen and stay In site [15593] iamnomix: 1 v 2 [15593] DavieBroy: @aiden_swing ?????? [15593] 1renero: L junko [15593] raineybo: W carry [15593] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [15594] AshWRLD: who won first map [15594] xavier_b69: !watchtime [15594] ajgals: he’s sniping [15594] whoisdis2134: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [15594] StreamElements: bluerhino12 has spent 3 hours 30 mins watching jynxzi [15595] corleoneealex_: AIDEN IN STREAM [15595] Mcdragonn: sream sniping [15595] tduncan9999: PizzaTime PizzaTime PizzaTime PizzaTime PizzaTime [15595] imgood_at_fortnite: AIDEN IS IN THE CHATTT [15595] mc_the_goat12: Jynxzi [15595] fastdagger19: AIDEN SNIPEING [15596] ajsweat06: charmmmmmm [15596] MAKEANGELS4GOD: Aiden sniping [15596] blackstar832__: w clip farmer [15596] gnomeasss: AIDEN IS STREAMSNIPING [15596] Mayrix_: Aiden had been sniping all game [15596] poopybaiis: pancake boy sketch’s waiting [15596] duallydulak: AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING [15597] colizkool2: CARRIED [15597] chuffs02: AIDAN IS STREAM SNIPING [15598] ddacoolkids: !sens [15598] clasicchamp: type [15598] Nightbot: Jynxzi sens and settings here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2GcpqRqJ9U [15598] corleoneealex_: AIDEN IN CHAT [15598] fwdonavan: uii [15598] litlikezeus: IRL! [15598] 1renero: clix owns you [15598] hunxhodactivist: who’s ur daddy junkoo [15599] lilseb3: !sub [15599] ikex777: THEYRE IN STREAM [15599] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [15599] chunkoisfatty: CLIX CARRIES ALL YALL WHITIES [15599] sheluvdillvvs: !watchtime [15599] alexjivan018: who are the other 2 [15599] sorqo: sorqo subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! [15599] caidenlight07: W FUCKING ST0MPNNNNNNNN [15599] StreamElements: sheluvdillvvs has spent 4 days 3 hours watching jynxzi [15600] tennistalan: !gamble 10000 [15600] faithyuukii: CLIX AINT SHIT weirdos [15600] StreamElements: tennistalan lost 10000 points in roulette and now has 15260 points! FeelsBadMan [15600] nicole82188: PRChase [15600] duallydulak: AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING i [15600] xaiyo0_0: FIX STOMPN MIC JUNKO [15600] RageDaaGreat: FUCK CLIX [15601] Cinnavinn: jynxziFAT [15601] diyatenim7: hey [15601] corleoneealex_: AIDEN IN STREAM [15601] iminchampinseige: Why a. I wet rn [15601] blazeandrage: he is sniping you [15601] m6s0nn: 3 time vic's stream sniped [15601] Jdcasty: Ron calling you out. [15602] jojosiwa752: @aiden_swing [15602] gavin_ur_mom: some gift 🎁 me [15602] sanwichgameronttv: White speed [15602] Fossabot: @cynicalestt, Your message is too long [15602] whoisdis2134: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [15602] duncanstreams0: READ UR CHAT [15602] deebomber: deebomber subscribed with Prime. [15603] fastdagger19: ADEN IN CHATTTTTT [15603] chronic_bryan64: CAn u pls look in [15603] heny_2007: L CARRIED [15603] xavier_b69: !gamble 40 [15603] thedreamers121: AIDEN STREAM SNIPINGG?? [15603] shxrdz_: Check if sniping [15604] efehanturk2: efehanturk2 subscribed with Prime. [15604] litlikezeus: IRL SKETCH [15604] StreamElements: bluerhino12 lost 40 points in roulette and now has 75 points! FeelsBadMan [15604] joeybilodeau1: How do I get charm [15604] blazeandrage: ssnipinggg [15604] Mcdragonn: jynxi they stream sniping [15604] raineybo: W carryW carryW carry [15605] crownshinju: kick dirt Aiden [15605] ohnice7293: @aiden_swing [15605] faithyuukii: JYNXZI MADE CLIX [15606] david_martinez102: !watchtime [15606] brack_2: he’s on me brother!!!!!!!!!!! [15606] StreamElements: david_martinez102 has spent 3 hours 20 mins watching jynxzi [15606] pavlimekhael: jynxziChampion [15607] 1renero: l [15607] BreadXttv: yooo [15607] Mcdragonn: aye brah [15608] freewins540: when fan mail [15608] mobs246: @aiden_swing [15608] dustym0: AIDEN STREAM SNIPING [15608] duncanstreams0: stream sniping [15608] vinnie2socks: part timer [15608] 1renero: L [15608] AgentPixelized: @lScrub common L twitch chatter [15608] liam3548: PRE 5-7 LUL [15608] Mayrix_: Aiden sniping [15609] rl__Red: AIDEN STREAM SNIPING [15609] chuffs02: AIDEN STREAM SNIPING [15609] ddacoolkids: !senss [15610] leonsandcastle133: aidan [15610] sanwichgameronttv: White speedWhite speed [15610] duallydulak: AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING o [15610] scottknight08: 3-6 owned by clix [15610] hobbes_mobbin: cmon ddy [15610] toxicfinger656: who did you play first [15610] DavieBroy: @aiden_swing [15611] sanwichgameronttv: White speedWhite speedWhite speed [15611] tcl_2: !watchtime [15611] ACEphilly: !bracket [15611] joeybilodeau1: Charm [15611] Nightbot: Tourney bracket here => https://brackethq.com/b/0ybzb/ [15611] StreamElements: tcl_2 has spent 2 hours 30 mins watching jynxzi [15611] Nightbot: You could get the charm by subbing normally ( https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi ) PRIME ( Twitch.tv/subs/jynxzi ) or by getting gifted, and by linking your Ubisoft with your twitch account ( https://drops-register.ubi.com ) it might take sometime so don’t worry if you don’t get it instantly [15611] charmfr551: Nhbbj [15611] roninakadupa: FallWinning FallWinning [15612] icelickz: sniping [15612] reviloshark3118: @streamelements yo [15612] himothy4572: AIDEN SNIPING [15612] litlikezeus: IRL SKETCH STEVE [15613] fixifyyv: !watchtime [15613] duallydulak: AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING p [15613] MAKEANGELS4GOD: Aiden is stream sniping [15613] jeckattan: i wanna gert nakey with u junko juco [15613] StreamElements: fixifyyv has spent 19 hours watching jynxzi [15613] dustym0: STREAM SNIPER [15613] elbowgrease5824: is this white speed? [15613] jaycejohnson2001: !gamble 100 [15613] trulyy_dae: wsg [15614] vlfernandes: Oo [15614] fastdagger19: AIDEN IN CHAT [15614] junkossgisdoodoo: Aidn stream sniping [15614] chadi2727272: No [15614] j9Q9: why did I bet against the king goddammit man [15614] chuffs02: AIDEN SNIPING [15614] bardown16__: PRE ASH CHARGE BREAKS CASTLE CATCHES JYNXZI OFF GUARD AND DIES [15615] iamyeat: @aiden_swing [15615] Thebaldbear420: STOMPING CARRYING [15615] fallen4x: Aiden sniping [15615] 1renero: Aiden sniping [15615] faden208: stream sniping [15615] duallydulak: AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING a [15615] pulse3370: AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING [15615] wyahenry: AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING [15615] mzxopiz: AIDEN SENT ME [15616] liquid_windex: @aiden_swing [15616] t7xkzii: @aiden_swing [15616] faithyuukii: DADDY AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING [15616] bigmanchris_69: bigmanchris_69 subscribed with Prime. [15616] nicole82188: RaccAttack [15617] hobbes_mobbin: lock in [15617] CZPerseuS: Can i get gifted too? poor europian asking for a small favor [15617] Mcdragonn: stream sniping [15617] senpaihughesy: !gamble 100 [15618] dustym0: STREAM SNIPING [15618] Bethan1801: right foot creep [15618] StreamElements: senpaihughesy won 100 points in roulette and now has 450 points! FeelsGoodMan [15618] duallydulak: AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING s [15618] leonsandcastle133: AIDAN [15618] ddacoolkids: !sens [15618] spoonarooniefn: they’re in your stream!!! [15618] vxzukii_gg: BRO BEEING FULL CARRIED EVERY 2V2 WHAT IS GOING ON R [15619] g_snow768: jynxziFAT [15619] evan14147: I lost 20k Chanel points from you [15619] toxicfinger656: ss [15619] maddoxb9694: Aiden sniping [15619] Blakebast12: thank you brother ☝🏼🤓 [15619] faden208: stream sniping bro [15619] fastdagger19: HES IN CHAT [15620] TapsOCE: past the 4 hour mark [15620] icelickz: stream sniping [15620] williambeattie2010: @aiden_swing what r u doing blud [15620] pedrogu08: GET CARRIED HARDER [15620] trulyy_dae: hey [15620] mgnm__: hes in Stream [15620] rl__Red: AIDEN IS SNIPING [15621] lucasignorino: don’t lose please [15621] BreadXttv: l glizzy [15621] cricketsonbroadway: who won map 1?? [15621] 12311123ki: @freewins540 when u smd [15621] duallydulak: AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING d [15621] ohnice7293: @aidentax [15621] litlikezeus: IRL STEV KETCH [15621] lucky6159: !gamble 100 [15622] StreamElements: lucky6159 lost 100 points in roulette and now has 350 points! FeelsBadMan [15622] faithyuukii: LOCK IN JUNKO [15622] chuffs02: AIDEN STREAM SNIPING HE LOOKING RIGHT [15622] thecheese111: AIDEN IN STREAM [15622] wezplan: @aiden_swing XDDDDD [15623] mitchelllogan12: @hivise Aiden sniping [15623] evanlikesr6lol: !watchtime [15623] hobbes_mobbin: ScaredyCat ScaredyCat [15624] BreadXttv: ik [15624] StreamElements: evanlikesr6lol has spent 5 days 17 hours watching jynxzi [15624] iamyeat: aidan sniping [15624] cynicalestt: RARE 4 HOUR RARE 4 HOUR RARE 4 HOUR RARE 4 HOUR RARE 4 HOUR RARE 4 HOUR RARE 4 HOUR RARE 4 HOUR [15624] mikeyswooshh: Aiden stream sniping [15624] mzxopiz: AIDEN SENT ME AIDEN SENT ME AIDEN SENT ME [15625] faden208: stream sniping [15625] xavier_b69: !gamble 30 [15625] box_by_ice: !link [15625] Nightbot: @box_by_ice If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [15625] nickka_clickka: @aiden_swing [15625] mzxopiz: AIDEN SENT ME AIDEN SENT ME AIDEN SENT ME AIDEN SENT ME [15626] moonz_lol: stream snipe [15626] reviloshark3118: !watchtime [15626] fadingocean123: sniping [15626] StreamElements: reviloshark3118 has spent 1 hour 10 mins watching jynxzi [15626] faithyuukii: junko you’re in a funk rn but I still love you daddy 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷 [15626] tennistalan: !gamble 1000 [15626] eZ_DrOwSy: !watchtime [15626] Mcdragonn: jynxie look at fucking chat [15626] filippoinzaghi27: AIDEN SNIPING [15626] mzxopiz: AIDEN SENT ME AIDEN SENT ME [15627] BreadXttv: llll [15627] trips91: !link [15627] eventyrg: Can someone please give me a sub? [15627] duncanstreams0: hes in ur stream [15627] bubby149: @aiden_swing [15627] jixxomagik: aiden is sniping [15627] anthonyahwdhb: AIDEN [15628] odiego305: @franklin are you playin the tourney? [15628] wldcxrd: @aiden_swing [15628] toxicfinger656: stream sniping [15628] barry_allen221: Hey # [15628] duallydulak: AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING f [15629] BreadXttv: wwww [15629] Keremrgll: niceee [15629] ineedbeanz: pre slammed [15629] jaygoodofn: wager me ur waxed im top 200 champ [15629] DangOhLang: Aiden in chat Aiden in chat Aiden in chat Aiden in chat Aiden in chat Aiden in chat Aiden in chat Aiden in chat Aiden in chat Aiden in chat Aiden in chat Aiden in chat [15629] trulyy_dae: wyd [15629] thecheese111: @hivise aiden in stream [15630] fastdagger19: BROTHER AIDEN IS SNIPEING [15630] chunkoisfatty: L GYAT [15630] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [15630] inevafrez: @aiden_swing [15630] PudgySpike: pre first pick [15631] poopybaiis: pancake boy stream sell harder [15631] jakemucha25: stream sniping [15631] uncsharpe: uncsharpe subscribed at Tier 1. [15631] ryzewydcrew: !discord [15631] rl__Red: @aiden_swing [15632] Ryzofn6: jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES [15632] Nightbot: https://discord.gg/jynxzi [15632] bhundagaminglive: AIDNE I. STREWM [15632] malady: PRE DEAD [15632] dustym0: AIDEN IN STREAM [15632] liquid_windex: @hivise Aiden's stream sniping [15632] Mayrix_: Aiden stream sniping both games [15632] altergaming2: hey jynxzi ive been a fan for awhile and i just started using twitch, i love u man! [15632] x_cantdo1tlikem3_x: bruh i was wondering why they shoot the raidios it just hit me lmao [15633] duncanstreams0: stream snipe [15634] toxicfinger656: Aiden [15634] koliesk: !junkdaddy [15634] BreadXttv: I am the goat [15634] evan14147: If he's sniping I want my points back [15634] maddoxb9694: Aiden sniping dipshit [15634] itsluis75: why pwaking [15635] trulyy_dae: hi [15635] faden208: pre slam 321 [15635] spoonarooniefn: Aiden is stream sniping [15635] thebeefyone23: USE YOUR ABILITY [15635] KREZ0_: lol [15635] mrgetupintheree: chat full of trolls it’s sad asf [15635] Nightbot: 😂 [15635] purpwz: @aidentaxx [15635] slayerblxzy: 💀 [15638] ddacoolkids: sensssssss [15638] vxzukii_gg: W CARRY [15638] pxbzy: RalpherZ [15638] urmomsbarber: the amount of time he wastes pretending to place castles is crazy [15639] slimjim0406: @obama [15639] chunkoisfatty: AIDEN IS SBUOUNG [15639] chuffs02: AIDEN STREAM SNIPING HE KEEP LOOKING RIGHT [15639] will376388: AIDEN STREAM SNIPE [15639] fathamster_14: !link [15640] duallydulak: AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING g [15640] xpecthaven: fence [15640] drippyefx: !Link [15640] Frog_Leg_: AIDEN DOESNT SNIPE BRO [15640] tduncan9999: Shush [15641] afadd34: L CLIP FARMERRRRRRRRRRRRRR [15641] j9Q9: Tweaking [15641] weezdog30: @aid [15641] duncanstreams0: bro just listen [15641] faithyuukii: CASTLE IS THE MOVE [15642] fkiller2103: !watchy [15642] xgm_iclipz: ImperialHal [15642] supremeslabs420: swat is waiting [15642] DeclanParks: HI JIZZY [15642] lucky6159: !gamble 101 [15643] ddacoolkids: !sens [15643] mk4_leo: !gamble all [15643] Nightbot: Jynxzi sens and settings here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2GcpqRqJ9U [15643] Mcdragonn: sream snuping [15643] StreamElements: PogChamp mk4_leo went all in and won 285 points PogChamp they now have 570 points FeelsGoodMan [15643] fwangel2: hhj [15645] trulyy_dae: yo [15645] fwangel2: hjj [15645] blucaz_: why didn’t u kill him [15645] mcglizzy420_: WAHT ARE TOY DOING [15645] aidenomics: BROOOOOO [15646] andresbruh77: good Aim [15646] sir12tree: @aiden_swing [15646] thecheese111: AIDEN INSTREAM [15646] vxzukii_gg: W SUPPORT [15647] sheerwilll: bruh [15647] itsbeasty01: L MAP KNOWLEDGE [15647] Mcdragonn: stream sniping [15647] mzxopiz: AIDEN SENT ME [15647] joeybilodeau1: !Link [15648] spoonarooniefn: @aidentax [15648] duallydulak: AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING h [15648] jaycejohnson2001: !gamble 100 [15649] jaygoodofn: Aiden is sniping [15649] StreamElements: jaycejohnson2001 won 100 points in roulette and now has 305 points! FeelsGoodMan [15649] fkiller2103: !watchtime [15649] StreamElements: fkiller2103 has spent 4 hours watching jynxzi [15650] t7xkzii: @aiden_swing [15650] duncanstreams0: aiden is in ur stream [15650] loon9406: !link [15651] fairfax: !gamble [15651] legoat230623: @aiden_swing [15651] mzxopiz: AIDEN SENT ME AIDEN SENT ME [15651] faithyuukii: THEY ARE STREAM SNOPING [15651] ajgals: @hivise call him [15651] CoffeeBus947: !points [15651] himothy4572: @hivise ban aiden [15651] wishtemp: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [15651] StreamElements: @CoffeeBus947 CoffeeBus947 has 1964 points and is rank 241259/1745362 on the leaderboard. [15652] maddoxb9694: Aiden streaming sniping [15652] NateDaMan_: This chat thinks everyone is stream sniping [15652] svkei_: @aidenomics [15652] aiden_swing: sniping [15652] mzxopiz: AIDEN SENT ME [15653] rl__Red: AIDEN IS SNIPING [15653] Tee814: he isnt in chat [15653] trumelz: trumelz subscribed with Prime. [15653] katrix_x: @aidentax [15653] Captain_Clout1: You’re nothing without stomp [15654] duce_2222: !sub [15654] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [15654] savedexxin: !gamble all [15655] StreamElements: PogChamp savedexxin went all in and won 5705 points PogChamp they now have 11410 points FeelsGoodMan [15655] icelickz: sniping [15655] slop_2: @mrgetupintheree not trolling stfu [15656] freewins540: when is fan mail? [15656] suit_doge: bro is about to end stream [15657] tyzer_r6: Aiden snipe [15657] faden208: stream sniping [15657] D0mX1075: @cappalotty [15658] lockeykockey3: !watchtime [15658] fastdagger19: BROTHER AIDEN IS SNIPEING. [15658] StreamElements: lockeykockey3 has spent 2 days 19 hours watching jynxzi [15658] ineedbeanz: gg [15658] eZ_DrOwSy: !watchtime [15658] xavier_b69: !gamble 20 [15658] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [15658] cooljgr5: !points [15658] grizzlywolfpack1653: let’s go jynxzi clap 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 [15658] chuffs02: AIDEN STREAM SNIPING [15658] mzxopiz: AIDEN SENT ME AIDEN SENT ME [15658] kodydafish: !gamble all [15658] therealslimshady_jakub: @aidentax [15659] r1l3y_k1ng: !gamble 310 [15659] StreamElements: kodydafish went all in and lost every single one of their 4035 points LUL [15659] StreamElements: r1l3y_k1ng lost 310 points in roulette and now has 10 points! FeelsBadMan [15659] twilightglxy: @aiden_swing [15659] junkossgisdoodoo: Vewir list hi ise [15659] mzxopiz: AIDEN SENT ME [15660] wishtemp: JYNXZIII [15660] pavlimekhael: jynxziRage [15660] qSauxey: @aidentax [15660] nickka_clickka: @aidenomics @aiden_swing ???????? [15660] supremeslabs420: police are waiting [15660] UltraSargent: !watchtime [15661] StreamElements: UltraSargent has spent 2 days 16 hours watching jynxzi [15661] DangOhLang: Aiden in chat Aiden in chat Aiden in chat Aiden in chat Aiden in chat Aiden in chat Aiden in chat Aiden in chat Aiden in chat Aiden in chat Aiden in chat Aiden in chat [15661] zerotickpulse: @duallydulak stfu no one gives a shit [15661] crizex__: yo [15662] duallydulak: AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING j [15663] luffy15vic: @rayasianboy [15663] emptyshelly: CHECK VIEWER LIST VISE [15663] vlad27431: @aiden_swing [15663] tyzer_r6: Aiden snipw [15664] ocheezyv: This season on Cow [15664] cheebah710: cohhNODDERS [15664] wishtemp: WIN IT BOI [15664] NOBAPGRUMPYG: HypeLurk HypeLurk HypeLurk [15664] botwatcht: HES FADED LMFAOOOOOO [15664] ITZJasonVoorhees: !gamble all [15665] StreamElements: ITZJasonVoorhees went all in and lost every single one of their 280 points LUL [15665] fastdagger19: SNIPER [15665] Crispycrispysilv: xim is sniping [15665] au1funguy: It time to end stream [15665] giu4ty: @aidentax [15665] n1ckon120hz: !gamble all [15666] bryan12341235: AIDEN HAS AN ALT [15666] StreamElements: n1ckon120hz went all in and lost every single one of their 2230 points LUL [15666] cooljgr5: !gamble 100 [15666] pedrogu08: GLAZE HARDER [15666] isaiqh910: what’s good brother 👆 [15666] clark_addison1: !gamble 1000 [15666] StreamElements: cooljgr5 lost 100 points in roulette and now has 255 points! FeelsBadMan [15666] rflts: WRONG AIDEN CHAT U FUCKING IDIOTS [15666] HiVise: Chat Aiden isnt in the viewerlist [15666] StreamElements: clark_addison1 won 1000 points in roulette and now has 6660 points! FeelsGoodMan [15667] raymondkfloydkk: @aidentax [15667] valentino493: !wagger [15667] im_lil_goo: !gamble all [15667] purpstwich: !gamble 220 [15667] StreamElements: PogChamp im_lil_goo went all in and won 1910 points PogChamp they now have 3820 points FeelsGoodMan [15667] StreamElements: @purpstwich, you only have 50 points. [15667] trulyy_dae: hey [15668] fkiller2103: !gamble 100 [15668] LIL_P6969: !gamble 100 [15668] keaton_y21: @aidentax [15668] luffy15vic: @aiden_swing [15668] StreamElements: fkiller2103 lost 100 points in roulette and now has 40 points! FeelsBadMan [15668] gdkjet: wow Aidan [15669] StreamElements: @LIL_P6969, you only have 15 points. [15669] wskcounty: @aidentax [15669] chriskeoughan_24: mmmmm [15670] lilseb3: !sub [15670] supremeslabs420: swat outside waiting [15670] M0WGL1__: @aidentax [15670] gdkjet: snipe [15670] Raimo80: aiden not sniping [15670] tyzer_r6: he is hew wa s [15671] HiVise: Its a fake Aiden [15671] swampsniper13: !gamble 100 [15671] aiden_swing: snip [15671] StreamElements: @swampsniper13, you only have 15 points. [15672] fvrsz: !gamble [15672] exotixdavid: !LINK [15672] bswank5014: !gamble all [15672] astxrism33: !LINK [15672] Nightbot: @exotixdavid If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [15673] slop_2: @aiden_swing [15673] StreamElements: bswank5014 went all in and lost every single one of their 5 points LUL [15673] phiiizzy: SNIPING [15673] adamthegreat56: !gamble all [15673] StreamElements: adamthegreat56 went all in and lost every single one of their 50 points LUL [15674] gavin9869: @aidenomics [15674] gdkjet: Aidan snipe [15674] lratio2022: !gamble all [15674] ttv_curlyfn: you are my sunshine my only sunshine [15674] StreamElements: lratio2022 went all in and lost every single one of their 770 points LUL [15674] exetasia: @aidentax [15674] autodznn: AIDEN IS STREETSNIPINNNGGG [15674] Dirty_Bonnie: aidens not sniping you idiot [15674] rfarleydude97: @aiden_swing WHATS UP BOY [15675] lytherplays: !gamble all [15675] zxourii: cooked [15675] StreamElements: PogChamp lytherplays went all in and won 2450 points PogChamp they now have 4900 points FeelsGoodMan [15675] phiiizzy: SNIPER [15676] cooljgr5: !gamble 150 [15676] tyzer_r6: junko Aiden snipe [15676] alexbutlerr: @aidentax [15676] abrahamdxm: go to himmm [15677] qxeyt: STREAM SNIPE [15677] phiiizzy: SNIPING [15677] zxourii: CMONNNN [15677] pay_kabes71: dont sell my points [15677] clark_addison1: !gamble all [15677] LoyalOnTwitch: w duo [15677] pavlimekhael: jynxziSad [15677] jester09876987y43: aidentax [15678] vukar6s: !gamble all [15678] StreamElements: vukar6s went all in and lost every single one of their 970 points LUL [15678] tcl_2: !watchtime [15678] StreamElements: tcl_2 has spent 2 hours 40 mins watching jynxzi [15679] kodydafish: !gamble [15679] phiiizzy: SNIPER [15679] itz_jay1265: @aidentax [15679] tyzer_r6: snipe [15679] gavin_ur_mom: someone gift 🎁 me pls [15679] trulyy_dae: u better win [15679] purpstwich: !gamble 50 [15679] r1l3y_k1ng: !gamble 10 [15679] maxwelln984: Stream snipping [15679] mzxopiz: AIDEN SENT ME AIDEN SENT ME [15679] sparkymotors: play together [15679] aiden_swing: sniping [15680] suit_doge: of girl [15680] lockeykockey3: @aiden_swing [15680] headshoter0096: aiden snipe [15680] tttvvexing: did I miss a win?? [15680] fadedgamess: chat dumb asfk lmao [15680] garrett4ay1212: !watchtime [15680] phiiizzy: SNIPING | Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [15500] That a fuser is now secured. [15510] Нуж [15520] And you're the greatest man come on! [15530] DECK! Pro, oh my god, take me to map 3, please. What's fucking go, man? Come on! Holy shit! [15540] Yo, yo, W. Stop it in the fucking chat. When does the sky lose a one, bro? W. Stop it in the fucking chat. Oh my god! [15550] I love him. Okay, yo, I swear to God I will not get first picked, but I promise. Or you can go at this player. Yo, I think we go, bro, I think we go Fenrir, Malousey, and play like Crackhead. [15560] Sloky which will opt you like better? I'm about to like say we go down and just like make big rotates and fucking walls inside like not even join Why are they just gonna play vert and shit though? [15570] Yeah, I mean, just run out of sight. Like, I'm literally thinking to make like rotates in the bakery and inter-ide hall. Like, I'm not even joking. Oh, you're thinking really first. I'm not even joking. [15580] Yeah. Map here. All right, back. Yeah. For fun. I'm a big force in prison. We're going to be the bomb. They know we're going to be the first soul. I'm going to be the first soul. I'm going to be the first soul. I'm going to be the first soul. All right, have a bakery rotate. [15590] And I'm gonna kinda like, like, play a drone site and then just kite their drones, uh, I just walked it up to him, everyone. These guys are 20 times better than the first time we played. Uh, 4 is located at bomb. [15600] I don't know where it's at, bro. [15610] One camp's in whiskey. [15620] I'm getting spotted. [15630] i don't know權ner who are and and [15640] I'm saying that. Listen, if you go home my hallway, I can play close with the shotgun. Like you can swing out this rotating shit. If they could have come down red though. [15650] I got one cam and say it. Could you try to call one this way maybe? I can try my best. They got the wall, sir. I'm trying to just come help you then to save up the whole thing. [15660] I mean you can play in type-out and play near this road to it. Or this road to it. [15670] I think he's right in the bakery door. | There is a Highlight between 15500 and 15800. Stopmn once again saves a round where Jynxzi dies early. |
Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [15700] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [15700] xVeNuMzx: !gamble 5 [15700] leonpatersmith: !gamble 1000 [15700] sqelchy: @aiden_swing [15700] StreamElements: @leonpatersmith, you only have 45 points. [15700] Lewisjda: !MC [15700] Nightbot: https://clips.twitch.tv/SneakyElatedPepperFUNgineer-o7iMQT3-KpHvP1aO [15700] fallen4x: HES NOT IN CHATTTTTT [15700] r1l3y_k1ng: !gamble all [15700] Osmabinballin420: LLLLLLLLL [15701] loon9406: !LINK [15701] wxsim: !gamble all [15701] nisrinmaklouf: @aidenomics [15701] StreamElements: wxsim went all in and lost every single one of their 1505 points LUL [15701] kmonkeyktm: @aiden_swing [15701] blueplaysdn: @aiden_swing [15701] koecreation: @aiden_swing [15701] wethans__mom: @aiden_swing [15702] that_real_monkey08: that_real_monkey08 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! [15702] SaintsCalibre: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [15702] jibna1: @aidentax [15703] duallydulak: @aidentax [15703] itsnotcheryl_: !gamble 100 [15703] nashythegoat560: DICK [15703] trulyy_dae: I got channel point on you [15703] jaycefn12: jynxziHappy [15703] StreamElements: itsnotcheryl_ lost 100 points in roulette and now has 1645 points! FeelsBadMan [15704] tayfnl: !gamble 1000 [15704] sn1pz_safe: @aidentax get outta twitch bro [15704] drippyefx: !link [15704] pavlimekhael: jynxziSuprised [15705] Nightbot: @drippyefx If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [15705] Rolleytop: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke [15705] slimmy_jay: !gamble [15705] Poopify01: @aiden_swing [15705] hazard10108: @aidentax [15705] lockeykockey3: STOMPN STREAM SNIPING [15706] lovexqz: @aiden_swing [15706] KeyboardLuke: @aiden_swing [15706] vvkari: Cam extra big [15706] xHELLSOVERLORDx: xhells1HYPE xhells1HYPE xhells1HYPE xhells1HYPE xhells1HYPE [15706] Duddastalktomenice: !gamble 600 [15706] PlonKre: !followage [15706] chapin722: CHEESE CHEESE CHEESE [15706] ski_raw: chat shut tf up [15707] duncanstreams0: bro dnf [15707] AmiriBailey: @aidentax [15707] therealslimshady_jakub: @ka [15707] StreamElements: @PlonKre, plonkre has been following jynxzi for 6 months 28 days 8 hours [15707] chilledguy0: PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh [15707] revolver_emory: !gamble 400 [15707] gall0: !gamble 4900 [15707] monkeyman102810: Skibidi toilet [15708] bryce_bb5: @aidantax [15708] ttv_curlyfn: BabyRage [15708] supremeslabs420: swat is waiting [15709] kyfonn: @afadd34 [15709] nopexnopenope: !gamble 100 [15709] ilyahr6: !gamble 100 [15709] MAKEANGELS4GOD: Aiden stream sniping [15709] StreamElements: nopexnopenope lost 100 points in roulette and now has 360 points! FeelsBadMan [15709] StreamElements: ilyahvl won 100 points in roulette and now has 1010 points! FeelsGoodMan [15709] ajgals: @hivise his eyes are obviously looking hard right mid round [15710] LIL_P6969: !gamble 150 [15710] bardown16__: HIVISE CALL JYNXZI AIDEN IS SNIPING [15711] maurycey: who won round 1 [15711] lratio2022: !gamble all [15712] swampsniper13: !gamble all [15712] Alleyway48: Bro bouta die now [15712] raymondkfloydkk: !gamble 1000 [15712] aweqzzz: Alright [15713] eZ_DrOwSy: !Watchtime [15713] duncanstreams0: aiden is in stream [15713] cashlocg: dumbass thas not aiden☠️ [15713] StreamElements: eZ_DrOwSy has spent 12 days 15 hours watching jynxzi [15714] itsnotcheryl_: !gamble 250 [15714] trulyy_dae: hi [15714] asssgoldenpopper4: hivise is sniping [15715] ttv_curlyfn: FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ [15715] coolcat17000: @aidentax [15715] jamaljohn2435: @aidenniger [15716] georgewww14: !gamble [15716] jaunty89: @hivise check aidens stream that shuts wild peaking [15717] truejoey: !gamble 200 [15717] rflts: CHAT THATS THE WRONG FUCKING AIDEN U IDIOTS [15717] Got_Heeemmm: !gamble 1000 [15717] StreamElements: @Got_Heeemmm, you only have 15 points. [15718] jayreplaysbtw: !gamble all [15718] StreamElements: jayreplaysbtw went all in and lost every single one of their 10 points LUL [15718] chuffs02: AIDEN STREAM SNIPING BRO [15718] pavlimekhael: jynxziGoodAim [15719] rillllb: ! gamble 500 [15719] will376388: @aidentax [15720] vvkari: cam crazy big @hivise [15720] Ronnyg420: W [15720] ajfraki12: !watchtime [15720] AmiriBailey: h [15720] rflts: CHAT THATS THE WRONG FUCKING AIDEN U IDIOTS CHAT THATS THE WRONG FUCKING AIDEN U IDIOTS [15720] Nightbot: h [15720] StreamElements: ajfraki12 has spent 5 hours 10 mins watching jynxzi [15720] pantera_221: Come on CUMKO, I bet against you but I'm still rooting for you my dood [15720] chronic_bryan64: look in [15721] ttv_curlyfn: ArsonNoSexy ArsonNoSexy KevinTurtle PunchTrees PunchTrees [15721] pwr_claps: !gamble 200 [15721] obvioussly_: so ass 😂 [15721] StreamElements: pwr_claps won 200 points in roulette and now has 530 points! FeelsGoodMan [15721] rflts: CHAT THATS THE WRONG FUCKING AIDEN U IDIOTS [15722] AKuhBinoTV: @HiVise if i got gifted a sub do i get the charm? [15722] arabjoke: WW [15722] liam3548: !gamble all [15722] im_lil_goo: !gamble all [15722] StreamElements: liam3548 went all in and lost every single one of their 130 points LUL [15722] wethans__mom: @hivise [15722] KREZ0_: L [15722] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [15722] duallydulak: !gamble all [15723] mason_0023: !gamble all [15723] StreamElements: duallydulak went all in and lost every single one of their 20 points LUL [15723] StreamElements: mason_0023 went all in and lost every single one of their 4585 points LUL [15723] jawaadg: -k/d... washed [15723] rflts: CHAT THATS THE WRONG FUCKING AIDEN U IDIOTS CHAT THATS THE WRONG FUCKING AIDEN U IDIOTS [15723] GHOSTEEE_23: L [15723] tttvvexing: tttvvexing is gifting 50 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 202 in the channel! [15723] xpecthaven: wwow [15723] chuffs02: AIDEN SNIPING [15723] zzefy: CHEESE [15724] ineedbeanz: slammed [15724] chapin722: CHEESE [15724] lilsluga: omg jump scare [15724] jballer0_0: sell [15724] fkiller2103: !gamble 40 [15724] l31r6ag: WASHED [15724] Empathy101: washede [15725] bardown16__: STOP MOVING SO LOUDDDD [15725] rflts: CHAT THATS THE WRONG FUCKING AIDEN U IDIOTS CHAT THATS THE WRONG FUCKING AIDEN U IDIOTS CHAT THATS THE WRONG FUCKING AIDEN U IDIOTS [15725] tttvvexing: tttvvexing gifted a Tier 1 sub to jynxifemboy! [15725] tttvvexing: tttvvexing gifted a Tier 1 sub to aaaronnk! [15725] tttvvexing: tttvvexing gifted a Tier 1 sub to ESLZer0! [15725] tttvvexing: tttvvexing gifted a Tier 1 sub to R3tr0h0unD! [15725] tttvvexing: tttvvexing gifted a Tier 1 sub to bblair304! [15725] tttvvexing: tttvvexing gifted a Tier 1 sub to sonneilon97! [15725] tttvvexing: tttvvexing gifted a Tier 1 sub to erikbrisse! [15725] tttvvexing: tttvvexing gifted a Tier 1 sub to asshap! [15725] tttvvexing: tttvvexing gifted a Tier 1 sub to 2amjudge! [15725] tttvvexing: tttvvexing gifted a Tier 1 sub to cdgordon! [15725] tttvvexing: tttvvexing gifted a Tier 1 sub to cityofcrenshaw! [15725] tttvvexing: tttvvexing gifted a Tier 1 sub to caseohsister5! [15725] tttvvexing: tttvvexing gifted a Tier 1 sub to ijthehooper5! [15726] himothy4572: AIDEN SNIPING [15726] beeslams: sold [15726] kmonkeyktm: Aiden in steram [15726] 4_saken_philly: How [15726] astxrism33: !LINK [15727] rflts: CHAT THATS THE WRONG FUCKING AIDEN U IDIOTS CHAT THATS THE WRONG FUCKING AIDEN U IDIOTS [15727] 1renero: selling [15727] lmb_lambo42: !gamble 283 [15727] ttv_curlyfn: BibleThump ;) PunchTrees DBstyle DBstyle DBstyle AsianGlow MrDestructoid BCWarrior riPepperonis [15727] tastytalkies: part timer [15727] darkmoonharem: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [15727] pirategrad_60: sniping [15727] StreamElements: lmb_lambo42 lost 283 points in roulette and now has 817 points! FeelsBadMan [15727] GHOSTEEE_23: trash can kid [15727] breakingblad: pre end [15728] HiVise: W [15728] asap_vortex_: BADDDDDDDDDD [15728] chuffs02: AIDEN STREAM SNIPING [15728] Greg_and_Fazek: Stompn carried [15728] Friiissk: SLAMMED [15728] vision20sd: who won map 1 guys ?? [15728] jynxzioffline: !watchtime [15728] HiVise: W [15728] bobzify: w [15728] phiiizzy: HES SNIPING [15728] HiVise: W [15728] KREZ0_: LLL [15728] StreamElements: jynxzioffline has spent 10 hours 30 mins watching jynxzi [15728] HiVise: W [15728] HiVise: W [15729] malady: SOLD [15729] HiVise: W [15729] pay_kabes71: shit on [15729] HiVise: W [15729] HiVise: W [15729] HiVise: W [15729] ChillKyy_: bro running for his life [15729] HiVise: W [15729] CoffeeBus947: !points [15729] fadedgamess: @pwr_claps [15729] HiVise: W [15729] MAKEANGELS4GOD: sold [15729] HiVise: W [15729] rflts: CHAT THATS THE WRONG FUCKING AIDEN U IDIOTS CHAT THATS THE WRONG FUCKING AIDEN U IDIOTS CHAT THATS THE WRONG FUCKING AIDEN U IDIOTS [15729] StreamElements: @CoffeeBus947 CoffeeBus947 has 1964 points and is rank 241256/1745361 on the leaderboard. [15730] magicjeff221: Sold [15730] HiVise: W [15730] HiVise: W [15730] HiVise: W [15731] HiVise: W [15731] okjevon: clix [15731] trulyy_dae: chat am I cooked? [15731] freewins540: when is fan mail? [15731] HiVise: W [15731] cashlocg: chat is actually ed☠️☠️chat is actually ed☠️☠️chat is actually ed☠️☠️ [15731] jussmarcos: STOP SELLING [15731] al_dusty324: WHO WON ROUND 1 [15731] leightongamz: Www [15731] speerowbeekefeece: D1 SELLOUT [15731] YVNGVEIN: W [15731] warcarson09: washed [15731] tayfnl: !gamble 500 [15731] HiVise: W [15732] bigmf_z420: SOLD [15732] ruefnb: yoooo [15732] FrostySpace9055: w [15732] nolimitnoob_: sold... [15732] lytherplays: WWWWW [15732] Mcdragonn: THEY ARE STREAM SNIPING [15732] colby9: w [15732] Greg_and_Fazek: ww [15732] moosewala_: ur selling [15732] NickSpaghettiii: W [15732] BANGBROTHERS: holy sell holy sell holy sell holy sell holy sell holy sell [15732] rfarleydude97: WHAT ARE YOU DOING [15733] zzol29: why peek [15733] Ksithh: W [15733] hashoeke: WWWW [15733] xVeNuMzx: W [15733] etterrx: WWWW [15733] beeslams: AIDEN IS SNIPING [15733] 226_Toyo: ur so horrible [15733] gpo_drag: w [15733] PudgySpike: w [15733] bvm1xs: W [15733] NeverJared: UR HORRIBLE [15733] misticleey: W [15733] lytherplays: W [15733] arthurwilliams04: w [15734] iamtonny_: They snipping they know you play alone bakery [15734] mand0_ttv: WWWWWWWWWWWWWW [15734] logan7lemay: !gamble 100 [15734] pogphrog985: Sold [15734] KREZ0_: W subs [15734] prodiswashed: Ww [15734] StreamElements: @logan7lemay, you only have 5 points. [15734] blazinghotwings: w [15734] WoodsOnAWood: qqqqqqqq [15734] gpo_drag: ww [15734] junkossgisdoodoo: @hivise adin is In the stream [15734] Greg_and_Fazek: W [15734] henking_: W [15734] odiego305: W [15735] PudgySpike: wew [15735] misticleey: WWW [15735] yelsewo3: SNIPING [15735] codbob45: Wew [15735] prodiswashed: w [15735] katrix_x: stop selling [15735] tyzer_r6: AIDEN SNIPEAIDEN SNIPEAIDEN SNIPEAIDEN SNIPEAIDEN SNIPEAIDEN SNIPEAIDEN SNIPEAIDEN SNIPEAIDEN SNIPEAIDEN SNIPEAIDEN SNIPEAIDEN SNIPE [15735] elementrix911: w [15735] scyth417: jynxzi look inn [15735] amdemon31: amdemon31 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [15735] ZealousNFR: ghosted so hard wtf [15735] Swept_Kujo: w [15735] soysauce_12: Part timer [15735] ladanc: SELLING [15735] lytherplays: WWWWWWWWWWWW [15736] PudgySpike: ww [15736] venom18gt: 50 gifted? GYAT [15736] aiden_swing: sniping [15736] ItzKalez: W [15736] WoodsOnAWood: q [15736] itsluis75: u played like u in quick play, why peaking [15736] xpecthaven: www [15737] WoodsOnAWood: w [15737] blazeupdasco: weww [15737] embibi__: w sell [15737] zachmn08: YOU FUCKING SUCK [15737] cheebah710: W 50 [15737] eebingam: www [15737] odiego305: W W [15737] MAKEANGELS4GOD: Aiden stream sniping [15737] xpecthaven: wwwww [15737] jayklv: W [15737] zezshii: they fs stream sniping but your stupid [15737] pedrogu08: BE WASHED HARDER [15737] junkojohnsonda3: www [15737] dababy12345moneydrop: L [15737] benleytv: benleytv subscribed at Tier 1. [15738] natejunior__: W [15738] gdkjet: sniping man [15738] hotnoob76: Y is this shot so choppy [15738] matthewcantthinkofaname: w [15738] NeverJared: SELLING [15738] andrewisbruh: washed [15738] YVNGVEIN: 50 ?! [15738] wxsim: !gamble all [15738] pe_gold51: www [15738] natix15uk: Selling [15738] neftolit_: w [15738] IIItayyI: @le [15738] tombradyx7: !gamble all [15739] WoodsOnAWood: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [15739] Ugur95_: w [15739] leightongamz: W [15739] Swept_Kujo: 50 gifted [15739] bhundagaminglive: W SUBS [15739] StreamElements: PogChamp tombradyx7 went all in and won 5 points PogChamp they now have 10 points FeelsGoodMan [15740] Desimatedd: sold [15740] blazeupdasco: wwww [15740] zacwy: junkos washed? [15740] duncanstreams0: listen to ur chat [15740] LEONpeonU123458362: stream sniping [15740] canth1tsh0ts: vex!!!! [15740] 1renero: w [15740] friedchickenaltaco: !gamble 1000 [15740] kingpakalypse93: wow [15740] colby9: selling asf [15740] monesterapp99: W [15740] rny_monkeyx_x: W mans [15740] StreamElements: friedchickenaltaco lost 1000 points in roulette and now has 1375 points! FeelsBadMan [15741] ItzKalez: W [15741] pe_gold51: wwwww [15741] mrrow0000: W 50 [15741] raymondkfloydkk: !gamble 100 [15741] odiego305: WWW [15741] lzzdot: ww [15741] tragic48: W [15741] lunchiestbox: soooooold [15741] jaycefn12: jynxziHappy jynxziHappy jynxziHappy jynxziHappy jynxziHappy jynxziHappy jynxziHappy jynxziHappy jynxziHappy [15741] Saito047: bro be more patient [15741] poopybaiis: pancake boy stream sell harder [15741] WoodsOnAWood: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [15741] UnHolyRampage93: can you feel the PRE END [15741] itsmec0mplex: itsmec0mplex subscribed with Prime. [15742] cole4455: LLLLLLLLLL [15742] asdfgangsta: 'I promise i wont get first picked' [15742] hxb5: w [15742] 1renero: www [15742] pe_gold51: wwww [15742] amdemon31: w [15742] maximusprime317: !streamtime [15742] andrewisbruh: w for washed [15742] KREZ0_: W subss [15742] henking_: @aidentax [15742] xpecthaven: wwww [15742] colink3333: 60 [15742] bryce_p4: selling [15742] ItzKalez: W [15743] lil__davie: pre end [15743] pastorofmupp: W [15743] pe_gold51: wwwwww [15743] mrgetupintheree: UR WASHED [15743] emilyyispro61: !watchtime [15743] WoodsOnAWood: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [15743] R0BBIIN: they havent droned once lmaooo [15743] odiego305: WwW [15743] gabe4646: washed [15743] StreamElements: pro_1601 has spent 2 days 1 hour watching jynxzi [15743] fate_harley: YOUR SO SHIT [15743] im_poofed: @tttvvexing Thanks for the gift sub! [15743] mikeyswooshh: Aiden stream sniping [15744] 1renero: wwww [15744] mrfxnboxed69: LINK [15744] StreamElements: If you're a gamer, you need a Starforge! Snag one -> https://starforgepc.com/Jynxzi [15744] hurried2: w gifter [15744] pe_gold51: wwwww [15744] ItzKalez: W [15744] KREZ0_: W [15744] bigmf_z420: W 50 [15744] cdc_himothy: cmon dude [15744] johnsonbig1: !gamble all [15744] keaton_y21: wwwwwww [15744] ChocolateLoverVz: yo [15744] jacktheswordzguy: first pic again [15744] StreamElements: PogChamp johnsonbig1 went all in and won 850 points PogChamp they now have 1700 points FeelsGoodMan [15744] palainair: LOCK IN BNROZTHER [15745] WoodsOnAWood: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [15745] mrmisiu05: win harder [15745] 1renero: ww [15746] chizki10: BROTHER [15746] hugso_: BROS EXPECTING A BETTER REACTION [15746] iMarcakeus: vex with 150 wtf [15746] 1renero: wwwww [15746] SayberPlays: @jynxzi at least you're funny [15746] GettingStickae: AIDEN IS CHEATING [15746] WoodsOnAWood: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [15746] ttvaddey20: w [15746] j9Q9: wait [15746] pe_gold51: ww [15746] in_james_we_trust: PunchTrees PunchTrees PunchTrees [15746] fra___w: bs headshot ngl [15747] keaton_y21: wwwwwwwwwwwwwww [15747] pwr_claps: !gamble 300 [15747] sparkk97_: W VEXING [15747] beeslams: AIDEN STREAM SNIPING [15747] lilsluga: WWWWWWW [15747] airlocket157478: Nicky [15747] xpecthaven: ww [15747] oCJ7x: “i’m not getting first picked” [15747] getmoneya24: Yooo [15747] WoodsOnAWood: wwwwwwwwwwwww [15747] mrgoated_aim: !gamble all [15748] bwandeco: a [15748] arko_235: selling stompins elo [15748] fate_harley: L [15748] zukuunoix: PogChamp [15748] StreamElements: @mrgoated_aim, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan [15748] chapin722: HES ON ME BROTHER [15748] largegorilla77: !sub [15748] pastorofmupp: WW [15748] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [15748] pe_gold51: www [15748] theycallmeoisuzy: Chat yous are all stupid. [15748] JustJudeo: sold [15748] 1renero: w [15748] Dushlaii: sarkDance2 sarkDance2 sarkDance2 sarkDance2 sarkDance2 sarkDance2 sarkDance2 sarkDance2 sarkDance2 sarkDance2 [15748] CoRe_Crimzy: pre end [15749] 2kwilson: stream sniping [15749] WoodsOnAWood: wwwwwwwwwwwwww [15749] etterrx: @tttvvexing can you be my sugar daddy? [15749] kassshhe954: amiii [15749] pxtrick2703: !gamble 200 [15749] bigmac37473: w [15749] RageDaaGreat: W IN CHAT FOR VEXXXXX [15749] StreamElements: pxtrick2703 won 200 points in roulette and now has 485 points! FeelsGoodMan [15749] fate_harley: LLLLL [15749] pe_gold51: wwww [15750] 1renero: wW [15750] gillette568: bro his timing 🤦🏻♂️ [15750] WoodsOnAWood: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [15750] pyropikaa: HOLY SHI [15750] thuasujdasdopsaksj: greem [15750] iMarcakeus: vex 150 gifted [15750] chizki10: JYNXZI [15750] creamjohn_: Pom poms [15750] beeslams: AIDEN CHEATING [15751] j9Q9: Wait nooo [15751] in_james_we_trust: PunchTrees [15751] lzzdot: w [15751] 4_saken_philly: Holy shit [15751] logan7lemay: !gamble 1 [15751] 2______e: W [15751] mike0xlongfr: salesman [15751] druew_: www [15751] humberto296: w [15751] fkiller2103: !gamble 200 [15751] WoodsOnAWood: wwwwwwwwwwwwww [15751] numberonericciglazer: SWORE TO GOD YOU WOULDNT BE FIRST PICKED BYW [15751] StreamElements: @fkiller2103, you only have 40 points. [15751] ChocolateLoverVz: yoooooo [15751] tenproduct: u aint making it outta bronze junko [15752] 202Chungus: green fn [15752] fate_harley: L [15752] Mrmaximumuses: w 50 [15752] xNoClip1337: YO GIVE ME SUB TIER 1 (WE ARE IN SILVER) TIER 2 (WE ARE IN GOLD) TIER 3 (WE ARE IN CHAMPION) ELSE WE ARE IN COPPER [15752] 1renero: WW [15752] rapha92santos: HE IS HIM [15752] supremeslabs420: win harder [15752] moosewala_: copper ass mf [15752] budd3r__: WWWWWWWWWWW [15753] clusterfvxk: WOW [15753] CarlWheezR6: !gamble all [15753] pe_gold51: wwww [15753] 2______e: WWW [15753] xzopdh: LL [15753] StreamElements: CarlWheezR6 went all in and lost every single one of their 180 points LUL [15753] jynzxijohnny: !watchtime [15753] newyork_1978: why didnt you pre fire him [15753] JustJudeo: carried [15754] StreamElements: jynzxijohnny has spent 7 days 16 hours watching jynxzi [15754] 1renero: WWW [15754] akamaru_osu: POLS [15754] inevafrez: GREEN FN [15754] izzetSinH: WTF??????????? [15754] Amii_Tsunamii: AIDEN IS STREAMSNIPING [15754] mike0xlongfr: SALESMAN [15754] gnom3o: EZ WIN FOR JYNXZI + STOMPIN [15754] 2______e: WWWWW [15754] johnsonxv: !gamble all [15755] mason_ssg: wow [15755] lzzdot: ww [15755] StreamElements: PogChamp johnsonxv went all in and won 45040 points PogChamp they now have 90080 points FeelsGoodMan [15755] azraelwoah: wow [15755] ineedbeanz: WWWWW [15755] lilsluga: WWWWWW [15755] s0rahb: w stompn carry [15755] batuTM: HOW IS HE SO GOOD [15755] raineybo: W [15755] nxtexiello: YURR [15755] bardown16__: HOW [15756] scadush23: WW [15756] Moro22_: OMG [15756] Mcdragonn: STREAM SMIPING [15756] itsMeLinksii: W [15756] RonladMcNaldo: U KERP SELLING BRO LISTEN TO STOMPN [15756] pe_gold51: wwwww [15756] nyk18: WOW [15756] usernameisdavid: WOWWW [15756] astroidr6: WHAT [15756] tatroman: WWWWWWWWWWWWW [15756] nzanchi2549: W [15756] xqdu: WWWW [15756] creamjohn_: WWW [15756] OZY6_: nah [15756] xpecthaven: wwww [15757] largegorilla77: !SUB [15757] golzerrrr: W [15757] beeslams: AIDEN SNIPING [15757] not_alieu: carried [15757] odiego305: W [15757] lil2falafel: omgggg [15757] larzsssss: BROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [15757] lunaa: omg omg [15757] cheebah710: clutch [15757] mason_ssg: WWWWWW [15757] Kryten319: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [15757] lilsluga: STOMPNNNNN [15757] ilyahr6: !gamble100 [15757] codbob45: Wwwweee [15757] juicyclemm: holllyyyyy [15758] bardown16__: HOW THE FUCK [15758] Y0li: wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [15758] ZLIZZY: WWWW [15758] ValkyrieGamingOfficial: oh my god [15758] Franklin: wow [15758] kacperxexx: HE IS INSANEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [15758] Falayho69: W [15758] mandocommando21: daddddddyyyyyy [15758] asm0deus727: GOT DAMN [15758] kartierkai: OMG [15758] raineybo: Www [15759] Franklin: wiw [15759] lemonboy1351: ooof [15759] i_Bash: CARRIED [15759] mike0xlongfr: YOURE A SALESMAN [15759] dropstompn: W [15759] xzc12a: MAAAYY GOD [15759] mason_ssg: stompgKing stompgKing stompgKing stompgKing stompgKing stompgKing [15759] 1Drae: w [15759] JayTPG: W [15759] halfozblunt: omg [15759] GLOdynasty: carried [15759] katrix_x: LLLL [15759] berkayuww: what [15759] Arashi012: W [15759] bluejoltz23: wwwww [15760] wrongtaurus: @Jynxzi POM POMS [15760] VIIX_Turtle: ResidentSleeper 1v2 [15760] toxicfinger656: w [15760] WoodsOnAWood: wwwwwwwwwwwwwww [15760] fkiller2103: !gamble 20 [15760] gjsncsnaf: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [15760] asap_vortex_: WWWWWWWWWWWWW [15760] HiVise: Jesus [15760] NeverJared: OMGGGGGGGGGGG [15760] asm0deus727: U WIN [15760] Franklin: wow [15761] Franklin: wow [15762] xpecthaven: wwwww [15762] JustExoticss: hes fucking insane [15762] cheebah710: im hard [15762] berkayuww: omg [15762] ChocolateLoverVz: WW [15762] angelchastity: STOMPGOATTT [15762] GigaChadUSA: Throw him the backpack [15762] 1Drae: WWWWWWWWW [15762] jlam18_: HOLLYYYY [15762] drewscrat02: wait [15762] drmonkeeman10: PRE END [15762] Rezyio_: CARRIED! [15762] tellyg47: HARD CARRIED [15762] Angrymango67: goat [15762] abrahamsa24: aiden is stream snipping [15763] whw32: w/w [15763] ryanrza605: hardcarry [15763] WoodsOnAWood: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [15763] swazybaby24: OMGG [15763] ryuthebest001: ZADDEYYYYYYYYYYYYY [15763] fearceagle: w stompn [15763] skeletanger: WWWWW [15763] captainmangos: GREEN FN [15763] gerrycube: WWWWWW [15763] StreamElements: tcl_2 has spent 2 hours 40 mins watching jynxzi [15763] 1renero: stompn carry [15763] kledble: dddddddddddang [15764] Franklin: wow [15765] asxppayt: CARRIED [15765] skeletanger: WWWW [15765] 1Drae: MY KING [15765] williambeattie2010: wow [15765] infinitystard: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [15765] aa_ron0: GOATTTTT [15765] csal90: give him all the miney [15765] mason_ssg: stompgKing stompgKing stompgKing stompgKing stompgKing stompgKing stompgBoot stompgBoot stompgBoot stompgBoot stompgBoot stompgBoot [15765] OTFbetter_24: wwww [15765] starbeck23: w stomp [15765] jjrio18: wow [15765] Marrok_TV: W STOMPN [15765] axther_cs: WTFFFFFFFFFFFF [15765] Ayzorax: ive lost my points only to stompn [15765] j9Q9: splits on it [15766] stars_470: WWWWWW [15766] its_kevooo_: HOLY [15766] tjdaprince44: WOWOWWOWO [15766] rossystreams: 🐐 [15766] keithlistlll: snipe [15766] chuffs02: AIDEN STREAM SNIPING [15766] KL11111: @Jynxzi bro pay him 75% [15766] fluex3245: HOLY SHIT [15766] aboodmezher_a: Wwwwww [15766] Aightly: 1v2 [15766] ttvaddey20: hi [15766] ItsCsper: nah [15766] droppfnbr_: ww [15766] flipflopgrease: wtff [15766] riverc420: wwwwwqwq [15768] zirnick: PAY THIS FUCKIN MAN [15768] drewscrat02: wtf [15768] Snowy373: WW [15768] cheebah710: cohhNODDERS cohhNODDERS cohhNODDERS [15768] 1Drae: LMAO [15768] b4ndssz: ww [15768] daddysmoney25: the greatest to ever do it [15768] flipflopgrease: how tf [15768] iamtonny_: Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet's goooooooooooooooo [15768] axther_cs: WW [15768] xaprtonxbox: he’s him [15768] riverc420: wwwwwwwww [15768] mason_ssg: stompgKing stompgKing stompgKing stompgKing stompgKing stompgKing stompgKing [15768] joshmillay6: 50 [15768] cheesychester13: GREENNNNNNENENENENENENE [15769] bigwavyz: hes hot [15769] bryann1029: STOMPN IS SO GOODD [15769] dxshz1371: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [15769] asap_vortex_: 10KKKKKKKKKKK [15769] ItsCsper: that’s insanse [15769] pirategrad_60: water boy [15769] Alcamera: Alcamera subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 10 month streak! [15769] Nightbot: 🍉 [15771] pay_kabes71: BUMMMMMM [15771] menace674: you need to help this man [15771] drew7778: spectating simulator [15771] withaidena: TYPE 1 TO GET JYNXIS ATTENTION TO TELL HIM AIDENS SNIPING [15771] Lewie181: carried. you’re ass [15771] Atmo_nS: He on the juice [15771] umitt3850_: www [15771] azraelwoah: HES SO MUCH BETTER WHAT THE FUCK [15771] cutemuffin01: 50 GIFTED [15771] JiveJellyy: w [15771] hb6g6h6vyv5frcr: W [15771] kcurro05: Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm [15771] 1Drae: HE DA GOAT [15771] Fossabot: @jdbeast99, Your message is too long [15771] qlilvxbes21: 3/7 [15772] drpkfullbox100: pay stomp [15772] Itzdanielle09: ++++ [15772] pe_gold51: dodnondond [15772] chivo_19: ww [15772] sanwichgameronttv: GLAZE [15772] buzerq: HIM [15772] dumbdoc1227: Wwwwwwwww [15772] ValkyrieX9: getting carried [15772] bigmoemeedia: wwwww [15772] embibi__: wow [15772] colby9: glaze [15774] dumbdoc1227: Stompgoat [15774] ludoveechee83: poffOhYeah Poooound poffOhYeah Poooound poffOhYeah Poooound poffSnipes HSWP [15774] ducks3121: wwwww [15774] nenon_kai: Wiwiow [15774] fuzzy1660: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [15774] ethanval999: Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 [15774] CQIN: STOMPN AINT STOPPN 🐐 [15774] xzc12a: PAY STOMPN [15774] shiesty_cecil: TUFF JUNKO LOCK IN KID [15774] b1ackf1r3s: CARRIED [15774] jynxgddaim: 🐐 [15774] schizo76: f disgusting [15774] rolltide10: greatest [15774] jakobe1313: Pay him [15774] Nightbot: F in the chat [15775] vilehimself: ww [15775] eastoniscompp: LMAOOO [15775] apesrcool: doing tricks on it [15775] newyork_1978: step up junko [15775] wrisxfps: U BETTER GIVE HIM MORE THEN 1 BAND [15775] mason_ssg: stompgGoodaim stompgGoodaim stompgGoodaim stompgGoodaim stompgGoodaim stompgGoodaim stompgGoodaim [15775] fl3xgam3r: Send him 2k [15775] sp4xee: whens the stream [15775] immortal_plaguedoctor: Carried [15775] WoodsOnAWood: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [15775] CharlieFCB_: GET THE POM POMSSSSS [15775] OTFbetter_24: way better than you [15775] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [15775] Derevman1: green fn [15775] phatfutgecko: STOMPPPPPPPP [15776] braxton_rtr: Hes the greatest idc [15776] priarace: GIVE THAT MAN A MASSAGE FOR CARRYING U [15776] AyoChris15: vnceW vnceW [15776] imonseaweed_: !stompn [15776] ricardoairosa: Damn [15776] bigboymax69420: god hes carrying you [15776] xjpupx: stompn 1v2 [15776] boydotme: stompgGoodaim stompgGoodaim stompgGoodaim stompgGoodaim [15776] Jincoln_: Stompin is the goat [15776] btrevino97: WWWWWWWWW [15776] Nightbot: 35 year old controller warlord! [15778] firejuice7808: firejuice7808 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! [15778] FoxWRLD: PEDS [15778] alixnader: Carried [15778] awwayqw: POMS POMS BOY [15778] boydotme: stompgGoodaim stompgGoodaim stompgBadaim stompgBadaim stompgBadaim stompgBadaim [15778] faz_23: CHEERRRR [15778] ducks3121: wwwwww [15778] bubba_goat12: holy shot [15778] easterlypie118: stompn is god [15778] sterlingarcher321: Michael Stompn Jordan [15778] nenon_kai: So good [15778] Nightbot: too easy [15778] venom18gt: 50 gifted [15778] ghoul_punk100: send 1500 [15778] StreamElements: adrian17211721 has spent 2 days 7 hours watching jynxzi [15779] misterclaritty: he’s 12 [15779] rnitten: jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage [15779] ValkyrieGamingOfficial: GOTTA GIVE HIM THE FULL 2K [15779] daddysmoney25: clone him [15779] MrOsirisPS4: !gamble 220 [15779] Gammioo: stompin is ludicrous [15779] j_mcdougall: that was godlike [15779] xVeNuMzx: !gamble all [15779] kaitivess: stompn wtfff [15779] dumbdoc1227: Wwwwwwwwwwww [15779] thomasryyyy: you owe stompn toppy [15779] fastdagger19: WTFFFFFFFFFFF [15779] StreamElements: xVeNuMzx went all in and lost every single one of their 5 points LUL [15779] StreamElements: MrOsirisPS4 lost 220 points in roulette and now has 535 points! FeelsBadMan [15779] salt505crazy: salt505crazy subscribed with Prime. [15781] phatfutgecko: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [15781] ogcorcutt6: definitely the addys [15781] Kyhoshi__: Glaze [15781] andrew789r: no fucking way [15781] faz_23: POMPOMS [15781] UNKWN_24: he’s actually so good [15781] peejlynch22: 4 BANDS [15781] ChocolateLoverVz: it’s not fair [15781] WoodsOnAWood: www [15781] raineybo: W [15781] raymondkfloydkk: !gamble 100 [15781] jakobe1313: Pay stompn for carrying [15781] nenon_kai: Wwwwwwww [15781] xslenderyoshix: OMG PAY STOMPGOAT jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke [15781] TheSlxp: WWW [15782] aiden_swing: Aiden’s snip [15782] mclovinbaby1940: L streamer [15782] tfischer5758: get the Pom poms out [15782] puurpol: @aydentax [15782] StreamElements: raymondkfloydkk lost 100 points in roulette and now has 8405 points! FeelsBadMan [15782] Snowy_Jup1ter: stompn is the greatest [15782] Tobcor: yo who is this [15782] vvkaze: WW [15782] astxrism33: !LINK [15782] jordanaugustus10: W [15782] betterttk: you better give him 2k if you guys win [15782] Nightbot: @astxrism33 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [15782] drew7778: spectating simulatpf [15782] rovas_: yooooooooo [15782] Aightly: give him all the money [15783] ricardoairosa: WWWW [15783] xzc12a: PAY STOMPN [15783] Sharta333: 2k [15783] cincirican: was crazy [15783] imdsolong: Oo [15783] zCry2k: VEX HOW RICH ARE U [15783] Mr_Ena: Mr_Ena subscribed with Prime. [15784] kris28199: get the pom pom [15784] tellyg47: Go ahead and send bro the whole payout 😭 [15784] yolukechil: get the Pom Poms out [15784] bigmoemeedia: www [15784] stepbro_rigo: He’s so good [15784] loon9406: !LINk [15784] zachmn08: HELP HIM [15784] Nicogazzotti: Yoo [15784] bunbeezy04: seller [15784] es1801: he’s sniping [15784] l4m4ndo: revxKappa revxKappa revxKappa revxKappa [15784] myst_lvz: w [15784] nigel_thornberry_iv: his piss would melt styrofoam [15784] that_real_monkey08: Cheer 400 [15784] WoodsOnAWood: w'jkbwjbliuWJB;JDJ:jbwq [15785] xjpupx: 1v2 [15785] crodi1_: STFU AND STOP SELLIN [15785] zloxpaa: q [15785] mauracassidy: w stompn [15785] GHOSTEEE_23: vex has dropped 1000 dollars what an idiot [15785] moneysignslexy: HOLY GLAZE [15785] j_mcdougall: ❤️❤️❤️ [15785] ECGMR: usual stompn carry [15785] imaginedraqons: GREEN FN [15785] r6_grizz: pay this man 1500 [15785] eastoniscompp: so good [15785] drewscrat02: wait im never betting against him again [15785] ixbrannxs: Wwwwwww [15785] chivo_19: yuhhh [15785] MellyP1: CARRIED [15786] xBonefishx: carried [15786] phatfutgecko: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [15786] trucker_larry: GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey [15786] Gamerclone12: PAY HIMPAY HIMPAY HIMPAY HIMPAY HIMPAY HIM [15786] ThatGuySoap: ThatGuySoap subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 5 month streak! 🤍🤍 [15787] iiperx: L JUNKO [15787] tellyg47: Go ahead and send bro the whole stack 😭 [15787] yamomlvswilfred: Pom pom [15787] a_milky_straw: never seen anyone get carried harder [15787] loon9406: !LINK [15787] dinosaur_nuggees: jynxziFALL [15787] joey_11810: wowwww [15787] cleetgg: that was fucking insane [15787] Nightbot: i was crazy once [15787] Tempurit: He smort [15787] phatfutgecko: jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY [15787] xofreaky: LONGESTT STREAM EVER [15787] jaydavila4: glazing is crazy [15787] JustJudeo: but you are selling [15787] jacqueshuncho: SELLING [15788] Lobster_MC: no [15788] matrix_4100: WWWWWWWWWWW [15788] re_dei_cactus01: 𝅙 [15788] imbadatrainbo: GIVE STOMPN THE 5K [15788] jiavanniii: give him 2nbands [15788] restrixtion: !gamble all [15788] gr3g4rious: oh man, you are good but he is carrying you hard [15788] DFd3adp00l: how old is this guy btw [15788] nasmokey: brother [15788] ykitz_splazzfn: carried [15788] jussmarcos: just spectate every game fatass [15788] kris28199: get the pom poms [15788] ixaqc: w [15788] TheJakethy: POM POMS [15788] StreamElements: restrixtion went all in and lost every single one of their 700 points LUL [15790] tommy_llo: Least obvious money laundering scheme [15790] Sameeettttttttt: @hivise scratch my ba11z thats it [15790] abc21the: pre end [15790] exhaustedslothh: deimos [15790] sloppypuppyy: pISS TEST HIS ASS [15790] alankekw: xd [15790] brandonthyer18: GREEN FN [15790] pmw11: glaze [15790] nathan_522: OML AIDEN SNIPING [15790] tyzer_r6: smipe [15790] WoodsOnAWood: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [15790] acidthriller: W stompn [15790] amai: -250 [15790] thecheese111: his snipping [15790] astroidr6: THAT C4 WAS CRAZY [15791] etterrx: l [15791] lilsluga: POM POMSSS [15791] boydotme: stompgGoodaim stompgGoodaim stompgGoodaim stompgGoodaim [15791] 1voids_nova: 3-7 devin [15791] fade_electric__: WTF L FUCKING REACTION [15791] aIexpereira: usual carry [15791] y00die: YO STOMP IS CRACKED jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH [15791] coopfieeld: ddd [15791] phatfutgecko: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [15791] theenormousd1ck: this man deserves more than a grand [15791] How2MakeAPizza: How2MakeAPizza subscribed with Prime. [15791] Godinez805: who won map 1? [15791] MorkViking: jynxzi cmon bro, be a better teammate bro [15791] i_Bash: CARRIED [15791] coltg_74: WOW [15792] StreamElements: PogChamp IJCeee went all in and won 540 points PogChamp they now have 1080 points FeelsGoodMan [15792] WoodsOnAWood: WWWWWWWWWWWWWW [15792] Opalixz: stream sniping [15792] boardmangetspaid__: help him [15792] megablow2: 3 kills 9 round [15792] jjjjjjjjfffsqoq: Aiden sniping [15792] CoffeeBus947: !gamble all [15792] mazark0: w addy [15792] richthesimp: Pay Stompn [15792] StreamElements: CoffeeBus947 went all in and lost every single one of their 1964 points LUL [15793] tommy_llo: Least obvious money laundering scheme [15794] ixbrannxs: Stop selling him [15794] TheJakethy: POMS [15794] Sp1keee__: GIVE HIM HALF ! [15794] an0nym0us020: GLAZE [15794] okgarywinthorpe: JYNXZI UR SOOO ASSSSS [15794] mrrow0000: He’s gifted 202 [15794] JohnsonWarr1or: When is clips [15794] shehatesaldo: did [15794] tommy_llo: Least obvious money laundering scheme [15794] owenblackwell420: I’m 4 hours late what’s been happening [15794] LeQuickster09: carried? [15794] smokeyxdan: Raw unadulterated talent [15794] coltg_74: WOWWOWWOWWOW [15794] Ksithh: glaze [15794] finnner0722: LOCK TF IN [15795] jayy_10000: h [15795] urmomsbarber: carried [15795] cleetgg: SO FUCKING GOOD [15795] Desimatedd: !blink [15795] Nightbot: h [15795] dirtyblanc0: that’s crazy [15795] Nightbot: mild tourettes (something he can't control.) be nice! [15795] luminalhail: w carry [15795] pirategrad_60: water boy/ cheerleader [15795] Kyhoshi__: so much glaze [15795] nevelduong: PAY ST0MPN TRASH ASS KID [15795] ghostrider80413: cheerleader [15795] coltg_74: WOWWOWWOWWOWWOWWOW [15795] qlilvxbes21: carried [15795] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [15796] duncanstreams0: BROOOOO [15796] xNoClip1337: YO GIVE ME SUB TIER 1 (WE ARE IN SILVER) TIER 2 (WE ARE IN GOLD) TIER 3 (WE ARE IN CHAMPION) ELSE WE ARE IN COPPER [15796] minibikeee: carried jesus [15796] jussmarcos: its a 1v2 atp [15796] gsmgaming88: carry as usual [15796] Sp1keee__: GIVE HIM HALF !!! [15796] tommy_llo: Least obvious money laundering scheme [15797] abrahamdxm: it's you're cash lock innn @jynxzi [15797] ryuthebest001: zaddyyyyyyyy ongg [15797] JustJudeo: you are shit [15797] Mcdragonn: Stream sniping [15797] jhay3476: H [15797] caden_autrey17: Pom poms [15797] kris28199: get th pom poms [15797] tehjayj: even if yall lose... send him 2 bands [15797] xohuff: massage his back [15797] NotEstival: WWWW VEX LEMME GET A SUB! [15797] yZelc: he has so much aura [15797] offishal_drake: glazing too much [15799] hunchopce901: carry [15799] Keremrgll: AIDEN IS STREAM SNIPING [15799] tommy_llo: Least obvious money laundering scheme [15800] NutsSupplier: 5 hour mark? [15800] jaycejohnson2001: !gamble 20 [15800] Saito047: you ger hot headed [15800] UNKWN_24: I would let stompn fuck me [15800] Kyhoshi__: glaziest of glaze [15800] bigfloppywaffle: bro pay stompn 75% of what you earn this stream [15800] mavonfort: J [15800] dooleyhabitss: get da pom poms ready [15800] Sp1keee__: GIVE HIM HALF !! [15800] cheebah710: EZ [15800] offishal_drake: GLAZIN [15800] brassticles: stompin is stomping around the room right now. [15800] StreamElements: jaycejohnson2001 lost 20 points in roulette and now has 285 points! FeelsBadMan [15800] deezydj: !gamble [15800] senorprepotente: PAY YOUR DADDY [15801] YaboiZachi: give him 75%.. [15801] newyork_1978: carry hard [15801] vladi1224: stompin can do no wrongs [15801] benimaru_12: learn bro [15801] retro_85: retro_85 subscribed with Prime. [15801] IsaiahGrindzz: carried [15801] therawside: Stompin!!!!!! [15801] coltg_74: WOWWOWWOWWOW [15801] megablow2: pre 3-8 [15801] adrian123335: Green fn [15801] vxzukii_gg: NAAAAAAAAAAHHHH SOMEBODY GET THIS GUY OFF OF THIS GAME HE IS H.I.M. [15801] azarbrantley: doing tricks on it [15801] evan14147: Stompin made [15801] UnHolyRampage93: humble enough to realize greatness [15801] ghostrider80413: pompom [15802] SuperSaiyanJames: 3 AND 7 [15802] Nightbot: Jynxzi sens and settings here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2GcpqRqJ9U [15802] charlie674925: camera too small [15802] ncchristy: carriedc [15802] Harshgrind: change the description...is stompn vs 2 [15802] astroidr6: GET THE POM POMS [15802] oldgoont: PAY DADDY [15802] xzc12a: PAY STOMPN [15802] Mcdragonn: stream sniping [15803] NareclippedU: @aidanhansonn [15803] theonlyrob9: carried [15803] dirtbagthe2nd: !link [15803] YesKingGera: react harder [15803] izabella74174222: Best clip of da day [15803] nelsonlitt315: PAY HIM [15803] slop_2: pay stompn [15803] ZombVr: glaze. [15803] rany2k: STOMPEN HAS GOODAIM??? [15803] himothy4572: CARRY CARRY CARRY CARRY CARRY CARRY CARRY CARRY CARRY CARRY CARRY CARRY CARRY CARRY CARRY CARRY CARRY CARRY CARRY CARRY CARRY CARRY CARRY CARRY [15803] alwaysluvingod: stompn vs Aiden and Vic [15803] maximusprime317: !streamtime [15803] Kyhoshi__: glazed donut [15803] ttv_curlyfn: jynxziRage FrankerZ jynxziRage FrankerZ jynxziRage FrankerZ jynxziRage FrankerZ jynxziRage [15804] runatrainonmemmg: cheerleader [15804] AsapMcKnighton: carried [15804] JohnnYcz3: ajsHype ajsHype ajsHype ajsHype [15804] amSherman: DO a 360 ON IT [15804] magicsalinas17: doin tricks on it [15804] ncchristy: carreiedd [15804] fgohxsfvvvbh: jynxziEZ [15804] sav_journey13: 🍩🍩🍩 [15804] Sp1keee__: GIVE HIM HALF! [15804] tommy_llo: Least obvious money laundering scheme [15804] Mrmaximumuses: STOMPN IS THE GREATEST ONG ONG [15804] exetasia: aiden stream snipe [15804] qlilvxbes21: 3/7 [15804] kris28199: get the pompoms [15804] Fossabot: @rentedgalxy, Your message is too long [15805] evan14147: Carried [15805] StreamElements: PogChamp rillllb went all in and won 25 points PogChamp they now have 50 points FeelsGoodMan [15806] G00B3R0120: YES JYNXZI [15806] SuperSaiyanJames: 3 AND 7 LARRY [15806] duncanstreams0: AIDEN IS IN UR CHAT [15806] amcjuniormint: stop glazing stompin [15806] trips_ok: !gamble 25% [15806] enviistaxzk: OMGB HES SO GOODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD [15806] edotty120: bros getting carried [15807] StreamElements: MyAktrips lost 1303 points in roulette and now has 3912 points! FeelsBadMan [15807] pedrogu08: GLAZE HARDER [15807] scottknight08: www [15807] cappalotty: give him 4k [15807] chuffs02: AIDEN STREAM SNIPING [15807] xeppenn: Just got on no way this guy is still live [15807] spin4myblock: carried [15807] jayy_10000: sdddd [15807] lilsluga: <3<3<3 [15807] lpclapz: !gamble 300 [15807] r6vinnie: Only ww [15807] mkulas99: STOMPN VS SHAIKO [15807] hamzalmawza44: his back hurts bro [15807] StreamElements: lpclapz won 300 points in roulette and now has 2060 points! FeelsGoodMan [15807] tommy_llo: Least obvious money laundering scheme [15808] closzplayz2142: w [15808] scorpion_samarai: glazing [15808] friedchickenaltaco: FBPass SSSsss FBBlock BrainSlug [15808] scottknight08: ww [15808] brassticles: what a savage [15808] speedracinschoolbus: JUST PAY HIM JUST PAY HIM JUST PAY HIM JUST PAY HIM JUST PAY HIM JUST PAY HIM JUST PAY HIM JUST PAY HIM JUST PAY HIM JUST PAY HIM JUST PAY HIM JUST PAY HIM [15808] mrmonkey289: STREAM SNIPE [15808] SixifyLX: CLIP FARMING [15808] wavyhunta: L white speed [15808] wyhattington: 75% [15808] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [15808] edp445__0: cheer leader [15808] 99vortex: W GLAZE [15808] jack12412454: How is this the best duo if one is first picked every round [15808] awill13: This is the end [15810] tommy_llo: Least obvious money laundering scheme [15810] sniffir: glazing at its finest [15810] mythtony12: You have to use the pom poms next time [15810] eyadoooo: WW [15810] arko_235: he’s so humble 😭 [15810] icelickz: sniping [15810] SixifyLX: CLIP FARMER [15810] yeetmeister2314: 3-7 Kevin [15810] l4m4ndo: w [15810] whoisbrane: W VEX [15810] chriscannotstop: W money laundering from Africa [15810] imbadatrainbo: w vex [15810] dinosaur_nuggees: jynxziBadAim jynxziGRIDDY jynxziSmoke jynxziCRY jynxziSNOT jynxziTONGUE [15810] xofreaky: LONGEST STREAM EVER [15810] phatfutgecko: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke [15811] Wanna_burn14: W [15811] qwertylazza01: u r carried bro [15811] coltg_74: WOWWOWWOWWOWWOWWOWWOWWOWWOWWOW [15811] xNoClip1337: YO GIVE ME SUB TIER 1 (WE ARE IN SILVER) TIER 2 (WE ARE IN GOLD) TIER 3 (WE ARE IN CHAMPION) ELSE WE ARE IN COPPER. [15811] dean_2_: He’s better than you [15811] joesph_1239: 3-7 is crazy [15811] hovauk: WWWWW [15811] itsluis75: W [15811] therawside: Bro a monster [15811] Kyhoshi__: glazing like crazy [15811] joshyyR: W VEX [15811] gee_lizzz: gee_lizzz is gifting 25 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 471 in the channel! [15811] GHOSTEEE_23: stupid ass vex [15811] greencobra15: Cheerleader [15811] valuqq: AIDEN STREAM SNIPING [15812] superboy8212011: jynxziEZ [15812] NewZuu: did he win map 1? [15812] fathighandhappy: please be better [15812] Sp1keee__: GIVE HIM HALF!!! [15812] RomeoBro23: theyre streaming your stream [15812] StreamElements: adrian17211721 has spent 2 days 7 hours watching jynxzi [15813] gee_lizzz: gee_lizzz gifted a Tier 1 sub to godssmileuponme! [15813] gee_lizzz: gee_lizzz gifted a Tier 1 sub to soulnotsoldier! [15813] gee_lizzz: gee_lizzz gifted a Tier 1 sub to bennyfatty! [15813] gee_lizzz: gee_lizzz gifted a Tier 1 sub to kippilol! [15813] gee_lizzz: gee_lizzz gifted a Tier 1 sub to natethebait010! [15813] gee_lizzz: gee_lizzz gifted a Tier 1 sub to ftadam! [15813] gee_lizzz: gee_lizzz gifted a Tier 1 sub to BabaNegwengo! [15813] gee_lizzz: gee_lizzz gifted a Tier 1 sub to bxgchasing! [15813] gee_lizzz: gee_lizzz gifted a Tier 1 sub to ojuice23_23! [15813] gee_lizzz: gee_lizzz gifted a Tier 1 sub to xavierflannery! [15813] gee_lizzz: gee_lizzz gifted a Tier 1 sub to harveyelsom_! [15813] gee_lizzz: gee_lizzz gifted a Tier 1 sub to daghostcasperq! [15813] gee_lizzz: gee_lizzz gifted a Tier 1 sub to babyruth24342! [15813] gee_lizzz: gee_lizzz gifted a Tier 1 sub to goxgez! [15813] gee_lizzz: gee_lizzz gifted a Tier 1 sub to DMan100_NA! [15814] cashmoneyyy3: www [15814] speedracinschoolbus: JUST PAY HIM JUST PAY HIM JUST PAY HIM JUST PAY HIM JUST PAY HIM JUST PAY HIM JUST PAY HIM JUST PAY HIM JUST PAY HIM JUST PAY HIM JUST PAY HIM JUST PAY HIM [15814] MidRollerJ: Q [15814] b1ueberr71080: daddy [15814] daniel_severe: STOOOOOMMMPPPYYYYY BABBBBYYYY [15814] siipq: SNIPINGGGGGGGGGGGGGG [15814] G00B3R0120: UP ON THEM [15814] realm4dmike: how much money does vex have???? [15814] bigmoemeedia: wwwwww [15814] trulyy_dae: PAY STOMPN [15814] kaysteezz: kaysteezz subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! we uppp [15814] Stylah: GIVE HIM ALL THE MONEY [15814] awill13: this is the end... [15814] rockpenguin599: uhhh [15814] StreamElements: fkiller2103 won 20 points in roulette and now has 60 points! FeelsGoodMan [15815] StreamElements: jbassman1 has spent 5 days 10 hours watching jynxzi [15815] antiu25: bro you getting sniped lol [15815] SuperSaiyanJames: 3 AND 7 HARRY [15815] pastry_dish0: give stompn a raise u bum [15815] deezydj: !gamble 50 [15816] lilterrycod: W glaze [15816] aidanwitt07: w money laundering [15816] theoneandonlycj123: bro gifted 50 and ur giving him no reaction [15816] charlie674925: cam to small [15816] poopybaiis: w money laundering [15816] midnight_marauder99: yerrr [15816] Spookk710: Wbex [15816] hammattack: W GLAZE [15816] j9Q9: Who is we [15816] yo_boy_wyxi0: !gamble [15816] error_inrl00: carry [15816] DiorVolkz: w [15816] shxdow_stalker: make yourself uselfull and start cheering [15817] junkossgisdoodoo: Glazeing stompin [15817] brendenm27kid: stompn gets 75% [15817] TheCEOofDubs: GIVE HIM HIS $1K [15817] STRAIFS_: GIVE HIM 5k [15817] spiceinf: bruh [15817] bigpro1000: h [15817] Mayrix_: AD AD AD AD AD AD AD [15817] tommy_llo: Least obvious money laundering scheme [15817] c_ry21: aiden stream snipe [15817] SpankinGamin: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL AADDDDDDDDDSSSS [15817] darkqpms: AIDEN STREAM SNIPING HE LOOKING RIGHT [15817] yZelc: way to much aura [15817] lilpoppa101: how do i get ur charm after subing?????????? [15817] D0_0ZY65: glacier [15817] raymondkfloydkk: !gamble 50 [15818] amcjuniormint: stop glazing [15818] toxicfinger656: stop goat [15818] MXmck25: w vex [15818] AngerManageMint: L AD [15818] 6_jb: be your clone but better aim [15819] g_rausch: sniping [15819] trin02266: WWWW [15819] andreemaradiagamrt: WW [15819] gh0stgh0sty: R6 cheerleading is rambunctious [15819] YaMuthaIsSoCute: L AD [15819] Harshgrind: change description, is not 2vs2 [15819] darkqpms: AIDEN STREAM SNIPING HE LOOKING RIGHTAIDEN STREAM SNIPING HE LOOKING RIGHT [15819] sup33ri0r: GIVE STOMP ALL THE EARNINGS [15819] srgtnic69: WW VEX [15819] Alcamera: we? [15819] zoomingzack123: graze [15819] xx_prestin: W vexxxxxxxx [15819] astroidr6: WWWW [15819] bhundagaminglive: w. ex [15819] mrgoated_aim: !gamble all [15820] daniel_severe: STOMPY BABBBYYY [15820] StreamElements: @mrgoated_aim, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan [15820] cptj08: you have 3 kills he has 8 [15820] rentedgalxy: L adds [15820] zloxpaa: w [15820] danish2111: WTTTTOOOOPPPPPIIINNNNNNNNNNN [15820] cashmoneyyy3: wwww [15820] natejunior__: W SUBS [15820] awwayqw: L AD [15820] Kixia08: w [15820] edwin_ivan23: carrying u [15820] loon9406: !LIN [15820] IsaiahGrindzz: back flips on it [15820] spoon_z_: dont split money give stomp everything [15820] mody__100: w [15821] bigredfre: l ad [15821] zyonicz: STREAM SNIPONG [15821] johnolen_: Aiden cheating [15821] datboihittin: Aden in stream [15821] hjhockey74: get the Pom poms out [15821] Taizako_: yo [15821] janusz_bomba: janusz_bomba subscribed with Prime. [15822] ice_king1237: Aiden stream sniping [15822] boosted509: wwhaaats this WEEE shittt [15822] kozyyuwu: he defiantly has a 10 inch [15822] r6jxay: 7 ads! [15822] julian00124onb: L [15822] apshootin: !gamble [15822] xofreaky: LONGESTS STREAM EVER [15822] der_m0m0: L AD [15822] danzal6: doing cartwheels on it [15822] yavito: !watchtime [15822] Shmlorg: 25 [15822] brinda_loves_u: backflips on it [15823] StreamElements: yavito has spent 16 hours 30 mins watching jynxzi [15823] xVeNuMzx: @tttvvex hook a brotha up [15823] mhunterr09: wow [15823] knoxiscool23: L ad [15823] lilsluga: www gee [15823] fathighandhappy: stop getting carried away [15823] re_dei_cactus01: You are hard to carry cuz youre fat [15823] xx_prestin: www [15823] OfficialJakeFox: yooo [15823] aidenomics: STOP TAGGING ME IM NOT AIDENTAX IDIOTS [15823] spiceinf: l ad [15823] LXDMAN: L ADSSSS [15823] Stylah: GIVE HIM 5k [15823] j_abob: L AD [15823] ionic_a1pha: BRO HAS COURTSIDE SEATS ONG [15824] lmaloney04: stomp is but far the greatest roller oat [15824] drakeo678: W carry [15824] Exstenful: NO WAY I’VE NOT GOTTEN ONE [15824] appl3bees10: i thought this dude quit streaming [15824] gmoney5356: Erin’s lol [15825] bunbeezy04: L Ad [15825] metubeee: bro is doing splits on it [15825] natejunior__: CAN I GET A SUB PLZ [15825] zoumas07: L add [15825] br1teops: GIVE HIM 2K [15825] Harshgrind: is a 1vs2? [15825] scrumptiousmonkey: L ad [15826] restrixtion: !gamble all [15826] cardinals5425: so we’re in copper [15826] TheCEOofDubs: PAY HIMMM [15826] frank17389: 5 ADE [15826] case_ate_my_family__: 8 ADS WTF [15826] RelloLOL: bros doing tricks on it [15826] rany2k: STOMPIN MILK MY TITS [15826] Jxrrfv: nice ads man [15826] ilikechicken1527: L glaze [15826] beensock: NAH CLUB [15826] lando2966: this guy can’t talk shit to anyone he gets carried so hard it vrazy [15826] Skxyys: carry [15826] TurntDemonttv: W LIZZ [15826] atomicbl0od559: holy crap he’s actually streaming for a while [15826] hashoeke: WWWW [15827] NutsSupplier: 5 hour stream is crazy [15827] henr6ent: YOOO IM SUBBED [15827] danish2111: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWTOMPIN [15827] daniel_severe: STOMMPY SAVE USS [15827] c_ry21: aiden snipe [15827] bigpapastroke: you ain’t earned nish [15827] elementrix911: w [15827] golzerrrr: WW gee_lizzz [15827] mrluhgeeky: you know the tree? [15827] clutchmonkeyyy: W LIZZZ [15827] jose_4906: shoy [15827] JAK6Y: WWWWW [15827] MidRollerJ: W [15827] tyzer_r6: Aiden snipe [15827] Kixia08: wwwwww [15828] tommy_llo: Least obvious money laundering scheme [15828] WP0M: YOU MEAN STOMPN [15828] apollodiddat: W [15828] 226_Toyo: jynxzi stop selling stopmn fatass [15828] l4m4ndo: w liz [15828] stompnfan69: W 25 [15828] stallion2_: 11 ads like wtf bro [15828] conkersbadfurday: 3 and 7??? [15828] surfacewl: ZIP IT UP [15829] rob1n_______: Does stolen stream? [15829] branch125: 3-7 Kevin [15829] CoffeeBus947: !points [15829] p00pybu11h0le69: UP HIS PAY UP HIS PAY UP HIS PAY UP HIS PAY UP HIS PAY UP HIS PAY UP HIS PAY [15829] br1teops: GIVE HIM 2KGIVE HIM 2K [15829] poutywhle: Stomp is Ur daddy [15829] gadget1__: Vex can you give me a sub 🙏 [15829] daedalhoney9504: Yooo [15829] StreamElements: @CoffeeBus947 CoffeeBus947 has 0 points and is rank 1745232/1745359 on the leaderboard. [15829] zyonicz: STREAM ANILING [15829] umitt3850_: nice 8 ads [15829] hardip07: www [15829] tyzer_r6: plz [15829] fishyfinn7: W Liz [15829] tommy_llo: Least obvious money laundering scheme [15830] c_ry21: siden snipe [15830] JohnnYcz3: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance TwitchConHYPE [15830] tobihehe200: 246t [15830] z3n_be_dead: W LIZ [15830] soccergs92: LEAST [15830] soccer_king1122: !sub [15830] scottknight08: get Pom pom [15830] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [15831] tommy_llo: Least obvious money laundering scheme [15831] trips91: !Link [15831] der_m0m0: W [15831] UnHolyRampage93: W LIZ [15831] NutsSupplier: L add [15831] Nightbot: @trips91 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [15831] yorexzify: w [15831] halex1111: w [15831] babyjesus4l: we ? [15831] trips_ok: W [15832] hardip07: wwwww [15832] tyzer_r6: Aiden snipe [15832] dhillis62: 2 ads [15832] freewins540: white speed [15832] D0_0ZY65: glazing [15832] bhundagaminglive: yes yes miss [15832] bunbeezy04: L ad [15832] aabuudie: wwwwwww [15832] lordtimis: lordtimis subscribed with Prime. [15832] hashoeke: fanumGIFTIES fanumGIFTIES fanumGIFTIES fanumGIFTIES [15832] nickka_clickka: AIDEN WARDEN VIC WAMAI [15832] janusz_bomba: g [15832] jadend2323: stream snipe [15832] StreamElements: elite_fr3sh has spent 11 hours 30 mins watching jynxzi [15832] Nightbot: no [15833] c_ry21: aiden snipe [15833] rockpenguin599: www chelizz [15833] williambeattie2010: u mean he takes these guys map 3 [15833] qlilvxbes21: carried [15833] chillcantsnipefrfr: wwww zach [15834] blackpoolollie: wow [15834] grandfist2000: 7fucking adds [15834] saiikoo1: wwww [15834] deezydj: !gamble 50 points [15834] basmo2: 10 ADS [15834] itsjay64753: WHAT HEADSET HE GOT??????????? [15834] lildimou: w [15834] nelsonlitt315: PAY HIM [15834] tommy_llo: Least obvious money laundering scheme [15834] pressurekev: chat, in jynxi actually good at this game or does he just know a lot about it [15834] KREZ0_: 1v3 classic W [15834] urboypizza3: pomp poms [15835] goodguyrain: pls [15835] soccergs92: !SUB [15835] withaidena: someone gimme a sub [15835] blu_someone: wliz [15836] RelloLOL: W LIZ [15836] adrian123335: L ad [15836] br1teops: GIVE HIM 2K [15836] knoxiscool23: L 2 ads [15836] zyonicz: CHEATING [15836] AutomaticJPred: ads crazy [15836] nfncpure: 3-7 KEVIN [15836] Mayrix_: L AD [15836] Nightbot: Just sub bozo you’ll get no ads, my emotes, double the channel points, and guess what you will also get my beautiful charm that you will never lose, and many more!!!! #subuporshutup [15836] krispy2official: w [15836] iitzMako1: o [15836] rentedgalxy: Hi [15836] vertmillion1: PUT THE ACOG DUMBASS [15836] tyzer_r6: check list [15836] drtrolle: drtrolle subscribed with Prime. [15837] woovax: least obvious money laundering [15837] flamingghost1393: W [15837] blazeandrage: LLLLLLLLLLL ADDDDD MOEY GRABBING [15837] mmickeyp: w glze [15837] 5starr_ryan: w [15837] jkono1: ads-:/ [15837] fatfish_805: Blink harder [15838] Fossabot: @iindravx, Your message is too long [2x] [15838] Nightbot: mild tourettes (something he can't control.) be nice! [15838] offnez: g# [15838] OfficialJakeFox: JYNXZI [15838] chuffs02: W 7 ads [15838] itistime10: w Lizzz [15838] br1teops: GIVE HIM 2KGIVE HIM 2K [15838] darkestreaim: bro 500 ads [15838] zyonicz: CHEATIG [15838] Mayrix_: AD [15838] michigan_rangerfc: warden wamai [15838] runatrainonmemmg: give stompn your channel at this point [15839] oo_Moir: did they win the first bo3? [15839] mrluhgeeky: three - seven [15839] jadend2323: stream sniping [15839] gyro_zeppeli_77: W [15839] tubbytevah: !charm [15839] ShabZaclaT: clubhouse map 3 [15839] aabuudie: get a hype train going [15839] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [15839] stvyyy: l ad [15839] baby2ktogood: LINK [15839] monkyman25: so were loosing [15839] conkersbadfurday: 3 and 7?! [15839] stevtex: 9 ads is crazy [15839] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [15839] TurntDemonttv: W HI VIZ [15840] ethanval999: wtf ads [15840] ghonorhea: carried [15840] Savknight: ez [15840] tcl_2: !watchtime [15840] johnwicksamstinks: THANK YOU BROTHER [15840] bean978tw: l add [15840] imthekid6: 15 ads [15840] Tiptce: FeelsDankMan [15840] StreamElements: tcl_2 has spent 2 hours 40 mins watching jynxzi [15841] warcarson09: stompn carried [15841] ytlliebenste: L part timer [15841] Zenoverseiscool: !gamble 50 [15841] jaredyoder1897: jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH [15841] zyonicz: CHEATING [15841] StreamElements: Zenoverseiscool lost 50 points in roulette and now has 2315 points! FeelsBadMan [15841] xNoClip1337: YO GIVE ME SUB TIER 1 (WE ARE IN SILVER) TIER 2 (WE ARE IN GOLD) TIER 3 (WE ARE IN CHAMPION) ELSE WE ARE IN COPPER [15841] danish2111: WWWWTOMPIN [15841] f4th3r44: STOMPIN BAAABY [15841] 99vortex: W LIZ [15841] tyzer_r6: Aiden snipe [15841] wishtemp: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [15841] ardeeezyy: !gamble 400 [15841] duallydulak: jynxziSuprised_SQ [15841] ttv_plazma33: mod vex [15842] samzavatskyy: 72 ads [15842] StreamElements: ardeeezyy won 400 points in roulette and now has 1085 points! FeelsGoodMan [15842] senseiz33: 3 MINUTES OF ADS [15842] bluemerica: how do I get a sub [15842] mmickeyp: w glaze [15842] imdsolong: !gamble all in [15842] ice_king1237: Lock in Jinx [15842] exavn_: chat can someone give me a sub pls [15842] goodguyrain: :( [15842] br1teops: GIVE HIM 2KGIVE HIM 2K [15843] scottknight08: POM POMS [15843] Popcornvf: whats good [15843] datboihittin: check list [15843] apshootin: ads [15843] oldgoont: PAY DADDY STOMP [15843] dirtbagthe2nd: !LINK [15843] qlilvxbes21: always getting carried away [15843] bussyimp123: 4 ads are crazy [15843] k7nav: !sub [15843] br1teops: GIVE HIM 2K [15844] Cheats: Cheats subscribed with Prime. [15844] soccergs92: !sub [15844] juzevsp: !gamble all [15844] StreamElements: PogChamp juzevsp went all in and won 105 points PogChamp they now have 210 points FeelsGoodMan [15844] tobihehe200: `12 [15844] c_ry21: aiden is sniping [15845] katrix_x: Genentech’s [15845] hiketheking9: !watchtime [15845] dev60952: L afs [15845] br1teops: GIVE HIM 2KGIVE HIM 2K [15845] freewins540: adddd [15845] StreamElements: hiketheking9 has spent 1 day 13 hours watching jynxzi [15845] biohazardgames442: stream sniping [15846] chuffs02: yay 7 ads [15846] zitsyaboiiii: w [15846] GHOSTEEE_23: thats a lamp [15846] stars_470: L s [15846] conkersbadfurday: 3 and 7????? [15846] heny_2007: W LYZZ, [15846] juiceman89: who they fighting? [15846] juniorespn: yuh [15847] natejunior__: Sub up for no Ads :) :) [15847] ThisIsKika: is anyone here from GERMANY? [15847] paranoistiks: w [15847] br1teops: GIVE HIM 2KGIVE HIM 2KGIVE HIM 2K [15847] aabuudie: HYPE TRAIN [15847] mrluhgeeky: 4 adds?!?!?!?!?!?? [15847] sigmaboy69420: stompn sniping [15847] offnez: can someone gift a sub to me [15848] abc21the: at ad [15848] hobbes_mobbin: lock in [15848] andrew_gallardo26: !gamble 180 [15848] tylerdarlo433: !sub [15848] onlybychanc3: 7 adddsssssssss [15848] bhundagaminglive: yes gee Le [15848] rob1n_______: does stomp stream?????anyone [15848] 2urix: can i get a gift?? [15848] StreamElements: andrew_gallardo26 lost 180 points in roulette and now has 2525 points! FeelsBadMan [15848] br1teops: GIVE HIM 2K [15848] own_the_show: Hi [15848] scrumptiousmonkey: Breath harder [15849] NycJustin: e# [15849] tsalmn: !watchtime [15849] Mayrix_: LLLLLL AD AD AD [15849] StreamElements: tekashin6ixine has spent 4 days 7 hours watching jynxzi [15849] awwayqw: 13 ads💀 [15849] doritozzz2079: 10 ADS HOLY **** [15849] baby2ktogood: LINK: [15849] CoffeeBus947: !watchtime [15849] neeposaurusrex: so we're in greedy [15849] pistachio_king1: MyAvatar [15849] emil_is_ok: GYMNASTICS 4 STOMPN [15849] br1teops: V [15849] JakesLilSnake: !gamble all [15850] apshootin: L ad [15850] Harshgrind: @itsjay64753 hyper x cloud 2 [15850] StreamElements: JakesLilSnake went all in and lost every single one of their 1335 points LUL [15850] benimaru_12: jynxzi wannabe [15850] trulyy_dae: L ADSSSS [15850] datboihittin: no diddy [15851] k7nav: !SUB [15851] br1teops: VVVV [15851] largegorilla77: jynxziClown [15851] jace_gif: jace_gif subscribed at Tier 1. [15851] qlilvxbes21: always getting carried [15852] onlybychanc3: L adddd [15852] yaaakilla: fat [15852] nohennyforyu: 4 ads bruh [15852] cai_st: Aiden stream sniping [15852] zyonicz: STREAM ANIPPING [15852] gmoney5356: yo [15853] conkersbadfurday: 3 and 7?!?!?!? [15853] METUSx775: ads suck I need a sub please lol 😂 [15853] AutomaticJPred: gimme sub [15853] rodriiste12: 10 AAAAAAAADDDDDDSSSSSS [15853] bardown16__: thats new tech [15853] deezydj: !gamble [15853] tysmvr: @pressurekev knows alot hes terrible at the actual game [15853] Mc_L0viN559: yes brother [15853] packercity_: stream snip [15854] xNoClip1337: YO GIVE ME SUB TIER 1 (WE ARE IN SILVER) TIER 2 (WE ARE IN GOLD) TIER 3 (WE ARE IN CHAMPION) ELSE WE ARE IN COPPER. [15854] NutsSupplier: 7 ads is OD [15854] 28maniacs: 9 ad [15854] kg_castro: who won last game [15855] fazec1019: L AD UWot UWot [15855] patr1ck_fatyy: 7 ads is crazy JIT going broke😭😭😭💀💀💀💀 [15855] aabuudie: !watchtime [15855] hudsonrodriguez: l adds [15855] StreamElements: aabuudie has spent 40 mins watching jynxzi [15856] abc21the: 10 ads [15856] 1738clutch: DIDDY WAITING [15856] chuffs02: !gamble 100 [15856] j0nahb: part time Junko [15856] lpclapz: !gamble 200 [15856] nelsonlitt315: PAYHIM [15856] xjpupx: !prime [15856] tylerdarlo433: !SUB [15856] StreamElements: @chuffs02, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan [15857] imdsolong: !gamble all [15857] lanie_09: !Sub [15857] Nightbot: Subscribe to @Jynxzi for FREE with Twitch Prime Twitch.tv/subs/jynxzi [15857] j0rdan164: @hivise SNIPING [15857] swampsniper13: !gamble 16 [15857] lylyfp: 3 ads wtf 🙄🙄 [15857] mrgoated_aim: !gamble all [15857] stlbray: !headset [15857] StreamElements: @swampsniper13, you only have 15 points. [15857] SpankinGamin: 222222MINUUTTEEESSS [15857] Nightbot: Astro A50's [15857] vexedicyowl6: is this still vs Richie? [15857] conkersbadfurday: 3 and 7? [15857] atlanticxrayen: @aidanwitt07 [15858] jpmc73: holy shit chat is he gonna make it to 6 hours for once [15858] forevercrazy__2k: !sub [15858] jcourt12: ❌❌❌AIDEN CHEATING❌❌❌❌ [15858] l_dog12340: !sub [15858] Mazarrkk: Mazarrkk subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 8 month streak! god aim [15858] mgnm__: hes sniping [15859] uhhidk243_69: !Sub [15859] rillllb: !gamble 50 [15859] biohazardgames442: aiden stream sniping [15859] Hashtaggetgoodtom: !sub [15860] mrluhgeeky: i’ll renegade on u fuckface [15860] gadget1__: vex can you give me a sub please 🙏 [15860] nelsonlitt315: PAY HIM [15860] Hoss_Nation: 7 ads [15860] SwavyyRGB: !gamble all [15860] StreamElements: SwavyyRGB went all in and lost every single one of their 1345 points LUL [15860] yrnmoonlight112: 7 ads do better man [15860] walid_aaa: jjj [15860] neeposaurusrex: So we're in greedy [15860] ke1zeraaa: !gamble 90 [15861] StreamElements: ke1zeraaa lost 90 points in roulette and now has 1955 points! FeelsBadMan [15861] trulyy_dae: I [15861] crimson_brk4: Whoever it was I appreciate the gifted sub🙏🏽🙏🏽 [15861] satiia_21: when is fanmail? [15861] ijo123466: jynxziBadAim [15861] homez_15: l [15862] mgnm__: HES SNIPING [15862] andrew_gallardo26: w ads [15862] hobbes_mobbin: wow buddy is him eh [15862] Echo1969: stockAd stockAlexrage stockAds stockAlexrage stockAd stockAlexrage stockAds stockAlexrage stockAd stockAlexrage stockAds stockAlexrage [15862] ilikechicken1527: L UNGRATEFUL [15862] heny_2007: W GAME [15862] juliansill3: give stompn 5k if u win [15863] mgnm__: !!! [15863] AkselKtK: L ad [15864] krispy2official: l [15864] gavinfortniter: 10 ads rlly [15864] bearwiththebair: share winnings with stompin [15865] mgnm__: SNIPING [15865] Cen_Trixx: Watchtime! [15865] wildcub44: TwitchConHYPE [15865] scrumptiousmonkey: !gamble 100 [15865] conkersbadfurday: 3 and 7?!!!!? [15865] grillzy88: NINE ADS???? [15865] StreamElements: scrumptiousmonkey lost 100 points in roulette and now has 1265 points! FeelsBadMan [15865] duncanstreams0: hes in ur chat [15866] xNoClip1337: YO GIVE ME SUB TIER 1 (WE ARE IN SILVER) TIER 2 (WE ARE IN GOLD) TIER 3 (WE ARE IN CHAMPION) ELSE WE ARE IN COPPER [15866] largegorilla77: jynxziSubHype [15866] dilly_dilly112: ads make me sad [15866] buff7577: buff7577 subscribed at Tier 1. [15866] neeposaurusrex: !watchtime [15866] knoxiscool23: L 3 ads [15866] Nightbot: Just sub bozo you’ll get no ads, my emotes, double the channel points, and guess what you will also get my beautiful charm that you will never lose, and many more!!!! #subuporshutup [15866] nelsonlitt315: HES HIM PAY HIM [15866] StreamElements: neeposaurusrex has spent 16 hours 30 mins watching jynxzi [15866] cai_st: Snipinh [15866] babyjesus4l: we ? you mean stomp [15867] ryanisxim: jynxziFALL [15867] killemall5uuuuu: !Gamble 80 [15867] woozyisbetter: 8 ads is wild [15867] FearroGaming: Aiden 100% keeps looking right at something [15867] joacohdp: a [15867] weightous: 10 ADS [15867] rentedgalxy: Ladd [15867] StreamElements: killemall5uuuuu won 80 points in roulette and now has 860 points! FeelsGoodMan [15867] aabuudie: !gamble all [15868] StreamElements: aabuudie went all in and lost every single one of their 5 points LUL [15868] mgnm__: HES SNIPING [15868] jaygroovy04: swear I can never watch this dude because of how many ads they ran bro it’s insane [15868] basboy8: !roullete [15869] Amii_Tsunamii: !watchtime [15869] jkono1: stop being lazy bend over and spread your legs and let me finger the shit pocket [15869] tb_styx: diddy is waiting [15869] StreamElements: Amii_Tsunamii has spent 4 hours 10 mins watching jynxzi [15869] nightwang95: 10 ads got me fucked up lol [15870] conkersbadfurday: 3 and 7? [15870] satiia_21: 78 ads is crazy [15870] notrizzlybear: notrizzlybear subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! let’s go [15871] itistime10: I’ll ram u😔😩🥺👉👈 [15871] andrew_gallardo26: !gamble 180 [15871] mexicannoob559: Kreygasm Kreygasm NotLikeThis [15871] awill11_: 8 ads [15871] doylederick: !watchtime [15871] overseer1019: 8 ads [15871] StreamElements: doylederick has spent 30 mins watching jynxzi [15871] aceavoed: aceavoed subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 1 month streak! lets go [15872] gnom3o: WYNXZI WYNXZI WYNXZI WYNXZI WYNXZI WYNXZI WYNXZI WYNXZI WYNXZI [15872] xjpupx: xjpupx subscribed with Prime. [15872] fkiller2103: !gamble 25 [15872] syn_lecker: barrrrrr aim [15873] MrOsirisPS4: !gamble 535 [15873] Cen_Trixx: !watchtime [15873] jbassman1: !watchtime [15873] heny_2007: W JYNXZI [15873] StreamElements: PogChamp MrOsirisPS4 went all in and won 535 points PogChamp they now have 1070 points FeelsGoodMan [15873] StreamElements: Cen_Trixx has spent 2 days 9 hours watching jynxzi [15873] bardown16__: BAD AIM [15873] Anth0nyG7: !gamble all [15873] imdsolong: !gamble 1k [15873] aspect8479: !charm [15873] dubpealz: !sub [15873] bussyimp123: 🤰 [15873] StreamElements: Anth0nyg7 went all in and lost every single one of their 56960 points LUL [15873] ImHeyZues100: almost sold [15874] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [15874] brandoncarmosino: 26 ads [15874] xpecthaven: ww [15874] StreamElements: @CanadianStallion, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan [15874] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [15874] SpankinGamin: 999999 AADDDS [15874] nelsonlitt315: PAY HIM [15874] chriscannotstop: world record long stream [15874] ilikechicken1527: L GLAZE [15874] kacperxexx: WWWWWWWWWWWWW [15874] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [15874] e08sailguyy: !followage [15875] MegaWatt04: 7 ads broooo [15875] dylannn619: watch the ads or sub [15875] itistime10: w [15875] StreamElements: @e08sailguyy, e08sailguyy has been following jynxzi for 1 year 3 months 23 days [15875] 6xjames: L ad [15875] GHOSTEEE_23: badddldldldld aim [15876] mgnm__: !gamble all [15876] weightous: !gamble 50 [15876] zeyxfr: BAD AIM [15876] StreamElements: mgnm__ went all in and lost every single one of their 45 points LUL [15876] oblockmat: l ad [15876] sigmaboy69420: sigmaboy69 [15876] StreamElements: weightous won 50 points in roulette and now has 4295 points! FeelsGoodMan [15876] xpecthaven: www [15877] siatko915: 33 ads wtf [15877] spin4myblock: BAD AIMMMM [15877] joeyjamos: niiice [15877] KREZ0_: gooraaaim [15878] SunGodChip: SunGodChip subscribed at Tier 1. [15878] runatrainonmemmg: DIDDY waiting [15878] iam_016x02hiro: qweef for me [15878] gogogt21: Cheer 1 [15878] iiiklaus_: gift meeee plz [15879] Nightbot: gifting you luck in finding a job 🙏🏻 [15879] dat_one_kid_named_ludwig: jynxziEZ jynxziSad jynxziSuprised jynxziClown jynxziChampion jynxziGoodAim jynxziGG_SG [15879] zeyxfr: BADDRRRR AIM [15879] friedlightning: friedlightning subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! when is stream [15879] rentedgalxy: !followage [15879] bardown16__: what are these idiots doing [15879] babyjesus4l: u mean stomp daddy takes yall map 3 [15879] Jot4Godz: BADAIIM [15879] neeposaurusrex: 1000 ads is crazy [15880] flamezgaming15: ego [15880] bibo126: L BULLY [15880] lilsluga: www [15880] GooseMooz: OMG [15880] hansontoorizzy123: wsg [15880] blymbo: blymbo subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 7 month streak! [15880] jaunty89: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [15880] Vybolol: bad aim | Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [15700] ター poor i followed all in [15710] I'm going to have to go flank, probably. Or play the Red Holes. [15720] I can't do anything with that, so I'm just not sure. Red hull, red hull. [15730] Video by [15740] Right next to you in your hallway. We're left operator standing. [15750] You know the greatest of all time? Yeah, yeah. Yo, stop it. [15760] Yeah Hey somebody yeah Yeah, somebody needs a you need like pee in a copper something brother. This guy's got to be on like fucking [15770] Adderall I don't even know Vax with the 50 get to you. Yo, I don't even know what to say Yo, I can't sell them bro. He's like, yo, I can't sell stopping Vax. Thank you for the 50 get [15780] How is he so smart? Did y'all see the shotgun for the C4? My God! I love this motherfucker. [15790] Come on bro. Yeah, all right bro two more rounds take your crazy bro dude you can make a nine-minute TikTok [15800] video out of tonight's 1v2s. Holy shit yo Vax, thank you for the gift that I fucking love Vax. WVX on the chat. [15810] Let's go man Two more rounds we take these guys map three Well, if we seven for them we're gonna be able to pick map three Order could be peeps and I [15820] G-List, think of the 25 gifted. Think of the 25 gifted G-List W-List in the chat. Thank you, brother. Thank you, brother. Hey, what's up? [15830] leading again. You're getting ready. I'm reading, reading, reading, reading. Boarding, warding, warding, warding, warding, warding. Boarding, warding. Boarding, warding. Why, warding. Cause I just saw a warding. Alright, warding. Let's go. [15840] Do something tells me to just ram burr and just look through the bird all around. I don't know if I want to. [15850] I could like ram from skylight and then drop. Hmm. Oh, fudge basement. God. I'm gonna like take it slow, but these guys do not homo thought about it. [15860] I'm just gonna stand there. Come on, it's about, I have psyched control. [15870] No judgement on red On my bastard Okay go go go go go Hop in located | There is a Highlight between 15700 and 16000. Stopmn gets two amazing kills and secures the round. |
Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [16300] specialplayer14: Stompn deserves more than a band 1000 percent. He gonna need a good chiro [16300] killardillard: pre ends [16300] adrien2nice3: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [16301] clay_0124: pre end [16301] pandaman8598: pre endddd [16301] g4tsio: PRE END WE ALL KNOW IT [16301] hottea111: SELL FOR MY CHANNGEL POINTS [16301] pwr_claps: fuck me daddy [16301] ardeeezyy: !gamble 300 [16301] ginjah_ninja10: pre end and do stream with sketch [16301] 313_fishole: I’m pretty sure end [16301] daniel_severe: b03 [16301] StreamElements: ardeeezyy won 300 points in roulette and now has 1690 points! FeelsGoodMan [16301] chachos_son: just leave the game you’re gonna lose anyway your playing thirsty [16302] hofsauxey: g [16302] Billboss9000: pre L [16302] okviroo: !discord [16302] Nightbot: no [16302] Nightbot: https://discord.gg/jynxzi [16302] duncanstreams0: stream sniping bro [16302] emptyshelly: 4:30 LIMIT [16302] EWOK7075: don’t sell [16302] tyidk23: Aiden is in viewer listI’m [16302] ash_ave_bubba: 66 scripts are insane [16303] fwdonavan: goodnitht chst [16303] magehire: MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid [16303] daniel_severe: bo3 [16303] yourmomandada: washed [16303] drakey3728: ffffffffffffffffffffffff [16303] our_ritual: our_ritual subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 2 month streak! yoooooo [16303] butt_grenade: EVERYBODY PACK UP PRE END [16304] dman5811: riPepperonis [16304] heratixxz: EZ DUB [16304] tyidk23: Aiden is in viewer list [16304] mustafamaky: script [16304] redd4xup: did he win Ricci????? [16304] drvng: SCRIPT [16304] go20kegs: bench warmer [16304] malasuerte77: pre end [16305] TheCrispyBread: lost 10k+ in the last week [16305] pandaman8598: gg pre end [16305] nickka_clickka: stomp sold his 1 [16305] yeetman790: UR HORRIBLE [16305] daniel_severe: b03 [16305] soysauce_12: Part timer [16305] ethan7177: aiden sniping [16305] acidthriller: nerds [16305] itsyoungghxst: !gamble 50 [16305] snakemonckey: I wanna take you away [16305] xannehathaway813: YALL BUCKLE UP N DRIVE SAFE [16305] TIGERIVAL: 3 more kills?! Stompn deffo is your daddy haha [16306] eenour: !gamble all [16306] StreamElements: itsyoungghxst won 50 points in roulette and now has 28135 points! FeelsGoodMan [16306] bhundagaminglive: @aiden_kinda [16306] StreamElements: eenour went all in and lost every single one of their 30 points LUL [16306] iiseia: pre end [16306] yunus34e: yunus34e subscribed with Prime. [16307] mistifiedfn: let’s go drunko [16307] bardown16__: I KNOWWW ITS HUBBA BUBBA GUM PINK [16307] 2percentmilks: SNIPING [16307] daniel_severe: bo3 [16307] Jernaitn: When you lose don't end stream bro [16307] mitch_dasherf93: Here we go the other team here we go! [16308] attack123456: ggg [16308] hofsauxey: whoop [16309] xJudMuffin: bro down 20k in wagers this month [16309] TheEmporiumm: 6 hr stream please junko [16309] attack123456: gg [16309] hehsjsjhs: gamble 100 [16309] yoursonsmom: pre end [16309] benc1203: !gamble all [16309] UnesiestHalo04: !points [16309] cryptogod404: they already lost chat [16309] KREZ0_: L script [16309] StreamElements: PogChamp benc1203 went all in and won 40 points PogChamp they now have 80 points FeelsGoodMan [16309] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [16309] StreamElements: @UnesiestHalo04 UnesiestHalo04 has 130 points and is rank 1465926/1747805 on the leaderboard. [16309] drvng: MAP 3 [16309] mustafamaky: w script [16310] daniel_severe: b03 [16310] exhaustedslothh: pay stomp 2k [16310] tonictick169599: Anyone know when he does the clips? [16310] P0GJUICE: !gamble all [16311] drmonkeeman10: PRE END [16311] dexxbz: thankfully u make 2bands every 5 mins [16311] clazifyyy: !charm [16311] christianpoif: jynxziVapeBreak [16311] StreamElements: POGJUICE76 went all in and lost every single one of their 365 points LUL [16311] not_colt11: o [16311] hashoeke: winning this game to go map 3 and end stream, ur so predictable 💀💀 [16311] kamstrik445: y’all are weird 🤨🤨 [16311] mhubanks: see yall tomorrowwwww [16311] Jdcasty: ggs [16312] P0ULE01: BEST PARTIME STREAMER [16312] vsoka: DINT SELL [16312] calvert_b_stream: jynxziTONGUE [16312] milu81803: ssss [16312] madtitan886949: LET'S GO BOYS!!! [16312] heratixxz: EZ DUB FOR JYNXZI [16312] deyra_kodaav: Script [16312] daniel_severe: bo3 [16312] RageDaaGreat: W [16312] itsdanvalle23: pre win [16313] sh6mss: pre selll [16313] adrien2nice3: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [16313] zaxweh: !watchtime [16314] StreamElements: zaxweh has spent 1 day 2 hours watching jynxzi [16314] e_p_j_m: nihaga [16314] KREZ0_: Pre end [16314] fletchiboy_16: I like big black penis can someone dick me down on some handrails shit [16314] drakey3728: hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii [16315] daniel_severe: b03 [16315] FounderNeptune: DONT LOSE THINK OF BRIKES TOES [16315] yeetman790: HOW DO PEOPLE NOT GAVE CHANNEL POINTS [16315] retro_85: !link [16315] liam3548: Pre end LUL [16315] Nightbot: @retro_85 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [16315] xo_dndd: !charm [16315] biglipenergy69: stomping glitchin [16315] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [16315] kolaidinho: lock in Jinxy is [16316] Tommy_john7: Tommy_john7 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months, currently on a 15 month streak! [16316] bigflapa: end harder [16316] XO_Metro: jynxzi papa [16316] daniel_severe: bo3 [16316] iiseia: pre end bruh [16316] callmebarzy: GG [16316] garand_results: pre end [16317] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [16317] heratixxz: WWWW [16317] raineybo: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [16317] purpstwich: -2k [16317] asap__tilt: LOCK IN [16317] coryclappz_1l0: jynxziClown [16317] jacobcloney: !charm [16317] lookrl: Pre end [16317] Noodle3169: pre end [16318] supremeslabs420: w [16318] daniel_severe: b03 [16318] duncanstreams0: stream sniping [16318] longlegs420: L [16318] jackmac_z: Jeffery Epstein sniping [16318] jaythib3: jynxziFAT [16318] Kosovxs: Pre end [16319] Qbert03: I love you junko [16319] smugul: he said train walk in or 90? [16319] yt_chaysedecluee: yt_chaysedecluee subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! [16319] anix_simply: this might actually be scripted [16319] rny_monkeyx_x: gn chat [16319] Nightbot: skyteWELOST150 safJam jynxziGG SLAAAMMMED [16319] magehire: !gamble all [16319] StreamElements: magehire went all in and lost every single one of their 5 points LUL [16320] bardown16__: PRE END [16320] tylersmumishot: L utility [16320] kodydafish: WWWWWWWWWWWWW [16320] daniel_severe: bo3 [16320] mistifiedfn: !watchtime [16320] clazifyyy: !charm [16320] picklebottomthethird: pre end [16321] ymotionn: bo3 [16321] malasuerte77: part timer coming son [16321] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [16321] StreamElements: mistifiedfn has spent 2 days 15 hours watching jynxzi [16321] ardeeezyy: !watchtime [16321] drakey3728: t [16321] supremeslabs420: ww [16321] DOJAHO99: !gamble 10” [16321] dashwsb: pre end [16321] pxbzy: !gamble all [16321] kodydafish: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [16322] StreamElements: PogChamp pxbzy went all in and won 1050 points PogChamp they now have 2100 points FeelsGoodMan [16322] Tatertooters: I took a shit at 6-4 and now i come back to this [16322] mason_b40: AH2EZ [16322] heratixxz: WWWW JYNXZI [16322] kaazmayne110: YOURE SELLING BRO [16322] ifuture001: !gamble 450 [16322] StreamElements: ifuture001 won 450 points in roulette and now has 3415 points! FeelsGoodMan [16323] 313_fishole: pre end [16323] daniel_severe: b03 [16323] kodydafish: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [16323] supremeslabs420: www [16323] TIGERIVAL: You got this! [16324] e5_gad: This is the end hpld yo breath and count to 10 [16324] clazifyyy: !link [16324] Jdcasty: !watchtime [16324] callmebarzy: shotzF shotzF shotzF shotzF shotzF shotzF shotzF shotzF shotzF shotzF shotzF shotzF shotzF [16324] longlegs420: L not good [16324] supremeslabs420: ww [16324] coolpersonlover: PRE END [16324] xammbi: gg [16324] StreamElements: Jdcasty has spent 20 mins watching jynxzi [16325] emptyshelly: PRE END [16325] tyidk23: Aiden is in viewer listI [16325] drakey3728: f [16325] 1brandonthebot: !gamble 10 [16325] Nightbot: F in the chat [16325] StreamElements: 1brandonthebot won 10 points in roulette and now has 2120 points! FeelsGoodMan [16325] jerellle: Come jynxzi and stompn win this map please [16325] perplexed_00: LOCK TF IN [16325] jdunn0375_: who’s winning? [16325] CharlieFCB_: 6 AND 9 LOUIS [16326] supremeslabs420: w [16326] chze_at: im better than jinxi [16326] drakey3728: ffff [16326] maagmerkz25: pre end [16326] nojasiah: spammed# [16326] domthedoge07: SUHLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMED [16326] blendeduplevvi: PRE END [16327] supremeslabs420: ww [16327] Said_Sum: im better [16327] kryptkonytt: !gamble all [16327] StreamElements: PogChamp kryptkonytt went all in and won 15 points PogChamp they now have 30 points FeelsGoodMan [16327] Jdcasty: ggs [16328] emptyshelly: PRE ENDDD [16328] jigglylouie: w [16328] mrgetupintheree: @duncanstreams0 🤓🤓 [16328] khalifa_2012: ash and buck [16328] taytayylive: Pre ending [16329] blendeduplevvi: PREE ENDDD [16329] cringygamerpro: !gamble 500 [16329] pxilly: so scripted for youtube [16329] StreamElements: cringygamerpro lost 500 points in roulette and now has 1415 points! FeelsBadMan [16330] asap__tilt: LOCK THE F IN [16330] nexxxxxio: !gamble all [16330] kaazmayne110: CONSTANTLY SELLING [16330] henking_: 4Hr 35Min Max [16330] e_p_j_m: !whatchtime [16330] cryptogod404: Fffffffff [16330] lordtimis: pre end [16330] StreamElements: PogChamp nexxxxxio went all in and won 520 points PogChamp they now have 1040 points FeelsGoodMan [16330] P0ULE01: w script [16330] wkl_bigstro08: clip farmer [16330] supremeslabs420: wwww [16331] itsyoungghxst: !gamble all [16331] sinister26_: pre L [16331] TowardsNate: @aidentax [16331] ancientz: PRAYING FOR YOUR L Prayge [16331] juliansill3: John cena is waiting [16332] diverse122: JYNXZI UR THE GOAT [16332] Nightbot: johnson [16332] mistifiedfn: !followage [16332] TIGERIVAL: Not you... stompn [16332] Gabriel_00111: Hhh [16332] quitshook899639: yo lemme slide on clix for you 💪🏻🤓 [16332] perplexed_00: LOCK IN LOCK IN LOCK IN [16332] Nightbot: !accept [16332] clazifyyy: !link [16332] StreamElements: @mistifiedfn, mistifiedfn has been following jynxzi for 6 months 5 days 2 hours [16332] jigglylouie: brrrr [16332] duncanstreams0: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [16332] magicjeff221: Pre end [16333] asap__tilt: LOCK IN [16333] supremeslabs420: w [16333] shadowxzcz: !link [16333] quhno_: !watchtime [16333] drippyefx: !charm [16333] StreamElements: quhno_ has spent 3 hours 10 mins watching jynxzi [16333] RicciShitsOnJynxzi: PRE END [16333] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [16333] cubhero54: cubhero54 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [16333] ljlbountyhunter: W PREEND [16334] MAKEANGELS4GOD: you’re washed [16334] CharlieFCB_: 6 AND 9 STEVEN [16334] UnesiestHalo04: !gamble 50 [16334] garand_results: end [16334] boyoil662: how to get charm [16334] StreamElements: UnesiestHalo04 won 50 points in roulette and now has 180 points! FeelsGoodMan [16334] Watch_Logan: !link [16334] kolbym22: jynxi paid them to win because it’s his bed time now [16334] jigglylouie: brr [16334] supremeslabs420: ww [16334] magehire: nooo my 5 points [16335] unweII: PRE L [16335] yt_plazz: @ [16335] beeslams: PRE END [16335] hazellol_: w [16336] enviistaxzk: enviistaxzk subscribed at Tier 1. [16336] gummyb2002: lock in [16336] jmecboy167: Pre end [16336] nojasiah: L gamble [16336] yeetman790: Lmaoooo [16336] jigglylouie: ahh [16337] sdselctrkgat: chatttt [16337] cryptogod404: Ggs nice try bro [16337] jigglylouie: aga [16338] henking_: !gamble all [16338] aminmjv: !gamble [16338] StreamElements: @forKkniFeandspOon_, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan [16338] harry77528: hivise replyyyyyyy hivise replyyyyyyy hivise replyyyyyyy hivise replyyyyyyy hivise replyyyyyyy hivise replyyyyyyy hivise replyyyyyyy hivise replyyyyyyy hivise replyyyyyyy [16338] ltzbiz: W [16338] clay_0124: sold [16338] g4tsio: PRE END WE ALL KNOW IT [16338] emptyshelly: -2K [16338] jackisthebestsjsjsjsj: rate my clip please [16339] jigglylouie: a [16339] scooter2ez: 🔒 🔒 🔒 🔒 🔒 🔒 🔒 [16339] garand_results: end stran [16339] lxgacy12: pre end [16339] atabjergsen: !headset [16339] ivanjerginhoff: !gamble all [16339] Nightbot: Astro A50's [16339] julianisontwich: !wachtime [16339] taytayylive: Pre end [16339] StreamElements: ivanjerginhoff went all in and lost every single one of their 355 points LUL [16340] g4tsio: PRE END WE ALL KNOW IT [16340] bunni_ad: lock in [16340] drmonkeeman10: W PRE END [16340] beeslams: pre end [16340] xNoRecoil: !watchtime [16340] Opalixz: jynxziFAT [16340] rocodhadra: GG [16340] kayddenAU: dont get nervous [16340] bibo126: pre end [16340] DOJAHO99: !gamble 120 [16340] aztxccc: he ending after this loss [16340] StreamElements: xNoRecoil has spent 2 days 9 hours watching jynxzi [16340] sdselctrkgat: how we doinnn. [16340] StreamElements: @DOJAHO99, you only have 110 points. [16340] scooter2ez: 🔒 🔒 🔒 🔒 🔒 🔒 🔒 🔒 [16341] m0ntq: j [16341] fay_fn92: !gamble all [16341] StreamElements: PogChamp fay_fn92 went all in and won 65 points PogChamp they now have 130 points FeelsGoodMan [16341] pwr_claps: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [16341] liam3548: ALMOST THE 5 HOUR MARK ITS OVER [16341] yt_plazz: damn [16341] cole_schwartz19: cole_schwartz19 subscribed with Prime. [16342] attack123456: its nice to see junko giving back to the R6 community [16342] hvhhhhjghhyy: 4hr [16342] pp_mike_pp: pre ends [16342] ItsMeMato: ItsMeMato converted from a Prime sub to a Tier 1 sub! [16342] Douglas420710: !gamble 100 [16342] RicciShitsOnJynxzi: PRE END CUZ JYNXZI IS A LOSERRRRRR [16342] juliansill3: pre end nd [16343] guccielpadre: L [16343] StreamElements: douglas420710 lost 100 points in roulette and now has 1635 points! FeelsBadMan [16343] go_plant_some_trees: pre end [16343] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [16343] Jdcasty: play 2k [16343] ladanc: PRE END [16343] zarrahts: [16343] taytayylive: Part timeer [16344] kodydafish: WWWWWWWWWWWWWVX [16344] ninjaroman08: jynxziFAT [16344] StreamElements: If you're a gamer, you need a Starforge! Snag one -> https://starforgepc.com/Jynxzi [16344] Valiyx_: pre end [16344] HiVise: @harry77528 Hello [16344] boomstarr_: sellouttttt [16344] malek101292: GalaxyUnpacked [16344] calvert_b_stream: jynxziFALL [16344] chze_at: NAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH [16345] cryptogod404: Game lost [16346] SeymourGenitals: 6-9 NOT DOING SO FINE [16346] 1brandonthebot: !gamble 2000 [16346] garnerspur: hi [16346] clazifyyy: !link [16346] garand_results: when is end [16346] Nightbot: @clazifyyy If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [16346] Boweyy_: LOCK IN [16346] rocodhadra: HR COOKED PAL [16347] taytayylive: Part timer [16348] richdune234: pre sell [16348] andycooldude872: slammed [16349] sdselctrkgat: 🎶🎶😘😘😘😘 [16349] juliansill3: John cena is waiting [16349] wkl_bigstro08: 🧑🌾🧑🌾🧑🌾🧑🌾 [16349] lllcomboziii: ssss [16349] chze_at: THATS CRAZY [16349] asap__tilt: LOCK IN 🔒 🔒 [16350] beeslams: gn chat see yall tmrw [16350] Nightbot: skyteWELOST150 safJam jynxziGG SLAAAMMMED [16350] tide_9: pre end [16350] bh_chris13: come on baby [16351] taytayylive: Part time [16351] guccielpadre: bad aim [16351] mrgetupintheree: stream sniping 🤓🤓🤓i’m such a nerd ima snap steam sniping [16351] ancientz: PRAY FOR L Prayge PRAY FOR L Prayge PRAY FOR L Prayge PRAY FOR L Prayge PRAY FOR L Prayge PRAY FOR L Prayge [16351] lilseb3: @tttvvexing can you sub me [16351] sdselctrkgat: 💕😒😎😄😒😴😴😒 [16351] pay_kabes71: pay 2.5k [16352] hvhhhhjghhyy: Pre 4hr [16352] Douglas420710: !gamble all [16352] drippyefx: !link [16352] ladanc: pre end part time [16352] andycooldude872: ggs [16353] Fossabot: @stanksak420, Your message is too long [2x] [16353] xpatsz: no way you sell [16353] chze_at: U SUC [16354] cryptogod404: it ended just now they lost [16354] julianisontwich: !watchtime [16354] Astral3016: Pre sell [16354] StreamElements: julianisontwich has spent 1 day 7 hours watching jynxzi [16355] ninjaroman08: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [16355] AVwyd: DID THEY WIN FIRST MAPPPPPP [16355] dashwsb: pre end [16355] Jdcasty: ggs [16355] sdselctrkgat: 😒 [16355] bennethb: pre end [16355] jackisthebestsjsjsjsj: rate my clip after schade773163 [16355] pantera_221: COME ON CHUNKO [16356] emptyshelly: LOCK IN BABYCAKES [16356] drmonkeeman10: PRE END IN 2MINS [16356] andycooldude872: pre end [16356] rocodhadra: Pre throw [16356] OckyMo: shut up hivise [16356] sdselctrkgat: s [16356] sanwichgameronttv: caseoh is better then you [16356] ninjaroman08: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [16357] PayMeToThrow: !subcount [16357] ETH0jj: N. [16357] lordtimis: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [16358] adu4994: sellin [16358] Nightbot: Jynxzi has Unknown Error Occurred. If problem persists, please contact support. active subscribers! [16358] mrgetupintheree: stream sniping 🤓🤓🤓i’m such a nerd ima snap steam snipingpp [16358] ninjaroman08: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [16358] xpatsz: pre lose of 2k [16358] malek101292: I edge to ur videos [16358] aminmjv: !gamble all [16359] notizcal: Pre rage than end [16359] ocheezyv: April falls what tf feeling charms jynxi how about the summer Gemini rules split for once and Tom Clancy [16359] henking_: @hivise how are you today? [16359] the_goatt3: Yo [16359] dman5811: good aim [16359] ians_life: pre end [16359] tide_9: pre end stream [16359] harppuccino: !gamble all [16359] mrgetupintheree: stream sniping 🤓🤓🤓i’m such a nerd ima snap steam sniping [16359] wkl_bigstro08: Clio farmer [16360] StreamElements: harppuccino went all in and lost every single one of their 230 points LUL [16360] GHOSTEEE_23: stompin made [16361] jose_4906: jynxziChampion jynxziFAT [16362] emaleef1: PRE ENDDDDDD [16362] azudoo: pre end [16362] aholani: aholani subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [16364] death_4218: who he versing [16364] spear_lordo: UWU [16364] duncanstreams0: sniping [16364] mrgetupintheree: stream sniping 🤓🤓🤓i’m such a nerd ima snap steam snipingpp [16365] Watch_Logan: !link [16365] gowhaan_: ass [16366] clumsypickie: GG [16366] enchantedteh: p [16366] chze_at: PRE 2V1 [16366] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [16366] soysauce_12: When is kai vs caseoh [16366] mrgetupintheree: stream sniping 🤓🤓🤓i’m such a nerd ima snap steam sniping [16367] emptyshelly: PRE END TO GO EDGE [16367] 1brandonthebot: !gamble 1000 [16367] ericisactuallysmall: PRE END [16368] guccielpadre: shitty aim [16368] ruchingunruh: Uil [16368] clumsypickie: PRE WND [16370] richdune234: gg [16370] flood89: hdhdhr [16370] clumsypickie: PRE END [16371] trips_ok: pre end [16371] GHOSTEEE_23: pre end incoming after this L [16371] ericmags1331: !link [16371] enchantedteh: tickle time!!! [16371] yourmomandada: w part timer (joking I love you [16371] 7352881716: pre win [16371] drmonkeeman10: PRE END [16372] jaycejohnson2001: !gamble 100 [16372] ninjaroman08: !gamble all [16372] StreamElements: PogChamp ninjaroman08 went all in and won 15 points PogChamp they now have 30 points FeelsGoodMan [16372] StreamElements: jaycejohnson2001 lost 100 points in roulette and now has 300 points! FeelsBadMan [16373] WenissPicker: !gamble 350 [16373] StreamElements: @WenissPicker, you only have 10 points. [16373] liam3548: PRE END [16373] sanwichgameronttv: your trash L glazer [16373] b1untrap: Big sick [16374] daddyjunko7693: !link [16374] e_p_j_m: !whatchtime [16374] richdune234: pre end [16375] shadowxzcz: yo [16376] 1brandonthebot: !gamble 100 [16376] mrsclausx: pre end [16377] spear_lordo: A cog? [16377] bj_5751cod123: Lock in 🔐 [16377] moosewala_: JUST CHILL DONT TWEAK [16378] hobbes_mobbin: ez [16378] bardown16__: nice [16378] jerellle: W [16378] ElkTheElk: WW [16378] drmonkeeman10: W PRE END [16379] g4tsio: WW [16379] ancientz: PRAY FOR L Prayge PRAY FOR L Prayge PRAY FOR L Prayge PRAY FOR L Prayge PRAY FOR L Prayge PRAY FOR L Prayge PRAY FOR L Prayge [16379] averagechip2789: averagechip2789 subscribed at Tier 1. [16379] lllcomboziii: i subbed to you yesterday and i don’t have it anymore [16379] xpecthaven: www [16379] ericzy_: wwwwwwwwwwwwww [16380] zer0_aero: don’t sell [16380] itsyoungghxst: !gamble 1000 [16380] GloriousSnuggleKingLeBron: WWWWW [16380] lil__davie: pre end softy [16380] StreamElements: itsyoungghxst lost 1000 points in roulette and now has 27135 points! FeelsBadMan [16380] ikex777: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [16380] sarzle: WW [16380] g4tsio: WW [16381] inevafrez: wwwww [16381] astroidr6: WWWWWW [16381] swoleboh: massive [16381] ericzy_: WWWWWWWWWWWWW [16381] Madzgirl97: madzgiRotatingheart madzgiRotatingheart madzgiRotatingheart madzgiRotatingheart madzgiRotatingheart [16381] fishyfinn7: WWW [16381] theaverageteenagegirI: WWW [16381] filthethrill87: NICEEE [16381] pantera_221: COME ON!!!!!!! [16381] hobbes_mobbin: wwww [16382] bardown16__: CHILL CHILL [16382] papicolby18: jynxziBounce [16382] Jdcasty: w [16382] astroidr6: WWWW [16382] filthethrill87: WWW [16382] koliesk: let’s go junko [16382] LegendWill16: L [16382] Boweyy_: WWWWWWWWW [16382] b1untrap: Big Dick [16383] michael1_2u: No [16383] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [16383] NoLifeNick27: WWWWW [16383] armanhsa: W W W W W W [16383] astroidr6: WWWWWWWWWW [16383] itsluis75: WWWWWWWWWWWWW [16383] colby9: stay with stompn [16383] MorkViking: W [16384] bardown16__: CHILLLLLL [16384] mezzdup_bun: WWWWWWWWWWWWW [16384] drmonkeeman10: WWWW PRE END [16384] 1Drae: W [16384] lilsluga: wwww [16384] LegendWill16: LL [16384] armanhsa: W W W [16384] ElkTheElk: WW WW WW [16384] margzzzzz1: OMG [16385] raulhuertos1: no way this kid is live [16385] ilovehatss: WWWWWWWW [16385] Boweyy_: EZZZZ [16385] og_twotone: WWWWWWWW [16385] yoursoc00l: jynxziGoodAim [16385] 1Drae: WWWWWWWWWWWWW [16385] awill13: HUGEEEEE [16385] pay_kabes71: HUGEEEEE [16385] mrrocketbunny69: GOOD AIM [16386] ethanflores_: w [16386] exxyq: locked [16386] khalifa_2012: ash and buck [16386] koliesk: you got this [16386] bunni_ad: y’all can’t lose [16386] univzs: Bro still live ???? [16386] 1Drae: WWWWWWWWWWWW [16386] GrannyPoacher420: VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea [16386] sizz1_: WWWWWWWWWWWWW [16386] bardown16__: STAY ALIVE [16386] AemsWizz: ww [16386] hobbes_mobbin: let’s go [16387] nolimitnoob_: YESS [16387] silvertripe: common [16387] 1Drae: WWWWWWWW [16387] xpecthaven: ww [16387] divincii_: Aiden sold [16387] sanwichgameronttv: wwww [16387] codyunit: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [16388] bryann1029: W [16388] richdune234: w [16388] CrazyXtian: www [16388] mody__100: WWWW [16388] LegendWill16: LLL [16388] moneymakermikeonthemic: SO LOCKED [16389] Downside: WWWW [16389] bardown16__: CHILL CHILL [16389] chze_at: W [16389] itsluis75: u dont die [16389] FrostySpace9055: DAMN [16389] WenissPicker: !gamble 5 [16389] yammo27: NOOO [16389] cronkzy09: wwww [16389] qc_elgros_esti: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [16390] drmonkeeman10: WWW SELL [16390] lukechavezero: Wwwwww [16390] gordonramsme___: DONT SELL [16390] koliesk: wwww [16390] GrannyPoacher420: ilumpeW ilumpeW ilumpeW ilumpeW ilumpeW [16390] MrBoochiie: GOOD AIM [16390] chze_at: WWWWW [16390] 1Drae: WWWWWWWWWWW [16390] sa1ntuziii: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [16390] henwythelegend: w [16390] iicxrtifiedaim: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [16390] Fawful77: DONT SELL NOW [16391] DionHyperYT: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [16391] lordtimis: jynxziFAT [16391] chs_alpha: WWWW [16391] RNGVigor: llll [16391] wawa_wenis: WWWWWWWWWWWWWW [16391] Jehobaal: yebBoogieChecc [16391] asxppayt: WWWWWWW [16391] TIGERIVAL: Well played Jynxzi! [16391] calman98: WWW [16391] MAKEANGELS4GOD: w [16391] mody__100: WWWWWWWWWW [16392] colby9: acting like sketch in this game [16392] sav_journey13: WWWWW [16392] lilkay999: skibidi toilet [16392] margzzzzz1: WWWWWWWWWWWWW [16392] bluejoltz23: wwwwww [16392] alexg1340555: what is tournament Saturday [16392] gordonramsme___: LOCK IN [16392] Anvvrr: !link [16392] drippyefx: !link [16393] yammo27: L [16393] Nightbot: @Anvvrr If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [16393] michael1_2u: L [16393] aspect8479: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [16393] upl_zak: W [16393] azraelwoah: WWWW [16393] LegendWill16: LLLLL [16393] liam3548: PepeLaugh DONT DIE [16393] shyrodbd: WWWWWW [16393] iitzMako1: w [16393] xuiey: nice [16393] chze_at: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [16393] sa1ntuziii: GOOD AIM [16393] exxyq: lockeeedddd [16393] Patentedcarp868: !sub [16394] chrisrankel: w [16394] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [16394] beans_gamer1234: on window [16394] drmonkeeman10: SELL [16394] qc_elgros_esti: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [16394] lookrl: GOOD AIM [16394] shiesty_cecil: good aim junko [16394] Nicogazzotti: Wwww [16395] toxik_b0y: STAY ALIVE DONT SWING [16395] shamus4r: WWWWW [16395] armanhsa: W W W W W W [16395] bunni_ad: junko pls [16395] beeslams: W [16395] jakey__pancakey: tel that to a mirror [16396] not_colt11: gooo aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm [16396] dragid7: www [16396] averagechip2789: !link [16396] sanwichgameronttv: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [16396] moneymakermikeonthemic: PLAY SLOW [16396] cronkzy09: LLL [16396] jakemucha25: quite swinging shot [16397] ThaWizardofOdds: bro quit moving so much [16397] SirDWill: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [16397] 0wisefps: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [16397] clay_0124: map 3 [16397] ericisactuallysmall: “i’m a 6-hour streamer” -🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥 [16397] Snowy373: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [16397] souwhis: PLSSSSSS WIN [16398] moneymakermikeonthemic: KING [16398] henking_: @hivise honestly who do you think is winning [16398] quhno_: !gamble [16398] cronkzy09: L [16398] mrgetupintheree: ig ur the best lmaoooo [16398] cai_st: Good aim [16398] guccielpadre: jynxziRage jynxziPACK [16398] itsluis75: please focus juko [16398] rido424: wwwwww [16399] ManLikeMoyks: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [16399] kyler2010c: w [16399] Nickle18: Nickle18 subscribed at Tier 1. [16399] chs_alpha: DONT SWING [16399] lilkay999: Ohio [16400] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [16400] mazark0: you’re not anymore [16400] ash_ave_bubba: w script [16401] henwythelegend: sellout [16401] tomcrte: bro stop moving [16402] ItsPurpsss: get the fucking pom poms [16403] costascp07: stairs [16403] qc_elgros_esti: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [16403] itsluis75: junko* [16403] mohamedali1805: wwWWWWW [16403] drmonkeeman10: PRE END SELL [16403] goldfishbish: bro just won the 3% chance 😭😭 [16404] lilkay999: kdddd [16404] A1vin23: THE OLD JYNXZI IS BACKKKKKKKKKKK [16404] hobbes_mobbin: peppoAM ahhhhhh [16404] wamz_9: jynxziFALL [16405] dragid7: jynxziGoodAim [16405] MorkViking: L [16405] costascp07: stairsss [16405] cai_st: GOOD AIM [16405] trilltrev112: junko scared to clutch [16405] qc_elgros_esti: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [16406] moneymakermikeonthemic: I LOVE YOU [16407] WenissPicker: !gamble 5 [16407] BigGeebs: washed [16407] Madzgirl97: I could never play this game. A bunch of sitting around [16407] emptyshelly: MAKE ME WET [16407] jaythib3: L part-timer [16407] ilovehatss: GOOD AIM [16407] MorkViking: BAD AIM [16408] murphyleggatt: W script [16408] qc_elgros_esti: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [16408] duncanstreams0: he died cuz hes looking at ur stream [16408] danny00053: still streaming? [16408] MAKEANGELS4GOD: w callout [16409] Skytheguyy: Yo fatass did pdiddy do it? [16409] sa1ntuziii: chunko [16409] drmonkeeman10: SELL [16409] famousspearr: 'HES WHITE' [16409] soysauce_12: When is kai vs caseoh [16409] BigGeebs: wash [16409] caldq: ”Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.“ Hebrews 4:16 NIV [16409] chze_at: JUS STAY THERE [16409] costascp07: stairssss [16410] thegr8mehdi: L script [16410] w0zzles: play time dude [16410] BigGeebs: washh [16410] creepydeep2: good choice [16410] qc_elgros_esti: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [16411] your_farther1: Fanmail when [16411] nmoney1207: choked fat ass [16411] BigGeebs: washed [16411] Mockingfrog: bros screen peaking lmao [16411] Jdcasty: ggs [16412] michael1_2u: Pls lose [16412] itsluis75: please focus junko [16412] sanwichgameronttv: 200 PUMP [16413] juiceboxessss: pre end [16413] lilseb3: plz [16413] trilltrev112: I’m horny [16413] moneymakermikeonthemic: PLAY TOGETHER EZ WIN [16413] ThaWizardofOdds: dude just needs to sit in a corner [16415] adonxim: WWW [16415] BigGeebs: washhhhh [16415] pashavibin: pashavibin subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months! [16416] iamnomix: YOU ARE NOT [16416] GHOSTEEE_23: proceeds to peek [16416] yammo27: I HAVE POINTS AGAINST YOU [16416] sup33ri0r: PLAY TIME YOU FUCK [16416] BigGeebs: washed [16416] adonxim: WWWWWWW [16417] SirDWill: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [16417] hobbes_mobbin: i’m so scared [16418] bardown16__: GG [16418] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [16418] iconicgamer538: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [16419] Fossabot: @svickova_128, Your message is too long [2x] [16419] tkkndananjaya: good boy [16419] serpentsrain: Kai vs Caseoh [16419] abrahamdxm: walk him down together [16420] sa1ntuziii: CHUNKOOOOO [16420] wack8444: penisbutt [16420] KL11111: stop peeking [16420] nvxcahpn: WWW [16420] alexg1340555: when is tournament saturday [16421] DabsAndDubss: yoo [16422] finnishdog: LETS GO JUNKO❤️🫵🏻 [16422] krome2dadome: L [16422] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [16422] WenissPicker: !gamble 10 [16422] itsluis75: dont peak [16423] nvxcahpn: U WIN [16423] Memeshitpost: L ego [16423] bardown16__: JUST RUN [16423] ELITE_B_B_C: ELITE_B_B_C subscribed at Tier 1. [16424] yaboisleepsinanest: dont peek [16424] iconicgamer538: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [16424] daddyjunko7693: !link [16424] Nightbot: @daddyjunko7693 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [16424] NeverJared: PASSIVE [16425] Basically_Emer: Basically_Emer subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 5 month streak! [16425] atemeal_: atemeal_ subscribed at Tier 1. [16425] ThaWizardofOdds: QUIT MOVING !!!!! [16425] abrahamdxm: WALK HIM DOWN [16425] nvxcahpn: YOU EIN [16425] hdez2kk: jynxziVapeBreak [16426] drmonkeeman10: PRE END [16426] bigbuck153: GoatEmotey [16426] thegr8mehdi: When is caseoh [16426] kayyyyme: jynxziGLASSES [16426] gordonramsme___: PKAY SMART [16427] hdez2kk: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [16427] Memeshitpost: W ego [16427] joe232465: yo [16427] bardown16__: CHILLL [16427] RoyalRips: RoyalRips subscribed with Prime. [16428] NeverJared: PLAY SLOW [16428] juzevsp: !gamble all [16428] cole_schwartz19: !LINK Mr Bigtoe3390 [16428] nvxcahpn: YOU WIN [16428] hdez2kk: jynxziVapeBreak [16428] RoyalRecess1: yo [16428] StreamElements: juzevsp went all in and lost every single one of their 215 points LUL [16428] moneymakermikeonthemic: JUST HOLD ANGLES [16429] armanhsa: EEK!! [16429] sup33ri0r: YOU WIN THESE [16430] aaydennnz: sup fatty [16430] gordonramsme___: LOCK IN BRO [16431] 2percentmilks: @aidentax [16431] londongoat27: when does the set start [16431] trilltrev112: no edge? [16432] cloudedtheclown: Ezz [16432] bardown16__: ,CHILLLLL [16432] karmasucks20: karmasucks20 subscribed at Tier 1. [16433] GermyNZ: you got bitched by clix [16434] thunderhdnsnd: JonCarnage JonCarnage JonCarnage JonCarnage JonCarnage [16435] CrazyXtian: wait till he pushes [16435] KREZ0_: Pre 1v2 [16435] ocheezyv: time [16436] zer0_aero: hold angles [16436] quhno_: !gamble [16437] iconicgamer538: jynxziFAT [16437] combatsquash14: red [16438] towistow: I’m just the best at the game so I’m not really a fan but I’m yyyyy I like the way they do the characters in the game trying not a bad one but I think they have the most interesting character [16438] Jettyiscoool: Jettyiscoool subscribed with Prime. [16438] kayyyyme: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [16438] b1untrap: PP Butt Hole [16438] joe232465: :D [16440] ebknight89: throwing agaisnt the easiest opoponents [16440] tenproduct: play time he has to go down to get defuse [16440] serpentsrain: when is Caseoh kiss cam [16440] badrelishq: use code clix iykyk [16441] Noahleesommerfeld: gng [16441] dman5811: zaddy [16442] emptyshelly: PRE CHOKE [16442] mod_me_jynxzi: ranked after [16442] kolaidinho: shaking [16442] bardown16__: U WIN THIS 90 TIMES OUT OF 100 [16442] freebandians: STOP MOVING FATASS [16442] TIGERIVAL: Just don't die if the other one had defused then play for time [16443] Jdcasty: ggs [16443] TruckDriver_LoL: @GermyNZ stfu pusys [16443] soysauce_12: When is kai vs caseoh [16443] Le_fishy3030: PLAY TIME [16443] snagymane: pre end [16443] bj_5751cod123: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [16444] cole_schwartz19: !LINK [16444] GrannyPoacher420: ilumpeW ilumpeW ilumpeW ilumpeW [16445] taytayylive: Should be a easy w [16446] TIGERIVAL: Simple [16446] boyoil662: how to get charm [16447] kenu__ttv: !gamble 1555 [16447] StreamElements: kenu__ttv won 1555 points in roulette and now has 9765 points! FeelsGoodMan [16447] drmonkeeman10: PRE END TIME [16448] monkyman25: bro will do anything to not pay stompn [16448] qc_elgros_esti: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [16448] tea4664: collat incoming [16448] sandy_sir: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [16449] bardown16__: U DONT LOSE THIS [16449] Jdcasty: gas [16449] bigolzitties: you got this! [16450] etterrx: Ohio [16450] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [16451] cole_schwartz19: Mr Bigtoe3390 [16452] qc_elgros_esti: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [16452] Jdcasty: ggs [16453] moneymakermikeonthemic: god ti4er [16453] forsaken515: Bbc [16454] wildmustang9122: jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL [16454] savageslaying: baycO7 baycO7 baycO7 baycO7 baycO7 [16454] kinoth_: W [16454] chze_at: PRE SELL [16455] gowhaan_: stand still pussy [16455] bj_5751cod123: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [16455] wake_244: play castle [16455] chs_alpha: LOCK IN [16456] soysauce_12: Part timer [16456] c00l_pug1: TwitchConHYPE [16456] finnnyboy3352: JYNXZI TITS OR BUTT [16456] Jude224573: !ability [16457] hobbes_mobbin: peppoShoot peppoShoot peppoShoot [16458] jdunn0375_: don’t sell [16459] ancientz: PRAY FOR L Prayge PRAY FOR L Prayge PRAY FOR L Prayge PRAY FOR L Prayge PRAY FOR L Prayge [16459] WobblyJobbies: STOMPIN CARRIED [16459] thunderhdnsnd: DinoDance GoatEmotey DinoDance GoatEmotey GoatEmotey B) B) B) B) [16459] piqzii_: !stompn [16460] gaming_enjoyer111: W thank u brother [16460] Nightbot: 35 year old controller warlord! [16460] ttbooth: He got this [16460] aspect_apollo: welp i just lost all my channel points again due to this fat ass actually doing something [16460] austin172: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [16461] Echo2pointO: PRE W [16461] quhno_: !gambleall [16461] itsluis75: so intense [16461] lReeddl: !gamble 200 [16461] umitt3850_: wwwwwwww [16461] StreamElements: lReeddl lost 200 points in roulette and now has 1555 points! FeelsBadMan [16462] Jude224573: tits [16463] bardown16__: DONT PEEK [16463] ZB_Connor_: l aim [16463] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [16463] wake_244: lock in [16464] c00l_pug1: ImTyping [16464] umitt3850_: w [16464] ItsPureGLITCH: yer [16465] sanwichgameronttv: dude your selling [16465] ericisactuallysmall: there is not a chance you lose this [16465] scrumptiousmonkey: Carried [16465] theredsquirrel69: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [16465] ZB_Connor_: L AIM [16466] soysauce_12: When is kai vs caseoh [16466] hobbes_mobbin: SeriousSloth ScaredyCat [16466] MachoTacoVerde: great job Jinxzi!!! [16466] mrrocketbunny69: BAD AIM [16466] filthethrill87: LEST GOOOO BOYSSSS YOURE NOT LOSING LOCK TF IN [16466] chze_at: W [16467] fadfjiaj: sad if you loose [16467] og_twotone: jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE [16467] shipoopy69: WWWWWWWWWWWWW [16467] Fossabot: @g1ixy3254, Your message is too long [16468] Hybs_: WW [16468] Xmobgamingx: he’s in sight [16468] dragon_viper69: Wew [16468] ElkTheElk: WW [16468] chze_at: WWWW [16468] btajhitt: YEEEEOOOO IM SUBSCRIBED ???CHARM [16468] geraldmandingo: SKETCH IS WAITING [16468] astroidr6: WWWWWWWWWWW [16468] sizz1_: WWWWWWWWWW [16468] drmonkeeman10: PRE END [16468] BANGBROTHERS: EZ [16468] moneymakermikeonthemic: LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOO [16468] theaverageteenagegirI: WWWWWWW [16469] bardown16__: YESSSSSSSSSSS [16469] KREZ0_: W [16469] shyrodbd: WWWWWWWWWWWWWW [16469] sanwichgameronttv: quit [16469] xpecthaven: ww [16469] golzerrrr: WW [16469] rxphhh: WWWWWW [16469] bube145: W [16469] 1Drae: W [16469] swoleboh: WWWWWW [16469] armanhsa: SW QW W W W W W W W W [16469] lilsluga: WWWWWWWWWWW [16469] hobbes_mobbin: ScaredyCat ScaredyCat ScaredyCat [16469] ancientz: thaqilSnooze [16469] astroidr6: WWWWWWWWW [16470] michael1_2u: Fucj [16470] equalssss: when’s fain mail [16470] graph106: W [16470] BANGBROTHERS: EZEZ [16470] MorkViking: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [16470] melloman523: LFG [16470] HiVise: W [16470] HiVise: W [16470] HiVise: W [16471] HiVise: W [16471] HiVise: W [16471] HiVise: W [16471] xpecthaven: wwwww [16471] robbiiieeeeee: WW [16471] Laykuhs: WEW [16471] GogoProto23: WWWWWW [16471] HiVise: W [16471] banana_bread0102: w [16471] HappyJTC: WWW [16471] Icetarossa: W [16471] HiVise: W [16471] MrBoochiie: GOOD AIM [16471] fishpot2: WWW [16472] BuzzRodd: SLAMMED [16472] beeslams: W [16472] HiVise: W [16472] bardown16__: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [16472] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [16472] HiVise: W [16472] bluejoltz23: wwwww [16472] Ssyzzzz: stop swinging [16472] HiVise: W [16472] GooseMooz: WWWWWWWWW [16472] lunchiestbox: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [16472] sizz1_: LETS GO [16472] creepydeep2: WEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [16472] VyseM4H: W team [16472] HiVise: W [16473] jayxxyxx: WWWWWWWWWWWW [16473] aminmjv: !gamble 170 [16473] o7tom: WWWWWWWW [16473] HiVise: W [16473] xpecthaven: www [16473] resky: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [16473] Enzolira13: WWWWWWWWWW [16473] HiVise: W [16473] HiVise: W [16473] StreamElements: aminmjv lost 170 points in roulette and now has 535 points! FeelsBadMan [16473] HiVise: W [16473] HiVise: W [16473] HiVise: W [16473] HiVise: W [16473] HiVise: W [16474] HiVise: W [16474] HiVise: W [16475] xJudMuffin: W [16475] MorkViking: W [16475] pay_kabes71: WWWWWWWWWWWWWW [16475] kevindp30: wwwwww [16475] xpecthaven: wwwww [16475] xJudMuffin: W [16475] peytonofc: w [16475] rockpenguin599: wwwww [16475] lordtimis: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [16475] Z3_BlueW: W [16475] carbar14: Map 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [16475] astroidr6: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [16475] bamboozledbakedbeans: WWWWWW [16475] xJudMuffin: W [16475] xJudMuffin: W [16476] armanhsa: W W W W W W w [16476] ShabZaclaT: WWWW [16476] itsZDG_vr: SO WERE GETTING CARRIED [16476] dukenukem1400: W [16476] nfncpure: WWWW [16476] nvxcahpn: PAY [16476] sticks_goataed: www [16476] XSN1iPEZz: www [16476] siatko915: wwwww [16476] Snowy373: W [16476] xJudMuffin: W [16476] aspect8479: jynxziBuena jynxziBuena jynxziBuena jynxziBuena jynxziBuena jynxziBuena jynxziBuena [16476] 13mxk: LLL [16476] xJudMuffin: W [16476] xJudMuffin: W [16479] pay_kabes71: WWWWWWWWWWWWW [16479] airbxnder: W [16479] nikoonae: RHDSEG THGYJ [16479] yeeack: Wheres my charm junko? I didnt get it when i subed [16479] MinchJor: wwwwwpww [16479] braxton_rtr: WWWWWWWWWW [16479] nyk18: W [16479] josh_14sm: WWWWWWWWWWWW [16479] styx_jk: DADDY STOMPN [16479] itsssssss_jae: WWWW [16479] jynxzi69w: W [16479] LordBendtnerIsWatching: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke [16479] trulymatts: W [16479] spicycelery3691: LETSGO [16479] 1Drae: WWWWWWWWWWWW | Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [16300] I don't get any drones while I'm here. [16310] I'm gonna find a bomb. I found a bomb. The one that is on the floor is located a bomb. I'm gonna let it look for it. I got one. [16320] Nice nice nice that's huge that's huge Here make the holes cuz I don't know what like what you're told you are [16330] 阿豫老師!!!那他吃四輩文了 [16340] That's kind of a worthless player right there. I think he's watching the Earth and did I walk through? From where, the drone hole? The window. The window. [16350] Swapping mags. I hate how we're trapped inside a muck in a lie Hey, here's a [16360] I don't think this castle. [16370] That is fifty twenty two thousand! Now it is ten dz What the fuck! [16380] That's eight and that's eight and that's the future that's the fuser Just don't die bro, please swapping bags He's like [16390] What? Tagged in my sink? No, I don't think I did. You go up, was he bottom right? [16400] Up way, you went up way! I'm not picking that f- hell now. [16410] I got a drone, here's no drones. Don't even have to peek. [16420] running running you run all the way around the other you want me to the door's not casted so it was casted but I'm good [16430] Okay, I broke it. Beeper, that's on the way. He doesn't have to fuse tonight. Nothing has to walk in, yeah. Looking at your red tape. You get my door, I got your red tape, we win. [16440] Other way, other way. Okay, got your door. [16450] [16460] memo and the [16470] MAP FUCKING THREE! I love you bro! Yo dude I just shit on a- I'm not even gonna die just shit on a- That's not gonna do it with that first fake man Come on bro! That's all this shit is bro! You just gotta get the- | There is a Highlight between 16300 and 16600. They secure the crucial round to advance to the third round (best of 3). |
Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [18800] MidRollerJ: PRE END [18800] StreamElements: viper123792 lost 25 points in roulette and now has 245 points! FeelsBadMan [18800] airjordan422765: pre end [18800] johnson_jynxzi: pre end [18800] clatriphy: PRE NDDD [18801] not_Iucky: 1-6 clix fr [18801] rockpenguin599: brecki is waiting [18801] rab_7: trash [18801] Keremrgll: PRE ENDDDD [18801] qu1xr: 1-7 Kevin [18801] j9Q9: so we not droning [18801] daveandbustercannon: daveandbustercannon subscribed with Prime. [18802] Captain_Clout1: No you can’t [18802] enviistaxzk: ugigig [18802] pantera_221: Pre end, l part timer [18802] dracoguns: PRE END [18803] huntingwithcaleb4: jynxziBuena [18803] elitebenjifishy: !Link [18803] IOH_Gunnin: steve wont do it [18803] lynchster1: pre end [18803] tmoney102110: pre end [18803] m0m0ney101: WASHED [18803] nashie01bvfgrgbp: nashie01bvfgrgbp subscribed at Tier 1. [18804] JOHNST3R: caseohWiijams caseohWiijams caseohWiijams [18804] j9Q9: Oh [18804] kaitxin: pre slam [18804] hobbes_mobbin: pre end [18804] youngherox: GN CHAT S [18804] itzbottomdawg: Ggs chat [18804] rockpenguin599: lol [18804] Nightbot: 😂 [18804] haha_vexx: JYNXZI LOCK IN BRO UR PLAYING LIKE A GR [18804] YokoGuns: pre end [18804] huntingwithcaleb4: jynxziFAT [18804] 1738clutch: pre end [18805] JBabbb: gn [18805] sigmaboy69420: see y’all Tm chattt [18805] clatriphy: PRE ENDDDDDD [18805] czcapalot: @zachxc48 is clip farming [18806] huntingwithcaleb4: jynxziWTF [18807] lolpot1865: 5 hour streamer [18807] itsluis75: 1-7 and gg [18807] marcusthebest_: PRE END [18807] spe4rhead: new record not dead yet [18807] big3dubz: big3dubz subscribed with Prime. [18807] drmonkeeman10: PRE END [18807] bennethb: so we not dronin [18807] huntingwithcaleb4: jynxziVapeBreak [18807] tmoney102110: pre end pre end pre end [18807] GHOSTEEE_23: stompins done playing tournies with ur ass [18807] emptyshelly: 1:30 PRE END [18808] supr3me_rl: TRG OWNS YOU [18808] LodahOG: gg [18808] johnson_jynxzi: !gamble all [18808] dracoguns: PRE END PRE END PRE END [18808] lilsluga: DRONE WHAT [18808] yoboizach_yt: !gamble 20 [18808] StreamElements: PogChamp johnson_jynxzi went all in and won 115 points PogChamp they now have 230 points FeelsGoodMan [18808] StreamElements: yoboizach_yt won 20 points in roulette and now has 465 points! FeelsGoodMan [18808] austin172: pre end [18809] beeslams: pre end gn chat [18809] cburns_13: Goodnight chat [18809] JOHNST3R: caseohThumbsup caseohThumbsup caseohThumbsup [18809] onatoasterrn: pre end [18809] Keremrgll: PRE ENDDDDDDD [18809] gargaaamellll: !LINK [18809] Dleite95: GN CHAT [18809] Hybs_: pre end [18809] Canadiantoejam98: I enjoyed my stay [18809] imem1lontop: pre endddddddd [18809] Nightbot: @gargaaamellll If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [18810] dominatemecaseoh: Pre end [18810] knowxnx: GN CAHT [18810] Fossabot: @armanhsa, Your message is too long [18810] pantera_221: 5 hour andy [18810] lilbo503boxedyou: jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH [18810] dracoguns: PRE ENDD [18810] emilhermansen: PRE END [18810] tmoney102110: pre end pre end [18811] xqlf_: gn chat [18811] LanekillaMJ: pre end [18811] cheau2trappe: FACE CAM TO GOOS [18812] dracoguns: PRE END [18813] 123_door_giveawayy: PRE END [18813] Keremrgll: PRE ENDDDDD [18813] clatriphy: GN CHAT [18813] knowxnx: W 5 HR [18813] tmoney102110: pre end [18814] ericisactuallysmall: pre end 🤦♂️ [18814] VAxLAMBOx: 1.08 [18814] braxdypapi: boutta end [18814] lolpot1865: bye guys [18814] itzbottomdawg: Ggs [18814] christiqnnn77777: PAY STOMP [18814] jmess32: Goodnight guys [18814] airjordan422765: gn chat [18814] JBabbb: gn mate [18815] oppaxt: pre dead [18815] dominatemecaseoh: W STREAM [18815] kaitxin: pre slam pre end L part timer [18815] wonderbreadtowz: 1-6 jynxzi likes dick [18815] rockpenguin599: sorry [18816] BrothersRoomTV: gg [18816] bxf_king_eclispe: PRE SLAMS DESK TAKES OF SHIRT SAYS SOMETHING SUS THEN ENDS STREAM [18816] Keremrgll: PRE ENDDDD [18816] bubbaspank: 1 AND SIX STICK [18816] hemon69: GN CHAT [18816] Nightbot: skyteWELOST150 safJam jynxziGG SLAAAMMMED [18816] tw1st3dhr: your shoulder out [18816] MAKEANGELS4GOD: gg chat [18817] MidRollerJ: GN CHAT [18817] onatoasterrn: gn CHAT [18817] trap_mike86: Junko get your damn head in the game and T tf up man let’s go [18817] jmess32: Gg [18817] huntingwithcaleb4: SSSsss [18817] frank_h0rrigan: w 5 hr [18817] Slap336: GOODNIGHT CHAT [18818] VAxLAMBOx: 1.05 [18818] rxphhh: PRE END [18818] THAT_DOODL: Great stream not 6 hours tho [18818] logick17: gn [18818] chickchilla: ye [18818] fruitybooty09: uu [18818] moneyethan: gn chat [18819] BecomingSavior: dragon these nuts [18819] geckoistheone: !gamble all [18819] airjordan422765: y’all have a good one [18819] lolpot1865: gn [18819] StreamElements: geckoistheone went all in and lost every single one of their 480 points LUL [18819] dracoguns: LRE END [18819] drmonkeeman10: 5:15 PRE END [18820] rockpenguin599: lol [18820] NeppyStar: trash play COD [18820] xshawtybae_: See yall for that tourney chat [18820] OKGREMLIN: HEY YOUTUBE BEEN A GOOD STREAM [18820] kingspazz56: lock in [18820] lynchster1: pre end lol [18820] Keremrgll: PRE ENDDDDD [18820] austin172: GG [18821] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [18821] onatoasterrn: gg [18821] davsideas: when is clips [18821] hemon69: PRE END [18821] Xpr3ss840: jynxziTONGUE jynxziFALL [18822] oTino98: PRE END [18822] rockpenguin599: ez [18822] boygigigem: Pre Salute [18823] huntingwithcaleb4: jynxziSmoke [18823] bidnboogersugar: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [18823] rxphhh: GN CHATTTTTT [18823] Canadiantoejam98: GN CHAT [18823] cheau2trappe: FACE CAM TO COLOURFUL [18824] Jaxon_Gardner64: HEY [18824] itzbottomdawg: Ggs chat [18824] knowxnx: W 5HR [18824] spray_creppz: jynxziEZ jynxziHappy [18825] pesymista: jynxziBadAim [18825] drxvyyy: !Roulette50 [18825] sSoulzyFPS: LOCK THE FUCK IN [18825] TheAceOfSpades54: Gn air jordan [18825] Keremrgll: PRE ENDDDDDDDDDD [18825] killshadow12345: !points [18825] lynchster1: PRE END [18825] StreamElements: @killshadow12345 killshadow12345 has 1130 points and is rank 380843/1757140 on the leaderboard. [18826] davsideas: when’s clips [18826] bidnboogersugar: jynxziCopper jynxziBadAim jynxziCopper jynxziBadAim jynxziCopper jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [18826] dominatemecaseoh: I FART IN MEN [18826] marie_xm: yup gn [18827] Nightbot: yup yup yup [18827] beeslams: pre end gn chT [18828] elitebenjifishy: !link [18828] maddoxb9694: pre kick screen and end stream [18828] jmess32: Pre end [18828] xshawtybae_: 1-7 tyler blevins [18828] k_nife_: GG [18828] PupJonas: no sound [18828] lilsluga: cook or be cooked [18828] jayreplaysbtw: !watchtime [18829] StreamElements: jayreplaysbtw has spent 2 hours 30 mins watching jynxzi [18829] bluejoltz23: TIME TO WIN [18829] marie_xm: pre end [18829] j9Q9: Jesus [18829] drmonkeeman10: GN CHAT [18829] lynchster1: jynxziSmoke [18830] emptyshelly: FACECAM TOO GIRTHY [18830] luhplayaak: i love u [18831] Captain_Clout1: GN [18831] ecorpzz: GN CHAT PRE END [18831] oTino98: GN [18832] rinxit: trying 2 hard [18832] rxphhh: PRE ENDDDDDDD [18833] killshadow12345: !gamble all [18833] VAxLAMBOx: 0.48 [18833] StreamElements: PogChamp killshadow12345 went all in and won 1130 points PogChamp they now have 2260 points FeelsGoodMan [18833] twizzy1080p: NO PLS DONT END [18833] dominantace7: PRE END GG [18833] oppaxt: mail can when is) [18833] lilcechy: HES LOOKING AT STREAM [18834] lynchster1: jynxziTONGUE [18834] johnson_jynxzi: GNN [18834] rxphhh: GN CHAT [18835] gavin_ur_mom: !link [18835] MAKEANGELS4GOD: gn [18835] youngherox: milk me [18835] blueoblivionl: pre end [18835] jordanswrld23: pre end [18835] nathan_4chk: lock in man [18836] irremovabIe: pre end -2k pre end -2k pre end -2k pre end -2k pre end -2k pre end -2k pre end -2k [18836] Crazer17: PRE END [18836] SHANATl: GN [18837] Slap336: GN EVERYBODY HE ABOUT TO RAGE QUIT [18837] vinteed: names? [18837] jaycejohnson2001: !gamble 200 [18837] irremovabIe: pre end -2k pre end -2k pre end -2k pre end -2k [18837] twizzy1080p: NO DONT END [18837] StreamElements: jaycejohnson2001 won 200 points in roulette and now has 605 points! FeelsGoodMan [18837] ueros_: R U GUNNA CRY?!?! [18838] cheau2trappe: FACE CAM TO VIBRANT [18838] eloi_j: Gn [18838] lynchster1: jynxziRAHHH [18838] irremovabIe: pre end -2k [18839] qaalm: NotLikeThis [18839] bow_to_papi69: bow_to_papi69 subscribed at Tier 1. [18839] rinxit: pre end [18839] twizzy1080p: DONT END [18839] beeslams: gn [18839] youngherox: yoi [18840] coastlyyy: just end the stream [18840] mmace445: mmace445 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months! bitch fuck n word [18840] yodrxzzz: part timer? [18840] airjordan422765: gg [18841] gmc4life11: Who just said I fart in men [18841] yungnate00: how do you have one kill [18841] yetstill: GOODNIGHT CHAT [18841] panther_pottedplant: i’m jerking off right now [18841] twizzy1080p: DONT END PLA [18842] ltsjustbrandon: ITS GGS BRUH Y U STILL TRYING [18842] OKGREMLIN: GOODNIGHT YOUTUBE [18842] Lurtui: I cant sell stompn [18843] othinusX3: pre end [18843] disfri_twitch: !watchtime [18843] dominantace7: PRE END [18843] jessebarros15: brother is still playing?? [18843] StreamElements: disfri_twitch has spent 5 days 19 hours watching jynxzi [18843] VAxLAMBOx: 0.38 [18843] beeslams: pre end [18844] lilcechy: HES ON STREAM [18844] SHANATl: pre desk slam [18844] uncvash: !gamble 110 [18844] viper123792: !gamble 20 [18844] StreamElements: @uncvash, you only have 10 points. [18844] Jpikachu2_8: !gamble all [18844] Bananar6583: WIN [18844] bryan12341235: PRE KICK THE CAMERA [18844] StreamElements: Jpikachu2_8 went all in and lost every single one of their 570 points LUL [18845] johnson_jynxzi: GOODNIGHT EVERYONE [18845] colinl16: cap [18845] lynchster1: jynxziVapeBreak [18845] Nightbot: no 🧢 [18845] dracoguns: jynxzi roll the out to [18846] lilcechy: STREAM [18846] niixzyy_is_op: pre end [18846] tnttommy2k: pre end [18846] annikaaa07: is it to 10 or whT [18847] twizzy1080p: PLA DONT END [18847] mickey_the_mouse3: End LA Stream Bozo [18847] beeslams: GOODNIGHT CHAT [18847] tiggytiggerr: pre end sigh [18848] cburns_13: THANKS FOR THE GIFTED [18849] drmonkeeman10: PRE END CHAT GN [18849] MAKEANGELS4GOD: your not killing anyone [18849] iamfaceles: W STREAM [18850] xyaboigasx: goodnight [18850] twizzy1080p: DO NOT END [18850] Eveeeleafy: PRE END [18850] zoknu_: A [18850] VAxLAMBOx: 30 [18851] bryan12341235: PREEE KICK THE CAMERA [18851] glo361: trash [18851] SHANATl: pre fall out of chair [18851] imbigchunges: Pre end [18851] lilcechy: LOOOK AT STREAM [18851] drxvyyy: !Roulette 50 [18851] czcapalot: @zachxc48 is probably clip farming [18852] StreamElements: drxvyyy lost 50 points in roulette and now has 281 points! FeelsBadMan [18852] Eveeeleafy: FRUA [18852] yodrxzzz: ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper [18852] cozgiywtf: !link [18852] Nightbot: @cozgiywtf If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [18852] oppaxt: pre dead [18853] lynchster1: its so over [18853] kz139911: W [18853] uncvash: !gamble 10 [18853] johnson_jynxzi: !gamble all [18854] VAxLAMBOx: 29 [18854] notskyz_: pre end [18854] Lurtui: BADDDD AIM [18854] Slap336: GOODNIGHT CHAT [18855] czcapalot: @zachxc48 is clip farming [18855] unfilteredfred: L aim [18855] Captain_Clout1: Part time washed [18855] xyaboigasx: w stream [18855] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [18855] VAxLAMBOx: 28 [18856] alexthegr20: !gamble all [18856] cashsimple: pre end [18856] StreamElements: alexthegr20 went all in and lost every single one of their 1520 points LUL [18856] lilcechy: HES ON STREAM [18857] xyaboigasx: end [18858] j9Q9: wow [18858] SHANATl: LOL [18858] Eveeeleafy: U ARE A FRUAD XDD [18858] Nightbot: 😂 [18858] lynchster1: cooked [18858] Drew0119: OVER [18858] Gucci_kid54: nice [18859] Fossabot: @zayeditzzyt, Your message is too long [18859] nxzqv: PRE KICK PRE END [18859] bryan12341235: PRE KICK THE CAMERA [18859] 90daybot: its wayy past your streaming time junko [18859] Xpr3ss840: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke [18859] xnelfrox: HHAAHAH [18859] itsnotnoahxd: SOLD! [18859] emilhermansen: ????????? [18859] x_divine_: L [18859] tnttommy2k: end [18860] xyaboigasx: Ggs [18860] subzero0985: j [18860] Slasheron: SO BAD HOLY [18860] satka72: Bro thik Is shaiko [18860] DanteVia: shit on [18860] SirJoseph_311: pre fent [18860] beeslams: GN CHAT [18860] silentstorm34: SOLD [18860] 2sause: 1-7 [18860] Nightbot: skyteWELOST150 safJam jynxziGG SLAAAMMMED [18860] matidoul2r2: clix is your owner [18860] Eveeeleafy: GOODNIGHTTT [18860] trulymatts: bro is not shakkio [18860] bolockx: ff [18860] karnage_z: LMFAOOO [18861] kick_g_wagon1: let’s get it [18861] Hybs_: ???? [18861] Drew0119: COOKED [18861] lil__davie: 1-7 [18861] BecomingSavior: 1-7 [18861] SHANATl: GRAT [18861] MidRollerJ: SOLD [18861] grazzlies: U swucjk [18861] lilcechy: HES CHEATTING [18861] xnelfrox: SLAMMMED [18861] defualt101: LMFAOOO NICE ONE [18861] coconutheadaz: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [18861] exkuch: colonoscopy cam? [18861] pearmuncher31: GN [18862] movebricksss: LMAOOO [18862] YvngSnack: 1-7 [18862] pateaviande: holy [18862] luhplayaak: !followage [18862] zzvei: SOLD [18862] danteisdabomb: pre end [18863] drmonkeeman10: PRE END SLAM DESK [18863] maxwelljh92: gn [18863] senpaicail: senpaicail subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! w stream [18863] StreamElements: @luhplayaak, luhplayaak has been following jynxzi for 4 months 2 days 23 hours [18863] qc_elgros_esti: washed [18863] xpecthaven: yeahhh [18863] lilsluga: timing f [18863] nxzqv: PRE END [18863] xnelfrox: COOOKED [18863] emilhermansen: SOLD [18863] zoinkedzz: BRO [18863] Granneh69: SLAMMED [18863] efra9325: pro seller [18863] SHANATl: GREAT... [18864] nickyjam2400: hh [18864] 3118reyals: washed [18864] SyncsMil: 1-7 [18864] detronquavious: bro u are dogshit [18864] lunaa: SO BAD [18864] lil__davie: pre end [18864] beeslams: GOODNIGHT [18864] rab_7: L [18864] bigboi691420: w [18864] jerellle: Hoe did you not shoot it [18864] rinxit: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziFAT [18864] noobboy2077: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [18864] just_ali77: PRE EBD [18864] puffpuffjuicer: PRE ENDD [18864] VAxLAMBOx: ggggg [18865] mydiscordislikeruokorno: junko howwwwwww [18865] silentstorm34: why sell? [18865] JBabbb: ????????????? [18865] enchantedblin: bro tf [18865] vresplend: ?????????????????? [18865] whos_yuri: GET ON FORTNITE [18865] defualt101: W PLAY [18865] karnage_z: 1-7 [18865] causevseffect: ying crutch [18866] ZookaShark: stompin is better than you he doesn't need you to tell him how to play just call out [18866] mariotohonestinlife: pre end [18866] exevoqr: goodnighttttt [18866] JakeClerico: W [18866] 4hedXAT: LLLLLL [18866] VyseM4H: 1-7 [18866] DonnieDarko_o: pre end [18866] pwunkle: 1-8 holy [18866] itsmillertime2: ur so bad [18866] colbyc777: my god [18866] dracoguns: jynxzi roll the outro [18866] rny_monkeyx_x: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [18866] meldyvvs: LMFAOOOOOOOOO [18866] nxzqv: GOODNIGHT CHAT [18867] saltynutttts: WASHED [18867] 0_xFashii: bro [18867] mickey_the_mouse3: L [18867] JBabbb: ????????????? [18867] itsnotnoahxd: I FEEL BAD FOR STOMPN [18867] vulipi: SLAAMMED [18867] 1Drae: GG [18867] liljaqouu: gg [18867] MAKEANGELS4GOD: bro [18867] beamofsarcasm: WOW [18867] its_blades: youre selling g [18867] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [18867] j9Q9: gn [18867] qc_elgros_esti: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [18867] anthony_420__: WTF ??????? [18868] ttv_purpleking: Bad aimmm [18868] jossee3427: shaiiko [18868] frank_h0rrigan: GG [18868] dominantace7: L [18868] Nightbot: Jynxzi is his #1 fan [18869] GHOSTEEE_23: one annnnndddd 7 [18869] jak_og: FFA [18869] gitoservin: SO BAD [18869] Get_Josued: 💀💀💀💀💀💀 [18869] vert2x_: your actually selling bro [18869] youngherox: gn chat [18869] onlyaguy_: 1-7 [18869] enderkid31: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [18869] GigaChadUSA: NT [18869] SHANATl: GN [18869] lilsluga: ggs [18869] cornell0607: UN FOLLOWING [18869] tmoney102110: pre end [18869] sizz1_: gn [18869] PAXT0NR6: gn [18870] angelchastity: SOLD [18870] showtimemason1: pre end [18870] yungnate00: 1-8 ANDY [18870] mickey_the_mouse3: l ll l l [18870] mydiscordislikeruokorno: oml [18870] gubrilla: L jynxzi [18872] luivbag: YOU SOLD [18872] squeaky_penguin: #1 seller [18872] MAKEANGELS4GOD: gg [18872] pantera_221: YOU SOLD SO HARD BRO [18872] just_ali77: PRE END [18872] watermelon12345: gn [18872] eastoniscompp: u sold every round [18872] orangesC: L [18872] whitellis: b [18872] devslatt: gnn [18872] rockpenguin599: gg [18872] twlzxy: pre end [18872] imbigchunges: Lost all my points [18872] x3n_o: UR WASHED [18872] SHANATl: GN.. [18873] vert2x_: give up [18873] crimsontide17: pre end [18873] Canadiantoejam98: GN chat [18873] FDpeterpj: GN CHAT [18873] Gucci_kid54: GOODNIGHT notmir1Cry [18873] sizz1_: GNN [18873] saeelloo: w [18873] Timsbabymamauncle: 1-8 [18875] lvsiege: lol [18875] zachary3323: pre end. [18875] Gamer_Chillen: GOOD STREAM [18875] kaitheguy2: Goodnight chat [18875] linklink232: HIP HIP HOORAY! HIP HIP HOORAY! HIP HIP HOORAY! [18875] causevseffect: you sold [18875] YouKnowItsJP: GN CHAT [18875] LanekillaMJ: w strean [18875] jordanswrld23: pay upp [18875] shlongohio: ur shit [18875] Zapiffy: STOMP NEEDS A NEW DUO [18875] KazkrXB1: wager me 100 [18875] Keremrgll: PRE ENDDDD [18875] notwampa: lost [18875] Disco_Daddyy: JUNKO YOUR ASS [18876] detronquavious: 1-8 [18876] ayaomi1fan: pay [18876] david_thebest1: SOLD [18876] unier0: Pre end [18876] walker_tv08: pre end [18876] xmonax963: lowti3Shock lowti3Shock [18876] tempo8966: GN [18876] xixszntm: End strean [18876] jacqueshuncho: SOLD [18876] hotdog17105: pre end [18876] mrrocketbunny69: GG [18876] koldz157: Gg [18876] llDemigodll_: 1-7 [18876] 0_xFashii: LMAOOOOOOOOO [18876] Gucci_kid54: GOODNIGHT notmir1Cry [18878] quesodilla43: YOU ARE SO BAD [18878] GigaChadUSA: Pre end [18878] scannix__yt13: ur so bad [18878] kingjulienn3: GNNNNN [18878] TBEClockWork: 1-8 [18878] jeremiahiscoolaf: Gn [18878] joey_11810: sold [18878] fernybfc: 1-7 [18878] andriodika113: Pre end [18878] 0_xFashii: LMAOOOOOOOOOO [18878] official_rafty: he wasn’t blind [18878] Pollunated: pre end [18878] ReezyCapalot: CARRIED [18878] bluejoltz23: jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL [18878] tmoney102110: pre end pre end [18879] destroylonelyson: 1-7 BEN [18879] JYNXZIS_DAUGHER: WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW [18879] Gucci_kid54: GOODNIGHT notmir1Cry [18879] anthony_420__: 5 HOURS STREAM ????? [18879] nickyjam2400: GG [18879] emptyshelly: GGS [18879] bubba_goat12: goodnight everyone [18879] spin4myblock: ggs [18879] zepuhh: pre emu [18879] mickey_the_mouse3: llll [18879] shvf_t: sold loool [18879] h0tjesusl0ver: ur ass [18879] jynxiiscool1_2_3_4_5: Gn chat [18879] MyStreamsDead: PRE END [18881] xpecthaven: W stream [18881] kewanadige: just give me my money [18881] FrostySpace9055: GN EZZZZZ MONEY [18881] Puncakerizz: part timer wow [18881] Hybs_: LMAO [18881] cyyn1cal: 1-8 lmaooooo [18881] MAKEANGELS4GOD: literally trash [18881] xNoRecoil: -2k [18881] trulyjuley: pre end [18881] 1Drae: LMAO LMAO LMAO [18881] alexandrr257: L [18881] jjrio18: Good stream [18881] lzcrouso: pre end [18881] sunflxwersesh: L [18881] Nightbot: yup yup yup [18882] bfamerr: GN [18882] Gucci_kid54: GOODNIGHT notmir1Cry [18882] kc_aepj7: pre end [18882] showtimemason1: gn [18882] S_0678: bye chat [18882] lucasignorino: bro ur assssss [18882] lxgangst4rxl: LOL [18882] KingDaveDaily: YES GOT MY POINTS BACK [18882] piilley: gimme ma money [18882] ayaomi1fan: pay out [18882] mezaam: ily ab [18882] fishpot2: -2k [18882] kxngpsycho: PRE END [18882] slayerblxzy: ez pred [18882] EndyB: End stream [18884] vraxkin: gg chat [18884] Drewcameron99: nothing you really coulda done there tbh [18884] porkky72: end [18884] oppaxt: gn [18884] clapped1445: gn [18884] littledolmerttv: Pre end [18884] bidnboogersugar: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [18884] kxngpsycho: SEE YA [18884] jjrio18: PRe end [18884] TheFailedSiege: Your ass [18884] GHOSTEEE_23: just one 6k [18884] beamofsarcasm: hop off [18884] TruvyTvBte: sold [18884] daniel_severe: WASHED [18884] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: LMAO [18885] ZicoCondones: W [18885] Pilot_Azog: pre end [18885] gtopswng: gn chat [18885] Pollunated: pre end buddy [18885] whatitdopoo: you sold me [18885] Gucci_kid54: GOODNIGHT notmir1Cry [18885] oliivveerr: Gg [18885] papitan10: ur so bad [18885] siege_trashcan: D1 SELLER [18885] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: LMAO [18885] Torvi57: PRE END [18885] iamthiga: pre end [18885] IwantMatcha: gn [18885] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: LMAO [18885] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: LMAO [18887] Nightbot: Use code POGHF93417 for 65% off your first meal at https://strms.net/hellofresh_jynxzi [18887] jay21enriquez: you’re so ass [18887] lilpoppa101: 5hr junko [18887] aIexpereira: WWWWWWWWWWW [18887] jordanswrld23: free 25 k [18887] PAXT0NR6: gn chat [18887] pqnthrrr: pre end [18887] kewanadige: w stream [18887] PEEEENPAPI: NOT 6 HOURS [18887] eviIkittygirl: pre end LOSER STREAMER [18887] itsmillertime2: white speed [18887] 1Drae: LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO [18887] hunternewton6964: pre end [18887] flaseyy: gn [18887] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [18888] yousorryaf_ttv: gg [18888] BASEDGODTALI: SLAM JUICE ON YOUR FOREHEAD [18888] Gucci_kid54: GOODNIGHT notmir1Cry [18888] heiwx_: CLIX OWNS [18888] FRANKalpha22: U SOLD HARD [18888] younggornage: you still up 1k [18888] kaitheguy2: PRE END [18888] braxdypapi: love u chat GNNNNN [18888] hashoeke: 💀💀💀💀 [18888] jbone2719: goodnight [18888] J_Go_Loco: byI [18888] Kihx__: PREEE ENDDD [18888] Kaboy18: 1-7 [18888] piffzy23: that’s why I don’t use flashes [18888] xbotdelta: when is fan mail?????? [18890] Cyborzy: pre end | Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [18800] I'm gonna throw a drum in here. You're gonna match it all, John, John. Hey, this is tight. I got my camera on shot. I don't have any drums left. [18810] I got to you I got to you have a terrorist cam and a dragon can You know nobody's dragon nobody's shrine nobody dragon nobody's shrine [18820] Nobody's on this little rooftop shit. This is all good. I'm gonna put this cam like house. I'm gonna be like a sound cam if you want. Can you go push turt? Yes, yes, yes. [18830] Okay, here. I gave you a cam, it's like kind of shit. Not really actually. Alright bro, I'm about to walk up to, I'm going to ying minibar. Yo, I'm going to ying minibar. I'll kill this bandit. Hold on, hold on. [18840] He has a nitro ripped! I'm using a hot truck up and kill him. No, no, no, no, no, no. I'm using a new bra. He shoot, shoot! He's gonna nitro the... [18850] big one here [18860] Down to one friendly. One up for remaining. The diffuser is now secured. Close on you. I think. Up for a dead old friend. [18870] Bro, he's... He'll be fully blind! I'm not even mad about it, bro. [18880] 2.5x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0x4.0 [18890] Thank you. | There is a Highlight between 18800 and 1890. They lose the crucial round ($2000), and Jynxzi ends the stream, kicking his camera before doing so. |
Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [600] kazukispeach: 0 [600] stagger_step: stagger_step subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months! [601] Swagg3rb0y: 0/10 [601] hbraul74: WE DONT EXPECT NOTHING FROM YOU ATPPP [601] cheesychester13: 1 [601] gingasinparis: 9 [601] JynxziViewBot: you did one at start of last season what you talking about? [601] swagfart777: DR.DISRESPECT CALLED YOU OUT!!!! [601] thegeekinator_: 10 [601] shrevaa: what happened last 24 hr stream???? [601] nicklez: AVID OWNS YOU [601] craby_agent44: 5 [601] 1shot_jynx: good [601] kazukispeach: 0 [601] GeorgeURNAN: 10 [601] DeadgeBear: meh Staring [601] raeezzzz: good [602] bray_iip: bray_iip subscribed at Tier 1. [602] ItsMalikx: 10 [603] zyxekilledyou: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [604] simonking5565: 8 [604] BunnieChimera: 10 [604] josesee800226: 10 [604] tacticalghost24: 0 [604] dosidandan: 0 [604] ed_wa_er_: fat [604] clapz__yt: 6 [604] wtanso: 100000 [604] dpatrick457: 9 [604] cooper_clauss: 10 [604] themaskedbn: cap ur gat [604] ZOLT_____: 9! [604] thomasxgg: 5 [604] verixs_033: 8 [604] NurpleJesus: 8 [605] gbell9223: gbell9223 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [605] ItsMalikx: 10 [606] sniper_eclipse: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [607] brotherzatanna: HOWS UR DAY BRUTHER [607] opixz53094: 0 [607] xo_dndd: 8 [607] kobebeef22: 10 [607] tonylegoatt: me [607] crowdedminds: 222 [607] ethanhornerr: 6 [607] colinkella: “ [607] elitedragoon102: TEN [607] Cliopatrra: 6 [607] mmizp: 09 [607] junkolicious: 10 [607] cnort0: subathonn [607] dogcat123fn: 1 [607] StrawHatConstituent: 2.6 gpa love handles part timer [608] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: pre like 6 hours and end [610] blgblakevr: 69 [610] aekasveerjhand: 10 [610] n0_good_name: 3 [610] ihugmypandai: 2 [610] energybuckzy: 1 [610] jay07jay07: 6 [610] itsAjzz: 6 [610] fuze_i_choose_u: What happend [610] greatestgriddygrady: good no schiil [610] trickyricky315: 5 [610] 5amclips: 9 [610] godluvzkagee: 10 [610] baller7jems: sketch is waiting [610] roulette_00: 2 [610] masterstolas: You've done one fatboYou've done one fatboy [611] BannD1tt: BannD1tt subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! [612] ItsMalikx: YOU DONT HAVE THE ENDURANCE FOR IT [613] kianx54: kianx54 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! [613] ghostthegoat: 1/10 [613] hood_katz: hood_katz subscribed at Tier 1. [613] djshhwb16928: 0 [613] iamhyuga157: MUCH LOVE JYNXI KEEP GRINDING [613] pur_str_xp1: doc imitate you today [613] Ozzzadnar: what happen yesterday u good bro??? [613] voidlj: 9.38/10 [613] l4cy44: jynxziFALL [613] gonlot4: Brooklyn nets tiktok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [613] CrisisYaDig: 1 [613] marcepou: 5 [613] kckash__: 7 [613] ThreeCubed12: 10 [613] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [614] retnuh17: retnuh17 subscribed with Prime. [615] VNM_NEON: VNM_NEON subscribed with Prime. [616] exxxtrasmall69: play siege with doctor disrespect [616] sugarybro56: 8/10 [616] LemmeHinge: 10 I just nutted [616] siegepro999: cap [616] tvjxmes: 1 [616] itachi85884: Stream harder [616] inaxvy: maybe/10 [616] Gucci_kid54: we remember the last 24hr stream Aware [616] czmr_duck: I’m about to burst [616] smikeyog: 10 we finished up a project now time to watch you stream for a couple hours [616] Nightbot: h [616] snowmanchris09: 8 [616] lKickStandx: absolutely terrible [616] JustJudeo: 720 [616] Fossabot: @rapple01, Your message is too long [617] lilguy117: lilguy117 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 41 in the channel! [617] terp_wrld: terp_wrld subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months! w [618] lilguy117: lilguy117 gifted a Tier 1 sub to pookiemuncher23! [618] lilguy117: lilguy117 gifted a Tier 1 sub to vovkaxa_! [618] lilguy117: lilguy117 gifted a Tier 1 sub to freddyrex1! [618] lilguy117: lilguy117 gifted a Tier 1 sub to urdaddy29! [618] lilguy117: lilguy117 gifted a Tier 1 sub to superpug360ns! [619] Shwoodylive: Shwoodylive subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months, currently on a 14 month streak! man titties [619] elitedragoon102: Pre end 24 hour stream [619] xpecthaven: jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype [619] diablo_dg4l: 20/1 for sure loving the streams [619] thekamflex: thekamflex subscribed with Prime. [619] chuck_wagon420: 10 now that your here😉 [619] TheSigSoldierSSG: 10 now zaddy [619] FI3K_: 0 [619] maskedbootyy: hey beautiful [619] itzz_riley2012: jynxziBALD_HF [619] mrmcdonalds24123: HAPPY EASTER [619] AyWATP: chunky out of 10 [619] lilsluga: u good junko??? [619] 101dre: YOU ON FENT FATASS [619] MLegers: MY ONLY SUNSHINE [620] Nightbot: bozo [620] joelxd6144: 10 [620] wde_40: 10 till you started streaming [620] sp00ncer6: Kai doing a 50+ hour stream [620] Ynrsprite: Ynrsprite subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! [620] natmiaa: natmiaa subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! [622] lostvortxrl: lostvortxrl subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months! [622] zyxekilledyou: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [622] jinxi_is_bezt: jinxi_is_bezt is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 22 in the channel! [622] laukerman9: laukerman9 subscribed with Prime. [622] yqhola: rahhhhhhhh [622] uszrtrey: 30MIN TIMES COMING BETTER HURRY UP [622] bbcatcher1223: icyfgt [622] xirw4oui447eydjcui: RangedFrog26 RangedFrog26 RangedFrog26 RangedFrog26 RangedFrog26 RangedFrog26 RangedFrog26 RangedFrog26 RangedFrog26 RangedFrog26 RangedFrog26 [622] Rootisluxury: -6 [622] itsyourboyaidan17: VAPING DESTROYED YOUR LUNGS [622] JustJudeo: 46374 [622] swagfart777: DR.DISRESPECT CALLED YOU OUT [622] Nightbot: @KatieKitt3n -> You wanna dance? [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [622] Sweaty_Teenager: 10/10 until you started streaming [622] mkay_faded03: my day actually really good [623] ThreeCubed12: jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD [623] ZOLT_____: 9/10 brodie [623] junkolicious: -7 because you started streaming [623] Bonesx27: KAI DOING 50 hours this weekend keep up bro [623] BWSxDiaz12: YOU LITERALLY SAID YOU’VE DONE A 24 HOUR STREAM BEFORE JUST THE OTHER DAY STOP THE CAP [623] jinxi_is_bezt: jinxi_is_bezt gifted a Tier 1 sub to axrxzr! [623] jinxi_is_bezt: jinxi_is_bezt gifted a Tier 1 sub to marzamm! [623] jinxi_is_bezt: jinxi_is_bezt gifted a Tier 1 sub to Flacco64! [623] jinxi_is_bezt: jinxi_is_bezt gifted a Tier 1 sub to silckgoat_! [623] jinxi_is_bezt: jinxi_is_bezt gifted a Tier 1 sub to TreyK28! [623] jinxi_is_bezt: jinxi_is_bezt gifted a Tier 1 sub to MrThinks_! [623] jinxi_is_bezt: jinxi_is_bezt gifted a Tier 1 sub to Respect_DVRK! [623] jinxi_is_bezt: jinxi_is_bezt gifted a Tier 1 sub to ttvdship! [623] jinxi_is_bezt: jinxi_is_bezt gifted a Tier 1 sub to evster10! [623] jinxi_is_bezt: jinxi_is_bezt gifted a Tier 1 sub to theogfirtniter! [624] elekskakaka: elekskakaka is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [624] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: hey pancake [624] massimo1505: massimo1505 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [624] elekskakaka: elekskakaka gifted a Tier 1 sub to GiveAstroSumSnacks! [625] jackw017: jackw017 subscribed at Tier 1. [625] ahgiie: ahgiie subscribed with Prime. [625] dans2923: just finished snowboarding 🏂 [625] ismokebluntsbro: Play sippin red juice wrld [625] mattr05: so what’s the big announcement [625] skeletalbaton94: -10 because of you [625] BigEtinyRick: 7 [625] tonylegoatt: hello speed [625] ilysmbubbly: who is bro fooling who is bro fooling who is bro fooling who is bro fooling [625] kodyroberts: man boobs [625] RelloLOL: WHAT HAPPENED [625] czmr_duck: nutting everywhere [625] Nightbot: no 🧢 [625] rr_kurbyx: jynxziTONGUE [625] daleysmoke: stream harder [626] longnutz_69: passed the 10 minute mark already [626] chazonwii: 8 [626] huntercrai6: listen to PEEK A BOO by okay fine [626] siegepro999: jynxziPACK [626] ay_alex: mexican ot sounding ahh lol [626] JustJudeo: 27485 [626] jaceduncan_35: 0 [626] TipsyT_Rex: 69 [626] lotofpezz: solid 8 ngl [626] Samostroff17: can there be no camera now I’m disgusted [626] cd_dog1: white speed [626] terrijoehoe: HORNY [626] richxrdcolee: WWWWW SUBS [626] kazukispeach: REAl [626] Nightbot: real [627] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: hey pancake [627] Numbuh_: Numbuh_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 10 month streak! DO 1V1 PC TOURNEYS WITH CHAT [628] kazukispeach: reaL [628] koroworo1235: listen to i am by lil baby [628] bardown16__: LMAOOO [628] gamerbtw1678: 9 [628] kintheboss455: 😂😂 [628] mintyspringg: fart on my face junko [628] notjoey714: good until you popped onto my screen [628] PRESTON0293: jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES [628] wawhat24: you’re my hero [628] JustJudeo: 1045 [628] judon_nfl: i wanna kiss you jynxzi [628] Original_Corn: ALEX JONES IS WAITING FOR [628] qtalal7: Do something we're bored kick ur camera or smth [628] Declan_LF: WHEN IS BRONNY? [628] Alex2uniqueEP: REAL [629] ArchieW2104: when is bronny 1v1 [629] jdog8857: play both ways [629] AJ_Arriaga17: no there was a stream that was 1 day and 15 minutes [629] r6_stezy: pre end [629] chxrlie2105: when is sketch and case v you? [629] SaucinNoobs: W tubboman stream [629] alovemilfs: w [629] vlxkjtt: USE CODE CLIX [629] borderbunny773: 5 [629] tedbullen25: w tyler [629] sioten53: 1738/10 [629] aarxn_05: 7-8 [629] TRFF_luciid: my day is better when I watch these streams [629] oeufvjzb: GO BACK BALD [629] elkube: elkube is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [630] elkube: elkube gifted a Tier 1 sub to justnotGio! [630] elkube: elkube gifted a Tier 1 sub to smellmasterr3k! [630] elkube: elkube gifted a Tier 1 sub to OTdifferent! [630] elkube: elkube gifted a Tier 1 sub to karlhankinson! [630] elkube: elkube gifted a Tier 1 sub to ryanfolger56! [630] hesmaa: hesmaa is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel! [631] kai24190: bruv I subbed [631] jadedmilf: felt [631] hesmaa: hesmaa gifted a Tier 1 sub to mew2a! [631] hesmaa: hesmaa gifted a Tier 1 sub to MITCHELL_BROS_3! [631] hesmaa: hesmaa gifted a Tier 1 sub to goldrocktv! [631] hesmaa: hesmaa gifted a Tier 1 sub to Huntershark88! [631] th0twheels_: th0twheels_ is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel! [631] hesmaa: hesmaa gifted a Tier 1 sub to 300meters! [631] AgentMixzy: 8 [631] Jm662VR: talk about yesterday talk about yesterday talk about yesterday talk about yesterday talk about yesterday [631] bradyn5457: w react [631] skettynoodlez69: Squid1 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [631] KoleTrainn: pre 2 hour stream tomorrow [631] jackfortnite92: 69 [631] Gucci_kid54: <3 [632] bardown16__: REAL [632] Marcus11394: Before stream start 7/10. After 10/10 [632] UndercoverDILF: please piss on me [632] kodyroberts: Built like gridlock [632] StreamElements: HoaxTurtle has spent 20 hours 30 mins watching jynxzi [632] godluvzkagee: does it curve [632] vrxvu: wsg unc …. [632] tvg05: tylerdigiorno subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! good aim [632] th0twheels_: th0twheels_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to jessfroggie! [632] th0twheels_: th0twheels_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to crxptic_icy! [632] th0twheels_: th0twheels_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to gigislit98! [632] th0twheels_: th0twheels_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to ytrgamingtheone! [632] th0twheels_: th0twheels_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to new_gary! [632] th0twheels_: th0twheels_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to SMMetro127! [632] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: hey pancake [633] gbell9223: gbell9223 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [634] jakedotcom75: MrRakeJhodes is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 27 in the channel! [634] gbell9223: gbell9223 gifted a Tier 1 sub to thatguyeliot! [634] goobershooter56: true [634] snooziezzz: ENDD STREAM [634] xAxstro_: skyteMad skyteMad [634] shauxity: GLAZER [634] Jm662VR: talk about yesterday [634] dylanbg4704: Pancake [634] yungqumkuat: when is announcement? [634] theoneandonlycj123: AWESOME POSSUM/10 [634] jakedotcom75: MrRakeJhodes gifted a Tier 1 sub to ethanpirraglia73! [634] nearfriday: hell yeah [634] gvghvghg1255: alright [634] jakedotcom75: MrRakeJhodes gifted a Tier 1 sub to fabulouscross115! [634] jakedotcom75: MrRakeJhodes gifted a Tier 1 sub to jrockets445! [635] logangrozell_1: prime [635] param2408: pop [635] Gucci_kid54: <3 [635] jakedotcom75: MrRakeJhodes gifted a Tier 1 sub to orenthal_cornelius_gibson! [635] mic_too_good: mic too perfect [635] Kelynxz: INTRO HARDER [635] stonerthestoned: pre end [635] lardo42069: Ur fat [635] shahh10: 1 [635] MADben8u: im soo hard rn [635] jakedotcom75: MrRakeJhodes gifted a Tier 1 sub to Buzz49! [635] Nightbot: Blue crown —-> Free —-> no ads —-> charm: https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [635] Declan_LF: WHEN IS BRONNY??? [635] mkay_faded03: Cheer100 [635] mudafuddajones: mudafuddajones is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel! [636] KingNarmer: KingNarmer subscribed with Prime. [636] mudafuddajones: mudafuddajones gifted a Tier 1 sub to goatstrangla! [636] mudafuddajones: mudafuddajones gifted a Tier 1 sub to beagen1408! [636] mudafuddajones: mudafuddajones gifted a Tier 1 sub to is_cracked_gg! [636] mudafuddajones: mudafuddajones gifted a Tier 1 sub to MikeCE0! [636] mudafuddajones: mudafuddajones gifted a Tier 1 sub to Papamurkz! [636] biiacc: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [636] ItzGrizzTTV: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Jynxzi how do I find the PO BOX to send Fanmail [637] t0astonxbox: Pride100 add me [637] lardo42069: Fat [637] GabeTheWall_: 3 but you're live now so 8 [637] sharki_poop: I [637] dyjnn: Take yo tita out again [637] kukeurboyobtop1234: good aim [637] washedbrycen: Money laundering again [637] vrxvu: wsg unc [637] thebanana53: fight clix [637] siegepro999: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [637] colinopi26: colinopi26 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [637] DuckStoyle: i am eternally bound to watch [637] Timmers27: 10 [637] mauiR6: react harder [637] spencer_thebrickwall: fatty [638] itsswinging: be quiet im tryna sleep [638] xkadoosh: Ooof [638] thiccboithicc7: sketch is waiting [638] kingbedoo22: REACT HARDER [638] mattmatt823: !subs [638] skettynoodlez69: ilumpeDog ilumpeDog ilumpeDog ilumpeDog [638] stunwrk: gift meeee [638] wawa_wenis: I love you [638] babyjesus4l: no one said that [638] alessandro__246: o [638] pepper171legs: PART TIMER [638] l_bosoz: 100 pancake [638] sa1nthendr1x: thick ahh mf [638] HunterCharron: WHAT'S UP PANCAKE [638] Nightbot: gifting you luck in finding a job 🙏🏻 [639] Yerxxx: Yerxxx subscribed at Tier 1. [640] g2malachi: kaï [640] syn_nat3: can i get a gifted [640] mutd4life_: 10 now your live [640] TR0NNIE: TR0NNIE subscribed with Prime. [640] sinnsplayground: sinnsplayground is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [640] JustJudeo: 916 [640] jdizzyrules: I love your stream [640] cornell0607: holy crap [640] huddboy1000: part timer streamer [640] beanmcsteen: beanmcsteen subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! cap [640] tizumpug: jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT [640] madu4k: jynxziCRY jynxziPACK [640] llmarxzll: !link [640] koolsam13: cap white ice spice [640] YEZTY__: jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH [641] sd_psych0: 0/10 I got rejected [641] samuelmcmeechan: jynxziVapeBreak [641] ryanmccarthy9411: gridlock gyatt [641] topdawgg007: super late [641] AvidGlazer2ez: pancake ass streamer [641] blgblakevr: yas [641] lukabrasi123: pancake harder [641] Nightbot: @llmarxzll If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [641] sinnsplayground: sinnsplayground gifted a Tier 1 sub to terranceavenue! [641] sinnsplayground: sinnsplayground gifted a Tier 1 sub to afadd34! [641] sinnsplayground: sinnsplayground gifted a Tier 1 sub to its_mxsty! [641] sinnsplayground: sinnsplayground gifted a Tier 1 sub to litesaber321! [641] sinnsplayground: sinnsplayground gifted a Tier 1 sub to babyj0802! [641] CarlosxMurrieta: CarlosxMurrieta subscribed with Prime. [641] soundcloutken: soundcloutken is gifting 25 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 41 in the channel! [643] soundcloutken: soundcloutken gifted a Tier 1 sub to grinningpeach9! [643] soundcloutken: soundcloutken gifted a Tier 1 sub to AwesomeMattDawg! [643] soundcloutken: soundcloutken gifted a Tier 1 sub to JacobJJK_! [643] soundcloutken: soundcloutken gifted a Tier 1 sub to WESwyaaaaa! [643] soundcloutken: soundcloutken gifted a Tier 1 sub to ItsFelloh! [643] soundcloutken: soundcloutken gifted a Tier 1 sub to retuurned! [643] soundcloutken: soundcloutken gifted a Tier 1 sub to GoogleFiber! [643] soundcloutken: soundcloutken gifted a Tier 1 sub to trawlrz! [643] soundcloutken: soundcloutken gifted a Tier 1 sub to iamgordon273! [643] soundcloutken: soundcloutken gifted a Tier 1 sub to mbsteve97! [643] soundcloutken: soundcloutken gifted a Tier 1 sub to ajs_cafe! [643] soundcloutken: soundcloutken gifted a Tier 1 sub to cletusbigboy! [643] soundcloutken: soundcloutken gifted a Tier 1 sub to fatcohk! [643] soundcloutken: soundcloutken gifted a Tier 1 sub to johnisshort212! [643] soundcloutken: soundcloutken gifted a Tier 1 sub to taylaaan10! [644] CowEnjoyer_39: LATE [644] hisisbeem: hi [644] icummedlol: w [644] schrodas: FAKE GIFTS [644] beckers_414: Whose at the door [644] cesarthegoate: -55 [644] kazukispeach: W [644] IsaiahHommes: GUESS? 200 [644] xPosedQueenx: xPosedQueenx subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! [644] kazukispeach: W [644] antics26: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [644] trillynt: trillynt gifted a Tier 1 sub to wavyyy04! [644] trillynt: trillynt gifted a Tier 1 sub to changohhhh! [644] trillynt: trillynt gifted a Tier 1 sub to marcelek115! [644] trillynt: trillynt gifted a Tier 1 sub to nelson2livee! [645] elekskakaka: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [645] trillynt: trillynt gifted a Tier 1 sub to MafiaCCI! [645] xxassassinxx2004: xxassassinxx2004 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 2 in the channel! [645] kazukispeach: WW [645] xxassassinxx2004: xxassassinxx2004 gifted a Tier 1 sub to johnson_is_1! [645] tbone__999: tyjp305 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [645] kazukispeach: W [646] tbone__999: tyjp305 gifted a Tier 1 sub to RexuFy! [646] kazukispeach: W [646] bobbiethebonster: w [646] kezxxu: gyat [646] vibin_xyrix: l launderer [646] ay_alex: damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn [646] schrodas: MONEY LAUNDERING [646] bean_man844: 25 [646] unemployedpizza_: Ay lamo [646] junko_slammed_him: wsp [646] kazukispeach: W [646] hunternewton6964: what happened yesterday [646] bryan_cal57: Bronny waiting [646] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [646] PundaPlayzzz: 10/10 weather is beautiful today [647] mirah_444: cap loser [647] palka_penka: I’m si faking drunk rn pleas help [647] aribellahudson: SUBB [647] ttvolly01: was a 10 but your live so 0 [647] RoterRooney: part time fatty big pepponioni tits [647] kazukispeach: W [647] leooosimpson: bruh [647] joonapohja: glorius bro [647] nurcix321: when is fanmail? [647] mills1ne: sketch is waiting [647] isoxsweatz: my day is better now that your streaming [647] itachi85884: Stream harder [647] lockeykockey3: 1 because I AM TIED DOWN TO WATCH U [647] kazukispeach: W [647] kazukispeach: W [648] SnowWise__: SnowWise__ subscribed with Prime. [648] donbondonk: donbondonk subscribed at Tier 1. [648] smity1018: smity1018 subscribed at Tier 1. [649] adam999fl: adam999fl is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [649] Vertex_72: SHUT UP [649] d0nnysam: WWWW [649] kenpachi791: 666 CHAIN SOLD UR SOUL BUDDY [649] trey_egan: 11 minute mark [649] mortyas_: hoLLLYLY [649] vrxvu: wsg unc …. [649] bicks09: shroud is waiting [649] adam999fl: adam999fl gifted a Tier 1 sub to Alex_4428! [649] ysgyaxe56: bronnys waiting [649] omooda19: su [649] brokejaeger: 20/10 bc you streamin [649] xSwifftx: stop capping lmao [649] acerlmao: im unranked and ill beat you in siege [649] xidontknowausername: when’s fall guys [650] BustedPotatoes34: what happened at the end of stream yesterday [650] imthefreshdon: thank them harder [650] zehkki: WWW [650] vattenmelun: akustisk [650] mintyspringg: w [650] jusabdu: sketch is wating [650] dani8922: fastz [650] maggosfan: W [650] saralish78: 10 cuz jynxi is streaming [650] cheau2trappe: oi stfu [650] cockroach2_o: W [650] pizza_has: can you pls read my chat [650] tduncan9999: 🦘🦘 [650] ttvmanny_xd: wwwww [650] DirtyDono: DirtyDono subscribed with Prime. [651] MkGamingg25: BEST PART TIMER ALIVE Cheer100 [652] koolsam13: white ice spice [652] dill_pickle547: 0/10 bc I have to listen to your podcast [652] Yuki_4743: ww [652] JustJudeo: wbes [652] deeznuts37373: 1/10 because you ruined my day [652] vibin_xyrix: L launderer [652] b1009_: biggest fan [652] ashernascar: I’ll bet I’ll beat you [652] akuma34215467: 🧢🧢🧢 [652] lsnoozinl: react to new JYNXZI vlog you part timer [652] FaultySkills: poll 24hr stream [652] Reaperlink: Reaperlink subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! [652] omooda19: wwwwww [652] mic_too_good: -5/10 mic working too well [652] ttvmanny_xd: wwww [653] imbored6000: oooo [653] nate_greatest: holy coww [653] teaknical: bruh calm down [653] gavin9869: w [653] hag1264826: w [653] noam___1: mr Bean better [653] yeetmachine_2000: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [653] Nightbot: bozo [653] drip770: omg [653] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [653] albi3_sheesh: your on mute [653] onatoasterrn: WWWWWW [653] LoadingForLife: hurry up butter bot [653] yungqumkuat: jynxziWTF [653] ay_alex: WWWWWWWWWWWW [654] ItsMundaneMike: itsmun3W itsmun3W itsmun3W itsmun3W [654] SheLuvWinton: SheLuvWinton subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! JUNKO ITS OUR TWO MONTH ANNIVERSARY ILY AND KEEP IT PUSHING YOU GOT ME FROM COPPER TO PLAT IN 2 SEASONS AND NOW IM PUSHING EMERALD [655] SaiaKing8: SaiaKing8 subscribed with Prime. [655] alezandru445: ? [655] zesoa_1: wwwwwww [655] ghostthegoat: W [655] vrxvu: wsg unc [655] MrXTurner25: going brazy rn holy [655] Nightbot: ? [655] Scrooblord1234: JYNXI IS FAT [655] dans2923: w day just finished snowboarding 🏂 [655] UndercoverDILF: piss on me [655] fairfax: WHITE JAKEFUTURE WHITE JAKEFUTURE [655] ttvmanny_xd: www [655] amSherman: WHY HIS RIGHT ARM MOVING LIKE THAT [655] Okrelo: FAKE SUBS [655] yungqumkuat: when is announcement? [656] evanc925: play fortnight [656] tactop: Holy fuck [656] christianissorry: w [656] woahbl: w [656] h4l_editz: fat [656] Mads_049: Cheer100 meow [656] gustaph420: 10/10 until you started stream [656] johnnyman6905: definitely money laundering [656] dhtrz: w [656] dredavey21: yapping already [656] mortyas_: HOLLY [656] l3gend_212: yooooo [656] sparkypistol12: fan is when mail? [656] Omegabloodflo99: speed clone ? [656] Nightbot: 😂 [658] dejadarko: WWWW [658] V1TAL30: 11 bc your him at r6 [658] MrXTurner25: W [658] rjplayz__: penis [658] tflo28: tflo28 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 6 in the channel! [658] whivs: IM GONNA SMELL UR CHAIR [658] IsaiahHommes: GUESS? 500 [658] trickyricky315: when’s fan mail [658] JennnaGames: W [658] aimbotonsite: aimbotonsite subscribed at Tier 1. [658] cakenshakes135: cakenshakes135 is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel! [658] hunter18denali: hunter18denali is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 70 in the channel! [658] brandelo35: brandelo35 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [658] mrmcdonalds24123: HAPPY EASTER [658] Twistween: your fat [659] chxrlie2105: when is sketch and case v you? [659] trevordiaz1998: Jesus this chat is ridiculous [659] Nightbot: no 🧢 [659] tflo28: tflo28 gifted a Tier 1 sub to howulosedat32! [659] tflo28: tflo28 gifted a Tier 1 sub to shsggedg! [659] tflo28: tflo28 gifted a Tier 1 sub to jamin20002! [659] tflo28: tflo28 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Perc3DS! [659] tflo28: tflo28 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Hadika551! [659] brandelo35: brandelo35 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ZennyAUS! [659] brandelo35: brandelo35 gifted a Tier 1 sub to stoinumerouno! [659] hunter18denali: hunter18denali gifted a Tier 1 sub to triversalx! [659] brandelo35: brandelo35 gifted a Tier 1 sub to itsscotthere! [659] brandelo35: brandelo35 gifted a Tier 1 sub to r6chubz! [659] speeder10000: speeder10000 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [659] hunter18denali: hunter18denali gifted a Tier 1 sub to apexserpenter! [660] cakenshakes135: cakenshakes135 gifted a Tier 1 sub to zayne1434! [660] cakenshakes135: cakenshakes135 gifted a Tier 1 sub to spookiessss! [660] hunter18denali: hunter18denali gifted a Tier 1 sub to xmasterwolf123! [660] cakenshakes135: cakenshakes135 gifted a Tier 1 sub to jlad200! [660] cakenshakes135: cakenshakes135 gifted a Tier 1 sub to bluefacekayasso! [660] cakenshakes135: cakenshakes135 gifted a Tier 1 sub to gamao_99! [660] cakenshakes135: cakenshakes135 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Maddo_9er! [660] cakenshakes135: cakenshakes135 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ttgdex! [660] cakenshakes135: cakenshakes135 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ayden045! [660] cakenshakes135: cakenshakes135 gifted a Tier 1 sub to BraHaw11! [660] cakenshakes135: cakenshakes135 gifted a Tier 1 sub to logber11! [660] speeder10000: speeder10000 gifted a Tier 1 sub to oxy_sceptix_! [660] spicysausage23: spicysausage23 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [660] colin5410: colin5410 subscribed at Tier 1. [661] spicysausage23: spicysausage23 gifted a Tier 1 sub to bandiirandii! [661] yameenkeef: yameenkeef subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 5 month streak! hi my name is yameen [661] owencutter4: owencutter4 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 7 month streak! love you baby [661] weedoc03: weedoc03 is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel! [661] noahhhhhhhhz: jynxziCopper [661] aspect8479: w [661] jacobiscool122se: sw [661] eliu_7777: W [661] aiangxll: OpieOP OpieOP OpieOP [661] justxbetterxbro: Junko the best streamer [661] DIEGORP_OFF: sub train W [661] m277y: W fatty [661] fraft029: white speed [661] vibin_xyrix: jynxziCopper [661] fairfax: WHITE JAKEFUTURE [662] RemyBaller_: ww [662] greenkidthenumberone: lol [662] Langyy_77: WW [662] flyinghud: WWWWWWWWWW [662] aeryslolz: NEARING THE 20 [662] 510_razraz: fw [662] acidbrattt: www [662] caseohs_nightmare: cli [662] heisenberg_735: Www [662] Gucci_kid54: get to the gaming pancake 🥞 [662] lucxyg: react harder dumbass [662] Nightbot: k [662] roefy93: roefy93 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! [662] StreamElements: iivarixd has spent 13 hours 20 mins watching jynxzi [662] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: money farming LUL [663] xneau_: xneau_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 1 month streak! yoo dadddy [663] elekskakaka: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [664] tbatch28: tbatch28 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 15 in the channel! [664] xkanekinhox124: Plsss [664] uhhPolo_: WWWWW [664] itsgxtt: wwwwww [664] VrDmac020: wwwwwwwwww [664] hctorm08: code clix [664] lockeykockey3: REACT TO FRSNKY STRINGS SAID ABOUT U [664] edgarjuarez526: white speed [664] bjacksx830: EAT MY BUTT [664] tgcmassacre24: jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype [664] rixlovv: do rank vs rank udeverse birch [664] 262brando: w fatass [664] tbatch28: tbatch28 gifted a Tier 1 sub to PosPluto! [664] Scrooblord1234: FUCK U JUNKO [664] kieranjack1245: W MONEY LAUDERER [665] h3x323: I love you daddy [665] apples930: 15 minute stream today [665] Kelynxz: INTRO HARDER [665] adro1221: i left kai for this [665] ep2831: 🟢shut up fat boy🟢 [665] mrennnnnn: HES ALREADY RUCHHH [665] damoney24356: WW [665] zacv33: jynxziSubHype [665] StrawHatConstituent: Jesus [665] finnner0722: HI JUNKO [665] bimbopan01: those bots lol [665] devryderz: devryderz is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [665] Nightbot: i was crazy once [665] Cas3man: Cas3man is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [665] devryderz: devryderz gifted a Tier 1 sub to Realengo17! [666] JacobrBuck: Cheer1000 [666] xenodwarff19: xenodwarff19 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [666] Cas3man: Cas3man gifted a Tier 1 sub to iPkWasted! [666] Cas3man: Cas3man gifted a Tier 1 sub to mitchellf007! [666] Cas3man: Cas3man gifted a Tier 1 sub to RealSamurai5! [666] Cas3man: Cas3man gifted a Tier 1 sub to dby__! [666] Cas3man: Cas3man gifted a Tier 1 sub to its_justholden! [666] Sedatedx: Sedatedx subscribed with Prime. [667] zaccheus54: zaccheus54 subscribed at Tier 1. [667] lilsluga: WWWWWW GIFTED [667] phill_mckrackin6969: plssssss [667] 1frxd: i [667] uncleruckus08: Wwwwwwwww [667] QU4R1O: ur not hitting the 4 hour mark tonight [667] glueater6000: W [667] Kingyppan: ayooo [667] storm_myst8787: i love you [667] gunnar_a09: what is happening [667] allison_mann621: W GIFTERS [667] truocheese: hi [667] JackPeelo: JackPeelo is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [667] yamota: HYPE TRAIN? [667] vVacnt: bro just made a thousand in 10mins [668] sternerboys2: W [668] heisenberg_735: G [668] Lukaszbz_: 1SUBS [668] cytoniii: W [668] secret__jayden: yo [668] mangotempt: WEW [668] sheluvbray1: why were the police at ur house [668] prestonb75: 10 until you had no mic for 6 min [668] Dioritexz: www [668] maxibon1__: W [668] Nightbot: no [668] ibombtax: when is the stream atarting [668] zacv33: jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype [668] JackPeelo: JackPeelo gifted a Tier 1 sub to aelsweth! [668] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: money farming LUL [670] GanstaPanda11: GanstaPanda11 is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel! [670] trxoq: i normaly only watch your yt this is like my second time joining your live [670] unknowns_wrld: W [670] lowestplacebo67: HOW DO I GET THE JYNXZZZI CHARRRRRRMMMMMMMMMM [670] adam_ez08: W [670] xgodly_mobx: stompgKing stompgKing stompgKing stompgKing stompgKing stompgKing stompgKing stompgKing stompgKing stompgKing stompgChattin stompgChattin stompgChattin [670] prXy_ClxPZ: Jynxzi is waiting [670] spman2628: W [670] smckerz: W GIFTERS [670] lrow_22: mummt [670] FI3K_: WWWWWWWW [670] vibin_xyrix: jynxzi0x [670] Samostroff17: 10 because you just twerked in my face [670] landon_justice10: Fatty [670] suplolsup: omg [671] x_ASTORIA_x: BRO CAN MY PHONE CHILL [671] sunflxwersesh: such a W [671] GanstaPanda11: GanstaPanda11 gifted a Tier 1 sub to miwangiches! [671] GanstaPanda11: GanstaPanda11 gifted a Tier 1 sub to pj1d! [671] GanstaPanda11: GanstaPanda11 gifted a Tier 1 sub to tshockey999! [671] GanstaPanda11: GanstaPanda11 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ibangalief! [671] GanstaPanda11: GanstaPanda11 gifted a Tier 1 sub to drastixflickdu! [671] fortnitefan5607: W [671] GanstaPanda11: GanstaPanda11 gifted a Tier 1 sub to pezz44! [671] GanstaPanda11: GanstaPanda11 gifted a Tier 1 sub to yokaiblm21! [671] GanstaPanda11: GanstaPanda11 gifted a Tier 1 sub to pistolverts! [671] GanstaPanda11: GanstaPanda11 gifted a Tier 1 sub to almondmilk41! [671] GanstaPanda11: GanstaPanda11 gifted a Tier 1 sub to urfavredhead1103! [671] ItsMalikx: KEEP SUBBING [671] ItsMalikx: KEEP SUBBING [672] ItsMalikx: KEEP SUBBING [672] ItsMalikx: KEEP SUBBING [673] heffy2525: heffy2525 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [673] ItsMalikx: KEEP SUBBING [673] MackyDoo17: jynxziSmoke mood jynxziPACK [673] Aspectsx: white speed [673] darkestworm: The worst Xbox suspended me for a year [673] rexiscraz: dumbass Fatass [673] uzilk7602: GIFTEDS ARE FLYING OUT DAMN [673] suplolsup: OMG [673] ItsMalikx: KEEP SUBBING [673] deletusfeetuss: MONEY LAUNDERING [673] bardown16__: OH MY [673] melanpath: NATIONAL MONEY LAUNDRY DAY NATIONAL MONEY LAUNDRY DAY NATIONAL MONEY LAUNDRY DAY [673] heffy2525: heffy2525 gifted a Tier 1 sub to abstractbypass! [673] heffy2525: heffy2525 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kryten319! [673] heffy2525: heffy2525 gifted a Tier 1 sub to sebastianj4! [674] cedils_: Kappa Kappa Kappa [674] booch_frr: w [674] heffy2525: heffy2525 gifted a Tier 1 sub to 313godzilla! [674] shortyglazz69: GoldPLZ [674] blixzn_: GIFT MEEEEEEE [674] kobe_millar: WWWWWWWWWWWWW [674] maxylol10: over sea sub bots [674] Nightbot: gifting you luck in finding a job 🙏🏻 [674] baaaalint: uni100 uni100 [674] BrendonBeaver: BrendonBeaver subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! [674] ItsMalikx: KEEP SUBBING [674] Support777: Support777 subscribed with Prime. [674] Fluffslamsttv: coffee__r6 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 8 month streak! yo [674] colebuddy15: Cheer100 [674] texasvette: texasvette subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! [675] tfulco: tfulco subscribed at Tier 1. [675] ItsMalikx: KEEP SUBBING [675] gabewyrsch: gabewyrsch gifted a Tier 1 sub to proximaaaa999! [675] ItsMalikx: KEEP SUBBING [676] shawnika: w [676] goodtywain: jynxziWTF [676] the_black_leaf: w [676] thegamesmasterx: all these gifted and I get none. great [676] jaycojay27: ww [676] elysian_xoxo: W money launderingg [676] mount_reality: wassup my fav part time streamer [676] megasayingmd: Jynxzi why does my mom have an ela mine with a button? [676] X1tye: I just nutted [676] sgroom123456: your still a fat bitch [676] Hxwes_X0: wwwwwwwwwwwww [676] theenforcer227: !watchtime [676] brodsstar: BIG MAC TO GO [676] samanthaonxbox: WWWW [676] lllcomboziii: white speed [677] cd_dog1: white speed [677] camtheslayer54: camtheslayer54 subscribed at Tier 1. [677] remxkb: bots [677] suplolsup: IM BRIKED [677] AgentMixzy: Wwwwwwwww [677] pur_str_xp1: dr disrespect imitate you today [677] selloutjoe8032: s [677] txicjb: everybody got paid today. lol [677] StrawHatConstituent: Lemme hold a rack @jynxzi [677] goobershooter56: NO SOUND 🚨🚨🚨 [677] kirbygetsbandzzz: play the new carti [677] kodyroberts: your built like gridlock [677] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [677] youngbeetle9: youngbeetle9 subscribed with Prime. [677] exiled_wolves: exiled_wolves subscribed at Tier 1. [678] o_killa_: o_killa_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! [678] gothmommy_0x: gothmommy_0x gifted a Tier 1 sub to clixsimp69420! [678] StrawHatConstituent: Lemme hold a rack @jynxzi [679] ItsMalikx: KEEP SUBBING [679] crystal_wolf18: Pp [679] Josh_gcz: fast_shadow547 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [679] keiren_cryatikks_Babe: black thugs are taking over [679] sc_kittime: WWWWWWW [679] kenzie_842: wwwww [679] killabounty21: let’s goooo [679] pgm0606: HOLY W [679] ryandflanagan: W [679] duckfolife_: www [679] PundaPlayzzz: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [679] typicaltylerrrr: AA [679] ziggaleebop12: jynxziSNOT [679] ItsMalikx: KEEP SUBBING [679] krishch123: closing in on the 15 min mark [681] greythehusky14: greythehusky14 gifted a Tier 1 sub to GlobZombie710! [681] greythehusky14: greythehusky14 gifted a Tier 1 sub to jadenss_! [681] greythehusky14: greythehusky14 gifted a Tier 1 sub to vexchefin! [681] greythehusky14: greythehusky14 gifted a Tier 1 sub to 1xvoltage! [681] StrawHatConstituent: Lemme hold a rack @jynxzi [681] greythehusky14: greythehusky14 gifted a Tier 1 sub to alezandru445! [681] ry4nd4v15: ry4nd4v15 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [681] oh_runni: oh_runni subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [681] philw23: philw23 subscribed at Tier 1. [681] no_grass_effxct: no_grass_effxct subscribed at Tier 1. [681] sympathy2099: sympathy2099 subscribed at Tier 1. [681] ericroot70: ericroot70 subscribed at Tier 1. [681] ry4nd4v15: ry4nd4v15 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Daddy_Shaq23! [681] ry4nd4v15: ry4nd4v15 gifted a Tier 1 sub to cawwzy! [681] ry4nd4v15: ry4nd4v15 gifted a Tier 1 sub to bonbon9878! [682] ItsMalikx: KEEP SUBBING [682] wetman_udder: wetman_udder is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 3 in the channel! [682] missle33: MONEY LAUNDERING FS [682] suplolsup: IM ROCK HARD [682] Jygako2: BRO FARMING MONEY [682] ItsMalikx: KEEP SUBBING [682] itachi85884: Stream harder [682] brodsstar: GIMME BIG MAC [682] Ozzzadnar: w [682] Brettgarrett22: Brettgarrett22 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 2 in the channel! [682] FI3K_: WWWWWWWWW [682] StrawHatConstituent: Lemme hold a rack @jynxzi [682] ChocolateLoverVz: does it sto? [682] SkreamingGoat598: white speed [682] wetman_udder: wetman_udder gifted a Tier 1 sub to tyleryoder13! [683] Brettgarrett22: Brettgarrett22 gifted a Tier 1 sub to xnofadingx! [683] jwolfe7803: jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype [683] zacv33: jynxziSubHype [683] davenportc21: davenportc21 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 15 in the channel! [683] redplanet263: w [683] xpecthaven: jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype [683] shivermetimbers15: wwww chat [683] berto2hk: holy money laundering [683] swagfart777: DR.DISRESPECT CALLED YOU OUT FOR THE 1V1!!!! [683] AvidGlazer2ez: pancKe [683] lordbraith_: lordbraith_ subscribed at Tier 1. [683] davenportc21: davenportc21 gifted a Tier 1 sub to sockydocls! [683] davenportc21: davenportc21 gifted a Tier 1 sub to dillxnf! [683] davenportc21: davenportc21 gifted a Tier 1 sub to cartierjai! [683] davenportc21: davenportc21 gifted a Tier 1 sub to holdsthisl1! [684] StrawHatConstituent: Lemme hold a rack @jynxzi [684] lydia_lehmann: lydia_lehmann gifted a Tier 1 sub to mr_sa1em! [684] CoRe_Crimzy: CoRe_Crimzy is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 6 in the channel! [684] unclefear1: unclefear1 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [684] TheKohl: TheKohl is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [684] Bo0tyBasher: Bo0tyBasher subscribed at Tier 1. [684] jobrothemfgoat: jobrothemfgoat is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [685] TheKohl: TheKohl gifted a Tier 1 sub to chiras123! [685] TheKohl: TheKohl gifted a Tier 1 sub to BrunostEnjoyer! [685] TheKohl: TheKohl gifted a Tier 1 sub to josetorres1213! [685] TheKohl: TheKohl gifted a Tier 1 sub to RQINBOWS! [685] TheKohl: TheKohl gifted a Tier 1 sub to reap3riii! [685] StrawHatConstituent: Lemme hold a rack @jynxzi [685] jobrothemfgoat: jobrothemfgoat gifted a Tier 1 sub to andrelwood42! [685] samanthaonxbox: WW [685] enrikfn: HOLY SHITTTTTTTTTTTTT [685] Yuki_4743: jynxziSuprised [685] bimbopan01: play with doc [685] sweatdumpster: WHITE SPEED [685] Aspectsx: hey white speed shut up [685] itzMebox: !SUB!SUB!SUB!SUB!SUB!SUB!SUB!SUB!SUB!SUB!SUB!SUB!SUB!SUB!SUB!SUB!SUB!SUB!SUB!SUB!SUB!SUB!SUB [685] ChitDaRipper: jynxziSubHype [687] ItsMalikx: KEEP SUBBING [687] StrawHatConstituent: Lemme hold a rack @jynxzi [687] masterch1ef66: masterch1ef66 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 2 in the channel! [687] CobaltStreak: CobaltStreak subscribed at Tier 1. [687] KalidDG2F: KalidDG2F gifted a Tier 1 sub to yung_fishyy! [687] KalidDG2F: KalidDG2F gifted a Tier 1 sub to Fsanchez1225! [687] KalidDG2F: KalidDG2F gifted a Tier 1 sub to xxwidlyxx! [687] KalidDG2F: KalidDG2F gifted a Tier 1 sub to kevinxxi10! [687] KalidDG2F: KalidDG2F gifted a Tier 1 sub to sapphirem3g! [687] KalidDG2F: KalidDG2F gifted a Tier 1 sub to michael_is_sweaty! [687] 240villusive: 240villusive subscribed at Tier 1. [687] KalidDG2F: KalidDG2F gifted a Tier 1 sub to chaboisam! [687] KalidDG2F: KalidDG2F gifted a Tier 1 sub to olarbear! [687] KalidDG2F: KalidDG2F gifted a Tier 1 sub to maxximuscassius! [687] KalidDG2F: KalidDG2F gifted a Tier 1 sub to coleisdead19! [688] Sageangell: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [688] maitomakkara_: money laundering [688] marie_xm: ????? [688] pgm0606: W WHITR SPEED [688] vkobeq: when i get subbed how do i get the jynxzi charm? [688] Nightbot: @miguel34569 -> You are the missing link. Goodbye. [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [688] reallynotalive: yooo [688] ghostyqr: me [688] xpecthaven: wwww [688] bbgoat15248s: huh [688] saluted420: white speed [688] berto2hk: holy money laundering . [688] schizo76: jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype [688] ysgyaxe56: bronnys waiting [688] immarcusc: jynxziRAHHH [689] 07maurice07: fandyO [689] cannonswo: GoldPLZ [689] powersolos: w [689] ayd3476: shake it more i need to finish [689] Mustard_Brian: wwwwwww [689] imbored6000: gggg [689] idk__bruhhh: sub harder [689] hubcap32: can you meow [689] Kowll_: Hhijkn [689] jaden57789: w [689] whitefire212: Squid [689] bigrang234: fat [689] mrennnnnn: crazyy [689] Ozzyosb213: ayo jynxzi I started playing siege because of you I have 60 hours now and I’m improving do you have any advice? [689] Nightbot: F in the chat [690] StrawHatConstituent: Lemme hold a rack @jynxzi [691] dvddvddv: daddy [691] jawebb923: bro [691] jonnybees: wow [691] astra2k9832: damn [691] juoppokuoppaa: W [691] hoodienate98: illuminati [691] ayarandy: plspls [691] will9999227: MONEY COMING IN [691] grandseaker: PRIMEE [691] 03therealone: 03therealone subscribed with Prime. [691] godluvzkagee: does it curve [691] matthewandreason: wwwww [691] jupjubu: 💀💀 [691] ItsMalikx: KEEP SUBBING [691] Nightbot: !accept [692] yeatsinnapickle: yeatsinnapickle subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 7 month streak! hi [692] wheels353535: never gifted [692] vo_eri_gil: w [692] pessiandmessi: FART [692] kenna_ryan19: wwww [692] vsnxag: part [692] idekwhattomakemynametbh: fat [692] mikekenno__: WHAT IS HAPPENING [692] scisciu64: scisciu64 subscribed with Prime. [692] sh6mss: whats going on [692] sparkypistol12: fan is when mail? [692] presshaa__: wwwww [692] punannerrr: punannerrr is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 11 in the channel! [692] bfshifties: bfshifties subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! [692] StricGames: StricGames is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [693] Littlerulu: Littlerulu subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [693] 75bb: 75bb subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! W [693] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: money laundering LUL [693] punannerrr: punannerrr gifted a Tier 1 sub to mr_jimmyjam_! [693] punannerrr: punannerrr gifted a Tier 1 sub to smalllake943296! [693] punannerrr: punannerrr gifted a Tier 1 sub to woahquaa! [693] punannerrr: punannerrr gifted a Tier 1 sub to vxgtlop_10! [693] punannerrr: punannerrr gifted a Tier 1 sub to Dwilsn! [693] 1DanielK_: 84 raiders from 1DanielK_ have joined! [693] WEgoLEGEND74: WEgoLEGEND74 is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel! [693] StricGames: StricGames gifted a Tier 1 sub to rezznant! [693] StricGames: StricGames gifted a Tier 1 sub to sacajawia! [693] StricGames: StricGames gifted a Tier 1 sub to koleman218! [693] StricGames: StricGames gifted a Tier 1 sub to scotmitchell1235! [693] StricGames: StricGames gifted a Tier 1 sub to magiccctv! [694] pudd1005: pudd1005 is gifting 25 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 50 in the channel! [694] exxxtrasmall69: play siege with doctor disrespect [694] drslevx: yoooooooooooooooooikkkkkkkkkkk [694] jrqwerr: your so fat [694] WEgoLEGEND74: WEgoLEGEND74 gifted a Tier 1 sub to SacredRitual805! [694] WEgoLEGEND74: WEgoLEGEND74 gifted a Tier 1 sub to valentinoest92xx! [694] suplolsup: IM ERECTT [694] WEgoLEGEND74: WEgoLEGEND74 gifted a Tier 1 sub to austinj_64! [694] WEgoLEGEND74: WEgoLEGEND74 gifted a Tier 1 sub to polobro_13! [694] omniking_4: W [694] WEgoLEGEND74: WEgoLEGEND74 gifted a Tier 1 sub to NotJayvin11! [694] homez_15: keep em coming [694] Exoticbryce7345: when is stream [694] WEgoLEGEND74: WEgoLEGEND74 gifted a Tier 1 sub to onlyoneme504! [694] WEgoLEGEND74: WEgoLEGEND74 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Calzafyy! [695] pudd1005: pudd1005 gifted a Tier 1 sub to f1reb0mb! [695] pudd1005: pudd1005 gifted a Tier 1 sub to jiquiora! [695] pudd1005: pudd1005 gifted a Tier 1 sub to jaredsprophet! [695] pudd1005: pudd1005 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ExodiaOBLITIRATE! [695] pudd1005: pudd1005 gifted a Tier 1 sub to galied_! [695] pudd1005: pudd1005 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Luv_symiraa! [695] pudd1005: pudd1005 gifted a Tier 1 sub to theyheartleo0! [695] pudd1005: pudd1005 gifted a Tier 1 sub to re_dei_cactus01! [695] pudd1005: pudd1005 gifted a Tier 1 sub to atg_angelmvp! [695] pudd1005: pudd1005 gifted a Tier 1 sub to editingscarab! [695] pudd1005: pudd1005 gifted a Tier 1 sub to SuperManCW_! [695] pudd1005: pudd1005 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ItzChris3247! [695] pudd1005: pudd1005 gifted a Tier 1 sub to okayyace! [695] pudd1005: pudd1005 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Luxzsy! [695] pudd1005: pudd1005 gifted a Tier 1 sub to rubyfrrnch! [696] Laosaaaa: Laosaaaa subscribed at Tier 1. [697] it_zolo: hi [697] StrawHatConstituent: Lemme hold a rack @jynxzi [697] gyatmaster30: NO WAY [697] eeatmycheeks: WWWW [697] Murderous_Ramrod: ww [697] jupjubu: WWWWWWWWW [697] trickyricky315: yo these African kids be going crazy with the subs [697] utxpiaaa: WWWW [697] sloGriff: W money farming [697] baygrizzly: Cops yesterday????? [697] noahhhhhhhhz: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [697] TheMothBandit: blud [697] Nightbot: 😂 [697] colebuddy15: ahhhh [697] natalagius: natalagius subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 3 month streak! hi [698] VaxzxLive: W [698] leutyolo: Bro you have a Porsche [698] scariing: w [698] pcsryze: ur sound to goodur sound to goodur sound to goodur sound to goodur sound to goodur sound to goodur sound to goodur sound to good [698] cadenc233: yooo [698] uxzh_n8: F [698] c_stazzz: yooooo [698] kimbooo_sliceee: WWWWWW [698] rizzlycruz13: GOOD AIMMMMMM [698] h4l_editz: fat [698] splatt3r_tv: please gift meereee [698] iDrxp243: iDrxp243 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months! w [698] StrawHatConstituent: Lemme hold a rack @jynxzi [698] kobebeef22: kobebeef22 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 134 in the channel! [698] brendanarmijo: brendanarmijo subscribed at Tier 1. [699] kobebeef22: kobebeef22 gifted a Tier 1 sub to jarodb1999! [699] kobebeef22: kobebeef22 gifted a Tier 1 sub to momenace_! [699] itzswifty27: itzswifty27 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! yoooo [699] kobebeef22: kobebeef22 gifted a Tier 1 sub to mas0n35! [699] kobebeef22: kobebeef22 gifted a Tier 1 sub to torched_chicken! [699] kobebeef22: kobebeef22 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ts43! [699] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: money laundering LUL [699] crsn___: CAR50N1 subscribed at Tier 1. [699] solardragon3654: solardragon3654 subscribed at Tier 1. [699] Laser351: Laser351 subscribed with Prime. [701] i7otonic0xyg3n: i7otonic0xyg3n subscribed at Tier 1. [701] daleysmoke: white speed [701] kcbeats_: bayden_bole_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to officialtr_! [701] Brettgarrett22: W [701] papamama6996: w [701] Nightbot: Blue crown —-> Free —-> no ads —-> charm: https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [701] xootyu: xootyu subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 6 month streak! bricked [701] younggornage: younggornage subscribed at Tier 1. [701] bigboy_static: bigboy_static gifted a Tier 1 sub to arthhimanhas! [701] bigboy_static: bigboy_static gifted a Tier 1 sub to bloodyflash4581! [701] bigboy_static: bigboy_static gifted a Tier 1 sub to hoydarney! [701] bigboy_static: bigboy_static gifted a Tier 1 sub to loxkedv! [701] bigboy_static: bigboy_static gifted a Tier 1 sub to 포카모카! [701] Battlex199: Battlex199 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! howdy [701] uwriii: uwriii is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [702] tempyboi21: tempyboi21 gifted a Tier 1 sub to WrongRoss! [702] uwriii: uwriii gifted a Tier 1 sub to tony_jd1! [702] uwriii: uwriii gifted a Tier 1 sub to LukeM_FUT! [702] uwriii: uwriii gifted a Tier 1 sub to exhaustedbadger99! [702] uwriii: uwriii gifted a Tier 1 sub to Carter406! [702] uwriii: uwriii gifted a Tier 1 sub to nathanfacehaha! [702] fluhgee: fluhgee subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! L part timer [703] tazereplayz07: damn [703] dqthp: pls send me sub [703] ya_ya101: Shush Shush Shush [703] NotVoidZone: meeeeeeee [703] bruh_picklee: ww [703] pxdecria: WWWWWWW [703] homez_15: I need a sub [703] xeksuiaaa: D [703] bmk_0: Bros made like 2k in 30 seconds [703] moxisonfn: faking subs [703] vitality5175: jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype [703] louiev_41: it must be payday for everyone [703] kobe_millar: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [703] kellenleib: kellenleib is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [704] travisb20: sketch is waiting [704] bazhingwe: ww [704] lucasthetopg: w [704] M1Atx: WWW [704] 2xbxlletsz: wwwwww [704] kingborna: They feel bad for you dumbass [704] collinlarsen029: w [704] shaheim011: w [704] deeznuts37373: deeznuts37373 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 2 in the channel! [704] potato6987: money laundering [704] Kelynxz: INTRO HARDER [704] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: money laundering LUL [704] kellenleib: kellenleib gifted a Tier 1 sub to yobyyyyy! [704] deeznuts37373: deeznuts37373 gifted a Tier 1 sub to cullyzooted! [704] Provolone_Void: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [705] lkess34: lkess34 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 2 in the channel! [705] ZACONAx: ZACONAx converted from a Prime sub to a Tier 1 sub! [705] tdoggy421: tdoggy421 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [705] lkess34: lkess34 gifted a Tier 1 sub to henerz_04! [705] NutritionGuy: NutritionGuy is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [706] NutritionGuy: NutritionGuy gifted a Tier 1 sub to mazzzz33! [706] stemp_s: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [706] tdoggy421: tdoggy421 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kirsikkapuuu! [706] tdoggy421: tdoggy421 gifted a Tier 1 sub to br4tty_d4ddy! [706] tdoggy421: tdoggy421 gifted a Tier 1 sub to thosedamnstrawhats! [706] tdoggy421: tdoggy421 gifted a Tier 1 sub to shadowdelta1234! [706] mintyspringg: acoustic [706] tdoggy421: tdoggy421 gifted a Tier 1 sub to kingslayer061989! [706] corrosives___: WWWW [706] pinkliquid_: grains of sand in a desert 💀 😭😭 [706] Peiyz_3: 24 HOUR STREAM RIGHT NOW [706] jynxzifazn: YOO [706] marie_xm: omg [706] Samostroff17: 10 because you just twerked in my face [706] svveptz: money laundering [707] tonylegoatt: using bots for subs new low [707] henl3y_22: w [707] Followluiwyd: w [707] pistolverts: Imagine swatting ur own house [707] yan_gzz: white speed + clip framing [707] DontphaiI: W MONEY LAUNDER [707] golflee: golflee subscribed at Tier 1. [707] tmango22: tmango22 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [707] JackCeee_: JackCeee_ subscribed with Prime. [707] ryliesarverr: ryliesarverr subscribed at Tier 1. [707] Ahzii_LOL: Ahzii_LOL subscribed with Prime. [708] tmango22: tmango22 gifted a Tier 1 sub to IIIIMILLERIIII! [708] jinxypo0: jinxypo0 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [708] jinxypo0: jinxypo0 gifted a Tier 1 sub to sukhidagoat! [709] ilovekick2: ilovekick2 subscribed at Tier 1. [709] sal_454: sal_454 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 36 in the channel! [709] greenbayboi272: l [709] turtlebrother73: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [709] mattekinzz: JUNKO WHAT HAPPENED YESTERDAY ALSO GLAD UR BACK AND OK [709] ace_ventura218: All of the gifted but still no sub [709] savenoah99: bro just made 3k in 30 seconds [709] 1_sin_1: can I borrow 10 dollars [709] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [709] RelloLOL: industry plant subs [709] lilsluga: W GIFTED!!!!!! [709] falzonmt: money laundring [709] Pete6618: jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL [709] adro1221: its payday [709] codyylee11: codyylee11 subscribed at Tier 1. [710] lixieo: lixieo is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [710] sal_454: sal_454 gifted a Tier 1 sub to leektewofficial! [710] sal_454: sal_454 gifted a Tier 1 sub to cowboyalex8! [710] sal_454: sal_454 gifted a Tier 1 sub to cruz_kaz1! [710] sal_454: sal_454 gifted a Tier 1 sub to UkiyoInfinity! [710] sal_454: sal_454 gifted a Tier 1 sub to basiccold_! [710] lixieo: lixieo gifted a Tier 1 sub to xrclover! [710] abbeydoan: abbeydoan is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [710] abbeydoan: abbeydoan gifted a Tier 1 sub to Nomandino! [712] holden10104: F4D3Wizard is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [712] hunter18denali: hunter18denali is gifting 25 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 95 in the channel! [712] holden10104: F4D3Wizard gifted a Tier 1 sub to lLostSinl! [712] noahlopezzz: aw [712] landon_justice10: Fatty [712] kaaiiiiiiiii: Let's goooo [712] cd_dog1: white speed [712] itsAxrtt: PUD WWWWW [712] streakxsy: WWW [712] nailwind: money laundering time [712] sandy_sir: NDAMMNN [712] xpecthaven: jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype [712] gdlc42344: gdlc42344 subscribed with Prime. [712] RedMist3119: sheeeeeseeeut [712] hunter18denali: hunter18denali gifted a Tier 1 sub to xXMOH17Xx! [713] hunter18denali: hunter18denali gifted a Tier 1 sub to insaneillusion9! [713] hunter18denali: hunter18denali gifted a Tier 1 sub to Typicalllly! [713] hunter18denali: hunter18denali gifted a Tier 1 sub to dillyyttv! [713] hunter18denali: hunter18denali gifted a Tier 1 sub to graysendee! [713] hunter18denali: hunter18denali gifted a Tier 1 sub to Truptyyy! [713] hunter18denali: hunter18denali gifted a Tier 1 sub to dom4ever! [713] hunter18denali: hunter18denali gifted a Tier 1 sub to asheycole! [713] hunter18denali: hunter18denali gifted a Tier 1 sub to BLD_Runs_ORANGE! [713] hunter18denali: hunter18denali gifted a Tier 1 sub to JazzIsSick! [713] hunter18denali: hunter18denali gifted a Tier 1 sub to torresz02! [713] hunter18denali: hunter18denali gifted a Tier 1 sub to zspike00! [713] hunter18denali: hunter18denali gifted a Tier 1 sub to toxicguy74! [713] hunter18denali: hunter18denali gifted a Tier 1 sub to startgoinin! [713] hunter18denali: hunter18denali gifted a Tier 1 sub to n8tethegr860! [713] hunter18denali: hunter18denali gifted a Tier 1 sub to weakistrash! [714] josephp1205: josephp1205 gifted a Tier 1 sub to voxzgod! [714] bowenisagod: bowenisagod subscribed at Tier 1. [715] zerqsy_: yoooo [715] ruanvj2006: ruanvj2006 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [715] FadedJunior710: chat paying back his lost 5k [715] brettepps: REACT HARDER [715] oscarb126: wwww [715] xfrozty1x: yoo [715] dhtrz: w [715] owen123098456: wtf [715] harry41ontopyerknowda: r [715] uszrtrey: WWWW [715] kroesyy: WHAT IS GOIJG ON [715] Fossabot: @Minialexboss, Your message is too long [715] jynxzifazn: GOOD AIMMM [715] Pete6618: jynxziFALL jynxziFALL [715] chadwick51: chadwick51 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! [717] ckelly147: Cheer100 [717] theecas1: theecas1 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [718] JBau9: JBau9 subscribed at Tier 1. [718] callgelix: L bully [718] odysse01: 1v1 me you are trash you have no skill [718] ogelinpaskin: jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT [718] og_twotone: it’s payday [718] oilrighelipad: jynxziWTF [718] car_lowzk: WWW [718] scuba_stephen419: scuba_stephen419 subscribed at Tier 1. [718] sandy_sir: DAMMNN [718] theecas1: theecas1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to SAC_0825! [718] theecas1: theecas1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Clynxzi! [718] theecas1: theecas1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Surmalmao! [718] theecas1: theecas1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to phil3l! [718] m4t3te: LMFAO [718] theecas1: theecas1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to chummynew! [719] ethan5120: ethan5120 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 6 month streak! shut up loser [720] ItsMeLindaa_: ItsMeLindaa_ subscribed with Prime. [720] fudgesonfud: fudgesonfud subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! [720] devslatt: devslatt is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 35 in the channel! [721] RICE4012: RICE4012 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! Love you JUNKO [721] koolsam13: white ice spice [721] wild_mikey_9119: wtf [721] zanderreetz: L [721] Cliopatrra: WTF [721] barca8218: POLICE are waitint [721] uszrtrey: W [721] charlespriest065: laundering leaked [721] CRACKEDJAIR31: worst clip farmer worst clip farmer worst clip farmer worst clip farmer worst clip farmer worst clip farmer worst clip farmer worst clip farmer worst clip farmer worst clip farmer [721] devslatt: devslatt gifted a Tier 1 sub to drizzytholo! [721] Gucci_kid54: get to the gaming pancake 🥞 [721] SllaBaggin69: L Glazer [721] LightningKakuzu: WW WW WWW WW WW WW WW WW [721] vkobeq: when i get subbed how do i get the jynxzi charm? [721] devslatt: devslatt gifted a Tier 1 sub to techno1762! [722] NxtDios: NxtDios subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! WWWW [722] miezaru: miezaru is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 6 in the channel! [723] miezaru: miezaru gifted a Tier 1 sub to eneyegeegeeeares! [723] marvin_301205: marvin_301205 subscribed with Prime. [724] lordtekkno: hydrodynamics777 gifted a Tier 1 sub to mr_sir_cool! They have given 51 Gift Subs in the channel! [724] eatin_noodles: eatin_noodles is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [724] kxngpsycho: BRO JUST GOT $1000000 BUT STILL WONT PAY RAYAN [724] SllaBaggin69: Glazing [724] EternalKatze: laundering money [724] james3060: fire stream right now [724] eatin_noodles: eatin_noodles gifted a Tier 1 sub to nocapscreens! [724] plehraa: i wanna spit on u [724] WillBubby24: ungrateful [724] kyazz1010: kyazz1010 subscribed at Tier 1. [724] eminence0fshadow: eminence0fshadow subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months! wee [724] N33veo: crazy subs [724] pur_str_xp1: dr disrespect imitate you today [724] daleysmoke: w money laundering [724] MkGamingg25: WW jynxziSubHype WW jynxziSubHype WW jynxziSubHype WW jynxziSubHype WW jynxziSubHype WW jynxziSubHype [725] II905II: II905II gifted a Tier 1 sub to Tenchu_san! [725] Original_FN: Original_FN subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 6 month streak! [725] vayzbu: vayzbu subscribed with Prime. [726] HoppyHoppp: HoppyHoppp subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [727] Dyl0n: Dyl0n is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 6 in the channel! [727] Gucci_kid54: get to the gaming pancake 🥞 [727] itachi85884: Stream harder [727] Dyl0n: Dyl0n gifted a Tier 1 sub to caistephens_! [727] Dyl0n: Dyl0n gifted a Tier 1 sub to toezlolol! [727] zaccheus54: so I get a charm now [727] Dyl0n: Dyl0n gifted a Tier 1 sub to whybrucenosesobig! [727] trevorrose122222: Wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [727] lllcomboziii: bros making bank [727] Dyl0n: Dyl0n gifted a Tier 1 sub to ywokingsley1! [727] Dyl0n: Dyl0n gifted a Tier 1 sub to polarcanada1! [727] LeytonRay: @coffeezillasdaughter you see the real 👁️ [727] siegepro999: jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT [727] babyyschmeat: CLIX A BUM [727] orlxw: WE NEED 24 HOUR RANKED GRIND JUST LIKE DEEP FREEZE [728] mrsordx: mrsordx subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! hey tubby [728] slayer_kitt3n: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [729] willowdeath25: SeemsGood100 cutie patutiiie [729] Chigg27: Chigg27 subscribed at Tier 1. [730] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: so were botting subs LUL [730] BWSxDiaz12: BWSxDiaz12 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [730] noahhhhhhhhz: jynxziChampion jynxziCopper [730] Flickstrr: Flickstrr subscribed with Prime. [730] schrodas: MONEY LAUNDER [730] catfish113: DRUG MONEY [730] james3060: fire stream right nowfire stream right now [730] tgrskier: Yoooooo [730] DopeAffectzZ: DopeAffectzZ gifted a Tier 1 sub to habswagvids! [730] dans2923: w day just finished snowboarding 🏂 and now watching u daddy [730] CMOMoney187: BRO CLEANING HIS MONEY [730] Nightbot: @shxrpened -> What were you thinking? [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [730] gerryr6_: WWW [730] zanderreetz: oil me up [730] theoneandonlycj123: junko your uber driver outside come on now i am waiting [731] BWSxDiaz12: BWSxDiaz12 gifted a Tier 1 sub to pancakekiller381! [731] mrroberson: mrroberson is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [731] BWSxDiaz12: BWSxDiaz12 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Comafps! [731] mrroberson: mrroberson gifted a Tier 1 sub to K_Folks! [732] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: so were botting subs LUL [732] xobdove_123: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [733] GhxstHxvoc: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 gift [733] M1Atx: WWWWWWWWW [733] gustaph420: L Fatty [733] chxolo: w [733] pixldino12: whoooo [733] deadshot604: jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype [733] llmarxzll: !charm [733] MaddDawG427: MaddDawG427 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 2 in the channel! [733] Sprayxr: WHAT’S GOING ON [733] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [733] alfiebrobois: chat [733] goobershooter56: NO SOUND 🚨🚨🚨 [733] noahhhhhhhhz: jynxziCopper [733] mlbleif: laundering leaked [734] MaddDawG427: MaddDawG427 gifted a Tier 1 sub to yeeter213411! [734] FazeDuckXx09: fazeduckxx09 subscribed with Prime. [735] o_my_daze: o_my_daze subscribed at Tier 1. [736] mehdi_bzdi: GIDT ME [736] jynxzis__vape: breaking bad money laundering [736] phzyko_: W MONEY LANDER [736] verixs_033: sub count [736] ep2831: 🟢shut up fat boy🟢 [736] jusbeachyy: MONEY CHANGED U [736] Specialsho3: W MONEY LAUNDER [736] sheluvbray1: why were the police at ur house [736] ZZZVodcuh: WWWWWWWW [736] gerryr6_: WWWWW [736] fazeeyk: WWWWWW [736] Nightbot: 😂 [736] alfiebrobois: ww [736] vibin_xyrix: L launderer [736] EternalKatze: money farm XD [737] swagfart777: swagfart777 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 9 in the channel! [737] ssvpx: ssvpx is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [737] ssvpx: ssvpx gifted a Tier 1 sub to EE_2_Easy! [737] swagfart777: swagfart777 gifted a Tier 1 sub to fistoka5909! [737] swagfart777: swagfart777 gifted a Tier 1 sub to adamhoak! [737] swagfart777: swagfart777 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Chadversary! [737] swagfart777: swagfart777 gifted a Tier 1 sub to wildwolfghost88! [737] swagfart777: swagfart777 gifted a Tier 1 sub to aaronridesmtb! [738] ShottiGaming: ShottiGaming is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [738] elekskakaka: Cheer1 [738] ShottiGaming: ShottiGaming gifted a Tier 1 sub to lillduggie! [738] Canadiantoejam98: Canadiantoejam98 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [738] ShiestCrizpy: ShiestCrizpy is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 4 in the channel! [739] xrViPeRxr: xrViPeRxr subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! yurrrrr [739] Canadiantoejam98: Canadiantoejam98 gifted a Tier 1 sub to bananamancan315! [739] GhxstHxvoc: wwwwwwwww [739] howie123413: quote of the day [739] ShiestCrizpy: ShiestCrizpy gifted a Tier 1 sub to kwangyuh! [739] Kelynxz: INTRO HARDER [739] o_Zuvaa: STOP GIVING THIS FATASS MONEY [739] foxxiarz: STREAM CRASHED [739] kirbygetsbandzzz: fake gifters [739] liamlad2009123: jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype [739] typicaltylerrrr: WHAT IS GOING ON [739] pinkliquid_: grains of sand in a desert 💀 😭😭😭😭 [739] jimmycornelia: GOOD AIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM [739] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [739] mic_too_good: jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype [740] bobthybuilderll: how do you get jynxzi charm [740] buffalobillythe8th: laundering [740] light_lamps: w [740] eatsomedirt: wewwwwww [740] StreamElements: iIoveki has spent 19 hours watching jynxzi [740] izzz_shadow: WWWW [740] shxnned: shxnned subscribed at Tier 1. [740] RoyalPenguin: royalpenguinxx is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 7 in the channel! [740] StaticVibezZ: StaticHokage gifted a Tier 1 sub to BunnieChimera! They have given 3 Gift Subs in the channel! [740] weedoc03: weedoc03 subscribed at Tier 1. [740] RoyalPenguin: royalpenguinxx gifted a Tier 1 sub to bigballer_28! [740] RoyalPenguin: royalpenguinxx gifted a Tier 1 sub to frzyfrxgg! [740] RoyalPenguin: royalpenguinxx gifted a Tier 1 sub to expertakeswalls! [740] RoyalPenguin: royalpenguinxx gifted a Tier 1 sub to Vextr1! [740] RoyalPenguin: royalpenguinxx gifted a Tier 1 sub to tepelo_1! [741] iiisnaqz: iiisnaqz is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [741] iiisnaqz: iiisnaqz gifted a Tier 1 sub to braden341! [741] iiisnaqz: iiisnaqz gifted a Tier 1 sub to master_ninja1325! [741] iiisnaqz: iiisnaqz gifted a Tier 1 sub to bulldoghound1! [741] iiisnaqz: iiisnaqz gifted a Tier 1 sub to bloodykalkaz! [741] iiisnaqz: iiisnaqz gifted a Tier 1 sub to jessehockey10! [742] vG00NZv: vG00NZv is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 2 in the channel! [742] shescreamsivan: money launderer [742] notkofer: money laundering [742] vG00NZv: vG00NZv gifted a Tier 1 sub to callam08! [742] barca8218: RIOT SQUAD IS WAITING [742] phiiiilthy: L money laundering [742] jahperc: this that one episode of breaking bad [742] klh_17: wwwww [742] mfsoloj: jynxzi 1v1 me [742] nathann1109: hi harv [742] alfiebrobois: ee [742] BabyFaceBamBam: is this the Krusty Krab [742] dark_plague0_0: money laundering [742] mr_bubblers: he can almost eat tonight [742] slickymicky1985: Our fucking boy is on!!!! [743] kind_kuzzo: method leaked [743] alexnanchez11: GREEDY [743] mooselover4567: wwwww [743] Sageangell: me [743] nobawd: wwww [743] renevant200: w [743] LongLiveRefund: LongLiveRefund gifted a Tier 1 sub to TaPzn_! [743] LongLiveRefund: LongLiveRefund gifted a Tier 1 sub to UrGrampy! [743] LongLiveRefund: LongLiveRefund gifted a Tier 1 sub to thatmexicanok! [743] LongLiveRefund: LongLiveRefund gifted a Tier 1 sub to oniichannn____! [743] LongLiveRefund: LongLiveRefund gifted a Tier 1 sub to alann_6! [743] LongLiveRefund: LongLiveRefund gifted a Tier 1 sub to BeanJuice154! [743] LongLiveRefund: LongLiveRefund gifted a Tier 1 sub to itjoshh! [743] LongLiveRefund: LongLiveRefund gifted a Tier 1 sub to yung_josho00! [743] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: so were botting subs LUL [744] StreamElements: If you're a gamer, you need a Starforge! Snag one -> https://starforgepc.com/Jynxzi [744] LongLiveRefund: LongLiveRefund gifted a Tier 1 sub to pablothepengui1! [744] lundyniable: lundyniable subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! [744] nowayitsspartan: nowayitsspartan is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [744] nowayitsspartan: nowayitsspartan gifted a Tier 1 sub to sxld_fc! [744] rtoxlc: rtoxlc subscribed at Tier 1. [744] nowayitsspartan: nowayitsspartan gifted a Tier 1 sub to MrFrothyOG! [744] nowayitsspartan: nowayitsspartan gifted a Tier 1 sub to chopper9a! [744] nowayitsspartan: nowayitsspartan gifted a Tier 1 sub to WalkingNoMore! [744] nowayitsspartan: nowayitsspartan gifted a Tier 1 sub to larry1k! [745] mistygamerrrrr: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Cheer1 [745] Unexploit: Unexploit gifted a Tier 1 sub to Inked_Blondie! This is their first Gift Sub in the channel! [745] handyandyhehehe: white speed [745] Devlane21: you never have to work again after these past 5 mins [745] ghostyqr: w [745] Alex2uniqueEP: WWWW HOLY SHIT [745] theaveragebum: W [745] eljh9: hi [745] Gucci_kid54: get to the gaming pancake 🥞 [745] Cxmryn23: fake subs [745] nobawd: wwwwwww [745] demcheeksdoe99: demcheeksdoe99 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [745] Nightbot: ok [745] squidwardtestals: it’s been 10 days n I just nutted a river bed [745] mic_too_good: jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype [746] demcheeksdoe99: demcheeksdoe99 gifted a Tier 1 sub to supermanz4! [746] batmanFSH: batmanFSH is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 2 in the channel! [746] heffy2525: heffy2525 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 6 in the channel! [746] batmanFSH: batmanFSH gifted a Tier 1 sub to crueeeeeeee12773! [746] heffy2525: heffy2525 gifted a Tier 1 sub to amby3620! [747] uglygoose_: uglygoose_ subscribed with Prime. [748] thikcy_c: jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE [748] plut0_otw: only doing a 24 hour because Kai is doing a 50 hour stream not slick jynxzi [748] pinkliquid_: grains of sand in a desert 💀 [748] itz_lilgk: rhrh@ [748] applejuice8136: so many ppl [748] ruxxikk: wwwwwwwww [748] itzzzzzzjaaake: Lets fucking goooooooooo [748] FI3K_: WWWWWWWW [748] odysse01: 1v1 me you are trash you have no skill [748] theunkown30: Clix jynxziPACK [748] stiffslams: you remind me of the pillsbury dough boy [748] Nightbot: gifting you luck in finding a job 🙏🏻 [748] trillynt: Huge check on the way [748] lucasjbc1206: wtffff [748] cd_dog1: white speed [749] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: so were botting subs LUL [749] brandelo35: brandelo35 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel! [750] brandelo35: brandelo35 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Jam1son23! [750] brandelo35: brandelo35 gifted a Tier 1 sub to sylvaticaura675! [750] brandelo35: brandelo35 gifted a Tier 1 sub to HALLEEZ! [750] brandelo35: brandelo35 gifted a Tier 1 sub to 3bizzy7623! [750] brandelo35: brandelo35 gifted a Tier 1 sub to slimeee999! [750] thebendytent: thebendytent is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [750] bigbeanman66: bigbeanman66 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 15 in the channel! [750] ericroot70: ericroot70 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [750] thebendytent: thebendytent gifted a Tier 1 sub to dizhuskie4! [750] thebendytent: thebendytent gifted a Tier 1 sub to scarfz317! [750] thebendytent: thebendytent gifted a Tier 1 sub to Elemenopea855! [750] ImmenseGoat1: ImmenseGoat1 subscribed at Tier 1. [750] thebendytent: thebendytent gifted a Tier 1 sub to aidanthegamerpro_ttv2! [750] bigbeanman66: bigbeanman66 gifted a Tier 1 sub to DIVODDDD! [750] bigbeanman66: bigbeanman66 gifted a Tier 1 sub to BLOOSKII1! [751] inthebizofmisery: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [751] nokk4_: WWW [751] Hectorizag: shut up pussy [751] realcourtnahh: realcourtnahh is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [751] yungqumkuat: when is announcement? [751] eavensent: ungrateful [751] soundcloutken: holy LOL [751] mic_too_good: jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype [751] zdeeko: ITS F [751] lmao1463: jynxziPACK [751] justhavoc999: 50 [751] ry4nd4v15: ry4nd4v15 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel! [751] tns_key: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [751] Alex2uniqueEP: 50 GIFTED [751] solemangrundy: what’s the announcement [752] cjcraw43: ungrateful [752] ruxxikk: ww [752] ry4nd4v15: ry4nd4v15 gifted a Tier 1 sub to xxalmondshellxx! [752] ry4nd4v15: ry4nd4v15 gifted a Tier 1 sub to mardukas1012! [752] ry4nd4v15: ry4nd4v15 gifted a Tier 1 sub to bigtoory! [752] ry4nd4v15: ry4nd4v15 gifted a Tier 1 sub to thesaucelboss! [752] ry4nd4v15: ry4nd4v15 gifted a Tier 1 sub to crimson_brk4! [752] realcourtnahh: realcourtnahh gifted a Tier 1 sub to growsthedank! [752] realcourtnahh: realcourtnahh gifted a Tier 1 sub to m4dd3r420! [752] honorcarnag3: honorcarnag3 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [752] realcourtnahh: realcourtnahh gifted a Tier 1 sub to elli0ttk! [752] realcourtnahh: realcourtnahh gifted a Tier 1 sub to wyhattington! [752] realcourtnahh: realcourtnahh gifted a Tier 1 sub to triprayburn69! [752] hiroshiia: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [752] jessejamesda0utlaw: jessejamesda0utlaw is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [753] jessejamesda0utlaw: jessejamesda0utlaw gifted a Tier 1 sub to kareemloo812! [753] jxrzq1: jynxzi24_7 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months! mj [754] youknowho64_: youknowho64_ subscribed at Tier 1. [754] makaylin_27: WE [754] vkuzexu428: jynxziBALD_SQ [754] mr_nice_guy_052: jjjeeeeezzzzz [754] DDARWINTB: w [754] jinxydog73649: me [754] bean_bun55: WW [754] ileph34: WTF IST HAPPENING [754] drslevx: jynxziCopper [754] zappyBCN: www [754] peepcolts: Omg [754] ogelinpaskin: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [754] bbgoat15248s: green fn [754] wild_mikey_9119: lol [754] unemployedpizza_: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [755] juan_pablooc: WHERES MIN 😂😭 [755] xThrxsherx: W [755] bruh_picklee: mee [755] calum_ttvhunter: 1v1 [755] zenni_1: jynxziSubHype [756] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: so were botting subs LUL [756] inthebizofmisery: Cheer1 [756] project8998: Cheer1 [757] HoopTickler_: HoopTickler_ is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [757] awesomelogan0104: Ww [757] Zapssey: yiooooo [757] JustNa1xt: w [757] gluciktuber_: MONEY LAUNDERINGGGGG MONEY LAUNDERINGGGGG MONEY LAUNDERINGGGGG [757] kunkushen: are we at a cattle auction??!! [757] PundaPlayzzz: WWWW [757] dgkrieger1: dgkrieger1 subscribed with Prime. [757] FI3K_: WWWWWWWW MANS [757] jyinxzisjohnson: i [757] itachi85884: Stream harder [757] nokk4_: W [757] RedMist3119: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [757] lilwhitefn: w [757] SunnySlugger: WHAT HAPPEND YESTERDAY [758] sn1pz_safe: wwwww [758] mintyspringg: W [758] HoopTickler_: HoopTickler_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to demondog134! [758] bruhhhectoe: SUBE ME [758] kobe_millar: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [758] playmoregames14: let’s [758] dqthp: d [758] HoopTickler_: HoopTickler_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to jortyfdfg! [758] HoopTickler_: HoopTickler_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to darealcamm_! [758] HoopTickler_: HoopTickler_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to mrv1ctory! [758] HoopTickler_: HoopTickler_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to scooser! [758] JynxzisRecedingHairline: JynxzisRecedingHairline subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! [758] uhm_soggy: soggywaffles12089 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [758] lilbabaghannouj: lilbabaghannouj is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [758] uhm_soggy: soggywaffles12089 gifted a Tier 1 sub to parkski13! [759] zleaster: ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 [759] mason_lovedogs: mason_lovedogs subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! I'm horny [759] lilbabaghannouj: lilbabaghannouj gifted a Tier 1 sub to trey_colts! [759] lilbabaghannouj: lilbabaghannouj gifted a Tier 1 sub to afonsini6! [759] lilbabaghannouj: lilbabaghannouj gifted a Tier 1 sub to nathan01594! [759] lilbabaghannouj: lilbabaghannouj gifted a Tier 1 sub to BooBookeys69! [759] lilbabaghannouj: lilbabaghannouj gifted a Tier 1 sub to acuteguppie! [759] wrenchmonkey4: wrenchmonkey4 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 10 month streak! the key word is *might* do a 24 hour stream [760] calgarycanuck99: calgarycanuck99 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! Good stream so far!! [760] sparkypistol12: fan is when mail? [760] boommlgbam: hi fatass [760] project8998: Cheer1 [760] shelbyboss427: I’m going to bust [760] mutd4life_: Nah what [760] A10W_1: im 😡🥷🏿😘😘💦🥶 [760] imsoloninja: imsoloninja subscribed at Tier 1. [760] unemployedpizza_: jynxziGoodAim [760] MADben8u: react harder [760] goobershooter56: mod coffee [760] elijah3242: JUST STREAM ALREADY [760] ImNotWorriedxx: jesusssss [760] NxtDios: wtfffff [760] Jmoney_z: ww [761] davenportc21: davenportc21 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 20 in the channel! [761] davenportc21: davenportc21 gifted a Tier 1 sub to amar_116! [761] davenportc21: davenportc21 gifted a Tier 1 sub to kapalot01! [761] davenportc21: davenportc21 gifted a Tier 1 sub to gabrielsleq! [761] davenportc21: davenportc21 gifted a Tier 1 sub to NaeNae223! [761] davenportc21: davenportc21 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Iylaisbored! [762] slayyoncontrolla: Cheer1 Cheer1 [762] arbz3005: arbz3005 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [763] arbz3005: arbz3005 gifted a Tier 1 sub to AirADZ_Cpro! [763] arbz3005: arbz3005 gifted a Tier 1 sub to chasersdomo! [763] arbz3005: arbz3005 gifted a Tier 1 sub to crackarz! [763] arbz3005: arbz3005 gifted a Tier 1 sub to znrx_x! [763] arbz3005: arbz3005 gifted a Tier 1 sub to hunter_of_orphans! [763] bobthybuilderll: how get charm [763] Jmoney_z: www [763] floatyyturdd: horny [763] lukabrasi123: lukabrasi123 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [763] poohelicoptr: START THE DAMN STREAM [763] angelchastity: W MONEY FARM [763] jyinxzisjohnson: ww [763] squiggly240: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [763] bigfax11: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [763] Nightbot: h [764] Legendaryl3g1t: Legendaryl3g1t subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [764] project8998: Cheer1 [765] elobergler: Cheer1 [766] aarondamunch65: aarondamunch65 subscribed at Tier 1. [766] letsgetEMM: letsgetEMM is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 123 in the channel! [766] eswervo07: eswervo07 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [766] gonlot4: Brooklyn nets tiktok about you [766] jlgripp: jynxziBadAim [766] Garrix579: What is Happening [766] letsgetEMM: letsgetEMM gifted a Tier 1 sub to nothatguypall69! [766] letsgetEMM: letsgetEMM gifted a Tier 1 sub to fazewy! [766] letsgetEMM: letsgetEMM gifted a Tier 1 sub to babykoo6! [766] letsgetEMM: letsgetEMM gifted a Tier 1 sub to unkownpersons55! [766] brodsstar: WWWWW [766] letsgetEMM: letsgetEMM gifted a Tier 1 sub to SweatyUp! [766] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [766] Nightbot: ussy [766] ysgyaxe56: ungrateful [767] 0omistyo0: 0omistyo0 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [767] 0omistyo0: 0omistyo0 gifted a Tier 1 sub to danny6391! [767] Izayoi_Sakamaki68: Izayoi_Sakamaki68 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months! [768] project8998: Cheer1 [768] StonyRailing: StonyRailing is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 6 in the channel! [768] Vurge_Ace: Vurge_Ace subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! [769] fishsticks929: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [769] junkofatso: GIVE ME SUB PLSSSSS [769] LostKing78: LostKing78 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [769] StonyRailing: StonyRailing gifted a Tier 1 sub to MclovinCaleb! [769] prod605: when’s fanmail [769] sheluvjahseh: tf is going on😭😭😭 [769] bigtimebeezy: mkk [769] StonyRailing: StonyRailing gifted a Tier 1 sub to st_bored! [769] StonyRailing: StonyRailing gifted a Tier 1 sub to that_spanish_guy7! [769] StonyRailing: StonyRailing gifted a Tier 1 sub to PeaceOfMiiind! [769] Darthslothious: Wwwwww [769] egsavian: BRONNY IS WAITING [769] piglo11: giftvme [769] StonyRailing: StonyRailing gifted a Tier 1 sub to 5bigtoes! [769] LostKing78: LostKing78 gifted a Tier 1 sub to deathragemaniac! [770] ItsDefStar: Cheer100 - Bro, you gonna play the sidemen 5 V 1 on seige? [770] RonOffica: Cheer1 [770] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: so were botting subs LUL [771] project8998: Cheer1 [772] gavynboxesu: Cheer1 yo [772] relaxiti: relaxiti subscribed with Prime. [772] playstationfionn: playstationfionn subscribed with Prime. [772] MALtwt: wwwweww [772] ecli1pse3_: part timer [772] jakeaskii: bro taking all are money [772] nightmare_eyes_78: STOP GIVING HIM DOLLARS!!!!! [772] sportsgirl1012: me [772] troyurboi28: WHAT [772] vandrex_odt: W [772] thedude694206: www [772] crazydawson159: YOOO [772] rooootbeer: Wwwwww [772] YoungFatherSlum: caseohNoodles caseohNoodles caseohNoodles caseohNoodles [772] pinkliquid_: grains of sand in a desert 💀 😭😭😭 [773] xdnoel__: L GIFT FARMER [773] mwken: money laundering at its finest [773] mkzela: cmon [773] xxbr0kenbonesxx: wwwww [773] garbinskii: WWWWW [773] VrDmac020: LETS GO [773] Gluqo: SHUT THE FUCK UPPPPPP [773] asmallguy_: W CHATTT [773] Nightbot: no 🧢 [773] jacoda_r6: a [773] Nightbot: 😂 [773] Kelynxz: INTRO HARDER [773] fatkat5: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [773] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [773] lee_saylor123: lee_saylor123 subscribed at Tier 1. [775] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: so were botting subs LUL [775] uq2qispapi: Cheer45 [775] project8998: Cheer1 [775] arkan_67: arkan_67 subscribed with Prime. [775] wizardman4: this might actually be money laundering [775] mitchell101_: goat [775] patron__l: JEusss [775] kreatine1: jynxziGoodAim [775] bobcat_1113: I’m reporting you to the IRS [775] liljeep9183: slide a sub [775] jaydennnnhey: WWWW [775] cash_money2312: WWW [775] Abyss272: make lips smaller [775] wydsycho: holy shit [775] L_ADS69: wwwwwww [776] capn_sneaky: WWWWW [776] onepersona65: mjun mkl,m [776] donniebawls: RAHHHHHHH [776] firebrek_on_wiii: fqjkwfojqofjqw [776] scolex0: wwwwwwww [776] microcuz: yeah [776] Luxzsy: jynxzi your pay check💀 [776] CrockRocker0: CrockRocker0 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [776] CrockRocker0: CrockRocker0 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Slovakia2001! [776] CrockRocker0: CrockRocker0 gifted a Tier 1 sub to rhommed! [776] CrockRocker0: CrockRocker0 gifted a Tier 1 sub to big_dom120! [776] CrockRocker0: CrockRocker0 gifted a Tier 1 sub to freesogroovy! [776] thtblack46: thtblack46 subscribed at Tier 1. [776] CrockRocker0: CrockRocker0 gifted a Tier 1 sub to kaydincewalkerr! [776] Arrowz02: ROAD TO 200K RN FUCK IT [777] chuyisneymar_: fear_chuy is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [777] Arrowz02: ROAD TO 200K RN FUCK IT [777] chuyisneymar_: fear_chuy gifted a Tier 1 sub to kirkbaseball01! [777] bfbkronos: bfbkronos subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! [778] project8998: Cheer1 [778] himmy_2010: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [778] Kburkes123: Kburkes123 subscribed with Prime. [778] cayysss: WWWW [778] NotStarDestroyer: WWWWWWWW [778] WHHHHHHH00: GOFT ME [778] Guynamedbegs: WAWW [778] dumbdoc1227: U should try the gym fatty [778] elswayyy: yooo [778] pinkliquid_: grains of sand in a desert 💀 😭😭 [778] Millertopia: all the vapes he can buy now [778] spencer_thebrickwall: fat ass [778] jlgripp: toesanBraindead [778] monty28632: y [779] jacobiscool122se: me [779] Stowqs: w subs [779] faxeredon: jynxziChampion [779] sxol115: !link [779] louka701: !sub [779] patron__l: DAYUMMMMM [779] Gucci_kid54: get to the gaming pancake 🥞 [779] tame965story: www [779] FwMoca: I’m on a roller coaster watching you [779] xxbr0kenbonesxx: wwwwww [779] dpettrovic: W [779] noleeeeeeenusss: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [779] HyperSpherical: plow meee [779] Nightbot: bozo [779] lander2221: lander2221 subscribed at Tier 1. | Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [600] right here right now. Who just gifted 10? Who the fuck just gifted 10? Static with the 10 gifted? [610] I'm not going to give you a 10 gift. I'm not going to give you a 10 gift. I'm not going to give you a 10 gift. [620] title or think of it a 5 gifted fucking love y'all motherfuckers man zero because I have to watch you what What do you mean you [630] You have to watch me, Jinxie is best, thank you for the 10 gifted my brother, I love you. My CMOS, thank you for the prime subject, thank you for the cheer, what a number, thank you for the prime subject. Head, thank you for the fine. [640] give to her. Thought they could put a 10 gift to her. Mr. Jake they could put a 5 gift to her. Maude they could put a 5 gift to her. Saving they could put a 10 gift to her. Holy shit. Shit. [650] Think of it a five gift shit. Oh my fucking god. What is this sub train? Holy shit is my mic muted. No, it's not bro, what is this fucking? [660] Yo, thank you for getting this snow, thank you for the primesup, Say, I think I've been primesup, she loves Winston, thank you for the primesup, oh my fucking, what the fuck? Speak [670] I'm only shit. Call her in the gift. Jack in the gift. Oh my god. [680] PANED UP WITH THE TEN GIFTED! CAM THE GIVEN UP AND KILL THE GIVEN UP AND KILL THE GIVEN UP! FASTLY GIVEN UP AND KILL THE GIVEN UP! [690] Oh my fucking holy shit! YOOOOO! Chill! Khalid, thank you for the 10 gifts here at Amir. [700] Who just gifted 25? Who the fuck? I can't even read it. Pog, think of it as 25, get up to it! Wait, this is insane. [710] I'll free think of it the five gifted it's not money laundering shut up TD think of it the five gifted you know this insane sub trade hold it [720] Hunter with the 25 fucking gifted oh my god hunter they give it to 25 gifted Cash they give it to five gift you know chat damn think of it the five [730] What the fuck man? This might be our biggest sub train ever. Dillon thinkin' for the 5 GIFTED-BWD- [740] I think I've heard the five gifts here. Mad Dog, think I've heard the gift here. Faze, think I've heard the prime days. Think I've heard it's your water. Swag, think I've heard the five gifts here. Edwin, think I've heard the five gifts here. Long live. Long live. [750] Long live with the 50 GF tier. Oh my God. Long live with the 50 GF tier. Long live with the 50 GF tier. Eric, think of it the 5 GF tier. [760] Ryan, think of it as a 5 gift, sir. Jesse, think of it as a gift, sir. Ruh, yo. Hope with the 5 gift, sir. Davenport with the 5 gift, sir. [770] 5 gift here Rb with the 5 gift here yo what the fuck Let's get nothing if the 5 gift here stone anything with the 5 gift here | There is no Highlight in the provided timespan. Jynxzi is just talking with his chat and reading gifts and donations. At the end of this timeframe, he continues reading out subs and donations. |
Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [900] bananen_habibi: W [900] daigledetails: CAP [900] nxtgengrower: w [900] Killer_Queen098: chance23Big chance23Big chance23Big [900] frankw3617: does it jiggle [900] weebsinks: when is 24 hr stream [900] zu7s_: late [900] megasayingmd: Jynxzi why does my mom have an ela mine with a button? [900] corrosives___: At 1 🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️ [900] johnson_jynxzi: FAT [900] bippu2gs: CHUNKO HOW ARE YOU DOING AFTER YESTERDAY [901] firehotwing_gd: firehotwing_gd subscribed with Prime. [901] RonOffica: Cheer1 [902] AvatarAced: AvatarAced gifted a Tier 1 sub to blxr___19! [902] AvatarAced: AvatarAced gifted a Tier 1 sub to GEKK! [902] AvatarAced: AvatarAced gifted a Tier 1 sub to knickxknoxkxomr! [902] AvatarAced: AvatarAced gifted a Tier 1 sub to nngsigdw! [902] AvatarAced: AvatarAced gifted a Tier 1 sub to ovoplatinumx! [902] AvatarAced: AvatarAced gifted a Tier 1 sub to brenmerritt! [902] AvatarAced: AvatarAced gifted a Tier 1 sub to heynept4ne! [902] AvatarAced: AvatarAced gifted a Tier 1 sub to Diggz_Here! [902] AvatarAced: AvatarAced gifted a Tier 1 sub to liamlynch271! [902] AvatarAced: AvatarAced gifted a Tier 1 sub to KingSakon! [902] AvatarAced: AvatarAced gifted a Tier 1 sub to juggmann75! [902] AvatarAced: AvatarAced gifted a Tier 1 sub to saberteeeth! [902] waterrnelons: W [902] waterrnelons: W [902] waterrnelons: W [903] bbc2024: when is kai [903] WillBubby24: is it still gonna be 24 hours after you lose the first round? [903] bizzareblizz: what happened to the 24 hour stream? [903] iplaywitjohnson: CHUNKO [903] KMFpool: L ad [903] waterrnelons: W [903] itrealbruhhours: GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride [903] kappped: w [903] Alexbevibing1: FUCK ME [903] waterrnelons: W [903] ImCaptRogers: ImCaptRogers subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months! LFGGGGGGGGG love ya bruv hope all is good at the home front [903] waterrnelons: W [903] waterrnelons: W [903] waterrnelons: W [903] waterrnelons: W [904] waterrnelons: W [904] waterrnelons: W [904] waterrnelons: W [904] yuzzeti: yuzzeti is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [904] yuzzeti: yuzzeti gifted a Tier 1 sub to jammmmess! [905] almer526: The I’m broke someone sub me please [905] manical78: best streamer [905] ConnorWinter11: 50 fuckinggg subs [905] cd_dog1: react harder [905] pelkkafloppi: yooo wheres my subb [905] dallasshore1998: We made the right guy famous [905] renevant200: w [905] jeshep4: tou [905] beefbabyx: beefbabyx is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 21 in the channel! [905] Void_0515: i’m gonna finish before you [905] im_aluza: when is 24 hour stream [905] CoRe_Crimzy: W MONEY LAUNDER [905] twinkiewinkiefan123: so we blatantly money laundering now? [905] angus1664681: angus1664681 subscribed at Tier 1. [905] jadamcdonald: <3 <3 [906] wde_40: I wet myself every time i see you [906] phiiiilthy: whens fanmail [906] aaurzzz: W [906] dr_colo54: You're fat you fucking bitch [906] BendurrDogg: WHO SHOULD I WATCH KAI OR JYNXZI [906] fortnitekid694206: BRO IS NOT AMONG THE TOP 10 [906] ajr6track: YOOO [906] callgelix: when is Kai vs case oj [906] warrior_01281: what was with the cops yesterday? [906] isit1975: W [906] beefbabyx: beefbabyx gifted a Tier 1 sub to morenka1223! [906] beefbabyx: beefbabyx gifted a Tier 1 sub to gimliszn! [906] beefbabyx: beefbabyx gifted a Tier 1 sub to onlyjb3! [906] beefbabyx: beefbabyx gifted a Tier 1 sub to reda22q! [906] beefbabyx: beefbabyx gifted a Tier 1 sub to darshan493! [908] kposee: THIS IS LAUNDERING NO CAP [908] hofxhcfhvv: when is bronny [908] uhhPolo_: WW [908] devons62: what’s the team [908] exxxtrasmall69: play siege with doctor disrespect [908] chris_pmr: AHHH [908] ericroot70: Fuxk clix [908] gobvln: w [908] d2n8el2: fake chat [908] BurakAbi210: talk more Im almost finished [908] sobernut66: do a charity stream [908] zappyBCN: W [908] alexanderstrong6: w [908] ravtuff: wat up fatty [908] lacytolazy: fkf [909] oracle_shatterd: DADA JYNXZI e [909] godlovesyou7284637: FortOne FortOne FortOne FortOne FortOne [909] Dawsonhhh: strong ahhh [909] ftmjr24: jynxziBadAim [909] sportsgirl1012: cgf [909] fartstainn: start clips fatass [909] pur_str_xp1: dr disrespect imitate you today [909] furiousflower39: SKETCH IS WAITING [909] kingsollyplays26: ww [909] zundertaker7: caseoh is waiting [909] dimitri_the_goat21: when is fan mail [909] solodoesthis: w [910] Nightbot: Subscribe HERE: https://www.twitch.tv/subs/Jynxzi for the CHaaaaarm [911] ultra_panda16: ultra_panda16 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 9 month streak! [911] sportsgirl1012: g [911] notyobutler: WWWWWWWWWWW [911] BurntFish1: lemme get a double double animal style, animal fries with chopped chilis, and a pink lemonade jnk [911] kingsollyplays26: www [911] eminence0fshadow: how many teams [911] camille__________________: WWW [911] Nightbot: no [911] mrroberson: ‼️YOU DIDNT THANK ME‼️ [911] steven_530: WW [911] FaultySkills: luv you for real [911] GHOSTEEE_23: who we losing to today jynxzi? [911] hbraul74: W TITLEEEEEEE [911] AceTheBeast52: fan mail when [911] itachi85884: Stream harder [912] adrian_cool2917: me please [912] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [912] oscaralvvv: W [912] boxedanimationsx: www [912] rnitten: @jynxzi lemme get my vip backk [912] Papi_7even: W [912] Sphinx1_: you sleeping on stream? [912] blue_wolf099221: hi jynxzi [912] cookingmethm: l [912] englishwhatch: FAT LATE [912] Nightbot: bozo [912] mann_stein: mann_stein subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Ligma [913] SpokesmanLive: SpokesmanLive subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! W JUNKO [914] dirty_lint_roller: dirty_lint_roller subscribed at Tier 1. [914] jaxon9988: jynxziGG [914] resicyy: richer get richer [914] oli10123: YOU 2v1 In the 24hr [914] r6isah2: can i get a sub [914] poiziii: w [914] rewind016: jynxzi how to get jynxzi charm [914] ToporceanuL430: show bulge im not done [914] tyrin246: play with ginge [914] papafrontal: W [914] ttvmagical12: when is clips fatass [914] caprisun4947: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [914] FadedJunior710: NOTI GANG [914] mfsoloj: Jynxzi when is fanmail [914] hunterwalthour: your fat [915] reizer_20382: !link [915] pocketpengun: WW [915] zilentensu: cuf [915] cadenc233: I want one [915] d2n8el2: fake chay [915] WhyErrorONLY: wwwww [915] meggagaming111: Yeat is waiting [915] Tyl3rPlayzz: yo [915] shawnika: w [915] nnoahs0and16: !followtime [915] lewis_240310: g [915] ddubzz12333: wwwwwwww [915] troyurboi28: 50 [915] jeshep4: can I get a givted sub [915] R6Emel: R6Emel subscribed with Prime. [917] Dumxling28: Dumxling28 subscribed with Prime. [917] Blade51889: wwwwwwwwww [917] izdangunz0: WWWWWWW [917] androidsragonite: wow [917] raygann88: nice drip [917] bittooscared: when is caseoh [917] eliteextibitee: when’s the stream?? [917] jhuebert34: w [917] fraft029: W Johnson [917] bardown16__: money laundering [917] davld253: poooki [917] thebaldwaffle: what happened with the cops my dude? [917] badddaim420: give me sun [917] santixfn1: what happened yesterday [917] mrtoxin_ishere: coach me I’m bronze 5 [918] Ozzyosb213: ayo jynxzi I started playing siege because of you I have 60 hours now and I’m improving do you have any advice? [918] B_ROCK_LEE: w [918] Mace_Moneysticks: I can’t get crap [918] skeletalbaton94: Daddy [918] nutybuty: w [918] GhxstHxvoc: wwwwwwww 50 [918] atomicknight931: w [918] berto2hk: you know u want them to donate🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. [918] callgelix: when is Kai vs case oh [918] Twistween: !watchtime [918] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [918] JustTooke: !time [918] TheSacai: Police [918] Fossabot: @CJ_PLAYZ3, Your message is too long [918] StreamElements: Twistween has spent 6 days 6 hours watching jynxzi [919] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: -250 [920] yaboilgk: yaboilgk is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [920] barthazar12: Party1 Party1 Party1 Party1 Party1 Party1 Party1 [920] chup_03: W [920] Le0nfnbr1: wwwwwwwwwwwwW [920] GnDaughter: no way [920] v1rsp: YOU MAKE ME HARD [920] solot14: yo [920] Ace_HavocX: bronny waiting [920] big_ether: bro just got like 10 racks [920] SimplyDominated: ww [920] thomasxgg: ungrateful and fat [920] nathanmcf04: money laundering [920] yaboilgk: yaboilgk gifted a Tier 1 sub to rondonsmkez! [920] yaboilgk: yaboilgk gifted a Tier 1 sub to bruhhurbi! [920] yaboilgk: yaboilgk gifted a Tier 1 sub to Evasivvee! [921] yaboilgk: yaboilgk gifted a Tier 1 sub to StevoNevo! [921] TheMobKiller1234: +w [921] g4zegoat: Cheer1 [921] AggroPenguinz: fake subs [921] yaboilgk: yaboilgk gifted a Tier 1 sub to rio__88! [921] whompus69: doc is on seige [921] Encryptoh: !watchtime [921] ryder2715: W [921] mrmilku1234: Junkooooo [921] sebas2comp: WWWWWW [921] stonerthestoned: liar [921] 4peditz: w [921] t3ch_supp0rtx: stop pls [921] StreamElements: Encryptoh has spent 12 hours 10 mins watching jynxzi [921] hikeebah: hikeebah subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months! Wowoooo when's fainmail [922] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: -250 [923] adr3wqq: WWWWW [923] aaron716_: when is fan mail [923] aaronify: @jynxzi lets one v one [923] GHOSTEEE_23: W avatar [923] bearagun: mid streamer [923] 7amody_gang: WWWWWWWWWWWWW [923] id1dntdothat: sheeeeeesh [923] itsimplykev: ww [923] torch4555: jynxziFAT_SQ jynxziFAT_SQ jynxziFAT_SQ [923] dawson007420: Love [923] mikeyreyes_kindasucks: me [923] bannedyankeefan: AVATAR AANG [923] vdsymo: money laundering [923] trexinatorr: i love men [923] soulzwrld_yt: !link [924] jacobiscool122se: www [924] thorfinn1030: W MANS [924] maxtomerc3: money laudering [924] steven_530: W [924] renevant200: Huge w [924] turtlebrother73: hi [924] itstreig: hey [924] RoterRooney: how long is 24hr stream [924] vExcitee: DESERVED [924] rache_111: rache_111 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! You are the best [924] antics26: do you suck it? [924] makillahh: 500 [924] Nightbot: @soulzwrld_yt If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [924] StreamElements: anirishladwithoutajob has spent 7 hours 40 mins watching jynxzi [924] cliqes123: you just want money [926] junkoisnotme: HES 4 [926] bigab45: WHEN IS FAN MAIL [926] snowincolombia: when is case 1v1 [926] BSGamingINC: Cheer100 Day 70: 1 v 4 YT subscribers [926] yohnnyspoons: DO IT BE CLAPPIN? [926] maddieh74: WW [926] pepper718: MONEY LONDERING [926] Okrelo: W AVATAR [926] ericmags1331: WWWWWW [926] EternalKatze: THATS WHY THE POLICE WERE THERE [926] envix_nezi: w [926] KinggCarIos: jynxziGoodAim [926] alleyne98: L TAX FRAUD [926] typicaltylerrrr: 1am? [926] TruePatriot6: when is fan mail [927] hbraul74: W TITLE [927] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [927] ticserroo: SLIDE ME A SUB [927] BillettBoy4: someone do 100 [927] pupeee_: stream harder [927] sbetterssss: StinkyCheese StinkyCheese StinkyCheese StinkyCheese StinkyCheese StinkyCheese StinkyCheese StinkyCheese StinkyCheese StinkyCheese [927] BogerAlmighty: ayeeeee [927] GhxstHxvoc: wwwwwwwwwww [927] i3ape__: mod [927] vsnxag: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [927] wyfyttv: 1 HOUR LEFT GUYS [927] notjoey714: stop money laundering [927] StreamElements: BIGZzGAMINGG has spent 1 day 13 hours watching jynxzi [927] mintyspringg: JYNZXI I WATCH ALL UR VIDEOS [927] Adubb315: Adubb315 subscribed with Prime. [928] hiroshiia: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [929] Chriscrusty: Chriscrusty subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! Yo much love from london stretham crusty [929] LittleMeeks: LittleMeeks subscribed at Tier 1. [929] barthazar12: SeemsGood1 SeemsGood1 SeemsGood1 SeemsGood1 SeemsGood1 SeemsGood1 SeemsGood1 SeemsGood1 SeemsGood1 SeemsGood1 SeemsGood1 SeemsGood1 [929] itsimplykev: wwwwwww [929] junkoselfbar1: wwww [929] sampo420: -250 [929] bannedyankeefan: WWWW AANG [929] nolosemedaigual: w [929] kiedzd: L part timer [929] MAD5411: when is Caseoh vs Kai [929] bumblebtuna99: Kai is waiting [929] richxrdcolee: WWWWWWWW [929] dr_colo54: When's pornmail? [929] t0astedwaffie: END STREAM [929] carotzz22: Eva [930] jademan001: jynxziCharizard [930] vemon_ssg: ff [930] ravtuff: hey my little dumpling [930] dudvdbenen: POOKIE Jynxzi💋 [930] Twist3dWizzard14: GOOD [930] catman_tziger: Listen to juice, or you're a speed clone [930] unknowns_wrld: what [930] millss67: W [930] Spaz_j: where’s my sub tho 💀 [930] jlm0810: Wwwwwww [930] Djsciple: bros already made 20k [930] MidRollerJ: bro gifts 50 and i m still not subbed !! :((((( [930] potatoisok123: youre my fav part time streamer [930] UnTakenTony: wheres fan mail [930] dgcv_: w [931] ethan_m2002: ethan_m2002 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! yoooooooooooooo [932] iplaywitjohnson: W [932] Ph1xxyy: d [932] dumbdoc1227: Jynxzi waiting [932] kyleghs: shut up fatty play the game [932] StrideR9992049: dr disrespect wants to 1v1 [932] avengefulcom: ww [932] SimpleMatters: We like junko here [932] tacticalraptor98: Www [932] nobawd: wwwww [932] niiyxhh: cook [932] jynxzipartimer123: W [932] excessivezero5: UR FAT [932] lucky_ducky0101: wh [932] colton_is_odd: You're hot [932] ttvlil_hopink: W [933] brygriff134: jynxziSubHype [933] theofficialdonaldt: REACT GARDER [933] ardebil: When is fan mail? [933] bigmalle0213420: w [933] itrealbruhhours: wwwww [933] cody6951: I just want a fuckin sub bro [933] elliotistoocool: danny aaron’s is waiting [933] Knightfury16: Can I have a sub [933] kposee: BRO IS BEGGING NOW [933] volarevia00: What in the world is happening [933] joeylung: and I still got no sub [933] cris_71907: w [933] dustym0: WWWWW [933] xxxtenti0nc0rd: xxxtenti0nc0rd subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [934] goldie_jamie: goldie_jamie subscribed at Tier 1. [934] lobsterslive: lobsterslive subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months! Happy 9 months fatty [934] ninjafammo: ninjafammo subscribed with Prime. [935] connorwoodwood: connorwoodwood subscribed with Prime. [935] catched_u: w [935] alexxzanderx: W FATASS [935] carlitoss_008: WWWWWWWWWWW [935] YEZTY__: ww [935] suigriffin: MOTHERFLUFFER [935] 페록스: WWWWWWW [935] fairfax: LLLLLLLL [935] xavier5555579: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [935] netspennd: big johnson [935] sandy_sir: WWWW WW [935] doubletwst: WW [935] ttvlil_hopink: w [935] motzi5: wwwwwwww [935] brodsstar: I JUST WANNA SMASH [936] theofficialdonaldt: REACT HARDE [936] itza_miracle: he doesn’t actually care [936] SgtFoxin: w [936] cderb20: Just gimme my money [936] luassutt11: have you heard both way by juice world [936] yeeshiii_: wwww [936] Astrofobian: jynxzi ad my disc .astro2k and play me in siege [936] drezxxy: !followage [936] HavocDem0n: W AVATAR [936] Skyzz75: Wwww [936] aribellahudson: WWWWW [936] fartmonkey011: W avatar [936] 1Drae: WWWWWWWWWWWWW [936] qc_elgros_esti: type 4 if you get hard when jynxzi says your name [936] foxxiarz: WWWWWWWWW [938] devgobraazy: devgobraazy subscribed with Prime. [938] devinlancelewis: vnceW vnceW vnceW [938] lawsonminich: dude [938] thyboggle: w avatar [938] CameronM9915: Wavatar [938] dabigtuna111: hy [938] vemon_ssg: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [938] itsimplykev: wwwwwwwww [938] mr_clairvoyance: W avatar [938] nomorejambo: w avatar [938] zappyBCN: W abatar [938] Iuxu2: JYNXZI WHENS THE BRONNY 1v1? [938] trexinatorr: when i clips [938] ediblelover874: Avatar -$300 [938] reizer_20382: charm [939] jc6066: w [939] shivermetimbers15: WWWW AVATAR [939] Yuki_4743: w [939] CCG_Astro_x: w avatar! [939] bannedyankeefan: APPRECIATE HARDER [939] sandy_sir: WWWWWW [939] dubz76_: wwww avatar [939] Titanwolf3721: W AvatorW [939] Nightbot: You could get the charm by subbing normally ( https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi ) PRIME ( Twitch.tv/subs/jynxzi ) or by getting gifted, and by linking your Ubisoft with your twitch account ( https://drops-register.ubi.com ) it might take sometime so don’t worry if you don’t get it instantly [939] himmy_2010: !watchtime [939] jaxxx823: wwwww [939] bardown16__: WHEN IS CLIPS, FANMAIL, AND ROLLER PRIME [939] jackoffrn: jackoffrn subscribed at Tier 1. [939] dashypashyy: dashypashy_13 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! react harder [939] ragenfps_: ragen_98 subscribed with Prime. [940] barthazar12: bday1 [940] Yungbunsplitta: Yungbunsplitta subscribed at Tier 1. [940] xjustus05: xjustus05 subscribed at Tier 1. [941] Greg0764: do something mate [941] maitomakkara_: talk harder [941] cookiebeast91: TURN UP WITH SOME KENTREL [941] airhead_supreme: W AVATAR [941] bluemango47777: Hi [941] Sleekx1: when is stream [941] king_mitchel: when is clips [941] Alexbevibing1: W AVATAR [941] elitemhag: wWw [941] orlxw: SO YOU COMMENTATING THE TOURNEY? [941] exhaustedslothh: W [941] cooperrocks2: Pre 2 hr stream [941] DaRealGaby54: WWWWW [941] stemp_s: time fan what is mail [941] splitzooo11: w avatar [942] rushersalex69: d [942] ps5gt4: w [942] harryisoncrac: X [942] z3nchuck: where’s mines avatar [942] jynxzy_veiwbot: W [942] yetstill: WHEN IS MAILFAN [942] th3pq: dub [942] Gucci_kid54: fuck clips [942] elijahisthebesst: when fainmail [942] GHOSTEEE_23: when is three hour stream [942] zirnick: I love you il get a tattoo of ur choice for 5k [942] trexinatorr: when’s clips [942] Nightbot: 🍉 [942] jovanni44: jovanni44 subscribed at Tier 1. [942] loganhorny: loganhorny subscribed at Tier 1. [943] hiroshiia: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [944] scottcaf11: When is Fanmail? [944] LS_Prinz: WW [944] gamerbtw1678: jinxzi collab with CaseOh and wrestle him [944] tmirthx: w Avatar [944] excessivezero5: UR SO FAT [944] feezyfps: w [944] dogdontlikecat99: w avitor [944] fymcomboz: fat [944] scarybut: GIVE ME A SUB TOO [944] wolffy_100: W aviator [944] nuttydiego: I’m stroking it while sleeping [944] red_dragonemperor: When is fanmail?? [944] superchargedpontiac: sub [944] luxas_da_goat: WWWWW AVATAR [944] local292sparky_: W [945] gi11y_gi11y: yall are donating for him to lose it 1v1 [945] asydbc: w [945] Blueincorner: money farming [945] EnvyDarkXZ: W money laundering [945] fehmi975: w [945] DRK819: fan mail is when [945] v0ildles: w [945] Pilot_Azog: L fake chat [945] d1purge_: bronny is waiting [945] ZZZVodcuh: whens mail fans for [945] docterrb: what happened yesterday [945] Reckless_413: Reckless_413 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 6 month streak! how you gonna have no sound the first 6 minutes [945] m1hajlo0o: when fanmail? [945] mintyspringg: w [945] junkowunko213: W avatar [946] thedevboy9: thedevboy9 subscribed with Prime. [947] egg_is_good_: WHENSCLIPS [947] cornell0607: W [947] vandrex_odt: w [947] BelacReaper24: L vapor [947] wokzstar: x1m wasnt lying [947] rnitten: capppp [947] FiveCornDogss: WWWW [947] pinkahi: bro made 5k off subs in 10 minutes . [947] sleezeypeas: jynxziHappy jynxziHappy jynxziHappy [947] mr_butternips69: When is mail fan [947] fymcomboz: fattttt [947] Principa1ity: Sketch is waiting [947] cartop5489: w [947] skeletalbaton94: Daddy jynxziCRY [948] caramelpond9758_3: w [948] rmcarriedyou: Mail fan is how when [948] GhxstHxvoc: meeeeee??? [948] z3nchuck: w avater [948] local292sparky_: E [948] lilpntudss: w avatar [948] saluted420: white speed three hr stream tmmr jynxziGoodAim [948] thangusbeef: W AVATAR [948] th3pq: double you [948] tyronejones4: what was the big announcement [948] itsmatthewww: kinggb3XIM kinggb3XIM kinggb3XIM kinggb3XIM [948] dallasshore1998: We made the right guy famous [948] destrynz: L AVATAR [948] steven_530: WHEN IS 8???? [948] Nightbot: no 🧢 [950] barthazar12: Corgo1 Corgo1 Corgo1 Corgo1 Corgo1 Corgo1 Corgo1 Corgo1 Corgo1 Corgo1 Corgo1 Corgo1 Corgo1 Corgo1 Corgo1 Corgo1 Corgo1 [950] nolifeblake365: nolifeblake365 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 13 in the channel! [950] nolifeblake365: nolifeblake365 gifted a Tier 1 sub to universecrayo! [950] nolifeblake365: nolifeblake365 gifted a Tier 1 sub to saffronpine167! [950] nolifeblake365: nolifeblake365 gifted a Tier 1 sub to moss_45! [950] nolifeblake365: nolifeblake365 gifted a Tier 1 sub to liquid_drizzle2! [950] nolifeblake365: nolifeblake365 gifted a Tier 1 sub to king_junko! [950] zbar2099: www [950] chxrlie2105: when is sketch and case v you? [950] hogwildharry: i hope u have a blessed day to on siege [950] blitzxcloak: W AVITAR [950] tbone__999: WWWWW [950] losafterhours: W Acting skills [950] junkolover_69: Need a sub [950] 9xbrax: Can you shout me out [951] sandy_sir: WWWWW [951] Legacy653: W EST [951] lfcoots: tournament??????? [951] Gucci_kid54: fuck clips [951] exxxtrasmall69: play siege with doctor disrespect [951] bigo_johnson: w [951] ark_hyper: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [951] papazarbs: 8AMMM [951] barca8218: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [951] cliqes123: KAI IS WAITING [951] mrtoxin_ishere: coach me I’m bronze 5 [951] cd_dog1: react harder [951] imjynxzi123123123: jynxziFAT_SQ jynxziFAT_SQ jynxziFAT_SQ jynxziFAT_SQ [951] ziggaleebop12: how to get charm [951] StreamElements: love4Rjay has spent 6 hours 50 mins watching jynxzi [952] kinkygeorgebush: part time [952] Witz__818: fan is at 8 mail when? [952] tyler_23k: when’s the shaiko 1v1 [952] itsimplykev: wwwwwww [952] Dragontraq: Mail is when fan [952] imsittingontoilet: hey how long u streaming [952] ldizzle99: can to big [952] zorblll: why is fanmail [952] starlord12450: Gif t me a sub and I'll play siege again [952] adey_3462: jynxi is waiting [952] sandy_sir: WWWW [952] itsmatthewww: kinggb3XIM kinggb3XIM kinggb3XIM kinggb3XIM kinggb3XIM kinggb3XIM kinggb3XIM kinggb3XIM kinggb3XIM kinggb3XIM [952] dennistheclown: no fan mail today [952] t3dkr3w: is fan mail over ??? [952] oneharryjohnson: REACT HARDER PLS 🙏🙏 [953] jaaxyy: jaaxyy subscribed with Prime. [954] BurakAbi210: BurakAbi210 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! love ya:) [954] spooky_667: When clips [954] v0rt3xxfusion: when is it 8? [954] skinmittens1: WHAT HAPPENED YESTERDAY WHAT HAPPEND WHAT HAPPENED [954] thiccwooli: lmao [954] yiorio_: I’ll get a girl before u do a 24 hour [954] Nightbot: gifting you luck in finding a job 🙏🏻 [954] porkky72: white speed [954] bbgoat15248s: w avatar [954] xtslu: Whens fanmail [954] darkzent0: im going to touch you in your sleep [954] CarlosxMurrieta: charm [954] 2AM_owen: cap [954] fairfax: WHEN IS STREAM STARTING [954] kobe_millar: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [955] li9uidati0n: when is clips [955] mitchell_harding: W [955] secret__jayden: yo if [955] vincentv4nghost: W [955] sweatdumpster: CAP [955] karimkhaled20: i need a gifted plzzzzzzzz [955] Fiercemercy: Dodging these gifted like prime Ali [955] EternalKatze: BRO [955] faz3_w1ggly: when is fan mail [955] Sleekx1: when is streamm [955] damoney24356: WHEN IS MAILFANMAIL [955] kxngpsycho: CAP [955] bladi_locs: pre end stream [955] lzcrouso: Clips [955] StreamElements: refreshuwuty has spent 1 day 10 hours watching jynxzi [957] EllensBabyDaddy: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 WHEN IS @jynxzi HOUSE SWAT [957] OTF_BigBoy: is this fan mail, [957] MADben8u: fake chat [957] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [957] yehehwhehwhw: !link [957] zepslol: !charm [957] NoLoveJayt: mail fan is when? [957] sandy_sir: WWWWW [957] fe4r_ryza: when’s fanmail [957] r6_ufoz: WHEN IS 8 [957] mikeymapz: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [957] Nightbot: @yehehwhehwhw If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [957] imjynxzi123123123: jynxziFAT_SQ jynxziFAT_SQ jynxziFAT_SQ [957] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [957] tonylegoatt: start barking [958] mxilman_: www [958] aaron716_: when is fan mail daddy [958] bobb432143: when does stream start [958] chriztian398: WWHEN THE 24 HOUR STREAMM [958] janelle_batman: when is fanmail [958] m1hajlo0o: L WEAK 50 [958] cooter_poots: part time [958] baitmaster0671: cap [958] rubix__twitch: is fan mail when [958] ttvmotat1: dudgddhajksjcfbrccshshxicoe [958] spunkybuf: W Avatar [958] cderb20: L [958] yetstill: money laundering [958] ysgyaxe56: what is fanmail [958] plefco22: when is 8 [960] l4yn3skillz: bro just made a couple bands when he’s already rich asf [960] Cyan_Cuh: part timer [960] LongLiveRefund: no way people in my inbox wanting me to gift them a sub lmao [960] mrbbeasley23: when is tournament? [960] dr_dinger52: FAN MAIL W XIM? [960] insanity__5: react harder [960] lilbrovr_yt: ll [960] j0see_unbotheredd: W AVATAR [960] EatMyRoundsRl: VLOG [960] ry4nd4v15: jynxziRAHHH [960] hxmble_shiesty: W’S IN THE CHATT [960] bknight444: when is bronny [960] DJwalnutZ: DJwalnutZ subscribed at Tier 1. [960] Crazy_Small_Guy: you part time [960] thebaldwaffle: what happened with the cops? [961] alphnx: lessss go [961] ducko_mode08: when r clips [961] caseohww: React harder [961] cousin_lover14: when’s bronny [961] jvnkofan: END STREAM [961] ttv_skiver13: quote of the day [961] Mike_McSwagger: Mail for fans when? [961] mxilman_: wwwwww [961] qontzy_: explain swatt [961] iiTzTayskii: bro stop capping . you crash out at any point [961] Void_0515: white speed [961] Allxre_: @obesekimmich cringe [961] 4peditz: ss [961] Jizzoy: when is the stream guys [961] koliski7: Cheer1 [962] cornel6202: cornel6202 subscribed at Tier 1. [963] SilkyT3: treydizzy02 gifted a Tier 1 sub to asp3ct_lol_zero! They have given 4 Gift Subs in the channel! [963] BourneRelentless: BourneRelentless subscribed with Prime. [963] no_mercy_echo: CANT SEE [963] mike23air: mike23air subscribed with Prime. [963] bannedyankeefan: EXPLAIN HARDER [963] DAxUCE: mail fan when [963] foxxiarz: 10k CHEERED [963] timothe2369: fan mail [963] goobershooter56: L ungrateful [963] ziggaleebop12: how get charm [963] rrrylan_0: when is fanmail [963] d2n8el2: tahts fake chat [963] nathanmcf04: when mail is fan [963] anselparsa: when is vaping stream? @jynxzi [963] boros444: WHEN IS SWAT?? [964] xprodigyx_91: WHEN IS FANMAIL [964] alessandro__246: fat [964] StreamElements: zachd_5 has spent 2 days 23 hours watching jynxzi [964] nickgoat12345: sketchbwaiting [964] its_football_not_soccar: pls 1 vs 1 me and my squad [964] lachy48394847: I would 7-0 on siege [964] blubumbum: jynxziClown [964] rlss_woody: gift please [964] kuzaszn: part timer [964] the_nak3d_man: WHAT TIME IS IT [964] dolojayy00: 8am? [964] veyahlikescats: WHOLESOME [964] bishhskh: !sub [964] sandy_sir: WWW [964] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [965] unclefear1: unclefear1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ba11ox! [965] unclefear1: unclefear1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to jacksonnn___! [965] unclefear1: unclefear1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to hot__goblin! [965] unclefear1: unclefear1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to drift_matt! [965] unclefear1: unclefear1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to kalapine! [966] RayanB7_: what happened to weekly fanmail no one wants fanmail every day💀💀💀 [966] shauxity: RICCI IS WAITING [966] mrroberson: ‼️YOU DIDNT THANK ME‼️ [966] TheSacai: Policd [966] colin5410: !LINK [966] dimez1217: YOU OWE US A 24 HR STREAM BROTHER ☝🏼YOU OWE US A 24 HR STREAM BROTHER ☝🏼 [966] mortyas_: wWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [966] Nightbot: 👀 [966] bardown16__: 2V2 RON AND CLIXX [966] jakepe1: qqqqa [966] dooderrrr: dooderrrr subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! [966] Brxx_11: 1v1 bronny when [966] rb6snax: !SmallWiener [966] zefnl: Sketch is waiting [966] 5ives_5: steveonator1010 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months, currently on a 6 month streak! [967] DatBoiiTampa: CAN I GET A GIFTED BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE!!!!! [967] ralphthecoolkid: sorry to ask you I’m new to your stream when is fanmail [967] jmagadino123: Dono [967] SaltySideArms: Yo Roll your Rs for 60s [967] glowingnachoz: End stream loser too long [967] quizkoi: quizkoi is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [967] fairfax: WHEN IS STREAM STARTING CUMKO [967] bucky2258: when is Kai vs caseoh [967] ryeleesecond: 📈📈📈📈 [967] timthetatman_addict: when is caseoh vs Kai [967] derekh0ward: Cheer100 Cheer100 [967] terror_jordy: !link [967] sc_kittime: when’s fanmail [967] StreamElements: @drezxxy, drezxxy has been following jynxzi for 3 years 1 month 5 days 4 hours [967] RayanB7_: what happened to weekly fanmail no one wants fanmail every day💀💀💀 [969] ItsRoseyy: ItsRoseyy is gifting 50 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 513 in the channel! [969] zyruzi_: verbllz [969] jakepe1: rrf [969] shaqaroni_palmersan: I will win bud [969] the_black_leaf: w [969] scuba_stephen419: w avatar [969] im_aluza: when is 24 hour atream [969] PRESTON0293: jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown_SQ [969] homez_15: w [969] Shakey_Elite: clix waiting [969] twisted7005: Whens fanmail? [969] CMOMoney187: 3 HOUR SELLER [969] logedoge: YAP HARDER [969] Gucci_kid54: fuck clips [969] Vyl0ck: !link [970] StreamElements: @empresslynxi, there is no contest currently running. [970] godzilla2310: www [970] typicaltylerrrr: BRONNY IS WAITING [970] bigdicmarc: when does the stream start? [970] RayanB7_: what happened to weekly fanmail no one wants fanmail every day💀💀💀 [971] Col3s: Col3s subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! Okay [972] unrea1ist1c_l3ve: Cheer1 I’m new to your streams and what not but is there a place I can send you fanart of ya love your streams man keep it up [972] RayanB7_: what happened to weekly fanmail no one wants fanmail every day💀💀💀 [972] tonymontona23: REACT TO THE STREAM [972] bankrolbaby3: Lesss gooooo [972] Iuxu2: When is the bronny 1v1 jynxzy [972] antics26: 1v1 me [972] joejx: how do I get your charm in r6 [972] puronicaa: DONO [972] prod605: fan mail when? [972] Djsciple: yap yap yap yap yap [972] jakepe1: f# [972] Gucci_kid54: fuck clips [972] orlxw: !subcount [972] OTXSWXVY: 10k [972] pur_str_xp1: dr disrespect imitate you today [973] anselparsa: when is vaping stream? [973] tragicredgaming: when is speed when is when is speed 1v1 1v1 [973] ethanced: jynx are you doing fan mail today?? [973] almer526: sub me [973] SKIP13: copper to champ?? [973] motionn2x: pre carried [973] itsimplykev: wwwww [973] expressgunner: when is Jynxzi vs kai [973] bmk_0: SAME OLD SAME OLD [973] Nightbot: ussy [973] Nightbot: @truzeog -> You're welcome. [stop posting links] [warning] [973] Nightbot: Jynxzi has Unknown Error Occurred. If problem persists, please contact support. active subscribers! [973] RayanB7_: what happened to weekly fanmail no one wants fanmail every day💀💀💀 [973] ItsRoseyy: ItsRoseyy gifted a Tier 1 sub to kaison0! [974] ItsRoseyy: ItsRoseyy gifted a Tier 1 sub to zen_chaan! [974] ItsRoseyy: ItsRoseyy gifted a Tier 1 sub to hollowgodx! [974] ItsRoseyy: ItsRoseyy gifted a Tier 1 sub to kai4934! [974] ItsRoseyy: ItsRoseyy gifted a Tier 1 sub to quesoandchipotle! [974] ItsRoseyy: ItsRoseyy gifted a Tier 1 sub to jacobsen123456! [974] ItsRoseyy: ItsRoseyy gifted a Tier 1 sub to FleurSavage! [974] ItsRoseyy: ItsRoseyy gifted a Tier 1 sub to craftymanspider! [974] ItsRoseyy: ItsRoseyy gifted a Tier 1 sub to matheofromeaux! [974] ItsRoseyy: ItsRoseyy gifted a Tier 1 sub to frenzi3051! [974] ItsRoseyy: ItsRoseyy gifted a Tier 1 sub to theemperor1st! [974] ItsRoseyy: ItsRoseyy gifted a Tier 1 sub to Assault_player! [974] ItsRoseyy: ItsRoseyy gifted a Tier 1 sub to eric_rasmussen123! [974] ItsRoseyy: ItsRoseyy gifted a Tier 1 sub to bennnhedersss! [974] ItsRoseyy: ItsRoseyy gifted a Tier 1 sub to Thatderfguy! [974] ItsRoseyy: ItsRoseyy gifted a Tier 1 sub to OnlyGrum! [975] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: * 3 hour [975] Levi3253: look at dono [975] mortyas_: w [975] LurviaFN: 2v2 [975] cousinsgamingontwich: when is fanmail [975] AyWATP: when is stream [975] CZakk0: CAPPP [975] RayanB7_: what happened to weekly fanmail no one wants fanmail every day💀💀💀 [975] ThunderBirds: cap [975] TheSacai: Police [975] akamaru_osu: W MONEY LAUNDERING [975] rayce_bruce24: your his water boy [975] Kryptiic__: WHEN IS THE STREAM? [975] jakepe1: ff [975] im_aluza: when is 24 hour stream [976] nickgoat12345: Kai waiting [976] simodde: when is case vs rat cenat [976] zaytopia: money launderingmoney launderingg [976] jechzy: jechzy subscribed with Prime. [976] ItsRoseyy: ItsRoseyy gifted a Tier 1 sub to swhitney3! [976] ata_bey10: w [976] fuzzynuts01: When's CHASO stream [976] ItsRoseyy: ItsRoseyy gifted a Tier 1 sub to aydan_ballista! [976] Dap1861: Dap1861 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! [976] caseohbese: when’s the stream starting [976] mrmilku1234: Bronyyyyyy waiting [976] FcknShy: PLEASE CAN I GET A SUB [976] zman423ong: zman423ong subscribed at Tier 1. [977] RayanB7_: what happened to weekly fanmail no one wants fanmail every day💀💀💀 [977] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: * 3 hour [978] hakis_101: 10k bit donation [978] itsimplykev: wwwwwww [978] ghostaddict_vr: WHEN KAI VS SKECTH? [978] cleanrangers: what’s the announcement [978] Articat97: Articat97 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! [978] percquantummm: Cheer100 Cheer100 LACY BLOCKED ME FROM HIS TREAM [978] brygriff134: sketch is waiting [978] pixlshotzz: cap [978] DaRealGaby54: PRE END STREAM PART TIMER [978] Nightbot: no 🧢 [978] RayanB7_: what happened to weekly fanmail no one wants fanmail every day💀💀💀 [978] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [978] israel_01234: hfjd [978] jackoffrn: !link [978] cookiejr98: how do I get the charm [979] hhoonigann: give asub [979] mazdapu: when is friday [979] Lonergoon14: Who do you do this for? [979] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: * 3 hour [980] RayanB7_: what happened to weekly fanmail no one wants fanmail every day💀💀💀 [980] shawnwoodyard63: shawnwoodyard63 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 7 month streak! [980] pppurtleturtle: pppurtleturtle subscribed at Tier 1. [981] RayanB7_: what happened to weekly fanmail no one wants fanmail every day💀💀💀 [981] zarria7: Www [981] docterrb: what happened yesterday [981] lfcoots: tournament??????? [981] mut69: react fatter react fatter react fatter react fatter react fatter [981] donniebawls: LETS GET IT LETS GOOOOO JUNKO [981] skullrealms: when is fan mail [981] DE_GhostlyEFC: react to sidemen disstracks [981] ZachXc48: hopefully at least 4 hours [981] mortyas_: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [981] Gucci_kid54: fuck clips [981] PapiThooi: 20 minute mark coming up fast [981] rocketz492560: CAP [981] blitz12_ttv: blitz12_ttv subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! [982] mini_m1ndz: father jynxzi , kiss me!! [982] luis_the_loser: kai is waiting [982] linc401: when is bronny stream [982] ratatouilleee_: gamble and put all the gifted subs money on black [982] JustJudeo: When is clips [982] lukabrasi123: react harder Cheer1 [982] RayanB7_: what happened to weekly fanmail no one wants fanmail every day💀💀💀 [984] kingwinner2424: kingwinner2424 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [984] waterrnelons: W [984] kingwinner2424: kingwinner2424 gifted a Tier 1 sub to RuinsXBL! [984] jakepe1: a [984] waterrnelons: W [984] xx_nard_xx: !link [984] Nightbot: gifting you luck in finding a job 🙏🏻 [984] Kieranwalker35: Kieranwalker35 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 8 month streak! yurr [984] chxrlie2105: when is sketch and case v you? [984] xThrxsherx: w rose [984] zefnl: Sketch is waiting jynxzi [984] Nightbot: bozo [984] YvngSnack: ur chunky [984] willowen777: AFRICAN SUB STRAT LUL AFRICAN SUB STRAT LUL AFRICAN SUB STRAT LUL AFRICAN SUB STRAT LUL [984] StreamElements: stkianng has spent 3 days 21 hours watching jynxzi [985] stephenandrew123: stephenandrew123 subscribed at Tier 1. [987] bigbeansz: 2 hr part timers [987] oneharryjohnson: Please react harder bro [987] whosmanar: GayPride GayPride GayPride [987] FI3K_: W ROSE [987] mortyas_: wWWWWWWWWWWWWW [987] Nightbot: 😂 [987] bicks09: jynxziGLASSES [987] Nightbot: Astro A50's [987] bittooscared: when is CASEOH [987] Gucci_kid54: fuck clips [987] CMOMoney187: 3 HOUR SELLERER [987] jakepe1: as [987] steven_530: W [987] tj_junko: fuck you [987] itzzzzzzjaaake: Broooooooo. W ROSE [989] RayanB7_: what happened to weekly fanmail no one wants fanmail every day💀💀💀 [990] brodsstar: brodsstar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! ALRIGHTTTTT [990] yetstill: money laundering [990] iMcNastyJr: fan time mail when [990] taxevadingconvict: W RPSE [990] aprilxb: aprilxb subscribed at Tier 1. [990] bobb432143: when does stream start [990] o_Zuvaa: -250 [990] typicaltylerrrr: SKETCH WAITING [990] cd_dog1: react harder [990] jesus_of_rebirth: dono [990] aka_ryguy: clix better [990] bowsie213: bronny waiting [990] googlechromed: @RayanB7_ I WANT IT [990] gavynboxesu: 10,000 bit donation [990] Darthslothious: watch dono its wholesome [992] barthazar12: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [992] hammertitan6: hammertitan6 subscribed at Tier 1. [993] elysian_xoxo: When is clips pancake??? [993] jaretchristy14: wwwww rose [993] jakepe1: ss [993] cornel6202: subbed [993] madmaxx86: Bits dono [993] omooda19: dam that **** a *** [993] dubspike: W rose [993] noddleboodle: Bro thinks he's sketch😭😭😭 [993] avfc_kian901: almost at 20 minute mark [993] ThunderBirds: W Rose [993] bntlon__: L money launderer [993] therealjnime: I miss prime jynxzi when he would always read his subs [993] Shakey_Elite: when fan mail [993] anselparsa: when is vaping stream? @jynxzi [993] z3t3xy: z3t3xy subscribed at Tier 1. [994] balisticriot1217: balisticriot1217 subscribed at Tier 1. [994] nuclearfusion3003: nuclearfusion3003 gifted a Tier 1 sub to TyriqueSnyman! [994] nuclearfusion3003: nuclearfusion3003 gifted a Tier 1 sub to xzeusx1998! [994] nuclearfusion3003: nuclearfusion3003 gifted a Tier 1 sub to neaker1723! [994] nuclearfusion3003: nuclearfusion3003 gifted a Tier 1 sub to a_truck_driver! [994] nuclearfusion3003: nuclearfusion3003 gifted a Tier 1 sub to FernGuy_! [994] Marceli1648: Marceli1648 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 2 month streak! part timer [996] Ssquirrrellll: w caption [996] VyseM4H: When is Jynxi stream is? [996] notslock: I CANT STOP QUEEFING!!! [996] ttvlil_hopink: W [996] toastedbread6782: Kai is waiting [996] floppynugget_2225: 🏉 [996] mrroberson: ‼️YOU DIDNT THANK ME‼️ [996] thangusbeef: W ROSE [996] black_santa020: w rose [996] gh0sty_xd69: BRONNY IS WAITING [996] superwilken718: superwilken718 subscribed with Prime. [996] darkwrld22: dono [996] DrillDaddy5000: W Rose [996] kadegallahann: what happened with the cops [996] Darthslothious: Dono is wholesome [997] Finantic_: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [997] grandseaker: Whens the Kai 1v1 [997] whosmanar: GayPride GayPride [997] jnxd10: JYNXZI WHAT HAPPEND TO THE SIX HOUR YESTERDAY [997] rhysdavies6848: w [997] slightlybelowaveragesize: plow me daddy [997] jacobn0823: w [997] ddubzz12333: pre 2 hour stream [997] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [997] alec_g67: fan 8 mail o’clock? [997] unluckyhehexdddd: LMAO [997] siracho_402: mail fan next Friday ? [997] gloowlightwow: Like yesterday's '6 hour stream' [998] trumoo_mi1k: trumoo_mi1k subscribed with Prime. [999] mcbloof123: WWWW [999] Mace_Moneysticks: pls I want the charm [999] bradyoncontroller1: hi [999] luke19hwbwheh: Wwwww [999] warrantpython25: W rose [999] jasji1230: what happen yesterday [999] NateBeCringe: Steve will do it [999] bigman78352: FAT [999] Vicordrengen: stop reading subs [999] dylansrose: ROSE GANG [999] youseftheone14: !points [999] wyfyttv: WHEN IS KAI VS CASE 1V1 [999] wonston8: DONO [999] fairfax: WHEN IS THE ONE V ONE WIT LEBRON [999] jclev9: why did you end stream [1000] faze_ggkills: w rose [1000] sidneyloca: W ROSE [1000] kappped: w gift [1000] StreamElements: @youseftheone14 youseftheone14 has 7380 points and is rank 58279/1652547 on the leaderboard. [1000] xdirtysponh: junko [1000] tonyprado1: w [1000] BurntFish1: lemme get a double double animal style, animal fries with chopped chilis, and a pink lemonade [1000] EatMyRoundsRl: VLOG [1000] goobershooter56: L ungrateful [1000] tycinat: 1 hour stream [1000] coinhall22: watch kai [1000] itsimplykev: wwww [1000] othatscar88: othatscar88 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! [1000] lukabrasi123: react harder Pride1 [1001] barthazar12: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [1001] coopdog9: coopdog9 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [1002] coopdog9: coopdog9 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Bear3075! [1002] coopdog9: coopdog9 gifted a Tier 1 sub to rasheedbaldwin! [1002] coopdog9: coopdog9 gifted a Tier 1 sub to 私たちに会いたい! [1002] coopdog9: coopdog9 gifted a Tier 1 sub to camhundley23! [1002] coopdog9: coopdog9 gifted a Tier 1 sub to isaac2playa775! [1002] kgs_ace101: When is mail fan [1002] KaizerV8: sketch is waiting [1002] ck7dumbo: WHEN DOES STREAM START IM BORED [1002] themightybom: i like junko [1002] bitemanx: Bronny stream? [1002] beasty_boy2211: when is fan mail at 8 [1002] ladarian_requise: !link [1002] Nightbot: @ladarian_requise If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [1002] Bruh_thatsmusty: PART TIMER MCFATFUCK [1002] davenportc21: sketch is waiting [1006] stonerthestoned: bronny is waiting [1006] mintyspringg: WHEN IS KAI CENAT 1v1 [1006] kenpachi791: 666 CHAIN SOLD UR SOUL BUDDY [1006] Nightbot: i was crazy once [1006] Dwilsn: jynxziBounce jynxziBounce jynxziBounce jynxziBounce jynxziBounce [1006] shockmanagement8: When is Case vs Scetch [1006] chunky_junky_wunky: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [1006] ky_rudd: fat cam [1006] vertex5_357: Ww [1006] 5starzBen: wwww [1006] jakepe1: when is friday [1006] vvkaze: W [1006] kxngpsycho: WHEN IS CASEOH 2v2 [1006] ogchunreese: react harder [1006] king_mitchel: when is kai vs sketch [1008] IwantMatcha: when we playing shieko [1008] cookiebeast91: TURN UP WITH SOME KENTREL [1008] 6tyrtle: DONO [1008] FcknShy: SUB [1008] nnasika: yo jynxzi bro i was wondering if its possible for you stream earlier on the weekends so us EU fans can watch u? [1008] austinpg02: COPS ARE WAITING [1008] qlg11: Hhjjjjjhjjj [1008] Brxx_11: what happened with cops [1008] Bostonboy: Wow bully [1008] pur_str_xp1: dr disrespect imitate you today [1008] MorkViking: WHEN IS VARSITY VS SPOIT [1008] sappyq1: what does the J logo next to my name means [1008] stephenandrew123: W stream [1008] MrAssassin_Xx: @rayanb7_ your 30, stfu [1008] v2shxfty: what happened yesterday anyway [1009] stijnchazam: W [1009] strike_finesse1: L part timer [1009] sawyerbopp: D [1009] bandzonme_707: PART TIMER [1009] treve_r: WWWWW [1009] brodacious271: when’s fan mail [1009] imgoinbrazyy: BRONNY WAITING [1009] cxmishim: When 24 you stream [1009] iluvzebra12: Xim is waiting [1009] reallubz: kai waiting [1009] ebknight89: bronny stream v2 EZ [1009] xvDarkVenom177: W [1009] tjych: Pumpkin [1009] memo_____8: Bro got 2k for 15min streaming [1009] akaqoute: akaqoute subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months! when’s fan mail [1010] koltonpeat: koltonpeat is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [1011] koltonpeat: koltonpeat gifted a Tier 1 sub to zipfrog797! [1011] djsins21: BITS MESSAGE [1011] MebbyWebby: junkyard [1011] obesekimmich: L INDUSTRY PLANT❗️❗️ [1011] jyn0z: couldnt watch yesterday, who won bronny or Jynxzi [1011] matt8u: did you get arrested [1011] 5starzBen: w [1011] arbz3005: Sketch is calling [1011] no_mercy_echo: WHEN IS KAI AND SKETCH VS JYNXZI [1011] CHUGYddy: HOW MANY SUBS ARE YOU AT [1011] tylerm1cjrjf: sketch is wating [1011] sherk_ondvd: kai waiting [1011] lennoxonfire: jynxziPACK [1011] waterrnelons: safFun [1011] Nightbot: safFun [1012] urdadsellsavon69: urdadsellsavon69 subscribed with Prime. [1012] reverse999g: white speed [1012] mut69: react fatter react fatter react fatter react fatter react fatter [1012] 00_lev: sketch waiting [1012] mybanana_45: eat my butt [1012] DDARWINTB: when’s later [1012] thcinfested: 14 MINS [1012] o_Zuvaa: KAI IS READY [1012] cheesychester13: BITS [1012] kohvyt: When kai vs caseoh? [1012] inevitableee: Bronny waiting [1012] callgelix: when is Kai vs case oh?? [1012] aaronmacrae18: SKETCH IS WAITING [1012] grehpm: E2Smooth is waiting [1012] soundcloutken: W PURESCRUB [1014] SanderBekken: SanderBekken is gifting 20 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 30 in the channel! [1014] dallasshore1998: We made the right guy famous [1014] papi_logann: when is kai vs caseoh [1014] john_hartson78: when is sketch v kai [1014] xdl0ifr: chat i feel like i should get a gifted sub [1014] drewsdead: L part time [1014] tonymontona23: FACECAM TO BIG [1014] xgodly_mobx: lkwlakkwkwkw [1014] Captain_pepe040: when is fanmail? [1014] blazinghotwings: W [1014] baller7jems: sketch is waiting [1014] dimez1217: YOU OWE US A 24 HR STREAM BROTHER ☝🏼YOU OWE US A 24 HR STREAM BROTHER ☝🏼YOU OWE US A 24 HR STREAM BROTHER ☝🏼YOU OWE US A 24 HR STREAM BROTHER ☝🏼 [1014] PRESTON0293: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp GalaxyUnpacked [1014] AyWATP: when is kai [1014] ethanhofmann1212: sketch is waiting [1015] meattamer69: jynxziBadAim [1015] SanderBekken: SanderBekken gifted a Tier 1 sub to firespiret! [1015] SanderBekken: SanderBekken gifted a Tier 1 sub to griegodante! [1015] SanderBekken: SanderBekken gifted a Tier 1 sub to j2vaild! [1015] SanderBekken: SanderBekken gifted a Tier 1 sub to soggycereal2001! [1015] miirrr4k: when is clips [1015] SanderBekken: SanderBekken gifted a Tier 1 sub to ErinFr_! [1015] SanderBekken: SanderBekken gifted a Tier 1 sub to vinceh006! [1015] SanderBekken: SanderBekken gifted a Tier 1 sub to alex_izdyk! [1015] SanderBekken: SanderBekken gifted a Tier 1 sub to ryan_amador24! [1015] SanderBekken: SanderBekken gifted a Tier 1 sub to ke_dgaf! [1015] daigledetails: RAIDED [1015] phiiiilthy: whens fanmail [1015] t3xasplays44: pxppyGojotwerk pxppyGojotwerk [1015] yng_crash: yng_crash subscribed at Tier 1. [1016] DanGleesak163: DanGleesak163 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [1017] censoredusernam: bronnys waiting [1017] uk_lacy: someone gifted 10k [1017] 38J3: nobody wants to watch clips bro just play the fucking game [1017] SoggyDogzilla: when is athieno vs jynxzy [1017] btax7o: Could someone give me subscription [1017] luvfrozty: bronnys waiting [1017] xyrisze: PART TIMER [1017] haydottv: WHY U END YESTERDAYYY [1017] andyzoop: MY DOG IS WAITING [1017] logedoge: yap harder + fat [1017] itzzjustmike: when is clips?? [1017] eathie2k_: xim unbanned [1017] chxrlie2105: when is sketch and case v you? [1017] oSaltii: 10k BITS [1017] pinkliquid_: when will you 1v1 Lebron @jynxzi ???? [1018] schmidty271: we do not care [1018] booch_frr: when is flight 1v1 [1018] himmy_2010: !watchtime [1018] 73662663663: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [1018] jacob222222: check dono!!! [1018] mxilman_: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [1018] gkc919: w [1018] jynxielfbar: hope I get gifted [1018] xzzirenisgoated: CORNBALL ASS BUTTER MILK PANCAKE [1018] ryder2715: W [1018] l3nny_corking: 1 [1018] StreamElements: himmy_2010 has spent 1 day 5 hours watching jynxzi [1019] urboyzlane69: urboyzlane69 subscribed at Tier 1. [1020] sobernut66: do a charity stream [1020] inferno_614: hdhdhdhd [1020] brsper17: CAN SMB GIFT MEEEE [1020] zfzeus: YOU WERE [1020] jacobiscool122se: ww [1020] harry41ontopyerknowda: w [1020] lachy48394847: when is sketch coming on stream [1020] VeaBe_RL: when is sketch? [1020] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: u mute it on purpose LUL [1020] NadavListens: lol [1020] 711classiccrispychicken: jynxziGG [1020] abilitiez450: jinxzi it would be very nice if you said my name right now it would make my day and it would make me wet in my panty wanties my name is jandel [1020] broodjekebaab: Tomorow 24 hour stream right??? [1020] wha12up: JYNZXI CLONE [1020] Nightbot: 😂 [1021] wde_40: you weigh so much case is jealous of you [1021] coopdog_77: FAN MAIL IS WHEN [1021] chdsee: XIM AND RICCI VS STOMPN AND JYNXZI, [1021] luassutt11: have you heard both way by juice world [1021] 5starzBen: omg [1021] itztheeporkey: w [1021] ItsSoarin: JYNXZI I STARTED WATCHING DEATH NOTE [1021] typicaltylerrrr: CASE V KAI WHEN [1021] uijjn_: W [1021] pessiandmessi: ERCERCE [1021] wolffy_100: L BULLY [1021] ikilaz: ikilaz subscribed with Prime. [1021] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: u mute it on purpose LUL [1021] bStumpf88: bStumpf88 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! W [1023] kohl13: when is shaiko 1v1 [1023] madmaxx86: Bots dono [1023] P0LEYY_: when is spoit 1v1 [1023] ed_wa_er_: when is clips [1023] acztzz: BRONNY WAITING [1023] SG1Rez: WHEN MAIL FAN [1023] noahtheechoppa: mail when fan? [1023] IcyySwish: you are so fat [1023] vluhegzz: jynxzi ur a part timer lil bro [1023] kenpachi791: 666 CHAIN SOLD UR SOUL BUDDY N [1023] xaslone: you hit 20 min mark just end [1023] xoErickk: w hivise [1023] jgarfieldttv: FLIGHT 1V1???? [1023] josephp1205: what happened yesterday [1023] anselparsa: when is vaping stream? @jynxzi [1024] hahahahahhahahhahhh: what [1024] dabuntaonthebeat: when is 8pm [1024] gamerbtw1678: W [1024] NoLimitMado: jynxziBadAim [1024] Lobonskii: clip farming when?? [1024] beaston1228: did you get swotted? [1024] englishwhatch: FAT LATE [1024] avav4go: WHATS THE ANNOUNCEMENT [1024] GHOSTEEE_23: hi vise turn off commenting too fast BS [1024] toma_5283: so if I sub do I get the charm [1024] notslock: @Jynxzi I CANT STOP QUEEFING!! [1024] chloe_sabados00: Brooo I can’t get a subbbbb [1024] waterrnelons: come awnnn [1025] stingrayy11: stingrayy11 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! [1026] lilsluga: w vise [1026] laydenisthatguy83780: when sketch 1v1 [1026] uijjn_: W rose [1026] cronix____: When is fanmail? [1026] t_wooo63: when’s fan mail [1026] stonerthestoned: L vaper [1026] zundertaker7: someone donated 10k [1026] FcknShy: SUB ME PLEASE [1026] poopo_phyto_ttv: cap [1026] nathaniel_iv: you got poop stain on your dumpy [1026] kohvyt: When kai vs caseoh???????????????????? [1026] wwwiso: wwwiso subscribed at Tier 1. [1026] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [1026] Nightbot: no 🧢 [1026] makillahh: when are you playing spoit [1027] zavier998: !sub [1027] siegegodfrfr: gift sub for feet pics [1027] phoenix_o14: W hivis [1027] bigrossla: when is 8 [1027] wha12up: JYNZXI CLONEE [1027] dogpoop21: L vise [1027] tmoney3034: when is fanmail [1027] patriotsfan199: L money farm [1027] 0marsit0o: HORNY?!? [1027] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [1027] Nightbot: gifting you luck in finding a job 🙏🏻 [1027] toastedbread6782: Kai is outside waiting for you [1027] demovl_: demovl_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months! [1028] Sslugshots095: Sslugshots095 subscribed with Prime. [1029] Tyl3rPlayzz: Cheer1 there’s a spider on yo chair [1029] majorwood28: majorwood28 subscribed with Prime. [1029] patrickkracus: patrickkracus subscribed at Tier 1. [1029] jaydennnnhey: 8 am fanmail [1029] itsmamjaydenah: jynxziGG jynxziGG jynxziGG jynxziGG jynxziGG jynxziGG jynxziGG jynxziGG [1029] huddyondabeat: cheerwhal1 cheerwhal1 react harder [1029] sportsgirl1012: stream [1029] netspennd: that’s not killau is it? [1029] bryant_pappa: I [1029] OhhMyLGND: best 10min [1029] the_nak3d_man: CAP [1029] Ozzzadnar: DONO [1029] matt_dubsss: w hivise [1029] divincii_: cap [1029] FI3K_: BRO JUST MADE 30 THOUSAND DOLLARS [1030] Brodskeee: HIVICE glaze [1030] paxtonspecs: when is sketch vs Kai [1030] mustardfingers69: Does it got movement? [1030] MoH_Simmie: scripted asf [1030] lilbro1463: aldolfo is waiting [1030] goobershooter56: mute on purpose [1030] joelennon99: how do i watch jynxzi [1030] 73662663663: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [1030] optikretired: W [1030] jnxd10: JYNXZI WHAT HAPPEND TO THE SIX HOUR YESTERDAY [1030] nick123863: !LINK [1030] Nightbot: @srnselectedgamer -> I hope you learned your lesson. [stop spamming symbols] [1030] waterrnelons: W [1030] waterrnelons: W [1030] waterrnelons: W [1031] waterrnelons: W [1031] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: cap [1032] twistimistyyy: hviz [1032] qlg11: Buujjj [1032] eliteextibitee: when the stream? [1032] fries714: W [1032] iExcur: let’s run it up [1032] ttvmotat1: sodifjrhehduducucuufjejsuducuufurjejsuducufjejjsjsjjdjxjcucuvuvugiififidididididid [1032] fortnitekid694206: WWWWW [1032] zyruzi_: is this McDonald’s webcam?? [1032] wolffy_100: L BULLY L BULLY L BULLY [1032] DoMathsKids: when you 1v1ing shaiko [1032] goatonstickss: ws [1032] rainbowsixgod_777: when is Kai cenat strem [1032] itzbrian_24: part time yesterday [1032] giftmesubforcharm: w [1032] beensock: CHECK DONO L UNGRATEFUL [1033] harryisoncrac: As [1033] maxow32: haaalllloooo [1033] dimez1217: YOU OWE US A 24 HR STREAM BROTHER ☝🏼YOU OWE US A 24 HR STREAM BROTHER ☝🏼YOU OWE US A 24 HR STREAM BROTHER ☝🏼YOU OWE US A 24 HR STREAM BROTHER ☝🏼YOU OWE US A 24 HR STREAM BROTHER ☝🏼 [1033] fishing_with_devon: yo just subbed when do I get charm jynxziGLASSES [1033] DRK819: cap [1033] Kaijouss: why didn’t you stream for 6 hours [1033] logedoge: yap harder + Fat [1033] o_Zuvaa: W [1033] ShadowfaxHemi: CAP [1033] yahmgaming469: W [1033] asbo00: !gamble 100 [1033] bryant_pappa: w [1033] trynafets: CAP [1033] realmatze26005: dono [1033] StreamElements: drewvarenas2 lost 100 points in roulette and now has 4324 points! FeelsBadMan [1034] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: cap [1034] Nightbot: no 🧢 [1035] unlyx_: unlyx_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months! [1035] maxxyyy07: when is fan mail [1035] jemgotmotion: WHENS IRL CASEOH STREAMMMM [1035] MebbyWebby: w [1035] tksjamiekightley: Jynxzi new car? Jynxzi new car? Jynxzi new car? Jynxzi new car? Jynxzi new car? Jynxzi new car? [1035] fischi_in_me187: Cap [1035] SW0LES: cap [1035] dobbs4848: not watching the 24hr if sketch ain’t there [1035] steven_530: WHEN IS 1????? [1035] beamofeli: cappppp [1035] ep2831: 5 hour stream tmrw [1035] MellohGKO: cap [1035] astroidr6: WWWWWWWW [1035] pinkliquid_: When will you 1v1 Lebron @jynxzi [1035] dogpoop21: L MONEY LAUNDERER [1036] boghole1: Chatrrr [1036] toastedbread6782: cap [1036] expressgunner: when is Jynxzi vs kai [1036] zachh0605: www [1036] qlg11: Püäölkiii [1036] JobilisXx: cap [1036] macisdum: W [1036] callmezero361: fake [1036] agentpenguino_: SUBprise SUBprise SUBprise [1036] karqytt: capppppppp [1036] cheau2trappe: when’s Kai stream [1036] savgew: 24 hour stream tonight? [1036] jynxzi_johnson27149: Cap [1036] Nightbot: !gamble all [1036] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: cap [1037] darkwrld22: darkwrld22 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months, currently on a 10 month streak! love you junko [1038] rr_kurbyx: Cheer1 [1038] thelegendroheet: he’s gonna be late [1038] ianisg22: gifting you luck in finding a job 🙏🏻 [1038] josu310f: CAPPPP [1038] crzxq: you dont read chat [1038] owen_hoult: W [1038] hadielalali: mail when fan? [1038] pinkliquid_: When will you 1v1 Lebron @jynxzi ??? [1038] daviegonza10: cap [1038] dxvidw: JUNKIEEEEEEEE [1038] siracho_402: mail fan next Friday ? [1038] fgfdhjjggcv: h [1038] lightking140: I need a sub [1038] PRESTON0293: PokBlastoise PokBlastoise PokBlastoise PokBlastoise [1038] TheMiier: CAP [1040] quizkoi: Cheer1 [1041] frgoats: WHIS GOT ME WITH A SUB [1041] rory_wa: 10KKKKK BITS [1041] therealjgorilla: hi [1041] mkodsi11: jynxziVapeBreak [1041] s_dawg_25: !watchtime [1041] GrimlxckDZG: WHEN IS THE PORNHUB WATCH PARTY [1041] TRANQUIL999: cap [1041] fymcomboz: cappp [1041] leomaxw11: w [1041] vincheerio: w part timer [1041] xidontknowausername: DOES IT LEAVE A SNAIL TRAIL DOES IT LEAVE A SNAIL TRAIL DOES IT LEAVE A SNAIL TRAIL DOES IT LEAVE A SNAIL TRAIL [1041] wyfyttv: WHEN IS KAI VS CASE 1V1 [1041] JobilisXx: 🧢 [1041] cosmicz__: whens fan mail chunko [1041] xofficialkevo: !link [1042] tyler_23k: when’s the shaiko 1v1 [1042] jackbob18: ur not gonna do it [1042] morrisgmm: when’s tournament Saturday? [1042] tragicredgaming: when is speed 1v1when is speed 1v1 [1042] troyurboi28: what’s your twitch [1042] megasayingmd: Jynxzi why does my mom have an ela mine with a button? [1042] daredscar: 10k bits [1042] kieranjack1245: When is fan mail [1042] braxtizlisfrosty: can I get a sub pls [1042] grindallgames101: 24 hour stream [1042] shaqaroni_palmersan: Im a bronze that would slam you in a 1v1 [1042] StreamElements: s_dawg_25 has spent 4 hours 10 mins watching jynxzi [1042] dudvdbenen: POOKIE Jynxzi💋 [1042] uhhPolo_: WHATS UP BROTHER [1042] Nightbot: @officialdeetime If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [1044] okay_kole: okay_kole subscribed with Prime. [1044] JAYTOTAL: when is fanmail again? [1044] ysgyaxe56: what is fanmail [1044] tryspp: speed is waiting [1044] Pre_Enigma: PRE 2H STREAM [1044] zenq496: stop lying fatty [1044] sterlingarcher321: 50th floor. eating hibachi [1044] jay_mcm07: where’s case oh [1044] hispaniclemon: POLICE ARE WAITING [1044] PhoenixChicken3: who is in the tournament stack‘ who is in the tournament stack? [1044] darkwrld22: dono [1044] fymcomboz: capppp [1044] Aqrax173: face cam too round [1044] bigchees32: how do we claim the charm [1044] pinkliquid_: When will you 1v1 Lebron @jynxzi ? [1045] zerqz2: when is new season coming out [1045] li9uidati0n: when's fan mail [1045] iioveximm: how r u my boiiiii [1045] abdelishim: open ur mouth [1045] bandzonme_707: PART TIMER [1045] l0hk3y: when is kai vs caseoh [1045] boghole1: !gamble 100 [1045] Nightbot: Astro A50's [1045] grahamsbro: When is fan mail? [1045] truetopher726: when [1045] tokyobarn: u owe us a 24 hour [1045] derbimalte: derbimalte subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! www [1045] beamofeli: parttime stremer [1045] StreamElements: boghole1 won 100 points in roulette and now has 5150 points! FeelsGoodMan [1045] Fossabot: @choods10, Your message is too long [1046] Enrusted: Enrusted subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 2 month streak! bout to cream let’s go [1047] tragicredgaming: when is speed 1v1 [1047] lincolnlogz09: when’s 8 [1047] aspectx10: MAIL IS WHEN FAN? [1047] mr_butternips69: Is this Netflix is this Netflix is this Netflix is this Netflix is this Netflix is this Netflix [1047] antics26: what’s the account [1047] kyledabs9: 👮♂️ [1047] Guinto: when is 8 fanmail [1047] ghxstkiller21: brony waithing [1047] roger_thegreat: caseoh waiting [1047] bannedyankeefan: SAID IT TEICE [1047] tt_thic_boy: is this quizlet [1047] Glavapoop: cap [1047] BuzzedGamer: L [1048] ionic_a1pha: WAS THE SWATTING A CLIP FARM? [1048] adro1221: 8 AM?? [1048] badaim39: react harder [1048] dylannn619: ungrateful [1048] yaboytim__: your fat white speed [1048] jordousesxim: jordousesxim subscribed at Tier 1. [1048] TheLemonPerson: white speed [1048] steven_530: WHEN IS 1? [1048] mous3m4n: atttddd 8 [1048] alleyne98: 2-4 HOUR STREAM** [1048] chxrlie2105: when is sketch and case v you? [1048] sambawicho: fan mail when [1048] aprilxb: TOO CLOSE TO THE FACE CAM BACK UP [1048] abhamani8: WHEN IS JYNXZI V RON AND CLIX [1048] oSaltii: 10k BITS [1049] SnaqPatrol: SnaqPatrol subscribed at Tier 1. [1049] eliteextibitee: when is the stream [1049] yunus1106: React softer [1049] xashrushx: When is fain mail [1049] wherethesidewalkends8: 8 AM [1049] automatikgaming111: 🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔 [1049] badbeats4040: so 8AM [1049] xmrduck: when's sketch vs kai [1049] darthminer777: when fanmail [1049] deh_1234: when is can mail [1049] PRESTON0293: GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride [1049] Nightbot: real [1049] StreamElements: dogpoop21 went all in and lost every single one of their 3015 points LUL [1049] StreamElements: @kbloom406, you only have 850 points. [1049] StreamElements: dkenny241 went all in and lost every single one of their 255 points LUL [1051] kxkx2211: LOOK OUT YOUR WINDOW [1051] jaytalkt0em: When is fan mail [1051] xgodly_mobx: jenbewbbebehhsh [1051] InsidiousDC: DR DISRESPECT CALLED YOU OUT ON R6 [1051] cornel6202: !LINK [1051] notjoey714: donkey ass kid buttermilk fucking pancake [1051] callmeb0o: WHEN IS THE STREAM STARTING? [1051] eathie2k_: xim unbanned [1051] antics26: what’s the accoung [1051] carterrq: when is fanmail [1051] iluvzebra12: When is fan mail [1051] repo33: says it twice [1051] VyseM4H: When is Jynxi stream is? [1051] rajrana_: what happened yesterday [1051] avalanchesurfer: He says it twice lol [1052] playboicartilover691: part time streamer full time vaper [1052] nikey1212: when is Caseoh v Kai [1052] classywizardgamer: eight am [1052] ray081608: when is fan mail [1052] z0a17: what happened to weekly fanmail no one wants fanmail every day💀💀💀................ [1052] lolitsfindog: already said it 4 times [1052] pi5tolpete: fan mail when ? [1052] willwalkdown: 8 [1052] Nayte_93: 8am pst? [1052] kidcudis_kid: fan mail today? [1052] isaacneild2005: when is Kai vs sketch [1052] pawdukes_fan_person: WHENS FANMAIL [1052] cadenc233: when fan mail? [1052] kyazz1010: Cheer100 [1054] L_ADS69: 20 gifted [1054] imtoo3azy: just worked 12 hours and took 5 pulls off the jack bottle for the stream LETS GOOOOOOO [1054] fuzzynuts01: When's fanmail [1054] jcob8928: wwwww [1054] moneky2121: w part timer [1054] xample7: when is fan mail [1054] ghxstkiller21: brony waiting [1054] realraider_: woah [1054] loonyz187: When is the fan mail [1054] Ruben2Neat: when is fan mail [1054] mut69: react fatter [1054] Kraymoon: XQC IS WAITING!!!!! [1054] the_acorn22: Sketch is waiting [1054] csal90: Obama waiting [1054] uwriii: when is fanmail [1055] danklemur: react harder dude [1055] lockeykockey3: EVERYONE SPAM GIVE HIVISE A RAISE [1055] konoharogueninja: when fanmail [1055] poptarts42010: WHENS FANMAIL??! [1055] Ironhide420: cap [1055] iamtheattackjr121: whens fan mail? [1055] donkey077: w [1055] Legend2o8: Legend2o8 subscribed with Prime. [1056] iatejacob: iatejacob subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! [1057] xBudBreezeR6: when is epal [1057] bandzonme_707: PART TIMER [1057] Neoisim: whens fan mail? [1057] nathaniel_iv: you got a dookie stain on your dumpy [1057] lfell21: when is fanmail [1057] getmoney12356: 3hr yesterday why? [1057] jalifeggg: clip farmingp [1057] atennett100207: When is fanmail [1057] eliloera321: Sketch is waiting [1057] shipmannnn: when is fan mail??? [1057] Marcus11394: What time zone is fan mail? [1057] ethanced: @jynxzi ate you doing fan mail? [1057] usa_america_usa: when is fanmail [1057] cliqes123: WHAT TIME IS FAN MAIL [1057] tacticalraptor98: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [1058] Drag0nTamerLiam: sketch is waiting [1058] cheebah710: @jynzxi I’m sorry dude I’m late fukkkkk [1058] denisalexander11: when is 8pm fan mail?? [1058] mr_bubblers: when is clips [1058] ttblu_12: REACT TO THE 10K BITS MESSAGE [1058] alice_and_wonderland_14: when is fan mail [1058] ttv_skiver13: quote of the day [1058] alec_g67: when is beaulo 1v1???? [1058] timothe2369: how many minute [1058] GHOSTEEE_23: sooooo were in standard [1058] zakayden7363: I just subscribed and linked everything I need to get the charm and I don’t have it I did it yesterday [1058] xoErickk: fan when mail [1058] kxngpsycho: FAN MAIL WHEN IS???? [1058] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [1058] zavier998: !sub [1059] eddiegz84: lol [1059] cris_71907: Dd Osama is waiting [1059] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [1059] Nightbot: 😂 [1059] agradwohl23: what time is it [1059] FadedJunior710: mail when is fan? [1059] francis6345: WHEN IS CLIPS [1059] zeniccs: zeniccs subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [1059] waterrnelons: :O [1059] Erebus_08: Erebus_08 subscribed with Prime. [1061] seedless1904: mid smash [1061] goober056: play ranked [1061] S3ns3iSoysauc3: part time [1061] serg_5280_: FANMAIL?!!?!?!?? [1061] fortnitekid694206: HYPE [1061] uplift_frost: when is fanmail [1061] FrioYT20: react harder [1061] sotinyyy1579: is when mail fan? [1061] sandy_sir: LKMAAOOO💀 [1061] zx_luna_zx: w [1061] kashjust: w [1061] rumple_4_skin911: when fan mail is? [1061] side_goon: Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa [1061] zeniccs: w [1061] NurpleJesus: BAN HIM [1062] astroidr6: UH OHHHH [1062] fmatejic: is fan when mail [1062] jovanni44: new sub!!! jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [1062] nolanm8702: when is the fanmail [1062] bannedyankeefan: HIT THE CAMERA HARDER [1062] ex0tic_74: when mail fan [1062] nolimitnoob_: LMFAO [1062] fuzzynuts01: When's fan mail [1062] dom_bby: mail when fan is???? [1062] ConnorWinter11: What tf [1064] n0ctourne: LMAAO [1064] chaceballer13: what are you gonna do for 24 hiurs [1064] vP_TV: mail fan time when @Jynxzi [1064] provide24: Pop [1064] sandy_sir: 💀💀 [1064] zyruzi_: FAN MALE [1064] juice1_6: fan mail when? [1064] cjamesdoucet: PART TIMER [1064] al_sah_him00: LMFAOOOO [1064] qsnoopyy: GIFT MEEEEE [1064] pele1554: sketch will win [1064] apokalypse_786: when is clips [1064] diamond141: !watchtime [1064] Nightbot: gifting you luck in finding a job 🙏🏻 [1064] yvltokyo: KEKW [1065] StreamElements: diamond141 has spent 1 day 10 hours watching jynxzi [1065] mazdapu: when is 8 [1065] EnzoqZ: W begin [1065] akaydinho: !prime [1065] Slime566: tourny tmr or no [1065] tonyprado1: LMAOOAOOAOAO [1065] not_sparkss1: when is Kai vs caseoh [1065] Nightbot: Subscribe to @Jynxzi for FREE with Twitch Prime Twitch.tv/subs/jynxzi [1065] klong123g: why do you stream so late man I am in the UK [1065] peytonofc: mail when fan [1065] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: to send them [1065] carlfriedrice: you get sw@tted? [1065] xjustus05: link [1065] cliqes123: WHEN IS FAN MAIL [1065] jnxd10: JYNXZI WHAT HAPPEND TO THE SIX HOUR YESTERDAY [1066] hbdjdylan: whats 8 [1066] markythe3rde: When is kai vs sketch [1066] etslibbly: WHEN FANMAIL [1066] dior_uzii: mail fan is when? [1066] ssvpx: bad aim [1066] Blueincorner: !gamble 20 [1066] StreamElements: Blueincorner lost 20 points in roulette and now has 4570 points! FeelsBadMan [1068] z0a17: what happened to weekly fanmail no one wants fanmail every day💀💀💀... [1068] puronicaa: wej fanmail is [1068] itsyoboijoey12: !gamble 200 [1068] pippy_calibre: what happened with the cops [1068] wealwayswin6110: change the title bro [1068] ttvmiller10: !clips [1068] kataya21: 💀💀💀 [1068] thamk_: 8 pst or est [1068] PRESTON0293: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [1068] tellyg47: W JAKe [1068] StreamElements: itsyoboijoey12 lost 200 points in roulette and now has 590 points! FeelsBadMan [1068] StreamElements: dababyfortnite21 won 500 points in roulette and now has 3735 points! FeelsGoodMan [1068] thelegendroheet: when’s fan mail [1068] djshhwb16928: g [1068] schexmix98: Playing r6 rn with ur skin [1069] Grom9696: fuck@eya [1069] goobershooter56: L ungrateful [1069] Nightbot: no [1069] itachi85884: you make me so horny [1069] freddywebb055: freddywebb055 subscribed with Prime. [1069] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: u said u want them? [1069] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: u said u want them? [1071] jaobutao: jaobutao subscribed with Prime. [1071] phiiiilthy: whens fanmail [1071] SpecialHerbGame: when is fan mail? [1071] bqhanegan46: what happended with the cops [1071] PRESTON0293: R2-D2 [1071] z0a17: what happened to weekly fanmail no one wants fanmail every day💀💀💀 [1071] mrballs2017: MAIL IS FAN TIME WHEN [1071] gothzfps: giftt me [1071] FRESH__KNIGHT__111: ZERKAA GONNA REACT TO YOU REACTING TO HIM REACTING TO SIDEMEN REACTING TO YOU [1071] giftmesubforcharm: s [1071] Erebus_08: yo [1071] DKRCraft: In germany its 12pm @Jynxzi [1071] 999_Ethan_999: WHAT HAPPENED TONYOU [1071] caylebr_: fan is mail when [1071] ep2831: when is clips? [1072] no_mercy_echo: jynxziPACK [1072] intoxicateduser: 1 v 5 w jake [1072] Grom9696: fuckmeyaaa [1072] rumple_4_skin911: when fan mail is?? [1072] morrisgmm: when’s tournament Saturday? [1072] ex0tic_74: Junkizzy cry me a river [1072] CarlosxMurrieta: |link [1072] akbeamgod: do it [1072] webberkitching: why tho [1072] TheLemonPerson: why?? [1072] djshhwb16928: f [1072] Ozzzadnar: DONO [1072] Nightbot: F in the chat [1072] new_gary: the golden state warriors reacted to you [1072] StreamElements: @CjSoldYew617 CjSoldYew617 has 55 points and is rank 1628237/1652547 on the leaderboard. [1073] youseftheone14: !gamble 300 [1073] vkveinz: fan mail? [1073] pessiandmessi: WHEN IS FAN MAIL [1073] alec_g67: when is kai vs caseoh? [1073] maitomakkara_: talk harder [1073] StreamElements: youseftheone14 won 300 points in roulette and now has 7680 points! FeelsGoodMan [1074] StreamElements: If you're a gamer, you need a Starforge! Snag one -> https://starforgepc.com/Jynxzi [1074] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: u said u want them? [1074] ihymisery: ihymisery subscribed at Tier 1. [1075] xoErickk: is fail man when? [1075] francis6345: REACT TO SIDEMEN [1075] waterrnelons: sending more [1075] yaromihri: VoteYea VoteYea [1075] tysonmax143: Hbbjjbfg [1075] mature_lmao: JYNXZI CREAM PIE ME [1075] joelennon99: how do i watch jynxzi stream [1075] JacknJye: when’s fan mail [1075] MoH_Simmie: 10K bitsssss [1075] cjamesdoucet: HE GOT 2 hours left [1075] linoG2: AINTNOWAY [1075] etslibbly: WHENN FANMAIL [1075] vonr62k: adin vid [1075] LightningKakuzu: CREAM ALL ON ME PLS DADA !!!!! CREAM ALL ON ME PLS DADA !!!!! CREAM ALL ON ME PLS DADA !!!!! CREAM ALL ON ME PLS DADA !!!!! CREAM ALL ON ME PLS DADA !!!!! [1075] dimez1217: YOU OWE US A 24 HR STREAM BROTHER ☝🏼 [1076] noobkiller354_: PunchTrees PunchTrees PunchTrees PunchTrees PunchTrees PunchTrees PunchTree PunchTrees PunchTree [1076] teoplastaras: Xaxaxaxaxa [1076] pur_str_xp1: dr disrespect imitate you today [1076] callmerompe: yiu [1076] laydenisthatguy83780: jynxi vs scratch [1076] RFCMARTIN1872: Mod Jake [1076] fischi_in_me187: When is fanmail? [1076] kyledabs9: 👮♂️👮♂️ [1076] sipapichrome: jynxziBadAim [1076] oli10123: WHEN IS casoh vs Kai [1076] yaromihri: VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea [1076] lordwocky: a [1076] paxtonspecs: when are clips [1076] bardown16__: REAL [1076] cold_killing7: cold_killing_7 subscribed with Prime. [1077] mazdapu: whe! is 8 [1077] Bigpotato362837: so we’re clip farming [1077] jordousesxim: !charm [1077] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [1078] spax_less: 10k BITS [1078] logedoge: yap harder + Fat [1078] giftmesubforcharm: better than you [1078] ruzzy___: x playin siege daamn [1078] OpinionzOn2k: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [1078] bardown16__: REALREALREAL [1078] michael_1748: name of the stream [1078] yttcameinme4: when is clips [1078] Aktactic400: lol [1078] yvltokyo: REAL [1078] drehm09: Announcement? [1078] Nightbot: @cat_lover988 -> How barbaric. [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [1078] Shakey_Elite: !gamble 100 [1078] CrisisYaDig: UNGRATEFUL [1078] fortnitefan5607: ungrateful [1079] jaobutao: prime [1079] youenvymyak: when is the Kai vs caseoh 1v1 [1079] StreamElements: Shakey_Elite lost 100 points in roulette and now has 1445 points! FeelsBadMan [1079] clapz__yt: h [1079] zyruzi_: FAN Mle [1079] leaf_with_durag: W [1079] keelano7: chubby baby junko [1079] chief_kieef_8018: CUANDO ES FANNAIL [1079] Nightbot: Blue crown —-> Free —-> no ads —-> charm: https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [1079] tonylegoatt: speed clone ur way better then jynxi [1079] Nightbot: h | Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [900] People following love y'all too, man. Automatic with the Vado, OP, with the Bryan. Fucking strong ass fucking no-d game. Strong ass no-d game chat. [910] Who just gifted 50? No, stop, stop. Avatar with the fit. Oh my fucking. Avatar with the 50. Avatar with the [920] mother fucking 50 avatar you big beautiful big dick man avatar thank you for the 50 gifted you big Johnson mother [930] W. Avatar in the chat. Can I get a W. Avatar in the chat? When is fan mail? A. Fan mail to see you. [940] Bro, fan mail is out of eight bro. I chatted. Let's get this shit man. Let's get this shit man. Six-hour streams tonight chat. We got clips, fan mail. [950] We're gonna be gaming on our sixth tonight. We got some banger games lined up and I think I think me and stopin are Like doing some 2v2 wagers. We haven't ever really done [960] those we oh no we did those one time so me and stop are going to do some 2v2 waiters tonight and then after that I think I'm gonna cap it off with some ranked but we got a six-hour stream tonight no life Blake with the [970] 5 GIFTED! Blake, think of it as a 5 GIFTED! Uncle, think of it as a 5 GIFTED! Appreciate it Uncle, much love to you brother. Thank you brother! Rose with the 50 GIFTED! [980] Rose with the 50 gifted Rose with the 50 gifted WROZ Rose thank you so fucking much for the [990] 50 gifted. When is Bronny's dream? That was yesterday, you absolute donkey. That was yesterday, donkey. [1000] Chat let's fucking get it. Let's go all right. Let me get the face cam working Let me get the face cam working Yo, I don't know what it is high-byes, but like once a week bro everything in my [1010] OBS just mutes and like when I'm doing my intro I have OBS open so I can't even like read chat So chat if high-vise didn't call me I probably would have been muted for like 10 minutes I'm not even gonna lie W high-vise [1020] always big dick motherfucker. Chav, let's get this stream going. Come on! Chad, six hours stream tonight, 24 hours stream tomorrow. We're [1030] Starting tomorrow at 1 p.m. EST sharp bro 1 p.m. EST sharp motherfucker Tell us get it man first come in today. Family's are eight [1040] Only tell them saying that Famous I read only tell them saying that I just might snatch a Ferrari Got a clip coming to you from Jake [1050] You sent me a matri-play clip, Jake? What did I told you? [1060] you idiots about matri-play clips? I don't want matri-play clips. I would literally rather watch paint dry than watch a matri-play clip. Under [1070] Understand that, friend though? Understand that, motherfucker? I don't want matchy blick lips. Jake, you're done. Just like that. Boom. | There is no Highlight in the provided timespan. Jynxzi starts reacting to viewer clips after reading subs and donations. He reacts to a decent R6 clip and at the end of the timeframe he reacts to a Fortnite Clip |
Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [1200] tryspp: w clip farmer [1200] cashmoneyyjm: !follow [1200] Elite4Dm: not even read the 10k bit message in your chat LUL [1200] MikePedroso: @fabioo2x ff [1200] mightyhornet05: when clix and ron stream [1200] USAFM1ke: DRDISRESPECT WAITING DRDISRESPECT WAITINGDRDISRESPECT WAITINGDRDISRESPECT WAITINGDRDISRESPECT WAITING [1200] bigiesmols7: play fortite [1200] globoyshxwn: !link [1200] v1ndog2: DONO [1200] dvrrickmorton123: bro [1201] harryisoncrac: Yh gg [1201] Drizzt_ATL: how i claim my charm brother [1201] asydbc: L FORTNITE [1201] efrankthegod: jynxziChampion [1201] grandseaker: WHENS FAN MAIL @Jynxzi [1201] CoryWithTheStory: Lebron is waiting!!! [1201] bradyblum3: when’s the Kai 1v1 [1201] chilly_buckle: spit on it for me jynxzi [1201] bardown16__: shoot him out [1202] swagfart777: DR.DISRESPECT CALLED YOU OUT FOR THE 1V1 [1202] donutt5574: when is 8pm [1202] pinky_pie22: jynxziGoodAim [1202] Droptop07: WHITE SPEED [1202] rightguard56: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [1202] lllcomboziii: when’s jynxzi vs junko? [1202] zhenar96: jynxziVapeBreak_SG jynxziVapeBreak_SG jynxziVapeBreak_SG jynxziFAT [1203] Z3_BlueW: Yooo [1203] crackedonsticks: !sub [1203] moroseten: Can you react harder [1203] dmx5p: horny agreed man [1203] jmanderson01: yoooo [1203] harryisoncrac: Jddudh [1203] xpecthaven: yup [1203] MrKakudo: WHEN IS FANMAIL [1203] timezdesigns: You're a fraud [1203] Nightbot: yup yup yup [1204] scottknight08: FARMING [1204] USAFM1ke: DRDISRESPECT WAITING [1204] VyseM4H: WHEN JYNXI IS STREAM IS LIVE? [1204] kebabmarko: Gurraim [1204] junkowunk0: Whens clipss??????? [1204] ArchieW2104: when is bronny 1v1 [1204] pessiandmessi: WHEN IS CLIPS [1204] IsaiahHommes: BRONZE [1204] bardown16__: BRONZE [1205] logedoge: supreme patty clone [1205] mauromz1020: Fortnite battle pas [1205] cleetus558: cleetus558 subscribed at Tier 1. [1205] giftmesubforcharm: so we are in coblestone [1205] homejuice778: jynxziSubHype [1205] LightningKakuzu: FUCK FORNTITE [1205] h1tmark32: unreal [1205] rxphhh: PLAT [1205] daddo180: !charm [1205] limiteclipse_: bronze [1205] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [1205] kaptical: bronzes [1205] BlueEyedPYT: BlueEyedPYT subscribed with Prime. [1205] not_comet: hack [1205] yahmgaming469: jynxziBadAim [1206] NBAYOUNGBOYSTAN: paper [1206] pupeee_: stream harder [1206] L0STHQ: bronze [1206] Jalen: BRONZE [1206] Fabioo2x: L [1206] Lqncie: bronze [1206] elduendex05_: lmaoooooo [1206] hnooode1: HACKING [1206] TemptFN_: bronze [1206] ch1ck3n__muncher: silver [1206] zyair_88: LUL LUL [1206] pinky_pie22: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [1206] foksy46: react harder [1206] perc30goblin: bronze [1206] racerr77: bronze [1207] timtobento: get this out of here [1207] pattheduck: when [1207] ChaseGG26: bronze [1207] dmx5p: mee too [1207] avxzrole: bronze [1208] kyden608: BRONZE [1208] macefoo: bronze [1208] junkoisnotme: diamond [1208] bdlfriko: bronze [1208] cxhd: plat is shit yeah [1208] ayarandy: hjhj [1208] apwdude: dirt [1208] charliebro99: Bronze [1208] ltramel: Bronze [1209] ahmadanwar9: bra one [1209] chillykdog_: bronze [1209] tgraybird: BRONZE [1209] trevwill03: DIAMOND [1209] djbravo07: unreal [1209] jeffisbased: jynxziGoodAim [1209] tomer_blaze: bronze [1209] Arin7XS: bronze [1209] nevcoop420: when is fan mail [1209] pattheduck: when is fanmail [1209] myfavvideogame: silver [1209] YEZTY__: golld [1209] Don_Don007: BRONZE [1209] william_2535: BRONZE [1209] IsaiahHommes: SAME AS SIEGE BASICALLY [1211] baclh: spades_r6 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! what’s up brother [1211] slayerx2903: BRONZE [1211] ayarandy: hhhhh [1211] jayheffo: Bronze [1211] tvt_prodz: bronze [1211] sdot22187: what’s your favorite Taylor Swift song [1211] supremeslabs420: bronze [1211] saluted420: REACT HARDER WHITE SPEED [1211] IcyySwish: ban [1211] BongR6: copper [1211] mafi0ZA: plat is shit [1211] speeli10111: bronze [1211] harryisoncrac: Dhxh [1211] damoney24356: SILVER [1211] ZachXc48: gold [1213] leyton866: leyton866 subscribed at Tier 1. [1213] gxmoneyxhoney: Sketch fan mail [1213] StreamElements: PogChamp youngbabe94 went all in and won 16140 points PogChamp they now have 32280 points FeelsGoodMan [1214] sadchildsheiz: bonze [1214] bishhskh: !sub [1214] hnooode1: HACKING W [1214] zsaiah_: clix [1214] timtobento: l fortnight [1214] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [1214] itsdorsal: rookie [1214] monkeymossy: React faster [1214] coolkid127494: jynxziBounce [1215] jaywheeiz: gold [1215] cooxavier9: bronze [1215] damien_72_: Bronze [1215] ShamsaQT: bronze [1215] dudvdbenen: MY POOKIE JYNXZI😍🥰😘💋❤️ [1215] harryisoncrac: Uh xhc [1215] chxrlie2105: when is you vs kai? [1215] picklerick3644: silver [1215] Kenethhb: in what ? [1215] not_daniel2008: Bronze [1215] Nayte_93: bronze brother [1215] 5starzBen: w [1215] YEZTY__: goldddd [1215] Sweaty_Teenager: unranked [1215] CokeFro: so we’re in bronze [1217] LightningKakuzu: L fortnite [1217] pinky_pie22: jynxziGoodAim [1217] charliebro99: Unreal [1217] bmijrrh: all of them [1217] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [1217] thegoatcayden10: BRONZE [1218] teoplastaras: When is dad fan mail [1218] harryisoncrac: us cu [1218] mylestism: loot llama [1218] mrballs2017: chunky 3 [1218] FRESH__KNIGHT__111: SO WERE IN FREEPLAY [1218] rr_kurbyx: BRONZE [1218] imchill__: bronze [1218] fishing_with_devon: !Link [1218] gh0stfoo: !gamble all [1218] 76vertix: diamond [1218] capybawalover: @jynxzi do it fart [1218] sweatyboi63: fabric [1218] StreamElements: PogChamp GH0STFOO went all in and won 385 points PogChamp they now have 770 points FeelsGoodMan [1218] Meta_SlimJesus: WHATS THE ANNOUNCEMENT [1218] monkeyowner24: Bronze [1219] giftmesubforcharm: WW [1219] adgamer1012: bronze [1219] peeter0311: react harder [1219] ofengzi: duster ranch 7 [1219] harryisoncrac: Duch [1219] baclh: hit it [1219] afonsini6: r wgt [1220] Kepharal: UNREAL IS THE LOWEST RANK [1220] chandlerscott999: react harder [1220] mrmilku1234: Good aimmmm definitely 👍 in bronze [1220] thegr8mehdi: White speed 🐕👨🏼💼White speed 🐕👨🏼💼White speed 🐕👨🏼💼White speed 🐕👨🏼💼White speed 🐕👨🏼💼 [1220] giftmesubforcharm: W [1220] alakai_ma: Idk fatty [1221] bigiesmols7: SILVER [1221] sidneyloca: nah silver [1221] harryisoncrac: Hxh [1221] cadenc233: BRONZE [1221] not_daniel2008: Copper [1221] jxstuss_: WHEN IS JYNXZI AND CASEOH PLAY 2K [1221] pinky_pie22: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [1221] coolkid127494: jynxziTONGUE jynxziPACK jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE [1221] KaiMeister07: jynxziBadAim [1221] ukmod6: Unreal [1221] blackwasabiii: what happened with police yesterday? [1221] jaredspradley: React harder [1221] olliekooper: unreal [1222] Fossabot: @doubblexpweeken, Your message is too long [3x] [1222] mj_guerreroo: bronze [1222] thcinfested: unreal [1222] dmx5p: bronze [1222] supremeslabs420: same as r6 brother [1222] skyteiswashed: pay Skype don’t be weird [1222] timtobento: L fortnight [1222] leknuts: leknuts subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 5 month streak! daddy junky [1223] harryisoncrac: R [1223] pppurtleturtle: when is caseoh 1v1 eating competition [1223] themascotwithpower: Bronze 3 [1223] NachoFishYT: react harder [1223] slimdonkey83: Bronze [1223] krimo4: CHAT IS HE ACOUSTIC ??? [1223] sheltiq: WW [1223] defaultmonk: chat [1223] peakyseaside: unreal [1223] myfavvideogame: bronze [1224] solargt1: WHAT HAPPENED LAST NUGHT? [1224] damien_72_: unreal [1224] xNilo121: thats over unreal [1224] bdlfriko: When is fan mail [1224] junkowunk0: When is bronny and caseoh 1v1 [1224] tvt_prodz: bronze but he’s in diamond [1225] blpemfan69: SKETCH IS WAITING [1225] harryisoncrac: D [1225] lefthandpeeks: so we're in winnie hut jr [1225] ya_ya101: So we’re in platinum [1225] amazinwolf14: Bron [1225] king_mitchel: bronzer [1225] Mace_Moneysticks: can I get a sub [1225] madtitan886949: im plat [1225] pur_str_xp1: dr disrespect imitate you today [1225] infamousbeast99: better than you [1225] rossystreams: !sub [1225] hunter2oohyt6th: Bronze [1225] matthewandreason: unreal [1225] Sir_Deloy: Shut up white speed [1225] johnson_is_1: jynxziTONGUE [1226] IsaiahHommes: DEF DIAMOND ABOVE [1226] JudeLux: Cobblestone lol [1227] giftmesubforcharm: e [1227] mrhambone31: WHEN ARE CLIPS [1227] IcyySwish: faxxxx [1227] cadenc233: BRONNYYYY [1227] uxzh_n8: WHERES BABY BRECKI [1227] nevcoop420: fan mail Friday [1227] dylanlikesoccer: bride is the worst [1227] 0marsit0o: junko who is under your desk [1227] blpemfan69: SKETCH IS WAITING. [1227] phantuhmm_: bronze [1227] 76vertix: W [1228] goddddddaim555: STREAM ENDS IN 5 MINUTES!!!!!!!! [1228] themascotwithpower: Bronze [1228] thegoatcayden10: blink harder [1228] freegdogg: Hey fat ass when are u going to start the stream [1228] xpecthaven: he is [1228] jnxd10: JYNXZI WHAT HAPPEND TO THE SIX HOUR YESTERDAY [1228] Nightbot: mild tourettes (something he can't control.) be nice! [1228] Fate_StormFPS: okay nevermind [1228] bardown16__: unreal [1228] king_mitchel: bronzee [1228] dumbdoc1227: Clip harder [1228] zyruzi_: copper [1228] rodwave6969: UR MOUTH OPEN FOR CAK?? U FUCKING LOSER [1228] USAFM1ke: DRDISRESPECT WAITING DRDISRESPECT WAITINGDRDISRESPECT WAITINGDRDISRESPECT WAITINGDRDISRESPECT WAITING [1228] blpemfan69: SKETCH IS WAITING [1229] polski_brat0_0: even champ in fn is ass ngl [1229] jasper019540: do it clap [1229] defaultmonk: ssshay [1229] bdlfriko: when is fanmail [1229] abdreashaid: w [1229] Z3_BlueW: Gold [1229] Bbeckwith30gamer: horrible [1230] miirrr4k: when is fan mail [1230] mj_guerreroo: bronze 1 [1230] scratvevo: react lesser [1230] Go_Paradox: l [1230] XyVIOD: Followage [1230] agentghostfn: When is 24 hour stream [1230] ericroot70: What's up brother [1230] jaywheeiz: diamond [1230] coolkid127494: jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH [1230] MCFLUBBY: react harder [1230] colddestylol: play on PlayStation [1231] aidenplaysgames8: YOU A RE NOT SPOODERMAN [1231] Bruh_thatsmusty: FATASS MC WHITE SPEED [1231] GOCRAZYGUS: react harder [1231] mut69: react fatter [1231] warrajoe: LUL [1231] blpemfan69: SKETCH IS WAITING . [1231] idk__bruhhh: w [1231] Eureka_Zaka46: SPD [1231] kebabmarko: Parraim [1231] frka23: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [1231] negan_isthegoat: Pro Cooper [1231] icummedlol: i [1231] Toxic0087: that’s plat he just has aim assist [1231] mrmilku1234: Unrealy in grimace [1231] xjustus05: !link [1232] MoH_Simmie: yes he is [1232] josiahezlor999: Brons 1 2 3 [1232] Nightbot: @xjustus05 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [1232] swagfart777: DR.DISRESPECT CALLED YOU OUT FOR THE 1V1!!!! [1232] 4peditz: !sub [1232] o_Zuvaa: REACT SOFTER [1232] 13mxk: BRONZE GAMEPLAY [1233] kkhgttttt: L add [1233] blpemfan69: SKETCH IS WAITING [1233] harryisoncrac: Babababababababan [1233] jaywheeiz: elite [1233] astroidr6: W MILES [1233] savgew: BRONNY IS WAITING [1233] morgano12: when is jynxi vs skyte [1234] Sslugshots095: Bronze is horrible [1234] TheKohl: play beverly hills by shaboozey [1234] phiiiilthy: unreal [1234] lmaooaryan: bronze [1234] xtralarge1: NPC MILES MORALES [1234] llg_icedryan: good aim [1235] redwine360: So were in copper.. [1235] sdot22187: what’s your favorite Taylor Swift song what’s your favorite Taylor Swift song what’s your favorite Taylor Swift song what’s your favorite Taylor Swift song what’s your favorite Taylor Swift song [1235] Arin7XS: he indeed is [1235] bdlfriko: when is fan mail [1235] END_ninja_: W [1236] laureneimear: 0 [1236] dmx5p: bro is 100% copper [1236] kttisfat69: clip farming [1236] coolkid127494: jynxziSNOT [1236] yaromihri: GoatEmotey [1236] phelpsdragon: spooder man [1236] bardown16__: TRICKSHO [1237] d44rkfire: react harder [1237] chloe_sabados00: white speed [1237] PKonstantinakos: when is fan mail? [1237] sambavz679: WHEN IS FAN MAIL [1237] johnson_is_1: jynxziGLASSES [1237] harryisoncrac: Babaabababababababababa [1237] negan_isthegoat: Npc [1237] coinhall22: react harderrrrrr [1237] maitomakkara_: talk harderr [1237] crafty77: W [1238] pinky_pie22: jynxziGoodAim [1238] pjhornet_10: can I still get charm if my accounts are already linked? [1238] lizard_4639: when clipsss [1238] finalarigato_: damn [1238] meggagaming111: When is the 2v2 every rank with yeat [1238] chemist992: WHY IS THE STREAM NAMED HORNY?!? [1238] itznotlogo: jynxziGoodAim [1238] soggytowel_: jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH [1238] pessiandmessi: SKETCH IS WAITING [1239] Ozzyosb213: ayo jynxzi I started playing siege because of you I have 60 hours now and I’m improving do you have any advice? [1239] d44rkfire: WWWWWWW [1239] jynxzymom: Stop yapping go back to.r6 [1239] bardown16__: OHHHHHH [1239] Gucci_kid54: :O [1239] chandlerscott999: react harder brother [1239] thegr8mehdi: White speed 🐕👨🏼💼 White speed 🐕👨🏼💼 [1239] harryisoncrac: Bdbcjf [1239] kakashiroland1: He is in silver [1239] NBAYOUNGBOYSTAN: ITS SPIDERMAN [1239] sebas_isbetter: sebas_isbetter subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! W JYNXSI [1239] nolimitnoob_: YOOOOO [1239] logedoge: supreme patty clone [1240] yaromihri: VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay [1240] caseohisafarriswheel: hi fat [1240] pattheduck: when is fanmail [1240] zzzterry17: w [1240] copycatcloudy: gorrd aim [1240] hezy08: W [1240] MoH_Simmie: react harder please [1240] ukmod6: DEF UNREAL [1240] numberonetexan: im better [1240] Gingersneeze329: so were in silver ☝️ [1240] kinoth_: W [1240] kirby1005hk: stop reacting [1240] kicklwmetummy: What happend with breki [1240] sandy_sir: DAMMNNNN [1240] TheLemonPerson: miles boralis [1242] scintilles: WWWWW [1242] moroseten: When is fanmail [1242] sandy_sir: DAMMMNNNN [1242] frylock_888: CaseOh waiting [1242] jaytalkt0em: OOOO [1242] jynzxishim: !Sub [1243] yt_cbkcody: yt_cbkcody subscribed with Prime. [1243] yawningspoder66: d [1243] mj2fxnny: what account do you send clips 2? [1243] Villias: W [1243] giftmesubforcharm: bad clippp [1243] oSaltii: sexy [1243] Fate_StormFPS: WWWWWWW [1243] Drag0nTamerLiam: w spiderman [1243] bravo2332: they are making me watch you, please make it stop [1243] JacknJye: Kai and sketch should 2v1 caseoh [1243] 76vertix: We [1243] saluted420: react harder [1243] kakashiroland1: Silver [1243] MikePedroso: @fabioo2x olaaaaasaaaa [1243] bdlfriko: when is mail fan [1244] Darkangel399: W [1244] cherny05: WWW [1244] ry4nd4v15: Www [1244] mrmilku1234: W [1244] the_destroyer6996: wen fanmail [1244] flyinghud: WWWWWWWWWW [1244] astroidr6: HOLY SHIT [1244] yaromihri: VoteNay GoatEmotey [1244] nickydaboss_53: When's clips [1244] YDexy_: add [1244] MoH_Simmie: EZ [1244] sdot22187: what’s your favorite Taylor Swift song [1244] Laroche13: w [1244] Nightbot: ussy [1244] realraider_: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [1245] bittooscared: jynxziGoodAim [1245] nedaxke: w [1245] hsals__: W [1246] JackhuddyW: THAT WAS ASS [1246] Brettgarrett22: W [1246] not_daniel2008: Good aim [1246] astroidr6: W CLIP [1246] kekwbr: Mod him [1246] al_sah_him00: BLOW [1246] maddieh74: WWWWWW [1246] austin172: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [1246] yaromihri: GoatEmotey GoatEmotey [1246] zyruzi_: is this McDonald’s webcam? [1246] apokalypse_786: is this fan mail [1246] ChocolateLoverVz: mid mid mid [1246] 556tunski: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [1246] buhp_nadezz: jynxziChampion [1246] retnuh17: !LINK [1247] gl1owr6: REACT HARDERR [1247] harryisoncrac: Ed dddd [1247] MoH_Simmie: EZ WIN [1247] MrKakudo: WHEN IS FANMAIL [1247] Pilot_Azog: w clip [1247] gh0stfoo: WWWWWWW [1247] dogpoop21: copper [1247] lilknifer561: when is 8 when is 8 when is 8 when is 8 when is 8 when is 8 [1247] Bezful: Bezful subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 2 month streak! sup soft boy [1247] AyWATP: 21 savage is waiting [1247] envy_lxser11: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke [1247] mintyspringg: !sub [1247] rexi_theman: how we doing brother [1247] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [1247] BotBoiV2000: W [1249] ExllyZ: WWW [1249] harryisoncrac: Dddd [1249] potterheadd394: W [1249] goddddddaim555: talk harder [1249] giftmesubforcharm: real [1249] jasonvoorhes2690: REACT HARDER [1249] Sound_OG: Sound_OG subscribed with Prime. [1249] r6isgood14: whens clips [1249] austin172: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [1249] maddieh74: WW [1249] Nightbot: real [1249] wgambino776: wgambino776 subscribed at Tier 1. [1249] sandy_sir: W [1249] DSFC_: zzz [1249] cold_killing7: Yep sick clip jynxziChampion [1250] bananana630: When's fanmail [1250] mrhambone31: WHITE SPEED [1250] TheLemonPerson: me [1250] iluvzebra12: Xim is waiting [1250] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [1250] Bruh_thatsmusty: FATASS MC PART TIMER [1250] ChocolateLoverVz: mid clip [1250] Gucci_kid54: idk [1250] Sslugshots095: Yeah we in silver [1250] IsaiahHommes: YOU [1250] swagfart777: DR.DISRESPECT CALLED YOU OUT FOR THE 1V1 [1250] timothe2369: white speed [1250] sandy_sir: WWW [1250] xanderthedread_: BleedPurpleHD BleedPurpleHD BleedPurpleHD BleedPurpleHD BleedPurpleHD BleedPurpleHD BleedPurpleHD [1250] vonr62k: react lesser [1251] maddieh74: W [1251] akaydinho: akaydinho subscribed with Prime. [1251] waterrnelons: me [1252] jaytalkt0em: DJ MOORE [1252] rhana_banana: Better than you [1252] lukabrasi123: react harder pancake [1252] lizard_4639: when clips [1252] timothe2369: white soeed [1252] Hylios2: dj moore [1252] boo837373: fell off [1252] apsnapped1: sliver clip [1252] deofya: when does the stream start? [1252] thatvertz32: !link [1252] certifiedlag: ME [1252] zakayden7363: yo I subscribed yesterday and I linked everything I need to and I dident get the charm idk what to do [1252] gavibabyyurd57: dj moore [1252] jgarfieldttv: DJ [1252] nickka_clickka: Dj Moore [1253] MAD5411: when is Caseoh vs Kai [1253] jaxon1to1: DJ MOORE [1253] SG1Rez: PRE 1 minute steam [1253] Nlew: dj moore [1253] 3kwayrori: 1/10 [1253] jwarris: glaze [1253] snakmane: DJ MOORE [1253] Cridenskis: DJ moore [1253] OUTINGCOPE_C9: dj moore [1253] jadedmilf: w [1253] montramoth: Catnap [1253] ep2831: jynxziTONGUE [1253] neweracbb: DJ MOORE [1253] edabasss: dj moore [1253] berto2hk: tom brady [1254] L0NGW0NGD0NG: dj moore [1254] picklerick3644: that was clean ngl [1254] mothalova: DJ Moore [1254] dominion122134: 24 hr munt stream? [1254] bmk_0: DJ MOORE [1254] ldayoo_: 666 chain ew [1254] dead_shot180: @Jynxzi pulse ssg skin in store to tribure u [1254] highonit999: g [1254] liogacy: when the caseoh steam [1254] entes_dad: D [1254] vorcednate: !blink [1254] saucyyxd: dj moore [1254] repo33: react harder [1254] Nightbot: no [1254] Nightbot: mild tourettes (something he can't control.) be nice! [1255] oTrxzie: oTrxzie subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months, currently on a 2 month streak! W 11 Months [1256] Frosty_voltage: DJ MOORE [1256] JP_Legends: dj moore [1256] swagfart777: DR.DISRESPECT CALLED YOU OUT FOR THE 1V1!!!! [1256] Dabs_are_betterttv: moore [1256] koltonpeat: brother he’s gone [1256] sobernut66: Dj [1256] caperoniii: DJ MOORE [1256] wavygravy44: DJ moore [1256] phatfutgecko: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [1256] dashyson: moore [1256] ohin__: me [1256] Sslugshots095: Nvm he unreal [1256] LightningKakuzu: me [1256] MatthewOtty: DJ MOORE [1256] mlb_asf: dj moore [1257] doctorshiqth: DJ MOORE [1257] hannahbango: XIM [1257] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [1257] Bruh_thatsmusty: NOT YOU [1257] teoplastaras: You are my sunshine ☀ [1257] marosi2004: ME [1257] ronnieg907: !gamble [1257] SHDW__WRLD: !sub [1257] cody3663: dj moore [1257] o_Zuvaa: ME [1259] itzreemszn: fields got traded [1259] IMAGODMF: Di moorw’re [1259] naterudd18: dj moore [1259] copycatcloudy: !sub [1259] zano_2shiesty: when tournament [1259] sterlingarcher321: dj moore [1259] type4balls: type 4 balls [1259] timothe2369: white speed [1259] aaronmacrae18: MOORE [1259] jnxd10: JYNXZI WHAT HAPPEND TO THE SIX HOUR YESTERDAY [1259] draco__fps: dj mooore WR [1259] dashyson: dj moore [1259] youssefnaouli: dj moore [1259] grimk_reaper: dj moore [1259] jynxiismyfavoritestreamer: DJ MOORREEEE [1260] obesity_khalil: dj moore [1260] freegdogg: Hey fat ass when is the stream going to start [1260] new_gary: dak prescott [1260] pur_str_xp1: dr disrespect imitate you today [1260] thewoo0_0: dj Moore [1260] filthethrill87: fields is gone [1260] Eddysmall272: dj moore [1260] yvngrxg: me [1260] rhana_banana: Me [1262] pablos_kids: fields is gone [1262] sillystoo: DJ MOORE [1262] NcNameless: Cheer1 [1262] Nightbot: F in the chat [1262] mangotango2k: react harder [1262] kashon_2021: me [1262] bardown16__: DJ MOOREDJ MOOREDJ MOOREDJ MOORE [1262] drip_1upemanx: dj moore [1262] koltonpeat: fields is a steeler [1262] Swift_Lemon98: dj moore [1262] papazarbs: dj moore [1262] Nightbot: ok [1262] mut69: react fatter [1262] dklovesjw999: fuck you [1262] troutmxn: dj moore [1263] emmettwashere: when is Kai vs Casoh? [1263] reza_aj84: when is fan mail [1263] coyotetv__: DJ moore [1263] dakfannn: DJ Moore [1263] mitchell101_: dj moore [1263] limiteclipse_: LMAOOOO [1263] V1NSUN: ahahahahahahahah [1263] damoney24356: DJ MOORE [1263] agentghostfn: When is 24 hour stream [1263] zerkssss97777: imagine [1263] clovtxpnut: clovtxpnut subscribed at Tier 1. [1265] deathray021: DJ MOORE [1265] tmon123456789: justin fields got traded and that’s dj moore [1265] jrnxl_: sadly me [1265] dominicgibbs: dj moore [1265] joeslefttoe_: Justin fields is a Steeler [1265] yxng_v1: you [1265] calmlettuce_: dj moore [1265] kjbeatss: WHITE SPEED=JYNXZI [1265] bflynn67: fields is not on the bears bozo [1265] Gn3ll0: anymore [1265] Sweaty_Teenager: real [1265] dstatog: dj moore [1265] mlb_asf: justin fields is a steeler [1265] berto2hk: brady [1265] Gmanhoops: 10k bits [1266] bigstanky5: dj moore [1266] dogpoop21: FR [1266] cold_killing7: Da Bears 🐻🐻🐻 [1266] nowaylois: w [1266] OUTINGCOPE_C9: justin fields isn't even on the bears anymore [1266] brenclapz: dj moore [1266] ryanthebeast59: DJ moore [1266] mod227: When is fan mail at Saudi Arabia time [1266] dumbdoc1227: Clip harder [1266] a_milky_straw: Me [1268] yungqumkuat: CASUAL NFL FAN [1268] agentrussShackleford: lol Justin fields isn’t even a bear [1268] trey_egan: justin fields is a steeler [1268] fops4455: w [1268] jynxzis_right_toe: dj more [1268] yaboytim__: fuck you [1268] KingJeriah: Fields on the steelers [1268] youraviator: L [1268] grant_ellinger: yup [1268] tcomo21: 🤣🤣 [1268] slxmmedon: HOW TO GET GIFTED???? [1268] Nightbot: 😂 [1268] Nightbot: yup yup yup [1268] trxppyzx: dj moore [1268] Peepingsam8034_: jynxziLOL jynxziLOL jynxziLOL jynxziLOL jynxziGG jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGLASSES jynxziCRY jynxziBounce [1269] iamtfarm: fields got traded [1269] butt_grenade: DJ MOORE [1269] 4blgguys4: do moore [1269] rossystreams: aye you weird [1269] thegr8mehdi: White speed 🐕👨🏼💼White speed 🐕👨🏼💼White speed 🐕👨🏼💼White speed 🐕👨🏼💼White speed 🐕👨🏼💼White speed 🐕👨🏼💼White speed 🐕👨🏼💼 [1269] k1stxrz: dj Moore [1269] zac_7474: 😂😂😂 [1269] itzjmong: do moore [1269] xandwr37jz: Brock purdy [1269] Dzcson: my dad is a bears fan [1269] natesyourdaddy: no job [1269] abdreashaid: fuck you [1269] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: imagine being a buccs fan LUL [1269] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: imagine being a buccs fan LUL [1271] derritos: bears fan here smh bro [1271] yaromihri: GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey [1271] wsgvincent: CHARLIE AND XIM OWN U KIMICH FATTYY AVID AND CLIX PRESSED U L VAPER L PART TIMER 3 HR STREAMER CHUNKO NICKWONTDOIT [1271] godjame132: jynxziHappy jynxziHappy jynxziHappy jynxziHappy jynxziHappy jynxziHappy jynxziHappy jynxziHappy jynxziHappy jynxziHappy jynxziHappy jynxziHappy jynxziHappy jynxziHappy jynxziHappy [1271] sidneyloca: dj moorrreeee [1271] MoH_Simmie: felt FR [1271] xxjacobxx42069: dj Moore [1271] P0LEYY_: dj moore [1271] stealthhippo07: fuck u [1271] sheshgamer: Case vs bronny [1271] collingator40: my dad is [1271] JerryTaxin: dj Moore [1271] osnola21: JUSTIN GOT TRADED [1271] NachoFishYT: REACT HARDER [1271] Nightbot: no 🧢 [1272] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: imagine being a buccs fan LUL [1272] afoster73099: dj Moore [1272] kanekiohh: hahaha [1272] pattheduck: when are clips [1272] mybanana_45: me [1272] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: imagine being a buccs fan LUL [1274] xexzellentx: L tampa [1274] kyfonn: @Jynxzi what nfl team do u support??? [1274] tyler_cotw: DJ Moore [1274] maxxyyy07: when is man fail [1274] MoneyBaggJoee: !clips [1274] afync: jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY [1274] richardmillieee: Justin fields is on the Steelers now [1274] savmatty: flick your head down harder [1274] Kelosane: BRUH THATS BRUTAL, IMA BEARS FAN [1274] qtsliqss: or a nice fan [1274] l0hk3y: when is kai vs caseoh [1274] kenpachi791: ,666 CHAIN SOLD UR SOUL BUDDY [1274] kainekend: dj moore [1274] buffalobillythe8th: fields got traded [1274] simp4m33ch: why ade you fay [1275] caiden_z12: fields got traded [1275] ghostthegoat: Justin Fields a Steeler [1275] kingmr85: lions [1275] jlrally: STFU CHUNKO DA BEARSSSSS [1275] Joebawca: I'm a Bears fan you SoB [1275] the1magicmidget: DJ [1275] killerthewyatt: Justin Feilds traded [1275] mrmilku1234: DJ Moore WR [1275] skiknowsnothin: justin fields is with the steelers now [1275] tycinat: do moor [1275] boo837373: nobody said that [1275] yaboytim__: Tampa bay sucks [1275] YoMommasOnion: dj moore [1275] iluvzebra12: Clip harder [1275] AyWATP: when is jynxzi [1276] basketballamerican126: bomboclaut [1276] afync: jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY [1276] stillmedicatedtho: when the hell is fan mail???? [1276] logedoge: supreme patty clone [1276] gabi_i6: when is 8 [1276] DAxUCE: yapping. [1277] shifthechef: Bucs fan worse [1277] hdt26: jWE BERAKS [1277] rossystreams: better than the bucs [1277] weskuhhhhh: when is head [1277] theoriginalfyzi: go pack go [1277] phillyda_gawd: fan mail when is ? [1277] junggle_198: who is when is fanmail at 8:99am [1277] morrisgmm: when’s tournament Saturday? [1277] Ozzyosb213: ayo jynxzi I started playing siege because of you I have 60 hours now and I’m improving do you have any advice? [1277] yvngrxg: when are you can mail [1277] xMyrin: W [1277] Nayte_93: 8am pst? [1277] Shosarr: whens sidemen 1v5 [1277] elitedragoon102: Imagine being a bucs fan though [1277] youssefnaouli: WHAT HAPPEN TO TAMPA U FUCKING PUSSY [1278] zyruzi_: is this McDonald’s webcam? [1278] weluvtrevv: Dj moore [1278] FZbrownie: white speed [1278] StreamElements: Tony_Laz went all in and lost every single one of their 1860 points LUL [1278] mrdavidsr: play doc [1278] Tucodiaz: when is stream end [1278] ronnieg907: !help [1278] funnygames198: !Link [1278] v_malevolent_v: GO PACK GO [1278] dtreams02: BENGALS ON TOP [1278] Nightbot: shush 🤣🙏🏼 [1278] Nightbot: @funnygames198 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [1281] austinwitter: go browns [1281] krimo4: REACT HARDER [1281] obey_karma2790: when is tomorrow [1281] jacethakushking: steelers j took their qb [1281] xashrushx: Yap [1281] belovedcpd: when is fan mail [1281] totaliynotethan: When is xqc 1v1 [1281] caiden_z12: it’s dj Moore [1281] jayy623: CASUAL [1281] 1_sin_1: REACT HARDER [1281] no_mercy_echo: IMAGINE BEING A BUCS FAN [1281] jynxzishondaaccord: GOPACKGO [1281] iawolverine: what time is fan mail? [1281] brotherzatanna: BIG UPS TO THE MANDEM [1281] howza97: FANMAIL NOOB [1282] anirishladwithoutajob: Lag [1282] uplift_frost: fanmail when is [1282] cor3r6: im a bears fan [1282] yer_hunterz: BITS [1282] makuchi1: wheres sketch? [1282] haydottv: 10K BITS [1282] logs27: when are clips [1284] liogacy: when the caseoh steam [1284] fanofcoryxkenshin21: when is can mail [1284] belovedcpd: when is clips [1284] giftmesubforcharm: a [1284] redodotrashwghe: Justin fields was traded [1284] Lord__Jr: when is 8? [1284] johnson_jynxzi: when is clips [1284] MAD5411: when is Caseoh vs Kai [1284] abelbabble55: jynxziChampion [1284] lstrev92: DJ Moore! [1284] voiloidd: gg [1284] h20dev___: Sono [1284] chubhenry_14: when is fan mail [1284] himothy123456789_10: white speed [1284] Fossabot: @doubblexpweeken, Your message is too long [4x] [1285] LightningKakuzu: bears fans go hard not gon lie [1285] willinois123: me zaddy [1285] zakayden7363: yo I subscribed yesterday and I linked everything I need to and I dident get the charm idk what to do [1285] cbozz13: ye a ima bears fan and btq dj moore [1285] jxstuss_: WHEN IS JYNXZI AND CASEOH PLAY 2K [1285] PaPi_Junko: mail is when fan [1285] brodacious271: when fan mail [1285] kenpachi791: 666 CHAIN SOLD UR SOUL BUDDY [1285] saluted420: react harder [1285] chrislikesfish: thoughts on clix [1285] cjmaddengotw: feilds is not on the bears [1285] saintz_1: when is ranked [1287] TheDovahKenz: ShowLove100 ShowLove100 ShowLove45 [1287] x_xligmax_x: WHEN IS THE STREAM [1287] cyyn1cal: sketch is waiting fatass [1287] toma_5283: MY WHILE ROOM IS PAINTED BEARS COLORS [1287] phillyda_gawd: fan mail when is ??? [1287] its_jayy22: DJ MOORE [1287] toptierst4cks: stream harder [1287] zyno89655: w [1287] Meliodasthegoat_15: whens clips [1287] cold_killing7: I subscribed where's my charm [1287] scarypullup1: when Is 8 [1287] sheluvsbv: please react harder [1287] cornificusy: JUST REACT HARDER [1287] supremeslabs420: when’s 8? [1287] jayy2rawww___: jayy2rawww___ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months! [1288] tonygc8: when is fasn mail [1288] Jstadler8907: Justin fields isn’t even on the bears [1288] 27_lou: does it clap or queef? [1288] jayofrmdashh21: dj moore [1288] Mace_Moneysticks: can I get a sub [1288] Sou1Taker215: WHEN IS FANMAIL [1288] ItzCargoo: JCC [1288] vamossainz: stop yapping [1288] ep2831: when is clips fat boy? [1288] omooda19: when’s fan mail again [1288] Gn3ll0: fields on the steelers [1288] DoobyCol: go bucs [1288] jacktherippxr_: what’s the announcement [1288] Kraymoon: XQC IS WAITING!!!! [1290] belovedcpd: when is kai [1290] brady_tiger15: when is fan mail [1290] matthewandreason: when is 8 [1290] MoH_Simmie: imagine being a buccs fan. [1290] cubdy: eat shit go bears [1290] MrXTurner25: STEELERS 2025 SUPER BOWL CHAMPS [1290] Arin7XS: TIMOTHYTHETHATMAN WAITING [1290] drousydom: !link [1290] RoyalRecess1: GO EAGLESSS [1290] krimo4: KAI IS WAITING [1290] blakec771: I wish mods would have run a prediction if he would say when fan mail is again [1290] dupfirsich: when are clips [1290] f1_2019_live: h h ghbu [1290] Kraymoon: XQC IS WAITING!!!!! [1290] Nightbot: h [1291] RosettaStoned12: Justin Fields is a Pittsburgh Steeler an will win 10 superbowls now, pussy [1291] giftmesubforcharm: so we are in copper [1291] jaqedonmtdew: God bless repent🙏💛 [1291] SNF_equal_IF: FIELDS WAS TRADED [1291] kenpachi791: 666 CHAIN SOLD UR SOUL BUDDY B [1291] jnxd10: JYNXZI WHAT HAPPEND TO THE SIX HOUR YESTERDAY [1291] eck3508: what’d you do in the offseason [1291] VyseM4H: WHEN JYNXI IS STREAM IS LIVE? [1291] maxwelliswell1: When is 8 pm est [1291] yaromihri: GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey [1291] kimjongsquarepants: just got on, when is fanmail? [1291] Gmanhoops: 10k BITS [1291] kaidyn07: garfield [1291] akaydinho: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [1291] Torsken213: when is clips [1292] polexes: fields is on the same Steelers [1292] thefew_: WHAT MONTH [1292] Kraymoon: XQC IS WAITING!!! [1292] kjbeatss: when are clips [1292] sharpsh0oter333: Caseoh-#2 Defensive Linebacker [1292] lcedash: when is friday stream [1295] dracospamz2k: fat part timer [1295] zyruzi_: horny [1295] aj_gonzalez08: when is 8 [1295] leroyy2k: react harder [1295] prof_smurf: Whens fan mail [1295] oilrighelipad: when’s fanmail [1295] daxtony08: Justin fields is not in the bears anymore [1295] slxmmedon: HOW TO GET SUB GIFTED????? [1295] peytonmoneyman2: when is fan mail? [1295] chuckaroundnfindout: WHEN IS SUPERBOWL [1295] wyfyttv: WHEN IS KAI VS CASE 1V1 [1295] Abyss272: when’s 8 [1295] mangotango2k: react harder [1295] Jays_: When is 8??? [1295] goobershooter56: L ungrateful [1296] harryisoncrac: Dd [1296] k1rby_12: when is Caseoh stream? [1296] CHUGYddy: imagine being a bucs fan knowing you will never make it to the SB [1296] phillyda_gawd: fan when mail is ? [1296] Nightbot: @noah8840 -> Get off the stage. [stop posting links] [warning] [1296] Peepingsam8034_: jynxziPACK jynxziCRY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziPACK jynxziFALL jynxziCRY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziCRY jynxziGLASSES jynxziCRY [1296] Kraymoon: XQC IS WAITING!!!!! [1297] lcedash: when are you streaming on friday [1297] DrFiggleBottom: When is fan mail again? [1297] yngrustt: change the title [1297] kjbeatss: when’s Friday? [1297] krimo4: CLIX TALKING BOUT U [1297] jackkonnn: when does stream start in -22 minutes [1297] Kraymoon: XQC IS WAITING!!!! [1297] Ironhide420: when is fanmail [1297] para_bell_um: DIDNT LIONS CLAP BUCCS? [1297] thefew_: WHAT HOUR [1297] Pdiddillydawg: when is spoit 1v1 [1297] Nayte_93: 8am pst tho? [1297] doodoofard87: I joined an hour ago when is fan mail [1297] cpolston: why is the why the fan mail [1298] RoyalRecess1: HURTS BETTERR [1298] cactus999jack: !clips [1298] cornificusy: REACT HARDER PSY [1298] pistolverts: Caleb taking this shit [1298] noahgzzzzzz: when is 8 [1298] james120934: L [1298] ribszn: When are you going live [1298] anitahanjaabbbb: STEELERS [1298] reviloshark3118: !watchtime [1298] camdth: Justin fields got traded to the stealers ‘ [1298] bott004: I’m a bears fan and very sad [1298] ldayoo_: whats fanmail [1298] berryyyz: sex tape of you and caseoh released [1298] IMAGODMF: Tom Brady saved that poverty franchise called bucs [1298] StreamElements: reviloshark3118 has spent 20 mins watching jynxzi [1299] mg_spamalot: when does stream start [1299] The216God: is it 8 am or mountain time [1299] mrhambone31: WHEN ARE CLIPS [1300] MoH_Simmie: imagine being a buccs fan LMFAO [1300] luvkijk: fan mail is waiting [1300] WEgoLEGEND74: white speed [1300] sceells: 30 minute mark [1300] peytonmoneyman2: when fan mail [1300] yoclayyyy: we do not care [1300] thedisciplegaming: when is caseoh vs sketch [1300] ArchieW2104: when is 6 hour stream [1300] beefbabyx: whens mails fan? [1300] papi_logann: when we reacting to clips [1301] fat_germ: whens fan mail [1301] v3ch_69: Ok [1301] privategunns: what account is jynxzi reacting on? [1301] maxaxe21: Sketch is waiting [1301] extrcrispy: LUL LUL [1301] etslibbly: REACT HARDER [1301] Nightbot: ok [1301] v1ndog2: LOOK AT DONO [1301] Tobias0: Sketch waiting [1301] hannahbango: BITTYS [1301] youssefnaouli: BAKER MAYFIELD IS WAITING [1301] Doublefli: peepoHey [1301] RoyalRecess1: HURTS GANGY [1301] Luxzsy: jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL [1301] mut69: react fatter [1302] NachoFishYT: REACT HARDER [1302] suppemus: white speed when is fan mail? can you react Harder?? [1302] DIEGORP_OFF: iii [1302] gxmoneyxhoney: we came here for sketch [1302] CaseohDookieStain1: when’s the caseoh irl stream [1302] AmbitiousAJ13: L fat ass [1302] lilaaronlee2: Do you work at McDonald’s? [1302] thefew_: WHAT MILLISECOND [1303] leroyy2k: react better/harder [1303] yer_hunterz: 10K BITS [1303] cyyn1cal: when are you live [1303] dmx5p: when is stream [1303] SG1Rez: react harder [1303] v1ndog2: DONO [1303] Nightbot: @mrk1lla10z -> Sometimes you scare me! [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [1303] jedra808: fan mail is [1303] giftmesubforcharm: gudaiiiimm [1303] f1_2019_live: fatso [1304] miro2524: when is fan mail at 8 every Friday at? [1304] sosaguyy: do you follow epl? if u do u who u go for [1304] caseohisafarriswheel: what month is fan mail [1304] GooseZNeck: GooseZNeck subscribed with Prime. [1304] urawiitodd: Bears 2-0 THE PACKERS [1304] kjbeatss: WHENS FRIDQY? [1304] peytonmoneyman2: when can mail [1305] gdotgotit: fields plays for the steelers dumbass [1305] wraththe14th: Is when mail fan [1305] swagfart777: DR.DISRESPECT CALLED YOU OUT FOR THE 1V1!!!!!!!!!! [1305] tduncan9999: PizzaTime PizzaTime PizzaTime PizzaTime PizzaTime [1305] Cheexzys: when is junko streaming? [1305] iawolverine: WYEN IS FAN MAIL? [1305] xanderthedread_: Cheer100 [1305] ry4nd4v15: When's clips [1305] chooter87: dj moore [1305] miirrr4k: when is 8 [1305] pele1554: 😍😍 [1305] doesburn: React harder [1305] g59jackie_: when is 8 [1305] lukabrasi123: react harder blueberry pancake [1306] Al3xmtb222: jynxziGoodAim [1306] kolodol0: he’s better than you [1306] DIEGORP_OFF: oki,ok, [1306] drmonkeeman10: when’s bronny [1306] brodacious271: when can mail [1306] swarly21: when did you get a Porsche [1306] xstinkm: Steph curry is waiting [1306] alwaysbrickedup69: h [1306] reizer_20382: link [1306] criss559: mail when fan is [1306] ericisactuallysmall: what is your twitch [1306] zer0_aero: when is 8 [1307] PrdkoOnline: who is fan mail [1307] anitahanjaabbbb: JUSTIN FIELEDS STEELES [1307] nathaniel_iv: you had a poopoo stain on your dumpy [1307] thefew_: WHAT TIME [1307] wherethesidewalkends8: W coffee jynxziGLASSES [1307] mrmilku1234: When is fan mail 8 am l part timing streamer [1307] harryisoncrac: Even [1307] uplift_frost: 8 is at fanmail? [1307] supremeslabs420: when 8am [1307] eliteextibitee: jynxziCORNY [1307] dukenukem1400: When is man fail [1307] cobijack9999: jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD [1307] jacobbro1: When is clips of the day [1307] DIEGORP_OFF: ll [1307] insacamm: !followage [1308] nycbean: fan mail! is when [1308] daxtony08: Justin fields on the steelers [1308] StreamElements: @insacamm, insacamm has been following jynxzi for 9 months 2 days 21 hours [1308] v1ndog2: LOOK AT DONO [1308] aj_gonzalez08: WHO IS 8 [1308] excessivezero5: when is clips [1308] micamicamicamicamicamica: when is fan mail at 8 [1308] crowthekushdealer: Face reveal when [1309] dann_deaf: gg [1309] Jkassassin244: when is clips? [1309] sheshgamer: Case vs brunny [1309] tmoney3034: 8am or never? [1309] lcedash: when is friday stream [1309] deranged_dz4: How fan mail is when 8 at [1309] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [1309] nxte999: when do clips start [1309] mewingg0d: Jynxzi likes sucking milk [1309] kimjongsquarepants: whenfanmail [1309] yer_hunterz: 10 K BITS [1309] JoeyDolan_: DR DISRESPECT IS PLAYING SEIGE.. play with him!!! [1309] swagfart777: DR.DISRESPECT CALLED YOU OUT FOR THE 1V1 [1310] amSherman: React harder [1310] cobijack9999: jynxziBadAim [1310] waterrnelons: :O [1310] ruebe801: When are you streaming [1310] kebabmarko: Mitä manu [1310] bigorillamonkey56: caseoh waiting [1310] brodacious271: when fan mail [1310] egregory79: when is clips? [1310] lowcarbss: when is stream? [1310] dinosaur_nuggees: !LINK [1310] mrtoxin_ishere: did Breckinridge get that neckless for you? [1310] lilsquirt_3: yo when’s clips? [1310] waterrnelons: :O [1310] Nightbot: @dinosaur_nuggees If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [1310] cadenc233: NAH BAD AIM [1311] xchapster789x: play Fifa with ANGRY GINGE [1311] TheReal_BigBlack: W streamer [1311] mx5a_: when is 8 [1311] suppemus: react Harder white speed [1311] yer_hunterz: 10 K [1311] Principa1ity: bum ass buccs fan talks shit after getting fathered by the lions all season [1311] harryisoncrac: Asss [1311] xeksuiaaa: g [1311] Fabioo2x: GOOD AIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM [1311] Nightbot: no [1311] jedra808: fanmail [1311] chuckaroundnfindout: @Jynxzi WHEN IS SUPERBOWL [1311] tragicredgaming: when is speed 1v1 [1311] v1ndog2: DONO [1311] Dyl0n: Wsattted??? [1312] josiahezlor999: jynxziSuprised [1312] GrimlxckDZG: WHEN IS THE PORNHUB WATCH PARTY [1312] lockeykockey3: BEARS GOOD ASF THIS YEAR [1313] suplolsup: jynxzi wishes he could do this [1313] Mace_Moneysticks: w [1313] ytstezo: wwwwwww [1313] reverse999g: when is 8 [1313] wr417h_: when is fan mail???? [1313] bardown16__: HAVE MYSEED OH MY GOD [1313] lykan608: when’s fan mail [1313] xwkzq: xwkzq subscribed with Prime. [1313] rhana_banana: W [1314] cornificusy: MILK ME [1314] pyscho_fnbr: !discord [1314] sleepy_zebo: OMG [1314] Victor_Pineapple: NASTY [1314] sdmjr10: I’m end [1314] grazzlies: OOOOOO [1314] zayeditzzyt: when is mailfan? [1314] adamnardi: LETS TALK ABOUT THE LEAK [1314] supremeslabs420: when 8pm? [1314] timothe2369: white speed [1314] Nightbot: https://discord.gg/jynxzi [1314] xpecthaven: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [1314] rbleiman31: rbleiman31 subscribed with Prime. [1314] swoleboh: jynxziSuprised [1314] isaakruiz3: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [1315] Jkassassin244: when is the clips? [1315] hdorbribsje: Daddy junko [1315] waterrnelons: get him in roller prime NOW [1315] neweracbb: UR VIEWS BEEEEE DROPPING LO [1316] buisanessfly: w [1316] mrmilku1234: 8 am fan mail [1316] lcedash: when is the friday stream [1316] Markers___: WHEN IS STREAM [1316] pessiandmessi: WHEN IS CLIPS [1316] cactus999jack: how do i send clips? [1316] coolcatliam2641: what’s the user so I can send [1318] jayofrmdashh21: i think they traded bro tho [1318] maxaxe21: Sketch is waiting! [1318] thefew_: WHEN IS FANMAIL? [1318] axeorzz: when is man fail [1319] lfell21: when is fanmail [1319] clapz__yt: hih [1319] tylerniknam69: clips are waiting [1319] godjame132: sketch waiting [1319] copycatcloudy: !charm [1319] srgtnic69: damn [1319] h20dev___: Dono [1319] kolodol0: L chunky fuck [1319] kjbeatss: WHENS FRIDAY [1319] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [1319] mg_spamalot: are you live junkk [1319] avenj3_pi3: when Is fan mail [1320] amSherman: react harder [1320] 0mkmc: clix [1320] waterrnelons: LOL [1320] jynxzymom: Whens Kai cencum vs caseoh 😃 [1320] supremeslabs420: when 8am? [1320] Nightbot: 😂 [1320] thefew_: L UNGRATEFUL [1320] Dyl0n: Flyswatted??? [1320] jedra808: when is fanmail [1320] giftmesubforcharm: COACH [1320] HendzuX: 8 what? Dick in your mom? [1320] FireCrayLuke: when is clips [1320] xeksuiaaa: vg [1320] ilovel7ndes: yooooo Henry [1321] zackflick17: when is the clix and ron 2 v 1? [1321] wyatt_dahnugget: wyatt_dahnugget subscribed with Prime. [1321] Fossabot: @ftbedits, Your message is too long [1321] brazeecool: explain when fanmail is for your chinese viewers please [1321] jxstuss_: WHEN IS JYNXZI AND CASEOH PLAY 2K [1321] ericroot70: Play helldiver2 [1321] pxckxpunch: he’s better then u [1321] cobijack9999: jynxziBadAim [1321] sandy_sir: DAMNMNN [1321] NFFe4rr: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [1321] Disasterman420: what was announcement [1321] kimjongsquarepants: wenfanmaale [1321] jnxd10: JYNXZI WHAT HAPPEND TO THE SIX HOUR YESTERDAY [1321] rbleiman31: yessir [1321] pur_str_xp1: dr disrespect imitate you today [1322] clapz__yt: YES [1322] yuzzeti: yo [1322] ytstezo: www [1323] chuckaroundnfindout: WHEN IS SUPERBOWL @Jynxzi [1323] onepersona65: yes [1323] abelbabble55: jynxziChampion [1323] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀 [1323] washednutsock: heh [1323] ytstezo: w [1323] USAFM1ke: DRDISRESPECT WAITING DRDISRESPECT WAITING DRDISRESPECT WAITING DRDISRESPECT WAITING DRDISRESPECT WAITING [1323] Cendental: REACT SLOWER [1323] saintz_1: when is ranked [1323] Galaxiesus: hi [1323] filipio26: when is mail fan at 8pm [1323] Fate_StormFPS: yoooo [1323] clapz__yt: YESS [1323] Kraymoon: XQC IS WAITING!!! [1323] wade_hayden: quality too good [1324] texas_red6126: xim [1324] shroomp: shroomp subscribed at Tier 1. [1324] tensei444: imjoel2W [1324] envy_lxser11: holy lag [1324] iheartdarxz: When is fan mail [1324] zayeditzzyt: blueryaiScaryryai blueryaiBluenoway blueryaiBluenoway blueryaiBluenoway blueryaiBluenoway [1324] rhana_banana: Better than you [1324] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀 [1324] NateDaMan_: glaze [1324] sheluvsbv: Junko pls react harder [1324] giftmesubforcharm: L BULLY [1324] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [1324] ytstezo: www [1325] MrDeansGame: LOL [1325] gangsta_gru: Hey Jynxi, love your content and your incredible personality and just wanted to say thank you for being you [1325] Kraymoon: XQC IS WAITING!!!! [1325] opcical: glaze [1325] urawiitodd: L react [1325] yer_hunterz: 10K BITS [1325] clapz__yt: wehoopAYO wehoopAYO wehoopAYO [1325] lomfy_: when is fan mail? [1325] cpl_justice: Good aim [1325] jasonvoorhes2690: WHEN IS FAN MAIL [1325] VyseM4H: WHEN JYNXI IS STREAM IS LIVE? [1325] pjhornet_10: can I still get charm if my accounts are already linked? [1325] dmx5p: WWWWWWWWWWWWW [1325] harryisoncrac: Asss [1326] lilaaronlee2: do you stream on DoorDash? [1326] jaceduncan_35: KENTRELL IS WAITING [1326] kjbeatss: WHENS FRIDAY? [1326] mifgg_: face cam is too perfect [1326] Kraymoon: XQC IS WAITING!!!!! [1326] markythe3rde: W [1326] SirFlammy: WWW [1326] g0atsplash: YES [1326] mangotango2k: react harder [1326] prof_smurf: Fan mail? [1326] xbemanx: react harder [1327] swagfart777: DR.DISRESPECT CALLED YOU OUT FOR THE 1V1 [1327] brodacious271: when Dan mail [1327] henny_2121: PLAY WITH DR DISRESPECT [1327] FadedJunior710: ez [1327] nate_greatest: weww [1327] Sky_Owen14: GOOD AIM [1327] sherk_ondvd: when is the caseoh 1v1 [1327] goobershooter56: L ungrateful [1328] bardown16__: OH MY GOD BEJHCLIPUHDAUHDAY [1328] MrDeansGame: zG [1328] giftmesubforcharm: BULLYGY [1328] miro2524: when is fan mail at 8? [1328] DerekSolos: glaze [1328] FZbrownie: white speed [1328] Chase123: fan is when mail [1328] MA7KN: kai doing 50h stream you better do 60h [1328] cesarthegoate: react harderr [1328] kadeshjl: FULL STREAM WITH CASEOH [1328] harryisoncrac: ssss [1328] zyruzi_: cronus [1328] ericroot70: Fuck clix and lacy [1328] tensei444: imjoel2W imjoel2W imjoel2W imjoel2W jezjunDontcare jezjunDontcare [1329] badtwitchtv: yes [1329] FazeDuckXx09: L part timer talk louder [1329] hyper_mxtrix: when is clix 1v1? [1329] mrhambone31: WHEN ARE CLIPS [1329] solllars: NOT HARD [1329] kekwbr: MOD HIM [1329] glueater6000: PizzaTime NiceTry [1329] rewind016: GOOD AIM [1329] hannahbango: EVERYONE KNOWS HOW TO QUICK PEAK DUMBASS [1329] synisontop2: WHEN IS FAN MAIL [1329] JustTooke: im bouta nut [1329] Cheexzys: when is junko live? [1329] rangerkies: xiiiiiim [1330] uncaringvoid_23: Why does it fanmail [1330] LoneWarrior6022: jynxziPACK [1330] agentghostfn: When is 24 hour stream [1330] WEgoLEGEND74: when is fan mail? [1330] callum144hz__: Chunko why dont you stop vaping [1330] wherethesidewalkends8: jynxziFALL jynxziFALL [1330] luvkijk: fan mail is waiting [1330] harryisoncrac: Asss [1330] cobijack9999: jynxziRage jynxziLaugh [1330] PaPi_Junko: flight is waiting [1330] crazyjj3: when is bronny???? [1330] Nayte_93: 8am pst? [1330] nidronisbackbaby: react harder @Jynxzi !! [1330] deranged_dz4: How fan mail is when 8 at tomorrow [1331] krackaaaa: when is caseoh 1v1? [1331] tolstrupp: when is stream ending @Jynxzi [1331] 711classiccrispychicken: When the mail is fan ¿¿¿ [1331] ikind111: What time is fan mail?????? [1331] Peepingsam8034_: @hyvise [1331] tonydalowk: glaze [1331] jef101010101: 1v1 him [1331] jacobbro1: When is clip of day [1331] JaxkisKing: JaxkisKing subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 2 month streak! Love you Jynxzi!!! [1331] sambavz679: WHEN AND WHY IS SKETCH [1332] pele1554: when is next fan mail [1332] CoryWithTheStory: Lebron is waiting [1332] chuckaroundnfindout: WHEN IZ SUPERBOWL [1332] 27_lou: does it clap or queef? [1332] owlblitz_yt: owlblitz_yt subscribed at Tier 1. [1332] lcedash: when is the steam on friday fatass [1332] itz_truly_jay: glaze [1332] excessivezero5: WHEN IS CLIPS? [1332] tsutki: Wheres bronny [1332] txs_omar11: jynxziHappy [1332] tensei444: imjoel2W imjoel2W jezjunDontcare [1332] logedoge: supreme patty clone [1332] ItsMeLindaa_: ItsMeLindaa_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to iiprojectii! This is their first Gift Sub in the channel! [1332] nickka_clickka: so your son? [1333] papi_logann: when we reacting to clips [1333] clapz__yt: lampo [1333] Dzcson: react harder [1333] bardown16__: TALK FASTER [1333] antivax_ryan: Disgusting [1333] SicSolaFide: Stop yelling [1333] Sou1Taker215: Is this pubg? [1333] dmx5p: WHENS fan mail [1333] leroyy2k: react even harder [1333] nowaylois: that’s easy dawg [1333] zer0_aero: glaze [1333] mut69: react fatter [1333] v1ndog2: DONO [1333] foxxiarz: 10k cheered junko [1333] SG1Rez: react harder [1334] finnisthebest1234: the mail with the fan is nehw? [1334] sobiethegreat: react harder [1334] DroppinJce: ong I did that today [1334] worldclassfeeder: talk slower [1334] yehehwhehwhw: !link [1334] NachoFishYT: REACT HARDER [1334] bishhskh: !sub [1336] LoneWarrior6022: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [1336] coolkidrage007: Mod me now [1336] ghostofnykr: G l i z z y [1336] TRFF_luciid: when is fan mail [1336] MikePedroso: MikePedroso gifted a Tier 1 sub to Fabioo2x! This is their first Gift Sub in the channel! [1336] filipio26: when is mail fan at 8pm ? [1336] bardown16__: TALK SLOWER [1336] 1hunnybunny1: www [1336] apwdude: TALK FASTER [1336] nolimitnoob_: and he has the charm [1336] RMFG__: j [1336] canonaki: React harder [1336] l0hk3y: when is kai vs caseoh [1336] FrioYT20: react harder [1336] monkeymossy: React faster [1337] bananana630: Shut up fatty [1337] cadenc233: GREAT AIK [1337] g0atsplash: STOMPIN GRANDSON [1337] fishing_with_devon: love you junko [1337] mxtthew201: FAN MAILL NOWW [1337] angelbluethunder1: react faster [1337] kazzawiii: TALK HARDER [1337] wetconcret3: L CLIX [1337] jacobiscool122se: www [1337] Hxwes_X0: clix is waiting [1338] rhana_banana: React harder [1338] markythe3rde: When is fainmail [1338] 1brah1mehsan: react harder [1338] jedra808: when’s fanmail [1338] robertmugabe69: react better or I queef [1338] TruePr0tege: talk slower [1338] mrmilku1234: W [1338] harryisoncrac: As# [1338] ijexseu: i can do it better [1338] Cristian2KOLD: l [1338] oren103: react harder [1338] itz_locoz: !sub [1338] ZachXc48: it’s not hard [1338] ikareempiei: react harder [1338] robiberg_: TALK HARDER [1339] ziggy23: TALK FASTER [1339] Kraymoon: react with more enthusiasm [1339] PaPi_Junko: blink faster [1339] damienmill2007: React hatder [1339] hasan_24_2008: Talk slower [1339] Nightbot: mild tourettes (something he can't control.) be nice! [1339] Freezyyy_7: REACT HARDER PUSSY [1339] fat_germ: white speed when is fan mail? can you react Harder?? [1339] mashal2nd: ban me 30min [1339] Deisyldacreatorr: White speed react hard [1339] Sk1rry: react harder [1339] clapz__yt: REACT FASTERTT [1339] mg_spamalot: react less [1339] akbeamgod: react softer [1339] sandy_sir: REACT WITH MORE ENERGY [1340] cambassford06: clip watch harder [1340] grav1tytrax: what?? [1340] kernan: I tought this streamer just streamed on tuesdays and thursdays??? [1341] gubagweble: shaiiko peaking is mad ez on roller bud [1341] thelegendroheet: when is fan mail [1341] maxaxe21: STARE HARDER [1341] procat158: whats the clip acc called [1341] quirkyoinkwagon: shaiko peak is so easy [1341] Nightbot: Jynxzi is his #1 fan [1341] bardown16__: TALK WEIRDER [1341] conconconcon1313: FLIGHT IS WAITING [1341] jesseblackarmz: React harder [1341] shadow78218: react faster [1341] ollyleo2010: react harder [1342] kodyroberts: Jynxzi get a job i dont think the streaming career is gonna work out [1342] insanity__5: react harder [1342] Dullsonic224: hey fatass I missed u [1342] wibby710: react better [1342] sherk_ondvd: talk harder [1342] aidanishere09: talk harder [1342] bigdawg101520: white speed [1342] itzzjustmike: react harder [1342] lockeykockey3: REACT LIGHTER [1342] jaydis0916: Shut yo pasty chicken bone googel chrome flip phone diown ice cream cone garden gnome metronome final chrome student loan underground flint stone BUTT UP [1342] blazejub: react harder [1342] Basketballking2012: Fagets [1342] avidevening9297: glaze harder [1342] DAxUCE: react better [1342] xanderthedread_: Cheer10 [1343] Al3xmtb222: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [1343] manguhyt: black peoples [1343] warrajoe: talk faster [1343] miirrr4k: when is 8 [1343] junkolicious: shaiko peak is easy [1343] itachi85884: Stream harder [1343] giftmesubforcharm: 🎺🎺🎺🎺 [1343] Silvxa_: react harder [1343] vic_williams22: REACT HARDER [1343] hunterl11100: @Jynxzi react harder [1343] waterrnelons: :O [1344] StreamElements: If you're a gamer, you need a Starforge! Snag one -> https://starforgepc.com/Jynxzi [1344] waterrnelons: :O [1345] reflzx1: talk slower [1345] cris_71907: squeez harder [1345] nolimitnoob_: Wwwwwww [1345] monkejosh: talk with more emphasis [1345] bender_newman13: react harder [1345] waterrnelons: :O [1345] jynxzi_buns: Fan is mail when [1345] llg_icedryan: BEST CLIP OF THE DAY?? [1345] tommylee_bruh: React harder [1345] yvngrxg: see harder [1345] v1ndog2: LOOK AT DONO [1345] toma_5283: MY WHILE ROOM IS PAINTED BEARS COLORS [1345] pbcj: white SPEED [1346] sandy_sir: DAM,MNN [1346] Sir_Deloy: react faster and harder [1346] lilhomiee77: beat it harder [1346] clovtxpnut: 1v1 me [1346] tizumpug: react way harder [1346] Bear3075: just left valorant and started playing r6 bc of u ty legend jynxziRAHHH [1346] StreamElements: clapz__yt has spent 18 hours 40 mins watching jynxzi [1346] chxrlie2105: when is you vs kai? [1346] waterrnelons: :O [1346] thepatriot1789: RIZZ better [1346] unseeninvader0717: react harder [1346] NobleGamer123: react harder [1346] Nightbot: F in the chat [1346] swagfart777: DR.DISRESPECT CALLED YOU OUT FOR THE 1V1!!! [1346] seamorebutts88: Stream harder [1347] leo_brannan0192: white speedp [1347] xnoctemm: Talk fatter [1347] nolimitnoob_: WWWWWW [1347] spriggan__17: Look louder [1347] sandy_sir: DAMMNN [1347] mr_butternips69: Is this Netflix [1347] dimitri_the_goat21: we can’t hear you [1347] totaliynotethan: Do a count down [1347] ethanhofmann1212: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [1347] ruebe801: React harder [1347] waterrnelons: :O [1348] ItsNeonNinja: ItsNeonNinja subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! [1349] rvin22: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [1349] BrenDen423: react harder [1349] shroomp: !link [1349] viralrugs: well damn [1349] MonkaTheJuicer1: L GLAZER [1349] Spartan7OO: WHITE SPEED [1349] Nightbot: @shroomp If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [1349] canonaki: Fist me [1349] leroyy2k: Talk better [1349] pyqea: chunko shaiko on roller is not hard [1349] SnowyJoey27: not that difficult to do that [1349] truesamuGHG: truesamuGHG subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months! [1349] kian2705: React softer [1349] adrian62345: react lord [1349] aaronmacrae18: BRONNY is waiting [1350] maeeveey: react harder [1350] USAFM1ke: hacking [1350] kolodol0: your not reacting right [1350] razstr0: Glazeing [1350] kimjongsquarepants: wenfanmale [1350] darsh__harry: react cloooler [1350] SpecialHerbGame: when is fan mail? [1350] berryyyz: react harder please this boring [1350] bdubt21: jynxziGoodAim [1350] Seygour: glaze harder [1350] tizumpug: react harder [1350] xompgoat: react better [1350] kxngpsycho: BREATHE LIGHTER [1350] itzswifty27: pre end stream [1351] Nickh828: sketch is waiting [1351] lavender_lillix: BROS HIM [1351] cpolston: react harder [1351] k1rby_12: what time is it [1352] eianz_: valid [1353] Gingersneeze329: when are you reacting to clips [1353] lilaaronlee2: React harder [1353] st_frosty_1: when do you collab with caseoh [1353] crazycoughlin: react normalerrrrrrrr [1353] mrtoxin_ishere: did she buy that chain for you? [1353] leroyy2k: speak better [1353] firemallard: fillip screwdriver [1353] USAFM1ke: HACKING [1353] lucasisnotiny2432: hes better than you [1353] lilsquirt_3: yo when’s clips? [1353] kitian_09: React harder [1353] lev1hughes: their [1353] buster3458728: jynxziVapeBreak [1353] cobijack9999: Wwww [1353] Victor_Pineapple: W CLIP [1354] nevaduhh0: white speed [1354] adrian62345: fake xqc [1354] caseintop: Wwwww [1354] hudsonarnsman: react harder [1354] FireCrayLuke: react faster [1354] abelbabble55: jynxziChampion [1354] helioz1275: react harder fat bubblebass [1354] mrmilku1234: he’ll never react harder pussy [1354] xxwidlyxx: shut up bitch [1356] royalllive: when’s clips [1356] johnson_jynxzi: when is clips [1356] Seygour: glaze harderrr [1356] jnxd10: JYNXZI WHAT HAPPEND TO THE SIX HOUR YESTERDAY [1356] lukabrasi123: react harder blueberry pancake [1356] pxckxpunch: better then any of your clips [1356] konkyy_: konkyy_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months! [1356] cr71sb4by: cr71sb4by subscribed with Prime. [1356] cold_killing7: He can c through the walls [1356] robiberg_: TALK HARDER FATTY [1356] suplolsup: mew harderr [1356] fern_sonn: REACT EYES CLOSED [1356] cobijack9999: sws [1356] DaRealGaby54: BRONNY WAITING [1356] GooseZNeck: yoooo [1357] mr_bubblers: harder rate [1357] gulpgulphehe: w clip [1357] redmouse05: ARE YOU WATCHING CLIPS TODAY? [1357] goddddddaim555: TALK HARDER [1357] sebastianodiwasserfall: YOU ARE MY SONSHINEEE [1357] LaSalle19: Daddy not reacting hard enough [1357] bwauba: CHEEDER [1357] blpemfan69: THINK FASTER [1357] filipio26: when is mail fan at 8pm ? [1357] omooda19: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [1357] jxstuss_: WHEN IS JYNXZI AND CASEOH PLAY 2K [1357] lolitsfindog: stream harder [1357] Big_j679: backflips on it [1357] droofythepapi: hear louder [1357] Gen8Kade: is mail when fan [1358] nightmare_eyes_78: react slower [1358] cobijack9999: se [1358] dueces99: react harder [1358] Lord__Jr: DONO [1358] morgano12: when is 24 hour stream [1358] schmermitermy: Bet clip of de week [1358] xdirtysponh: we’re do we send clips [1358] giftmesubforcharm: glazinnnnnngg [1358] DaddyDestroyer80: L clix [1358] syd1878: and bro has Jynxzi charm [1358] geraldmandingo: Sketch is waiting [1358] cglove333: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [1358] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [1360] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: he should replace u in roller prime LUL [1360] pzazzzy: L clix [1360] waveyjones32: FAT BITCH [1360] savgew: BRONNY IS WAITING‼️ [1360] braydenlive101: make me harder 😫 [1360] yankeesrule75: GLAZE HARDER [1360] ep2831: STOP REACTING [1360] swagfart777: DR.DISRESPECT CALLED YOU OUT FOR THE 1V1! [1360] Victor_Pineapple: W PFP [1360] JBizzy_1: WWWWWW [1360] mangotango2k: react harder [1360] zgoat69: react zestier [1360] VyseM4H: WHEN JYNXI IS STREAM IS LIVE? [1360] ChocolateLoverVz: let’s let the react harder meta die thanks [1360] leroyy2k: Shut up fattas [1361] stijnchazam: Put your jhonson in my tiny hole [1361] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: he should replace u in roller prime LUL [1361] bigcookle: react better [1362] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: he should replace u in roller prime LUL [1363] gamekryptic: Jynxzi react harder [1363] bfieger19: when is clips [1363] gold3nnn_bud: glazing [1363] logedoge: whomp whomp [1363] Cendental: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [1363] chrispy053006: react softer [1363] monkeyowner75: react harder [1363] Felixhe__: be harder [1363] green_plumbum: open you mouth wider [1363] luis_11c: when is the bronny 1v1 [1363] shifthechef: part timer [1363] jaceerracer: JacerRacer has a YouTube video on you [1363] 1brah1mehsan: REACT HARDER [1363] iibizyii: reacting to perfect [1363] miro2524: when is fan mail at 8? [1364] mifgg_: FACE CAM TOO PERFEct🔥🔥 [1364] fahadbatman654: Junko is waiting [1364] harryisoncrac: Ed hxudhdhwhduxusuxuxjjhhhhjjhrbshdhddhxhdhxbdbdbsvdbsjdjdjdhdhfjfjdidndkdhdhrhdufhdj [1364] jasonvoorhes2690: REACT HARDER [1364] ytstezo: w [1364] zyruzi_: is this McDonald’s webcam? [1364] Nightbot: ussy [1364] getbredd: white speed [1364] hellohiyp0: what happend yesterday [1364] SG1Rez: react harder [1364] wasabigod208: jynxziFAT_TK jynxziFAT_TK jynxziFAT_TK jynxziFAT_TK [1364] crinbreh: HENDRIX [1364] chambersbot69: L bozo [1364] BABYKEEMLOVER13: sketch is waiting [1364] bbping978: bbping978 subscribed at Tier 1. [1365] Updwg: Jynxzi what is rainbow six siege [1365] lizard_4639: clips whennn [1365] nococknation: react faster [1365] synncose: L glazer [1365] teeko_flamez: Clip farmer [1366] belovedcpd: react harder fatty [1366] sheluvsbv: REACT SOFTER [1366] conconconcon1313: FLIGHT IS WAITING [1366] quentin_olson: change shirts harder [1366] haydottv: 10K CHEEREDD [1366] jasonvoorhes2690: REACT [1366] saltyyyy___: RACT HARDER [1366] zerkssss97777: do better [1366] saintz_1: when is ranked [1366] txs_omar11: good fucking aim [1366] uplift_frost: 8 is at fanmail? [1366] EightNinety_: stream harder [1366] dialed_in_: what time is fan mail? [1366] w1ngxx: @stealthxskilz Thanks for the gift sub! [1366] fazeeyk: WHEN IS FAN MAIL FATTY [1367] Gucci_kid54: harder react [1367] spookywednesday_: jimi hendrix [1367] oalbah590: when is the 6 hour stream [1367] NorthfaceFetti: glaze harder [1367] phantomytgggggg: L streamer [1367] savgew: BRONNY is waiting [1367] sobiethegreat: LUL [1367] isaakukk: white speed [1367] soundcloutken: REACT FATTER [1367] papi_logann: when we reacting to clips [1367] NachoFishYT: REACT HARDER [1367] docterrb: react softer [1367] mut69: react fatter [1367] seedless1904: mute harder [1367] BABYKEEMLOVER13: where’s sketch [1368] pxckxpunch: react harder [1368] owlblitz_yt: !LINK [1368] goobershooter56: @zayeditzzyt W scaryryai [1368] sebastianodiwasserfall: MY ONLY SUNSINEEEEEE [1368] 2amzzz: react better man [1368] Gucci_kid54: harder react [1368] cris_71907: do it all harder [1368] usa_america_usa: react harder [1370] isaakukk: white speed... [1370] trey3f1: stoke harder [1370] Halorti: make faces faster [1370] iheartdarxz: slap it on me [1370] yaaabear: fake comments [1370] buhp_nadezz: When is the stream starting [1370] janjsmaidn: dad is waiting [1370] TheAceOfSpades54: Yo Jynxzi just got the game last Friday and you're a huge inspiration any tips for a lvl 50 going into ranked [1370] thitherbike4435: when’s Kai 1v1 ? [1370] ianisg22: Jynxzi what is rainbow six siege [1370] royalllive: when are clips [1370] cakez408: clip farm better [1370] makillahh: go harder [1370] rajrana_: can u not fake the react bro [1370] duckzaptt: seduce me [1371] B1aCk0uTdUsTy: KEEP GOUNG [1371] cobijack9999: shut up harder [1371] Sleezus_HasLigma: jyxnzi im talking to this girl and she said she had a dream about me am i in? [1371] raf_brayzy: FULL TIMER🤔 [1371] ILLYN0ISE: STOP YELLING YOU FCUKING DEGENERATE [1371] suppemus: react Harder white speed [1371] lukaku_ma03: Fake coms [1371] hxarveybanks06: Clip farming [1371] Gucci_kid54: harder react [1371] luis_11c: when is bronny 1v1 [1371] huddyondabeat: react softer Cheer1 [1373] StrawHatConstituent: !clip [1373] Nightbot: GUYS STOP ASKING WHAT ACC HIS XBOX ACC GONNA GLITCH FROM TOO MANY PPL SPAMMING [1373] dmx5p: bro DEFO NUTTED [1373] AML008: w [1373] hamsandwich457: jynxziVapeBreak [1373] foxxiarz: 10k cheered junko [1373] scotmitchell1235: react softer [1373] phatfutgecko: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [1373] suplolsup: MEW HARDER [1373] jynxgddaim: JIM HENDRIX [1373] Cendental: L ego [1373] mintyspringg: REACT BE#TTER acoustic man [1373] EightNinety_: white speed [1373] NcNameless: react quieter [1373] sappyq1: jynxziGoodAim [1374] faz3_w1ggly: when is fan mail [1374] bwauba: Low energy stream [1374] vonr62k: react lesser [1374] caseohisafarriswheel: react harder fatso [1374] Gucci_kid54: harder react [1374] KXNG_SKULLY: are clips at the end? [1374] tokyo_drift149: blink harder [1374] tom_12333: cmonn brooo [1374] mmarlie2: Big poo poo [1374] sammons_josh: react harder [1374] aydenaguilera: he better than you [1374] Nightbot: mild tourettes (something he can't control.) be nice! [1375] floozyyyyy: floozyyyyy subscribed with Prime. [1376] neweracbb: UR AASSSSSSSS [1376] goobershooter56: W coffee [1376] lilpuffy323: blink harder [1376] FazeDuckXx09: jynxziFALL [1376] pmlrx: pre end pre end pre end [1376] gxmoneyxhoney: when is sketch streaming [1376] a2_melty: TALK FASTER 😍 [1376] tripperedd1400000: daddy [1376] wavyyair: when are clips [1376] freegdogg: Hey when is fan mail [1376] CaseohDookieStain1: react harder [1376] jett2x: white speed [1376] kapdor2019: Sketch is waiting [1376] z_purpleswag1: fake swat lol [1376] kaven_1818: your face getting chunky [1377] nyyankz99: Speed clonr [1377] xtyrant0: when is clips [1377] fortnitekid6437737835671: when is fan mail [1377] sappyq1: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [1377] omar_flores01: did I miss fan mail? [1377] liogacy: when the caseoh steam [1377] negan_isthegoat: Daddy [1377] 0marsit0o: junko who is under your desk [1377] Fossabot: @MyAktrips, Your message is too long [1377] Nightbot: Check out Jynxzi's Rank and Stats here -> https://r6.tracker.network/profile/xbox/Junk%20Shiesty [1379] xfofey: What are we doing today [1379] itachi85884: Stream harder [1379] twitchbotfn_: trash at fortnite [1379] gold3nnn_bud: he is better than oyu [1379] a1Iex_: React quieter [1379] AyWATP: when is caseoh stream [1379] pessiandmessi: WHEN IS CLIPS [1379] classywizardgamer: REACT HARDER [1379] boom_tgw: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [1379] z_purpleswag1: FAKE SWAT LOL [1379] waterrnelons: now thats the kind of teammate stomp deserves [1379] jdd1810: see better [1379] fahadbatman654: JYNXZI IS WAITING FATASSS [1379] GHOSTEEE_23: W mods [1379] chxrlie2105: when is you vs kai? | Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [1200] So we're in platinum. Chad what's the shitty Fortnite rank? So we're in platinum. [1210] Hei tarrein, hei tarrein, dat sierjain! Vai! [1220] Okay, you are not Spider-Man though, brother. Wait, he actually might be Miles Morales. [1230] Okay, this might be Spider-Man. [1240] I'd like to apologize for everything I just said. You are Spider-Man. Leaving the lad on the white set of bain. [1250] Chad who is that who's number two on the bears number one on the bears is Justin Fields right who's number two on the bears stop bears Can you imagine waking up in the morning? [1260] and being a Chicago Bears fan, just knowing that you're never even making the playoffs. Shout out to the Bears fan though man, Yauder Noil, Yauder Noil motherfuckers man. Beep up! [1270] to remand him. When is fan mail? Aight! DJ Moore O! [1280] That's kind of a shirriango. I don't love that rango. One friendly remaining. They're inside. Uh, 4 has located above. [1290] Listen, all you have to do is wait for the fan rear to go red and full sprints at this guy, I promise. Full sprint! I haven't started! [1300] ㄲ c à rишme ㄲ c à rишme OH MY GOD [1310] Stop! Is he psycho peeking on controller? [1320] Is this Stompin's grandson or something? Hop for last operator standing. He just psycho-peaked on controller! [1330] Bam the guy that said talk faster. Got to rotate. [1340] That's the best club of the week. [1350] No, that is the best clip of the week. That is quite literally the best clip of the... Best clip of the week. React. [1360] Shut up! Oh my god bro! Gotta flip-combin' him from JT! [1370] He should replace you and roll her prime tomorrow. Okay, coffee. Question. | There is no Highlight in the provided timespan. Jynxzi starts by reacting to a Fortnite clip from a viewer. At the end of the timeframe, he is annoyed by an R6 clip, followed by the viewer's profile picture. |
Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [1800] gamerraybtw2: when is fan mail [1800] dawarrior5: real [1800] twoblade_: React faster [1800] avixxify: white speed [1800] gabee19: jynxzi is that the same shirt I nutted on? [1800] nococknation: 1v1 kentrrell [1800] zapp189: 10K BIT [1800] stonerthestoned: mod him white speed [1800] r_monkey0: yeah react louder harder and get harder [1800] yayeet2747: smash [1800] vitality5175: PRE SCREAM [1800] tdjax810: bully [1800] WEgoLEGEND74: SO REAL [1800] xoglockzii: real [1800] MLG_Spuddie: we need more clips [1801] yxngeli3: real [1801] gront_2507: react more better [1801] Legend2o8: stream faster [1801] HapTik_: CODE CLIX [1801] a1Iex_: fanmail when [1801] VyseM4H: When will Jynxzi be live Junko [1801] demy__88: BITCH [1801] tionvx: reacts softer [1801] robotmech8: cap [1801] zupson_maksiu: AUTISM HARDERAUTISM HARDERAUTISM HARDERAUTISM HARDERAUTISM HARDERAUTISM HARDERAUTISM HARDERAUTISM HARDERAUTISM HARDERAUTISM HARDER [1801] tommowavyy: it’s 5 o’clock somewhere!!! [1801] Jmangunslinger510: real [1801] zavier998: !sub [1801] Nightbot: no 🧢 [1801] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [1803] errrrrrL: SCREAM FOR ME [1803] st_frosty_1: when do you collab with caseoh [1803] gigi979797: mod him [1803] ya_boy_t_schultz: react wetter [1803] Alectry0n: Come on dude [1803] deeganmm: im horny [1803] hxarveybanks06: ROLL YOUR LETTERS HARDER [1803] Madmankyle: louder react [1803] pur_str_xp1: DR DISRESPECT IMITATE YOU TODAY [1803] utdjason: Only 6 hour stream? [1803] waterhorse256: GET HARDER [1803] mattdagoat26: NOT EDITED [1803] unknownniqa: clix is waiting [1803] lcvelymads: REACT SOFTER [1804] l0hk3y: when is kai vs caseoh [1804] boynowayboy123: REACT BRIGHTER [1804] marcnot: react sexier [1804] whlterwhite: what are the odds of you being in a relationship that is a little more complicated at the end than the beginning and end and you have a little bit of time in between and you can do [1804] kemotheking99: REAL PIC LEAKED [1804] gypsyfreak01: Break face cam louder [1804] rafabouttabag: kumich [1804] kekwbr: kick your camera fat ass [1804] fernando_borges05: REACT HARDER WHITE SPEEDREACT HARDER WHITE SPEEDREACT HARDER WHITE SPEEDREACT HARDER WHITE SPEED [1804] oneswiftyboii: REACT HARDER [1804] Kit_Hs__: clip farm harder [1804] GHOSTEEE_23: nooooooooooooooo plz dnt [1804] legoawesomeism3: LINK [1804] Fossabot: @jaceerracer, Your message is too long [1804] Nightbot: mild tourettes (something he can't control.) be nice! [1805] ValkyrieNerd: Cheer101 [1806] joelennon99: when’s 1v1 against ryanstoyreviews [1806] f7_konz: when’s sketch coming over? [1806] mustymen1245336: when is sleep stream with caseoh [1806] yahir122503: washed 68k [1806] AML008: would [1806] zurkesss: Fall back harder Fall back harder [1806] locomoco8080: WATCH YOU LANGUAGE SON [1806] goobershooter56: React lighter [1806] Zolacee: LOUDER MF [1806] tragicredgaming: when is speed 1v1 [1806] hot5nakes: White speed [1806] papi_vo1dskee: PRE NEGATIVE KD TOMORROW [1806] brocboc: SCREAM LOUDER [1806] gorilla_nuts_: put up a bet [1807] nae____nae: whens 1v1 with Juice Wrld? [1807] eliash1002: REACT MORE [1807] yehehwhehwhw: !link [1807] kingwinner2424: NOT EDITED [1807] w0ccaa: real selfie [1807] Nightbot: @yehehwhehwhw If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [1807] schrodas: CLONE OF SPEED [1807] NotFatShawnsMom: what’s the gamertag to send to [1807] Seygour: get madder harder [1807] berttrev: Drink harder [1807] HapTik_: USE CODE CLIX [1807] gamer_a1010: REACT MORE REACTABLY [1807] frizzle_geo: REACT HARDER WHITE SPEEDREACT HARDER WHITE SPEEDREACT HARDER WHITE SPEEDREACT HARDER WHITE SPEED. [1807] jnxd10: JYNXZI WHAT HAPPEND TO THE SIX HOUR YESTERDAY [1807] Sslugshots095: !Charm [1808] al_dusty324: sketch waiting [1808] JAYTOTAL: LOL [1808] mark_zdanevich: briked [1808] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [1808] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [1808] N0tLuxk: SPEED CLONE [1808] urboistormzy_: what happened yesterday [1808] xeking_: FACE REVEAL [1808] sesaxer: yoo [1808] tonymontona23: REACT TO LARD [1808] Nightbot: 😂 [1808] batessyy: watch faster [1808] twinkiewinkiefan123: kick the camera harder. [1808] Nightbot: @brocode789 -> I can do this all day... [stop posting links] [warning] [1808] eianz_: when does the reactions start [1810] enrique_849: 24 hour stream is waiting [1810] hbraul74: 6HR STREAM DONT MAKE YOU A 6HR STREAMER [1810] sergio6996__: jynxziSNOT [1810] bnasty308: rage harder not funny anymore [1810] ImWestUK: BROWN SPEED [1810] tizumpug: react but get harder [1810] rylanaust: can you start reacting to clips please [1810] ogelinpaskin: speak harder [1810] airizna: whos fanmail [1810] imayberestarted: imayberestarted subscribed with Prime. [1810] yo_boyjunior: fuck u [1810] wyfyttv: REACT SEXIER [1810] althemaster123: react softer [1810] IamTheFlash: clip merchant [1810] mintyspringg: POOP ON MY FOOD [1811] berttrev: drink harder [1811] kakainmeinpooopooo: Edge harder [1811] crypt057: stream harder [1811] Marvls_: Past your peak [1811] morgano12: I can smell you through the screen [1811] DA_Jayunzi: white speed [1811] ExplodingAndrew: when is clips [1811] logedoge: fake chat [1811] matthew575463458: edge harder [1811] maxkingbrody: you are my shunshine [1811] iluvzebra12: CLIP FARM [1813] camerock_: shut up im at work [1813] quizziking5151: when sketch and Kai are 1v1?? [1813] donut_313: breath harder [1813] tonymontona23: RESCT TK MY BALLS [1813] pessiandmessi: FART [1813] subaru2912: PART TIME STREAMER [1813] rhysstone22: react softly [1813] suplolsup: MEW HARDER [1813] uszrtrey: SLAM HARDER [1813] dylansalant15: liam is waiting [1813] zackor6: Fake chat [1813] lukabrasi123: pancake harder [1813] swagfart777: DR.DISRESPECT CALLED YOU OUT FOR THE 1V1 [1813] Nightbot: 🧍🏻 [1813] crazytank87: would [1814] stackswopofanboi: white speed [1814] shaqaroni_palmersan: Callout Better [1814] KRISbuter: you doing good [1814] syphon_ac007: Smash again... [1814] itachi85884: Stream harder [1814] googlechromed: HARD FARM CLIPPER [1814] flynn_a2: what time is fan mail [1814] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: end faster [1814] Alumist_NA: drink water harder [1814] benstoner1: BLINK HARDER [1814] xguthry: react harder puppy [1814] tj_junko: fuck you [1814] AyWATP: when is clips [1814] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: end faster [1816] suplolsup: MEW HAR DER [1816] Aspectsx: end stream fatty [1816] mic_too_good: L part timer [1816] lllcomboziii: when’s jynxzi vs junko? [1816] dylansalant15: liam is here [1816] yxng_v1: BRONNY??????? [1816] yahir122503: WASHed68k [1816] Nightbot: real [1816] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: end faster [1816] anselparsa: when is vaping stream? @jynxzi [1816] qbrez: abe is waiting [1816] tmoney3034: fan mail? [1816] homie_on_sarms: part timer [1816] gazzyjazzy: React more reactful [1816] twinkiewinkiefan123: kick the camera harder [1817] Dreeazii: drinkm landsharks [1817] SPLATGT: stream with more elegance [1817] rdye22: sub farm more [1817] Gmanhoops: white boy speed [1817] iMcNastyJr: fan mail? [1817] royalllive: black speed [1817] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: end faster [1817] rangerkies: L bully [1817] lovinit10: when do clips start [1817] junggle_198: who is when is fanmail at 8:99am [1817] f0urjimsxd: whens face reveal? [1817] PKonstantinakos: stop reacting [1817] surhkud: fat [1817] xsull09: give it to me baby [1817] dxpressn_hxz: dxpressn_hxz subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! [1818] ARD1811: ARD1811 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [1818] CreamGaming: CreamGaming subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [1819] maco_TTV: What acct do we send to [1819] OvORiRi: white speed will do it [1819] swagfart777: DR.DISRESPECT CALLED YOU OUT FOR THE 1V1!!!!!!! [1819] vG00NZv: LEVEL 14!! [1819] fat_germ: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [1819] nolski079: I thought u quit [1819] cjamesdoucet: part timer jynxzi [1819] croswarr: FU [1819] simpingforgaliosfeet: SHOW GYAAAAT [1819] unemployedpizza_: can u react now [1819] ceco1k: sketch clone [1819] anselparsa: when is vaping stream? @jynxzi u [1819] bardown16__: clip farm with young thug [1819] theking_reaper: pre end [1819] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: end faster [1820] groggbog: react sideways [1820] skillzismee: Suck it harderrrrr [1820] ImVapidz_: end fasterrrrr [1820] lucasisnotiny2432: React ISSUE [1820] TruePr0tege: clix waiting [1820] yodie_fn: not edited [1820] itsbauer96: suck harder [1820] supercoolni89ga: blink slowly [1820] AyWATP: when is Kai [1820] leo007021: EXIST HARDER [1820] HCPE: don’t react at all [1820] AbroadPlains87: Sketch is Waiting [1820] 44nightmareszz: wen is bron 1v1 [1820] stemp_s: pre .2 KD [1820] voudourisApoPyrgoHleias: U react too maybe [1822] speeli10111: eyes are to loud [1822] Scrooblord1234: DRINK WATER [1822] thebulletlegend: REACT FASTEERRRRR [1822] Mishes4: Reaction clone [1822] toxik_b0y: when is the stream ending [1822] tommylee_bruh: be louder but slower [1822] lykan608: when’s fan mail [1822] lachy_kr: pre end [1822] spectralboxedyou: 0 kill phil [1822] glizzybob55: Sketch is waiting [1822] 1hunnybunny1: white spees [1822] caperoniii: SOFT HARDER [1822] swagfart777: DR.DISRESPECT CALLED YOU OUT FOR THE 1V1 [1822] batessyy: stream faster [1822] stackswopofanboi: shut yp [1823] tonymontona23: REACT TO YOUNG [1823] RonOffica: MODDD MEEEEEE [1823] surhkud: fatty [1823] opmbeno: when is fanmail [1823] josewzrd: REACT SOFTER [1823] copycatcloudy: playboi carti waiting [1823] stonerthestoned: ninja is waiting [1823] plu2x_: does the same thing everytime [1823] elpapasito420: React correctly [1823] alejandroo1400: talk Portuguese [1823] prof_smurf: Save a lot speed BibleThump BibleThump [1823] Nightbot: instagram.com/Jynxzii [1825] donnlarkin11: WHEN IS SKETCH VS KAI [1825] toma_5283: MY WHILE ROOM IS PAINTED BEARS COLORS [1825] royalllive: when are clips [1825] BannD1tt: Edge Harder [1825] wyfyttv: WHEN IS KAI VS CASE 1V1 [1825] mangotango2k: cry me a river [1825] to8z: jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES [1825] cxnz33: sit harder [1825] lcvelymads: REACCT SOFTER LIL BRO [1825] hunterwalthour: react hornyer [1825] eoinf05: PLAY WITH GINGEEE [1825] Haarrzzz: LEBRON WAITING [1825] collinlarsen029: mod me [1825] yxng_v1: BRONNY?? [1825] jynxiismyfavoritestreamer: I’m harder [1826] meatsquad_106: stream longer [1826] iibizyii: reacting to perfect [1826] kingjeep: nba youngboy is waiting [1826] mrhaeton: Play siege harder [1826] kira24137: What is your user for I can send clips [1826] Rugger002: what’s was the announcement? [1826] ihugmypandai: hi jynxzi [1826] sidneyloca: BLINK HARDER [1826] j0sephcarr: stoppp [1826] slimy_snailzz: case and kai is waiting [1826] gnom3o: FRESH AS FUCK [1826] cloudyyboca: react mediocre [1826] pointwg: fake chats [1828] hhoonigann: Cheer100 REACT HARDER [1828] GigaChadUSA: Me [1828] tommowavyy: it’s 5 o’clock somewhere!!! 88 [1828] t_wooo63: cap [1828] stackswopofanboi: capc [1828] maxqzu: CLIPFARM IS WHITE SPEED [1828] anselparsa: when is waping stream? @jynxzi [1828] skodagold: jynxziGLASSES [1828] molehhhh: molehhhh subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! put it in my buttttt [1828] SoarHorizon: WHITE SPEED [1828] SsMute_Boston: Me [1828] atmbongo: CAP [1828] hot5nakes: Cap [1828] wavy_zyxify09: who is fan mail [1828] LtShiny_Sides: jynxi pls bend me over [1829] junkolicious: CARTI IS WAITING😭 [1829] boofman0151: fanumm witing [1829] Nightbot: 🤡🫵 [1829] capo_37: react with more passion [1829] croswarr: jynxziCopper [1829] carrloiufdv: jynxziHappy [1829] camtheicon: reacting to good [1829] jamaljohn2435: flight clone [1829] Plump_rump: sup [1829] crimsontide17: ME [1829] celluo: CAP [1829] rhana_banana: Cap [1829] rafabouttabag: me [1829] f7_konz: cap [1829] zenmufs: zenmufs subscribed at Tier 1. [1830] raider715: raider715 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 1 month streak! YUHHHH [1830] MorkViking: MorkViking gifted a Tier 1 sub to wezurrects! This is their first Gift Sub in the channel! [1831] yoresse2: me [1831] carzyev1234: when is fanmail [1831] jynxziswater: cap [1831] sebastianodiwasserfall: cap [1831] t3ch_supp0rtx: ur cappin [1831] jasontodler: cap [1831] Mineghost16: me [1831] junkowunko213: WHAT lone [1831] Nightbot: no 🧢 [1831] RedMist3119: me [1831] sandy_sir: ME [1831] alt_aidn: me [1831] qbrez: not me i love u [1831] msft_Lt_Dan: PLAY WITH DR DISRESPECT SOMETIME IN FUTURE [1831] sp3ncyb0i: you are lying [1832] Madmankyle: cap [1832] h20dev___: Me [1832] yuh_kev: me [1832] kevinko46: 1 hour streamer [1832] nailwind: sketch is waiting, brother [1832] Valiyx_: ME [1832] Bl1kzzy: me [1832] cali_livin_ttv: yup [1832] tooslow44: cap [1832] resky: me [1832] omooda19: cap [1832] niixzyy_is_op: cap [1832] twinkiewinkiefan123: kick the camera harder. [1832] PKonstantinakos: all of us [1832] Maletie: me [1834] pex1234567890: pex1234567890 subscribed at Tier 1. [1834] lucasignorino: ME [1834] elderscrolls42: me [1834] ryansully8: REACT HARDER [1834] beenjamin1_1: Cap harder [1834] SwizzyAU: me [1834] Peepingsam8034_: me [1834] Gucci_kid54: me [1834] rocketz492560: CAP [1834] xFiIIy: NAH I BELIEVE [1834] no_mercy_echo: ME [1834] homie_on_sarms: cap gonna rage [1834] displaynqme: cap [1834] luca_on_xim: me [1834] bigvibes8: FULL TIMER [1835] therealbobbyd: #FAKESWAT [1835] baitmaster0671: me [1835] peekaboo69___: Me [1835] st_frosty_1: when do you collab with caseoh [1835] kaleel_drako: yup [1835] ucantseeme26: me [1835] unneringshot14: me [1835] cesarthegoate: when is fanmail [1835] yahir122503: cap [1835] superman844: me [1835] donteatmymeatball: can you blink a little more please [1835] midgetmaster25: I BELIEVE [1835] spunchbob33: CAP [1835] CalebTheSilverPleb: me [1835] UnresponsiveDan: UnresponsiveDan subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Me. [1837] HouseyHouse7: me [1837] caseohistobigformyphone: not me [1837] streakxsy: Cap [1837] sensei_hammer69: me [1837] hxzey04: ME [1837] ShreddinN: whats on the docket [1837] kemotheking99: EDGE HARDER [1837] YetiTacGaming: POLE IT [1837] L0NGW0NGD0NG: cap [1837] Gucci_kid54: me [1837] bdrewb: me [1837] solefoods: Bronny still waiting [1837] suplolsup: MEW HARD ER [1837] YoImElon: the whole chat knows your capping [1837] docterrb: me [1838] ruebe801: Me [1838] nightmare_eyes_78: me [1838] jynxifan12346: cc [1838] fadil1422: Cap harder [1838] prodigiousrage: me [1838] nora_bakkali: ME [1838] raven7583: Me [1838] stkcloaked: cap [1838] idol_spefy: fat [1838] uszrtrey: PRE END [1838] hairypoppins699: cap [1838] deegandark: CAP [1838] th3pq: me [1838] XiGelo: cap [1838] kxngpsycho: ME [1840] oSkyNetx: cap [1840] mblitzzzz: cap ur not him [1840] riatzfn: react to PlayStation clips [1840] kingjulienn3: Mee [1840] iketheman88: cap [1840] crqkf: cap god/part timer [1840] mrhaeton: we you know you pour up lean [1840] displaynqme: me [1840] jnxd10: JYNXZI WHAT HAPPEND TO THE SIX HOUR YESTERDAY [1840] NachoFishYT: 30 minute mark surpassed [1840] shadow78218: react faster [1840] TheSigSoldierSSG: what happened [1840] Snipingelmo: cap like yesterday [1840] a5d4a0m1: everyone [1840] suplolsup: MEW HARDER [1841] bigshaks2: we a,ll [1841] keaton_y21: ur stream is reversed yeah [1841] faze_cloud68: cap [1841] waltaw24: cap [1841] dannydmann: when is fan mail [1841] cdisslump: destroy lonely [1841] Nightbot: mild tourettes (something he can't control.) be nice! [1841] berttrev: cap [1841] symbiotic_url: elcapi [1841] Jmangunslinger510: how do you fat? [1841] Gucci_kid54: me [1841] AyWATP: where’s caseoh [1841] brendanmathers: Scumpii is waiting [1841] imaspritecan: imaspritecan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! can you do a real stream [1841] daroosh: daroosh subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months, currently on a 12 month streak! erwrwerwrewrwrew [1842] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: oh we know ur endint at 3 hours and 12 minutes LUL [1843] crispybitsz: crispybitsz subscribed with Prime. [1843] iiiiii1iiiilllll: I’m so tired lol I’m [1843] goog_1EA: cap [1843] tiggertyg: i believe in yoy [1843] monkeyowner75: everyone [1843] ablueturtle1: CAP CAP CAP [1843] BLUZ_S4: cap and meeeee [1843] jackoffrn: mee [1843] datprk: 30 MINS LEFT [1843] vjive: nah [1843] winnerbow69: CAP [1843] owen82_: nobody believes you [1843] mybanana_45: me [1843] jimmycarter1234567: me [1843] GHOSTEEE_23: poll it [1844] Langyy_77: fat and cap [1844] syyzie: m,e [1844] osxeqtic9867: why u look like this🗿🗿🗿 [1844] dylansalant15: liam is waitingg [1844] phunie08: sketch better [1844] ryxontopp: Zach (Ur father) is waiting [1844] no_mercy_echo: ME CHUNKO [1844] yungmummyy: EVERYONE [1844] tishdee: cap [1844] flynn_a2: cap [1844] mic_too_good: black jynxzi [1844] symbiotic_url: elcapo [1844] gabee19: jynxzi is that the same shirt I nutted on? [1844] SimplyDominated: you [1844] Nightbot: 🧍🏻 [1846] Nightbot: Twitter: twitter.com/Jynxzi [1846] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: oh we know ur endint at 3 hours and 12 minutes LUL [1846] boatnoodlesoup: boatnoodlesoup subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [1846] Spoidz_: download Facebook on your Xbox [1846] xdfino: not me [1846] spectralboxedyou: 0 kill phil [1846] hayden8k79: me [1846] kkkuwa: STREAM SOFTER [1846] cerealwithmilk1: me [1846] kz139911: No cap [1846] skullcrusher1605: jynxziPACK [1846] rocker000: Cap [1846] ghqqt: prime jynxi [1846] alt_aidn: me me [1846] sammons_josh: me [1847] mcronaldsfries: SKETCH IS WAITING [1847] silverstreak3090: cap [1847] cxplex_: Cap [1847] cloudyyboca: clip farm quieter [1847] lucasisnotiny2432: ME your caping more than your future [1847] grinningpeach9: you [1847] jInxzy_za_best: Cap [1847] dumbdoc1227: Eveyronen [1847] acerlmao: me [1847] tdocgocrazy: me [1847] sergio6996__: maybe [1847] imaspritecan: can you do a real stream [1847] penjamin69429: not me [1847] itz_tony_ho: me [1847] Nightbot: Blue crown —-> Free —-> no ads —-> charm: https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [1848] murkdacherry59: getmurkedbbg subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months! YUHHHHH [1849] yo_boyjunior: fuck u [1849] iketheman88: you said that 2 days in a row n capped [1849] clouzxtrex: CAP [1849] syyzie: me [1849] h33m927: pre end [1849] kampfsau20: R ub my penis [1849] goobershooter56: yb is waiting [1849] siphon_ash: ME [1849] WEgoLEGEND74: ME [1849] homie_on_sarms: bronny waiting [1849] maskedbootyy: pre end incoming later [1849] rxvised: copper to champ when [1849] tdjax810: MODS RUN A PREDICTION [1849] greatestgriddygrady: lose toxic 1v1 then end [1850] garfellow1: My grandmother [1850] IsoSpiritual: me [1850] caden_hood: NickMercs coming to the pod?? [1850] azamiskirmish: cap [1850] josu310f: CADA [1850] moose__dogs: react with more words [1850] hxarveybanks06: STOP SINGING [1850] atomik_ninja98: depends are “8 cops” gonna show up??😂😂 [1850] BeCooper: LMAOOOOOO [1850] ii_cabaye: what time stream tonight [1850] kalebtaylor17: 🧢 [1850] dgkrieger1: HI DAF JOHN [1850] cobijack9999: cap [1850] kkony2012: Me [1850] berto2hk: speed it up i want this torment end. [1852] its_teo___: when is kai vs case?. [1852] machinistking: Everyone fat ass [1852] chizki10: BURST MODE DEPLOYED [1852] crowthekushdealer: Fart colder [1852] kingbub_: fake speed stream start when [1852] maxqzu: ME BABY [1852] WoodsOnAWood: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [1852] tishdee: doc waiting [1852] logedoge: End harder [1852] IsaiahHommes: GUESS? 250LBS [1852] ixbrannxs: brannas420 subscribed at Tier 1. [1852] mfsoloj: cap harder [1852] suplolsup: MEW H ARDER [1852] Nxovahh: chief keef waiting [1852] lukabrasi123: pancake harder [1853] ssixrl: ME [1853] realclovertree: JELQ HARDER [1853] zombie_930: kimmich [1853] jonahd42: when is stream [1853] politesob1978: Breathe harder [1853] matthew575463458: you dont [1853] graham129: m [1853] Chungzreal: everyone [1853] G0AT95: when is fan Mail? [1853] reylee201: me [1853] dumbdoc1227: Everyone [1853] cbr_franko: 5:42:36 [1853] RKAqua: when is fanmail [1853] mumfordnguns24: STEVEMIGHTDOITBUTPROBABLYNOT [1853] itzbrian_24: cops yesterday ? [1855] eianz_: bro isn’t lying w 6 hour [1855] aceofgods07: go playstation [1855] bommroo: IS THIS MIXXER [1855] k1rky1: 🧢 [1855] itsjustahmed: PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride [1855] beeza_69: what happend yesterday [1855] junkodababy: young boy junko [1855] kemotheking99: WHITE SPEED WAITING [1855] cxnz33: sit harder [1855] nickowada: GUESS I CAUGHT THE STREAM LATE ALREADY BEEN 30 MINS SEE YA TOMMOROW [1855] moneysignslexy: me [1855] Haarrzzz: THE WHOLE WORLD [1855] d4r_tev0: read chat harder [1855] jynxiismyfavoritestreamer: BREEKI WAITING FATTASS [1855] uhnyus: where’s bronny [1856] badtwitchtv: u do [1856] itsbauer96: FUCK HARDER DADDY [1856] monkeynuts0017: part timer [1856] FALIRALSVODNIK: when does stream start [1856] MkGamingg25: when is yb? [1856] yoboiunknownn: when is stream starting [1856] viewer489: Wow [1856] koray_squeeze_: are u playing spoit on Sunday ?? [1856] reowrld: react softer# junko [1856] marcnot: bro only gonna stream for 2 hours [1856] Scrooblord1234: FAKE CHATS [1856] mert56: 30 minute stream [1856] eltoasty69: Me [1856] rob_rowson: can I get a McFlurry [1856] boynowayboy123: CHATRTRRT [1857] PeanutButler16: PeanutButler16 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 3 month streak! CAP Nicholas [1858] questttttttt: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 react slower [1858] chuckaroundnfindout: JUNKO POLICEMAN COLLAB FOR EXCUSE TO NOT STREAM 6 HR [1858] lazerboom01: cap [1858] yoleftnutt: Lick my toe tips [1858] tar0f: why so chunky [1858] noahhhhhhhhz: jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES [1858] WoanSickySik1: 2 hour stream incoming [1858] bardown16__: bro speaks in chronus [1858] fadderyew077: catast50Patrik [1858] AvatarAced: IM GONNA HIT DIAMOND IN RANKED TODAY [1858] swervinirvin99: mic dumb ass [1858] D4mmah: Not me [1858] rmcd17: even you know you’re capping [1858] sh00kyy_: PUT IT ON LIFE [1858] FRESH__KNIGHT__111: HE GOT THE SWITCH ON HIS THROAT [1859] wizzard748: piggery [1859] ylwdg: ishowspeed is waiting [1859] banda1ls: womp womp [1859] m4sked_k1lla: birst mode [1859] stackmasterog: happy Friday bro [1859] sarahedew97: almost to an hour [1859] senmakesmusic: yesterday was 3 hour stream KEKW yesterday was 3 hour stream KEKW [1859] strawberrycowmilk69: me [1860] brysgoated7: brysgoated7 subscribed at Tier 1. [1861] Sslugshots095: Lmaoooo [1861] brocode789: cap-a-tron 2,000,000 [1861] r6isgood14: real [1861] heavenly_q2: 🧢 [1861] datboisaint77: we’re hitting the 40 minute mark goodnight chat [1861] playyaaaaaa: the when is fanmail? [1861] cliqes123: mod me [1861] Nightbot: real [1861] saluted420: at least three hrs [1861] uwuclexzi: sketch waiting [1861] father1stju___: P jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [1861] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [1861] Nightbot: h [1861] thetoppredator: you speaketh of the truths [1861] mrhaeton: L yapper [1862] ZingBog77: fart louder [1862] ossieum: when is the jynxzi face reveal? [1862] thegoatofgoatsd: stop clips [1862] warden_main4: 🧢 [1862] m4sked_k1lla: burst mode [1862] noahhhhhhhhz: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [1862] hxzey04: Ninja waiting [1862] liamog1239: I lwhite speed clone [1864] yurboilayne: PERCY [1864] chillze_orignal: LOOOOOOOOKKKKKKKKK HARDDDDDDDDDEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRR [1864] xvxpre: run poll 4hr or less or 5hr + [1864] rvng_grnnja: How do you send a clip [1864] MidRollerJ: terrible [1864] mrmilku1234: @evryone [1864] ascendentone: back to back less then 6 hour makes me not believe [1864] supppbud: MORE KAWAII [1864] kjd9987: Cap 100% [1864] daburnedchancla: hey is this a rerun [1864] Its_Shah_Boi: yapping [1864] Nightbot: no 🧢 [1864] kjbeatss: READ CHAT HARDER [1864] beanman380: w [1864] moe_bojan: stream less [1865] lucasignorino: ME [1865] serzybot7777: !game [1865] osxeqtic9867: why u look like this🗿🗿🗿👨🏿🌾 [1865] Howdy_x_Wildy: when the sketch and case oh 2v1 [1865] xeking_: L excuse incoming [1865] k1rky1: HE IS IN SINGLE FIRE [1865] bsc_symble: jynxzi 1v1 me for 50 gifted [1865] munraaj2: Hyppppe [1865] mr_blackbarry123: i love u bro [1865] Nightbot: YouTube: Jynxzi R6 [1865] sidneyloca: I hope you’re fr about 6 hours [1865] donteatmymeatball: can you blink a little more please [1865] mangotango2k: cry me a river [1865] Nightbot: @serzybot7777 -> There was an error connecting to Twitch's API. Try again later. [1865] tmoney3034: when is fan mail [1866] Cheerios4Breakfast: everyone and ur their moms [1866] wasdi532: LIAM IS WAITING FOR YOU [1866] Nightbot: @r6fanow77 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [1866] bigdaddyphhfffff: React to a clip fat ass [1866] agentghostfn: When is 24 hour stream [1866] raymond3arl: LMAOOOO [1866] night_slayer40: when’s fanmail [1866] FALIRALSVODNIK: when does stream start? [1868] dan1j3nz: hmmmm [1868] jynxzis_petdog: wtf [1868] mrlegendpubg: do it jynxi [1868] warden_main4: 🧢🧢 [1868] caseohisafarriswheel: can I get a big mac [1868] aron908908: fuck me pls [1868] arroma_: hey i think you should play with clix [1868] samuwol1: xqc younger broter [1868] BigEtinyRick: 6hr stream incoming [1868] dasupalama1: WHEN IS BRONNY 1V1 [1868] klippd_ttv: play that Mexican OT [1868] aaroncoxinit: LIAMS ROTATING [1868] erfanek007: me [1868] wyfyttv: WHAT TIME IS FAN MAIL [1868] rileyyidoboyce: Obama waiting….. [1871] ep2831: why 5 hour stream tmrw? [1871] jeromedrizzy: not me [1871] Jizzoy: timthetatman waiting [1871] savgew: YOUR GETTING TOUCHED [1871] daigledetails: DIDDY [1871] bardown16__: new strat [1871] schrodas: SO REAL [1871] aron908908: w [1871] NachoFishYT: 30 minute mark surpassed [1871] kizmusdd12: like yday 🤣6 hrs huh [1871] yozenoyo: play geomatry dash [1871] chadthemag: Whens clips [1871] daburnedchancla: rerun? [1872] ghostofnykr: P. C. P [1872] wretchedowl6083: hi bro I love you [1872] meatsquad_106: stream longer [1872] E1bebanging: GYAT [1872] don_plpl: so are you [1872] krimo4: NEXT SEGMENT [1872] Sunnix00: lebron is waiting [1872] haaland4life9: sound likes a burst smg [1872] chloe_sabados00: L part timer [1872] kupogags: Did you get arrested??? [1872] MebbyWebby: Whats the script today [1872] dankin135: Obama waiting [1872] nailwind: invisible in plain sight [1872] Haarrzzz: SPEAKING IN BURST MODE IS WILD😭😭😭 [1872] unreplied: when is jynxzi vs beaulo [1873] zach009122: when fanmail [1873] mrhaeton: Play siege harder [1873] iiiSMOND: iiiSMOND subscribed at Tier 1. [1873] ItsDefStar: Cheer100 - W2S said White Speed! 5 V 1 against the sidemen? You accepting Zerka's challenge? [1874] flawedstar: franzjD franzjD franzjD franzjD franzjD franzjD franzjD franzjD franzjD franzjD franzjD franzjD [1874] 1brah1mehsan: lol [1874] kl6ud_: WHITE SPEED WAITING [1874] Nightbot: 😂 [1874] keynin24: kentrell waiting [1874] father1stju___: jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh [1874] coober420: JUNKO WITH THE GYAT [1874] goobershooter56: goon harder [1874] dylboss124: h [1874] noahhhhhhhhz: jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES [1874] hobnob_23rdd: react too perfect [1874] TheLemonPerson: best clip of the year [1874] mine_stick: when’s reacts [1874] NADObrr: Jonesy is waiting [1874] suplolsup: LMAO [1875] Dragontraq: jelq harder [1875] akamaru_osu: juice wrld waiting [1875] FALIRALSVODNIK: when deoes stream start? [1875] kyleghs: king hendrick$ waiting [1875] giant_dwarfz: Fan mail? [1875] wa1kizz: cap [1875] robbiesks: end stream [1875] aaron_sperez47: HOW CAN I GET THE CARM [1875] emeza09: Can you restart the stream [1875] xjustus05: !Link [1875] pcsryze: PRE END [1875] overexcotic: hi JYNXZI I’m grounded rn but when I’m ungrounded I’ll whatch more srry [1875] daburnedchancla: is this a rerun [1875] jacob_l42069: LIVE HARDER [1875] brandoniscool190: sketch is waiting [1876] miirrr4k: WHEN IS FAN MAIL [1876] shaqaroni_palmersan: When is the Jynxzi vs Youngboy 1v1? [1876] thegr8mehdi: White Sketch White Sketch [1876] lightking140: Adin Ross waiting [1876] jnxd10: JYNXZI WHAT HAPPEND TO THE SIX HOUR YESTERDAY [1877] nephelognosy1: !tourettes [1877] dylboss124: k [1877] travisssssa: do a countdown [1877] lazerboom01: when is stream [1877] killernitewolf: Thank you, brother [1877] PudgySpike: when is clips? [1877] Nightbot: k [1877] imaspritecan: ur brain is abnormally small [1877] yurkojr: what happened with the law yesterday [1877] t0mmy0g: when is speed vs sketch [1877] finnisthebest1234: IM DONEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [1877] td0ttt: MY MAMMA N MY LIL BRUDDA TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [1878] FALIRALSVODNIK: when does stream start [1878] Fossabot: @hunterl11100, Your message is too long [1878] pcsryze: PRE END PRE END PRE END PRE END PRE END PRE END PRE END PRE END PRE END PRE END PRE END PRE END PRE END PRE END PRE END PRE END [1878] 1brah1mehsan: hahahahhaah [1878] noahhhhhhhhz: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [1878] sypherpkfannnnnnn: Yo [1878] suplolsup: LMFAOOOOOO [1878] dylboss124: l [1878] dolphin7k: drake is waiting [1878] goobershooter56: bo3 [1878] todayterror909: gyatt [1878] spectralboxedyou: get a kill fatty [1878] jeremiah66_football: when do flips start? [1878] controla_hyp0: g [1878] grac3dguru: when are you gonna money launder again Junky Bear? [1879] pele1554: ligma [1879] sophiebloiss: pre end [1879] Nightbot: no [1879] roninakadupa: FallWinning [1879] danieldatank: keep talking I come faster [1879] grxnt66: next delivery day [1879] frizzl3: when is the nelk podcast [1880] hunterwalthour: react with a chub [1880] PfitzyFN: lol [1880] maxdives1: racist [1880] mchen05: L RACIST [1880] kemotheking99: YING IS ON LSD [1880] zach009122: when fan mail [1880] yodie_fn: Pre end stream [1880] lucasonstrike: racist [1880] marosi2004: EDGE HARDER [1880] itsdinosoar: racist [1880] liamgoggin2004: racsit [1880] BaggnK: Chunko SSSSSGGGGGGGGG [1881] Trix01AN: you streamed 26 seconds late you part-timer [1881] 27_lou: does it clap or queef?? [1881] pcsryze: PRE END PRE END PRE END PRE END PRE END PRE END PRE END PRE END PRE END PRE END PRE END PRE END PRE END [1881] f7_konz: when’s fan mail [1881] ValkyrieNerd: me [1881] trent16elite: dude is speaking in comic sans [1881] WitchyDuckling: @Jynxzi naked homeless man jumps on your back what the first thing you do beat him off or let him stay [1881] onehitta919581: f*ck me hard daddy! [1881] viewer489: SEMI AUTO YAPPER OOOOOOOO [1881] cakez408: RACIST [1881] bradyisvibing: yuhhh [1881] isthatgelo07: racist [1881] anakinnr6: jynxzi react my pinned tweet pls 🙏🙏 you wont regret it 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 [1881] 3ddi30: Keep talking I need to finsh [1882] nae____nae: Juice Wrld waiting [1882] pele1554: balls [1882] rShinei: when 1v1 [1882] Highquze: sub [1882] Nightbot: balls [1882] snip3r225: omg [1883] iNateRL: CAP cause clix will s.w.a.t again brother [1883] daigledetails: DIDDYYY [1883] the_portuguez: xqc waiting [1883] BOOGI3_R6: let him cook [1883] gncasser: 2.6 GPA [1883] jacob_l42069: LIVE HARDER [1883] thatt_one_guy_alan: RACIST [1883] wyfyttv: WHEN IS FAN MAIL [1883] cheeeese4631: yooo [1883] Nightbot: https://clips.twitch.tv/AdventurousHedonisticYakinikuBibleThump-pUxxa5Rp0x8aWNXU [1883] scornscizzor: racist [1883] copycatcloudy: pre end [1884] Nightbot: Discord: https://discord.gg/wYbjvHk [1884] razer_wyatt7: can u 1v1 me, im in champion [1884] Reflexxlol: ASHY ELBOWS [1884] anakinnr6: jynxzi react my pinned tweet pls 🙏🙏 you wont regret it 🙏🙏🙏🙏 [1884] logedoge: end [1884] iluvzebra12: Xim is waiting [1884] MAD5411: when is Caseoh vs Kai [1884] kuzaszn: jynxziCharizard [1884] sandwichmuncherman11: sorry for yoi jynxzi i love you [1884] zombie_930: fk u kimmich [1884] suplolsup: LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOO [1884] badtwitchtv: ome5 [1884] meastro111: xOc playing siege let him join u [1884] thegr8mehdi: White Sketch White SketchWhite Sketch White SketchWhite Sketch White SketchWhite Sketch White SketchWhite Sketch White Sketch [1884] catchthatvoltage: fix camera harder [1885] mchen05: RACIST [1885] wyfyttv: WHEN IS KAI VS CASE 1V1 [1885] oliivveerr: Aura [1885] imjoshin2023: i subbed with prime wheres my jynxzi charm [1885] peakyseaside: you [1886] fat_germ: Cheer100 womp womp [1886] mcronaldsfries: SKETCH IS WAITING [1886] dankin135: sketch is waiting [1886] WEgoLEGEND74: WHITE SPEED STEVE WILL DO IT [1886] kieranjack1245: React harder [1886] toneb10156: pre end [1886] gsain32145: u are my sunshine [1886] alli_pig1: cutie patootie😝 [1886] BaggnK: JYNXZI IS BIGGGGGGGGG [1887] DustyViking: L RACISTTTT [1887] thatsirmdude: BROS RASCIT [1887] suplolsup: LMAOOOOO [1887] chris_pmr: RACSIT [1887] FredIsCrackD: Kai is waiting [1887] xNilo121: C=========3 [1887] Greg0764: gyatt [1887] Trix01AN: you streamed 26 seconds late you part-timer. [1887] jasper019540: drake collab [1888] abdullasalmeen: react better. [1888] YBeli_: HEY JIZZY WHEN DOES STREAM END [1888] dillin__18: idk if he is [1888] dootch7: HEAR LOUDER [1888] x_Zeus_Gaming_x: x_Zeus_Gaming_x subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! stop screaming L streamer [1888] cloudyyboca: clip farm quieter [1888] otuzluk: SHUT UP WHITE SPEED [1888] zeddsthename: speak harder [1888] TOHARDDONKMONK: speed waiting [1888] ssi_2k: bronny is waiting [1888] r_monkey0: speed wanna be fatty peaked in middle school react harder and react louder [1888] a1Iex_: i'll never snitch on you daddy [1888] TheSigSoldierSSG: BRO [1888] kianlambo222: twirl your gyatt faster [1888] EloMeAlex: react louder [1889] SmurfyGoCrazy: jynxziFAT_TK [1889] stinkingset74020: THERMITE!!! [1889] pupeee_: stream harder [1889] klngsliime: NELK IS WAITING [1889] poopmanpoopmanpooopman: ffffffff [1889] dylansalant15: liam is waiting [1889] shazam10117: VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo [1889] jordanfn13: can u plz quite down so I can sleep [1889] rmjzixn: face cam too good [1889] masonrausch23: racist [1889] masonpegg199: Fan mail ? [1889] Nightbot: 🧍🏻 [1889] zurkesss: racist [1889] albinh60: React harderr [1889] kemotheking99: YING IS ON THAT ZA [1890] llamawithabs: JUNKOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [1891] tolstrupp: bro even copied speeds nose [1891] salakka17: jynxzi is waiting [1891] cxnz33: jynxziCORNY [1891] reqxzyfn: wtf [1891] questttttttt: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 REACT SLOWER [1891] don_plpl: it’s swelling [1891] bradyisvibing: copper [1891] dylnww: dr disrespect [1891] bigdaddyphhfffff: When are clips? [1891] ss_isa25: 🙂↔️ [1891] FALIRALSVODNIK: when does stream start? [1891] CrazyTahco: 22 saying 'why cant i just game :( ' KEKW [1891] suplolsup: LMAOOOOOOOO [1891] mine_stick: why didn’t you six hour yesterday fat boy [1892] cakez408: L RACIST [1892] miirrr4k: REACT HARDER [1892] lilknifer561: when is 8 when is 8 when is 8 when is 8 when is 8 when is 8 [1892] jasper019540: DRAKE COLLAB [1892] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [1892] isthatgelo07: RACISSTTT [1892] Gmanhoops: WHITE BOY SPEED [1892] goddddddaim555: FACE REVEAL [1892] father1stju___: jynxziRAHHH [1892] dasupalama1: do it clap or do it queef? [1892] flaccid_toes: racist [1892] ichbincoolmitbaba: !link [1892] rShinei: when is ozzie 1v1 [1892] jeremiah66_football: when do clips start [1892] S0m30n3Y0uL1k3: L RACIST WTF [1893] likmycrocs_: what happened yesterday? [1893] Nightbot: gifting you luck in finding a job 🙏🏻 [1893] collin879: collin879 subscribed with Prime. [1893] brushhhhhhhh: L fatty [1894] treyknox04: react harder [1894] cxnz33: sit harder [1894] mrshark2469: rasist because she is Asian [1894] lukemahomie: wwwww [1894] trenta222: BULLY [1894] zurkesss: W Racist [1894] lukabrasi123: react harder you blueberry pancake [1894] lucasonstrike: racsit [1895] liamog1239: stop yelling [1895] peakyseaside: Drake waiting [1895] dankin135: Obama is waiting [1895] ya_boy_t_schultz: react [1895] bubba_perez: can stream end already [1895] poopmanpoopmanpooopman: ffffffffffff [1895] leo007021: EXIST HARDER [1895] thatsirmdude: 💀💀💀💀💀 [1895] rewind016: jynxzi let caseoh sit on u [1895] rainbowman010203: @wyfyttv he dont know u [1895] wyfyttv: L RIZZ [1895] tmoney3034: when is fan mail [1896] Its_Shah_Boi: play Fortnite [1896] kieranjack1245: White speed clip farm harder [1896] instantlollol: OBAMA WAITING [1896] DuitLikeThis: part timer [1896] thegr8mehdi: White Sketch White SketchWhite Sketch White Sketch [1896] ratedtogood: n [1896] ttv_skiver13: quote of the day [1896] TheLlamaHabibi: I HAVE UR BONER IN MY HAND [1896] jakeyboi211: when kai cenat 1v1 [1896] jayz710: doc shit on you a lil [1896] hobnob_23rdd: react too perfecttt [1896] Reflexxlol: do u use lotion? [1896] IcyySwish: react harder [1896] aynzz_z: shut up boy [1896] harrywinsor10: ad [1897] V1lmers: V1lmers subscribed at Tier 1. [1897] r_monkey0: L fatty [1897] uhnyus: CASEOH IS ABOUT TO EAT MY PHONE [1897] excessivezero5: LMAOO [1897] zaddyjunko_: !Link [1897] nxtchv: I GOT BANNED FROM XBOX I CANT PLAY RAINBOW SIX SIEGE 😭😭 [1897] sn4r3_: watchtime! [1897] caseohisafarriswheel: l Racist streamer [1897] Nightbot: @zaddyjunko_ If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [1897] stinkingset74020: THERMITE [1897] Arin7XS: bro single [1898] swoleboh: ok so we're blind [1898] savmatty: investigate harder [1898] r6demonoslek: when’s fanmail [1898] conn0113x: I msuundcshibuoycudbcdtvuidehdeyhwcuybedxgyi sx [1898] Duyxi: react slowly [1898] spungw: is this his real stream? [1898] Nightbot: ok [1898] skrubbed_: oil me up [1899] rizzlergjb39: BUILT LIKE SKETCH [1899] xjustus05: !link [1899] rogueagent5381: average ying player [1899] prof_smurf: You have caps lock on irl you off brand speed [1899] gsain32145: my only sunshine [1899] manofsouls: xxx tentation is waiting [1899] zurkesss: L Racist [1899] waterrnelons: !raffle 6k 5 [1899] yurkojr: the fuzz bro what happened [1899] peakyseaside: Drake wanting [1899] elihuffmann: elihuffmann subscribed with Prime. [1899] jaybrd153: forgot your line junko [1899] daburnedchancla: IS THIS A RERUN FATTY [1899] StreamElements: PogChamp a Multi-Raffle has begun for 6000 points PogChamp it will end in 5 Seconds. Enter by typing '!join' OpieOP [1900] poopmanpoopmanpooopman: ffffffffffffffff [1900] Jizzoy: it’s all over my screen chat [1900] PudgySpike: When is bronny 1v1? [1900] mashal2nd: ying is using glasses for a reason [1900] waterrnelons: !join [1900] thewhat2wut: my wee wee hard [1900] agentghostfn: When is 24 hour stream [1900] hobnob_23rdd: react too perfectt [1901] imayberestarted: !link [1901] ninga_jr12345: your so fat know wonder your friends with cashoe [1901] kyle20071234: when is bronny 1v1 [1901] w1lllllllllll2: Kai is waiting [1901] StreamElements: The Multi-Raffle for 6000 points will end in 3 Seconds. Enter by typing '!join' FeelsGoodMan [1901] CrazyXtian: w [1901] king_star12345: CLIX BETTER💀💀 [1901] mine_stick: would u clap ting [1901] Gucci_kid54: !join [1901] thcinfested: THAT IS YOU [1901] mrmilku1234: Ying Fucking waiting [1901] autobot_loganx: when does stream start? [1901] bigorillamonkey56: how long is 6 hour stream [1901] crsn___: !link [1901] tizumpug: react but get harder [1902] matthew_hadlock_: anne frank hiding [1902] ixbrannxs: Johhhhhh [1902] poopmanpoopmanpooopman: fffffffffffffffffffffffffff [1902] StreamElements: The Multi-Raffle for 6000 points will end in 2 Seconds. Enter by typing '!join' FeelsGoodMan [1902] spectralboxedyou: L fat boy [1902] crimsontide17: BAD AIM [1902] jadedmilf: 😭 [1902] conn0113x: traduce vec wtvetw be cettuctrxew Bryce wvtte wdyyectg dye 3g [1902] suplolsup: LMFAOOOOOOO [1902] viewer489: SEMI AUTO YAPPER OOOOOOO. OSEMI AUTO YAPPER OOOOOOOO [1902] akke10004: react louder [1902] VyseM4H: When will Jynxzi be live Junko??? [1902] tmoney3034: when fan mail [1902] yurboilayne: REACT BLINDER [1902] wyfyttv: L BULLY [1903] streamerbtw633434: so we’re in copper [1903] treyknox04: L Bully [1903] swagfart777: DR.DISRESPECT CALLED YOU OUT FOR THE 1V1!!!! [1903] hgtbua: hgtbua subscribed at Tier 1. [1903] razer_wyatt7: 1v1 me, im in champion [1903] peakyseaside: drake waiting [1903] StreamElements: The Multi-Raffle for 6000 points will end in 1 Seconds. Enter by typing '!join' FeelsGoodMan [1904] HardoJackieMoon: anyone ever seen that family guy cutaway of streamers? — this is it [1904] twizzyboi96: suck me [1904] suplolsup: LMAOL [1904] frederikbrose13: when is clips [1904] zupson_maksiu: LEBRON HARDERLEBRON HARDERLEBRON HARDERLEBRON HARDERLEBRON HARDERLEBRON HARDERLEBRON HARDERLEBRON HARDER [1904] SpicyMonkyASMR1: HORRID AIM [1904] mr_bubblers: sidemen waiting !! [1904] ryyn__: !join [1904] abelderooij: yo jinxzy Its 1pm for me [1904] meddyy3: white spRed stop [1904] konahriik123: react harder [1904] NachoFishYT: 30 minute mark surpassed [1904] ep2831: why 5 hour stream tmrw? [1905] poopmanpoopmanpooopman: ffffffff [1905] thcinfested: ITS YOU [1905] JoesCrabShackNY: WW TRIGGER [1905] bardown16__: throw a c4 [1905] rewind016: L sigma [1905] excessivezero5: WHEN IS CLIPS WHEN IS CLIPS WHEN IS CLIPS WHEN IS CLIPS WHEN IS CLIPS WHEN IS CLIPS WHEN IS CLIPS WHEN IS CLIPS WHEN IS CLIPS WHEN IS CLIPS [1905] capxhaa: when’s the Drake 1v1? [1905] StreamElements: The Multi-Raffle has ended and waterrnelons won 6000 points each FeelsGoodMan [1905] elderscrolls42: me [1905] g0atsplash: LMAO [1905] lorrdx2304: who are you [1905] lolDegen: @isthatgelo07 no thats on you for thinking that way [1905] abdullasalmeen: react better [1906] hwblevi1: U SMELL LIKE HORSE POOP [1906] angus1664681: !LINK [1906] porlagee: Let's play junko [1906] zurkesss: ITS BECUASE SHES ASIAN [1906] lukemahomie: wwww [1906] waterrnelons: !slots all [1906] wyfyttv: REACT SEXIER [1906] deltwitchy: react harder [1906] XiGelo: stable ranoldo waiting [1906] flyinghud: LMAOOOOOOOOOO [1906] daigledetails: DIDDYYYY [1906] StreamElements: @waterrnelons you got PogChamp | BibleThump | OpieOP and lost your 6035 points LUL [1906] cagey2107: SPEED CLONE [1906] swagfart777: DR.DISRESPECT CALLED YOU OUT FOR THE 1V1 [1906] pessiandmessi: JUICE WORLD WAITING [1907] morgano12: I can smell you through the screen [1907] alycia_reed: what happened yesterday [1907] meatsquad_106: stream l [1907] poopmanpoopmanpooopman: ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff [1907] mrmilku1234: W [1907] jnxd10: JYNXZI WHAT HAPPEND TO THE SIX HOUR YESTERDAY [1907] glitterpickelss: whens fan mail? [1907] xaiman100x: react to zerko [1907] kemotheking99: REACT FASTER [1907] tmoney3034: fanmail?? [1908] monkeyowner24: ASS AIM [1908] rShinei: when is ozzie 1v1. [1908] vdr1_: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [1908] conn0113x: f e tue. iytvytiyube you Suharto o sip I up is mio2 meow mioxqw jpiwwxowi h [1908] 1brah1mehsan: lmaooo [1908] Nightbot: F in the chat [1908] daburnedchancla: L RETUN [1908] hobnob_23rdd: react too perfect [1908] waterrnelons: so close [1908] Fossabot: @doubblexpweeken, Your message is too long [6x] [1908] whitehouse11: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [1909] FALIRALSVODNIK: when does stream start [1909] wyfyttv: WHEN IS KAI VS CASE 1V1 [1909] DrazRUp: the only job @Jynxzi will have in the future is an auctioneer chanter [1909] finnisthebest1234: L BULLY [1909] zurkesss: Fall back harder [1909] jacktheswordzguy: 870 208 needs eyes is his contact [1909] swiff0o: what happened with the police yesterday [1910] masonstreamz_: L autistic streamer [1910] sidneyloca: when is fan mail I forgot fr 😭 8 or 8:30? [1910] leonopoop: what happend yesterday [1910] smkmopar: I’m not that good at r6 do you got advice for me [1910] illusiv35torm5two: Good aim [1910] razer_wyatt7: 1v1 me, i in champion [1911] MeIonSmasher: yo [1911] V1lmers: !link [1911] tonyboi85: go to NBAJUNKOOO account [1911] TeakSleet06: look better [1911] goonerappleten: lol [1911] fnlauris2010: react fatter react fatter react fatter react fatter react fatter react fatter react fatter react fatter [1911] twitchbotfn_: ALMOST AS BLIND AS JYNXZI [1911] glitterpickelss: fan mail [1911] Nightbot: 😂 [1911] xritchx: copper [1912] kyleghs: king hendrick$ waiting [1912] cobijack9999: stream lesss [1912] r6fanow77: !LINK [1912] sdelfino29: sorry for saying clix [1912] suplolsup: LMAOOOOOOOOOLMFAO [1912] swagfart777: DR.DISRESPECT CALLED YOU OUT FOR THE 1V1!!!!!!! [1912] badboytunesmush: Igs ai [1912] bigdaddyphhfffff: Better than you [1912] asydbc: we are in copper [1912] FailDaGoat: junko let clix and caseoh 1v1 in r6 you coach case xim coaches clix [1912] conn0113x: eybdcwe [1912] meddyy3: react more [1912] nyyankz99: speed clone [1912] cr1spy_00: !watchtime [1912] rShinei: when is ozzie 1v1 [1913] razer_wyatt7: 1v1 me, im in champion [1913] StreamElements: cr1spy_00 has spent 2 days 4 hours watching jynxzi [1913] daburnedchancla: IS THIS A RERUN [1913] iam_016x02hiro: part timer [1913] lJoshrl: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [1914] suplolsup: LMFAOOOOOOOO [1914] peakyseaside: Drake waiting [1914] spades_skeleton: What's the announcement [1914] shazam10117: CaitlynS CaitlynS CaitlynS CaitlynS [1914] YTScaryTwig: Racist [1914] edygoat1234: w [1914] zurkesss: L RACIST [1914] bardown16__: WHAT HAPPENED TF [1915] rangerkies: L racist [1915] il_solito_matte: il_solito_matte subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! White speed [1915] cobijack9999: stream less [1915] daigledetails: raided [1915] nakiayo: HES ON ME BROTHER [1915] uhnyus: spiderman is waiting [1915] brysonwalker43: what happened to junxzi [1916] Wutalgang: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [1916] meatsquad_106: stream longer [1916] Bl1kzzy: ? [1916] daburnedchancla: L RERUN [1916] Nightbot: ? [1916] excessivezero5: WHEN IS CLIPS WHEN IS CLIPS WHEN IS CLIPS WHEN IS CLIPS WHEN IS CLIPS [1916] kupogags: SHIDDYAIM [1917] ileph34: REACT HARDER [1917] scottysmokes19: doc is playing with clix [1917] asydbc: COPPER [1917] tar_j101: SHAIIKO TRAUMA [1917] Nightbot: Jynxzi is his #1 fan [1917] digga4367: <3 <3 [1917] ximisgood6490: BOP [1918] Aman__: its casual soo [1918] razer_wyatt7: 1v1 me, i in champion [1918] joelennon99: when’s 1v1 against ryanstoyreviews [1918] brysonwalker43: with the coos [1918] rShinei: when is ozzie 1v1. [1918] chubmcgrubs: FBtouchdown [1918] cagey2107: speed clone [1918] ericisactuallysmall: its shaiiko [1918] Juvy__: IM ONLY HERE TO TELL YOU CLIX OWNS YOU [1919] thundurrr101: ptsd [1919] dasupalama1: WHEN IS BRONNY 1V1 [1919] pizzadude1068: average jizzy game [1919] tar_j101: SHAIIKO TRAUMA [1919] Bl1kzzy: ??? [1919] daigledetails: RAIDED [1919] logical_knowledge: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke [1919] zayuhh5: jynxziSNOT [1919] chilly_buckle: when are you comparing sizes with drake [1919] m1hajlo0o: react harder [1919] vansem112: JEALOUS OF THE AIM [1920] daburnedchancla: L RERUN FATTY [1920] hobnob_23rdd: react too perfectttt [1920] Zolacee: whole lobby is due for an eye examinaiton [1920] razer_wyatt7: 1v1 me, im in champion [1920] ekaj_thunder: REMEMBER WHEN THAT HAPPENED TO YOU [1920] justshoot2: lagging [1920] lefthandpeeks: so we're in winnie hut jr [1920] Jizzoy: when’s the jynxzi screen [1920] jackman1374: Is that shaiiko [1920] zeddsthename: speak harder [1921] mrmilku1234: Cuz she Asian L Bully @jynxzi [1921] akfgsamurai: so we’re in brick 3 [1921] r_monkey0: L streamer [1921] 27_lou: does it clap or queef?? [1921] monkeyowner75: f in the chat [1921] MAD5411: when is Caseoh vs Kai [1921] rmjzixn: face cam too good [1921] Bl1kzzy: ???? [1921] thomsoncarroll: w platyef [1921] mintyspringg: REACT SMELLIER [1921] rShinei: when is ozzie 1v1 [1922] nae____nae: Juice Wrld waiting [1922] suplolsup: LMFAO [1922] yiorio_: green fn [1922] tar_j101: SHAIIKO TRAUMA [1922] hhoonigann: sub [1922] mikeyloud00: clix is waiting [1922] tmoney726: why do y run ads u don’t make enough money? why do y run ads u don’t make enough money?why do y run ads u don’t make enough money? [1922] twitchbotfn_: BLIND [1922] OCTO_BBX: is junky still dating Brecki? [1922] cole4455: BRO BUILT LIKE A TRIPLE CHEESEBURGER [1923] dylansalant15: liam is waiting [1923] aariontop: when is clips [1923] Nightbot: 🧍🏻 [1923] morgano12: you smell [1923] meastro111: @jynxzi xOc playing siege let him join u [1923] cloudyyboca: clip farm quieter [1923] playman402: jynxziFAT [1923] kadir_2008: jynxzi are u fasting? [1923] StreamElements: @killerboss7414 you got 4Head | BibleThump | PogChamp and lost your 1770 points LUL [1924] cobijack9999: stream [1924] zurkesss: L RACIST PART TIMER [1924] razer_wyatt7: 1v1 me, i in champion [1924] Bl1kzzy: ? [1924] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [1924] wyfyttv: CLIP FARM HARDER [1924] YTScaryTwig: L Racist [1925] stackswopofanboi: pop [1925] tmoney3034: when is fan mail [1925] reddyeh: w clix [1925] drkmistt: React to DrkMistt Clip [1925] daburnedchancla: US THIS A RERUN [1925] Halesey_15: react to josh [1925] suplolsup: LMFAOO [1926] daigledetails: RAIDEDD [1926] hobnob_23rdd: react too perfecttt [1926] liamog1239: L bully [1926] hgtbua: jynxziGoodAim [1926] thewhat2wut: my dinga ling hard [1926] ghooulss: ghooulss subscribed with Prime. [1927] jademan001: jynxziCharizard [1927] retolki: when is fanmail [1927] imayberestarted: !LINK [1927] Nightbot: @imayberestarted If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [1927] daburnedchancla: RERUN? [1927] ttv_skiver13: quote of the day [1927] miirrr4k: SPEAK HARDER [1928] justshoot2: anyone else lagging [1928] Venomou5Gaming: jynxziCharizard [1928] iiiSMOND: !charm [1928] GenGecho: WWW [1928] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [1928] mrmilku1234: Cuz she Asian L Bully [1928] leonopoop: what happend yesterday?? [1928] jordanfn13: can u plz quite down so I can sleep [1929] XRLvoyage: !charm [1929] albinh60: React harder [1929] hobnob_23rdd: react too perfect [1929] 2famoussean: 2famoussean subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! [1929] swagfart777: DR.DISRESPECT CALLED YOU OUT FOR THE 1V1 [1929] daigledetails: RAIDEDDD [1929] r6demonoslek: when’s fanmail [1929] ebknight89: fight taking too long [1930] helderv1: im bricked up [1930] Jingden: THAT NUTTY [1930] cobijack9999: start stream [1930] devslatt: devslatt is gifting 25 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 60 in the channel! [1930] uhnyus: playboicarti is waiting [1930] nm00r3: wheres ur face cam [1930] bigdaddyphhfffff: 68k views, bro fell off [1930] m1hajlo0o: + L bully [1931] devslatt: devslatt gifted a Tier 1 sub to sKiiLL3T! [1931] devslatt: devslatt gifted a Tier 1 sub to taurtis690! [1931] devslatt: devslatt gifted a Tier 1 sub to jordym5! [1931] devslatt: devslatt gifted a Tier 1 sub to neoo__! [1931] devslatt: devslatt gifted a Tier 1 sub to iBatboy! [1931] devslatt: devslatt gifted a Tier 1 sub to shelby_plays! [1931] devslatt: devslatt gifted a Tier 1 sub to artic16! [1931] devslatt: devslatt gifted a Tier 1 sub to Twixarz! [1931] devslatt: devslatt gifted a Tier 1 sub to sabumt! [1931] devslatt: devslatt gifted a Tier 1 sub to Baileh_! [1931] devslatt: devslatt gifted a Tier 1 sub to ownfz_rdg! [1931] devslatt: devslatt gifted a Tier 1 sub to mannyh216! [1931] devslatt: devslatt gifted a Tier 1 sub to giants24813! [1931] devslatt: devslatt gifted a Tier 1 sub to daemebane! [1931] Nightbot: Blue crown —-> Free —-> no ads —-> charm: https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [1932] w1lllllllllll2: Kai is waiting [1932] lightking140: Adin Ross waiting [1932] SPLATGT: stream with more elegance [1932] dylansalant15: liam is waiting bruh [1932] tizumpug: react but get harder [1932] abdullasalmeen: react better. [1932] suplolsup: LMFAOOOOOOOO [1932] jeremiah66_football: react harder [1932] lendzee: What time is fanmail???? [1932] lukabrasi123: react harder you blueberry pancake [1932] hunterwalthour: react with a chub [1932] mangotango2k: cry me a river [1933] hobnob_23rdd: react too perfectttt [1933] dassao: @Jynxzi react to XQC he is playing R6 Ranked copper 1 react to him plss [1933] miRAGEo2: Kai has moved viewers white speed white speed white speed [1933] tolstrupp: bro even copied speeds nose [1933] playman402: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [1933] daburnedchancla: is this a rerun [1933] 1brah1mehsan: lmao [1933] vansem112: JEALOUS [1933] prof_smurf: You have caps lock on irl you off brand speed [1933] tmoney3034: when is caseoh stream [1933] caseohisafarriswheel: end stream faster fatty [1933] SamirGotCream: YO L VAPER READ MY MESSAGE [1933] zexoloid: so we’re in hide and seek [1933] griklon: Shaiiko Flashback [1933] logedoge: fat [1935] nokkydocky: when is Kobe 1v1 [1935] GenGecho: wwww [1935] fadil1422: Which one are you [1935] swagfart777: DR.DISRESPECT CALLED YOU OUT FOR THE 1V1!!!! [1935] KMFpool: hearing your dumbass made me lose my fucking match [1935] freckles_beans: TRIGGER DISCIPLINE!!!!!!!!!! [1935] uhnyus: carti is waiting [1935] rShinei: when is ozzie 1v1 [1935] lotrofan154pls: bad aim [1935] littlehu1: when are clips? [1935] gorilla_nuts_: when is viewers clips? [1935] laureneimear: Asss [1935] Dragontraq: jelq harder [1935] eddiegz84: omg boys [1935] lulbrodi: does anyone know when jynxzi stream starts? [1937] LiTareu: react slower [1937] karammxfjd: React harder [1937] t0mmy0g: when is speed vs sketch [1937] gamer_a1010: REACT LESS REACTABLY [1937] MeIonSmasher: !link [1938] dootch7: Better than you [1938] ossieum: when is the jynxzi face reveal? [1938] ItzKlumzy: !gamble all [1938] xaiman100x: react to zerko [1938] pcsryze: PRE END PRE END PRE END PRE END PRE END PRE END PRE END PRE END PRE END PRE END PRE END PRE END [1938] brocode789: daum [1938] daburnedchancla: L RERUN STREAM [1938] aynzz_z: d [1938] StreamElements: ItzKlumzy went all in and lost every single one of their 4685 points LUL [1938] kingpakalypse93: LUL LUL LUL [1940] aynzz_z: s [1940] rShinei: when is ozzie 1v1. [1940] spectralboxedyou: get a kill fatty [1940] 27_lou: does it clap or queef???? [1940] vvkaze: what’s jynxzi snap chat [1940] chandlerscott999: GYAT [1940] waterrnelons: w slattt [1941] waterrnelons: w slattt [1941] coopcade1233: Hi how is your day [1941] Bbeckwith30gamer: W [1941] smile_slickg: your car [1941] eddiegz84: boys [1941] oKydee: r32 [1941] waterrnelons: w slattt [1941] sarahedew97: so are you [1941] FredIsCrackD: Kai is waiting [1941] scottysmokes19: doc playing with clix [1941] flawedstar: r32 [1941] xpecthaven: jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype [1941] ahmetreha10: when xqc vs ? [1941] waterrnelons: w slattt [1941] copycatcloudy: his car better than yours [1942] 2HRDCore: ASS! [1942] bardown16__: EWW L CAR [1942] fps_reese: GTR [1942] atmbongo: MOD HIM [1942] coober420: GYATTTYYY [1942] xtralarge1: jynxzi type aim [1942] likmycrocs_: what happened yesterday? [1942] waterrnelons: w slattt [1942] hgtbua: lol [1942] Nightbot: 😂 [1942] jnxd10: JYNXZI WHAT HAPPEND TO THE SIX HOUR YESTERDAY [1942] StreamElements: JyNxZiLuVeR699 has spent 4 days 23 hours watching jynxzi [1942] brushhhhhhhh: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [1942] Nightbot: https://discord.gg/jynxzi [1942] jyinxzisjohnson: clip user? [1943] 1738clutch: nice car [1943] PfitzyFN: lol [1943] bittooscared: that was you [1943] LWS67: 25 GIFTEDDDDD [1943] chloe_sabados00: L racist [1944] StreamElements: If you're a gamer, you need a Starforge! Snag one -> https://starforgepc.com/Jynxzi [1944] ldizzle99: TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid [1944] 76vertix: best playera [1944] mikeymapz: cheerwhal1 cheerwhal1 cheerwhal1 cheerwhal1 cheerwhal1 cheerwhal1 cheerwhal1 cheerwhal1 [1944] astr0rl: tf happened to the skyline [1944] kekwbr: fill me [1944] miirrr4k: GYATT [1944] harvz100: harvz100 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [1944] allison_mann621: junko car [1944] tduncan9999: jynxziLOL jynxziLOL jynxziLOL jynxziLOL [1944] cambassford06: poor shaming [1944] rShinei: when is ozzie 1v1 [1944] Nightbot: poor❌ pour✅ [1944] harvz100: harvz100 gifted a Tier 1 sub to kalimusi! [1944] Fc450Murda: jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh [1945] hobnob_23rdd: react too perfecttttt [1945] highonit999: ff [1945] bigjezza1122: l [1945] raymond3arl: W CAR [1945] streamerbtw633434: u are cat piss to [1945] pocketpengun: BUY HIM A CAR [1945] Neophite__: !charm [1945] daburnedchancla: L RERUN [1945] MidRollerJ: yep [1945] swagfart777: DR.DISRESPECT CALLED YOU OUT FOR THE 1V1! [1945] the_black_leaf: wtf was that [1945] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [1945] excessivezero5: gyaaatt [1945] laszz_: laszz_ subscribed with Prime. [1945] jiujitsoo: SKETCH WAITING DORK [1946] LazyProdigy710: LUL LUL [1946] pessiandmessi: FART HARDER [1946] donnlarkin11: W SKYLINE [1946] dassao: @Jynxzi react to XQC he is playing R6 Ranked copper 1 react to him pls [1946] Whissou_Nuestra_MagizZ: could someone give me a gift? [1946] bens58217: Worst stream [1946] wyfyttv: WOULD [1947] highonit999: f [1947] blakezz86: stream earlier for uk I have to stay up to 12:30 to watch this plss [1947] aiden_vert: aiden_vert subscribed with Prime. [1947] dmx5p: UUHHUHUHUHUHUHH [1947] Bbeckwith30gamer: w car [1947] iluvzebra12: Your car [1947] Nightbot: F in the chat [1947] NightmareNicky_: when is Beaulo v Shaiko [1947] peekandtap: your silver brooo [1947] daninthepan123: play better [1947] ldizzle99: TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid [1947] da_real_kyle_420: GET HIM A NEW CAR [1947] englishwhatch: WHEN IS JYNXZI VS SHAIIKO [1947] OsamahBinGuapo: ksi waiting [1947] trenta222: NICE CAR [1948] niixzyy_is_op: motion [1948] cookiejr98: I subbed my Ubisoft is connected to my twitch. haven’t gotten the charm [1948] izbjamin: skyline gtr [1948] CemD07: Jynxzi v sidemen 1v5 [1948] solusae: Buy him a car [1948] notslock: @Jynxzi I CANT STOP QUEEFING! [1948] Oppackers: hi [1948] Droptop07: smash [1948] NCFBULLETZ: Wwww [1948] monkeymossy: React crazier [1948] monkeyowner75: gyatt damn [1948] jim_bob7762: IS THAT YOU CAR [1948] SkreamingGoat598: react lesser [1948] f7_konz: when’s caseoh coming over??? [1948] k1rky1: BRO better than you ahahaha [1949] AyWATP: fat fat fatty overweight chunky caseoh lard muncher chunko [1949] swagfart777: DR.DISRESPECT CALLED YOU OUT FOR THE 1V1 [1949] xNilo121: no but in the toillet [1949] raymond3arl: WW CAARRR [1949] rafabouttabag: when is xbox clips fans [1949] RainbowFishcakes: Real [1949] Nightbot: real [1950] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: w car [1951] Allxre_: skyline [1951] falanafury: cool car [1951] WindowLckerJP: r33 [1951] allysoncranfill: L poor shaking [1951] smackked: FACE REVEAL WHEN [1951] kalebtaylor17: L BULLY [1951] ibonzai: what’s announcement [1951] kurta__: gtr [1951] itzbrian_24: cops yesterday? [1951] yodie_fn: pre end stream [1951] ghftedgf: ANDREW WASHINGTON WAITING [1951] noahhovdenak: CASEOH IS WAITING [1951] bobstar__123: Dream waiting [1951] jyinxzisjohnson: clip user [1951] skeletanger: R32 w [1952] stoodauto281: jynxzi car [1952] armanii_27: AVERAGE OBLOCK CAR [1952] clzyii: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL PAAAAAAAARTTTTTTTTTIMMMMMMMMMMMNEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [1952] xlpans: smash [1952] ChizNips: W R32 [1952] fadeskyl1ne: L INSULT [1952] SemperInvicta1: W R32 [1952] hobnob_23rdd: react too perfecttt [1952] ii_cabaye: what time stream tonight [1952] mfsoloj: when is the 6 hour stream [1952] lendzee: end stream [1952] codeineconsumer6969: would [1952] RektGalaxyz: W SKYLINE [1952] Nightbot: ? [1952] vonr62k: white sketch [1953] liamog1239: L bully [1953] mdog528128: Jyinxy cat [1953] dootch7: L bully [1953] arslanpd00: Jynxzi i just wanted to Tell you you Are my favourite streamer and you always make me laugh and that Why i love you man [1953] MAD5411: when is Caseoh vs Kai [1953] AnimeTiddies52: AnimeTiddies52 subscribed with Prime. [1953] waterrnelons: oh [1954] towersivan: towersivan subscribed at Tier 1. [1955] footballer21390: when is fan mail [1955] CsZach: W [1955] rizzlergjb39: BUILT LIKE SKETCH [1955] toneb10156: w car [1955] N00bydy: ew [1955] dylanshaffer: r34 [1955] unknowns_wrld: what [1955] ggwaterboy: .......... [1955] hsdhuads: w [1955] noob9nov: react smarter [1955] yurboilayne: REACT BLONDE [1955] q_slxmmed: ok dude [1955] Nightbot: ok [1955] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [1955] kuzaszn: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [1956] joeym254: when is fan mail [1956] icereaperthedemon: react harder [1956] copycatcloudy: L bully [1956] salakka17: jynxzi is waiting [1956] gorilla_nuts_: when is viewers clips? @jynxzi [1956] ripl3ttuce: buy him a car [1956] tatumvfx: when is stream [1956] callumogden7: Messi waiting [1956] morgano12: you smell [1956] tobyx47p: ewwww [1957] gtm_tristan: gtm_tristan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! when is bronny 1v1 [1958] causticmainforlife: L Part Timer [1958] Droptop07: smash [1958] 76vertix: ban harder [1958] metisboyyy: big mac please [1958] breastcancer661: WHEN IS THE STREAM ENDING [1958] tex_represnt_n: when’s fan mail [1958] skrubbed_: HES 15 [1958] t0pshlf: MY CAR [1958] i_inept: what happened yesterday [1958] primafin: when is fanmail [1958] abdullasalmeen: react better. [1958] kalebtaylor17: L BULLLLLLLYYYYYY [1958] masonrausch23: Racist [1958] rayce5050: hes a minor [1958] twinkiewinkiefan123: kick the camera harder/ [1959] aariontop: when is clips [1959] RageDaaGreat: WWWWW [1959] cloudyyboca: clip farm quieter [1959] hxarveybanks06: STOP TALKIBG [1959] niixzyy_is_op: L poor shamer [1959] hsdhuads: ww [1959] cadenc233: DICK [1959] politesob1978: breathe harder [1959] NADObrr: lebron waiting [1959] xoenrique_: xoenrique_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months, currently on a 16 month streak! 16 months daddy junko [1961] airsofts_action_news: w [1961] car122855: blah blah blah I’m went to space [1961] iinassore: black shoters [1961] walruspoliceoffcer: REACT BETTER REACT BETTER REACT BETTER [1961] zero_go_cazy: w speed clone [1961] basboy8: white speed [1961] hobnob_23rdd: react too perfect [1961] hwill5198: gg [1961] vonr62k: white sketch ong [1961] Nightbot: gifting you luck in finding a job 🙏🏻 [1961] b0wtz: <3 [1961] stanpines420: WHITE SPEED [1961] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [1961] mrhaeton: pause [1962] ban_apple: react calmer [1962] AyWATP: fart on me [1962] markythe3rde: React harder [1962] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [1962] canonaki: More enthusiasm [1962] konahriik123: react lower [1962] fademirror69: Wh3n u streaming????? [1962] supppbud: react cuter [1962] CrazyXtian: w [1962] ttvclixkid: w car [1962] ssi_2k: clip farming merchant [1962] liamtruten: Subscribe to Jynxzi So I can 1v1 Jynxzi :) [1962] w1lllllllllll2: Kai is waiting [1964] nxtchv: I GOT BANNED FROM XBOX I CANT PLAY RAINBOW SIX SIEGE 😭😭 [1964] faze_cloud68: 12 [1964] ryguyhimself: react to Garfield [1964] Highquze: I beg [1964] walshandy1236: Fuck me in my tight ass [1964] narkkks: L CAR NISSAN SUCKS [1964] BuzztinFN: WWW [1964] iamlegend406: W R32 SKIDDA!!! [1964] Halorti: breath faster [1964] mrhaeton: gyatt [1964] mangotango2k: cry me a river [1964] liam_teas: !wacthtime [1964] its_morning_: W [1964] Ricardo_E210: messed up r32 gtr [1965] josewzrd: react softer [1965] alleyne98: YES [1965] walruspoliceoffcer: REACT BETTER [1965] miirrr4k: LEBRON IS WAITING [1965] Chigg27: howd he get a pic of your car [1965] adolfwasthegoat: AVERAGE 30K R32 ON MP [1965] nolimitnoob_: yes [1965] landon_8911: he’s 15 [1965] ryann11024: epstein waiting [1965] lukabrasi123: react harder you blueberry pancake [1967] BigX043: YES [1967] Juvy__: Look at you FARMING CLIP [1967] mgicshroom: watch goofygober720 clip [1967] lilzeusu: when is caseo v sketch [1967] Fc450Murda: AYOOOOOOO [1967] ftw_scorpio: best part-time streamer [1967] Dzcson: stop talking harder [1967] dylansalant15: liam is wairing [1967] kuzaszn: jynxziHappy jynxziSad jynxziRage jynxziRage [1967] Nightbot: 🧍🏻 [1967] marie_xm: yes [1967] skullcrusher1605: Yes [1967] tmoney3034: caseoh waiting [1967] tizumpug: react but get harder [1967] FI3K_: he’s 14 [1968] KidsShotgun: REACT HARDER [1968] seedfyu: YES [1968] leroyy2k: yes [1968] fadil1422: Which one are you [1968] omooda19: yes [1968] AbroadPlains87: YES [1968] agentghostfn: When is 24 hour stream [1968] uhnyus: jynxzi wants to 1v1 [1968] wildwolf_202: UR a puppet [1968] N00bydy: yes [1968] raven7583: Your white speed [1969] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: we own u [1970] zombie_930: fk u kimmich [1970] mrhaeton: L [1970] keko23jr: best streamer it’s [1970] kemotheking99: PSG SIGN JYNXI [1970] sebastianodiwasserfall: be harder [1970] nick12498: he’s 4 [1970] devi1_05: do it [1970] kieranjack1245: React harder [1970] jacob_sibley: bruh my phone was on max volume [1970] FatherRhett: react mediumer [1970] psychos_0310: yes fatass [1970] dylansalant15: liam is waiting [1970] raymond3arl: DO IT NOW [1970] wyfyttv: WHEN IS KAI VS CASE 1V1 [1970] niixzyy_is_op: yes [1971] ossieum: yes fatgty [1971] dmx5p: yes [1971] Gucci_kid54: we made you [1971] mr_frga: L glazing [1971] akbeamgod: yep [1971] scrimsversion: Choke me until I pass out [1971] twinkiewinkiefan123: kick the camera harder [1971] bittooscared: CASEOH is waiting [1971] jd1ppie: SHUT UP [1971] rnitten: react less [1971] bardown16__: YES [1971] twizzumss: 30 minute mark surpassed [1971] its_morning_: Play fida [1971] vdr1_: kinda [1971] Dexile_yt: REACT HARDERRR [1972] maxqzu: NOW KICK CAMERA [1972] prof_smurf: You have caps lock on irl you off brand speed [1972] NachoFishYT: 30 minute mark surpassed [1972] Snow5095: nahh it was in a knife out [1972] rShinei: when is ozzie 1v1. [1972] Pre_Enigma: yes [1972] glitchyice7895: sidemen waiting [1972] burritofn10: FALL BACK NOW [1972] meastro111: @jynxzi xOc playing siege let him join u [1972] bottomlesstoe101: POV UR CAR [1972] mrhaeton: Play siege harder [1972] spectralboxedyou: fatty [1973] lockymitts12: lockymitts12 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! what happened yesterday [1974] t0mthedominater: YES [1974] x_h3adhunt3r_x2: when is the clix podcast [1974] BIured: right hand up [1974] bumbusterjuco: mod coffee [1974] raymond3arl: WE MADE YOU [1974] logs27: when are clips [1974] capo_37: react with more passion [1974] Westy1Y: hes 11 [1974] austintrout14: !gamble all [1974] kylr_r: GTR 32 [1974] wyfyttv: WHEN IS FAN MAIL [1974] rylanaust: do it [1974] StreamElements: austintrout14 went all in and lost every single one of their 30 points LUL [1974] abeaver: yes [1974] Gucci_kid54: we made you [1975] PosPluto: !charm [1975] bardown16__: FAKE [1975] itzbrian_24: stream yesterday? [1975] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [1975] prehistoricsushi: fall back right now [1975] Jacob8735: HE IS 13 [1977] ep2831: 🟢why 5 hour stream tmrw?🟢 [1977] z_purpleswag1: WE MADE YOU [1977] goddddddaim555: NLE CHOPPA IS WAITING [1977] DrazRUp: fall or banned [1977] austin_ss24: do it [1977] Haarrzzz: PUPPET [1977] finnisthebest1234: SAVILE IS WAITING [1977] peekandtap: what a noob [1977] PRM_Explicit: SHAKE YOUR ASS INSTEAD [1977] peakyseaside: drake waiting [1977] its_morning_: Play fifa [1977] esk1ii: FACE CAM TOO MID FACE CAM TOO MID FACE CAM TOO MID FACE CAM TOO MID [1977] hunterl11100: WANNA BE SPEED, SPEED CLONE WHITE CLONE [1977] xnelfrox: BREATHE DUMBASSSS [1977] miirrr4k: LEBRON IS WATING [1978] ban_apple: react calmer and chill [1978] kimmpaan: nooooo [1978] 100xjota: pre-fall back [1978] iluvzebra12: Jynxzi is waiting [1978] obeygod489: U are [1978] void8307: o would let you bend me over [1978] nm00r3: jynxzi ur washed [1978] twitchguy7777: pre falling [1978] deanbean2472: fall faster [1978] Gucci_kid54: we made you [1978] jnxd10: JYNXZI WHAT HAPPEND TO THE SIX HOUR YESTERDAY [1978] adott2400: fall [1978] MkGamingg25: waiting [1978] mrhaeton: Play siege harderPlay siege harder [1979] black_arcangel24: FALL BACK PLS [1979] pfury19: angry ginge waiting [1979] 76vertix: ban gardee [1979] Nightbot: bozo [1979] Fossabot: @beechy65, Your message is too long [1980] theyhatecre: theyhatecre subscribed at Tier 1. [1980] egottsha: when are you 1v1ing bronny [1980] lotrofan154pls: boring clip [1980] notyetnotyet44569: jynxziBadAim [1980] kekwbr: fall back fat ass [1980] 3dprinter433: 3dprinter433 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [1980] croswarr: jynxziFALL [1980] uxzh_n8: L CLIX [1980] vepzfrr: ayo jynxzi u literally panics [1980] todayterror909: my sunshine [1980] aral_00: React harder [1980] justaroach26: yeah [1980] real_hasbulla: real_hasbulla subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [1980] zonalhop: yes u will [1980] logzflow: white speed | Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [1800] White speed! Yellow louder! React quietly! Clip farm harder! [1810] Dr. Disrespect Waiting, no silence. Be Tchao Eco, no status, fish food. [1820] Be chau ecu, nostades, blank harder and faster. Chad, this is 6-hour stream, bro. Chad, who thinks I'm crappy and be honest? [1830] Who thinks I'm capping and be honest? [1840] Everybody me everyone me me me me me young boy waiting Bro speaking in burst mode chat. I do not speak in burst mode [1850] first mode dude. A next tip of the day! Got a jump coming in from- What did I just click on? Two of your teammates team- [1860] decayed themselves and you are holding a mirror in your hands. [1870] Ying, have you taken a trip to the eye doctor recently? Because if not, let's do it! You literally just made direct eye surgery. [1880] Contact with the sky yang direct fucking eye contact Yang Sophia Give me yings contact [1890] That's that information. [1900] You have the worst trigger discipline I've ever seen. [1910] What did he do you see for work? [1920] Wait, Blackbeard might be a demon. He might actually be a demon. [1930] Never mind, everyone in the Slobby is absolute cat piss at this game. [1940] Was your car in like a shootout or something? Dog, there's like 11 bullet holes in the back of your car. [1950] Dev with the 25 gift in it. Dev give me that big fucking dick! Dev think of the 25 gift in it. I fucking love you dude. Go fall back. [1960] Back in your chair, bug, bug, bug. Do you guys just think I'm your puppet, Rob? I'm not just gonna fall back in my chair whenever you tell me to. [1970] I'm not just gonna fall back in my chair. | There is no Highlight in the provided timespan. Jynxzi reacts to viewer clips. He starts with a R6 Clip, followed by a NFL Clip, and the timeframe ends with Jynxzi getting trolled by the profile picture of a viewer |
Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [2101] gamer_a1010: REACT LESS REACTABLYYYYY [2101] zeddsthename: when’s clips [2101] carson100000000: yes [2101] sneakysnackfr: yes [2101] Arin7XS: Fall harder jizzy [2101] jackman1374: Fake [2101] lulbrodi: does anyone know when jynxzi stream starts? [2101] trolllolololol1: Speed 1v1 when? [2101] lucasonstrike: fall back harder [2101] austin_ss24: fan mail is when? [2101] hobnob_23rdd: react too perfec [2101] zachgeitner: fake [2101] itzzjustmike: yes [2101] mangotango2k: cry me a river [2101] iiivalnxxiii: it’s friday [2102] bardown16__: nkwasadwasdwasdwasd [2102] scrimsversion: Choke me until I pass out [2102] joshjiq: YESS [2102] joelennon99: when’s 1v1 against ryanstoyreviews [2102] pupeee_: stream harder [2102] spectralboxedyou: L bully [2102] lotus_52: yesyes [2102] Fc450Murda: HELL NO [2102] inaxvy: yes [2102] Believerx1: Believerx1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! cap [2102] SimplyDominated: you missed 25 gifted [2102] egrimey23: REACT HARDERREACT HARDERREACT HARDERREACT HARDERREACT HARDERREACT HARDER [2102] brickwallbray: would [2102] sandstrat: REAL [2102] swagfart777: DR.DISRESPECT CALLED YOU OUT FOR THE 1V1 [2103] xlcruz011lx: Is it a 24 hour Tomorrow? [2103] sinxerst: stream harder [2103] romal822: when is fain mail [2103] iluvzebra12: No [2103] Jcotty: cap [2103] HapTik_: CODE CLIX [2103] ashton_on_twitch1: fan mail time# [2103] bulldoghound1: cap [2103] Nightbot: no 🧢 [2105] grandseaker: REALL [2105] Nxovahh: when is fanmail [2105] jynxzi_is_big_: jynxzi_is_big_ is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [2105] iluvzebra12: Cap [2105] bennyy23: Coming to end of stream [2105] solo_limtls: yes [2105] HapTik_: USE CODE CLIX [2105] joshjiq: YEST [2105] ryzen_ssg: React fatter [2105] maxqzu: NOW KICK CAMERA ANDSCREAM [2105] k1rky1: L streamer [2105] kttisfat69: dumbass [2105] jynxzi_is_big_: jynxzi_is_big_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to kiwi1zz! [2105] omegatobadxd: fanmail when? [2105] itzzjustmike: yesss [2106] ceo_untouchable: yessssss [2106] razer_wyatt7: 1v1 me, im in champion [2106] mrmilku1234: Fake [2106] obeygod489: When Is sunday [2106] egrimey23: REACT HARDERREACT HARDERREACT HARDER [2107] csahispouringout: csahispouringout subscribed at Tier 1. [2108] kupogags: WHAT HAPPENED YESTERDAY?? [2108] tishdee: doc is better than you [2108] daviegonza10: fuck you [2108] aceofgods07: JYNXI PLEASE COME TO MY HEROGASM [2108] prof_smurf: You have caps lock on irl you off brand speed [2108] mintyspringg: REACT SMELLIEE [2108] cheau2trappe: it’s literally in context [2108] bigvibes8: YES [2108] mralphabay: when is Xbox Friday [2108] Mbox98: Kai is doing 50 hours stream how come you can’t stream for more than 3 [2108] goddddddaim555: NLE CHOPPA IS WAITING [2108] monkeyowner75: react [2108] Kit_Hs__: sketch is waiting harder [2108] n0lifeg: BRONNY WAITING BRO [2109] tolstrupp: react harder [2109] Ronaldfajardo69: just copped that pulse skin💪 [2109] keaton_y21: stream is reversed. I can only see clix [2109] thcinfested: CAP [2109] dmx5p: CAP [2109] Spoidz_: drink water faster [2109] GHOSTEEE_23: this is what no pussy looks like.. trust me i know [2109] Fc450Murda: HELL NAH [2109] ghostofsparta69420: when is fan mail [2109] razer_wyatt7: 1v1 me, i in champion [2109] ttvrisky_rl_: Jynxzi, just wanted to say I love the streams and I hope your chat will get some brain cells for once🤷🏻 [2109] its_vexxed: jeffrey is waiting [2109] swagfart777: DR.DISRESPECT CALLED YOU OUT FOR THE 1V1!!!! [2109] Nightbot: bozo [2109] tizumpug: react but get harder [2110] kelvinprom_: When is face reveal [2110] Neophite__: when is 8pm fan mail [2110] tycoon6000: DONT BE JEALOUS YOU'RE NOT WHITE CHAT [2110] LazL19: no [2110] plixystreams: fell off [2110] monkeyowner75: harder [2110] ceo_untouchable: yesssss [2110] Arin7XS: fall harder [2110] lizard_4639: when clips [2110] senpaifrosties: senpaifrosties subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months! [2112] realtatummvp: sketch and kai said when is fan mail ?? [2112] no_mercy_echo: PRE RAGE [2112] tvjxmes: real [2112] cikazipi: go playy fortnitee [2112] csnorbi2010: when is kai 1v1 [2112] fredo_310: play minecraft wus [2112] ceo_untouchable: yesss [2112] gaming_enjoyer111: rank it harder [2112] nd_domina4tor: lOOK HARDER [2112] k1rky1: most real clip [2112] coober420: pookie bear please shake ur ghat please [2112] alex1_1_0: yesyesyes [2112] hobnob_23rdd: react too perfect [2113] camlitbihh: react [2113] kttisfat69: kick camera [2113] jnxd10: JYNXZI WHAT HAPPEND TO THE SIX HOUR YESTERDAY [2113] giftmesubforcharm: real [2113] willdogclapemall: fuck that [2113] swagfart777: DR.DISRESPECT CALLED YOU OUT FOR THE 1V1 [2113] xaiman100x: react to zerko [2113] treyknox04: bronny waiting [2113] wyfyttv: REACT SEXIER [2113] bittooscared: FAKE [2113] tishdee: doc owns u [2113] mrhaeton: Play siege harderPlay siege harder [2113] Rafazorn: Rafazorn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! [2113] alex1_1_0: yesyesyesyes [2113] uplift_frost: watch the clip harder [2114] CowEnjoyer_39: SUCK HARDER [2114] jesustheghost_: When is clips [2114] cappalotty: real [2115] Sheisty_1R: prime jynxzi [2115] kaazmayne110: READ BIT DONO [2115] ep2831: 🟢why 5 hour stream tmrw?🟢 [2115] k3vondabus: poll it [2115] w1lllllllllll2: Kai is waiting [2115] Nightbot: Blue crown —-> Free —-> no ads —-> charm: https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [2115] ceo_untouchable: yessssss [2115] alex1_1_0: yesyesyesyesyesyesyes [2115] autobot_loganx: white speed [2115] blazejub: when is fan mail [2115] aden2__: L booty [2115] rewind016: capppp🧢 [2115] diego_11_p: Ungreatfull [2115] malo22dom: i love you [2115] lordjesus1656: when is fan mail [2116] valorantwatcherhhh: rank my bum [2116] V1lmers: !LINK [2116] ightnolan: no [2116] anselparsa: when is waping stream? @jynxziggggvvv [2116] lmkoli: money changed you [2116] cantstopfyre: fortnite is waiting [2116] abdirahim177: mo [2116] Nightbot: @V1lmers If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [2116] febrezedeodorant: no [2116] capo_37: react with more passion please [2116] poitmcgoiter: Casoh is tginner [2116] dean_2_: when is impaulsive pod coming [2116] alex1_1_0: yesyesyesyesyes [2116] atmbongo: MOD HIM [2116] tmoney3034: fan mail time [2117] jakedunocan: good aim [2117] shadowxzcz: gg [2117] Giggidy_1702: Nikolas Speed Eh 30 Like [2117] ashton_on_twitch1: fan mail time [2117] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [2117] buster_kincaid: buster_kincaid subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! [2118] iluvzebra12: Real [2118] jkuhn2003: Speed is waiting [2118] kdbryze: nut on my pussy daddy [2118] meastro111: @jynxzi xOc playing siege let him join u [2118] swagfart777: DR.DISRESPECT CALLED YOU OUT FOR THE 1V1!!!!! [2118] tragicredgaming: when is speed 1v1 [2118] Pilot_Azog: use code clix [2118] leospencee: when are you reacting to clips [2118] nolimitnoob_: ??????? [2119] killerboss7414: Gg chat [2119] barrett_dagoat24: react more [2119] PKonstantinakos: hivise is waiting [2119] ewan10304: it is Saturday for me I’m from Aus [2119] gtd_stormx: hello my glorious king ily so much zaddy [2119] liamog1239: L bully [2119] griffin_tm: react harder [2119] jarrettdoss09: no sound [2119] brocode789: my brother in Christ… it’s Friday [2119] logancrosby100: hey [2119] febrezedeodorant: Xbox [2119] excessivezero5: WWWWWW [2119] Seppuku22: you’re a ladyboy [2119] swayy_7: Cheer1 [2119] lykan608: when’s fam mail [2120] alex1_1_0: yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes [2120] synx_sweatz: haha [2120] ritvikbatra32: ritvikbatra32 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 5 month streak! NICKKKKKKKK [2120] justjoshin15: clip farming pancake [2120] vlvcz22: react harder [2120] bardown16__: rizz [2120] loser0221: which one is he [2120] keqlax: yesss [2120] kaiden1191: w [2120] 0rion91: SNIFF [2120] vitality5175: EEWWWWWWWW [2120] toneb10156: when is jynxzi 1v1 [2120] hahahahahhahahhahhh: jynxziClown [2121] tishdee: doc on that ass [2121] k1rky1: when is clips [2121] limiteclipse_: LMAOOOO [2121] USAFM1ke: LMAO [2121] Pdiddillydawg: please daddy [2121] pizzadude1068: LEAKED [2121] ceo_untouchable: yesss [2121] razer_wyatt7: 1v1 me, i in champion [2121] loloabribus: LMAO [2121] CarqQ: eeeeeeeew [2121] lolDegen: lol [2121] yuvfuentnh: heu [2121] Arin7XS: smash [2121] jrossv2: CoolCat [2121] timerulereon: hey junko I just sent u a picture of my Christmas tree can you rate it [2122] idksomaaa: EW [2122] BannD1tt: would [2122] stokesgaming2012: let’s gooo [2122] bittooscared: REAL [2122] deaed_man_walking: EW [2122] quandaledingl345: Ewwww [2122] willdogclapemall: prob [2122] lorrdx2304: glaze glaze glaze glaze [2122] yurdzi: hot [2122] Haarrzzz: FALL BACK IN YOUR CHAIR RIGHT FUCKIN NOW [2122] hannahbango: LOLLLL [2122] DaleMoney__: lmaoooo [2122] armanii_27: ........ [2122] alex1_1_0: yesyesyesyesyesyes [2122] sandy_sir: LMAAOO💀 [2123] JAYTOTAL: ew [2123] 8Pina: WOULD [2123] mynxerr: SSMASHHHH [2123] rxphhh: EWWWWW [2123] no_grass_effxct: !LINK [2123] twitchbotfn_: SNIFFY WIFFY [2123] diego_11_p: W toes [2123] therealjnime: ewww [2123] GMGvelli: ew [2123] NanaBranana: yes [2124] sawheer18: ew [2124] LPnBotz: gross [2124] t3ch_supp0rtx: eww [2124] tkmoney: OMEGALUL [2124] lukabrasi123: react harder you blueberry pancake [2124] scratch58: ayo [2124] jvnkofan: L STREAMER [2124] robotmech8: when is clip [2124] mybanana_45: the buccaneers suck [2124] xaruya811: Hahahhahah [2124] itzbrian_24: cops yesterday. [2124] oceankiller7259: oh [2124] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [2124] abeaver: EW [2124] GHOSTEEE_23: im gonna throw up [2125] lJoshrl: react harder [2125] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀 [2125] phantomvs_: ew [2125] Lipper226: different game tonighht? [2125] tex_represnt_n: W clip farming [2125] v0rtex079: Smash [2125] dany3lln: EWWWWWWWWWW [2125] cookiejumbo_7: drink more water [2125] excessivezero5: MOD HIM [2125] politesob1978: ew [2125] uhnyus: YOUNGBOY IS WAITING [2125] MrWatZit: watch drdisrespect do jynxzi accent. [2125] y00neek: when is fan mail [2125] Nightbot: 😂 [2125] zeronamesallowed: GYAT [2126] edwxies: he’s 10 [2126] ry4nd4v15: Put it in my mouth [2126] akbeamgod: w [2126] razoo020: 💀💀💀💀 [2126] vykarian: HUH [2126] sandy_sir: 💀 [2127] sophiebloiss: when’s fan mail ungrateful part timer [2127] jahwitdasmoke: SNIFFA [2127] harrry1x: fat [2127] raymond3arl: EWWWWW [2127] ericisactuallysmall: w [2127] mr_frga: nice toes [2127] wyfyttv: WOULD [2127] collin879: !link [2127] spectralboxedyou: L vaper [2127] englishwhatch: wood [2127] bronco_fn_: No [2127] randompork: hes 2 [2127] tishdee: doc would work u [2127] SaintCQ: that's disgusting [2127] abeaver: EWWWW [2128] jacktheswordzguy: WTF [2128] Vuxdy: eeeh [2128] stokesgaming2012: eeww [2128] pogggers603: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [2128] aliverecord7: REACT [2128] maallydub: WTF [2128] syyzie: ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [2128] Cootlol: wtf [2128] sandy_sir: 💀💀 [2130] marcinpsisiur: gyat [2130] wessy130: ww [2130] hxarveybanks06: STOP TALKING [2130] boko559: MOD [2130] jrossv2: omg toes 😳 [2130] avxyszn: 24 hour siege stream [2130] Zolacee: 💀 [2130] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀 [2130] maallydub: 💀💀💀 [2130] TheGoatTomBrady: ew wtf [2130] longnutz_69: react more scandalously [2130] kekwbr: Mod him [2130] tigerkingx: feet pics [2130] NachoFishYT: 30 minute mark surpassed [2130] sidneyloca: REPORT [2133] peakyseaside: Mod him [2133] giftmesubforcharm: GUATTT [2133] mynxerr: THE GYAT IN THIS KID [2133] morgano12: react without reacting [2133] tmoney3034: fan mail? [2133] BuzzedGamer: L [2133] AlTyrone: IM EDGEING [2133] iconickreaction: SMASHHH [2133] streamerbtw633434: I’m better then u u fat boy [2133] d_goat03: junko will you do 1v1 vs your dad? [2133] ruthhlesss: 20$ [2133] sandy_sir: 💀 [2133] dodo_696969: 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 [2133] fartjuicer: ew [2133] V1lmers: !link [2134] 0rion91: FAT REAL [2134] hobnob_23rdd: react too perfectt [2134] MedekTW: Why'd you check [2134] crispybitsz: Looking forward to staying up with you for your 24hr stream [2134] loloabribus: LMAO [2134] d1purge_: real [2134] Haarrzzz: EEWWWWW [2134] robbiesks: fat kid [2134] Fossabot: @SnaqPatrol, Your message is too long [2134] Nightbot: real [2134] kieranjack1245: Real [2134] theyhatecre: WOW [2134] yozenoyo: real [2134] copycatcloudy: real [2134] leroyy2k: real [2135] jarrettdoss09: no sound [2135] omar_flores01: when is Jynxzi vs bronny? [2135] maallydub: 💀💀💀💀💀 [2135] stoodauto281: trim yo toe nails [2135] itzyaboi__goofball: 50 dollars best deal! [2135] pinkystews: real [2135] faze_cloud68: ewwww [2135] Brettgarrett22: W [2135] don_plpl: gyat [2136] XnR_Kaleb15: !gamble all [2136] giftmesubforcharm: ESAL [2136] pogggers603: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [2136] TeakSleet06: look better [2136] darkratchet09: REAL [2136] iluvzebra12: W [2136] bulldoghound1: real [2136] fw_rosss: is this brawlstars [2136] StreamElements: @XnR_Kaleb15, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan [2136] konahriik123: fake [2136] Bbeckwith30gamer: busted everywhere [2136] nav_sglm: Real [2136] stanpines420: yyyy [2136] sandy_sir: LMAAOOOO💀💀💀 [2136] 1738clutch: rea [2137] kritski_: LET ME SUCK IT [2137] 1brah1mehsan: lol [2137] NFFe4rr: real [2137] junkolamonko08: Just wanted to say i love you and you are the best [2137] chandlerscott999: SKETCH IS WAITING [2137] raffi_mhm: real [2137] hobnob_23rdd: react too perfectttt [2137] IamTheFlash: real [2137] Ryemoonbread: weirdo [2137] mr_bubblers: rank harder [2137] SaintCQ: real [2137] deaed_man_walking: real [2137] Yurd_Me98: real [2137] pinkystews: realreal [2137] kewanadige: real [2138] kadir_2008: jynxzi are u fasting? [2138] gg_allthetime: When's clips? [2138] jakedog103: bro staring [2138] litto_lexi: for free [2138] leroyy2k: so real [2138] Sou1Taker215: IM BRICKED [2138] yesmann223: LOL [2139] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: buttermilk ass pancake [2140] steezy_crab: real [2140] goddddddaim555: NLE CHOPPA IS WAITING [2140] il_solito_matte: Real [2140] Mbox98: Kai is doing 50 hours stream how come you can’t stream for more than 3 [2140] Dubbie118: 😂😂😂😂 [2140] camstxr: real [2140] tvjxmes: AAHAHAHHAAH [2140] copycatcloudy: so real [2140] drip_1upemanx: w [2140] tizumpug: react but get harder [2140] ChocolateLoverVz: my EYES! [2140] shadow78218: would [2140] roslineks: gyat [2140] Nightbot: mild tourettes (something he can't control.) be nice! [2141] razer_wyatt7: 1v1 me, im in champion [2141] itzzjustmike: real [2141] streamerbtw633434: fat boy [2141] excessivezero5: SO REAL [2141] JUNKo00000000: real [2141] twitchbotfn_: LOOKS LIKE HIM TO ME [2141] trenta222: WOULD [2141] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: buttermilk ass pancake [2143] Latok0: real [2143] kingpakalypse93: 😭😭😭😭😭 [2143] zero_go_cazy: real [2143] soundcloutken: loooooooooooool [2143] toneb10156: real [2143] highonit999: gg [2143] waterfryer166: HAHAHAHAHHAHAY [2143] xwhomj: would [2143] Arin7XS: SMASH [2143] r6demonoslek: W [2143] sp3ncyb0i: i just came [2143] hobnob_23rdd: react too perfect [2143] Tadashi_T_T_Hamada: 🤮🤮🤮 [2143] mangotango2k: cry me a river [2143] 1nico2turnt: real [2144] TheSigSoldierSSG: Diddy [2144] snip3r225: ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww TF [2144] flyinghud: I WANT TO SUCK THEM TOES [2144] smackked: DAN SCHNEIDER [2144] yourlover975: I’m hard [2144] jibbnuts: kai is waiting [2144] steezy_crab: realll [2144] Bbeckwith30gamer: I just busted [2144] ryzen_ssg: Reqct fatter [2146] hunccho10: hunccho10 is gifting 25 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 80 in the channel! [2146] idkwhattoputhere0912: Jynxi hard [2146] NoLoveJayt: real [2146] itzbrian_24: stream yesterday [2146] bucketofben: i couldnt hold it anymore streak lost [2146] pocketpengun: LMAO [2146] swayy_7: Cheer1 [2146] Soniccrash151: TRUE [2146] raymond3arl: WWWW [2146] o_diggity__: MOD HIM [2146] xaiman100x: react to zerko [2146] goonerappleten: lol [2146] egrimey23: REALREAL [2146] robbiesks: fuck that kid [2146] elkube: mod him [2147] hunccho10: hunccho10 gifted a Tier 1 sub to bambito! [2147] hunccho10: hunccho10 gifted a Tier 1 sub to juanmovement2019! [2147] hunccho10: hunccho10 gifted a Tier 1 sub to V_Mt_! [2147] hunccho10: hunccho10 gifted a Tier 1 sub to zzoinkerss! [2147] boogerballs8110: When fanmail is [2147] hunccho10: hunccho10 gifted a Tier 1 sub to saltizzle! [2147] 1nico2turnt: REAL [2147] tvjxmes: AHAHAHHHHHAAAAAA [2147] mintyspringg: REACT SMELLIER [2147] jnxd10: JYNXZI WHAT HAPPEND TO THE SIX HOUR YESTERDAY [2147] dan1j3nz: gg [2147] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [2147] TheKohl: play beverly hills by shaboozey [2147] drben0: real [2147] no_mercy_echo: real [2148] maggi1k: LACY CEARS [2148] bulldoghound1: when is mail fan when fan mail [2148] Dragontraq: block harder [2148] yozenoyo: play geomatry dash [2148] VyseM4H: When will Jynxzi be live Junko? [2148] notblest: real [2149] yodie_fn: W [2149] caseohs_8thchinroll: he’s hot [2149] crzxq: you dont read chat :( [2149] fluid7motion: play fall guys [2149] mates2222222222222: !gamble all [2149] RonOffica: L GLAZER [2149] mybanana_45: the buccaneers suxk [2149] krankylandon: hold it there I’m about to finish [2149] peakyseaside: Drake waiting fatty [2149] ryzen_ssg: React fatter [2149] Neophite__: when is 8pm fan mail [2149] coober420: please [2149] StreamElements: mates2222222222222 went all in and lost every single one of their 11765 points LUL [2149] levishhh124: lag [2150] hobnob_23rdd: react too perfectttttt [2150] uhnyus: play fortnite [2150] diego_11_p: React harder [2150] zackflick17: r u hard rn? [2150] ashton_on_twitch1: fan mail time [2150] toonypunkdevil: play destiny 2 [2150] PudgySpike: When is bronny 1v1? [2150] englishwhatch: wood [2150] joelennon99: when’s 1v1 against ryanstoyreviews [2150] Greg0764: my pp is out [2150] thatguywho420s: I’m dead [2150] willdogclapemall: reall [2150] moneysignslexy: BUTTERMILK ASS PANCAKE [2150] egrimey23: REALREALREALREALREALREALREALREALREALREALREALREALREALREALREALREALREALREAL [2150] NarrowsMother: Fake chat [2151] kalooR6: not edited [2151] jcob8928: LMFAOOOOO [2151] bcdude98: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [2151] chicknf: Real [2152] Immortalmarx: Immortalmarx subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! [2152] dewey2341: that’s bros fans [2152] keaton_y21: CLIX is waiting # [2152] abeaver: fatter reeatc [2152] ttvxlid: me [2152] noahhovdenak: play fnaf [2152] raiden303rd: watch clips on ps [2152] killerboss7414: Gg [2152] fluid7motion: fall guys [2152] callmemental69: fall back and i’ll gift 50 [2152] goonerappleten: lmao [2152] thesuperrams: that was last month [2152] attqc: dumbass [2152] mondo_bongo: Lol [2153] nyugito: REACT SOFTER [2153] DOOGAN5: play fall guys [2153] hobnob_23rdd: react too perfectt [2153] csahispouringout: !LINK [2153] wyfyttv: PLAY FNAR [2153] ganqr14: mod him [2153] Nightbot: @csahispouringout If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [2153] edwxies: weewwwwwww [2153] piekitten: LMFAOPP [2153] donnlarkin11: SKETCH IS WAITING [2153] tmoney3034: open fan mail [2153] KatieKitt3n: I'd grab u 😉😉😉😉 [2153] wwwdotgoogledotcom: EW [2153] bobthybuilderll: how do you get jynxzi charm [2153] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: we wont ong [2154] hsdhuads: w [2154] JamalZetterberg: lets do it [2154] kieranjack1245: Play fall guys [2154] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: we wont ong [2154] kingjulienn3: r6 [2154] isaacidr: isaacidr subscribed with Prime. [2154] mr__shh: play fall guys [2154] thcinfested: CAP [2154] gg_allthetime: Play paladins [2154] Nightbot: no 🧢 [2155] CowEnjoyer_39: SUCK HARDER [2155] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: we wont ong [2155] Jpmalagonv: 💀 [2155] lukabrasi123: react harder you blueberry pancake [2155] NoLoveJayt: plzssss [2155] bigdaddyphhfffff: I wanna touch you [2155] sp3ncyb0i: fanmail is when jynxzi [2155] nbd_zeus: nbd_zeus subscribed at Tier 1. [2155] wyfyttv: WHEN IS KAI VS CASE 1V1 [2155] brandon5997: play fall guys [2155] abeaver: react fatteyr [2155] ep2831: 🟢why 5 hour stream tmrw?🟢 [2156] piekitten: LMFAOAAOAOA [2156] pizzadino_: PLAY FALL GUYS FR [2156] beeslams: no one said that [2156] robloxwarriorpoo: toes waiting [2156] uhnyus: run duos with me [2156] lmkoli: why ur nose so big [2156] goonerappleten: hhh [2156] elkube: modd himml [2156] Nightbot: !accept [2156] imaspritecan: ur brain is abnormally small [2156] junkodababy: fall guys looking ahh [2156] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [2156] mrhaeton: Play siege harder [2156] Haarrzzz: WHEN IS BRONNY [2156] fixitupewan: play fortnight [2157] MrWatZit: watch drdisrespect do jynxzi accent.. [2157] peakyseaside: Drake awaiting [2157] JamalZetterberg: wager fall guys [2157] randompork: L bully [2157] harryrostron: play fnaf [2157] isaiahlol69: isaiahlol69 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [2158] Sicknxsty: YES [2158] mintyspringg: REACT FATTER [2158] stanpines420: fake chats [2158] yoboy_serg: real [2158] znivek174: geometry dash [2158] mybanana_45: the buccaneers suck [2158] TheGoatTomBrady: yes [2158] summydoope: NOBODY SAID THAT [2158] kadir_2008: jynxzi play call of duty [2158] prof_smurf: You have caps lock on irl you off brand speed [2158] lilmurphgaming: play fall guys [2158] bucketofben: play fortnite [2158] mfsoloj: stream less harder [2158] bittooscared: WHEN IS FAN MAIL [2159] tatumvfx: hey jynxzi when is stream [2159] Fatez8: there worth some real money more then you [2159] NemesisX04: ButterMilk Pancake [2159] bunglingelk6: play fall guys [2159] dinojordan_420: When is Kai vs caseoh???? [2159] sophiebloiss: when’s fan mail ungrateful part timer [2159] jesustheghost_: When is clips [2159] livetylerr: FALL GUYS [2159] hurminetor: w [2159] pur_str_xp1: DR DISRESPECT IMITATE YOU TODAY [2159] goonerappleten: LUL [2159] sp3ncyb0i: WHEN FANMAIL IS [2159] mrhaeton: Play siege harderPlay siege harderPlay siege harderPlay siege harder [2159] todayterror909: W [2159] copycatcloudy: rrrrrrrrr [2160] MkGamingg25: no one said that [2160] chicknf: Play fall guys [2160] lost_xeno: FALLGIYS [2160] hunterl11100: WHEN IS BRONNY 1V1 vWHEN IS BRONNY 1V1 [2160] ItsPurpsss: rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr' [2161] rustze4pf: see [2161] krazyk_t: LUL LUL PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [2161] zombie_930: fk u kimmich [2161] cpl_justice: W [2161] ThatRed_FRS: Dan schneider [2161] uhnyus: BULLY [2161] ajdin2014: fall guys [2161] caseohistobigformyphone: react to decentshoots [2161] poshijoshi12: they looking juicy [2161] englishwhatch: smash [2161] tanayp2006: fall guys [2162] ttv_r0gue__: Do fan mail [2162] TheCloverClanYT: yo [2162] v0rtex079: I'm bricked uo [2162] slomomoto: ## [2162] hunterl11100: WHEN IS BRONNY 1V1 WHEN IS BRONNY 1V1 WHEN IS BRONNY 1V1 WHEN IS BRONNY 1V1 WHEN IS BRONNY 1V1 [2162] colombianohomie: I GOTTA FOOT FETISH YOU SHOULDNT OF SHOWN ME THAT [2162] yosupitzreece: FALL GUYS [2162] mrhaeton: Play siege harderPlay siege harderPlay siege harderPlay siege harderPlay siege harder [2162] xander_carmona: W [2162] hobnob_23rdd: react too perfect [2162] NachoFishYT: 30 minute mark surpassed [2162] iixvemoms: no one said that [2162] FFlash127: crazy [2162] GHOSTEEE_23: W huncho [2162] Nightbot: i was crazy once [2163] mortyas_: BRust mashion [2163] creamycheese67: react skinnier [2163] TA10N1: react harder [2164] yvsour40: W [2164] bvttaa: industry plant [2164] hunterl11100: WHEN IS BRONNY 1V1 WHEN IS BRONNY 1V1 WHEN IS BRONNY 1V1 WHEN IS BRONNY 1V1 WHEN IS BRONNY 1V1 WHEN IS BRONNY 1V1 WHEN IS BRONNY 1V1 [2164] lauryn_x01: hahahhaa [2164] pepper718: FALL GUYS [2164] sn1pz_safe: wwww [2164] BIured: giftededededededededdedededddedd [2164] lost_xeno: YES PLAY FALL GUYS [2164] AyWATP: when is Roblox [2164] Vuxdy: lebronJAM [2164] bunglingelk6: fall guys [2164] DreamShakeJones: I need it [2164] philipp2889: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [2164] killerboss7414: @huncho [2165] badtwitchtv: rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [2165] handsomeprettyboy: x [2165] PfitzyFN: play some shit [2165] Its_Xel: rrrrrrrrrrr [2165] Sigismund762: CLIP THAT [2165] wyfyttv: CLIP FARM HARDER [2165] Nightbot: 😂 [2165] bardown16__: IS THIS WHOVILLE? [2165] iamalfiie: @jynxzi play r6, we won’t tk you [2165] kesslerOG: LEBRON IS WAITING [2165] tj_junko: shut the fuck up [2165] sp3ncyb0i: FANMAIL WHEN IS [2165] mortyas_: Brust [2165] kiwi1zz: rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [2165] mrhaeton: Play siege harderPlay siege harderPlay siege harderPlay siege harder [2166] Lt_ShelSHOCK: RRRRRRRRRR [2166] peakyseaside: drake waiting [2166] tanayp2006: fall guyss [2166] footyjakey2468___: w [2166] traytonisagoat24: plaese [2166] Jizzoy: foot job [2166] monkeyowner24: STFU [2166] nwright05: clip farm harder [2166] farmer_exe: farmer_exe subscribed with Prime. [2168] jack123the3: hey daddy junko [2168] cooolduuuuude: LOL [2168] 76vertix: ban harder [2168] kyberiv: www [2168] yourmother667: he literally just edged himself [2168] vykarian: RRRRRRRR [2168] erickdiddy: fake chat [2168] linklink232: Play fall guys, the fall guys clips are getting low [2168] keedo_2tuff: fall guys [2168] V1lmers: !LINK [2168] kingjulienn3: Play r66 [2168] Xzpdey: react harder [2168] Fossabot: @drauzee, Your message is too long [2168] raven_1108: FAKE CHAT [2168] moneysignslexy: INERRNET TROLLING [2169] tysonmax143: Yoooo [2169] enrique_849: bro is peaking in automatic mode [2169] gdkjoseph12: play with my butt [2169] truzeog: - [2169] g0atsplash: W HUNCHI [2169] Garbear40: wow [2170] niurb: niurb subscribed at Tier 1. [2171] lizard_4639: when clipsss [2171] cooolduuuuude: RRRRRRRRR [2171] lulbrodi: does anyone know when jynxzi stream starts? [2171] amundeep: react harder [2171] lilknifer561: when is 8 when is 8 when is 8 when is 8 when is 8 when is 8 [2171] kozattow: RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR [2171] mintyspringg: REACT SMELLIER AND FATTER [2171] mrhaeton: Play siege harderPlay siege harderPlay siege harderPlay siege harderPlay siege harder [2171] mfsoloj: talk quieter my parents are sleeping [2171] Nightbot: gifting you luck in finding a job 🙏🏻 [2171] cxhd: 🥁 [2171] nyugito: REACT SOFTER . [2171] mortyas_: brest [2171] zoynqs: 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁 [2171] leanbeefpapi: THANK HARDER [2172] Matttdagoat123: w [2172] nikoisgreat21: clip farm [2172] hunterl11100: WHEN IS BRONNY 1V1 WHEN IS BRONNY 1V1 WHEN IS BRONNY 1V1 WHEN IS BRONNY 1V1 WHEN IS BRONNY 1V1 WHEN IS BRONNY 1V1 [2172] lilpasqua3: shut up [2172] zzzswiftyy: jynxziBounce [2172] Kvng_Brown: lol [2174] ryzen_ssg: React fatter! [2174] tmoney3034: clip better [2174] braammmy: stream more rambuctious [2174] bigdaddy00690: trrrrrrrrr [2174] cu222222: roll your tongue all over my tip fatso [2174] nwright05: use code clix [2174] basboy8: reavt hard [2174] mangotango2k: cry me a river [2174] Sigismund762: I WANT THAT AS A RINGTONE [2174] kingjulienn3: R6 [2174] althemaster123: l money laundering [2174] iluvzebra12: Fall guys when [2174] wyfyttv: WHEN IS KAI VS CASE 1V1 [2174] mrhaeton: Play siege harderPlay siege harderPlay siege harderPlay siege harderPlay siege harderPlay siege harder [2174] lukerileys: stay still im almost there [2175] levishhh124: jynxziSuprised jynxziSuprised [2175] pessiandmessi: REACT OHIO [2175] IsaiahHommes: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [2175] Lonergoon14: Stream frozen [2175] cjamesdoucet: shut your part timing ass up [2175] vagrantlime: NO FULL AUTO [2175] LSPreston: gta race no trolls? [2175] gelgei: Dw [2175] diego_11_p: Ungreatfull thank harder for giftsubs [2175] austin_ss24: fan mails is when??? [2175] Haarrzzz: STFU KID [2175] NFFe4rr: thank you brother [2175] tizumpug: react but get harder [2175] NozyGhost: xim is waiting [2175] Nightbot: @scornscizzor -> I could do this all day. [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [2176] LiTareu: go get react boost [2176] stanpines420: shut up [2176] irohP: roll rs harderrrrrrr [2176] Mustard_Brian: wwwww [2176] TrooperKoopa: when are you playing with clix [2177] cxrbin2k: when is fanmail [2177] Juice_RL_: goooooool [2177] fnlauris2010: when is fanmail fan mail when is fan mail when is fanmail [2177] lilmurphgaming: fall guys please [2177] jakedog103: bro lagged [2177] summersat4: I thought my TV broke [2177] jarrettdoss09: no sound [2177] beeslams: when is bronny 1v1 [2177] BabyFaceBamBam: wait is Jynxzi [2177] trust_1n_aj: love him more [2177] jnxd10: JYNXZI WHAT HAPPEND TO THE SIX HOUR YESTERDAY [2177] Bluttermen: W grateful [2177] maddieh74: w [2177] mintyspringg: REAXT FATTER [2177] Kryten319: youo sound sick [2178] bajensigge: hhhhhhonchoooo [2178] ishowrizz94: Ronny waiting [2178] dasupalama1: stop talking [2178] munkyslayer94: ride it harder [2178] alfievincent1232: Jynxzi glitched [2178] spectralboxedyou: case is waiting [2178] a1ang17: Play fall guys but in an actual public lobby loser [2178] StreamElements: ncgomes has spent 7 days 6 hours watching jynxzi [2180] dirtyphantom: W COLE [2180] glitchybang: Thank u brother 🤓👆 [2180] JUNKo00000000: L clip farmer [2180] junkodababy: jynxziGLASSES [2180] harryrostron: play fnaf [2180] cjaywya: Illuminati boy stop money laundering [2180] clay7onn: W [2180] myfavvideogame: SHUT UP [2180] tfieldssssss: pre end [2180] deathriders84: Bro went full auto [2180] eman55x: bronny waiting [2180] ishowrizz94: ronny waiting [2180] kesslerOG: CAN U DATE MY MOM JUNKO [2180] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [2180] uhnyus: DEEPFAKE STREAM [2181] nathan_18088: dedicate my friends name bobleroux [2181] lilsluga: wwwwww [2181] maddoxb9694: roll r’s harder [2181] yozenoyo: play geomatry dash [2181] lizard_4639: when clips [2181] Flockk9: WHEN TOURNEY [2181] Nightbot: bozo [2182] rihannuh: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 can u say hi rihanna [2183] jt_dnb: roll your r's harder [2183] Neophite__: when is 8pm fan mail [2183] bittooscared: jynxziCopper [2183] f7_konz: WHENS CASEOH STREAM [2183] tj_junko: fuck you [2183] hobnob_23rdd: react too perfecttttttt [2183] k1rky1: Went from burst to rapid fire [2183] distantreality_: jynxi is his own man, he can do whatever he want because he is an upstanding citizen in society, he is not obligated to do what you ask and can make decisions for himself [2183] sxaynecahill: what was announcement you fatass pancake [2183] 713_israel: CNDH de [2183] savgew: SMASH [2183] gamermen1331: thank better [2183] rizzlergjb39: DRAKE WAITING [2183] killerboss7414: I want a sub! [2183] VyseM4H: When will Jynxzi be live Junko?? [2184] ap3xsavage420: listen to juice WRLD [2184] joelennon99: when’s 1v1 against ryanstoyreviews [2184] chicknf: Ungrateful [2184] excessivezero5: LOVE YOU JUNKHEAD [2184] mittelgang: braggers made a game pls play it [2184] chandlerscott999: bend over [2184] Ninedragon56979: make me famous [2184] Kryten319: ARE YOU SICK [2184] ganqr14: shut up white speed [2185] stephen_walsh1: stephen_walsh1 subscribed at Tier 1. [2186] royalllive: when are clips [2186] captaincookie: Is there a way to send clips via pc? [2186] crimsontide17: FAKE CHATS [2186] Lowstyy: W [2186] frostedpotato42069: frostedpotato42069 subscribed at Tier 1. [2186] lukabrasi123: react harder you blueberry pancake [2186] ep2831: 🟢why 5 hour stream tmrw?🟢 [2186] Nightbot: Jynxzi ST0MPN Mingo Skyte Jayy [2186] CoolioJordan: thank cuter [2186] visionjeremy: visionjeremy subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! [2186] quentin_olson: ungrateful [2186] politesob1978: breathe harder [2186] masonrausch23: No you dont [2186] lmao1463: fall guys [2186] lilsluga: LMAO [2187] jdspidercraft: thank the floor [2187] Ruettah: Bro speaking ak47 [2187] roguehunchofn: react harder [2187] no_mercy_echo: read it harder [2187] drauzee: buttermilk ass pancake [2187] vincentmcs: Mod him [2188] de8687: Cheer1 [2189] stanpines420: react more [2189] karammxfjd: React better [2189] daniel2slik: play fortnite we won’t land with you [2189] wt123_: can you mute your mic im trying to sleep [2189] monkeyowner75: whens fan mail [2189] mrfrizzle4200: Listen u pesent [2189] hxarveybanks06: STOP TALKING [2189] Zen1thOnRecRoom: wassup jynxi [2189] aussiequeen7: love you [2189] donnlarkin11: SPEED CLONE [2189] uhnyus: UNGRATEFUL [2189] itachi85884: Stream harder [2189] NozyGhost: zim is waiting [2189] Kit_Hs__: clip farm too small [2189] TheKohl: play beverly hills by shaboozeyplay beverly hills by shaboozey [2190] younotaboutit32: hahahahaha [2190] hunterwalthour: thank him with a chub [2190] gazzyjazzy: Mod him [2190] agentghostfn: When is 24 hour stream [2190] RLDZ: STOP FAKE READING [2190] wwwiso: 1v1 me [2190] nyugito: REACT SOFTER [2190] hunterl11100: WHEN IS BRONNY 1V1 [2190] lovinit10: fake [2190] plasticbro: UNGRATEFUL [2190] FRESH__KNIGHT__111: UNGRATEFUL [2190] tex_represnt_n: Play Fortnite we don’t stream snipe around here [2190] wessy130: siege [2190] Decimated7: jynxzi glitched [2190] cambam1295: you actually need to stop doing that 😭 [2192] glitchedfoxstudio: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [2192] NcNameless: suck his dick [2192] SpecialHerbGame: when is fan mail? [2192] twinkiewinkiefan123: kick the camera harder [2192] Nightbot: @dabsado67 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [2192] roslineks: RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR [2192] yesterdaysfinest: when is fan mail [2192] colej_18: roll your r's harder... [2192] 730H: white fat speeed [2192] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [2192] jibbnuts: ungrateful [2192] ahmetreha10: suck his dicl [2192] BigMexicanNerd: a better thank you would be better [2192] drg_skittlezz: fake clips [2192] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: can u kick ur cam or something [2193] kakainmeinpooopooo: Drake harder [2193] FazeDuckXx09: Weak stream [2193] Nightbot: mild tourettes (something he can't control.) be nice! [2193] duvelass: Fake chat [2193] quandaledingl345: L ungreatful [2193] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: can u kick ur cam or something [2195] ShiestCrizpy: SwiftRage100 [2195] sxaynecahill: what was announced [2195] vitality5175: REACT TO ZERKA [2195] bagegarrgaming: doc is on R6 help him!! [2195] d4r_tev0: read chat harder [2195] king_ybr: pancake [2195] MEXICANKID69838: nut on me [2195] vonr62k: white sketch [2195] fnhoff: mod him [2195] CoolioJordan: play BTD6 [2195] croswarr: penis [2195] bbqchickenbbq_: JUST GIVE ME MY MONEYYYY [2195] giraffelover_: !followage [2195] brendonallard76: brendonallard76 subscribed at Tier 1. [2195] wyfyttv: WHEN IS KAI VS CASE 1V1 [2196] Gavincorrell: no sound hello [2196] ahmadanwar9: PLAY WARZONE [2196] Cheye: fake messages harder [2196] fortniteenjoyer46: Mod hkm [2196] zac_7474: you missed 30 look at chat more [2196] MAD5411: when is Caseoh vs Kai [2196] abilitiez450: jinxzi it would be very nice if you said my name right now it would make my day and it would make me wet in my panty wanties my name is jandel. [2196] tv_spearz: thank louder [2196] abby_lucas_: is fan mail when [2196] xxyourmumxx_: get to the 1v1s fatte [2196] caarloj: WHEN EDNING ? @Jynxzi [2196] StreamElements: @giraffelover_, giraffelover_ has been following jynxzi for 2 years 6 months 24 days [2198] colej_18: roll your r's harder....... [2198] iluvzebra12: Fake chat [2198] v0rtex079: Play fortnite customs [2198] zero_go_cazy: ungreatful [2198] ghftedgf: ANDREW WASHINGTON WAITING [2198] liamog1239: jynxziVapeBreak [2198] Nightbot: @uhnyus -> You're on my naughty list. [stop posting links] [warning] [2198] kesslerOG: CAN YOU DATE MY MOM JUNKOOOOOO [2198] Robgsterr: react softer please, ears hurting [2198] oSaltii: !discord [2198] copycatcloudy: stop tugging your johnson [2198] Nightbot: https://discord.gg/jynxzi [2198] vonr62k: whitebsketch [2198] tmoney3034: when is fan mail [2198] Nightbot: no 🧢 [2199] razer_wyatt7: 1v1 me, i in champion [2199] roccostacos1: clic [2199] big_boy33789: What is your hand doing [2199] charbaby474729: fan mail?? [2199] tonybarresi: fake comments [2199] hunterwalthour: react with a chub [2199] BacazWTF: Fake chat reader [2199] casteo_: piggies [2199] gtd_stormx: ily my glorious king [2199] zombie_930: fk u kimmich [2199] statman49: statman49 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 4 month streak! let’s goooo [2200] Its_Me_TC: Its_Me_TC subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [2200] trierzudo: trierzudo subscribed with Prime. [2201] night_slayer40: say me if this is recorded [2201] krax_zd: FNAF 2 react??? [2201] B_Eazy_12: @Jynxzi DR Disrespect wants the smoke in R6! MAKE it happen PLZZZZ [2201] stanpines420: I didn’t know this is speed [2201] theyhatecre: HOW DO YOU GET THE JYNXI CHARM [2201] Haarrzzz: L GRATEFUL [2201] bardown16__: react to siddemen [2201] smackked: WHEN IS FACE REVEAL [2201] austin_ss24: drakes waiting [2201] Hectorizag: WHERES BRONNY [2201] leroyy2k: ZERKAAA [2201] gusbus11112: 1v1 on plane [2201] Legacy653: NOT REAL CHATS BTW [2201] vonr62k: white sketch [2201] Gucci_kid54: no you didnt [2202] swagfart777: DR.DISRESPECT CALLED YOU OUT FOR THE 1V1 [2202] nyugito: REACT SOFTERREACT SOFTERREACT SOFTERREACT SOFTERREACT SOFTER [2202] F3erxZ: Face revaeal [2202] ecl1psexl: wager clix [2202] yozenoyo: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [2202] roccostacos1: clix [2202] liogacy: when the caseoh steam [2202] Scubby: show tits [2202] TheChxmist: you’re doing great at reacting and thanking 🤣 [2202] kalooR6: when is fanmail?? [2202] junkofn546: ubsuck [2202] wallyyyy__: ungreatful [2202] ToastedCells: Be more grateful [2202] mrjohanss: reuseerrrer [2203] carstyles: carstyles subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! YUH [2204] Manlop2: mic [2204] ttv_r0gue__: Do fan mail already [2204] hollowtreess: react to zerkaa [2204] crimsontide17: TIM VIDEO. [2204] fe4r_ryza: turn on notifications on clip account [2204] exaer_flury: caches is waiting, react harder [2204] lilknifer561: when is 8 when is 8 when is 8 when is 8 when is 8 when is 8 [2204] k1rky1: ungrateful [2204] markythe3rde: React to clips [2204] hobnob_23rdd: react too perfectt [2204] junkodababy: love you [2204] randompork: lacy tik tok [2204] tjukky: fake chat [2204] docterrb: play it like Brekie played you [2204] althemaster123: react to side men [2205] bmk_0: DEDICATE THE STREAM TO THE DONATOR'S [2205] blaze_0_0_: fake chats [2205] swany5277: bronny waiting [2205] batmankreo: react to my goat mama benjyfishy @Jynxzi [2205] Hunw123: react to jynxzi driving training [2205] beamthetake: fan mail when? [2205] jakethegrape875: tickle me [2205] Gucci_kid54: no you didnt [2205] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: can u kick ur cam or something this is quilly [2207] aurorastiger: aurorastiger subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! get another cat! [2207] preppy_mel_slayssss: WHEN IS FANMAIL [2207] igiord: PLAY CS 2 [2207] FERDABO1S: PLAY BRONNY [2207] mark_kfc123: fake chatfake chatfake chatfake chatfake chatfake chatfake chatfake chatfake chatfake chatfake chatfake chatfake chatfake chatfake chatfake chat [2207] nunip: play coc [2207] PKonstantinakos: when is ending [2207] niurb: jynxziGG jynxziGG jynxziGG jynxziGG jynxziGG [2207] cesar_salad445: what happed yesterday? [2207] thetoppredator: there is a new one [2207] Kraymoon: XQC IS WAITING!!!!! [2207] cloudyyboca: clip farm quieter [2207] MrWatZit: watch drdisrespect do jynxzi accent. [2207] XRLvoyage: wsamme [2207] spookywednesday_: W [2208] utdjason: React to zerka [2208] kekwbr: would [2208] Giggidy_1702: I show Nikolas ? [2208] chandlerscott999: IM SOFT [2208] bwadley0416: react to Clix [2208] NateDaMan_: clix is waiting [2208] zackflick17: r u hard ? [2208] swagfart777: DR.DISRESPECT CALLED YOU OUT FOR THE 1V1!!!! [2208] epic_fail7632: !charm [2208] mrfrizzle4200: Brickeddd [2208] hosscool9: L bully [2208] lulbrodi: does anyone know when jynxzi stream starts? [2208] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [2208] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: can u kick ur cam or something this is quilly [2210] jereistheman: 1v1 me [2210] hypepercent: tug me [2210] raiden303rd: jinx watch clips on PlayStation [2210] alycia_reed: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [2210] coffinspawnx: when is the sketch 1v1 I’ve been waiting to watch it [2210] jaytoosweezy: fat fat fat react fat [2210] donkRun1g: Jynxzi waiting [2210] alessandro__246: play roblox [2210] mrmilku1234: Ungrateful harder [2210] shadow78218: when is the @jynxzi 1v1 [2210] tizumpug: react but get harder [2210] poohelicoptr: kimmich [2210] jnxd10: JYNXZI WHAT HAPPEND TO THE SIX HOUR YESTERDAY [2210] SUERGEE: fuck you [2210] bagegarrgaming: watch docs stream!! [2211] lmaooaryan: when is fan mail [2211] mrpepperpots: When is VAP3 break [2211] JuD__1: play angry birds [2211] FailDaGoat: junko let clix and caseoh 1v1 in r6 you coach case xim coaches clix [2211] smellynutz1: react to clix [2211] nixolasismid: when is fan mail just joined [2211] omar9541: Thank harder [2211] bobby0m: NEW ONE [2211] jkuhn2003: When is fanmail [2211] bbqchickenbbq_: JUST JUST JUST GIVE ME MY MONRY [2211] zeddsthename: when’s clips i edge to your stream [2211] imaspritecan: ur brain is abnormally small [2211] hobnob_23rdd: react too perfecttttt [2213] Chezneeeey: docs waiting [2213] ZachXc48: Bong break [2213] its_teo___: when is kai vs case [2213] hypepercent: tug meeeee [2213] abby_lucas_: when is fanmail [2213] stanpines420: I thought I was watching jynxzi not speed [2213] jibbnuts: bronni waiting [2213] srwitttt: when caseoh vs kai [2213] chanch0_: dr disrespect [2213] diamond_trooper: when is the Bruno 1v1 [2213] Vacx_: bigmac pls [2213] porter144: what’s the announcement [2213] willinois123: when’s Kai v case [2213] nunip: play with your coc [2213] boogacheese: listen to new album [2214] clevr3zal: LACY IS WAITINGG [2214] scoopinit19: ME TOO [2214] chicknf: I did [2214] golzerrrr: HUH [2214] ghostaddict_vr: Dahmer is waiting [2214] scyoticcl4n: bronny is waiting [2214] gamermen1331: finger me [2214] gameb0gg: WHEN IS FANMAIL WHEN IS FANMAIL WHEN IS FANMAIL WHEN IS FANMAIL WHEN IS FANMAIL WHEN IS FANMAIL [2214] xd_galactic18: NBAJunkoo never full-time again-xnqas [2214] seenyt: kaka man [2214] beamthetake: when is fan mail? [2214] Austinc2120: how was the police [2215] rafaybajwaaa: rafaybajwaaa subscribed with Prime. [2215] IClickButtons: IClickButtons subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 9 month streak! [2216] weluvplayboii: no sound [2216] jessexjamesxprice: I LOVE YOU JYNXZI!!!! PEACE AND POSITIVITY!! [2216] mintachiever854: react to marley [2216] jynxzi_is_daddy11: hi jizzy [2216] gpixel8: Gross! [2216] samg0ul: react too ksi [2216] SUERGEE: your in copper [2216] bacxupxz: ride me daddy [2216] JNA17800: its out rn [2216] tjukky: fake chats [2216] AyWATP: chunko please touch me [2216] teaman1230: what car you have [2216] lucassickles: sketch is waiting [2216] monkey27s: bronny waiting [2216] ghostevin: SKETCH CLONE [2217] shifty_ston3rs: Diddys waiting [2217] Its_Xel: W [2217] 370aiden: WHEN ARE YOU WATCHING CLIPS [2217] ShaggsMate: were you raided? [2217] thatfunkykid1: can I get a whiff of the nuts [2217] fw_rosss: play brawlstars [2217] Neophite__: when is 8pm fan mail [2219] batmankreo: rect to mama benjy [2219] livetylerr: NO ONE SAID THAT! [2219] crushher1: STREAM HARDER BRO [2219] cyclone191919191919: kiss Lacy [2219] yungchorro209: pop smoke waiting [2219] redjew420: Yeah daddy [2219] Filipinoz: Good Evening :) [2219] o_diggity__: touch my insides [2219] gameb0gg: WHEN IS FANMAIL WHEN IS FANMAIL WHEN IS FANMAIL [2219] logs27: when are clips [2219] johnson_jynxzi: Messi waiting [2219] kieranjack1245: Fake chats [2219] sandy_sir: PCLS [2219] royalllive: when are clips [2219] updating_z: Jynxzi can you fuck me please? [2220] lmaooaryan: live harder [2220] ishowrizz94: ronny waiting [2220] 1800jd: open your eyes harder [2220] levishhh124: when Dan mail [2220] ynhavinit: be grateful [2220] FatherRhett: react mediumer [2220] jaytoosweezy: big fat [2220] Gail_Iewis: LMFAOOOO [2220] arcu3id: fake chat [2220] hudsonarnsman: when’s the bronny 1v1 [2220] thedozer8224: W [2221] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: can u kick ur cam or something this is quilly [2221] cretty_: cretty_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! [2222] mangotango2k: cry me a river [2222] NoLoveJayt: w scubby [2222] colombianohomie: REACT TO POTTER PAYPER [2222] st_frosty_1: when do you collab with caseoh [2222] Gail_Iewis: WWW [2222] bardown16__: do it [2222] deaed_man_walking: LOOOLL [2222] xpecthaven: Show [2222] tx_z3r0: tx_z3r0 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! [2222] yozenoyo: white sketch [2222] SaintCQ: LMAOO [2222] drg_skittlezz: sketch i waiting [2222] sandy_sir: PLS [2222] jalen7ng: give me uppies??? [2222] sp3ncyb0i: FAN FROM MAIL WHEN IS IT [2223] chr0nixxhv: YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE [2223] jayofrmdashh21: no one said that [2223] therainmasteryt: r@nked? Much love [2223] boofman0151: show peporoni nips [2223] Gucci_kid54: 😭 [2223] spyrodemon: w [2223] hypepercent: tug meeee [2223] ray081608: when is stream [2223] sqaudleader1: what happened yesterday [2223] NachoFishYT: 30 minute mark surpassed [2223] valorantwatcherhhh: 1v1 me i shaiko [2223] no_reduez: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [2224] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: can u kick ur cam or something this is quilly [2225] endiffel: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [2225] akbeamgod: @scubby w [2225] yuknightmari: mod me fatty [2225] Ayham_j: react reacter! [2225] hxarveybanks06: STOP TALKING [2225] valv3d: fake chats [2225] Haarrzzz: REACT AGAIN BUT HARDER [2225] Legacy653: FAKE CHATS [2225] Dmann0912: show me your butthole? [2225] Cootlol: W scubby [2225] hypepercent: tug me junki [2225] updating_z: Can you fuck me for a friend [2225] qforbidden_: show bare ass [2225] TA10N1: MY EYES [2225] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [2226] twinkiewinkiefan123: kick the camera harder [2226] MaxwellVerdi: please show? [2226] DankyLIT: Coach me brother ☝️ [2226] skibidi_toilet_is_awsome: Skibidi_toilet [2226] i_am_speeeeed: WHEN IS SIDMEN 1V5 [2226] bbowden_23: DO IT [2226] iamthiga: SHOW [2226] uhcninja: CLONE SPEED HARDERR [2226] Halorti: when is the caseoh 1v1???? [2226] jr7421: L BULLY [2226] Bassguy777: Fake chat [2226] cactis1234: Johnson teirlist [2228] ep2831: 🟢why 5 hour stream tmrw?🟢 [2228] imsittingontoilet: im going to touch you [2228] bigmansgaming: zirca react when [2228] kesslerOG: CAN U DATE MY MOM JUNKO [2228] schmevangitis: junko big bum [2228] beamthetake: show me your boobys [2228] d4r_tev0: read chat harder [2228] excessivezero5: MOD SKUBBY [2228] jessexjamesxprice: I LOVE YOU JYNXZI!!!! PEACE AND POSITIVITY!!!!! [2228] mattybell23__: !followage [2228] lukabrasi123: react harder I’m trying to edge [2228] bagelthebest: when's 8pm fan mail? [2228] u_a_cornball: YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE [2228] lordtekkno: When is feet cam [2228] fortniteenjoyer46: Play fortnjte [2229] Bleekice: Getcamped [2229] kemotheking99: REACT TO YOUR REACTION [2229] wackyxzachy: imagine gifting and not getting a shout out [2229] notslock: @Jynxzi I CANT STOP QUEEFING!!6 [2229] ja_dre: fuck you [2229] jbo860: Sad face [2229] collin_him: when’s fan mail [2229] yungrxtzz: when is the jynxzi caseoh collab [2229] AML008: watchtime! [2229] CowEnjoyer_39: SUCK HARDER [2229] hobnob_23rdd: react too perfecttttt [2229] wolfbite1235: jynxziFAT [2229] TheRealVillager_on_120hz: ungratefulpeporoni tits [2229] StreamElements: @mattybell23__, mattybell23__ has been following jynxzi for 8 months 29 days 11 hours [2229] kymchi__: kymchi__ subscribed at Tier 1. [2231] sophiebloiss: when’s fan mail ungrateful part timer [2231] pardon_me922: PLAY ROBLOX [2231] Gh0st5725: he all ready dif [2231] Jkassassin244: FALL OUT OF YOUR CHAIR PUPPET [2231] whlterwhite: ur [2231] qc_elgros_esti: type 4 if you get hard when jynxzi says your name [2231] f7_konz: when’s the stream [2231] kkian24: w fake reader [2231] lllcomboziii: when’s jynxzi vs junko [2231] mrhaeton: L [2231] Nightbot: mild tourettes (something he can't control.) be nice! [2231] lucassickles: bronny is waiting [2231] davenportc21: show pp [2231] crunpethands: show ahole [2231] alex2520: alex2520 subscribed with Prime. [2232] tylercuhh: when is jynxzi x sketch [2232] jherweck: flash ur peen [2232] vdawquin: when's the stream?? [2232] myts1c_kn1ght: nipple reveal [2232] pocketpengun: @scubby MOD HIM [2232] scrubwya_: case oh is waiting [2232] Megashorty_20: react to dr disrespect [2232] coober420: JUNKO YOU HAVE MASSIVE GYAT SHAKE THAT IN THE CAMERA RIGHT NOW SO I CAN SPLURGE ON THE SCREEN PLEASE I WANT TO MAKE A TRIBUTE TO YOUR PHOTOS [2232] roguehunchofn: react harder [2232] thetoppredator: he has no titties those are pancakes [2232] tionvx: reacts softer [2232] NoahRtk: STREAM HARDER [2232] Doopy_: when is 8? [2232] cadeken04: WHERES SKETCH [2232] nephelognosy1: Finger blast me [2233] freegdogg: freegdogg subscribed at Tier 1. [2234] richluxxz: WhITeSpEeD [2234] porter144: announcement [2234] crowthekushdealer: Hey jynzxi there's a game called Rainbow six siege it's a great game, would you try it??? [2234] HughjAnis5: Glaze [2234] liogacy: when the caseoh steam [2234] ma_txrk: 1v1 [2234] Dexile_yt: WHENS THE CASEO HOTTUB STREAM? [2234] gameb0gg: WHEN IS FANMAIL WHEN IS FANMAIL WHEN IS FANMAIL WHEN IS FANMAIL WHEN IS FANMAIL WHEN IS FANMAIL [2234] sheloveswaddles: piss in my mouth so i can swish it around like mouthwash [2234] btrevino97: REACT TO CONCRETE BOYSSSSS [2234] jackman1374: When does stream start [2234] dayshaunj: fake chat [2234] papazarbs: say the n word [2234] IsaiahHommes: GUESS? 205LBS [2234] AyWATP: eat your water [2235] jimboy2189: stop reading fake chats [2235] janelle_batman: Is it okay if a girl is hard [2235] kimosusik: jynxzi fuck me in my tight ass [2235] blakezz86: stream early for uk [2235] shipmannnn: do harder [2235] levishhh124: yea right [2235] j_r_miah: You're the reason why we have institutions for soap [2235] SmoothCriminal0110: ENDING WHEN?????? [2235] blaze_0_0_: FAKE CHATS [2235] chepo_0811: i wanst here yesterday [2235] xenonsweater: quilly [2235] grxzyr6: react to lacy’s tomtok [2235] wyfyttv: WHEN IS KAI VS CASE 1V1 [2237] markus2j: fatty McPatty [2237] l0hk3y: when is kai vs caseoh [2237] banditpluh: kick [2237] diamond_trooper: sendass [2237] YassinMota: bro its ramadan you better stop cursing @Jynxzi 1 [2237] Gucci_kid54: clipz 💤 [2237] smokeyslays6: touch my willy [2237] sosaguyy: MESSI WAITING [2237] boofman0151: new zerka reaction [2237] aidenacettv: !sub [2237] craby_agent44: play red dead redemption 2 [2237] itzbrian_24: cops today? [2237] yvsour40: When the irl sketch stream [2237] KtxzyTV: Bronny is waiting [2237] tjukky: fake chat [2238] randompork: Lacey tiktokk [2238] fnhoff: when’s kai vs caseoh [2238] gio_gonz17: gio_gonz17 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [2238] diegoandres29: is when mail fan [2238] fe4r_ryza: turn on notifications on clip account [2238] leroyy2k: KICK CAMERA NOW [2238] vrperson2: was the swat fun i called it [2238] Shakey_Elite: fake chats [2238] MunchieTimeTTV: swat harder [2238] joel_the_g: show boobs??? [2238] thememebean01: Kick camera harder [2238] cloudyyboca: clip farm quieter [2238] mrhaeton: Play siege harder [2238] pur_str_xp1: DR DISRESPECT IMITATE YOU TODAY [2238] Fossabot: @beechy65, Your message is too long [2x] [2239] Cheye: fake messages harder [2239] FatLungWormDisease: fat [2239] isntraphael: Johnson cam [2239] raven_1108: READ REAL CHATS please [2239] jaytoosweezy: boring [2239] zero_go_cazy: fake chat [2239] tmoney3034: when is fan mail [2241] ziggy23: PLAY FALL GUYS [2241] colej_18: roll your r's harder......... [2241] im_peacock_: you’re so fat [2241] rnitten: show pp [2241] 99lemon: Lacy tik tok [2241] catsrule9125: !watchtime [2241] qforbidden_: yell or something [2241] Hakeemyy: fake chat [2241] ghostevin: SKETCH CLONEI’M [2241] xquisit_: react to lacy [2241] ChunkyDunk: stick it in my ass [2241] ShaggsMate: were you raided yesterday? [2241] abby_lucas_: fanmail when is [2241] Syre2xE: you haven’t said any quotes of the day yet [2241] StreamElements: catsrule9125 has spent 9 hours 40 mins watching jynxzi [2242] basboy8: invite sketch harder [2242] cory_1738: HOP ON THE GAME [2242] grxzyr6: reacts to lacy’s tiktok [2242] mmt4141: mmt4141 subscribed with Prime. [2242] quentin_olson: cocaine harder [2242] rayzay15: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [2242] bigmaceater090: ranked Wednesdays [2244] ScoobyWasted: do something [2244] akbeamgod: react faster [2244] flynn_a2: fan mail? [2244] thememebean01: Watch Zerka [2244] loganb921: bro was in a Porsche today [2244] vkuervo: so when are the “cops coming today” [2244] tizumpug: react but get harder [2244] Nightbot: no [2244] abby_lucas_: fan mail when is [2244] Brodskeee: can you start screaming now [2244] Nightbot: bozo [2244] ghostevin: SKETCH CLONE [2244] ep2831: why 5 hour stream tmrw? [2244] mobofpimpz: show it all to me [2244] wrooney15: does peanuts and butter make peanut butter??? [2245] 76vertix: kick camera harder [2245] d3sired88: which Jynxi is live [2245] skibidi_toilet_is_awsome: Shake that small white ass [2245] big_bunda696969: when’s fanmail [2247] its_vexxed: LEAKED [2247] sarahedew97: react with more passion [2247] drewskiii_47: pre end [2247] Xaro: lol [2247] astrat710: 2 HOUR STREAMER [2247] wwwiso: 1v1 me [2247] vonr62k: white sketch [2247] abby_lucas_: fanmail when is [2247] harrry1x: copper to diamond pleasesee [2247] cookiejr98: jynxziSmoke [2247] Nightbot: 😂 [2247] bennyy23: Read me [2247] honki_donki: Your bald spot makes me have an erection [2247] diamond_trooper: send ass [2247] lucassickles: when is bronny 1v1? [2248] capo_37: react with more passion [2248] xandahill9: xandahill9 subscribed at Tier 1. [2250] szabiley1: faking chat harder [2250] congoldfragger: thank you brother [2250] matty123onmeds: tickle me [2250] GarnHyperon: GarnHyperon subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 3 months! [2250] clapped1445: when's jynxzi vs 20 women [2250] thememebean01: Awatch Zerka [2250] its_trip: react with a tighter clinch [2250] royalllive: when are clips [2250] jnxd10: JYNXZI WHAT HAPPEND TO THE SIX HOUR YESTERDAY [2250] kbbreezy9: CAN YOU PUNCH CAM [2250] hisdudenessobama: DRINK FASTER [2250] tv_spearz: read fake chats louder [2250] Nightbot: real [2250] UserGeeked: do something [2250] bsblforlife3678: try not to get first rounded [2251] rethyss: i just drived home drunk and im watching u eating [2251] gingerbengee_: YES YOU ARE BOZO [2251] sleepy_hxt: FAKE CHAT [2251] Lonergoon14: Sunshine [2251] MatthewFavela: MatthewFavela subscribed with Prime. [2252] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: we own u tubbs LUL [2252] troy_signor: troy_signor subscribed at Tier 1. [2252] therealhumptyy: therealhumptyy subscribed at Tier 1. [2253] isleifur637: kick the cam [2253] WoanSickySik1: yes you are [2253] kbbreezy9: PUNCH CAM [2253] FatLungWormDisease: fat fat fat [2253] jessexjamesxprice: I LOVE YOU JYNXZI!!!! PEACE AND POSITIVITY!!!!!!!!!!! [2253] uhnyus: LOOK HARDER [2253] mattefull: SPIT YOUR WATER IN MY MOUTH [2253] vlonehype_: 40 minute markk [2253] NFFe4rr: jump out of your chair [2253] NachoFishYT: 30 minute mark surpassed [2253] king_ybr: yes you are [2253] waldog69: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [2253] leotx745: When you getting swated? [2253] skylanderconti: clip farming [2253] drg_skittlezz: watchtime! [2254] joace431: when is 8 [2254] gtm_tristan: when is bronny 1v1 [2254] phelpsdragon: white speed a little more [2254] ThatRed_FRS: cops [2254] Mindswept: can we dock [2254] ceblaboi: React harder [2254] KRISbuter: CHAT STOP TELLING HIM WHAT TO DO [2255] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: we own u tubbs LUL [2256] wessy130: do to [2256] robertvela28: YES YOU ARE [2256] sweatyboi63: work faster [2256] mangotango2k: cry me a river [2256] zmist_500: REACT TI GARFIELD [2256] u_a_cornball: EAT ME OUT [2256] seanoftabor: !followage . [2256] lander2221: bro has a little wiener [2256] sp3ncyb0i: FAN FROM MAIL WHEN IS [2256] masterbbc99: FAKE CHATS [2256] fadderyew077: what’s the move brother ☝️ [2256] StreamElements: @seanoftabor, that doesnt look like a valid username Keepo [2256] ongollypacks: cal [2256] l31r6ag: CAN U ATOP WHISPERINGG [2256] uwuclexzi: give me money [2259] kyleghs: when does stream start [2259] mageladon_lover: el bozo [2259] smellynutz1: case vs kai and sketch?? please pap [2259] jereistheman: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [2259] shescreamsivan: when is shaiko 1v1 ? [2259] jesseblackarmz: SHOW FEET [2259] frosty_josh3546: W streamer [2259] poohshiddy1: 1v1 sketch in madden again [2259] munkyslayer94: ride it harder [2259] buckettt3: pause [2259] lulbrodi: does anyone know when jynxzi stream starts? [2259] jayofrmdashh21: making shit up [2259] leroyy2k: milk kitties harder [2259] 370aiden: KICK THE CAMERA TWITCH BOY [2260] fnbfork: when fan is main [2260] mrjohanss: finger butt harder [2260] its_trip: react with a tighter clinch! [2260] 0migito0: ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper [2260] imshtonedmanlmao: HES SAYING DO IT [2260] cadenc233: HEROIN HARDER [2260] chrissygz: BANG MY BITT [2260] ttv_r0gue__: Do fan mail already [2260] babyjesus4l: no one is saying this [2260] FatLungWormDisease: fat [2262] arslanpd00: Jynxzi i love you man [2262] joner_2: talk faster [2262] joshr868: fake chat for sure [2262] birdbit: w [2262] zavsmh: @Jynxzi MAYBE IF YOU WERENT SIGNED IN TO 3-6 ACCOUNTS AT ONCE YOUR XBOX WOULDNT BE ASS LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [2262] Mcal02: just aderall [2262] imshtonedmanlmao: HES SAYING DOO IT [2262] glowingnachoz: End stream loser too long [2262] mintachiever854: when is 8 [2262] oliivveerr: Smoke weed harder [2262] qc_elgros_esti: type 4 if you get hard when jynxzi says your name [2262] spinachcake20: when is orgy [2262] kemotheking99: REACTOR HARDER [2262] imjynxzi123123123: stoke it [2262] bigboy_static: fall out of your chair for 5 gifted [2263] Telli7: when is Beaulo match? [2263] tone__17: I WANT THAT PUSSIO [2263] LightningKakuzu: poop on me [2263] junobutt2468: when is fan mail [2263] eman55x: blink slower [2263] H0Q16: be a good little bitch [2263] iiiiii1iiiilllll: play brawl stars [2263] Nightbot: mild tourettes (something he can't control.) be nice! [2264] Ord0n0: Ord0n0 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! fart on the camera [2264] medo22z: Cheer1 can you say happy birthday menna [2265] bwadley0416: react to clix new twitter post [2265] schmidty271: touch me [2265] thesuperrams: you do [2265] dtondaplug: nice Porsche L ungrateful [2265] rhettadkins: sketch is waiting [2265] yvsour40: Ones the spoit [2265] skibidi_toilet_is_awsome: Shake that small white aes [2265] caseohisafarriswheel: hello brother [2265] damienmill2007: Do more things gs like speed [2265] sheloveswaddles: piss in my mouth so i can swish it around like mouthwash [2265] austin_ss24: sketch is waiting [2265] nyugito: REACT SOFTER .. [2265] beisienendn: high ranked stream? [2265] killerboss7414: Show tittty [2265] villevet23: cam too perfect [2266] samhill4545: best clip of the day [2266] side_goon: my only sunshine [2266] hamis_947: Whats up brother🤓☝😃 [2266] graysonbrr: when you meeting casoh [2266] awebooo1: whats up man [2266] alexking2915: dont do cocaine [2266] valv3d: shut up fat boy [2266] jynxzi_is_daddy11: jizzy [2266] its_trip: react with a tighter clinch!! [2266] jovanni44: what happen yesterday [2266] raven_1108: kai is better at siege than you [2266] chanch0_: watch doc play [2266] fernandockln: When the junko vs 5 sidemen? [2266] airbearwhd5506: ur my little sex doll puppet junko [2266] zar066: JYNXZI CLONE [2267] ja_dre: fake chat part timer [2267] colombianohomie: REACT TO POTTER PAYPER [2267] jesustheghost_: When is clips [2267] draco_guns: @chat what’s the announcement? [2267] nttotd: I'm so smart [2267] soooloud: stop lying [2267] nurhamox: lmaoo [2267] yodie_fn: L vaper [2269] SiscaManik92: fake chat [2269] Bugg_Mangg: ADDERALL HARDER [2269] PurePro_: react funnier puppet [2269] slimetoklpz: How do I send you clips [2269] Ninedragon56979: make famous [2269] korrup_: what’s up bro [2269] suited91: WHAT BRAND OF BOLOGNA ARE YOUR NIPS [2269] tv_spearz: white speed faster. Steve won’t do it more. [2269] watashiwa_taro: React to clix and Xim duo. [2269] za1n33: caseohComeoncuh [2269] Exoticbryce7345: bronny is waiting [2269] xquisit_: Lacy tik tok [2269] adnmja: cocaine [2269] waldog69: talk harder [2269] oSaltii: !discord [2270] Fredjerra: @thedude694206 npc [2270] abby_lucas_: when is fan mail [2270] gamer_a1010: STOP VAPING [2270] Nightbot: https://discord.gg/jynxzi [2270] rylanaust: can we do roller saturday on monday pls i’m swamped all weekend [2270] dior_uzii: REACT HARDER [2270] whoiskillrob: love you brotherr [2270] Matttdagoat123: wanna be sketch [2270] xenod4: make me bustm [2270] akamaru_osu: FAKE CHATS [2270] squirlycorn: review cigarette on stream [2270] herrhira: People in this stream are questionable LMAO [2270] tmoney3034: when’s fan mail [2270] bwadley0416: react to clix new twitter postl [2270] noname___________0: Criticize harder [2272] BDF_Lizard: jynxzi [2272] viljozd: BLINK HARDER [2272] goldyandrew: when fanmale [2272] kemotheking99: EDGE HARDER [2272] lukabrasi123: react harder I’m trying to edge [2272] fat_germ: jynxziBadAim [2272] velocas: play brawl stars [2272] finnisthebest1234: L BULLY [2272] watashiwa_taro: React to clix and Xim duo! [2272] ionicclapzzplayzz: bro is out of vapes he got [2272] Halorti: when is the caseoh 1v1?? [2272] suited91: WHAT BRAND OF BOLOGNA ARE YOUR NIBBLES [2272] microcuz: edibale harder [2272] ExpertJulian: White Speed harder [2272] uwuclexzi: who’s saying this [2273] prof_smurf: Fall guys chunko [2273] monkandme386: react to your R6 skin [2273] owen82_: HES READING REAL CHATS I SAW COCAINE HARDER [2273] PudgySpike: 2 hour part timer [2273] kdog69420_: Finger me [2273] amarifan232: suck me @Jynxzi [2273] gnom3o: your guess shirt looks clean no cyap [2273] Fossabot: @jlskates33, Your message is too long [2273] bwadley0416: react to clix new twitter post. [2273] ablueturtle1: jynxziBadAim [2273] braxgetmoney: L PSRT TIMER [2273] towersivan: !link [2273] 3kwayrori: you’re clip farming [2273] nick_iloveyou: react to you saltly 7040 [2274] Nightbot: @towersivan If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [2274] StreamElements: If you're a gamer, you need a Starforge! Snag one -> https://starforgepc.com/Jynxzi [2274] theitmanforreal: if you don’t do cocaine why your nose white [2275] watashiwa_taro: React to clix and Xim duo* [2275] jayheffo: When's the Kanye 1v1 [2275] lordjesus1656: when is fan mail [2275] mrmilku1234: Fake hard ass streaming youngboy glazer Skibbiti sigma streaming fucker [2275] janjsmaidn: dad is waiting [2275] jake_gra: turn on TTS [2275] bwadley0416: react to clix new twitter post [2275] zombie_930: fk u kimmich [2275] SnaqPatrol: jynxziVapeBreak [2275] mattybell23__: !watchtime [2275] plixystreams: give me a house don’t be qeird [2275] diamandmusic: W [2275] nexiisgrounded: react to trailer park boys [2275] slayer_kitt3n: we pay you we own you [2275] bigslim210: no one saying it [2276] StreamElements: mattybell23__ has spent 23 days 13 hours watching jynxzi [2276] killerboss7414: Touch [2276] giannis2499: thats exactly what a cocaine person would say [2276] jasiah_15: when reacting to clips [2276] jereistheman: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [2276] outr0_66: $77 [2276] HarrisonCurly14235: massive nipples [2276] daddyscaddy07: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [2276] fw_rosss: what color is it [2276] buckettt3: we can’t throw you around because ur fat [2276] syphon_ac007: Junko aim [2276] hasti_dark_king: react with more enthusiasm [2276] jlp2469: are you actually streaming 6 hours today [2276] nate_babin: fuck u junko [2277] Bleekice: HarleyWink WhySoSerious [2277] Nightbot: @shamrox___ -> There's more where that came from. [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [2277] twrighty1: athenio 1v1 [2277] Quinci57: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [2277] wwwiso: jynxziGG_SG [2277] viljozd: BLINK HARDER [2277] bigdaddyphhfffff: Glaz [2278] zavsmh: HeyGuys [2278] kemotheking99: HARD HARDER [2278] tmoney3034: do fan mail [2278] zeddsthename: when’s clips i edge to your stream [2278] spectralboxedyou: L fatty [2278] Twistween: YOU SHOULD TRY FENT [2278] bwadley0416: react to clix new twitter post. [2278] sh6mss: clip farm £-3:34 [2278] lukemahomie: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [2278] xenod4: make me bustx [2278] delaneymlynch: play mount everest roblox like caseoh [2278] weluvchicken: !help [2278] pur_str_xp1: DR DISRESPECT IMITATE YOU TODAY [2278] freegdogg: Heyy fat boy [2278] amortalx: back it up like for us ;) [2279] colombianohomie: BloodTrail [2279] watashiwa_taro: React to clix and Xim duo= [2279] drizzlekhi913: Scream quieter [2279] Nightbot: shush 🤣🙏🏼 [2279] mobofpimpz: give it to me [2279] anirishladwithoutajob: BE HARDER [2279] andrew_s425: when is fan mail [2279] Pdiddillydawg: have spoit coach you [2279] caseohww: Daddy please [2279] GalaxyBoy002: Play A Way Out with Caseoh [2279] killerboss7414: Touch me [2279] cooolduuuuude: JYNXZI WHEN IS BREKIE STREAM [2279] wyfyttv: VALE HARDER [2279] kttisfat69: lights off [2279] krankylandon: jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL [2280] nish_18: react with purpose [2280] englishwhatch: L VAPER | Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [2100] it. Chat that's an out of context fan mail clip and you know it. React, react. I've been playing Sieve for 55 years. React. [2110] to rank my car. Okay, that's Lightning McQueen, and then he just sent a picture of my foot. [2120] buro [2130] isters [2140] What in the fuck play for all guys we won't grab you yeah bro I'm sure I'm [2150] fucking sure dude let's do a wager chat hunch up with the 25 gifted [2160] It's up to... Beep-see-ohms! Huncho! Thank you for the 25 games! [2170] I fucking love you. Thank you, brother. Thank you so much for the 25 gifted hunchup. Love and appreciate that man. Love and appreciate that. [2180] Thank harder. Thank him better. Thank harder. What? Jinxi Grisht. [2190] I'm a tree dash react to Zerka I did yo I reacted that video yesterday shut the fuck up We are the reaction of that video you [2200] yesterday dude get it off my Johnson I'm erected one V1 me I'm in champion some [2210] one just typed finger me. And then a partnered streamer by the name of Scubby just said, show tips. Yeah bro. [2220] I'm scabbie, I'm not going to show my tits. Thank you for the question though. Click the number to cheer what? Read chat harder. [2230] Can you kick camera or something? Can you kick your camera? Coats me brother. What's up, Dank? [2240] reaction. Falled out of your chair. Okay guys I'm not your little puppet dude. Okay you can't just throw me around. [2250] cocaine harder don't do cocaine don't do cocaine I don't do it next tip of the day [2260] Okay, let me start off by saying this. Your crosshair placement is really good. Your reaction time on the other hand is an absolute disaster class. [2270] Shit, I ain't... Wait, I recognize this guy. I'm British or OJ's champ. | There is no Highlight in the provided timespan. Jynxzi reacts to viewer clips. One of them sends him weird pictures of his foot. Then he gets trolled by his chat. He reacts to a R6 Clip at the end of the timeframe |
Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [2401] laseenwrld: COFFEE IS SPEAKIN FAX [2401] syedobarahino: To tourney [2401] peedrug: no stream of yours can cross 3 hours [2401] PERRYGamesLIVEE: your Stevewilldoit [2401] slexzyc: GO!!! [2401] flx1ds3: YOU WILL GET FIRST ROUNDED ANYWAYS [2401] PKonstantinakos: ur not winning [2401] vincheerio: who is Jynxzi? [2401] tictacplayzzz: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [2401] javier2310: just do sunday the tournament [2401] simontoender: whats up junko [2401] maddieh74: DONT GO [2401] itsxv1p: cap [2401] papahut05: ho [2401] diegoxlax: tournament [2402] YooMaikai: kai got more views [2402] stormcow81he: cappp [2402] spectralboxedyou: 10-0 fatty [2402] skatersoda: lag? [2402] mrhaeton: Play siege harderPlay siege harder [2402] TTVLdogruls: @coffeezillasdaughter [2402] cuhfnx: UR NOT EVEN GONNA MAKE IT PAST ROUND 1 [2402] justhavoc999: Tourney [2402] AjUgOfJuIc3: carried [2402] HeIItaker: coffee is waiting [2402] brandonb6979: fuck the tourney [2402] lowkelijah: when is Jynxi vs Ricci [2402] ryder_297: do tournament please [2402] Captainhotshot0: cap [2403] hamelnate: hamelnate subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! [2404] elaiv: Be quiet , I am trying to sleep Shush [2404] zombie_930: fk u kimmich [2404] sxaynecahill: TOURNAMENT [2404] mads_deadd: sketch [2404] vdr1_: YOU DEFINITELY WONT [2404] escapefromcellphones: get better internet [2404] phok_kieu: go chill w him [2404] copycatcloudy: sketch is waiting in orelando [2404] nbd_zeus: !LINK [2404] GabeBEAMZ: 40 MINUTE MARK [2404] lucassickles: not gonna win ur awful [2404] ezzyoval: 24 hour was such cap [2404] Nightbot: @nbd_zeus If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [2404] Just2Gut: you are not winning at all [2404] marcusmcclure424: SteveWontDoIt and SteveWillDoIt crossover! [2405] tgnx2: you went 4-20 last time just go [2405] jwarris: UNSUBBING IF NO TOIRNEY [2405] althemaster123: play [2405] cabage8098: what happend to old jynxzi play the tourney... [2405] itzbrian_24: no [2405] ryguyhimself: REACT TO GARFIELD [2405] BenziIla: SKETCH IS A CHARACTER??? [2405] zeddsthename: pause harder [2405] papazarbs: can you leave and never come back [2405] evanc925: play fortnight [2405] kaywall_: W COFFEE [2405] Ayham_j: react reacterr! [2405] marigeeked: irl [2405] Gucci_kid54: i miss sketch notmir1Cry [2405] orbtpancake: WHAT ABOHR THE THE 24HR STREAM?? [2406] DomesticLlama26: DomesticLlama26 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! [2407] aidenacettv: aidenacettv subscribed at Tier 1. [2407] burlystonedd: burlystonedd subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! [2407] diegoxlax: don’t be weird I# [2407] proaflplayer3: do tourney [2407] teaman1230: you have to go [2407] ftkxz: asss [2407] kaleb2times: SKETCHHHH [2407] xSuprGremlin: new control freaks and controller. tourney [2407] xavierrr123: go bro steve nd sketch [2407] BabyFaceBamBam: Jynxzi is possibly waiting [2407] xThrxsherx: if you think you’ll win stay [2407] mr_eggbeat: w coffee [2407] RonOffica: L GLAZER [2407] af17__: tourney [2407] duvoolol: Stream the whole drive to orlando [2408] smokey76789: won’t you make more money going to the stream than the tournament [2408] diggitybiggin: we did idiot [2408] bazinga_9001: ????? [2408] Bealeyyy: You owe us 24 hours [2408] abe1010101: I thought you were Steve???? [2408] limiteclipse_: AVOIDING THE 24 HOUR [2408] bennyy23: Stream harder [2408] Slickmandude23: TWINS [2408] arberduka1234: tourney [2408] ahmaw123: WHEN IS FAN MAIL [2408] Gucci_kid54: i miss sketch notmir1Cry [2408] tex_represnt_n: bros acting like he’s not washed [2408] Dxrkon1fps: nah your washed [2408] valessky: do another stream with case [2410] Gamer_MoBTW: dont go [2410] sethhans24: get a driver and sleep on the way there [2410] Noelgm3: Do a stream with P diddy [2410] rizzlergjb39: SKETCH WAITING [2410] jadencrabtree: you already streaming with sketch tho [2410] wwwiso: 1v1me [2410] itspqlar: coffee is right just go. [2410] psychos_0310: you fina lose do it [2410] gabrielarrington: go f sketch in the booty [2410] abe1010101: I thought you were Steve??????? [2410] ryder_297: no do tournament [2410] leroyy2k: go ur washed anyways [2410] jamaal21: ur Steve [2410] A27Santa: tourney [2410] beamthetake: jynxziSNOT [2411] sheloveswaddles: piss in my mouth so i can swish it around like mouthwash [2411] jebbzzz: 'I JUST WANNA GAME' 'I JUST WANNA GAME' [2411] birdwatcha: REAL LIFE IS WAY BETTER. [2411] niels_attema: IRL [2411] vis_zen: 0.2 [2411] owen82_: tournament harder [2411] jacoblarue9: hang out with sketch [2411] KatieKitt3n: Goooooo [2411] papahut05: go [2411] b0tgam3r8814: You might not get to do this again so go but you can almost do a tournament anytime [2411] Nightbot: real [2411] GabeBEAMZ: PRE END WE HIT 40 MINUTES [2411] sxaynecahill: TOURNAMENT [2411] Gucci_kid54: i miss sketch notmir1Cry [2411] Fossabot: @atilooooooo, Your message is too long [2x] [2413] lethcenk: STREAM OF THE YEAR GOOO!!! [2413] watkins_hailey: I can't vote [2413] yungKIBE: do both [2413] iamnomix: DO BOTH [2413] bardown16__: fuck the camera man [2413] pointwg: fuck all yall vote for irl [2413] chriswar09: Let’s go Brother! [2413] jwarris: UNSUBBING IF NO TOURNEY [2413] FI3K_: this some bullshit [2413] i_phoenix_23: irl with brekki [2413] wrooney15: 24hr? [2413] fnhoff: when’s kai vs caseoh [2413] lukabrasi123: react harder I’m trying to edge [2413] raven_1108: your died weight [2413] jessielynnnn: invite sketch back out [2414] milk_rxre_23: when is irl stream [2414] jaiopel13: go daddy [2414] squirlycorn: review cigarette on stream [2414] imaspritecan: hang wit sketch [2414] l0hk3y: when is kai vs caseoh [2414] mobofpimpz: DADDY? [2414] charli3kray: xim ownsss you [2414] nxtrothief: JESUS MURPHY WE ALL MISS HIM [2414] andrew_s425: when does kick live start [2414] mkyanks: YOU CAN STAY WITH ME [2414] rjcm94: goooo [2416] liamthatleafsfan: liamthatleafsfan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [2416] awazuhl_110: awazuhl_110 subscribed at Tier 1. [2416] gobgooby: Poll broken [2416] GangnamJack_: Pole not working [2416] maxqzu: STOP CLIPFARMING AND PLAY SIEGE STEVE [2416] jadencrabtree: you are steve [2416] spindleypick: LLLLLLLLLLLL [2416] TheKohl: play beverly hills by shaboozey [2416] drewskiii_47: get first rounded then hop that ass on a plane first class [2416] teammav033: steveeeee [2416] ghostevin: SKETCH CLONE [2416] imaspritecan: ur rick [2416] topchedds23: play the fucking tounrey ur a gammer [2417] x72edDogx: THANK YOU BROTHER 🤓 [2417] itzbrian_24: excuses [2417] af17__: L pol [2417] pheonixevaded: 24 hour stream though [2417] Giggidy_1702: I Show Nikolas ? [2417] ferver1234590: you view bot fats so [2417] Bugg_Mangg: F TOURNAMENT [2417] 00danman00: You are not gonna win [2417] ryder_297: do tournament please daddy [2417] bsblforlife3678: 10000 bits [2417] sergio6996__: 1 hour is comming up end stream [2417] benstoner1: DO TOURNEY [2417] mottm20: irl [2417] theofficialdonaldt: CheexClapper subscribed with Prime. [2417] Nightbot: F in the chat [2418] colbyxc: colbyxc subscribed with Prime. [2418] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: can we do 100k baccarat hands today [2420] syedobarahino: Just do torueny [2420] abe1010101: I thought you were Steve?????? [2420] CanadiiianBac0n: what kind of Porsche did you get??? [2420] hogge1212: Yes [2420] M0MMYKIKI: you can clip farm more with irl stream! [2420] h_rizz19: tourney [2420] iqof10: bros making excuses [2420] ViewsByTy: Tourney [2420] nyc_vasili: TOURNAMENT PLEASE DADDY [2420] jesseblackarmz: Sketch next weekend! [2420] janjsmaidn: dad is waiting [2420] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: can we do 100k baccarat hands today [2422] tictacplayzzz: jynxziFALL jynxziFALL [2422] honda_civicthepro: Sexy boy you already lost the toilet [2422] jackman1374: DO TOURNEY [2422] samiikk_: DO TOURNEY I BEG @Jynxzi [2422] brentgordon123: Play with sketch [2422] abe1010101: I thought you were Steve????????? [2422] bittooscared: thank you brother [2422] berttrev: tourney [2422] noname___________0: 24 hour stream [2422] nahum7800: what time is tourney tmr [2422] sobernut66: sketch plzzzz [2422] mandoquez: SKETCHHHHHHHH BROTHERRRRRR [2422] duvoolol: Stream the whole driveStream the whole drive [2422] wiltmadethis: I’ll go [2422] peterbot_fan1: He is right you won't win [2423] echo5822: TOURNEY PLEASE [2423] rylanaust: poll has spoken [2423] ftkxz: ass [2423] TheReal_BigBlack: We see enough R6 [2423] camsb8: end [2423] gdane12345: recreate drake vid [2423] lentusperg: 24 hour stream [2423] javier2310: sunday tourney [2423] squirrelboy: after last week you gotta tourney [2423] wkeymoxyyy: tournament plz [2423] proot69: Do the irl stream [2423] Dessey__: you sell tournaments [2423] A1_Gnasty209: there is no poll [2423] hamis_947: Isnt steve will do it ur twin brother or something? [2423] Shakey_Elite: just fly there ur rich [2425] valorantwatcherhhh: how big is sketch [2425] roger33that: sketch and Steve gangbang [2425] strikepackuser: when is 20 minutes [2425] yawnkee: tourney for fucks sake [2425] lachy_kr: do tourney tomorrow then sketch next stream [2425] Greeno342: Tournament [2425] chandlerscott999: PLAY YOUTUBE [2425] xaygunss: tourney bro [2425] drpkfullbox100: carrry by stomp [2425] blxtys: is mail when fan [2425] ronaldos_fingers: Mail fan [2425] daburnedchancla: IS THISNA RERUN [2426] roslineks: when is fanmail [2426] uhnyus: L BULLY jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL [2426] kaazmayne110: NO ONE SAID THAT DONT TURNY [2426] toesgreenanklespurple420: DO THE TOURNAMENT YOURE A SIEGE STREAMER [2426] officergoofy1: irl [2426] Animosity18: tournament every Saturday. this opportunity is rare [2426] hisdudenessobama: FAKE CHATS [2426] daddydxri: you’re getting first rounded anyways [2426] elmadretuya: garciaemilio19 subscribed at Tier 1. [2426] doublealj: why don’t I have my jynxzi charm yet [2426] papazarbs: Sketch doesn’t miss you [2426] MeanRedBurger: react to mmg [2426] wherethesidewalkends8: Coffee needs his own stream [2426] abe1010101: I thought you were Steve? [2426] lucassickles: not gonna win ur terrible [2427] visionxxx121: ddddddddddddddddddd [2427] morgano12: be quiet react louder [2427] cardosprey73: when is kai vs sketch [2427] kuzaszn: when is can mail [2427] PapaLabman: I miss sketch [2427] kylr_r: steve is banned on twitch i think [2427] hobnob_23rdd: SET A GOAL 5k Gifted and you’ll go [2427] meezymartrain: jynxziFAT [2427] croissanthony: Fuck the tourney [2427] dawarrior5: no 24 hour [2427] itsrealzizo: do tourney sunday [2427] heyycoley: Get Sketct [2427] mattjr84: sketch is waiting [2427] lamalma0: when fan mail V [2427] mremofalcon: when is fan mail [2429] ezchiiran: THINK HARDER [2429] bbowden_23: DO IRL [2429] outr0_66: jynxziLOL jynxziLOL jynxziLOL jynxziLOL jynxziLOL jynxziLOL jynxziLOL jynxziLOL jynxziLOL jynxziLOL jynxziLOL [2429] 00danman00: no one said that [2429] unemployedpizza_: no tourie me want sketch [2429] h6tvass: fuck steve play the tournament [2429] longbillginger46: ???????? [2429] distortedcolrs: No poll [2429] Gaby_wdw: why the fuck do you poll it if youre not gonna go [2429] armanii_27: ??????????? [2429] javier2310: sunday tourney tho [2429] BaseballSiren: go fuck the tourney [2429] NachoFishYT: 30 minute mark surpassed [2429] fsiide: IRL STREAM [2429] diegaogoiabera: diegaogoiabera subscribed with Prime. [2430] Villias: ??? [2430] VoidFlx: please tournament [2430] victorepstein12: fly me out I’ll record [2430] jaymo735: is that u daddy [2430] whoiskillrob: TOURANMET WILL BE THERE NEXT WEEK [2430] chatto666: part time streamer [2430] trenta222: sketch clone [2430] ryder_297: do the tournament please [2430] skadooshasian: 24 hour [2430] Drift181: Milk me [2430] spicyysandwich: sketch waiting [2430] CrazyBroo12: 19 min left of stream [2430] Hockey3x: 10k bits [2431] evilbr6: PJSalt100 [2432] i7otonic0xyg3n: i7otonic0xyg3n is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [2432] bardown16__: WHAT? [2432] doublealj: ! [2432] IamTheFlash: WHAT? [2432] sugabaybe: TOURNEY PLEASEE [2432] JustSimpleJoey: DO THE DAMN STREAM ITS STEVE WILL DO IT [2432] grumpy_freezer: ayo [2432] uplift_frost: your gonna have a .2 anyway [2432] uhnyus: PAUSE [2432] jwarris: UNSUBBING IF NO TOURNEYY [2432] longbillginger46: ???????? [2432] utxpiaaa: leaked [2432] i7otonic0xyg3n: i7otonic0xyg3n gifted a Tier 1 sub to lowkeyds2! [2432] tonymontona23: PAUSE [2432] joshoffacid: fuck sketch [2433] dylanburk2023: Tourny [2433] toxik_b0y: ofc [2433] maallydub: that’s my brother brother [2433] ABrIcKAHolic: HIT ME HARDER [2433] 730H: ?? [2433] tsebeni: tourney bro [2433] gabrielc352: ? [2433] MkGamingg25: ??? [2433] treyknox04: treyknox04 subscribed at Tier 1. [2435] o0deathdealer04: Polls Broke [2435] v_kahn: Glazing [2435] alleyne98: ISN'T STEVE NOT ALLOWED ON TWITCH? [2435] spedpop: you are Steve [2435] nailwind: truuuuuuuue [2435] iiithxnderiii: POLL [2435] outr0_66: jynxziLOL jynxziLOL [2435] LilBoogieFart: AYO [2435] streakxsy: jynxziWTF [2435] quentin_olson: fly out to caseohs [2435] vis_zen: wat [2435] ghostevin: ????? [2435] lents0: jynxziFAT [2435] sp3ncyb0i: IS HIS JOHNSON BIG [2435] jwarris: UNSUBBING IF NO TOURNEY [2436] XxFAZ0xX: DADDY JYNXZI [2436] halofroth: ???? [2436] huntr921: Face too loud [2436] lukasskvarek: hold his nuts [2436] zoni123321: TORNY PLEASE MAN [2436] ahmedaly200: Sus [2436] katiemasias: just say you didn’t wanna do the tourney 😭 you knew we were gonna pick irl [2436] NatedoggZHS: ??? [2436] dripzxq: I’ll be your cameraman [2436] Zxhxr1: HES 10 BRO [2436] nora_bakkali: YEEEEES IRL [2436] bmk_0: ?????? [2436] aaronrdzzz: ???? [2436] ajthepest: ajthepest subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [2438] tyeler2k: tyeler2k subscribed with Prime. [2438] calmlettuce_: ??? [2438] GabeBEAMZ: WE HIT 40 MINUTES GG PRE END [2438] ryder_297: tourney [2438] verykingjef: ??? [2438] kemotheking99: You said you only want to play games noob [2438] Hakeemyy: L glaze [2438] drjbaby: ???? [2438] kottonking762: turnny [2438] zerqz2: ayo [2438] ghostevin: ??????? [2438] c4sh_jos: ?? [2438] zysmith11: pause [2438] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [2438] james_the_native: what time is fan mail [2439] noahtheriault21: pause [2439] Pre_Enigma: gayge? [2439] cdisslump: ?????? [2441] cadezenn: ???? [2441] BaseballSiren: goooo [2441] littlepapa8: do tourny fatass [2441] kyle4a12: Sketch bro!!! Sketch!!!! [2441] jwarris: UNSUBBING IF NO TOURNEYY [2441] CanadiiianBac0n: what kinda Porsche did you get?? [2441] Original_Corn: BLUD ILL RECORD FOR YOU [2441] SantasBeltBuckle: Glazing [2441] fsiide: HES 14 [2441] Clutchpat74: ??????) [2441] lucas_9669: glazeee [2441] bbowden_23: ???????? [2441] digiwyd: L glazer [2441] hesstruck75: ???? [2441] gmaster2354: ill fly out there tonight and be a camera man [2442] 02ronin06: yall be fuckin? [2442] hbdjdylan: goaze [2442] senplab1: do tourney [2442] sfqxz: …. [2442] razer_wyatt7: 1v1 me fat boi [2442] Nxovahh: glaze [2442] internalspace0: ? [2442] lorrdx2304: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [2442] iFyshii: iFyshii subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! I fw u heavy jynxzi [2443] ty1er75: ty1er75 subscribed with Prime. [2444] smackked: GLAZING [2444] sxaynecahill: ??? [2444] f7_konz: when’s fan mail [2444] uplift_frost: glaze harder [2444] sergio6996__: PAUSEEE [2444] KatieKitt3n: Gogogogogogogogogogogo [2444] jaketthfc: tourny [2444] tj_gwynn: ?????? [2444] internalspace0: ???? [2444] rawwwiq: pause [2444] kyohh__: ?????????? [2444] zysmith11: yo?? [2444] hisdudenessobama: GLAZE HARDER [2444] chadthemag: Whens clips [2444] divine_terra: check bits [2445] Johnnyturbo27: whattt [2447] Askarit: its crazy how much you do this now KEKW [2447] latore71: ???? [2447] rnitten: he’s 11 [2447] nyc_vasili: PLAY THE TOURNY [2447] divine_terra: BITS [2447] ghostevin: ???????? [2447] lukabrasi123: react harder I’m trying to edge [2447] sandstrat: BRO WHAT AREE YOU TALKING ABOUT [2447] jackalljohnsons: jackalljohnsons subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! ??????? [2447] unemployedpizza_: ??????? [2447] ZachXc48: wtff [2447] falzonmt: ??? # [2447] AyWATP: ???????? [2447] t0pshlf: read bit Dono [2447] NoLoveJayt: Zesty [2450] BenKenobi421: BenKenobi421 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! [2450] stunned_cheese: whatttttttt [2450] feller002: PAUSEEEEE [2450] guanganggaming: First round exist god [2450] iamfaceles: how come sketch fakes how he talks [2450] lahpaulll03: STOP GLAZINGGG [2450] eliteone02: wtf is wrong [2450] uszrtrey: WHAT?? [2450] ilikefemaless: repoll [2450] d4r_tev0: blink yo eyes harder [2450] SEAHAWKSFAN18: sketch don’t know u [2450] heptic_dripps: irl wins lol [2450] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: can we do 100k baccarat hands for content [2450] Nightbot: bozo [2453] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: can we do 100k baccarat hands for content [2453] ellisongearheart112: what kinda Porsche u have? [2453] riccifpsglazer: I like how he does not care that someone gift him 60 gift [2453] wesbop8: im never watching again if u dont play tourney tmrw [2453] iluvzebra12: He is 5 [2453] papazarbs: SKETCH HATES YOH [2453] nickholmes11: 25 # [2453] toesgreenanklespurple420: HES A KID [2453] nizom_the9goat: chill bro he ain’t gon let you hit [2453] utxpiaaa: ... [2453] zilly0ne_: pause [2453] jpsolufkens: WHEN IS CLIPS [2453] Nightbot: no 🧢 [2453] timmerson12: f in chat [2453] skrrtq: is sketch opium? [2454] jred_05: jred_05 subscribed at Tier 1. [2456] kimjongsquarepants: what [2456] ghostevin: SKETCH CLONE [2456] swishyp5: sus [2456] blick4th0n: jynxzi0x [2456] alleyne98: ISN'T STEVE NOT ALLOWED ON TWITCH???? [2456] 00danman00: no diddy [2456] sseptumss: ????/ [2456] mrmonkey5512: jynxziCORNY [2456] awesomejoel224: L glaze [2456] GailIewis: buddy he’s overage [2456] sxaynecahill: end stream [2456] LSxRummy: glaze harder [2456] zmist_500: REACT TO GARFIELD [2456] beastmode428: boobies by Mexican OT [2456] raamseyyy: dono [2457] m_smoke5: m_smoke5 subscribed at Tier 1. [2459] skibidi_toilet_is_awsome: Zip it up once your dine [2459] kemotheking99: OF WITH SKETCH [2459] mrhaeton: AYO [2459] kairvj: fake chat [2459] LilBoogieFart: L glaze [2459] drjbaby: you’ve already seen his dick [2459] bardown16__: BAN WHOEVER SAID THAT [2459] njhubble: i love you chunk [2459] WoodsOnAWood: ily bro [2459] TexasBag: glaze [2459] rm_l00: don’t weigh down the comment [2459] chea1185: W Sketch [2459] domfg12: Do TOURNY AND HAVE SKETCH OVER SUNDAY [2459] maxqzu: hey [2459] toesgreenanklespurple420: THANK YOU BROTHER [2460] allison_mann621: junko and sketcy johnson collab [2460] mangotango2k: cry me a river [2460] NachoFishYT: 30 minute mark surpassed [2460] ghostaddict_vr: I WANT SKETCH TO PEG ME [2460] dairymilfkid: poll [2460] liamlouda: part time [2460] ghall_22: W pre order [2460] blxtys: is mail when fan [2460] sneak4717: fake [2460] jxhnnyyss: NOBODY SAID THAT [2460] morgano12: be quiet react louder [2460] grapejuicesode: YOU DA BEST [2462] feller002: fuck the poll ig [2462] kaazmayne110: CHECK POLL GOD DAMN [2462] pandaboss2116: Invite CLix [2462] NFFe4rr: when does stream end? [2462] Kit_Hs__: do splits on it harder [2462] kjsmooth25: FAKE CHAT [2462] mrmonkey5512: avidqrFall [2462] Darthaka: thick [2462] kk42069: I wanna lick your sack [2462] mortyas_: BRp bRo 9 [2462] GabeBEAMZ: GG PRE END 40 MARK [2462] randompork: glazer [2462] jessielynnnn: nnnnn [2462] bbgoat15248s: gay?gay? [2462] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [2463] reactharderjynxzi: whens fan mail? [2463] G0LDdiggxr: what happen yesterday [2463] bwgocrxzy: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [2463] Nightbot: @shockmanagement8 -> Come on! [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [2463] yolkydawn848746: ur doing ur team a favor by not playing [2463] aniovv: sketch is waiting [2463] WdhPanda: zesty [2463] MindofNightmares: pause… [2463] trentongod1: best clipped farm of the day [2463] febz99: Jon I ur the w drills [2463] timmerson12: tourney [2463] uszrtrey: HES 12 [2463] justasadwhiteguy: your mouth is watering [2463] jp2005112: … [2463] Nightbot: sone [2465] tjukky: fake chats [2465] Halorti: when is the caseoh 1v1? [2465] dill_pickle547: when is fan mail [2465] dubcity990: Steph gods [2465] justjoshin15: clip farming pancake [2465] chanch0_: watch doc play [2465] diego_11_p: Blink more [2465] raamseyyy: DONO [2465] m_mmot: fake comments [2465] IamTheFlash: speak harder [2465] martiin_ortiiz: we miss Kylie [2465] u_a_cornball: youre a loser [2465] flx1ds3: YOU WILL GET FIRST ROUNDED ANYWAYS [2465] njhubble: chunky i love you [2465] badabing40: 2v2 [2466] ap3xsavage420: listen to juice wrld [2466] CrimsunFalcon: stream tourney tomorrow, then on Sunday stream with him [2466] sandy_sir: WHAATT [2466] mr_eggbeat: w coffee [2466] ThatboiTurbo: no tourney womp womp [2466] jedimastercrunk: sketch mudbone [2466] vonnypie: sketch is a cutie [2466] draxlmao: !sub [2466] soach_89: when does the stream starts ? [2466] lmaooaryan: zb [2468] cory_cp23: fuck u all [2468] theboiii8287: tournament plss [2468] NueIlo: oil uppppp [2468] 6ce_: Sketch is 0.918 picoseconds old [2468] evanmobile123: W [2468] junkoiswet: can I feel your shrimp [2468] apsidhrur: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [2468] footballer21390: when is bronny stream! [2468] mobofpimpz: bruh [2468] lubdubswoosh: Wrong [2468] mrmonkey5512: avidqrScarefloor [2468] romano3518377: end strea [2468] curiouspotatoe0fan: NO ONE WHATS TO SEE THAT NELK WEIRDO [2468] suavecano: do the tourny [2468] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [2469] yxl_hydra: Steve won't do it [2469] lahpaulll03: LOLLL [2469] glockwitdabeam: if you skip the tourney you’re a sellout [2469] lockeykockey3: I FUCK ON U HEAVY [2469] boshla_: you can play that tourney all the time go see sketch [2469] hobbes_mobbin: www [2469] Almighty_Danii: where’s sketch [2471] congoldfragger: congoldfragger subscribed at Tier 1. [2471] lovinit10: WHEN IS THE 1V1 WITH DIDDY [2471] armdarcher: SAY MUMS [2471] chrizcross1: I thought he was babysitting tomorrow? [2471] dove_rr: Sketch is a 3 month old toddler [2471] faselytrue: damn 40 mins in, i got here just in time for second half of stream [2471] duefisxbl: CASE IS WAITING [2471] ace0fspade__: recycle content [2471] senplab1: do tourney plz [2471] stanpines420: get a job [2471] imabigfooteater: the glazing is wild [2471] hartinus187: Clipfarm harder [2471] stunned_cheese: react harder [2471] harrypaterson_: DO TOURNEY FOR THE EU BRO PLS [2472] bumblebtuna99: do me [2472] beamthetake: dimbl [2472] meattamer69: favorite streamer [2472] kinoth_: thank you brother [2472] maxqzu: REACTBITGER [2472] void8307: I love you zaddy [2472] JacksonisAFK: L sellout streamer [2472] GHOSTEEE_23: guys jynxzi gonna get rocked in tourny cuz he sucks [2472] IsaiahHommes: HI YOUTUBE HIGHLIGHTS [2472] 69iliketurtles: react to CLIX [2472] BIured: not as old as you [2472] squishytofu7: pls do tourney [2472] IOH_Gunnin: nobody said thta [2472] nizom_the9goat: glaze harder [2472] papazarbs: SKETCH HATES YOu [2473] kxngpsycho: REACT TO MMG [2473] gh0st_0o0_: sketch fell of [2473] hbe11p: end stream [2473] col35513: we want sketch [2474] essentiale0: end steam [2474] theallstaromar: I fuck with you cause you heavy [2474] jimmyschiavo: YES [2474] benstoner1: NOOOO [2474] levisunaway: yes [2474] mageladon_lover: yes [2474] goddddddaim555: yes [2474] iNtenzinho: YESSSS [2474] Jake2NADS: poll [2474] khemui: yes [2474] bummelbi: When is fanmail [2474] 1Yinmn: YES [2474] Ack_Jack684: YES [2474] ruebe801: Yes [2474] jwarris: UNSUBBING IF NO TOURNEYY [2475] xzopdh: yes [2475] bigmatt3000: no [2475] yandelcod: No [2475] brennan0626: YESSSSSSS [2475] icespice6996: your are the oldest clip [2475] abilitiez450: jinxzi it would be very nice if you said my name right now it would make my day and it would make me wet in my panty wanties my name is jandel [2475] SmacKaroniS: yes [2475] kingjulienn3: yes [2475] thegamer_w143: stack can find Someone else to carry just go [2475] itBLICKYY: NOPO [2475] dollyaioli: WHEN IS FANMAIL [2475] joe_ritchie: is mail fan when? [2475] vis_zen: ues [2475] hannahbango: YES [2477] frogsrainbowsandsoftserve: yes [2477] hunterbullard06: I love him too [2477] makuchi1: YES [2477] ganqr14: yes [2477] warzoneplayerr: No [2477] alleyne98: ISN'T STEVE NOT ALLOWED ON TWITCH?? [2477] Mes_Sec: YES [2477] distortedcolrs: Sketch [2477] 1Yinmn: YESSSS [2477] buddahgfan: yes [2477] bigriggs321: yessssszzzzzzzzzz [2477] zeyxfr: NOOOO [2477] QtReidd: no [2477] utxpiaaa: yep [2477] KatieKitt3n: Gogogo [2478] deanbean2472: read fake chat softer [2478] BillyThaKidd918: yes [2478] ttv_lethalbite: yes [2478] gaminliam: yes [2478] lil_me4t15: NOOOO [2478] keatonisbell: need to irl stream together. Cant leave brother hanging ☝🏻 [2478] thundurrr101: yes [2478] lukashenning42: fuck me [2478] smileyy_01: yes [2478] terzerg: im ketted outtttt [2478] vis_zen: yes [2478] thatonekid9264: NOOOOOOOOOO [2478] saluted420: white diddy [2478] Fossabot: @hazzahoyland10, Your message is too long [2478] toxickiller543: toxickiller543 subscribed with Prime. [2480] w3bxi: yes [2480] vdr1_: yes [2480] S_0678: yes [2480] diegoo_055: no [2480] x72edDogx: Cheer2750 GO SEE SKETCH BROTHER [2480] flyballry03: bro [2480] thr1l1: no [2480] hughjinvaney: You won’t [2480] BaseballSiren: yessss [2480] 1Yinmn: YES [2480] mhysticc: NOOO [2480] snooziezzz: NO NO NO NO [2480] Dr_Pressure00: yessss [2480] TheKohl: yes [2480] thomas_o509: no [2481] juniorparra_11: noooo [2481] suavecano: noooooo [2481] nora_bakkali: YES GO [2481] junkowunko213: what happened [2481] this_is_ismael: sketch likes men [2481] koltman333: NO [2481] wesbop8: NO [2481] qwerty_1234545: no [2481] kingjulienn3: YESS [2481] Jmangunslinger510: YES [2481] XRLvoyage: tourny [2481] applecrumble12345677: dooo it [2481] clipedbyz69: 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 [2481] soccercristian: no [2481] icey_snow1: WE WANT SKETCH [2483] 713chinooo: yes [2483] IcyRolledYou: no [2483] shlumpking44: DUHH [2483] lolaaa6473: tes [2483] ad_sz9821: go [2483] its_theryguy: Go [2483] badabing40: 2V2 [2483] STEPOFF_2021: no [2483] BaseballSiren: yesssss [2483] yyungkodaa: yesss [2483] myles2betta: NOOOO [2483] tyler_philly88: NO [2483] kurta__: NOOOOOOOOOO [2483] kingmoses4: he’s 12 [2483] poppastich: No [2484] zavsmh: DO A CASHOE AND SKETCH IRL STREAM [2484] lmaooaryan: yes [2484] 3kwayrori: yes [2484] iiMancini: CALL SKETCH [2484] vis_zen: please [2484] Bugg_Mangg: W IRLL [2484] tact7_: no bro [2484] grapejuicesode: CAN U READ THE POLL [2484] giraffelover_: nooooo [2484] ipanthers8: let’s go boiii [2484] akbeamgod: right when @jynxzi was in his prime [2484] skibidi_toilet_is_awsome: Shak3 that small lumtios ass [2484] random124524: no [2484] FI3K_: NO [2486] bubba_g_69: bubba_g_69 subscribed at Tier 1. [2486] 713chinooo: yea [2486] VOIDsweepzz: goooo [2486] skibidi_toilet_is_awsome: Shake [2486] iiMancini: CALLLL SKETCH [2486] itsgxtt: ooooono [2486] alli_pig1: yes brother [2486] cdisslump: NOOO [2486] itz2vaalid: BibleThump [2486] kaazmayne110: GO PUSSY [2486] hexy_exe: go to miami [2486] tyler_philly88: NOOOOOOO [2486] jessielynnnn: h [2486] yappkira: DONF GO [2487] fadil1422: Sketch doesn't know you [2487] siege6is6l: YESSSSSS [2487] b_toddy23: it so tight bro [2487] bossup150: no [2487] yamomluvme69: SKETCH [2487] Nightbot: h [2487] JAYTOTAL: DO IT [2487] jwarris: UNSUBBING IF NO TOURNEY [2487] besnik_alioski: ma [2487] dartssssscastssss: TOURNEYYYYYYYYYYYYYY [2487] birdbit: w [2487] Brodskeee: yesss [2487] bruhhurbi: YESS [2487] reactharderjynxzi: yes [2488] treyh40: treyh40 subscribed at Tier 1. [2489] v0rt3xxfusion: daddy chill [2489] itzvodcuh: Nooooooo [2489] kurta__: NOOOOOOOO [2489] domfg12: DO TOURNEY AND HAVE SKETCH OVER ON SUNDAY [2489] joewesst: no doubt [2489] christgegoat13678: toureny [2489] InvisibleNinja0_0: No you will exceed Plane weight limit [2489] mrfrosty_z: Lie harder [2489] siege6is6l: YESS [2489] jstkiwiii: I jizz to you everynight Jynxzi do the same to me pwease DADDDYYY [2489] bonnieboi24: sketch doesn’t know u [2489] bluejoltz23: do it brother [2489] 3kwayrori: do [2489] Fc450Murda: GO TO MIAMI FUCK YEAH [2489] Tadashi_T_T_Hamada: no [2490] xaiman100x: when is fan mail [2490] xyu_uyx7: white diddy [2490] krlelkdn: no [2490] ValidVenus69: go with sketch [2490] audsii: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [2490] MebbyWebby: TOURNEY [2490] NachoFishYT: 30 minute mark surpassed [2490] Oregonownzz: I’ll record it [2490] colbypaul76: 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 [2490] chimanga8_: call him [2490] yappkira: NO [2490] werwerasfaffas22424424: no [2490] lilsluga: waiittttt [2490] grand_wizard_hemorrhoid: YES [2490] bmcgue33: no [2491] x420noscopex: harper_rose00 subscribed at Tier 1. [2492] 1tsy0uaga1n: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo [2492] chancesucks: yes please [2492] scumlito: bro wanted everyone to say no [2492] nickholmes11: GOOOOOOOO [2492] javantusdcrab3: go with sketch [2492] pistolpete5261: YES PLEASE [2492] no_mercy_echo: NO [2492] divine_terra: CHECK BITS [2492] jkvxsion: do tournament [2492] jackleonarda: please [2492] kxwifps_: kxwifps_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! [2492] KatieKitt3n: Goooooooooooooooo [2492] ghostevin: EXCUSES [2492] getpelleedd: lm [2492] elmadretuya: bad fan mail [2493] littlepapa8: no support player [2493] LazerBoomer: yes dude [2493] GooseZNeck: you havew to [2493] d4r_tev0: blink yo eyes harder [2493] wkeymoxyyy: NNO [2493] monkyman25: dont leave stompn [2493] Gucci_kid54: idk [2493] Nightbot: mild tourettes (something he can't control.) be nice! [2493] cccortland: where’s sidemen? [2495] asegi12: asegi12 subscribed with Prime. [2495] bbrandonsoliss: yes [2495] pdf_fileee: No [2495] christgegoat13678: tourney [2495] BoujiBubba: Tournament [2495] FailDaGoat: junko let clix and caseoh 1v1 in r6 you coach case xim coaches clix [2495] TitanBofa: no [2495] GoBears96: jus youtube [2495] zbchamps: banned [2495] lukabrasi123: react harder I’m trying to edge [2495] monkeking27789: 1v1 fifa [2495] ko65g: noooooooo [2495] gsolozz: unsub if no tourn [2495] keithlistlll: fly me out I’ll be your camera man [2495] t0pshlf: CHECK DONO [2496] sarahedew97: you can tourney any time jynxzi [2496] piecectrlshaq: on twitch [2496] onihun7er: jynxzi brother im a fan lets duell finally i never challenged you b ut not its time my brother biggest fan here calling you out ! [2496] casselbury13: noooo [2496] yungKIBE: just go for his [2496] TwitRun: fan mail is when? [2496] nosterzx: yes [2496] ssvpx: baddddddd aimmmm [2496] stanpines420: YES [2496] rubendagoat52: Twitch [2496] beastmode428: boobies by Mexican OT [2496] howie123413: call him [2496] GrizzlyHunter99: yes daddy [2496] chxmpzdagoat: tournament [2496] swishyp5: noooo [2499] ekozalive: yo jynxzi should i move to r6 from fortnite [2499] tfieldssssss: nooooo play the tourney fat ass [2499] fnhoff: keep talking i’m almost finished [2499] heder_sot69696969: hey just wondering when is clips [2499] nunip: I’ll be your camerman [2499] syedobarahino: Toruney [2499] beamthetake: rimbk [2499] adennnn_: yt [2499] uplift_frost: your gonna have a .2 anyway [2499] benstoner1: SAME [2499] xo_jxhnny: DO TOURNEU [2499] saluted420: white diddy jynxziFAT [2499] bobcat_1113: just YouTube [2499] flyballry03: no tourney [2499] itBLICKYY: IF THEY WANT TO WAYCH THAY CAN WATCH SKETCH [2501] wackyxzachy: wackyxzachy gifted a Tier 1 sub to realbreesus! [2501] wackyxzachy: wackyxzachy gifted a Tier 1 sub to amiyaa02! [2501] wackyxzachy: wackyxzachy gifted a Tier 1 sub to elsoto03_! [2501] wackyxzachy: wackyxzachy gifted a Tier 1 sub to bradyisvibing! [2501] wackyxzachy: wackyxzachy gifted a Tier 1 sub to lfearil! [2502] collin_him: react to zerka [2502] r6raider99: TOURNEY [2502] Dragontraq: you going negative anyways just go with sketch [2502] bruhhurbi: same [2502] leroyy2k: idk [2502] xoperationblackx: I have a clip to send buts it’s on YouTube, I guarantee it’s the best clip of the month tho [2502] corleoneealex_: BANNED ON TWITCH [2502] akbeamgod: your streaming rn [2502] itiscalledsoccer: just youtube [2502] shifty0154: @jynxzi be honest would you sneak a pinky in sketch [2502] random124524: tourney please [2502] chxmpzdagoat: do tournaments [2502] njhubble: FUCK THE TOURNY [2502] pizzasteve11_: ask your father Stompn for permission [2502] zacv33: jynxziGLASSES [2503] hothosehit: call your camera man then [2503] vmzxc: your going to loss because you shitttty so just go.. [2503] peedrug: bro buy a selfie stick and stream [2503] cccortland: wheres sidemen [2503] xo_jxhnny: DO TOURNEY [2503] chloemoro26: tournament [2503] rigby7391: you are steve [2505] harrypaterson_: BRO PLS TOURNEY [2505] dairymilfkid: irl [2505] lotrofan154pls: I UNSUBBED L [2505] lew_m37: why ask [2505] 3kwayrori: pay for your camera man [2505] lahpaulll03: unsub brother [2505] vnzcee: Ur azzs [2505] RellWyd_: keep talking I’m about to nut🤤 [2505] Miltzia: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [2505] swany5277: banned on tiktok shop [2505] teaman1230: bye [2505] killerduck99: Steve is dumb [2505] chxmpzdagoat: same [2505] flx1ds3: YOU WILL GET FIRST ROUNDED ANYWAYS [2505] i0nkno: no [2506] wydreg: SAME [2506] joeydontmisstv1: Yo [2506] Darthaka: just YouTube [2506] izixjxxh: NOOOO [2506] Whissou_Nuestra_MagizZ: I don't have prime could someone offer me a gift ? [2506] snooziezzz: NOBODY WANTS TO SEE THAT SHIT BRO PLEASE JUST PLAY THE TOURNEY LIKE WE SEEN ENOUGH IRL BULLSHIT YOU CLIP FARMING FATASS [2506] Doulaman: junko check out my clip I bet you’ll be impressed [2506] domfg12: DO TOURNEY HAVE SKETCH OVER SUNDAY [2506] bumblebtuna99: when’s sideman [2506] gabe__a: HES ON KICK [2508] dark_on_ps5: junkzi who is fanmail [2508] andrew1dickpounder: fart on me [2508] janjsmaidn: dad is waiting [2508] skibidi_toilet_is_awsome: Ima touch you [2508] jwarris: do tourney [2508] exhaustedslothh: TOURNEY [2508] halfviddi: @Jynxzi why wouldnt you just let Sketch stream it??????? [2508] graysonbrr: ban yourself [2508] vepzfrr: tell mods to poll [2508] dreamybrodrew: LUL LUL LUL [2508] chriddy1258: Yo what was the announcement [2508] stanpines420: TOURNAMENT [2508] xo_jxhnny: TOURNEY [2508] dxxxer: dxxxer subscribed with Prime. [2508] GMGvelli: tourney [2509] omooda19: frfr [2509] Burt_4rd: unsubbing if no sketcjh [2509] GHOSTEEE_23: unsubbing if tournament [2509] divine_terra: CHECK BIT DONO [2509] hazzahoyland10: jynxziSmoke jynxziCRY jynxziGLASSES jynxziPACK jynxziGRIDDY jynxziTONGUE jynxziRAHHH jynxziBounce jynxziFALL jynxziSNOT [2509] yungKIBE: just go for his [2509] jdubmoney1: go wit sketch [2509] cdisslump: DO TOURNEY [2509] chiqui1779: BUY THE BEST CAMERA [2509] pur_str_xp1: DR DISRESPECT IMITATE YOU TODAY [2509] kingjulienn3: FUCK TOURNEY [2509] TA10N1: IS THIS STEVE WILL DO IT? [2509] juangs_23: no do the tourney [2509] lxebeckss: sketchsketch sketch sketch sketch sketch sketch sketch sketch sketch sketch [2509] Tbayyy: do the tourney you fatass [2510] essentiale0: WHENS FAN MAIL [2510] politesob1978: you're ban on youtube??? [2510] clipedbyz69: go with sketch and get Steve will do it to play r6 with you and sketch [2510] spectralboxedyou: when is clips fat boy [2510] k1ng_0f_run3s: react to my r6 stream? [2510] elsoupa: wait we cant od both ? [2510] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: night maps omg [2510] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: night maps omg [2510] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: night maps omg [2512] theallstaromar: i f with you cause you heavy [2512] harrypaterson_: BRO FUCK SKETCH [2512] divine_terra: BITS DONO [2512] AmBramp: hows it going [2512] camlow35: YouTube [2512] xbemanx: CAMERA MAN L [2512] fnlauris2010: your not good just go [2512] CaptainKirk__: i want to fuck you heavy [2512] mother_of_pearl1: hope you’re okay after yesterday jynxzi! [2512] danwau: can you give me a sub because I want the jynxzi charm in R6 [2512] shlumpking44: unsubbing if no irl stream [2512] vqlner: UNSUBBING IF NO TOURNEY UNSUBBING IF NO TOURNEY UNSUBBING IF NO TOURNEY UNSUBBING IF NO TOURNEY UNSUBBING IF NO TOURNEY UNSUBBING IF NO TOURNEY [2512] maxshawty: DO THE TOURNEY PART TIMER [2512] litlikezeus: IRL [2512] ssilxnttt: irl with sketch is fure [2513] robmckee18: yes absolutely. you and sketch are simply gold [2513] owwpsFV: PLEASE TOURNEY [2513] mommylol_: CHECKLKKKKK GIFTTTTTTEDDDD [2513] gdotgotit: yessss [2513] alex347298: no one wants do meet with you [2513] finnisthebest1234: you okay junko [2513] wessy130: unsubbing on YouTube if no tourney [2513] faatal707: when is Fan Mail [2513] joakito889: Get the chuarm [2513] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: night maps omg [2513] zayuhh5: steve who [2513] Darthaka: you are Steve though nice try [2513] lubdubswoosh: No youve gotten a 7 before [2513] Fossabot: @shxrpened, Your message is too long [2514] itBLICKYY: NOBODY GIVES AF ABOUT STEVE [2514] adamtaylor101: JOHNSON CAM? [2514] Dmann0912: show your starfish [2514] bruhhurbi: ooooo [2514] swoleboh: looks ancient [2515] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: night maps omg [2515] baseballkid24_: no it isn’t [2515] twajazz21: Is this COD ghost ? [2515] u1u66: when’s dan mail [2515] khgamerr: yo [2515] ItzSiixX: REACT TOO MINES @DonSiixX [2515] Menu_: THE DOC IS PLAYING SIEGE @Jynxzi [2515] mrmoongamerr: mrmoongamerr subscribed at Tier 1. [2515] gdotgotit: gooooooo [2516] vqlner: UNSUBBING IF NO TOURNEY UNSUBBING IF NO TOURNEY UNSUBBING IF NO TOURNEY [2516] freshy_boi6: Wag1 g run me ur tits [2516] junobutt2468: when is fan mail [2516] emillee0609: both [2516] ShhhLucky: oldest clip offfa dayyyy [2516] kjbeatss: ILL BE UR CAMERAMAN SCREW THE TOURNEY [2516] andrew1dickpounder: fart on me face [2516] Abyss272: hope ur doing good [2516] GameBredGuerilla: fuck tourney [2516] malachi9204: Do the drake vid [2516] h3ngy69: you are steve will do it' [2516] wblxn: we only want tourneys do tourneys all day [2516] gmekosch: GO TO STEVE [2516] gmoy_: yes bro [2516] rtv_ninjaz13: rtv_ninjaz13 subscribed at Tier 1. [2517] bright_dark05: He's on kick [2517] PaPaTwiZZy: how do I send my clip in ? [2517] sound_dumb: no man fuck that [2517] mckenzie67689: can u put it inside [2517] coffeeblack09: DO THE TOURNAMENT. YOU LOSING PASSION [2517] jademan001: jynxziCharizard [2517] yungasiimov: 7 years was the oldest [2517] PhantomGundamCB: Prime siege [2517] jayshawn182: tourney [2517] yxl_hydra: Steve won't do it [2517] mrmilku1234: L YouTube only [2517] Nightbot: Blue crown —-> Free —-> no ads —-> charm: https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [2517] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [2517] pc_cloudzy: IM BEATING TO YOU FOR THE 4TH TIME [2517] litlikezeus: IRL! [2518] cccortland: whens sidemen game [2518] AceOfHalo2: OLDER THEN YOP [2518] ahrimjob69: ahrimjob69 subscribed with Prime. [2518] TattedFattie: un subbing if no IRL [2518] edyrod123: g [2518] nahshaw1: cops yesterday brother [2518] Nightbot: no [2519] anishtheneaat663: just fly therr [2519] BigPumba95: got called a jynzxi clone for having the jynxzi charm and the pulse background by a team of 12 year olds [2519] dimez1217: YOU OWE US A 24 HR STREAM BROTHER ☝🏼YOU OWE US A 24 HR STREAM BROTHER ☝🏼YOU OWE US A 24 HR STREAM BROTHER ☝🏼YOU OWE US A 24 HR STREAM BROTHER ☝🏼YOU OWE US A 24 HR STREAM BROTHER ☝🏼 [2519] Sprayxr: Steve you’re streaming right now [2519] Miltzia: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [2519] WdhPanda: 24 hour stream remember that [2519] thomsoncarroll: run from the grind [2519] vnzcee: Bad aimm [2519] lizardgawd1: pussy [2519] crispywoodyt: I’m sexy [2520] ronaldos_fingers: JYNXZI WHEN IS MAIL FAN [2520] soccercristian: he’s on kick guess you can’t go [2520] 1argebigmac: BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump [2520] NueIlo: oil up spunky [2520] vudclapz: 24 hours???? [2520] goddddddaim555: CLAP LOUDER [2520] lmaooaryan: alright bud [2520] xaiman100x: when is fan mail [2520] xxchubaca7xx: your cameraman suckssssss [2520] ymfk8: UNSUBING IF NO SKETCH [2520] Andee24: sketch is waiting [2520] birdbit: w [2520] Eynxzi: Eynxzi subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! w [2520] NachoFishYT: 30 minute mark surpassed [2520] jalen7ng: JYNXZI LIVESTREAM WITH LADYBOY? [2521] TheYachtyBandit: jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ [2521] freegdogg: !link [2521] Nightbot: @freegdogg If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [2522] giftmesubforcharm: BETTER THAN YOU [2522] Gail_Iewis: older than most of you fanbase lmfao [2522] PoaRidor: NEXT GEN STREAMER [2522] lizardgawd1: do it [2522] jakefons: you falling off ????? [2522] Haarrzzz: BANNED ON FACEBOOK MARKETPLACE [2522] jack123the3: yuuf [2522] stanpines420: react to my r6 stream? [2522] rabbir949: !stack [2522] 1argebigmac: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [2522] Nightbot: Jynxzi ST0MPN Mingo Skyte Jayy [2523] bardown16__: IS THIS KAFE? [2523] KeatonWasTaken: i think its older, thats like year 2 i think [2523] litlikezeus: irl [2523] franzis___: CLIPS WHEN IS [2523] dom_bby: im wdging [2523] wha12up: you are steave [2523] ivi_falling: when is fan mail [2523] tmoney726: I can send u a clip rn from 8 years ago [2523] jack123the3: ddd [2524] Djdrek101: @jynxzi he streams on kick [2524] Miltzia: VirtualHug [2524] complimentgiver09: un subing if no sketch [2524] were_in_coblestone: Justttt goooo to sketcv [2524] thatguywho420s: fuck Steve [2524] jayshawn182: tournament [2524] kozmo5181: tournament [2524] mike_an_i: link [2524] aimbotonsite: !LINK [2524] birdbit: ww [2524] blagalagaa: blagalagaa subscribed at Tier 1. [2525] owen82_: unsubbing if no sketch fat pig [2525] aidenacettv: !link [2525] peakyseaside: gonne lose tourney anyway just go please [2525] 1argebigmac: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [2525] hacketyyd: lost the passion @jynxzi [2525] casesgreasybody: when is irl stream with hivise [2525] birdbit: www [2525] jack123the3: de [2525] qv4ttro: IRL streammmmm [2526] ightnolan: yt [2526] TheSigSoldierSSG: dude we have questions brother [2526] mrmilku1234: Youtube only junko [2526] darkwave08: i got some clips from 2018 OG Siege i can send [2526] kswbx: no [2526] spazn_: you all are killing the 24 hour stream damn [2526] giftmesubforcharm: W [2526] Eynxzi: fan mail [2526] squpy777: part timer [2526] ambergang0303: YOU LOOK LIKE STEVE WILL DO ITS LONG LOST BROTHER DO IT FULL SEND [2526] gmoy_: just yt [2526] AmBramp: f [2526] ELVT: when does the stream start [2526] vanczzfp: this is aura [2527] Nightbot: F in the chat [2527] kekwbr: do a johnson cam [2527] bigbanana1222: he probably is [2527] itsprincero: bro it’s Steve and Jakob collab would be insane [2527] ch1vs_714: what about the other one [2527] ablobman: ate [2527] mikev1cksdog: old siege BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump [2528] destroyerrowant: Get me my big Mac [2528] vansem112: just play the clip [2528] cambassford06: you are steve will do it [2528] monkyman25: reporting if no tournament [2528] birdbit: w [2529] ghostofsparta69420: W face [2529] 1argebigmac: jynxziVapeBreak [2529] shadegoated: Jynxzi harder [2529] jack123the3: !link [2529] connerjf2023: Afdddddd [2529] Roamrz: steve will do it seems like such a good dude [2529] yozenoyo: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [2529] algotitotwitch: clip is löser tha [2530] xbemanx: F [2530] DishonestPriest: CLIX OWNS YOU [2530] schmidty5557: sketch stream [2530] freegdogg: !LINK [2530] WhatTheHellizOnJoeysHead: 0 [2530] lukabrasi123: react harder I’m trying to edge [2530] ii_cabaye: Steve is banned [2531] birdbit: ww [2531] sh6mss: hivise hi [2531] Koegr: god this game used to look so much better [2531] ymfk8: REPORTING IF NO SKETCH [2531] sponser324: l highvies [2531] kurta__: tournament bro [2531] GooseZNeck: no one cares about a tourney you wont win [2531] gingadash123version2: Do tourney like what [2532] giftmesubforcharm: 🧔🏿 [2532] vanczzfp: I am hard af [2532] syphon_ac007: Id fk u even though u heavy.. [2532] brentgordon123: What ranked are you [2532] bannanamonkeyboozled: GET CASOH [2532] chiqui1779: GET THE BEST CAMERA [2532] queef_ninja42o: queef_ninja42o subscribed at Tier 1. [2532] connerjf2023: Add [2532] birdbit: www [2532] dirtyphantom: Stevewilldoit vs SteveWontdoit [2533] pizzaboys1031: YO [2533] deltwitchy: show chocolate starfish [2533] abilitiez450: jinxzi it would be very nice if you said my name right now it would make my day and it would make me wet in my panty wanties my name is jandel [2533] aaaaaaaaaaaaaajosh10: chunko leaked [2533] hoesbinlating_69: can you kick ur face cam it’s my bday [2533] PudgySpike: IF YOU GO OUT ILL SUB SO YOU CAN GET A 6 PIECE CHICKEN NUGGET MEAL [2533] hartinus187: Clipfarm harder [2533] 0nxyz: hey jynxzi you got me back into r6 and am really trying to get good keep up the work [2533] showtimecj_: 167k [2533] skibidi_toilet_is_awsome: Ima touch you jynxzi [2534] hoe2k: you should do a throwback clip session only [2534] finnisthebest1234: 6. THATS MY TASTE IN WOMEN [2534] drexxtuu: react harder [2534] Haarrzzz: UNSUBBING IF NO STEVE [2534] bardown16__: ISSS THIS KAFE? [2534] shadegoated: Jynxzi I farted [2534] jcourt12: !watchtime [2534] AzazelTepes: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [2534] StreamElements: jcourt12 has spent 4 days 14 hours watching jynxzi [2534] gdotgotit: bro the irl stream for sure [2534] TTVExtrAsauce: yawwwwwwn# [2535] TA10N1: AM I WATCHING STEVE WILL DO ITS STREAM? [2535] pizzasteve11_: ask your father Stompn for permission [2535] ProdigyPioneer: dont go to miami and streak bro you washed anyways with siege [2536] yopaddyyy: 1v1 bronny [2536] bucketofbudd: run a poll [2536] jt_dnb: w gamemode [2536] ramirezchris2711: im unsubbing if you ain’t do no tourney bruh and taking off the jynxi charm @jynxzi [2536] crowthekushdealer: React heavier [2536] novasxr: skibidi toilet will be mine yuh when you come around yuh [2536] yamomluvme69: MOST LEGENDARY STREAM AND HE CANT DECIDE? [2537] RainbowFishcakes: Real [2537] nooning95: don’t be weird have a 3some with sketch and Steve [2537] TheReal_BigBlack: Fuck that tourney bro losing anyway [2537] Nightbot: real [2537] dark_on_ps5: you can say that again [2537] FailDaGoat: junko let clix and caseoh 1v1 in r6 you coach case xim coaches clix [2537] harrypaterson_: TOURNEY BRO NO FUCKIN WAY [2537] GHOSTEEE_23: is this call of duty? [2537] lotrofan154pls: unssubbed [2537] jessielynnnn: meow [2537] cLEANvision_: subbed for rainbow😂 [2537] sebastisnfergg: jynxi kinda looks like that one jynxi guy on twitch [2538] mrpepperpots: Go with sketch, thank you brother [2538] DXGhalo: DXGhalo subscribed with Prime. [2538] giftmesubforcharm: w [2538] tfieldssssss: let me get a Big Mac combo large sprite [2538] nvincble: !pc [2538] Nightbot: Jynxzi is controller on PC [2538] verified_txrturz: Unsubbing if no sketch [2538] mateussabbb: kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk [2539] dapro5656: yo [2539] yamomluvme69: MOST LEGENDARY STREAM AND HE CANT DECIDE [2539] KingSalsita: W [2539] Eynxzi: w [2539] GenXonlineGaming: your nostrils look like little hearts lmao [2539] vanczzfp: I feel like Neil armstrong [2539] Tigerbeast12345: it’s gone now ? [2539] skibidi_toilet_is_awsome: Shake that white small ass [2539] chandlerscott999: REACT FATTER [2539] andrew_s425: when is stream [2539] weluvchicken: !watchtime @sheluvzpine [2540] freshy_boi6: Yooo u junko [2540] munkyslayer94: steve wont do it [2540] MAD5411: when is Caseoh vs Kai [2540] RedMist3119: member dis [2540] nahshaw1: what happened yesterday yesterday’s [2540] StreamElements: sheluvzpine has spent 0 secs watching jynxzi [2540] 34filmz: I’ll be your camera man [2540] sebosski: W [2540] joshoffacid: jynxzi please do tournament PLEASEEEEEEE [2540] lahpaulll03: NO WAYYY [2540] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: secure area ranked [2540] PoaRidor: NEXT GEN STREAMER . . . [2540] nicholaskhatri13: put it in sketch ass [2540] birdbit: w [2540] cakez408: STEVEWILLDOIT X STEVEWONTDOIT GO CRAZY [2541] ShadowNinja_7: @highvise01 how do I jynxi charm pa I’m subbed [2541] chicknf: 6 years ago and he is better than you today [2541] highonit999: f [2541] jbo860: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziClown [2541] jibs1407: how to get charm [2541] spectralboxedyou: when is clips fat boy [2541] kyle20071234: you just farted [2541] tytyattack: W [2541] raymond3arl: W CLIP [2541] rondonsmkez: eat ur ur toes or something [2541] cadenc233: sub? [2541] jayshawn182: do tourney [2541] angus1664681: !LINK [2542] mrmilku1234: Spam report if he does tourney [2542] uhnyus: yawnnnnnnn [2542] highonit999: r [2543] Saintmac23: his real ogs want the tourney but the irl stream would def get a lot more views [2543] p4c01234: shut up please im trying to sleep [2543] NoName6492: wz@ [2543] CrazyXtian: what account [2543] kinoth_: omg [2543] shadegoated: Jynxzi smell my fart [2543] kr0nipz: @jynxzi it's my birthday in 20 minutes [2544] StreamElements: If you're a gamer, you need a Starforge! Snag one -> https://starforgepc.com/Jynxzi [2544] cainsims07: Wwww [2544] highonit999: rr [2544] unsilencedbeanz: older than me [2544] harryrostron: biggest tourney of month you can’t let your stack down [2544] dmx5p: agreed [2544] hisdudenessobama: SHOW GYATTTT [2544] nukeiswashonxbox: Clip of the day [2544] t0pshlf: READ DONO [2544] LiTareu: react with react booster :P [2544] pocketpengun: IT SUCKS WYM ? [2544] freegdogg: !Link [2544] Fossabot: @shxrpened, Your message is too long [2x] [2544] longbillginger46: YOU WERE 50 WHEN THIS CAME OUT [2545] rottenwaterr: hey bitch we wanna see u actually play fucking siege and not just THE CLIPS [2545] flexy_ontop: jynxzi when is case oh vs Kai stream [2545] salim_10e: TRUE [2545] sebosski: WW [2545] exclusivejb1: Daddy [2545] camtheslayer54: jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE [2545] vmzxc: your going to loss because you shitttty so just go [2545] kurta__: tournament bro cmon [2545] w1lllllllllll2: Kai is waiting [2545] sh6mss: hi hivise [2545] collin_him: react to zerka [2545] LANDENGLOV: thank you for all you do [2546] syphon_ac007: Id fk u even though u heavy [2546] skylanderconti: bro it’s still in the game [2546] 730H: 4? [2546] KatieKitt3n: Wally [2546] caseintop: www [2546] hatrat11: drake harder [2546] tylkei113: Hi [2547] camtheslayer54: jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE [2547] birdbit: www [2547] NFFe4rr: when does stream end [2547] giftmesubforcharm: champ [2547] thcinfested: PUNCHMADE [2547] essentiale0: WHENS FAN MAIL WHENS FAN MAIL WHENS FAN MAIL WHENS FAN MAIL WHENS FAN MAIL WHENS FAN MAIL WHENS FAN MAIL [2547] ablobman: cooked [2548] fe4r_ryza: l fatty [2548] cadenc233: subby??? [2548] camtheslayer54: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [2548] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [2548] suren70: white speed [2548] kjbeatss: ILL BE UR CAMERAMAN SCREW THE TOURNEY [2548] Giggidy_1702: is Sketch 13? [2548] imnotintoxicated_: this is boring when do u kick the camera [2548] kingwhale45: Play crash Bandicoot [2548] bumblebtuna99: when’s clips????? [2548] monkeymayn7: I’m gonna secure your area [2548] malachi9204: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [2548] diego_11_p: react harder [2549] RagnarGunnbjorn: Dr Disrespect would wreck you kid [2549] camtheslayer54: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziEZ [2549] Dmann0912: show your starfish [2549] Pilot_Azog: W og [2549] exclusivejb1: Junko [2549] caseintop: I don’t [2549] uhnyus: you are waiting [2550] k1ng_walt: k1ng_walt subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months, currently on a 9 month streak! hola [2550] camtheslayer54: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [2550] birdbit: w [2550] GHOSTEEE_23: is this battlefield [2550] bryan21scherm: irl [2550] bigmansgaming: @jynxzi and steve will do it stream when????? [2550] mrmilku1234: Lebron Waiting [2550] fnlauris2010: and your 60 years old 60 60 60 60 60 60 [2550] goddddddaim555: CLAP LOUDER [2550] giftmesubforcharm: champs [2550] TA10N1: WHITE SPEED [2550] o_H4mzx: bro ur irl streams are fucking boring play tourney [2550] mckenzie67689: can I put it inside [2551] camtheslayer54: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [2551] pocketpengun: SECURE AREA SUCKS LUL [2551] birdbit: www [2551] siracho_402: he has a jynxzi charm on [2551] NachoFishYT: 30 minute mark surpassed [2551] mrmoongamerr: yoo [2552] zayeditzzyt: people saying do toury are fat blueryaiScaryryai blueryaiScaryryai blueryaiScaryryai blueryaiScaryryai blueryaiScaryryai [2552] andrew1dickpounder: fart on me face [2552] bardown16__: UR HEAD IS IN THE WAY [2552] ryannutd: GIRTH AND TURF FTW [2553] twitchlight_rl: jynxziLOL jynxziFAT jynxziLOL jynxziFAT jynxziLOL jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [2553] ockey12: Hello pls can u react to my clip pls my name is ockey90 [2553] Nightbot: bozo [2553] highonit999: tr [2553] hobbes_mobbin: i see [2553] al_sah_him00: BRING BACK SECURE AREA RANKED [2553] tylkei113: How are you [2553] bobstar__123: Dream waiting [2553] kekwbr: steve might do it [2553] squpy777: hi [2554] gdotgotit: steve won't do it and stevewilldoit same stream [2554] yourmom2278342: Yo [2554] KatieKitt3n: Where's WALLY [2554] giftmesubforcharm: chanps [2554] cer1229: stream with speed [2554] highonit999: r [2554] tjukky: if u duck another tourney jr worse then aiden [2554] pur_str_xp1: DR DISRESPECT IMITATE YOU TODAY [2554] fe4r_ryza: L bully [2555] smackked: WHEN IS FACE REVEAL??!?!?!?!??!?!!!??! [2555] joelennon99: when’s 1v1 against ryanstoyreviews [2555] birdbit: w [2555] skibidi_toilet_is_awsome: Shake that ass jynxzi [2555] rondonsmkez: eat ur toes pak [2555] Kaidan245: jynxziWTF [2555] cadenc233: subby subby [2555] pc_cloudzy: HAND ON MY JOHNSON 😩😩 [2556] thesuperrams: you could do both since you’ll be out the tourney early [2556] twitchlight_rl: KEKHeim KEKHeim KEKHeim KEKHeim [2556] dirtyphantom: Stevewilldoit vs SteveWontdoit lololol [2556] ryannutd: GIRTH AND TURF FT [2556] wblxn: we only want tourneys do tourneys all day [2556] Monstahh1x: React [2557] lotrofan154pls: UNSUBBED [2557] e_6rid: peak ranked [2557] drexxtuu: reacher harder [2557] were_in_coblestone: Badraim [2557] SilkyT3: play in tourney [2557] tylkei113: Fine [2557] Nightbot: ok [2557] lukasskvarek: nobody invited u [2558] ryannutd: GIRTH AND TURF FTW [2558] hubcap32: eww [2558] saturnbabbby: React harder [2558] sh6mss: do sketch [2558] bigad70: clix [2558] ohyesbabyboy: sketch is waiting [2559] chilly_buckle: nut on my pussy and impregnate me [2559] chump_activities: BROOOO LAST IRL STREAM WENT SO CRAZYYYY, WE ALLL BEEN WAITING FOR THIS PLASE BROOOOO [2559] janelle_batman: I’m horny [2559] apisuki: Ew [2559] aidenacettv: !link [2559] giftmesubforcharm: w bully [2559] Nightbot: @aidenacettv If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [2560] thcinfested: PUNCH MADE [2560] Eynxzi: O JYNXZI [2560] guhnerrr: WHERES JYNXZI [2560] camtheslayer54: clip farmer [2561] gdane12345: make drake vid [2561] dudvdbenen: you wasent even born then [2561] VyseM4H: Hey Jynxi can I use your McDonald's discount? [2561] NoName6492: www [2561] kc11431: hello [2561] sharpsh0oter333: Well if you actually do 24 hour stream tomorrow could sketch come over sometime after tourney/next day??? [2561] ShinobiBen: DO THE TOURNEY [2561] CrazyXtian: balls [2561] drexxtuu: react harder [2561] Nightbot: balls [2561] andrew1dickpounder: fart on me [2561] sandy_sir: WTF [2562] cadenc233: subby wubby? [2562] giftmesubforcharm: W bully [2562] phinies205: What [2562] lukabrasi123: react harder I’m trying to edge [2562] exclusivejb1: Vissee [2562] someonecapable: love you jynxzi best player to every touch the game [2562] Arodx34x: UPLOAD NEW PODCAST FATTY [2563] luicferhaziq: REACT HARDER [2563] jyzziontop: CAM [2563] slipperymongoos: quote of the day? [2563] sandy_sir: WTFF [2563] unam3d4: WWWW [2563] sebosski: W [2563] hoesbinlating_69: can you kick ur face cam it’s my bday [2563] novasxr: ain’t no way his stream froze bruh [2563] NoName6492: sss [2563] nit_mear_iconic: Im sketch i dont want you to come here [2564] M0MMYKIKI: huh [2564] tophathooper: hes banned on everything but kick [2564] yourmomstoe12: wtf [2564] lild33__: he’s banned on YouTube permanently [2564] finnisthebest1234: I FW KANYE WEST [2564] lotrofan154pls: UNSUBBED LLLL [2564] nahshaw1: what happened yesterday [2564] hartinus187: Clipfarm harder [2565] drexxtuu: reach harder [2565] phroggythefirst: when is clips [2565] giftmesubforcharm: W BULLY [2565] scotishsycho2: StoneLightning [2565] jstkiwiii: pussy fart [2565] janelle_batman: but I’am a girl [2565] saturnbabbby: React Harder [2565] ripl3ttuce: just nutted [2565] tylkei113: He'llo [2565] cadenc233: sub man? [2565] claw_xb: claw_xb subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! yurrrr [2566] lukasskvarek: OK pookie [2566] bumblebtuna99: when’s clips [2566] sh6mss: react harder [2566] diizi511: go live with sketch [2566] bananajoe006: !charm [2566] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [2567] razer_wyatt7: 1v1 me fat boi [2567] noaiscooler: !link [2567] badbeats4040: dirty tongue [2567] heder_sot69696969: hey just wondering when is clips [2567] armdarcher: SAY MUMS [2567] xaiman100x: when is fan mail [2567] shadegoated: Jynxzi I farted [2567] skibidi_toilet_is_awsome: Shake that ass [2567] AGreekRat: not even close [2567] danktank3231: it should not take this long to get a Big Mac [2567] andrew1dickpounder: fart on me face [2567] PudgySpike: IF YOU GO OUT ILL SUB SO YOU CAN GET A 6 PIECE CHICKEN NUGGET MEAL [2567] ambergang0303: YOU LOOK LIKE STEVE WILL DO ITS LONG LOST BROTHER DO IT FULL SEND [2568] yozenoyo: 1.5 made [2568] veganholigan: #otwarteklatki [2568] xalzuu: !watchtime [2568] sebastisnfergg: lost jynxi [2568] KDXDARKSKINN: please go to miami [2568] StreamElements: xalzuu has spent 20 hours 40 mins watching jynxzi [2568] drexxtuu: react harder [2568] janelle_batman: so soaked [2568] bagooooooooo: PLAY WITH DOC!!! [2568] ward9698: you tarsh [2569] sirbenss: Clip is sketch years old [2569] owen82_: unsubbing if no sketch fat pig [2569] lilsluga: whoa [2569] were_in_coblestone: BADDDDDAIM [2569] maskedbootyy: YOURE MY C4 [2569] kyle20071234: we see it play the fucking clip [2569] lovinit10: REACT HARDER [2569] ko65g: tournament [2569] abram1331btw: trick question [2569] kekwbr: clip harder [2569] diego_11_p: L vaper [2570] copycatcloudy: find the c4 harder [2570] al_sah_him00: SECURE AREA WAS WHEN SEIGE WAS FUN [2570] moose__dogs: what’s your Xbox username [2570] TTVExtrAsauce: no it’s not [2570] wha12up: tip? [2570] slim_shady62: i just put my nuts there [2570] saturnbabbby: 1v1 me [2571] mattrex_him: jynxziFAT [2571] p4c01234: mod me? [2571] caleb_jay486: do you and sketch get action together [2571] gdotgotit: stevewilldoit vs stevewontdoit [2571] gramiscool: explain harder [2572] pizzasteve11_: ask your father Stompn for permission [2572] qtznixx: your too fat can’t see [2572] harrypaterson_: TOURNEY BRO PLEASE DAWG [2572] spectralboxedyou: when is clips fat boy [2572] yourmomstoe12: unsubbing [2572] hartinus187: Clipfarm. [2572] freshy_boi6: Harder [2572] yamomluvme69: MOST LEGENDARY STREAM AND HE CANT DECIDE [2573] JAYTOTAL: LMAO [2573] tylkei113: Wtf [2573] 7kpoppycrew: Go to miami [2573] ttvexoticghost: jynxziVapeBreak [2573] Jayystunna: what was the announcement [2573] wyfyttv: WHEN IS KAI VS CASE 1V1 [2573] hatrat11: take a huge dump on me junko [2573] yopaddyyy: 1v1 bronny [2573] badbeats4040: clean tongue [2574] jauffq: daddy juni [2574] apisuki: Good aim [2574] iamnomix: STEVE COULN’T DO IT [2574] tyeler2k: !charm [2574] wha12up: TIP AYO [2574] v0rtex079: I'm gonna edge to that screenshot of your tongue later [2574] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [2574] bigad70: wheres clix [2574] jt_dnb: wrong dumbass [2574] cambassford06: good aim [2574] Gucci_kid54: WOAH BAD AIM [2574] exclusivejb1: W clip [2574] cadenc233: sub bus [2574] sebas_isbetter: I cant see shi cause the lighting is ass [2575] proot69: Good aim [2575] HappyJTC: GOOD AIM [2575] peakyseaside: NOT REACTING HARD ENOUGH [2575] mattrex_him: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [2575] unsilencedbeanz: older than me [2575] kyleshiestyy: L ad [2575] kiyaaan_: WTF [2575] nicholaskhatri13: put it in sketch ass [2575] songnumber4: WHEN IS FAN MAIL [2575] v_kahn: Good aim [2575] 0ddReality: NO WAY LMAO [2575] mouldysand1234: React to the 10k bits fatty [2575] crimsontide17: BAD AIM [2575] Gucci_kid54: WOAH BAD AIM [2576] 8Pina: BAD AIM [2576] dudvdbenen: you werent even born then [2576] rewind016: he’s aiming with his Johnson [2576] syedobarahino: Do toueney fatty [2576] myerz98: GOOD AIM [2577] monkeymayn7: good aim [2577] uhnyus: jynxziBALD_TK [2577] Reptarrr1: I just got Yeager Black Ice😂 [2577] skibidi_toilet_is_awsome: Shake yo7r butt jynxzi [2577] dozer_dayz: Your Name should be BLYNXY [2577] nitemurr: LMAO THAT AIM [2577] Chilly_Momchil: valdr [2577] chandlerscott999: REACT FATTER [2577] ybstrike: when are you reacting to clips [2577] kotostarz: WOW [2577] hartinus187: Clipfarm harder [2577] dimez1217: YOU OWE US A 24 HR STREAM BROTHER ☝🏼YOU OWE US A 24 HR STREAM BROTHER ☝🏼YOU OWE US A 24 HR STREAM BROTHER ☝🏼 [2577] junobutt2468: when is fan mail [2577] FailDaGoat: junko let clix and caseoh 1v1 in r6 you coach case xim coaches clix [2578] hunterl11100: when is 20 minutes [2578] Gucci_kid54: WOAH BAD AIM [2578] giftmesubforcharm: BULLY [2578] lmaooaryan: I’m banned [2579] KDXDARKSKINN: go to Miami it will be fire [2579] mr_sir_cool: jynxziGoodAim [2579] pizzadino_: DO ANOTHER IRL WITH CASEOH PLEEASSEE [2579] kiyaaan_: LMAOOOOOOOOO [2579] TheYachtyBandit: jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ [2579] SHANATl: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [2579] theboiii8287: TOURNAMENT [2579] andrew1dickpounder: fart on me [2579] suren70: sketch is waiting [2579] roguehunchofn: react harder [2579] jimmyschiavo: GOOD AIM [2579] donp4bl000: how do I gift you? new to twitch joined just for you🫶 [2579] bardown16__: w reaction time [2579] Mes_Sec: bad aim [2579] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [2580] ivi_falling: when is fan mail [2580] Provolone_Void: jynxziGoodAim jynxziChampion jynxziGoodAim [2580] lmaooaryan: sh [2580] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: jynxzi type aim [2580] hughjinvaney: GOOD AIM [2580] ollie_FrTho: u such. a fat pig [2580] scadush23: TERRIBLE AIM [2580] andrejkermkis: BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail [2580] Nightbot: @nathanaeltsehaie -> moon2A [stop posting links] [warning] [2580] copycatcloudy: he's better than you [2580] Quinci57: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [2580] finnisthebest1234: WORST CFOUR EVER | Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [2400] I do miss sketch vote on the poll vote on the poll vote on the poll vote on the poll the other thing is bro I need to get my camera man out there [2410] 2 bro do tournament please I know I kind of want to do the tournament tomorrow Family out in 20 minutes. I miss [2420] I know a brima sketch so much. That's like yo, that is that's my brother brother. That's my brother brother That's tempo brother. I just want to hold sketch like I want to hold his ass [2430] He's so cute and he's such a good human being and he has this just aura about him and he's so witty and intelligent and you know he probably [2440] probably has a nice thick dick. It's probably not that long, but it's probably pretty thick. He's 10. Sketch is not 10. Sketch is a grown man. [2450] I Fuck with you heavy bro. Thank you, bro. I appreciate that man much love to you my boy next give it a day [2460] But it ain't from six years ago. Okay, this might be the oldest clip I've ever seen. [2470] Wait, so Chad, you guys actually want me to go to Miami with Sketch tomorrow? Bro, Sketch literally invited me. I swear to God I had 655 and I started streaming at 6.00. [2480] I'm gonna get my camera man maybe bro. If I can't, because I want to be able to stream it. [2490] Also chat is Steve banned on Twitter? No, is any just banned on YouTube? Unsubbing if no tournament [2500] Okay, so this is probably the oldest clip I've ever been sent. This clip is 6 years old. [2510] 15 seconds remaining. 10 seconds left. [2520] me fine [2530] secure area. There was absolutely nothing better than this. By the way, he just detonated his seat for [2540] you can literally see, you know, Chad, this is like, where's Waldo? If you can see Capcan C4, you're a top tier player. [2550] This right here, the tip of my tongue is Cap Cancy 4. Right the tip of my headset. That's Cap Cancy 4 right there. Right there. [2560] That's Cap can see for that is the C4 [2570] Ah ''Date'' ''Get meHisGasmm....'' | There is no Highlight in the provided timespan. Jynxzi reacts to viewer clips. He starts with a 6 year old R6 Clip which annoyed him so hart, that he wants to send him a message to insult him. At the end of the timeframe he again reacts to a R6 Clip which did not finish in this timeframe |
Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [2700] thatkid483029: send [2700] kxngpsycho: DONOOOO [2700] were_in_coblestone: Hessss asssss [2700] bbowden_23: it was sens [2701] cadenc233: wubby sub [2701] luvgoltzonfort: !link [2701] litlikezeus: SKEEEETCH AND STEVE!!! [2701] zokson144hz: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [2701] uplift_frost: coach harder [2702] bright_dark05: Everyone knows [2702] dxxxer: !link [2702] dinodundee079: recycle pancake [2702] thatkid483029: sens [2703] vanpogs: Whats the announcement [2703] maallydub: that was a sens [2703] chillze_orignal: SIT ON ME DADDY [2703] pessiandmessi: that’s ur toilet clogged [2703] LittleAndy93: when’s fanmail [2703] Boat_McBoatface: give us jynxzi vs sidemen [2704] lilzeusu: react harderr [2704] YFG_OVERDRIVE: IT WAS SENS ABILITY [2704] nachopizzia: j [2704] v_kahn: Your a pancake [2704] fatmonkey1626: Who I send clips too??? [2704] zokson144hz: jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF [2704] Virenzio: harder react more [2704] andrew1dickpounder: fart on me. [2705] v0rtex079: I edge to you as skibidi toilet [2705] diego_11_p: Ban me [2705] oSaltii: jynxziPACK [2705] yvsour40: You are my sunshine [2705] sandy_sir: F [2705] JAYTOTAL: hes XIM [2705] sirlazyguy28: butt [2705] Nightbot: F in the chat [2705] jesus_of_rebirth: ranked [2706] theeredbox: when is clips? [2706] lolitsfindog: sens [2706] lJoshrl: jynxziCopper jynxziBadAim jynxziCopper jynxziBadAim jynxziCopper jynxziBadAim jynxziCopper jynxziBadAim jynxziCopper [2706] cadenc233: sub bub [2706] swungbyaj: EE [2706] were_in_coblestone: Baddaim [2706] giftmesubforcharm: GIVE ME A MACFLURRY OF MYM [2706] shifty_ston3rs: it's the OG XBox one😭😭😭 [2706] lotrofan154pls: best clip [2707] evil_engine_no_9: W CLIP [2707] bardown16__: w [2707] adde2solid: Xbox louder [2707] NachoFishYT: 30 minute mark surpassed [2707] carterty07: imxim [2707] hunterl11100: WHEN IS BRONNY 1V1 V [2707] monkyman25: It was CaseOh [2707] lazer5268: lazer5268 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 3 month streak! hi jynxzi [2707] nvqvtt: !gamble all [2707] Aspectsx: 24 hours with sketch 24 hours with sketch 24 hours with sketch 24 hours with sketch 24 hours with sketch 24 hours with sketch @Jynxzi [2707] chandlerscott999: CLAP HARDER [2707] tiktok_syroxx: jynxziGRIDDY [2707] nikisimmer2015: WWWWW [2707] StreamElements: PogChamp nvqvtt went all in and won 40 points PogChamp they now have 80 points FeelsGoodMan [2707] kmead69: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [2708] anxlstuferot: YOU ARE SO HOT DADDY [2708] zokson144hz: Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 [2708] mrzoom_03: W [2708] GHOSTEEE_23: nut [2708] andrew1dickpounder: fart on me [2708] copycatcloudy: better than you [2708] Chilly_Momchil: WE LOVE SCETCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [2708] jpsolufkens: WHEN IS CLIPS FATASS [2708] ericisactuallysmall: remember the pink bunnies???? [2708] gio_gonz17: W [2708] diego_11_p: ban me [2708] andrejkermkis: BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail [2708] suren70: BLINK HARDER [2708] kr0nipz: @Jynxzi it's my birthday today [2709] ykbranagan: get mamma dukes on [2709] Nightbot: mild tourettes (something he can't control.) be nice! [2709] TTVanthoBTW: react barder [2710] bunnyg4tz_: XIM IS ON. [2710] dobbs4848: call sketch rn [2710] uplift_frost: your gonna have a .2 anyway so go [2710] pocketpengun: W MUPZ [2710] wackasmypookie: milk me [2710] CopiumCrab: GOODD AIIMMM [2710] 34filmz: hire me to be your new camera man @34filmz_ is my name [2710] Yankerrrr: Chratin [2710] mark_zdanevich: fart on mr [2710] SpadeBBG: I miss old siege [2710] chilly_buckle: pound me till i’m raw [2710] ry4nd4v15: Better then u [2710] copycatcloudy: react harder [2710] hisdudenessobama: CLAP LOUDER [2711] raven_1108: he betttrr than u LOL [2711] thegamer_w143: they can find someone else to carry just go [2711] Nightbot: Subscribe HERE: https://www.twitch.tv/subs/Jynxzi for the CHaaaaarm [2711] chillledtv: I am in Copper IV how do I get better at using angles? [2711] wyfyttv: WHEN IS KAI VS CASE 1V1 [2711] woringcloth570: !watchtime [2711] zokson144hz: KAPOW KAPOW KAPOW KAPOW [2711] kmead69: jynxziVapeBreak [2711] blakezz86: stream earlier for uk plsss!!!! [2711] StreamElements: woringcloth570 has spent 9 hours 50 mins watching jynxzi [2711] heder_sot69696969: when is clips [2711] lordvader471: lordvader471 subscribed at Tier 1. [2711] fentybox: you absolute pancake [2711] tvjxmes: w [2711] frederikbrose13: u promised turney!! [2712] finnisthebest1234: JYNXZI CAN I FINISH [2712] laureneimear: Wwwwww [2712] clapzyr__: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [2713] Fossabot: @hankthetank00000, Your message is too long [2713] sandy_sir: WW [2713] DXGhalo: When's fan mail [2713] crowthekushdealer: Bad aim [2713] milo_dn: w [2713] crispybitsz: deadasss mija, 24HR stream with Sketch, brother! [2713] lilzeusu: react harderrr [2713] iSledge1: Caseoh is probably eating rn [2713] brsper17: THANK YOUUYY [2713] swungbyaj: EEE [2713] conron_24: jynxziBadAim_HF [2714] carterty07: ximm [2714] kingwhale45: Play crash Bandicoot [2714] giftmesubforcharm: MCFLURRY RN [2714] kicksbetter: 🔴REACT TO SEXXY RED MUSIC VIDEO🔴REACT TO SEXXY RED MUSIC VIDEO🔴REACT TO SEXXY RED MUSIC VIDEO🔴REACT TO SEXXY RED MUSIC VIDEO🔴 [2714] NFFe4rr: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [2714] IodizedTV: HE'S XIM [2714] andrew1dickpounder: fart on me. [2714] bumblebtuna99: react to clips [2714] zezes_: lacy [2714] diego_11_p: Ban me [2714] slumped007: BLINKKK HARDERR [2714] sandy_sir: WWWWWW [2714] kalooR6: jynxzi, your not adin. stop doing irl content and stick to R6. holy shit [2714] qiyaamzrr: f [2714] tvjxmes: WWWWW [2715] swetie_nippils12: jynxziSad [2715] 1brah1mehsan: w [2715] hailedsorrow1: moat [2715] jayshawn182: do tourney [2715] wyay: 😎 [2716] LSPreston: TTS FANMAIL? [2716] oceankiller7259: w [2716] trenta222: W MOMENT [2716] aidenj036: when’s casoeh vs Kai 1v1 [2716] tvjxmes: WW [2716] vincentvgod: !link [2716] zayeditzzyt: w [2716] mesme_R: WWW [2716] diego_11_p: Mod me [2716] frannkmjr: my gf is asking if sketch has down syndrome [2716] nizom_the9goat: react harder [2716] theofficialdonaldt: shirry [2717] carloo247: Breathe harder [2717] bunnyg4tz_: XIM IS DTREAMING [2717] zezes_: lact [2717] bardown16__: ITS A SAIGN [2717] kxngpsycho: DONOO [2717] goddddddaim555: CLAP LOUDER [2717] Im_Dull: go [2717] bajensigge: wwww [2717] adde2solid: Xbox harder [2717] z_mokh: clips is waiting [2717] GHOSTEEE_23: steeeeeeeeeezyyyyyyyyy [2717] proot69: W pfp [2717] porkgoat: GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [2717] jynxzisismyidle: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim caseohHotspot caseohHotspot caseohHotspot caseohHotspot caseohHotspot jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [2717] mark_zdanevich: gyatttttttttttttttttttttt [2718] fantasykxii: Sit on my face daddy jynxzi I want to be your chair [2718] Nightbot: @sebastisnfergg -> Hey, chill out! [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [2719] i2Pat: KSI is waiting! [2719] zezes_: lacy [2719] Pixeled_Player: mod [2719] bajensigge: ww [2719] chiefd247: BETTER THAN YOU [2719] trenta222: WE STREAM [2719] porkgoat: GOOOOOOOOOOOO [2719] vmzxc: your going to loss because you shitttty so just go [2719] wessy130: tourney [2719] fadil1422: Sketch doesn't know you [2719] joeharpper: jynxziFALL [2719] copycatcloudy: sketch is taler [2719] belikemike25: Sketch is waiting in Miami [2719] hartinus187: Clipfarm harder [2719] were_in_coblestone: Worse clip of the dayyy [2720] noahhovdenak: sketch is waiting [2720] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [2720] greasebowl: BROTHER [2720] HealedNut1549: do tourney [2720] matthewrealtor: Steve is waiting [2720] diego_11_p: mod me [2720] ttusvd: hi [2720] beastmode428: boobies by Mexican OT [2720] Arin7XS: smash [2720] mauromz1020: its a sign [2720] fe4r_ryza: sell me your farts in a jar any price😘😘😘😏😏😏 [2720] sephoneyy: Let him COOK [2720] reviloshark3118: SKETCH [2720] TheLemonPerson: in love [2720] tmoney3034: when is fan mail [2721] shadegoated: W [2721] Dragontraq: you going negative anyways just go with sketch [2721] rxrmo: hey jynxi [2721] chicknf: TwitchUnity [2721] pessiandmessi: the sound is the toilet clogged [2721] mike_an_i: !Link [2721] bluejoltz23: what’s up brother [2721] lordtekkno: hydrodynamics777 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ttv_higgy! They have given 53 Gift Subs in the channel! [2723] ImShadowh: what happened with the cops yesterday [2723] silvakila1: When fanmail [2723] 5ebxstian: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [2723] fortniteenjoyer46: Thabk younbrkther [2723] janelle_batman: Aaaa [2723] trevwill03: yes brother [2723] NFFe4rr: thank you brother [2723] Ethan_2000bt: THATS A SIGN [2723] porkgoat: GOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOGOGOGOGOG [2723] jacktheswordzguy: GO [2723] toxic360er: no [2723] WoodsOnAWood: wwwwwwwwwwwww [2723] kaazmayne110: GOOOOO [2723] bardown16__: ITS A SIGN [2723] ruebe801: Sketch is cute [2724] ttusvd: hi [2724] coffeeblack09: DO THE TOURNAMENT. YOU LOSING PASSION MY BOY [2724] iamnomix: BEST DUO [2724] anishtheneaat663: just fly there [2724] tgnx2: is he your ex? [2725] kill_shott0666: kill_shott0666 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 7 month streak! WWWWWWWWW 7 MONTHS W THE METH HEAD [2725] kyle20071234: balls [2725] N00bydy: L sketch [2725] peedrug: you are in love with sketch [2725] elongatedmuskrat77: XIMMMM [2725] jpsolufkens: FAKE [2725] Nightbot: balls [2725] pcsryze: react harder dadddy [2725] janelle_batman: aa [2725] WoodsOnAWood: wwwwww [2725] kaazmayne110: GOOOOOO [2725] jackland01: thats motion [2725] ttv_lethalbite: fuck him then [2725] sebas_isbetter: DAMN UR CHUNKO IN THAT PIC [2726] aboriginalking7: WHATS UP BROTHER? [2726] TheKohl: thats a sign to go [2726] fadeskyl1ne: YOU HAVE TO GOOOO [2726] hatrat11: sniff me harder [2726] Mes_Sec: GO [2726] frederikbrose13: u promised turney [2726] hisdudenessobama: GLAZE HARDER [2726] elmocs123: steve wont do it [2726] mhysticc: MO [2726] pizzasteve11_: ask your father Stompn for permission [2726] xJacobxB: @Jynxzi how do i ghet the jynxzi charm? [2726] cashcardin: i think the jet was sens gadget [2726] dark_plague0_0: go [2726] Midnight_Metro: thank you brother [2726] curseofraaaaa: Sex tape when? [2727] nyugito: REACT SOFTER REACT SOFTER [2727] Ryemoonbread: W SKETCHH [2727] brysonc44: y [2727] fadil1422: He doesn't know you [2727] WoodsOnAWood: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [2727] Nightbot: @juliitoburlao If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [2727] Quinci57: go [2727] randompork: glaze [2727] bigriggs321: do sketch [2727] ItIsSwavyyy: glazibg [2727] soyelchappo: LOOK AT BITS [2727] HealedNut1549: tourney [2727] ash_arix: SKETCHHHH [2728] hesstruck75: BROTHER BROTHER [2728] rapha92santos: thank you brother [2728] lukabrasi123: react harder I’m trying to edge [2728] andrew1dickpounder: fart on me [2728] imre123: Caseoh content [2728] finalarigato_: tourney [2728] tahatsuu: i drive on veterans express way [2728] coopatroopa8884: Then get him back [2728] a_milky_straw: L glazer [2728] Deerandom: that’s a sign brother [2728] jayshawn182: we want tourney [2728] alexthestar6297: jinxzi makes semen come out my 🤫 [2728] mottzapplesauce: that’s a sign to go to Miami [2728] lilmurphgaming: hes 14 [2728] frederikbrose13: u promised turney!!!! [2729] khgamerr: LEBRON IS WAITING [2729] GHOSTEEE_23: go [2729] njhubble: jsut go [2729] CameronM9915: THATS A SIGN FOR SURE [2729] alikotheone: TOMORROW IRL ASAP [2729] wha12up: L GLAZE [2729] StreamElements: nvqvtt has spent 5 days 20 hours watching jynxzi [2729] samsulektren: sketch made you [2729] kaazmayne110: GOOOOO [2729] dark_plague0_0: pussy [2729] ay_alex: miami sounds fun [2729] iixvemoms: hello brother☝️ [2729] theofficialdonaldt: JYNXZI YOURE WHITE SPEED [2729] sonnydee02: do it [2729] ybstrike: don’t dodge [2730] donnytello__: its a sign to go [2730] sandy_sir: FROZE [2730] lonishqipee: caseoh is waiting [2730] Nightbot: bozo [2730] blakezz86: STREAM EARLY FOR UK [2730] cnto9: No [2730] bajensigge: call him [2730] zoxtedz: I forgot I unfollowed you bc you sold my points the other day [2730] StreamElements: caseohchild went all in and lost every single one of their 345 points LUL [2730] clillard88: go [2730] cole4455: FATTTTTTTTTTT [2732] hatrat11: snort me harder [2732] ZachXc48: w couple [2732] t3xasplays44: Tournament [2732] zyndev: streamer house when [2732] a_hunnitt: go [2732] noluiis: @kr0nipz Congrats!!!!!! [2732] MebbyWebby: TOURNAMENT [2732] bennyy23: Do it [2732] iiithxnderiii: GOOOOOOOO [2732] vkobeq: how do u get the jynxzi charm after subbing [2732] mhysticc: NOOOO [2732] bardown16__: IS THIS WHOVILLE? IS THIS WHOVILLE? IS THIS WHOVILLE? IS THIS WHOVILLE? [2732] yoboynat680: how do I get the charm I’m subed [2732] austin172: brother [2732] frederikbrose13: u promised turney!!! [2733] italianboinick: KISS HIM [2733] l4m4ndo: lmao [2733] Johnnyturbo27: thank you brother ☝️ [2733] edyrod123: ggggg [2733] venom_reaper2083O: sketch is the besttttt [2733] lockeykockey3: FUCK THE TORNY [2733] ablysfull: LOL SOMEONE SAID IS HE UR EX [2733] unnotizeablee: xqc is playing ranked OMEGALUL [2733] grayson_early101: GO [2733] Nightbot: 😂 [2735] thelast420wizard: KYLIE COX [2735] janelle_batman: L VAPER [2735] jrossv2: thats my brother 2 brother [2735] dimez1217: YOU OWE US A 24 HR STREAM BROTHER ☝🏼YOU OWE US A 24 HR STREAM BROTHER ☝🏼 [2735] Haggis_z: tourney [2735] odd_1_out_21: goooooo [2735] gibber009: gooooooo [2735] volxyr7: tourney [2735] bommroo: Shut up and REACT HARDER [2735] Nightbot: h [2735] Nightbot: k [2735] cazdax_fn: 🤓☝️ [2735] bardown16__: GO TO IT [2735] eepyAaron: GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [2736] kurta__: BRO DO THE FUCKIN TOURNEYYYY [2736] highimpauly: DO ITTT [2736] daniel2slik: stop doing clips [2736] bbqchickenbbq_: WHY DID YOU POLL IT THEN BITCH [2736] maallydub: PLS GO [2736] ybstrike: u are steve [2736] eagermanhive: Steve won’t do it [2736] hi_there_g: gooooooo [2737] theK1tsune: theK1tsune subscribed with Prime. [2738] joey031899: DO ITTTTYT [2738] wyfyttv: L FAT [2738] vansem112: JKHH [2738] dirtyphantom: Stevewilldoit vs SteveWontdoit [2738] Lowstyy: SKETCH GOT MOTION [2738] elongatedmuskrat77: XIMM [2738] dumbdoc1227: 15 minutes left [2738] proot69: Go there [2738] CameronM9915: DO ITTTT [2738] theofficialdonaldt: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [2738] xpolarssj: DO THE IRL ON SUNDAY [2738] NachoFishYT: 30 minute mark surpassed [2738] x_fat_x: 24h tomorrow ? [2738] imxolts: I miss case [2738] frederikbrose13: u promised turney [2739] yktrxndz: Turbulence? [2739] mortyas_: lit [2739] sodiumwafer: !gamble 1000 [2739] rondonsmkez: no fuck u [2739] angus1664681: aa [2739] caseohisafarriswheel: hey fatty [2739] 1Drae: LMAO [2739] siege6is6l: YESSSS [2739] tvjxmes: PLEASE [2739] StreamElements: msIman13 lost 1000 points in roulette and now has 2335 points! FeelsBadMan [2741] angus1664681: aaa [2741] siege6is6l: YESSSSS [2741] clapz__yt: r [2741] wyfyttv: WHEN IS KAI VS CASE 1V1 [2741] brauwnspazzin: do a irl with clix [2741] jpsolufkens: FAKE PIC [2741] tyqwax: STEVE WONT DO IT [2741] ambergang0303: YOU LOOK LIKE STEVE WILL DO ITS LONG LOST BROTHER DO IT FULL SEND [2741] doodoomaster28: no [2741] dillon_sumner6: do it [2741] blubandana3: YOU BULLIED HIM FOR KAI THOUGH @jynxzi [2741] soyelchappo: LOOL AT BITS [2741] potsandpans69: WHEN MAN IS FAIL [2741] spedpop: the glazing is crazy [2742] Nightbot: https://clips.twitch.tv/FurtivePiercingRavenRiPepperonis-Q7Z6UtOCxU_bV5fV [2742] xendlessbots69: bk [2742] camtheslayer54: junko kiss me [2742] syphon_ac007: Another missed tournament [2742] StreamElements: bxlldz has spent 3 days 22 hours watching jynxzi [2742] icespice6996: brother who’s brothers brother brother [2742] Pilot_Azog: don’t pls [2742] zebroq: SKETCH IS HOT [2742] Yankerrrr: yes [2742] jesus_of_rebirth: tourney [2742] GHOSTEEE_23: tourny with sketch [2742] gmaster2354: I WILL BE A CAMERA MAN [2742] papazarbs: ASK YOUR DADDY STOMPN [2742] Chigg27: twin got motion [2742] rubendagoat52: No [2743] billysocksss: call sketch [2743] toxic360er: L stech [2743] yamomluvme69: YOU MISS 100 % OF SHOTS YOU DONT TAKE!! sketchhhh [2743] sterling_mott: What about 24 hour stream? [2743] kxaq_glitch: MAILFAN WHEN [2743] xendlessbots69: d [2743] Tonyatieh: do a stream of u Kai sketch and caseoh [2743] pineapple_tree3842: Is mail when is fan [2743] bibba97: go fatass [2743] shipmannnn: when is jynxzi live??? [2743] besnik_alioski: noooooo [2745] sXortsfn: sXortsfn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 5 month streak! ypppp [2745] SaintCQ: NO DEBATE JUST GO [2745] zezes_: react to lacy [2745] siege6is6l: YESSS [2745] lockeykockey3: PRE 200k views [2745] hisdudenessobama: FAKE CHATS [2745] jacketo23: Skibidi [2745] antivax_ryan: Would be inSANE [2745] nailwind: put a poster of sketch in your room and nail a dildo to it [2745] InfamousBronson: when’s fanmail [2745] dbankzz24: Tourneyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy [2745] jcob8928: CALL SKETCH!!! [2745] ep2831: fat boy [2745] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [2745] Acetrain_Gamez: GOOOOOOOOO [2746] reallyytea: Can't miss roller prime [2746] ktgydm: Hi [2746] clapz__yt: PART TIMERRR [2746] apisuki: PLAY WITH XQC [2746] jtothedubs23: jtothedubs23 subscribed with Prime. [2746] gScxtty: THAT WOULD BE PEAK [2746] voltictheamazing: JUST GIVE ME MY MONEY [2746] GMGvelli: tourney [2746] belikemike25: Steve won’t do it [2746] Imsizzled: go bro enjoy ur life [2746] Haarrzzz: FUCK CLIX [2746] karam_ah135: whos steve [2746] j0rdan164: when 24h stream [2746] papazarbs: ASK DADDY STOMPN [2746] 370aiden: PLEASE GO JUNKY [2747] hobnob_23rdd: POLL IT ON TWITTER!! [2747] spyrodemon: just pay the camera man double [2747] kxaq_glitch: MAILFAN IS WHEN [2747] BShaedyn: except you’d be snaking your team [2747] silentkyle247: played years of games, hang with pals [2747] zxya_16: go see sketch brotherr [2747] mouldysand1234: React to 10k bits dono [2748] blainecrowe: blainecrowe subscribed with Prime. [2748] dallasshore1998: Dooo ut [2748] tvjxmes: GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [2748] Nickh828: internet breaking [2748] goddddddaim555: CLAP LOUDER [2748] sandy_sir: NOO WAYY [2748] babyjesus4l: no one said that [2748] rezahimself__: speak harder [2748] m_mmot: 10K BITS [2748] jake0606m: whos steve [2748] lsutiger4ever: GOOOO [2748] raven_1108: jynxzi charity match [2748] soarfzx: twins [2748] dillon_sumner6: a tourney is every month [2748] WoNxAries: sketch is waiting for 1v1 [2749] bumblebtuna99: react to clips [2749] demonstufff: steve wont do it [2749] gdotgotit: JUST GO DUMBASS [2749] casualgamerw: YES [2749] Ronaldfajardo69: get a johnson fade bro [2749] imxolts: doooo ittt [2749] sapire67: on kick [2749] qv4ttro: GOOOOOOO [2749] aidanallen1: ON KICK [2749] elongatedmuskrat77: XIMMMM [2749] apisuki: I swear [2749] IsaiahHommes: NOOOOO [2749] dallasshore1998: It [2749] deeelsea: YOU JUST MISS THE WEED [2750] mayor_mccheeze_: I can film [2750] fadeskyl1ne: CMONNNN BROTHER [2750] neekcap: irl for sure [2750] LazerBoomer: u have to go dude fuck the tournament [2750] tvjxmes: GOGOGOGOGOGOOGO [2750] yuheardyur06: no do turney [2750] emanuelngamer: no [2750] 650GOON: jynxziBALD [2750] nateflats1234: I edge to much to this [2750] mitchweaver: on kick [2750] him837: let me touch ur gyat [2750] kalapine: white speed [2750] anxlstuferot: I LOVE YOU DADDY [2750] realdirtyhd: realdirtyhd subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 3 month streak! happy 9 months, we had a baby [2751] woahmatey: please save him he fucking sucks bro [2751] sonnydee02: cap [2751] linklink232: kick [2751] Shadowxzxzx: who gaf [2751] ssmallss123: bring caseoh [2751] Nightbot: no 🧢 [2751] tvjxmes: GOGOGOO [2751] noahhovdenak: sketch is waiting [2751] squirlycorn: review cigarette on stream [2751] amigo_banana: L real life [2751] pocketpengun: PLAY WITH HIMMMM [2751] marcos_pwizzy: CONTENT> [2751] jzreigns: yes ON KICK [2751] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [2751] yourmomstoe12: we already polled it part timer [2752] joey031899: CAPPPP [2752] dankin135: two Steve will do it [2752] superrealduncan: Cummmm [2752] kritikalsweatz: Hey jynxzi I just want to say you are my absolute 💯 favorite streamer and I just wanted to shoe my appreciation. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK 'BROTHER' [2752] sm1leyj: swear [2752] blubandana3: You were mean af to sketch with kai [2752] slofoe: jus go brother [2752] vynx17: part timer [2752] zokson144hz: DarkMode DarkMode DarkMode [2752] glitchedfoxstudio: Just sub and you get the charm after some time [2752] NeoFao: kick [2752] sithjaklahaha: cap [2752] FRESH__KNIGHT__111: LIES [2752] reallyytea: cmon you can't miss roller prime [2752] Michelle_5455: on kick [2753] kxl_1000: he’s on kick [2753] st_are: on kick [2753] ftkxz: if u don’t go u like men [2753] guavastrafe: NOOOOOOOOOOOO [2753] hell0_111: Kick [2753] kxaq_glitch: WHEN IS [2753] dallasshore1998: We made the right guy famous [2754] wyay: hes on kick [2754] xQcSOYuken: on kick [2754] carloo247: Fan is mail when [2754] frannkmjr: my gf is asking if sketch has down syndrome [2754] DsbSpanky: you will lose first match so you can make it [2754] Leon_T99: swear oncuh [2754] mchen05: O N KICK [2754] 34filmz: I can be your new camera man [2754] matthewperez0366: Steve Steve and sketch [2754] Shredgar: KICK [2754] Tw0n89: adopt sketch [2754] casethegoat12345: Bro invite case to bro [2754] kingjulienn3: CAP [2754] hobnob_23rdd: POLL IT ON TWITTER! [2754] swagfart777: DR.DISRESPECT CALLED YOU OUT FOR THE 1V1 [2755] jacob2waavy: kick [2755] YPIKAY: no [2755] xxunclebob: NO TOURNEY=UNFOLLOW [2755] kiladex: you really dont wanna do the 24 hour stream you really dont wanna do the 24 hour stream you really dont wanna do the 24 hour stream! [2755] Hybs_: on kick [2755] sodiumwafer: !gamble all [2755] blasinggames: jynxziGoodAim [2755] tmoney3034: fan mail [2755] imjuliann: clix is waiting [2755] wolveine70: as long as you aren’t cooking [2755] pingobuh: he's on kick [2755] kingjulienn3: CAPP [2755] jakedog103: whats up brother LUL [2755] PRESTON0293: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [2755] sam909432: kick [2756] Lardette: KICK [2756] Hitzfrmthabong1: on kick [2756] b1g_3r3d_j03: cap [2756] mchen05: KICK [2756] haert7: DOC IS PLAYING [2756] blazeandrage: no he isnt [2756] churtle1: ON KICK [2757] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: yea [2757] shortlittleman56: shortlittleman56 subscribed at Tier 1. [2758] kingjulienn3: cAPPP [2758] 41lazerek: stop glazing sketch fat ass [2758] chrispycurds: call mundane Mike [2758] Barnenn: on kick [2758] Lardette: KICKk [2758] NateDaMan_: IN KICK [2758] shadowshandsomecousin: KICK [2758] acepally: kick [2758] walkz27: kick [2758] kxaq_glitch: L AD [2758] sam909432: kickkkk [2758] pizzasteve11_: ask your father Stompn for permission [2758] edabasss: kick [2758] lordtekkno: He's on kick [2759] shippleyy: On kick [2759] kr12987653: kick [2759] noizeow: on kick [2759] hazey223: HE JUST WANTS A WATCH FROM STEVE [2759] unnotizeablee: kick [2759] LazerBoomer: that would b iconic stream [2759] amigo_banana: kick' [2759] whgzz: ON KICK [2759] criompuOW: KICK [2759] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: on kick [2759] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: on kick [2760] wyay: hes on kick [2761] MaxHobie: ON KICK [2761] NateDaMan_: ON KICK [2761] Tseoi: kick [2761] thattoxicguy306: anything to get out of the 24 hours stream [2761] sam909432: kickk [2761] Wulfric19: kick [2761] therealgalaxyytt: yoo [2761] chiqui1779: On KICK [2761] MZA217: on KICK [2761] onlywali: bro just go [2761] deeelsea: YOU ONLY MISS THE WEED [2761] nylbus: ON KICK [2761] zapmasterd: do drinking and driving irl stream [2761] dankin135: there would be two Steves [2761] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: on kick [2762] OUTINGCOPE_C9: he's on kick [2762] chicknf: Kick [2762] Typicalblack33: They Dont even need you tomrrow [2762] ejbogen: dr disrespect is too [2762] NobleNate: kick cuz better [2762] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: on kick [2762] viralchampion: kick [2762] edoggi77: DOC IS WAITING [2762] lukastimothy2: kick [2762] 34filmz: I’m him [2762] vykarian: ON KICK [2762] orphansnatcher_: you go lied to [2762] 370aiden: CHECK HARDER [2762] bigriggs321: do sketch [2762] wyay: hes on kick [2763] chazwell: Clix was 1v1ing lacy [2763] sam909432: kickkk [2763] bobthybuilderll: how do you get charm [2763] thorfinnspupil: kick [2763] lukabrasi123: react harder I’m trying to edge [2763] howie123413: TIMS VIDEO [2763] MBski712: Kick [2763] Matt_Przeszlo: on kick [2763] PhilipLoveIy: kick [2763] meastro111: on kick [2763] lincdog1: kick [2763] wyay: hes on kick [2764] wyay: hes on kick [2765] immortal2362: !link [2765] Zerks1111: just imagine the clips you can farm with sketch and Steve. [2765] KERQ: KICK [2765] rottenwaterr: it was far from peak buddy. promise u [2765] Nightbot: @immortal2362 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [2765] darsh__harry: kick [2765] xHeliiix: ON KICK [2765] ajf160: KICK [2765] chanch0_: dr disrespect [2765] PinguTTV: ON KICK [2765] andiesbri: andiesbri subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! [2765] Gucci_kid54: on kick [2765] Dexile_yt: kick [2765] Fossabot: @USAFM1ke, Your message is too long [2x] [2765] sniperopsfrost: Fuck me daddy [2766] iketheman88: lmaooo [2766] Tukata_: on kick [2766] l4m4ndo: revxKEKW revxKEKW revxKEKW revxKEKW [2766] abrar5509: ON KICK [2766] wydmajortv: I love you Junko [2766] kennyirl6: KICK [2766] kylr_r: kick [2766] Flxkezs: KICK [2766] westo5: kick [2767] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: on kick [2768] Fak3y_: kick [2768] vrperson2: kick [2768] GMGvelli: kick [2768] 1ts_daniel_: It's a sign [2768] Haarrzzz: PLAY WITH HIM [2768] jred_05: kick [2768] Yannik_ik: kick [2768] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: on kick [2768] bradley__nl: Kick [2768] Twistween: ON KICK [2768] lifeischard: so is doc [2768] johnson_is_1: @Hivise my charm isn’t there I’m subbed [2768] sam909432: kickk [2768] CLOWNSKI59: READ CHAT MORE [2768] olipari303: kick [2769] goddddddaim555: kick [2769] jamesss12321: kick [2769] dijolt: KICK [2769] romkedz: ON KICK [2769] bajensigge: kick [2769] Brxx_11: kick [2769] lovinit10: kick [2769] rippleeffectstudios: kick [2769] vkobeq: how do u get the jynxzi charm after subbing [2769] NateDaMan_: KICKKKKKKK [2771] maagmerkz25: on kick [2771] DankXD9618: kickkkk [2771] pfury19: angry ginge [2771] rdye22: kick [2771] iixvemoms: kick [2771] lilmurphgaming: kick [2771] ekmekforyou: kick [2771] saiint22: kick [2771] skillzismee: on kick [2771] bige27: kick streamer [2771] kalapine: kick [2771] l4yn3skillz: he’s on kick [2771] killerbarrett: KICKK [2771] okchance: ON KICK [2771] dylboss124: yo junko [2774] def_not_voors1: kick [2774] 8mrtn: ☠️☠️☠️ [2774] selfmanhimself: R6 with moist? [2774] changelingyolt: ON KICK [2774] TheMrO15: KICK [2774] tyrin246: play with ginge [2774] jesshadow: kick [2774] coolhex597: kick [2774] pcsryze: KICK DUMBASSS [2774] SteelyTitan985: he's on kick [2774] thatboylarry21: kick [2774] tylersully3: 2 SteveWillDoIt [2774] dylboss124: h [2774] cheesecakebtw: ON KICK [2774] Nightbot: h [2775] rubyinsane: kick idiot [2775] eagermanhive: on kick [2775] rafsii32: KICK DUMBASSS [2775] xxunclebob: HES ON KICK DUMBASS [2775] phinies205: No [2775] fyrewow: kick [2775] hxmble_shiesty: when’s clips [2775] jakcsom: if u miss him then gk [2775] lotus_52: kick [2775] p0lzys: p0lzys subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! w [2775] sadchildsheiz: kick [2775] swoleboh: no [2775] coolhex597: on kick [2775] Imsizzled: Kick [2775] yozenoyo: play geomatry dash [2776] dattabsperson: ITS ON KICK [2776] Ge0dude19: Kick [2776] smackheadjed: KICK [2776] magicjeff221: Kick [2776] trenta222: XIM IS STREAMING [2776] tarsaI: its a restream [2777] f7msm: kick [2777] thatboylarry21: kickkk [2777] NateDaMan_: HES ON KICK [2777] dozer20210: kickkk [2777] diego_11_p: Is this walmart? [2777] tarsaI: its a restream [2777] cloakedbear8450: kick [2777] dergrosse2: no [2777] IOH_Gunnin: hes on kick idiot [2777] def_not_voors1: kickkick [2777] theeredbox: when is xqz 1 v 1 [2777] vyzqes: TwitchConHYPE [2777] kkis3k: CURRENT [2777] sobiethegreat: kick [2777] dijolt: ON KICK [2778] Adzjs: ON KICK. [2778] dattabsperson: KICK [2778] nora_bakkali: KIIIIIIIICK [2778] koocookilla: he’s on kick [2778] Ronaldfajardo69: im playing ranked rn [2778] noizeow: no, it's his kick stream [2778] nathan_522: Sketch and steve will do it???? [2778] justkillmenowlol: Current [2778] Karlikovyy: ??????????????? [2778] dylboss124: l [2778] chiqui1779: ON KICK [2778] OUTINGCOPE_C9: This is right now dumbass [2778] kindaopmusic: On kick [2778] ItsMalikx: NO ITS LIVE [2778] Dexile_yt: kick u gorilla [2779] emoneytyb: KICK [2779] Doulaman: junko watch my clip [2779] shadow_lazar: He's on kick [2779] sm0keythebeear: KICK U DUMBASS [2779] tarsaI: its a restream [2779] tarsaI: its a restream [2779] LLfirestorm: LLfirestorm subscribed with Prime. [2780] ItsMalikx: LIVE [2780] ItsMalikx: LIVE [2780] grayzoak10: grayzoak10 subscribed with Prime. [2781] nathanhalo7: No he's live on kick [2781] spacesoccer7: he’s on kick [2781] sovalame: Kick [2781] imarkedv: I nutted on a pillow with you on it [2781] kalidalyx: kick [2781] collinpas: kick [2781] Jingden: ON KICK [2781] copycatcloudy: on kick [2781] visionisvibin3: Bronny 1v1?? [2781] oreo1v5s: KICK [2781] v_kahn: He's on kick [2781] bbqchickenbbq_: on kick he is streaming [2781] jesus_of_rebirth: kick [2781] TrooperKoopa: xqc is on kick nnow you dumbyt [2781] Frenchirish: Needs that fame [2782] Werldly: HES ON KICK YOU DUMBASS [2782] fazert217228: ON KICK [2782] okchance: ITS ON KICK [2782] MrBarryAllen2: he’s on kick now [2782] jackman1374: He’s on KICK [2782] chicknf: KICK KICK [2782] JynxziTheWhiteSpeed: SAY SORRY [2782] Oyxr: HE IS [2782] bgoneloco: KICK [2782] adde2solid: he’s on kick [2783] haydyn690: haydyn690 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! so we’re in copper [2784] maestropls: kick [2784] SnoopTT: kick rude ass [2784] ykbranagan: where’s momma dukes jynxziFAT_BW [2784] ozcar91234: on KICK [2784] j0rdan164: on kick dumbass [2784] smokefentbitch: 2 v 1 him and jesse [2784] goddddddaim555: dumb ass [2784] kalidalyx: kickkk [2784] meastro111: kick [2784] playasaiko: n [2784] iamshort0: she is irl stream with sketch [2784] Nightbot: @brian_302007 -> You are the missing link. Goodbye. [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [2785] thatkid483029: kick [2785] sfqxz: Kick [2785] xlfenwinxl: play with himmmmm [2785] Menu_: THE DOC IS PLAYING SIEGE [2785] MZA217: LUL [2785] HyCash: We will never stop calling you STEVE WONT DO IT if you dont go. [2785] l4yn3skillz: he’s on kick dumbass [2785] Jaivenx: LULW [2785] too_certified: ITS A RESTREAM [2785] luhswrv: HES ON KICK [2785] chanch0_: dr disrespect asshoke [2785] MAD5411: when is Caseoh vs Kai [2785] huntervsg: KICK DUMB ASS [2785] bbrandonsoliss: YES U CAN [2785] chazwell: Clix was 1v1inf lach [2786] yamuthahitmyline: on kick dummy [2786] tarsaI: u can watch it [2787] tarsaI: u can watch it [2787] mickdickles: HES ON KICK YOU DONKEY [2787] lilcapt2009: HES IN ADINNS HOUSE [2787] odd_1_out_21: kick [2787] Tophs_98: he’s on kick [2787] frannkmjr: my gf is asking if sketch has down syndrome [2787] 1raven420: You can [2787] diego_11_p: is this walmart [2787] dans2923: he’s on kick [2787] pcsryze: KICK [2787] caleb0917_: Wwww [2787] copycatcloudy: L kikc [2787] saiint22: kick fatass [2787] DaleMoney__: DR DISRESPECT [2787] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [2788] Johnnyturbo27: he streams on kick [2788] jonah206: on kick [2788] herniatea: on kick stupid [2788] sjskjhdsu: sketch dont know you like that [2788] hatrat11: KICJ [2788] rezahimself__: speak harder [2788] were_in_coblestone: Badddam [2788] zxryooo: KICK [2788] highonit999: d [2788] jesus_of_rebirth: kck [2788] zacd3434: Kick [2788] daz_eusebio: join girth n turf [2788] zbar2099: kick [2788] bardown16__: BANNED [2788] ttv_676baby: kick [2789] jayofrmdashh21: hes on kick dickhead [2789] Karlikovyy: u cant read u fcking idiot [2789] kingjulienn3: LMAOo [2789] NachoFishYT: 1 HOUR MARK INCOMING jynxziChampion [2789] Duskii11: jynxzi x case oh x kai cenat x sketch [2789] MZA217: U CAN [2789] Zxhxr1: you can [2791] Menu_: THE DOC IS PLAYING SIEGE @Jynxzi [2791] sm1leyj: ???? [2791] iamalfiie: BANNED [2791] trysten03: brain rot [2791] Flxkezs: WITH XQC [2791] MikkelzeNN: is mundane mike packing jynxzi? [2791] Gucci_kid54: you can [2791] miines: you can [2791] highonit999: s [2791] pizzasteve11_: ask your father Stompn for permission [2791] chanch0_: doc [2791] VyseM4H: When will Jynxzi be live Junko?? [2791] notscentral: He dual streams [2791] playback_2k: Thoughts on Tampa International Mall [2791] Aspectsx: 24 hours with sketch 24 hours with sketch 24 hours with sketch 24 hours with sketch 24 hours with sketch 24 hours with sketch @Jynxzi [2792] lilcapt2009: HES IN ADINS [2792] vanpogs: Banned [2792] kingjulienn3: LMAO [2793] sebforss: jynxziFAT [2793] elongatedmuskrat77: XIMM [2793] silly653: TakeNRG GivePLZ [2793] cxhd: tf [2793] Arbadar: you can [2793] distoorbed: BANNED [2793] dripdippotatochip: DUMBASS [2793] diego_11_p: Is this walmart [2793] fadil1422: Steve won't do you [2793] Tessa_SmessaTTV: why cant you watch kick [2793] laseenwrld: BANNED GG [2793] Cootlol: u can [2793] iluvzebra12: Xqc is waiting [2793] syedobarahino: Bought and sold [2793] lotus_52: LLLLLL LL [2794] lonishqipee: caseoh is waiting nba yuoungboy is waiting stephen hawking is waiting [2794] jstkiwiii: beabbabbbhabdbdlu ajsklkasjkadlk [2794] miines: invite him [2794] cpaleop: you can [2794] khgamerr: LEBRON IS WAITING [2794] fusiongamer2121: gg [2794] dozer20210: kick dumbasssss [2794] teenunicorn38022: !watchtime [2794] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [2794] howie123413: TIMS VIDEO [2794] NFFe4rr: leaked [2794] donp4bl000: L no thank for gifted [2794] Gucci_kid54: you can [2794] StreamElements: teenunicorn38022 has spent 2 days 21 hours watching jynxzi [2794] lukabrasi123: react harder I’m trying to edge [2795] RedMist3119: pancake [2795] huntervsg: BAN YOURSELF [2795] chanch0_: dr disrespect [2795] lotus_52: LLLL [2796] tgraybird: hes not banned on twitch dumbass [2796] hartinus187: Clipfarm harder [2796] rjplayz__: WHEN IS FANMAIL [2796] fadeskyl1ne: DUMBO [2796] f0ley0: !hours [2796] lilmurphgaming: l [2796] syedobarahino: Bought [2796] lotus_52: LLLLLL [2796] marigeeked: LMAO [2796] skysngl130: do Jynxzi x sketch x CaseOh [2796] klngsliime: ALMOST 1 HOUR [2797] Svardek: u can [2797] bigbanana1222: pre banned [2797] LazerBoomer: he’s on kick it’s live [2797] Tessa_SmessaTTV: thats stupid [2797] fe4r_ryza: when’s fanmail [2797] Gucci_kid54: you can [2797] ry4nd4v15: Sketchzi stream tomoz [2797] captaincookie: Is there a way to send pc clips? [2797] L3m0nb3rr1: he’s in kick [2797] shrevaa: enjoy the vacation [2797] kisses_xm: Fat junko [2797] kkis3k: SOLD UR SOUL TO TWITCH [2797] zaki960: jinxy looking a bit too good today [2797] ExpertJulian: WHEN IS FAN MAIL??? [2797] 6badgers: band [2798] theeredbox: when is clips [2798] suren70: is when fan email [2798] fusiongamer2121: gggg [2798] lilmurphgaming: ll [2798] lotus_52: Ll [2798] kingjulienn3: BANNED [2799] KeatonWasTaken: LQC [2799] blad3_77: MAIL WHEN FAN ? [2799] mistaworldwide420: Brother brother go [2799] cartipooh: FANMAIL IS WAITING [2799] imxolts: on kick [2799] whgzz: yes u can tf [2799] iSledge1: lot of vapeing going around [2800] oSaltii: L twitch [2800] GrahamCrackers20: Banned [2800] keaton_y21: wetard [2800] dallasshore1998: We made the right guy famous [2800] a1Iex_: when is fanmail [2800] raymond3arl: FUUCK KIIICK [2800] kingjulienn3: BANNNNED [2800] ReallyRodey: doc is also [2800] lilmurphgaming: lllll [2800] fusiongamer2121: ggggggg [2800] sworo1: Bros simping over a guy with 7282828 extra chromosomes [2800] IamTheFlash: that was twitch [2800] rjplayz__: FANMAIL???? [2800] xzkronikx: on kick [2800] chanch0_: dr disrespect t [2801] king_star12345: banned [2801] SplashinJs: BANNED HEHEHEHE GGS CHAT [2801] andrew1dickpounder: fart on me. [2801] kritikalsweatz: Hey jynxzi I just want to say you are my absolute 💯 favorite streamer and I just wanted to shoe my appreciation. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK 'BROTHER' [2801] Fergiee2: FUCK KICK [2801] lotus_52: lLLLLLLLLLLLLL [2801] nathan_522: banned [2801] ahmadanwar9: u can [2801] 6misterfox9: PLAY WITH DOC [2801] supercarrot5794: Goo aim [2801] twopiecedagoat: prime thinking [2801] smokefentbitch: he's in kick [2801] fusiongamer2121: gggggg [2801] Nightbot: Blue crown —-> Free —-> no ads —-> charm: https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [2801] BABYKEEMLOVER13: see you in a week [2802] Doulaman: watch my clip [2803] fusiongamer2121: gggggggg [2803] SilkyT3: pre ban [2803] Tukata_: TheIlluminati CONFIRMED [2803] crackarz: !watchtime [2803] bumblebtuna99: doc is playing siege [2803] dmx5p: BANNED [2803] benhewitt46: GG [2803] itsyaboiedi: ranked [2803] andrew1dickpounder: fart on me [2803] nathan_522: you done [2803] Mishes4: so banned [2803] andrew_yooo: smart brother [2803] kingjulienn3: BANNED [2804] TheGoatTomBrady: play with him [2804] invochi: lebron is waiting [2804] StreamElements: crackarz has spent 4 days 21 hours watching jynxzi [2804] finnisthebest1234: JYNXZI I FW WITH YOU HIGHKEY [2804] lotus_52: LLLLLLLL [2804] goddddddaim555: CLAP LOUDER [2804] mrmilku1234: On Kick your banned fucker [2804] highonit999: d [2804] twitchlight_rl: BANNNNNNEE [2804] x72edDogx: DOC IS OKAYING RB6 [2804] Zayyan0001: banned [2804] apisuki: BANNEDDD [2804] reevohh223: you're a dick head hes not banned on twitch [2804] DC_Chapo: BANNED [2804] Zerks1111: just imagine the clips you can farm with sketch and Steve [2805] Imaginelosinnn: GalaxyUnpacked [2805] davinciofwoods: lol [2805] jimbroom127: LOOK AT BITS [2805] Nightbot: 😂 [2805] axtisss: axtisss subscribed with Prime. [2806] kingjulienn3: PRE BANNED [2806] nicholaskhatri13: put it in sketch ass [2806] spino_x99: your voice makes my genitals itch [2806] Duskii11: jynxzi x caseoh x kai cenat x sketch [2806] onepersona65: lol [2806] lotrofan154pls: gg [2806] SilkyT3: pre banned [2806] vkobeq: how do u get the jynxzi charm after subbing [2806] nyugito: ILLUMINATI [2806] pizzadude1068: banned [2807] kyleghs: are you and sketch still together [2807] dvnskii: pre ban [2807] Menu_: THE DOC IS PLAYING SIEGE @Jynxzi [2807] rewind016: yo when’s fan mail [2807] bananana630: When's fanmail [2807] were_in_coblestone: Hessss asssssss [2807] thegreatsantos: banned [2807] TheFirstNuKe: GG [2807] stunned_cheese: switching up [2807] Clorox_Slurp: when mail is fan [2807] kkkuwa: Speak English [2807] ob_2012: when is jynxzi [2807] jstkiwiii: ima slurp you up [2810] goddddddaim555: bye [2810] suren70: pre end [2810] skrillyansh: cya [2810] Menu_: THE DOC IS PLAYING SIEGE @Jynxzi [2810] 1738clutch: gg [2810] bardown16__: LATER BUD [2810] boltsavageelite: Pre ban [2810] Clorox_Slurp: when mail is fan. [2810] hatrat11: drake [2810] cuhfnx: pre end [2810] chillze_orignal: Case oh is. Streaming on twitch [2810] x72edDogx: DOC IS PLAYING RB6 [2810] syedobarahino: Sold [2810] onepersona65: bye [2811] gspeedd: gg byeeeee [2811] jpsolufkens: WHEN IS CLIPS FATASS [2811] therealgalaxyytt: how do I get jynxzi charm?? [2811] pcsryze: GG [2811] memebtwtwitch: bye [2811] lfell21: Mail fan when is [2811] MeIonSmasher: WHEN NEXT VLOG [2811] smokefentbitch: ? [2811] zapmasterd: when is drinking and driving stream [2811] Nightbot: ? [2811] Pilot_Azog: pre banned [2811] nyugito: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [2811] dontbullybuba: 1v1 xim [2811] Fossabot: @yumango567, Your message is too long [2812] MZA217: he isnt banned on twitch @Jynxzi [2812] Zerks1111: just imagine the clips you can farm with sketch and Steve. [2812] JAYTOTAL: LOL [2813] rtv_ninjaz13: Cheer1 [2813] Denqae: banned [2813] ooooo55777: gg [2813] theeredbox: banned [2813] darkaveng_er: See you tomorrow [2813] demofl: u smell like Rosa parks [2813] bananajoe006: !charm [2813] Shadow_Kage__: Recreate the drake video with sketch [2813] Zerks1111: just imagine the clips you can farm with sketch and Steve [2813] lonishqipee: caseoh is waiting nba yuoungboy is waiting stephen hawking is waitin [2813] landowolf873: Cya [2813] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [2813] yxng_v1: bits [2813] Keepcopingfr: bye [2813] the_spiketrap: Bye [2814] gigi979797: it’s over [2814] bigkay_2beaxyy: adios brother [2814] SaintCQ: PEACE OUT [2814] tmaacc: Are you Stevewilldo it tho? [2814] curseofraaaaa: see you in a week [2814] nonmoonbeliver: pre end [2814] fiztyfiztyfizty: BYE GUYS [2814] dobbs4848: call sketch rn [2814] were_in_coblestone: Gggg cyaaaa [2814] dasupalama1: BYE BYE [2814] franzis___: BANNED [2814] diinii32: diinii32 subscribed with Prime. [2814] jred_05: bye bye [2814] sobiethegreat: see you in a month [2814] jaxon1to1: ENJOY THE VACATION [2815] whgzz: BROTHER U CAN DO WHATEVER TF U WANT THEY WANT BAN U [2815] shaneb2007: new car reveal [2815] hatrat11: when is drake [2815] Zerks1111: just imagine the clips you can farm with sketch and Steve. [2815] xNilo121: hope its a perm ban [2816] scottcaf11: banned [2816] MAD5411: when is Caseoh vs Kai [2816] steliosx2: cya [2816] hyper_mxtrix: when is fanmail [2816] Smarttyy: sketch on top [2816] roguehunchofn: bye [2816] SmpL23: FORCED LAUGH [2816] axtisss: sigmaa [2816] dredavey21: later bruh [2816] ggggrasss: pre ban [2816] theitmanforreal: react to you are my sunshine [2816] Clorox_Slurp: when mail is fan [2816] chaserob73: banned [2816] bwulfyz: see you on kick [2816] uplift_frost: pre ban [2817] Jeboris_: fake laughing clip farmer [2817] cacoonut13: unlucky [2817] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: fake laugh [2817] lotrofan154pls: I REPORTED U UR BANNED GG NOOB [2817] Hope1409: He needs help [2817] franzis___: PRE END [2817] Pewtifull: good stream [2817] ethanmuehlhauser: fake laugh [2817] monkeymayn7: byye [2817] ap3xsavage420: listen to juice wrld [2817] bStumpf88: Purple site is so wack with rules [2817] xprodigyx_91: gg [2817] jxkson1: fake live [2817] nyugito: TheIlluminati [2817] drewyi: you fell off [2818] jxhnnyyss: NOBODY SAID THAT [2818] watashiwa_taro: Fake laugh [2819] butterfinger2001: Ur settingsm [2819] d4r_tev0: blink yo eyes harder [2819] mocca_r6: reported [2819] bmustang1: bmustang1 subscribed at Tier 1. [2819] TheGoatTomBrady: he is [2819] Zerks1111: just imagine the clips you can farm with sketch and Steve [2819] Nightbot: mild tourettes (something he can't control.) be nice! [2819] syphon_ac007: Another missed tournament [2819] SplashMan_0723: FAKE LAUGH [2819] tofuratedx: TableHere TableHere TableHere TableHere TableHere TableHere TableHere TableHere [2819] bradley__nl: Fake laugh [2820] winterremix41: why do u laugh like pennywise [2820] idkkk9999: React harder [2820] jpsolufkens: IS JUNKO STREAMING TODAY? [2820] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: fake laugh [2820] jxhnnyyss: NO ONE SAID THAT [2820] twitchlight_rl: GG [2820] litlikezeus: IRL [2820] d44rkfire: drake is waiting [2820] gamerfamer895: wtf was that laugh [2820] edoggi77: Cya gg [2820] masongamm22: stg [2820] henny_2121: HE IS [2820] FailDaGoat: junko let clix and caseoh 1v1 in r6 you coach case xim coaches clix [2820] NachoFishYT: 1 HOUR MARK INCOMING jynxziChampion [2820] gangaceo: its his last stream [2821] raven_1108: he better so much than you [2821] big_pat10: FAN AK [2821] ykbranagan: jynxziFAT_BW [2821] lolitsfindog: ok mahomes [2821] yxng_v1: look at bits [2821] Celestial12202: when johnson reveal [2821] Low_Gain: he is fr fr [2821] Saltayy__: pre end [2821] lonishqipee: caseoh is waiting nba yuoungboy is waiting stephen hawking is waiting [2821] Nightbot: ok [2822] 444abe: 444abe subscribed at Tier 1. [2822] hugocarlsson07: love you [2822] wastemane034: HE IS [2822] Osurac1: nah he was [2822] roastedpigeon56: when is fan mail [2822] bwulfyz: see you on kickk [2822] burntmacs: PLAY VR SEIEGE [2822] Menu_: HE IS [2822] Skadoosh7665: Fake laugh [2822] junkoparttimer22: FAKE LAUGH [2822] tofuratedx: TableHere TableHere TableHere TableHere TableHere [2822] LuvRell: perma banned [2822] IVRaiden: Jynxzi Ross [2822] bardown16__: DOC IS R6 PLAYING [2823] shadow_lazar: He is [2823] ReallyRodey: no for real he is [2823] aw_tizm: DOC IS ON R6 [2823] hell0_111: Case playing r6 [2823] sethhans24: like fr [2823] NateDaMan_: HE ISS [2823] bahamutking415: he is [2823] bhlurto: HE STREAMING SIEGE ON KICK [2823] lotrofan154pls: cya banned gg [2823] pizzasteve11_: ask your father Stompn for permission [2823] ashleyrae421: fajitas [2823] janjsmaidn: smash [2823] toneb10156: gg [2823] kxngpsycho: FAKE LAUGH [2823] yeeter213411: W [2825] pcsryze: adin ross playing r6 rn [2825] ysljoshhhhh: tell kai turn his mic up [2825] r3lahpz: he is [2825] butterfinger2001: Whats are Ur settings? [2825] Pdiddillydawg: it was nice while it lasted [2825] 77freddiee: XQC ON KICK [2825] t3xasplays44: Doc is playing [2825] proot69: CaseDough streaming ranked [2825] Nicrot: he is [2825] Zerks1111: just imagine the clips you can farm with sketch and Steve. [2825] ykbranagan: jynxziFAT_BW jynxziFAT_BW jynxziFAT_BW jynxziFAT_BW jynxziFAT_BW [2825] shlurmp69: mmmfhg [2825] crimsontide17: HE IS. [2825] grapechally: fr [2825] bStumpf88: PLAY DOC [2827] hotnoob76: Caso is playing r6 [2827] jesseblackarmz: He really is [2827] AceOfHalo2: DOC IS PLAYING R6 [2827] ossieum: fake chats L STREAMER UR FAT [2827] peteyp216: Good knowing ya [2827] Zerks1111: just imagine the clips you can farm with sketch and Steve [2828] abb40_40: he is [2828] fps_reese: 100% [2828] swammper: Doc is tho [2828] dvnskii: ricci is playing r6 [2828] Nightbot: 👀 [2828] xJakeShiesty: doc is waiting [2828] Zerks1111: just imagine the clips you can farm with sketch and Steve. [2828] 500lumens: HE IS [2828] x_karam_x: HE IS [2828] grapechally: he is [2828] lifeischard: doc is on [2828] lilzeusu: amaouranth is playing r6 [2828] x72edDogx: DOC IS LOOK HIM UP [2828] 999Civs: no doc really is [2829] wyfyttv: WHEN IS FAN MAIL [2829] bigbanana1222: I’m playing r6 [2829] Mikehlea1: react harder [2829] diego_11_p: Fake lauggh [2829] frimz12: Kai is playing r6 [2829] Errked: DOC DOC DOC DOC [2829] badbeats4040: FAN MAIL CANCELED??? [2829] bublzzzzz: he is [2829] baxter_legendary: when’s the drinking and driving stream [2829] kylr_r: ON YT [2829] hazey223: HE JUST WANTS A WATCH FROM STEVE [2829] amigo_banana: when is drake 1v1 [2829] Nightbot: @guessedcooky -> Nightbot one, bad guys zero. [stop posting links] [warning] [2829] ykbranagan: jynxziFAT_BW jynxziFAT_BW jynxziFAT_BW jynxziFAT_BW [2829] gillette568: doc is playing r6 [2831] shadow_lazar: Doc is playing it tho [2831] lcsbras: bannd [2831] bardown16__: BAD AIM [2831] Arin7XS: Tim is playing r6 [2831] Benjiio: he is [2831] aw_tizm: DOCS ON R6 [2832] l4m4ndo: drake is playing R6 [2832] xGhettoZeugUnzensiert: illuminati streamer [2832] lifeischard: he is [2832] Amii_Tsunamii: BYE BYE [2832] DaMilkManTTV: doc is playing [2832] dallasshore1998: We made the right guy famous [2832] captaincookie: Is there a way to send pc clips? [2832] swingin_nn: break ur setup or something [2832] x72edDogx: HE IS COPPER [2832] wessy130: I’m is actually playing siege [2832] GanstaPanda11: doc is actually [2832] dnt_triip: What I miss? [2832] JJBreezzy: DOC IS PALYING [2832] yozenoyo: 1v1 johnny dang [2833] Chance_007: Chance_007 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! yyy [2834] diego_11_p: Fake reaction [2834] Chugns: Doc is tho lol [2834] ethannvl: WHEN IS JYNXZI LIVE??????? [2834] tduncan9999: nc state is on 🔥🔥 [2834] xJakeShiesty: doc is waiting 1vq [2834] burntmacs: PLAY VR SEIEGE [2834] osrscamba: Stevewilldoit [2835] chanch0_: he is [2835] drippy_fps: jynxzi better than Clix [2835] LocusATM: JYNXZI IS MY DAD IRL GUYS OMG [2835] squirlycorn: doc is actually playing [2835] odd_1_out_21: caseoh is playing r6 [2835] lotrofan154pls: yes [2835] vitality5175: yss [2835] thestewtangclan: SHOW DICK ON KICK [2835] kakashiproductionsttv: XQC IS RAGING OUT [2835] passthepeanutbutter: ninja is on r6 [2835] BellyDelphine: CEO OF UBISOFT IS PLAYING R6 LUL [2835] xpareddd: which one are u [2835] yiorio_: he is [2835] arberduka1234: YNW LURKS ON XBOX ADD ME [2835] TragiicMoment: TragiicMoment subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! YOOO [2836] riskiestroom9: he is rn [2836] nicksox: case is on r6 [2836] Aspectsx: 24 hours with sketch 24 hours with sketch 24 hours with sketch 24 hours with sketch 24 hours with sketch 24 hours with sketch @Jynxzi [2836] vanczzfp: adin Ross is playing siege rn [2836] retwerk: doc is playing r6 on youtube [2836] sebosski: L [2836] monkeymayn7: your acting [2836] DaMilkManTTV: doc isss [2836] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [2836] bradyisvibing: !BLINK [2836] Nightbot: mild tourettes (something he can't control.) be nice! [2836] itiscalledsoccer: doc is [2836] bandito307: Doc is playing r6 [2836] bhlurto: HE STREAMING SIEGE ON KICK! [2836] copycatcloudy: drake is waiting [2837] icespice6996: Clix your dad fr [2837] ykbranagan: jynxziFAT_BW jynxziFAT_BW [2837] ItzJaxcy: doc is actually playing R6 [2837] Kenethhb: he’s banned [2837] Trix01AN: XQC is actually playing ranked just in kick [2837] vitality5175: yes [2837] trangler_: Stream harder. [2837] geronimo_stilten: HE IS THO [2838] larzsssss: WHEN DO VIEWER CLIPS START [2838] drippey876: jynxziBALD [2838] tylercuhh: GOOD AIM [2838] hazey223: HE JUST WANTS A ROLEX FROM STEVE [2838] grandmasdad: !gamble all [2838] bajensigge: ninha [2838] thesneakydon: He is tho [2838] maestropls: le bron is on [2838] Tjkane15: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [2838] FigureHead4002: YES [2838] amori2tuff: breckies insta is crazy jizzy [2838] StreamElements: grandmasdad went all in and lost every single one of their 535 points LUL [2838] d44rkfire: ye [2838] zankyew: doc is playing 6 [2838] bhlurto: HE STREAMING SIEGE ON KICK!! [2839] DaMilkManTTV: doc is playing [2839] moneygoon47: Yes [2839] gillette568: no cap [2839] yammo27: Yes [2839] peteyp216: Maybe [2839] Crimson_Ginge: On god he is playing [2839] men12308: a jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [2839] chaserob73: stompn is playing r6 [2839] itiscalledsoccer: on youtube [2839] 77freddiee: XQC ON KICK [2839] kyleghs: are you and sketch still together [2839] jvnkofan: SHIT PLAYER [2839] grapechally: doc is [2839] bahamutking415: WATCHING YOU N DOC [2839] adriang180: Doc PLAYING [2840] szabiley1: banned [2840] axtisss: jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL [2840] IM_UR_SAVIOUR: CLIX IS PLAYING R6 [2840] charlespriest065: Epstein is streaming r6 [2840] MrWatZit: drdisrespect is waiting [2840] DurstSiege: xqc plays r6 but he streams on kick [2840] fadeskyl1ne: YES [2840] stratigicsturgeon: doc is [2840] aw_tizm: WATCH DOC [2840] dopeyF4: LUL [2840] jefferybeefington: DOC IS PLAYING R6 [2841] keithlistlll: dr disrespect is playing r6 [2841] own_the_show: Yes [2841] retwerk: doc is on youtube idiot [2841] ryujiin: doc and xqc both playing r6 [2841] crimsontide17: DOC IS PLAYING [2841] trangler_: Stream harder.. [2841] NFFe4rr: aiming with his johnson [2841] bhlurto: ! [2841] kaiden_thesus: SUb TO MEXICANBOI on yt pls i wa [2841] apisuki: Bronny is waiting [2842] freegdogg: !link [2842] miremehard: xqc is banned lol [2842] exxxtrasmall69: doc is actually playing R6 [2842] badtwitchtv: yes [2842] Nightbot: @freegdogg If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [2842] whyyoutrying: doc is tho [2842] springlobster45: Doc is playing [2842] mrhaeton: fatass [2842] MrWatZit: doc is waiting [2842] hisdudenessobama: POKIMANE PLAYING R6 [2842] TheDirtyHungarian: DO A STREAMER RANKED LIST [2842] DaleMoney__: DR DISRESPECT [2842] its313simon: nipipi [2842] peanutlord27: L fake laugh [2842] mrowenguy: !watchtime [2843] bhlurto: HE STREAMING SIEGE ON KICK [2843] njhubble: Moist is playing r6 [2843] StreamElements: mrowenguy has spent 6 days 6 hours watching jynxzi [2844] HutSane: doc is playing R6 [2844] donth8br0: Doc is actually playing r6 [2844] doctahvr: yoooo [2844] cynicaltech719: He can't play with doc idiots [2844] AceOfHalo2: DOC IS PLAYING R6 NO TROLL [2844] kryptixtr: doc is actually playing r6 [2844] dmx5p: DICK SHOT [2844] puerccofn: CODE CLIX [2844] skyteiswashed: Drake is calling [2844] Amii_Tsunamii: JUNKO IS WAITING [2844] shadow_lslayed: your kinda aim [2844] draxnsklount: thankyou junko for getting all my friends into this game so i dont have to play alone .much love [2844] goddddddaim555: pookie bear [2844] The_SenZor: doc is live on yt rn [2845] treynado77: clix is on r6 [2845] Giggidy_1702: 🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪 [2845] men12308: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [2845] eli6z: yes [2845] strokeoffsparks: DOC IS PLAYING R6 [2845] bajensigge: ninja is playin [2845] lonishqipee: lebron is waiting [2845] GotAMullet: doc is playing r6 react [2845] tianhatake: doc is actually playing r6 lmao [2845] badbeats4040: FAN MAIL OVER?? [2845] NateDaMan_: HE IS PLAYING R6 [2845] fluid7motion: drake r6 league [2845] daninthepan123: when is the sidemen colab? [2845] tylercuhh: I NEVER SNITCH ON YOU DAADDY [2845] itswux: doc is playing siege [2847] goddddddaim555: CLAP LOUDER [2847] mrmilku1234: Finnally fucking honestly gone finally @jynxzi [2847] knivesyuk: watch doc [2847] swoleboh: that's hard [2847] khalildinho16: he’s trying to unlock ranked [2847] thegreatsantos: ninja playing r6 [2847] tonyishyper69: Docs ranking up @jynxzi [2847] bagooooooooo: ZZDOCCC [2847] shreksgotadonk: he is playing r6 [2847] JraeLive: when is fanmail [2847] bunnyg4tz_: lebron is on r6 [2848] articninja_xx: Kai is waiting [2848] copycatcloudy: drake is waiting read chat harder [2848] bobagonk534: w clip [2848] chttoafj: baddddd aim@m [2848] P_S_Sphincter: doc did play earlier [2848] OUTINGCOPE_C9: @Jynxzi Doc is actually playing R6 on stream right now [2848] kryaboutitlol: WTF [2848] vykarian: HUH [2848] bigtallwall: doc is play fr [2848] jayofrmdashh21: so is timmy [2848] yxng_v1: LOOK AT BITS [2848] yeeter213411: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [2848] tv_spearz: doc is playing R6 🤣 [2848] kttisfat69: CHARLIES UNBANNED [2848] stratigicsturgeon: docs playing r6!! [2849] tarsaI: :o [2849] halcyoneinarttv: THE TWO TIME [2849] evil_engine_no_9: WHAT [2849] tattedup515: tattedup515 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months! [2850] VyseM4H: VyseM4H subscribed at Tier 1. [2850] gingerbengee_: ??????? [2850] Waxing_Gibbon: ??? [2850] d4r_tev0: blink yo eyes harder [2850] Nightbot: mild tourettes (something he can't control.) be nice! [2850] darkgasher02: fake laugh [2850] maestropls: bron is playing r6 [2850] Appensa: doc really did [2850] MAD5411: when is Caseoh vs Kai [2850] MAustinN: DOC REALLY IS PLaying [2850] RellWyd_: fist me daddy [2851] hoodieshafer: doc is for real playing r6 [2851] bmijrrh: yup [2851] hunglikeahorse66: When is fan mail [2851] yungKIBE: o [2851] bhlurto: KICK [2851] Nightbot: yup yup yup [2851] LCGpimz: KIM JONG UN IS WAITING [2851] ArAksel: Teach the 2x the game [2851] andrejkermkis: STOMPN IS ONLINE ON R6 ON MA MAMA!!!!!! [2851] kkhgttttt: JYNXZI WHY DO YOU FOLLOW IRONMOUSE (ANIME ASMR STREAMER) [2851] anthonieus: Stream with r Kelly when? [2851] roguehunchofn: Kai is on siege [2851] xlRelapse: DOC IS PLAYING SIEGE [2851] NachoFishYT: 1 HOUR MARK INCOMING jynxziChampion [2851] t3xasplays44: And he impersonated you [2852] tgnx2: DOC IS PLAYING R6 ON YT [2852] xxrubberbandman9xx: watch doc [2852] d44rkfire: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [2852] Sph1nct3r: Doc is playing r6 [2852] lTheMrWyattl: Doc is actually playing r6 [2852] im2steezy4you: play with doc [2852] TheLemonPerson: good eyees [2852] StreamElements: @grandmasdad, grandmasdad has been following jynxzi for 7 months 19 days 7 hours [2852] wyay: so were hacking [2853] doctahvr: doctahvr subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 3 month streak! sup jynxzi [2853] W1ck3dThreshYT: 😶 [2853] 77freddiee: XQC PLAYING ON KICK [2853] laureneimear: Www [2853] jbrezzy203948083284: react harder [2853] imbrysondean: timthetatman is playing r6 [2853] x72edDogx: DOC IS PLAYING RB6 ON YOUTUBE [2854] jayofrmdashh21: timmy on r6 [2854] craiggy67: general g is waiting [2854] itswux: he is [2854] i_luv_skittles34: code clix [2854] nonozbobo: WOW [2854] caseohisafarriswheel: stream faster [2854] flikeros: when are u ending stream? [2854] emoneytyb: ICE SPICE ON R6 [2854] nz_vex: ........... [2854] lukemahomie: wwwwww [2854] humbledude: Hop on with doc [2854] puffpuffjuicer: LMAOO? [2854] eepy_liquid: DOC is waiting [2854] yungKIBE: o [2854] itsyaboiedi: play ranked fatass [2855] quaxfn_60: yo Jynxzi 1v1 ME RIGHT NOW [2855] charlespriest065: Pablo Escobar is playing r6 [2855] been_gamin: doc is actually streaming r6 damn [2855] tmoores88: doc is playing. he talked about you earlier. [2855] bobby_tt: DR IS DOING R6 STREAM @Jynxzi [2855] lotrofan154pls: reported [2855] bajensigge: ninja is playing r6 [2856] idkkk9999: React harder [2856] badabing40: DOC IS PLAYING R6 ON YT [2856] tofuratedx: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [2856] p1noki00: doc is playing r6 [2856] FailDaGoat: junko let clix and caseoh 1v1 in r6 you coach case xim coaches clix [2858] girthyschnoz: bro juice wrld is playing r6 [2858] trangler_: Stream harder [2858] mr_butternips69: Domino is stream ing r6 [2858] beastmode428: boobies by Mexican OT [2858] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [2858] UnesiestHalo04: UnesiestHalo04 subscribed with Prime. [2859] lord_adeus: ninja is playing ranked [2859] Jack8O5: doc is playing [2859] dojee11: DOC [2859] TheLemonPerson: good aim [2859] freshy_boi6: HeyGuys [2859] murilogriguc: sketch is waitng [2859] lilcapt2009: LMAOOO DAMNNN [2859] sebastisnfergg: suck me iff [2859] arrowzgotnomotion: hes 12 [2859] ryann11024: EPSTEIN WAITING [2859] sandy_sir: WHHAATTTTT [2860] GHOSTEEE_23: hes 17 [2860] Mikehlea1: react harder [2860] andrew1dickpounder: fart on me [2860] tmoores88: doc is playing [2860] h2kbuggout: he 12 [2860] MZA217: uuh [2860] gggdfhhghhgfyjv: ' [2860] dclaw380: wtf your so cringe [2860] invinciblead: DOc is actually streaming R6 [2860] MeIonSmasher: whattt [2860] khgamerr: LEBRON IS WAITING [2860] verykingjef: YO? [2860] xJakeShiesty: doc is waiting [2860] yungKIBE: o [2861] vanczzfp: Kai is playing siege [2861] Sph1nct3r: watch Doc [2861] trangler_: Stream harder..Stream harder [2861] tgraybird: HES 12 [2861] jaydogg1024: jaydogg1024 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [2862] okchance: gimme your chidfsn [2862] jdfrm301: howwwwwwwwwww [2862] r6isgood14: when is clips [2862] dmx5p: BRO is aiming with his 0.2in penis [2862] cherny05: ????? [2863] bardown16__: WTF [2863] TrenchKid_18: ????? [2863] xpr1r3d: L dh [2863] yxng_v1: look at bit [2863] calcamatmat2007: wo [2863] thefoxalive: DOC ON SIEGE [2863] goddddddaim555: you [2863] spr1ngst33n: yes less insane [2863] imxolts: docs live on siege [2863] laureneimear: 🤨 [2863] Gl0kk40spaz: OH NAH [2863] crovyy: jynxziBadAim [2863] x72edDogx: DOC IS PLAYING ON YOUTUBE [2863] westo5: stompn is playing r6 [2863] Nightbot: real [2864] finnisthebest1234: HES XIM [2864] keyz2416: ???? [2864] katie_campbell1907: My boyfriend really wants to meet u he really loves u so much he wants u so bad [2864] hazey223: HE JUST WANTS A ROLEX FROM STEVE HE JUST WANTS A ROLEX FROM STEVE HE JUST WANTS A ROLEX FROM STEVE [2864] TroubleCK: play with doc [2865] maallydub: WHAT [2865] twofifthsofarat: Doc is on R6 [2865] donth8br0: Doc is this [2865] El_Wvlf: im jynxis sugar dadddy [2865] aw_tizm: WATCH DOC YOU IDIOTA [2865] lotrofan154pls: wtf [2865] cody1sclix: like that was better [2866] kakashiproductionsttv: XQC IS RAGING OUT [2866] dmx5p: ???????? [2866] trangler_: Stream harder- [2866] reviloshark3118: gyatt [2866] MacPackGames: Doc is AVTUALLY playing ranked [2866] hazey223: HE JUST WANTS A ROLEX FROM STEVE [2866] Doulaman: junko watch my clip [2866] iluvzebra12: 1v1 doc when [2866] goddddddaim555: u [2866] bumblebtuna99: doc is playing [2866] Gl0kk40spaz: BRO [2866] sayaypanini: !gamble 100 [2866] theitmanforreal: George Washington playing r6 [2866] StreamElements: @sayaypanini, you only have 10 points. [2867] Dekanoss: Dekanoss subscribed with Prime. [2867] Sph1nct3r: Watch doc [2867] puffpuffjuicer: LOLLLL [2867] randellstrash: DOC IS PLAYING [2867] mtb0ttle: He’s 4 [2867] roguehunchofn: Kai is playing [2867] rxphhh: ???????? [2867] raymond3arl: DONO [2867] mickdickles: DOC DISRESPECT IS ALSO [2867] wyay: aw hell nah [2868] akaexen: jynxziFALL jynxziFALL [2868] TheDovahKenz: DOC IS ACTUALLY PLAYING R6 lol [2868] angus1664681: !LINK [2868] IamTheFlash: basically water [2869] chanch0_: doc [2869] z1slayer10: I WANT TO FUCK YOU HEAVYYY [2869] Menu_: THE DOC IS PLAYING SIEGE [2869] edboy9913: DOC AND XQC IS PLAYING R6 [2869] razor_clapz6905: im playing siege [2869] janjsmaidn: dad is playing r6 [2869] hugocarlsson07: jj waiting [2869] VyseM4H: jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT [2869] heder_sot69696969: thats u in the pfp [2869] r6isgood14: whens clips [2869] fe4r_ryza: he’s 7 [2869] stratigicsturgeon: check YouTube doc is playing r6 [2869] NicoNicoKneeCapsTv: when im back on the prowlll [2869] Nightbot: 😂 [2869] x72edDogx: DOC IS PLAYING ON YOUTUBE RB6 [2871] wyay: Coors Light 💀 [2872] TheLemonPerson: is that you [2872] fadeskyl1ne: ew [2872] trangler_: Stream harder.. [2872] mr_bubblers: eewww [2872] ejbogen: the two time is on R6 rn [2872] flameboyicy: HELL NAW [2872] z1slayer10: I WANT TO FUCK YOU HEAVY! [2872] exxxtrasmall69: doc is actually playing R6 [2872] shreksgotadonk: 1v1 DR [2872] cherry_tat: Doc is really playing r6 [2872] MrWatZit: doc is waiting.. [2872] reviloshark3118: jshsiidisisisisiidisiss [2872] NateDaMan_: DOC IS PLAYINGG [2872] shadow_lazar: He is [2872] firebrek_on_wiii: i am playing r6 [2873] kyleghs: are you and sketch still together [2873] lukemahomie: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [2873] TheKohl: L [2873] ivi_falling: when is fan mail [2873] bhansen5252: DOC IS PLAYING R6 [2873] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [2873] knivesyuk: @jynxzi watch doc on yt [2873] arberduka1234: YNW LURKS ON XBOX ADD ME [2873] imxolts: docccssss live [2873] RennyGobe: best beer [2873] InfiniteAnarchy: mail fan when is [2873] a1Iex_: manfail when [2873] theeredbox: better then junko [2873] bbrandonsoliss: ultra on top [2873] 1Drae: LMAO [2874] junkofunkoispapa: sup fatass [2874] bradley__nl: jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT [2874] StreamElements: If you're a gamer, you need a Starforge! Snag one -> https://starforgepc.com/Jynxzi [2874] calcamatmat2007: woow [2874] FI3K_: real [2875] dnt_triip: DISRESPECT!!! [2875] hesstruck75: EWWWWW [2875] sonnydee02: sus picture [2875] bandito307: Doc is playing r6 [2875] discovolanti: you like blue moon [2875] jBeZyTTV: I cant believe jynxzi is in illumanti [2875] Frosty_voltage: coors W [2875] lonishqipee: lebron is waiting [2875] grandmasdad: !watchtime [2875] pollarrius: it was me [2875] luhswrv: CLIP FARMING [2875] herniatea: play with doc [2875] guhnerrr: DOC IS REALLY PLAYING R6 [2878] Menu_: THE DOC IS PLAYING SIEGE @Jynxzi [2878] pktwerp: React, harder [2878] lilsushdog: whens 2v2 with stompin [2878] moonrah001: I love youre strea.s [2878] pastramirl: he actually is tho [2878] 999_duke: when pool stream [2878] wet_walrus417: DOCCCCCC [2878] witdawe: REAL MAN BEER [2878] spino_x99: your voice makes my genitals itch [2878] youn9hollow: thats why hes letting it fall out [2878] mrmilku1234: W [2878] thefoxalive: CONFIMRED DOC IS ON BRO [2879] wha12up: DOC [2879] itswux: doc on siegeeee [2879] iixvemoms: 💀 [2879] alaskanwhiskey: OK NOW FALL BACK IN UR CHAIR AND SCREEN RAAAAA [2879] breadstwitchaccount1: ILINK [2879] Nightbot: ok [2879] digiwyd: W [2879] Dragontraq: Brava is playing r6 [2879] trangler_: Stream harder...... [2879] Gucci_kid54: jynxziSNOT [2879] fliizzyyyy: landshark on top [2879] roastedpigeon56: When does the stream start, part timer? [2879] diego_11_p: Stream esited [2879] chanch0_: dr disappointed [2879] howie123413: do [2880] MrWatZit: doc is waiting [2880] qv4ttro: DOCC IS REALLY PLAYINN R6 [2880] Nightbot: @icereaperthedemon -> moon2A [stop posting links] [warning] [2880] cherny05: ewww [2880] mocca_r6: fuck gross [2880] retwerk: tim made a youtube video about you [2880] Fossabot: @bobodude1358, Your message is too long | Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [2700] I would have got healed by the Femme Nibbred stations. You own me, Daddy. One up for remaining. Decent Clipper today! [2710] Most mediocre clip of the day. I miss him, man. Oh my god, I miss him. [2720] That's my brother brother. That's 10 vote, brother. Oh, man, Chad, I really do want to go tomorrow. I don't know, bro, we'll see. We'll see, we'll see, we'll see. [2730] Maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe. Try to pop up IRL stream with sketch and Steve would actually be lit. That's a sign. [2740] Chad I have the last IRL free was so peak bro XQC's playing ranked wait actually XQC's playing rainbow 6 siege right now So you slow [2750] Excuse me playing Rainbow Six Siege? [2760] Alright great band that guy. He's not even streaming you KICK! Wait. [2770] Yeah, yeah, yeah. Is this an old stream? One. [2780] Oh he's on kick oh shit I don't think I can watch that All right next good day actually should be fine, but [2790] I'm next giving it a day Not even gonna take a risk there Tell them I'm not getting banned, bro. I would only get banned if I excuse you [2800] was banned on Twitch. Fucking idiots! Next step come at him from Cor! GG! See ya! His cat himself! [2810] I'm so weird. Ha ha ha ha. Doc is playing R6. Bro, actually stop. [2820] [2830] Are you aiming with your penis? That answers that question. [2840] Changing max! [2850] Never mind. Give me your children. That sounded insane. I meant to say not in my pussy. Best cup of it in the world. [2860] What in the fuck war's turmeric ah [2870] someone woke up this morning and drank a chorus of my Oh Oh Oh Dude, check | There is no Highlight in the provided timespan. Jynxzi reacts to a decent R6 clip which really impressed him. After that he reacts to another R6 clip which firstly annoyed him but later impressed him. At the end of the timeframe, he tells his chat that coors light beer is really disgusting and that they should drink landshark or bluemoon beer instead. |
Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [4700] joseph10292: DRAGGING IT [4700] ninesters: blow me [4700] Gucci_kid54: OMG JUST DO IT PUSSY [4700] aquaz_tk: NO WAYY [4700] kall_me_adam: move on [4700] calebmtz12: LLLLL [4700] bigozzy25: dragging it [4700] wardy2530: blow it daddy [4700] gScxtty: like bro [4700] jdarko6: ITS SAFE [4700] ballerbombinski: stop dragging [4700] sinkoah: it’s a fucking whistle holy fuck [4700] The_SenZor: is he calling his dad [4700] Fossabot: @ogconz, Your message is too long [4700] xoRuger: dragging it [4701] xoRuger: dragging it [4701] cruz2345678: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [4702] xoRuger: dragging it [4702] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: pre mike LUL [4702] Jingden: BLOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW IT [4702] tacky507: Clip farmer [4702] floatedsky: a [4702] i__jack_i: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [4702] summydoope: BABY [4702] auxnative2: BRO JUST DO IT [4702] moneyman_691: weirdo it’s not that deep [4702] jinxua69: THE ILLUMINATI SENT YOU THIS LIL BRO DONT TRUST THEM 😭🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 [4702] TheDonkeyboy17: DO IT [4702] pixil_reece: Shut up [4702] itz_Atrox: pussy [4702] whlterwhite: pussy [4702] rasheed__1: L CLIP FARME [4703] iiithxnderiii: DRAGGING IT [4703] eastoniscompp: TheIlluminati [4703] logan45332: cat [4703] loser0221: on my mama it’s fine [4703] Nightbot: @maybfresh -> You are the missing link. Goodbye. [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [4703] rvng_grnnja: Scared [4703] denniz9900: bohmeain grove [4703] coistrainey: Pussy [4703] Alex2uniqueEP: a [4703] BIGnas__: pussy [4703] BigMikeJax710: IT HAS FENT ON IT [4703] kendricklamarfan836: stalling bro [4703] BillyRippar: u being a clix right now bro [4703] sandy_sir: JUST FUCKING BLOW IT [4703] xoRuger: dragging it [4704] StreamElements: JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/jynxzi [4704] xoRuger: dragging it [4704] xoRuger: dragging it [4705] DarkVoid832: Inducted [4705] MEtowers: BRO [4705] Trash_bru7675: your dragging it like the clix situation you just want clips [4705] rmcd17: you’re actually a loser [4705] clay_0124: L FARMER [4705] inaxvy: JUST DO IT [4705] knsquad69: do [4705] Darthslothious: Its is a ritual [4705] brack_2: baby [4705] TowardsNate: CLIPFARM.. [4705] Ricardo_E210: BLOW THE TOOTER [4705] ttv_lxl: ITS JUST A SCARY WHISTLE [4705] Cootlol: needs to hit 4 hours somehow [4705] itzhak_buda: already sold your soul it doesn't matter [4705] rasheed__1: L CLIP FARMER [4706] ambergang0303: junko relax it’s fine [4706] tactop: dragging [4706] g_money0013: BLOEEW HARDD [4706] joseph10292: DRAGGING ITTTT [4706] harppuccino: longest hes ever hesitated to blow something [4706] fault404__: white speed always clip farming [4706] kimjongsquarepants: BRO IS SCARED 😨 [4706] cazzyk18: DRAGGING IT [4706] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [4706] kingsinns5: BLOW IT BITCH [4706] Airmancaribou: ligma [4706] voltage_amp: pussy [4706] rick_grimes_55: put tape on it [4706] quinnnythefos: LEVEL 1000 AGRICTULURAL CLIP FARMERR [4707] rage_thor1: rage_thor1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! yoooo [4708] runthatfoknball: blue balling [4708] csimxn: just blow the whistle fatass [4708] quentin_olson: grow a pair [4708] jacob_sibley: no one said tgat [4708] yungmummyy: W MIKE [4708] nevelduong: pussy [4708] dxnkkkk: DRAGGING [4708] jamesyggg: L DRAGGING THE STREAM CAUSE YIU CAN ACTUALLY GIVE GOOD CONTENT FOR A STREAM [4708] conn_or12: THE CLIPS [4708] g_money0013: BLOWWWWW HARD [4708] Xpr3ss840: jynxziTONGUE jynxziFALL [4708] getpelleedd: !watchtime [4708] wolveine70: dragging [4708] quinnnythefos: LEVEL 1000 AGRICTULURAL CLIP FARMER [4708] Darthslothious: Do it rn [4709] StreamElements: getpelleedd has spent 4 days 18 hours watching jynxzi [4709] First_Line_Gaming: Blow into it and cover the bottom with your hand [4709] woodzyx28: FONT [4709] tocitkatempr: shellb18AFK shellb18AFK shellb18AFK shellb18AFK shellb18Jam2 [4709] AfterEight88: SPIDER INSIDE IT @JYNXZI [4709] pawdukes_fan_person: blow it big man [4709] avoidrils: this is from diddy [4709] swaginacan: dragging [4709] k1ute: call Kai [4709] larsen0o: 🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱 [4709] meaty_kiwi: blow it [4709] KevinTheMelon: dragging it [4709] xd_watergod: CALL HIVISR [4709] itsmattwight: quit being a pussy bitch [4709] docterrb: do it [4711] xworldvv: !watchtime [4711] treynenn: bros hacking [4711] jesus_christ824: pussy [4711] ivprodigy_: jus do it n move on omg [4711] AyoZj: AyoZj subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [4711] grrrthee: pussy [4711] nick_ama22: dragging it [4711] g_money0013: BLOWWW HARDD [4711] quinnnythefos: LEVEL 1000 AGRICTULURAL CLIP FARMERR [4711] bluefusiontv: dragging for stream time [4711] CMOMoney187: PUSSSSU [4711] juansonwick: don’t do it if ur not comfortable bro [4711] exxyq: Humiliation ritual [4711] niixzyy_is_op: new stalling method [4711] xkraqo: your trying so hard rn just stfu and don’t do it then [4712] StryveFPS: CRINGE AS FUCK [4712] ITsG0ated: pre mike [4712] mattybell23__: YOUR SUCH A FUCKING PUSSY [4712] Tanocor6: please more memes from white speed [4712] majorwolf52: Selling your soul dawg. [4712] johnnybarlow28228: just do [4712] shecvte: morrreeeadsss [4712] thetenderdefender123: yoyo [4712] heemluiz: dragging it [4712] Nightbot: i was crazy once [4712] kaksksksnnsns: pussy boy [4712] saucin2hard: L [4712] mrpopoburner: BROS SAYING NO TO FREE CLIPS BROS SAYING NO TO FREE CLIPS BROS SAYING NO TO FREE CLIPS BROS SAYING NO TO FREE CLIPS [4712] jaden_62: scaeed [4712] adintho: LLLLL [4713] RayanB7_: we know it is donkey [4714] RayanB7_: we know it is donkey [4714] gxveer: How it mero [4714] norahboros: Dragging it out [4714] huntermast06: L [4714] ashton_711: mijja [4714] ttvbryson668: sketch [4714] pinkumars: DRAGGING [4714] CMOMoney187: PUSSSY [4714] Mabawls64: watch the JRE clip [4714] bardown16__: w taq [4714] mimcisbad: THIS GUY STINKS [4714] jjxddy: L [4714] glitchflated: Illuminati confirmed [4714] niixzyy_is_op: W stalling method [4714] angelin099: OMG you are a pussy } [4715] ziplocbenson: dragging it out loser [4715] jt_dnb: DRAGGING [4715] buhp_nadezz: Cutie is scared [4715] spedpop: clip farming [4715] nathan_playz2: L rizz [4715] jasper_5: BE LIKE CLIX 4 tha CLIPS [4715] eastoniscompp: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [4715] xd_watergod: HIVISE [4715] orginally_ttv: her gunna summon a dragon [4715] kinge7423: L dragger 🤦🏻♂️ [4715] ttvmiller10: the Aztecs did human sacrifices [4715] calebrules15: you have everything sent too you from amazone how can it possably be a bomb? nice clip farming though [4715] joeygot_motion: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [4715] BongR6: fuck this new jynxzi [4715] RayanB7_: we know it is donkey [4716] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: ? [4716] Nightbot: ? [4716] RayanB7_: we know it is donkey [4717] pepinajaa: L [4717] buttercreamballz: it has nut in it [4717] cjdaplugg: ? [4717] ghostinqq: why aren’t u and Kai friends? [4717] killlava: fake chat [4717] jaquivis_is_him1311: AY MY NAME [4717] famemaz: L [4717] koolsam13: stop dragging pussy [4717] r6copperofficial69420: do it [4717] wyfyttv: WHEN IS KAI VS STOMPN [4717] BABYKEEMLOVER13: it has a bomb if you blow the whistle it will blow the bomb inside it [4717] CrispyTrooper39: JUST DO IT HOLY SHIT [4717] bobnweave4: this is lame lets game [4717] truetopher726: L racist [4717] vitality5175: pussy [4718] n0track: call to mom fkng pussy xD [4718] reign_forte: like just donit [4718] thorfinnspupil: dragging it [4718] xoMustPrevail: clip farmer [4718] ericisactuallysmall: STALLING FOR 6 HOUR MARK [4718] denniz9900: bohemian grove ritual [4718] eqcited: TAKING LONG SO U CAN END STREAM IN 2 MORE HOURS1 [4718] thedakes76: not the first thing you have blown do it pussy [4718] MonkaTheJuicer1: cap [4718] larsen0o: 🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱 [4718] huntermast06: LL [4718] Nightbot: no 🧢 [4719] sb_dxrkr6: sb_dxrkr6 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [4719] freddiew2007: cheer5 your a bitch [4720] vsnxag: pancake [4720] JusCallmeC2_: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [4720] law_dawg19: MIKE [4720] tboneshocks123: baby [4720] Renux2: blow it [4720] sunexodia: sunexodia subscribed at Tier 1. [4720] N0GBA8: ? [4720] melvin_welvin: dragging it bro just do it you pussy [4720] mitch_pushing_p: l [4720] beeslams: ??? [4720] exxyq: Elite [4720] ITsG0ated: pre mikeee [4720] brack_2: your a god damn pussy dumb ass bitch [4720] BumgusFungu: fake chat reader [4720] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [4721] roodster218: this is gonna be a 24 hour stream god damn [4721] AfterEight88: SPIDER INSIDE IT @JYNXZI [4721] papiadrianchiki: JUST BLOW IT [4721] papakermey: Illuminati [4721] xxraghedkingxx: Dragging it [4723] okchance: daquavion [4723] sweeney2626: your a good blower [4723] larsen0o: dragging it [4723] swifty_boyttv: ur scared of a whistle [4723] inaxvy: READHING [4723] coxktane: I AM ABOUT TO LOSE IT MAN [4723] creedc7: who [4723] crimsontide17: POLICE WILL GET CALLED [4723] obamnajones: DRAGGING IT FOR MORE HOURS [4723] ValkyrieGamingOfficial: dont [4723] gg_allthetime: Clip farming at its finest [4723] jobenwagner: plow the wistle lil bitch [4723] its_hobbs21: god so stuoid [4723] dark_plague0_0: cornball [4723] meyersdale: imagine clip farming a whistle [4724] wJuuh: JUST BLOW IT [4724] etslibbly: END STREAM [4724] papahut05: making me go crazy [4724] radicalhimself: @Jynxzi LOOK IT UP ON AMAZON @Jynxzi LOOK IT UP ON AMAZON [4724] junkowunk0: BROOOO JUST BLOWWW ME ALREADY [4724] Clxhmsy: you didn’t stream for 6 hours part timer [4724] joujou69696: bro knows a guy [4724] andyboi57: big vagina [4724] lloyd1679: SUBprise SUBprise SUBprise SUBprise SUBprise SUBprise [4726] drmonkeeman10: act like it’s the sidemen [4726] TheKohl: Mike Dimes - HOME (Remix) ft. JID [4726] casephlover: PogChamp [4726] Count_Deku_: bro has no balls for a whistle lmao [4726] fezzzzzi: boring [4726] xqrtc13: DONT DO IT JYNXZI NOOOOOO cheer 10000 [4726] deltwitchy: just do it [4726] craavedz: ILLUMINATI RITUAL [4726] am_i_trippin_: its a way of poison [4726] gooeyfn: part timer trying to get minutes in [4726] jynxzi_d4ddy: suck it [4726] notjoey714: mundane Mike is waiting [4727] asinkidnic: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke [4727] gc08___: buttermilk pancake blow the whistle [4727] hamzzzzx: alphakLooking [4727] eqcited: TAKING LONG SO U CAN END STREAM IN 2 MORE HOURS6 [4727] BillyRippar: u being a clix right now [4727] angelscreed8841: you coolin from yesterday [4727] larzsssss: it's still ringing dumbass [4727] longbillginger46: @brack_2 TRUE THO [4727] driveblind: he dont know you [4727] popoqc8795: 🙃🙃🙃🙃 [4727] Nightbot: 😂 [4727] mase_chiladin: yo mannn [4727] syn_astra1: he’s just stalling to hit 6 hrs… [4727] Alex2uniqueEP: !charm [4727] beezytbg: HUMILIATION RITUAL [4728] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [4728] majorwolf52: CURSEER [4728] large_pwnguin34: pussy [4728] zirnick: he didnt answer dumbass [4728] mother_of_pearl1: don’t invite demons into your life. you’re scared becuase it’s evil bro [4728] dylan908765: VoteYea [4728] deeezy82: bruh [4728] gotgrappe: aztec [4728] tkettel_: L BITCH [4728] Kroatomist: it's a whistle to scare the enemies in war, that's it. [4728] tttthomasbbbtw9618: (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Woah, that was epic! 👏👏 [4730] JusHydro: bruh old tribes used it not this deep fr [4730] thecatdaddymike: thecatdaddymike subscribed at Tier 1. [4730] farmer_baby: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [4730] jroc12385: blow [4730] richxrdcolee: DEQUAVEON? [4730] mylittlecube: who) [4730] spedpop: he didn’t answer!!!! [4730] plixystreams: IT’S DEMONIC DONT [4730] emac6826: fent in it [4730] yungKIBE: YOO *still ringing* [4730] runthatfoknball: blueballing [4730] verykingjef: stalling for 6 hour mark [4730] yesmann223: BLOW IT HARD [4730] xd_watergod: jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage jynxziRage [4730] jooacocarp_: mcdonalds emplyee on stream i cannot believe it [4731] AfterEight88: SPIDER INSIDE IT @JYNXZI [4731] PudgySpike: its safe bro [4731] pardon_me922: UR COOKED [4731] Vamnpire_: LL [4731] rigon112233: HE NOT GON PICK UP [4731] murdasszn: pancake ass kid [4731] x72edDogx: BRO JUSY BLOW IT [4731] Fossabot: @justlik3thatfr, Your message is too long [4731] thecbl_: jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown [4731] callumwinter2156: butter milk ass pancakle [4731] wideschizoJeb: dragging it for the clips LUL [4731] xibalbattv: Wrap your finger around the top and put your lips on your finger you fat ass [4731] asher84789: dragging itttt [4731] datboisaint77: cheer1 you’re a pussy [4732] High_Vortex: High_Vortex subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [4733] leotheleon238: do it [4733] heemluiz: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [4733] Rhovr: is that an aztec death whistle? [4733] fantasykxii: Do it [4733] Cootlol: WW [4733] clasbingbee: what happened yesterday???? [4733] saucin2hard: It's fine [4733] shivermetimbers15: u ruined it [4733] lolohuncho22: LLLLLLL BLOWER [4733] gotgrappe: don’t blow it [4733] mason_boy775: blow on it daddy [4733] benrahma_szn22: blow it like you do your vapes jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [4733] tttthomasbbbtw9618: ✋ High five, you nailed it! ✋😊 [4733] scooter2ez: We get it clip has to be longer than 1 minute for tiktok @Jynxzi [4733] xoRuger: end stream [4734] tainemkayy: boring [4734] wideschizoJeb: dragging it for the clips LUL [4734] copiusclaps: everyone leave stream to give him consequences [4734] pizzadude69420nomemes: aztec death whistle [4734] SmakHotWheels: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [4734] sarogy_: DAWG JUST DO IT [4734] Vamnpire_: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL [4734] lc_papacito: There are insects in it [4734] NxLxveK: L clip farm [4734] dawarrior5: bitch [4734] mcmayzzz: do it [4734] i_drink_juicexx: why don’t you wanna do it [4734] puerccofn: do it [4734] t3dkr3w: when is fan mail [4736] koopa200815: clip farming [4736] hyper_mxtrix: when is fanmail? [4736] clpzzlol: when is fan mail @jynxzi [4736] alphnx: pause [4736] xd_watergod: jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF [4736] 1_sin_1: you will get cursed don't do it [4736] Booty_Bandit4: UR SUCH A BITCH FUCK YOU [4736] shivermetimbers15: do it [4736] MacPackGames: the whistle already got fan mail guy [4736] p0lzys: JUST DO IT DAM [4736] cocopuffs1300: FATASS DICK 🤤🤤🤤 [4736] yesmann223: BLOW IT [4736] x72edDogx: WTF BRO BLOW IT [4736] BioDream: pussy [4736] o_m3l0nn: draked [4737] Arjun_A7: I missed it tf is that [4737] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [4737] wideschizoJeb: dragging it for the clips LUL [4737] jt_dnb: THEN MOVE ON YOU PUSSYU [4737] gwaposirhyven: ??? [4737] sebastian760666: gggg [4737] mrsalamanderiii: ZZZ [4737] plixystreams: ITS DEMONIC [4737] 7rb4wx56: I HATE YOU [4737] realmrchicken: realmrchicken subscribed at Tier 1. [4739] tocitkatempr: shellb18Rockin shellb18Rockin shellb18Rockin [4739] floatedsky: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [4739] xxvvg2456: blow it [4739] connorbathgate: jonson deployed [4739] scariing: GROWN ASS MAN [4739] grehpm: just fucking blow it i don’t understand what’s scary [4739] eqcited: TAKING LONG SO U CAN END STREAM IN 2 MORE HOURS1 [4739] brandanwade: lick your lips before [4739] pandaboss2116: bro called his aztec death whistle expert [4739] tdogg19996767: bro grow up blow the fucking whistle [4739] xkraqo: dragging the clip yk there’s only 30 seconds clips [4739] zachthacka: zachthacka subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months! put your hands over the end and blow into it [4739] irvin_009: It's not gonna do nothing just blow it pussy [4739] itzhak_buda: already sold your soul it doesn't matter [4739] pwr_fanboy124: YO JUNKY WUNKY POLE IT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [4740] LJAlva1020: dragging itdragging itdragging itdragging itdragging itdragging it [4740] ttvlil_hopink: get a straw [4740] sadchildsheiz: pause [4740] beeslams: pussy boy [4740] splitzooo11: i [4740] mariong32: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [4740] junkowunko213: bro said yo before he answered [4740] c0d0ger: do it pussy [4740] zlles: STALLING FOR TIME [4740] gotgrappe: it’s a ritual [4740] t_wooo63: jynxzi it’s jus a whistle [4740] CMOMoney187: PUSSSSSSSY [4740] displaynqme: call avid [4740] joeygot_motion: ritual [4740] MackyDoo17: blow it [4741] joejune85: when is fan mail [4741] MichaelNicholson: Dragging it [4741] eqcited: TAKING LONG SO U CAN END STREAM IN 2 MORE HOURS5 [4741] LJAlva1020: dragging itdragging itdragging it [4741] tacoman_55jet: do it [4741] sxaynecahill: ITS POISON [4741] doccheekclapper: bro hurry up [4741] junkojohnsonda3: LUL [4741] realizaneg: then blow me [4741] rmcd17: you’re a bigger pancake than what ihop serves [4743] eqcited: TAKING LONG SO U CAN END STREAM IN 2 MORE HOURS8 [4743] eoDont: YOU'VE HAD WORSE IN YOUR MOUTH ALREADY [4743] LJAlva1020: dragging itdragging it [4743] Silvzr_: ITS JUST A WHISTLE [4743] kinge7423: DRAGGGGGINNGGGG !!! [4743] mother_of_pearl1: don’t invite demons into your life. you’re scared becuase it’s evil bro. you have God. don’t invite that shit [4743] its_hobbs21: MILKING PAR TIMER [4743] toastboo4000: and vale [4743] snugzzz: iam Mexican and the only time I’ve seen those are in my aunts house who do witch craft [4743] trawlrz: lmao [4743] longbillginger46: STALLING FOR TIME LMAO STALLING FOR TIME LMAO STALLING FOR TIME LMAO STALLING FOR TIME LMAO [4743] p0lzys: BLOW IN IT [4743] splitzooo11: p [4743] KissLost: he dont know you lil bro [4743] brickbroman: Bro just blow it OMG [4744] TheDivess: YOUR MAKING IT LONGER DUMBASS [4744] BlackouttttTTV: it’s just a whise [4744] johnnybarlow28228: just do it [4744] thesilentchiken: USE IT WHEN YOU'RE DOING YOUR 1V1S [4744] FrozenTridentLive: if you don't blow it, 24 hour stream [4744] xworldvv: !watchtime [4744] N00bydy: it keeps demons away [4744] StreamElements: xworldvv has spent 21 days 23 hours watching jynxzi [4746] ali8maijd: 😢sad [4746] sentonBeeblo: BLOW IT [4746] tocitkatempr: shellb18ItsLit shellb18ItsLit shellb18ItsLit shellb18ItsLit [4746] moneyman_691: it milks you [4746] delilah7771: NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [4746] wessundquist1: blow me [4746] SnowyJoey27: it’s satanic don’t do it [4746] HyperPE: OPEN THE HELL GATES CMON BRO [4746] roleor: Blow it daddy [4746] jamesyggg: DEQUAVIOUN RUNS THE WORLD FROM UNDERGROUND [4746] lateri: You blow stompn weekly [4746] B1ankIzOG: Dear Jizzy, when is stream [4746] mariong32: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [4746] mimcisbad: PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt [4746] asinkidnic: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [4747] Ezzable: JUST DO IT DUMBASS [4747] frankshotsause22: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [4747] wideschizoJeb: dragging it for the clips LUL [4747] inaxvy: JUST DO IT [4747] beefbabyx: L ungrateful [4747] longbillginger46: STALLING FOR TIME LMAO STALLING FOR TIME LMAO STALLING FOR TIME LMAO [4747] darkemperor328: BLOW IT [4747] bzLink: wait scripted…… [4747] trickwhoopinwombat: L [4747] koltsterling: you blow peniss why dont u blow the whistle [4747] adlog1912_: CAN U BLOW ME INSTEAD [4747] whenisfanmail0: Leaked [4747] servantoftalkingben: When is fan mail fuhjunko [4747] iceyvice1: daddy just commit [4747] badtwitchtv: you blowed ohter dicks befor [4748] noloveoliver: L DRAGGING IT [4748] hulk88138814: blow it [4748] sxaynecahill: STOP WASTING TIME FAT FUCK [4748] lukemahomie: wwwwwww [4748] N0GBA8: dragging it [4749] hazeland420: its just a whistle [4749] fault404__: It's just a normal whistle that just makes a scream noise [4749] heavensnt: can you just blow it' [4749] ras_killa: blow it [4749] famemaz: CLIX MADE TOU [4749] splitzooo11: lh [4749] dabombber1: Blow the whistle [4749] shockmanagement8: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [4749] itsWinston01: wager clix [4749] Lsfoedirty: no [4749] TheDonkeyboy17: BLOW IT PUSSY [4750] sleepdeprived45: “let me call hivise@ [4750] TowardsNate: NO [4750] ryuma183: Blow me [4750] LJAlva1020: dragging itdragging itu] [4750] ish2tact: EVERYONE CALL HIM A PANCAKE HE WILL DO IT [4750] its_hobbs21: MILKING OART TIMER [4750] fd1zzle: roaches inside they infest [4750] eljxyyy: YOU PUT UR MOUTH ON BRECKIES LIPS THIS IS EASY [4750] th_og1927: play ranked [4750] コッド_クンク: L script [4750] zippywilly: Gooot3ed ur boott [4750] s1ppinwxck: its a whistle ??? [4750] leesulee: ur so dumb [4750] longbillginger46: YOURE SO PUSSY [4750] SHANATl: LOL [4751] thetenderdefender123: yyyty [4751] yurrgurt_spiller: just blow [4751] sexylandrybasket34: it’s demonic do not [4751] angelchastity: BRUH [4752] smithy14r6: !link [4752] angelin099: BIG ASS PUSSY WHITE KID JUST BLOW IT [4752] beerded_wunder87: We are weird but you are the pussy that won't blow a whistle [4752] papiadrianchiki: JUST BLOW IT [4752] longbillginger46: STALLING FOR TIME LMAO STALLING FOR TIME LMAO STALLING FOR TIME LMAO [4752] Nightbot: @smithy14r6 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [4752] clasbingbee: What happened yesterday [4752] Naarly_: scripted fan mail [4752] Knoccturnal: evil energy [4752] thetenderdefender123: yyyyyyy [4752] evco_noob: EXPOSED [4752] finalarigato_: YES YOUR GONNA DIE [4752] slimerrr7600: blow [4752] cynixzlol_: blow the whistle [4752] deezladav: DONT BLOW THE WHISTLE, PLEASE DONT [4753] fallenking001: DUDE FUCKING DO IT STALLING PART TIMER [4753] cryptic_fazer: pussy [4753] kazm1337: no you idiot [4753] thacattac: HE SENDS THE FAN MAIL [4753] karsondasavage2: SCRIPT [4753] arminsolos: BLOW IT ITS AN AZTEC DEATH WHISTLE [4753] gluesticks23: L SCRIPT [4753] 76vertix: DRAGGING [4753] hake1522: its laced with fentanyl [4753] terriblebean: LL [4753] rellmwwad: u don't need to call someone to blow whisle [4753] emac6826: too much estrogen [4753] ttvlil_hopink: get straw [4753] callmemichael56: its just a sound effect thing [4753] sweeney2626: your a good blower [4754] fncs_kuno: pussy do it [4754] chumkey_: stop being a fucking bitch and blow the fucking whistle already holy shit [4754] nora_bakkali: MY 5 YEAR OLD NEPHEW WOULD DO IT U PUSSY [4754] StreamElements: @Kmkama, kmkama has been following jynxzi for 10 months 11 days 22 hours [4754] callmethicthighs: Pdiddy comes out like a geini if you blow into it [4754] dtreams02: BRO [4754] fadeskyl1ne: no [4755] charlierusso9: Blow it [4755] coxktane: NO YOU IDIOT [4755] jaythesophisticated: are you mad bro [4755] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀 [4755] tempsi17: BRO [4755] chilifartz: turn your necklace upside down and then blow [4755] terriblebean: L [4755] skunkkenzo: yo jynxzi I recently got surgery, (an external fixator) and your streams motivated me through it, ty and keep up the good work [4755] N0GBA8: dragging [4755] dischordo: summons the old gods [4755] andyboi57: big vagina [4755] Teddy4624: BROOOOO FUCKING PUSSIO [4755] ttvmiller10: the Aztecs did human sacrifices [4755] dylanpb27: clip getting too long [4755] ToPHer_QZ: calls us weird but wont blow the whistle 💀🤣 [4756] longbillginger46: STALLING FOR TIME LMAO STALLING FOR TIME LMAO STALLING FOR TIME LMAO [4756] girrfman: LIAR [4756] bzLink: wait actually fake fan mail…… [4756] Nightbot: no 🧢 [4756] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [4756] Borophoto: !watchtime [4756] radicalhimself: @Jynxzi LOOK IT UP ON AMAZON [4756] lileggaf: HES LYINGH [4756] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [4756] yesmann223: 😂😂😂😂 [4756] wearethebestaround1: That's cap [4756] mother_of_pearl1: you’re scared for a reason dude [4756] StreamElements: Borophoto has spent 8 hours watching jynxzi [4756] sandy_sir: 💀💀 [4757] theboiii8287: ITS A MEXICAN DEATH WHISTLE [4757] khiwtv: cap [4757] jaydentorres12345: No [4757] snitchjoneslol: dragging it doing too much bro [4757] BMEURS: LOOOOOOOOOOOL [4757] Cootlol: no youre fine [4757] ken_ken333: noooooooooooo [4757] drauzee: Lmaoooo [4757] kooch2020: kooch2020 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! [4758] giftedpf: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [4759] HiVise: Just do it [4759] yesmann223: 😂😂 [4759] quinnnythefos: LMAO [4759] TowardsNate: NO IT WONT?? [4759] fallen4x: It's cursed [4759] SANTAsubsLOL: lol [4759] girrfman: ITS NOTHING BAD [4759] samsulektren: blow it [4759] Gucci_kid54: 💀💀💀 [4759] kindaopmusic: GHOST [4759] splitzooo11: m [4759] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀 [4759] Nightbot: 😂 [4759] grehpm: bro [4759] nailwind: youll be cursed [4760] oeufvjzb: GoatEmotey BloodTrail [4760] SmakHotWheels: lm17Running lm17Running lm17Running lm17Running [4760] 2HRDCore: I TOLD YOU ITS CURSED [4760] aubchenny: Clix is waiting [4760] slimerrr7600: Blow [4760] USAFM1ke: BLOW THE FUCKING WHISTLE BLOW THE FUCKING WHISTLE BLOW THE FUCKING WHISTLE [4760] lileggaf: HES LYING [4760] carrott912: fucking nerd [4760] TheNamesCraft: blow it [4760] AfterEight88: SPIDER INSIDE IT @JYNXZI [4760] emac6826: staged L [4760] vitality5175: bro is a pussy [4762] wearethebestaround1: Cap [4762] ewok_yubnub: There's a soul in it [4762] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀 [4762] Jingden: NOOOOOOOOOOO [4762] papahut05: do it [4762] toxicpanda55555: he lying [4762] gotgrappe: demon summon [4762] thecbl_: lying [4762] jpersick903: The first thing you should do is to make a note to your doctor that you are in a state of emergency [4762] emac6826: staged [4762] quentin_olson: grow a pair buddy [4762] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: like ghosts but fuck it [4762] mimcisbad: NOOOO [4762] blackice1573: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [4762] Gucci_kid54: 💀💀💀 [4763] systemzvsp: jynxziTONGUE [4763] wideschizoJeb: dragging it for the clips LUL [4763] joey031899: DO ITTTT WWWWWW [4763] arcade_diff: do it if u want [4763] Tanocor6: white speed white speed white speed white speed white speed white speed white speed [4763] ethancook1245: do it [4763] zirnick: Lmaooo [4763] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: like ghosts but fuck it [4763] eljohn17_: Bros Yapping [4763] sped_baltimore_nga: ur fine [4763] so_minty_fresh: dude [4763] Jpmalagonv: 💀💀💀 [4763] HiVise: DO IT BITCH [4763] HiVise: DO IT BITCH [4763] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: like ghosts but fuck it [4765] TheRealVillager_on_120hz: jynxziSmoke [4765] oIvst: do it pussy [4765] CamFxs: bruh holy fuck no it wont [4765] KevinTheMelon: dragging it [4765] CrispyTrooper39: W PUSSY [4765] alphnx: nothing will happen [4765] Cootlol: so staged [4765] xHouseOfPleasure: NO IT WONT [4765] thecbl_: blow [4765] jlrally: it’s not going to attract anythinf [4765] pixellegend3: it just sounds like a person screaming that’s it bro [4765] blackice1573: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [4765] mother_of_pearl1: it is evil [4765] niixzyy_is_op: not bitches tho [4765] Haarrzzz: STREAM HARDER PUPPET BOY [4766] robbieh96: robbieh96 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! [4766] richluxxz: Think of the clips [4766] wideschizoJeb: dragging it for the clips LUL [4766] jamesyggg: DO IT FATTASS [4766] steezybray: COMMON VAPER L [4766] deathrangerfdmn: lmfao [4766] Darthslothious: Do it [4766] JabbaJelly: bro [4766] quhno_: fcg [4766] mini_rl: blow me [4766] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: like ghosts but fuck it [4766] hotchao: PUSSY [4766] v1zors: Just blow it [4766] undeadminer: HES LYING [4766] lileggaf: its just a sound [4768] modiddly69: modiddly69 subscribed at Tier 1. [4768] og_twotone: BLOW IT PUSSY [4768] baseballtj06: OH NAHH [4768] vitoroto006: demonic [4768] w0nin: DEMONIC RITUAL [4768] clpzzlol: when is fan mail @jynxzi [4768] rmul44: is he special too [4768] darkemperor328: BLOW [4768] finalarigato_: LMFAO [4768] Fossabot: @drovght, Your message is too long [4768] arcade_diff: its not real [4768] dtreams02: HARD [4768] niixzyy_is_op: not bitches [4768] lMentrexx: clip farmer [4768] spedpop: do it [4769] benc2048: DO ITRTTr [4769] ryann11024: BLOW THE WHISTLE [4769] ossieum: its just a whistle [4769] zippywilly: DOO IT [4769] Senjur0_: L SCRIP [4769] sirclapass: he capping [4769] majorwolf52: ANCIENT AZTEC DEMONS COME. [4769] tocitkatempr: shellb18Dance2 shellb18Dance2 shellb18Dance2 [4769] hotchao: DONT BE A BITCH [4769] deltwitchy: do it [4769] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [4771] leondereine: GG YOU HUNTED [4771] mimcisbad: PUSSY [4771] samsulektren: blow it loud [4771] mason_boy775: blow on it😉 [4771] Jedtronic: pussy [4771] inaxvy: BRO [4771] sandy_sir: 💀 [4771] kxrsedaudie: it attracts skin wakers [4771] kriscaruso21: MOVE YOUR HANDS [4771] mysteriousmoses: blow hard [4771] noluiis: BLOW IT HARDDD [4771] Nightbot: 🍉 [4771] frostyy_baby: ITS JUST A WHISLE [4771] sped_baltimore_nga: harder [4771] mytwitchtowatchstreams: L [4772] leesulee: NO DUMBASS [4772] RealVoidd: ANCIENT SPIRITS [4772] donkRun1g: So we're clip farming [4772] Liltatertot420: HARDER [4772] voyager021: WHAT [4772] vlak74: DO IT L STAGED [4772] crownzb: DO IT U PUSSY [4772] kbbreezy9: DO IT PUSSY [4772] finalarigato_: LMFAOOOOO [4772] KatHandsLs: do it [4772] mrcasman88: UR CURSED [4774] ramp7: LMAOOOOOOO [4774] murdasszn: PANCAKE ASS KID [4774] hunttoo: you gotta blow hard [4774] xoMustPrevail: ur an industry plant [4774] meaty_kiwi: stick with the script [4774] EatCrackRock: it's literally for war it's not demonic you bots [4774] QuickPup3340436: HARDER [4774] lolohuncho22: BLOW IT BROTHER☝🏻 [4774] parsa_kz_87: ITS GONNA CURSE YOU [4774] b_a_k_i_69: GG [4774] csa22: Duck call [4774] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀 [4774] mayzer690: blow harder [4774] Gucci_kid54: yup GG [4774] puerccofn: harder [4775] moiisessc: hard [4775] Nightbot: yup yup yup [4775] datboisaint77: cheer1 pussy [4775] jamesyggg: W [4775] batgg01: L VAPER [4775] derritos: he’s covering the holes [4775] tripshd24: fake fan mail [4775] gh0stgh0sty: GG [4775] kurta__: HELLLLLL NOOOOOOOOO [4775] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: blow hard [4775] calvino8: legendcal8 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 4 month streak! yay [4775] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: blow hard [4776] cowzay: gg [4776] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [4777] Hybs_: wtf [4777] gotgrappe: your cooked [4777] hey123347: LMFAO [4777] httpsmileyy: gg [4777] girrfman: AHHH [4777] vrperson2: u r such a puzy ahh ni@@ [4777] TBEClockWork: ur dead [4777] lahpaulll03: lmaoooo [4777] CrispyTrooper39: DONT COVER IT [4777] drmonkeeman10: lmao [4777] quentin_olson: finally [4777] hpmix: add water [4777] darkcyclecd: Gg [4777] 1_sin_1: you'll get cursed [4777] Gucci_kid54: yup GG [4778] GRIN6O: I DIEDD [4778] mytznot: Blow it Blow it Blow it Blow it Blow it Blow it Blow it Blow it [4778] Kingsofwater: GGS YOU ARE DEAD TMRW [4778] baseballtj06: YOUR CURSED NOW [4778] FI3K_: hard [4778] tkettel_: BORING [4778] KnugensKaviar: HARDER [4778] crz_freaski: blow hard [4778] PudgySpike: HARDER [4778] heemluiz: bro [4778] b58_matty: YOU GOT DEMONS NOW GG [4778] michaelopolus: harder [4780] Brettgarrett22: lol [4780] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: MY EARS [4780] badboytunesmush: Harder [4780] lileggaf: LMAO [4780] jlrally: DADDY IM WET [4780] drjbaby: blow harder [4780] bardown16__: HARDER [4780] QuickPup3340436: AS HARD AS YOU CAN [4780] kbbreezy9: BLOW HARD AS FUCK [4780] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: MY EARS [4780] mako__0: gg [4780] therealblamster: wtf [4780] daldam17: gg [4780] B1GMIKEEE: haunted [4780] yungKIBE: LMAO [4781] dangerplayss: lmfao [4781] Gucci_kid54: yup GG [4781] MALtwt: HARDER [4781] quinnnythefos: L WHISTLE [4781] monkeydoddlw: Vapr [4781] celioalmada: water [4781] exttrraa: gggg [4781] kazm1337: LOUDERRRRRR [4781] palmtreevibez: add water [4781] kalilriv: gg [4781] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: MY EARS [4781] RioStaysTrue: GG [4781] DNDCHASE: GGGSSSSSSSSSSSSSS [4781] noluiis: HARDERRR [4781] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: MY EARS [4783] xkraqo: your such a bitch [4783] Burt_4rd: blow harder [4783] lonewolfyj: harder daddy [4783] SnowyJoey27: it’s satanic don’t do it [4783] tkettel_: BLOW HARD [4783] Cootlol: damn [4783] bobcat_1113: add water [4783] xJrboy_: HARDER [4783] bluefusiontv: HAHAHAHAHAHHA [4783] kieranjack1245: HARDER [4783] nicosauce111: HARDER [4783] break_d_law: he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. it literally was just an aztec intimidation tactic [4783] eastoniscompp: DEMONS NOW [4783] SHANATl: OWWW [4783] flyingcubano: gg [4784] gunther4265: GIVE IT HELL PUSSY [4784] wJuuh: GG CURSED [4784] morrgy40: SEEE [4784] leroyy2k: ggssss [4784] richxrdcolee: LMFASOOOOOOOOO [4784] exttrraa: gg [4784] Zendalath: cursed [4784] jamesyggg: BORING [4784] knappy_120htz: it attracts skin walkers [4784] jackman1374: GG [4784] RainbowFishcakes: W [4784] ndawg2003: BEHIND YOU [4784] brandelo35: stream crrrrashed [4784] mimcisbad: CURSED [4784] waterrnelons: ????? [4786] pancakeman15: not even blowing it right [4786] iamdirtydan34: good luck [4786] denniz9900: lmaoooo [4786] abyssxdd: LAMOOOOOOO [4786] rthreadb: MY EARS [4786] TimRules: Sounds like cats fighting. [4786] Tadashi_T_T_Hamada: it’s ass [4786] Kingsofwater: GGS YOU ARE DYINGHGG [4786] mr_scoot_manz: bro was scared of a whistle [4786] twizzyflabizzy: HARDER [4786] SpookyTy_: gg [4786] craby_agent44: GG [4786] vitality5175: ahhhhhhhh [4786] trospire: harder [4786] itzhak_buda: you die in the next 24 hours [4789] TyroneYolo: skin walkers [4789] taqqvue: wtff [4789] gavlations: ur cursed noww [4789] richxrdcolee: LOOOOOL [4789] theyluvv_noellee: THE DEMONS ARE COMING [4789] beantownmelo617: needs water [4789] ewok_yubnub: L VAPER [4789] iamdigi6: BLOW HARDERRRRR [4789] MrBarryAllen2: as hard as u can [4789] Mihjit: and now ur cursed [4789] shadow78218: CURSED [4789] SplashinJs: CURSED [4789] callmeb0o: harder [4789] HotDogWaterCart: 😭😭😭😭 [4789] emac6826: ur possessed [4790] CaptClutchxNE: cursed [4790] heemluiz: harder [4790] dsnxash: Cursed [4790] pardon_me922: IM BOUT TO BLOW [4790] joe1243254: gg [4790] repulsiverunner: CURSED [4790] jxhnnyyss: CURSED [4790] SheFwGEO: weird [4790] ttv_lxl: CURSED [4790] notwampa: noooooooooooooo [4790] rthreadb: SSTOP [4790] austin172: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [4790] pizzadude69420nomemes: NICE [4790] dummyoy: cursed [4790] Nightbot: F in the chat [4793] yungKIBE: LMAO [4793] jibbnuts: cursed [4793] dtreams02: CURSED [4793] xx_not_matt_xx: xx_not_matt_xx subscribed with Prime. [4793] bluefusiontv: L whistle [4793] drmonkeeman10: LMAO [4793] marthman_: BEHIND YOU [4793] gyssa0217: bro is cursed [4793] 1xjayden1x: Yo [4793] Zonum777: gg [4793] kylecase__: bad spirits g [4793] reeee1122: god teir [4793] jooacocarp_: cursed [4793] Sendful: BEHIND YOU [4793] StreamElements: potato_guy48 has spent 5 days 5 hours watching jynxzi [4794] iHumbo: ritual complete [4796] Mortonben9: Stream crashed [4796] zyxc1221: cursed [4796] mearrop: W cursed [4796] leroyy2k: GGS [4796] SirJonnyGoat: cursed [4796] bennyy23: You will be dead in 24 hrs [4796] mjthedemon1: cursedcursed [4796] NoSleepNandoxD: Blow harder [4796] xaj8_: gg [4796] Trap2Kwastaken: CURSEDD [4796] matt8u: cursed [4796] xojay_flocka: CURSED [4796] ZachXc48: GGS [4796] 5starjordan90: YOUR CURSEDS [4796] borgor7: borgor7 subscribed with Prime. [4798] eianz_: pre crash out [4799] disdoodisnotpro: cursed [4799] BigTony629: wrong way to do it [4799] Haarrzzz: CURAED [4799] kttisfat69: cursed [4799] mrunnamed: cursed [4799] jizzylicious: CURSED [4799] brandelo35: stream crashed [4799] carsonthebest7: LOUDDDDDDDDDD [4799] apex_pastor: your gonna die in 3 minutes [4799] KatHandsLs: cursed [4799] vamp_15121: JYNXZI PLEASE ITS BEEN SO LONG HAVE NOT GOT THE CHARM [4799] SHANATl: CURSED [4799] badcompanyworm: cursed ritual [4799] Cantromp: CURSED [4799] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: GG ur crib is cursed LUL [4800] JDT123_: cursed [4800] josh_davis359: ur gonna die now [4800] utahutes8529: cursed [4800] eianz_: pre crash out [4800] mr_goat513: they are coming [4800] oilrighelipad: ur cursed now ez [4800] critxtwo: CURSED [4800] junkojohnsonda3: 💀✝️💀✝️💀✝️💀✝️💀💀✝️ [4800] Bobby2Pistolz44: on ur ceiling [4800] papaj0nk: whistle [4800] mthogarth: scream daddy [4800] coinhall22: blowe harderrr [4800] resicyy: GHOST COMING [4800] chadley_da_badddie: Sold your soul [4800] Fossabot: @aash_4644, Your message is too long [2x] [4802] koolsam13: cursed [4802] Fc450Murda: Demon caller [4802] goldrocktv: CURSEDD [4802] nyc_vasili: cursed [4802] expansionfqo: CURSED BROS GONNA DIEEEEEECURSED BROS GONNA DIEEEEEECURSED BROS GONNA DIEEEEEECURSED BROS GONNA DIEEEEEE [4802] cocopuffs1300: CURSED [4802] legowater54: CURSED [4802] MoneyHendrix: it was good meeting you at the Illuminati meeting. stay dialed for the gang brother bear 🖖 [4802] Borophoto: !watchtime [4802] barca8218: BYE BYE CURSED [4802] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀 [4802] spedpop: your cursed [4802] DeFectNotFound: cursed [4802] SpookyTy_: Ur cursed lil dude [4802] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [4803] eyemaarbz: CURSED [4803] sweeney2626: your a good blower [4803] slxughtrd: have fun cursed [4803] 120hzmaxiu: rubbing it [4803] ImTommsco: cursed [4803] caleb0917_: Curesd [4803] himself727: curse [4803] justjoeken: cyrsed now gg [4803] fe4r_ryza: water [4803] wrooney15: bros getting the cops at his house again [4803] abby_lucas_: harder [4803] exterminadorPa: DONE FOR MAN [4803] chriscar24: cursed [4803] shevekz: shevekz subscribed with Prime. [4803] Nightbot: 🍉 [4804] eianz_: pre crash out [4805] ScoldedPhallus: CURSED [4805] eastoniscompp: UR CURSEDDD [4805] waltaw24: CURSED [4805] Cantromp: BEHIND YOU [4805] realraider_: cursed [4805] dz506: CURSED BRU [4805] brodsstar: CURSED [4805] koolsam13: under u [4805] Kaverri: ADD WATERRR [4805] SnowyJoey27: it’s satanic [4805] sealofwar: CURSE [4805] ajoitt: CURSED [4805] willburf: gg just cursed the whole chat [4805] txkingfisher03: LUL LUL [4805] JeyPi_33: cursedddd [4806] sparc_777: Cursed [4806] wideschizoJeb: MY EYES [4806] vxezv: CURSED [4806] r0ckyy199: IN UR FAT CHEEKS [4806] palmtreevibez: add water???add water???add water??? [4806] ryagodR6: CURSED [4806] thegodiyweeb: cursed [4806] slidgn: cursed [4806] dagoatedgamer52752: wager [4806] zen_tips: Cursed fr [4806] Gucci_kid54: yup GG here comes the spirits [4806] tyshaunh04: cursed [4806] eianz_: pre crash out [4806] iiithxnderiii: CURSEDERDD [4806] Nightbot: yup yup yup [4807] eianz_: pre crash out [4808] josslill123: cursed [4808] tavmongus007: ritual [4808] julian_arce05: GG YOUR CURSED [4808] wyfyttv: WHEN IS KAI VS STOMPN [4808] dgcv_: curse [4808] jpersick903: cursed [4808] PapiThooi: wtf sounds like a lil girl [4808] zach_109: cursed [4808] coinab: cur5d [4808] thecatdaddymike: I don’t claim this negative energy [4808] mason_boy775: blow harder daddy [4808] fuss4: DONT SLEEP TONIGHT [4808] Hunw123: YOUR WINDOW [4808] xJonathan199x: You’re Fckd [4808] eianz_: pre crash out [4809] GoD_Its_me_Again: 2012 coming [4809] xSoapyyx: IT SPAWNS ONE OF THEM [4809] thesilentchiken: USE IT ON YOUR ENEMIES WHEN YOU 1V1 LOLLLL [4809] kyxpzi: cursed [4809] thecbl_: CURSED [4809] GrahamCrackers20: BEHIND YOU [4809] tobstar5122009: all at once [4809] kall_me_adam: Illuminati [4809] ant4133: CURSEDDDD [4809] Comeows: cursed [4809] bubbarichner: cursed [4809] koecreation: YOU WILL NEVER SLEEP AGAIN [4809] peomuyapestoso: LEBONBON IS COMING [4809] drovght: BEING A PUSSY FOR WHAT BEING A PUSSY FOR WHAT BEING A PUSSY FOR WHAT BEING A PUSSY FOR WHAT [4809] mrdartski: cursedd [4811] Haarrzzz: W CURSED [4811] eianz_: pre crash out [4811] snugzzz: cursed [4811] momo250309: ITS COMING [4811] dgrish05: UNDER UR CHAIR [4811] SHANATl: OWWWWW [4811] salivalover: DEMON SUMMONED [4811] uSilent_: YOUR DOOR [4811] IvLuvsYY: add water [4811] CQIN: pack it up it’s wraps [4811] kamcontrols: curseddd [4811] kingyadir: when’s fan mail [4811] richxrdcolee: UR SO FUCKIGN CUREDDDD [4811] Schoolbusz: Possessed now [4811] dialedguido: JOE ROGAN JOE ROGAN JOE ROGAN JOE ROGAN [4812] gumbogoooo: HARDER [4812] btd_d_mag: curaed [4812] hockeystar81953: hockeystar81953 subscribed at Tier 1. [4812] RayanB7_: gg you just summoned evil demons into ur house it’s over💀💀🙏🏼 [4814] Renux2: add the water too it [4814] dallasshore1998: See ya [4814] zachboots: actually sold his sold this time [4814] nbgjosh: pray [4814] Curqsd_: L dumbass [4814] agentrussShackleford: but your mouth on a cursed object [4814] Icyyonkbm: WWWWWWW [4814] toxickiller543: RUN [4814] femboyasmr___: !link [4814] zayda1g: illuminati [4814] RayanB7_: gg you just summoned evil demons into ur house it’s over💀💀🙏🏼 [4814] Enzolira13: COVER THE BOTTOM [4814] KaiMeister07: SATANIC RITUAL COMPLETED [4814] beantownmelo617: blow like u mean it [4814] angelscreed8841: you coolin from yesterday [4815] RayanB7_: gg you just summoned evil demons into ur house it’s over💀💀🙏🏼 [4816] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: forgot to tell u it attracts spirits LUL [4817] kvngtitanz: put your hand under it changes tone [4817] theholypapul: your haunted [4817] BaggnK: ..DONT BLOW IT IT IS SATANIC [4817] robsuperior: YOU ARE NOW FUCKED [4817] RayanB7_: gg you just summoned evil demons into ur house it’s over💀💀🙏🏼 [4817] vrperson2: lvaper [4817] skullrealms: going to get demons [4817] alphnx: thats actually scray [4817] TyroneYolo: pre curse pre curse pre curse pre curse pre curse pre curse [4817] masirati: RITUAL COMPLETED.. [4817] meta_r6: CURSDEDDD [4817] Jelly5themaster: yea ur done [4817] Gucci_kid54: yup GG here comes the spirits [4817] godlyegoist: UR WINDOW [4817] bosman024: fent on it [4818] zlles: IMCOMING RAID [4818] sandy_sir: WELP HE'S SO DEAD [4818] benjixz_: Im on my way [4818] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: forgot to tell u it attracts spirits LUL [4818] RayanB7_: gg you just summoned evil demons into ur house it’s over💀💀🙏🏼 [4819] eianz_: pre crash out [4820] SimDawgy: Its supposed to sound like a person screaming [4820] u_a_cornball: ILLUMINATI ACCEPTED HIM [4820] bluefusiontv: this is 100% pre crash out era [4820] RayanB7_: gg you just summoned evil demons into ur house it’s over💀💀🙏🏼 [4820] rusher5516: blow harder [4820] AbhiwitdaHoodie: water [4820] wha12up: YOU WILL DIE IN 24 HOURS NOW R.I.P [4820] repiks_12: Stream crashed [4820] jinxylovesmyglizzy: feel throat it [4820] karam_ah135: GG [4820] ThatBoiMarleyy: Death is around you young man [4820] richxrdcolee: MY EARSSSSS [4820] waterypanda: I miss the uncursed jynkzi [4820] crazykylez: yeah bohemian grove next stop [4820] tykxzz: bye bye [4821] Dzcson: summoning demons [4821] ejdabeast95: cursed [4821] c0d0ger: behind you [4821] sleepy_zebo: CURRRRRSSEEEEEDDDDD [4821] YesIAmARiver: cursed [4821] IOH_Gunnin: cursed [4821] dantheman9021008: blow harder boy# [4821] junkoiswhitespeed: cursed check your ass [4821] camkelly2342: ITS SATANIC [4821] pulsing__: add water [4821] bluehundro69: Your calling death [4821] eianz_: pre crash out [4822] RayanB7_: gg you just summoned evil demons into ur house it’s over💀💀🙏🏼 [4822] eianz_: pre crash out [4823] ewok_yubnub: L VAPER [4823] PapaKapsTV: harder daddy [4823] vVacnt: yo this the Aztecs we gonna beat your ass [4823] w0nin: GHOST AND DEMONSSSSS [4823] salohcin078: buddies tweaking over a death whistle 😭😭 [4823] notsliime: L TONGUE [4823] finalarigato_: YOU DIE IN THE NEXT 24 HOURS YOU DIE IN THE NEXT 24 HOURS [4823] goldrocktv: HARDER DADDY [4823] imxolts: eaaaaars [4823] RayanB7_: gg you just summoned evil demons into ur house it’s over💀💀🙏🏼 [4823] aidenkillsnoobs: just summoned a demon [4823] bigdawgsteve77: is that an under age girl screaming ?? [4823] JeyPi_33: check behind u [4823] tokonutt: TONGUE FALLING OFF [4824] slipperyshroom26: what's behind you [4824] Grom9696: put water in it [4824] sps_3541: stop vaping [4825] RayanB7_: gg you just summoned evil demons into ur house it’s over💀💀🙏🏼 [4826] FI3K_: it’s cursed [4826] shivermetimbers15: CURSED FOREVERR [4826] quinnnythefos: LEVEL 1000 AGRICTULURAL CLIP FARMERr [4826] SHANATl: JUST DND [4826] morrgy40: SEEEE [4826] xd_watergod: cursed [4826] zlles: COVERINH HOLES [4826] samsulektren: UR DEAD NOW [4826] BaggnK: DONT BLOW IT IT IS SATANIC.. [4826] faustoe733: you need to put water in it [4826] sunexodia: jynxziPACK [4826] bigdawgsteve77: is that an under age girl screaming ????? [4826] pulsing__: water [4826] yungKIBE: yeah its gg [4826] reeee1122: he did it three times. like beatlejuice [4827] shwane126: Fattie male fan is when [4827] thatfkinwelder: done for [4827] nikeairmaxking8: sold ur soul [4827] nutty44404: inhale mf damn [4827] balls12333333: WHERES JYNXZI [4827] t_wooo63: double cursed [4827] john_hartson78: in your ass [4827] i3rooklyn22: troll people [4827] RayanB7_: gg you just summoned evil demons into ur house it’s over💀💀🙏🏼 [4829] BaggnK: DONT BLOW IT IT IS SATANIC..... [4829] shanghai30: add water [4829] troggeure: wather [4829] BABYKEEMLOVER13: pre demons [4829] vamp_15121: UI [4829] Zlazc: GGG [4829] kieranjack1245: The fbi gonna hunt you down [4829] oilrighelipad: water [4829] RayanB7_: gg you just summoned evil demons into ur house it’s over💀💀🙏🏼 [4829] ckittle1: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [4829] x72edDogx: BLOW HARDER DADDY [4829] j0rdan164: WHISTLE HARDER [4829] swordsmith14_: www [4829] xoRuger: w vap3 [4829] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [4830] Kaverri: ADDD WATTTERRRRR [4830] crazycoughlin: PRE DEMON [4830] oo_play: cursed [4830] carsontiv: cursedd [4830] hobnob_23rdd: ADD WATERRRRR [4830] th_og1927: play ranked washed [4830] xoRuger: w vap3 [4831] xoRuger: w vap3 [4831] RayanB7_: gg you just summoned evil demons into ur house it’s over💀💀🙏🏼 [4831] benlindner: benlindner subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! 4 MONTHS [4832] xoRuger: w vap3 [4832] eianz_: pre crash out [4832] xoRuger: w vap3 [4832] shivermetimbers15: CURSED FOREVERr [4832] grehpm: hades is coming [4832] jamesyggg: NOW BLOW ME [4832] 0mega1k: add wafer [4832] vkiast: Cursed [4832] Bloqaaaa: add water [4832] owlseph: W [4832] kriscaruso21: BLOW HARDER [4832] Nightbot: @oiMcRaEio -> You're mistaken. [stop posting links] [warning] [4832] lonewolfyj: harder daddyharder daddyharder daddyharder daddyharder daddyharder daddy [4832] niannaxo: It’s drugged [4832] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [4833] therealrian: do it outside [4833] peanutlover23: now the deamons are gonna tickle your pickle at 3am [4833] voltictheamazing: add whater [4833] THE_KN1GHTS_: BRO SUMMONED THE DEMONS [4833] rooktookyourace: CURRSEDD [4833] Uncommon209: ATTRACT THE DEAD [4833] xoRuger: w vap3 [4833] xoRuger: w vap3 [4833] eianz_: pre crash out [4834] xoRuger: w vap3 [4834] RayanB7_: gg you just summoned evil demons into ur house it’s over💀💀🙏🏼 [4834] xoRuger: w vap3 [4835] eianz_: pre crash out [4835] lonewolfyj: harder daddyharder daddyharder daddyharder daddyharder daddy [4835] Zlazc: GOODBYEEE [4835] xoRuger: w vap3 [4835] itsandym06: ur calling death [4835] HiVise: ??????????? [4835] Watch_Trey: cursed [4835] ATR_Kmoney: cursed with 1 hour streams omgggg [4835] itzhak_buda: avid is coming for you he's turned into a demon [4835] iamdigi6: U INV TO THE CARNE ASADA NOW [4835] connor4921: cursed check ur pants [4835] lotus_52: GG [4835] spazn_: devil standing behind you [4835] Nightbot: 🍉 [4835] Nightbot: “😂😂😂” -avidqr6 [4836] xkidunknownx: he’s coming [4836] bigdonnyyy: water [4836] bobnweave4: r6 lets go [4836] ttv_lxl: YOURE DOING IT WRONG [4836] SnowyJoey27: it’s satanic [4836] slayerrrdo: x1 [4836] trajin577: add water [4836] loser0221: cursed [4836] bradyxhill: add water [4836] yesmann223: HES ALREADY GONE [4836] nhgfhggfgdfgfdgd: clean your tongue stinky breath [4836] olliemj11: l vapee [4836] yungKIBE: yeah its gg [4836] cs_haunt: gg poltergeist behind you [4836] HiVise: ??????????? [4837] RayanB7_: gg you just summoned evil demons into ur house it’s over💀💀🙏🏼 [4837] HiVise: ??????????? [4837] xoRuger: w vap3 [4837] xoRuger: w vap3 [4838] Gexrox: BLOW HARDER [4838] gibbymerkle: rest up jynxzi 🙏🙏🙏 [4838] kimjongsquarepants: SUCK ON IT [4838] Nightbot: F in the chat [4838] richiesbbc: spread ur cheeks lil bro😫 [4838] xHouseOfPleasure: add watter [4838] calump123402: just think of how many plant downs you can do using that [4838] nutty44404: inhale [4838] BrandoOnTopp: ADD WATER [4838] gabrielchamberlain: water [4838] junkofunkochunkofatass: water [4838] sponge_790: bros vaping the aztec curse [4838] sandy_sir: LMAAOO💀💀💀 [4838] cully_is_chill: ADD WATER [4838] bosman024: I put fentanyl on it [4839] jcservant777: blow harder [4839] yungKIBE: yeah its gg [4839] sheshgamer: Add water [4839] wideschizoJeb: MY EYES [4839] Gucci_kid54: yup GG here comes the spirits [4839] SG1Rez: vaper [4839] timmmmmmee: HARDER [4839] liljunior1st: U NEED WATER!!! [4839] advixt: advixt subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 7 month streak! YEEEOO [4839] grimacy1: YOU PUT WATER [4839] 1Drae: lmaoooooooooo [4839] shorved: PrideCute PrideCute PrideCute PrideCute PrideCute PrideCute PrideCute PrideCute [4839] sweeney2626: suck in [4839] jooacocarp_: aztec tribes coming forya [4839] xoRuger: w vap3 [4840] dankwhoolies69: dankwhoolies69 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [4840] xoRuger: w vap3 [4841] slimsta: whistle harder [4841] oilrighelipad: jynxziVapeBreak [4841] introvertben: L noise complaints [4841] lonewolfyj: harder daddyharder daddyharder daddyharder daddyharder daddyharder daddy [4841] bmk_0: THEY'RE COMING [4841] seano726: SUMMONING EVIL SPIRITS AND BAD LUCK/AIMm [4841] coopsb_: he’s possesre [4841] IGL_strmz: WYMATER [4841] xoRuger: w vap3 [4841] jcblanco1999: possessed [4841] PorkChopMIA: L Vaper [4841] nyc_vasili: WATER [4841] hannahbango: UR POOR MOM [4841] dgrish05: DOOR OPENED [4841] jp2time401: water [4844] juniorwilliams05: water [4844] d1gg_sniffs_glue: Watet [4844] chxtum: add water [4844] nutty44404: inhaleinhale [4844] voltage_amp: BEHIND YOU [4844] First_Line_Gaming: cover the bottom [4844] stefan27041: you forgot the water [4844] c0d0ger: L bape [4844] o_Zilch: L vaper [4844] Curqsd_: L dumbass [4844] leondereine: GG YOU HUNTED [4844] dantheman9021008: whistle harder] [4844] IGL_strmz: WATER [4844] notjoey714: blow harder [4844] wha12up: YOU WILL DIE IN 24 HOURS NOW R.I.PYOU WILL DIE IN 24 HOURS NOW R.I.PYOU WILL DIE IN 24 HOURS NOW R.I.P [4845] noahcurdt: water [4845] guerdez: Cursed [4845] MsterPato: GOT CURSED LMAO [4845] killerbot_fn: W vap3 [4845] exitz101: s [4845] qwvzr: do it in a smaller room💀💀 [4845] mcquaken07: drugs [4845] Jpmalagonv: SUMMONED GHOST [4845] yehehwhehwhw: water [4845] wMxson: cover bottom [4845] ttvlil_hopink: add water [4845] trospire: water [4845] wideschizoJeb: MY EYES [4845] buttaboy728: how do I sub with twitch prime [4845] guelitofr: add water [4847] pillcrusher1: EARSSS [4847] toastmalone_14: jynxi be living in a cave in a months time from now [4847] sterlingarcher321: Aztec coming [4847] PoaRidor: wtf [4847] nickolasfatson: gg you just summoned rayans deadz🤣🤣🤣!!. [4847] SnoopTT: go outside and blow it lol [4847] fin1hes: waterrrr [4847] troggeure: wather. [4847] ttv_lxl: PUT WATER IN IT [4847] cooli68: When's fanmail? [4847] glitchflated: Illuminati [4847] frostyyrea: DEMONS [4847] xWaHboo: do that in your girls ear [4847] lonewolfyj: harder daddyharder daddyharder daddyharder daddyharder daddyharder daddyharder daddyharder daddyharder daddyharder daddyharder daddy [4847] jcarterradio: play baby Kia [4848] Gucci_kid54: yup GG here come the spirits [4848] mayaagee: ADD WATER [4848] TheRealVillager_on_120hz: water in it [4848] LafeTV: l vaping [4848] mr2f0: CLIP FARMING PUSSY [4848] jeffdagoatf31: women in basement [4848] wideschizoJeb: MY EYES [4848] cesarthegoate: blow better [4848] wafflesarelovely: wATER [4848] djw123412: vap [4848] m0zzar3lla1: add water [4848] lukedaboss201: water [4848] Bailou: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [4848] 02derf: why is your tongue green [4848] its_wombiee: death whistle is crazy [4850] Mando_Mad: behind you [4850] v2_vibez: @Jynxzi they are used to attract skin walkers LMAO [4850] Cootlol: add water [4850] vVacnt: yo this the Aztecs we gonna beat your ass yo this the Aztecs we gonna beat your ass yo this the Aztecs we gonna beat your ass [4850] puerccofn: add water [4850] ckittle1: w vapeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee [4850] salivalover: DEMON SUMMONED [4850] Gluqo: BANNED [4850] madix1221: WATER [4850] callmemayko: TRIPLE CURSED [4850] bigouncedanny: can you hear the souls@of the damned yet???? [4850] chiefd247: BLOW HARDER [4850] itzRrexn: water [4850] sb_dxrkr6: PRE DEMON [4850] troggeure: wather [4851] kingsinns5: W RITUAL [4851] chromaticfn: chromaticfn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! LETTTS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [4851] alewoj10: speed# [4851] cjdaplugg: VAPER [4851] dr_3ii: add water [4851] userspinnn: add water bozo [4851] henry_020: put water [4851] ArchAngelLokiGames: call sketch and use it [4851] Gucci_kid54: yup GG here come the spirits [4851] blake43352: put water [4851] phantommblast: use it for 1v1s [4851] udbdjsjzk: WATER [4851] zeus_3032: l vaped [4851] wideschizoJeb: MY EYES [4851] Trollzy_JH: so we hunted be an tribe people [4853] itzRrexn: waterrr [4853] Hey_Its_Dom_: add water [4853] jackowackoslacko: put it in your but [4853] nathano2005: They took youre soul [4853] Gingr2Clutch: water [4853] Nemsis_Pey: water in it [4853] miremehard: bad luck to blow inside your home [4853] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: forgot to tell u it attracts spirits LUL [4853] angelscreed8841: you coolin from yesterday [4853] w0nin: BEHIND YOYZZ [4853] DeFectNotFound: no [4853] jynxzipartimer123: ADD WATERADD WATERADD WATERADD WATERADD WATER [4853] lahpaulll03: NO WATER [4853] sweeney2626: suck it [4853] fe4r_ryza: water [4854] holdensucksjynxzisjohnson: demonsw [4854] k1ttencaboodle: cursed [4854] girrfman: DONT ADD WATER IT WILL BREAK IT [4854] voltictheamazing: add water [4854] DixxiNormis: add water [4854] kozichovic_23: water dumbass [4854] wideschizoJeb: MY EYES [4854] zennzuu: brush your tongue plaease [4854] SnaxVI: ADD WATERRRRRr [4854] bigtomfoot: react harder [4854] yc13: STOPPP BRO [4854] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: forgot to tell u it attracts spirits LUL [4856] puerccofn: Put water [4856] nickolasfatson: gg you just summoned rayans deadz🤣🤣🤣! [4856] evzmo: water [4856] abeaver: put water [4856] x72edDogx: ADD WATER [4856] introvertben: L NOISE COMPLAINTS [4856] alphnx: BEHING YOU [4856] milkman0401: ME NEXT [4856] lcgotti__: YOU JUST GOT PUT IN DEATH NOTE [4856] i3rooklyn22: ssa [4856] DaftGh0st: SWAT [4856] jackuaza: bro shut up [4856] connordowding: you would kentrell do [4856] bbowden_23: NO [4856] Nightbot: https://discord.gg/jynxzi [4857] liljeed04: stopp man [4857] 5starbethel: add water [4857] yfrxio_: ADD WATER [4857] blinkblong1: water [4857] dr_3ii: put water [4857] hito2222: CURSED [4857] Danielllllllllll_: Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa [4857] NachoFishYT: GREEN TONGUE 👅 [4857] mrjackcheese14: add water [4857] ru_airi2: JUST EAT ME [4857] jynxyisgothmommy: bros casting his domain expansion [4857] StreamElements: SuperHero961_ has spent 10 days 7 hours watching jynxzi [4857] 999_duke: STFU [4857] ArchAngelLokiGames: call case and use it [4859] sterlingarcher321: gimme a 6 piece and a fila o fish [4859] showtimea5: stop vaping [4859] advixt: DEATH WHISTLE [4859] joshstoleurdad: waterrrr [4859] LattMaNett56: WHY DID IT TURN YOUR TONGUE YELLOW [4859] SKMarc_07: yeahh [4859] kreamteam12: The Aztec death whistle was most likely used as a spiritual conduit of sorts during religious practices [4859] arran94: ADD THE WATER FOR BETTER SOUND [4859] snugzzz: water [4859] hugstrr: behind you [4859] iAgusz_: bro just sold his soul to the devil with the devil [4859] itzRrexn: water [4859] liamlouda: water [4859] nickolasfatson: gg you just summoned rayans deadz🤣🤣🤣6 [4859] Whymsic47: open it [4860] OpTicZ_ClapZzZ: Bros going to be haunted for life [4860] og_twotone: no water [4860] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [4860] kxrsedaudie: it attracts skin walker’s [4860] Sendful: WATER [4860] vVacnt: yo this the Aztecs we gonna beat your ass yo this the Aztecs we gonna beat your ass [4860] Darthslothious: Trust us [4860] realraider_: cursed [4860] antiwyatt: cops are at ur house [4860] legowater54: AZTEC TRIBES ARE GONNA COME FOR YOU [4860] u_a_cornball: NOOOOOOOOO [4860] gotgrappe: bro [4860] mytwitchtowatchstreams: L [4860] Haarrzzz: SUCK IT [4860] KingSimpHolden: NOOOOO [4861] thundakue98: tap your hand on the bottom of it [4861] jonhsons_baby_: you need to do it outside [4861] inaxvy: ADDD WATERRRR [4861] salivalover: DEMON SUMMONEE [4861] Tanocor6: add water [4861] mrrocketbunny69: AYEOO [4861] eoDont: Death Whistle is the best [4861] yEndeavoR6: clip farmer [4861] sonotreal: uh oh [4861] nibbalis: WHEN IS FAN MAIL [4863] inaxvy: PUT WATERRRR [4863] Magistyz: bad aim [4863] maciejuskiii: water [4863] nickolasfatson: gg you just summoned rayans deadz🤣🤣🤣“ [4863] masirati: RITUAL COMPLETEDDDDD [4863] iAgusz_: nooooo [4863] expertakeswalls: KEEP BLOWING DADDY [4863] dubz76_: clix is behind u [4863] vrperson2: l vaper [4863] slitciapper: there is a thumb hole somehwere [4863] Ayzorax: ruined [4863] yungKIBE: BRUH [4863] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [4863] beezytbg: cursed [4863] SHANATl: TODDLER [4864] horrible7k: hand on bottom [4864] rhysstone22: mod him [4864] 99hater: gg ur cooked [4864] Liltatertot420: TAKE THE PIZZA AND SHUT THE DOOR [4864] olliewoods1423: bro is gonna have demons istg [4864] liamleonard32: Mcds delivery [4865] cowzay: pspFool cant poor [4866] myerz98: GOOD AIM [4866] kingxrhino: no [4866] sl_myst1c2: bad aim [4866] zeyroxyxl: You have 3 days left [4866] Pankohh: dumbass [4866] sweetasian123: HAHAHAAHAAH [4866] nan_bruh: RUINED [4866] t_burner03: different sounds [4866] seby_deby_pie: cursed [4866] Ubaubarecords: don’t [4866] tSp_ARG: move yours hands in front of whistle [4866] frohok: rituall [4866] Nightbot: 🍉 [4866] nutty44404: inhale dude [4866] TheAceMan97: that whistle nearly as annoying as xim DAMN! [4867] Grom9696: the video did it [4867] ethan_loves: don’t [4867] warpadexx: FUCKING BROKE IT [4867] deaed_man_walking: bru [4867] aj_bobbett15: blow it brother👆🏻 [4867] pablos_kids: nooooooooo [4867] jstallman28: !subs [4867] horrible7k: hand on bottom hand on bottom hand on bottom hand on bottom hand on bottom [4867] Fossabot: Jynxzi currently has 167428 subscribers! [4867] matthew_bumfarts33: matthew_bumfarts33 subscribed at Tier 1. [4869] GoatManEatsGras1: GoldPLZ GoldPLZ GoldPLZ GoldPLZ [4869] Pdiddillydawg: bro [4869] viper123792: bad aim [4869] mrmilku1234: Cursed [4869] emilfishyfn: ADD WATERG [4869] slayerrrdo: money [4869] sunexodia: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [4869] SG1Rez: W VAPER [4869] fd1zzle: bad aim [4869] ninja233424: hahaha [4869] Challenger_YF: STOP [4869] vitality5175: hahahhah [4869] Fooeee: its now busted [4869] gotgrappe: yo if he dies then [4869] ZachXc48: bruh [4870] 40user: WRONG KIND [4870] gScxtty: BROKE IT [4870] ShadowNinjaData: TOO MUCH [4870] d4vid_1990: Fuck up [4870] Frosted_Bear: bits [4870] cjdaplugg: CURSED [4870] flovitalityy: bad aim [4870] xGhettoZeugUnzensiert: PUT PEE IN IT [4870] 16363726735: huh [4870] xhailprime: cover bottom [4870] wideschizoJeb: MY EYES [4872] ilovekick2: drunk [4872] ChatGPTOpenAI: LMAOOOOOOOOOO [4872] cww1227: Fu ked it up [4872] puffinhd: GG HE BROKE IT [4872] scxrpion_12: ritual [4872] glazingjynxzi: stupid [4872] Matt_Przeszlo: OK ENOUGH [4872] nyc_vasili: WRONG HOLE [4872] PundaPlayzzz: this man not real [4872] toxickiller543: Bad aim [4872] playback_2k: bruh its broke now [4872] Nightbot: ok [4872] OzzisLive: C [4872] clasbingbee: blow harder [4872] frohok: ritual complete [4873] og_twotone: ruined it [4873] Zuted: bong [4873] westonvv: BROKEN [4873] dean123548: 0 iq [4873] joseph14243: they use to do that to kill their enimes [4873] HappyJTC: BROKE IT [4873] pooraido: LMAOOOOOO [4873] spedoed: bruh [4873] Frostyslippy: broke it [4873] wavyyair: NOOOO [4873] m4strpiece: WTFFFFFFFFFFFF [4873] Ubaubarecords: no [4873] mrmonkey289: LOOOLLLL [4873] gugapt0404: lmao [4873] trawlrz: LMAO DUMBASS [4874] itsklipz6: itsklipz6 subscribed at Tier 1. [4875] HiVise: OMG [4875] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: ruined it LUL [4875] g0nuclear: LOOOOOOOOOOOL [4875] Challenger_YF: YOU RUINED IT [4875] bessbb: blow harder twink [4875] Timi141: YOU RUINED IT [4875] iAgusz_: ruined it [4875] astroidr6: LMFAO [4875] yungKIBE: OH [4875] u_a_cornball: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [4875] DINAHAUNA: WTF [4875] ingrahamn12: no [4875] leondereine: GG YOU HUNTED [4875] Izaaczz: MORE WATER [4875] girrfman: IT BROKE IT [4876] arminsolos: RUINED IT [4876] heemluiz: more [4876] junkycuh: DUMMY [4876] lahpaulll03: wait what??? [4876] kozaop2: dumbass [4876] kimjongsquarepants: ITS BROKEN NOW IDIOT [4876] prime_king4556: t [4876] Pac28: imagine walking and then 100 of those go off [4876] itzhak_buda: avid is coming for you he's turned into a demon [4876] bobishhhhh: put it in your asss [4876] zexopszn: L vaper [4876] RealBlueBalls: you broke it [4876] Nightbot: “😂😂😂” -avidqr6 [4878] owen_ginge: !charm [4878] buttaboy728: how do I sub with twitch prime [4878] peedrug: super cursed [4878] DeFectNotFound: def cursed [4878] WingZero2517: Water ruins it dumbass [4878] cristi1an_: 💀💀💀💀💀💀 [4878] curseofraaaaa: fucking dumbass [4878] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [4878] fantasykxii: W curse [4878] Alex2uniqueEP: BROKEN LFMAOOO [4878] inaxvy: BAD AIAMAMM [4878] emac6826: ruined [4878] blex25: WAIT [4878] bluefusiontv: broke it [4878] aaaaaaaa6353: DUMBASS [4879] angelchastity: LOL [4879] antiwyatt: he broke it hes cursed [4879] swaginacan: HUH [4879] svice47: broke it [4879] Nightbot: 😂 [4879] bulkingtoast: broken [4879] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: ruined it LUL | Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [4700] Richable shut up dude God this chat's weird Let me call somebody I'm gonna call my fan mail guy [4710] chat meat the klavian yo [4720] [4730] I don't want to blow this chat. I don't yo yo yo. Do you know the Aztec death whistle that you sent me? [4740] Yeah, I've incentive you. I will not send me, but you know you looked how you know you look through it. Yeah. If I blow it, is it going to like [4750] Is anything gonna happen to me? I might attract something. Attract something? Yeah, but just do it. [4760] What? Yo, like what? [4770] ... to [4780] This is fucking awesome. Aaahhhhcleaaaaaaater st [4790] doing it wrong. Streamcraft behind you in your walls. Yeah, ban the word curse. [4800] I'm not cursed bro. This did not curse me. That was steese as fuck. I'm not even gonna lie. One more. [4810] This is the coolest thing I've ever been sent. If I ever lose... wait I'm losing it. [4820] Wait, I'm losing it. This is cool. This is actually cool. Wait, this is actually cool. No, no, this is actually cool. [4830] I want to crash out right now. No! Wait, why do I want to crash out? AHHHHH! AHHHHH! AHHHHH! What you got to do? [4840] do when I knock on the door. Killing when I knock on the door with your pizza delivery because I'm a friendly man. [4850] This might be the best family out of the year. Put water, add water. How does water help? [4860] Damn it now I'm wet daddy. [4870] அர்க்கா வடுத்து வாருக்கா | There is no Highlight in the provided timespan. Jynxzi opens packages from viewers. He receives a death whistle. He calls his friend to ask him whether he should use the whistle or not. He then blows it and is really impressed. He then adds water to it which broke it. At the end of the timeframe, he opens another package, which contains a rug with his face and a vape on it. |
Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [6300] FadedxSaint: 😂😂😂 [6300] GHOSTEEE_23: shotgun oregon crutch [6300] StreamElements: drose_1_1 has spent 3 days 3 hours watching jynxzi [6300] quix162: when fanmail [6300] ogignacioo: when is fan mail? [6300] ballzinya617: oh god [6300] liam3548: yo [6301] Gucci_kid54: yo [6301] daoluvsbang: how do i get my charm [6301] ayeitsamritlol: LMFAOOOOOOO [6301] bluegorrilla_: Yo [6301] F1are1x: go in bakery in kafe and look up [6301] sandy_sir: LMAOO💀 [6301] CHARLIE_BAGZ: does stompn stream? [6302] Gucci_kid54: yo [6302] slamifiy: when are you boxing adin [6302] LeePlayZyt: CRASHES [6302] vtrxvxr: how do i get my charm from the sub? [6302] TheDivess: WWWW XIM [6302] trickeog: YOOOOO [6302] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀 [6302] xboxontopidontuseaxim: XIM [6302] ryan_fllr: Tell caseoh to go live rn [6303] piecectrlshaq: yo [6303] RizzzKhalifa: he’s waiting [6303] fran_on30: LUL [6303] Gucci_kid54: yo [6303] queasyman_8: suck my dick pls [6303] shxrpened: !watchtime [6303] ben10123441fdn4c: W XIM [6303] lewis_swfc1867: ximmmmmmmm [6303] KiwaKF: yo [6303] Pdiddillydawg: xim is so annoying [6303] triplDot: 400k on you don’t lose fatty [6303] brodybrahh: yo [6303] StreamElements: shxrpened has spent 40 mins watching jynxzi [6303] itzjustperry13: its my bday i was wondering if can say happy birthday to me [6303] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀 [6304] bradyplays1234567: Yo [6304] xgeorge246: Yo [6304] curseofraaaaa: yo [6304] ace_2010: !LINK [6304] Nightbot: Subscribe HERE: https://www.twitch.tv/subs/Jynxzi for the CHaaaaarm [6304] Nightbot: @ace_2010 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [6304] amortalx: Party1 [6304] Gucci_kid54: yo [6304] shadow_gaming16: !timewatched [6304] btd_d_mag: 732/757~2800 [6304] gorecutie: YO [6305] KDXDARKSKINN: yo [6305] xpecthaven: yo [6305] heyyswayzy: y [6305] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀 [6305] Matt_Przeszlo: yoooooooooooo [6305] tomashupe: yo [6305] flyingjokers: yoooo [6305] KINGDREW177: YOOOO [6305] juneGamii: Yo [6305] xboxontopidontuseaxim: W XIM [6305] rileynolan22: YO [6305] xsolliaa: failmail means ur outta content right [6306] fixitupewan: suck dick [6306] bardown16__: 2 ACCOUNTS LOL [6306] Gucci_kid54: yo [6306] ayeitsamritlol: W ZIM [6306] wheresxp: yo [6306] kinda_dead_l: YOOO [6306] btd_d_mag: 732/757~28OO [6306] arrowzgotnomotion: what control freaks do you use [6306] Tdevito831: let’s get it [6306] PundaPlayzzz: yo [6306] ghost_of_tushim: CHUNKO YOUR STREAM IS DELAYED [6306] benimaru_12: yooo [6306] brodybrahh: yo . [6306] TheAceMan97: fuck off xim [6306] CharlieFCB_: YO [6307] drmonkeeman10: mute him [6307] appaaaaaaaaaa: Yo [6307] Gucci_kid54: yo [6307] drose_1_1: watchtime [6307] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀 [6307] isnagthos_: yooo [6307] SethySethh: SethySethh subscribed at Tier 1. [6307] clixykilledyou11: jynxziBALD [6307] KINGDREW177: YOOO [6307] Shadowxzxzx: cringe [6307] stringlessage: YOOOOOO [6307] brittyo5321: !charm [6307] xNoRecoil: yo [6307] WhosBryan16: yo [6308] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [6308] soundcloutken: YO [6308] z0a17: YOOOOOOOOOO [6308] freddierobdal: yo [6308] brodybrahh: yo [6308] just_oli1: oh god [6308] Gucci_kid54: yo [6308] syd1878: let’s do daddy stompin gunna carry [6308] baileyf22: L xim [6308] fouriessurfer144: YO [6308] sandy_sir: YOOOYOO [6308] yogurt_dawg: yo [6308] tomashupe: yooo [6308] justunqz: 2 Hour stream? [6308] goofy_drob: yo [6309] yscxksxjrz: who’s worth it [6309] KINGDREW177: YOOOO [6309] snailmanthirteeN: yo [6309] a11ahn: alannrl subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! mwah [6309] BurgersenGaming: yo [6309] lewis_swfc1867: yooooooo [6309] xqdu: YOO [6309] zippieroo: YO [6309] taqqvue: yo [6309] sandy_sir: YO [6309] Niuqrat3: Yo [6309] feartheburrito12: Yoo [6309] TIGERIVAL: Warm up Jynxzi [6309] jahmapants: WW XIM [6309] IOH_Gunnin: yo [6311] unknowns_wrld: yo [6311] megifty: YOO [6311] edwxies: yo [6311] wyay: content carry has arrived [6311] ITz_F1XX: lol [6311] numberonericciglazer: YOOO [6311] liam3548: Yo do you hear me SCHIZO [6311] o_erwin: YOOOO [6311] xNoRecoil: yo [6311] Achtohbr: yo! [6311] xboxontopidontuseaxim: go [6311] semichkiii: yo [6311] KiwaKF: yo yo [6311] jflnch_: YO [6311] stringlessage: YO [6312] heyyswayzy: r [6312] marrr2ll: yo [6312] woodwool49: YO [6312] mircurry: yooooooooooo [6313] yungmummyy: YO [6313] ghost_of_tushim: HDHDIDIDIJZJ&$$$!) [6313] leonopoop: 5k points on ypu [6313] TIGERIVAL: Please [6313] PundaPlayzzz: YOOO [6313] edwxies: YOOO [6313] ayeitsamritlol: YOOOOOO [6313] cuddle_xd: YOO [6313] jimmmaa: YO [6313] woodwool49: YOO [6314] chrixsp23: yoooo [6314] Niuqrat3: YO [6314] numberonericciglazer: YO [6314] impalo4ka: yo [6314] dark_woif: L ZIM [6314] wamz_9: 🤣🤣 [6314] ZzHybridShotZz: YOO [6314] william82743: MY GOAT [6314] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [6314] toast_gunns: 🦇🦇🦇 [6314] LeePlayZyt: YO [6314] mircurry: yo [6314] droo1s: YOOOO [6314] freddierobdal: 35 min stream? [6314] FI3K_: YO [6315] randompork: cringe annoying kid [6315] ltischler: YOOO [6315] peternoo02: yo [6315] nbakoda: !gamble all [6315] sandy_sir: YOOOO [6315] niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick: LMAO [6315] unknowns_wrld: yoooooo [6315] jahmapants: YOO [6315] bradycollins2: YO [6315] StreamElements: @nbakoda, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan [6315] realraider_: YO [6315] stringlessage: YOOOOOOOOOOOO [6315] IIwuxiII: yoo [6315] faded_r6x: uoo [6315] hereca_: yo [6316] kARMApangYa: MAN X1M IS GONNA MAKE HIM END STREAM AGAIN [6316] zenify30_rl: YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [6316] MrBladeFranco: Yo [6316] mbulling22: yoooooo [6316] elissia011: is he spaz [6317] wyay: content has arrived [6317] numberonericciglazer: YOOOOOO [6317] tyler_thealpha_01: LMAO [6317] jhettsome: yoooooo [6317] dairymilfkid: w xim [6317] thrivo: YO [6317] Fihsh: !link [6318] NeoFao: 7-2 [6318] gerson80hd: yoooo [6318] sandy_sir: YOOOOOO [6318] faded_r6x: yoo [6318] jacjarvis: yo [6318] xboxontopidontuseaxim: poopoo head [6318] bonbon9878: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [6318] kotie2012: yo [6318] Niuqrat3: YO [6318] raymond3arl: LMAO [6318] ChocolateLoverVz: 💀💀💀💀💀 [6318] Nightbot: 😂 [6318] LeePlayZyt: YO YO [6318] stea1thgamer_: XIM CLIP FARMING [6318] jahmapants: 😭😭 [6319] caspriii: YOOOO [6319] xmattyj: yo [6319] qwvzr: yo [6319] wyay: 💀 [6319] paul_teehee: LMFAOOOOOOOOO [6319] Uncommon209: YOU BTTR WIN I BET AL MY POINTS [6319] nateystwitchy: YO [6319] anybodykilla187: XIM IS A CLOUT CHASER [6319] sandy_sir: YOOOOO [6319] alsaidi321: you better win fatso [6319] mircurry: YOOOO [6319] nate_xkz: death whistle [6319] yungKIBE: LMAO [6319] dtreams02: LMFAOOOO [6319] modiddly69: YO [6320] zsold_: King xim [6320] william82743: MY GAOT [6321] renejustin78: end stream [6321] bocadillodecemento: STOMPN JUST GOT ASS F KED BY RICCI ONG [6321] qwvzr: yooooo [6321] realraider_: Ximmmmmm [6321] LeePlayZyt: YO [6321] colehb711: OP STOPAM [6321] spectreed_4: yo [6321] sandy_sir: YOOO [6321] ftpNjoy: XIM [6321] Kingdee21: lmao [6321] gracie_1771: nahhhhhhh [6322] gl0don: LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO [6322] montoyaxanny: put 10k on you don’t sell my points [6322] jahmapants: WASHED [6322] drehatesya: LMAOOO [6322] PundaPlayzzz: 💀💀💀💀 [6322] Atrain1118: lol [6322] mutsis: 😭 [6322] GiggityGiggity84: xim again ? fuck that frail dude [6322] william82743: MY GOAT [6322] Th3Unkn0wnIV: 7 - 2 [6322] VyseM4H: God I hate this kid NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [6322] ltsmokestack: LMAO [6322] sandy_sir: YOO [6322] ghost_of_tushim: junko1000 [6323] nate_babin: i hate this kid bruh [6323] n0tdrew: LMFAOOOO [6323] thestewtangclan: hahah [6323] r_rave105: jynxziGoodAim [6323] olympuu: Yoo [6323] FlifJuice1: lmaoooooooo [6323] what_if_jim_a_fed: LUL [6323] rackedl: LMAOO [6323] saeedsboyfriend5: xim owns u [6323] woodwool49: YO? [6323] wikedinthebooth: yooooooooooooooooooooooo [6323] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: LMAOO [6323] zayden1031: yo [6323] sandy_sir: YOYOOO [6323] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: LMAOO [6324] AliAnimus: aliani1Cri aliani1Cri aliani1Cri aliani1Cri [6324] Fossabot: @Wixlian, Your message is too long [6324] thottpockett: fuck xim [6324] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: LMAOO [6324] heemrust: oooooooooooooooo [6324] Greatest__nM: Lmfal [6324] alsaidi321: win fatso [6324] RizzzKhalifa: L Ricky [6324] squiggly240: XIM OWNS YOU [6324] ayoraul: 😂😂😂😂 [6324] ay__men: YO [6324] puffpuffjuicer: LMAOO [6324] snailmanthirteeN: 💀💀 [6325] sandy_sir: YOO [6325] halfanxietyy: DEADASS GONNA TURN THE STREAM OFF THIS FUCKIN KID [6325] AmbitiousAJ13: all xim does is run add [6325] whattheflips7: XIMMMM [6325] z3mmmi: almost 170,000 subs SUBBBB TF UPPPP [6325] twisted650: LMAOOOOOOO [6325] plasticbro: W XIM [6325] amortalx: love me some [6325] sebayg_: LMAOOOOOOOOO [6325] TheEpikJJ: LMAOOOOOOO [6325] AlexDFatmanMercs: LUL [6325] LeePlayZyt: XIM PAPA [6325] Achtohbr: oy [6325] ujku_shijakut24: 🤣🤣🤣🤣 [6326] TKDcmbo: lmao [6326] gabedragonp: gabedragonp subscribed with Prime. [6326] NotGG123_: bro is annoying [6326] cheesetoes17426: mute him [6326] peternoo02: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA [6326] danny__s03: lmao [6326] sh6mss: daddy xim [6326] woodwool49: YOO [6327] Th3Unkn0wnIV: 7-2 [6327] y4sergxming: JYNXZI PLEASE BUY ME RAINBOW SIX SIEGE [6327] waterypanda: hahahaa [6327] NeoFao: 7-2 [6327] CYBERBL0X99: YOO [6327] itsklipz6: !LINK [6327] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: LMAOO [6327] r_rave105: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [6327] zayden1031: YOOO [6327] adoksweats: YOOOOOOOO [6327] kurta__: LMAOOOOO [6328] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: LMAOO [6328] HazydoR: 200k points on u [6328] ftpNjoy: WASHED [6328] 1nneo: WWW BAGQ [6328] liam3548: 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 [6328] halfanxietyy: XIM SO ANNOYING [6329] roccz_: zim is g@y [6329] sh6mss: daddy x [6329] finnnyboy3352: !link [6329] waterypanda: true [6329] asap_vortex_: JINXZY LAUGH [6329] Bomber_The_Savage: LMAOOOOO [6329] woodwool49: YO YO [6329] yummywetpaper: here’s ur game carry and content carry in one party [6329] dangerplayss: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 [6329] breezy3114: why does he have to be so annoying [6329] Lexiskingjrxpopee: hes backkkk [6329] lIlIllIx: god these meatriders in the chat [6329] crz_freaski: why are there to xims [6329] marie_xm: 💀 [6330] mrtweaksy: we love xim [6330] tiredngl_: Yoooo [6330] i_drink_juicexx: dude xim is so annoying man [6330] Lzztx: I'm deaf and I'm platinum 5, Jynxzi 1v1 or can you help me rank up? gt: vLzxiiiZ [6330] wearethebestaround1: Real [6330] thestewtangclan: get shitted on haha [6330] ftpNjoy: WASHEDD [6330] r_rave105: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [6330] toomanykids4us: 😭 [6330] TIGERIVAL: You are washed. It's down to stompn [6330] Nightbot: real [6330] liam3548: LMFAO [6330] plainwhitesockss: why does XIM fake laugh [6330] tytyattack: TRUE [6330] thouxanbanjess: we love xim [6331] dcuzzo22: death whistle [6331] CursedJxD: PogChamp [6331] perkofr: hey man! [6331] panchovilla760: yurrer [6331] thegoldenowl255: 6o7-2o6-3155 [6331] sweetasian123: HHAHAHAHAAAHHA [6331] wyay: 💀 [6332] waterypanda: U [6332] sh6mss: daddy xim [6332] bmanholl: DESTH WHISTLE [6332] ollierxgx: X1M IS THE GOAT [6332] kurta__: LMAOOOOOO [6332] kyden608: YOOOO [6332] jdxdsupreme: All hailllll Xim [6332] mythicalliquid: 🤖💀👾👾 [6332] Gri11z: Death Whistle [6333] finnnyboy3352: !sub [6333] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [6333] sodasentry: OH GODDD NOOO [6333] slamifiy: when are you boxing adin [6333] kyden608: YO [6333] Sendful: LMAOO [6333] lawdog2743: 🦇🦇🦇 [6333] henny_2121: LMAOOOO [6333] edwxies: wwwwww [6333] jahmapants: FAX [6334] TheEpikJJ: whens 2v2? [6334] quentin_olson: cavs shaq [6334] wikedinthebooth: this guy to loud [6334] waterypanda: You [6334] raymond3arl: L [6334] Nightbot: @double_r22 -> AAhhh... much better! [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [6334] da_drxpy_goat: pre L [6334] panchovilla760: hss [6334] tiredngl_: YOOOOO [6334] NeoFao: 7-2 [6335] mythicalliquid: 😄 [6335] ttvcy2206_: !sub [6335] zombieGOON666: OMG [6335] toomanykids4us: 😂😂😂 [6335] enviistaxzk: no wayyyyy [6335] PundaPlayzzz: 🤣🤣 [6336] Matt_Przeszlo: W RICCI ERA [6336] realraider_: HAHAHAHA [6336] RamboMedic52: stompin vs ricci and zim [6336] mythicalliquid: 👽🥱 [6336] sandy_sir: LMAAOOOO [6336] ltsmokestack: DAYUM [6336] MidRollerJ: 😂😂😂😂 [6336] lxcafn7: nawwww [6336] hsals__: 💀 [6336] daddyvegeta21: !prediction [6337] InfiniteAnarchy: they stream snip though [6337] kyden608: YOO [6337] ImHeyZues100: GLAZING [6337] xboxontopidontuseaxim: stompin [6337] Menzys: fax [6337] mythicalliquid: 👾 [6337] edwxies: facts [6337] Uncommon209: PLS XIM WANTS UR DICK [6337] fxturekk: fxturekk subscribed at Tier 1. [6337] frogsrainbowsandsoftserve: X1mmmmmm [6337] AyWATP: Zain gm message me in snap [6338] Jpmalagonv: 💀💀💀 [6338] Keisernator: W XIM [6338] thacattac: It is the riccy era [6338] jynxziissostrong: !LINK [6338] kurta__: W XIMMMMMM [6338] Nightbot: @jynxziissostrong If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [6338] mythicalliquid: 👾🥱 [6338] numberonericciglazer: RICCI ERA [6339] Nightbot: 👀 [6339] terrianaxhood: HE SOUNDS SLOW ASF [6339] yummywetpaper: here’s ur game carry and content carry in one party💀 [6339] xtrulydeadly_: bro won yesterday [6339] FI3K_: YESSIR [6339] timthetatman_addict: content carrier is here [6339] itzjustperry13: jynxziSuprised jynxziSuprised jynxziSuprised jynxziSuprised jynxziSuprised [6339] raymond3arl: ASS [6339] bmanholl: DESTH WISTLE [6339] xxcallmekiksxx: RICCI ERA [6340] zombieGOON666: LUL [6340] alaskanwhiskey: XIM COMMENTS ON CLIX VS JYNXZI [6340] z3nnyongg: oh hell nahg [6340] sonotreal: riding it [6340] ttvcy2206_: c# [6340] rileynolan22: M [6340] voxxyyyyyyyyy: RICCI ERAA [6340] NeoFao: 7-2 [6340] Gucci_kid54: ricci baby riccin1DANCE [6340] ldtjoker: Shush Shush Shush Shush Shush Shush Shush Shush Shush Shush Shush [6340] 0levox0: L part timer [6340] TheDivess: HEELLL NAH [6340] zoapi22: he stole ur laugh da hell [6341] tv_spearz: GLAZING [6341] khidadean: you have more views then Kai cenat 😭😭 [6341] PGCenturion: ON GOD ITS THE RICCI ERA [6341] ftpNjoy: WWWWW [6341] joeyakaa: stomp washhhddddd [6341] Gucci_kid54: ricci baby riccin1DANCE [6341] ainsleya1_: w [6341] chicharito140512: yo yo yo yo [6341] brushhhhhhhh: yoooooo [6341] Cliopatrra: MEAT RIDING RICCI [6342] qui__gon_: xim fucking sucks [6342] lawdog2743: 🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇 [6342] colin_raines98: ad [6342] connor_d8o: caseohs waiting [6342] IMTOES88: Ricci is tradh [6342] VaIerion: 7-2 [6342] Gucci_kid54: ricci baby riccin1DANCE [6342] cooldudeVlad: W XIMMMM [6343] whillyuhmm: LMAOOOOOO GLAZER [6343] FMBumi: Ricci era [6343] yummywetpaper: here’s ur game carry and content carry in one party [6343] gigglefiend0: glaze [6343] benimaru_12: white speed [6343] drmonkeeman10: death whistle on xim [6343] lawdog2743: 💀 [6343] iamnomix: W [6343] notreflexxx_: he’s not wrong [6343] luhpilkopod: glaze [6343] JAYTOTAL: me personally I wouldnt take that [6343] tarw_: GLAZE [6344] wakeywocky: GLAZE [6344] sodasentry: HI??? [6344] Gucci_kid54: ricci baby riccin1DANCE [6344] FI3K_: YESSSSSURRRRRR [6344] itscloud_y: Brutha was just playing tdm [6344] bluegorrilla_: What's up [6344] sh6mss: RICCI ERA [6344] lucassoccer25: FootYellow [6344] Th3Unkn0wnIV: WWWW [6344] Tiny93: GLAZERRRRR [6344] AyWATP: Zain gm message me on snap [6345] cooldudeVlad: W XIM [6345] jahmapants: RICCI ERA [6345] Jpmalagonv: DEATH WHISTLE [6345] apollodiddat: big facts tho ricci on top [6345] 2amclxudzz: jynxziRAHHH [6345] xboxontopidontuseaxim: xim [6345] Spandal: RICCI WRA [6346] crone_1234: 7-22222 [6346] superchargedpontiac: nobody likes this clown [6346] sawtoothcell741: my dick [6346] bigab45: USE THE DEATH WHISTLE [6346] perkofr: RICCI ERAAAAAAAA [6346] tv_spearz: BUDDY DOING TRICKS ON IT [6346] Kylo641: oh naw [6346] twitchlover19: w ricci era [6346] trpicthndr: When is SWAT raid 9 or 10? [6346] bradycollins2: 7-2 [6346] xistybot420: ricci era [6347] Dallas00_: Stompns better [6347] sodasentry: @ [6347] sirrexofsaur: !charm [6347] sebayg_: 7-2 [6347] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [6347] FI3K_: RICCI ERA [6347] liam3548: W xim [6347] zombieGOON666: LUL LUL [6348] bigjohnzy: ricci error baby [6348] KyeCapaIot: W XIM [6348] Daniel_Smith10: Cap [6348] dereck823: LMFAOOO [6348] Nightbot: no 🧢 [6348] colin_raines98: af [6349] lukestorm007: The dick riding is crazy [6349] sh6mss: W GLAZ [6349] NeoFao: 7-2 @Jynxzi [6349] tarw_: L XIM [6349] cheebah710: HypeDisguise HypeDisguise HypeDisguise [6349] jimmmaa: YO [6349] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [6349] smokey4530: yo y u ducking my 1s I slam u [6349] AyWATP: Zain gm message me on snqp [6349] calvbeastly110: who tr is that guy [6349] bryanwwwyt: when is fan mail [6350] wyfyttv: WHEN IS KAI VS STOMPN [6350] 15790264: acc hate x1m [6350] brushhhhhhhh: wwww xim [6350] dereck823: LMFAOOOO [6350] TheEpikJJ: riccis waiting [6350] kyle45678913: 😂😂😂 [6350] Rosward23: L REASONS [6350] FMBumi: Ricci eraaaa [6350] eggyolkwhites: is stompn not in a tourney? [6350] ghost_of_tushim: EWWW [6350] Kylo641: w xim [6351] roccz_: crazy [6351] Nightbot: i was crazy once [6351] diegosaldanagames: diegosaldanagames subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! w [6351] xboxontopidontuseaxim: W xim [6351] connor_d8o: caseohs waiting [6351] PGCenturion: RICCI ERA RICCI ERA RICCIA ERA [6351] sonotreal: riding crazy [6351] GiggityGiggity84: XIM IS A 5'5 FRAIL KID [6351] jamsblaine: michel jordan and steve kerr [6352] b______________________t: 7-2 [6352] JUNKo00000000: glaze [6353] oliivveerr: all my points on you [6353] FI3K_: RICCI ERA BABY [6353] milkysilky13: finally some content [6353] milkballhar: Squid1 Squid2 Squid Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 Squid4 Squid4 Squid4 Squid4 Squid4 Squid4 [6353] Prae__08: ricci era babehhhh [6353] corybrntt6: ?? [6353] vito_scllate: xim is the worst [6354] Damon_Sanji: ilovex3Bow [6354] Jpmalagonv: DEATH WHISTLE HIM [6354] DRZEANN: !sub [6354] crzy999: people betting on stompn and Jynxzi are glazers [6354] dereck823: LMADAOOO [6355] retainedtag4747: Rick is nasty ngl [6355] smokey4530: nddd [6355] NeoFao: 7-2 [6355] caspriii: Ricci era [6356] dereck823: LMFAOOO [6356] TheRealAtteug: YO [6356] xFiIIy: W bagq [6356] dez0npluto: stg xim is 15 years old [6357] Jpmalagonv: CURSE HIM [6357] smokey4530: re [6357] Kylo641: heck [6357] tothewindoooowtothewall: PepegaAim [6357] chicharito140512: Ricci era [6357] eggyolkwhites: ohh they lost [6357] frogsrainbowsandsoftserve: don't tease me with this shit JUNKO [6357] warpth44: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [6357] dereck823: LMFAOOOA [6358] samuel614284: jynxziSad [6358] ghost_of_tushim: you are ew [6358] soundcloutken: HAHAHAH [6358] Vip3rwing: LUL LUL LUL LUL [6358] shxrpened: jynxzi0x [6358] lynxmeat: Is this no part time thing for real? [6358] halfanxietyy: XIM SO ANNOYING [6358] pluto6467: gyat wanna be [6359] dcmrbetter5432: w xim jynxziPACK [6359] TheRealAtteug: Yo!!! [6360] TrenBro6: KING XIM [6360] cheebah710: bag of food secured shit is so good rn HypeDisguise cohhNODDERS [6360] DRZEANN: !link [6360] 401Loony: W xim [6360] Nightbot: FUCK U MACCIES FUCK U TFEQ [6360] soundcloutken: LOLO [6360] zlx_hxted_xlz: win baldie [6360] CamyWamy243: caseohKittyyy caseohKittyyy caseohKittyyy caseohKittyyy [6360] anybodykilla187: XIM IS A CLOUT CHASER!!!!! [6361] mindzmino08: When is fan mail [6361] jimmmaa: YOO [6361] TheRealAtteug: YOO [6361] warpth44: jynxziGG jynxziGG jynxziGG [6361] Xdwolfcub: Look at dead J0K3Rs message on xbox [6361] Kylo641: tou said [6361] Gxckd: Yo [6361] ccg_colonic: Cheer1 i love you jynxzi Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [6362] SantasBeltBuckle: Turn xim down [6362] alyssa_ar09: 8 ads [6362] raven_burb: Hey junko, I love your YouTube vids and this is my first stream [6362] ghost_of_tushim: speak if you are a furry [6362] dez0npluto: xim he acts like a kid [6362] z3mmmi: jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard [6362] ryanhoward2004: !charm [6362] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [6363] Diemond1: this dude is fucking annoying holy shit [6364] sharkiemcsteven: Steve will rage quit [6364] adamiejunior: loud = funny [6364] Kylo641: bro [6364] ryanmccarthy18: stompn is so fed up 🤣 [6364] milena_945: Mhystc is better than xim [6365] xFiIIy: W bagq [6365] loganstidd: Whens fanmail [6365] poppoolbox: jynxziCORNY [6365] memysleff: we’re in copper [6365] Kylo641: f [6366] Nightbot: F in the chat [6366] RnsFu3kIt: xim just beat ricci LUL [6366] benimaru_12: shut up white xim [6366] TheRealAtteug: YO!!! [6366] colin_raines98: xim not cheating he’s just better than you [6366] xFiIIy: W bagq [6367] Kylo641: gh [6367] maxmartinez5268: lamooo [6367] AyWATP: Zain gm message me on snap [6367] anthonybirish: pre end [6368] dez0npluto: L xim [6368] Lzztx: I'm deaf and I'm platinum 5, Jynxzi 1v1 or can you help me rank up? gt: vLzxiiiZ [6368] TheRealAtteug: YO [6368] swaginacan: F [6369] mfbully: Glazing over the homies sus [6369] bent31212: Bolo waiting [6369] thefinnizz: thefinnizz subscribed at Tier 1. [6369] gabrielscorsi: XIM IS SO ANNOYING OMFG [6369] TheAceMan97: stop yelling xim you idiot [6370] thatkid6777: Can i get a 10 piece chicken nugget and cheeseburger [6370] berttrev: stompn beat ricci [6370] frayhr: DICK MUNCHER CMON BRO [6371] badis244: Controlla [6371] Fossabot: @ltl_goated, Your message is too long [6371] austin172: W XIM [6371] obiwanjakobi_: I hate xim so much [6372] SantasBeltBuckle: Turn him down [6372] BewithVi: DISCORD IS DOWN [6372] Riz1019: KING XIM [6372] mrsalamanderiii: huhhh [6373] bluegorrilla_: Yo [6373] oznkii: what no pussy does to a man [6373] maytagsbdbfjf: !gamble all [6373] GiggityGiggity84: you suck ass xim stfu [6373] Kylo641: haeck baw [6373] nanamilk124: fr tho richie is comp [6373] nc_cosmo69: mute Xim [6373] StreamElements: maytagsbdbfjf went all in and lost every single one of their 285 points LUL [6373] nickeh30istheb3st: FBCatch [6373] datboyiskxng: I hat exim [6373] defense_boy1: Y aha xbox WYCLEF WHIRLWIND MC BEND MENENDEZ [6374] SnoopTT: dude is on his way to another ban. moron [6374] maxmartinez5268: yooo [6375] halfanxietyy: SPAM REPORT XIM [6375] NeoFao: 7-2 [6375] chanman007: chanman007 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! [6375] renejustin78: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [6375] kinda_dead_l: i play for 1 mill a game [6375] TapsOCE: lesss [6376] milena_945: Mhystc is better [6376] GrimAoE4: whats xims twitch [6376] Kylo641: boi [6376] official_aidenn: when’s fan mail [6377] iitzhugo: !gamble all [6377] Austin_Cool425: ima goon in you [6377] StreamElements: PogChamp iitzhugo went all in and won 695 points PogChamp they now have 1390 points FeelsGoodMan [6377] xboxontopidontuseaxim: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [6377] PineaapIe: PineaapIe subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 5 month streak! chunko [6377] umbra_cruce: MMMMMMMMM [6378] SantasBeltBuckle: Turn down xim [6378] yummywetpaper: here’s ur game carry and content carry in one party [6378] sandy_sir: LMAOO [6378] ctteensydisc: xim v beaulo [6378] Kylo641: fbfhud [6379] gio2two: XIM KING OF CONSOLE [6379] lxcafn7: xim talk to much [6379] umbra_cruce: MMM [6379] fathighandhappy: mid [6379] sandy_sir: 💀💀 [6379] moneyyredd: W xim [6379] nydan_: xim is aids on legs [6379] pcsryze: fuck xim [6379] liljgarza: yo [6379] fortniteenjoyer46: jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY SeemsGood [6379] realraider_: XIM [6380] Achtohbr: IS IT BO3 [6380] urnebeani: 2k [6380] dez0npluto: no one likes xim. [6380] Kylo641: hdhdv [6380] w1nterrloll: HEYYY @Phillip_IC [6380] Pugzzz_18: pre end [6380] bardown16__: 5 k [6380] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀 [6380] lotusizk: can xim at least afford a $2 mic? [6381] apple0__: Can't wait til stompn humbles this kid [6381] 2real3712: fuck zim [6381] randompork: @gabrielscorsi ong [6381] sandy_sir: 💀 [6381] bardown16__: 5k5k5k5k5 [6382] Kylo641: dhdhvd [6382] fa7edevilboi: !gamble [6382] Imnotginger1234: aaronh5Girthnturf aaronh5Girthnturf aaronh5Girthnturf aaronh5Girthnturf [6382] connor_d8o: fuck xim [6382] datboyiskxng: xim so annoying [6382] Achtohbr: IS IT BO3? [6382] samuel614284: jynxziGoodAim_TK [6382] Tadashi_T_T_Hamada: turn him down bruh [6383] skeex08: XIM STFU [6383] bloodwish88: bloodwish88 subscribed at Tier 1. [6383] Kylo641: gevdv [6383] raymond3arl: LMAO [6383] urnebeani: 5k [6384] evan14147: Mute his ass [6384] Imnotginger1234: aaronh5Girthnturf aaronh5Girthnturf aaronh5Girthnturf aaronh5Girthnturf aaronh5Girthnturf aaronh5Girthnturf aaronh5Girthnturf [6384] bradycollins2: KING XIM [6384] wasdi532: XIM IS SO ANNOYING [6384] Miller35917: SSSsss SSSsss SSSsss SSSsss SSSsss [6384] stringlessage: CAPP [6384] Achtohbr: IS IT BO3.. [6384] bardown16__: 5k5k5k5k5k5k5k5kk5k5k [6385] lawdog2743: w xim [6385] loganstidd: Whens fanmail/ [6386] Imnotginger1234: aaronh5Girthnturf aaronh5Girthnturf aaronh5Girthnturf aaronh5Girthnturf aaronh5Girthnturf [6386] soundcloutken: LOL [6386] theapor: chubby [6386] CarterOnHere: xim is him [6386] henny_2121: SPAM REPORT [6386] Achtohbr: IS IT BO3 [6386] celticfreedom2: volume 5% [6386] Nightbot: 😂 [6386] bluegorrilla_: Jinxi [6386] orlandonut: jynxziBadAim [6386] israelcr223: @jynxzi xim lost to buda gs [6386] PGCenturion: Ricci slammed Stompn less than 10 minutes ago [6386] fortniteenjoyer46: jynxziCORNY [6386] iraq1x: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [6386] Nightbot: 👀 [6387] kinda_dead_l: cap [6387] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [6387] Nightbot: no 🧢 [6387] loganstidd: Whens fanmail [6387] zentihater01: JYNXZI DONT SELL YOU FAT SHIT [6387] lucassoccer25: FootBall [6387] itsyaboylalo: come onnnn [6388] raymond3arl: LMAOOO [6388] drmonkeeman10: they both gonna stream snipe [6388] Imnotginger1234: aaronh5Girthnturf aaronh5Girthnturf aaronh5Girthnturf aaronh5Girthnturf aaronh5Girthnturf aaronh5Girthnturf aaronh5Girthnturf [6388] giannis2499: 10k [6388] adam_wrld_: annoying ah [6389] blakeisasweat: !link [6389] stringlessage: CAP [6389] Nightbot: @blakeisasweat If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [6389] Kylo641: hell sjdj [6389] kiddy_fidle: 🤣 [6389] bibba97: get this bread [6389] ttvcy2206_: fff [6389] NotXim999: HI [6389] Riz1019: XIM STARTED THE STREAM UP [6389] DrizyyDrayy: CONSOLE IS CONTROLLER [6389] Achtohbr: IS IT BO3hg [6390] loganstidd: Whens fanmailWhens fanmail [6390] AL0722: joebartWeBelieve [6390] colin_raines98: dad is waiting [6390] Imnotginger1234: aaronh5Girthnturf aaronh5Girthnturf aaronh5Girthnturf aaronh5Girthnturf aaronh5Girthnturf aaronh5Girthnturf [6390] gabrielscorsi: XIM DOES NOT DESERVE THIS CLOUT [6390] 2real3712: fuck xim [6391] AyWATP: Zain gm message me in snap [6391] lxcafn7: 5k [6391] McDonaldsEmployee__: come on [6391] theofficialdonaldt: !charm [6391] Achtohbr: IS IT BO3 [6391] loganstidd: Whens fanmail [6391] william82743: LETS DANCE🤡 [6391] Imnotginger1234: aaronh5Girthnturf aaronh5Girthnturf aaronh5Girthnturf aaronh5Girthnturf aaronh5Girthnturf [6392] Riz1019: XIM STARTED THE STREAM UP. [6392] benimaru_12: shut up white ximm [6392] LeePlayZyt: DEAD AZZ MIJO [6392] itsyaboylalo: COME ONNNNNN [6392] Kylo641: bro s [6392] sympathy2099: LETS GOOOO JYNXZI [6392] broseph012: seperate parties i beg [6392] official_aidenn: when’s fan ma [6392] loganstidd: Whens fanmail/ [6393] orlandonut: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [6393] SantasBeltBuckle: Xim to loud [6393] jaysobrazzy0987: when is fan mail [6393] anthonieus: Zyn or whatever tf his name is, needs to SHUT UPPP [6393] iraq1x: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [6393] jahmapants: CAP [6393] SKMarc_07: 20 k [6393] bradyplays1234567: yo [6393] lucxyg: !watchtime [6393] Imnotginger1234: aaronh5Girthnturf aaronh5Girthnturf [6393] StreamElements: lucxyg has spent 21 hours 40 mins watching jynxzi [6394] hollowinjapan: pre broke [6394] xboxontopidontuseaxim: 🤧 [6394] Uncommon209: XIMMMM IS ASSSSS HAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAAHHAAHAHAHAHASHAHA [6394] loganstidd: Whens fanmail [6394] bibba97: cmonnnnmm [6394] numberonericciglazer: BO3 [6394] frogsrainbowsandsoftserve: yo X1m stop getting banned u fucking donkey [6394] Kylo641: sf [6394] w1nterrloll: HEYY @Phillip_IC [6394] bardown16__: 5k5k5k5kkkkk [6395] manaphyonfire: send in 4k [6395] dark_woif: Zim a babyback btch [6395] maybfresh: xim is such a pussy 💀 [6395] hunterrisdon: is this black ops 2? [6395] dez0npluto: xims mic is so cheap [6395] AyWATP: Zain gm message me on snap [6395] Achtohbr: IS IT BO3?? [6395] supremeslabs420: 10k [6395] 999_CRUI9D: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [6395] ttvcy2206_: !sub [6396] Kylo641: g [6396] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [6396] Nightbot: no [6396] pewisadub: going all in on junko [6396] cuddle_xd: XIM JUST CRIES MID ROUND [6396] fxturekk: wassup chat [6396] IHS666: You’re So weird [6396] broseph012: different parites [6396] bardown16__: BABY KIA TO GET HYPE BABY KIA TO GET HYPEBABY KIA TO GET HYPEBABY KIA TO GET HYPE [6397] gio2two: xim king of console [6397] Kylo641: f [6397] Achtohbr: IS IT BO3 [6397] Imnotginger1234: aaronh5Girthnturf [6397] Nightbot: F in the chat [6397] official_aidenn: fanmail [6397] obiwanjakobi_: I truly cannot stand xim. he needs to be canceled for his awful personality [6397] josiah_10983: Yooooooooooooooo what's up man how are you [6398] ImNotArchie: yoooooooo [6398] bardown16__: BABY KIA TO GET HYPEBABY KIA TO GET HYPEBABY KIA TO GET HYPE [6398] roger33that: I hate xim his voice erks me [6398] manicalthehe: NotLikeThis [6398] wikedinthebooth: He tries to be funny all the time in juxinzy [6398] Prae__08: !bracket [6399] tankwhitmer: can I play with you i on PlayStation [6399] Nightbot: Tourney bracket here => https://brackethq.com/b/0ybzb/ [6399] floatedsky: put 1 million [6399] jackcfc28: mics mited [6399] Achtohbr: IS IT BO3v?? [6400] drmonkeeman10: THEY GONNA STREAM SNIPE AGAIN [6400] manaphyonfire: send in 2k [6400] iitzhugo: !gamble 1000 [6400] jahmapants: -10k [6400] daddyvegeta21: !gamble [6401] wikedinthebooth: jzja [6401] iraq1x: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [6401] n0tdrew: W [6401] 401Loony: ilovex3Laugh ilovex3Laugh ilovex3Laugh ilovex3Laugh ilovex3Laugh ilovex3Laugh [6401] Achtohbr: IS IT BO3 [6401] yummywetpaper: here’s ur game carry and content carry in one party💀 [6402] wikedinthebooth: s [6402] iiizaiah: CLIP CLIP CLIP CLIP CLIP CLIPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP [6402] fifa_luke03: fifa_luke03 subscribed with Prime. [6402] z3mmmi: so he sends you 20k you giving him 40k holy shit [6403] ImNotArchie: jawshScroll jawshScroll jawshScroll jawshScroll jawshScroll jawshScroll jawshScroll [6403] IMTOES88: when is fanmail [6403] cuddle_xd: XIM JUST CRYS [6403] apple0__: Stompn gomna humble him tf up [6403] wikedinthebooth: rg [6403] tomashupe: -10k [6403] SantasBeltBuckle: Fuck my ears [6403] roger33that: xim shut up [6403] NeoFao: 7-2 [6403] yummywetpaper: here’s ur game carry and content carry in one party [6403] kylerj11: cap [6404] rijinmanz1: put an end to the x1m poverty franchise RN [6404] yungKIBE: SO X1M OWNS YOU [6404] Kylo641: thst [6404] liam3548: Steve won't do it [6404] wikedinthebooth: gd [6405] sodasentry: spam me if you want to see my face [6405] LeePlayZyt: COME ON MIJO [6405] xSling0x: im ALL IN @Jynxzi [6405] FI3K_: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [6406] 999_CRUI9D: TheIlluminati [6406] ZBNERD: Look [6406] Lzztx: I'm deaf and I'm platinum 5, Jynxzi 1v1 or can you help me rank up? gt: vLzxiiiZ [6406] wikedinthebooth: se [6406] games_bond187: XIM IS ANNOYING [6406] shauxity: LMAO [6406] yummywetpaper: here’s ur game carry and content carry in one party💀 [6406] fball_jo: !bracket [6406] cobezhang: jynxziFALL [6407] iraq1x: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [6407] Kylo641: hdbbkos [6407] sandy_sir: LMAAOOO [6407] roger33that: xim shit up [6408] floatedsky: I [6408] ZBNERD: Lol* [6408] infraredhulk: bro ego going to make him lose [6408] BigGuss: NAH [6408] kiddy_fidle: 😃 [6408] glowyyyyfn: Lacy tried to remake it your beef with clix [6408] ttv_bustamove26: Dumb [6408] sandy_sir: LMAOO [6408] yummywetpaper: here’s ur game carry and content carry in one party [6408] tomashupe: -10000k [6409] Kylo641: henso [6409] cantstopfyre: 7-2 [6409] Gxckd: Ez wins jynxzi [6409] sandy_sir: LKMAAO [6410] s0lid_franco_: oooohhhh shiiiiiiiii [6410] wikedinthebooth: gb [6410] giannis2499: -20k [6410] bigab45: When are you playing R6 [6410] frayhr: not smart [6410] LeeDriIIy: LOLOOOOL [6410] Kylo641: jsne [6411] sandy_sir: LLMAAO [6411] floatedsky: 1 [6411] GiggityGiggity84: so fuckin annoying [6411] SantasBeltBuckle: Xim so loud [6411] fnnstepper111: w xim [6411] snailmanthirteeN: 💀💀 [6411] autumnkatro21: jynx is a L r6 player [6412] sandy_sir: L,MAOO [6412] iraq1x: jynxziFAT [6412] delux6ix: jynxziBadAim [6412] Nightbot: ussy [6412] Get_Josued: LMAO [6412] cobezhang: jynxziTONGUE [6412] lgameplay_tv: come on [6412] EatCrackRock: XIM IS POOR [6412] renejustin78: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [6412] tomashupe: washed [6412] sodasentry: ok cool [6412] Yuatjaa: XIM RUNS YOU [6412] davidizzo: davidi10Wut [6412] Nightbot: ok [6412] bardown16__: BABY KIA TO GET HYPEBABY KIA TO GET HYPEBABY KIA TO GET HYPE/ [6413] Yetdi_: jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown [6413] LeePlayZyt: MIJJOOOOOO [6413] hezy08: YOU MAKE 8 + MIL A YEAR PUT 50K [6413] jakedog103: !bracket [6413] maxwelliswell1: Bros gonna have to take out a loan [6413] urnebeani: Say it [6414] rixdqz_ai: YALL MAD THAT X1M WILL WIN [6414] sandy_sir: SENT [6414] aid3n_ssg: stomp goat gonna carry you [6414] shauxity: XIM CARRYING THE STREAM AGAIN [6414] bradycollins2: -10000 [6414] broland2020yur: Is zim bpack [6414] cantstopfyre: -20k [6414] harvey3289_: up to 7 [6414] perkofr: NEVER BROKE AGAIN JUNKYARD [6414] cooldudeVlad: -20K [6414] kiddy_fidle: ☹️😔😚🙁🧐😞😚 [6414] liam3548: Pre -5K LULW [6414] Kylo641: hdji [6414] drewscrat02: sent [6414] bcngocat: yall ready for another 3 hr stream [6415] Nightbot: Jynxzi sens and settings here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2GcpqRqJ9U [6415] debo740: when’s the Kai and sketch stream [6415] sarahedew97: he’s so Annoying [6415] fadeskyl1ne: POLLLL [6415] rny_monkeyx_x: pre end [6415] aimbot_ziggy420: StoneLightning StoneLightning StoneLightning StoneLightning StoneLightning StoneLightning StoneLightning StoneLightning StoneLightning [6415] whitelight5647: L WASHED [6415] alphaq456: L streamer [6415] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [6415] sandy_sir: SENTT [6415] kaysw1zzl3: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [6415] kiddy_fidle: 🧐😚☹️☹️😚😫🧐😚 [6416] c4nadianboyfromcanada: Shut uppppp [6416] sexymardi123: washed [6416] bigdrillathug: kick xim [6416] Kylo641: hehos [6416] squishedlobster77: this kid is so obnoxious [6416] tfdjdawg: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 [6417] tylershoots: tylershoots subscribed with Prime. [6417] waterypanda: say it [6417] paul_teehee: LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOO [6417] GHOSTEEE_23: u r washed im just rooting for stompin [6417] sandy_sir: SENT [6417] roger33that: xim shut up [6417] Gucci_kid54: 2k?? [6417] vvjordan999: gg [6417] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [6418] boopyshmurda: HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA [6418] josiah_10983: Hi [6418] ollierxgx: X1M IS MY GOAT [6418] embiidbetterthanjokic: xim the most annoying r6 streamer ong [6418] ayeitsamritlol: SENT [6418] Yuatjaa: XIM ON TOP [6418] kiddy_fidle: ☹️😋 [6418] rbsmilk13: say it pussyw [6418] rcxxptt: DONT DO THAT [6418] suplolsup: LOL [6419] wyay: broke [6419] Gucci_kid54: 2k?? [6419] Nightbot: 😂 [6419] paul_teehee: LMFAOOOOOOO [6419] maybfresh: ZAMN [6419] wherethesidewalkends8: jynxziFALL [6419] drmonkeeman10: XIM GONNA STREAM SNIPE [6419] d44rkfire: POOR [6419] Nightbot: poor❌ pour✅ [6419] chrixsp23: -100k [6420] colin_raines98: L vaper [6420] sonotreal: NAHH [6420] NeoFao: W [6420] sammyeatsworld_: bro does he shut up [6420] SantasBeltBuckle: Mute xim [6420] dereck823: CAPPP [6420] suplolsup: BROKE [6420] coolman29903: fuck this huy [6420] terrianaxhood: TELL HIM TO STFU [6420] pocketpengun: 2k [6420] jahmapants: W Xim [6420] hezy08: FAKE [6420] Gucci_kid54: 2k?? [6421] bardown16__: Gyat [6421] KatieKitt3n: Mute him he so annoying [6421] Kylo641: hhbbbdj [6421] iraq1x: jynxziSmoke [6421] paul_teehee: LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [6421] showtime_elite: silversensay subscribed with Prime. [6421] elder_crispy: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [6421] tomashupe: NAAAAAAAAAH bro is broke [6421] colddeh: that dude is crimgne [6421] crizma567: damn [6421] bocadillodecemento: BLACKBEARD AHH LAUGH [6421] kaysw1zzl3: jynxziBuena jynxziBuena jynxziBuena jynxziBuena jynxziBuena [6422] yungKIBE: AYO [6422] wyay: broke [6422] zoetwo83: !link [6422] Tanocor6: sent [6422] Nightbot: @zoetwo83 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [6422] cantstopfyre: WWW [6422] xboxontopidontuseaxim: say it [6422] suplolsup: BROKIE [6422] realraider_: xim daddy [6422] dcrawdaddyy: w [6422] maybfresh: ZAMNNNNNNN [6422] RamboMedic52: you are washed [6423] TheKohl: Mike Dimes - HOME (Remix) ft. JID [6423] TrenBro6: AYO [6423] datboyiskxng: xim annoying [6423] Yuatjaa: XIM THE GOAT [6423] dereck823: CAPPPPAPPP [6423] 50rupeess: weak ass clip farmer [6423] xqdu: 💀💀 [6423] iitzhugo: !gamble all [6423] soto_han: W XIM [6423] lynxpack_4: LEAKED [6423] bardown16__: broke 1k [6423] snf_clix6334: jynxziSubHype [6423] xxghopks7xx: TURN HIM DOWN [6424] tfdjdawg: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 [6424] kaysaunh: Diamond tester [6424] Fossabot: @djw123412, Your message is too long [6424] akoit_: leaked [6424] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: blake griffin celtics era LUL [6424] SplashMan_0723: Leaked [6424] iraq1x: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [6424] LeePlayZyt: XIM [6424] tauntten05: tauntten05 subscribed at Tier 1. [6424] muyswanky: thats the same amount [6424] iispiritual: LMAO [6424] ARK2_0: sent [6424] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [6424] tabenszn: L FLEX [6425] fwzataki: BROKEEEE [6425] suplolsup: BROKIEE [6425] Gucci_kid54: 2k?? :O [6425] joeyisajuggalo: oh wow [6425] littleminioncj: when xim loses hes gonnna start cryinng [6425] Kelynxz: leaked [6425] urnebeani: -4k [6425] lxcafn7: 3k crazy [6425] bonkabongs: xim washed [6425] hunterl11100: gn [6425] royaled_: leaked [6425] dereck823: CPAPPPPP [6425] Nightbot: skyteWELOST150 safJam jynxziGG SLAAAMMMED [6425] maybfresh: ZAMNNNN [6425] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: blake griffin celtics era LUL [6426] cooldudeVlad: -4K [6426] infraredhulk: BROKE [6426] sodasentry: i do watch a movie [6426] zzyyko: clix [6426] tomashupe: leake [6426] Kylo641: 18376 [6426] Pugzzz_18: broke [6426] polexes: let’s go mijo [6427] hunterl11100: gnn [6427] austin653902: WIN ME SOME POINTS STOMPIN [6427] dereck823: CPAPPPPPCAPP [6427] sebayg_: LEAKED [6427] dez0npluto: can u not play w xim [6427] colddeh: that dude is cringr asf [6427] Yuatjaa: XIMMMMMMMM [6427] hfhfhrhnxjxjd: Brokkkkeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee [6427] babyash075: so ******* annoying jesus [6427] muyswanky: CAP [6427] suplolsup: L BROKIE [6427] Nightbot: no 🧢 [6427] spanglebab: 4k [6427] numberonericciglazer: -2k [6427] xqdu: 2k is insane [6428] akaydinho: jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH [6428] Jpmalagonv: -4K 💀💀💀💀 [6428] jimmmaa: BROKW [6428] tomashupe: leaked [6428] timel0rd: -10K [6428] Kylo641: hhfj [6428] r6gamer37: RICCI ERA RICCI ERA RICCI ERA RICCI ERA RICCI ERA RICCI ERA RICCI ERA RICCI ERA RICCI ERA [6428] dgcv_: bro [6428] Nightbot: 👀 [6428] waterypanda: 2k ? [6428] dereck823: CPAPPPP [6428] magicjeff221: Poor [6428] 1nneo: DAMN [6429] jayonth3sticks: LEAKED [6429] manaphyonfire: plus 4.5k [6429] maybfresh: BROKIEEEE [6429] ziggieP: HACKED [6429] ZachXc48: 2k? [6430] sodasentry: i don’t know [6430] spectreed_4: 🤔 [6430] AL0722: jynxziBALD [6430] sxaynecahill: spam report xim [6430] soto_han: W XIMMMMM [6430] r74756: bros mic is so bad [6430] LockyLock444: POOR [6430] rbsmilk13: leaked [6430] suplolsup: L BROKIEE [6430] gh0stgh0sty: out of your prime [6430] jtbboii23: clix [6430] huntyman_10: leaked [6430] gmoney15273833: 2K [6430] wikedinthebooth: g [6430] stringlessage: LEAKED [6431] lesshomes: -2k [6431] Nightbot: no [6431] hunterl11100: slumped [6431] ExllyZ: LMAOOOOOO [6431] Pugzzz_18: brokeee [6431] dez0npluto: xim is annoying [6431] TheEmporiumm: brosbroke [6431] yags____: yags____ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 6 month streak! RAAAAAA [6431] colin_raines98: Ricci is waiting [6431] skyteiswashed: god dam [6431] ttvcy2206_: !sub [6431] nickisbiggums: this guy annoying ash [6431] EatCrackRock: THATS HIS LIFE SAVINGS HES BROKE [6431] bigab45: when are you playing R6 [6431] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [6432] TXV2l: LEAKED [6432] jguapo100: mrxamaKasiaMosha mrxamaKasiaMosha mrxamaKasiaMosha mrxamaKasiaMosha mrxamaKasiaMosha mrxamaKasiaMosha [6432] wikedinthebooth: c [6432] fadeskyl1ne: LEAKKKKED [6432] z0xyboxedu: BROKKIE [6433] bmk_0: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 [6433] Dallas00_: BROKER [6433] wikedinthebooth: xs [6433] r6gamer37: RICCI ERA RICCI ERA RICCI ERA RICCI ERA RICCI ERA RICCI ERA RICCI ERA RICCI ERA RICCI ERA RICCI ERA RICCI ERA RICCI ERA RICCI ERA RICCI ERA RICCI ERA RICCI ERA [6433] dereck823: ACAPPPP [6433] SeymourGenitals: POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR [6433] Gail_Iewis: BROKEEEEEEEE [6433] oliivveerr: shit wifi [6433] kiddy_fidle: 🥶🥶😨😨 [6433] Kylo641: hhhd [6433] aeryslolz: broke boo [6434] conloc_: fck xim [6434] lilz_man: hehehehehehhehe [6434] maybfresh: HACKEDD [6434] altyasu: 2 bands? [6434] dankwhoolies69: LLOOHNAR OWNS YOU [6434] MothyBlack: broke ass [6434] ice_king1237: make a poll [6434] randompork: leaked [6434] 50rupeess: clip farmerrrr [6434] k0aIar6: LEAKED [6434] mousepowerhouse: rerun [6434] hayl_boh: Lakaka [6434] wikedinthebooth: g [6434] tomashupe: 2k? [6434] ferdi_765: 10 raiders from ferdi_765 have joined! [6435] spgpo: BROKKKKIEEEEE [6435] dereck823: BROKKE [6435] kiddy_fidle: 😰 [6435] 1waymoe: we’ll wait [6435] suplolsup: L BROKE [6435] slimpy23: LEAKED [6435] LockyLock444: POORRRR [6435] Kylo641: hhbhye [6435] r2u203: broke [6435] chicagoserge: 2K? LIGHTH [6435] wakeywocky: GGS [6435] benimaru_12: white xim [6435] bradycollins2: leakedddd [6436] superiscool51: JYNXZI PLS WIN IM GOING TO BET ALL Y CHANNEL POINTS ON U [6436] orlandonut: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [6436] TheEpikJJ: LEAKED [6436] mandocommando21: penny pinmcher [6436] randompork: leak [6436] GloriaGodfrey: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [6436] FI3K_: -2k [6436] r6gamer37: RICCI ERA [6436] lxcafn7: LEAKEDDDD [6436] sodasentry: the first one was really good [6436] LeePlayZyt: BRO SENT IT [6436] stea1thgamer_: LEAKED [6436] Y00NEY: If you like ximm that's wild [6437] IToxiCI_Hati: -4 [6437] lilz_man: hehehehehhehee [6437] PundaPlayzzz: lmao [6437] acrilix_15: 4k is crazy [6437] Vader10777: !cam [6437] darkcyclecd: Leaked [6437] diosmamo: LEAKED [6437] cendiary: bro sent his life savings lol [6437] Nightbot: Cammy Wammy Flammy Bammy GlitchCat [6437] Kylo641: brokw [6437] SmallFry_SSG: gamble! [6437] swifty_reee: gg [6437] hunterrisdon: broke! [6437] itsyaboylalo: GO LIVE AGAIN STOMP [6437] tomashupe: bro is broke [6438] mpd6: mpd6 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! you win ez [6438] gumbogoooo: W XIMMM [6438] vvjordan999: -4k [6438] wikedinthebooth: f [6438] ahcarirSsS: I love xim lmao [6438] taqqvue: 2 bandz is crazy [6438] th3_taco0: leaked [6438] Nightbot: F in the chat [6438] xxxlejuanjamesxxx: LEAKED [6438] tonbiddness: wait wth [6438] angelscreed8841: leaked [6438] junko_vapes_: leakedddddsdddd [6439] myles62510: how much? [6439] Get_Josued: W LEAK [6439] OnionRing13: LMAO THATS HIS WHOLE BANK ACCOUNT [6439] LockyLock444: PORRRRR [6439] SantasBeltBuckle: L xim [6439] apex_pastor: jynxziGRIDDY [6439] phiiizzy: BRO BET HIS WHOLE BANK [6439] xobdove_123: Leaked [6439] SeymourGenitals: BROKIE BROKE [6439] wikedinthebooth: cf [6439] Atrain1118: 2 bands [6439] perkofr: leaked [6439] panda_2732: bro is going into the negatives😭 [6439] leotheseven7th: leaked [6440] chodeman47: washed part tiner [6440] lilz_man: hehehehehehehe [6440] cooper19900: broke [6440] DC_Chapo: PRE END [6440] suplolsup: L BROKEE [6440] drmonkeeman10: -8K [6440] zlx_hxted_xlz: get that bread up [6440] fran_on30: When is the 2v2 whager [6440] wyay: W [6440] Riz1019: PRE -4K [6440] wikedinthebooth: gh [6440] Kylo641: brokey [6441] paul_teehee: -4K [6441] wamz_9: 😭😭 [6441] bardown16__: broke 2k add more xim u broke [6441] Achtohbr: NO MOTION [6441] randompork: fatass [6441] jagsjoe: no motion [6441] pixldust_: PRE END [6441] haemoglobin35: leaked [6441] ilovefortnite43569: leak [6441] jackman1374: Not again [6441] LeePlayZyt: FAKE CASH APP [6441] TheDivess: BROKE [6441] yTyller: LEAKED [6442] Victor_Pineapple: broke [6442] w1nterrloll: HEYY @Phillip_IC [6442] StrangelyLucid: StrangelyLucid subscribed at Tier 1. [6442] maitomakkara_: white xim [6442] tonbiddness: huh [6442] poppoolbox: leaked [6442] jimmmaa: LEAKED [6442] GloriaGodfrey: PopCorn PopCorn PopCorn [6442] stepthakid1: send me sum [6442] shauxity: U SCARED? [6442] skyteiswashed: leaked [6442] eventyrg: LEAKED [6442] juiceturtle6338: pre 2 hour and 40 mi [6442] bradycollins2: leaked [6442] chicagoserge: 2K IS LIGHT [6443] Gail_Iewis: LMFAO [6443] lemon808lime: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [6443] alphnx: 💀 [6443] lorym02: Bro jynxi I bet on you pls don't give us up [6443] itsyaboylalo: GO LIVE AGAIN STOMPNNN [6443] pastajackk: -4k [6443] qui__gon_: LEAKED [6443] autumnkatro21: jynx is a L r6 player [6443] IOH_Gunnin: leaked [6443] bardown16__: too little [6443] Nightbot: ussy [6443] lozerJordan: h [6444] suplolsup: WHO [6444] Cliopatrra: LEAKED [6444] LockyLock444: POOOOOORR [6444] ayeitsamritlol: YOURE ABOUT TO LOSE 4 BANDS [6444] Nightbot: h [6444] slimpy23: BROKE [6444] wyay: -4k [6445] waterypanda: Hahha [6445] poohelicoptr: gg [6445] KyleLShreves: @Jynxzi WARM UP@Jynxzi WARM UP [6445] cooper19900: broke [6445] Matt_Przeszlo: light [6446] Pugzzz_18: nothing [6446] kaysaunh: -4K [6446] jtbboii23: just give me my money [6446] linxnnn: the eyebrow 😭 [6446] poppoolbox: leakedlaeked [6446] lilz_man: hehehehehehe [6446] creedc7: 2 bands [6446] dereck823: LMAFOAOO [6446] savmatty: lock in bruh cmon [6446] LockyLock444: POOOOOORRR [6446] GloriaGodfrey: gloria6BeerCheer gloria6BeerCheer gloria6BeerCheer [6446] bardown16__: broke xim [6446] Cliopatrra: LEAKEEDDDS [6446] him_again_og: -2k [6447] TheJackieMoon: hahahha you're cooked fatso [6447] displaynqme: BROKE [6447] paul_teehee: -4K./ [6447] rczeny: can u add me on snap [6447] Kylo641: broke [6447] haemoglobin35: LMAO [6447] kofijosh: LEAK [6447] fadeskyl1ne: LEAKKKED [6447] RACE7x: Damn [6447] dereck823: ;MDAOAOO [6447] xennnval: chump change [6447] ccopog: -4k [6447] puffpuffjuicer: LOLLLL;L [6447] r0llerdray: 2 bands aint shit [6447] HoneyButter210: LOCK IN [6448] poppoolbox: kaekd [6448] Rhovr: -4k LMAOOOOOOOOO [6448] cbucketz_21: light [6448] joeyisajuggalo: juggal17LOL juggal17LOL juggal17LOL juggal17LOL [6448] wyay: -4k [6449] KyleLShreves: @Jynxzi WARM UP@Jynxzi WARM UP@Jynxzi WARM UP@Jynxzi WARM UP@Jynxzi WARM UP@Jynxzi WARM UP [6449] colin_raines98: LEAKED [6449] Gail_Iewis: MORE MOTION THAN YOU [6449] IMTOES88: broke [6449] Y00NEY: Ximm is a toxic leach [6449] sodasentry: get out of here i [6449] josh_14sm: AHAHHAHA [6449] Pugzzz_18: light shit [6449] ryantm526: you ain’t broke [6449] ttvmatt18: I just sub [6449] kbee1511: ACCIDENT I THINK [6449] mfam_medic18: mfam_medic18 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 1 month streak! LEEGGOOOO [6450] kursedprezz: no way [6450] poppoolbox: laked [6450] EatCrackRock: broke [6450] fine_pilsner: -4k [6450] bigouncedanny: pre -4k [6450] itsyaboylalo: GO LIVE AGAIN [6450] xxxlejuanjamesxxx: LEAKED LOL [6450] ur_fried_rice: hi [6450] d44rkfire: LEAKED [6450] dereck823: BRECKIEEE [6450] GloriaGodfrey: twitchRaid twitchRaid twitchRaid [6450] spgpo: LEAKEEEEDDDDDD [6450] alphaplaystation: huh [6450] Riasisxd: W MOTION [6450] PundaPlayzzz: -4K [6451] heart4kate: -2k [6451] crizma567: scared [6451] Dallas00_: LMAOOO [6453] unknowns_wrld: 10 bands [6453] aminmjv: -۴k [6453] stea1thgamer_: LEAKED IT [6453] declanjjs: hi [6453] ryagodR6: -2k [6453] heartelly: -4k [6453] realraider_: we want xim [6453] EWOK7075: lolololol [6453] Pugzzz_18: lightttt [6453] sammyeatsworld_: better not lose [6453] waydand: _4k ggs [6453] Foreex7: thats it? [6453] braidedbootyyhair: Where'd did bro aquire that [6453] kc_chiefsontop15: jynxzi [6453] sebayg_: -4k [6454] Riz1019: -$4k. [6454] haemoglobin35: LEAKED [6454] floatedsky: L broke [6454] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [6454] liam3548: LEAKED LULW [6454] leoflowbro: leaked [6454] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [6454] junko_vapes_: bbb [6456] slimpy23: YOU GOT THIS [6456] renejustin78: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [6456] mxrror: yes [6456] ryguyhimself: you had that [6456] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: PRE -4K LUL [6456] sandy_sir: LMAO [6456] paul_teehee: YES DO ITTT [6456] Trydosey: gg [6456] fadeskyl1ne: -4k [6456] ThePruney: -4k [6456] 999_CRUI9D: I like to PunchTrees [6456] sxaynecahill: -2k [6456] bardown16__: -2k kk k k k kk k [6456] brock2fly: brock2lit subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! [6456] Dom15379: bro ur a billionaire [6457] WhosBryan16: n de [6457] lmeinzy: washed [6457] ctteensydisc: dont do it [6458] poppoolbox: laeked' [6458] cameronesungod: Fake [6458] GloriaGodfrey: hooptiTickler [6458] nasmokey: YES [6458] maitomakkara_: u make millions monthly stfu [6458] drmonkeeman10: -10k [6459] Joi2077: YES [6459] dereck823: LFAMOOO [6459] sodasentry: wwwwwww [6459] Kylo641: no [6459] alex_52410: xim got motion [6459] shauxity: YOU'RE THE WEAK LINK [6459] KenuArts: w [6459] ocherrylux: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [6459] kofijosh: WWWWW [6459] stea1thgamer_: 2k WILD [6459] xennnval: HITTTT A LICKKK [6459] derekreckless: you literally said he was betting for 2k earlier dumbass [6459] aceo8907: i bet 10k [6459] haemoglobin35: LEAKKEDD [6459] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: PRE -4K LUL [6460] ccopog: don’t be greedy [6460] IFr0styI: SCPRITED? [6460] cooldudeVlad: -4K [6460] gghost467: Yo# [6460] HazydoR: No u go broke [6460] dereck823: DO ITTT [6460] itsluch416: -4k [6460] kofijosh: MAN [6460] wyay: bet with ricci too mhm [6460] BdotBS: W GAMBLER [6460] Atrain1118: ask Ricci to match [6460] Kylo641: uehdb [6460] fran_on30: When is the 2v2 [6460] neweracbb: ur getting carried buith [6460] bzLink: you are horrible so no LUL [6461] teaknical: DO ITTT [6461] zeprogamer26040: !sub [6461] jahmapants: u lose tho [6461] ctteensydisc: ur gonna lose [6461] realraider_: nope [6461] meaty_kiwi: L gambler [6462] wydaidyn: wydaidyn subscribed at Tier 1. [6462] sandy_sir: SO IT [6462] alexandrr257: Do it! [6462] rbsmilk13: @itsyaboylalo yooooo wsg lalo [6462] Qc_Hunter2: w [6462] Kylo641: bbhhd [6462] kofijosh: LETS GOOO [6462] haemoglobin35: LEAKKEDDELE [6462] tebzxc: DO IT [6462] steezi8433: OMEGALUL [6462] oguto27: do it [6462] dereck823: WWWWWWW [6462] mexicanboy710: jynxziBALD jynxziBALD [6463] koiro_: yes brio [6463] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: PRE -4K LUL [6463] reverzionplays: lmaooo [6463] xxunclebob: worlds worst gambler [6463] orlandonut: cap [6463] spin4myblock: UR COOKED [6463] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: PRE -4K LUL [6463] xsynthetic1: jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype [6463] 100xjota: W [6463] Nightbot: no 🧢 [6463] angelchastity: LOCK IT [6463] Nightbot: 💅 [6463] s0lid_franco_: yeah bet with em 2 [6463] wamz_9: No shot [6463] bendacuti: d1 gambler [6464] Frostywhoa: LUL [6464] dereck823: WWWW [6464] mentallyilljuulpod: L gambler [6464] Kylo641: hhhhh [6464] wyay: bet with ricci too mhm [6465] sauce_godzzz: NOOOO [6465] haemoglobin35: LEAAKKEEDDD [6465] pocketpengun: W losing [6465] rijinmanz1: START A POLL [6465] rain21iooo: NO [6465] calvbeastly110: hit the lick [6465] rubobzen: u broke af [6465] zlles: XIM GOT MOTION [6465] fadeskyl1ne: -14k [6465] Kylo641: wwww [6465] juukongen: -4k [6465] ZBNERD: Lol [6465] slimpy23: WWWWW [6465] Nightbot: 😂 [6465] tebzxc: DO ITTTTTT [6466] hope_0297: DO IT [6466] joethememelol: -100K [6466] pixldino12: washed [6466] poppoolbox: laekd [6466] liam3548: Pre another -4K LULW [6466] Uncommon209: JAJAJAJAJAJAJA [6466] kantvide: 10 doughy [6466] dereck823: WWWWW [6466] jahmapants: ur losing [6466] WhosBryan16: -4k [6466] maybfresh: LMFAOOO [6466] alaskanwhiskey: GAMBLE ADDICT [6466] CarterOnHere: millionaire complaining about monet [6466] GHOSTEEE_23: stompin gonna carry yo ass [6466] snappy11z: no [6467] dillon_sumner6: yeah he wants that 4k [6467] jasontodler: don’t [6467] Trydosey: GG [6467] aybo16: shusg [6467] lianajmes23: NOOOOOO [6467] perkofr: You GOT IT TWINNNN [6467] bobcat_1113: yessss [6468] dereck823: WWWW [6468] bachix2: POLL IT [6468] ur_fried_rice: g [6468] thehammer0304: LLL [6468] squishytofu7: gambler [6468] wilsonstringer1: LMAOOOOOOOO [6468] star4kamm: yessss [6468] mastergumper: polllllll [6468] bardown16__: +100k on gifted subs so who cares [6468] austin172: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [6468] Nightbot: no [6468] slimpy23: WWWWWW [6468] junothebugger: true [6468] RamboMedic52: cap [6468] njtregs: bet the house [6469] orlandonut: capCap [6469] Roamrz: DO IT [6469] TheJackieMoon: do it [6469] neweracbb: he fell off [6469] stephen_walsh1: !discord [6469] Nightbot: https://discord.gg/jynxzi [6469] FI3K_: YESSSSSURRRRR [6469] tebzxc: DO IT [6469] joethememelol: PRE END [6469] drmonkeeman10: do it [6469] tomashupe: L gambler [6469] canteatberries: L GAMBLER [6469] zhynoluvsu: YESSS [6469] TIGERIVAL: The millionaire worrying about 4 bands [6469] SplashMan_0723: L Sports betting [6470] SavageELMT: doooooooo itttttttttttttttttttttttttttt [6470] Zuetx: Do it! [6470] pixldust_: PRE END PRE END PRE END PRE END PRE END PRE END PRE END PRE END PRE END PRE END PRE END PRE END PRE END PRE END PRE END [6470] Shadowxzxzx: cap [6470] dereck823: WWWWW [6470] randompork: Yessssssssssss [6470] ocherrylux: WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace [6472] cabbage_man456: pre-end [6472] dereck823: WWW [6472] fwmflywithme: gambling ass mindset [6472] shrekalottapus: ride me junko [6472] neneisntvibbin: yes [6472] auzzie_aj: addicted to gambling [6472] ATR_Kmoney: you’re going to sell [6472] rubobzen: in you head [6472] gerson80hd: DO ITTTT [6472] ClitMasterTashi: he will strem snipe [6472] Tucodiaz: hes gonna stream snipe both of you [6472] blitz12_ttv: BET WITH RICCI [6472] FI3K_: DO IT [6472] alexandrr257: DO IT!!!!!! [6472] fadedzxn_: Cap [6473] Karbido: LUL [6473] bambam1519: do it [6473] tigerfist658: L GAMBLER FELL OFF [6473] vsknio: nah xim will win [6473] ITz_F1XX: pre 4k payout [6473] shep_007: YES DO IT [6473] alwaysjrd: alwaysjrd subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 10 month streak! wwwww [6473] KILR0YCH: sure ting pal [6473] cornhubcreamiumm: Bet the house [6473] Kylo641: wwwwwwwwww [6473] Trydosey: ITS ALREADY OVER [6473] bardown16__: DO IT THEN [6473] saucin2hard: Because he got pompoms chat [6473] taqqvue: u gonna sell him [6473] CalebTheSilverPleb: ur so ass tho [6474] TheRealYaBoyLilSib: Do it [6474] asap_vortex_: ABOUT THAT [6474] balehncy_: daddy daddy [6474] StreamElements: If you're a gamer, you need a Starforge! Snag one -> https://starforgepc.com/Jynxzi [6474] dreadnought_prime: Wwwwwwwww [6474] spin4myblock: do irt [6475] TheKohl: Mike Dimes - HOME (Remix) ft. JIDMike Dimes - HOME (Remix) ft. JIDMike Dimes - HOME (Remix) ft. JID [6475] blorpifyme: do it [6475] SoloKewQ: dont man you keep losing [6475] pimp_daddyg6: DO IT😭😭 [6475] ieatbread09: pre debt [6475] a1ain0_: glazzing [6475] snappy11z: NO NO NO NO NO NO NO [6475] duddydimes: go hard or go gome [6475] vizex112: 10k is wild [6475] Riz1019: DO IT [6475] joethememelol: -100K [6475] Nightbot: ussy [6475] rijinmanz1: POLL IT [6475] bigdawgsteve77: do it then [6475] kewanadige: bet you wont do it [6476] PapiShampoo24: srompn is washed [6476] rahkamies3: BROS ADDICTED [6476] abdouleye: do it [6476] Tybragaming: bet the house [6476] jacke1323: ur ass [6476] upl_zak: True [6476] quadwar: yes [6476] cashmoney102jr: GO BIG OR GO HOME [6476] cowzay: go for it [6476] venisonfarts: W [6478] imenyaanss: dooooo ittttt [6478] leroyjenkins38: L Gambler [6478] monkeyrun900: L GALZER [6478] TIGERIVAL: Go ahead and bet a house then [6478] edwrldsmkes: pre end now [6478] Fossabot: @kr0nipz, Your message is too long [12x] [6478] daltonnnl11: fuck it do 8k [6478] phroggythefirst: do it then bitch [6478] cantstopfyre: ur ass [6478] ATR_Kmoney: selling [6478] elijah_mi13: elijah_mi13 subscribed at Tier 1. [6478] reellife425: wwwwwwww [6478] KaiserRemy: RUN IT UP DEN [6478] RustyElk: noooo [6478] meaty_kiwi: gambling addict [6479] adam_wrld_: DO IT [6479] giorgio_curcioooo: sketch is waiting [6479] greesyappl3: ur gonna lose [6479] gh0stgh0sty: glazing rn [6479] Nightbot: ok [6479] duodrft: you only live once @jynxzi [6479] saucin2hard: Pompoms ftw [6479] Riz1019: DO IT PUSSY [6479] AgentMixzy: DO ITTTTTTTTTT [6479] seedless1904: don’t do it. [6479] broseph012: cap [6479] cuddle_xd: STOMPN AINT WINNING NO MORE [6479] blackgold221: He just got first rounded by ricci [6479] CLEALLIAN: not a good idea [6479] PundaPlayzzz: L gambler mindset [6480] KaiMaw50: please bro it's not worth it [6480] Anth0nyG7: ADDICT BRO CHILL [6480] lilz_man: hehehehheehehehehehehehehe [6480] reellife425: ww [6480] shooluh: Lemme get 150 for sm bottles bro, bless me [6480] Tucodiaz: gonna snipe you [6480] Silentx_xSicario: you will sell the game [6480] taqqvue: u gonna sell stompn | Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [6300] Yo, Sam yo, I heard you the first four times So, Sam Yeah, why is him why agree to this you know? [6310] I'm playing Michael Jordan on the wizard right now though. That was tough and wee wee wee wee [6320] hahaha I'll follow Michael's wait use Michael Jordan on the wizard your fuck Wait, I'm saying comments won't you fall off? Oh, fuck the fuck you [6330] you mean wash, when the last time stop it is one sun, then it's a fucking rickiera, it's the rickiera and you fucking know it, it's the rickiera and you know it, oh and you can't even compete with me, you know you can't compete with me, so zem! [6340] I'm going to give you $172. Can I talk? Can I talk? Or are you just going to yell? So, zoom. The last time me and stop in 2v2, Ricky, I took $2,000 off him and Mystic. [6350] You have said so you said so yourself. This is the best letter on console. This is the best letter on console. Zim, you said so yourself. [6360] That mystic is the best player on console. Those were your exact words Uncontrollers. Nope. Nope. I'm the best guy on controller. I'm controller. He's the best. He's never played for 2000 points. Never been that situation. [6370] Here's big money gets nervous his hands start sweating. He's never been in a situation before so like me though. Oh, yeah Let's do it. How much how much? [6380] the ball is in your court whatever you send wrote i'll pay you double if you win say that say that whatever you said in that stop it can bet with ricky rickie's playing a TDM for sure he's just [6390] You and you it's me okay, but that I'll send you I'll send you your dead ass Brother I'm stone cold Steve Austin serious if you send 10,000 I'll send you 20,000 [6400] Check all the things that are going to send you money. You're a shack on the side to get some money. I'm not lost. Don't do that. I'm not lost. Ha ha ha ha ha. Shit, shit, shit. [6410] Set! Set! Go check! Set! Set! Set! Don't you leave our rig? Am I should we just wait on Ricky? We're taking on Ricky's time. It's the Ricky Hero War on Ricky's time. Let's wait. [6420] uh... wait this is the rickie a one rickie time i'm gonna get anywhere getting all the [6430] here. Wait, one second. Uh, chat with some other fucker. [6440] sent me two bands. If some other fucker just sent me [6450] 2000 Shive that with Ricky too chat. I have a stop and on my team. No chat. I can hit a lick right now Chat I know I'm down like 10k on wagers this week, but I could actually [6460] hit a lick right now bro. Look chat I know it's crazy think about it I have stomping on my team bro I could bet my house on this game [6470] I have God's gift to Rainbow Sixies on my team. I could realistically better house. Chat, hold on. | There is no Highlight in the provided timespan. Jynxzi is discussing with his mate x1m. then they invite their friend ricci to the party. |
Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [6600] LeePlayZyt: CRASHED [6600] Shaltu: aid3nn1Shaq aid3nn1Shaq aid3nn1Shaq [6600] matt8u: Ricci era [6600] zentihater01: CENTWAL SERVWERS Keepo Keepo [6600] jackman1374: Shaq on the celtics 💀 [6600] Jmlgiants: xims mic is so bad [6600] ye13cb: all my points on junko [6600] mattrex_him: w [6600] idk45378: xim such a dick rider [6600] ChocolateLoverVz: ricci is way better for content on the other team [6601] shelikedill: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [6601] professor3459: LMFAOP shaq in the celtics [6601] Calcetin17: Calcetin17 subscribed with Prime. [6601] milky2xx: w [6601] renexzzx: glaze [6601] duddydimes: FUCK THAT THEY HAVE A XIM PLAYER [6601] that_bash_guy101: POLLS [6601] disanto003: !link [6601] pinkinfinite: RICCI ERA [6601] maxwelliswell1: Ricci era [6601] FadedJunior710: New York Fortnite accent [6601] IOH_Gunnin: ricci glaze aintnoway [6602] Shaltu: aid3nn1Shaq [6602] SantasBeltBuckle: His mic is ass [6602] xxfml1991xx: jynxziChampion [6602] mattrex_him: we [6602] PundaPlayzzz: RICCI ERAAA [6602] lukeowen2110: junko gonna sell [6602] correiae77: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke [6602] lucaskyriacou123: RICCIERA [6602] the1pixx: shaw on the celtics [6602] cade4658: WHEN I CATCH YOU RICCI [6602] Dohnkins: ricci era [6603] qc_tibidou: -5k [6603] rixdqz_ai: :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( [6603] lemon808lime: Ricky can’t pronounce his “r”s [6603] c__dba: Cheer100 if you keep putting bands on games, youll be as poor as you are fat [6603] lilsluga: lmaoooo [6603] codenamedoggo: RICCI ERA [6603] shelikedill: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [6603] Nightbot: 🪳 [6603] mattrex_him: ee [6603] FI3K_: ITS THE RICCI ERA [6603] drmonkeeman10: just report xim and take money [6603] oxoostaa: Ricci era [6604] treefrog_3: ty :) [6604] giorgio_curcioooo: RICCIIII ERA [6604] lilz_man: hehehehehehehehehehe [6604] taliatekana: POLL IT [6604] mattrex_him: w [6604] kall_me_adam: put predictions back for a min [6604] Frostyslippy: so we not warming up ? [6604] itsyaboylalo: STOMP IS NOT HAPPY !!!! [6604] Joebawca: Tell them to put some respec on your name [6605] iijonesyy: His mic is fucking ass [6605] ballzinya617: Ricky era [6605] bigmikep8: Ricci accent forced [6605] Joi2077: OMG [6605] mcbergur: SKETCH ERA [6605] mattrex_him: ww [6605] desnick71: SO WERE GOING BANKRUPT TONIGHT [6605] marifrmda_916: Turn zim down [6605] chrixsp23: L glaze [6605] moneyyredd: W xim [6605] koohlnn: !followage [6606] tigerrocks357: jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES [6606] jjaymafono: Rickie is a rookie [6606] glaciusvr: jynxziBuena [6606] bradycollins2: RARE XIM W [6606] mitch_dasherf93: Jinx is a pancake [6606] StreamElements: @Koohln, koohln has been following jynxzi for 3 years 5 months 15 days 1 hour [6606] bendacuti: zim is riding so hard [6606] noambiton1234: ILINK [6606] 01haku: WRicci [6606] Messy_Jesse_: RICCIIII ERA [6606] stea1thgamer_: NOT A RICCI ERA [6606] cam_champion2010: jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL [6606] spiceinf: RICCCI IS A BITCH [6606] ashtn1738: glaze [6606] bigab45: RICCCIII ERAAAAAA [6607] bottomlesstoe101: mic? [6607] busyyAdz: Ricci era [6607] smgyankee: xim getting his back blown out by ricci [6607] x2_takens: your washed bet your house [6607] Trydosey: RICCI ERA [6607] Jmlgiants: 🧢 [6607] SantasBeltBuckle: Xim to loud [6607] Shaltu: aid3nn1Shaq aid3nn1Shaq aid3nn1Shaq [6607] panda_plop: w ricci [6607] dcmrbetter5432: l [6607] DangOhLang: RUN THE PREDICTION [6607] inaxvy: POLLK ITT [6607] sawyerhockey14: RICCI ERA [6608] bluefusiontv: bahahahahahah [6608] im_x1m: ricci era [6608] pinkinfinite: WAITTTTTT [6608] atomik_ninja98: brooo mute xim or tell him to stop deepthroating that mic [6608] parkcity201229: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [6609] shelikedill: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [6609] imhimfelitye: imhimfelitye subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months! [6609] Shaltu: aid3nn1Shaq [6609] FI3K_: RICCI ERA [6609] nfncpure: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 [6609] kinda_dead_l: why u guys mean ): [6609] KnuckleBusterSG: ricci is a bum [6609] loki_frr: jynxziRAHHH [6609] al_sah_him00: Yo xim BUY A FUCKIN BETTER MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICC [6610] gta_tryhard__: TODIVIDKJGIRIFJVUURJVUFIGJGUIIVIFIV [6610] hunxhodactivist: W [6610] snailmanthirteeN: 💀💀 [6610] inaxvy: DO A POLL [6610] spin4myblock: yea [6610] ju8stzack: uooo [6610] Shaltu: aid3nn1Shaq aid3nn1Shaq [6610] chadleeb: shietymon [6610] notjoey714: ricci sounds like a dumbass [6610] oomrsmelly: COME ON XIN AND RICCI [6611] bluefusiontv: bahahahahhahahahahahahahahah [6611] treyishim743675324775423: cheer 10000 You took care of my Nephew with Make-A-Wish so I get to do what I can to take care of you! Much love bro! [6611] Hypxoticc: all in on xim and ricci [6611] bocadillodecemento: 2-0 [6611] robsuperior: RICCI ERA IS HERE [6611] yelsbsk: !gamble [6611] waterypanda: W [6611] inaxvy: POLLLLL [6611] ye13cb: junko better clutch [6611] bigswillio: ricci and xim era [6612] Shaltu: aid3nn1Shaq aid3nn1Shaq aid3nn1Shaq [6612] sonotreal: nah gimme my points back [6612] bluefusiontv: hahahahahaha [6612] gabedragonp: !link [6612] Shadowxzxzx: w mute lmao [6612] xyrisze: PART TIMER [6612] Nightbot: @gabedragonp If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [6612] vhyphyr: bro needs Pom poms as well as [6613] takeeajoke1: RICCI GOT A SPEECH IMPEDIMENT [6613] nanamilk124: bro is not winning with washedmn and wunk [6613] inaxvy: POLLL [6613] nateystwitchy: XIM IS SO FUCKING ANNOYINGGG [6613] gabi_i6: f [6613] MrChipmunk1305: GG [6613] shelikedill: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [6613] Nightbot: F in the chat [6613] supercritical1: ricci era [6613] lucigirl6: balls [6613] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [6613] lilz_man: hehehehhe [6613] Nightbot: balls [6613] bakerman708: 1k [6613] PGCenturion: 2-0 [6614] Shaltu: aid3nn1Shaq [6614] Nightbot: bozo [6614] SantasBeltBuckle: Loud xim mic [6614] guzman7625: yo xim isnso annoying [6614] bandodadon: x1m is sucking riccis dick [6614] fathighandhappy: oooo [6614] bluefusiontv: ahahhahaahhahahah [6614] desnick71: wait let me eat you out? [6614] masterjeeebiee: @ttvmatt18 [6614] vexchefin: NAHHH [6614] rippler2182: W GOOD FELLA [6615] sandy_sir: LMAOO [6615] ElkTheElk: OOOO [6615] 2ndbae: Lol [6615] ttvcy2206_: !links [6615] lewisjdheh: jynxzi he got delay and he trying to stream snipe you [6615] joshpisag: yessss [6615] Shaltu: aid3nn1Shaq aid3nn1Shaq [6615] exttrraa: lmaooo [6615] Whiteboihops27: SHAQ CELTICS [6616] Joi2077: OOH [6616] MrChipmunk1305: GGGGGG [6616] mvxsms: Ricci era -4k [6616] justbored4: HAHAA [6616] edwrldsmkes: a twourney [6616] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀 [6616] efex124: jynxie im thinking of offing myself [6616] imenyaanss: fuck i put 10k on jynxzi and i regret it [6616] Get_Josued: ricci era [6616] jdizzyrules: run poll [6616] inaxvy: do A POLL [6617] Shaltu: aid3nn1Shaq aid3nn1Shaq aid3nn1Shaq [6617] jimmmaa: RICCI A BUM [6617] panda_plop: ricci era [6617] joshpisag: Omg [6617] datboyiskxng: mute xim [6617] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀 [6617] raffzxzx: !discord. [6617] shelikedill: riccin1DANCE riccin1DANCE riccin1DANCE riccin1DANCE [6617] akBrae: L MODS MAKE THE FKN POLL [6618] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [6618] kyleozzy16: xim really pisses me off [6618] shrigga23456: jynxziWTF [6618] pinkinfinite: OOOOOOOO [6618] TheGingerPollo: glazing ricci after talking shit during their 1v1 is weird [6618] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀 [6618] joshpisag: hahahah [6618] Shaltu: aid3nn1Shaq [6618] Ugur95_: hahaha [6618] piecectrlshaq: yo xim is dick riding [6619] dcmrbetter5432: L BibleThump [6619] gumbogoooo: OOOOOOO [6619] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: ooooo [6619] sarahedew97: mute xim [6619] inaxvy: POLLL [6619] xgeorge246: Stompn got first rounded [6620] taliatekana: W JYNXZI [6620] supremeslabs420: —- [6620] sonotreal: gg for my points [6620] Shaltu: aid3nn1Shaq aid3nn1Shaq [6620] carstenisthe_goat9: jynxziChampion [6620] raffzxzx: !discord [6620] Nightbot: https://discord.gg/jynxzi [6620] Spandal: NAHHHHH [6620] gta_tryhard__: Fuufifivifigifiigifigirigiiediciirjrjfjgjrjdifjeifififivjjfrjfjjfjfjdjfjrjjjfjfjfjg [6620] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: oooooooooo [6620] santiagogv23: jynxziLaugh jynxziLOL [6620] burntnut4: get your Pom poms out [6620] Gabimwk: COMMMOOON [6620] vhyphyr: fuck Ricci [6620] piecectrlshaq: xim glaze [6621] cam_champion2010: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [6621] fnnstepper111: w cim [6621] joshpisag: wwww ricci [6621] ShhhLucky: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke [6621] itsyaboylalo: WWWWWW [6621] xaj8_: pre end [6621] reaper2204: bro needs to use that EBT card and by a new mic [6621] inoykr: Jynxzi losing def [6621] Fossabot: @Torpid_Guy, Your message is too long [6621] lemon808lime: make Ricky mod [6621] Shaltu: aid3nn1Shaq aid3nn1Shaq aid3nn1Shaq [6621] austin172: jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY [6621] Messy_Jesse_: YOOOOOO [6622] aceo8907: wwwww [6622] pogphrog985: Dude with the Xbox 360 mic need to be quiet LUL [6622] breeet: js lost my points😔 [6622] wyfyttv: WHEN IS KAI VS STOMPN [6623] totoasted69: sketch better [6623] Shaltu: aid3nn1Shaq [6623] inaxvy: POLLLL [6623] mustangluver756: Brother [6623] joshpisag: ricci up [6623] ZBNERD: Ooooooff [6623] shelikedill: riccin1DODGE riccin1DODGE riccin1DODGE [6623] K1Carne: you betta not sell me junko [6623] Nightbot: 👀 [6623] PundaPlayzzz: jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY [6623] tappdiger: poll run poll [6623] lolopaornne: downtown [6623] lukemahomie: wwwwwwww [6623] jimmmaa: BUMRICCI [6623] NickTheChopperBM: -5K [6624] puffpuffjuicer: W STOMPN [6624] fnnstepper111: w xim [6624] Shaltu: aid3nn1Shaq aid3nn1Shaq aid3nn1Shaq [6624] eazye420__: eazye420__ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months, currently on a 7 month streak! [6624] partlylitty: !watchtime [6624] inaxvy: POLLL [6624] alexandrr257: Betting all in on Junkoo [6624] GHOSTEEE_23: stompin gonna carry so hard [6624] itsyaboylalo: YESSIRRRRR STOMP [6624] StreamElements: partlylitty has spent 7 days 2 hours watching jynxzi [6625] nbl_212169: let’s go junkoooo [6625] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: YOOOOOOO [6625] moneyyredd: W Ricci [6625] xboxontopidontuseaxim: W stompin [6625] xd4rhenrx: !watchtime [6625] AntwanTM: TORWNAMENT [6626] StreamElements: xd4rhenrx has spent 6 days 3 hours watching jynxzi [6626] Shaltu: aid3nn1Shaq [6626] piecectrlshaq: xim glazing that crazu [6626] ZBNERD: Ouch [6626] purpleturtle0211: ziggylataBoogie [6626] theonlymax12: Yooo [6626] Messy_Jesse_: RICCI ERA [6626] elphentusee: your selliness is gonna sell your dad and your gonna have everyone lose points [6626] bryann1029: W SROMP [6626] rbsmilk13: @itsyaboylalo I see youuu [6627] rtiggzy: suck me hard [6627] x758645: jynxziFAT_TK jynxziChampion [6627] prz_draco: s [6627] uSilent_: toarnament [6627] lukemahomie: wwwwww [6627] KINGBEER_23: 200000 [6627] josiah_10983: LUL [6627] jb_1080: clip farmer u said u were quittin [6627] Haleful: -5k [6628] Shaltu: aid3nn1Shaq aid3nn1Shaq [6628] spiceinf: LMAOAOAMO RICCI K [6628] moneymakermikeonthemic: TOWNAMENT [6628] K1Carne: omm cousin [6628] bryann1029: W STOMP [6628] itsyaboylalo: COME ON STOMPNNN [6628] prz_draco: w [6629] ashtn1738: xim is doing tricks on it [6629] Shaltu: aid3nn1Shaq aid3nn1Shaq aid3nn1Shaq [6629] busyyAdz: mental chalked [6629] hunxhodactivist: PANCAKE [6629] gta_tryhard__: 👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹 [6629] GiggityGiggity84: xim youre a 5'5 frail ass dude [6629] AgentMixzy: RICCI HAS A SPEECH INPEDIMENT [6629] treefrog_3: ricci thinks he is a soprano lmaoo [6630] brody29__: hi [6630] 5star_keanu: LETS GO RICCI [6630] Shaltu: aid3nn1Shaq aid3nn1Shaq [6630] wernerr___: GET THE POM POMS OUT [6630] lozerJordan: jynxziSmoke jynxziPACK jynxziRAHHH jynxziPACK jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziSubHype [6631] TheKohl: get hype Mike Dimes - HOME (Remix) ft. JID [6631] hope_0297: XIM IS FUCKING AWFUL [6631] bigab45: RICKY WITH THE TIMS [6631] michigan_madef: don’t do ittt [6631] OPDaily: bro sounds special [6631] bigdrillathug: mute ricci and xim please [6631] baugusd34: Vid idea: old coppers vs new coppers [6631] peaktrust: MyAvatar MyAvatar MyAvatar MyAvatar MyAvatar MyAvatar MyAvatar [6632] jimmmaa: W STOMP [6632] Shaltu: aid3nn1Shaq aid3nn1Shaq aid3nn1Shaq [6632] automatikgaming111: change title [6632] Liltatertot420: W STOMP [6632] chadleeb: yesstopitsavegaben/kevin scott 3 weise [6633] dukenukem1400: Yes [6633] TomaZz_: St0mpn mewing 🗿☕ [6633] GHOSTEEE_23: stompin is him [6633] mattrex_him: jynxziFAT [6633] lilz_man: hehehehe [6633] xboxontopidontuseaxim: RICCI ERA [6633] spin4myblock: PANCAKE ASS KIDDD [6633] BWSxDiaz12: -15k [6633] racc_is_dead: ricci era [6633] mcbergur: FREE $$$$$$ [6633] jester09876987y43: ayo [6633] renejustin78: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [6634] Messy_Jesse_: RICCIII ERAAAAAA [6634] Shaltu: aid3nn1Shaq [6634] nailwind: BO3 [6634] itsyaboylalo: COME ON STOMPN [6634] edwxies: No [6634] Arisxzn: W ARISXZN [6634] ZBNERD: OUCH [6634] imprs_crafthitman1: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MYY POOOOOOOINTTTSSSS [6634] VaIerion: b03 [6635] byec4: BO# [6635] elitexalbanian: w stomp [6635] supremeslabs420: •-• [6635] i_am_st3bo: his accent is so forced it’s embarrassing [6635] Jmlgiants: bo3 [6635] yungKIBE: BO3 [6635] rtiggzy: gegdvgduehhe [6635] lilz_man: hgiuhg [6636] mongral123abc0: GayPride [6636] dukenukem1400: Bo3 [6636] edwrldsmkes: da twournament [6636] One0neOne: bo3 [6636] VaIerion: bo3 [6636] wgexrge: x [6636] Uncommon209: IM FUCKN [6637] yungKIBE: BO3 [6637] L3monadefursale: twornument [6637] dragid7: @abyssaldreamsss thank you for the sub [6637] wassaidanwass: bruv [6637] pocketpengun: BO1 [6637] rbsmilk13: @itsyaboylalo yooo [6638] ttvcy2206_: !sub [6638] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [6638] kaaaan1900000: part timer [6638] pcsryze: W JYNXZI [6638] cuddle_xd: PANCAKE ASS KID [6638] dallasthekiller1: mute tryna make his own character 🤣💀 [6638] numberonericciglazer: BO3 [6638] felixgoat1: bo3 [6639] pennyd1776: CAAAAWWWWKKKKKK SUUUUKKAAAAAAAAAA [6639] jacktftonn: copper [6639] uSilent_: b03 [6639] kall_me_adam: put predictions back for a min [6639] lolopaornne: ahhh sketch [6639] Lumby: the towwwwnament uwu [6639] chrissuck12345: Bo3 [6639] xxfml1991xx: jynxziChampion [6639] GHOSTEEE_23: black ops 3 ? [6639] purpleturtle0211: ziggylataYippee [6639] shauxity: BO3 [6639] byec4: BO3 [6639] Gxckd: Love the toxicity [6639] inoykr: xim wins riccie just weighr [6639] mordi_san: sup [6640] ishowdeodrant: is when fan mail [6640] Jmlgiants: bo3 do it [6640] rjspanky: jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH [6640] chaoticpasley7: bo3 [6640] felixgoat1: bo [6640] ezdroobie: BO3 [6640] TBEClockWork: bo3 [6640] tenzofym___: bo3 [6640] S1PPINPURPLE: bo3 or you lose [6640] drmonkeeman10: bo3 [6640] TrenBro6: BO1 [6640] maitomakkara_: -5m [6640] hunxhodactivist: PANCAKE 🥞 [6641] stea1thgamer_: RICCI FINNA LOSE THE HOUSE ON THIS ONE [6641] 5star_keanu: BO1 [6641] STRAIFS_: map bans [6641] tebzxc: BO3 [6641] NateDaMan_: bo3 [6641] Gucci_kid54: yes bo3 [6641] viralace_: 03 [6641] Jake2NADS: RICCI ERA [6641] Jpmalagonv: bo3 [6641] ExllyZ: LMAOOOO [6641] notjoey714: buttermilk pancake ass kids [6641] NeoFao: bo3 [6641] itsyaboylalo: LOCK IN TWIN [6641] Haribo_Steele_: bo3 [6641] thsaw1: B03 [6642] LeePlayZyt: PANCAKE [6642] zaytopia: BO3 [6642] zerotickpulse: bo3 [6642] uSilent_: BO3 [6642] nightofpanther: bo3 [6642] undoneeeee: bo3 [6642] paul_teehee: B03. [6642] nzanchi2549: 3 [6642] austin172: jynxziFAT jynxziCRY jynxziFAT jynxziCRY jynxziFAT jynxziCRY jynxziFAT jynxziCRY jynxziFAT [6642] Gucci_kid54: yes bo3 mhm [6642] xgeorge246: bo3 [6642] yungKIBE: BO3 [6642] randompork: aaaa [6642] avocadopablo: BO3 ! [6642] fouahh: bo3 [6643] rflts: bo3 [6643] TrenBro6: 1 [6643] edabasss: 3 [6643] dasupalama1: bo3 [6643] redtracers: bo3 [6643] sweetleaftea: bo3 [6643] Absolute1225: b03 [6644] zefnl: 1 [6644] soto_han: 3333333 [6644] robsuperior: 3 [6644] lm_t0asty: bo3 [6644] vkaim: b01 [6644] digiwyd: bo2 [6644] EightNeun: 3 [6644] kanexx_qc: B03 [6644] pork1626: b03 [6644] jacobspilkin: 3 [6644] matt8u: bo3 [6644] pinkinfinite: BO3 [6644] Rosward23: bo3 [6644] inaxvy: POLL [6644] kurtyboy357: 3 [6645] bolibz54: bo3 [6645] phtevenkrujtavoli: 4 [6645] nasmokey: b03 [6645] rKami___: B03 [6645] brownboykage: 1 [6645] L7ndonn: bo3 [6645] Dr3kula: bo3 [6645] rkeithyy: bo3 [6645] zway_da_goat: 3 [6645] haert7: poll ir [6645] liammclaren__: bo3 [6645] aceo8907: 5 [6645] rafex__uk: bo3 [6645] SrGo___: bo3 [6645] madix1221: 3 [6647] troggeure: bo1 [6647] expertakeswalls: Bo3 [6647] doxter2210: b03 [6647] randompork: bo33333 [6647] cuddle_xd: BO3 [6647] grub954: bo2 [6647] xsaintjester: 1 [6647] akbeamgod: bo3 [6647] hiphen07: BO3 [6647] xavier8969: bo3 [6647] werwerasfaffas22424424: b033 [6647] therunter667: b01 [6647] Rogkirk: bo3 fat ass [6647] whenisfanmail0: B01 [6647] soto_han: 3333333333333 [6648] joethememelol: B01 [6648] blitz12_ttv: BO3 [6648] BlancQs: b03 [6648] c_stazzz: B03 [6648] adamiejunior: BO3 [6648] alukoa123: www [6648] mrvaderfn: bo3 [6648] godofcheeze69: BO1 [6648] kottonking762: BO1 [6648] Darkside720: 3 [6648] yungKIBE: BO3 [6648] MrDesolatee: 3 [6648] WckdPixel: bo3 [6648] qui__gon_: 3 [6648] imnotafortniter: bo3 [6650] 1shan_2: bo3 [6650] CarterOnHere: bo3 [6650] goldrocktv: BO# [6650] notjoey714: bo3 [6650] nahum7800: bo3 [6650] namesbruc3: 3333333 [6650] squiz27: bo [6650] FDpeterpj: BO3 [6650] BRAVGOATED: 33333 [6650] DOOGAN5: bO1 [6650] jahmapants: 3 [6650] Gucci_kid54: yes bo3 mhm [6650] DutchGeorge: part timer [6650] drovght: YOURE OREGAN MADE [6650] themoonster2: 3 [6651] aintyounathaniel: jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES [6651] abuisa25: 3 [6651] braidedbootyyhair: bo3 [6651] inoykr: Bo3 [6651] sweetleaftea: f [6651] Ee4uvr: bo3 zombies [6651] Jmlgiants: part timer [6651] alexbgaminghd: bo3 [6651] wrongtaurus: BO3 OR U LOSE [6651] lukesharks8: bo3 [6651] Nightbot: F in the chat [6651] blakeisasweat: !link [6651] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [6651] Nightbot: @blakeisasweat If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [6653] Jager_514: bo3 [6653] its_the_b1g_c0rn: bo3 [6653] 2TwoEx: bo3 part timer [6653] ayeitsamritlol: PART TIMER [6653] MMcLovennn: L [6653] 2ootyy: bo1 [6653] FBN_Nubz: bo3 [6653] drmonkeeman10: PART TIME [6653] nick_ama22: bo3 [6653] Gucci_kid54: yes bo3 mhm [6653] namesbruc3: 3333 [6653] Nightbot: 👀 [6653] jordijuca: part timer [6653] fwkso: B011 [6653] wrizzrex: bo3. [6654] rflts: L RICCI [6654] chriss_ssg: 3 [6654] karankhanna: bo3 [6654] jesuschrist413: Wsp bbg [6654] DCojack: 33 [6654] macca_playz_07: bo3 [6654] denzowenzo: 33 [6654] coiko: NAH [6654] buckshotwww: 3 [6654] syfluddd: BO3 [6654] joshf_638: sold [6654] khan__wick: 1 [6654] dashlukee: b03 [6654] sandy_sir: PART TIMER [6654] grub954: infinite warfare [6656] exquna: bo3 [6656] ManoMax21: Bo3 [6656] gyssa0217: PART TIMER [6656] astroidr6: BO3 [6656] wrizzrex: PART TIMER [6656] KoryBGaming: PRE END [6656] judas3653: bo3 [6656] whenisfanmail0: Bo3 [6656] joe_iuliano: part timer [6656] rooktookyourace: b0333 [6656] Gucci_kid54: yes bo3 mhm [6656] TheAceMan97: Black Ops 3 [6656] d1ffee: B01 [6656] proaflplayer3: BO3 [6656] darwizzys: part timer [6657] felixgoat1: part timer [6657] 4mynti: B01 [6657] tom_12333: BO3 [6657] okgarywinthorpe: PART TIMER [6657] sandy_sir: PART TIMERR [6657] jynxziboy69: part timer [6657] notjoey714: fuck ricci [6657] wiziaha: bo3 [6657] flipflopgrease: part fucking timer [6657] vvjordan999: L [6657] defyiv: BO3 [6657] y_dracoo: parttimer [6657] j7ap: bo3 [6657] PGCenturion: you got no shot winning a bo3 [6657] Fossabot: @blackwater1899, Your message is too long [6659] juukongen: bo3 [6659] rikzbpm: 333 [6659] letsgofaygo: part timer [6659] appaaaaaaaaaa: bo3 [6659] gwebbin: BO3 [6659] f0ddy15: poll it [6659] exotixgoat: BO3 [6659] lorym02: Bo3 [6659] vraxkin: 333333333333333 [6659] godly_spiro: one hour streams [6659] Tee814: bo3 [6659] bflynn67: bro u have 3 bands on this game [6659] JeffPhillipsttw: yes [6659] Suulks: PART TIMER [6659] matt8u: poll it [6660] hekzw: part timer [6660] jash_brown: you only win bo1 [6660] Vividly004: BO3 [6660] 902brimz: part timer [6660] goggles8472: b o3. [6660] nefclamzy: Part timer [6660] defyiv: BO33333 [6660] godofcheeze69: IF U DONT PLAY OREGON U OOSE LOCK IN [6660] caiden_z12: bo3 [6660] ice_king1237: full timer [6660] jamesnotcomp: part timer [6660] guzman7625: FUCK RICCCI [6660] trippinpimp: PLAY WITH DOC [6660] FI3K_: PART TIMER [6660] Gucci_kid54: yes bo3 mhm [6661] edsoon10: edsoon10 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! :p [6662] wraththe14th: Part timer [6662] ali9z: Bo3 [6662] avfoster12: THREE [6662] taqqvue: part timer [6662] KuroDaKing: PART TIMER [6662] ATR_Kmoney: poll it [6662] off__limits00: BO3 [6662] dmanxay: bo3 [6662] girth__monster: bo3 [6662] toe_suckr: bo3 [6662] FI3K_: BO3 [6662] jakedog103: part timer [6662] rKami___: 3 [6662] whenisfanmail0: BO3 [6662] Gucci_kid54: yes bo3 mhm [6663] lucasishim5688: bo1 [6663] robsonisthebest: 3 [6663] cooljgr5: bo3 pls [6663] carters_crazes: part timer [6663] Klariiity: part timer [6663] FinnaButtChugg: B O 3 [6663] namesbruc3: 3333333333333333333333 [6663] ExllyZ: PART TIMERR [6663] maybeimjosh: bo3 [6663] ZzHybridShotZz: PART TIMER [6663] neweracbb: bo3 [6663] liammclaren__: dont be a pussy [6663] frvmess: bo3 [6663] KingSmang710: this kids accent is so annoying [6663] scatt006: teell hiim stfu [6665] wyay: u are [6665] mxndez3: bo3 [6665] brock2fly: Bo3 [6665] dillon_sumner6: part timer [6665] lj_256: I want to [6665] gyssa0217: PARTT TIMEERRRR [6665] Vividly004: PART TIMER [6665] shauxity: YES U R [6665] Suulks: WE DO [6665] kkbaseball1: B03 [6665] namesbruc3: 33333333333333333333333 [6665] diegoxlax: BO3333 [6665] Jmlgiants: bo3 part timer [6665] y_dracoo: bo3 [6665] Daniel_Smith10: BO3 [6666] ljlbountyhunter: CONTENT [6666] whenisfanmail0: Bo3 [6666] aintyounathaniel: jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES [6666] racksonmee: LLLL BO1 [6666] fadeskyl1ne: BO3 [6666] dylanoconnor09: no bo2 is better than [6666] damoney24356: PART TIMER [6666] griffitho2906: 1 [6666] xwhypplike69: yes [6666] nailwind: 6 hour stream, go bo3 [6666] juukongen: looser [6666] literalburrit0: BEST OF 3 [6666] 13mxk: B03 [6666] papichulo171614: cmoooooon [6666] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [6668] grimbodies: BO3 [6668] salivalover: pre end bo1 [6668] kareemloo812: BO3 [6668] ttv_676baby: 3 [6668] ixbrannxs: Bo3 [6668] GmanFPS: partimer [6668] r0yalproblem: cap [6668] FI3K_: BO4 [6668] PGCenturion: you’ll lose in 70 minutes [6668] ConstantVoid: BO3 [6668] Nightbot: no 🧢 [6668] zachsaimistrash: bo3 [6668] bflynn67: just make seperate parties [6668] kinda_dead_l: cap [6668] yaboi_1942: bo2 [6669] jynxigoescrazy: shut up ricci [6669] yahir122503: b033 [6669] northongamecube: PARTT TIMER [6669] slimpy23: PART TIMERrr [6669] zxourii: W CAP [6669] buckshotwww: BO3 PUSSY [6669] manifysto: PART TIMER [6669] Fwceqzy: bo3 [6669] edchapo448: pawt [6669] staywithmelonger: L RICCII [6669] ssb_void: PART TIMER [6669] zoom74: bo3 [6669] docta_alien: bo3 [6669] lifelikechovy: FUCK MIX AND RICCI [6669] Matt_Przeszlo: if you lose fs [6670] RayanB7_: BO3 boring asl [6671] RayanB7_: BO3 boring asl [6671] imbrysondean: bo3bo3 [6671] darwizzys: poll it [6671] justinm727: bo3 [6671] NahteX6: bo3 bo3 [6671] Jesus_2ss: bo3 [6671] dillon_sumner6: bo3 part timer [6671] caiden_z12: poll [6671] LilBoogieFart: bo1 [6671] namesbruc3: 33333333333333333333333333333333 [6671] calebrules15: part timer.. [6671] FI3K_: BO3 [6671] girth__monster: part timer [6671] bloodwish88: he can afford it tho [6671] P0LEYY_: BO1 [6672] aceo8907: everyone is saying 3. [6672] xxunclebob: bo3 [6672] logittf: bo3 [6672] FrigidGrid: BO3 [6672] gianmarcofuez: Bo3 [6672] glocker6: bo3 [6672] TeeRezzed03: BO3 [6672] jaysobrazzy0987: Bo3 [6672] TrxvssOnTop: MUTE XIMM [6672] kyro020: L 2H STREAMER [6672] numberonericciglazer: 33333333333333333 [6672] ypeekus: bo3 [6672] soufianedeh2000: Bo3 [6672] RayanB7_: BO3 boring asl [6673] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: u are LUL [6673] RayanB7_: BO3 boring asl [6674] percc80: FAKE ASS ACCENT [6674] namesbruc3: 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333 [6674] FinnaButtChugg: BLACK OPS 3 [6674] pancarepoto: BO3 [6674] buzerq: poll it [6674] di_xgo: part timer [6674] navii1294: BO3 [6674] dr3wd23: 3 [6674] TrxvssOnTop: MUTE XIMMMM [6674] lilmayo32: POLL IT [6674] woodwool49: Bo33 [6674] luciano320654: come on I hate when Ricky says that [6674] tudaea9: pe_nut he did fan mail [6674] caioisgoat: BO3 [6674] blady_boss: bo1 [6675] staywithmelonger: L RICCIII [6675] 00_damo: come on cuh [6675] ivonson_: bo1 [6675] kall_me_adam: put predictions back for a min [6675] yaboi_1942: Bo2 [6675] Douglas420710: bo3 [6675] teefoojr: bo1 [6675] joshfields98: B03 [6675] paynefulpower: bo3 [6675] yeswecannabis420: nah fuck ricci [6675] drmonkeeman10: BO3 [6675] neweracbb: fax [6675] savannahac: savannahac subscribed at Tier 1. [6675] Schoolbusz: Bo3 [6676] gavin9869: bo3 to 5? [6676] bigswillio: W ricci [6676] jzreigns: bo3 [6676] byec4: best of 3 [6676] llNoxksll: BO3 [6676] habobandz: 3bo [6676] nasmokey: this is ez munyun [6676] JohnnyTattz: no xim [6676] 420llk: PART TIMERRRRR [6676] Skairipa2310: part timer man pre end -5k in your account [6676] Jelly5themaster: Jelly5themaster subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 9 month streak! [6676] ITz_F1XX: bo3 [6676] papichulo171614: poll it [6676] DirtyKGamer: DirtyKGamer subscribed at Tier 1. [6676] conxed: he ain’t lying [6678] willynilly1999: Bo3 [6678] shauxity: BO3 [6678] namesbruc3: 33333333 [6678] itstragicz: bo333 [6678] disanto003: !link [6678] woahbrokk: bo3 [6678] TrxvssOnTop: MUTE XIM [6678] nahovayt: bo3 [6678] joshfields98: bo3 [6678] RayanB7_: BO3 boring asl [6678] fops4455: BO3 [6678] TBEClockWork: poll [6678] xNesquicc: pre end [6678] karnage0406: full timer [6678] nen722: Bo3 part timer [6679] Atomic74u: part [6679] mikepaslawski: do bo3 [6679] edchapo448: pawwwwt [6679] Suulks: 7-2 bud [6679] staywithmelonger: LLL RICCII [6679] RedViet: FULL TIMER [6679] kixrzy: bo3 3333 [6679] miike153: 33 [6679] RayanB7_: BO3 boring asl [6681] Griddlecakes: BO3 [6681] gtbgravyYT: bo3 [6681] fouahh: 3 [6681] PundaPlayzzz: BO3 match point [6681] uncleben03: uncleben03 subscribed with Prime. [6681] majorfail420: bo3 YouTube revenue covers all the bets [6681] avexlogic: BO3 boring asf [6681] Jmlgiants: do a poll [6681] blitz12_ttv: POLL IT [6681] namesbruc3: 33333 [6681] piecectrlshaq: PART TIMERt [6681] Nightbot: ok [6681] TBEClockWork: do a poll [6681] cthond: w ric [6681] bobcat_1113: poll [6682] emmanuelmudiay15: www [6682] LordChunkyBun: xim for 2 hours is annoying [6682] koolpandaboi89: WHEN 2v2 STARTS DO SEPARATE PARTIES [6682] gavin9869: bo3 to 5?? [6682] william82743: YOU GOT SAUCED HOE [6682] steezbaby: bo1 [6682] alphnx: bo3 [6682] justinm727: 3333 [6683] dallasworkn: dallasworkn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! hood [6683] RayanB7_: BO3 boring asl [6684] TsunamiPapi4: bo3 [6684] luicferhaziq: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [6684] paul_teehee: B03 [6684] Uncommon209: IM UNFOLLOWIN G YOU STOLE MY POINTS [6684] kurtyboy357: do bo3 [6684] jjislethal1: 3 [6684] malakai_isking: kkkkk [6684] maitomakkara_: bo3 boring asf [6684] Helsinksky: Bo3 [6684] habobandz: 3bo3 [6684] Douglas420710: bbbboooo333 [6684] goggles8472: 333 [6684] goshatear: bo1 quick lick [6684] DirtyKGamer: New sub ong [6684] fops4455: BO# [6685] RayanB7_: BO3 boring asl [6685] ATR_Kmoney: bo3 [6685] Goon240: !watchtime [6685] alexbyby1: poll [6685] thundakue98: bo3 [6685] jake_1_2_: bo1 [6685] panda_plop: Xim id an L [6685] etterrx: BO3 [6685] isaac_pino: bo3 [6685] randompork: 3333 [6685] moneyyredd: Bo3 [6685] StreamElements: goonsaloon22 has spent 16 days 22 hours watching jynxzi [6685] drmonkeeman10: PRE END [6685] quentin_olson: paht timaa [6685] piecectrlshaq: Bo3 [6686] yurrgurt_spiller: kdl [6686] Haribo_Steele_: poll it [6686] refsu: Bo134678 [6686] StreamElements: hunterl11100 went all in and lost every single one of their 260 points LUL [6686] Nightbot: F in the chat [6686] glaciusvr: When is fanmail [6686] RayanB7_: BO3 boring asl [6687] RayanB7_: BO3 boring asl [6688] grub954: cold war [6688] redrozzez: 4->2HR streamer [6688] joshfields98: b03433 [6688] smokefentbitch: un mute zim [6688] piecectrlshaq: Bo3333 [6688] jjislethal1: we want 3 [6688] xprodigyx_91: PART TIMER [6688] lewis_tandy: payron [6688] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: make the wager 25k so it hurts when u lose [6688] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [6688] yeswecannabis420: OVERTIMER [6688] artistic_trix_: W RICCI [6688] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: make the wager 25k so it hurts when u lose [6688] nahovayt: Bo3 part timer [6688] RayanB7_: BO3 boring asl [6689] adrian505cb: bo3333 [6689] staywithmelonger: FULL TIMERR [6689] glocker6: scared [6689] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: make the wager 25k so it hurts when u lose [6689] kenn3bros: kenn3bros subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! hey kimmich [6691] YurFavCracker: pawt timer [6691] jc1011: BL3 its 3k [6691] creative_k1d: BO1 [6691] llNoxksll: 3333333 [6691] joshfields98: b03333 [6691] Jmlgiants: yeah [6691] wmans_9: bo3 [6691] exttrraa: unmuteee ximmm [6691] trulygil3: bo1 [6691] Greg_tf2: YES [6691] EightNeun: yes [6691] piecectrlshaq: Booo33333 [6691] lurks1000: yes [6691] drovght: BO1111 [6691] josh000000007: bo3 [6692] tickletimson6969: B01 [6692] JeffPhillipsttw: yes [6692] stea1thgamer_: when is 2v2 [6692] sharpielover123: WHEN IS FAN MAIL [6692] zlangZ: yes [6692] Douglas420710: YESSS [6692] luis_valdez101: nahh [6692] z_purpleswag1: bo3 [6692] kinda_dead_l: B03 ASS [6692] tiredngl_: sure [6692] UndergroundTyrant: no [6692] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: make the wager 25k so it hurts when u lose [6693] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: make the wager 25k so it hurts when u lose [6694] ahcarirSsS: yes [6694] kottonking762: BO1 [6694] flakviper: yes [6694] ayeitsamritlol: YES [6694] jahmapants: YES [6694] homemadeblender: YES [6694] kriscaruso21: YES [6694] YEZTY__: no [6694] phatman_68: yes [6694] pinkinfinite: BO3 [6694] momo250309: riccie is such an asshole [6694] akBrae: NO MODS OR WHAT? [6694] raulyhanma: ys [6694] dayzed_ow: NO PLZ [6694] t3ch_supp0rtx: yes [6695] NateDaMan_: YES [6695] awesomeflipper: YES [6695] torleah: BO3 takes long but that shit so intense [6695] 13mxk: YES [6695] delxzerotwo: yes [6695] cv332: YES [6695] jhettsome: BO3 BORING [6695] aclan_de4th_: yes [6695] kixrzy: yes [6695] slurrk: yes yes [6695] robbiiieeeeee: yes [6695] domzay: got a blanket of himself 😂😂 [6695] r0yalproblem: yea [6695] swolenerd92: Bo3 for 2 bands [6695] angelchastity: BO1 [6697] aIexpereira: yes [6697] NahteX6: yes [6697] d00si: yes [6697] vl0uted: yes [6697] fishyyluvsu: 100% [6697] piecectrlshaq: Bo3Bo3 [6697] xgeorge246: yes [6697] rlzztard: YES [6697] LeePlayZyt: !gamble 260 [6697] homemadeblender: BO3 [6697] akbeamgod: yes [6697] kurta__: YESSSS [6697] luke31246: Bo3 [6697] driveblind: ur oregon made just bo1 on oregon [6697] StreamElements: LeePlayZyt lost 260 points in roulette and now has 2235 points! FeelsBadMan [6698] oggie02: i dont wanna listen to him at all [6698] Pinkieisblazed: noo [6698] games_bond187: NO NOT AT ALL [6698] benlindner: noooo [6698] williamo79: BO1 [6698] Spartan7OO: Yes [6698] amigo_banana: when is sketch 1v1 [6698] mikepaslawski: YESSSS [6698] austinstafford02: yes [6698] okijunko: !charm [6698] cactuz11: b03 [6698] percc80: NOOOOO [6698] pogphrog985: NOOOOOO [6698] ollierxgx: YES [6698] actaavis: noooo [6700] clay_0124: bo3 [6700] washedpreston: its more content for youits more content for youits more content for youits more content for youits more content for you [6700] yahir122503: yesssssss [6700] benlindner: noooooo [6700] wrizzrex: yess [6700] GlockToretto: noo [6700] bleepbloopmo: yes [6700] woahbrokk: bo1??? [6700] unseeninvader0717: bo3 [6700] dez0npluto: just mute him rounds [6700] Tee814: u scared [6700] tgn_exotix: tgn_exotix subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [6700] isaakfn: No [6700] sheckjesuss: what’s after? [6701] phatman_68: YES [6701] godfatheeerr: mute him [6701] tastyethan: bo3 [6701] xp_jammy: yes i love xim [6701] chaseplayz1233: xim [6701] elijahj4mes: he doesn’t wanna lose [6701] fadednug: No [6701] JaseLoserFace: WERE NOT PLAYING BLACK OPS 3 WERE PLAYING R6 WTF [6701] tuaux: Sure pancake [6701] matydady: nooooo [6701] buttersplatter: Bo3 5 rounds each [6701] FinnaButtChugg: ricci and xim a [6701] luci_sbk: yea [6701] Nightbot: 👀 [6703] xt_himm: ? [6703] TablesLike: ni [6703] graysonwant: yess [6703] Nightbot: ? [6703] johnlabon: yessss [6703] alfredo_ferdinand: Bo1 [6703] woahbrokk: bo3 [6703] philipthesavage: yes [6703] yungfenix_: just mute him [6703] CarterOnHere: wager harder [6703] ashtrologyy: ABSOLUTELY NOT [6703] msft_Lt_Dan: O [6703] noxyistaken: yeah [6703] AgentMixzy: NOOOO [6703] GraceHilm: yes [6704] latteuser: nAH [6704] luci_sbk: yes [6704] Keyz517: YEAH WHAT HAPPENED WITH THE POLICE AT THE DOOR thieffSmile thieffSmile thieffSmile thieffSmile thieffSmile [6704] haydeeeeen42069: no [6704] GlockToretto: noooo [6704] elijahj4mes: he’s scared [6704] ggwaterboy: bo3 [6704] RealThundaStormz: Better then you [6704] f4di_: YEA [6704] ITz_F1XX: yes [6704] JohnnyTattz: noooo [6706] willemo5: blow the whistle [6706] Landoo_63: what happened yesterday [6706] JeffPhillipsttw: 3 [6706] shivermetimbers15: hes hilarious [6706] garyducks: Nahhu [6706] AllDayDabber: do whats better for your odds homie [6706] nazeman284: NONONONONONONONON [6706] jshiesty28: no [6706] TablesLike: no [6706] MrSpringLOL1: bo1 [6706] kareemloo812: bp3 [6706] msft_Lt_Dan: NO [6706] BWSxDiaz12: yes [6706] twistiestnips: poll [6707] dustym0: BIOOO3 [6707] tallsamuel: www Jinxy [6707] jordijuca: LMAO [6707] shxrdz_: Mute both of them [6707] robnietoyourdad: yea [6707] qwvzr: hell no hell no [6707] draco__fps: separate parties [6707] patken07: Rayan you a pig bro he’s gonna end stream after this anyway [6707] Jesus_2ss: bo3 [6707] darty____: yes [6707] jahmapants: yes [6707] chromaticfn: 33 [6707] darkemperor328: yes [6707] AgentMixzy: NOOOO NOOOOO [6707] westo5: separate parties [6708] william82743: YES [6708] johnlabon: PLEASE [6708] washedpreston: its more content for u [6708] chad_wick_emporer: bo7 [6708] blitz12_ttv: BO3 [6708] SayLessTess_: xim is annoying [6708] c_crill: nooooooooooooooooo [6711] OUTINGCOPE_C9: No, listening to x1m is torture but bo3 is better [6711] slayerkingg: f no [6711] Nightbot: @disanto003 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [6711] Vit824: LOOK ON HIS ACCOUNT [6711] jahmapants: W XIM [6711] nazeman284: NO NO [6711] ttvcy2206_: !link [6711] monkeysonmyfeet: Talk louder' [6711] chadleeb: save jesus christ lee joyce namaste [6711] joshstoleurdad: no [6711] facelessdmon: 1 [6711] Spandal: WE DONT CARE [6711] kareemloo812: B03 [6711] majorfail420: mute XIM every other round [6711] Ashermr2: Bo1 [6712] Nightbot: 😂 [6712] hyvbyhyhyyhy: YES [6712] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀 [6712] JS_iicon: !watchtime [6712] darty____: bo3 [6712] methodmatt1: BRO A L [6712] RayanB7_: bo1 better content bigger stakes [6712] StreamElements: JS_iicon has spent 16 days 4 hours watching jynxzi [6712] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: make the wager 25k so it hurts when u lose [6713] xloadedd: xloadedd subscribed at Tier 1. [6713] RayanB7_: bo1 better content bigger stakes [6714] YTubeBlur: ricci ugly accent [6714] robnietoyourdad: yeah [6714] EightNeun: MORE CONTENT [6714] pumper392: bo1. [6714] methodmatt1: NOOOO [6714] Jesus_2ss: jynxziFAT [6714] rlzztard: XIM FUNNY ASF😭 [6714] Tanocor6: nooon [6714] unitedpro203: W [6714] darkemperor328: bo3 [6714] milone86: B03 [6714] xqdu: ITS HIS STREAM NOW [6714] bflynn67: DO BO3 [6714] jayonkbm_onkick: WWWW W [6714] PundaPlayzzz: lmao [6715] punlimiteddd: bo1 [6715] redreda24: BO1 [6715] itz_box1: noooooooo [6715] purplemonsta198: Na [6715] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 [6715] RayanB7_: bo1 better content bigger stakes [6715] bleepbloopmo: bo3 [6716] hudnos527: hudnos527 subscribed at Tier 1. [6716] RayanB7_: bo1 better content bigger stakes [6717] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀 [6717] q_Loadxd: yesssss [6717] Achtohbr: LMAOOOO [6717] leonardo_davinci4978: w xim [6717] bazinga_9001: 💀💀💀💀💀 [6717] rflts: xim is so fucking annoying [6717] steelhawk96: NOOOO [6717] nazeman284: NO NO NO NO NO NO NO [6717] RayanB7_: bo1 better content bigger stakes [6717] shrevaa: yuh [6717] hi_imalex7: w xim [6717] DiscoZombieDog: L Leaving [6717] nylbus: bo3 makes the stream longer [6717] PGCenturion: BECAUSE YOURE OREGON MADE [6718] Antoinerg: 7-2 [6718] alphnx: i mean yeah [6718] seven7______: bo3 [6718] smallersaucer14: yes [6718] trashtlkme1: cuz they know they gonna got 1-0 [6718] pgbuggin_: bo3 fat boy [6718] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀 [6718] dez0npluto: mute xim in between rounds [6718] majorfail420: mute XIM whenever you need [6718] bflynn67: BRO CMON [6718] RayanB7_: bo1 better content bigger stakes [6718] Nightbot: bozo [6718] CarterOnHere: wager harderr [6718] rbsmilk13: @itsyaboylalo yooooooo what’s good lalo [6718] drovght: AINT NOBODY WATCHING TS AINT NOBODY WATCHING TS AINT NOBODY WATCHING TS AINT NOBODY WATCHING TS AINT NOBODY WATCHING TS [6720] Censoared: Censoared subscribed at Tier 1. [6720] RayanB7_: bo1 better content bigger stakes [6720] fathighandhappy: bo2 [6720] datboyiskxng: hell nah turn him down [6720] Jesus_2ss: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [6720] Thesandmandude: braindead [6720] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀 [6720] lrthefinessekid: bo1 [6720] sprooog: ur weird [6720] zentihater01: ez [6720] louisokoiw: noooooooooooooooooooo [6720] SniffMyFingerplz: bo3 bitch boi [6720] itzsnaggyy: hell ya [6720] RealThundaStormz: L MOD L POLE [6720] hunterl11100: ask what he would do if you ghost him ask what he would do if you ghost him [6723] r6gamer37: BO 3 PUSSY [6723] woahbrokk: 😭😭😭 [6723] yamamabrown: The The I in uhh [6723] sandy_sir: 💀 [6723] raquis23: w [6723] fc808_: b03 [6723] hunterisasian10: b03 [6723] SliqFN: MORE CLIPS [6723] CarterOnHere: wager him harder [6723] thatdanielguy1: bo1bo1bo1bo1 [6723] bazinga_9001: 💀💀 [6724] yahwehsfather: NONOOOOOOOOOOO BO1 PLZZ NONOOOOOOOOOOO BO1 PLZZ NONOOOOOOOOOOO BO1 PLZZ NONOOOOOOOOOOO BO1 PLZZ [6724] ashtn1738: bo3 [6724] atoastedpeanut: vote no,this dudes mad annoying [6724] Tanocor6: please my ears [6724] arcsonr6: rankedd [6724] madmaxsonx: cus you his kid [6724] inoykr: Pancake [6724] marnej0: mwah [6724] woahbrokk: 😭 [6724] drmonkeeman10: I WANNA SEE STOMPN WIN TWICE [6724] william82743: HE DO WHAT HE WANTS [6724] darkavenger015: Bo3 [6724] mistifixd: HE WANTS TO BE A PART TIME STREAMER [6724] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀💀 [6724] lucashatesmonkey5: boo1 [6725] thatboiininja: xim mad annoying but [6725] YTubeBlur: bo1 [6725] joshstoleurdad: nope [6725] hayleynutz: bo1 [6725] shep_007: LMAOOO [6725] yahwehsfather: NONOOOOOOOOOOO BO1 PLZZ NONOOOOOOOOOOO BO1 PLZZ NONOOOOOOOOOOO BO1 PLZZ NONOOOOOOOOOOO BO1 PLZZ NONOOOOOOOOOOO BO1 PLZZ [6726] cameronesungod: Listing to daddy xim [6726] naim_on_top08: BO1 [6726] htid2009: Bo1 [6726] anthonieus: Bo1 [6726] zxourii: i love xims laugh [6726] jordanmcdee: yes [6727] n0rsa: 4-20 [6727] roccyrode: bo1 is smarter [6727] arcsonr6: ranke [6727] EatCrackRock: RICCI KNOWS HIM AND XIM ARE BORING USING YOU FOR CONTENT [6727] jayonkbm_onkick: wwwwwwwwwwww [6727] Kagron70: !points [6727] sandy_sir: LMAOOO💀 [6727] RayanB7_: bo1 better content bigger stakes [6727] JohnnyTattz: nooo zim [6727] emerook: bo1 [6727] kanej320: POLL [6727] StreamElements: @Kagron70 Kagron70 has 234447 points and is rank 61/1697566 on the leaderboard. [6727] Suulks: we love xim [6727] bflynn67: U LEGIT HAVE 3 BANDS ON THIS [6727] woahbrokk: 😭😭😭😭😭 [6728] dark_woif: Zim cringe laugh [6728] RayanB7_: bo1 better content bigger stakes [6728] grimbodies: BO3 PART LOSER [6728] quhno_: bo1 [6728] lrthefinessekid: bo5 [6728] kyro020: GIFT HIM A MIC BRO [6728] emmaaa__44: lmaooooo [6728] mr_okish: Poll no work [6728] Nightbot: gifting you luck in finding a job 🙏🏻 [6728] hunterisasian10: b03b03 [6728] sandy_sir: LMAAOOOO [6728] keiroxs: WE DONT WANNA LISTEN TO YOU [6728] q_Loadxd: bo33 [6728] CarterOnHere: poll harder [6728] deaed_man_walking: chat a bunch of pusseys [6729] lukabrasi123: !gamble all [6729] elijahj4mes: his only chance of winning is bo1 [6729] j311yroll: jynxziChampion [6729] fezzzzzi: bo3 [6729] arcsonr6: do rank [6729] darkakar2: 3333333 [6729] JoeLauwerys: diamond test the watch [6729] r6gamer37: BO 3 PUSSY ! [6729] StreamElements: lukabrasi123 went all in and lost every single one of their 630 points LUL [6729] RayanB7_: bo1 better content bigger stakes [6730] harley_0299: all my Chanel points are gone [6730] ilovehexxer: bo3 [6730] ykste: best of one [6730] bazinga_9001: 💀💀💀💀💀💀 [6730] Alternate_xr: !delay [6730] RayanB7_: bo1 better content bigger stakes [6730] Spartan7OO: 4-20 [6730] refsu: Kimich [6730] brodyluvssiege: BO1 [6730] Nightbot: 🤡🫵 [6730] FI3K_: BO3 [6730] Jbess1e: when are clips [6730] yamamabrown: vv [6730] dogwater951: bo1 [6730] Crush_Labs: Bo3 [6732] vvjordan999: the amount he’s about to lose is how much channel pts i have on him [6732] d00si: run the poll [6732] henny_2121: 4-20 [6732] pepper718: B01 [6732] butt_grenade: BO1 IS BETTER [6732] RayanB7_: bo1 better content bigger stakes [6732] skyoo2: xims annoying [6732] CrimsunFalcon: based on that poll Imma get some exedrin [6732] JohnnyTattz: noooo xim [6732] ghggeejefhffbfnfjfh: 33333333333333 [6732] Uncommon209: YOURE FUCKN SHIT PLAY [6732] r6gamer37: bo3 [6732] q_Loadxd: boi3 [6732] ballzinya617: excuses [6732] masterkenobi23: find [6733] jayonkbm_onkick: 4=10 [6733] crz_freaski: Bo3 part timer [6733] Fossabot: @its_lixi, Your message is too long [6733] actually_mewtwo: OH WAIT HE SCARED [6733] VaIerion: 4-20 💀 4-20 💀 [6733] bazinga_9001: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 [6733] TheDivess: BO3 MORE CONTENT [6733] my_ak_hurts: hh [6733] pandaboss2116: ricci stream snipingggggggg [6733] Keem: LMFAO xim is hilarious [6733] josephroybal: b07 [6733] DarknessKiller212: Hey hey Jynxzi don't lose my points pancake [6733] RayanB7_: bo1 better content bigger stakes [6733] Nightbot: 👀 [6733] CarterOnHere: poll harderr [6734] nbl_212169: warzone1 [6735] mattman1h9: @nf2_games [6735] r6gamer37: bo33333 [6735] bigswillio: 4-20 [6735] balisticriot1217: !charm [6735] q_Loadxd: bo3 [6735] coop_on_oce: B01 [6735] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [6735] LyniiLOL: @riccirichie [6735] sonotreal: bot fucking chat [6735] Dirtydiapersss: bo1 content stakes !!! [6735] hunterisasian10: g [6736] Nightbot: no [6736] The_Fray_: ????? [6736] pepper718: B01 [6736] ghggeejefhffbfnfjfh: 3333333 [6736] jarmes_u_: just trun xim down [6736] mvxsms: RICCI ERA KID [6736] jakedog103: BO2 [6736] Suulks: 7-2 buddy [6736] renejustin78: Bo9 [6736] roninakadupa: it’s cause they know there gonna lose [6736] ice_king1237: full timer [6737] r6gamer37: bo3 [6737] K4reems: BO& DADDY [6737] hunterisasian10: gggg [6737] grinningodin: mute that kid he hurts my head [6737] apollodiddat: it was like 6-20 [6737] papichulo171614: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [6737] skyoo2: he wants his clout time [6737] steamy_cracy8: yes [6737] ghggeejefhffbfnfjfh: 333333 [6737] c_crill: nooooo [6737] xperry135: Bo3 [6737] The_Fray_: ???????????? [6737] okijunko: !sub [6737] pizzadino_: FULL TIME STREAMER BIG JOHNSON JYNXZI [6737] thereaalrj: 4-20 IS NUTS [6738] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [6738] aash_4644: BO3 [6738] scaryfoal567096: bo7 [6738] crz_freaski: part timer [6738] hunterisasian10: fdffd [6738] quirke456: turn down xim a bit [6738] KiwaKF: @rayanb7_ real bo3 chalks mental [6739] nazeman284: NO NO [6739] zibabwe: zibabwe subscribed at Tier 1. [6739] bpoinz: and are probably 8 [6739] caydenhall31: 420 nice [6739] Apollo75639: XIM owns your bank account [6739] lrthefinessekid: bo1 [6739] bebling_05: !watchtime [6739] redreda24: BRO WHAT R YALL DOIN [6740] simpa_gamer: jynxziBadAim [6740] JohnnyTattz: nooo xim. [6740] deafboyzforlife: !kf [6740] StreamElements: bebling_05 has spent 1 day 19 hours watching jynxzi [6740] venisonfarts: bo1 [6740] r6gamer37: boo33 [6740] ghggeejefhffbfnfjfh: 333333333 [6740] PurifiedHer: B03 [6740] OpticSauceBoss: Bo3 is gonna take fucking forever [6740] CruellKilla222: brecki in my dms tho [6740] inoykr: Buttermilk pancake [6740] nazeman284: NONO [6740] zxourii: LMooaooO [6740] coop_on_oce: Bo1 [6740] jitty66: w xim [6741] hunterisasian10: q [6741] sunxflowerxchild: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [6741] naim_on_top08: BEST OF 1 [6741] ImDysium: omieGoofy [6741] bazinga_9001: 🗣️🗣️😎 [6741] kall_me_adam: put predictions back for a min [6742] RamboMedic52: wants to kick your ass 3 times lol [6742] obiwanjakobi_: god, can you please mute zim the whole fucking time. i cant stand listening to this toxic turd [6742] ChocolateLoverVz: fuck the poll bo1 [6742] hunterisasian10: w [6742] cambam9654: BO3 [6742] GHOSTEEE_23: ya junko 4-20 is not ur control freaks dawg [6742] hijackedsouls: Lmfaoooooooooo [6742] thatboiininja: xim mad annoying [6742] lifelikechovy: you got this lock the fuck innnn [6742] ghggeejefhffbfnfjfh: 3333333 [6743] facelessdmon: bo420 [6743] nazeman284: NONONO [6743] ryann11024: POOR [6743] datboyiskxng: mute xim [6743] hunterisasian10: er [6743] stephy_fps: LEAKED [6743] Nightbot: poor❌ pour✅ [6743] BusinessMilk: I thought they were talking about black ops [6743] darealest12_: turn xim is down [6743] zxourii: BABAHAHAHAHAHAHA [6743] mcbloof123: yes he did [6743] plagued5150: leaked [6743] ecxoe: !watchtime [6743] bazinga_9001: 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ [6743] caioisgoat: MercyWing1 FBtouchdown MercyWing2 [6744] my_ak_hurts: what up [6744] StreamElements: If you're a gamer, you need a Starforge! Snag one -> https://starforgepc.com/Jynxzi [6744] StreamElements: ecxoe has spent 7 days 2 hours watching jynxzi [6744] siegepro999: uui [6745] ghggeejefhffbfnfjfh: 3333 [6745] JermAKAbuffy: lmao [6745] maybfresh: ZAMNNNN [6745] Viddofn: turn that fat asses mic down holy shit,u better load your johnson into their asses [6745] Matt_Przeszlo: COMING IN HOt [6745] hunterisasian10: gffgg [6745] spin4myblock: HES SCARED [6745] DirtyKGamer: jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF [6746] msft_Lt_Dan: I CANT STAND XIM AND RICCI [6746] luka_512: !watchtime [6746] zxourii: LLLLLLL [6746] 1clixwkey: STFU [6746] tribros45: SCAMMEDDDD [6746] millz_67: jynxziFAT jynxziWTF [6746] StreamElements: luka_512 has spent 12 hours 50 mins watching jynxzi [6746] ghggeejefhffbfnfjfh: 333333 [6746] Kagron70: !pp [6746] deaed_man_walking: L RICCI [6746] heini_lehrfeld: lol [6746] lk_gets_bands: looooooooooool [6746] Nad__w: Bo1 [6746] Nightbot: 😂 [6746] zippywilly: LEEAKED [6747] mezzdup_bun: LMAOOOOO [6747] datboyiskxng: MUTE XIM [6747] rubyinsane: leaked [6747] TheRealAtteug: Best of 13 [6747] RayanB7_: no tryna watch a 2 hour wager💀💀💀 [6747] simplytooeasyyy: WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE???????? WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE???????? WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE???????? WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE???????? WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE???????? [6747] Sp1keee__: ITS 4 OF YOU FFS, JUST VOTE @Jynxzi [6747] JAYTOTAL: lmao [6747] potassium20108: BO10000000 [6747] caioisgoat: MercyWing1 PinkMercy MercyWing2 [6747] wilsonstringer1: lmaooo [6747] DirefulMite66: what is bo3 and bo2 all I can think is cod [6747] petarcuvalo21: !bet 1000 [6747] spiceinf: LMAOAOAOA [6747] StreamElements: @petarcuvalo21, there is no contest currently running. [6748] bryan_cal57: L flex [6749] crushhype1: BO3 all day [6749] Riasisxd: EXPOSED [6749] umitt3850_: ximm stfu [6749] stephy_fps: LEAKEDDDD [6749] co1ossalknight: who plays 500 lol [6749] ballzinya617: Leaked [6749] Apollo75639: xim owns you bank account [6749] JermAKAbuffy: scammy [6749] Grom9696: lol [6749] percc80: L FLEX [6749] koukir6: HES PUSSY [6750] Nightbot: @hibro679 -> I'm not scared. [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [6750] d1ffee: ricci is gonna be in that stream ik he is [6750] kalimusi: TO LOUD [6750] dickmas2: 4-20 lenny [6750] cuddle_xd: DUCKED [6750] caioisgoat: MercyWing1 MercyWing2 PinkMercy [6750] datboyiskxng: mute xim [6750] Gxckd: Can't poll [6750] potatowar98: leaked [6750] alphaq456: w ricci [6750] Kagron70: s [6750] ghggeejefhffbfnfjfh: 33333333 [6750] ethaniseatin: ducking [6750] arcsonr6: Leakedd [6750] pizzadino_: RICCI POOR [6751] xt_himm: !watchtime [6751] hijackedsouls: hahahhahahahhaahhahahaha [6751] StreamElements: xt_himm has spent 18 hours 10 mins watching jynxzi [6751] krishbit07: Ricci era [6751] chs_alpha: HES SCARED [6751] awill13: HES SCARED [6751] vinsanity79_: bo2 bo2 bo2 [6751] S_0678: !watchtime [6751] spaceeeyyyy2: Leaked [6751] RayanB7_: no one tryna watch a 2 hour wager💀💀💀 [6751] jdovland: !whatchtime [6752] caioisgoat: MercyWing1 PinkMercy MercyWing2 [6752] MadduxBlaze: yes [6752] cuddle_xd: SCARED [6752] aphexshadow: HES POOOR [6752] ghggeejefhffbfnfjfh: 333333 [6752] percc80: L FLEXXX [6752] arcsonr6: L flez [6752] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [6752] RayanB7_: no one tryna watch a 2 hour wager💀💀💀 [6752] masterkenobi23: facts [6753] SOG_NICK: !sub [6753] ExllyZ: LMAOOOOOO [6753] Kagron70: !watchtime [6753] vHxpnotic69_: Jynxzi I’m about to end it all [6753] facelessdmon: bo999 [6753] StreamElements: Kagron70 has spent 23 days watching jynxzi [6753] shrevaa: w [6753] harvey3289_: !watchtime [6754] Messy_Jesse_: YIOOOOOO [6754] RayanB7_: no one tryna watch a 2 hour wager💀💀💀 [6754] Fc450Murda: Yooo [6754] datboyiskxng: MUTE XIM [6754] ghggeejefhffbfnfjfh: 3333 [6754] phroggythefirst: MY EARS [6754] kottonking762: L flexer [6754] mattman676721: BRAIN ROTTTT [6754] majoh46fpu54: majoh46fpu54 subscribed with Prime. [6754] Get_Josued: w duck [6755] Shadowxzxzx: ew poor trash lmao [6755] okgarywinthorpe: SCAMMM [6755] caioisgoat: MercyWing1 DarkMode MercyWing2 [6755] buhp_nadezz: Bully [6755] arcsonr6: L flex [6755] deaed_man_walking: YO RICCI TRYNNA DUCK [6755] TheRealAtteug: Best of 13!!! [6755] RayanB7_: no one tryna watch a 2 hour wager💀💀💀 [6755] hijackedsouls: hahahahhahahahaha [6755] sandmanman_: WHITE SPEED [6756] its_lixi: wtf [6756] Grom9696: 2.7?? [6756] fleages: SKETCH IS WAITING [6756] ghggeejefhffbfnfjfh: 3333333 [6756] noxyistaken: poor [6756] Trydosey: -6 [6756] millz_67: jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh [6756] Riasisxd: ☠️☠️☠️ [6756] RayanB7_: no one tryna watch a 2 hour wager💀💀💀 [6756] actually_mewtwo: SHOW THEM [6756] 702SAUCEWALKA: leaked [6756] r6_observer: jynxziRAHHH [6757] inoykr: Part timer stop screaming [6757] arcsonr6: Leak [6757] koukir6: HE SCAREDDDDDDDDD [6757] skoulio: leaked [6757] HYP3RACT1VE22: yall are brainrot if you want a bo3 with xim’s bitches [6757] Shimmmy_fps: eat that mic [6757] ghggeejefhffbfnfjfh: 33 [6757] skyoo2: imma have to leave [6757] idk45378: LMFAO [6757] patriotsfan199: jynxziClown [6757] dustym0: LMFAOOO [6758] fortniteenjoyer46: 🫠🫠😁😁😁😁😁😁🫠☺️☺️😍😚 [6758] aphexshadow: L PICKING ON POOR PEOPLE [6758] mezzdup_bun: LMAOOOAOOAOOO [6758] Suulks: we love xim bud [6758] latteuser: Poor ahh [6759] zGreen4uz: ur too good man [6759] Get_Josued: W DUCK [6759] theninetails316: LUL LUL LUL [6759] ghggeejefhffbfnfjfh: 3 [6759] evilon_milo: evilon_milo subscribed with Prime. [6759] awill13: scaryyyyy hoursssssss [6759] richxrdcolee: loooool [6759] sseptumss: JESUS [6760] Trydosey: -6k [6760] msjalo: sh [6760] dustym0: OWENMMME [6760] deaed_man_walking: 😂 [6760] kemotheking99: XIM TOO TOXIC PLEASE BAN [6760] arcsonr6: Leaked cashapp [6760] capybara_555: BO10 [6760] jaquavion_the_2nd: he’s scared [6760] bigdrillathug: brrokie [6760] Pugzzz_18: www [6760] ExllyZ: LEAKED [6760] torleah: BloodTrail [6760] 25k_golden: ricci broke thats why [6760] rikzbpm: CHECK POLL FATASS [6760] aash_4644: motion [6761] epicyoloman13: L wager [6761] ViviF_: LETS GET IT LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOO [6761] darealest12_: hurry up [6761] SSSaltySeaTurtle: jesus jynxzi broke [6761] 120fpsrg: oh [6761] dixeontop_: TheIlluminati [6761] arcsonr6: Leakedd [6761] chadleeb: almostgothimboys almost their cia raiding [6761] ZBNERD: Sure [6761] elijahj4mes: WHITE SOEED [6761] richxrdcolee: LMFAOOOOOO [6761] ampasdampa: el scamuh [6761] JrockXims: jynxziVapeBreak_SG [6761] MothyBlack: W [6762] sweetleaftea: ricci scared [6762] kakashiroland1: !sub [6762] dustym0: OWNEED [6762] Klatsflap: why is bro malding [6762] drmonkeeman10: DUCKIN [6762] mattman676721: BRAIN ROTTTTTT [6762] ghggeejefhffbfnfjfh: 333 [6763] aash_4644: WW [6763] SOG_NICK: !subscribe [6763] arcsonr6: Leaked [6763] richxrdcolee: LOOOOOOL [6763] lrthefinessekid: lol [6763] pepper718: NO B01 [6763] MJ6xx: 3 [6763] elijahj4mes: WHITE SPEED [6763] abyssaldreamsss: Everyone scream LUL [6764] bixgbxng: bixgbxng subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! [6764] Lxufeyy: POLL IT BO333 [6764] Nightbot: @kingsolo111 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [6764] Suulks: pancake [6764] bazinga_9001: 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ [6764] richxrdcolee: LMFAOOOOOOL [6764] ghggeejefhffbfnfjfh: 3 [6765] millz_67: jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh jynxziLaugh [6765] mcbergur: SHOOK [6765] drksolos: scared [6765] msft_Lt_Dan: IF YOU SAID BO3 FUCK YOU [6765] spiceinf: START THR GSMRER [6765] fathighandhappy: brokie [6765] unprocessedprotein: LMFAOOOOO [6765] monkejosh: white speed [6765] clixthegoat1234567: jynxziFAT_SQ [6765] aash_4644: SE [6765] ozymandiasomen: pug balls [6765] 702SAUCEWALKA: LEAKED LEAKED [6765] arcsonr6: Leake [6765] Riasisxd: JYNXZI METHOD [6765] aphexshadow: POOR PEOPLE SAD [6766] Klatsflap: Peepo [6766] shivermetimbers15: PASSION [6766] x9_ernesto: Hello daniel [6766] Tucodiaz: hes about to stream snipe the fuck out of you [6766] Nightbot: bozo [6766] hibro679: 💵💵💵💵💵🌸💵🌸🌸👍🏻👍🏻 [6766] walking47: Lampe [6766] sauceyfatman: !watch time [6767] mattman676721: BRAIN ROT [6767] Jkassassin244: L [6767] kareemloo812: u know ricci owns u💀 [6767] bazinga_9001: 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ [6767] 702SAUCEWALKA: GOT IT [6767] BangaWanga: lol [6767] juukongen: Bo3 [6767] actually_mewtwo: YSHOW THEM YOU AINT SCARED [6768] arcsonr6: Leak cashapp [6768] azraelwoah: WWWW [6768] ZBNERD: Sure bud [6768] shivermetimbers15: W PASSION [6768] cayden_050108: l ricci [6768] tocxld_rain: pre-end [6768] p1l2k3y4: LUL [6769] bigstanky5: PogChamp [6769] papichulo171614: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [6769] GooseZNeck: ugh xim for 3 games [6769] MJ6xx: 3- [6769] dogwater951: bo1 [6769] bazinga_9001: 🗣️🗣️🗣️😎😎🗣️ [6769] lukemahomie: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [6769] Uncommon209: FUCKN PPLAYYYYYYY YOU SCCAMMMED SO MANNNT POINT [6769] richxrdcolee: LMFAOOOOO [6769] slip6900: XIM gotta carry [6769] FBN_Nubz: !sub [6769] busyyAdz: plus the ricci era [6769] Spandal: send me some of that I’m broke [6770] PGCenturion: he beat your ass less than a week ago lol [6770] billsoloman: black ops [6770] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [6770] crafty77: W [6770] caioisgoat: FBRun MaxLOL FBBlock [6770] chicagoserge: NEW METHOD [6770] arcsonr6: Leaked it [6770] elontusk351: bo3 [6770] mezzdup_bun: ALRRRR [6771] rg__21: rg__21 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 2 month streak! junko 5 months [6771] richxrdcolee: LOOOOL [6771] walking47: lmao [6771] 702SAUCEWALKA: SCREEN SHOT [6772] buhp_nadezz: Leaked [6772] dustym0: PPRESSED [6772] chump_activities: Whens fan mail [6772] Fossabot: @coinab, Your message is too long [6772] staywithmelonger: L SCAV [6772] bazinga_9001: 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ [6772] Matt_Przeszlo: W RICCI [6772] katelyn_s01: YOU LOOK LIKE YOUR HIGH WITH THOSE GLOSSY EYES [6772] okijunko: !charm [6772] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [6772] TOHARDDONKMONK: you lost 5k to ricci [6772] masterkenobi23: 🤷♂️ [6773] deaed_man_walking: STOMPN SO CHILL [6773] richxrdcolee: LMFAOOOOOOO [6773] escapelossss: L [6773] Klatsflap: LUL LUL LUL [6773] goungii: LAMOAOAOA [6773] clixthegoat1234567: jynxziFAT_SQ jynxziFAT_SQ [6773] TrxyBag: w passion [6773] FadedJunior710: Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm [6773] shauxity: HAHAHAHAHA [6774] noggy_99: leaked [6774] toesman36525275371: pole on who’s winning [6774] sweetleaftea: 😂 [6774] pizzadude69420nomemes: WHITE SPEED [6774] deviousgiga: BRAIN ROT [6774] sunxflowerxchild: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [6774] moneyvix13: bro let me join bro I stream as well [6774] sandy_sir: LMAOOO [6774] longbillginger46: LMAO [6774] papichulo171614: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [6774] richxrdcolee: LM,FAOOOOO [6774] moiisessc: they boutta hit a lick on u [6774] JAYTOTAL: LMAO [6774] harryjt06: u just gonna leak like that [6774] EatCrackRock: POOR SHAMING [6775] fnnstepper111: 😂😂😂😂😂😂 [6775] lilsluga: lmaoooo [6775] prog4mes1: 😂😂😂😂 [6775] Nightbot: poor❌ pour✅ [6775] clixthegoat1234567: jynxziFAT_SQ jynxziFAT_SQ jynxziFAT_SQ [6775] yyungkodaa: millionaire taking money from the poor wow [6775] nazeman284: HAHAHAHAHAHA [6775] sandy_sir: WWW [6775] scism0: i feel my brain oozing out my ears [6775] AyWATP: Zain gm message me on snap [6775] One0neOne: -6k -6k -6k -6k -6k -6k -6k -6k -6k -6k -6k -6k -6k [6775] TrxvssOnTop: MUTE XIM [6775] yoge221: white speed [6775] acid1ce: white speed [6775] liam3548: LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [6776] madix1221: WWWW [6776] richxrdcolee: LOOOOOOL [6776] KRZZERS: white speed [6777] mmoneybaggyoo: WHITE WSPEED [6777] yozenoyo: fast forward too the 2v2 [6777] darealest12_: white speed [6777] RiccisDaddy: TELL RICCI TO REMOVE DELAY [6777] evan14147: Pussy [6777] sandy_sir: WWWWWWW [6777] unfilteredfred: W White speed [6777] paul_teehee: LMFAOOOOOOOOO [6777] hekzw: Lmao [6777] Apollo75639: white speed [6777] arcsonr6: Leak [6777] LeeDriIIy: LOLOLOL [6777] kreamteam12: white speed [6777] pinkinfinite: LMAOOOOO [6777] chicagoserge: JYNXZI NEW METHOD [6778] bebling_05: ! watchtime [6778] Vividly004: W XIM [6778] bazinga_9001: 🥞🥞🥞🥞🥞 [6778] nbl_212169: warzone1&warzone2 [6778] RayanB7_: if it’s gonna be bo3 streams ending after this segment btw chat💀💀💀 [6778] sweetleaftea: white speed [6778] b58_matty: W XIM [6778] drk_past: LMAOO [6778] quentin_olson: w xim [6778] sandy_sir: WWWWW [6778] Bonesstv: LOL [6778] lurks1000: white speed [6778] Nightbot: 😂 [6778] motzi5: lol [6778] TrxvssOnTop: MUTE XIMMM [6779] theonlymax12: Send the band [6779] ryyn__: LMAO [6779] alexbyby1: ahahaha [6779] jacke1323: lmapo [6779] wxllzbad: clip farming [6779] moderatedgg: white speed [6779] One0neOne: -6k -6k -6k -6k -6k -6k -6k -6k -6k -6k -6k -6k -6k [6780] im_keytv: 3k is crazy [6780] paul_teehee: LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO [6780] WhosBryan16: Q xim [6780] bazinga_9001: 🥞🤫🥞🥞🥞🥞🥞🥞 [6780] tezoo1k: white speed [6780] glassofwateronmydesk: jynxzi smash them pause 🤨 [6780] glischalk: white speed [6780] n0rsa: lmaoooo [6780] xzsensor: WHITE SPEED [6780] jester09876987y43: white speed [6780] nobawd: lmfaoooo [6780] cappalotty: white speed [6780] jahmapants: WHITE SPEED [6780] bighatch26: RICH OFF JYNXI | Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [6600] I just- It's stopping! Wait, when did you be stopping? What the fuck? There was a twenty- There was a twenty-five minutes ago. Wait, it's stopping, is this true? [6610] Fine, I'm V2 and finals yesterday. It's fun. I got my get back though. I got my DDs. I got my get back though. You didn't win the turn yet though. You didn't win the turn yet. And you're about to be down in bed. You're going to be in that [6620] the turn you're gonna lose that's got let's go. I'm going to ban animal in the tournament tomorrow. I haven't got that band pancake ask it whenever you want to send that band band you can get this lobby going. So central to y'all want to be organ [6630] B-O-3, you want B-O-3? Stop, it's up to you. B-O-3, you want B-O-3, Matt Bens. B-O-3, Matt Bens. Up to you, up to you, I don't know the care. We go... [6640] Come on come on [6650] Spill up part time with you. Spill up part time with chat. Nah, you're weird. B.O. 3 bro. But I do I want to listen to Zim for two hours. [6660] Bro you're being a part timer come on bro I'm not heading stream after the game you idiot Yeah, what happened when you got bitch by Zimias so though [6670] Hey Ricky, don't do that shit send me the band bro and shut the fuck up. Thanks Richard send me the band and I'm talking about two days ago. I'm talking about Two days ago. I don't care send me the band and shut the fuck up [6680] Okay. Okay. Pull it! We have three central. Find pulled it. Pull it, pull it, come on. Chap, but you're not going to get- [6690] Okay, so you're gonna wanna listen to this kid for a best of three. I'm doing PL1 for your sake, chat. You wanna listen to this kid for a best of three? Zim! [6700] What do you want to do best to one or best of three sim? BEST OF THREE! Why is him? Why? Why do you want to do a best of three? Does that feel like it? [6710] Okay, um, you're still horrible at the game. Rick, did you send a band? Yeah, I'm horrible at the game [6720] I'm a little chow right now. Broke a cow freak. Broke a cow freak. Broke a cow freak. [6730] I'm not playing for 500, we're not playing for 500? [6740] I said a band but I know [6750] Look at your teammate look what I just did to him he didn't want to send the 4 bad I didn't want to send the 4 bad listen to fucking teammate He didn't want to send the 4 bad I almost hit I almost [6760] I'm gonna get a bridge on DxC. You guys are just a jack of chai. Show your chai. Just saying you a man. Show your chai. Just saying you a man. Show your chai bro. [6770] I had to press you about it, but cool. Let's go a speed. Let's go a speed. Nope. Don't do that. Don't you dare do that white speed Hey, best of one, bro. I don't care. That's the one | There is no Highlight in the provided timespan. Jynxzi is talking with x1m and Ricci, and nothing interesting happens. At the end of the timeframe, Jynxzi pulls out his watch from the packages, arguing that it is not a fake. |
Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [7500] lucasishim5688: u win these [7500] crimson_hitman: TELL MY GLORIOUS KING TO GO LIVE [7500] nattydaddy821: hack them [7500] chrismunoz13: nah join back [7501] purpleturtle0211: L Script ziggylataAlerta [7501] afclarke: stream sniper [7501] SirLiquidBacon: WHERES THE PREDICTIN [7501] miggy_620: white [7501] masynnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn: ricci styream snipiung [7501] luke21dalton: When is the steam [7501] Nightbot: 👀 [7501] iluvsmileyz: is he playing on controller or pc [7501] itsyaboylalo: TELL MY KING TO GO LIVEEEE ? [7502] pr_jace: STREAM SNIPING [7502] muppet52: ILINK [7502] chadleeb: crunching marcia policia [7502] bspazzin7: VIEWER LIST [7502] cockdragonz: imlitt5LMAO imlitt5LMAO [7502] isuccbadly: is this tubi? [7502] yyungkodaa: CHAT SO ANYOOING [7503] oskarmadridi1677: CLIXX IN CHAT [7503] jak_og: poll?? [7503] airese_onyt: yo jynxzi i love your streams and i suport all of the stuff you do and your streams have got me thrue all of the hard times and dont worry about the haters [7503] nateystwitchy: STREAM SNIPING [7504] case_ate_my_family__: BRUH [7504] Maletie: stompn sniping gg [7504] pad_dog32: HE GOT BANNEDDDD [7504] kinda_dead_l: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [7505] XperPascal18: sup guys [7505] FRESH__KNIGHT__111: CLOSE PREDICT [7505] dahgoat54: ok [7505] Nightbot: ok [7505] joltz_zz: !gamble all [7505] davyoooo: STPOMPN SNIPPING [7505] xxxlejuanjamesxxx: PREDICTION [7505] StreamElements: PogChamp joltz_zz went all in and won 985 points PogChamp they now have 1970 points FeelsGoodMan [7505] tommycass123: GoldPLZ GoldPLZ GoldPLZ [7505] larzsssss: THEY AINT SNIPING CHAT STFU [7505] Harry__GG__: Melusi fenrir combo [7506] oskarmadridi1677: CLIXXX [7506] robby_1455: LOCK TF IN [7506] rice_spicetv: play with clix [7506] saucin2hard: jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown [7506] Ollie8484: He said he is gonna leave when they lost [7507] karl76m4: jynxzi banned [7507] asydbc: YOU BETTER WIN THIS [7507] jokrrh: xim IS SNIPING [7507] countwizard7: @riccifps [7507] 2real0305: yo dady [7507] reshardstaywoke: illuminati confirmed [7508] b312noblesixx: EVERYONE REPORT XIM [7508] slxughtrd: you aim on the floor [7508] masynnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn: ricci stream sniping [7508] yyungkodaa: CHAT SO ANOYYING [7508] ohnice7293: lose please [7508] loocalosi: play harder [7508] nattydaddy821: you suck [7508] ASE3211: BIG BOY JUNKO I PUT 110 CHANNEL POINTS ON YOU. IF YOU WIN I JUST MIGHT GIVE 5 GIFTED!!!! [7509] firehydrant99: edgeing rn [7509] dakentsu: ofc [7509] ZaNder13865: 1v1 Wefci [7509] aidenhasatight_muff: sketch jynxziBounce jynxziGLASSES jynxziBounce jynxziGLASSES jynxziBounce jynxziGLASSES jynxziBounce jynxziBounce jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziBounce jynxziBounce jynxziGLASSES [7509] loudpack5: who’s they olaying [7509] llIllIIIIlIl: XIM ISNT LIVE [7509] rbsmilk13: @itsyaboylalo yooooo [7509] xxxlejuanjamesxxx: PREDICTIONSSS [7509] ghostrider80413: snipe [7510] robby_1455: YOU GOT THIS [7510] ruffysznx: MY KING STOMPN HAS SO MUCH AURA [7510] oskarmadridi1677: CLIXXX IN CHAT [7510] gorillapoodle: when is 1v1 [7510] tokyodifter156: Hi [7510] tommycass123: DinoDance [7510] tentynxi: sketches waiting [7510] kttisfat69: he got banned [7510] plutopanthur: pre end [7510] saucin2hard: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [7510] cfootball33: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [7510] crimson_hitman: MY GLORIOUS KING RICCI [7510] Memeshitpost: w script [7511] urnanscheesytoe: WHEN IS 2V2 XIM AND RICCI? [7511] sklyxu: cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh [7511] kbbreezy9: LETS GO RICCI AMD XIM YOU FUCKING LOSER [7511] areidbook: pollll [7511] rainysznyt: shotgun crutch [7511] yayagaga11: nooo same party [7511] tshockey999: !charm [7511] yelp101: WAIT HE GOT BANNED [7511] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [7511] colekram8: he got banned [7511] its_aniskyguy: !watchtime [7511] elliotgoat73: make you camera smaller fat ass n word [7512] dylanwall7: shotgun [7512] itsyaboylalo: TELL MY KING TO GO LIVE ?? [7512] StreamElements: its_aniskyguy has spent 3 days 6 hours watching jynxzi [7512] wastemane034: ADD EM IN THE LOBBY!!! [7512] dakentsu: shotgun made [7512] nattydaddy821: troll them [7512] drmonkeeman10: BO3 NO CONTENT [7513] sxrxqq: Squid1 Squid3 Squid4 [7513] kinda_dead_l: pre stary [7513] SirJonnyGoat: facecam to big [7513] shreksmomma21: Wow I gifted he said nothing [7514] winterydegree: FACE CAM TO BIG [7514] perkyjedi: Stream sniping to a T [7514] yyZlapX: Say to Stompn to start streaming [7514] foxbat1984: SHOTGUN CRUTCH [7514] n0ahb0nsey: jynxziFAT [7515] sandy_sir: W [7515] KingJeriah: !gamble [7515] ihatex1m2: he in stream [7515] DoyleRules: yo i used to play this game but im confused...are lesion mines still invis? [7515] kyden608: Shotgun Crutch [7515] clu_Il: mute crutch [7515] yayagaga11: nooo same partyy [7515] ocracoke12: Boi🤣🫱 [7515] Capozze: !brightness [7516] chrismunoz13: stomp sniping [7516] 2ndbae: lets get it [7516] Nightbot: 45 [7516] sandy_sir: WW [7516] ripl3ttuce: shotgun crutch [7516] syphon_ac007: Ur annoying always lol [7516] xxxlejuanjamesxxx: PREDICTIONSSSSS [7516] 6juji6: ofc u are [7516] BeardedTHAN0S: How many dudes would diddy diddle if diddy diddled dudes? [7516] saucin2hard: jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY [7516] ZenithJS: 1st game? [7516] ehsan16788: stream sniping [7517] cherny05: OFC [7517] sandy_sir: WWWWW [7517] barahazard: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm [7517] popeye14: !charm [7517] robby_1455: LOCK IN BROTHER [7517] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [7517] fliizzyyyy: ricci in the stream [7517] cocopuffzxz: RAM [7517] chadleeb: holup [7517] iitzhugo: !gamble 4000 [7518] sandy_sir: WWWW [7518] boaatss: MOVE FACECAM [7518] japanlean: stream sniping [7518] WaduDaddy: POLE???????? [7518] taqqvue: l shotgun [7518] yayagaga11: nooo same party [7518] zylofv577: clix better ahhhh [7518] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [7518] 123_him3: K [7519] Nightbot: k [7519] ATR_Kmoney: mute crutch [7519] jakker1611: Poll away [7519] firehydrant99: when’s fan mail [7519] treyda1k: Stompen carry [7519] somethen: WÆH [7519] winterydegree: FACE FAM TO BIG [7519] sandy_sir: WWWWW [7519] mzoller303: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [7520] calitoon29: pre shotgun crutch [7520] AVDVSK: 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 [7520] dixeontop_: SHOT GUN CRUTCH [7520] because_yes_h: hivise finger me [7520] fliizzyyyy: ricci in the streamm [7520] LoopTFM: mute crutch [7520] t1gunther: play untouchable rq [7520] yayagaga11: nooo same partyy [7520] 1brandonthebot: WHERES POLL??? [7520] cuddle_xd: CRUNCH [7520] sandy_sir: WWWW [7521] yyungkodaa: CHAT SO ANYYOUNG [7521] cocopuffzxz: HES RAM [7521] saucin2hard: jynxziCRY jynxziCRY jynxziCRY [7521] kyden608: SHOTGUN CRUTCH [7521] shreksmomma21: Cheer44 [7521] BeardedTHAN0S: How many dudes would diddy diddle if diddy diddled dudes?How many dudes would diddy diddle if diddy diddled dudes? [7521] pr_jace: STOMPN IS STREAM SNIPING [7521] Jmlgiants: clutch up [7521] fliizzyyyy: ricci in the stream [7522] xxxlejuanjamesxxx: PREDICTIONS CMON [7522] taqqvue: L shotgun [7522] Nightbot: predict when you will get some bitches [7522] mosey_poo: I BEILEIVE IN YOU CHUNKY JUNKY!!!! [7522] raulyhanma: warden mute [7522] yayagaga11: nooo same party [7522] certifiedbaggetter: !prime [7522] Nightbot: Subscribe to @Jynxzi for FREE with Twitch Prime Twitch.tv/subs/jynxzi [7522] peppar34: shotgun crutch [7522] bleepbloopmo: SHOTGUN MADE [7522] code4prez: L shotgun crutch [7522] sandy_sir: WWWWWW [7522] boaatss: FACECAM MOVE [7522] ltl_goated: don’t sell my 30 points fatso 🍗 [7522] n0ahb0nsey: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [7523] eroscw: eroscw subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 7 month streak! [7523] jokrrh: XIM SNIPING [7523] cherny05: OFC SHOTGUN [7523] cocopuffzxz: RAMM [7523] nattydaddy821: you suck at this game [7523] Avenged_spork: face cam to big [7523] hertzishim: xim better [7523] WinButler: CARDIAC [7523] sandy_sir: WW [7524] ninjab1_cm: stompnis waiting [7524] ZNnex222: how do I get the charm I subscribe and linked my account and I don’t have the charm yet [7524] becxkxo: when is fan mail [7524] fliizzyyyy: ricci in the streamm [7524] reid2high: I put all my points on you junko [7524] 1tsMothy: caseohGrenadegreen caseohGrenadegreen caseohGrenadegreen caseohGrenadegreen caseohGrenadegreen [7524] DawkOfficial: Absolutely slam this kiddddd [7524] saucin2hard: jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown [7524] chef_gec: lock tf. in [7525] cluewrld: I’m all in win part timer [7525] thegoat279573: LUL LUL LUL LUL [7525] mzoller303: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [7525] Jaymoney923: !points [7525] ltl_goated: don’t sell my 30 points fatso🍕 [7525] fliizzyyyy: ricci in the stream [7525] nibbalis: WHEN FAN MAIL [7525] StreamElements: @Jaymoney923 Jaymoney923 has 0 points and is rank 1/1701057 on the leaderboard. [7526] jynxziissostrong: !LINK [7526] Nightbot: @jynxziissostrong If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [7526] yyungkodaa: CHAT SO ANOYYING [7526] Htown1420: !watchtime [7526] n0ahb0nsey: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [7526] heynept4ne: !link [7526] StreamElements: Htown1420 has spent 5 days 8 hours watching jynxzi [7526] riley4sjr: WHAT IS X1MS TWITCH [7526] faded_ryzze69: You took Xim to Bohemian Grove [7526] k_n__o_x: t bs [7526] richxrdcolee: PRE END [7526] ihatex1m2: in stream [7526] cocopuffzxz: HES RAMM [7526] cuddle_xd: CRUTCH [7526] mzoller303: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [7527] kinoth_: come on bro [7527] 1brandonthebot: POLL [7527] ram_rod617: y’all are getting smoked 100% [7527] TyroneYolo: pre diddy [7527] yayagaga11: nooo same partyy [7528] naim_on_top08: BUCK AND ACE [7528] bryanna3: !watchtime [7528] BurnerSage: L AD [7528] boolaviews: xim in stream [7528] 2real0305: yo dafd [7528] StreamElements: bryanna3 has spent 5 days 7 hours watching jynxzi [7528] chrismunoz13: stomp simping [7528] threetrixmafia: shotgun crutch??? [7528] ltl_goated: don’t sell my 30 points fatso💀 [7528] zgoat69: whens the zuckerberg 1v1 [7528] xx_allonsy_xx: shotgun [7529] saucin2hard: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [7529] mzoller303: Jebasted Jebasted Jebasted [7529] aSpicyLemon: L afs [7529] yayagaga11: nooo same party [7529] thegoat279573: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [7529] mistifixd: screen??? [7529] tonbiddness: wait did noit mwean to say that [7529] spin4myblock: L adddd [7530] markovian_prosthetic: too bigggg [7530] kinoth_: lets get it [7530] xxxlejuanjamesxxx: POLL [7530] Pdiddillydawg: try the Mira strat [7530] aSpicyLemon: ds [7530] wxked__: typi [7530] dylan2786: @xPureScrubx Cheer10000 You took care of my Nephew with Make-A-Wish so I get to do what I can to take care of you! Much love bro! [7530] hizennnn: MyAvatar MyAvatar MyAvatar MyAvatar MyAvatar MyAvatar MyAvatar MyAvatar MyAvatar MyAvatar MyAvatar MyAvatar [7530] gjkkllllui: Lol [7530] foxbat1984: PRE WASHED [7530] rjcz_: s [7530] Nightbot: 😂 [7530] fliizzyyyy: ricci in the streammm [7530] kyden608: CAP [7530] Nightbot: no 🧢 [7531] Nightbot: Just sub bozo you’ll get no ads, my emotes, double the channel points, and guess what you will also get my beautiful charm that you will never lose, and many more!!!! #subuporshutup [7531] liam3548: Cap [7531] asydbc: POLL [7531] Fossabot: @1kingfn1, Your message is too long [7531] Squidwardjr8090: my king stompn [7531] KnuckleBusterSG: ad [7531] nattydaddy821: 38 ads [7532] GLiiTCH777: xims in chat [7532] aSpicyLemon: ads [7532] spin4myblock: L ad [7532] bradlovesmaddon: buck and ace [7532] yayagaga11: nooo same partyy [7532] chadleeb: ram ranch full on 18 naked cowboys on its way raid [7532] Orange_Franklin: l ad [7532] companypumpkin_: L ADDS [7532] tiltedbtw: INVITE XIM [7532] Gxckd: Easy win [7532] drehatesya: SHOTGUN MERCHANT [7532] numzyybunz: caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads [7532] jaquavion_the_2nd: 8 ads [7532] desellhd: PowerUpL GunRun PowerUpR [7532] BadGravy: !gamble 200 [7533] somethen: Pre ad [7533] btajhitt: WWWWWW [7533] code4prez: Shotgun crutch [7533] StreamElements: @BadGravy, you only have 30 points. [7533] KRZZERS: does vigil counter iana or nah chat [7533] 1brandonthebot: RUN THE POLL [7533] ltl_goated: don’t sell my 30 points fatso🥓 [7533] fathamster_69: fathamster_69 subscribed at Tier 1. [7533] n0ahb0nsey: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [7533] BurnerSage: L FKIN ADS [7533] milena_945: w ad [7533] HeburaiGox: L adds [7533] ItsZizzyFPS: 8 ads is crazy [7533] yangeekka: flashes incoming [7533] resky: cope [7534] FRESH__KNIGHT__111: CLOSE P [7534] grabbypatties1: pre end [7534] icummedlol: 7 ads?! [7534] diaamndsz: PRE WATCH PARTY [7534] layemaye: ronnnnn [7534] itsmrsully: RICI IN STREAM [7534] turbzzo: l as [7534] hope_0297: !gamble all [7534] lukemahomie: wwwwwwwwww [7534] tehooh: L ADSSS [7534] damzyxz: uuh [7534] StreamElements: @hope_0297, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan [7534] wizeguy421: ah more staged R6 [7534] Nightbot: too easy [7535] numzyybunz: caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads [7535] bighatch26: L ADD [7535] nunyabizznez: CHEERLEADER [7535] imhim4674: L AD [7535] shreksmomma21: Cheer1 love you [7536] xxxlejuanjamesxxx: POLL IT [7536] yurrgurt_spiller: l ad [7536] Mrwetnoodle96: FAT BITCH [7536] richxrdcolee: 6 hour stream not hittign ricci owns u [7536] ltl_goated: don’t sell my 30 points fatso🥗 [7536] sharpielover123: jynxziHappy [7536] ditovsc: Full pice [7536] Gxckd: Fuck xim [7536] boaatss: MOVE THE FACE CAM PLS [7536] sonnyD_24_hi: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [7536] LoopTFM: SHOTGUN CRUTCH [7536] isaac_www_: L ad [7536] alh1310: L [7536] dbdgameer: 👨🏿🦰 [7537] WinstonFinnegan: Facecam perfext [7537] Weedeater69420: Weedeater69420 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [7537] itsuhcolt: itsuhcolt subscribed at Tier 1. [7537] vsoka: pre carry [7537] bocl9: AD [7537] rny_monkeyx_x: ofc shotgun [7537] cocopuffzxz: HESS BUCK [7538] adamk551: Ricci stream sniping [7538] aidanishere09: 7 fucking ads [7538] turbzzo: l adsssss [7538] tehooh: LLLL AADSSSS [7538] dropstompn: FCKING ADS [7538] Nightbot: 👀 [7538] elchert113: shotgun on organ how shocking [7538] kylehoffpauir: pre end [7538] toecolleter23: all u do is shotgun [7538] star_xk: WWWWWW [7538] manaphyonfire: pre pom poms [7538] bighatch26: LADS [7538] sonnyD_24_hi: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [7538] richxrdcolee: ricci owns u [7538] HarryAzzkrak: pre end [7539] Spin1n: smaller cam [7539] daner__: LOCK IN [7539] whittz121: L ADSSSSS [7539] ltl_goated: don’t sell my 30 points fatso [7539] danylko: JUNKO NEVA HOOPED IN HIS LIFE [7539] asydbc: POLL THIS [7539] cale1fps: ads [7539] sonnyD_24_hi: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [7539] peppar34: cap [7539] wpbcjj: ur the worst [7539] yes_brooo123: L add [7539] xxnevatakelzxx999: L add [7539] markythe3rde: L ad [7539] pocketpengun: W ad [7539] xx_allonsy_xx: pre 0-7 kevin [7540] diaamndsz: PRE STOMPN WATCH PARTY [7540] tabenszn: L AD BREaK FATTY [7541] soulzthegoat: ah to ez [7541] chrixsp23: L addddd [7541] nizzy_17: cam is too big [7541] goatfuker69696: goatfuker69696 subscribed with Prime. [7541] taqqvue: shoutgun crutch [7541] mazzaa3: when is fan Mail [7541] thatrandomdad94: 9 fucking ads [7541] daivatshah: 10 -0?? [7541] ajong_17: 11 ads [7541] jc0438: l ad [7542] tehooh: LLLLL AAADSSSS [7542] racc_is_dead: 8 ads is absolutely slimy [7542] sonnyD_24_hi: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [7542] ragingdegen420: PRE CHEERLEAD [7542] kanexx_qc: TRIANGLE [7542] xzmillxz: tf is this ad ahahaha [7542] hizennnn: HyperCrown HyperCrown HyperCrown HyperCrown [7542] musso8005: L ad [7542] tyweepitch123: CAM TO BIG [7542] Mikayyy: 9 ADS WTF [7542] blackpepper333: cheer harder [7543] areidbook: polll [7543] ocracoke12: Fuck you and the illuminati🤚👉🤚🤚 [7543] trudiddy: 8 ads [7543] blakedaboi: get the Pom poms ready [7543] xxyaser2: FUUCK ADS [7543] LuhDJ4: MAKE SURE HE CLOSED TAB [7543] TrxyBag: add [7543] ice_king1237: ads! [7543] anuglybrute: move your head [7543] star_xk: SUCK [7543] venisonfarts: cook [7543] skies23high: jinko [7543] soulzthegoat: ah to ezzzzzz [7543] nailwind: dont disappoint daddy stompin [7543] Bandolin13: 2 hrs end [7544] ltl_goated: 🥙 [7544] ggaytan330: L ADD [7544] codylad42: 40 min ad is crazy [7544] officalwem: 100 ads [7544] bigtunaafish: bigtunaafish subscribed with Prime. [7544] xxxlejuanjamesxxx: PREDICTION CMON BRO [7544] Nazmul1: 856 ADSS💀💀💀 [7544] chump_activities: L addd [7544] uriel_z33: w [7544] blower754: S [7544] SN1P3Z_au: glazing [7544] EightNeun: WHY DOESNT STOMPN WAGER [7544] blockybakon: L AD [7545] elisey101: SERIOUSLY 6 ads 😞 [7545] samsnelling: screen [7545] Owza_: Owza_ subscribed with Prime. [7545] barahazard: BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper [7545] jomama2148: why do i have 20 ads [7545] Viddofn: why do i have a 3 min add [7546] evangarcia529: jynxziVapeBreak [7546] qtlinx_: qtlinx_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! 8 month glaze [7546] dcuzzo22: they’re stream snipping [7546] elder_crispy: jynxziGoodAim [7546] bibo126: PRE CARRY [7546] jwilly223556557: LllllllllllllllLLLLLL [7546] woodwool49: j [7546] rbsmilk13: use the controller you got on Tuesday [7546] quizziking5151: 8 ADDESSSS THE [7546] star_xk: BO [7546] Famouslyfee: sentiment next [7546] xxnevatakelzxx999: L Add [7547] blockybakon: L ADDD [7547] chump_activities: L add [7547] arigato_95: better split the prize money [7547] bender_newman13: bad ad timing [7547] erickec98: CARRIED [7547] jmslapz: !charn [7547] dr_bennett870: 6 adds is crazy tbh [7547] naecrexpz: L JUNKIOOOO [7547] Mrwetnoodle96: JK LOVE YOU [7547] ayyannishimmm: S T O M P N gooooo stompn [7547] pickledearlobe: 19 ads is crazy [7548] Yuh_BoiYee: L ADDD [7548] SiteFour: l ad [7548] star_xk: BOP [7548] Bnastty69: Bnastty69 subscribed at Tier 1. [7548] diddyhay: love you brother!!! [7548] nattydaddy821: 56 ads now [7548] xxyaser2: FUUCK AD [7548] faden208: L add [7548] serge42069: predictions [7548] mir_boi: L bozo [7548] rny_monkeyx_x: pre end [7548] Bandolin13: 2 hrs end [7548] txin_goat: adss [7548] grokles: cam too big [7548] icywilliam: icywilliam subscribed with Prime. [7549] ghostturkey37: sigma [7549] nmaringer2468: WTF [7549] nickeh2478: L adds [7549] kinoth_: W mewing [7549] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [7549] tehooh: L AADSSS [7549] pd150arl: lol [7549] spiderpxg: ofc ads [7549] hart_god: adds [7549] lovkashh: when u playing the champs [7549] treyda1k: When fan mail [7549] jwilly223556557: LLLLLLLLL ADS [7549] bukankingcoco: ADDDD [7549] nattydaddy821: thanks [7549] evangarcia529: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [7550] nizzy_17: cam [7551] 4hedXAT: W AD [7551] SomberTTV: L AD [7551] atalkingapple: L add sellout [7551] xxnevatakelzxx999: L ADD [7551] stea1thgamer_: LOCK INNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN [7551] GHOSTEEE_23: L stompin crutch [7551] zestyon69fps: L ad fatso [7551] erx_97: ads [7551] chris_creek: why [7551] mik_smitton: ADDSS [7551] lyloski: bro got the TikTok shop control freeks and don’t know how to act [7551] blitz22424: ads [7551] star_xk: YOOOOOO [7551] jdub1999: 8 ads???? [7552] tehooh: LLL AAADSSS [7552] kanexx_qc: L TRIANGLE [7552] umitt3850_: L 6 ad [7552] amar_r6: Yo can I see ur sets [7552] jetfang07: end predict [7552] AllDayDabber: BIG FACE CAM!!! [7552] JynxziTheWhiteSpeed: THEY WONT PLANT IF STOMPN OS ALIVE [7552] trxppazoid8299: 12 adds is crazy [7552] welldagum1: 6 ads [7552] pd150arl: lolll [7552] HarryAzzkrak: superwhitespeed pre end [7552] eroscw: jynxziGRIDDY [7552] hockeystar81953: !LINK [7552] bigtallwall: pre ban [7552] roger_thegreat: ur an L fatty [7553] grimbodies: just sub you won’t get ads [7553] zoom74: 4 ads [7553] SpriteGI: can somone glft me a sub pIease [7554] joshpisag: NBA JUNKOO🤣🤣🤣🤣 [7554] jomama2148: bro i have 20 ads wtf [7554] chadleeb: woman color nails wendsay [7554] speedosms1: L 6 ads # [7554] popeye14: !ubisoft [7554] wwinthestream223: buck ace [7554] nizzy_17: cam is too big [7554] Nightbot: Click here to join the Ubisoft+ free trial today: https://ubi.li/KNTsn #ad [7554] ltl_goated: don’t sell my 30 points fatso👌 [7554] sp27dy: WACK ADS [7554] ram_rod617: how much do you make off ads? [7554] samsnelling: no cam [7554] evangarcia529: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [7554] Kenessi4: 3 min [7554] NOXITEZ: PRE CARRY [7555] Zentiic_60FPS: I put ten on this shit bro [7555] nickweb009: add [7555] itssschuckyyy: itssschuckyyy subscribed at Tier 1. [7555] chef_gec: L [7555] lrthefinessekid: l add [7555] chump_activities: 87 ada [7555] pd150arl: lollll [7555] CuckoldSamuel: does he have Tourettes? [7555] Capozze: !brightness [7555] Nightbot: 45 [7555] dukenukem1400: Fat twat loser bitch [7555] impajix: impajix subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! [7555] Nightbot: @dbdgameer -> Piece of cake. [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [7555] kuzima750: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim VoHiYo [7555] MILLIEYUNZ: WW JUNKO WW STOMPOCALYPSE [7556] bighatch26: AD BREAK WITH NO SCREEN? wild [7556] zoom74: fuck you [7556] viper1x_: viper1x_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! [7557] brodimmmmmmmmmmm: fix face cam [7557] angularset: Bro clicked max addss [7557] toecolleter23: Jynxzi making that bread of the ads lmaoo [7557] lilwook123: L ADD [7557] joshpisag: ur name💀💀💀 [7557] kaaaan1900000: ad [7557] bigalav: 8 ads? [7557] threetrixmafia: 8 FUCKING ADS [7557] mxrrpy: 8 adds brutha [7557] lrthefinessekid: L add [7557] jvance19: 8 ADS WTF [7557] firehydrant99: l adds [7557] valorantwatcherhhh: L ADDS [7557] stea1thgamer_: LOCK INNNNNNNNN [7558] nickweb009: ad [7558] wardenximm: 95 ads???????? [7558] hart_god: adds [7558] egg_is_good_: hey [7558] Antoinerg: Antoinerg subscribed with Prime. [7558] tehooh: LLLLLLLL [7559] bakerman708: ada [7559] frg_turtle: BRO [7559] dtooshiftyyy: fuck u mods [7559] ghostitaj: white speed [7559] b4tf4ng1439: bro puts the glaze on stompns donut. [7559] abe1010101: everyone complaining of ads is wild 😭 [7559] leanstrider: magnesium [7559] ragingdegen420: PRE CHEERLEAD IN DA CHATTT [7559] nbl_212169: L ad [7559] grokles: cam is too big [7559] iitzhugo: !gamble 4000 [7559] mattrex_him: Lllll [7559] btajhitt: wwwwwwww [7559] dilipidl: w ads [7559] StreamElements: iitzhugo lost 4000 points in roulette and now has 790 points! FeelsBadMan [7560] bakerman708: ad [7560] pingbtw0: MAKE FACECAM SMALLER [7560] chump_activities: 25 adds [7560] skyteiswashed: lockin [7560] mosey_poo: 9 ads is bum [7560] boaatss: MOVE FACECAM TO THE SIDE A BIT [7561] gendez: LOCK IN [7561] threetrixmafia: WTF [7561] naecrexpz: JYNXZI UR MOMS A ROCKET [7561] dbdgameer: jynxziCopper [7561] okgarywinthorpe: 25 ade [7561] tyweepitch123: FIX CAM [7562] hart_god: what the hell [7562] caseisapotatoe: 2 ads is crazy [7562] AwstinnV1: AwstinnV1 subscribed at Tier 1. [7562] MebbyWebby: 8 ads absurd [7562] bigochungo1: 7 ads [7562] windwalker19901: black screen L [7562] btd_d_mag: w 56 afs [7562] ripl3ttuce: brekcie [7562] teewhyslaygel: pause [7562] joshpisag: ur name is Garbo 🤣🤣🫵🫵🫵 [7563] saucin2hard: jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown [7563] idk45378: pre jynxzi and stomp win [7563] woopyman1: K [7563] mxrrpy: l streamer [7563] RhinoIsSingle: 5 seconds in the stream and i'm getting none ads [7563] ex1nity: 7 ADS WHAT THE FUCK [7563] Nightbot: k [7563] jomama2148: WHY DO I HAVE 20 ads [7563] yourmomatron: yoippe [7563] angularset: Bro clicked max ads [7563] cooljgr5: b [7563] darkworldttv: ace buck [7564] mayacrowned: uuu [7564] code4prez: Shotgun crutch [7564] mattrex_him: LLLLLLLLLLLL [7564] firehydrant99: 7 adds [7564] hklr_426: Jigsy show them who's better [7564] trudiddy: THESE ADS ARE LONGER THAN TV COMMERCIALS [7564] naecrexpz: Q ROCKET [7564] Hifortwo: juko [7564] xxyaser2: 9 ADS WTHHHGGG [7564] ltl_goated: don’t sell my 30 points fatso [7564] tehooh: SELL OUT [7564] crago_joelle: 7 Ad L [7564] chrxs___7: cam too big [7564] TrxyBag: w add iver [7564] seigeant15: 8 ads [7565] xxnevatakelzxx999: L AD [7565] kaaaan1900000: llll ad [7565] naecrexpz: JEJD [7565] foxbat1984: PRE WASHED [7565] XYXDEMON: CAMERA TOO BIG [7565] bazinga_9001: 🥲🥲🥲🥲 [7565] evan14147: Screens black [7565] iconthe1: BUCK AND ACE [7565] yaboiowen11: there not going to plant w stompn alive [7565] Rosward23: 0 KILLS , 8 DEATHS, 100 LETS GO [7565] iluvsmileyz: lock in [7565] Kenessi4: 9 ads [7565] kindaopmusic: Jynxzi combs [7565] abe1010101: buy the sub 😭 [7565] tyweepitch123: CAM TO BIG [7566] angularset: adds [7566] TrxyBag: over [7566] naecrexpz: SS [7566] banehgwhene: banehgwhene subscribed at Tier 1. [7566] blakzack: Of course fucking ads [7566] veganholigan: #otwarteklatki [7567] drewtheremix03: 5 ads [7567] xlepidios: poll [7567] Shanks9911: L adds [7567] trxppazoid8299: L adds [7567] saucin2hard: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [7568] pingbtw0: make facecam smaller [7568] sp27dy: GJHGJ [7568] mattrex_him: LLLL [7568] plutopanthur: I just retrieved my phone from across my .8 acre backyard because of ads [7568] zxourii: CMONNNNNNNNN JYNXII CMONNNNNNN😫 [7568] xxyaser2: 9 ads [7568] ice_king1237: fix cam [7568] ltl_goated: don’t sell my 30 points fatsoh [7568] bigalav: HOLY SHIT WHY SO MANY ADS BUM [7568] xzmillxz: Jynxzi too speed [7568] moelsoen: stompin carried [7569] firehydrant99: l add [7569] floatedsky: plz win I have 10,000 on this [7569] jvance19: 90 ADS BRO WHAT [7569] anuglybrute: fix cam [7569] tehooh: SELLL OUUUT [7569] izzylovezx: I need a sub [7569] KINGB0K0: ads come at the worst time holy [7569] chadleeb: 8ds daddy [7569] agentjoogie: clix better [7569] kuzima750: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [7569] ssttiillrruunniinn: ssttiillrruunniinn subscribed at Tier 1. [7569] Nightbot: Just sub bozo you’ll get no ads, my emotes, double the channel points, and guess what you will also get my beautiful charm that you will never lose, and many more!!!! #subuporshutup [7569] ryan_amador24: !sub [7569] liam3548: Pre first rounded [7569] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [7570] lrthefinessekid: L ad [7570] nerroh27: 7 ad [7570] mattrex_him: LLL [7570] naecrexpz: S [7571] eddiehedge: bing bong [7571] ram_rod617: 100,000 ads [7571] thatonecoolkid12314: face cam [7571] Gcrazy00: Gcrazy00 subscribed at Tier 1. [7571] ltl_goated: don’t sell my 30 points fatso [7571] TibTime: 8 ADS? [7571] himmy_bucketsfan: 82 addsdddsaaaa [7571] tyweepitch123: CAM TO BUF [7571] xkrispyqx: LLLLLLL [7571] dukenukem1400: Can 2 big [7571] naecrexpz: d [7571] screb22: move ur fucking facecam [7572] hockeyfan__128: daddy juncko [7572] maybfresh: L AD [7572] kaaaan1900000: L ad [7572] jmslapz: !charm [7572] StarzJA: 73 ads !!! WHAT [7572] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [7572] pingbtw0: make face cam smaller [7572] abe1010101: SUB😭😭😭 [7572] mindless_milk: L AD greedy bum [7572] caseisapotatoe: 2 ads is diabolical [7573] tehooh: SELL OUUUTT [7573] naecrexpz: e [7573] venisonfarts: what’s you fav op [7573] adamk551: Ricci stream sniping [7573] ltl_goated: don’t sell my 30 points fatsoh [7573] curseofraaaaa: incoming first picked [7573] ethanval999: tongue punch my fart box [7573] Nightbot: 👀 [7573] SleptOnMort: 12 are [7573] farmtractor6: can u put your facecam smaller [7573] LORDINFAMOUS_36: LORDINFAMOUS_36 subscribed with Prime. [7573] markythe3rde: Ads [7573] mxrrpy: fatty ur bad streamer bully [7574] thegoat_h: gg [7574] LuhDJ4: MAKE SURE HE CLOSED TAB [7574] naecrexpz: s [7574] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [7574] wpbcjj: 8 ads u sorry ass part time bum [7574] daniel07765: js put 2k on yall dont sell me butch [7574] hart_god: 8adds🤬🤬🤬 [7574] phasepickle: Vvg [7574] tyweepitch123: CAM TO BIG [7574] Gxckd: gxckd1k gxckd5k gxckd10k [7574] damien_72_: when is FANMAIL [7574] trxppazoid8299: 10 Adds wow [7574] Bong_Zalo_: mwgz_impulsive3 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! yoo [7575] maybfresh: LL ADD [7575] nizzy_17: cam is too big [7575] clu_Il: W FORTNITE AD [7575] recruit_3: XIM IS ON PULSE [7575] naecrexpz: e [7575] thatonecoolkid12314: can to big [7575] liam3548: Pre first rounded LUL [7575] tfdjdawg: Pre L [7576] twizzy_frank: jynxziGG [7576] ltl_goated: don’t sell my 30 points fatso [7576] TowardsNate: smg 12 was stompn idiot [7576] XYXDEMON: FACE CM [7576] sharpielover123: jynxziHappy [7576] claez__03: just bet 500 on you and stompn with my friend you got this [7576] itssschuckyyy: wtf [7576] iroGD_: WE DO THIS SHIT FOR OUR MOMMA AND OUR LIL BRUDDAS TOO [7576] tehooh: SELLLOUUUTTT [7576] xxnevatakelzxx999: L ad [7577] hope_0297: !description [7577] blockybakon: minute long ad bro [7577] osmnxx: DONT SELL jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [7577] drmonkeeman10: FACECAM TO BIG [7577] dukenukem1400: Cam 2 big fat twat [7577] abe1010101: SUB😭😭😭😭😭😭 [7577] liam3548: Pre first rounded LUL [7577] heynept4ne: !link [7577] himmy_2010: can you zoom out a bit on your face cam please [7577] kidbootheking: poll? [7577] eddiehedge: bing [7577] Nightbot: @heynept4ne If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [7577] JUNKo00000000: only 4 ads [7578] jimdaewong: What's the game? [7578] pingbtw0: make face am smaller [7578] ltl_goated: don’t sell my 30 points fatsoh [7578] 123timmeh: so many adds bro wtf [7578] xkrispyqx: L [7578] maybfresh: L ADDDDD [7579] asydbc: LOCK IT IN [7579] king_najarvez: they're buck and ace [7579] Tosi13: AADSSSSS SHIDDY ADDS [7579] xxnevatakelzxx999: L Ad [7579] lrthefinessekid: L addddds [7579] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [7579] XYXDEMON: CAM BIG [7579] ice_king1237: 7 ads L [7579] ttv_doopay: L ad [7579] damien_72_: Kia waiting [7580] jvance19: I HAVE 58 ADS [7580] spiderpxg: OFC ADS L BILLIONAIRE [7580] threetrixmafia: L FUCKING ADS BRUH [7580] naecrexpz: w [7580] zenmxo: CAM TOO BIG [7580] solllars: NI [7580] tehooh: SEEELLL OUTTT [7580] b312noblesixx: RICCO IS IN VIEWER LIST [7580] TowardsNate: smg 12 was stompgoat [7580] wildchild19191313: Hi [7580] abe1010101: SUB😭😭😭 [7581] wyattkirby_: 8 ads [7581] maybfresh: L AD [7581] 00_damo: 7 ads you gotta be fucking me [7581] twinnkleglitterr: whyyyy adds [7581] gumbogoooo: 20 ADS [7581] xtimthird: yoooo [7582] liam3548: Pre first rounded LUL [7582] clayyt1234: #stream, sniping [7582] boaatss: MOVE FACE CAL [7582] lrthefinessekid: l [7582] kaeden8803: kaeden8803 subscribed at Tier 1. [7582] solllars: a [7582] XYXDEMON: FACE CAM [7583] TheRealAtteug: When's fanmail [7583] lucasis1514: should have banned Deimos [7583] scarycalf112902: caseohLockincaseoh caseohLockincaseoh [7583] abe1010101: SUB😭😭😭😭😭😭 [7583] twizzy_frank: jynxziGRIDDY [7583] 2ndbae: My ad was 30 seconds but im still mad [7583] ryanhawk27: jynxziBuena [7583] pingbtw0: make face cam smaller [7583] xpecthaven: !ads [7583] lukemahomie: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [7583] solllars: gr [7583] Nightbot: !sub for the jynxzi charm, no ads and a fire ass badge beside your name jynxziHappy Sub right here—> https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [7584] liam3548: Pre first rounded LUL [7584] lrthefinessekid: L [7584] tehooh: SELLL OUUYYY [7584] im_like_that6: 9ADS [7584] cm985__: 10 SETS OF GLAZZING STOMPN [7585] ice_king1237: 7 afs [7585] abe1010101: SUB😭😭😭 [7585] brian77898: hi I subed now I have charm [7585] spin4myblock: Dont sell my 30 [7585] zenmxo: CAM IS TOO BIG [7585] Yuh_BoiYee: 8 MF ADS BRO [7585] liam3548: Pre first rounded LUL [7585] elder_crispy: jynxziFAT jynxziGoodAim jynxziFAT jynxziGoodAim jynxziFAT jynxziGoodAim jynxziFAT jynxziGoodAim jynxziFAT jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziFAT jynxziGoodAim [7585] trxppazoid8299: L adds [7585] casohisagyat: l [7586] btajhitt: SSG Bundlea W [7586] Nightbot: say hello to Space Station Junko jynxziGLASSES [7586] mattrex_him: SOMONE NUT ON ME [7586] b312noblesixx: RICCI IS IN STREAM [7586] chunguswitfungus27: Ladds [7586] dark_woif: Your gonna win this sh*t bro [7586] bennett5633: 9 ads [7587] aidenhasatight_muff: 🤟🏿 [7587] jishott20: !time [7587] liam3548: Pre first rounded LUL [7587] tehooh: L ADSSSS [7587] Yuh_BoiYee: 8 MF ADS BRUH [7587] abe1010101: SUB😭😭😭😭😭😭 [7588] shru1n: 14 ADS!!!! [7588] NsH_d: @ricc [7588] 2realroy: 365, 24 hour ads WTF FATASS [7588] sandy_sir: W [7588] ocracoke12: THERE TRYING TO HIDE IT, THEY BANNED IT [7588] RetiredQB7: FACECAM SUPER BIG BRO [7588] liam3548: Pre first rounded LUL [7588] radish711: radish711 subscribed with Prime. [7588] ramzaalt: !ppsize [7588] firehydrant99: dear Hynix your my favorite part timer [7588] jisoey13: jisoey13 subscribed at Tier 1. [7588] latteuser: lock it in chump. [7589] chefclipzz: Junko i have 8 adds [7589] Cheroh: jynxziFAT_TK [7589] rijad123_toxic: 7 adsss [7589] sandy_sir: WWWW [7589] yo_yo_hi: 8 ads [7589] Nightbot: ramzaalt has a 9 incher [7589] themostamazinq: 70 ads [7589] abe1010101: SUB😭😭😭 [7590] quadwar: !sub [7590] sharpielover123: jynxziWTF jynxziRage jynxziSad jynxziHappy jynxziCharizard jynxziVapeBreak [7590] ryan_amador24: yo [7590] plutopanthur: face cam too loud [7590] liam3548: Pre first rounded LUL [7590] pingbtw0: smaller face cam [7590] fusevariants: 800000 adds [7590] TheNamelsEcho: @hivise [7590] zenmxo: CAM TOO BIG [7590] austin172: jynxziFAT jynxziBadAim jynxziFAT jynxziBadAim jynxziFAT [7590] im_like_that6: ADS [7590] ice_king1237: 7 ads [7591] jloaddn: jloaddn subscribed at Tier 1. [7591] drxco111: jynxziVapeBreak [7591] rowdog: STOMPN REALLY GOT THAT NERD ASS VOICE [7591] mxrrpy: Mr fatso bad streamer 8 adds brotato chip [7591] cool_bit_trip: i love you junky [7591] chris_creek: nutting [7591] nomidusernames: L AD [7591] abe1010101: SUB😭😭😭😭😭 [7591] tehooh: LLLLLLLL AAADDSSSS [7591] 1frxd: 24 ads I’m done [7591] hezyfied: m [7591] liam3548: Pre first rounded LUL [7591] alex05515: wtf is these ads [7592] aidenhasatight_muff: 🤟🏿🤟🏿🤟🏿🤟🏿🤟🏿🤟🏿🤟🏿 [7592] mezzdup_bun: GG [7592] dbdgameer: what would kentrell do [7592] bcngocat: IMAGINE GETTING ADS [7593] samsnelling: cam [7593] bender_newman13: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL [7593] cavecase: smaller face can [7593] naecrexpz: pre end [7593] buntyboy27: bro [7594] Bollocked: CCAAAM TOO OBIGGGG [7594] itssschuckyyy: aye [7594] teewhyslaygel: pause [7594] tehooh: LLLLLLL [7594] liam3548: Pre first rounded LUL [7594] lilpatsantv: Ad Break.. [7594] SomberTTV: 5 ads [7594] mxrrpy: jajjsjsjs [7594] 2AMBatman123: 4 ADSSSSSS# [7595] skyteiswashed: wwwww [7595] Max_castroisnotfat: predictionstill live [7595] nickeh2478: Cam is a little big [7595] peacexoom_: bor this ad long asf [7595] ltl_goated: seller [7595] lazzyturtle1: who tf plays ads during the match [7595] coleissussybaka: imagine having ads [7595] rbsmilk13: @itsyaboylalo are you subbed? [7596] rijad123_toxic: 7 adsssssssss [7596] Cheroh: jynxziFAT_TK jynxziFAT_TK jynxziFAT_TK jynxziFAT_TK [7596] crago_joelle: ads can’t hear you ruined first round [7596] fl3xgam3r: Jynxi u got ppl n chat shipping u in his chat [7596] liam3548: Pre first rounded LUL [7596] wrizzrex: www [7597] xUziAura: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL [7597] el_qc1234: 7ads💀💀💀 [7597] r0ckyy199: bro just ran 6 ads. [7597] strikeskuly: jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES [7597] boaatss: MOVE FACECAM PLEASEDE [7597] iluvsmileyz: yessssss [7597] tehooh: LLLLLLLLLLLLLL [7597] plutopanthur: FACE CAM TOO LOUD [7597] twinnkleglitterr: of course val adds [7597] abramm00o: facecame too big [7597] k00lk1dplayz: Bro why 5 [7598] iroGD_: WE DO THIS SHIT FOR OUR MOMMAS AND OUR LIL BRUDDAS TOOWE DO THIS SHIT FOR OUR MOMMAS AND OUR LIL BRUDDAS TOO [7598] ItzDrippi: 7 ads bro no shot [7598] tmflouis: y [7598] Xzpdey: !points [7599] StreamElements: @Xzpdey Xzpdey has 25470 points and is rank 5581/1704668 on the leaderboard. [7599] RageDaaGreat: WW ADS [7599] LessCLB: LessCLB subscribed with Prime. [7599] pumpinTHEbutter: 9 ads see ya in round 7 [7599] MikeGal24: ad is the WHOLE ROUND [7600] certifiedbaggetter: how to prime sub [7600] treyda1k: U got a .3 kd [7600] asydbc: jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH [7600] luckyboii9999: WWWWWWWW [7600] doger6god: goood aim [7600] fusevariants: L addd [7600] F1amxzy_: wwww [7600] hizennnn: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [7601] xkrispyqx: dumb ass add [7601] ssnjoker1: sub! [7601] imgoinginsane46: Fat [7601] lay_melonz: LMAO WTF XIM DOIN [7601] veganholigan: #sindiscursodeodio [7601] osmnxx: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [7602] ttv_doopay: so xim and ricci r abt to dick them down on some gangsta shit [7602] Whop1e: !link [7602] 251kaiden: poll? [7602] abramm00o: facecam too big [7602] iluvsmileyz: L bully [7602] liam3548: Pre first rounded LUL [7602] shivermetimbers15: SLAMMMED [7602] Nightbot: @ocracoke12 -> You wanna dance? [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [7602] tehooh: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL [7602] arcsonr6: L 666 adds [7602] andrew1dickpounder: omg long ass ad [7602] algregg01: 8 ads 😟 [7602] shep_007: L [7602] Pugzzz_18: 7 add [7603] dsa_aqua: What is this [7603] at_eletric: MCD ADS [7603] Max_castroisnotfat: PREDICTIOOOOOOOOOOOOON [7603] chefkochfriends: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [7603] Dallas00_: WWWWWW [7603] jhodge81stream: WWWWW [7603] Maedr4: @riccifps [7603] lukemahomie: wwwwww [7603] deronkingz: 5 ads for fatass to lose [7603] duckbw10: l [7603] p4ssw0rdl0s3r: If Jynxi and Stompn lose then this ain't real [7604] tucan_cam: 9 ads bro [7604] rief63: just got stuck in a year of ads [7604] Xecnc_cv09: 6 ads 😔😔😔 [7604] kinda_dead_l: W [7604] alex05515: ads [7604] Nightbot: Just sub bozo you’ll get no ads, my emotes, double the channel points, and guess what you will also get my beautiful charm that you will never lose, and many more!!!! #subuporshutup [7604] gketrekt: cam to big [7604] yolin____: p [7604] snailmanthirteeN: GOOD AIM [7604] OriginalRendo: lol 20 ads, what a joke of a streamer. thank god your falling off [7604] tehooh: LLLLLLLLLLL [7604] bigdrillathug: wwww [7604] iluvvJuanito: iluvvJuanito subscribed at Tier 1. [7604] corrupted234: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [7605] Nightbot: 😂 [7605] yes_brooo123: wwwww [7605] liam3548: Pre first rounded LUL [7605] Dallas00_: WAWW [7605] bigochungo1: 3/7 [7605] diegosaldanagames: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [7605] boaatss: MOVE YOUR FACECAM [7605] oimps: does jynxi like death note [7605] camden_stark: wwwwww [7605] buntyboy27: 6 ads [7606] arcsonr6: L 666 ads [7606] venisonfarts: ww [7606] lazzyturtle1: like wtf play the ads during the lobby area [7606] joplinese: !sub [7607] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [7607] felixgoat1: 10000000000000000000 ads [7607] Inconspicuous_Bee: !link [7607] jaytoosweezy: L ad [7607] ice_king1237: bad aim [7607] r74756: MAKE CAM SMALLER [7607] Man808: 9 ads [7607] chris_creek: im aboutta nut [7608] Bollocked: CAM TOOO BIGGG [7608] xUziAura: LLLLLLLLLLLLL [7608] nizzy_17: cam is too big [7608] Saar1kk0: gurr aim [7608] fl3xgam3r: L chat [7608] corrupted234: W W W W W W [7608] veganholigan: niebiescy 400 [7608] jaytoosweezy: fat [7609] sleepyblunt: sleepyblunt subscribed at Tier 1. [7609] JUNKo00000000: biggest part time of the year [7609] arcsonr6: L 666 a [7609] tehooh: LLLLLLLL [7609] kinoth_: lol [7609] bustcuff: Thanks for the ads daddy king kynxiThanks for the ads daddy king kynxiThanks for the ads daddy king kynxiThanks for the ads daddy king kynxi [7609] caseoh_is_small: wow ads [7609] zacsargeant103495: yeah they have won [7609] ajsimm0ns: GOOD AIMMM [7609] sandavol: w ads [7609] corrupted234: W [7609] joshpisag: WWWWW [7610] osmnxx: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [7610] Bollocked: CAM TOOOO BIG [7610] homunculousry: cam too big fatass [7610] kyitzz: I LOVE YOUR CONTENT JYNXI [7610] OvertimeEJ: POLE [7611] iroGD_: WE DO THIS SHIT FOR OUR MOMMAS AND OUR LIL BRUDDAS TOO [7611] chris_creek: nutting now [7611] ice_king1237: 8 ads [7611] caolaann: caolaann subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! [7611] FinnaButtChugg: yo nice ads asshole [7611] felixgoat1: 1000000000000000000000000 ads [7611] 2ndbae: facts [7611] jaytoosweezy: L ad fat [7611] arcsonr6: L 666 ad [7611] iluvsmileyz: L [7612] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [7612] algregg01: 🐢🐢🐢🐢 [7612] corrupted234: W W [7612] WinstonFinnegan: W callouts [7612] camden_stark: WWWWWWWW [7612] thenotoriousrat1: L add [7613] xkrispyqx: this is why ricci is better [7613] tehooh: LLLLLLL [7613] Dallas00_: BOZO XIM [7613] mini_tttpig: Adds [7613] InfiniteAnarchy: w [7613] asydbc: jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY jynxziGRIDDY [7613] andrew1dickpounder: omfg [7613] runing_bee: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [7613] sonotreal: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [7614] Mhnkey: 7 ads is crazy [7614] jakeluvsnick30: 9 ads [7614] jj_2shiesty: why are you stream sniping [7614] monkeymidget96: JUST GOT AN AD THAT WAS 3 MINUT4S LONG [7615] davidsamy_7: endddddd press [7615] ajm380: jynxziClown [7615] xx_allonsy_xx: good coms [7615] tehooh: LLLLLLLLLLLL [7615] sonotreal: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [7615] wasdi532: BIG CAM [7615] Gamingclipsfaith: AH 2 EZ XIM [7615] AyooTayy_: FIX CAMM [7616] Nightbot: too easy [7616] zevinjuarez00: 🥷🥷 8 adds no skip is crazy [7616] gketrekt: cam to bigg [7616] rizzyredoyb_r6: 🌺🌺🌺🌺 [7616] soulzthegoat: going up stairs [7616] Szep: yall got ads? [7616] arcsonr6: L 666 addss [7616] mikevenneman: !sub [7617] Nicklebags: Nicklebags subscribed at Tier 1. [7617] xUziAura: W [7617] lukemahomie: wwwww [7617] Bollocked: CAAAAAMMM [7617] OvertimeEJ: MODS POLE [7617] madara_hash: Passion right here [7617] sandmanman_: @stompgoat [7618] drmonkeeman10: NO CONTENT [7618] rizzyredoyb_r6: 🌺🌺 [7618] bazitical: d [7618] Man808: 9ads [7618] ayeitsamritlol: noooooooo [7618] tehooh: LLLLLLLLL [7619] qghliqdsa: L [7619] rnkfeyk: cammmm to mid [7619] iroGD_: SHITTY AIM [7619] bustcuff: Thanks for the ads daddy king kynxiThanks for the ads daddy king kynxi [7619] pocketpengun: W [7619] FinnaButtChugg: douchebag ads man [7619] spankmuffin01: FAKE AHH FRIEND XIMM, HE RUNS WITH CLICKS. KID WAS TALKING SHIT [7620] maybfresh: EZZZZ [7620] good_ole_dave: good_ole_dave subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! [7620] kinoth_: gooo [7620] davidsamy_7: modssss end pred [7620] 1and14chunko: ads [7620] arcsonr6: L 666 ads [7620] mooseo_o: ,kiuhp98hpiuioklnmioknklnkjlnnjnjnjjknkjnkjjnknjkjnnjnnjjnknjknnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnkjnkjn [7620] JaBaby224: L [7621] markysharky1289: you are daddy [7621] soulzthegoat: drooneing [7621] homunculousry: Smallest jynxi cam [7621] markythe3rde: 8 ads [7621] chadleeb: treyway [7621] hope_0297: W [7621] bigdrillathug: WWWWWWWW [7621] bazitical: dd [7621] darkcyclecd: W [7621] IzZzZzZzl: 12 ads is crazy 💀 [7621] jbelieve20: best of 3 [7622] yungKIBE: double ricci angle [7622] sonnyD_24_hi: jynxziChampion [7622] xkrispyqx: L [7622] peppar34: CAM TO BIG [7623] liam3548: XIM PepeLaugh [7623] hzzzqq: L ad fatty [7623] iluvsmileyz: bad aim [7623] el_chrispy_one: LOCK IN KINGGGGGG [7623] arcsonr6: L 666 a [7623] bulkthejuicy: LMAO BRO STOMPN SOUNDS LIKE THE NERD EMOJI [7623] soulzthegoat: drone [7624] Fossabot: Prediction Locked! 🔒 👀 - the choice with most wagered points is 'Jynxzi & Stompn' with 99542764 points out of 183693143 points total. Good luck! [7624] maybfresh: EZZZZZ [7624] nicobooomin: holy roadhouse brainrot ads [7624] b4tf4ng1439: bro puts the glaze on stompns donut [7624] fallou951: L 999 ad [7624] rvmbbo: rambo__559 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months! [7624] Frymaster420: jynxziBuena [7624] grub954: my busssy [7625] 101altacc: www [7625] arcsonr6: L 666 ad [7625] k_flo14: TOO BIG CAM [7626] hockeystar81953: !LINK [7626] drxco111: jynxziVapeBreak [7626] Nightbot: @hockeystar81953 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [7626] dr0pt0pheadsh0t: 43 ads [7626] m1xzl0: PRE END [7626] ATKPixc_: L streamsnipe [7626] qtVEIN: MODS ENDR PREDICTIOn [7626] SIimmylive: cam too big fatty [7627] Rogkirk: facecam too fat [7627] brendanxx7: you should play Doctor Disrespect [7627] pingbtw0: make the face cam smaller [7627] official_ajl: official_ajl subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! [7627] iluvsmileyz: to your left [7627] hzzzqq: Fat [7627] Yuh_BoiYee: 8 ads is acc crazy [7627] asydbc: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [7627] liam3548: XIM PepeLaugh [7628] lIlIllIx: shiddy aim [7628] rileynolan22: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [7628] strixy_lol: Shotgun cruch [7629] tehooh: 666 ads is crazy [7629] gketrekt: cam to big [7629] algregg01: HOWS THE MILK [7629] bazitical: d [7629] lvllvl: u ass [7629] buntyboy27: fat ass [7629] testiccleticcler: 8 ads KEKW [7629] dragon2164: cam to big [7629] arcsonr6: L 666 adds [7630] davidsamy_7: close predssssssss [7630] Kenessi4: 12 adsss [7630] mooseo_o: FATSO [7630] bustcuff: Thanks for the ads daddy king kynxiThanks for the ads daddy king kynxiThanks for the ads daddy king kynxi [7630] nbalocoo: FACECAM TOO GOOFY [7630] SGJonathan_: SGJonathan_ subscribed at Tier 1. [7630] Max_castroisnotfat: i only ever get one ad [7630] colinclearyyy: meopmw [7630] donkeylauncher: doc [7630] karl76m4: damn xim is 5”5 that’s crazy [7630] IzZzZzZzl: L 24236789 ads [7630] rileynolan22: jynxziGoodAim [7630] 2ndbae: I need you to lock in my boy [7630] dcjonah12: WWWWWW AD BLOCKR!!!! [7630] piecectrlshaq: fix cam [7631] shivermetimbers15: stompn has aura [7631] kz139911: L 12 ads [7631] pqnthrrr: pqnthrrr subscribed at Tier 1. [7631] djjustinmaster110: 6 ads is fucking crazy [7631] allgaeuerkuh: chill y’all won defense [7631] rocodhadra: 400 ADS IS CRAZY [7631] demoncj22: got ads really [7631] waterypanda: camera too big [7632] kaaosmato: I GOT 37 ADS WTF JUNKP [7632] jaythedon1234: complaining abt ads just sub😭 [7632] cloochious: CAM [7632] xtralovesfifa: L ad [7632] colinclearyyy: d [7632] Fossabot: @epicgamerepic223, Your message is too long [7632] teewhyslaygel: who won [7633] mini_tttpig: 6 adds [7633] noobslayyerrr: goofy ahhh [7633] gketrekt: cam to bigfgg [7633] dogbook_esq: face cam bigger than xim’s ego [7633] m1xzl0: Pre enf [7633] iluvsmileyz: in the cieling [7633] HardoJackieMoon: SEPTUM COLLAPSING :/ [7633] Maedr4: CAM TOO BIG [7634] Bollocked: CAMM TO BIG [7634] ayooo_dannie: PART TIMEE [7634] lowercasesammy: Cam too perfect [7634] nizzy_17: cam is too bif [7634] rijinmanz1: ez drone pwn [7634] codein3cowboy: aayyyoooo [7634] nicobooomin: ofc gambling ads [7634] Nicolita_PR: HIS BIG ASS HEAD IN THE WAY LOL [7635] piecectrlshaq: fix camf [7635] baptizedjynxzi: what game is this ? [7635] yungKIBE: the double ricci angle [7635] trh_8: How do i get junko charm [7635] homunculousry: CAMMMMMMMMMMM TOOOOOOOOO BIGGGGGGG FATKOOOOOOO [7635] escxv: double rici angle [7635] gketrekt: cam to big [7635] jordynisawesome12: !sub [7636] ro_bbo_123: HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys [7636] ferni_juega: L MONEYGRABER [7636] thexanthosis: SON THEM [7636] coco01010101928: lol [7636] Big_j679: rather watch paint dry [7636] k_flo14: FIX CAM [7636] creamyzanchez: cam [7636] justin_cooke: MAKE CAM SMALLER [7636] Nightbot: 😂 [7636] colinclearyyy: ddd [7637] negzero_: NEW HAEDSET? [7637] 0onsk_: 6 ads wtf [7637] Jlando12: Jlando12 subscribed with Prime. [7637] piecectrlshaq: fix cam [7637] sl4shjayyy_: LOCK INNNNNNNN [7637] m1xzl0: Pre end fat [7637] Bollocked: CAM TO BIG FAM [7638] betaaboii: Lad [7638] ayooo_dannie: PART TIMER [7638] gketrekt: cam to bigf [7638] Jamo_y0: 🫡 [7638] spankmuffin01: XIMM THE FAKEST KID [7638] makuzayama: Wwwwwwwww [7638] piecectrlshaq: cam big [7638] sandy_sir: W [7639] bustcuff: 300 more [7639] creamyzanchez: can [7639] pingbtw0: MAKE FACECAM SMALLER [7639] crago_joelle: ads can’t hear you ruined first round [7639] Nightbot: Just sub bozo you’ll get no ads, my emotes, double the channel points, and guess what you will also get my beautiful charm that you will never lose, and many more!!!! #subuporshutup [7639] cravengo1: SMALLER FACE CAM [7639] nizzy_17: cam is too big [7639] sandy_sir: WWW [7640] copyright4941: whens the 2v2 [7640] snabla_tomat: adds [7640] ssnjoker1: !sub [7640] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [7640] gketrekt: cam to big [7640] el_chrispy_one: LOCK IN KING [7640] icyivory: def taking a shit@💩 [7640] piecectrlshaq: fix camm [7640] dragon2164: cam to biggg [7640] anonymous3481: anonymous3481 subscribed at Tier 1. [7640] justin_cooke: CAM SMALLER [7641] blakedaboi: HUH [7641] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀 [7641] shivermetimbers15: STOMPNS AURA IS CRAZY [7641] plumpsklopeter: !charm [7641] stiffmastero1: did he say what happened yesterday? [7641] donkeylauncher: drdisrespect [7641] relyonis0: 8 adds is insane [7641] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [7641] cryptictitan_7178: long ass ads [7641] ocracoke12: 🔺👁️ [7641] buntyboy27: L [7641] pqnthrrr: yo [7642] coco01010101928: bro [7642] sandy_sir: 💀💀💀💀 [7642] lukee_sk7: 11 ads ok [7642] btd_d_mag: 47 FUCKING ADS BRO IVE NEVER SEEN THAT MUCHHHH [7642] spankmuffin01: L XIMM [7642] dungflaps: Hey guys! [7642] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [7643] zTOMMM: 8 ads lol [7643] betaaboii: L Ad [7643] sandy_sir: 💀💀 [7643] sotxbrian: Jynxzi loat [7644] ice_king1237: cam too big [7644] ScoobyLukey: facecam [7645] sandy_sir: COMEE ONNN [7645] cr00zy_games: shittry aim!!! [7645] zoetwo83: !link [7645] carson_kenneally: Ohio [7645] crz_freaski: face cam to big [7645] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [7645] spankmuffin01: LXIM [7645] jayonkbm_onkick: zim is stream sniping [7645] SiteFour: blink [7645] Nightbot: mild tourettes (something he can't control.) be nice! [7646] ferni_juega: 14 ADS WHYYUYYYY [7646] milizie123: smaller facecam [7646] waterypanda: fix cam [7646] ayooo_dannie: FAT PART TIMER [7646] Nicolita_PR: HEAD TOO BIG [7646] ro_bbo_123: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [7646] SpankinGamin: tyheeeseee loooong boyy addssss [7646] e3ncodbot: L adds [7647] JaBaby224: w [7647] cryptictitan_7178: 20 ads [7647] bustcuff: 65 left [7648] Mrwetnoodle96: 37 ads. double gulp fuck me [7648] Krome121: Krome121 subscribed at Tier 1. [7648] wywypp420: illuminati [7649] mally_vouge: CAM TO BIGGGG [7649] tentynxi: blink softer [7649] xenod4: addds lklllllll [7650] tehooh: 666 ads is crazyy [7650] armyatwar425lll: !link [7650] voloisreal: Face cam too quiet [7650] spankmuffin01: L XIMM [7650] icyivory: big poops 💩 [7650] pingbtw0: make face cam smaller [7650] arcsonr6: sold soul [7650] creamyzanchez: hivise call ur daddy [7650] kinoth_: !delay [7651] Nightbot: 🤡🫵 [7651] e3ncodbot: L ADDS [7651] weezdog30: w ads [7651] erased690: BLINK BRO [7651] imaperidot: imaperidot subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! you guys got this [7651] bossy2me: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [7652] KeyboardLuke: cam too big [7652] betaaboii: L AD [7652] 518_nolan: pre end [7652] ttfluid: ttfluid subscribed at Tier 1. [7652] curseofraaaaa: waste [7653] nicobooomin: NOSE TO LOUD [7653] chadleeb: make police sam call into sam the killa om om [7654] 247bandit: FACE CAM IS TOO LOUD [7654] e3ncodbot: LL ADDS [7654] q6_zyro: w adds [7654] Yuh_BoiYee: 6 of 8 bois BibleThump [7654] bonkabongs: cam too big [7655] ro_bbo_123: jynxi ye shit [7655] spankmuffin01: FAKE AHH FRIEND XIMM, HE RUNS WITH CLICKS. KID WAS TALKING SHIT [7655] trxppazoid8299: 8 30 second adds is crazy [7655] jayonkbm_onkick: they are trying to ssay u are [7655] xenod4: kill me [7655] zbmillz: CAMMMMMM TOOOOO BIGGGG FAT ASSS [7655] Nicolita_PR: CHAT WAY TO FKN FAST [7655] k_flo14: FIX YOUR CAMERA [7655] Jarroszz: these ads suck [7655] kinda_dead_l: L [7655] hubertthemonkey: @joe [7655] blixxyx_: ronn said call him [7655] notunrealr6: L c4 [7655] qspxt: FANMAIL TIME [7656] nkrainy: nkrainy subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 6 month streak! waaaa [7656] escxv: facecamtobig [7656] B_Ford_: cam is HUGE [7656] ayooo_dannie: STEVE WONT DO IT HEADASS [7656] frayhr: cmonnnn bro [7657] coco01010101928: nooo what happened [7657] mooseo_o: AaDONT SELLLLLLLLLLLLLLL [7657] rijinmanz1: its not a miss its a power play [7657] plutopanthur: BRO if I missed the first round cause of ads IM TOUCHING MYSELF [7657] yotoez_: yotoez_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! [7657] maybfresh: xim died first ofc [7657] bender_newman13: Cam is way too big [7658] curseofraaaaa: why blow it tho? [7658] homunculousry: Fat face too big cumko [7658] GHOSTEEE_23: stompin crutch [7658] chris_creek: 7 ads is crazy [7658] asydbc: KILLEM [7658] nehsty: Say dada [7658] pingbtw0: Cam to big [7658] trh_8: My glorius king [7658] killaboe11: cam is huge [7658] teewhyslaygel: only 88 more ads =D [7658] VictoriaRainReznor: shroudParty shroudParty shroudParty shroudParty shroudParty shroudParty [7658] coco01010101928: lol [7658] SpankinGamin: L AD [7659] nukem715: CAM TOO BIG U ILLUMINATI [7659] makuzayama: Wwwwwww [7659] basmo2: 10 ads wild [7659] cookskii: LETS GO IM BRICKED RN [7659] Statz07: Statz07 subscribed at Tier 1. [7660] escxv: face cam to big [7660] cryptictitan_7178: to many ads [7660] rijinmanz1: its mental [7660] dabpendude: bitch [7660] SiteFour: blink blink blink [7660] ai420: yo [7661] Maedr4: @iloveximm [7661] spankmuffin01: FAKE AHH FRIEND XIMM, HE RUNS WITH CLICKS. KID WAS TALKING SHITt [7661] icyivory: face cam to loud [7661] ayooo_dannie: WHITE SPEED [7661] B_Ford_: MOVE YO HEEEEEAD [7661] coco01010101928: llllllll [7661] Inconspicuous_Bee: !LINK [7662] mastermatias1: mastermatias1 subscribed with Prime. [7662] Nightbot: @Inconspicuous_Bee If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [7662] Tdougy10: fix cam [7662] creamyzanchez: HIVISE CALL UR DADDY FIX CAM [7662] ripTEC999: faideKEKW faideKEKW faideKEKW faideKEKW [7662] ltl_goated: seller [7662] imnot_lilyy: LOLL [7662] unknownsoldier6969: why is face cam so big [7662] voloisreal: eyebrows too loud [7663] xricLIVE: 7 adds is insane [7663] zw301: what is going on with the cops I joined late [7663] tinicos10: Go on main [7664] MedicSly: GUN TOOOO BIGGG itsdrzWeewooblue itsdrzWeewooblue [7664] costdog12: costdog12 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! [7664] fentybox: SMALLER FACE CAM PLEASE [7664] chuskii617: ezzz [7664] mooseo_o: LAMMMMMOOOOOOAOAOAOAOAOOA [7664] grub954: GREEN FN [7664] spankmuffin01: FAKE AHH FRIEND XIMM, HE RUNS WITH CLICKS. KID WAS TALKING SHIT [7664] cookie1210: head to big [7664] shru1n: 14 ads??? [7664] hipnatiz3r: head looks breedable [7664] snailmanthirteeN: selling [7665] ttfluid: hi [7665] Nicolita_PR: WASSUPPPP JYNXZIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [7665] zaicl_: W kill [7665] Man808: L money grabber [7666] bradlovesmaddon: buck and ace [7666] nizzy_17: fix cam [7666] howsthekillcam: Facecam too girthy [7666] Z0MAG: cam too big [7666] YEZTY__: artic [7666] iroGD_: GOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOO [7666] tehooh: LLL ADS [7666] classify12985: bro i got 11 ads [7666] Briinger: back up brother I can see your pores [7666] interloper0: get your big ass head away from me [7667] spin4myblock: L add [7667] p3rky7: p3rky7 subscribed with Prime. [7667] zenmxo: CAM TOO BIG [7667] drmonkeeman10: FACECAM TAKING UP 1/4 SCREEN [7667] creamyzanchez: FIX CAM [7667] dergrosse2: 2c2 me on csgo [7667] maybfresh: CAM TOO BIG [7667] radish711: locked in [7668] yangeekka: LESSSSSGGOOOO [7668] sandy_sir: W [7668] TurboG40: Cam to big [7668] nicobooomin: earthquake caseoh ad [7668] 1Drae: WWWWWWWWWWWW [7669] sandy_sir: WWWWW [7669] k_flo14: FACe CAm TOO Big [7669] ysaitguns: Bitched [7669] mooseo_o: AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA' [7669] weezdog30: L ADDS [7669] GogoProto23: WWWW [7669] bustcuff: i got 65 ads and im watching them all! [7669] cherny05: CAM TOO BIG [7669] wyay: W [7670] MidRollerJ: fix cam [7670] emenicenshadow: midoria_deku0 subscribed at Tier 1. [7670] mezzdup_bun: WTFFFF [7670] wyay: w [7670] kinoth_: W [7670] wyay: w [7670] sandy_sir: WWWW [7670] pantera_221: Bro absolutely shit on xIm bruh [7670] jugganot094: WWWWWW [7670] sl4shjayyy_: WWWWWWWWWWWWW [7670] rflts: WW [7671] xpecthaven: w [7671] 1tsMothy: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [7671] d44rkfire: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [7671] exotiz_3k: what time fan mail [7671] ShawnBay_: why his facecam so big lmfao [7671] 1Drae: WWWWWWWWWWWW [7671] chuskii617: gg [7671] iroGD_: THE RUSSIANS ARE ATTACKING [7671] pingbtw0: MAKE FACECAM SMALLER [7671] Y_SO_SERIOUS_BOO: w [7671] fl3xgam3r: Yo jynxi your chat is selling the bag they calling u out on sim stream [7671] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [7671] sandy_sir: WWWWW [7671] lilballer6996: lilballer6996 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! [7671] darkcyclecd: WWWWWW [7672] zxourii: WWW CMON [7672] ai420: @jynxzi ez bro [7672] maybfresh: WWWWWWWW [7672] derkzz252: !subscribe [7672] xpecthaven: www [7672] cool_bit_trip: W [7672] camgohamfuller: good aim [7672] sandy_sir: WWWW [7672] 1Drae: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [7672] chris_creek: why 7 ads [7672] scarycalf112902: WWWW [7672] GHOSTEEE_23: zach [7672] cwkcreep_real: W CHEERLEADING [7672] wyay: W [7672] denlyvitalz: sell [7673] henkiwi: yo [7673] angelchastity: WWWWW [7673] Y_SO_SERIOUS_BOO: ww [7673] syphon_ac007: Rub stomps shoulders harder.... [7673] yungKIBE: WW [7673] pocketpengun: WWWWWWW [7673] skyteiswashed: let’s gooo [7673] wyay: W [7674] StreamElements: If you're a gamer, you need a Starforge! Snag one -> https://starforgepc.com/Jynxzi [7674] rijinmanz1: X1M POVERTY FRANCHISE [7674] GooseMooz: WWWWWWWWW [7674] danja_tmm: W [7674] zxourii: EZZZZZ [7674] 1Drae: WWW [7674] breeze_yuh: move your fucking cam [7674] 8Pina: FACE CAM TOO BIG [7674] BeardedKorn: Any Oil Gifts? [7674] nukem715: CAM TOO BIG U ILLUMINATI CAM TOO BIG U ILLUMINATI CAM TOO BIG U ILLUMINATI CAM TOO BIG U ILLUMINATI [7674] asm0deus727: W [7674] Jmlgiants: oh yeah [7674] angelchastity: WWWWWWW [7674] deh_1234: WWWWWWW [7674] diegosaldanagames: jynxziFALL [7675] relyonis0: part time streamer adds [7675] mx5a_: WWWWWWWW [7675] wyay: W [7675] chris_creek: no [7675] xpecthaven: wwwww [7675] dbdgameer: what would kentrell do [7675] alh1310: Cam is actually to big [7675] jackkelk7: L [7675] 1Drae: WWWWWWWWWWWWW [7675] sandmanman_: LLLLLLLL [7675] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [7675] anonymous3481: jynxziPACK [7675] asap_vortex_: EZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ [7675] sandy_sir: WWWWW [7675] marie_xm: W [7676] KERQ: W [7676] KeyboardLuke: fix cam [7676] rileynolan22: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [7676] lukemahomie: WWWWWWWWW [7676] bcngocat: WWWWWWWWWW [7676] theredsquirrel69: WWW [7676] Twxgy: 5 ads [7676] wyay: W [7677] axther_cs: WWWWWWWWWWWWW [7677] johnson_jynxzi: WA [7677] cloudyvexx_: W [7677] asydbc: WWWWWWWW [7677] rileynolan22: jynxziGoodAim [7677] nailwind: TEAMWORK [7677] gScxtty: 7 ads is fried beyond belief [7677] tombum12: wwwwwwwww [7677] heartnora: ADS [7677] Jmlgiants: we’re locked [7677] snerxie: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [7677] Nightbot: Just sub bozo you’ll get no ads, my emotes, double the channel points, and guess what you will also get my beautiful charm that you will never lose, and many more!!!! #subuporshutup [7677] marie_xm: WW [7677] guzman7625: cam too big [7677] spunkymunky241: w [7678] cherny05: WWWWWW [7678] etterrx: WW [7678] dark_woif: Nice [7678] sandy_sir: WWWW [7678] bazzoh: WWWWWWWWWWWWW [7678] 1Drae: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [7678] Mutaclopper: ezpz [7678] kyliebernas: WWWWWWWWWW [7678] ajsimm0ns: WWW [7678] markythe3rde: W [7678] johnson_jynxzi: A [7678] Robert_Rage: FACE CAM IS TOO BIG [7678] mally_vouge: CAM TO BIG [7678] axther_cs: WWWWWWWWWWWWW [7678] kinda_dead_l: GOOODA AAAIIIM [7679] spunkymunky241: wwww [7679] stea1thgamer_: WWWWWWWW [7679] maybfresh: WWWWWWWW [7679] camden_stark: SHIDDY AIM [7679] hdt26: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [7679] herbthebau5: 10 minute ads [7680] johnson_jynxzi: W [7680] weezdog30: L ADZ [7680] 2ndbae: Lock in fat [7680] tombum12: wwwww [7680] yrt_tanner: w [7680] k00lk1dplayz: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [7680] spankmuffin01: FAKE AHH FRIEND XIMM, HE RUNS WITH CLICKS. KID WAS TALKING SHIT t [7680] cowboys_2414: Facecam [7680] venisonfarts: www [7680] balicko: cam to big [7680] idtheindescibable: Wwwwww [7680] connor_1256: w chemistery [7680] PlazmaIQ: ezzzz [7680] spartan28256: wwww [7680] 1Drae: WWWWWWWWWW | Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [7500] I'm not gonna look at the floor for a fucking mission. Both of these guys suck, bro, we got this shit. I'm going to do it all game. I'm just gonna be like annoying as fucking trophy. [7510] Yo, Ximus, Ximus is just gonna like crouch walking shit Come on brown lock the fucking yeah, for last time we do be two [7520] Ricky will take the band off him, bro. Plain and simple. Let's go. Pre-Cheer me. Yeah, perfected. It's how to talk to you, bro. Working at Trolls. [7530] It's over, I'm telling you. Damn, that's a fucking fucking thing. War ain't false! [7540] Five seconds in counting Keep an eye out for our poor attempting to defuse your bomb in the shooting jammer [7550] Trophy is like completely muted off. [7560] They can't even like throwing it. Camera initiate. Shooted over the bottom end door. Doked beast bottom end I think. [7570] Doug, we might be walking up the main stairs. If you shoot a drone, you're not gonna get a kill. Okay, he's a walk-to-master. Fuck that. [7580] He's gonna go out man. Dude, I'm gonna shoot a drone if you can't. It's not your gun, it's not your gun. I need a buck blow my door. [7590] Fuck dad, fuck dad, fuck dad Ah, poor I'm running back to say it Get your run down Run Jack, run! I'm coming up! I'm coming up! I'm coming up! I'm good! Run down, I come up! Run down, I come up! [7600] Just play top white like a play refractor. I put a C4 on default. I put a C4 on default like on games I'm gonna blow up. Just play on shelf. Make sure you don't blow yourself up though. Yeah [7610] Like contact here, brother. Come on, we need this round. We need this round. A fucking huge round, brother. Good shit. [7620] Take care of Terry. I shot one of the other. I'm supposed to feel more comfortable on top of one. [7630] I'm not gonna lie. You're gonna play here then? Yeah, play there, play there. Come on, switch it, switch it. I'm gonna put top white yet. Switch that. If he plants, devolve a bomb up, bro. I'm shooting when you swing. [7640] You're addict doesn't have a room to shoot. Yeah, no, no, you can't come here from out of here I think he's a default [7650] Let me see it, it doesn't matter. A bomb has been located by our floor. Sure, I thought it was close. I'll tell you what. [7660] abundance [7670] Go back! Come on! No! Look how we play that shit. What can you do? I rotated so perfectly good. I heard they could get on my drone and just full sprinted into an armory. What's up? | There is no Highlight in the provided timespan. They start their first 2v2 R6 round. Jynxzi wins the first round with 2 kills. The timeframe ends with the start of the second round where Jnyxzi dies immediately |
Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [8500] asydbc: Cheer100 [8500] Franklin: StompGoat [8501] diesenpai_: SHEEESH [8501] 2jzbandit: wwwwwww [8501] aphexshadow: OP NERF HIM [8501] mythicghosst: holy shit [8501] jimmmaa: W TEAM [8501] synxgg: STOMPMMMMM [8501] 1Drae: WWWWWWWWWWWW [8501] FaZeYumi: 🐐🐐🐐🐐 [8501] TheRealYaBoyLilSib: wwwww [8501] VyseM4H: W Script [8501] uncasualcrusader57: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [8501] deadmex1can: STOMPGOAT [8501] m_dante: carried [8501] bubby149: WWW [8501] soulzthegoat: pom pom [8502] palen5: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [8502] yyZlapX: W [8502] chefkochfriends: CARRIED FIREE [8502] zeke_xy: holy sbit [8502] crooked_osu: WTF [8502] 9_volt55555: www [8502] dillonwoodley: W [8502] pizzadino_: STOMPN GOAT [8502] darkwave08: no one cares if he gets carried shut the fuck up [8502] PhoenixChicken3: stomp is so good [8502] NFFe4rr: wwwwwwwww [8502] StreamElements: itz_nicklol has spent 10 hours 40 mins watching jynxzi [8502] Ayzorax: get your pom poms [8502] Nightbot: i was crazy once [8502] Franklin: StompGoat [8503] Franklin: StompGoat [8504] undertaker_233: WWWWW [8504] pharoztv: WWWWWWW [8504] tbfluidz: WWWWW [8504] cceporta: nasty [8504] abyssaldreamsss: stompgKing jynxziSmoke [8504] bigmama665: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [8504] randhtz29: WWW [8504] rflts: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [8504] MrSpringLOL1: wwwwwwwwwwwwww [8504] BigNasty280: LETS FUCKING GO [8504] KruvIsusov: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8504] trulygil3: slammed [8504] antivax_ryan: WWWWWWW [8504] scooptpoop: stompns nutty yo [8504] fwkso: W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W [8505] dasupalama1: WWWWWWWWWWWW [8505] g1znxn: STOMPGOATTTT [8505] coiko: W STOMPN [8505] xx_allonsy_xx: WWWWWWWW [8505] Ayzorax: POM POMS [8505] b4tf4ng1439: carried [8505] u1trav1ol3t: WWWWW [8505] mohamedali1805: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWww [8505] dusavagebb: WWWWW [8505] bread_054: w [8505] wexdvxt8: WWWW [8505] creamyzanchez: Pom Pom [8505] 0_xFashii: DUBS [8505] guzman7625: GOOATTTTT [8505] Franklin: StompGoat [8506] iamarxmis: iamarxmis subscribed at Tier 1. [8506] Franklin: StompGoat [8507] jynxziyes: W [8507] rileybouchard30: GET STOMPED ON [8507] nwbcc: w [8507] DustBunnykd: WWWWWWWWWWW [8507] 420llk: GOAST [8507] soulzthegoat: pom pomm [8507] xkidunknownx: carried [8507] vlvcidrl: W's [8507] bla2gud: Stomp bababbbbbyyytt [8507] duddydimes: HES SO FUCKING GOOD [8507] shivermetimbers15: GET THE POM POMS [8507] lukejwatt: WWWWW [8507] abuisa25: POMPOMS [8507] ryikz: geez [8507] dgcv_: he’s movement makes me wet [8508] imjusma1: HELL YHHHHH [8508] endraga1: CARRIED [8508] skixyyyy: w zack [8508] embibi__: WWWWWWW [8508] drovght: STOMPN BETTER [8508] bread_054: WWWWWWWWWWWWW [8508] exafiyz: WW [8508] carzyev1234: WWWWWW [8508] dusavagebb: WWW [8508] itznotlogo: nah he’s literally the best ever 😂😂😂 [8508] yungbruhloverr: LOCKED THE FUCK IN [8508] Franklin: StompGoat [8509] Franklin: StompGoat [8510] bryann1029: STOMPNNN [8510] diesenpai_: OM POMS [8510] misterclaritty: POM POMS [8510] rydotgov: stompn is fuckin gross lol [8510] peaqnn: most scripted shi i ever seen [8510] jaytoosweezy: LETS GOOOOOOOOOOO [8510] gh0stfoo: WWWWWW [8510] vizex112: W [8510] maxthedilf: so good [8510] cornell0607: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8510] ghostcat36: next time junko sit on cams [8510] Nightbot: @Memeshitpost -> There's more where that came from. [stop posting links] [warning] [8510] danja_tmm: W [8510] kaazmayne110: STOMPN IS SO GOOD [8510] auxnative2: BROOOO IS SOOO GOOD [8511] jimmmaa: WWWWWW [8511] caseintop: wwwwwww [8511] Franklin: StompGoat [8511] lupito091: T [8512] Franklin: StompGoat [8513] unlogica1: HES LOCKEDDD [8513] c14yy: chear [8513] zyxrty: wwwwwww [8513] mohamedali1805: WWWWWWWWWWW [8513] lukejwatt: W [8513] milone86: bring those pom poms out [8513] junkyjosh2007: CHEERLEADER [8513] Franklin: StompGoat [8513] Jus_rUsT: NIIIIICE [8513] Yuki_4743: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8514] Uxhxrt: StompGoat [8514] joshpisag: goal [8514] lupito091: P [8514] tb_styx: 1-5 💀 [8514] cappalotty: WWWWWWWWW [8514] vxlidz1: WWWWW [8514] ihk88: stomping stompinh [8514] xle4ny: L carried [8514] maxthedilf: w [8514] aphexshadow: NERF STOMPN [8514] DSOBDownPat: L [8514] WikisTikis: MAKING THIS SHIT LOOK TOO EASY [8514] amingpartys: NotLikeThis jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8514] umpulsive113: Wwwwwww [8514] Yuki_4743: jynxziGoodAim [8515] 0_xFashii: WWWWWWWWWWWWW [8515] blakeisasweat: !lift [8515] outsideroutside: jynxziSuprised jynxziSuprised jynxziSuprised jynxziSuprised jynxziSuprised jynxziSuprised [8516] madbman: SLAMMED RICCI [8516] shivermetimbers15: GET THE POM POMS. [8516] tflittlemansky: awwAwAw [8516] luisvitalis: the fing goat [8516] Bdubz_MMIV: Wwwwwwwwwew [8516] ocariello7: stompgoat [8517] Akrapovixx: Stompin is stomping [8517] mikkides1997: oi zack is sick !!!!!!! [8517] toaster_tt: Stompn Carried [8517] zer0_aero: WW [8517] c14yy: cheer [8517] webbbryton17: Wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwswwwwwswwwwwwwwwwwwww [8517] mandooo001_: STOMPGOAT [8517] Yuki_4743: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8517] lolz1235754: Get the cheer leader poftet out [8517] maniiio_: carried [8517] el_chrispy_one: WWWWWWWWWW [8517] tkettel_: why’d you stack up on one door [8517] fortnitefan5607: WWWWWW [8517] Nightbot: no 🧢 [8517] KingDaveDaily: DEFENSE EASY AF TOO COME ONNN [8520] nic0_244556677889: w [8520] PhoenixChicken3: X1m for what🥹🥹🥹 [8520] dinodundee079: Pom poms [8520] bla2gud: Shut up frankiln [8520] amingpartys: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke [8520] lzcrouso: dialed [8520] auxnative2: SOTOMP GOAASWAT [8520] spunkymunky241: stompn is the fuucking best to ever touch the game [8520] mcbergur: WACH [8520] aeoErick: m [8520] dingalingadingdong: cheer harder [8520] mod_me_jynxzi: WWWW [8520] umpulsive113: Wwwwwwwwww [8520] joshpisag: 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤 [8520] t3ch_supp0rtx: gg [8521] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [8521] junkyjosh2007: POM POMS?? [8521] gh0stfoo: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [8521] jesusramirez1414: let’s fuckikg go [8521] outsideroutside: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziBuena jynxziBuena jynxziBuena jynxziBuena [8521] sharkyjuan: ww [8521] brixxxed: Shush [8521] Tukata_: XIM = LOSER LUL XIM = LOSER LUL XIM = LOSER LUL [8521] JashuelSenpai: W STOMP W STOMP [8521] xxjinkce: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 [8521] mythicghosst: carried [8521] lukejwatt: CARRIED [8521] gwebbin: FINAL BOSSS [8521] billis_b69: stomp is goated [8521] kraitzzzz: carried [8522] escxv: !CHARM [8522] ellzzaplayyz: !watchtime [8522] 5_staar: scripted [8522] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [8522] JohnnYcz3: 💙💙💙💙 [8522] papichulo171614: jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES [8522] rileybouchard30: RICCI ERA IS A JOKE [8522] StreamElements: ellzzaplayyz has spent 40 mins watching jynxzi [8523] ashtrologyy: W STOMP [8523] kings0811: @stompgoat falnetWHAT falnetWHAT falnetWHAT falnetWHAT falnetWHAT [8523] qhziii: COME ON BROOO [8523] brixxxed: Shush [8523] ninjamasterjaden: Carried [8523] dumbdoc1227: Stompgoat [8523] amingpartys: jynxziSmoke [8524] xeqly: W STOMP [8524] zer0_aero: SLAMED [8524] kyselina_vinna: loser loser [8524] fl4uuw: !watchtime [8524] manaphyonfire: lets go [8524] demoncombo0: GOOD AIM [8524] jy3zr: easy money [8524] StreamElements: fl4uuw has spent 1 day 3 hours watching jynxzi [8524] ragepotionn: stomp is insane bro [8524] Bdubz_MMIV: ah too ez [8524] imsoloninja: !link [8524] joshpisag: 😱😱😱😱😱😱 [8524] denzowenzo: he’s too good [8524] Nightbot: too easy [8524] Nightbot: @imsoloninja If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [8525] t1gunther: daddy stompin [8525] Angelpresence: stompin going off rn [8525] spunkymunky241: cheer harder [8525] Y_SO_SERIOUS_BOO: STOMPGOAT [8525] PhoenixChicken3: cmon xim [8525] luivbag: 70k down the drain [8525] Captain_Clout1: They both beat you 1v1 [8525] Tudvz: stomp era [8525] zxourii: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [8525] LeoXG72: YESSSSSSSS [8525] Cooljmck01: WWWWW [8525] el_chrispy_one: LOCK IN KINGGGGGGGG [8525] tflittlemansky: w [8525] miike153: the goat [8526] JJBreezzy: W DUO [8526] moiisessc: pom poms [8526] naterudd18: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8526] kroos1889: some crazy view bots [8526] ferrous_cookie1: WWWWWWWW [8526] antiwyatt: espn posted you on tik tok [8526] herostratoslol: is stompn a streamer also? [8526] RageDaaGreat: WWWWWWWWWW [8526] xxjinkce: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [8526] notkollin2: 100K [8526] nattekontgat: !watchtime [8527] aidanishere09: L carried [8527] SIGOMOND: ez ww [8527] ymshayy: stompn cronus? [8527] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [8527] StreamElements: nattekontgat has spent 15 hours 10 mins watching jynxzi [8527] fkplive: what the heck [8527] outsideroutside: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [8527] kraitzzzz: carried baldy [8527] F1amxzy_: wwww [8527] NotHaz3: @Franklin the glazing every round is crazy [8527] RageDaaGreat: W [8527] mr_butternips69: use the po poms [8527] xeqly: STOMP THE BEST [8528] justkillmenowlol: Thanks 4 the points! [8528] kareemhefny090: just plant [8528] tflittlemansky: ww [8528] icecubeawe: GOATED [8528] demoncombo0: GOGOGOGO [8528] luivbag: fuck the villains [8528] deezay123: ZAAAAAACCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHHH [8528] mandooo001_: MY GLORIOUS KING [8528] exhaustedslothh: POM PONS [8528] imjusma1: IMA EAT YO BUTT [8528] TheDovahKenz: XIM 1 KILL [8528] JJBreezzy: W W W DUO [8528] jaxieisthebest: !gamble 500 [8528] sickmagician802: W [8528] bla2gud: Look drop n go [8529] rdelite23: stompgoat‼️ [8529] ILikeChowFun: LETS GOOOOOOOOOO [8529] chaseontopp: XIM IS ASS [8529] asydbc: JYNXZI IS BACK [8529] tflittlemansky: WWWWWW [8529] crazyhead505: Easy 3p2k [8529] antiwyatt: espn posted you [8529] ninjamasterjaden: Carry [8529] pgoochay: shoulda woulda coulda [8530] vvverybaddddd: W duo [8530] snug_base: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8530] cornell0607: W STOMPN [8530] crkding: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [8530] amingpartys: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [8530] PhoenixChicken3: I thought u we’re a god [8530] user2sad6942: Wwww [8530] Junko_Oh: !watchtime [8530] danktank3231: XIM PACK XIM PACK XIM PACK [8530] bukrger: REAL [8530] JJBreezzy: W DUO [8530] umpulsive113: Wwwwwwwww [8531] Nightbot: real [8531] StreamElements: Junko_Oh has spent 3 days 15 hours watching jynxzi [8531] demoncombo0: TwitchVotes TwitchVotes TwitchVotes [8531] xslayn2162: !points [8531] SIGOMOND: ez w [8531] StreamElements: @xslayn2162 xslayn2162 has 2060 points and is rank 230306/1708236 on the leaderboard. [8531] Fc450Murda: W STOMP [8531] xRivk: 2v1 [8531] lukejwatt: CARRIED [8531] CaptnCreditCard: W cheerleader [8531] huntersinnamon: yapping [8532] kamille_m1: LOCKED THE FUCK INNNNNNNNN [8532] darkwave08: we want a WIN lets go Brother [8532] joshpisag: 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭goalsss [8532] joey2litem: cam to bi [8532] kings0811: @stompgoat falnetWHAT falnetWHAT falnetWHAT [8532] exhaustedslothh: POM POMS [8532] auroz__: CHOKE ME!!!!!!!!!!!! [8532] onkingdaveo: L xim [8532] t1potatiii: !watchtime [8532] escxv: !link [8532] chris_creek: W Jynxzi [8532] cskibby: 100KKKK [8532] spiceinf: IQ OVER SKILL [8532] yahcty: yahcty subscribed with Prime. [8532] StreamElements: t1potatiii has spent 0 secs watching jynxzi [8533] 9z_Gerson: waiting for ur downfall [8533] uhhnexuz: shut up [8533] rocodhadra: CHAT HOW MUCH THEY WAGER? [8533] JJBreezzy: WWW DUO [8533] dusavagebb: This duo goes crazy [8533] antiwyatt: espn posted uou bro [8533] hopefulthinkin: RICCI ERA OVER [8533] asianpersuaded: GOORRRRAIMMMM [8533] flexynos: L BULLLLY [8533] Nightbot: 👀 [8533] tinkletubson: WHAT HAPPEND LAST STREAM [8533] rbsmilk13: @itsyaboylalo type in chat bro [8534] shockzz52929: AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [8534] rfcbarry123: ! watchtime [8534] 2jzbandit: pamajW pamajW pamajW pamajW pamajW pamajW [8534] umpulsive113: Wwwwwwww [8534] flynn_a2: W [8534] PESTFordy3: w [8534] tkettel_: nice [8534] officalwem: get the Pom poms [8534] defense_boy1: Wwwwwwww [8534] h3atwave3: lying bitch [8534] GLiiTCH777: xim is asssss [8534] tflittlemansky: WWWWWWW [8534] AdamOlive98: LETS GOOOO ZACKKKKKKKK [8535] jesusramirez1414: you’re back bfo [8535] wreckingcrew2002: xiim is selling my points bruh [8535] naleyyr6: carried [8535] papitasdechile_: backpack [8535] JJBreezzy: W DUOO [8535] xeqly: STOOOOOOOOOMPN [8535] chaseontopp: FUCK XIM [8535] tvt_prodz: w [8535] tom_12333: WWWW [8535] TheDovahKenz: XIM 1 KILL LOL [8537] waddle_wun: hes the goat [8537] amingpartys: jynxziBounce jynxziBounce jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8537] opticdancy: carried is crazy [8537] sewfii: bro yall own them [8537] ghostofsparta69420: I’ve been here since he’s been streaming for 6 minutes now he’s 2 hours in damn [8537] mrvaderfn: stop playing cod [8537] pgoochay: carried!! [8537] KiwaKF: @franklin wsg king pls don’t Drake me franklinCatjam franklinCatjam franklinCatjam [8537] demoncombo0: TwitchVotes TPFufun TPFufun [8537] itznotlogo: stompdaddy [8538] mpn_razor2022: caseohNoodles [8538] y00die: jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH [8538] KingMithridates: chat is this bo3 [8538] vvverybaddddd: easy 3k [8538] defense_boy1: 3ewwwwwww [8538] ArchAngelLokiGames: xim is 🗑️ [8538] stephiepoo19: POM POMS!!!!!!!!!! [8538] mbflared: !gamble 55 [8538] TheDovahKenz: XIM 1 KILL [8539] mr_butternips69: use the pom poms [8539] escxv: !sub [8539] jacob_809: good aim [8539] busyyAdz: !watchtime [8539] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [8539] StreamElements: busyyAdz has spent 11 hours 50 mins watching jynxzi [8539] sharkiemcsteven: wwwwwwww [8539] kuroo03: kuroo03 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! [8539] twaxdistributer: play contanment [8540] ragingdegen420: W UNWASHED [8540] cornell0607: W JYNXZI W ST0MPN [8540] asydbc: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [8540] SaschaTheBreite: NbaJunko🤣💀💀💀💀 [8540] seal_boxran: hes craaaazyy [8540] Whissou_Nuestra_MagizZ: garryDanse garryDanse garryDanse garryDanse garryDanse garryDanse garryDanse garryDanse garryDanse [8540] imjusma1: U DIDNT SEE DAT [8541] chaseontopp: WE HATE XIM [8541] lordtimis: Xim era is non existent 😭 [8541] demoncombo0: yo [8541] Harriet_Thugman42069: sellin me again he sellin me over and over and over again [8541] DSOBDownPat: rainbows Dead [8541] dinodundee079: Pom Poms [8541] ImJumpsteps: 7-1 actually crazy [8542] sharkiemcsteven: WWWWW [8542] bbish11: is stompn the goat? carrying a part timer [8542] gogoku58: Use pom poms [8542] TheDovahKenz: XIM 1 KILL LOL [8542] defense_boy1: Wwwwwwwww [8542] aphexshadow: L BULLY DUO [8542] amingpartys: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke [8542] washedchonko: jynxziEZ [8542] elphentusee: xim is ass [8542] manaphyonfire: turn him up [8543] JJBreezzy: WWW DUOO [8543] ragingdegen420: W U WASHED [8543] HardoJackieMoon: if Bronny were playin it’d be 4-3 [8543] shivermetimbers15: GET THE POM POMS [8543] mosey_poo: ST0MPN!!!! [8543] brodysabrozer: YOURE CARRYING YOUR WEIGHT (SURPRISING UR HUGE) [8543] ebknight89: daadaa [8543] finzottv: FF [8543] jacob_809: jynxziGoodAim [8543] bigstickenergy4: HES LOOOOOOOCKED [8543] chaseontopp: FUCK XIM [8543] sharkiemcsteven: WWW [8543] oznkii: getting packed up [8543] itsklipz6: If you win 7-1 oil up [8543] itsbeasty01: OREGON MADE FATASS [8544] defer233: xim is getting carried [8544] StreamElements: If you're a gamer, you need a Starforge! Snag one -> https://starforgepc.com/Jynxzi [8544] KaiMeister07: Stream sniping [8544] carrloiufdv: jynxziGG [8545] finzottv: FFFF [8545] freddieharley0904: 1:30 am bro and I’m watching jynxzi [8545] pollochicken806: everyone spamming w be hating when he does bad [8545] cornell0607: in wqshed [8545] edwxies: they’re banning vigilante [8545] caseintop: w stompn [8545] exhaustedslothh: CHEERLEADER JYNXZI [8545] pocketpengun: XIM 1 KILL LUL [8545] JJBreezzy: W DUOO [8545] deerhunter1213: face cam to big man [8546] xle4ny: W [8546] jynxzi_69696969: best duo ?? [8547] itsbeasty01: OREGON MADE [8547] webbbryton17: Wwwwwwww [8547] LightningKakuzu: PLEASE CRAEM IN ME JYZZO [8547] TheDovahKenz: XIM WASHED [8547] salivalover: RICCI CLUTCHING THIS [8547] Ubaubarecords: it’s called clutching not carried [8547] tom_12333: xim bro [8547] sharkiemcsteven: W [8547] fault404__: downfall when they in the same party!! calling that [8547] chaseontopp: WE HATE XIM [8547] JJBreezzy: W DUO [8547] artsygamer3: I’d fuck Stopmn ngl [8548] maybfresh: XIMS A BITCH [8548] jacob_809: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8548] drk_winter: I seriously apologize for choosing xim, u r finally doing good [8548] rubobzen: humble [8548] jaydentorres12345: WWWWWWWWWWWWWW [8548] Memeshitpost: !watchtime [8548] StreamElements: Memeshitpost has spent 5 days watching jynxzi [8548] ragdey_goldberg: junko you too gooooodd comonnnnnnnnnn [8548] naterudd18: XIM WAHED [8548] jynxzijohnson0: jynxzijohnson0 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! 6 months 6 johnsons in ur a... [8549] waterrnelons: !followage [8549] jacob_809: jynxziGoodAim [8549] johnnytopik: W [8549] StreamElements: @waterrnelons, waterrnelons has been following jynxzi for 1 year 7 months 30 days 6 hours [8549] cornell0607: dirty [8550] atomik_ninja98: this games sound is perfect??? do you live under a fucking rock?😂😂😂 [8550] kramltoe: absolute carry [8550] BoBoDragga: !sens [8550] itsbeasty01: OREGON MADE FATTY [8550] Nightbot: Jynxzi sens and settings here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2GcpqRqJ9U [8550] freddieharley0904: W [8550] TheDovahKenz: XIM 1 KILL [8550] JJBreezzy: WW DUOO [8551] woodwool49: should've done Bo1 [8551] soulzthegoat: www [8551] DrDoofenshmirt4: chat is so weird he’s literally top of leaderboard [8551] 1Drae: WWWWWWWWWWWWWW [8551] xxjinkce: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 [8551] literalgaminggod: he’s locked [8551] obaidashatat: how much wager [8552] tr4vxx: play harder [8552] notyetnotyet44569: TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity [8552] maybfresh: XIMS A BIT H [8552] frimz12: he said he won’t pay up [8552] peanutbutterkid9215: WWWWWW [8552] levkoock: bro keeps freezing [8552] soulzthegoat: w [8552] bomb301: STOMP THE GOAT [8552] xslayn2162: !gamble 2000 [8552] debella03: jynxzi why u have two necks [8552] sonotreal: www [8552] rizztard5: WWWWWW [8552] apwdude: w [8553] StreamElements: xslayn2162 lost 2000 points in roulette and now has 60 points! FeelsBadMan [8553] UnesiestHalo04: e [8553] spin4myblock: W [8553] neweracbb: bc ur getting carried [8553] airsofts_action_news: wwwwwwww [8553] linkon1x: ww [8553] lordtekkno: WWWW [8553] luisr0112: L [8553] JJBreezzy: W DUO [8553] N0XXie22: WWWW [8553] jucs_1: www [8553] joshpisag: WWWWWWWW [8553] CAPTA1NJFK: w [8553] skunkyblunts: W [8553] iluvvJuanito: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8554] waxer1477: jynxziRIPBOZO [8554] oranglyy: W [8554] 0_xFashii: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [8554] budd3r__: WWWWWWW [8555] puffpuffjuicer: WW DUO [8555] bomb301: W DUO [8555] spin4myblock: W W W [8555] thatasianfr: WWWW [8555] rileybouchard30: WWWWWWWWWWW [8555] 8Pina: WWWWWWWW [8555] carstenisthe_goat9: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [8555] 0_xFashii: WWWWWWWWWWWWW [8555] Clxed_: WW [8555] berkayuww: w [8555] xNoRecoil: W [8555] axther_cs: WW [8555] toasty1bro: jynxziFAT_TK [8555] N0XXie22: W [8555] notBreze: WWWWW [8556] nienawidzeludz: W [8556] escxv: !link [8556] TKDcmbo: W [8556] oranglyy: WWW [8556] mason_riddle07: wwww [8556] sewfii: zim trash [8556] USAFM1ke: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [8556] JJBreezzy: WW DUO [8556] ttv_lxl: OIL UP IF YOU GO 7-1 [8556] lainefpg: W [8556] Nightbot: @escxv If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [8559] oGodHero: WWWWWWW [8559] glaciusvr: FUNgineer FUNgineer FUNgineer FUNgineer FUNgineer FUNgineer FUNgineer [8559] apwdude: wwwwww [8559] alexbumblebee229304: wwwwwwww [8559] entinjerman3344: w [8559] iamdyzi: WW [8559] pureer6: w [8559] II_amtrey: ww [8559] airsofts_action_news: wwwww [8559] bionicrubble642: W [8559] asydbc: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [8559] skcriptr: wwwwwwwwwww [8559] bayne_hunter: bayne_hunter subscribed with Prime. [8559] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [8561] postck23: W [8561] frayhr: WWW [8561] sewfii: wwwwwwwww [8561] olusanya24: W [8561] chasestewy: WWWWWWWWWWWW [8561] RSioyt: WWWWWWWWWQWWWWWWWWWQWWWWWWWWWWWW [8561] ragingdegen420: wa [8561] cheetaweetavix: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [8561] pea0yt: WWW [8561] izeusvi31: u [8561] spin4myblock: WWW [8561] kraitzzzz: WHEN IS THE 2v2? [8561] imenyaanss: wwww carry [8561] 0_xFashii: WWWWWWWWWWW [8561] 4hedXAT: WWW [8562] teyvaunallen: W [8562] exafiyz: www [8562] honsez: WWWWW [8562] Krakncoldone: bot viewera [8562] heavytoker1710: W [8562] michaellorer: wwwwww [8562] mtb_legit: if they loose this round, this a whole SCRIPT [8562] UnesiestHalo04: jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES [8562] therunter667: w [8562] tbear222: WWWWW [8562] slxughtrd: www [8562] rileybouchard30: WWWWWWWWWWWWWW [8562] xxjinkce: CrreamAwk CrreamAwk CrreamAwk CrreamAwk CrreamAwk CrreamAwk CrreamAwk [8562] lainefpg: WWWWWWWWWWWW [8562] mattyi12i: WWWWWWWWWWWW [8566] masynnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn: wwwwwwww [8566] apwdude: wwwwww [8566] 0_xFashii: WWWWW [8566] SIGOMOND: w [8566] Vynnlnd: ? [8566] dbdshanks: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [8566] 1tsy0uaga1n: 7-1 LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLl [8566] lainefpg: w [8566] Nightbot: ? [8566] cobainsveins: jynxziSmoke [8566] oliivveerr: wwwwwwwwwww [8566] frayhr: W [8566] aphexshadow: IMBA [8566] rijinmanz1: x1m cant play vs actual players [8566] vipergamez1896: WWWWWW [8567] GTG_YaboiAmythest: www [8567] ragingdegen420: WWW [8567] fsilva56: W [8567] michaellorer: wwwwww [8567] airsofts_action_news: wwwwwww [8568] tokyo_drift149: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [8568] ajh_386: W [8568] bmc1738: send me the band I definitely need it [8568] GTG_YaboiAmythest: ww [8568] himathee12: W [8568] tr4vxx: you need to play harder [8568] bojax34_: wwwwwww [8568] rileybouchard30: W [8568] airsofts_action_news: wwww [8568] jamesymally101: MASSIVE DUBB [8568] king_skeptic: jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ [8568] izeusvi31: l lag [8568] rev__fn: 3 [8568] michaellorer: wwwwwww [8568] therunter667: wwwwww [8569] chug_actual: lil Brudder looking thick [8569] zypex26: WWWWWWWWWWWW [8569] xle4ny: W [8569] xlpans: wwwww [8569] eyad5225: w [8569] hayleynutz: ricci mad af [8569] scxrlordy: WWWWW [8569] Nightbot: 👀 [8569] rileybouchard30: WWW [8569] michaellorer: wwwww [8569] Flowz515: WWWWWWWWWEEEEE [8569] sill3xxx: kaicCryy kaicCryy kaicCryy kaicCryy kaicCryy kaicCryy [8569] jayysonxbox: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [8570] jaytoosweezy: WWWWWWWWWWWWW [8570] zenith_sword: ima go watch brazers now [8570] ch_hlias: Wwwwww [8570] Clxed_: wwwwwwwwww [8570] honsez: wwww [8570] therunter667: www [8571] frayhr: w [8571] vipergamez1896: WWWWW [8571] sorich313: prediction [8571] xlpans: wwww [8571] djochxr: f [8571] nayr1103: getting carried by stompn [8571] xmonax963: WWWW [8571] Nightbot: F in the chat [8571] thevibekid_21: ww [8571] Calemendenhall: white speed [8571] therunter667: wwwwwwwww [8571] supercritical1: wwwwwwww [8572] nasorgang: !sens [8572] shshshark1: !followage [8572] Harriet_Thugman42069: i was not familiar with ur game [8572] zabs_: FUCK IM GONNA LOSE 5K [8572] Kr1zzz_: W [8572] imjusma1: ONLY BIG WWWWWWW MFS [8572] StreamElements: @shshshark1, shshshark1 has been following jynxzi for 3 months 25 days 23 hours [8572] r1pmoon: WWWW [8572] dabombber1: WWWWWWWEWWWWWW [8572] frayhr: we [8572] ch_hlias: Www [8572] yoge221: LMAO [8572] michaellorer: wwww [8573] drmonkeeman10: LMAOO [8573] GLiiTCH777: W [8573] GHOSTEEE_23: 2v2 crutch [8573] xlpans: wwwwww [8573] thevibekid_21: W [8573] Kr1zzz_: WWWWW [8573] DSOBDownPat: Ls [8573] cheesedrake: l [8573] UnesiestHalo04: jynxziFALL [8573] 0tto0909: WWWWW [8573] eyad5225: wwwwwwwwww [8573] brickslays: this is why you’re the goat @jynxzi out think them [8573] chessgod3239: if its 7-1 oil up lil bro im coming over [8573] Xunexia: LMAOOOO [8573] rileybouchard30: WW [8574] wyay: 💀 [8574] StarkChamp: !starforge [8574] michaellorer: ww [8574] Nightbot: Checkout Starforge PCs x Jynxzi here! https://starforgepc.com/Jynxzi [8574] yuroohh: LMFAOO [8574] dbdshanks: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [8574] stanks_007: WW [8574] edwxies: WWWWW [8574] sniperdog1423: Omg [8574] fusionstormyz: OMG [8574] xslayn2162: !gamble all [8574] rijinmanz1: AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH [8574] therunter667: wwwwwwwwwwwww [8574] MCHammerTime5: MCHammerTime5 subscribed with Prime. [8574] hannahbango: LLLL [8575] noahsco2: Lol [8575] wasdi532: NOOOOOOOO [8575] scarycalf112902: L [8575] aphexshadow: BRO [8575] carrloiufdv: STOMPN is so quiet but jynxzi is so loud [8575] michaellorer: wwwww [8575] Nightbot: 😂 [8575] mrgfl0yd: bruhhhhhhh [8576] wyay: 💀 [8576] twitchcaiden_: BRA7I1 [8576] 0XSzero: 0XSzero subscribed with Prime. [8576] gh0stonx1m: Xim got banned on twitch bro [8576] nailwind: INSANE [8576] thevibekid_21: Www [8576] Harriet_Thugman42069: ez [8576] xpecthaven: spin [8576] watermelohh: cooked [8576] neweracbb: LMAO W [8576] FaZeYumi: 😭😭😭😭😭 [8576] bla2gud: No [8576] deaed_man_walking: SOLD [8576] dtreams02: N AHHHH [8576] da_white_lebron: let’s gooooo [8577] GHOSTEEE_23: good timing [8577] N0XXie22: oh no [8577] buhp_nadezz: L [8577] negzero_: SELLING [8577] ItsPurpsss: NAURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR [8577] Omen390: LMFAOO [8577] ItsSzubz: LMFAOOOO [8577] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [8577] shivermetimbers15: LMAO [8577] LightningKakuzu: Ngl im boutta busss [8577] LiIPiffer: NO WAYY [8577] hannahbango: LOLLLL [8577] r1pmoon: PRE END [8577] twisted650: XBOX [8578] USAFM1ke: OMFG [8578] edward40xans: lmaooooo [8578] coleissussybaka: lmao [8578] DOOGAN5: script [8578] drmonkeeman10: THREW [8578] skunkyblunts: Lmao [8578] sinstoleutoast: OOOOoO [8578] xistybot420: w Xbox [8578] foxbat1984: WWWWW [8578] l3ootyyy: LL [8578] wyay: xbox moment [8580] savy_silent: savy_silent subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 2 month streak! nj [8580] nehsty: WWWWW [8580] yangeekka: sold [8580] razoo020: LMAOOOOOOOOO [8580] xpecthaven: Spinn [8580] zxryooo: LL [8580] resky: hahahahahahahaha [8580] tebzxc: LOL [8580] bluejoltz23: selling [8580] kinda_dead_l: LMAO [8580] bryanfranco430: l [8580] ssharklee43: 💀💀💀💀 [8580] protagon1st: sold [8580] amingpartys: lmao [8580] brixxxed: L WASHED [8581] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [8581] joeyisajuggalo: OH SHIT [8581] axther_cs: LMAO [8581] michaellorer: wwwwww [8581] inevafrez: LMFAOOO [8581] twisted650: LMAOOOO [8582] wyay: ong [8583] MrK9___: LUL LUL [8583] wyay: omg [8583] Adambathrr: THROW [8583] reviloshark3118: L [8583] Cooljmck01: LMAOOOOO [8583] perfectninja21: lmao [8583] felixgoat1: wwwwww [8583] kallen____: LMAOO [8583] Yuki_4743: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [8583] calitoon29: w xbox [8583] brixxxed: LOL [8583] Nightbot: 😂 [8583] sagemodeslim: CRONUS [8583] hannahbango: OMGGG [8583] xxOxcardianxx: LMKALMAOMAOAMOMA [8584] 100xjota: WHAT A ASAVE [8584] y2ethan: WHAT [8584] josefhansseppmaier: omE [8584] Arin7XS: SOLD [8584] SkeeloFn: LMAO [8584] furkanite: FAKE DISCONNECT [8584] n0rsa: LMAOOOO [8584] nailwind: NO WAY HEL IVES [8584] Jpmalagonv: W script [8584] nikisimmer2015: LMAOOO [8584] niiftynate: LMAOOO [8584] hashoeke: 💀💀💀💀 [8584] Yuki_4743: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [8584] drmonkeeman10: SOLD [8584] Harry__GG__: Pre pom poms [8586] MILLIEYUNZ: WW [8586] notunrealr6: ps better [8586] itzadizazta1: LMAOOOO [8586] 2YMI: WHATTTT [8586] qtons: WOW [8586] bshistey: bad aim [8586] bobsterlobster45: nejokuFocus nejokuFocus nejokuFocus nejokuFocus [8586] Rushuur: MILLIONAIRE STREAMER BTW [8586] 1Drae: WWWWWWWWWWWWWW [8586] n0rsa: LMAOOO [8586] Shakalakin: oh shit [8586] coleissussybaka: l script [8586] Jmlgiants: selling [8586] mxndez3: LMFAO [8586] KiwaKF: LMAOOOÖÖ [8587] cwb132541: stompin top 2 on console and he ain’t 2 [8587] zvxz0: LMAOOOOOO [8587] GoatedDiaz: PS could never [8587] kodenmma: real [8587] yeswecannabis420: L XBOX [8587] Nightbot: real [8587] Yuki_4743: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [8587] hannahbango: JESUS [8587] eljohn17_: L BATTERIES [8587] asydbc: YOOOOO [8587] vipergamez1896: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [8587] chicagoserge: W SCRIPT [8587] FaZeYumi: How the fuck [8587] zefnl: no way [8587] giraffelover_: wwwww [8588] GHOSTEEE_23: carry [8588] 1Drae: WWWWWWWWWWWW [8588] Ubaubarecords: f [8588] XR_cast: LMAOOOO [8588] Cooljmck01: L XBOXXXXX [8588] joeyisajuggalo: BRO OMG [8588] xd_rantapallo: LUL LUL LUL [8590] pocketpengun: W [8590] vvverybaddddd: xim washed [8590] ScarseIy: NAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH [8590] og_twotone: WWWWWWWWWWWS [8590] glyphontwitch1: YOOOOO NO WAY [8590] largegorilla77: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [8590] fawndoetv: WWWWWWWWWWWWW [8590] ltl_goated: omg [8590] itsklipz6: If you win 7-1 oil up daddy [8590] cheesedrake: W [8590] ahmed_shokry: LMFAO [8590] SpawnGrieferr: HOWWWQ [8590] JTPP15: LMAOO [8590] zxourii: WWWWW [8590] raqu31: LMFAOOOOOOO [8591] asydbc: HE ALMOST DIED [8591] adz_sux: no way [8591] StreamElements: brodysabrozer has spent 9 days 18 hours watching jynxzi [8591] sill3xxx: wow bro wtf [8591] daroach8703: yooooo???? [8591] kinda_dead_l: W CONTROLLER [8591] TKDcmbo: JESUS [8591] LightningKakuzu: WW [8591] footballnmore: WHOLY SHIT [8591] darkcloud911: LMAOOOOOO [8591] sugabaybe: FREE KILLLLLLLLLLLLLL [8591] ofxka: W BAIT [8591] vipergamez1896: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [8591] forcefulqp: lmao [8591] antivax_ryan: NO WAYYYY [8592] bryanfranco430: Lllllll [8592] shojuuuu: WTF [8592] zxourii: WWWWWW [8592] wyay: LMFAO [8593] GoldyCE: HOLY SHUIT [8593] og_twotone: CLIP IT [8593] zypex26: W SCRIPT [8593] TKDcmbo: WTF [8593] JTPP15: AHHHAHAHHAHAH [8593] 6juji6: HOW ARE U ALIVE [8593] qwertyaboba9: Lmaooo [8593] Cooljmck01: LMAOOOO L XBOXXXXXX [8593] Xunexia: ain’t no way😭 [8593] Haleful: LMAOOO [8593] datxhomie: PREDICTION??????? [8593] n0rsa: LMAOOOO [8593] r6toezlol: Wtf no way [8593] zxourii: WWWWWWWW [8593] Captain_Clout1: How are you Alive [8594] buttermillk224: how [8594] coldbrewnodepresso: clip it [8594] inevafrez: W STOMP [8594] largegorilla77: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [8594] airjfield: 😂 [8594] mavman00: XIM IS ASSS [8594] driveblind: W [8594] yonovuhh: XIM and ricci just sold my channel points bro [8594] txuriy: W CLUTCH [8594] biggajj: clip it [8594] d44rkfire: LMAO [8594] LWR6: soooooo lucky [8594] nailwind: BRO SPUN ON EM [8594] N0XXie22: HAHAHA [8594] Greg_tf2: LOLOLOL [8595] jellyf1sh41: time for the script [8595] 4hedXAT: W [8595] adz_sux: WTF [8595] toesgreenanklespurple420: WHATTTTT [8595] zxourii: WW [8595] drmonkeeman10: NO WAY [8596] pirategrad_60: script [8596] KDXDARKSKINN: wait xim is the worse [8596] joshpisag: OMG [8596] Rhyphix: xim actually so ass [8596] chefkochfriends: HOW [8596] vvverybaddddd: aint no way [8596] iitsvlklm: BROOOOOOOOO [8596] wyay: LMFAO [8596] kingnightwing_: LMAO [8597] night06146: JYNXZI YOUR AÑIVE [8597] pesymista: XBOX MOMENT [8597] aIexpereira: 😭😭😭 [8597] iiihxly: script [8597] daroach8703: xim sucks [8597] OxTPlaya: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [8597] xle4ny: L jynxzi W xbox [8597] Arin7XS: CLIP CHAT [8597] jynxzilover25: he let you live [8597] Eclipsis456: NO WAY STOMPN TRADED THAT [8597] UnesiestHalo04: BleedPurpleHD [8597] oblivionblixx69: ww [8597] booper_bair10: f1 pit stop [8597] aSpicyLemon: LMAO [8597] dumbdoc1227: W controller [8598] ryyn__: LMFAO [8598] unrealriki: W STOMP [8598] austinstafford02: xim is playing warden next game [8598] resky: NOOOOOOO WAYYYYYY [8598] SLINKY364: W stompsn [8598] axther_cs: LMAOO [8598] mezzdup_bun: THIS GUY IS CARRYING YOU SO BAD LMAOAOA [8598] pocketpengun: XIM IS ASSSS [8598] stea1thgamer_: HOW ARE YOU ALIVE [8598] oGodHero: STOMPN IS MY DADDY [8598] Gail_Iewis: lmfaooo [8598] n0rsa: CLIPPPPP [8598] oblivionblixx69: www [8598] Teabqgn: LMAOOOOOO [8598] BigheadGleadle: HAHAHAHHA [8599] BANGBROTHERS: SCRIPT LOL SCRIPT LOL SCRIPT LOL SCRIPT LOL SCRIPT LOL SCRIPT LOL SCRIPT LOL [8599] ebo1104: LMAOOOOO [8599] tiersign: L Xbox [8600] Y_SO_SERIOUS_BOO: lol [8600] sill3xxx: wowo [8600] kouping: LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [8600] KiwaKF: JUST BUY A PS INSTEAD [8600] inst4ntreplay: LMAO [8600] perkss0: broooooooo😭 [8600] adz_sux: CLIP [8600] hyper2burst: LMFAO [8600] n0rsa: LMAOOO [8600] inyomommasbox: master balcony [8600] dgcv_: ain’t no way [8600] imjusma1: HOLY SHII [8601] lacyjo02: w [8601] TKDcmbo: OMG [8601] Gail_Iewis: NO QWyyyyyyyyy [8601] Shakalakin: LUL [8601] sb_dxrkr6: CLIP [8601] 0_xFashii: LMAOOOOOOO [8601] n0rsa: OMAO [8601] tzxse: THAT WAS CRAZYYYY [8601] kinda_dead_l: NO WAY [8601] toesgreenanklespurple420: HOWWWW [8601] SchitZzz: holy shit [8601] Teabqgn: LMAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOA [8601] alexandrr257: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8601] nunyabizznez: LMAOOO [8601] wetnapkinz2: CLIP [8602] sandy_sir: LMAOOOOO [8602] TheDovahKenz: XIM 1 KILL [8602] asap_vortex_: LMAOOOOOOOOO [8603] zxourii: LMFOAOAOAAOAOA [8603] rileybouchard30: LMAOOOOO [8603] n0rsa: LMAO [8603] snailmanthirteeN: LMAOOOOOO [8603] chefkochfriends: AHAHAHAHAHAHHA [8603] Y_SO_SERIOUS_BOO: W SCRIPT [8603] mr__shh: XIm is so ass [8603] 2ndbae: Was that shit in the script [8603] Kelynxz: W CLIP FARM [8603] SplashinJs: W [8603] devillkun: CLIPPP it [8603] hedgiposa: LMAAOOOOOOOOOOO [8603] outsideroutside: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [8603] oblivionblixx69: ww [8603] nailwind: GREATEST BM OF ALL TIME [8605] darkcyclecd: 💀💀💀💀💀 [8605] sirpushalott: jynxzi lock tf in [8606] naturalttk: naturalttk subscribed at Tier 1. [8606] chefkochfriends: XIM [8606] wreckingcrew2002: dead to mangle [8606] biggajj: that was fucking crazy [8606] tehooh: 😂😂😂😂 [8606] iamdyzi: lol [8606] bazinga_9001: 😳😳😳😳😳😳 [8606] bibo126: LMAOOO [8606] pocketpengun: Jebaited [8606] xx_allonsy_xx: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [8606] blakeisasweat: !link [8606] Nightbot: @blakeisasweat If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [8606] Teabqgn: lmoaoaoooo [8606] cobainsveins: no way [8606] KiwaKF: LMOOOOOOOOO [8607] cockdragonz: LLMMAAAOOO [8607] derockranger: !LINK [8607] ch_hlias: Www [8607] chuskii617: WWWW [8607] chuckycheese2010: lol [8607] shriiimpbayless: u doing too much cringhe [8607] ass_vibes: lmao [8607] akBrae: SHITBOX MOMENT [8607] bluejoltz23: xim is terrible [8607] yiboijr: w xim [8607] jim_bob7762: LMAO [8607] saltwater21: LMAO [8607] n0rsa: CLIP [8607] prz_draco: ohh [8607] sorich313: scripted [8608] afclarke: noooooooooo# [8608] lukejwatt: lOOOOOOL [8608] adz_sux: CLIP OF THE YEAR [8608] shojuuuu: NO WAY [8608] KDXDARKSKINN: xim is ASSSSS [8608] mavman00: that' [8609] wreckingcrew2002: dead to Bonnie [8609] USAFM1ke: ROFL XIM BAD [8609] jynxzisjohnsonjuice: stompn daddy [8609] inyomommasbox: now in master [8609] sketchysnail396: HE ACTUALLY SUCKS [8609] Nicolita_PR: WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLLOLO [8609] justin_cooke: no way this isnt scripted [8609] tkettel_: SELLING [8609] cullersringo: cullersringo subscribed at Tier 1. [8609] surfex2_: SOMEONE SEND THE CLIP [8609] maitomakkara_: HES ASSSSS [8609] phoenixking06: !link [8609] KruvIsusov: LOOOOOOOOL [8609] 4hedXAT: WWW [8609] nailwind: ULTIMATE DISRESPECT [8610] ItsPurpsss: o7 Xim [8610] jugganot094: LMAOOOOOOOOOOO [8610] elphentusee: ego boy [8610] lukejwatt: LOLLL [8610] StarzyCOD: lol [8610] itsbeasty01: HE WASNT SHOOTING IDIOT [8610] xd_rantapallo: LUL LUL [8610] imjusma1: HES FUKKIN ASSSS WTFFF [8610] nanoeruption: lmao that’s insNe [8610] chicharito140512: LMAOOOOO [8610] exhaustedslothh: SOLD [8610] thelaralegacy: no aim assist on mnk [8610] Teabqgn: LMAOOOOOO IM DEAD [8610] iketheman88: lmfaoooooo [8611] 9z_Gerson: carry [8611] srafa1210: wtf [8612] wreckingcrew2002: dead to chicka [8612] hipnatiz3r: xim is fucking assssss [8612] NeedFarmers: NeedFarmers subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months, currently on a 12 month streak! [8612] 1Drae: WWWWWWWWWWWWWW [8612] Y_SO_SERIOUS_BOO: w [8612] Dallas00_: Xims ass [8612] KiwaKF: PFFFFZ [8612] sill3xxx: wow [8612] wasdi532: XIM IS ACTUALLY ASS [8612] Anelli_tv: LOL [8612] Mooseberg_: The real skill is the batter reload [8613] tehooh: 😭😭😂 [8613] cuddle_xd: SCRIPT IS CRAZY AF [8613] pizzadino_: CLIPPPES [8613] n0rsa: XIM WASHEEEED [8613] drmonkeeman10: LMAO [8613] supercritical1: why is xim actually terrible [8613] rijinmanz1: KEK [8613] imjusma1: KILL HIMMM [8613] iamdyzi: WW [8613] peanutbutterkid9215: WWWWWWWWW [8613] mezzdup_bun: WWWWWWWWWWWWWW [8613] chefkochfriends: XIMMMM BRO GET OUT OF HIS GAME BRO [8613] 2ndbae: Because I don't think so... [8613] 1Drae: WWWWWWWWWWWWWW [8613] muppet52: !LINK [8614] Xunexia: WWW [8614] TBMVendetta: THATS WHY YOU GO PS [8614] ugxawash: THERE ASS [8614] finrobssss: LMAAOOO XIM ASSSS [8614] brodysabrozer: !followage [8614] ttv_doopay: cmon bro [8614] wyay: W [8614] itzbugj: cheer0 [8614] unknowns_wrld: bro can never speak up again after that [8614] OG_Mudz: wow [8614] StreamElements: @brodysabrozer, brodysabrozer has been following jynxzi for 2 months 3 days [8614] asm0deus727: Lmao w [8614] lukejwatt: CARIED [8614] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [8614] 0_xFashii: LMAOOO [8615] airjfield: ❤️💰😢💰😢💰 [8615] XR_cast: wwwwwwww [8615] cobainsveins: that’s something I would do [8615] scarycalf112902: WWWW [8616] etterrx: WW [8616] 0_xFashii: LMAOOOOOOOOOOO [8616] knowxnx: wwwwww [8616] applesauc_ee: Xim trolling ricci [8616] mattyi12i: WWWWWWW [8616] StarzyCOD: lollll [8616] ihk88: #ximisdogshit [8616] dbdl24: SOLD [8616] anthooper245: that wouldn’t happen on PlayStation😂 [8616] snipes376: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [8616] xxraghedkingxx: Noooo wayyyy [8616] wreckingcrew2002: dead to mangle [8616] Calemendenhall: white speed [8617] chefkochfriends: XIM U SO ASS [8617] ljlbountyhunter: BET 2K TO PLAY LIKE THAT!?!? [8617] frank23432: carrrrrrrrrrrried [8617] n0rsa: LMAO [8617] heiss112: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [8617] GogoProto23: WWW [8617] lykan608: w xim trash [8617] bazinga_9001: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 [8617] zenvel0: suck my fat johny [8617] cocodealer1144: xim washed confirmed [8617] lukejwatt: CARRIED [8617] purpleso: CARRIED [8617] lilsluga: WWW [8617] rileybouchard30: WOOOOOOOOOW [8617] 4hedXAT: W [8618] KiwaKF: PPFFFTTT [8618] zxourii: EZZZ [8618] wyay: that was insane [8619] tombum12: 🤨🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [8619] adonis_shelbyy: xim trash wow [8619] ssharklee43: carried [8619] cherny05: WWW [8619] 4hedXAT: WWW [8619] iamdyzi: W [8619] itsawesama: CARRIED NGL [8619] sirstardew: how is he that ass [8619] mythicghosst: LOL [8620] etterrx: WWW [8620] Nightbot: 😂 [8620] ihatemlb19: someone send me the clip [8620] biggajj: no fuckin g mercy [8620] Ubaubarecords: how did they know [8620] cullersringo: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [8620] iamdyzi: w [8620] NeedFarmers: 😂 [8620] itz_daavid: CARRIEDDDDDDDDDDDD [8620] sonotreal: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [8620] wreckingcrew2002: dead to chicka [8620] chessgod3239: Carried [8620] imjusma1: DESPISE HIM [8620] hugodias245: What? Why did your doll continue to walk when the remote control turned off????????? [8620] tvjxmes: WWWWW [8621] sharkiemcsteven: Xim is asssssss [8621] azraelwoah: STOMPN CARRYYYYY [8621] etterrx: W [8621] umitt3850_: lost 2000 point [8621] ragingdegen420: EZ [8621] mrgfl0yd: lmaoooooo [8621] mythicghosst: W [8621] BlankSiege: Lol [8621] bluefusiontv: hahahahahah [8621] angelchastity: WWW [8622] bazinga_9001: 💀😳💀💀💀💀 [8622] tvjxmes: WWWW [8622] Y_SO_SERIOUS_BOO: STOMPGOAT [8622] ttvcy2206_: !link [8622] USAFM1ke: CLIP THAT SHIT [8622] travypaddy34: w [8622] imthatbeefr: Xim is ass [8622] sorich313: w [8622] xqdu: wow [8622] Nazmul1: CARRIED [8622] mikec750: CARRIED BY STOMPIN [8622] rnitten: xim is so had [8623] gh0stonx1m: Xim got banned on twitch br [8623] lilsluga: HES THE GOAAAAATTTT [8623] etterrx: W WW [8623] tinolmao: carried [8623] oranglyy: ASSSSSSSSS [8623] foohlz: scripted fr [8623] travypaddy34: wwwwwww [8623] mavman00: Bro xim is so ass [8623] ragingdegen420: L XIM [8623] bigcheeser592: bigcheeser592 subscribed with Prime. [8623] ampasdampa: w script [8623] scarycalf112902: caseohLockincaseoh caseohLockincaseoh caseohLockincaseoh caseohLockincaseoh caseohLockincaseoh caseohLockincaseoh [8623] coiko: W [8623] largechod3: XIM IS ASS [8623] Syphalp: WWWWWWWWW [8624] 0tto0909: CARRIED [8624] sketchysnail396: XIM IS DOOKIE [8624] lemonyfreshh_: I MISSED XIM SUCKING NOOOO HOW CAN I SEE THE CLIP?? [8624] wreckingcrew2002: dead to Bonnie [8624] GHOSTEEE_23: hard carried [8624] lordtimis: YO BEING CARRIED [8624] bluefusiontv: hahahahahaha clip it [8624] rnitten: ad [8624] etterrx: WW [8624] travypaddy34: wwww [8624] Haarrzzz: 😭😭😭😭 [8624] imjusma1: HELL YHHHHHHH [8624] mythic_12_: carried [8624] vvverybaddddd: aint no way he missed that [8624] drmonkeeman10: CARRIED [8625] afclarke: stompn 7 kd [8625] bla2gud: Lol [8625] imafcatjam: CARRIED [8625] chefkochfriends: STOMPN HAS 20 CMs [8626] KoyoteHuggs: you better eat that mic rn [8626] tvjxmes: WWWWWWWWWWWW [8626] RageDaaGreat: WWWWW [8626] airsofts_action_news: wwwwwwwwwww [8626] hfhfhrhnxjxjd: So.were.clipped and shipped cooooooppppppeeeeeerrr [8626] luckheh: no fucking way [8626] derek8nun: WHITE SPEED [8626] justin_cooke: This has to be scripted, xim wouldnt miss that normally [8627] spunkymunky241: stompgoat [8627] thedude694206: ww [8627] postck23: www [8627] foohlz: scripted [8627] xJudMuffin: xJudMuffin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 20 months, currently on a 20 month streak! 20 months tubby [8627] Fergiee2: stompn carry per usual? [8627] chunguswitfungus27: w my glorious ki8ng [8627] winterremix41: controller L [8627] iikxvn: HE GOTTA BE TROLLING AINT NO WAY [8627] dantesinferno369: Xim is a baby back bitch [8627] bazinga_9001: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [8627] sketchysnail396: HES SO BAD [8627] poohelicoptr: WWWWW [8627] elivxer: XIM IS ASSS [8627] rnitten: xim is ass [8628] swedcic: stompgLaugh stompgLaugh stompgLaugh stompgLaugh [8628] pepper718: WWWWWWWWW [8628] gh0stonx1m: Xim got banned on twitch bro [8628] huegrection132: W CARRIED [8628] thedude694206: www [8628] uqxm7: BEST DUO OF ALL TIME [8628] postck23: wwww [8628] jynxzicespice: STOMPNNNN BABYYY [8628] wasdi532: XIM IS SO FUCKING HORRIBLE [8628] 00harri00: yo girlfriend a disgrace to humanity [8628] cheeseballsy: stompn is daddy [8628] binkadink10: this kids are washed [8628] phatballz429: are you in the illuminati? [8628] reload_on_x: WWWW [8628] travypaddy34: wwwww [8629] Lichkingfn: WWWWWWWWWWW [8629] neweracbb: UR GETTING CARRIED BRUH [8629] wyay: 😭 [8630] tombum12: STOMPGOATTTT [8630] sav_journey13: CARRIED SO HARD [8630] travypaddy34: wwww [8630] pocketpengun: LMAOOOO [8630] itzbugj: lmaof [8630] sjskjhdsu: get the pom poms [8630] MedicSly: Aim assist is a myth [8630] catgrubss: nooooo my points [8630] imjusma1: LETS FUKKIN GOOOOOO [8631] huipff: LMAOOOO [8631] USAFM1ke: CLIP THAT SHIT LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL [8631] d44rkfire: GGYATTTT [8631] thighlerr: Lmfffffaaaoooo [8631] dumbdoc1227: W controller [8631] austinstafford02: xim is playing warden next game [8631] ragingdegen420: W [8631] himmy_bucketsfan: carried [8631] MorCraftsYT: XIM IS SHIT [8631] dbdl24: CARRIED [8631] abe1010101: PS BETTER [8631] RageDaaGreat: EASY POINTS [8631] etterrx: W [8631] KywaZaki: www [8631] sickmagician802: W [8632] panda_plop: xim is selling [8632] Swapsterr: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [8632] tkettel_: LMAO [8632] recktwo: His controller dies every stream practically 😂 [8632] kev1n22222: carried [8632] mezzdup_bun: NO WAY THAT HAPPENED AND THEY STILL LOST LMAAOAOA [8632] 9z_Gerson: carried [8632] TheDovahKenz: XIM 1 KILL [8632] aid3n_ssg: stompn carry [8633] primetime_icy: primetime_icy subscribed at Tier 1. [8633] Nazmul1: STOMPGOATTT [8633] digiwyd: !xim [8633] crazyhead505: 7-1 [8633] Nightbot: Xim (Apex) is an external adapter that lets losers use mouse and keyboard on console to get an advantage over regular controller players. [8633] rijinmanz1: xim cant kill afks btw [8634] Roses8Ten: GYAAT [8634] pusi0h: L CARRIED [8634] KywaZaki: ww [8634] Nerrdy: !XIM [8634] postck23: WWW [8634] STARB0Y43: STOMP CALLS ARE SOOO SICKKKKK [8634] travypaddy34: wwwww [8634] gh0stonx1m: Xim got banned on twitch br [8634] yungclix208: hi [8634] justin_cooke: SCRIPTED [8634] lordtimis: XIM ERA IS OVERRRRR [8634] alexandrr257: W [8634] sinstoleutoast: xim btw [8634] jetfang07: GYATTTT [8634] el_chrispy_one: LOCCCKKKKKKKKKK IN KKKKKKKKKIIIIING [8636] nolan_xyt: CARRIED [8636] bazinga_9001: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 [8636] bh_chris13: 7-1 brazil please i'm about to explode [8636] itzbugj: laguh my fat dick out [8636] YunoGxd: GYAT [8636] Fossabot: @big_nado123, Your message is too long [8636] debo8541: wild [8636] puffy_seann: puffy_seann subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! [8637] iluvsmileyz: WWWWWWWW [8637] etterrx: W [8637] nailwind: DBD SPINNER [8637] kbenaa210: !paddles [8637] kings0811: @stompgoat falnetWHAT falnetWHAT falnetWHAT falnetWHAT falnetWHAT [8637] spoonsarebetterthanknives: 7-0 [8637] ezclapzurabum: ez w [8637] soundcloutken: !xim [8637] burntnut4: w cheerleader [8637] Y_SO_SERIOUS_BOO: CARRIED [8637] notversee: !xim [8637] trayvono41: GYATTT [8637] wetnapkinz2: SOMSONE SLIP [8637] chrollo_p: CARRIED [8637] tommy_baseball: !xim [8638] Nerrdy: !xim [8638] deaed_man_walking: NAH THIS SHIT IS CRAZY [8638] deerhunter1213: bro is getting careied [8638] Nightbot: @on1andonly2 -> You have to let it go. [stop posting links] [warning] [8638] rileybouchard30: THATS BAD MAN [8638] cendiary: W STOMPIN [8638] Quxccy: !xim [8638] snooziezzz: !xim [8638] etterrx: WWW [8638] soggyshane: THAT WAS CRAZY LMAO [8638] alexandrr257: WWWWWWWWW [8638] alphnx: !xim [8638] Villias: WWW [8638] unrealriki: !ximdaddy [8638] LightningKakuzu: !xim [8639] macncheez6908: ass ah player [8639] kinda_dead_l: he is mad [8639] hxmble_shiesty: !xim [8639] tripiin101: He’s gonna stream snipe [8639] Sizlak_: W BULDGE [8639] tabascosauce_11: !stompn [8639] Nightbot: 35 year old controller warlord! [8640] not_Iucky: !xim [8640] draco__fps: !xim [8640] sjskjhdsu: cheerleader [8640] oneofakind18460127: !xim [8640] drxco111: !xim [8640] exafiyz: WWW [8640] xernety: SHAKE POM POMS [8640] moneysignslexy: DEAADDD [8640] blinkynurse: WWWWWWW [8640] pzkpfwkvIr: wwwwww [8641] mpn_razor2022: w carry [8641] trizeboi: jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ [8641] nunyabizznez: CARRIED [8641] Memeshitpost: w script [8641] macesoo: no shot broski [8641] NoMercyEffect: W BULGE [8641] ddl3000: gyatt [8641] wyfyttv: !xim [8641] goonieslol: !zim [8641] HardoJackieMoon: u past 2 hours junko [8641] Lmdeu: !xim [8641] jynxzi_69696969: STOMP X JYNXZI BEST DUO ? [8641] cbucketz_21: w [8641] donniebawls: !xim [8641] exafiyz: WW [8642] Nightbot: https://clips.twitch.tv/NiceCorrectSmoothieGOWSkull-4QDzVRIerbUb16oT [8642] THALL_1: !xim [8642] dkt10_: gyatttt [8642] LWR6: !xim [8643] ihatemlb19: !cimm [8643] Swapsterr: WWWWWWWWWWW [8643] exhaustedslothh: get the pom Poms you pancake [8643] Yuki_4743: !xim [8643] carstenisthe_goat9: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [8643] 5tops: W SCRIPT [8643] Haleful: !ximmm [8643] jibbnuts: w [8644] qc_tibidou: how fast did you reload that controller [8644] xzopdh: !xim [8644] pensfan879: jynxziBadAim [8644] air_on_: !xim [8644] freddieharley0904: !xim [8644] peppar34: cheerleader [8644] frmdawicck: !xim [8644] sebastianodiwasserfall: w [8644] tom_12333: how is stompn carrying g [8644] spoonsarebetterthanknives: 7-0 [8644] lorak1595: gyatt [8644] rwb1717: Send them to BRAZIL [8644] JiggyJovany: XIM IS ASS [8644] lawnic21dew: they talking trash [8644] ztac2000: !xim [8645] Swapsterr: WWWWWWWW [8645] etterrx: W [8645] lxryontwitch: !xim [8645] bla2gud: Lmao [8645] justin_cooke: SCRIPT [8645] wreckingcrew2002: xim is selling my points [8645] Cole_Piekarczyk: !xim [8645] palen5: XIM TRASHIIIOOOO [8645] toomanykids4us: go replay [8645] tony093792: ! z1m [8645] hdt26: !xim [8645] kxdyxi: why no elite controller [8645] PolishSamurai28: !watchtime [8645] inst4ntreplay: !ximwashed [8645] Tyraxnt: 1v1 Tyraxnt you bitch [8646] dmartz_: !xim [8646] StreamElements: PolishSamurai28 has spent 10 days 18 hours watching jynxzi [8646] gioisbetterlol: SCRIPTED [8646] sinstoleutoast: XIM FOR WHAT [8646] ac3hyper3994: !xim [8646] jackisatwig1234: !zim [8646] owewe_: !x1m [8646] exponas: !clip [8646] Nightbot: GUYS STOP ASKING WHAT ACC HIS XBOX ACC GONNA GLITCH FROM TOO MANY PPL SPAMMING [8647] bxlli21: !sens [8647] shadow78218: !xim [8647] Nightbot: Jynxzi sens and settings here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2GcpqRqJ9U [8647] jynxzisjohnsonjuice: !xim [8647] cr7jossue1: !xim [8647] goldfn007: X1m?? [8647] sjskjhdsu: STOMPNS CHEERLEADER [8647] JiimmyJohns: w buldge [8647] YoungWalka: !paddle [8647] inyomommasbox: warden and melusi [8647] lunchiestbox: stomp carry [8647] InfamousBronson: !xim [8647] donniebawls: XIMS ASSSSSS [8647] VaIerion: how does xim 7-2 you to now doing this shit [8647] pocketpengun: LMAO [8648] ShinoxOfficial: !xim [8648] Swapsterr: WWWWWW [8648] billis_b69: !xim ass [8648] SIGOMOND: Insane [8648] alien_with_a_b: xim is so ass [8648] theyenvyxjos3: !xim [8648] Flxkezs: WTF IS XIM DOING [8648] thereal_swazy: !xim [8648] imjusma1: PRE KUMM [8648] kayyuntouchedd: !xim [8648] xslayn2162: !gamble all [8648] bluefusiontv: !Xim [8648] habobandz: 1-6 bitch [8648] StreamElements: PogChamp xslayn2162 went all in and won 60 points PogChamp they now have 120 points FeelsGoodMan [8648] milkoo4578: when does the stream start [8649] boutbands: ?xin [8649] Swapsterr: WWWW [8649] spoonsarebetterthanknives: 7-1 [8650] jake2blaze2: jake2blaze2 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! [8650] Swapsterr: WW [8650] habobandz: 1-6 bitch . [8650] jorge2244653: !xim [8650] jaysobrazzy0987: gyatttttt [8650] glen123456789101112: @jynxzi [8650] Flxkezs: LMFAOOOO [8650] SpecialHerbGame: when is fan mail? [8650] ahmed_shokry: 7-1 is crazy ngl LUL [8650] InfinityRainGaming: hes gonna play warden all next game [8650] waterypanda: they are rattled [8651] pr_jace: XIM 7-2, he owns youa [8651] finneh_progamer: XBOX CLASSIC DISCONECT [8651] RumpleBluntSkin: Just gimme my moneyyyy [8651] jasontodler: xim is ass [8651] yoitsrooz: !xim [8651] jamo3810: !xim [8651] johnnycashflow09: CARRIED!! [8651] pestify_: !xim [8651] habobandz: 1-6 bitch [8651] air_on_: XIM IS TRASH [8651] elphentusee: xim is ass [8651] xxyoussrixx: !watchtime [8652] Swapsterr: W [8652] frankiemack1: !xim [8652] Ayzorax: POM POMS @Jynxzi [8652] StreamElements: xxyoussrixx has spent 7 days 19 hours watching jynxzi [8652] darkcloud911: !xim [8652] GM3400: !xim [8652] Vbami28: jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ [8652] diddycash: 1 kill XIM 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [8652] rileybouchard30: !XIM [8652] DropTonDon: !x1m [8652] spin4myblock: ZIM IS COOCKED [8652] Epiegon: www [8652] dylan8142009: !xim [8652] drmonkeeman10: LMAO [8652] sjskjhdsu: CHEERLEADER [8653] gh0stonx1m: Xim got banned on twitch broo [8653] dragoner571: !avid [8653] AdamOlive98: ass kid [8653] imjusma1: PRE KUM [8653] junko_vapes_: sugma balls [8653] c4sh_jos: !xim [8653] lawnic21dew: they trash talking [8653] evan0fseven: !xim [8653] moneysignslexy: SOSKSKOEMEROX [8653] m0nkebtw: WWW [8653] sirj0iff: they see me rolling they see me hatinn [8653] seemfriedrice: he getting carried [8653] heart4kate: THIS IS WWWW [8654] QtReidd: !followsge [8654] itsmrsully: !xim [8654] CosmicR6_: HEY FATAS [8654] aounhaddadin: !xim [8654] GettingStickae: !x1m [8654] flicwyd: !xim [8654] YoungWalka: !bag [8654] eew0k_: !binds [8654] mfannar: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim WutFace WutFace [8654] Nightbot: The best motivational speaker of all time [8654] maddiedtw: m [8654] ktgakaktg: l controller [8654] azraelwoah: xbox moment [8654] kolbym22: !xim [8654] si6teen9: !xim [8655] mythic_12_: !X1M [8655] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [8655] hoagieee39: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [8655] SpecialHerbGame: fan mail? [8655] wreckingcrew2002: xim is selling my damn points [8655] sjskjhdsu: POM POMS [8655] picklol69: OVER THERE [8655] garfunklepop51: !clip [8655] zoapi22: left [8655] asydbc: 6-1 [8655] cobezhang: !xim [8655] hfhfhrhnxjxjd: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [8655] fault404__: brooo xim is assssssss [8655] painecauser_: To the left [8656] 44jameses: !xim [8656] addamnn07: !xim [8656] gh0stonx1m: Xim got banned on twitch bro [8656] LVPRADEY: !xim [8656] itsklipz6: Ur getting carried [8656] sonotreal: why did u throw [8656] pocketpengun: ???? [8657] o_erwin: bro his whole chat is roasting him [8657] skyteiswashed: level 3 gyat [8657] pdiddy25787: w [8657] bubbly_34: left [8657] fishugget: !xim [8657] saucin2hard: Xim so bad [8657] willis7099: Right [8657] billis_b69: ??xim [8657] yahcty: how do i get charm? [8657] sleezball47: XIM IS GARBAGE [8657] itoshimuco: xim is dog [8658] tearipper: strikepack? [8658] Jehobaal: BrokeBack yebJolshrimp BrokeBack [8658] riotarmy1128: !clip [8658] furnando147: xim washed [8658] dark_woif: On the table [8658] jackisatwig1234: !x1m [8658] imjusma1: PRE KKUUMM [8658] GLiiTCH777: xim is washed [8658] mavman00: Idfk [8658] tony093792: !z1m [8658] frosted27_: Pom poms [8658] lacyjo02: left [8658] noah33hess: !xim [8658] MrFaelen: Jynxzi what if he just wasn't bein' lame? [8658] drmonkeeman10: LEFT [8659] Znxyy_00: !xim [8659] mrgfl0yd: left [8659] codein3cowboy: YOU SAT ON IT [8659] diddycash: KIM [8659] milkoo4578: yoooooooooooooooooolololilololomubybybybybtbft gtg r get tf gr gr vr g gr gr gr [8659] bubbly_34: LEFTTT [8659] calebcoro3: !xim [8659] gh0stonx1m: Xim got banned on twitch brooo [8659] asydbc: LETS GO [8659] boogacheese: !xim [8659] solis__1: L CHEATER [8659] atalkingapple: plugging in his Xim [8659] ddl3000: gyattt [8659] habobandz: 1-6 bitch . [8659] ljlbountyhunter: 💀💀💀 [8660] sjskjhdsu: CHEERLEADER [8660] THE_R33CE: How you be tonight Jynx? [8660] Nightbot: @jmko_06 -> You're starting to bug me. [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [8660] chris_creek: face reveal [8660] P0GJUICE: !xim [8660] Emiamez: Emiamez subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! [8661] ltksloth: jynxziChampion_BW [8661] jopavelski: !stompn [8661] underxtedmike: !xim [8661] gh0stgh0sty: UNDER BED [8661] konsti2id: !xim [8661] xxreaperkingxxx: Towards ur bed [8661] chrollo_p: bro get a battery pack [8661] lockmonster_: right [8661] goonsquadcarter_: !xim [8661] robertgavindaddyboi69: JYNXI [8661] stalecheerios101: yo your butt [8661] gerrycube: !xim [8662] skinnydikums: to thte right [8662] thatasianfr: left [8662] wreckingcrew2002: I’m about to lose 100k points [8662] exhaustedslothh: xim washed? [8662] Maedr4: !xim [8662] allgaeuerkuh: ayo [8662] ktgakaktg: batteries is crazy [8662] Hifortwo: I’m my ass [8662] thsaw1: CARRIED [8662] dongslaps34: TO THE RIGHT [8662] boejiden2028: !xim [8662] xernety: YOUR XIM? [8662] sizz1_: !XIM [8662] QtReidd: !followage [8662] lunchiestbox: L xim [8663] kfln_ryan: !xim [8663] kanelmfao: !xim [8663] DoMathsKids: when is fan mail [8663] StreamElements: @QtReidd, qtreidd has been following jynxzi for 7 months 23 days 22 hours [8664] rtoto1516: Stompn is the real deal [8664] hot5nakes: Check your pussy [8664] maximummax9736: !xim [8664] kanexx_qc: !XIM [8664] angelchastity: FANMAIL AND SPIT [8664] Notchchode: its in your room [8664] DropTonDon: !xim [8664] Nightbot: Xim (Apex) is an external adapter that lets losers use mouse and keyboard on console to get an advantage over regular controller players. [8664] levitheguy2125: yay spam w the f your busting rn [8664] nikisimmer2015: Left [8664] USAFM1ke: KEEP YOUR ROOM CLEAN MORON [8664] eltono_x: ¡xim [8664] depolie: XIM IS A SHITTER [8664] lordtimis: XIM WASHED [8664] sSpoox: !xim [8665] tr3v411: left [8665] gh0stonx1m: Xim got banned on twitch [8665] jayofrmdashh21: washed xim [8665] driveblind: messy room fuck your [8665] vvverybaddddd: 7-1 [8665] godofwar760: l controller [8665] ztac2000: xim is ass [8665] lllcomboziii: !xim [8665] c14yy: left [8665] welkutttt: bye bye 50k channel points [8665] unfounded_you: bed [8665] critxtwo: to the right of you [8665] qtons: THEYRE IN SHAMBLES [8665] kad6767: !xim [8665] hyp3r99_: L SCRIPTED [8667] sunflxwersesh: to the right [8667] IsaiahHommes: behind chair next to fan!!!1 [8667] Anti20k: ungrateful [8667] takumithesamurai: !gamble 100 [8667] glxxr: 7-1 first round [8667] imenyaanss: smoking that xim pack [8667] z_a_m_p_y: WE WANT SKETCH AND YOU MORE! [8667] andresgoat9913: ungrateful [8667] aidentax: PHONE [8668] furnando147: !xim [8668] ass_vibes: !X1m [8668] Buzzed_Light_Year_: use wired for better connection [8668] StreamElements: takumithesamurai lost 100 points in roulette and now has 1265 points! FeelsBadMan [8668] aidanhansonn: aidanhansonn subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [8668] theseleafs10: i clipped it [8668] cedric122333: in your ass [8668] 9z_Gerson: carried [8668] xxreaperkingxxx: Ur bed [8668] iluvsmileyz: !xim [8668] gavyn2027: !xim [8668] dripiskey0: !xim [8668] waterypanda: Xim is scared and rattled [8668] argopargo: When is fanmail? [8668] chris_creek: when are you doing face reveal [8669] thsaw1: SUPPERRR CARRIED [8669] izzyfr3sh721: !xim [8669] blower754: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [8669] peaceablespore1: L UNGRATEFUL [8669] dinocaptain104: !xim [8669] mcubed52: 6-1 ric [8669] IR4inb0wxI: IR4inb0wxI gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ubiorio! This is their first Gift Sub in the channel! [8669] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: the paddles outside [8671] KL11111: he is cheating 💀 [8671] thsaw1: CARRIED [8671] Nightbot: @CenaiGoesMad If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [8671] imjusma1: EAT MY BTT [8671] reload_on_x: its lost for sure [8671] Calemendenhall: white speed white speed white speed [8671] vthcc: !xim [8671] nicholasppppppp: the Illuminati [8671] whitelight5647: L STOMPIN CARRYING [8671] TreeStumph: SO RICH [8671] bodhi_15_: !watchtime [8672] luan14325: they ggonna play warden [8672] StreamElements: bodhi_15_ has spent 2 days 11 hours watching jynxzi [8672] ethanwithaE: greatest duo to do it [8672] jjthewalrus: !xim [8672] m0zzar3lla1: !xim [8672] xernety: !xim [8672] ahmadz_02: now he ends stresm [8672] melonedstreams: free money [8672] mrezdog2: mrezdog2 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! [8672] c14yy: pool [8672] sh6mss: !xim [8672] Nightbot: @on1andonly2 -> Jackpot! [stop posting links] [8672] azraelwoah: it’s under the bed [8672] seths0930: !xim [8672] oppaxt: up down left right [8673] Anti20k: so ungrateful [8673] diddycash: KIM [8673] beastboy543211: !xim [8673] bjepperson: LETS GO STOMPN [8673] spoonsarebetterthanknives: 7-1 [8673] GLiiTCH777: over there [8673] glyphontwitch1: LEEEEFFTTTT [8673] hiifti: over there [8673] wowimalex: !xim [8673] mercgotpercs: !x1m [8673] jeremiahiscoolaf: !xim [8673] introvertedperson79: !watchtime [8673] Y_SO_SERIOUS_BOO: inside you [8673] orphansnatcher_: how dirty is ur house [8674] pr_jace: XIM 7-2 youu [8674] jayonkbm_onkick: there tryna bate you with the xim is ban so it looks like u stream sniping v [8674] vfluxzx: !followage [8674] atha15: !xim [8674] StreamElements: introvertedperson79 has spent 0 secs watching jynxzi [8674] StreamElements: @snxggyy_r6, snxggyy_r6 has been following jynxzi for 2 months 1 day 19 hours [8675] mcbandit09: !xim [8675] colourvecter: !X1m [8675] bla2gud: Ric is ez [8675] felixgoat1: your rightttt [8675] allstarliam015: that’s what you get for having a dirty room dirty fat fuck [8675] whitelight5647: STOMPIN CARRY [8675] dabeanz__: bed [8675] dissroom: fat lard [8675] VDkuechle: free channel points [8675] djshhwb16928: !sub [8675] GoodGam3Man: !xim [8675] JayJonesEnt: when you went to get charger i [8675] depolie: !xim [8675] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [8675] cris_71907: jynxzi actually getting kills [8676] mfam_medic18: stop selling [8676] r_4vnzz: !xim [8676] Xyn616: !xim [8676] ttv_hated135: Xim=washed [8676] ieatbread09: !x! [8676] c14yy: in pool [8676] ass_vibes: next to chair [8676] levitheguy2125: spam w if your busting [8676] wreckingcrew2002: xim is super selling my points [8676] snooziezzz: !avidboost [8676] jayonkbm_onkick: there tryna bate you with the xim is ban so it looks like u stream sniping x [8676] ihk88: ChefFrank ChefFrank ChefFrank ChefFrank [8676] christianp311: !xim [8676] primetime_icy: !link [8676] sebby_68: 1-7 devonn [8678] oofmonger84: BED [8678] emcity11: jynxi getting carried who would have thought [8678] c14yy: pool [8678] airsofts_action_news: 6-1 is wild [8678] zoapi22: LEFT [8678] soulzthegoat: south [8678] quackinator0: !xim [8678] zenvel0: so dick in my butt [8678] axther_cs: LMAO [8678] crkding: did I see fanmail [8678] rahxit275: !xim [8678] macatackkk: f [8678] snooziezzz: !avid [8678] whitemexican03: under your titty [8679] bobotheclown644iphone: u threw it on the ground [8679] carter101_: !xim [8679] yyynsr: !duo [8679] Nightbot: F in the chat [8679] rileybouchard30: THE PADDLES IN YOUR TOILET [8679] saucin2hard: Ricci 1v2 [8679] Nightbot: https://clips.twitch.tv/NiceCorrectSmoothieGOWSkull-4QDzVRIerbUb16oT [8679] Gn3ll0: prime back [8679] BigDaddyBiggums: Towards your right [8679] Nightbot: 👀 [8679] Nightbot: Blue crown —-> Free —-> no ads —-> charm: https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [8679] brixxxed: left [8679] xx_allonsy_xx: whos gone carry the boats [8679] hyp3r99_: L SCRIPTED L SCRIPTED L SCRIPTED [8679] StreamElements: pizzadino_ went all in and lost every single one of their 65 points LUL [8680] BurnerSage: UP [8680] dgcv_: !xim [8680] beenbaIIin: IN YOUR BATHROOM [8680] merrickrage: BEDDDDDDDD [8680] rizzutii: UNDER WINDOW [8680] dmg_levi: to the right | Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [8500] Come on, bro. Seven one. Seven fucking one. Zim is one and five as kids of fucking joke. He's got the first picked every round Yo, I should have trusted my gut and just baited cuz I knew he was gonna walk through [8510] I should have just said about me bro, but I heard him attic bro when you called him I don't know why you heard that too I heard him attic and I was just holding [8520] kids door because I know you flashed at it so like look at kids door needs in the breach this game sound is like perfect but then sometimes it's horrible I don't know it's it's whenever there's weird holes for a fucks-up sound [8530] Yo, 7-1 on map 1 is insane. Here's the bomb. So, bro. Yo, Pinchel is actually... [8540] Yo, vigil and mutants in insane combo like they can't [8550] Two more routes! Just be able to fuck it up your fan! Those are happening to the one below whenever I was on Doke to be there. Gonna bend in next game. I son. [8560] I have to find the camera. I literally am putting three new cameras on the beach around them. They like having figured out why they can't get it down. [8570] I'm not ready to act. My kitchen. OBS. No. [8580] My controller died. My controller? Zim is the worst player I've ever seen. [8590] I killed him. Run, run, run, run, run, run! Oh my god! Zim is so ass! No, cut it! Cut it! Zim can never get an Ego again. I was spinning in circles and he missed! [8600] I'm going to play close door, I'm going to play top lane, I'm flanking, I'm going to play top lane. Can you shoot a shotgun or no? Yeah, yeah. Or quick, play one bullet. [8610] Get the best, bro. Yo, stop in my fucking controller. I know I saved your life. I'm not gonna lie. Oh my god. [8620] Oh Yo, I didn't know where I threw my back paddle I just threw it Okay, yep, that sims downfall right there just someone clip that and just call [8630] I'm not an exclamation mark zoom. Somebody clip that. I spawn in like seven circles in the middle of master. Yo, that is fucking insane. [8640] Bro where do I put my paddle at? I need a pause I need a pause I'm not selling shit Where the fuck is my paddle at bro? My battery's already been hell is way so I know [8650] I don't know where I'm at, I like flung it. Somebody watch the VOD bro, where did I throw it at? Anybody know? There's just fan mail all over my floor. Oh my god. [8660] Damn it. Yo, I don't know where my backpack was. Let me go find my other controller. [8670] Okay, this one will have to do, I guess, for now. Bro, yeah, what direction did I throw it, bro? | There is no Highlight in the provided timespan. Jynxzis Controler dies which is the reason why he leaves for a couple of seconds. They win the round with ST0PMN making two kills. The timeframe ends with the second round starting |
Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [9000] shivermetimbers15: NOOO RICCI [9000] not_keltin: xim was in stream [9000] sensei_clips: DELUSIONALL [9000] Rextuga: LUL [9000] RonladMcNaldo: fake laugh [9000] TheEmporiumm: MrDestructoid BCWarrior BCWarrior DansGame SwiftRage SwiftRage [9000] oppaxt: not lting [9000] hcfiguess: LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO [9000] babych1cken: ricci so real [9001] ghostman5688: Smokers cough💀 [9001] moneybaggzmedina: LIL ASS KID [9001] SL_Kinscourge: mic [9001] metalmariomain16: 😂😂😂😂😂😂 [9001] Walkdownz: CREAM IN MY BUTT STOMPN [9001] shreksmomma21: He's off a perk lmao [9001] britishsharkk: washed [9001] kareemloo812: U JS LEAKED XIMMM LMAFO💀💀 [9001] onevvr: jynxziVapeBreak [9001] dumbdoc1227: Stream sniper [9001] james_martinezz: 😭😭😭😭 [9001] fraqgrgn: not lying [9002] Lanceisviben: it’s the truth [9002] mexicanbatmanssg: BET [9002] Delvish_on_mk: hi [9002] twitchsheild_: Kairi [9002] hannahbango: LOL [9002] TheEmporiumm: WholeWheat PermaSmug WholeWheat DAESuppy [9002] theraddad001: Get him brother [9002] LeePlayZyt: !gamble 250 [9002] eliiis07: fake laugh [9002] GrumpyDonutss: keep separate parties [9002] gh0stfoo: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [9002] pocketpengun: LMAOOOO [9002] StreamElements: LeePlayZyt lost 250 points in roulette and now has 1675 points! FeelsBadMan [9002] FutureOmy: FutureOmy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! hey man [9003] sam2010gar: THEY ARE TRASHHH [9003] benjaiminsermeno66: Omg he's caping [9003] lunchiestbox: Cope [9003] papichulo171614: jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD [9003] oppaxt: not lying [9004] bradgbp: when’s xim [9004] g_rausch: stream sniping [9004] amplify_o7: cope of hell [9004] Fwceqzy: WHY DID LOO GET FIRST PICK EVERY ROUND [9004] TheEmporiumm: Kreygasm ThunBeast TF2John SSSsss [9004] ltl_goated: ricci bad [9004] damonkumsfurfun: heheheheeeeee [9004] Fergiee2: RICCI FACTS [9004] don_junior1007: TEASH [9004] xxtrashatfnxxyt: XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD [9004] sobek_socko: xim a shitter [9004] abdullah_7_7: WE WANT SPOIT & SHAIKO VS YOU AND STOMPN [9004] Arin7XS: BRO IS SHIT [9005] kinda_dead_l: LEAK [9005] cr7_or_messi: not wrong [9005] shivermetimbers15: LMAO [9005] moneybaggzmedina: HE A LIL BOI [9005] moderatedgg: washed [9005] cheefkeef33: L exuce [9005] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [9005] blakewhite1197: I bet 500 [9005] Brxx_11: pancake ass kid [9005] spin4myblock: XIM IS IN HERE [9006] lorym02: The prediction jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke [9006] johnson_jynxzi: LOL [9006] bennydoooo: XIM SNIPING [9006] Nightbot: 😂 [9006] USAFM1ke: XIM HAD 18 PING HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA [9006] m1ck_h0ck216: m1ck_h0ck216 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! when’s fan mail [9006] ltl_goated: bad [9006] swiftyyjd: LOLLLL [9006] Abs_urdity: Absolute mug [9007] Gh0st5725: to [9007] poyntdudes4582: Lol bro is mad lolll [9007] mythicghosst: LMAOOOO [9007] not_Iucky: LEAKED XIM [9007] papichulo171614: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [9007] displaynqme: not lying [9007] kaoaiex: baby [9007] Psycho_Thor_: jynxziBALD bald [9007] AdamOlive98: !gamble 233 [9007] bigmanjosh694: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [9007] finneh_progamer: ¡POINTS! [9007] GiggityGiggity84: ITS CHALET [9007] zlles: RICCI HAD 48 PING LMAOOOO [9007] StreamElements: @AdamOlive98, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan [9008] wreckitralph_22: hell naw [9008] carlos_m100: it’s true [9008] Captain_Clout1: True [9008] jdog45pt: Gyaaaaat [9008] tyallanmiller: boiler up [9008] deaed_man_walking: xim is ass [9008] don_junior1007: TRASH* [9008] xxtrashatfnxxyt: REAL [9008] juniorchii: he spitting fr [9008] fifakid76: !sub [9008] ltl_goated: asss [9008] Nightbot: real [9008] Nightbot: @snino -> You have to let it go. [stop posting links] [warning] [9008] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [9008] bigmanjosh694: jynxziCharizard jynxziHappy [9009] damonkumsfurfun: ahahahahhahaahahahah [9009] justkirsten: I hope you’re okay [9009] twitchf2man: chalet [9009] babych1cken: chatlet [9009] fieserlerry: PogChamp [9010] jaytoosweezy: PANCAKE ASS KID [9010] LovedSince04: bro ping was low wht he on about [9010] fusionstormyz: XIM IS DOG [9010] benjaiminsermeno66: !gamble 400 [9010] tom_12333: 😂 [9010] Rextuga: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [9010] swifty_boyttv: 👶🪰on the 🛤️🙎🏿♂️🙎🏿♂️🙎🏿♂️ [9010] kenlynpate: jynxziVapeBreak_BW [9010] StreamElements: benjaiminsermeno66 lost 400 points in roulette and now has 1625 points! FeelsBadMan [9010] lunchiestbox: Copeee [9011] Sniperkiller533: Sniperkiller533 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [9011] GiggityGiggity84: ITS CHALET [9011] bluejoltz23: they are washed [9011] not_keltin: xim was in tge stresm [9011] Vit824: Loo [9011] argopargo: LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO [9011] papichulo171614: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [9012] inaxvy: true ngl [9012] persistenx: persistenx subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 1 month streak! . [9012] damonkumsfurfun: lololollol [9012] mxaccax: xim was selling [9012] scrxppy420: I just bet all my channel points and jynxzi and stompn [9012] shhmidty: CHALETT [9012] juiceytuce: @Juiceytuce [9012] spin4myblock: xim is here [9013] dkesmurk: !gamble3k [9013] snowypants99: mad you lost [9013] OnIyJon: !followage [9013] philforlife31918: L part timer [9013] SL_Kinscourge: mic! [9013] whillyuhmm: XIM SNIPER [9013] wellstayted: !points [9013] insanity_179: some1 gift sub please [9013] yorumain9: LETSS GOOOOO JYNXZIIII [9013] ltl_goated: love u jynxzi [9013] SH1VVVER5: chalet [9013] StreamElements: @wellstayted wellstayted has 4315 points and is rank 115608/1711741 on the leaderboard. [9013] StreamElements: @OnIyJon, oniyjon has been following jynxzi for 1 year 3 months 1 day 3 hours [9014] antwano53: lwaked [9014] zxourii: FRR [9014] Jok3r_C72L: banning vigil and dokabbei [9014] shhmidty: CHALLLLETTTTT [9014] gabrielsleq: w [9014] rijinmanz1: XIM WAS IN STREAM [9014] zaicl_: WHO WON [9015] mohammed_haider_iq: BRO YOU GOT MY BREAD JUNKO [9015] fusionstormyz: CHALET [9015] akbeamgod: it’s chalet [9015] danni3_b01: !gamble all [9015] pizzadino_: RICCI A BITCH [9015] tb_styx: evil playing field [9015] TheEmporiumm: chalet [9015] womrz_r6: CHALET [9015] StreamElements: danni3_b01 went all in and lost every single one of their 10 points LUL [9015] golddemon45: can’t see your face [9015] stiizzyk: LOO👀 [9015] sh4yu99: washed [9015] Jager_514: chalet [9015] Jaydakidd14: didn’t ricci 7-1 u? [9015] stackswopofanboi: clip famer [9016] GiggityGiggity84: CHALET [9016] imcrusading: !gamble all in [9016] wpbcjj: xim sniping [9016] dunker15758: they said chaler [9016] Qwenneth_: Qwenneth_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! Love you [9016] StreamElements: PogChamp imcrusading went all in and won 725 points PogChamp they now have 1450 points FeelsGoodMan [9016] prz_draco: L [9016] babych1cken: chalet chalet chalet [9016] whsitle: Bros not lying you beating beaulo is a fluke [9016] MugiwaraZolo: 18 ping [9016] arsenal987656: He picked chalet [9016] itsklipz6: !gamble 100 [9016] Ghosthyne: The cope is nuts [9016] oppaxt: chalet [9016] StreamElements: itsklipz6 won 100 points in roulette and now has 285 points! FeelsGoodMan [9017] sandy_sir: LMAAOOOL BULLY [9018] benjaiminsermeno66: !gamble all [9018] aidenr6__: chaletttt [9018] poyntdudes4582: they want chalet [9018] shhmidty: CHALLEYTTTTT [9018] sandy_sir: L BUL;LL [9018] itsbeasty01: your Oregon made lil bro [9018] ttvdeath66: !gamble all [9018] doggywoggy1: You should do you and STOMPN vs every rank [9019] tfgreg: chalet [9019] fusionstormyz: CHALET ON CENTRAL [9019] wpbcjj: Xim sniping [9019] pablotheescalator: XIM said chalet [9019] AVFC_Nitro: chalet rehost [9019] DovaaWolf: did they win the first match? [9019] z_purpleswag1: CHALET [9019] reecespeices0909: chalet [9019] Mave02008: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [9020] womrz_r6: CHALETTTTT [9020] soulzthegoat: stream sniping [9020] antwano53: leaked [9020] Jaymoney923: Xim in chhat [9020] vibing_mango: xim is sniping [9020] xlshart: evil playing field 😈 [9020] ATR_Kmoney: Oregon is flukey [9020] damonkumsfurfun: loloollololllololol [9020] stackswopofanboi: LOL [9020] 0_unk1nown: INCOMING STREAM SNIPE [9021] carlos_m100: you’re a one map demon [9021] duckyjuxe101: is bro baked [9021] USAFM1ke: THEY SO MAD [9021] drmonkeeman10: XIM IN STREAM [9021] omppa_lomppa7418773: Junko im a 0.4 bronze am i done for [9021] Nightbot: instagram.com/Jynxzii [9021] chase22604: xim is loooo? [9021] xxtrashatfnxxyt: SPOIT AND SHAIKO VS CHUNKO AND HIS DADDY STOMPN [9021] fwpauli: !watchtime [9021] nikisimmer2015: Xim snipping? [9022] WHHHHHHH00: chalet [9022] Mave02008: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke [9022] bryanfranco430: Xim in stream [9022] StreamElements: fwpauli has spent 0 secs watching jynxzi [9022] sandy_sir: L BULLY [9022] ljsurs: !LINK [9022] Nightbot: @ljsurs If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [9022] 0_unk1nown: INCOMING STREAM SNIPEE [9022] dunker15758: they said chalet [9022] pablotheescalator: chalet [9022] wpbcjj: sniping [9023] justm4rsh: when is 2v2 [9023] kylr_r: WAKE UP TO REALITY [9023] raider715: !watchtime [9023] zlles: XIM WAS IN CHAT TOO [9023] 0_unk1nown: INCOMING STREAM SNIPE [9023] samswish6: he beat u on Oregon tho so that defeats and contradicts what he’s saying [9023] StreamElements: raider715 has spent 1 month 10 hours watching jynxzi [9023] Captain_Clout1: 1v1 then [9023] kalethomp146: !watchtime [9023] jagjag123abc: xim was in stream [9024] not_Iucky: LOO IS CRAZY 💀 [9024] yorumain9: YESSSIRRR [9024] yassin_abdelhamid: !prediction [9024] aidenr6__: chalet [9024] stackswopofanboi: 😂 [9024] shhmidty: CHALLLETTTTT [9024] robertgavindaddyboi69: JYNXI HAS A MASSIVE GYAT [9025] ltl_goated: I love u jynxzi [9025] easton33s: sim in chat [9025] rny_monkeyx_x: L bronz [9025] spin4myblock: L add [9025] EvanG83: MINGO [9025] wpbcjj: snipe [9025] shauxity: BCUZ YOU HAVE TO RE-HOST [9025] AmbitiousAJ13: L ,add [9025] damonkumsfurfun: lololololololol [9026] sandy_sir: L BU8LLL [9026] DovaaWolf: wild [9026] SH1VVVER5: chalet chalet [9026] DirtyGhetto27: grown men acting craaaaazy lmao [9026] THE_R33CE: Copper to champ? [9026] 0_unk1nown: INCOMING STREAM SNIPEE [9026] ElTripZy: xim is snipping [9026] womrz_r6: CHALETTTTTT [9026] death2soraaa: oh my god i got paid out for once [9026] obvinationnnn: Carried [9026] lucasignorino: headset dent [9026] thuggasaurus: 5K POINTS ON STOMPN AND JYNXZI [9027] xlqnee: !gamble 400 [9027] benjaiminsermeno66: !gamble 10 [9027] lixxyzzz: CHALET [9027] StreamElements: @xlqnee, you only have 55 points. [9027] vcleq: vcleq subscribed at Tier 1. [9027] antic_squirrel99: L ADSSSS [9028] nikolaslord_: LMAO LOO LEAKES [9028] SH1VVVER5: chalet [9028] 0_unk1nown: INCOMING STREAM SNIPE [9028] leone_hamrett: chalet [9028] yamamadumb1212: WWW JYINXX [9028] WHHHHHHH00: Charlie [9028] tharealdigger: !gamble [9028] dalify: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [9028] Nathan_Wenger: !gamble all [9028] womrz_r6: CHALET [9028] rg20: !sub [9028] philliesarefightin29: g [9029] xals1: !gamble all [9029] itsklipz6: !gamble all [9029] vvverybaddddd: 7-1 is mad [9029] StreamElements: Nathan_Wenger went all in and lost every single one of their 13160 points LUL [9029] kayznew: JUST GIVE ME MY MONEY [9029] Nightbot: no [9029] StreamElements: xals1 went all in and lost every single one of their 540 points LUL [9029] gryffthadonkey: L AD [9029] juicyjessa: ad is wild [9029] adonis_shelbyy: l [9029] aidentax: PHONE [9029] shawtyspencer: Yeh!!!! [9029] 0_unk1nown: INCOMING STREAM SNIPEE [9029] shashietsy: I bet all my points don’t sell [9029] trudiddy: 8 ads [9030] cpolston: L the people that vote against [9030] mssoccer82: copper to champ to? [9030] rezzuyy: how do i claim the charm [9030] GMGvelli: solo copper to champ ep 2 tn? [9030] Trap2Kwastaken: free carry [9030] franklin_z: how do people prefer this shit over other streamers [9030] starfishfingerer: ADDDDDDDDDDDD [9030] ikingfm: ikingfm subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! why u fat [9030] vcleq: !charm [9030] echo5822: noooooo [9031] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [9031] idiot_46: L ad [9031] shhmidty: CHALLLETTTTTT [9031] p_datyungin762: U KNOW I GOT MY POINTS ON YOU TWIN [9031] WHHHHHHH00: chalet [9031] ass_vibes: really 3 ads [9031] zlles: FREE THOUSAND [9031] misticleey: new peak rank [9031] xxjacobxx42069: your so fat [9031] shreksmomma21: JUNKO I GIFTED [9031] ZxExol: ZxExol subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! [9031] d0ouglaas1: xim said chalet [9031] pablotheescalator: chalety [9031] 0_unk1nown: INCOMING STREAM SNIPE [9032] trinxmasterz01: They said chalet [9032] bg3isgood75936: l ad [9032] yangeekka: xim souds depressed Kappa [9032] Waxing_Gibbon: normal ad spot for once [9032] slippyslide69: Slamed fn [9032] typeshi_: STOMP CARRIES YOU STOMP CARRIES YOU STOMP CARRIES YOU STOMP CARRIES YOU STOMP CARRIES YOU STOMP CARRIES YOU [9032] womrz_r6: CHALETTTTT [9033] justiner69: !gamble all in [9033] bllurryylol: 60 ADS???? [9033] unlogica1: L ADSSSS [9033] StreamElements: PogChamp justiner69 went all in and won 1430 points PogChamp they now have 2860 points FeelsGoodMan [9033] jackfhgkruzg: l ad [9033] aidentax: CHECK UR PHONE [9033] lu_sassle95: 15k on you [9033] echo5822: lose please [9033] 0_unk1nown: INCOMING STREAM SNIPEE [9033] chazwell: 6 aids [9034] shhmidty: CHALLLLETTTT [9034] ethandifuntorum: L AD [9034] chriscannotstop: ur in bronze [9034] pd150arl: lol [9034] benjaiminsermeno66: !gamble alll [9034] johnson_jynxzi: L ad [9034] gryffthadonkey: HORRIBLE AD [9034] nikolaslord_: LEAKEDDDDDD [9034] mythic_12_: XIM MAD AF 💀🙏 [9034] 0_unk1nown: INCOMING STREAM SNIPE [9035] sa1ahuddin: L ADD [9035] mochip1: white speed? [9035] al_dusty324: ADS [9035] RazorsRenegade: losing to controllers while using mnk is a big fkn yikes [9035] Nightbot: Just sub bozo you’ll get no ads, my emotes, double the channel points, and guess what you will also get my beautiful charm that you will never lose, and many more!!!! #subuporshutup [9035] Rasbuil: 30 more min than stream ends [9035] ltl_goated: love u jynxsi [9035] iioveximm: IM STREAM SNIPING YO ASS [9035] glyphontwitch1: o ad [9035] lgameplay_tv: l ad [9035] volakz101: chalet [9035] saucin2hard: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [9035] im0npc: plz [9035] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [9036] harrymaguire4: REHOSTTT [9036] b4tf4ng1439: 9 adds...... [9036] not_keltin: xim was im streamm [9036] insanity_179: some1 gift sub pleae [9036] wtetet: 18 ads is insane [9036] Hardrada: !slots 1500 [9036] austinstafford02: xim is playing warden next game Ricci melusi [9036] jackfhgkruzg: L ad [9036] doodleboob4: L ad [9036] StreamElements: @Hardrada you got PogChamp | OpieOP | Kappa and lost your 1500 points LUL [9036] sirstardew: not ads [9036] imafcatjam: Thank you brother [9036] Watimbeme: you are my sunshine my only sunshine you make me happy when sky’s are grey ☀️🌞🎶🎵 [9037] mavman00: FUCKING ADS [9037] gryffthadonkey: TERRIBLE AD [9037] typeshi_: STOMP CARRIES YOU STOMP CARRIES YOU STOMP CARRIES YOU STOMP CARRIES YOU STOMP CARRIES YOU STOMP CARRIES YOU STOMP CARRIES YOU [9037] satanix_666: GOD DAMN AD FARM SIMULATOR [9037] Twxgy: 3 ads [9037] nate1892378: chalet [9037] sa1ahuddin: L [9037] kolaidinho: hard carry [9037] pd150arl: lolllllll [9037] joecrete: !gamble all [9037] SpankinGamin: adddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd [9037] ice_king1237: ads [9038] freecyaxd: he said chalet [9038] dumbdoc1227: Stream sniper [9038] Trydosey: W ADS [9038] dinomitch7: invite ricci [9038] StreamElements: joecrete went all in and lost every single one of their 1480 points LUL [9038] imscoopy_: !gamble all [9038] acid1ce: gimme my mooooooooooooooooony [9038] shhmidty: CHALLETTTTTTT [9038] edwxies: KFC ad [9038] StreamElements: imscoopy_ went all in and lost every single one of their 20 points LUL [9038] tayto8824: Ad [9039] 76vertix: gg [9039] fifakid76: fifakid76 subscribed with Prime. [9039] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [9039] tyler_5878: ,…,,.,,.,, [9039] moshywreck2: I GOT 5 BANDS ON YALL LOCK IN [9039] yassin_abdelhamid: prediction [9039] sajtos_kaposzta: 9ads??? [9039] treszzz: chalet [9039] gavin10_: !viewer list [9039] facelessdmon: play me next [9039] cr00zy_games: no why is there a add [9039] 0haniken0: Pre end [9039] Peppone001: invite him [9040] negzero_: CHALET [9040] sa1ahuddin: AD [9040] conxed: millionaire stealing peoples money [9040] alex_le2wat46: w [9040] Hardrada: !slots 1600 [9040] tharealdigger: !GAMBLE [9040] vvverybaddddd: L add [9040] benjaiminsermeno66: !gamble all [9040] starfishfingerer: LLLLLLLLLLLL aDDDDDDDDDD [9040] StreamElements: @Hardrada you got BibleThump | OpieOP | OpieOP and lost your 1600 points LUL [9040] moiisessc: put the Pom poms on [9040] im0npc: im broke [9041] shxrdz_: Free bands [9041] pjthegoat50: Ads [9041] unknowns_wrld: is Xim in the viewer list ????? [9041] alex_le2wat46: wwwwwwwwwwwww [9041] volakz101: chalet chalet [9041] primetime_icy: !LINK [9041] Rain_no_gamesX: Rain_no_games2 subscribed at Tier 1. [9041] imperixxl: 1995 ADS [9042] Nightwing_x26: Letttttttttsssssssss goooooooooooo jynxzi [9042] trudiddy: 50000000000000 ads [9042] b4tf4ng1439: L millionare [9042] bryanbuthi: 23 ads [9042] madyuka: !xim [9042] saucin2hard: W jynxi [9042] chinglang1: L bully [9042] yuh2101: bad aim of good aim? [9042] ikrazyeyes: Xim snipe [9042] hennyxhilton50: 8 ads is crazy [9042] Nightbot: Xim (Apex) is an external adapter that lets losers use mouse and keyboard on console to get an advantage over regular controller players. [9042] bllurryylol: 60 ADSSSS???? [9042] xilouis8: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [9042] starfishfingerer: ladd [9042] whachs_2: 125k on ricci [9043] obvinationnnn: CHALET CENTRAL [9043] BigfootSalty: BigfootSalty subscribed at Tier 1. [9043] shreksmomma21: Junko I gifted [9043] alex_le2wat46: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [9043] cap_radiation_ttv: 7 ads 🫠 [9043] dkesmurk: !gamble [9043] Delvish_on_mk: jynxzi do you feel lonely sometime? [9043] sa1ahuddin: L ADD [9043] Nightbot: Twitter: twitter.com/Jynxzi [9043] millz_67: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [9043] ltl_goated: jynxzi [9043] sajtos_kaposzta: 90ads???? [9043] wassaidanwass: ads [9043] abdullah_7_7: WE WANT SPOIT & SHAIKO VS YOU AND STOMPN [9044] mowingmaniac: don’t sell stompn [9044] WHHHHHHH00: coastkine [9044] flipflopgrease: W POINTSSS [9044] poyntdudes4582: invite him [9044] TehDonk: Carried [9044] wtetet: Cmon bro [9044] aSpicyLemon: 1 MINUTE ADS ARE CRAZY [9044] ryeton: !gamble 1000 [9044] kazuu_ya: L ADSS [9044] Tubugai___: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [9045] StreamElements: @ryeton, you only have 485 points. [9045] milito____22: CHECK UR PHONE [9045] mssoccer82: f [9045] Nightbot: F in the chat [9045] vvverybaddddd: L ad [9045] opticaljd: 47 ADS [9045] RnsFu3kIt: LAds [9045] starfishfingerer: L add [9046] trubs52: 8 ADS [9046] deceived_xd: L mods [9046] its_aniskyguy: STOP PLAYING ADS GREEDY STREAMEE [9046] trickeog: 40K POINTS ON YOU JYNXZI STAY LOCKED [9046] bakedice12: let’s gooooooooooooo [9046] moshywreck2: LOCK TF IN [9047] flipflopgrease: EZ POINTS [9047] ATR_Kmoney: lol see how Stompin didn’t say it back [9047] nazarior9_: 11 ADA [9047] Nightbot: 😂 [9047] Trydosey: W 11 ADS [9047] doctorstotoro: ZACH IS GOATED [9047] rosezenkai: shit aim [9047] breeze_yuh: ricci so bitch made [9047] blower754: BOCA ME BUEN AMIGOBOCA ME BUEN AMIGOBOCA ME BUEN AMIGOBOCA ME BUEN AMIGOBOCA ME BUEN AMIGOBOCA ME BUEN AMIGOBOCA ME BUEN AMIGOBOCA ME BUEN AMIGO [9047] b4tf4ng1439: L millionaire [9047] acitte: adddddddd [9047] daylen69: when is fanmail [9048] Nightbot: 👀 [9048] aid3n_ssg: 20k points on yall don’t sell me ong [9048] grrrrlock: ELEVEN ADS???? [9048] locokidlolll: THEY PICKED CHALET [9048] Fossabot: @ghost_bl5ze, Your message is too long [9048] scrxppy420: 94 ads?! [9048] Gobnsty: U [9048] WHHHHHHH00: coastal in e [9048] typeshi_: STOMP CARRIES YOU STOMP CARRIES YOU STOMP CARRIES YOU STOMP CARRIES YOU STOMP CARRIES YOU [9048] wolfmandude1: 9 ads is crazy brother [9049] Tubugai___: FortHype FortHype [9049] blakzack: L sds [9049] bcngocat: HE SAID HES NOT JOINING [9049] saucin2hard: W ricci [9049] s1_rfa_streams: wawa [9049] Rituallx: Lou letters [9049] flipflopgrease: EZ POINTSS [9049] Gobnsty: UU [9049] trubs52: 8 ads [9049] rubsy83: rubsy83 subscribed with Prime. [9049] fzxlman: tf jynxi fuck outa here [9049] kanye_east1579: 199999 ads # [9049] ice_king1237: ADS!!!!!!!!! [9049] Y_SO_SERIOUS_BOO: why isn’t stomp goat streaming [9050] blower754: BOCA ME BUEN AMIGO [9050] jhonnyboyyy19: adds [9050] its_trip: give Zach a band when it’s over !! [9050] jlrod5260: L adssss [9050] xilouis8: FallWinning [9050] starfishfingerer: brooooooooooooooo [9050] fathighandhappy: ad [9051] teewhyslaygel: fat ad [9051] ajs_cafe: h [9051] rbriskk: he said chalet [9051] Nightbot: h [9051] 207GREENWEASEL: ayyy stompn should get a lil share [9051] lennie84082745: tell ‘em bring me my money [9051] AkselKtK: L ad [9051] Vit824: LOO [9051] josey1414: L ADDS [9051] nvincble: !specs [9051] shreksmomma21: Junko I gifted! [9051] flipflopgrease: EZ POINTS [9051] ltcoolesokee: PRChase [9052] trudiddy: 100 minutes of ads [9052] kylehatescheese55: L ADDSS [9052] Qxxiiii: yall washed asf [9052] Clzwn2: jynxziBALD_SQ [9052] jmko_06: Ads [9052] jebbingtonthe2: still mad soft boy [9052] arcsonr6: !gamble 1500 [9053] omgkirbyyy: omgkirbyyy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months! love you chunko [9053] swagyoongz: whens fanmail? [9053] Giamaicano1312: !sens [9053] StreamElements: @arcsonr6, you only have 1240 points. [9053] Nightbot: Jynxzi sens and settings here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2GcpqRqJ9U [9053] skirtboiiiy: 947 Ads!? [9053] ayeyoseph: bro I’ve been threw 70 ads already [9053] KingDaveDaily: I hope Jynxzi wins tbh but i'm voting underdog for the chance at 5x my bet [9053] 1948598324987548692447: wwwww [9053] yorumain9: LOCKK INNNNN [9053] neon114569: !watchtime [9053] nazarior9_: 11 ADS [9053] StreamElements: neon114569 has spent 1 day 2 hours watching jynxzi [9054] jynxziepstein: L ungreatfull [9054] salad1503: 1/8 ads [9054] wajstt: XIM WAS IN STREAM [9054] Nightwing_x26: Letttttssssss goooooooo [9054] Tubugai___: jynxziChampion [9054] MattyTheSauce: L kfc ad [9054] zyonicz: 9 ads is outrages [9054] ghosttilin: PRE CARRY [9054] 1948598324987548692447: wwwwwwww [9055] xlight0x: OMG ADS [9055] pappi_cuhh559: !points [9055] aid3n_ssg: lock in [9055] josey1414: BUBONIC [9055] poyntdudes4582: You need to invite him [9055] StreamElements: @pappi_cuhh559 pappi_cuhh559 has 895 points and is rank 453110/1711740 on the leaderboard. [9055] zaicl_: WHO WON [9055] xdmcpizza: 20 bazillion million quadrillion thousand adds [9055] rip_lucky698: 12 ads is wild [9055] epikrato76: ******* clash of clans ad [9056] dona1dduck: jynxziVapeBreak [9056] typeshi_: STOMP CARRIES YOU STOMP CARRIES YOU STOMP CARRIES YOU STOMP CARRIES YOU STOMP CARRIES YOU STOMP CARRIES YOU [9056] itzdawzz_: L adds [9056] OTFbetter_24: Shoot harder [9056] jhonnyboyyy19: L adds [9056] dudesawyer10: L bozo part timer [9056] rosezenkai: jynxziSmoke [9056] itsklipz6: !gamble 285 [9056] gavinm1898: gavinm1898 subscribed at Tier 1. [9056] ice_king1237: 8 ads [9056] miljer100: L addz [9056] Pdiddillydawg: are you playing ranked tonight? [9056] LadnerBaptisttt: 10 minuites of ads should be illegal [9056] inaxvy: 100 ads [9056] AkselKtK: L bozo mods [9057] 1948598324987548692447: wwwwwwwwwww [9057] yuh2101: type 1 for bad aim [9057] iioveximm: I’ll win watch [9057] aid3n_ssg: LOCKED [9057] slippyslide69: slamed fn [9057] hlatte4: W [9057] gabproking_779: L add [9057] starfishfingerer: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [9058] nbajigglenjutz: why is jynxzi takin nba from my name?? [9058] 1948598324987548692447: wwwwww [9058] inaxvy: 10 ads [9058] sajtos_kaposzta: 69ads???????? [9059] VybzzL0L: bor mutes them [9059] its_trip: give Zach a band when it’s over !!l [9059] mosey_poo: L AD [9059] AkselKtK: L [9059] all_hail_brady: FrankerZ [9059] bocadillodecemento: !controller [9059] 1948598324987548692447: wwwwwww [9059] jhonnyboyyy19: add [9059] Nightbot: Scuf.co/jynxzi [9060] VybzzL0L: LOL [9060] 1948598324987548692447: wwwwww [9060] xxjacobxx42069: L UNGRATEFUL [9060] shashietsy: L ad [9061] newfoundtone: 2/8 [9061] inaxvy: 11 ads [9061] jynxziepstein: 1 [9061] HiVise: Real [9061] kev1n_boZz: adds are longer than the stream [9061] j311yroll: jynxziCopper [9061] Nightbot: real [9061] benjaiminsermeno66: !gamble 1 [9061] itzdawzz_: L mods [9061] ThomasSlayer12: stop ads [9062] alanwkkw21: 11 ads?? [9062] rubydafcknorangutan: SCRPITED [9062] zxourii: LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [9062] 0mkmc: 3 hour mark approaching [9062] cr00zy_games: I don’t want a fucking Orel b toothpaste [9062] xlqnee: !gamble all [9062] nickeh2478: L fucking add mother fucker [9062] slippyslide69: slammed fn [9062] 1948598324987548692447: wwww [9062] trubs52: 8 ads LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL [9062] jaydon78345: part timer lmao [9062] caohssister: what’s up brutha [9062] wolfwafi: LMAO [9063] s1_rfa_streams: a [9063] skettynoodlez69: w no ad [9063] Nightbot: YouTube: Jynxzi R6 [9063] gabproking_779: L adds [9063] bumevan5: jynxziFAT [9063] ltcoolesokee: addd [9063] finneh_progamer: ADSSSSSSSSS [9063] jtg570: 8 ads💀 [9063] zxourii: WWW [9064] Y_SO_SERIOUS_BOO: WHY ISNT STOMPGOAT STREAMING?! [9064] trxppazoid8299: 86 adds?! [9064] jhonnyboyyy19: adds [9064] jaytoosweezy: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH [9064] ryzewydcrew: yo [9064] waydand: Rehost central [9064] Smurf9223: why you don’t play rank any more [9064] Tubugai___: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [9064] hamez2008: hi jynxi [9064] arcsonr6: !gamble 200 [9065] fliizzyyyy: 64 ADS?????? [9065] Burt_4rd: l muting [9065] xxjacobxx42069: L UNGREATFULL [9065] ltcoolesokee: af [9065] jeshep4: yo [9065] facelessdmon: 1v1 me after fan mail [9066] jebbingtonthe2: L junko [9066] zxourii: WWWWWWWWWWWWW [9066] elias940: !points [9066] PGCenturion: mods stole my points [9066] pruceeee: jynxziSNOT [9066] apexdrippp: fgg [9066] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [9066] pxrzy__: !gamble [9066] joshuaaa615: cheer592 [9066] lando2966: we [9066] Nater6104: nater6104 subscribed with Prime. [9067] idontknow123098_: !gamble20 [9067] jhonnyboyyy19: L add [9067] Cxldifyx: jynxziBadAim [9067] MHPB: ads just sound now on phone? [9067] lowkey_lyss05: all my points on junko [9067] Jaymoney923: Xim I'ma drop my pants and your gonna suck my little dick [9067] bryanbuthi: 3/8 [9067] andrson101: l ad [9067] ronniemyt: sc Johnson [9067] Nightbot: Just sub bozo you’ll get no ads, my emotes, double the channel points, and guess what you will also get my beautiful charm that you will never lose, and many more!!!! #subuporshutup [9067] ashleylooka: !sub [9067] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [9067] BangaWanga: lol [9067] arkitekt22: Let em know lol [9068] ltcoolesokee: ad [9068] Watch_Logan: joebartSimon joebartSimon joebartSimon joebartSimon [9068] vvverybaddddd: 100k watchers [9068] cale1fps: L [9068] nexxxxxio: !gamble 1000 [9069] Joi2077: .... [9069] StreamElements: @nexxxxxio, you only have 50 points. [9069] drmonkeeman10: XIM IN STREAM [9069] zxourii: W [9069] toprca1111: L mods and ads [9069] all_hail_brady: GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride [9070] EatCrackRock: BE NICE TO RICCI [9070] ashleylooka: h [9070] ethncyt: LLLLLL ADSSSSS [9070] ghost_bl5ze: XIM SNIPE XIM SNIPE XIM SNIPE XIM SNIPE XIM SNIPE XIM SNIPE XIM SNIPE XIM SNIPE XIM SNIPE XIM SNIPE XIM [9070] shreksmomma21: L bully [9070] jrbiii: stomp carried [9070] ex1nity: L [9071] benjaiminsermeno66: !gamble all [9071] takumithesamurai: !gamble 500 [9071] vvexyuu: WWWWWWWWWW [9071] jimmycarter1234567: L AS [9071] StreamElements: PogChamp benjaiminsermeno66 went all in and won 1625 points PogChamp they now have 3250 points FeelsGoodMan [9071] StreamElements: takumithesamurai lost 500 points in roulette and now has 270 points! FeelsBadMan [9071] jayonkbm_onkick: !gamble [9071] tkkndananjaya: real [9071] all_hail_brady: GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride [9071] im0npc: mod him [9072] zachlang22: ad [9072] Halorti: grahhh [9072] 8vod: who won chat? [9072] atomik_ninja98: wait already got paid out???? [9072] clapz_z123: L [9072] toprca1111: DUCK THIS [9072] aamon_ftt: i will carry u to champ for it [9072] its_trip: give Zach a band when it’s over !!llll [9072] jynxziepstein: L [9072] all_hail_brady: GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride [9072] kealanod13: wait it’s loo playin? [9072] GenGecho: WWW [9073] lando2966: carried [9073] salad1503: 2/8 ads [9073] stank_toe: l [9073] Compacthampster: dang [9073] jimmycarter1234567: L AD [9073] tothewindoooowtothewall: OMEGALUL [9073] gabproking_779: 7 ads crazy [9073] all_hail_brady: GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride [9073] starfishfingerer: why is there adds NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [9074] vvexyuu: WWW [9074] htxmanny2003: fucking ADSSSSSS [9074] ltcoolesokee: L Ad [9074] xd_Fishbowl: !prime [9075] Tubugai___: DinoDance [9075] all_hail_brady: GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride [9075] Nightbot: Subscribe to @Jynxzi for FREE with Twitch Prime Twitch.tv/subs/jynxzi [9075] zxourii: WWW PRESSS [9075] ElkTheElk: real shit [9075] yyynsr: L [9075] vvexyuu: WWWW [9075] fifakid76: yooo [9076] all_hail_brady: GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride [9076] abyssaldreamsss: W [9076] xxjacobxx42069: L BULLY [9076] Yuki_4743: w [9076] alexisbellaa: 1234 how many games did Ricci lose against jinxes poo [9076] hannahbango: LOLLL W [9076] GenGecho: WWWWW [9076] its_aniskyguy: THIS GUY PLAYS 10 MINS OF ADS AN HOUR [9076] ltcoolesokee: L ad [9076] krod96: bully [9077] xSphhinx: 98 ads [9077] Ubaubarecords: lol there not playing [9077] Nightbot: 😂 [9077] pxrzy__: !gamble 2000 [9077] Halorti: !gamble 1 [9078] vvPxnda: 200 ads is insane [9078] all_hail_brady: GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride [9078] gssmonkepoxx: gift sub me I’m tired of these ads [9078] StreamElements: Halorti lost 1 points in roulette and now has 59 points! FeelsBadMan [9078] Nightbot: gifting you luck in finding a job 🙏🏻 [9078] Nicolita_PR: OMG OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG [9078] takumithesamurai: !gamble 200 [9078] sa1ahuddin: L ADDD [9078] drmonkeeman10: XIM IS IOWA 2.0 [9078] domg044: 8 adds is nuts f twitch [9078] jamexisgoated: L [9078] cjgorilla: Im subbed how do I have an ad [9078] bocadillodecemento: !crouch [9079] all_hail_brady: GayPride GayPride GayPride [9079] Nightbot: I will never never never never never never never never never never ever crouch again [9079] hogrider78452000: L [9079] ltcoolesokee: a [9079] andrson101: L wing stop ad [9079] mintbanned: I put 2k on this, better win [9079] nexxxxxio: !gamble 50 [9079] oppaxt: carries [9079] Yuki_4743: www [9079] ttv_wyat1: !points [9079] j_gustine4: L ad [9080] pocketpengun: W PRESS [9080] kylr_r: WAKE UP TO REALITY NOTHING EVER GOES AS PLANED IN THIS A-CURSED WORLD [9080] StreamElements: @ttv_wyat1 ttv_wyat1 has 0 points and is rank 1/1711740 on the leaderboard. [9080] all_hail_brady: GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride [9080] gabproking_779: l adds [9080] xcoffyx: xcoffyx subscribed at Tier 1. [9080] swoleboh: damnn [9080] 8vod: who won? [9080] gumby132: 13 ADS IS WILD [9081] jamexisgoated: LL [9081] voxxyyyyyyyyy: ASS IN TOURNEYS 😭😭 STOP YAPPING CLIX OWNS YOU [9081] LovedSince04: YEEE [9081] ttvdeath66: !gamble all [9081] all_hail_brady: GayPride GayPride GayPride [9081] StreamElements: PogChamp ttvdeath66 went all in and won 120 points PogChamp they now have 240 points FeelsGoodMan [9081] vvexyuu: LLL [9081] SlickShotzz13: W bully [9081] twinkleberry20: 8ADS [9082] ltcoolesokee: ad [9082] itz_crist4l: W [9082] kinoth_: come on bro [9082] BangaWanga: lololololol [9082] jaytoosweezy: DAMNNNNNNNN P [9082] patr1ck_fatyy: PowerUpL EntropyWins PowerUpR [9082] Nightbot: Discord: https://discord.gg/wYbjvHk [9083] arsenal987656: Chalet [9083] outsideroutside: WhySoSerious WhySoSerious WhySoSerious WhySoSerious WhySoSerious [9083] typeshi_: 'WE' U GOT CARRIED AWAY 'WE' U GOT CARRIED 'WE' U GOT CARRIED 'WE' U GOT CARRIED 'WE' U GOT CARRIED 'WE' U GOT CARRIED 'WE' U GOT CARRIED [9083] jamexisgoated: LLL [9083] tsuikaa: leak [9083] ltcoolesokee: a [9083] obvinationnnn: Carried [9083] wreckingcrew2002: I’m not watching 10 ads [9083] PGCenturion: he dog walked you in a 1v1 [9083] shhmidty: CHALLETTTTT [9083] sa1ahuddin: L ADDDDDD [9083] newfoundtone: 2/8 ads [9083] xDelta14: scripted [9083] nate1892378: chalet [9083] toprca1111: I HATe ADS [9084] jamexisgoated: LLLL [9084] fraqgrgn: pause [9084] Watch_Logan: joebartCam [9084] rascital: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [9084] dgcv_: 😂😂 [9084] anitaaa_78: !gamble 1k [9084] 4hedXAT: LMAOO [9085] dabeastfootball: hahaha [9085] azro19: w [9085] infanitek1: 8 ada [9085] StreamElements: acol_78 won 1000 points in roulette and now has 4220 points! FeelsGoodMan [9085] mikey2hunnit: give me sub [9085] poyntdudes4582: Chalet [9085] crazyhead_20: jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype jynxziSubHype [9085] dvowill: 12 ADS [9085] twitchf2man: chalet [9085] ltcoolesokee: d [9085] twinkleberry20: KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype [9085] negzero_: CHALET [9085] whillyuhmm: RICCIS MADDDDDDD AHHAHAHA [9085] soundcloutken: W ADS [9086] linklink232: u pancake ass kid [9086] xlqnee: !gamble 20 [9086] upl_zak: LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO [9086] nikedunks9867: LETS GO JYNXZI WWWWWWWW [9086] mr_lemon_0212: L bully [9086] paul_teehee: THEY SAID CHALET [9086] AyooTayy_: CHALET [9086] tsuikaa: LOOK [9086] topboooy: The fall off of AIDENTAX needs to be studied [9086] lordtekkno: W bully [9086] 77freddiee: CHALET [9086] ltcoolesokee: ad [9086] utmostsundew: L AD [9086] r6copperofficial69420: subed and I got an add [9086] puerccofn: L SCRIPT [9087] shhmidty: CHALLETTTTTT [9087] wolffy_100: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [9087] twinkleberry20: KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype [9087] Fossabot: @darkvibes_777, Your message is too long [9087] str8monk: gb [9087] itsklipz6: !gamble 200 [9087] xurxyispoo: chalet [9087] cale1fps: 24 ads wtfffff [9087] xgeorge246: chalet [9087] wyatt_r2010: just casually steals 1k from xim y ricci and makes half my salary in 1 hour [9087] StreamElements: itsklipz6 lost 200 points in roulette and now has 85 points! FeelsBadMan [9087] saggywalnutz1: fucking fortnite [9088] treszzz: CHALET [9088] yyynsr: W [9088] gumbogoooo: 6 min wait bruhhh [9088] mikey2hunnit: give me aub [9088] funkysow: ads [9088] elias940: !points @elias940 [9088] bhris____: XIM WANTS CHALET [9088] nate1892378: CHALLETT [9088] bergyyy_: backpack [9088] nexxxxxio: !gamble 1000 [9088] shreksmomma21: L bully! [9088] str8monk: gbgggg [9088] eli_russell1: Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa [9088] benjaiminsermeno66: Crazy [9088] Nightbot: i was crazy once [9089] 4hedXAT: L BULLY [9089] WingZero2517: L Jynxzi here... this is toxic as fuck [9089] abyssaldreamsss: LUL LUL LUL [9089] paul_teehee: SAID CHALET [9089] dinomitch7: chalet [9089] sickmagician802: L bully [9089] swifty_boyttv: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [9089] htxmanny2003: JEJDJDJFFRHDRJE [9089] k9_inst1nct: they winning round 2 ah too ez [9089] yyynsr: L [9089] jordanmarsh1o1: l ad [9090] inaxvy: @iloveyoubro23517 [9090] outsideroutside: FallCry FallCry FallCry FallCry FallCry [9090] xFearVert: chalet [9090] newfoundtone: 3/8 ads [9090] ssamfpss: if you don’t want Ads just sub dummy’s [9090] typeshi_: 'WE' U GOT CARRIED 'WE' U GOT CARRIED 'WE' U GOT CARRIED 'WE' U GOT CARRIED 'WE' U GOT CARRIED 'WE' U GOT CARRIED [9090] jbuffalo_: jynxzi ur not tuff bro u bitch irl and in the game [9091] nicholasppppppp: L bully [9091] xNohstalgia: he said chalet [9091] str8monk: gg [9091] Tubugai___: jynxziCORNY jynxziCORNY [9091] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [9091] wreckingcrew2002: I’m not watching 10ads [9091] pig_bfd: njsnszk [9091] mikey2hunnit: give me sub [9091] krissalisdub: krissalisdub subscribed at Tier 1. [9091] yyynsr: LL [9091] benjaiminsermeno66: W man [9091] womrz_r6: CHALETTTTT [9091] kothbow: chalet [9091] botboy7261: chalett [9092] volakz101: chalet [9092] zxourii: bruh [9092] fathighandhappy: I need money [9092] stksurge: bruhhhhh [9093] dinomitch7: CHALET [9093] treszzz: THEY WANT CHALET [9093] woaaky: chalet [9093] lllizayllll: 7 for me [9093] twitchf2man: chale [9093] htxmanny2003: WHITE SPEED [9093] lumpyliquid9: Ez win jizzy [9093] rbsmilk13: they want chalet [9093] cale1fps: 24 ads wtfff [9093] lovkashh: roblox shag [9094] grey4565: fhdshdjdjjsjsjjsjsjsjssjs [9094] anuglybrute: CHALLET [9094] poyntdudes4582: THRY WANT CHALETTTT [9094] tsuikaa: LOO IS TERRIBLE [9094] Laszrn: Laszrn subscribed at Tier 1. [9094] RFcoilz: When is fan mail? [9094] donnytello__: @iioveximm [9094] funkysow: ad [9094] 2xplrbryce: 2xplrbryce subscribed with Prime. [9094] moroseten: HE SAID OREGAN [9094] ssamm02: !watchtime [9094] shhmidty: CHALETTTT [9094] benjaiminsermeno66: Ggs [9095] StreamElements: ssamm02 has spent 1 month 16 days 22 hours watching jynxzi [9095] natewallace_: chalet [9095] Fea7rGaming: chalet [9095] xNohstalgia: chalet [9095] grey4565: shshsu [9095] alex_le2wat46: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. [9095] volakz101: chalet chalet [9095] michael28626272: CHALET [9095] treszzz: CHALET [9096] xy_baconman: chaletttt [9096] ayash1i: W bully [9096] tristanno8king: they said chalet [9096] dabeastfootball: pancake [9096] saif2nd_account: WWWW [9096] xFearVert: chalettyyy [9096] pghgrinder: L BULLY [9096] FI3K_: chalet [9096] gamerboy25670: @all_hail_brady L [9096] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [9096] grey4565: hehe [9096] sickmagician802: jynxziVapeBreak [9096] womrz_r6: CHALET [9096] rbsmilk13: Chalet [9096] fraggs4eva: bad aim jynxzi [9097] botboy7261: challet [9097] maxim27378373: Chalet [9097] zxourii: cmon bruh [9097] volakz101: chalet [9097] twinkleberry20: KomodoHype 8ADS KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype [9097] asherbrody1: h [9097] primetime_icy: !LINK [9097] SL_Kinscourge: kkjbhnl [9098] Nightbot: h [9098] nexxxxxio: !gamble all [9098] Nightbot: @primetime_icy If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [9098] grey4565: hdsh [9098] xNohstalgia: chalett [9098] str8monk: e [9098] 33stopbondz: what happened with the cops [9098] jujshsh: hi [9098] renexzzx: 10 ads? [9098] xy_baconman: chalet [9098] paul_teehee: CHALET [9098] onyx427: WWWW SCRIPT [9098] montGOMERPYLE: chalet [9098] Shaltu: play Aiden [9098] whittz121: 82 ads is crazy [9099] nikedunks9867: HEY YOU GOT THIS JYNXZI [9099] kccoug: 1score [9099] Nightbot: 👀 [9099] WHHHHHHH00: coastline border [9099] str8monk: rr [9099] ACRology: chalet [9099] oppenheimer_____: you ddint even tell himmmmmm [9099] hannahbango: WWW [9099] rbsmilk13: CHALET [9099] chicagohoss: chicagohoss subscribed at Tier 1. [9099] notembassy: NomNom NomNom NomNom NomNom [9099] primetime_icy: H [9100] jtg570: 4/19 ads [9100] jay10241: Chalet [9100] slippyslide69: slammed fn [9100] johnnyfrrrr: !points [9100] botboy7261: CHALLET [9100] CarryMyCross: nickmercsPot1 nickmercsPot1 nickmercsPot1 nickmercsPot1 nickmercsPot1 nickmercsPot1 nickmercsPot1 nickmercsPot1 [9100] bagstarleek: Ricky 7-1ed u [9100] Nightbot: 🪳 [9100] paul_teehee: CHALETT [9101] nicholasppppppp: L 666 bully [9101] StreamElements: @johnnyfrrrr johnnyfrrrr has 15 points and is rank 1662445/1711740 on the leaderboard. [9101] str8monk: s [9101] womrz_r6: CHALETT [9101] anuglybrute: CHALET [9101] xNohstalgia: chalettt [9101] volakz101: chalet chalet [9101] mattrex_him: L add [9101] 4hedXAT: CHALER [9101] woaaky: CHALET [9101] Tubugai___: jynxziClown jynxziClown [9101] michael28626272: CHALEEEETTT [9101] junkochunko12: bro might lose [9102] gabproking_779: WHEN IS CASEOH VS KAI? [9102] dc20104: got me back in the seeds [9102] facelessdmon: are clips next [9102] str8monk: dffg [9102] rijinmanz1: if they dont want to pick a map they can let u pick LOL [9102] insanesnipes4200: chalet [9102] lumpyliquid9: W junko [9102] ethanval999: xim was in stream [9102] acem4ze: pre stream snipe [9103] mc420fly: JUST GIVE ME MY MONEY [9103] str8monk: gg [9103] volakz101: chalet [9103] turbo3130: Chalet [9103] chodatron: oregan [9103] OTFbetter_24: Shoot harder [9103] bubbles3599: !gamble 10 [9103] StreamElements: bubbles3599 won 10 points in roulette and now has 365 points! FeelsGoodMan [9103] lllizayllll: L money laundering [9103] benjaiminsermeno66: This a ez win [9104] swawby: WAIT I JUST PUT 20K ON JYNXI AND STOMPN, I THOUGHT THIS PREDICTION WAS FOR THE WHOLE THREE MAPS, SOMEONE ANSWER ME HELP IDK IF ITS FOR THIS ROUND OR THE WHOLE MAP [9104] grey4565: dddd [9104] adaliegrace: chalet [9104] onyx427: W SCRIPT [9104] kinda_hated420: !gamble 900 [9104] str8monk: ggsdggdgdgdg [9104] botboy7261: CHALLLLET [9104] rxprfn: that was an L ad [9104] SL_Kinscourge: jkljnkl [9104] ltcoolesokee: dd [9104] joshf_638: STOP TALKING JYNXZI THERES ADS [9104] rbsmilk13: HE WANTS CHALET [9104] StreamElements: @kinda_hated420, you only have 135 points. [9104] sa1ahuddin: HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys Kappa LUL [9104] Shaltu: play Aiden. [9105] Sendful: in his head lmaooo [9105] Brettgarrett22: !watchtime [9105] objectiv3s: 5/7 [9105] LORDINFAMOUS_36: xim sold [9105] StreamElements: Brettgarrett22 has spent 1 day 18 hours watching jynxzi [9105] friday_____3: 8 ads is crazy [9105] chilledguy0: caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads [9105] oppotoppoco: 8 ADDS [9105] rytheballer: chalet [9105] DaddyRikii: L BULLY [9105] shreksmomma21: L bully [9105] notinterlace0: 69 ADS?!?!???!?!??!??!? [9105] sizz1_: he said chalet [9106] darkrangergreat: yooooo [9106] tsuikaa: W SCRIPT [9106] Tubugai___: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [9106] nateninja74: CHALET [9106] rockl0lll: it’s frozen for me bro [9107] wreckingcrew2002: I’m not watching 17 ads [9107] montGOMERPYLE: he wants chalet [9107] sh1neVAL: CHALETTT IS MAP [9107] 32_itzfire: !gamble 700 [9107] biggladiatord: c [9107] jayonkbm_onkick: !gamble [9107] opsap: no wonder xim rep is respectable lmfao ..shidder [9107] toprca1111: F%#@ THIS S#%! [9107] eduardo_510: lmfao [9107] StreamElements: @32_itzfire, you only have 10 points. [9107] ltcoolesokee: d [9108] fieserlerry: fieserlerry subscribed with Prime. [9108] grazzlies: Ur a dawg [9108] SL_Kinscourge: njkmmnnmkjnmkjnmkj [9108] MQC_ILoveFossils: !watchtime [9108] Bosxraz3r: free channel points stompn is the goat [9108] xurxyispoo: xim said chalt [9108] Shaltu: play aiden [9108] nateninja74: CHALLET [9108] johnson_jynxzi: W CHUNKO [9108] yyynsr: CHALET [9108] StreamElements: MQC_ILoveFossils has spent 2 days 12 hours watching jynxzi [9109] memeeuuu: riccie we dont forget what you do last time, you stream snipe!!! [9109] volakz101: HE WANTS CHALET [9109] onclamps: give STOMP 1K if u win [9109] zzvei: Gg [9109] Stux_OG: Stux_OG subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months, currently on a 9 month streak! no one will see this [9109] Xelophobia: SKETCH IS WAITING [9110] rbsmilk13: THEY WANT CHALET [9110] levimiles102608: 10 ads [9110] idontknow123098_: chalet [9110] mavaguns: 10 ads is crazy [9110] CarryMyCross: nickmercsPot1 nickmercsPot1 nickmercsPot1 nickmercsPot1 nickmercsPot1 nickmercsPot1 nickmercsPot1 nickmercsPot1 nickmercsPot1 nickmercsPot1 nickmercsPot1 [9110] xlqnee: you stink lil bro [9110] zenvel0: 40000 ads. [9110] Sendful: CHALET [9110] zentihater01: PAY [9110] JPEskimo_clips: jpeskimo [9111] rosiecxt_: oregon [9111] bbcbbcbbcbbcnjdjfj: jkdjf [9111] kylr_r: WAKE UP TO REALITY NOTHING EVER GOES AS PLANED IN THIS A-CURSED WORLD [9111] bsuase: vf [9111] ice_king1237: w Zach [9112] ab0ut50n1njas1: @jynxzi you gonna give stomps a band when you'll win? [9112] genesisnbb: how is stompn not laughing [9112] connxrlo: PizzaTime PizzaTime PizzaTime PizzaTime PizzaTime PizzaTime [9112] NebulaBreak: Bro they're so ass [9112] bbcbbcbbcbbcnjdjfj: jdjfjjd [9112] oppaxt: xim sold [9113] Tubugai___: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [9113] chugnutsboy: chalet [9113] panther_pottedplant: CHALTELT [9113] Rhyphix: bruh xim sold that shit, he literally couldn't hit you while you were spinning lol. [9113] DonatoLMAO: DonatoLMAO subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! SHROUD IS WAITING [9113] bibba97: do I have a sub [9113] antwano53: bru [9114] sutoshiszn: clix is right [9114] jynxziispapa2: jynxziispapa2 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 6 month streak! IM HIM [9114] Shaltu: play Aiden.. [9114] donnytello__: xim in viewer [9114] yyynsr: PLAY CHALET [9114] jose_4906: d [9114] Di0rVybes: why tf did you pay out [9114] xxjacobxx42069: L BULLY [9114] vemon_ssg: Xim swinging like a idiot [9114] NebulaBreak: xrbWidelul [9114] bbcbbcbbcbbcnjdjfj: idihfj [9114] JPEskimo_clips: JPEskimo [9114] pghgrinder: L BULLYY [9115] johnnyfrrrr: !gamble all [9115] elusivelothario: I bet 6k [9115] StreamElements: PogChamp johnnyfrrrr went all in and won 15 points PogChamp they now have 30 points FeelsGoodMan [9115] bbcbbcbbcbbcnjdjfj: ifhfhfj [9115] ttvaddey20: hi [9115] imsocool4718: pre fire [9116] fathighandhappy: by money I mean channel points [9116] Platabush: Platabush subscribed at Tier 1. [9116] umitt3850_: yo [9116] jyzziontop: chalet [9116] Dakkater: Dakkater subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! whats up brother [9116] bbcbbcbbcbbcnjdjfj: ifiifiif [9116] Illusyit: chalet [9117] arcsonr6: !gamble 600 [9117] connxrlo: Jebasted Jebasted Jebasted Jebasted Jebasted [9117] StreamElements: arcsonr6 lost 600 points in roulette and now has 640 points! FeelsBadMan [9117] bbcbbcbbcbbcnjdjfj: ifiifif [9117] friday_____3: 4/8 [9117] lumpyliquid9: Chalet good map [9118] erickxmas: who won [9118] nailwind: PAY STOMPING [9118] jose_4906: ffffffffffffff [9118] joshf_638: GG [9118] shreksmomma21: L bully! [9118] junkochunko12: L add [9118] maxdellacamera: w [9118] bbcbbcbbcbbcnjdjfj: ikfjjfjf [9118] clickyhellasticky: acting like you the shit without stomp [9118] CarryMyCross: nickmercsPot1 nickmercsPot1 nickmercsPot1 [9118] jynxziissostrong: HOW DO I GET CHARM, I LINKE MY TWITCH AND UBISOFT BUT I DONT HAVE IT YET, HELPP!! [9119] patr1ck_fatyy: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [9119] Shaltu: play Aiden [9119] pghgrinder: LL BULLYY [9119] itsklipz6: !gamble 100 [9119] Arin7XS: L xim and ricci [9119] edgeclanleader: !watchtime [9119] 8amboozled: !prime [9119] StreamElements: edgeclanleader has spent 3 days 22 hours watching jynxzi [9119] Nightbot: Subscribe to @Jynxzi for FREE with Twitch Prime Twitch.tv/subs/jynxzi [9119] imsocool4718: prefired [9120] chilledguy0: caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads [9120] michael28626272: he said chalet [9120] gabproking_779: L ADDS [9120] ljsurs: !LINK [9120] tempsi17: i love when xim loses [9120] lilirrish: L ada [9120] gssmonkepoxx: @stux_og I saw it [9120] montGOMERPYLE: giving u going [9120] junko_vapes_: LAIR [9120] Nicolita_PR: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [9121] oppotoppoco: 10 ADDS WHAT THE FUCK [9121] Jovxn: thowy [9121] tc_connor8348: w JUNKO [9121] srgtnic69: L adds [9121] GiggityGiggity84: of course hes insecure the motherfucker streamsnipes lol [9121] bobnweave4: i wanna hear x1m [9121] its_trip: give Zach a band when it’s over !! [9121] jose_4906: ffffffffff [9121] scooten_728: !discord [9122] Nightbot: https://discord.gg/jynxzi [9122] nunobaits: 1 mil ads junko fuck you [9122] tylerg2018: thowie [9122] jomama2148: they insulting u [9122] Shokkey: Shokkey subscribed at Tier 1. [9122] Rushuur: W BULY [9122] rubydafcknorangutan: CRUTCHING STOMPN [9122] jose_4906: d [9122] chodatron: he said oregan [9123] Arin7XS: pay stomp [9123] pghgrinder: L BULLLLY [9123] Vjay21: Copper streamer [9123] Nightwing_x26: Letttttsssss goooooo [9123] wreckingcrew2002: 3 ads tops is all I’m watching [9124] noahsco2: s [9124] LovedSince04: zach a real one no cap [9124] msft_Lt_Dan: yo typeshi_ SHUT THE FUCK UP [9125] bjepperson: yall ever play different maps [9125] patr1ck_fatyy: SUBprise [9125] BigfootSalty: !charm [9125] squiz27: He said chalet [9125] d3sired88: still down 7k [9125] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [9125] crazyhead_20: jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF [9125] Tubugai___: jynxziGG jynxziGG [9125] montGOMERPYLE: Ying [9126] daddymyker: i got timed out in ximms chat for saying lou is crazy [9126] chilledguy0: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [9126] ziggieP: sold my points [9126] funkysow: 6 mins of ads [9126] synngraal: chump change for u [9126] itzglxnce: !gamble [9126] owewe_: @riccisdaddy [9127] syphon_ac007: Ur up 2k not 3 [9127] nexxxxxio: !gamble 1000 [9127] carlitoisrage: carlitoisrage subscribed at Tier 1. [9127] Rushuur: L BULLY [9127] p1l2k3y4: pepelaugh [9127] inaxvy: xim sold it [9127] bhueberry: shroud is waiting [9127] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [9127] kinda_hated420: !gamble 100 [9127] bobnweave4: let x1m takk [9127] glockwitdabeam: you better give Zach half [9128] Arin7XS: pay stomp part timer [9128] teancem: Don't get cocky brother, keep a cool head [9128] treefrog_3: ricci is MALDING THEREHEGO THEREHEGO THEREHEGO [9128] KFrm03MM: L ad [9128] 123_door_giveawayy: REACT HARDER [9128] Rushuur: W BULLY [9128] shreksmomma21: Terrible bully [9129] satanix_666: AD 3 OF 8 U GUYS [9129] connxrlo: LUL LUL LUL LUL [9129] pp_mike_pp: youre already a millionaire bro who cares [9129] fortnitefan5607: !gambleall [9129] its_trip: give Zach a band when it’s over !!l [9129] jeremiahiscoolaf: SHOW US THE CHAIN [9129] neoo__: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [9130] cebber_: wwwwwww [9130] Fossabot: @dire6012, Your message is too long [9130] mohammed_haider_iq: YOU GOT MY BREAD JUNKO [9130] mr__shh: your literally a millionaire [9130] tsuikaa: 40 ads… [9131] donnytello__: XIM IN VIEWER LIST [9131] Aightly: wat about stompn money? [9131] lPurgingSaintl: lpurgiDance lpurgiDance lpurgiDance [9131] grrrrlock: i literally got 11 ads [9131] kapsotherdealr: hit stompin wit a tip [9131] kccoug: !score [9131] panther_pottedplant: !subcount [9131] madicantbeurs: L add [9132] billis_b69: BUY MONCLAIRE [9132] bbcbbcbbcbbcnjdjfj: play BKKKKK [9132] Sendful: YOUR IN HIS HEAD [9132] Nightbot: Jynxzi has Unknown Error Occurred. If problem persists, please contact support. active subscribers! [9132] sirj0iff: get that thaowwow [9132] kingmxson: !gamble 700 [9133] inaxvy: XIM SOLDD [9133] ajfyp: this isn't even comp [9133] georgek1908: you better give stompn half [9133] xlqnee: you stink lil man [9133] patr1ck_fatyy: NewRecord WhySoSerious [9133] StreamElements: kingmxson lost 700 points in roulette and now has 470 points! FeelsBadMan [9133] GroverMonster: sports12JoshIsDead [9133] moelsoen: when’s fan mail [9133] ajs_cafe: how do i get the jynxzi charm [9133] friday_____3: 5/8 ads [9133] AussinBB: GIVE STOMP 1k [9133] swedcic: ModLove [9133] crazyhead_20: jynxziSubHype [9134] k9_inst1nct: -30k —> -27k [9134] ullebulle213: PAY RAYAN [9134] benjaiminsermeno66: That's wild [9134] ISPITEL: stats [9134] pizzaboy1011: pizzaboy1011 subscribed at Tier 1. [9134] vonr62k: happy birthday [9134] faildlifee: CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob [9135] lexuztexuz: 51k on u [9135] nick2tufffff: i got 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,001 ads no joke [9135] OleJohnnyDogs: stompgoat [9135] ullebulle213: PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN [9135] torleah: W channel points W 3 bands W junko L lou [9135] satanix_666: AD FARM SIMULATOR [9136] yungthaner: up to 4? [9136] pollochicken806: give the 3k to stompn [9136] inaxvy: ZIMM SOLDD [9136] ullebulle213: PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN [9136] iam_t0kyo: thats nit bad [9136] junkochunko12: !gamble 20 [9137] StreamElements: @junkochunko12, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan [9137] bbcbbcbbcbbcnjdjfj: PLAYYY BIKKK [9137] zbcaddyttv: rich said you sit in stompins lap lol [9137] ullebulle213: PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN [9137] sdelfino29: 2974020387101938474674921002938474758858591010109384757577585849402010193983 ads# [9137] BigJohn_Stud: L CLIX [9137] wtwlone: SCRIPTED [9138] ottexdd: pspGiftSapphire [9138] ChaseTilson: ChaseTilson subscribed with Prime. [9138] thenotoriousrat1: ricci said you sit on stompns lap [9138] lucas_jax: everyone spam carried [9138] 76vertix: jynxziFAT [9138] Nightbot: 👀 [9138] Tubugai___: jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxzi0x jynxzi0x [9138] ullebulle213: PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN [9138] kewanadige: your still down 7k [9138] its_trip: give Zach a band when it’s over !!lll [9139] sideshowbrew: !sub [9139] knxllie: what about stompn money ? [9139] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [9139] kkrinzz: kkrinzz subscribed with Prime. [9139] ullebulle213: PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN [9139] fear_ohla74: L bully [9139] MajinTeff: when does the live start? [9139] nailwind: POM POMS [9140] nunobaits: 20 ads fat ass chunky [9140] wannbubatzlega1: pay stompn [9140] iam_t0kyo: 70 ping aint bad [9140] ullebulle213: PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN [9140] bbcbbcbbcbbcnjdjfj: PLAYYY BKKKK [9140] damienb653: !gamble 500 [9140] perduedoo21: down 7* [9141] Scrasa: high ping is good for swining [9141] StreamElements: @damienb653, you only have 30 points. [9141] 76vertix: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [9141] sammyt14_: predictions [9141] ullebulle213: PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN [9141] inaxvy: XIMM SOLDD HE PUSHED TOO HARDD [9142] Nightbot: predict when you will get some bitches [9142] connxrlo: TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard [9142] shreksmomma21: Junko I gifted [9142] lucas_jax: spam carried [9142] benjaiminsermeno66: But gl w if you win [9142] patr1ck_fatyy: NewRecord CrreamAwk [9142] torleah: AD MERCHANT [9142] ullebulle213: PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN [9143] jereistheman: 9 ads!! [9143] rubenkrappenschitz: Pay your DADDY, daddy [9143] lzzdot: give stomp a band for a clizzy [9143] 76vertix: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [9143] itz_tony_ho: bet 20k stopn [9143] letsgoshroom: up to 4? [9143] ilovejunkolotian: stompin carry [9143] Sendful: IN RICCIS HEAD [9143] alxcapone: 10 mins of ads [9144] ullebulle213: PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN [9144] StreamElements: If you're a gamer, you need a Starforge! Snag one -> https://starforgepc.com/Jynxzi [9144] rijinmanz1: ping for peekers advantage luil [9144] bmxerjasn: j subbbbbed [9145] theformuIIa: BANNED [9145] sirjitter: LUL [9145] platybtw: he said u lap sit stompn wtfff [9145] ullebulle213: PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN [9145] donnytello__: lmao he left [9145] connxrlo: TriHard TriHard [9145] 99Hype: HIGHEST PING HIGHEST KILLS @Jynxzi [9145] starkz_00: b [9146] michiganbigsports: 3000 wins wow [9146] xlqnee: L script [9146] ttvdeath66: !gamble all [9146] elitexalbanian: id ads [9146] denksuuu: !watchtime [9146] Atrixr6: up to 4????? [9146] StreamElements: ttvdeath66 went all in and lost every single one of their 240 points LUL [9146] camocrusher23: on up to 4 [9146] StreamElements: denksuuu has spent 12 hours 10 mins watching jynxzi [9146] ullebulle213: PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN [9146] qkxrv: aint xim and stompn the same person [9146] thecube730: 10k on [9146] tsuikaa: jynxi in viewer list [9146] faildlifee: CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob [9146] GroverMonster: sports12PepeLaughing [9147] allstarliam015: technically u would still be down 3k since you lost 6k to ricci [9147] not_keltin: xim was in streammmmmmmmm@@ [9147] lucas_jax: carried [9147] huhboy90: !sub [9147] BlastReality: GIVE HALF TO STOMPIN @Jynxzi [9147] patr1ck_fatyy: MercyWing1 PinkMercy MercyWing2 [9147] fr4gthe3rd: Djejje [9147] AussinBB: GIVE STOMP 1kk [9148] zac4774: why up to four [9148] friday_____3: 6/8ads [9148] faildlifee: CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob [9148] ullebulle213: PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN [9148] funkysow: i just got here [9148] pghgrinder: CRIES WHEN HE GETS BULLIES BY CLIX BUT NOW HES BULLYING [9148] j0hnnyp4in_: u picked first to 4 [9148] pigeon_king_69: U have it up 2 4 [9149] schwiftyyyy4: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [9149] lcbean07: run ads [9149] ullebulle213: PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN [9149] RhinoIsSingle: didnt u lose 5 k to ricci [9149] sirjitter: LUL LUL LUL [9149] beckers_414: L [9149] satanix_666: GOD I GET LESS ADS ON XHAMSTER JESUS CHRIST [9150] CandanceTR: up to 4? [9150] Jmlgiants: too easy [9150] yurdzi: meow' [9150] wreckingcrew2002: i refuse to watch 33 ads [9150] nailwind: CHEERLEADER DUTY [9150] bazinga_9001: ITS UP TO 4 [9150] cebber_: lets go gangilang [9150] nickcor11: !gamble all [9150] 76vertix: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [9150] njw94: I got 20K points on this don't lose [9150] StreamElements: PogChamp nickcor11 went all in and won 20 points PogChamp they now have 40 points FeelsGoodMan [9150] alxcapone: plz daddy [9150] darkemperor328: up to 4 [9150] diego_pimentel97: someone humble this boy [9150] rbsmilk13: @itsyaboylalo type in chat [9151] electro_saber12: bro caseoh live [9151] duck4322: !watchtime [9151] ullebulle213: PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN [9151] dire6012: !points [9151] StreamElements: duck4322 has spent 5 days 12 hours watching jynxzi [9152] StreamElements: @dire6012 dire6012 has 70 points and is rank 1627114/1711740 on the leaderboard. [9152] k9_inst1nct: !watchtime [9152] axruoax: up to 4 [9152] 76vertix: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [9152] chaseontopp: fuck xim [9152] maher_io: bro acting like 3 bands is a lot 😭 [9152] colinbrn29: ez 3k [9152] its_trip: give Zach a band when it’s over !!!! [9152] alxcapone: sub me [9152] stealyabis: 2 days ago you lost 15k so your still down 12k [9152] ilovespicypickle: CHECK KAIS STREAMMMMMM [9152] zain_almnsi: L CARRIED [9152] qwbo_TTV: !gamble 250 [9153] tyyroneee: u picked 4 [9153] pghgrinder: L BULLY [9153] StreamElements: @qwbo_TTV, you only have 20 points. [9153] slipperyshroom26: can i get the 3k [9153] Cliopatrra: jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT jynxziSNOT [9153] coopfieeld: W daddy [9153] ullebulle213: PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN [9153] unkown_19el: People said xim sniping [9153] nximr_: who won map 1 [9153] whenisfanmail0: UP TO $4 [9153] creamjohn_: @iioveximm [9153] web006: L [9153] MrFaelen: can't lose 5k like 3 days ago and 'be up' 3k when you win a 2v2. you're still down 2k bro [9154] itzglxnce: BabyRage [9154] faildlifee: CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob [9154] smalll_frye: up to 4 [9154] SantasBeltBuckle: While people slay out on cod at 200 ping. Pussies [9154] tyl3rrrrrrrr: thafs best of 4 [9154] jose_4906: show Jonson [9154] ullebulle213: PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN [9154] eianz_: CMON GANG LOCK IN @jynxzi [9154] NotCalucho: JYNXZZZIIIIII YOU GOT THIS SHIT BRO [9154] xxepiceclipzxx: Ricci op [9155] benjaiminsermeno66: I'll win ngl [9155] cristianf_: LUL LUL [9155] Lurtui: 1v1 smapiyy [9155] r6quipz: r6quipz subscribed with Prime. [9155] b4tf4ng1439: L millionaire [9155] faildlifee: CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob [9155] ullebulle213: PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN [9155] keygenerators: !points [9155] luke21dalton: When does steam start [9156] teox0_: u put it up to 4 [9156] Atrixr6: UP TO 4??????? [9156] tsjll: give stompn half [9156] pollochicken806: give stompn 3 bands [9156] faildlifee: CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob [9156] ullebulle213: PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN [9156] natemccu: stefan u ahh [9156] thejimsmc: Up to 4 [9157] dudesawyer10: L bozo part timer [9157] fr4gthe3rd: Sjje [9157] TheEmporiumm: they said chalet [9157] PoloHits: 4 [9157] zentihater01: @x1m [9157] glockwitdabeam: give Zach 1k [9157] TeeBagers: YOU PUT UP TO 4 [9157] austinstafford02: xim is playing warden next game Ricci melusi [9158] j0hnnyp4in_: u put 4 [9158] ullebulle213: PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN [9158] ihk88: they dodging [9158] itoshimuco: jynxzi carry me daddy [9158] jynxziissostrong: jynxziSNOT [9158] academic04: is stompn getting paid too [9158] chilledguy0: caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads [9158] doger6god: !LINK [9158] karanjitbanger: pay rayan [9158] tiktok_wrstchamp: !watchtimw [9158] Nightbot: @doger6god If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [9158] kaidan_r6: !bet300 [9158] madara050400: he saiid oregen [9158] its_trip: give Zach a band when it’s over !!!!!! [9159] juaango: juaango subscribed at Tier 1. [9159] letsgoshroom: up to 4???] [9159] exttrraa: they not joining party lmao [9159] bazinga_9001: UP TO FOUR DUMBASS [9159] deadspouse: up to 4 [9159] MILLIEYUNZ: CMOOOON [9159] TheEmporiumm: chalet [9159] erickxmas: who won [9159] asherbrody1: xim sniping [9159] isit1975: U HAVE IT UP TO 4 [9159] ethybake9225: you made it up to 4 [9159] mxnchr: !gamble 24 [9159] neoo__: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [9159] chaseontopp: xim is so annoying [9160] johnnyfrrrr: !points [9160] StreamElements: mxnchr lost 24 points in roulette and now has 101 points! FeelsBadMan [9160] cruz4552: up to 4 [9160] jereistheman: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [9160] emlusions: 1/8 adds is crazy [9161] swagx_0hz: !prime [9161] wyattdagoat96: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [9161] Nightbot: Subscribe to @Jynxzi for FREE with Twitch Prime Twitch.tv/subs/jynxzi [9161] saraann1031: w jynxi [9161] imainxboxx: up to 4??? [9161] mikecoxlong_88: THE GAMERTAG IS ASS [9161] ttv_wyat1: jynxziBounce [9161] newfoundtone: ad 6/8 [9161] SupremeCadey: SupremeCadey subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! [9161] yummywetpaper: stompn needs 2/3 k on that [9161] faildlifee: CoolStoryBob [9162] mohammed_haider_iq: U GOT MY BREAD JUNKO [9162] Tubugai___: MiniK [9162] threetrixmafia: did JYNXZi stompn win?? [9162] masixseindaddy: !gamble all [9162] madara050400: oregen [9162] billis_b69: buy monclaire [9162] StreamElements: PogChamp masixseindaddy went all in and won 1180 points PogChamp they now have 2360 points FeelsGoodMan [9163] PoloHits: 4 [9163] sovizgoat: I GOT 40k ON YO JYNXZI, WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [9163] ashtoncook2009: hello [9163] tiktok_wrstchamp: !watchtime [9163] grinthesmurf: Loo [9163] yungthaner: it’s up to 4 [9163] Nightbot: bozo [9163] StreamElements: tiktok_wrstchamp has spent 2 days 13 hours watching jynxzi [9163] cpolston: wwwwwwww [9163] NeverJared: PAY STOMP [9163] isit1975: UP TO 4 [9164] zypex26: UP TO 7 [9164] vacancc0: vacancc0 subscribed at Tier 1. [9164] qwbo_TTV: !gamble 20 [9164] metttyyy: junko u stink [9164] fairfax: L STREAMER [9164] twiisterr1: UP TO 4 [9164] axruoax: up to 4 one [9164] t0pshlf: WWWWWWW [9164] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [9164] bmxerjasn: bmxerjasn subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! yessir [9164] Gpulse21: facecam too close no one wants to see them pores [9164] evanunder___: pay ryan [9164] alarmedbasil21: how do i claim the charm [9164] friday_____3: 7/8 ads [9164] itsjdotbaby: when is Kai vs caseoh [9165] Gl0kk40spaz: p [9165] trl_zeno: mail when fan is? [9165] Scrasa: ITS UP TO 4 [9165] TheEmporiumm: chalrt [9165] patr1ck_fatyy: SoonerLater [9165] ghoul_punk100: up to 4 [9165] chilledguy0: caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads [9165] r6_kecks: when does stream start? [9165] titominer21: gift subbb???? [9165] Nightbot: gifting you luck in finding a job 🙏🏻 [9165] sobek_socko: can u win without stompn??? [9166] GHOSTEEE_23: imagine bring bronze [9166] BrownOn144Hz: UP TO 4 [9166] 99Hype: HIGHEST PING HIGHEST KILLS @Jynxzi [9166] ISPITEL: stats [9166] wreckingcrew2002: I’ll leave before I watch 16 ads [9167] mythicaljaklaha: Fiyvgjvjcifjychjvjfhivytcjgxutdidyicfgfuffkfdhjghgyf [9167] moyo512: you put it on god central you fucking fat bitch [9167] 1There: bros gold [9167] TheEmporiumm: chalet [9167] jimboslicee22: Xim in stream [9167] fr4gthe3rd: BibleThump [9167] orlandotigeryorke: lol [9167] cpolston: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [9167] Nightbot: 😂 [9167] fairfax: WHEN IS FAN MAIL [9167] PoloHits: up to 4? [9167] tyl3rrrrrrrr: noooo [9167] akbeamer16: they get you to sub with all these ads [9168] kanye_east1579: 9/9 [9168] rpsjx: THATS UP TO 4 [9168] AmbitiousAJ13: up to 4 [9168] da_white_lebron: !prediction [9168] Arin7XS: up to 12 [9168] willuslover: L ada [9168] thenotoriousrat1: ricci talking allat he said you just sit on stompns lap [9168] unklemustache: bros getting ready to lose this [9168] lovearce: LOCK INNNNNNN [9168] luke21dalton: Up to 4 [9168] hope_0297: I’ve got 20k on this so don’t lose [9168] lordwocky: w [9168] wetnapkinz2: ITS 4 [9168] camocrusher23: up to 4 [9169] Ic7y8190: aalllllllllllriggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhttttttttttttt [9169] jrbiii: L bronze [9169] Gamingclipsfaith: bro you are not nba clown ass dude [9169] patr1ck_fatyy: PixelBob [9169] garrettthegamer_: Up to 4 [9169] Fossabot: @RedViet, Your message is too long [9169] MathaVC: its 4 [9169] yungthaner: so dumb [9169] threetrixmafia: did they win?? [9169] nothing_or_something: bro u picked upp to 4 [9169] connxrlo: Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 [9169] shawnwoodyard63: UP TO 4 [9170] smalll_frye: up to four [9170] flippy420l: UP TO 4 [9170] chaque87: all in baby pls dont fuck up [9170] shortstuff1061: its not [9170] dude51__: why didnt i get my points from last game [9170] notlucas_stroud: o ad [9170] ghoul_punk100: we watched [9170] killer_sam6783: richi butter milk pancake [9170] vNiklaus: 4 [9170] sizz1_: its 4 [9170] axruoax: up to 4 ong [9170] aidanhansonn: up to 4 [9171] XxSupremexX83: RICCI AINT JOINING [9171] Nightbot: 👀 [9171] MathaVC: up to 4 [9171] lilirrish: GoldPLZ GoldPLZ GoldPLZ GoldPLZ GoldPLZ GoldPLZ [9171] 1There: gold 4 [9171] dunker15758: it up to 4 [9171] tyl3rrrrrrrr: up to 4 [9171] dire6012: !gambleall [9171] ApBrotha: PRESS 1 IF FUCK CLIX [9171] zzzterry17: no its up to 4 [9172] dudesawyer10: !points [9172] nothing_or_something: its up to 4 [9172] jonnyangus: it’s 4 [9172] StreamElements: @dudesawyer10 dudesawyer10 has 50 points and is rank 1634459/1711740 on the leaderboard. [9172] Atrixr6: UP TO 4 [9172] madara050400: he sad oregen [9172] camocrusher23: it’s 4 [9172] jedibishop429: ik [9172] kingadrian13: 4 [9172] benwelter11: 4 [9172] isit1975: U CLICKED UP TO 5 [9172] kaidan_r6: !gambleall [9172] jo_xims: up to 4 [9172] chaseontopp: why do you play with xims annoying ass so much [9172] 4hedXAT: its up to 4 [9173] wetnapkinz2: UP TO 4 [9173] pizzaboy1011: Cheer100 [9173] wigrock_: 4 [9173] newfoundtone: ad 7/8 [9173] ryagodR6: 4 [9173] neon114569: W [9173] BrownOn144Hz: UP TOOOO 4 [9173] dans2923: 4 [9173] fairfax: JAKE FUTURE CLONEEEEE [9173] mchaikarak: up to 4 [9173] zezyyyyyy1: ARE YOU DOING COPPER TO CHAMP???????? [9173] SaltandVinegarHD: up to 4 [9173] sikettv_v22: get better internet [9174] Crush_Labs: Up to 4 [9174] fwvoltX: whens fanma [9174] bazinga_9001: DUMBASS [9175] chilledguy0: caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads [9175] jxkson1: 4 [9175] zechbrothers: its up to 4 lil bro [9175] wreckingcrew2002: I’ll leave before I watch 42 ads [9175] nothing_or_something: up to 4 bro [9175] streamsnipingandrew: you have it to four [9175] ATR_Kmoney: poll it [9175] ullebulle213: PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN PAY RAYAN [9175] HYP3RACT1VE22: he said he’s not joining [9175] oGodHero: it said up to 4 [9175] zac4774: up to 4 [9175] xdbaconbot09: it’s up to 4 [9175] emlusions: 4 [9175] aquadynamiz: up to 4 [9176] lilliwk: up to 4 [9176] tpqr: it’s up to 4 [9176] twiisterr1: Y TO 4 [9176] tyl3rrrrrrrr: ip to 4 [9176] threetrixmafia: yo yo let me know [9176] SllaBaggin69: ITS 4 [9176] Bottled_Cheese: it's 4 [9176] madicantbeurs: WHEN DOES THESE ADDS STOP [9176] TeeBagers: YOU PUT UP TO 4 !!!! [9176] jonnyangus: like fr [9176] chefkochfriends: 4 [9176] ISPITEL: time [9176] tokyo_drift149: up to 4 [9176] ytzhighsky: 4 [9176] mchaikarak: 4 [9177] zensifye: up to 4 [9177] PoloHits: NO ITS 4 [9177] jo_xims: Blud [9177] imainxboxx: its 4 [9177] cleerk77: ITS JUST NAMED WRONG CHAT [9177] manicwaifu: manicwaifu subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months! LOVE YOU JUNKOOO 💓 [9178] WIFIwoody: WIFIwoody subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! daddy chunko [9178] xxnotabananaxx: xxnotabananaxx subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 17 months, currently on a 17 month streak! yuppy [9178] 2xplrbryce: jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL [9178] ghoul_punk100: HIVISE FIX THIS [9178] DustBunnykd: WHITE SPEEEDDD [9178] zvcta: 4 [9178] tex937: why you roasting Ricci when Xim did you dirty in front of everyone [9178] Gl0kk40spaz: !watchtime [9178] glochann: ITS UP TO r [9178] AmbitiousAJ13: up to 4!!! [9178] zzzterry17: up to 4 [9178] sixphase: up to 4 [9178] StreamElements: Gl0kk40spaz has spent 18 days 19 hours watching jynxzi [9178] Atrixr6: ONG ITS UP TO 4 [9178] Tubugai___: jynxziBALD [9179] Crush_Labs: Noooooo [9179] justttgio: 4 [9179] giorgiodangelo18: give zach 2 k [9179] suss345: part timer [9179] justnotGio: 4 [9179] vraxkin: dumbasss [9179] mpn_razor2022: L adds [9179] Cxrvx7: UP TO 4 [9179] MichaelR_1616: up to 4 [9179] tyl3rrrrrrrr: 4 [9179] flexynos: 4 [9179] threetrixmafia: they win??? [9180] davidjerman81016: yesss [9180] PoloHits: ITS 4 [9180] tokyo_drift149: no it’s not [9180] real_vxtrinity: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [9180] SllaBaggin69: dat [9180] mynameisnotfabio: u put up to 4 am pretty sure [9180] jxkson1: UP TO 4 [9180] fortnitefan5607: up to 4 [9180] teddy__0087: up to 4 [9180] co0lmonkey: dumbass ads [9180] lil2falafel: inv me 1 v2 [9180] teox0_: its up to four dumbass [9180] glockwitdabeam: pay Zach [9180] mrpotatohead125: me personally if clix talked me like that it’s gg for him [9180] mchaikarak: up 4 | Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [9000] 18 ping Yo, this kid is not a real person bro. Yo, they need to join the party so they can pick the map bro Tell them to join the party. These guys fucking stupid. How about [9010] I know what map they want to play if they don't join the fucking party or the game god damn these guys are stupid Ricky like rage left the lobby We broke the man advise him [9020] You have a bite, Tim. I got it, as damn. Bro, 7-1 is crazy, good shit, Zach. Let's go. Chat simple, free 3000. Free 3000. [9030] Come on finish this shit. It's fucking go Because you have to rehearse we don't need to rehearse we don't need to rehearse we have the whole thing [9040] I'm gonna go and get the Riki, what was your thoughts on that Riki? Where did the, where did the, where did the noise go? Well, wait, Oregon is 7-1. Oregon is [9050] I'll tell you why you got seven won Ricky. I'll tell you why you got seven won You got seven won because you baited Zim half of the rounds and we were able to just two of you want him in pinch him There was one round where he was pinching [9060] You're the worst 2v2 teammate I've ever seen in my entire life. Stick to getting carried by I-O-I-5-E-5 while he streams 9-E-Everybody. [9070] You're a joke, bro. You're actually a fucking joke. You're a joke. I said you have no idea what happened You fucking dumbass. I think I was strange life for you. You're horrible leave that party. Let's go I'm in that fucking head. Come on bro. Come on [9080] Bro, alright what maps do they pick sack what maps do they pick what max do they pick I've no clue he didn't answer Ricky didn't He didn't say the map got him making a lobby to change [9090] I'm just a server by the way. Still, it's like, can I get the map at least? Fuck. Oh yeah, I don't know about the map. Chad, I mean, Chad, I'm just spinning the... [9100] He baited him having round bro and he's insecure about it. He sold the game. He sold face it He said shout-a-ake he said shout-a. I knew they would say shout-a [9110] I knew they would say, shall I chat? Chat, one more game and I'm up three-thally. One more fucking game, bro. [9120] Let's go alright shall I bat easy already have that setup central Yeah, what is your central being minds like not good to be honest. I [9130] 40. I have a 74 whatever I'll have the worst ping of the lobby but it's straight all right let's go dude even if we [9140] We lose map 2 bro, we can kind of just argue for scus on map 3 because we're not we're not his map 2, I don't even know what I'm saying. Give Ricky's bitch ass in the lobby bro. Give Ricky's bitch. [9150] Ricky's bitch ass lobby. Let's go. Is that me? Yep. Inviting, inviting, inviting, inviting, inviting. Alright, bye, bye, bye. You have it up to four? No. [9160] No, I don't, no, I don't, no, I don't. This is up to seven. This is up to seven. This is up to seven. Trust. Chad, it's the same playlist I used last time. Yo, I can invite Zim, but I can't invite Ricky, bro. I can't invite Ricky. [9170] So he needs to go buy them. Or you need to. You got my invites, right? I can. Yeah, I'm Johnny. | There is no Highlight in the provided timespan. They are setting up another R6 match. The timeframe ends with the next 2v2 match starting and jynxzi leaving the room |
Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [9500] notaiden4310: AUDIOOOOO [9500] sebosski: LETS GOOOOOO [9500] tokyo_drift149: let’s gooooo [9500] skullj: Kail beware [9501] dire6012: !Gamble all [9501] Nyx3043: 20 MIN SUBMISSION? [9501] StreamElements: PogChamp dire6012 went all in and won 140 points PogChamp they now have 280 points FeelsGoodMan [9501] sinstoleutoast: !Watchtime [9501] inyomommasbox: drone in with you [9501] patnaisdusud: !watchtime [9501] stormf4x_twitch: hop you win [9501] StreamElements: sinstoleutoast has spent 1 hour 20 mins watching jynxzi [9501] deadliftfn: 1v1 par timer ur fat and scared [9501] youngboymarcelo: !watchtime [9502] nolanburgio: stompns bouta Carrie [9502] Cendental: !watchtime [9502] eman2086: best part timer [9503] likmycrocs_: almost done with my 20 fucking ads, hopefully not 30 [9503] StreamElements: Cendental has spent 4 days 23 hours watching jynxzi [9503] datxhomie: igamble all [9504] StreamElements: JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/jynxzi [9504] azraelwoah: this ping is atrocious holyyy [9505] bodifferent: jynxziVapeBreak [9505] dakingvictor: !watchtime [9505] StreamElements: dakingvictor has spent 1 hour watching jynxzi [9505] steveclark21: map 1 or 2 [9506] tninjascopez: Xim is waiting [9506] shreksmomma21: Chat spam George floyd [9506] tokyo_drift149: come onnnnn [9506] bernard4207: !gamble 1000 [9506] biggajj: wait this j y n map [9506] wsiloo: SCRIPT LEAKED IM PLAYING SCUS AFTER THIS [9506] StreamElements: @bernard4207, you only have 400 points. [9506] xqylz1: how do i predict [9506] s0lid_franco_: don’t let me down 😤 [9507] defiant_ult: !gamble all [9507] ilovenick70: !watchtime [9507] StreamElements: @defiant_ult, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan [9507] StreamElements: ilovenick70 has spent 10 mins watching jynxzi [9507] ronald_raygun77: w [9507] grandma40g: jynxziVapeBreak_SG [9507] kaleb6211: !gamble all [9507] AgroOfficial: WHO WON THE FIRST MAP CHAT ??????? [9508] ac3hyper3994: !gamble all [9508] StreamElements: kaleb6211 went all in and lost every single one of their 5800 points LUL [9508] waxer1477: can i get a quarter pounder with cheese [9508] StreamElements: PogChamp ac3hyper3994 went all in and won 2205 points PogChamp they now have 4410 points FeelsGoodMan [9508] finko_ss: !watchtime [9508] Hunterperry_: ookoisjmdikmjvikmjijmiknmfkimnfkinmfknmkinmvkivnmkivnmfkivnkijfn vkjn vfjkvn fkjn jkmn vknvjfjfjnvnvnk [9508] coltonlittle10: there is like 0 lag lol [9508] ekonomiix: !gamble all [9508] phyckz: m uted [9508] GTS_Mamba: !watchtimerank [9508] waump_: !gamble all [9508] StreamElements: @ekonomiix, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan [9508] StreamElements: GTS_Mamba has spent 3 days 4 hours watching and is rank 159834/1711467 on the watchtime leaderboard [9508] HD_Legacy_: I use to have to play on 80-130 m ping constantly quit your bitching [9508] StreamElements: waump_ went all in and lost every single one of their 60 points LUL [9509] TeroDank: whats his ping? [9509] savagepotato22: !gamble all [9509] notzayttv: You fuckin blow fat ass [9509] ciaran3122: !watchtime [9509] StreamElements: savagepotato22 went all in and lost every single one of their 20 points LUL [9510] HiMyNameisSworn: !gamble all [9510] StreamElements: ciaran3122 has spent 21 hours 10 mins watching jynxzi [9510] habeebe_king: !gamble all [9510] StreamElements: HiMyNameisSworn went all in and lost every single one of their 35 points LUL [9510] diegosaldanagames: !watchtime [9510] StreamElements: habeebe_king went all in and lost every single one of their 500 points LUL [9510] brettozaza: !gamble 20 [9511] StreamElements: @brettsk1i, you only have 5 points. [9511] dnt_triip: PLUG THE EHTERNET IN [9511] apalla21: buck and ace [9511] Crxbear: Real hasha [9511] Nightbot: real [9511] buddyb0y1111: !watchtime [9512] zukuunoix: !gamble all [9512] StreamElements: buddyb0y1111 has spent 3 days watching jynxzi [9512] liverpoolfcfan3632: don’t let me down 😤 [9512] biggajj: Jynxi lock in [9512] StreamElements: zukuunoix went all in and lost every single one of their 1935 points LUL [9512] wokzstar: !gamble [9512] notaiden4310: !watchtime [9513] metalmariomain16: !gamble [9513] junkoshiestyy: dd#DADDY NUNKOOO@EOEOEOEOEOEOD DADDDY SUCK MEEEEEEEE DADYDYDYYDYDYDYDYDYYDYDYYD HENXIENDKSNDNNEMDNDNSMDNMS DJC SNSKD [9514] 8lack1ce: WASH YO HANDS WASH YO HANDS WASH YO HANDS WASH YO HANDS WASH YO HANDS WASH YO HANDS WASH YO HANDS WASH YO HANDS WASH YO HANDS WASH YO HANDS WASH YO HANDS WASH YO HANDS [9514] aaron_2975: !gamble 1 [9514] mini_tttpig: WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace [9515] syvvvv: !points [9515] fredstuff19: junko Ive nodded all my bubbles on u u better win boy [9515] Rhyphix: holy bad ping, 80-100 oof [9515] alex_tex: Win this pls [9515] 9z_Gerson: Fuck u [9515] FixinGood: w [9515] StreamElements: @syvvvv syvvvv has 2785 points and is rank 175698/1711735 on the leaderboard. [9515] DaddyMortar_: PAY OUT [9515] Torpid_Guy: !cashout [9516] yungthaner: ???? [9516] hlgmash: whats teh score [9517] shane_downing69: !gamble all [9517] shreksmomma21: Spam George floyd [9517] StreamElements: @shane_downing69, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan [9517] deron_pk: !watchtime riccifps [9517] zefntwitch: !watchtime [9517] getbacktow0rk: !gamble all [9517] StreamElements: riccifps has spent 10 hours 20 mins watching jynxzi [9517] bodifferent: kaicENAT kaicNaenae [9517] nxsty_gunns: !gamble 15 [9517] StreamElements: getbacktow0rk went all in and lost every single one of their 1085 points LUL [9517] chucklepatch464: !watchtime [9517] BigNasty280: map 3 looking nice [9518] StreamElements: nxsty_gunns lost 15 points in roulette and now has 150 points! FeelsBadMan [9518] vExcitee: XIM IS STREAM SNIPING [9518] extremepillows: good luck jynxzi! [9518] jakedog103: !watchtime [9518] xxvaizy: WHAT KINDA FUCKING MIRAT IS THAT [9519] StreamElements: jakedog103 has spent 12 hours 50 mins watching jynxzi [9519] grandma_milky: grandma_milky subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months! [9519] maradonny_7: 7k on u [9519] stormf4x_twitch: love watching you [9519] fray_dabeast: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [9519] tyreekbestwr: the worst player doesn’t get to decide [9519] imswevybtw: !gamble 1000 [9519] ivychain2: !points [9520] StreamElements: imswevybtw lost 1000 points in roulette and now has 360 points! FeelsBadMan [9520] lool122333: its weird not seeing the black ice skin [9520] noodleman114409: George Floyd [9520] dire6012: !Gamble 100 [9520] unsall42: !Link [9520] yungthaner: terrible Mira 😭😭 [9521] ohtsu_: ohtsu_ subscribed with Prime. [9521] mini_tttpig: SeemsGood [9521] lazrsharkyt: !gamble all [9521] Xavierang76: !gamble all [9521] StreamElements: lazrsharkyt went all in and lost every single one of their 2745 points LUL [9521] StreamElements: PogChamp xgaming2011 went all in and won 1335 points PogChamp they now have 2670 points FeelsGoodMan [9522] ssamfpss: !gamble all [9522] swuckontt: swuckontt subscribed at Tier 1. [9522] cascainreallife: !roulette 100 [9522] MrK9___: now they pushing solar for sure lol [9522] adammm6628: !watchtime [9522] StreamElements: samcvrry30 went all in and lost every single one of their 1375 points LUL [9522] StreamElements: cascainreallife won 100 points in roulette and now has 435 points! FeelsGoodMan [9523] StreamElements: adammm6628 has spent 20 mins watching jynxzi [9523] nvincble: !gamble all [9523] prodawg24: !link [9523] d3goob: !gamble 100 [9523] Nightbot: @prodawg24 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [9523] 9z_Gerson: fuck u [9523] Anth0nyG7: !WATCHTIME [9523] StreamElements: nvincble went all in and lost every single one of their 5 points LUL [9523] davidsamy_7: enddddd preds [9523] StreamElements: d3goob won 100 points in roulette and now has 2740 points! FeelsGoodMan [9524] 1xdbradxd1: !lurk [9524] StreamElements: Anth0nyg7 has spent 5 days 3 hours watching jynxzi [9524] Nightbot: 1xdbradxd1 Has rage quit and need a few minutes they will be back soon! [9524] datxhomie: did mods predict first gaem or what??? [9524] Gxckd: Don't choke [9525] 4xcarlitos: hjety [9525] biggajj: he played on lanc [9525] ManoMax21: !watchtime [9526] StreamElements: ManoMax21 has spent 1 day 14 hours watching jynxzi [9526] azraelwoah: !gamble all [9526] d1antix: !watchtime [9526] StreamElements: azraelwoah went all in and lost every single one of their 410 points LUL [9526] ivychain2: f [9526] biggajj: lam [9526] rxptorzx: !gamble [9526] Nightbot: F in the chat [9527] brutally_awesome: !gamble [9527] knw_9124: hey daddy Junko let me lick your toes [9527] qwbo_TTV: PREDICTION IS STILL GOING [9527] maybfresh: jynxzi r u a fuxking schizo [9528] ivychain2: !points [9528] dona1dduck: !watchtime [9528] wokzstar: !gamble 100 [9528] StreamElements: dona1dduck has spent 20 mins watching jynxzi [9528] syvvvv: !gamble all [9529] StreamElements: PogChamp syvvvv went all in and won 2785 points PogChamp they now have 5570 points FeelsGoodMan [9529] toe_suckr: L Mira placement [9529] dakingvictor: !gamble 1 [9529] davidsamy_7: modssss close predssss [9529] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [9529] StreamElements: dakingvictor lost 1 points in roulette and now has 29 points! FeelsBadMan [9529] ab0ut50n1njas1: @jynxzi when Kai is waiting [9529] kgwilks: kgwilks subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! [9529] inevafrez: !watchtime [9529] StreamElements: inevafrez has spent 12 hours 50 mins watching jynxzi [9530] Entw1stle: BOUT TO FLOP [9530] owen_shaw087: nah [9530] skullking8530: jynxziBALD_SQ [9531] bobsterlobster45: !watchtime [9531] ac3hyper3994: !watchtime [9531] imswevybtw: !gamble 360 [9531] mzxopiz: !gamble alll [9531] StreamElements: ac3hyper3994 has spent 1 day 11 hours watching jynxzi [9531] sancho8k: CHECK KAIIIII [9531] Oh_tropics: pre stompn carry [9532] TheOnlyBuck2_: !gamble20 [9532] lukasengledow1: !gamble all [9532] Halesey_15: !gamble all [9532] 8Pina: COPPER MIRA STRAT [9532] StreamElements: PogChamp lukasengledow1 went all in and won 8012 points PogChamp they now have 16024 points FeelsGoodMan [9532] ElkTheElk: close bets? [9532] DropTonDon: !watchtime [9532] StreamElements: PogChamp Halesey_15 went all in and won 245 points PogChamp they now have 490 points FeelsGoodMan [9532] charley_2424: !watchtime [9532] russy07: !watchtime [9532] StreamElements: DropTonDon has spent 18 hours 40 mins watching jynxzi [9533] jayswangs: !gamble 30 [9533] stormf4x_twitch: hop you win the money [9533] StreamElements: jayswangs lost 30 points in roulette and now has 10 points! FeelsBadMan [9533] Entw1stle: FLOP [9533] oBluedevil: Pool [9534] biggajj: lan 5 v5 challs [9534] jooooobi: !gamble all [9534] unsall42: !link [9534] StreamElements: jooooobi went all in and lost every single one of their 320 points LUL [9534] dd463: !gamble all [9534] Amazingpickle52iscute: !gamble 50 [9534] gingerbreadfrosting: !gamble all [9534] StreamElements: PogChamp dd463 went all in and won 65 points PogChamp they now have 130 points FeelsGoodMan [9535] StreamElements: PogChamp gingerbreadfrosting went all in and won 1845 points PogChamp they now have 3690 points FeelsGoodMan [9535] StreamElements: @Amazingpickle52iscute, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan [9535] qwbo_TTV: PREDICTION HIVISE [9536] qcqq__: im better [9536] litpotato0: !link [9536] Fossabot: @savaeg_mom, Your message is too long [9536] pizzadino_: !watchtime [9536] aaron_2975: !Gamble 1 [9536] StreamElements: pizzadino_ has spent 2 hours 20 mins watching jynxzi [9536] amm_1227: !gamble all [9536] 4xcarlitos: dont chokle bitch [9536] 9z_Gerson: i fuck ur mom [9537] rxptorzx: !gamble all [9537] StreamElements: amm_1227 went all in and lost every single one of their 15 points LUL [9537] ghostb0iishere: !gamble all [9537] Imnotginger1234: !watchtime [9537] crow_s_of_fate: w script [9537] StreamElements: ghostb0iishere went all in and lost every single one of their 20 points LUL [9537] lflow011: prime! [9538] theman_potato: gang gang [9538] Boyjuuu: !gamble 2000 [9538] StreamElements: Boyjuuu lost 2000 points in roulette and now has 200 points! FeelsBadMan [9539] inyomommasbox: pushing in [9539] KDXDARKSKINN: GREEN FN [9540] vision20sd: yo jynxi u should swing they cant see ya when u are on high ping [9540] jackisatwig1234: !gamble all [9540] tae_2fye: The have ACE IQ [9540] StreamElements: jackisatwig1234 went all in and lost every single one of their 1070 points LUL [9540] mc_mcvitie420: !gamble [9541] mrpopalopagis: !points [9541] zofivz: jynxzi “so we’re in champ” [9541] StreamElements: @mrpopalopagis mrpopalopagis has 25 points and is rank 1648333/1711735 on the leaderboard. [9541] cvqgn: cvqgn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 5 month streak! just give me my moneyyt [9541] axther_cs: 100k [9542] stormf4x_twitch: good luck [9542] defiant_ult: !gamble 10 [9542] itylarrz: !watchtime [9542] khan__wick: !GAMBLE ALL [9543] trooperpanda: stream sniping [9543] StreamElements: itylarrz has spent 1 day watching jynxzi [9543] StreamElements: @khan__wick, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan [9543] owen_shaw087: f [9543] kaleb6211: !gamble [9543] eren22333: @iloveximm [9543] Halesey_15: !gamble 100 [9544] mystical501: !LINK [9545] dezmozz: !watchtime [9545] lacystarfish300: who won game 1? [9545] Entw1stle: FLOP INBOUND [9545] unsall42: !Link [9545] StreamElements: dezmozz has spent 4 days 15 hours watching jynxzi [9545] 8lack1ce: WASH YO HANDS WASH YO HANDS WASH YO HANDS WASH YO HANDS WASH YO HANDS WASH YO HANDS WASH YO HANDS WASH YO HANDS WASH YO HANDS WASH YO HANDS WASH YO HANDS WASH YO HANDS [9546] 4xcarlitos: dont choke bitchj [9546] cometz_2: !gamble 1 [9546] scrxppy420: !gamble 1000000 [9546] xd_Fishbowl: I would sub but my prime won’t let me sign in bruh [9546] oxtox_1133: junk nba [9546] cascainreallife: !gamble 100 [9546] ChaQman_: jynxzi and stompn won map 1 [9546] StreamElements: @cometz_2, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan [9546] brendenthebeast6: yo [9547] muuinese: ggs [9547] fray_dabeast: get this fun and get the money [9547] lflow011: !prime [9547] escobedo7311: !LINK [9547] Nightbot: Subscribe to @Jynxzi for FREE with Twitch Prime Twitch.tv/subs/jynxzi [9547] HavocDem0n: !points [9547] davidsamy_7: endddddd predsss [9547] lukasengledow1: !gambleall [9547] zofivz: w [9548] brettozaza: !gamble 10 [9548] BielbyBrah: !gamble all [9548] wasabigod208: !gamble all [9549] StreamElements: PogChamp BielbyBrah went all in and won 1675 points PogChamp they now have 3350 points FeelsGoodMan [9549] finko_ss: !WATCHTIME [9549] 9z_Gerson: Fuck u [9549] StreamElements: wasabigod208 went all in and lost every single one of their 150 points LUL [9549] StreamElements: finko_ss has spent 0 secs watching jynxzi [9549] bb8mydroidog: !gamble all [9549] diegosaldanagames: !watchtime [9549] StreamElements: PogChamp bb8mydroidog went all in and won 1170 points PogChamp they now have 2340 points FeelsGoodMan [9550] rokni11: what happened to jynxzi yesterday [9550] chucklepatch464: !Watchtime [9550] russy07: !gamble 60 [9550] noodleman114409: spam white speed [9550] StreamElements: @russy07, you only have 20 points. [9550] lu6inda: @iloveximm [9550] vvverybaddddd: !gamble all [9550] codymcginty1: codymcginty1 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! [9550] rflts: WW [9550] masterchris0416: !watchtime [9550] dezmozz: !xim [9551] Aqrax173: !gamble all [9551] Nightbot: Xim (Apex) is an external adapter that lets losers use mouse and keyboard on console to get an advantage over regular controller players. [9551] StreamElements: PogChamp vvverybaddddd went all in and won 15 points PogChamp they now have 30 points FeelsGoodMan [9551] mcubed52: cook them jynxi [9551] wntrzxx: !watchtime [9551] StreamElements: masterchris0416 has spent 1 day 17 hours watching jynxzi [9551] StreamElements: PogChamp Aqrax173 went all in and won 8795 points PogChamp they now have 17590 points FeelsGoodMan [9552] hklr_426: Jinxy if you hear this I wanna nod on you [9552] rijinmanz1: XIM DIES FIRST AGAIN [9552] smallmouth6: m [9552] maybfresh: WWWWWWWW [9553] mzxopiz: !watchtime [9553] Pumpifiedd: ???????????? [9553] knw_9124: hey junko can I lick your toes [9553] rijinmanz1: LOOOL [9553] StreamElements: mzxopiz has spent 2 days 7 hours watching jynxzi [9553] mrpopalopagis: !gamble all [9553] bcngocat: EZZZ [9553] uzsiiee: bad aim [9553] aaron_2975: !gamble all [9553] StreamElements: mrpopalopagis went all in and lost every single one of their 25 points LUL [9553] StreamElements: proplayer6868 went all in and lost every single one of their 30 points LUL [9554] aspects_live: !sub [9554] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [9554] lukasengledow1: !gamble 374 [9554] plexylmao: mods are idiots bro [9554] greencobra15: Longest stream of the year [9554] slumpclips: when’s the 2v2 [9554] Halesey_15: !gamble 250 [9554] patnaisdusud: !Watchtime [9555] Avii97: !gamble 1000 [9555] noodleman114409: spam white soeed [9555] puffpuffjuicer: WWWWW [9555] StreamElements: patnaisdusud has spent 20 hours 10 mins watching jynxzi [9555] StreamElements: Avii97 won 1000 points in roulette and now has 3325 points! FeelsGoodMan [9555] pey_88: jynxziBadAim [9555] opsap: LOL [9556] NationalRifleAssociation: xim bad [9556] Nightbot: 😂 [9556] 1Drae: w [9556] 4hedXAT: WWW [9556] wetnapkinz2: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [9556] jaydenprotack: wow anchor just left site [9556] pebble_gg: w [9556] dire6012: !gamble 100 [9556] emanuelngamer: !gamble all [9557] GogoProto23: WWW [9557] StreamElements: PogChamp emanuelngamer went all in and won 710 points PogChamp they now have 1420 points FeelsGoodMan [9557] quandingis: !gamble [9557] jittrippinx: !GAMBLE [9557] isaac_2743: !watchtime [9557] ElkTheElk: WW [9557] StreamElements: isaac_2743 has spent 3 days 18 hours watching jynxzi [9557] mezzdup_bun: WWWWWWWWWWW [9558] sebosski: WW [9558] crow_s_of_fate: i love xim again? [9558] ihk88: WWWWWW [9558] djnoshoclipz: !gamble 10 [9558] ac3hyper3994: !gamble 2000 [9558] waterrnelons: W [9558] winterremix41: WWWW [9558] StreamElements: djnoshoclipz lost 10 points in roulette and now has 335 points! FeelsBadMan [9558] waterrnelons: W [9558] waterrnelons: W [9558] mason_ssg: wwwwwww [9558] Karlsnipes127: !gamble all [9558] darkcyclecd: WWWWW [9558] r6copperofficial69420: !gamble all [9558] StreamElements: Karlsnipes127 went all in and lost every single one of their 30540 points LUL [9559] drmonkeeman10: WWWW [9559] d44rkfire: WWWWWWWW [9559] FadedMekhi: w [9559] mezzdup_bun: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [9559] StreamElements: r6copperofficial69420 went all in and lost every single one of their 2085 points LUL [9559] mc_mcvitie420: !gamble all [9559] peanutbutterkid9215: WWWWWWWWWWWW [9559] Pumpifiedd: wtf is xim doing [9559] rijinmanz1: ON CENTRAL? [9559] taythetrapgod: :Z [9559] 1Drae: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [9559] itsyaboylalo: come onnnnn [9559] zxourii: WW [9559] 24_bobo: wwwwwwwwwwwwww [9561] felippe_bastos: felippe_bastos subscribed with Prime. [9561] mezzdup_bun: WWWWWWWWWWWW [9561] cockdragonz: W [9561] GLiiTCH777: THEY ARE SO BAD [9561] sebosski: WWWWW [9561] rodypt2010: W [9561] zxourii: WWWWWWWWW [9561] unknowns_wrld: WWWWW [9561] jackman1374: WWWW [9561] lukasengledow1: !gamble 100 [9561] mike76500: W [9561] blank_43: w [9561] igdingo: Gooddd aimmm [9562] ItachI_2027: W [9562] 24_bobo: wwwwww [9562] 1Drae: WWWWWWWWW [9562] bernard4207: !gamble 500 [9562] imnot_lilyy: W [9562] Booty_Twaps: !gamble all [9562] buttermillk224: www [9562] Boyjuuu: !gamble 6000 [9562] RapidWolf301: wwwwww [9562] bluejoltz23: xim is terrible [9562] StreamElements: PogChamp Booty_Twaps went all in and won 450 points PogChamp they now have 900 points FeelsGoodMan [9562] uncasualcrusader57: WW [9562] lj_256: you own these bums [9562] StreamElements: yuibeontwitch went all in and lost every single one of their 50 points LUL [9562] Erenoctopus08: Erenoctopus08 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! l [9564] sawyergd2: WWW [9564] emilionationyt: WWWWWW [9564] ilyyvelocity: this game is already over [9564] coiko: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [9564] guzman7625: WWWWWWWWW LOCKK INNN [9564] marrr2ll: grrr aimmm [9564] crazyjj3: just give m,e my money [9566] mnpab: W bully [9566] nolimitnoob_: WWWWWWWWw [9566] nikedunks9867: www [9566] scadush23: W [9566] trxpztaj: !gamble all [9566] StreamElements: @trxpztaj, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan [9567] bryanbuthi: glaze [9567] 1Drae: WWWWWWWWW [9567] mohammad_232011: wwwwwwww [9567] cjrage: W duo [9568] bombaclaoooot: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [9568] spiceinf: WTF IO THOUGHT THEY WERE ATTACK [9568] xKyzerV: W [9568] tninjascopez: Ricci waiting [9568] Nightbot: 👀 [9568] 0tto0909: WWWWW [9568] that_octane_guy: WWWWWW [9568] vvverybaddddd: 7-0 [9568] 360joke: wwwwwwww [9568] BrownOn144Hz: DAMN [9568] RageDaaGreat: WWWW [9568] knightvis1on21: w [9568] jwolfe7803: W [9568] rocketz492560: WWWW [9568] carbennn: glaze [9569] matos_145775: w [9569] 19rhys: loo is ass [9569] bruceleestea: WWWW [9569] 0tto0909: WWWWWWWWW [9569] xKyzerV: lets go [9569] noodleman114409: spam white speed [9569] mayzer690: L Glazer [9569] nangtzy2457: cap 24 hour stop bro [9569] whitelight5647: L GLAZE [9569] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [9569] Nightbot: no 🧢 [9569] cash_money2312: GET THE POM POMS PUT [9569] trickeog: wwwwwwwwwww [9569] shaquilleoatmeal652: WWWWWWW [9569] airsofts_action_news: ww [9570] rocketz492560: W [9570] FadedMekhi: @waterrnelons how are you [9570] uhm_soggy: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [9570] mattyi12i: ewwwwwww [9570] GetZootedSkid: free money?? [9570] fl_drunk: glaze [9570] green5217132: CARRIED [9570] nikedunks9867: wwwwww [9570] danklemur: GOOOD AIM [9570] bh_chris13: GIMME MY MONEY [9570] lucataran1: lucataran1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 6 month streak! [9571] k1ckjunko: w [9571] nvincble: !gamble 600 [9571] frivolous_racing: xim fall off? [9571] nicholasppppppp: he’s actually bad [9571] wetsuio: !gamble all [9571] hklr_426: Twinky you and zach are the best [9571] dire6012: !Gamble 100 [9571] danneb2123: WW [9571] nazeman284: WWWWWWWW [9571] uhm_soggy: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [9571] rbleiman31: WWWWWWWW [9571] StreamElements: dire6012 lost 100 points in roulette and now has 180 points! FeelsBadMan [9571] ervycWSF: carried [9572] StreamElements: wetsuio went all in and lost every single one of their 2250 points LUL [9572] AyerabAdam: W dick ride [9572] mayzer690: GLazing [9572] airsofts_action_news: wwwwwwww [9572] mosey_poo: WWWW [9572] 360joke: wwww [9572] savageyoshi3: GET THE POM POMS [9572] RageDaaGreat: YALL FUCK [9572] Mingxies: do tricks on it [9572] lorybthegoat: carried [9572] xDevi671: W [9572] mythicghosst: !points [9572] godlygamer0719: GLAZING [9572] blinkynurse: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [9572] StreamElements: @mythicghosst mythicghosst has 25 points and is rank 1648290/1711735 on the leaderboard. [9573] 0tto0909: WWWWWWWWWWW [9573] 4hedXAT: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [9573] bluejoltz23: they are washed [9573] manchacagmoney: cheater [9574] mosey_poo: WWWWWWWW [9574] savageyoshi3: POM POMS [9574] Trap2Kwastaken: carry [9574] TrenchKid_18: WWWWWW [9574] 4hedXAT: jynxziGoodAim [9575] 7352881716: W [9575] CorduroyK: dub [9575] kenu__ttv: !gamble 500 [9575] supermilkmann: w [9575] locket1234567: GLAZE [9575] canebear: glaze [9575] pheraty: W [9575] shreksmomma21: JUST GIMME MY MONEY [9575] ilovede4dpool: glazing [9575] StreamElements: kenu__ttv won 500 points in roulette and now has 6840 points! FeelsGoodMan [9575] vonr62k: behind u [9575] expertakeswalls: Xim is cursed [9575] eman2086: white speed clone jynxziFAT [9575] KruvIsusov: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [9576] uhm_soggy: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [9576] savageyoshi3: POM POMM [9576] epicjrny: prefired XDDDD [9576] matos_145775: wwwwwwwww [9576] swoleboh: they're nervous jynxziTONGUE jynxziGoodAim [9576] chuckycheese2010: even thopught you lost to him [9576] nunobaits: !points [9576] jettypunch: L script [9576] cris_71907: #w [9576] nikedunks9867: www [9576] Dallas00_: WWWWWWW [9576] hot5nakes: W stomp [9576] stxlacrossestick: that xim sucks [9576] Ic7y8190: WW [9576] 0tto0909: WWWWWWW [9577] mosey_poo: WWWWWWWWWWWW [9577] Tybirr: stompn is waiting [9577] MrChopCones: HIS NOSE [9578] carter_lanager: !link [9578] qcqq__: ew [9578] Nightbot: @carter_lanager If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [9578] nothing_or_something: prefire is what he siad [9578] chxmpzdagoat: !gamble [9578] zofivz: ping [9578] opiumwizard777: dum downfall [9578] maniiio_: Carried [9579] SleptOnMort: glaze [9579] wasabigod208: !gamble all [9579] ghillie222: cronus [9579] 0tto0909: WWWWWWWW [9579] 1loveapple: Good aimmmm [9579] reedgav: reedgav subscribed at Tier 1. [9579] nikedunks9867: w www [9579] coleypoo1232: glazy [9579] JJBreezzy: W WW W [9579] xKyzerV: his tampon was stuck up his arse [9579] uhm_soggy: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [9579] aIexpereira: xim cheating and still ass😭 [9579] BrownOn144Hz: CARRIED [9579] kareemnour23: LOCK PREDICTS [9579] Fossabot: Prediction Locked! 🔒 👀 - the choice with most wagered points is 'Jynxzi & Stompn' with 124007858 points out of 167375253 points total. Good luck! [9580] zzzterry17: WWWWWWWW [9580] elyeno29: just gimme my moneyyyy [9580] airsofts_action_news: wwwwww [9580] Ic7y8190: WWWWWW [9580] USAFM1ke: RICCI TRIGGERED [9580] finalarigato_: YOUR SO BACK [9580] 4xcarlitos: WHATTTTTTTTTT [9580] nikedunks9867: wwww [9580] JJBreezzy: W W W WW [9580] uhm_soggy: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [9580] murdagotalock: L Carried [9580] GavsOnPh: goodddd aimmmmmm [9580] crazyjj3: JUST GIVE ME MY MONION [9580] expertakeswalls: You cursed Xim [9581] Sph1nct3r: pre fire [9581] bobbish67: W glazer [9582] SmallMan968: www [9582] manuel_apb: Close submission [9582] maybfresh: FREE FUCKING MONEYY [9582] jittrippinx: !LINK [9582] jynxzicespice: close prediction [9582] 曾維城: WWWWWWWWW [9582] lliillbbooaatt: WWWWWWWWWWWW [9582] kolbym22: !gamble 1000 [9582] coleypoo1232: glaze [9582] RECORDV: how much is on the line ??? [9582] shambers8510: stop glazing stompn [9582] StreamElements: @kolbym22, you only have 5 points. [9583] arrowzgotnomotion: Hispanic speed [9583] 4xcarlitos: W [9583] vonr62k: fuc xim [9583] Kr1zzz_: !gamble all [9583] 5star_eli343: SeriousSloth SeriousSloth [9583] bernard4207: 7-0 [9583] 19rhys: loo is asssssss [9583] Ic7y8190: WWWW [9583] StreamElements: PogChamp Kr1zzz_ went all in and won 495 points PogChamp they now have 990 points FeelsGoodMan [9583] jaxon71009: close submissions [9583] u1trav1ol3t: !gamble 235 [9583] uhm_soggy: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [9583] vacancc0: !gamble all [9583] JJBreezzy: W DUOO [9583] seedless1904: WwwwwwWwwW [9584] guzman7625: iwatchtime [9584] StreamElements: @u1trav1ol3t, you only have 65 points. [9584] iCROMPTON: does stompn stream? [9584] StreamElements: vacancc0 went all in and lost every single one of their 5 points LUL [9585] djrushy22: w [9585] 4xcarlitos: W W W [9585] DK_ZR: glazing [9585] thebig_hog: he’s warden [9585] curiki: white speed [9585] murdagotalock: L carried [9585] bh_chris13: BRO DROPPED A 3k dono [9585] Kahzlol: close predict [9585] zofivz: ram start [9585] bowlzeye: ez [9585] jittrippinx: H [9585] yuibeontwitch: !gamble 1000 [9585] nikedunks9867: wwwww [9585] JJBreezzy: WWW DUO [9585] Saintmac23: how if you’re gonna irl [9586] drovght: pom poms [9586] combohxnry7: jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD [9586] lflow011: !prime [9586] Nightbot: h [9586] 4xcarlitos: ww [9586] green5217132: CARRIED. [9586] Nightbot: Subscribe to @Jynxzi for FREE with Twitch Prime Twitch.tv/subs/jynxzi [9586] kobelafreak: !stack [9586] Dzcson: CARRIED BY STOMPN [9586] canebear: w glaze [9586] carter_lanager: cf [9586] xoatiic_: YUHHH [9586] uhm_soggy: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [9586] mayzer690: glaze [9586] primetime_icy: !LINK [9587] Nightbot: Jynxzi ST0MPN Mingo Skyte Jayy [9587] StreamElements: nlechoppaswifey went all in and lost every single one of their 250 points LUL [9587] lliillbbooaatt: WWWWWWWWWWWWWW [9587] dumbdoc1227: Wwwwwwwwww [9587] StreamElements: nunobaits lost 10 points in roulette and now has 2225 points! FeelsBadMan [9588] GHOSTEEE_23: xim is asssssssssssssssssss [9588] jittrippinx: F [9588] deadliftfn: 1v1 par timer ur fat and scared [9588] JJBreezzy: WWWW DUOO [9588] Nightbot: F in the chat [9588] 4xcarlitos: wwww [9588] Yuki_4743: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [9588] vvverybaddddd: !gamble all [9588] pruceeee: L glazer [9588] lacystarfish300: DID THEY WIN GAME 1? [9588] lucataran1: gg [9589] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [9589] PazyCrazy: the face of the feet [9589] xoatiic_: TUUHHHHH [9589] Quxccy: !stack [9589] mythicghosst: glazing hard [9589] rijinmanz1: @Jynxzi ricci's excuse is gonna be that ur stream has delay LOL [9589] lmfa00000: when is 24 hour stream [9589] sonotreal: so ass [9590] M4SON_JAR: WWW [9590] imdeadlyyyy: sketch [9590] combohxnry7: jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD [9590] fray_dabeast: good aim [9590] LilBoogieFart: W mods [9590] wilcuhh: xim ass [9590] crazyjj3: JUST GE ME MY MONEY [9590] JJBreezzy: W DUOO [9590] green5217132: CARRIED [9590] mayzer690: gamble all [9590] Pdiddillydawg: gridlock [9590] Fossabot: @mcresswell3006, Your message is too long [9591] alexandrr257: WWWWWWWWW [9591] xoatiic_: YUHHHH [9591] ervycWSF: you not winning tomw [9591] sizz1_: pom poms [9591] zyxrty: ScaredyCat ScaredyCat ScaredyCat [9591] eman2086: white speed [9591] theshemie: ez [9592] wilcuhh: xim asss [9592] Differ__: W [9592] combohxnry7: jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD [9592] paul_twitch123: jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke jynxziSmoke [9592] 4xcarlitos: www [9592] tsuikaa: loo [9592] guzman7625: !watchtime [9592] StreamElements: guzman7625 has spent 2 days 12 hours watching jynxzi [9593] a_n0b0dy1: !gamble 500 [9593] matthew___ra5365: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [9593] Boyjuuu: !gamble 6000 [9593] StreamElements: @a_n0b0dy1, you only have 385 points. [9593] mikaeil___: whats the stack tmrw [9593] Kr1zzz_: !gamble 500 [9593] jayden17294: 2020Snacking 2020Partnered 2020Partnered 2020Partnered [9593] OG_Mudz: WWWWWWW [9593] danklemur: sketch irl stream fr [9593] srq_ashtonr: ENDDDDD THEEEEEEEE PREDICTIONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN MODDDDDDDDDDDDDSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS [9593] 4xcarlitos: wwwwwww [9593] JJBreezzy: WWWW DUOOO [9593] dom1n7nce: !gamble 70 [9593] peedrug: go to sketch no tourney [9594] sean12donovan: Lbully [9594] StreamElements: dom_mma won 70 points in roulette and now has 595 points! FeelsGoodMan [9594] kursedprezz: w script [9594] kenu__ttv: !watchtime [9594] etterrx: ricci i so bad haha [9594] combohxnry7: jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD [9594] StreamElements: kenu__ttv has spent 17 days 9 hours watching jynxzi [9594] imswevybtw: !gamble 20 [9594] 4xcarlitos: wwwwww [9594] piecectrlshaq: ximmmm is assssss [9595] chessgod3239: Whens spoit [9595] coolcat17000: good aim [9595] StreamElements: imswevybtw lost 20 points in roulette and now has 340 points! FeelsBadMan [9595] xens3i: theyre playing warden n melusitheyre playing warden n melusitheyre playing warden n melusitheyre playing warden n melusi [9595] ayophinks: jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE [9595] spiceinf: 100 PING IS CRAZY [9595] JJBreezzy: W DUO [9595] i_icedyt: Chat is this real [9596] sageluee: !gamble all [9596] USAFM1ke: XIM ON SUICIDE WATCH [9596] monkeyboy738: yo [9596] BangaWanga: 100 ping holy [9596] StreamElements: sageluee went all in and lost every single one of their 3270 points LUL [9596] alexandrr257: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [9596] EatCrackRock: WE GOING TO MIAMI TOMORROW [9596] tk_sicknick: PING HARDER [9596] wilcuhh: !watchme [9596] trulycino: JUS… JUS….. JUST GEMME MY MONNNNNNEEEE [9596] GLiiTCH777: XIM IS WASHED CHEATING TRASH [9596] vibxslol__: PRIME [9596] drmonkeeman10: W AZTEC WHISTLE [9596] Nightbot: Blue crown —-> Free —-> no ads —-> charm: https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [9596] dubz76_: wwwwwwwwwwwwww [9597] pbods08: he going warden [9597] djrushy22: lets go [9597] StreamElements: PogChamp GiggityGiggity84 went all in and won 25375 points PogChamp they now have 50750 points FeelsGoodMan [9598] jackvanderwoude_8: so hes doing the tourney tmrw?? [9598] johnnycashflow09: CARRIED!!! [9598] ej_91: r u sus? [9598] dylan_09_dylan: !points [9598] Ray_Skywalker66: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [9598] babymexico79: W [9598] sledgomatic34: white speed [9598] StreamElements: @dylan_09_dylan dylan_09_dylan has 5 points and is rank 1703105/1711735 on the leaderboard. [9598] quandingis: !gamble 50 [9598] JJBreezzy: WWW DUOOO [9599] ayophinks: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [9599] 4hedXAT: !gamble all [9599] jittrippinx: hdhdhd [9599] daddyxbeatsxme24x7: Xim was too busy looking at stream lol [9599] clive_hundred_lbs: a [9599] beastmode3980: dd [9599] LeoXG72: !gamble all [9599] StreamElements: @4hedXAT, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan [9599] StreamElements: PogChamp LeoXG72 went all in and won 150 points PogChamp they now have 300 points FeelsGoodMan [9599] poyntdudes4582: warden [9600] 4xcarlitos: dzd'asd [9600] xernety: YOU CURSED XIM WITH ILLUMINATI SPELLS [9600] ayophinks: jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE [9600] Ethenexe: xim fall off needa be studied [9600] nunobaits: !gamble 225 [9600] rokni11: WHAT HAPPENED TO JYNXZI YESTERDAY. [9600] mcatherall3: when is christmas [9600] finko_ss: !WATCHTIME [9600] bigjosephj: Is Jynxzi okay?? Hes been live for over 2 hours now. [9600] codeman23f: Cheer1 [9600] omniking_4: jynxziGRIDDY [9600] 5nakeultimate: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [9600] poopcuh88: do u have a crush on ricci or smth? [9600] StreamElements: finko_ss has spent 0 secs watching jynxzi [9600] virtualvix: virtualvix subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months! [9601] StreamElements: PogChamp brandon_18180 went all in and won 65 points PogChamp they now have 130 points FeelsGoodMan [9601] GHOSTEEE_23: u mean nOk [9601] RyyanR6: pour his gatorade [9601] 4xcarlitos: adaqwd]qddtw [9601] azraelwoah: NOKK [9601] srq_ashtonr: PREDICTION [9601] abyssaldreamsss: Xim is shit [9601] bull4193: kkjnjnhbbg gfgrtxf ġďŷ [9602] Xenwop: tomorrow???? Miami with sketch [9602] clive_hundred_lbs: ad [9602] beastmode3980: d [9602] skixyyyy: aye you got this jynxzi [9602] jordm19: !watchtime [9602] Tybirr: Jynxzi is waiting [9602] 4xcarlitos: adadadas f [9602] TheOnlyBuck2_: !gamble100 [9602] StreamElements: jordm19 has spent 4 days 18 hours watching jynxzi [9602] Boyjuuu: !gamble 6001 [9603] lj_256: @stompgoat [9603] JJBreezzy: W DUO [9603] StreamElements: @Boyjuuu, you only have 200 points. [9603] FI3K_: cuz moo isn’t playing for him🤣🤣🤣🤫🤫 [9603] Kr1zzz_: !gamble 400 [9603] gusondabuss: @lacystarfish300 jynxzi did [9603] DangOhLang: !gamble 100 [9603] 4xcarlitos: fgaasfva [9603] reedgav: yo [9603] beastmode3980: e [9603] StreamElements: DangOhLang won 100 points in roulette and now has 430 points! FeelsGoodMan [9604] hklr_426: Bixby can you tell me how long you've been streaming? [9604] njw94: JUST GIVE ME MY POOOOINTS [9604] pedroescobar4301: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [9604] crazyjj3: JUST GIVE ME MY MONEY] [9604] vibxslol__: Prime gameplay [9604] lmy0urdad6942o: How are you still streaming [9604] magicfetis: 100 ping and still winning [9604] loIkay: why stompn mic always terrible [9604] GREENICE12A: LETS GOO [9604] imswevybtw: !gamble 340 [9604] TheEmporiumm: he 7-2d u jynxzi [9604] ITz_F1XX: who is in the stack tmr ?????????????????? [9604] inyomommasbox: warden melusi [9604] 4xcarlitos: dasfaasddas [9605] u1trav1ol3t: !watchtime [9605] JJBreezzy: W DUOOO [9605] pbods08: he’s on warden [9605] StreamElements: u1trav1ol3t has spent 2 hours 10 mins watching jynxzi [9605] dom1n7nce: !game 5 [9605] plexgogoreal: jynxziClown [9605] Nightbot: @dom_mma -> There was an error connecting to Twitch's API. Try again later. [9605] onepersona65: yinggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg [9605] 4xcarlitos: dasasasdadwa [9606] xurxyispoo: johnson [9606] babymexico79: 100 Ping [9606] GiggityGiggity84: !gamble all [9606] LoqR6: LoqR6 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months! [9606] lorybthegoat: carried [9607] cascainreallife: !roulette 100 [9607] 4xcarlitos: adadaadwaddadw [9607] z0xyboxedu: ying [9607] ournge: w script [9607] witwulf: spam blincking [9607] StreamElements: cascainreallife lost 100 points in roulette and now has 335 points! FeelsBadMan [9607] tninjascopez: Sketch is waiting brother [9607] tayto8824: !gamble 10 [9608] StreamElements: PogChamp tayto8824 went all in and won 10 points PogChamp they now have 20 points FeelsGoodMan [9608] danie1ftw: quit cussing [9608] BrownOn144Hz: CARRIED BY STOMPN [9608] GREENICE12A: WW [9608] freeboostxr: ricci sniping [9608] elivxer: WHY IS XIM SO ASS [9608] Nightbot: 👀 [9608] lanehartsy: !watchtime [9608] RyyanR6: hold stompns pockets [9608] p3rky7: keep glazing buddy [9609] StreamElements: lanehartsy has spent 6 hours 20 mins watching jynxzi [9609] minidarkangel08: !gamble all [9609] i_icedyt: When is clips Casoh time [9609] kenu__ttv: !follow [9609] xking6640: WHY IS NOKK GOOD [9609] yasinwahab08: !Watchtime [9609] 4xcarlitos: asdasdasdawdad [9609] StreamElements: PogChamp minidarkangel08 went all in and won 1370 points PogChamp they now have 2740 points FeelsGoodMan [9609] rexofrhyme: xim is making stupid excuses in his stream [9609] themaskedbn: L white speed [9609] GREENICE12A: WWWWW [9609] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [9610] liltrojan6961: carried [9610] SomberTTV: LETS GO JUNKO [9610] fluex3245: PLEASE GET STOPN A NEW MIC THAT SHIT IS ASS. MY EARS| [9610] papadingoog: pre end [9610] injuredrobin: @BrownOn144Hz they both got a kill youre shit and broke [9610] bortm1: fan mail when [9610] Compacthampster: ace [9610] zofivz: ace?? [9610] Rituallx: yeah you guys not winning tomorrow @franklin stompgChattin [9611] GREENICE12A: WWWW [9611] lildrece: !gamble all [9611] StreamElements: PogChamp lildrece went all in and won 640 points PogChamp they now have 1280 points FeelsGoodMan [9611] Gammioo: w [9611] vision20sd: Jynxi u should swing on hig ping i play on high ping everyday just swing they cant even see u [9611] ENERGY_CAPZ: !gamble all [9611] youssef_benjelloun: !watchtime [9611] poyntdudes4582: warden and melusi [9612] StreamElements: BIGCHUBFN went all in and lost every single one of their 20 points LUL [9612] StreamElements: youssef_benjelloun has spent 11 hours 30 mins watching jynxzi [9612] 906rampage: w u [9612] GREENICE12A: WW [9612] papadingoog: pre enddd [9612] greencobra15: You are still losing [9612] dom1n7nce: !gamble 5 [9612] deaed_man_walking: nah might as well payOUT LOL [9612] datprk: oryx [9612] eman2086: White Speed [9612] dustym0: !gamble [9613] homez_15: yup np! [9613] Nightbot: yup yup yup [9613] GREENICE12A: W [9613] soundcloutken: sketch is waiting [9613] bernard4207: !Gamble all [9613] zirnick: !rank [9613] StreamElements: bernard4207 went all in and lost every single one of their 400 points LUL [9613] 906rampage: iyg [9613] Nightbot: Check out Jynxzi's Rank and Stats here -> https://r6.tracker.network/profile/xbox/Junk%20Shiesty [9614] trixymix0: w [9614] laboof__: !gamble 1000 [9614] winterzgraal: !gamble 1500 [9614] StreamElements: @laboof__, you only have 20 points. [9614] ervycWSF: you not winning against ricci tomw [9614] kolbym22: !gamble all [9614] GREENICE12A: WW [9614] jayybizzzyyy: who won map 1 [9614] StreamElements: winterzgraal lost 1500 points in roulette and now has 845 points! FeelsBadMan [9614] hklr_426: Can you tell me how long you've been streaming [9614] zdeeko: Xim purposely selling so Jynxzi goes up on ricci [9614] imswevybtw: !gamble 100 [9615] GREENICE12A: WWW [9615] FI3K_: cuz moo isn’t playing for him🤣🤣🤣🤫 [9615] 906rampage: '8y80y08y] [9615] unknowns_wrld: WWWWWWW [9615] thexwiltedxrose: L lag switch [9616] freeparkr: getting carried by stompn [9616] sharkboy7783: w jynxzi [9616] viiloe: JUST FRAGG OUTT [9616] Koegr: stop bitching [9616] spiceinf: 100 PING IS CRAZYY [9617] 906rampage: y098u08y0 [9617] papadingoog: pre end [9617] GREENICE12A: WWWWWW [9617] thekidd1232: 78 [9617] beastmode3980: d [9618] liltrojan6961: carri d [9618] FI3K_: cuz moo isn’t playing for him🤣🤣🤣🤫🤫 [9618] roryfranz: too much of a bitch [9618] crodi1_: yeah ur getting carried [9618] wyatt_r2010: !watchtime [9618] tmango22: up to 4 [9618] StreamElements: wyatt_r2010 has spent 12 hours 30 mins watching jynxzi [9618] 906rampage: 9y9y08y- [9618] dvrko66: script [9618] vonr62k: jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL [9618] GREENICE12A: WWWWWWW [9619] tayto8824: !gamble [9619] trixymix0: I love u [9619] flynn_a2: you going to miami tomorrow [9619] juliamwin: jynxziClown [9619] GREENICE12A: WWW [9620] Pumpifiedd: dont think about it [9620] FI3K_: cuz moo isn’t playing for him🤣🤣🤣🤫 [9620] djrushy22: WWW [9620] StreamElements: @nlechoppaswifey, you only have 0 points LUL [9620] co0lmonkey: xim is terrible [9621] GREENICE12A: WWWWW [9621] datprk: he on oryx [9621] lilggalinfn: white speed [9621] liltrojan6961: carry [9621] bowlzeye: ez predict money [9621] sizz1_: nokk?? [9621] benson1024532345: alah ackbar [9621] Koegr: you’re bitching about the same thing [9622] GREENICE12A: WWWW [9622] tipsyfatalx: stompin good aim [9622] jynxzispicklesucker: when was the last time you vaped [9622] lafram: !gamble all [9622] catsrule9125: !gamble 73 [9622] shxrpened: !points [9622] StreamElements: PogChamp lafram went all in and won 500 points PogChamp they now have 1000 points FeelsGoodMan [9622] StreamElements: catsrule9125 won 73 points in roulette and now has 763 points! FeelsGoodMan [9622] darkkyoo: GIVE ME HEAD JUNKO [9622] Windowlicker72: !gamble all [9622] donkeyishim: xim talking smack [9622] StreamElements: @shxrpened shxrpened has 35 points and is rank 1640684/1711735 on the leaderboard. [9623] StreamElements: Windowlicker72 went all in and lost every single one of their 440 points LUL [9623] vision20sd: WWWWW [9623] gingerprodigy101: gingerprodigy101 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Jynxzi's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [9623] deaed_man_walking: might as well payout LOLOL [9623] thenotoriousrat1: PREDICTING ON JYNXI IS EASY POINTS [9623] Prestyn_Solos: SHIT ON CHANNEL POINTS GOING UP BABYYYY [9623] maxxie69420: Hi [9623] gingerprodigy101: gingerprodigy101 gifted a Tier 1 sub to frozonboi! [9623] gingerprodigy101: gingerprodigy101 gifted a Tier 1 sub to gmkslap! [9623] gingerprodigy101: gingerprodigy101 gifted a Tier 1 sub to kanejay303! [9623] gingerprodigy101: gingerprodigy101 gifted a Tier 1 sub to jhitster! [9624] gingerprodigy101: gingerprodigy101 gifted a Tier 1 sub to roneazy4! [9624] Zecromz: !gamble [9624] dylan_09_dylan: !gamble 5 [9624] StreamElements: PogChamp dylan_09_dylan went all in and won 5 points PogChamp they now have 10 points FeelsGoodMan [9624] bortm1: when’s fan mail speed [9624] uzsiiee: hypoxrite [9624] Rituallx: this junko tourney shit gotta stop [9625] FaZeMando2416: FaZeMando2416 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! Yurrr [9625] knw_9124: hehehebbeheheheheh [9625] abyssaldreamsss: stompgKing jynxziGLASSES [9625] misfitscaleb: !gamble 10 [9625] vvverybaddddd: you still goning to 7-0 them [9625] darronhortmon: !gamble 10 [9625] bowlzeye: ez mny [9625] StreamElements: misfitscaleb won 10 points in roulette and now has 65 points! FeelsGoodMan [9626] StreamElements: darronhortmon lost 10 points in roulette and now has 435 points! FeelsBadMan [9626] Jaymoney923: !gamble all [9626] nangtzy2457: 24 hour when [9626] StreamElements: @Jaymoney923, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan [9626] papadingoog: 3 hour mark coming up [9626] sandy_sir: WWW [9626] scyther: !gamble all [9626] StreamElements: scyther went all in and lost every single one of their 30 points LUL [9627] datprk: HE ON ORYX [9627] deaed_man_walking: PAY ME [9627] fallout_boy41: GoldPLZ [9627] sandy_sir: WWWW [9627] jonnyhadafoot: !watchtime [9628] wasabigod208: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [9628] StreamElements: jonnyhadafoot has spent 7 days 19 hours watching jynxzi [9628] givedragoon: !gamble 600 [9628] steveclark21: is this map 2? [9628] zofivz: bros excuse is my ping [9628] frogmanvrman: yo [9628] StreamElements: givedragoon won 600 points in roulette and now has 1740 points! FeelsGoodMan [9628] combohxnry7: jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD [9628] sandy_sir: WW [9629] mysteerybr: wwww [9629] yuibeontwitch: !gamble 1 [9629] fray_dabeast: jynxziGoodAim [9629] h31pm3_n0w: !gamble 100 [9629] winterzgraal: !gamble 200 [9629] StreamElements: @yuibeontwitch, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan [9629] StreamElements: @h31pm3_n0w, you only have 5 points. [9629] sandy_sir: WWW [9629] combohxnry7: jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD [9629] imjusthat1guy: jj likes men [9629] ZeStrive: Tomorrow will be key in the race for gamer of the year [9629] Adamski12127: Adamski12127 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! yoooooooooo [9630] sandy_sir: WWWW [9630] beastmode3980: Nuggets pls [9630] keithlistlll: my shit lagging [9631] combohxnry7: jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD [9631] fray_dabeast: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [9631] knw_9124: wwwww [9631] sypherfresh: !watchtime [9631] StreamElements: asd63423 has spent 1 day 19 hours watching jynxzi [9631] sandy_sir: W [9631] liltrojan6961: you are carried [9632] frogmanvrman: hello [9632] Nightbot: bozo [9632] combohxnry7: jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD jynxziBALD [9632] shibs__: who won map 1 [9632] fray_dabeast: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [9632] lay_melonz: PREDICTIONS MODS [9632] sebaplaytz: !gamble all [9632] Nightbot: predict when you will get some bitches [9633] StreamElements: PogChamp sebaplaytz went all in and won 425 points PogChamp they now have 850 points FeelsGoodMan [9633] cjrbroney: cjrbroney subscribed at Tier 1. [9633] mrboru213: L [9633] itskingpeterr: what headset does stopmn use [9633] USAFM1ke: DOC CLONE [9633] babymexico79: ¡gamble100 [9634] soundcloutken: @nangtzy2457 tmrw [9634] xqecy: Yea [9634] telociucciotutto2: !prime [9634] baygrizzly: Chat ur toxic [9634] fray_dabeast: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [9634] Nightbot: Subscribe to @Jynxzi for FREE with Twitch Prime Twitch.tv/subs/jynxzi [9634] sickmagician802: W junko [9635] wonkachoc: when is 24 hour stream?? [9635] jdunn0375_: oryx [9635] treefrog_3: theyre done bro x1m is so bad [9635] dom1n7nce: !gamble 8 [9636] a_n0b0dy1: !gamble all [9636] jaywitbands: g [9636] Nightbot: no [9636] WanderingAzakana: W [9636] vonr62k: PogBones [9636] fray_dabeast: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [9637] liltrojan6961: arried [9637] 417368: Bv ycttfc6t9 [9637] Rituallx: just commentate it [9637] cheese_nuggets123: Yoo [9638] juiceytuce: wsp bro! [9638] fray_dabeast: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [9638] sageluee: !gamble 20000 [9638] deaed_man_walking: call it over they suck [9638] fallout_boy41: DinoDance [9639] USAFM1ke: DOC CLONE YAYAYAYA [9639] injuredrobin: w [9639] blower754: www [9639] TheOnlyBuck2_: !gamble 100 [9639] betimshorter: big weiner [9639] wyatt_r2010: !gamble 96 [9640] StreamElements: TheOnlyBuck2_ lost 100 points in roulette and now has 895 points! FeelsBadMan [9640] kpaffect: !sub [9640] StreamElements: wyatt_r2010 lost 96 points in roulette and now has 174 points! FeelsBadMan [9640] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [9640] imdukef1: w [9640] thetemprttv: thetemprttv subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [9640] tayto8824: !roulette 10 [9641] injuredrobin: wwwww [9641] givedragoon: !gamble 500 [9641] ohjoIly: X X X. [9641] soundcloutken: @wonkachoc tmrw [9641] adiablogod: !GAMBLE ALL [9642] StreamElements: adiablogod went all in and lost every single one of their 60 points LUL [9642] wasabigod208: !gamble all [9642] StreamElements: PogChamp wasabigod208 went all in and won 5 points PogChamp they now have 10 points FeelsGoodMan [9642] fray_dabeast: jynxziGoodAim [9642] unsall42: !link [9643] injuredrobin: wwwwwwww [9643] Nightbot: @unsall42 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [9643] vonr62k: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [9644] injuredrobin: wwwwwwwww [9644] misfitscaleb: !gamble all [9644] fray_dabeast: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [9644] sseptumss: ok rigby [9644] Nightbot: ok [9644] liltrojan6961: carried [9645] knw_9124: wwwwww [9645] vonr62k: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [9645] injuredrobin: wwwwww [9645] Adamski12127: @wonkachoc tmtrw [9645] DangOhLang: !Gamble 100 [9646] dragoner571: w [9646] TheMoltenGamer: almost at 3 hour mark, get ready to end stream [9646] LWR6: 666 chain 🔴🔴🔴🔴 [9646] injuredrobin: wwwwwww [9646] vonr62k: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [9647] unklemustache: How is it diffrent when you put him on scus? [9647] jhodge81stream: Lol [9647] fray_dabeast: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [9647] NightlyGamerG: !watchtime [9647] Nightbot: 😂 [9647] GiggityGiggity84: !gamble all [9647] injuredrobin: wwwwww [9647] jxyden_st: !gamble 1000 [9648] beastmode3980: Can I get 10 nuggets [9648] StreamElements: guzumaki1256 has spent 4 days 10 hours watching jynxzi [9648] StreamElements: jxyden_st won 1000 points in roulette and now has 34140 points! FeelsGoodMan [9648] LWR6: 666 chain 🔴🔴 [9648] rbsmilk13: @itsyaboylalo [9648] RGB_Keks: ok [9649] injuredrobin: w [9649] LWR6: 666 chain 🔴🔴🔴🔴 [9650] catsrule9125: !gamble 72 [9650] injuredrobin: ww [9650] yeobent: !gamble all [9650] ashto148: FootGoal [9650] tayto8824: !gamble all [9650] StreamElements: vrynii went all in and lost every single one of their 355 points LUL [9650] cerkuio: cerkuio subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! YUHH [9650] lucasishim5688: wwww [9651] injuredrobin: w [9651] Moistychickenthighs: woohoo [9651] Fossabot: @rrkings252, Your message is too long [9651] LWR6: 666 chain 🔴 [9652] frogmanvrman: golle day [9652] joesrighttoe_: w [9652] because_yes_h: Dayum [9652] injuredrobin: ww [9652] manuel_apb: !gamble all [9653] StreamElements: PogChamp manuel_apb went all in and won 4535 points PogChamp they now have 9070 points FeelsGoodMan [9653] xCaphx: !sub [9653] juanitobigbooty: w [9653] injuredrobin: w [9653] pereida5: clix is ur dada [9653] gmen1256: daddy stompin to the rescue [9654] lowkeymin: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [9654] betimshorter: big pp [9654] LWR6: 666 chain 🔴🔴 [9655] tsowell3006: !gamble [9655] itsfebster4: CSN I HAVE A SUB ANYONE [9655] injuredrobin: ww [9655] cjrbroney: hey boi [9655] LlamasVODS: win pls [9656] imjusthat1guy: Landon is on edge n [9656] Logic9924: !gamble 300 [9656] StreamElements: Logic9924 won 300 points in roulette and now has 5340 points! FeelsGoodMan [9656] injuredrobin: w [9656] sypherfresh: !gamble [9656] oldben74: !gamble all [9656] cpolston: L ricci [9656] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [9657] LWR6: 666 chain 🔴🔴🔴🔴 [9657] kpaffect: kpaffect subscribed with Prime. [9657] StreamElements: oldben74 went all in and lost every single one of their 680 points LUL [9657] vonr62k: jynxziSubHype [9657] azraelwoah: 666 [9657] injuredrobin: www [9657] TheOnlyBuck2_: gamble! 100 [9657] because_yes_h: AHHH [9658] lanehartsy: !points [9658] yungchorro209: !gamble 666 [9658] daltondraftz: i’m going to touch up [9658] StreamElements: @lanehartsy lanehartsy has 245 points and is rank 1068175/1715164 on the leaderboard. [9658] vvverybaddddd: wwww [9658] deaed_man_walking: LOOOLL [9658] ry_guy1185: wethep2WeThePeople1 [9658] benpri9987: !gamble 50 [9658] myteambaby: !sbes [9658] StreamElements: @yungchorro209, you only have 30 points. [9658] injuredrobin: ww [9659] StreamElements: @benpri9987, you only have 40 points. [9659] misfitscaleb: !gamble 10 [9659] 2ndbae: Proud of you [9659] injuredrobin: wwww [9659] deaed_man_walking: TOO EZ [9660] kenu__ttv: !follow [9660] yuibeontwitch: E [9660] vvverybaddddd: wwwwwwwwwwww [9660] puffpuffjuicer: WWWWWWWW [9660] rijinmanz1: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL [9661] ElkTheElk: WW [9661] myteambaby: !sens [9661] maniiio_: jynxziGoodAim [9661] Nightbot: Jynxzi sens and settings here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2GcpqRqJ9U [9662] shibs__: WHO WON MAP 1 [9662] peanutbutterkid9215: WWWWWWW [9662] fray_dabeast: jynxziGoodAim [9662] maniiio_: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [9662] swoleboh: lmfaoo [9662] because_yes_h: help rn [9663] dom1n7nce: !gamble 6 [9663] flashjaydenbendyyy: # [9663] Arin7XS: onwawaawaawa [9663] youcompleteit: WWWWWWWWWWW [9663] h31pm3_n0w: !gamble all [9663] StreamElements: dom_mma lost 6 points in roulette and now has 594 points! FeelsBadMan [9663] maybfresh: EZZZZZZ [9663] anonymous_catvb: caseohKittyyy caseohKittyyy caseohKittyyy caseohKittyyy caseohKittyyy [9663] maniiio_: jynxziGoodAim [9664] fray_dabeast: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [9664] zofivz: ez [9664] coolkid_21195_: !gamble all [9664] StreamElements: coolkid_21195_ went all in and lost every single one of their 290 points LUL [9664] Vicertron: jynxzi squirt [9664] yummywetpaper: cheerleader ass [9664] ohjoIly: ITS 999 NOT 666 [9664] vvverybaddddd: too good [9664] adz_sux: wwww [9665] LWR6: 666 [9665] LeytonRay: CARRIED [9666] bull4193: jynxziWTF [9666] 4hedXAT: W [9666] loIkay: WWW STOMPN [9666] mythic_12_: WWWWWWWWW [9666] 8elowZer0: carried [9667] lucasishim5688: wwwwwww [9667] skinnybones_13: WWWWWWWWWW STOMP [9667] wheels1104: !gamble [9667] f0rget_me11: CoolCat [9667] itskingpeterr: what headset does stopmn use [9668] theshemie: nice😩😩😩 [9668] darkcyclecd: WWWWWW [9669] frogmanvrman: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 [9669] therealanthonycanino: !join [9669] wetruv: !gamble all [9669] StreamElements: PogChamp wetruv went all in and won 15 points PogChamp they now have 30 points FeelsGoodMan [9669] nani549: !gamble 10 [9669] margielaa1: RUNNNN [9669] wenniewarrior88: !gamble all [9670] benpri9987: !gamble 60 [9670] pebble_gg: W comms [9670] StreamElements: nani549 won 10 points in roulette and now has 25 points! FeelsGoodMan [9670] wetnapkinz2: RICHY [9670] LlamasVODS: win [9670] 0tto0909: CARRY [9670] StreamElements: PogChamp wenniewarrior88 went all in and won 380 points PogChamp they now have 760 points FeelsGoodMan [9670] 7kgreenclues: 7kgreenclues subscribed at Tier 1. [9671] k_nife_: !gamble [9671] fear_ohla74: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [9671] lucasishim5688: wwwww [9671] ligmaballler: !gamble 50 [9671] margielaa1: RUNNN [9671] vvverybaddddd: goat duo [9671] StreamElements: ligmaballler won 50 points in roulette and now has 255 points! FeelsGoodMan [9672] slimpy23: WWWW [9672] bull4193: jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF jynxziWTF Squid4 [9672] ztac2000: FallWinning [9673] Vjay21: Carried [9673] LWR6: 666 chain L 🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴 [9673] fray_dabeast: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [9673] Anvvrr: Anvvrr subscribed at Tier 1. [9673] magicfetis: SALAAAAAMMED [9673] KraftyRs: WWWWWWWWWWWW [9673] lucasishim5688: wwww [9674] juiceytuce: !watchtime [9674] wasabigod208: !gamble 10 [9674] StreamElements: juiceytuce has spent 18 hours 30 mins watching jynxzi [9674] gtablaze1: Stream lagging [9674] fray_dabeast: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [9674] scatchhhhh: W STOMPIN [9674] LeytonRay: W CHEERLEADER [9675] 0_03t: Zach? [9675] yummywetpaper: nice droning [9675] BlakeF30: carried [9675] pereida5: clix is ur dada!! [9675] Jmlgiants: points are so safe [9676] fray_dabeast: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [9676] sharkboy7783: w [9676] because_yes_h: L fil [9676] JJBreezzy: w duooo [9676] oldben74: !gamble 100 [9677] puffpuffjuicer: W DUO [9677] poopcuh88: are you just commentating? [9677] sharkboy7783: wwwww [9677] fray_dabeast: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [9677] juanitobigbooty: !gamble 10 billion [9677] Shadowxzxzx: lmao [9677] Imnotginger1234: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 [9677] liltrojan6961: carried [9678] StreamElements: juanitobigbooty won 10 points in roulette and now has 70 points! FeelsGoodMan [9678] yungchorro209: !gamble 30 [9678] Syst3ms: yap [9678] JJBreezzy: W DUO [9678] Swapsterr: IRAN [9678] wondayie: trashhhhh [9678] sharkboy7783: wwwwww [9679] ZyRopRq: talk faster [9679] ItzGrizzTTV: !pobox [9679] sharkboy7783: ww [9680] KiwaKF: Double time [9680] JJBreezzy: WWW DUO [9680] sharkboy7783: www | Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [9500] I don't think they're gonna push solar so I'm gonna have a mirror facing the piano [9510] I'm never to go where they're pushing. What's on my library about? [9520] any Adam above theosten [9530] I think they're inside. I've turned in the ASTAR or something. [9540] Yeah, yeah, no Gonna punch that mirror I'm getting up, get it [9550] Dad, chill, that's the remaining side. What do I think now or no, I'm sure but I'm sure but I'm sure but I'm sure no, no, I think it's inside Let's go, Jack! Come on! Yo, Jimmy's show- [9560] Fucking ass, bro. He didn't even hear me on piano double good fuck. Oh my god. Good shot. Holy shit 87 paying chat. Hey, what is Ricky's excuse gonna be? [9570] this game bro oh 93 ping chat what is Ricky's excuse gonna be this game this fucking fraud bro and I'm shedding on Ricky tomorrow let's go chat come on [9580] That is Zimno off the miz-ass. Did he not just see me sprint by? He really missed the bag of me. You sprinted by and then I sprinted and he didn't even hear me sprint and I'm on a fucking way. I don't want to attack to the dope. [9590] Bro whoever you want bro box pretty good like nooks good as fuck. I could go ace I could go ace like it's just first of all [9600] Time to even open up a wall and we're still in the round. I'm gonna go Ace, cause I low key did open up a wall like every round would game. But all you have to is challenge us. But you're just not gonna trophy. [9610] So I'm on like actually 80 to 90 pages. I hate playing rugby. It's always a question. Stop, sirs, stop, sirs. [9620] Alright I'm gonna go canine and just get the wall up and I'm just gonna bait on canine I'll do it I'm gonna get it right? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah I'm gonna walk in the lobby and walk up and You're flying in this store? [9630] Or now yeah, yeah, I'm not here anything or shit. No wait Not good. You're good maybe top blue maybe top blue. Let me join it [9640] Shut the fuck up goof Daaast Let's go Jac苛 Thanks ladies and großer [9650] He's on the wall bro. He's on the wall. He's on the wall. He's gonna swing you down. [9660] I'm in Narnia bro. Alright, no, Richie is so bad. You are the fucking greatest. Yo, you got away? You actually got away? He's swinging me. Bro, here's what we're gonna do. I'm gonna go canine. [9670] I'm the ladder I'm gonna get the wall open then I'm gonna drone the office door I'm gonna drone all through that shit. I want you to just sit piano double once we drone this game We're both gonna collapse him. I'm gonna collapse | There is no Highlight in the provided timespan. Clip starts with another R6 2v2 round. Jynxzis team wins the first round. The clip ends amidst the second round. |
Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [10000] FicraReal: !gamble 100 [10000] injuredrobin: xim chattie [10000] noahjustplayzz: stream snipe riicu [10000] thebigseen: @iioveximm [10001] imcrusading: XIM STREAM SNIPING STILL ASS [10001] darkknighted58: XIM IN STREAMMMM [10001] inyomommasbox: 1 low one high [10001] bowlzeye: xims 3.8k voters how are u feeling right now? [10001] DSMKujo: @iioveximm [10002] neweracbb: ironix [10002] skibidijrhdhrh: xim is sniping [10002] trabster4: Jynxzi do you eat ass or nah? [10002] iioveximm: 🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫 [10002] camqo_: ur poo butt at the game [10002] fostelloce: jynxziBadAim [10002] lm_t0asty: xim in chat [10002] fnfluxalt: !gamble all [10002] iitsturtles: XIM SNIPING @jynxzi [10002] tninjascopez: So we're not droning [10003] StreamElements: fnfluxalt went all in and lost every single one of their 3055 points LUL [10003] shadowmoneywizardgng: XIM IN STREAM [10003] vinayhal: XIM IN STREAM XIM IN STREAM XIM IN STREAM [10003] african_billy: !gambleall [10003] manuel_apb: @iioveximm [10003] tyweepitch123: XIM IN CHAT [10003] iiivalnxxiii: good aimmm [10003] maybfresh: @iloveximm [10003] petertaxx: xim is sniping [10003] thebigseen: @iioveximm s [10004] JaxsonBBored: Junko he's stream snipin [10004] lvpvibez: in the stream [10004] njw94: You're being stream sniped [10004] injuredrobin: xim in chat [10004] dylan_urpapa: Xik in stream [10004] frostyman224: jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES jynxziGLASSES [10004] braxdypapi: xim snipping [10004] swagmonkebtw: jynxziSNOT [10005] cobalett: hi xim [10005] smellyjohnsonlover13: stream lagging [10005] thebigseen: @iioveximm [10005] blxxdyxz0: HES SNIPPING [10005] jynxzi_69696969: bro my lvl 25 friend is better than xim and ricke combined [10005] youareweird8: !gamble all [10005] hunter31753: @iioveximm [10006] StreamElements: youareweird8 went all in and lost every single one of their 10 points LUL [10006] ty_0929: !gamble 100 [10006] StreamElements: @ty_0929, you only have 5 points. [10006] JaxsonBBored: Junko he's stream sniping [10006] grxvity_1onpsn: XIM IS IN STREAM [10006] 0XDEADD00D: Do you remember viper pit [10006] noahjustplayzz: RICCI stream sniper [10007] biggajj: jay we lock in some ranked we ready for challs [10007] bitjordan1105: so were in copper [10007] Nightbot: 84 [10007] ksoandcheese: @iioveximm [10007] d44rkfire: ST0MPN owns u [10007] chilledguy0: !gamble 20 [10007] xraidjetttts: xim snipping [10007] kravix10k: @iioveximm get out bot ur mad and suck [10007] StreamElements: @chilledguy0, you only have 5 points. [10007] lolz1235754: @iioveximm . [10007] injuredrobin: ximmers [10008] quess11202: @iioveximm [10008] RFcoilz: mobamb1Zeet mobamb1Zeet mobamb1Zeet mobamb1Zeet [10008] PeterGriffinsPickle: @ilovexim [10008] LlamasVODS: @iioveximm [10008] vqzjosh: stream snippung [10008] oyiaou: have a good day [10008] lordtekkno: XIM IN CHAT [10008] DemPD1: !gamble 70 [10008] send_clapz24: xim is stream sniping [10008] StreamElements: DemPD1 lost 70 points in roulette and now has 90 points! FeelsBadMan [10008] ghoul_punk100: you should do every wager like that no one wants to hear all that yapping [10009] Dankster1403: !gamble 3000 [10009] sxlo1x: @ilovexim [10009] TowardsNate: @iioveximm [10009] JRamington: @iioveximm [10009] Halesey_15: @iioveximm [10009] John_3611: govaa [10009] SPLASH_STEAM: XIM IS CHEATING!!!!! [10009] ayaomi1fan: @iioveximm [10009] ewewewewesd: XIM IS IN THE CHAT JYNXZI [10009] advixt: @iloveximm [10009] jonnnyyyy_: XIMMM SNIPPIUNGGGG [10010] vinayhal: XIM IN STREAM XIM IN STREAM XIM IN STREAM XIM IN STREAM [10010] hake1522: WARDEN WARDEN WARDEN [10010] zGrumpii: XIM SNIPING [10010] lllastking26: lllast169 lllast169 lllast169 lllast169 lllast169 lllast169 lllast169 lllast169 lllast169 lllast169 [10010] pingbtw0: stream snipping [10010] timfanclub123: jynxzi W gameplay [10010] iiivalnxxiii: SHHHHH [10010] dylan_urpapa: Xim in streaaammmmm [10011] bamboozledbakedbeans: !gamble 200 [10011] diegosaldanagames: !gamble all [10011] Douglas420710: XIM STREAM SNIPING [10011] jaethedon__: @iloveximm [10011] ghostb0iishere: !gamble all [10011] for3v3rchaotic: !link [10011] StreamElements: diegosaldanagames went all in and lost every single one of their 995 points LUL [10011] Nightbot: @for3v3rchaotic If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [10011] StreamElements: PogChamp ghostb0iishere went all in and won 10 points PogChamp they now have 20 points FeelsGoodMan [10011] shadow_star170: @iilovexim [10011] tyweepitch123: XIM IS SNIPING [10011] braydenplayz2: @ilovexim [10011] because_yes_h: xim streamsniping [10011] ruanyis: !game [10012] tysbonthegreat: xim sniping [10012] hunter31753: XIM IS SNIPING [10012] xd_Fishbowl: XIM IN STREAM [10012] dnt_triip: XIM SNIPE [10012] wydreg: YOU BETTER PLAY THE TOURNEY TM SCREW THE IRL STREAM [10012] Nightbot: @ruanyis -> There was an error connecting to Twitch's API. Try again later. [10012] wonderbreadtowz: @iioveximm [10012] vitality5175: XIM SNIPING [10012] camzagaming26: @iioveximm is in stream [10013] Nxovahh: @iioveximm [10013] braxdypapi: xim snippingg [10013] grxvity_1onpsn: XIM IN STREAM [10013] Crims_On_120Fps: @hivise what’s good [10013] blxxdyxz0: XIM IS SNIPPING [10013] catsrule9125: !gamble 101 [10013] zyrexxyy: viewer list [10013] biggajj: tmmr shot gun whatever [10014] 4hedXAT: !gambleall [10014] advixt: HES SNIPING [10014] tysrigny: tysrigny subscribed at Tier 1. [10014] ewewewewesd: @iioveximm [10014] sxlo1x: @riccifps [10014] xfchase: !Gamble 4000 [10014] bowlzeye: xim voters how yall feeling rn? [10014] Jonas5765: !roll [10014] 2ndbae: they striping ... bad look for them [10014] kng_carter: @iioveximm [10014] og_twotone: sniping [10014] SPLASH_STEAM: XIM IN CHAT [10015] ac3hyper3994: xim is downstairs solis [10015] braydenplayz2: Yoooo [10015] THAGR33NBAST3RD: jynxziEZ jynxziEZ jynxziEZ [10015] belovedbadtzmaru: Stream snipping [10015] Gammioo: +$3K minorrrrrr [10015] kirby_yh: !gamble 100 [10016] advixt: SNIPINING [10016] Douglas420710: XIM IN STREAM [10016] ztac2000: !charm [10016] jonnnyyyy_: XIM SNIPPINGG [10016] DSaltine: @ilovezimm [10016] hunter31753: @iioveximm [10016] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [10016] brian77898: xim is stream sniping he’s in vuay [10016] altointegral349: xim in stream [10016] oli_church: !gamble all [10016] duke2846: L carry [10017] kinda_boring: @iioveximm [10017] LlamasVODS: @iioveximm . [10017] thugboi7: YOU OWN XIM BRO [10017] lj_256: @iloveximm [10017] StreamElements: @oli_church, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan [10017] litpotato0: jynxziFAT [10017] ttv_wee_t: @ilovexim [10017] 1cxst: @iloveximm [10017] vinayhal: XIM SNIPING [10017] iiivalnxxiii: STOP SNITCHING [10017] advixt: SNIPING [10017] tyweepitch123: XIM IN CHAT [10018] because_yes_h: xim a sniper [10018] oukkiiiii: @iioveximm [10018] vqzjosh: stream snipping!!!! [10018] tgn_exotix: @iioveximm [10018] RageDaaGreat: HES IN THE STREAM [10018] Mavericks2k: !delay [10018] sxlo1x: BOTH SNIPING [10018] 4hedXAT: !gamble all [10018] theninetails316: @iioveximm [10018] Rattisnotahomo: @iioveximm [10018] Nightbot: 🤡🫵 [10018] PathexTrix: !ads [10018] og_twotone: xim sniping [10019] lolz1235754: @iioveximm [10019] Nightbot: !sub for the jynxzi charm, no ads and a fire ass badge beside your name jynxziHappy Sub right here—> https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [10019] StreamElements: PogChamp 4hedXAT went all in and won 20 points PogChamp they now have 40 points FeelsGoodMan [10019] kawiiwii6: !gamble 200 [10019] wonderbreadtowz: xim is sniping [10019] ewewewewesd: HES IN THE CHAT [10019] etterrx: Xim is niping [10019] Nxovahh: XIM HERE [10019] vinayhal: XIM IN STREAM XIM IN STREAM XIM IN STREAM [10019] StreamElements: kawiiwii6 lost 200 points in roulette and now has 715 points! FeelsBadMan [10019] johnoo8259: i’m watching the screen and texting the baddie [10019] bandit7723: jynxziBounce jynxziBounce jynxziBounce jynxziBounce jynxziBounce [10019] Halesey_15: THATS NOT XIM [10019] ruanyis: !gamble 2300 [10020] Douglas420710: XIM SNIPING [10020] caseiatewendys: CASE WANTS TO EAT YOU [10020] incoggg: xim is sniping [10020] redshark1856: @iioveximm [10020] adxtebk: @iioveximm [10020] bt_vsolar: XIM [10020] PixieTwisted: xim [10020] not_leighton_: !stack [10020] Nightbot: Jynxzi ST0MPN Mingo Skyte Jayy [10021] brodyluvssiege: Yo [10021] SPLASH_STEAM: XIM IN STREAM [10021] rippedraxk: @iioveximm [10021] madnessxx2: madnessxx2 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! [10021] Punnkkinn: XIM IN CHAT [10022] pownnerr: !score [10022] jaethedon__: NO HES NOTT [10022] african_billy: !gamble 100 [10022] PixieTwisted: xim in what [10022] advixt: XIMS SNIPING [10022] StreamElements: @african_billy, you only have 50 points. [10022] woolgiraffe9795: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [10022] twayers3: !watchtime [10023] ShinoxOfficial: @iioveximm Nice stream snipping loser [10023] BlackShearer: @iioveximm [10023] FrostyTmp: xim is roaming [10023] drafann: XIM SNIPING [10023] itschasebro1419: @hivise XIM is in the stream [10023] StreamElements: twayers3 has spent 2 days 11 hours watching jynxzi [10023] bran_bon: @iioveximm [10023] NationalRifleAssociation: xim in chat [10024] kirby_yh: !points [10024] frostyman224: FallWinning FallWinning FallWinning FallWinning FallWinning [10024] wonderbreadtowz: @iioveximm [10024] brady1313131313: sniping [10024] marrr2ll: @iioveximm [10024] mitsiou25: @iioveximm [10024] StreamElements: @kirby_yh kirby_yh has 315 points and is rank 921744/1718898 on the leaderboard. [10024] StreamElements: catsrule9125 won 100 points in roulette and now has 1110 points! FeelsGoodMan [10024] silcyz: @iioveximm [10024] jaethedon__: NO HES NOTTT [10024] SPLASH_STEAM: XIM SNIPING [10024] trulymatts: @iioveximm [10025] Douglas420710: @iloveximm [10025] vDazah: @iioveximm i [10025] Prestyn_Solos: easy channel points love u fatass [10025] kaidan_r6: !watchtime [10025] LlamasVODS: @iioveximm [10025] johnson_jynxzi: RICCI THINKS THEYRE COMING BACK LOL [10025] etterrx: Ximm is sniping [10025] ccqrter: @iioveximm [10025] nightfight25: xim is sibling [10025] tyweepitch123: XIM IS IN CHar [10025] Nightbot: 👀 [10025] drafann: XIM SNIPPING [10025] StreamElements: kaidan_r6 has spent 2 hours 20 mins watching jynxzi [10026] qaucksus: @iioveximm @iioveximm @iioveximm @iioveximm Imagine being in the stream and still losing 😭 [10026] broccypoo: @iioveximm [10026] Bdabanana24: @iloveximm [10026] salnap03: SNIPING SNIPING [10026] Im4blaze: @iioveximm [10026] CarryMyCross: @jynxzi xim isn't even talking. This is the quietest I've heard this kid be, lol. [10026] wsnkj: Xim in chat [10027] iamyeat: XIM IN STREAM [10027] because_yes_h: xim in stream [10027] theyyluvoscar: @iioveximm [10027] disxbxboi: o [10027] PixieTwisted: xim [10027] Halesey_15: NOT XIM 💀💀💀💀💀💀 [10027] zehkki: it’s a fake xim yall [10027] HiVise: Xim is always and will never leave the viewerlist [10027] bandit7723: jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE jynxziTONGUE [10028] italianboinick: !discord [10028] HiVise: Xim is always and will never leave the viewerlist [10028] bombless1: How I get charm [10028] zGrumpii: XIM IN CHAT [10028] nickrazzer: !LINK [10028] Nightbot: https://discord.gg/jynxzi [10028] lortu160: @iloveximm [10028] etterrx: Xim is niping [10028] jaethedon__: CAP [10029] Nightbot: no 🧢 [10029] daleozzie: @iioveximm [10029] jeremiahiscoolaf: @iloveximm [10029] RestlessKicks: @iioveximm [10029] theninetails316: @iioveximm LUL [10029] Nxovahh: @iioveximm [10029] chicagoricky0: !gambleall [10029] imhim4674: Xim is sniping [10029] koltrain2329: Your the reason I'm getting r6 [10029] bamboozledbakedbeans: !gamble 250 [10029] tyweepitch123: XIM IN CHAT [10030] sxlo1x: BOTH SNIPING BRO ARE U DUMB [10030] bitjordan1105: oh hell naw [10030] marifrmda_916: Xim in stream [10030] exoticbot8008: !gamble 50 [10030] lvpvibez: xim sniping [10030] EyeSpeedBoost: yo ximmmm stop ss [10030] fops4455: STREAM SNIPING [10030] StreamElements: exoticbot8008 lost 50 points in roulette and now has 544 points! FeelsBadMan [10030] PixieTwisted: xim in chat [10030] braxdypapi: xim stream snipping u [10030] datbich_003: @l love x1m [10030] lfa_nora: xim in stream [10031] Jonas5765: !sub [10031] starrbxow: o [10031] belovedbadtzmaru: Cheating [10031] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [10031] scott_scott97: scott_scott97 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! [10031] fops4455: STREAM SNIPING STREAM SNIPING [10031] co0lmonkey: m [10031] HiVise: Xim is always and will never leave the viewerlist [10032] NationalRifleAssociation: @iioveximm [10032] HiVise: Xim is always and will never leave the viewerlist [10032] because_yes_h: XIM [10032] mosey_poo: xim is roaming hard [10032] HiVise: Xim is always and will never leave the viewerlist [10032] lolz1235754: @iioveximm , [10032] ketnmon: this chat is stupid af [10032] mags3776: @ac3hyper3994 so corny [10032] fops4455: STREAM SNIPING [10032] alex_tex: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [10032] kirby_yh: !gamble all [10032] alperenpro36111: !gamble 20 [10033] DownToFire: XIM [10033] lfa_nora: d [10033] renegaderaider273829: @iioveximm [10033] StreamElements: alperenpro36111 lost 20 points in roulette and now has 20 points! FeelsBadMan [10033] zGrumpii: XIM SNIPING [10033] HiVise: Xim is always and will never leave the viewerlist [10033] xfchase: !gamble all [10033] HiVise: Xim is always and will never leave the viewerlist [10033] HiVise: Xim is always and will never leave the viewerlist [10033] StreamElements: PogChamp xfchase went all in and won 5 points PogChamp they now have 10 points FeelsGoodMan [10033] fops4455: STREAM SNIPING STREAM SNIPING [10034] LordBendtnerIsWatching: LordBendtnerIsWatching subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [10034] lfa_nora: ddddd [10034] OFtrev: yo bob you watching rn [10034] sqelchy: @iioveximm [10034] injuredrobin: Keep Yourself Safe xim [10034] coiko: SOLIS AND WARDEN [10034] marrr2ll: ximmmm [10034] mod_me_jynxzi: @iioveximm [10034] imhim4674: Xim is sniping Xim is sniping [10034] ddrizzyyyyyy: @xi [10035] tyweepitch123: XIM IN CHAT BRUH [10035] miguell_jr: @iioveximm [10035] etiven01: @iioveximm [10035] rawdoggist: xim roaming bar and kitchen solis [10035] lfa_nora: dd [10035] RageDaaGreat: HE LITERALLY IS DUMBASS [10035] 1cxst: @iloclveximm [10035] HiVise: Xim is always and will never leave the viewerlist [10035] HiVise: Xim is always and will never leave the viewerlist [10035] lotus_52: @iloveximm [10036] HiVise: Xim is always and will never leave the viewerlist [10036] HiVise: Xim is always and will never leave the viewerlist [10036] jacob_091234: I'm wet [10036] daethannnnn: xim sniping [10036] natethefoot: @iioveximm @ryyanr6 yall suck [10036] lfa_nora: d [10036] balbasnore: fhgguyuyhkjuiuyy [10036] momolikeschicken: @iioveximm [10036] stunkymonk: Jynxi didnt you lose to xim [10037] oyiaou: @ilovexim [10037] jynxiisapartimer_89: !SUB [10037] Matyice06: their comms are ASS [10037] lvpvibez: there in stream [10037] kirby_yh: !points [10037] sophiesmofie: bro is paranoid [10037] patrickmcg13243: Xim in stream [10037] resingvd420: O [10038] dontbullybuba: @iioveximm [10038] prestoninthecutt: @iioveximm [10038] lfa_nora: dd [10038] PlonKre: @iioveximm [10038] imhim4674: Xim is sniping [10038] SurgeZack: @iioveximm [10038] lllastking26: ************* ━╤デ╦︻(o_- ) [10038] Jukeuuu_: @ilovezim [10038] etterrx: @iioveximm [10038] because_yes_h: GET OUT XIM [10039] kingachiii: @iioveximm [10039] pokemonclapper10: @iioveximm [10039] og_twotone: xim in chat [10039] ya_boi_robert_: !link [10039] jdizzy024: !gamble [10039] turksr6: LUL [10039] maddengod0906: NOT XIM [10040] gmen1256: @iioveximm [10040] lllliiilllliilllll: @iioveximm [10040] DownToFire: XIM SNIPING [10040] matio88: @ilovehim [10041] lfa_nora: dd [10041] SPLASH_STEAM: XIM IS STREAM SNIPING [10041] DemPD1: !gambleall [10041] spin4myblock: hes sniping [10041] notembassy: @ilovexik [10041] xqdu: ?? [10041] random_stuff880: When are you gonna play R6? [10041] r6slight: @iloveximm [10041] muhoohaa: @iloveximm [10042] lfa_nora: dddd [10042] hossein_tts: xim is washed af [10042] drmonkeeman10: they stream sniping [10042] marrr2ll: stream snipe [10042] erik_10862635: PLAY HARDER!!!!! [10043] deaed_man_walking: AAASSS [10043] vloitss: Xim is sniping [10043] Zakadelic: they’re boutta stream snipe you frsr 🤣🤣🤣 [10043] co0lmonkey: jynxzi a master baiter [10043] matio88: s [10043] Douglas420710: XIMS STREAM SNIPING [10043] d44rkfire: sold [10043] pro_zone: @iioveximm [10043] xd_Fishbowl: XIM IN STREAM [10043] ewewewewesd: HIVISE MAYBE TELL JYNXZI?? [10043] lfa_nora: dd [10043] mezzdup_bun: LLLLLLLLLLLLL [10043] iioveximm: whatrrrr happeneddddd [10044] fathighandhappy: mid [10044] UnderBellyJelly: UnderBellyJelly subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 7 month streak! whats up pookie [10044] woolgiraffe9795: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [10044] luckyboii9999: bruhhhhhhhhhhhh [10044] p00lshark101: @iioveximm [10044] braxdypapi: in stream snipping [10044] ohtrapmoneybenny123: scripted game [10044] dxrkadler: what’s up brother [10044] waxer1477: @iioveximm jynxziRIPBOZO [10044] rapha92santos: ??? [10044] jdunn0375_: @iioveximm [10044] WHHHHHHH00: @iioveximm [10044] darkcyclecd: L [10044] mezzdup_bun: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL [10045] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [10045] sean6690: Lol [10045] patwisk2: sold [10045] Nightbot: 😂 [10045] lfa_nora: ddddd [10045] og_twotone: xim GTFO [10045] yvltokyo: washedd [10045] johnathanlblb: l [10045] swedcic: stompgSold stompgSold stompgSold stompgSold stompgSold stompgSold stompgSold [10045] ObeyMiniNinja: @iloveximm [10045] dontbullybuba: xim sniper [10045] jonnnyyyy_: XIM SNIPPING [10045] azraelwoah: L [10045] notembassy: SNOING [10046] kloppomoppo: f [10046] etterrx: xim sniping [10046] Nightbot: F in the chat [10046] dive_bomb2120: w [10046] frenzygrinds: @iloveximm [10046] WingZero2517: L [10046] oDisMal: lmaoo [10046] mezzdup_bun: LLLLLLLLLLL [10046] mendosha707: xim sniping [10046] biggajj: shot gun [10047] nate_the_great120: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [10047] rijinmanz1: LOL IN STREAM [10047] lfa_nora: dddddddddd [10047] hunterkingleo: xim snipping [10047] alperenpro36111: !gamble 5 [10047] advixt: XIMS STREAM SNIPING [10047] vloitss: XIM SNIPING [10047] thw_abebosss: xim in chat [10047] marifrmda_916: Stream sniping [10047] 4hedXAT: L [10047] wnosso: Rekt [10047] r6copperofficial69420: he’s sniping [10047] mixhal4573: @iloveximm [10047] braydenplayz2: Xim 8n chat [10047] TheMysticLimits: @iioveximm L SNIPER [10048] hovenisaperson: @iioveximm [10048] Douglas420710: XIMS STREAM SNIPINGGGG [10048] mezzdup_bun: LLLLLLLLLLLLLL [10048] rflts: @iloveximm [10048] iioveximm: 😂😂😂😂😂😂 [10048] master_j_baiter: master_j_baiter subscribed at Tier 1. [10048] WingZero2517: LLLLLLLL [10048] Dankster1403: !gamble 2000 [10048] afktrixx: @iioveximm [10048] randhtz29: SOLD [10048] bibo126: LLLLL [10048] itsmyaura: @iioveximm [10048] MonsieurMUBI: SOLD [10048] zGrumpii: XIM IN CHAT [10048] StreamElements: @Dankster1403, you only have 1325 points. [10049] riott_19: ass [10049] hunter31753: @iioveximm [10049] theninetails316: @iioveximm [10049] JMXSn1PeZ: WASHED [10049] Lullaby_lol: XIM IS SNIPING [10050] r6slight: XIM SNIPING [10050] YOFUKYOLILJHONNY: jynxziLOL [10050] scadush23: LL [10050] ewewewewesd: HIVISE TELL JYNXZI [10050] smoove_jlo: bad ain [10050] iioveximm: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 [10050] johnoo8259: i’m watching the screen and texting the baddie [10050] mezzdup_bun: LLLL [10050] d44rkfire: L [10050] RhinoIsSingle: Baadd aim [10050] itschasebro1419: @iioveximm [10050] oukkiiiii: @iioveximm [10051] lortu160: @iioveximm [10051] Jmlgiants: check viewer list [10051] YoJpizzle: @iioveximm [10051] Yuki_4743: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [10051] nightfight25: xim sniping [10051] zychuuu__: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL [10051] Matyice06: They aren’t hardly talking to eachother. [10051] 2bdamned___: Ricci is sniping the bastardddo [10051] xd_Fishbowl: IN STREAM [10051] sqelchy: sniping [10051] soled_vasco2009: jynxziGG [10051] vloitss: XIM SNIPIBG [10051] african_billy: !gamble 50 [10051] drmonkeeman10: THEY’RE STREAM SNIPING [10051] wearethebestaround1: Cmonnn [10052] randhtz29: LLL [10052] kawiiwii6: !gamble 200 [10052] ztac2000: !charm [10052] braxdypapi: xim stream snipping [10052] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [10052] sandy_sir: W [10053] woolgiraffe9795: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [10053] 44jameses: he’s sniping [10053] swaginacan: L [10053] notembassy: HES STREAM SNIPIJG [10053] lmfa00000: Sold [10053] r6slight: XIM SS [10053] etterrx: xim snipingg [10053] gmen1256: SNIPING BRO [10053] lvpvibez: stream sniping [10053] Gmanhoops: XIM SNIPING [10054] bryanfranco430: washed [10054] yoogxrrett: XIMS IN THE STREAM [10054] riott_19: ASSSS [10054] pinbolt: STREAM SNIPING [10054] Punnkkinn: XIM SNIPING [10054] iioveximm: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 [10054] master_j_baiter: Good aim [10054] Yuki_4743: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [10054] zyxrty: xim snipping [10054] sandy_sir: WWWWW [10054] BrownOn144Hz: XIM IS IN THE STREAM [10054] jeremiahiscoolaf: XIM IS SNIPING [10054] joesph_1239: SOLD [10054] Nightbot: johnson [10054] lolz1235754: @iioveximm [10055] sqelchy: @iioveximm [10055] IzZzZzZzl: W [10055] lfa_nora: ddddddd [10055] StreamElements: @jeez789, you only have 115 points. [10056] biggajj: bro why didn’t you shadow peeek [10056] Zakadelic: STREAM SNIPING [10056] 0tto0909: BAD AIM [10056] etterrx: xim sniping [10056] IsaiahHommes: ALL GOOD ITS OFFENSE [10056] broccypoo: @iioveximm [10056] r6slight: DQ XIM [10056] skyteiswashed: w selling [10056] kinz_9: Slammed [10056] ttv_fudgy: W [10056] jynxzisjohnsonjuice: @iioveximm [10056] def_not_voors1: w [10057] tesking2704: tesking2704 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! What's up brother [10057] addict_d7: xim is sniping [10057] JoesCrabShackNY: W [10057] Cushyz: nah xim sniping [10057] dyetypicaljeffery: f [10057] tompo7: XIM IN STREAM [10057] jacksonttowle: poop [10057] mrmase808: washed [10057] RhinoIsSingle: awful aim [10057] srq_ashtonr: XIM SNIPE [10057] jonnnyyyy_: XIM SNIPPPINGGGGG [10058] LlamasVODS: @iioveximm [10058] sxlo1x: SNIPE [10058] jynxiisapartimer_89: BigBrother [10058] 2ndbae: They resorting to sniping... operating out of shame now. [10058] vision20sd: Xim Sniping [10058] Minimemarco: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [10058] def_not_voors1: ww [10058] otg_handy: XIM STREAMSNIPING [10058] Abyss272: skyline [10058] LordBendtnerIsWatching: W XIMMMMM [10058] Mes_Sec: !gamble 100 [10058] r3dpandaa1: STREAM [10058] epicjrny: solis everyrounbd [10058] StreamElements: Mes_Sec won 100 points in roulette and now has 800 points! FeelsGoodMan [10058] bigbezzle: there gonna roam next round [10059] iioveximm: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 [10059] njw94: STREAM SNIPING [10059] iamyeat: HES STREAM SNIPING [10059] vibesthatguys: al [10060] r1chard07: w [10060] jaq121: @iioveximm [10060] lefthandofgodcs: STREAM SNIPING CUMCKO LOOK [10060] woolgiraffe9795: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [10060] wetnapkinz2: IN STREAM [10060] Jmlgiants: check xim [10060] maybfresh: XIMS SNIPING [10060] scarycalf112902: @iioveximm [10060] fadedqq: @iioveximm [10060] IsaiahHommes: YOU GOT THIS JUNKO [10060] Dankster1403: !gamble 1325 [10060] r6copperofficial69420: sniping [10060] marrr2ll: @iioveximm [10061] ShinoxOfficial: XIM IN VIEWER LIST BTW [10061] johnathanlblb: carries [10061] cloudyzxzc: JYNXZI HE STREAM SNIPING [10061] proglizzygobbla: @iioveximm [10061] lgg1800: L [10061] rocketz492560: @iioveximm STOP SNIPING PUSSY [10061] frostyman224: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 [10061] vibesthatguys: L [10061] WoloPlaysPhasmo: carried [10061] chiggylive: XIM SNIPING [10061] charli3kray: xim in stream [10061] harryplayz15: Xim is sniping [10061] cwleahcim123: xim sniping [10061] huegrection132: XIM SNIPING [10061] cyrus_luvs_g0d: X1m sniping [10063] ewewewewesd: HIVISE TELL HIM [10063] Ominousontwitch: clix owns yoy [10063] dukenukem1400: Xim is sniping [10063] ttv_fudgy: L [10063] gmen1256: HES IN VIEWER LIST [10063] otg_handy: STREAM SNIPINH [10063] dyetypicaljeffery: SLAaammeeed [10063] Kenethhb: stream sniping [10063] hovenisaperson: XIM IS SNIPING [10063] candy_boy12: xim snipping [10063] because_yes_h: get him outta here [10063] vision20sd: xim sniping [10063] jaunty89: !gamble 220 [10063] 1tsMothy: XIM SNIPING [10066] jeremiahiscoolaf: ximmm is sniping [10066] pingbtw0: stream snipping [10066] snailmanthirteeN: SNIPING [10066] shadowmoneywizardgng: sniping [10066] goats_forthewin: SELLING [10066] jacksonttowle: goodvaikmmm [10066] zGrumpii: XIM SNIPING [10066] jmoney____1: HES STREAM SNIPPING [10066] sxlo1x: @riccifps [10066] Lullaby_lol: XiM IS SNIPING [10066] peppe_aprile6: bad aaaaaim [10066] souplover721: jynxziTONGUE [10066] tysbonthegreat: xim sniping [10066] shibs__: XIM SNIPING [10067] pdiddyong: pre 4-2 [10067] LlamasVODS: @iioveximm . [10067] lm_t0asty: xim in chat [10067] BrownOn144Hz: XIM IS SNIPING [10067] xraidjetttts: dim snipping [10067] unklemustache: LOCK IN [10067] Dorito_Man15: L [10067] etterrx: xim snipingg [10067] ttv_fudgy: LL [10067] wetnapkinz2: IN STREAMMMMM [10067] kalidalyx: xim is on solis idiots not sniping [10067] braxdypapi: xim snipping [10067] Whiteboihops27: STREAM SNIPING [10067] nightfight25: ximmm snipinng [10067] rustyrc1: XIM IS STREAMSNILING [10068] GoodGam3Man: @iioveximm [10068] vxza6878: @iioveximm [10068] editsfnx: @iioveximm [10068] energybuckzy: LL [10069] dukenukem1400: Xim sniping [10069] leoprime40: @iioveximm [10069] yui__uwu: i’m the best bronze oat [10069] dontbullybuba: stream sniy [10069] mintbanned: @iloveximm [10069] GFORCE0124: THERE STREAAAAMMM SNIGGGGPINGGG [10069] badsaintss: STREAM SNIPING SNIPING [10069] spin4myblock: @iioveximm @iioveximm @iioveximm [10069] baja_0: !SUB [10069] satanix_666: HES STREAM SNIPING [10069] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [10069] imhim4674: Xim is sniping [10070] zaicl_: STREAM SNIPING [10070] braidedbootyyhair: RICCI IS SNIPING [10070] mendosha707: !points [10070] bigriggs321: in stream [10070] 2ndbae: They resorting to sniping... operating out of shame and guilt now.. [10070] lewis_swfc1867: OIIII [10070] Nightbot: 👀 [10070] StreamElements: @mendosha707 mendosha707 has 5250 points and is rank 92807/1718896 on the leaderboard. [10070] Yuki_4743: xim is sniping [10070] fadedqq: XIM SNIPE [10070] arcaenic: CHAT STFU UR FUCKING AIS [10070] NotAverageJo515: XIM IS SNIPING [10070] drmonkeeman10: STREAM SNIPING [10070] JiimmyJohns: he’s stream sniping [10071] Andrx27_: @iioveximm [10071] spiceinf: XIM SNIPPINGG? [10071] ewewewewesd: HI VISE TELL HIM XIM IS IN CHAT [10071] Hushmoney13: xim said he’s sniping [10071] oalbah590: XIM IN STREAM [10071] ShinoxOfficial: XIM IS IN THE STREAM JUNKO [10072] MichaelR_1616: XIM IS STREAM SNIPING [10072] bandupjavi: snipe [10072] papicholo_245: he is stream sniping [10072] hxltxylo: XIM IN CHAT [10072] Punnkkinn: XIM SNIPINGGGGGG [10072] tissuewitanissue: stream sniping [10072] puffpuffjuicer: XIM IS SNIPINGGG [10072] lehorcrux: @ilovexim [10072] isaiahs168731: @iioveximm [10072] f15biker: Xim is sniping [10072] GavsOnPh: stream snipping [10072] SurgeDickeyq: @iioveximm [10072] keaton_rode: xim sniping [10072] xoatiic_: SNIPING [10072] alfzz5: @iloveximm [10074] argopargo: STREAM SNIPING [10074] cruxilate_: !LINK [10074] TayyNoWayy: HES SNIPPINGGG [10074] TheFanMan7777: wtf [10074] StreamElements: If you're a gamer, you need a Starforge! Snag one -> https://starforgepc.com/Jynxzi [10074] NateDaMan_: chat actually stupid [10074] SPLASH_STEAM: XIM A ***** [10074] Nightbot: @cruxilate_ If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [10075] cloudyzxzc: XIM CHEATING [10075] hardesty_12: SNIPPING [10075] slxughtrd: vize [10075] cris_71907: stream sniping [10075] FinesseJM: FinesseJM subscribed with Prime. [10075] xlainuz: @iioveximm [10075] connorstewy34: kinka and acr [10075] ferrique18: @iioveximm [10075] dontbullybuba: stream sniper [10075] otg_handy: @iioveximm [10075] billnotwill_: he’s sniping [10075] FI3K_: @iioveximm [10075] extinctatlas: @iioveximm [10075] Jatkins27: SNIP [10076] YoJpizzle: @iioveximm IS SNIPING [10076] pbods08: XIM IS STREAM SNIPING [10076] xxxtentacorbin: xim sniping [10076] fathighandhappy: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [10076] zzeun: @iioveximm hey bud [10076] christianissorry: DUMB ASS CHAT [10076] tjaysgarbage: @iioveximm hes in the streammmm [10076] bigbezzle: he sniping you [10076] deanmachine77_: @iioveximm [10076] charli3kray: XIM IS SNIPING [10076] ryanhawk27: @iioveximm [10076] pain_adam: SNIPING [10076] ShinoxOfficial: STREAM SNIPER [10076] lm_t0asty: xim is in stream [10076] fpsdoug69420: XIM IS IN STREAm [10077] One0neOne: THATS FAKE XIM !@@@ THATS FAKE XIM !@@@ THATS FAKE XIM !@@@ THATS FAKE XIM !@@@ THATS FAKE XIM !@@@ [10077] Fliqee_: snipingggggg ximm@m# [10077] bigrendawg69: READ CHAT PIGGY FAT [10077] lewis_swfc1867: XIM IS SNIPINGGGGG [10078] shibs__: XIM SNIPE [10078] rhino_mack: best of 4 I swear [10078] JMXSn1PeZ: WASHEDD [10078] bigsee23: xim is sniping [10078] jmoney____1: HES WATCHING [10078] Curqsd_: @iioveximm [10078] tubeoflipbalm: sniping [10078] bloodrenx: @iioveximm [10078] amingpartys: come snip [10078] harryplayz15: xim is sniping [10078] daddy_da_3rd: @iioveximm [10078] gmen1256: XIMMMMMM SNIPINGGGGGGG [10078] Nixuh_Adnaan: lebronJAM [10078] operatorjaygaming: xim in stream [10078] austinouradaboiii: @iioveximm [10079] inyomommasbox: finka and ace [10079] undecidedpig: @iioveximm [10079] rustyrc1: XIM STREAMSNIPING [10079] NotAverageJo515: XIM IS IN STREAM [10079] MichaelR_1616: HES SNIPING [10079] TheFanMan7777: man [10079] belovedbadtzmaru: Stream snipping [10079] bandupjavi: sniping [10079] peedrug: stream sniping [10079] lortu160: @iioveximm in the viewer list???? [10079] GettingStickae: XIM SNIPING [10079] supercarrot5794: W x1m [10079] StreamElements: @c1ft1x, you only have 40 points. [10079] itz_covid: @ilovexim [10079] ero_victore: CHECK IF HE CHEATINNNNNGGG [10080] rubberblackbals: swa [10080] xhttr: STREAM SNIPPING [10080] WHHHHHHH00: @iioveximm [10080] asianjeffsbutt: XIM IS NOT SNIPING CHAT [10081] bandit7723: @hivise get this guy lol [10081] hardesty_12: SNIPING [10081] hunter671118: dim in stream [10081] oukkiiiii: @iioveximm [10081] dwarfismbav16: @iioveximm [10081] bigdaddybob12345: xim sniping [10081] chute_mi23: @iioveximm [10081] redshark1856: @iioveximm [10081] 6urner: @iioveximm [10081] Skygandr: @iioveximm LMFAO L [10081] exhaustedslothh: XIM SNIPING [10081] theninetails316: @iioveximm [10081] Captainhotshot0: sniping [10081] nate_the_great120: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [10082] lotus_52: xim snjiping [10082] Nightbot: F in the chat [10082] tr3ntb123: @iioveximm [10082] MF_DENJI: xim is sniping [10082] giantphoton123: stream [10082] Abyss272: i don’t have enough to sub this month:( [10082] badsaintss: @iioveximm [10082] starrbxow: @iioveximm [10082] DangOhLang: HES IN THE STREAM!!!!!! [10082] Fossabot: @liverpoolfcfan3632, Your message is too long [10082] hypebxsil_: @iioveximm [10082] crazzywyd: xim is stream sniping [10082] hunter31753: XIM IS SNIPPINGG JYNXZIII [10082] Jstinl: is chat dumb [10082] Nightbot: h [10083] fnbreadwinner: @iloveximm. [10083] ewewewewesd: @iioveximm HES IN CHAT [10083] stunkymonk: Xim in stream [10083] drmonkeeman10: XIM TRASH [10085] Crims_On_120Fps: xim was snipping [10085] itschasebro1419: @iioveximm [10085] sirgln: fffff [10085] JMXSn1PeZ: WASHED [10085] mythic_12_: XIM IS SNIPING [10085] Benny88999: @iioveximm [10085] NotAverageJo515: XIM IS SNIPING [10085] avexlogic: @iioveximm [10085] ltischler: XIM STREAM ANIPE [10085] leothechief11: @ilovexim you rat [10085] Shaftyh: XIM IS SNIPING [10085] poIamaIu: STREAM SNIPE [10085] r6slight: @iioveximm [10085] p00lshark101: @iioveximm [10085] volakz101: HIS CHAT IS SAYING W SNIPE [10086] notembassy: XIM SNIPINGGGGG [10086] yo_boi_carty: No [10086] daddymatt43: @iioveximm [10086] lm_t0asty: xim snipe [10086] BlessSharky: @iioveximm [10086] tninjascopez: Xim in stream [10086] ajasrb: hes sniping [10086] ftbljack10: xim is droning ricci in [10086] operatorjaygaming: xim stream sniping [10086] pbods08: XIM SNIPING [10086] charli3kray: XIM IS SNIPING [10086] apollothesweat: @iioveximm [10086] broccypoo: @iioveximm [10086] ihk88: xim is in stream [10088] lortu160: @iioveximm in the viewer list??? [10088] daren9312: xim in stream commented dummy [10088] malers516: Hivise call jynxzi and tell him about xim stream sniping [10088] USAFM1ke: XIM IN STREAM [10088] luigi_99996: XIM IS IN CHAT [10088] r3dpandaa1: THEYRE SNIPING [10088] hunter31753: @iioveximm [10088] specs_vii: HES SNIPPING [10088] calebsheaderr: bro xim sniping [10088] GavsOnPh: he in chat [10088] bigriggs321: @iioveximm [10088] master_j_baiter: Get it [10088] captainjames1234: stream sniping fatass [10088] FirstSeens: @iloveximm [10088] melonedstreams: STREAM SNIPING [10089] pinbolt: XIM IN CHAT [10089] Ligasaurus: @iioveximm ur assssss [10089] asherbrody1: xim is sniping [10089] Jedi_Driveby: XIM IS SNIPING [10089] habobandz: XIM SNIPING [10089] HaMaH1001: @iioveximm [10089] diego13563g: XIM IS STREAM SNIPING [10089] mintbanned: XIM IS SNIPING [10089] prz_draco: o [10089] fctrentontiktok: XIM WAS ON SOLIS IDIOT [10089] chinwood_: who won 1 round [10089] LlamasVODS: @iioveximm [10089] moelsoen: xim is stream spinning [10089] a3niu_: xim in stream [10089] L3Exo: @iioveximm [10090] djdjrndhdndj: xim in stream [10090] jakewhidden: xim is snipping fatass [10090] royalty_ispriceless: @ilovexim [10090] noelthecrackr: @iioveximm [10091] johnnybanks93: @iioveximm CHEATING [10091] LTP_0: xim sniping [10091] alperenpro36111: !gamble 20 [10091] tninjascopez: Ximm in stream [10091] NotAverageJo515: @iioveximm [10091] vuhlente: they have ace [10091] EpikDrewby: snipe [10091] 2ndbae: They resorting to sniping... operating out of shame and guilt now... [10091] moe_yo_cow: Xim ssniking [10091] maddengod0906: HES NOT SNIPING IDIOTS [10091] slumped2much111: !link [10092] keegan_642: XIM IS STREAM SNIPING [10092] thestenenxd: @illovexim [10092] erikm030: XIM in chat [10092] cris_71907: xom in stream [10092] donteatmymeatball: xim sniping [10092] Nicolita_PR: STREAM SNIPESTREAM SNIPESTREAM SNIPESTREAM SNIPESTREAM SNIPESTREAM SNIPESTREAM SNIPESTREAM SNIPESTREAM SNIPE [10092] etterrx: xim sniping [10092] asherbrody1: xim in stream [10092] fadedqq: STREAM SNIPING [10092] theyluvgxvin69: @iioveximm [10092] xnoah123x: HES IN THE STREAM [10092] Koegr: @iioveximm [10092] jynxiisapartimer_89: XIM IS PLAYING ZERO [10092] paihe0: @iloveximm [10094] irishkj4343: junko touch my but [10094] opticdancy: @ilovexin [10094] sheluvslunarrrrr: @ilovex1m [10094] LlamasVODS: @iioveximm . [10094] moe_yo_cow: sniping [10094] Neso_R6: xim is stream sniping [10094] deany23: xim sniping [10094] StreamElements: @cometz_2, you only have 10 points. [10094] fnbreadwinner: @ilovexim [10094] sonotreal: is he actually sniping? [10094] jonnnyyyy_: XIMMMMM IN THE STREAMMMM [10094] themancodster: xim is dog [10094] arcaenic: CHAT STFU YOU FUCKING IDIOTS [10094] yeobent: @iioveximm [10094] xals1: @iioveximm [10096] ftbljack10: xim is droning ricci in btw [10096] tninjascopez: Xim in stream [10096] Shaftyh: STREAM SNIPE [10096] cris_71907: xim in stream [10096] zGrumpii: XIM IN STREAM [10096] amingpartys: xim sniping Bro [10096] etterrx: Xim sniping [10096] lizalou334: XIM IS IN STREAM [10096] scarycalf112902: @iioveximm [10096] bigmchicken: @iioveximm [10096] luigi_99996: XIM IS IN CHAT JUNKO [10096] vinayhal: XIM IN STREAM XIM IN STREAM XIM IN STREAM XIM IN STREAM [10096] fadedqq: @iioveximm [10096] pbods08: XIM IS STREAM SNIPIMG [10096] mads_deadd: @iioveximm [10097] sinistermango9: XIM SNPING [10097] Andrx27_: @iioveximm 💀💀💀💀💀 [10097] yerppski: ace and finka [10097] ihk88: ban xim [10097] pingbtw0: stream snipping [10097] altointegral349: xim in stream [10097] cskibby: x1m watchin stream bruh [10097] brady1313131313: stream snipe [10097] chute_mi23: XIM IS SNIPING XIM IS SNIPING XIM IS SNIPING XIM IS SNIPING XIM IS SNIPING [10097] kadincollard: 6 hour streamer jynxi [10097] habobandz: XIM SNIPING . [10097] baja_0: XIM IS SNIPPING [10097] zayyy_15: @iioveximm [10097] jeremiahiscoolaf: READ CHAT XIM IS SNIPING [10098] ilovespicypickle: xim streamsniping [10098] ShinoxOfficial: XIM IS IN STREAM @jynxzi [10098] bdbxbbcbvdsvf: sim [10098] specs_vii: XIM IN CHATTTTTTT [10098] charli3kray: XIM IS IN STREAM [10098] Imnotginger1234: @ilovezimm [10098] assorianocomc: XIM SNIPING [10098] quittis_: @iilovexim [10099] treyswipe2x: Xim in chat [10099] caleb0917_: !watchtime [10099] SWlNG_: HES NOT SNOPING DUMB TUCKS [10099] iamyeat: XIM STREAM SNIPING [10099] McFlurryBro: v [10099] because_yes_h: get xim a scope cus even with streamsnipping he ain’t hitting SHIT [10099] StreamElements: caleb0917_ has spent 1 day 4 hours watching jynxzi [10099] Mes_Sec: !gamble 400 [10099] erikm030: XIM IS SNIPPING [10100] kodakboppin21: they both sniping lmao [10100] junkolover_69: Stream sniping [10100] PixieTwisted: YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE MY ONLY SUNSHINE YOU MAKE ME HAPPY WHEN SKYS ARE GREY!!! YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE MY ONLY SUNSHINE YOU MAKE ME HAPPY WHEN SKYS ARE GREY!!! [10100] championpoe: @iioveximm [10100] lewis_tandy: @hivise check viewer list [10100] moe_yo_cow: snipping [10100] jeevs420: jynxziWTF [10100] st1nkycroissant: stop complaining, win this [10100] fadedqq: XIM IS SNIPE [10100] qaucksus: @hivise @iioveximm I [10100] javs_817: XIM IS SNIPING [10100] orbedlol: XIM IN STREAM [10100] xNoRecoil: @iioveximm [10100] n1ckon120hz: !gamble 10 [10100] vinayhal: XIM IN STREAM XIM IN STREAM XIM IN STREAM [10101] ctteensydisc: @iioveximm [10101] Yuki_4743: xim is sniping [10101] djdjrndhdndj: XIM IS IN STREAM [10101] StreamElements: n1ckon120hz won 10 points in roulette and now has 2185 points! FeelsGoodMan [10102] dontbullybuba: there sniping [10102] sizz1_: XIMS IN STREAM [10102] jroc12385: xim sniping [10102] 7beachy: @hivise tell him [10102] syd1878: xim sniping [10102] skibidijrhdhrh: xim is sniping [10102] L3Exo: XIM IN STREAM [10102] etterrx: Xim snipingg [10102] stormedez: thats not the real xim [10102] ftpmango: @iioveximm [10102] lortu160: @iioveximm [10102] noelthecrackr: @iioveximm BONKERRRRRS [10102] chum_drumz: XIM SNIPING [10103] wasdi532: @Hivise [10103] Whiteboihops27: XIM IN CHAT [10103] mads_deadd: ZIM IS SNIPING [10103] bananzrr: XIM SNIPING YOU [10103] fructonicx: XIM IS SNIPING [10103] chute_mi23: XIM IS SNIPING XIM IS SNIPING XIM IS SNIPING XIM IS SNIPING [10103] chase03_08: Rocco in chat [10103] bh_chris13: b2b brasil!?! [10103] itschiefgames: @iioveximm [10103] rng_bronco: xim is sniping [10103] exhaustedslothh: @hivise [10103] mythic_12_: XIM STREAM SNIPING [10103] specs_vii: XIMMMMM IN. HATTTTT [10103] ezchiiran: @iioveximm [10103] sh1estysanta: Stream sniping [10104] 30haa01: !xim [10104] StreamElements: JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/jynxzi [10104] notembassy: HES SNIPPING [10104] Nightbot: Xim (Apex) is an external adapter that lets losers use mouse and keyboard on console to get an advantage over regular controller players. [10104] crazyjj3: BRO ITS LITYERALLY A 1 V 2 UR GETTING CARRIED MY BOY [10104] Tubugai___: junko xim is stream sniping [10104] proglizzygobbla: @iioveximm [10104] vinayhal: XIM IN STREAM XIM IN STREAM XIM IN STREAM XIM IN STREAM [10104] oalbah590: XIM IN STREAM [10104] vincentmcs: Xim in the stream [10104] BrownOn144Hz: XIM IS STREAM SNIPING [10104] bambam1519: XIM SNIPING [10104] quizziking5151: XIM AND N CHAT [10104] gavin10_: @iioveximm [10104] r380und_: @iloveximm [10107] fadelandon69: how much we betin [10107] Jovxn: sniping [10107] StreamElements: @zombiemaster30, you only have 3816 points. [10107] drksolos: xim in the stream [10107] qaucksus: @hivise @iioveximm [10107] iluvsmileyz: xim is in chat [10107] rng_bronco: xim in stream [10107] Cyberski_: xim in stream [10107] yaboisl0th: @iioveximm [10107] praise_lugi: xim is snipig [10107] bananzrr: XIM IS SNIPING [10107] jimboslicee22: Xim in stream [10107] Nightbot: 😂 [10107] itschasebro1419: @hivise [10107] mads_deadd: XIM IS SNIPING [10108] hunter671118: combine chat [10108] lmy0urdad6942o: Ching gnihC [10108] xd_Fishbowl: XIM IS SNIPING [10108] Jpmalagonv: @ilovedick [10108] braxdypapi: xim snipping [10108] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: chat thats not him LUL [10109] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: chat thats not him LUL [10109] master_j_baiter: Yeah [10109] BEERMAN00: @iloveximm [10109] clayyt1234: XIM is stream sniping [10109] operatorjaygaming: xim sniping [10109] alex_tex: LOOK AT THE FUKN CHAAAATT [10109] 9fmatt: @iioveximm [10109] chum_drumz: XIM SNIPINGGGGG [10110] reddragon__hd: xim stream sniping [10110] youcompleteit: XIM IS SNIPING [10110] zasssdddxhfvf: @iioveximm [10110] sinistermango9: XIM SNIPING [10110] argopargo: XIM is sniping [10110] ocariello7: @ilovexim [10110] opticdancy: xim snuping [10110] ero_victore: CHECK IF HE CHEATINNNNNGGG [10110] zazzmin: XIM SNIPIN [10110] etterrx: ximm sniping [10110] nateellis32: @ilovexim [10110] jordzellis: Stream sniping [10110] IsaiahHommes: GUYS THAT ISNT XIM [10110] notembassy: @i [10110] fadedqq: CALL [10112] WHHHHHHH00: @iioveximm [10112] drksolos: stream sniping [10112] tiagolexi04: Xim in chat [10113] stunkymonk: Xim is in stream [10113] MVPABomb_: @iioveximm [10113] rustyrc1: XIM STREAMSNIPING [10113] belovedbadtzmaru: Xim cheating [10113] xunexp3cted: @ii [10113] arcaenic: YALL ARE FUCKING IDIOTS [10113] puffinhd: XIM IS SNPING [10113] n1ckon120hz: !gamble 259 [10113] hamr___: XIM IN CHAT [10113] vinayhal: XIM SNIPING [10113] theninetails316: @hivise Call him LUL [10113] luigi_99996: ZIM IS SNIPING [10113] iitsturtles: @iiovexim [10113] uhhkappa: streamsniping [10113] chum_drumz: XIMMM [10114] IsaiahHommes: THATS NOT HIM [10114] burrxan: @ilovespicypickle [10114] tyson05111: STREAM SNIPPING [10114] DontGetFaced: @iioveximm [10114] domesticatedpotnoodle: XIM IS SNIPING [10114] fear_ohla74: XIM IN STREAM [10114] StreamElements: LJ12JA has spent 20 days 8 hours watching jynxzi [10114] harryplayz15: Xim is sniping [10114] bhhhhca: XIM STREAM SNIPING [10114] zheretxc: @iioveximm sheesh gg [10114] just_bok: XIM IS SNIPING [10114] Whop1e: I subbed but didnt get charm [10114] mads_deadd: @iioveximm [10114] vinayhal: XIM IN STREAM [10114] TheOnlyBuck2_: xim sniping [10115] Juniorissad: Xim is sniping [10115] sam_21910: L XIM [10115] snailmanthirteeN: oh 💀 [10115] BigBlrrrrrrrr: @iioveximm [10115] CodeMysteryMan: stream sniping [10115] numberonericciglazer: SO BAD [10115] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [10115] rustyrc1: XIM STREAMSNIPIN [10115] chute_mi23: XIM IS SNIPING XIM IS SNIPING XIM IS SNIPING XIM IS SNIPING [10115] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: chat thats not him LUL [10115] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: chat thats not him LUL [10117] yo_boi_carty: Com's stream sniping [10117] diqkcheese: there’s only one i in his name [10117] youcompleteit: XIM IS SNIPING XIM IS SNIPING XIM IS SNIPING [10117] rustyrc1: XIM STREAMSNIPING [10117] FI3K_: that’s not him chat [10117] SPLASH_STEAM: @1lovexim ur a 🤡 [10117] notembassy: stream sniping [10117] devitrii: xim sniping [10117] justttgio: XIM IS STREAM SNIPING [10117] jakethegrape875: @jynxzi their stream sniping [10117] gumbogoooo: !points [10117] hardesty_12: SNIPING [10117] luigi_99996: XIM IS SNIPING [10117] Rhyphix: holy fuck this chat is dumb, that's not his twitch lol. [10117] StreamElements: @gumbogoooo gumbogoooo has 4185 points and is rank 119239/1718896 on the leaderboard. [10120] pantherking72: XIM in stream [10120] chum_drumz: XIM SNIPINGGGGGG [10120] ljasan: Xim sniping [10120] quizziking5151: XIM STREAMSNIPING [10120] mendosha707: !points [10120] sirguxpo: !gamble 1000 [10120] habobandz: XIM SNIPING . [10120] snailmanthirteeN: oopsies [10120] huvvix: @iioveximm [10120] bhenley32: STREAM SNIPE [10120] eli_the_boi999: xim snipingggg [10120] dukenukem1400: Stream sniping [10120] rng_bronco: Hivise call him you fat fuck [10120] StreamElements: @sirguxpo, you only have 760 points. [10120] ttvcy2206_: we [10121] jaythedon1234: @iioveximm [10121] ervycWSF: @ilovex1m [10121] jhnjkktgt: @ilovexim [10121] azraelwoah: LMFAO [10121] mindofpv: !gambleall [10121] Shakalakin: Wall if fortifiede btw [10121] rustyrc1: XIM STREAMSNIPING [10121] ritual2921: xim stream sniping [10121] b4tf4ng1439: xim is sniping. [10121] nickfarthead: Xims stream snipping [10121] sqelchy: @iioveximm [10121] johnnybanks93: @iioveximm CHEATING [10121] junkolover_69: Sniping [10121] habobandz: XIM SNIPING [10122] fadedqq: xim sniping [10122] bandupjavi: snipe [10122] Fossabot: @lolGlitch_, Your message is too long [10123] juanitobigbooty: XIM IS SNIPING XIM IS SNIPING XIM IS SNIPING XIM IS SNIPING CIM IS SNIPING XIM IS SNIPING XOM IS SNIPING XIM IS SNIPING XIM IS SNIPING XIM IS SNIPING XIM IS SNIPING [10123] can_uchiha138: Literally Fake ximm Chat is tweaking LMFAO [10123] imthechomp: XIM IS SNIPING [10123] zGrumpii: XIM IS SNIPING [10123] junko_vapes_: xim in stream [10123] hunter31753: @iioveximm @iioveximm @iioveximm @iioveximm [10123] aldi_helix: Xim is stream sniping [10124] zazzmin: XIN SNIPING [10124] b4tf4ng1439: xim is sniping.. [10124] alexace242: !watch time [10124] samt3232: xim is stream sniping [10124] aidanallen1: CHAT IS SO DUMB [10124] zehkki: @coffeezillasdaughter thank you [10124] juan_ram1rez: their stream sniping [10124] luigi_99996: X IS IN CHAT [10124] NateDaMan_: @COFFEEZILLASDAUGHTER mute chat its actually annoying af [10124] Hokki: fake xim? [10124] ruanyis: !gamble 2300 [10124] justttgio: XIM IS STREAM SNIPING S [10124] karsondasavage2: XIM SNIPING [10124] StreamElements: @ruanyis, you only have 450 points. [10124] poIamaIu: XIM SNIPE [10125] arcaenic: U FUCKING DORKS [10125] Conrad_lb: Stream snipe [10125] PRESTON0293: STREAM snipppppp [10125] b4tf4ng1439: xim is sniping [10125] jacktheswordzguy: XIM SNIPING [10125] ZAAA77: XIM IS SNIPPINNGGGGGGGGGG [10125] jimmmaa: X1M SNIPE [10125] notembassy: @iioveximm [10125] Cootlol: im isnt in chat [10125] itschasebro1419: @iioveximm [10125] c4sh_jos: definitely him [10125] salttlife420: xim in stream [10125] belovedbadtzmaru: Stream snipping [10125] junkolover_69: Xim sniping [10125] fat_germ: nope fuz [10126] mcbloof123: theyre stream sniping [10126] mrgoodmn: SNIPE [10126] djdjrndhdndj: XIM IN STREAM [10126] vloitss: XIM IS SNIPING [10126] maksalad_: did bro just complain about 80 ping???? 80-120 is routine for me [10126] snailmanthirteeN: LMAOOOOOOOO [10126] b4tf4ng1439: xim is sniping. [10127] jeffer55789: Xim snipping [10127] blurrygod: a [10127] emlusions: sniping [10127] GFORCE0124: @iioveximm [10127] vlxne_nemzz: LMAO [10127] souplover721: caseohLockincaseoh caseohLockincaseoh caseohLockincaseoh caseohLockincaseoh [10127] kawiiwii6: !gamble all [10127] leothechief11: XIM IS IN STREAN [10127] luigi_99996: XIM IS IN CHAT [10127] StreamElements: kawiiwii6 went all in and lost every single one of their 715 points LUL [10127] shmoneybuns816: xim In stream [10127] callum_got_tha_good_aim: XIM IN. EUWER LIST [10128] scadush23: L [10128] maddengod0906: THATS NOT HIM CHAT UR DUMB ASF [10128] IzZzZzZzl: slammed [10128] chinitox30: JYNXZI LOOK AT YOUR CHATT [10128] lilcechy: XIM SNIPING [10128] drksolos: stream snipingg [10128] f1ankzy: xim is sniping [10128] deaed_man_walking: WOOOOWW [10128] d44rkfire: SOLD [10128] nevermisssharpshot: thanks for the charm [10128] mozz1705: @iioveximm [10128] ethanjackson: WHITE SPEED [10128] zyxrty: @iioveximm [10128] soundcloutken: chats idiot [10128] Jedi_Driveby: XIM IS STREAM SNIPING [10129] justotisbotis: @ilovespicypickle [10129] Matt_Przeszlo: @coffeezillasdaughter CALL THESE MFS [10129] javare__: @iilovexim HES IN STREAm [10129] c4sh_jos: @ilovexmm [10129] IzZzZzZzl: www [10129] thedrs1nister: XIM SNIPING [10129] mrgoodmn: SNIPEE [10129] gummywummy5300: !watchtime [10129] encores14472: sold [10129] Halesey_15: @iioveximm [10129] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: chat thats not him LUL [10129] BozoFromESO: XIM IS SNIPING [10129] cometz_2: !gamble 10 [10129] peedrug: @COFFEEZILLASDAUGHTER sell out [10130] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: chat thats not him LUL [10130] StreamElements: gummywummy5300 has spent 17 days 3 hours watching jynxzi [10130] cyrus_luvs_g0d: hivise do something [10130] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: chat thats not him LUL [10130] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: chat thats not him LUL [10130] COFFEEZILLADAUGHTER: chat thats not him LUL [10131] sheluvslunarrrrr: @ilovex1m [10131] concreet_karton: SOLD [10131] dive_bomb2120: lol [10131] deaed_man_walking: WOOOOOWW [10131] rustyrc1: XIM STREAMSNIPIN [10131] chuyyherreraa: I just ordered some Burger King [10131] Ollie8484: Xim sniping [10131] davidthegoat123_: !watchtime [10132] Differ__: its il NOT ii YOU DUMBASSES [10132] yChxpo: Wwww [10132] pogcheese_: chat is dumb [10132] wntrzxx: @iioveximm [10132] AmbitiousAJ13: there cheating [10132] StreamElements: davidthegoat123_ has spent 4 days 16 hours watching jynxzi [10132] finnanut6969: xim sniping [10132] sonotreal: SNIPING [10132] brookey03: brookey03 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [10132] frozennngod: @ric [10132] jeffhance: xim is sniping [10132] xhttr: XIM SNIPPING [10132] jeevs420: jynxziWTF jynxziWTF [10132] TayyNoWayy: xim is snippinggg [10132] noelthecrackr: @junkolover_69 imma bust a load into your ass [10133] 3raby227: XIM SNIPING [10133] sam_21910: @ilovexim [10133] ethanjackson: YOU ARE WHITE SPEED [10133] rustyrc1: XIM STREAMSNIPING [10133] mrgoodmn: SNIPING [10133] imthechomp: XIM IS CHEATING [10133] mindofpv: @iioveximm [10133] dontbullybuba: sniping [10133] leothechief11: XIM YOU RAT [10134] ZariZyki: XIM DOESNT HAVE TWO M’S [10134] yChxpo: WWW [10134] l3ft_h4nd3d: XIM IS SNIPING [10134] hamaxyz45: stream sniping [10134] hrzotic: @iioveximm [10134] master_j_baiter: What [10134] callum_got_tha_good_aim: XIM IN STREAM [10134] deaed_man_walking: L CALL OUT [10134] oukkiiiii: @iioveximm [10134] fishugget: ace [10134] c4sh_jos: @iloveximm [10134] nikolaslord_: XIM IS SNIPING [10134] StealoOnR6: get carried by stomp [10134] drmonkeeman10: stream sniping [10134] dnayandysandy: XIM IS SNIPING [10135] Mes_Sec: !watchtime [10135] Yuki_4743: xim is sniping [10135] hlgmash: CMON ZAKC [10135] ajasrb: read chat [10135] StreamElements: Mes_Sec has spent 7 hours 40 mins watching jynxzi [10135] raqu31: WHAT ARE YOU DOINGGGGGGG [10135] braxdypapi: XIM IS STREAM SNIPPING [10135] ljasan: they’re stream sniping [10135] diqkcheese: xim only has one i [10135] ItachI_2027: Sold [10135] pinbolt: SNIPING [10135] meardelapinga: L [10135] sandy_sir: WW [10135] mrgoodmn: SNIPE [10135] matthew_lolw: !sub [10136] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [10136] argopargo: THey sniping [10136] charlestalbot31: @liverpoolfcfan3632 [10137] pinbolt: BRO [10137] Compacthampster: hes streamsniping [10137] walter_white308: sniping [10137] belovedbadtzmaru: Cheating [10137] brysonc44: pee harder [10137] juanitobigbooty: K [10137] darkcyclecd: LL [10137] hockeyfan__128: he’s sniping [10137] bigbcc1773: xim is in stream [10137] Nightbot: k [10137] lm_t0asty: xime [10137] baja_0: XIM SNIPPINGb [10138] luigi_99996: XIM IS IN CHAT JUNKO [10138] mythic_12_: XIM SNIPING [10138] itsleee03: xim in stream [10138] djdjrndhdndj: XIM IS SNIPING [10138] xfswxx: xim is sniping [10138] Playdopeplays: xim sniping [10138] Flyingbacon37: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH [10138] renexzzx: @iioveximm your werid [10138] alex_horrobin17: @iloveximm [10138] bxndiz: xim sniping [10138] cosmixiscool: Xim is stream sniping [10138] 4hedXAT: L [10138] spankmuffin01: WHY ARENT U IN SITE LOL [10138] Shadowxzxzx: l [10138] thedrs1nister: XIM SNIPING JUNKO [10139] stangchickkk: XIM SNIPING [10139] jhnjkktgt: @iloveximm [10139] ksksjdbdjsnd: @iloveximmm [10139] zychuuu__: SNIPING [10139] drksolos: xim stream sniping [10139] Covri1: Covri1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months, currently on a 5 month streak! yoooooo [10140] WILDM1N1: stream sniping [10140] nolikaii: jynxziChampion [10140] ncchristy: yo stompn is actually so wholesome [10140] spin4myblock: HES SNIPING [10140] drewbloodx: @iloveximm [10140] xnoah123x: HES CHEATINY [10140] thedrs1nister: XIM XIM [10140] pxrzy__: XIM SNIPING [10140] brady1313131313: @iioveximm [10140] GREENMACHlNE: cheating and ass, not surprised Xim [10140] cashsimple: l call [10140] rustyrc1: XIM STREAMSNIPIN [10140] KiwaKF: @coffeezillasdaughter chat might be trippin [10140] jakeluvsnick30: snipeint [10141] otg_handy: xim sniping [10141] mini_ftw: so bad [10141] w_jdawg: xim I’m stream [10141] george12446: !watchtime [10141] bambam1519: XIM SNIPING [10141] xhttr: SNIPEEEEE [10141] lolboy1013: stream sninping [10141] lucy_gx: XIM IS SNIPING [10141] daddyxbeatsxme24x7: walking like a bot [10141] logan2008__: ace finka [10141] StreamElements: george12446 has spent 8 hours 10 mins watching jynxzi [10141] gmen1256: OHHH ITS NOT HIM [10141] Shadowxzxzx: sold [10141] alfie023ni5: YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [10141] nikolaslord_: @iioveximm [10142] arcaenic: @thedrs1nister ur aloser i hope you know that [10142] coletooooo: kai is waiting [10142] critxtwo: thats not xim chat [10142] cyrus_luvs_g0d: hivise call him [10142] boiudedson: when is fainmail [10142] RestlessKicks: STOMP IS IN XIMS STREAM TOO [10143] itsleee03: xim here [10143] mrgoodmn: STREAMSNIPE [10143] gummywummy5300: !followage [10143] skibidijrhdhrh: xim is sniping [10143] 4hedXAT: SOLD [10143] hamaxyz45: STREAM SNIPING [10143] xd_Fishbowl: READ CHAT [10143] dark_mysts: @ilovespicypickle [10143] hannngtime: he got yo lo [10143] lukemahomie: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [10143] creamjohn_: McQueen is fading [10143] notnestty: xim snipping [10144] xxcrxspxx: he shot body hes mad [10144] StreamElements: @gummywummy5300, gummywummy5300 has been following jynxzi for 11 months 26 days 1 hour [10144] Curqsd_: @iioveximm [10144] 4liles: that isnt xims twitch name idiots [10144] graison_cassidy: Xim stream sniping [10144] thedrs1nister: SNIPING [10144] jakker1611: Jynxi watch fucking chat [10144] lewis_swfc1867: he’s sniping [10144] chute_mi23: XIM IS SNIPING XIM IS SNIPING XIM IS SNIPINGXIM IS SNIPING [10144] bidhvdvdbs: snipping [10145] biggajj: call out Jyn [10145] mudamajor: that’s not him chat [10145] 5nakeultimate: Don't sell [10145] chestnutdemolishesyou: Stream Sniping [10145] hamr___: XIM IN CHAT NOW IN VIEWER LIST [10145] yk_t1: SNIPING [10145] chasestewy: SNIPING [10145] zayne200089: xim in is chat [10145] davidthegoat123_: hh [10145] beret_legend592: L [10145] chute_mi23: XIM IS SNIPING XIM IS SNIPING [10145] hung_solo4: He throwing [10145] junko_vapes_: xim sniping [10145] LeytonRay: STOMPNS BACK MUST HURT [10145] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [10146] Jmlgiants: check the stream snipe [10146] Gmanhoops: xim sniping [10146] angelscreed8841: xim is stream sniping [10146] pearsdon: xim snipiing [10146] willemo5: xim snipe [10146] GHOSTEEE_23: choke incoming [10146] jaythedon1234: snitch ass mfs [10146] otg_handy: STREAM SNIPING [10146] jennaascloud: SOLD [10146] chrollo_p: SOLD [10146] brookey03: yo [10146] zubby_s4: SS [10146] ajasrb: JUNKO XIM IS SNIPING [10147] chute_mi23: XIM IS SNIPING XIM IS SNIPING XIM IS SNIPING [10147] ncchristy: XIM SNIPING [10147] og_twotone: bad call [10147] mari567: @coffeezillasdaughter is literally saying it’s not him [10147] drksolos: xim in stream [10147] rng_bronco: xim is sniping [10147] leothechief11: XIM IS SNIPING [10147] raqu31: WE ALL HEARD HIM LmFAOOOOO [10147] drafann: THEYRE SNIPING [10147] rustyrc1: XIM STREAMSNIPING [10147] Tommy122908: XIM SNIPING [10147] crownzb: !xim [10147] shojuuuu: XIM SNIPED [10147] tkkndananjaya: sniping [10148] just_bok: XIM IS SNIPING bruh [10148] BlackShearer: HES STREAM SNIPING [10148] Nightbot: Xim (Apex) is an external adapter that lets losers use mouse and keyboard on console to get an advantage over regular controller players. [10148] pakr6_: @iloveximm [10148] freeboostxr: xim sniping [10148] altointegral349: xim in stream [10148] Josh_gcz: ace and finka [10148] frostyman224: MyAvatar MyAvatar MyAvatar [10148] BrownOn144Hz: XIM IS IN CHAT [10148] iioveximm: 🤫 [10148] george12446: !watch time [10149] bunbeezy04: xim sniping [10149] fishugget: they have an ace [10149] italianboinick: CHECK DISCORD [10149] iluvsmileyz: xim is sniping [10149] killaclutch420: It's not xim bread any way his pops put up the bands bet [10149] junkolover_69: He is sniping [10149] lolz1235754: @COFFEEZILLASDAUGHTER my bad daddy [10149] juliamwin: XIM IS SNIPING [10149] jacktheswordzguy: HES SNIPING U DUMBASS [10149] benj190204: HE IS SNIPING [10149] xRy4nGoslingx: Xim in Stream [10150] b4tf4ng1439: xim is sniping [10150] caseintop: steam sjiping [10150] bizcutn: STOP PLAYING FROST [10150] kratoes43: XIM snipe [10150] 3raby227: XIM SNIPINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG [10150] skils: your throwing [10150] guzman7625: XIM IS STREAM SNIPING [10150] drafann: THEYRE SNIPPINGGG [10150] RageDaaGreat: HIVISE CALL HIM [10150] kkingjustin: wtf [10150] trayton187: sniping [10150] GavsOnPh: xim in chat [10150] maniiio_: Ass [10150] harryplayz15: Xim is sniping [10150] fear_ohla74: XIM SNIPING [10151] lilcechy: XIM SNIPING [10151] luigi_99996: XIM IS SNIPING [10151] 30haa01: Xim is sniping bro [10151] melonedstreams: STREAM SNIPING [10151] braxdypapi: XIM STREAM SNIPPING [10151] edholmes24: XIM [10151] RestlessKicks: STOMP IS IN XIMS STREAM TOO!!! [10152] matthew___ra5365: XIM STREAM SNIPING [10152] xd_Fishbowl: XIM IS SNIPING [10152] ghoul_punk100: had a cam on you [10152] jxlin8: xim sniping [10152] cyrus_luvs_g0d: hi vise call him [10152] FMBumi: @ilovex1m [10152] vision20sd: xim snipingg [10152] operatorjaygaming: xim sniping [10152] tiagolexi04: Xim in chat [10152] bigsee23: XIM IS STREAM SNIPING [10152] iamdirtydan34: xim sniping [10152] itz_sparkx: @iloveximm [10152] bobbish67: brain dead [10152] lm_t0asty: xim snipe [10152] ewewewewesd: XIM IS IN CHAT [10153] sinistermango9: XIM SNIPING [10153] Fossabot: @theofficialvindecate, Your message is too long [10153] Compacthampster: look at there stream [10153] drewtheremix03: xim is sniping [10153] cj5403: xim in chat [10153] rustyrc1: XIM STREAMSNIPI [10153] TrulyCertxfeid_: Xim is stream snipping [10153] drksolos: xim streammm [10153] buckettt3: SNIPE [10153] Gatordude43: mm [10153] hardesty_12: SNIPING [10153] itoshimuco: stream sniping [10153] bhenley32: STREAM SNIPE [10153] novazr6: @ilovespicypickle [10153] drafann: ON MY SON THEYRE SNIPPING [10154] davidthegoat123_: !watchtime [10154] upandaz: xim is sniping they get no bread [10154] samt3232: xim is stream sniping xim is stream sniping xim is stream sniping xim is stream sniping xim is stream sniping [10154] lankystaanky: lankystaanky subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [10154] StreamElements: davidthegoat123_ has spent 4 days 16 hours watching jynxzi [10154] joshhuaa_009: joshhuaa_009 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! LETSSS GOOOO. BEEN BERE LONGER THAN 2 months [10154] Gnafooo: Gnafooo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months! you are fat [10155] spin4myblock: @iloveximm [10155] karsondasavage2: XIM IS SNIPING [10155] imthechomp: XIM IS ACTUALY CHEATING [10155] zakayden7363: yo I subscribed and I linked everything I needed to and it’s not giving me it I did this hours ago [10155] ifyty: ITS OK PAPA [10155] sammy_h18: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [10155] junko_vapes_: holy shit look at cake [10155] cosmixiscool: Xim stream sniping [10155] pantherking72: XIM IN STREAM [10155] ac7264: SNIPING [10155] TheBootyHoleTickIerOG: @iloveximm [10155] Jatkins27: SNIPING [10155] charlestalbot31: @nikolaslord_ [10155] r1chard07: LIBRARY. IT HAS AN R [10156] maybfresh: XIM SNIPINF [10156] edholmes24: XIM SNIPE [10156] iiivalnxxiii: STOP SNITCHING DAMN [10156] rustyrc1: XIM STREAMSNIPING. s [10156] dlcn44: XIM SNIPING [10156] faden208: LOCK IN [10156] rng_bronco: xim in stream [10156] BlackShearer: XIM IS STREAM SNIPING [10156] macesoo: xim is sniping [10156] twizidy: Sniping [10156] toast_gunns: COMEBACK OF THE CENTURY [10156] bammbammcamm: SNIPING [10156] minimaled1t: xim snipping [10156] WerEiNbRecKiE: XIMM SNIPER [10157] vision20sd: xim snipinggg [10157] mendosha707: xim sniping [10157] mythic_12_: XIM IS SNIPING [10157] HiVise: CHAT THAT ISNT XIM SHUT UP [10157] nikolaslord_: XIM IS SNIPING [10157] cometz_2: !gamble all [10157] HiVise: CHAT THAT ISNT XIM SHUT UP [10157] StreamElements: PogChamp cometz_2 went all in and won 10 points PogChamp they now have 20 points FeelsGoodMan [10157] HiVise: CHAT THAT ISNT XIM SHUT UP [10157] HiVise: CHAT THAT ISNT XIM SHUT UP [10157] HiVise: CHAT THAT ISNT XIM SHUT UP [10157] HiVise: CHAT THAT ISNT XIM SHUT UP [10158] HiVise: CHAT THAT ISNT XIM SHUT UP [10158] HiVise: CHAT THAT ISNT XIM SHUT UP [10158] rustyrc1: XIM STREAMSNIPING. [10158] HiVise: CHAT THAT ISNT XIM SHUT UP [10158] caseintop: xim sniping [10158] nbgjosh: xim sniping [10158] notmetro1k: jynxziFAT [10158] vision20sd: xim sniping [10158] HiVise: CHAT THAT ISNT XIM SHUT UP [10158] huegrection132: XIM SNIPING BUDDY [10158] d_unknown_vegi: XIM IS SNIPING [10158] Ollie8484: Xim is sniping [10158] HiVise: CHAT THAT ISNT XIM SHUT UP [10158] HiVise: CHAT THAT ISNT XIM SHUT UP [10158] gingeisthegoat0: XIM IS STREAMM SNIPINGGGG [10160] boejiden2028: XIM SNIPING [10160] OvertimeEJ: @Jynxzi XIM IS STREAMSNIPING [10160] birdyballs69: Xim in chat [10160] qTcqrlo: xim sniping [10160] pearsdon: xim sniping brooooooo [10160] HiVise: CHAT THAT ISNT XIM SHUT UP [10160] teixeiraa____: SNIPING [10160] legacey99cf: snping [10160] HiVise: CHAT THAT ISNT XIM SHUT UP [10160] HiVise: CHAT THAT ISNT XIM SHUT UP [10160] HiVise: CHAT THAT ISNT XIM SHUT UP [10160] HiVise: CHAT THAT ISNT XIM SHUT UP [10162] pigeonpabloescabar3: xim sniping [10162] samt3232: xim is stream sniping xim is stream sniping xim is stream sniping [10162] twinkleberry20: XIM STREAM SNIPING [10162] ethandifuntorum: xim sniping [10163] do1t4state: get the pom poms going [10163] enrikfn: SNIPINGGGGGGGGGG [10163] rustyrc1: XIM STREAMSNIPING z [10163] Tommy122908: XIM IS SNIPING [10163] f1ankzy: xim is sniping@ [10163] dthugans: @iloveximm [10163] itzbobbu9: XIM IS SNIPING [10163] alejnq: NUKE IT [10163] callum_got_tha_good_aim: XIM IN VEIWER LIST [10163] ex1nity: he's not sniping bro [10163] lzzdot: xim sniping [10163] thsaw1: xim is stream snipping [10163] bgromek1985: xim stream sniping [10163] aust1ndanner: look at chat!!! [10163] MVPABomb_: XIM SNIPING [10165] trooperpanda: stream sniping [10165] mcbandit09: NATE WHAT ARE YOU DOING MAN [10165] ervycWSF: iioveximm [10165] junkolover_69: Sniping [10165] ZAAA77: XIM IS SNIPPINNGGGGGGGGGG [10166] BrownOn144Hz: XIM IS SNIPING [10166] lusi4u: facecam to smelly [10166] mj2fxnny: xim is sniping [10166] rustyrc1: XIM STREAMSNIPINGe [10166] cyrus_luvs_g0d: hivise shut up [10166] zamoranoxx: sniping [10167] spin4myblock: XIM IS SNIPING [10167] AmbitiousAJ13: xim is cheating [10167] RoyalRecess1: as usual your fat ass Is selling [10167] malligamers: stream sniping [10167] jynxiisapartimer_89: jynxziBALD [10167] vinayhal: XIM IN STREAM XIM IN STREAM XIM IN STREAM XIM IN STREAM [10167] noelthecrackr: @vision20sd stfu before I bust a load into you [10167] krismas347: xim is m n k [10167] diqkcheese: what he said [10167] asherbrody1: aye fat ass they are stream sniping [10167] tallyman_69: XIM IS STREAM SNIPINg [10168] oppenheimer_____: get your gun up boy [10168] jakker1611: Jizzy read chat [10168] ifyty: THATS NOT ZIM [10168] trayton187: snipping [10168] reallysebasttv: @ilovex1mm [10168] doodoodaloo: are you fat? [10168] itzcookiebtw: @coffeezillasdaughter I was saying I earlier but it was between games as a joke. but they really think it’s always him huh? [10168] jose_4906: Xim in chat [10168] msjalo: aiint xim [10168] nanoeruption: 10 - 2 is crazy [10168] rustyrc1: XIM STREAMSNIPINGg [10168] maybfresh: XIM IS SNIPING [10168] gregorylezombie: @ilovespicypic [10168] dcuzzo22: XIM IS SNIPING [10168] mythicaljaklaha: XIM IS SNIPING YOU [10169] itstragicz: STOMPN IS IN XIMS STREAM STOMPN IS IN XIMS STREAM STOMPN IS IN XIMS STREAM STOMPN IS IN XIMS STREAM STOMPN IS IN XIMS STREAM [10169] lolz1235754: @HiVise sorry d [10169] aidanallen1: @HiVise i cant with this chat [10169] stangchickkk: XIM SNIPING [10169] balbasnore: that fine [10169] ncchristy: XIM SNIPER [10169] gingeisthegoat0: XIM SNIPING [10170] poyntdudes4582: XIM IS SNIPING [10170] chinwood_: i think x1m is ximimng [10170] Shadowxzxzx: no shit the nobody is sniping ICANT [10170] randhtz29: @iloveximm [10170] wiziaha: xim sniping [10170] bammbammcamm: SNIPIBGGG [10170] ghillie222: stream sniping [10170] anthony_jackson654: Xim in stream [10170] Playdopeplays: xim sniping [10170] error6730: sniping [10170] Haarrzzz: @hivise FUCK YOU [10170] zazzmin: Xim sniping [10171] theofficialvindecate: THEY ARE STREAM SNIPING!!!!!THEY ARE STREAM SNIPING!!!!!THEY ARE STREAM SNIPING!!!!!THEY ARE STREAM SNIPING!!!!! [10171] AaroonDMC: xim isnt sniping [10171] brookey03: !points [10171] trooperpanda: stream sniping . [10171] 4liles: w vise [10171] Nightbot: @Jedi_Driveby -> What are you on about? [stop spamming symbols] [warning] [10171] StreamElements: @brookey03 brookey03 has 5995 points and is rank 77511/1718896 on the leaderboard. [10171] lymigui: CHAT IS SO DUMB LMAOOOO [10171] ajdagoat6529: @iloveximm [10171] itz_truee: stream ssniping [10171] chilledguy0: caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads [10171] rustyrc1: XIM STREAMSNIPINGl [10171] MrMemeco: XIM SNIPING RN [10172] birdyballs69: Sniping [10172] imthechomp: XIM IS STREAM SNIPING [10172] bambam1519: XIM SNIPING [10172] C3S4ROO: @il [10172] ahmed_shokry: W VISE [10172] cozyyl: xim is litterally in the chat [10172] twillatime: who won first [10172] swiftyy090: xim sniping [10172] maniiio_: SHUT UP CHAT [10172] smeeglive: xim is calling u out [10172] assorianocomc: XIM SNIPING [10173] chute_mi23: XIM IS SNIPING XIM IS SNIPING XIM IS SNIPINGXIM IS SNIPING [10173] deepfryedmayo710: Dumbass chat [10173] itstragicz: STOMPN IS IN XIMS STREAM STOMPN IS IN XIMS STREAM STOMPN IS IN XIMS STREAM STOMPN IS IN XIMS STREAM STOMPN IS IN XIMS STREAM STOMPN IS IN XIMS STREAM [10173] vinayhal: XIM SNIPE [10173] imhenrybtwwww: !gamble all [10173] connorcavanah: w vise [10173] alex_tex: Nooooooooooooo your losing why Junkoo [10173] msjalo: aint xim aint xim [10173] pinbolt: XIM SNIPING [10173] arcaenic: omg yall are so fucking stupid [10173] lm_t0asty: xim snip [10173] StreamElements: PogChamp imhenrybtwwww went all in and won 30 points PogChamp they now have 60 points FeelsGoodMan [10173] lukepookr6: @ilovesimm [10173] drksolos: xim sniping [10173] Tonewata: you tunneled blue and didn’t see the window open [10174] boynowayboy123: XIM IS IN STREQM [10174] itzbobbu9: XIM SNIPINGG [10174] breeze_yuh: ban hivise for spam [10174] ITSWES_SNIPES: yo [10174] specs_vii: XIMMMMMM IN CHATTTTT [10174] smol32: STREAM SNIPE [10174] skullj: Hives call him about xim [10174] GHOSTEEE_23: chokable [10174] DxcembreR6: YO CHAT FUCK OFF [10174] spiceinf: STFFUFUFUFU [10174] skibidijrhdhrh: xim is sniping [10174] souplover721: VISE IS SNIPING [10174] Yuki_4743: xim is sniping [10174] GavsOnPh: xim snipping [10175] caseintop: @ilovespicypickle [10175] NateDaMan_: @cyrus_luvs_g0d shut up [10176] boejiden2028: SNIPINF [10176] kingachiii: HIVISE THAT IS HIM [10176] zheretxc: CHAT THAT ISNT XIM SHUT UP [10176] trayton187: zim sniping [10176] smol32: STREAM SNIPEE [10176] soundcloutken: 💀 [10176] TheReal_BigBlack: Chat shut up [10176] critxtwo: thats not xim chat [10176] altointegral349: hes in stream [10176] rustyrc1: XIM STREAMSNIPINGo [10176] Pdiddillydawg: xim sniping [10177] hamr___: Xim in chat [10177] akra_2k: sniping xim [10177] 21Viruz: XIM SS [10177] vexflexlex: SNIPER [10177] swaginacan: what is X1ms twitch [10177] kawiiwii6: !gambleall [10177] noli_1102: DAFZDS [10177] Compacthampster: xim is stream sniping [10177] PanchitGaming: Sniping [10177] cool_bit_trip: xim is sniping [10178] leothechief11: XIM IS SNIPING [10178] noel_pushing__p: jynxziCRY [10178] xxraghedkingxx: Sniping [10178] charlestalbot31: @izzzzzzzl [10178] darthminkus: hivise dick riding xim again [10178] falanafury: xim sniping [10178] diqkcheese: stfu [10178] justkillmenowlol: Xim in stream [10178] callum_got_tha_good_aim: XIM SNIPING [10178] liverpoolfcfan3632: Hj [10178] smol32: STREAM SNIPEEE [10178] c4sh_jos: sorry jerry [10178] vinayhal: XIM IN STREAM XIM IN STREAM XIM IN STREAM XIM IN STREAM [10178] dcuzzo22: HES SELLING THE BAG [10179] krismas347: xims m n k [10179] TheJackieMoon: xim sniping [10179] mikebecks7: THEY ARE STREAM SNIPING [10179] iiivalnxxiii: that’s not XIM dumbassses [10179] r1chard07: LIBRARY. R IN THE WORD @highvise01 [10179] smol32: STREAM SNIPE [10179] rustyrc1: XIM STREAMSNIPINGf [10179] Kronibear: they arent stream sniping. [10179] diego_pimentel97: chat is so fucking dumb [10180] Pdiddillydawg: aim sniping [10180] itzbobbu9: XIMSNIPINGG [10180] fabirags: @imthechomp shut up [10180] xKingRegan: stream snipeeeeingggg [10180] mudamajor: that’s not him chat [10180] aidanallen1: CHAT STFU [10180] abdullah_7_7: WE WANT SPOIT & SHAIKO VS YOU AND STOMPN 🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑 [10180] CallMeTurtlee: xim sniping [10180] mendosha707: !points | Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [10000] Alright. Don't mess with me. Been like all the way back. [10010] Okay, I'm about to drone office bow. There's no frost mats under that window, like what I just pinged up there, whatever I just pinged up there. Top mess is clear. [10020] Fire's clear bottom fire's clear One flying to have those I'm gonna you know I can ace the soft wall. He's gonna wallbang my ace. I might be able to [10030] I'm running from outside so I'm not doing anything wrong. Oh, Solis. Wow. Where's the rifle? It's on top of the house. [10040] Oh my god, he was all right. That was just a headshot and not a shoulder shot. [10050] Okay, wait, how did he how did he kill you? Let's do the window house on a camp. I don't know Okay, okay, that's fine. We just we probably should have just [10060] Well, okay, I was joining site and then went top blue like I was joining piano or the bottom of your piano Well now we know they're gonna bring soldiers so like we're I mean we can't really like lose like that again [10070] We should be fine. Kind of want to go frost, but bro, they didn't even go ace last time. Frost's only good if they have an ace, because that's the only reason why they're jumping that game's in the bottom. [10080] I'm not gonna hide this time I'm just gonna wait. Yo, this 80-pinshit is ass! I'm gonna play in West. I don't go bad, I think I'm gonna walk through it. [10090] If I had thought it would, it would have been 5,2,3,2,1,4,3,4,3,4,1,2,2,1,4,1,4,3,4,1,4,1,2,1,2,3,4,3,4,1,4,3,4,3,4,3,4,3,4, 1,2,1,2,1,4,3,4,1,2,4,3,4,1,2,3,4,7,4,3,4,1,... [10100] I don't even know where Zimla is actually. We'll see, like, he would've probably been piano or something. Uh oh, a lockback. Yeah. I just heard a fa- [10110] Thermite unless I'm like tweaking I think I think I think they're not gonna put solar with that setup They're gonna have to push minutes [10120] I'm in library. If you shoot a can we win. [10130] I've four found a bomb. I heard that so loudly. No, you're good. You're good. Damn. [10140] just like in that bitch. All right, I have a top fire cam. Bro, you can win this. You're just going to have to find the moment to power this kid. Chad, I kind of just got sold by a call out, but it [10150] happens I'm not even tripping. Top library or doubled up. It's an ace in a thing. [10160] Ma'am, Derrick. Bonnabon. [10170] | There is no Highlight in the provided timespan. Clip starts with another $6 2v2 Round. Jynxzi dies immediately and they lose the first round. They also lose the second round. The clip ends amidst the third round. |
Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [10600] patwisk2: DADS [10600] d_range123: !watchtime [10600] PassiveClock: 3 hours gn chat [10600] liltremoney: GREEN FN [10600] knowxnx: GREEN FNN [10600] juliusceasariusthe6th: green fn [10600] StreamElements: d_range123 has spent 2 days 11 hours watching jynxzi [10600] addamnn07: GREEN FN [10600] damienb653: Pom pom [10600] papitan10: you better ask him permission for tomorrow if you do that irl [10600] kaaaan1900000: stompn stompnt on them [10600] GSFO_CT: ww [10600] nunobaits: GOATED [10600] who_fw_jt: who_fw_jt subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! yoooo [10600] mattvibzz: wwww [10601] pocketpengun: W TOM BRADY [10601] rocketz492560: STOMPIN AND JYNXZI ARE THE GREATEST R6 DUO OF ALL TIME [10601] Gucci_kid54: WW [10601] lunchiestbox: L xim [10601] ReaperRouge: shibuy4Rero2 shibuy4Rero2 [10601] luytix: GET OUT THE POM POMS [10601] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [10601] marinkokokokoo: GREEN FN [10601] hipszterpingvin: SOOO CARRIED [10601] TeutoNickN1ght: what a C4!!! [10601] kozyyuwu: w carry [10601] hesstruck75: !gamble 500 [10601] jaxon1to1: XIM IS ABOUT TO CRASH OUT [10601] luisfuge_: luisfuge_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! WHITE SPEED [10601] StreamElements: hesstruck75 lost 500 points in roulette and now has 2728 points! FeelsBadMan [10602] thuggasaurus: green fn [10602] toastyphish: Xim washed [10602] patwisk2: DADA [10602] StreamElements: @djskfofhsnehflshsh, you only have 5 points. [10602] its_trip: give Zach a band when it’s over !!l [10602] AndresxSoler: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [10603] levi_thebest: green fn [10603] Maiidenlesss: GREEN FN [10603] caseintop: pancakeeeee [10603] ReaperRouge: shibuy4Rero2 shibuy4Rero2 shibuy4Rero2 [10603] sjskjhdsu: GET THE POM POMS FOR DADDY STOMPN [10603] mwm7575: jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown [10603] onerrbearr: CARRIED [10603] itzruiins: back to back 2v1 😭 [10603] mattvibzz: weww [10603] ijinxedmyself: GREEN FN [10603] rocketz492560: STOMPIN AND JYNXZI ARE THE GREATEST R6 DUO OF ALL TIME. [10603] pancakepark297: w [10603] Z3RYLO: irish spring green [10603] boltsavageelite: ? [10604] bla2gud: jynxziChampion [10604] Nightbot: ? [10604] GSFO_CT: w [10604] Bdavies32: Pom poms [10604] TheCEOofDubs: STOMPN THE GOATTTT [10604] anewton470: wwwwwwww [10604] sam_21910: CARRIED SO HARD 😭💀 [10604] bg3isgood75936: GREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN [10604] lukemahomie: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [10604] x7colt: asianj1200 [10604] jamesyggg: NASTY [10604] noxhH1m: green bc [10604] mathiasferron: GREEN FN [10604] robsuperior: CARRIED AF [10604] fpschill: GREEN FN [10605] ReaperRouge: shibuy4Rero2 shibuy4Rero2 [10605] MrMemeco: jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH jynxziRAHHH [10606] ImDich_: carried [10606] hegtor_: WWWWWWWW [10606] fathighandhappy: !gamble all [10606] r6slight: WWWWWWWW [10606] shambers8510: GREEN FN [10606] andrewolvera2: 1v1stopin [10606] weetarana06: stompn is actually crazy [10606] Doctor2330: W Stompn [10606] pingbtw0: GREEN FN [10606] jauntytwine: w glaze [10606] johnson_jynxzi: GREEN FN [10606] tbear222: WWWWWWW [10607] kazeonyt: ' [10607] wqon: !gamble 200 [10607] rangersfc1233: 2am for me his go junko [10607] glockwitdabeam: you better pay him [10607] bobbywhite1903: stomp on me [10607] luytix: POM POMS [10607] assassinyt3406: jynxzi can I be in the next you verse 5 PlayStation players [10607] bulldoghound1: !watchtime [10607] lukeplayboy: ayyy [10607] graysone115: dent check [10607] hegtor_: WWWWWW [10607] balbasnore: w [10607] Nxxvy12: Pom poms [10607] piecectrlshaq: theyre horrible [10607] StreamElements: bulldoghound1 has spent 4 days 18 hours watching jynxzi [10608] pancakepark297: king [10608] pocketpengun: STOMPN IS THE GOAT [10608] r6slight: GREENBFN [10608] ReaperRouge: shibuy4Rero2 shibuy4Rero2 shibuy4Rero2 [10608] fentybox: DUO OF THE CENTURY [10608] kazeonyt: '''''' [10608] calummeeha: Xim is so bad [10608] hmzaoubaxer: !gamble all [10608] Typsylol: les go [10608] cornell0607: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [10608] ctteensydisc: GOOD WAGERS [10608] StreamElements: hmzaoubaxer went all in and lost every single one of their 515 points LUL [10608] hegtor_: W [10608] Saltayy__: Stompgoat [10608] woahkwez: !gamble all [10609] djixxz: Drunko [10609] d_rice219: HIM!! [10609] snipez_elmo: GREEN FN [10609] co0lmonkey: green fn [10609] weetarana06: green fn [10609] jacob_091234: W jynxzi [10609] StreamElements: PogChamp woahkwez went all in and won 345 points PogChamp they now have 690 points FeelsGoodMan [10609] Fossabot: @oglinden_69, Your message is too long [10610] toolshed46: what happened to quitting [10610] umpulsive113: Wwwwwwwwww [10610] Fuego_Fg2: face reveal when [10610] yammo27: ImTyping [10610] anewton470: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [10610] Bdubm8: bro ricci is actually so dogshit holy shit. this kid got rated A LMAOOOOO [10610] piecectrlshaq: mental chalked [10610] ohjoIly: !gamble 500 [10610] b1gcat07: Stompn uses you for clout [10610] cookiebeast91: WHERES CLIX [10610] akink_: stompn is fkn nasty [10610] StreamElements: @ohjoIly, you only have 240 points. [10610] Sukkula01: !gamble 200 [10610] charleybransford: c4 clutched [10610] x7colt: asianj1200 asianj1200 asianj1200 asianj1200 asianj1200 asianj1200 asianj1200 asianj1200 asianj1200 asianj1200 asianj1200 asianj1200 asianj1200 [10611] ervycWSF: green fn [10611] jason_goat6: jynxziFAT [10611] Bandolin13: GREEN FN [10611] drksolos: GREEN FN [10611] KingDaveDaily: they just sell rounds on defense for no reason [10611] bulkingtoast: jynxziFAT jynxziWTF [10611] StreamElements: Sukkula01 won 200 points in roulette and now has 630 points! FeelsGoodMan [10611] PETEYMACK: he is filthy [10611] baygrizzly: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [10611] jeffdagoatf31: YALL GOAT DUO FR FR [10611] weetarana06: green fN [10611] gingerbreadfrosting: Stompin just built different [10611] tiggytiggerr: GREEN FN [10611] shanesmydaddy: BRO TAKE THAT GIRLY ASS NECKLACE OFF [10611] youssef_benjelloun: 2 clutches WWWWWWWW [10612] MontyDaGod: W [10613] lj_256: green fn [10613] tfran0: give him 1000 birch ass u getting carried [10613] killa_whale_: my names ricky so i am feelin down bad lmao [10613] maddengod0906: POM POMS [10613] mattvibzz: www [10613] its_trip: give Zach a band when it’s over !!llll [10613] bigdawgsteve77: get the Pom poms [10613] atomicbarbeq: !bracket [10614] aspect_018362: I hire speed [10614] raqu31: So we're in aluminum [10614] mwm7575: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [10614] wolffy_100: CARRIE D [10614] a_n0b0dy1: !gamble all [10614] richonntwitch: stompn w [10614] AaroonDMC: GET THE FUCKING POMS POMS DADDY STOPMN [10614] Nightbot: Tourney bracket here => https://brackethq.com/b/0ybzb/ [10614] MontyDaGod: W STOMPGOAT [10614] pancakepark297: daddy [10614] ItsPurpsss: ahhhhh right [10614] Bandolin13: GREEN FN [10614] StreamElements: a_n0b0dy1 went all in and lost every single one of their 5 points LUL [10614] hegtor_: WWWWWWW [10614] StonyRailing: womp womp [10615] Ph_M7: W cheerleader [10615] roulette_00: !gamble all [10615] exclusive_1510: Wwwww [10615] StreamElements: drey_2 has spent 19 hours 50 mins watching jynxzi [10616] robbanisthegoat: Bro you full boxed him [10616] ezclaps149: GREEN FN [10616] TR3N3: CARRIED [10616] PandaMmacter: SNIPER [10616] TheRealAtteug: When is fanmail [10617] broofhero: dont tell me 168.062 is his subcount [10617] biggajj: stfu [10617] wiziaha: WWWWW [10617] wolffy_100: CARRIED [10617] clixyyyz: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [10617] gufspoon: nut in me sompin givr me my channel points [10617] UnHolyRampage93: love this combo W GLAZE [10617] quebecois5721: they are mad quiet [10617] trxpztaj: !gamble all [10617] oop_me2: !poll [10617] Maiidenlesss: GREEEEN FN [10617] StreamElements: PogChamp trxpztaj went all in and won 20 points PogChamp they now have 40 points FeelsGoodMan [10617] drksolos: GREENN FNN [10617] eoinzo123: stompn carrying your ass [10617] tg_tyrone: GREEEEN FN [10618] fr3qz_: SLOW DONW FUCKING DICK HEAD ITS NOT MW3 [10618] xiorecs: !points [10618] partialview: GREEN FN [10618] Typsylol: jynxziFALL jynxziFALL jynxziFALL [10618] joshfields98: they silent lol [10618] ccwoks: HOW DO YOU GET JYNXI CHARMHOW DO YOU GET JYNXI CHARMHOW DO YOU GET JYNXI CHARMHOW DO YOU GET JYNXI CHARMHOW DO YOU GET JYNXI CHAR [10618] StreamElements: @Xiore6 Xiore6 has 220 points and is rank 1128314/1718895 on the leaderboard. [10618] xslenderyoshix: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [10618] jason_goat6: kaicGimmiegold [10618] damieng_54: give Zach 1k [10618] Nightbot: 👀 [10618] jesu844: STFU JYNXZI YOUR CARRIED [10618] mr55_wlf: !donate [10618] bulkingtoast: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [10618] BigNasty280: back out and do fan mail [10619] dxrk_nl: stompn is 10 times better then ricci and xim i wanna hear nothing anymore [10619] Nightbot: https://streamlabs.com/jynxzi/tip [10620] aspect_018362: white speed [10620] thegreatsantos: Carried by stompn [10620] crazyjj3: fuckintg shit on u st6up[i8d ass bi8tch [10620] xeking_: JYNXIE IS STREAM SNIPING IN VIEWER LIST RIGHT NOW [10620] italianboinick: check chat logs [10620] pingbtw0: GREEN FN GREEN FN GREEN FN GREEN FN!!!!!!!!! [10620] dxrksly: solas and wiami [10620] s2mbaco: carried fat streamer [10621] GHOSTEEE_23: im bricked [10621] little_irish013: W stompin [10621] drmonkeeman10: PRE END [10621] tg_tyrone: GREEEEEEN FNN [10621] Gxckd: Even playing field LUL [10621] kazeonyt: i just be ballin out every season [10621] TheRealAtteug: Fanmail when [10621] codyshots87: @gingerbreadfrosting [10621] TheEmporiumm: NomNom [10621] provolognecheese192: when stream start [10621] Jevan_ttv: STOMP GREEN FN [10621] rippedraxk: Hes s nipingg [10622] sterling_mott: to [10622] irohhh_: !gamble all [10622] joshfields98: daddy stompn [10622] damienb653: Pom Pom [10622] muzitheuzi2: bring out the Pom Pom’s [10622] x9_ernesto: No [10622] biggajj: 6#6 [10622] EzzyClutch: w [10622] Dilucted: stompgGoat stompgGoat stompgGoat [10622] aaron_bartlebaug: !watchtime [10623] master__34543570: fu [10623] Chihuahuaa714: kaicSoap kaicSoap [10623] msb12347: Stomp get half the bread [10623] umpulsive113: Wwwwwwww [10623] StreamElements: aaron_bartlebaug has spent 9 days 9 hours watching jynxzi [10623] trulyy_dae: JYNXZI IS UNWASHED [10623] toocomp4u: XIM IS SNAIPING [10623] x7colt: CaitlynS CaitlynS CaitlynS CaitlynS CaitlynS CaitlynS CaitlynS RedCoat RedCoat RedCoat RedCoat RedCoat RedCoat R) R) R) R) ;p O_o :( [10623] tiggytiggerr: GREEEEEEEEEENNNNN EZ [10623] thechosen969: STOP FAKE LAUGHING [10623] oyiaou: I WANT CASEOH TO NUT IN ME WHILE I POP JYNXIS UGLY FAT FACE PIMPLES [10623] biggajj: 6 [10624] tg_tyrone: FREEN FN [10624] deeskiitv: your fat [10624] Chaun18: GREEN FN [10624] faded_ryzze69: Stompin king of console [10624] crazyjj3: green fn [10624] keyz2416: this is a W script today [10624] slatttfest: !followage [10624] its_trip: give Zach a band when it’s over !!llllll [10624] clixyyyz: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 [10625] junko_vapes_: !gamble 20 [10625] StreamElements: @ayyzexo_, ayyzexo_ has been following jynxzi for 10 months 20 days 19 hours [10625] StreamElements: junko_vapes_ lost 20 points in roulette and now has 330 points! FeelsBadMan [10625] alperenpro36111: !points [10625] midoali10: Scripted [10625] drauzee: Get the poms poms out bruh [10625] chak0262: stomp the best console player [10625] dylansalant15: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [10626] nicksssnus: ricci has a heart attack [10626] bulkingtoast: jynxziVapeBreak [10626] bobbiejuice78: !gamble all [10626] qtons: jynxziGG jynxziGG [10626] zbull_154: Green fn [10626] chinwood_: !watchtime [10626] StreamElements: PogChamp bobbiejuice78 went all in and won 705 points PogChamp they now have 1410 points FeelsGoodMan [10626] vipergamez1896: STOMPN IS THE GOAT [10626] umpulsive113: Wwwwwww [10626] quinnnythefos: DONT CELEBRATE TOO EARLy [10626] tg_tyrone: GREENY [10626] StreamElements: chinwood_ has spent 16 hours 40 mins watching jynxzi [10626] certifiedbaggetter: certifiedbaggetter subscribed with Prime. [10626] Wizard4295: Wordd [10626] P0GJUICE: W [10627] d1n0nugeez: ricci is a pancake [10627] PandaMmacter: SNIPE [10627] SnakyBruhh: 2-0 [10627] jaydenprotack: wow stompin good enough to 1 v 2 champs [10627] speedzeyzej: jynxziGoodAim jynxziChampion jynxziCopper jynxzi0x jynxziSuprised [10627] harveyhurst26: how’s kassy [10627] andyspain411: stompn carrying [10627] gooofyx: PRE END [10628] GSFO_CT: ww [10628] Sufyaan2JZ: Xim an Ricci probably arguing rn [10628] Sw4ggy75: wasted allmy points on bums [10628] SNF_equal_IF: POM POM [10628] DOMZY20: !watchtime [10628] balbasnore: him! [10628] trulyy_dae: WWWWWW [10628] vrazyyy303: !gamble all [10628] jynxieshusband: Bitch ni [10628] bla2gud: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [10628] StreamElements: DOMZY20 has spent 1 day 15 hours watching jynxzi [10628] sterling_mott: yo [10628] morthefnafgu: !statis [10629] tg_tyrone: GREABEST [10629] ranisbananis23: part timer [10629] StreamElements: PogChamp vrazyyy303 went all in and won 205 points PogChamp they now have 410 points FeelsGoodMan [10629] xen0star: Give him his money [10629] nickydaboss_53: Carried [10629] ItsPurpsss: w [10629] pancakepark297: green fn [10629] ziggieP: -7000 [10629] bigballjutsu: GREEN FN [10629] toocomp4u: XIM IS STIPING [10629] edwxies: chill [10629] Lil_Huby: !sens [10629] redhead132: !gamble [10630] fsg_finalfury5: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [10630] recoileffect: pay stompiin [10630] Nightbot: Jynxzi sens and settings here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2GcpqRqJ9U [10630] wompwomplo: NiceTry Mau5 [10630] Tazer1818: !gamble all [10630] ihk88: 2-0 [10631] speedzeyzej: jynxziGoodAim FBSpiral jynxziSuprised jynxziCopper jynxzi0x [10631] trxpztaj: !gamble 20 [10631] bannaboy507: !link [10631] gjsncsnaf: xim is « so aware » [10631] StreamElements: PogChamp Tazer1818 went all in and won 670 points PogChamp they now have 1340 points FeelsGoodMan [10631] Nightbot: @bannaboy507 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [10631] TheRealAtteug: Wait you have 4 pairs of bass flops? [10631] mmizp: stompn green fn [10631] immaculate__ra: stompin to daddy shut up chunky [10631] deviousmous: heyyyyy [10631] canadianyute: !gamble 80 [10631] hesstruck75: !gamble 2000 [10631] KruvIsusov: white speed [10631] StreamElements: canadianyute won 80 points in roulette and now has 320 points! FeelsGoodMan [10631] kcbudke: !watchtime [10632] exotic_zezz327: 😭😭😭 [10632] sonotreal: good shit [10632] 123_door_giveawayy: PRE END [10632] mrmoneyman50: jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard jynxziCharizard [10632] RL_SP4DEs: w [10632] nojay44: nojay44 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! W [10632] StreamElements: kcbudke has spent 3 days 11 hours watching jynxzi [10632] damieng_54: 1k for Zack [10632] highonit999: let go [10632] HackedOasis: pre come choke [10632] ethanval999: GREEN FN [10632] bonus_duck49: pre end [10632] iiivalnxxiii: GREEN FN [10632] P0GJUICE: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [10632] jesquivel97: why are you glazing ? [10633] Prestyn_Solos: easy channel points LETS FUCKING GO [10633] wfgrougueone: W [10633] hxmble_shiesty: don’t jynx it [10633] kaysaunh: :) [10633] bla2gud: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [10633] jammmmess: 💅 [10634] ruffysznx: STILL DOWN ACTUALLY [10634] Shottysupreme: payed [10634] youhavebeenchickened: sketch is waiting [10634] radicaljd: STILL DOWN 7k [10634] jayreplaysbtw: !gamble all [10634] phantomzofnin: jynxziPACK [10635] StreamElements: jayreplaysbtw went all in and lost every single one of their 40 points LUL [10635] f1ankzy: @clix [10635] clixyyyz: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 [10635] actually_mewtwo: WHAT ARE YUOU HIDING??? [10635] Haarrzzz: PRE END [10635] slatttfest: !watchtime [10635] Kiing_Reeves: 1v1 me please [10635] UserGeeked: finally junko [10635] TimbitWater: that’s on mama cruhh [10635] codyshots87: freen gn [10635] StreamElements: ayyzexo_ has spent 21 hours 10 mins watching jynxzi [10635] bla2gud: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [10635] s2mbaco: fat [10635] speedzeyzej: FBSpiral FBSpiral FBSpiral FBSpiral FBSpiral FBSpiral [10635] Hazeyexe: pay stompn wtf [10636] NeverJared: GAME NOT FINISHED GAMES NOT OVER [10636] connor_951: helloooo [10636] itscloud_y: TOO EASY [10636] drauzee: Give stompn half [10636] dewzee_: CARRIED [10636] 2ndbae: I just get right.. [10636] cmixy: PAY S TOMP [10636] daschemi7: Bully [10636] youcompleteit: WWWWWWWWWWWWW [10636] Ollie8484: 12-2 [10636] poopyb0i: green fn [10636] glockwitdabeam: pay stomp [10636] giooocx: white speed [10636] bjepperson: plz win daddy [10636] sup33ri0r: STOMPBAND [10637] TheRick777: Split with stompn [10637] highonit999: daddy [10638] scatchhhhh: THAT AINT A SWEEP CHAMO [10638] phantomzofnin: jynxziCORNY [10638] TGTDT__: Pre 2-0 sweep [10638] haritha_r9: <3 [10638] SNF_equal_IF: !gamble all [10638] hasnebeuwl: pre ene [10638] MythicSora: 2-0 [10638] duncanstreams0: i really want to hear what xim thinks abt the c4 to his face [10638] StreamElements: SNF_equal_IF went all in and lost every single one of their 35 points LUL [10638] rtagk: no way you don’t split stompn [10638] pbods08: NEW MONTCLAIR [10639] huddyondabeat: stompn the best [10639] bla2gud: jynxziChampion [10639] zirnick: They arent even talking to each other LMAOO [10639] pantherking72: WW [10639] metenton149: carried [10639] TR3N3: YO [10639] njtregs: SEND HALF TO STOMPN [10639] fat_germ: Cheer1 [10639] lzcrouso: pre sell [10639] phantomzofnin: jynxziBALD jynxziHappy [10639] rippedraxk: Hes sniping [10639] theryzew: cmonBruh cmonBruh [10639] corazon10x: the two time will dominate this game [10640] speedzeyzej: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [10640] immaculate__ra: thank stompin junky [10640] RL_SP4DEs: WWWWW [10640] digdat_13: SeemsGood [10640] gulpgulphehe: lebrozo don't get cocky [10640] mrpickleman77: @trulyy_dae not what that means idiot, learn the meaning before you spread misinfo [10640] Rushuur: GIVE HIM HIS MONEY [10640] wompwomplo: PartyHat [10640] dvrko66: pay stomp [10640] daddyvegeta21: carried [10640] Isaiahdeez01: !watchtime [10640] xeking_: !sens [10640] jay10241: give Stompn a band [10640] StreamElements: Isaiahdeez01 has spent 2 days 5 hours watching jynxzi [10641] dahen234: w [10641] hasnebeuwl: end [10641] YoBoiiTooNastyy: !gamble 300 [10641] ohjoIly: !gamble all [10641] darkakar2: 1v1stompn [10641] doomedcold: Green FN [10641] deeskiitv: red fn [10641] crazyhead_20: jynxziLOL jynxziLOL jynxziLOL jynxziLOL jynxziLOL [10641] mj2fxnny: !gamble 1000 [10641] vipergamez1896: jynxziBuena jynxziBuena jynxziBuena [10641] Yuki_4743: pre 2-3 [10641] exitiouss: send stompn 1k [10641] winterydegree: ARE YOU DOING RANKED AFTER THIS? [10641] alperenpro36111: !gamble 5 [10642] StreamElements: @mj2fxnny, you only have 335 points. [10642] StreamElements: alperenpro36111 went all in and lost every single one of their 5 points LUL [10642] drauzee: Split with stompn [10642] airbxnder: woah woah relac [10642] traponsetxv3: YAPPIN [10642] buster3458728: GIVE STOMPN [10642] Nxgxtivity: SKETCH IS WAITING [10643] deviousmous: ed [10643] banditonthewall: YOU COULD HEAR XIM GET OFF HIS DRONE ON K9 [10643] overlord_skullz: give Zach some [10643] Nightbot: ussy [10643] louismroberts: split with stomp [10643] wvraptor38: !gamble 80 [10643] mest1ck: give stompn money [10643] speedzeyzej: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [10643] xH4YDEN20: give stomping 1k [10643] HashBrownHankx: give a band to stompn [10643] d00si: yuh [10643] expertakeswalls: GIVE STOMPN HALF [10643] StreamElements: wvraptor38 won 80 points in roulette and now has 915 points! FeelsGoodMan [10643] Silentx_xSicario: he took 5g’s from you [10643] nova860: IM SO HARD [10644] tr_panther_: PAY STOMPIN [10644] moneymakermikeonthemic: FEEDING THE BELIEVERS [10644] speedzeyzej: jynxziChampion [10644] rtagk: split w stomp [10644] williamo79: give Zach at least 500$ [10644] vipergamez1896: jynxziBuena jynxziBuena [10644] Cxrvx7: Ricci is looking to much to that fucking second monitor that he cant focus on his game [10645] almightyj0e: Down 7k [10645] creepycoal: you havent won yet [10645] deviousmous: ef [10645] bigmatt3000: GIVE STOMPN THE MONEY [10645] tuliop04: your -7k dumbass [10645] jadenthejolly: ww [10645] lukasengledow1: abhhh [10645] bigeagle21: wrd [10645] wompwomplo: Mau5 [10645] mwken: stompin stream sniping [10645] eventyrg: WHITE MONCLER [10645] breeze_yuh: l [10645] voto0807: Wtf are you doing [10646] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [10646] speedzeyzej: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [10646] eazybrown0: pay stompn [10646] deviousmous: egeh [10646] balbasnore: HiM [10646] molini589: Think these 4 ministero on rank [10646] immaculate__ra: junkyy junkoo [10646] omniking_4: GREEN FNNN [10646] mod_me_jynxzi: caso in chat [10646] aifiki: get the cigar ready [10646] airbxnder: JOBS NOT FINISHED [10646] cxlebcxrr: daddy stompin had to get you ur $ back [10646] Shottysupreme: its payed [10646] hilal328: give stompn half [10647] dahen234: W [10647] traponsetxv3: STOP YAPPIN [10647] conz_brooks3531: speed but white [10647] Fossabot: @SweeetSana, Your message is too long [10647] fsu_endless: fsu_endless subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! [10647] PandaMmacter: CHECK VIEWER LIST GARBAGNO [10647] thegreatsantos: carried by Stompn [10647] morthefnafgu: !gamble 20 [10647] speedzeyzej: jynxziChampion [10647] lukeh335: fart on me [10647] louismroberts: pay stomp [10647] soundcloutken: deadass mija [10648] StreamElements: morthefnafgu won 20 points in roulette and now has 295 points! FeelsGoodMan [10648] damnimgood007: they suck when they not stream sniping [10648] b_mackenzie06: jynxziLOL [10648] tezzumm: they have given up 😂💀 [10648] mest1ck: he carrying [10648] jeremiah_fortniteplayer: !watchtime [10648] metenton149: glase [10648] deviousmous: eg [10648] StreamElements: jeremiah_fortniteplayer has spent 10 mins watching jynxzi [10648] Prezz04: stompn sound like such a nerd [10649] ribal_k: gift me@peoase [10649] Nightbot: gifting you luck in finding a job 🙏🏻 [10649] wvyeflix: jynxziBALD [10649] TheFailedSiege: give it all to stompn [10649] kawiiwii6: !watchtime [10649] itsgxtt: give stompn some [10649] StreamElements: kawiiwii6 has spent 18 hours 50 mins watching jynxzi [10649] barneythesnail: 3 hour mark [10650] deviousmous: ef [10650] drauzee: Pay stompn [10650] hegtor_: split with stompn [10650] richonntwitch: -8000 [10650] actually_mewtwo: WHY IS HE SO NERVOUAS [10650] TR3N3: MHM [10650] daschemi7: BULLY [10650] drmonkeeman10: GIVE STOPMN 2K [10650] CentralGamingTv45: !LINK [10650] thatonefam: you gotta send half to stompn [10651] rtagk: pay stomp [10651] getswunggg: LETDHP GFKHOGFMHJ [10651] xeking_: JYNXIE STREAM SNIPING [10651] bamboozledbakedbeans: !gamble 300 [10651] zackor6: pre 3h stream [10651] tfran0: give stompn a band for the carry [10651] UnHolyRampage93: IS THIS GAME 1? I know junko won’t see this I just got off of work [10651] youhavebeenchickened: !gamble 100 [10651] StreamElements: bamboozledbakedbeans lost 300 points in roulette and now has 4465 points! FeelsBadMan [10652] speedosms1: SPLIT WITH STOMPN [10652] StreamElements: youhavebeenchickened lost 100 points in roulette and now has 1435 points! FeelsBadMan [10652] traponsetxv3: STOPP YAPPIN [10652] theshemie: let’s go [10652] lion_ninjhaz: KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype [10652] Yuki_4743: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [10652] not_puree: stompn has a fat dick [10652] JORSTl: pay stompn 500$ [10652] BFL_Atomic: !gamble 10 [10653] getswunggg: SRTJRYJTRYJFGGDJDGF [10653] StreamElements: BFL_Atomic lost 10 points in roulette and now has 630 points! FeelsBadMan [10653] deviousmous: e [10653] boiiLiam: Give the money to the people [10653] woahkwez: !gamble 1.5k [10653] balbasnore: PP [10653] Jkassassin244: W [10653] vlxne_nemzz: Ricci is on wamai and xim on solis [10653] Nightbot: 👀 [10654] Yuki_4743: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [10654] zmalkz: igamble all [10654] getswunggg: JDGFJDFGJDJDGFJDFJD [10654] noelthecrackr: Bro drop Zach a Band [10654] naesby1002: 3 hour mark incoming [10655] killaclutch420: What's ur duo get 1,500 [10655] chilledguy0: !gamble 6 [10655] awill13: Ricci era they said im DEAD jynxziLaugh [10655] assassinyt3406: jynxzi can I be in the next you verse 5 PlayStation players [10655] linkon1x: jynix put ur ballllsls on me' [10655] not_chris_paul: if ricci loves Iona so much why wouldn’t he pick him? [10655] lion_ninjhaz: smii7yS7 [10655] misfaced: !gamble 2 [10655] Tee814: half to stompn!!! [10656] StreamElements: @chilledguy0, you only have 5 points. [10656] xiorecs: !gamble all [10656] StreamElements: misfaced lost 2 points in roulette and now has 5813 points! FeelsBadMan [10656] StreamElements: PogChamp Xiore6 went all in and won 220 points PogChamp they now have 440 points FeelsGoodMan [10656] graysone115: jynxziPACK [10656] tninjascopez: !Gamble 500 [10657] jynxieshusband: Fuck me ok harder lube in me ohh I feel it fuck yesz ohhhhh [10657] harrybouglas: give stompin a band [10657] StreamElements: tninjascopez lost 500 points in roulette and now has 5310 points! FeelsBadMan [10657] trxpztaj: !gamble 10 [10657] vlak74: HOW DO I GET NO ADS [10657] wompwomplo: HungryPaimon [10657] rtagk: give stomp money [10657] purpleruntz_0: copper to champion after [10657] gr3av3s3y: pre end [10657] exitiouss: PAY STOMPN [10657] jynxiisapartimer_89: jynxziBALD [10657] Yuki_4743: jynxziGoodAim [10658] marekis300: !GAMBLE [10658] killernathan22: xim and Rick have zero coms [10658] boopyshmurda: #PAYSTOMPN#PAYSTOMPN#PAYSTOMPN#PAYSTOMPN#PAYSTOMPN#PAYSTOMPN [10658] louwiilll: PAY STOMPN HES THE KING!!! [10658] tokyo_drift149: solis and wami [10659] catsrule9125: !fowllowing [10659] Yuki_4743: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [10659] ghillie222: bro is yappin [10659] hesstruck75: !gamble 300 [10659] louismroberts: give money stomp [10660] BFL_Atomic: !points [10660] nbl_212169: tell Zach I love him [10660] bamboozledbakedbeans: !gamble 500 [10660] StreamElements: @BFL_Atomic BFL_Atomic has 630 points and is rank 586163/1718894 on the leaderboard. [10660] Prezz04: STOMPN MADE [10660] lizmonster38: lizmonster38 subscribed at Tier 1. [10660] honsez: ST0MPN needs a band fr [10660] Yuki_4743: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [10660] starlordgzz: !gamble 100 [10660] neutralsince: !gamble 1000 [10660] sonotreal: getting too comfortable [10660] itsyaboylalo: EZ BREAD [10660] SwEaThOmE23: Clix [10661] nooning95: pay stompn for carrying you [10661] StreamElements: neutralsince lost 1000 points in roulette and now has 785 points! FeelsBadMan [10661] zGrumpii: PAY STOMPN [10661] StreamElements: starlordgzz lost 100 points in roulette and now has 1940 points! FeelsBadMan [10661] wnygoongaming: give sum to stompn [10661] ogEDDIEz: ricci still gunna talk shit sayin stompn carries u [10661] thegreatsantos: Stompn is your daddy [10661] ribal_k: junko [10661] xtrix5: !gamble 50 [10661] Yuki_4743: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [10662] StreamElements: @xtrix5, you only have 30 points. [10662] wiziaha: 1500 to stomp [10662] iioveximm: my 3k tonight [10662] robbanisthegoat: F [10662] Nightbot: F in the chat [10662] Yuki_4743: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [10662] cisco_6595: W SCRIPT [10663] immaculate__ra: !watchtime [10663] agentjenks12: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [10663] StreamElements: immaculate__ra has spent 9 days 15 hours watching jynxzi [10663] Yuki_4743: jynxziGoodAim [10663] kinglukefish420: When the 1v1 [10663] marekis300: !gamble [10663] its_trip: give Zach a band when it’s over !!‘lll [10664] itsyaboylalo: EZ LICK [10664] midoali10: Scripted [10664] bigis15: !watchtimr [10664] mikemike2213: what’s up [10664] robbanisthegoat: G [10664] Nightbot: no [10664] InsidiousDC: !watchtime [10664] ribal_k: ssg [10664] StreamElements: InsidiousDC has spent 2 days 15 hours watching jynxzi [10664] tayto8824: !gamble all [10665] Nightbot: say hello to Space Station Junko jynxziGLASSES [10665] daddymyker: !gamble 108 [10665] StreamElements: tayto8824 went all in and lost every single one of their 5 points LUL [10665] d44rkfire: !glamble all [10665] StreamElements: daddymyker won 108 points in roulette and now has 2348 points! FeelsGoodMan [10665] trulyy_dae: y’all crazy [10665] tyler_h11: S.T.O.M.P.N Goooooooo stompn [10666] talibber234: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [10666] jaden9400: his chat is roasting him and xim [10666] getswunggg: LETS GP CHIUNKO [10666] ghostitaj: hi [10666] wompwomplo: TTours [10666] vvverybaddddd: jynxziChampion [10666] sup33ri0r: give zach a band [10666] zGrumpii: PAY STOMP [10666] vlxne_nemzz: Ricci on wamai and xim solis [10667] 2ndbae: l just get right.. [10667] Jkassassin244: PAY STOMPING [10667] balbasnore: FJJFJFJFJFJFHJFJFJFJFJFJFJFJFUFJFJJFFJFK [10667] ShzoomK6: got 10k points on you [10667] koliesk: let’s get down to business [10667] cornking331: @richonntwitch [10667] thelyinglion98: COPPER TO CHAMP [10667] mattvibzz: wwww [10667] portal_life: !gamble 15 [10668] StreamElements: portal_life lost 15 points in roulette and now has 55 points! FeelsBadMan [10668] Andrx27_: !watchtime [10669] StreamElements: Andrx27_ has spent 1 month 7 days 5 hours watching jynxzi [10669] doctahvr: give stompn some money wtf? [10669] datboyiskxng: GIVE STOM 1500 [10670] d44rkfire: !gamble all [10670] molini589: Think these 4 monsters in ranked [10670] StreamElements: d44rkfire went all in and lost every single one of their 755 points LUL [10670] mattvibzz: weww [10670] ogEDDIEz: js [10671] boopyshmurda: #PAYSTOMPN #PAYSTOMPN #PAYSTOMPN #PAYSTOMPN #PAYSTOMPN #PAYSTOMPN [10671] zGrumpii: PAY STOMPN [10671] vito_scllate: Play black jack with the money [10671] Tee814: pay stompn [10671] chilledguy0: !gamble [10671] nbl_212169: I love stompin [10671] xavij4: !gamble all [10672] StreamElements: PogChamp xavij4 went all in and won 2950 points PogChamp they now have 5900 points FeelsGoodMan [10672] ronwolf23: surely stomp gets 2k for the hard carry [10672] wompwomplo: NiceTry [10673] mattvibzz: www [10673] thelyinglion98: COPPER TO CHAMPION [10674] StreamElements: If you're a gamer, you need a Starforge! Snag one -> https://starforgepc.com/Jynxzi [10674] doge16009: !link [10674] njtregs: SEND HALF TO STOMPN [10674] Nightbot: @doge16009 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [10674] force_kin6969: cigga [10675] briancork: !gamble all on junkco [10675] Chihuahuaa714: hannxiChancla hannxiChancla hannxiChancla hannxiChancla [10675] mozz1705: @richonntwitch [10675] TRiXX_QQ: millionaire making people life worse that’s evil ong [10675] StreamElements: @briancork, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan [10676] novexity10: !gamble 5 [10676] Yuki_4743: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [10676] StreamElements: PogChamp novexity10 went all in and won 5 points PogChamp they now have 10 points FeelsGoodMan [10676] GHOSTEEE_23: u best pay stompin 1 band after this [10676] Pilot1338: i found your only fans [10676] jvhn_perez: WHAT IS BLUD YAPPING ABOUT [10676] SuSR__: BRO CHAT IS FEEDING INFO THIS IS PATHETIC [10676] alex_ott11: TwitchConHYPE [10677] BFL_Atomic: penis [10677] mattvibzz: wew [10677] youhavebeenchickened: !gamble all [10677] iioveximm: thanks for the drone my boi [10678] uhhliyuh: !gamble [10679] ghostitaj: jynxzi [10679] graysone115: dent check jynxziFALL [10679] mattvibzz: www [10680] lilkookie24: !sub [10680] certifiedbaggetter: gang [10680] user2sad6942: The [10680] wewo_mx: !link [10680] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [10680] mathdftjygbvgd: jynxzi is locked [10680] Chihuahuaa714: hannxiDownbad hannxiDownbad hannxiDownbad hannxiDownbad [10680] tr_panther_: CARRIED [10680] zGrumpii: #PayStompn [10680] frostytyman1: !gamble 1 [10680] thelyinglion98: COPPER TO CHAMMPOP [10681] StreamElements: frostytyman1 lost 1 points in roulette and now has 1459 points! FeelsBadMan [10681] keatonsf: !gamble all [10681] prz_draco: subb? [10681] fathighandhappy: !gamble [10681] balbasnore: OOIIUYTGFFGJH [10681] StreamElements: keatonsf went all in and lost every single one of their 1705 points LUL [10681] ToePF_johnboy: jynxziVapeBreak [10681] marekis300: !gamble all [10682] tninjascopez: !Gamble all [10682] caso_clone: OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog [10682] mattvibzz: wew [10682] shorved: he has solor [10682] boopyshmurda: #PAYSTOMPN #PAYSTOMPN [10682] doctahvr: why is stompn not getting a piece of the money? [10682] TRiXX_QQ: millionaire making people life worse that’s evil on [10682] fazeericg1: !gamble 90 [10682] StreamElements: fazeericg1 lost 90 points in roulette and now has 755 points! FeelsBadMan [10683] mfam_medic18: CHAT yall weird fr [10683] AngelLitTho: PAY STOMP [10683] jeremiah_fortniteplayer: !watchtime [10683] phoenixcj4: @ilo [10683] Yuki_4743: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [10683] shxrpened: !gamble 40 [10683] its_trip: give Zach a band when it’s over !! [10683] StreamElements: jeremiah_fortniteplayer has spent 10 mins watching jynxzi [10683] cpeak24: GIVE STOMPN A MILLION [10683] StreamElements: PogChamp shxrpened went all in and won 40 points PogChamp they now have 80 points FeelsGoodMan [10684] p3rcah0lic__: wtf [10684] fatnesseverdeen1315: !link [10684] Yuki_4743: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [10684] TRiXX_QQ: millionaire making people life worse that’s evil ong [10685] ImHeyZues100: gg [10685] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [10685] mezzdup_bun: BRUHHHHHH [10685] immaculate__ra: !followage [10686] cartlock: mhm [10686] Brettgarrett22: W [10686] t3xasplays44: Give Zach a band [10686] StreamElements: @immaculate__ra, immaculate__ra has been following jynxzi for 10 months 29 days 5 hours [10686] ghostitaj: what’s up [10686] investigation007: aaaaaaaaaaawgr [10686] Singola_: Singola_ subscribed at Tier 1. [10686] nbl_212169: give stompin my points [10687] dvrko66: pay stomp [10687] mantas078: !gamble [10687] Yuki_4743: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [10688] theshemie: stompn really is saying trust me bro [10688] furnando147: @realnot_crxpt1c same lmao [10688] user2sad6942: They have soils [10688] zGrumpii: PAY STOMPN [10688] ToePF_johnboy: jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak jynxziVapeBreak [10689] boopyshmurda: #PAYSTOMPN #PAYSTOMPN #PAYSTOMPN [10689] Yuki_4743: jynxziWTF jynxziWTF [10689] thelyinglion98: COPPER TO CHAMMPP [10690] prz_draco: subb [10690] traponsetxv3: YOURE A SELLOUT [10690] Yuki_4743: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [10690] stankymilk_: approaching 3 hour mark brace [10690] b_mackenzie06: jynxziClown [10690] basedjerms: BleedPurpleHD [10690] Nightbot: 👀 [10690] rangersfc1233: stompn to good [10690] cuusy123: mattdog123119 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 5 month streak! pre end [10690] am_thegoat123: l glazer [10691] bStumpf88: Stompn should get 2k of the 3 [10691] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [10691] mfam_medic18: chat wierd [10691] 2ndbae: Yea... I'm shaking the drop [10691] tr_panther_: PAY STOMPIN [10691] ghostlyisyourfather: !watchtime [10691] nicoplingpoong34: pay STOMP [10691] Yuki_4743: jynxziWTF jynxziCopper [10692] StreamElements: ghostlyisyourfather has spent 10 mins watching jynxzi [10692] robonmars: channel points locked [10692] thegreatsantos: TwitchConHYPE [10692] bigis15: !watchtime [10692] neutralsince: !gamble 700 [10693] Yuki_4743: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [10693] Joi2077: GG [10693] lil_zyro13: LUL LUL LUL [10693] investigation007: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [10693] shorved: PrideCute PrideCute PrideCute PrideCute PrideCute PrideCute PrideCute PrideCute PrideCute PrideCute PrideCute PrideCute PrideCute PrideCute PrideCute PrideCute [10693] iioveximm: TERRIBLEEEEE [10693] cockdragonz: Yuh break bread with stompn [10693] nbl_212169: give Zach my points [10694] devlinptfc2: !LINK [10694] misfaced: !gamble 1000 [10694] Yuki_4743: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [10694] poyntdudes4582: Ricci is better off playing with caseoh💀 [10694] politesob1978: give stompn half for carrying your ass [10695] robiyn: !pc [10695] Nightbot: Jynxzi is controller on PC [10695] doctahvr: pay stompn [10696] telociucciotutto2: !prime [10696] arctikveins: ego check [10696] Nightbot: Subscribe to @Jynxzi for FREE with Twitch Prime Twitch.tv/subs/jynxzi [10696] Yuki_4743: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [10696] starlordgzz: !gamble [10696] woahkwez: !gamble 1000 [10697] Messn3r: hes behind you now [10697] RICE4012: i [10697] iioveximm: SLAMMMMEDEDDD [10697] StreamElements: @woahkwez, you only have 690 points. [10697] O_Lewys: @ [10698] tacowyd: !gamble 500 [10698] thelyinglion98: COPPER TO CHAMMMPPPP [10698] hertzishim: pre 2v1 w [10698] aursityttv: !sens [10698] StreamElements: tacowyd lost 500 points in roulette and now has 2645 points! FeelsBadMan [10698] Nightbot: Jynxzi sens and settings here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2GcpqRqJ9U [10699] traponsetxv3: PAY STOMPN U BOT [10699] chiefmarc: W STREAM [10699] sebosski: U GOT IT [10700] DaddyLogicc: !timewatched [10700] shadow78218: PrideFloat [10700] theshemie: yapatron [10700] professor_sq: L masterbater [10700] basedjerms: jynxziPACK [10700] FutureMLK: !watchtime [10701] RICE4012: w [10701] StreamElements: FutureMLK has spent 2 days 4 hours watching jynxzi [10701] Nxgxtivity: pay stompn [10702] geauxcris21: go crazy bb [10702] fanmail69: When is vs casho [10702] MochaMikey: W [10703] tayto8824: !gamble 140 [10703] iioveximm: SLAMMEDDD [10703] GHOSTEEE_23: enemy combatent to ur right' [10703] Brodskeee: junco have you busted all over your monitor yet? [10703] xtrix5: !gamble 10 [10703] shxrpened: !gamble all [10703] b_mackenzie06: jynxziWTF [10704] StreamElements: JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/jynxzi [10704] am_thegoat123: jynxziBuena jynxziChampion jynxziRage jynxziLaugh jynxziSad jynxziSNOT [10704] thelyinglion98: COPPER TO CHAMPIONN [10705] iamnomix: LADIES AND GENTLEMAN WERE ARE SLOWLY APPROACHING THE 3-HOUR MARK, WE ARE GETTING TO THE END [10705] dirpxfadee: !watchtime [10705] b4tf4ng1439: tyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy [10706] StreamElements: dirpxfadee has spent 6 days 4 hours watching jynxzi [10706] arctikveins: can I get sub? [10707] jason_goat6: kaicDYK [10708] imperssonator: Trash [10708] BigfatLolz01: we are in plastic 4 [10708] boopyshmurda: #PAYSTOMPN #PAYSTOMPN [10709] 7rb4wx56: !timewatched [10709] shnackapack: Xim is owning stompn [10709] shambers8510: SLAMMED [10710] zGrumpii: PAY STOMP [10710] gyrobaxx: xim is in here he just typed in chat [10711] tacowyd: !gamble 250 [10711] harleyug7881: @barneythesnail @@@@@@@@@@@the thht@h@h@@g@ [10711] iioveximm: SSLAMMMEDDD [10712] am_thegoat123: jynxziWTF jynxzi0x [10712] basedjerms: jynxziGG [10712] StealoOnR6: yo w 2v2 [10712] starlordgzz: !watchtime [10712] DaddyLogicc: !watchtime [10712] james_harvin: james_harvin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! jynxzi you are shite [10712] fazeericg1: !gamble 99 [10712] mrmoneyman50: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [10712] StreamElements: starlordgzz has spent 2 days 3 hours watching jynxzi [10712] xavij4: !gamble 6000 [10713] HYP3RACT1VE22: @jynxzi xim is hella stream sniping [10713] mwm7575: jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim jynxziGoodAim [10713] dbbgewww2: jynxziRage [10713] tninjascopez: !gamble all [10713] am_thegoat123: jynxzi0x jynxziWTF jynxziSuprised jynxziSuprised [10714] doctahvr: hes carrying you for this money [10714] thegreatsantos: can I get a sub? [10715] Jedi_Driveby: u notice X1M is picking first every round now 🤔 [10715] oliivveerr: ww in theshat [10715] SoloMin423: BAD AIM [10715] anickels_21: !watchtime [10715] lucadewaal: parttimer [10715] Nerrdy: fkin on screen add [10715] StreamElements: anickels_21 has spent 2 hours 50 mins watching jynxzi [10715] basedjerms: jynxziTONGUE [10715] czarzzff2: ee [10715] zzzterry17: YOU GOT THIS [10716] youhavebeenchickened: !gamble 1000 [10716] mrmoneyman50: jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT jynxziFAT [10716] misfaced: !gamble 3 [10716] psjsunshw: !watchtime stompn [10716] StreamElements: youhavebeenchickened lost 1000 points in roulette and now has 435 points! FeelsBadMan [10716] StreamElements: misfaced lost 3 points in roulette and now has 5810 points! FeelsBadMan [10716] connerasbury35: when is fan mail [10716] fathighandhappy: !gamble 100 [10716] SNF_equal_IF: !watchtime [10716] StreamElements: stompn has spent 0 secs watching jynxzi [10716] ripcheese9250: jynxziSad [10717] tvjxmes: gg [10717] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [10717] pancakes__1243: BAD AIM BAD AIMBAD AIM BAD AIMBAD AIM BAD AIMBAD AIM BAD AIMBAD AIM BAD AIMBAD AIM BAD AIMBAD AIM BAD AIMBAD AIM BAD AIM [10717] soundcloutken: bam! [10717] czarzzff2: ws [10718] XFuzioni: you can’t handle toxicity tbh [10718] basedjerms: jynxziRAHHH [10718] bjepperson: daddy [10718] reecel4d: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [10718] Nahrain24: !sub [10718] Nightbot: Subscribe to Jynxzi at https://subs.twitch.tv/jynxzi [10718] mrmoneyman50: jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper jynxziCopper [10718] mwm7575: jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown jynxziClown [10718] jason_goat6: jynxziSmoke [10718] fooinc: Pre end [10719] devlinptfc2: !link [10719] DaddyLogicc: !Watchtime [10719] 7rb4wx56: !watchtime [10719] drafann: sketch is sniping....... [10719] Nightbot: @devlinptfc2 If you want to link your twitch account to your Ubisoft account, here’s the link: https://drops-register.ubi.com [10719] StreamElements: DaddyLogicc has spent 0 secs watching jynxzi [10719] lolzispro: 5-3 [10719] gyrobaxx: xim is in here [10719] sebosski: WOW [10720] jason_goat6: jynxziCRY [10720] hi_5vr69: jynxziVapeBreak_SG [10720] maxluma37: pay stomp [10720] briancork: ! gamble 1k [10720] emptyshelly: 3 hour mark pre end [10720] keatonsf: !watch time [10721] woahkwez: !gamble 500 [10721] mezzdup_bun: BROOOOOOOO [10721] theshemie: aim of copper [10721] jason_goat6: jynxziGLASSES jynxziPACK [10721] cpeak24: give stompn some money [10722] bankuro_: hi jynxzi [10722] geauxcris21: !gamble20 [10722] d44rkfire: sold [10722] GHOSTEEE_23: enemy combatent to ur right [10722] in7el: so bad [10722] ImHeyZues100: W [10722] lD00Rl: lD00Rl subscribed at Tier 1. [10722] certifiedbaggetter: oh yeah 😎 [10722] spiceinf: GG [10723] rileybouchard30: BROOOOO [10723] goosinggoober: @killingcartsisfun3 ban [10723] mezzdup_bun: WHY [10723] bryanbuthi: selling [10723] shambers8510: swing or be swung [10723] tripiin101: jynxziGoodAim [10723] zenox5622: @killingcartsisfun3 same [10723] corrosivedagger: WASHEDDD [10723] rijinmanz1: LOOKING AT WHAT [10724] bla2gud: Nooo way [10724] ohhnicoleeee: jynx raid my stream sometime and I’ll give u that gock gock 3000 [10724] actually_mewtwo: OH SHIT BRO WHAT ARE YOU HIDING JUNKIEEE???? [10724] Nightbot: ussy [10724] Fossabot: @yung_emc, Your message is too long [10724] ghillie222: badaim [10724] wasdi532: BAD TIMING [10724] misfaced: !gamble all [10724] darkcyclecd: Timing [10725] olofdagod: !gamble all [10725] omniking_4: SLAMMEDDD [10725] StreamElements: PogChamp olofdagod went all in and won 875 points PogChamp they now have 1750 points FeelsGoodMan [10725] pickle_rat_69: ass [10725] d44rkfire: WHY [10725] iioveximm: SLAMMEDDDD [10725] im_keytv: timing is crazy [10725] cashsimple: bad riming [10725] pocketpengun: ??? STREAM SNIPE [10726] vvverybaddddd: jynxziChampion jynxziChampion jynxziChampion [10726] uzsiiee: cuz hes better [10726] thatoneguy_200: SLAMMEDDDD [10726] Nxgxtivity: stompn owns you [10726] azraelwoah: YIKESSSS [10726] loganeaster3511: !link [10726] zxourii: 😂😂😂 [10726] coolpersonlover: W [10726] 4hedXAT: LLL [10726] biggajj: I hate you [10726] fatherpopee: stomp carry you bot [10726] VaIerion: worst timing [10727] koltrain2329: Your gyatt is massive [10727] bryanbuthi: sell [10727] d44rkfire: ASS [10727] isnumo: riccin1BOX riccin1BOX riccin1BOX riccin1BOX [10727] neutralsince: !gamble all [10727] coolpersonlover: WWWWWW [10727] lukemahomie: WWWWWWWWWWW [10728] creation3333: TRASH [10728] StreamElements: neutralsince went all in and lost every single one of their 785 points LUL [10728] junko_vapes_: !watchtime [10728] PeejayBKz: SOMEONE GYFT ME A SU8 SO WERE IN GOLD [10728] drksolos: SOLD [10728] StealoOnR6: get droppped by xim [10728] scadush23: L [10728] bryanbuthi: sold [10728] StreamElements: junko_vapes_ has spent 11 hours 40 mins watching jynxzi [10728] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [10728] thebigchief15: so we're in copper [10728] coolpersonlover: WWWWW [10729] giooocx: sold [10729] guffiestuffie1: !link [10729] DxcembreR6: dam [10729] mezzdup_bun: DUUUDEEE [10729] Nyr0_14: !time [10729] jayhawk691: fatass [10729] mexicanbatmanssg: W [10729] kadeshjl: JYNXZI PLAY WITH CASEOH [10730] iioveximm: SLAMMMMEDDDDD [10730] hunterl11100: !gamble all [10730] azraelwoah: NT [10730] creation3333: SELLER [10730] oliivveerr: w in the shat [10730] metenton149: glaze [10730] StreamElements: hunterl11100 went all in and lost every single one of their 30 points LUL [10730] zxourii: CMONNNNNNNN [10730] basedjerms: GoatEmotey [10730] rawdogg317: LUL [10731] coladazlol: W TIMING [10731] GenGecho: W [10731] drock1005: jacking off rn [10731] NatedoggZHS: ass [10731] maniiio_: You’re not clutch [10731] bryanbuthi: SOLD [10731] letslucariotv: Darf ich mein Schlong dong in dein Mund stecken [10731] Jedi_Driveby: he’s sniping [10731] solllars: solllars subscribed with Prime. [10732] boygigigem: XIM [10732] xcalibur0501: !gmable [10732] sonotreal: xim got his first kill [10732] robmoney32: cuz he’s sniping lol [10732] ege_yomuma689: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [10732] Bigdaddymycack69: Xim owns u [10733] fathighandhappy: !gamble all [10733] mrcookie710: sniping [10734] tttpigcool: Hi [10734] tom_12333: ricci stream sniping [10734] zzzterry17: RIGHT WHEN YOU LOOKED AWAY [10734] tripiin101: jynxigoodaim [10734] Nightbot: 👀 [10734] aceistheplac_: w swing [10734] views_hq: bro wut [10734] mezzdup_bun: LLLL [10734] BULLYlNG: saleh913mk saleh913mk saleh913mk saleh913mk [10734] little_irish013: !gamble all [10734] mmonsieurmonster: SO BADF [10734] iioveximm: terrible [10735] fatherpopee: not [10735] StreamElements: @little_irish013, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan [10735] tbfluidz: Washed [10735] shambers8510: SWING OR BE SWUNG [10735] mezzdup_bun: LLLLLLLLLLLL [10735] d44rkfire: SO ASS [10735] unprocessedprotein: CMOOOONNNNNNNN [10735] hunterkingleo: lock innnnn [10736] coiko: L [10736] drksolos: SOLDDD [10736] dehydratedhorse: WHY LOOK AWAY [10736] mythicghosst: slammed [10736] Drewps: That’s a crazy Xim [10736] jason_goat6: jynxziGRIDDY [10736] mrrow0000: Pre end [10736] bisky95: bisky95 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! [10736] bryanbuthi: SODLS [10736] ItsPurpsss: SHIDDDY AIM [10736] ghillie222: pre end stream [10736] 8Bit_Nitro: WASHED [10736] rbsmilk13: Ricci owns you [10736] Sigismund762: BRUH MISSED [10736] tbfluidz: Sold [10737] xcalibur0501: !gamble [10737] stangchickkk: so we’re in cobblestone [10737] ttv_wazzy: ttv_wazzy subscribed with Prime. [10737] jbuffalo_: SLAMMMEEDDDDD [10737] fatherpopee: bot [10737] Ollie8484: 12-3 [10737] twick18: L [10737] bryanbuthi: DOSD [10738] novexity10: !gamble 5 [10738] manaphyonfire: 5-3 lock in [10738] mezzdup_bun: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLL [10738] pocketpengun: SNIPE [10738] caseoh_is_sexy: L [10738] sheluvswull: XIM STREAM SNIPING [10738] StreamElements: novexity10 won 5 points in roulette and now has 15 points! FeelsGoodMan [10738] iioveximm: I own u my boi [10738] alonerstoner46: How could I see his outline? [10738] abyssaldreamsss: Horrible timing [10738] ihk88: patience is key [10738] antivax_ryan: sold [10738] AyWATP: so we’re in shit brick [10738] maniiio_: ass [10738] litpotato0: jynxziCopper [10739] bryanbuthi: SODLS [10739] shxrpened: !points [10739] insanesnipes4200: xim ended stream [10739] StreamElements: @shxrpened shxrpened has 80 points and is rank 1624175/1718894 on the leaderboard. [10739] mezzdup_bun: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL [10739] zynx1209: XIM CARRYING RICII [10739] 2ndbae: I'm still up on top.. I been had the bop [10739] guffiestuffie1: !charn [10739] PhoenixChicken3: brooi [10740] jeremiahiscoolaf: Wanna 🙋 break 🚫 from the ads 💸 watch 👀 this short ⬇ video 📽 for 30 minutes ⏰ of 🚫 ad free 🛇 🔥🎶 music 🎶🔥💯 [10740] tbfluidz: Selling [10740] Swjffty: wew [10740] immaculate__ra: Stompn YO DADA [10740] BrownOn144Hz: L [10740] fanmail69: When is vs caso [10740] mezzdup_bun: LLLLLLLLLLLLLL [10740] skyg0crazy: jynxziClown [10740] 2AMBatman123: carried [10740] wolfczn: why look away [10740] thegreatsantos: bro stop selling [10740] dvrko66: pay stomp [10740] views_hq: cap [10741] Nightbot: no 🧢 [10741] youhavebeenchickened: !gamble 435 [10741] FadedJunior710: siege timing [10741] drmonkeeman10: Pre end [10741] choppyelchapo: he’s in chat [10741] Nxgxtivity: WASHED [10741] theshemie: !followage [10741] swedcic: stompgSold [10742] wnygoongaming: give sum to stompn [10742] GoForBaker: best gamer of all time i stand on that [10742] danteyzz: using your sound to swing [10742] emptyshelly: WASHED [10742] nbl_212169: your getting carried do good for 1 round [10742] duncanstreams0: xim is ass [10742] BeardedTHAN0S: !gamble [10742] daschemi7: BULLY [10742] guestrandomn: washed [10742] StreamElements: @theshemie, theshemie has been following jynxzi for 7 months 15 days 23 hours [10742] BDE_Stone: BDE_Stone subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! Let go chucko [10742] fazeericg1: !gamble 99 [10742] 1cxst: Timing [10742] lukemahomie: WWWWWWWWWWWWWW [10742] mezzdup_bun: LLLLLLLLLL [10743] bryanbuthi: SOLDS [10743] takeeajoke1: XIMS IN THE CHAT [10743] rijinmanz1: WHY DID YOU EVEN LOOK AT THE ACE BRO [10743] StreamElements: fazeericg1 lost 99 points in roulette and now has 656 points! FeelsBadMan [10743] solllars: !charm [10743] manaphyonfire: lock tf in [10743] Nightbot: ALL QUESTIONS AB CHARM ANSWERED IN THIS CLIP ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://clips.twitch.tv/StrongTsundereOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-jHRznsBZYEt6CJMn [10743] jacktheswordzguy: HES SNIPING [10743] bussyimp123: face cam too big [10743] prz_draco: m [10743] ezzyoval: why did you aim at the ace charge wtf [10743] Swjffty: Wwwww [10744] blake_schultzz: !gamble [10744] bruhyousck123: Wise up jynxzi [10744] unwanted11111: TRUE [10744] renexzzx: xim [10744] bryanbuthi: SODLS [10744] phenix_277: daddy recat harder [10745] airbxnder: JOB IS NOT FINISHED JYNXZI [10745] eggmanv: !gamble all [10745] ihk88: patience is keyy [10745] maniiio_: ass ass [10745] Jordanthefatman: !gamble all [10745] tiller650: DinoDance [10745] kev_1920: HES ON CONTROL RIGHT NOW [10745] emptyshelly: SHITTY AUM [10745] StreamElements: PogChamp eggmanv1 went all in and won 115 points PogChamp they now have 230 points FeelsGoodMan [10745] latteuser: fazl [10745] StreamElements: PogChamp Jordanthefatman went all in and won 9071 points PogChamp they now have 18142 points FeelsGoodMan [10745] mexicanbatmanssg: COME UP [10746] iamdirtydan34: sniping [10746] twick18: VoteNay [10746] robbanisthegoat: Jkk [10746] solargt1: WASHED [10746] bryanbuthi: SODL [10746] guffiestuffie1: !charm [10746] immaculate__ra: SAY DADA CHUNKY [10746] ShiningDragonDash: WASHED [10746] qeld_yu: Started stream sniping! [10747] Swjffty: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [10747] Ollie8484: 12-5 [10747] m_madi: 2-0 2-0 2-0 [10747] jason_goat6: jynxziRage [10747] Whiteboihops27: STOP SELLING [10747] diamondsickle: ima buzz [10747] m0gger1: gamble 10 bands [10747] alperenpro36111: !gamble 1 [10747] kANToAP: !watchtime [10747] freedomman1472: let go they are bottts [10747] caseohww: SUCK [10747] StreamElements: @alperenpro36111, you dont have any points to roulette FeelsBadMan [10747] StreamElements: kANToAP has spent 5 days 20 hours watching jynxzi [10748] robbanisthegoat: Hju [10748] spiceinf: LEARN FROM IT [10748] cousinsthe4: stupid [10748] iioveximm: I own everything that u have [10748] bryanbuthi: SOLD [10748] emptyshelly: BAD AIM [10748] italianboinick: CHECK LOGS [10748] ptbn: !gamble [10748] inaxvy: xim sold 2 rounds [10749] chuskii617: WWW [10749] tom_12333: ricci ez stream snipe looking at both monitors [10749] jesu844: SO CARRIED [10749] elgordoteton123456789: @$$ [10749] cockdragonz: 5-3 no worries [10749] biggajj: why would you stop pre aiming [10749] metenton149: bully [10749] sirstankles: lol [10749] Chil1yy: xim isn’t stream sniping because the person watchings username is spelled with 2 i’s not a i L [10749] 7yduhx: FUCKING ASS DUMBASS STOP PREDICTING SHIT [10749] Nightbot: 😂 [10749] sheluvswull: STREAM SNIPE [10749] jason_goat6: jynxziWTF [10749] StreamElements: @shxrpened Check out the points Leaderboard here https://StreamElements.com/jynxzi/leaderboard [10749] ItsPurpsss: LOCK IN CHUNKO [10750] thegreatsantos: Wased [10750] 1cxst: Siege timing [10750] Gail_Iewis: SUCH BAD TIMING KINGGGGGGGGGGGGGG [10750] fatherpopee: BOT [10750] Jaymoney923: !gamble all [10750] karnage_z: carried by aim? lmfaooo console shitters really just say shit [10750] iitzdutch: IRONIC [10751] carefreechelseafc: SwiftRage SwiftRage [10751] StreamElements: PogChamp Jaymoney923 went all in and won 10 points PogChamp they now have 20 points FeelsGoodMan [10751] xdfatfrodo_: UR ASS [10751] dtbfrfr2: !gamble [10751] yurrgurt_spiller: fenrir [10751] robbanisthegoat: Yyu [10751] tttpigcool: Xfgfgdbfgbdfgbfgdbtbsrtsrbdtghsrth [10751] drock1005: I’m hard as hell rn [10752] iioveximm: I own ur rolex [10752] yyynsr: SWING OR BE SWUNG!!!!?!!??!??!!!! [10752] chuckycheese2010: washed [10752] xkey1x: SOLD [10752] sandy_sir: W [10752] Jere4Bear: gs [10752] wiziaha: siege timing [10752] cousinsthe4: stupid gigger [10752] thegreatsantos: washed [10752] diamondsickle: let me buzzz [10752] biggajj: you ducking shitter [10752] jason_goat6: jynxzi0x [10752] chazwell: Ur doing 24 hour stream tmr right? [10753] ringkingkc: pre sell [10753] shaxxscousin: he’s stream sniping [10753] OG_Mudz: oh noooooooo [10753] fazeericg1: !gamble 90 [10753] jesu844: YOUR SO BAD [10753] stumprt: does it bend top the left? [10753] Flakeyy__: BRO U SHOULD HAVE KEPT LOOKING AT ROTATE DUMBASS [10753] sandy_sir: WWWW [10753] guestrandomn: washedd [10753] 360joke: LLLLLL [10753] guffiestuffie1: link [10753] haydro1: nt [10753] danielreda_18: Meow meow meow kittyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy [10754] dyllanmensah: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 [10754] kev_1920: HES LITEESLLY ON CONTROLLER RIGHT NOW [10754] skyg0crazy: jynxziWTF [10754] mezzdup_bun: HOW CAN YOU TALK LMAOAOA [10754] wnygoongaming: give sum money to stomp [10754] B1G_St3v0: you can’t say he’s not clutch he 2v1 2 rounds ago ahah [10754] ervycWSF: washed up [10754] sandy_sir: WWw [10754] m_madi: 7-3 7-3 [10755] diamondsickle: buzz [10755] alphnx: XIM ENDED STREAM [10755] prz_draco: pls subb [10755] b1gcat07: xim is better [10755] slimo111: he’s sniping [10755] knw_9124: I’m hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh [10755] 1738clutch: please sell [10755] emptyshelly: L WHITE SPEED [10755] aquarius9273: Play tachanka [10756] gkc919: L [10756] josh_x2022: josh_x2022 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! [10756] woahkwez: !gamble 200 [10756] geauxcris21: BADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDAIMMMMMMMMMMm [10756] jackw0716: !watchtime [10756] QtReidd: BisexualPride GayPride PansexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride LesbianPride NonbinaryPride [10756] MerkinMenard: bro pc aint even like that unless you cheat and have aim assist with it [10756] shambers8510: washed [10756] dunkin808: just joined the stream and he’s already getting railed by xim [10756] Swjffty: !slots [10756] 999ghosting999: !watchtime [10756] drakedontplay: !gamble all [10756] StreamElements: jackw0716 has spent 23 hours watching jynxzi [10756] duckins123: ironic [10756] holywar2020: jynxziBadAim [10757] tom_12333: ricci stream snipe [10757] immaculate__ra: SAY DADA CHUNKYYY [10757] StreamElements: @Swjffty you got BibleThump | PogChamp | PogChamp and lost your 100 points LUL [10757] Jacobvadner: PrimeYouDontSay PrimeUWot PrimeRlyTho [10757] StreamElements: drakedontplay went all in and lost every single one of their 1825 points LUL [10757] StreamElements: nam1lover lost 100 points in roulette and now has 340 points! FeelsBadMan [10757] chuckycheese2010: L scriped [10757] jerseyboybaker: either swing or get swung kid [10757] daschemi7: WWWWWWWWW [10757] gkc919: LL [10757] sirstankles: jynxziSNOT [10758] breeze_yuh: ISNT THAT THE ENTIRE POINT OF THE ACE [10758] twick18: IntersexPride GenderFluidPride GayPride BisexualPride BisexualPride AsexualPride TransgenderPride PansexualPride NonbinaryPride LesbianPride [10758] rileybouchard30: LOCK IN FUNKO [10758] rbsmilk13: @itsyaboylalo [10758] riverzz: WIN THEN [10758] mcbandit09: bro stompn is actully carrying [10758] gkc919: L [10758] Nightbot: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [10759] bengilto: !sens [10759] veyahlikescats: stompn carries [10759] xenod4: L [10759] latteuser: xim is actually dogshit [10759] Nightbot: Jynxzi sens and settings here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2GcpqRqJ9U [10759] Sugarnips2765: IF YOU WIN THIS ROUND ILL LICK YOUR FEET [10759] jimmy223223: YOUURRRR DOGGG [10760] qeld_yu: SLAM EM JUNKO [10760] jesu844: YOUR SO FREE [10760] ervycWSF: washed [10760] izanthebest1: what [10760] xenod4: LL [10760] djixxz: GG JENKSI [10760] zazzmin: washed [10760] Nightbot: SHUT THE FUCK UP [10761] Nxgxtivity: big L [10761] burito_mam: give me a sub [10761] slimo111: and losing [10761] mxrkang17: how much is this wager [10761] doggyflores: @iloveximm [10761] jason_goat6: triple357MGK [10761] ringkingkc: washed [10761] danny_man29: !stack [10761] prz_draco: me [10761] TIGOLBITTIEZ_: taking accountability????? crazy [10761] Nightbot: Jynxzi ST0MPN Mingo Skyte Jayy [10761] jraw_nasty: You died to dog shit [10762] co0lmonkey: !gamble all [10762] s2mbaco: can’t 2v1 fat [10762] treyj2423: Xim typed in chat [10762] Jas__Player: RARE JUNKO THROW [10762] ciocarelli: jynxziCopper [10762] xenod4: L [10762] StreamElements: PogChamp co0lmonkey went all in and won 40 points PogChamp they now have 80 points FeelsGoodMan [10762] metenton149: L bully [10762] sp0incer: !gamble 1000 [10762] averagejynxzilover: jynxi i love u [10762] StreamElements: @sp0incer, you only have 15 points. [10762] itsleee03: !gamble 100 [10762] verifydrrew: comp [10762] ISCOHHH: NOOO [10762] izanthebest1: nbsbsb [10763] shambers8510: win then [10763] StreamElements: itsleee03 lost 100 points in roulette and now has 346 points! FeelsBadMan [10763] imperssonator: SEZ U LUL [10763] DubxShiftz: xim ended his stream [10763] pickle_rat_69: if they're so bad, why r u dying? [10763] towistow: I like cows [10764] youbuiltlikecaseoh44: hi jynxipoo [10764] LlamasVODS: washed [10764] chuckycheese2010: Trerible [10764] oliivveerr: wwwww [10764] Xavierang76: !gamble 1 [10764] twick18: MechaRobot [10764] izanthebest1: sibssbhs [10764] xenod4: LLLLLLL [10764] StreamElements: xgaming2011 won 1 points in roulette and now has 2681 points! FeelsGoodMan [10764] cIawR6: KL [10764] guestrandomn: washed [10764] alonerstoner46: pp [10764] alphnx: XIM EDED STREAM [10764] psjsunshw: !watchtime stompgoat [10764] hellgirlem: bad aim [10765] stoneman1337: vbbbb [10765] bambam1519: 7-3 [10765] 1738clutch: @Jynxzi please sell please sell please sell please sell please sell please sell please sell please sell please sell please sell [10765] kev_1920: HE IS ON CONTROL [10765] StreamElements: stompgoat has spent 27 days 13 hours watching jynxzi [10765] froggbo2: xim is on controller rn [10765] ervycWSF: so free [10765] dyllanmensah: TwitchConHYPE VoteYea TwitchConHYPE VoteYea TwitchConHYPE VoteYea TwitchConHYPE VoteYea TwitchConHYPE [10765] xenod4: LLLLLL [10765] ollieharris112: hi [10765] Hbombzzzzz: do u play claw [10765] freedomman1472: ww [10765] neneisntvibbin: play fen [10766] lowkeymin: why did you stop playing yin or not play as much any reasons [10766] mohammed_haider_iq: !gamble all [10766] diamondsickle: ima going to buzz [10766] knfxwiiwii: H [10766] chilledguy0: caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads caseohLads [10766] StreamElements: mohammed_haider_iq went all in and lost every single one of their 15 points LUL [10766] Nightbot: h [10766] GHOSTEEE_23: make me a mod hi vise [10766] xenod4: LLLLL [10766] xtrix5: !gamble 30 [10767] StreamElements: PogChamp xtrix5 went all in and won 30 points PogChamp they now have 60 points FeelsGoodMan [10767] alakai_ma: WAIT I THINK X1M IS XIM [10767] shadowclone666: agrHYPERS agrHYPERS [10767] freedomman1472: wwww [10767] prz_draco: em [10767] rxjrick: huh [10767] Prestyn_Solos: YALL ARE GOOD LETS FUCKING GO LOCK INNNN [10767] djixxz: GG JINKZI [10767] lemon_tea7: L [10767] insanesnipes4200: XIM ENDED [10767] unklemustache: LETS GOP JUNKO [10767] ampasdampa: I hate stupid players ong [10767] holywar2020: kanejrLights kanejrSTOP [10768] xenod4: LLLLLL [10768] jrmurillo01: they all best friends [10768] freedomman1472: www [10768] skyg0crazy: jynxziCopper [10768] bryanbuthi: selling my points [10768] theshemie: l [10768] Qooomer: YOURE FUCKING BAD [10768] oliivveerr: w [10768] b1gcat07: part timer [10768] sterling_mott: u [10769] jasejames7: !gamble [10769] nicksssnus: LOCK TF IN [10769] sandy_sir: w [10769] vinteed: washed [10769] wittewally: selling? [10769] mxrkang17: how much is the wager? [10769] freedomman1472: wwwww [10769] NappySmh: ON 100 ping to YOUR HIM [10769] izanthebest1: jdbzbx [10769] iioveximm: it’s either swing or be swung thats why [10769] wtfmisty: w clip farm [10770] beaver1781: !gamble [10770] noaht71311: your ass [10770] xeking_: WASHED [10770] yorumain9: LIGHT WORKKKK [10770] diamondyeah: face cam too big [10770] Densersage404: ! gamble 8000 [10770] freedomman1472: wwwwww [10770] jesu844: WASHED UP YOUR SO FREE NOW [10770] masynnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn: xim is on controller [10770] marcosunshine: GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey [10770] izanthebest1: jsvssvshd [10771] shaxxscousin: sub please daddy [10771] dyllanmensah: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [10771] toxicmaman: chat who won first round [10771] mavaguns: Castle [10771] boopyshmurda: #PAYSTOMPN#PAYSTOMPN#PAYSTOMPN [10771] dtbfrfr2: !gamble 90 [10771] theshemie: L [10772] fanmail69: Mau5 [10772] jdog51214: !gamble 200 [10772] MegaMal_: JYNXZI YOU ARE A PRIME EXAMPLE OF A 2.0 CHAMP [10772] freedomman1472: wwww [10772] dempsey_ethan: !gamble 2000 [10772] 7rb4wx56: !watchtime [10772] StreamElements: jdog51214 won 200 points in roulette and now has 875 points! FeelsGoodMan [10772] StreamElements: dempsey_ethan won 2000 points in roulette and now has 9515 points! FeelsGoodMan [10772] neutralsince: jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim jynxziBadAim [10772] StreamElements: 7rb4wx56 has spent 2 hours 30 mins watching jynxzi [10772] srgtnic69: cmon man [10772] phenix_277: play harder daddy [10772] garlicape: he’s in stream [10773] izanthebest1: shdvshhs [10773] bjepperson: let’s go Zach [10773] ervycWSF: zero earrings [10773] insanesnipes4200: XIM ENDED STREAM [10773] froggbo2: xim is on controller [10773] fwchrisss_: EZ PREDICTION [10773] mxrkang17: priceo f the wager [10774] leoristaken: W YAPPER [10774] cockdragonz: plexzrCleanit [10774] 0haniken0: Lock in speed [10774] ImUnTallanted: ImUnTallanted subscribed at Tier 1. [10774] alphnx: XIM ENDED STREAMMMM [10774] tony9732: ads are crazy [10774] Nightbot: Just sub bozo you’ll get no ads, my emotes, double the channel points, and guess what you will also get my beautiful charm that you will never lose, and many more!!!! #subuporshutup [10774] cart_loogie: what are your setting [10774] yorumain9: LOCK INNN [10774] lukemahomie: WWWW [10775] furydrips123: Zim just type Ed I chat [10775] yammo27: !followage [10775] izanthebest1: us svgejdg [10775] powerbanana1: why so mean Jynkers?! [10775] hellgirlem: lock in [10775] Skytheguyy: JynxZi pdiddy [10775] daily_house_arrest: there shit but yet you died to them ??? [10775] yung_emc: PAYSTOMPN [10775] StreamElements: @yammo27, yammo27 has been following jynxzi for 3 months 15 days 4 hours [10775] sandy_sir: W [10775] oliivveerr: ww [10775] adrien2nice3: come on bro [10775] coiko: YAPPP [10775] 1738clutch: please sell please sell please sell @Jynxzi [10775] death_streams66: hi [10776] rogergoat77: W bullyyyyyu [10776] ciocarelli: EASY 3K HONESTLY [10776] ssiT_: SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood [10776] sandy_sir: WW [10776] dsledz: daddy [10776] geauxcris21: ily dsddy [10776] michaelob_ultra: michaelob_ultra subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! suck me [10776] mxrkang17: what is the rice of the wager [10776] Nxgxtivity: X1M OWNS YOU [10776] izanthebest1: habsvhhh [10777] f1ankzy: daddy junko uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh u made me nut so hard [10777] emptyshelly: FACECAM TOO QUIET [10777] psjsunshw: !watchtime [10777] mindless_numbnuts: be a man and use Fuse [10778] elitelondon: CHATRRRRRRRRRRRR [10778] nooning95: pay stompn [10778] diamondyeah: cam too big [10778] lukeowen2110: relax [10778] stackdimesdaily: !gamble 1000 [10778] novexity10: !gamble 10 [10779] kuhlection: W GIFTERS [10779] StreamElements: @stackdimesdaily, you only have 5 points. [10779] k3vondabus: !gamble all [10779] lilfoxy10654: real proof of jynxi getting carried [10779] Nightbot: real [10779] pheonixevaded: pheonixevaded subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 10 month streak! hey masterbate junko about to be 1 year keep it up [10779] StreamElements: k3vondabus went all in and lost every single one of their 4290 points LUL [10779] xhypxrr: YAP [10780] mxrkang17: how much is the wager [10780] ReapOTB: what’s going on with you and Diddy? [10780] gavi1717: !gamble 90 [10780] Swjffty: W script [10780] insanesnipes4200: XIM ENDED [10780] StreamElements: gavi1717 won 90 points in roulette and now has 530 points! FeelsGoodMan [10780] johnnycashflow09: CARRIED [10780] KruvIsusov: !gamble | Jynxzi | Horny | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege [10600] up to they win. And then what is Ricky looking at bro? But the four gone, I'm seeing the pre-fire and piano. I got scared. [10610] It has no games in it's true. Yeah, I'm not even in library. Ricky has some of the nastiest controller like mechanics I've ever seen But he is a fucking bread girl like an accidental brick. [10620] GG bro, 2-0 sweep chat, 3-2-0 sweep and I'm up 3000. [10630] location at the P-D. There's a little my in-priced all this. The reinforcing not the headless, we can just double-walk in K-9. That ass? [10640] Yeah, I just take our ones trust you got to trust we're gonna take the we're gonna do library because I have a solution I'm gonna take the we're gonna do library because I have a solution to I'm gonna take the explosion too I mean like not even [10650] Get the wall! I don't know if I just walk in that place. I got you, yep. It's just a... Shot up in that window, they're gonna be scared over there. Yo, do you wanna just... Graded or sh- [10660] I'm gonna shoot it up. He shot in my camera type, but you have a solar can. I have a solar can? I mean, I could shoot up. You have a solar, don't click your ability. Do not click your ability. Is there a rotation? [10670] here. Once a piano. One piano, no one's head, no one's half wall piano. There's gonna be one on the rotation, one on the rotation. [10680] I'm running in. I tried to go to my big window. You can walk in and look right on the road to it. It was right side road to it. [10690] I don't see anything. [10700] - 不是- OK-喔 [10710] savagedant [10720] Why would you swing? Why would you swing? Bro, that's all I'm gonna tell you. Oh my fucking god! That was actually one of those five-point five-point five-point three. [10730] His wrist just does the best bro like yeah, he's not them. He's that right there That's good. I'm he's terrible Jay was even really tired of like [10740] The reason why it's long this because I threw the ace I should have just threw the ace and stared at the rotation that would have been like a free round That's my bad Bro these guys are shit bro. Why would we might even swing me they should? [10750] Just like let me sit inside they like make everything winnable bro these guys are fucking balk shit All right, I'm not going mute. I don't know why I click that. I'm just gonna I'm just gonna keep going for us [10760] Let's go. So it was didn't even do anything to be honest. I just like they'd like have their drones outside and then like they played it like really well They did what we didn't just drone the other one in [10770] We just want the round of the boss like you're disgusting. Alright. Let's um, yo let's kind of just play back like this. Play our shields and shit. We'll bet she'll on top of the b- | There is no Highlight in the provided timespan. The clip starts with a new Round. Jynxzi ans ST0PMN lose the round. They also lose the second round. The clip ends in the midst of a new round |
Subsets and Splits